#and I answered ask on Adrian blog
alucarddear · 10 months
when will we discuss Alucard's kenergy
He’s a Barbie boy or whatevr 💅🏻
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idrisofficial · 5 months
1 for zephyr
2 for rowen and adrian
3 for grace
4 for lennox and rowen
5 for adrian
1. Does your OC have any experience in the military? Perhaps they come from a long line of soldiers or army leaders? Or were they conscripted or press-ganged into an army at a young age? If they have not had a formal position in an army, then what is their view of the military mindset and hierarchies they have observed?
idris is the kind of fucked up where the public education system ends at 13 years old so that teens can be conscripted into the military, and zephyr happened to be part of the unlucky population to be drafted. his experience was…anything but pleasant. making good friends was never really his strong suit, so he ended up with some shitty acquaintances who more or less ordered him around to do their bidding. he also took one of his military mentors as a fucked up surrogate father figure, which really burned him when he was discharged after less than a year of service because of his explosives accident. it also instilled a lot of really harmful, nationalist sentiments in him which he’s still working to unlearn. zephyr in canon time is only 15, but he has a whole lot of military trauma attached to him from only a few months as a soldier.
2. Does your OC believe in the concept of a "just war" or do they believe that all conflict is to be deplored? Could they conceive of a justifiable reason for one nation to invade another - perhaps to free an oppressed people or prevent the development of a dangerous technology? Or would they only support a war of defence against an aggressor?
rowen: rowen is absolutely in favor of a just war. growing up in idris has taught her nothing if not that authorities will only suppress any form of subtle resistance, so violence and war are really the only way forwards to a better future. it’s easy to see how she’d already internalized this by her teen years by the fact that she opted to burn down her reform school at 15 rather than make a simpler plan of escape (also says something that evander let her!). rowen believes in a pretty black and white fashion that violence is always justified against tyranny.
adrian: adrian thinks of war in very removed, political terms. his only personal connection to the concept is through artemis’s rebellion, which he fears and deplores because he’s been propagandized against political dissidence from birth. war, to adrian, is a last resort to be taken when diplomacy between two countries has unequivocally failed and cannot be reconciled. in adrian’s eyes, civil war is pretty much never justified because of how severely it upends society as a whole and causes patriotic confusion and domestic chaos. most other nobles share his same opinion; for the most part, he doesn’t think very much outside the political propaganda fed to him.
3. Is your OC usually magnanimous in victory - whether against a defeated foe, or against a friend in a game or competition? Or perhaps they enjoy exulting in their success at the expense of others? Perhaps with ribald mockery or spiteful vengeance?
HAHAHA this is a great one. grace absolutely likes to gloat a little. …maybe more than a little. it’s not particularly good noble etiquette, but fuck that, right? it’s exhausting for her to pretend to be stoic all the time in order to cover up her political opposition, so she deserves to be smug over her little victories. and her big ones. glory and mockery on planet grace.
4. What has been the most difficult thing your OC has ever had to forgive (assuming they have ever done so)? Did they do this of their own accord? Or only after they felt justice had been done or penitence suitably demonstrated?
lennox: this is a surprisingly difficult question to answer. i think i have to go with brinne executing natal. probably the only significant wrong in his life that he’s forced himself to forgive. he’s also had to forgive himself for letting it happen, but he doesn’t fault himself as much as he faults others, so that comes second. lennox fought for days on end with brinne to lessen natal’s punishment for seeking out artemis’s rebellion (which natal never even found), to very little avail. he was able to convince her that it was not within the bounds of the law to execute natal before he turned 17, but really all that did was stall his execution date. he really fucking hated brinne for that one, not even only because of his gay little crush on natal, but it was also one of lennox’s first meaningful legal experiences as the head of his noble house, and he lost. that was real humiliation. he only forgave brinne because he didn’t have another choice if he wanted to stay sane and in power within the noble court. he’s forgiven her just enough to not let it affect him and his job.
rowen: rowen doesn’t do a whole lot of forgiving. unless she has very good reason, she won’t trust or absolve those who have slighted her unless they’ve shown real incentive to rectify the harm they’ve done. the best example i can think of is her forgiving grace for her noble birth, which sounds pretty basic because it’s not something grace had control over, but it is actually a big deal. rowen’s prejudice against the upper class runs deep, and she really enforced the divide between her and grace for a long time. if not for her own gay little crush on grace, it’s hard to say whether she ever would have been entirely over their class differences and forgive grace for her upbringing.
5. Does your OC harbour resentment towards a particular person, group or faction? Or are they perhaps part of a widely resented group themselves?
yes to both, to some extent. from both a political and a personal standpoint, adrian really loathes artemis’s rebellion more than he’s ever loathed anything else. resentment is a bit of a difficult word when applying it to his political feelings, because on that basis there’s a lot more fear than anger, so the full spirit of resentment isn’t quite captured. from a personal perspective, there’s a lot of anger going on, especially from someone like adrian. if rowen hadn’t, y’know, mutilated brinne right in front of him, maybe he would only be afraid. but he wants them fucking obliterated for that. not the best move on rowen’s part! to answer the second question, idris’s nobility is largely respected by its population, and political dissidents are a minority, so adrian isn’t exactly resented by a large percentage of citizens, but the people who hate him really hate him. this goes double because he’s idris’s high priest, not just any noble. most people have a lot of respect for him, but some people absolutely despise him.
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karniss-bg3 · 7 months
Something I think about an bit is spiders are cold blooded so are driders and if so how dose kar’niss del with winter or the shadow lands they look quite cold and last question could you ever tell me how you think an drider book lung works (aha sorry that’s all and I love your posts)
I had to go down some wacky rabbit holes to really hash this one out. One thing I will say for this blog, it’s made me more educated about topics I never would’ve considered before. I expect by the time my tenure is finished I’ll walk away a certified genius.
...Or just as goofy as I’ve always been. Either way it’s a net positive.
Here is the problem I run into when trying to work out the intricacies of fantasy creatures...I don’t know what rules to use. By that I mean there are nuances to consider when asking “How does Kar’niss _____?” Am I basing this off of real world examples or examples from the world in which they are from? If so how does that impact the overall conclusion I come to? Is it fair to compare a drider to an animal from our planet without knowing the physics of Faerun? Is their gravity the same, the climate, the oxygen distribution, the atmosphere? It’s the classic “Adrian overthinks bullshit because he doesn’t know how to do otherwise” story hour. That isn’t even taking into consideration how magic may impact the answer especially considering magic is intangible and a made up concept whose rules change from medium to medium. This is the world’s most frustrating fun house where every mirror reflects a different outcome and I’m too derpy to consider them all.
Now that I’ve got the long winded non-sense out of the way, here is the best assessment I could cobble together.
The problem with Kar’niss’ anatomy is it’s unclear how the two halves work together. Spiders in our world do have lungs but they do not have active breathing mechanisms like a diaphragm in humans. However, Kar’niss has the ability to speak, ragged as it may be. This leaves me with the assumption that the lungs in his torso still function, giving him the ability to inhale and exhale in order to talk. But Kar’niss’ heart and lungs would be far too small and pathetic to maintain the spider half with as large as it is. So I have to conclude that even if the two halves of them are attached, the only thing shared between them is a digestive tract. The blood he consumes has to go somewhere and he can’t nourish only one half and neglect the other. I believe all of his digestion is done in the spider half and the stomach in his drow torso is basically non-functional as a result.
Where we run into a bit of a hitch more stems from how big Kar’niss is. Even if his spider body doesn’t have to worry about maintaining the drow torso via heart and lungs, it has another issue; Available oxygen. Prehistoric insects from the Carboniferous period were huge, far larger than anything we see today. This is because of how dense our air was with oxygen which allowed them to increase in size without side-effects. So I have to ask, how high is the oxygen content in Faerun? Does it matter? Probably not! It does make me wonder how an arachnid body that large, whether drider or giant spider, survives if the oxygen in the air is low. Humans, giants, demons, driders and all manner of creatures can co-exist in a fantasy realm where the rules are made up and the points don’t matter.
While I could go into detail about the difference between human lungs and spider lungs I think I’d be splitting hairs at that point. When it comes to Kar’niss I think both bodies have working organs that are suited to the body they are in, which is the only reason this macabre union works at all.
As for how Kar’niss survives the cold that is also an interesting question to answer. Driders don’t usually wear armor but they can if so inclined, which means they aren’t worried about being naked as a jay bird. This question is a bit compounded by the fact that most driders don’t leave the Underdark, an area notorious for lack of sunlight. So I had to tap dance my way back to real world spiders to find a reasonable answer for this.
The first step in how spiders survive the winter is by adapting to the cold temperatures. They do this by increasing their metabolic rate, which helps them generate more heat. This allows them to stay warm even in the coldest temperatures. They also produce antifreeze proteins, which help them survive in temperatures as low as -10°C. Another strategy spiders use to survive the winter is by avoiding freezing. When temperatures drop too low, spiders can start to freeze with the water particles surrounding them. To prevent this, spiders produce cryoprotectants, which help them survive in sub-zero temperatures. These cryoprotectants act like antifreeze, preventing the spider’s cells from freezing and allowing them to survive even in the coldest temperatures.
While I am not sure if this is the same thing driders would do, I imagine they must come with some way to contend with ambient temperatures to keep themselves from freezing. I vote slapping a striped scarf on him and hand him a cup of hot cocoa. It’ll taste like ass to him, but it should do the trick all the same. Just don’t let him spit out the hot liquid onto your face, I am not responsible for any burn related injuries that may occur.
I hope even a fraction of this made sense. It was the long way of saying “RANDOM BULLSHIT, GO!” Eh, close enough.
Thanks for the ask!
(Side note: I just learned drider vampires exist. As if things weren't already fucked up enough for the poor bastards.)
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askadrianalucardtepes · 6 months
[OOC] Trying my best
Hey guys! I'm really sorry I haven't posted in a long while, and that my posts have become so infrequent lately. I feel like I've been apologizing for my absence every other post I make and I am very sorry. Truth is, I'm currently absolutely exhausted with both my studies, commission work and private life, which has made it hard to find motivation and time for the blogs I run. And that royally sucks, because these blogs are my passion and I care so, so deeply about them. I don't even know what the problem is for me that's making me dread working on posts, but it bugs me to no end because I just want to focus on having fun here. I'm gonna try to post a bit more and see if that helps, maybe I just need to get back into it. If not, I might call for a hiatus instead, a proper one so I can recharge and come back here fresh. But I really, really don't want it to come to that, I'd miss y'all. Also unrelated but, I'm also wondering if you guys enjoy my cosplay posts and such? I post them here to get some engagement with the blog (and because I'm mighty proud of them) but I wonder if you guys enjoy that work too. My usual posts don't generate that much attention (and understandably so), my cosplay posts usually do better. I hope y'all here enjoy them as much as I enjoy cosplaying. I dunno, my headspace is a bit wonky lately so maybe that's what's got me wondering. Remember I love all of you dearly and value you all so much for sticking by the blog, even when I don't post much. Rest assured I do think about this spot a lot and still care about it deeply! And when I'm feeling a bit better, more energized and alive again, hopefully I'll get right back into the swing of things and pick up where I left off. For now I'm gonna try my best to answer some asks and see what happens!
Much love, Adrian
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iliektehhaxs · 10 months
(Updated as of 3/23/2024) I always post under the Robo Writes tag on my blog! Requests are currently open! Feel free to send an idea over ❤️
Final Fantasy XVI
All Thigh Riding with the FFXVI Boys ♡ Clive Rosfield Words Unspoken, Actions Taken (18+) Summary: After Clive returns from another mission battered and bruised you finally give him a piece of your mind. He doesn’t take too kindly to your words. Spoken Beneath the Stars Summary: After sleeping with Clive things become tense, and you want answers, even if he doesn't want to give them. NSFW Alphabet (18+)
Sweet Longing (18+)
Summary: Clive’s hopelessly in love with you, but you’re already in love with someone else.
Clive pegging ask (18+) ♡ Cidolfus Telamon NSFW Alphabet (18+) Lady-in-waiting ask (18+) A Commander and His Second (18+)
Summary: You’ve had a crush on Cid for years, little did you know he felt the same.
Cid jerking off to his crush (18+)
Sweet Knowing (18+)
Summary: Cid becomes aware of the attention you seem to draw from a certain Rosfield, and uses it to his advantage. ♡ Barnabas Tharmr NSFW Alphabet (18+)
Vampire! Reader ask (tw//bloodplay)
Bladesmith! Reader ask
♡ Joshua Rosfield NSFW Alphabet (18+) What happens after the fight with Ultima Call of Duty ♡ Captain Price
Soldiers With Benefits (18+)
Summary: You’re interested in the Captain, and he’s interested in you.
Unhinged Sex with Price (18+) tbh not even sure I should put this here
Domestic thoughts (suggestive)
♡ Simon “Ghost” Riley
Domestic thoughts (suggestive)
Sex Tape (18+)
Toxic!ex boyfriend Simon
♡ Kyle "Gaz" Garrick Untitled Ask ♡ John "Soap" MacTavish Thanksgiving Celebrations (18+) John and his pretty neck (18+)
Pro!wrestler soap
Body Worship
Body Worship Pt. 2 (suggestive)
Chubby Johnny Appreciation 1 2
Summary: Johnny comes back from deployment, and you help him find peace.
So close, and yet so far (18+)
Summary: Johnny’s got a new obsession, in the form of a pretty camgirl.
♡ All
Teaching you how to ride (18+) Resident Evil ♡ Carlos Oliveira Under Cover of Night Summary: A midnight rendezvouz leaves Carlos with more than he bargained for.
Resident Evil Headcanons (18+)
Resident Evil men and their favorite acts with their S/O (18+) Mortal Kombat 1 Baker AU- Kuai Liang, Smoke, Bi-Han, and Liu Kang
♡ Bi-Han One Year Later (18+) Summary: You decide to surprise your boyfriend for your first year anniversary, needless to say he enjoys your gift very much.
NSFW Alphabet (18+)
♡ All
Cockwarming with the MK1 Boys (18+)
Summary: You tell the boys your newest idea for the bedroom.
♡ Cole Cassidy
Shaving his beard (13+)
Peacemaker (Discontinued) ♡ Adrian Chase Sick Leave (18+)
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mr-stottlemonk · 2 months
I LOOOVE your blog, I'm watching Monk for the first time and I'm in love with Leland and Adrian <3 . Also I really love the aesthetic of your blog <3 I don't know if you have been asked this before but.. which stottlemonk scene would you say is underrated and why? :p
aww, hehe :3. THANK YOU DEAR <333. sksks, i'm ngl, i didn't try much with the aesthetic so i'm glad it looks pretty enough.
ohh!!! welcome to the fandom/series brain rot then <3!! i'm glad you're enjoying it; it's definitely a gem of a series that deserves all the love and attention!
It is so hard not to love both of them so hell yeah, join the club dear.
*long post so more under the cut!
i haven't been asked this! i think... but i'll answer repeat questions anyway, so no problemo there. ANYWAY, let's see... underrated episode huh. i have a couple actually: Mr. Monk and The Missing Granny [S02E13], Mr. Monk and The Other Detective [S04E01], Mr. Monk Stays In Bed [S04E03], Mr. Monk and The Big Game [S05E03], Mr. Monk and The Class Reunion [S05E06], Mr. Monk and The Bad Girlfriend [S06E04] and Mr. Monk and The Magician [S07E15].
Okay, let's dive into it. With Mr. Monk and The Missing Granny there's that scene where he's just finished taking his test (not really lol) and he's locked himself inside Leland's office. it's very short, if you blink it you miss (i just spotted it like,, a couple of days ago during a re-watch) but he's trying to coax Adrian to open the door and he, so very fucking softly, says: "Adrian." before launching into this small, supportive spiel -> his constant support, even in slivers, of Adrian is so freaking beautiful.
With Mr. Monk and The other Detective. it's more funny "guilty hubby energy" than cute. he looks so GUILTY giving the job over to Marty Eels. like, pls. like @s-misaki once said:
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the utter act of betrayal mixed with guilt he must be feeling towards Adrian lolol
In Mr. Monk Stays In Bed. I just liked the little scene of where Leland is Adrian's bedroom... that's it. lol. BUT THIS ALSO REMINDS ME. in Mr. Monk and The Very, Very Old Man - Leland was sitting in Adrian's bed and i'm just like??? ADRIAN?? he's sitting in your bed... gosh, i giggled sm. like sure, he'll probably change the sheets - but there's that hint of him always feeling like Leland is one of his 'safe' people. Physical Touch, closeness, sharing things is tough but it's there!!!
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the little football rugby match in Mr. Monk and The Big Game has like,,, quarter of my heart (the rest have been divided lol) - cause?? the?? trust?? teamwork?? is SO NATURALLLL. ahhhhh.
the main thing that blew my mind in Mr. Monk and The Class Reunion was how Leland drove all the way (sure, it was for a case) but i'm just,, he would go anywhere on earth for Adrian, wouldn't he. it's so freaking heart-warming idek (╥_╥)♥️.
Mr. Monk and The Bad Girlfriend,, that ep,, i swear. it was just. it was a good hint of how Leland sometimes DOES get fed up of Adrian and how Adrian always wants the best for Leland. it was equally heart-warming and heart-breaking. the underrated scene there though was how Leland shoved Adrian...
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it's a very raw moment where the both of them do not seem to get along at all because they want something good and dont see it right in front of them *cough*... and it's just,, Leland's words there: "I have what you want..."
like gahhh, it's visceral if you come think about it. they never want to hurt each other but sometimes what you want isn't what you get and you have to settle and look for something else to fill in the gaping hole :).
Mr. Monk and The Magician is simply me loving Leland wanting to toss anyone out the window and smash them in the face for even hurting a hair on Adrian or loosing sight of him. What a man, XD.
anyway, WOW. i feel like i rambled off your ear here (for sure lol) more than you likely expected me to >,>.
thank you for the ask dear 💕💕!!! i absolutely love rambling about every scene i can get my hands on <3.
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venusvity · 1 year
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VENUS'S DEVELOPMENT TAG! .... You can quite literally find every post ever in this tag from teasers, to articles, to edits, everything is here!
VENUS AESTHETIC TAG! ... Where all their musings and aesthetic inspiration is!
VENUS QUESTIONS TAG! ... Almost every question answered by the girls is here! Questions answered by me, Bambi lol, are not tagged here.
VENUS WRITINGS! ... In order from most recent to oldest! Mind the tags on all my works please.
The House We Built Is Made of Paper and Sticks ... Yoonah Piece
Is Fame Worth All This? ... Yoonah Piece
I HAVE KNOWN ... Yoonah Piece
THE WEIGHT OF YOU: PART TWO ... Ensemble Piece.
VENUS wins Artist of the Year
VENUS passes the phone.
THE WEIGHT OF YOU: PART ONE ... Ensemble Piece, Chloe Focus
THE GHOST IN THE PEN ... Ensemble Piece
THE VISIT ... Yoonah Piece
GROUND ZERO ... Yoonah Piece
IN A GLACE ... Sena x Yeojun
THE TIME BETWEEN US ... Chloe x Nakyung
DEATH BY PEN ... Ensemble Piece
DOLLBONES ... Chloe Piece
VENI, VIDI, VICI ... Yoonah x Jinhwa
IN A GLANCE ... Yoonah x Jinhwa
IN A GLANCE ... Yoonah x Jinhwa x Adrian
IN A GLANCE ... Ensemble VENUS Piece
IN A GLANCE ... Chloe x Yoonah
THE HOPELESS ... Chloe x Jacob
ASK BLURB ... Chloe x Nakyung
ASK BLURB ... Chloe x Nakyung
TO HELP THE HELPLESS ... Chloe x Jacob
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POSTED ON :: 3/10/2023
LAST UPDATED ON :: 3/09/2024
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slyakoch13 · 2 months
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HELLO internet users, you are now looking at my blog where i have come to burden you with my art pieces and funnies.
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🔊Call me slyakoch or slkch
English is not my native language so it is often difficult for me to understand or answer, forgive me if I make stupid mistakes.
my art is under #my art tag
COMMISSIONS ARE OPEN (dm me) -> here
C U R R E N T H Y P E R F I X A T I O N :
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Got here only 2 moth ago but already i love with this game. All characters are fucking amazing and cool. But i think my heart especially belongs to Ferryman!
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I love this crazy fandom. There is no one particular mercenary that o like, they are all cool and deserve love. Favorite ships: Bloody Suite, Boots & Bombs, and Science Party. By the way, I hate speedingbullet, please don't touch me with speedingbullet. I draw a lot SniperSpy, everything can be found under tags here on the blog!! I also used to play a lot tf2 sice summer 2023. Now I main Scout and Sniper.
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WoW has been my obsession for several years now, and now I'm not so interested in the new expansions, but I just love the old Warcraft before SL. Alliance? Horde? WHO NEEDS THEM WHEN THERE ARE THE FORSAKEN! I love them. And basically all the undead. Of the characters, I really love Jaina and Vanessa Vancleef. And also i'm biggest Sylvanas/Nathanos apologist. My favourite fucked up couple.
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I LOVE MARIA SILENT HILL TWO I LIVE FOR HER I CRY OVER HER CHARACTER and I think her character is very underrated! Otherwise, I also really love Heather (I cosplayed her!), Lisa and Walter. I'm a fan of the "classics" of all 4 silent hill games. This rusty, old, tense, frightening, depressing, meaty horror is just what I've always been missing.
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It’s worth saying briefly - I adore the entire universe of half-life and the portal. These are great games, I love everything about them. They changed me and my perception of video games a lot. My favorites of the series are Adrian Shepard and Alix. I'm a fan of HEKU in general, they're funny guys. Probably the only military characters in video games that don't make me uncomfortable.
other fandoms that i was to lazy to make banner for, or they are smaller: OUTLAST, Garten of BanBan, Poppy Playtime(shitty mascot horror yay), Gloomwood, Faith:The unholy trinity.
these banners are made by me, and yeah they are fre to use(ijust pls credit me if you do)
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readreactrant · 3 months
Hello.... If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them...Thanks if you want to answer....
Thanks for the ask and damn I'm always so excited when it comes to these so ofc I don't mind, also warning I'm about to kinda go off. It's a pretty long list so I'll only talk about the ones that left the biggest impression on me.
Warning for mentions of twincest, incest and age gaps.
Starting off with the ship that indoctrinated me into the bl life style *drumroll*
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter (aka Drarry); enemies/rivals to lovers, blond x ravenette, they basically set the precedent for every ship I pick up like a stray cat these days.
Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku (Bakudeku): Enemies to lovers, plus constantly on each other's mind as a motivation in one way or the other. I love them so much.
Mikage Reo/Nagi Seishiro (NagiReo): one of my current hyperfixations, mainly cuz they're one of the few ships I have that wasn't introduced as rivals from the start as well as being extremely close canonically. They click so well despite their miscommunication (more like no communication but I'll probably get to that another day).
Gojo Saturou/Itadori Yuuji (GoYuu): Most of my blog will you a clue already lol.
Sukuna/Itadori Yuuji (SukuIta): Number one toxic ship rn, but would you believe I prefer their siblings falling in forbidden love trope?
Mikaela Hyakuya/Yuuichiro Hyakuya (MikaYuu): Found family lovers that will give anything for each other? Sign me up.
Tyki Milk/Allen Walker: I walked into the D.gray man fandom late and I will never not regret it, I need more people that at least know who they are (〒﹏〒)
Eren Jeager/Armin Arlet & Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackerman (Eremin & Ereri): Getting these two out of the way at the same time cuz while I think Eren is undeniably his best self a lot with Armin, I love the thought of Levi being there as his inspiration.
Itoshi Rin/Itoshi Sae: Their beef is adorable but they need to fuck.
Roy Mustang/Edward Elric: I love their banter and they've both been through way too much together.
Bruce Wayne/Clark Kent (Superbat): one is batman the other is superman...Need I say more?
Dick Grayson/Tim Drake: I watched Titans and they had me.
Luka/Adrian (Lukachat): I stopped watch Miraculous at like S3 but these two are the only salvageable treasure from that mess to me.
Sherlock Holmes/William James Moriarty (Sherliam): From Moriarty the Patriot not any other adaptations please. There was that one movie tho. I love how they're constantly teasing and trying to outsmart each other like yeah babes, burn that city down to get his attention.
Kageyama Tobio/Hinata Shoyo (Kagehina): I haven't finished Haikyuu S2, spare me.
Kagami Taiga/Kuroko Tetsuya: what's with sports anime and K names, that aside, I don't know but their separation leaves me in tears everytime.
Yukio Okumura/Rin Okumura: Rin cares so much, Yukio stop being a yandere you closeted brocon! I know you!!!
Wei Wuxian/Lan Wangji: I have a thing for broody possessive tops and oblivious bottoms and they were my awakening.
Hideyoshi Nagachika/Ken Kaneki (Hidekane): Receiving Tokyo ghoul spoilers of how things ended kept from finishing the show or starting the manga, what even is the point .·´¯`(>▂<)´¯`·.
Draken/Mikey/Takemichi & Draken/Mikey: DraMiTake is something I'd consume if I find it cuz I read this one precious fic I will forever cherise but DraMikey has way too much angst potential on its own. Tugs my heart to know Draken keeps Mikey grounded.
Baji Keisuke/Chifuyu Matsuno: Kazutora I will never fucking forgive you.
Hanma shuji/Kisaki Tetta: psychotic boyfriends, we love to see it (✿ ♡‿♡)
Reinhard Van Astrea/Natsuki Subaru: They are literally my banner plus he's one of the few people that doesn't give Subaru a hard time (I only watched S1)
Sebastian Michaelis/Ciel Phantomhive: Butler x master, what else do I need to add. I do absolutely adore the thought of Sebastian being cheeky when putting his young master in his place. I also love soft Sebastian, go figure.
Carnegie/Jonathan Sterling: No one remembers Darkside so I won't even dive into it. These two are the reason I'm trying to finish the series right now, book girlies, read Darkside by Tom Becker and come find me please ಥ‿ಥ
Dante/Vergil: It just makes sense ngl.
If you made it this far...why did you lollll, but honestly thanks for reading, talking about ships is one of my things and be free to ask again if you want me to expand upon or analyze any of these, that or if you just want recs. I'm down for anything.
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your-sweet-cookies · 10 months
🌈 ― aesthetically pleasing blog
@prosopagn0sis - I always adored how Softie designed the layout of its blogs (be it its main or its RP blog), so it's definitely an ace when it comes to aesthetically pleasing blogs!
@kuinaoflight - There's something about how Elle knows how to choose the best quotes or images to adorn her Kuina RP blog with, that makes it simply amazing! This, along with the calming color pallet she's chosen for the background and text, make her blog a delight to look at and explore!
@hinataxsunshine - I always found Adrian's blog to be one of the nicest/cutest blogs ever! It just has something about it that speaks innocence and serenity, which fits perfectly the vibe of his OC, Hinata.
💻 ― excellent writing
@niragixpsych - Although she doesn't think her writing is any good if you ask her, Psych's talent in writing surpasses most expectations with the amount of thought and care she puts into every interaction. It's a true delight and pleasure to write with her and her blog is one I'll always recommend with the utmost happiness!
@aggwaseon - I love their writing because it's very versatile and detailed. You can tell the Mun puts a lot of effort into their threads, and even if lately they haven't been very active, I can guarantee you that this Mun right here knows precisely what they are doing and they are doing it with passion, dedication and care!
@kuinaoflight - Her talent at both writing Kuina as a character and stories in general is amazing! I always loved reading her threads and the amazingly well crafted answers to the RP memes that make even the most common of prompts feel uniquely written and personalized to the person who sent them. Looking forward to continuing reading Elle's amazing work and see how she'll continue improving even further! <3
@hoodedchishiya - There's a reason why this blog is my all time favorite Chishiya and that's because Alex's writing is usually 1000000/10, both when it comes to writing our favorite snarky cookie addict blonde and storytelling in general. I swear man, if I hear you say one more time that your writing sucks, Imma make it one of my to do list priorities to remind you daily that your writing is beyond excellent!
@artsspi - I really enjoy writing with them because they put a lot of thought and effort into each of their OCs and the threads we write together. I'm always looking forward to reading your replies!
@officerconners - The Mun does an excellent job at portraying Drake and every interaction is fun and captivating to read! They know how to write anything, from silly stuff to the most serious of action packed moments full of suspense!
🌼 ― creative headcanons
@niragixpsych - I always love reading Psych's rendition of Niragi and the headcannons she comes up with, they are very unique and interesting, especially since they add an extra layer of depth and complexity to NIragi's character, while also showcasing his human side.
@triggerhappymilitant - Nyx's headcannons about Niragi are another one of my faves when it comes to headcannons about Niragi. They are always interesting to read and I feel like she always manages to showcase Niragi's utmost essence in her own rendition of the character and its background!
@hoodedchishiya - If you want a fresh and unique version of Chishiya, this is the blog to seek. Again, just like his talent for writing in general, this man's creativity when it comes to reimagining Chishiya in a very unique, yet true to the core essence of the character, is baffling! I told you, I could listen to you ramble all day about your ideas and hcs about Chishiya and I wouldn't grow bored!
🎙️ ― great to talk to
@daikichixkarube - Karube's Mun is one of the most adorable and fun to talk to people I've ever met! I love talking to her on a daily basis and she always knows how to lift my mood or make me laugh! So she will always be one of my favorite people to talk to and one of my bestest of friends!
@niragixpsych - She's very supportive and I can count on her to always be there for me! When I'm sad, Psych will lift my spirits up; when I am stuck with a dilemma, she'll do her best to give me some suggestions and help the best she can; and her friendly talks full of affection will always warm my heart! I love you, don't you ever forget that!
@kuinaoflight - Full of life, sunshine and with the golden heart of an angel, Elle is a delight to talk with! She knows how to make a conversation fun, how to cheer you up or fuel your creative juices with her ingenuity! I especially love our fun conversations on our favorite TV shows and the funny things we come up with sometimes, like back when we put together a compilation of cat gifs and memes relating to the AiB characters!
@hoodedchishiya - We've had our differences and ups and downs, but once we got to know each other better, he's really a great conversation partner! Even if we don't talk much (and maybe sometimes I probably end up annoying him), he never fails to make me laugh, smile or feel better if I am upset. So no matter what other's might say, you are actually a great friend to have and a great person to talk to!
@twentyfourhourtitts and @hinataxsunshine - I put those two together because they are like siblings to me and I love our little funny conversations (which I really miss sometimes when our group chat falls silent for days on end).
@lillyontheborder - She's a new addition to my friends group, but I can assure anyone that Lilly is a great friend and a great person to talk to! She knows to listen to you and she will do her best to help!
@risa-of-spades - Risa has always been a great listener and supportive pillar of our community and for that I feel like I owe her an endless amount of gratitude and appreciation! She's always there to show her love and support to each and every one of us and if someone needs a shoulder to lean on, they can always count on her for that, as she'll never shun anyone away!
@officerconners - This Mun is a ray of sunshine and delight to talk to! Plus, they know how to give good advice when you need it! A great friend and an amazing conversations partner!
📚 ― nice threads to read
@niragixpsych, @aggwaseon, @artsspi, @triggerhappymilitant, @hoodedchishiya, @kuinaoflight, @officerconners - Mostly for the reasons stated above + some have really funny threads too along with the more serious threads in nature.
🎀 ― all-around kind person
Everyone mentioned previously. uwu Love you all! 💗
🥇 ― well-developed oc
I feel like everyone in this community that writes OCs do an amazing job in writing their characters, so it would be impossible to tag every single one of them. But even so, know that the AiB RP community has some of the greatest well-crafted original characters you'll ever meet!
📌 ― a staple on the dash
Everyone I mentioned thus far are staples on my dash and I wouldn't have it any other way!
🏆 ― 10/10 blog, would recommend
Again, everyone I mentioned above are a 10/10 in my book: great people with great hearts, amazing talents, outstanding writing skills and are infinity/10 friends! And I want you all to know that I love each and every one of you! Never forget that! <3
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jellybeanium124 · 1 year
Do you have a blog rec list? I’m looking for more blogs to follow 💙
this ask is old but in the wake of everyone else getting asks like this I'm finally gonna answer it!
@chocolatepot @adickaboutspoons @sherlockig @thechastefreeballer @batsarebetterthanpeople @glamaphonic @xoxoemynn @un-monstre @chestnutwind @chaotic-autumn @chaotic-neutral-knitter @skysofrey @cheersmequeers @adrian-lavan-blog @stedebonnets @awkward-fallen-angel @wearfinethingsalltoowell @not-nervous-jester @blakbonnet @snake-snack-stede @fuckselfloveihatemyself
@tinned-beef @in-a-slanted-outhouse @himbohargreeves @shit-tua-probably-didnt-say @feralnumberfive @thehargreevesfam
Random assorted besties (I know some of you from fandoms but you don't mainly post tua or ofmd):
@callthefruitsquad @nechronox @ironfirebagelknight @burnmyself @smoogieboogie @the-aro-ace-arrow-ace @big-tees-and-short-skirts @ds-sparrow-manufacturing-co @will-ruadh @conchshell @pastelmochas @writer-reader-traveller @actualtimetravelingcat @plutotheforgotten
I hope that's everyone if I forgot someone I'm so sorry!!!
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7-wonders · 8 months
7-wonders Halloween Spooktacular!
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Hello and welcome to the THIRD ANNUAL Halloween Spooktacular writing event! I love Halloween, I love writing, and I love hearing from you guys! I found a couple of prompt lists that I think are a lot of fun, but if you have a Halloween prompt of your own feel free to send it in!
A couple of rules/housekeeping items:
You can request any of the characters I usually write for (Adrian Chase/Vigilante, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Morpheus/Dream of the Endless)
If there's an AU I've written for that you like, you can request for that too!
Send the character, AU (if applicable—this includes Mad Love!), the prompt, as well as what number list that’s from
I reserve the right to choose to not write/answer an ask
Please be patient with me as I write. I am only one person, and I have a full-time job outside of this blog.
And here are the lists! So when you request, say “X prompt from List 1 with X character,” or something along those lines.
List 1
List 2
List 3
List 4
(I also have a couple of special prompts I've seen that I'll be writing)
Give the lists a glance and let your imaginations run wild! Happy haunting!
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karniss-bg3 · 9 months
Hello and welcome!
My name is Adrian and I've been writing for 20+ years. This is a fan blog for the drider in Baldur’s Gate 3, Kar’niss. You can expect to find fanfiction, art, theorycrafting and general praise for the character. There may also be other BG3 related content mixed in. If you have arachnophobia or are generally freaked out by spiders this may not be the space for you. I am 30+ and this blog is for adults only. Minors please do not interact.
My Writing Tag: This contains all of the fanfics I’ve written as well as writing advice speckled throughout.
Answered Ask Tag: This tag has all of the asks I’ve answered which may cross over with the writing tag. This can include theorycrafting and drow lore.
Ko-Fi: This is available for donations if folks are so inclined and this is completely optional. I do want to stress that all content on this blog will remain publicly available in perpetuity absolutely free of charge! I just enjoy having other folks to geek out with about Kar’niss, no paywalls necessary.
AO3: My AO3 account has all of the writing I've done for the blog mirrored over there. If you prefer another format other than tumblr that is a good alternative.
Please read on for my rules and ask box preferences.
Ask Box Status: Open
Writing Prompts/Requests: Closed
-This blog contains spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3! I try to tag these as best as possible but I can’t guarantee someone will be able to avoid everything. If you are worried about spoilers I highly encourage finishing your first play through before following.
-While this blog tackles adult themes I don’t write hardcore NSFW content. Suggestive themes are fine but anything that is aggressively sexual won’t be replied.
-I don’t write torture fics, please don’t request these. Injuries, wounds or something that could happen in battle are fine.
-Make sure to include request type (see below) if you’re seeking a specific response. If they aren’t present then I will default to the closest answer I feel is being implied. For example, if you want a writing prompt but don’t include the request type, I may default to an OOC answer.
-All prompts are written as close to the characters personality as I can manage. I try to keep things realistic but there are times I’ll go off script for fluff purposes.
-I typically write either male! Tav x Kar'niss or gender neutral! Tav x Kar'niss. I am not the best at writing female Tav's but if the request inspires me then I might be able to. Just keep in mind it's not my typical flair. If no gender is specified then I will write in gender neutral terms.
-I try to respond as fast as possible. Writing prompts can take time to get to depending on where the inspiration level is at the time. I appreciate your patience.
Request Types:
Writing Prompt: Add this to the start of your ask if you wish for me to write a fanfic on the subject requested. If no gender is specified I will write in gender-neutral terms. Prompts/Writing requests are currently closed.
IC: Add this to the start of your ask if your Tav is speaking to Kar’niss directly and he will respond. These replies will be shorter than fics. If no gender is given for your Tav then the response will be as if they were gender-neutral.
No request type is required for general questions or statements.
Thank you for reading. If you have any questions or comments please send me an ask or message. I appreciate your continued support. Let the drider army rise!
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Hil, I wanted to tell you that yours is one of the best blogs I've ever read! Reading the characters through your point of view and in various situations, even the serious and sad ones, made me laugh and move several times, I'm happy to have discovered Tumblr and had been able to meet you Aine, even if not in person. As soon as you have time, I would like to ask you to summon once again the handesome Adrien and his drunk / sleepwalker walk, this time with Magna, Henry and Zora. Thank you!
ahhh bby! thank you for the lovely praises hehe (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) I'm sorry you had to wait so long but I hope it was worth the wait because I'll be tickling all your funny bones again with Adrian hahaha!
You can find Jack's version & Yami, Nozel, Fue, Will's version here
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Characters: Magna, Henry, Zora x F! reader TW: harassment, drunk, vulgarities , unchecked work.
Magna Swing
Magna was awfully silent throughout the night, he tried to not act like he cared, but he kept stealing glances in your direction whenever he could.
His teeth gritted together and his fist clenched tightly, watching you and Adrian play card games and laughing your head off.
Magna wished he could wipe that smirk off that bastard's face right about now. Why the hell was he not leaving yet?
Adrian has been here for more than a week now, he was scheduled to stay for only a week, but some plans got revised, and now he was here longer.
Of course nobody seemed to mind or care, except Magna because Adrian has his eyes set on you. His crush.
Magna heard some rattling on his door. The thought of having a burglar in the house made him jolt from his bed. He slowly opened his door, only for you to fall into his arms with a little shriek.
It was dark, so Magna pushed you away immediately, thinking you were an intruder and you fell onto the floor with a thud.
"OW!" you whispered harshly, crooking your brows at him.
"Oh my god I'm sorry y/n!" he quickly picked you up, "But what are you doing?!" he shout-whispered back to you.
"Look!" you tugged at his shirt, beckoning him to look into the hallway.
There was Adrian standing in the middle of the hallway, stark naked.
"Motherfu-" Magna was ready to confront the guy, finally finding an excuse to punch him in the face since this morning. Until you tugged at his shirt.
"Wait!!" you held onto him with all your might, "He's just drunk, let's just leave him alone."
You both retreated back into Magna's room and closed the door.
"Can I just crash here with you tonight? I'm kinda scared." You looked at the ground, shuffling your feet.
It was then that Magna realised that he was alone with his crush in his room, in the middle of the night. And his crush just asked if she could sleep in his room. With him. The room temperature suddenly felt warm.
"Er.. W-Whatever.." Magna managed to croak out quickly.
You were just exhausted at this point, having being scared out of your life in the middle of the night. Now, with Magna around, you felt so safe that the sleepiness started to kick in.
"tsk." Magna tucked you into his bed, "I thought you liked that fella y/n.."
"not enough to want to see his dick at 2 in the morning.." your eyes were closed as you started to fall asleep, "besides, I already have someone I like."
Magna felt his heart sink, realising that his crush on you was only one sided as you already had someone in mind. But before he could ask, you already gave him the answer he wished to hear.
"I like you."
Henry Legolant
There wasn't much Henry could do actually. He could only watch from afar with a pout on his face, curled in his bed as another man flirted with his favourite girl.
Everyone else seemed to like him to.. Maybe he would replace him in the bulls?
Henry watched as you and Adrian, together with Vanessa and Yami clinked your beer mugs, drinking one mug after another. Adrian was also sitting closer and closer to you.
Henry felt like his heart was about to break. He felt so silly for having a crush on a girl like you, someone who was clearly way out of his league.
He went to bed early that night.
*knock knock*
The Soft knocking woke him up, "who is it?"
"Henry..." you voice sounded from behind the door. You sounded afraid and it sent Henry into alert mode. He quickly rushed to open the door.
"y/n? what is it? are you hurt??" he made a swift check on you for any visible wounds.
"I'm ok.. but Adrian is walking around naked in the hallway!" you said softly, "I had no where else to go!"
"What?" he shouted, and you had to shush for him to lower his voice
"He's drunk and sleepwalking!"
Even Henry felt embarrassed for that dude right now. Imagine the mess he would find himself in tomorrow.
"Come in y/n," Henry pulled you into his room, "you can sleep here if you don't mind."
Henry was happy that you were here alone with him, but at the same time, he was slightly disappointed when you said that you had no where else to go, which was why you came to him.
"I would much rather be with you, Henry." your words immediately lifted his spirits.
"I thought you liked him y/n..." Henry pulled the covers over you, ensuring you were tucked in properly.
"No?? I was drinking because Vanessa and Yami were drinking too!"
"Don't drink so much next time y/n... and don't be too close to that guy..."
"I will Henry.." you scooted closer to him, "then should i come over here more often for sleepovers? This feels really nice.."
Henry took the leap of faith and wrapped you in his arms, only for you to snuggle against him like a contented cat.
Zora Ideale
Zora was the kind of monster that could turn off his feelings like a switch. When he saw you and Adrian flirting with each other in the gardens, he rolled his eyes, thinking about finding an opportunity to prank that outsider that was supposed to be here for "training".
Training my foot. Training to flirt with my girl?
Except you were kinda not his girl, not yet. But it was an open secret that you and Zora both had something for each other.
Zora spent the entire day cooped up in his hut, writing, practicing and perfecting new spells.
When he came home, it was already way past midnight.
"y...n...." Adrian's slurring voice could be heard when Zora climbed up the stairs.
He was initially tired but hearing that bastard call for you at this hour made him boil.
"Zora!" you ran into his arms out of nowhere, catching the red head by surprise. He wondered what had happened, was Adrian trying to do something funny to you in the middle of the night?
Many bad thought plagued his mind and he got angrier by the second. That was when Adrian finally appeared from your room, naked.
"fuck." Zora hissed. And before you could stop him, he stomped forward and punched Adrian in the face, drawing blood from his nose. You swore you saw something white fly off from Adrian's mouth as well.
You quickly rushed forward, "Zora! He's sleep walking!"
Zora raised a brow at you, "I know."
Adrian started to groan in pain as he woke up, wondering what in the world had happened.
"And you punched him?!" you stared at the masked man bewilderedly.
"I'll punch anybody that makes you cry." he confessed, "although I'm not complaining that he made you run into my arms."
You blushed as red as a tomato and smacked him lightly on his arm.
"ow... my nose hurts.."
"Your nose hurts?" Zora snarked at the man and stepped on his inner thigh, just inches from his privates, "You could be hurting elsewhere as well, Pervert."
Adrian yelped in pain from Zora's weight, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I just have the habit to sleep naked and I tend to sleepwalk."
"I don't give a fuck what your fucking habits are creep, you harass my girl again I'll punch your balls up your throat."
Adrian was scared out of his wits as he quickly crawled away.
"You ok now?" Zora patted your head, "tch, told you to stay away from that creep."
"Since when did you-" you wanted to protest but stopped yourself, "Zora, Adrian fell on my bed earlier.. so can I-"
Before you could complete your sentence, Zora was already dragging you into his room. He took a quick shower and removed his mask. A sight he only allowed you to see.
You always marvelled at how handsome he was without his mask, wondering why does he cover up his pretty features.
"stop staring and go to bed." he came into the bed with you.
You wrapped your arms around his frame, sleeping in his arms.
"tch. what a troublesome brat." he said but his arms wrapped around your frame tightly, closing any gap left between the both of you.
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askadrianalucardtepes · 8 months
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"Welcome to my ask blog! I would love to chat and get to know you all better. Please, come speak with me at any time!" Hello! Welcome to Alucard's ask blog. All the art on this blog is drawn by me, and I try my best to answer asks as frequently as I can. Please have a look at the general and roleplay rules down below to know what is and isn't okay when interacting with the blog! I greatly look forward to all your asks. :D General Rules:
Roleplay Rules:
Available Alucard versions: (Original) Alucard | Nocturne/Awoken Alucard | Future/SotN Alucard | Genya Arikado | Child Alucard | Bat Alucard | Wolf Alucard
Thank you for reading and stopping by! Feel free to check out my other blogs: @askvladdraculatepes @askvarneyakadeath
Much love, Adrian (The Admin)
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ask-nick-and-cass · 6 months
Nick: Hi there. The names Nickolas Alastair carter this blog is being run by me and my sisters
Cassidy: Hi
Kasey: Sup
Nick: this is where we answer your ask I document funny conversation my we have with eachother!
(Ooc: also check out the sister blogs @ask-gc & @ask-ss)
(Ask-able character’s under the cut)
Nikki {she’s our mom}
David {you can only send him hate}
Nick (pan romantic asexual)
Cassidy (bi and poly)
Kasey (lesbian)
Evan (bi)
Lizz (pansexual and poly)
Mike (bi)
Vanessa (panromantic asexual)
Sammy (nonbinary) (suffers from entomophoboa)
Charlie (bi)
Andrew (bi and poly)
Susie (lesbian) (Kasey’s current girlfriend) (much better girlfriend to her than Nellie was)
Jeremy grim
Nellie (lesbian) (Kasey’s ex)
Jeremy Fitzgerald (Bonnie mask bully)
Madison (chica mask bully)
Jerry (Freddy mask bully)
Zachariah/Nightmarionne (aromantic bisexual)
Clay Burke
Carlton burke
Sylvie Petrov
Pit Bonnie
Aftons are in red
Emilys are in green
carters are in blue
And misc human charecters are in orange
Misc animatronic characters in purple
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