#also something something calm before storm something soemthing
separatist-apologist · 11 months
Still A Sunbeam
Summary: As a child, Elain Archeron is pushed into a pond by the heir to the Day Courts throne, Lucien Spell-Cleaver, and vows she'll never forgive him for it. But as an adult, Elain finds that if she wants out of an arranged marriage to a Spring Court prince, she will need Day Court's help. More is at stake than a decades-old rivalry, and when their home is threatened, Elain and Lucien will have to set aside old differences and work together
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Cadmus’s grip on Elain’s wrist was iron clad as he pulled her through the silent halls. Drawing a steady breath, Elain forced herself not to think about what she’d just done or who was trailing right behind her. Killian had seen her, and no matter what Eris told the world, Spring was always going to know the truth of the matter—the High Lord’s death was the fault of two Day Court females.
Helion was going to kill her. 
“Cadmus,” Elain began, breathless with fear. Maybe she should ask him to say. Facing down Lucien and his family, who had only ever been kind, only to tell him she’d likely dragged them into war, was Elain’s nightmare.
She’d forgotten about Killain for one blissful second. Just long enough for him to surge forward and grab for her, too.
“She needs to come with me,” he said, yanking so hard Elain stumbled, nearly hitting the floor. A warning snarl rumbled from Cadmus who reached for his sword when he saw Elain was now in Killian’s grip. “I can shield her. We’ll marry and—”
“If you put your hands on her again, I will cut them off. Elain Archeron has asked me for sanctuary, and I have granted it,” Cadmus growled, unsheathing his blade. “You will take her nowhere.”
Killian, wide eyed and speechless for perhaps the first time in life, gripped Elain by her shoulders. “They will put you on trial, Elain. How could you ask that of these—” Another snarl killed whatever insult Killian had been about to offer up. “Is it so awful, the prospect of marrying me, that you would choose death instead?”
“What makes you think I would let anything happen to her?” Cadmus demanded. Elain knew what was coming. She had to just tell Killain the truth, to be brave and admit that Cadmus was helping her because she was his brother's mate. She could see the conclusion Killian was drawing, eyes bouncing from the silver pointed sword and the violence etched over Cadmus’s handsome features. 
“What did you promise him—”
“Not him,” Elain interrupted breathlessly. “His brother. Lucien. He—”
Killain’s fingers dug rougher against her shoulder, likely bruising her sensitive skin. “He what?”
Cadmus pried Killain’s fingers from Elain’s body, sword pointed at Killian’s throat.
“I’m not afraid to kill you, prince. Your worthless brothers would likely thank me for it. Do not put your hands on her ever again.”
Elain let Cadmus shove her behind his back before saying, “He’s my mate! And I’m going…I’m going home to him.”Cadmus looked over his shoulder, brows raised. “Aright,” he said, a smile cracking his once furious features. “Anything else, little sister.”
Killain looked as though Elain had personally stabbed him. Cadmus put his sword away, lacing his fingers through Elain’s. “You never even asked me,” Elain managed to get out, her anger threatening tears again. “Not once did you ever even ask if I liked you.”
“Oh, and I’ll bet he does?” Killain sneered, though there was no real ire to his words. It was merely exhaustion lacing his tone, making his green eyes seem so much sadder than she’d ever seen them.
“Yes,” Elain replied, missing Lucien so much it made her teeth ache. She wished it was him, and not Cadmus who was keeping her steady. “Yes, he does.”
“Time to go,” Cadmus muttered, yanking her down the hall before another fight erupted between Elain and Killain. Elain let Cadmus jerk her away, not daring to look behind her. “For what it’s worth, I thought that was brave.”
“Just take me home,” she whispered. Killian still knew. If he was petty, he’d tell every other court what she’d done, forcing Helion to release her into the hands of a tribunal. Assuming, of course, Helion didn’t call it himself. He was one of two courts that were supposed to be neutral—Day and Summer, specifically—which meant he could imprison her while waiting for the other High Lords to decide her fate.
Eris wouldn’t vote against her, surely. But the others…? Elain wasn’t sure. And as Cadmus led her toward the entrance of the Forest House where he could safely winnow her out, she wasn’t even sure Lucien would side with her. Maybe he’d be furious with her. All those lessons in which he stressed how important diplomacy was, wasted in one foolish, impulsive moment. 
Elain wished she regretted her decision, but all Elain regretted was the position she’d put everyone else in. As far as Beron went, well…good riddance. The world was surely better off without him? High Lord or not, he was a terrible, cruel man and Elain hoped he was being punished by the mother for a life poorly lived. 
Cool, autumn air whipped around Elain’s face. “I’ll take you to Day Court,” Cadmus told Elain, reaching for her face so she had to look at him. Of all his brothers, he looked the most like his now dead father. Cadmus wore those handsome features well. There was light in his eyes, kindness in his features. “And I’ll stay while you tell Lucien what happened. If…look, Elain, you have a place here. A safe place. If my brother reacts poorly, ask me for sanctuary and I will be honor bound to provide it—”
“Why? Why would you risk yourself for me?”
“You don’t know what he was like,” Cadmus breathed, swallowing hard. “Eris isn’t going to let you claim that kill. No matter what Killian says he saw, it's his word versus the High Lord and his wife. Eris is going to claim that kill as his own. That’s how things are done in Autumn Court. So you tell Lucien the truth, and if he wants to imprison you, I will bring you back. Do you understand?”
Elain nodded her head, a tear sliding down her face. It was all so wrong. “I understand,” she whispered. Elain expected Cadmus to take her home. But there, standing beneath twinkling stars and the rustling, dark treetops of Autumn, the prince yanked Elain against his chest for a strong armed hug.
“Thank you,” he whispered into her hair, so soft she might have imagined it. Elain hugged back, leaning into Cadmus’s strength. She’d need it for what was coming. Cadmus’s winnow smelled like a crackling fire, comforting for the brief, crushing moment she was trapped in that wind. The chill of Autumn vanished, replaced with the humidity of Day. 
Elain felt like she could breathe again. Inhaling sharply, Elain let Cadmus take her toward the looming, moonlit palace still burning bright despite the late hour. Perhaps a party, she thought, plodding up the steps with a sense of dread. Elain didn’t make it far—Lucien met her just at the top, armed to the teeth in golden armor with a fluttering, red cape slung casually over one broad shoulder.
Behind him, a line of guards also halted when he raised one broad hand. Did he know, then? Elain swallowed, frozen beside Cadmus who kept a hand on the hilt of his sword, the other on Elain’s shoulder.
Lucien took a dangerous step toward them, burning so bright he might have been a living candle. She’d never seen that kind of heat radiating from him, never seen the light that was always present just beneath his skin flare the way it was now. Lucien looked as though he were just keeping a lid on his power.
“What,” he began, looking not at her, but at his brother, “did you do to my mate?”
Too late, Elain had forgotten she was still covered in the blood of the High Lord. Cadmus rolled his eyes. “I’ve returned her to you, safe and sound.”
“She’s injured—”
“I’m fine,” Elain breathed, stepping between the two males before a fight broke out on Helion's step. “The blood isn’t mine.”
Lucien held her gaze, so utterly still it scared her. Pressing her hand against his armored chest, Elain added, “Your brother helped me.”
“So bloodthirsty,” Cadmus added from behind her. “You’re one of us whether you like it or not. She certainly is. Remember what I said to you, Elain Archeron. Sanctuary—it’s yours without having to ask.”
Lucien snarled, but Cadmus was already gone, popping away without so much as a goodbye. It left Elain to face down Lucien, unsure if he had been coming to rescue her or imprison her.
“Why do you need sanctuary in Autumn?” Lucien asked, his tone softening. He reached for her face, cupping her cheek in one broad, gloved hand. Behind him, the soldiers who had been prepared to march with him to war melted away, vanishing back into the palace to give the prince privacy. “Whose blood are you wearing, my love?”
Elain took a breath. “Beron Vanserras.”
Lucien paused. This was it. This was the moment he’d decide how much she—and their mating bond—truly meant to him. Lucien was a consummate diplomat and bound by the same laws that governed his father. He was, she thought miserably, a fair prince who was likely weighing her life against the safety of his people, his territory. 
“Did you…?”
“Eris helped,” she whispered, unable to look at him for a moment longer. “And Arina, who I think isn’t coming back.”
Lucien exhaled a breath. “Eris won’t let you claim that kill.”
She looked back up at him, surprised to find not anger or disappointment, but admiration shining on his face.
“Killian saw me.”
Lucien swore softly, pulling her into his body the way his brother had done mere moments before. “It’s his word against the High Lords. And I suspect Killian has bigger problems to worry about than you.”
“Lucien, I killed a High Lord. I should…shouldn’t I…be punished?”
“You did this world a favor,” he disagreed fiercely, mouth pressed into her messy hair. “They can try and take you from me, and they’ll die for their trouble. Come inside, Elain. Let me…let me take care of you.”
A soft sob ripped out of her. “I thought you’d be angry with me.”
“Is that why Cadmus offered you sanctuary?” Lucien murmured, fingers dipping beneath her chin to tilt her face toward him. “You thought I’d want to see you punished for killing the male I’ve longed dreamt of killing?”
“Yes,” she whispered, hating the soft tremble in her voice. “It’s a crime—”
“I only love you more,” he whispered, mouth ghosting over her own. “And even if you’d killed every member of the royal family—my brothers included—I would fight a war to keep you here. I thought you knew that.”
“I…” Elain didn’t know what to say to any of that. Instead, she surged upward on her tiptoes, pressing her lips to his. “Were you coming for me?”
“Yes. It’s a bad week to be a High Lord and I wasn’t willing to take a chance when it came to you.”
“Tell me how you did it,” Lucien whispered, sweeping her up off her feet in his gleaming, golden armor. Elain was breathless, practically giddy as he walked her back into the palace. “Did he suffer?”
“Yes,” she murmured, kissing the exposed skin of his neck. “For a moment…before Eris severed his head from his shoulders.”
“Do I want to know Arina’s part in all this?” Lucien asked, ignoring the guards that waited just inside the entrance. Nor did Lucien track down his father like she’d expected he might, so they could explain her role in all this. 
“Probably not. Lucien, what are you going to do if Killian tells people what I’ve done?”
“Lie,” he replied smoothly, his steps quick as he took her back to his bedchamber. “Lie through my teeth, deny you had any involvement, and if none of that works, pull out my sword and dare him to try and take you from me.”
“He knows,” Elain said, mouth back on Lucien’s neck. He shuddered.
“You’ve said—”
“About the mating bond. He knows. I think he scented it, but before I left, I told him.”
Lucien exhaled noisily. “I’ll bet that went well.” 
She shrugged. “At least it’s done. And when he tells the High Lord—”
“He won’t. Well—he can’t. Tamlin is High Lord, now. Killian will be lucky to survive the night once he returns home, and if Tamlin is smart, he’ll eliminate his last brother.”
Lucien set Elain onto his bed, unconcerned by the dried blood still clinging to her skin and hair. Elain was left reeling as Lucien reached for the straps and chains of his armor, discarding it now that it was no longer necessary for him to march on Autumn. She tried to picture it—Lucien sweeping in moments after Beron was murdered, armed to the teeth and prepared to kill his own brothers. 
For her. 
Lucien glanced over, his expression tight. “A feud between Night—”
“She’s fine. She—this wasn’t about her. The High Lords of those territories have been fighting longer than we’ve been alive, and likely would have continued to fight long after we died. Feyre was merely a pretense, but this was planned likely long before your sister fled, and would have happened even if she’d agreed to marry Tamlin.”
“Who is dead?”
“Everyone,” Lucien murmured, rolling his neck as though it was of little consequence to him. “The High Lord and his wife…everyone but Killian and Tamlin. The Night Court has lost their High Lord, and well as the Lady and daughter. And now Autumn…I’m sure every other High Lord in Prythian is sleeping nervously tonight.”
“Your father—”
“Safe,” Lucien said, kicking off his boots with a heavy thud. He was down to only the linens he wore beneath the heavy armor, conforming to his muscular frame so tightly that Elain could see every grove and dip. “There are extra patrols around the city, and the borders are being monitored. It’s how we knew Cadmus had come in—Day has been spelled against intruders, at least for the time being.”
“But…but you’re safe?”
Lucien’s smile was the loveliest thing she’d seen in days. “I am now. You’re home. That’s all I wanted.”
He came to her, tugging off his tight, white shirt and tossing it to the floor. Elain reached for him, thinking she ought to make him put her in the bath. Lucien, it seemed, had the same idea.
“Can I clean you up?” he asked, mouth ghosting her cheek. Lucien’s tongue slid down her jaw toward her neck, his fingers fisting in her hair so her neck arched upward.
“Yes,” she breathed, though what she truly meant was no. 
Covered in blood or not, Elain knew one thing with absolute certainty.
She was accepting their bond—tonight.
Lucien Spell-Cleaver was being driven out of his mind. The sight of his mate covered in blood ought to have disgusted him. Horrified him, even. Maybe it was instinct—the animal he’d once been rearing its stupid head in interest, scenting blood and wanting more. Or maybe it was knowing it was his mate who ended the cycle of violence Beron Vanserra had kept his family trapped in. 
Lucien kissed her, groaning when he tasted copper on her mouth, mingled with her usual sweetness. He was going to take it too far. Lucien knew that the minute he crawled up the bed, laying atop Elain who was perched sideways, her legs dangling off the edge. Had it really only been a day? It felt like a lifetime since he’d last been with her.
Elain didn’t push him off her, giving Lucien access to her open mouth and her body, still splattered with blood. Lucien liked the sight of her like this—vicious and sweet, all at once.
Just for him. No one else saw her like this, would ever have her like he was. Not even Killian, who was going home to a ruined court, his brother newly crowned High Lord, and without the female he’d always dreamed of marrying.
It felt like justice to Lucien. 
Bath, his stupid brain reminded him. Take her to the bath.
Maybe he’d just undress her, first. He could peel her out of her clothes and then he’d take her to the bathroom, where he was certain he’d display an embarrassing lack of self-control. Just like now, fingers tugging at the laces of her dress while Elain pulled the braids from his hair without meaning to. Their mouths moved hungrily, with the sort of heat he’d long been dreaming of.
This was happening. She was going to take him—all of him—and when it was over, Lucien hoped she might seal it with some food. 
Lucien gave up on the laces, pulling his mouth off her just long enough to rip the fabric clean in half. Elain gasped, elbowing her way further up the bed so he could pull it from beneath her and throw it to the floor. While he did, she unclasped her under things, removing them, too. It left her half blood stained, half smooth, unblemished perfection. Blood on her arms, her breasts untouched. Lucien didn’t know why the sight of her made him feel as wild as it did, only that his control was rapidly fraying and if he didn’t get inside her, he was going to lose his mind.
“Look at you,” he whispered as she reached for his shoulders. Elain yanked him against her, their bodies separated by only his pants, too tight against his overheated skin. “You used to hate me.”
“I might still, if you don’t stop talking,” she breathed before kissing him again. She was so clever with her tongue, stroking it over his own until Lucien was panting and grinding his rigid cock against her. He was close to begging. 
Please, Elain, please— Maybe he spoke the words out loud, because Elain said, “Take me, Lucien. I’m yours.”
He didn’t realize she’d undone his pants until she was yanking them over his hips, legs spread wide. It was happening. Lucien’s mind went suddenly quiet, only focused on her hands sliding down his lower stomach, curling against the base of his cock. Arousal perfumed the air, thick and heady as Lucien tried—and failed—to think of something helpful.
Wasn’t she supposed to taking a bath?
Lucien licked the column of her throat, tasting the copper and salt of her skin. She’d managed to get his pants to his knees, a feat given he was unable to keep himself still long enough to help her. Kicking them the rest of the way off, Lucien positioned himself between her legs. The slickness of her body hit him like a bolt of lightning. 
“Are you sure?” he whispered against her neck, nipping just behind her ear. 
“Stop talking, Lucien,” she replied, lifting her hips in invitation. She was new, he reminded himself, chanting the words over and over in his head so when he began to inch his way into her perfectly tight, warm body, he wouldn’t be tempted to slam himself fully in. If Elain didn’t enjoy herself, she wasn’t going to accept. And if she didn’t accept, Lucien thought he might die.
Certainly, Lucien’s self control was tenuous at best. With each new inch, the urge to give in to his base urges ripped through him until he was trembling.
But fully seated inside her.
Elain panted, eyes wide, pupils blown out until the pretty brown of her eyes had all but vanished. 
“Do you like it?” he asked, though what he was really asking was do you like me?
“Yes,” she breathed, squeezing so tight around him Lucien’s lungs expelled all the air they’d been holding. 
“And this?” he managed, a bead of sweat rolling down his temple. Lucien rolled his hips, drawing a soft moan from Elain’s lips.
“Yes,” she whispered, looking up at him with such trust. Lucien wasn’t certain he deserved it, though the gods knew he wanted to. Lucien pushed again, bracing the majority of his weight against his wrists in an attempt not to crush her. It wouldn’t always be this way, he reminded himself. Once she grew accustomed to him, they could have each other the way they wanted—with wild, unyielding abandon. 
Between them, the cord that tethered their souls began to solidify, humming some ancient song Lucien would have recognized anywhere. With each new thrust, the link between them began stronger, made of shimmering, unbreakable gold. It was making him insane, robbing him of all his good sense. Elain, too, seemed to be falling beneath the spell of the mating bond.
Lucien could hear himself chanting her name like it was some kind of prayer. He supposed it was. She was everything to him—his mate.
“I’m yours,” he breathed, capturing her lips as she built higher. He could feel those pulsating walls fluttering around him, threatening to ruin them both. “And you’re mine.”
Elain’s tongue touched his own, whimpering against his skin. It was too much. Elain came mere seconds before Lucien did, legs squeezed tight around his hips. It was quick—and messy—but somehow still the best sex Lucien had ever had in his life. He might have howled or he might have whispered. He wasn’t sure, could barely hear over the roaring in his ears. 
He didn’t know what he was doing—Lucien grabbed her, standing on trembling legs while he was still inside her. They didn’t make it to the bathroom, where he realized he was taking her. Lucien fucked her up against the wall, fingers rubbing between her legs so she’d come before he did. It was close—Lucien had mere seconds to spare. 
They got to the bathroom, too, where he had her against a rug, and then, and only then, did Lucien manage to get the tap going and put Elain inside it. Settled between his legs, Elain was content to let Lucien scrub the blood from her skin and hair, drain the tub, and refill it again—this time, with bubbles.
Elain reached for a glass jar of purple salts, handing it to him with a smile.
“I can’t eat this,” he deadpanned, hoping she still wanted to accept. Elain snorted a soft laugh.
“Too bad. Put them in anyway, Lucien.”
Lucien unscrewed the cap, dumping the beads around them until Elain practically purred with pleasure. It satisfied him to see her happy—content, head resting against his shoulder, fingers grazing against his thighs under the water. 
“What happens now, Lucien?”
“My mother will likely want a wedding in the city. We could probably elope, but—”
“Not with us,” she interrupted, her amusement plain. “With…with Prythian?”
Oh. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”
“Together?” she asked, her fingers coming awfully close to his still too-hard erection. Lucien wondered how long it would take for the mating bond to settle. 
“Of course,” he murmured, lips brushing the shell of her ear. “I have no intention of living this life without you, princess.”
“Who knew you’d turn out to be so sentimental?” Elain asked, twisting in the water so she could look at him. Lucien laughed, running his fingers through her silken, wet hair. 
“Trust me—I’m just as surprised as you.”
“If you would have told me I’d be kissing the very same male I once watched put his head beneath another ladies skirt, I would have called you a liar.”
“It was practice,” he breathed, strangely apologetic. Lucien wished he’d waited, too. They could have come together for the first time and he’d fucked that all up by assuming he’d always be a single male—that he’d never have to get married. “It was practice for you.”
“Don’t get soft on me now,” she teased, poking him in the stomach. 
Lucien shifted, his cock brushing against her hip. “There is nothing soft about me.”
“No,” she agreed, kissing beneath his jaw. “I suppose there isn’t. Tell me, prince, about this wedding you might throw.” Lucien’s heart stumbled. “Is that something you want?”
“I suppose that depends on if you ask me—not in a bathtub,” she added quickly, reading his mind. Lucien had intended to ask without thinking, without a ring or anything that might make the moment special—romantic. He settled, mind racing. He’d make a spectacle of it, if only to cement his claim on her permanently.
His wife and mate. Nothing had ever sounded more appealing to him in his life. “We’ll figure it out,” he murmured into her damp hair. “There’s no rush—we have eternity, remember?”
“An eternity to remind you of all the reasons you used to loathe me,” she joked, fingers returning to tease his thigh. They weren’t going to make it through the bath. Lucien’s need roared through him again, demanding he finish what he’d started. 
“I look forward to it,” he murmured, lips over her neck. 
And oh. How Lucien did. 
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violetnotez · 3 years
Haaaaiiii! I don't know if you've done this before, but can you do a headcanon with Midoriya, Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kaminari (separately) dating a slim thicc reader who's waaaaay to kind to everyone for her own good? Sorry if that was specific lol. It just suits my life.
HC: Slim Thicc + Overly Nice Reader | BNHA
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Music Genre: Pop | BNHA
Characters: Midoriya, Bakugo, Todoroki
Warnings: cursing, suggestive content
Music Collection | Tip Jar | Requests!
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
Shop Owner Note: The fuq how did you describe me in four words lmaoooo-I really liked this idea alot!!!!! Also I only did Bakugo, Izuku and Shoto caus emy brain got fried, so hope thats okay!
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Midoriya most definitely drink his respect women juice
He was raised by his mother after all
doesnt mean the boy cant be a little perverted-
He just loves your body!!!!!
How can he NOT love everything about it, from the way your school tights slightly squeeze your thighs to the point where he feel like he cant breath
Or when you wear his shirts and its tighter around the chest and flowy around you waist
Mmmmmm lets not forget your hero suit- this man would probably kiss the shoes of the person who made your suit
Cause DAMN they really made it as tight as possible and he just loves it sm
Lets be real this dude has probably popped a boner by accident just thinking about your hero suit 😶
He is very much respectful about you and keeps his raging hormones horniness to himself
He is ALWAYS making sure you feel comfortable in your relationship, whether its from holding hands to cuddling, he will always make sure you give your consent
Now, when it comes to your kindness, this is something Midoriya probably loves the most about you
But he does find it really concerning when he notices you say “yes” to everything somebody asks you to do for them
And running yourself down, not looking as energetic as yourself
He is very observant, so he notices little things that signal you are little overwhelmed 
Like your clothes arent as perfectly ironed as they used to be, you seem to be forgetting your own things while remembering to bring everybody else’s, your smile seems strained, and you just look stressed
He is so incredibly empathetic- it pains him to his s/o look so distraught 
It does anger him a bit that these people can so easily take advantage of you, and not even care that you arent feeling your best because of what they asked of you
But he swallows down the anger, offering to help you with whatever you need at your dorm room
He tries to make it as stress free as he possibly can, bringing your favorite snacks and playlist of music to calm your mind
But at some point hed give you a very gentle talk,,,,
He knows you havent been feeling too great, whether you deny it or not, and he wants you to know that its perfectly okay to not say “yes” to every person
He knows you mean well and you want to help everyone out of the generosity of your heart, and he loves that about you
But you as a person are important, and you come first over anyone
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚
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Like Midoriya, just LOVES your body
Like cmon, how can he NOT
Dude is a ass+boob man change ma mind 
At first he deifnitely denies it-
Him??? Stare at your ass??? Pshh he was looking at the oven baka, if anything your ass was blocking his view-
You would know you caught him red handed cause he face would get redder than Momo’s hero suit and he would actually stutter—-
Which would make him extrmeely annoyed and he’d be cussing a storm+be in a grumpy mood for an hour or two
But once you two get more comfortable in your relationship-
He will have use every opportunity to just be meannnn
And by mean
I mean turn slapping your ass into some sick game
Like if you dont yelp and cuss him out whats the point?
Once he slapped you so hard he legit left his big ass hand print on your butt cheek and you were about to slap his smug ass back....
But off a 50ft building  🙃
Also a big softie too
Like when you to cuddle he loves cuddling into your chest 🥺🥺
To him it’s just so comfyyyyyyyyyy
Honestly, Bakugo can’t understand at all how you can be so nice to people
It confuses him???? But he finds it really....nice???
Like half the stuff you do for people Bakugo wouldn’t ever dream of doing
He knows he’d either give that person an intimidating, dirty look or just laugh at them, cause yeah right he’d waste his time with their stupid problems
But you are totally different than him-you had a lot more patience and sympathy than he had, always coming to everyone’s rescue it seemed like
He finds it attractive and to him, it confuses the hell out of him how he does
But what bothers him is how much time you spend away from him
He won’t ever admit it, but he feels lonely when you’re not around
And what’s even worse-is by the time you do hang out with him, your too tired to even properly pay attention to him after running around and doing everything for everyone else
Bakugo the Attention Whore
One day this dude would have enough, as he’s been getting the bad end of the stick for a good couple of weeks——
He just barges into were ever your at, and doesn’t give to shits what so everrrrr
Bakugo has one mission in mind: getting his s/o back
Wouldn’t acknowledge anyone but you, grabbing your wrist and yanking you out of the room even if your protesting with him
“The hell are you doing Bakugo, let go-“
“No 😠”
“Pleaseeeeeee I was in the middle of working on something-“
“I said NO 😠😠😠”
Angry Pomeranian Activated
Once stop dragging you until he locks you in his room, forcing you to hear him out
He HATES being emotional or open, but at that, he starts spilling his guts through gritted teeth and choppy sentences,,
Saying that you waste too much time in thise “extras”, that they don’t deserve as much time as you give them, and that you have more “important” things than do all their work for them
*cough cough him being the more important thing
But hoenstly, you feel a little bad for him,,,,,
So you compromise with him and promise you’ll spend more time on him
He’s pretty happy with that,
but now he takes it one step further to make sure you deifnitely have enough time to hang out with him
If he’s around when someone asks you for help, he’ll cut them off and lie straight theough his teeth, saying you two have a “date” and squeezing you close to him with an iron grip
“Wait-Bakugo-we didnt have a date planned-“
“Tsch, now we do-“
Shoto Todoroki
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I have said this timeeee and timeeee againnnn
But Shoto really is the definition of innocence
So really, it wouldn’t ever dawn on him on how killer his s/o’s body is
He’s just kinda like....yeah I know they have a butt and chest? Doesn’t everyone?😶
This poor Boi someone help him
It only really sets it after a few months of being together that he’s actually really, really in love with your body
Like how did he never notice how good you look in leggings?
Or how soft and comfortable your chest is?
And why does he want you to squeeze him with your thighs? 😳
Hormones are ragingggggg
And also veryyyyyyyy protective over you
Shoto is very observant and quiet in social situations, usually opting to check out his surroundings instead of trying to be sociable
So he’ll catch from time to time classmates commenting on you and your figure, and it never sits very well with him
At first when these incidences happened he was very conflicted, not understanding this intense jealousy and need to protect you
But after a while of contemplating his feelings, he understood it was because he was protective of you
And ohohoohohoh
This man is PROTECTIVE
He does little things you would never reallly notice until you actually do
Like when he takes you home after hanging out or a date, he lingers a little longer outside your door to make sure you’re inside safely
Or when you’re walking together he will make sure your walking inside the street and away from the cars
Also has a tendency to grab your waist or your hand when a group of men come your way
He just gets paranoid okay 🥺🥺🥺
And because he’s so protective, he doesn’t practically like that you’re being taken advantage of sometimes because of your kindness
Especially when it comes to other men
On a few occasions Shoto has spotted you in a sticky situation with a guy who was being a little too close for comfort
It would make you uncomfortable of course, you had a boyfriend you already loved a lot-
but you felt kind of bad just being a total bitch to this guy who desperately wanted a chance
So you’d just awkwardly laugh and smile with their stupid pick up lines, trying your best to be polite but also show you weren’t interested
But Shoto at this point has radar for when your in trouble, and just pops out of nowhere 💀
He’s not the type to flaunt his relationship by impulsively kissing you or anything like that, but he’ll show it in subtle ways
Like calling you “dear” or wrapping his arm around your waist
Honestly, the look of pure relief and comfort in your face shows more than Shoto could have ever done,,,
And that Shoto was deifnitely someone that was more than just a “guy fiend” and soemthing like that
Also Shoto would give them a look that could kill and that instantly scares the shit out anyone lmao
These dudes faces would deflate like balloons real quick, cause at this point everyone knows who Shoto Todoroki is
And how the hell can they compete with that
Instant “oh shit my bad” type energy
After those incidents, Shoto locks down way harder
He practically has you glued to his side, and he doesn’t let go
Like at all
Get used to it cause for the rest of the day Shoto is gonna be following you around like some body guard 💀
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© Violetnote 2020
None of these characters or shows are my own, only the storylines and narratives I create are mine. Copying, stealing, plagiarizing, rewording, or using my storylines in other media, claiming to be your own, or reposting without my consent is not allowed.
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Hi lovely soul! How are you doing? I was wondering if I could get spiritual insight on regards to my actual major. I am contemplating on quitting it but I don't know if I should do it because of my dad. I am studying architecture but my parents are infatuated with this idea more than I am, and I've think is that because of their pressure that I want to quit or I don't know if I should stick with the major, really is a complicated case I have here and is to short to write here but hope for urhelp
To start off, your ideal major / career
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The King of Pentacles is a card of tradition, his power derived from his lineage 👑 I don't think it would be a bad idea for you to continue in this line of work. Moreover, he has the ability to generate massive income through earthy fields. Taurus being a fixed earth sign is all about things that endure.something that you can touch and is beautiful to look at. 🥝🍇🫐🥭Just like pretty seasonal, exotic fruit is. The Wine making 🍷imagery is hard to miss. Having said that, since the 7 of pentacles also turned up, I believe your interests may lie more in horticulture or cultivation. Cash crops, sustainable farming practices, etc. Perhaps even garden / landscape / exterior design? Plants are definitely involved since a lot of Virgo(mutable earth) related cards turned up later in the reading.
Do you have a Taurus midheaven?
Challenges you'd face if you kept to this major :
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Death + 8 of cups
You can't keep doing the same thing over and over. Have to adopt some new patterns. There's a constant challenge of reinventing things, keeping them fresh. The same plans won't always work. Maybe take up a computer oriented design course. There are some tried and tested truths if the industry taht you would have to accept. Lots of new beginnings. And what do we say about new beginnings? Something must end first. So if you're someone who does not like being challenged to grow, take on the new, adapt, then thus is not the field for you. In this line if work, you may face a lot of rejection. Why? Because it's a service based industry and your clients have a lot of options. A lot of times when people go shopping they are not quite sure of what they want. They want to survey a bunch of options, potential make, design, material before they finalize their purchase. This could be a little disheartening. You must be prepared for some to walk away and not let it wound your pride. Stay true to yourself, keep a good work ethcu and know what your values, rates, style, modus operandi is. Go with the flow. Major Scorpio energy here. And a bit of Pisces with the man walking into the forest. You may also feel like there is something better out there for you. Also as the King of Pentacles, you don't wanna be told what to dooooo 🙄😅
#amiriteoramirite like the 9 of swords is just there like, nuuuh, I gotta fix everything, and definitely take their work to bed, brainstorming how they're gonna do so well in the morning.
What are your skills that shine through in your ideal line of work?
Need for things to be perfect. Overthinking. Attention to detail.
Creativity. Femininity.
Ability to experiment and look the fool
9 of swords | Queen of Pentacles | The Fool
Planets : Mercury (Virgo primarily), Uranus, Venus
You have this incredible ability to think outside the box, use your imagination to create something of value and beauty, as well as the work ethic to stress over it and burn the midnight oil. You are careful, don't miss the slightest detail, adding small finishing touches taht others would miss.
The King of Pentacles and Queen of Pentacles both came up in your reading so I'm bound to think you'd generate wealth anytime you work on building something tangible. This could have to do with designing a garden, to landscaping or architecture. Perhaps even something along the lines of wine making or Vinyard management. The Queen of Pentacles is super fertile and, along with her male counterpart has the ability to help others make money. You do this in a work environment where you're allowed / have the freedom to think for yourself and bring your unique personality in to work. Kind of like a ' I have a baron, so let me use it' I'm not saying you have issues with authority, just that you work better when you're trusted to do it right on your own. Your bosses have to give you some creative autonomy and trust in the decisions you make. I understand that you are second guessing your major because of how high your families' hopes and dreams are. But love, if we take all that out of the equation, give you your own firm, would you be happy to take charge?
Correct me if I'm wrong, I feel like in a sea of calm, it would be something you'd treat quite reverentially. As I was meditating before your reading, connecting with your guides I felt myself tearing up a little as I thought of that calm centre, 🌪️👁️‍🗨️🌪️ eye of the storm, within you that knows your strengths, skills and desires. I think she'd want for you to take a moment to lean into your inner voice, removed from what everyone else wants and expects of you. You don't have to do anything you don't like. Just don't miss out on something that you would love.
Have you wtached atypical? Casey transfers to Clayton on an athletes scholarship, and then freezes during a track meet due to a panic attack. She stops running because of what a chore the prep school turned it into. She finally goes back to her old school because running is soemthing she has always loved and she didn't want to stop. She wanted it to bring her joy the way it had at her old school.
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I'm thinking of someone who works with communities in beautiful hilly towns on holiday and vacation homes /inn/ resort. As Taurus and virgo are both earth signs, I really think the soil/ plants itself could be a good field for you to work in. Or fresh produce.
So should you stay in architecture? What path should you take?
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I mean. It looks like it's made for you. There was also temperance so, perhaps take up a dual degree or an allied subject in an adjacent field? Something that compliments it?.
Honestly, I feel if you were to drop the course and take up something that's close to it but that you're more allied with, it could be a time of healing. The rainbow lies behind her though, signifying that you could be ignoring a possibly beautiful thing.
It's your decision at the end of the day and the cards can only say what good can come of certain paths you take. The fairy of the Divine hand urges you to think, connect with your deeper wisdom. Decide whether you will join in with what was tempting you,the easy way out, or will you watch a little Longer and make the wise decision instead?
Hope this helps. All the best 💖
Please let me know what you decide?
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atiny-exol · 4 years
Mafia! Ateez! Their s/o saves them
Warning:strong language, blood, mentions death, torture, some sad things but I hope you like it
You aren't just anyone
You are his wife/husband
He gets kidnapped? You will make the ones who did that regret this decision
Yeah, that's what you thought
But it seems..easier in your thoughts than in real life
So of course you get hurt
But no one is taking your husband away
And anger let you do stupid things
So as soon as you got Hongjoong out there..
Believe me you wished you never did that
He loves you, he is thankful that you helped him
But why the actual fuck did you though this is a good idea?
The Guy would have done the same thing and now you are hurt
Scolds you a lot
So.. Let's say the next time you will not storm inside the room where they captured Hongjoong and save him
And he purely regrets that he showed you how to use a gun
,,No baby.. Baby.. Listen." Hongjoong voice was cal, yet stern as he tried to calm you down as you shouted at one of the members of the gang who kidnapped him. ,,Calm down my love. Calm down. Everything is okay don't worry. Give me the gun and I will eliminate them." you shake your head at his command and looked at the man behind Hongjoong with a dark look.,, Did you just say no? Baby! That wasn't a yes or no question this is a command now give me the gun and.." before he could say more the first shot is fired and your husband looked at you with pure disbelief,,I- what did I say about shooting! "
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You know that it wasn't a good idea to go on your own behind Hongjoong back to save seonghwa
But you couldn't wait longer
You felt sick of not knowing what they are doing to your beloved husband and
You don't Anat him to be dead
You need him
More than anything
He is the only family you have and you can't risk to lose him
That why you did that
You were surprised how easy it was to get into the room Seonghwa is captured in
But then you pulled out his gag you knew excatly why it was so easy
Seonghwa is mad
More than mad
You run directly in the trap of the enimes of Ateez without evening knowing
He is scared and mad at you
In the end your attempt to save him ends with another hostage for the rivals to use against Ateez
With a rough pull on your hair someone pushed you on the floor, your head throbbing like hell because of the fall. ,,Ohh if that isn't Mr. /Mrs. Park." With a dark glare you looked up at the young male, who leaded the rival gang your husband kidnapped. ,,It's a shame that we have to meet under this circumstances. I mean you are.-". With one of his feet he shoved your head to the side to have a better look at your face. ,,Truly a beauty. I will definitely find a good use for you.". ,,Take your hand away you sick - " you heard the yelling of your husband but it got shut down with a punsh in his face, and after that someone pushed the gag inside his mouth again. ,,Don't interrupt me Park that rude." The taller male said and then looked at you with a smile. ,, So where were I? "
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So surprised as he sees you in the room
He is proud but also scared and slightly mad at you
He tough you how to fight and use a gun for protection and not to do stupid things like that
The first thing he does when you open the ropes is to make sure that you are fine
He will hold you close and he will lead you out of the building
Nobody is going to touch you again
Because is so madddd as he saw all the wounds you have
As soon as you both are home again he will hold you a lecture and scolds you end less and the boys too because they helped you to save him
They said that you can help them after you begged them for like hours
He is more mad at them than at you
But don't worry
After some time you get a special treatment for this
,,If my husband doesn't come out there alive I will make your life a living he'll boys!" the words left your mouth without thinking about them. You know that it's unfair to say that, of course it is but you are just so worried and scared about the wellbeing of your loved one. ,,Oh really? Then do something to help us and don't stand there and yell at us." Yeosang complained annoyed and rolled his eyes. And oh my.. He will wish that he never said that.
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You are super proud of yourself
I mean.. You wanted to save him and now you are standing infront of him
You did something right and the lessons on fighting with San are now useful for something
As soon as you get rid of the ropes, San is hugging and cuddling you
Checks on you if you have some deeper wounds
But he is also super proud of you
He will constantly prais you after you both get out of the base of the rivals
Even if it wasn't easy
You will get a special reward for that
But you never want to do that again
It's way too much stress and it scared you and San
San just because he was scared about you
So... No more missions like that for you
You have to promise that
,,No please babygirl/ baby boy I want you to promise me that you never and I mean never do that again." Sans voice was soft, but even yet he sounds stern and serious, soemthing you don't heard that often from him. ,,Y.. Yes.. I promise you that. I won't do it again." you whispered slightly and looked on the ground, now feeling more than foolish and bad for not thinking twice about what could have happened to you too. ,,No no no don't be sad now princess/prince Im so proud of you. More than just proud so please don't be sad."
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He is a super cute boyfriend for you but a killer at his work
So when you saved him you saw his bad side for the first time
You saw the first time how he kills someone that night
And it was very scaring to see him like that
As soon as you left the room with mingi the soft side of him dissappeared and he told you exactly what to do
He didn't care that you are his wife/husband at the time and that you might be scared
The only thing what mattered is getting you out of there savely
After that is done his soft side would appear again and he would shower you in kisses
He praises you and he is proud of you
But of course he also would scold you
,,Shut the fuck up. I said to close your mouth a few second ago didn't I? I can understand that you are happy to know that I'm fine but that doesn't mean you can talk the whole time.". He whisper yelled at you and you immediately shut up at this. Mingi never spoke to you like that. ,,Now come on. We should get out of here before someone captures us because you are so loud."
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Ice prince not that happy to see you
I mean he knew that you have a stubborn attitude
But that you would really try to save him on your own? How stupid can someone be
Like.. It wasn't a surprise that someone catched you
It wasn't a surprise that they brought you to the room where they tortured Yeosang
And he looked awful
You really felt bad because you couldn't help him
You felt bad for acting that dumb
Yeosang is mad at you yes, he thinks about how stupid you are and how stubborn
But that's just the facade he tries to keep up
He is concerned about you.. And he is scared
He can handle to be tortured, he is in this business long enough, but you
You are his precious little doll
And he is the only one who could hurt you
So let's say.. Yeosang will find a way to punish anyone who lays a single finger on you
So.. Let's say you will never do this again and if you do this again.. Yeosang will kill you on his own (not really but you know what I mean)
,,Come on Kang don't give me that look hm." the tall and young rival said as he looked directly into his eyes, a sadistic smile forming on his lips as he gently runs his finger over the table full of his tools. Your face screamed pure fear and you wanted to close your eyes, you wanted to not see what he picks up, but not even your eyes moved how you want it. ,,So sad that you can't speak Kang. I mean you could help me find the perfect tool for your precious doll." a faked disappointed sigh left his mouth and he looked over to you. ,,I'm Doyoung by the way. Just telling you this because we will have a lot of fun for a long time now precious."
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Getting in was easy
Getting out is the problem
And wooyoung knows that
The gun you had is gone and now you have to sneak you somehow
That's not really easy if everyone knows that someone is in the base because you weren't careful enough
Wooyoung tried his best to protect you
But.. Let's say that it doesn't end that well
Wooyoung protected you and now he is laying in your arms and bleeding
Don't worry Ateez stormed in in the right time and saved both of you
But just a few minutes later and Wooyoung would be dead
Even if he got hurt because of you the first thing he asked when he wakes up is if you are fine.
You are his priority
And he was so scared for you
He will maybe tease you with this for a long time
Tears over tears streamed over your face as Wooyoung layed in your arms, bleeding and unconscious. It was all your fault you thought and just as you looked up to see where the man is who shoot your man, you saw the familiar face of Hongjoong and the other boys. You screamed for there help and they immediately rushed towards you. ,, Pssht y/n everything is fine don't worry. Wooyoung will be fine too don't worry."
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Perfect boyfriend
Is super happy that you saved him but also super concerned about your health
He would also scold you a lot
But like the gentleman he is he would kill everyone on the way out of the basement
No one and I mean no one is going to harm you once you helped Jongho out of his ropes
Even if he looks like he would get unconscious every second because they did cruel things to him
He could never live happy if you would get hurt because you saved him
And you are the reason why he has the strength and power to get out of the rivals base
,,Y/N w.. What what are you doing here? ". Your husband asked you with big eyes and a surprised expression. ,, I'm saving you Jongho.. I'm sorry for not helping you sooner I'm really sorry." you whispered but then felt his lips on yours, it was a soft and quick touch but that was excatly what you needed right now. ,,Come on. You saved me and now I bring you out of here without getting hurt baby."
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royal imagine
(condensed this super long imagine into one post for your imagining pleasure)
You have a royal f/o. They’re powerful and rich; have some enemies. They are kidnapped by thugs or bandits while traveling someplace. The kidnappers, seeing all their valuable possessions , strip them bare—jewelry,clothes, any identifying things so no one would know. They still keep the f/o, because maybe they can ransom them off for more money. The thugs sell those things 1/?
So the bandits sell all the kidnapped royal’s possessions, leaving them with literally nothing. They tie up the f/o, seeing as maybe they’ve escaped before a few times, so they are bound and gagged so they can’t scream for help. It’s been maybe a day or two. Whomever is the royal’s right hand, hires you to find them seeing as they suspect they’ve been Kidnapped. You take some basic supplies with you, food, weapons wtc /2/? Skull emoji)
3/?While you try to find the royal; they are stuck with the bandits. Who mock them, hurt them, and humiliate them simply for their position and to feel better. Now if they’re a bratty f/o—mine is—imagine them defying their captors and spitting in their faces. Of course they don’t like that, so they rough them up some more. Maybe the poor thing has been broken by the rough treatment. Or they are holding out hope for someone to rescue them.(Claim skull em)
4/? Royal anon. It’s longer than I thought sorry hon. So it’s been a few days; you’re trying your best to track them down. Like before, the royal is probably suffering the bandits care. They’re not used to the harsh conditions, having lived such a posh life before this. The bandits simply keep them tied up, naked and bruised when they aren’t abusing the poor thing. Their shivering, and cold, and hungry from not eating much. Either cuz they hate the food because of the refined palette/stubborn.
So your royal f/o is not having a good time. Hungry, beat up, cold from being splashed with freezing river water in lieu of a proper bath so they can’t escape again, mentally abused, exhausted, and humiliated from being stripped naked for the bandits to poke fun at. Either cuz their are wimpy looking compared to the larger men who took them, or not well endowed, whatever you want. They may have tried to escape a few times, only to be taken back and beaten, and maybe tied up with stronger bonds. Maybe the bandits denied them food, drink or the chance to relive themslves.(whatever you’d like)
Anyway, they’ve maybe given up hope now, or they’re holding on. They don’t know they have someone looking for them. It’s been days, maybe a week. You’re starting to get a bit forlorn yourself, having followed the trail for a while and not finding too much. But then you see it, the light from a campfire and noises of revelry. You heart beats in your chest; you’ve found them at last!
Now this can go a couple ways; if you’re powerful, maybe you’ll storm the camp and murder all of them. Or if you’d rather be sneaky, you could wait until they fall asleep, slit the neck of the guard watching your royal f/o and carefully drag their limp body out of there. Or you can eskew the killing altogether and sneak your f/o out of the camp. It doesn’t matter; when you see your target, your heart swells in pity for the horrible things that have been done to them. They might look like a mess, beaten and bloody but to you they are actually nice looking. You want to protect them, and tell them it will be ok now that you’re here. And it will be; you’re just that awesome!
Your f/o might be awake or even asleep during this time. If they are sleep, maybe the commotion wakes them up if you tried the slaughter approach. Or maybe you quietly tapped them on the shoulder, not wanting to alarm them so you could sneak them out. However you did it, they are surprised and alarmed to see you. Maybe they nearly cry out; you covering their mouth so they can’t make a noise. They didn’t think anyone was going to find them after all. You are their savior in their eyes, the only hope they have to get out of this desperate situation.
You try to cut their bonds, but either can’t with the equipment you have in hand or their limbs are too weak to walk from malnourishment after you do so. Carrying them bridal style or no, their mouth agape as they do their best to not move so you don’t drop them, you spirit them best you can out of that hellhole. You don’t stop til the two of you are far, far away from the camp. Making sure the bandits didn’t follow you, in case you didn’t kill them all, you hide yourself and your charge in a deep, dank cave.
Finally able to calm down and take a breather, you quickly prepare a fire to keep them warm. They might grumble if they’re a brat, maybe rubbing their cold body or hurt ankles/wrists, wondering why you took so long to save them. They are probably freezing after all. Sadly, you didn’t have time to see if there was anything in the camp they could wear; or maybe it was all too destroyed, or not the right size. You’re clothes don’t fitor else you would have offended them soemthing to preserve their dignity.(most of my f/os have hige size differences so there’s now at they’d fit). So unfortunately(?) for them, they’re still exposed to you, naked as the day they were born. You can’t help looking; they are attractive despite everything they’ve been trhough. And god, when you see their junk, you can feel your face heat up. It might not be huge or whatever, but it suits them so well. You also might not have really seen one before; I’m going with this cuz it’s me) so you admittedly catch yourself staring more than you should.
You sheepishly try to lie and say that you’re checking to make sure their wounds aren’t too serious. And you are doing that, after asking for permission of course, carefully touching their wrists where they’ve been/are still maybe bound, their ribs where they might have been kicked, checking for broken bones and the like. If their naive; they might fall for it. Or if they are coy/flirty, they might waggle their brows and play it off as a dirty joke. That’s really the only thing you can get out of them for a while; they are quiet, not really looking at you, turned away from you and doing their best to preserve their modesty. Probably traumatized from the whole situation. Maybe they can’t believe it’s real, and are thinking they’ll wake up back in the camp.
You gently reassure them it’s not, and that you’ll make sure they won’t be captured by that group again. Maybe they believe you; maybe they’re skeptical. All in all, it’s been an exhausting night for them, and they wish to go to sleep. They move closer to the fire, needing its warmth since the cave floor is cold on their skin. You ask if they are cold, if they’d like to lie next to you; and you really have no ulterior motives but they are stubborn and refuse. While you keep watch for any trouble, you can hear them shivering and their teeth chattering despite you doing your best to keep the fire bright and warm. After a while, you decide that no one is going to bother you and that you should sleep as well.
Looking at your vulnerable charge, you feel pity for them, carefully moving closer to them. You whisper an apology into their ear, and they grumble something that sounds like ‘yes’ pretty coherently. You spoon them, doing your best to transfer your warmth to them by wrapping your clothed limbs and body around them. They stop shaking a few moments later, and let out a contented noise. You wait for a little while, wanting them to be comfortable, and only when they begin to snore heavily do you fall asleep.
The both of you wake up more than a little confused and dazed the next morning. It takes a few moments for everything to click, but when it does, your f/o quickly scampers away from you, face beat red and stammering something. You too are embarrassed, but the pair of you know there’s not much you can do until you get back into a proper town or village where there’s supplies. You simply try to ignore the fact that they aren’t wearing anything, getting breakfast and such prepped for the morning. You even ask them what they’d like to eat; maybe you try to go out hunting for some meat, but they cry out for you. They don’t want to be left alone in case the bandits find them. You agree and give them what little preserved foods you have from your travel sachel. They take it gratefully, though you have to help them eat since their hands are bound behind their back. Every time you feel their wet tongue against your palm, or their stomach against you, you feel your face heat up. Even if your f/o is stoic and cold, or stubborn, they still blush at you being so close to them when they are so exposed. You help clean their wounds as well, taking them to the river where they can try and wash up. Depending on how much help they need or if they trust you, you gently use your hands to wash off the dirt and cuts on various parts of their body. They might make pained noises in protest—at least that’s what you assume they are—and you feel your heart break. It’s not much, their bruises still cover their body but at least they aren’t covered in so much dirt. After it’s done, you can feel something press against your body, before they quickly turn away from you and mumble something about needing to be alone behind a tree. You assume they have to relieve themselves so you let them go, staying close by but not enough to intrude on their privacy. When they come back, their face is flushed red and parts of them are shaking. You check if they are sick, but they shake their head no, and tell you that they feel fine—certainly better than they were before!
You attempt to cut their bonds again, but find you cannot, and give up after nearly slashing their wrist, apologizing horribly. They only sigh, lamenting the fact before, suggesting that maybe the pair of you get a move on. You agree, getting rid of any traces of your having been there, before you lead them out of the cave. You carefully lead them towards a path you know will eventually lead to civilization, making sure to protect them from any hazards or helping them do things they cannot in their current state. (Think like Yorda from ICO; going across gaps, jumping ledges climbing things etc) They depend on you, either complaing the whole way because they are a brat, want your full attention on them or taking it stoically. Getting food for them, making sure they don’t get hurt anymore, keeping them warm with your body heat, and hiding them from bandit patrols that pass by if they are still looking for you. Even just talking to them in general and learning about them is a good way of distracting the both of you. And talk you do, and you find you do like them despite their status or if they started out by being cold and distrusting towards you.
Finally, you reach some town or village of a sort. Your f/o immediately cowers behind you, wanting to preserve their modesty from prying eyes. You do your best to help them; part of you jealous and angry that anyone else dares to look at them while in they are this state. It feels like their taking advantage of f/o’s vulnerability to sate their own horrible desires. You quickly usher them away from prying eyes, helping them buy and put on several pairs of clothing using your own personal funds. They might complain about how drab they are, or some such compared to their usual finery, but they are grateful to finally be wearing clothes again. They might tease you about it; joking that you probably liked seeing them like that. Whether you deny it or shamelessly say yes is up to you. You finally also get a blacksmith or maybe local mage to look at their bonds, which were impossible for you to break even with your best weapons and dismiss them easily. Your f/o is more or less free now, and the first thing they do is either wrap you in a grateful hug or quietly thank you, depending on the type of person they are.
Yet, seeing as they’re still possibly wanted, they stick with you for a while longer. The pair of you are tired; and you both want a hot meal and bath before sleeping in a real bed. So you go to the nearest inn or tavern, renting out a room for the night. The pair of you eat, your f/o and even yourself scarfing down the first warm meal they haven’t been allowed to eat in weeks. You get a room with two beds, but find your f/o has moved one of them over to make one large bed. If you ask them about it, they scoff and say they’re not used to sleeping in such a small space. While taking a bath, they curiously ask if you’d like to join them; after all, you’ve helped them several times before. Even if you decline, they still want you by the doorway to keep watch and talk to while they are bathing. Finally, the two of you sleep, your f/o not even bothering to hide that they need to cuddle you. Now. Your mere presence is a huge comfort for them, helping them sleep, and they tell you this. You’ve become such a great friend and possibly even more in the past week or so, though they are scared to tell you. What if you don’t like them back? What if you thought they were needy or too demanding with their requests? Or pathetic for being reduced to such a state despite their royal nature and pedigree?
I can’t write anymore atm. Sorry but it’s a cliffhanger for now.
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wreckofawriter · 5 years
Pairing: Draco Malfoy x reader
Word Count: 1,569
Warnings: None, kinda sad
Request: Love your stuff , is there any chance I could request a Draco x reader where Draco breaks up with you/reader because he’s a death eater , but then discovers ( reader/you ) is also a death eater and they feel less lonely going through together ? Thanks x
A/n: So sorry this was late. I had family at my house and no time to write. I hope you guys like it!
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“No.” You sobbed out, voice wavering. “No. You can't do this to me Draco.”
    “We’re done.” He repeated, his face was vacant of any emotion.
    “How are you okay with this, just being ‘done’. Did the past two years mean nothing to you?!” You cried out, tears streamed down your face in salty rivers as you looked at the boy you loved, still love.
    “It's better for both of us.” Draco sighed out looking anywhere but you. He feared if he locked eyes he would take it all back.
“How is this better?” You sobbed in an angry shout.   
Because you are safe. “It just is.” Draco looked at his feet in shame and guilt but he knew what he was doing was right. He knew.
You scoffed at him eyes full of sadness and fire, “Why?” you asked. This question got him to finally look at you and he regretted it instantly. Your face was red and cheeks blotchy, your hair was a mess and your eyes were shining with tears and rimmed with red. You looked beautifully broken and it killed him. He wanted to take it all back.
“Why?” You repeated, speaking through gritted teeth.
Because I did something bad. Real bad. And if you get caught up in this I wouldn't be able to live anymore. Because I pledged myself to someone besides you, someone evil. Because I love you. I love you so much. More than anything. “It's just not working out.”
Your face crumbled to dust. You felt your heart break in two. You wanted to hate him but you knew you never could. You never would. You hated yourself for it, but you never would.  You looked at Draco, his face absent but his eyes were full. Full of nothing. And it terrified you. He looked so different all of the sudden. He was so suddenly empty.
“I guess this is goodbye then Malfoy.” You spit out. You saw him flinched at his last name before you turned and retreated to your dorm. The second after the door slammed shut you let out a sob. You felt yourself fall apart. How could he leave you? How after everything? You slid to the floor shaking with sobs. You curled in a ball, you felt your hand reach up your sleeve and grasp the mark made there. You ran your thumb over the deadly imprint and whimpered silently in the dark. You had never felt so alone.
Draco sat in Charms and he found his gaze landing on you again. The two of you haven't spoken since you broke up and he felt like he was drowning. The truth was that he had always been drowning. He had been drowning his whole life. But you had been there. You had been his life raft and now he had jumped off that life raft and he realized he had forgotten how to swim. He was drowning once again. He watched you, your head bent over a paper and quill as you took notes. Your y/h/c hair was in a dutch braid that hung down your back and he imagined running his fingers through its silky texture and shuddered. He had never missed anything so much in his life. How could he just abandon you?
You felt his eyes on you everywhere. His icy glare found you at all times, at meals, in the common room, classes, even the library. You wished he would stop. It made it very difficult to ignore him. You wished he would just disappear. Disappear from the school, the world, your head. He seemed to be the only thing from keeping you from drowning in your thoughts before. But now you were drowning in your thoughts of him.You hated that he had so easily hurt you. You hated being so secluded. You hated yourself. Your bitchy family and your crazy mother. You hated your legacy. You hated what you always knew you would become. But it's too late now anyway. Soon you'll be killing people before being married off to a murder. It's ok right? Who marries for love anymore anyway?
“You alright man?” Blaise asked.
“I'm fine.” Draco awnsered curtly. He had been trying to focus on his Potions essay before you walked into the library. Now he was glaring at his ink while trying to ignore your deep green robes.
“You've been weird since you broke up with y/l/n you sure your over her?” the boy asked flipping through a textbook he hadn't bothered to read.
“Why would I break up with her otherwise.” Drco pointed out, his teeth gritted his grip on his quill tightening.
“True,” Zambini laughed, “You know they’re plenty of bitches in the sea.”
Draco flinched wanting to slap the other boy. How dare he disrespect you like that? But instead he gritted his teeth and clenched his jaw. “I dont want to date anyone.” Draco snapped, his head whipping to meet his friends eyes.
“Alright,” he said, putting his hands up in surrender, “You just seem like you need to get laid.”
Draco scoffed and once again went back too staring at his ink while trying to write as Zambini laughed about soemthing stupid he heard somewhere. Out of the condor of his eye he say you leave your seat and his eyes followed you out, your robes billowing behind you.
Finally after 30 more minutes of getting nothing done he packed up his stuff and left the library. His feet felt heavy and his heart felt like it was broken and hollowed out, then filled with lead. He was being dragged down into black water by his psychotic family. His father had his right ankle. His mother his left and his aunt was tugging on his robes as he walked back to the common room.
Then he heard something that propelled him downward quicker than his family could drag him. He heard your cries. He didn't hear them often, only a few times before, but he could recognize them anywhere.
He walked past the bathroom twice. Both times hating himself a little more. Finally he gathered the courage and stormed into the bathroom. He was greeted by the sight of you lying on the white tiled floor in tears.
You glanced up hearing his footsteps and pushed yourself into the corner, drawing your knees to your chest. As you did so he caught a glance at the one thing you were trying to desperately hide.
Draco walked over to your cowering form and slid to the floor beside you. His eyes were soft and comforting. He watched as you tried to dry your tears you had always been so ashamed of.
“Hi.” He spoke eventually and almost starting laughing. He had just said hi. Which seemed ridiculous.
“What do you want?” You spoke harshly, your words like venom.
Draco sighed, he wasn't sure what to say. “I want to see your wrist.” He finally answered shakily.
You flinched at his words. Fresh tears brimmed your eyes, everything grew blurry. “Why?” you croaked.
“I know what's on it. I just want to be sure.” He spoke voice cracking, his own tears streaming down his pale cheeks
Slowly you raised your right sleeve as you did you let out a whimper, the sight of the mark made you want to cut it off your skin.
Draco had begun to heavily cry now, sixteen years he had kept locked deep inside him came flowing out as he looked at the dark ink moving on your wrist. He then reached for his own sleeve and pulled it up with shaking hands. He looked up at you and attempted to smile. It was more a grimace.
When you saw the mark on his arm your tears sobs stopped and tears rushed silently down your face. “They got you too.” You whispered, your voice breaking.
“They got me too.” Draco repeated reaching out to touch your inked arm. When you felt his fingers close aground the mark you felt it disappear.
“I broke up with you because didn't want you getting dragged into it.” He paused as your hand reached out to grasp his right wrist mimicking his actions, “I just didn't want you to get hurt, I love you too much and I'm so so so sorry, I should have just talked to you and,” He began to weep, “I just hurt you instead.” He finished his voice breaking.
“I love you too Draco.” You replied shakily. You then release your grip on his wrist and placed your hand on his cheek, using your thumb to wipe his tears. “I love you so much, please don't ever leave me. I couldn't do it, do any of this without you.” You then leaned in and placed your lips on his. It was a slow, sweet, sad kiss. He tasted like salt and you were sure you did as well. His lips were chapped yet soft. He kissed you back slowly as more tears slipped from his stormy grey eyes.
When you pulled away we stared at his red rimmed eyes and felt an overwhelming sense of peace. You felt calm. Like you were safe. Finally safe.
"I'm here for you. We will get through this together." Draco croaked out his voice a raspy whisper.
"I love you Draco" You said leaning into him. He faced you and wrapped his arms around you as you leaned into this chest.
"I love you too," he whispered into your hair, "if we drown, we drown together."
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paintmearainbow · 4 years
What Is Love ?
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Love means different things to different people. Some people say love is making your partner happy and seeing them happy makes you happy . But love, is actually a figment of our imaginations. In a way, love is selfish and makes us lose our independence. You make the other person happy to keep yourself happy, and you become dependent and vulnerable. It's a somewhat like a shared dream. And until one person decides to wakeup, and that dream, albeit fun while it lasted, becomes a living nightmare
For Harry and y/n; sneaking out of premiers and award shows,buying tacos and eating them at 3 AM was love. For them, love was dancing in the kitchen to Elvis and baking with each other. Love was watching horror movies in makeshift tents, snacking on caramel popcorns and cans of soda; all while making fun of Harry's "those dumb bitches" in the movie. Love was falling asleep in each others arms and reading each other books. It was dressing up as Disney characters and acting out scenes from their favourite animations. It was etheral, perfect. Almost too perfect too be true
People always said "Love will fizzle out. One of you will get bored." Harry and y/n didn't listen. They burned so fast, so bright and didn't realise that their spark too, like all blazed and sparks from lighted matches, had extinguished. One second it was burning so brightly, and the next, it was gone
"When was the last time you spoke to him ?" asked y/n's sister.
" A week ago" a distraught y/n replied. "He barely has time to even talk to me on the phone, let alone show me the sights and explore the places with him via facetime"
For a brief moment, she allowed herself to close her eyes and all the memories flashed through her eyes, like a movie roll, playing over and over agai
"Y/N !" exclaimed Harry, the golden flecks in his eyes dancing with joy. Oh how she longed to see him, feel him and be with him in real life , rather than on a screen. Yet she was eternally grateful for Harry for never making her feel left out from the tour experience, he always made sure to show her around, even if it was only on a screen, while giving tour guide commentary in a horribly fake American accent.
"You're in for a treat ! We're going to see the Louvre today. Come on an enjoy the sited with Harry's Tour Experiences"
Y/n couldn't stop laughing.
Being an art fanatic, she giving Harry detailed descriptions of the art, while all he did was turn it inti a joke. His put on accent stood out when he kept saying " Oh shucks ! Here's another painting of a few women and men fighting and eating." He termed an entire style of art; renaissance art as "men and women barely dressed fighting and eating". He made a few sly comments on how y/n would look lovely in that dress. It was so wonderful and each of these virtual trips was marked with his signature end. Going to a park, and eating the same food.
His laughter was contagious and y/n loved it. She wondered how she got so lucky, so blessed to have hazza in her life.
She never thought that this love, would eventually fizzle.
end of flashback
Now she was lucky if he spoke to her for 5 minutes. Even those 5 minutes were filled with her talking and him showing least interest in what she had to say. She doubted whether he even listened.
Today, however was a low blow. It was y/n' bday. had it been any other year. Harry would've made this day perfect. They had been together since they were 18. The first year, he bought her 18 gifts on her birthday. The subsequent year, he got her 19 and so on. He would make her breakfast in bed and wake her up with showers of kisses and a "Good Morning, Happy Birthday Darling."
Today however, at 7 PM , she was yet to have him acknowledge that it was her birthday. She was yet to have any sign of news from him at all. She illusioned herself, thinking that maybe he had interviews to attend.
Her sister, however, tired with y/n's moping, said" You're coming over with your friends to Club 22 this night or else I wont speak to you. I don't want you to spend your birthday moping around"
With great difficulty, y/n was persuaded by her friends to go clubbing. The loud music, the drinks and the dim lights were never y/n's scene. Yet, for the sake of her friends, she fixed up a smile on her face and tried to enjoy, trying her best to forget than Harry's call still hadn't come.
It was 10 PM and the party was in full swing. y/n's friends were drunk, so drunk. Everyone around her was laughing, drinking and joking. Meanwhile, a new disturbing thought had settled in y/n's head. What if he got into and accident ? What if he's really sick ? She was ridden with anxiety and couldn't get Harry off her mind, until that one fateful message from Nezza, her best friend, Harry's PA, through whom they had met, sent her that message. When y/n's phone lit up and she scarmbled to see the text, hoping it was Harry, she did not know it would change her life permanently.
The text was simple. "I'm so so sorry honey; you deserve to know" It was attached with a single file of pictures.
She subconciously knew what had happened. She had seen all the signs, yet chose to ignore them, not wanting to get up from her dream. The reduced duration of phone calls ultimately leading up to a call a month, the regular excuses, coming home late, half hearted kisses, they all added up. For a split second, y/n wanted to think that it was something else; maybe harry was too drunk or had passed out in a bar.
The message to forever to download. It was so slow and painfully excruciating. It was like the calm before the storm. The slow before the fast. The light drizzle before the thunderstorm. When the picture finally loaded; her heart shattered ever so fast. The pain she felt was numbing, yet somewhere in her mind, she was gald that Harry was safe.
There was Harry, his arm around the small waist of the redhead, his fingers entwined in hers. The same fingers which ran through y/n's hair multiple times, were now woven in another's hand. She thought her heart couldnt break more.
Fate was not kind to y/n.
She swiped to see the next picture, and she wasn't sure how, or whether it was even possible, but her heart further broke. Harry was kissing her in the booth, their booth, in Alessandro's the place he had her first date with y/n.
Fate had evil plans for y/n.
Tears streaming down her face, the makeup for the night ruined, y/n looked around for her sister and friends but they were nowhere to be seen. The only thing glowing right now was her glitzy dress, the one she had been forced into. Unable to take it anymore, she ordered an uber and left.
Fate wasn't kind to y/n at all
The minute she left the club, she was blinded with lights, the flashes from the camera, and the shouts from the reporters
" How do you feel about Harry cheating on you on tour ?"
"Did you expect this ? How do you react to Harry kissing a supermodel, younger than you!"
Y/n wanted to scream, but keeping her emotions in she pushed through the sea of people, got into her uber, gave her address and broke down.
She cried and cried. The uber driver tried to ask her what was wrong but she couldn't stop crying. she wanted the pain to go away. she wanted to cry. But most of all, she wanted Harry to tell her that it wasn't true and hold her in his arms and tell her it's alright.
But it wasn't. it wasn't alright. Far from it.
The next morning after an extremly broken sleep, y/n awoke. All the event's from last night wre remembered and her eyes started to water again. She switched on her phone to see the hashtag #y/ndeservesbetter and #harryandy/nareover trending. She also so 100 missed calls, voicemails and texts from Harry but chose to ignore them.
Y/n was raised to be strong. She spent most of childhood see her mom struggle to make meets end. She had seen the worst. She was strong. She went over to the mirror and saw her reflection and realised that she looked a mess. She took 3 deep breaths, washed her face, and masked her emotions, just as she did way back in high school, before she met Harry, before he changed her.
She went down and suddenly the apartment door opened. There stood the man who she loved, the man who had broken her heart, the one who still held her heart, no matter how broken it was.
He pleaded with her to forgive him. He begged, cried, said it was a one time mistake, and he regretted it, that he loved her; but y/n turned a deaf ear to his pleas. Their love had fizzled out, and she was blinded by affection not to realise it earlier. And as the saying goes " Once a cheater, always a cheater." Y/n wasn't taking any more risks. She put on a strong facade, made up her mind and left, leaving a crying Harry on the porch.
She wasn't over him, far from it. She was so broken, yet showed no signs. She had calm expresssion, yet her thoughts were chaotic. But she knew what was best and she knew this was the right thing to do. She had to take the lessons from this experience and move on, just like her mother had taught her. Dreams end, no matter how amazing it is, no matter how much you want to hold on and live it, and this, her perfect dream, had also come to an end.
So, what is love ?
A dream ? A nightmare ? Soemthing too good to be true?
Maybe all it is, is an illusion. A fairytale. Or maybe it is the truth, because truth teaches us lessons and so does love. i guess it's one of those things which just has no answers.
author's note
AND THATS A WRAP. I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING. it's something which definitely shouldnt be forgive . this the first ever imagine I've posted on my new tumblr. Please send feedback. Hope you enjoyed it. Reblog. What are your thoughts? i would love to hear them. Send requests for more imagines.
i should be studying but eh.
keep dreaming
(here's a random B99 gif for no reason)
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cleverbroadwayurl · 5 years
The Dark I Know Well (Jeremy Heere x Reader Pt 23)
Song: The Dark I Know Well from Spring Awakening
Word Count: 2406
Need to Catch Up? Sneak a peek at my masterlist!
A/N: I’m so sorry about taking so long, I just wanted to make something that I was a little bit proud of posting! I also work 40 hours a week so yikes I’m busy a lot!!
Taglist: @retrogarden​ @be-more-heidi-hansen​ @scarsonthecuffsofyourjeans​ @bluhimaweirdo​ @catatonic-kuragin​ @stargirl-murphy​ @macbookpro-hard-drive​ @heytheredee-lilah​
Trigger Warnings: Implied assault, mentions of assault, mentions of a shitty boyfriend, language, mentions of fear of intimacy, mentions of an abusive ex-boyfriend, mentions of the Halloween party, mentions of previous fic parts, IF I MISSED ANYTHING PLEASE LET ME KNOW
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You had been wronged before, you’d been confused, cheated out of a life that was set for you that was supposed to be happy. Your ex-boyfriend had done wrong. Jeremy wanted to do it right.
By date three, Jeremy swore that he was walking on air.
Between gaming together and eating takeout, something even more magical had sprung up--more than he ever could’ve imagined in his usual daydreams that he’d had a year ago. It was suddenly like everything felt like it clicked into place, the last puzzle piece just fitting into a beautiful photo that he couldn’t wait to show the world--with your permission, of course.
While he thought the consent thing would be a challenge, it really wasn’t. It started as something conscious, something that felt like it took a lot of work. But it ended up feeling normal, even just by the end of date two.
And you were right: you weren’t normal. You were by far one of the sweetest people Jeremy had ever met, someone who took the time to ask him how his day was but was sure to leave space so he could spend some time relaxing on his own. You felt years wiser but somehow stuck in your same body. Jeremy could guess why, but he always left that specific part out of the conversation. It was easier to leave the past behind and focus on the present, or even the future. He didn’t really mean like future future, but things that were happening within the next week or month or so. He thought about the nice things he could do for you, but still keeping your boundaries intact, along with ideas for dates, and sometimes even thought about how he even ended up where he was, and just how lucky this whole thing felt.
You had been much more relaxed by date two, which in turn made Jeremy relax. He could feel it as his muscles stopped tensing while you giggled at his character once again falling off the side of the map during a Super Smash Bros. game. But it didn’t matter. If he could hear that laughter that felt like watching a flame flicker atop a scented candle, losing wasn’t so bad. In fact, he could go as far to say that he preferred to lose. He claimed a reward almost either way.
So when Jeremy showed up for date three and you looked a bit...well...not yourself, he became concerned. It was almost like a switch had gone off, like one day you were fine, but a nervous wreck the next. That can’t be healthy. It didn’t make sense in his brain, unless he’d done something bad like crossed a boundary he didn’t mean to. Although his intentions were good, he’d realized that in the long run, your perception was much more important than his intention. Of course, with a flick of your wrist, and a shaky entrance, Jeremy could already feel himself going through each text, every conversation, every consonant, every vowel, with each passing millisecond, all without looking at his phone. He could feel his face pale and his fists clench, eyes glazing over as he mentally went through each memory of every interaction. If something was amiss and it was his fault, Jeremy wanted to be held accountable--and more importantly, wanted to apologize for it.
You gave a nervous smile to him and casually drifted away. Usually, he’d ask to touch you, but this wasn’t the right time--he doubted it would be the right time until the end of the night. He still needed to apologize, though, even if he didn’t know what he was apologizing for. But before he could open his mouth, you glided across the first story of his house, almost begging him to go down into his basement. A fake smile crossed your lips as your eyebrows knitted. Something was wrong, but he just couldn’t tell what.
So he followed you. That was the best that he could do in the moment.
As he followed you down the stairs, Jeremy became uneasy in his skin. It settled there, infecting him thoroughly as you stepped carefully in the room, sitting in a beanbag that was set in front of the TV. You sat for a solid 10 seconds before shivering in your seat, eyes almost longing to move to the other one for some particular reason. It felt weird, like when someone leaves a light on during a sunny day, weird like the storm in Life is Strange, weird like first hearing about the SQUIP. He tried to let it go, but couldn’t. There was something about you that felt that kind of different that he usually saw in classes months before he met you--like personally--and probably over a year since you started dating officially.
It lingered in the air around him, tension pulling apart everything you two had worked for at the seams. So he inhaled and took one step at a time. “Did you want to sit in the other beanbag?”
“I’m good.”
Your face refocused on the wall, eyes still, unmoving, as if something cold crawled in them and had died. The typical warmth was absent, and Jeremy still wondered if it was something he did wrong. His heart pounded with anxiety as the words almost swirled out of his mouth. “Did I--?”
“Can I talk to you about something?”  Your words cut him off, cutting through the shivering silence. He nodded, palms balling, the impulse to wipe them clean causing his fingers to flinch and flip around in the air. Fuck, he definitely did soemthing wrong. “I know this is like… the third date and I just...want to clarify something with you.”
“Uhh sure!” Too jittery, too excited, calm down you wuss, you’re just going to say something that needs to be said, and it probably isn’t that bad. But a part of him started to say goodbye to you, started to let you go. This felt nonnegotiable. This felt like a weight had dropped into the room, tension setting the gravity lower and lower. “Whatever you think we need to talk about, we can.”
“I know what usually happens on a third date and I just...wanted to say that I’m not really like comfortable with doing that right now”
Jeremy felt his face contort into confusion. If you weren’t comfortable with something, he was totally okay with that. He would do everything in his power to make sure he wouldn’t cross that boundary into discomfort, especially with you, who had been faced with that so many times before. So he sat, and listened for what exactly you were referring to. While he wasn’t sure what the fuck this “third date” nonsense was, he made a silent promise not to do whatever you brought up. He nodded, almost prompting you to continue, but he could still feel that uneasy frown on his face.
“Do you know what I’m talking about? Or should I like… clarify more? I know this isn’t like a known thing, but I don’t know, I just want to like...talk about it.”
“I have to be honest, I don’t really know--”
“Oh.” You paused, eyes meeting the floor, hands beginning to fidget with the fraying of the bean bag. You were still uneasy, visibly uncomfortable. You shook a little, and it almost seemed like you were close to tears. But instead of crying, you gave a chuckle as your fingers combed through the loose threads. “It’s kind of a classic trope on like the third date to like uhh…” Your face became painted with red, the crimson pigment something Jeremy hadn’t seen on you, probably ever. Were you...embarrassed?  “like have sex, I guess.”
The world is said aloud, and Jeremy immediately shames himself for it. It wasn’t supposed to be audible, that was the biggest mistake he’d made, and now he was sure you’d kick him to the curb. Your eyes finally met his, a sharp stare invading his personal space as he sputtered out a more acceptable response. “Well to say I haven’t thought about it would be uhh a lie,”--fuck, that’s not more acceptable, that’s the shittiest thing to say-- “but like I wasn’t going to even bring it up unless you wanted to, oh my god I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable or anything and I mean we haven’t even uhh kissed? And I feel like that maybe should come first because I think we both have boundaries?”
“Yeah.” you nod, almost surveying him as the seconds tick past. Silence falls onto the room, and Jeremy can finally get a millisecond of relaxation, or rather, a peaceful moment in the echoing silence. “I uhh feel the same.”
He nods once again, knowing that while it’s probably good to talk about sex, he probably--defintely. Definitely should not have brought it up. “I’m sorry if I like...crossed a line or something, I really didn’t mean to. I just think like...we should probably do other stuff first and get comfortable with one another?” “Yeah me too.”
“It just feels wrong to push it, you know?” You nod again, and Jeremy feels another millimeter of relaxation hit him, his shoulders dropping, hands returning neutral. “And the third date, really? That seems fast. I mean, who even does that, or even pushes it, especially at like, our age and our point in the relationship?”
“You’d be surprised, Jeremy,” you said, suddenly. Your voice felt thicker, like it was flowing through molasses instead of the clean air coming in through the vents. Your eyes kept themselves trained on the ground, but your hand stopped moving.
“What do you mean?” Jeremy asked, still not knowing the answer, not knowing what the heck is causing this. He just said he would not cross a boundary on your third date, or really, try to not do that at all, unless it was something that had been discussed and that you’d consented to, every step of the way. But it was weird you weren’t changing, not getting more relieved at his words that he genuinely meant. This felt like some kind of trauma, that you were telling him about an event that obviously still haunted you. His mind raced back in time to see if he could figure out what could’ve happened, and more importantly, with who, until he reached a familiar subject. “Oh.”
“He didn’t uhh...He didn’t...like...get too far, but--”
“It was far enough to make you uncomfortable and worry about it in the future.”
Jeremy’s fists ball up like they haven’t in a long time, and he can feel his blood starting to boil. Sure, the details were vague, but he wasn’t about to push you to tell that story. He would never push you for more information on this subject. He could feel himself see red up until the point of numbness, like everything was so intensely felt all at once. It was like he was exploring the cave in Firewatch again. And the worst part of it was that he didn’t know what to do. He had nothing. He didn’t even know details, and he didn’t want to know them unless you were open to sharing. It was clear that this was personal--of course it was--it’s private, it’s trauma. “And that was on the--”
“Third date?” You’re near tears at this point, fingers stopped fidgeting as he can see your eyelashes flash quickly, trying to suppress tears. “Yep.” You sniffle before he can continue. Coolness now flows through his veins, like your crying was the extinguisher.
“God, I'm so sorry.”
“It’s okay, I mean...at least I’ve stopped like telling myself it was my fault for the most part.”
“It’s not.”
“I know.” You nod, taking another breath. “Even if it’s just something I say now and believe later, I know. You kinda told me that a while ago, too.”
“Because it's not your fault, even if you have history and--”
You crack a watery smile, mouth still wavering. “Yeah. You’re right, Jeremy.” You pause for a second, almost to compose yourself. It’s short, almost too short, as your voice steadies. You continue, and Jeremy can’t help but listen as his eyes look at the floor, taking everything in. “It’s weird. I remember exactly what I was wearing, the time it was at, the date, everything. But it didn’t come rushing back until after the relationship was over and I had to take a proconsent class for my first year at college.” You take another second. He can hear you getting upset again, and he would offer his hand, but that was too much, even for him, so Jeremy instead gives you a look, sparing mercy on you as his eyes trace your figure that still doesn’t have the heart to look at him full on. “I just feel so stupid that I didn’t just leave him right then and there. Why did I stay another two hours, why did I blame myself, why the fuck did I let him get away with violating me and blaming myself? Because he apologized?” You’re full on crying now, your eyes meeting his as tears stream from them. Your face turns bright red, eyes bloodshot, as anger flows through you and stress with pain make their way back into the room. “I still own those clothes because I hope one day I’ll feel different about them, but it’s been so long that I’ve just been staring at them, filled with bad memories, it’s like I can never forget.” You finally wipe your tears and give yourself another few seconds to compose. By the time you’re finished with a few sniffles here and there, your sleeves are wet from tears, and Jeremy feels like touching you would be wrong in this moment. It feels like everything just moved so fast, and you need your space--the space you didn’t get--right now. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry my rant got out of hand, I didn’t mean to just word vomit like that.”
“No, I uhh,,, I’m glad you said it. I’m sorry that it happened, and I just...feel your pain. I know I mentioned Halloween, and that of course was a little similar, but this--”
“I know.” You nod one last time before you finally meet his gaze. For the first time that night, you smile at him, genuinely through the pain and tears as they subside. Your hand reaches out, and he takes it, knowing that for right now, that is all you want, and right now, that is enough.
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The end of VRAINS season 2, why was Lightning a failure and future predictions.
To those of you who follow my theories and predictions for future VRAINS episodes and are wondering why I haven’t posted anything lately - there are two reasons:
1) This show is continuing to surprise me, by throwing the most insane plotlines on me that I simply don’t even know what to think anymore. Shin Yoshida is truly a talented scriptwriter and I’m both terrified and excited about what he’ll think of next. Barian Arc and ARC V manga were just a warm-up - VRAINS is the real deal.
2) I still haven’t got over how both Bowman’s duels that were completely underwhelming and made to win. I mean I get it, he is supposed to be an AI that can learn and had to win, but not like that! I was sort of okay with Blue Maiden’s defeat, but Takeru? It was downright disgusting to watch him pull the exact cards he needed and got rid of damage or direct attacks with complete luck. If you want to show off his duelling skills, then do so - not make him overpowered just because he has to be. You basically made him cheat and sure if he was an episodic villain, that’s okay but for a major boss opponent that’s a bit no-no for me. It felt like Pegasus duel (who mind read every one and practically killed off Yugi in order to win) and Don Thousand duel (who actually had a card that makes you LOSE the duel automatically if you didn’t do something), so that was one of the major flaws in the otherwise a really intense round of episodes.
 Okay, now that I have this out of my system, I can finally focus on the main topic - what will happen next. So I am one of those people who checks the cast lists and episode summaries every Tuesday, so if you don’t want any spoilers to stop reading at this point. I apologize, but my thoughts will be heavily centred around the info that came with the summaries for what appears to be the final episodes of season 2.
So where are we right now? Team Playmaker has been massively reduced to only Yusaku, Ai, Ryoken and Ryoken’s loyal generals aka. Faust, Vyra and Dr. Genome. Bowman has absorbed four Ignis, including Earth. I was a bit confused about how he got Earth when I remembered back in episode 79 during the conversation between Windy and Lightning, it was mentioned that Bowman was on a “special mission” and that mission was probably to hack in SOL and take Earth’s data. Ryoken brought it up many times that SOL is not even close to as experienced as he is, so it was most likely really easy for Bowman to get Earth.
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Then there’s Yusaku who has just been through another traumatizing experience. The duel between him and Kusanagi has shown just how little Yusaku actually knows about himself as it was clear that he knew something like this would happen, but when it actually happened, he froze completely. As sad as it was, it was shown really realistically since this is something that is very likely to happen to victims of past abuse like Yusaku. I was already impressed by the Takeru vs. Ryoken duel - the pure emotion and amazing pacing and Yusaku’s reaction to the duel with Kusanagi was even better. It showed that no matter how strong Yusaku makes himself to be, he is just a traumatized child underneath a superhero suit. The pain he suffered was the one he was trying so hard to avoid hence why he was reluctant to call Kusanagi his friend or make friends in the first place - he was afraid of the pain of loss. At the moment Ryoken and Lightning are facing off in a duel that will likely last three full episodes and here’s what I think - Ryoken will be the next one to fall.
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But why Ryoken? Well several reasons. I’m not saying Ryoken will lose due to a poor strategy - Lightning will most likely play dirty. The summaries revealed that Lightning will use Jin as a hostage and knowing Ryoken, it will work. The guy might’ve been one of the most ruthless rivals so far but at the same time he is also the one to suffer the most. His brutality has been always projected towards the Ignis, namely Windy who killed/seriously injured his partner and Lightning who is using Jin as a puppet. Ryoken might not show it, but he has a great sympathy for the Lost Incident victims and despite him stating that he “regretted saving them” I think that he still believes that he did the right thing by reporting the incident. It was revealed that Jin will be speaking in both episodes as well, so if Lightning pulls a cruel trick like threatening to destroy Jin’s soul right in front of him or use Jin in some other sickening way. It is also possible that there will be a draw or something else will happen to Ryoken. It was also revealed that even Ryoken’s generals will sacrificed themselves to stop Bowman. Akira and Emma might also be absorbed in that data storm that takes the souls of the people logged in VRAINS - awfully similar to how those charms for Earthbound Immortals in 5Ds worked. 
And the result of all this - Yusaku and Ai are completly on their own against Bowman. This will be the final boss of this season. Yusuku will not only have to be the hero everyone depends on, but will have to keep his emotions under tight control. If Kusanagi’s death wasn’t enough, just think how will he react to Ryoken’s death - a person who has been his symbol of hope for the past ten years is gone too. I imagine it will be a really intense reaction which will cause yet another breakdown, but unlike with Kusanagi, I believe Ryoken will say something really meaningful just before he will fade away or even give him three reasons to defeat Bowman and Yusaku will use that as a coping mechanism to defeat Bowman. How will this duel conclude - I have no idea really. At this point, Yusaku will have to win - too many people had died in front of his eyes and this very same person plans to go after more people and change the world to his perfect image. And there’s another thing that sort of bugs me:
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Bowman and Haru strangely look a lot like Shoichi and younger Jin. It is probably becuase Jin is Lightning’s Origin and because Shoichi was likely Jin’s three reasons. Also Lightning most likely didn’t have much to chose from when designing new AIs. Though this may have a much deeper meaning - I already kinda brought it up with my Haru is Real Jin theory, but just think - what if this has to do with the reason why Lightning was the only Ignis with no bright future with humans? Why did Light Ignis become an error in the first place? I believe it is because Jin gave up first. Apart from Yusaku, Takeru, Specter and Miyu, we don’t know much what was going on over those excruciating months, but I think Jin has lost his will to fight far before Lost Incident was over. Shoichi described him as a cheerful and kind person, a lot like Yuya and Yuma, and if those two would be put through such hell, they would likely break the most and give up at one point. Jin’s Ignis therefore didn’t recieve all necessary data to be properly developed like other Ignis. This may also be the reason why he kiddnaped Jin - using him as a puppet is a sort of a punishment since he probably blames him for all of this. “It is your fault I have no future! So you will spend the eternity as my prisoner.” 
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Another less believable theory is that Lightning represents Jin’s anger. Because really, we’ve only seen Lightning being pissed off in the last few episodes. Before that he was calm and collected, like highly educated person in charge. But the second his insecurities were brought up, he completly lost it. Maybe Jin did develop strong hatred during the Lost Incident, resulting in Lightning’s own rage. Maybe Jin broke down at some point, crying and asking why that happened to him. After some time those tears might’ve turned into anger and swore to punish the people who did that to him, but then more time passed and Jin realized it was impossible and instead of plotting revenge he slowly became an empty shell of himself until he was rescued. That pushed down anger was then passed to Lightning.
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One last detail that I would like to point out - Kusanagi Shoichi. Ryoken specifically ordered Faust that he has to get Shoichi. But why? Why would he need him for? One reason is kinda obvious - he needed him to wake up Yusaku. Faust and Dr. Genome entered the truck with unconscius Shoichi and after a while Yusaku woke up after hearing Shoichi’s voice. Coincidence? I think not - Faust and Dr. Genome did soemthing to wake Yusaku up. Let’s not forget - both Yusaku and Takeru are also in the truck, logged in VRAINS. Could be possible that they wired Shoichi’s duel disk to Yusaku’s chamber or something?
Plus that might not be the only reason why Ryoken needs him. The summories stated that Lightning will use Jin as a hostage. What if Ryoken will use Kusanagi’s body and his consciusness data that Ai holds in order to save Jin? What if Shoichi is in fact the ultimate weapon against Lightning? There is a high possibility that Jin was kidnapped while Shoich was looking after him, hence why he blames himself so much. Maybe Jin kept calling after his brother for months and Shoichi so became Jin’s three reasons. This may be the reason why Bowman looks like toughed up Shoichi - he represents the perfect savior. So what would happen when Jin sees his big brother? Will he manage to break through Lightning’s prison and finally be free of his hold? Breaking through the mind prison has been a common theme in yugioh so I won’t be surprised if VRAINS uses it as well. Maybe that’s what will lead to the happy screenshot in the new ending, of the two of them watching stars together. 
But what were to become of Yusaku, Ai and other Ignis. I imagine that no matter what happens, Bowman will absorb Lightning and maybe Ryoken as well (that way we will actually have Yusaku indirectly fighting all Ignis except for Ai, his entire team plus Specter and Blood Shepard - kinda like how possessed Yuya fought all of his friends) and the final battle will occur. Playmaker will have to save VRAINS once more.
And then? Maybe Bowman will give human society one more chance after his defeat. Considering how developed and honorable he has become in the last few episodes, I believe that he will realize that humans cannot be surpassed by AIs since they have something he will never be able to have. Bowman so releases everyone that he has absorbed and restores VRAINS back to the way it was, returning the souls back to the people who were sacrificed during the duel. Then he lets himself being absorbed in VRAINS, saying he won’t be alone since Haru is in there somewhere. This may be the last calm before the storm that is SOL (that still deserves to pay for all of their crimes!). And judging from this screenshot from the new ending, only Ai will be left.
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 Now another source of what we may see is the new ending that is actually a one big tease. Right after Ai is shown, mourning after other Ignis, the scene switches to Roboppi watching the stars as the shooting star crosses the sky. What if that shooting star was Ai? What if this is the hint that Ai will sacrifice himself for others? There’s even a scene with Yusaku’s duel disk without Ai. The Dark Ignis has become really protective of Yusaku, so what would happen in the next fight against SOL, if something happens to Yusaku? Queen has proven to be the most merciless memeber of SOL, willing to kill a living being and risk an employee’s life for the good of the company. What is stopping her from getting her hands on the last Ignis in order to power up their own Artificial Ignis. SOL basically means sun and when you get too close to it, you get burnt. There’s no doubt Yusaku will do anything to keep his promise to Ai, especially now that he is the only one left. But what if SOL will discover Yusaku’s real identity and attack him in the real world? What if that will anger Ai to the point of turning completely against humans and become the very Ignis that Dr. Kogami was so afraid of?
Ai already hates SOL for killing Earth, so just imagine what he would do if they would capture and torture Yusaku, like Akira did in the first first few episodes. Maybe they will make it even more emotional by showing the flashbacks of how Yusaku was tortured during the Lost Incident while Ai’s eye couldn only observe. I often see Ai and Yusaku as Astral and Yuma and Astral has sacrificed himself for Yuma and also became corrupted. Shin Yoshida wrote a lot of Zexal episodes with such scenes, so there is a great possibility he will be in charge of the concluding story. 
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What I would like to see? Ai becoming that terrifying Ignis when SOL invokes him by hurting Yusaku. Maybe Ai loses it to the point that he starts attacking everyone and Yusaku duels him in order to get him back to his senses. Maybe this last ending flashes before his eyes - showing the perfect reality where Ignis never existed and knowing that as long as he is there, more harm will come to Yusaku and the people he knows. So my prediction is - Yusaku will defeat Ai in one last duel to bring him to his old self and when it seems like Ai will be willing to recreate Cyberse and stay there, Ai will ultimately change his mind and instead sacrifice himself to wipe up any signs of Ignis research and data. The Lost Incident will once again become lost, but maybe this will be finally a chance for Yusaku and others to move one and live peacefully.
Happy, sad or bittersweet ending - I don’t really care as long as it is conclusive.
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Most of the authors are correct with what they are trying to point out in thier masterpiece. Do you still remember The Road Not Taken by Frost from your 7th grade? I hope you do, because i took that road, been taking that beautiful road.
I am writing this not because im stucked in Enhanced Community Quarantine due to Corona virus pandemic, but because someday i want to read what i amariting and will be writing from today and the days forward. Idont know where is this going and how im gonna put into words everything what's on my mind. Though education graduate, i am not good at narrating and remembering things just so you know everything im gonna right here from letters a-z means speacial to me, and to my boyfriend. Yes you read it right. I hope youre not a sexist and will continue reading after digesting what you have just read.
The beginning.
It was June 2019 when I was hired. Been so excited since this is my first job. Though there are no clsses yet, The institution wants us to be present all the days of June just to make acquaitance and sort of trainings as well. In the first few weeks, it was only me,Teacher E,Teacher I, Teacher J and Teacher J. But as the days goes by, the faculty members gets bigger. There was only 4 male teachers in the group and one was added on the third or fourth week of June. Im not sure. I've told you that in my opening statements. (I thought you just need some validation.lol) and after letting him sit near in the group, i knew what is his name, J. J,as a psychology graduate, has been very keen and i knew that day he doesnt like me. i tried to be one of his friends but the universe was making me not to like him anymore....as a friend.( just making evrything clear.) There was this moment that i asked him about something i totally have forgotten. Good thing is he answered my open-ended question which was answerable by yes or no but he disnt take a pause but he keeps on walking. Atleast he answered. That day i realized that i shouldn't let myself be treatd that way by someone i just met. That incident broke my heart a little. The feeling of being ignored cannot be easily taken away. But hey, its just a one person, I still have the other teachers i mentioned a while ago. You shouldn't let someone treat you like your nobody. If you tried and you think its not really gonna work, leave them. Don't be afraid to lose people in your life.
Teacher's day 2019
It was an adventure with me,J Teacher E, which companied by her boyfriend, P and his bestfriend,ATe five of us. Do not wonder why I didnt mention Irish. That bitch ditch us. She was drunk and spend money for alcohols. Well shes not the only one who was drunk thatroning, Also Jbut he made it anyway. And that is what makes no-to-indianan E real mad, as she is really hot headed.
We made it to Enchanted Kingdom!!! We really enjoyed each other. We ate in a cheap restaurant, we laughed, we told stories, we had the chance to know each other. Remember A? Esbestfriend. Oh good. The bery first day i met him, i know I had a crush on him. not because of his body figure but because of his height,look and porma.
After K and i broke up for less than 3 weeks, i started talking to someone and his name is A. Well, he is nice. We added oirselves on facebook so ofcourse we talked about anything. After weeks or a month of talking , i followed him on instagram but never followede me back. I waited for a notification, but there was none. I knew from that moment its going no where, so we stopped.
After days or a month, (I AM NOT SURE AGAIN THOUGH I CAN STILL REMEMBER THE DETAILS I JUST COULDNT REMEMBER WHEN EXACTLY) Jervin and I became friends. We told about anything about ourselves gradually and clearly finding out what we truly are. There were so many times we stayed and slept at home but i will never forget the moemnt i was laying on his lap and holding his hand and biting it sometimes. I also couldnt forget how shiny and smooth his hair was as i run my fingers through his hair. It was memomorable. It was the beginning of everything.
First bottle
It was November 3, 2019 when i finally visit bim on his house and guess what, he was alone that time. Despite of the paper works waiting for us, which was the reason why i went there, we managed to buy oe bottle of red horse. After just one bottle, We both dizzy, and so we decided to sleep....together since i couldnt sleep alone in a house i just visited. Guess what drunk people do in a house without anyone who can see if things get hotter? To cut the story short, we kissed and sucked each other's nipple. Though we don't want what just happened, we still slept together. The day after that, we were not talking. It feels like it was the day one with someone you know could be the one. The emotions getting enormous and so my heart couldnt bear it. And the rain falls from the tio of my eyes. So i talked to him, we are both not in a calm emotional state. And so we cried.
Jervin, nust like me is a player too,but he is an expert. In the beginning of out friendship, he told stories about asking for load from someone hea flirting. And that day that i was crying at home texting him, my heart breaks a little and the rain became a storm. Wanna know why?because he was telling that this was gonna be his last message and he ran out of load. The level of sadness i felt that day wasnt measurable. And i feel like the feeling of betrayal brought by my kalandia in the past cane back. But after praying, I got welll. You know when you know your worth, Its awesome. You are awesome. But pfcourse at some point , things happen because soehow you let it happen.
The confusion
You know you can be together but there was soemthing that holding you back. Weve been getting to know each other since that day. We checked each other. We glanced at each other even during classes. We walked each other's home. We visited eache other's home. We did the late night talks while walking or by sitting in a dark area in Lakfront so people couldnt notice us that easily. We talked about everything and its just feel right. Christmas is cumming and we were both lloking for answers. When people say wait for perfect place and perfect timing, believe them.
The day!
It was in December 22,2019 when we finally said pur relationship is official. We were both happy. Everything is just fine. A usual landian moments of a new couple is what we did. Since its only 3 days before Christmas, i have to go back to Batangas. And so saud goodbye to each other for the meantime with a promise of coming back on 2020.
But as a malanding boyfriend who wants to see his boyfriend, I bought a Yem cake for him which was my utang from my cousin. The plan of surprisinf him at night of December 28,2020 was successful. i saw his eyes swollen as soon as he see me. He let me stay in his house for the meantime and after 30minutes or an hour weeent to oir house and made love.
Reasons why him
1. A pysch graduate- He knows wht i feel. He knows like everything im feeling. He is always there for me.
2. Giod looking- he is one of campus hearttrob. May students admire him. I admire him too. I love him more when gis smiling wearing a stripe shirt.
3. Genius- He is a person who can teach you things he knows. Like hacks on how to manually dry a cloth using a bath towel is what i couldnt forget. (You try it,you figure it out yourself how to dru clothes with a towell)
4. Attitude- When he says he dont like soemthing or someone, dont force him to like it. I have that attitude too. But the fact that loves me now is pricelss.
5. Clingy- never did i taighy that i would love someone who is clingy because never did i thought that i would be that clingy to him. He likes hugs,kisses on his body and canton. You read it wrong, read it again.
Idont where to put this but im gonna write it here. He told me he never like surprises, but as i surprise him with beverages like Delight,his favorite, it made hime smile. The favt that he loves when im surprisinf him what makes me stay and appreciated.
Memorable moments
There are thousands of memorable moments we enjoyed. And here are the following:
1. I run my fingers through his hair.
2. Thousands of times we hangout.
3. Walking and enjoying each other company at night.
4. Street food scenarios.
5. We foughtover buying a lots of Julie's bread.
6. We knocked doors even during classes to deliver foods.
7. He gave me a perfume. I make the box of it a pen holder.
8. Date at Mcdonalds.
9. I fetched him hahen he hangout with Ram and other girl.Iwaited an hour outside Mcdonalds
10. The clinic kisses.
11. The new building kisses.
12. The cumming with no hands.lol
13. The cumming from sofa to refrigirator.
14. We bought his Iphone and stripe shirts at Divisoria
15. The holding hands🥰
As of today, June 20,2020, were still together. There were moements of breaking up with him,but we are both fighting against the world. I always bear in my mind whathe is and what he truly deserves. And that is what holding me to oir relationship. Wee havent seen each other for almost four months but its okay. We dont wanna add up to health risk. Though there were times we experienced LDR problems, we are trying to reach and hear eachothers side before madness. Though i admit i easily get irritated because he is usually mad these days, i undrstand because we are in a LDR . Im not gonna be bias so im gonna tell this. One of the things that makes him mad is that i sleep early without notice and and i couldnt update him that much since theres a lot to do when your stuck in your hoise with your family.(please consider im the youngest in the family.)
Lat night, i slept early. Today, 3:43am , im still awake drinking coffeee. And he didnt notify me if he was eeping ir what. His last message was he was goint to take a bath but it was four hours ago. Maybe my bebe boy is taking a revenge. Goodnight!
- [ ]
June 20,2020
Hes becoming dry. Im hvjng thoughts he is no longer interested. Lets see if my emotion will change as it changes minute after minute.
June 22 2020
Nothing new. We barely celebrated monthsary as we go out when we hve time. And besides he dont wanna celebrate it. Its hard. Im wondering if hereally dint like to commomerate.
June 24,2020
We had chat. But he didnt chat me at night from 830 until now 1:25 am. I have sent kind words and i dont know whats gotten into him. I just hope and pray hes alriggt. Its OK for me for i know he has his own story he dont wanna tell and its cool. Di you want to know what on my mind right now? Let me tell you. So last month i guess He unfriended a lot of friends on facebook but eventually changed his accoint. So the converaations we had storires on hiw we started are on the first facebook accnt he used to have. And hes acting weird from what i notice and im thinking if im really the only one. I know and his friend how inlove he was with Paul,his past kalandian and a new character. Never did i tell that i can see his likes in Pauls accnt with his new account. Actually, he have two and since i got his password ofcourse he would like Paul's post with the pther facebook account. I also stalked Paul on Instagram and saw his likes again. Now that he used his NEW account i have no longer access to the first old one. I tried to log it in pero fcbk said wrong password. My ate and nanay have been friennds with J on Facebook and so i could use their accnt to heck if the old accnt has been deactivated. So before thinking wrecklessly im gonna find proof. And if he likes somebody else, who am i to stop his heart from loving someone who is surely better than me?
My hunches are wrong. I opened his facebook accnt and he hs been struggling the way people would see us together specially his realtives. Idontknow what todo. Universe truly gives shit and its hard.
0 notes
certifiedskywalker · 7 years
Family Name - Jughead Jones X Blossom!Reader
can you write soemthing where the reader is the youngest blossom and openly dating jughead and no one has actually asked how youre doing since jason disspared/body was descovered, except for jug. and one day reggie makes a comment on how dating a loser wouldnt be what jason wanted and you are litterly ready to fight him. But Cheryl, who hasnt really spoken to you since the body was found, is like i know my brother would want our sister happy
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I’m sorry it’s so short, but I hope you like it anyway!
“How’s today been so far,” Jughead asked, squeezing your hand. You looked up at him and you shot him a soft smile. “Better now,” he let out a breathy laugh and rolled his eyes. You looked down the hallways and when you didn’t see anyone you knew, you leaned up a pressed a kiss to Jughead’s cheek. It wasn’t like you and Jughead were dating in secret, it was just that most of the people that were close to your older siblings didn’t like it. It was those same people, that called themselves your friends, who also seemed to forget that you had lost a brother too, not just Cheryl. The whole football team, who looked up to the Blossom family name when Jason was captain, seemed to have forgotten about the youngest family member. Since your brother’s cold, lifeless corpse had been found, even Cheryl hadn’t spoken to you. Your heart sank with the thought of your sister, because if you were still struggling, who knows how she was fairing.  
“Hey,” Jughead said, stroking your cheek, “where’d you go?” You just shook your head in response. When you looked back up at him, his green eyes were squinted in concern. “I’m okay, really.” He nodded, but you knew he didn’t believe you. “I’m feeling so good, that I want to go to the football game tonight.” He raised his eyebrow at you and you smiled. “Will you come with me,” you asked sweetly, holding both of his hands now. He smiled at you, leaning down to look into your eyes, “of course.” The warning bell rang, signaling to get to your next class. “See you in the lounge after school.” He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead, “see you then.” You let got of his hands, walking down the hall to your next class.
The day couldn’t go by fast enough; you longed to get your life back to some sense of normalcy and attending the school football games would be the first steps to get it back. When the final bell rang, you darted out of your classroom and made your way to the lounge as quickly as your legs could carry you. When you got to the door, you saw Jughead waiting outside. His gaze met with yours, but he didn’t smile. You walked up to him, “What happened?” He just shook his head at first, but you wanted a real answer. “Reggie and the rest of the rich boys are in there,” he said, staring at you, “talking about Jason.” You swallowed, feeling every muscle in your body stiffen. “We don’t have to stay in there, we can go to my house until the game or,” you just shook your head. “No, I need to move on, even if it’s just a little bit,” his lips gave you a small.
“If they say something that antagonizes you,” he starts but you hush him, intertwining your fingers with his. “We’ll leave,” you finished for him and he nodded. The moment you and Jughead walked through the door, everyone went silent, even Reggie. You and Jughead quickly found a spot to settle down without uttering a word to anyone. Jughead opened up his laptop and quickly got to work on his novel. You opened up your book, trying to get ahead of your other classmates in the reading. You were almost down with the chapter when you heard someone clear their throat too loud to not get attention. You looked up and saw Reggie staring at both you and Jughead.
“Jason would be so disappointed in you Y/N,” he said and you could already feel your blood start to boil. “Dating a loser like Jones, tainting your family's good name with a weirdo like him.” You stood suddenly which caused Jughead, who had been watching Reggie with cold eyes, to stand up at well. “Shut up Reggie,” you yelled, “you don’t know Jason like I do, he’s my brother!” “Didn’t,” Reggie said plainly, “you mean I didn’t know Jason like you did.” You grew quiet, your hands curling into tight fists. “And I did know Jason, I knew his opinion of your creepy boyfriend and it wasn’t a pleasant one.” The only thing that kept you from lunging towards Reggie was the feeling of Jughead grabbing your wrist and the sound of someone entering the room. You looked towards the door and saw your sister standing there, hands placed sassily on her hips. “That’s enough Mantle, crawl back into your cave of self-loathing and leave my baby sister alone.” You smiled at her remark, and she made her way in between you and Reggie. “If Jason knew how happy Jughead makes Y/N, I think he would have the decency, unlike you brainless baboons, to accept their relationship.” Everyone grew quiet, until Cheryl stormed out. You followed her close behind, and you were tailed by Jughead. In the hallway, Cheryl stood with her head in her hands. You walked towards her, moving in front of her and placing your hands comfortingly on her shoulders. “You okay,” you asked, prompting Cheryl to look up at you.
“I’m so, so sorry,” she whispered, “I should’ve been with you from the start.” You felt tears stinging your eyes, and soon tears were flowing from all the remaining Blossom’s children’s eyes. After you both calmed down, you looked her in the eye, “What matters is that you’re here now.” She nodded and you both hugged once more. “I’ll see you out on the field,” you said, wiping her tears away. She nodded, but before she left, she turned to Jughead. “I hope I did right by defending you,” she said, “treat my sister well or I’ll have your head.” You let out a laugh and both your sister and you boyfriend smiled. “You have my word,” he said, crossing his heart. You sister nodded and walked out of the school to the football field. You took a few steps toward Jughead, who met you in the middle with one long stride. “Looks like you’re stuck with me,” you whispered, smiling at the look on his face. “Then I guess I’m lucky,” he murmured, leaning down to press a small kiss to your lips. “Shall we wait on the bleachers,” you asked when he broke to kiss. “Sure, as long as I’m not tainting your family name.” You giggled at his imitation of Reggie and nodded, “we shall.”
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hi i just wanted to talk
i dont really have any sort of direction or reason that i wanted to talk but its 9:30pm and im alone and im in a typey mood and i dont want to just watch more how i met your mother. (im on episode like 17 i was on like 2 this morning thats so embarrassing.) anyways. i should probably watch a disney movie to help fuel the reigniting fire inside of me, but idk it just hasnt happened yet. oh im waking up at like 6am tomorrow morning rip me amiright or amiright. obviously relationships have been on my mind a lot lately. theyre hard. honestly, i know that once one of radk starts dating someone im going to feel the need to be a know it all (WHICH IS SO ANNOYING SUCH A BIG FLAW I HAVE) and be like ok but dont believe all the sweet things they say because boys lie!!!!!!!!! which is true. lets be honest here they do. they say very very sweet things to win over your heart because they want you and they know that saying those things will make you swoon. and it sucks because it will work and youll believe what theyre saying, hell, they may believe what theyre saying at the time but surprise things change sometimes. and thats ok. the world is constantly changing. it jsut reallt really really really sucks when soemthing you thought could be a constant is not. FOR EXAMPLE:::::
1. “camille, listening to you is infinitely more important than this right now,”
which, in his defense, wasn’t a lie. he said right now. but thats not the point the point is that i could have sworn phil laplante would listen to everything. every complaint every hope every dream every belief everything. but we are about to hit 4 months (oh my gosh only 4 months) and i cannot tell you the last time i truly felt listened to by him. which hurts my heart does not hurt my heart as much as:
2. “i love you my dearest, kaibigan, unconditionally.”
i just literally dont believe you. i dont. and heres the thing. tears shed over phil suck/ed. ok. theuy stunk before im sure theyll stink in the future, and it hurts and it sucks but OH ME OH MY IT IS NOTHING. NOTHING IN COMPARISON. TO THE PAIN INFLICTED ON MY BY ONE OF THE LOVES OF MY LIFE. i feel like shes not even mine anymore. is this a dramatized version of camille speaking? probably, but she deserves to have a say too. and it sucks. so much. to feel like youre all alone because the one person you swore would love you no matter hwat you did or what you coujld do would still love you just kind of stops becasue she finds new firends to become obsessed with this sucks because i used to be that new friend. she used to be obsessed with me and thar hurts likea  mother tucker. i think ive developed shades of trust isseus. maybe. id ont really know i jus tknow that it sucks SO MUCH to think of my two favorite people on the planet both being uninterested in me wow that hurts a lot. and it makes me sad to think that i could be someones favorite person on the planet and i ditched them im sorry i dont wantt o make you feel that way but i feel as though i ahve and i am so sorry. THERE IS SO MUCH HURT IN THE WORLD AND THAT SUCKS ASS. A LOT. LIKE A LOT OF ASS. But there are also some beautiful things in the world. things like music. i love music. things like stories. stories are so fascinating. there is constantly something happening on earyh and there is a select few numbers of people who will experience it. 
im rediscovering myself. i lost her somewhere. somewhere in the mix of the kissing and the new bralettes and the frozen fruit snacks and the engieneers and the design projects i left her somewhere. shes out there. or maybe shes in here, tucked away behind a familiar smell. or maybe a new smell. i dont know what she likes. i dont know how to coax her out of me. shes made some appearances, for example when i was scrolling through instagram after that himym episode and it was earthyandy showing off some of her vegan ice cream with 10,000 emerald pools playing it jsut reminded me of humans existing and it was beautiful. and there are shades of her still in me writing this todaybut she doesnt overflow me anymore. which is ok. id rather have her be a little hidden than be garbanzo.
things that hurt:
thinking about the honeymoon phase.
and i know that this is like with God, am i in it for the reward or am i in it for Him? (ive come to discover im still very much in it for the reward i think. i am not the best. but im working on it. am ia ctually working on it. or do i just say that and ignore it. id ont know but i cant afford to put myself through the hurt of telling myself that im doing nothing.) 
but God, like actually God, I miss it.
i miss the romance. i miss feeling like i was floating, like the world was saturated, and my face was hot and things were sweaty in the best way. i miss feeling like i was flying, and like nothing had and ever would hurt me (sidenote, things did hurt.) i miss 
i miss still being pure
thats a rip
i am weak
but its in the past
i dont know if ive actually forgiven myself for that one yet
i feel less disgusting and more loveable than i did previously, which is good.
maybe im not ready fora  relationship.
but when will i be
i need to learn somehow
has phil been perfect?
no he hasnt!!
today he told me “im going to stop replying for a while, dont get offended.”
1. sucks. or well, is odd.
if he had opened and left me on read i wouldnt even flinch
if he just sent back a smiley face id be like lmao, probably send back a bitmoji
but he told me it was going to happen. which is just so weird.
2. i feel like im more offended that he told me to not get offended. dont tell me what to do. which, ok, i realize could be crazy, he jsut doesnt want to hurt my feelings but believe it or not phil its a little late for that its happened and im ok im fine ive forgiven it. i think. maybe. i just want to be there for you and with you and actually scratch that i want you to want me to be there for you and with you. i just dont feel very wanted by you sometimes which, weve discussed before i know that you know that youre not affectionate. or at least not when were in real life and not honeymooning (sidenote i feel like our honeymooning phase was shorter than others were and i find that unfair but whatever.) i signed up for htis. im consciously dating someone that is distant. am i okay with that? i dont want to jsut date boys to feel like im flying though i want us to 
i dont know
i was going to say be a team
but thats what phil says
and i dont want to let him pick these words for me
remember when i wrote that poem about chaos
and how i felt like i was in a storm and i dont know what to hold onto and i was like oh jk i want to hold onto you
me too
i think im there sitll
and like you said
the storm is inside your brain
and i want to be able to be the one to calm it
but maybe thats not my job
mabye thats a different persons job
maybe it is j=my job but its my job for later
maybe its your job
i dont know
but the idea of youd ating someone else really sucks
like a lot
liek a lot a lot
because i know
i know what the hunt is like now
i can imagine 
all of our friends
sitting somehwre, id ont know
and all the boys are checking out the hot girls around
and maybe im just old fashioned
maybe im still naive
maybe i am still just a noob
but that sucks so much
i dont want to be replaceable with a deli girl
or with ffg
not that theyre bad or anyhting but its the princile of it
that when im gone you jsut go back to sitting in the purple chairs at storms planning how to talk to the next girl
And mayb ethats the point
actually i tak that back
im sure thats how it isf or some girls
but phil im not just some girl
phil im the girl that made lauryn hurley feel loved
im the girl that helped bring radk together
im the girl that blew ms crsit away
im the girl that used to look down in the damn hallway but looked up because she liked a boy
i didnt look up because i wanted to see a hot rack with blue eyes and a nice ass
i looked up because i wanted to be noticed
and intriguing
and wanted
and i jsut dont really feel like any of those things by you sometimes
and that hurts a lot
what is the point of this
this just sounds like i dont want to date him anymore
but i do
do i or do i jsut not want change
i do
i think
id ont know
but camille
right now you get the best of both worlds
you get to date him
who is goofy
and smells really good
and is strong
and is hungry for God 
and is grateful
and is
i was going to say a good listener
but there is so much space between you two becaues this is a time for you
no one but you, camille
you can grow
this is a summer of self improvement.
you lost yourself somewhere and tou dont need anyone to help you find her
thats a lie
who i am is reflected onto me by those around me
but still
i dont need him.
i dont want to need anyone yet
i am young
im still finding out what i want
im still discovering myself
dear God,
i cant do this without you
youre the only one who will love me and satisfy me
“the human world, it’s a mess”
youre right
but thats knida the point
we feel things
we hurt
we love
we lvie
we cry
we laugh
we do all these things
and feel what we think is great
but then when we get to feel you, oh lord, we are blown away.
you are so much greater 
and i am not worthy, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed
im sorry
im sorry for disappearing
and i honestly cant see myself running back soon
which sucks
and i dont know how to fix it
i think i hurt a lot
which is so backwards
but im doing what they say normal people do
am i normal though
i literally jsut said im not
God i need you
help me find you
i bet you know how to find me.
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