#also theyre fantastic and i love their portrayals
annabethpursuit · 4 months
one thing that drives me absolutely insane is that ive seen so many comments talking about how tvpjo!annabeth isnt their annabeth bc shes not tan and blonde but i dont see people complaining about literally anyone else!! there are SO FEW characters if at all that stay faithful to their book descriptions! luke isnt a blonde guy, percy doesnt have black hair and green eyes, grover doesnt have a rasta cap on, chirons horse end is black not white, echidna is NOTTT supposed to be a conventionally attractive older woman i could keep GOING.
at the end of the day these people are portraying these characters essences incredibly, and this tv series is by far one of the best adaptations ive ever seen of any popular book. to take that for granted and complain because of different hair and skin, especially singling out ONE twelve year old girl is so childish and frankly! disgusting.
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aureentuluva70 · 2 years
Spoilers for Rings of Power Episodes 1 and 2
OK, so I just watched ep 1 and 2 for Rings of Power, and believe it or not I actually found it pretty enjoyable. And this is coming from a person who was once very pessimistic about the show. While there are some details that don't entirely fit with Tolkien's Canon, I've found that it's very easy to forgive when the show manages to nail that whimsical, Tolkienesque feeling and essence so dang well.
The visuals and cinematography are absolutely stunning. Almost every shot looks like a painting, especially the landscape shots. And the music! The music is incredible, and I could listen to Bear Mcreary's score for hours. He did a fantastic job and deserves all the praise for it. It's both reminiscent of Howard Shore's score for the Jackson Lotr trilogy yet something else all on its own at the same time, matching that very Tolkienesque feeling of the Professor's books. And in the end, isn't capturing the same feeling of Tolkien's writings what really matters instead of freaking out over insignificant details?
Now for the more spoiler-y content:
I love how ep 1 begins with Galadriel narrating the prologue just like the beginning of the Fellowship of the Ring. A cool nod to the Peter Jackson Trilogy.
I absolutely adored the scenes between young Galadriel and Finrod. They're so wholesome, I was beaming throughout the entire thing.
I literally squealed with delight when I heard the name Morgoth. He's actually mentioned quite a few times.
I was jumping out of my seat and giggling when Sauron showed up in the prologue. Sure we don't see his face but still he looks FANTASTIC. Not to mention he's freaking HUGE.
I REALLY hope we get to see Celeborn and Celebrian in the next season. WHERE ARE THEYYYYYYYY.
I adore the harfoots. Everything about them. Also Nori just radiates Frodo Baggins, and I love it so much.
Is it just me, or does Theo give me serious Maeglin vibes? I'd honestly be shocked if he doesn't turn out to become an evil character.
Elrond is the biggest, kindest sweetheart ever and I am already hopelessly in love with him. Celebrian is one lucky woman indeed.
Seeing Khazad-Dum in all its glory was just 👌.
I really love Durin and Elrond's friendship even if it does start out pretty shaky at first. Hearing Durin express his anger towards Elrond about how he hasn't seen him in so long and how he's missed so much of Durin's life just fits so well with Tolkien's themes of Mortality and Immortality. AND IT MAKES IT ALL THE MORE PAINFUL WHEN YOU REALIZE THAT DURIN IS JUST ANOTHER PERSON THAT ELROND IS GOING TO LOSE.
Expanding more on the southlands, and how many of the Elves are still unwilling to see past what the ancestors of the people of the Southlands did, and how that all ties in with Tolkiens themes of Immortality and Mortality was super cool, and I'm really excited to see and learn more about it. I've always found the topic of the Easterlings fascinating, and I find it awesome that this show is going to delve deeper into that.
I love the direction theyre taking with the portrayal of the orcs in the show. How they were able to make even a single orc feel like a deadly threat, it felt like something straight out of a horror film.
I SCREAMED when Feanor was mentioned. The entire conversation between Elrond and Celebrimbor in that scene had me fangirling so hard. (Also, if anyone would have a smithing hammer as ridiculously ornate as that, it would be Feanor.)
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laurent-ofvere · 1 year
Maya spill the hot hot tea of what you think of Shadow & Bone series (I’ll say it cz I’m evil, it sucks—-except the cast, the crows in particular really look the part)
I mean listen ive only seen 5 eps of the second season, I haven't read the shadow and bone books to compare and im watching this season with maca who's the worlds biggest hater and we cant get through 2 minutes without her finding things to bitch about and it CLOUDS MY OPINIONS bc I try and think of a scene and all I can hear is her YAPPING
that being said okay mmm I really truly dont give a fuck about the shadow and bone plot, like I just dont care and borderline skim lmao the special effects when she does her light stuff make me violent + does ANYONE like her and mal?? anyone??
I hear nikolai is meant to be hot and charming and all that? physically he bores me lol he's just giving baby face frat boy and im not about it but like, I get it, I guess he does the job (I say as someone who's unfamiliar with his written character and dont know what the job is)
ben barns is hot hes HOT he's so hot and I would rather watch him sit in his dark vibey room and be mute and pissed off for 45 minutes than watch another scene of alina whine about thinks I dont care about and thats really the situation. also, I love genya and david is a punk ass bitch and I wish they went more into her trauma and fucked up past lmao
I so agree on the cast! I really think the crows are FANTASTIC, a way better portrayal than I would have expected. I just, like, we're all on the same page regarding the crows being the more enjoyable part of this show? yes?
im really enjoying how this season seems to be more about their actual book events (unless im remembering wrong? I feel like s1 was mainly made up stuff and backgrounds to tie them into the show and s2 is more book 1 stuff?) and for a story where so much of the oomf is in between the lines and in the "you need to read 600 pages of so many small things that alone mean nothing but together have such an impact" of it, I do think theyre doing a solid enough job. I do think that a lot of it can be quite cringey, but personally I feel like this kinda story and some of these finer dynamics are inherently cringey when on screen and more palatable when its on paper so thats not really a critique on them, more so just is what it is. I also appreciate and am endlessly surprised by how much screen time the crows get given its not technically theyre show. but thats probably bc its just the better story :)
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wyverncult · 1 year
also 001 final fantersy 003 sabin even if i know neither :)
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character: *RUBS MY HANDS TOGETHER* sabin, freya, cloud, ignis, bartz, faris, minwu, tidus, auron, kain, aymeric 🫡 im playing ffviii rn and i also like laguna and seifer. honourable mention for my bff gilgamesh too
Least Favorite character: estinien from ffxiv.... he's annoying sorry LMAO, i'm hoping he gets better later. i cant really think of anyone else. edge ffiv was a disappointment but im hoping he's better in the after years
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): faris/bartz(fartz lol), cyan/sabin, edgar/setzer ... actually i dont have many ships, yuna/tidus gladio/ignis prompto/noctis cloud/zack are a given. i also don't particularly ship them but i do like the canon pairings :]
Character I find most attractive: Auron.....
Character I would marry: oh man idk. maybe sabin he'd be great
Character I would be best friends with: TIDUS YOU AND ME LET'S BE BESTIES. or sabin again he's great :)
a random thought: im not far enough into ffxiv to know whether yoshi-p's writing is truly fantastic but i think his obsession with realism & realistic battle system etc. wrt XVI is a bit strange. im still gonna play the game but ?
An unpopular opinion: I HATED FFXIV ARR so much. i know it's not an unpopular opinion but it took forever to get into ffxiv that i was genuinely concerned i wasnt going to like it. if you want to play the game just get the free trial. also the way people treat tifa wrt cloud makes me feel insane
My Canon OTP: not exactly an otp but tidus and yuna are SO cute :[ i do also like celes and locke a LOT though
My Non-canon OTP: FARTZ!!! and cybin :]
Most Badass Character: IGNIS!!!!!! episode ignis makes me feel insane. i actually didn't care that much for him until after i played the game and was like wait hes actually amazing
Most Epic Villain: as for EPIC its gotta be kefka for sure. he has the best OST and best fight for sure. i also LOVE kuja and ardyn but theyre not particularly "epic" i think
Pairing I am not a fan of: cloud/sephiroth, terra/anyone(except maybe celes..), ignis/noctis(though it might be growing on me? shrug)
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): i could write an essay about ffxv. lunafreya deserved more screentime & from what i read what they had in mind for her was REALLY interesting and im excited to read her chapter in the novel. gladio was a bit better in episode gladiolus than the actual game... but he wasnt awful either. also, not FF, but all of the kingdom hearts portrayals of all the ff characters is HORRIBLE.
Favourite Friendship: i know yuna and tidus are a couple but they're ADORABLE friends too :[ i love them together. also prompto and noctis! zack and cloud are cute too
Character I most identify with: ohhh *scratching my head* maybe faris! with his whole thing LOL
Character I wish I could be: I NEED TO LOOK LIKE SABIN IRL 👍
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you:
How I feel about this character: HES MY ALLTIME FAVOURITE FF CHARACTER all the characters in ffvi are so good but i just looove sabin and it doesn't help that soraya saga put so much love into writing him and edgar LOL
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: cyan of course... i've also seen people shipping him with vargas which is good too but i haven't thought that much about their dynamic
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: EDGAR OF COURSE their whole thing makes me. grrr. GRRR. how horrified was sabin to find out his brother formed an allyship with the very people who murdered their family. yet they were so happy to see each other once again when they reunited :[ i miss them. also edgar trying to convince his TWIN brother that he was a completely different person was hilarious. aside from him GAU!! sabin's dedication to encouraging him to reunite with his father because he couldn't have the same thing for himself & yet it was never possible grrrr. Grrrrrrr. also i think they're just hilarious LOL. despite that he doesn't exactly interact with the other characters but imagining anything with all the other FFVI cast is really fun. i really like the one DFFOO story where shelke and llyud asked sabin about edgar and he basically encouraged them to host a lengthy investigation on him all day long LMAO.
now i want to rp...
My unpopular opinion about this character: HE LOOKS BETTER WITH THE BEARD
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: in general i wish we got more content in ffvi! i wish we'd get a proper remake! or even a novel or something! if ffvi got the ffvii treatment we'd get so much more content on all the characters :[
Favorite friendship for this character: OK so i heard he's friends or acquaintances at least with shadow... but.......... i killed shadow before the WOR and i havent wanted to look up his cutscenes before my replay so i haven't thought about his relationship with him past the phantom train.... i guess favourite friendship would have to be with his brother LMFAO.
My crossover ship: none! still playing DFFOO though so maybe something will crop up 🤔
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braintapes · 2 years
oughh i am enjoying batman unburied so so much
love this portrayal of bruce, how they show both his very deeply compassionate nature as well as his deeply dysfunctional coping mechanisms in equal obvious measure. winston duke’s performance is now fully cemented as THE batman in my head
i love the overall tone, how it feels grounded somehow even though its still fantastical in that distinctly comic-y way. like...the cast of characters includes these larger than life grandiose figures...but also theyre just people. just...people. you see it in barbara and bruce, and in the riddler, in ivy, in all the arkham scenes really. i want more of this
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koheletgirl · 2 years
The first character I first fell in love with: 
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: 
definitely darryl. also valencia but i feel like that was what they were going for with her. oh oh and aj
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: 
idk how other people feel abt him but i feel nothing towards hector. same for maya. theyre just kinda there.
The character I love that everyone else hates: 
okay okay hear me out here.
i LOVE santino. i think he was perfect. he is, in many ways, the man of my dreams (as greg idk what hes like as a person). i have so many feelings for him as greg, and i still cant listen to it was a shit show without crying.
that being said.
i think skyler did a fantastic job. i think a lot of his mannerisms were on point (including in his singing!), and he was at the same time different enough from and similar enough to santino to make his portrayal compelling. i love the idea behind the actor swap and i think it was done amazingly well. would i have cried tears of joy had santino showed up that episode instead of skyler? absolutely. was it very hard for me to come to terms with? definitely. do i still see greg in my head as santino? always. but.
new greg is good. and i will die on this hill.
also paula why would anyone hate paula
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
ummm [edit: can't belive i just left it like this lmao i think i dont have one]
The character I would totally smooch: 
well greg, but also nathaniel, but also heather valencia and audra levine.
The character I’d want to be like: 
heather & white josh
The character I’d slap: 
all of them at certain points, but josh
A pairing that I love:
white josh and darryl. listen i know the show itself called me out on it but some things cant be undone Rachel.
also i know it kind of defeats the purpose but grebecca makes me feel things (so ill say like. future grebecca. 3 years post finale grebecca. but i probably wont trust you if you agree with me agshrkfla)
A pairing that I despise: 
does anyone actually ship rebecca and josh?
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absintheancandle · 2 years
I am OBSESSED with your dolls, it pushes so many of my specific buttons and I want to know more!!! Why does doll society have rules against body modification, and what are they?
HII im glad!! i love these little guys im glad others r too hehe.. i might edit this post later when im less tired if i find i said something weird but if i was too confusing i would not mind anyone asking for better clarification at all
okay so, it's slightly convoluted because its a Society With History:tm: so some things i'll only mention in passing instead of making this post like, a mile long, but:
doll modification laws are mostly put in place due to old social hierarchy of faeries. dolls aren't exactly dolls as we Know them (as toys lol) and are in fact faeries to a degree. they used to be able to do a lot more magic than now and were much more powerful, but over time that dwindled for Reasons (illegal. magic is illegal) but many more high-society folk consider it Important to portray faerie history (ie. horns, pointy ears, certain tattoos and cloth designs) minus the magic bc they literally just dont know how to do it.
so as a result the laws aren't exactly strict in every aspect and more linked directly to unfairly locking historical portrayal to class + wealth. since magic is illegal they don't want to risk people getting more interested in finding a way to Get Into magic by having faerie history more accessible being the reason why they start looking, but people with social standing are what they are. things get waived every now and then. so now faerie traits are ALSO associated with wealthier people and you KNOW how wealthy people just Love to keep Their Things Theirs and not Yours if they dont deem you Worthy
other reasons would include "easy to be used illegally" and "It Just Would Kill The Vibe On My Opinion",
ex 1. sewing pockets into yourself is illegal because you can easily do that to Commit Crimes, since pockets are easy to conceal under clothes and as long as you dont overfill them, youre putting stuff Inside You under your flesh . nobody will know unless it literally just makes you lumpy.
ex 2. man like stuff like giving urself multiple arms or legs or whatever just. while its cool, it also just feels wrong to me in this specific case bc outside of lore reasons, the focus i wanted for them was originally how tiny hands use small human objects as large ones, pixie hollow style. i was obsessed with the joan stiener look-alike books too. theyre Little Humans made of Cloth and thats the Point, makin them look more fantastical Will shift that focus more towards that and i dont want it to :(
anyways, stuff thats less strict would apply to health purposes like sewing up an injury, cotton replacement, replacing broken buttons, etc. (usually free), or stuff considered more Basic Cosmetics like changing your buttons for colour or material, adding or removing tity, sometimes making yourself Taller or Smaller, etc. that all costs money bc of material worth on non-essential alterations, but i won't go into that Now bc like. doll economy is weird since its not capitalistic and their view of Whats Important is complicated
but for both of those the laws are more defined as your tailor are required to register what was used both health and cosmetic, especially if it Was cosmetic in exchange for currency
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aro-ortega · 4 years
Hmm, Tuckington? Churboose? Docnut? (For the ask game!)
okay so like, im literally writing tuckington rn and i dont hate it, but i just dont really care ? i used to, when s11/12 were airing like i Get it. but now its just, idk overhyped and not that good ? also ive seen fandom criticisms of lots of portrayals being racist + ableist. its a luke warm/mediocre ship imho
churboose used to be my otp,, and i guess i can kind of see the “argument” of caboose’s, idk, worship/reverence of church being a crush,, but i really like theyre relationship as just platonic i love their friendship and lbr caboose deserves better
the reds stumbling on doc + donuts honeymoon shack when they return to valhalla ? amazing. but doc and donut are both characters who have been, nothing, for years. its not a bad ship, just not one i particularly care for because theres nothing there. rvb16 finale through a lens of they are/were dating tho ? fantastic
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novamelt · 5 years
🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝 🥝
disclaimer : these are in no particular order !
@liabilitytm : i have known georgina for a long ass time & she is an incredible writer. absolutely a talented queen. her muse range varies, which is awesome as hell, and she nails ALL of them!!! she writes canons and ocs and is super up for ideas and plots always!!! tolerates ME so absolutely a tank!!!! 
@curiouscarnival : same goes for jenna!! a perfect lil bean who i’ve known for a long time. a good selection of muses to fit yr fancy which she writes TO A TEE!! it’s an incredible time being this cuties writing partner so!!! the long threads that we can go back and forth on on a good day? its fuckin WILD and so spicy
@prcphesiied : blessing…… tiger is a blessing. i have a billion threads with this butternutsquash and i never get bored!!!! a talented writer who can really take a thread and make it spicy as hell with their incredible portrayal!! 
@thedemonhunterscousin : okay BIAS bc i LOVE HER WITH MY WHOLE HEART…. absolutely an amazing mun - puts so much thought and effort into her ships and plots. but truly honestly really TRULY their muses, between sarah and the multi AND hel… so well written it’s insane…… in love here
@selfsaving : hi, wow….. i haven’t gotten the HONOR to interact with all the muses here but OH BOY when u see them on yr dash??? it’s like FIREWORKS !!! u can see the effort and thought and creativity from all their replies and the amount of care into the muses??? AMAZING… also an absolute DOLL ooc !!!!
@vagasbonds : okay so val is barkers gf so BIASED AGAIN but u would be too if u had such an AMAZING mun to have such a CUTE AND DYNAMIC SHIP WITH!!!! the development is so blatant here that u could FAINT!!!! such a wide selection of muses it’s so cool how all the writing is absolutely NAILED!!!!!
@refcrmist : an AMAZING writer!!! i have a lot of threads with this cutie pie and they range from one liners to paras and it’s rad as hell having that variety. speaking of VARIETY, their muse page? WOWZA FAM talk about unique!!!!
@wildtm : a wonderful malia tate right here!!! fantastic portrayal, absolutely blown away by the writing, too!!! but that ISNT ALL!!!! the mun is a CUTIE PIE who is so open to plots n dms!!!! AMAZING
@thoughtused : okay? nadine? a LOVELY little bean!!! incredible to write with, very dynamic and incredibly developed!!! there’s so many ways to go in terms of plotting/writing with nadine that it’s like an endless pond of fun. also don’t get me started about how much i love kacie!!!
@orumad : not to be gay but i am a slut for this multi!!!! the range of muses between canons and ocs is WILD AS HELL - and from what i’ve seen in the canons, they’re so well portrayed. and ohohohoho BOY them ocs are WELL DEVELOPED AS HELL… theyre so unique and have so much voice i could DIE
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hecarried · 5 years
don't make me wax poetic!!! because i WILL!!! you are such a brilliant writer and you have taken this character that we know NOTHING about and made this fully dimensional original character that honestly shines so brightly. you are doing a fantastic job and obviously have a lot of love and passion in what you're doing with dave. i am a big fan and i know klaus is, too. ( all of them. all the klauses. klees? ) anyway, ilu and you're amazing and doing SO WELL.
what do you think of my portrayal? / accepting
HONESTLY THHIS MEANS SO SOSOSO MUCH TO ME …. you were a huge part of what inspired me to write Dave bc I love u so much!!!! I’m so glad that he’s connecting with everybody so well and that people are really enjoying him, ESPECIALLY U ;-; 💞
AND ALSO SPEAKING OF KLEESE I gotta take the floor to talk about my Kleese (ALL OF THEM) BECAUSE YALL ARE ALL WRITING THE SAME CHARACTER BUT YOU ALL MANAGE TO WRITE HIM SO DIFFERENTLY AND PERFECTLY??? Each has their own unique beautiful touch and they’re all so good and so fun to write with??? I DIE ON MAIN I LOVR ALL MY KLEESE
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bonepranks-a · 5 years
Princeofmcnsters maybe?
[ ♛ ] send me a url and i’ll tell you the following; / @princeofmcnsters
my opinion on;
character in general: my god i love asriel. and flowey. like i really didnt care about them at first but holy cow did i just suddenly fall for them both. asriel is such a sweetie and fucked up even when he’s not flowey, and flowey himself is so tragic and such a fun villain i just hm. love that. i’m actually working on an asriel cosplay, and i’ve toyed with the idea of a flowey blog but im never gonna do it djhfgfdj. how they play them: i really really just love the way you play them both. your writing is fantastic and youre easily my fav portrayal. also bonus kris just because, i really love how you’ve developed them, theyre SO interesting and ya you rockthe mun:  we dont talk all that often ooc but when we do its really fun!!! and youre too heckin nice to me im always so hgfdjsdhfjd youre just really sweet and a talented writer and  you deserve the world and only good things
do i;
follow them: of courserp with them: yes!want to rp with them: yes alwaysship their character with mine: nope
what is my;
overall opinion: fuckin a+ topaz is a gem and deserves all the love ever
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty.
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laurent-ofvere · 3 years
shadow and bone thoughts
not much to say on the shadow and bone half lmao, no shade i simply didn't really care for it but that half of the show was interesting enough if that whole shtick intrigues you
the rumors are true, the darkling is sexy 
was it meant to be obvious that hes a villain from his opening scene? homeboy has a black cloak lol
I did like genya quite a bit, I have fluctuating feelings over zoya but she's a time 
I dont.... like.... alina........
they were included SO MUCH MORE than I thought they would be!! I found their presence integrated rather well into the storyline (which I say hesitantly given that I didn't read the grisha trilogy and dont really know that storyline, but I was generally skeptical about what this meant for the crows and their story) but it felt very organic and authentic to them
jesper!!!! JESPER!!! he did a fantastic job with the portrayal of his character, I LOVED the inclusion of his sexuality and his gambling addiction and his friendship with Inej!! I was hoping for a tiiiiny acknowledgment of his pining for kaz but I didn't really expect it
Inej was amazing! for some reason I wasn't initially taken with her but she really won me over
I loved kaz SO MUCH, I did not expect to have such a visceral reaction every time but I truly got so excited my god. visually hes just how I pictured, the kaz energy was A1 my friends
something was just slightly off for me and I cant quite put my finger on it. it could be my murky memory of the books but I feel like I recall kaz’s intensity being very understated and eerily subtle and thats where the intensity really comes from and something here was just a bit in your face at times, I could be off but also it could just be a way of bringing written words to life which is fair.
overall I dont have a solid issue with kaz, I cant see anyone else doing it now and I love love love that angry cynical dumbass
him and inej 🥺
I really dont think there's any way to truly understand the slow burning intensity of their relationship without reading it. i was nervous they were still gonna take it too fast (I get that there's only so much you can do with limited episodes, especially when its not even technically their show/characters’ story) that being said I think they did a good job, you absolutely dont get the vibe you do from the books but thats really to be expected + they got better as it went imo, they had some great moments and it made me way too fucking soft
that also being said, if there's even one single hint of a kiss between them I will burn the netflix headquarters to the ground 
that scene where she refers to jesper as jes before giving kaz a whole methodical speech about the logistics of a plan, staring at him after expectantly for his expert take only for him to go 😠 ...................................................................................................................... “jes”? 😡 gave me SO much happiness, I ADORE him hes a MESS
listen to me!!!!!!!  I loved nina and mathias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cared about them way way more than I thought I would, I have a massive crush on nina, theyre both super hot, seeing the flashback and buildup we learned of them in soc was amazing and when!!!!! ****** ****!!!!!!! I am!!! going!!!!!!!!!!! TO RIOT
“you broke my trust” SOS
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rpbetter · 3 years
hey! ive got a question! is it acceptable or problematic to rp a biracial character with a face of which you don't know if theyre actually biracial/partially white? like, I'd like to play an Indo Dutch character faced by marcel fritz, an indonesian model with an assumably german name origin, but with no noted relationship to any european ethnicity..
Hey there, thank you for your question!
I want to say, before anything else, that much of this advice is opinion based. It’s my opinion, formed by my experiences. The basis of what we consider acceptable or problematic is often thus influenced, even when there is an underlying hard yes/no possible. Furthermore, that you’ve both taken the time to consider this matter and reach out to someone tells me that you’re already infinitely more on the side of acceptable here than most people. A hell of a lot of RPers (and published authors, screenwriters, etc.) don’t bother to worry about these things, so thank you for being concerned!
As to your initial question, “is it acceptable or problematic to rp a biracial character with a face of which you don't know if theyre actually biracial/partially white?” I feel like this isn’t inherently problematic. Before anyone kills me, I say that because it’s reality-reflective. Human genetics are weird as hell. It’s often difficult to tell someone’s detailed ethnicity with full accuracy just by looking at them, especially if their genetic heritage isn’t one that presents in a way that is widely recognized, thus obvious. A person can be biracial and present as entirely white, as the race of their non-white parent, or in myriad combinations in between.
So, on a very basic level? There’s nothing problematic about the way this character looks.
What can make it problematic is the handling of the situation, which you explain in more detail, “I'd like to play an Indo Dutch character faced by marcel fritz, an indonesian model with an assumably german name origin, but with no noted relationship to any european ethnicity..”
In order to answer this better, I looked up the model, Marcel Fritz, and also double checked the surname origin. I wanted to see Marcel because where we get into potentially problematic areas with casting muses who are diverse in race is pretty apparent immediately in whitewashing. While there isn’t a load of information anywhere about him, he does legitimately fit your desired parameters without being whitewashed. He doesn’t look like a white European dude with some cliché “exotic” features as a selling point, is what I’m saying. That’s good, that’s very acceptable!
Now, as I said, I also couldn’t find much on his actual history. Marcel is most often a French name, and you’re right that Fritz is German in origin. The Dutch language isn’t one of my strong points, but it does seem to have a lot similarity, use, and transferable word instance with both German and French. (Reasonably.) I think it’s very likely, given the Dutch history with what is now Indonesia, that the model has some Dutch ancestry. Regardless, he doesn’t show any extreme reflections of any manner of what we’d think of as white European appearance. I don’t think it’s going to matter much if, three years from now, you find out that the model is, let’s say, German...it’s believable, both visually and in real-life history, that your muse isn’t.
So, again, you have thought about this, you have done some research, and you haven’t grossly physically whitewashed the muse for the sake of giving them some kind of sex-appeal while remaining, you know, white. You’re doing great so far!
What you need to do to keep doing great is to make sure you’re being respectful and realistic about the muse’s culture, experiences, and so on. Refraining from whitewashing them culturally where you’re already not doing so in appearance.
I, obviously, don’t know if you created this muse because you are from the same background, or one similar, but if you’re not, this is extremely important. It’s one thing for me to point out adherent stereotypes that have points of accuracy with my own race while portraying a character, it’s a whole other, legitimately problematic as fuck, thing to do it with a character who isn’t my race. Even if there are similarities to my racial or cultural experience, it’s important to responsibly portray the things outside of my viewpoint and to be aware of them. You feel what I’m saying?
I also don’t know what sort of muse you’re making, and that’s definitely important. A muse that is never going to set foot in our reality is going to have different experiences. It’s still important to be aware of potential stereotyping in your plots, language, and overall representation.
I call this “don’t make all your villains black, even if the characters are all cyborgs in space” when trying to explain it. It means that while a totally fantastical setting may never have generated the same stereotypes and racism  and so on as it did in real-life history, we’re interacting with the content as people with those realities. So, you’ve created a fantasy world set in a fictional space saga, you set it up where there’s representation of different races of humans, but didn’t set up as though they have a real problem with racism between humans. That’s great and viable. But...if you, the creator, are still making every one of your villains black men, that’s bad shit.
No matter how unreal the circumstances, be mindful of the reality of the people you’ll interact with and how your muse presents to them. Fantasy, supernatural, post-apocalyptic, whatever narratives and their muses may be lacking our identical experiences with racism, but that doesn’t mean your audience (in this case, the RPC and your writing partners) isn’t going to see it like an offensive neon sign. Make sure you’re not doing that!
And if this muse is going to be played in our reality, or a close derivative thereof, it’s your responsibility to be accurate and respectful. Bad representation is worse than no representation.
To avoid that, keep researching, and don’t stop at just dry history and info; check out real people’s perspectives on blogs and platforms like tiktok, instagram, and youtube. It’s important to have a range of real-life experiences from real-life people similar to your muse. I know it may be tempting, especially if you are white, to engage only with cultural tragedy and negative experiences as a point of realism. Those things are important, but fixating on them erases positive culture and history from the experience.
For example, you say you want the muse to be Indonesian and Dutch. You can ask yourself questions and build on them, like: did he grow up in Indonesia, and if so, what real aspects of this heritage did he experience/learn? From whom? What was a visit to his Dutch-heritage grandma’s house like vs a visit to his Indonesian grandma’s house? Can you list three things that are not well-known outside of Indonesia that are of significance to your muse? If he came to another country, what were the biggest cultural shifts he experienced that had nothing to do with his physical appearance?
By answering these kinds of questions, and those that will naturally come after them, you’re developing a more genuine portrayal. It’s a good way to stay fully in the lane of “acceptable” instead of becoming problematic, including giving others a cliché, offensive, hollow “representation muse.”
It’s always tricky, as I said in the first paragraph, these things can be seen as problematic if someone really wants them to be, as beyond the foundation of legit problems we have different viewpoints, emotions, and experiences. There are people in the RPC who, at the same time they demand more diversity, are hostile to anyone writing a muse who isn’t identical to their own culture, race, or gender experience. You are likely to run into them, it’s an unfortunate part of writing diverse muses. So long as you are approaching it with the genuine desire to not be offensive, doing the research, remaining mindful of how you’re using your muse in different writing situations, and keep being willing to learn more, ask more, listen more...you’re alright.
Hang in there, be respectful and accurate, and thank you for choosing a different muse-type and being interested in doing the right thing, you’re awesome for that!
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As a last note here, I know I said “respectful” several times, but I think people may get something...less intense, maybe, out of that. This is a sensitive issue, there are so many things to be respectful of.
I mean things like, be mindful that in many cultures there are unspoken “rules.” Outsiders are not to speak certain languages or words, know some mythology, customs, or interact with other aspects of the culture. Please, be respectful of these things! This isn’t finding cool inside knowledge for your muse, you need to leave things like that alone when you encounter them. It’s fine to research and know they exist by way of that and stop there, it’s fine to allude to the fact that your muse isn’t going to share some knowledge with anyone, but it’s not at all fine for you to expose and use it.
These things often seem ridiculous to outside parties, people who are looking into the window of a culture that’s tinted by being raised in an industrialized, wealthy, or science-oriented culture. That’s inappropriate, and yes, problematic! If you start to feel like this, remind yourself of how things like the varied brutalities of colonialism were justified for so long; that these people were all ignorant savages. Don’t be like that.
Furthermore, if you are of the same ethnicity, if this is your experience, you really do have slightly different rules. Using the above example, let’s say that in a mun and muse shared ethnic experience, the muse has an aunt who is Very Superstitious. That’s difficult for the muse, who had a vastly different cultural experience as a Millennial or Gen Z person, but also loves their aunt. It’s alright to approach the reality of the muse viewing the things she speaks of as stories, where she views it as hard truth. However, this easily falls into an offensive category of tropes when written by someone white who is just going for...well, those tropes of generational disparity represented through Cool Weird Religious Beliefs.
That sort of shit is what you need to be mindful of avoiding when being genuinely respectful. Not everything is open and usable to everyone, and it is someone’s actual life experience and heritage you’re using.
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kogancs · 6 years
Talk about neurotiickind & iingeniious pls
✩.positivity hour!!!. || accepting !
         ooc. i !!!! love !!!! ally && cam !!!!!!!!! they both have such well-thought-out and believable portrayals and they both make me smile every single day when i just see them on my dash ‒ whether its them doing their own things or interacting with each other, theyre both absolute joys to have around !!!
            cam’s !! portrayal of pidge!!! is so unique and she adds a lot of background and depth to her character that i never would have considered but work so well with pidge’s character and who she is !!! not to mention cam’s expressive writing and gorgeous edits damn who allowed this much talent to exist in one person ??
            a nd!!! ally writes the hunk we all deserve and gives him the attention he deserves and i love the headcanons and backstories theyve written for him s o m uc h anD THEY JUST WRITE SUCH A SPECTACULAR HUNK, OKAY. pl u s their art is super cute and their writing is also fantastic and theyre really funny ?? ?
           i want to talk to and write with both of them more and als o maybe its bc my parentfriend instincts act up around people younger than me but im proud of both of them for doing what they do and mayBE THATS A LITTLE WEIRD BUT THE POINT IS I LOVE THEM
@iingeniious // @neurotiickind
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comicteaparty · 5 years
March 4th-March 10th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from March 4th, 2019 to March 10th, 2019.  The chat focused on O Sarilho by shizamura.
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Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on O Sarilho by shizamura~! (http://sarilho.net/en/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PST), so keep checking back for more! You have until March 10th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What do you think happened to the ancient people who left their satellites and other lost technology behind? Will the people of the present be able to recover this technology as they strive to do? Alternatively, are they going to find out secrets better left forgotten?
Capitania do Azar
Howdy everyone! I'm Shizamura and I'm the creator of O Sarilho and I'm very excited
I love all the scenes with the augur
it's such a creepy concept but the way they all handle it as being totally mundane and normal is gr8
agreed ^
also, the initial scene with the alien waking up, as the eyes light up and then gradually focus before the thing starts moving-- chilling. I love it.
Capitania do Azar
Augur is just a regular job for these guys, he
March 5, 2019
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. Who or what are Argon and Xenon, the gods in the comic’s world? What do you think their original purpose was? Why do you think only Augur’s can deal with them?
1) the scene where nikita realizes mikhail is, umm, not going to be joining him for anymore adventures. i liked this scene for two reasons. a-the framing was really great because it was fairly normal. like hes injured, of course hed be resting and of course nikita would have to shake him. no reason to suggest anything is off at first until it was all off. b- the pacing was also great. like everything was pretty speedy and then just wham, its like everything got halted for that beautiful moment of horrible realization. A+ adventure retirement scene. 2) I think the ancient people did what all dumb humans do: war against each other until they destroyed themselves. partly cause that be what humans do, partly cause the sense of war in the story seems very ancient and ingrained and i just get the feeling this has existed for longer than anyone can remember. i think eventually they will recover a lot of tech, but i also think theyre going to find out the true price that tech kind of comes at. and that the universe is more than their brains are ready to accept or comprehend.
3) Franquelim. I find him interesting and just in general I like his portrayal. Like you don't even need to know his job to take one look at him and go "this is the weird employee who doesnt fit in and is potentially hated by his superiors despite probably being good at his job." and to me, that makes him a lot of fun. i think he also adds some shenanigans to an otherwise serious and grounded group. and everyone needs some shenanigans in their life. 4) I want to assume Argon and Xenon are AI's that were created in order to advocate for the prosperity of humanity. Granted, probably damaged AIs or incomplete ones since they don't know everything there is to know. As for why only Augurs, I assume its as it was implied: only they can understand them. Which want to go on a limb and say maybe no because magic? It might just be Augurs got the right studying. Like they learned how to read C++ while everyone else only got taught Ruby.
Capitania do Azar
Ah @RebelVampire , these are all very interesting guesses!
....Franquelim is my favourite too LOL(edited)
Capitania do Azar
He's apparently a fan favourite I suppose it makes sense, he does have a strong personality!
he stands out in all the scenes he's in
Capitania do Azar
he loves the camera
stealing the show
I'm on team Franquelim as well
like he's just chillin
plus he's one of the few who (rationally) wanted to avoid getting ambushed by the lusitanians
daria is also a fav of mine too though
just, cuz... look at her. every scene she's in she's got the stage presence of someone who just tied a teammate's shoes together
yeah i have to agree part of the reason i like franquelim is despite his shenanigans, he also is kind of the most grounded in the way. the dude who is like "maybe we shouldnt get ambushed." the dude whos like "hey maybe we should call for backup given the circumstances." he is the beautiful voice of reason in a world gone mad.
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. How do you think Nikita came to be a “slave” of the Empire, and what else happened that makes him so sensitive about the topic of his past? Will Nikita be able to overcome this obstacle of his life?
5) http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/ch03p06 This page in its entirety. The contrast here is fantastic between the clean and normal art and the chaotic presence of the piece of god. It's also a fantastic demonstration of pushing the page and website capabilities to bring about a specific feeling, in this case uneasiness and horror. I also like this illustration because it's very well suited to the dialogue. Franquelim is trying to express his ardent belief they need help and this is beyond them. And this sort of illustration really helps connect you to his concerns because you can see with the imagery why he is freaked out. Thus, emotionally it connects you stronger with his emotional state in this moment and scream "YES YES GET THE HELP GET THE HELP." So all in all, I think this illustration has great contrast, pushes the envelope, and does what I think an illustration should do in a comic: make itself so both the story and illustration are needed together to create the full effect.
Capitania do Azar
Frank has had his share of battles and he's not keen to get into newer ones
Steffano knows that if they are caught (or bring an army in), war is bound to happen (again) and he's got his own selfish reasons for not wanting that. He's also not a particularly experienced leader and has trouble making these kind of decisions
The rest of the team kinda reflects what the empire thinks of itself, as Mikhail puts it "we're better trained, we have better resources and we're more talented". That attitude gotta interfere with decision-making as well
at least mikhail is "retired" now and can no longer preach that sort of thinking? XD
Capitania do Azar
They're army kids, it's not like they ever had any change of thinking in other terms
Doesn't change the fact that MISTAKES WERE MADE
6) Maybe some sort of empire betrayal? Like their dad got found guilty of a bad crime or something. As for his sensitivity, I honestly just think it stems from the fact he wants to move on and create his own path and life. And it doesn't help when everyone keeps reminding you and asking questions. That and if he doesnt talk about it, he doesnt have to face the reality himself. As for overcoming the obstacle, I don't feel it'll be solved in a tangible way? More I just feel like the bigger fish that need frying are going to dominant and more and more ppl will just stop caring. Cause again, bigger fish.
Capitania do Azar
ahha I guess people do remind him of that fact a LOT, I never really looked at it that way
what the other soldiers say about Nikita is right for the most part: he does keep a lot to himself and the part where he clearly can't control a lot of things in his life is a point of stress he'd rather ignore(edited)
(I hope I can bring up in the following chapter just how much he internalized his own social situation to the point that he almost forgets that other people can quit their jobs if they so desire)
QUESTION wapy can you do a corno/not-corno alignment chart with your cast?
Capitania do Azar
didn't I do that already rsrsr
did you????
Capitania do Azar
keep up mango https://twitter.com/Shizamura/status/1096141513514536960
capitania dos azares (@Shizamura)
Gahhhh, just finished reading, such a good comic! I really liked Shizuka, even though she stayed behind (which turned out to be a SUPER GOOD CALL BECAUSE HOLY DANG). She seems fun, though!
How the FUCK is Pimenta in the Corno area @Delphina SAME shizuka is good and also really relatable
Daria's scene around the car (http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/p032) is my favorite fun scene because I love her whole-hearted quest to torment Timoteo. My favorite serious scene is where Mikhail gets his arm shot off because it was such a shocking transition between "here's a squad of kids making jokes and bickering" to "oh shit oh shit oh shit they are in so much trouble for so many reasons" (http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/ch02p29)
Capitania do Azar
Daria takes self-assigned clown job very seriously!
5) my favorite illustrations in the comic so far have been this page: http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/oh-nao and the page following it. not necessarily because of the drawing quality itself (these are good, but there's a couple better), but because of how the emotions are conveyed through the pages literally falling apart.
the page was too strong and murdered my comp with lag XD
i really liked that page too tho
especially the angle
i think the angle really helps express like a sort of feeling of distance
like in the sense youre no longer connected with a person
Capitania do Azar
OMG maybe I should drop the resolution a bit hehe
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What do you think happened in Franquelim’s past that has him so terrified of being captured by the Lusitanians “again?” How might this affect his judgement in whatever situations are to come?
Gah I didn’t realize this had started already I only barely got past the prologue! Really nice art and lots of character profiles
The character profiles are SO HELPFUL, I also appreciate the role call at the end of the last two chapters.
Capitania do Azar
eheh I really like coming up with silly descriptions for characters, so figures it's a good idea to add them
I just made my first character profile sheet a couple days ago and it’s not as in-depth as this one
Capitania do Azar
It's not that hard! I make most of my characters by making up a number of random facts, which eventually become the text
The stats are mostly out of comparison like this character is more talented than this one, but also slower..and so on
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserve attention?
QUESTION 10. What is the strange entity that Nikita and company discover, and what do you think its purpose is? Also, is it really a piece of God somehow? What implications do you think that has for the story in general, especially given Lusitanian involvement?
7) Well I did enjoy seeing Nikita and Mikhail. I found their dynamic to be interesting due to the contrast. they were just both very different ppl who viewed themselves differently, viewed the empire sort of differently, viewed their place in the empire differently, etc. This kind of made their conversations really insightful into getting two diff perspectives on "the way things are." its too bad mikhail retired. 8) I assume torture at best, hardcore torture at worst. Though for him torture might have consisted of just keeping him eternally connected to god? cause thats be torturous info overload that probably wouldve hurt a lot. As for affecting his judgement, I def think he's the most likely to do something stupid based on it. Like do some drastic thing like set off a bomb just so he doesnt have to get caught again.
9) I want to say i really love the more rampant use of narrative boxes that specify the location in the most recent chapter. TBH, I really struggled to follow the second chapter because the transitions were hard to catch just cause matching uniforms. So in the third chapter this helped out immensely and i think its a detail that deserves to be appreciated. 10) If I stick with my Argon and Xenon are just AIs theory, then yeah, its probably a piece of god. A piece that got disconnected from the network but was original like some waypoint for vast interstellar communication. As for its purpose, I don't think it has one. I think it's gone bonkers cause being disconnected from teh core has made it unable to access primarydirective.exe. As for implications, I think it's going to spark a war at the rate things are devolving. even if nikita and then somehow disappear into the night, the lusitanians are clearly hiding something that cant stay hidden forever.
Capitania do Azar
Your theories are very interesting @RebelVampire!
Also I really appreciate that you enjoy Mikhail's and Nikita's relationship
Capitania do Azar
Mikhail's got a lot less pressure on him, so he gets to be more chill about some things (but not all the things, since he snapped at Dária anyways)
yeah i think you're spot on with the AI theory, rebel. if I may make a prediction - i'm thinking that once this specific incident is over, not only will a war break out, but nikita will be put into action against his will 'cause he never catches a break(edited)
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. What do you think the Lusitanian Eurico wants to talk to Nikita about (or is it a ruse to fight some more)? How might the subsequent events affect the mission further?
I think Eurico's goal is probably just to get this squad out of their lands. I expect some level of "you don't know what you're dealing with trying to interact with this God-level technology, so leave now or you're seriously going to get hurt" conversation.
Regarding strengths and unique points, O Sarilho's very good at establishing extremely human-feeling characters very quickly. I like the fact that I know Nikita likes astronomy. I like the fact that Daria, Pfeiffer, and Timoteo have a dynamic and history of teasing each other. I like that Franquelim relies on drugs and coffee because he's Seen Some Things. The details brings a lot of personal stakes and heart into what could otherwise be a very dry military post-apoc story, and that's hard to do with a cast this large. I'm looking forward to learning more about the characters! It feels like we're just at the tip of the iceberg for worldbuilding, but I can tell that a lot of thought and care has been put into how technology affects their lives through big things like religious views and small things like what kind of curse words they use. I'm also looking forward to learning about the power/class dynamics that are happening with the military and Houses like Steffano's and Daria's. The integration of web design and animation for impact is also extremely well-executed wherever it's used, but it's not overused to the point where the reader becomes used to it, which is important for giving those scenes emphasis.
For me, the strongest and most unique part of the comic is the visual aspect. Like, even putting the animated and panel-busting pages aside, the colors used are outstanding at conveying the proper emotions. Like even on this early page: http://sarilho.net/en/arquivo/comic/prologo-8 Franquelim's colors are brighter, they're bleeding off his body, and they give off this aesthetic that's the perfect mix of computer-y and mystical. Right off the bat something seems unusual about this comic's universe, yet the other characters barely glance at him. That's great visual conveyance.(edited)
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Given everything that’s happened, how do you feel Nikita’s team will deal with the mission’s outcome so far? Also, will what has occurred affect the peace treaty with the Lusitanians in a negative way? Lastly, are more people doomed to die?
Capitania do Azar
Guys... You're too kind
11) i agree with everyone else so far in that i think the comic's strengths are the usage of color and the use of animation and web design effects. every choice where these are concerned feels purposeful and really enhances the atmosphere of the moment. i feel they are what give a lot of the scenes their unique punch, as well as also add some visual context to characters' emotions where relevant. 12) Eurico just wants to have a tea party and needs to know if Nikita is game. But joke aside, he probably wants to tell Nikita some truths that Eurico thinks Nikita wasnt told. So that way maybe everyone can leave and nobody else has to die and no wars have to start. Which that last one is wishful thinking imo XD 13) I'm looking forward to more Franquelim doing his weirdo Augur things and everyone being like, "Sure my dude." But really, I just want to see more of that bundle of joy and fun. 14) I think the team is going to deal somewhat poorly. Cause not all of them seemed to take the mission all that serious and I think the hit of seriousness is gonna have some longterm PTSD affects. I mean I'm sure theyll play it off like theyre fine. But itll just be an army of Nikita's in that if they dont talk about it, they dont have to think or deal with it. XD As for the peace treaty, yes and no. I don't think Nikita and company will be responsible, but I think the piece of god might. And yes, yes more people are surely doomed to die. I'd even go so far as to say just assume everyone is gonna die by the end XD RIP
Capitania do Azar
ahaha oh no that is so bleak !!
I can't vouch that they won't die, but I hope they won't
If you assume everyone is going to die, you'll be pleasantly surprised when some of them don't!
Capitania do Azar
(btw thank you for pointing out the big GIF files, I have changed their resolution so hopefully they won't kill more computers with lag )
Pls dont kill Franq plz plz plz
Capitania do Azar
Capitania do Azar
your theories are adding years to my life
I gotta imagine the peace treaty is going to get affected, though. They're going to try to keep it quiet, but it's gonna get out somehow. Steffano's got a sinister aura around him, so maybe he'd spin the situation in a way that would benefit his political position.
(I could be wrong, but I adore it when people have ridiculously wrong theories about my comic so I'll just throw it out there.)
Also, was it Fausta that the "Foreigner" was trying to communicate through? I wonder if she's got some affinity for that and if she's going to be further used in that capacity
Capitania do Azar
Yes! Fausta is lusitanian-born, so she is naturally empathic and that's why the foreigner picked her out of the crew
it's interesting how the empath was affected rather than the augur. like, from my understanding, fausta's thing is reading people's emotions, while augurs can read the word of the gods/computers. so on the one hand, if the foreigner is communicating with fausta, does that mean the foreigner is human? but on the other hand, franq said that the foreigner's speech feels exactly like what connecting to the gods is like...
Capitania do Azar
I'm gonna throw ash into the fire and say that people tend to compare new things to things they already know ;D
It's past midnight for me, so I guess my time here is over!!
But thank you everyone who dropped by and had the care to read my comic and comment ;u; You make it all worthwhile
Thank you for making an awesome comic!
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about O Sarilho this week! Please also give a special thank you to shizamura for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked O Sarilho, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://sarilho.net/en/
shizamura’s Store: http://sarilho.net/en/loja
shizamura’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/Shizamura
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