#and included a pic of a guy's bare ass
fantasneeze · 4 months
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ryndicate · 1 year
Double Down ⨳ Yoshida, Denji
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“Didn’t know you were into that stuff.”
warnings: fem body/pronouns, nudes posted without permission, drug use, exhibition, creampie, videos taken with permission, stepcest, infidelity, masturbation, handjob, some spit mentions, premature ejac, implied fuckery, implied theft, if there's more i am just too wacked out to see it so lemme know!
event: @bastardblvd 's slimeball alley collab !! my first submission of who knows how many to come, im gonna try to not go crazy with it, promise
notes: didn't realize until it was done that I could've made it much more slimy but its okay. We'll get 'em next time babes 😩 this idea is expanding on a little blurb I put in cassie's inbox once, i included it in the fic itself with some itty bitty changes
By expanding, you are consenting to viewing adult/dark content, and all warnings listed above. 18+ Minors DNI
Blog Rules/DNI
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Your fist slams on the bathroom door. “I swear to god, Denji! Where the fuck did you get those! Delete them now!”
“I already told you, Power found them online!” Your stepbrother yells back through the door, keeping his weight against the handle so that you can’t force your way in.
“You’re full of shit you fucking perv! You took them off my phone or something.”
“Wanna fucking bet? The real perv is that prettyboy bastard you call baby,” Denji sneers back, yelping as you get a good shove in on the creaking wood.
Your efforts to break the bathroom door pause. “The hell’re you talking about?”
“I told you he was trouble the day you two met. What—you think I was lying?”
You growl under your breath at the barenecked taunt in Denji’s voice. Yeah he told you, one time before he got high out of his mind. The only reason you even met Yoshida Hirofumi was because he hooked your stepbrother up a couple times, and you begged to tag along once. That situation ended with your brother counting stars on his buddy’s ceiling while you saw them on the backs of your eyelids with the guy’s lips wrapped around your clit. 
One thing led to another, and that “prettyboy bastard” became your boyfriend. He’s a bit of an ass, but Yoshida’s also sweet and funny, doesn’t roll his eyes at your music choices, doesn’t bat an eye when you want to go out with your friends, and is full of sexy, smirky sass that makes him so fun to be around. Sure, you sent him some photos, but he wouldn’t have put them out anywhere.
Your anger deflates, but your indignance does not. You step away from the bathroom door. “He’s got nothing to do with this.”
Denji throws the door open with a toothy grin, repeating himself. “You wanna bet?”
“You know what, yeah!” you snap at him, crossing your arms as he leans in the doorway, still looking smug. 
“Your boyfriend put your pics up on OnlyFans, and he’s using the money to pay for his xanny. If I’m right, you two gotta upload a video. Together,” Denji states, his eyebrows furrowed in twisted delight that makes you sneer at him.
“You’re disgusting!”
“Yeah? Tell me what you get if you win.”
Caught up in his childish bullshit, you push at his shoulder. “You gotta start an OnlyFans if you’re wrong, which you are. And you gotta wear lingerie.”
His smirk full drops at that, and he glares at you, cheeks darkerning. “Now who’s a perv.”
“This whole shit was your idea!”
“How is wearing lingerie worse than telling your stepsister to fuck and post a video about it?!”
“Shut up!”
“And since we’re on the topic, I swear to god if you don’t stop taking my shit out of the laundry I’m gonna tell that redheaded lady at the DMV that she’s at the very top of your fap list.”
His blush deepens and he palms your face backwards in a light push. “The fuck she is. Shut up.”
“Yeah well, me and the thin fucking walls in this apartment would have to disagree.”
“Go find your boyfriend.”
“‘M gonna.”
“Fuck you.”
“Fuck you.”
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“Fuck him,” you hiss in barely supressed rage, gripping your boyfriend’s phone so tight you’re disappointed when it doesn’t crack. 
You’d waited for his high to hit him and let him drift off before going through his phone—what’s the point of asking him outright if it’s not true, right? No reason to stir the pot. But your stomach had dropped with unease when the account site was in his search history; you tried to brush it off as maybe he gets off to a set of camgirls, but the moment you saw the login info presaved—as in frequent entry—you began to forget the bet altogether.
Now your jaw is clenched, seething as you scroll through every racy picture you ever sent him. Each have thousands of views, hundreds of comments and jeez—so many subscribers. The heat of betrayal simmers through you. Your jaw drops at the total that’s set to drop into his account at the end of the week and resist the urge to slap Yoshida awake, but instead you set about trying to change the banking and login info, only to get halted by an infowall. Frustrated, you slip off the bed and call your stepbrother, edging into Yoshida’s bathroom so you don’t wake him up.
“You were right, and you fucking knew it, didn’t you? You set me up.” you hiss into the device as soon as he picks up with a mumbled ‘sup. You can hear voices and music in the background, paired with light explosions. You assume he’s out with his friends, probably gaming like usual. 
“You didn’t have to agree. Wait—” there’s the sound of the phone moving around and suddenly the music is gone. “Does that mean you’re gonna do it?”
“That’s besides the point, Denji!”
“Oh fuck, you are!”
“Chill your boner,” you snap, “‘m not gonna do it unless you help me!”
“Help you? What, like you want me to hold the camera or something?”
“Denji, I swear to god—”
“I’m kidding, jeez.”
“I can’t change the account info. They’re my pictures, and they���re already out there! He shouldn’t get to make money off of me.”
“Wait, so you want to keep the account?” He asks curiously. You hear a door slamming and wonder if he’s still moving, or if his friends are.
“Dude, we’ll have rent and anything else covered for the whole month with a single week’s drop from this thing. I don’t see a reason not to. I can quit Mcdonald’s!”
“Shit, for real? Lemme talk to Denki, ‘m pretty sure he knows a guy.”
“Thank you,” you coo into the phone.
“Yeah, yeah, just make sure you pay up.” You can hear his pervy smile, and you grumble a sulky fine at him.
“Ok. But he’s gotta do it soon. It pays out in a couple of days.”
“I’ll give him some cash to see if he can do it tonight. Don’t see why he’d say no—" Denji sounds a lot further away from the phone now, "—Oi! Don't bro! Give it back."
A familiar voice purrs into the receiver and you roll your eyes. "Heyyy, princess. You with that Yoshida guy still or are we allowed to hang now?"
"Byeee, Kiri. Tell Kat hi f'me." You hang up with a smile and leave the bathroom, glaring at your supposed boyfriend still sleeping. You never heard him say he was working and you always kinda wondered where he was getting his cash, but you always just thought he was dealing or something. Not the kind of think you ask about. You obviously should’ve asked.
You crawl into his lap and begin sucking on his exposed throat, admiring the sharp lines, the bob of his adam’s apple as thick lashes flutter open. 
“Mmm,” Yoshida moans. “Damn, was I out long?”
“Nah,” you hum, slipping your fingers up his shirt, smoothing over his waistline. “Got bored without you, that’s all.”
“Yeah, baby?” He grins up at you, dark eyes fuzzed out and sultry, and his hands come up to settle on your hips, easing you into a slow grind. “Wanna do something?”
“Mm. Maybe,” you tease softly, pushing his shirt up his chest and leaning down to wrap your lips around his nipples. He groans at the warm, slick suction, arching into your touch. 
“Fuck, baby,” he breathes out, his cock swelling beneath you. 
“Maybe I wanna do something…different.”
Yoshida grins up at you, half-lidded. “Yeah? Like what?”
Your nails make pink lines down his chest as you lean in to whisper in his ear. “What if you fucked me, and we let some people watch?”
His fingers dig into the fat of your waist, his dick thumping beneath you. “Anyone I know?”
Yoshida’s pupils have overtaken his coal irises, and you give him an inviting smile. “No one specific. I was thinking more like…a video or something. I wanna be able to see it later.”
“Holy fuck, baby. That’s sexy,” Yoshida grins up at you. “Didn’t know you were into that stuff.”
“Me either,” you breath softly, rocking yourself over his covered erection.
You’re left to yelp as he displaces you from your seat on his lap and pulls you out of the bed by your wrist with a wide smirk. “Come on.”
“Wait, where are we going?”
“Don’t worry baby, I just wanna pick something up at the Malmart first.”
“Fine, I guess,” you pout at him and his smirk only grows.
“‘S okay, baby. I’ll give you something too.”
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“This is not what I meant when I said video, Hirofumi!” you gasp out. Your fingers are splayed out on the hood of his car as you try to stay upright. “Someone could actually see us!”
"If you don't wanna be seen, you gotta cum. Cause I'm not stopping til you cum."
"Fuck, fuck please, just hurry up!" You plead, half your words caught between whines and whimpers as he pounds into you from behind, your skirt flipped over your back.
"You think I'm not fucking you like I mean it?" There's so much smile in his voice that you want to call him on his bullshit for once, but the solid smacking of his hips into yours, the head of his dick pressing as deep as it can go with every thrust quickly makes you forget what you're snapping at him for.
"Just‐just, fucking make cum– ‘fumi!" You're desperately telling yourself you don't want to be seen. It's the middle of the night, so even here, parked under the one of the many lightposts that don’t work in grimetown's 24-hour walmart parking lot, the risk of anyone seeing is slim.
But not zero. Especially with the light from his phone camera shining down on your exposed lower half. You’re like a slutty beacon for whoever might be looking this way.
"I'm working on it baby, you gotta relax." His fingers slide around your waist, brushing past your clit and forcing a frustrated whimper past your lips at the neglect, to drag them through the slick dripping obscenely from your pussy lips. It's dripping to the rusted black hood, making it glisten. He aims the camera down at them before moving it back to the way your pussy clings to his cock. "You're so fucking wet for this, you'd think the whole thing was your idea. Well, most of it was."
You don't answer him, trying to work yourself back on him, chasing that fluttering heat twisting itself tighter and tigher with each passing second.
"Good girl, look at you. Fuck, look how bad you want—"
"Oi! Get the fuck out of here before I—"
Your whole body locks up at the tired but authoritative voice that rings across the lot.
Your boyfriend calls back. "C'mon man, have a heart. Let me finish her off and I'll give you a look." Except his last syllable staggers off with a groan, broken with a laugh as his grip on your hips tightens to a bruising pressure. The vice grip of your cunt has him looking down to sees your juices gush around the girth of his cock, dripping down your thighs to dirty the hood of his car even more. The sight pushes pushes him over and he calls out again, his voice tight but smug.
"Nevermind, we're done here."
He gets one last shot of his cum dripping out of you before closing out the livefeed.
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“It’s like four in the morning,” Denji grumbles, rubbing one of his eyes as he cracks his bedroom open further at the sight of you. “Thought you were Power or somethin’, jeez.”
Denji blinks the blur from his eyes, zeroing in on your screen, and you just about hear his pupils expanding. He pulls a shaky inhale and you roll your eyes.
“Done. Bet over, and here’s your damn proof,” you grumble right back, slamming your phone against his chest and shoving your way into his bedroom to flop down into his bed. It had taken over an hour to convince Yoshida back to his place and get him to fool around enough for him to pass out and you to sneak back home.
"Also Kiri wants you to call him back. He's mad you hung up on him."
A small grin curls your lips but you don't respond, wiggling deeper into his mattress until you're comfortable.
He throws himself down in the bed next to you. “Turn on my speakers.” 
“Or you could just wear headphones, you freak.”
“Nah. Turn ‘em on.”
With an exaggerated sigh, you stretch out to reach up to his desk, turning on the bluetooth speakers that he usually uses to be a nuisance when he’s smoking. “If your dad was home, I’d kill you for this.”
“You’re not even breaking up with him, are you?” Denji chortles, ignoring your bickering. His eyes are glued to the screen as he shoves a hand into his loosened shorts. “What the fuck, you guys were outside?”
You shrug. The video’s only been up for a couple hours and it already has triple the views and donations of all the photos Yoshida has put up so far. “Looks like he’s gonna be making me lots of money, so why not? It’s the least he could do to pay me back.”
Your stepbrother doesn’t answer you, his breathing getting heavier. You close your eyes and sigh as the sounds wet sounds and your own whiny moaning starts bouncing off the walls of his room, wondering to yourself if you really sound like that or if part of you was exaggerating because of the camera. The mattress creaks every now and then as his hips jump, his arm brushing your side as he grinds into his own fist. 
You roll to face him, taking in the sound of his stuttered breaths, the muted slick sound of his fist pumping in his shorts. “So what about this gets you so riled up?”
Denji groans, stomach rippling where his shirt is pulled up around his midsection. “I’nno, it’s hot, isn’t it?”
You keep prodding, “What is? Yoshida? Or me?”
He gives a small whine that has your pulse picking up in sick interest, so you continue. “Was Power really the one to find it? Or…you were subbed to the account, weren’t you Denji?”
“Mm- maybe?”
“Shit,” you whisper to yourself, listening to your own voice begging to cum, shifting your weight onto your arm so you can look at him. A strange curiosity has taken over your body. He looks wrecked but his eyes are still on the screen. “Denji, look at me.”
Your body tingles as his eyes tear towards you, but he’s still got a hand around himself, hidden from your eyes. “Can I touch it?”
“You wanna what?” he moans, just barely, teeth digging into his lip.
“Can I jerk you off?”
You’re a little surprised when he actually hesitates. You’ve tolerated it all this time; as much as he pervs out on you, and your stuff, yet somehow he’s got a little crumb of morality left in there somewhere. And right now…you wanna kill it.
“My panties, my pictures…is this really any different?” you ask softly, sweetly, as you run with this electric current, placing your hand over his covered groin. You grin as his hand immediately goes slack at your touch and slips out of his shorts, and you get to feel for the first time how hard he is, rubbing over the smooth fabric, feeling out the shape of him.
“I mean…I guess not.” He sucks in a breath as you grip him over his shorts and give a couple experimental strokes. “B-but what about—?”
Denji’s head drops back to the pillows with a groan, phone in a death grip as you tug his waistband down, his dick slapping free. It’s pretty and slender, flushed deep red.
“What about what?”
“What about prettyboy, huh?” He finally gets it out as you spit in your hand and take him up again, stroking him steadily from base to tip, squeezing at the top with a gentle twist of your wrist. Yoshida always seemed to like it, seems like he does too. 
“That’s what you’re worried about? Not the whole stepsister thing?” You shrug. You’re still stung about Yoshida’s betrayal, so this feels like a little bit of retribution. A little bit. You still need to find more ways to make him pay first, but this is a good start. “Yeah, he’s my boyfriend, but ‘s not like you and me are dating, Denji. It’s a handjob. What’re you gonna do, marry me?”
Denji splutters and his dick throbs in your hand. “Don- Don’t say stupid shit!”
You coo at him and his lips part, panting hard as you work him faster. 
“What– haa, what if it wasn’t just a handjob? What then?” Denji gives a low moan as you settle over his lower thighs so you can gently cup his balls. They seem to tighten under your touch, before he relaxes and he tries to look at you. 
“What, like my mouth or something?” you ask playfully, leaning over and showing him your tongue, letting a strand of spit drip down to his dick.
A litany of curses tumblr from his mouth as Denji squeezes his eyes shut, fingers twisting into the pillow beneath his head as his cock jerks and shoots a load of hot sticky white into your palm, getting smeared down his throbbing shaft as you slowly work him through his high until only a couple dribbles get pressed out by a final pass of your thumb over his slit.
“Wasn’t expecting you to finish already.” You wipe your hand off on his comforter and try to ignore the throbbing in your panties. You feel like you can still imagine the slick from earlier tonight seeping out of you, but it’s as if it’s no longer enough.
“Holy fuck,” he mumbles under his breath, digging the heels of his palms into his eyes as he calms his breathing enough to raise himself up on his forearms. He watches you as you take your phone and flop down next to him. “I didn’t even get to see the rest of the video.”
“It’s online now, freak. You can watch it whenever.”
You’re too busy trying to go through the account settings to notice the way he’s eyeing up your thighs; he hasn’t even put his dick away yet. 
“Hey,” he mutters softly, ignoring your glare when he puts a hand on your thighs and pulls them open. “If you can touch me, does that mean I get to touch you?”
Your pulse jumps and you try to keep your true thoughts hidden as you hide back behind your phone. “I guess that’s fair. If you wanted to.”
You can hear the click of Denji’s throat as he swallows, and you can’t stop the low whimper as his calloused fingers brush your inner thigh, right at the edge of your panties. 
They’re warm as they brush over the seat of your panties, timid but curious as they explore the surface, stroking over the tempting warmth and wet seeping through the thin fabric. A bolt of pleasure bursts and has your gut clenching as he swirls over your clothed clit
“H-hey, wait,” you say suddenly, nerves getting the better of you as you try to make sense of Denji taking control of your body. “It got switch but this isn’t my banking info. Is it yours?” You flip the screen towards him, and his brown eyes squint in the pale blue light.
“Uh, nah, that’s not mine.”
You mewl as he pulls your panties to the side and traces a finger through your folds, delicate, hungry. “Who did you say– mm, h-hacked the account for me?”
“I told you. M’friend Denki, his buddy did it. That purple-haired guy who works at the smoke shop.”
“The one wi—” you suck in a breath as he sinks his index finger into you. “With the tattoos?”
“Yeah him,” Denji mumbles, hardly paying attention to your words. He’s grinding against the bed as he pushes his middle in alongside it, imagining the tight squeeze around his dick instead.
Your groan is part pleasure, part dismay as you realize just who he’s talking about. “Oh fuck me.”
Denji bullies his way between your thighs in an instant.
“N-no, Den– that’s not what I meant!”
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a/n: a fun (long) little something! @making-it-big requested wedding night/honeymoon and i’m giving you guys both! also writing smut is hard (lol) sometimes and i lost track of limbs at a certain point, so like, just go with it. i actually went to greece this past summer so some of the trip details are pulled from my own vacation! 🥰 let me know if you guys want a separate post of the pics that sort of correspond with this fic, including one of the hotels!
word count: 9.1k (!!!!!)
tw: smut smut smut with dirty talking drei and our standard google-translated russian disclaimer 😂
summary: a wedding in raleigh followed by a honeymoon in greece, island hopping with andrei
Everything after the priest declared you husband and wife and Andrei dipped you back in a dramatic kiss is a little bit of a blur.
You’re announced as Mr. and Mrs. Svechnikov at the reception and have your first dance to Madonna’s Crazy for You, which is mildly embarrassing but it’s the song that was playing when you kissed for the first time, so it’s kind of your song. Andrei dances with Elena and you dance with your dad, wiping your tears on the tissue you keep wadded up in your fist.
Dinner is served and the table of hockey players clink their knives against their water glasses every twenty minutes so Andrei will kiss you. He obliges happily every time, cradling your face and kissing you sweetly. You grin against his mouth, the cacophony of cheers from your wedding guests the best soundtracks.
After you cut the cake - vanilla with white chocolate raspberry filling and a spray of flowers that match your bouquet falling down the sides of the tiers - the DJ kicks into high gear and everyone is crowding the dance floor. Andrei’s hands are on your waist while you dance, holding you close, your ass against his groin. You laugh, barely caring that there’s so many of your relatives watching. You can barely feel your feet and your face hurts from smiling.
The first reception carries on until one and by then all the older guests and both sets of parents have gone to bed.
You and Andrei thought ahead and rented out the attached and enclosed patio space for another few hours and while the music is playing, you both rush up to the honeymoon suite, giggling and holding hands.
“Did I tell you you look beautiful?” Andrei asks, kissing a trail down the back of your neck while he unzips your dress.
“Yes, but you can say it again,” you laugh, letting the dress fall to the floor and stepping out of it.
Andrei turns you in his arms and kisses you deeply, his hands warm and broad on your skin. You clutch at the front of his shirt, holding on for dear life. “You look beautiful,” he murmurs, kissing you softer.
His hands slide down over your ass, squeezing, and you wriggle in his grip, pressing against his front. “As much as I can’t wait to have wedding night sex,” you grin, twisting your fingers in the untied fabric of his bow tie, “I want to change and get back to our friends!”
Andrei’s hands slip between your thighs and you squirm, his fingers thick and pressing against the seam between your legs. “They won’t miss us,” he murmurs, teasing you, stroking his fingers gently against the fabric of your underwear.
“Oh,” you gasp, knees turning to putty under his touch, “we only get one wedding reception after-party.”
He presses a kiss, chaste considering where his fingers are, to your temple and hums against your skin. “I guess. Just means you’ll be even more ready for me,” his voice is low, husky, and you’re honestly tempted to say fuck the after party and fuck him against the wall.
You shiver and dance away from him, the hot imprints of his fingers still burning your skin. “I’m always ready for you,” you admit shakily, taking your after-party dress off its hanger and slipping into it. The feathers on the miniskirt’s hem tickle at your bare thighs and you do a little twirl to get the skirt flaring out. You fell in love with the dress after seeing it in a little boutique after your bridal shower and thought about wearing it for the rehearsal dinner, but the feathers and thin straps felt more appropriate for the after-party.
Andrei looks over from where he’s hanging up your ceremony dress - you have him trained so well with all this wedding stuff - and his jaw drops. “Solnyshka,” he breathes, “you have to let me take that dress off of you and fuck you. Please.”
“Later, Mr. Svechnikov,” you croon, trailing your fingers over the edge of his jaw. It’s been so many hours since he last shaved, his jaw is lightly stubbled again. Andrei leans into your touch, growling when you giggle and skip to the door. He hurries after you, snagging your hand and lacing your fingers together.
You’re immediately handed a shot when you get back to the party and toss it back, grimacing a little. Andrei accepts a glass from Geno and you’re almost positive it’s full of vodka, but he doesn’t react at all when he takes a drink. The music is loud and you’re immediately dancing, shimmying and jumping to the old-school classics. Andrei, Geno, Brady, and Pyotr jump and shout lyrics at each other, but Andrei’s hands never leave your body. Even when he’s not looking at you, his hand is in yours or touching your back.
Eventually, he loses the bow tie and his shirt gets unbuttoned. Geno has his tie around his head and all the groomsmen are in various states of disheveled. You gravitate to Andrei, looping your arms around his neck and swaying against him, lazily grinding on him. He’s hard behind his tuxedo pants, kissing softly behind your ear. The music doesn’t match the tempo of your dance and all of your friends are jumping and dancing around you. But it’s dark outside the venue and right now, the only thing you’re aware of is Andrei’s fingers tangling in the bun that’s loosening at the nape of your neck and the feeling of his body against yours.
“Party’s winding down, zhena,” Andrei whispers in your ear, warm breath sending a shiver up your spine. And that's a new thing, how he's been calling you wife all night. In Russian or in English, he doesn't care. He's marking you as his.
The loud music and flowing alcohol is telling a different story, but you blink up at Andrei. His hair is mussed, flipped over his forehead, and his face is flushed from dancing and drinking. His lips curl up in a soft smile and you lean up on tiptoes to press your lips to his.
“I don’t think they’ll miss us, muzh,” you murmur against his lips, feeling his smirk when he realizes you called him ‘husband’ in Russian. You'd learned the pronunciation specifically for today. His hands tighten in your hair, angling your head back a little so he can kiss you again, deeper this time.
Your body melts against Andrei’s, warmth rushing through your veins. “Take me to bed, Mr. Svechnikov,” you whisper, giggling. He wraps an arm around your waist and lifts you off your feet. Holding you against his side, Andrei practically runs from the room. You cling to his neck, laughing the entire time.
In the elevator back up to the suite, Andrei pins you against the wall, resting one hand next to your head and sliding the other up and under your skirt. You lean into his touch, kissing him hungrily. His fingers play at the edges of your panties, disappearing beneath the fabric to stroke you gently. The doors slide open before he can really do anything and you’re back in his arms, being carried into the honeymoon suite.
Andrei lays you out on the bed and you kick one foot up. He grabs your ankle with fast reflexes and grins at you. “Yes?”
“I can’t do the buckles from up here,” you pout, batting your eyelashes at him. Andrei laughs, traced his index finger over the arch of your foot and over the top. He taps at the buckle.
“What’s the magic word, zhena?”
“Pozhaluysta, muzh,” you coo, butchering the pronunciation and slurring the words together a little. Even still, Andrei’s grip tightens around your ankle and the front of his pants grow tighter.
He makes quick work of the little buckle, letting your heel fall to the ground. The bow on the toe of the Jimmy Choos is likely to get crumpled, but Andrei kisses your ankle bone and your brain short circuits a bit. He sets your ankle on his shoulder and grabs for your other foot, undoing that buckle equally as quick. Before you know it, both your ankles are draped over Andrei’s shoulders and his hands are roaming up your thighs. You whine his name and he pinches the inside of your thigh gently.
“I want to enjoy this,” he murmurs, hand grasping at the lace of your panties and tugging. You frown at the sound of the fabric ripping, but immediately gasp and arch your back when Andrei buries two fingers in you without warning.
“Drei!” You moan, clenching around his fingers, wiggling at the sensation. Your legs try to snap together, trapping Andrei’s head between your knees.
“Zhena,” he whispers, “moya zhena, I’m going to make you come until the sun comes up.”
You think you make orgasm from his words alone, but then he crooks his fingers and you shout, kicking one heel against his shoulder and twisting the sheet in your fists. He grins, self-satisfied, and leans down to kiss you, the change of angle driving his fingers even deeper. You push at his shirt with your heels, getting it off one arm and leaving it to drape over the mattress, still on the other arm.
“Drei, please, I need,” you babble, sucking in a breath when the pad of his thumb finds your clit and strokes it roughly. “Shit, more, please.”
He adds a third finger and you cry out his name, grinding against his hand, heat coiling and building low in your stomach. His other hand grips at your thigh, massaging the muscle while he encourages you. “Come on, solnyshka, come for your husband, like a good little wife.”
“Andreiiii,” you chant his name, breathless, arching your back and clenching around his fingers. He crooks his fingers and presses down hard on your clit and you’re over the edge, starbursts dancing behind your eyes. He’s talking you through your orgasm, stroking your thigh with one hand, murmuring about what a good girl you are. You gasp and slump back against the mattress, a few feathers drifting around your head from where they’ve basically been fucked off your dress. “Christ,” you mumble, dazed.
Andrei slowly withdraws his fingers, the loss of them making you feel empty. He shakes his shirt off his arm and it flutters to the floor while Andrei sticks his fingers in his mouth and sucks them clean while holding eye contact with you.
You groan, “are you trying to make me come without even touching me?” You wiggle against the sheets, feeling hot and sweaty. Your dress bunches up at your upper thighs and Andrei’s gaze dips down.
“My love,” he grins, kneeling on the bed with one knee so the mattress dips with his weight, “you’ll know when I’m trying to make you come.”
He undoes the buckle of his belt, the clinking of metal on metal when his wedding band slips against the buckle making your gaze trail down. The fly of his tuxedo pants is open and you can see the bulge of his erection against his black boxer-briefs. You sit up a little, angling to lean forward and reach for him, but Andrei shakes his head.
“No, no,” he murmurs, wrapping a hand around your wrist. “What kind of husband would I be,” he brings your hand to his mouth and kisses your palm, “if I didn’t take care of my wife?”
His voice, deep and warm, fills you with desire and you sigh, pressing your thighs together, already a mess for him. “Andrei, don’t tease,” you whine, wiggling your fingers at him. “I just want to feel you. I want you in me.”
Leaning down and forcing you to lie back again, Andrei braces his hand next to your head and kisses you sweetly. “You will,” he promises, smoothing his other hand over your cheek. “I’m going to make love to my wife,” he murmurs, kissing you again. His hand moves around your back and he plays with the zipper of your dress. You get the hint and scoot into a sitting position so he can work the zipper with one hand and slip the dress off your body, leaving you bare except for your strapless bra. Andrei kisses the swell of each breast and flicks at the clasp, discarding the bra to the floor. You kick a little at the dress and it slips to the floor where it’s joined quickly by Andrei’s pants, leaving you staring at his erection straining behind the black cotton.
“Lie back,” he commands and you do, already slightly breathless. He kneels on the bed again, your legs falling open to make room for him to get in between your thighs. “So beautiful,” he mumbles, absently, almost to himself, while he pulls himself out of his boxer-briefs, stroking his already hard length into a steel rod. His cock juts put in front of him and your mouth waters at the sight. You can’t believe that this gorgeous man is yours, forever.
“Andrei,” you pout, hand sliding between your legs to alleviate some of the growing pressure. He doesn’t make a move to stop you and instead his gaze is laser focused on where your fingers are circling your clit. You gasp. “Please, I need more, I need you,” you whisper, hooking an ankle around his thigh and tugging. You can’t move him on your own, so when he shifts forward, you know he’s going to give you what you want.
He lowers his body over yours, nestled in between your legs, his weight braced on one hand. You grin up at him, tracing his bicep with your free hand and pushing at his boxer-briefs with the other. Your fingers brush his cock and he shivers, hips jolting. “Make love to me, Andrei,” you murmur, lifting your head to kiss him, sucking his bottom lip in between your teeth. He groans into your mouth and your guide him to your entrance, the head of his cock bumping against your clit and sending delicious shocks down to your toes.
Still kissing you, Andrei rolls his hips and enters you. You gasp into his mouth and meet his hips with yours. He sets a slow, leisurely pace, thrusting gently and keeping control. Your legs hook around his waist, deepening the angle. His hips roll and you meet him thrust for thrust.
“Drei,” you gasp his name, raking your nails down his back. “More, please.”
He picks up the pace, but just barely, the tension building low in your stomach. Your hands roam his body, slick with sweat, and tangle in his hair.
He kisses you again and it’s cheesy, because you’ve kissed Andrei hundreds, thousands, hundred thousands of times, but this is different. These kisses are so much more. They’re soft and hungry and lazy and so full of love.
Andrei thrusts again, dipping his hand between your bodies because he knows exactly how to get you to come and your thighs are trembling with the building tension. “Come on, little wife,” he murmurs hoarsely, biting gently at the swell of your breast, flicking his tongue over your nipple. “Show me how beautiful you are when you come.”
You cry his name, clenching around him and then you’re both coming, clutching each other’s bodies. Your nails dig into his arms and Andrei’s face is buried in your neck. He’s breathing heavily, filling you and pumping his hips and it’s overwhelming, just how much you love him. You melt into the mattress, boneless, and encourage Andrei through his orgasm, stroking his neck and murmuring softly to him. He exhaled roughly and drops down from shaky arms, half of his body covering yours.
“I think I like married sex,” you huff a laugh, twisting a piece of Andrei’s hair between your fingers. His thigh is wedged in between yours and you resist the urge to rub your still sensitive clit against the hard, corded muscle.
He kisses your shoulder. “Me too,” he chuckles. His fingers trace a lazy pattern over your side, dragging from your hip bone up to the side of your breast and back down. You yawn, the repetitive motion soothing you and dragging your eyelids shut. You have no idea what time it is, but it has to be late, or early. The blackout curtains are drawn, but you wouldn’t be surprised if the sun is starting to come up.
“Don’t go to sleep,” Andrei says, already rolling off of you. “Let me clean you up.”
He gets out of bed and pads naked to the bathroom. You take the opportunity to roll on your side and ogle his firm, round ass. His entire form is lean muscle and strong, solid thighs. You swipe a hand between your legs and press at your clit, unfairly aroused and overstimulated by his body. Andrei’s back with a damp washcloth before you can really do anything about it, but he catches you and smirks, eyes flashing. He holds the cloth up and crooks a finger at you. “Come here,” he says, even as he’s climbing back into bed and dragging your legs over his lap.
Slowly, torturously, he runs the cloth between your legs and you squirm. The rough fabric is too much for your sensitive nerves and Andrei knows it. He moves even slower and only smiles when you grind your hips over his hand. “Going for the hat trick?” He laughs, everything brought back to hockey with him.
You frown. “It’s not fair that you’re so damn attractive,” you’re breathless, working yourself over the cloth and his hand. He just laughs again, the bastard, and helps you along until you’re coming for the third time, sweaty and completely limp in his arms. Andrei gathers you against his chest and you press your hot, sweaty cheek against his heart.
“I have to get up and pee,” you mumble, “but I don’t think I can walk.”
He kisses the top of your head and carries you into the bathroom, letting you do your business and get cleaned up while he goes back to sit on the edge of the bed. He’s yawning when you come back, still naked, but face clean of the stray makeup smudges. Your hair is tangled and still half in its bun, so you’ve left it to be tomorrow’s problem. Andrei opens his arms and you step in between his legs, resting your forearms on his shoulders. He leans forward and rests his forehead in the valley between your breasts, breathing softly. Another yawn works it’s way through your body and you shift, pushing Andrei back on the bed and climbing up with him. “I really need to sleep,” you sigh, your eyelids getting heavy again.
Andrei nods, looking tired himself. You both climb under the covers on your usual sides of the bed - Andrei closer to the door and you closer to the window - and lie down facing each other. You trace Andrei’s features with your index finger, running over his jaw line, forehead, and the line of his nose. His eyes flutter shut at your touch and his hand reaches for you, landing on your hip and pulling you close. You tuck your head under his chin, trailing your fingers over the column of his neck and feeling the stubble that’s there. “I love you, solnyshka,” he says quietly, his chest vibrating under your body.
“I love you,” you sigh, curling up close to him and falling asleep within minutes.
You wake up late the next morning, sunlight streaming brightly around the cracks of the curtains. Stretching out your entire body, you realize Andrei’s still asleep too. He must be exhausted since usually he’s up well before you. He’s flat on his back, arm thrown over his face, and sheet tented over his lap. Andrei’s mouth is a little open and he’s snoring softly - looking adorable while he’s at it. You reach for your phone, planning on taking a picture - the first picture of your husband (!) that you’ll take on your own phone - but when the screen lights up, you catch sight of the time and wince. It’s nearly noon, which would be late in the day normally, but your parents planned a day-after-the-wedding lunch for the guests staying at the hotel, scheduled to start at one. You both need showers and to change, so you drop your phone in the covers and smooth a hand over Andrei’s stomach, gliding it up over his pecs and curling it around the back of his neck before cupping his cheek, scratching your nails into his stubble.
“Drei, baby, time to get up,” you murmur, leaning down and pressing kisses to his chest and shoulder. “We have lunch in an hour.”
He grumbles - the only time he’s not a bouncing ball of energy and positivity is the few minutes right before he’s fully awake - and turns his head so he can press his cheek fully into your palm. “No,” he mumbles into your skin. “Nyet, do obeda. Ostavat'sya v posteli.”
He does that too, revert to Russian in his sleep. You brush your nose against his cheek. “I don’t know what that means beyond ‘nyet’ so whatever you said isn’t going to stop me,” you laugh a little.
Andrei cracks one eye open and squints at you. His lips curl up in a lazy smile and his hand lands on your waist. “I said,” he sighs, “no to lunch. Let’s stay in bed.”
You let him pull you against his side even as you’re shaking your head, which is a mistake because that seems to trigger your hangover. You press your lips together and wait for a minute before continuing, “we have two and a half weeks in Greece to relax and stay in bed, let’s go see everyone and eat because I’m starving.”
“I’ll order room service,” Andrei jokes, waking up and sitting up to kiss you.
“I want to see how hungover everyone is,” you giggle. “And you know what they say, happy wife, happy life.”
He swats at your ass a little when you roll away from him, laughing, and climb out of bed. You wiggle your ass in his direction playfully, “your wife wants you to join her in the shower, aren’t you going to make me happy?”
“That I can do,” Andrei promises, getting out of bed and wrapping his arms around your waist to carry you into the shower.
Of course, the shower takes twice as long as it should and by the time you get dressed - casually because once you opened the blinds, the afternoon North Carolina sunlight had nearly blinded you and caused a headache to form right between your eyes and nausea to roll your stomach - you’re running late to your own celebratory lunch. Andrei’s fingers play with the tie straps on your sundress as you head downstairs and you lean against him heavily. “I don’t understand how you don’t get hungover,” you mumble. “It’s unconscionable.”
He chuckles, chest vibrating against your back. “I’m bigger and Russian,” he shrugs, all the explanation you’re going to get. Truthfully, you just think he didn’t have as much to drink as you did. Even during the off-season, Andrei isn’t that big of a partier.
Once you get down to the hotel’s dining space, it’s all you can do not to laugh. The room is split into two camps - the older relatives who checked out by the end of the main reception and the friends and younger relatives that had partied with you at the after-party. The adults look tired, but happy, and your friends look like death warmed up.
Brady’s cradling his head in his hands while Gracia nudges toast in front of him. Pyotr has his head pillowed on his arms on the table. Geno has his sunglasses on inside and you spot Elena pointing him out to your mom and laughing, shaking her head at him. Jordan’s nursing a mug of coffee and you spot your best friends taking a carafe of coffee directly from the waiter and setting it on the table in front of them.
“Rough night?” You giggle, pressing your fingers to your temple at the spike of pain. The girls look up at you with bloodshot eyes.
Tia groans, “who challenges Russian hockey players to a drinking contest?”
“A moron, that’s who,” Kate murmurs, her voice nearly gone from scream-singing.
“Who’d you challenge?” Andrei asks, munching on a piece of bacon. You look at his food with a jealous eye and he holds out the half-eaten strip for you. You take a bite gratefully and chew while you wait for Tia’s answer.
She wrinkles her nose. “Who didn’t I challenge is the question, but I finally tapped out against Pyotr and Geno.”
“It was impressive,” Geno mumbles, holding his hand up for Tia to slap in a high-five.
“Party of the year, Svechy,” Brady grins. “But fuck, I’m gonna feel this hangover for a week.”
Andrei smirks at his friend and says, “good thing it’s off-season.”
Your mom calls you both over and you wind your way amongst the tables, leaving your hungover friends to recover. Andrei’s hand is warm against your lower back as you head across the room, his fingers splayed out.
“Honey,” your mom pats your hip when you reach her side, “I think you could use a little make-up, right here.” She waves her hand in the general area of her neck and you flush, knowing she means the hickeys Andrei sucked into your skin the night before.
“I, um, I’ll take that into consideration,” you stammer, even as Andrei sniggers behind your back. You swing your leg back, kicking your heel into his shin, and he just wraps his arms around your waist and rests his chin on your shoulder.
Shooting the parents a wide and innocent, but sincere, smile, he says, “thank you, all of you, for helping us have the best wedding yesterday. We appreciate it very much.”
Your mother’s attention is now on her new son-in-law and not the marks on your neck. She smiles at him, “it was more than our pleasure. You two deserve it.”
“And especially the vacation,” Elena chimes in. “It’s well-earned.”
It definitely is. Andrei’s fresh off a Stanley Cup victory and you’re fresh off the stress of planning a wedding around the playoffs. You can’t wait to soak up the Mediterranean sun and have sex with your husband in between delicious meals. Your flight leaves the next afternoon and you’re more than ready to get going.
The parents release you back to your friends and lunch becomes a fun, lazy affair, a continuation of the after-party, where it’s revealed that Kate and Pyotr had hooked up in the hotel’s garden and half the team had lost money on that bet.
Eventually, you’re gently kicked out of the dining hall and your parents come up to the honeymoon suite to take both of your dresses to be cleaned and preserved for you while you’re in Greece. Elena and Igor take Andrei’s tux and put it in their car along with the three other tuxes belonging to your dad, Igor, and Geno. They’ve kindly volunteered to return them so it’s one less thing for Andrei to worry about when you get back.
Geno unloads Andrei’s honeymoon suitcase from his car, setting it next to yours in the back corner of the suite where it’s been since the morning of the wedding. You’re getting another night in the hotel before you leave for Greece, so all the luggage had to be brought with you. Not that it matters really, you’ve been packed for a week, beyond excited for the trip, and you’d packed most of Andrei’s stuff too. “What do you have in here?” Geno asks, teasing. “All of your hair products?”
Andrei raises an eyebrow at his brother and deadpans, “sex toys.”
You giggle while Geno processes for a few silent seconds before cracking into his trademark missing-toothed grin. He laughs loudly and cups Andrei’s face in his hands, squeezing his little brother’s cheek’s together. “You’re a little shit,” he shakes his head affectionately, “you know that?”
“Learned from the best,” Andrei mumbles, trying to smile while Geno is squishing his face.
The rest of the day and the next morning passes in a blur of last minute preparation, couples massages, and sex on every surface of the honeymoon suite. You put the shower bench to particularly good use.
Finally, after a quick lunch, you’re on the way to the airport, vibrating with excitement in the back seat. “I can’t believe we’re going to be completely and totally off the grid,” you sigh, closing your eyes and thinking about it. You’d decided against an international plan and are keeping your phones on airplane mode the entire trip, save for a few minutes at the end of the day when you’ll connect to hotel WiFi to check in with your parents. “It’s going to be so nice.”
“I’m just looking forward to spending time with you,” Andrei says sweetly, kissing your cheek.
Your flight ends up delayed for two hours, meaning more time to people-watch in the airport. Andrei gets bored sitting around and does laps, reporting back that he found no less than four Auntie Anne’s pretzel shops. “And you didn’t bring me cinnamon sugar pretzel nuggets?” You shake your head. “Bad start to the marriage.”
He does another lap and brings you the nuggets along with a lemonade, stealing a few pretzels from the cup before he hands them over.
Once you’re on the plane - first class(!) - Andrei takes both of your carry-ons and stows them away, letting you have the first shift in the window seat. You’ve learned over the past few years of dating that you both love the window seat, but Andrei would rather sit there during touchdown and you like it during takeoff, which makes it easy to switch off.
After takeoff, you get comfortable in your seat, kicking off your sneakers and folding your legs up on the seat. Andrei stretches out his legs and crosses them at the ankle, grinning when he sees you aiming your phone at him for a picture and throwing up a thumbs-up. Picture taking and documenting memories in scrapbooks is one of your love languages and Andrei learned early on how to be an Instagram husband, to pose for shots, and to always be aware that you’re taking candids.
“Make sure you save your boarding pass,” you say. “It’s going in the honeymoon scrapbook.”
He holds the slip of paper up in between his index and middle fingers, smirking, “whatever you say, wife.”
“Excellent,” you lean over the armrest and kiss him softly.
The flight attendant comes by with drinks and catches you kissing Andrei. “Aren’t you two adorable?” She comments, handing Andrei a water and you a ginger ale (it just tastes different on a plane).
You can’t help yourself and burst out, “we’re on our way to Greece for our honeymoon!”
“Well!” She beams, clapping her hands. “That’s so exciting! I wish you both a long and happy marriage.”
You thank her, Andrei chiming in at the same time.
The flight is uneventful. Andrei falls asleep almost immediately, since he’s so used to plane travel, and you know to wake him up for snacks and meal service. You’ve never been able to sleep on a plane, too excited and eager to enjoy the experience, so you find a movie to watch. Over the seven hours, you watch Top Gun and cry when Goose dies, Ghostbusters: Afterlife and cry when Harold Ramis’s character appears as a ghost or vision or whatever at the end, and The Parent Trap. You don’t cry during that one, but that’s mostly because you’ve seen it so many times and you’re desensitised.
Andrei stirs a little, waking up for dinner and to tease you about crying over old movies. You wrinkle your nose at him and he holds your hand when he falls back asleep.
You booked the trip through a Greek travel company, which means literally everything was taken care of including all transfers to and from the airport and the different hotels and islands, so all you have to do when you land, is gather your luggage and find the man holding up the SVECHNIKOV placard. Andrei drags the one large checked suitcase and his carry-on behind him, his backpack secure on his back. You’re left with your rolling carry-on and the old Jansport you’re using as a personal item for travel purposes.
“Mr and Mrs Svechnikov?” The man smiles at them. “I am James, I will drive you to the hotel.” He takes the suitcase from you and tries to take one from Andrei, but your husband is firm that he’ll pull his own suitcase. You traipse along behind both men, still taking in the sights and sounds of the Athens airport.
The heat hits you the second you step foot outside, a warm wall that has you sweating witching a few feet. The sun is bright and the air feels thick. You slide your sunglasses over your face and push up the sleeves of your travel sweatshirt, grinning like a fool at Andrei. He shares your smile, looking around at the mountainous surroundings.
It’s about a half-hour drive to the hotel and you find yourself dozing, leaning against Andrei’s arm, as you drive. The time difference and lack of sleep over the past few days are catching up to you. The warm of Andrei’s body next to yours isn’t helping. But after your little nap, you feel refreshed when you get to the hotel. So refreshed that you immediately drop the bags off and start exploring the neighborhood. Andrei holds your hand as you walk, taking in the vibrant surroundings and the smells of amazing food. You bounce on the balls of your feet every time you spot a stray cat and squeal when you stumble on the Acropolis.
“Oh my god, Drei!” You grin. “We’re actually here. Like we’re actually, really in Greece on our honeymoon.”
He laughs and kisses you. “I know, solnyshka. It feels like a dream.”
The entire trip is a dream. You get up early the next morning and hike up the slope of the Parthenon to see the Acropolis. It’s hot, but beautiful. You looks around in awe, overwhelmed by the history and architectural work. Andrei asks a couple if they’ll take a photo of the two of you and he pulls you into his arms, holding you against his side and smiling widely for the picture. You lean up to kiss his cheek for another photo.
By the time you start the walk back down, it’s even hotter and the crowds are getting out of control. Andrei is at your back, keeping a watch as you go down the marble steps. Once you get to the bottom, you get two frozen lemonades, plain for Andrei and strawberry for you, and lean against a nearby wall to suck them down and cool off.
“There’s so much history here,” you say, looking around. “It’s just so cool! I mean, to think that the Acropolis was built so many hundreds of years ago and it’s still standing.”
“Nerd,” he teases you affectionately.
After a few days in Athens, you’re shuffled off to the ferry via car service early in the morning. It’s still dark when you get in line to board and you’re wrapped in a sweatshirt while you lean on the big suitcase. Andrei’s hand is warm on your back and your legs tingle a little, still sore from the marathon sex you’ve been having. You sip at your coffee, enjoying just how strong the Greek coffee is. “We definitely need to bring some of this coffee back home,” you say, holding your cup up for Andrei to have a sip.
“A cup of this before a game and I’m flying,” he agrees.
“You could use that, old man,” you tease him, nudging his foot with yours and he smacks at your ass a little.
You smirk at him. “Guess you’ll have to punish me, then.”
Andrei’s eyes darken in the dim light, but before he gets the chance to say anything, the line starts moving and there’s an announcement that boarding is happening. You shuffle along, Andrei’s hand reaching out to pinch your ass, making you yelp. When you look back at him, he just smiles innocently.
The ferry ride to Naxos from Athens isn’t very long, just about four hours, but it’s long enough for you both to get in quick naps once you find your seats. Andrei has his legs propped up on the suitcase, keeping it close, and your lips tilt up at the sight of him with his head back and his baseball cap over his face. You snap a picture.
Naxos is gorgeous, but your hotel is smack in the middle of nowhere and has an outdated 70s vibe that makes you think of murder motels. It’s an uncharitable thought because everyone is so nice and polite, especially when they find out you’re celebrating your honeymoon. The beach is a thirty minute walk in one direction and the town is more than an hour’s walk in the other. You manage to figure out the bus system and are on the beach, laying on side-by-side lounge chairs in under an hour. The water is too gorgeous to be real and it’s warm enough that you don’t have to tentatively step in and get used to it.
The days pass by in a blur of sun and sand, picnics packed for lunch, and in one memorable afternoon, a stumble on a nude beach.
“Oh my god!” You yelp, eyes going wide. “We have to turn around.”
Andrei’s laughing so hard he can’t speak, averting his eyes from looking directly at all the old people baring it all. You cover your eyes on the side like you’re wearing blinders and speed walk back in the direction of your chairs. “Solnyshka,” Andrei calls after you, still laughing, “it’s natural! What if I decided to strip down? Would you run away from me?”
“No!” You smother a horrified laugh. “But you’re my husband and your balls don’t hang down to your ankles. It’s not exactly a hardship to look at your naked body, Andrei!”
“Well that’s good to hear,” he deadpans. A smirk cracks his facade and he starts to giggle again. “You just looked so horrified.”
“They’re old! And wrinkled! And their skin is like leather - has no one heard of moisturiser?” You shake your head, planning on rubbing in another layer of sunscreen when you’re back at your chairs.
Dinner is usually a relaxed affair, sitting at some taverna by the water, plates of appetizers covering the table. You have a Greek salad with every meal, thoroughly enjoying the feta and fresh tomatoes. Naxos is known for their cheese, so you order a cheese platter one night and share approximately two pieces with Andrei, fighting each other with your forks. He distracts you, pointing over your shoulder and exclaiming that he sees dolphins, and when you look over to see nothing, he pulls the cheese plate to himself and protectively encircles his arms around it, laughing when you start tugging at his hands. There’s this amazingly bright beet dip - a perfect magenta pink and so addictive with the grilled pita bread.
“I could marry this dip,” you moan.
Andrei raises an eyebrow. “I could be okay with polygamy.”
After Naxos, you take the ferry to Paros - just an hour on the boat and you’re in a completely different location. It’s amazing how efficient the ferries are and how civilized the whole process is. You get to keep your luggage the whole time and since seats are assigned on your ticket, no one fights for a seat.
Paros is a gorgeous island. Similar in size to Naxos, but more built up. Your hotel is magical - a true five star - with palm trees by the pool and perfectly manicured grounds. There are hot pink flowers everywhere and you breathe in the fresh air, feeling like a different person.
“I love this place,” you sigh, stretching out on a lounger next to the pool. Andrei toasts you with his drink, something in a coconut that he’d never normally order at home.
“Top hotel so far,” he says, tucking one hand behind his head, making his bicep pop. He’s been running in the mornings, to counterbalance the food you’ve been eating. But he’s also been so relaxed, which is something you’re glad to see. The last few years have been a lot on him - his ACL injury that had led to a shortened season when he returned followed by the deep playoff run leading to the eventual Stanley Cup. He needed a minute to unwind.
He reaches out over the distance between your chairs and wiggles his fingers at you. You reach your own hand out and let him lace your fingers together. Unfairly, he’s tanner than you are, his skin turning a nice golden brown under the Greek sun. Andrei’s thumb traces over your knuckles.
Neither of you say anything, just enjoying the company and quiet.
The beach is a two minute walk from your hotel, so in the afternoons, you make your way over there with just your towels to swim in the sea. You’re actually addicted to the Mediterranean now and have no idea how you’re going to go back to swimming in the Atlantic. There’s some cliffs around the beach and Andrei eggs you on to climb them and jump off.
You’re a chicken when it comes to stuff like that, but with Andrei encouraging you, and screaming all the way down, you jump from a decently high cliff. The adrenaline rush is unparalleled and Andrei enthusiastically responds when you jump into his arms, kissing him hungrily. With the buoyancy from the salt water helping, Andrei carries you into a secluded cove, shadowed by the cliffs you had just jumped off of. He presses you against the rocks, scraping your back, and twists his fingers in the ties of your bikini bottoms.
His fingers edge under the fabric and you squirm, wanting him to touch you. “Come on, Drei,” you urge him. “Touch me, please.”
“Anyone could swim by, zhena,” he murmurs against your neck, licking at the drying salt.
“Not if,” you gasp, letting your head fall back as Andrei licks and bites your neck. “Not if you’re fast.”
He hums against your skin, still toying with the fabric of your bottoms. Your legs are wrapped around his waist and you can feel the hard heat of his cock pressing into you. You grind down against him and he bites your shoulder in a little warning. “You like this?” He asks, slipping his index finger under your bathing suit and letting the tip of it tease at your swollen folds. The cool water laps around you, keeping your temperature down. “You want people to see you, my love? You want them to see me give you my fingers, see how many of them you can take?”
“I…yes…Andrei, please,” you whine, heels kicking against his back while you clench around the tip of his finger. “I…more… pozhaluysta.”
It’s a dirty trick, using your limited Russian, because you know he finds nothing hotter. Andrei slips two fingers inside of you and crooks them, forcing a cry from your throat. You press one hand against your lips to muffle your noises as he fucks you with his fingers, adding a third after only a few seconds. “You wanted this, my love,” he rasps, “don’t be quiet.”
“Andrei,” you whine his name, toes curling. Your hand fists in his hair and he hisses a little when you tug. His fingers are thick and rough inside of you and it doesn’t take too much longer before you’re clenching around then and coming on his hand. “Fuck,” you mutter, going boneless in his arms.
“Good girl,” Andrei praises you, kisses your shoulder. “I think it’s time for a nap.”
Your eyelids flutter and he carries you through the water back to your towels. Your legs are jelly underneath you, but you wrap yourself in your towel, pressing against his body to feel his erection press into your lower stomach. “You know,” you murmur, “there’s a hammock on the patio of our room.”
Andrei raises an eyebrow at you. “We have a good time in hammocks,” he says slowly.
Agreeing, you continue, “and the bathtub in the room is very, very big. Probably big enough for, say a 6’2” Russian and his brand new wife.”
“We should test that out,” he says, seriously, nudging you through the sand and back to the road leading to your hotel.
Turns out the tub isn’t quite big enough for the both of you and more water splashes over the sides than stays in, but you giggle your way through a bath that’s more groping than anything. The olive oil soap is a nice amenity, getting you both extra slick and slippery - which does eventually result in you banging your knee against the side of the tub, but it’s worth it when Andrei kisses the spot, working his way up your inner thigh.
After the bath, you dry each other off and roll around on the bed, making out and touching each other, but not really doing much more. It’s been a long trip and you’d like to be able to walk at the end of it. You order loukoumades - Greek doughnuts soaked in honey syrup and dusted with cinnamon - from room service and curl up on Andrei’s lap out on the patio to enjoy the warm night and the sweet treat.
Andrei feeds you a doughnut and you purposefully suck his fingers into your mouth when you take a bite. He raises an eyebrow at you and you giggle. “You know,” you say quietly, enjoying the peaceful evening, “one day, I’d like to bring our kids back here. Be the annoying parents that talk about their honeymoon and show their kids all the amazing sights and restaurants.”
“That would be nice,” Andrei replies, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Rent a villa and let them run around in the sun. We should have them learn Greek too, that way someone can translate.”
“Can you imagine?” You grin, leaning back against his chest. “Little babies running around switching between English, Russian, and Greek? They’ll be the smartest kids is Raleigh.”
“And the cutest too, probably.” He nuzzles his nose against the side of your neck. “As long as they look like you.”
Warmth floods your stomach, thinking about a little gang of Svechnikov babies. In your imagination, they look like Andrei, his warm brown eyes and that dimple. You curl closer against him, daydreaming about that future.
Your last island is Santorini and you’re actually spending the least amount of time here, just four and a half days before you fly back to Athens for an overnight stay before leaving for home again. Santorini is gorgeous, but it’s definitely the most crowded of the islands and the most touristy. The blue domes against the white washed buildings are beautiful and the sunsets are as gorgeous as promised. But, after the slower paced Naxos and Paros, you find yourself getting a little cranky with the crowds of Santorini.
“I think you need an ice cream,” Andrei says, guiding you towards one of the many ice cream shops. “You’re getting that hangry look in your eyes.”
“These people just don’t move!” You grumble, following him. “It’s so crowded and if they all stop in the middle of the path…” You throw your hands up in exasperation.
“She’ll have the kataifi,” Andrei says to the woman behind the counter, ignoring you, “and I’ll have the chocolate hazelnut.”
Your ice cream order’s been fairly standard over the past few days in Santorini - the kataifi ice cream is cinnamon-y and sweet and has chunks of the crunchy kataifi phyllo and nuts mixed it. You take the cone and happily tear into it, already feeling a little better as you cool off. Andrei takes his cone and pays, joining you against the wall of the shop. You’re busy keeping your ice cream from melting all over your hands and so when Andrei leans over and licks from the edge of your jaw to your earlobe, you’re so startled you nearly drop the cone entirely.
“Andrei!” You yelp, turning on him with wide eyes. “What the —“
He smirks at you and points at the opposite wall where a blue neon sign proclaims ‘it’s not going to lick itself.’ You blink at the sign briefly and then start giggling. “Just doing what the sign tells me,” he says innocently.
“I don’t think that’s what it means,” you murmur, flicking your gaze down to the front of his shorts.
“You can lick that later,” Andrei promises, grinning. He licks his ice cream scoop very deliberately, flattening his tongue around the scoop and swirling it. Your cheeks flush and you bump his hip with yours. He captures your hand and squeezes, tugging you out of the shop and back into the packed streets.
You wander a little more, popping into a jewelry store where you immediately spot two puppies playing and squat down to play with them. Andrei disappears for a minute, but you’re too distracted to realize he even left until he’s back, hovering over you, asking, “ready to get going?”
“Where’d you go?” You ask, giving the dogs one more pet each before standing up and taking Andrei’s hand.
He waves his other hand, “just around. Looking at souvenirs.”
“Okay,” you squint at him a little suspiciously, but don’t question it. “I think we’ve covered everyone actually, unless you want to get anything else for your parents.” The entirety of one of your carry-on suitcases is dedicated to souvenirs, and there’s spill over into the big suitcase, so you’re kind of hoping Andrei’s done with gifts.
He shakes his head, “I think I’m good.” He smirks at you, “besides, we don’t have any more luggage room, right?”
“You do listen to me!” You laugh.
“Of course,” he kisses your knuckles. “Happy wife, happy life, right?”
Your last day on Satorini is spent on the volcanic black sand beach, relaxing and fooling around in the sea. “I’m going to miss this,” you say, toes skimming the sand while you float in the deep water.
“Let’s come back next year,” Andrei suggests, tipping his face back to the sun. “Another two weeks, there’s hundreds of islands we haven’t seen.”
You find yourself getting a little emotional. “Yeah,” you whisper, emotion clogging your throat, “that would be nice. But it would just be a vacation, it wouldn’t be another honeymoon.”
“No,” Andrei floats over to you and kisses you softly, “it won’t be. But it’ll be a good first anniversary trip.” He kisses your cheek. “Or maybe a trip to celebrate a pregnancy.”
“I love you,” you whisper, wiping at your face. “This has been the best trip, Drei. Honestly. I can’t wait to take a million more.” You loop your arms around his neck and his arms come around your waist, pulling you flush against him.
“You made it the best trip,” he says, dimple popping. “There’s no one else I’d rather spend two and a half weeks island hopping with or getting lost on the way to the beach with. I wouldn’t stop whenever someone else pointed out a stray cat or dog, just you, solnyshka.”
You snort a laugh, “you’re really angling for me to lick something, aren’t you?”
“Well,” Andrei smirks, the sun glinting off of his tanned skin and his brown eyes twinkling, “I wouldn’t say no to a little licking.”
There’s a lot of licking on your last night in Santorini and you both sleep in the next morning, enjoying a lazy start to the day and getting breakfast delivered to your room so you can pack and eat on your own time. The flight back to Athens is only an hour - you spent longer going through security and waiting to board than actually in the air.
You’re only in Athens overnight before you have to leave for the airport at 11, so you make the most of it, wandering around and getting a little bit lost before having a final dinner in a romantic little taverna. Andrei passes a little jewelry box across the table to you while you wait for dessert.
“What’s this?” You trace a finger over the box.
“A present,” he smiles.
“You already gave me a pretty good present,” you hold up your left hand, flashing your engagement ring and wedding band.
He laughs a little. “I know. But this one is to remember Greece.”
You look at him, shaking your head a bit, and pop open the box to find a cross that looks exactly like his, but smaller. “Andrei,” you look back up at him, “this is - it’s just like yours.”
You know Greek and Russian Orthodox are under the same umbrella and Andrei had poked his head into a few churches, doing the cross and dropping a few euros to light candles. You’d gotten married Russian Orthodox and even though it’s your own background, your family was far enough removed from being in Russia that religion wasn’t a major aspect of your life growing up.
“I saw it the other day,” he says. “And you don’t have to wear it, but I thought it might be nice. For us to have matching crosses.” He pauses. “For yours to be a memory of the honeymoon.”
You’re halfway to tears as you’re pulling the chain from the box and clasping it around your neck. “Why are you the most thoughtful, sentimental man in the world?” You lean over the table, the cross around your neck swaying and bumping your chest, and cup his face in your hands to kiss him deeply. “I love it and I love you.”
Andrei’s cheeks are a little pink when you sit back down. He shrugs one shoulder. “I wanted you to have a little piece of me too, when I’m traveling.”
“I’m not taking it off, Drei,” you murmur, tracing your fingers over the cool metal. His own chain is just barely visible under the collar of his shirt and you eye it. “We’re clearly going to have to come back and get more for the future Svechnikov babies.”
He laughs and catches your hand, kissing your palm. “Whatever you want, zhena. Whatever you want.”
A warm breeze carries through the street and it’s the perfect night to end your honeymoon.
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adickaboutspoons · 9 months
As threatened promised, a rough rundown of Ed’s timeline in s2 based on his make-up/facial wound/neckwear/hairstyle situation in the teaser/trailer/promo pics:
Almost certainly we’ll start the season seeing Ed in his Kraken drag. It looks like we’re going to get a montage of raids, because I’m seeing at least two distinct ships in the background when he’s all Krakened up.
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It’s hard to tell, but it looks like he’s not wearing either the cravat OR the pearls at first, but we see the pearls peeking out from his jacket lapel when he’s saying “Fuck you Stede Bonnet” to the little groom dolly, so my money is on his snatching a strand from someone’s throat at the wedding raid. If it’s from the throat of the bride herself, I wil EAT. MY. OWN. HANDS.
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Incidentally, we seem to have gone back to fingerless gloves for all the Kraken/pre-reunion shots, rather than the full gloves from the end of season 1, so RIP to the “full gloves mean he’s cut himself off from human contact/emotion” metaphor (but more on that in a minute).
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So if I had to guess, I’d say next we get playing with the dollies and having a good cry about it
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Followed by a manic moodswing to babygirl princess cleaning mode with the hair up and the pearls and the gloves, but a little bit of kohl still smudged around the eyes. I think he enlists Frenchie’s help, since they both seem to be carrying around containers full of bottles while he’s sporting this look, and I think it’s the back of Frenchie’s coat we see when Ed starts his “No more” list.
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After that, since the lighting is soft and sunset-esque, I’d say we have the helm scene where it looks like babygirl is daydreaming
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I’m wondering if the daydream goes wrong, though (maybe he’s cross because he let himself think about Stede again at all. Maybe the daydream goes sour and dashing, swashbuckling, Bearded Stede fights his way through Izzy to Ed only to say “Just in case it wasn’t clear when I left you, I wanted to make sure you knew that I don’t love you and never did.” or something equally gutting) because guess where else we see the babygirl princess updo
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(and we know this has to be after the raid montage, because the big ass treasure chest in the background on the right was carried off the ship where Ed shot his gun in the scene where Fang smashes two guys heads together).
So I’m kind of wondering - since Ed was at the helm, did he steer the ship into an oncoming storm on purpose?
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So then we FINALLY see the cravat, but he’s also wearing the pearls, so we know this has to be after all the raiding stuffs.
And the only other place we see it in any of the promotional stuff is when he wakes up and head-bonks Stede.
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And looking at how banged up he is - blood on his temple, puffy cut on his cheek and lip, that these wounds are pretty fresh. My guess is he sustained them in the storm, and something goes Very Badly, resulting in him either getting swept overboard, or the crew having to abandon ship, and being rescued by the Chinese junk, where the crews will reunite (based on Stede’s costuming during the headbonk scene, and the fact that Frenchie, Archie, and Jim are with the Revenge crew during the crossbow scene, when everyone is dressed in the Chinese ru).
I have toyed with the thought that all the blue-filtered shots are a fever-dream/hallucination while Ed is laying injured, but I’m not 100% sure on that. For one, Ed doesn’t have his coat, his boots, or even his gloves
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But he for sure has the pearl necklace, and it looks like maybe his lip is split (though it’s hard to tell if that’s a shadow or not), which are peculiar details to include in a fantasy sequence.
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If it is, I’m guessing it ends when Ed ties a rock around his waist and leaps from the cliff - it’s hard to see, but there’s a rock with a rope around it on the ground near the rag man (Hornigold?), and you can see the rope going down into the water when he first hits. You can also see his feet are bare, just like they were in the gunshot scene.
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If not? IDK. The pearls and the lack of gloves place it after the reunion. Remember how I said we were going to come back to the gloves-as-a-metaphor-for-emotional-openness-and-connection? Ed DOESN’T WEAR GLOVES AT ALL ANYMORE after the Kraken scenes are done. I can’t tell if he has them on in the headbonk scene, but after he meets back up with Stede, our babygirl’s hands are NAKED and VULNERABLE (and ready to touch his boyfriend. In a world where I get everything I want, after the reunion, they go to the Significant Cave, and Ed leaves Stede and his gloves behind, and Stede shows up at Anne and Mary’s because “You left these (and me) behind,” but Ed doesn’t WANT them (Stede) anymore, can’t he take a HINT? Thank you for indulging in parenthetical fanfic that almost certainly won’t actually happen this way) But the fact that the wounds are so hard to see that they might not even actually be there? Would put it later in the season.
Because boy howdy do they still look fresh when he shows up at Anne and Mary’s.
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But everything else must come later, because the wounds looks progressively more healed. When he’s wearing the sackcloth shirt, his lip still has a little mark on it (but significantly smaller than it was at Anne and Mary’s)
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But that mark goes away before the one on his cheek does. It’s not there at Spanish Jackie’s or when he’s talking to the bunny, or in the scene when the VO says it feels like there’s a storm coming.
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So I’m not really sure where to put those in relation to one another. Vibes alone, I’d say “Storm’s coming” (followed by beach battle, where there also aren’t noticeable facial wounds or gloves, but Ed is clutching his side as though still recovering from cracked ribs or something).
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Then bunny talk, since he’s still wearing the same clothes, then Spanish Jackie/the docks where, since he looks so chill and relaxed, the “something new” he’s trying is he and Stede actually retiring from piracy together.
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the-ghost-bracket · 10 months
Sissel propaganda:
"He's a funny little guy with amnesia! He does tricks! Other than that I can't say much because spoilers, but yeah, I love this guy!"
"He spends the entire game thinking he's a human, but finds out at the end that he was a cat the whole time and is fine with it"
"Good kitty."
"He can't read. He doesn't know what science is. He doesn't even know what water pressure is. He only has one night to find out both why he was killed and his lost memories while preventing others from dying and becoming ghosts. Also like. Don't look him up for pics cause some of it is spoilers orz"
"No because if I share any details about the game it WILL spoil parts of the plot I swear. Play the game completely blind"
"hes silly and cool and ghost trick is cool"
"He’s a ghost and can do the tricks anymore I say would be spoilers."
"He's complicated. He has identity issues. His earliest memory for most of the game is seeing his own corpse ass-up. He can time travel. He has a master's degree from the Rube Goldberg university of mischief. He can barely be discussed or Googled without tripping over major spoilers. He doesn't know what science is. He's stylish and he's my little meow meow. He even can't read"
"I can't go into detail without spoiling the game but ogh. OUGH. He's doing his best... Oh my god he's doing his best...!!! Achievements include: being at the VERY least 50% responsible for the formation of a wonderful found family (a lot of credit also has to go to Missile the dog who is the undisputed best character of all time but that's a story for another day)"
"Play Ghost Trick.You Play AS a Ghost. This Ghost is trying to find himself. You get to do all Kind of Ghost shenanigans. He cant read and doesnt know science. Reverses the death of other People multible times."
"Amnesiac ghost who decided to investigate his murder and became a Rube Goldberg machine."
"The whole game revolves around him being an amnesiac ghost and performing ""ghost tricks"" so that he can find out about his past and why he was killed. If he wasn't a ghost, there would be no story and no game. Also if you don't know who he is but want to know more, go into the game blind and avoid spoilers!! I'm serious I genuinely wish I could forget everything about this game so that I could experience it for the first time again. It used to be a DS only game but it's been re-released on Switch, and it's also available on Steam"
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film-in-my-soul · 5 months
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hurry up, we're dreaming | 1,148 | scissorghost
Summary: Steve and Bucky always meet up during their free third period so they can hang out (read: make out) behind the bleachers on the soccer field. They used to go to the football ones, but too many people had the same idea as them and they preferred the empty, if seriously worse-for-wear, soccer bleachers. But today, Bucky doesn’t greet Steve with his usual bruising kiss, instead sweeping him into a gentle hug and holding him there for a minute. Now, Steve’s never one to complain about hugs, but he would infinitely prefer to already be sucking on Bucky’s tongue by now (he’s got his inhaler ready and everything, just in case he needs it) so he stands on his tiptoes and tries to bring their mouths together, but Bucky just holds him away gently.
Cabin Fever | 1,750 | neversaydie
Summary: Captain's Log, stardate 2246.5  Our diplomatic mission to Nova ended smoothly. Nova Prime and the Antaran diplomatic envoy have begun to hash out a trade deal and no longer require Starfleet to act as a neutral third party. We're heading to the Galiway trade hub to restock the ship and release the crew on an extended ten-day shore leave. Some of the crew are starting to get cabin fever with leave being delayed by almost a month now. Such delays are unavoidable, but I can't blame them for feeling cooped up when I, myself—  "Steve, c'mon already. This synthale ain't gonna drink itself." Anyway, we should arrive at Galiway sometime within the next twenty-four hours. Hopefully everyone should be less antsy after they blow off a little steam, including the officers. That's all for now. Rogers out.
Go Fish | 2,653 | notlucy / @notlucy
Summary: It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man stuck in an airport, in possession of an iPhone, must open Tinder.
Please see below for more recommendations!
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You Will Meet a Stranger | 3,061 | spitandvinegar
Summary: When the mask falls off Steve recoils. He'll never forgive himself.
Dirty Pics | 3,117 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: There’s this one guy Bucky slept with three months ago who still sends pics of his ass whenever Bucky asks. What can he say? Grant’s got an ass that just won’t quit.
I Draw A Line (To Your Heart From Mine) | 3,728 | seapigeon
Summary: Bucky hates art therapy. Sure, he used to love art, but that was...before. So if this tiny, annoyingly insightful instructor could just let him coast, that would be great. Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be Steve Rogers' style.
Follow Me Home | 4,599 | seapigeon
Summary: The Brooklyn SPCA has a running program for their high energy shelter dogs. Steve quickly becomes their #1 volunteer. Every time he's out with a dog, he thinks about stopping to talk to the cute guy in the park, and every time he chickens out. But today, someone else is making that decision for him. That someone is Engelbert the 80 pound boxer mix.
Prom Sucks! | 4,755 | VenusMonstrosa / @venusmonstrosa
Summary: “Is this a stupid end-of-year prank?” “Jesus, Steve, you think I’d do that?”
Gravity | 5,649 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: The Winter Soldier isn’t supposed to know what it means to want something.
We're a Couple of Misfits | 5,797 | notlucy / @notlucy
Summary: Working retail can be unforgiving, especially around the holidays. Luckily, Steve works in a store that has a view of Santa’s Village, the happiest spot in the mall - the place where dreams come true, children never cry, and parents never lose their tempers. Oh, and the place where there may or may not be a hot-ass elf assistant Steve can’t stop daydreaming about.
Nurse Rogers | 6,065 | Bellakitse / @bellakitse
Summary: He’s turning the corner headed back to the ambulance bay where Clint is waiting for him in the truck when he rams into this tiny figure in blue scrubs pants and a white undershirt, the kid is cute, blond and blue-eyed, barely reaching Bucky’s shoulder and so slim that if Bucky didn’t have amazing reflexes and reached for him in time the kid would be on the ground from their encounter. Where Bucky is a cocky paramedic and Steve is a tiny nurse.
We Have the Technology | 6,193 | zetsubonna / @zetsubonna
Summary: How Bucky Barnes's passion for mechanical engineering led him to create his own best friend.
what we are is unexpected | 6,597 | bitelikefire (theoleo) / @deimoslunaa
Summary: Bucky doesn’t know why people keep asking him for fucking favours. What’s even worse is how he doesn’t understand why he can’t say no and that’s how he ends up babysitting his nephew for his little sister and basically playing cool uncle for the next few weeks.
(760): I literally cut myself out of my pants. Waste. Of. Money. | 6,654 | relenafanel / @relenafanel
Summary: Hey friend of Sam’s can I get an opinion on this outfit? Bucky texted, attaching the selfie taken in Sam’s bathroom mirror. He received an answer almost immediately. Bucky was almost expecting a lecture, or at least a concerned question about who had stolen Sam’s phone. He got neither. New text from Steve: What do you want it to say?
If You Let Me | 6,900 | lillupon / @lillupon
Summary: Steve always thought it was silly how easily girls fell for Bucky, even though they must have known he would only break their hearts. Told himself that he would require more than a few sweet words and a cocky grin. But thinking that while watching Bucky charm his way into a girl’s bed for the night is completely different from being on the receiving end of it.
1023 | 6,982 | seapigeon
Summary: Steve has been blessed (or cursed) with a daughter who's just like him. On a crisp fall day, she befriends a man who sleeps under a park bench. Bucky doesn't say much about his past, but in no time at all, Steve is pretty sure he might be his future.
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The Afterlife of The Party | 8,433 | neversaydie
Summary: "Oh no. Hell no." Bucky freezes with his hand halfway to the giant ornamental vase the new family have just unpacked. Smashing it would be the perfect way to announce himself on moving day: a big, stylish gesture that's ambiguous enough to leave them feeling only slightly unnerved until he decides things need to escalate. That is, it would be the perfect way to announce himself if a skinny blond kid hadn't just walked through the living room wall. "This house is taken, pal. What the fuck?" "Uh, this is my family." The kid is standing there awkwardly, like they're still corporeal and he might have to duck or deliver a punch in the near future. "This is my house." He narrows his eyes and slowly gets to his feet. The guy's eyes keep flicking to his missing arm and Bucky is starting to see red. "And I don't appreciate other people living in it."
Trains | 9,045 | misslucyjane
Summary: Bucky Barnes is the lead singer of Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers is their biggest fan.
Seawater | 9,330 | littleblackfox / @thelittleblackfox
Summary: He stops in front of a large glass tube; pale, translucent Jellyfish floating serenely within. “Look at these guys, Moon jellyfish. You’re an artist, tell me that’s not beautiful.” Brooklyn stares into the display, the soft blue light highlighting the cut of his cheekbones, the softness of his lips, and Bucky squeezes his hand a little harder. Brooklyn turns to him and smiles, small and crooked and painfully sweet. “Yeah, I guess they are.” Bucky can’t look away, something painful lodged in his throat. “Those horseshoe shapes on the caps are their gonads.” Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Nighthawks | 9,531 | mambo / @whtaft
Summary: Bucky's working the graveyard shift at the diner when some tiny guy in Doc Martens walks in and orders a strawberry milkshake.
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Closing Time | 10,872 | RecoveringTheSatellites / @thisonesatellite
Summary: Steve works in a Brooklyn dive bar. A tall, guarded guy comes in to drink at regular intervals. He always sits in the back corner. Steve leaves him alone. He looks like a guy who deserves some peace and quiet. He does find out the stranger's name is Bucky. Finds out what he likes to drink. And little by little, conversation happens. Connection happens. Until one day a cock-flock of dudebros comes in (i made up cock-flock, but really, is that not their collective term) and the heckling goes up to eleven once they’re good and drunk. Bucky gets asked to take it outside. Steve will have none of that, thankyouverymuch.
Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and Other Lies He Tells Himself) | 14,159 | betts / @bettsfic
Summary: You’d think a guy who owns one of the most successful bakeries in Brooklyn, has a million-dollar smile and that antiquated good ol’ boy charm, blond hair and blue eyes and biceps for days, would know what’s what. But don’t let that fool you: Steve Rogers is a mess.
Exhale | 15,676 | seapigeon
Summary: After the Chitauri invasion, Steve parts ways with SHIELD, unsure if he can trust an agency that tried to deceive him and built weapons from the Tesseract. He finds himself alone in an unfamiliar future, penniless, not even legally alive. Fortunately, he knows how to survive. Steve Rogers is used to getting by on his own. The thing is, he doesn't have to.
Dream a Little Dream | 16,458 | velleities
Summary: Steve's MO for living his 21st century life is: keep it simple, fight the good fight with SHIELD and the Avengers, sketch the world around him whenever possible, forget to think about love and all things romance. Steve's 21st Century Life has different plans: a certain charming waiter, a bistro that almost becomes Steve's second home, and an attraction that sends Steve swooning as he starts dreaming of a less lonely existence.
Roots Have Grown | 17,280 | AustinB / @cornerficus
Summary: Bucky is a mildly agoraphobic veteran with funds to spare, who becomes enamored with the cute blonde guy in his building. So when Steve mentions needing a roommate to cut down on rent costs, Bucky decides it would be a good idea to volunteer.
Where The Heart Is | 17,579 | attackofthezee (noxlunate) / @attackofthezee
Summary: When Steve gets home from work there’s someone in his apartment. A tall, foreboding, and goddamned metal armed someone.
Catalysis | 21,594 | follow_the_sun / @lasrina
Summary: Ex-soldier Bucky Barnes doesn't have time to think about that skinny blonde guy he met in the hospital. Especially not after the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D. shows up on his doorstep and asks him to save the world.
if all my mistakes (led me to you) | 22,755 | bitelikefire (theoleo) / @deimoslunaa
Summary: Sam’s plans are always the worst plans. And now, Steve has to scramble to find a plus one for Peggy’s big day after being spontaneously dumped. Luckily, he doesn’t have to look very far.
Put Walk Among Us On and Turn it Up | 24,799 | essieincinci
Summary: When Bucky was sixteen and drunk for the first time (on schnapps, dear god, not that he ever admits that part) he let his friend’s greaseball older brother talk him into a homemade stab-n-stick that is just… awful. He walks into the shop from the business card late at night, and a little guy in a too-big hoodie and skinny jeans looks up from the counter.
Sweet Serendipity | 26,179 | velleities
Summary: A troubled city-style lumberjack. Sunshine personified in a man. An accidental phone swap. A serendipitous meet-up. Bucky lets out a small scoff. This isn’t the romcom that one looks for, not usually. It is, however, the one that found Steve and Bucky.
Rivers and Roads | 30,555 | AustinB / @cornerficus
Summary: Steve is working undercover for Hydra when he gets an unexpected promotion. To the Winter Soldier Project.
my heart tells me you are lonely, too | 43,212 | FanGirling
Summary: Bucky sinks into the chair. His ass is falling asleep. “So I just have to, what, learn to be more human?” Sam tries to hold back his sigh but Bucky notices it anyway.
It's Just Temporary | 52,615 | perfect_plan
Summary: Bucky Barnes has no idea what he wants to do with his life and is stumbling from one temp job to the next. Hopefully he can keep his new job at Stark Industries for longer than a week...
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fernwebs · 1 month
TF2 OC Infodump... About this silly guy
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Minion's relationships with the mercs
Engineer - Engie is like one of the only people that can understand him (literally not emotionally) because of his thick ass accent. Minion likes to talk to him. Minion yaps to him a LOT, about almost everything.
Medic - Minion WILL find any way possible to be the one to deliver Medics orders personally. He also likes to include extra organs in almost every shipment. Minion makes his feelings towards Medic very obvious, but Medic continues to play dumb to keep getting those extra organs. Minions bird is the cause of at least 3 archimedes going missing.
Spy - Spy has photo evidence of Minion doing weird shit (staring at medics ass or smth idk). Minion is VERY aware of this and gets very nervous when hes doing anything at all because hes afraid that Spy is taking a picture of him.
Soldier -  Soldier is one of Minion's best friends, but Minion is scared that Soldier will grab him. Because he did, once. Minion got accused of not being faithful to America.
Sniper - Minion thinks he's weird because of the jarate thing. Hes scared that Sniper will throw jarate at him. Theyre probably buddies though, because they are both from places that have like weird animals, and they'd probably talk about that.
Scout - Theyre probably buddies because they both are falling for someone who barely likes them back. They encourage eachother. They're also relatively around the same age.
Demoman - Demoman is one of Minion's best friends along with Soldier. They'd also be drinking buddies, maybe not too often but they would. Minion gets really emotional when hes drunk, so he'd probably overshare to Demoman.
Heavy- I think theyre only acquaintances because they both cant quite understand each other (considering they both dont speak fluent english, and their native languages are different) BUT i think if they ever hung out they would cook for each other / bond over food.
Pyro - He probably hangs out a lot with Pyro because of Louise, he draws with Pyro when hanging out with them and Louise.
Bonus: Miss Pauling - I think he respects her a lot as a person and thinks she's cool. He probably tries to convince her just a little bit that scout is cool.
Louise - They are literally the father daughter duo EVER!! minion loves louise as a daughter so much and he cares so much he would take a bullet for her.
Eddy - Even though they might argue or have their differences sometimes, Eddy is always Minion's best friend. Minion truly appreciates Eddy and is grateful that Eddy is in his life.
Smissmass Presents
Spy - Lint, like he WRAPS IT to make it look like an extravagant cool gift but he actualy needle felted to lint to make it into a middle finger
Soldier - a tabo becuz he heard that soldier like bucket
Medic - he would buy him like 8 presents and make him custom advent calendar but its just pics of him and its the same picture each time for 12 days
Demoman - probably a nice bottle of wine or a case of his favorite alcohol
Scout - shitty art supplies because Scouf draws a lot, minion thinks those are the best art supplies in the world
Heavy - He would try to make a sandwich but with hawaiian rolls
Engineer - a book on how to learn tagalog
Pyro - 200 pack of jumbo crayons
Sniper - something very australian related
Bonus: Miss Pauling - A world globe you color in places for everywhere you've been.
Louise - Literally ANY toy besides a puzzle because he knows shes sick of if
Eddy - joke gifts like a mug or t-shirt that says something retarded, but if a real gift he'd buy something that was on eddys wishlist or something
on the bonus ones.. Louise and Eddy are my friend's OCs
thanks for reading chat!!
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tot-musica · 9 months
Haiii I figured I would make a request while i was thinking about it
Nb reader forces either sabo or ace to go on a really long streinuous hike with them because reader love to hike
Thank you for looking at my ask Here is a hiking pic for you from one of my hikes to add to the ambiance lol
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That is literally an awesome photo. I don't have the stamina anymore to walk up a set of three stairs XD. I used some old pictures as further inspiration for this fic, the place is called, "Griffith Sculpture Park." Also a picture of my ass after running down a gravel trail at mach ten because if I tried to stop I would've wiped out and I'd be left to die by the group I went with.
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And I couldn't choose between the two so I included them both, I hope you enjoy, sorry this took so long.
Words: I don't even know I forgot to check honestly.
Ao3 Backup Link:
“I cannot go further, leave me here to die.”
“I thought you did this all the time as a kid?”
“Yes - emphasis on ‘kid’. With limitless energy.”
“This is just plain sad. I said you should wear something more hiking appropriate…”
“Just drag me up the mountain.”
“I don’t think I can do that.”
“Get Ace to do it.”
“I think Ace is at least a hundred yards ahead…”
“Hee hee~ Well if it makes you feel better, he’s probably going to get a few ticks from wearing nothing but shorts…”
“It doesn’t - that idiot!”
“Well then we better catch up.”
The stone here is slick with the moss thriving off the waterfall's mist, paired with an iron fence so rusted it looks ready to burst into dust with just the slightest touch.
Sabo lets out a loud sigh, breathing in the cool air from under the fall, wiping his face with his scrunched up cravat.
"We're not too far off, the forest will 'ventually give way to a clearing." 
The winter snows hadn't melted too long ago, requiring you two to maneuver off the beaten path every ten meters or so when it became a mudfest. Some wooden planks laid down by hikers' pasts were helpful, but half broken and essentially a wildcard to step on. The trails split apart as they meander up the hill, but all eventually converge at the same spot.
The last bit of this trail is steep - you offer a hand, "Flat ground awaits 'yee." With a chuckle he takes the extended help and walks the rest of the way into a clear field, a bare spot on the side of the mountain. The grass is still a tad yellow, but the wind smells of spring. And around the enormous field are various creatures, big and small, human and inhuman.
Sculptures, that is.
"Wow. Any idea who made these?"
"No clue. They've been here as long as the locals can remember."
Boots crunch together as you round a pond - the statues here are upside down, but reflected on the still water, they portray a bunch of dancing nereids, dwarfing the two of you in size.
Further up the gentle slope, Ace has laid claim to a giant sandcastle sculpture, sitting between the battlements. "Finally made it! Gee, I didn't think you were that much slower than me."
"For the fourth time, we were not racing, and I'm wearing a suit!"
"Excuses, excuses. We've still got further to go!"
"Oh…." He grimaces. "And … we have … to walk … back?"
You clap a hand on his shoulder, "Don't fear too much, it's all downhill, at least."
He grabs a ladder rung, climbing the sculpture and joining Ace at the top, “Wow, some tall trees, I still can’t quite see over them.” 
You quickly scale the legs of a much larger sculpture - a metal crab.
“I am the ruler of the crabs. Fear me.”
“I can beat you!”
“Wait Ace - get down from there, those sculptures aren’t meant for climbing!”
“You’re just a loser Sabo.”
“Hey guys, you know the sooner we get to the top, we can have lunch!”
The prospect of food sent Ace catapulting up the mountain trail. Meanwhile, you entangle your hand with Sabo’s to help him up the much steeper slope. With nice things like unstable dirt and thick mud and lichen-carpeted boulders. Even if it’s second nature to you, it’s best never to get cocky. As pretty as it is, mother nature’s just waiting for you to make one wrong move. Sabo turns out to be very good at making these judgments - well, he has to be - it’s just the distance. And the heat.
“The forest breaks just up ahead. Then there’s a real path.” 
The wind blasts you in the face first. You pass the threshold, stepping on to a stone walkway. About ten meters from you, the earth descends at nearly a 90 degree angle, 100 meters into the ground. The gusts of a three-tier waterfall sing mist into the air, moreso as you ascend the stairs towards the bridge across the gorge.
“You think Ace stopped before the drop?”
“No. In fact, I bet he thought he could make the leap and is now a floating corpse down stream.” Sabo says this without even the slightest change in expression. Yeesh - creepy.
You cross the bridge - what used to be for trains - and enter a more temperate part of the forest, walking along the source of the falls.
Not too far in, beautiful Glass nymphs, their glossy, pristine sheen a testament against the work of time, prancing along the river bank, some already swimming in the drift, more ahead gallantly jumping and twirling down the path. Truly, works of art, almost too perfect, too life-like, but frozen still as sculptures, warping the forest with their transparency. Sabo studies each one with a hand on his chin, smiling.
You both come to rest near a smaller set of falls. He sets his hat on his knees and leans against you, simply soaking in the quiet babbling of nature.
Which is … really not quiet at all - especially on the account that Ace is now running around somewhere, chasing something, and that something is big enough to scare half the forest.
Still, perfect. You wouldn't have it any other way … okay maybe a little less fire.
“We’re close. Less of an incline from here.” There’s a surprise ahead you can’t wait to show them.
“I want a nap first.”
“Taking random naps is Ace’s job.” You giggle.
“Hey, stop slacking you two! I want to reach the top.”
“We’re taking in the scenery Ace, maybe you should join us.”
“But you said we can have LUNCH at the TOP!”
Sabo sighs, running a hand through his hair, “Alright, alright, fine. One final stretch.”
And finally, you reach your, “Destination.” Up here, the grass is long and golden, slicked over by the soaring winds riding just above the treeline, letting the three of you see out miles across the forest, many ablaze with fresh green, while some still cling to their red and orange leaves all the way from last fall.
“Echo!” Ace yells, laughing when he gets a reply.
“Follow me, I’ll show you where we can sit for lunch.”
Further back from the slope, grass turns to pebbles, then rock, then boulders, which you finally come to a rest on. “Look closely.”
Ace takes that very literally, pressing his nose to the rocks, “Hey, there’s a lot of carvings here. Wait-”
“They’re fossils!” Sabo smiles with glee, turning over a chunk in his hand, etched with spirals and shiny deposits of where trilobites and worms died millions of years ago.
"The truth is, this whole place used to be underwater. Trillions of little creatures formed the sediment at the bottom of the warm sea."
“Think there might be any dinosaurs?” Ace says.
“Mmmmm probably not, but you can try looking for one.” And by some miracle of nature, lunch is completely forgotten in his search for the biggest fossils he can find, while Sabo studies each one closely.
"Ace you can only take so many rocks…"
"But I've got to get presents for everyone!"
"You're going to carry 1600+ rocks with you?"
Oh no. You and Sabo both know that look. He's using a braincell.
The freckled man smirks, before taking off, Sabo hot on his trail.
After stopping Ace from breaking off a whole side of the mountain for fossils they finally sit down for a picnic on the windy bluff, the force enough to keep bugs from flying in for a bite to eat - but also required hunkering down everything that might want to go for a joyride in the sky.
“I don’t envy the trip back, but I will admit, it was worth it.”
You smirked, “Told you so. And you survived.”
Sabo turns, “Ace I said no more boulders.”
“You said you didn’t want to walk all the way back down right? I found a faster way down!"
“Wait please-” But Ace already has the hold of the two of you under each arm.
And then you’re all skidding down the mountain on a slab of rock at the speed of light.
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short-black-diamond · 10 months
HEYY *put shades on* I'm here to hear some business
I'm interested in hearing you talk about what caught your eye in The Tomato Can and I wanna know if you have an oc for it *Slides over a pink briefcase*
- 🍰nom
Hiiii~! *stares at the sun angrily because in no possession of sunglasses* I have business. *gives heavy pink envelope into the briefcase, gives a lil heart-sticker on the briefcase, slides briefcase back*
Also I didn't proofread.
I think I should start with the OC's I thought of because my analysis might take a while for you to read and I don't want you getting bored of my writing. So, I think I'd have two OC who could be friends of Milana. Let's think of a scottish buff woman, idk what to call her, but I thought of her looking like Merida from brave, but just--more muscles? And a Chinese one -please don't think I'm racist- who at first thinks that Milana is another easy opponent who doesn't take shit seriously when fighting against her, only to get her ass whooped in the process. I don't know, but I want to call her Mei or Feng, Idk, I imagine her having bangs which go a little over her eyes? But with like, a super serious expression, and Mei/feng is all about honor and has been fighting as some sort of family tradition, and when she looses against Milana does she try to copy her? But like, Mei looks at Milana like a student would look at his master, in such a way.
Milana: *Does laundry a certain way*
Mei/Feng: *trying to fold them in the exact same way*
Merida?? Pls help me give her a name: *joins as well because she wants to feel included too*
and just---wholesome shit, you know?
And then I just thought...why not a little more drama??
So I thought with a few new fighters just being mean girls and ruining Milana's day?? Oh! What if Milana had a female coach, who also doesn't look like a fighter because she retired! Let's call her Ms. Carmichael, and she is just the sweetest person, and then I thought about Milana, Feng/Mei, Merida???, Elijah and Kublai trying to bring Ms. Carmichael and Coach Trevor together and I think that would be cute too.... But let me hear your thoughts as well!
hello and welcome to ...
short-black-diamond's webtoon "The tomato can" analysis!
Here, I am going to point out some details I've found about when reading the episodes of the tomato can!
Also this will contain spoilers? Because I'm going to summarise some episodes, so read at your own risk!
In the very first episode, Elijah is introduced as a golden boy. His opponent is "Guy 'The Machine' Nevazno", (Nevazno means doesn't matter) but what caught my eye was what stood on his boxers. Baby wipes. On his grey boxers stood legit baby wipes.
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Like c'mon bro. I laughed so hard at this!!
But then, and I repeat, then there's this hot teacher, like I really wanna know her name. Like, bro, you don't understand-
I wish I could put her pic here, but then it'd be very weird, so you can just reread episode 1 again. Still, I'd do my very best to be a good student, because dayum she's hot. I don't get how he can sleep in her classes. (I secretly hope she will turn up later in the webtoon, if not I'm gonna cry.)
Then, later in the episode, Elijah is fighting against someone and barely wins, and there is another fight announced with Kevin "Bam Bam" Boseman. Please keep that name in mind, because I will go deeper on that name later on.
Anyways, in episode two, we can see Elijah barely winning the fight, and then he has some sort of afterparty all alone because his coaches didn't want to be seen with him (at least that one brother-Idk which one), and so, Elijah was just in a club or something and chilling with a drink. Then, Zach comes with his underlings? and just brings Elijah down.
Elijah warns him to leave, but Zach doesn't listen, and eggs the russian on even more, to which Elijah punches him and says something along the lines of "that was two years ago, bitch", which means that Elijah had all his fights with Zach (six fights) in the past.
(-I like to think that Elijah will beat Zach up in that tournament he took part in, let's hop for that to happen!-)
And, well, as the bodyguards interfere, tearing the boys apart, Zach was about to call him something, but Elijah just growls??? Wait, lemme just-
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Yeah, that's what I mean. I think Elijah wanted to break free from that guy's grip, but it would also be funny if Elijah just growled at Zach.
Looking into the next few panels, we can see J.J. (Joseph Jericho) and his assistant/secretary Hank (what's his last name?) conversing and Elijah wants to take J.J. out for a drink. And then---I also love this panel-
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Like, look at poor Hanks face. He angy bro. Look at him pout. Look at ugly jericho. This is why you don't have a wife, J.J. (He called Hanks wife shitty) IN THIS HOUSE WE RESPECT HANK'S WIFE.
And later on, when they're in some sort of restaurant, where Elijah wanted to ask Jericho about turning him into a golden boy, but before he could do that, Jericho slapped him with the cold truth. (I'm not going to write down what he said.)
But, then there was that TV show Jericho mentioned, "So you want to be a mixed martial artist?" (=name of tv show), where Elijah had a week to decide whether he'd like to join or not.
Now on to episode three, where some fighters are introduced. First, we have Joe Rumsfeld, whose nickname is GSM (Genetically superior male), and he wears something like gear?? Idk what he's wearing but it's not clothes according to Mr. Gills, the producer and director. BUt please keep in mind that he had such a headgear where it stands fight club- wait lemme just..Yeah, on the right is Joe, on the left V-cube. (idk who the person in the back is but nice jawline I guess?)
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Again, keep in mind what Alpha male (the person next to v-cube) is wearing.
Then we have Bokassa with his cool spiritual horn, and I love how he just--believes in it! (The horn is never wrong) We also have Oscar Castro Fontana, a brazilian, who wants to represent his country and bring the big money to his family. Ah, what a man. But I don't really get the size disadvantage because in the later episodes, he looked like he'd be the same height as Vasily.
Now on to my third favourite, Kublai Khan, my wonderful psycho killer, who scared the living shit outta Mr. Gills/dad and the rest of the staff when he answered their question.
AND THEN--THEN THERE'S..omg, jason Hardwood...also known as "Lil sturdy", but like bro...I can't, like everytime I read his name or think about him, I have to think that "Lil sturdy" ... just stands for ....little dick---I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME BUT I WANT TO MAKE MILANA BULLY JASON SO MUCH ABOUT HIS NAME LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW-
And now to Zach...Zach Heartly...if evil why pretty face? Like, hear me out. Why does he have that long hair?? like for what? I mean, I don't really like him, but he looks handsome-you get what I mean?? And then, later on, his hair just whooshes when he finds out that ELijah is joining too.
And then he sweats? Like what are you so nervous for, Hartly?? Scared Elijah might beat your ass this time?
Anyways, Jason hardwood/lil sturdy (omg I still can't stop laughing abt it) tries to rile up Kublai because he beat his elder brother, Johnny, however, Kublai makes him mad by addressing him by his brother's name, to which Izo Honda (Daimyo) has to hold him back. And now to Izo. He's a gossip lover. Like, look.
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But in the next panel he's just-
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Like bro😭😭
And in the beginning of the fourth episode, we can see the brothers (Elijah's coaches) argumenting with each other that Elijah is not good enough to become a golden boy. *sad diamond noises*
Also, later on -sorry that I am going fast forward tthe hole time, but- we see Vasily trying to make Elijah his friend and I think that's really sweet of him. Also Vasily promising Elijah that he'll teach him russian for the time being is just so wholesome, but Elijah is a lil suspiscious of him and doesn't trust him at first.
Also if we look at the guys interacting with each other, Medusa asks GSM abt his clothes which are not there, but-
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Kelvin Coin...bro I love this webtoon so much
Also can we look at Elijah? He's taller than Coah Trevor and Kublai and just
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Just look at them. I mean, yeah the size difference is not really there but still. Also why is Kublai's chin so pointy?? Trevor looks like he aged like fine wine (not that I'm calling him old) and Elijah is just so good-looking...it makes my heart go doki-doki (ok I'll stop☠)
In episode 5, Vasily invites Elijah to take some of his nerves away, but Elijah isn't really happy there. Also not Medusa giving Joe stank eyes for drinking from a bottle...look-
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What does Rhabdo stand for? I just looked it up and it stands for Rhabdomyolysis, which is a condition in which damaged skeletal muscle breaks down rapidly. (-> which I looked up on wikipedia) So like, maybe that, or it means sth completely else.
Also, another reason why Elijah is my fave, is because he doesn't drink alcohol. Then, we have Mario Di Vito (MDV), who gives Elijah his left hand to shake because he doesn't have a right hand. ELijah doesn't even address that, but the tattoo. MDV feels delighted (in my opinion) that he doesn't get asked by a stranger abt his missing hand, but gets warned by Elijah playfully who says that he won't go easy on Mario.
I'm happy that Elijah is like that. *happy diamond noises*
And then, it comes to the conversation of Joe talking abt memories, and that takes us back to the first episode, where I talked about Kevin "Bam Bam" Boseman, if you can remember.
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I think Kevin, Joe and Medusa were pals once, and maybe Kevin Boseman made it big as a fighter? I'm excited for what will happen in the future!
And then Joe talked abt college days and how they were drunk and a skunk, and then we have poor Mr. Gills/dad who looses it. Also the camera man is looking at them with a concerned face.
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And Elijah just laughes his ass off by dark humor, according to Vasily.
And then, in episode six, we have Trevor recommending ELijah and Kublai to fight one round to close off for the night, and The bearded coach sent Izo/drama lover over to see if they could finally use the cage, but then-
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izo runs towards his coach, and then-
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look at him being all excited. I mean I'd be like that too, but no one is as excited as him in the webtoon.
In episode seven, Elijah finally lands a kick with "double cheese and mayo", as coach trevor explains which is "the code for a straight a straight left and calf kick".
And well, at the end of the seventh episode, Kublai recalls his memories on how Coach trevor stopped his right leg, but then he remembered that Coach Trevor actually blocked his left leg, and it was Elijah who gave him that nasty bruise on the right side of his knee-leg part.
In episode eight, we can see Elijah being one pound over the weight limit because of the energy drinks, according to Kublai, to which Elijah gets an earful. Maybe I'll write Milana making Vasily and Elijah getting a diet?
Then we have our Alpha male who has to wear that to sponsor the TV show. Can't wear his rhabdo thingy anymore i guess lol
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As the fighers Elijah and Ethan are being checked by the security, Gills interviews the other fighters again. That blue haired guy, Donovan "the freak" Day says Elijah is the weakest link and that Ethan't going to win the fight easily. Alpha male exclaims that it's going to be a boring fight and that they should watch his instead. Stfu man no one likes u.
Then we have sweet Vasily who looks concerned on Elijah's behalf because of the wounds Kublai gave him, and our cool Bokassa, who says that Elijah will win, which makes mr. Gills perk up.
Also Elijah being 23? and Ethan 25? Damn, I dunno what I should expect- I actually wrote Milana being 20 in my fics, is that okay for you, 🍰-nom?
Now we know Hank's last name too, who is moderating the fight. Hank Morel, who is also vice president of the Pankration F.C. (idk what F.C. stands for)
I also love how Ethan tried to to the fake glove touch trick with Elijah as well, but homeboy got warned and info-dumped by Vasily and Alpha male. And well, Ethan got punched and nearly lost his balance and stood on wobbly legs.
That's it for this post! Thank you for reading this far! All the pictures I put up in this post do not belong to me but MAGNOZZ , WmW. Please support them on Instagram!
If you want to hear more about what I'd say about the webtoon, please like or comment, I'm all ears!
Please also read the Webtoon, it's really fun!
Read you in the next post!
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sztefa001 · 1 year
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I posted 41,917 times in 2022
That's 20,616 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (0%)
41,860 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,103 of my posts in 2022
#important - 539 posts
#yes - 500 posts
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#amazing - 122 posts
#sztefu talks - 106 posts
#cool - 90 posts
#for later - 86 posts
#aww! - 74 posts
#!!! - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#for context: my parents were working their asses off all the time and didn't have time or strength to whip out a fancy dinner for 10 people
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My boi StarShade, star seeker frametype by @dimorphodon-x. He's the smaller assassin type.
Gave up on trying to draw him properly so just went straight for the colors. Had no idea how to choose them so just used this palette generator. Might dull/darken the blue later but for now that's it.
More info below (not all that much, it's the first time I have name+design before story and background), cursed meme for those who manage to get till the end:
For now his story is kinda backwards - I know that eventually he ends up in a dance group Neon Shadows (based on groups like MPLUSPLUS or Light Balance, more on NS hopefully later) but before that happens I need to marinate him in some good 'ol character developing angst.
Ghost, shadow, phantom, cryptid, camo... many terms for just one guy with one neat outlier ability - super stealth. Combine it with being a massive fraggin liar and you get Starshade.
Idk yet who found and onlined him, what they needed him for and how he was trained. But I do know he lies amazingly and casually so much that not even a lie detector can get him. Because of that he gets tied up in the war as a spy. Doesn't matter for which side 'cuz then he becomes a double spy. Then triple and quadruple and and and in the end you don't know who's side he's really on.
He doesn't know either, nor does he care. All he cares about is himself and to steer all trouble away, to confuse others and manipulate the situation in such way that he's never the suspect.
At first he doesn't care how much chaos he causes as long as the consequences don't reach him. But after some decisions that fucked over some peeps he didn't want to get fucked over he does some thinking and decides to de-escalate conflicts instead of escalating them. Basically he figures he just wants the war to end now more than ever.
Because of his job he's a loner, which is a shame 'cuz he's very sociable and loves hanging out with others. And dancing. He loves music and dance. Sadly he can never be completely honest with others and never feels like he truly belongs to any group.
Eventually I want him to have a stealth car bf and also get him adopted by a flock of stealth seekers. And then join the Neon Shadows. Surely they won't regret taking in an ex-spy-but-acc-just-a-liar-coward-traitor. What can possibly go wrong? You can't tell me those golden eyes can lie. Surely his past won't come to bite him in the aft.
Ahem anyway...
His super stealth includes:
engine and ventilation are very quiet
colors can go from mostly gold/magenta to dark mode (pic above) and he prefers it that way
hard to detect by both cameras and radars
can be taken for freshly deceased even by a medic as his spark is harder to detect as well
naturally moves very quietly without even trying, may spook others by accident by just walking into a room without announcement
For now that's all, have a meme now:
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20 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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Abyss barely had his first flight lesson when his family had to run away and he got separated from them in the process. Luckilly Knight Strike found him and immediately adopted him.
Abby so tiny he still has some baby fuzz 🥺 Striker will protecc.
Ocs belong to @president-alpine, au idea to @dimorphodon-x (thank you!!). Progress pics and more info under the cut <3
See the full post
41 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Giving this guy his own post because drawing him was the most yolo decision and it even turned out quite decent despite me not even trying much lol
The brush pens were super cheap and the blue one was dying from the start so yeah, idk why I decided to draw him xD First thought was to draw him in his alt, just a flat triangle with some extras. And before I knew it I was drawing this instead.
62 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Ok so regarding this post:
[click here for context]
(tagging @cirilee @im-a-mint and @curious-sootball, thank for insppiration <3)
I didn't draw people interrupting him 'cuz the doorframe was already too small and doing everything anew would be too much effort so yeah. But anyway:
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This is the best pic tbh, the further we go the less effort I put askdjfh
See the full post
87 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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See the full post
149 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Whoa, what a ride xD
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junniepop · 3 years
JJK men and a male reader
So I died and came back. Now my inbox is filled with a lot of Jujutsu Kaisen stuff with a male reader, so I looked around and noticed there aren't a lot of male writers or even gender neutral ones, meaning that's what I'll be doing for awhile. This first request is...
before I get started, if you'd like to request something, then please see my masterlist
JJK boys with a male s/o
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Warnings: aged up and language oh and some nsfw stuff cuz that's what they wanted.
Characters: I. Yuuji, F. Megumi, G. Satoru, N. Kento, R. Sukuna, T. Aoi
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I. Yuuji
Isn't hung up by you being male, I feel as Yuuji got older, the more open minded he became. His sexuality was something that evolved as he aged and had a big change in his mid teenage years when he was exploring himself. Into his late teens he began seeing people of all types of representation, he simply did not care how they presented themselves.
That leads us to you, our gorgeous male that has Yuuji simping. All seriousness, this man loves entirely, some might even find it to be smothering. He is the type to text you paragraphs of good morning and goodnight texts, always leaving something for you to eat in the fridge, brings something home because it reminded him of you, and always always makes time to call you before a mission.
Yuuji always has random thoughts about you. Like, "Should I make his favorite tonight?" "I wonder what he's doing." "Oh....that would look so cute on him, should I get it?" "AH this charm has our initials on it! that means it was meant to be!"
If you're a sorcerer, Yuuji d e m a n d s to be your partner on missions and he will have a fit if someone says no. Is constantly stressing himself out over your well being, even if he knows you can handle yourself. always asking about your technique and is amazed every time he sees it. Very protective, stands in front of you a lot and when he see's you struggling he doesn't hesitate to get the curse's attention regardless of his own situation.
Also just because I feel like he would: Yuuji gave you a promise ring when he realized you were the one he wanted to be with for the rest of his life.
He has this need to prove to you that he is a fit partner, Like showing you he can cook, has his own place, very responsible with his money and what not.
The type of guy to send you a million snaps a day. He will literally show you everything he did that day and wants the same in return.
Every date with him somehow includes a physical activity. Going out to dinner? chances are Yuuji will see an arcade and more specifically the DDR in the background.
In terms of sexual stuff, Yuuji seems like a top, but has definitely thought about bottoming and upon trying it- was not into it. Does not matter if you're much bigger than him or not, he will top you. However, Yuuji is rather submissive when it comes to his partner, he will say yes to whatever it is you want. You want him to be soft and gentle, he'll do it. You want him to absolutely wreck your ability to walk, he'll do it.
The first time Yuuji tried stuff with a guy, he for sure looked up if it would hurt and read that anal could be very painful, was TERRIFIED that he would hurt the guy. Definitely was asking with every movement if he was okay. With you he's more confident, but still askes if you're okay throughout the event.
Man is simple, likes very intimate positions where he can see your face. Heavily into pleasing you, he tries any kinks you're into even if he's not that into it. Loves being praised, it just does something to his brain, in that same line- any sounds you make go straight to his dick. Really enjoys marking, is proud to cover you in them too.
The type of guy to enjoy eating you out, like fully sit on his face. Plus it helps his dick slide in smoother.
Yuuji will lose his mind if you say you want to milk him. Yuuji usually never thinks about his own pleasure, so when you want to pleasure him until he's empty, mans is not readyyyy. Just stutters out an okay and proceeds to go stupid when you start.
Yuuji loves you entirely. Trusts you 100% and would do anything to keep your life stable and happy. Yuuji just wants to grow old with you tbh, so in love with the idea.
If you were to break up with him, he would be devastated, unable to continue on for a long time. I mean he placed his everything into you, why would you do this to him?
all in all, it is a very stable relationship as long as you don't take him for granted because he is prone to letting people use him.
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F. Megumi
Definitely did not care you were male. Megumi cares about a person's mentality, their goals and dreams, the way a person carries themselves. When Megumi met you, he found you quite attractive, your drive is what lured him in and from there his feelings developed.
Megumi is subtle in showing his affection. Little touches here, sticky notes meant just for you, always carrying 'extra' snacks. It actually might take you awhile to notice his affections for you, simply because it is so subtle. Megumi seems like the person to wait until you confess. However. Megumi would confess if he gets pushed to or knows he won't get rejected.
Once he confesses, his love is soft and soothing with a hint of awkwardness. Megumi in the beginning would be showing affection through words and small acts of service, always telling you how much he appreciates you and doing things for you. Some of these things would be things like picking up snacks for you, doing your laundry, leaving you some of his clothes. He likes to do these things without you knowing because I think it lessens the embarrassment he feels doing it.
Even if you are in a long term relationship with him, he always gets flustered by you. Megumi is naturally reserved, so telling him I love you with sincerity will cause him to malfunction. Poor boy freezes and stutters around his words while avoiding eye contact.
Now, physical contact in this relationship is a tell tale sign of how much Megumi trusts you and loves you. Megumi is the type of person to reserve physical touch for someone he completely trusts, so with you, this will let you know his true feelings.
Touch would start with closeness at first, just grazing hands or bumping knees, but would develop into hours of intimate cuddling because he's touched starved. KISSING, oh my lord- his kisses tell you everything he feels. so intense, no matter how soft he kisses you.
if you're a sorcerer, Megumi is the type to go on missions with you, but doesn't complain if he can't go with you. However, worries a lot and contemplates going after you. Unlike Yuuji, who would go to literal war, Megumi trusts your strength a lot. The only time he is like yuuji is against a particularly strong curse. Loves fighting together though, it shows how much you trust him.
Megumi gives me verse energy. Like he was a top for a long time, asked you if he could bottom once and was surprisingly into it. So now when the mood arises, its whatever you guys are in the mood for. You guys often take turns.
His first time was with you- Megumi just seems like a late bloomer and you were the only person he did stuff with. He's very gentle because he knows it can be painful, I think sexually his fear is not being good enough for you, so give him as much reassurance as you can.
Now this boy is rather kinky despite his personality. Loves when you beg, drives him mad to hear your pleas and whimpers. Likes the pain of you needing something to hold onto when he tops which results in scratches down his back and the pulling of his hair. Doesn't think condoms are necessary because you're the only person for him in his eyes- aka likes breeding. When he bottoms, he enjoys riding and wants to see your face as he does. Do not get it twisted though, he's very much into you messing him up and railing him.
SEND THIS BOY NUDES. DO IT. Mans will sprint home if he has to. Don't do it too often or he'll get used to it. Maybe like once every two-ish weeks. Or better yet do it while he's on a mission. Megumi always tries to answer you, so expecting something serious, he short circuits when its just a pic of you in some underwear he thought he ripped the last time you guys were intimate.
Shy boy into some kinky things with his partner. It might take him some time to develop a deep relationship with you because he's scared you'll leave, but as long as you provide him the security he needs, he'll stay by your side indefinitely.
If you were to break up with him, you're just like his dad in his eyes and the betrayal would result in him locking many people out. Unlike Yuuji, who's emotions pour out of him, many wouldn't know Megumi is barely scrapping by.
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G. Satoru
Gojo doesn't give a rats ass how you present yourself, he lives by the motto "a hole's a hole." What truly would make Gojo invest in more than casual hooking up is your personality. Gojo needs someone who doesn't need him and doesn't care about who he is in the sorcerer world. Someone like that would capture his eye rather quick and this man is like "Eh? I'm GOJO SATORU, you know top dog?" and you would just blink and go back to whatever it was you were doing.
Shows off so much trying to impress you. "ne ne (Y/n) did you see me squash that special grade into dust?" *sigh* "Yes Gojo, I also saw you split one into a thousand pieces and turn another into a ball." so unamused by his abilities.
The one time he saw amazement cross your features is when he was playing the piano (I feel Gojo's other talents were never looked at and everyone saw him as this god like being, all he wants is someone to look at other things he can do.) and his heart skipped a beat. Because his first goal was just get into your pants, he was quite surprised you were more interested in his normal talents. This is where he begins showing you his real side, still a teasing man child, but he begins asking you about your interests and seeing what you have in common.
The more he learns, the harder it is for him to find a way not to commit to you. You see Gojo subconsciously looks for a reason to leave, he hates being tied down and is super flighty. Then there's you, ticking all his boxes without even knowing it. There's only been one person to do that.
So he takes a leap and goes for it. He's still scared that he'll get burned like last time, but he's willing to try.
One of the requirements to being with Gojo is you need to be strong in your own right. Gojo is an extremely powerful man with many enemies, so his partner must be able to handle themselves. Being a sorcerer, Gojo would B E G you to go with him on literally every single mission and would throw the biggest tantrum until you say yes. Sometimes when he's being particularly childish, he'll stop fighting the curses to watch you do it. "You can do it (Y/n)-chan, if you win I'll give you kisses." Takes everything in your power not to launch your technique right at him as he sits there with his shit-eating grin.
This man in the beginning of your relationship is immediately extremely handsy. Just all up on you all the time, but little do you know is, this is really a protective measure for when you're out of the house. At home, he's still handsy, but you can just feel how different it is. He'll come and fall asleep on you, stand behind you when you're doing your skincare routine, always following you around the house.
Overtime, you'll become his place to rest when he needs to recharge. You're the only time Gojo gets a break from being at the top. It makes you wonder if he ever truly gets to be normal.
Overall, Gojo's love is deceptively delicate because his personality is quite childish, he uses it as a mask to hide how he's really feeling. So you might think everything is going swimmingly until he ups and leaves you. Once he starts showing you that real side of him, that's when you have him wrapped around your finger.
This man is incredibly horny. His stamina is very high and he's very kinky. Gojo is a dominant verse whore. It doesn't matter if he's taking or giving, he's always in control. Honey you were not first and you might not be the last, this man is very confident in pleasuring you.
Gojo like I said, is incredibly kinky. He enjoys degrading you, overstimulating you until you beg him to stop, he wants to break you and make you only crave him. Seriously, you might want to think about a safe word because this man won't stop until you're not even speaking coherent sentences. In saying that there are somethings that you can try (key word 'try') to do to make him lose his mind. One of those things is a blowjob, his dick is incredibly sensitive in certain areas, so he'll become a mind-numbed mess if you're good enough. Another is softly begging in his ear and saying how he's the only one who makes you feel this way aka call him your god in bed and he'll bust right then and there.
Phone sex. Legit will call you if you guys haven't been together for a few days and all you hear are his whines and groans. "Guess what I'm doing cutie~"
THIS MAN- you're never safe to answer your phone because one time you opened the snap and it was him lazily jacking his dick. You have a small heart attack every time the notif is a snap from Gojo, just praying you can open it in public and 9/10 you can't.
The type of guy to get handsy in public places. Just in your ear like "Baby pleeeeasssseeeee can we fuck in public, I promise you'll still be able to walk when I'm done."
Gojo is a rollercoaster of a relationship that needs it's rider to be okay with a lot of distance for awhile and sudden disappearances. Without the right criteria, the relationship is doomed to fail.
If you were to break up with him, he would immediately sleep with as many people as he can to numb himself from the pain of having a hole ripped right through him. He'd go back to that childish personality, but you can feel the edge in his words despite his tone.
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N. Kento
Nanami gives me 'gave up on the sex of my partner ages ago' energy. Like he has tried relationships with a lot of people and realized all people suck. So you being a man means nothing to him, you just have to prove to him you're not shitty like everyone else.
The type of guy that takes you out on proper dates in the beginning. It's usually dinner because of his job, but sometimes he'll ask you to lunch. Nanami will bring you small gifts like flowers or Knick knacks he thought you'd like.
Nanami likes someone a little younger than himself, probably around 23-24, they still have that idealistic thought process but with realistic foundations. He likes someone who can be serious, but still enjoys things like joyrides or going out bowling.
Nanami is a very uptight guy, so you're going to have to work to get him to relax. When you do, this is when he starts to see you as long time partner rather than someone who is just for fun. Literally goes from stick up his ass, to a big softie that just wants to curl up in bed with you. He'll start smiling more and doing intimate things like bathing together.
Nanami would probably rather have someone outside the sorcerer world so he doesn't have to think about work when he sees you. He wouldn't complain if you were though, gives him a lot less to worry about since he knows you can handle yourself. Doesn't even stress when you go on missions by yourself, he respects your strength.
Now Nanami is moderately kinky. He's definitely a top and will not change. He's into ddlb (dom daddy and little boy for my innocents out there.) Very much into control and making you take it, he's not one for brats and will tame that shit right out of you. Doesn't need a safe word, he's very good at gauging your reactions. Really really into deep throating and you better learn how to breathe or you'll be struggling. Likes breeding, so he would be glad you can't have children.
Nanami’s love is traditional and straight forward. He likes routine to a certain degree and that degree ends at stable relationship, everything else is not that fun without a level of risk to him, but he likes that when he comes home, you'll be right there.
if you were to break up with him, Nanami would sigh and say he told himself so. He's hurt, but it'll solidify that people are still and always will be shitty.
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R. Sukuna
Sukuna does not do love. period. The only way I could see him giving notice to someone is if they are powerful, someone who can bring him amusement. Sukuna only does thing for his own entertainment end of discussion.
I’m going to be using post-Yuuji Sukuna, so he’s restricted by Yuuji himself and can’t outright cause chaos at all times. This way Sukuna has to spend more time with people than he’d like to, normally he would just kill something once he’s bored, but now he has to deal with them.
Noticed your technique through Yuuji and was amused, much like Megumi, he thought your curse technique had a lot of potential to be devastating. As Yuuji spent more time with you, Sukuna began noticed more things about you, like that you cooked better than Yuuji, were extremely versatile in battle with your technique and so on.
The type to notice your attraction to him and act on it. He can’t really do much since he’s in Yuuji’s body, so he’s going to work with what he’s got. Didn’t care if you’re male or female, he just likes a strong partner so he can go harder during sex.
Your relationship would start with being his toy, something to bring him pleasure that is all. With Sukuna, you must both respect him and not fear him. He’s very big on respect and trust, but hates when someone he views as ‘important’ fears him because they’ll betray him the second they can. Everyone else can fear him, he doesn’t care.
Sukuna is also highly unpredictable and unstable, be prepared for death at a moments notice tbh. He’ll kill you if he feels like it. In a deeper relationship, Sukuna is a hard pressed tsundere, saying things quite harshly. Saying things like, “Here brat, I don’t need you breaking just yet.” “Dumbass, that curse was stronger than you.” “I took care of them because you’re weak.”
Trust between Sukuna and you is a game of high stakes chess, one wrong move and you’re nothing but trash to him. However, succeed in earning his trust and you’ll be rewarded with a loyal man. Though Sukuna hates showing vulnerability, so he’ll treat you the same in public places that he would treat anyone else. Alone, he’s alright with whatever as long as it doesn’t annoy him.
Surprisingly protective. He’ll kill curses he deems are a problem to you or rip a person limb from limb if he found a hair missing from your head. Doesn’t understand why you don’t let him handle it, he’s way stronger than you.
Is almost never soft with you unless he’s extremely tired or just waking up. Holding you as close as he can and telling you not to go. Don’t bring it up either, he’ll end you if you tell anyone.
Will never tell you, but likes touching you, you’re very soft compared to him. He’s the type of guy to have callous from years of fight and doesn’t really care about his skin to much because he’s a God in his eyes.
Would rather surrender himself to a church than admit he gets slightly giddy when you remember small details about him. Like this man has a lot of history, so when you know a tiny random detail about him, his non-existent heart shutters a little.
This man is extremely kinky during sex. I pray for your well being because honestly I don’t know if you’re going to live through sex with him. A dom top period, that last person to even insinuate they could top him was added to his innate domain permanently.
He’s into completely dominating you and make sure you know he owns you. B I G into impact play, slapping you a lot until you’re a beautiful red. Degrading and humiliating you, honestly would let people watch so they know that you’re his property.
Actually really likes his partner to be a brat, man loves breaking you and turning you into a submissive bunny just for him. Honestly he just likes pushing people beyond their limits, like really into emotional play, he wants to see your expressions when he does something. Ooo objectification, will use you like a foot stool and sit on you. Man in general will work you hard.
In saying all that, immaculate aftercare because he knows your mind is too far gone to remember him being this caring and soft for you. Literally bathes you and gets you into bed curled up on him. Also makes sure your body didn’t sustain a lot of damage during sex.
Do. Not. Taunt. Sukuna. It will not end well. “Huuuh? You think you can handle more little boy?” Eyes narrowed and smile too tight. You’ve awoken the beast and he’s not going to leave anything unbroken.
Sukuna’s love is... well a bike ride through hell? To be honest you’ll never know if he loves you. Everything about him is highly unpredictable and dangerous, you could end up as worm food in seconds.
Breaking up with Sukuna... you’re joking right? You don’t have the balls to tell a man who could split you into a million pieces with a flick of the wrist, you’re breaking up with him , right?
Seriously he’ll kill you, no hesitation. It’s either realize you’re stuck with him or die. I think most people would assume he never cared at first, but he did care and now you want to leave him? Absolutely not. He set everything down for you and he’ll be damned if he lets you live without him.
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T. Aoi
(First and foremost- why is it so hard to find Toudou headers.)
Okay, I’m sorry but Toudou to me is a straight guy, so I can’t really see him with a male. But, if it were to happen, I think it would go like this:
Being childhood friends with Toudou, you were used to his eccentric personality and sometimes extreme antics.
This man is EXTREMELY comfortable with you. You guys grew up together, so some of the things you guys do together would definitely be seen as way too much for friends. I’m talking sharing the same bed, bathing together, using each other’s things without permission. To you guys, you’ve been doing this since you were little, so neither of you think twice.
I think there would be a trigger that would make Toudou realize he’s more into you than being friends. Like maybe someone flirting with you, he’d at first think he’s being replaced as a friend, but it’s much deeper than that. Definitely debates in his head about what he’s feeling toward you. After going back and forth with his type of girl in his head, he’ll come to terms with it.
This is when he’ll start noticing things he’s never payed that much attention to before. Things like how small you’re compared to him, the way clothes fitted to your body, how pretty you actually were and most important difference- how he’s never noticed you have the fattest ass he’s ever seen.
Seriously this man’s sexuality went from women to women + you.
Toudou isn’t the type to wait either, as soon as he knows how he feels, he confesses. He’s the type of guy to say “take it or leave it, that is how I feel.”
You kinda just stand there. Like, huh? Toudou are you feeling okay? Have- have you been cursed? There’s no way, Toudou middle name pussy pounder Aoi just said he was into you romantically... right?
After the shock, you reciprocated his feelings and began dating.
Now, this man- S U P E R affectionate and devoted. Always wanting to hold hands or link arms. He loves cuddling and playing with your hair while you sleep on him. Puddy in your hands if you give him a massage.
Toudou is immensely dedicated. He knows your favorite foods down to the amount of salt you use on your fries, knows what sizes you prefer for hoodies, shirts, button ups and so on, and this man knows your favorite movies by heart.
He’s the type to buy you something simply because you said it was starting to give you problems.
Lovvvvessss dates. I mean he’s a hopeless romantic, he wants to take you on really cheesy dates that you’d see honeymoon couples go on.
The type to want to match clothing or jewelry.
If you’re a sorcerer, he’s wanting to train everyday, he likes seeing you in action. Double points if you can match him in strength too. He respects your strength enough to not worry about you, he’s confident in his S/o’s abilities.
Top. Enough said. Ok but seriously, he wants to clap you cheeks so bad.
Toudou has the biggest size kink too, I’m talking like he’s the type to point right at your navel and say “I’m right here baby~ can you feel me filling you?”
His definitely into railing. His favorite position is the mating press, allows him to hit deeply and as hard as he wants.
Lovesss when you whine and beg. He wants to see how much you can take before your begging him to let you cum.
The type of guy to leave your ass a nice reddish purple color. Just two big ass hand prints on you ass and hips.
✨i m m a c u l a t e✨ aftercare. It’s almost like he’s worshipping you when he’s cleaning you up and making sure you’re taken care of.
Being with Toudou is like being with an Aries, he’s high energy and can get easily bored. He enjoys someone who excites him both mentally and physically. Loves a challenge. Toudou’s love is like a concentrated ball of sunlight, it’s hot and bright. He’s overly devoted to you and tells you how much you mean to him all the time.
If you break up with him, he’s the type to hold his head high until he’s alone and then he breaks down, crying into his hands. Thinking, “Was I too much?” “Maybe I wasn’t enough?” He’s confident, but he’s still a person with insecurities.
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romiantic · 3 years
𝐚𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐬/𝐨
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this includes eren, levi, armin, connie, and jean
reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
a/n: decided to bring this back while I’m redoing my page so don’t mind
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━ 𝗘𝗿𝗲𝗻 𝗝𝗮𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗿
Y’all would definitely a power couple, the ones that rule the internet
You know those cute ones you find on Pinterest? That would be y’all, definitely De’arra and Ken vibes
Eren would be such a teaser, he would tease you like all the time, and definitely a tickler no matter how many times you tell him to stop
Every time you feel insecure about trying new colors or different hair styles, he’s gonna always convince you to do it
You would literally debate on big chopping your hair and he’ll convince you to go for it cause why? You’ll look beautiful no matter what
I feel his favorite old movie would be boyz in the hood
Randomly, he would scream that “RICKY!!” line like all the time
Eren would definitely let you braid his hair or let you try cute styles you find
Oh and you would do the style on yourself just to match and take pics, POWER COUPLE TINGZ 🥰
Eren would not take wash day seriously for his life 😭 mf would add either too much or too little of deep shampoo or keep splashing water around the shower, meanwhile you’re trying to deep condition your hair
Don’t worry, he’ll apologize after you beat his ass (you barely won though)
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━ 𝗟𝗲𝘃𝗶 𝗔𝗰𝗸𝗲𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗻
Y’all would definitely be one of those rich couples
You know those rich aunties that are living their best life in bora bora while sipping mimosa? That’s y’all
You and Levi would live in like a mid-size mansion or a beautiful penthouse that has a nice view
Y’all bed is nothing but fine black or royal blue silk
All you two both know is Chanel, Dolce and Gabana, Prada, Givenchy, Armani, the list goes on
You two don’t know the broke life, y’all wouldn’t even dare to touch or enter the Gucci store
Only the fanciest restaurants for the fanciest couples
Wash days would turn into a bubble bath with you laying on Levi’s chest and him washing your hair for you while you’re sipping wine and ranting on about anything
I KNOW Levi be giving some bomb ass scalp massages, feel like his fingers were sent from Heaven
Now when it comes to actually getting your hair done, he’s running background checks and doing the utmost to make sure your hair tech isn’t a scam
Let someone talk about his beautiful wife, him AND your security guards are beating their ass
Now if y’all had a kid, WHEW CHILE 🚶🏾‍♀️
I feel like the world would try levi and give him a bad ass baybay kid (hopefully y’all know what I’m talking about 😭) or a prissy kid with his attitude
Either way, the kid is getting their ass whooped from either you or him
Now don’t get me wrong, he would be very overprotective of his kid and only accept THE FINEST for his kid
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━ 𝗔𝗿𝗺𝗶𝗻 𝗔𝗿𝗹𝗲𝗿𝘁
You two would be those cute aesthetic couples, more so on the soft boy/indie vibes
You guys would have picnics dates like allll the time, of course, you don’t mind since this gives the chance to appreciate and learn more about one another
Everyday Armin would give you a fun fact he learned about us black folks, sometimes the fact would even shock you
Armin would definitely be a fan of the Black Panther Party
Wash days would just be him helping you and soft music playing in the background
Armin would take the time to do deep research about our culture
Your family would love him so much, he would always get snatched up by either your baby cousins or aunties every time you bring him to the cookout
Every time you get your hair or nails done, he’s always there next to you, chatting up a storm
The girlies in the salon shoot a glare cause of course they’re mad they didn’t bag a loving boyfriend like Armin
If he’s not there, he’s FaceTiming you or asking for pics in the end
Sometimes he’ll go above and beyond and wear outfits to match your new do and take pics
Every time you’ll feel down or not yourself, he would buy you small gifts like flowers or your favorite food to make it better
If that doesn’t work, he’ll let you sit or lay on his lap and listen to you rant, even if it’s about the most trivial thing
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━ 𝗖𝗼𝗻𝗻𝗶𝗲 𝗦𝗽𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴𝗲𝗿
You two would be those goofy couples that roast each other all the time
You would say a minor thing like his shirt is inside out and he’ll joke about something about you, now y’all going back and forth till one of y’all almost die from laughing
You ever wonder why your bonnets go missing? It’s because of your boyfriend
The mf would walk around the house wearing it likes it’s nothing and misplace it
Until one day you catch him wearing it
You: Connie why are you wearing my bonnet?
Connie: They’re cute and I think I look good with them *insert lightskin face*
You: Boy give me my shit back, no wonder I keep losing them
Your biggest hype man EVER no matter what
You could just be washing the dishes in an oversized t-shirt, shorts, and a bonnet and he’ll hype you up
He just loves seeing your beautiful face 🥰
Now when you get your hair and nails done, he’s definitely showing you off, especially on Instagram
He’s taking multiple pics and multiple stories like a photographer and you’re out here feeling good about yourself
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━ 𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻 𝗞𝗶𝗿𝘀𝗰𝗵𝘁𝗲𝗶𝗻
Y’all would a chill couple, those couples that just mind their business and love each other
Every once in a while you guys would update social media, barely though
You two definitely do y’all skincare routine together and take cute pictures
Super indecisive whenever you ask him what color or hairstyle you should try next
At first, he would be nervous to ask you to help wash your hair but washed over it and decided to ask you, of course, you said yes
Just like Levi, Jean definitely gives one of the best scalp massages EVER
Except his massages would send you to sleep and you’re just laying on his chest, lightly snoring, while his fingers work magic
I feel like he would talk about having a kid of his own a lot. He would be so happy to have a mini mixed him running around (not to the point where he’s fetishizing though)
Dates with him would mostly consist of something chill like visiting an aquarium or staying home and watching movies
Jean would definitely have thousands upon thousands of questions if you were to show him a black movie though (especially a tyler perry one)
At this point, you would have to tell him to write his questions down so he wouldn’t interrupt
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shoutout to anon cause this was my first ever request
decided to bring it back while I’m redoing my page
not to brag but it was my second biggest post also
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐌𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐰 𝟓:𝟔 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
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faghubby · 2 years
Swinging all the way down the slide part 6
I woke to knock on the door. I had slept horrible the tiny cage had woke me several times.
"Come in" I called out
"Your trainer is here" Kevin told me. I just jumped out of bed and saw a pink workout gear sitting on my dresser. I slid on the yoga pants and oversized top. And went downstairs. Where I met Nick. Nick was a typical gym rat guy. Worked out everyday. Nick took me into the home gym. It was huge.
"So we have to work on some key issues. First your ass" he told me.
"I don't want you working your arms or chest at all. We can shrink them down" he had me do squats till my legs burned. I was tired and starving. So when he tried to push me to do more I popped off at him.
"THEN YOU DO THEM" I YELLED. he grabbed me and pulled me over his lap. Pulled down my pants and spanked me.
"You don't yell at me, you don't yell at anyone ever again." He told me. I was crying and wanted to run and hide.
"Now get back to it" he told me
"Yes, sir" I answered
"Good you are learning" my workout took 3 hours. I was exhausted. When I went to shower. Kevin knew I skipped breakfast bought me a smoothie. I gulped it down. It was different but still gross. I showered my nipples where swollen and very sensitive. I looked thru my drawers and closet and realized I had lot more clothes then I had bought yesterday. There was also a whole jewelry box full of things.
I tried to do my makeup. And failed. Kevin walked in didn't knock. He handed me another smoothie and watched as I finished it.
"Can I use the phone" I asked
"To call who" he asked
"Oksana my wife" I answered
"Not this week" he replied. Then had me sit as he fixed my makeup and hair, he spun me in the chair and I was looking straight at his crotch. With out even thinking I reached out and held his cock.
"Go ahead" he said and I unzipped his pants. Pulled out his cock and sucksd it he came in my mouth and I didn't swallow. Instead I waited.
"Show me" he said and I opened my mouth.
"Good girl swallow" he said and waited till I fixed his pants.
"No one asked or told you to do that, you decide all on your own" he pointed out as he left. I put on a sun dress. And went down stairs.
Treasa was home. She was in the library.
"Tracy come here" She said she handed me books on edicate and submitting to a man.
"You should read all of theses" She told me.
"And I set up new social media accounts for you. Keep them current and an Email it's all excusable from the TV in your room. Then she dismissed me. I thought for a second.
"Thank you Ms Tereasa" She smiled a little and I left.
I went back to my room and found the social profiles there where lots of pics of me dressed or bent over. My friends list included my entire family. I had no way of explaining all this to them so I looked at the books. They were all older it was how to treat your husband from the 40s. I started on the first book. Kevin bought me a smoothie for lunch.
"The Doctor is here to see you" he told me as a well dressed man of about 50 entered the room.
"Please disrobe" he stated plainly. Kevin left with the empty glass. I disrobed. And stood naked in front of this man. He inspected all the piercings.
"Any discomfort or swelling ?" He asked
"No sir" I responded
He had me bend over and looked at my ass.
"Any diarrhea or constipation. Your pussy looks like no permanent damage"
"Any issues with your throat? Your voice sounds deep and scratchy" he stated spraying something in my mouth.
I just telling him everything seemed fine.
"I am going to up the hormones" he told me.
"Hormones?" My voice barely a whisper.
"The smoothie" he indicated. I was now panicked over my voice.
"Yes the spray will soften your tone after awhile he handed me the bottle
"Twice a day" he told me. He then gave me a shot in the ass.
"I will be back in a few days" he turned and left. I got dressed. Kevin came in around 4pm
"You are to be ready to go out by 6pm." He told me pulling a pink gown from my closet. I showered and touched up any shaving. Then got dressed. Kevin must have picked everything I found pink lingerie with the dress and shoes as well. I dressed in a pink thong. And demi cup bra with silicone inserts. A garter and stockings. My shoes where 3 inch high. Nothing I wore wasn't pink. Teresa came and fixed my makeup. It was quite heavy. I looked like a hooked. She put a pink collar around my neck that said Antonio's. And led me downstairs.
"Head down and be respectful" She told me as I stood in the hall. Antonio walked in. I curtsied another man followed him in.
"So this is Tracy" he said kissing my cheek. They led me into the Den.
On a table in the center of the room we're dozens of dildos. All big some massive.
"How big can you take Tracy? " the man asked. As Kevin poured them drinks.
"Show us" Antonio said. He unzipped my dress and let it fall to the floor. There was lots of lube. I found the smallest and lots of lube. Pulled my thong to the side and worked it in my ass. As the men watched. Several other men arrived. One picked up a bigger toy and handed it to me. I took it and removed the other working the larger one in. Some watched me others just talked among themselves.
Another man found a much bigger toy and told me to use it.
It was at least a foot long and 2 inches thick. I had barely worked it in when he handed me a thicker toy. Looked around and saw a dozen barely clothed woman taking men out of the room. Or sucking their cocks right in front of everyone. This one skinny man who watched me told me to use a bigger thicker toy.
It was 18 inches long and I could bare fit two hands around it. That sectioned cupped to the table. I tried over and over to get it in. Finally it popped and the tip slid in. I screamed as it did. My knees bucked and even more slid in. My penis flowed like a river into my panties. As now several men watched. The man who kept picking toys stood on the table and dropped his pants he wore no underwear so his cock slapped my face. I grapped it shoved down my throat he wasn't more the 5 and half inches. And he finished quick. He pushed my shoulders down forcing more of the toy in. The pain made me scream yet I needed more. I orgasmed and came as it dripped from my cage. Antonio came and lifted me off of the enormous toy. He pushed his whole hand inside me.
"Now you are broken" he told me. "You are mine forever" I looked up and saw Oksana
"He bought you from me" She told me. "Good bye Tracy"
Antonio shoved his cock in my mouth and I never hesitated I just took it all. And knew I had found my place.
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444tsumu · 3 years
congratulations on 100!!!! i’d like to request for tier 3, what are hanamaki, mattsun, & tsumu like when they’re drunk 🥺💕
INCLUDES hanamaki, matsukawa, and atsumu.
WARNINGS drinking, mentions of underage drinking, sexual tones, nsfw, explicit language
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                     𖥻 HANAMAKI TAKAHIRO !
lmao makki is an idiot drunk
definitely one of those people that attempt to dance
key word is attempt
he’s an absolute embarrassment on the dance floor
he’s still hot though lol
way meaner when he’s drunk
but not mean maliciously
like……flirty mean
will definitely talk to you about how your body should be physically incapable to hold up a head of your size
but then ask if u want some head in the club bathroom like 10 minutes later
like smh makki there’s more to me than my body smh meet me there in ten minutes
prefers light liquor
drunk anthem is itty bitty piggy by nicki lol
he hates to admit it but he’s a lightweight
makes friends with everyone at the bar
definitely offers to buy everyone a shot but doesn’t pay for a single one that isn’t his lmao
thinks oikawa is a pussy for getting blacked out by 3 shots but after 2 he’s already incoherent
doesn’t like to drink a lot bc his brain never remembers shit
“hey makki i can’t believe you stole that street sign last night”
(googling if you can go to jail for removing street sign while heavily intoxicated bc technically he didn’t even know he did it so why should he go to jail for it 🤨)
definitely thinks drinking under the legal age is more fun than drinking after 21
doesn’t condone underage drinking though >:(
honestly just a blast in a glass
a drama queen though
turns into a frat boy with issei when the alcohol really gets into his system
will tie his shirt around his head and be one of those guys
still a sweetheart though at the same time
ily makki come kiss me plz
will make sure everyone else is drinking bc go big or go home
it was his idea to get a matching tattoo with issei
cried on mattsun’s shoulder bc he doesn’t want to stop being his friend
mattsun denies it but he definitely cried too
they never speak of it tho smh
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                         𖥻 MATSUKAWA ISSEI !
he’s such an asshole lmao
you can barely tell when he’s drunk
but once he opens up that big ass mouth???
nvm lmao
a sexual drunk lol
always wants to fuck
not that he isn’t already dtf 24/7 but esp when the liquor gets into his system
a barb through and through
always pregames because he can’t bare the thought of stepping into a club sober
one of those assholes that wear glasses in the club
he likes both dark and light liquor but hates mixed drinks cause he thinks they’re for pussies
not much of a dancer
more of a “i’m gonna stand here and look hot while you dance on me and make me look good” kinda guy
yk the type
if you throw it back though he will catch it
a slut for rap music when he’s drunk
fav alcohol is 1942 bc hello
when he’s shitfaced?
he turns into a fuckinf frat boy for gods sake
shirt is untucked and half on
makki is by his side eating that shit up right with him
hates yelling but will tell everyone to look at his hot ass s/o
if you aren’t there tho he’ll definitely text you a dick pic in the club bathroom lmfao
“hey pricness g et rwady fr me to rip tkay pusay 2nite haha”
definitely a drunk texter
funny as fuck though
and he’s hot so how could you not say yes to that
passes out once he gets back home though and you have to haul his over six foot ass to bed
doesn’t really throw up but will wear his sunglasses and act hungover for a week
remembers everything surprisingly
he’s the one who actually stole the street sign but blamed it on makki lol
him and makki have matching drunk tattoos on the inside of their bottom lips
makki’s says fuck bitches & issei’s says get money
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                              𖥻 ATSUMU MIYA !
a fuckboy off dark liquor and a sweetheart off light liquor
when atsumu gets drunk off light liquor???
he’s a whiny little baby who slurs his words and is very touchy
after like 4 shots he’s calling Samu saying that he loves him with all his heart
(remembers some stuff but coincidently never remembers that 🤨)
will tell random strangers he loves them and will buy random people uber’s home
smh he thinks he has money to blow cause he’s a pro athlete
that results in many drinks for every single girl at the bar
if he has a s/o (that’s where ur beautiful ass comes in)
then he’s yelling at everyone at the club that they could never amount to you
tsumu please stop embarrassing yourself your like 30 years old already
will 100% try to fuck you in the bathroom
tries to make it hot steamy club sex but keeps whispering how he loves you because he’s a pussy lol
dark liquor atsumu is the one that is 100% ready to make you drop on your knees on the dance floor
every single picture of him drunk contains him having his tongue out
god his tongue
i definitely see him as the party animal if the group
his accent sounds even stronger when he’s drunk
it’s hot lmao
will encourage everyone to get as shitfaced as him
definitely one of those people with alcohol courage lol
got into a fight one time bc some guy said he doesn’t like onigiri
after like 3 more shots he cried bc his fist hurt bc of it on the way home
will never tell samu that happened
very protective of his teammates
but once that liquor get in his system he forgets he was supposed to be the most sober one tonight
takes his shirt off once he gets hot
swings it around arrogantly but he’s hot so everyone just deals with it lol
will get a drunk tongue piercing
thinks he regrets it in the morning but is so cocky he leaves it in for a while
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Ok so thots on Bad buddy ep 9
1) Korn my love. My knight in shining armour. My quail in ponytail. My dumbass with sass. My sweetie with a patootie. I love you Korn. And drake 👉🏽👈🏽🥺 pls rail me
2) Ohm sexy guns in navy top makes me wanna squeeze.
3) i would once again like to point out how fuc*in happy pran looks when he's with Pat. How can his "friends" see that and NOT support them together????
4) everyone including me , is pissed off af Pran's group of friends but I'm trying to be patient coz they're at most , 18 years old and we do stupid shit when we're young that we'll come to regret coz of the scale of the stupid when we're older. I hope wai and the rest of them realise how much wrong they were in.
5) i speak from experience but juniors doing fucked up shit coz of their seniors rivalry is real. Like seniors do think they own the place and they do try to keep out some people from their own batchmates' social circles. Some of the things these shows potray are so close to asian college life like 🥲 Take SOTUS for example.
6) When they both said "Not yet" , i guffawed so LOUD at 3.00 in the morning , I'm sure i woke up my friend passed out in the next room.
6) also i thought they were gonna do it this episode , i opened instagram before watching and the black and white pic popped open like ohm staaaaahpppp
7) inkpa endgame bitches.
8) pls i want waikorn to happen and korn to actually ask wai in a very disappointed but not surprised voice "Why did you do that to him? But i guess hurting people who love you comes easy to you doesn't it??" about their own conflicts and then watch the burn of pain flash in Wai's eyes. I wanna see wai suffer .
9) Also please let their first time after a rain soaked walk session 🥺👉🏽👈🏽Imagine young love Patpran wet and running up the stairs 😭😭
10) I'm not talking about the "fruit basket" that is Pran's room. So that also means the bi sweatshit by our darling Korn is also intentional ofc.
11) Did i mention inkpa endgame ???
12) Fuck dem parents .
13) I was sad during that one episode when korn was barely there. I loved every second of him on screen like Yessssss!! Go best friendddd☺️❤️✌🏽
14) like not only wai , Pran's other friends are shits too. I need you all to litter the hate don't just focus it on wai coz these dipshits kept quiet.
15) angry footballer guy from opp team is hot.
16) I've noticed this many times but Ohm is such a fine fine actor. His eyes are capable of looking like a sad puppy and its will squeeze our heart but then he gets angry and then we'll melt into a pile of scared goo at his feet. It's just so so so sexy of him. Such a talent.
17) also , that guy who hurt Pat. Wait till you get found out son. The architecture and engineering gang will prolly leave you at Pran's mercy. And it would be worse for you.
18) someone said imagine pran turning up to the hospital with bruised knuckles abd you know what?? I can also imagine that fu*ker turning up in the icu with a very heavily bandaged head.
19) korn . Korn holding back Pat , wai , pat. Korn sexy , pat sexy. Wai you stupid vitch sit yo ass down.
20) inkpa height difference cuuuuute , also endgame
And side note for P,aof , as much as i like to believe that I'm as cool and suave as pat , I'm actually a smol bean like Pran and i got fuckin scared to death when those Engineering idiots said Pat's serious i almost started to cryyyy😭😭😭😭 Don't scare me like that 😭
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chrisevansszn · 3 years
Valleys and Mountains Pt 2.🏔
1.5k words
Link to Part 1!
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What to do? You love Chris, but you don’t think he can correct this. An affair for an entire three months. How did you miss all the signs? You have sex with him a few times a week, you tried to be the best wife you could…how did your marriage get here?
“Chris & Y/N, thank you for coming in today. This is a place where you can express exactly how you feel. Now, who wants to go first?”
“I will.”, Chris said. “I think a divorce is the best option.”
Your head swiveled so fast in his direction. The nerve of that son of that bitch! The doctor saw my face and had to take control.
“Ok Chris. You said that very quickly and without hesitation. Are there any other steps before we pull the plug on this marriage?”
Chris rubs his beard aggressively. You turn your body forward and stare out of the window in front of you. It’s raining cats and dogs outside. You stand up.
Chris and the therapist look at you.
“I need a minute please.” You walk out of the room and down the hall. You just needed out for fresh air. Therapy was the worst decision you ever made. You could hear footsteps coming down the hall; you turn around to see Dr. Grant.
“Are you ok.”
You took a deep breath.
“Yes, I am ready to continue.” You walk about to the room with Dr. Grant.
Chris didn’t even look your way. You guys have a mountain to climb.  
“Ok now. Chris you said you thought that divorce was the best option right now. Can you elaborate on that?”
“Sure. Yes, I fucked up big time. I cheated, but I vowed to put my marriage first because I realized that I made the worst fucking mistake on Earth. Then to find out that my WIFE wanted to get even and decided to go out and fuck some bum ass dude!”
You turn to Chris. “Sounds like we are even to me.”
If looks could kill, you would be a dead woman.
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Ok yes, you did cheat on Chris after finding out about his affair, but he started it.
You were out shopping at the mall when a man approached you.  He was tall, about 6ft 3in, nicely tailored suit, and smelled excellent. His said his name was Jason and he owned business building homes. Very impressive. You chatted with him for a few minutes. He had to see you wedding ring. He asked to exchange numbers but that was too much for you. You put his number in your phone and said you will be in touch.
Maybe…maybe not.
You went a couple of days thinking about Jason, but you were so scared to reach out. You and Chris were in separate rooms and are avoiding each other as much as possible. He knew you needed sometime to yourself. After a couple of weeks, you send Jason a text message.
“Hi Jason. This is Y/N the lady from the mall from a couple of weeks ago.”
He responded very quickly.
“Ms. Y/N. I didn’t think you would reach out to me. I’m very happy you did!”
OK…that was nice. You two continued to text well into the night. Asking each other questions and getting to know each other. You finally looked at your clock and it was 2:17 a.m. You text Jason goodnight. You knew you were playing with fire, but you wanted more.
The next morning you woke up to a good morning text from Jason. Well, alrighty then!
You were in your bathroom getting dressed when you heard a knock at the door. It was Chris. He had such a pathetic look on this face. The cheating absolutely hurt you but him telling the girl that he was going to leave you for her….that’s what hurts the most.
You stand up straight and look at Chris.
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“Can we sit and talk tonight?”
You take a deep breath.
“What are we discussing?”
“Us. I am a mess without you. I can’t sleep, I’m barely eating, and I just want to lay next to you and hold you.”
“That last part isn’t happening. We can discuss tonight.”
He nodded his head and walked out. You picked up your phone and sent a good morning text back to Jason. You finished getting dressed and headed out for work. The day went by super-fast, maybe because you were texting Jason the entire day.
You made it home dreading to hear what Chris possible has to say. You got out of the car and grabbed your things and walked inside. It smelled really good. Did Chris cook? You turned the corner to the kitchen. Chris is standing there in your apron. You shook your head and giggled, not too hard though.
“Welcome home.”
“Thank you.”
You set your things in a kitchen chair.
Chris made some shrimp pasta, a garden salad, and garlic bread. It wasn’t too bad. He really can’t cook. He made you a plate and pour you both a glass of wine. This is the first time you have been face to face with Chris in about 3 weeks. It was extremely awkward. You both eat in silence for a few seconds.
Chris sat his fork down and sat up.
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“YN, I know I have fucked up really bad. I can’t express how embarrassed I am that you have to go through this, how sorry I am for stepping out of our marriage, and how stupid I realize I am for what I’ve done.  I am willing to do any and everything that you ask of me to make you love and trust me again. I’m very serious.”
You drink from your wine glass.
“Is that so? Anything?”
“Anything baby, I promise.”
“I want to meet her and ask any question I want to.”
Chris turned pale in two seconds.
“You want to meet her?”, He could barely get it out.
Fuck no, you didn’t!!
“Is that a problem?”
“Y/N please. I just want move forward.”
“Clearly you didn’t mean ANYTHING.”
Chris put his face in his hands. Finally, he looked up.
“No. That is giving her power.”
You took another sip of wine.
“You know what. I had no plans on actually meeting the girl. It was a test to see how far you would go with “anything”. Dinner was good.”
“Why are you playing games?”
“Me…playing games?”, you laughed.
You then stood up, guzzled your wine, and headed to your bedroom. WHAT A JOKE! You ran yourself a bubble bath and put on some relaxing music. You floated away into a head space far from reality…..that included Jason. You pick up your phone and sent a flirty text.
You two went back and forth sending text and then you went for it.
“Can I see you tonight?”
He stops replying! Oh my God!
“Sure. Where?”
Whew thank goodness! You decided on a park that’s far from your home. You got out and decide to take even further by sending him a nude pic. Now, there is no turning back!  
You threw on some yoga’s and a top and took off your wedding ring. You didn’t want to make a scene leaving the house. You grabbed your keys and wallet and walked out the door. Chris was sitting on the porch having a beer.
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You looked over at him.
“I will be right back.”
He nodded.
You jumped in your car and headed to the park. Jason was already there when you pulled up sitting in his truck. You got out of your car and got in his truck. You gave him a tight hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Hi beautiful.”
“Hi. How are you?”
“Better now.”
You instantly leaned in for a kiss.
“Oh, it’s like that?”
“Very much so.”
You and Jason made out for a few minutes and then you climbed on top of him in the driver seat. You begin gyrating on this dick and you felt it grow. Is that what you want to do? If you do this….you aren’t any better than Chris.
Jason took out a condom and held it up. He gave you “are you sure?” look. You took the condom out of his hands and opened it. Jason sat up and slid his pants down, and then you took your pants off. You put the condom on Jason and sat down on his dick nice and slow.
There is no going back now!
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