#and for everyone really like they got his name wrong here bc no one knew him
etapereine · 4 months
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remembering when jonas vingegaard chris harper won stage 5 of the 2021 uae tour
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kamaluhkhan · 6 months
you are so gorgeous (it makes me so mad)
pairing: young!coryo snow x fem!reader
summary: clemensia dovecote has a theory that you and snow are destined for an enemies to lovers arc. you're sure it's completely, absolutely not true...right?
warnings: 18 + smut; biting + mention of blood ; both reader and snow are not the best ppl and have some very classist/elitist opinions
a/n: finally!! i wrote one of the ideas that has been haunting me ever since i've been back in my hunger games obsession + watched tbosbas...needless to say this will likely be a series inspired by taylor swift's reputation album. also i am so sorry this is unedited bc ofc it's 3am when i had the motivation to write this but i hope y'all enjoy ♡
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i've had enemies so intense it felt like love, so mutual it felt romantic (chelsea hodson)
"what in the name of all the gods is he doing here?"
you're practically seething when coriolanus snow walks into your foyer. he's wearing an ensemble made with crisp white silk and intricately embroidered with gold thread - elegant, eventhough its silhouette would have been fashionable last year. a single white rose sits in the pocket of his jacket. he surveys the crowd, like he's calculating who's most worthy of his attention, platnium blond hair perfectly curled and practically glowing under the light of the chandelier. he looks beautiful, almost angelic.
you absolutely hate it.
"oh, i invited him," clemensia dovecote informs non-chalantly.
coriolanus makes eye contact with you from across the room, and you turn your head sharply to your best friend.
"why would you think it was okay to invite him?"
clemensia smiles mischeviously, grabbing two champagne flutes from a passing silver tray. she hands one to you.
"i know the two of you have your petty squabbles — "
"they are not petty, nor are they squabbles," you grumble, taking a sip of your drink.
your contempt towards coriolanus was perfectly reasonable and absolutely mutual. he had some ridiculous notion that snow had to land on top, that it was his right to be there instead of yours. your relationship, if you could call it that, was limited to nothing more than snide remarks, sarcastic comments, and scornful stares. you both hyperaware of the importance of keeping up appearances, but the older you got - the closer to life outside of the academy and the higher the stakes - the more any sense of civility between you two faded. just earlier this week, you'd gotten into such a heated debate about the best way to increase viewership for the upcoming 10th annual hunger games, that your professor excused you both from the class early due to the disruption. it seemed that no one knew how to make you burn with anger quite like coriolanus snow.
clemensia rolls her eyes. "whatever you want to call it, i actually think the two of you would get along if you really tried."
one of the things you admired - and, frankly, loathed - about clemensia was her determination to always prove herself right. she had this theory - one you would call ludicrous - that the tension between you and coriolanus had nothing to do with academics or status and everything to do with wanting to rip each other's clothes off.
your eyes catch coriolanus' icy blue ones again and you down the rest of your drink. obviously, clemensia was wrong about this. so, very wrong.
"well," you huff, setting your empty glass down on another silver tray that passes by. you brush invisible dust off your dress - a deep red lace, short and form fitting with exaggerated long sleeves - and add: "you'll be lucky if i invite you to my next party."
clemensia might have had the sense to apologize then, but you walked away before she had a chance.
you allow yourself to weave through the crowd, greeting every guest with an equal facade of enthusiasm and grace. you smile as brightly at one person as you do the next, showing off your newly bleached teeth and making sure that everyone feels special. silver trays of food and drinks appear and reappear throughout the crowd, being carried by nameless waiters. there's a table overflowing with gifts concealed by crisply folded wrapping paper - you expect at least half of them will be worthless.
you put up a good front, but soon enough your lipstick needs reapplying and your hair readjusting, so you briefly excuse yourself lest anyone notice a crack in your perfectly constructed image. the door to your room is slightly ajar, and you open it to reveal none other than the person you'd deliberately, but not so successfully, tried to ignore all night, his white silk shirt stained a dark crimson that happened to match your dress.
coriolanus was furious when he found out you'd invited the entire graduating class, except him, to your birthday party. you'd even invited sejanus. it wasn't that he particularly wanted to celebrate you, of all people. you were the most brilliant, biting, enfuriating person he knew, but to be excluded in such a way was insulting. when clemensia extended him the invite, he jumped at the chance to prove to everyone, to you, that he belonged here. tigris curated his outfit, and it would have been perfect had arachne crane, vapid creature she was and ever the lightweight, spilled an entire glass of red wine on him. he hurried away before anyone could see him in such a humiliating state. coriolanus is in the middle of calculating his options when you walk into what he now realizes is your bedroom.
you don't say a word at first. you haven't said one to him all night. instead, you close the door behind you and your eyes graze his figure.
"you show up to my party, late no less, and now you're parading around in what looks like a bloodstained shirt that is far too outmoded to be appropriate attire for this occasion," you remark, displaying that signature fierceness. "are you trying to ruin my birthday, snow?"
"don't blame me," coriolanus scoffs. his shoulders tense and he makes a point to stand up a bit straighter. "blame arachne for not being able to hold her alcohol while she's complaining about the food."
"oh?" you raise an eyebrow. "what did she say?"
"something about people in the districts having better options."
"vapid bitch," you mutter under your breath. you walk over to your closet, disappearing for a few seconds before bringing out a fresh shirt. you extend it to him, but he doesn't take it.
"i can't very well have a good time when one of my guests looks like he just got killed in the hunger games," you huff. "so either you put this on or your leave my party. now."
coriolanus holds your gaze, his jaw clenched, before giving in and taking the shirt from you. he goes to undo the buttons of his shirt, but stops when he notices that your eyes never leave him.
"some privacy would be nice," he says sharply.
you roll your eyes, muttering something about it being your house and your room, before sitting across the room at your vanity. as he undresses and throws his soiled shirt on the floor, coriolanus watches you closely. you meticulously apply lipstick, the shade of red almost as dark as your black nails.
you were attractive, there was no denying that, but ultimately dangerous. because you weren't carelessly cruel like arachne, nor did you wear your heart on your sleeve like sejanus. you didn't use your family's status as an excuse to avoid hard work like felix, nor were you a spineless know-it-all like clemensia. no, you were different from the rest. you had a fiery ambition and a sharp tongue, a wicked streak with just enough charisma to lure people in. sometimes when he thinks of you, coriolanus recalls stories his grandma'am once told him and tigress, about sea monsters who would tempt sailors with their bewitching voices and enchanting beauty, enticing them to risk everything - to jump into the ocean and never be relevant as anything more than a midnight snack. you were a constant, suffocating reminder of how quickly he could lose everything if he lost control, if he gave in.
coriolanus watches you set down the tube of lipstick before picking up a compact. you lightly brush the shimmery powder inside over your face to accentuate some of your gorgeous features.
the desire that burns throughout his body now has to be a side effect of the few glasses of liquor he managed to drink, allowing himself the appearance of having a good time alongside everyone else without losing control.
your eyes leave your reflection momentarily, and you finally catch coriolanus staring at you. you wink at him from across the room just as he's finished with the last button. the way you look at him makes the collar of his shirt feel tighter.
he can not give in....but what's the harm in admitting, just for one night, that he would let you drown him? devour him? beg on his knees to give you pleasure, and then thank you after the fact?
coriolanus clears his throat. "this feels wrong. i should be the one gifting you with a new shirt. it's your birthday, after all."
you let out a breathy laugh, setting down your makeup. you walk over to him, until there are only a few inches between you despite the vastness of your bedroom.
even you had to concede that coriolanus snow had such a gorgeous face for such a vicious person. you're infuriated by how elegant he looks now, in your shirt. your hands busy themselves in smoothing down his already perfect collar and you take note of the intensity of his heartbeat. you notice the way his jaw remains clenched, his posture stiff, his skin flushed. you realize that he must be trying so hard right now to retain his composure around you and you feel something that can only be described as triumph.
you smile at him, sickly sweet, and remove your hands from his body. "the best birthday present i could get is winning the plinth prize over you, snow. we both know you're not good enough, let alone better than me."
he hesitates slightly before responding.
"sorry, valerius. that's the one thing i can't give you. is there anything else you'd want from me?" he whispers, words dripping like honey.
"that depends, is there anything you want from me?"
he hums, moving his hand to cup your cheek. he begins to trace your lips with his thumb, ruining the look you had so meticulously crafted.
if only you knew.
"you're the birthday girl, sweetheart," he chides. "i'm supposed to be the one giving the gift. you do know how birthdays work, don't you?"
he's mocking you, you know that. he's trying to make you feel weak and small. you had the power a second ago, his heartbeat in the palm of your hand, and normally you wouldn't stand for him turning the tables. you'd push him away, storm out the door. but right now all you want is to tug on his perfect blond curls, to bite the smirk off his lips. maybe it's the way he's so close and can't seem to take his eyes off your lips or the calculated amount of wine you drank that's made your head a bit foggy, made you put your guard down. made you start to entertain the idea that maybe possibly clemensia's theory had some truth to it.
"why don't you surprise me?" you suggest.
coriolanus surges forward and kisses you with such ferocity, he might as well be a man starving. teeth on teeth on tongue. you instantly tangle your hands into his hair, pull on some curls just to see what he'd do. he retaliates by biting down on your bottom lip, hard enough that you taste the metallic tang of blood mixed with the remnants of honeyed wine on his lips. you whimper and pull away slightly. he holds your face firmly between his two hands, so you cannot go too far.
"sorry." but he smirks, and you know he doesn't really mean it.
eventually, you've both stumbled onto the bed half-naked. coriolanus positions himself above you, effectively caging you in with his arms and legs. you take note of his lean thighs, his bare torso with skin taut around his bones. you're almost taken aback by how frail he looks - like a malnourished teenager from one of the districts. you reach out to trace the outline of his ribs, your nails scraping against his skin, and he shudders. your hand moves lower, teasing the waistband of his underwear. he stops you before it slips underneath the material.
instead, coriolanus begins to indulge in his deepest fantasy. he kisses and sucks and bites down your body, his tongue trailing down your chest, over your breasts and around your nipples, across your stomach. he laps up your soft whines, the curses that tumble from your lips for him to do something more. you sink further into the silk sheets when he arrives between your thighs. you raise your hips, desperate to find any sort of relief, and you feel his nails dig into your hips.
"patience," he teases, his breath fanning over where you needed him most. "so needy." you could practically feel coriolanus roll his eyes.
"i swear to god snow, if you don't do something soon. i-i'll go find someone else to fuck me. felix, or maybe sejanus --"
you yelp when his teeth sink into your inner thigh. he looks up at you, eyes the darkest blue you've ever seen them.
"don't," coriolanus warns, and he gets back to work, lips actually arriving at where you needed them most.
after you've reached your high, he comes back up to kiss you, allowing you to taste yourself. when he pulls away, you take note of how his lips and nose shine with remnants of you. the way he looks at you while he licks his lips shows you that he wants more. you move your hand down, and you're deeply satisfied when you feel him half hard, already sticky with his release.
"oh." you smirk. "you already finished."
his eyes widen, skin flushing pink. you could feel his heartbeat grow faster above you. you could imagine he was debating the best way to restore his dominance from before. yet, here he was, nothing but a horny teenage boy who came untouched as he was eating out his worst enemy. you find it in you to not call him pathetic, but instead decide, in your post-orgasm haze, you find it endearing.
"i-i didn't mean to, but --"
"i'm just that sexy when i cum," you suggest, running your hands through his curls to calm him down. "how about we try again, pretty boy?"
soon enough, he's sitting up with his back against your headboard and your legs wrapped around his waist, his length fully nestled into your warm cunt. coriolanus' blunt nails graze your hips, moving lower to your ass to guide you with each thrust. you love seeing him underneath you, seeming completely mesmerized by how your breasts bounce up and down in front of him. he leans forward to wrap his lips around your nipple, but you beat him to it. you bend forward and suck bruises onto his skin, everywhere and anywhere: underneath his chin, across his collarbone, where his neck meets his shoulder.
his moans are so loud, and you're sure he's not going to last much longer. you're also worried that some of the other party guests might catch you, so you pull his head away from your shoulder and crash your lips back onto to his. you swallow his moans as best you can, tongues fight for dominance, but he lets out a deep groan, and lets you win. you bite down on his bottom lip just as you reach your climax, causing him to let out a deep groan once more.
you gasp when he suddenly flips you over, pulls out of you and stokes himself a few times before painting your body with his release. coriolanus all but collapses on the bed beside you. you're both breathing heavily for a few moments, on your backs looking up at the ceiling, before he turns on his side towards you. coriolanus trails hs fingers down to your abdomen, sticky with his cum.
"i told you: snow lands on top."
"was that a joke, coryo?" you guffaw, genuinely surprised at the mischievous but playful glint in his eye. a bit surprised at yourself, too, for using his nickname that you'd so carefully avoided. you had to remind yourself that he was still the same coriolanus snow you'd grown to hate.
the boy tangled in the sheets beside you, his messy curls translucent under the light of your chandelier, his skin glowing with sweat and decorated with lipstick and rose-petal bruises. the boy who now smiles at you with dazzling blue eyes, leans closer and whispers:
"don't get used to it. it's a special occasion." coriolanus kisses you sweetly, and you shiver before he adds: "happy birthday."
this boy in bed with you now is the same manipulative, power hungry snake who would stab you in the back if need be. and, the truth of the matter is: you aren't much different, either.
you get up to grab his wine-stained shirt, use it to wipe off his release and toss it back down to the floor.
his eyes follow you the entire time, even as you come back to straddle him again. almost instantly, you feel him harden underneath you. you hold his head in your hands, kiss him deeply, tease his bottom lip between your teeth as you pull away.
"snow lands on top, huh? not for long, if i can help it."
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a66-1 · 23 days
part 1 | part 2 [you're here!]
Simon x Fem!Insecure!Reader.
finally got the idea for part 2. excited?
me too
TW: Talk of ed's, negative self talk, low self esteem, bad mouthing (from reader to herself, comes with the territory) cursing, self harm. i tried not to be too descriptive with the reader, so EVERY insecure girlie who reads this feels seen.
semi proofread bc who cares
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The next morning was exhausting as the last.
You got up early to go running. If you ever have the chance, you run until the sun comes up. You need to stay fit if you want a boyfriend. It was easier when you were on your meds. Almost like you had the will to live those mornings.
You were back at the house around 8 am. You weren't scheduled for work today so... You headed back to bed and really, just slept the day away
You woke up around 5 pm. 5, really? God, you are just some depressed child.
You got out of bed for the second time, and changed into a dress. It was hard seeing yourself in a dress after 2 years. You stopped going out because alcoholism and anti-depressants aren't really two peas in a pod, are they?
Well this is why you quit. You dropped your therapist and your meds because you were better, and your mom stopped helping with the payments, and now you can go back to partying.
Minus the heavy drinking.
You tear your eyes off yourself. If you stare too long, you'll end up convincing yourself to stay in bed longer. You configure the rest of your outfit, and grab a small black purse. Throwing your phone in it, you leave the house quicky. If you don't, you might properly convince yourself you're just as ugly as you thought..
The drive to the bar was silent, save from the honking cars around you. Fuck, what if this is the wrong idea? I mean the looks everyone will give you, you look so bad and so ugly and god this was such a bad--
You hear a car honk behind you. The light turned green. You lower your head, sighing, and taking a left.
Once at the bar, you slip into one of the seats nearer the back, feeling uncomfortable in the seat. Adjusting your dress down, you cringe while looking around the bar. There's so many pretty women here, and comparatively you are way under them.
You order a drink, sipping on the alcohol for the first time in months. Fuck, your therapist would be losing it if she knew you not only stopped meds but started drinking again...
You rested your head in your palm, watching others interact. Pretty women just have a way with men, a way you've never had. The buzz of the alcohol was enough to make you not question why nobody has interacted with you, other than the bartender. People probably think your such a loser, I mean, who would just sit here and drink--
"Hey. You're, uh.. That girl from yesterday right?" A gruff voice appears behind you. You flinch forward, whipping your head around.
Oh. This guy.
You slowly put your drink down, your palm over the top of it.
"And who are you?" You ask, eyeing the man. He didn't have his mask on. He was... Really cute.
"A customer." He sat next to me, his eyes trained on mine. I felt sort of flushed under his gaze.
Fuckin' small world.
You spent some of the night talking with him. Still don't know his name, or why you ran into him here, but you don't care nonetheless.
You were looking for sex this night but... Is a connection so bad?
Like you could make a connection with someone who is out of your league.
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thank god i finished this. 3 drafts later, and im sorry its kinda short. trust part 3 is gonna have the good stuff, this is kinda a filler so it can get to the good stuff.
ily babes...
@i-am-hungry-24-7 @arminarlertssword @haven-1307
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moviecritc · 1 month
hii ! i was wondering if i could request a fanfic about Max verstappen and y/n —or you can give her a name UR CHOICE :) — anyways could you possibly follow the lines of them being complete strangers meeting in the Mexico GP, to becoming friends, then later on being lovers.
I’m not sure if you like to write sad stories but could you also possibly make a sad ending where towards the end they break up and whenever they are around eachother they act like complete strangers
Hopefully you take my request :) it was mainly inspired by a song called “strange” by Celeste !
Thank youuu !!
fortnight ⋆ max verstappen
pairing: max verstappen x reporter!reader
word count: 2.7K
warnings: bad boyfriend behaviour, angst (sort of)
a/n: it took me so long finishing this, and im not fully convinced with the result :( i also changed things a bit. anyways i loved the whole vibe, so maybe i write something similar soon
also this ended up giving massive fortnight by t swift vibes so i named it bc of that
masterlist | wattpad | letterboxd
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They were made for each other, or at least that's what everyone said. They had their first encounter at the Mexican Grand Prix. Y/N had been working as a reporter and interviewer for the races all season, but she had never had the chance to interview Max.
Mexico must have been one of Y/N's favorite places, all the culture, food, and people made her feel very welcomed. The race week in Mexico was the one she felt most nostalgic about once the season was over.
She arrived at the airport on Tuesday or Wednesday, she didn't quite remember, the only thing she remembered about her arrival in Mexico was the jet lag and that instead of grabbing her suitcase, she took Max Verstappen's.
She had always felt a certain intimidation towards him, by his way of driving and treating his teammates on the track. So, she was terrified to have to contact him. Surprisingly, it was Max who contacted her.
He called a few hours after she arrived at the hotel, she still wondered how he got her phone number and her name.
"Y/N L/N?" he asked. She recognized the voice and took a few seconds to process it. "I'm Max. I think I have your suitcase."
"Hello, yes. Uh, I think I have your suitcase too," She scratched her neck a bit.
"Ah, fantastic. Are you free now to exchange them?"
"Sure, yeah. Where?"
"I can come to your hotel, I don't want to cause you too much trouble," Max commented in a calm tone. That seemed like a super sweet gesture coming from him.
"Alright, I'll send you the location, come whenever you can," And they hung up.
Y/N was quite impressed by how nice Max had been, and that it was him who contacted her and offered to go to the hotel, even though she was the one who took the wrong suitcase.
Literally five minutes later they called her room phone, telling her that someone was asking for her. She went down with the suitcase immediately, meeting the pilot and his suitcase.
Max waved his hand a bit so she would know it was him, although Y/N knew perfectly well who he was. Max observed her, she had brown hair with lighter tips than the rest of her hair, probably from dyeing it in the past, and quite long curtain bangs. Somehow her face looked familiar to him, as if he had seen her before, but at the same time not.
"Hey, here you go," Y/N handed him the suitcase and they made the exchange. "I'm really sorry for the trouble, really, I didn't even realize it wasn't my suitcase,"
"It's okay, don't worry. Did you open the suitcase?" He slightly bit his lip.
"Well, yes. But I only saw the eight or nine Red Bull shirts, I realized it wasn't my suitcase," she said, smiling.
That made Max laugh. "Are you here for the race?"
"Well, yes, I'm a reporter for DAZN," Y/N nodded.
Max raised his chin a bit, understanding why the brunette looked so familiar. He looked around and then at his watch. "Are you busy now?"
Y/N blinked, was he…?
"No, not now," she pressed her lips, trying to hide a smile.
"Can I invite you for a coffee?" he smiled shyly.
"Oh," Y/N pondered for a few seconds what to tell him.
"If not, don't worry," Max spoke. Maybe she had been thinking about the answer for too long.
"No, of course. I'd love to,"
Was it a strange start? Yes. But only that afternoon they connected in such a strange way that it scared them. Y/N had two Siamese cats, Max had two Bengal cats. He spent hours on the sim, she could spend hours watching the same series, which wasn’t exactly the same, but close. They both supported FC Barcelona and the most surprising thing was that she had been on exchange in the Netherlands, at the same school Max was attending. The only thing was that he barely went to classes because he was going from championship to championship.
That afternoon it felt as if someone had made them meet, because it was too much of a coincidence to find someone so similar to you because of one suitcase.
"Will I see you in the paddock tomorrow?" Max asked, as they were saying goodbye.
"I hope so,"
"Stop by the Red Bull garage if you have time,"
Y/N nodded and bit her lip, still unable to believe the instant connection she had with Max. She even forgot she had terrible jet lag. At no point did she consider that this could end badly.
At the Brazil Grand Prix, they were already sharing a hotel room. Nobody knew yet that they were together so they could come and go as they pleased. Y/N was still a reporter for DAZN, although now that she spent so much time with Max her reports started to be shorter and with fewer details. She barely paid attention to the races, she stayed near the Red Bull garage, trying to see him when he entered the pits.
By that time, Y/N realized that maybe she was spending too much time with Max. In just those two weeks, Max had been pivoting between the sim and the hotel bed. At first, he said nice things to her and stayed with her for a while, asking her what she had been doing or what movie she was going to watch now. But the last time, he dressed immediately and went back to the sim.
Y/N even remembered how well they had connected and how comfortable she had felt, although it had only been fourteen days ago. She didn't even think about confronting him, after all, they were nothing, they never were.
Why? A serious relationship would only take up time that he could use for much more productive things for his career. That was better, even if it made the brunette feel as if he only wanted to satisfy himself with her.
"Max, it's late and I'm hungry, what if we go out for dinner?" Y/N entered her room where he had all the set up, it was the first time she saw it and she thought it was crazy that Max had all those screens, all those gadgets just to pretend to drive.
"I can't now, schat," he said, moving his hand a bit to try to make physical contact with her, but he didn't manage to because he didn't take his eyes off the screen.
"Well, remember we have the flight to Las Vegas tomorrow at noon. Come to bed soon," Y/N commented, looking at his crown.
She fell asleep before feeling Max's weight on the bed.
She didn't know why, but she really thought that in Vegas something would change, maybe because of the atmosphere or because it was the last races, maybe he would be slightly more relaxed now that he had practically won the championship. She even thought they would enter the paddock together, that she would have a fixed spot in the Red Bull garage or something, but a minimum of recognition from him towards her.
But it was quite the opposite. Max didn't show up in the paddock until Thursday afternoon while she had to be there since Tuesday. He made her take the plane alone and he didn't even text her when he landed. She had to find out he was already in Las Vegas when she saw him passing by her in the paddock and Y/N made a gesture to greet him, smile at him or make a simple gesture, but Max passed by without even looking at her.
That's when she realized she would have to confront him. He was behaving like a complete jerk, and Y/N was sure she wasn't the first woman who got fed up with him for that.
With a couple of calls and several messages, she managed to find out the hotel and the room where Max was staying. After a day full of interviews, Y/N went straight to the hotel address, knocking on his door.
"Hey, hello," he said, already in his pajamas and with a tired look. "I was thinking about you."
"Oh, me too," Seeing Max's hand on her waist, Y/N pulled away from him immediately.
Max raised his eyebrows at once, surprised by the abruptness of the brunette. "Are you alright?"
Y/N lowered her gaze slightly, choosing her words. Suddenly she was more than nervous to say something. "What… what are we?"
"In what sense?" he asked cautiously. He thought it was too soon for that conversation.
"What sense is it going to be?" she approached, realizing that Max probably was just a man like the rest, who had an unjustified fear of naming relationships.
"Uh," he said. Y/N blinked, waiting for a more complete sentence. "Do you want to make it public or something?"
Y/N ignored the 'or something', sticking only to the first words. She smiled a little, getting closer to Max.
"Is that what you want?" He asked again, putting his hands on her waist now that she let him.
"I would like that, yes," she nodded, before Max gave her a quick kiss. "You've been leaving me hanging for a few days."
"Schat, you know I have to train and prepare for the races," Max insisted, sliding his hands much lower than her waist.
Y/N was going to say something, but Max caught her lips and didn't let go until he felt satisfied.
On Friday they arrived together at the paddock, attracting attention from the media. They didn't talk much, she was afraid they would read her lips.
Y/N had to go with her team to interview the Ferrari team and they kissed in front of a couple of cameras as a goodbye. The image went viral in minutes. After finishing the interviews, she received a couple of comments from people around the paddock about how lucky Max was to have found her.
Y/N couldn't understand how he was the lucky one. After all, she was the one with the Formula 1 star pilot. She got on Twitter, seeing how several users commented on how amazing she was, how she had managed to make a name for herself in motorsport, how sweet and funny people found her, Y/N would never in her life use "funny" as an adjective to describe herself. And the best part, that Max should feel more than lucky to have her. That they made a practically perfect couple, that they coordinated super well. Just a few steps in the paddock had made them the couple of the moment. The example to follow.
Max won that race and jumped into her arms when he got out of the car, giving her a strong wet kiss in a very unsexy way. That totally took Y/N by surprise, she couldn't believe his first thought after winning was her. Who knows which of his PR team told him to do that.
"I'll see you in a few hours, wait for me in the hotel room," Max told her, kissing her cheek.
"Max, I also work here. I have to do interviews," she reminded him, with a somewhat serious look.
"Ah, alright,"
"Let me know when you're done," Y/N turned without saying or doing anything else.
She worked until late at night without being able to get out of her head that she and Max had progressed so much in the relationship that they had skipped all the really good parts, the honeymoon phase. And this time it had been her fault, it had been her idea to make it public maybe too soon.
She arrived at Max's room, which was dimly lit and cold. She took a long shower, still wondering what she should do now that their relationship wasn't working out at all.
When she came out of the shower, with wet hair and pajamas on, she found Max lying on the bed, sliding his finger over the screen of his cell phone.
"The shower is free now, were you waiting for long?" Y/N spoke, tilting her head slightly.
"I'm already showered, I was waiting for you," Max admitted with a sweet look.
"Oh," she said. "You didn't have to, I'm sure you're tired,"
Y/N walked cautiously to the free side of the bed, because they hadn't even talked about their sides of the bed. Max got up and changed his clothes, Y/N remembered how good shape Max was in and how good he was in bed as he was with the car. She discreetly bit her lip.
"I wanted to talk to you, actually," Max mentioned as he sat down next to her, giving Y/N goosebumps. "Did you see that people adore us?" Max hugged her by the shoulders, pulling her closer to him.
Y/N let out a sustained thread of air in her lungs and smiled. "Yes," It seemed strange to Max that that was the only thing that came out of Y/N's mouth. "Is that a good thing, isn't it?" he asked, now somewhat confused. "Of course, someone should."
Max blinked, now separating from her body so he could see her well. "What do you mean by that?"
"Since we don't adore each other," she mentioned, as if by chance.
"What do you mean by that?" Max asked, having no idea what Y/N was saying.
She sighed, shaking her head slightly. She wondered how someone couldn't realize something so simple.
"Forget it, Max," she fixed, getting comfortable in bed. "I'm tired."
"Wait, let's talk," he insisted, getting closer to her, with a worried look.
Y/N clicked her tongue, sitting up on the pillow. "Do you like me?"
"Of course, you're beautiful and attentive and intelligent. Why wouldn't I like you?"
That made her heart shrink a bit. "But do you see me as something lasting?"
Max thought about his answer. No. "I don't know,"
That was enough for Y/N to know the real answer, she clicked her tongue and moved slightly away from him.
"Y/N, you have to understand that I have a complicated job and…"
"For God's sake, Max, we both work in the same field. If you want to blame the distance or something like that, it won't work," Y/N denied, biting her cheek with anger.
Max pressed his lips, trying to hide that that was exactly what he was going to do.
"I think I better leave," Y/N commented, pulling the sheets.
Max saw all her movements, from when she got up until she picked up her things and left through the door. Y/N still somehow hoped he would say something, but Max didn't even move. He simply waited for her to leave so he could lie down and go to sleep.
Y/N didn't cry, she didn't even consider it. It had been a short time and there was no need to waste time thinking about what could have happened. For God's sake, she didn't even know if it had been a real relationship.
It had started perfectly but had been declining just a few days after they met.
In the last Grand Prix, Y/N was with her team most of the time, writing columns for DAZN's website report and preparing questions for her colleagues' interviews.
"Y/N, here are the questions for Max's interviews," her colleague said.
"Everyone wants you to interview Max, for obvious reasons," he nodded, as if it were totally normal.
"I don't think it's a good idea," Y/N mentioned, making a face.
"Y/N, he and everyone else are waiting for the interview," he insisted, nodding his head behind his back. Y/N turned discreetly, observing Max leaning against a wall, trying so hard not to look at her.
"Fuck," she muttered with a soft frown. "Ok, let's do this quick,"
She standed up with a bored and sick stare, there was Red Bull's engineers everywhere and even people taking pictures of her.
"Hey," he greeted her as she approached.
"Let's get this over with quickly, okay?" she nodded.
"Try not to be too harsh, people still think we're together," Max commented.
Y/N's gaze hardened. "I'll do whatever I want, Max," she clenched her jaw and gave the cameraman a nod to start broadcasting the interview.
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lias-writings · 1 year
The making of The Last of Us
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pairing: bella ramsey x fem!reader
warnings: kissing, established relationship, pet names, fluff, mention of hickeys, little jealousy
summary: just a few cute moments shared between you and your partner bella during the filming TLOU<33
a/n: hi! so sorry I couldn’t pos this sooner but here we are, I had a really hard week and i finally managed to finish this today anyway thanks to everyone who voted it was helpful, I hope you have a nice day/night and im going to sleep, love ya, enjoy!! <3
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before you two started dating:
you and bella were the only people around your age during most of the filming a spending 3 months together filming and still had like 8 more to go you just grew closer and gained sort of feelings for each other. both of you were too shy to admit something and the fear of making things awkward wasn’t really handy.
when pedro after weeks finally made bella confess to you, you couldn’t be happier, you were about to spend another months with your now partner working on a tv show you’ve grown to love- what a dream, right?
“get a room”
you were sitting on the grass, near the set, enjoying the sun. you haven’t seen much of it while working in canada so you were grateful for every sunny day.
re-reading your lines for scene you were supposed to film next and making sure you remember them correctly you heard footsteps behind you. you didn’t even had to look and you already knew who that is.
feeling two hand wrapping around your waist made it even more obvious to you.
“hi.” bella whispered in your ear gently. you could swear you heard his smile.
“hey.” you said back.
“what are doing love?” they asked while you turned your head to face them
“just reading the lines.” you answered holing eye contact with her and after few seconds of looking at each other with heart eyes and stupid smiles you felt his lips kissing your and you kissed back, almost immediately.
little kisses turned into a make out session but you two still held a little back, knowing anyone could be walking around.
after few seconds you felt bella’s hands back on your waist so instinctively put yours around their neck.
“jesus! seriously, get a room, you two are making single people cry.”
and that was all it took you and bella to open your eyes and almost jump from each other (you would if y’all weren’t sitting ofc).
“pedro, I swear to god, grow up!” you yelled with a smile creeping on your face. bella just chuckled and shook her head in amusement.
“yeah, yeah whatever, now get up we have a work to do, you can make out later.” the man said and started walking towards the set, which was few meters away.
me? jealous? never!
a/n: lily’s not an actual actress from tlou I completely made her up for the story !! she/her pronouns used for lily :)) oh!! and bcs the 2nd most voted was jealous!bella hear is a short one and longer, better, is on its way !!!
so you and bella have been dating for a few months and everything is great. a few weeks ago you started filming new episode, which means new people on the set. you got friends with a girl named lily, who’s playing a background character and it’s going good so far.
you would never claim yourself as an oblivious person, you always could tell when people tried to hit on you, but this time, you were completely blind.
lily had a crush on you even before you started filming but seeing you in person made her fall for you even more. she knew you were in relationship with bella (I mean you two made it really obvious) and she knew it was wrong from her to like you but she couldn’t help herself.
she started with just small talks with you during the breaks or between each takes, she would even became friends with bella.
after few days she asked you to hang out, you being a perfect gf obviously told bella, who didn’t really mind because lily seemed nice to them as well.
after few weeks of your friendship with lily bella finally figured out what’s all this about but he didn’t want to seem possessive so she haven’t said anything.
they even wouldn’t if you weren’t completely oblivious and didn’t keep on hanging out with lily.
you of course noticed that bella has been more affectionate when people were around and that they haven’t been as nice to lily as they used to. (not that lily was nice to bella, she sort of ignored them whenever you were around)
“don’t you see that? she’s totally into you!” bella said not really calmly after you confronted her about her behaviour.
“what are you talking about? bella, she’s my friend.” you answered confused.
“she doesn’t wants to be friends with you, the way she looks at you, touches your arms whenever you’re around, or when she’s flirting with you? in front of me? that’s not friendship.” bella says back as if it was completely obvious. (it was)
“bella i-wait, are you jealous?”
“me? jealous? never.”
and that’s when it hit you. bella might be an amazing actor but they can’t lie (at least not to you). you also realised that he was right the whole time. looking back you couldn’t believe you were so blind, maybe you wanted to believe that she’s your friend so bad, you didn’t see the rest of it.
in the upcoming time you made sure that lily gets the hint that you are not interested in her and that you would never choose anyone over bella. (i mean who would, it’s bella)
bella also made sure that lily gets the hint by covering your neck (not just the neck but mainly) in blue and purple bruises, not that it was handy while filming ( your makeup artist wasn’t happy and you better believe that) but it fulfilled its purpose.
a/n: btw!! I might do something like this in future again, i had fun writing it!!
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k4vehrtz · 7 months
Now That We Don't Talk
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-> Pairing: eren yeager / gender neutral reader
-> Request: yes / no
-> Word Count: 2K
➷...Summary: you stick to what you know, and what you know is that no one loves you the way eren does.
-> Notes: took a little longer with this one to make sure it's accessible to everyone regardless of their gender ! if i made any mistakes please do let me know ! admittedly not proof read & in lowercase bc i was tipsy when i wrote it and then hung over when i edited it ;-;
➷...Content Warnings: sub/bottom reader. unprotected sex, exes to ?, oral (r giving), mild face fucking/deepthroating, oral fixation is heavily implied, finger sucking, cum swallowing, fingering, use of the nickname 'doll', dacryphilia, dumbification, creampie, implied tummy bulge, light degradation, reader's genitals referred to as: entrance/hole/heat.
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you tell yourself that tonight will be different. you’re not hunched over your desk back in your dorm studying. you’re trying new things — like sitting at the makeshift bar in armin’s apartment, nursing a red solo cup of punch as music blares from speakers situated at every corner of the room.
and when someone takes a seat beside you, you indulge in a conversation with them. complaining about how loud the music is turns into sharing trivial facts about your lives. then that transitions into judging everyone’s costumes for halloween.
you didn’t dress up tonight; when you decided to attend armin’s halloween party it was already too late to buy a costume. neither did the stranger whose name you only just realised you never got. so, you both take it upon yourselves to be the judges of everyone else.
which is completely fine until he points out a familiar face. a face you knew you’d run into if you came here. it is his best friend’s house after all. but you make the conscious decision to push that thought to the back of your mind where it belongs. like you’ve been doing with every other thought of him.
before coming here, you had asked yourself: ‘how do i know when i’ve moved on?’ and now you have your answer. you know you’ve moved on when you’re having fun at a party with someone else. and even if you do run into eren, it won’t bother you.
but, the thing is, it does. it does bother you when those green eyes meet yours. when he has that expression on his face that you can’t quite discern. and especially when he turns on his heel, heading towards an empty corridor.
it makes you feel sick to your stomach. which is the only logical reason why you excuse yourself and head in eren’s direction. stopping only when you see him leaning against the door to the bathroom. you’ve been here enough times throughout your relationship with eren to know the layout of the apartment to a t.
and neither of you say anything — falling into a staring competition of some sort. both your gazes heavy with emotion. until eren looks away to open the door to the empty bathroom and you follow him inside. trying new things is fun, but old habits die hard.
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eren holds your chin in between his thumb and index finger, tilting your head upwards so that your gaze meets his. “for fuck’s sake,” and he curses, more so to himself than to you, his voice coming out somewhat strained as he speaks, “we’re not playing this game tonight.”
and you swallow hard, leaning in closer against your better judgment, your lips mere centimetres apart. “it’s not like it means anything, right? we broke up, eren.” you counter in a last-ditch effort to save face. this is all your fault, really, you came onto him first, after all, but you’d never admit that.
“that’s where you’re wrong,” he scoffs, brushing his lips against yours, and you do nothing to resist, “it means everything, and you can call it a mistake in—” instead, you take the opportunity to initiate the kiss. sliding your tongue into his mouth with ease. and as soon as the initial shock wears off eren takes control, tangling his fingers in your hair as he deepens the kiss. it’s wet and rough at first, then gentle and slow, and you feel warmth erupt in your chest.
he has to pull away eventually though and you whimper at the loss of his lips against yours. for a moment it felt as though neither of you needed air, only each other.
“you know what? i don’t care if you think what’s about to happen is a mistake,” he grunts, his voice husky as he lifts you to straddle him. the pads of his fingers warm against your skin as he holds you in place.
you glance at him through half-lidded eyes, your mind in circles, as you ask quietly, “what…what’s about to happen?” it’s a rhetorical question, obviously, but you need to hear him say it.
eren doesn’t give you the answer you expect though. the corners of his lips quirk upwards into a lopsided smirk and he tsks. “one kiss isn’t going to make up for everything that you’ve done tonight,” narrowing his eyes at you, but there’s no malice behind the action. “...and if i recall correctly,” he says as he taps your cheek, “you like to use this little mouth of yours so why not put it to good use instead of bitching at me?”
it’s humiliating, really, how it takes everything in you to stifle a moan instead of some sort of witty comeback. only an hour or two has passed since you two first ran into each other and he’s got you wrapped around his finger all over again.
you can feel the imprint of his erection beneath you. throbbing against the constraints of his sweatpants. and your legs almost feel like jelly — the thought alone of having your mouth around him like that has you throbbing with need.
so, when he nudges your cheek again you scramble to your knees, positioning yourself in between his legs. curling your fingers around the waistband of his sweats and boxers before full-on pulling it down. his cock immediately springing upwards, hitting your face, and smearing pre-cum on your lips.
“if you’re not interested i can...” he teases, purposefully trailing off so that you interject: “no! i... i, i’m interested,” and he nods, clicking his tongue and mouthing what you assume is ‘get to it then’.
you hesitate for another minute or so, he’s just so big you don’t know how you ever managed to make it fit! before slowly wrapping your lips around the tip of his cock. it’s hot and heavy on your tongue as more pre-cum leaks out of the slit. and after another brief pause to adjust you begin to swirl your tongue around the angry tip as you slowly take more of his length into your warm mouth.
eren doesn’t rush you — he understands that it’s a challenge for you. but if he said that was his only reason he’d be lying. something about the way your lips are stretched around his cock, drool dripping from either side of your mouth, awakens something in him. it makes his stomach twist, makes his cock throb in your mouth some more, and persuades him to bring his hand to the back of your neck, pushing you down further on his cock.
by no means is it rough but you’re still caught off guard. your yelp muffled by his cock. and he smiles down at you, grunting as he controls your movements. the sound of your muffled moans together with his grunts echoes throughout the otherwise empty bathroom.
it’s not long before his cock is hitting the back of your throat with precision each time he thrusts his hips. green eyes fixated on you as you gag around his length, “take me so well, doll, you were made for this, not for runnin’ your mouth,” taking in the way your eyes brim with tears.
he doesn’t stop though, not until he’s cumming down your throat, and only then does he pull out with a pop, his cock slick with your saliva. you could’ve stopped him at any given time but you didn’t — you even swallowed every last drip of his cum.
eren leans down to wipe the few tears you’ve managed to shed, murmuring as he does so, “if i didn’t know any better i would’ve fallen for your little act. all you need is some cock to shut you up, right doll?” and he uses his fingers to make you shake your head ‘yes’. “but not just any cock, you need my cock.”
you don’t say anything, simply halfway glaring at him but he smiles because he knows he’s right. all you could think of is him and his stupid face and his stupidly big cock and how dumb you were to break up with him. but then again, you don’t even remember why you two broke up in the first place.
you’re dragged out of your train of thought, however, when he lifts you back onto his lap. holding you in the air just long enough to pull down your bottoms so that your bare crotch is flush against his slick cock.
he presses a kiss to your forehead, using one hand to hold you steady on his lap, while the other is dragged along your entrance. and you feel yourself shudder every time one of his fingers ghosts your hole — but that’s always as far as it goes. so, so close yet so fucking far.
“please,” you plead, and you almost don’t recognize the sound of your own voice. you sound so whiny, so desperate. eren moves his hand away, bringing it up to your face to cup your tear-stained cheek, “you’ve gotta use your words, love, how am i supposed to know what you want when all you say is ‘please’?”
you feel like you’re going to lose your mind but you give in to him; you always do. “please,” you repeat yourself, sounding a little breathier this time, “please put your cock in me, i need it.” fighting the heat that’s creeping up your throat all the way to the tips of your ears.
eren pulls his hand back to his chin as if contemplating your request in the most obnoxious way possible. he stays like that for a moment before leaning toward you once more, pressing his finger against your lip. “say ‘ah’ for me,” he hums, and you do exactly as you’re told albeit somewhat unwillingly.
he flashes you a smile, sliding his finger into your mouth and pressing down on your tongue lightly. “now get it all wet for, you can do that for me, right?” you nod eagerly, desperate to please him as you begin swirling your tongue around the salty digit.
soon one finger turns into two, then two into three, and then three into four. you’re so passionate about what you’re doing that it almost hurt eren to pull his fingers out of your mouth. but your dissatisfied whimpers quickly morph into a mix of gasps and breathy moans as he sinks his fingers into your throbbing heat one by one.  
eren’s usually more patient than this but as your desperation for him grows so too does his desperation for you. you barely have time to adjust before his fingers curl inside of you. thick digits working you open while the promise of his throbbing cock is just beneath you.
you’re so close to getting what you want. you feel your heartbeat in between your legs. and when he finally retracts his fingers, you let out a low moan. this is what you've been waiting for.
he slides his hands up to your hips, lifting you to align the head of his cock with your entrance before slowly pushing in. he looks in awe as you sink onto his cock. the more of him you take, the more unfocused your eyes become.
“that’s it,” he moans as he ruts into you, thoroughly enjoying the way your hands scramble to hold onto his broad shoulders and how the fat of your thighs ripple and jiggle with each thrust. “you were so mean earlier, but look at you now. you forget all your words when my cock is in this tight hole or down your throat?”  
you open your mouth to protest because that’s not true! but only a string of moans and little uh-uh-uhs escapes your kiss-swollen lips. you can’t even get a word out as he continues to piston his hips.
“i know, i know,” he whispers into the crook of your neck, bringing one of his hands down to your stomach. “you want to feel me all the way here, right?” and you shudder at the thought, the implication making you squirm. making you clench harder around his throbbing cock. he takes that as a yes it seems as he continues, “don’t worry, i’ll take care of you,”
and he does just that in his own way. continuing to rut into you until you’re sobbing at just how deep he is. you hadn’t even realized when you came the first time, your arousal splattered all over his thighs. but what you do know is that it isn’t long until you’re both cumming together.
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bcolfanfic · 3 months
Mollie I’m in desperate need of Curt HC’s from the young vet au!!! If you want!! Please don’t let me annoy you about it!!! <3
these are dedicated to @johnslittlespoon bc i associate curt with them <3
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most importantly, he ain’t dead! this is an AU and i make the rules, yay
still from new york, still a little crazy
this is in the 21st century and post don’t ask don’t tell being abolished. but people are still people and a handful still give bucky and gale shit when they pick up on their relationship. curt is protective of them and gets into more than one yelling match and/or brawl coming to their defense
puts himself in charge of making the hype up playlists for the field and takes it super seriously. doesn’t take requests either, everyone just has to trust his judgment.
when he gets his leg blown off by a land mine and goes home he says they aren’t allowed to let anyone else make the playlists, he’ll keep doing it from the states.
but before he leaves when he’s still in the hospital in bagram he gets in his head about how he wasn’t doing anything “noble” when he got hurt and was just in the wrong place at the wrong time
bucky tells him that doesn’t mean anything- that his being here at all was noble and nothing can take that away.
curt says he doesn’t know about that, and sees bucky’s face shift.
they change the topic.
the guys are all bummed to see him go home but bucky is *crushed*. gale sits up with him the first couple nights he’s gone and rubs his back while he cries. he just really misses his buddy 💔
when curt gets back to the states he gets a service dog that’s the most spoiled dog on earth. that’s his baby and he names it some goofy human name like tony soprano.
he keeps in touch with everyone while they’re still over seas. but the first people he sees when they’re back stateside are gale and bucky- flying out to visit once they’re settled in wyoming.
he knew bucky wasn’t doing great, but actually seeing how bad he’s doing in the flesh makes his gut twist. especially when he brushes it off. especially when he can see it in gale’s eyes how worried and exhausted he is.
it comes to a head one night when bucky and gale get into argument and bucky goes from 0-100 in about 60 seconds. curt steps in to intervene, tells bucky to come outside with him and smoke to cool off.
bucky tells him to fuck off and mind his business.
“we don’t need a couples therapist, get the fuck outta’ my god damn house.”
“yeah no can do bucky. not letting you talk to gale like this, or me. get outside. now.”
but bucky is stubborn and just doesn’t move. gale looks near tears and before curt can think better of it he smacks bucky upside the head.
“look at what you’re doing to him- you think this shit is cute? when’s the last time he raised his voice at you off the cuff?”
gale tells him to stop, even if he does appreciate someone else trying to get through to him.
tells him to stop because he knows what’s coming when he sees bucky’s bottom lip shake.
bucky bursts into tears and presses his hands into his eyes- mumbling about being too fucked up for all of this as his chest heaves.
“i got my shit too man, come on, let’s go outside.”
bucky follows him this time and they sit out there for 2 hours talking about the war and the government and PTSD and the VA’s office.
which is apparently just as incompetent in new york.
but bucky can’t help but laugh at one of curt’s gripes with them being that his insurance would cover an a-typical prosthetic, not a peg leg from some guy that manufactures them in his garage upstate.
he needed that laugh.
“i put gale through too much. feel like he regrets getting a marriage certificate the second we came back. not settlin’ down with some girl. not like he’d have a hard time getting one.”
“hey- no way. he loves you. wouldn’t be so bent up seeing you hurting if he didn’t. if he wanted out- he wouldn’t be here. you’re the self destructor, all respect. not buck.”
bucky taps his cig in the ash tray on the patio table.
“when you’d get so smart?”
“gotta compensate for havin’ one less leg with something.”
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starry eyed lies | ashton irwin x pop star!reader
author's note: had been cooking this one for a while, might be really sloppy bc i had zero time to work on it lol
summary: as a publicity stunt to boost the popularity of five seconds of summer, ashton is forced to fake date you, a rising pop star that has stolen the hearts of listeners around the world.
warnings: fighting, social media, cyber-bullying?, swearing, mentions of weed, fake dating trope, Ashton is labeled a "bad boy" lol, angst
word count: 11.0k
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It was supposed to be a simple “fix-all.” Following the tour for Sounds Good Feels Good, the boys were running on a high. Their names were known all over the world, and they were loved by all girls for not only their music but their looks, too. But with a running high, things must come to an end, as the boys began to falter on their positive fame streak. From negative articles to drama tabloids being released about them, the boys were torn apart by critics and haters alike for their rock star-bad boy attitude. Wherever they made a mistake -one drink too many or ending up in another drama with other celebrities- the press was right there to pick them and prod them where it hurt. The boys’ hands were tied, and it looked like it was the end for their band as they knew it. 
“I’m really at a loss here,” their publicity manager sighed, holding a news article in her hand. On the headlines it stated “Aussie Punk Rock Boys Strike Again: Another Party Gone Wrong.” Depicted in the photo were Luke and Ashton’s headshots taken by the L.A.P.D. It was yet another public disturbance report with additional fines allotted because they were under the influence. On top of that, Luke was still underage and not allowed to drink. 
“I mean, really,” she pressed, tossing the paper onto the coffee table. “Another disturbance report? I thought I told you guys to cut down on parties and alcohol. What were you thinking?”
And to be completely honest, they weren’t thinking. With press on their backs and paparazzi following them everywhere they went, the boys felt completely constricted. Stress was building up in their systems and they lacked an older figure -someone more knowledgeable in the music industry- to guide them through their early onset of fame. One mistake after the other just egged each other on, leaving them feeling hopeless and self-destructive. It got to a point where Ashton considered doing one last big stunt to end his career entirely. At least then he’d finally get to go back home and away from the drama. 
But he couldn’t do that to his boys. His best friends he more so considered brothers had dreamed of moving to L.A. and making music for everyone to hear. Hell, it was his dream, too. He couldn’t possibly throw all of that away for his own selfish desires. Ashton still had to admit that he was getting tired of constantly being under the spotlight with little reward from it. 
“I’m sorry Manuela,” Luke said, hanging his head low. “It won’t happen again, I promise.” 
“I hope I can count on you guys when you say that,” she said, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Because there’s only so much I can do on my end to get you guys out of the hole you put yourselves into.” 
Michael leaned over his knees, determined to make things right. “Tell us what we can do,” Michael insisted. “We can clean ourselves up, we swear. We promised to take this break as a time to fix ourselves and really focus on our music.” 
“See, that’s the thing,” Manuela pointed out. “Taking a break is the perfect opportunity to get out of the spotlight and focus on bettering yourselves. But, completely escaping the press and media will make you guys fade out of the music industry. So we have to find an even balance between the two.”
“How?” Calum asked curiously. A frown rested on his tired face. Anyone could tell the bad press was getting to him. It was getting to all of them. “Everyone practically hates us.” 
Manuela grabbed the remote from the table and turned on the TV, connected to her computer. “That’s where we come in,” she started, sharing her screen to the boys. “What we need is a fresh face that’s receiving positive feedback to get you guys on everyone’s good side again.” She flicked through meaningless graphs and percentages of social media engagement and views on YouTube for their tour diaries and music videos. Ashton winced at the downward trend for each graph. “My team’s first option was One Direction. But considering the break they decided to go on, it’s obviously not a viable choice anymore.” 
“So who do you have in mind?” Ashton spoke up, flicking his hand up to ask his question. 
Their publicity manager clicked the remote to change slides. On the screen was a beautiful girl, smiling at the paparazzi. You looked shy, definitely new to the L.A. music scene but confident nonetheless. 
“Woah, y/n l/n?” Michael awed. “I’ve listened to her music before. She’s sick.” 
“And also America’s new pop princess,” Manuela informed them. “After touring with Taylor Swift as her opening act for the 1989 tour, she’s gained considerable popularity. She’s just moved to L.A. and records at the studio a couple blocks down. She’s new to the industry, but she’s promising.” Manuela switched  off the TV and turned to the boys. “And she’s probably your only option.” 
“Hold on,” Ashton said. He was struggling to wrap his head around this. “What do you want us to do with her? Record a song with her? Not to be rude or anything, but her music genre doesn’t mix well with our type of stuff, and I don’t feel like writing lovey-dovey shit.” 
Manuela chuckled at his immediate disgust at the idea. “No, we weren’t thinking that,” she reassured him. “For now, at least. What we need is a good influence in your lives for the public to see. Someone like y/n.” 
“So what now?” Ashton raised an eyebrow. “We just knock on her door and become best friends?” 
“Ash,” Calum scolded him, smacking his knee. “Be nice. y/n and I are mutuals on social media and she’s had nothing but nice things to say about us.” 
Manuela snapped her fingers. “Exactly,” she agreed. “Calum and Michael are already acquainted with her. We need a bigger step to bring you guys into the limelight.” The older woman turned to Ashton, ironically the one member that was most against this whole ploy. “We need you to date y/n.” 
The four boys let out shouts of differing emotions. Michael was shocked, Calum was confused, Luke was jealous, and Ashton was no doubt opposed. 
“Why him!” Luke whined. “He doesn’t want to do it, let me! I’ll gladly date her.” 
Manuela shook her head, adamant on her decision. “It’s gotta be Ashton, I’m afraid,” she said. “His “bad boy” persona is the most detrimental to your overall image. He’s got to be the one. Not to mention, y/n requested him specifically.” 
“Oh great,” Ashton groaned, voice dripping in sarcasm. “The plan is to sell me off as some pop star’s boy toy? How come she’s in on it and I have no choice?” 
“That’s not the plan,” Manuela told him firmly. “It was created in agreement between her team and yours. She needs all the publicity she can get to boost her fame and, well, you guys are aware of your own situation. It’s all for show, Ashton. All we ask is a few dates in public and even a kiss or two for the press.”
Michael snickered. “He won’t have a problem with that,” he muttered under his breath. 
“But,” Manuela cut the boy off. “We’re not asking you to marry her. It’s just a few months and then an amicable split. She’s going on tour at the end of the year, and you boys are going on your writing retreat. By then, both of you will be able to part ways and your relationship will be a thing of the past. She gets the publicity, your reputation gets fixed. It’s a win-win situation.” 
“Not for me,” Ashton fought back. He wanted nothing to do with this. Hell, he didn’t want anything to do with the band anymore. Each night, he plotted excessive plans to escape his prison called L.A. and fly back to Sydney to be with his family. He was sick of the lights, the glamor, the fame. 
He glanced back at his friends. His heart clenched at the dark bags under Calum’s eyes, and Michael’s uncharacteristically extra pale complexion from the lack of sleep. Anxiety had riddled the entire band, and it was clear on Luke’s hands where he had been picking at his fingertips. They were a wreck, and Manuela made it seem like he was their last hope. If he said no, they could pack up their things and go home. He’d get what he wanted all along. But Ashton couldn’t let go of the sparkling looks in their eyes when they received word from One Direction that they wanted them to open up for their concerts. He saw hope in their futures, saw something bigger in store for them. In some way, Ashton could still see that innocence in their eyes, blocked slightly by their stress and nerves. He was their last chance to bring that optimism back. 
“I’ll do it,” he gave in. The boys let out whoops of joy, tackling Ashton into a hug. Ashton was frustrated beyond belief, but he faked a smile just to see his boys get their spark back. 
Ashton was immediately regretting his decision the moment he stepped foot into the restaurant. The restaurant was too expensive for his taste, the kind of eatery that sold mediocre food primarily for you to post on social media for your “friends” to envy you. If this place was your idea as Manuela mentioned, it was only a mere insight of your personality. And without even meeting you yet, Ashton was beginning to loathe you. 
The musician checked his watch again, keeping his head down and away from any prying eyes. You were ten minutes late, and if you kept this up, Ashton predicted you wouldn’t even show up. Ashton swore under his breath, growing more and more annoyed by you. He never should have agreed to this plan. 
Suddenly, you came bursting through the door. Your eyes peered around the store before finding Ashton’s, immediately heading to the table he had saved. Ashton fought the urge to roll his eyes at your lack of sunglasses or hoodie. It was like you were begging for attention. Which, now he thought, you probably were. 
“I’m so sorry I’m late,” you apologized profusely, setting your bag on the ground and pulling out your notebook. A waitress immediately went to your table to take your orders. Ashton had only wanted water, but you ordered one milkshake and a side of cannolis. “Traffic was terrible, as per usual in L.A. I suppose. And then my publicity manager asked me to get my hair down for today, then she scheduled a nail appointment-” You took a deep breath, running out of air from talking so quickly. “I feel like a dress up doll,” you joked, giving the Aussie a sheepish smile. 
Ashton, however, was not amused. He barely returned your smile, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Whatever,” he murmured. “Let’s just pretend to look happy when the press gets here. We were supposed to have a ten minute prep time but since you decided to be late-”
“I didn’t decide to be late-” you fought back incredulously.
“We only have three minutes max to plan something good for the press to take a picture of,” Ashton finished, sending a glare your way for interrupting him halfway. 
You huffed, deep in thought before concocting something paparazzi worthy. “Just follow my lead, okay?” you said, watching a swarm of paparazzi approach the restaurant. The waitress set down your order and was about to dash off when you asked for two straws. 
Ashton raised an eyebrow at your idea, not exactly following along. You stuck the two straws into the glass, taking a healthy sip from it. You let out a moan of delight, smiling to yourself at the taste. Ashton fought the urge to chuckle at your almost innocent-like demeanor. He coughed to cover up his laugh, still stubborn enough to maintain his grudge against your tardiness. 
You took the paper wrapping of one straw and glanced up at the drummed in front of you. Tying the wrapper together, you raised the knot up. “Tug the other side,” you instructed. 
Ashton gave you a pointed look but pulled the wrapper nonetheless, pulling until the paper gave way and snapped in half. The knot remained on your end, making you cheer in victory. 
“I still don’t understand what the hell you’re doing,” he grumbled. 
You ignored him, closing your eyes and whispering to yourself. Ashton leaned back, not fighting back an eye roll. “Great,” he muttered. “I’m on a date with a weirdo.” How was this supposed to get the band good publicity? 
Opening your eyes again, you set the wrapper down. “I was just making a wish,” you explained as if it was the most obvious thing. “You never did that before? Tie a knot in the straw wrapper, pull, and whoever gets the knot gets to make a wish.” 
“That’s,” Ashton took a deep breath. “The biggest load of bullshit I’ve ever heard in my life.” 
You scoffed playfully, cocking your head to get a good look at the paparazzi. More photographers approached the windows, taking hundreds of photos of the two of you. “Try smiling more,” you told him. “Maybe people wouldn’t crown you with the “bad boy of the band” title if you did.” 
“I’m not the bad boy of the band,” Ashton retorted, smiling nonetheless. It was a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, but it satisfied the press who started flashing their cameras more frequently at the sight of it. 
Snorting, you took his hand and weaved your fingers together as you took another sip of your -now shared- milkshake. You let out a quiet giggle despite no one saying anything funny.
“You’re terrible at this,” Ashton deadpanned. 
“I’ve seen people do this in movies,” you responded, shaking your head as if he said something unbelievable. 
“Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea,” he said back, responding to your head shake with a chuckle. 
You hummed, turning away and muttering under your breath, “Look who’s talking.” 
Ashton couldn’t help but be amused by your clever comebacks. He never expected you to be able to keep up with his sarcastic comments. But here you were, dishing them out faster than he can create one. 
“Anyways,” you continued breezily. “You’re so the bad boy of the band.”
“What makes you say that?” he asked, readjusting his position in his chair to prepare himself for whatever response you’d curated. 
You took a pause to collect your thoughts. You took a bite of your cannoli as you thought to yourself. “First off,” you swallowed the remaining bits of the pastry. “In your first album, you’re the only one looking away from the camera frowning. Luke’s looking away, but at least he’s smirking a little bit. That’s big bad boy energy. And the bandana? Come on, you’re trying so hard to be edgy but I see your smile behind the drums.”
Ashton rolled his eyes for the millionth time that day. “Good to know you’ve done your research.”
“I have to get to know my new fake boyfriend,” you waved him off jokingly. “What am I supposed to do? Go into this blind? Surely you’ve done some research about me.” 
The Australian musician hesitated to respond. “I may have skimmed the binder?” he responded, a little bit embarrassed. He didn’t expect to have to know everything about you and your career. 
You squeeze his hand, reminding him you were still intertwined. “It’s okay,” you assured him. “We’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other later.” 
You both turned to the windows and noticed the swarm of photographers only grew in size, all of them in huddles behind cars. “You think we gave them enough to look at?” you asked. Not waiting for a response, you placed a couple bills on the table and pulled Ashton up with you. 
“Where are we going?” Ashton questioned as you both braved the outdoors, instantly getting bombarded by the paparazzi. Taking on a protective boyfriend role, Ashton wrapped an arm around your shoulders and lent you his sunglasses to wear. 
“Don’t worry!” you said, raising your voice a bit due to the loud calls of interviewers calling out to them. “I know a place!” 
You sprinted down the street and took a sharp right, tugging Ashton along with you. Impressively enough, you were fast enough to lose the press. Soon enough, you found the place you were looking for and dove in. 
The drummer blinked a couple times, trying to regain his sight after the millions of flashes nearly blinded him. Once his vision turned back to normal, he looked around the room to see a relatively empty restaurant. The lights were dim and gave the feel of a speakeasy but also had sweet handmade decorations adorning the walls. The place was endearing to him, somehow, because of how unabashedly unique it was. 
You directed Ashton to your favorite table in the back corner while you went up to the counter to order for the both of them. By the time Ashton had gathered his bearings in his seat, you returned with a tray full of food. 
“Welcome to the “Quilted Corner,” you introduced him to the cafe. “Everyone’s favorite eatery in the darkest corner of Los Angeles. And by everybody I mean probably just me and five other people.” 
Ashton nodded dubiously, understanding the unique name for the place once he got a good look at the grandma-esque decorations. 
“And what do you have in your tray of horrors?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the assorted foods.
You began to divide the food between the two of you, the mountain of greasy foods slowly turning into a valley and then nothing at all. 
“I’m going to change your goddamn life, Irwin,” you declared, taking a napkin and wiping your hands with it. “This is the order Granny Stevenson -the owner- recommended to me when I first came here. I was lost in the city looking for a place to duck and cover from the paparazzi and came across this lovely place.”
You gestured to the spread of foods. “This is the “homesick cure,”” you told him. “It consisted of two double cheeseburgers, a side of fries, and a milkshake. All completed with Granny Stevenson’s special sauce.” 
“And a heart attack,” Ashton deadpanned. 
You ignored his statement. “This place is really special to me,” you confessed. “It actually cured my homesickness and Granny Stevenson is a grandma-away-from-home to me. This place is where I go to write songs or just get away from it all.”
Ashton poked at his order, a thin film of oil coating his fingertips. “I don’t see the inspiration factor here,” he said, his nose scrunched up. “It just looks like another fast food place in America.”
“That’s where you’re wrong, sad mis-fed rockstar,” you said with a smirk. You pointed at the one last item you didn’t mention. “Behold the Grandpa Stevenson special.” You held up the dish and smelled it deeply. “A blueberry cheesecake made in-house with all the love this place can put into it. Name a place that sells that kinda love, Ashton.” 
“I’m pretty sure Burger King sold that at one point in a mall food court,” he snipped back. 
You narrowed your eyes at the pessimistic drummer. “Not sold with love,” you reminded him. “Besides, they actually make this stuff here. No processed shit, only love.”
Ashton scoffed, turning his head away from the table. Love. What a load of bullshit. If you were gullible enough to buy into the “love” this restaurant sold you, you definitely wouldn’t make it in the cut throat music industry. You were too innocent. It was only a matter of time until those producers and media companies tear you apart like they did with him and the band.
Despite his negative attitude, he took a fork and tried a piece of the cheesecake. The light dessert just about melted on his tongue, the flavors of cream, blueberry, and cinnamon dancing along his tongue. It was the best thing he’s ever tried.
“Told ya,” you sang, eating your own meal with a knowing smirk on your face. 
Ashton feigned a look of disgust. “You didn’t tell me shit,” he grumbled. “It tastes like every other cheesecake.” That was a lie. It wasn’t like anything he’d ever tasted. Somehow, it tasted like home. 
You tried to wipe your messy face with a napkin. “No one that thinks this is an average cheesecake makes that kinda face.” When Ashton didn’t understand, you sighed, preparing to make the same face. “It’s the look you get when you touch down in your hometown after an eleven hour flight. Or the face you make when you write a banger bridge for a song you’ve dedicated weeks to. Or it’s the look you get when everything makes sense in the world.” 
Ashton stabbed his cheesecake and shoveled more of it into his mouth. Pure Heaven. “Whatever,” he huffed. 
The two of you finished the rest of your meal in silence, aside from sighs of content from you because the food was that damn good. You finished off your milkshake, but not before picking up the straw wrapper and tying a knot, just like you did at the cafe before. 
“Pull away, rockstar,” you instructed. Reluctantly, Ashton followed suit and tugged at the paper, the knot ending up on his side this time. You cheered, clasping your hands together. “It’s your turn now! Your first wish that shall be granted by the straw gods.”
Ashton shot you a look before tossing the wrapper to the side. “I don’t really care for wishes,” he stated plainly. You frowned at his negative attitude and that look alone made Ashton’s heart lurch. He instantly felt bad for the way he’s been treating you; it wasn’t your fault the press hated him. But still, he couldn’t help but put some blame on you. It was better than wallowing in self hate, he supposed. 
“It’s okay,” you collected yourself. “You can save that wish for when you need it.”
“I’m pretty sure I’m not going to need it,” he responded sarcastically.
You chuckled, taking a bite out of Ashton’s cheesecake. He let out a shout of protest but you paid no attention to him. “Trust me,” you assured him. “There’s always a time when you need a wish in L.A.”
“She’s weird,” Ashton grumbled, readjusting the cuffs of his button up. The boys were preparing for their interview with Buzzfeed in their shared dressing room, fighting for space in front of the mirror. 
It’s been a total of three months since you and Ashton started your fake relationship and the media has been eating it up. They followed the both of you everywhere you went, hiding in cars and in alleyways to get a glimpse of the so-called happy couple. You played your part well, holding his hand in public and kissing his cheek whenever you had the opportunity. From the public’s point of view, Ashton was just as taken by you as you were with him. The media fawned over his boyish grin and blush whenever you’d readjust his beanie in the winter cold. 
On your end, you were genuinely falling for the boy. Behind closed doors, he was just a boy from Australia, new to the fast paced life of being a celebrity. You saw through his cold facade, slowly cracking through the walls he put up around his heart, and you had a feeling you were growing on him. He’d still quip sarcastic comments and roll his eyes, but you didn’t miss the small smile that would rest on his face when he thought you weren’t looking. As rare as his genuine smiles were, you relished those moments because it was the only times you’d see the real Ashton, not the one he’s put out for the paparazzi. 
Ashton, however, was still holding out his grudge against you, albeit very weakly. His tough exterior was indeed toppling slowly. Your kind nature was just too sweet to not find you a little endearing. Ashton would never admit that you had grown on him a little, and a small part of him possibly looked forward to your weekly dates. He learned so much from you, it was as if he never wanted to stop listening to you. Not that he would tell you that, though. 
“That’s all you’ve ever said about her,” Michael shot back, glancing at the mirror to check his hair one more time. “Come on, mate, it’s been three months. Surely you have something new to say about her?” 
Calum agreed wholeheartedly. “Yeah, she’s come to the studio during her breaks from recording. That’s not even in your dating contract but she still does it.”
“Not to mention she gets us coffee every time,” Luke piped up. “That coffee is addictive, where does she get it?” 
Ashton couldn’t help but smile at the thought. He knew you’d always stop by the Quilted Corner -no matter how far of a walk it was- to pick up some coffee. And he knew you always tried to be slick about it, but he’d always catch you tucking away a slice of blueberry cheesecake in the band’s fridge, just for him. He’d never mention it, though. He wanted to let you have your fun. 
Calum let out a shout, pointing at the drummer accusingly. “Aha!” he cheered. “I knew she was growing on you!”
“What the hell are you going on about, Cal?” Ashton demanded, exasperated by his friends’ antics. 
Calum continued his childish shimmy, the other boys gleefully joining in. “You got that dumb smirk on your face,” Calum smugly pointed out. “You’ve got it bad for y/n, don’t you.” 
Before Ashton could respond, the director shouted, “Five minutes till shooting!” Glaring at the boys to keep them silent, Ashton made his way to the chairs in front of the camera, silently praying for this interview to be quick and over with. 
“Welcome to Buzzfeed, boys,” the director’s assistant approached them with a smile. She was petite but her voice was strong and insistent. “Make sure to always look at the camera, but above all, smile and don’t look down. The viewers want to see your faces, okay?” Nodding in confirmation, the boys readied themselves for the camera as the assistant swiftly moved out of the way. 
“Yeah Ash, don’t doze off dreaming of y/n,” Luke snickered into his ear, making the other boys chuckle along with him -aside from Ashton, of course.
The interview went as well as one could expect. The questions about the boys’ past were still continuously brought up but the boys answered the questions with grace they could only credit to Manuela. Luckily enough, the interviewer seemed to enjoy their responses, noting a significant maturity in the boys. They seemed to have gotten over their party phase and turned into serious musicians during their break from tours and parties. 
“Final question is for Ashton,” the interviewer shuffled through their papers. “Sources have spotted you and new singer songwriter y/n l/n around L.A. quite a bit following the end of the North American 1989 tour. Now, you both have confirmed your relationship and made it very clear you two are together. Has y/n been an influence in the reshaping of your image in the media?” 
Ashton bit the inside of his cheek. Just remember what Manuela rehearsed with you, he thought. 
“Yeah, y/n’s been great,” he answered, trying to not sound as monotone as he did during his practice runs. “She’s been such a great influence to me and the boys, always keeping a positive outlook on things. I learn a lot from her, and I’d like to think she’s learned quite a bit from me, too.” 
“Like jumping into the neighbor’s pool at midnight?” the interviewer jested, referencing the one time Ashton had drunkenly trespassed his neighbor’s home while they were on vacation. 
Ashton tried not to cringe at that one memory, heavily wanting to keep that part of him in the past. “Definitely not that,” he laughed awkwardly. “But definitely in a sense of navigating newly received fame and things like that.” 
“That’s great to hear,” they hummed. “Should we be expecting anything from you guys? Maybe a collaboration of some sort?”
The drummed shrugged his shoulders honestly. “It’s all up to her,” he responded. “We’re still taking a break from touring, but we do have an album in the works. Writing music with her is definitely on the table, for sure.” 
Ashton wasn’t sure what word vomit was spewing from his lips. Last time he checked, it wasn’t up to you whether or not you wanted to collab with the boys (you were clearly apprehensive about invading his space), he didn’t want to write music with her (possibly due to the fact that the last time you had a joint writing session, he was stuck staring at you curled up on the other side of the couch; you were just mesmerizing but he’d never admit that aloud), and he hated lovey dovey shit (because he hated the warm feeling brewing in his stomach whenever you’d smile or laugh at his jokes). But it wasn’t like he liked you, right? He had to focus on his career, his boys, his life. Not a relationship that’s destined for failure no doubt because of the media. 
 “I’m afraid that’s all the time we have for you guys, thank you so much for coming to our studio today!” The interviewer finished off the closing statements for their interview while Ashton was left inside his head. 
Truth be told, he was conflicted. He had, in fact, gotten significantly closer with you, closer than he’d expected to be at the very least. He still tried to be closed off, tried to push you away from him so he wouldn’t get attached and heartbroken in the end. You just made it so damn difficult. 
“Nice responses, Ash,” Michael patted his shoulder as they gathered their things in their dressing room. “Really downplayed how much you liked her there.” 
Ashton raised an eyebrow while picking up his phone from the side table. He was stupid enough to not look at the text messages. Particularly the ones from you that stated you were on your way to the studio for your own interview. 
“What are you saying, Mike?” Ashton asked tiredly, tired of the relentless teasing and questions he’s gotten about you all afternoon. 
“Mike’s saying that we know you’re in so deep with her,” Luke spoke up from the back as he slipped on his jacket. “Like, L-word close with her.”
Love? Why the hell would he love you? This was all a fake set up for their careers, why didn’t they get that? 
“Can you guys knock it off?” Ashton snapped, finally raising his voice. “I don’t like y/n and I never will. I don’t even like her as a friend. She’s obnoxious, annoying, and so unbelievably difficult to work with; the two of us will never work out. And thank God for that because if I have to spend more than 10 months with her to save your asses’ careers, I’m leaving the fucking band.” 
“Ash-” Calum said meekly.
“No!” he cut him off harshly. “I’m sick of being pushed around like a fucking doll for publicity. The band was doomed from the start because the press won’t leave us the fuck alone. And using y/n as a last Hail Mary is as stupid as it is useless. She’s going to be nothing more than a washed up young celebrity like the rest of us and fade to the past.” 
“Ash!” Michael stopped him. “That’s enough, we get it.” 
Ashton didn’t piece together their hastiness until it was too late. He turned around to see you standing before them. He didn’t even hear the door open. Your eyes were welling up as your mouth was slightly opened by his outburst. 
“Hi guys,” you weakly greeted them. 
Ashton took a step forward, freezing when he saw you stagger back. “y/n,” he whispered, unable to know where to start with his apology. 
“I have an interview in ten minutes,” you informed them quickly. “I’ll see you around later, yeah?” 
You seemed to have taken that as final as you pushed them out of the dressing room and closed the door shut. You didn’t move from the door until you heard all of their footsteps trail off and out of the studio. You let out a shaky breath you didn’t even know you were holding in as you hang your head low. And to think you thought he actually might have liked you, too. 
A knock interrupted your thoughts. “Ms. l/n?” a voice spoke up. “My name’s Ryan and my buddy Shane and I wanted to know if–” 
“Sorry,” you said, opening the door sheepishly. You hoped your face wasn’t giving away your embarrassment and hurt you were experiencing. “I-um, I think I need to be alone for a sec.” 
“Oh!” the taller one exclaimed. “To call Ashton? I think I saw him walk that way.” 
You bit your lip, nodding painfully slow. “Yeah,” you croaked. “Thanks, I’ll be headed there soon.” 
You didn’t leave any time for debate or questions as you pushed through the pair and walked in the opposite direction, straight to the bathroom. The two men glanced at each other in concern. 
“What’s up with her?” Shane asked.
Ryan only shrugged his shoulders. “I guess it’ll remain unsolved,” he mused wisely.
“That’ll be a great name for a show one day!”
“I know right?”
You were lucky that there was enough conflict in both of your schedules to postpone your date to three weeks after the interview. To say you were anxious was an understatement. You picked at your fingernails as you waited for Ashton to arrive at the park. 
You were conflicted with the entire agreement. A part of you wanted to end the agreement, rip the contract into shreds. Ashton was right, wasn’t he? This plan was useless, and your fifteen minutes of fame were almost up. It was only a matter of time until you were no longer relevant. Then what would you do? You’d have to go back home and start over, and maybe that’s better than what you had for yourself now: a fake relationship for attention. 
But at the same time, you had fallen hard for Ashton. Behind his rough exterior was a shy musician that was passionate in what he did. He loved music, but loved his friends and family more. You admired him for that, realizing that he only had a harsh image because he was protective of who he loved. You only wished that he saved that part of himself for you, too.
“I didn’t think you’d come,” a soft voice spoke behind you.
You turned around on your bench to see Ashton standing, hands sheepishly in his pockets. His cheeks were red from the cold as his eyes were trained on the ground. 
“Of course I did,” you responded somewhat brusquely. “It’s part of the contract, afterall.” 
Ashton scoffed, making you raise an eyebrow irritatedly. You had every right to be a bitch to him. He was the one bad mouthing you in the first place. Your mixed emotions had sat in your stomach for the past few weeks. Your anger was winning out the heartsick feeling. 
“What are you scoffing about, rockstar?” you quipped, disgust filling your tone instead of affection as it usually was in the nickname you gave him. “I signed that paper as much as you did.” 
“It wasn’t like it was my fucking idea,” he shot back, frustration fueling his voice. He pulled at his hair and laughed, but there was no humor behind it. “In case you forgot, I was forced into this bullshit! And to think I was actually going to apologize to you.” 
“About which part?” you shouted back sarcastically. “The part where you called me obnoxious and annoying? Or how about when you couldn’t stand to spend any more time with me or else you’d quit the band? Oh I know! How about when you called me a washed up celebrity? Take your pick, rockstar! You’ve got plenty to choose from!”
“Don’t fucking call me that!” he raised his voice higher than he ever had before. “God, I’m fucking sick of you and your “holier than thou” bullshit! You’re only in this shit for the money and the fame. I’m tired of playing this game and being a fucking plot device to launch your career! Maybe if you actually had substance instead of putting up the “innocent girl from a small town” act, people would like you more! Because Jesus fuck I don’t!” 
What Ashton failed to realize was that your ten minute grace period between meeting and the paparazzi coming was up. The photographers circled around you like predators stalking their prey, starving for anything to satisfy their appetites. You were too caught up in your argument, too, oblivious to the prying eyes of the public. 
“Don’t act like you’re so perfect,” you spat. “You want my honest opinion about you? I think you’re nothing but a stuck up member of a boyband who’s pissy because the attention’s no longer on him anymore. Face it, Ashton! You’re just like everybody else here! Self-centered, fucked up, and ignorant as all hell. Maybe that’s why the media fucking hates you! It’s not because they twist your actions, you just are a fucking terrible person and it’s about time you realized that!” 
Ashton silently seethed, opening and closing his fists as he tried to find the right words to say. “You really think that?” he asked in a low tone. He wasn’t really sure if he wanted to hear your response. Despite his harsh words, he truly craved your validation and he knew that he wasn’t going to hear what he wanted. 
“Yes,” you swallowed. “I do.” Silence filled the cold air as you stood at a standstill. The air filled your lungs like icy needles, not yet thawed for the seasonal change that was yet to come. It was like a test between the two of you. Who was going to be the first to bite the bullet and say what’s been on your minds? 
You made your decision. “Let’s end this,” you said, voice wavering. “Let’s put the both of us out of our misery and end this once and for all. I think we both got enough of each other.”
Ashton was taken aback. He thought the same thing, but he didn’t think you’d be the one to say it. If he was being honest, he didn’t want to end it. If he could spend the rest of his life on a tightrope, teetering towards anger and frustration for eternity just to be with you, he’d do it. But he knew he was hurting you as much as you were hurting him. He knew what he had to do.
“Good,” he agreed, mustering enough strength to not cry right there. He really was losing the one good thing he had going for him. And it was all his fault. “I’ll have Manuela reach out to your manager. You can..lose my number, I guess.”
“If that’s what you want,” you told him smoothly. On the inside, you were crumbling apart.
Ashton forced a nod. “Yeah, that’s what I want.” 
He didn’t expect things to get as bad as they did. Ashton knew the paparazzi was everywhere, he always did. But dammit, he got so lost in his anger that it slipped his mind. And the one time it did, everything went wrong.
But for the first time, the blame wasn’t on him. Not in the eyes of the media, at least. 
Is America’s Sweetheart y/n l/n Actually a Monster? 
Pop Princess y/n l/n rips Australian Musician Ashton Irwin Apart
End of an Era: Irwin-l/n Break Up is Messy and Unexpected
Even on Twitter, you couldn’t catch a break. 
On every magazine and gossip column was a picture of your encounter with Ashton at the park. Lucky for Ash, the media only got a glimpse of your rant at him and didn’t get any footage of him yelling back at you. To the public, he looked like the innocent party while you looked completely wicked. 
Oh God, Ashton thought. I just ruined her life.
The weeks that followed were rough. Manuela called for a group meeting and told them that their ratings have gone through the roof. 5 Seconds of Summer were finally back on the good side of the press and were labeled as the “innocent boys from Australia” that got “led down the wrong path.” Manuela was happy that her plan had worked; 5SOS is back on track, but she was disappointed at what it cost. 
“Is there anything we can do to help her?” Michael asked at the end of the meeting. 
Manuela pressed her lips together. “I’m afraid not,” she sighed. “y/n’s manager cut off all ties with us. I think we got the message that she wants nothing to do with us.” 
Calum checked his phone, cringing at the amount of tagged posts he was in. All of them bashing you and everything you’ve worked so hard to create. 
“We have to do something,” Calum pleaded. “She’s not just a coworker; she’s a friend. She’s always been there for us, even if Ash wasn’t here, she’d come by. We can’t leave her hanging like this.” 
“Ash,” Luke turned to his friend, blue eyes pleading and desperate. “Can you talk to her? Maybe we can work something out. Anything.” 
Ashton stammered before he responded. What could he do? He was the very last person you’d want to see right now. He got you into this mess and painted you out to be a monster. The blame should have fully been on him. You wouldn’t have yelled at him if he didn’t push you over the limit. 
“Why should it be me?” he asked. “She hates me.” 
Michael scoffed at his friend, clearly upset at his poor attempt at weaseling his way out of this. “You’re joking,” he deadpanned. “She adored you. Whether you liked her or not she was your biggest supporter. When you weren’t around at the studio, she talked the world about you. You may have not liked her, but she loved you. So you have to fix this.” 
“Boys, relax,” Manuela insisted. “I’m certain her publicity team has a plan set for situations like these. She’s probably going to keep quiet for a while then re-emerge into the public scene again once the public wounds have healed. So it’ll be in her best interest and yours if you keep quiet and not cause a scene. Not when the public finally has a positive outlook on you.”
“That’s so..” Luke huffed defeatedly. “Wrong.” 
Manuela patted his knee comfortingly. “That’s the music industry, love.” 
You truly fell off the face of the earth. Ashton was at a loss. After the presumed “silent break” you took, he thought you’d get back into the swing of things. Media tabloids had died down, and it seemed like the public had forgotten about your argument and moved onto the next interesting thing. But you didn’t come back. Not even to your studio, the place remained empty. You didn’t respond to his calls, all of them going straight to voicemail. Your manager only picked up her phone once, insisting he stopped calling if he knew what was best for him. Not even your friends answered his frequent dm’s. 
Your instagram was dormant. The last post was of Ashton a month back, playing his guitar and smiling down at his lyric book. He didn’t even realize you took that picture until you posted it. He was a little shocked that you kept it up, considering all things, but at the same time you didn’t post anything anymore. You used to post everyday, updating everyone about your hectic life. All that was left were the photos that remained on your page. Ashton had caught himself too many times scrolling through, just to see your smiling face again. He beat himself up over the fact that his last glimpse of you in person was nothing but a broken shell of who you once were. 
Ashton pushed the door open, entering the last place he thought of that you could possibly be in. The smell of the restaurant was the same as it always was, full of spices and sweets that made his mouth water. But he had to stay focused. He needed to find you and talk to you. 
Behind the counter, an older couple approached him. Ashton immediately recognized them as the Stevensons, the couple you adored more than their own food. It seemed like they recognized him too once they reached the counter space. 
“You must be Ashton,” the older woman said, readjusting her glasses. Her wrinkles appeared as she greeted him with a smile, a sign that she lived a life full of laughter and smiles. The kind of life you confessed you wanted desperately. “y/n has spoken so highly of you.” 
Ashton ducked his head, blushing at the compliment. Even when you were gone you still managed to light up the room and make him seem like a better person than he actually was. “That’s actually why I came here,” he told them. “I was wondering if you had seen y/n come by.” 
The gentleman beside Mrs. Stevenson shook his head. “Afraid not, son,” he responded. “Not for a while, actually. We were quite disheartened about that, but that girl is always so busy, isn’t she?” Ashton smiled, trying not to wince as he cringed on the inside. 
“Let me make you something, honey,” Mrs. Stevenson insisted, rushing to kitchens before he could refuse. 
Mr. Stevenson ushered Ashton to the booths, away from the restaurant regulars. Ashton ran his fingers through his hair, the rain soaking his brown locks. Spring was a bitch with the rain, but he knew how much you loved it. “What brings you here, son?” he asked. “You usually come with y/n. Don’t tell me she’s in any sort of trouble now, is she?” 
Ashton sat down, dusting off his jeans. “Not exactly,” he answered honestly. “H-have you not heard in the gossip tabloids?” 
“Oh no,” Mr. Stevenson waved his hand. “We were never one for those magazines. Sarah is always strict on rechilut.” 
Ashton nodded along. “I did something wrong,” he confessed heavily. “And I hurt y/n. Not physically, but honestly it feels worse. I want to make things right, but I don’t think she even wants to talk to me.” 
“That’s nonsense,” Mr. Stevenson insisted. “y/n would never cut ties with people like that. Especially you, she was very fond of you.” It seemed like everyone knew that except for Ashton himself. “y/n talked to me like I was her own grandfather. Now, all my kids are grown up and moved out of California, so they don’t come around much. I appreciated her company, and I know for a fact that you shouldn’t give up on her.” 
The drummer’s shoulders slumped guiltily. “I don’t think I deserve that,” he told him. “I was awful to her. I did everything wrong. I don’t think she’d believe me if I told her I loved her all along.”
“Do you really love her?” Mr. Stevenson asked him softly. 
Ashton looked up into the older man’s gray eyes. He saw so much life, so much wisdom in them. If he looked deeper, he saw himself in his eyes, the him he missed all along. “Yes,” he answered truthfully. “I really do.” 
Mr. Stevenson patted his shoulder affectionately. “Then lead with that,” he advised him. “I’ve lived a long life, Ashton. And most of my life has been spent with my dear Sarah. If there’s anything I learned from that, it’s that sometimes you need to shut the hell up and let your love speak for you.” 
Ashton let out a tearful chuckle at his advice. Mrs. Stevenson rushed out of the kitchen, a steaming plate in hand. The older woman set it on the table in front of him. 
“I hope you don’t mind that I guessed what your homesick cure was,” she said sheepishly. “Artie said I should stop guessing but I had a gut feeling on this one. I was right for n/n, I hope I was right for you.”  
Mrs. Stevenson set down the plate to reveal a healthy serving of spaghetti and a glass of water on the table. Ashton’s heart clenched at the sight. “Did I get it right, dear?” 
Ashton couldn’t even respond, he just nodded wordlessly like a child on Christmas morning, eager to play with his toys. Mrs. Stevenson chuckled at his response, ruffling his hair gently like a mother would. “Eat it while it’s hot, honey,” she told him. “And I’m sorry, but it seems like someone forgot to order another package of straws. You’ll have to drink from the glass, I’m afraid.” 
Artie stood up from his side of the booth, playfully rolling his eyes. “I’m on it, honey,” he responded, following closely behind his wife. Before leaving to the kitchen, he turned around and gave the boy a wink. 
Left to his own devices, Ashton tucked his hand into his jacket and nearly jumped out of his seat in shock. Pulling it out, he realized it was the knotted end of the paper straw wrapper from so long ago. Turns out he really did need that wish. 
“Let me make things right,” he wished in his head. “I just want one last chance to do the right thing.” 
Setting it on the table, all Ashton could do was hope that whatever was out in the universe heard him.
Soon enough, you did emerge from the shadows of your hiatus. You were lucky to have a loyal enough fanbase to keep you afloat, and your tour was still set for that summer. You were grateful for the fans that stuck around, and the new ones that came along the way. It was a rough journey, but you tried your best to power through it to the best of your ability. 
Now, you were in your dressing room at the venue you were expected to perform in, an absolute fucking wreck. You were curled up on your couch, trembling and unable to even raise your head from your chest. Sobs filled your room, but you insisted to every manager and passersby that you needed to be alone and fix it yourself. 
To tell the truth, you never truly recovered from the media frenzy that took you and Ashton by storm. You knew you had every right to turn the tides on him, revealing to the world that he wasn’t the perfect saint everyone painted him out to be. But you didn’t, and no one on your publicity team was able to figure out why. 
 The reason was that you were still unexplainably attached to Ashton. Somehow, even though he put you in the situation where everyone started to hate you, you couldn’t help but now be able to understand why he acted the way he did. How he was overprotective of the boys and acted out of self preservation simply because of how cruel the media could be. By no means did you excuse him for putting you in that situation, but you still grasped some understanding. 
The difference between you and the drummer, however, was that he had a support system: his boys. You were practically alone to deal with the mess, cornered and vulnerable. 
You were shaking frantically in your room, unable to free yourself from your thoughts. Only one look at your phone caused your entire psyche to crumble. One fucking tweet about you shook your confidence. Some anonymous user critiqued your music, only attributing your success to your past “relationship” with Ashton. Those simple words broke down the walls you were just beginning to rebuild, and now you were stuck in your dressing room, thirty minutes before you were called onstage. 
Meanwhile, Ashton was navigating through the maze backstage looking for you. A bouquet of your favorite flowers were in one hand, a handwritten card in the other. He figured you’d be somewhere backstage, prepping for your show. He didn’t count on you being in your dressing room since you told him in the past that you loved to watch the crowd from behind the curtains. 
But to his shock, you were still in your pajamas hyperventilating on the couch. Ashton has witnessed this before; he’s experienced this before. But seeing you go through the same struggles he and his boys went through caused his heart to ache even more. 
“y/n?” he called out to you. You didn’t respond, eyes still trained on the ground as your grip around your legs tightened. Ashton set his things down on the side table, instantly kneeling in front of you. 
“Ashton?” you finally spoke, voice raspy and exhausted. For a split second, you thought you were actually hallucinating, envisioning the one man you needed but feared the most. But his cologne wafted into your nostrils, alerting you it was him in the flesh. “What are you-” You heaved a deep breath, choking out a sob. You could barely take the overwhelming stress towering over you like a deadly ocean wave. It was only a matter of time until it took you under and swallowed you whole. 
“Love, I’m going to need you to breathe,” he instructed, his hands finding yours. In your anxious state, you were able to distract yourself from your worries at the mere touch of his calloused fingertips. It was a silent calling to you, gently beckoning you back into reality but not quite succeeding. 
Ashton took your hand and pressed it against his chest, tucking it underneath his slightly unbuttoned shirt. His warm skin electrified your palm, making your heart race -not from the anxiety- but from butterflies. “Pay attention to my breathing and try to copy it, okay?” 
At first, you struggled to listen to his instructions. You worked on your anxiety with your therapists over more sessions than you could count. You tried box breathing, yoga, and even journaling but nothing ever calmed your nerves, especially after the media went after you. 
But suddenly, you concentrated on the slow rise and fall of Ashton’s chest. The way his chest hair tickled your palms in a way that made you want to scrunch your nose at the feeling. How his heart was beating nearly out of his chest but you could tell he was trying to minimize it so he could attend to your needs first. 
You felt your Ashton. 
Moments that felt like hours passed until your breathing went back to normal and your tear stained cheeks dried. Ashton kept your hand against his chest, occasionally squeezing it to bring you back to reality when you teetered back into spiraling. This time, though, he rose from the ground and sat beside you. You let him move your legs over his lap as he practically held you against him. His smell was overwhelming. You could smell his cologne and shampoo, even the faint scent of weed from off his lips. He was intoxicating. He was the drug, dangling above your head, and you were weak, enthralled, captivated, addicted.
You found yourself leaning in to kiss Ashton, a real kiss this time. No corner of the lip bullshit that the press ate up every time. You didn’t expect him to kiss you back with the same fervor as you, hand wrapping around your waist and the other behind your head. It was sloppy, wet, and all shapes of perfect that you couldn’t describe. The taste of tea and weed transferred from his lips to yours as he pulled you in deeper. You gripped his shirt in your fist, hoping in your mind to mold your body against his and disappear from the world, anything as long as you were with him. His love was your poison and, at the same time, your cure. 
Reality began to sink in, making you push Ashton away forcefully and standing on your feet. He flew back into the couch, eyes wide and lips swollen. His perfectly slicked back hair was a gorgeous mess, curls gracefully falling down his face. Confusion riddled his face as he watched you curl back into yourself. 
“What are you–” 
“I shouldn’t have done that,” you whispered, unsure if you were saying that to him or yourself. “Why did I do that?”
Ashton stood up and reached for your hand, only for you to jerk back. “D-don’t touch me!” you exclaimed, scared of your own volume. Anxiety began to knock at your door once again, creeping in like a deadly virus into your system. “How could I be so stupid? Haven’t you put me through enough?”
You started to pace around your room, Ashton watching you move frantically back and forth until he got dizzy. You murmured to yourself not so quietly, scolding yourself for your stupidity and cursing him out for his enticing nature. All over again, Ashton was seeing you crumble.
“y/n, stop,” he ordered firmly, gripping your shoulders. You jerked to a stop, pausing to look Ashton in the eyes. You found yourself getting lost in the pool of hazel, wide eyed and entranced. “You’re going on stage in twenty minutes. Whatever’s going through your head right now, quit it. All of that can be put on pause until after the show, you hear me? And if that voice in your head brings it up while you’re out there, shut it down. What matters now is you, your music, and your fans. Fuck that voice telling you you’re anything short of great.” 
In his empowering speech, you forced yourself to listen to his words, ignoring the person those words were coming from. Taking his advice, you cleared your mind of the past few months and only focused on this moment: your first concert of your North American tour. 
Rushing to get ready, you scrambled around your room to prepare your hair and makeup. Ashton picked out your clothes for the concert, something simple that you absolutely adored but you paid little attention to the way your heart pounded at the thought. And in those twenty minutes, you were set for the show.
Your microphone in one hand and guitar in the other, you made your way straight to the stage. Ashton followed close behind you to ensure you didn’t misstep or forget anything. Mere inches away from the stage, you whipped your head around to meet his gaze just one more time.
“Thank you,” you whispered gratefully. “I know we haven’t talked, but thank you. Can I look for you after the show?” 
Your heart shattered at the shake of his head. “I’ve got a plane to catch right after your show so I can’t come by after,” he told you remorsefully. “But if you’ll have me, I’ll be right here when you come back from tour. Maybe then we can start again, correctly this time. None of the cameras, scripts, or any of that, yeah?” 
The sound of your name being chanted by the crowd was nearly deafening, but his words reached your ears and you smiled softly at him. In the corner of your eye, your stage manager pointed at her watch to inform you it was time to go up. Wordlessly, you pressed your lips one last time against his. 
“Don’t be a stranger, Irwin,” you told him, turning on your heel and pushing through the curtains. The crowd shrieked and screamed at the sight of you, instantly bringing a proud grin to Ashton’s face. 
This was only the beginning of something new and truly beautiful, Ashton thought to himself, hands in his pockets as he made his way to the VIP section.
Several months have passed since your North American and European tour and it has been almost a full year since you started your publicity stunt with Ashton. Throughout the tour, you and Ashton -and the boys, of course- kept close contact with each other, never going more than a day without a phone call or video chat. Over this period, you felt like you finally got to know the real Ashton, not bits and pieces he’d accidentally let slip when he first got to know you. This time, he was real and genuine, and that only made me love him more.
You tiredly dragged your suitcase up your apartment complex’s stairs, heaving at the ridiculous weight as you made your way down to your apartment. You didn’t expect to see a certain hazel eyed drummer standing behind the door when you unlocked it.
“Surprise,” he said sheepishly, balloons and blueberry cheesecake in hand. Tears instantly filled your eyes, you dropped your suitcase and wrapped your arms around his neck, nearly causing him to drop the dessert. 
Truth be told, you weren’t expecting to see him so soon, if at all. Your journey with your mental health has been a long one, and there were plenty of ups and downs. A part of you -one you were a little ashamed of- didn’t expect him to keep to his word that he’d be here now. Despite the plenty of calls and talks you had to rekindle your relationship, that nagging voice in the back of your head kept on asking “what if?” What if he took back what he said about wanting to start over? What if it was all in your head, and he never wanted to see you again? But without fail, Ashton was there, willing to rebuild your relationship into a close-knit friendship. And now he’s here, asking to make it something more. 
“You’re here,” you murmured into his chest, taking in his smell that you missed so dearly. “I didn’t think you’d come this soon. How did you even get in?”
Ashton pulled away, holding up your spare key. “Your friend gave it to me today,” he explained. 
Grinning you brought him back down into a hug before settling in and opening the box of cheesecake. Taking out two forks, the two of you ate straight from the box and caught up on everything, though there wasn’t much considering how often you both talked while you were away. 
“I’m really grateful you let me back in,” Ashton spoke up once the box had emptied. 
You were half listening, polishing off the plate of its sweet crumbs. “You let yourself in, silly,” you snorted, not quite understanding what he meant. “You’re the one who got a hold of my apartment key.”
Ashton chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief. “Not that,” he laughed. “I mean letting me back into your life. I still don’t think I deserve it.”
“We talked about this, Ash,” you leaned back, setting your fork down. “We both said things we didn’t mean that day. We recognized it and we worked from it. We’ve moved on, and we’re friends. I think you deserve it as much as I do.” 
Ashton’s cheeks were tinged red as he tried to think of the right words to say. “I know,” he started. “But sometimes, I wish we had..more.” 
“More?” you raised an eyebrow. It took another second of you watching the drummer blush in embarrassment and vulnerability before it finally clicked. “Oh.”
Ashton stood up abruptly, wiping the invisible specks of dust off his jeans. “You can forget it,” he rushed in humiliation. “I-I just couldn’t stop thinking about that night of your first concert, how it felt, how you felt- and-”
“Ashton, slow down,” you giggled, standing up, taking his hand and tugging him toward you. A small smile rested on your face. “I still think about that night, too,” you confessed honestly. “And I want that, too. Whatever it is that you want.” 
The drummer looked up from your intertwined hands and into your eyes. He swore he saw stars in them. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked. “Again?”
You pulled him down into a kiss, your lips craving his all over again. “Yes,” you answered confidently as soon as you backed away to catch your breath. “I will be your girlfriend. Again.”
The two of you shared a laugh, enjoying the silent but welcoming comfort of each other. Standing in the middle of your kitchen, lips coated in sugar and blueberries. 
“What was your wish?” Ashton asked, pulling you closer to him as he broke the s. “Back at that restaurant when we first met?”
You hummed in thought, eagerly pressing your lips against his one more time to relish the moment. “My wish was that whatever we had back then,” you whispered, letting him in on your secret. “turns into something more.” 
“Well your wish came true, didn’t it?” Ashton smiled, a warm feeling bursting in his chest. 
You leaned your forehead against his, eyes fluttering closed. “Yes, Ash,” you said. “Yes it did.” 
please like and reblog if u enjoyed! &lt;3
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worriedvision · 11 months
Lovers to strangers (Part 2) - Gepard (turning towards Luka here though)
Part 1 here. Gender neutral reader, Sampo betrays the reader here. I'm writing in Luka here BC I felt like it lol, he may or may not be your next love interest but shh.
Your place for rent was chasing you up about payments that were missing from your accounts, and you only realised what happened after you were eventually evicted. Now on the street, your stuff with you, Sampo was there with a gift box.
"Here, open it." Sampo states, brimming with excitement at you receiving this present he made for you. Opening it, a big cloud of smoke obscures your view, you hearing his voice giggling as he escapes. When your vision becomes clear, you see a letter addressed to you.
I'm not actually your brother! Isn't it funny how you went with that so easily?
Anyway, thanks for your generous donation to the Sampo Koski fund.
Love you like a brother,
Sampo Koski.'
Your jaw drops, processing the fact you didn't actually have a brother. The bastard scammed you, he took your long term boyfriend away from you by referring to himself as your brother, and now he's taken all of your savings. You can only hope Natasha would still be happy to keep you around as an assistant, despite your wishful thinking backfiring at you like this.
"Are you _?" You hear a man ask, shaking you from your thoughts. You nod, and he smiles as he introduces himself. "The name's Luka. Doctor Natasha told me you'd be able to accompany me to my cage fights tonight."
Oh, uhh..." You trail off, looking at the letter once more.
What was the probability that Sampo was going to be there? Would he call you out as the idiot who thought he was related to you?
"Just this once? I'm sure once you see me fight, you'll be convinced to tag along." Luka smirks, his mechanical arm giving an enthusiastic thumbs up.
Turns out, Luka was right.
He got your mind off your situation for a bit, in fact it seemed like he was fighting for you. Flashing smiles and winks at you when he had a second, giving his all in a lovely fight, and he eventually won the battle.
"Hah, Sampo lost another bet!" You hear someone cackle. "He's always wrong about Luka."
Luka taps your shoulder, smiling warmly at you as you begin to carry out the checks for his arm, as well as the basics.
"I heard about him, you know? He was boasting about screwing you over." Luka huffs, frowning to himself. "He's a shady guy, but he's also really good at pretending. I don't blame you for thinking you were related."
...just how did he know about all of this? Did everyone know about him being fake with you about your relation to him? Did your boyfriend know all this time?
"I think this was one of my best fights. I think you're my good luck charm." Luka chuckles. "How about I treat you to a congratulatory meal for helping my victory?"
Natasha knew fine well Luka was going to be fine without having a doctor there, but she knew he was one of the few guys that you would be safe with. Natasha knew he was stealing glances at you whenever he could, a very obvious look of interest in his eyes and his heart rate growing at a rapid rate when you enter the room. Instead of scolding him for trying to take a doctor to the fighting ring like she would with Sampo, she gives him directions to you. She felt terrible for only discovering the source of your financial problems merely a few hours ago, so she wanted you to know you still have your job with her while also letting Luka take you on a date.
Upon hearing Sampo blew the money he got from stealing from you due to him betting incorrectly on Lukas fight, she couldn't hold back a knowing smirk. She was glad to know he wouldn't enjoy what he stole from you. Looking out the window, her heart swells with joy when she notices Luka walking you to a food stand.
Yes, Luka was going to treat you well.
While all of this was going down, Gepard had also heard of the crime Sampo had committed and bragged about. How dare he steal from you like that, and like to you about something as important as being related to each other! He wanted to find you, but due to his work he has to wait until he gets time off.
For now, he had to prioritise somehow getting Sampo charged for his crime.
"Here's my number, thank you for making me feel better." You say, Luka enthusiastically typing in your number and sending you a test message to make sure he had your details correct.
"Let me know when you're free," Luka smiles, seeing you turn to speak to Natasha. After making sure you entered the office, he finally heads home.
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weltato · 5 months
Little things about the VHS CC digital ticket that I like more than the YT version.
I love the YT version bc we get to see so many people we haven't seen in ages, but the rental includes Gifts of the Magi and Little Matchstick Girl (which is my fave Hans Christian Anderson story) so ofc I had to watch it.
If you don't want spoilers bc you want to rent it for yourself, this is your warning to scroll away :)
the fact that AJ still sings Bah Humbug at the end of the song when the ensemble is circling him
the ensemble is circling him
Clark is singing it softly after him
there's a close-up of Meredith standing frozen as Marley
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AJ actually shrieks (cracks me up every time)
Scrooge stands up and Marley is like "nah, ain't having that" and forces the man to sit back down and look at him. incredible.
when the spirits appear the first time in 3 Spirits, they've also got chains around them
they use those chains to wrap Scrooge up and spin him around
AJ actually snores
just a funny sidenote: in this version, bc AJ is Scrooge he can't be Fezziwig, so it's Joey and that was hilarious to me first time I watched it
Jaime has skipping choreo!!
the fact that the Ghost of Christmas Past sounds only slightly out of breath by the time he gets to the end of the song is a testament to how well Jaime did with that choreo
Jaime messing with AJ's hair
Jaime's 'YMCA' moves at the start of the next song
Ghost of Christmas Past asking Meredith for a light
the way AJ asks what Christmas Electricity is really sells how baffled Scrooge is
"or maybe you've never felt it, maybe you're a greedy dick" "that one"
Scrooge gets hit with Crimbo Leccy and does the beginning moves before stopping himself
Scrooge claps and then yells at Present Ghost
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Fred is the only one with a Santa hat on and it's sparkly <3
Present Ghost's quiet "that's offensive" to Scrooge saying the family looks poor
sidenote: they knew what they were doing giving Lauren the queen line, she IS a Queen
the Cratchits get microphones
Tim uses his carebear as a microphone
spotlight on AJ when the ghost sings his name
Scrooge singing to the people he's wronged
AJ actually laughs
Scrooge swaps his glasses for funky ones, then drops the regular ones when he tries to put them in his pocket (I love live action hiccups)
everyone's circling AJ again!
the fact that the youngest characters are kneeling at the end pose
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I. Loved. This. Show. It's so so good! Shout out to June Saito for the incredible costumes <33
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dearest-painter · 1 year
I’ll die before I let you get harmed! PT.1
Summary: Y/N has deeply missed their friends oh so much but their all busy with their own lives so they cannot say much. Soon Y/N meets Miles again but he seems terrified and scared which breaks their heart, they make sure that miles is safe from everyone…even if those people are obsessed with them.
TW/CW:Yandere behavior, unhealthy behavior, unhealthy relationship,abusive behavior,abusive relationship,Reader is Spider-Noir,Reader is hinted to be in a relationship with Miguel(bc im simping for him) but it’s never really said out loud,Reader talks to themselves,very out of character characters,this is a series,Reader knows about colors now,Reader doesn’t really like the spider society,people might be out of character,tell me if I need to add more
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How long has it been since you’ve seen your friends? It was very sad with how long you haven’t seen them but everyone is busy, you know you can go to HQ but it just doesn’t feel the same…it’ll never feel the same. Sighing as you sat down while taking your hat and mask off you played with a rubrics cube that’s you’ve completed about five times now until someone crashed into you. “ACK-!” “IM SO SORRY! PLEASE DONT HURT ME!” You looked down to see miles very scared so you took him and hid him behind a wall with you.
You took off your coat and wrapped it around him. “Miles, kiddo what’s wrong? Why would I hurt you?” Miles calmed down as he held your hands, It was obvious he was trying to make out words but all that came out was a scared whimper so you held him close to your chest. “Shh~ it’s okay, I’m here now” he took a couple of deep breathed before speaking. “Everyone is chasing me around and trying to tell me what to do…they all wanna hurt me…they all wanna make me be someone I’m not” You we’re surprised, you knew the spider society was strict but to try and force a teenager to be someone he isn’t just for what reason?!
You shook your head in disbelief as you held him closer and tighter to you. “It’s okay kiddo, I’m here for you. I’ll make sure no one harms you, I’ll die before I let anyone harm you, I promise you Miles” Miles smiled as he calmed down into your touch. You didn’t have the spider society watch as you never wanted one and each time Miguel tried to make you wear it, it always end up on his desk. You ran a hand through his hair or the best you could while making sure he wasn’t hurt. You knew got to get miles into your universe but it was risky.
Sighing a bit you looked at the teen. “Miles…I want you to be honest…who started the chase?” “Some guy named Miguel” You we’re pissed at Miguel! He’s a full man going afterwards 15-17 year old boy! “that mother fucking bastard!” You mumbled under your breath. “Look kid, I’m on your side. I’ll always be here to protect you, you got it?” “Mhm…thanks Noir” “Please…Call me Y/N, it’s far more catchy” he chuckled a bit nodding his head. “Okay Y/N…hey you solved the rubrics cube I let you have” “Mhm, I’ve solved it five times not including today, I even know which color is which” Miles smiled, he’s happy to see you again..it’s even better since your on his side.
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cactikiki · 7 months
GGY headcanons because I've been thinking a little...
Greg met Tony and Ellis in September, right at the start of the school year. He was alone and didn't know where to go, but Tony was there like, "Hey, this new kid's lonely. I think we should check on him."
Tony is nice, but also nosy. He likes knowing people, inside and out
Tony finds new kids especially interesting. There's usually more to them being there than others, who just go to the school because they live nearby or thought it was a good school.
This kid, their family, moved here for a reason... Why?
Hurricane doesn't have anything much going for it. While yes, it's the birthplace of Fazbear Entertainment and has the very first, original Pizzaplex, people don't usually move to the town just for that. Parents wouldn't usually do that.
So there's a story there! Everyone has a story.
As for why Gregory's parents moved at all... He has well-off parents who wanted to work with Fazbear Entertainment. Huge economic opportunity. So they moved in from Salt Lake City, you go to Hurricane now my boy
The whole reason Gregory gets glitchtrapped is because of his parents. Karma got them in the end ig....
Gregory is a good friend to both Ellis and Tony. They click immediately, like they've known Greg for years. They know his full name, but Gregory never really went by it back then, sticking with simply Greg (he would've went by 'Gregory' in SB because he forgot he even had that nickname at all.... and while in and out of consciousness before that, even. So Cassie only ever knew him as Gregory)
Rab wasn't around the whole time, lucky for Gregory. He got to know the duo for a few months before that, got close, and clicked super well with them. So he did have a close connection with them before things went wrong, unlike Cassie who he would've gotten less connection with since he didn't really know her (and when he'd met her, he'd just broken free of being controlled for a few hours, with no memory of any events).
Summer came, and Gregory got to test a Freddy's VR game bc of his parents. He would've begged them too, "It's the least you can do for me. You guys don't spend any time with me! Let me come with you to the company building and test the game, pleaseee?"
Something went wrong at the target audience testing. One of the QA testers kept watching him, a blonde woman with green eyes... She was odd, but Gregory brushed the thought away.
That was, until a sharp migraine hit his head, and everything started to go fuzzy from there.
School came back around in September, and GGY happened. Greg acted slightly differently after summer, but it was probably just normal stuff. Right? It's not like there were any stark differences in personality. That's what Tony thought at least, until he dug too deep and... yeah.
To Ellis, his two best friends just went missing. That's all there was, forever, and he just had to deal with that. They were never coming back.
As for Tony, he'd haunt Greg and probably can't quite believe there's life after death
Gregory, at this point, he doesn't remember. So shit falls off shelves, and he hears his name whispered, and he's like, 'huh. must've been the wind... unless, maybe Vanessa's grandma is here? omg Ness, holy shit come here. I think your grandma's ghost is here??"
But it'd get serious when he finds out the truth. When he realises. When he starts getting hurt by this ghost. He tries to communicate (since my Greg is a paranormal believer and Tony owned a DR60 recorder because of him, while Greg owns a REM-pod). Tony is always angry. He's always upset. Gregory finds himself permanently haunted by him.
Rab racked up a few bodies while he was controlling Gregory; therapists, Tony, his parents, and two random kids he didn't even know the name of. Vanny dealt with the rest. Those mostly went to the Tangle, though; Tony was the only one to have a close enough connection to get stuck attached to Greg.
That's all I really have rn, idk I wanted to post this somewhere sjhdjbrkfnfm I had thoughts. Many thoughts. I will continue to have thoughts.
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void-sand-cat · 9 months
Assuming that Michael is the player for Fnaf 1/2/3/5/6 (I have no idea what's going on w/4), I doubt there is any way that the spirits (including afton kids & William here btw) knew who they were trying kill was.
So, the animatronics are old and kinda crappy right? So the missing kids wouldn't have the best vision, and (if I recall correctly) Michael looks a lot like William. Plus, we know they attacked anyone with a security uniform (rip phone guy), so they definitely didn't know. I subscribe to the headcanon that they were affected by possible murder machine programming in the animatronics from William, increasing the likelihood that they had 0 idea what they were doing, but I don't know any proof for this, so disregard it, this theory doesn't need it.
Aftons are tricker. Based on how Elizabeth talks about William, I don't think her or CC knew about how fucked up William was.
Next CC. First off, "It's me." Which works if you think he knows Michael is Michael, but it works just as well if CC thinks Michael is William. Again, I have my doubts he knew how messed up William was, but he definitely knew how much Michael was - at least Michael as Foxy bro. I do believe CC said, "It's me" with no ill intent. Whether or not it was meant for Michael depends on how forgiving you think CC is. Irregardless of how forgiving CC is, he is still affected by bad robot eyes and falls into the same hole as the missing kids.
Before moving on to William, I want to touch on Michael. I don't think he knows that Elizabeth, CC, & the missing kids think he's William. From what I understand of SL, Elizabeth does talk like she knows the player. As mentioned above, SL is not a game I have learned a lot about, nor have I learned about Eilzabeth. I said I didn't think "It's me" was said with anger/hatred, but I do believe Michael interpreted it that way. He had been fending off murderous animatronics all night, and another one just showed up in his office. What else is he gonna think? I don't know if Michael knew that CC was haunting the Golden Freddy costume, but if he did, why would he think his brother would forgive the person who killed him? As for the missing kids, he knew they were attacking security guards (at least after a point), I doubt he thought they knew how he was.
I wanted to touch on Michael before William because this is a special case. I still doubt that William knew the security guard was Michael. His eyes have to be total crap, and (if I recall correctly) he can talk, so why wouldn't he talk to his son? Why would he be trying to kill him? Instead of trying to control him, find out what's happened since he was gone, etc. That's the same. However, I think Michael knows William doesn't know who he is. And wants it like that. Michael likely figured out that William is treating him as a rando. It's not hard to put together, but why wouldn't Michael say anything? Counterpoint, WHY THE FUCK WOULD HE? He knows what William has done, and he's there to burn everything down with William inside.
I am technically in my 2nd fnaf phase, but I've only really ever seen gameplay of SB & Ruin, and that's from speedrunners. I got this far bc of game theory binge watching. Fnaf 4s lore is too confusing for me to touch, I think it doesn't matter, maybe as motivation? Eh, no idea. 6 is more of the same, up till Henry's speech everyone assumes Mike's (oh fuck. Mike has a nickname. I'm a dumbass, forgive me) some rando, Henry speech alerts them their wrong, but they burn before figuring it out.
Edit: According to AO3 tags, I misspelled Mike's name. Guess I should fix that quickly. (I can't fix the misspelling in the tags here, though.) I also fixed a mistake with Elizabeth's name at one point. Elizabeth was a typo, I have no idea how I ended up spelling Mike's name wrong. (I'm American seriously, how did I do that?)
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pigeonpeach · 1 year
genshin x beefy reader!! Part 3
A/n: welp yall love beefy stupid reader so heres some more. I included some female characters bc why not. Btw for Ayaka’s reader is female everyone else should have the gender not specified.
1st part rhe conception , 2nd part, and the finale
Characters included: Venti, Thoma, Childe, Kaeya, Ayaka, and Nilou
Last part will include: Zhongli, Ayato, Tighnari, Al Haitham, Rosaria.
Venti <3
Lets get one thing straight: man doesn’t care for physical beauty. To him someone’s appearance is merely temporary and prone to change it their heart that is more significant. He has lived a long time and to him nothing compares to the natural beauty of the world and the soul. So he didn’t care if you were taller than his human form or more thicker than him. Your heartbeat was a melody he never seemed to get tired of. You were his muse, songs about how lovely it is to be held and pampered are ripped straight from your relationship with him. He often greeted you by flying up to kiss you on the lips. To him you were the most gorgeous sight he had seen in his years. He would cherish you for eons and decades singing lavish praises upon your name.
One of the few who probably did want to see if he was stronger than you. You two met in Liyue as you helped unload a ship. You two were close in height but you were taller if he didn’t count that one strand of hair that stood up. He’d been charmed by your kind but stupid spirit when he met you. You had met Teucer as he wandered away from the Traveler to explore Liyue but you noticed right away from his clothes he was a foreigner. So you caught him in a conversation and kept him entertained while you waited to see some anxiety riddled parents barrel through the city.
You kept him entertained until that ginger approached you. “Oh you must be his guardian right? I found him wandering the harbor by himself! Be sure to keep a closer eye on him next time!” You didn’t even seem a slight bit frightened or intimidated by his uniform or mask clearly marking him as a Fatui soldier. You intrigued him.
Cut to now where it almost always seems to be some kind of competition between you two whenever the other has to carry something heavy. Your dates often consisted of you dragging him around the country side and him fighting any monsters seen. While you would pick flowers and observe the land. You weren’t the brightest but you weren’t weak. If any did manage to sneak past before he could get them you rarely had trouble dealing with them. Fighting was boring to you, you just liked being away from the busy harbor and surrounded by landscapes. When he was away you kept yourself busy ignoring the multiple fatui soldiers clearly guarding you. You would try to befriend them but found they weren’t too talkative. He always came back earlier than planned just to make sure nothing went wrong with you, besides you always got so excited when he surprised you. To him you might be dog on a leash, but really it was you who had him wrapped around your finger being tugged along.
First of all: how dare you be so warm. You worked at Angel’s share mostly as a waitress. Diluc never understand what made you so interested in him. If you asked him he never could come up with one reason he loved you. Was it your gentle nature despite your stature, your humor? Or the way you so bravely faced a abyss mage that had managed to get the better of him just to make sure he was safe. The way he felt safe, truly and completely safe in your arms as you carried him away. He’d spent all of his recent years plotting carefully and thinking of possibility yet when you touched him like that he could plan nothing more than to snuggle his face into your chest and get closer. But he knew by then he loved you, it just couldn’t be denied after that. Diluc wasn’t too pleased Kaeya flirted with one of his staff but he couldn’t bring himself to separate you two after that night. Kaeya may be a bit tricky but he saw how he melted in your touch afterwards. He knew you were safe with him.
Ever since then you two are practically inseparable. He keeps you calm through your shifts and never shys from a bit of intimidation if your patrons get unruly. Surprisingly he didn’t drink as much afterwards. He didn’t need the aid of beer or rum to cleanse his mind if stress. He’d just find you and pull you somewhere quieter to “refresh” himself a little. You didn’t mind though.
Who could have ever saw sweet thoma dating a oni? Well he could and that’s all he cared about. He was mostly busy throughout the day but would make pitstops to come visit you. Also to make sure you didn’t accidentally break something, you weren’t too used to modern inazuma technology after all, you had lived in the rural parts of inazuma for your whole life. You often got overwhelmed with the judging eyes of the public yet he always knew how to calm you down. You mostly tended to the house when he was away, unless the arataki gang kidnapped you for one of their adventures.
Kamisato Ayaka
This one includes fem! Reader btw also brief mentions of blood
Kamisato Ayaka had no shortage of suitors in line waiting for her hand. But she fell for you when she saw you caring for a injured fox. Freeing it from a hunter’s trap with your own bare hands not caring for the wounds it inflicted. You soothed the young cub and wrapped a piece of your clothing to help stop the bleeding. It barked happily when you offered it some tofu as a reward for being so cooperative. Ayaka couldn’t have fallen faster for the compassionate oni girl she spotted one day in the forest. She however was too nervous to approach you. Which puzzled her, Ayaka was never shy before, but now you had her giggling like a teenager imagining how nice it would feel to shove her head in your chest or hear your soothing voice as you held her. She always thought a female oni would reasonably look for a mate stronger than her though. One beefier and taller and ayaka only made it up to your chest. It was a surprise to her when on a stroll she saw you offer her a bouquet of the most beautiful of flowers, some even made of origami paper, while itto and his friends hid poorly after having hyped you up. She never felt so lucky to have you. To lay her head in your lap and to be carried so effortlessly and lovingly. She cared little for what anyone said including her own brother. She loved you, tradition or customs be damned. No noblewoman or man would ever have tits she bury herself into or thighs that could break a watermelon. She loved you and that was that.
Having been a eremite most of your life the two of you made a interesting pair. You would get lots of looks sure but you didn’t survive multiple fights with monsters and other eremites just to cry when someone was mean to you. It didn’t mean you didn’t care, you just hid it well. Nilou knew though, she always made sure to hold your hand or kiss you whenever she sensed you felt off. You were a chef now, having given up the life of fight for cooking instead. You loved cooking, but Nilou loved your cooking more. She always would use your incredible focus to sneak up and surprise you. Often hugging or kissing your neck. She’d always trail her hands up the most scared parts of your body at night to lull you into sleep. To her you were beautiful. Many MANY saw you as nothing more than a criminal when you had just been born into a lowlife with no choice but to be one. Ayaka didn’t regard it as something to forget but something to love you more for, despite all the hardships you faced, your laugh and smile rung pure and untainted. She loved your flaws she loved your strengths,She loved your embrace and she just adored how your eyes glowed with admiration during her performances. You two would carve your way in this world while holding hands and smiling. No matter what you would never let go and Nilou would never let you.
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Being Logan’s ftm son
Pairings: Wolverine x ftm!son!reader
Imagine: @icydeku14 Hi, I saw that you did a daughter headcanon for wolverine but I was wondering could do an ftm one like wolverines ftm son headcanons? If not I completely understand thank you for your time
Warnings: one swear word, mention of transphobia
A/N I love Logan/Wolverine so much he’s literally one of the best characters so when I got this request I was glad, and I’d gladly do any other request for Logan <3
Oh and sorry if something is wrong, pls send me a message bc I do not claim to know how it is for trans people as I’m not one
(not proofread)
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okay so let’s all be real here, Logan is like hella old (still love him tho, as he is one of the best characters ever) and that for me means that he wouldn’t quite understand what you meant when you come out to him. But he would try to search up anything he could find on it. Because your his child, daughter or son didn’t really matter to him, he’d love you either way.
Which leads to the fact that you didn’t know that he’d love you either way. As you are aware that your father is very old and couldn’t help but to think that maybe he thought like a lot of other old people, that it was wrong.
But when you came out he was confused like stated before. He tried to understand, but didn’t quite do it at first. Of course he accepted that you were a boy and not a girl. He just needed to understand everything
for starter he want to understand why it had taken you so long to come out.
So he searched on the internet and even asked all of the teachers (even Scott) if they knew anything about it. Eventually he was pretty caught up on the whole changing gender thing.
He realized that it was a bit like being a mutant, you couldn’t just go around and tell everyone you were a mutant as a lot of people feared them and wanted them all to die. Logan guessed that it maybe felt a bit like that for you. That you couldn’t be open in case some people didn’t accept it.
Luckily he did accept it
He accepted everything with you
When you came to him about getting a chest binder (sorry if that’s the wrong thing, pls write to me if it’s wrong) he was more than glad to help you out, and when you wanted to buy more “manly” clothes he helped you without a single complaint or well that’s a lie as he didn’t really like going through every store fucking store as he put it, even though you did most of the shopping, except for that one time he bought a leather jacket identical to his own.
He went with you when you cut your hair the way you wanted it
If you wanted to change your name he helped with that
He was with you every step of the way to becoming who you really were, he helped any way he could
Though he didn’t understand everything he really tried to, which is the point
When you wanted to learn how to drive he was overjoyed to teach you even though he’d never admit it
You always took his old flannel shirts or leather jackets, they still smelled like him, and whenever he was away on a mission for X-Men or he did something else you took one of his old shirts and hugged it close to you whenever you missed him
Helping your father found out about his past
Becoming an X-Men even if he was against it
Now over to your mutant powers. Well he didn’t care if you had them or not. He’d always loved you even though he might seem grumpy all the the time.
But I believe (like on my daughter one with Logan) that you’d have the same mutation as him after all Laura has it though that’s a different story.
But you might have another mutation which Logan always hoped for swing as his mutation hurt him a lot, and he didn’t want the same for you.
Oh and on the note of Laura she loved you either way, she like having an older brother around, who for a matter of fact always protected her from any enemy whenever she couldn’t or needed help, then again she did the same for you
Being devastated by his death, going to find revenge, if someone just killed the one person that had always accepted you and loved you then they’d die and you didn’t care if you died in the process, nothing mattered more than to get revenge/justice over your father.
Plus who else would let you mess with their hairs in the way you did with your fathers, (you know that iconic wolverine hair, it was you who made that hairstyle for him)
And who else would protect you the way your father did whenever someone threw a bad slur or comment your way
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tbh i don't remember what New Zealand hc i've posted before so heres a ✨ramble✨
his human name is William Robert Harland jr.
he's a Jr. ONLY bc William Sr. wasn't around to give a fuck when he was born and everyone was like 'well, we have to name him something'
Molly started calling him Liam when he was 2-3 and everyone started calling him that to the point that he HATES being called William.
Really wants to change his last name but doesn't know what to :\
His mother was human, she was Maori, he doesn't remember her at all.
Like i said he's like 13, so sometimes the New Zealand government will decide they need a break and kick him back to the UK
They warn no one before they do this. He just shows up in London
At some point all the UK was busy, so they sent him to Dublin and Molly watched him.
if Matt or Al ruffle his hair ONE MORE TIME he's going to bITE ONE OF THEM
would usually fight his older brothers in response to them picking on him, until literally any of the british isles is around then its
"Dad/Mum/Uncle Angus/Dylan! Mattie, Al and Jack are being mean to me!!!!"
he sounds utterly distressed but you can see in his eyes he KNOWS what he's doing >:)
Extremely unironically likes the wombats bc i decided so
During ww2 he was like 10-11 and got shoved with an evactuation group to get him Away From London last min. Promptly accidentally slipped up saying his dad and uncles and brothers were immortal multiple times.
Everyone just assumed he was trying to reassure himself. with the "It's not like they can die anyway!" "oh, of course, we're sure they'll all be fine"
he knew they'd be beat up when he saw them for the first time after the war... but it was, uh, it was worse than he thought. He had never gotten a tighter hug from dad.
Him and Oz (who i hc as 17) have the normal yell at each other, do dumb shit, ride or die or no officer i've never seen this person before sibling relationship.
his relationships with Al and Matt are a little more complicated
Alfred (29) was never around, they kinda have that weird relationship where Al feels like Liam's gotta have a good time when they're together bc if not he won't want to be around me. But also Alfred is very busy and also The Superpower, which unintentionally intimidates his little brother a lot.
Matt (31) and him are very close, but because Matt was pretty regularly the stand-in-parent it's hard for Liam to completely relax and get up to Dumb Kid Shit with Matt; don't get me wrong he would follow Matthieu into a burning building if told to. But that's different from being able to just Be around him? Y'know?
His relationship with the British isles will have to be it's own post don't get me started
anyway that's all
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