#and i cant even be mad at her because her husband is dead
widevibratobitch · 30 days
took a bunch of clothes to my mom's to wash them since my washing machine is still down and she said 'ill do it dw about it' and threw my favourite white top in with the colours. i no longer have a favourite white top :)
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
How I think each of the s1 and s2 Empires characters would react to seeing each other.
False is kinda terrified of Pearl, but overall thinks she's cool. Pearl wants False to be her new sparring buddy (like, the woman built a machine to murder giant hunks of metal and wears clothes she pilfered from a corpse, of course Pearl would love her). False doesnt understand that this is a statement of affection and is even more terrified.
The Scotts are just the 'Misery and CPR' meme. Elf Scott keeps talking about his demon brother and tragic backstoryTM, and the Chromia king just goes "oh yea a magic skull stole my eyeball and a wizard gave me a new one.' Eventually they start talking about their bfs and become friends ('my husband rescued me from a dungeon so I built him a cave full of his favorite things' 'nice. My boyfriend just shows up randomly and gives me wood').
The Jimmys absolutely confuse the hell out of each other. The Codfather just off-handedly talks about his traumatic past in between bouts of how awesome his sister and brother-in-law are. He's a god and totally unbothered by it, while the Sheriff keeps grumbling about God calling him a toy when he is Not A Toy. They introduce each other to the other Norman.
The Sausages just point at each other like the spiderman meme. They joke about their trauma while still smiling. They coo over Bubbles together. The protector of Sanctuary talks about Eddie and Hermes. The king of Mythland talks about his little siblings and how much he loves them; he also mentions his best friend who sounds suspiciously similar to the sunflower goddess...
The Joels HATE each other. God Joel keeps making fun of the Mad King for being short and made of clay and he just laughs his ass off, doesnt acknowledge him, and rants about how amazing his fish wife is. God Joel feels insecure and angry, the Mad King is offended because someone is ignore how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL his wife is.
The Pixls have a wonderful afternoon drinking and spilling tea. They discuss philosphy and history, they lovingly make fun of Jimmy, they compliment each other's empires.
Shrub and Shelby are instant friends. Shrub is kinda scared of Shelby because witches could mean bad news, but Shelby instantly introduces Tortoise and all goes well. They talk about their different magic, Shelby gives a whole bundle of potions to the wolves. They talk about how cute Katherine is and mom-friend Joey.
The Joeys respect each other. They arent that close, but they think each other are cool. They fight over if Katherine or Xornoth is better; neither wins but they have fun coming up with compliments for the people they like (they also talk as if said objects of affection love them back).
The Katherines go monster hunting together. Overgrown Katherine talks about her awesome gnome gf. Glimmer Grove Katherine complains about her suitor that cant seem to understand that she isnt a pirate.
At first, the fWhips bond over chaos and destruction. 'I put wardens in half the server's bases to thank them for coming to my wedding' 'I created a ravine.' All goes well until Jimmy gets brought up. Count fWhip complains about the whole 'board of dead salmon' thing, and Goblin fWhip jumps to his defense. They get into a big ol fight and make up a little while later.
The Gems, while amicable, dont really like each other. Wizard Gem thinks Princess Gem's a scardy cat, and Princess Gem thinks Wizard Gem is too intense and a little scary. They do have fun talking about fWhip and Sausage though.
Mayor Lizzie is both a little intimidated by the ocean enpress, and also thinks she's super cool. She's an actual strong, tall, powerful god (unlike the one from Stratos). She is a little scary, though, cause of the army of axolotls and the whole water thing. The ocean empress thinks she's nice (and kinda funny); Mayor Lizzie really reminds her of her friend with his empire of cats before he got corrupted...
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blessedshortcake · 7 months
My opinion on the finale episodes below the cut. Obviously spoiler warning lol
First of all. I see people say it was really underwhelming and i kinda have to agree? It wasnt a Bad ending or a lazy one or whatever words have been thrown around tho imo. I feel like with all the hype about how "painful" and emotional itll be from the VA and from everyone, we all just expected more tragic outcomes or something.
I am dissappointed because of that as well. I liked how Simon finally reflected a bit and had some self awareness about their situation with Betty. I loved that he didnt become Ice King again or that they didnt do some actual time travel to "fix" stuff. I also liked that they didnt necessarily made him a bad husband (?/boyfriend?) he kinda just never realised that Betty has been putting more into their duo than he was.
That doesnt make him innocent tho b4 someone comes at me. He was a bit too self absorbed but i dont think he was entirely selfish either. He was a person who made mistakes and didnt realise them. The line where he said smt like "i wish we could have talked like this before" also makes it pretty clear to me that Betty never really spoke up about these things either. Golbetty had to make him aware and tbh? I think that was more Golb than Betty.
The whole Scarab ordeal felt a bit. Ehhhhhh I dont know. His anger reaction to things suddenly becoming "canon" (lmao) was very nice to see but him being allowed to wreck havoc like that for a good while felt more like an excuse to bring the others into this world. I dont have a problem with it btw i just dont see the point why we need Farmwold Jay and Little... I forgot her name damn. Also whys Babyworld Finn here 😭 (i get it, he was in the tank, i dont mean literally i mean Why)
As much as i was soooo mad when LSP freed the scarabs it was very in character. I like how it was a thing that he likes animals from the start so it wasnt senseless stupidity, it was something he would do even tho it was the wrong thing to do. Made me pause and lay down to stare at the ceiling in frustration for a solid minute i cant lie, still in chacter tho.
But alas. I like how in the end it all didnt turn magical (completely since ig its partially magical with Cake and everything else) and how Cake finally cooled down about the crown. IM ALSO SO HAPPY THEY KEEP IN TOUCH WITH SIMON OVER THE PHONEEE!! But yea him wanting to move was so real and I hope he does lmao he deserves it.
I only kinda wish they made him reconnect with Marcy a bit more. I am actually pretty dissappointed that we dont know if he ended up reaching out to her more or not. I understand his situation with not wanting to spook her, i actually feel that bit in a soul connecting level good god, but idk. Im at least happy he is Literally in therapy now
(Kinda makes me wonder tho if he spent the time between the end of AT and the start of FC with no like therapist or psychologist. Just rawdogging his mental illness about everything. Mood tbh but like did he? Did he??)
Anyway despite my slight dissappointment i am actually pretty happy with the outcome. I really liked the theories and the ideas of how Simon may make FC magical or what he will become but tbh this is probably the best outcome. Everyone got a happy/hopeful ending (minus Farmwold Finn ig who im atp assuming is dead. Also Star Marceline and PB) which i am really REALLY happy about.
I gotta say I already wanna write fanfic about these guys so inspirational effect granted. Woooo.
I was kinda dissappointed because it was overhyped about how emotional it will be when it really wasnt but other than that I am really happy about how the ending turned out save for the alternatives staying in FC
Also Simon had like 10 minutes to get closure with Betty which was horrifically rushed but again, when your wife turns into Basically God you kinda dont really have a choice to chit chat. Still not happy about it but again, could have been worse. Could have been much worse.
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lxdymoon0357 · 10 months
Oh, then can you please write one where mielle came back but not as a human but rather a gost but instead of going after aria. She is more concerned with finding the soul of her family(count, cain, Emma). While she saw searching, she find out there were another version of herself (first timeline mielle). Kinda just living with in her head/soul. I don't know why but I can just see the 2 version of herself just arguing with each other.
After a while she realized that she can find them anywhere. And I mean that she looked and searched everywhere. I'd the rosente house hold. The place where count/emma/call died. Cain school. Etc. But she cant find them.
During like her search for her family members souls, she noticed that she was being followed and attacked by some angelic white knight figure .
Seeming that she cant find her family member soul and that she is being followed. She decided that there most be a magical fixed to her problem, so she went to the now abandon duke Fredrick house that might conveniently help her
(Thank you for requesting this!! Hope you enjoy this!! I changed this a bit)
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White Phantom..
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The sound of music and couples dancing made Mielle happy as she danced on her own, holding her white dress in her dainty hands as she twirled and danced, for once Mielle didn't have to be so modest. Finally the music stopped and Mielle accidentally bumped into someone, Mielle whipped her head around to see Aria and the crown prince, Asterope Franz in each-other's embrace, Aria suddenly shivered after Mielle bumped into her and leaned into Asterope.
As Mielle slowly with her fingers very gently fixed Aria's veil and dress a bit as to not let Aria feel her touch. It was Aria's wedding after all, she shouldn't be messy, as Mielle slowly got off the dance floor like everyone else letting the groom and bride take the place as they had their first dance as husband and wife.
Mielle slowly left the wedding venue, making her way back to the Roscente manor even though it was a long way, but when she reached there she saw the manor was completely empty, nobody in sight and it was a bit dusty, like nobody had cleaned the manor in a few months, mainly because it probably was true. Mielle walked up to her room, which was still decorated, but dusty like the rest of the manor, as she walked she came face to face with the place where she pushed her father, she instantly felt guilty and was about to cry but this wasn't the moment to do so.
Mielle when she woke up was sleeping in the middle of garden bench as she woke up and looked around she realized she was at the imperial palace's garden, where she saw Aria dancing and having fun with the crown prince..
It made her mad but enough of that, Mielle was very tired of the empty manor which echoed beautiful sounds yet it was mundane. Mielle walked out of the manor and walked towards different places, now that she was a spirit, she couldn't get tired and what better way to spend all this time a few hours later she arrived at the Fredrick household, people were there Isis and Oscar weren't, Mielle sighed and walked back out, she was tired of not being acknowledged by people and not being her loved ones, Mielle walked out and went to Cain's school, which was bustling with students chattering and talking and other things, soon the bell rang and everyone hurried off to class.
Mielle giggled with the sights of people being friends, pulling pranks, teasing each other, gossiping, etc. She walked through the hallways peeking into classes to listen to anything she found interesting, and then she ended up in front of Cain's class, she entered the class without opening the door, she was a spirit after all, she looked around the class and found no one, no trace of her brother...she realized she was all alone, she couldn't find Oscar, Isis, her brother her mother her father, Emma were all dead and gone, she was alone, Aria was living her happy after...
Leaving the school, Mielle walked the long and tiring path back to Aria's house, she sat in the palace gardens and went back to the bench where she first woke up and laid down, falling asleep, throughout the journey, she was feeling upset, tired and as though someone was there...that feeling made her hopeful into finding who ever was alive, any of her loved one, but to avail, no one was left for her...
Falling asleep and waking up, her vision clearing to find herself into a dark space with herself? It was her, but she looked angry, VERY angry. Mielle stood up and faced this another version of her,
"Who are you?" Mielle asked this other version of her,
"I'm you, from our first timeline or our first life, where I successfully killed off Aria and her stupid pesky mother!" this other version of Mielle angrily boasted about her accomplishment.
Mielle shook her head and scoffed at this version of her, she didn't care that she died, Mielle had realized that it wasn't Aria's fault, she was only trying to protect herself and she had no choice but kill Mielle cause Aria knew Mielle would come back for her in way or another and it was all Mielle's fault that none of her loved ones was left. Suddenly the black void showed another Mielle as through a screen on one side of the void, with words written in pretty cursive saying,
"Welcome to 3rd time line, Mielle."
Mielle and her alternate universe looked at the screen and looked at each-other, they nodded their heads and knew if they wanted to survive, they had to save themselves from traps first and then Aria and others. They shook their hands and looked ahead at the baby version of themselves knowing they'll earn their happy endings this time.
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pauls1967moustache · 3 months
Something you posted a while back has really stayed with me and i cant stop thinking about it. Its the idea that most people have this idea that Paul can't say no? Like i don't believe it but in the case the small chance that he did say 'no i don't like you like that' to John in India so many people have this idea that he's totally in the wrong for that? that he had to say yes and its so strange to me? and its actually so upsetting tbh and that's me not me being a no.1 Paul fan that twink deserves death more often than not or to be put in his place even now as an old bingo granny, id take the thickener out of his soup if i could but i really think it relates back to a lot of the feminisation/misogynistic attention he gets. Especially that one quote by certified Beatles writer that describes HDYS as something a scorned lover would write to show he would never be rejected again and its like ??? Paul is allowed to say no? hes very much allowed to not want a relationship? he's allowed to reject it and again its a roundabout way of misogyny with the idea when a woman rejects someone oh she'll be sorry because he'll spend the rest of his time saying mean things about her to everyone who will listen, and just how much she's in the wrong for not wanting/liking them like that, how she is such a bad person because she made him sink that low and do something he later 'regrets'. It's just really strange and sad to me cause again i don't think thats what happened but it the reaction that John was allowed to scream and be angry about it, he was allowed to write piece after piece especially 71 John he was allowed to be angry (and he was yeah) but Paul is never really allowed that same treatment? and even now he gets the treatment of ex-wife who really broke his now dead husbands heart and has to spend the rest of his life 'fixing' that. You can even see it a bit with the way they talk about George and Pauls relationship too the way they use constant femanising language in a derogatory way (bossy, irrational, controlling) to show just how much Paul isn't allowed to be angry and upset the same way they are he has to deal with it
i mean i don't think there was any rejection in india to speak of so this is purely hypothetical nonsense to me anyway, but yeah, i do think it's a silly way to look at it.
i think there's an argument to made like: john and paul's relationship had this weird romantic element to it already, and paul saying no is him kind of leading john on but refusing to ackowledge the truth of what they are - which would be frustrating from john's pov, i get that. the thing about that is that it's not something anyone on tumblr.com/dashboard actually knows for a fact, it's just emotional conjecture a bunch of people decided to project on. which is why the whole paul rejection theory irritates me so much. like yeah! he actually can say no, if that is what he felt! he's not required to be in love with john just because we all want him to be! (not to mention, that if there was a situation where he did reject john, i do not think that's the kind of thing he'd do lightly and without guilt, regardless of any added guilt john would make him feel by being mad about it). it's just a very unkind and reductive way to look at the very real love that DID exist between them, romantic or not. they cared about each other so much. it would be a cruel way for john to treat paul, and it's a cruel way to read into paul's treatment of john.
and i think the other side of it is that a lot of paul's sense of anger and his own feelings of rejection during that whole mess gets overshadowed in the john/paul/yoko triangle. paul was quieter about his anger because john already chose to be with yoko and he didn't feel he had a right to fight that. and the fandom cannot talk about it because half the time it's tied up in the very real mysogyny yoko faced as the face of The Thing That Broke Up The Beatles (even if she isn't), so paul's anger just kind of goes unacknowledged here in relation to john's.
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inkykeiji · 2 years
Ah Clari, I just finished flowers in the attic (spoilers ahead) and ugh even though they escaped i feel soo sad... The betrayal of Corrine and poor Cory.... It makes me so mad!!! The grandfather had been dead for a year! And she kept them in the goddamned attic!! Do you think their mother was always this evil, because yeah she seems pretty selfish from the start but to poison your children for money and a comfortable life???? Also I cant explain how much I adored Cathy... i hope (in vain i think) she finds something close to happiness in the next books😪 Oh and in my head Christopher looks like keigo but without the scratchy beard thingy he has going on in the anime hahahah, like every time he is condescending towards Cathy I pictured his smug smirk. Also in his desperation to be loved and in control all the time. Cant imagine what the future holds for them, luckily more angst and drama!!
omg anon!!!!!!!
honestly i really enjoyed petals on the wind (the second book) but the third and fourth books aren’t nearly as entertaining imo. but that really comes down to personal preference hehe c:
i do think corrine was always evil (or, at least, very very corrupt), yes!!! i think she’s always been a very selfish, very greedy, and very jealous person. there’s hints of it even when christopher sr. is alive, just with the way she kind of eyes cathy and seems to envy the relationship she has with her own father, as if corrine wants all of christopher sr.’s attention for herself. and i think she heavily substitutes that with her own son (chris jr) after their father and her husband passes.
aaaaaaaah i love cathy too!!!!! i especially love her and her struggles in petals on the wind, so if you read it you absolutely have to come back and share your thoughts with me!!! there’s so much i have to say about cathy as a character but it spoils the other books so i’ll have to wait until u finish them to share it with u!!
EEEEE oh christopher <3 i can completely see where ur coming from anon omg yes!!!! chris is also an interesting character that i have a lot of thoughts on, but again most of it pertains to petals on the wind hehe
all in all i’m glad u enjoyed it anon!!! it’s such a fun, dramatic, quintessential trashy pulp fiction type book all wrapped up in a family gothic and gaaah i love that about it c: i hope you enjoy the other books as well!!! please feel free to come back and tell me what you think!! <3
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vatt-world · 6 days
the coup we are dead workshop was success anglina daughter derek kathy
joe meets debra outside im fired dev kathy - house dev in bar daughter trust fund erek meets kathy kathy sings back off derek anglina father fight eva hangs out with friends and dance u will love it its a new musical rock edge we thot we would show it to u i cant believe u would do that we made a terrible mistake derek tom fight 11 years ago we have to b relaistic weneed a title they want a star dev made a curry
lets be bad Karen, can I borrow you for a minute?
Yeah, sure. What do you need?
I could use a hand.
The bridge sequence from Let's be bad isn't working.
Okay, should I…?
Just follow me.
Come on, just relax. What are you afraid of?
I'm not afraid of anything.
Well, we both know that's not true.
Meaning what?
You're afraid of you.
You're terrified of anything below the neck.
You have some problem with follow-through.
And again.
My God, Frank, you poor thing.
What, they can't get you out on another flight?
We have a workshop in 13 days,
and we still don't have a final script.
There are three new scenes that are coming along great.
She just doesn't want to show anyone.
You've read them.
Julia and I share the same brain.
Talking to me is like talking to myself, so I don't count.
13 days, Tom.
I'll tell her.
Sorry. Are you making a call?
No, it's just, uh, Frank. I keep losing him.
What's up? // I just don't want DiMaggio to come off as a complete tool
where we're not rooting for him
to come back into Marilyn's life.
Well, that's a murky issue, isn't it?
What's murky?
I mean, the guy might not have been husband of the year,
but he was the love of her life.
That's just not necessarily the show I'm writing.
The guy sprung her from the loony bin
and planned her funeral.
If he's not the guy, who is?
It's not just a love story.
I'm trying to explore some bigger themes.
What's bigger than love?
So was that it? Were those all your notes?
I like to think of them more as thoughts.
Am I not allowed to share my thoughts with you anymore?
No, don't worry.
I will take care of Mr. DiMaggio.
He will not be a villain.
That Frank?
No, it's a weird number.
I don't know who it is.
What's he off doing, anyway? //
The vibrato.
I'm sorry?
You're not getting the vibrato on the note
the way Marilyn did.
I thought that's what I just did.
No, you didn't.
Well, it's hard on a belt.
For crying out loud, where's Karen? Karen!
I'm right here.
Show her how to do this.
Do what?
The vibrato on the note.
The vibrato?
Happy Birthday.
Just sing Happy Birthday.
You want me to sing hap…
My God. Is there a problem here?
What, am I not speaking English?
Just stand up and sing Happy Birthday as Marilyn.
I've seen you do it.
♪ Happy Birthday ♪
Did you hear that?
Karen, maybe you can work with Ivy on that.
Set something up with Larry. Let's do it again, please.
/// You're drunk, Ivy.
What are you going on about?
No. No, no, no. I'm not the problem. You are.
You blow so hot and cold,
I don't even know what day it is anymore.
You are so hideous to me in rehearsal…
I'm hardly hideous.
You humiliate me…
When you're not ignoring me!
Half the time, I feel like I don't even exist
for you in there!
No one does.
I am not kidding.
And this isn't some big, romantic statement
about who I am as an artist… It is just a fact.
Don't give me…
Don't give you what… The truth?
Isn't that what you came here for?
Look, I am building something in that rehearsal room,
and with all due respect, it would be a lot easier
if everyone pretended just for five minutes
not to have all those annoying feelings,
because frankly, they get in my way.
Theater is about feelings!
You can have feelings.
They just need to be about Marilyn.
I'm not kidding.
I know you're not.
Are you staying?
Are you asking me to stay?
Come on…
Don't be mad at me.
Come on.
Can I tell you again
how incredible you look in that dress?
Thanks, babe. This our table? //
lets be bad angelinaon phone kathy and derek debra tom lunch date joe and debra - diner kid arrested dev and kathy-outside museum debra and kid debra talks about meeting joe angelina bring book assitant helps login derek is upset with happy birthday debra and tom working on final song kathy and ava working together grown woman derek son with debra in bar kathy and dev derba and joe ava and derek humliate me kathy /dev kathy dev debra amd joe sing
the workshop You giving my actors notes?
I changed a lyric without asking.
Were they any good?
Pretty good.
Okay, so, what's this new lyric?
I'll go get it.
Is it hot in here? It's really hot in here!
I actually just overheard the building manager talking.
He said there's a problem with the boiler.
Okay, I'll go talk to him.
It's ridiculously hot.
We've got investors coming in tomorrow!
Derek has some questions about the breakup scene.
Did Ivy get here?
Still hunting her down, but he doesn't want to wait.
They're looking for you both.
Look, I talked with you about this, two hours ago.
I called the plumber as soon as you spoke to me.
And yet we still have a problem with the heat?
What can I say? It's New York.
Those guys… They're on their own schedule.
Perhaps you could call again.
I have an extremely important workshop happening in 24 hours.
I would be happy to do that.
It's just they got contracts on a lot of buildings.
They can't always get the guys over here right away!
//// They want me back at the recording studio,
like, right now. What do I do?
Karen has to take off for an hour or two. /// It's even hotter in here than it was before.
Daddy, daddy!
Daddy's working.
I'm sorry.
We were in the neighborhood, so… ////
It's why she's been so erratic with the pages.
It's completely out of control. They…
That's enough.
I won't pretend this isn't useful information, /// Who the hell is that in my boiler room?
I called a plumber.
I want him out of here immediately.
Not before the heat is fixed. // Okay, I'm talking to you as your director now.
Get your head in the game. You are great in this.
And you can do it better than anyone,
but I need you to focus.
The show needs you to focus, okay?
Is that all?
Yeah, that's it.
You do not talk to an actor like that
at intermission.
Well, you do if they're off their game. // It didn't help that you told her
she was off her game at intermission.
You said that?
Yeah, I did. I was directing her.
Look, Ivy's terrific,
but she's been in the ensemble for how long?
Look, they turn down the wattage to blend in.
And they can't turn it up again.
Ivy was terrific under impossible circumstances,
and you didn't help. // Okay, do you want to fix the show,
or indulge in paranoid fantasies?
I'm not paranoid. This happens all the time.
Things don't go well,
and instead of figuring out the problem,
everyone picks a scapegoat and then gangs up on them.
That's all this is.
Tom, Tom, Tom. Nobody is scapegoating Ivy. // Now, I was hoping we could get some of these investors
to come onboard on the strength of the material.
But we're gonna need another piece.
It was too hot….
The heat didn't help. // the workshop
she crosses street - kathy kathy meets producer , he is sleeping kathy sings well derek has q about breakup scene angelina there is heat problem and they need to showcase kathy - they want me back ava mother comes
debra crying outside i have to go home kids smoking pot ava and kathy progenis in bar angelina derek on bed looking at his notes heat problem workshop is going to happen today hit out of this building badly maintained replacing ivi with a star i dont think i can do this apologise for delay i need u to focus derek it was incredible i need to rethink some stuff sucking up ava and mother one kind word i have seen people pass u by, u are star - ava mother reviews - confused show is great we need package it ava is treffic sabtoge her real problem is michael there are some problems
Do you want some coffee?
What time is it?
$7 million?
That's not a lot for a musical these days.
Well, if you want to give me $15 million, Ralph,
I won't say no.
Well, you'll need it to get to Broadway.
Well, actually, we're just looking at a workshop
and an out-of-town tryout. //// 22b comes after 18, replace 21 with 19.
No, I have 12 replacing 21.
That was last week. Don't confuse her.
When do they stop changing everything?
Five seconds before the performance.
All right, if we put the fox number here
and then we put the Johnny Hyde scene here
and then… wait… The… the…
Yes, Natasha Lytess scene here,
it will heighten the progression.
My God, this isn't a high-school science project,
it's a bloody musical!
No, it's a workshop!
A first workshop!
And people are coming to see it!
Could we dial this down?
Look, there is no discernible story,
linear or otherwise, between pages 7 and 32.
That's not a gap. That is a black hole.
And if you don't fix it this week,
we're all going to get sucked into its tidal force,
and all we'll be left with is "Marilyn the red dwarf."
Okay, look, there's been a really crazy situation
at home, okay? My husband has been out of town. // Derek is mad because Julia didn't finish a song,
and then Tom and Julia and Derek
got into a huge fight over the script,
and Tom stormed out of rehearsal.
I just thought you might like to know. // Shoot.
Listen, I've been having some problems
with the whole transition to the breakup scene.
We can talk about it tomorrow.
I don't want to take up rehearsal time.
Could I call you tonight,
or maybe even right now we could grab a coffee?
Tomorrow would be best.
// According to the doctor,
her throat is inflamed but not infected.
There are no nodules or polyps.
Did he give her a steroid?
She has some prednisone, yes,
but she's hypersensitive to drugs,
so it's not necessarily her best first option.
So what are her other options?
She's gonna try vocal rest for the night.
Okay, what are our options?
Can we postpone?
Well, that'd be difficult.
How difficult?
Well, a lot of our investors already have it on their schedules.
If we postpone, it sends the wrong message.
Okay, what about our other Marilyn? Can she do it?
Hang on!
Yeah, I'd love to hang on, but I've just found out
I've got to do an entire workshop
about Marilyn Monroe with no Marilyn. // So what did he say?
It's inflamed.
Strained more than anything.
It's stress.
He gave you prednisone, right?
Well, that's good. That stuff is a miracle worker. // Marilyn is back.
She got better that fast?
She's probably on prednisone.
That drug is a miracle,
if you don't mind the mood swings, insomnia,
hair growth, hallucination, and weight gain.
Listen, I just got a last-minute recording gig,
Did you take it?
First dose… six pills.
I'm… I'm having cold sweats.
I've had a headache since, like, 4:00 in the morning,
and I-I just feel so panicky.
I'm not in good shape.
Yeah, what about your voice?
Look, Ivy…
I want to protect you in this situation, but, you know,
if you take the day,
I'm gonna have to get the Cartwright girl to fill in… You know that.
I'm fine.
Ladies and gentlemen…
Marilyn is back.
She got better that fast?
She's probably on prednisone. // I just came by to let you know that rehearsals are going great.
Ivy took the prednisone.
She sounds awesome.
Do you need anything else? // Look, she's just upset, all right?
One of the side effects can be, like, mood changes.
I know. I've taken this drug before.
Lie down. Come on.
There it is.
What did he say?
It's a text that says,
"might need you tomorrow. Please be discreet."
And Tom sent this?
Did you call him?
It says "be discreet."
If Ivy finds out, it could make her worse.
What's-your-name… // Our esteemed lyricist has finally finished the verses
for History is made at night.
Since we're six days away from an invited audience,
I'd like to work quickly.
So let's try it with the original staging
and see if it fits the new words.
Places for the second verse, please.
And if you guys could try it without the pages,
that would be super.
Just do it.
No, no, no. I got it.
All right, then. // While we're stopped, I have a thought.
Maybe you could give me notes
without publicly humiliating me at the same time.
And maybe… maybe you could remember that artists
are not football players who can take endless abuse
and still do their jobs!
Miss Monroe is having a moment.
Well, maybe a different miss Monroe could do it better.
Miss Cartwright?
Maybe you could take a crack at it.
Let's take a ten.
No, seriously, Derek…
We should have given them more time with the lyrics.
I don't need more time with the lyrics!
You know what I need?
I need to stop sleeping with men
who are complete narcissistic pricks!
And you're not that good-looking!
And you're not that good in bed either!
It's just a side effect from the steroids.
You all right?
Yeah, I will be.
Well, that was quite a bit of unscripted drama today.
I probably shouldn't say anything,
but I rather enjoyed it.
// chemistry voice issue 7 million hard to get practise debra arranging scenes -workshop fight derek credit card bill this low voice issue rehearsalvoice issue dance routine practise cold now on katherine arranging things joe debra tomrowis best other options katherine overhears leading lady vocal flows she takes drugs derek talks to ava katherine prepares i can do this debra thinks of her relationship pancakes debra husband back derek 6 pills cold sweats im fine marlyn is break she takes progonac i have avi gig ..can u sub katherine takes barmitchav angelina on phone joe and debra i want to see u angelina looks high rise apt katherine dresses up for gig debra and tom work on song i kissed mike tells tom he sang to me what about u tom debra hangs out with bartender she takes more tablets -- its going to fine she sings at bar mitvah tom date tom meets ava ..side effects i saw her katheine sings at bar mitivah debra with husband can i see u alone phone call ava hangs out with tom katherine sings debra with husband katherine gets a card of music producer debra meets joe …cant call me voice is fine talks to debra she is under my nerves ava sings a song with joe derek shouts ..because maybe give me notes she walks away u are alright angelina meets producer
0 notes
arillusionist · 5 months
reaction to the last 3 eps of s&b - im doing it all at once bc i wanna get it over with considering im gonna be rlly sad watching these knowing we'll never get a real ending.
also YES i was heartbroken over the cancellation even tho i hadnt finished the show. im emotionally attached to the books okay!! leave me alone
oh this is the hallucination scene i've heard too much about
the fucking BUTTERFLIES
bye not wylan's overly dramatic ass
"a village boy cut in half by a plow blade" isnt that literally what happened to kaz's dad
"hope is an illusion. a lie" hes such a kaz ripoff
oh i didnt think tolya had a hallucination i've never heard anyone talk about it
whos blood is that im gonna guess tamar
why am i so smart like
if they rush jesper's developement with one hallucination im gonna be mad
what happened i cant tell. he better not have rejected her again or whatever ugh theyre so cute tho
WOW i love how they always go from established relationships to some angsty kanej scene.
love how he doesnt stare at her lovingly or shit hes just fucking glaring she knows her man fr
oh never mind the soft voice is crazy
uh ya i didnt want to make assumptions until now but making inej's hallucation about kaz was Not it.
like in a way ik its about how she wants consent but its mainly so she can leave kaz at the end of the show kaz kaz kaz its always about kaz
this is why we needed the spinoff they couldve FIXED it
"erm they shouldnt have done it wrong in the first place" how righteous of you unfortunately im too emotionally attached to the characters so i wish they had another chance
ok bad choice aside her realizing its not real bc she knows kaz could never be like that or even try is kinda heartbreaking!! 🙂
oh hell no did she eat the fucking butterfly i thought it was the petal at first 🤡
"if you have no one left to fight for" and then cutting to inej aaaa
no the way his eyes softened and the way inej stroked his face w her thumb ... and then he realized
okay thank god cuz for a second i thought the crows were gonna js be dead the entire episode
hes the firebird what the fuck?? (sorry chat i havent finished r&r yet)
why does that kinda downplay malina like knowing that they're meant for each other cuz of destiny or some shit
then again they never had to fall in love just find each other they did the romance part on their own
where tf is kaz
oh what the fuck. this scene is so messed up (Talking abt the one where the darkling is holding baghra)
my laptop's screen time is almost up so i must pause unfortunately. i could watch on my phone but thats boring so
uhm so its been 3 days have i been stalling?? maybe 🙂 can you blame me??
is that old guy her husband?? uh
seeing kaz smile for more than a fleeting one second is so unnatural
oh my god oh my god is her whole speech about love not being a weakness gonna make kaz realize something
wow okay they did rush jesper's development with one hallucination
toyla is the #1 wesper shipper fr ‼️‼️💪🏽
"someday someone is going to sweep you of your feet so hard" haha nikolai
"me and my "slab or fur" will be far away, off the map, deep in love" uh babe i hate to tell you this..
not kaz shaking his head at wesper as if hes not the reason theyre together 💀
see here they go butchering inej's character again!!
like. in the books she realizes she needs to let go of kaz because she finds her purpose - hunting slavers. in this she just realizes it because of some fuckass hallucination which was about him Why Is It Always About Him
cant tell if im slightly relieved that they cancelled the spinoff because they might have ruined her more or more mad that they cancelled it because they couldve fixed it
i am eating the malina angst up 🗣️🗣️(not bc i dont like them i do like them thats why i need them to be sad. all my favorite ships need angst)
ooh he knows he knows abt mal
next episode except i have to sleep so im probably gonna watch like 2 minutes of it. but i'll try to finish this and the last one tmrw because the more i delay it the sadder i get about the cancellation though my brain wants me to believe otherwise
she (the tidemaker girl idk her name) looks so ready to punch him like yeah girl me too
help the grin on that one girls face when he says kill the king
ok 2 minutes r over so bye
and im back its only the next day also the deleted footage oh my god im on the floor?? plus the fact that it got "what business" trending on twitter with 33k tweets is so fucking funny to me
bye i jumped when the darkling showed up in mal's room why do the smallest fucking things always scare me
oh ya theyre cousins. alina has a type huh
mal would kinda get along with inej i can feel it!!
wait whos the arm for also david is lwk smooth wow
they keep mentioning the crows but WHERE THE FUCK ARE THEY its been almost 20 minutes 😐
why that is the only tamar and nadia moment all season like not that i was expecting more from netflix but Still
oh thats the last line from the book (i havent finished r&r yet but i skipped to the end as i do with every book so. lol 💀)
omg matthias i kinda thought he wouldnt show up again
oh god i feel like this show has such a lighting problem sometimes
its bad enough that i have no idea whats going on in general
she gotta stop bowing down to alina she is as much of a saint
did they kill off david and genya wtf
i have to pause for a bit bc my laptop needs to charge also i still have no idea whats going on
no theyre (david and genya) alive yay 🙏🏽🙏🏽
what the fuck is he doing
oh OHH now theyre killing him off. how could they do that to genya
the other crows are here FINALLY
when ur entire onscreen developemnt is literally 5 minutes 😍😍👍🏽👍🏽
no i will not stop being salty about jesper. fuck you
"well if you dont die we dont get paid" shdjfk
zoya inej nina the friendship i needed
wow what a beautiful and touching moment. it feels anticlimatic but okay 🙂‼️😐👍🏽‼️💪🏽🤡🗣️🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️😭🙏🏽💪🏽🗣️
oh nvm. i keep forgetting this isnt the last episode
is that a giant CROW
lol of course it isnt
okay now its the last episode :')
"yes my man! oh we havent actually put a label on it" bye that is so jesper of him
oh. wow. she actually did it.
at least inej and zoya are being badass MY GIRLS ‼️‼️
"let me be your monster" stop being such a kaz ripoff please
FINALLY. his villain speech was taking too long
did she use merzost :(
tolya's random ass burst of poetry 💀💀
he literally cannot take his eyes off of her
but she would never know what it was like for him to see nina pull her close watch jesper loop his arm through hers, what it was to stand in doorways and against walls AND KNOW HE COULD NEVER DRAW NEARER
im sick. theyre so sick for this and knowing we'll never get a chance to see them even hold hands. i cant 🙂
they way she moved towards him then moved back killing myself thnx
"five of cro-" bro predicted the ending of ck
not the malina angst too is this show trying to kill me?? i think it is
"i'll claw my way to one. if he'll let me" IM TELLING YOU!! TRYING TO KILL ME
did they kill off david or not omg
i love how the crows just started walking away they were so eager to get out (except nina's lingering glance at zoya)
oh. oh hes going to be to be sturmhond
see hes so much like inej they both leave to the seas to find themselves outside of the person they love because they want a life for theselves and freedom
i reached the text limit imma make a new post
0 notes
hannibutts · 11 months
Ooh nice intro of Jack and Hannibal basically telling Will the same thing and Will agreeing with both of them.
Garrett Jacob Hobbes? Oh because of the killing of the deer thing - so like Will killing of the serial killer side of himself? Or is it because it was GJH who opened that door for Will in the first place, not only because he was Wills first kill, but because he got too close to how GJH thought… and then semi adopted his daughter?
Oh man if I was Bella I would have not let Hannibal in my house after he didn’t let me die. She gets some Barbs in but yikes.
If someone had not let me die - I would not let them into my house OR ask them to save my husband after I’m gone. I’d kick them in the dick, looking at you, Hannibal.
Freddie Lounds (booo)
Will just wants to keep Abigail out of Freddie’s filthy mouth.
Oh shit Hannibal can smell Freddie on Will. RUN BITCH
Oh yeah where has Alana (boo) been this whole time? Doesn’t Hannibal notice she’s not around. Cool visuals on the poisoned by darkness stuff. Wait, is she crying blood or is that just for visual effect?
Aw Hannibal sweetheart, he’s begging Will to run away with him. He knows something dodgy is happening with the whole Freddie Lounds thing so he’s trying to avoid whatever he thinks Will is planning about jack. That or it’s a trap, who fucking knows with these guys.
Oh shit, I was wondering when all of this was gonna bite jack in the ass. But he’s still going to go no? Especially since we’ve seen him and Hannibal go at it.
Oh NOW Alana sticks up for Will 🙄
Man BureauCynthia is missing the big picture here but living up to her name.
Welp at least Alana had the decency to warn Will the FBI was out to arrest him and Jack.
OH SHITTTTT - Will called Hannibal like how Hannibal called Garrett Jacob Hobbes! Did Will know about that or was it just coincidence? Literal chills
Ooh baby we’re back to the brawl. Let’s do this shit.
Jesus. Hannibal fighting in a tight white button down 👀
Alana placing herself in the middle. She gon get herself killed.
Dannng Laurence Fishburne in boxer stance 👀 am I too horny for this show because I’m pretty sure I’m not supposed to be side eyeing so much during this fight…
Oh haha this is the daintily throwing himself at the door thing 😂 even when he’s supposed to be brutal, Mads moves so elegantly, it was such a perfect casting.
“In your defence, I worked very hard to blind you” I bet you did Hannibal 👀 at least he’s trying to spare Alana from feeling like she was an idiot…
Oh Jesus but he took her bullets… that’s fucking horrifying her just clicking desperately.
Ok look, I dislike Alana but she didn’t deserve that but also she probs should have mentioned to Will that Abigail is alive and feeling Pushy… but you can forgive Alana considering she’s probably fucked or at least paralysed by the looks of it.
Dang Jack is losing a lot of blood.
Is Abigail a Trojan horse again with Will?
W to H “You were supposed to leave”
Oh shit, Will still has some allegiance to Hannibal, he wanted Hannibal to escape no matter what but Hannibal is too fucking obsessed with Will and now Jack and Alana are probably dead.
H- “Did you believe you could change me the way I change you?”
W- “I already did”
Fuck me this show.
Oh my god I am in tears, Will is holding in his guts with one hand and holding in Abigail’s throat with the other 😭😭😭
If Will would have gone with Hannibal, Hannibal would have present A I hail as a gift to Will and they would have gone away together with their daughter 😭😭😭😭
Gratuitous shot of Hannibal standing the rain while his Adam apple bobs, even I’m not horny for this after all of that (narrator: this was in fact a lie).
Hannibal just casually walking away in the rain looking all hot and stuff and not even glancing down at Alana.
Will’s killer instinct deer dying can only be a good thing no?
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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maizumis · 3 years
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ft. timeskip! matsukawa issei, suna rintarou, akaashi keiji, tendou satori, sugawara koushi
note: female reader❗ had a hard time writing tendou 😭😭
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❦ ISSEI was getting ready for work, putting on his usual white dress shirt and that cologne you loved so much, you already thougth about this prank for quite a time now, and this was the perfect moment "okay love, wait me for dinner, i love you, im gonna get going" you didn't even bother to take your eyes from your phone "okay issei, have fun with the dead" he was about to close the appartment door, key word: was "arent you forgetting something, doll?" perfect, your plan is going perfect "mmm i don't think so, i actually did all the chores in the morning so i could have the rest of the day free" he sighs, unsatisfasied with your answer "okay then, i love you" he is leaning in the door frame, waiting for your answer with a frustread look on his face "issei you good? its getting late" he gives up, he needed that your reply before going to work "doll dont do this to me, i love you, please tell me you love me" he tells you with a litlle pain in his voice and you knew the joke was over "i love you issei very, very much in fact" you say while going to him, placing your hand in the fabric that was on his chest "finally doll, i love you more" and before going he gives you a sweet, deep and quick kiss, of course, he is late after all
❦ SUNA and you were napping on the couch, ignoring all the responsbailities you two could have, enjoying eachothers presence with out exchangin any words, it was a rainy day and that screamed movies and cuddles together. a friend told you to do this joke on him after you told her how clingy he was when both of you were lying somewhere togheter. "you know i love you, rigth?" and he is in for the game "yeah i know rin, you made it very clear this last few years" he moves his head litlle, trying to process what you just said to him "rin? why you moving? you uncomfy bub?" he pouts like a two year old that can't touch fire "im not uncomfy, im actually unloved, my own girlfriend doesn't love me anymore" you were trying your best not to laugth at his childish reaction "and who told you that i dont love you" he gasped, how did you have the audacity to say that to him? "actually my oh so called girlfriend didn't told me 'i love you' back, so i think im currently single" and that made you snap "suna rintaro! you are my man and i hope its clear to you, i love you so much, my man, only mine" now he his the one laughing at your childish remark "jealous i see? but yes bub, only yours, forever and ever"
❦ AKAASHI was getting out of bed aerly as usual so he could go to work, he did his usual rutine and had a coffee, a thing that he called it a very good breakfast; the las thing he did was giving you a soft kiss in your forehead while you were still sleeping "i love you sweet thing, rest well" with sleepy eyes, groogy mouth and morning scent you told him "good luck, keiji" uh? maybe it slipped her mind, he thougth. his day as work was hard, he had this uneasy feeling in his heart and couldnt stop thinking about it, is she feeling loved? the moment he got home he was already backhugging you "i missed you today, how did you do?" you were happy to see him, finally you were waiting for him all day "hi keiji, i missed you a lot too, i actually started the book you were telling me about it and you're rigth! its awesome" he knows you are alrigth but he needs to ask so the feeling inside him would let him free "hey... do you still love me?" it came out more as a whisper, a litlle scared for your answer "of course i love you keiji, why would i stop loving you? you are my lovely husband" he quickly kisses you, finally feeling some relieve "its just that you didnt said i love you back this morning" you put your arms around his neck and bring his forehead to yours "i could never stop loving you keiji, never in a million years, dont trust anything i say when im sleepy tho"
❦ TENDOU bought some handmade chocolates home, those you loved so much and couldn't stop eatin, you had to ask him frequently to hide them for you "ugh satori i fucking love this chocolates you always make them so good" he sees you with red hearts on his eyes how you were eating the foo he made for you "and i love you" that caugth you out of guarrd, you gave him just a litlle nod because now you were shy, how can he be so smooth?. that didnt go as planned for him, why didnt you replied? were you already tired of him? he knew it was only that stupid litlle voice in his head but just the thougth of you not loving him was heartbreaking. he waited until you finished eating before asking "umh, i know this is me overthinking but do you love me?" your eyes big and round, brows on top of your forehead, with amused expression you replied "of course i love you, actually im sure youre the love of my life, why are you asking?" god wasn't he feeling embarrassed but relieved at the same time "nothing, is just that you didnt told me 'i love you back' and i started to overthink" you made your way towars him and placed yourself ln his lap "i love you satori, with all i have, i will tell you that every minute i have left in my life is necesarry" now both his hans on your waist his nose boopping yours, he whispers "im glad, i love you too, so much, cant wait to see what the future has planned for us"
❦SUGAWARA and you always pulled pranks on each other, it was a silent pact you two had since the beginning of your relationship, you saw this prank in social media and thougth it would be great to put it on him. suga was now grading some of his students works while you were getting ready to work "bye koushi, il see you in a few hours, please take care" he gets up and pecks you goodbye "good luck, i love you" trying very hard not to laught you answer him " i know! goodbye now" he was left there, alone, in the house, and most important of all, without a 'i love you' from his favorite person in the world. he thougth that maybe you were mad at him for something so after he graded a few more works he did all the jobs around the house and lit some of your favorites candles around. the moment you opened the door he was all over you "im sorry if i upseted you, please im sorry i dint mean it, i swear i will start foulding my clothes" now, this is epic "but koushi, im not mad at you" he is dumbfounded "what? but you didnt say 'i love you? today before work" it was your time to laugh and pull him close to you with a hug "you mister sugawara, my smart husband, fell directly into my trap but i want to remind you now that the prank is over that i love you with all my heart" he placed his hands on your hips and rolled his eyes "i swear, im gonna get back at you"
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papers4me · 3 years
Fruits Basket,Se03, Ep 8 (part 2)
I finally got my answer on how will kyo’s confession of kyoko will be & how tohru will react. I love the writing, the pacing, the monologue, the dialogue, the facial expressions, tohru’s reaction, kyo’s rejection & tohru’s shock. Even yuki & akito’s involvement! All of it was a chef’s kiss!
I went & watched lots of eps of se01 & 2 & I’m loving all the hints they dropped abt kyo & how his trauma was looming over him all. this. damn. time! Unfortunately, it has reminded me of how much tohru’s own character exploration was diminished in favor of her being the angelic mother & the sohma’s fixer! but moving on & focusing on her shining moment now! I’ll explore her character here with regards of her trauma, real hidden character & future development.
Kyo’s rejection is the best thing that has ever happened to tohru:
(don’t hate me before you read!) XD~ just like you, I’m mad at kyo for hurting tohru & I feel her pain. However, the writer didn’t write this with a sadistic desire to hurt us. Kyo’s rejection is the core of the entire story as it is not only connected to kyo’s trauma, but tohru’s growth & yuki’s emotional involvement with the two, as well as akito’s insecurities. I have explained in my review( part 1) how kyo rejecting tohru was a logical progression of kyo’s trauma, the only possible outcome from his perspective, & the themes tied with such decision. Now, I’ll explain why this rejection is good for tohru in the long run:
1. Showing the hidden ugly side: (The timid, shy, self-sacrificing girl is angry!): Tohru’s entire consciously constructed personality is borrowed from elements in her mom & dad’s life:
She mimicked her dad’s overly polite style to prove that she is indeed his daughter, so her mom won’t be called w*ore & to console her mom, so she wont leave her. She has deep low self-worth issues. I gotta become someone else to be loved.
she has inner fear of bringing shame to her mom’s name, wants to always be the good girl so mom’s get praised for raising her. Thus, hiding ugly aspects such as anger, loud voice & frustration.
She wants to prove that her mom chose right by not neglecting her. wishes to be worth needing & loving for her own self.
All she ever wanted since being a 4 year old child is her mom. No other desire for anything else at all. Since her mom’s death, she’s been lost on what to do, who to be, what to want! then it came to her to stick to her mom’s memory & live for her. Living for a dead person is a self-sacrifice decision. Tohru just didn’t see herself outside of her mom’s influence.  
Ever since meeting kyo, he has been encouraging real aspects of her character: be selfish, complain, cry, get mad, yell, look pathetic, expose unflattering thoughts, show undesirable side, ask for things, no, DEMAND things. She has been reluctantly following his advice & only showing that to him. His confession & inability to accept her love has lead her to show the real hidden tohru behind the “ i’m okay” mask:
The timid, always smiling girl is now showing anger, frustration, stubbornness & determination.
screaming her heart out: “ i don’t believe my mom would say that” stating her opinion in firm voice.
 “even if she did, I have to go against her” the real tohru shows her explosive personality that was buried deep down! it is NOT mom’s life anymore. It is MINE. I decide. I choose. I want. My decisions.
“ why can’t you see that?” argues with him. Tohru, who is soft-spoken & tends to get flustered  when others insist, is now questioning his decision with passion & fierceness!
“ I love you no matter what”. Say what toy want. look at yourself as a monster, a murderer, a loser or a coward. I don’t care what your brain or trauma makes you think. I see the real YOU & it is my decision! I love you ugly & pretty, sad & happy, broken or strong, coward or brave. I take it all & no one is fooling me or changing my mind. I’m my own person & I chose YOU. 
 2. Letting go of attachments: Learning to LIVE:
Tohru’s attachment to her mom isn’t healthy. It’s  toxic as it hinders her from being her own person. To be able to love kyo, she lets go of “ listening to mommy’s words” . Apparently, her mom condemned kyo as unforgivable. Tohru knows the real kyo & doesn’t even care for forgiveness despite her mom’s alleged words. Breaking the toxic bond. She formed a healthier bond with kyo. However, if kyo is unable to accept this love. what would tohru do? die?? kill herself?? kyoko wasn't able to continue to love her husband cuz he died. her reaction was neglecting her daughter & roaming away in utter grief. Tohru mustn’t follow her mom’s example. Not all loved ones leave us out of hate. Some leave each other cuz of death (kyoko/tohru), ( kyoko/ katsuya), Others might leave each other out of current traumatic pain, mental health, emotional hindrance despite loving each other so dearly (kyo/tohru). If kyo despite his immense love to tohru, can’t forgive himself, they won’t be together. tohru can cry, scream, yell, but if he doesn't overcome his issues & come back, tohru gotta let go. She gotta learn to let go & not kill herself over what she cant have.
Kyo, on the opposite, gotta learn to hold on to loved ones! Let go of pain but hold on to real ppl not dead ghosts of the past. He must learn to act on his own desire & need for tohru. Only when he forgives himself, he’ll hold on to her. It is then, that tohru will decide again if she’ll have him or not.
3- Wanting things doesn't mean you WILL have them: (You are enough by yourself- moderation)
tohru wants kyo, the first thing she has ever wanted. However, she won’t  automatically get him just because she now learned to demand things. There are obstacles that can stop that. Tohru must accept kyo’s inability to be with her now & live healthily regardless. This ties to akito as well. She wants the zodicas but she cant have them! Emotional distance separate them. What will akito do if she can’t have what she wants? kill kurno? kill tohtru? kill herself? will this bring the zodiacs back? NO. You are enough by yourself. She needs to let go & learn to accept that love means acceptance between the involved parties, emotional connection isn't enough.
-Realistic depiction of romantic relationship progression: (thro better & worse). EPIC writing!
It is indeed fate that brought tohru back in kyo’s path 4 months after her mom’s death & the they do share a mutual past: kyoko. However, fervor grateful to the author for writing them falling in love together isn’t due to fate, coincidence, mutual past or similar personalities. Kyo consciously avoided tohru while tohru herself struggled to understand kyo initially. The author spend valuable time building their romantic relation based on mundane daily life activities. They themselves don’t quite know when exactly that they fell in love. when they recalled falling in love, we see them cooking together, talking, walking, eating, studying & opening up abt small struggles.
It is genius that the writer will add yet another realistic aspect. While kyo was able to read tohru & approach her when she’s down, this doesn't mean he magically understood her & will forever be on the same page & never ever hurt each other at all. If you fell in love, you are bound to be hurt by the person who loves you back as much as be happy together. It is realistic!!! Adding miscommunication & personality differences enrich the relationship. This relationship isn’t just fluffy & lovey dovey. They have realistic issues that they need to work on by communicating. Even communication  wont solve their quarrel if it isn’t done in the right time & with the right desire to connect.
-The weight & future lessons learned from of “ I’m disappointed in you” for both kyo & tohru:
Right now kyo is too emotional to connect & tohru herself is too emotional to understand his response. Tohru understands his pain but her low self-esteem prevents her from seeing that he is rejecting being loved , not rejecting her. He is not rejecting tohru as a person but rejecting kyo as a person deserving love. Thanks to his “ i’m disappointed in you” which really leaves no room for interpretation from tohru’s perspective. I love that!!!! Kyo isn’t good with words. This has been clear from ep 1, his actions has always been his love language, but now he couples bad words “ i’m disappointed in you” with bad actions: running away. This is a perfect opportunity to build their future relationship on a solid foundation: ( off course I’m not belittling their current emotions, I understand why each is very broken now, but I’m talking abt future learning lessons)
Kyo’s current mistake: While him rejecting tohru is justified by the extreme trauma & is logical from his perspective. This doesn’t mean it isnt’t hurtful to her. He chose hurtful words to push her away mimicking how he pushed her in the true form arc. Perfect example of justified mistake yet still a wrong mistake. Thus, kyo needs to learn the effect of his words, he shouldn’t be punished for the past, for tings her cant control, nor for fate. But he should take responsibilities of the present, of what he actually says & does right now.  He must fix this mistake with tohru. This is a mistake that CAN be fixed. someone that he CAN get back. a mistake he CAN stop repeating.He CAN hold on to her with immense desire yet allow room for her to decide for herself.
Tohru’s current mistake: Seeing herself solely thro being loved by kyo. she cant see that he indeed loves her cuz he rejected her. Rejection in tohru’s mind equal lack of love. Her mom left her, thus her mom didnt love her. This respective is very justified due to her trauma, & it is logical that she reached this conclusion. She isnt in his head, she cant know whats in his heart if his words say sth else. However, having a logical perspective doesn't mean it is right. it is still wrong to solely exist thro what you can see & hear. Real emotions run deeper. We must take things with moderate approach. Tohru needs to have higher self-esteem, to allow room for misunderstanding without completely breaking down. In her future life, she’ll be in lots of situations where ppl could hurt her intentionally or unintentionally. She needs to take things with calmer pace & open the door in her mind for doubt & better judgement. As much as loved ones words hurt, to build a healthy relationship, you must leave room for communication & misunderstanding. Hence, you’ll get closer & closer. 
Side Notes:
 I love tohru’s faulty attachment thro only being loved back exactly as she pictures in her mind. it is so human, so real, & so endearing! Very opposite of se01 & 2 image of her being the wise, device-giving mother with right thing to say & do. Screw that unrealistic image! allow tohru to be real! best ep ever! Hopefully, no more of this tohru!
Kyo’s constant repeat of mistakes is the best character trope done right! so realistic. It is genius that the author used this trope to humanize the demonic cat spirit!! what screams human better than the most annoying human trait: repeating mistakes!!!!  Kyo, my son! it’s time to learn! cant wait to see how the author will do that.
young boy/ adult woman friendship? Was that ever made without  disgusting sexualizion? kyoko isnt much of a mom figure to kyo, she tells me abt a husband, child neglect mistakes, custody! he calls her old hag & pushes her! XD. it is friendship!!
i’m mad they didnt focus on tohru’s face when she screamed at kyo confessing her love.. that's tohru moment. Why pan on yuki? you could’ve showed his reaction after she spoke. The same thing was done when tohru confessed to Isuzu!-_-! loved her angry face tho, it was beautifully drawn, so thanks for that. XD
Yuki is forever the best tohru/kyo shipper & the best tohru-happiness defender. I love how he runs after kyo & yet checks on tohru! I’m curious tho, he didnt hear any of kyo/kyoko confession as he was asleep, only the the “ forgive/not forgive line” so, he’ll be wondering forgive what? tohru’s mom knows kyo? I’m excited on how they’ll put things into context. also, I LOVE YUKI.
I’m forever thankful that everything akito is pushed into next ep. The knife wielding action & akito’s dramatic outbursts would’ve stolen from the emotional weight of kyo’s confession. Kyo’s secret is the core of furuba since ep, 1, the entire dynamics of kyo/tohru/yuki /kyoko/ hat is established based on this ep. Shoving akito, too, would create the same annoying train bullet feeling of momiji’s & tohru’s ep (ep 5 & 6). Emotional scenes pushed together with lesser time for the respective characters to have their well-deserved focus.
This is the most I am attached & satisfied with furuba! it scares me since ep 9 continues the climax. My fears of potential dramatic animation since the knife is there! moreover, akito’s own animation is always over the top. I hope they tone it down to portray her as a human more than a maniac.
Also, I hope they dont drag the climax more than that. What more you can shove in the dramatic raining weather. Tohru/kyo scene here matched the true arc scene bringing back parallel. Now akito/tohru raining scene next ep will match se02, ep10 scene. Now, what will the author do to defuse the climax? Often writing the falling action is harder than the climax itself. Falling action doesnt mean happy times & solving issues. It means dealing with the consequences of the climax. Let’s see what the writer has in store.
Based on the flashbacks, Kyoko didnt have ill feelings with kyo!!!! Until the last time he saw her as a child, she was happy with him. Even when he pushed her, she took it as a childlike behavior. at the accident, she didnt have much time to have any ill feelings. No way she thought he pushed her, no way she thought he could’ve saved her. So if she really recognized him, why would she say “ I wont forgive you”? it doesnt make sense at all. Kyoko doesn't hate kyo!!!! So, either he imagined, which is sth that I’ll hate so much! I spent so much emotions attached to a non existant words! NO. plz! NO!! Other possibility, she said sth else closer to the words! but then again how would we know? I NEED to know! ~ as expected, I’m still attached to this damn line! XD. 
Kyo depressed in the mountains after kyoko’s death was very vaguely referenced in (1) se01, ep24 when kyo talked to kazuma! oh shoot! (2) in se02, sp 2 when kazuma thought back to kyo nearly killing himself in depression before meeting the dad, (3) in se02, ep 9 when kyo trampled on the flower! oof! i love this subtle style of writing! connecting the emotional dots! EPIC!
Various characters throut seasons 1, 2 & 3 noticed the real gentle kyo towards tohru: (1) Isuzu’s “ I hope tohru meets someone like haru, to gently open the door” se02, ep19. (2) Momiji having faith that kyo is the right person for tohru & pushing him, (3) yuki constantly musing over tohru/kyo love & drawing inspiration on wanting “ his own person to love like them” (3) Kisa saying kyo is kind to tohru se3, (4) shigure saying, you are exclusively kind to tohru se02, (5) Airisa saying, when will kyo confess in se01, (6) hana saying, marry my sister in the play & pushing him to not be locked! (7) yuki kicking him for saying “ its not your business” to tohru in kyoto trip, (8) kakeru saying “ kyo’s her boyfriend? “ AA~~~~ the whole cast know & can see his love to her!!! TOHRU! He doesnt hate you! KYO!! the entire cast thinks you DESERVE HER & is KIND! not a monster! Is there an image set of those moments of the cast saying that here in tumblr? kindly mention me to see it! I fear going to the tags & seeing spoilers T_T.
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chaosresponcibly · 2 years
How I think each of the s1 and s2 Empires characters would react to seeing each other.
False is kinda terrified of Pearl, but overall thinks she's cool. Pearl wants False to be her new sparring buddy (like, the woman built a machine to murder giant hunks of metal and wears clothes she pilfered from a corpse, of course Pearl would love her). False doesnt understand that this is a statement of affection and is even more terrified.
The Scotts are just the 'Misery and CPR' meme. Elf Scott keeps talking about his demon brother and tragic backstoryTM, and the Chromia king just goes "oh yea a magic skull stole my eyeball and a wizard gave me a new one.' Eventually they start talking about their bfs and become friends ('my husband rescued me from a dungeon so I built him a cave full of his favorite things' 'nice. My boyfriend just shows up randomly and gives me wood').
The Jimmys absolutely confuse the hell out of each other. The Codfather just off-handedly talks about his traumatic past in between bouts of how awesome his sister and brother-in-law are. He's a god and totally unbothered by it, while the Sheriff keeps grumbling about God calling him a toy when he is Not A Toy. They introduce each other to the other Norman.
The Sausages just point at each other like the spiderman meme. They joke about their trauma while still smiling. They coo over Bubbles together. The protector of Sanctuary talks about Eddie and Hermes. The king of Mythland talks about his little siblings and how much he loves them; he also mentions his best friend who sounds suspiciously similar to the sunflower goddess...
The Joels HATE each other. God Joel keeps making fun of the Mad King for being short and made of clay and he just laughs his ass off, doesnt acknowledge him, and rants about how amazing his fish wife is. God Joel feels insecure and angry, the Mad King is offended because someone is ignore how AMAZING AND WONDERFUL his wife is.
The Pixls have a wonderful afternoon drinking and spilling tea. They discuss philosphy and history, they lovingly make fun of Jimmy, they compliment each other's empires.
Shrub and Shelby are instant friends. Shrub is kinda scared of Shelby because witches could mean bad news, but Shelby instantly introduces Tortoise and all goes well. They talk about their different magic, Shelby gives a whole bundle of potions to the wolves. They talk about how cute Katherine is and mom-friend Joey.
The Joeys respect each other. They arent that close, but they think each other are cool. They fight over if Katherine or Xornoth is better; neither wins but they have fun coming up with compliments for the people they like (they also talk as if said objects of affection love them back).
The Katherines go monster hunting together. Overgrown Katherine talks about her awesome gnome gf. Glimmer Grove Katherine complains about her suitor that cant seem to understand that she isnt a pirate.
At first, the fWhips bond over chaos and destruction. 'I put wardens in half the server's bases to thank them for coming to my wedding' 'I created a ravine.' All goes well until Jimmy gets brought up. Count fWhip complains about the whole 'board of dead salmon' thing, and Goblin fWhip jumps to his defense. They get into a big ol fight and make up a little while later.
The Gems, while amicable, dont really like each other. Wizard Gem thinks Princess Gem's a scardy cat, and Princess Gem thinks Wizard Gem is too intense and a little scary. They do have fun talking about fWhip and Sausage though.
Mayor Lizzie is both a little intimidated by the ocean enpress, and also thinks she's super cool. She's an actual strong, tall, powerful god (unlike the one from Stratos). She is a little scary, though, cause of the army of axolotls and the whole water thing. The ocean empress thinks she's nice (and kinda funny); Mayor Lizzie really reminds her of her friend with his empire of cats before he got corrupted...
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tlou-1 · 3 years
Joel Miller x Reader (Home) Chapter 20
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6| Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13| Chapter 14 | Chapter 15 | Chapter 16 | Chapter 17 | Chapter 18 | Chapter 19 | Chapter 20 | Chapter 21 TBA
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Chapter 20 - Joel still hasn't returned from patrol, you set off after him and what you find is beyond what you could have worried about. 
You look at the clock again, 11:15 and still Joel wasn’t back. You had been pacing the kitchen with Patrick playing at your feet, Joel was over an hour late. Another half an hour passed and you couldn’t sit in the house any longer. You picked up Patrick and made your way to Maria’s post for the day in town, “Maria it’s been two hours and none of them are back. Looks at the clouds out there, somethings wrong I can just feel it” You plead with her but she just says they have probably bunkered down with the snow, “and nothing on the radio either?” You ask, she shakes her head. Right that settled it, you turned and made your way to your sisters. Before Molly could greet you as she opened the door you began “Joel has been out since dark this morning and still isn’t back. I need you to take Patrick for me”, you try to hand him to her but she says “No”, there is a pause for a moment “No? What do you mean No, Molly I really need” but she interrupts you by grabbing a jacket and locking her door, “Because I am coming with you. We can drop him off at the day care”. 
You and Molly try to sneak into the stables to retrieve a horse each but of course Maria had you sussed and was waiting for you. “Maria I need to go out there, I know it sounds crazy but I have a bad feeling” you argue.
“You’re right, it does sound crazy“ she responds, she was always so set on rules. 
“Do you know what, maybe it does but it’s your husband out there as well. Tell me you aren’t worried about them being out there with no sleep, in a blizzard with reports of hoards of infected. I am more capable than most folk in this town and I am going out there” you say sternly close to her face and she knew you were not going to budge.
“Okay” she concedes and proceeds to pass you the reigns of the horse and your bag back filled with your gear. “I cant spare many folks to go out with you, Jesse, Dina and Ellie are already out there you can meet them at one of the posts” she explains. Jesus now your worry turned to them but your line of thought is interrupted by the radio, it was Jesse. “Maria, Tommy and Joel didn’t show to trade off” he explained. You take the radio from Maria, “Jesse its Y/N, where were they patrolling? Can you get, Ellie and Dina and meet me there?” You ask, he agrees to your plan. Your sister in laws body language had changed during the exchange.
“We need to go now” you shout to Molly as your get on your horse and take off. Behind you Molly is following and Maria had saddled up obviously now sharing in your worry. 
The wind and snow was harsh and whipped at your face as you rode ahead as fast as the horse would carry you, you must have been not far behind Ellie now. Neither Joel or Tommy’s had been at their post but their tracks had led you to a Chalet you had visited a couple of times on patrols. As you approached closer you could see more than two sets of tracks, they were disrupted slightly from the storm but there was defiantly a number of different footprints, other people were here. You had to be smart about this, the rest of the guys were still a bit behind you. You move into the building as quietly as possible and have to take out one guy standing watch at a patio door, he had a fresh cut right across his face. If anyone finds him they will know someone else is here, you had to move swiftly. As soon as enter the lodge you can hear cries of pain, guttural cries. It makes your stomach churn, you were right to have had a bad feeling. One more girl is pacing in the kitchen, you silence her by taking your small knife down on her. It had been a number of years since you had taken the life of a living person but you didn’t hesitate after hearing those cries.  
You follow the cries to a narrow staircase with a door at the bottom of it, you could feel your heart in you mouth as you took each step closer to the door. You peer through the slight crack and see a group of unfamiliar people and a figure standing above a bloody one. You take a breath remember where each person was standing, attach your silencer and pushing open the door quietly, you take out the three people closest to the door, one dead ahead the other two to your right side. You were still one of the best shots without a doubt, maybe just as good as Tommy. There were three left by the time they realised what had happened and your presence, a young man standing next to a women with cropped dark hair and a large women standing above the bloody figure, it was Joel along with Ellie and Tommy unconscious. 
The man goes to grab a pistol, lying next to the body of one of the men you just shot and without hesitation you reach round to your backpack pocket. Thank god it was still there. 
“Don’t any of you fucking move, or I will blow up everyone of us in this room” you spit out as you hold the grenade in their sight. They each stop in their tracks and the large girl standing above your husband loosens her grip on club. Joel tires to speak but barely a sound escapes his lips.
“You’re bluffing, why would y-“ she begins. 
“Try me”, you challenge her and there is a long pause “You let them go… you leave here and everyone gets to walk away from this or every single one of us just end it here”. This was madness but what other chance had you got, either way the people you loved could wind up dead, the only thing to stop these strangers was the threat of loosing their own lives and if it meant you went with them, so be it. 
“No, not him, not after what he did.” The girl lifted the club but you jump in “What ever he did, I am walking out of here with him, our daughter and that other man alive or none of us are” 
“He took everything from us! Killed my father, ruined any chance of a cure” the women says lowly shaking her head. 
“You’re fireflies?” You ask looking around at them but you already know the answer from what she had said. 
“Were. There are none, left he made sure of that. Killed most of us.” She answers. You speak without thinking, a stupid thing to do. 
“I don’t blame him… Protecting her, I would have done the same. They were going to butcher the brain of a child, our daughter for the smallest chance of cure. If that’s the price for a potential cure and humanity were so eager and willing to pay it, we didn’t deserve it. I know that much.”
She looks like she has seen red and goes to lift the club again but before she can send it crashing down one of the fireflies, the man stops her and you have pulled the pin on the grenade keeping your finger firmly pressed on the clip as he intervenes.
“Abby stop! She is going to kill all of us” he pleads with her looking between Abby and the women behind him with cropped dark hair that he called Mel. Your hand is shaking from your firm grip on the clip. 
“Are you insane?” The man asked, “When it comes to my family, yes” You reply looking down at Joel and Ellie. 
“Figures, crazy man, crazy wife” scoffs the other woman says looking between you and Joel.
“Don’t fucking touch him. I am giving you all a chance, take it. If I let go of this clip, dead or alive it only takes two seconds for this thing to go off”. You try sounding as calm as possible and it seems to pay off but inside your terrified more than you had ever been. In your head you pray, you had never prayed in your life, for them to leave, for the woman to put down the club, for them not to shoot you, for this bomb to be a dud like Joel had said but for them to not find out it was. 
You can hear commission from upstairs as the rest of the search party have caught up with you, you had bought all the time you needed. Owen grabs Mel by the arm and leaves through garage door. 
“You should go with your friends”
Abby looks torn for a moment her eyes fixed on Joel before she flings the golf club to her side and takes off, on horse back alongside her friends but you felt this part of the past would rear its ugly head again. 
As soon as it sounds clear you carefully place the pin back in the grenade and fall to the floor, guess you will never know if it was a dud or you almost killed everyone in this room. Ellie is still breathing but bruised, you look across at Tommy, the same. Your husband, you crawl across to Joel, the ground around him covered in blood you can feel it soaking your jeans. 
“Jesus, Joel can you hear me?” you say softly, tears in your eyes from the sight of him. His right eye swollen, strips of blood pouring down his face from a couple gashes he had taken on the head. You were worried to touch him in case it caused any more pain, it was hard to look at him like this.
“You got to stay with me, you cant leave me, you hear? You promised” you cry just as Maria, Jesse, Dina and Molly enter the room.
“Holy Fuck” Jesse whispers. You beg them to help Joel, Dina checks on Ellie who is starting to gain consciousness along with Tommy. 
“The storm has almost passed, Jesse and Dina find something we can make a stretcher out of. We can strap it to one of the horses and pull him back”. Maria says at her husbands side, it was the best anyone could do in the dead of winter. No one even thought about going after the remaining three strangers, what was important was the three people who each of you loved in this room.
You rode behind Jesse who’s horse is pulling Joel the entire trip, he sometimes groans or shifts and all you want to do is ask to stop and let him rest but there was no time for it, you had to get back as swiftly as possible. As soon as you arrive back in Jackson men are there to carry Joel’s stretcher into the surgery, you follow behind asking Dr Henry if he would be okay. She didn’t respond focusing solely on Joel, she tells you to stay in the hallway and when you start to protest and push forward Jesse is there pulling you back and when you stop fighting him into a hug. You finally let out a cry from everything, the horror of what you had seen, what you had almost done and at the thought of your husband’s life still hanging in the balance. Everything goes to black for a moment. 
*NOTES - I have to say I found this one pretty difficult to write so I apologise if it doesn't land as well as the other chapters. There is just so much that happens. I have decided to deviate slightly from the game, we have all seen the dark ending for Joel in the game so lets try something different 
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leporellian · 2 years
please infodump about song of the sky it sounds interesting :))
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ok so. song of the sky my novel song of the sky. if you followed my webcomic back when i was doing that this will probably sound more than familiar to you but that's fine
SO song of the sky takes place in like. you know in like, 80s animated kids movies where the mice or rats or whatever have their -secret civilized animals- society and they basically all act like humans except for when they don't? That Trope is the basis of the setting here. all the characters (unless otherwise specified) are cats. they act like people though. humans still exist, and they live in a world for humans! the humans can't understand them or anything. you know that meme from barnyard (2006)? essentially that. and its in chicago. you know how it is
ok now anyway now that we've gotten this out of the way
so like 2 years prior to the story (which is longer to cats ofc) the former ruler of the city cats, king sarastro, was Overthrown by The Starblazer, a revolutionary. sarastro and the starblazer were actually originally close friends but sarastro cared too much abt his private circle of people and not enough abt like, The Actual Citizens Of His City, for the starblazer's comfort and this growing rift led to them McFucking Attacking each other. so the starblazer and her husband become rulers and are like 'yay we did it :) we're better than kings! we can do this better!' but it turns out they CANT do it better bc the husband just Dies of stress and the starblazer is overcome with the same paranoia and fear of her own people that led to acting Like That. and then even though she was just like 'i am better than kings and queens i'm going to elect my heir based on merit :)' like 5 mins ago she decides 'oh no i don't trust anyone besides my own daughter to be next heir lol' so Nothing Has Been Done.
also sarastro is still alive. his kids were killed etc but he himself is still alive and still has his followers. so now we have sarastro and the starblazer, who are both very similar but also really hate each other, vying for control of the city. nothing can go bad here
so the plot kicks off when sarastro is like 'wait i GOT it'. he and his second in command, the speaker, have figured out that if they just steal the starblazer's daughter/heir and wait for the starblazer to die, then they essentially get power handed to them on a platter without having to fight. the morality of this decision can be debated bc on one hand, finding a way to solve things without sending your citizens into battle is a Good Idea, but on the other hand... you know. kidnapping. so naturally the starblazer flips her shit over this
so anyway the main protagonist of this isn't sarastro OR the starblazer even tho they caused all this mess. it's pamina, the starblazer's daughter, and tamino, a randomass(?) housecat she recruited to go get pamina from sarastro.
tamino is filled with wanderlust and really wants to have a destiny and an identifiable purpose for his existence. he also really wants approval from everyone around him, particularly parental figures. no way that can go badly. tamino is accompanied in his quest by papageno, a birdcatcher working for the starblazer who really just doesn't give a shit about this entire situation. tamino tells him 'hey i'm suffering from a pathological need to only value myself on a basis of how much praise and approval i get from authoritative figures' tamino says. 'geez that sucks have you tried like not fucking worrying about it dude' replies papageno. also papageno has a dead fiancee but that's a whole other thing i'll get to her -later-
meanwhile pamina is just so fucking funny to me because she's spending every moment just figuring out how to kill sarastro. she hates that asgore dreemurr looking ass bitch so much. but also a lot of this thinking comes from her wanting to please her mother . pamina is so Fucking Mad but she's also really quiet and biding her time with all this. meanwhile she's accompanied by monostatos, sarastro's apprentice. monostatos is a strategist and a shapeshifter. he thinks that if he can get the chance, he can be made sarastro's heir and fix the whole issue between sarastro and the starblazer. he sees sarastro as his adoptive father and sarastro doesn't give a shit abt him lol its funny but also kind of sad. so basically this is rejection sensitive dysphoria: the novel
also there's the speaker, sarastro's second in command who is just Really Fucking Tired Of Everybody; and the forsaken molly, who just runs around annoying sarastro and the speaker bc she doesn't like them LOL
IF YOU WERE ABLE TO CATCH ANY OF THAT SHIT AND UNDERSTAND IT. You Get Special Victorian Cross Honors, because i am insane <3
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fatbitchhblog · 2 years
Big vent but I need to get it off my shoulders so like my parents have never really gotten along and they’ve been in fights both big and small, some just arguing and some involving guns lol. So you can imagine how I felt when I got a text from my sister saying “mommy and daddy got in a fight” while I was at a friends house. I honestly laughed a little because it happens all of the time they’re always in fights yk? But then I get home and my moms nowhere to be found. I ask my sister and she says our mom left hours ago and hasn’t come back. Now to some people that sounds terrifying but to me I didn’t care, our mom is always doing that where she runs off after a fight/argument and leaves us without warning. But then more than 24 hours pass and it was like 30° so my dad files a police report and everything and I’m freaking out. Yes she has left before but never more than 6 ish hours. The scary part is that she didn’t have her car. So she either found somewhere to spend the night or spent the night in below freezing temps with no heating.. so at this point I’m freaking out ofc. Like wtf mom, where the hell are you?? And I honestly thought she had committed suicide because she suffers from many mental disorders but then my sisters and I get added to a gc with our aunt and she says “your mom just called from an unidentified number and says she’s in a women’s safe home and she’s okay but she won’t tell anyone where she is exactly” and when I tell you I was PISSED. And your probably thinking; Zoey, why are you pissed, your moms alive!! I’m pissed because my mother- a 45 year old woman (fully fucking grown) decided to leave her 5 children out of nowhere WITHOUT SAYING BYE to a woman’s safe home- if you don’t know what that is, it’s where women go to seek safety/shelter specifically from domestic abuse, not small arguments with their husbands, I mean like full blown abuse like they have nowhere to go and are in a crisis type situations- and the problem is, why did she go there after just a small argument and decide to call her sister who literally never talks to us?? Why didn’t she call any of her children? I get not calling me cuz I’m only 13 but she could have called my 17 year old sister, or my 18- almost 19 year old one??? And on top of that, why didn’t that bitch even say bye? And why did she go to a woman’s safe home acting like she’s being physically abused when in reality SHES JUST LOOKING TO RUN AWAY FROM HER FUCKING PROBLEMS. And I can’t blame her for wanting to run away from her problems because I get that as well and she was never taught that running away from them is bad, but at the same time, she decided to run away from them in this way RIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS and leave all of her children alone?? WE GOT HER CHRISTMAS PRESENTS AND I WAS LOOKING FORWARD TO IT MY SISTER GOT HER A PERFUME AND SHE FUCKING LEFT US WHAT THE FUCK??? WHY CANT SHE JUST GET A GOD DAMN DIVORCE AND MOVE ON???? I’ve never felt this way towards my mom, I’ve been mad at her before and I’ve said I hate her before, but right now I feel a sense of rage and resentment that I’ve never felt towards her before. I want her to come back of course but at the same time I don’t think I’m ever gonna be able to see her the same way you know? I don’t know maybe I’m over exaggerating but no matter how many runs I go on to clear my head, I can’t stop thinking about how she didn’t even say goodbye and about how she let me puke myself to sleep because I thought she was dead and in reality she was just taking a “mental break” in a little home with people taking care of her. What the fuck mom?
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