#ancestor altar
wishful-seeker · 1 month
Ancestor work can include pets btw
I never knew a lot of my deceased family, and the ones I did know I didn't know well. I loved my great grandmother, but in reality I didn't know her well, I still honor her and my grandpa who died when I was 3, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't closer to my cats.
My cats were with me my whole life, and theirs, they're my children. I soothe them to sleep by cradling them when they're scared, I sing to them and they sing back, I sleep with them every night. They are my whole world, and I'd do anything for them.
So of course they're honored after death like a blood family member, of course I leave them offerings and speak to them beyond the grave, of course there is space for them on my altars.
Don't let anyone tell you pets deserve less honor than humans in your practice.
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nixieofthenorth · 7 months
October Witch Tip #3
October is the month of the year when the energies urges us to continue declutter our lives – physically, emotionally, spiritually.
It’s also a great time to work with ancestral magic, divination and ambition magic.
October is the most magical time of the year, as we approach the pagan sabbat Samhain (October 31st).
Samhain is a day of powerful intuitive wisdom and an opportunity to connect with spirits and ancestors. It’s also the perfect time to align with our witchy sides, because October, Samhain, and Halloween is the season of the witch – the time when our magic and intuitive powers are easiest to access.
I thought that I would for this month share some tips on how you can practice during this month.
Tip #3 - Altars
👵🏽Ancestor Altar
Anything that is a belonging of your deceased loved one.
Liquor/Beer (If they had alcohol problem then don’t offer them this)
White candles
Fresh flowers
Cigars/Cigarettes (If they were trying to quit, then don’t offer them this)
Crystals/Crystal skulls
Small plant
Food offerings
Ancestors money or money from their time
Written letters
Statues/Deities/Religious items
Stuffed animals (this can work with children who have passed)
Pet Altar
Food bowl
Pet treat
Pet tags/Collar/Bandanas/Leashes
Pet ashes/Pet hair
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samwisethewitch · 1 year
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A lowkey offering to my queer ancestors and heroes. 🥰
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esoteric-chaos · 2 months
What is Ancestor Work? Breaking it down and how to start + extra's
TW for death and sensitive topics in this post. Especially when we get into the category of ghosts. You have been warned. The appropriate tags have been placed below.
What is Ancestor work?
Ancestor work is venerating and working with well, you guessed it. Your ancestors. Why do we want to work with them though? Creating relationships with the known and forgotten dead can lead to many great things for yourself such as learning how to break generational curses and cycles. Creating these meaningful and loving relationships with those long since past has been one of the most heartwarming parts of my practice.
I find it is important for people of all ancestry to work with and honour their ancestors. There is much to heal and grow from. We learn through mistakes of the past and some of those mistakes we have to heal from for cycles to be broken.
Who are our Ancestors?
Just who are your ancestors though? According to Honouring Your Ancestors by Mallorie Vaudoise they are your Blood Ancestors, Lineage Ancestors, Affinity Ancestors, Saints, Spirit Guides, Ghosts or Related Spirits.
Blood Ancestors are exactly how they sound. They are the ancestors you find within your family tree that goes all the way back to the beginning of when humans first came around. This goes into the known dead who are ancestors we know of and can be traced back. These ancestors are easier to work with as we have a direct line to them. The unknown dead are unknown ancestors that we can't trace back. Perhaps we only have a name and know nothing about them or maybe we know they existed but have no information at all. This happens to be the case for most of us learning our family tree.
Lineage Ancestors are ancestors we gain through partnerships like marriage, adoption or even initiation such as in a closed society. Examples include religions like Wicca or any religion which needs initiation.
Affinity Ancestors are those who share your cultural identity or even something you are talented in. For example, you are fluent in the arts and you are an artist or musician. You may see a famous passed-on talented artist to venerate as an ancestor. As someone who's LGBTQ+, we can look throughout history and choose to honour and venerate famous LGBTQ+ figures in history as our ancestors as well. In times like this, it is important to venerate and honour these figures in life for strength and courage to move forward.
Saints are found in many cultures. A single example of a saint from a Christian and Catholic point of view is a Christian or Catholic who has passed on and performed miracles before or after death. Then they were elevated to sainthood by the church (This is all from a standpoint as my family comes from a Catholic and Lutheran background). There are also folk saints who are venerated in a specific region or location because of something that was done within that region. Then we have pop culture saints. Pop culture saints for example are people who have influenced or have done things for a group of people that we resonate with deeply. While they do not perform miracles they are venerated as significant to that group.
Spirit Guides are elevated ancestors who have decided to walk alongside us on our journey. They are not usually connected to us by blood or lineage, however, in some cases, they are. In many cultures, you see the concept of a "court". Which is a group of guides. I refer to my ancestors, guides and deities as my spiritual team personally as I am not involved in such cultures that use courts but still am among the belief that I have a group of close guides on my journey as do most others without encroaching on that culture's significance.
Ghosts as Mallorie Vaudoise in Honouring Your Ancestors I agree with their description of ghosts. Some spirits are burdened by the realities of what they went through during their living days. Some call it spiritual disease or they simply lack the power to aid. The spiritual disease of their burdens causes them to act irresponsibly. A lot like Mallorie Vaudoise I too was told ghosts still roam this plane due to unfinished business and they seek resolution through the living for now they feel powerless or they wish to still seek what they started. This can be a grey area for things like passing on murder victims, abusers, children, and relatives. When you are getting into spiritual work it is very important you have strong boundaries and protections. If you do not want to help a spirit move on since you do not identify as a working medium. Do NOT let them step on you. Assert your boundaries, banish and protect. It is not your responsibility to handle the business of otherworldly concerns just because you are a practitioner. If you would like to help a spirit move on, praying in their name to help ease them into the afterlife is a great way to do so to give them strength. May I repeat though, not your responsibility if that is not your focus point.
Related spirits such as land spirits, house spirits and non-human ancestors.
Land spirits are spirits which reside on the land you live on. They can be humans, plants or animals that were born, lived or passed on that land. Honouring the spirits of the land is very important. The land has gone through so much grief and colonization, rebuilding that relationship to take care of the land in turn they will take care of you.
House spirits are arguably land spirits. They reside on that very same land that you do. Proper acknowledgement of the house spirit itself (spiritual upkeep & physical cleaning) and the spirits that live within that old home. They can be from the materials that the foundation of that home is built on or other lesser-known entities. Try speaking to what's in your home. You'll be surprised by what you find.
Non-human ancestors. Through evolution, we have evolved from animals through a series of evolutions before that. So what makes you think we cannot have animal ancestors? Try doing some deep diving into evolution and doing some work with those animals or organisms. You might be pleasantly surprised.
Building your Ancestor Altar
Now that we have what an ancestor is out of the way. How do we build our altars and reach out?
Let's dive into how to make an altar space. We can add some simple tools such as fire, water, an altar cloth, pictures or representatives of ancestors like human skulls (please not real ones obviously), any holy images that bring personal power, offerings and methods of communication.
Fire aids in symbolism in prayer across cultures. If you cannot have real candles on your altar because your altar is within an unsafe place to do so, electric candles are excellent.
Water is said to represent the medium through which the spiritual energy passes. Have you ever felt really dehydrated after a spell, working or spiritual contact? So have I. You can only imagine how dehydrated your ancestors must feel. Leave them an offering of water and maybe even a snack in honour. Remember after veneration to hydrate and fuel yourself too.
Altar cloths are not just there to look pretty. They represent the hard work of our ancestors weiving and working with cloth over the years. Their beautiful craftsmanship is never forgotten. A simple piece of cloth on the altar is a great representation of all of their hard work.
Pictures or representations of our ancestors act as an anchor to connect with them. When I am working with the known dead I'll place photos of them and their names, birth dates and death dates along with a few notes on the back of their photo. With the unknown dead I'll use statues or skulls in place of them. My mother who recently passed is a good example of this. I placed her photos, and ashes, along with some things she may have liked on her little corner.
Holy images. Maybe your ancestors were religious and find comfort in religious imagery. Even incorporating your family's patron saint on the altar might bring them some joy. Do what feels right for you and them.
Offerings. Leaving them offerings such as water, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and food. Anything you personally love especially as a sweet little treat. I find something you have a hard time parting with like that last piece of candy to be a great offering or that dish you're cooking that's been within the family for years.
Dedicated pendulum, tarot or any other method of communication so you can communicate with them efficiently.
What can I do with my Ancestor Altar? How to work it.
There are many ways you can work with your ancestor altar. You can use it as purely an act of prayer and veneration or you can use it as both for veneration and working.
Leaving oils, charms, bags and other spiritual items on the altar overnight to bless and give an extra kick or even some mundane items.
Incorporating them into a spell working for prosperity, blessings, healings, protections, etc.
Active working to break generational trauma and curses. Working through breaking cycles and helping them heal.
Turning to them for guidance and direction through divination from the tools in their space.
Aid in spiritually cleansing myself and my space from any negative influences.
How to reach out?
Reaching out there are many different methods. There are methods through prayer and divination for example. Many different people from different cultures and religions will have different ways of reaching out and praying. I never actively practiced any religion growing up so I adopted prayer through a folk catholic perspective from what my ancestors practiced and used my tarot deck as an adjacent. There's wrong way to pray. We pray from what feels right to us and from what is respectful.
There's no right or wrong way to work with your ancestors except for building a practice solely on gain. By gain, I mean getting them to do things for you. It is a relationship you are building. If that is not what you are seeking then ancestor veneration is not for you. It's the same for any relationship spiritual or not. Relationships freely flow between each other with mutual aid. Not everything is purely transactional. Keep things respectful and everything will be okay.
To close out I'm sure everyone is wondering "Do I have to work with my ancestors who did awful things?" the answer is no. We have to heal from and acknowledge what happened. Move forward with purpose and do the work but we absolutely do not have to go anywhere near them. Spirits are not all-knowing and not all have done the required work. I will echo a previous statement of mine. It is not your responsibility to handle the business of otherworldly concerns just because you are a practitioner.
If that person has not changed and grown in death. Move on and grow from the experience. While not everyone will agree with me I believe it is important to work with things when you are ready. A newer practitioner will not be prepared to work with such heavy energy. It will have to be worked with one day to heal but do not throw yourself in if you are not ready or maybe you just aren't equipped to do it and maybe it is someone else's journey in your lineage, not yours. Do not be hard on yourself if that is the case. Not everyone is built for that or ready. Be kind to yourself, that's what your ancestors want.
Ancestor Oil
Need an oil for communication, veneration and one to work with your ancestors for all purpose? I got your back.
What you'll need
A clean and cleansed jar
Frankincense - helps in hardships, divine connection
Peppermint - money matters, underworld symbolism
Rosemary - protection, remembrance 
Rose - raising spiritual vibration, love, symbol of blood
Lavender - Grief, dream work, relaxing
Myrrh - Spirit communication, psychic power, grief
Allspice - Awaken ancestors, drawn in favour
Coconut carrier oil - Moon, emotions, divination, spirit
You can either do the folk method or the hot method. You can find my post on infused oils here to learn how to make infused spell oils. I suggest if you are an animist or someone who wants more power from your oils. Speak to the herbs kindly, treat them less like an ingredient and ask them respectfully for their aid and the purpose they'll have in your oil. Use intention. The same goes for the Coconut oil.
You can sub any of these, however. Try to keep within the theme of the ingredients. Some of these are herbal allies so they will work differently for me than you. Do what feels right.
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tchallasbabymama · 2 months
I’ll be moving in a couple of weeks, and I’m procrastinating on packing by planning out the interior design 😅
The plan is to make something out of black-and-white pictures of my favorite deceased authors to decorate my writing space as sort of an ancestral altar/vision board art piece.
I can’t decide between these two for Toni Morrison because they both give very different vibes that I love equally:
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andromeda-sapphire · 6 months
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I made this ancestor tree for Samhain years ago and realized I don’t think I ever posted a tutorial on how I made it. If you’d like to try making your own, I’d love to see how they come out!!
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Feel free to save this image and share!
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spirit-amplified · 3 months
The Significance of Breath: Uniting Generations through Ancestral Connection
During the Winter Season, I usually focus my studying on working with the air element. Yesterday, I conducted the funeral for my mother-in-law, who was like a second Mother to me. Today, I placed her picture on my Ancestor altar alongside those of my Gran and Mother. And as I lit incense for them, I reflected on how I could integrate the air element into my practice of honoring my ancestors.
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In every breath we take, we carry the essence of our ancestors – a timeless connection that transcends generations. Our breath, the life force that sustains us, holds within it the memories, prayers, and chants of those who came before us. As it passes through the blood within our lungs, it becomes a conduit to our ancestral lineage, connecting us to the very marrow of our bone memory.
The profound significance of breath as the carrier of ancestral heritage is undeniable. In the act of speech, we invoke the memories of our forebears, drawing from the deep reservoir of wisdom and experience that they imparted. Our breath becomes the vessel through which we honor and perpetuate the legacy of our ancestors, weaving their stories and traditions into the fabric of our lives.
Furthermore, our breath serves as a medium for the transmission of ancestral prayers and chants, resonating with the spiritual resonance of those who have gone before us. Through this sacred exchange, we express gratitude, seek guidance, and pay homage to the timeless wisdom encapsulated in the collective consciousness of our lineage.
At a physiological level, the intimate connection between breath and blood underscores the inseparable bond between our present existence and the ancient wisdom encoded within our very being. The breath that passes through our lungs infuses our blood with the essence of our ancestry, fostering a profound and enduring link to the origins of our existence.
By recognizing the ancestral significance of breath, we acknowledge that we are not merely solitary beings but inheritors of a rich tapestry of cultural, spiritual, and historical heritage. Our breath becomes a bridge that allows the wisdom, resilience, and spirit of our ancestors to rise within us, empowering us to draw strength from their legacy and to navigate the complexities of modern life with a profound sense of rootedness and purpose.
In essence, the breath is the conduit through which we commune with our ancestors, perpetuating their legacy and embodying the timeless wisdom that resides within the marrow of our bone memory. As we inhale and exhale, we embrace the profound interconnectedness of past, present, and future, honoring the enduring legacy of those who have paved the way for our existence.
In conclusion, the recognition of breath as the life force that unites us with our ancestors is a testament to the enduring legacy that transcends time and space. Through the sacred exchange of breath, we honor and perpetuate the wisdom, resilience, and spirit of those who came before us, forging an unbreakable bond that transcends generations. It is through our breath that we immerse ourselves in the essence of our ancestry, embodying the timeless connection that defines our collective identity and shapes our shared destiny.
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etxfolkmystic · 7 months
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I had a talk with folks
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dumbass-fae · 1 month
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Finally set up a proper ancestral altar 💕
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warcrimetime · 20 days
I've been trying to build an ancestor altar as someone with NC with a giant portion if family. It's hard, I'm not gonna lie. I only have a few pictures of people, some offerings and the ashes/statues/collars of my dogs. It feels empty as I search for family that's like me in the past
But I've recently decided I will add Laika, protector of the stars, and Stephanos, joy of Rhodope, to my altar. May they find some comfort with me as they feel like family to me
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autumnsvoice87 · 1 month
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So maybe a year ish ago I found this horn at a thrift shop.
This past weekend I got the opportunity to go to paganicon for the first time. One of the main programs there was the sounds of the Iron age. This amazing person had instruments that were historically made to be similar to norwiegen and norse/Scandinavian of those times. She played them, sang songs, and told stories. Even sang a song of the sagas.
Some of those instruments were made from different goat horns and other animals. Now I believe this is a real horn except for the mouth piece. It is plastic and was made to fit on the end of the horn.
Anywho because of the event I had learned something new about my norwiegen heritage. I honestly don't know much about the different things of my heritages because I have many blood lines and there has been alot of disconnect in culture and community due to generational trauma.
However this weekend I had learned what this horn was and how it's used. It actually has many uses. A horn was sounded to give thanks to hosts of parties or events. A horn was sounded to give thanks to the guests of events. A horn was sounded to honor ancestors and spirits of the lands. A horn was a musical instrument that provided music at parties. It sometimes made the people dance! A horn was sounded to communicat the arrivals of guests. A horn was used to send prayers to the gods. A horn was sounded to call childeren back to the house.
Horns were used for so many things and it sounded like almost every villager had one for the uses they needed it for.
I am proud that I found this gem thrifting. I am so glad that I bought this now after learning about it. I now know how I can use it in my practices and connect with the gods and ancestors with it. It is a beautiful horn.
I was thinking of cleansing it, blessing it, repainting the flowers on it, and putting some runes on it to make it my own.
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ruby-dasleaze · 1 month
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themagikmirror · 6 months
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🪐✨Collective Reading on Saturn's 2023 Retrograde
The biggest retrograde of 2023 ended November 4th, 2023. I spent time making recorded content reviewing things I felt were key points of this experience to consider and use to elevate our journeys, especially as we continue moving into 2024. There were honestly many messages that I could’ve articulated about this Retrograde, however it all boiled down to us really learning the value of space. Take out time to actually find & read the matching Retrograde Receipt for better understanding of how those channeled messages connect with this Spiritual Reading I did on the collective. Also tune into the video where this reading was actually recorded via The Magik Mirror on Facebook.
So what was the spiritual agenda and medicine brought forth through this Saturn Retrograde, according to God and our ancestral guides?
✨Spirit commands us :  “Detach to Discern”.
This means many things in many ways. One interpretation is that our absence and our subconscious can greatly inform our judgement. Detachment provides perspective. It’s not always consciousness and presence of something or someone that allows solutions, ideas and wisdoms to emerge. Giving ourselves SPACE is the key to moving with greater purpose. Through detachment—wether it’s emotional, mental, physical—we also allow ourselves to experience creativity, God and spiritual forces go to work, such as our Ancestors. We can surrender to things that may be beyond our ability to comprehend & navigate. What we attach to and focus on can sometimes block our vision from seeing fathoming & experiencing anything else. It’s important to have a healthy sense of detachment (space) for clarity and freedom. Many times it takes more strength to detach from outcomes and absolve ourselves from things than we realize….
✨Spirit wants to know :  "Are you strong enough to let go?"
*whisper* yes, yes you are strong enough (see "Strength" card)
✨Spirit also commands :  "Let (Your) / (The) Past Inform & Enlighten Your Future."
Being able to get informed through other people and our surroundings is great. Being able to access your memories and hindsights is even better. Being able to access the insights of our ancestors and those who came before us is a blessing. When we can tap into history, personal or not and use it to our benefit, we gain the gift of elevation, enlightenment and open roads. We don’t HAVE to walk the same paths leading to dead ends or repetitive outcomes. Wisdom is often a result of remembering, not forgetting.
✨Spirit says :  The past should not hinder you, but it SHOULD inform you.
Renewal & Clarity , ESPECIALLY of our headspace.
Ultimately, this Retrograde has been the driving force behind newfound freedom. Spirit literally wants us to detach from old/outdated ways of thinking and being to embrace greater authenticity and definition. Are you even operating from your own head or from someone else’s? Who’s inside the control center? Who’s dictating or distracting you? In one of the cards pictured : “MAMBO” , see the priestess cutting off a head. In real life, no one’s head was literally cut off this year. LMAO…. 
But this is a figurative and spiritual way to show the renewal of the mind and the removal of distractions, illusions, erroneous thinking, misconstrued perceptions and the removal of inflated influence and ego both internally and externally. All these things can blind and block vision and progress. They must eventually be detached and disassociated from in order for better to emerge.
✨Spirit says :  "In order to experience an Open Road, you must have an open mind."
Sometimes the only way to open our minds is to completely detach them (figuratively) from what we think we know and see......
Enjoyed this collective reading? Tip Me! Book personal sessions & see your authentic reflection 🪞✨ We can expand on a topic I've discussed publicly for the collective or something of your choice/general read. Check out my courses as well on Ancestral Connection & Cleansing available at lifesizeddoll.com or through services on my Facebook Page...
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thatohiowitch · 1 year
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Blessed Yule and merry Solstice, to you! Took some time to decorate my altar with things I thought my ancestors would appreciate. May you be blessed in the new year.
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wortcunningwitch · 8 months
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cleaned & rearranged my main altar, and moved my ancestors over to a separate space! it’s a work in progress (hoping to add more photos & papers) but it feels great to give them a larger space
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calendulacraft · 1 year
De mi altar ancestral ~
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