#I picked up crooked kingdom and sobbed through random scenes like the pansy assbitch I am for them
laurent-ofvere · 3 years
shadow and bone thoughts
not much to say on the shadow and bone half lmao, no shade i simply didn't really care for it but that half of the show was interesting enough if that whole shtick intrigues you
the rumors are true, the darkling is sexy 
was it meant to be obvious that hes a villain from his opening scene? homeboy has a black cloak lol
I did like genya quite a bit, I have fluctuating feelings over zoya but she's a time 
I dont.... like.... alina........
they were included SO MUCH MORE than I thought they would be!! I found their presence integrated rather well into the storyline (which I say hesitantly given that I didn't read the grisha trilogy and dont really know that storyline, but I was generally skeptical about what this meant for the crows and their story) but it felt very organic and authentic to them
jesper!!!! JESPER!!! he did a fantastic job with the portrayal of his character, I LOVED the inclusion of his sexuality and his gambling addiction and his friendship with Inej!! I was hoping for a tiiiiny acknowledgment of his pining for kaz but I didn't really expect it
Inej was amazing! for some reason I wasn't initially taken with her but she really won me over
I loved kaz SO MUCH, I did not expect to have such a visceral reaction every time but I truly got so excited my god. visually hes just how I pictured, the kaz energy was A1 my friends
something was just slightly off for me and I cant quite put my finger on it. it could be my murky memory of the books but I feel like I recall kaz’s intensity being very understated and eerily subtle and thats where the intensity really comes from and something here was just a bit in your face at times, I could be off but also it could just be a way of bringing written words to life which is fair.
overall I dont have a solid issue with kaz, I cant see anyone else doing it now and I love love love that angry cynical dumbass
him and inej 🥺
I really dont think there's any way to truly understand the slow burning intensity of their relationship without reading it. i was nervous they were still gonna take it too fast (I get that there's only so much you can do with limited episodes, especially when its not even technically their show/characters’ story) that being said I think they did a good job, you absolutely dont get the vibe you do from the books but thats really to be expected + they got better as it went imo, they had some great moments and it made me way too fucking soft
that also being said, if there's even one single hint of a kiss between them I will burn the netflix headquarters to the ground 
that scene where she refers to jesper as jes before giving kaz a whole methodical speech about the logistics of a plan, staring at him after expectantly for his expert take only for him to go 😠 ...................................................................................................................... “jes”? 😡 gave me SO much happiness, I ADORE him hes a MESS
listen to me!!!!!!!  I loved nina and mathias!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cared about them way way more than I thought I would, I have a massive crush on nina, theyre both super hot, seeing the flashback and buildup we learned of them in soc was amazing and when!!!!! ****** ****!!!!!!! I am!!! going!!!!!!!!!!! TO RIOT
“you broke my trust” SOS
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