toomanysweaters · 3 years
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@mossleader @solehuman @dreemrhero​ @saviorsofdark
I’m glad to see the council of Krises agrees with my observation.
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atemoss · 3 years
* @solehuman is throwable
Picking them up by the back of the shirt, Susie slung the human over her shoulder. There was no reason for it, the two weren’t even headed in the same direction, yet here she was. A wide grin, the monster continued walking.
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“So, where we headed?”
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bonepranks · 3 years
💛💚💙, whichever sounds fun lol.
SHIPPING CALL. / 💛 - hateship ( enemies ) 💚 - friendship 💙 - kinship ( blood or symbolic familial bond )
. OUT     YEAH okay so. all of these? it's like. sans is so suspicious of kris, especially in a snowgrave-based route. i haven't written their relationship entirely antagonistic yet but i am very interested in that. but then on the complete other hand, friendship is always good too because i also just like them being able to be friends? sans gaining kris' trust, sans being someone kris can talk to about the dark world?? or if not sans, papyrus. let them actually be friends, fuck u toby. aaaaaaand kinship? yeah, i mean, especially if sans and toriel are — *gunshot* BUT FOR REAL, i can see it happening, based on circumstance for sure,
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number1salesman1997 · 3 years
Spamton greets Kris by bellowing their name, 
“KRIIIIIIIIII--” this continues on for some time, Spamton’s voice increasing in pitch until he eventually breaks off into static. “HI! YOU-yOU TRENDSETTER, YOU! JUST THE I WAS LOOKING FOR!! DO A [[marketing survey]]/” This does not appear to be a request. Spamton offers them a platter containing an array of small patches of moss with toothpicks sticking out of them. “INCREASE IN MOSS CONSUMPSION GOING UP. DEMAN FOR DELICIOUSNESS RISING. MOSS STONKS ARE AT ALL ! TIME !!HIGH!!!! AND IT’S ALL [[your fault]] THANKS TO YOU!! SO  PLES! TELL ME. WHICH IS DARK WORLD’S [[next top model]] ??”
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rudestbuster · 3 years
* As was becoming a habit, the duo had left class to make their way to the supply closet in the back of the school. Before they reached the door though, Kris stopped and just sort of slumped against the wall.
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* "Uh... Kris? Are we--"
* Susie's sentence came to an immediate halt when she saw the look on the human's face as they looked up at her. Usually Kris didn't give much away as far as expressions were concerned, but that was different this time. They just looked so... sad. She opened her mouth to ask what was bothering them, but maybe it was better if they didn't talk about it. Kris had a lot going on, but she'd just never bothered to ask about it. Again, it was probably for the best.
* The Dark World could wait. Silently, Susie took a seat next to them on the floor. She wasn't touching them, but she still made sure to be close enough to where she could feel the warmth of their body. If they decided that they wanted to tell her anything, she'd be right there.
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soulsaved · 3 years
solehuman replied:
"Nice, now go show mom your new word."
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Do you really wish this upon yourself Kris?
Who do you think mom is gonna assume taught them this word first?
✦ Kay! Where mama?
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bravefists · 3 years
‘  dark hannah montana….. show me the worst of both worlds  ’
There’s a long pause … longer than intended. He simply looks at the other with an expression torn between amusement and genuine concern.
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“ Dude … ” a hand placed on Kris’ shoulder, single brow raised. “ Forget that. What  you need is a hug, ” another pause before adding, “ A big one by the sounds of it. ”
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qaesitr · 3 years
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——❝I do not remember how I ended up there. 
I was searching for some markers... and I fell asleep. ❞
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   ——❝It is barely my first week as teacher here and--- haha... it is funny. Falling asleep in an unused classroom. How odd.❞
// @solehuman​ | sc,
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mgicalmultitude · 3 years
@solehuman asked: 💚
|| What kind of relationship you wanna plot;; Accepting ||
I’d be absolutely down! More Kris friends for Susie hell yeah!
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toomanysweaters · 3 years
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@solehuman​​ said: ❛ scared? i’m not scared. ❜
Halloween-themed Sentence Starters- Accepting!
“Yeah, suuuuuure you aren’t.” She said with a snicker & an elbow jab, clearly unconvinced by their attempt at assuring their own fearlessness as they made their way through the scare house.
It was really nice to actually do fun stuff like this together again, after so much time spent distant from each other... but would that stop her from teasing them? Absolutely not. “You’re blank-faced shtick doesn’t work on me, you should know that by now- I totally saw you jump at the last sca-!”
And, like karmic clockwork, out came a monster in an even more monstrous costume from a fake painting on the wall, screeching right in her ear; the reindeer having the expected reaction.
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And there she goes, clinging to Kris as she screamed.
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queendotexe · 3 years
« neat! i’ve never burned down a house before! »
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“Heck (Hell) Yes Kris Honey Mustard Cheese I’m Glad You Get To Get Your (Downloading: Puns.EXE) Baptism By Fire With Me Arson Is Very Cool With The Kids Lately And I’m Sure Nobody Will Mind
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Oh, man. She’s handing them an entire tank of gasoline, just before she takes out her phone.
“Try To Put That Everywhere Especially The Kitchen And Then I’ll Give You The Matches Trust Me This Is Going To Be Epic”
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berdbrainx · 5 years
@solehuman​ | continued from x!
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He hadn’t really expected to run into Kris while he seemed to be so... distressed. Berdly took note of the way he’d been shaking, covering his face with his hands. As much as he picked on him, and as weird as he thought Kris was, this really wasn’t the time for any of that. This was clearly something serious, and rather concerning to boot. 
Berdly watched as Kris looked at him, and he looked back with a tight-lipped frown and furrowed brows. His expression might have been the slightest bit unreadable. Who really knew whether he was judging Kris, or if he was genuinely concerned? The bird monster himself thought it was fairly obvious, however. After all, why would he ask in the first place, if he didn’t care to an extent?
When Kris stammered, sounding quieter than usual, Berdly’s expression softened a little as he waited for an answer. He knew the two of them weren’t friends. He wasn’t sure if they were even on friendly terms, but that didn’t mean he should simply ignore a person who needed help. He wasn’t so self-absorbed that he was heartless, or anything. But then Kris accused him of not caring, and Berdly blinked in confusion.
He was speechless. Immobile, for all of two seconds. Until he decided that he had to follow Kris, and ran into the restroom after him. The sound of retching was quite an unpleasant sound to walk into, and that just made him all the more worried when he saw Kris standing over the sink, his fingers in his mouth. 
He rushed up to his classmate’s side, gently putting a wing on his arm, “Kris...? What are you doing? Are you alright? Do you need me to get the nurse?” More questions popped into his head, but he didn’t have the time to ask all of them at once. For now, he supposed he’d just have to settle for trying to help in any way he could. But as knowledgeable as he was, he really had no idea how to help, never actually finding himself in a situation like this before.
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... Noelle, staring at her phone’s notifications in utter disbelief as her best friends are arguing over which inedible material tastes the best... 
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bonepranks-a · 5 years
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send me a url and i’ll talk about u / accepting!
@solehuman / @princeofmcnsters <3
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punktoothed · 5 years
solehuman replied to your post: hey so if u eat an entire box of chalk and wake up...
You don’t have any friends so you’re clearly asking for yourself
bold of u to assume i’m not my own friend.
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starscattered-blog1 · 5 years
“Oh, it couldn’t be worse!” to asriel
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“I promise that I’ll stay here and visit for as long as I can, okay?” He knew he couldn’t stay home forever, he still needed to go back to the university and get his degree, after all. Asriel reached over, lightly giving his younger sibling’s hair a ruffle with his paw-like hands. 
His soul ached at Kris’ words. 
“Dude… why don’t we turn our attention back to the video game, huh?”
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