#and he agreed with a lot of my observation and thought it was interesting to read
adore-gregor · 4 months
#but i am feeling better overall about it all since yesterday#i should have read it sooner but as i told you i got an a in that class#and the professor also gave me feedback it was so nice 🤧#i love my uni professors they're really great ☺️#it just reminded that i am good at some things and maybe i will hopefully achieve a good job with my studies one day...#he gave me feedback on a text i had to write on the course and also more general#he wrote he apreciated my interest & participation in class &that he loves seing nothing more than in his students than that as a professor#:))#i also got 10/10 points#and he agreed with a lot of my observation and thought it was interesting to read#but also while i do love football i am thinking of quitting it#altough i don't like to be a person that runs away from difficulties#but honestly i don't feel very welcomed in the team either and they are just so different we have little in common#they are not mean to me but i don't really feel part of it either and there is this one girl who is overly competitive#and she moans at you if you make a mistake in training like in training!#i mean i'm not overly upset about if sometimes some words fall in a match it can happen in the pressure but in training??#like she also probably thinks she's so good but if she were she wouldn't be at our team now would she 😂#like calm down#and she's a defender but if she had to defend me in a 1v1 i bet she'd lose actually because she could never keep up with my speed 😅#i mean she's not horrible otherwise but and not that i'm that great besides my speed and sometimes i have my moments where i dribble well#but i'm not the one acting like this#and she's also the type of person who has inked in her bio on social media which i find funny sry 😂#if anyone who reads this has this too pls don't be offended#but you know it just makes me think why? how is having a tattoo one of the most interesting things about you 😂#it's not a personality trait? nothing else of interest in your life that's sad 😅#doesn't need to be true for everybody but if you disagree tell me why like i don't see it lol#and i'm also worried i won't play like i'm not putting in so much time to then sit on the bench#i'd even try goalkeeper tbh if that means i'd be appreciated for it if i were good at it#it's not that i think i'm so good that i need to play just that i have limited time with uni and tennis already...#it's a lot already i would at least like to get something out of it
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bunnylovesani · 6 months
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An Arrangement
Summary: You’re a princess taken from your home planet and forced to marry Darth Vader. Turns out life on the Death Star isn’t as bad as everyone makes out. Based on the prompt shared with @luminoustarlight !
Content warnings: p in v sex, degradation, sub dynamics, begging, some violence, slow burn smut
WC: 9.3k
You stare out the grand palatial window in the coronation room, passively observing the flames swallowing the city of your home planet Onderon. Unintelligible screams flood the background, soon mercilessly silenced by the thuds and cracks of brusquely operated laser guns. 
So this is how you were to meet your end: powerless at the mercy of the imperial army. You’d been trained for such a scenario before and you always carried a vial of poison in the event of capture; you’d rather die than be made to serve the Empire’s twisted interests.
“Princess, you need to take cover, follow my men into the vault below!” Your faithful attendant, Silas called out in panic.
“No, Silas. I will not cower in the basement waiting for them to breach our walls. I will remain here and eagerly await them.” 
“But Your Grace-!”
“Enough.” You bark back. “It’s over. You have been discharged from duty, run while you still can. Thank you for all your years of service, I pray that our paths might cross again in another life.” You turn from him, tears flowing down your stiffeningly cold cheeks.
“May the Maker keep and protect you, Princess. You are our only hope.” He replies solemnly, before fleeing through the stony back passage of the palace.
You chuckle mirthlessly at the futility of his words and reach into your bosom where the corset of your gown has a sewn-in compartment. You extract the compact glass ampule of viper venom, so toxic that one drop is enough to send you into an eternal sleep, and fiddle with the intricate bottle for a few moments. With a heavy sigh, you tuck it under your sleeve; you decided you wanted to gaze into the eyes of your captors before you bid farewell to life. 
With a resounding crash, the barricaded gate before you falls and the imperial army- donning armour plastered in dust and foreign blood- swarm into the great hall of the palace. You force the knot in your throat down with a gulp and turn on your heel to face the brutes responsible for the massacre of your people. 
“Ah Princess, excellent. We thought you’d be grovelling underground with your father but you’ve just made our job a whole lot easier.” A masked figure that you presume is the Commander of the battalion addresses you. “Grab her. But keep her alive, she’s got a special purpose to fulfil.” 
Hearing the ominous plans they have in store for you, you rush to reach for the poison in your sleeve but are hindered by the stampede of soldiers hurtling at you, slapping the vial out of your hand and shattering it all over the nitid marble floor. 
‘Ah, ah, ah. Don’t even think about it.” The unnaturally deep voice of the commander booms. “You’ve been specially requested at the behest of the Emperor.” Dread consumes you as you’re roughly cuffed and dragged out of the safety of your childhood home. The soldiers marching comes to a sudden halt and you’re made to turn around and stare at the palace, a deadly silence hanging in the air. 
“Burn it.” 
Triggered by the commander’s words, a roaring blaze fulminates, the building being crushed in an instant by the force of the explosion. All you can see is the reflection of smouldering flickers through the thick veil of tears filling your eyes. 
The commander smugly trudges over to you, sharply inhaling. “Ah, there’s nothing better than the smell of a coward’s smouldering corpse.” He hisses, words dripping with venom. “Wouldn’t you agree?” 
Your heart burned at the injustice, at the innocent civilians decimated- but you couldn’t fool yourself into pretending that scorn extended to your dearly departed father. 
Refusing to reply to his provocation with anything other than an expectorated glob of spit aimed at his helmet, he takes the barrel of his gun and pummels it with brute force against your temple. You’re instantly rendered unconscious and your limp body is packed into the nearest starfighter, chained up and ready to make the journey from Onderon to the Death Star.  
The first thing you do as you’re rudely awoken is cradle your aching head- a wave of nausea overtaking you and the electric pain behind your eyes knocking the air out of your lungs. 
“Rise ’n shine, Onderon whore.” One of the soldiers grabbing you by the elbow spat and you stumbled to your feet like a newborn foal. After being dragged through a fortified steel tunnel, you were harshly thrown to the floor in a cold control room before two cloaked men, one of whom wore black combat boots- no doubt robust and heavy enough to crack open a skull. The light in the battle station glowed painfully bright and you lifted your head as best you could to observe the squabbling figures through squinted eyes.
“Here she is, my young Lord. I think she’ll do nicely, yes?” The ominously raspy voice croaked and you knew at once it was none other than Emperor Sheev Palpatine.
“She’s shivering.” The monotonous voice of the other cloaked figure stated callously and only then did you notice how your body was trembling- whether it was from the cold or the fear, you weren’t sure. 
“You’ll have plenty of opportunity to warm her up on your wedding night.” He cackles wickedly but is met with silence from the man opposite him. The last thing you remember before it all went black was the light reflecting off of the quiet man’s helmet, and wondering what might be lurking underneath. 
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“Tskk poor thing, look at this cut on your head.” You flutter your eyes open to see a woman in a billowed white cloak tutting and fussing over you. “Good morning, princess.”
“Who are you?” You scowl, trying to get up and immediately being knocked back down by the overwhelming pain.
“Whoa, easy now! Nice ’n slow.” The woman puts her arm around your waist and helps you to sit up. “I’m Sabe, a royal handmaiden. Your handmaiden, to be exact.”
“Where am I?” You croak, uncertain you wanted to know.
“You’re on the Death Star, ma’am.” 
Bile rises in your throat at the realisation that none of it was a dream- your recollection of the last 24 hours starts flooding in and your chest seizes in panic. The fire, the cloaked men, the people in the vault. 
“You’re all right, just breathe. No harm is going to come to you. He’s made sure of that.” Sabe spouts and your head snaps at her.
“Oh yes, Lord Vader gave orders for your protection. Under penalty of death. If you ask me, he just needs a woman’s touch to soften him up and he’d finally succeed in shaking that leech of an emperor off. Suppose that’s where you come in!”
“Me?” You screech, wondering when you’d say something not in the form of a question.  
“Oh, you poor thing, you don’t know…the Emperor is arranging a wedding between his young protegee and a princess from a seized planet. The princess being you, if that’s not clear.” She continued chattering incessantly. 
“Yes, I got that.” You snap. “And when is this supposed union meant to be taking place?”
You choose to remain quiet, rather than parroting back her last word in the form of yet another question. 
After your handmaiden assists in bathing and dressing you in clean robes, you still can’t seem to escape the dull throbbing of the headache that permeates every cell of your body, leaving you in persistent agony. You beg Sabe to find something to help, knowing that you yourself weren’t allowed to leave the confines of the east wing. Stepping out onto the enclosed observatory space by your chambers, you stare out into the stars surrounding the vessel. You wished you could break beyond the thick glass enclave and just glide away, joining the stars and freeing yourself from the pain. 
“Who hurt you?” A raspy voice questions and you turn around to the sight of Lord Vader, enveloped in his armour and mask. 
“Uh, whoever the commander of the battalion was.” You reply, startled.
“He will be dealt with. Now come here.” He reaches his gloved hand out, signalling for you to grab it. With a great deal of uncertainty, you approached him, timidly giving him your hand. He takes it into his palm and holds it firmly to his chest. As if some force had siphoned the contusions and swelling out of you, you felt your agony slowly subside- until there was nothing at all in its wake. 
“H-how did you do that?” You took a step back from him, holding your fingers up to your temple in disbelief. You’d heard of force healing before but assumed it was either a myth or a nearly lost practice only wielded by the most masterly of Jedi.
“Go back to your chambers and rest. You have a long ordeal ahead of you.” He leaves your question unanswered and marches out of the observatory as quickly as he entered it. 
You’re compelled to follow his commands so you retreat to your chambers, forcing yourself to drink the healing tea Sabe concocted after having decided it was easier than explaining the bizarre experience you’d had. That was the dark Sith Lord that struck terror into the hearts of everyone who faced him? Ruthless, soulless, devoid of all human compassion- and channelling force healing to ease your headache? You spent all afternoon writhing in confusion, all the way up until a neatly packaged box was left on the doorstep of your assigned room. Upon closer inspection, the box contained an intricate white lace dress, paired with a beaded, scallop hemmed headpiece. A wedding outfit.
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Standing at the forefront of the cold metallic arena, you twiddled with the sleeves on your dress- the material itching terribly and making your skin crawl. In a way, you were glad to have something occupy your mind beyond the impending prospect of marrying a Sith brute. You wondered why he wore that clunky helmet- is he so hideously deformed he has to hide behind it lest people faint at the sight? 
A frightened-looking man you can only assume is the officiator of this sham of a wedding is escorted through the heavily guarded gates and takes his place before you, not daring to make eye contact. Your body fills with dread at the familiar sound of heavy boots dragging along the steel plates of the floor. He doesn’t spare you a passing glance for even a moment, despite your stubborn resolution to face him for the entirety of the ceremony- you wanted to look deep into the supposedly merciless eyes of your new husband. There aren’t any vows, there’s no exchange of rings, no kiss to celebrate the union- just some legal jargon and a couple of witnesses. Although you can’t see him, you can feel Palpatine’s snake eyes burning into you, no doubt observing from another room to ensure his mysterious plan came to fruition. 
“Follow me.” A stormtrooper orders you and begins to head back in the direction of your chambers. Confused, you allow him to escort you out of the hall as you see a cloaked figure approach Lord Vader out of the corner of your eye. You just about hear the Emperor’s gravelly voice hiss out the word “consummate” before the doors shut behind you and you’re carried away to the bedroom. For some reason, the thought of sex hadn’t crossed your mind- you assumed villains like him had interests that surpassed such blunt mortal affairs - but now standing in front of your 4-poster bed, waiting for the sound of his heavy footsteps again, reality sunk in. You swallowed the thick lump in your throat and lay on the bed, removing the first layer of your dress and remaining in a white negligee. “Just lie back and think of Onderon.” You thought.
Your whole body tensed as you observed him enter your joint chambers, completely walking past you and going to the connecting bathroom, door left ajar. 
“I’m ready, Lord Vader.” You stiffly announce, hoping to get it over with as soon as possible. 
Hearing your words, he peers out of the doorway and although you can’t see his face, his body language seems perplexed. 
“What are you doing?” He remarks accusingly. 
“I-I’m…waiting for you to consummate our marriage. Like Palpatine wishes.” He scoffs at your comment- laughs even- and goes back into the bathroom. 
“I will do nothing of the sort.” You hear him say.
Sitting up on the bed and dragging the covers over your exposed body, you’re bewildered. 
“Oh, c-can Sith Lords not…?” You stutter, searching for an explanation.
“I assure you I’m perfectly capable.” He snaps back. “I just have no desire for the task.” 
Although relief floods your body, you feel slightly offended at the presumption that lovemaking with you should be a task. 
Just then, you hear a steamy hissing sound, followed by a loud thud. The figure emerges, back facing you without his layers of armour- donning a simple black shirt and black trousers. He wanders over to the window at the far end of the room, staring out into space. 
“I’m sorry about your father.” He grunts after a while and you finally hear his voice- free from robotic static, with no menacing growl - just him, and it sounds beautiful.
“Don’t be.” You say sincerely, fixated on the back of his head. You notice he has dark blonde curls, gathering in tufts at the nape of his neck. “Come on, turn around.” You think, bracing yourself for what you might find. 
“Alright, if you insist.” He remarks and you scowl in confusion- you didn’t say that out loud, did you? 
He pivots round to face you and you feel as though someone has knocked the air from your lungs: he glares at you with mesmerising cobalt-blue eyes, embellished by abundantly thick lashes and even thicker eyebrows sitting atop his handsomely chiselled face. His cheekbones stand at attention, enhanced by his sculpted jawline, which works in perfect harmony with the rest of his body- even his collarbones are perfect. He’s full of sprightly vigour, he’s young even. You are floored and contemplate how anyone could hide such a face away in that clunky helmet.
“Not what you were expecting, huh?” He speaks, sensing the utter shock his appearance has inflicted on you. 
“You…you’re-” You stutter.
“Not hideously deformed?”
He raises his bushy eyebrows disapprovingly and you scold yourself for being so forthright. He may be devilishly handsome, but that doesn’t mean you can swoon over him. He’s a monster, remember? Sure, he has the most seductive pair of lips you’d ever seen on a man - all plump and the perfect shade of pink- and sure, he’s sparked a desire within you that you don’t think you’d ever felt before but…where were you going with this? 
“I’m going to sleep in the adjoining room, you can take my chambers.” You’re snapped out of your dreamy haze by his velvety voice as he begins to walk away.
“Wait! Y-you don’t have to, I’m sure the bed is uncomfortable over there.” 
“No, it’s perfectly fine.” He continues marching away. 
“Wait! The bed here is more than big enough for the both of us, we wouldn’t even touch.” You stumble over your words, melting under the scrutiny of his gaze. 
“Do you want me to sleep with you, Princess?” His movement comes to a halt and you’re rendered speechless. “Because that really would be something. Captured and brutalised after all that you hold dear is set alight, forced to marry a servant of evil- and then you request his company in your bed? That would be deranged. You’re not deranged now, are you Princess?”  
Your mouth goes dry at the snarky way in which he’s talking to you- you admit it sounds mad out loud but the situation is more complicated than he thinks. 
“N-no.” You mutter, barely above a whisper. 
“Good, I wouldn’t want to find out I’ve married damaged goods.” He remarks impertinently. “I’m retiring for the evening- and I am not to be disturbed.” With that, he slams the door between you shut and you slide down your headboard, consumed by embarrassment, shame, desire. His dastardly good looks have really thrown a spanner into the works. 
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You barely managed to get any sleep that night, much like every night the week following the wedding. Your dreams were plagued by visions- of your father, of your captors, of your husband. Before your seizure, you already knew your future would hold a forced marriage; although an even less desirable one. Your father had plans to marry you off to your cousin, a brainless specimen by the name of Fester who was too dim-witted to even realise he was being used as a pawn in the family’s bloodline feud.
Despite your many attempts to plead and beg your way out of this union, your father dismissed you entirely- even going so far as to sanction you to the confines of your stuffy quarters, striking you remorselessly when you defied his orders. 
You’d spent a lifetime dreamily peering out of your windows, waiting to be liberated by a saviour that never came- at least not in the way you thought. 
Lord Vader was never present, aside from a very brief juncture in the evenings, when he would pass through your chambers on the way to his bedroom. You tried to make conversation but he either stared at you with dead, unamused eyes or flat-out ignored you. Asking him what he did during his working hours was not one of the things you tried to speak about- much preferring to stay in ignorant bliss- and he was more than happy to not be at the receiving end of your questions for once. 
Growing increasingly tired of questioning your purpose on this wretched behemoth of a ship, you took the liberty of posting yourself outside his bedroom that night, waiting to block his exit until he at least acknowledged your existence. You’re ashamed to admit that you selected your nightwear especially for him- tonight choosing to wear the thinnest of slip dresses in the pathetic hopes that he might be drawn in by your pert chest. 
As is routine, you hear the doors to your chambers swing open and are greeted with the welcome sight of the young Lord, who strides over to you intimidatingly. Removing his helmet and towering before you, you gulp at not just the height difference- but the sheer broadness of his shoulders compared to your slender ones. 
“Move.” He states, glaring at you unaffectedly. 
“No. I’m not going anywhere until you talk to me.” You stubbornly huff and you think you spot a glint of amusement in his eyes. 
“You don’t give the orders around here, Princess.” He asserts as he lifts you up by the waist with ease and drops you out of his way like you were a meagre traffic obstruction. You’re filled with disbelief as he enters his room, shutting the door in your face. “At least he didn’t slam it tonight.” You ponder.
Slouching down the door defeatedly, you pout as you hear him undress, desperately in need of an explanation. 
“Please.” You plead pitiably, not expecting him to hear you. 
You almost fall to the floor as your backrest swings open, and you lift your head to see him, sighing above you. 
“What is it?”
“I-I just wanna know some things.” You mutter, cradling your knees on the floor. 
“Then talk.” He taps his foot impatiently. 
“Well uh- for starters, why am I here?” You rise from the floor to face him. “Why did Palpatine want you to marry me?”
“He wants me to sire a son- to ensure his plans can be carried out should I be otherwise indisposed.” He looks away coldly. 
“I don’t understa-“
“Palpatine will live into his 200s. I am only human. If I am killed, he wants another apprentice to bend to his will, one just as strong with the force.” 
“So why haven’t you attempted to do any siring yet?” He looks at you with a look of intense shock, disgust even. Of all the things he’s said, you take issue with his lack of action in the bedroom. 
“I refuse to participate in this charade. He’ll see that you’re barren after a while- and we’ll dispose of you accordingly.” 
“But I’m not barren.” You interject, dismissing the latter part of his sentence. 
“It would be in your best interests to pretend you are.” You’re beguiled by his smooth voice and find yourself yearning to hear it all night. “I’ve brought someone to keep you company, hopefully with them in attendance you’ll be less inclined to seek my attention.” 
“Another handmaiden? Ah, spare me- the current one is more than irritating enough on her own.” You shudder at the thought of 2 Sabes, prattling in your ear all day. 
“No, I’ve ordered for the capture of your former attendant. I believe you were quite fond of him- Silas, is it?” 
Your heart seizes, he’s alive? More importantly, he’s being brought to you? You stare at the scowling face of your husband, who looks afraid you might try to do something overly affectionate. 
“A purely self-indulgent measure. To prevent any future ambushes like the one tonight.” He backtracks, attempting to impose some distance but you disregard it entirely. “If that’s not enough to keep you occupied, you can also have access to my private library - Silas will be waiting for you there tomorrow.” 
“Thank you, my Lord,” You whisper, throwing caution to the wind and wrapping your arms against his waist, face snugly pressed into his firm chest. You feel him tense up at the intrusion, but he relaxes ever so slightly with an exhale, hovering his arms above your own- careful not to let them touch lest he give you the impression he’s embracing you back. 
“Call me Anakin.” He mumbles softly. 
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You wake up the next day, your chest feeling lighter than it has in years. Bounding out of bed, you instil deep confusion in Sabe, who enters your room with fresh clothes. 
“Having a good morning?” She asks.
“I think actually, yes. Yes, I am.” You reply resolutely, allowing her to dress you without your usual complaints as she tightens your corset. 
“Might this have anything to do with Lord Vader?” She raises an eyebrow, consumed with curiosity. 
“Perhaps. Or perhaps I see that my new life might not be so bad after all. I believe I have someone waiting for me, you’re dismissed for now, Sabe.” You waltz out of your chambers to the library that Anakin mentioned you were granted entrance to. 
You enter the room and stare in wonder at the rows upon rows of polished shelves, furnished with all kinds of large, leather-bound books. Among the volumes of publications is a tall, spindly man- standing with his back turned. 
“Silas!” You cry out and dart towards him, colliding against him in a tight embrace. 
“Princess! Let me look at you, are you hurt?” He grabs your face, inspecting it for any cuts or bruises. 
“No, no I’m perfectly fine!” You smile. 
“How could you possibly be fine? I heard about the wedding- it’s a scandal, it’s a disgrace! The intergalactic senate will hear about this- I promise I will get you out!“
“Silas, it’s okay, I’m being treated well here.” Your reply sends him into a stunned silence. 
“You’ve been married to a Sith Lord. A princess of the purest blood made to intermingle with the lap dog of the Emperor. I don’t even want to think about what you’ve been forced to do here to survive.” He shudders.
“I haven’t been made to do anything. And Anakin really isn’t that bad once you get to know him a little.”
“Anakin?” Silas almost breaks out in hives at what he’s hearing. 
“Yeah, that’s his real name. And oh, Silas, he’s so handsome!” You clamber on, reading the titles off a nearby bookshelf and digging for something that might take your fancy.
“I don’t believe this. One week under captivity and you’ve been brainwashed already.” He takes his head into his hands.
“I haven’t been brainwashed.” You chuckle. “Anakin is the one who brought you here. Just for me. And he lets me have the nicest quarters on the ship- and I’m allowed private access to the whole library!” You gush.
“So he’s built you a very pleasant cage. Fantastic. Just because your prison has a nice interior doesn’t make it your home.”
“Well, it’s no less of a prison than Onderon was. At least in this one, my marriage isn’t incestuous.” Silas’s eyes widen beyond measure at the boldness of your statement and he takes a seat before he collapses. 
“He used the force to heal me when I was in pain.” 
“And what caused you to be hurt in the first place?” He snaps back accusingly.
“Silas, listen to me.” You kneel beside him, taking his hand into your own. “I’ve spent too many years worrying about the fate of my future, cursing the Maker for how little control I had over my own destiny. No more. I can only take life as it comes in small waves- I have relinquished control. This is my new home now.”
With a heavy sigh, Silas nods- looking away as if unable to process your revelation. 
“Come on, there’s someone I want you to meet.” You say, mischievous twinkle in your eye.
The remainder of the day is spent flicking through various books, amassing a pile of them in your bedroom so high that you could barely see Sabe’s head poking through when she entered.
“Um, m’lady? If you won’t be requiring anything else for the night, can I retire? Silas and I were thinking of wandering down to the observatory by my quarters…”
“Of course, Sabe, enjoy.” You chuckle as she meekly smiles and exits your room. You knew they’d hit it off, one perennial chatterbox with another. Flicking through the last page of the first edition volume of The Tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise, you hummed discontentedly. “What a terrible ending.” You thought as you inspected the piles on your floor for the second volume. You suspect you must’ve left it in the library when you were packing your books onto the trolley so you wrap a thin robe around yourself and march down the hall. You notice the lights already burning as you enter the library cautiously, peering your head through to see Anakin, sitting on an armchair and reading something out of a thick, metal-encased manual. 
“What’s your book about?” You query as you approach him slowly.
“It’s a story about a very naughty princess who loves to go looking for trouble.” He sneers, lip curling up into the shadow of a smile. 
“No, it’s not!” You titter as you pry over the bind, seeing various starfighter diagrams and mechanical cross-sections. 
“What do you want now?” He shuts the book promptly.
“I just came to collect something I left behind.” You reply innocently. 
“I trust you’re enjoying my collection, then.” He looks up at you for the first time and your breath catches in your throat at the sight of his dreamy eyes.
“Oh yes, it’s very impressive. I didn’t think Sith Lords read so much.”
“They don’t.” He gets up from his chair, sauntering over to a nearby shelf and picking out a specific book. “Try this, I think you’ll like it.” He throws the book in your direction and you catch it; observing the cover, you speculate it’s some kind of historical tale about a lost civilisation. 
“Thank you, I’ll be sure to read it.” You tuck it under your arm. “Are you retiring for the night yet?” 
“Yes, I’ll leave the library to you.” He gets up to leave but you stand in front of him. 
“I was only here to get something, escort me back?” You ask and he looks you up and down before making a low grunting sound, something you can only assume is a sign of acceptance. He heads out the door and you follow, trailing behind him like a lost puppy. 
“I never got to thank you.” You say as you enter your chambers, seizing the short moment you have to converse before he disappears into his bedroom. 
“What could you possibly have to thank me for?” He rolls his eyes.
“For rescuing me.” You reach out to touch him by the arm but back down, courage failing you. 
“You’ve lost your mind.” 
“No, really. My circumstances back home were…less than ideal.” You stare down at your feet.
“I admit I find it peculiar that you don’t seem to be in mourning.” He notes, more intrigue in his tone than you’re used to.
“Would you be in mourning over a man who oppressed and rebuked you at every turn?”
“I see. I suppose that explains your…unorthodox behaviour.” For the very first time, he takes a seat on the chaise lounge by your bed- does he actually want to have this conversation with you?
“I guess you could say that. After he locked me up in the palace and forced me to accept my cousin’s betrothal, I abandoned all hope for the future and resigned myself to perpetual misery. And then you came along.” He squints his eyes, looking almost frustrated with your positivity.
“Are you sure you understand the situation you’ve found yourself in? You’re aware you’ve been abducted- forced to spend every day locked up here, never to see your planet or familiars again? Forced to play wife to me?” He gawks incredulously.
“You’re not as bad as you make out.” You smile at him. “And you’re certainly very easy on the eyes.” You look for changes in his demeanour but it remains unaffected. “Would you have preferred it if I was terrified and unwilling to go near you?” 
“Terrified? Of course not, the thought of it sickened me. Unwilling to go near me? I’m not sure I’d mind.” He states and you wonder if that was his way of making a joke. “I regret that you’ve been ensnared into this. I wish it could’ve been different.” 
“I don’t.” You pluck up the courage to sit beside him, placing your hand on his leg. “I can see there’s goodness within you. It’s almost tangible in the way you treat me.” 
“Clearly I’ve given you the wrong impression.” He mutters gruffly, visibly uncomfortable. “And you can stop wearing those little dresses around me. All you’re going to succeed in doing is get frostbite.” He pushes your hand off him.
“Do you find me that repulsive?” You question sharply, tired of being made to feel undesirable. “I’ve been told my looks rival that of some of the fairest Princesses in the galaxy. Is a man like yourself so completely cold to the affections of women?”
“I fail to see how that is relevant.” He dismisses.
“It’s relevant because I’m tired of my bed being cold. You chose to marry me, now act like a husband!” 
“What choice? I had no choice!” He shouts back and your blood runs cold when he stands towering over you.
“That makes two of us. But I fail to see what good can come from sulking about it.” You lower your tone.
“You’re that desperate, huh?” He sneers condescendingly.
“So what if I am?” You throw caution to the wind, fully aware of the way you’re debasing yourself right now; after the breadcrumbs of affection he’d been giving you, you couldn’t take it anymore.
“Fine.” He says, making his way over to the bed, ripping off his shirt. 
“W-what are you doing?” You murmur as he undresses and positions himself in the middle of your stately bed. 
“I’m ready, Princess.” He mocks, parroting what you’d said to him on your wedding night. “You wanted to fuck me, right? Well here I am. At your royal disposal.” 
“N-not like this.” You mutter, trying not to stare at his firm pecs or chiselled abdomen. 
“What’s the matter? You’ve been prancing around in those little dresses all week, practically begging me to give you a scrap of my attention and now I’m in our marital bed, you’re too scared?” 
“I’m not scared, I just don’t want to feel like I’m forcing myself on you.” You mutter quietly, drained of all confidence. 
“You’re worried about all the wrong things. Palpatine told me to brutalise you to within an inch of your life, you know that? To take all my anger out on you and make you pay for the sins of your family. And you’re worried about whether you’re taking advantage of me. I fear I have been too soft. You seem to forget who you’re speaking to.” 
“But you didn’t.” You sniffle.
“But you didn’t do those things. You’re a good man, Anakin.” Your voice softens and you climb up the bed to join him, allowing your gaze to linger on the small line of blonde curling hair starting from his belly button, travelling down to what lay underneath his underwear. 
“No. I haven’t quite lost all my humanity.” He breathes heavily, seemingly noticing your staring. 
“Let me show you my appreciation.” You bit your lip and bravely met his intense gaze. He doesn’t respond, the only noticeable reaction being his eyes wandering down to your breasts, thin material doing little to conceal your pert nipples. 
“Do you wish to see me?” You ask, fingers toying with the straps as he huffs slightly, acting as though this were beneath him- but still remaining silent. You shrug the material off, revealing your round, perky breasts to him. You think you can see something twitching in his boxers but you can’t be sure. 
“Can I?” You ask, gesturing to sit on his lap but he remains speechless. “Please, my Lord, I need to hear you-“ 
A grin spreads across your face as you mount him, completely bare. Putting your hands on his chest, you move your hips a little to feel him. Not that you were expecting any less for a man of his stature, but you felt yourself getting soaked at his formidable size; he was surely 8 inches, and just as satisfyingly thick. Your eyes fall to his pretty face and you’re overcome with the urge to kiss him all over. Reaching down to plant small kisses over his temple and cheeks, you feel him stiffen even more. 
“What are you doing?” He grumbles.
“Shut up and kiss me.” You pant as you capture his lips in a soft kiss, brushing them against each other. You can feel him almost fighting the urge to hold you so you take the initiative and grab him by the jaw, kissing him deeply and passionately. You think you hear a moan slip out of his mouth but when you pull away, he’s still got the same cold expression on his beautiful face- brows slightly furrowed and lips pursed in disaffection. 
“If you’re waiting for me to make a move, it’s not going to happen.” He sighs, looking fatigued. A quiet rage simmers within you. You’ve had suitors lining up at the palace gates since you were a teenager and now this glorified servant is behaving as though he is the prize. You craved the chance to teach him not to underestimate you, to make him see you were special. “On another occasion, perhaps.” You thought. Tonight, you just wanted to make him writhe beneath you. 
“If you’re going to be making snarky comments all evening, I’m going to stuff my panties in your mouth to silence you.” 
“What panties? You didn’t wear any.” He grins and your chest sets alight. However brief it was, it’s the first time you’ve seen a genuine smile. His teeth were pearly and straight, and his smile broad enough to reach across his whole face in a bright, radiant flash. You felt like your day had gotten better just by being witness to it. 
“Why do you always do that?” He breaks your trance.
“Huh, do what?”
“Disassociate. You stare right through me when you do it.” 
“M’sorry. I can’t help it.” You feel a fierce shyness overcome you. 
“You find me that handsome?”
“Yes.” You whisper. You have no idea why you’re admitting to it. 
“Is that why you don’t mind being married to me?” He continues and you’re confused by the volume of questions coming your way- it’s more than he’s talked to you all week.
“Partly.” He smirks a little at the ego boost and places his hands on the back of his neck, arm muscles flexing as they’re extended. You trail a line from the centre of his chest down to his abdomen with the tip of your index finger, stopping as you reach the band of his boxers. You look up at him and he raises an eyebrow at you, almost daring you to go further. Toying with the band for a little while, you steel yourself and pull them down in one prompt motion. You have to hold in a wince as you take it in- in all its thick, veiny glory. With a shuddery breath, you savour the view before you: his strong, toned arms trailed down to his athletic torso, v-line achingly defined and sloping down to his large, pink-tipped member. “Even his dick is pretty.” You mentally cursed. His smirking, confident simper never faltered, not feeling a fragment of insecurity for even a moment. 
Knowing you weren’t going to get any warming up from him, you lifted your hips and angled yourself up, tip kissing your entrance. Maintaining eye contact, you slowly sunk down on him, lowering yourself gradually until your bare skin brushed against the curls around the base of his cock. He shuts his eyes for a moment and exhales lightly, pretty lips forming into a small o shape. You try to subdue the overwhelming feeling of being filled so deeply, not wanting to stroke his ego even more than you already have. You begin to move, riding him very slowly and focusing on his chest as it rises and falls, eyes watering at the sensation of being stretched out. Worrying that he’s going to question why you’re going so slow, you begin to speed up even though it aches. 
“Slow down.” He speaks softly. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”
“As if you care.” You huff.
“Don’t get on my bad side, Princess.” He shoots you a deadly glance and you slow back down, knowing better than to disobey him. It takes you a good while to accommodate to his size, oo’s and aa’s escaping your mouth every time you straighten up and sink down on his cock a little too deeply- but after the adjustment period, you start to ride him confidently. Your tits bounce with a hypnotising jiggle as you smack the flesh of your ass against his thighs, wetness drenching you both. Noticing how his arms lay by his side, you grab him by the wrist and lay them on your hips. He grips onto them slightly for a moment, but quickly releases and lets them fall back down to his sides. You whine a little, starved of affection. You were bouncing on his cock yet you still felt like you weren’t close.
“Please?” You moan. 
“You wanted this, not me. I said I’m not participating, didn’t I?” His voice rings out, completely unaffected while you were a panting mess.
“Don’t pretend like you’re not- ah- enjoying it. F-feels good, doesn’t it?” You stutter, feeling his tip prodding that spongy spot within you that threatens to be your undoing. 
“It’s fine.” He replies, still refusing to engage in any meaningful way.
“Oh come on, Anakin! Give me something.” You feel like you’re one snarky comment away from resorting to begging. 
“I’ve given you my cock. What more do you want out of me?” 
“I want you to talk to me, I want you to touch me. To be present!” 
“And I want for my wife to not be such a whore.” Your mouth gapes open at his harsh words, but you continue bouncing, getting too close to stop now. “I mean seriously, you’re being held hostage and all you can think about is getting fucked? There’s nothing in that little brain of yours other than visions of me fucking you, is there? I’ve seen them.”
You moan at his degrading words- if you weren’t so cock drunk, you might be ashamed of the way you’re allowing him to speak to you. 
“Oh my God, are you gonna cum from me talking down to you? Does me calling you a stupid whore get you off?” He rambles and you can’t stop yourself from turning into a whimpering mess, moans spilling out at every turn and unintelligible groans flooding the room as you bounce on his cock.
He reaches up towards you and you think he might be pulling you in for a kiss but instead, he hooks his fingers into the corners of your mouth, stretching it out. You babble out disjointed syllables, too overwhelmed to establish a rhythm that isn’t completely sloppy.
“The fuck are you even saying right now?” He laughs and oh god, there’s that smile again- if his cock wasn’t enough, now his grin is making your legs feel like jelly.
“What are these dumb little sounds you’re spluttering out? You sound like an idiot.” The lewd squelching noises increase in intensity as you fall apart on top of him in a sudden climax- pleasure hitting you like a truck and nearly knocking you out. You pant on top of him, trying to catch your breath with your head resting on his chest. He clears his throat after a minute and you shuffle off him, laying your head on the nearby pillow instead. 
“Wow. That was…did you not cum?” It occurs to you that you’d just used him for your own pleasure.
“Of course not.” He gruffly responds, legs still spread and cock exposed, glistening with your arousal. “I have self control.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You ask and he turns to face you.
“You’re like a bitch in heat. It’s not very princess-like of you.” 
“Well, I’m not a princess anymore. I’m a Sith Lord’s wife.” You counter.
“Wives don’t ride like that.” You know he didn’t mean it as a compliment but you chose to take it as one anyway. 
“Aren’t you going to cover up?” You point at his exposed body while you clutch the crisp white sheets around yourself.
“Why should I?” He snaps back and you’re taken aback by his show of confidence. And you certainly weren’t complaining.
“Yeah, I bet you aren’t.”
“Okay, you’ve got to stop doing that! It’s unnatural.” You complain.
“I don’t ordinarily pay such close attention to these things but your mind is so dirty.” 
“Oh yeah? What have I been thinking about in the last couple minutes then?”
“You’ve been wondering how I’m both a shower and a grower, how you’ve never been so wet before - oh, and how you want to fuck me again.” Your cheeks redden at his painfully accurate observations- and you feel his vulgarity plant a renewed desire within you. 
“Really, you want another round? Fine. Hop on.” He sighs, tapping his thigh. You stare at him affectionately with a smile as if to say “really?” and you clamber over him again. You only have to press your dripping body against him once and he quickly hardens again, tip oozing with precum. You waste no time impaling yourself, pussy swallowing him greedily- slightly sore but still stretched out enough to take him with ease. 
“Anakin, please.” You mumble, reaching for his hands- needing to feel them on your skin. 
“What do you want?” He replies breathily. 
“Please, touch me.” You slide up and down his shaft, body racked with delirious pleasure. “Pleasepleaseplease - please Anakin!” He scoffs smilingly at how you’ve been reduced to a needy mess before he’s even put an ounce of effort in. “Do you want me to beg? I’ll get on my knees and beg- please, touch me just a little, please Ani-“
“Alright, alright, enough!” He stops you and you wince at his harsh tone, wishing that just for once, he’d be gentle with you. 
“I’m sorry, it’s okay. I’m right here.” He reaches out and wraps his hands around your dainty waist, right arm gradually trailing up your body. His knuckles brush against your cheek tenderly before he wraps his strong hand around your jaw and pulls you in for a kiss. You squeak in shock at the unexpected affection as your breasts press against his chest, one hand squishing your soft flesh and the other wrapped up in your hair. 
“Mmm, Ani.” You hum, your deepest craving finally quelled.
“No one’s called me that in a really long time.” He mumbles into the kiss, sliding both hands down to your ass cheeks and gripping them firmly. 
“Is this what you wanted?” He asks as he slides you on and off him, commanding your movements with his strong grasp. 
“Oh God yes, fuck Ani- ah.” You gasped as he began lifting his hips and fucking his cock into you, fingernails digging into your hips. “‘m not gonna last much longer if you keep go -oh, just like th- aah.” 
“You don’t need to.” He whines, finally allowing himself to utter his own sweet sounds. 
“Nuh uh, I-I want you to cum with me.” You whimper in his ear as you wrap your arms around his neck. Cradling you, he wraps one arm around your back and rests his other hand on the back of your head while drilling you with such vigour you almost black out. 
“Shh, baby, shh- ’s okay.” He moans and your walls flutter at the heavenly sound. Try as you may, you can’t stop the drool that streams out of your mouth, fucked so dumb that you’re losing control over your senses. 
“You’re close, can feel you gripping me.” He sputters, barely audible over the sound of your squeals. “You want the whole ship to hear you, huh?”
“I want them all to know who I belong to.” You manage to get out clearly, trying to get a handle on your faculties. Rising up from being tucked into his neck, you start bouncing on him with the excitement of a little bunny, so desperate to bring him to his release. You look down at him, eyes screwed shut, gnawing on his bottom lip and you feel how furiously his eager cock throbs inside you.
“Want you to fill me up.” You warble, dropping your hands to lay on either side of his face, soft locks brushing against your wrists. “I wanna be yours.” You stare into his eyes, which have just fluttered open, eyebrows knitted close together.
“You’re already mine.” He whispers, grabbing you by the waist and turning you over in one swift motion, your back hitting the plumpness of the bed. Before you can take a breath, he slams into you again and your back arches from the overstimulation. 
Hooking his arms around your thighs and pulling you deeper into him, he roughly pounds against you, cock gliding into your sensitive core. You try to focus yourself, gnawing on your lip and mentally repeating: “You can’t cum this quickly again.”
“Oh yes, you can.” He asserts mischievously, speeding up his sloppy strokes until your eyes roll to the back of your head. You grip the sheets around you, trying desperately to hold on for just a few seconds longer.
“Don’t you dare.” He growls, slapping against you roughly. Beads of sweat trickle down his defined pecs, down to the creamy mess where your bodies meet. With one final gloopy thrust, you scream out his name and collapse entirely, body convulsing with pleasure as he moans at the sight, burying his face into your thigh. 
“Goddamn…” You hear him mutter as he continues using your body like a toy, dragging you onto him in a way that you don’t even notice in your cock drunk stupor. You hear a glorious groan escape his lips as he pulls out, painting your body with his creamy white cum. 
“Why’d you pull out?” You whine, completely spent and feeling woefully empty now that your bodies weren’t connected anymore. 
“You know why.” He exhales as his head hits the pillow beside you. “I refuse to let a child come into this.” You huff a little but feel too exhausted to argue.
Shuffling over, you test his boundaries by leaning your head against his shoulder. When he noticeably stiffens and backs away a little, you sit up hastily to face him. 
“Really, Anakin? You’re still not comfortable around me?” 
“I’m as comfortable as I need to be.” He murmurs and you let out a fussy whine. 
“I’ve just given myself to you entirely and you can’t even hold me after? Please, Ani, you’re making me feel really-“
“Fine! If it’ll get you to be quiet.” He pulls you in swiftly, his strong arm wrapped around you protectively and you let out a satisfied hum while he shakes his head- no doubt wondering how he got stuck with such a petulant child.
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The days that followed were full of you waltzing around the ship, lost in your daydreams. Anakin had been dispatched to a different system for a mission and much to your displeasure, wouldn’t return for several days yet; you never knew exactly how long his journeys would last, you only knew they were doubtlessly too long. You missed him dearly - and if the way he hugged you back before he left was any indication- you were growing on him too. 
After enthusiastically getting through the book Anakin recommended, he told you that he’d left a stack out by his desk in the library- a personally hand-picked selection that he believed you’d enjoy. Your heart fluttered at the thought and you felt yourself keenly gliding over to it. You reminisced fondly about the way his soft hair felt when it brushed through your hands, how his dreamy eyes made you weak at the knees- how he had the prettiest cock you’d ever seen. You didn’t realise it was possible for someone to be so perfect- so what if he had an unsavoury pastime? It was a flaw you were willing to overlook if it meant you got to wake up next to that face. 
Entering the library, you hum a chirpy song and float over to the desk where you find a neat pile of books in varying colours and sizes. Just as you were about to pick the first one out of the stack, Silas rushes in- scruffy and disorganised, looking over his shoulder.
“Princess! Princess, you must hurry. They’re here- they’re finally here.” He sputters, grabbing onto your wrist like a madman and leading you out. 
“Slow down! What’s going on?” You question, wondering why you were running along with him. 
“Oh but we must be quick, the stormtroopers can only be held off for so long! Sabe is leading the distraction-“
“What are you talking about?” 
“Word finally reached them, they’re finally here!”
“Who? Who’s here?” You shout back, brain spinning in confusion.
“The Senate has sent an army - a rescue team for you!” Silas stares at you with crazed eyes, sweating with anxiety. “We can finally go home!” 
“W-what?” You stutter, allowing him to lead you out to the docking bay where you can see a battleship undoubtedly belonging to the Galactic Republic- suspended midair awaiting boarding.
“Wait, wait, no.” You backtrack but the grip Silas has around your wrist is too strong to easily break from. 
“You don’t mean to tell me you wish to stay here with that brute?” He glances back at you, face painted with disgust as he pushes on for the last few metres left until you reach the ship. “He doesn’t care about you.”
“That’s not true!” You shout, propellers buzzing over you with a furious intensity. 
“Is that so? Then why isn’t he putting up a fight right now?” He gestures behind you and you turn around to where the observatory window is. There he is, standing behind the glass, looking at you calmly. 
“Do you see? He doesn’t even care enough to stop you!” Silas digs his fingernails into your wrist as you reach the ship, doors unloading with a steamy hiss. “Get in!” He yells, pushing you forward with all his might. 
He’s letting you go. He’s letting you leave.
“No!” You fight back, striking Silas across the face and sprinting out of his reach as soon as his grasp on you loosens.
“You idiot! Stay here and rot with those Sith devils!” He curses, clambering up the stairs and smacking the handle, signalling for them to shut. Tears course roughly down your face as you stand back and see the ship ascending before darting off into the distance in a beaming flash. Turning around, you run as fast as your feet will carry you, scrambling up to the observatory to the man you’d just abandoned life as you knew it for.
Throwing the doors open, you see him: mouth parted, eyebrows raised and a singular tear rolling down his cheekbone. You jump into his arms, colliding and entangling yourself with him.
“Why did you do that, huh?!” He grabs your face with both hands, kissing you desperately. “Why would you do something so stupid?” You break out into a sob as he mumbles against your lips. “I would’ve let you go, you could’ve left.”
“I know, that’s why I stayed.” You wrap your hands around his own, still in a firm grip around your face. “I love you, Ani.” You gaze up at him with such adoration he feels his cold heart bursting. 
“I love you too.” 
As soon as the words leave his beautiful lips, you leap to kiss them- trying desperately to memorise every detail and every sensation that belonged to this moment. 
“I-I thought you would’ve surely left if you could.” He murmurs, struggling to break away from your lips. “Thought you were jus’ making the most out of a bad situation.” 
“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.” You say sincerely, hoping he could feel the love you have for him pouring out of you. 
“I don’t believe my eyes.” A dreaded raspy voice resonates across the room. “The Princess has fallen in love with my apprentice. And he seems to love her back? Now this is just precious.” Anakin stands in front of you protectively, pushing you back. 
“She will prove to be useful in the future.” The Emperor hisses, glaring at you with an empty hunger in his eyes. “Now that she has demonstrated her loyalty.”
“It’s the last show of loyalty you’ll ever see.” Anakin spits as he draws his lightsaber from the left belt hook on his robes and strikes Palpatine, beheading him in one swift motion before he can even register what’s struck him. 
“He always taught me that even the most powerful of enemies can be defeated-“ He turns to face you, retracting his glowing lightsaber. “with the element of surprise.” 
A twisted grin creeps up on your face as he swoops you up like a true bride- lifting you with a firm hold and carrying you out of the room while you wrap your arms around his neck, planting kisses all over.
“I think it’s high time me and my wife got some privacy, don’t you think?” He gestures at the incoming stormtroopers, who confusedly back away after spotting Palpatine’s decapitated body. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” 
You giggle as he carries you to your chambers, throwing you onto the bed and peering out of the large doors one last time before shutting them with a loud clamber- ah, free from disturbance at last.
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@erinkeifer @crazy4men @mortalheartache @arzua10
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heich0e · 7 months
tw religious imagery/sacrilege + mentions of blood
priest!geto who's approached by a member of his congregation, a promising, devout young man who's missed mass now for three weeks in a row, but reappears at the church one night asking to be blessed looking like a shell of the person suguru knows him to be.
"yuuta, are you well?" he asks, a comforting hand coming to rest on the younger man's trembling shoulder.
the boy—because that's what he is really, with his toes barely past the periphery of adulthood—hangs his head, his breathing laboured like he can't quite draw in a full breath. when he finally meets his priest's gaze, his eyes are hollow, and suguru sees for the first time how he appears to be drained.
yuuta tells him everything.
a demon. a succubus that came to him in the night. he hasn't slept in weeks, haunted by the memory and yearning for the next time it will appear. he's barely in his right mind as he recounts it, but suguru listens faithfully. blesses him once his story is done. promises to help him.
he sends yuuta away with that promise, and then he begins his preparations.
"well," your voice is smooth and sweet like honeyed wine as you appear before his eyes. he didn't even blink, but suddenly you're there. "you're not yuuta."
suguru smiles, gently marking the page in his book and closing it in his hand. "i'm not."
"oh," you coo—with what sounds like excitement in your tone—your eyes widening as you take him in. "a priest!"
suguru runs his hand along the front of his black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. the roman collar at the base of his throat is surely what's given him away.
your eyes flicker around you, turning slightly to survey the scene. on the floor of the church basement, geto had carefully drawn the sigils needed to summon you—the ritual he'd unearthed in an old religious text in his research. yuuta's blood had been the final element—the part of him that tethered the boy to you—that would help to make the call.
"a summoning ritual," you muse, perhaps even a little impressed, as your eyes flicker along the sigils. your gaze slides over to meet his once more. "how archaic."
"but effective," suguru notes, his tone light and pleasant, and you smile a little—though there's no warmth in it.
by your feet, beside the train of the red tendrils that cloak you—though suguru can't quite be sure whether they're silk or smoke or something different altogether—a small chalice of yuuta's blood rests. you crouch down, dipping the very tip of your finger into the cup until it's coated in scarlet. you lift the digit to your lips, licking it away with your tongue. you maintain eye contact with the priest on the other side of the room all the while.
you hum around the finger caught between your lips. "this is my yuuta's blood."
"it is," suguru agrees.
"i thought he'd be here," you pout at him, "you tricked me."
the priest laughs a little at your expression, and the sound seems to intrigue you. you lick your lips.
"so,"—you inch a little closer to the edge of the circle that binds you—"what can i do for you father?"
"you've been causing a lot of problems for poor okkotsu," suguru notes, but his tone is still surprisingly amiable.
"but he's so much fun to play with," you reply, sighing in contentment as though you reflect on your time with the young man fondly.
suguru steps up to the edge of the summoning circle as well, observing you quietly. your interest in him grows more evident with every passing second, the expression on your face so keen it's as if you're barely containing your desire to reach out and touch him yourself.
"you're beautiful," suguru remarks lightly, his eyes curving up into two crescents as he smiles at you.
your eyes widen, your ruby lips parting in surprise before a devious smile twists them upwards.
"that's blasphemy, you know," you tease him breathlessly, pressing as far forward as the constraints of the ritual allow.
suguru's head tilts to the side in confusion. "your very existence is proof of our Lord. your beauty is a testament to His divine creation. in what way could that ever be sacrilege?"
you blink, your smile slightly falling as suguru's own twists higher.
you inch back.
"yuuta will be so relieved to be free of your possession," suguru says, his tone warm and proud.
he takes a step forward over the line of the summoning circle and you flinch.
he shouldn't be able to do that.
he takes another step towards you.
"come," he says, his hand outstretched "let us join together in blessing."
479 notes · View notes
harunayuuka2060 · 8 months
Grandma MC: Please excuse my grandchildren. They are only worried. *chuckles*
Eirian: *smiles softly at her* It's fine with me. Don't worry.
Ace and Deuce: Tch.
Malleus: I don't like this man. This date is over.
Vil: We're going to end it if he does something inappropriate. For now, let's observe.
Rook: Oui! Let's give Monsieur a chance.
Ruggie: I don't understand why Grim gets to be with Granny though. What's he gonna do there? Annoy her suitor?
Ace: Huh? That's why he's there? Dude, the guy already won him over!
*Grim eating the snacks brought by Eirian*
Leona: Is there any surprise to that?
Grandma MC: Anyway, I think we should need to start this conversation. *smiles at him*
Eirian: Yes. As you are already aware of, I'm here to win your heart and with your permission, to be my wife.
Grandma MC: How sweet of you and you seem to be a kind gentleman. However, why would you be interested to an old woman like me?
Grandma MC: I'm sure you have a lot of women chasing after you. *chuckles*
Eirian: Indeed there are. Though I am not and will never be interested to any of them except you.
Eirian: You have captured my heart, my lady. And my feelings have never changed even after fifty years have passed.
Ruggie: Fif—
Ruggie and Ace: FIFTY YEARS?!!
Vil, Rook, and Riddle: *who already knew about the details so they were not shocked but were amused to see others' reaction*
Malleus: *dumbfounded*
Leona: Damn. That was such a long time ago.
Grandma MC: Oh dear... Why would you wait that long?
Azul: *nods* Yeah. I agree. That is a no-brainer.
Kalim: Come on! It's true love!
Jamil: Kalim, can you imagine Granny getting married to a young man who looks like our age? It doesn't matter if he's old, he still looks young.
Kalim: But... Can't he make her younger?
Jamil and Azul: ...
Azul: With all due respect, shut your mouth.
Kalim: Eh?
Jamil: If someone hears you— *sigh*— Just don't speak for the time being, Kalim.
Eirian: I can wait for you even for a thousand years— No. An eternity. The only reason I didn't pursue was because you were married.
Grandma MC: ...
Grandma MC: But I don't remember ever meeting you.
Grandma MC: To be honest, I thought it was my first time arriving here in Twisted Wonderland.
Eirian: *sad frowns* It seems your memories had been erased. Though I can assure you that we had met. I have evidences and the fact that you used to call me 'Rian'.
Grandma MC: My... Well, it does suit you. I'm glad I had given you a beautiful nickname. *chuckles*
Eirian: *blushes*
Vil: *kicks him* Who gave you the permission to yell at Granny?
Epel: Yeah! Yell at the guy! Not her!
Rook: Himeringo, that isn't good too.
Malleus: ...
Malleus: I'm ending this date now.
Riddle and Vil: Not yet!
Leona: So who are we really watching over here? You're all a mess.
Eirian and Grandma MC: *have talked for a few hours; mostly Granny listening to him of how they had met*
Eirian: It remained a mystery to me how you had arrived to the underworld and how it became possible for you to befriend the creatures living there.
Eirian: Normally, a human would run away in fear, but you... *smiling* You had held them in your arms like they were adorable and tiny.
Grandma MC: Well, they do sound adorable so I do not see the problem. *chuckles softly*
Eirian: ...
Eirian: *pulls out something from his pocket*
*It was the Sundrop Flower*
Eirian: My lady, I have a present for you.
Grandma MC: What a lovely flower...
Eirian: This flower can bring back your youth.
Eirian: *smiles reassuringly* Don't worry. I won't be asking you to answer me now.
Eirian: I'm giving this to you so you will be able to travel some places here in Twisted Wonderland.
Grandma MC: Why, how kind of you. I shall treasure this gift. *smiles*
Eirian: ...
Eirian: *hugs her*
Epel, Ace, Ruggie, and Deuce: GET YOUR HANDS OFF GRANNY!!!!
Malleus: *ready to cause havoc*
Grandma MC: *chuckles* You must leave now. My grandchildren are angry.
Eirian: I'll see you again.
Riddle: You all are embarrassing.
Leona: Except me. I was totally cool back there.
Vil: What is that flower, Granny?
Grandma MC: Oh, it is a gift from Rian. *smiles*
Idia: Isn't that the Sundrop Flower? Rumored to bring back youth?
Kalim: Bring back youth?
Idia: Yes. But they disappeared from existence years ago.
Azul: Does that mean...
The boys: ...
Grim: Mryah! What's with you all?!
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shrimpkini · 2 months
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For my designs it was really important to me that there was a physical change in Dazai’s appearance from his PM days to joining the ADA. I wanted him looking a little healthier between the ages of 15-22. I thought it would serve as nice symbolism and also separate the designs a little.
As someone who struggles with mental health issues I can say people just look different when they’re in a better place. Now this isn’t to say Dazai is healed, he still struggles with depression and suicidal ideation but he is in a better place compared to his PM days imo. It has been a slow transition in the making, the ADA being the final nail in the coffin. He looks a little more full of life and he’s going outside a lot more. Because of that I think he’s tanned a little bit and his hair has taken on a warmer hue (the change in hair color can also be seen a little in the show).
These ideas come from the 15 manga. A big appearance change in the manga is Dazai’s transition from dead bodiless eyes to having shine in them after meeting Chuuya. From there he searches for reasons to live while struggling with his depression. Along the way he picks up traits from observing Chuuya, making friends with Oda and Ango, mentoring Atsushi, etc. Everyone in his life influenced him into becoming the man he is in the present timeline. There are still traces of that darkness (we can see this in the prison arc) but now there is more warmth and a contradiction between wanting to live and die. Super interesting stuff. Anyway thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. All of these are HCs and my interpretations of course so if you don’t agree, that’s fine. But I hope you like it regardless.
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naughtystiel · 2 months
It wasn’t raining.
For some reason whenever Dean thought of this day, he imagined the sky to be covered with heavy dark clouds. Clearly this wasn’t the case. Instead, everything seemed so lively. Spring brought chirping birds, vividly coloured flowers began to bloom and the sun shone brightly high in the sky. The few people gathered around wore light jackets so it really had to be a beautiful day. He wished he could feel the warmth on his skin too.
A priest stood on the opposite end of the deep hole and Dean grimaced. He had never been a religious man and he wasn’t going to listen to anything that was coming out of the priest’s mouth now either. Meandering between people, he walked further away. Yeah, Lord have mercy and rest in peace o’wayward son.
So, where did he go from here?
“Hello.” Somebody said next to him, but Dean didn’t even bother to look. They weren’t talking to him anyway. They couldn’t be. With arms loosely crossed over his chest, he looked skywards. It was a beautiful day.
Dean looked to the side, an eyebrow raised. A man in his thirties observed him, hands tucked in his dress pants. “How do you know my name? Do I know you?”
The man nodded his chin towards the priest, “Heard him mention a Dean, so I’m guessing that must be you. Nice suit.” He smiled and Dean looked down at his outfit. Suits weren’t exactly his thing, but he didn’t really think to make a will and they shoved him in this. Did they even bury people in plaids? Probably.
“That would be me, indeed.” Dean tilted his head to the side and scanned the graveyard. Interesting. “Are you dead too? I guess you gotta be.”
The man hummed, “Mmm, you could say so.”
Dean furrowed his eyebrows. Was that a yes or a no? “So, is it just you and me or is anybody else here with us?”
“Nah, they moved on.”
“And you?"
“In the process.”
“I see.”
They both stood in silence, watching the ceremony. A few roses got dropped into the hole. A nice gesture, but it was a waste of money. They could at least put it on top once the casket was actually covered with dirt.
Low rumble disrupted the quiet. “How are you feeling?”
Dean splayed his arms and shrugged. “I mean, I’m dead. I don’t really know.”
The man turned his head towards Dean. “Okay, lemme ask you this - what’s on your mind? Anything particular?”
Now that was a good question. Nothing. A lot. First thing that came to mind was that he wouldn’t be able to see that new Indiana Jones movie he was so looking forward to. But that was just stupid, wasn’t it? Shouldn’t he be thinking of his regrets? Unfinished business? “I wish I could feel the sun on my cheeks.”
“Ah, that I can agree with. The sunset kind. Not too sharp, soft like a gentle veil that droops over your face.” The man gave him a small smile and Dean nodded.
“You see that tall guy there? The tallest of them all. My brother. Last time I saw him we argued.” Dean sighed, his shoulders slumping. “I guess it kinda bothers me that this is how he’s gonna remember me now.”
“Probably not. Usually when a person dies you remember the good things. Unless of course the bad outweighed the good which I don’t think is the case here.” The man scuffed the tip of his polished shoe in the dirt. “Grieving is complicated, it messes with your head. I bet you heard about how it usually progresses but personally I think it’s more like jumping back and forth between the steps. It does pass though.”
“That supposed to make me feel better?”
The man shrugged, his dark lock tousled by gentle breeze. He kept his gaze down, chewing on his bottom lip. “Only stating the facts. Anything else bothering you?”
just a snippet of "the art of moving on" which i might work on more in the future. and if i do, it wont be very long but i think itd be worth exploring :)
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luvxoxo · 10 months
Q. what is love? what does love mean to you?
synopsis: asking jjk men personal questions that they have to answer honestly
part 1 of my : jujutsu kaisen interview series
includes : Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Toji, Megumi, Yuji
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Gojo: he makes himself comfortable on the chair behind him, humming as he feels the softness of the seat. he inhales deeply before answering, "love is.. it is a feeling unlike any other. It is an overwhelming desire for the individual you hold close to you. It is a need that you feel to be with someone, to make them realize how precious they are, even if the world fails to see them" he pauses for a second to collect his thoughts "love is the feeling that drives us to our very core, and it cannot be denied. It’s a feeling that words can’t quite convey. There’s a lot to love, it’s hard to put into words. Love is…it is necessary to me"
you smile, hearing such an honest answer. "that was marvellous" you cannot help but let the compliment escape. Gojo grins and shrugs his shoulders "i try my best"
"Then allow me to ask you the following question, what does love mean to you?”
he hums, thinking of an honest answer "hmm if i had to put it briefly, it would be this: love is like a flame burning deep within my heart. It’s something that will never extinguish, and will always be present, no matter what happens. It will never burn out, you know? Love is like my very soul. It is me and i am it. If i lose it, then i have nothing left. I could not go on, if i were to lose that flame of mine"
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Geto: he takes the time to swiftly wrap his luscious hair in a bun. "i have mixed thoughts and feelings about this question, is that alright?”
You nod smiling, encouraging him to answer
he grins, there’s a hint of sadness to it "love is strange and mysterious. It is not easy to define, and everyone can have different definitions of love. For some, love is a feeling of deep affection. For others, it can be a feeling of great joy and happiness. But love can also be quite painful. It can cause one to feel hurt. Sometimes it can cause one to feel lonely, and incomplete"
"seems as if, your answers are quite logical suguru" you say, observing him
Geto hums and nods his head, agreeing with you "that’s my view on it at least"
"well then allow me to ask you the next question, what does love mean to you personally?”
Geto leans back crossing his arms, thinking. "Love? You know that’s a complex question. Love to me is a bond. It is loyalty and admiration tied into a neat little bow. It’s much more than something like "attraction" or "lust"
he lets out a little laugh, looking away "but ultimately, love, in one word: loyalty"
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Nanami: he rolls up the sleeves of his shirt and leans back on the sofa comfortably, deep in thought. "the emotion of love is intricate and difficult to capture in simple language. Love has many different categories. Love can be romantic, familial, platonic, or even a love of something, like a hobby, sport, or a profession. Love is often seen as a positive motivating force and is a common theme in literature and art. This is only my humble understanding of the concept of love, though"
"that’s an interesting explanation actually. Perhaps the next question will allow you to answer more freely" nanami nods his head "What does love mean to you Nanami?”
Nanami's tone becomes quite serious and sincere. "Love is something I've always felt, but for the longest time it was something I could not truly understand. I love my friends, family, and the things and activities I enjoy the most, but there's a part of me that feels I'm missing something. I haven’t felt romantic love yet, and while it hasn't discouraged me, it has always made me wonder about the true meaning of love. It is something I hold close to my heart, and it is something I wish to find someday"
he pauses for a moment, contemplating his next words "There's a lot I could say about love. I don't think I've ever experienced it on a deep and personal level, only loving people from afar. I've tried to understand the concept of love, but I feel as though I will never truly comprehend it, even if I felt strong romantic feelings for someone. I just know it’s something that I'm striving for, something that I'm constantly working towards. It's not easy, but it is something I deeply want"
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Toji: he gently grazes his fingers on his scar and then, he smirks. in a cocky manner, he manspreads on the sofa. "I don’t do feelings. Love is a weakness people like you shouldn’t indulge in when there’s a whole world out there that requires your attention. Love is dangerous, kid. It can bring you to your knees"
you feel annoyance creeping up at him calling you a kid. you force a smile on your face. he grins, seeming to notice your change in attitude.
"Would you mind elaborating a bit on that answer Mr Fushiguro?”
"Well, it’s like a drug really. It affects everyone differently. For some, love makes them weak and unable to act. Others become filled with a strong hatred towards the person they love. Some even fall ill and die from loving too much. Love is a fickle thing… a dangerous thing, and it ain’t for me. I guess you could call love my number 1 enemy. It’s a weakness that clouds a person’s judgement"
you nod your head, understanding his different point of view.
"I see. I’d still like to know though, what does love mean to you then? Is your answer still the same?”
his eyes avert to the ground, seemingly lost in thought till he speaks up again "Well if I were to describe it" he pauses before responding "I don’t know. But when I see other people who love each other, I feel I have understood what that feeling is. Maybe love isn’t just being obsessed with someone or wanting to be with them. It’s a lot of feelings put together. It’s a feeling you can’t describe. But sometimes you have to use your head and do the logical thing, not chase love or any of that nonsense. Sometimes the heart wants what it wants"
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Megumi: he is instantly surprised by the question. It’s clear he was expecting everything except for this. "Oh well," he thinks for a moment "For me, love is the feeling of affection for someone or something you care about. In my opinion, love is when you want to be with someone and have their backs, no matter what or despite everything. You're also willing to do anything for the person you love. It doesn't mean, however, that you're gonna be possessive and obsessive. Love is more than just simple feelings. It's a connection, a commitment between two people." he says with a small smile on his face. it’s unusual for him to soften up like this.
you stare at him, astonished as to how he explained the concept of love in such a simle way "wonderfully said. then Megumi, what does love mean to you?”
he looks down at his hands, trying to gather his thoughts "I think my definition might be a little bit different from the one I already gave you. I think I'd define love as ‘a preciousness’. A preciousness that you want to treasure and protect. Something that you don't want to let go and will do anything to keep"
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Yuji: he is perhaps, the most energetic out of the rest. he seems ready and eager to answer your questions. “love is something I still don’t quite understand yet. I guess to me, love is something that goes both ways. Both giving and receiving. I’ve learned that’s important. So, to love someone is to care about them, and to want to see them happy the way they want to see you happy.” he finishes with a bright smile
your heart warms at how pure his words feel. you cant help but smile along with him "im curious for your next answer. What does love mean to you Yuji?”
Yuji takes a deep breath. He looks up at you nervously "my answer is going to be really short, is that okay?" you smile and nod, signalling that that’s more than okay
"love, to me, is something more than a feeling. It’s an action. You can’t just say that you love someone. you have to show it with your actions as well. if someone loves someone, but they don’t do anything to show it, the other person won’t know. They won’t know how much you love and care for them.”
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ⓒ all rights reserved. don't plagiarize my work or translate it!
Reblogs are appreciated 🫶🏽
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cupidscrule · 5 months
Leon X Fem! reader
P in V, smut
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[ no tw, vanillaish idk ]
1.2k wrd
”Woah, woah, slow down” Leon chuckled as you started explaining another cool story to him.
Your relationship was like the definition of a black cat and a golden retriever. You always have so much energy and are nice to almost everyone. Leon on the other hand is a tough agent who doesn’t really enjoy showing much emotion. He’s pretty stern towards others— but his softspot for you is clear.
”Okay, i’m listening. Tell me” He said while you were walking together with your fingers interlocked.
"okay okay! So THEN after Fluttershy wrote an entire song, rainbow dash just decides to throw it out? Ugh she's such a bitch. Don't you agree? I mean her friend went through all the trouble to try and get them to win the battle of the bands but she's so selfish.." you said, going on about a children's movie. You loved cute things, hello kitty, my little pony, really anything a 12 year old girl would be obsessed with, wearing cute little outfits and rambling about pointless stuff. But hey it made you happy and Leon thought it was adorable
"Mhm, yeah, so selfish" Leon couldn’t help but chuckle a little about how into the movie she was. by now he knew EVERYTHING about these stupid colourful horses, rainbowdash, fluttershy, twilight, pinkie, apple jack, list goes on. Honestly from what he knew rarity seemed like the best- I mean she was a boss bitch.
He found the whole thing pretty amusing, you were just so excited about it and he’s glad you have stuff you're so.. passionate about
"I mean, it would probably get annoying if her friend just wasted all that effort right? " He said trying to show his interest in her story.
"exactly! Ugh finally you get it" you said smiling up to him, leaning closer into his side as you two walked down back home, it was a long day. Like REALLY long, you took Leon shopping, got your nails done, bought some new skirts, and a new album. All that sort of stuff, but y'know dragging Leon aside you cause someone had to carry the shit, you were gettin really close to the outside of your house, skipping beside Leon holding hands. Life was like a dream.
But the long day out had Leon pretty tired— he had to drag a lot of your stuff around and you insisted they go to multiple stores (you tried to be nice and let him pick something out but he was too tired and grumpy, I know right such a dick head?)
When you were about to arrive home, he looked at you as you skipped around excitedly and smiled softly. Despite what he’s put through, he can’t deny that he finds your behavior adorable.
He squeezed your hand and chuckled a little before you guys got in front of your door.
"Oo Leon tomorrow we should watch rainbow rocks, then you'll understand what I'm talking about better" you say giggling as you step into your house, taking off your little boots and walking away from Leon plopping your ass on the leather sofa, even if you were like if you gave a six year old crack mixed with sour gummy worms even you could get kinda tired. Right, ain't that surprising? Little princess bitch face getting tired, after crawling over Leon like a little kid and skipping everywhere, runnin, jumping, god doing everything known to fucken man kind
“don’t know if we’ll have the time because of..” Leon muttered under his breath, he didn’t want to upset you and ruin your mood when you’re so excited.
He walked over to the couch and sat beside you silently and just observed you as you started talking about the movie. He placed a hand over your thigh, brushing up and down just silently smiling hearing you decribe your weird ass fictional horse people argue with other creatures from mythology, honestly sometimes he wondered if you needed to be checked into a mental hospital. Little grippy sock princess
“Wellll, maybe we can watch it tomorrow..” He shrugged. “I mean, i’ll do anything you want” Leon chuckled looking over at you.
He wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer to him, his body was pretty warm given how hot the day was and his arm was pretty comfortable.
He kissed you forehead before wrapping his other arm around you, squeezing you a little. You loved when he was affectionate, but not in a creepy way, a cute way. But after a long day a girl can get a bit needy, like sue me but when you have a hot ass man cradling you and taking you everywhere, GOD it's like an angel is sent from heaven to fuck you. But fuck you in a good homemade porno way, not one of thoes shitty ones with a whole plotline. Just straight raw fucking
You turn around, breaking his grip on you before climbing onto his lap, placing yourself onto his thigh "Woah Woah, calm down- y'know I'm tire-" he was trying to speak, silly men. You land a big fat kiss on his lips to shut him up, slowly moving yourself on his thigh, pulling away from him getting a breath, saliva dripping down your face like an animal, staring at him in the eyes, his face slightly shocked you made the first move. But you felt something perk up, bingo. Always know what can make your man want ya
"God I can't just stare at your handsome face and do nothing-" you mutter under your breath, pushing yourself closer into him, kissing his face like a big ol' dog, your free hand finding its way to his jean zipper, undoing it his fat dick springing up, he grabs you by your hips, pulling your panties aside, slapping you onto his cock, a groan coming from his lips, honestly didn't expect the day to end like this, went from talkin ponies to getting your brains fucked out. Like a good girl you ride him, his hands are placed on your hips moving you at a decent pase, bit fast but he did do A LOT of work today, guess he deserves it. Nothing else in the world matters right now, euphoric feeling, he thrusted up into you, taking one hand off your hip and grabbing your face, making you look at him, god his eyes make you MELT. He could take care of you, he was real nice with it. He groped your tits sometimes in public, but just made you love him more.
You're at your high, he knows that. Few more thrusts and you whine, feeling your body melt like butter, your weight collapses onto him, but he's not done practically druling on him, limp body he keeps fucken like a doll, if you still have a tight pussy thats all that matters, few moments and he finishes, pressing you down onto him, filling your cervix, still collapsed on him both of you breathen all heavy. "So babydoll, what happened next?" He groaned, a sly ass smirk on his face. "Mm that cunt rainbow got put in her place and they play fluttershys song" you mutter, pushing on his fat chest, rollin off him like a little kid, pussy dripping. His pants stained with you, and a heavy chest.
"I wanna-"
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bartxnhood · 1 year
wanna be yours | l.h
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luke hemmings x fem!reader
summary: luke had his eyes on you from the moment you met him so, it killed him when you couldn’t take the hint that he was in love with you.
warnings: two oblivious people in love, my bad writing, mentions of a lot of drinking
a/n: someone asked for jealous and protective luke ??? say no more. feedback is appreciated ! ALSO didn’t exactly turn out how i originally thought but it’s a good start !! enjoy !!
requests open
not proofread
Copyright © 2023 bartxnhood. All rights reserved. This original work is not allowed to be reposted on any platform in any format.
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there is a scene in a movie where the lead character and the love interest lock eyes.
they lose sight of everything around them, leaving just each other in focus. you never liked seeing those kinds of movies, thought it was cliche, and never believed in love at first sight. if you're being honest, it was overdone, unrealistic, and plain annoying.
but, it was fate that it would fall on you.
you didn't enjoy parties because there were too many people there, you didn't like drinking, and people were making out all over the place, some of whom were newlyweds and others who were having affairs. you hated being messy, and gatherings were messy. also, you made an effort to limit the number of your friends because you found it uncomfortable to be surrounded by so many people.
but ashton, your best friend, pleaded with you to attend this particular gathering. hours would pass, and just when you thought he had finished pleading, he would resume. so you gave in.
that’s how you found yourself at ashton's house, sitting in your car, staring at your phone, and observing the passing of time. It had been over fifteen minutes since you had first decided whether or not to do this. hearing the faint music emanating from the house, your chest felt constricted. you pushed open the car door and walked over to the home. attempting to summon the guts to enter by standing outside the front door.
when the door opened, there was a strong odor of alcohol, as well as loud music and conversation. while searching among the throng of individuals swaying their bodies against one another to find your friend, you regretted your decision to agree. when you eventually located the man after searching the kitchen, the other person standing by his side immediately caught your eye.
everything around you vanished in an instant, leaving you only able to concentrate on the man with whom you had just locked eyes. wonderfully curled hair, flawless skin, eyes the color of the sea, and just enough of his white silk shirt's buttons were undone to make you flustered. he was stunning. all of a sudden, the room contained only you and him. there was only you and him; nothing else or anyone else was important.
but you were pulled from that thought As ashton grabbed your wrist and said, "cmon!", you were jolted out of your trance-like state. ”i gotta introduce you to everyone!" the australian cheered and dragged you into the kitchen where everyone was standing; all of a sudden, you were the center of attention. you waved to the small group of people while saying, "guys, this is my amazing friend, y/n," feeling a little uncomfortable at the unexpected focus. “y/n, this is calum, michael, crystal, sierra, and luke,” ashton said as he made an introduction.
the small group of individuals exchanged smiles, and you shook hands with each person before approaching luke with a gentle "hello."
your palm touched his, you prayed he wouldn't notice your flushed cheeks, and you both nodded. he was the most stunningly handsome person you had ever seen, by a long shot. ashton once again grabbed your arm away and dragged you out of the kitchen before you had a chance to continue admiring his attractiveness. while waving the group off, you glanced over your shoulder. You weren't angry with ashton since he knew you'd never tried something like this and that you were making a big step by doing so. he also needed a reason to prove to his buddies that you were real and an important part of his life.
at night's end, you were sitting in ashton's backyard, lounging around the pool, admiring the reflection as lights danced across the water of the pool. even though roughly half of the people left, music continued to play. people said he would always throw the nicest parties, and now you understood why. but you simply weren't made for this situation; you were too uncomfortable and worn out from engaging with everyone for so long. You simply wanted to return home, binge-watch your favorite movie in the coziness of your bed, and eat some frozen pizza.
the word "hey" surprised you and made you flinch just a little. your eyes landed on the person standing above you, holding one cup while concealing the other in his pocket. luke apologized for the quick response, "oh, sorry, i thought you heard me," but you just shook your head. you shrugged and turned to face the swimming pool, saying, "no, it's alright, was just thinking." there was a little period of silence since neither of you knew exactly what to say. you had just recently met. “do you want a drink?” he asked. “oh, no thanks,” you said as you once again looked up at him. “i'm not really a drinker.” the blonde let out a gentle laugh. "but you came a party?" while scratching your forehead, you chuckled alongside him. “well, ashton is a push-“ over. yeah. that he is," luke continued your sentence and you laughed. “i think i’m heading home now, im way too tired to stay much longer”. you got out of the lawn chair facing luke.
his mind began racings, he didn’t want the conversation to end just yet. he had to think of something so he could see you more. “do you need a ride?”
your hands were crossed, and your eyes darted back to his and then to the cup in his grasp. "thanks for the offer, but I just live ten minutes away," you said. he extended his hand to you after giving you a nod and pulling it from his pocket. “it was lovely meeting you, y/n,” “you too, luke”
you had no intention of seeing luke again after that. you had your friend group, ashton had his own, and you happened to be a part of both. you had no intention of ever returning to another party unless you absolutely had to be there; that atmosphere wasn't for you. it was too much for you, and you just wished ashton would be more considerate of your decision. you knew he wanted you around; you'd been best friends since high school, and it was difficult for you both to have separate lives.
but fate had something else in store for you.
it was subtle when you first became aware of his presence. you ran into him a few times in town, which wasn't unusual. but then he'd show up at your job, or he'd find his way into the same restaurant you were in. it was amusing at first because what are the chances you'd keep meeting like this?
so you confronted him one day. “you know, if you keep this up you’ll have to take me out for coffee” you started, putting down the record you pick up. this was one of the many times you had run into luke while running errands. this time, the both of you ended up in a local record store. you heard him chuckle softly before turning to you, “are you asking me out on a date?” he leans against the shelf raising his eyebrow. you shrug, “more like telling you to take me out” he nods, leaning in closer. “i see..then i guess i’ll see you tomorrow?”
you and luke are two opposites but somehow you two hit it off
he drinks while you don’t.
despite your differences, you detested parties, and luke's life was spent drinking; not you. you've never thought that opposites attract. yet it was odd because as time went on, you discovered that you were rather similar. you and luke had a lot in common, and you got along just well. it was never dull or tiring since the two of you could converse for as long as it took, even until the sun rose. you frequently found yourself stranded in ashton's or calum's backyard, relaxing on the chairs after talking until the wee hours of the morning like you were adolescents.
each time the two of you are in close contact, there is tension. You adored the quiet glances you two shared. It was much more enjoyable because it seemed as though the two of you were barred from being together.
It was never meant to go this far. You'd been hanging out with Luke for quite some time. you've been wanting to be with him every other day for at least a few months now, waiting for his texts or calls saying he wanted to hang out or if he found a new restaurant he thinks you'd like. or the way he'd subconsciously hold the small of you back while leading you through a crowded area, or how he'd always go out of his way to make sure you got home safely.
it was never supposed to escalate this quickly.
you found yourself wanting to hang out with him even more, wondering if Luke would be there when ashton asked you to hang out. You started thinking about him all the time.
that's when it started getting more complicated. you knew something between you changed after being with him so long. and although you knew how it changed you, you were too scared to jeopardize anything between you not when it was fresh.
truthfully, you just displayed to him, that you'd always be available. you could say no to anyone who had ever asked you out because of your newfound feelings for luke. but you couldn't tell him that, it was too soon. but even then, you couldn't get the sound of his laugh out of your mind, or the way your name rolled off his tongue like it was meant to be there. you couldn't stop picturing what it would be like to lay in his arms, limbs tangled together as he sang you the sweetest lullaby.
unknown to you, luke made an effort to avoid you in the beginning because he knew he couldn't control himself with you. no matter how hard he tried to hide himself from you or push you away, you always managed to find a way into his head like an addictive substance. as you were the most gorgeous person he had ever seen, he wanted to shield you from all harm and evil in the world and would do whatever it took to ensure that everyone knew the two of you belonged together.
but, did you know that?
you began to watch him from then on, looking for clues that could point you in the right direction. you'd noticed him fiddling with his rings, then grazing over the leg of his jeans or joggers, slipping his hand between you on the couch. his hand would inch across the seat, pausing now and then. then he'd retreat without much thought, preferring to rest his hand on his thigh rather than bother with yours.
nothing would have made you happier than to come across his hand. any action would be preferable to simply waiting for him to take the initiative and pleading with your eyes as if it would help. you contemplated inviting him over, striking up a conversation, or even touching his hand. Instead, you remained silent despite your strong desire to speak but your inability to do so.
you have no idea how or why you began to feel more confident around luke; you were the shy and reserved friend before meeting him, but you changed completely after meeting him. and you knew people would judge you for it, saying things like, "oh, i can't believe you'd changed yourself for a guy!" however, this was not the case. he made you feel something that you couldn't put into words. maybe he inspired you to be someone you've never been before.
you were standing outside ashton's door, picking at your nails, debating whether this was a good idea. you were dressed differently than usual, wearing a tight dress with a large leather jacket over it to try to hide your body.
something like this was extremely unusual for you, and you may have been an idiot to dress like this for a man who probably only thought of you as a friend. but it had to be worth a shot, right?
you let yourself in, the music was blaring and the pungent smell of liquor was all too familiar to you. you pushed through the people and eventually got to ashton’s living room where everyone else was. they all cheered and greeted you.
ashton hugged you first and said a bunch of drunk incoherent words about how happy he was to see you. then you greeted luke with a warm while which he reciprocated. “happy birthday luke” you said, he nodded. “thank you, y/n”.
after the small reunion, the group dissolved. everyone was off doing their own thing. you found yourself standing outside, a cup in your hand filled with whatever you found. the night air was a bit chilly which caused you to curse at yourself mentally for wearing such a short dress.
“you look nice.” luke’s voice rang as he came up behind you. You looked over your shoulder and spotted him. “thanks.” you smiled, and he raised his eyebrow. “you dress up that pretty for me?” he was standing next to you now, his comment and proximity were enough to make you blush. “and what if i did?” you retorted. luke smirked, “i’d be thankful because you look so good in that dress.”
he leaned closer, keeping eye contact with you.
he was so close to you that your heart began to beat quickly. you were attempting to read him while his eyes were staring right through you. there are two possible outcomes here. one of two things will happen: either someone will interrupt you like in a cliché movie, or he has the ideal opportunity to kiss you right now.
he leans in even closer, saying, "i'd even say that you should start dressing like this too, it suits you." you felt the blood rush to your cheeks.
kiss me. please. just do it
you wanted him to make the first move because this moment had the chance to change everything. you didn't want to appear so desperate. luke must have noticed your begging expression because he started leaning in again, this time only a few centimeters from your lips.
oh, god. it’s happening. it’s happen-
“come on man, it's time for you to open your presents!" michael interrupted the situation by shouting from the kitchen. you sighed as you saw luke leave. you could almost sense the disappointment in his eyes as he turned to look at you to check if you were following him.
“okay, and it seems the last one is from….y/n!” michael and calum handed over the large box to luke.
luke unwrapped the box, displaying the guitar case as you watched. he looked perplexed as he tried to imagine what you may have given him. the one guitar he had been dreaming about was waiting for him when he opened the case. "y/n.." He takes the guitar in his hands and places it on his lap.
everyone who was gathered around him suddenly turned to look at you. he is the last one to do so.
"you bought this?" He asks, and you nod while beaming broadly. he had never looked so startled to you. how did you know, exactly? “how…how did you?” he trailed off.
"well, you talked about it for so long, and occasionally i caught you looking it up. so i thought, why not get it for you?“ you responded.
luke stood up and hurried to you after putting the red guitar back in its case. you were engulfed by his arms, spinning you. "im grateful. I have never gotten a present better than that. I promise i’ll treasure it” he smiles, “i know you will luke”.
and for the rest of the night, everything went great. until it didn’t.
"y/n," ashton said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"hm?" he had a mischievous smile on his face as you dropped your phone to your lap. "have you ever tried playing the drums?" "no?" you shook your head. It came out as a question as if you were asking yourself a question. "why?" he approached you and reached for your wrist. "you're about to!"
ashton was perched on the stool and sat you down on his lap, having handed you his drumsticks and demonstrated how to hold them properly as his hands caressed yours. he explained that he would only have you play a simple beat. he taught you the basics and then let you play a few beats on your own. you didn't notice how close ashton was, how his breath tickled your spine, or how delicately his hand held yours.
you two were laughing because you couldn't play because you had almost no rhythm. "this is exactly why you guys are musicians," you laughed, rising from ashton's lap and returning his sticks. "nah, practice enough and you'll get good enough to join the band," he winked.
luke watched the scene unfold in front of him, how close ashton was, the way he eyed you like you were some kind of prey. his hand was supporting his chin, his elbow was resting on the couch arm, and his jaw was locked. luke began tapping his finger impatiently against his cheek, were you so oblivious? everyone was making moves toward you, and you didn't even look at him? he pushed himself off the sofa and out of the room to get some fresh air. if he was in there any longer he would explode.
he hated the fact that, despite your lack of effort, you had him in your grasp. luke hated how near the guys were to you and how they treated you like they were hunting prey. how did you not notice how they eyed you? how the other boys treated you like some kind of object. especially ashton.
we’re you so oblivious to their advances? did you not see how luke wanted to rip you away from them and keep you all to himself?
did you even notice his attempts to try and win you?
He wanted the world to know how badly he wanted you, how you were his, and that despite his best efforts to deny it, he was falling in love with you. Luke had difficulty accepting it, but he would go to the ends of the earth for you.
“what was that about?” you ask, after watching luke exit the room. calum shrugged, “who knows. it’s luke” he didn’t look at you as he was nose deep in his phone. you looked around the room, everyone seemed not interested. “he probably left because ashton was feeling you up” someone added. you huffed, grabbed your jacket, and walked outside to the patio.
you saw his silhouette and walked up to him. “luke?” he didn’t respond and you walked closer. “lu?” you spoke the nickname you had given him. he finally turned back to look at you.
you saw that look in his eyes, the only look he had when looking at you. “luke, what’s going on? why’d you walk out like that? did i do something wrong?” his back was still turned to you, refusing to look at you. “you just don’t get it, do you?” he still wouldn’t face you. “get what, luke? the fact that you’re ignoring me in front of everyone and leaving me in the dark.” you were feeling frustrated, upset that he wouldn’t even look at you. “god, luke, just look at me!” you grabbed his arm, spinning him around so he’d have to look at you now.
“talk to me.” you pleaded. your eyes begging as you stared into his blue eyes. luke hated it, he hated how you had him in the palm of your hand ready to do anything for you if you’d just say the words. he detested that no matter how hard he tried, it would always be you. “oh, baby,” his hand caressed your cheek. “don’t make me spell it out for you…you know i want you”
“what?” you were only able to mutter, feeling the heat take over your face. maybe it was the liquor, or maybe it just was the fact that he said those words. you opened your mouth to say something but he cut you off. “every fucking day, I wish you were mine- every single goddamned day.”
you removed his hand from your cheek, silently missing his touch. “how was i supposed to know you felt more for me than just a friend, lu?” you saw his brows furrow. “you never explicitly told me, you wanted me..why?” you trailed off, you watched as he tried to come up with an explanation. “you never, ever, use your words like.”
you watched as he examined your face. you were mad but calm. it scared him, we’re you about to reject him? “for someone who writes songs for his job, he would be able to express his feelings freely. i guess not.”
“how did you expect me to decipher the hundred different ways you look in my direction? this isn’t just on me yknow. luke goes quiet, his eyes looking deeper into your eyes than before.
“i thought my actions would say all they needed to” you reply, “i thought you were just acting as a friend? you and all the guys act the same” luke locks his jaw, balling his fits by his side. “they act that way because they want to fuck you y/n.” you look taken aback legging out a scoff.
“so what about you, then?” “what about me?” “are you acting this way because you want to fuck me?” you smirk as luke realizes he backed himself into a corner.
“i—no? that’s not what—fuck.” he runs his hand through his hair. “let me start over. y/n, i’m sorry i wasn’t honest and i’m sorry i didn’t use my words. but i want you more than a friend should and i need to know, do you want me that way too?” you try to hide your smile while you step closer and wrap your arms around his neck. “see now was that so hard?”
he looks down at you, raising his eyebrow. “you didn’t answer the question.” you let the smile take over fully. “luke hemmings i have been tripping over my feet since the day we first met. yes, i very much want you too.”
he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear, allowing him to peck your lips. “i was hoping you’d say that”
(and you can predict the end u filthy ppl<3)
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animeyanderelover · 5 months
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It’s been eternities since I’ve written for Death Note. I actually did a request of L and Light falling in love with the same darling but honestly, that’s been so long ago and my skills since then have improved quite a lot so I’ll just do it again.
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, stalking, clinginess, manipulation, delusional mindset, gaslighting, sadism, threats, violence, abduction, isolation
Falling for the same darling
Light Yagami & L Lawliet
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✍️​🍰​You'd have to be someone either involved in the Kira case or someone who is close to Light which would make you automatically a victim to L's observation. After all you could be an accomplice of Kira if you were to be someone who Light trusts a lot. Whatever the case is, you will get dragged into this one way or another with those two fighting over you because they will absolutely not share you. Whilst I would say that L would actually be the one who would fall faster for you, especially if you give him lots of sweets, he is the slower one in realizing his own feelings. So whilst Light takes longer to gain an interest in you if he shouldn't have known you much prior to L's involvement, he would be the one to notice his own feelings as well as L's equally big interest in you. It's obvious that the detective has formed an attachment to you as he constantly clings to your side as soon as he sees you and even insists on sharing his sweets with you, not to mention the slight blush he has on his face when you do something that makes his heart flatter.
✍️​🍰​Before Light can even begin forming a plan though, L realizes his own feelings too. It took him only the tiniest bit longer because he has never been in love with someone before and the constant isolation due to his identity having to remain a secret have caused him to not be very in tune with his own emotions yet funnily enough he has noticed Light's interest in you before he fully noticed his own. Now that both of them are on the same page though and both of them are aware of that. From that day on both of them start another warfare behind your back as neither one of them wants to expose themselves to you and to the other just yet. It's still too early. So a lot of hidden blackmailing and subtle manipulation is involved as both of them play tug of war without trying to alarm you just yet. Light and L are constantly testing the other one out as they both start getting more involved with your life.
✍️​🍰​Light initially might have a bit of an advantage over L who has still to figure out how to handle his romantic and obsessive interest with you. He's charming, handsome, intelligent and knows how to flirt with and court someone. So he uses this experience in an attempt to get closer to you as he is a master of acting and tries to manipulate you subtly into listening to him and acting to his liking. He has more freedom than L most of the time as he has a life outside of working together with the police force and L to expose who Kira really is. L is because of the case sometimes more limited as he doesn't spend as much time outside as Light does and especially if you are also in college like Light is, he is aware that the boy has a lot of time he can spend with you. If that is the case he tries to interfere as much as he can by either keeping Light busy or using another cover to just squeeze himself in between the two of you as much as possible. He's like a really pesky leech that refuses to unlatch from you.
✍️​🍰​Your opinion of Kira is important to both of them as they constantly question you about your opinion about him and your own definition of justice as both of them try to manipulate you to agree with their own thoughts. Light has to be a lot more careful than L though because differently from L who makes his dislike towards Kira obvious, Light would potentially expose himself to the detective if he were to admit that he supports him. L might even go as far as showing you pictures of the victims of Kira to mortify you and Light is on the inside always seething as he instantly scolds the black-haired man for his insensitive behavior towards you. Light uses his chances in exploring L's far more obvious awkwardness around you as it is obvious for him that the detective doesn't really know how to behave around you. That leads L to coming over as weird and creepy at times when his dark eyes feel like daggers about to pierce through you, obsessively watching your every move.
✍️​🍰​Despite Light's advantage when it comes to behaving like a normal person around you, L has far more influence than he has. He can easily get his hands on all sorts of information about you and can stalk you by getting all camera footage or even going as far as installing a tracker on you. L is able to keep an eye on you even if you aren't with him whilst Light has to bicker with Ryuk until the Shinigami eventually agrees to stalk you for a bit for Light's sake and in return the boy buys him his beloved apples. Light is fully aware that L could probably take you away by framing you for something within an hour and the only reason he hasn't done it just yet is because he is determined to catch Light in his lies, partially by even using you a bit. I can't exactly deny that both of them sort of explore you to get under the skin of the other one since you're currently their weak spot. They keep their dislike above each other hidden when you are around but as soon as you turn your back to them, they look at each other in discontent.
✍️​🍰​The involvement of Misa is a double-edged sword for both Light and L due to her own obsession with Light. She gets extremely jealous of you because she wants Light for herself and he had to suppress the urge to slap her or even just outright kill her since she possesses the Shinigami eyes and because Rem has also threatened to kill him if anything should happen to her. He is forced to keep her on a tight leash and tell her that she is his only one even if her touch makes his skin crawl. Whilst L is obviously cautious of her because she might be the second Kira, he also explores Misa for his own advantage as he uses her as some sort of cheating code to keep Light busy and hog your attention and time for himself whilst leaving Light silently losing his mind whilst trying to deal with Misa. Tension grows as time passes on though and things start to escalate as Light as well as L start putting you in dangerous situations only to rush to your rescue as your personal hero to earn your trust and gratitude all whilst being the ones who are responsible for it anyways. It doesn't matter who you choose, in the end the one who wins this war also wins you.
Fyodor Dostoevsky & Nikolai Gogol
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🍎​🕊️​Surprisingly enough a pair that could work somewhat together although don't just get all comfy because of that. Nikolai already has a weird fascination going on with Fyodor whilst Nikolai is possibly the only member in the Decay of Angels and the only person overall that Fyodor sees as more than just a pawn. The one major problem this interest that both of them share for you initially is Nikolai's desire to free himself from his own emotions. He expresses his wish to Fyodor that he wants to kill you too to free himself from the binding chains that tie him to you and that is one of the few times where Fyodor actually threatens the clown to kill him if he should ever try to end your life. Nikolai can't lie tha he enjoys the fact that he can actually get a reaction out of Fyodor, as subtle as it may be and in an almost weirder sense does he think that the friendship between Fyodor and him deepens as he sees both of them as chained to you because of their shared interest in you. What a wonderful experience this is~
🍎​🕊️​Nikolai is the one who will one day just appear in your life and get in contact with you with his eccentric personality whilst Fyodor remains for now in the shadows and watches everything closely. It's likely that he has made a deal with Nikolai to prevent the clown from possibly ending up killing you by telling him that he'd give him a chance to kill him later as soon as both of them have secured their hold on you. From the very first moment with you, Nikolai is very social and open around you in his own weird ways. Despite his somewhat eccentric ways though, he is actually fun to be around and likeable due to his own quirkiness. He can joke with you and make you laugh and shows you some magic tricks too to keep you entertained all whilst gauging you for every facial expression you can give him. He wants to see everything you have to offer from your joy and laughter to your tears and your sorrow as he sometimes doesn't care when something terrible happens to you as his eyes are glued to your face, gleaming with sadistic joy and fascination.
🍎​🕊️​Whilst Nikolai takes for now over the part of spending time with you and getting to know you personally, Fyodor takes over everything from behind the scenes. He gathers the information about everything else in your life from your family to your friends to your job to your entire past. Both of them exchange intel about you every night over a cup of tea. Most of the time it is Nikolai just gushing and rambling about everything he could observe whilst spending time with you as he switches back and forth between having a sickly infatuated smile on his face to a scarily sadistic grin as he wonders how you would react if he were to kill someone you love in front of you or if he would hurt you. Fyodor just listens calmly to him as Nikolai talks and talks and talks about you, recalling everything about in accurate detail before Fyodor eventually has to interfere or else the white-haired man might talk for hours about you. Nikolai just gets so very easily lost in thoughts of you.
🍎​🕊️​Nikolai doesn't think about stopping Fyodor though when he starts slowly crushing everything you have so carefully built and established in your life. In fact he supports his bestie with this deed as he gets to enjoy you slowly unraveling in front of him each and every day as your life slowly falls apart. He has seen you already expressing joy, surprise and confusion but he has never witnessed you giving him a face full of despair so he sucks your every expression and sound up like a dry sponge with an utterly fascinated and happy grin on his face. The fact that you get freaked out when you notice the smile on his face as he leans closer to you, his gleaming eyes scrutinizing your face closely and carefully to engrave this memory in his mind just like he has done with everything else you've done, doesn't really bother him. Instead he starts questioning you how it feels to lose everything as he chooses to give you some of his quizzes, his scary behavior slowly pushing you away from him. By now it is far too late already though.
🍎​🕊️​You are put in a literal cage by Nikolai's desires as he could spend hours staring at you in it, his hands clutching tightly the bars as a frenzied look appears in his eyes as if he is about to pounce on you every moment now. How does it feel to be a bird without freedom now~? Do you feel the same sweet torment as he does? Or are you just in plain misery? Whatever you feel, he's sure it'll be entertaining. As crazy as it sounds, you almost prefer Fyodor for a while as he is much more calmer than Nikolai as he's the one who actually gives you some information instead of his partner who just toys with you and keeps you on edge all of the time. Sometimes he even apologizes for Nikolai's eccentric and overbearing and if he would have any heart left inside of him, he might even sympathize with you because he is all too familiar with Nikolai's antics by now. If you thought that you were suffering before, you're in a world of pain now.
🍎​🕊️​It is Fyodor who has to establish the boundaries though as his friend is far too volatile as he is guided by his emotions more often than Fyodor. Fyodor and Nikolai obviously both share a sadistic streak so there are times where both of them enjoy your torment and pain together with Nikolai being the more vocal one in expressing his joy over seeing your misery whilst Fyodor is just silently drinking in the sight of your pain. Fyodor knows when to stop though as he punishes you for the most part only until he's broken you and freed you from human's sinful nature, even if he might still sometimes be a bit sadistic. He's composed and controlled but Nikolai struggles with holding back at times as he seems to go back and forth between his behavior. Sometimes he acts like the Nikolai you once knew, all funny and joking with you, and other times he has his hands wrapped around your neck, squeezing until you see black spots dancing across your vision. His feelings have reached a weight, a gravity that pulls him down and even he doesn't know anymore at this point how to feel. He wants to kill-No, he doesn't...But he wants to be free...But can he really...?
Jouno Saigiku & Suehiro Tetchou
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♦️​🌸​God, this is going to be so messy because those two just don't get all too well along. They're disagreeing always about something even during their duties and the tension only sharpens as soon as both of them develop an interest for the same person. Saigiku is the first one to notice because of course he can sense Tetchou's quicker heartbeat when around you and all the other sounds from his co-worker's body that go crazy as soon as you are around. In that moment to Jouno feels like this is the worst thing that could have happened to him because from all people it had to be Tetchou. The Hunting Dog doesn't want to share his darling with anyone but especially not with such an hopeless and idiotic optimist such as Tetchou. Now, Tetchou is certainly slower to realize everything that is going on. Chances are that he might be even a bit oblivious to his own feelings at first but seeing how Jouno tries to get involved with you certainly pushes him to notice his own feelings as well as Jouno's mutual obsessive interest in you.
♦️​🌸​He knows what Jouno is like so Tetchou doesn't trust you with his fellow Hunting Dog because he has a strong desire to protect and coddle you as much as he can. Saigiku on the other hand is just a sadistic bastard and he doesn't want you to suffer or to feel any pain because of him. So Tetchou makes it his personal mission to protect you from Saigiku as he tries to glue himself to your side as much as he can. Jouno's involvement is funnily enough the trigger that pushes him to reveal his own unhealthy feelings more to you. He's suddenly overprotective and clingy as he tries to get you to listen to him because he tells himself that he knows what is best for you as you don't know how cruel Jouno can be. Because Jouno is as often with you as he can, Jouno decides to step temporarily back and just observe from the sidelines with a displeased expression on his face. What should he do about Tetchou's pesky behavior?
♦️​🌸​Both of them are somewhat limited though, much to their dismay. Both of them are part of the Hunting Dogs after all and the growing tension between the both of them is palpable and that becomes quickly obvious for the other Hunting Dogs as well. They glare at each other, Jouno's words are snarky and aggressive as he constantly provokes Tetchou and tries to get under his skin whilst Tetchou constantly warns Jouno to not do anything with you through clenched teeth as his hands form into fists. There were a couple of times where it almost looked like the situation would escalate and both of them would just fight but eventually Fukuchi gets involved and forces both of them to sit down together with him. Let's talk to each other, okay? Despite those friendly words, he as a threatening and displeased aura around him due to their immature behavior and so both of them are forced to admit what their problem is.
♦️​🌸​Fukuchi looks somewhat bamboozled as he realizes that the main problem is that two of his subordinates have just gotten quite attached to the same person whilst Teruko is laughing her ass off in the back and tells both of them that she'd like to meet the person who made both of them act this way. The old man quickly regains his composure though and reminds both of them that they are Hunting Dogs and that they have a duty to fulfill and that does not include constantly brawling and looking like they're about to kill each other. They have too much value as Hunting Dogs for the government so they wouldn't be thrilled either if they were ever to find out that there is such internal conflict between Tetchou and Jouno. Fukuchi decides to give both of them a chance to figure this out themselves though before he or the government get involved because they can not afford to have those two possibly drag down the efficiency of the Hunting Dogs because of their feelings for you. Either they work this out themselves or you have to leave the picture via Fukuchi or the government.
♦️​🌸​It's a threat that both of them know will become reality, they know better than to underestimate Fukuchi just because of his sometimes questionable antics despite his age. So Jouno approaches Tetchou not long after and whilst the dark-haired man doesn't even want to look at Jouno, he listens as Jono forces the idea of a cooperation out of him. He'd rather nail his tongue on the wall than do this but now both of them have been pushed in a corner with no real other way out. It isn't even the government both of them are worried about, it's more the lingering threat of Fukuchi and the likely involvement of Teruko since she is extremely loyal to her captain that manages to keep both of them on some sort of leash. They argue still though as Jouno wants you locked away and isolated and Tetchou disagrees as he still wants you to retain some right for freedom. Both of them ultimately can agree on moving you into an environment that both of them can supervise more closely. If an enemy would find out about your connection to them after all, this all could get very bloody and troublesome.
♦️​🌸​Honestly, if it wouldn't be for Fukuchi who manages to have some amount of control over them, both of them would have gotten into a lot of serious fights by now. They can never agree on anything when it involves you besides brutally murdering everyone who dares to hurt you. Tetchou is too lenient and weak for you in Jouno's mind and Jouno is too uncaring and sadistic in Tetchou's mind. They can literally not stand to be in each other's presence and so both of them have to be left alone with you because it would end in another huge conflict if they would try to share you whilst in the same room. The relationship is restricting and suffocating because both of them bring the worst out in each other as their behavior escalates. Jouno grows even more possessive and controlling over you whilst Tetchou grows all the more overprotective and clingy. You probably still prefer the dark-haired male though because he at least knows how to express his emotions around you whilst Jouno still struggles to be more vulnerable around you and your preference for Tetchou does not help him to be nicer.
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aurora-starwars · 1 year
So yk when the silly family went to a new home to escape bloodshed? What if they went to an island full of sky people who actually lived in Pandora and didn’t need masks to the breathe to air, they have wings and can fly? Neteyam and Lo’ak take an interest in one of the winged girls. The girl takes notice and secretly blows them a kiss? Can you give headcanons (separate) pls?
Being The Daughter Of The Winged Sky People And Winking At Neteyam and Lo’ak Hcs
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Pairing: Lo’ak x fem!reader, Neteyam x fem!reader (separate)
Warnings: None, just fluff <333
A/n: Thank you so much for requesting! I had almost no idea how to explain how the sky people worked but I tried my best without explaining it! Also, I have never written his so please bare with me. Enjoy!!! <333
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Their trip to the floating islands, no different then the Hallelujah Mountians, miles away from their home was long
But they made it
Although Lo’ak would say “barely”
The island they landed on was much bigger than they have ever seen
Which is saying something,
And was surrounded by smaller floating islands connected by roots and vines
The place was beautiful, that is the first thing the Sully family observed as they landed
From where they landed, they could see people
Not only people
Sky people
That was nothing they hadn’t see before
But these humans didn’t wear masks and had these massive wings attached to their backs
To say the Sully’s were shocked was putting it lightly
The leader approached carefully
Studying the Na’vi family
It was obvious she was the leader because she was the only one in the most decorated attire
Jake introduced himself and his family
Asking for assistance from the sky people to hide from…
…well, the sky people
They agreed, seemingly more than happy to go against the sky people actively colonizing the planet
As Jake and Neytiri continued conversing with the leader, she suggesting she introduce her daughter
After making a strange calling sound that sounded much like a bird,
A teenage girl came flying from the sky, her big wings carrying her
Neteyam watched as she swooped down towards her mom in awe
The only thing on his mind was how one human could be so beautiful
How one being could be so beautiful
After being introduced by her mother, she said hi to each of them in perfect na’vi
Neteyam couldn’t take his eyes off [Name]
Smiling softly, he waved
She only smirked winking and blowing a kiss
Neteyam could only watch her fly away with a small smile on his face
He hoped that he would be seeing a lot more of her
Neteyam went on to only talk about that for the rest of the day
Lo’ak’s jaw dropped as he watched her land
Neteyam laughed at his reaction
Kiri had to elbow him to remind him to close his mouth
Could you blame him though? [Name] was gorgeous
Lo’ak thought that gorgeous wasn’t a strong enough a word for the sheer beauty in front of him
As [Name] was introduced, she waved at all of the kids with a bright smile
Lo’ak felt like his heart would stop when her eyes shifted past him
He put his hand up to wave awkwardly
Seemingly having seen this hesitation, [Name] smiles softly and blows him a kiss before walking off
An stupid smile grew on the youngest brother’s face
Which Neteyam made sure to tease him about
Lo’ak made a mental note to try and talk to her
And he had that stupid smile on his face for the rest of the day
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A/n: i don’t know how much I liked this, but hope you enjoyed! Feel free give me critique and let me know what I can do better! Thank you for reading! <3333
Tag list: @lwesodra @nyotamalfoy
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Half A Corpse
Chapter One
The soft hum of the radio filled the silent car ride, the four bodies inside somewhat anticipating what was to come. It had been a couple of days since they had left the ruins of Amity and were making their way to their new home in Gotham.
If any of them had their own way they would have stayed in Amity and mourned what they had lost. Every Amity Parker would have, even Dan. But with some prompting from none other than Clockwork, they all made their way to their new homes. Where was that? Wherever their hearts took them.
Most, like the Nightingale's, left for Gotham. Others, Metropolis. Some strayed from the trend and moved to places like Central City or even far into the countryside. But it was as Clockwork said, and they went where their hearts took them.
“This place smells of death.”
Jazz couldn't tell if her sister was complaining or not but she wouldn't blame her if she were.
“Haven't you been to Gotham before?” She asked, her eyes drifting upwards to the rear view mirror to look at Dani, only to see her sitting upside down. “Also if you keep that up I'll be the one going to jail not you.”
“It was actually the first place I went because I thought it was interesting,” She said while shifting herself into an upright position “but I could sense that it was someone's haunt so I didn't intrude.”
“Good thing you didn't. She doesn't have the ability to deal with many of the issues within her city but Lady Gotham is a powerful spirit nonetheless, and doesn't do well with outside ghosts.” Dan stated, putting down his book to give his full attention to his little sister.
“Well if that's the case why did she let us in?”
“Because Clockwork and I asked very nicely.” Danny yawned at her. He was still waking up from his nap. He was very, very tired.
Dani didn't ask any more questions. She was already off of that topic and was now observing the city around her. She was completely enamored. Fascinated by how well both the modern and gothic architecture complemented each other. To her (and probably everyone else in the car);
“It gives dark academia vibes, ya know! Just modern. And with lots of crime.” Her voice filled with awe and wonder.
“Excusing the fact that you've been on the internet too much as of late, it would have been better if there was a little more sunlight.”
They all couldn't have agreed more. True to every Gothamite's words, the sun did not shine in Gotham. And with all the smog, probably never will.
From there on the car ride was filled with convocation. Everyone had something to say about their new city. Their new home.
Danny never thought that he would be having a conversation with Sam about what it meant to be low-key but here he was.
“Yeah, I know you said that you wanted something low-key but there was no way I was going to let you guys live in some shabby apartment. So I bought a place and renovated it for you guys.”
Danny rubbed his temples feeling a headache coming on. “Yeah okay I thank you for that. But what's the cafe, book shoppy thing down bottom huh?”
“Well you guys said that you wanted to be self-sufficient.” Sam stated as if that would answer his question. Based on pure context alone it did.
"Sam, you know we literally live in a place called Crime. Alley. Right? I know we border the Narrows but that's not the point.”
She sighed. “You guys refused my help because you said it would ‘feel like using me’, “ Danny could just hear the air quotes from over the line, “but let's face it! Jazz is doing college full time and you and Dani will be going to school. The only person left to work in Dan. And no offense to him but he looks shady AF.”
A shout came from the other side of the house informing them that no offense was taken.
“Anyways,” she continued “Dan looks hella shady. And from what I can tell, no one's gonna hire a shady person. Especially if they come from Crime Alley or the Narrows. The only work he would probably get is from a shady garage or joining a gang and doing straight up crime.”
Danny sighed and shook his head, plopping himself into one of the beanbag chairs Sam furnished the house with. She had a point and she was also painting a clear image in his head about how that would work out.
“Besides, I set up a protection circle after renovations were finished and I've gotta say it's the best work I've done yet.”
He could feel Sam's pride through the phone. She was probably puffing up her chest like a peacock.
“Yeah I felt it coming in. I don't know shit about magic but I could tell that it was pretty good. What does it do again?”
The next hour was filled with endless chatter between the two. It became even longer once Tucker joined the conversation.
Jazz couldn't help but watch her little brother talk so animatedly with his friends. He just looked so happy. Like everything that had happened to them didn't even happen. It was kinda unnerving. What she was seeing here, the happy go lucky boy she saw in the orphanage all those years ago, and what she saw a couple back just wasn't adding up. That couldn't have been her brother. It couldn't. But it was.
Her breathing was becoming ragged as she started to shake. She sighed in relief feeling the presence of Dan beside her.
“He's going to remember, you know.” He said, handing her a cup of jasmine tea. She took it gratefully and Dan continued. “Clockwork said that the seals would break eventually-”
“He also said that he needed a trigger.” She snapped at him. After a moment of realization she apologized. He continued.
“CW doesn't do anything uncalculated Jazz I just want you to know that.”
“What do you mean by that?” She asked, her voice quivering a bit.
“He had a whole life before he met you, Jazz. One he doesn't remember. That should say something sis.”
He walked away before she could say anything else.
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jellieland · 1 year
One hour and thirty-seven minutes.
That's ages, isn't it? Or is it no time at all?
For the first seven minutes, he paces in uneven circles around spawn.
"Happy with that, are ya?" He yells at the sky, laughing. "I know I am! How's that for a show, eh?"
He stalks around, eyes burning red, as though he is hunting someone. He is not quite sure who, and he doesn't have the presence of mind to question it right now, because all he knows in this moment is that he needs to keep going and he needs to keep his sword in his hand.
It takes him a while to realize his hands are shaking.
That'd be the adrenaline, supplies a vague thought in the back of his mind.
He goes past the lava he placed that killed Scott, and pauses for a moment, and pulls out his empty bucket.
He holds it. He looks into it, as though he can fill it back up just by looking.
His hands are still shaking.
He drops it, and it burns into nothing, and then he keeps pacing until he looks down and realizes that he has tracked Impulse's blood across the grass and the stone, and then he stumbles, and then he stops.
He stares out across the forest for just under twenty minutes.
Blood drips slowly down his sword. The puddle of red at his feet grows. At least, he thinks it does.
He doesn't move.
There's no point.
For the next eight minutes, noise buzzes in his ears. Familiar whispers and disapproval and judgement that fracture the air around them.
He ignores it, for a while.
You can't ignore them forever, though. Or, at least- he's never been able to.
Eventually it's always too much.
It's one particular comment that's the final straw.
"Are you stupid? Of course I cared!" He snaps suddenly, face twisting into resentment as he jerks back to movement. "But it was Mean Gills! Mean! The clue was in the name, in case you didn't notice that little tidbit!"
Another deep murmur.
"Yes, I know I came up with the name. But he agreed to it, didn't he? He knew what he was getting into!" And he keeps talking, voice suddenly light, refusing to entertain a response. "Although speaking of, the TIE lot seemed to like the idea of TIME and SMITE, huh?"
He snorts.
"You know, I think that's probably my main takeaway from this one- turns out you can get past a surprising amount of bad blood if you just offer up a catchy team name! Who would've thought?"
Reality shivers once more.
"Yeah, no, of course it was! I don't think there was really anything else important that happened this time. Team names were definitely the main thing I had to worry about. Why, did you notice something I missed?"
The world shatters, a little bit.
He winces slightly but recovers quickly, putting his easy, practiced grin back on. "Well thank you, thank you." He makes a show of looking around, then catches the blood on the floor in the corner of his eye, and turns back abruptly to stare over the forest. "I'm glad someone congratulated me, at least. Everyone else seems to have found better things to do, am I right?"
He sighs and shakes his head, jokingly exasperated. "This is just like my birthday party."
The air hums, once more.
Again, his expression falters for a moment. "Right." He says. "Well, it's about time, to be honest. Can't imagine pestering me is very interesting anymore." He shrugs. "And hey, wouldn't mind five minutes peace on my end either."
They have stopped talking.
He does not.
He doesn't stop talking for the next minute and a half.
"Hey, It'll be just like the old times back in double life! You, silently observing me because you don't want to talk to me this time for some reason, me, lying in a broken heart, kind of glad that I don't have to decide whether to be grateful that someone wants to talk to me even when it's you..."
He trails off.
"Even- even when it's you."
He makes an aborted movement to take a step, then stops.
"Winner." He shakes his head in a kind of amused condescension. "You'd think that out of everyone, they would know I'm not the winner."
He frowns. "Don't know why we even still call it that. Unless... no. There's no way."
He looks up at the sky. "You know I'm not the winner, right? There was never going to be a winner." He holds out his arms as if to make himself a target, and laughs, long and loud. "What, you're not seriously telling me none of you noticed?"
He steps back, craning his neck further. The brightness of the sun makes his head pound, makes his eyes burn.
"There is no winner. What there is, is the last one to lose. And hey, HERE I AM!" He spins around, grinning up at the sky. And if that grin is still a little manic... well. Who's going to say anything about it now? "ISN'T IT GREAT?"
And then he stumbles, dizzy, and falls, narrowly missing the lava, and there is blood on his hands there is blood on his hands it's still red it's only been thirty-six minutes.
"Isn't it great." He- it isn't a whimper. It's just- quiet.
He stares down at the ground.
"This is what I wanted." He whispers.
He stays there for five minutes.
Eventually, he gets up again, because that's that he always does. And for the next thirty-two minutes, he wanders.
"Well. Now what, huh?" He murmurs. "The eternal question. Guess I'm lucky not to have to worry about it for too much longer, this time."
He leaves his sword on the ground where he fell, and he walks away.
He doesn't wipe the blood off his hands. It feels... well. He just doesn't want to. That's all. He'll be dead soon enough anyway.
At first he heads towards the Mean Gills base. In fact, he gets all the way to the shoreline before he stops.
He doesn't want to go in the water.
What does he think he's looking for there, anyway? Everything he would have been hoping to find is gone.
The TIES tower is right there, and he wanders vaguely towards it, but - well. That's just a non-starter. He doesn't care about TIES, and he never did, and they should've known that. They should've all known that, and it's not his fault that Impulse- or, uh, Etho, or Tango- didn't. It's not his fault. It's not.
He doesn't care about them anyway, so either way it doesn't matter.
Anyway, they betrayed Scott, and if Martyn has stood for anything this time, it's that anyone who betrays Scott is going to live - or die! - to regret it. Die, if he has anything to say about it.
"No-one gets off Scott-free." He says out loud, and snorts. "Ok, that's not a bad one, but it sounds way more like an innuendo than I meant it to."
A beat passes.
"Pretty sure Scott would be fine with that, though."
...Scott would be fine with this. Right?
Scott would be fine with this. He would. He would. Martyn knows he would, has proof in the form of a memory of driving a sword through his ally's chest just over there, look, he can see where it happened, it was honestly in a pretty unremarkable spot, but he knows exactly where it is, he remembers it perfectly-
Martyn knows he would, and he also knows that it doesn't matter at all, because even if Scott had not been fine with it, he still would've done it.
Next, he heads towards the mansion.
He stands at the bottom. There's a lot of water here, too.
It felt good to kill people. It always did. Almost always, anyway. He's pretty sure they all agreed on that.
There's really something satisfying about ripping things apart. It makes those last thirty minutes taste that little bit sweeter.
(he kind of gets it, is the thing. how good it feels to drink in someone else's pain and panic, to pour it back into your own glass of pain and panic, filling it back up at least a little. that's not something he's saying even to himself, though.)
Maybe it's something about feeling like you're breaking things without actually damaging anything that wasn't put there to be damaged.
Without actually saying no, and letting someone else take from your cup when it's already empty, and has been for a while, now.
But there's nothing to rip apart, anymore, except himself.
He wonders if this is how Joel felt, when Jimmy died.
...Nah. Probably not.
He wanders through the forest for a while, at that point.
He considers, briefly, heading back to his original hourglass. That's already pretty much destroyed, though, and there's nothing there for him anyway.
He could head out past the mansion, into what is essentially wilderness.
That feels a bit too much like a fresh start for his taste, though. Nothing about this is a start. No point in pretending on that front.
He doesn't even entertain the idea of the Nosy Neighbours' tower. He tries not to look towards it.
Eventually, really, it seems obvious.
He ends up on the ground, outside the clock tower.
He sits there for five minutes, leaning up against the tower, to the right of the crater where Jimmy died.
"You three really committed in the end, didn't you?" He says. "Colour me surprised, honestly. That's one lack of a betrayal nobody saw coming at the start. Two of the most notoriously untrustworthy people on the server, and Cleo." He laughs. "Pretty sure you'd agree it doesn't really sound like the recipe for a happy family. Just goes to show, I guess."
He pauses.
"...Didn't get you to the end, though. Did it?"
He shifts slightly, frowning, and is quiet for a while.
"You realize you could get so much more done if you just stopped caring, right?" He asks.
"That's what I did." He lies. "It's much easier."
He stares out at the ocean and doesn't look over at spawn on his left.
All at once, he feels the urge to stand up.
He doesn't. Not yet. Maybe not ever again.
"I could jump off this tower, you know." He says. "But Grian already did that one. So I can't."
He shrugs. "I guess he didn't really have the option of just waiting it out, huh? Even if he did, can't really hold it against him. I get it."
He's silent for a while.
"Not much left to see. Is there?"
Eventually the ghost of that frantic energy grips him again, and keeps hold of him for slightly less than sixteen minutes. He wants to pace, he wants to stab something, he wants to do anything, anything at all except sit here and feel himself slowly crack open, because if he did that then he wouldn't be able to keep everything from spilling out.
He gets up, and just sort of stands there, whole body tense.
Why did he leave his sword behind? Why did he do that, he could've at least gone looking for some mobs to kill, and then maybe he could've been killing things when he died- that would've been nice, in a sick sort of way, but-
He does still have an axe, though.
He could still do that.
He lurches forward as soon as the decision is made. Before he's even really thought about it, he dives into the river and scrambles out of the other side into the forest. He curls his hands into fists in the mud, so they're still dirty, so nothing has changed really, so it's fine, and after he takes in a couple of breaths that sound desperate - which is because he was just underwater, so he was holding his breath, that's why, that's why - he forces himself to get up, and he staggers into the darkness of the forest and please, he just wants something to hit, come on.
A zombie lurches out from behind a tree and he almost sobs with relief, and he slashes at it with his axe once, twice, three times, and it falls, and he remembers why he usually uses a sword but at least he didn't behead it, he guesses, but it doesn't help, and then a skeleton shoots him in the back, and yeah, ok, that's probably fair at this point, and he fights.
And he keeps fighting.
And it doesn't help.
It doesn't do anything.
It never does anything, and if he had somehow died here, fighting mobs, alone, before anything else had happened, before Scott, before Cleo, before Ren, nothing would really be different.
After a while, he takes a breath and it hitches, and that's when he realizes he's crying.
He growls, and he hurls the axe away, and he runs.
He has three minutes left, and he is running through the forest alone, breathing unsteady and frantic, panic crawling up through his lungs.
It reminds him of last life, except this time there aren't any otherworldly voices taunting him. This time there isn't a Ren for him to run towards. This time he didn't even pretend to believe the lie that he might be able to save anyone. That he might be able to save himself.
He doesn't know where he's going.
He doesn't think it matters.
He doesn't think it ever has.
He gets to the edge of the forest, and staggers to a stop.
It's the edge of the ocean.
He can see his hourglass from here.
If he was in the mood for it, he'd probably say that was poetic.
Right now, he can't quite muster any poetry, though.
All he can do is look at it, and think-
This is it.
This is all it is.
This is it forever.
"I wish it wasn't like this." He says, and it's less a wish, really, and more of a reminder.
His countdown ends.
And next time, in one form or another, it will begin again.
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writeforfandoms · 11 months
Born for Greatness: Bonus 1
Find the series masterlist 
Okay here is the first bonus chapter! No reader here, not really. Just Price and Logan. 
Warnings: Swearing, shifter behavior, world building. 
Word count: 1k
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Logan tucked his hands into his pockets as he surveyed the alpha before him. Captain John Price. He was clearly respected by his pack - even Logan’s kid liked him. At least, from what Logan had seen. 
“Is this the part where you ask after my intentions?” Price sounded faintly amused, though there was still a bit of tension in his shoulders. 
“Nah. Kid’s old enough to make her own decisions. ‘Sides, she out-stubborns me.” Logan smirked. If nothing else, that would be entertaining. For him. 
Price leaned back a little. “Then what can I do for you?” 
Logan was quiet for a few long moments, observing the other shifter. He was bigger than Logan (not that that was unusual) and broad. Strong. Clearly experienced, to have the position he held. Respected. 
Really, his kid could do worse. Much worse. 
“Show me ‘round.” Logan tipped his chin with a little smirk. Skipping the pleasantries and going straight for the meat of the conversation was something he did quite often now. In this case, that meant skipping the intentions talk and going straight to a little challenge to prove Price could provide for her. 
It was bound to come up eventually. Logan was just speeding things along. He didn’t have all the time in the world, after all. 
Price blinked but didn’t deny him. “Very well.” He led the way, glancing back only once. 
Logan had seen his fair share of bases in his time. Had spent a lot of time on various bases. It was easy for him to see that this one was well-run and well-supplied. Both points in Price’s favor. 
But it was still a base. Which was a point against him. His girl deserved the world, after all. 
This place might suffice. Maybe. 
The two paused out by a pond, away from the main activity of the base. Not a bad spot, really. Far enough away to have some privacy, still on base so it was protected. Not bad at all. 
“Any objections so far?” Price glanced at him, keeping calm. 
Logan had to admit he was a little (teeny tiny) bit impressed. 
“Nah. Still not me you have to convince.” Logan smirked
Price was quiet for a few moments. “Do you anticipate her having objections?”
“Yes, but not the kind you’re thinking of.” Logan rocked back on his heels, frowning at the water. “Can’t tell you all of it. Not mine to tell. But her life hasn’t always been cushy.” 
Price nodded slowly, arms crossing over his chest. “If she agrees…?” 
Logan huffed softly. “Won’t say you’re the first to try,” he said slowly, watching out of the corner of his eyes as Price tensed. “But. If she agrees. She’s still my kid.”
“Wouldn’t dream of keeping her away from you. You’ll be free to visit, preferably with warning.” Price slanted a look at Logan, who merely smirked. 
“Fair ‘nough. Your jobs?”
“Won’t be a problem. She will not be coming with us anywhere dangerous.” Price’s jaw tightened. 
Logan chuckled. “And her job?” 
“She’s free to do as she wishes.” Price shrugged. “I’m sure we can arrange to make things coincide, if she decides she’d like to continue traveling.” 
Interesting. He’d put more thought into this than Logan had anticipated. 
“Sounds like you’re determined.” Logan smirked. “You’ll need that.” 
Price snorted softly and started walking again, a little slower this time, more leisurely. Logan kept pace easily. 
“There are some things you should know,” Logan said slowly. “That I can’t tell you.” 
Price eyed him. “Sounds like you’ve got a plan in mind.”
“Less a plan, more bullying.” Logan shrugged. “Kid needs some tossing out of her own head, sometimes.” 
“What are you going to do?” Price sounded a little wary. Which… Okay, fair. 
“Throw her in the pond.” 
Price didn’t object immediately, which raised Logan’s opinion of him. “None of us will help if she tries to murder you.”
Logan tipped his head back and laughed. “That’s the only way I want to go out,” he agreed, grinning. “Fuckin’ kid has tried before. Stayed with me for two weeks when she was seventeen. Honestly still surprised we both survived that.”
Price’s lips twitched. “Was she a terror?”
“Little hellion,” Logan agreed. “Didn’t help I had no idea how to care for a teenager.”
“You know her parents?” 
And there it was. Logan shook his head. “Nah. She doesn’t, either.” 
Price caught on almost immediately, something sad in the tilt of his lips, even as he nodded his understanding. 
“I’ll send you some pictures after I get back home,” Logan offered. A silent peace offering, a show of approval. “Don’t have any baby pictures to taunt her with, but teenage ones will have t’do.” 
Price chuckled. “I’m sure Soap and Gaz will make the most of those,” he agreed dryly. 
“Seem like good kids,” Logan agreed. 
“Some of the best.” The pride in Price’s voice was clear. Logan approved. “Even when they are right pains in my arse.”
Logan snickered. “Kids,” he agreed with absolutely fake sympathy. 
Another few minutes passed in quiet as they continued their tour, which had turned into a patrol of the perimeter. Not that Logan minded - sometimes this was easier. Besides, he’d already been on base a few days and knew his way around. This walk wasn’t so much about the actual tour as it was getting to know Price better, to see if he’d be a decent match for his girl. 
“Not lookin’ to expand your pack, are you?” Logan eyed Price curiously. 
“No.” The answer was short and solid.
“Hm.” Logan waited. He could be patient. 
“You’re not…?” Price glanced at him finally. 
“Me? Nah. I’m good on my own.” Logan reached up to scratch his chin. “But I keep my ear to the ground. Just in case.” 
Price grunted. “If there’s someone with nowhere else to go, and you recommend them, I’d consider it.” 
Logan paused by the outdoor obstacle course. Nobody else was using it. This could be fun. “Care to take a run through?” He jerked his thumb at the obstacle course. 
Price eyed him. “Stakes?” 
“Bottle of whiskey.” Logan smirked. 
“You’re on.” 
The two trudged back inside much later, both of them pleasantly tired, chuckling together like old friends. 
Logan knew his kid hadn’t made up her mind yet, but he had a good feeling about this pack. Maybe he’d give her a little nudge in the right direction.
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obsessedwrhys · 23 days
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ just fluff, reader is gn!! (I've been meaning to do him lol)
Let's be honest, if you were to become his significant other, you would need an awfully lot of patience.
That's because he's not much of a social person, he knows who are his people and that's enough for him.
Personally, I think the only way you'd be friends with him is if you knew someone close to him. Maybe Lorsan or Lyca being the one who introduces him to you.
He doesn't like loud people. No hate. He just finds it stressful as it overwhelms his senses easily.
That's why it comes easily that he prefers someone's who's gentle and kind. Call it cliché but he appreciates beauty when he sees it.
Once your friendship starts to blossom, you'll start to notice the little things he does for you.
How he'd always be there for you if you needed some company, how he would provide you the book you had told him just the other day and how he would listen intently to your opinions even when he doesn't agree with them.
It all made you fall for him just that easy.
However, you didn't expect him to return those feelings because well, you just felt that he was way out of your league. He was too good to be true you know? So when he confessed it turned your world upside down.
Scenario ↴
You'd find yourself seated on a hill, enjoying the sunset with your eyes closed as the cold breeze blew on your face. It was nice to catch a break after finishing a handful of tasks. Suddenly you heard sounds of footsteps approaching from behind, you looked over your shoulder to see it was no other than Bryon.
"I hope I haven't disturbed you, would you mind if I share this view with you?" He'd ask politely.
"Not at all, go ahead" With your approval, he sat himself beside you. The absent of his falcon caught your attention.
"Where's Elona?"
"She's getting her rest. The battles these days have been draining" He said and you nodded to his words before turning to stare at the orange sky.
Neither of you said anything but you both found comfort in each other's presence. Due to his acute hearing, you had a feeling that he enjoyed this peaceful moment just as much as you was right now.
"May I say something?" He said which caught your interest.
"Of course, you don't need to ask" You said and it had him at ease a bit.
Though the way his jaw clenched as if he was debating on what to speak made you wonder if it was something serious.
"(Y/N), I'm afraid I have fallen for you..." He said. You had almost forgotten how to breath properly when you heard him.
"I don't know when it began... it seems like the feeling was always there. But I don't mind it. I choose not to fight these thoughts... because I love that I'm in love with you" He smiled softly at you, the blush on your face making you look ever more adorable to him.
"I wouldn't mind being yours as there isn't anything I wouldn't do for you...ah... my apologies, I'm getting ahead of myself... I didn't give you the time to speak" He said by the time he noticed that your lips were parted in shock. You quickly gained back your composure once the attention was on you.
"I uh... wow... okay..." You rubbed your arm awkwardly. Eventually you were able to think straight after calming yourself down.
"I actually feel the same way Byron... I just didn't think you'd think of me like that" You looked at him, your eyes sparkling with joy.
"Oh (Y/N)... you're all that I think about..."
When the relationship was settled, everyone congratulated you two. Especially Lorsan, he was quick to wish you both endless happiness. You had to admit, from the village's reaction, it almost felt like you two just got married.
His companion, Elona would definitely see you as her owner after a few weeks into the relationship. If he trusts you, she trusts you as well.
In the relationship, Bryon is very loving and observant. The reason why I say observant is because he'll always be fast to know what are your likes and dislikes.
Oh someone offered you a fruit you don't like? He'll simply just take it for you. There's a sale going on at the market and they have one of your favourite things on display? Watch him be the first to be in line to get it.
He also knows when you're lying about something. He hates it however when you lie about not being sick or not being cold because taking care of you is LITERALLY his job!! Besides he doesn't mind babying you, he adores you!
That's why I think his kisses are delicate and soft, most of times he'd hum when kissing but he does it unconsciously because he's completely lost in the moment, if you placed your hands on his chest, you could feel the vibrations from his voice. In a way it's like he's purring.
He loves it the most when you run your hands all over his chest when kissing. It makes him fall even harder than he already has.
If we're talking about PDA, I think he's not that against it but he's also not that crazy about it. He's willing to hold your hand, having hugs and kisses but if you initiate anything that's crossing the line or could make anyone uncomfortable then he'll simply give you a soft smile and shut your thoughts out with a simple forehead kiss.
He enjoys cuddling by the way. He enjoys it the most when you both are like covered in layers of blanket. You once teased him for it, calling it his bird nest which ended becoming an inside joke.
Like you'd be having a conversation with Lorsan and he's trying to be as patient as possible waiting for you to finish but knowing his friend, he's most likely never gonna stop talking so he'd politely invite himself into the conversation.
"Darling... can we go back to the birds nest?" He'd say, meaning he's in desperate need of cuddles. You would smile at his cute request and nod.
"BIRD'S NEST!? (Y/N), is he holding you captive???"
Expectedly, his pet names would be more of the lovey dovey stuff. He'd call you things like darling, sweetheart, baby, and even pumpkin. He enjoys your reaction each time cause you never know which one he'll use.
"You're adorable when you pout darling... oh alright, I'll buy you the candy you want. Only if you promise me a kiss after"
He's a romantic. There's no denying it. This man's love language is 100% act of service.
He's the type to light up dozens of candles at the entrance of the door so that the first thing you are greeted when coming home would be a fancy candlelit dinner prepared just for you.
He also happens to run the shower for you just as you're about to arrive home, he even places flower petals to add some scent to the mood. Anything to help you relax.
He's more of a giver than a receiver but if you ever showered him in love. He's positive that he'll faint. Even a simple "I love you" can cause him to smile all cheerfully.
You also happen to be one of the few people to see his eyes. Obviously he doesn't wear the blindfold to sleep so that's how you were able to get the chance to see him without it.
His eyes are beautiful. A perfect shade of light green and yellow, almost resembling eyes of a bird. They were pearls that entrapped you in a daze that you couldn't help but stare into them each time you cuddled with him.
He didn't mind but rather find it cute how you were in awe from his irises.
Another thing I want to point out is he enjoys holding hands with you, whatever it is, he just finds your hands fascinating.
You two could be cuddled in bed and he'd just have your hand placed on his, his fingers gently trailing against the skin of your palm.
"I love the way your hand fits in mine... it's almost like destiny..." He'd utter.
Since it's canon he has a soothing voice, you can expect him to sing you lullabies or just any song to help you go to sleep if you ever had trouble sleeping.
If you did have a nightmare, trust him to be there to hold you in his arms as he hums you a melody.
Honestly? He's just like Prince Charming but better.
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gold-pavilion · 8 months
An analysis of Kakucho-related changes in S3E01
So it turns out that the first episode of Tokyo Revenger's 3rd season differs a bit from the manga chapters it covers. Mostly, around Kakucho's introduction.
And I'm all for those changes! Whew! I believe very very strongly that those small choices improved the script, straight up. So, here's a rundown of what's different and why I like it so much.
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The anime turns Kakucho's matchup against Smiley into a challenge to Takemichi. As much as Smiley was totally up for it, in this version, Kakucho himself zeroed in on Takemichi and requested to face him.
And, man, I adore Smiley and looked forward to seeing them fighting. But this change eases into the conversation Kakucho and Takemichi have after the fight much more smoothly, doesn't it? 
As a plus, we can perceive Kakucho being more active about what he's interested in here. Not just in his approach, but in the whole following conversation, where he exposes his thought process and strategic stance with a ton more clarity.
Reviewing how that talk goes in the manga:
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- Kakucho reconnects with Takemichi, messing with each other amicably.
- After that, having established that Takemichi is Toman's First Division Captain, he asks him to save Izana.
- He explains that Izana is surely being used by Kisaki, for a conflict he doesn't agree with.
And that's kind of it. The conversation is flashbacked (Takemichi reminisces about it afterward, when headed to the next Toman meeting) so we could guess that they talked a bit more, but that's all we get from it.
Now, in the anime version:
- They still reconnect and mess with each other, wiiiiiiiith the addition of this tidbit: 
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A nice detail imo, as it always struck me as odd that Takemichi didn't notice it/react to it in the manga. He tends to… not be great at observing things LMAO, he misses a lot of stuff, but this is someone he remembers from his childhood, who showed up now with a HUGE facial scar and a damaged eye (personally, my take is that Kakucho's white eye is from cataracts developed after his accident). It's something that sticks out. Takemichi asking about it gives me the impression that he's more invested in his reunion with Kakucho, displaying care for an old friend and also giving Kakucho the chance to show he doesn't like to talk about the scar, which is nice to add to his character.
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- Instead of asking Takemichi to save Izana from Kisaki, Kakucho asks his own questions about the guy. Which makes perfect sense!! Kisaki joined Tenjiku just recently, Kakucho has his doubts about him and found someone he can ask, so he takes the chance. Maybe he does already suspect that Kisaki is using Izana, BUT…
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- Takemichi asks for help reaching Kisaki, and Kakucho refuses. Right now, Kisaki is a high-standing officer in the gang. It's Tenjiku's/Izana's internal affairs that Takemichi is trying to disrupt, and Kakucho is too loyal to go with that. Rather, being enemies, what Takemichi should do is fight and achieve his way through; despite the situation, that's the fair and square way Kakucho knows things must be done.
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- Kakucho keeps to himself his distaste about the conflict as a whole. Instead of asking for Takemichi's help or telling him more about the situation, he just advises to be wary of a certain traitor he can't name (Mucho, most likely), and leaves it at that.
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End of "spot the difference"!
Now, I'm not gonna say "the anime did it better", like a short-sighted dummy. The manga is the original material, the blueprint, the birth of all these delinquent dudes and their story. Manga is also its own medium, inherently different from the audiovisual version. Anything the anime adds starts from that source material.
But what I can and want to say is that the anime did a great job making adjustments to expose Kakucho's character to us sooner. It exposed him efficiently and profoundly.
Thanks to the changes to the script, we got a much bigger window into where Kakucho's standing, what he's wondering right now, and what he's trying to do on his own while everyone else is chasing other objectives. We can see him try to be an active guardian to Izana, making his own moves. However, we can also really really appreciate the depth of his loyalty and sense of honor, as he's respectful and careful even when it comes to someone he doesn't like at all, 'cause that someone is his current staff officer and Tenjiku comes first. Likewise, even though he knows Mucho is about to act traitorously to Toman as he switches over to Tenjiku, it's not in his power to snitch, much less to the enemy. The separation between him, loyal to his king, and the outsider to the gang that Takemichi is, also reflects the same values of loyalty and honor.
As a huge huge fan of Kakucho, I'm super pleased. As a lover of storytelling in general, I'm applauding the smart little changes and how effective they were.
It's not the first time the anime adaptation differs a little or adds something, so it probably won't be the last. Those touches have always been great so far, so I look forward to watching the rest of the season and seeing if any more new content appears!!
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