#alternate timeline fanfic
ghcstao3 · 1 year
apologies for inactivity here’s a vaguely ghostsoap oneshot w outsider pov from tommy. because ghost’s family is still alive because i said so. rest is below the cut. 1.2k words
Watching his younger brother fall in love was a strange thing.
Of course, watching him do just about anything these days was strange enough, but falling in love? For a long time, it had seemed above Simon.
Not once had Tommy ever seen him take time for himself, or let anyone new into his life so long as they’ve been on better terms. It never seemed like something remotely of interest to Simon, either.
Though God only knows how much he deserves to have someone to take care of him for once. From a shitty childhood only made worse by his shitty older brother, then for Simon to have to be the one to put Tommy back on track which led to him falling in love with Beth, and who knows what other horrors Simon would never speak about, it was finally time Simon found someone of his own.
That being said, Tommy hadn’t ever really, truly expected it.
It’s a slow process, but it gradually becomes obvious—to Beth, at least, who will point out signs Tommy hadn’t at all noticed that, when looking back, were quite clear.
Like the uncharacteristic softness in which Simon spoke the name Johnny. The shift in tone when talking about his sergeant though he attempts to maintain a front as to make a show that he knows better than to fraternize with a colleague.
(Though knowing a few stories of the things Simon’s captain has allowed within his task force, neither Beth nor Tommy think it’d be an issue for him.)
But all it had ever started with was a gruff, offhand mention of a new subordinate Simon was none too happy about, because the new sergeant was (and quote), “beyond irritating and without the concept of personal space,” and, “lucky he’s skilled enough for it to be overlooked on the field.” Both Tommy and Beth had tried to argue that surely it couldn’t be that bad, but Simon had only levelled them both a stare he had long since perfected to make even his own brother and sister-in-law look away.
The sergeant isn’t brought up for a while in calls or visits after that, and Tommy is progressively convinced Simon had meant what he said about his disliking. Then Beth asks about it, whether things have gotten better, and suddenly the sergeant becomes MacTavish and he and Simon are almost something of friends. Almost. And from their end of the phone, Beth gives Tommy this knowing look that takes him far too long to decipher, but eventually understands it as her noticing a fondness in Simon’s voice in his renewed opinion of Soap.
It’s odd, figuring these things out about his younger brother. It really, really is.
Then MacTavish becomes Soap becomes Johnny over the course of the next few months, and when Simon visits on one of his rare leaves, for once Tommy doesn’t need his wife’s help in detecting the unique sentiments reserved for this mysterious sergeant. There’s a palpable shift in Simon, a sort of emotion Tommy has never seen his brother express.
It’s unfamiliar, and sure there are things he would never know about Simon, but this? Nearly incomprehensible, at first. It’s new to Tommy as a witness, and new to Simon in general, and it’s all just some confusing mess that neither of them understand in their respective ways.
Though, thankfully, Tommy has Beth for that. Mostly. Whenever she doesn’t scold him for being such a stranger to his own brother.
The worst of the whole Simon-being-in-love ordeal is when Tommy is urged to broach the subject when it started to seem like Simon didn’t realize himself that he was… feeling. Tommy asks if Simon had ever considered that maybe he likes Johnny in a not-platonic way after his younger brother complains about the sergeant being on medical leave for six weeks while he was stuck with training rookies that are (again, and quote), “so green it’s a wonder any of them have made it this far in life,” however Simon only responds with a vehement denial and a quiet not like Johnny would feel the same if I did before he hangs up without a goodbye.
It’s at that point Tommy begins to understand Beth’s frustration with the obvious.
Since Tommy’s question, the ever-present Soap this, Johnny that disappears from conversation with Simon entirely until a month before bi-annual Christmas leave when a near-groundbreaking question is meekly asked—if it’d be alright for Simon to bring someone with him to family dinner. He never specifies who, but it’s easy enough to guess.
(And get it right.)
John MacTavish is somehow exactly and nothing as expected, and it catches both Tommy and Beth by surprise.
He’s talkative, is one thing. That isn’t to say it’s a bad thing, either—they’re both more than happy to finally have someone regale them with the stories that aren’t classified, and John seems just as happy to do so—but also having known Simon for just about all his life and knowing his aversion to chatty people like John, it seems odd he’d be so infatuated.
And infatuated is definitely the right word, when Tommy glances over to see the adoration in Simon’s face watching John speak with such liveliness, an adoration he knows himself guilty of when looking at Beth. It’s the exact same, or so Beth would later say.
Another thing is the touching. It’s subconscious, surely, whenever John reaches a hand out to connect in some way to Simon, but Simon just lets it happen. Leans into it, even. It’s part of what really solidifies the conclusion that Simon has finally found his person.
What really does it, though, is John’s use of Si like the nickname was nothing—and Simon reacting all the same. Even Tommy hadn’t ever been afforded that privilege, and while at first it stings for a very brief moment, once Tommy is over it he settles back into complete disbelief like he’s been told pigs had, truly, learned to fly.
That one had even startled Beth. Had even startled Joseph, who had been told on numerous occasions that his uncle didn’t like when people called him Si. Yet here John sat at the dinner table like Simon hadn’t let him do something previously reserved for absolutely no one.
Later that night, Tommy corners Simon and asks him again about his feelings toward John, because it’s just so painfully clear now. He half-expects another denial, but Simon sighs and shrinks in on himself in a way Tommy hadn’t seen in decades before admitting that he likes John in a very not-platonic way.
That he loves John. That he plans on asking John on a proper date when they get back to Simon’s flat the next day.
Hearing the words from Simon, the word from Simon, is initially bizarre, but Tommy is more occupied with a sense of pride for his younger brother—though expressed in the quieter Riley fashion with an additional wish of luck certainly not needed after seeing how John and Simon act together.
Watching his younger brother fall in love was a strange thing, most definitely. But it also feels rewarding, in some equally strange way, to finally see Simon have something he’s always deserved after so, so very long.
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I'm not sure if you're still doing these prompts, and sorry if you aren't, but if you are, could you do the lovesick/obsession prompt
"How did I ever get so Lucky...?"
With Dusty?
Maybe the reader could be saying it to him?
Hehe okay :D
I’m having a lot of fun with these yandere things. I never write stuff like this so being able to is... a lot of fun -w-
Dusty felt so lucky to have his datemate.
At first, he was so worried about them leaving him and finding someone else that they were much happier with but then Pappy gave him an idea, they wouldn't be able to find someone else if they weren't allowed to be near other people, right?
He was right!
Ever since he took Y/n away from their world, bringing them to the world of Nightmare's castle, they were both so happy together. There was nothing he would change.
The first few weeks, they seemed upset, and would even shout and complain at him but after a few weeks, maybe months? They seemed fine being here. Then they even started to like it! How amazing, right? Right?!
Now nobody could ever take Y/n away from him. They were going to be together forever.
Today they were laying in his bed, cuddling. He had his arms wrapped around their waist, with his head nuzzled into their tummy, the softest purrs coming from his chest. They had their hand rested on top of his head, petting their fingers against his skull.
His hood was back, something he didn't often do but he trusted his datemate.
"Hey Dusty?"
He makes a soft sound to show that he heard them, just the smallest bit annoyed that they would talk. It was distracting...
"How did I ever get so lucky...?"
That... made him pause.
He lifts his head, looking up at them squinting slightly "what are you talking about?" he asks.
They smile, putting their hands on his cheeks, gently pressing them against his skull. "How'd I ever get so lucky to have you as my boyfriend?" They lean down, peppering soft kisses against his skull and teeth. The best way to kiss him, honestly.
His cheeks quickly get a bright purple blush on them his eye sockets widening "H-Hey!" he turns his head away, tugging his hood up to try to hide his face "Warn me before you do that," he grumbles.
In the back of his mind, he knew that he should have never trapped them here, he should let them see their family, but they don't have a family to return to. He made sure of that himself.
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phoenixcatch7 · 7 months
Where's that one post that's like 'as an editor, you come to learn that there are actually very few bad ideas. However, there are a near infinite amount of bad executions' because you will find this is very true of reading fanfiction as well.
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hellishrebukesystem · 3 months
Guys I'm thinking about writing a fanfic where Wilson is a trans man and one night after he and House take it all the way, he gets pregnant...I don't know if it is brilliant or stupid or exactly in character with the unhinged nature of the show...idk putting it to a poll
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mig-murgthenurg · 4 months
Ridley Scott creating all of these Alien prequels almost feels like an effort to deliberately sabotage the AvP timeline, like he can't stand the idea of the two aliens co-existing in one universe (though I've heard through the grapevine that he really does) so he's making a whole bloody trilogy just to point and say "SEE?! THERE'S NO PREDATORS IN ALIEN!"
Of course, that's just my opinion but I can't help but feel like he really is trying that lmao.
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Beru offers me refreshments, but I cannot stomach them, knowing where Anakin is going. She tilts her head perceptively. “Need something to do? I’ve got a whole bunch of cabbage to pickle if you want to help. Working with your hands is a good way to take your mind off things.” “Yes, thank you. I would love to help,” I tell her. We strip and chop cabbage, mash spices into a paste and submerge the vegetable in a myriad of flavours. “Not many tasty vegetables around here,” Beru remarks. “We’ve got to add our own flavour. Plus, it keeps better this way, for months when crops are sparse.” “Did you always want to be a farmer?” I ask. She shakes her head. “No. I used to think I’d be a pilot. Born and raised on Tatooine, the stars are the most enchanting thing and I always wondered what it would be like to fly among them.” Her cheeks flush red. “But then I met Owen. He loves this place, and I can’t imagine my life without him. Moisture farming is much better suited to raising a family than hurtling through hyperspace for a living. I would rather put down roots.” A vision comes to me of a small sandy-haired boy knee-deep in sand, staring up at the night sky in awe, and I place an unconscious hand on my stomach.
This fic follows Padmé as she navigates love and politics, both teetering precariously on a knife's edge. Democracy crumbles amid violence and Anakin's fire threatens to engulf them both. But Padmé is stronger than anyone expected.
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breithenua · 6 months
I'd love to see a fanfic of Naruto in which Fugaku was made Hokage, but not the 4th instead of Minato like I see examples of on YT. Instead I want to see one where he becomes the 5th Hokage after Minato's death, because Fugaku disobeys the orders from the top to patrol the borders during the Nine Tails attack, and actually goes and helps subdue the Nine Tails himself.
How I personally could see it happening, though obviously someone writing said fanfic would make their own version of events: Technically this *should* result in him being disciplined for disobeying orders, but the majority of the village is way too grateful to him and the other Uchiha for the top brass to dare trying to discipline him, especially with the entire Uchiha clan being behind him. Maybe Hiruzen himself looks at the situation after the fact as a whole and decides he was wrong to go along with Danzo's idea to keep the Uchiha away from the Nine Tails during the attack.
Why does Minato still die in this scenario? Someone still has to seal the Nine Tails again, and we know he's already low enough on chakra at this point from having to have fought Obito/"Madara" by himself that he can't seal the entirety of Kurama inside Naruto, only half, and has to use the Reaper Death Seal to seal the other half.
Difference is since Fugaku and other Uchiha helped subdue Kurama faster, Minato and Kushina don't have to be turned into a shishkabob defending Naruto from Kurama's toenail, and the damage from Kurama himself is minimized a lot more. Minato still dies, and ultimately Kushina's gonna die too since Kurama was extracted from her, but she at the very least lives long enough to tell Hiruzen and the other elders what happened. Best case scenario, she lives for maybe 5-10 years afterward (remember, Mito, Hashirama's wife lived for 10 years after Kurama was extracted from her, and she was already elderly at that point). This means Naruto has at least one parent for at least part of his early childhood. Someone to stick up for Naruto and not tolerate the terrible job Hiruzen did of keeping his promise to Minato to look out for Naruto.
Since Kushina would live longer in this scenario and be able to tell the others what would happen, it would mean the top brass could make the same deduction that Minato made, that it was "Uchiha Madara". This means they can't as easily try to blame the Uchiha that are still living in the village, especially when they helped subdue Kurama (though Danzo would fucking try. God he's the worst). The "realization"/assumption that it was Madara and he's not only still alive but still strong enough at his age to fight the 4th AND control Kurama, and seeming to not have aged at all, would motivate Konoha to REALLY start taking military precautions to get stronger and concentrate on finding ways to fight him off the next time he shows up. This includes looking at living Uchiha members as possible counters to Madara himself, namely *Fugaku*. The man that did the most in this scenario to stop Kurama's rampage. They'd be very motivated in this case to name him as Minato's successor in this case. Protecting Naruto and training him becomes an even higher priority, not knowing when "Madara" would come back to try again (not knowing Minato was able to permanently sever his connection to Kurama with that sealing jutsu, Minato maybe didn't have time to relay that information). Either way, they know that the jinchuuriki of Kurama is a target by outside forces. This also puts more pressure on the top brass to make sure an Uchiha member is near Naruto all the time to make sure he doesn't lose control of Kurama, as he's trained to control Kurama.
Fugaku being Minato's successor would also put pressure on Fugaku to fulfill Minato's dying wishes to protect and take care of Naruto. Maybe once Kushina ultimately does die from having Kurama extracted from her, he and Mikoto personally adopt him and raise him, with a significant amount of pressure on Fugaku from Mikoto herself (as we know she was friends with Kushina). I think Fugaku would be a bit of a less strict father in this scenario as he's not under pressure from the rest of the clan to *literally overthrow the Leaf Village's government*. Itachi and Sasuke essentially have a 3rd sibling now to grow up with that depends on them to keep him in check, but also keeps him from being lonely. He also grows up knowing who his parents are, has talented adopted brothers to train with (though he'll still be a late bloomer to an extent, I don't think he'll be the literal laughingstock of the Academy considering he'll have actual support, self-confidence and validation from his adopted family). Though maybe Naruto's identity as a jinchuuriki and the 4th's son is still kept secret from the village as a whole. Or maybe just the fact that he's a jinchuuriki, but people still know he's the 4th's son. Up to the writer, honestly. It makes sense why Hiruzen wanted his identity kept secret to protect Naruto in the original canon, afterall. But either way, Naruto would actually know the truth.
In this case, perhaps Hiruzen *actually* acts as sort of a grandfather-like figure to Naruto as well instead of just being an old man that pays for his groceries or talks to him every once in a while. Maybe he does a little training of Naruto (and by extension Sasuke and maybe even Itachi himself, seeing as he's not preoccupied with being Hokage again).
Maybe Hiruzen actually makes time to guilt Jiraiya to come and meet his god-son once in a while. This results in Naruto going to Mount Myoboku sooner in the timeline (seeing as his father presumably went as well, having Toad sage mode and frog summons himself, it'd make sense to establish that tie with Naruto too), though I don't think his training there would happen that much faster. At most he gets Sage mode a year sooner. If you really stretch it then maybe a year and a half to 2 years sooner. Afterall, this is still Naruto, and he's still a gigantic ball of ADHD energy. You'd still have to send someone with a sharingan with him just to be cautious of course. This could be how Naruto meets Kakashi. Afterall, he has a Sharingan, was anbu for much of his teen/early adult years, was Minato's student, and by extension knew Jiraiya as well. I think Fugaku as Hokage (and adopted father to Naruto) would find that fitting when authorizing such a trip.
Speaking of Fugaku as Hokage, there would be some changes of course. Starting with there being more Uchiha in Anbu ranks, maybe with allowing non-Uchiha into the ranks of the Konoha Military Police force as a balance to pacify the elders that would be against this (and because I think Fugaku would realize that letting the Uchiha and non-Uchiha mingle more would be better for the village in the long run), and the Anbu and Military police would work together more harmoniously.
Danzo would probably still try to assassinate the Hokage, it'd just be Fugaku instead, snd for a different reason: Danzo's hate and jealousy of the Uchiha. He'd be even angrier thanks to the exact opposite of what he wanted to do happening after the Nine Tails attack, too. And unlike Hiruzen, Fugaku probably wouldn't be nearly as lenient. He's a ninja cop afterall. Danzo would at the very least be imprisoned for life, and made to divulge everything he knows (as well as losing that fucking Hashirama cell arm and however many stolen Sharingan he had at that point). As much as I'd personally like for Danzo to be summarily executed, that's probably not what would happen. But lifetime imprisonment is a good alternative. The Root would definitely be disbanded as a result as well. And as a result of Danzo and the Root's secrets being divulged sooner, a little more would be known about Hashirama cells a la Danzo's weird-ass arm. Maybe said research could be used to stave off the blindness that comes later on with the Mangekyo Sharingan, and/or Kakashi's stamina issues with his own Sharingan could be somewhat alleviated with said research. Not a lot since Tsunade isn't there, but a little bit.
Speaking of Tsunade, you can bet your ass when Itachi gets his chakra illness that Fugaku would send people to find Tsunade to have her treat him. Afterall, Itachi couldn't exactly find the best medical care in the canon timeline because of his status as a missing-nin/notorious criminal and mass-murderer of his own clan. In this scenario Itachi would have had no reason to carry out the Uchiha clan downfall, so he'd have access to legitimate medical care. Would Tsunade be able to save his life? I don't know. She'd almost certainly be able to prolong it or make him more comfortable without reducing his combat capabilities nearly as much, though.
Maybe through dealing with Tsunade and her fear of blood, some investigation into the Sharingan's uses for hypnosis/psychotherapy would be suggested. Seriously it's amazing how well the Sharingan could have been used for dealing with people's mental health issues, with it's uses of genjutsu, hypnosis, etc. It's too bad we never got to see those sorts of applications in the main timeline.
I might add more to this later today, but I'm tired and need a slight bit more sleep before my class today so for now this is where I leave it.
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shockodile · 11 months
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Revenant Preview Available!!
The June Revenant Patreon post is up, and it comes with a story preview!! Revenant is an 18+ story about an alternate timeline seven years after the events of Hellbound Guardian. It is effectively spoiler-free. The sample is roughly 5.2k words, and includes 3 comic pages and 5 illustrations- about 1/5th of the story total. It's available to ALL patrons! Micro-sampler you may or may not have seen before below!
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On top of this post, all patrons will have access to the previous four Revenant posts including various completed illustrations for the story as well as behind-the-scenes visdev work.
Thank you everyone for your support!
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coffeecat1983 · 2 months
Mario Bros: Thanks for Everything lost scenes.
(Might add more to this later)
After the funeral dinner… "Arthur?" Giovanni pushed open the bedroom door. Arthur was sitting on the edge of Tony's bed. His suit coat and tie were off, his shirt's first few buttons undone and his hair a ruffled mess. Something square and black was in his hands. "Hey." Giovanni said softly. Arthur continued staring at the floor, his eyes held a lost look. Not getting a reply, Giovanni came in and sat beside him. It was then he saw what Arthur was holding. It was Tony's Walkman. "Art…" "How can I go on?" his voice was low. "How can I? Knowin' he won't be here?" His hands trembled. "How am I gonna get up every morning when he won't be in the kitchen waitin' for me? When I can't sleep I'll get up," his shuddered, tears starting to fall, "h-he's not gonna be in here anymore."
Late that night… Soft footsteps shuffled down the hall and towards the living room. Luigi was up on the couch with the light on, the TV on low to keep away the silence. Entering, Mario sat beside him, a smile briefly on his face as he saw Luigi had put on Blues Brothers. "Can't sleep either, huh?" he asked. Luigi shook his head. "Just keep thinkin' about everything." his twin replied softly. "Yeah, me too." They both watched a little of the movie in silence before Luigi spoke again. "Mario, there were eleven people here. So many we all couldn't fit around the dinner table, but it felt so empty."
Across the hall… Waking, Marie found the spot next to her was empty. Getting up, she didn't bother to check the living room, instead going right to Tony's room. Quietly opening the door her heart ached at the sight. Arthur was curled up on Tony's bed, sound asleep as he clutched something close. Marie didn't have to see what it was to know it was the Walkman. She closed the door again as Bria came in from the living room. "He's been in there for about two hours." she glanced at the door and then at her mother. "Is he gonna be okay, Ma?" A soft sigh. "Give him time, sweetie. He needs to grieve." Turning away, she wiped at her eyes. "He's lost a part of his soul."
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stilesandscripts · 1 month
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Chapter 23 - Eternal Bonds is out now. An emotional one!
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rayclone · 6 months
hey people of tumblr who have been finding me would you guys be interested in hearing about Shattered World and all my planning/writing stuff
there IS a correct answer /j
theres no choice actually this is just here to figure out whos interested really
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Oh! How about a poly relationship between Nightmare, Error and their s/o?
Perhaps Nightmare is sitting within his library with a good book, and he uses his tentacles to nuzzle his sleeping s/o, and said s/o is gently clutching onto a couple of strings from Error as a way to be close to him as well.
Just some cute, domestic fluff 💕
Whooo! Poly :D
Nightmare was very happy with the life that he was living at the moment. He was fairly powerful, of course he needed to keep getting stronger but right now, he was happy with the things that he had now.
He had his castle, he had his own world, a world in which he was in control. Plus, his underlings. They would do whatever he told them to do, and he was very happy about that.
Though another thing came around a little while ago, that shocked him.
He had gotten datemates. Yes, you heard that correctly. More than one.
It was Y/n, and Error.
He never did quite expect himself to ever fall in love, let alone with two people but he found himself enjoying it more than he first expected. Y/n was a tad cuddly, while Error was not and Nightmare believed that it was best for him.
Today they were in his library, and Error was hanging down from some of their strings which Y/n was holding onto, some of them wrapped around one of their arms, and they were laying laid out on his tentacles, which he was slowly rocking them with.
He, in fact, was reading! He turns his eyeshine to look over at them, letting out a soft hum. "You seem to be in a good mood," he says to Error, who pauses and looks over.
"sHuT Up"
Nightmare chuckles, shaking his head, and turns his head down to go back to reading his book.
Yes, it was quite strange for Nightmare to have datemates but he was oh so happy about it.
They made him feel a type of happiness that he believed was so far out of his grasp for many many years.
Who would have guessed that this would have happened? He sure as hell didn't.
But, wasn't he so happy to have them.
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megamattzx · 18 days
Preview to Goku Jr and Gohan Jr: Nightmares.
It was a late beautiful night on Mount Paozu. Or a version of it in the reality of Conton City. The home of the Time Patrol. Peaceful and quiet as there was a moment of peace for the Time Patrol. Overall not many things that the Time Patrol couldn't handle at the time. Luckily, things were peaceful, and after the whole fiasco with the Red Ribbon Army, various members of the Time Patrol, specifically the more experienced members, we're hoping it would stay that way for a little bit.
This would include our main version of Goku and Chi-Chi who are currently staying at one of their sons’ new house for the time being to help keep an eye on two additions to the Son Family. Son Gohan Jr, nicknamed Hano, a perfect clone of Gohan that was found by the son they were staying with, Son Kakarot Goku Jr. And adopted by him as well. And Son Ryu, a clone of Goten created by the Dragon Balls by a wish made by the four-year-old Demi Saiyan, who wanted a little brother.
It was a peaceful night for the most part. Except for one little Demi Saiyan who was tossing and turning in his sleep. Eventually the young child woke up screaming. Slowly getting out of bed before rushing out of his room and towards the master bedroom. There were a few energy signatures in the hous which the boy was easily able to sense and recognize but follow the one that he was more familiar with.
The boy ran past the closest room to his, the guest room, where Goku and Chi-Chi were staying for the week. Instead running to the master bedroom down the hall. Carefully opening the door to not wake up and alarm anyone. He was scared. But he knew that he could run up to the Saiyan sleeping on the master bed, no problem. With the door opened enough for the small Demi Saiyan child to enter the room, he was seen climbing onto the bed. Reaching a Saiyan that looked completely identical to Goku for the most part. However this Saiyan was well aware of the child as he slowly mumbled, opening his tired eyes. But the Saiyan’s response wasn't of a cold hearted warrior. Rather an act a parent would take with a child.
This turned out to be Son Kakarot Goku Jr. A clone of Goku, created through the Dragon Balls, and Goku and Chi-Chi’s adopted son. And the young boy's father. The first time father was easily able to tell something was wrong. “What's wrong, Hano?” the tired Saiyan asked the boy. A tired tone of compassion heard from his voice.
“I had a nightmare, Papa,” the Boy explained and Goku Jr could feel the boy was startled. Not just from his voice but also his fluffed-up tail. Not to mention the boy was shaking to no end so it was easy to tell that he was scared.
Goku Jr sat up on his bed while he let out a yawn. He had to think of an idea to make Hano feel a little safer. Luckily, he had a few ideas that he knew would work. Thanks to his parents raising him, mainly. He figured it would be a good time to check up on Hano’s little brother too, while he was at it. Little Ryu was most likely sleeping in the crib in his room. However, there was a smaller crib in the main living room in case he needed to take a nap during the day.
“Tell ya what,” he calmly and gently told his son. “If you let me go check up on your little brother, we can make a pillow fort for the three of us, and I can tell you a bedtime story.”
Hano’s eyes brightened from what his father said. “Really!?” he said with excitement and Goku Jr could see the boy’s tail wagging a bit. The young father couldn’t help but smile at this.
“Yep!” The father said, calmly getting up as he continued. “I just need to get things set up so that we can make the little fort.” his smile was still there when he saw his little saiyan ‘pup’ so to speak, smile. “Just make sure you try not to wake Grandma and Grandpa up, okay?”
“Kay!” Little Gohan Jr said, hopping off the bed and running to his room to grab pillows and blankets.
Goku Jr couldn't help but smile. Now fully up, The saiyan stretched, while his tail swayed around as he walked out of the room. He observes his son, carrying whatever he could to the living room, smiling before he slowly walks past the room his parents were staying in, since the door was open. He took a peek into the room to check on his parents. Goku Sr and Chi-Chi were clearly still sleeping. Goku Jr smiled a bit, knowing his parents could use a bit of rest. He wanted them to be able to be grandparents and not parents.
Afterwards he went to the room that was right next to it. The way it was set up, is clearly the room of a baby. Walking inside, the younger Goku couldn't help but smile, walking towards the crib where little Ryu was sleeping. The baby Demi Saiyan looked so peaceful in his sleep. He looked like a baby Goten. The Goku style hair, the absence of a tail, the childlike innocent face. “Still peacefully sleeping, I see,” the Young Father softly said. His smile brightened a little bit more as this happened. “My little Fighter. My little Son Ryu. Just like your older brother, my pride and joy.”
It was at that moment little Ryu sniffled a bit, slowly waking up. Not from Goku Jr’s voice. But something was normal for babies. Goku Jr paid attention to everything around him. He couldn't smell anything so he knew he didn't need to change Ryu’s diaper. So it was either a nightmare or he was hungry. Before Ryu could start throwing a little tantrum. The Saiyan Prince of Fire Mountain, slowly and gently picked up the little Demi Saiyan. And he couldn't help but smile at hearing his little son giggling from this. “pa..pa,” Ryu said in a tired tone. Light giggles as well were heard afterwards.
Goku Jr couldn't help but smile even more. In many ways this was what he truly wanted one day. He didn't think it would even happen, let alone the way it did. These two indirectly gave him one of his dreams. Fatherhood. “That's right, kiddo,” the younger Goku softly cooed to his child. “Big strong Papa's here. And I always will be. My little prince of Fire Mountain and Mount Paozu. You'll always be safe as long as I'm here.”
Part of him knew that really was too young to truly understand him, but that didn't matter to him. Knowing that review felt safe just by the little child's body language alone was more than enough for him to say those things. Part of him knew it was more so the comforting approach he took, similar to how his mother approached things with him when he was scared. He remembered a few instances when he was a child himself, she used to sing him the lullaby he was all too familiar with. Hearing her sing it always made him feel safe. Something he also noticed with his boys as well when he sang the lullaby.
Ryu was surprisingly intelligent for his age too. Seemingly able to give some level of communication aside from words and tantrums. A light tug on Goku Jr.'s clothing was more than enough to get the father's attention. And when Ryu could tell that he had it. Giving a little hand gesture towards his mouth, clearly telling his father that he was hungry. Goku Jr could easily tell what he was saying.
“Hungry bud?” Goku Jr asked, seeing his little fighter nod. “Let's get you fed then buddy,” he told him with a smile before slowly heading to the kitchen as he carried Ryu. The younger Demi Saiyan clinging on to his father, giggling a bit as this happened. Unfortunately, there wasn't much Goku Jr could do with Ryu with his cries or giggles, aside from soothing the tension the young boy could be feeling. Which wouldn't really do him any good at the moment. If his parents woke up, they would now fully believe that it would be their young grandson who caused it.
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kybercrystals94 · 2 months
Last Words
Read here on Ao3!
Febuwhump 2024 | Day 25 | Alternate Prompt 7: Last Words
Rated: T | Words: 392 | Summary: Kix reflects on the last words that haunt him. [Character Focus: Kix}
Famous last words they say, because, in reality, most last words are not spectacular or special. They aren’t deep or poetic, they don’t inspire greatness or alter the course of history. Often, they are pathetic and small, underrated and thoughtless. Because, often, you didn’t know they would be the last words you ever would speak. Even as you lay dying, you cling to that threadbare hope that you might have a moment longer. But you don’t. You die. The words you said are the last, whether you meant them or not.
I’ve heard far more than my fair share of last words. On the battlefield, in medical tents, in hospitals. I’ve heard soldiers plead to live or beg to die. I’ve heard soldiers mutter the names of brothers they thought I was, but wasn’t. Helps that I have their brother’s face, so I let them believe it. What’s the harm really, if it brings them some small comfort in their last moments.
No, most last words aren’t famous. Not in the slightest. But they are haunting, and I have been burdened as their keeper. The same voice in different tonality, different words, over and over again. Clone voices. Brother voices.
“Where am I?”
“I can’t see.”
“Please, make it stop.”
“Did we finish the mission?”
“Am I going to be okay?”
“It’s quiet now.”
“The voices have stopped.”
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
“Good soldiers follow orders.”
I stopped counting how many times I’ve heard that one. Good soldiers follow orders. Maybe it gave them peace, knowing that they gave everything. For their brothers, for their generals, for the war effort. Good soldiers that followed every deadly order.
That’s what I thought.
Then, Tup killed a Jedi.
And he uttered those words over and over again, like a chant. Like a mantra. Eyes unseeing, the words tripping over and over again across his lips until they were meaningless. Good soldiers follow orders…good soldiers follow orders…good soldiers follow orders…
And a murderous glint flashed in his eyes before he lunged. “Kill the Jedi.”
Soon, Tup was gone. And Fives. And the ordeal scrubbed from the records.
I heard the words again, from dying soldiers, last words breathed out on shallow breaths.
But they’d lost their nobility. Their purpose.
Until today.
“Execute Order 66.”
And everything makes sense.
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blumenflowergelb · 7 months
Even after death our paths cross
Jaime Lannister x male!reader
• They spent the last day together drinking and talking. The cold never truly left, the sight of the sun was only in their dreams. The endless cold has been going on for weeks, the numbers and hopess of those who made it dwindled. The walk from Winterfell until the Gods Eye was hard and deadly. Most died, the children first than the women and lastly the men. The weak didn’t come, they were left behind in Winterfell with the last soldiers of the North so they could be burned upon death.
• Three days ago a scout reporter the wights coming down the neck, Moat Cailin has fallen and the survivors were caught up by the wights and the White Walkers. Yn could barely think about what happened to Winterfell and their occupants, the men and women and his nephew, Jon. Arya and Sansa came with Yn but left for the south, Bran and Rickon were behind the Wall and Yn was in the middle of the Gods Eye with the weirwoods and Jaime Lannister’s company. Their were some soldiers but most have left already to the South. The men and women who have stayed were either dying or could fight and decided to stay as the last defence. Because they were the last defence. If they failed Westeros, even the Free Cities could end.
• First the night came. It was always dark but dark like before nightfall and not this dark. They couldn’t even see Harrenhal, only the darkness. Then the cold came, the kind of cold which leaves you tired and you don’t even notice that you have fallen into an endless sleep. With the cold came the wind, and with it came the White Walkers and their servants. First they could hear feets walking on ice and the sounds of bones scrounging against each other. Than they saw the first wight and everything went downhill. The alcohol they consumed almost disappeared entirely and the last warmth fleed their bodies.
• The night was long and the hard. More died than they killed, some fled, but they hold out. The Children helped them with the Green Men on their sides, even Daenerys and Jon showed up. With them came hope again and they felt that maybe they would win. The slaughter was bloody and brutal, too much has been lost but when the King was killed the night lifted. The wights dropped dead and the remains of the White Walkers scattered around.
• Yn felt so weak, without Jaime and his family. He was sure that Jon went against a snow bear but not long after that Yn lost him and never seen him again. Jaime was dead, pulled apart by some dead crows, which made Yn hearth heavy as lead. He truly loved the man. Not the man he was before Lady Stonehearth but the man he became. Their love was a secret, a secret that Yn could never tell anybody.While Jaime has gotten his redemption it didn’t erase what he had done over the years. But Yn still loved him and felt like he could cry but he had no energy for tears. He went in and out of his dreams, sitting against a weirwood tree, and opened his eyes for the last time to see the new sun coming up.
• Then he opened his eyes again to see his old room in Winterfell. For a second he didn’t dare to move or even just exhale to loudly, he tried to listen to the soft voices around him. Feet scattering, the sound of swords, children laughing, a few wolves howling and somebody shouting ‚Uncle‘ at the top of his lungs. Then his door opened with a loud swish and Yn snapped out of his daydreaming. Rickon, baby Rickon with his small hands and feets and chubby face, run inside with Catelyn behind him shouting. Yn barely had any time to sit up, for Rickon jumped on him still shouting his name. Yn kissed his little face and looked up to the red faced Catelyn. She tried to apologize but Yn just shook his head and stood up with Rickon in his hands. After promising Catelyn that he will look after Rickon, Yn played with him while trying to get a hold of his situation. He was sure that he had died. The last years were definitely real, he couldn’t have dreamed about something like this. Besides he never took anything but alcohol to himself. Still the whole thing was unexplainable. He wasn’t sure what was going on. Rickons and his session was interrupted by a knock from Sansa. It was time for lunch so they went down and when Yn stepped in the room he couldn’t help but almost kneel over. Seeing his whole family well and alive was his biggest wish, a wish which got fulfilled. But it didn’t help his emotions. He wished to cry one second and laugh in the next.
• Yn tried to control himself and sat down. He barely ate, he got a side eye from Ned, and tried to talk as less as he could. Just listening made him happy and melancholic, his wish was fulfilled but he too has lost something along the way. After they were done and everybody went to their way, Ned has kindly left Yn alone, Yn wasn’t enterly sure what to do so he went to the library. He was reading about Daeron the First when he truly realised what had happened. The revelation left him shocked, his breath was labored and he felt cold and hot waves crashing through his body. He missed Jaime, he missed everything but at the same time not. He felt lonely because their was no other person who saw and lived through the wars and the coldness. This feeling left him breathless, the panic tightening his chest. His long forgotten , or just hidden?, memories resurfaced, from the day he left Storms End with an angered Young Griff to the past when he was playing with his brothers and sister in the deep cold snow, until red, blue and black spots begann to appear before his eyes. He felt somebody touching him and shaking him but it was his body that felt it, not him. And then he passed out.
• By the time he awoke it was dark. He was in his room and maester Luwin was busying around with Ned at his side. After they saw him wake they almost jumped to him and Luwin begann asking questions. Yn answered them but Luwin expressed his worry to Ned, talking as if Yn wasn’t here. They decided that Yn had to rest in bed for a fortnight and that he was to be daily examined by the maester. Luwin left, and Ned sat down. Neither of them talked for a long time until Ned said that he thought the worst. Yn was found in the library by Arya who has called for help the moment she saw her uncle looking like he was actively dying. When Ned asked Yn what had happened he couldn’t answer him. Yn only told him that he shouldn’t worry since he was too young to die. Ned shook his head and left the room.
• As he was alone Yn had time to process what was going on. He was found by Arya, the small little girl must have been affraid thought Yn, and later brought to his room. Maester Luwin suspected that he had wronged his hearth since his breath was erratic and his nose bleeded too much. He didn’t die but he was ordered on bedrest. But still this didn’t explain why he was here. Yn was sure that he died, seeing the First light of Dawn but than he woke up at Winterfell in his younger body. Yn tried to think about the how but the only sound idea he had were the Old Gods. He died by a weirwood on the Gods Eye so they must have seen him fit to travel back in time. Yn hoped that he wasn’t alone. Seeing his lost or dead family was a dream come true but that didn’t change the fact that he has lost people too. The people he had known and even lived with in the future didn’t even know him. Jaime didn’t know him. This relevation brought a bitter taste in Yn mouth. He didn’t wish to think about the man so he rolled to his side and tried closing his eyes. But dreams didn’t come. The whole fiasko bothered him and while turning around trying to sleep he accidentally hit his soulmark.
• He had his soulmark since birth, a rare thing since most people didn’t even have one, especially not since birth. He remembered his parents worrying about the age of his soulmate, affraid that his mate was old. Yn‘s father wished for Yn to marry a good southern noble woman with wide hips, but ironically his mate wasn’t a woman. Still his other wishes were fulfilled, maybe without the wide hips part. The fact was that as a child Yn always know that he would not marry a woman. He never said that to anybody too affraid of what could have happened but after Roberts Rebellion there was no need for it. His family was dead only Ned and Benjen survived. Of course there was Catelyn and the children but Yn always imagined his future with Brandon and Lyanna. After Ned came home and Benjen left, Yn decided that it was time for him to search for his mate. Thinking back this was more of an excuse to leave his life behind, but Yn was happy with his decision. He saw the side of the world which has been rarely seen by anybody. He experienced different people and their lifes, their foods and their different views. There is where Yn first realised why he never wanted women. He never found his soulmate but he found harmony. After a few years of sailing around he came back to Winterfell, happy to see Ned and his ever expanding family. He went on adventures but never as long as before, he always found his way back to Winterfell.
• When the War of Five Kings broke out he was on the way to Asshai and didn’t realise that his family has died only leaving Jon at the Nights Watch and Sansa at the clutched of the Lannisters. By the time he came back Sansa has already disappeared so Yn went on an adventure with Brienne of Tarth and her squire, who was not hers but Tyrion’s, and later on with Jaime too. They realised that they were soulmates by accident. Their were lingering touches but Yn thought that Jaime only wanted closure. He wasn’t right and when Jaime kissed him Yn‘s world changed. His soulmark burned and the love he felt for Jaime took his breath away. He wished and only wished to be by Jaimies side. They spent the nights together, always close but never truly touching. Yn tought that he had found his long awaited love but of course live wasn’t that nice. After the confrontation with Lady Stonehearth Yn left both Jaime and Brienne. He couldn’t find it in himself to see Jaime again. He still loved him, fierce as ever, but what he has done to his family was inexcusable. He couldn’t forgive him.
• They didn’t see each other until the Long Night has fallen. The people of the north left as quickly as possible only the fighter of the noble houses stayed. Some from the south came to help, including Jaime. The day before they left Winterfell they talked. It was hearth wrenching but needed. After discussing what had to be discussed they spent the night together. It wasn’t planed, Yn wholeheartedly thought that he and Jaime were not meant to be regardless their soulmark but Yn couldn’t bring himself to not do it. It was sweet and loving, a feeling which Jaime never associated with sex. They learned it together and enjoyed each other.
• But now Yn was alone without his soulmate. It was very bitter, the only thing Yn was happy about was that he at least know who his mate was. But just thinking about the way Ned or even Tywin Lannister would react to Jaime and Yn made him shiver. He couldn’t bare to think about Cersei, to affraid of a slighted narcissistic woman.
• The days have came and went until it was time for the Royal Familie‘s arrival. When Yn heard that they were coming, albeit a little late since their was a rumored accident on the way, he realised how stupid he was. He had the chance to save his family. He planed what he could do and started with Sansa and Jon. Yn know that Jon wanted to join the Nights Watch and he tried to talk him out of it at first but Jon didn’t take it well. Yn understood him, but he still tried to positively influence him. Sansa wasn’t an entire succes either since she lived for her stories. The only good thing he has done was mending Sansa‘s and Arya‘s relationship. Yn told them stories he had learned on his voyage about lovers and betrayal, trying to influence Sansa about critical thinking, and Arya has found this stories so intriguing that she listened to them too. The girls bonded through the stories and, while not entirely, they had a good relationship.
• The royal family came the same way they did the last time. They were a lot of them, the King was still fat, Joffrey still looked like a bitch but Jaime wasn’t the same. He looked the same at first glance but perhaps because Yn knew him like no other he noticed the difference instantly. Jaime was a little pale, his eyes weren’t that arrogant and he stood away from Cersei. The second he rode inside Winterfell their eyes locked and Jaime only looked away when he had to get off the horse. Seeing that Jaime clearly stayed away from Cersei left Yn feeling pleasant. Usually he wasn’t a jealous person but the bond the twins had shared, very disgusting in Yn opinion, made jealousy course through him. Both of them played with death throughout the years, and they even had children together. Yn couldn’t deny that Jaime did love Cersei even if it was a misplaced love.
• The King greeted the Starks the same as last time and went down to the crypts with Ned. Everybody dispersed after that, however Jaime didn’t go with Cersei. To escape the servants and their judgement, Yn signaled to Jaime and they went to the godswood. Yn was sure that nobody was there and he was right. It was silent, even the birds chirping wasn’t as loud. Yn sat down at the little creek and waited until Jaime came. Jaime stepped closer and after looking around he sat down. They didn’t talk for a few seconds but than Yn begann asking about their adventures in a subtle way. After Jaime answered every single question right, Yn kissed him. It was supposed to be an innocent kiss but Jaime deepened it and they only separated because of the lack of air. It was perfect. Yn felt his mark burn with satisfaction and love. Looking at Jaime he felt it too and Yn never has wished more to be just alone with Jaime. After dying and living in his past life with nobody at his side, Jaime felt like water on a hot sunny day. Yn needed him now more than ever before. They sat there for more time just holding each others hand until Jaime had to go to see the King. They separated with the promise of spending the night together.
• After a very interesting welcome feast for the royal family, in which Yn could experience how much Robert loved women and how much Cersei hated this love, Yn sneaked back in his room. He bathed while listening to the castle slowly settling. The sounds of the feast died out and only the occasional howls of the wolfs could be heard. Until Jaime knocked on the door and nothing mattered for Yn anymore. Jaime stepped in the room, smiling at Yn. They exchanged a few flirty remarks, Jaime sounded like usual, but then the two settled down to discuss what had happened. Yn got to know that yes Jaime did indeed got ripped apart by wights and that he came back weeks before Yn did. He had fallen ill shortly after that and Pycelle, Jaime hated him, had almost given up on him. Even Lord Tywin came to the capital after hearing his son, and heir, supposedly sickness. Jaime got better and than the date to leave for Winterfell has arrived. Jon still died, he couldn’t stop the Tully bitch Jaime said, so the journey for Neds hand has arrived. When Yn asked Jaime about Cersei he had only replied with bitterness. What Yn could puzzle together was that Cersei noticed Jaime‘s coldness and arrived at the conclusion that her handmaids have seduced him. The women were expelled but Jaime didn’t return to her so Cersei made up more stupid theories. After a while Cersei must have noticed that Jaime hasn’t changed so she became more aggressive and cold to Jaime. But he didn’t care and Cersei stayed as the spurned lover.
• After a while of talking they became silent. It was a lot to progress so they decided to continue tomorrow. But before they went to sleep Jaime shyly asked Yn if he would want to marry him. Yn just laughed and after remarking that Jaime was silly he said yes. The confirmation made Jaime‘s face light up with joy and they kissed. It almost progressed to something more but after hearing a door being closed to loudly they just went to sleep, affraid of anybody catching them.
• Yn woke up and said a very personal goodbye to Jaime, then went to play with Rickon and Bran. He felt a slight suspicion after seeing how bright Jaime‘s face was but quickly forgot it after seeing his family. Looking back he should have at least asked Jaime if he was alright but by the time they met it was already too late.
• Unknowingly to Yn, Jaime didn’t just go to the King to oversee his duties. After confirming that the King has drank and fucked last night until the morning he felt that it was the perfect time to do what he had to do. He knocked on the door and received no answer so he went inside and woke the King and his yesterdays choice up. The girl quickly ran out and the King awoke with a great rumble. Robert shouted profanities at Jaime but he just simply smiled back at him and said: „ I am retiring. Your grace.“
• Silence followed the statement. Robert stared at Jaime for a second and laid back on his bed muttering that he was still asleep. Jaime simply replied with a no and the King sprung up and begann shouting so loud that Barristan Selmy barged in the room. Seeing that the King was standing naked in the room while shouting at Jaime, he turned to the man in question and paled at seeing Jaime smile at him. The smile was strange to him, Selmy never saw him smile with so much joy. He tried to clear the situation up but did not succeed. Some servants stood behind the open door, glancing at them some even giggled. This ongoing problem wasn’t solved until Ned stepped in. He looked around the room silently, but judgingly. Seeing Ned Robert tried to hold his anger in but his red face was a tell tale sign of his feelings. Jaime and Selmy were standing silently before the King, although Barristan was before Jaime. Before Ned could ask what had happened the King huffed and looked for his breeches. He tried to kick everybody but Ned out but Jaime went up to Ned and asked for his brothers hand in marriage. Only a gasp was heard from outside before Ned jumped on Jaime.
• Yn was playing something, he still didn’t understand what the game was, with the boys when they were interrupted by an erratic Sansa. She asked Yn to go to Ned‘s solar, so he went. When he stepped inside the solar he was greeted with a furious Ned, an even angrier Robert, a stone face Barristan Selmy and a cheeky Jaime with a red mark on his face. Yn was surprised to see the hand mark on Jaime‘s face, sure that it was not there the last time they saw each other. Regardless the hit Jaime seemed pretty happy. Well he was the only one in the room who had a high spirit, Yn couldn’t decide who was the angriest. He opened his mouth but before he could say anything Ned went to him and asked him if it was true. Seeing Yn confused face Ser Selmy explained what had happened in the last hour, from Jaime wanting to retire to Ned and Jaime fighting. By the end of the story everybody was looking at him, but Yn only sent a deathly stare at Jaime. When Ned asked again he nodded and told him that Jaime and he were soulmates. Ned paled, the King paled, even Baristan looked strange. Only Jaime looked like a child who got those rare candies from the Summer Isles. Jaime quickly stood up and went to the door, not before saying that he will discuss the wedding details with Lady Catelyn. At his words Yn felt his knees get weak but he ran after Jaime who almost disappeared in the corridor.
• They were gettin married. While the law and the Seven didn’t permit men marrying each other, the law of soulmates did allow soulmates of any kind to share a bed and life. Usually same sex soulmates were seen as unnatural and were recorded in history as best of best friends who were very very close but as friends and not as spouses. Only society saw same sex marriage as an issue, and there was rarely anybody of high society who went against these unsaid laws. But Jaime and Yn. They got married under the hearthtree of Winterfell, where hundreds of Starks have married before, with the happy Stark family on Yn side and the happy Tyrion on Jaime‘s. Cersei didn’t bother showing up and wouldn’t have allowed her children, but Robert wanted their attendances. The sudden wedding, and of the same sex, meant that only house Baratheon and Lannister attended from the south and some lords of the North. Yn was sure that Jaime only wanted to be quick about the wedding so that his father couldn’t say anything, since the ravens they sent out were still definitely on their way to the South.
• The ceremony itself was small but beautiful. The lords who attended behaved and were happy to eat and drink, the Royal Family itself wasn’t that happy. Robert was angry and bitter about Jaime leaving the Kings Guard but since the law of soulmates was even above the King he couldn’t do anything. Tyrion was happy but clearly confused what his brother was doing by a northerner side and Cersei was fuming. Yn often jokes that he will be poisoned but maybe there were some truths. The children of Cersei didn’t understand what was going on but the two youngest seemed content. Joffrey only attended because of Robert but whenever he looked up from his food his eyes were full of venom. Jaime and Yn enjoyed the wedding and were happy to spend their life together, they could forget about the future for one night.
• After a week the court has decided to venture back to Kings Landing, this time with Bran, Jon and Yn on their side. Jaime‘s plan has worked and he had caught Bran from falling down the Tower, and Bran has sworn to never ever go alone climbing after seeing his mother cry her hearth out. Yn wasn’t sure how long his promise would last but Jaime has taken him as an unofficial squire, alongside Jon who was very happy to bask in Jaime‘s presence. They were working with Jaime from morning till nightfall, never having free time although neither complained. Yn spent his time with the girls. Their bond got better but not perfect so Yn tried to mend it. Both Yn and Jaime felt ready for their future in Kings Landing, happy that they would be together through the hardships, like facing the whole court with all their lords. But they still had a lot to plan!
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thyrus-hart · 2 months
Chapter 2 Update - Crimson Crescent
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Crimson Crescent (7462 words) by TerraCrystallis Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Compilation of Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII (Video Game 1997), Dirge of Cerberus: Final Fantasy VII Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Relationships: Cloud Strife/Vincent Valentine, Sephiroth & Cloud Strife Characters: Cloud Strife, Vincent Valentine, Hojo (Compilation of FFVII), Lucrecia Crescent, Sephiroth (Compilation of FFVII), Jenova (Compilation of FFVII), Rufus Shinra, Tseng (Compilation of FFVII), Reno (Compilation of FFVII), Rude (Compilation of FFVII), Aerith Gainsborough, Zack Fair, Tifa Lockhart, Cid Highwind, Chaos (Compilation of FFVII) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Timelines, Falling In Love, Partnership, Smut, Yaoi, Diverging from canon, Alternate Timeline, Sci-Fi
Series: Part 1 of Crimson Crescent Series Summary:
[M/M Pairing] Written as an alternate story that runs parallel to beginning of OG FFVII, Vincent Valentine has been submerged and unconscious for thirty years in the Shin-Ra lab. When he awakes, physiologist Cloud Strife helps him return to good health. All are oblivious of the true reason that Vincent has mysteriously returned to Shin-Ra after all of this time. That secret remains between himself and Hojo, while the full truth rests with another. Despite the disparaging state he wakes up in, Vincent is increasingly drawn to Cloud and seeks to protect him, knowing the threats of working at Shin-Ra better than anyone else. Their roles at Shin-Ra complicate the nature of their romance - Hojo thinks Vincent has forgotten the events of Shin-Ra mansion, yet he reserves his own plans for the state of Hojo and Shin-Ra, with Cloud beginning to question his own place at Shin-Ra as well. This story assumes that the Nibelheim incident has not occurred yet, causing Vincent to meet Cloud in a different way, and their adventure to unfold under a different 'timeline.' It also seeks to answer questions like "What if Sephiroth hadn't turned as suddenly as he did in the OG?" Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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