#and i looked at the blank page and went @-@ no this is embarassing
cerealmonster15 · 1 year
u ever get that like emotional paralysis of doing things Only For Fun but ur like Fearing Ur Own Potential Cringe despite being in the privacy of ur own home and no one’s even seeing what ur up to
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arosesstorm · 2 years
love elixir -Stiles Stilinski 
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Words count: 1k or so                     reader! x stiles stilinski
Warning: none, just fluff!!
summary: Stiles drank a love potion and it's your job now to take care of him.
English is not my first language, enjoy-
@faithiegirl01 ahhhh hope you love this -----
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As usual Stiles' hands were traveling to places they were forbidden to go: as he carefully made sure to touch every little bottle full of flowers or herbs; he was sure they were of good use even though he knew absolutely nothing about them.
He was carefully reading something Deaton had written on the paper, something about wolfsbane when he felt his throat dry.
With the corner of his eye he caught glimpse of a bottle that seemed half empty: he reasoned Deaton wouldn't have minded if he took a sip, so he did, while his eyes never left the newfound informations written on the page.
Wolfsbane was also used as a- wait.
Was also used as a love- A love elixir?! his eyes instantly glued to the bottle he was holding.
and there it was, hidden behind what looked like a blank label, the unmistakable violet color.
"oh god" he started panicking, "oh god".
He was pacing back and forth now, hands in his hair as he let out a sigh.
"I'm gonna die" he proclaimed as Deaton finally entered the room, way too calm for the teenage boy.
"Stiles? What happened?" he asked.
The boy was on the man in an instant, "I drank it".
"What?" Deaton looked rather confused.
The boy hold the bottle, handing it to the man as he was panting, his forehead sweaty, "I drank it" he complained.
It didn't shock the man though as his lips left a little chuckle.
"Alright" he said, taking his wrist in view "this should take about a couple of minutes" he explained as he checked his watch.
Stiles was clearly lost, "a couple of minutes? for what?"
"Hey" a voice came to their left, "I'm here Stiles, What'd you need?"
"Poor thing" Deaton laughed towards the boy and that was the moment Stiles knew he was screwed.
The secret he had kept for the longest of time, was about to get exposed.
"Hey beautiful" he replied, as a hand went to cover his mouth.
what the f-
Y/N laughed, rather confused, but she let it slide.
"I'm sorry" the boy took a step forward, "what I mean to say is that you are the most beautiful human being I have ever seen"
Again, he stopped in his tracks, dead with embarassement.
He laughed nervously as Y/N held a laugh.
Looking half way towards Deaton Stiles mumbled "what is happening!"
The man sighed, taking a step forward, "Good thing kid, you're not gonna be able to control yourself for a bit"
His eyes found Y/N's "I guess this is your problem now"
"what? what are you talking about? what's wrong with Stiles?"
"Hugh" the boy scoffed, behaving like a child "I just want to be close to you!" he whined, stepping forward and wrapping the girl in a rather tight hug.
This time Y/N was just frozen, her eyes lost as the man got the boy away from her.
"This boy here drank a love potion I was making for a study" he sighed again, half annoyed, half amused "I guess he likes you, that's why he's your problem now"
Y/N scoffed, her heart fluttering for the shortest bit "yeah sure, just take him back".
"I'm afraid I can't dear, we'll have to wait until the potion takes off"
"What?! How long?"
"Normally takes a day or two"
Y/N puffed, turning on her heels.
"wait! love! wait for me!"
Oh yes, that was her problem now.
One thing was bearing the pain of seeing him everyday and not being able to touch him, to be with him, another thing was having him all lovely towards her but knowing it was all an act, all a stupid accident.
"Okay, I think we better get you home" she said, as the boy's hand slipped in hers, holding tight.
"whatever you want love"
"okay new rule: let's quit that word for the day, alright?"
Stiles hummed, smiling lovely as he took the girls' hand to his mouth, kissing softly.
"i want to kiss you so bad" he confessed.
"okay! and that's our clue to go!" she broke the contact, jumping on his jeep as the boy followed closely.
"oh god! I don't think it's human" he scoffed.
"you're growing prettier by the minute!"
"oh god just drive!"
The ride towards the stilinski household was unbearable, Stiles had been throwing lines at her every two seconds and when she didn't respond he felt the need to be touchy, holding her hand, squeezing her thigh from time to time and looking at her for way too much when you're driving a car.
But worst of all, was she enjoyed every moment of it.
Tt was terribly wrong of her, but every time she felt the boy attention on her, her cheeks started to heat up and a smile grow on her face.
He was lovely.
When they pulled on the porch, he made sure to open the door for her, and when they walked to the house his hand was firmly holding hers.
As the door opened, Mr. stilinski looked their way, he was on the kitchen table arranging some papers.
"Guys, you're back"
"dad" he giggled sheepishly "have you ever noticed what an incredible woman this girl is?"
Y/N smiled embarrassed as she pushed the boy towards his room, smiling apologetically to his father.
"she's so intelligent and fierce, she's never scared and she's so kind, really the kindest.." Stiles kept on talking as Mr stilinski eyed the girl: "do I wanna know?"
she shook her head frenetically as the man sighed, "g'night" and with that he was back to his papers again, reading and picturing how everything went that way.
As soon as the door locked behind their shoulders, Y/N let a breath she didn't know she was holding.
"Finally" she mumbled, trying to turn around, before two long arms captured her.
"You smell so good" he breathed in her ear, his arms holding her close as she felt like dying.
"Stiles please-" she broke the hug facing the guy.
She was exhausted, really.
The boy was looking at her in a way she knew very well, even though it was the first time she actually realized how he was looking at her.
She took a deep breath.
Stiles' eyes jumping with fear as his hands cupped her cheeks stroking softly.
Y/N was mesmerized, he was there and he was holding her and nothing and I mean nothing ever felt so right in her entire life.
She adored him to the point she wanted to cry.
Releasing a soft breath, Stiles came closer, killing the distance between the two, his lips only inches away from hers as she closed her eyes.
But the feeling never came, as the boy dwelled on his actions, moving away.
She felt herself pout as the boy patted his bed.
"Stay with me tonight?"
That night was the hardest of Y/N's life.
She had slept with the boy before, they had fallen asleep in the strangest positions searching for cases all night long; but never in a million years she had dreamed of finding herself completely surrounded by the boy's perfume.
He was everywhere: in her nose, in her eyes, on her lips the fantom of a missed kiss.
Their nose touching as he fell asleep beside her, securing her in his arms.
She kept on tracing his face with her eyes, his eyebrows, relaxed, he was at ease, his little nose, his soft lips, the way he was softly breathing, how his chest would come up and down slowly, painfully.
She was devastated the least; not that it was easy being the closest of friend to the boy you had fallen in love with, but at least before all this mess she didn't know.
She had no idea he would be this sweet and caring and the way they rested together was something so natural she wondered how she had slept all this nights without him by her side.
That's how she fell asleep, wondering how it was going to end, how she was gonna be able to face the boy and her feelings when the elisir's touch was gone.
As a ray of sunlight hit her face, she felt a groan in her ears.
Slowly opening her eyes, she got a glimpse of a sleepy Stiles stretching himself as he positioned himself closer to the girl, his arms never leaving the body.
That was, when he opened his eyes, a sudden flash of worry crossed his pupils and he quickly stepped back.
She was fully awake now, as she rubbed her eyes.
"Stiles" she muttered.
"Oh my god Y/N!" he was pacing back and forth into his room.
"I'm so sorry you have no idea" he breathed.
"Oh god" he suddenly stopped "was it that bad?" he asked and the girl laughed.
He knew then he never had heard nothing so angelic before.
"it was, oh my god it was" he kept on mumbling.
"hey" she got up, getting closer to the panicked kid.
"it's not that big of a deal Stiles" she caressed his arm "it's fine" she smiled.
A moment of silence crossed the two.
He was looking at her, then her lips, her eyes, her lips again and there he was, removing the distance, crushing his lips onto hers.
It was quick and chaste, but it felt like breathing for the first time in a decade.
He slowly stepped back, "I'm so sorry" he breathed.
Y/N was speechless.
"You didnt want to, I'm sorry" he said, falling onto his bad as he hid his head in his hands.
"I almost died stopping from kissing you yesterday and now that this thing is over I did, I'm sorry"
"what?" she finally moved, sitting close to the boy.
"what do you mean? you wanted to?" she asked.
The boy emerged from his knees, looking confused.
"Of course" he breathed looking at her.
"why?" she asked, genuinely confused.
The boy almost laughed, "Y/N I've been in love with you for the longest of time, I thought I made it very clear yesterday"
"But...I thougt it was the elixir"
"it was me drinking it, it was me feeling it"
She needed no more, as she closed the space again, kissing him, adoring him; honey dripping from their lips as the kiss deepened.
They were in love and nothing, not even a love potion could change that.
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© 2023 of Mia (arosesstorm). All Rights Reserved.
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blxetsi · 3 years
Hi there! I love your work!! So I know this sounds a little niche but, could we get headcanons for a reader in a polyamorous relationship with Hange and Miche please? Hope you’re having a really good day!
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hange and mike dating headcanons (canonverse)
zoë hange x gn!reader x mike zacharias
warnings: polyamorous relationship, and titans ??, reader is kinda innocent ?? like just easily wound up
also this is going to be SO fucking long and focused on hange for the first long bit sorry !
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btw this isnt rlly dating headcanons so much as backstory, how you met, and shit leading up to actually getting together i went so fucking overboard and went the complete opposite way of what you asked ill do a part two with ACTUAL dating headcanons if youd like anon just tell me and ill do it
- i think you wouldve worked for garrison originally
- in season one when hange started the experiments on sawney and bean thats when you would've met them
- you had been a big fan of their research studies for a while, so being in front of someone you thought was so cool was a little nerve wracking
- you had just became newly appointed as a captain for a garrison squad, being one of the youngest recruits to get the position, which also meant some people thought you couldnt handle the job
- you were good at telling others what to do, and guiding them when needed, you took over the leader role very quickly, you had to if you wanted to keep the position
- although you thought you were a good leader, others didnt
- specifically older members of garrison who thought because you were so young, youd be naive
- and since you were a garrison captain, you worked closely with hange and moblit during their experiments
- any request they made for supplies or anything, went through you and youd get it for them
- they needed more help ? youre requesting three soldiers to the experimentation zone immediately. anything they needed you helped with, because you liked helping
- hange had quickly grown fond of you, they were so thankful that you were so willingly to have your squad help them. you remember the brunette grabbing your hand and saying "thank you for your dedication to this project and to science !" while bowing multiple times
- as unsanitary and childish as it was,,, you didnt wash that hand for a day
- hange saw how some members of your squad treated you, and it may have irked them a bit
- causing them to rant to moblit while writing down research data
- "hange." "i just dont get it, why dont they say anything ? theyre so nice so why dont people respect them like they should-" "hange !" "what ?!" "youre writing down captain l/n's name on your page !" "so what ?!- wait what" this causes a night of bickering between the two of them 😐🤚
- when sawney and bean died hange was devastated. you had grown to like the section commander as a friend and respected them greatly, so to see their hardwork and research all go down the drain was hard
- you immediately went into leader mode and started ordering your squad around "listen up ! i want this whole perimeter checked and searched for any evidence to help us find out who did this." a couple members groaned, and one man, who was in his early thirties made a comment about it. "theyre just stupid fucking titans. we're supposed to kill them, not keep them alive for some freak to experiment on them."
- yknow,, looking back on it maybe you shouldnt have went off on them the way you did, but you did because not only was the man questioning your authority and orders, he was blatantly disrespecting a section commander. "i am your captain. i am your leader. you will respect me, and you will listen to me. you either do i say or youll be suspended and taken off my squad immediately. and that goes for everyone ! do i make myself clear ?" you shouted. the man who had talked back raised his eyebrows, youd never once yelled or demanded things be done in a manner like this, and it clearly shocked him when you stood up for yourself.
- a bunch of murmurs came from your squad and you dismissed them, but not before stepping in front of your soldier in front of everyone. "between you and me ? you should be discharged for not only your blatant disrespect and defiance to me for months now, but also for your innapropriate and degrading comments about section commander hange. you wanna pull some shit like this in the future, not just to me but to anybody ? you should kiss your position in garrison squad goodbye, since youre too childish to keep your thoughts and opinions to yourself. now grow the fuck up and go do what ive asked please." the man looked scared as he stared at you, no one had seen you act like this before, his jaw clenched as he nodded and walked off, the rest of your squad dispersing with him
- you didnt notice hange calling your name until you felt their hand on your shoulder. you turned around and saw their sympathetic gaze on you. "thank you for defending me. are you okay ?"
- you rubbed the back of your neck and answered. "honestly ? i feel kind of bad, like i embarassed him or something." the survey corps leader tilted their head back as they laughed. "youre so kind y/n, but im proud of you." the comment, although lighthearted, struck a cord with you
- a couple days later you were requested to meet with not only the section commander but commander smith, as well as your superior, dot pixis
- the meeting only lasted about thirty minutes, but hange had boasted about not only your leadership skills but also your knowledge and ideas on various sciences. erwin decided to offer you a position to work under hange, and dot pixis agreed to have you transferred to the survey corps if you agreed.
- did your decision have to do with your crush on hange ? maybe. would you ever admit it ? no.
- pixis explained to you that youd be honorably disharged from the garrison regiment before being moved to the scouts' headquarters in trost
- you surprisingly got along well with others there. working in hanges squad was fun, and even though you were demoted from a captain back to a cadet you didnt mind
- hange had offered to share as much knowledge as they could with you, which led you to be in their office (as messy as it was) after work hours
- and thats where you met mike
- well, got to know him
- hange introduced you two when you first joined and the first thing the section commander did was NOT shake the hand you held out for him but to lean down and sniff around your hair and neck
- your face felt hot as you stuttered over your words, thrown off by his,,, unique, greeting
- hange and laughed and lightly pushed him away, before explaining to you that thats just what mike did
- back to being in hanges office
- for nights on end youd stay up together in their office, two chairs huddled beside one another while you read through books of research, not just from hange but from published scientists and anthropologists too
- mike had started joining you two only three days after you and hange started
- he would stay quiet, but would sit next to hange making them be sandwiched by the two of you
- after that you started to notice him more often
- down the halls he'd send you a small smile, which you brightly returned
- sometimes he'd be in charge of training that day, and he would wordlessly help you position your arms to properly block or punch when sparring with other members
- then he started bringing tea when he would come and listen to you and hange discuss different theories, articles and information together
- you didnt even know the two were dating until you accidentally walked in on them in hange's office
- they werent doing anything dirty, just giving each other a kiss, but you had walked in on them with a stack of papers captain levi told you to give to hange.
- you kinda,, stood there, slackjawed, while the two pulled apart slowly to look at you. hange had a mischievous grin on their face while mike just gave you a blank stare
- you dropped the papers. the stack of documents levi tasked you to give to hange. you dropped them. How Embarassing.
- your face began to feel hot not just from seeing them but also because youre embarassing yourself by dropping the papers and just standing there like an IDIOT
- "uh,,, i- captain levi said to give you those documents you requested." your voice cracked at the end making you wince
- "you mean the documents that are spread out on my floor now ?" hange asked. you looked between them and the floor, then at mike, then back to the floor than back at hange. "yes." you said, and you could feel that warmth in your face spreading to your ears now too. "im sorry." you exclaimed, your voice sounding strained as you quickly walked backwords and closed the door in front of you
- you started avoiding hange and mike after that, and became hyper aware of everything that they did. they were TAUNTING YOU 🙄 you could feel it
- instead of small smiles in the halls, after you started ducking your head down when you saw mike, he would now give you head pats when you crossed him
- hange would let their hand linger on your shoulder or side as they shuffled past you during meetings or experiments, and would come closer than usual when handing you documents
- mike would give you teasing smiles when you got your ass handed to you during sparring
- and finally you were fed up ! did this count as workplace harassment ? you didnt know but you wanted answers ! so you went to the source, hange's room after dinner
- you didnt bother knocking, you just walked in with your eyes closed
- hange giggled, "what are you doing y/n ?" "making sure im not walking into something i shouldnt be seeing, section commander." "by that do you mean the kiss mike and i shared ?" "yes." "well we're not kissing right now." they said, and you peaked one eye open to be sure they werent lying, and they werent !
mike stood up from his chair and slowly made his way past you, closing the door. you took a deep breath before throwing all of your word vomit on blond and brunette duo. "so i dont know why you guys think teasing me like this is fun, but it isnt. it makes me flustered and nervous and feel weird and im not sure if it counts as abuse of power but i dont like it so it needs to stop." you huffed in a big breath of air after saying all of that, and hange rested their head in their hands.
"y/n do you have a crush on me ?" they asked. their voice was soft but they still had that stupid smile on their face. you could feel your face getting warmer by the second. your mouth opened and closed but no words came out.
" i uh, im gonna leave now." you turned around but hit something hard, and looked up at mike looking down on you, a smirk on his face. he put his hands on your shoulders and turned you back around to hange, walking the two of you over to their desk. he gave you a slight push, causing you to put your hands on the desk and lean on it, while mike kept his hands on you to keep you from running.
hange leaned into you, your noses barely touching. "i only ask because, mike and i have grown very fond of you." they said. you nodded a little bit, the tips of your noses brushing against each other.
"yeah well, id be a little sad if my superiors didnt like me, that would be kind of bad." you replied.
"can i kiss you ?" they asked.
and now is when your brain really stops functioning. thoughts fill your mind of mike and his relationship to hange. are they actually together or is it a friends with benefits kind of thing ?
"i uh, i cant kiss you." you replied, a bit breathlessly caused by both section commanders.
"why not y/n ?"
"well i'm not a cheater, or a homewrecker. i mean i assume that you and mike are together so, im not going to kiss someone in a relationship." you stammered out. this was making you very nervous, butterflies errupting in your stomach. you knew they were just teasing you, goofing around to make you flustered, but a part of you hoped youd be able to kiss hange, and maybe mike for that matter.
they chuckled a bit, before their brown eyes looking behind you to mike's towering form. "honey, can you tell y/n its okay if they kiss me ?" they asked. mike let out a small laugh through his nose before leaning down.
"only if y/n promises to give me a kiss afterwards." he whispered. he pressed a faint kiss to your temple, and you shivered from the contact. he was warm, very warm, and even though it was such a small amount of contact it did so many things to you.
you gulped before bringing your eyes back to hange. you looked to their eyes, and then to their lips, and continued that pattern silently in hopes theyd understand. you didnt want to be teased anymore ! you wanted something to happen.
hange got the hint and smirked, before leaning in again and lightly brushing her lips against yours. theirs were soft compared to mikes chapped ones, and the kiss was so slow, so innocent, it had you leaning in for more. it was a slow, lazy kiss, a kiss to test the waters, it helped calm your nerves, but also made your nerved explode with heat.
finally the researched pulled away, and put their hands on your cheeks, squishing them to pucker your lips, before giving a kiss to your forehead, nose and lips one last time. they let go with a soft smile on their face, and a blush of their own.
you could feel mike press his body down against yours, making your knees buckle slightly. he took his right hand off your shoulder to place it on hange's cheek, thumbing over the red pigmentation. he then turned your head up and to the side, before giving you a kiss of his own. this one was a bit more dominating, hard. his chapped lips scratched against your own but you didnt mind. in a weird way it made you feel at ease, having him take control of it, the same way hange did but his was just more, needy.
he pulled back with a shaky breath and looked at you before looking at hange. "so y/n," hange began. they stood up and made their way around the table, mike pulling himself and you up straight so hange could sit on the edge, pulling you in to stand between their legs. being sandwiched in between mike and hange made you so aware of them, and even though you were very new to something like this you felt weirdly safe and secure. "mike and i genuinely care about you, and we want to be with you the way that we're with each other. would you like that ?"
honestly, how could you say no ?
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thats it again im sorry the anon who requested this you did not get what you asked for 😭😭😭😭 hope u all enjoyed requests r open stay safe
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knightyoomyoui · 2 years
SaiDa (Sana x Dahyun)- “Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow”
A/N: Oh, this one had me up in tears. Better get some tissues ready if yall want.
Dahyun went upstairs for a while to do one of her housechores for today. She went to her room, along with some broom and dustpan with her as she is about to clean her room.
She started cleaning. Fixing her bed, sweeping some bits of dust on the floor, changing the curtain in her window and disposing some things that she doesn't need anymore.
After she opened the cabinet, aside from her nice line-up of clothes and accessories. there was something that caught her eyes the most.
Always has been whenever she visits her closet.
It was a picture album laid just at the side next to the shoeboxes.
She picked it up and it brought it with her as she sits in the bed.
She looked at the title of the book that was written flawlessly by her princess through a calligraphy style.
"Sana & Dahyun's Album Of Memories"
The book was opened, revealing a blank page first. Dahyun flipped it fast because she doesn't even have to see anything in there.
There, the second page has been revealed to her. It contains, two pictures... but the first one made her smile more.
It was her first picture with this Japanese woman she fell in love with. Her name's Minatozaki Sana.
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It was so happy back then that it made her reminisce that memory she had with the woman that captured her heart since Day 1.
Dahyun was just sitting in front of a cafe as she just finished drinking her ordered Iced Chocolate Coffee which was her favorite flavor. She was just relaxing her mind after thinking too much of words to place in her own composed song when she furrowed her eyes at something that made her really curious about.
She saw this girl that is walking while switching her gaze back and forth as if she's finding something. Based on her facial expression, it was mixed of irritation and nervousness.
Dahyun then decided to stand up from her seat, wearing her backpack again and finally left the cafe to approach the troubled woman.
"Excuse me, miss?", Dahyun poked her shoulder that caused the woman to turn her head around.
"H-hi.", the woman greeted, slightly embarassed at the pale skinned stranger in front of her.
"May I ask if there's anything wrong?", Dahyun asked her which you can hear some worriedness in it even if she never even know this woman. "I already saw you going back here for like, 3 times now?", she pointed her index finger from left to right.
"Yeah... I'm lost.", the woman scratched her nape, sighing heavily at how frustrating it is.
"Just like I figured out."
"Sorry, I don't know the directions around here.", the woman chuckled shyly. Dahyun found it cute, just like how she looks. It matched perfectly, she thought.
"So you're not from around here huh?", Dahyun asked her with an interested smile.
"Oh. Let me help you then. I mean it's your choice if you want to.", Dahyun offer the woman, adding it with something to lessen how she hurriedly said it to her that might made her surprised. "Trust me, I'm just a music girl who doesn't have an intention to do anything bad to you. Well honestly I can't, I'm too innocent for that. It might not look like it but I assure you, it is.", Dahyun said as she tapped her covered guitar. Her joke earned a small laugh from the woman and that made Dahyun blush as finds out how easy this woman is to appreciate small things.
"Oh well then I guess I'll be really need some right now.", the woman nodded. "I'm actually getting scared a bit.", she expressed it by wrapping herself with her arms.
"So where do you wanna go?"
"There's my car, let's go.", then she went ahead first and the woman just followed her from behind. They went inside, with Dahyun escorting the girl by opening the door for her.
Dahyun started to drive away, placing her bag and guitar at the passenger's seat.
"What country are you from?", Dahyun initiated a conversation to lessen the awkwardness.
"Japan.", she answered.
"Woah, you're Japanese?", that made Dahyun gasp in awe. The Japanese woman beside her just smiled at this good samaritan who finds her nationality amazing. " Cool. I haven't met one not until today."
"Really?", the Japanese woman was shocked.
"Yeah. I mean, ofcourse there could be also some Japanese around here but I just don't have a chance to meet one.", Dahyun said. She rotated the steering wheel counter clockwise to make a turn. "When it comes to the foreigner one though, I met one already. She's my friend from Taiwan.", she said proudly.
"Actually I also have my friends here from Japan.", the Japanese woman also shared.
"Where are they?", she asked, side-eyeing the foreigner.
" Home. We live in an apartment together. I actually went out alone because I wanted to explore Korea more but I guess my lack of understanding directions victimized me again so... here I am.", the Japanese woman said, scratching her nape for being embarassed at what she did.
"What about them?"
"My friend Momo went here last year so she knows something around here already." the Japanese woman kinda bragged about her friend.
"Oh. You should ask help for them next time.", Dahyun advised her.  "If I didn't noticed you, there might be a possibility that something bad might happen to you. It's nighttime too. Creeps and punks are around.", Dahyun relaxed her shoulders.
"I know. I'm sorry.", Sana said, lowering her head. She feels bad because her actions even caused a stranger to scold her at how dangerous situation she could've been into.
"It's fine, atleast you learned your lesson. My pleasure to help, anyways.", Dahyun gave her an assuring smile. She just thought she needs to do it because maybe she even made the foreigner sad.
"Wait, where are you guys staying again?", Dahyun asked, looking at the green light from the traffic lights while waiting for the people to cross the street thru pedestrian lane.
"At Gangdong-gu", after the Japanese said that, Dahyun had her eyes raised in surprise.
"Oh wait, I'm just at the next street with you guys.", Dahyun faced her, the look of disbelief is in her face. She never thought that this woman right here is actually her new neighbor who lives near from her.
"Interesting.", the Japanese exclaimed in a way like she just said.
After taking a last turn, Dahyun is now driving at the street she's familiar in. The Japanese was pointing her the apartment she's staying and Dahyun stopped her car in front of it.
"Here you go."
"Thank you so much uhh....", she was about to finish her words but her face went awkward because she doesn't know what to call on this kind-hearted stranger. Until the latter did it's own move to introduce herself to the Japanese.
"Dahyun. Kim Dahyun. You?"
"Sana. Minatozaki Sana.", the Japanese revealed her name. Both of them had a handshake but it was not only their hands ahich are contact to one another... but their hearts too.
Dahyun thought that Sana is very beautiful. She's trying not to be very obvious but she can't help but to take a look. It's like she got enchanted by the magic of her looks.
Sana thinks the same too as she thought that Dahyun's beauty is pretty unique. She never saw in person a girl like her who is very white yet she still managed to add it with her alluring yet adorable face.
There, the two of them secretly got interested at each other, taking a note of their name through their minds.
"That's a long name.", both of them laughed at the hilarious truth also knew by Sana. "Well... uhh since we just live close to each other, can I... get your number? Just so you know, we can get to know about each other more.", Dahyun asked shyly after pulling out her phone from her pocket. She did this because she doesn't want this as the only day they will the two of them interact personally.
Fortunately, Sana was just too warmhearted and she's looking forward too for her and Dahyun's meet up again so she accepted it. The two then exchanged numbers, typing it and saving it at their contacts. "If you say so. Sure."
"Nice to meet you, Sana.", Dahyun gratefully said, flashing a smile while nodding at Sana. "Guess I'll be leaving then.", she backpointed her car using her thumb.
"You too, Dahyun. Thank you again!", she waved her hands as she watches Dahyun start again the engine of her car.
"Appreciated. Don't be alone next time!", she pointed at Sana for one last time as if he's giving her a final warning. The latter just hummed and Dahyun took it as an answer that Sana understood what he's saying. She finally stepped on the accelerator, finally rolling again on the car.
" Ehem. What was that?", Sana's fellow Japanese and friend Hirai Momo asked her teasingly as she saw it all what happened earlier.
"We just arrived here for 3 days yet you had a Korean with you now. What a skill, oneechan.", the other Japanese friend of Sana's, Mina appeared from behind the back of Momo who also witnessed that short talk her friend Sana and Dahyun had, slowly clapping her hand in astoundingness.
"S-stop it, she's just a new found friend who h-helped me.", Sana stuttered, hiding her head to control the blush that is covering her cheeks and also her smile.
"A friend. Okay.", Momo said it but with a doubt, slightly chuckling and pouting her lower lip while rolling her eyes. She just don't believe it or take it. She knows her friend too much.
And that acceptance her friend did for lending back her cellphone number to Dahyun tells it all so.
"Now come inside. We prepared dinner."
Dahyun proceeded to flip some next pages after that funtime she had on remembering the very first day she and Sana met.
She stopped once again when she saw a picture featuring her nearly kissing Sana's cheeks who has a party hat in her head while having a cake icing on top of her nose as she smiles widely into the camera.
That brings her mind active again as she looked back at the memories from that moment they had in this one.
Still her smile maintained well in her face.
"You came.", Sana's face enlightened when she saw Dahyun entering her apartment along with some things she's carrying which is placed in a paper bag.
"Ofcourse I do. What kind of girlfriend I am if I won't attend at the special day of my love.", Dahyun faced her new girlfriend Sana who is having her her birthday today, making more sense why Momo needs to doubt at that time when Sana said that Dahyun will just be her friend.
She knews something more will be developed between the two and she was right.
Both of them confessed their love for each other after months of getting to know each other and slowly becoming closer with one another. That made Sana and Dahyun a couple.
"Happy Birthday, Sana.", Dahyun kissed Sana's forehead and pulled her into a hug. Sana accepted it with full glee.
"Thank youuu!", her repsond but it sounded muffled because her face was buried at Dahyun's clothed shoulders. She pulled away, releasing herself for a while on Dahyun's arms.
There, she noticed the paper bag she had in her left hand. Sana became curious, and Dahyun saw that so she removed it from hiding, giving it to Sana.
"For you.", Dahyun said. Sana reached for it and she took a peek inside on what it is.
"Oh what's these?", then she removed the stapler connected on each side of the paper bag. She can finally see clear inside, which made Sana gasp. "Gifts?"
"Yup. I prepared it yesterday.", Dahyun said it proudly, placing her knuckles on each side of his waists.
"You're the best!", Sana then pinched Dahyun's smooth and clear white cheeks hard, making it red as the pain combined with her blush.
"Wait, I'm excited. I want to see it.", then Sana went for the scissiors to cut the wrapping.
"Go on. Take your time, babe.", after that she just watched her girlfriend doing an unboxing.
After a minute of cutting, Sana finally saw the first gift she received which is a huge hamster stuff toy.
"It's so cuteee!", Sana stared at the hamster's face with grin on her lips before she hugged it and shake her body like she is just taking care of a baby.
" Well it looks just like you.", Dahyun then looked at Sana's very fluffy and chubby cheeks that literally resembles her to a hamster or even a shiba inu. "Did you like it?"
" Ofcourse I do!", Sana exclaimed, turning her sight at her sweet girlfriend. "Now I have something to display in my bed and to hug with while i'm sleeping.", she said as hugged the stuff toy again.
"So you don't need me more now?", Dahyun pretended like she's s sulking, crossing her arms and looking elsewhere, pouting in disappointment.
"Nooo what I'm saying is that. If there's a time that I will sleep alone you know.", Sana corrected and made it clear to her even though Dahyun knows it already, not aware that her lover is just making fun of her.
"But still, nothing can beat your touch, Dahyun. Your's will be my favorite.", then Dahyun felt shivers when Sana whispered it seductively close in her ear while she's tracing her neck with her fingertips. She gulped first before speaking again to stop Sana from hypnotizing her again at her flirtiness. "Do you want me to show you how great your... touch...do to me?"
"U-uhh I'm just kidding, okay?", Dahyun's who is having a tensed face, looked at Sana who is smirking. She cupped her face using her one hand. "Chill, I know you are, and I will also prefer yours only.", Dahyun said with a smile.
"Hey, you still have a second gift."
"Oh yeah, I forgot.", Sana chuckled. Now her eyes locked in target at the another paper bag that is lying on the floor.
" You gotta open it. For me, that one is more lovely.", Dahyun said in anticipation.
Sana cut through the gift wrapper again with her scissors. As she torn it all up, her second gift has been revealed in her hands. Sana just let out an "ooh" sound when she found out what it is.
"A photo album?"
"Mmmhhhmmm.", Dahyun hummed as a yes. " I just thought that we can place there every memories we capture everytime we're always together. Imagine how it feels to revisit those days you know when we feel much to do it.", she said as she placed her another hand onto the top of the book cover, just above Sana's hand.
"With this, we can also see how our love for each other never changed as time passes.", she raised her head and looked at Sana's glimmering eyes as smile flashed in her lips.
"I love you Dahyun, so much. I won't get tired saying this to you over and over again just to let you remind and make you feel this with all my heart.", Sana said after she connected her hand onto Dahyun's on top of the album cover.
"And we will be like this till the end of our time. I promise you that.", Dahyun added. Then the two leaned closer to each other for a kiss, lips touching each other, feeling the love that sparks very brightly between them and butterflies going crazy in their stomachs.
"Cmon, let's celebrate now.", Dahyun then assisted Sana to stand up. "Where's Mina and Momo by the way?"
"They went to somewhere to buy some foods.", Sana explained.
"Let's just get this place ready then so that we can just eat after when they arrive here.", the two of them nodded in agreement and they proceeded onto the dining room to prepare the table for them.
Dahyun then caressed the thickness of this album she's holding, as she just finished remembering how did they had this album that now belongs to them which became their most important and cherished thing in their relationship.
Dahyun once again flipped the pages. She stopped again when a whole page full of another three pictures caught her attention.
First one contains a picture of her and Sana in a park, both holding their respective ice creams that they're eating.
This time, the curves in her lips shrinked a little as she remembered how mixed of an emotion she had with this one actually even though they looked happy in the picture.
And she never even thought that this is beginning of something she never expected to happen during their time being together.
"Woah look at that bird. It's so big!", Dahyun pointed her fjnger at the bird she saw which is standing at a branch of a tree. When it flew, Dahyun followed it with her eyes while covering it with her hand to protect it from the very bright sunlight.
"Hai bonjour wowww beautifurrr~", Dahyun just let out a weird comment while watching the bird flew until it slowly disappears in her eyes.
Sana laughed at her girlfriend's dorkiness, but it quickly ended when she once again breathe heavily.
She feels like her heart is pounding very aggressively so she decided to take a time out now because she feels very exhausted already.
It was strange to her honestly because, they just started walking inside the park for like... 3 minutes ago.
"Yeah it is.", Sana replied to her girlfriend's description of the bird she saw, not wanting to snob her girlfriend who is having fun.
"Uhh love?"
"Hmm what is it?", she asked while taking a bite again at her ice cream.
"Can we take a break for a second?", then Sana bended her body, her hands placed both above her knees as she beathes heavily again, looking at Dahyun.
"Oh uhh, sure.", Dahyun responded quickly, feeling worried and concerned already for her girlfriend.
Dahyun then commanded Sana to sit on the grass and the latter just followed.
"Wait, I'll buy some water. Catch your breath first okay?", and Sana just nodded, finally taking a rest to lessen her tiredness because she still have more time today to spend with Dahyun and do something more.
Dahyun then looked next at the second picture in the middle.
This one only shows Sana who has her "just woke up" morning look as she is about to take a spoonful of rice in her mouth.
Dahyun was trying to focus at her lover's gorgeous face but she still can't help but to get distracted at her clothed arm, especially because she knows what really happened behind it that is only being hidden and covered by the sleeve of her pajama.
"Good morning, my dubu.", Sana greeted her girlfriend who just woke up, eyes blinking rapidly to regain her vision.
As she had it, Dahyun saw Sana's charming face who is looking intently at her, while stroking the strands of her hair.
"Good morning Satang.", then she pulled out Sana's hand and placed a kiss on top of it.
"Let's fix the-", before she was about to finish her words, she saw something in Sana's wrist after the sleeve of her pajama rolled away that made it clearly visible for her to see and to be alarmed.
"W-what is this Sana?", she took a closer look at the purple-ish spot in her wrist. She unrolled Sana's sleeve even more, revealing a couple more ones along with it.
Sana didn't responded, she just also looked at it with Dahyun. "These are bruises. Where did this came from? What happened?", Dahyun asked her worriedly.
"I honestly don't know. I know I never got into accident yesterday.", Sana just shrugged her shoulders.
"Does it hurt?"
"Y-yeah.", Sana frowned.
" Let's go to the living room. I'll treat it first before preparing our breakfast.", then both of them stood away from the bed as they exit Sana's bedroom and walk pass through Mina and Momo who are still sleeping in their rooms.
Dahyun then went for the third picture below.
This one just completely transformed her smile into nothingness as her lips became pure straight horizontal.
It was just a selfie of her and Sana who is sleeping peacefully in her bed.
Yeah, it was just simple if you'll look at it.
But for Dahyun, it means a lot of pain already in her heart when she looks at it.
"Hey, Dahyun.", Momo greeted Dahyun withh emotion after opening the door.
"Hi unnie.", Dahyun waved her hand along with her energetic grin. Momo observed that Dahyun is wearing a very nice presentable outfit, black dress with some Converse kicks. "Uhm, what's Sana doing? I'm planning to take her out."
"Sorry Dahyun but Sana's not feeling well today, and we're actually concerned for her.", Mina who is standing beside her older friend Momo at the door, spoke to Dahyun.
"What happened to her?", Dahyun asked the two as she just became like them.
"She has fever but it's weird because... she always complains that it's cold which makes her chilly so bad yet the aircon, electric fan are all off. Even the windows are closed.", Momo explained. Dahyun just furrowed her eyebrows while listening.
"Now she's sleeping. We gave her all the thick blankets we had but it seems that she's still a bit shaking.", Mina added.
" I think we need to send her for a check up to the doctor.", Dahyun said, making the three of them exchanged looks at each other. "Something's not right. It's been like this that she's not feeling well for past few days now."
"Sure, Dahyun. Update us after, okay?", Momo said, asking for a favor. Dahyub just nodded in responses.
"I'll be the one to escort her tomorrow to the hospital, if you won't mind?", and the two Japanese women both said yes to Dahyun. They gave her a way to enter their room to check on Sana after.
"Doc, what is it this time? How's the result? You said it's urgent.", Dahyun instantly gave a rapid fire questions to the Doctor.
"Yes, it is urgent Ms Kim because... what I just found out isn't gonna be a good news to both of you.", the doctor, whose name is Dr. Park Jihyo based on the golden nameplate she had in the middle of her desk; answered all her client's questions at once.
"My apologies for making you two nervous but this is a serious matter right here.", then Dr. Park pulled out some sheet of paper from her folder, giving it to Dahyun for her to see. Sana who is behind her girlfriend, also looked at it;  leaning her head closer sidewards.
"Ms. Minatozaki's blood test result reveals that her platelets are on the low point, including her red blood cells too.", Dr. Park began to explain to the couple on what they are seeing on the paper.
"The white ones however, they became abnormal and they grew excessively while also multiplying at the same time which can easily worsen one's production of blood cells because first and foremost they don't function properly and second, the amount of these cells aren't balanced with each other."
"It also affects one's health and all of what you told me that Ms. Minatozaki is experiencing, I'm afraid these are all positive as symptoms of a disease, Ms. Kim.", Dr. Park said in an apologetic look.
"Symptoms of what?", Dahyun asked, feeling terrified at what she's about to hear.
"I'm sorry Ms. Kim but I believe that Ms. Minatozaki here has leukemia.", both Dahyun and Sana's heart felt like it skipped a beat. Shoulders slumped, body became weak, well for Sana it became weaker because she really isn't feeling 100% active today.
"I knew it.", Sana said out of nowhere, making Dahyun look at her confusedly, unlike Dr. Park who just switched her gaze normally.
"How do you know?"
"It runs to your family, isn't it maam?", Dr. Park asked Sana.
"I-it is.", Sana gulped. Dahyun just watched her in shock after hearing such a new information about her girlfriend. "I am anemic too just like my father and his side, they had this."
She looked at Dahyun after. "I'm sorry, Dahyun if I didn't told you. I thought it was gone now before.", she even lowered her head more.
Dahyun just wrapped her arm around Sana and gently caressed her back while giving her a side hug. " Sshhh it's okay. I understand. We have no time to argue if I would just be mad at you for that.", she said, making Sana feel a bit easy and relieved that Dahyun didn't responded negatively at it.
"It can be prevented doc, right? Just like what happened in the past to her?", she asked Dr. Park.
"Yes there's a treatment but Ms. Kim, we should do it urgently. This isn't the same as what she had as a kid.", Dr. Park said.
"Hers was more dangerous and acute. It could affect some of her organs quickly that will cause for these to stop functioning and if we don't take an action for it...
it could cost her life here.", that increased both Dahyun and Sana's fear even more, making Sana finally cry which Dahyun just comforted her. She kissed Sana's forehead.
This woman beside her is the person she would not want to lose the most. So knowing that there still is a way to cure this, Dahyun didn't hesitated to choose the right thing.
"We'll take it. For the sake of my girlfriend's survival. Just please... do anything to save her.", Dahyun said, her voice cracked because she's also controlling her tears not to flow out as she begged for Dr. Park.
"It's our job, Ms. Kim. We'll do our best.", Dr. Park assured her.
"So, when will you plan to confine her here?"
Dahyun sighed heavily after she recalled it.
She flipped another page, what Dahyun saw made her lips bend downwards, forming a frown this time.
It was a selfie again of  her and Sana who is still in the bed but she's awake in this one.
The angle is just almost as accurate as the last one, but the place is completely different because it was all white.
Sana isn't wearing a pajama now, but a white hospital gown with some pipes mostly attached to her arms with the life monitor now on her side.
"Comfortable?", Dahyun asked Sana after fixing the pillows for her.
"It's fine. Still prefer being in the bed at home."
"Well as much as I want us to be there instead, we can't. You should stay here for the treatments and tests.", Dahyun took a seat at the chair just beside Sana's bed.
"I know, Dahyun. To make me get better soon. But...
"Hmm?", Dahyun hummed while she waits for Sana to continue her words as she paused for a second.
"What if it doesn't work, just like theirs?", she avoided looking at Dahyun's face.
"Hey, no. Don't say like that, Sana okay?", Dahyun grabbed Sana's hand and gently gripped it tightly, placing it on her cheek. "Listen to me, it's gonna work, I can feel it. We can't tell what time but we will do everything to make it happen.
Just... please fight for me, for us. Hold on, you can do this. Keep your hopes up, okay?", Dahyun encouraged her sick girlfriend. Sana just nodded, making her girlfriend sure that she will couragely face and beat leukemia just to be okay again.
"Thank you for everything.", Sana said, starting her message of gratitude for her girlfriend. " Never thought that you led me also to another direction when I got lost at our first meeting. To your heart."
" And that is the greatest memory I will ever cherish and be thankful of until the end of our time.", Sana said, letting out a smile.
"Same as I, Sana.", Dahyun intertwined her fingers onto Sana's. "This journey we had here, we still had more to continue so please get well soon, okay?", she waited for her girlfriend to respond, until she noticed that her face and pale lips starts twitching and shaking, and the small drops of tears slowly going out of her eyes.
"Why are you crying? You know it makes me hurt whenever I see you like this.", Dahyun asked Sana who is now sniffing. Just at the sight of this makes Dahyun's heart split in half as she easily gets affected too at how painful her girlfriend must've feel right now.
"Nothing it's just... I can't imagine leaving you lonely in this world until the end of your breath. I'm scared, Dahyun. I don't want to die yet. I still want to be with you.", and that's enough for Dahyun to cry heavily too at how pity her girlfriend who is battling cancer today, crying in fear at the bad possibilities she could ever think.
She placed a long kiss on Sana's hand then leaning it onto her forehead. "That's why we're doing everything we can for you just to survive. You know I would never let that happen Sana because it if it does, it will surely kill me inside.", Dahyun then tried to calm her down and Sana is just nodding back at her words to express how she comprehends it.
"Let's not think about that, hmm? This won't be the ending we will gonna put to our story."
"Okay.", Sana answered.  "I love you, Dahyun."
"I  love you too so much. Nothing can describe or measure it, because it is infinite and everlasting, only for you.", then Dahyun leaned closer to Sana to kiss her on the forehead, shutting her eyes.
"Let's kill the conversation here for now. You need to take a rest.", Dahyun said as she stood up then patted Sana's tummy.
"Have a nice sleep, baby. Don't mind, I'll just stay here and watch you.", then Dahyun waited for her girlfriend to fell asleep first before she move onto the couch to sit and spend her leisure time by using her cellphone .
Dahyun then flipped the pages again, and her frown became even more bigger and deeper when she saw the whole pages are now full of her and Sana's picture in the hospital room.
She touched her chest, feeling the pain of every fast heartbeat she's having.
She was only staring already at these pictures as another memory appeared in her mind again.
The farther she goes in this album, the pain gets higher and higher.
"Thank you for calling, Tzuyu. I'll send your greetings to her.", Dahyun said on the phone while she's stirring her cooked cup noodles.
After she ended the call, she was about to take a bite on some noodles until she heard Sana groaning and grunting in pain.
Dahyun noticed that and immediately went towards her sick girlfriend to check her.
"Hey, Sana. What is it? Where does it hurt?", Dahyun asked while she's tracing Sana's weak body, trying to locate what part is disturbing her precious sleep.
" Everywhere.", Sana sana weakly, her mouth didn't even opened wider when she spoke.
"Hang on, okay? I'll call for help.", Sana just nodded and then Dahyun rushed outside the room to call for the doctor.
Minutes later, after Dr. Park along with her nurses checked on Sana, she went for some another talk once again with the girlfriend of her patient.
"I'm sorry, Ms. Kim but I have some unfortunate news for you.", Dr. Park said seriously, making Dahyun even more nervous.
" We just checked and we think we've reached to the point that she only has a limited amount of time remaining to live. Probably days or weeks as we calculated.
Her cancer just spreaded more widely and is destroying her quickly one by one inside. All I gotta say is that it would be a miracle, Ms. Kim if she can still take this.", Dr. Park said, making Dahyun quickly crashed in tears as she heard it all, covering her face with both of her palm.
"Y-you said you did everything to save her.", Dahyun said between her sobs, it maybe be muffled but still clear to be heard and understood by Dr. Park.
"We did, Ms. Kim.", she sighed while nodding.
"THEN HOW COME YOU'RE TELLING ME THIS AS IF SHE NEEDS TO SAY GOODBYE TO ME ALREADY!", Dahyun shouted at Dr. Park, making the latter flinch and surprised at her client's sudden outburst. The only thing she did was to look pitifully at Dahyun.
"I-I'm sorry. I didn't meant to shout at you, Doc. It's just... I can't accept it, that I will be losing her soon.", she said as she lets out a huge breath, her voice is cracking due to how intense she broke down.
"I know it's hard Ms. Kim.", Dr. Park said, she looked at Dahyun with empathy. " It hurts me too, being as a doctor who is a failure to save his patient, I will feel guilty and bring this throughout the rest of my career,  knowing too that she has a very loving girlfriend that would risk everything just to keep her love or her life alive, yet I still put it into waste.
But... this is something we can't fix anymore.", her tone went lower because she doesn't even wanted to say it since she also wanted her patient to recover and to be with her girlfriend all healthy once again. They seemed to be really a great couple, Dr. Park thought.
"This might sound wrong and unpleasant to hear but Ms. Kim, you need to spend your time more with Ms. Minatozaki before that day comes."
After their talk, Dahyun apologized and thanked Dr. Park. The latter just appreciated and accepted it, also giving her apologize too at the kind of information she gave.
Dahyun entered their room again, she looked at Sana who is awake and silent. Her hair is now completely shortened due to the effects of her disease. Her lips became even more pale and whiter.
"Sana?", Dahyun called her.
" Hi.", Sana lets out a weak smile.
" You feel good?"
"Never better.", she answered. She noticed Dahyun's reddish eyes, making her know that she cried again. "What happened?", she asked Dahyun about the conversation she had with Dr. Park outside of the room.
"I don't know. I-....... I just can't help it.", Dahyun kneeled on the floor, both knees touching the ground as she placed her forehead onto Sana's arm while she went crying again. "Seeing you like this after what I learned just earlier.
"What is it?"
"Can you still fight?", Dahyun raised her head and looked at Sana with her messy face. "I won't be mad, just please be honest with me."
"I... I don't know anymore too, Dahyun.", Sana shaked her head, frowning. "I-It really is a torture to me.", she said breathily.
" Sana, I know we talked about you keep on fighting until you reach into remission state, right?", Sana nodded. "But...the doctor says to me your body can now give up soon.", she caressed Sana's skin using her thumb. More tears went out of her eyes as she felt an immense fright and despair knowing how this will end up.
"I know you're suffering too much already and it sure feels horrible so... as much as I don't want to say it but...
...don't force yourself if you can't take it anymore, hmm?", that made Sana join Dahyun on her flow of tears. She thought that there's really no chance for the both of them after all to have high hopes for something they're expecting the happen one day: which is for her to recover again.
The cancer overpowered her already. No matter how wants to fight, her body won't let her anymore.
Like what Dahyun just said, all she can do was to surrender.
"B-but how about you? Our future?", Sana asked between her sobs.
"I would rather just see you all too well than knowing you hide the pain you're enduring that's destroying you slowly inside as you keep it.", Dahyun said, sniffing. " And our only way for this is I should let you give up.", then Dahyun's chest went upwards and downwards as she once again cried heavily.
"I failed you, Dahyun. I'm sorry."
" Don't apologize, my love. It's fine, atleast we both know you tried.", Dahyun tried her best to give a comforting smile to her poor girlfriend.
"What if we should not think about what's gonna happen next at the upcoming days. You know, distraction?", Sana said after an idea flashed inside her head. For her it was effective and also she wants them to do something about this.
"By how?"
"Never leave me alone and just love me like there's no tomorrow, Dahyun.", Sana said, cupping Dahyun's left cheeks as she smoothly wiped out the tears dropping down in it with her fingers. "Pretend like we don't care for the worst that's about to come. It's enough for me.
"Our last goodbye is approaching but we know soon it would be over. So please today, just love me like there's no tomorrow, Dahyun."
"Like I could endure saying no to you, I can't., Dahyun responded, indirectly answering yes to her girlfriend's suggestion. "Sure thing, my love. So, let's do what we want to do today. What's the first you had in mind?
And they did it. They suggested everything they had mind which they can do to spend being alone together. The two lovebirds definitely did loved each other to the max and to their very high limit.
Sana suggested Dahyun to play some song from her. Dahyun did sang 2 of her own composed songs to her while playing her acoustic guitar.
The two watched some random videos recorded by Dahyun on her phone. Hearing Sana laugh at Momo accidentally lets go of the jokbal she's holding made Dahyun's relaxed a bit. It's like her worries and problems were forgotten for a while.
Dahyun laid beside Sana on her head. She placed her one leg of top of Sana's  and her arm above Sana's abdomen, giving her a nice little cuddle. Dahyun buried her head at the crook of Sana' neck and placed it with many kisses as much as she wants. Sana is just giggling at how sweet her girlfriend is.
Sana can feel already the overflowing affection of love Dahyun is giving to her. With this, the two didn't pretended already that they know what's gonna happen maybe tomorrow or the next few days. They were just only thinking about them together.
Dahyun stayed beside Sana for the whole day. She was planning to continue this still so in the next day she went to her house for a while to prepare out some clothes she's gojna bring with her onto the room.
While she's placing her shirts on the bag, Dahyun received a call from Momo. She curiously picked it up and answered it.
"DAHYUN-AH, WHERE ARE YOU?", the increased volume of Momo's panicked voice said.
"Preparing my things before i'm omy way back there. Why?", Dahyun asked.
" You might want to hurry. Sana's looking for you.", Mina took the move to continue explaining what was the purpose of Momo's call.
Dahyun's eyes went wider after she figured out that there's something not right with Sana and she needs her girlfriend's presence.
She dropped the call fast and made her movement quicker so that she can walk out now on her home and go ahead to Sana.
Meanwhile at the hospital...
"Momo... Mina...", Sana muttered, looking both at her two Japanese bestfriends.
"Hey. We will miss you so much Satang.", Momo grabbed Sana's bloodless leg an gently shaked it. One drop of tear was escaped from her eyes.
"We will be fine, Satang. We will take care of ourselves, and even Dahyun here.", Mina assured Sana. Sana believed in her already because after all, Mina was such a truthworthy friend to be exact.  "No need to worry about us now.", Mina even started to cry now as she crashed her body on Sana's, giving her a nice comfy hug.
"If that so then it's good to know.", Sana smiled weakly. Bending her arms to show them a thumbs up very slow because she's struggling to move her really fast due tp how very weak and vulnerable her body is already.
"I just want to let you guys know that I'm too grateful that I met such one of a kind friends like you twpo in my life, Mina and Momo. Thank you for everything you've done for me.", Momo and Mina mouthed you're welcome at Sana and the two ended up doing a group hug up with each other.
Knowing that this would be the last time they will do this in complete, the J-Line sobbed in their tears louder and harder this time.
"And... Dahyun? Is Dahyun already here?", Sana asked Momo. At the right time, Dahyun arrives at the room, breathing heavily from how she ran very fast. She saw Momo and Mina standing there beside her girlfriend who has their eyes both a bit blurry and sniffing their noses.
Momo and Mina gestured Dahyun to come close, so Dahyun ran beside Sana. Momo gave a way from these lovebirds to talk. Then she continued her crying and let herself be comforted by Mina.
She was crying because this isn't gonna be good. She knows how these two love each other from the bottom of their soul and seeing them saying goodbye to each other for the last time makes her heart shatter into pieces.
"I'm here, love. What is it?", Dahyun held Sana's pale hand and gently massaged it.
"Dahyun... remember what I told you okay? Be strong for me. Take care of yourself and even Momo-unnie and Mina.", Dahyun nodded, taking notes of every single one of it in her mind.
" Thank you for entering my life, loving and making me feel like I'm the most special woman in the whole world, even at my final moments. I'll see you up there, my love.", Dahyun then bowed her head and cried loudly. Her grip to her hand even went tighter. Sana endured the pain, because what her heart feels right is even more horrible that what her leukemia gives to her right now.
The effects of her finally letting go that will cause her to disappear forever from Dahyun's eyes is way worse.
"Listen to me, you may not see me... but I assure that you will feel me instead.", Sana did her best to raise Dahyun's head, making her to look at her eyes focusedly. Both their defeated eyes met with each other.
Dr. Park was walking in the hallway when she stopped in front of Sana's hospital room, watching the two say their final words to each other.
Even the doctor too broke down in tears as she formed a huge guilt and blame to herself now that she caused this to happen. Dr. Park was shouting at herself deep inside right now that she's a failure for this.
"I may not be there at your side in the next few days and so on but I promise you I will not allow to let you be alone. I will just be here near you, watching and guiding you from a far, ensuring that nothing wrong will happen to you.
You still have far to go that has something in store for you, Dahyun. Reach it, for me. Make me proud.", Sana ended up her farewell speech, giving Dahyun her one last sweet smile.
"I love you too, Sana. Thank you for this once in a lifetime chance to love you.", Dahyun said, her voice cracking due to the huge amount of crying she did. "You can rest now, my love. You fought too much.", she patted her head gently.
"Till we meet again, Dahyun. I love you.", Sana started to do her remaining number of breaths as she slowly inhaled and exhaled.
Dahyun leaned fast and gave Sana her final kiss to the lips before she drifts away onto the place where she can be with God and her family again, especially her father whom she loved so much as a kid.
" I love you too, Sana. So much.", and then they only heard next was the combined sounds of sobs coming from Mina, Momo, Dr. Park and Dahyun and the falling beeping sound of the heart rate monitor until finally reached to zero.
Dahyun flipped another page, which was her last because there was only one left remaining in the left side.
On the right side however, it was only a paper that has words written onto it, pasted in front of the plastic page.
"To be continued...", it says. Dahyun was the one who put this here because she believes that only a chapter is what ended for both of them in this world, not their whole love story together... and they will surely continue making a new one once they'll meet again.
The photo shows Dahyun smiling in a white dress, sitting in a indian style position on a grass. Beside her was the gravestone where Sana's full name is sculpted in calligraphy just like one of her beloved skills.
Her body was laid to rest alongside with her mom and dad in Japan.
Dahyun can still remember and feel how devastated she was on that day, knowing that she won't be able to be with her girlfriend physically ever again.
Now she only exists in her memory forever.
"If only the gods gave us a miracle at that night, you will still be here with me, still filling this album with our memories we can make more, but what's the purpose if you're already gone... forever.", Dahyun muttered as she slowly cried in agony, closing her and Sana's album and placed it at her chest, hugging it with all her might.
"Guess I'll just fill these blank ones in my imagination and dreams being with you."
After she said that, she continued once again to let out all of her tears to release the pain that is being contained inside her heart and soul.
While she's having a breakdown moment, she felt a heavy cold breeze around her body, especially her shoulder and hand.
She confusedly looked at her hand that is having a goosebumps.
She was shocked when she saw the album once again opened, the cover was flipped and it revealed again the picture of her and Sana.
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Then she remembered what Sana said  to her years ago during her final moments that made her cry even more.
"I may not be there at your side in the next few days and so on but I promise you, I will not allow to let you be alone."
And yes, she doesn't know that Sana's spirit, wearing the white dress just like what she wore in her burial, locking Dahyun in embrace with her arms around her, head laid above Dahyun's right shoulder and her hand placed at the top of Sana's hand.
This was enough for Dahyun to feel that Sana's with her right now. She didn't wasted any more time to say what she wants to say for her late girlfriend and her world she just lost.
"I know you're here, Sana. I just want to say that I miss you so bad. I've never felt so low in all my life.
Still after all these years, It's never been this easy to move on. I love you, my dear Satang.", Sana smiled at it and then she pecked Dahyun's right cheek, making the younger felt some chills on the spot where she placed it.
"It's okay, Dahyun. I love you very much, my shining light.", Sana muttered  before she slowly vanishes in the air for a while.
"Dahyun if you're done there, come down after okay? We bought some food.", Momo shouted from outside of the room. Yes, Dahyun is living now with Momo and Mina. The two liked it very much because atleast they still feel that they are complete again.
"Yours is Sana's favorite. Better come her after.", Mina proceeded to call her too, but not that loud compared to Momo.
"Alright, Mina and Momo unnie. Coming right up!", Dahyun placed a kiss on the cover of the album before putting it back on the closet.
She grabbed some tissues to wipe her tears away before walking out of her room to join her two Japanese friends eat their lunch today.
PS: If there's anyone who knows more about medical and diseases, please forgive if I made any mistakes about the information I gave in the story. I just searched it up in Google and I placed some of it along with tiny bits of what I know too since I nearly got a leukemia actually when I was younger. Thank you all so much for reading!
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The Alliance (Inglourious Basterds Imagine)
Requested by @owba-chan, thanks again love! :) <3
Let me know if you guys wanna be tagged in these :)
Once upon a time in Nazi-Occupied France...
You were in the same cafe you visited each afternoon. You had a job to do, aside from your homework. You, like every other student, got no sleep.
Your afternoon coffee was a necessity. The warm, comforting cup, and strong awakening scent was welcome. You never got tired of it, and you didn't think you ever would.
You looked at your notes...the tiresome, boring, endless drabble that went from neatly organized ideas to hasty chicken scratches. With a sigh, you set it back in your school bag, and discretely pulled out a book you really should not even be seen with in public: La Silence de la Mer.
It was banned...
Then again, so were most of the things and people you loved.
And anyway... there usually weren't any nazis around there. You knew that. The other tired students knew that.
And the basterds knew that.
Everyone was irritated when the calm, relaxed ambience was disrupted by low grumbling of men. Still, everyone was apathetic...and tired....
You had a good ear. You had to, in your line of work.
"Work..." You smiled a little. Is it really work if you love what you do?
You took a puff at your cigarette, one of the habits you just recently picked up. You loved work, but it stressed you out.
That...and of course your anthropology exam.
Anyway, you tapped out some ashes, and picked up your book as you read on. Or...pretended to. You really listened in on the grumbling.
It was English.
And it was kind of your job to pick up on these sort of things...
"What the fuck's that mean?" Aldo muttered, frustrated with Omar and Smitty. The boys never did seem to catch a break.
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Hugo shook his head slowly, his eyes narrow in confusion, "That's not...that's not German."
Smithson sighed as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration, "I know. I know, Wicki. But that's what it sounded like!"
Donny suggested, "If you say it one more time, nice and slow maybe they'll get something..."
Omar nodded, "Ok. It sounded like tunnel....undies....them....glass....she....gain....off..."
Wicki cracked his knuckles, hoping he'd get it this time, "Did it sound like...tunnel unter dem Glas stiegen auf?" He shook his head in embarassment, that didn't make any sense to begin with, that-
"Yes! Yes! That's it!" Utivich's eyes and smile were wide, and bright as he and Omar looked at each other nodding.
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Hugo frowned, and looked to Wicki in confusion..."Was heißt das überhaupt?" 'What's the even mean....'
Wicki shrugged, and looked back at the basterds, "Are you sure that's what you heard?"
You happened to also understand German... you didn't have much of a choice.  Your English was a bit rusty, but as you exited the cafe to head to your job, you tried to help them out a little, "Sounds like code for Notre Dame."
There was a wave of stunned silence washing over the basterds as they each took a moment to look you over...
...with suspicion.
Hirschberg murmured in awe, and confusion, "What?"
You didn't mind the informalities. You shrugged, "You said glas stiegen. That's German for glass and rose. Windows in the cathedral are called rose windows...and...they're made of glass. That's all." You took a step forward, but were blocked by a tall, intimidating man. One you'd come to know as Sergeant Donny Donowitz. 
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Another man, their leader, spoke up from the booth. "Why don't you sit with us for a bit, missy."
You raised an eyebrow. You were young, but you understood it wasn't an invitation, per se.
You obliged as to not raise an alarm...which was also part of your job.
You took a seat between one confused Gerold Hirschberg and a very annoyed Hugo Stiglitz.
The leader, bit his cheek as he gazed at you, trying to figure you out. Whose side were you on? "Where'dya get that idea from, little lady?"
It was then that the cafe's atmosphere was once again disturbed. This time by an unruly, group of men, loud and proud. You excused yourself with such ease, it stunned the basterds again. You didn't go very far to begin with. You understood they had guns on them. You could smell the gunpowder...which wasn't very common around Paris at the time.
"Dmitri. Idi domoi. Ti takhoy vredytel.' You stood in front of the leader of the new group. A group of Russian boys that you may or may  not have been acquainted with at work. They were mountains compared to you. But they respected you, and knew not to ever question you. You told Dimitri to go home, and...called him a pest.
He understood. His men understood.
They left. They'd get an explanation later, and they knew it.
You moved back to the booth...and waited... Suddenly, the basterds scrambled back to let you back in. This time you sat by  an even more confused Zimmerman, and Wicki.
Donny's eyes narrowed as he looked at the other group of men that made their way to the curb, and then back at the table, "Were those russkies?!"
"Yes, yes... My apologies, I have an atrocious accent, and they have even worse timing."
Aldo furrowed his eyebrows, "Atrocious? That's gotta be the pertiest goddamn accent I ever heard."
As impressive as it was that you could speak French, English, Russian, and German, (that they knew of) they still didn't know what to make of you and your help.
They were all...understandably... holding guns under the table, all aimed at you.
Hirschberg nudged Smitty...they'd been trying to work on Smithson's tough act, which was rooted in an argument he'd had with Donny, in which Smitty argued that 'size doesn't matter' when it comes to intimidation.
"YoU...You uh" he cleared his throat, "You got anything to say, sweetheart?" He cringed at himself...though Omar whispered a proud, 'nice...' under his breath.... it certainly was an improvement.
You simply sighed, "Can't expect anything else from a basterd, no?" You smiled slyly as you took a sip from your coffee.
They were all silent. Aldo nodded, soaking it in, and noted, "You know who we are..."
You couldn't help but giggle a little, though you quickly covered your lips. "You don't do a very good job of hiding it."
Aldo lowered his gun, "What in the hell's that mean, kid?"
You gestured at Donny, "Your tall friend. I've only heard the story of one American that carries a baseball bat around, and  there aren't quite as many baseball games around here now." You looked at Smithson Utivich, and made a quick assumption, based on...his size..."The little one..."
Smitty caught on, and frowned, narrowing his eyes,
"The Germans call him, well the li-"
Aldo pushed with a question, "Do you know our names?"
You nodded,  "It's not that hard to recognize Hugo Stiglitz. Everyone knows who he is."
Hugo simply gave you a stoic nod. He didn't know what to make of you, but young as you were...you did know your stuff.
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Hirschberg wasn't so sure, "Maybe everyone in the German army..."
Aldo nodded, "And somethin' tells me you ain't in the goddamn German army."
You shrugged. You already had enough to deal with that day. A snobbish professor, an even snobbier date that stood you up, a paper to do, and you still had work. An interrogation was not on your itinerary, "Too true, Monsieur." You picked up your coffee again, and took a sip.
Aldo sat back in frustration, "Alright. You ain't no jerry, what the hell are you?"
"I'm a student."
Omar nodded, seeing you were young, maybe around Smitty's age, "Makes sense..."
Aldo wasn't done. "Where you studyin' little lady?"
"At the University of Paris!" You were quite proud of that. "I'm studying art...which.." Your smile faded as you sighed. You looked down at your cup, your fingertips tapping softly against it as you slowly twisted it back and forth. "It's...kind of a useless degree right now... a lot of what I'm studying is missing."
Utivich was entranced by your words.... He would've been a student too, if not for the war. In fact, he was enrolled, and excited to study in NYU... he wanted to be a lawyer some day.... Then he enlisted. It was a decision he made over night. Because the moment he realized what the nazis were really doing, being a lawyer wasn't enough to find justice.
'Well this might as well happen today too...' You were used to things not going as planned, and you were used to getting some third degree. You knew who the basterds were. Most people in your line of work did...or had at least heard a rumor. You pulled your small backpack over to the table top, and said "Go ahead."
Aldo glanced at Donny and nodded. Donny reached for the bag tentatively. He pulled out your ntoebook.
"Whatcha got, Donowitz?"
Donny frowned, "I don't know, Aldo, it's in French!"
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Hugo rolled his eys, and reached for the ntoebook. He had working knowledge of French. "Let me see." He flipped through the pages, and what he could read, he nodded, "School notes."
Utivich reached for the notes. He wouldn't understand a word...but sometimes...he missed school. He wondered what it would've been like to be a college kid.
Then he remembered how much he loved being a basterd.  He flipped through the pages. Towards the end, they were blank...and then they had more than scratches on them. They were sketches.
They were beautiful. "What the fuck..." His voice trailed off in awe, and it was passed around the table.
Hirschberg leaned over some basterds, "What is it?!"
You blushed a little, and looked back down, "Just, how do you say....doodles?"
Utivich shook his head. When he was in school, he doodled. "Those aren't doodles. That's fucken art."
Wicki noticed something. A sketch or two that looked familiar. Then one they all identified. The Mona Lisa.
Donny caught on, "Hey...I know that one."
Wicki looked at you, "Why're you copying all these paintings down?"
"I'm an art student...and all these pieces are either being eyed by nazis, or are already stolen...It's nice to have something to remember them by."
After a few sketches, there were more blank pages, and then other drawings. These were detailed. They weren't just rough sketches. They had been done out of love, not memory. They were all faces. They were all unique.
They were all people that had been stolen.
But....in your line of work...that was normal...
You reached for the notebook. "So, it's settled. Student."
You shut the cover, and held on to the precious memories, pressing them against your chest. "If you really need to know, there's a piece of information in that bag that would get me killed if you weren't you. Go ahead."
Aldo nodded at Hugo and Omar. They extracted a textbook or two, a few pencils, loose crumpled, illegible notes, and a locket.
Omar picked up the locket by the chain. It was silver, and had beautiful engravings of flowers on the outside.  Aldo gave an approving glance and Omar opened it.  
"Um.... poor...y/n... moon-port, Ben-Hur...aveys...tote moon amour, Emile."
Hugo frowned and took the locket from him, muttering about his uselessness in German. Before he could begin to read it, you spoke. You knew it by heart. "Pour y/n, mon porte-bonheur, avec tout mon amour, Emile... Emile Loveitt. For his good luck, with all his love." You smiled a little. Emile and his family escaped.  They were somewhere in England. He was your friend, always had been, and always would be. The hand you had in the escape was the reason you got your job.... which was your only saving grace at the moment.
"Look behind the picture."
Hugo carefully took the picture of the unknown friend out of the locket, revealing a cross of Lorraine engraved in the silver, it was the symbol for the French Resistance. "She's telling the truth. She’s in the resistance."
Aldo still wasn't sure. He wasn't willing to let his team be taken down. He knew all about double agents and collaborators in France. "How do we know you are y/n?" He'd managed to pick your name out of the phrase in the locket's engraving. "How do we know you ain't just pick this up somewhere?"
"Look inside that book." You gestured to the one under all the notes and pens.
Wicki shuffled through the stack on the table and picked it out. Anthropology.
He opened it... and the pages were hollowed out.
Inside was an identification. He handed it to Hugo, and he read it out loud. "Carte de Combattant Volontaire de la Resistance: Y/N." He hid it back in the book and shut it. "She's in the French resistance. Y/n is really her name. Born in Paris."
Aldo smiled a little as he put everything back into your backpack. "Well if it ain't an ally... You a terrible spy, I gotta say."
You chuckled a little, "I'm not a spy. I'm just French. I want a free France."
"Well yeah. But you're in the resistance aintcha?"
"I'm a student. I'm tired, and I'm pissed. Not because of exams...well... also because of exams, but mostly because this isn't France."
You stood up,  picked up your school bag, and went to the door. You looked back, "Are you coming or not?"
Aldo looked at his men and they all stood up and followed you put. "Where exactly are we going?" Kagan  frowned as he made his way by you, followed by Sakowitz, Zimmerman, and Utivich.
"Work." You turned and walked out of the cafe nonchalantly, putting on your backpack.
Omar walked by you, "And where is that?"
"Today? The catacombs under Notre Dame."
Donny nodded, "Ohh... a death trap, huh?"
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Stiglitz huffed, "Donny."
You smiled as you led the burly, clueless men down the lesser known streets and alleys. "We have a dozen or so people we need to get out of France, to England. A few people, some paintings, and some very damning documents."
Omar nodded, having trouble following along, "And these tunnels are important becase..."
You shrugged, "Secondary location. Contacts exchange products here...in this case refugees, priceless art, and documents. The people are being snuck to England, the art to a warehouse in Switzerland owned by a friend of ours, a double agent actually, and the documents to any ally that will listen. But, if what you two say is true," you looked to Omar and Smitty and said, "Then the nazis know about it. So, I have to... clock in early." You planned to warn the others. You couldn't postpone the evacuations. The families you were helping had nowhere else to hide, and they didn't have much time left. Those documents were a smoking gun. And the art... you didn't just do sketches to remember things you would never see again, you were part of a ring keeping track of the stolen pieces.
Aldo pieced it together  "Ain't no way you delaying the escapes, is there, y/n?"
"No, sir." You trudged through the back of an abandoned inn.
Aldo nodded, "Alright then. Listen here boys. Behave. Them French fighters know what they want. Don't get in nobody's way, make sure everyone's supposed to get out, gets out. Every nazi that gets in, they ain't goin no place."
The basterds followed you down the catacombs, and met with your superiors. You translated back and forth. The mission would proceed, just as you expected. The nazis were spotted a few blocks away, just as suspected. And the basterds did what they did best, just as needed.
By 2AM, the Parisian south west was relatively void of nazis. There were over a dozen people free of persecution, halfway across the English channel, and a few priceless works of art accounted for.
You just had an essay to write.... And a few lost basterds to guide. You had been a little more silent than usual. Complications arose during the mission. In the end, everything ended as it was meant to.
The only difference was that you were covered in blood. You'd killed a nazi, for the very first time, in an attempt to save Private First Class Smithson Utivich. It was something the basterds would never forget. Neither would you... You were proud of it. You didn't hesitate. The world needed the basterds. "You know of somewhere we can hide out for the night, Y/n?"
You nodded. "Normally the catacombs, but I'm sure there were more that heard of the operation. No one is safe there now...but..." You once again eyed the empty inn that you passed by earlier. "No one's stepped foot in there in a few years. You'd be safe there."
You helped them break in. It was dusty, dark, and abandoned. It was a shadow of what it once was. Almost everything was covered in sheets. You'd done it yourself, hoping to save it all in case there was a chance of saving the France you once knew....in case they came back... Moonlight was the only lighting, coming in through windows so old, there was a film of filfth and dust covering the glass. Still, the ancient mahogany floor seemed flawless. The furniture and welcoming wallpaper held in the laughter and love of generations of visiting families and couples. It was small, but warm, and had an air of elegance. You spent so many days of your life there, Emile's family had owned it for generations. They gave you your first chance, your first home, your first job. Years later, you gave them another chance, a safe passage to a new home with your new job. The inn was nothing without them.
It was forgotten.
And it was the basterds' for the taking. If it could be a home for someone, you had no problem with it.
Andy Kagan and Omar smiled as they all looked around. Abandoned as it was, it was a palace compared to their tents."Can we stay here?"
As much as it would give them some well needed warm beds, they were basterds. Their work was never done. Donny sighed, "We need to head to Strasbourg tomorrow."
You smiled a little, understanding what was happening. You made a suggestion, "Take the 4 o clock train to Mulhous. Tell the girl at the booth in the station I sent you. She'll show you a path that has a fork.  The northeastern road will take you straight there.... The northwest is the scenic route, takes a bit longer, you'll pass  a little town that has the best eclaires. It'll take a few more hours, but you'll get a scalp or two...dozen on the way." You smiled a little wishing them all the luck in the world.
Utivich smiled, realizing, like the others, that you really knew a thing or two, "You don't wanna come with us?"
You had heard stories of them, and you wanted more than anything to stick around with them... "I have a paper to write..."
The basterds chuckled, and Aldo stepped up. The basterds always had room for one more, but you didn't. What with school, and the 'job' they all admired you for, you didn't have much time to run around France with them, even though you wanted to. They knew you were a smart kid, in fact, it was the only reason they could think of that you were still alive. They saw the kind of work you did in one night, and realized how valuable you were. 
They also realized how important you had become to them in a matter of hours. They wanted to keep an eye out for you. As capable as you were, war was war, and there were no rules. They wanted to make sure you were safe. Aside from that, you had some pretty helpful information for them. "How's about we make you an honorary basterd, y/n?" Aldo reached his hand out, and you smiled as you shook it. "I'm honored, lieutenant." That was an understatement. All the stories you'd listened to on the bleakest, most dangerous nights were about them. They rushed back into your head as you shook his hand, smiling. This alliance meant the world to you. Your rebellion and insubordination were automatic death sentences. But what the alliance, the resistance, and the basterds were, what they really were to you, was freedom.
You waved goodbye to them, though you wished you could've gone, you knew it wasn't over.
It was the beginning of something beautiful,something powerful, far more than an alliance.
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duhragonball · 4 years
For the writer's ask, can you please do 26 and 27?
26: What is the worst writing advice in your opinion?
27: What is the best writing advice?
Maybe this is a cop-out, but I sort of feel like any writing advice can be good or bad depending on who you're giving it to. People usually point to oft-quoted "rules" like "don't use passive voice!" or "don't use too many adverbs!" But I think those have some value. I imagine someone who actually needs to hear that advice, and they probably wrote like this:
The handrail was steadily grasped, and the stairs were decended noisily by the ruggedly strong limbs of the same man: Tex Danger, Robot Cowboy.
And you can do stunts like this, but nobody wants to read a whole story of clunky sentences. So I always assumed the "rules" about adverbs and passive voice originate out of necessity. A teacher whose students were just figuring it out as they went, and just throwing in words without considering how they look when you read them back.
Actually, I'll bet it was a word count trick. Adverbs and passive voice are great ways to pad out a book report, and short story writers do get paid by the word, so there's plenty of incentive to try it. Either way, I feel like someone needed to hear it, but now the pendulum has swung the other way, and novice writers worry about using adverbs at all, which is silly.
By the same token, I'm tempted to say the best writing advice is to just do it. Someone on Twitter asked Thunderbolts writer Jim Zub for advice on how to start a story, and he replied "Start". It cuts to the heart of the matter. People want a list of steps to follow, but this isn't like baking a cake. There's no ingredients to buy, no oven to preheat, just you and a blank page. Step one is writing. Step 100 is writing. There's smart ways to go about it, but organizing your gel pens and decorating your writing dayplanner isn't part of the process.
On the other hand, Jim Zub's run on Thunderbolts was fucking awful, so for my money "Start" was the first mistake he made on that book. He also wrote a tweet about how stories should always have a plan, rather than just improvising shit, like they did with the final episodes of Game of Thrones. Again, solid advice, but all I could think of was how lousy and slapdash those Thunderbolts issues were, and that this was apparently by design. It was supposed to be a shitty twelve-issue commercial for Secret Empire. He planned it that way. Fuck...
Sorry, I'm getting off-track. The problem with advice like "Just DO IT!" is that it's a little too dismissive. It overlooks why writers are reluctant to get started. Do they lack confidence, or do they just not have a proper handle on what they want to do? I've been Just Doing It since 2015, and I still get stuck from time to time, so it wouldn't help me much to hear that advice. I'm already taking it.
For what it's worth, I think the best advice I know to offer is to experience other stories, especially ones you have to read. Nothing wrong with watching a show, but I think it helps to see the printed words, so if you see a turn of phrase or an apt description you really like, you'll know exactly how to use it yourself in the future. Other people's stories are a great way to gain inspiration. The key is not to just get mired in one kind of thing. If all you ever read is Teen Wolf slash, then you're going to end up in a bubble where it's hard to write anything else well. I doubt your Teen Wolf fic will be any good either, because it'll end up looking like all the others you've read. You need some diversity in your head.
"Write what you know" is generally decent advice, although I really only benefitted from it as I got older and had more life experience to draw upon. It's shitty advice for teenagers and twenty-somethings, because it makes them feel like they aren't knowledgable enough to write anything, or that their raw imagination is 't good enough.
"Show, don't tell," is pretty shitty advice, at least where prose is concerned, because showing and telling are the same thing. I mean it makes sense when you think about it, but it's like the adverb thing. All it does is make writers paranoid that their show/tell ratio is out of specification. It's art, not science. People like to be told things once in a while, it's okay.
You can trust your readers to imagine the stuff you don't describe. If you're trying to describe things in extreme detail, you'll just bore them to death, or offend them, if the thing you're describing is a woman. If you want to tell your reader a woman is beautiful, just have her show up, and have another character go "She's beautiful!" Don't even explain why. You can even have another character go "Enh, I don't see it." Let your reader decide the hotness for you. I've seen too many male authors embarass themselves trying to explain why asses are sexy. Just acknowledge that asses are sexy and move on.
Other shitty advice: Outlines. I'm not saying outlines are bad across the board, but everyone hypes them up like they're required, and for a lot of writers they actually kill the creative process. Not everything needs a blueprint. Sometimes you just gotta screw around for a while before you can figure out what you're making.
Good advice: Don't just screw around. Fanfic has a bad reputation mainly because a lot of fic authors are more interested in gratification than quality. Even if you're doing it for free, take some pride in the craft. Don't just slap something together and post it so you'll get comments or kudos or whatever. Dare yourself to do a little better. I'm not saying don't have fun, but I think when you're passionate about something, you can take satisfaction from it even when it's not fun. Writing isn't always fun, so you have yo decide if you're willing to put up with the non-fun parts of it. And improving your skill gives you a way to make it worthwhile.
I think that'll do for now.
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bebestar-lou · 5 years
Having a crush on Gryffindor!Johnny
Quick Disclaimer: I've never written anything like this before and English is my second language so I hope it turned out alright :)
so like it all started very innocent
you just had a crush on a Gryffindor boy
nothing big right, everyone has a crush from time to time
or at least that was your opinion
But your two best friends had a different way of seeing these kind of things
Mark and Yeri couldn't stop gushing about it
They made sure to not tell anyone, yeah, they'd never do that intentionally
but everytime they'd see your crush they would whip out an entire notebook, writing down every lottle detail about the things he did
your crush being Johnny by the way
but your friends would write down E V E R Y T H I N G he did in order to evaluate whether he'd be a good match or nah
They really just wanted to do their best to make you happy
and you appreciated it. You really did
but when Mark almost ran full force into a wall, after an intense session of stalking Johnny, you had enough of it
you loved your friends but it annoyed you to no end how they couldn't stay out of your business
so when the three of you were standing in an empty hallway you scolded them about it
telling them how your crush wouldn't be a big deal and how they should start focusing on their own love interests
you obviously knew they had a thing for each other but they....just.... didn't
so you just finished scolding your friends, being obviously pissed about their behavior
when Johnny and one of his friends come walking around the corner, chatting the day away
and you hoped to God that they hadn't heard anything
and they didn't seem to, they just greeted Y'all with a nice wave and then left you there to finish your conversation
you didn't want them to hear anything about your conversation so you just took a turn and went back to your dorm, leaving Yerim and Mark behind
fast forward to the weekend
it was hogsmeade weekend
and you'd love to go
you really wanted to
but you're so forgetful you missed to ask your parents to sign the permission slip for you
so you had to stay back at the castle trying not to die of boredom
Johnny caught wind of that
and he kinda just decided to stay at hogwarts
for you
The only problem was... he didn't tell you.... so.... he spent his entire day searching do you. without success
Around evening he gives up and goes to sit down on one of the stairs, sulking
It was about dinner time so you made your way towards the great hall, eager to get some of that nice hogwarts food after spending the entire day doing your homework
On your way there you passed Johnny, silently wondering what had his energetic ass go this sulky and quiet
He spotted you out of the corner of his eyes and,,,, his face brightened up big time
Which honestly confused you but you weren't sure whether you should go talk to him or rather keep walking to go get the food you were longing for.
You took the option more important to you... and so you kept walking, shooting him just a small confused smile before redirecting your attention to the way ahead
Johnny couldn't leave it at that and nearly jumped onto his feet, hurriedly catching up to you all the while trying to keep his cool
He couldn't
Even your dense ass noticed that he was trying hard to keep up something.... That honestly wasn't even there
Anyway so he comes up to you and asks you what you've been up to all day
So you tell him that you've been studying in your room
And two realizations hit him
One: He totally forgot that 500 page essay he had to write for potions
Two: He was pretty dumb for being a flat A student
His hand found its way onto the back of his head, scratching his scalp in his attempt of trying to cover up his embarrassement
You weren't sure whether you should be embarrassed, amused or just confused
So you just went for the most logic option and went,,, awkward,,,
So now you two were walking alongside each other with an awkward aura following you into the great hall
You were about to kind of just try to slide to your table when he suddenly stops you
He really didn't want to let you go just like that
Also he didn't really feel like spending another day of hopeless searching
So his emotions kind of overreacted and he grabs your wrist, seeming a bit panicked blurting out an
'do you want to go out with me?'
And like you were kind of.... Confused...Shocked... And embarrassed.... And oh my God was that the feeling of your cheeks getting hot?
You kind of just stared at him in shock
Because truth be told he almost screamed that into your face
As he realized that as well he let go off your wrist, his hand finding the back of his head again
'I- I'm sorry'
You just shook your head in an attempt of telling him that it wasn't a big deal
It confused him honestly, he was sure he heard you talking about him the other day
Jaehyun confirmed that he had heard it too
But he didn't want to press any further and make you uncomfortable or even scared
So he kind of just nodded, whispering a small 'sorry'
And finally you snapped out of your shock, now it being your turn to almost scream at him
'Oh no no, that's not what I meant. I- I mean- of course! I just- blanked?'
Your voice became quite towards the end but Johnny understood every word
And he was happy again
But also embarrassed
And so were you
Then your senses kicked in and you couldn't hold back a little snort
Which FINALLY broke that awkward, embarrassing tension that was going on as both of you just kind of chuckle-laughed
He nodded relieved and amused
'okay, I'll think of something creative'
You grinned and let out a hum in agreement
'You better!'
After deciding on a day and time you parted ways to go and sit at your house tables
You also took note of the fact that there were only a handful of students that caught up to your conversation, which made you sigh relieved
you sat down on your usual spot, hieving enormous amounts of food onto your plate
You were so deep into your task that you didn't notice the two pairs of eyes, staring at your head like you were Fluffys sister
Until you actually lifted your head and stared right back
The innocent sounding question seemed to send your friends off to the moon
Yeri repeated your question as if it was the most ridiculous thing someone had ever asked
Mark was just sitting there, still kind of baffled by your previous interaction with the Gryffindor guy
'Your long term crush just asked you out and you're just sitting there..... Eating'
Yeri accusingly pointed her fork at you, waving it up and down as she continued talking
'you should be squealing. You should be gushing about it. Why are you just EATING?'
She wasn't wrong, your were indeed.... Eating
Cheeks filled with food, you weren't entirely able to answer her questions, though you weren't even sure if you could actually find any answers to them
You were just hungry
Anyway the point why I'm still writing about this is
You noticed how she was behaving a bit off
More off then usual
So you let your gaze slide to Mark, looking for answers
When he just kind of starts blushing
You go back to Yeri and she just starts,, blushing
And at first you're confused
But then you get it
You were being way cooler after being asked out by your crush then Yeri would probably ever be
And she just wanted to cover that embarassment up
So you grinned, all the while trying not to loose the food that was stuffed in your mouth
You weren't really able to talk so you just aggressively started to wiggle your eyebrows
Your friend almost screamed as she started to throw broccoli at you
'SHUT up!!'
You started laughing
All the food you tried to keep in started to plop down onto your plate and you almost choked on a carrot before your friends lost it and laughed along
So the three of you were sitting at your house table, laughing the whole situation away
And in the far there was Johnny, watching the situation unfold in silence, an amused smile on his face
He chose the right one and he couldn't wait for that date
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mojesticworlds · 5 years
Wedding Bell Promises
Draco Malfoy X OC
Word count: ??? (I'm on mobile 🤷)
I do not know the owner of the gif as I'm on mobile, sorry. If you know the owner please let me know.
Reader's Insight: Ginny and Maeve Weasley are twins, who at the age of six promised to be the maid of honour at each other's weddings, come hell or high water.
During the Battle against the Dark Lord Voldermort, Maeve pushed Ginny out of the way of a killing curse, however she wasn't so lucky herself.
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It was quiet.
It was stale.
It was dim.
It was... Saint Mungo's?
I stared into the darkness for a moment before I pushed my hands against the stiff gurney and forced myself to sit up. There was light peering through under the closed door, my eyes spotted my bedside table which held a green and gold leather bound book, my wand laying in a box with green silk and a dark red gown hung on the wall inbetween the table and the wall.
Confused and a tad bit nervous I reached out and picked up my wand and book, the lights flickering to life as I waved my wand and looked at the book marked page.
Dear Maeve,
It's almost been three years now since the battle which we both lost Fred and you.
George misses Fred so much, he says I don't understand what it's like to lose my twin as you're still technically here, but I can't help but feel like you're both gone and here at the same time. George apologised as soon as he said it of course, he's still struggling to live without as I am with you, but at least we have one another to grieve, even if it's for different reasons.
Harry bought you your maid of honour dress... I told him he didn't have to as the doctors said you showed no signs of waking up anytime soon - or at all. He's been amazing, he's helped mum and dad rebuild the Burrow, we've even bought the land next to it and built a little house for ourselves, he was insistent that we build a one bedroom cottage for you too. He believes you'll wake up, he's even gotten along with Draco Malfoy as they've been organising physical therapy for you!
I invited Draco to our wedding, in not sure if he'll come as he has kept to himself mainly. I know everyone is still unsure about the Malfoy's, but for you I am hoping he comes.
I miss you. I really do. I know everyone says it gets easier but it doesn't. Everyday I am reminded that you aren't here with me. I have failed you, I should've been the one that's in a coma.
I also... I'll just say it. I hate you, I hate what you did, I can't help it I'm so sorry. I hate that I hate you, but I can't stop it. You shouldn't have pushed me out of the way. I should've paid more attention! I failed you! I was meant to look after you!
I'm sorry Maeve.
I'm so fucking sorry.
The diary felt like it was laced with Basilisk venom. I dropped it onto the bed, which then bounced and hit the floor with a loud 'thud'. Looking around the room I see touches of my family to it, a blanket and pillow on the chairs that mum had knitter, little gadgets and pictures from their life events, pictures of babies even! Pushing the blanket off of me I threw my legs over the side of the bed and dropped down.
My hands had to hold me up as my legs felt weak and jelly-like. I noticed a slightly open door next to the dress, which appeared to be a bathroom. Pushing against the furniture and walls I managed to enter the bathroom, only to come face to face with a mirror.
I stared back at myself. I knew it was me - Even though it looked like Great Grandma Rowanina, I had grown older and filled out more, the only thing that stayed the same was my height. Which is slightly annoying as that meant I was still the shortest Weasley.
My hands tugged on the paper thing hospital gown and I span the knobs on the wall to quickly shower in attempt to wash the sterile smell off of myself and to attempt to process what Ginny's diary entry had said.
Three years? I can't remember anything other than heading off into battle against Voldermort. I slower climb into the wide tub and let the shower water pour over me. I closed my eyes, my mind was blank as I scrambled for anything else, but I couldn't. I couldn't think of anything.
Ginny, she hates for me for something I can't even remember, Fred... Fred had...died... A sob clawed its way through me as I began crying. I'd never be able to say goodbye, or go to his funeral, I don't know who else is dead or who is alive. Who else is married? Who has children? How old am I? 19 years? Older? How long ago had Ginny written in the diary?
"Freddie..." I cried.
The water soon got cold. Heaving myself over the tub I stumbled to the only other clothing that looked like it'd fit me, the maid of honour dress. I pulled the soft fabric over my head and found plastic sealed slippers in the cupboard.
I walked out of the corridor and to the main lobby of the hospital before I waved my wand and appeared on the road that leads to the Burrow. Shuffling I slowly made my way home.
There was music in the distance, and many voices, slowly the rebuilt Burrow was in front of me and I stared into the lit up house. It was different, more structuraly sound, I suppose. The voices weren't coming from the house though, the more steps I took the more easier I found walking.
There was a large tent in the distance I hurried my way to it, suspension and nervous fear bubbling in my chest as I reached it.
"Attention, attention you lot! I have something to say!" I heard my dad's voice call out and everything went silent. "I just want to thank you all for coming tonight, I want to thank you all for being family and supporting us through thick and thin. Without you lot we wouldn't be where we are today!"
I reached the opening and looked inside. Dad stood in a suit, holding a glass of bubbling liquid in front of him.
"Harry, my dear lad, I want to thank you for everything you have done for my family. Even if you weren't marrying my daughter, you'd still be apart of this family and will always be our son. Everything you've done and everything you will do, no matter what we will always be proud of you. You will always have a place in the Burrow."
I took a few steps into the tent, watching my father and everyone else watch him. Everyone looked so different, yet the same all at the same time.
"Ginny, I am so proud of the young woman you have become today and I know that you will be amazingly career driven seeing as you have been offered your dream job, just this morning!"
I stared at Ginny, her hair was pinned beautifully up, she wore a beautiful white gown that could've been worn by a princess. My eyes spotted a familiar necklace around her neck though, one old and clashed with her outfit. My hand touched my neck, instantly realised she was wearing my locket on her wedding day, my eyes began to get wet as my dad continued.
"You are a exceptional and beautiful young lady now, and I can't help but see the little girl who would talk my ear off about how cute Harry Potter is!"
"Dad!" Ginny cut in, face going red as she looked at Harry in embarassment.
"I am excited to see what you will do next, I will missing having you lot around and I know both Fred and Maeve are watching you now. They're so proud of you. We all are. And before I start crying and Molly decides to pull me off of the podium, Cheers to the Potter's!"
"To the Potter's!"
"To Fred and Maeve!" Harry yelled, raising his glass after everyone had a drink if there's.
"To Fred and Maeve!"
Everyone yelled once more before taking a sip of their drinks. Dad finally looked away from Ginny and Harry and looked out to everyone who were happily chatting to everyone. His eyes landed on my instantly and he dropped his champagne glass.
"Good grief Arthur! Have you already met your limit?" Someone laughed nearby. Mum stood and quickly attempted to sponge up the spillage and glasses.
"Arthur what's got into you? Arthur?" Mum said as everyone continued to celebrate. "Arthur?"
"Dad?" Ginny said, standing to reach out and touch his arm. "What is it?" She turned and saw me. "May?"
An hush quickly fell over the tent as everyone turned to look at me, standing at the opening of the tent in a brides maid dress and hospital slippers.
"May?" Mum cried out and threw herself over the table - Which was somewhat terrifying as I've never seen her move so quickly. "May!" She cried out before crushing me into a hug. "Oh my god! You're here! It's really you!" She wept as I held onto her for dear life.
"Mum, I'm sorry, I don't know what happened-"
"May!" I felt dad hug me as well, both of my parents holding onto each other as they cried and held onto me for dear life. "You're okay!"
Before I knew it, it appeared everyone was surrounding us and holding onto each other. A see of red hair speckled with a few other colours.
Ginny gently pushed her way to in front of me, grabbing my cheeks and looking into my eyes. "It's really you..."
"Yeah, sorry about that," I say cheekily before she wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed into my hair.
"I'm sorry! I am so sorry!"
"Gin, it's not your fault-"
"You pushed me out of the way of the killing curse May! You took it for me! How dare you!" She pulled back and hit my head.
"I'm sorry! I don't remember!"
She looked at me with a watery smile. "You made me worry, May... I was so scared that I lost you."
"That's what you get for being the older twin," I say while sticking my tongue out at her. "Look at you though?! You're absolutely gorgeous!" I yelled as I pulled back, staring at her as we continued to hold hands. "Gin... Do you still hate me?"
"Never," she pulled me into another hug. "I wrote those things because I was upset because I thought I lost you. Harry kept saying you'll come back though, you were never the one to break your promises after all."
My head snapped to Harry who stood amongst the Weasley's. "If you break her bloody heart mate, I'll make you regret it."
"Wouldn't count on it," he says while giving me a wink. "Not after you made me bald."
"Oh no! Harry, Draco went home after the ceremony!" Ginny gasped as she re-pulled back into her hug.
"George and Percy have already gone to drag him back, don't you worry," mum said as she looks at me. "I just, I can't believe your back dear." She kissed my cheek.
"I'm glad to be back, mum. Ginny, sorry for ruining your wedding-" I say as I realised I disrupted the celebration.
She smacked my shoulder. "Don't be, we made a promise, remember?"
I nod. "... Did you cut the cake yet though?" She rolled her eyes and laced her fingers with mine before dragging me over to the large table and pushed me onto the empty seat beside her.
"Back to the celebrations everyone!"
The wedding's celebration dial went from a 100 to 1,000. Alcohol was pouring quickly and frequently, everyone was rowdy and dancing like their favourite Quidditch team just won the World cup after a bad streak.
I sat quietly watching it all, feeling oddly tired and out of place. Ginny and Harry held each other close as they slow danced, ignoring everyone dancing like crazy people around them to the high tempo song that was playing.
"She visited you every day, May," mum said quietly as she sat down next to me, watching Harry.
"I feel like I've missed so much, mum."
"Your - Draco, he bought a journal so every visit you'd write something that has happened, so when you wake up you could read it and not miss anything."
A cold chill when down my spine. "I assume we won?" I asked nervously.
"We did," she mused.
"Thank god," I nodded and watched George walk over to us.
"He wasn't at the manor, the house elves said he left quickly and no one knows where he went."
"He'll turn up soon, I'll leave you two to talk."
George slowly took mums empty seat and we sat in silence. "Georgie, I'm sorry..."
"It's fine, I'm just glad you're okay," George said as he places a arm around my shoulder. "Hey, don't cry."
"I can't believe he's gone," I say as I my eyes began to well up again.
"I forgot that you probably just learner this," George said quietly as he pushed my head onto his neck. "Don't worry, I'll always be here for you May, I'll even do the old swap-a-roo if you ever need to talk to Fred."
I held onto him tightly. "I'm sorry that i-"
"If you apologise for being in a coma I swear to god I will make you bald just like we made Harry bald," George warned.
My hand pressed against my eyes as I attempted to force the tears to go away. "You're home now, that's all that matters," George says as he buried his head into my hair. I will never tell anyone that I felt his tears as they made their way to my skin. "Oh cheer up, May! We're at a wedding for god sake! Come on, dance with me!"
"You may need to drag me," I say as he pulls me to my feet.
"Just stand on my shoes, shortie, just like old times."
I laughed at George danced awkwardly as I stood on his shoes. "Molly! Maeve is gone!" I heard a desperate voice yell.
George stopped and we looked over at mum who grabbed ahold of a red faced Malfoy. "The hospital is on lockdown, they don't know where May is! Her wand is missing!"
"I know Draco, loo-"
"We need to begin a search party - I'll head to the ministry, you can stay here, I'll handle everything. I'll get her back-"
"Draco!" Mum reached up and grabbed his chin to force it on my direction. His eyes fell onto me, and I felt like I was hit my a train.
He's different. He's grown up. He wore a lovely dark grey suit and he appeared to be slightly wider and more toned than the last time we met. He also looks like he's grown too, the bastard.
He let go of up and suddenly I was picked off of George and into the arms of Draco.
"Oh my god, May, I can't believe you're okay."
"Draco? I'm sorry," I held onto him.
"I've missed you so much! I've visited every single day! I wrote day everything that's happened, I know it's a lot to take in but I thought you should-"
Impatiently I pulled on his tie and sealed his lips with mine before I pull back and rest my nose on his. "I missed you," he said as his eyes watered. "I missed you so much. I'm sorry we argued before the battle, I'm sorry I'm such a idiot, I love you May. Please forgive me."
"Always Draco, as long as you forgive me for being in a coma," I say while giving him a cheeky smile.
"I love you."
"I love you too, Miss Weasley."
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1. A Letter to Future Aliens
Original Prompt:
https://www.reddit.com/r/WritingPrompts/comments/b0pesi/wp_all_humans_on_earth_voted_to_assign_you_the/ “Now, we will turn to New York City, where United Nations assembly are reviewing letters and emails from the shortlisted candidates.”
My family are watching the news stream live from my computer. We lounged about in front of the computer, as it is placed on a coffee table. We aren’t very rich, but I managed to turn a small profit from blogs and Youtube channels. Truth be told, there are also a lot of professional writers, journalists, and philosophers sending their applications. Their names are listed on UN website, and my name is the 1065th.
“Thank you, Azizah. As you can see, the world leaders are busy reviewing the papers. I was told that eloquence of writing isn’t the only prerequisite to be selected. Prospective writers to this letter must also have active participation in aiding the hardcore poor and marginalised communities throughout the whole world.”
“The list will further be shortlisted to fifty best choices, and anyone throughout the whole world are free to vote for the best writer.”
My younger brother lies down on the tiled floor with a huff. “Mom, it’s boring. Why do I have to watch this?”
My mother lightly grabs his head and squeeze it a bit. “So that you know how the world works.”
The wait is filled with speculations by some experts thinking who could be the chosen fifty. Many names are from Africa, some from Europe, and a few from China. I think JK Rowling are also discussed, though I am more surprised that George R.R Martin aren’t included. He’s a sci-fi writer, he should at least be considered.
“The results are in, Azizah. We are now ready to broadcast the names chosen to be voted on by the Earth’s population.”
And the names are read aloud by UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres. He says many names I don’t know about, and a short list of their achievements, which I often see on Facebook or Instagram. The news is getting long, and my mother is already at the kitchen getting some fried banana fritters and black coffee to pass the time.
It took an hour before we turn our heads back to the stream. There has already been thirty names. “And for the thirty first name, we choose Januarius anak Idrus, a citizen of Malaysia. Born in Sabah, he has aided a lot in educating stateless children through the use of wireless connections and even funded internet availability for extremely rural areas.”
They took my bluff! It’s just my grandfather’s village. But my parents are esctatic, hugging me tightly and do I hear a sniffle?
The streaming continues, but my family are already too excited to bother.
“Start writing the letter, son. We will see Januarius name soar across the world!”
“We will help you all we can, but be quick, later people will beat you to it.”
I sleep soundly, too tired to take in the stress. My parents are laughing and loving each other throughout the night.
My younger brother wakes me up the next day. “Jan, jan, wake up!”
“What, why Felis?”
“Newspeople are coming! They want to interview you!”
The journalist is a petite woman. She sits in a single person sofa, comfortable in her seat. I on the other hand, is rummaging through my hair so it will look a bit more presentable.
The interview is embarassing. I barely have anything to say, haven’t researched anything, and worst of all, my face is sagging like rumpled carpet when they took my picture! By the way, what should I write anyway?
“Hello, my name is Maisarah. So, is your name is Januarius bin Idrus?”
“No, it’s Januarius anak Idrus.”
“I would like to ask a few questions. Firstly, how did you knew about the contest to write a letter to the aliens?”
“Well, me and my friends are browsing the internet when one of them, Saiful, shows me a Facebook post. It shows the contest, but I thought it’s a joke. So I write just a generic email and send it to them. World peace, economic equality, less pollution, all the good stuff. I also have to send some resume, so I hope I got at least a job out of it.”
“Will you send the same letter to the aliens, or will you rewrite a new letter?”
“I think I will have to. Apparently NASA does have correspondences with the aliens, but I have no idea what exactly they are offering.”
“Will you be consulting anyone to help with writing this letter?”
“Of course! I have no idea how to start this time. I don’t think I can answer you any more questions, since I haven’t prepared anything yet.”
“That’s alright. Will you let us interview you, next time?”
“Yes, yes please. Please give me a call first.” I wrote down my phone number and give it to her.
Now the problem of what to write is getting bigger in my head. Should I ask for world peace? End of poverty? Beginning of space travel? The silent whirr of my laptop fan might as well be a loud engine hum. Everyone is at work or school, and I am here staring at a blank Word document. Might as well call a friend.
“Hey, Hisham, can I go to your place?”
His place is a school. Not of brick and fresh paint and strong zinc roof. But of throwaway planks and board, lacking paint and old zinc roof with holes here and there. But the school is filled with children singing the alphabet song. Hisham is leading them, his smile shining bright from half a mile away.
I waited until his class is over. Hisham grabs me by the shoulder. “Hey, you have become fatter! How have you been?”
“Been healthier every day. Have you started building new school?”
Hisham leads me to a chair by a table. “We have just contacted a social advocacy group willing to help build one.”
We ate a few fried banana fritters as we chat. Hisham keeps spilling the beans. “Of course, we do have our own money, and have free volunteers too. You want to join?”
I would like to reject, but I haven’t been carpenting for weeks. “I will when I am free. If you are about to start, tell me.”
“Of course. But, what brings you here?”
I don’t know my face is obviously showing when asking for something. “Well, I have been chosen by the UN to write a letter to aliens, asking for help.”
Hisham pours more coffee to his cup. “You know our situation here in Sabah. You should speak about that.”
“But I am representing the Earth, not just Sabah.”
“There are many marginalised people. Stateless, minorities, hardcore poor, culturally oppressed, you name it. I do my little part. You expand it to the whole world.”
The visit is good, but I am not satisfied with the answer I get here. I walk back to my car when a kid is cupping his hands to me. I give her a ringgit. She shouted, and a horde of children suddenly appeared. At least, I still have enough money left for oil.
And now I am staring at the damn blank page. I try typing something. “Dear aliens ...”
No, too darling.
“To aliens of Planet Xenoniah I humbly...”
Eugh, grovelling.
“Greetings to leaders of Planet Xenoniah ...”
Isn’t that too formal? Am I supposed to be formal?
I am about to ram my head to the tabletop, but laptop is in my way. So I move it forward, then introduces head to desk. The pain is fogging my sight even more. Mentally, fortunately. My eyesight is still as clear as it always been without glasses.
Searching Google about child education is quite a chore. Half of it is about how to develop a child’s mind. Which is rather useless as my little brother taught me middle-school level math.  Then I searched about education for stateless and hardcore poor in countries throughout the world.
Many groups are already working on it. One research even shows how older children can help younger children learn English with apps and videos. But there is something missing in all this.
I try to find what the children do or became after they’re adults. There seems to be some classes on entrepreneurship for adults, but they seem to not bring the children in.
The next day, my handphone falls on my head. It should only be a small nuisance, if not for the fact that my handphone is the brick phone Energizer recently launched.
“Hello?” I can feel the heft of my phone on my forehead and cheek.
“Yo, congrats on your short selection! Have you wrote something?”
“Is that Eric over there?” I look at my phone screen. “Of course you are. I have no idea really.”
“Have you tried writing about poverty?”
“Poverty’s too big an issue. Can you be more specific?”
“You know microloans? Try to ask for that.”
“You want me to write a letter so they lend us a hundred dollars?”
My phone erupts with laughter of many people from the other side. “Try that. For the lols.”
“Heh, lol.”
Eric talks some more about how the soup kitchen he is running isn’t actually lacking in potential food waste. But they lack cars or trucks to carry all the leftover food quickly before they become prime source for compost.
“So I should ask for faster than light travel?”
“Wormholes. Something like Doraemon’s As-You-Like Door.” Eric is referring to a door gadget which opens immediately to a new location.
“Well, I try to make it sound formal.”
My parents return home for lunch, as usual. My sister cooked them some chicken in soy sauce and onions. And the vegetables are sauteed cabbage. The smell is heavenly. And the lunch is somewhat calm.
My father breaks the silence. “Have you started writing?”
“Nah, I don’t know what to write.”
My mother swallows her rice. “Try writing for world peace.”
“Isn’t world peace up to us?”
My sister removes the chicken bones from the flesh. “Try asking for a lot of money to pay both sides to be at peace.”
“I don’t know, that makes us look very greedy.”
“You’re saying we aren’t?”
Well, now I have three ideas. Education for marginalised, wormholes, and money.
The next interview with the journalist comes a few days later.
Maisarah points the microphone a bit too close to me. I readjust myself to the back and she gives some distance. “Please tell us what your letter is about.”
“I want to ask for tools to build a type of school.”
“Yes, it’s an odd school. Children went there to learn how to read, write, and count, the usual. But adults learn how to do crafts, such as carpentry, weaving, smithing. Some schools may even teach coding and business basics.”
“Don’t we have the same system here?”
“Well, the schools we have now are for the citizens of our countries. There is no infrastructure for the stateless of our countries. There are classes set up by social advocacy groups, but it’s for children and they don’t have enough funds to teach more people. There is no funds to buy tools and supplies to teach adults.”
“So, you want to ask for funding to build schools? Will it be any different from our system now?”
“Yes, for one thing, we receive outside funding, literally! Secondly, the schools are going to be borderless. Any stateless people or hardcore poor can join in from anywhere.”
“Anywhere, even from other countries?”
“But, how will they travel to the schools?”
“For one thing, we know Planet Xenoniah can make wormholes. Set up some wormhole doors so people can travel from their villages to schools by literally walking a few hundred meters away.”
We don’t watch the final selection on TV, as we are invited cordially to Geneva to witness the event. At the end, the judges decide to compile three most popular letters to one. The end result is this:
“To our friend, the leader of Planet Xenoniah Coalition, Babluk Xinaphah Waristi,
We thank you for your offer of help, and we have prepared with our requests.
Firstly, we ask for wormhole technology, some funding and supplies, to build schools to teach our marginalised people skills and carfts to help them provide their communities with jobs and products.
Secondly, we would like to learn your knowledge on terraforming. We have chosen our first step to be the atmosphere of Venus, while we build Mars to be more Earthlike. Hopefully, we could expand the reach of our species and provide more resources for further advances.
Thirdly, we would like to visit your fine planet and host you. We would like to know how your culture functions and the history.
We thank you again for your aid, and may our alliance blossoms for as long as our civilisations exist.”
For my problem, I get a goodie bag with some Swiss chocolate and kopi luwak. And the letter will be sent by Chris Pratt, aboard a provided spaceship. Unfortunately, he’s just the one to give the letter at a mothership stationed near Jupiter, not the one actually piloting it. That is other people’s job.
I never think about the letter after that day. I am still rather jobless, helping around with social advocacy groups, and sometimes teaching at Hisham’s school. But one day, just as I am watering the plants, there is a sudden flash of light. Hisham steps out of the light, which have transformed to a gate.
“Hey, come! Class is about to begin!”
“You better start paying me.”
“How does RM 3 000 a month sound?”
Well, I have no excuse now. I grab my wallet, phone, and some books. “Let’s go.”
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mightyb013 · 6 years
Prompt idea: Iruka's very good at drawing (like, REALLY GOOD), but he's very insecure and and thinks it looks horrible, so it's embarassed of people seeing his art and it's a super secret hobby of his. One day Kakashi finds one of his sketches and it's amazed by it! (It would be great if the drawing he found is of himself! ♥). Your writing is amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Work in the Tower wasn’t at all like his day teaching. There were lulls when the room was empty and his work caught up, so he picked up a pen and blank report. They started as mostly just doodles of Leaf symbols and imaginary landscapes, but it really did help pass the time.
Eventually he got himself a sketchbook. Not that he was taking this hobby any more seriously, he just wanted a place to tuck all these drawings into so no one would see them.
“Hey, Iruka, can you help me carry these to archives?” Genma popped his head into the mission’s room with a stack of books and a few scrolls.
“Oh sure,” Iruka hopped up from his seat at the desk, closing his sketchbook and leaving it behind.
He took from the top of the jonin’s pile to help him with his task before they went down the hall.
Kakashi walked towards them up the rounded hall. “Oh, Iruka-sensei, aren’t you working in the mission room tonight?”
“I am, Kakashi-san. If you um, don’t mind waiting I’ll be right back.” He remembered his sketchbook on the table. “O-or you could help us.”
“Mah, sensei, looks like you two can handle it,” Kakashi waved and passed them.
Iruka bit his lip. Kakashi wasn’t the kind to snoop, was he? He wouldn’t open an unlabled book in a Tower office. Who was he kidding Kakashi was just curious and arrogant enough to do anything.
“Well, here you go, Genma-san. You can file them yourself can’t you? I really should go take Kakashi-san’s report for him,” he said quickly the second he could set the documents down.
Iruka practically ran back up to the mission’s room, terrified when he found the jonin holding pages from his book.
“Kakashi-san! Y-you should know better than-”
“Did you draw these?” Kakashi asked, barely looking up, turning through the pages.
“Y-yes. It’s just a silly hobby. Please don’t-”
But he knew by the way the jonin froze it was too late.
“You drew me?”
“You’re the one who’s in here the most,“ Iruka blurted defensively.
Kakashi awkwardly laughed and lowered the book. “Well I-”
Iruka took it away from him and walked around the desk to put it in his bag where he kept his student’s schoolwork.
Both were red with tense voices. “I’ll take your report now.”
“Right. Uh, here you go.”
Iruka read quietly, collecting his embarrassment. “This could have waited until tomorrow.”
“But you aren’t working tomorrow,” Kakashi answered without thinking. “I-I mean- you um-”
Iruka looked up at him. Kakashi stared back, his hand dropping from his hair. They were both equally aware of the situation.
“Hey, Iruka!” They both jumped at Genma in the doorway. “Thanks again for-” He backed out slowly at the stunned, blushing faces. “Nevermind…” He whispered a humored, “finally,” as he went down the hall.
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necrowriter · 6 years
Fog and Fire: 2.4
Chapter Two: A Plan In The Works
Chapter One: 1 2 3 4 5
Chapter Two: 1 2 3
"Well, you might as well go ahead and take a look at it."
Ms. Harcourt looked down at the book sitting on her knees and took a deep breath. Now that the moment had finally come, she was almost too nervous to do anything.
They were sitting in a room in the back of a local inn. Not that they had acquired the room in the usual way; they had just gone in, under cover of Mr. Vervain's now more usable don't-notice spell, and he'd found an empty room and inscribed a symbol on the door in his strange black ink. It would make people disinterested in the room, he'd explained; they'd look at it and their minds would slide right off it. Despite the innkeepers themselves being completely unaware of their new guests, he had left a handful of coins at the front desk. Ms. Harcourt approved, but privately wondered how the innkeepers were going to process this.
Of course, they were paying not just for the room but for the two bowls of hearty stew they'd quietly stolen from the kitchen. The stew seemed to be doing Mr. Vervain some good; his color was already better, and he wasn't shaking slightly as he had been after putting the sigil on the door. Now he sat cross-legged on his bed finishing his stew while Ms. Harcourt sat on her own bed and looked at the book.
Fingers trembling, she finally opened it.
It was somewhat anti-climactic. Nothing immediately happened. Instead she found herself looking at a page with Casting Light embossed in gold foil upon it.
She turned the page and began to read.
Although the most basic of light-based spells are well within the grasp of any adequate magician, it requires a magician of particular aptitude to show skill with the more advanced forms, the book read. These are frequently dismissed as being guady and of little use save for showmanship, but nothing could be further from the truth. Light-based spells can be extremely powerful and are among the most versitile schools of magic...
She read. Eventually, after a few pages, she looked up.
Mr. Vervain set his empty bowl aside. "Well?"
Ms. Harcourt held up the book. On one page was an illustration showing a hand with a hovering ball of light above it. It was captioned, in looping script, magelight.
"Can you do this?" she asked.
"Mage light? Certainly." Mr. Vervain made a gesture in the air, and a small silver-white ball of light popped into existence in his hands. It floated gently above his open palm, casting strange shadows.
"It's fairly basic magic," he explained, as the ball drifted this way and that.
"That's what the book says. I was wondering if you could show me how to do it." Ms. Harcourt looked back down at the book. "There are instructions here, but I don't really understand them."
She did not say that she was afraid of what it might mean that she did not understand them. The possibility that she could not be a real magician was no longer a steadfast belief but a roiling feer down deep in her gut. If she was no magician, all this had been for nothing.
Mr. Vervain crossed the room and took the book from her. He sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his eyes down the page.
"I see," he said. "I think this book is meant for someone with—erm--a different educational foundation than you've had. It's describing how to understand the mechanism of the spell."
"What does that mean?"
"Ah...well...the mechanism of the spell is sort of—how it feels to cast it. It's the motion in your head that you make to express the magic."
Ms. Harcourt looked dubiously down at the book. "And this describes what that is? It all reads a little like nonsense to me."
"Well, I think that typically magicians went through a lot of practice understanding this sort of thing before they ever cast actual spells."
"And you?" Ms. Harcourt said.
"What did you do to understand it? Who taught you?"
Mr. Vervain's face went blank. "I...well, it's not something I can replicate," he mumbled.
"But..." Mr. Vervain chewed on his lip. "Have you ever had a dream where you could cast magic?"
"What? Well, yes. I suppose so."
"Try to remember what that felt like. That...motion."
Ms. Harcourt grappled with this for a moment. She looked down at the book. Then, slowly, she moved her hand in the same gesture that Mr. Vervain had.
Nothing happened.
"It takes time," Mr. Vervain said. "And don't feel wedded to doing what I did. Your magic is going to be different than mine, and so is how you express it. Think about how you found the book," he added. "That was a kind of magic."
Ms. Harcourt thought of that, of the feeling of right she had gotten when she'd put her hand on the book, and tried again.
She tried again. Nothing.
She tried again and again, while Mr. Vervain watched patiently.
Eventually, after the umpteenth time, she let out a frustrated yell and flung the book down. Immediately afterward she felt terribly embarassed.
"It's alright," Mr. Vervain said kindly. "It takes a while."
Ms. Harcourt sighed. "I suppose it's arrogant to expect it to happen so soon. It's just..."
"You want proof," Mr. Vervain said softly.
Ms. Harcourt dropped her hands onto her lap. "Yes. I...for myself, and for the others. Tomorrow. They'll never believe me, otherwise...I don't believe me."
"That may be part of your problem," Mr. Vervain said. "If you don't believe it's going to happen, it won't. You have to really mean it, with everything you've got."
Ms. Harcourt took a deep breath. "Alright. Alright...I can mean it for a little while. Not forever, but for a while."
"That's good enough," Mr. Vervain said.
Ms. Harcourt took another deep breath and tried again.
Nothing happened.
Nothing happened the next time, or the time after that; nothing kept happening while Mr. Vervain retired back to his bed to pore over his own book. Nothing happened for quite a while.
But at some point, something clicked. It was very slight, and Ms. Harcourt almost didn't notice it. But something felt just a little bit right.
She tried again.
Mr. Vervain eventually put his book aside and fell asleep, muttering and twitching, but Ms. Harcourt stayed up stubbornly, reading the passage over and over, twisting it about in her head, trying different motions and gestures. She felt sure now that she was getting there. Just a little bit more...
The magelight sprang into existence above her outstretched, quivering fingers. Hers was not silver but a warm, rosy gold that lit the room like a miniature sun. She stared at it in awe and a happiness like nothing she had ever known.
Mr. Vervain opened his eyes and sat up. "Congratulations," he said.
"I did it," Ms. Harcourt said, blinking back tears. "I did it. Magic."
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simply--dylan · 6 years
Touche -_-
Rickie had always been a shy person.
He could never quite push himself to do what he wanted due to the thought of embarrassment or rejection but he didn't need to be bold for all the boldness he needed was in Jane.Jane was the kind of unforgiving boldness were she could hear her favorite song come on and no matter where she was, weather that be a crowded mall or a funeral, she'd dance like it was nobodies business.
Rickie had just left the book store when it began to rain. He didn't like public places, especially the coffee shop since the smell of coffee gave him a head ache, but he'd rather sit in the coffee shop then get him and his new copy of Grasshopper Jungle wet. He'd picked the table farthest in the back were no one could intrude on his reading, or so he thought. He'd only gotten 5 pages in when suddenly, and loudly a book was slammed the table in front of him forcing with out of his and on to the floor.
"Did I scare ya?" said Jane
"Who are you and why'd you slam a book in my face?" Rickie said disgruntled as he picked himself up
"Numer 1. I didn't slam it in your face, i slam it on the table you were sitting in front of, and number 2. I'm Jane. Jane Everest."
"Well Jane, im busy trying to read so if you don't mine, I'd like to be left alone."
" Well that's rude considering I just gave you my name and number."
"You never gave me-"
"Check page 289 as I go use the rest room."
Rickie opens to page 289 to find a blank piece of paper with a phone number and the words "Don't be so anxious or else you be wouldn't have been so startled by Green eggs and ham"
Rickie looked up and gazed to the Doctor sues book that he'd made him almost shit himself less then 2 minutes ago.
20 mintues had pasted when Rickie finally decided that he'd check on Jane.
*knocks on restroom door* "Hey are you coming back or can I stop worrying about being atacked by another book" *no reply* "hello..." *cautiously opens door* " What the fuck, she slams a book in my face, gives me her number, then crawls out the bathroom window. Who the fuck does that"
This wasn't the first time Rickie had seen Jane since they had biology together but it was the first he had cared to ask her name.
Rickie didn't much care for girls as wild as Jane since he thought he was to "boring" to ever have girls like that even notice him. So instead he payed more attention to the quite girls. The ones like Samantha West. Sam never raised her hand and after 5th grade teachers stop calling on her to talk since anytime they did they were met with complete silence and a kind of "dear in headlights" stare. Sam sat the back of the class with pencils her sharpened and her head in a book reading whatever 3 inch thick book she had decided to read that week. Rickie met Sam in first grade but had only first talked to her in 8th when they were forced to do a speaking project since they were the 2 quietest kids the whole grade. Sam did the research and made the presentation but Rickie did the speaking part by mumbling to the ground as the teacher endlessly asked him to speak alittle lounder. After class Rickie went to his locker with a look of exhaustion and pure embarassment. Sam quickly went up to Rickie and said "Thank you for doing that" and gave him a brief, but tight hug. He had later found out that she was failing the class and 2 others and that by him doing speaking part he had saved her from retaking 8th grade all over again.
As the rain started to clear up Rickie grabbed his book and exited the coffee shop.When he got home he popped his red Converse off and plopped himself onto his bed where he wondered for the next 2 hours why a girl like Jane Everst would ever give him, Rickie Toizer, her number.
"This has to be a prank, other wise she wouldn't have left, right? Or maybe she just wants to mess with my head, maybe she wants me to make the first move?" After another 20mintues of debating weather to call her he finally decided to call.
*dials number*
"This is stupid, no way she's gonna pick up."
*Jane awnsers phone*
"Meet me in front of the school at 10:30apm tonight, and bring 100 yard rope."
"Wait, its friday. Why are we meeting at the school?"
"It's for a science project"
"No way am I going, especially since its after curfew"
"There's a football game to night and its the two biggest rivaling teams so all the cops are gonna be their worrying about sweaty teens getting into fights over who did what with who's mom"
" and where am I supposed to get 100 yard rope?"
"I don't know, buy some or something. Just makes sure your at the school by 10:30pm, ok?"
"Fine but my safe word is pineapple."
*Call ends*
"Great, where am I gonna get 100 yard rope."
Rickie stands in front of the school with 100 yard rope and a look of regret since its 10:40 and there no sign of Jane.
"I knew I shouldn't have come, this is just some idiotic prank that I fell for"
* Jane is now standing behind Rickie wearing all black with a back pack filled with can of spray paint*
" If I was gonna prank ya, I would make you buy way kinkier stuff the 100yard rope'
*Rickie Jumps to his feet*
"Stop scaring me like that. Your gonna give me a heart attack. Now tell me why I have rope"
"Cause you had nothing better to do then bring a stranger that u met less then 6hours ago rope on a Friday night"
"Ok, true but hurtful. Now seriously. What are you doing?"
"Me, and by me I mean we're sneaking into the school spraying painting every hall, classroom, bathroom, and office with paint"
"You have fun with that but I'm heading home so goodbye"
"What! You'd rather go home and be lonely then help me spray paint the school?"
"That's better then getting arrested"
"We'll only get arrested if we get caught"
"Well I ain't chancing it"
"Well too bad"
"You can't make me"
" Say cheese"
*Jane takes flashy Polaroid picture*
"What was that for" as Rickie rubs his eyes
"Well if I were to "accidentally" leave this picture of u with the rope we're gonna use to scale the building behind, then the cops would connect the graffiti back to you and then you would definitely be arrested for defacing school property"
" touche"
"Now pass me the rope"
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rabexxpaulson · 7 years
Prompt (By the amazing purified-trough-flames.tumblr.com): Lily is helping Sarah rehearse for a role and there’s a kiss scene between Sarah´s and Lily´s characters (Pre-Relationship)
“But what about last time? You really mean a lot to me and I can’t accept I might be losing you!” Sarah screamed with eyes full of tears while holding some papers and staring at Lily, who was sat on the couch holding some papers as well.
“Wow wow wow! That was really good Sarah!” The blonde got up from the couch and high-fived her friend, who had a big smile on her face.
“Thank you lovepants! I really hope I get to do it right, it’s a huge thing for me”
“You will, I have no doubt”
Both girls sat on the couch; Lily stared at the elder woman who got quiet and serious out of nowhere; After a while staring at the blank space, Sarah fitted her friend, who was still staring at her, now with a concerned look;
“You know” Sarah turned her body to Lily’s side while taking a deep breath “There’s that scene that... that I’m really worried about”
“Well, let’s rehearse it then! I’m here to help you Sar” The blonde gave her an encouraging smile and caressed Sarah’s hand, which was rested on the couch
“I’m... I, um, well that’s the problem” The elder woman moved her hand from bellow her friend’s closer to herself.
“Sarah... we’ve been friends for so many years, don’t tell me you’re embarassed?!”
“No! No... I mean, not at all” Sarah moved her head with a negative movement “Ok, yeah, you’re right, let’s do it, it’s on page twelve”
Lily smiled and started reading the script; Oh God, it was a kiss scene; She could feel her knees going weak.
“Look, we don’t need to actually kiss” The elder woman said nervously “It’s just that this part is hard and it’d be really good if I could rehearse it, you know? Like, it´s a...”
“Sarah, it’s fine” Lily cut her “We’re both actresses, it’s just a scene, that’s ok”
Lily was absolutely dying inside; She’d always been madly in love with her friend and, even tough she knew she shouldn’t feed something that would never happen, she couldn’t miss the chance of kissing her long time, secret lover; Even if it was just pretend.
“Fine, fine” Sarah smiled “You’re right... So I’ll play my character, Rose, and you’ll play Kevin, is it fine?”
“Sure” Lily smiled nervously “Let’s go then”
Both girls turned their bodies to each other while still sat on the couch; Sarah began;
“I don’t think I can do that, Kevin...” The elder friend stared at Lily with the eyes already full of tears
“Why not? Of course you can! You’ve got this!” The blonde approached the friend and took both of her hands in hers “You’ve been preparing for so long!”
“But... I don’t think I’m ready” Sarah looked bellow “I mean, you saw the other girls, they did it so perfectly”
“Well, to be quite honest, I didn’t see the other girls” Lily lifted Sarah’s head by the chin “I couldn’t take my eyes out of you”
Sarah felt a burning in her stomach. It was it, the kissing part.
Lily started getting closer and closer; Both could feel each other’s breath when suddenly Sarah abruptly pulled over.
“ I can’t do that Lily, I just can’t do that this way” The woman felt her tears coming down, along with her friend’s; “Lily... why, why are you crying?”
“What do you mean by “this way”?” The blonde ignored the question previously asked
“Nothing, it was just nothing” Sarah sobbed, it was being too much.
They both stared at each other; Completely silence. Tears falling down harder and harder.
The elder woman just couldn’t take it anymore, if she didn’t take the courage to do it now, she knew she could and would never do it. Calmly but still shaking, Sarah started approaching Lily; She was just inches away the blonde’s mouth when she stopped and just kept there.
“Sarah...” Lily whispered “Just kiss me”
And so the woman did; Such a gentle, sweet kiss, none of them wanted to pull apart again.
Softly, Lily went back, never stopping looking at her friend’s eyes;
“I like you... a lot” The blonde whispered
“I like you too... a lot”
Both smiled and went in for another kiss; They could feel each other smiling trough it and it was a feeling they wish to have forever.
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doomsteady · 7 years
Glitter and Stars
I don’t remember where I first saw this prompt, but I saved it with the hopes of one day getting around to writing something for it.
The prompt was something like: “John and Sherlock sitting in the living room doing crafts, with soft little murmurs of ‘oh I quite like that.’”
Does anyone remember who it was, so I can tag them?
Edit: Found them! Okay, so it wasn’t exactly a prompt, but I took the challenge anyway. ;P
It was a lazy Sunday morning like any other when John plodded down the stairs in his soft cotton trousers and thin vest. Still bleary-eyed from sleep, he headed straight into the kitchen for his morning cup of tea. But before he could do more than set out his mug and fill the kettle, his ears picked up a quiet susurrus coming from the living room.
Curious, he poked his head around the door. “Morning. What you up to, then?”
Sherlock glanced up from where he was sat cross-legged by the coffee table, wrapped in his navy blue dressing gown and surrounded by a scattering of junkmail booklets and magazines. A pair of scissors stilled in his hand, threaded halfway through a glossy page with a printed headline that read, if John squinted hard enough, ‘This Year’s Biggest Blockbusters!’ in fat, red letters.
“It’s Mrs Hudson’s birthday tomorrow,” Sherlock mumbled, focus dropping back to his enigmatic task. He carefully adjusted his grip on the page and closed the scissor blades with a gentle, pleasing snick. As he rotated the paper, he seemed to be cutting a circle around one of the letters. After a full rotation, the cut piece fluttered to the carpet by his toes, and he set the ruined page down beside him.
John scratched a finger through his eyebrow. “Um... Okay. That didn’t really answer the question, though.” He plodded over to the coffee table for a better look at what his mad friend was up to.
Close-up, he could see that Sherlock had already cut several letters out of various magazines, and had arranged them in rows by his feet. There were a multitude of colours and typefaces; some bold, some elaborately curly, some with drop-shadows. It took John a moment to realise that he’d spelt out most of the phrase ‘Happy Birthday’ and had the beginnings of what would probably end up being ‘Mrs Hudson’.
It raised more questions than it answered. “What on earth are you doing?”
Sherlock let out a deep sigh. “Isn’t it obvious? I’m making a card.”
“A card?” John narrowed his eyes in puzzlement. “You’re actually... making a birthday card. From scratch.”
“You do realise they sell those.”
“I’m well aware.”
“Right. Just... It would be a lot easier than”—his hand fluttered at the mess surrounding them—“all this.”
Sherlock stopped fiddling with the placement of his newest acquisition (the final ‘Y’ he needed to complete the word ‘Birthday’) and glared up at him. “John, I am not going to spend two or three quid on a mass-produced piece of cardboard printed with some obnoxiously fluffy sentiment and designed by a total stranger.”
His long finger jabbed accusingly over at the table by John’s chair, where his own card — a fairly standard Hallmark offering, with a teddybear or a kitten or something on the front (God, he couldn’t even remember) — was already sealed in its envelope and awaiting delivery. “How many cards do you buy a year, on average, and write the same banal message inside each one: ‘To blah, from John’? You don’t even get to write the ‘Happy Birthday’ bit yourself because it’s already written inside.”
“Well actually, I usually try to think of something more—”
“And once received, it is glanced at for approximately five seconds in total, before being forgotten on a mantlepiece for a day or two and then ending up in the rubbish bin.” He scowls, deepening the crinkle across the bridge of his nose. “Does that strike you as money well spent?”
“Well not when you put it like that,” John replied, “but it’s the thought that counts, isn’t it? People like getting cards.”
“Exactly! Which is why I’ve decided to make my own from now on. It has the dual benefit of being cheaper and more personal. I can guarantee you Mrs Hudson will appreciate it far more than whatever you plucked off a shelf in passing at Tescos.”
John sat himself on the sofa, faintly stunned. He couldn’t fault the logic. However, Sherlock’s technique left something to be desired. Perhaps it was a side-effect of a life spent investigating crimes, but the arrangement of mis-matched letters on the floor was looking more to him like a grisly ransom note than a cheery greeting.
Sherlock seemed oblivious to it. In fact, he seemed to be quite enjoying himself. “I may do one for Graham next.”
“Uh, before you get too carried away,” John hedged, “maybe you should try a different approach to this. Something that will end up looking a bit less like a threatening note from a kidnapper.”
Sherlock pinned him with a mildly pained look. “What do you mean?”
“I mean this, the whole letters... thing.”
“It’s called a collage, John.”
“It’s called, ‘Send something like this to Greg, and you’ll get yourself called in for questioning.’ Not to mention probably giving Mrs H a heart attack. Look,” he lifted a finger before Sherlock could protest, “I’ll pop down the shops in a bit and pick up some supplies. Then we can both sit down and make a proper card, with— I don’t know, glitter or something. Alright?”
Sherlock studied him for a few seconds, his eyes flitting back and forth in indecision. Then, his shoulders relaxed on a defeated sigh. “Fine. If you think that would be better.”
That afternoon, they sat down together on the sofa, a variety of craft materials spread out across the coffee table. John felt like a schoolkid again, but his embarassment quickly melted underneath Sherlock’s genuine enthusiasm for the activity. Soon enough, they were both well into it.
“Pass me those sequins.”
“Where are you putting them?”
“I thought they could be like little stars or something.”
“Stars?” Sherlock scoffed, his breath accidentally blowing a scrap of coloured tissue paper off the table. “I thought this was a day scene. You can’t have a big yellow sun and stars.”
“Says who?” John dabbed dots of glue in random spots across the top of the card. “It doesn’t have to make sense, as long as it looks pretty.”
“Careful. Don’t smudge—“
“I’m not going to bloody smudge it,” he mumbled. His tongue poked between his lips in concentration. After a few stars, he could feel Sherlock’s eyes burning at him. “What? I’m being careful.”
Before they knew it, they’d spent two whole hours bent over the coffee table, cutting shapes and gluing things and arguing lightheartedly over tiny details. By the end of it, their fingers were sticky and covered in sparkles. A silver foil star had somehow found its way onto Sherlock’s forehead, and John burst into giggles when he spotted it.
“God, we’ve made a mess,” he said, grinning as he stepped closer to pluck the star from Sherlock’s brow. It was the faintest of touches, but Sherlock’s breath hitched, a small noise that sent an unexpected shiver down his spine. Their eyes locked for a moment, and it almost seemed as though they were both waiting for the other to make some move. To pull back, or perhaps lean in...
A passing car honked its horn in the street outside, startling them both. Blinking and clearing his throat, John stepped away. “We should, um. We’ll sign it once it’s dry.” He absently wiped the back of his hand across his nose and stared at their card, at the floor. Anything except those piercing silver eyes.
“John.” Sherlock’s voice captured his attention like a magnet, impossible to resist. They gazed at each other, and as Sherlock stepped closer, invading his personal space, John felt his pulse kick up several notches in his throat.
“What?” he croaked. His mouth was watering more than usual. His fingers twitched at his sides, barely resisting a mad urge to reach out and curl around Sherlock’s broad shoulders. Sherlock leaned closer, and for one giddy moment, John thought he was about to kiss him.
Instead, Sherlock’s mouth quirked into a lopsided grin. “You just smeared glitter all over your own face.”
The next day, their homemade card took pride of place on Mrs Hudson’s mantlepiece. She cooed over it for the better part of an hour, John and Sherlock keeping her company until it was time to see her off for a visit to her sister’s.
Afterwards, they were still finding sequins and stars in odd places around the flat for weeks. One night, John noticed Sherlock was staring at him unusually intently— even for him. John lowered his newspaper. “Something on my face?”
Sherlock rose slowly from his seat and approached him. Then, leaning down, he spoke in a tone several shades lower than John had ever heard. “Yes, actually.” John daren’t move an inch as Sherlock’s slender fingers came up and found his lip, pressing it gently.
Before he could prevent it, John’s tongue automatically darted out to wet his lips, and they both gasped as he ended up accidentally tasting the tip of Sherlock’s finger. There was a soft pinch, and Sherlock slowly withdrew his hand, presenting a tiny gold fleck.
John huffed a laugh, his cheeks burning with embarrassment. “Blimey. Your eyesight’s better than mine if you saw that all the way over there.”
“Actually, I lied.” Caging him in between his slender, powerful arms, Sherlock drew close enough that his breath ghosted across his mouth. Their noses touched, and John’s heart hammered in his chest. His eyes fluttered closed.
Glitter and stars, he thought giddily, before his mind went comfortably blank.
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huggpheonix · 7 years
The grace and tarrus story
TO HELL AND BACK WITH LOVE --------------------------------------- Chapter  306 961 6523 "Isn't it unwise to set that much responsibility on a girl who's known none." It wasn't a question.It was a statement. The truth hurts. Chapter 7 Days went by.  I'm still wondering wether my mom has noticed or if she's too out of it. my sister has probably.  I sigh with contempt. "Kin, the hell are you doing down here? With those losers?" Jack asked. I flinched turning around."I was making sure they had , enough entertainment to keep them occupied.." Jack snorted. "Oh come on. You know they are fascinated by their lame club." Jack Briggs home a bunch of kids every day as kin watches. "What the hell are they doing here?" They screamed in public. They stood up against him Kin has to go to community service every day and meets gage. Gage constellation  Has black hair, a lip ring, pale eyes, pale skin, a tattoo and smokes too. They first meet on the job, standing out back having a cigarette. "whoa. Shit dude. Scared me for a second." She said taking a smoke out. He snorted quietly."you wouldn't be the last." She turned to him. "You're way quiet dude." He blew out a puff of smoke. "Yeah?... Hm." He huffed , putting out his cigarette. She stared at his back well after he was walking in. "Weirdo." She said taking another huff. After her trip to the library she finds a book on how to tame a lover boy. "Huh. We'll as long as I'm here." She slipped it into her bag along with many other sad titles. "Hey! Constellation!" She called running after him. He turned around facing her."huh, yeah?" "You up for a task?" "Meh.. These kids are fucking crazy enough, Tal." He said. "Kids shmids, follow me." He rolled his eyes following. "Okay here I hold a book, which I need to try, okay?" "Yeah.. Uh .. The kids are getting wild over there." She stared at the pages. "Step one... Hold out hand.." He stuck his hand out. Meeting hers. "Hey. Whoa." He said. "Step two look into each other's eyes.." He stared down at her beautiful hazel eyes. Grey and hazel met in the shade of the back shed. Kintalia dropped the book, breaking the gaze.  He blinked unsure what to do. "Look Tal.. I-" "Hey! You two! We can use you both by the kids!" Kin fumbled for the book , picked it up quickly. "Fuck, sorry... I shouldn't have" "Kin... Your arms.. What the hell happened?" She struck him so hard he didn't see it coming.  " Don't.ever.call.me.kin." She growled glaring. He held his face a minute before standing taller than ever. "Fold, what the fuck? We're supposed to keep this professional ." "Maybe I don't want to! " "I didn't ask for this! Fuck, go. Then! Run home to your family! Huh?! Your nice warm loving family!" He yelled. She froze. Her eyes widened as she turned around. "Yeah?! You want to fucking talk about family?! When you clearly, know nothing?" Gage narrowed his eyes. "I'm going to resign as your partner. You don't like me. I don't like you." He monotoned. Pushing past her.  (( Ipod note number one.)) "I got it!" Frankie screamed. The excitement in their voice was unexpected and Dee flinched. "Got what? Gosh dont scream like that," she snapped back holding a hand to her head. "A way to stop this!" She said gesturing to the wreckage.  The world had fallen. Buildings were decaying and had collapsed long ago. The sky was blazing with red and orange colours. "Weve looked for a solution for so long Frankie.." Dee said, hope long crushed from her tone. "True... But this one im positive is fool proof!" She said excitedly. Dee stared at her through orange sunglasses. "Al-alright go ahead..." She relented sitting down on a traffic sign. "We get the kids and stop them." She said. Dee stood up suddenly and clutched Frankies shirt tightly in her hands. "Are you fucking crazy?!" She fumed. Frankie gently took her hands and held them. She nodded a little bit. The kid would go and hit up another dimension, where they were top dawg and then take over. Then when they found the three boys they would hold a battle royale. Desparate they would take the chance and summon the gods there. (The gods being very different then us of course) then they would try to kill margo keeping the destruction of this universe to a minimum. Margo and his gang. If crazed is killed then destruction will affect everywhere. Oblivion beginning in every universe and everything will die eventually. (Especially truth?) (( half finished ipod mote cus its shite)))) Dirk shuffled nervously in his spot taking his coat off. He was sweating and not just because of the warm weather. Tonight was the night he confessed to jake. He walked over to the window and looked out. The sun was setting rather quickly exposing the stars beginning to appear. He sighed and picked up his vibrating phone. 'Hey Dirk! Have a great day? I think i did but i was concerned about you. He could only help but manage a small grin. This boy was unlike any of the ones he had met before. Unlike all of them he possessed a charm. 'It was alright' he texted back, fingers gliding over the keyboard. He dug a bowl out while he awaited the answer. ' hey do you want to hang out later?' His heart skipped a beat as he replied. 'Alright lets do it. Ill be over there in five.'  Ipod note three song I look through your profile Looking for answers But your leaving me blank Tell me what number on your pity list did i actually rank?! I call your number too many people times  And when i need your help your leaving me behind Tell me what fairytale did we leave? Ipod note 4 idk fanfictionidea Vriska and aranea live together in a house which was left to them by their away at work mother. Aranea can read minds and vriska is sitting with her at breakfast. Aranea mentions something about going to work and to not wait up. All of a sudden aranea's old boyfriend knocks on the door and vriska is dating him now. Aranea gets angry and leaves. Vriska and cronus sleep together and then she wakes up and her mother is sitting there. She says she thought she could trust aranea to care for vriska but she was wrong. She wipes cronus's memory and sends vriska to a reformmatory school and probably hurts aranea. Vriska remembers a traumatic memory. Aranea hides with vriska and hides her but the mom leaves the boyfriend. She grabs vriska and slaps aranea and abuses her. - to hell and back with love - transgender boy love story - lesbian love story highschool - the notorious gang missing brother story Taurus Ferron high school student at Kings son community school. She is 17 and going into grade twelve for her senior year. She is from a rougher background, but she has a supportive mother who has her back and helps her through school. Taurus is extremely gifted in the math classes and her mother wants for her to become a doctor and because taurus doesnt have the heart to tell her no, she aspires to. Taurus is dark skinned and has dark black hair, that is almost always braided. She is Slim and tall. She wears very cheap clothing from the discount store. Grace Feather a high school transfer who is going into her junior year at Kings son school. Its her first time being in a rougher school, because of her mother. She is 17 going on 18 and comes from a very high class background, she is gifted in music and art and struggles with math. She meets Taurus at a tutor session in the school. She is fair skinned and has blonde hair. She is short and a little chubby. She dresses fairly high class. "Hey, im your tutor? You responded to the ad in the newsletter, so here i am." Taurus said a little put off by the girls beauty. "Its a little embarassing to be here, so can we just go into the back?" Grace asked. "Um.. Yeah, sure." They both go into the back with taurus lazily shouldering her bag, and Grace with both shoulder straps on. They are seated and Taurus begins to take out the calculus textbook. "Ugh, I hate calculus." Grace says, sticking her tongue out at the book. "Why are you taking it? I mean... If you dont mind me asking..." "My mother wants me to get my head out of the clouds with my art. Tells me to get a real job, so here i am." "Oh... So an artist? dont believe ive seen you around here before now." Taurus began flipping through the textbook pages and asked grace to take out her notebook. "I tranferred here after the second semester. I dont know any people here." "Well, you officially know me." "You didnt tell me your name.. Im Grace." "Grace? Elegant name. Im Taurus." "Taurus?" Grace tested it out. "Yep, like the astrology sign i guess. Even though thats not my sign."  "How come.." "My mother only likes the Taurus sign, because it was my sister's." She goes quiet after that, like she had revealed too much. "Sorry, it was none of my business." "Yeah. But, cant keep that shit inside right?"  Grace doesnt answer and they instead get to work. "So, Grace, you need this calculus class, what are you having trouble with?" It goes on like that (Little time skip where the bell rings.) "Theres the bell. Ive got to get to my class. Maybe ill see you around. Grace, right?" "Yeah! I mean, i need help again, so are you free Friday?" Taurus smirks and shoves her books in her bag. "Sure. I mean presuming im not completely booked up."  Grace blinks and quickly composes herself by waving a hand. "Of course. Of course, youre super busy, i get it. Forget it." "Grace, quit being a cute schoolgirl. I was joking, youre like the only one who took me up on the ad. Ill catch you on Friday." Grace nervously laughs, and blushes too.  "Thanks for the help today. Taurus." Grace says sticking out her hand towards Taurus. "Thatll be 25$ Princess." Taurus said smiling. Grace nodded and dug into her pockets. "Whoa, shit.. Sorry, i was kidding. Maybe i took that one a little far... Its free." Grace facepalmed, " you just keep fooling me dont you."  "I wasnt fooling you when i said you were cute." She said smoothly and patted her shoulder. "Catch you on Friday, Grace! You better get to class, junior class teachers are real hard on tardy kids." Grace was left openmouthed and she couldnt wait for Friday. "How did the tutoring session go, Grace? Was he competent?" Her mother asked her. "It was a girl, Taurus Ferron, from grade twelve. And yes, she is very smart." "Oh. Youre going to have to make your own dinner tonight, or order in or something, i have a meeting with the mayor tonight."  "Yes." Grace said. "Yes what?" "Yes, Ma'am." Grace's mother smiled with dead eyes and left the room. "How did the tutoring session go today, sweetie?" Taurus' mother asked her when she came into the living room. Taurus dropped her bag and sighed dreamily. "It went great, had a grand total of one participant." "Oh baby, dont fret over the numbers, how did it go?" "Well, she seemed to grasp the concepts well enough, so i wasnt completely a failure." "Oh a girl?" "Ma, come on, shes out of my league." "Oooh so you like her?" "Come on, ma. Love at first sight is so cliche and it didnt get nobody nowhere." "I said nothing about love, Tori. Still, tell me about her." Taurus sighed but she was actually thrilled to talk to her mom. "Well shes totally rich, and beautiful and blonde." "You sound fond of her after just one session. I sure hope youll keep your head in the grades, and not in this dating game." "Ma, i know what im doing. Ill be fine." Friday session goes well, just shows them having fun and growing closer and learning more about eachother. Then after a couple weeks of seeing each other. "Yo Grace, i thought we would switch it up, youve been working pretty hard, so maybe we should just go chill. You with me?" Grace smiled and nodded. They walk to the bleachers and sit there watching people do their own things. Grace clutches her stomach suddenly. "Whats wrong?" "Nothing." She says too quickly. Taurus sighs and slips her bag off of her shoulder. "Ive got lunch for both of us. I didnt know what you liked so i just went with peanut butter sandwiches."  Grace bites her lip and clutches her stomach again. Taurus widens her eyes and facepalms. "Shit. Youre allergic to peanuts, arent you? Damn it. Why i gotta play around like this? Uh...wait. Ive got just jam. Here." Taurus said panicking a little and handing her the jam sandwich. Grace covered her mouth and tears formed in her eyes. "Oh shit. Are you okay? Do you really hate peanutbutter? Fuck." Taurus swore throwing the sandwich far away. "Taurus... Im.. I cant eat that. Ill get fatter." Taurus clenched her fists.  "You... You cant do that! Its not healthy. Grace. Please, your stomach is fucking starving itself." Grace clenched her teeth and turned to Taurus. "Its the only way! You wouldnt understand... Youre naturally tall and skinny and beatiful." Taurus furrowed her eyebrows and bit her lip. "Dont you know... That... Youre perfect just like that? Do you even know how fucking beautiful you are? Ive been stumbling over my words for weeks now, Grace. I really like you," she confesed leaning forward. "Why me? You could have anybody here at this school, why.." She was cut off by the lips that met hers. They kissed awkwardly and Taurus knocked her teeth against Grace's. She pulled away. "Fuck. Sorry. Im terrible at this romance stuff." Grace was shocked and numb, she turned Taurus back to her and kissed her back, this time slower, and not so rushed. The thing that pulled them away was Taurus losing her grip on the bleachers and knocking her chin on the hard wood.  Grace covered her mouth and burst out laughing. "Are you okay?" "This isnt cool. Im supposed to be the smooth one. But this is what you do to me, Grace. You do this to me. You make me nervous and gittery and so excited to see you everyday." Grace smiled that gap toothed smile and helped Taurus up from the bleachers. "Now... Will you please eat my sandwich?" Grace giggled and Taurus beamed handing her the sandwich for her to bite out of. Next scene. Kissing, dating, parties, kissing, all kinds of dates Then when Grace's mother confronts her about finding a suitable boy for prom because her image relies on it. Grace wants so badly to please her mother and for her to love her she goes to school the next day and confonts Taurus under the bleachers. "Whats up babe? Is this about that thing in history with the dude hitting on me? Cause i swear to god i shut him down so fast.." Grace held a hand up to silence her. Grace is crying and Taurus is alarmed and she moves forwards to comfort her in the best way she knows how but grace, puts a hand out to stop her. "Whats.. Whats wrong?" Taurus asks very confused. "I... We... My mother says i have to date a boy for a prom because of her image." Taurus is taken aback. "Well.. Good thing youre not going to fall for that bullshit, right?"  Grace gives Taurus that look and Taurus' heart skips a beat and stops alltogether. "Oh wow... Shit.." She says taking a seat and holding her head. Grace sinks down to her level and takes her hand. Taurus squeezes it. "I really, really like you... But this is important to my mother.." "And you love your mother too. I.. Its a little hard to accept.. But... I understand.." "I still reslly want to be friends. Please?" Taurus runs a hand through her hair and sighs. "Of course. Ill always be your friend." It goes silent, "How are you going to get a boy?" Taurus asks out of the blue. "Ugh, i know. I dont know the first thing about boys. Im really screwed." Silence. "Okay, since you asked so nicely, ill help you get one." Grace faces her wideeyed. "You reslly mean it?!" "Hey, im not a bitter girlfriend. Ive had my fair share of men, Gracie- fuck i mean Grace." Grace grins and Taurus' heart skips another beat. Grace hugs her from the side. 'This will be harder than she thought' Commence movie operation get the boy for the mom "Okay, so you want to be straight? Are you ready to fake it?" Taurus asks pacing around Grace's chair. Grace nods. "First we need a target. Who do you have your eye on?" "What about Kingsley Ford?"  Taurus faces Grace and gives her a dead stare. "Are you in kindergarten Graciecakes? Kingsley is a freshman. Its more than a little illegal." "Calling me names is not helping me be straight, Taurus. Please.." "Sorry. Aim a little higher. Lets go with the same grade?" "Uh... Jaylyn Foster?"  "Jaylyn's gay, Grace." "Oh..." Taurus knkws she must target Jeremy. "How about Jeremy Ryans? Hes cute, collected and smart. Plus, hes in your grade." Grace nods and Taurus writes the name on the whiteboard. "Now all we need to do is collect data on him, and then take the big step for you to talk to him. Think you can handle that?" "I think."  "Okay, hes a basketball player, baseball player, soccer player, football... Hockey... Hes a sport guy. Think you can relate your convos to sports? Also do you know how to flirt." "Good, now i want you to go and walk into him and drop your books. Guys are suckers for that cliche move."  Gracie nods and takes her books and walks into Jeremy. Taurus watches from around the corner. She has bad timing though because hes shouting across the hallway to some of his friends. "Oh sorry, im so clumsy.." "Did you say something? Sorry, I got to go." He apologises and shuts his locker, while stepping on her books in the process. Taurus is in hysterics and is barely on her feet, just laughing so fucking hard its hurting her gut. "You gonna help me?"  Taurus wipes her laugh induced tears away and stoops to help her pick up her bootprinted books up. They mark off the white board plans a-e A) walk into him and drop books. B) go to one of his many games "Okay, we briefed before this. I bought the nachos, just go stand by him and offer them up. Think you can handle it?" Taurus asks holding the nachos in one hand. "Im positive." She says and takes the nachos from her. Its a baseball game so hes in the dugout sitting there all sweaty. Hes cheering and shouting at his teamates and then he notices the girl coming towards him. He doesnt make any move to acknowledge her. "Hey, Jeremy. Im Grace, from your homeroom class? You looked hungry, so i got you these." "Oh, shit, wow thanks. You didnt have to do this, Grace, you say... Ive seen you around class. Youre super smart in calculus, huh?" He takes the nachos from her and they continue to talk and Taurus is frowning. "Yep. Ive done pretty well. Youre not too bad yourself.." "You kidding? I suck, im pretty sure im failing it. Say... You wouldnt have any advice to offer me.." "Well, Jeremy.. I think that i can give you a lesson or two... How about it?" Jeremy smiles and nods. "Sure. My dads on my case about these math grades, says i wont make it into any good universities. When are you free?" "How about Thursday at 7?"  "Sure. My phone number is 780 96789, you text me your address. Okay" Grace comes back to Taurus and Taurus is playing with her rings on her fingers. "You see that? I guess i didnt need your plans after all." "Yeah.. Youre right. Hey look, Ill leave you alone now, okay? Youve got your boy just like i promised. Ill text you later sometime." "Taurus... You said you wouldnt get all bitter and jealous! We are still friends." "You think this is about Jeremy? My mom needs me at home. Not everyhing is about you." Grace is take aback and crosses her arms. "You sure? Cause the way youve been acting lately, has got me doubting." "I dont care! Okay? We broke up, you want boys now. Whats more to understand?" "Taurus, you know this isnt about me liking them. "Oh yeah sure. You expect me to believe that? You never probably loved me," "That doesnt make any sense! I loved you, okay? I still do! But this is about my mother." "Right, i forgot, youre still trying to please her. Look, just go date Jeremy." "I will. And he'll want to kiss me in public." Taurus is hurt and shakes her head and leaves. Next scene is Grace tutoring Jeremy. He actually does understand it and nothing happens. Sad music playing Next few scenes are Taurus looking at a photo of both her and Grace. Them kissing. Then shes crying and laying down on the bed. Grace is trying to make a move on Jeremy and hes pulling away and just being oblivious. Taurus is watching the re runs with her mother.  Grace is looking at photos of her and Taurus and ripping them up. Next scene is jeremy inviting Grace to the party, because shes been such a big help to him. "Yo Grace, you wanna tag along to a party with me?" "When is it? "Its on saturday, me and some friends are going, thought youd wanna come, because youve helped me a whole bunch. How about it?" "Sure. Sure." "Great. See you there. Next scene Grace forgets shes mad at Taurus and texts her the details. 'Jeremy invited me to a party on saturday at Jamie's' 'Wow, hope you have fun.' 'Youre not still mad at me, are you?' 'I hope you can figure that out.' 'Jesus, Taurus, you said you wouldnt be jealous.' 'Go have fun.' Next scene is the before party It shows Grace doing her hair all nice and frilly, and putting on perfume and getting her clothes together. Shes putting on makeup. Next scene shows Jeremy putting on his clothes, making sure his hair looks okay and putting condoms in his pocket. This makes the audience think hes going to have sex with Grace. The next scene shows Taurus looking at their conversation and rubbing her eyes. Shes siting with her mom and her mom has her arm around her daughter and Taurus is just watching tv. The next scene is Grace and Jeremy socializing and having fun and drinking. The next scene is Jeremy telling Grace hes going to the washroom. Grace is sitting there quietly and then she opens her phone and texts Taurus. 'I think we are gonna do it.' Taurus sits up fadt and texts her back. 'Are you sober?' 'Thats a tricky question.' 'Dont move. Im coming." Taurus is driving to the party in her regular street clothing. Grace is still waiting and puts her phone away. She gets up and goes to explore. taurus is there and is walking in through the door. Grace is walking up the stairs and then Taurus sees her through the thick crowd and she has trouble getting through but she does and shes going up the stairs towards her. Grace opens some of the doors and Taurus is up there with her and grabbing her hand. Just then they both see Jeremy making out with Jaylyn. Taurus is shocked and so is Grace. But Grace gasps and Jeremy is startled and Jaylyn is still trying to take his shirt off. grace is ripping her hand out of Taurus' hand and leaving down the stairs fast. Jeremy is pushing Jaylyn away. "Dont worry about it. Ill get her." Taurus reassures and smiles sheepishly at the both of them. She closes the door and the last thing we see of Jeremy is Jaylynn kissing his neck. Taurus runs down the stairs after Grace and finally catches up with her outside and reaches for her arm. "Why are you still here?! Huh? I thought you didnt want to be my friend anymore!" She spits out slurring her words. Taurus furrows her eyebrows, and releases her arm and suddenly Grace is on her knees and bawling. "Go ahead. Tell me. I was an idiot." "Grace... Im not going to say that. Please... Come on. Lets go." Grace doesnt resist as Taurus pulls her up and takes her to her park spot. "Come on. You drank lots, lets get it out of you." They go to the store and she grabs mouthwash and a bottle of water. Theyre at the park and Grace is throwing up and Taurus is there to hold her hair back. Finally Taurus pulls out the mouthwash and gives it to Grace. Then she gives her the water. "Uhhh... Im never gonna drink again..." "You dont mean that. You probably felt like you were on top of the world." "My stomach feels like it was turned inside out... But youre right.."  "Im sorry about Jeremy.. I know it meant alot to you. I didnt know he was gay." "Neither did i... I... Im so fucking sorry, Taurus.. You were just looking out for me.." "No.. I was jealous. I was hurt. I didnt want you to date anyone else but i know that was wrong of me." "Youre really great. I would leave if i were you." "Youre not me." Taurus joked kissing grace's head. A moment of silence passed. "Im so gay that even the boys i date are too." Taurus giggled and pulled away both of them turning towards eachother on the bench. "Youre terrible at being straight." Taurus joked. "I know." Said Grace, leaning in and kissing her softly. Next scene is Taurus coming over for a sleepover and this is the second climax. "This is it. Isnt it?" Taurus said to Grace on her way inside her big house, "Its scary to think about but yeah. My mom is out for a while tonight." "Should make it a little easier." "True. Come in." She invited closing the door behind her. They cook that night and kiss some more and suddenly her mom comes home. With a man on her arm and she looks a little tipsy. "Oh. Grace. And... Whos this?" She asks gesturing to Taurus as if shes gum on her shoe. Taurus grits her teeth and is about to speak up but Grace squeezes her hand behind her back. "This is my g- my friend... Tauri. Shes staying the night." "Dont mess up your room... I expect her out by 5 tomorrow, we have a dinner with the mayor. And we dont have a spare room, so youll have to find some way." "Thank you Ms.Feather, im sure we will find some way to manage." Claire doesnt say anything more and lets her man take her away into the other rooms. "Shes...nice." "Shes terrifying." Grace corrects her and Taurus agrees. "Ayways we have the whole night together." "Indeed we do..." Taurus says seductively and closes in on her. Grace wraps her arms around her neck and they kiss. The next day Claire is up and has a horrible hangover and is irritable. Her man is gone and is replaced by Grace's two uncles who do bussiness with her. Grace takes Taurus into the kitchen and is about to make breakfast. "Grace. And..." She trails off. Taurus introduces herself "Taurus Ferron. We met last night." "I dont live in the past dear, come sit." The two uncles are sitting across from one another. "Ferron. Well known name in my line of work. Your brother was a friend of mine." Taurus nods respectably at them and takes a seat across from Grace. "Your uncle Jason here, says he can get you a boy. It will have to be one of his sons. You know Your older cousin Nathaniel." Taurus widens her eyes and in walks Nathaniel as he is called by uncle Jason Nathaniel is a tall slim boy just like Taurus, with no acne and black hair. He wears glasses and has an air of mischief and trickery to him. He wears a suit just like his father. "Why hello, Grace. Nice to meet you again." "Hes perfect for your date, this is really important to me. Hes nice and trained like a good boy should be." Jason gestures for Nathaniel to sit next to Grace and Grace is looking anywhere but Taurus and Nathaniel is slipping his lanky arm around Graces shoulders and Taurus is seething. And then everything stops and Taurus is standing up and confessing that theyre in love with eachother and how could her own mother force her to date her cousin. "Im in love with her! How could you force her to date boys! Let alone her own cousin?"  The mother doesnt look surprised just staring at her like shes the scum of the universe. "Grace. How long has this little phase been going on?" Everybody is staring at Grace now and shes looking down shes ashamed. "Grace! Tell her! You cant let her boss you around like this! Shes barely around!" Taurus is practically screaming and now Claire is nodding at Jason's rougher looking brother to escort her out. "Grace! Please! Dont let her do this to you! Your own cousin?! I love you." Taurus is in hyseterics. Grace isnt speaking just covering her face while Nathaniel is slinking his arm around her again. Jason and Claire are just staring at taurus as she tries to wriggle out of the uncles grasp. Although jason is looking with sadness and claire is staring coldly. "Grace!" Shes yelling. But the man has already pushed her out the front door. "Look kid. None of this familys worth it. Tell your brother i said hey." Taurus is running her hand through her hair and breathing heavily trying to calm her mind. Taurus leaves and goes home and cries like she ps never cried before and sad music plays. And It shows Grace having dinner with a snaky Nathaniel who keeps feeling her up. Taurus is laying in her bed sadly. They see each other at school the next day. Grace is covered up with a coat and a scarf. She avoids Taurus' gaze and Taurus is somewhat glad and shes licked her wounds and shes fierce. Taurus focuses on her work and Grace keeps coming to school all covered up. Then one day Grace leaves a note in Taurus' locker and Taurus crumples it up and shoves it in her pockets. She slams her locker and it transitions to the bleachers. Taurus walks there very slowly and Grace is just there hugging her knees to her chest and she doesnt even look up as Taurus gets worried. She gives up her hurt act and runs over to her. "Grace?" She asks "Taurus! Oh god Taurus... Im so fucking sorry." She sobs into Taurus' shirt. "Jesus, Grace. I... Im ok. Are you doing ok?" "I..." Thats when Taurus notices the bruises flowering on her collarbones and her cut lip. And the chesply covered black eye. "What the fuck are those." Taurus asks alarmed and taking off the scarf. "Grace... Who did... Your mother?" "No.. Taurus, it isnt that bad." "Who did this to you?" "Taurus, i called you here to tell you... We cant be together." "What? You think i care about that? I mean obviously i do, but.. I just want you to be safe." "Dont make this harder than this has to be, please Taurus." "Grace... Is pushing me away going to make your mom stop?" "I... Yes.." She whispers. Taurus breathes out. And it shows them pAssing each other in the halls. Them eating lunch in different spots. Taurus graduating and Grace clapping the loudest for her. Taurus taking a year off to just sleep. Grace knocking on her door two years later. "Grace? Holy shit. What happened?" She chokes out. Grace is in rough shape, too skinny and trackmarks going up and down her arm. Her eyes are faraway and her cheeks are sunken in. "She stopped. She finally stopped." Grace tells Taurus. "Im relieved to hear that..." "She kicked me out... Apparently shes enabled me enough.." "Shit. You got a place to stay?" "Nope. But i just want you to know you were right." "Grace... You think i care about being right? I just want you safe... Come. Come stay with me." "I couldnt burden you with that... I fucked up your life." "Grace, you could never fuck it up. Come. We have alot to talk about. Grace staggers in and one year later theyre content. Taurus is going to university classes for medical school Grace is getting off her drugs.
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