#and encouraged me to take! ill support you no matter what my ass
dream-sans-mogai · 25 days
Im so fucking tired of allistic people man...
They always present like 2 choices for you and go on for days about how they understand either choice, they won't judge you no matter what you pick and how they'll be fine regardless then act all disappointed and whiney when you make that choice and they didn't get the answer they wanted.
I'm sorry, how was I supposed to know that was the wrong choice™️. If you wanted me to do something why didn't you say it. I don't care about all your little social shit, be honest with me. I didn't choose based on your wants when I don't know what you want. I made the "selfish" choice despite everyone around me saying they supported my decision and totally understood. Then I'm the bad guy. For making a choice. That I was assured over and over again that I wasn't going to be judged for.... I'm so tired of this... I'm so tired of allistic people setting these fucking landmines for me. Like they enjoy my suffering. I always get fucking burned in these situations. I can either just do what I think they want with varying response or I can be honest and unmask and do what I think is best for me then they all collectively sigh and look away like Im the disappointment...
If it's not truly safe, don't fucking tell me I'm safe. If I truely won't be judged, don't judge me. If I can't safely unmask, don't tell me to be myself and make my own choices. Even allistic people who had no fucking skin in this game judged me. I chose the option that was best for me and now I'm the villain. Again. Fuck allistic people man, fuck those wishy-washy judgey ass people.
#clover speaks#clover vents#its ok they said just do whats best for you they said#and my dumbass was just like yeah sure 😚 and now im looked at like a monster for taking a choice they gave me#and encouraged me to take! ill support you no matter what my ass#it makes me feel so fucking unsafe in my chocies like a fucking saw trap#its always multiple choice questions and nothinge ever seems like the right choice#they are always wrong and everyone always despises me abit afterwards#even when i know i didnt do anything wrong i didnt hurt anyone and i made a chocie for me#its all supports and i love yous and its oks up until the tism comes back out and i get the cold shoulder#i get the look aways and the silence#they know they are hurting me and they dont care about the betrayal i feel over being basically lied to#i know its your choice but i felt like- ok then why didnt you say anything BEFORE I MADE THE CHOICE#FUCK ALLISTIC PEOPLE IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF THEIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GAMES THAT MAKE ME LOOK HORRIBLE FOR NO REASON#IM SORRY I DIDNT READ YOUR EXPRESSION ITS ALMOST LIKE I HAVE A MODERATE MENTAL DISABILITY THAT PREVENTS ME FROM RWADING EXPRESSIONS#i just wanna say or do something right and they always judge me no matter what#im never safe around these people because everything is always watched and judged according to their morals and what they would choose#as if their morals are superior to mine because they are fine with throwing themselves at trains over nothing and im kot#fuck allistic people man#im so stupid for believing them and thinking this time ill be safe...#im never safe i will never be safe#im always so scared of looking like a stone faced unfeeling monster who dosent love anyone or anything and they always make me into it#no matter what i do or how much i try to express it#i feel things i love people im not a robot#this hurts so much...#sorry for the total lack of context but you dont need any#i dont want or need any more allistic judgement
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hurthermore · 12 days
Haaiii i wanted to come here to express how much i love A Misconduct of Love, bbygrl had me reading until 2am when i had work at 10 today 😭😭😭 i work at a library and im pretty much in the computer lab the entire day (which is exactly where i want to be because i have sweet F-A to do in here, so you're fic has taken me🩷🩷🩷) literally sitting at my little desk, kicking my feet and twirling my hair reading Alastor fawn over Reader even if his intentions are slightly ill-intended AKSHSODJWI only slightly, but I support Alastor's wrongs 🩷🩷🩷 i dont know if you listen to Will Wood at all, but I was listening to his song Vampire Reference in A Minor Key, all the while conducting my own little delusion of your Alastor having this push-pull relationship with Reader. Where its already established how crazy they are for each other, but Reader has yet to leave her vile husband (its the roaring 20's, so it's not like she's really in a place to divorce him anyway, unforch, but that does make their affair all the more enticing) (also im totally and entirely disregarding NY in this scenario btw, lemme be delusional xoxo) and I can see Reader like. Drugging her husband every night to make him drowsy and crash before he can force her into anything. Then she sneaks off into the night where she finds herself at Alastor's doorstep, and he welcomes her with open arms. Being the gentleman he is, he'll encourage her to share her feelings, how her day has been, what that disgusting husband of hers has been up to and more importantly, did he hurt her today? Is she okay? If shes harmed, he'll do his best to take care of her, console her before leading her into a soft and slow, passionate kiss. One that Reader's been desperately craving and she reaches out to hold his face. He's pulling her in and leaning her back into the couch until he's hovering over her. They're groping each other and Reader, desperate to be loved in a way thats meaningful, reaches for Alastor's collar first. Her fingers are clumsy but determined as shes releasing the buttons on his waistcoat. This certainly isnt the first time this has happened, but Alastor remains pleasantly surprised everytime she initiates first, but that doesnt mean he'll giving her the satisfaction of pleasuring him first. No matter what, its always his utmost duty to treat her until shes had her fill - until shes begging for him to finally be inside her, and god knows he could never deny her. With Alastor, she wants it all. She wants his everything and anything he is willing to provide her. Dare she say, she wouldnt even mind if she ended up pregnant with Alastor's child (i have a breeding kink IRL, and I strongly believe, after falling into bed with Alastor so many times, she'd develop her own breeding kink with him as well) 🩷 they'd become addicted to each other, and it'd be even sexier if she did end up pregnant by Alastor, falsely allowing her husband to believe its his child until both Reader and Alastor reel up and incenerate his ass together 🩷 (burn his ass alive in that horrible, awful house shes been forced to live in for the last year. And listen tearfully as Alastor begs her, genuinely and tearfully begs her to come live with him. Be his wife and let him love her the way she deserves to be loved. And they can be happy together, they can build a beautiful life together with their little one. He genuinely cannot live another day without her, and she feels the same🩷)
.....sorry for writing essentially my own fanfic of *your* fanfic in your inbox, you can delete this if you want!! You have me romanticising at my job today, trust that I will be thinking about Alastor and Reader for the rest of my afternoon xoxoxo ilu 🩷✨️
AHHH TYSM FOR ENJOYING MISCONDUCT!! I also LOVE this so much, unfortunately it’s not where I plan to take misconduct sorry.
But don’t apologise for writing this! I loved it and I kinda wished more people would write things like this for misconduct it makes me so happy sksks
Ty for taking your time to not only read misconduct but write all of this! I’m working hard to try to finish the next chapter!! 👉👈
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The ableism that some type 1s suffer is astonishing. Here are some things I had to endure in the last months:
- I tweeted a picture of my carry-on for a 2-week trip (which cost 25€ per flight) filled only with my diabetes essentials, and tagged the so-called "low-cost" airlines, saying that for some of us, "traveling light" is impossible (I said, and I quote "am I supposed to leave my pancreas home?"), and that we have to spend more money because we have an illness. They replied that they had different luggage options for different needs (which, WTF? that's not even an answer).
- A friend of mine from the States replied to my complaints that I couldn't find a PhD position in any of my desired countries (all of them with universal healthcare) by saying "well, they'd kill for someone like you in the US!". Yes, and I'd die because only my CGM is 60€ for 2 weeks, I use more than 80€ in insulin a month, and these are European prices. I know from various sources that you either hit the jackpot of health insurances, or you can't manage your diabetes properly in the US. And I doubt universities offer those. So, hard pass.
- During a trip to my brother's girlfriend's town, my CGM didn't work on the first day, and then my insulin pump stopped working on the second day and I went into ketoacidosis (bad enough that I couldn't eat, and I drank a lot, but not bad enough that I went into shock or anything). When I said I needed to return to the house urgently, the stupid-ass kid acted as if I was doing it on purpose to ruin her day. Then her dad would try and make me eat stuff, and when I said I couldn't eat because I'd just had a ketonic incident and I didn't feel well, they went "oh, diabetes sounds just awful, I couldn't live like that". Like, yeah, that's REALLY helpful
- That one idiot from airport security who mimicked a heroin injection when I said I had insulin pens in my carry-on bag
- The times I've had to endure comments about my "phone dependency", even though I've explained that it's the device I use to monitor my glucose levels
- Some people who've commented my eating habits (first proteins, then carbs), which were recommended by a nurse when I was 2 because fast-working insulin wasn't a thing yet and that way they could administer insulin and let me start eating before the carbs started doing their thing, and it's really fucking hard breaking a habit you've had for 23 years, even more if your doctor says it's a logical way of handling things, saying "oh, cute, my toddler nephew/daughter/grand-daughter also eats like that!"
- And, to me, the one that stings a little, but all the time, the incessant comments "I couldn't do that" or "you're so brave for enduring that" or "see, how's that making your life easier?" (when one of the devices malfunctions for a moment or something). Like, I get that some of these might sound encouraging, or that you think you sound supportive, but I spend most of the time trying to figure out what the fuck is causing a high or a low, or counting carbs, or calculating the times before I go jogging so I can work out but not have a hypo in the middle of it. I've had to quit swimming, a sport I genuinely love, every time I've restarted because no matter how many professionals have tried, there is no way of avoiding the hypo that inevitably comes a few hours after that. Those comments saying I'm brave and shit are not encouraging, because I have no other choice than to do this, and I would literally do anything to be able to stop doing this. This illness is exhausting, physically and mentally. There's no second of the day when you can take a break from it, so people saying that they couldn't do that or that I'm brave just sound like condescending pricks, if you ask me.
And that's it. My little rant. I hate diabetes.
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tacticalhimbo · 6 days
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welcome to my wild ass corner of the internet — here's some important information taken from this post [link that can be reblogged]:
I've joined the writer's portion of the ficsforgaza initiative to help encourage fundraising to vetted fundraisers to aid those in Gaza! Please check out the blog's guide on participation as well as their FAQ. Make sure to check out the other writers taking requests!
WHAT YOU DO: Donate to any of the vetted fundraisers found on the blog, or the blogs they have reblogged information from, and send me an ask or DM with your request!
It is mandatory that you include proof of donation for this. Please redact personal information! I will verify proofs where needed with the blog organizers. Example: hey jay! i donated to the palestine childrens' relief fund and would like a fic featuring [character] and [character] with [prompt]. here's proof of my donation! [attached image]. There will be NO anonymous requests! It's harder to verify things that way.
For every $1 you donate, I will write 100 words. My limit on this will be $20, or 2000 words. That's the average wc for most of my fics.
WHAT I DO / MY PERSONAL GUIDELINES: Safe for work (SFW) content only! I don't feel comfortable writing smut for people.
YES: OC x OC, OC x Canon, Self-Ship or x Reader, Canon x Canon, Romantic, Platonic, Familial, pretty much any dynamic or theme goes! NO: Proship content. I do not feel comfortable with that, and I do not endorse any of that kind of stuff.
FANDOMS: Cyberpunk (Edgerunners & 2077), Disco Elysium, Dragon Age, Faith: The Unholy Trinity, Fallout, Far Cry, Hitman (World of Assassination Trilogy), Metal Gear, Outer Worlds, Rainbow Six Siege, Red Dead Redemption 2, Reflect Studios franchise (Welcome to the Game, Scrutinized, Dead Signal, etc), Resident Evil, Skyrim, Splinter Cell (games only)
Full DNI / BYF criteria [below; originally linked NeoCities page]. Examples of my written works can be found here, with fanfictions toward the bottom of the page!
I will try to publish requests as soon as possible! I've luckily got a decent bit of free time, but I am also chronically ill and have a life outside of Tumblr! There is no real deadline with these things, as the main goal is (again) helping people and families in need. That should take precedence above all else.
Please don't feel pressured to donate! I know things are rough for everyone across the board when it comes to finances! If you happen to have the extra money and would like to contribute to this cause, then please do so! This applies even to those who may not want something out of it. I've shared many fundraisers and resources, as have countless others, and there are proper channels to help people out <3
now, here's a bit about me:
name. jason (jay or jas works too) pronouns. they / it / xe / pup & es / xier (auf deutsch, bitte!) age. 24+ languages. english (and sometimes german) misc. chronically ill / disabled (long covid, impaired vision, impaired hearing), neurodivergent (autism, adhd, c-ptsd), regrettably from florida
and my blog:
do not interact if you are… racist / xenophobic antisemetic / islamophobic / discriminate against non-christian religions queerphobic / terf / tehm / transmedicalist / misc. exclusionist misogynistic ableist pedophile (apologist) / "pro-ship" pro-ana / pro- eating disorders a nazi, right winger / conservative, trump / desantis / maga supporter, pro-police / pro-military, believe all lives matter (aka: discredit blm and similar bipoc-focused movements) etc etc.
i support human rights for all folks, plain and simple. if you're willing to make any exceptions because "xyz group makes me uncomfy and i heard from fox news", i do not want you here. i do not care for you. you deserve rights, too, but you are not entitled to my time or energy.
i reserve the right to block or refuse interaction in accordance to my safety / comfort. any content i post across my platforms is for me / those who request it. don't like it? keep scrolling. my content may not be suitable for all audiences, but i ensure to do my best in tagging potentially mature and / or upsetting content material. please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need specific things tagged for your viewing pleasure.
here are some navigation links (that may or may not work):
mutuals / besties. hev [tag] | delia [tag] | vendetta [tag] | ollie [tag] | avarice [tag] | alice [tag] | my brother [tag] | my dog [tag] | my three cats [tag 1 ; tag 2 ; tag 3] | stray cat we've practically adopted [tag]
creations. ocs [tag] | writing [tag] | fics [tag] | art [tag] | gifs [tag] | edits [tag] | virtual photography [tag] | neocities [link]
information. general [tag] | mutual aid [tag] | neocities [link]
sideblogs. pistolenprinz (rdr2; link) | jessepinkmanbf (brba & bcs; link) | devitalization (gamedec; link) | tacticalvalor (multimuse rp; link) | simply-jason (archive url; link) ... t******** (nsfw multimuse rp; mutuals only) | j******* (rpc/rph; not-affiliated / purposefully separate) | s************ (nsfw sideblog; not affiliated / purposefully separate / will give to mutuals if requested; you will learn things about me tho fjsdlkfjsdlfj)
more below the cut.
potentially frequently asked questions:
why do you type in all lower case? easier to read, easier to type.
didn't you used to go by [x]? i won't say, usually. i have posted about some of it before, but i'm not gonna trudge anything back up. personal name changes are part of my gender journey, url changes are for a reason / because i can.
i saw you used to do paid commissions! will you open those again? maybe. it really depends on how i can take payment and whether or not i feel safe doing that. accessible payment methods risk me being outed, and in the most unsafe state in the united states for trans* folk... i would rather not risk that if i can avoid it.
do you take writing / fic requests that aren't paid? sure! i don't mind writing things or creating things for people free of charge, as long as you actually... respect it. don't steal my shit, don't claim you wrote it, etc etc. i know i can't stop you, but i can (and will) shit talk you and drag you through the mud if i catch you doing it. i know my worth. don't try to play me because you're an insecure fuck.
some terms i use to describe my identity and orientation include:
cybercoric (coined by fairystar-fag)
cyberdog (coined by burgerlabs)
cybertransmasc / cyber transmasc (coined by grief-chapter)
gender outlaw
and some fun facts about me include:
i'm a college graduate with a bachelor's degree focused on social work and correctional support management. i aim to work in mental health advocacy, and want to focus on marginalized / underrepresented populations.
i've also gotten into formula 1 again, but i used to be a more consistent fan during the mid 2010s (shoutout sebastian vettel). if you wanna know who i'm out here cheering on, here's your one-stop shop!
carlos sainz — ferarri (2024) charles leclerc — ferrari (2024) george russell — mercedes (2024) lewis hamilton — mercedes (2024) yuki tsunoda — red bull (2024)
fandoms i'm in / enjoy include but are not limited to:
alien isolation
amanda the adventurer
american mcgees alice
among us
better call saul & breaking bad
bojack horseman
the boondock saints
the boys
call of duty
criminal minds
cyberpunk edgerunners & cyberpunk 2077
dark souls
dead by daylight
death stranding
disco elysium
dragon age
dungeons and dragons
the elder scrolls
faith: the unholy trinity
far cry
ghost recon
grand theft auto
god of war
heaven will be mine
his dark materials
l.a. noire
the last of us
local 58
love, death + robots
mafia: the definitive trilogy
mass effect
metal gear
the metro saga
monster hunter
the outer worlds
rainbow six siege
red dead redemption
reflect studios (wttg, scrutinized, etc)
saints row
scp foundation
snowpiercer (television series)
sons of the forest
splinter cell
stardew valley
star wars
squid game
tell me why
watch dogs
the walten files
we happy few
wilsons heart vr
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leanatulipa · 2 months
Episode 2 of Gossip Girl and my mindless rants about it. I do love our narrator. She’s fun and in a way satirically portrays the melodramatic “issues” of the upper class.
- Dan checking on his baby sister awww.
- I hope she does learn from the experience but also I hope it doesn’t destroy her ability to trust like that does to most people.
- Dan is so damn awkward and Serena is just here for the ride. It’s adorable.
- AW ERIC AND SERENA TALKING ABOUT IT. I’m loving the sibling bonding moments talking about the date. This whole sequence is so fun I’m enjoying it.
- Jen encouraging her brother omg my heart. They’re the best
- I will NEVER get enough of Eric. He’s the best.
- I still feel nothing for Nate. And Blair is annoying. She’s everything wrong with women in the world like why the hell does she insist on talking shit and holding a grudge over something that happened PRE RELATIONSHIP. Pre relationship and Serena isn’t interested in him. She’s just what makes being a girl miserable. She excludes people, she’s rude, vengeful, and just all around not a critical thinker tbh.
- I love how much Dan is trying to support Jen after what happened. He’s really concerned and it’s so nice how he’s trying to be understanding.
- I love Gossip girl. She makes these dramatic ass privileged ass teens look like idiots and it brings me joy.
- Mom can suck my dick. She’s your average rich white woman who cares not for her kids but her reputation and money
- i worry about how this show portrays women though. We’ve got a tally of Serena and Jen being cool though!!! I’m hoping we get more.
- Mom is gross. We hate Mom.
- See when guys don’t like each other they just don’t talk.
- I can’t believe Blair is getting so pissy with Serena and she’s not even telling her why. You could at least talk to her and maybe end the friendship so she’s not chasing after you.
- Blair I swear to god if you manipulate this poor girl. While she’s vulnerable after such an attack and to get back at someone who YOU SHOULD NOT INTERACT WITH.
- Mom is so obsessed with money I swear
- Dad is right Dan is perfect for Serena
- how dare you attempt to poison this sweet baby’s mind
- Chuck you DESERVED that punch and you have no right to be angry at Dan for protecting his sister.
- I don’t trust Blair around Jen at all
- oh no she’s gonna turn poor Jen on Serena for no reason WITH THE DRESS DAMMIT this poor girl.
- Excuse you do not defend Chuck. Hey fyi DO NOT defend predators for ANY reason. It doesn’t matter how high class you are those are terrible people and they deserve to rot with their money.
- it’s making me a tad uncomfortable that Dan is always Serena’s out but it works out because clearly she likes him for him. They’re cute though I hope they start having dates a bit more intentionally
- Serena’s brunch dress is awfully ill fitting. I’m tempted to think up a better design because that’s awful.
- Oh so his name is Charles. I think he needs to be blackened to char on a spit, thank you. No no I don’t feel bad for him and his gross ass father. He’s a creep and only cares about himself much like his friend.
- For fucks sake what is with girls and throwing themselves at Nate. He’s not worth it at aalll
- oh my fucking god Blair, the world does not revolve around you. Serena’s life doesn’t revolve around you. You don’t get to pick and chose where other people go especially PUBLIC events (well events where she’s invited)
- Blair for fucks sakes LEAVE HIM and Serena needs to leave both of these bastards in the dust.
- everyone in this show should be like Dan and mind their own business.
- Dude Serena just needs to tell Dan herself. Aaand now it’s all blown up because Blair and Chuck are instigators who can’t get over a grudge and Nate is a fucking manipulative cretin.
- I still think Serena is a good person. At least I think she’s trying to be a good person. Her problem is opening up. Dan is a good person and continues to be, poor guy just got wrapped up
- “This world is crazy” NO YOU RICH PEOPLE JUST CRAVE SUFFERING TO FEEL A PART OF SOMETHING INSTEAD OF ACTUALLY ACKNOWLEDGING THE SUFFERING YOU ACTIVELY FUCKING CAUSE. You manifest and create random problems instead of acknowledging real ones and fucking doing something with your lives. There’s no fun in your life because you won’t get your fucking hands dirty.
- Jen do not become like Blair. I know that’s the foreshadowing but she’s such a gross person. I still have hope for Jenny though.
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stannamarsh · 9 months
Wake Me Up Billie Joe Armstrong
Last night, Jason the Great changed my oil for free. He's amazing, and I'm still adjusting to being in a good relationship, but the stress of constantly driving to three different cities and staying in two of them (yet not really living in either) is extremely overwhelming. Prior to this, I was used to being single and/or in a partial stopgap fuckbuddy thing so I didn't have to date.
Eventually, I'd love to move in with him but we are both highly independent types who are creatures of habits and I don't want to pressure him into anything before he's ready. I also feel like I need enough money in the bank to ensure that I can take care of at least half of any change of location before I even bring it up. Though moving to the same town where he lives is an option so I Zillow to see what I can get in Cedar Rapids now and found a place that looks good in his neighborhood that is less than the rent where I currently "live."
Over lunch, I called my Dad to explain it all and had a meltdown in my office over the phone. If asked by someone who may have heard it from a different room, I will lie and say I was watching a dramatic Netflix original series. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. I'm not used to having a job where you can be honest about what's really going on without fear of getting fired. No matter what industry you're in, it's not the norm.
There are better and worse, more and less capricious versions of that typical soul sucking pit of a work place where you're expected to figure out everything yourself with zero guidance or you're demoted or fired, but it's the rule rather than the exception.
Just as with Jason, I'm still getting used to a supportive partner, I'm still getting used to a job where I'm able (and encouraged) to ask for help. It's a small nonprofit that provides transitional housing for people with chronic illnesses but it sometimes involves pretending to be mentally healthy than I actually am, which is a learning curve too.
The second half of my day is going better because I remembered to eat. My own negative patterns include putting WAY too much pressure on myself, pretending I like things I don't in order to be nice (especially on TikTok so I will increase my scrolling), and reverting to past childhood encouragement to deny my feelings and to go against my own better judgment. These two things created a cycle of dependency that bit me in the ass as well as the asses of those who instilled it in me.
I like the happy chill days when I can just live my life without the heavy meditations on the way things are going. This is obviously not one of them. Today also highlighted the ways I struggle to take care of myself let alone anyone else (even if it's my actual job description) and as much as I attribute this to money, I'm not sure the high pressure way of living would go away if I had more. If it led to having more money, I'd probably keep doing it because then it would seem like it's justified.
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theramseyloft · 3 years
Woooo, is this subject ever a pain in my ass for something so simple...
There is just... SO much misinformation out there, from sources that should otherwise be credible.
So let me set the record straight as a specialist in the care of pigeons:
Pigeons are strict granivores. 
They can’t digest any part of a plant but seeds.
No leafy greens. No stems. No roots, no tubers, no bulbs, no flowers... 
ESPECIALLY not the fruit!!!
They can neither taste nor process the sugar!
Nothing but seeds.
Not even as a treat.
Vets often suggest greens and fruit and florets for literally every companion bird, going off the parrot template.
If a small animal (non-farm) vet gets to see a companion bird, you can reliably wager that it’s either a psittacine or finch, and win that bet most of the time.
Hardly any one ever brings pigeons to a vet.
Breeders consider it cheaper to kill the sick ones than try to find out what’s wrong with them, and pigeons as companion birds are still extremely niche.
The only way to change this is for people with pet pigeons to bring them to their vet like they would a cat, dog, rabbit, or other pet for regular check ups so that a base line can be established before that animal gets ill.
The more vets provided with base lines of healthy pigeons, the more accurately they will be able to treat pet pigeons.
Parrots in captivity that are fed the fruit and nut heavy diet that most species eat in the wild will develop fatty liver disease and die very young.
Wild parrots fly for MILES every day to forage that sugar and fat rich diet, which fuels their long foraging flights.
Their diet is adapted to their lifestyle, and their lifestyle is adapted to their diet, as is the case with most species.
Parrots have only been captive bred for the last 70 or so years. The larger species take up to 5 to sexually mature, and can live into their 70′s or 80′s
We have been breeding them in captivity for less than the lifetime of a single healthy individual.
Parrots simply have not had the time to physiologically adapt to the utterly sedentary life they live as human house pets.
We take these birds built for a high stamina nomadic lifestyle supported by a diet high in fat and sugar, and have them live most of their lives in a single room.
To keep them alive, we have had to make up for their lack of opportunity to adapt their physiology by adapting their captive diet to this drastic change in their life style.
Even finches (primarily seed and insect eaters, mostly) are usually kept in such extreme confinement that their captive diet has needed to be modified to avoid being dragged to an early grave by a fatty liver.
Pigeons were the first birds humanity domesticated. 
Even before chickens.
About the time camels were domesticated; in the dawn of agriculture and stationary settlements.
What made them easy to domesticate was that, being desert/scrubland birds, seed was the diet they were already adapted to.
It was easy enough to share enough grain with them to make living in a dovecote worth while.
In exchange, humans got some of the most nutritious fertilizer known to man to this day.
Being picky about what kind of seed you eat isn’t beneficial of a desert bird, and wild rock doves already adjusted the volume of their feed intake with the natural fluctuation of seed availability through out the year; eating more when they had to fly further afield to find it, and needing to eat less per foraging trip when there was enough nearby that they didn’t have to range as far.
Because adjusting their food intake according to how close and plentiful food was already came naturally to rock doves, the only transition in the development of domestic pigeons was that food would always be close and plentiful.
Pigeons have had THOUSANDS of years to adapt to not having to fly nearly so far to find enough to eat in human care as their rock dove ancestors did in the wild.
Here is the basic break down of nutritional requirements for racing homers (the breed that serves as the base line for domestic pigeons), according to Avian Medicine: Principles and Applications. Ritchie, Harrison and Harrison;
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Pet shops are starting to sell dove and pigeon diets now, lots of which would make decent bases, but still need extra protein or fat added.
There are also lots of wild bird blends that make good bases.
I used to love royal wing Classic Mix from TSC, as it was easily accessible, but it needs a lot added to it, and that can get pretty expensive.
Chewy sells an excellent diet designed for pigeons breeding and performing: https://www.chewy.com/versele-laga-classic-pigeon-food/dp/259128 , which is what we order for the flock now.
But for a house pet or two, it’s often easier and less expensive to mix your own blend.
Pigeons can eat pretty much any whole (in the hull) seed that they can comfortably swallow.
Birds that are performing, raising peeps, or under weight need all the fat and protein they can get, so lots of dried legumes for protein (Mung beans, lentils, and split green peas are favorites), millet (fatty and high protein, especially easy to digest), safflower seeds, and black oil sunflower seeds (rich in oil and extremely fatty).
Non-breeding House pets tend not to need as much fat, so their feed should be higher grain like wheat, barley, and oats with lower fatty or high protein seeds.
The more confined the bird (unless the bird is sick or healing from an injury), the less fat it needs in its diet.
So the owners of a pet or two are free and encouraged to experiment with their blends.
Most pigeon’s can’t comfortably swallow striped sunflower seeds, so keep your selection below that in size.
Chopped up tree nuts or peanuts are an EXTREMELY high fat treat (think pigeon cheese cake) and should be given *very* sparingly.
Chia seeds have a very high caffeine content and need to be avoided.
Other than that, you can experiment with any grain, legume, or other seed small enough for them to swallow, provided nutritional parameters are maintained.
Do not used hulled seeds!
The hull is important, not because they can digest cellulose, but because they can’t. (which is why they can’t process any part of a plant except the seed)
The hulls of seeds they eat make up the vast bulk of solid fecal matter and act as vital dietary fiber.
That pigeons need grit to grind down food in their gizzard is a myth.
They need it to obtain dietary minerals, and that distinction is a matter of life and death.
Avoid the starter chick grit for chickens, and the charcoal grit for song birds, as these are both made with a base of Granite, which is made by leeching the calcium out of lime stone. 
Galliformes need granite grit because it won’t break down in their gizzard, where they use it as a mechanical aid to grind food.
That’s exactly what makes granite based grit a serious intestinal impaction risk for a columbiform like our domestic pigeons.
Because what they need grit for is dietary minerals, it’s important that their grit dissolve in the gizzard to be absorbed by the small intestine.
Hens will lay eggs with or with out a cock, and the cock also has a skeleton to maintain, so calcium supplements are a necessity.
Hens and breeding cocks can also get salt deficient from both producing eggs and feeding peeps.
My breeding flock has Oyster Shell grit offered free choice and free access to a salt and mineral brick for horses.
It is generally safest to assume that a new pigeon has not been adequately supplemented, because birds who have not will gorge on grit and salt to their detriment.
Pigeons deficient enough t crave it can poison themselves overdosing on salt. Salt poisoning is nearly always fatal!!! so do not ever offer pigeons any kind of salt based grit in a loose, granular form.
I use the salt and mineral brick because their beaks are not hard enough and they do not have sufficient bite strength to get large enough quantities off of the brick to sicken themselves before the craving for that mineral is satisfied.
A single indoor pet can be given one of the little salt/mineral wheels for hamsters.
Calcium deficient pigeons craving grit can impact their crops gorging on it.
As stated earlier, my loft birds have free choice access to oyster shell grit next to their feed.
To prevent new birds form gorging dangerously on it, a tiny pinch is sprinkled over their meals every morning during their 4 week quarantine.
By the time quarantine ends, they are not deficient, and will not be craving grit ravenously enough to hurt themselves on it.
Bon appetite to your sweet cooey friends and house mates. ^v^
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wrightaboutthat · 3 years
Collegial Support ~A Narumitsu One-Shot~
Summary: “I could not stop thinking about you this morning. And it’s landed me in quite the...predicament.” A desperate cry for help brings Phoenix Wright into the Chief Prosecutor's office. The reasoning, however, is beyond anything he could have imagined.
Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Porn with Feelings, Blow Jobs, Hand Jobs, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Office Sex, Fluff and Smut, Explicit Sexual Content, Oral Sex, Frottage, Desperation, Riding, all these tags but they're still so incredibly in love your honor, basically just them trying to one up adoration the entire time, Vaguely Set After AA4, no beta we die like miles' self control, Oh and I forgot the Lawyer Cult tags-neck kiss o'clock, Horny Lawyers, Miles Edgeworth is sent to the moon
Additional Notes: Hello everyone! I'm so anxiously excited for this one. I'm still trying to find my footing with this pairing, but couldn't help but dive headfirst into some good ol' office loving. Soundproofing in prosecutorial spaces is a blessing, actually. I'm so obsessed with how much these two adore each other, and subsequently so obsessed with bringing that element to light!
Super happy to finally share this with you all, and shoutout to the Lawyer Cult/the *cough hack* Hivemind for offering encouragement along the way! The excitement and support offered necessary boosts to keep going, so I appreciate you all <3. Hope you enjoy!
You can also read the work on AO3 here [x]
Phoenix was nothing but casual whistles as he strolled through rival territory. Nothing was out of the ordinary; it had been a regular day, a regular workload, and regular chain of beckoning messages on his phone.
“Hey baby. What’s up?”
“Are you busy currently?”
“Not really, why?”
“Come to my office at your earliest convenience. I require your assistance.”
“Be over soon <3”
He had wrapped things up, left matters in capable hands, and headed over to the Prosecutor Building. It was not an unusual sight, as everyone in the space immediately recognized his intentions. Thus, unimpeded and contented, did he journey up to the office of utmost desire, mentally preparing for cases and kisses a plenty.
But walking into his partner’s office changed that. Where he expected to find Miles sitting at his desk, he instead found him standing on the opposite side. Where he expected to immediately catch those gorgeous silver eyes, he instead found a tense, burgundy backside. And where he expected to find the usual poised posture, he instead found a pose of what appeared to be frustration. For whatever reason, the normally composed man was leant over the mahogany, head hung and hands fisted.
Any manner of salutation died in his throat, instead being replaced with a concerned inquiry as he strolled forward.
“Miles? Is something wrong?”
He watched as Miles sighed harshly, but remained frozen in his spot.
“I would say so, yes,” he grumbled, his baritone deeper and thicker than usual.
“What is it?” Phoenix asked, coming up to his partner’s side and seating himself on the edge of the desk.
Again, Phoenix was expecting something work-related. Perhaps one of the other prosecutors was ill-performing. Or maybe a case was quickly getting too complicated. There wasn’t much that seemed to shake the sturdy foundation that was Miles Edgeworth after all; he was poised, stoic, and powerful. So he prepared himself for something of an intellectual explanation, quietly observing and waiting.
He watched as Miles slowly brought his head up, his bangs shifting and continuing to border his face. He heaved another heavy sigh, and still continued to avoid eye contact. Phoenix felt his wavy brows furrow tighter, but he held his tongue. Eventually, Miles did end up breaking the silence, albeit in gritted, deep tones.
“It would appear that certain...matters...are spiraling out of control.”
“Such as?”
Another sigh, another grumble, and another pause. Miles’ head seemed to dip back down then, grey hairs effectively hiding his visage away.
“It’s abhorrent.”
“Okay?” Phoenix softly pressed, “What’s going on?”
There was another pregnant pause then, the air growing noticeably thicker. Despite the uptick in tension, the oddity of it all, Phoenix didn’t take his eyes off his partner, patiently waiting for an answer. He noted that Miles almost seemed to be trembling, something that earned a tautness in his throat. Still, the possible explanations swirling through his head didn’t even come close to what was eventually uttered.
“...Infernal physiological processes, ones that have never hindered me in the past.”
Mismatched eyes blinked numerous times, attempting to make sense of the unexpected shift. What did that even mean? Sleep troubles? Anxieties? A bad craving for burgers from being around the kids for too long?
“I don’t understand,” Phoenix said.
Miles seemed to snarl, his hands tightening against the deep mahogany. Though Phoenix couldn’t see his face, he could easily picture the deep sneer his lips had likely hiked into.
“Must you make me say it, Wright?” he hissed.
“Yeaaaah?” Phoenix drawled, nervously resting his hand upon his neck, “Because I’m not following.”
The harshest sigh of them all sounded in response, before Miles’ head drooped even lower. He seemed to take a few beats of cleansing breaths, before miraculously pivoting to catch Phoenix’s stare. Heterochromatic eyes took note of numerous elements then: the sharpness to the opposing glare, the deep furrow to his brows, the very pronounced swath of crimson beneath ivory skin, and the sporadic beads of sweat against his hairline. He certainly looked shaken, and once more did Phoenix’s brain clamber for a reason. Again, was he proven deeply wrong in a matter of seconds, the true answer utterly whiting out his entire system.
“I could not stop thinking about you this morning. And it’s landed me in quite the...predicament.”
A pin could be audible in the space if one were to fall, the office growing incredibly silent. Likely because Phoenix wasn’t even breathing; words and inhalations had utterly jammed in his throat. Outwardly, he was frozen in time, locked in the utmost surprise. Inwardly however, his subconscious was clambering and screaming. It ran through the words over and over again, attempting to process, attempting to taste. Because, there was absolutely no way that was the true reason. Despite dating Miles for a while, despite being intimate, there was no way such troubles spilled off his tongue.
So, when Phoenix finally got air moving through his lungs again, he quickly spoke his incredulousness.
“You’re kidding.”
An even deeper shade of crimson gripped Miles’ cheeks, and he ran to hide behind curtains of grey hair once more.
“R-really, you must be joking,” Phoenix said, his hand gripping his neck a bit tighter.
“Does it look like I am?” Miles snapped.
No. It didn’t. The tension, the embarrassment, the desperation...It absolutely all checked out. And the more Phoenix processed it, the more he burrowed into the delightfully chaotic situation, the more he fell under a similar spell. The corners of lips began to twitch upwards, and his heart began to pound harder and faster within his chest. He stepped back through the situation, all the way back to the initial text messages. And when the disguising blanket draped upon “I need your assistance” was yanked off to reveal “I need you...”
“Wow, I...Wow,” he breathed, beginning to grin and chuckle all the same. When Miles simply groaned and remained silent, he couldn’t help but state the obvious, cementing them both into the humorous yet delicious reality.
“Esteemed Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth rushed me to his office because he was horny?”
Said esteemed prosecutor recoiled like he been slapped, before scrunching himself down even further.
“Don’t say it like that,” he grumbled.
But where one was falling, the other was rising; Phoenix found himself beaming more and more, amusement and interest quickly surging within.
“Ahh right, always one for eloquence,” he snickered, moving his hand upwards to run through ebony strands, “How about...Miles Edgeworth couldn’t get his rampant, raging desire under control?”
Phoenix couldn’t help but giggle more. The cheerful noise pried silver eyes back in his direction, but not in a preferred manner; Miles was glaring something terrible.
“And quit laughing,” he hissed.
“I’m not laughing at you, baby,” Phoenix said, controlling his mirth but still grinning all the while, “I’m just...blown away- maybe even flattered?”
When Miles answered with nothing but an embarrassed exhalation, Phoenix couldn’t help but look on with a more sheepish expression himself.
“You’re...that attracted to me?”
“Unfortunately...” Miles sighed.
Phoenix couldn’t help but giggle once again, feeling heat spread out across numerous places in his body. He saw fit to punch through the barriers Miles was hidden behind then, reaching out with a hand to softly frame his sharp jaw.
“Well, if it’s any consolation, I’m insanely attracted to you too,” he murmured, giving a few strokes of his thumb, “Always have been. And you’re lucky I am because you’re an ass, and you scared me.”
“Understandable. It was...a shameful move.”
It was then that Phoenix began to grow frustrated with the frozen state of his partner. That, and he felt inclined to test the waters of attraction, to delight in the desperation Miles was trapped in. He had called him over in search of distressed release after all, so it was high time Phoenix unlocked the apprehension and allowed them both to enjoy.
His grin turned a bit slyer then, and he hopped off his mahogany perch, venturing to stand behind his Miles’ backside. Phoenix watched as burgundy stiffened even more, but before any objections could be raised, he was snaking his hands around the bent-over form. Grasping his torso, he pulled Miles upright, pulled him flush. He even went so far as to jut his hands downward, tugging that glorious behind into his already-swelling groin.
The resulting shaky gasp furthered his smile, and he was half-tempted to grind something terrible. But he held onto his composure, held onto his resolve, instead relying on words to chip away at any semblance of control. They were their art form after all, their weapon; surely they’d be just as effective at beckoning Miles into the bliss he craved.
“Yet you called me here anyway,” Phoenix whispered, easing his mouth close to Miles’ ear, “Were you just that desperate, Miles? Longing and aching?”
The effect was immediate; the room electrified and Miles stiffened immensely against him before beginning to quiver.
The reaction caused mismatched eyes to flash, a darker sheen blanketing over the amusement. The longing and aching were quite mutual after all, Phoenix quickly venturing to the same plane. Brazenly, he flicked his tongue up the helix of Miles’ ear, before traversing into even dirtier territory.
“Yeah? Or was it because you knew I can’t exactly pass up on such an opportunity?” He barely gave Miles an opportunity to shudder or whine before he added with beam, “Almost makes me want to subvert expectations. Maybe I need to make myself less available.”
He was pleased to see Miles jerk his head, glaring at him over his shoulder.
“You wouldn’t dare...” he hissed, though his vocals were less solid than before.
“Maybe not,” Phoenix said, moving back to bite and kiss at the offered ear, “Think I’d rather pleasure you until you can’t think straight.”
Miles was definitely unraveling; his backside pressed harder against Phoenix’s tenting crotch. It was a beautiful thing, an unexpected delight. He never pictured that he’d have a Chief Prosector falling apart in his hands, rasping and begging and wanting. He felt inclined to play just a bit more, to savor the moment.
“Ahh right, eloquence,” Phoenix chuckled, moving his kisses to any part of that gorgeous neck that wasn’t hidden by Miles’ cravat, “Think I’d rather dampen the- what’d you call it? Infernal psychological processes?”
“Physiological processes, darling,” Miles rasped, “Regardless, eloquence doesn’t really carry...the same effect...”
Phoenix could barely contain his smile, his excitement, licking a tantalizing trail against sweet ivory skin.
“So naughty, Miles. Yanking me here just to mess around, just to have dirty things whispered in your ear...”
“I’m...I’m certainly not proud of such crassness...”
“No? Well, that’s a shame, because-“
Phoenix finally gave a grind of his hips, drawing sharp gasps from the both of them.
“-it’s driving me absolutely wild too.”
Phoenix managed to contain himself a bit then. He managed to keep a hold on his own hungering pelvis. Instead, he opted to hammer in the last bits of reassurance, whispered between heated kisses to neck and jaw.
“Really, Miles. Don’t worry. Just enjoy yourself, love. I’ve got you. I’m glad you rang, because I want to make you feel so, so good. I always do.”
Miles tensed, as if poised to argue further. But then with a groaning sigh, a heaving breath, he beautifully relented, his head lulling backwards against Phoenix’s shoulder.
“I love you. How is it that you put up with my nonsense?”
Phoenix grinned, a mix of triumph and bashfulness. He thirsted over newly exposed skin for a few beats, before returning such sentiments.
“I love you too. And hey, I can’t exactly complain about getting to bang the Chief Prosecutor. Kinda the opposite- I want to boast it.”
To his furthered relief and amusement, Miles lightly snorted.
But despite the lightheartedness, despite the mirth, Phoenix knew there was a duty to be fulfilled. So he plunged back into lecherousness, whispering against Miles’ ear once more.
“So I can’t wait to make you scream, and let everyone know.”
He snickered as the rested head jerked back up, Miles looking over his shoulder with wide eyes.
“Phoenix Wright,” he gasped, “Were you always this lewd?”
“Mm, maybe; it kinda can’t be helped around you. But hey, you like it.”
Before any objection could be raised, before they fell victim to further arguing, Phoenix hushed it all with just a few calculated movements: he spun Miles around, removed his glasses, and swallowed any poised words with his own mouth. He coaxed the arguments into honeyed nothingness, eased the apprehension into eagerness, and melted the tension into heat. His tongue jabbed, and his hands wandered, wrestling out every sweet little noise he possibly could. But upon plunging downward, upon feeling the extremely taut bulge that was Miles’ front, Phoenix couldn’t help but break away and stare.
“Wow, holy shit- you really like it.”
Once again, he didn’t allow time for a response; he reached to trace the delicious outline with a hand, before giving the entire area a sharp squeeze. Miles of course, immediately acted accordingly. Being so pent up, so deprived, so hungry, his entire body practically rolled from the sensation, coupled with a strangled noise of approval.
And that was the utmost green light. That was all Phoenix needed to leap into action. His eyes flashed with a darker sheen, a hotter spark, and he slipped his hands around Miles’ hips.
“Alright. Enough making you wait- let’s take care of you, sweetheart, hmm?”
“You’re far too good to me...” Miles panted.
“Because I adore you,” Phoenix said simply, before tugging him close, “Now c’mere...”
They locked into a passionate kiss then, one that quickly grew heated, desperate. Mouths wandered like they were each other’s quenching thirst in the desert, the first meal after starvation. Groans, whimpers, and shaky breaths sounded in a libidinous melody, cutting through the silence of thickened office air. And although Phoenix’s mind quickly began to grow woozy with lust, he still acted with his beloved in mind. Not breaking their connection, he softly ushered Miles back around his large wooden desk, guiding him back to his leather chair. And when the constrained hips began to grind, began to search for that fiery friction, Phoenix proceeded further.
He broke their kiss for the purpose of latching his mouth to area just beneath Miles’ jaw, sucking and staking his claim. As he did so, his hands wandered downward once more, fishing for the belt and fly that constricted his love so.
“Wr-Wright...” Miles whimpered, the cracking tonality pure music to Phoenix’s ears. Still, with a heated kiss followed by bite, did he voice his motives.
“You’ve no idea how much I want to get beneath this,” he breathily chuckled, briefly tugging on the damn cravat with his teeth, “But that’s not exactly the most pressing matter, now is it?”
His fingers were deft then, working at the devilish constraints and unzipping the burgundy slacks. Another teasing squeeze was offered to the ever-growing bulge, but when the touch earned a yelp, Phoenix denied no longer. He plunged a hand into soft fabric, grasped his lecherous prize, and finally pulled it free. He removed himself from Miles’ neck just in time to witness him groan with relief, his head lulling and his chest heaving. But unsurprisingly, were heterochromatic eyes drawn downward, marveling in the sight that awaited.
“God...You’re so stunning, Miles.”
And he was; he was utterly engorged and ready. The utmost desire was palpable, what with the tip weeping something terrible. Various twitches and jerks also complimented the display, Miles’ body practically screaming at Phoenix to proceed.
Proceed he did; he nudged Miles backwards and downwards, guiding him to sit. He wasted no time in kneeling betwixt shivering legs, spreading them further and allowing for more space. A second of admiration had to be given, before he finally nestled close, ghosting his breath across Miles’ center. Such an action earned a needy whimper, Miles reaching with a shaky hand towards Phoenix’s head.
“M-May I?” he rasped, just barely touching ebony strands.
“Do whatever you need,” Phoenix said, licking his lips and readying himself. Normally, he would be inclined to tease and taste. Normally, he would give kisses and licks before he consumed. Normally, he would take the time to marvel in Miles’ beauty. But with how heated the situation was, with how noticeable the tremors were, he skipped right over the normal proceedings. All he offered was a kiss to the dripping head, before steadying the shaft with a hand.
“I’ve got you, baby. I’ve got you.”
“T-thank you...”
The gasped words of appreciation died with the following actions. Phoenix guided Miles fully into his mouth, taking as much as he could possibly manage. As he slid downwards, eyes trained upwards, attempting to watch the reaction such relief earned. It was well worth it; Miles practically rolled like a wave, his head craning back, his free hand gripping one of the rests, and his mouth falling agape.
“O-oh fuck...Phoenix, thank you...”
The expletive rolling off such an esteemed tongue made brown and blue flash, kindling a new spark of determination within. Phoenix eased back, slipped a limp leg over his shoulder, and took Miles deeply again. He hollowed out his cheeks then, watching as the suction took its effect.
“A-ah!” Miles gasped, bringing a hand to his mouth and biting upon his fingers. He likely wouldn’t last long. Beginning actions were almost drawing forth cries already. So Phoenix slipped back once more, before finally starting his rhythmic bobs.
The office turned into a medley of strained pleasure then. Slurps, hums, and moans sounded from Phoenix, complimented by expletives, whimpers, and hissed praises from Miles. The hand against Phoenix’s head didn’t demand more- rather, it tugged against black hairs, communicating the mounting ecstasy. Still, even without guidance, did Phoenix go deeper still, proceeding until he lightly gagged. But despite the discomfort, despite the tears welling in his eyes, he was undeterred.
For he was driving Miles insane and he knew it. The divine baritone he was so accustomed to had rocketed upwards in pitch. The legs that were normally so sturdy and strong had become something of gelatin. The control which Miles normally wielded so well had all but dissipated, sharp noises and hissed vocals increasing in volume and frequency.
“Oh, Phoenix...F-fuck...L-love you...Just like that...”
It was fuel for Phoenix, stoking the inner flames. He grasped his perch a bit tighter, and sped up his movements, groaning and slurping all the while. Fluid was dribbling down his chin, and the occasional tear dripped down his cheeks, but still, he continued. It didn’t matter that his own slacks were painfully tenting. It didn’t matter that his knees ached. It didn’t matter that his jaw was starting to tire. It was all for Miles. And he intended to absolutely see it through to the end.
An end which did indeed seem fast approaching; the hand which had gripped Phoenix’s hair shakily traveled downward, feebly grasping at the working jaw.
“P-please...I’m- Phoenix, I’m a-about to...”
It was a crackling warning that went unheeded. It was a vague instruction that went ignored. Instead of backing away, Phoenix slid deep once again, switching between sucks and swirls of his tongue. He even went so far as to reach with a hand, moving to fondle whatever he could. And that was it. The stimulation reached its utmost peak. Miles’ pelvis tensed immensely, before giving a mighty quake.
“G-God I’m- ah!”
The sharp cry matched the intensity of the first spurt within Phoenix’s mouth. The force made him startle slightly, but he quickly relaxed, eagerly drinking in the release. He hummed a single note as he captured the bursts, taking everything completely in. But to the beautiful torture of Miles, he did not cease with his suction; between swallows, he continued to work his lecherous efforts, efforts which quickly took effect.
“Ah- Ph-Phoen- Ah!”
He pushed through the growing sensitivity, pushed through the crests, fully intent on overwhelming Miles with the deserved pleasure. Cries ventured more towards yells, shivers more towards jerks, those handsome vocals choking off in the utmost ecstasy.
Mismatched eyes ventured to take in the scene. Miles was arched against the chair, gripping the leather like he was holding on for dear life. Moisture dripped down his ivory skin, likely a mixture of tears and perspiration. And when he quickly clapped a hand over his mouth and released a muffled noise that surely would have been a scream, most would normally cease their efforts. But Phoenix remained. Phoenix continued. He stayed until the pulses slowed, the bursts stopped, and the cries blubbered. Only then, did he release Miles from his mouth with a smack, sitting back on his legs to admire his work.
It was like Miles had been reduced to a burgundy puddle, utterly limp against the chair. He quivered and heaved, his pants shaking as he fought for breath. An occasional whimper slipped through his lips, an aftershock or two likely traversing through his system. But he appeared satisfied, appeared entirely sated.
Phoenix ran his tongue across soiled lips, before wiping at his mouth further with the back of his hand. He massaged his jaw for a beat or two, before smirking at the handsome mess before him. Though his knees groaned, he slowly stood up and straddled Miles’ lap. And, being mindful of his positioning, he eased himself to sit, before nuzzling close.
He couldn’t help himself then; he felt inclined to finally rid Miles of the dreaded fabric barrier. He softly tugged at the various loops, and struggled a bit, as per usual. But soon enough, did he finally unwind the cravat, tugging it free and revealing his favorite expanse of skin. Phoenix sighed a bit at the sight, before grinning and easing close. Seeing as Miles was still recovering, he didn’t leap for fervent, desperate kisses; instead, he opted for gentle, for reverent, easing his mouth over dewy skin.
To his delight, Miles softly moaned, his quivering hands easing around Phoenix’s back to hold him close. The soft kisses continued, coupled with a few sucks here and there. Phoenix carried on, even with his crotch atrociously swollen, and with rasped words from his beloved breaking the silence.
“Oh, darling...My dear love...”
Phoenix’s beam grew at the endearment, a delightful blush easing across his cheeks. Through his smile, through his affections, he of course returned the praise.
“Hmm...You did so well, sweetheart...”
Miles’ hands gripped Phoenix’s back a bit tighter, holding him close in a messy embrace.
“I love you...” he said through his slowing breaths, “You’re astounding...”
“I love you too,” Phoenix replied, offering one more kiss before leaning back. He watched as Miles craned his head back against the chair, continuing to wheeze and come down from his high. While the sight was satisfying to see, it caused a rather devious smirk to form.
“But don’t get too tired on me now.”
Wrinkled burgundy tensed beneath him, almost as if Miles was holding his breath. His grin intensifying, Phoenix leaned close once more, offering another kiss to that desirable neck before adding, “I’m not finished with you yet.”
Miles’ head was quick to snap back up, stunned eyes locking with smug.
“I said I wanted to make you feel good, remember?”
“Y-yes but...Phoenix, you already have. You’ve done everything and more.”
“And you were the one who gave the horny summons in the first place.”
“I-inconsequential!” Miles hissed with a furious blush to match, a sight that tugged a laugh from Phoenix. “If anything, it’s high time I return the favor. Your slacks are absolutely bursting at the seams.”
“Heh; the Chief Prosecutor has a perverted eye.”
The biting tone hushed any further cheeky comments. When Phoenix quieted, Miles softened, sighing and reaching with a hand.
“Let me see you,” he said, cupping Phoenix’s face, “And give you what you desire.”
“You will. And I desire more of you.” Phoenix shied away from the touch, leaning close to Miles’ ear once again. He offered the sensitive area a kiss, before smirking and purring more libidinous motives. “I want to be inside you...”
To his delight, he could feel the shakiness that quaked at such a phrase. It seemed like Miles had stuttered on his breath, the intense words likely plunging betwixt his legs. Strangely though, such whispers didn’t beckon like they had earlier; Miles appeared to fight for composure rather than submit.
“You’re far too pent up. You’re seconds away from finishing in your suit.”
Phoenix smirked, leaning back and shaking his head.
“I’ll be fine.”
“I will. I just want- ah!”
The unexpected squeeze to Phoenix’s taut bulge sliced his words with a yelp. It was something of a lightning strike, his crotch electrifying from the touch it so desperately craved. Really, he could barely deny it anymore. He knew he was painfully wanting. Everything between his legs was straining, throbbing. And much to his chagrin, Miles was also aware.
“I know you’re suffering, dear.”
Once more were arguments cut by further touches, further whimpers of need. It felt good, so incredibly good, Phoenix’s hips bucking towards the sensation on their own accord. But still, in the back of his mind, did stubbornness persist. For he wanted nothing more than to pleasure Miles, to focus on sending him absolutely skyward. It was why he had been called to the office in the first place; his own wants were insignificant in comparison.
But oh, how his body fought to overpower his mind. Oh, how it screamed for him to give in. Even still...
“Shh...” Miles soothed, poising his hand over the swell.
“I’m not...This isn’t how I wanted-“
“Perhaps I’m not done with you either.”
It was astounding how well Miles knew him. It was astounding how in tune Miles was with his thoughts. And it was astounding that Miles wanted...more. Naturally, such notions were indeed enough to shut Phoenix up, all points dying in the back of his throat. He fished for silver eyes with widened bicolored, beginning to shiver atop his burgundy perch. Miles gave him a knowing look then, raising a single brow before murmuring further.
“So in the mean time, hush, and let me help you.”
Reflexively, Phoenix opened his mouth to stubbornly resist, but no words rolled off his tongue. He was locked into the silver spell, insistent eyes ushering him away from arguing. Biting his lip, he gave a feeble nod, and that alone encouraged the progression. Miles hummed a sigh, and softly nudged Phoenix’s chest, gesturing for him to stand. He quickly did as he was told, what with the tightness beneath his slacks indeed growing uncomfortable. He watched as Miles momentarily tucked himself out of the way, before rising to join him. He was half-tempted to hold the back of his neck, unsure of where things were going to go. But when Miles spun him around and pulled their forms flush, it became abundantly clear.
He couldn’t help but whimper then, the mere implications of what was to come causing his hips to shift. The movements only intensified when Miles nestled closer, his chin hooking on Phoenix’s shoulder and his hands snaking around his begging form.
“Look at you...” he whispered, pivoting to press a kiss to the side of Phoenix’s jaw, “You thought you were going to last? Truly? You’re writhing, love...”
It really was something- how quickly he fell apart, how quickly he lost his foothold. But it couldn’t be helped; he had always been impervious to Miles’ intoxicating touch. It was a wonder he thought he’d last indeed. Still...
“I...I was going to try...F-for you...”
“So stubborn.”
Normally, there would be teasing and palming abound. Normally, Miles would be meticulous with his touches and strokes. But presently, he seemed to follow the exact route of desperation, skipping directly to the point. For he reached for blue slacks, hastily unzipped them, and tugged Phoenix free. He wasted no time at all, grasping the pulsing length with a hand and immediately creating shockwaves.
“Ohh fuck...” Phoenix gasped, his tone already hiking upwards.
Though his mind was instantly woozy, though his body was focused on sensations below, he could still feel the warmth from Miles’ smile. It glimmered upon his shoulder, coupled with a contented sigh as monochromatic eyes likely looked him over.
“Hmm...Exquisite as usual.”
He released his grasp, leaving Phoenix in a shivering limbo. But then came a sound that drew forth a whimper: Miles licking and moistening his hand. And moments after, it was a wonder Phoenix’s legs didn’t immediately give out. It was a wonder he didn’t yell into the heated silence of the office. Because yes, Miles knew him well; he knew exactly the right pressure, exactly the right stroke. He gave several tugging passes, before fixating on the head, thumbing the slit in circular motions.
White flashed before Phoenix’s eyes, a garbled mess of moans and gasps escaping him. His pelvis thrust towards the skillful hand, chasing after the intense pleasure. It was incredible, or pathetic- he couldn’t quite tell which. Because he was already feeling that clenching fire, that telling tension within his abdomen. Thus, did he heave and lean against Miles, straining to hold on.
“I can’t...I c-can’t...Miles, I...”
Miles huffed with amusement, squeezing the tip betwixt his fingers before shifting back towards strokes. Phoenix had to stifle a cry, clamping down on his noises as flames surged higher and higher.
“Fuck...Fuck! I’m...!”
“Let go, my darling...”
And just like that, he was done for. In just a few passes, he was finished. He stiffened immensely, before arching against Miles, crying out as he finally released the pent up tension. He roughy came in numerous bursts, likely soiling Miles’ hand and the floor before them. But said hand didn’t shy away, continuing to stroke to utter completion.
Phoenix moaned pitifully as he stepped down from immense heights, slumping back against the sturdier form behind him. He could feel the heat from Miles’ smile once more, lips ghosting against his neck as he hummed his triumph.
“There we are...” He eased a series of kisses to Phoenix’s skin before adding, “Utterly breathtaking...”
Phoenix turned his head to meet the advances, easing their mouths together despite his quickened breaths. He kissed Miles deeply, passionately, sighing as the last bits of elation departed his system.
But as he came up for breath, he became...acutely aware of just how fast things had gone. His gaze drifted downward to the mess on Miles’ hand, before shifting to the matching white streaks on the floor. Though Miles was masterful, it had hardly taken any effort. No, he wouldn’t have been able to last in a deeper connection at all.
The thought flooded his face with crimson, sheepishness overtaking his features. He shifted about on his feet, before awkwardly clearing his throat.
Miles could easily sneer at him. There were boundless quips he could launch for such an occurrence. Banter seemed to be threateningly hanging above both of them. But instead, Phoenix only picked up on gentle huffs of mirth, the warmth of Miles’ expression still evident.
“Still going to bluff, my love?”
“Ah, no...” Phoenix pulled himself away then, mindful of the mess as he turned to face Miles. A hand crept up to hold his neck, along with more sheepishness to match. “You...You were right.”
He watched as Miles rolled his eyes and shook his head, though the gentleness remained.
“How ludicrous.”
It was then he surprised Phoenix, drawing his soiled hand to his mouth. Without the slightest bit of hesitation, he licked and sucked at the incriminating evidence, cleaning without complaint. He hummed as he did so, whereas Phoenix couldn’t help but rasp an expletive at the sight.
“Now who’s lewd?” he managed with a strained snicker.
“Hmm...Is it such a crime to marvel in you?”
“I guess not, but...damn, Miles.”
Silver stare flashed as he swallowed the last drops down, the action topped off with a contented sigh. Miles walked towards his shelves then, retrieving a few tissues. He offered Phoenix a handful, before bending down to address the remaining mess- the streaks which had narrowly missed their shoes.
“I’m just pleased I was able to return such a release,” he murmured as he cleaned, “You didn’t need to be hurting on my behalf, dear. Especially when you went through the trouble of coming here.”
“For you. You shouldn’t have even had to worry about my-
“-Hush,” Miles interjected, “Who’s to say I didn’t enjoy it?”
Further banter built on Phoenix’s tongue, but ultimately didn’t manifest. Instead, he opted to tuck himself back in before bending down and offering an additional hand. As he cleaned though, he couldn’t help but wonder...was Miles truly satisfied then? Did his own release mark the end? Would he be satiated until they saw each other again in the evening? Was it enough? Phoenix had been the one to allude to further steps, to delving deeper into pleasure. But the current actions smelt of finality.
That was, until a previous quip entered Phoenix’s brain, something said in passing but dripping with significance. He decided to inquire.
“Did...did you say you weren’t finished with me?”
Miles stilled, a swath of crimson rolling across his cheeks. He kept his head down, hiding behind grey curtains once more.
“I suppose I did, yes.”
“You actually want to go further?”
“Don’t you?” Miles murmured, standing up to throw the tissues away.
“Ah, yeah, of course I do. I always do,” Phoenix said, mirroring Miles’ actions. When he had disposed of things, he opted to stand with a hand grasping his neck. “But you’re not bothered? My beloved workaholic wouldn’t worry?”
“Well, there’s always something to be done,” Miles said, venturing back towards Phoenix to loosely snake his hands around the small of his back. “But all the same, I can’t exactly pass you up.”
“You don’t have meetings or anything though?”
“I can guarantee you I don’t.”
“But that’s- wait.” Phoenix shifted in Miles’ embrace, starting like he did in court when a realization struck. “Don’t tell me you carved out space in your itinerary.”
He watched as Miles opened his mouth, only to be silenced by a new wave of warm blush. As the words died, he avoided eye contact. That alone was an answer, an easy deduction, effectively drawing a breathy laugh from Phoenix.
“Oh my God, you did. Miles, you literally made a dick appointment.”
Such a statement drew the monochromatic gaze back, but in the form of a glare. The angry crimson did nothing to help the rivaling laughs, effectively leading to Miles breaking away.
“Phoenix Wright, your crude terminology has me inclined to cancel.”
“Sorry!” Phoenix snickered, reaching to lace his hands around Miles’ neck and restart their embrace, “I’m just...so blown away. I never thought you’d want something like this.”
Miles heaved a sigh, averting his eyes once again as the blush turned gentler.
“Yes, well...wanting you to such a degree changes a lot.”
It was Phoenix’s turn to blush then. He couldn’t help but grin through the warmth, easing close enough for their noses to brush.
“I love you so much,” he murmured, nuzzling until he drew forth a ghost of a smile.
“I love you too.”
It was only natural that the pair kissed, slower and more purposeful than their previous advances. Even with deeper intimacy on the horizon, even with lecherousness hanging over their heads, their lips only glided and caressed.
“What about you?” Miles softly asked when they broke apart, “Nothing going on at the agency?”
“Nah. I’m sure the kids will keep everything in working order.”
Phoenix’s brows furrowed slightly when Miles looked away, scanning his sharp features for discomfort. He couldn’t quite decipher, so he reached up with a hand, framing Miles’ jaw and stroking with his thumb.
“Hey, we really don’t have to continue if you don’t want to though. Don’t pressure yourself. If there’s any doubt, we can wait until we’re home.”
“No, that’s...” Miles sighed, the color in his cheeks intensifying further. “...I do. This morning, I couldn’t stop envisioning...”
Even though he trailed off, the underlying meaning was apparent. Brown and blue eyes flashed, coupled with the room twinging with a new burst of heat.
“So all of this wasn’t enough, hmm?”
“It was extraordinary, but...”
Phoenix smirked, easing close again. The vice of desire tightened around them, beckoning his lips to that stunning neck once more. He hummed and kissed a trail, already feeling sparks venturing downward.
“...But you want me inside you too,” he whispered against sweet skin, sealing the statement with a nip.
The salacious words and actions prompted another shiver. Phoenix’s grin only intensified, coupled with the frequency of his bites.
“It’s incredibly crass, I know,” Miles eventually said, his voice strained as he shifted beneath the touches.
“It’s amazing is what it is. And perfect because...I want you too. God, I want you so bad.”
Phoenix latched his mouth onto sweet skin something proper then, biting and sucking. He was intent on making a mark, both literally and figuratively, driving his point completely in. Said motives were made worse by a moan gracing his ears, the noise hammering in his claim.
The subsequent grin broke the heated connection. He leaned back to admire, humming at the reddish blotch that seemed to saturate in real time. But though they stood together in the flames, though he could still taste Miles upon his tongue, though their bodies had started to sing once more, he couldn’t help but inquire one last time.
“You’re sure?”
Heated eyes softened, Miles reaching to cup Phoenix’s face.
“I’m sure,” he murmured, before sighing and looking away, “Lest you depart and my thoughts...drift once again.”
“Maybe those infernal physiological processes aren’t so bad after all...” Phoenix snickered, his hands drifting to mirror the frame.
The pair smiled, before easing to close the space between them. Lips initially brushed in a tender kiss, but quickly intensified to something far more molten. Starving mouths gaped, and thirsting hands wandered. As Phoenix plunged downward towards a particular prize however, as hands grasped burgundy curves, concentration was severed once more.
“Ahh, shit,” Phoenix hissed.
“What is it?”
“You don’t...happen to have any supplies, do you?”
“Bottom drawer...towards the back.”
The instruction sent Phoenix off without hesitation initially. He broke away towards the specified destination, bending down to fish for the desired bottle. Upon grasping it though, a lightbulb suddenly popped forth; he couldn’t help but smirk as he processed the location, the readiness.
“D-don’t you say a word, Wright. Just grab it.”
It was like Miles had peered into his cheeky thoughts. That, or he had spied the budding mischievousness on his face. Either way, it made Phoenix snicker once more, standing up and biting back wry comments.
“And wipe that grin off your face,” Miles huffed.
“Do it for me.”
Silver eyes narrowed, but Miles complied, surging forward to lock them in a hungry kiss. Hands from both parties began to wander, groping and attempting to make purchase. Miles’ fingers curled through ebony locks, whereas Phoenix’s hands framed his favorite jawline. The pair moaned through the rougher advances, heat surging and dancing betwixt them.
It certainly wasn’t a bad way to allow their bodies to catch back up.
The swirling warmth prompted Phoenix further. His hands drifted downwards, grasping Miles’ collar and giving a beckoning tug. Miles understood at once, breaking the kiss and panting against rival lips. Phoenix took advantage of the pause, moving to remove his own jacket. He was simply going to shrug it off, to opt for a quick discard, but a pair of hands interjected. He looked on with mild confusion as Miles guided the fabric off, dutifully holding instead of dropping. It was when he meticulously hung it off the back of his chair that things clicked for Phoenix.
“Priorities,” he laughed.
“You’ll thank me later when your jacket isn’t a crumpled mess,” Miles said, repeating the actions with his own, “We’re going to be conspicuous enough already.”
Phoenix snorted, but the amusement did little to slow him. The moment Miles pivoted back to face him, he pounced, locking them back in a kiss as fingers worked at golden buttons. The action drew forth a whimper, but Miles seemed undeterred as well. He too, reached through the passion for Phoenix’s waistcoat, unbuttoning whenever he could manage. The pair worked through the layers of fabric, brushing the coats aside and finally reaching the undershirts. Phoenix could almost curse at their fashion choices, acting as a barrier of sorts against their fire. Instead though, his mind grew giddily woozy, what with the prospect of more beautifully exposed skin on the horizon. He hurried then, desperately working at buttons to remove the last block.
When he finally got it open, when he finally parted the fabric for his ardent eyes, he couldn’t help but break away to stare. Hands reached to follow his gaze, caressing the awaiting chest. The pair shivered at the exchange, but Phoenix was inclined to go further. Wandering fingers drifted to Miles’ dusky nipple, encircling the area before pinching lightly. The resulting gasp drew forth a smirk and magnetized lips to skin.
Phoenix kissed a trail across taut pectorals, humming at the sparks buzzing betwixt their bodies. Just as before, the gorgeousness bewitched him, leading him to lick and bite a plenty. He encircled Miles’ nipple with his tongue, long enough for trembling fingers to thread his hair. If they decided to tug, he would appropriately respond, nipping until a whimper was earned.
Eventually though, his own body grew impatient, beckoning him to press forward. He leaned back to eye his work, grinning at the beauty and marks alike.
“God, I love you. You and your body both.”
“I love you too. Though, did I not say I wished to see you as well?”
“You did, but...I’m not quite finished.”
Motions from earlier were repeated, Phoenix reaching to undo belt and slacks alike. Unlike before though, it was with the intention to completely remove; fingers grasped all matters of fabric, tugging until everything was pulled downward. Burgundy and boxers pooled at Miles’ feet, and Phoenix stooped to follow. He took a moment to remove Miles’ dress shoes and socks, before the other constraints were guided off and away.
Upon easing back to his knees, Phoenix found himself at eye level with the most desirable part of all. It was engorging once more, and already beading with pre-cum. As a result, he couldn’t help himself; he reached to give a tugging stroke or two, before he eased to kiss the awaiting moisture away. Miles’ groan almost coaxed him to pleasure further, but he ceased- though not without licking up the entirety of the beautiful length.
He kissed his way back upwards, murmurs of praise coiling on his tongue. The moment he was standing though, said murmurs were immediately hushed, Miles’ demanding mouth finding his. The two fell victim to yet another heated kiss, moans reverberating through the space. Before Phoenix could caress further, Miles raced for his turn. He deftly unbuttoned Phoenix’s undershirt, and caressed bare skin the instant it was offered. Phoenix couldn’t help but release a whimper for Miles to swallow, the touch trailing sparks across his own chest.
He expected actions to parallel, to mirror. But it seemed desperation was at the forefront; he smiled as Miles jumped right to his blue slacks, hurrying to free him once more.
“So ready for me...” Phoenix purred into swollen lips.
“Have been since the moment you embedded yourself into my thoughts...”
Such words flared nostrils, stuttered breaths, and stoked new fires of determination. He sighed as Miles removed him from fabric constraints once more, but when Miles pulled back and hesitated- perhaps to admire, Phoenix jumped at the opportunity. Clothing didn’t need to come fully off after all. Entire exposure wasn’t necessary. They had everything they needed, with a few conspicuous shields to match.
So he grabbed ivory hips, pivoting Miles around and ignoring the sharp gasp. A beckoning nudge was given, gesturing for Miles to bend over the desk before them. To his utmost delight, Miles did so without delay or argument, reclining and beautifully displaying. Though a new desperation was indeed gnawing within, Phoenix couldn’t help but appreciate the sight.
“I’ll never be able to get over how gorgeous you are.”
“Hmm...” Miles hummed, propping himself up on his elbows, “Coming from the most magnificent man...”
“Says the one who’s insanely irresistible.”
“Objection- ah!”
Arguments were severed by touches; Phoenix’s fingers squeezed the offered cheeks, before easing to simply caress.
“Sorry, what was that?”
“You’re playing dirty, Wright,” Miles said, huffing and shifting against the contact.
“Well yeah, I would hope so. I’ll keep this method in mind for the next time you’re getting too sassy in court.”
“Yes, because they surely wouldn’t hold you in contempt whatsoever- ungh!”
Again were vocals stolen by a squeeze. Phoenix grinned, going so far as to offer a light whap before chuckling over the following gasp.
“Worth it.”
He kneaded the doughy flesh with his fingers, marveling at the sounds such an action earned. Every moan and whimper resonated directly between his legs, slowly coaxing his erection back to totality. He wasn’t quite sure how Miles wanted to proceed, how Miles wanted to be taken, but oh, how tempted he was to simply pound him then and there.
His beloved beginning to whine coaxed Phoenix towards the next steps. He reached for the bottle of neglected lube, popping it open and smirking at how Miles hummed at the sound. Generously, he coated his fingers, before transferring some to his still-swelling length. He stroked and readied with trembling sighs, before reaching for the desired entrance.
The second Phoenix brushed upon puckered skin, their breaths caught, tangling in the new tension gripping the room. Around he rubbed in tantalizing circles, ghosting upon the area in preparation. With how Miles squirmed, Phoenix expected to be implored, to be begged. Instead, he was stunned to watch as Miles reached back with a hand, prying and spreading himself open. It was a miracle Phoenix didn’t leap to sheath himself then and there.
He instead shakily inhaled, and poised a single finger to proceed. Consent had already been given. Approval had already been spoken. But even still, did Phoenix double check, holding steadily in place.
He smirked when it seemed like Miles’ body did the talking, what with his pelvis titling a bit closer. Such an expression warmed all the more when shaky vocals joined the mix.
“Yes. Please.”
Through the muscular resistance he finally pushed then. Phoenix couldn’t help but hum at the tight warmth which awaited, the noise beautifully melding with the opposing moan. He eased in only to his knuckle at first, closely watching Miles for signs of discomfort. But when he only spied breathless pleasure, when he only spied a silent ask for more, did he insert his finger in completely. He allowed Miles a small respite, giving the muscles time to adapt and relax. The moment the tension eased, Phoenix began to move, slowly jutting in and out in a salacious pattern.
Mismatched eyes scanned meticulously, lecherously. He eagerly drank in every sigh, every quivering moan. If Miles seemed to react more to a certain area being stroked, Phoenix would fixate on the spot, jutting until hips quivered beneath his touch. He knew the workings of his partner after all. He knew what he liked, how he ticked. So when that gorgeously stoic body began to tremble, Phoenix went further, slipping a second finger into the mix.
“Phoenix...” Miles sighed, his tone coated with delicious enjoyment, “Yes...”
The praise fueled him, warming both his groin and his expression. He thrust the pair deeply, before taking a few beats to explore the muscular walls. He swirled about rhythmically, before scissoring for that perfect stretch. He couldn’t help but groan at the sensations, at the sounds, at the torridity of it all. He worked for every little bit of pleasure, every sweet vocalization from Miles.
It seemed successful thus far; Miles was writhing against his perch, moaning against the advances. The further Phoenix stretched, the more his reactions intensified. Deeper thrusts seemed to coax his hips backwards, like they subconsciously sought more stimulation.
So Phoenix delivered without hesitation. He slipped a third and final finger in, marveling at how Miles’ back arched in response.
“Fuck...” he gasped, sending a new rush of blood straight to Phoenix’s crotch, “So good...”
Every movement earned a breathy moan then. Every thrust was met with an equal advance. And every jolt of Miles’ pelvis seemed to coax Phoenix’s similarly. He needed more. They both needed more.
Phoenix reached deeply for that sweet inner spot, stroking until Miles began to whimper something terrible. But then, he abruptly pulled out, drawing a sharp gasp into the heated space. It was not without cause; he reached for the lube once more, intent on slicking and readying his erection.
The mewl made him smirk through his preparation, smiling despite the grunts and sighs from touching himself.
“I won’t keep you waiting, baby. You’ve waited long enough.”
Biting his lip, he nestled himself into the constricted space, teasing his head against the awaiting entrance. The pair vocalized at the sensation, Phoenix groaning and Miles whining. But right before he proceeded, right before he could venture inward, Miles gasped with further conversation.
Before he could even question the sharper tone, Miles released his grip on himself, effectively closing off proper access. In the pause he seemed to be taking to steady himself, to catch his breath, Phoenix couldn’t help but buzz with alarm.
“What is it?”
Miles inhaled deep lungfuls of air, before standing and pivoting to face Phoenix. Mismatched eyes were spellbound, immediately drawn downward to the enticing sight between pale legs. Despite their previous ventures, Phoenix was pleased to see that Miles was plenty hard once more- though, the relief was short lasted. Had he done something wrong?
“-I love you,” Miles blurted, rushed and unexpected, “You’ve done everything and more, as you always do. It’s high time you simply sit back and enjoy.”
Before returned sentiments could even poise on his tongue, Phoenix found himself getting dragged across the room, stumbling as he was tugged by his hand. His aroused mind buzzed with confused static, unable to process the new turn of events. That was, until he spied where Miles was headed, where he was being lead to.
The pair of plush couches. A luxurious seat. A location entirely fitting for a different position.
“Oh...” Phoenix breathed, coming to the realization through his buffers, “That’s...”
As desperate as he was, as they both were, he rambled no further, nor did he try and argue. He simply assumed the new position, seating himself on the edge of velvety fabric. The moment heterochromatic eyes locked with fiery silver, he gave himself a presenting stroke.
“I’m yours how you want.”
Miles was on him immediately, gripping Phoenix’s shoulders and straddling his toned legs. Phoenix expected him to lower immediately, to aggressively ride the moment they were situated. Instead, to his surprise, did further honeyed words fall from his tongue.
“I do believe I’m the luckiest man in the world...” Miles said, aligning himself just so.
“Objection- believe that title belongs to-“
Argument and breath alike were stolen by Miles nestling close, positioning to proceed. Phoenix could almost laugh at how Miles turned his own tactics against him, what with hushing words with arousing actions. But he found himself too shaken, merely reaching to steady his shaft with a hand. He groaned as Miles gripped his shoulders tighter, and as cheeks enveloped his awaiting length.
There was the slightest bit of resistance, the smallest amount of give. Before suddenly, Miles engulfed him, sliding down and easing them into full penetration. Colors flashed in Phoenix’s vision, the feeling of connecting so deeply with his partner absolutely unprecedented. He couldn’t help but moan his approval, his hands flying for purchase on Miles’ body. It took all of his self control not to immediately lose it, biting his lip as Miles sunk further and further.
It seemed Miles had been holding his breath, for he released a groaning exhalation the moment he completely took Phoenix in. The pair panted and moaned, savoring the closeness and allowing each other to adjust. Phoenix nestled against Miles’ bare front, hissing quiet expletives with equally soft kisses to match.
“God...fuck...you feel so good...”
“You’re perfect, Phoenix...Utterly...perfect...”
“Love you...” Phoenix breathed, brushing beneath hanging fabric to get a good grip on Miles’ hips.
“Love you.”
And with that, did Miles begin to move, surely readied to chase what he had desired all day. Phoenix watched with thirsting eyes as Miles eased up, before slowly plunging downwards once more. The two moaned from the passes, the stretches, before Miles truly began to ride. He took Phoenix deeply, and rocked his pelvis with reckless abandon.
Phoenix looked on in awe, mesmerized as Miles undulated and threw his head back. Phoenix’s breaths were beginning to dance with moans, matching the grunting efforts sounding from his partner. The familiar fire was already starting to burn in his abdomen from such advances, his entire lower half alight with sensations. But he wasn’t about to finish quickly this time- not until he ensured Miles’ utmost satisfaction.
This was for him. This was all for him.
So he tossed care to the side, and began to meet, began to guide. With a tight grip on moving hips, he coaxed Miles towards bounces, so that he could properly mirror thrusts. Phoenix jerked his hips upward every time Miles bore down, deepening the stroke again and again. It seemed to have an immediate effect, Miles’ head lulling back even further.
“Ah!” he gasped, “Fuck...Phoenix, t-that’s-“
A tighter grip on Miles’ hips angled him forward, just that perfect little amount to beautifully graze the treasured spot within. Phoenix relished the obscenely loud moan such a shift earned, groaning himself as it instantly resonated in his groin.
“Fuck, Miles...God.”
He thrust upwards even harder, racing against his own body and Miles’ building speed. The office became a lecherous cacophony then, what with Miles keening, Phoenix grunting, and their connection squelching. It was music to Phoenix’s ears, utterly captivating and everything he wanted. Though, he still aimed to take Miles even higher, to draw forth uncontrolled noises as he unraveled.
“Phoenix, I’m...I’m close...Please, Phoenix, I-“
That was all he needed. Despite the burn in his pelvis, the tension in his stomach, the soreness in his legs, he strained to give Miles that last burst of pleasure. He continued to thrust, but reached with a shaky hand, intent on addressing Miles’ neglected erection. He grasped tightly as they both continued to move, tugging and jerking as best he could.
Any attempt at talking quickly turned into a jumble of moans and shallow gasps of air. But the moment Miles crested, the moment his orgasm tightly grasped his body, one thing still managed to ring loud and true.
The cry echoed throughout the space and resonated deep within Phoenix’s mind. He felt warmth streaking against his hand and abdomen. He tugged until cries shifted more towards whines and dry sobs. And that was it; the flames had breached the last wall of control.
Throwing his hands back to Miles’ hips, he slammed him downward and came hard, bursting deep within. His head careened over the back of the sofa, moaning the beautiful opposing name through every intense peak.
“Miles! Miles!”
He jerked, pulsed, and emptied himself entirely into the cramped space. When Miles collapsed against him in blissful exhaustion, he too, melted in dreamy fatigue. The moment he stepped down from his climax, the moment he floated back down to Earth, he sagged back against the couch, something of ecstatic jelly.
The room was nothing but deep, slowing breaths then. After a few moments, Miles eased upwards and broke their connection with a soft moan, before easing to carefully settle atop bare skin. Phoenix could feel dewiness betwixt them, and could feel moisture leaking against his thigh. But he paid the sensations no mind; all he wished to do was marvel in his partner that much more.
He snaked his hands around Miles’ back, venturing beneath his ruffled clothing and holding him close. He softly caressed slick skin, before easing close to capture their lips in an exhausted kiss. Mouths lazily slid about, no glamour to the exchange as lips messily smushed. But when they were torn apart by panting huffs of air, did Miles finally find the wherewithal to speak once more.
“God...That...That was...”
“...The only way I’m choosing to spend my break from now on,” Phoenix finished with a breathy laugh. The mirth only intensified when Miles’ flushed expression turned incredulous, furrowing despite the streaks of red.
“You’re absolutely ridiculous...” he said, though twinkles of laughter were evident in his tone.
“Maybe. But you love me for it.”
“I suppose I do, yes. I love you so much.”
“I love you too.”
Swollen lips connected once more, a bit more tender and composed. They kissed softly, sweetly, pouring all manner of adoration into the connection. Regardless, Miles seemed keen to articulate further once they broke.
“Speaking of ridiculousness, thank you, darling...”
“Hmm? For what?”
“For this! For...” Silver eyes flitted away, like they hadn’t just been caught up in extremely lewd acts. “...Tending to my...atrocious needs so.”
Phoenix couldn’t help but laugh, at the sight and notion alike. He reached up to brush damp grey strands back, before cupping Miles’ face.
“You’re not still caught up on that, are you?”
He snickered as Miles seemed to blush further, practically sinking against his hand.
“I plead the fifth.”
“Miles,” he laughed, angling for a quick peck before continuing. “I adore you, and will tend to you whenever you want. Atrocious needs, physiological processes, or whatever else gets you going- I’ll be there.”
The murmur of disdain was hushed by yet another kiss. Through the sweet connection, and the honeyed lightness in his brain, thoughts gently drifted. Phoenix wanted to stay there forever, cuddled close and deliriously post-coital. He wanted to bathe his beloved in pleasure until neither of them could stand. He wanted to relish in his beautiful body and handsome soul. But with every passing minute, he became acutely aware of where they were, and the subsequent duties they both had. He almost sighed his disappointment against Miles’ mouth, knowing he did indeed have to get back to the agency sooner than later. Thankfully, his brain offered a solution, a solution that pried his mouth away with further snickers.
“Speaking of which, hope you’re ready for a repeat performance tonight.”
He laughed as silver eyes widened- even more so when hands playfully shoved his chest.
“I’m more than satisfied, you goon.”
He beamed, snorting and chuckling a plenty. Another jest manifested on his tongue, one that would surely earn another shove. But if it meant furthering the moment, and chasing after those “damn processes,” he was powerless to stop it.
“Alright alright. Same time tomorrow then?”
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wizkiddx · 3 years
I would for sure read a continuation of the birth photographer fic if you feel comfortable writing it/have time! Xx
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a/n sorry I kinda combined these two together, I hope this is okay!! sorry ive taken so long too!! my requests are still open, just going a bit slowly :)
summary: literally just birth + harry
dad!tom x reader
warnings: childbirth, mentions of fainting, squint for suggestiveness too
“Your doing so good darling, just keep breathin’ like that for me, in-out-in-out”
That had pretty much been the soundtrack to your last 3 hours. And yes it was MORE annoying than it sounds. Of course, that’s also ignoring the insane amount of pain your uterus was putting you through - as it spasmed while the little bug in there was wriggling away. Giving birth was not easy but giving birth with a husband-turned-midwife wittering away in your ear? Un-fucking-bearable. 
“Tom…. I love you but..” Everything had really been starting to ramp up in the last half an hour, you were a panting sweaty mess now. “Please… SHUT THE FUCK UP” Tom would’ve recoiled completely away from the bed because of your tone, if it wasn’t for the absolute death grip you had his right hand in. Instead,  Tom settled for straightening straight up and staring helplessly and dejectedly across the room at his brother - who of course was trying to hold back laughter, knowing it would be very easy for you to switch your target to him. 
Clearly it wasn’t a social call to the hospital, Harry was here under the premise of taking photos when the baby arrives for Tom;  but really to stop his brother from having his own breakdown - as commissioned by you. Lets just say, however scared and mortified Harry was of this ‘event’ he was taking a lot of enjoyment from how his brother was acting currently. 
“It’s okay sir, if you were pushing a watermelon out of hole that normally was the size of a whiteboard marker, I’m sure you’d be a bit tetchy too.” That lady was your favourite midwife and in a lull between the sets of contractions, you actually managed a laugh. Wide-eyed, Tom just nodded jerkily, murmuring some sort of agreement. It was at this point a flash of light reverberated around the whole room, causing you to breathlessly laugh, Harry’s face informing you the picture he just got of Tom was priceless. 
The laughter didn’t last long though, the next contraction had you bearing down on the bed, face contorted in pain as you sucked desperately on the gas and air tube. 
“Okay Y/n I think we might be getting there, let me call the senior midwifes in okay?” The midwife had your legs hiked apart, a blanket attempting to cover your modesty - but at this point she was basically sticking her face in your noon. Modesty was out the window. 
“Already?” Tom was shocked to say the least, from all his reading and research he’d learnt that the average labour time was more like 5 hours. Lets just say, Tom never exceled in school, never much enjoyed reading - which made the hours of highlighting baby books and pregnancy leaflets all the more extraordinary. 
“Babies don’t stick to the script sir.” You could tell she was proud of the pun there, because you know, Tom’s a moviestar. “Professional improvisers, the lot of them.” 
The cream walls of the hospital room very quickly filled with more and more people - Harry staying like a fly on the wall, now nervously biting his nails as he watched an obscene amount of medical people all take their turn oggling his sister-in-law’s bits. This was a weird ass situation. 
Almost immediately it was at the point the midwifes were telling you to push, which after 9 months of holding a baby in (as well as your ill functioning bladder) sounded like an absolute dream. But it was also absolutely terrifying and exciting and horrifying all wrapped in one. Naturally then, after nodding hesitantly at the midwife between your legs, you’d craned your neck across to tom .You might’ve just told him off, for trying to encourage you, but now? You needed his encouragement. 
What met you though, was his face completely drained of colour, mouth hanging slightly open as he hadn’t moved - still staring intently at the midwife. She followed your gaze, only taking half a second to survey the situation before knowingly smiling. 
“Can we get a bit of help for dad please?” Immediately one of the more junior looking midwives was directing (pushing) Tom into the chair next to the floor. Suddenly actually concerned, you looked with wide eyes to the lady between your legs, who you felt bad for not remembering her name. With a comforting squeeze of your ankle she reassured you he’d be right as rain after a few moments of having his head between his knees. Also sensing you needed your support, she arched up, beckoning over to Harry who had an equally bemused look on his face. 
“No - I-um I’m not.” His squeaking protests were interrupted by a large scream on your part, as another contraction tore through your body. Helplessly Harry glanced between Tom, who was still hunched over on a chair with a nurse squatted infront of him; and you, writhing around on the mechanical bed. He didn’t hesitate then, in jumping right to your side, allowing you to start crushing all the bones in his hand too. 
And then it was all happening, a blur of activity and screams. It didnt take long for Tom to pull himself together and then you were flanked on both sides by Holland boys - both giving cheesy encouraging words (which you would’ve again told them to shut the fuck up for, if you’d been able to), Tom also stroking the top of your head. He found it pretty impossible, watching the woman that he loved go through such immense pain - especially when he was technically half the cause. Well… actually more that that, it had been him who had been… well shall we say *needy* those nine months ago. 
“Okay Y/n the heads crowning, I know you’re tired but we need a few more big pushes, can you do that for me?” 
Merely 5 minutes later and the most beautiful sound in the world echoed through the 4 creams walls. You were absolutely spent, eyes closed as you panted, knowing tears were flooding down your face too. Immediately though, familiar hands cupped both sides of your face, a forehead resting on yours. 
“You did it Y/n/n.” His eyes were glassy, watering and red and the way he scoffed a smile in disbelief had you mirroring him exactly.
“We did it.” Your voice was hoarse and scratchy from all the yells of pain but it didnt matter. The midwife calling you by the name ‘mum and dad’ got both of your attention, a title you’d no doubt start getting used to. 
“Meet your beautiful baby girl.” Another choked sob escaped your throat, as  this little roughly wrapped up pink alien looking thing was placed onto your chest. Both you and Tom just gazed at her, completely transfixed at the way she wriggled her head slightly, nuzzling into your chest. Tom gently hovered his palm against her little head, while you pressed down the blanket gently, just so you could see all her features. 
Then a flash echoed around the otherwise silent room, making you all look up to Harry who was gritting his teeth in apology. “Do mum and dad want to smile for the camera?” The question was posed so hesitantly and quietly, really it wasn’t funny either. That didn’t stop you and Tom both pulling out the biggest grins and chuckling away, allowing Harry to capture the perfect moment. Being referred to as mum and dad - it was bloody comical. 
“You gonna tell me her name now?”  You looked from Harry to Tom, nodding in approval for him to spill the beans. 
“Amber. She’s Amber.”
You’d squabbled for months before ending on Amber. It had been a long relentless process, Tom claiming that your baby might just have ended up as ‘as yet untitled’ which you and your hormonal state had stormed out at. It hadn’t taken much to forgive it though, Tom had long since worked out that Ben and Jerrys was the way to your heart. 
The nurses took Amber back to do some tests, properly cleaning both you and her up and after that everything was weirdly calm. Harry had left to give the twothree of you a moment alone and Tom was about to do his turn of skin to skin. 
“This really is it isn’t it?” He murmured, whilst carefully scooping Amber from your arms. 
“Mhmmm… your stuck with two girls who’ll go psycho on you without a moments notice.” He seemed to accept it though, just nodding in response. 
“And I still can’t bloody wait.” His eyes penetrating deep into you, had you blushing like a nervous teenage girl. “ ‘m still so proud of you, you grew this little human.”
“Your not allowed to call her little because you didnt have the ‘little’ thing rip your insides apart.”
“Hey! I’m upset about it too! Was like I had to watch my favourite pub being burnt down.” Of course, trust Tom to make a dirty joke at a time like this.
“Don’t kid yourself, you weren’t watching, too busy fainting.”
“I didn’t actually faint!” This time he protested a bit too loudly, causing Amber to mewl a little and bury her head into the crook of her Dads arm. “I think Ambers just told you to shut it too.”
“You annoy the hell out of…” Your grumbling was interrupted by an impressive, ear-splitting yawn. “ You annoy the hell out of me.”
“But you love me?” He sing-songed, now back to a hushed tone. 
“I hope so, otherwise we’re in a bit of trouble.” He scoffed, but nodded his head, taking the hand that wasn’t cradling Amber to tuck some sweaty, knotted strands of hair behind your ear. 
“I do owe Harry though, he was at least able to stay on his feet.”
“He was a better birthing partner than you too, much much less condescending and annoying.” You sniggered, making Tom pout once again, only wiping the look off his face when you yawned again, rubbing an your eye like a toddler would. 
“If your done insulting me… get some rest love, I got you.” All you did was nod, with a small groan (because below your waist still hurt like a bitch) rolled over so you could fall asleep to sight of the two of them. 
“Got you both, my two beautiful girls.”
hope you enjoyed, would love to hear any thoughts <3
taglist: @hollandfanficlove @hallecarey1
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Sorry for Not Winning You an Arcade Ring | Joaquín Torres
✦ pairing — Joaquín Torres x female!Barnes!Plus Size Reader
✦ word count — 8.7k (should I even apologize at this point?)
✦ summary — your ex-boyfriend comes back into your life the moment you finally meet your dad — although things are complicated, your feelings are intact.
✦ request — Could I please ask for a story where reader is Bucky’s daughter and she used to date Joaquin but they broke up and then when she meets Bucky they get back together? Angst and drama and fluff and something steamy but no smut please?
✦ warnings — angst, drama, mentions of food and beverages, mentions of violence, language, depiction of symptoms of mental illnesses and light depiction of abandonment issues, daddy issues, fluff.
✦ author's note — coney island (the song) doesn’t have much to do with the fic, but I couldn’t take that line out of my head and thought it was fitting. Next Joaquín fic will be the one where reader used to date Peter, I promise.
Joaquín swallowed with difficulty. His saliva had become unbearably thick in seconds. As he stood in front of the building, the building that now looked taller than it really was, he felt an itch in his neck.
Sam gripped Bucky’s nape, encouraging him to lead the way inside the building. Bucky was as frozen as Joaquín.
The older man was speechless. Joaquín, however, was not. “Are you sure this is the right building?” he rasped the question directed to Sam.
“One hundred percent.”
Joaquín nodded. The world was small, and he didn’t want to find out just truly how smaller it could get. “I’ll wait here.”
Bucky shook his head. Joaquín’s stomach dropped. He wanted to be there for Bucky, Sam had told him how important this was for him — when he agreed, Joaquín didn’t know he would come back to this place by supporting Bucky.
Connecting dots had never been hard, much less now that it was part of his job, yet he wanted to be mistaken.
“Let’s get this over with, boys.” Sam patted Joaquín’s shoulder. His other hand was still on Bucky’s nape, and by the looks of his grip, he wouldn’t let go.
Joaquín knew exactly what Sam was doing and he wished he had somebody to stabilize him too. “I’ll lead the way,” he mumbled.
“I have to talk to the—“
“There’s no need,” Joaquín interrupted.
Pushing the main door open, he nodded down at the security guard. Still the same old guy. The man smiled, nodding upward as though asking if Sam and Bucky were with him.
“They’re cool,” he assured the guard.
“It’s good to see you,” the guard told him, still smiling.
“You too.”
Joaquín slanted his head, motioning for Bucky and Sam to follow him. He walked past the elevator, explaining, “The elevator is always broken.”
Sam frowned. “We’ll take the stairs, then.”
Their steps, silent yet heavy, carried nerves and apprehension. Joaquín didn’t know how to explain himself or he should even try to do it, Bucky was scared of being rejected, and Sam knew Bucky wouldn’t recover quickly from this.
Joaquín leaned over to look at the paper in Sam’s hand. The number scribbled on it confirmed his suspicions.
“I—“ God, he couldn’t back down now. “Who will do the talking?”
“I will,” Bucky said in a quiet voice. “I just need you two there.”
“Yeah, man, no problem.” Joaquín was thankful his voice didn’t crack.
Bucky lifted his fist, yet his knuckles didn’t touch the door. Not yet. Joaquín felt cruel for wishing Bucky would take longer.
The knocking wasn’t desperate as Joaquín had anticipated. Perhaps Bucky wanted to make a good impression, or perhaps he was wishing nobody would answer the door.
The door opened and Joaquín found himself frozen. Stuck between running away and pulling you into the tightest hug you had ever received.
The euphoria of seeing you again was overwhelming and bittersweet. You looked good. You had always looked good in his eyes.
You were speechless. He wasn’t sure if it was because of him or because of Bucky.
Sam said a soft hi to fill the air, only making it worse for Bucky and unbeknownst to him, for Joaquín.
You stared at him, trying your hardest to smile although the muscles in your face didn’t give in. Eyes moving to Bucky, you found yourself rudely staring.
He did the same. Nobody said anything for a while. Three pairs of eyes were on you, and your brain couldn’t seem to function.
You had looked for him for years, in different countries, finding rejection in every corner of every big and small city alike.
Your gaze deviated to the other side where Joaquín was standing. You picked on Sam’s shift, sandwiched between the other two men.
Joaquín tried to hold your gaze, but you looked away.
“Uh...” you trailed off, eyes jumping from Bucky to Sam. They stopped for a moment before deviating again towards Joaquín. “Come in.”
There weren’t any pictures left in the living room, instead you had filled the spaces with ceramics and trinkets.
You had the same colorful couch Joaquín once spilled coffee on, and the same cozy chairs you had bought online by mistake.
”I should have introduced myself...” Sam trailed off.
“I know who you are,” you assured him. “Nat talked a lot about you.”
“You met Nat?”
“She came looking for me no longer after people disappeared. Maybe two months.”
You motioned for them to sit. Bucky and Sam did so on the same couch whereas Joaquín walked towards a chair. Your cat jumped onto the chair before he could take a seat.
The cat looked up at him and meowed.
“Fatatita,” you chastised the cat. “Let him sit down.”
Before you could approach the couch to pick the cat up, Joaquín lifted her in his arms. He sat down and placed her on his lap.
The cat curled up there, spiting you.
You sat on the other chair, closer to Bucky and Sam.
“Do you know who I am?” Bucky asked. So timidly you barely heard him.
You nodded.
“What else do you know?”
“Not much. You— you’re my dad and nobody knows who my mom is.”
Bucky looked down. “I’m assuming Natasha told you.”
“No.” You made a face, remembering that day like it was yesterday. “Somebody sent me an uncensored file. They probably wanted me to track The Winter Soldier down and make their job easier.”
“But you didn’t.”
You couldn’t tell if he was offended or relieved. “I actually did. I poured a lot of money into it and it never paid off. I lost track of you after Siberia.”
Joaquín squirmed around on the chair at the mention of Siberia.
Siberia practically ruined your life. Picking yourself up had not only been hard but something you hadn’t even been sure you wanted to do. Things had lost meaning. The only reason you were still here was your stubbornness.
Sam curiously asked, “Were you trained or something?”
“Not thoroughly. I’ve always been fat so I was useless in their eyes.”
Bucky sighed. “Sounds like them.”
You didn’t expect anything else from a terrorist organization.
“Oh! I didn’t offer you anything to drink...”
“I’m good,” Sam and Bucky answered at the same time.
You hesitated before turning to the other side. Joaquín barely shook his head. His fingers were buried in Fatatita’s fur as the cat laid on his lap with her eyes lidded closed.
“So... to what do I owe the visit?”
Bucky cleared his throat. “Well, I wanted to meet you.”
Your breath got caught in your throat. You had assumed he needed something from you. Knowing he wanted to meet you made your decade-long sacrifice and the heartbreak almost worth it.
“I was saving up for a trip to Brooklyn. I heard you were around there.”
“Yeah. It’s home again.” The glance he gave Sam didn’t go unnoticed by you.
You wondered if you’d be in the same situation they were if things had been different.
Home was a foreign concept to you. The word didn’t even feel real no matter how many times you said it in your head.
Outdoor cafes weren’t really your style. However, you could admit the place Bucky and Sam had taken you was nice.
You took his offer to visit him and Sam for a week. Working from home was a pain in the ass sometimes in terms of organization, but it had given you the ability to look for him from the beginning.
The square table shook as Bucky placed his metal hand on it. “Would you stop texting?” He chastised Sam who was sat in front of you.
“It’s something urgent. I wouldn’t be interrupting family bonding time if it wasn’t, you know that.”
Sam’s comment was the end of it. Bucky reclined back onto the chair and gave you a small smile.
Oh, so Sam truly meant the family part. Family — a magical word that evoked foreign sensations in the pit of your stomach.
Sam’s cellphone started ringing. “I’ll be back in a couple minutes,” he announced as he declined the call.
Both Bucky and you followed Sam with your gazes. Your stomach flipped as Sam greeted Joaquín.
Sam smiled. “You got it so quickly?”
Joaquín nodded as he tried his best to not look your way. Sam took the envelope from Joaquín’s grasp.
He could hear your laugh as though you were giggling in his ear like you used to and the temptation was too much for him to handle. He was only human.
Bucky was laughing too, seemingly at something you had said. Joaquín didn’t blame him, it was easy to like you, to laugh with you, to regret every second not spent with you.
“Okay,” Sam sighed. “I didn’t want to ask, but I can’t bite my tongue any longer... what’s up with that face and those eyes you’re giving (Name)? You did the same—“ He groaned. “Don’t tell me...”
“I won’t tell you,” Joaquín tried to joke.
“Shit, man. What happened?”
“Honestly? I’m not sure.”
“Mmmh. Why don’t you join us?”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea...”
“Please? I need you for this.” Sam waved the envelope. “But I promised I’d have coffee with them. She just got here.”
Joaquín hesitated to answer. On one hand, he knew Sam would need his help; on the other, he didn’t want to ruin whatever you had going with your dad.
“Come on,” Sam insisted. “Bucky is paying.”
Your eyes were on them as they approached the table. Sam once again took the seat in front of you, leaving Joaquín to seat practically next to you.
You wanted to flip the table and scream yet you remained in your seat, neutral and borderline frozen.
Sam leaned over to say something to Bucky. They were close enough for you to hear, but your ear didn’t pick it up.
You stood up from the table, surprising yourself more than you surprised the three men accompanying you. “I’ll place our order,” you announced.
The place was pretty in its simplicity, only decorated with coffee and pastry themed artwork. Functionality had been a priority and by how busy the place was, you could only presume they had succeeded.
There was a couple all over each other next to the window and a group of friends doing homework three tables from them. Laptops could be seen everywhere, just like people checking their phones.
You had to wait in line to place the order and the line was already building behind you too. The couple all over each other didn’t even seem to realize somebody was staring at them and if they did, they couldn’t care less.
You took a glance outside where Bucky was chatting with Joaquín while Sam made a phone call.
Sam slipped his phone into his pocket. “I didn’t give her my order... do any of you want to add anything?”
“I gave it to her,” Bucky assured him. “We thought you would take longer.”
Joaquín feigned interest in his phone. He had already read all of his messages, but he wanted to avoid the comment building in Sam’s mind. He could only hope his friend will keep it to himself.
He felt your presence as you sat back down. “There are two orders above ours. They will bring it to us.”
“Did you ask for extra milk?” Bucky asked.
“Thank you. My acid reflux has been giving me trouble.”
“Because you eat too quickly,” Sam chimed in.”
You lifted both eyebrows. “You could have ordered tea.”
“Absolutely not.”
You snickered. Joaquín snorted. Instinctively, the two of you turned to the side to look at each other.
Something flashed in his eyes, the same you fell for that hazy summer. They were still warm, albeit tired now. As they became glossy while he held your gaze, you wondered if yours looked the same. You wondered if he had something to say and hoped he wouldn’t find the courage. You knew you wouldn’t be able to take it.
The order arrived, shattering the moment.
“Thank you,” Joaquín said, staring at you.
“No problem,” you rasped. Fuck.
“We’re hoping to convince her to move closer to us,” Bucky said, not subtle at all, as he took a sip of his beverage.
Joaquín followed the circumference of the mug with his finger in clockwork motion. “Good luck.”
“Thank you. I want to make up for lost time and the distance makes it difficult.”
“Videocalls are quite effective,” you reminded him.
Joaquín winced. His finger slipped into the beverage.
Bucky tilted his head. “Are you okay?”
“It’s hot.”
“Well, it’s coffee,” Sam stated the obvious.
You couldn’t take Joaquín’s reaction off your mind. Not even on the way to Sam’s and Bucky’s place.
Sam said he’d be home by dinner time. He also warned you to not let Bucky cook. You couldn’t even bring yourself to laugh.
The guest room was practically the same as the one in your apartment. Same size, and a close enough layout.
Bucky had a proper look at your luggage. “I’m surprised you didn’t bring more clothes.”
You frowned. “Why?”
“I don’t know. Your apartment is so well-decorated that I assumed things.”
If only he knew how hard it had been to replace the remains of Joaquín... “I did it at random, just trying to fill empty spaces.” You lightly changed the subject, “I like your couch, by the way.”
“Sam hated it at first, but he has grown fond of it.”
You faked a chuckle, prompting your cat to lift her head. Sprawled on the bed, she stared at you.
“Comfy, Fatatita?” You reached over to scratch her head.
“How did you come up with her name?”
“Count Von Count’s cat is named Fatatita. It’s an homage.”
“Count Von Count?”
“From Sesame Street. He’s a vampire obsessed with numbers and he’s also a Count.”
You sat on the bed, pulling Fatatita onto your lap.
Bucky sat on the edge, twisted so he could look at you. “Sooooooo...”
“Where do you know Torres from? You had a weird moment there.”
You hummed, entertaining yourself with combing your cat’s fur.
Bucky didn’t let it go. “Now that I think about it, you knew his coffee order without asking...”
“Does your cat have intuition too?”
“Probably. They’re curious creatures.”
“You can tell me anything, (Name).”
”That’s the thing, there’s nothing to say,” you admitted. “Whatever you’re assuming is pretty much what happened.”
“I will kill him for cheating.”
“What?!” Seeing him cross his arms with a faint smirk on his face, you added, “You know what? Do it. You’re not making me talk.”
He let out a hybrid between a whine and a sigh. “I thought that one would work.”
“If you must know, the breakup was shitty.”
“Touchy subject, got it.”
Touchy would never cut it and you couldn’t understand why. “Do you remember any of your breakups?”
“From when I was a teen, yeah. But I don’t think they were bad.”
“Oh, so you were the one who ended the relationships.”
After a short silence, he admitted, “Yeah.”
Your body shook with laughter. ”At least you’re honest.”
After an hour and a half of working on your computer, you decided to stretch and fix yourself a cup of coffee or tea. 9:00 AM was the perfect time to drink something other than water.
The door to the bathroom closed as you opened the guest room. The living room was empty, just like the kitchen.
Such a thing didn’t last. Somebody called on the door. Bucky hurried to open the door,
You heard Joaquín’s voice. “Is Sam ready?”
“Come in. He’s taking a shower.”
Great! Just who you didn’t want to see. Why was he even here? He should’ve been doing whatever he did in Las Vegas, not ruining your family bonding time.
Your cellphone rang in your hand just as you had finished pouring coffee in a mug. Seeing your neighbor’s contact name, you took the call immediately.
“Hey, Ben. Everything okay?”
Your neighbor giggled. You knew it was fake as always. “Hey, pretty girl. Where have you been? I made your favorite pastries yesterday but you didn’t answer the door.”
You ignored the pet name. “Oh! That’s very sweet of you. I’m out of town right now.”
“Ah.” You could hear the disappointment in his voice. “Is your cat by itself?”
“No, no. I brought Fatatita with me and my best friend is taking care of my plants.”
“Well, then,” Ben said drily, “call me if you need anything.”
“Thank you. I promise I’ll make it up to you.”
Joaquín rolled his eyes. Oh, so he was listening in, huh.
“I’ll hold you up to that,” Ben said.
The line clicked and once again you couldn’t take your eyes off Joaquín who was glaring at you.
“What?” you snapped.
You hummed. He nodded. Neither of you gave signs of tearing your eyes off each other.
Bucky cleared his throat. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Nope.” You took the mug in your grasp. “I was just about to get back to work.”
Walking past him still hurt, maybe less than the last time, but that wasn’t saying much when he shattered your heart that day.
What was his fucking problem? First, he barged back into your life without warning, and then dared to give you that look as if you still owed him explanations for how friendly you were with other people?
The nerve of him! Of his stupid pretty eyes you were sure nobody could say no to.
Fuck. Fuck him. Fuck this. You were tired of not getting over him when he had no consideration of what you wanted or needed. He was the one who led you on by making you believe everything would go back to normal.
Had you made a mistake by breaking up with him to go look for your dad instead of asking him to go with you? Maybe, but at least you didn’t make him believe everything would be okay.
At least you had the decency to admit you had fucked up when you went back to him. At least you didn’t try to impose your wishes on him.
Now your day was ruined and you still had a shit ton of work to get through. Approaching the bed, you picked Fatatita up and hugged her to your chest.
You technically could have asked Bucky for a hug, he had said he wanted to make up for lost time, but you didn’t know him that well and it was embarrassing.
Begging for affection was something you were past of. You had taken care of yourself since you were 14, and learned the hard way that people didn’t deserve your tears.
Still, hot tears streamed down your face. You weren’t sure if you were angry, sad, or frustrated, but you wept until your cat forced you to let go of her.
If Bucky knew you had been crying, he surely know how to keep it to himself. You had lunch together between idle chats and nothing more happened.
You couldn’t get used to him, no matter how hard you tried or how much interest he showed in getting to know you.
Tearing down the wall you had built for years didn’t even sound easy to do, actually doing it seemed impossible as of now.
“I gotta run a few errands,” he told you as you carried the dishes to the sink, “wanna come with me?”
“I haven’t finished my work for the day.”
His face fell. “Next time.”
“Yeah,” you whispered.
Bucky gave you a tight smile and so you watched him leave with a weird feeling in your stomach. Was this how children felt when they saw their parents leave for work?
Sam didn’t take long to arrive. You didn’t have the full grasp of what they truly did, the superhero part was clear, but you didn’t know if that was their job or their side gig.
He greeted you with a smile. Trying his best just like Bucky.
“Bucky’s running errands,” you notified him.
“Yeah, Joaquín told me he called. I forgot my damn phone in the morning.”
“Oh...” You didn’t know what to say.
Sam sat on the yellow couch he used to hate. “Piece of advice?”
You braced yourself for the same thing your best friend had told you. ‘Joaquín doesn’t deserve your hostility.’
“Don’t call him Bucky to his face.”
“Wh—“ It took you a minute or two to process what he had said. “Oh, yeah. Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he told you softly. His eyes were on you, analyzing you. “Are you okay?”
“Lots of new things at once... I’m not good with...” You bit your bottom lip. “Work is driving me crazy,” you lied.
Sam pensively hummed and you knew he wouldn’t touch the subject again. He probably knew you were lying, and he’d surely tell Bucky, but what could you do?
Well, you left Brooklyn in a hurry. Your bags had been made for days when the date finally arrived. Relief washed over you the moment you stepped into that plane.
Bucky’s feelings worried you, that was true, but you felt out of place in his and Sam’s apartment. They had been welcoming and kind, and the fact that they weren’t the problem stung.
As a teen you fantasized with everything you would do and say when you found your dad, but adulthood had crashed onto you in a giant wave. It washed away the naive illusion of one day having a normal life; a family.
You called him as soon as you got to your apartment. “Just wanted to let you know I made it safely.”
“That’s good to hear.” The line shuffled. “How’s the weather?”
“Fine, I think?”
“Kinda cloudy. It’s drizzling.”
“Hey, I— I gotta go. I’ll call you soon, yeah?”
Bucky craned his neck as he looked up to the ceiling. “Yeah. Take care.”
You hung up immediately.
“What am I doing wrong?” Bucky asked out loud.
Sam threw his arm over Bucky’s shoulders. “Nothing. Just give her time.”
“We should get her a job here,” Bucky suggested. “Maybe that way she’ll move closer to us.”
Joaquín shook his head. “That’s not a good idea.”
“I forgot you’re an expert on her,” Bucky bitterly said.
Joaquín turned to look at Sam. His friend didn’t help him out and instead said, “You could ask her first.”
“Should I?” Bucky asked Joaquín.
Shrugging, Joaquín stood up from his seat and took his jacket. “I think we all know the answer she’ll give.”
“If you had told me where she was when we met—“
“I didn’t know you were her dad,” Joaquín snapped. He looked down, frustrated with himself for letting Bucky get to him when it wasn’t his fault either.
“You dated her.”
“Look, she didn’t tell me who her dad was. I just knew she was looking for him.”
Bucky was left speechless. Joaquín put his jacket on and walked towards the door.
“Not now, Sam.” He pulled the door open and left the apartment without any other comment.
Joaquín walked down the street, aimless. He should’ve called — he could’ve called you right now in fact. But what could he say? He didn’t even know why it hurt this bad.
The next time he heard about you was a couple months later. Sam and him were on a quick mission and Sam felt the need to give him updates about the family dynamic.
“She doesn’t want to meet Sarah and the kids,” Sam ominously said.
“I understand Bucky and you want to have a good relationship with her,” Joaquín assured him, “but I don’t get why you come to me for advice when we’re not together anymore for a reason.”
“Because you know her and we don’t.”
“She doesn’t cope well with change.”
”Is there any way to convince her?”
Joaquín had asked himself the same question. Many times, in many places. The conclusion was always the same. “No.”
Walking up the stairs with produce bags was part of your weekly routine. The elevator rarely worked and you didn’t trust using it when it did.
It was early. The market had been almost empty when you arrived — you had to wait for a few people to set up their products before buying.
Early mornings and all-nighters were your norm. You couldn’t remember the last time you slept in.
That was a lie. You could, you just chose to ignore it had happened. Everything always went back to a time you weren’t sure you would ever get over, and at the point you were in your life, you would rather ignore your past altogether.
As you reached your floor, you tried to remember if you had bought lemons or limes. Oh, well, you’d make do. Now you just needed to buy cat food and you’d be set for the week.
You had just unlocked your door when you heard a voice behind you.
“For a second there I thought you were out of town again.”
“Nah, I just really wanted some fresh fruit.”
Ben hummed. “Wanna hang out for a while?”
You considered it for a moment; you wanted to say no. Yet you gave in. “Yeah, why not?”
You let him in first. Ben avoided knocking the bags you had placed on the floor in order to open the door and stood in the living room, eyes on the plant near the window.
“Make yourself comfortable,” you told him as you carried your bags into the kitchen.
He remained in the same spot until you came back. His blue eyes focused on you as you awkwardly stood in front of him.
Ben leaned in, hands ghosting your sides.
You placed both palms on his chest and pushed him off you. “We said it wouldn’t happen again.”
Whoever was at the door saved you from an uncomfortable conversation by knocking with urgency.
Ben frowned. “You didn’t tell me you were expecting somebody.”
“I’m not.”
The moment you opened the door, you realized something was terribly wrong. Sam hadn’t visited you since the day you met him although he and Bucky called often.
He went directly to the point, “I need your help. It’s important.”
You nodded, letting Sam in. “I’ll talk to you later, Ben,” you said, hand on the door handle as you waited for him to leave the apartment.
You saw him glare at you, but Sam’s presence was enough for him to keep his complaints to himself.
Sam sat down on the couch, watching you as you hesitated on whether to sit down or walk into the kitchen.
“Want some water?” you offered.
“No, thank you.”
You filled your glass with crushed ice and a little bit of water and carried both glasses towards the coffee table.
With your glass between both hands, you asked, “What’s up?”
Sam didn’t look at you as he said, “It’s about Joaquín.”
“Listen, I don’t know what happened between you two and I don’t care.” Sam made a pause, allowing you to munch on ice. “I haven’t seen him in two weeks, I can’t find him anywhere.”
You cleared your throat, fighting a cough. “And what do you want me to do? I don’t even know where he lives.”
Sam took a gulp of water, not knowing what to expect. “You said you weren’t trained. Your file says otherwise.”
“I never said that.”
You had been careful when you answer that particular question. You hadn’t been enough for Hydra, but that didn’t mean they didn’t break you first.
“Why did Viper spare you?”
You bit the inside of your bottom lip. It was more than complicated — you didn’t even remember much from that day. “I don’t know,” you answered honestly. “She beat me up and the next thing I knew, Kraken was taking me to my first foster family.”
“So you haven’t had any contact with her ever since?”
“No—“ You made a face. “Well... I think she sent me the first lead to find Bucky. The actual file that said he was my dad.”
Sam placed his glass back onto the table. “She’s been on and off in Vegas for a while.”
“You think she did something to him,” you asserted.
“Wouldn’t be the first time.”
You clenched your jaw. “How can I help?”
“Telling me the truth.” He became extremely serious as he added, “I know you have contact with Seraph.”
You squeezed your eyes shut. You didn’t care about Seraph, but the girls under her wing had suffered enough already. “I can’t tell you anything about her, Sam.”
“I won’t tell anyone,” he promised. “Look, (Name), I already talked to Zemo and he doesn’t know anything.”
“Why can’t somebody from the Air Force find her? Or him?!” you defensively asked.
Sam scoffed. “Just how much you know about him?”
“Last thing I knew he was choosing The Air Force over me.”
You poured ice into your mouth. Barely able to close it, you let a few little chunks melt before you started munching again.
“We don’t have time for this,” Sam lamented, “Joaquín’s life might be on the line.”
You shook the glass in your grasp. “I can link you up with one of her angels. That’s it.”
Sam nodded, pulling his phone out. “Give me her info.”
“No, no.” You put your glass down. “We go to Madripoor and the contact is made there.”
“I’m not taking you to Madripoor. Are you insane?”
“Your dad would kill me!”
You shrugged. “Don’t tell him.”
“I can’t ruin my relationship like that.”
“Sam...” You whined when he shook his head. Almost pouting, you stared directly at him. “Please.”
“No, that face won’t work on me.”
“I’ll explain things to Bucky.”
“Oh, you will. You are taking a flight to New York in...” He checked the time. “In two hours and telling him to his face that you still have contact with Hydra.”
“I’m not a child.”
“That’s exactly why you’re telling him. Adults don’t hide shit like that!”
“You don’t get it.”
“And I never will. Besides, you owe this to us for the stress you’ve given your dad and for refusing to meet my sister and nephews.”
He was right.
You pushed yourself off the chair. “How light should I pack?”
Sam made a face, twisting his mouth. “I don’t know. Pack like you did last time just to be safe.”
Well, you had twenty minutes to pack. And to struggle with putting Fatatita in her cage.
“Hey,” you called for him from your bedroom’s doorframe. “Would you do me a favor?”
“I bought produce that could go bad. Can you give it out? Everything’s on the counter.”
His face softened. “Of course.”
Your cat wasn’t too happy with being trapped in a carrier, much less with once again putting up with children in the plane.
So there you were, uncomfortable against the window with a whiny cat. You hated window seats and although planes were fine, you were sick of them.
Bucky picked you up at the airport without a word. He helped you with your luggage while you freed Fatatita from the carrier.
She snuggled up on your lap once you were in the car, but Bucky didn’t start the engine.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” he softly asked.
You would’ve preferred that he yelled at you. Maybe he would once you explained yourself.
“My plan was to join The Angels.”
He didn’t yell. “What?”
“I was lonely.”
“You have a cat. You could’ve gotten another one or something. Anything that wasn’t that.”
“Yeah, and I love Fatatita,” you said indignantly as you massaged her head, “but she can’t talk or hug me back.”
You loved her snuggles, she was a sweet cat and you wouldn’t have survived the last six years without her. But she wasn’t human.
Painfully, you added, “I feel like I don’t belong here. You have Sam and his family already, you have a home...”
”We’ve invited you to join.”
You didn’t fit in with Bucky or with Sam, much less with Sam’s family — they sounded like nice people, but if Sarah was half as intuitive as Sam, she would be able to tell you were uncomfortable and you didn’t want to offend anybody.
You hated being alone and yet every path you took seemed to lead to loneliness. Maybe it was time to accept you had idealized your dad and he couldn’t live up to the standard.
Or maybe that wasn’t the issue, maybe you were as a whole. Living with it was your only option.
“It’s not that easy.”
“Nothing is.”
Yeah, nothing was easy, but this thing particularly was kicking your ass.
Things between you and Bucky were tense. He took great offense after you confessed you had considered going back to Seraph so he barely spoke to you.
You had only heard updates about Joaquín — or better said, the lack of updates about him.
Focusing on work or anything that wasn’t the phone on the table next to the couch was practically impossible.
Sam’s call eventually came through. He said Joaquín was alive which wasn’t relieving for either you or Bucky.
You wanted to hear that he was safe and sound. Alive was good, but not enough. Not when you knew exactly the type of things Ophelia was capable of.
“Bring a jacket,” Bucky told you. He couldn’t hide how mad he was — his voice was rough.
You silently complied, making sure to leave water for Fatatita.
On your way to the hospital, you tried to find something to say. The silence was unbearable, but you couldn’t help but think you would be a bigger nuisance.
Bucky pulled into the vast parking lot and found a good parking spot in no time.
You didn’t want to go there. Your mind had already run wild and the things you could encounter terrified you.
Fear seemed like a distant experience from a naive child. You hadn’t been raised like this.
But you hadn’t been raised to love anybody and yet you were, so full of love you would have rather died.
“I’ll wait here.”
Bucky rolled his eyes and stretched his arm to open the passenger door. “You are not staying here.”
Huffing, you got out of the car and waited for him to do the same. You slammed the door closed and he glared at you.
You immediately regretted listening to Bucky and coming to the stupid hospital. What were you even doing there? What would you fix?
Joaquín looked like shit. You could feel each hit as your eyes analyzed his bruised face. To make it worse, his left arm was wrapped and immobilized. You didn’t want confirmation he had more injuries — you didn’t need it.
“What did you find?” Bucky asked calmly.
Joaquín struggled to speak. “They’ve been doing experiments on people. Kids included.”
“And you didn’t think of telling anybody in case you needed backup?”
Bucky called your name sternly, warning you to shut up.
“No. He deserves it. They could’ve fucking killed him!”
Joaquín stammered. Of course he didn’t have a good answer. Of course he had to worry you sick even years later.
You felt actually sick to your stomach. Regret and anger often came hand in hand, but they had never made you feel like this.
“Let’s go outside,” Bucky commanded. “You need air.”
He pushed you out of the room and all along the hallway. People looked at you weirdly, surely wondering why you were being rushed out of the hospital.
If air had filled your lungs, you didn’t feel it. Stripping yourself off your jacket, you looked up at the sky. Why did you have to react like that?
Showing you cared never brought you anything positive. When you didn’t put people in danger, you ruined your relationships. And now you were just acting like an emotional idiot over nothing.
You punched the wall out of frustration.
It was not nothing.
“Hey, hey, hey.” Bucky moved you away from the wall and further into the open-air parking lot. “It’s okay. I’ve got you.” His arm was tight around your shoulders.
“I just— I can’t believe him, dad! He’s always been this careless.”
Bucky became frozen.
“I know I’m being too emotional and I shouldn’t, I’m sorr—“
“Don’t.” Bucky tightened his grip on you. “Let it out, it’s okay. I’m here.” His voice broke. “Dad’s here.”
You hid your face in his jacket, for the first time in your life crying on your dad’s shoulder as he steadied you.
You had to admit you missed the bus. New York wasn’t what people painted it as, much less the romanticized version your dad had presented you.
Either way, you were already there and you didn’t plan on moving out any time soon.
You were careful to not shake the reusable bag in your grasp too much. Bucky had never tasted your cookies and you would change that in a few minutes.
Memorizing the path towards the apartment was easy. Sam had given you a few tips so you wouldn’t have to call him all panicked because you were lost again. Luckily, he had gotten over it already.
Sarah was already at Sam’s and Bucky’s when you arrived. Apologizing for being late, you placed the homemade cookies you had brought on the table.
Sitting between Sam and Bucky, you asked Sarah, “You didn’t bring the kids?”
“Joaquín took them out for ice cream so we could talk about adult stuff,” she easily explained.
You glowered at Sam who had just served you a glass of lemonade.
“You’ve avoided him for too long,” he said.
“And you know exactly why.”
“I’ve heard both versions.”
You shook your head, knowing you wouldn’t win this argument. Sarah lifted her eyebrows.
“She’s as stubborn as her dad,” Sam told his sister.
“If I remember correctly, you used to refuse to admit you liked Bucky,” Sarah shot back.
“Don’t take her side!”
“No, no, Sarah, tell me more,” you encouraged her. “This is great material.”
She laughed, so did Bucky and eventually, Sam joined in.
The day you met Sarah had been bittersweet. She hadn’t held grudges against you for refusing to meet her and her children earlier and they welcomed you the same way they welcomed Bucky.
In contrast, you did hold that grudge against yourself. Yes, you hadn’t been ready to meet more people and were scared of not fitting in, but it wasn’t their fault.
The kids won you over the second you met them and the rest was history.
You tried to avoid glancing at the door when you heard the key sliding in, but you betrayed your pride and gazed at Joaquín the moment the door opened.
His face wasn’t bruised anymore and his hair was longer. He looked good, but that was to be expected.
You stood up to greet AJ and Cass, hugging them both. Joaquín smiled yet didn’t say anything.
As he parted from you, AJ asked, “You didn’t bring your cat today?”
“She’s at the apartment, probably asleep or enjoying her new cat tower.”
“You finally bought one!” Cass had given you the idea when you mentioned you wanted to find something for Fatatita to entertain herself. “She must be so happy.”
“Yup. Wanna see it? I’ve taken hundreds of photos.”
Both kids nodded. You unlocked your cellphone and patiently showed them the photos. The living room hadn’t been ideal for the cat tower so you put it in your office.
The problem, truly, was that the office was almost empty and you hated the color on the walls, but you hadn’t gotten around to buy paint.
Fatatita looked adorable in her cat tower, though. She would sometimes jump to the desk and lay on it, demanding attention. You never died her.
“You’ll get to see it in person soon,” you promised AJ and Cass.
Both kids were happy with such promise. They ran towards their mom, leaving you facing Joaquín. Once again, you couldn’t not stare at him.
“You look great,” he told you.
“Thanks.” You could’ve said he looked great too, but you didn’t want to make it awkward. “It’s good to see your arm isn’t broken anymore.”
He let out a small laugh. “Yeah...”
“I— Uhmm... I brought cookies.”
His face lit up. “I haven’t had one of your cookies in ages.”
You extended a hand in a welcoming gesture. “Help yourself.”
He didn’t move immediately and in consequence, neither did you. What ifs didn’t matter anymore, they didn’t even hurt that much — you just genuinely wished you could interact with him without feeling like you were crossing a line.
You used to be able to communicate without words, to know what he needed just by gazing at him from across the room. Joaquín would read your body language perfectly every single time and never once failed to respect your boundaries.
Not even the godforsaken evening he left.
Would the two of you ever be able to go back to what it was? You didn’t care if he still loved you — he probably didn’t. You wanted your best friend back.
“Anybody want anything from the kitchen?” Joaquín asked.
“Beer, please,” Sam replied.
Sitting back down, you drummed your fingers against your lemonade glass with no particular rhythm. You were being silly, there was no reason for you to be nervous.
Joaquín handed Sam his beer. He then stood behind you.
“Here.” He placed a glass full of ice in front of you. Crushed ice.
Okay, maybe there was a reason for you to be nervous. Something you hadn’t been on your first date or even the day you met him.
“Thank you,” you mumbled.
Bucky kissed the side of your head. You leaned into your dad’s warmth, letting the others speak. You were getting better at joining into their conversations, but this time you simply couldn’t focus.
His eyes were on you and yours would’ve been on him if you weren’t resting your head on Bucky’s shoulder.
You used to fantasize about something like this. A family afternoon, Joaquín and your dad getting along...
You lifted your head off Bucky’s shoulder and sighed. “I should get going. I’m still getting used to the subway.”
“Want me to drive you a little bit later?” Bucky offered. “I don’t get drunk.”
“I can drive her if she wants,” Joaquín said.
Bucky looked at him then nodded. “If she wants.”
The answer should’ve been no, but a little indulgence never hurt anyone. “Sure.”
So you stayed until Joaquín had to leave. Sam’s eyes lingered on you as you said your goodbyes — his hug was tight, an attempt to remind you things would be okay.
Bucky hugged you even tighter, almost lifting you off the floor. “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” he whispered in your ear before parting from you. Your dad kissed your forehead before watching you go.
It wasn’t the first time Sam or Bucky tried to encourage you to talk to Joaquín. You weren’t dumb, you knew he had offered to drive you because he wanted to say something.
Had they planned it all out? You hoped they hadn’t.
The night sky was clear, perfect for a long walk. Although long walks in New York were different, they were a good vehicle to get used to the environment which your therapist would’ve loved for you to do. Oh, well, another night it would be.
“You can drop me at the subway station.”
“It’s okay if you don’t want me to know where you live, but I offered to drive you home.”
Home. It still felt like a dirty word. He didn’t say it to mock you, there was no malice in his voice. Once again, you were the problem.
You gave him the address, explaining the directions Sam had given you to not get lost. Joaquín only hummed in acknowledgment.
After a mostly silent drive, you weren’t sure your assumptions from earlier had been correct. Maybe he was just trying to be nice and your brain had played you.
It was probably for the best in the general scheme of things, but you had to admit you were disappointed.
He stopped the car in front of the building. Neither of you attempted to move.
“Can we talk?”
You nodded. “Here? In the car, I mean.”
“Wherever you feel comfortable.”
You both knew where things could go if you dared to invite him in. But you still did.
The elevator was thankfully empty. The space between your bodies almost disgusted you. The last time you had been in an empty elevator with him, neither of you had been able to take your hands off each other.
Turning the lights on, you apologized, “Sorry for the mess. I have a lot of things to organize still.”
You walked towards the couch and picked the box you had left there up. Something moved inside.
A hiss let you know Fatatita was inside the box. You reached in and held her between your arm and your chest.
You put the box on top of the other boxes stacked up against the wall. And motioned for Joaquín to get comfortable.
Fatatita shifted in your grasp so you slowly put her down onto the floor. The cat ran towards the kitchen.
You tried not to stare at Joaquín. The more you did, the more you wanted to bury your fingers in his curls.
“Sam told me what you did,” he quietly told you.
“It’s nothing.”
“You had to move because of me.”
“It was bound to happen,” you said simply as though it hadn’t been one of the hardest decisions you had ever had to make.
He looked down. You hoped he was thinking the same thing you were. ’It wasn’t supposed to happen like this.’
“I’m sorry for not telling you who my dad was.”
“I’m not going to say it didn’t hurt, or that I get why you did it,” he admitted, “but I hope you know I would have dropped everything to help you find him.”
“I know,” you assured him quickly. “That’s why I never said yes, it wouldn’t have been fair.”
“What do you mean?”
“You wanted to join The Air Force more than anything. Your eyes would lit up when you talked about it and I didn’t have the heart to pull you away from your dream.” You let out a small sigh, perfectly picturing him, so hopeful and excited. “And I wanted to, I really did, but you deserved better.”
“But you were part of that dream.”
“You know how much I’ve always hated not having a home, but you still wanted me to move every few years.” It was never going to work, no matter how desperately you wanted it to.
“So I wasn’t enough?” He masochistically peered up.
“Wha— who said that? Why are you putting words in my mouth?”
“Because you would have moved every few years with me. I was only going to leave when deployed. I had all of it planned. We would get married eventually so you’d live with me at the base and...” he trailed off.
Whether he was trying to spare your feelings or to find the right words was irrelevant. You stayed silent, in part because you didn’t know what to do but mostly because you knew him well and were sure he wanted to finish his comment.
“I thought waiting for you was proof that I was serious about us. I asked you to move with me. WITH me, not for me.”
You sat down too. You didn’t need him to remind you or to make emphasis on his words — you had understood what he wanted from the beginning; you wanted the same for the most part, but not like that.
Compromising would’ve been good. Healthy. You wouldn’t be in this mess now. But comprising entailed a specific kind of vulnerability you were afraid you would never recover from.
And you lost Joaquín because of that.
“I was scared and I already said sorry. What else do you want me to do?”
He twisted to face you. “Don’t get defensive, we’re just talking.”
“I just...” You wanted to say a lot of things. If you had drunk alcohol you would’ve let them all out at once and finally, the nuisance from the pills was paying off. “I don’t want you to hate me. That’s all.”
“You can’t possibly think I hate you.”
You shrugged. “I sorta resented you for a while.”
“How did you get over it?”
Lying would have been so easy, but you couldn’t when he was implying you had gotten over him. There had been other people in your life after him and you had ruined those relationships too, but none of them hurt like this.
“I didn’t.”
He sat there, unmoving as he stared at you as if he was waiting for you to tell him it was a joke.
“Fuck,” he murmured.
“Please don’t make it awkward,” you begged him. “We can forget this conversation happened. You will go back to Vegas and I will stay here, it’s okay.”
Everything would be okay. This was just the closure your therapist said you needed.
Joaquín broke it to you, “I live here.”
Speechless, you felt your blood drop to your feet. Deep breaths and counting to ten were as effective as ever and at the same time didn’t cut it. Only you had this luck.
“Sam didn’t tell you I’m Falcon now?”
Now Sam’s and Bucky’s attitude made complete sense.
“He forgot that small detail.” As you recovered your ability to speak, you stressed, “The offer stands. We can forget this conversation happened.”
“I don’t want to forget about it.”
“We can’t do this, Joaquín. Not again — last time was hard enough.”
He enthusiastically nodded. “But I’m not going anywhere this time.” Seeing your apprehension, he added, “As much as I want to, I’m not asking you to immediately get back with me.”
“What are you asking for, then?”
“Another chance? A fresh start? I don’t know. I miss you and I want to be with you, but I’m not going to force you.”
“It’s not that you would be forcing me,” you clarified, “I miss you too, a lot. And the excuses I could give you are minimal, maybe a little petty...” He huffed a laugh. You continued, finally explaining yourself, “I’m scared we won’t really get past what happened.”
Joaquín placed his warm hand on your shoulder. “I’ve already forgiven you.”
You rested your hands on his shoulders, blinking rapidly. Sliding your hands to his back, you hugged him.
His free arm snaked your waist. Joaquín hid his face in your neck, moving his hand to the back of your head.
He shifted to kneel on the couch, making you lightly part from him. Your eyes met and you pulled him closer again before he would say anything.
Joaquín bit his bottom lip. “Can I kiss you?”
You kissed him first, tired of pretending you hadn’t been waiting for this since the day he left.
He softly kissed you back, bringing a hand to your face as he cupped your cheek. You relished in his warmth and gentleness, leaning into his touch and consequently kissing him harder.
Removing his arm from around you, he placed his hand on your belly and lightly pushed you onto your back. You ended up in an awkward position, yet you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
He hovered over you, fingers caressing your sides as he continued kissing you. You tangled your fingers in his curls as he deepened the kiss.
You rendered each other breathless, touch growing looser as both of you panted.
“So much for not rushing in,” you breathlessly joked against his mouth.
“Am I making you feel uncomfortable?” he panted.
“No, don’t worry.”
He hummed, leaving a small kiss on your jaw before dragging his lips to your neck.
“Although...” He immediately stopped. You chuckled. “My back hurts.”
Joaquín moved off you, standing up and offering his hand to you to help you sit up.
Instead, you stood up altogether and took his hand. He didn’t say no, he let you take him to your room.
You sat on the bed, tugging on his hand.
“Come here,” you needily said.
Joaquín happily complied, leaning in to kiss you again.
When you woke up the next morning, he was sound asleep next to you.
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lassieposting · 3 years
Bit late and random but it's the anon you leave food out for here to give away I am also bi and I think exactly the same as you about bi val pretty much, every time Derek offers me representation my reaction is to slowly, hesitantly take it and say "thaaaaaaaaanks..." while rolling my eyes, in much the same way one accepts their least favourite flavour of sweet from an annoyingly enthusiastic uncle-type-individual. Ironically I feel I had more in common with her before the bi shit started up.
What I find really amusing is that Landy actually did reasonably well at representation when (and only when) he wasn’t trying. 
Oh god, this got long, anon, my ass rambled.
tldr; I'm glad actual bi people dislike bi val (or how Laundry handled bi val) as much as me, this will probably offend at least one person but i don't really care, Dirty Laundry wrote better rep when he didn't mean to write rep at all, and if he ever starts trying to "represent" groups I'm part of I'll take him out back like a dying horse and shoot him.
Like, yes. He had stupid and potentially offensive shit - I say potentially because what offends one member of a group won’t necessarily offend all of them. His attitude to mentally ill people is, frankly, disgusting. We’ve had “Skulduggery can’t be abused, he doesn’t have feelings”. We’ve had “eVeRyOnE iS bI eVeNtUaLlY”. We had Ping, who seemed to be pretty much universally offensive. And that's what's always going to happen when a straight, cis, white, wealthy, male author tries to write marginalised groups he doesn't know shit about, because inevitably he's going to fall back on stereotypes.
But we also had:
SEXUALITY REP: Phase One's nonstraight characters were treated like the straight ones, and like, isn't that the whole point? There was no need for a massive Coming Out Story TM to grab for those sweet sweet Woke Points, because sexuality isn't supposed to be important to mages. I never understood why Val needed that whole Coming Out Panic storyline. Like...Des and Melissa are ridiculously supportive, encouraging, loving parents. They accepted you dating a ~19 year old when you were ~16. They accepted you revealing you could do fucking magic and that you'd been lying to them for like seven years. They took your undead buddy in stride and the most pressing question your dad had was whether magic toilets exist. There is zero reason to think that "I'm bisexual" is gonna be the thing that makes them flip and throw you into the streets in disgrace, Valkyrie. Come on.
Tanith had girlfriends and it was just mentioned casually, because it's normal.
China had massive UST with Eliza. That was an opportunity right there to not only include a f/f relationship, but also to bring back one of the few precious surviving characters from Phase One, using characters and a relationship that already had several books' worth of setup and tension and interest from fans.
The Monster Hunters have a casual conversation about which one of the Dead Men they'd date.
Ghastly has a conversation with Fletcher about the pain he's been through being in love. He never uses any pronouns.
It was confirmed at one point re: the Dead Men that at this point, after 300-odd years, everyone's been with everyone else at some point.
Thrasher is gay, and while Scapegrace's...everything...is treated as a joke/comedic relief, Thrasher's love for him isn't. He's completely devoted to Scapegrace, and that in itself is not played for laughs, even though the rest of the scene usually is. Thrasher's description of their first meeting is essentially a love-at-first-sight situation for him.
"ABNORMAL" RELATIONSHIP REP: Age gap relationships are normal for mages. Off the top of my head, using only canon, canon-implied or almost-canon ships:
Ghastly/Tanith (~350 year age difference)
Tanith/Sanguine (~250+ year age difference)
Tanith/Saracen (~350 year age difference)
Caisson/Solace (~250 year age difference)
China/Gordon (~400 year age difference)
Kierre/Temper (~500+ year age difference)
If you include fan ships, there's also things like Mevolent/Serpine or my Mevolent/Vile, which are both ~600 year minimum age gaps based on the timeline, or Valdug (and its variations) which is ~400 years.
Now, whether you consider this kind of rep positive or negative is up to you, but it’s there.
MENTAL ILLNESS REP: more like "Which characters in this series don't have a mental illness or a personality disorder?" I have some of these issues, but not all of them, so this is just how I read it, but:
ADHD: Skulduggery
Dissociative Identity Disorder: Skulduggery & Vile
Dissociation: Skulduggery again, most notably in DD and DB
Schizophrenia (or similar): Valkyrie & Darquesse, Valkyrie "seeing" Darquesse's ghost thing in Phase Two
Impostor Syndrome: Reflectionie
Autism: Clarabelle
Trauma/PTSD/CPTSD: Skulduggery, Valkyrie, China, Ghastly, Erskine...pretty much everyone has a believable, understandable, morally grey trauma response in this series. People struggling with trauma are spoilt for choice of characters to see themselves in.
TRAUMA REP: This series is a trauma conga line, but everyone has a believable, understandable, morally grey trauma response in this series. I see little bits of myself in more than one Phase One character.
Childhood Abuse (of varying degrees & types): Skulduggery, Carol & Crystal, Omen, Fletcher, Ghastly, China, Bliss, Sanguine...
Estranged Family: Skulduggery abandoning his crest, Fergus & Gordon, China & Bliss
Bad Romantic Relationship: Skulduggery is also very clearly an abuse victim. He’s got a solid history of romantic attachments to women who manipulate, use and gaslight him for their own agendas.  There's a whole paragraph in SPX about how Abyssinia broke him down, isolated him from his friends and preyed on his desperate need to be loved, all classic abuse tactics.
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And I’m personally a huge fan of this backstory for two reasons:
1) Society likes a plucky victim in media. The "My suffering made me stronger" type of victim. And it's not always like that in real life. Not all survivors come out of their abuse stronger or kinder or more understanding. Some of us come out cold and fucked up. Some of us end up as emotionally stunted, bloodied-nails-and-bared-teeth survivors, broken in ways that can't be fixed and sustained by enough rage to power a small sun. But society doesn't like to tell the story of that kind of survivor, because we're not usually a likeable protagonist. When we're shown in media, we're usually the sympathetic villain, or maybe the antihero. But Skug is someone who's done awful things and lost pretty much all his faith in humanity and been burned more times than he can count, and he still makes the conscious choice to try and be the good guy when he could so easily go Evil Supervillain on the world, and I don't know about any of y'all, but I've modelled myself on him in that. I've made the choice to do something good when all I really want to do is just become a horrible, shrivelled ball of nastiness and revenge. And that's because I saw him do it and realised that I could do that too.
Skug is an incredibly capable, strong, masculine Man's Man. He gets in fights all the time, and he usually wins. He's military, an industry that's Really Bad for stigmatizing weakness and mental illness, and he's right up at the top of the hierarchy. Almost everyone is afraid of him. He's a straight up cold-blooded killer. Skulduggery Pleasant is precisely the type of person who's not normally portrayed as a victim of anything. Nothing about him screams "victim" at all. But his abuse history is insidious. He's so conditioned to respond in a certain way to abuse from the women in his life, probably from a very young age, that despite all that strength and capability and stubbornness and ego, he just goes along with it. And it's an established pattern going back hundreds of years. He keeps going back to China, even though he knows she's bad for him and his friends keep telling him to stay away from her. Abyssinia latched onto him when he was traumatized and vulnerable and weaponized it against him to make him easier to control - and when she reappears, hundreds of years later, she jumps straight back into using, tmanipulating and gaslighting him and not only does he let her, he doesn't even seem to realise that behaviour is abusive. He thinks it's normal! That's how he's always been treated by his long-term girlfriends, with the notable exception of Wifey. Even when Val is being fucking nasty to him in the first couple books of Phase Two, sniping and lying and blaming him for everything under the sun, he just takes it. There's no attempt to tell her she's being unreasonable, no telling her to fuck right off and give her head a wobble, no defending himself even when she's bitching over something that isn't even his doing. And this is a man who has an absolutely gleaming steel spine the rest of the time; Skug has no problem saying no to anybody else, but he can't get past the way he's been taught to treat the important ladies in his life. Skug is a walking reminder that anyone can be a victim of abuse, even the ones who seem least likely to be susceptible.
GENDER REP: This one is the most iffy out of the bunch and definitely was not done very well in the eyes of the people who matter most, but I'll include it anyway because it mattered to some.
So there's Nye, who's...agender? Genderless? And uses "it" pronouns? Nye was generally considered horrible rep because it's also a war criminal and experiments on people and I've seen people say "Well I don't want to be seen like that" but? It's still possible to be a war criminal and also genderless. I never saw the two things as being related or relevant to each other.
There's also Mantis, who's in exactly the same gender/pronouns boat as Nye and always seems to be forgotten about, which sucks because Mantis is a war hero. It fought for the Sanctuary during the War and they never lost a battle when it was in command. It's called out of retirement to fight for the Supreme Council in LSODM, ends up fighting alongside Skulduggery during the Battle of Roarhaven, and ultimately dies attempting a very brave, very risky strategy. Mantis is, unreservedly, one of the good guys. It was also my introduction to sentient beings using "it" pronouns, and did it in a way that felt natural, so when I met my first person online who used "it" pronouns and hated to be referred to as he/she, it was...weird, but not as weird as it would otherwise have been, because I was like, "Oh yeah, like the Crenga. Okay."
And then there's the Scapegrace sex change plotline, which...I might have an unpopular opinion on this one. From what I’ve seen, trans people don’t seem to think was handled well or with any sensitivity at all. I’m not trans, so if the trans community says he was being offensive to them, I’m not going to claim otherwise. But...I first read the Scapegrace plotline as a young teenager in a tiny rural school with zero diversity, going through a period of being deeply confused about my own gender identity. He was more or less my first introduction to the idea that genitals =/= gender. I was relieved, at that point in my life, to read someone having a lot of the same thoughts I was having about being in the wrong body. So while it may have been badly done and yeah, the series would probably have been better without it, it did make at least one kid suspecting she might not be cis go “Huh! So there are other people who feel like this.”
Thrasher is also implied to be legitimately trans/gender-questioning, and that's not played for laughs either.
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So? Phase One, while it absolutely had faults and issues and things that were just "Oh god why", was actually full of rep, at least compared to the other series that I read as a child/teen. But? As soon as Dirty Laundry started trying to be woke? He fucking sucks ass at it. Aside from confirming Phase One's hints that Skug has a background of abusive relationships, every single attempt at shoehorning rep into Phase Two is Bad.
The painfully OOC, forced, badly-written awkwardness of Val suddenly being rabidly horny for women out of fucking nowhere. The stilted, forced cringiness between her and any of the women she's flirted with - contrast that with Sorrowscorn's interactions, full of natural chemistry that had us all like 👀 I mean, I never shipped Val/Melancholia, but I could always see why people did - they had miles more chemistry than Val/anyone in Phase Two.
The fucking mess that is v*litsa, because if someone says "I'm really not interested in friendships/relationships right now", clearly the route to true love is to bulldoze their boundaries and forcibly insert yourself into their life and proceed to treat them like a delicate soft uwu flower, completely ignoring the horrible things they've done, while gleefully damning their best friend as an irredeemable monster for the exact same things, which is. You know. Gonna affect your so-called love's self-confidence and self-esteem because she knows she's no different to him. Y'all know I love an angsty ship, an unhealthy ship, a ship with fucked power dynamics, but I literally cannot roll my eyes any further back in my head at this shit. I never read Demon Road, but from what I've heard from friends who did, it does seem like every time Laundry tries to write an f/f ship, he comes up with a cringey abusive/manipulative caricature and tries to call it rep, and he needs to Stop.
Val's Mental IllnessTM arc. It's funny how he wrote Skulduggery as a wonderfully complex character with deep-rooted psychological damage and long-lasting trauma, but believes he wrote a character with "no feelings" - but when he tries to delve into the damage the world of magic has done to Val, he turned her into a weak, whiny drug addict who treats everyone around her like garbage and is so selfish and dislikeable that I? Honestly can't even reconcile Phase Two val with Phase One val. They're two completely different people. He's shown on Twitter that he doesn't have any respect for mentally ill people, and it shows. Other mentally ill people might see it differently, but the whole thing just makes me go "yikes".
Never, who has no personality outside of being genderfluid, and whose pronouns make no sense. I'm sorry, I have never met an nb person who insists that you change from male to female pronouns multiple times in a sentence, every time you refer to them. It's confusing as fuck. Now I have been told that Never has apparently received some character development in the last couple books, and if so, fair play, but I quit reading after Midnight, and Never and the rest of the personality-less new characters introduced in Phase Two who just seemed to be 2D Stereotypes to snag Woke Points were a big part of why, so. Development too late, I'm afraid.
(Now, if anyone is looking for a well-written genderfluid character, I recommend the Tawny Man trilogy by Robin Hobb. I have a lot of issues with her as a writer, and unfortunately I hate her POV character which puts me off the series as a whole, but she wrote the Fool/Amber/Lord Golden and their gender identity/approach to sexuality with so much more respect and realism. That is the kind of rep nb people should be getting: 3D, complex, realistic characters whose gender is only a tiny fragment of their personality, not the be-all-and-end-all of their existence. You know. Like cis people get. Nobody wants to be represented by a 2D cardboard cutout stereotype.)
Anyway idk how much sense this makes it just really amuses me that Laundry would include all this rep completely unintentionally and then go on Twitter and remind us all that actually he's a massive asshole via insensitive/offensive tweets about the groups he'd actually done a fair job of including (i.e. Skulduggery has no feelings, mentally ill people should find another series to read, the bullshit about Val being "heteromantic bisexual" on Twitter and then spouting all the "the woman she loved uwu" shit in the books (proving he has no idea what he's talking about), eVeRyOnE iS bI eVeNtUaLlY. He can only write half-decent rep when he's not trying and he inevitably outs himself as having a really shitty attitude towards those people anyway, proving that ultimately it's all either unintentional rep or performative wokeness.
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deascheck · 3 years
A Much Needed Chat
Summary: A/U. The reader is having high anxiety because of an evaluation you’re going to have, and your boyfriend, Lawyer!Sam, takes a break from his work to listen to you and calm you down.
Word Count: 2055
Trigger Warnings: anxiety/panic disorder, medication dependence?, language
A/N: I suffer from depression and anxiety and wanted to write a piece where Sam helps ground the reader (ME!) during a trying time. Please be nice! Feedback and reblogs are amazing! Thank you to the amazing @winchest09 for beta'ing for me!!
Your chest was tight, your breaths shallow and fast. You couldn’t stop thinking about the evaluation. Why the fuck did you have to have a psych evaluation given by the employer you were suing? Truthfully, you knew why. You were pursuing psychological damages from not one, but two workplace accidents. It didn’t make it any easier on you though. In your eyes, this psychologist you were meant to see had been hired by your employer to discredit everything you were going to say.
The more you thought about it, the more your breathing hastened. You wish you hadn’t left your Xanax at Sam’s house. You would give anything to take a few pills right now.
Nothing you were going to be saying to the psychologist was a lie, but her job was to make you sound like you weren’t mentally ill as a result of the accidents- when in fact you really were. Your depression and anxiety had made you a trembling, tearful mess.
You decided to go to Sam’s. Your boyfriend, Sam Winchester, was a lawyer, and currently worked from home. Not only was he a lawyer, but he was your lawyer. That’s how you two had met. He specialized in worker’s compensation cases, and was highly reputable in his field.
On the drive over, you attempted to focus on your breathing, but it was getting harder and harder with each second that passed. Your panic was rising and you felt lightheaded, like you were going to pass out. The pain in your chest grew, making you wonder if you were dying. Your vision started to change and you knew it was time to call for support. Struggling to hold the wheel and get your phone out, you fumbled around until you got to Sam’s number. You pressed the call button and briefly closed your eyes, praying that he answered.
“Hey beautiful, what’s up?” Sam’s calming voice sounded through the phone.
“I can’t breathe,” you puffed. “I need you. I need my Xanax. I think I’m dying... Help.”
Immediately, Sam started soothing you and coaching you. “Ok, I want you to start with five things that you can see. You sound like you’re in the car. Are you in the car? Look for five things on the road- what color cars do you see? What makes and models are they?”
You flicked your eyes around, panicked. “Ummm I see a green car in front of me. It’s a …. Hyundai Elantra. Uh, the car next to me is bright pink… it’s an ugly ass smart car.��
You could hear the smile in Sam’s voice at your judgment of the car as he encouraged you to continue, “Good job, baby. Keep doing that. I’ll wait on the line until you come up with three more.”
A minute or so later, you spoke up, breathless, “I got them. It’s not helping.” Your heart was still going a mile a minute.
“Ok, what are four things you can hear?”
You sighed in an attempt to slow your breathing. “I can hear my own breathing, does that count? I can hear Daisy’s engine.” You paused to continue listening. “I hear a motorcycle coming up behind me. And I hear the wind coming through the cracked windows.” Your heart rate slowed down some, to your great relief.
“Well done, Y/N. That was one of your best identifying sets yet. How are you doing now?” Sam’s voice over the phone alone was helping you calm down, your vision and eye movement returning to normal.
“You’re helping more than the exercise, honestly,” you stated.
Sam chuckled. “Well, whatever works for you, honey. You are on your way over here, I’m guessing?”
“You guessed it,” you chuckled weakly.
Ten minutes later, you pulled into Sam’s driveway. He had a modest two story, 3 bedroom house that you couldn’t get enough of. It was a brick house with the front door tucked into a small front porch with two pillars. The love of your life was standing on the porch waiting for you. You loved when he worked from home, because he could dress comfortably. He was in gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips, and a black vneck tshirt that gave you ample view of his chiseled chest. The worry on his face made you smile through the remaining anxiety. You would have been turned on if you weren’t still feeling like your anxiety wasn’t under control.
Quickly, you got out of the car and hurried into his waiting arms. You buried your face into his chest and took a deep breath, inhaling his scent. Sam’s strong arms held you tight, one arm around your shoulders and the other around your lower back. You were body to body, the warmth from his tall frame helping your muscles to relax.
Quietly, he loosened his grip and adjusted so that one arm was draped around your shoulders as he pressed you into his side to walk inside. The aroma that met your nose was your second favorite in the world- besides Sam’s. It was a mahogany/tobacco mix, which you hadn’t expected to smell as good as it did when you first were told about it. The familiar scent had you breathing deeply through your nose as you walked in with Sam.
You left his side and went straight to the bathroom, where your Xanax was. You dumped two in your hand, and after a thought, a third. You swallowed, sighing in relief. It occurred to you after you’d taken them that your anxiety had come down significantly, and that maybe you didn’t need them, especially three of them, but you didn’t care. The mere thought that you had taken them calmed you down.
When you exited the bathroom, you found Sam sitting on the loveseat in the living room. You immediately sat on his lap and pulled your legs to your chest and curled into his body. His strong arms wrapped around you protectively, and you felt his voice vibrate deep in his chest as he asked, “Did you just take your Xanax? Did you still need it?”
You felt slightly guilty as you answered, “Yeah, I took three. That’s one of the two reasons I came over here.” You smiled softly up at him. “You’re the other reason.”
His chin rested on the top of your head as he sighed. He knew you were a little too dependent on the medication, and the fact that you took three worried him. But he decided not to press the matter given the state you’d been in while you were in the car.
“Tell me about what’s going on in that pretty head of yours,” he murmured into your hair.
“It’s this stupid evaluation,” you sighed. “I can’t get it out of my head. It’s in less than two days, as you know, and my anxiety is going crazy. My employer fucking hired this doctor! She’s going to rip apart everything I say and twist it the way she wants it. I’m not good enough on my feet to phrase things carefully enough that she won’t be able to do that.”
Your breathing started picking up again. Your Xanax hadn’t kicked in yet. Sam felt your chest start to heave, and tightened his grip around you. “Breathe with me. Feel my breaths and breathe with me.”
Closing your eyes, you felt for his breathing rhythm. The slow, steady rise and fall of his chest. The comforting movement once again helped you get your breathing back under control. You took a breath with him and let it out at the same pace he did. Your heart slowed down to a resting rate.
“Ok, I think I can keep talking this through without you having to calm me down every two seconds. I guess I’m just worried overall that I will feel invalidated. Like what I’m feeling isn’t real or true,” you admitted. “That it’s all made up in my head. This evaluation I have to go to, in essentially a day, is my employer’s way of attempting to prove that I am NOT as sick as I have become. I didn’t even take a single medication before all this shit happened! I didn’t need to see a therapist! I’m not fucking making it up.” You tilted your head up briefly to look at Sam and his sympathetic smile warmed your heart.
“Sweetheart, I know. But think about it, our job is to prove the severe decline of your mental health. Their job is to prove there was no decline- that it was bad already. If our psychologist says that you have a permanent partial disability of 75%, your employer is most definitely going to hire a psychologist of their own to attempt to disprove that. Seventy-five percent is a large disability! They don’t want to have to pay out for that.”
You sighed. Logically, you knew that. But nothing, you felt, nothing, could really prepare you for the evaluation. It could potentially go on for five hours! It made you think, What the hell? Who spends five hours getting interrogated and tested by a psychologist whose main goal is to discredit me. You groaned.
“I wish I could say I just want it to be over. But I’m as nervous for her report as I am for the evaluation! My coworker, Jay, and I read about one of her previous cases online. Man, she did not help the lady out at all with her report. She essentially said there was no illness whatsoever. What if she does that to me? I’ve got the diagnosis to back it up! And my psychiatrist even wrote a note saying that my depression and anxiety were indeed exacerbated by these accidents. And my psychologist I saw for our side of the case said I have PTSD and ADD. That’s got to count for something to the judge, right?”
Sam nodded against your head. “All of these reports will go to the judge. All the medical records, all the reports, everything, goes to the judge for review. The reports may influence him, but ultimately it’s he who makes the decision on what the settlement will be. Try not to worry too much about her report. Because we already have a very favorable one from our side.”
You could feel your Xanax kicking in. A calm wave washed over you and you felt your body relax into Sam’s for the first time since you had been curled together. You rested your head against his chest and breathed deeply, once again taking in his scent. This stupid evaluation was inevitable. You knew that. You had written in a journal different things you wanted to share with the psychologist, as well as a letter. Nothing you were going to be saying was a lie. She would not be able to catch you with irregularities.
“I guess the best thing I can do is just be honest, ya know?” You ducked your head softly to dislodge Sam’s chin from your crown and looked up at him. “The truth always comes out, right? If only truth always won…” you trailed off, getting lost in your thoughts.
Sam chuckled, the laugh resounding deep in his chest. “Y/N, you have me. And you know I am doing my damndest to make sure we have everything we need to succeed. You’re going to get a settlement, because you have your breathing and wrist problems that have already been identified as caused by the accidents. You know that for sure. Now we’re proving psychological disability to add hopefully a zero or two to that number. Have faith, baby,” he finished, resting his forehead on top of your head. “We will get through this together.”
You sighed contentedly. You would absolutely get through it together. When you were with Sam, nothing could stand in your way. Not even a goddamn psychological evaluation. He gave you strength and his faith in you spurred you on. Sam helped you feel invincible. Fuck this evaluation, you thought. I’m going to do my best, be as honest as I can, and then I’m going to come home to Sam’s embrace and everything else will just melt away.
With that, you snuggled in closer, and closed your eyes, humming softly and happily to yourself.
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ajokeformur-ray · 3 years
Due to the fact that I got a little lazy with my studying last week (my time management slipped!!!) while I was also attending health appointments and helping out around the house a bit more, I am now almost two weeks behind on my university work.
It's fixable now (working on it as you read this!) but I'm kicking myself up the ass with a lecture from Father (which is How I Know It's Serious) to motivate me to stay up all night tonight. Deliberately woke up at 1pm today so I wouldn't be tired by my normal bedtime to help this happen; I'm gonna be locked in a sleep-study-sleep cycle for at least a week to fix this!🥺💙
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"You're what?" Father's sharp tone cuts through me like ice and I flinch, suddenly finding the carpet most interesting. Hot shame floods through me and I long to sink into the floor and never resurface.
"I'm... nearly two weeks behind on my university work."
Father inhales sharply, turning away from me and looking out of the window. Neither of us are looking at each other and it makes me feel sick. When Father turns away, it means that he's controlling his temper. It means I've disappointed him.
"How did this happen?" He turns back to me, fire in his eyes. He's not that angry, not yet. He's willing to give me a chance to explain myself and depending on what I say, he'll either soften or get more angry.
I'm on thin fucking ice and we both know it.
"I don't know!" I bring my hands up to my face, pressing my fingers against my eyes. "It just did! I had to have that dentist appointment and afterwards I was just so tired because I'd barely slept the night before because I was so scared, and then the day after I had to have that blood test for my illness, and then you know I went out into town with you to help you with your errands, and then when I got home I helped Mama with the chores and then I was too tired to study, and then it just - " I shrug, "I'm sorry, Father. I don't know how it happened. It just did."
Father inhales sharply and I flinch, not looking at him. I pick at the skin around my nails, wanting more than anything to disappear.
"I'm sorry, I didn't - " Tears flood my eyes and I've never felt smaller than I do in this moment. How could the daughter of Doctor Jekyll make such a stupid mistake? I chastise myself in my mind far more than my Father ever could, and I have no doubt that this is why he softens; we both know that any lecture he could give me is nothing compared to the one I'm giving myself every waking moment as I fight to catch up.
"Hush, Erika." Two well polished black boots step into my line of sight and I dare to look up, catching Father's softening gaze. "Things like this will happen sometimes. It's difficult to keep on top of one's work when there are other duties and responsibilities. I want to - " Father clears his throat, "May I see what you're up against? I may be able to help you somewhat while you catch up." There is a slight warning in this last sentence - I will catch up. Father isn't motivating me here, he's telling me, and I know that these are the consequences of my actions, well-intentioned or not.
I show Father my materials. "This is last week's work and this is this week's work." A pause as Father's mind races to understand why I'm so terrified and I shamefully point to not even a day into last week's work. "I'm here."
"How on earth did you let it slip this far?" He sounds truly incredulous, and I know why. I love studying; the process fills me with joy, note-taking brings me a familiar peace, and I adore being surrounded by papers and books. He can't understand how this happened, and to be honest, neither can I.
"I told you," I shrugged, "I didn't mean for it to happen but it did. Do you think I can fix it?"
Father chuckles darkly, the sound humourless. It sounds like Papa, and I shiver. "You and I both know you don't have a choice, Erika. You must fix it, or this will continue and you won't be able to catch up."
Those tears spill down my cheeks, and Father gives me a kind look. He never can say no to me, no matter how much he tries.
"It can be accomplished, Erika. I have seen you battle things you didn't think you would survive, but you did, and this occasion is no different. It won't be easy for you over the next few days," His dark eyes flash in warning, "But it can be done."
"I'm sorry, I - "
Father holds his hand up to interrupt me. "Apologies won't get the work done, Erika. You must start now. Sit down." The lecturing tone is back and I shamefully do as my Father says. I sit in my favourite seat and Father brings my materials across. He opens everything up, hands me a pen. "I am going to bring up some of my own work, some food and some coffee for you, as well as some port for me. You and I are going to work together today, and I will be keeping an eye on you. I will check your progress every hour on the hour. Am I understood?"
I dare to meet Father's eyes and I see a challenge in them. He's daring me to tell him that I can't, to tell him it's too much, to tell him anything which goes against the discipline he's imposing on me, knowing that I can't quite bring it onto myself. I don't have a choice but to work hard and maybe even to stay up all night just to accomplish this, and we both know it. Father has always held me accountable for my responsibilities, and this occasion is no different. It's how he shows his love and his support, but unlike Mama, Father isn't afraid to be harsh when the time calls for it, such as this one.
Thoughts of giving up occur to me. Thoughts of stopping, of saying no, come to me. But I wasn't raised that way. I wasn't. So I tighten my grip on my pen, maintain eye contact with my Father and say, "Perfectly." A pause, my bravado slips, and then, "I am sorry, Father, I didn't mean for this to - "
"I know," He smiles wryly, "I understand more than most how quickly one's work can slip out of one's grasp. Focus your energy on your work, Erika, and make this right." His hand squeezes my shoulder in comfort, encouragement, and to tell me that the lecture is over. I can relax now, but not too much... I have two weeks of work to do in one and I'm really up against it now. It's my own doing and I know that, but Father will help me to make it right, page by page by page.
I am Doctor Jekyll's daughter and I can do this.
I don't have a choice.
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
HERE FOR YOU || Jurdan College AU Pt. 2
Warnings: None. Swearing maybe?
Tags: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @aesthetics-11​ @hizqueen4life​ @duarteegreenbriar​ @mysweetvilllain​ @judexcardanxgreenbriar​ @nite0wl29​ @althekingshorses​ @thewickedkings​ @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover​ @thesirenwashere​ @b00kworm​ @acourtofmoonlight​ @queen-of-glass​ @random-llama-socks​ @jurdanhell​ @cardan-greenbriar-tcp​ 
[if I forgot to tag anyone or if you want to be tagged let me know!]
Summary: After finding a very ill and feverish Jude, Cardan takes her to the doctor. And deals with her usual stubbornness.
HFY Masterlist      Pt 1   Pt 2   Pt 3   Pt 4 [coming soon] 
AO3 link
My masterlist
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Cardan had never liked doctors. When he was a little kid, his mother had to apologize several times because he kept glaring and calling them creepy warlocks, claiming they cured people using potions that stunk and had a sour flavor. And even though he’d got over that phase of his life, the scent of medicine still gave him a slight skittish sensation. 
Now, after nearly an hour of waiting he was definitely not enjoying himself, except that this time he couldn’t quite tell if the feeling was because of the smell or not knowing what the doctor was telling Jude, making his muscles tense more with every minute that passed.
One part of him wished nothing more than yell at her for being so reckless and not seeking for help earlier. 
The other part though, kept thinking about that morning.  
He and Jude had agreed to meet every monday and  friday at 9:00 am to work on their final project. At the beginning their meetings had place at the school’s library, since they didn’t talk much. Not because he didn’t want to, of course. But after years of confronting Jude at class, he’d learn to give her space when she focused on something. And maybe because she was a little scary too. 
Within time, her frowning glares became curious eyes and her monosyllabic answers, full conversations.
By the third month, they had to look for a new place to meet. The library’s manager, tired of scolding them at least six times a day for talking and laughing too loud, had forbid them to enter the building together. Or being together in there at all.  
That’s how they ended up in a coffee shop near the campus. The place was small and cozy. The owner, an old sweet lady called Joanne, prepared the best cappuccinos Cardan had ever tasted. 
That morning though, he hadn’t been able to take a sip of his beverage. The two cups of coffee steaming on the table seem to mock him as he alternated his gaze between them and the door, waiting for her to arrive. His leg bounced uneasily and he felt his hands sweatier than usual.
 He glanced at the clock. 9:20 am. She was already twenty minutes late. Jude was never late. 
From the kitchen, Joanne whistled cheerfully the song that came out from the speakers. An italian song he couldn’t identify. When her eyes crossed Cardan’s she smiled and gave him an encouraging nod. He shifted on his seat, looking down at the small bunch of flowers he’d bought. The white peonies and daisies rested smoothly on the wooden table.  
Damn her. Of all days, she’d chose this one to be late.
When he woke up that morning, he was thoroughly decided to finally come clean. To finally tell Jude he was in love with her.
He sent her another message. Nothing. 
He called her. No answer. Again. 
Had she forgotten? 
Impossible, they met there twice a week. 
The only possible option left in his mind was that she’d remembered. And didn’t care.  
Anger pooled on his stomach. What an idiot he felt now. They had an agreement, imposed by her by the way, of letting the other one know about any inconvenience. Was he really that insignificant for her he didn’t deserve a simple notice? 
Bottle it up, he said to himself.
That’s when he remembered she’d been absent from class those last two days too. Even professor Noggle asked about her, a thing he didn’t do with most of the students. 
Cardan frowned. In a swift move he stood and walked out. 
He left the money for the coffee on the table, and the flowers next to it. 
The door opened, bringing him back to the present. As Jude walked out of the consulting room, he noticed her pallor had decreased. Not enough to relax him, but it was something. 
“How are you feeling?” he asked, raising to stand next to her. 
She shrugged. “Better, I told you it was nothing. Let’s go.”
“Ah ah,” The doctor started, closing the door behind him. “That’s not exactly what I said young lady.”
Cardan frowned at her. Seriously? Her only answer was a deep sigh and rolling eyes. 
“My exact words were that it didn’t seem like something too serious or life-threatening. Not that it was nothing.” He took a prescriptions block out of his coat and scrawled something in the front page. Jude groaned.  “It’s most likely a severe stomach flu, aggravated by the days it was left untreated. But since the fever was strong, I’d like to wait and see if it settles now.”
“Most likely?” Cardan repeated, his brows pulled together in a frown. What had he paid this clown for, then? 
“Well it’s always good to scrap any other possibility, I took a blood sample from miss Duarte so I can send it to the lab. But I don’t believe it will show any other result.”
He nodded. “So what now? We just wait?”
“Cardan.” Jude mumbled. He didn’t move his eyes from the doctor.
“Pretty much.” He handed him the prescription. “She got an injection for the temperature already. Here are scripted some pills she’ll need to take for the next three to five days, to help with the nausea. And of course, lots of water and electrolytes.”
“Thank you, I’ll get those right away.” She said as she snatched the paper from Cardan’s hand and put it away. 
“Miss Duarte, I’ll recommend you to stay under observation the next two days. Just in case the fever returns and you need immediate assistance.” 
“Of course.” Jude answered nonchalantly, already reaching for the exit. “I’ll let my sister know so she can come over. Thanks.”
Back on his car he drove in silence. ‘Never let me go’ by Florence + The Machine sounded low on the radio. With closed eyes, Jude leaned towards the open window, her brunette locks flying wildly around her head. 
Cardan glanced sidewards at her, forcing himself not to linger too much on her slightly parted lips. His mind went back to the moment she’d collapsed in his arms. Cheeks flushed and burning up in heat. Even if he never admitted it out loud, she’d scared the hell out of him. 
He pulled his attention back to the road and cleared his throat. “I thought both of your sisters were out of town. Is any of them back? I can call them if you like.”
Jude ignored his question. After a moment of silence she whispered. “Why are you doing this?” 
Cardan shrugged.  “It’s a little bit obvious isn’t it?” She quirked an eyebrow at him. “You have our full project on your laptop, Duarte. And it has a password. If you die, then how on earth am I supposed to recover it?”
A punch landed on his arm, followed by a soft chuckle. “Ass. And you don’t need to call anyone. It’s not necessary.”
“Meaning?” Now it was his turn to scowl.
“Meaning,” She sighed. “That I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, you already did more than enough. Besides you’re right, my sisters are far far away from here, right where they should.” 
He couldn’t believe his ears. Earning a honk from the car behind them, Cardan pushed the brake, leading the car aside so it could fully stop on the sideway. 
“Hey, calm down Toretto!” She shouted raggedly, grabbing the door handle for support. “What the fuck!?”
“What the fuck? That’s exactly what I’m asking you, Duarte!” Now he could fully turn to face her incredulous stare. “What the fuck is wrong with you? You passed out a couple of hours ago, you were burning up in fever. Do you realize that? Apparently not, because despite the recommendations, you still insist on not listening!” 
An exasperated sigh left his lungs. He grabbed the wheel tighter, trying to ease the growing pool of rage inside him. Calm down. He’d spent his life telling himself to calm down. Being terrible at expressing his feelings, he was used to get irritated every time he faced pain, or fear. Or pretty much anything, actually. But gods, how could she be so stubborn? 
Jude pressed her mouth into a thin line and looked down, her hands twisting faintly on her lap. She was indeed nervous about whatever illness loomed in her body, he noticed, trying to ignore the lips he so badly wanted to tug between his. 
“I’ll stay with you.” The words left his lips before he fully realized it. 
“You what? Don’t be rid-”
“The doctor said you needed to be under supervision.” He answered turning back to the road, and put his car on march again. She was probably giving him some murdering glare that he prefered to elude. “So you have two options sweetheart, either you let me stay at your place or you come back to mine, but a frat house it’s not exactly a place to rest. You are, by no means, staying alone.”
Half a second later, even the radio was muffled by her incessant ranting. Hardly determined to convince him of doing otherwise. 
Cardan just drove.
When he parked next to her building the sun was already setting. 
With her arms firmly folded across her chest Jude hadn’t stopped gritting her teeth all the way back. This was madness, she repeated to herself over and over. 
The man showed up out of nowhere, took her to the doctor, paid for her medicine and now wanted to stay in her apartment? No fucking way. 
The problem now, was that if there was anyone on earth even more stubborn than her, it was Cardan. A man that no matter how many times she asked him to just leave her on the sidewalk and leave, was now walking up the stairs next to her. A satisfied grin on his perfect charming face. If she didn’t feel as weak at the moment she’d slapped his way out of the place. 
Once inside she left the medicines and the gatorades on the table and turned to him. 
“For the hundredth time, Cardan. You don’t have to stay, everything is under control and I’m not feveri- what’s that?” She asked, noticing the hanging object on his shoulder.
“A backpack?” 
She rolled her eyes. “I‘m not blind, you ass. What are you doing with that backpack?”
“I always keep some extra clothes in my trunk. You know, in case I find myself in any unexpected situation.” He wiggled his eyebrows at her in a way that twisted her guts. Ugh, disgusting.
The repulse must’ve been written on her face too because he snickered for a second before throwing it next to the couch. “Becoming your hot nurse certainly fits in the category dear, you can’t deny that.” 
She blinked and pushed back the intrusive thoughts that emerged from his statement. Why was her mind against her today? Maybe the fever had burned her coherency brain cells, if she’d ever had any to begin with.
“I didn’t ask you to.”
“I know.” Cardan dropped himself on the couch, opening a book he’d taken from his pack. “Now take those pills, put on your weird pijama and go rest.” 
Maybe she could still gather the strength to slap him after all.
Trying to ignore the sour flavor that shitty pills left on her mouth, Jude stood in front of the mirror. Wearing the shorts and the t-shirt she’d put on before they went to the doctor, she found herself suddenly worried by her clothing and messy hair. 
Which was utterly absurd. It wasn’t as if he cared at all about her wardrobe choices.
Still, the idea of them sleeping under the same roof unnerved her. It had been a long time since she’d had someone from the opposite sex staying the night. Either way, her exasperating classmate certainly hadn’t crossed her mind.
She bit her lip.
Ok that was a lie. Being honest she might have thought about it a couple of times. Mostly drunk. She always felt guilty the day after. And pissed. It left her wishing she could hate him again, like she did on sophomore year when he was truly a rude idiot. But no matter how hard she’d tried, his wits and dumb jokes had slowly changed her perspective of him. Not to mention those deep dark eyes and wicked smile of his. It only took a pair of tequila shots to start fantasizing about running her lips along that jaw. FINE, it didn’t take any tequilas to do that. But sober she had a tiny bit of control over her too-creative mind. Drunk Jude had already undressed him in her dreams once. Twice?
And now Cardan was outside, lying down on her comfy couch. Staying the night.
Jude chewed her inner cheek. This was a nightmare. 
As quiet as possible, she opened the door and peered outside. He was nowhere to be seen. Maybe some ancient deity took mercy on her and vanished him to oblivion. That or he was probably in the bathroom, so she tiptoed her way to the modest kitchen. 
She’d just finished preparing her chai tea when the bathroom’s door opened. Decided to ignore him, she kept her gaze down. 
At least until she caught a glimpse of him with the corner of her eyes. That, snapped her attention back. Oh no, no no no no.
“Could you please… I don’t know, maybe put a fucking shirt on?!” She could already feel her blood gathering on her cheeks. 
He paused and quirked an eyebrow. “For your information, Duarte, I tend to sleep naked. These pants are a sign of my consideration to you, since we’re at your place.” 
The goddamn idiot was made of marble. Jude knew he wasn’t precisely one of those big muscular men, not that it meant he didn’t have everything in place. His well formed shoulders and arms were visible even with clothes, and now she could admire the slightly marked muscles of his torso all the way down to the V that disappeared under his pine-green pants. His shoes were off too. 
“Are you blush-” He started, only to be cut by her murderous voice.
“Good night, Cardan.” Taking her cup, she crossed the place with big steps, slamming the bedroom’s door behind her. 
Leaning against the wood, she heard the couch creak as he laid down. Her breathing evened a little a few minutes after. 
Shit, that had been rude. Even if he’d imposed his presence there he was still a guest, her mind scolded her. A really hot guest. No no, don’t think of that now.
As silently as she could she opened the door again. And pressed a hand to her mouth to muffle her laugh at what she saw.  
Cardan’s legs hung over the couch’s arm. Which made sense, considering how tall he was, but right now it only looked bloody ridiculous, and kind of adorable. She tried to ignore the guilt that pierced her heart again. He seemed stiff. An idea shone on her mind. A terrible terrible idea.
“Cardan?” She whispered.
He hummed in response.
She swallowed and walked towards him. “You can’t sleep in there.”
He scoffed and looked at her through hooded eyes, dark and deep made her heart skip a beat. “If you’re trying again to convince me to leave…”
“I’m not.” Jude blurted, passing a hand over her curls. Somehow words seemed to stuck in her throat. “I mean- even when you are completely ignoring me about you not needing to be here… I guess I… What I try to say is-”
“Jude Duarte is babbling. Gods, now I’m intrigued.” He breathed, propping himself on his elbows.
She crossed her arms and tilted her head elusively. It was humiliating how easy it was for him to put her on edge. “Shut up will you? You can’t stay on the couch, it’s small and uncomfortable… And I, well, I happen to own a double bed.” 
Smooth, girl, smooth.
“Trying to lure me into your bed? So soon?” He teased, flashing her a smile, yet his joke didn’t reach his eyes. Something in them was different, they were wider, intense.
“You’re intentionally being an asshole.” She said, gritting her teeth. This time his tricky words and good looks wouldn’t affect her. She couldn’t allow it. “I just meant that we can both sleep there. Like, as far away as the bed allows but at least you could rest.”
For a second he just looked at her. Not mocking or rude, she couldn’t place the expression in his face. His jaw set, chest raising and falling slowly. “You don’t have to, Jude. I’m ok in here.”
“Don’t lie. Besides I’d feel better too. Not because- Ugh, I’d feel better knowing that I could at least make your staying more bearable, I guess.” That wasn’t so bad. Yet. And honestly she couldn’t tell if it was worse if he accepted, or refused. 
Back in her room an awkward silence filled the atmosphere as both laid side to side. Somehow, even if they were not touching, Jude could feel the heat of his skin. Her heart hammered so fast she swore he could listen to it.
“So…” He started.
Panic filled her senses, she needed to cut any conversation before saying or doing something she’d regret later. “There’s no need to mention it, just go to sleep… please.” She rolled onto her side, facing away from Cardan. “Good night.”
Jude barely heard him sigh. “Sweet dreams, Jude.”
It was hot. Really really hot. Fuck he couldn’t move. How much had he drank last night?
Wait. No, last night he didn’t go out with Locke. He’d said he would spend the weekend with his girlfriend, at least this month’s. Cardan had stopped mocking him for it long ago. 
Eyes still closed, he grimaced and tried to stretch but something held down his arm. As Cardan became more and more aware of his body, the memories of the day before flashed in his mind. The failed meeting with Jude, the flowers he’d spend almost an hour choosing, her body going limp against him, the useless doctor… Jude offering him her bed to sleep.  
That’s when something tickled his neck, startling him. 
No, not something.
Cardan’s eyes snapped open, he looked down and froze when he realized Jude’s body was pressed flush against him, one of her hands resting on his chest. Somehow their legs impossibly tangled. Terrified, he found his own arm encircling her waist, bare skin touching his fingers since her too big shirt had rolled up in her sleep.  
She shifted a little and her nose brushed his neck again, letting out a small breath that sent hot shivers down his body.
Any knowledge of how to move or think completely forgotten. He stared blankly at the ceiling. 
Fuck fuck fuck shit what the fucking fucks. 
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beclynn-herondale · 4 years
What annoys me is that the people hating on Jace aren’t thinking about the society he grew up in. The shadowhunter society is so corrupt it’s crazy and they definitely don’t make an effort to make sure their youth knows what they’re doing is right and what they’re doing is wrong. Young shadowhunters have to depend on the people they meet and their life experiences to stay “woke” but Jace literally grew up alone in the institute with three other siblings and no friends. (1/2)
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Hi anon, so first
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(The Tea is piping Hot, and thank you for bringing this up )
I honestly agree with you, and this is actually something I have thought on a lot and yes it was written so many years ago that yeah of course some things we aren't going to agree with cause it's 2020 and things are different now. And the traits Cassie wrote in Jace were popular back then and Cliches were too and we need to keep this in mind.
And yes the Shadowhunters are terrible with educating their own, most shadowhunters have not been educated in mundane history and terms and other Mundane things, Diana herself said she didn't know the term Transgender until she met Catarina I think right?
And Jace was not educated in what was right to support Alec and that is not his Fault cause the Clave don't allow Mundane education so how exactly would Jace know 100% what was homophobic and not or what fetishization is??? Cause he wasn't educated in mundane terms and something you need to look at is that that truly is on Cassie she should have known that that would be offensive and never had him say some of these things, but also that was years ago.
Also erasing his character development to hate him is wrong and unfair, how about instead we appreciate how he has grown, like how much he loves kids and his family, how he was nervous to meet Kit cause he wanted to make a good impression, how he wants to be a dad, how he wants a big family cause of how close the Blackthorns are and cause he wants his kids to be like them. Or how he loves with his whole heart, also lets not forget that if not for Simon, Clary and Jace, Jem wouldn't have been cured and would still be a silent brother and our precious baby Min Min wouldn't exist and how after the whole Heavenly Fire incident Jace was worried he hurt Jem and went to check on him before anyone, someone he didn't know really.
And how he said to Clary until she came along he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere, and boy do I relate to that, and yes he had the Lightwoods but he didn't truly know how much they loved him until Clary came along, cause Jace was afraid to open up until she came along. And he was told at Six years old that if he loved he would destroy and would be destroyed, he was manipulated, he was abused, he was tortured, he was neglected, he was used and he was used by others not just Valentine, Luke Garroway said himself that he wasn't surprised Jace didn't trust the Adults around him cause they have used him, and so he put walls up cause being used is one of the worst feelings and he had been before he was even born.
And he was lied to about himself pretty much his whole life and during TMI he had been lied to his entire life. He literally went through an identity crisis several times, also he never thought he would have a best friend/Parabatai aka Alec, he never thought he would have a family aka Isabelle and Maryse and Max, and he never thought he deserved or would find love aka Clary Fucking Fairchild, and then later on he got more family aka Blueberry and Rafe and Magnus and Simon as a good friend. He never thought he would be happy, he thought he would be an angry and broken boy all his life. And why do you think Clary and Alec are so protective of Jace cause they know who he really is and know he is fragile and can get hurt easily, that's why Clart is described as his Shield and why it is mentioned several times that she saved him, also he was suicidal when we first met him, even Alec said he was always rushing towards death and reckless decisions and that he is thankful that Clary came along cause she made Jace want to live and now he doesn't have to worry about Jace wanting to get himself killed, and he has mental issues ( yes I am mentioning this again). Also you say he didn't apologize but we truly cannot be 100% sure of that cause for all we know he did and it wasn't in the book and again that's on Cassie cause she didn't give us a proper scene. And you say he doesn't give a shit about Alec, well how about that scene in TDA when Magnus is dying and Alec is saying he wishes he told Magnus how much he loved him and Jace tells Alec he knows and then Alec says he should go on a watch so he doesn't let anyone down and Jace thinks to himself how could Alec let anyone down and tells Alec his watch is taking care of Magnus and I quote "this is your watch brother". Or the scene in Heavenly fire when Jace tells Alec that Alec is a better person then he could ever be, that he has the most faith in people and that he is kind and that there is no one else with more of that then Alec, or again in TDA when he was the one who sat up as soon as the words were off the consuls mouth and Said Alec for the new Consul cause he knew how much Alec wanted it. How about in Tales of the Shadowhunter Academy when Simon is feeling like his Falling is Bad and he tells Simon he did good. Also how about how he went to talk to Tessa and yes Simon encouraged him but Jace had the willpower to do it, past Jace wouldn't have. And how about in City of Ashes when Maia who hated Jace, saw through his mask and saw herself in his eyes.
And he had to fight two wars at the age of 16/17 he wasn't even an adult, and had to help save the Shadow world and had to help clean up mistakes of parents and then finds out that also Valentine killed both his parents, and so not only did Valentine steal his childhood but also stole his chance at having a Mother who would have loved him more than anything cause she never had that but also a father who was going to change for him and most likely would have loved him deeply. Like I can't imagine the grief even though yes he did/does have a family but imagine still. He lost so much before he was born and afterwards, and how about the people who are always telling him he is Valentine's son so he may be like him and his Mother was said to have killed herself ( she didn't Valentine killed her as well btw ) and people probably have said he is Crazy like her and will do the same, guess what the Clave is Toxic and that's why Alec is going to change it cause it needs to be. And I know what it's like to be said to be a crazy bitch cause of your mental illnesses and cause of other things, to have things consistently whispered behind your back.
And this is getting long but bottom line is Jace is so much more then an ass and sarcastic, he has giving me the strength to get through my current life situation and gave me the strength to save myself recently, and has encouraged me to be a better version of myself, he has taught me that love is strength and will heal and change me if I let the right love in, he is there for me at 2 am when I am contemplating giving up and throwing it all away, he is there telling me look how far you have come, don't give up. He is there telling me your scars show how strong you are and all that you have survived and you should be proud of them, he has taught me that my abuse doesn't define me and that the manipulative adults in my life won't always have control over me. He kept me from trying to kill myself again, he gave me the strength to say that something that has happened recently is not my fault, he gave me the strength to own my confidence and my gentleness and fragilety cause that's me.
And I mostly ignore the hate or at least try to but it keeps getting thrown at me and other Jace Stans and it's time to stop.
Cause tumblrs tagging system sucks and guess what us Jace Stans and Clary Stans and Clace Stans have just as much a right to enjoy ourselves and be here, as much as you haters do, and you not liking him or hating him isn't going to change my mind or make me stop loving him and also WHY ARE YOU USING THE SHORT TIME YOU HAVE FOR HATE, WHY NOT USE IT TO SPREAD LOVE FOR YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTERS INSTEAD????
How is it fair for us Jace/Clary/Clace stans to deal with your hate be told it's just an opinion, well guess what it's not just an opinion, when it's messing with my mental health. So please just stop and yes he's fictional so 1. Why does it matter so much. 2. Why do you care so much? 3. Why do you care so much about us liking him then? 4. Is hurting people in real life really worth it? 5. Is spreading so much hate in this world really what you want to be known for? 6. JACE is not the only problematic character for Angel's sake, there are many many others so that Is no reason to hate him.
Conclusion please stop, we just want to enjoy ourselves, hell we don't even have to interact ever and just stay in our own lanes, also TSC fandom has become the most toxic fandom I am in and that's saying something cause I have been in toxic fandoms, is this what we want to be known as? A toxic fandom who you should avoid? Cause let me tell you I don't, so why don't we just respect each other and stop being hateful. I have kept quiet about this for months and I am tired of holding it in, you say you respect opinions but if you say that If we stan Jace/Clary/Clace then we don't have rights even if it's joke, guess what it isn't a joke to me and I don't laugh at it, and if we really want to criticize and have equality then we need to judge all of them and Jace isn't the only one who as you say has made homophobic and fetishization comments and he isn't the only one who has done problematic things.
Bottom line I want to enjoy myself and lately the only thing I have had is hate and hurt and getting upset cause I like a character who is actually a good example on growing as a person because of a few scenes how is that fair, basically you are saying you made some mistakes and don't deserve to have your growth acknowledged and you don't deserve second chance cause well you're evil, guess who has been told that many times in her life, me, so it's very triggering for me, the words I hate Jace are triggering for me and I don't say this lightly at all. And don't tell me I haven't thought this through or haven't looked at the bad parts and the cons cause I have but I also look at the good parts and the pros so that is why I love Jace, cause I love his good and bad parts and I acknowledge his growth and change. So to put it simply he is not who he was in TMI, just like Alec is not who he was in TMI.
I am working on a post to clear more of this up but all I am asking is for you to not hate especially in a time that is already stressful and hard for me and everyone else, you aren't doing good and it doesn't make you cool. SORRY but it's the truth, you are hurting people, Imagine if it was your favorite character(s) and how would you feel??? So just stop.
( this is my view on things and my opinion and if you have no intention of being civil then don't interact, I am not interested in a fight with you. Or throwing hateful comments at each but know that I will also not take your hate and will defend myself)
So yeah Anon I agree with you and let's spread positivity cause I would rather this end here and spread love and positivity.
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.
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crackcrocs · 3 years
1. The backbone to my emotions
As someone who  cannot conceptualise  time in any way whatsoever, I want to say sorry to my loved ones. I'm aware I still need to send my friends messages every once in a while and remind them I still want to be their friends and I need to actively work on this. I need to overcome this fear stopping me from being present and accepting peoples love and support. I want to break free from me and I want to feel content being on this earth, I want nothing more than to enjoy experiences with my loved ones. I love you I love you.
I am a young charismatic, creative individual learning to do things differently so I don't always have the same outcomes. I suffer from a Cluster B Personality Disorder; under the same umbrella of mental health I also experience extremely intrusive thoughts on a daily basis, that can become obsessive and compulsively hyper fixated thoughts in an instant. I have anxiety, depression and a lot of the time I’m deeply dissociated to a point where I struggle to believe I’m even real, even when I do know I am real- I have no attachment to my limbs or body as a whole and only feel alive in a spiritual sense or when I self harm. I don't want to get too into my illnesses; as I’m not someone who really likes labels, just know that everyday is a battle and each personality that exists within me is different. I wouldn't say drastically, however its evident for me and living with so many different masks can be intense. Especially when you've tried to convince people that you're just one solid mould in the hopes they don't perceive you as an intense person. I am going to try to take you through a few of my altars and moods starting with the emptiest subconscious alters that I call the backbones of my emotions to the more powerful  energetic ones that haven't managed to yet consume me over the years. I hope this can give people an insight.
Overall I present a pretty confident front, I like to appear like I’ve got my life together even though I’m so far from it, sometimes I’m not sure ill even find the strength to go on long enough in attempt to get my life together, which is a real problem but it's the sad truth. Don't waste time reading this if you're easily triggered as this piece of writing will consist of real and genuine feelings. I’m in no attempt trying to create content for people who enjoy turning blind eyes and wishing they didn’t see this so I’ll give you a fair warning. I'm not responsible for your triggers, whereas I’m responsible for the things I’ve done. I might have cared too much at one point, but I will not hold myself captive to those situations nor will I regret them. I want the lies, deceit and hurt that I’ve committed against loved ones to end, my secrecy has done enough damage and its exhausting pushing people away even though that’s not usually the intent, truth is I am so embarrassed of myself. I'm private, secretive and mysterious but I’ll also talk about my childhood trauma after like 5 minutes. I guess this says I’m happy to talk about my trauma because it's what I know and am comfortable with, I just struggle to tell anyone the real suicidal me behind my problems. I hate that I’m so young and feel like a dead person already.
I tend to act out or distance myself due to fear which isn’t clear at first if you know me, but does become obvious. I might appear as someone with no care in the world, like I’m unbothered, but I assure you that's the African pride combined with the Leo pride. I also don't want people to treat me like a footstool, which has happened when I’ve come off ass too passive. I care so much and over think absolutely everything, it's literally my only way of thinking. I have little to no self esteem and I have no clue who confidence is unless under the influence of something, be it weed, alcohol or psychedelics (which I don't take much of because I enjoy them and don't want to abuse them) I mean I can function sober, I don't even like to be out of control high or drunk, but as Chief Keef once said, I hate being sober. #i'mTrash4thereference. Although I’m not fully healed and functioning yet, I’m a developed character with both positive and negative traits. At the moment I’m going back and fourth between 'just stop trying' and 'you cant give up'. Sometimes depression is kind of like looking at yourself through a window, there’s this part of your brain that understands it'll pass, but you’re so far into despair that its impossible to see the way out, its a lot like being trapped. I am having a bad patch right now, the difference between this one and the last one is I’m more self aware with less of a desire to go on. At least I’m no longer suffering from paranoia and thinking everyone's out to get me all the time or that I’ll get trafficked walking home from somewhere, but depression and mania are so bloody invasive and there’s always that little voice in my head telling me ill never be good enough. Executive dysfunction kills my motivation because I have so many things to do and I cant pick anything to start first, it gets worse when my depression gets worse too. I'm not lonely though; I have a few people who care for me- and while I'm trying to not involve them in the metal episode, they are around to talk to and that means so much. My friends are super encouraging even though I've only briefly mentioned that I'm having a sad time right now, and that's awesome.
I hate that no matter how much better I get there's still this deep desire to get worse. I don't feel like a real person. I just feel like a collection of what people want me to be and various mental disorders. It would be so cool if I could admit to the world I have a personality disorder without feeling disgusting and without fear.
I've had plenty time to reflect upon every bit of thought that created the barbed wire surrounding my logical brain, I want to feel okay to be alive, but I so strongly just want to die. I am tired of fluctuating from feeling extremely vigorously suicidal to passively suicidal; where I just don't have the energy to carry it out myself. It's gotten way past the point that it doesn't matter what kind of day I have, I think about killing myself all day. Sleep is an escape from life and I'm always tired and wanting to 'sleep'. Deep down I feel like I’m waiting for the right time to end my life and it's not the right time yet because I still have a footprint to leave behind, I still have journal pages I want to burn. I cant just jump off the highest accessible building or mall car park I could find just yet- I don’t just want to ruin others by hurting them with my death. It's sad to think I grew into this mindset, waking up wishing I was dead.
Being abandoned by many people in the past made me doubt people and think everyone was out to get me or wanted something from me, it made me feel hurt and lone. So I felt it would be better to let people down before they could hurt me so I wouldn't repeat the same cycle when forming new connections. It wasn't intentional but I could just silence myself due to fear.
I just found myself feeling immensely hopeless, like I was too internally enraged at the external world to be able to trust anything of it. I definitely do want to get better because I’m tired of feeling this way, it's so exhausting and I hate pushing people away from me like I’m poison. I need to allow people to accept all of me.
Before picking up these coping mechanisms when I was younger and more insecure; I wanted to be a part of the world, I had this strong urge to fit in. I had to learn how to manage my anxiety and socialising became more exhausting stemming from my fear of being 'odd' or 'different', I didn’t want to be called out for being different- it was not a compliment at that age, it always felt like a being the joker in the card deck. I was intensely afraid of being judged or labelled as such. Being told I was a 'weirdo' didn't help at all, that type of criticism is what got to me the most. People made me feel like I needed to change, like I was too African, even in a joking manner it didn't help- because although I was okay with who I was, I did feel like I had to change and westernise myself to fit in. I ended up hanging around with people that didn't care, doing stupid things I didn’t even want to do, dating people I didn't connect with. Eventually I got tired of people using me for entertainment, tired of catering to those who refused to understand. I still have to admit there were many periods that I lowered my frequency to be on the wavelength of others that did not match mines at all, I hate that I'm someone who always feels the need to explain myself so people don't think I'm a bad person and even though I don't owe it to everyone and now I am able to make better choices and I'm no longer easily influenced, it still hurts that i was ever around people that made me feel like I was over exaggerating my mental health or uncomfortable to a point where I learned to downplay it or the mention of it. Now as a coping mechanism I’ve become so facetious and sarcastic about my trauma it's a struggle to take myself seriously at times. Users and abusers belittled me to such a point where I felt they'd underestimated my intelligence and most of all humiliated me. It made me tired of justifying myself so now most days I’m just a mute, but I really do finally have good people in my life who deserve some sort of explanation and it's a shame they don't get to be experience a truly present consistent me. It’s just after having the wrong eyes on me, I don’t want anything to see me. I hate attention because I’m so embarrassed of myself I don’t want to be noticed. People looking at me make me want to kill myself.
I've been told to move past my rage, to let go and become a grounded and level headed person. I've been told there is hope for all of us. Must be nice to believe that, all I could wonder was what it was like to get angry without getting homicidal and suicidal. Even on most days where nothing extreme would happen besides negative emotions, my brain still travelled to a dark realm. I've come to a point where I want to live in my daydream universe wile I physically rot away. That's my business. Sometimes I feel as though all my friendships are on a timer, or more so it's that my timer is about to go off, so I subconsciously shy away and make sure i have no deep friendships. Just in case my head decides to do something stupid.
I don't want to have no friends, I want to have friends and I do value friendships so much more than entitled relationships, I just have a difficulty maintaining friendships because it's exhausting for me, it takes a lot of energy to be social and on a level that isn't just superficial where I can just let go and allow myself to fully be. Sometimes I have a hard time relating to other people, and thus I may feel I don’t belong or don’t quite fit in- causing me to feel irritated, paranoid or even in pain during social situations. It's not always this bad, and I don't mean for it to sound dramatic. It's different when In person and I’m really relaxed and comfortable with the company. However virtually socialising and expressing will always be extremely anxiety enducing and its something I need to overcome especially going into this new phase of Artificial Intelligence.  So if I start to drift away it most likely isn't a reflection of you. The cycle goes I need alone time to recharge then I realise how long has passed and I just feel so bad I haven’t gotten back, I tell myself I’m an awful friend for dissociating for so long, and then I don’t know how to explain that so my anxiety rises, mood drops and I spiral back into a pit of depression, often wanting to relapse but refraining from doing so. Sometimes I manage to get out of the pit, but by then so much has piled up I don't know where or how to begin again.
I don't feel like I could have a normal friendship as well as romantic relationship. It's hard for me to long term imagine myself being fully relaxed enough to let my guard down and not reluctant to express. I don’t think there’s any condition where ill just be came and enjoy a connection without worrying that the other person isn’t putting in as much effort, or they have an image of me, or that I’ve amplified the emotions and even though I feel them that way do they really understand me or love me as much. Silence is so upsetting and I hate the fact I do it when I'm afraid of myself or don't feel good enough. I never intent for it to become 'the silent treatment' because in reality its not treating anyone, it's more a reflection of what I’m internalizing and not wanting or being unable to project and express those feelings without feeling like party pooper, an attention seeker or 'too deep'. I don't mean to give people false hope, I love the people in my life so much and every one I’ve met on this journey. I'm learning to look at life through a different lens and the people who contributed to my suffering will not be the definition of me. People have led me to believe so much and strung me along, not letting me go- and I realised those entitled controlling abusive relationships were not serving me. I couldn't keep doing it. Now even though I want closeness I end up pushing people away or leaving them in the dark because of fear, especially of something new because I've never experienced anything good and true for a long enough duration of time to rid me of that fear. I also have fear of rejection or hurting, I fear becoming too emotionally invested and becoming co dependant so I end up wanting to avoid the pain than actually wanting to experience the joy and growth the relationship could offer, so I end it before it begins to avoid any possible pain. I feel like I don't deserve these connections,and sometimes the depression runs so deep I have to push people away in case I want to do something stupid- I don’t want them to feel at fault, or obligated to be able to handle me. Sometimes I really can just only be with myself and my thoughts so I hide but it may appear that I’m pushing others away because of my isolation and neglect.
With everyone I know, I get this feeling that they're too good for me, their energy is so radiant and loving but I feel so broken and don’t want to depend on that. I've had perfectly ideal people come into my life and I feel they’re too good for me because I have a lot of work to do on myself first, primarily I need to build up confidence and self esteem because it's the root of most my issues. I want to relate to people, share our deepest fears and wishes without fear of judgement. It's not that I don't want to get better, I simply cannot remember what it was like to have an actual honest to god normal personality. The feeling of being a mentally unstable chameleon is all I have  now. I AM my illness, that's the only identifier I have left. I can't remember normality.
I understand that I’m lucky and I’m not ungrateful for the things and people I do have, it doesn’t mean that my life doesn’t suck because of those lucky things. I often think about if someone created technology to transfer life to another, I’d happily give them mine because they'd live it much better than me, I’m not worth anything to myself. I never wanted to be someone to cause pain on the people I love but now I do, even if that’s just through silence. I just disappear when I haven’t been doing well and  although I know things get better, recovery isn’t linear and that not all my days are bad, I just have extreme chronic feelings of emptiness.
I struggle to trust people because I don't want to be hurt but I need people so much, I hate feeling unloved. It's so overwhelming because I feel everything so extremely as if I’m going to explode.
My sense of self and reality feels destroyed, my future and dreams are uncertain and it's hard for me to move on, sometimes it scares me what I’m doing to people without the intention of it, being too much or not enough- or at least feeling that way. It's hard for me to give myself a reason and it's not on the people around me to fill my empty void, I hate forcing people to be my friend or understand my illness. I cant expect anyone to want to- it feels like I’m holding their hand while they pull it away; and even though it's not the case I feel awful, I constantly feel like I’m in a more pessimistic head space. I'm worried people will realise I'm as pathetic as I say I am.
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