minimoefoe · 14 days
Rewatch Thoughts: Boom
I didn’t realise Mundy was played by Varada until I started watching Unleashed right after the ep yesterday icl
I HATE long intros at the beginning of eps that don’t feature the Doctor and/or companion. They did it a lot in Chib’s era iirc, also fucked me off then as well
Kinda woulda preffered if we didn't see the base at all in the beginning and it was just kept at that one location for the whole ep? Idk how it woulda worked with the bits with Mundy and that guy there but Splice's dad just being out where he was and talking to Splice and we hear her voice while he's still walking around woulda maybe been better than cutting back to Splice imo? Idrk what I'm talking about so maybe I'm waffling
This is the first time I’ve noticed Susan Twist in an ep but I won’t give myself too much credit lmao
Splice is kinda a cute name
‘Kiss kiss’ what if I kill myself
I love the thoughts and prayers thing
The initial scene when 15 is on the landmine and Ruby goes to him is so good like. 15’s vibes, the way Ncuti delivers things. I could write down like 10 dfiferent quotes that I liked but I won’t
It does feel very Moffat though liike. I can tell he wrote this. Which isn't necessarily a BAD thing bc I love 15's vibes in this ep I think. I’m just hoping 15 keeps this same vibe going forward when he’s in situations similar to this one bc otherwise it’s gonna feel like Moffat put his own spin on this Doctor rather than that actually being what 15 is like yknow? Idk how to explain it
Ruby pausing to look at the sky. Dumb that it’s her first planet but it’s a good scene
Smelted is a good word
Ruby going against what the Doctor wants her to do!! Love that for her
Using the song to time passing the fleshlight over and making use of Ruby being a music bitch okayyyy
‘Don’t you know there’s more to life than the moon and the president’s wife’, I don’t fully know what to make of that reference lol like. okay!
This whole ep is so Moffat like he’s very heavy handed with his messages yknow. Makes the Doctor have the same cynical(?) fuck you vibe. Which like, he isn't WRONG to have obviously bc what's going on IS fucked but it feels very same-y like he's writing 15 like he's 12 and not 15 idrk?
I like that 15 openly cries like oh we love growth but also I kinda want him to relax a bit and not cry but ALSO he’s literally stood on a landmine so.. I'd be crying too
Sentient mud oh we love a 13 reference
Splice is dumb as hell sorry, she spends half the ep being mildly annoying and stupid
I’m not sure if I love the choked cry 15 did when Ruby got shot or if I hate it.
While there’s snow, there’s ho
‘Dad to dad; is crazy
Mundy and that guy were kinda cute rip I guess
15 telling them to run when he knows he's gonna blow up half the planet is really dumb. I feel like 12 woulda been like yeah man you might as well just stay here and get the full impact and definitely die instead of running away and potentially getting far enough to get really injured and suffer before dying lmao
The Doctor being like all right that’s enough is so real
There’s no way after over a thousand years the Doctor STILL likes fishfingers and custard SORRY. I need to see him have a taste and realise it tastes gross and 11 was just insane
Overall a very needed ep vibe-wise like 15 and Ruby have been having too much fun, they needed a more serious ep. Idk if I liked this ep as much as I was expecting to but I did really like it. Some people seem to think it's like. the next best ep ever and I would defo not go that far
I liked the Doctor in this episode. I tbh still don't know how I feel about 15 overall liike. I defo love him in A LOT of moments but I'm also not 100% sure what the vision for him is yet. I feel like I won't be sure where he'd place in a ranking etc til we're at least at the end of this season.
Ruby also had some good moments - going against the Doctor, handing the fleshlight over, tackling an annoying child - but then spent half the ep part dead I feel bc they didn't really know what else to have her do
Also have seen a lot of Kerblam comparisons which like. YES Kerblam is clearly messy (bc otherwise so many ppl wouldn't misinterpret it), especially compared to this in your face Moffat messaging but its been like 6yrs. At this point it's been spoke about so much everyone defo knows what the intention of the scene in Kerblam actually is (or at least they should do) so STILL tryna paint it like the episode is pro-Amazon or pro-capitalism or whatever the fuck is genuinely embarrassing bc the ep is just. not doing that but for some reason you're determined to pretend it is. Like just say the ep is a bit clunky/could be worded better in like one scene and move tf on jfc
ALSO saw ppl take the 'lesbian gymkhana' bit as Moffat explicitly calling 13 a lesbian which.. first of all she's not a lesbian but second of all I don't think Moffat was thinking about it that deeply, he just loves to have the Doctor say they Did a Thing at a Place one time. HC what you want, whatever. I think ppl tryna paint it like a bad thing, like, 'WOW it took this long for her to be called a lesbian and it was MOFFAT that did it' is where I think you're weird/twatty bc like. you're using a HC that you've just made up to make a dig at Chibnall which is embarrassing and also.. the reason 13 was never explicitly called a lesbian could very well be bc she ISN'T one and also when has the Doctor EVER been explicitly called ANY sexuality in an episode like? Acting like it's about fuckin time 13 was explicitly called a lesbian when that isn't a thing that's happened with any previous Doctor is an insane level of Chibnall bad bias
Anyways gave the ep 4/5 stars, same as my first watch
Mini teaser for next ep looks so cool but the streets are saying it's Doctor-lite which pisses me of a bit. Hopefully it's good enough that I end up not minding
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tiny012 · 5 months
And when Sailor Moon Cosmos finally arrives in North America, the very same people bitching will begin to eviscerate it 'cuz wasn't like the '90s version or not as good as it (got fanboys already bitching about Galaxia not being strong/powerful as the '90s one, LMAO). That there's enough character development (LMAO), it goes too fast and is too short and how Crystal and manga and Naoko suck and finally, how the '90s anime is better.
The main ones who are getting the leaks are going to be the main ones bitching about it and I feel like if you watched it illegally before it's avaiable you have no right to complain.
They didn't even wait for it to get over here to pirate it.
They begged and moan Japanese fans to do it and then have the nerve to call them greedy when they decided not to do it.
It's a difference between pirating it over here when it becomes avibale over here then begging Japanese's fans to it.
Yall know I'm about that pirate life but I wouldn't dare beg someone who proably don't even know how to rip it off the DVD for a torrented copy.
You have people who do know how to do that and will do it but it takes time to do that.
The DVD has not been out a full two days yet.
I know that someone is going to fansub it but damn it takes time.
They got their hands out and begging when they where the main ones bitching about the release.
They need to talk to their ( like ours is Netflix and it was hulu) distribution company to see what's going on instead of harassing Toei Twitter everyday. Then want to blame Naoko in this shit too.
Side Note: Did yall see Robbie's tweet?
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He's dropping hints!( cough pocket watch cough) I really believe they are working it and we going to have it early next year.
But the fact is that the writers and actor strike is why it's a delay which once again is because of streaming company's like Netflix they will not pay actors and writers shit for their hard work.
And yes you do have a screenwriter for Sailor Moon who makes sure certain things translate properly from Japanese to English. I hope it's still Deb Crane because they was awesome.
So I have no regrets doing this
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because I got tired of their bitching, moaning and complaining.
It doesn't hurt my heart that they blocked me.
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Because it felt GOOD to clock his ass finally.
But Manga Galaxia not being strong as 90's Galaxia??
90's Galaxia sat on her ass doing the whole season meanwhile Manga/Crystal Gal was going back and front from her house to earth fucking up shit.
Galaxia had the most kills( onscreen because we know it’s more than that for her. We know she fucked up some planets too) with 8
Mamoru Chiba/Tuxedo Mask
Rei Hino/Sailor Mars
Minako Aino/Sailor Venus
Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto
Haurka Tenou/Sailor Uranus
Michiru Kaiou/Sailor Neptune
Hotaru Tomoe/Sailor Saturn
Tin Nyanko
The fact is took out half of the Sailor Senshi Solar System Team by herself. Including the cats and Chibiusa, the team is 14 people deep and she took out seven by herself.
Actually you can say she took out 8 of the team because when she threw Mamo into the Cauldron Chibiusa faded. So she killed Chibs as well.
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fainthedcherry · 8 months
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Posting 2 shiptobers bc I left off at day 12, skipping 11 I think it was or 10 for now, bc 4 characters are BIT much for a single day until crap hit the fan w/ lacking time to draw due to my IRL job adfskjfodslg,,
Day 6 - Baking and / or cooking (Anisa & Mark ft. THE ULTIMATE BBY, Marco)
Day 7 - Giving / Receiving kisses (Chiri and my own design of Jackson Jekyll from Monster High, that is a combination of my own stuff, inspiration from fan-re-designs and also Hollowed-Hartlocke's redesign more heavily!)
I FORGOT TO MENTION ON THE PRIOR POST, THAT THE SHIPTOBER LIST I'M USING IS ALSO FROM MY FRIEND, HOLLOWED-HARTLOCKE ON DEVIANTART!!! Go check it out, in casee you wanna do it next year or somth, god knows I won't finish mine like I know myself jkgjksdg
BUT I WANNA SAY I'VE NEVER REGRETTED DRAWING CHIBIS TO CATCH UP EASIER AND FASTER. SO I MIGHT JUST DO A CHIB-POCALYPSE TO CATCH UP UNTIL DAY 15. I set my goal to possibly catch up to day 15 but let it be after that or else Ill start to stress myself which is a BAD idea sdfklsdlkg
LET'S HOPE I WILL CATCH UP THO. I AM INBETWEEN THAT PUTTING TOO MUCH EFFORT INTO INKDRIANTOBER. The moment I got nothing to post for, I'm getting out the inkdriantober posts sdfklsdlg
I'LL LEAVE YOU WITH SHARING A POSITIVE THING; I actually heavily adore my Jackson redesign, even if y'all are only seeing it in chib-form sdflksklgds, I COULD post my monster high doodle refs after this, bc it'd be neat to attract some monster high lovers, I can just discuss w/ on who's the best ghoul out there, no matter the gen LMAO. Maybe some posts of my Jackson doll that arrived a good while ago might also help attract an audience I'd love to talk and banter with, and draw for even, if some day I'll be recognized enough, to do those fun Tumblr asks, I wanted to do since I'm a teenager!!! IT'D BE A DREAM TO DO TUMBLR ASKS ABOUT CANON CHARACTERS OR OCS. I love Tumblr asks so much, the best fandom stuff spawns out of them, ngl...
Btw my Jackson redesign is based on G1..But that might be obvious to- already Monster High fans LOL, but to those who don't know, MH is split into 3 gens, and gen 3 has no Jackson yet. Some people say, that Komos IS Jackson but Iiii doubt that sdfklsdlgk, ANYWAY I GOTTA HURRY AND GET BACK TO ART SORRY FOR RAMBLING I HAVE TOO MUCH TO TALK ABOUT.
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heronpoxed · 1 year
Everyone is on fire about Tara and that's deserved!!! The hate I see the most comes from the self-insert/fic crowd. And the arguments are how they would have been better old ladies and handled Gemma and "fixed" Jax. LMAO. Lol even. It's petty jealousy.
I think she was set up, as so many love interests are in crime shows (skyler from breaking bad), to be hated because while the viewer loves the aggression and the world building Tara pointed out how insane and dangerous it all was. Jax isn't so hot and cool anymore once the club and Gemma aren't praising him. Once Tara actually shines a light on how self absorbed and pointless the whole outlaw setup is. Selling guns and later drugs isn't a "mission", it's not being an outlaw. It's just crime for money without any redeeming qualities. As was the clubs behavior towards women and their own children, while yelling "family and brotherhood above all else".
Anyway. Tara was right. And I am very sorry she had to die for Jax to finally realize it. She really wanted the best for him and saw him as a good man.
I’ve only ever read one SOA fanfic that was written in 2013 which is more like a love letter to Tara and her & Jax’s teenage years than anything else (its rlly good. It’s called Beginnings if you’re interested in reading) so I have absolutely no idea what the SOA fic crowd is like lol.
You’re right about this too. Tara was set up but I’m connecting this one to misogyny too. If reasonable female characters weren’t notoriously hated - no matter which relatively older show we’re talking about - we wouldn’t be thinking that they were set up. Hope this makes sense. I get the attachment to the world-building because the setting and the world of the story is the first thing that a consumer sees. In the case of Sons of Anarchy though, it was clear from the very first episode that the current club life wasn’t a right way to live. That was the whole point of Jax finding John’s manuscript; that was what got Jax determined to get the club out of the gun running business right? But i guess the attachment to the world made everyone ignore the whole point of the show and ultimately hate Tara because she never let anyone forget that.
That’s one of the reasons why I don’t want a spin-off/sequel with Abel and Thomas (something that many fans want sm). Tara and Jax didn’t sacrifice everything - including their lives - for their sons’ well-being only for them to get back to SAMCRO. It would mean that all of their sacrifices were for nothing!
Good point on the club’s behavior towards women and their families. The way they are with women is absolutely horrible which makes no sense because all of them would go to war for their significant others but then treat them with sm disrespect at home? I guess that comes down to their ego and toxic masculinity.
Tig, Chibs, Opie, Bobby ALL OF THEM had children yet they never cared lmao. All Chibs could talk about during the entirety of s3 was ‘his girls’ yet he never mentioned either Fiona or Kerrianne in later seasons. As much as Tig loved his kids, his way of life got Dawn killed and he was so extremely devastated!! I can’t believe that after Dawn’s death he never for even a split second questioned his choices regarding his life and the club.
I also hated that Opie’s children gradually started disappearing. i feel like not giving him any storylines with his kids in later seasons dehumanized him in a way. But i’ll never be sure if it was intended that way or not.
All of this collectively comes down to inconsistent writing. To me at least. I don’t know why screenwriters are always adamant on leaving so many loose ends and not digging a bit deeper into stuff like this.
And to answer your last point. Obviously Tara was right and I’m sorry that it took me watching this show twice to realize it but in my defense, I was 15, stupid and didn’t speak good enough English :’)
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pitynostars · 2 years
About the "center of the universe" bit that confuse you. What we fight against is the idea that it's a chosen one story, which is different. The chosen one trop rely on the person being destined to be important, and so reading it as such equate being abused to being destined to great thing. That's the part we disagree on. But the doctor is a godlike figure no disagreeing on that. ^^
hmm ok i think i see. 
i agree it doesnt fit the “chosen one” trope angle. 
i think my confusion is i’ve also seen people argue back to back 13 is more down to earth/people have said what they like about her is that she ISN’T this godlike figure (they usually say with the caveat of like, unlike moffats which i think is hilarious because his whole shtick was unpacking all that to make the dr just Some Guy lmao). 
obviously there’s gonna be different interpretations but i feel like a lot of the time i’ll see completely contradictory meta back to back it makes my head hurt XD
from my pov i see TTC as the inverse of what Moffat did but where he presented a a character like the Impossible Girl/DarkTM!12 the whole point was flipping that and have them turn out to be ordinary: clara making the choice to step into his timestream just because she loves him, 11 working at wiping himself from all the databases because he got too big purely through like. his LIFE his actions going about saving people and helping out and whatnot best he could, etc. etc.... 
whereas right off the back of all that, chibnall’s/TTC thing it feels like we’re supposed to take it as like oh the doctor’s just some guy wandering about who HAPPENS to have all this happen in the past but it doesnt define her present but then it SHOWS us yk the Doctor isn’t a TL anymore she actually is the reason behind like them existing, suddenly everyone in the universe seems interested in her not for HER and her actions but for some piece of her biology she has no control over.... she’s not the centre of the universe for any credit of her own (which like... WHY would you INSIST on casting a woman as the doctor just to do this specifically to her?? off the back of an arc about how being the dr is all about being kind and just Trying to do your best chibs centres her specialness all around her biology????)
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
When Jax yelled at Bobby for griping about the drug muling over breakfast at Gemma’s… ugh.
I remember he said something to the effect of “we voted it in so either get on board and stfu or turn in your patch.”
I WISH Bobby did just that. Along with every single one of them that voted Nay.
The table would’ve been BARE and it would’ve been such a humbling moment for Jax and Clay to see just how bad they fucked up. The club would still survive but it wouldn’t hold the same power if 5 members walked out on the same day (one of them being first 9 too).
Opie would’ve side-eyed the shit out of Jax and Clay. He never wanted to get on board to begin with.
Miles would’ve just sat there like 😬.
Kozik would’ve probably just been quiet. Real quiet. He only said yes to support the prez & vp.
Tig would be scratching his forehead so awkwardly.
And for ONCE in Jax’s life, he might have to beg the boys to come back and really apologize. Like, REALLY apologize. Not the “it wasn’t my fault, I had no choice” non-apology he always gave.
Let’s be real… around this point, Bobby and Chibs should’ve been Prez & VP. Clay was past due on his retirement (could’ve just kept TM going) and Jax was never even VP material.
I saw this when you sent it in, and then I got completely sidetracked and forgot to respond. My bad! 😅
But multiple times throughout the series I wished that everyone just turned and walked on Clay and Jax. Like, neither of those men should've been in charge of anybody. Bobby should've made his Nomad charter like they all led us to believe and gotten the fuck outta dodge lmao
Jax had a real habit of making ultimatums to people when he was literally the biggest flip-flopper in the club. Like, my guy, clean your own house first before criticizing everyone else's, you know? But hey, what do I know! 😂
I would have loved to see Bobby and Chibs leading the club. They were two of the most stable characters throughout the series, which is really saying something because I would've lost every single one of my fucking marbles if I had to try and keep those guys in line all the time every day hahaha.
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handdrawnfantasma · 2 years
OKAY it’s almost 1am and i’ve been yelling at kite on discord for long enough, time to commit my thoughts on 13′s final episode to my tumblog. spoilers under the readmore, obvs
okay so first things first let’s get this out of the way: i genuinely LOVED it. like is it in my “these episodes really Hit Different” tier or my “shiny gold star” tier, no, but it is SOLIDLY in my “loved it” tier. i just. it was so much FUN! it was so JOYFUL! i’m so happy that 13 got to go out on this kind of note and i’m so glad that her regen episode was just. a FUN ride.
like tbh nothing about this episode went as i expected it to go but i am actually okay with that! i could definitely think of a few ways that this final special could have been linked in more with like, the wider overarching themes or narrative threads of the era, but the more i think about it the more i am okay with the fact that while a handful of the themes were carried through, there wasn’t really a huge link back to like, say, the Timeless Child storyline. and really, there shouldn’t need to be! for me, i guess the main narrative thread of this era was wrapped up with Flux and with 13 coming to terms with what she’d learned about her past and what she still didn’t know, and choosing not to open the fobwatch and instead keep it safe and hidden because she came to the realisation that what Ryan said to her in s12 was right the whole time - whoever she was before, she HAS an identity right now and obsessing over the past rather than living in the present was destroying her and her loved ones. so like, for me the specials function mostly as an emotional coda for 13 and Yaz, and i was surprised to find i didn’t NEED any big links back. tbh i think the main thematic link Chibs was trying to make with this episode was his first-episode thesis statement of “honour who you’ve been and choose who you want to be next” and the themes of hope and connection so like, those were very much present
that being said, Chibs ABSOLUTELY managed to pull a great fake-out on me with that episode opener. like. the entire set-up with the child in the pod on the train and THEN the reveal that it was an eldritch glowy energy creature that instinctively takes a form that makes people want to protect it (A CHILD????) had me sitting there for the first 30-45 minutes of the special FULLY expecting this to take a turn where that turned into some sort of reveal of the Doctor’s original species or something. like i was there FULLY ready for glowy eldritch trueform Dr. in hindsight i’m glad that this is not where this went bc i think that would have done a disservice to some of the things the Timeless Child storyline was trying to accomplish, but i was FULLY ready to be on board and clowning with it. (i may still clown with it, purely bc its such an interesting concept to me as something to explore in fanworks, LMAO)
still so funny to me that Dan noped out in the first 15 minutes of the episode. man had THEE closest near-death experience and was sensibly like “nope i am not pushing my luck i am Outtie!!” honestly? ICONIC, love this for him. love that he still cites his TARDIS experience as something that has given him the strength to live his life on Earth as well. that said, STILL funny that he missed almost the entire adventure, absolute KING move. we stan
i hecking loved ALL the past Doctor cameos we got, holy shit! i wasn’t expecting any of them at all but the circumstances in which they showed up were ABSOLUTELY my jam??? the idea of vestiges of the Dr’s old personalities kicking about inside their thinkpan?? EXQUISITE. Eight refusing to manifest in robes bc he doesn’t do robes, the man the myth the LEGEND. i loved One being like “oh dang i guess this version of us is VERY strong-willed, just won’t die hm” like YES SHE IS!! YES SHE IS!! i also loved that Five and Seven got to have moments of closure with their old companions via 13′s adaptive AI hologram, those moments were so genuinely sweet and touching and i adored them. honestly i just. im so pleased for the 80s doctors and Eight, also. like, remember when it was the 50th anniversary and the only real look-in they got was a short clip of 8 regenerating into the War Dr and the Five-ish Doctors Reboot, which was a labour of love and comedy film mostly written by the three 80s doctors making light of the fact that they weren't going to be in the 50th?? and then it comes to this special and chibs is like. i am gonna write ALL of you into it. like, Six didn't need to be there!!! unlike Five and Seven, his companions did not feature (with the exception of Mel’s brief cameo in the Companion Support Group at the end)!! but he's there helping to bolster his future self and help her hold on to their existence anyway
i ammmm MANY thoughts head full about the conclusion of the spydoc storyline, like, the more i think about it the more absolutely JUICY things there are to find in here. like. lord. right until the end they were just perfect on the nose foils for each other. the Master becoming so unhappy and so sick and incapable of being himself and presumably still so bitter and depressed about being in the Doctor’s shadow and (he assumes) not having ever been her equal that he hatches a plot to steal the Doctor’s body and identity and completely erase her??? to become her in literally every way and then wreck her reputation??? VS Thirteen who has come to terms with what she does and doesn’t know about herself, and has come to the conclusion that actually she has LOVED being herself!!! the Master being so unable to let either one of them live that even while dying as a result of his own actions backfiring on him once again, crawls after Thirteen JUST to ensure that if he can’t be the Doctor, neither can she. VS Thirteen who wanted more time but gracefully accepts that she has to pass the torch of being the Doctor onto the next them and faces her death with a smile. i just. THEM. THEY. the Master being SO bitter vs the Doctor having seemingly let go of most of her bitterness towards him! (”WHAT a mind!” she says of his plan to LITERALLY STEAL HER BODY AND ERASE HER FROM EXISTENCE! “we used to be friends, once” she says sadly after these aforementioned plans have fallen apart.) i just. GOD. if you two had actually taken a moment to have an ACTUAL PROPER CONVERSATION at ANY POINT during these incarnations of yours y’all could probably have genuinely actually gotten along, but nooooooooooooooooooooooo
anyway this episode also fed me EXCEEDINGLY with regards to my ongoing doctor who theory of mirrors. like. LORD. the Yaz-Dhawan!Master-13 hall of mirrors in this episode was EXQUISITE. can’t believe that in the episode where we had the Master trying to literally, physically take the Doctor’s place in the universe and failing, we had Yaz spiritually embodying what it is to be the Doctor RIGHT at the moment when it seemed like the Doctor was gone forever. like. Yaz was so magnificent during this episode and i’m so PLEASED about this conclusion to her Doctorification plotline. she piloted the TARDIS on her OWN!! using the notes she made HERSELF during those 10 long months separated from 13 trying to get that other TARDIS to move!!! she made a plan with Vinder and saved Ace from crashing into the ground and moved people to where they needed to be and she SAVED the Doctor just by being herself. no destiny, no weird timey wimey bullshit, no special powers. just Yasmin Khan and her faith in herself and her faith in and love for the Doctor. the Master was really there trying to break Yaz’s faith in 13 and she was no-selling him every time. QUEEN.
also she got to bridal-carry an unconscious, injured 13 into the TARDIS and like honestly? stunning, beautiful, powerful, showstopping, incredible
very important point for me: 13 is 4 for 4 with getting companions back home, safe, ready to live the rest of their lives, being wiser and better people for their experiences travelling with her. like sorry but she is WINNING
also like. im still so emotional about 13′s ending. it was just so POSITIVE. the gratitude for having met and loved the people she did and experienced what she did with them?? “my hearts are full of love for you all”. also god. she LOVED being herself!!! the Doctor had an incarnation that LOVED being themself despite what she went through during all that!! i love this so much for her. i love that she got one last quiet moment with Yaz and got to see Yaz safe at home. i love that she got to tell her TARDIS to look after the next one. i love that she CHOSE the way she would meet her own end and she wanted to do it while seeing one last sunrise as herself. i just. she was at peace with herself and with the idea of leaving even if she WANTED more time as herself and tbh this is all i wanted for her from this episode. tbh i’m even only slightly Annoyed at having had to watch her turn into DT again instead of Ncuti and i FULLY expected to be frothingly angry and bitter about it, but the rest of the episode and the lead-up to the regen itself was just so JOYFUL that i am much less mad than expected
tl;dr will absolutely be bothering my parents again this week to steal their iPlayer access and watch this special again, and now i am FREE to write reams of Sunless AU fanfic with wild abandon
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higheldertala · 2 years
nikola tesla’s night of terror salt commentary
wait this one doesn’t have a cold opening either? i thought they were brought back for s12? did i imagine this?
again im not well versed in history so unsure of any historical accuracies
finally the companions are wearing historical costumes!! 🎉🎉🎉
something something bad pacing you know the drill
it’s not an ‘alien’ gun if it’s silurian (amateur hour chibs)
the doctor is calling tesla a liar because ‘first thing I asked you I said have you seen anything weird?’ but tesla doesn’t have any chance to reply before being shot at?
and then she asks who they are and who was shooting at them which tesla replies he has ‘no idea’… which is true?? why she calls him a liar is bizarre. he’s not exactly lying just hiding some tech and it’s not like she asks him ‘what are you hiding? or have you seen any alien tech around?’ why is she so adamant he’s lying? it comes across as really harsh/ dickmove. oh he didn’t immediately tell a stranger everything, he must be up to something(!)
‘and i have no intention of handing it to total strangers’ at least tesla brings this up.
‘strangers who just save your life’ i mean for all he knows the doctor and fam could be the reasoning someone is trying to kill them, he doesn’t know that yet. why are they acting like tesla is the dick in this situation. clearly the doctor and fam aren’t very good at making friends.
after kane, and now tesla, the doctor is being quiet hostile to people she’s only just met. im gonna guess this is suppose to be intentional characterisation???
unsure why tesla and dorothy just lets the doctor and fam follow them into his lab. they don’t know them at all and they’ve been pretty hostile to him since meeting them
‘he should have been the first billionaire by now’ hmmm what a weird thing to say… anyone would think this doctor is pro capitalism or something…
nah but honestly this is way out of character for the doctor to be promoting capitalism in regards to invention. the doctor doesn’t care about profit and is an awful assumption to make that someone would only invent something for the pursuit of profit rather than scientific curiosity which is what the doctor would actually advocate for.
‘changing the world takes time. you have to be patient.’ god what a shit message. also this is very funny as last episode the doctor was saying we need to do something now before it’s too late and in this episode she’s like lmao wait a bit.
it’s very much that doctor always dictates what they’re doing. like you rarely see the companion take much agency in their actions (apart from that one time in praxues with yaz).
‘no guns ryan!’ sorry but the pacifist shit takes the piss, you’re clearly in danger, it’s not completely unreasonable that ryan may want to defend himself.
why doesn’t yaz reply to the doctor that the disguised skithra have got in already?? she just puts the phone down.
also she’s using her phone right in front of tesla, lol im sure he didn’t notice that at all(!)
having anjli mohindra in dw and she’s not playing rani chandra is an absolute crime. i mean at least ch*bnall can’t butcher her character this way so small wins i guess.
im sorry but why the fuck is edison allowed in the tardis??? i guess we’ll have to wipe his memory at the end of this, right doc?(!)
like there’s no need for dorthoy or edison to be in tardis?
‘you’re in here strictly on the QT right, so get them dollar signs out of your eyes cos this lot ain’t for sale’ why is he here in the first place then? it’s not like you trust the man or anything.
im confused why graham is trying to act like he knows more than he does in this episode. like is this in his character? has he ever done this before?
really don’t understand why we’re letting edison tag along with us.
oh look yaz is showing initiative in trying to escape the skithra ship, keep this up hun and we just might make a companion out of you yet(!)
i would say that yaz almost contributes something but again she gets kidnapped to be immediately recused so 🤷‍♀️.
‘that’s gotta mean rich and famous’ again why should the necessary motivation for inventing by profit and fame??? such a weird angle.
‘ tesla keeps on inventing, but no money no fame, he dies penniless’ why is this episode obsessed with money. is that the only way you can equate someone’s worth? 🙄
‘history leaves him behind’ why does the doctor sound seemingly okay with this??
‘either way, it doesn’t change what’s he done’ i mean he probably does deserve fair credit for his inventions.
concluding thought: a pretty decent episode, iron out the kinks, and give the companions something to do and this would good.
sonic uses: 11
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juiceortiz · 5 years
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chibsytelford · 4 years
Gender Reveal
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*** GIF CREDIT TO @angels-reyes ***
@rebel-without-cause-x requested -  Can I get Chibs request please - reader is heavily pregnant and throughout the whole pregnancy Chibs has not felt his child move or kick and he finally feels the baby kick in the middle of the club house just something cute and fully please and maybe throw in a bit of fluff for Jax and old lady when they ask them to be god parents.
Taglist - @agirllovespasta @everyhowlmarksthedead @naytraydr @rebel-without-cause-x
Word Count - 1458.
Authors Comment - This is just pure fluff and kinda made me a bit broody lmao.
You were awoken by a fierce kick to the belly. The sun was streaming in through the blinds, and you had no idea what time it was. You didn’t go to bed until late as your husband had just gotten back from a 2 week run, and he wanted to know everything about your last 2 weeks, and how the baby was, and if there was any more movement. He has yet to feel the baby kick, as he was doing more and more runs to earn some money for the baby coming. You were nearly 6 months along. 
You knew it broke Chibs’ heart every time you told him that he missed yet another baby kick or punch. But yet he insisted that you tell him. He didn’t know that tonight, you had planned a gender reveal party at the club house. With the help from the rest of the Sons, especially Jax, who was just as invested in this pregnancy as you and your husband.  When Chibs wasn’t there, Jax was. He has been a blessing to you, and you and Chibs owe him a lot. You had everything you needed, and you couldn’t wait to see the look on your old man’s face when he arrived at the party.
The slight pain in your tummy when the baby kicked was worth it because you had a mini you growing in your stomach. You turned around to wake your husband up so he could feel the kicks but he wasn’t there. There was a note on his pillow. “Darling, I needed to nip out to the club house for a last minute meeting, I’ll be back as soon as I can – Chibs x”.
With a sigh you pushed yourself out of bed with some struggle. You were only 5 and a bit months along, but boy this pregnancy was hard. You looked like you were about to pop at any second, and everyone who saw you told you it would be twins. You knew it was just 1 child, and the doctors said it would be a very big baby.
When you revealed to Chibs he was going to be a dad, he was ecstatic. You took him some lunch over to the clubhouse in a box. Underneath his haggis sandwiches, you had put another little box. Inside the box was a mini kutte, with the words “baby” on the back. You had also bought Chibs a patch that said “daddy” for him to wear on his kutte too. His reaction was full of pure love and adoration that you melted on the spot. You went on to celebrate the pregnancy with him, and the rest of the Sons family.
You got dressed and looked at the time. 11am. The party was at 6pm. You told Chibs you were both going to the club house tonight for a dinner with everyone, and Jax was going to get Chibs out your house at 3pm so you could go to the club house and make sure everything was ready for 6. You had the help of Lyla, Gemma, and Hannah, Jax’s old lady who has been around for a few years now. When you first met her, you instantly clicked and have been pretty inseparable since.
Chibs came home at 1pm. You had some lunch that he brought back for you, but not before he kissed and rubbed your belly for a few minutes first, talking to your  not so little peanut. Your pregnancy cravings were hard to keep up with, but he managed it. Your weird combination of food recently was a hummus and coleslaw sandwich, which Chibs couldn’t stand, but he loved you unconditionally which meant he put up with the disgusting choice of sandwich. You watched some TV and you dosed off together.
An annoying buzz woke you up from your nap. Chibs was lying on your lap, with his mouth hanging open snoring away. You knew the extra runs had taken it out of him, but he was reluctant to show it. Carefully you nudged him awake and asked him to get the door. It was Jax. “Brother, I need a bit of help, can I borrow you for a couple of hours?”
Chibs turned around to look at you. You nodded at him and gave him a kiss to his lips. “I’ll be back soon lass” and gave you and your belly a final kiss before leaving. You waited until you heard their bikes take off before getting into your car and driving the short drive to Teller Morrow.
Everyone was already there and waiting for your instructions. You had asked Hannah to keep all the balloons, cakes and other resources at her and Jax’s house so Chibs wouldn’t see. You all started putting the food on the tables, setting up the bar with alcohol and of course blackcurrant juice for you. You ordered white balloons, to stay gender neutral, but inside was either pink or blue confetti. You knew the sex of the baby, but of course you hadn’t told your husband. It was so hard keeping it a secret, and you felt horrible for lying to him when he asked if you could both find out, but you always told him you wanted it to be a surprise.
You ordered food from all the local food shops, there was a mix of Indian, Chinese, Italian and Thai. There was something for everyone attending.  Your phone gave off a loud PING. It was a text from Jax saying he and Chibs were 5 minutes away. “Everyone, get to your places, they’re nearly here!”.
The club house doors opened 5 minutes later and you jumped out from behind the bar shouting “SURPRISE!!”. Chibs’ face was priceless, and you could tell you had truly surprised him. You wandered over to him to give him a kiss. “I know how hard you’ve been pushing yourself these last couple of months, to earn more money for us and the baby, and I wanted to throw you a surprise party, well actually it’s a gender reveal party”.
Chibs’ face lit up even more if that was possible. “A cannot wait to find out what gender this baby is gonne be love”.
You both headed over towards the balloons, and you handed Chibs the nerf gun you especially bought for him to shoot the balloon with. All the Sons family gathered round you both and gave you a countdown. “5, 4, 3, 2, 1!” Chibs shot the balloon and blue confetti fluttered all around the clubhouse. Your husband turned to you and scooped you up into his arms planting a big kiss on your cheek. “It’s a lad, It’s a bloody lad Y/N”.
He put you down and bent down to talk to your tummy. Just as he put his hand on it, your son kicked. Chibs looked up at you with tears in his big brown eyes. He turned around to his brothers and shouted “Ma son just kicked ma hand!”.
The rest of the party went smoothly, you were happy with your blackcurrant juice, and Chibs decided to drink it too and not have any of his beloved whisky. “A want to have a fresh and clear mind when a get ye hame later Darlin” was his excuse.
You and Chibs had spoken about who you want to be god parents to your baby. He of course wanted Jax to be god father. The bond him and Jax have could never be broken, and sometimes you thought Chibs loved that man more than you. But you also loved Jax, and he was always there for you when Chibs couldn’t be for any reason. And you wanted Hannah to be god mother. You had only known her a couple of years, but she really was your best friend, and her and Jax were perfect for each other, and perfect to be godparents.
“Should we go and ask Jax and Hannah to be the godparents then?” you whispered to Chibs who was talking to Tig and Opie.
“Aye love”. Chibs walked over to the bar and jumped up onto it. He then offered you his hand and pulled you up, and held you tightly against him. “Attention lads and lassies, we have an announcement ti make” he shouted.
“Jackie boy, Hannah, we wid be honoured if you would be the godparents to baby Telford”. You looked over at Jax who was crying, and Hannah was hugging him crying too.
“Of course we will brother”. Jax and Chibs engulfed each other in a man hug, and you and Hannah had a hug too.
“Right enough bloody tears for one day, let’s get on wi the party!” your husband addressed everyone.
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minimoefoe · 2 years
Thirteen Era Rewatch: The Halloween Apocalypse
I'm re-watching Thirteen's era in lead up to the Centenary and since this is likely going to be my last full re-watch for a while I thought I'd do a post on each ep where I just go over all the things I love, hate or just have some general thoughts on.
When S13 aired I made a posts similar to this after re-watching each ep before the next one came out. The Halloween apocalypse post can be found HERE.
I still can’t believe S13 started off with Thasmin in a bed together like…
I remember when this ep first aired and when I rewatched it before ep two I didn’t give a single fuck about the tunnel guy. But then by the end of the series I was like oh this is kinda cool
Dan’s first scene where he’s hyping up Liverpool is kinda cringe. Idk if it’s the dialogue or how John plays it but I’m not a huge fan
If this is foreshadowing I will materialise in Chris Chibnall’s bedroom at 3AM
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Remember when we had these pics and people were speculating what it was. I remember some ppl thought it was Davros and I was genuinely baffled. I think I thought the eye had Sontaran vibes
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It looks so cool!! Also that is literally Jared Leto and I can’t get over it
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I do kinda wonder why Swarm chose now to escape? Or like, what suddenly gave him the ability to do it. Maybe they said and I just missed it but it kinda feels like a nice coincidence that rn is when he manages to get out. Not a big deal but meh
Me when I lie
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Yaz saying trick or treat is kinda cringe ngl
I remember ppl freaking out bc they assumed Dan wouldn’t have a good laptop but I don’t see the issue tbh. If anything I just think it’s a bit shit bc the laptop doesn’t even look that good, like it kinda basic. Woulda been better if it was unreal looking
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Right from the beginning Dan and Karvanista are an iconic duo
I’m actually obsessed with then someone calls the Doctor out and she’s like ‘lol idk what you mean’ but she says it so poorly like she doesn’t even attempt to sound like she’s telling the truth it’s so good
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Yaz getting annoyed and frustrated at 13 in this ep is just so amazing idek what to say. This was what I so desperately wanted to see from S13 and Chib really pulled through
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Claire interrupting their chat is so annoying. It happens multiple times in this ep and then in 13.06. Like instead of a convo naturally coming to its end, something gets in the way so characters aren’t forced to actually respond and it makes me crazy
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Proud 13 :’) I love seeing Yaz be more Doctor-y and I feel like her literally controlling the TARDIS is a 10/10 way of showing it
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The whole scene in the TARDUS where 13 says about not mentioning everything is 10/10 (up until the convo gets cut off)
I do think what’s going on with Azure is fairly obvious. She got sent away as her punishment and I assume chameloned, and the warning that showed up was them telling her Swarm escaped. And then when Swarm got to her he managed to reverse it/get her back. I do think more time spent on her might have been nice but also I think all the info we need is literally right there so it’s like who cares idk. I imagine there was some cut scenes and we got left with the bare bones of what we need to understand which is fine imo
This is literally so ‘I’m the Doctor, I’m a Time Lord….’ coded
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Yaz and Dan have a 10/10 vibe literally instantly it’s unreal
Lupars having designated humans is so cool. I also love that Karavanista does what he needs to do but isn’t happy about it lmao
Love that Dan shouts and Yaz tells him off. Also odds on Yaz wanting to sneak in bc she thought she might be able to hear some of what the Doctor and Karavanista were talking about before the Doctor realised she was there
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Dan calling 13 ‘Doc’ is literally not allowed
How close Swarm gets to 13 is so uncomfortable and weird I love it ngl
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I love Yaz doing all the talking when Dan asks questions. Like even before they get separated from the Doctor Dan is more like Yaz’s companion than 13’s
I love that the Vortex energy does literally nothing. Shows how powerful the Flux is
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The cliffhanger of this ep is so cool I stg. I even love all the shots to the ppl we met in this ep. I think I used to think it was a bit cringe but this time round it got me hyped as fuck
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queenhawke · 4 years
ok goddamn here are all my Gripes with the timeless children/s12 more broadly in one post so i can just get it all out there and stop thinking about it hopefully. 
this is far too long and frankly very rambly and incoherent but i absolutely do not have the time or energy to write some sort of Coherent Essay lmao
but uhhh tl;dr get ya head outta the past and into the present, chibs
ok so first of all it’s just a badly written episode. like chibs my dude my bro my pal why the Fuck did u think having the master just Exposition at the doctor for 40 minutes was a good idea. why did u think that i would care about any of the 4??? side characters (i can’t even fuckin remember how many there were!!!) when they are just. complete nonentities. why should i care about obi-wan ko sharmus sacrificing himself when he’s just. There. and his backstory gets explained 5 seconds before he dies and it’s not even that interesting. wHyYyyy would u leave Time Lord/Cyberman Hybrid for the last 5 minutes and then have them just stand around doing nothing!!!! why on GOD’S GREEN EARTH would u take the genuinely interesting concept of a cyberman zealot/cult leader and then just be like ‘ye so he wants to be a robot and also he has a big Death Bomb now for some reason’. like having the master point out that it’s a dumb plan doesn’t make it any less of a dumb plan aaaahhhhhhhhh
BUT ALL THAT ASIDE all that nonsense aside.......... what is this timeless child thing, really. like what does it add to the doctor as a character. what does it add to the time lords as a concept? like. the Big Shocking reveal is that...... time lords are bastards, lied about shit and manipulated an innocent child? like YA BRO WE BEEN KNEW, that is exactly what they did w/ the master in the end of time (which. i also thought was dumb but w/e). like this ain’t new, chibs! except now it’s about them doing it to the doctor and now it’s Revealed that the doctor is the Most Specialest Person In Time Lord History and like
why tho
like is this really more interesting than the doctor just being a regular, even kinda shitty time lord who became a good person
“oh but it adds more mystery” does it???? how?? bc idk what y’all saw but to me it looked like they just explained the doctor’s entire fuckin backstory. like. all we don’t know is 
1. where the kid came from, which honestly...... isn’t that interesting a question bc it’s either like another planet/dimension or mayyyyybe it’s some sort of stable time loop thing idk but like. yawn. sorry maybe other people find that exciting, it sounds extremely boring to me.
and 2. we don’t know the full extent of what the doctor did w/ the Division (which. god i can’t stop thinking about the video game whenever i see that name) but like........ ok let’s say maybe the doctor did Bad Shit when they were w/ those time lords. that’s kind of the implication right? either they were forced to do bad shit or they initially voluntarily did bad shit and then rebelled and that’s where ruth!doctor comes in. like that seems the most likely trajectory that storyline takes
that’s all way in the past
like that’s happened and judging by ruth they’ve basically already learned and grown from that AND THEN presumably they got mindwiped and started over as a kid so like...... can you even hold the current doctor accountable and also like.
like it’s done
like it’s over
ruth is here
we’re already at the end point of this progression you know
i mean unless chibs intends to do episodes from the perspective of that pre-hartnell era, which i kinda doubt but who knows. but otherwise, the only way you can show that whole like... chain of events, is through flashback and exposition and i just. hmmmm im already tired
“oh but it fits perfectly in the lore and it makes sense and” ok but i don’t!! care!! how it fits in the Lore!! like if you do care about Lore that’s cool but like im sorry i fundamentally don’t give a shit UNLESS it is backed up by genuinely interesting character stuff and i just
don’t see anything here that wasn’t already in the show u know
“oh but morbius doctors explained!!” u think the casual audience knows or cares about the fuckin morbius doctors??? im not a casual viewer and i don’t even give a shit about the morbius doctors. im sure people do!!! i know people do But God Jesus Christ the last thing dr who needs to do is continuously go back into its own history to fix plot holes that really aren’t important to any of the characters at all. it’s a 56 year old show, there’s gonna be inconstencies and unless “““fixing”“““  those inconstistencies leads to actual interesting stories i Just Do Not Give A Shit
and like i get the feeling that this whole thing was smth chris chibnall has had in his head since forever, like this was his Big Bold Plan when he was a young guy watching classic who. and like. i get wanting to do that story now, but... the show has moved on, the world has moved on. he can do whatever he likes, but things have in fact happened, and sometimes you gotta adjust your big dream story to account for those things that have changed. sure, every showrunner is completely entitled to do with the show what they want, BUT the audience is still experiencing the show as one continuous story, and you gotta take that into account unless you want it to be super jarring for them! you want the master to blow up gallifrey, but gallifrey has been blown up + brought back in very recent history? find another way. this story could easily have been done without destroying gallifrey. i mean, have the master kill some time lords, sure, whatever. but keep them around! have them react to the doctor finding out the truth, have them confront each other!!! isn’t that a much more interesting story, anyway?
ok jesus this is getting way too long LISTEN
here are my main points:
- like the cartmel plan before it, it takes away far more mystery than it adds. it takes the vast and endless Unknown and turns it into like... a “mystery” plot the size of your average scandinoir thriller. before, the doctor’s life before an unearthly child could be anything you want. now it’s.... this
- the actual execution of it is bad. the dr sits in a cage for 40 minutes and is shocked and then she gets over it in that same episode
- it robs the doctor of a certain kind of agency and accountability. instead of a privileged time lord who got better through their travels and companions, now they’re an abused, adopted child who was always an outcast. and that’s not like..... an inherently bad story!! i get why that resonates with people, i do. BUT BUT BUT....... why does that have to be their story. why does that have to get shoved into the doctor’s backstory when that could be the story of a companion? why are you replacing one story when you could be creating new ones?
i think actually that’s my Main Gripe with all of this.
why is this the doctor’s story?
for an era that is supposed to be all about inclusivity and diversity and Space For All, why is the end result that the companions get shoved to the side in favour of doing gallifrey and the master again, in favour of Lore, in favour of the fuckin morbius doctors? why would you dangle jo martin in front of my face and then reduce her to the Magical Black Woman trope in this ep? why does the character who has up to this point been portrayed by 13 white men and 1 white woman, get the backstory about being an adoptee, why are you making all these past doctors people of colour and of different genders, instead of just... acknowledging that doctor who’s past wasn’t very diverse, and forging ahead with NEW stories instead. 
doctor who thrives on change, but this isn’t.... like it’s not going forward. it’s looking back and prioritising the past instead of focusing on the present, on the new generation. i didn’t like s11 much, but not using any past monsters was a good refreshing choice! no, they weren’t all great, but we got stuff like demons of the punjab and ITYA out of it, stories that were genuinely great and new. and in many ways s12 was an improvement, but going so full-in on classic monsters and stories... it felt like a step back.
i want new stories. tell me about yaz. tell me about ryan. tell me about places that aren’t england or gallifrey or other places we’ve been to. tell me about monsters that aren’t the daleks or cybermen or time lords. tell me about new mistakes the doctor makes. let her fuck up now, in the present. let her make bad decisions, let her do shitty things now, not lifetimes ago. let graham, yaz and ryan fuck up. let the fam clash with each other, really clash, not this half-assed stuff we had this season. tell me new stories with these new characters, that i still feel like i barely know despite having had two full seasons with them.
and give me jo martin as the 14th doctor goddamn
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1 & 17 for the romance ask game?
1. What drew your character to their LI(s) and vice versa?
Schuyler (OC/MC) had never been in a committed relationship prior to her story. Nor was she looking for one. However, her partners had been in an established relationship for many years. For all intents and purposes, the answer should have been ‘nothing’ could draw their attentions to each other, and yet...
Schuyler’s attraction to Chibs was typical, uninteresting. He’s got an accent she isn’t desensitized to, a sense of humor she vibes with, and has generally got the physical aspects she admires. What makes Chibs stand out from the crowd, and made Sky take a risk, is that while he gets “the life” and has lived it, he hasn’t been changed into a thoughtless, cruel soldiering monster like many. And despite all his misgivings, he is still sound and decent enough to respect her and her beliefs - as far out there and removed from his own as they can be at times.
Sky’s attraction to Tig is very different, and was first unrecognizable as attraction. They start off at odds (not fully enemies to lovers), but Tig absolutely did not trust her and didn’t know what to make of her when she first arrived. And its possible he was a little bit jealous of her because obviously she had to accomplish some things in order to get where she was. She believed the best way to gain his confidence as a brother was to mudcheck him back. They were often at each other’s throats and disagreeing on everything (though, not as drastically or violently as it could have or probably should have been because I knew they’d work it out eventually).  Only come to realize (through a very specific action) the problem was A) they were never going to exist in the same ecosystem and remain siblings, and B) they were far too much alike. They both approached “the life” in a similar way and actually respected each other a great deal. The respect manifested itself as attraction and because they were not “allowed” to view each other in that light, they didn’t know how to handle it. They needed a force to break the dam for them. And once it had been broken there was no repairing it.
What drew the boys together in the beginning was not so much their similar upbringings or beliefs (as they do differ slightly), but instead their similar life experiences. They had both been through wars as well as lived “the life” before meeting one another. They each knew intuitively that they had similar dispositions and the same will to carry on in such a toxic and violent world, so they took a chance on each other.
The boys’ reaction and attraction to Schuyler is also very cliche. They had never seen another woman quite like Sky before. But it was more than any other woman marrying into “the life” and begrudgingly accepting it or even encouraging it/finding the prospect of the life itself enticing. Sky was born into “the life” and was an active participant make moves to further her connections to it at all times. And considering how drastically open-minded she was (maybe it was her aura or maybe it was her ability to speak her mind), they knew they could take a gamble with her as well. 
17. Their ways of expressing their love for one another.
Schuyler buys everything. Movie tickets, dinner, presents, upgrades (the boys do not have modern phones before her), everything. Not only does she have money but she loves to give it away and spoil those closest to her. Her partners hate it - except for gifts that do have sentimental value; “supposedly”, haha.
Chibs likes to cook for the three of them, and then will spend the rest of the night arguing with them about the best way to brew tea. 
Tig’s love language is quality time, so he’s the one who advocates for night rides on the bikes and day trips to Vegas (away from people who don’t know their arrangement). His partners are very work oriented and tend to get hung up in the problem ailing them in the moment. If Tig is feeling disconnected from his partners he makes it known and they find an activity to do to reset and reconnect. 
As a general bonus or honorable mention: they do enjoy working on their bikes in the garage together, routinely, but they only work on their own separate bikes. Godz forbid any of them ask for opinions or help, lmao.
Thanks so much for the ask!! That was a lot of rambling on my part. Its been great chatting with you today! <3<3
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tiggys-bitch · 6 years
Chapter One - Runaway Bride.
Oh my gosh !! Me and @papa-chibs are so so incredibly excited to share our lil baby with you!! 
Highway To Hell is actually a remake of a fanfic we wrote back in 2014. - we changed pretty much everything except the name and our faceclaims lmao. 
So sharing this with you is such a big deal to us!
We really hope you lil beans like it, please like, reblog, share! Feel free to message either of us with questions, or if you wanna fangirl!
Let us know if you’d like Chapter 2.
Babydoll and Lassie.
The brunette stared through her teary blue eyes at the fullbody mirror. She had never looked so beautiful before... Or broken. Her long brown hair was draped over her shoulders in loose curls. Her makeup was the definition of perfection. And the dress. Oh the dress was the most beautiful and elegant dress she'd ever seen. So it should be, it cost her 12,750$. She really did look like a fairytale princess, but her prince definitely wasn't charming. So many thoughts and doubts were swimming around in her head. Was she doing the right thing? Did she really love him? Would she be able to deal with living her life like this just to make her mother happy? Did she really want to marry him? Letting out a whimper, Rissa carefully examined the fading bruises that littered her skin like leopard-print. She couldn't handle even thinking about having to spend the rest of her life being beaten and bruised by her soon-to-be husband let alone actually go through with it! Rissa let the tears she'd been holding back spill from her eyes. She couldn't hide anymore. She couldn't keep pretending that everything would be okay. This was not the life she wanted! No... This was not the life she deserved! The sound of a door opening ripped the bride from her thoughts. Rissa's head turned in direction of the noise fast enough it hurt. Her heart pounded and she could feel herself starting to panic. She had assumed it was her mother or her in-laws but lo and behold, it the one person in the whole world she trusted. Her best friend Roxxie.
There stood the tall strawberry blonde haired girl in a floral dress with a sympathetic smile on her lips. She knew exactly what Rissa was thinking, she'd known for a while and she came prepared. "I... I can't.." Rissa spoke but her voice was like a whisper. Roxxie walked over to her best friend and gave her the biggest embrace. Before Rissa knew it her legs gave way and she fell to her knees bringing Roxxie down with her. Roxxie wrapped her arms tightly around the woman as she completely broke down. She absolutely hated seeing Rissa like this, it broke her heart. But she was here and would support her best friend through anything. "It's okay baby, it's okay.. I got this... I got you." Roxxie whispered, brushing back her friend's hair. "The car is ready whenever you are, okay? I'll take care of everything." Despite hating to watch Rissa's heartbreak, Roxxie was so proud and glad that her friend was going to call off the wedding. She knew exactly what kind of man Elliot was, she'd known since she was a child. Roxxie didn't know about the physical abuse, but she knew that they would have very heated arguments. Both of the girls kept secrets about Elliot from each other, none of them wanting to relive or be honest about what had happened to them. "I need.. I need to get out of here." Rissa stuttered, standing up and smoothing down her dress. "I can't stay here.. I can't face him. I can't!" She could feel herself starting to panic again but Roxxie grabbed her face and stared her square in the eye. "I got you. Okay?" Roxxie reassured her, nodding her head. "The car is out front. It's ready to go whenever you are." Rissa's brows furrowed in confusion. "How did-" Roxxie cut her off before she could finish her sentence. "Ris, you're practically my sister, i know you better than you know yourself." Roxxie smiled at her friend before taking hold of her hand and leading her out of the big doors. The two girls ran through the hallway of the church hand in hand. Adrenaline rushing through their veins and high heeled shoes tapping loudly on the wooden floor. Rissa couldn't help but smile when seeing Roxxie's car parked directly outside the entrance to the church. She was finally going to be free! Free from Elliot, her mother, the abuse, everything! All thanks to Roxxie. She had no idea what she'd do without her. "Where are we gonna go?" Rissa asked her friend who was taking control of the situation. Roxxie quickly unlocked the car and the two of them hopped inside and put on their seatbelts. "I know a place. I'll explain on the way, but we gotta go now, okay?" The ignition came to life with a roar and Roxxie looked over to Rissa and raised her brows, as if to say 'are you sure you want to do this?' "Let's go." Rissa declared. And so, the car sped away from the church, their family and their home in Redding. -- 5 hours of driving and only 3 toilet stops later, the girls were finally at their destination, a town called Charming in California. Roxxie explained to Rissa about how before she came to live in Redding, she used to live in Charming with her uncle after her mother died. She kept out the part where her uncle was the President in an MC, she didn't want Rissa to freak out on their journey. Besides, she'd eventually find out when they got there. Roxxie also told Rissa that they'd be safe with her family and that Elliot won't be able to find her. Even though Rissa didn't know much of what was happening, she trusted Roxxie.
Letting out a heavy sigh, Roxxie turned off the ignition and looked over at her best friend. Rissa looked like a mess, a beautiful mess. Her mascara had ran when she cried earlier and it now stained her face. Her neat curly hair had turned into crazy curls that went in every direction. Despite looking so lost and broken, she still looked pretty. "What the hell is this place?" Rissa grimaced as she opened the car door and struggled trying to get out without ruining her dress. Roxxie smirked at Rissa's facial expressions she was pulling. It was obvious she did not want to be here. "This is our safe haven, the SAMCRO Clubhouse." Roxxie grinned taking it all in. It had been over 10 years since she had last been here and it hadn't changed a bit. Over by where some motorcycles were parked there was a small children's park enclosed by barbed wire fences. The play area had been updated with some safer and more varied play equipment, thankfully. Across from the kid's park was the infamous Teller-Morrow Automotive repair shop where some men in overalls were working on a couple of bikes. Roxxie remembered when she used to run around and play inside the garage and all the times she'd get told off for doing so. And last but not least, there was a big building near where they came into the lot decorated with the reaper logo all over it. That was the SAMCRO Clubhouse. Rissa rolled her eyes as she examined the location that would now be there 'safe haven'. It definitely wasn't her cup of tea. It all looked so dirty and gross... Probably full of diseases... "Okay let's go inside. I don't wanna stay out here for another second.." Rissa groaned, hitching up her heavy white gown. Roxxie nodded and led the way towards the entrance to the Clubhouse. The two girls walked inside the building, both of them suprised by the interior. It looked totally different from the boring warehouse-like look on the outside. There was a bar to their right with a bunch of tables and chairs around it. Rissa noticed several doors leading to different rooms and corridors. It gave off a maze kinda vibe. There was a pool table near the doors as well as the reaper sign everywhere. And not to mention the small stage equipped with lights and a stripper pole. Roxxie turned to her friend and sighed. "Okay, stay here, i need to go find my Uncle and explain what's goin' on." She pointed over to the couches in the corner of the room, indicating that Rissa should sit down over there. Rissa's face dropped as she looked over to the couches, they looked so disgusting, there was no way she'd sit on them without giving them a deep clean first.
Rissa watched as her bestfriend walked out of the main hall and down a corridor and let out a groan. She was now left alone in a bar like area, completely clueless as to where the hell she was. Suddenly something in particular caught her eye. By the two large wooden doors, there was a wall covered in framed mugshots.   "Oh god, Criminals..." Rissa exclaimed, she couldn't believe the sitution she was in. Especially since Roxxie had brought her here! This morning she woke up thinking she was going to marry her fiance and now she was stood in a dirty and smelly place thats probably owned by criminals, alone. A couple of minutes later, the doors her and Roxxie entered the building bursted open. "Oh hell no!" Rissa whispered to herself as saw three men in black leather jackets walk inside. She stood awkwardly in her wedding dress by the bar wishing the ground would swallow her up. "Well well well, what do we have here?" The first man to enter said as he looked the girl up and down. His crazy, black, curly hair and matching tache was the first thing that the girl noticed. "Boys, i think we're a little underdressed." The second male said in a thick scottish accent. He was a handsome man, old enough to be her father but very handsome. He had grey and black shoulder length hair and noticeable scars on his cheeks. Rissa just stood in silence, taking small steps back. She looked from man to man, praying every second that her friend would return. The last male didn't speak, he just ignored her presence and went to make himself a whiskey. He had blond locks and stubble on his face, it was safe to say he was gorgeous and definitely more in Rissa's age rage. "So? Who are you and why you in a fucking wedding dress?" The blond man now spoke, his voice was gruff and scary... It was obvious he was not in a good mood. Rissa gulped, feeling extremely intimidated. "Erm...I'm just waiting for my friend Roxxie, sir." She said awkwardly, biting down on her lip after she spoke. All three men burst into laughter and she looked at them with a confused look on her face. What was so funny? "Less of the sir, take a seat darlin." Blondie spoke again but this time he sounded a lot more nicer. He patted the bar stool next to him and Rissa enhaled sharply. The girl looked down at the seat, eyeing it for a few seconds before wiping it with a rag off the bar. She finally took a seat and looked up at the males, who were all staring at her. "Fuckin' hell, why did no one tell me the queen of england had arrived in charming?" The black haired male scoffed as he spoke. He had a smirk on his lips and his eyes were travelling up and down her body. It made Rissa extremely uncomfortable. "Now now Tiggy, leave her alone. You know what kinda shit gets on them seats." The Scot said with a smirk, which made Rissa grimace as she thought about all the bodily fluids the chair probably had on it. "So what's your name pretty lady?" The Scottish man asked as he sat down beside her. He studied her face and knew that she did not feel at home at all. "Uh Clar....Rissa, Just Rissa." She replied with a small smile. The Scot outstretched his hand for her to shake. "Well just Rissa, I'm Chibs. The rude fucker that keeps checking you out is Tig and the pretty one is Jax." As he finished speaking Jax slid two beers his way, he took one for himself and he handed one to the girl. Rissa reluctantly took a sip, pulling a sour face as the liquid entered her mouth. It tasted bitter and awful. She would much prefer a bottle of her favourite champagnes, Krug 2003 Clos du Mesnil. "Not good enough for ya, princess?" Tig laughed, Rissa just rolled her eyes. She didn't like him at all. He was rude and sleazy. Jax cleared his throat. "So what are you and Roxxie doin' here?" Jax now spoke up, speaking like he knew exactly who the girl's bestfriend was. "Well erm, I left my fiance at the alter and we ended up here... So I don't actually know." Rissa pushed back tears as she spoke, two of the men noticed this and decided not to keep pressing. They didn't want to make her talk, it was obvious she wasn't in the greatest of situations. But obviously, the rude crazy haired man didn't notice, or care. "What did the unlucky fucker do to deserve that?" Rissa was taken to a dark place with that comment, remembering all the bad things he did. And before she could stop herself, the tears began to spill from her eyes. 'Oh god, I'm sat in the middle of some strange men, in a wedding dress, crying, probably catching dieses. Fuck.' She thought. "TIG!" Both Chibs and Jax shouted together, acting as a warning. "What?" Tig threw his hands up and chuckled. -- Meanwhile in the office, Roxxie had reunited with her Uncle Clay and was expressing the situation her and Rissa were in. She told him everything, even the dirty little details she'd kept secret all these years. She knew she could trust him to keep them safe from Elliot. But then, their conversation was interrupted. After hearing shouting and the sound of crying, Roxxie came running into the main hall to see three men surrounding Rissa who was crying at the bar. Roxxie stomped over to the men and folded her arms, giving them all the death glare. "What the fuck did you ass fucks do?" Roxxie snapped looking at the strangers. "Huh? Are you fuckin' mute?! I asked a question!" Her voice proceeded to get louder. She didn't know who any of them were but she didn't care. If they picked a fight with Rissa, they picked one with her too. All the men were wide eyed and looking at each other awkwardly, none of them having any idea what was happening. "Was it you? Did you make my best friend cry?" Roxxie exclaimed, pointing at the blond male who was nearest to Rissa. The man shook his head and cleared his throat, about to speak but Roxxie cut him off. "Oh no asshole, you don't get to speak unless you're confessin'!!" Roxxie was now shouting. All of the emotions from the day had finally caught up with her and she wasn't taking it well. She'd always been protective over Rissa, especially when it came to men. The man with the crazy black hair stepped forward. "I don't know who the fuck you are Red, but you need to lower your voice." The man told her, which only made her angrier. "Excuse me? Don't fuckin' talk to me like that!" Roxxie also took a step forward, squaring up to the man who would easily knock her on her ass. "I will fuck-" The feeling of a hand on her shoulder made Roxxie jump. Less than a second later, Roxxie turned around and punched whoever it was. She'd developed that reflex back in Redding when people would try to fight her. A loud groan came from the tall grey haired man who was only trying to help, he staggered back but regained his balance as his nose started to gush with blood. Roxxie's eyes widened when she realised who she'd just assaulted. "Oh shit, Uncle Clay i am so so sorry!" She stuttered, reaching out to help but he pushed her away. "Uncle Clay?" The black haired man said, more bothered about what she'd called him rather than her possibly breaking his nose. "You've done enough." Clay's voice was low and gruff. Roxxie knew that she'd obviously fucked up. Not only did she show up out of the blue with all this drama, she'd just punched him! "Go take your friend in the back, sort your shit out." He ordered. Roxxie sighed, nodding in agreement. "C'mon Ris, let's go." Roxxie took hold of her friend's hand and lead the way out of the main hall, down a corridor and into a dorm room. It was fair to say that neither of the girls weren't having a great day. -- An hour or so later, it was now 8pm and both Rissa and Roxxie were both physically and emotionally drained. After being sent to their new room like they were teenagers again, the girls hadn't really spoken. Rissa had just been lying in bed staring at the other side of the room. And Roxxie didn't want to force her to talk so she stayed quiet to. She wondered whether she should find Clay and apologise but she didn't want to make things worse so she stayed with Rissa. Being quiet meant that Roxxie was caught up with her thoughts and that always stressed her out. Especially since she wasn't well, mentally. She had her mother to thank for that. "I'm going out for a cig, i'll be back in a bit." Roxxie said, getting up from the bed. She could feel her thoughts getting louder and it was stressing her the fuck out. Without waiting for a reply, Roxxie put on her denim jacket and exited the clubhouse quickly. She really needed some fresh air and a cigarette. As she made her way outside, Roxxie noticed a ladder on the side of the clubhouse that lead up to the roof and she smiled to herself. The girl carefully climbed up the ladder, curious to see what the view of Charming looked like from up high. When reaching the top, Roxxie saw that somebody had already beaten her to it and her smile dropped. The blonde man she shouted at earlier was sat on a deck chair having a smoke by himself. "What are you doing up here?" He asked, noticing the girl who was glaring at him. Roxxie rolled her eyes and climbed over the ladder and onto the roof. "I could ask you the same thing." She grumbled, not impressed by his presence. He chuckled and patted the empty seat next to him. Roxxie sighed and walked over, moving the chair away from him and taking a seat. She sparked up a cigarette and exhaled loudly. Nicotine is just what she needed. The man watched Roxxie for a couple of minutes, realising that she did not remember him at all, even though they grew up together. He smirked and cleared his throat to get her attention. "Hey grumpy?" He called. Roxxie looked over to him and gave him a dirty look. "You don't know who i am, do you?" He asked her. Roxxie shook her head. "Am i supposed to?" She answered. "Well, i remember you." He stated. "And how you used annoy the fuck out of me. You'd always ask for piggybacks, throw things at me, and... Oh yeah and the time ya made me jump and i gave you a black eye?" The girl was confused and didn't know what he was talking about. But then it hit her. She used to terrorize Jax, Clay's step-son, when she used to live here. So that would make him, Jax? Roxxie's eyes widened and she let out a booming laugh. "Oh my god. Jax? What the.." Roxxie couldn't find the words to say. He looked so different! And he was now Vice President of Samcro! She didn't understand how he got away with that one.. He was such a mommy's boy. Jax grinned. "That's me, darlin'. The one and only." He was glad they were now on good terms and not acting like strangers. "Man, i can't believe you didn't remember me.. Kinda hurts." He pulled a sad face which made Roxxie laugh. "No, i remember you.. I just didn't recognise you. You look so different." Roxxie explained. She thought back to when she was younger and how Jax used to be small, spotty and moody. Puberty did well for him. Roxxie puffed on her cigarette and sighed. "Man, i'm sorry about earlier.. I was not in the best headspaces." Jax smiled and shook his head. "No need to apologise. You had a tough day. I remember you being pretty crazy but not... Y'know.. Kinda psycho." He teased her. "Oh that was before i got my ass beat everyday. Now i'm the one that does the ass beatin'." Roxxie smirked, winking at him. "Blondie if you thought that was psycho... Let's hope you never get to witness what Psycho Roxxie can do. Shit'll give ya nightmares." The pair of them laughed and caught each other up on their lives since they were now adults. Roxxie found out that she wasn't the only one who'd had a tough life. Maybe it was good for them to reuinte, maybe they'd be able to help each other? -- It had been a long day for Rissa and she was now enjoying some alone time while Roxxie had gone for a smoke. She was sat on the bed in a dormroom that wasn't far from the main area of the clubhouse. Finally she could take a breather and maybe start processing the day. Well that was until she heard a knock at the door. "Can't a girl get five minutes alone in this place?" She mumbled to herself before storming over to the door and opening it. "Yes?" When the door was opened, the Scottish male from earlier was stood holding a bottle of wine and a pile of clothes. "Sorry to bother you darl, but I thought you'd want to get out of that dress. Roxxie mentioned you had no stuff.. It's not much but it's all I could find that wouldn't be huge on you." The Scot told her with a friendly grin. For the first time all day Rissa let a genuine smile take over her lips. What a gentlemen, she thought. "Thank you, I really appreciate it... Chibs?" She said his name as more of a question, not knowing if she got it right. "Not a problem Lassie. Oh and I thought you could use the wine." Chibs sent a playful smirk her way as he handed her the things and went to leave the room. Before he left he turned back towards the girl. "I don't know you, or what you've been through but this is a safe place. I know you are probably way out of your comfort zone but we ain't all that bad when you get to know us." He paused for a short second as he watched her face. "We may be a bit crazy but we're just a big, happy, dysfunctional family darlin'." "I'm used to dysfunctional shit, I'm sure I'll be just fine." Rissa giggled. Chibs was shocked at the swear word coming out of her mouth, from first impressions she didn't seem the type of girl who likes to cuss. It amused him. "Goodnight sweet, hopefully tomorrow is a better day." And with that he walked away. Once he was out of her eyesight, Rissa closed the door, jumped out of the dress as quick as she could and threw on one of the shirts the male had given her. It was a navy colour, with the writing 'Property of SAMCRO' in white writing across the front. Rissa pounced back on the bed, opened the wine and began swigging out of the bottle. Lord knows she needed that wine. It was far much nicer than that beer she had ealier. For some reason the handsome Scotsman was not leaving her brain, no man had ever gone out of their way to be nice to her. Especially not a big ass scary biker trying to help her settle in after only knowing her for a mere few hours. She let out a small sigh before the day caught up on her and she drifted off to sleep with the bottle of wine still in her hand.
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kimtotes · 4 years
I never hated the Ireland eps💪🏽lol I do think they were too dark,and I would never get what Jax was doing wanting to get laid so bad when his son was missing,but Sutter always thought it is hilarious Jax had that compulsion,I guess🙅🏽‍♀️I also never got Fiona/Jimmy,she seemed to be with him for the cause but he was a kind of a psycho right?and she still loved Chibs right?It’s also hysterical Jax and Gemma thought Charming was a safe place🤣Jax is like Kerriane should move to Charming,she would be safe there,come on Jackson lmao
Yes!! I’m not alone 🙌! They were a little dark and they were all’s laced very differently compared to how the eps are usually paced. Jax was a mess, but that’s typical conflicted Jax behavior 🙄. Yes, that’s how I always took them! Fiona/Jimmy were very confusing though, I wish Sutter elaborated on their relationship a little more. I do believe she was with him purely for the cause and then his behavior just escalated and she was with him against her will?? I mean she ran from him and she was only willing to go back with him when he threatened to kill Gemma or Maureen? I can’t remember which one it was. Lol that’s great!! Yeah flash to next season when a cartel fills the clubhouse with bullets and dumps a severed head on their doorstep. Yeah Charming is so safe guys 🤣
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
📂 for all the dumb shit Jax and Opie did as prospects? Just imagine the dirt Tig, Chibs and the other older members have on them lmao
Oh my god they were total idiots. Absolute buffoons 😂
Fresh out of high school and into their prospect kuttes, thinking that they knew everything because they grew up with/alongside the club. They watched their fathers navigate it all from the second they were born, so they thought it was going to be a cakewalk. But they were wrong. So, so wrong.
The neoptism in the club didn't excuse them from all the verbal abuse and grunt work of their time as a prospect. Sure, it was basically a guarantee that they were going to patch in at the end of it, but you know that Tig and Chibs and Bobby and all those older guys were still going to put them through the wringer. Tbh, Piney was probably the harshest of them all 😂
You know that they would constantly be clowning around and trying to get out of doing work. All the chores and dirty work that prospects have to do, they thought they wouldn't have to. But at least three times a day, they're getting smacked in the face with something that's being thrown at them for their next menial task.
The two of them would've slept and showered in their kuttes if that was okay to do. They thought that they were such hot shit, and even though they didn't have their top rockers, in their minds they were already patched into the club. And that's how they carried any time they were trying to flirt with the girls in town. They tried to play it so slick in their fresh leather, leaning back against their bikes and smoking their cigarettes, trying to be smooth. But any time they were making any sort of progress, trying to close the deal with a cute chick, Tig would miraculously walk onto the scene, smacking them on the backs of their heads, telling them to get back to work and do *insert demeaning and probably gross task here*. Needless to say it was harder to score than they wanted it to be during that time. It took them a long time to not shoot Tig dirty glares about it.
And I firmly believe that despite growing up with JT, Clay, and Piney, those two boys were spared from the worst of it all when it came to the MC. Even though they were destined to be part of it, they didn't get thrown into the deep end until they actually started prospecting. And I totally think that the two of them didn't have a tough enough stomach for it at first. The older guys in the club saw those two green in the gills an awful lot during that year of prospecting, and even right after they got their full patch. And none of them were ever going to let the two of them live it down. The boys who were supposed to be the future of SAMCRO gagging over dirty work is something that gets brought up every time they all get drunk and start reminiscing about the good old days.
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Send me a “📂” and I’ll give you a random/useless headcanon that I have!
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