#also ignore that everything about the brand is incorrect
emry-stars-art · 7 months
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Whumptober day 10: branding/scarring/collar (full under the cut - I might say this one’s slightly more intense)
Did I mention this prompt list fits our Evemore Kingdom needs like almost too well? :,)
Find the royal au masterpost here
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(Hey does anyone have any comfort/fluff drawing ideas I can pick from TT)
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cipheramnesia · 1 month
There's a brand of criticism that looks at Night of the Living Dead (1968), and suggests people consider the interpretation that Harry Cooper, the racist and misogynistic antagonist of the movie, was right the whole time. After all, if everyone listened to Harry, they would have stayed safely locker in the cellar and survived. He was a bad person, but if you think rationally about, his plan would have worked.
This has nagged at me awhile, because it felt off, and now I can tell you unambiguously that interpretation is not just thematically inconsistent, but factually wrong. Here's why.
First, consider what each character symbolizes. Ben, the protagonist, is revolutionary thinking. He represents taking action, problem solving, creativity and opposition of authority. Barbara is the iconic public in the face of sudden, overwhelming horror. Think the shock and horror in response to the Vietnam War, fresh at the time, the first real widespread use of television exposing USAmericans to the graphic atrocities committed by their own soldiers. Harry, the antagonist represents isolationism, conservativism, and the idea that everything is fine as it is. There is no need for change for Harry, let the government fix it.
Secondarily! Harry's wife Helen and daughter Karen. Helen is also a symbol of traditional values, but in what you might call a centrist way. She too thinks, at first, that Harry is right and it's all going to work out, but as the movie progresses she comes to realize too late that she is not being kept safe but rather held as property and Harry intends to let everyone die if it means what he has stays his. Karen, meanwhile, represents the idea that the external problem (zombies) cannot be ignored and just locked away. The problem is already inside the house, it will affect everyone regardless.
Lastly! Judy and Tom, what else could they be but the innocent hope of youth (Tom) and love (Judy). They die first because their naivete and blind optimism put them in each other's way. They are the proud soldiers of the US military going of to an idealistic war only to die, burning and alone, for nothing.
So, factually speaking, first and foremost, the "Harry was right" position always glosses over that Karen is infected. They believe that as a large group it would be easy to avoid further infection by Karen. This is incorrect, as the movie shows several times. First, Helen stays at Karen's side so extensively that she is ultimately killed when Karen turns. We can from this also recognize the same thing would happen if everyone stayed in the basement. Helen will be infected. Second! Harry repeatedly shows his belief that his wife and daughter are property, and he will act irrationally in his own self interest. It is safe to say that Harry will insist on protecting his wife and daughter even after they become zombies. This means the group will be isolated in a small space with two fresh zombies. What happens from this point is immaterial the group is now at best 3vs4 on the side of zombies, and they have NOT successfully made it through the night unscathed.
But wait! This is already giving the idea that Harry is right too much credit because Harry does not want to leave the basement at all. This means that if Harry was listened to, there would only be Tom and Judy in the basement versus Harry and his zombie family. They would all die if they did not take action. Furthermore! Only by leaving the basement does anyone other than Ben and Barbara find out how to stop zombies, and Ben is the only one who has genuinely figured out one solid antizombie tactic on his own.
Not only this, but Harry has no way to predict that people like Barbara and Ben will show up. His basement plan hinges on a stable situation, which they are not in. He has not planned against a horde of zombies until Ben arrives, and after Ben arrives, he works almost exclusively against the group goals. Harry is not just isolationist but selfish. His plan does not work because at no point does he show any ability to cope with the direct problem, and every version of "sitting it out in the basement" just gets more people killed. Harry is wrong and his plan is bad and critics who suggest his plan was good ought to feel bad.
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genderqueerdykes · 1 year
hello! I’m an anonymous asker who’s sent in asks before, about PCOS stuff.
If it’s not a bother, would you be willing to share ways to potentially share neopronouns with family who, while they are supportive, don’t always understand and can sometimes be hurtful? I’m very scared to even suggest the idea of not using He/Him or to go into my gender experience because I get backhanded comments and changes in how they see me it I do. Would it be worth it at all to mention it?
Also, how would I go about binding better? Currently I wear a binder with a sports bra over it, but it hurts sometimes and still doesn’t make me as flat as I aspire to be.
Thank you and have a lovely day!
hi there! welcome back, we're glad to see you again!
it can be a real gamble with family, so i understand your apprehension. some families are surprisingly good about these kinds of things and will catch on and respect it, others will just deny or ignore the requests. i would say you can gently bring it up in convo, like saying a friend of yours uses neopronouns and you want to, as well, or you can just be blunt about it and say hey, he/him and she/her just don't work for me. here's what actually works for me
if they're receptive you can go into more detail and let them know that those just don't fit you and they're not who you are. honestly i find saying that's just. not who i am. even if that's how they perceive me that's not who i actually am and i don't respond to those pronouns because they're not mine. they don't register as mine in my head so i don' tknow people are talking to me when they use those
if they resist, you can try to double down. if you're confident enough, it can sometimes make folks agree to use them even if they don't necessarily like them. the thing is they don't have to like it. it's your identity, you deserve that respect. but there's a chance they may not. it sucks when they don't, so if you do end up in that spot feel free to come back and let us know. some folks just don't quite "get" it and sometimes it's best to just try to ignore the incorrect pronouns when possible
also for binding, it can be tough, most binders won't get a person totally flat if they have a larger chest. i would definitely not recommend putting on anything over a binder as binders are already harsh enough on the ribs. i definitely get dealing with dysphoria, but rib damage and potential pneumonia is not something you want to deal with, nor is potential nipple damage. if you find your current binder isn't enough, you can try layering clothing and seeing what clothes help obscure that part of your body better, or you can try to look for a different brand. i recommend Underworks, personally!
i used to use 2 somewhat loose sports bras over top one another but i don't know how safe that is. pain can be very common but if you're in a lot of pain it's better to try to do what you can with whatever other clothing you have if possible. i hope that makes sense, binding can be very bothersome at times due to how complicated it is. i hope you can find something that works better. a different style of sports bra might help you
good luck with everything, i hope you're able to get at least a few family members to understand and work with you. let us know if you need anymore help, we're rooting for you. stay safe out there!
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terporium · 3 months
8 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Using a Dab Tool
Dabbing is like an art, turning concentrated cannabis extracts into vapor. It's a bit tricky because you need the right tools, materials, and technique. Even though it might seem easy, getting really good at it takes practice, and you need to watch out for common mistakes. There are these 8 Common Mistakes to Avoid While Using a Dab Tool that can turn a chill moment into a not-so-cool experience. Let's keep it real and learn how to dodge these pitfalls, ensuring every dab is smooth, flavorful, and downright enjoyable. 
The Perfect Partner: Quartz Banger & Dab Thermometer
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Your trusty dab tool works alongside two crucial allies: the quartz banger, heated nail where the magic happens, and the dab thermometer, your temperature guardian. A premium quality quartz banger, like a well-seasoned cast iron pan, retains heat beautifully, while a dab thermometer ensures you hit that sweet spot - not too hot, scorching your precious concentrates, and not too cold, leaving you wanting more.
1: Overheating the Quartz Banger
A scorching banger is the enemy of flavor. Overheat it, and your concentrates vaporize instantly, leaving behind a harsh, burnt taste. Invest in a dab thermometer – it's like a chef's trusty probe, guiding you to that perfect 450-550°F range for smooth, flavorful dabs.
2: Neglecting Cleaning and Maintenance
A dirty dab tool is like a dull knife – ineffective and unpleasant. Leftover residue not only affects performance but also builds up, impacting your health. Regularly clean your tools with alcohol swabs or dedicated cleaning solutions. Remember, your quartz banger needs TLC too – a quick torch after each session keeps it clean and ready for action.
3: Using Incorrect Dabbing Techniques
Dabbing isn't just about scooping and torching. Mastering the technique ensures efficient vaporisation and even heating. Gently dab your concentrate and swirl it around the banger for maximum surface contact. Remember, slow and steady wins the race - rushing cools the banger, compromising your hit.
4:  Ignoring Dab Tool Compatibility
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Different concentrates have different needs. A thick, sticky wax needs a flat tool to scoop, while a buddery shatter might call for a pointed tip. Using the wrong tool can be messy and wasteful. Invest in a small arsenal for different textures, ensuring a tailored experience for each dab.
5: Neglecting Temperature Control with Dab Thermometer
Temperature control is everything. A dab thermometer takes the guesswork out of the equation. Knowing your banger's ideal temperature range – typically around 450-550°F – opens the door to a world of flavorful, cloud-chasing bliss. Embrace the thermometer; it's your ticket to dabbing nirvana.
6: Using Poor-Quality Dab Tools
Low-quality dab tool are like flimsy spatulas – prone to bending, breaking, and ultimately, ruining your precious concentrates. Invest in well-made tools, like a sturdy titanium dabber or a heat-resistant glass scoop. Your quartz banger deserves a worthy partner, so choose a reputable brand and enjoy its longevity.
7: Improper Loading of Concentrates
Gently do it! Overloading your dab tool leads to uneven heating and wasted concentrates. Start small, with a rice-grain-sized portion, and adjust as needed. A controlled scoop onto the banger's center ensures thorough vaporization and maximizes your precious extracts.
8: Overestimating or Underestimating Dab Tool Heat Retention
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Understanding how your dab tool and quartz banger retain heat is key. A metal tool cools down faster, requiring immediate dabbing, while ceramic holds heat longer, giving you some leeway. A dab thermometer acts as your heat coach, helping you anticipate the cooldown and time your dabs perfectly.
By avoiding these common missteps, you'll transform your dabbing experience from a clumsy fumble to a graceful ballet of technique and control. Remember, your dab tool is your gateway to a world of delicious vapour and potent effects. Treat it with respect, learn its dance, and unlock the full potential of every dab. So, Grab your premium quality Dab Tool from Terporium, and let the good vibes flow, ignite your banger, and with these tips in mind, prepare to elevate your dabbing experience to new heights!
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allcoastvd · 10 months
8 Tips for Choosing the Right Air Conditioner for Better Air Conditioning
Homeowners want the best for their homes, especially if they can make their lives better. And if you are the same, do not overlook what air conditioners can do. Whatever the weather is, they are available to provide the coolness you and your place need. If you are still in the middle of choosing, here are some tips for picking the right air conditioner for better air conditioning Central Coast:
Measure the Space
Before buying an air conditioner, you should measure the space where you will install it. Measure the dimensions of the room and calculate the needed cooling capacity. If you buy the incorrect one, you might have issues with the fitment, causing you to return or replace the item. Checking the measurement of the space can give you proper fit and easy installation requirements. You can also say goodbye to obstructions without having issues with cost considerations.
Choose the Right Type
Another factor you need to check in an air conditioner is its kind. You will see different types of aircon in the market, giving you options of what you should and should not purchase. The one you will choose also affects how you can use the appliance. Searching about the types of air conditioners can broaden your options, providing your cooling needs and improving the aesthetics. If you do not understand the differences, do not hesitate to ask for the assistance of professionals.
Understand Noise Levels
Air conditioners can create noises when you turn them on. So if you plan to use the appliance before going to bed, ensure that you understand its noise levels. Too much noise can bother your sleep, making the night uncomfortable. This issue might also mean that something is wrong with your air conditioner. Never ignore them, as they can cause problems in your home in the future. Buy a unit with a low noise rating to provide comfort and improve your sleep quality. Concentrating on the things you do will also not be a problem.
Explore Additional Features
Air conditioners also have additional features, depending on the model and brand. Before spending money on the appliance, explore this factor and see what works for your home best. Some of the elements include sleep modes, timers, and programmable thermostats. You will also see air conditioners with remote controls, so you do not have to reach the aircon to turn it on or off. 
Evaluate the Warranty
Whatever appliance you buy, always check and evaluate the warranty. Check its terms and conditions to guarantee proper coverage and support. If you need repair or replacement, it depends on the situation of your appliance. The warranty can protect you from defects, giving you the chance to have a replacement without paying a cent. The length of the warranty coverage is also necessary because it shows how confident the manufacturer is with their products. If you do not see this in them, consider it a red flag.
Read Customer Reviews
When buying a product or getting a service, reading customer ratings and reviews is necessary. It is where you will see what other people say about the product and their experience using it. Low scores and negative reviews are always there wherever you go, but weigh them with the good words and see if you can work with them. If not, it is enough sign to look for another company to trust.
Seek Professional Advice
Not all people are knowledgeable enough when it comes to air conditioners. And if you are the same, do not worry because you can seek advice from a professional. You will see many of them on the internet, but ensure that the one you trust already has a name in the industry. Everything you need to know about aircon specialists will help you choose who to trust.
Consider the Installation Process
Installing an air conditioner is not easy, so you would need the assistance of professionals to do the job. Assess the complexity and the cost, especially if the type of air conditioner you chose is challenging enough. DIY can be an option, but it is better to have someone knowledgeable and experienced enough to avoid having issues in the future.
Many people are becoming more interested in having an air conditioner in their homes. You can also have it, but you should know how to choose the correct and perfect one to avoid having regrets. Look for reputable air conditioner brands and specialists to receive a high-quality service.
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pixenite · 1 year
What are Common Pitfalls to Avoid as an Amazon Seller
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The strong and pre-equipped platform has a loyal and reliable customer base, and by selling on amazon, you get its additional benefits. Do you know 75% of shoppers use Amazon to discover new brands and products? In fact, 52% of shoppers are willing to buy unfamiliar brands from Amazon. There are more than 9.5 million sellers, and thousands more enter every day. In this highly competitive market, how will you stand out? Well, hire Amazon account management services.
Mistakes to Avoid as Amazon Sellers
Confusing Google Branding with Amazon brand SEO
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One of the killer mistakes Amazon sellers commit is by considering Google SEO and Amazon SEO as the same. There are two different things; according to some studies, 52% of people use Amazon to get inspiration for the product purchase. When it comes to finding a restaurant or dentist in your locality, Google is the choice, but in product purchase, Amazon has the upper hand. Amazon SEO focuses on individual keywords, while Google aims for keyword phrases. For example, if you search for "indoor low light plants", then Amazon will showcase longtail and short tail keywords meaning it will showcase the indoor plants, plant light bulbs, and other accessories for indoor plants.
Incorrect Product Launch
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You're mistaken if you think your work is done after the product listing and description are uploaded. Rather, product launch is a long process as it needs your proactive participation, and you have to do everything possible to get a better ranking for your product.
When we say long process, it includes launching Amazon-sponsored product campaigns, optimizing listing with the right keywords, and promoting products on social media channels through discounts, coupons, and search results. Plus, you also need to have a look at the product reviews and sales in order to understand how the product is performing in the market. By closely analyzing all studies, you will understand the targeted audience well, which will be profitable in the long run.
Mismanagement of Inventory
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Another mistake that can kill your business on Amazon is not managing the inventory properly. Understock and overstock are both dying situations for the business. No sellers wish to say no to customers due to a lack of inventory supply. Even by overstocking inventory, one has to pay extra charges for storing inventory in the warehouse and maintaining them.
One of the major problems that business owners face is that when sales drop down it becomes very difficult to get rid of excessive stock, which leads to a huge loss of money, time, and space. Well, in such dread cases, take the help of an Amazon management service company in Ahmedabad, which will take care of all inventory and other requirements.
Ignoring Competitors
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One of the biggest success mantras we can offer is, "never underestimate your competitors." As an Amazon seller, you must not forget that there are a large number of sellers available selling the same items. If your competitors are getting good reviews, it's time to level up the game.
Here the quick piece of advice would be that do not copy the exact layout, images, and product description as it can lower your authenticity. Plan out some unique strategies that can help you to stand out from the crowd. You can take the help of experts like Amazon Management company in India to roll out the best plans.
Not Paying Attention to Customer Services
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Another grave mistake that Amazon's sellers commit is poor customer service. Amazon is very particular and strict when it comes to customers, as for them, their customers are the biggest assets. Any complaint about a product or service can lead to Amazon Account Suspension.
Ensure to reply to customers' queries on time and try to solve their problems as soon as possible. Consistency helps to build faith in the brand, so show up, offer positive shopping experiences and keep your metrics up to the mark of expectations. It is very important to address the negative reviews and do everything in your capacity to turn their negative experience into a positive one.
Improper Product Listing
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On the Amazon platform, the competition is high, and to remain a top seller on the platform, you cannot afford to be sloppy, inattentive in details, and careless, especially in product listings. There are various disadvantages of having poor or improper product listing, and some include a negative impact on discoverability, less conversion rate, and many other consequences.
Quick Tips for Product Listing:
Do not add promotional text to images Keep the amazon product clean and easy to understand Never include coupons and marketing titles in product Title Asking for customer reviews Another deadly mistake that sellers generally commit is asking for customer reviews. Many studies have proven that positive reviews encourage shoppers to buy the product. One of the best ways to boost business is through positive reviews, but unethical practices or asking for reviews are strictly forbidden in fair selling practices on Amazon. Instead, you must have a proper and fair review plan.
Not Paying Attention to Promotions or Offers
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The major reason for the success of Amazon is because of visibility. With many competitors in the market, it becomes difficult to survive without running ads about promotions or discounts. Even running $1 off or just 5% off ads can help to bring out a huge chunk of traffic and conversion on the page. You can learn more about it with the help of Amazon marketplace experts..
Final Words
Running an Amazon store requires a lot of time, energy, and, of course, finances. Initially, some strategies might work for you, and some will not but don't get disheartened. Here you can take help from professionals to keep and grow your Amazon store. Amazon marketplace management service provider will take care of everything while you can take care of other aspects of online business. Call today and book your consultation call.
Artical Source : https://www.pixenite.com/what-are-common-pitfalls-to-avoid-as-an-amazon-seller/
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digitalkorbaxllc · 1 year
Best Graphic Design Services USA Build a Brand
Graphic Design Services USA
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Did you know that your brain processes image cues 60,000 times more stronger than text? Data not only enters the brain more quickly, but it also stays there. You'll probably remember 65% of the facts you hear and see even years ago! Those figures should be enough to convince you that effective Graphic Design Services USA are necessary for a profitable company. But have you ever thought about utilizing graphic design to expand your company? Or is visual art only a "when I have more money" utter joke? It's incorrect if it is. A structure for how you can apply, or more accurately, how your business needs graphic design to flourish, is crucial for your brand.
Professional Design Makes your Brand Famous
You have only a few minutes to make a strong first impression on future consumers and clients. Your brochure, webpage, booklet, or flyer may make the initial impression. Even if your target audience needs more design expertise. They will be able to tell if beginner or professional designers handled your promotional materials. No matter how big your business is. Yes! Unskilled graphics can convey the sense that it is weak and outdated. Well! The best Graphic Design Services USA can make your organization strong, competent, and reputable. Even a start-up company can look developed and reputable with superb graphic design. Where? Well! The Logo Design Com Co company has a skilled graphic designer. Eye-catching graphic designs are waiting for you at our place. So come fast and become your brand popular.
Ideal Graphics for Digital Marketing
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Yes! How can you ignore the effects of social media now that everything is linked and related through it? But what is the relationship between Graphic Design Services USA and online networks? Well! According to studies, visual content is more beneficial because it causes users to pause and give heed. Long paragraphs will not entice a user to read the entire post. Logo Design Com Co is here to maintain a healthy lifestyle with the right jewels in your bag. It all comes down to creating the ideal online persona for your business and brand. You must realize that trying to keep someone with you is not possible unless you use the appropriate tool and your advertising is sufficiently strong. People will grow bored if you and your potential buyer are not on the same page. So why not make an investment in some striking street signs?  Connect with us to learn more about how we can help you gain more profit!
Designs You Will Never Forget
Each graphic in Logo Design is done in such a way that you cannot miss it. We aim to create design ideas that the audience will remember for a long time: put those that become stuck in their heads. Our professional designers customize each logo to capture the viewer's attention in a single glance, even in overcrowding situations. We consider you our partners rather than clients from the very beginning to the very end. We provide the best Graphic Design Services USA with unlimited revisions for your comfort until the design falls short of your expectations. With your company's objectives in mind, you can improve your brand image. Logo Design’s professional designers are the best and most experienced creative geeks in the sector. They are well-versed in the most recent logo design developments.
New Tool for the Ideal Future
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Yes! Ultimate browsing and IT are the order of the day in the future. Do you know that the way sellers present their products influences over 50 million people's online shopping decisions every year? It's time for you to realize that Graphic Design Services USA aren't just a luxury; they're necessary to achieve the results you've always desired. Get in contact with us to take advantage of ideal graphic design services, as we proudly offer you trustworthy and dependable digital services.
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ashley-veg · 2 years
Week 4 Blog Post 2
According to the article “Three reasons junk news spreads so quickly across social media” written by Philip Howard and Samantha Bradshaw, fake news is mainly spread through algorithms, advertising, and exposure. All of these techniques have their positives, but they can also be very detrimental. Algorithms are used to increase social media activity and new users, which is very beneficial for the company. However, the information that is presented is based on what the user enjoys or believes, despite what the actual content is about. Some of the information could easily be fake, but the user would be continued to be presented with it because they liked or watched a few videos on it, changing what they believe to be true. Currently, I am mainly exposed to algorithms through TikTok. TikTok presents the user with videos based on videos that they previously liked in addition to the ones that are trending. For example, a lot of the videos that I like have dogs in them, so I am continually presented with more videos with dogs and other animals. Overall, I feel that algorithms can be harmful because they are biased to the user, so the content is limited, less diverse, and has the potential of containing incorrect information that is continually shown. I really felt that the use of the term “filter bubbles” in the article was a great way to explain this phenomenon.
Fake news is also spread through advertising. Advertising is a great way to promote products, brands, ideas, etc. to a widespread audience. Companies use clickbait to real in their users and get them to engage in their content. In my daily life I see clickbait used a lot by youtubers, to get people to watch their videos. A lot of the times the youtubers even say that their title is false or not entirely true. It is a manipulative way to get people to engage by striking emotion through misleading information. When the video goes viral, the misleading title is what is being seen first, and can spread the wrong idea to viewers.
The last way fake news is spread is through exposure, in which users get to choose what they see and ignore. The good part about exposure is that the user can choose exactly what they want to see in their social media content. The bad part about this is that they can be ignoring thousands of other possibilities. They could be believing the false content while ignoring the correct information. A good example of this is your Instagram explore page, in which the user gets to choose what they click on what they do not want to see. There could be multiple posts talking about the same thing but all of them could be saying different things. If the user only sees one post, they may not get the full or correct story and therefore junk news is spread.
Businesses should be aware of the emotions they can create in the users that may cause them to only see one side of the story. Businesses and individuals need to be aware that not everything that is online is factual and should do further research to clarify and confirm things seen online. Social media is a great resource for companies, and they should use it to their advantage, rather than using overly manipulative tactics. While users should understand that social media is not reality.
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aaron78341-blog · 2 years
Gift-Giving Mistakes to Avoid at All Costs
Let’s face it; gift-giving is definitely an art and is indeed not that easy for everyone. Of course, you ought to figure out everything right from picking up the perfect gift to deciding on the most adorable wrapping paper. Since you want to buy your loved the perfect gifts, you’ll have to avoid some certain mistakes while shopping for gifts.
 Avoiding mistakes can possibly save you quite a lot of bucks and even help ensure you end up with the most amazing gift. So, if you’re perplexed about what to buy for your loved ones, then keep reading to find out gift-giving mistakes to avoidavoid at all costs.
 Ignoring Coupons
Indeed, gifting your loved one with a coupon is completely acceptable. Yes, you might think that a coupon is not a thoughtful gift but you can talk to the person you intend to gift and know which brands they probably like the most. Moreover, some individuals are finicky about gifts and so for them the best gift can be a coupon card from their favorite brand.
 Additionally, most people also make the mistake of buying expensive presents while shopping for gifts. There’s this misconception in the society that only expensive gifts can make the receiver happy, and this is totally false. Actually, a thoughtful gift can definitely bring a smile to the face of the receiver like no other gift.
 No Personal Touch
Purchasing a random gift then giving it to the receiver is quite unpleasant. You can as well try to add a personal touch to the gift as this will absolutely make all the difference while gifting your loved one. You can either pack the gift with love or bake a cake along with it to leave the person you’re gifting in awe. Moreover, gifting is not limited on products and eatables alone.
 You can even surprise your loved ones by booking a candlelight dinner for them or a spa session and they can be equally happy after receiving it. Re-gifting is also another common practice that is considered incorrect. Gift-giving is probably an art and include emotions. So, always ensure you stay true to yourself and do a little hard work to figure the best gift and then surprise your loved ones.
 The good news is gifts online Singapore stores have made things easy. All it takes is for you to leverage a leading online gift store such as Noel Gifts, and you are good to go.
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Best Carpet Cleaners Tustin
Best Carpet Cleaning Tustin
If you've ever had to scrub a stain out of carpet, you know that there are categorically few benign ways of proceed it. In fact, the huge majority of cleaning products on the announce are potentially harmful for your kids and pets. Even the gentle ones are likely to depart at the back some residue that could be harmful on top of time. No one wants her associates to be exposed to potentially hazardous chemicals on a daily basis, therefore attempt out this easy carpet cleaning method bordering grow old you habit a tiny urge on getting stains out: Materials Needed: -Baking soda (plainnot scented or taking into consideration further cleaners) -A tidy brush or broom -Water This week I'm going to attempt a other carpet cleaning method, and I'll tell you all roughly it in my blog. It's already been a few months in the past I did my last professional cleaningand even if the carpet looks fine, there are some stains that are getting harder and harder to ignore. And in the long run, I'd rather not spend the child support on professional cleanings all 2-3 months. therefore I'm going to attempt this homemade shampoo method that a coworker of mine uses on her own carpetsit's cheap, non-toxic, and easy to use on any kind of carpeting. I'll allow you all know how it goes. Carpet cleaning is one of those services that can make you character taking into consideration you just got a other lease on life. A fresh, professionally cleaned carpet can make your house character taking into consideration a brand other dwelling, even if it's dated and grungy. carpet cleaning is also one of the most costly services you can have over and done with to your house (hence the pun in this post's title), therefore there are positive things that can be over and done with to keep the cost down.
Residential Carpet Cleaning Tustin
Experienced carpet cleaners is a activity of professionals that are well-versed in carpet care and cleaning. They say yes arrogance in their work, and reach everything is essential to get your carpet to look taking into consideration new. I desire to introduce you to a really great company that specializes in carpet cleaning. They are affordable, reliable, and dependable. And, they always get the job done. They have been in thing for quite some grow old and have a lot of experience functional taking into consideration carpeting. I have worked taking into consideration them in the past and have never had any problems at all. The staff is always courteous and friendly, which is something that I greatly appreciate. They know what they are proceed and will proceed hard to make positive the job is over and done with right the first time. If you are looking for a company that can pay for you taking into consideration character advance at a price that won't rupture your budget, you should categorically deem them! I've been in the carpet cleaning thing for more than 4 years now and I have cleaned carpets for more than 500 clients. A lot of people know how to tidy carpets, but few know how to tidy carpets properly. I've also seen some carpet cleaners who are not professional and they reach a needy job at it. There's always that bad taste left in your mouth after they're gone. They don't care roughly the job they just desire the child support and they won't arrive urge on if something goes incorrect or if you're not glad taking into consideration the job they did.
Steam Carpet Cleaning Tustin
Residential carpet cleaning professionals are here to urge on you keep your carpets tidy and looking new. If you're on the announce for this type of service, there's a lot to think about. Here are some tips that will urge on you make the best decision possible. Every house is every second and all homeowner has every second needs. For example, if you have juvenile children, you might be more concerned taking into consideration keeping your carpets tidy than having them look new. You may opt for professional deep cleaning taking into consideration a year rather than professional steam cleaning all three months. If you have allergies, you may desire to consult taking into consideration a professional roughly using an every second detergent or switching your schedule therefore that you tidy your carpet all month instead of all three months. The same goes for your lifestyle - reach you make laugh often? reach you have pets? reach kids rule through your house taking into consideration muddy shoes? all of these things should be kept in mind taking into consideration making a decision roughly hiring residential carpet cleaning professionals. in the past choosing a company, ask them questions such as: -What's the average animatronics expectancy of your products? -Where reach you get your products and how much reach they cost? -What should I expect during my first visit? -How much will it cost to preserve my Carpet cleaning is usually over and done with by residential carpet cleaning professionals, who are trained to pick and use the commandeer cleaners for the specific type of carpet. They will say yes the grow old to examine your carpet and can tell you what you habit to have over and done with to it. https://bestcarpetcleanerstustin.blogspot.com/2022/06/best-carpet-cleaners-tustin.html Professional Carpet Cleaners Tustin https://steamcarpetcleaningtustin.blogspot.com/ https://steamcarpetcleaningtustin.blogspot.com/2022/06/steam-carpet-cleaning-tustin.html https://apple-valley-gym-q2g7ybq.tumblr.com/post/688352866051784704/steam-carpet-cleaning-tustin https://roofersroofing-blog.tumblr.com/post/688351160417091584/tapered-flat-roof-contractor https://carpetcleaningtrabucocanyon910.blogspot.com/
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santiagosantiago72 · 2 years
You have appear off to the right place if you are interested in earning money online. This article has a good amount of ideas to help you design and style a web site.
On the Internet right now, rate is how it's at. So that you need to make sure almost everything on the web site lots speedy. You cannot expect a lot determination out of your site visitors. When they are caught considering an unfinished web page for minutes on stop while your posts lots, they may be really prone to near your website and find what they're searching for in other places. Anywhere your company logo shows up on your site, you should go along with it using a complementary motto or tagline. Preferably, this tagline should be attractive and helpful, and ought to offer basic breakdown of the objective of your site or merchandise giving. The mix of the brand name and tagline must show up on each page to create a feeling of cohesion. Stay away from picture frames. Most sites have deserted picture frames on their own as far better alternatives have become offered, but you will still find web sites available which are held in 1996. Alternatives to navigational picture frames consist of resolved-placement the navigation panels, experiencing the navigation in numerous places (e.g. left and bottom part) or simplifying site composition to ensure navigational links are by no means far. Be sure your webpages aren't too long. You simply get one opportunity to create a initially perception, and when your most essential content articles are "beneath the retract," it might not also be study. For those who have plenty of related articles that should continue to be jointly, think about breaking up it into segments and incorporating links to each section. If you plan on developing a business website, you ought to seriously consider purchasing your own web hosting. Most cost-free number sites force you to exhibit their advertisements, that is countertop-instinctive if you are seeking to offer some thing as well. Purchase your personal hosting to avert this advertising trouble, to enable you to select your very own advertising. It is wise to make the energy to create a customized fault site to your web site this page should include an elementary sitemap that back links customers towards the main parts of your website. This makes certain that if website visitors adhere to a awful hyperlink or spell your Web address incorrect, they will be able to determine what they are trying to find. những trang web người lớn được xem nhiều nhất ở hàn quốc will help you layout a web site that is enhanced for search engine listings, will not consist of picture frames. Although the details in fames can be appealing to targeted traffic to your site, search engines like google can't see it. If important site info isn't seen by an internet search engine, after that your ranking won't be up to it can be. When that occurs, hardly any men and women will visit your site. Never ever nibble away from over it is possible to chew by seeking to layout a number of web sites simultaneously. You ought to maintain points straightforward by only working on one particular web site at the same time. Even if you do have some web page design abilities, you may get crossed with your tasks, or each of your sites are affected ignore. Simply take points one at a time. Try and rule only using CSS. We're transferring far from table-structured websites to simply CSS web sites since they are reusable, readily available, plus they can help reduce your submit measurements. This allows you greater charge of the look of your web site. There are several CSS assets you may use, therefore, being aware of CSS is very helpful to web page design. When you are a web-based designer brand, it really is excellent being an artist. This means you should wide open the mind to new tips. When you have advisable for your web site whilst you're eating out, jot it upon a napkin. Should you get a concept at work, get in touch with and leave a concept for yourself on your cell phone, to keep in mind in the future. Make certain you regularly return and attempt to recall everything that you've learned to date. One of the primary issues folks have after they first start out with website design is simply because they understand a few points and end up forgetting them a couple of days in the future, that may harm their internet site advancement. See how successful your site's layout is by using user friendliness assessments. All things considered, you want it to work for every person, not just for many who examined it. Consumers ought not possess any difficulty completing the job when the site is created effectively. This could require some time if your website is not constructed well. The best way to start off web design is in the first place the basics and never rush to learn everything in 1 day. With a few essentials, you will see how to convert web site design in a fruitful endeavor. Reference these guidelines when necessary advancing.
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lu-morningstar · 3 years
Can I request an angsty Chris x reader little something please where they have a bad argument, causing them to split up and when his family find out they say how much of an idiot he is for letting her go and encourage him to get her back?
a/n: Thank you for requesting <3 it took too long because i decided to rewrite everything i had, so plz enjoy anon.
pairing: Chris Evans x reader
I was wrong - Chris Evans [Blurb]
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After a bad argument that led you to break up with Chris, he decided to go home -Boston-. There, his family, more specifically his mom and Scott, agreed that what he did was incorrect and that he was an idiot for doing that.
You stayed in the house you and Chris decided to rent in L.A., you had to work the next day and you couldn't really afford to fly out to another city to see your family after breaking up with your boyfriend of over 2 years now.
The two of you spent a couple of weeks separated until you heard from him. He texted you, wanting to talk about what happened and to offer his apologies face to face. You agreed on meeting him.
"I was wrong for taking an important decision without your take on it first. And for that, I apologize." you nod to what he said. "I was also an idiot, Scott actually said jerk, but yeah. I should have talked to you before agreeing to film for almost 8 months abroad."
"It took you 2 weeks to realize that?" you were been bitter, yes, but he deserved it.
"It was 'round one, but it took more to gain the courage to come back." he took a sip to his grab-to-go coffee. You were both walking in a park close to your house, it was almost the time for the sun to set, so it was kind of romantic. Maybe that's why he decided to do this here.
"You know I can't just ignore what happened, right?" you stopped to say that to his face, his brows furrowed while listening to you. "You can't make those decisions without at least hearing what I have to say."
"I know, and I'm apologizing for that, but-"
"It takes more than words, Chris. You are on trial time." you continue to walk, after a few seconds he followed.
Chris came back home the next day, after spending the night in a hotel, and Dodger received him effusively. After a few weeks where he got you your favorite flowers, asked for your opinion on what brand of products to buy, and talked about the production he was asked to be on, deciding that even though it would be hard to be far away from each other for 8 months, things went back to normal between the both of you.
By the time his project premiered, the two of you were now engaged and planning to move to Boston to be close to his family.
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My Masterlist
Wanna be part of the taglist? Drop an ask here <3
taglist: @lharrietg ✧ @marajillana​ ✧ @franchesca-791​ ✧ @justamarvelfan14​ ✧  @cressidaevans ✧ @sunwardsss ✧ @kaatelyyynn ✧ @high-on-darren-criss​ ✧ @chamorritaluv ✧ @stillmanicc
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ganymedesclock · 4 years
how do you figure that the knight has a personality. from what i've seen, it's purpose is to stop the plague, and every action it takes is to further that goal. there aren't any sidequests that bring it to other, irrelevant things.
Anon pardon me for being rude but this just sounds a lot like you really weren’t paying any attention at all.
The first thing Ghost did was leave Hallownest entirely
They came back specifically because Hollow was dying. Numerous people speculate or imply about this and it is shown to us in the opening cinematic- Hollow screams, and then Ghost specifically returns to Hallownest. Given Ghost shows neither loyalty nor reverence to any figure of the Pale King, in any route, it is hard for me to believe this is their instruction.
Literally numerous characters explicitly discuss that Ghost is making independent decisions. Open the wiki and find a character page and read their dialogue. I challenge you to find basically any character in the entire game who has more than a single sentence of dialogue, that does not talk about Ghost making choices and having opinions. 
The soundtrack that plays during Hollow’s fight sharply changes tonally in response to Hollow stabbing themselves. No one else is observing Hollow. “We” as player do not have a presence that is acknowledged in the meta of the game. Ever. Ergo: These moments of sadness are emotions we are told that Ghost has.
The person who tells us that Ghost is empty was wrong about it explicitly and big time. Literally the entire reason Hollow didn’t work is because the Pale King was wrong about the vessels and his entire civilization ate shit because of it. In case you missed the charnel pit filled with dead children, or the fact that you basically find his dead body curled up in an empty throne room where you then have to smack it out of its chair and onto the floor in order to clear the area, PK is not a trustworthy source of information. He is factually observably incorrect about several things (see: the lore tablet in the Howling Cliffs that states there “is no world beyond” and implies sapience only exists within Hallownest’s bounds when half the cast casually talks about and is canonically shown via things like Quirrel’s prequel comic to have come to Hallownest from outside, and been sapient the whole time. PK HIMSELF came to Hallownest from the outside and was sapient. 
Also the specific thing you cite that would be counter-evidence to Ghost lacking a personality happens. like. all the time. Things that aren’t relevant to Ghost’s Assigned Objective:
Literally any ending except “Hollow Knight” which you can complete by ignoring everyone and running in a straight line to the goal. Even that ending requires Ghost to conduct independent synthesis of ideas to figure out how to complete this, which an entity that has a personality and thoughts does things. 
Any objective that requires the Kingsoul calls for you to wander what White Lady notes is a long way off the path and obtain objects you were never “supposed” to have when your path ahead to replace Hollow is clear.
Every aspect of the Delicate Flower quest
The Colosseum of Fools
The entirety of the Grimm Troupe DLC
The entirety of Hidden Dreams DLC
The entirety of Godmaster DLC
Sitting with Quirrel at the conclusion of his storyline
Sitting and listening to Marissa
Meditating with Mato, or seeking out the Nailmasters in the first place
Beating up Millibelle for robbing you
Accepting the Hunter’s Journal and completing it
Fighting Hornet a second time and acquiring the King’s Brand (which is used to defy an explicit order of the Pale King, that the Abyss is to be left sealed)
The grub sidequest
Pursuing any of the character storylines, such as Cloth, Bretta, Tiso, or Elderbug’s to its logical conclusion
This list is incomplete and could continue
It certainly looks like actually most of the game consists of actions that make no sense from the perspective of an empty creature who is completely apathetic, lacks a personality, and only obeys orders given to it by PK, and, after all, we are roleplaying the experience of being Ghost, considering never at any point does the game ever acknowledge the player as an entity or break the fourth wall. The closest it comes is the Shrine of Believers which is extremely esoteric to access.
It would also certainly seem I’m really mad about it, which I am: Anon, please consider that I am an autistic adult. Please consider that many people with autism, especially in childhood, can be:
Prone to repetitive behavior or acting in a way that others describe as “robotic”
Lack what is considered “typical emoting” / could seem to be “blank-faced”
Basically, everything the vessels are. And autistic people are, you know, real actual human beings with thoughts and feelings. You know what people argue, all the time? That we aren’t. Especially young nonverbal kids.
Do you understand maybe why I am saltier than small oceans about this subject?
If so, I really hope you understand that while I cannot physically reach through the screen and stop you from believing this, broaching this attitude does cause me, as an autistic person, to trust you significantly less, especially since we are talking about a game that calls a huge amount of attention to the fact that all of the vessels suffered and were hurt by what was done to them. Broken Vessel reaches out to you when they fall. Hollow actively stabs themselves during their fight to prevent Radiance from using themselves to hurt you and comes back as a Shade to attack her in Dream No More.
To insist there’s not evidence of Ghost having a personality is to both insist, in arrogance, that all of the humanity of playing Hollow Knight is only brought by the player- when we are not a force that exists in this world- and to deny the fact that there is anything wrong with the Abyss. Which is clearly not the conclusion the game intended to present you with. There is a reason we feel something about the Abyss, and not about the workshop in the White Palace where bits of Kingsmould armor are stacked up. And even the Kingsmoulds, it’s made clear, have at least the capacity to grow and form opinions given the implications of The Collector.
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allcoastvd · 10 months
8 Tips for Choosing the Right Air Conditioner for Better Air Conditioning
Homeowners want the best for their homes, especially if they can make their lives better. And if you are the same, do not overlook what air conditioners can do. Whatever the weather is, they are available to provide the coolness you and your place need. If you are still in the middle of choosing, here are some tips for picking the right air conditioner for better air conditioning Central Coast:
Measure the Space
Before buying an air conditioner, you should measure the space where you will install it. Measure the dimensions of the room and calculate the needed cooling capacity. If you buy the incorrect one, you might have issues with the fitment, causing you to return or replace the item. Checking the measurement of the space can give you proper fit and easy installation requirements. You can also say goodbye to obstructions without having issues with cost considerations.
Choose the Right Type
Another factor you need to check in an air conditioner is its kind. You will see different types of aircon in the market, giving you options of what you should and should not purchase. The one you will choose also affects how you can use the appliance. Searching about the types of air conditioners can broaden your options, providing your cooling needs and improving the aesthetics. If you do not understand the differences, do not hesitate to ask for the assistance of professionals.
Understand Noise Levels
Air conditioners can create noises when you turn them on. So if you plan to use the appliance before going to bed, ensure that you understand its noise levels. Too much noise can bother your sleep, making the night uncomfortable. This issue might also mean that something is wrong with your air conditioner. Never ignore them, as they can cause problems in your home in the future. Buy a unit with a low noise rating to provide comfort and improve your sleep quality. Concentrating on the things you do will also not be a problem.
Explore Additional Features
Air conditioners also have additional features, depending on the model and brand. Before spending money on the appliance, explore this factor and see what works for your home best. Some of the elements include sleep modes, timers, and programmable thermostats. You will also see air conditioners with remote controls, so you do not have to reach the aircon to turn it on or off. 
Evaluate the Warranty
Whatever appliance you buy, always check and evaluate the warranty. Check its terms and conditions to guarantee proper coverage and support. If you need repair or replacement, it depends on the situation of your appliance. The warranty can protect you from defects, giving you the chance to have a replacement without paying a cent. The length of the warranty coverage is also necessary because it shows how confident the manufacturer is with their products. If you do not see this in them, consider it a red flag.
Read Customer Reviews
When buying a product or getting a service, reading customer ratings and reviews is necessary. It is where you will see what other people say about the product and their experience using it. Low scores and negative reviews are always there wherever you go, but weigh them with the good words and see if you can work with them. If not, it is enough sign to look for another company to trust.
Seek Professional Advice
Not all people are knowledgeable enough when it comes to air conditioners. And if you are the same, do not worry because you can seek advice from a professional. You will see many of them on the internet, but ensure that the one you trust already has a name in the industry. Everything you need to know about aircon specialists will help you choose who to trust.
Consider the Installation Process
Installing an air conditioner is not easy, so you would need the assistance of professionals to do the job. Assess the complexity and the cost, especially if the type of air conditioner you chose is challenging enough. DIY can be an option, but it is better to have someone knowledgeable and experienced enough to avoid having issues in the future.
Many people are becoming more interested in having an air conditioner in their homes. You can also have it, but you should know how to choose the correct and perfect one to avoid having regrets. Look for reputable air conditioner brands and specialists to receive a high-quality service.
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svtkillua · 3 years
milk and tea > 6 (final)
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rating: [pg-13 / angst] genre: soulmate au pairing: todoroki shouto x reader warnings: cursing, heartbreak, angst! word count: 3k
listen while you read here! join the discord!
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 [final]
Waiting was something you used to think you were good at. You used to believe that you were fantastic at ignoring the clock and letting the hours tick by, thought that if you could handle the months of longing for Todoroki, there was nothing you couldn’t be patient for. You’d been wrong, however, completely incorrect that you were anything even remotely close to stoical. Because sitting there on the couch of your apartment, staring at the front door waiting for Todoroki to come back from his last tattoo removal appointment, you’d never felt more impatient in your entire life. Every creek of a floorboard or honk of a horn outside sent your heart racing, your skin crawling with nerves every time you glanced at your phone and another minute had passed. 
You hadn’t seen him all week, not since the night after you’d been at his and Momo’s home, when you’d gone with him to his parent’s place. You could still picture the look on his face in the car ride over, could still feel the way he gripped your hand tighter than he ever had before, to the point where you could feel his pulse pounding beneath his flesh. He’d confronted them as soon as the pair of you were inside, ignoring the disapproving looks you got for being so physical, facing his demons head on even though it broke his heart completely in half. 
They had denied it at first, insisted that they would never do such a thing as cover his mark, even going as far as accusing you of making things up, saying you had been putting lies into his head so he’d leave his soulmate for you. The remark stung, but nothing had hurt as much as watching Todoroki crumble apart when they finally fessed up, the look on his face one that would haunt you for the rest of your life. It was almost like a tiny part of him had been hoping he really was wrong, that maybe this was all some other weird freak soulmate mix up and that his parents hadn’t actually sabotaged the happiness he was supposed to have in life. 
He’d yelled, screamed, cried until his lungs were burned to ash and his face turned beat red, a vase broken on the floor when he swore that he’d never forgive them for doing this to him. You’d never seen him so upset, never witnessed someone more broken than you had that night, curled up on your bed with his head on your chest as he sobbed until all the water was gone from his body. He’d been there when you both woke up, still curled up in bed, his fingers tangled into your own as he pressed aimless kisses along your cheek and collarbone, like he was trying to calm himself down, quiet sniffles carried over from the night before. 
That was when he told you he needed a few days to process things, and as much as it broke your heart to think about being away from him anymore, you understood why he needed some space.
Everything about his life had come unraveled so quickly, things he’d wanted but never dreamed of being given to him were delivered in the worst manner possible. Things he thought were true and unbreakable were proven to be lies that easily shattered, everything he knew now brand new, like a map he had no idea how to navigate. He found out the girl he never quite loved right wasn’t made for him, discovered that his parents arranged a marriage for him and covered up a part of himself that was supposed to lead him to true happiness. He got to kiss and hold you, but also had to let you go, only to find out maybe he was supposed to be with you all along. But until the mark was gone from his hand he wouldn’t know for sure what fate had been hidden from him his entire life. 
He kept insisting it wouldn’t matter if it matched yours or not, promising that his heart belonged to you no matter what. It didn’t ease the worry in your heart, however. 
Because the universe had been awful to you before, had dangled hope in front of your face only for it to be ripped away and replaced with that hollow feeling you’d grown familiar with. You loathed it, you never wanted to feel it again, not after starting to get to memorize the way it felt to finally be full, to have Todoroki there next to you keeping your heart from wandering too far from his own. You had gotten close enough to hold him now and you never wanted to let go, the mere idea of his mark matching someone else yet again was enough to have you anxiously digging your nails into your palms. 
You didn’t think you could handle watching him fall in love with someone else, especially when this time you knew it would stick, that with whomever his soulmark matched would be who he stuck with for the rest of his life. Of course he loved you now, but if you didn’t match, that love would fade and be given to them, whoever it was, that was lucky enough to have the same beautiful tattoo as Todoroki. 
And damn it did you want it to be you. 
That gold mark on your palm didn’t seem as bad when you pictured it living on Todoroki’s skin, the pigment reminding you of the warmth that seemed to pump out of his chest naturally. You could see the beauty in it when you imagined it being the same as his, didn’t want to vomit just looking at it when it was attached to the way you felt when you were around him. It didn’t seem as daunting when you reminded yourself that maybe it would allow you to be with the one person you’d ever loved like this, the one person who ever seemed to love you back. 
You’d talked to Todoroki every night over the past week, listened to his voice as he rambled in your eardrum about how much he missed you, his light laughter now and then little indicators that he was slowly but surely starting to accept how things were. The thought brought you comfort, even if you were desperate to be able to see him, that he was going to be okay one way or the other. He hadn’t mentioned until yesterday that he had a few appointments with a specialist to get his dark blue tattoo removed over the past week, letting you know that this morning would be the final one. 
He promised he hadn’t seen it yet, that the doctor insisted he keep it covered until it was finished healing properly. He wanted to look, you could tell from how whiny he sounded when you made him swear to tell you if it didn’t match right away, able to detect that he was just as impatient as you were. 
“I’ll come over right after the appointment.” He’d promised, his voice full of vague excitement you wanted to feel yourself, eager to see him but scared of what you would both do depending on the outcome. “No matter what, it’s gonna be okay.” 
You wanted to believe him. 
The jiggle of the doorknob made your spine lock up, knees aching when you forced them to unbend, standing just as the sound of keys stopped, the wood pushing open. You sucked in a breathe when you saw him, his head down as he tried to shove his spare key into the front pocket of his jeans, his hair draped in front of his eyes, his jean jacket draped across his broad shoulders. It made your throat tighten, eyes trailing to his hand, which was wrapped in a bandage spanning from his fingertips to his wrist, only his thumb poking out, curiosity spiking when he finally lifted his head and looked at you. 
“Todoroki.” You nearly melted seeing the way his lips lifted slightly once you saw each other, his free hand raising to rake through his hair, shutting the door with his foot. You were moving before you could stop yourself, body barreling closer to his, eyes squeezing shut as your chest molded into his strong embrace, his arm not hesitating to wrap around your waist like a boa constrictor. He felt familiar, warm, like your home you never wanted to leave, like your lighthouse in the middle of a stormy night. He felt like everything, like the sun and the moon and every star in the universe, like the one thing that you had ever wanted to memorize every detail of so you could replay its beauty forever inside your head. 
“I missed you so much.” His muttered words made your grip on him tighten, the heavy exhale he puffed out making the hair on top of your head ruffle, his fingertips pressing into your hip. He leaned back enough to ghost his lips against your forehead when you looked up at him, lungs shrinking when his eyes bored into your own. His teeth dug into his bottom lip as he paused, his bandaged hand resting against your lower back as the both of you stayed pressed together, like you were the other’s anchor keeping them from drifting. “I swear I couldn’t sleep all night because I knew I’d get to see you in a few hours.” 
The smile that fought its way onto the curve of your mouth made his features relax only slightly, the muscles in his neck tense when you lifted a hand up enough to let your fingers brush along the back of it, assuming it was because he was as anxious as you were. How couldn’t he be, with everything happening in such a short amount of time? 
“How was your appointment?”
“Did you see it yet?” Your voice lifted just slightly, lips pressing into a thin line to try and hide the nerves that were filling you up to your brim. 
“No.” His head shook before he even answered, taking a step back to lift his hand up between the two of you, the bandages seeming paper thin the longer you stared at them. They were the only thing left standing between the both of you and the future of your relationship, the one barrier stopping you from finally being together, but also the one wall defending you both from getting let down once again. “I wanted us to see it together.” 
Your head bobbed as you swallowed, stomach full of nerves that felt like stinging wasps, lips pursing as you exhaled all the air from your body in an attempt to calm down. It was useless, really, because your brain was going a mile a minute working out the possibilities, heart near ripping at the seams the second you let a finger brush against the start of the bandage resting right in the middle of his palm. Your pulse felt too strong, your eyes burning with the worry that was bubbling up your esophagus, lashes fluttering closed as your teeth dug into your bottom lip to stop it from trembling. 
“Hey.” His whisper made your eyes open, hand raising and cupping your cheek, keeping your head angled towards him. The way he stared at you made it feel like the world had slowed down, gaze dancing across his features to take in every single inch. Even with the way the edges of your vision were blurred from unshed emotions you could see how breathtaking he was. “I love you, no matter what. Remember? We’re going to be okay, regardless of what’s under this bandage. Okay?” 
Your quiet sniffle was accompanied by a small nod as he leaned down enough to mold his forehead into your own, noses brushing as his lips ghosted against yours, not enough to be considered a kiss, more like you were just breathing him in. His proximity brought your nerves down slightly, his grip on you staying tight as you blindly started to unwind the cloth from around his palm, your gazes glued together as his bottom lip shook, his heartbeat palpable against your cheek from the contact of his palm there. 
It felt like everything had been leading to this, like from that first moment in the park the both of you had been meant to end up here, in your apartment, with your fragile hearts on the line, that pigment on Todoroki’s palm the deciding factor on what would happen now. It was all so heavy, like the walls were closing in on you, like you were wrapped in a comforter but far too tightly, to the point where it was near suffocating. Every emotion imaginable was dancing through your veins, good and bad, happy and dreadful, hopeful and lost, every single way a human could feel but all bundled up into a jumbled mess that was crushing you. 
The bandage slipped from your fingers as it finished unravelling, falling to a mess on the floor neither of you bothered reaching for. Todoroki’s fingers flexed when your own skimmed against his wrist, his vision boring into your own as he tried to look less anxious than he felt, adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed down his heart that had made a home in his throat. With a nod from you, he mimicked the action, the both of you pausing for a beat longer before you looked away from each other, like you were remembering what being close felt like incase it was the last time you’d get to be. 
With a deep breathe you slowly dipped your head down, his palm coming into view, resting between your bodies while facing up towards the ceiling. 
And there, going from the base of his hand straight up to the tip of his middle finger, was the most beautiful strip of gold you’d ever seen. 
There on his hand was your soulmark, the one you thought matched no one, the one that made you upset and angry and bitter and so full of disdain for so long. The one that made you despise yourself at times, that made you question why you were the way you were, why no one was supposed to want you, why you had to be alone. That stupid gold line that you’d almost hated for so long now made your heart burst, a sob slipping from your lips as your hand raised and covered your mouth as you tried to muffle the sounds falling out of you, eyes blurring with an onslaught of tears because you’d found it. 
You’d finally found your soulmate. 
And it was Todoroki. 
He pulled you back into his chest as he sniffled, arms enveloping you as his nose buried against the side of your neck, your eyes squeezing shut as you gripped him as tightly as you could, your bodies swaying as your back shook from the crying, his lips pressing into your collarbone over and over again. It was everything you’d ever wanted, for his mark to match yours, for your heart to have someone to hold onto, for you to be able to love someone with all of you. He was everything you could have ever dreamed of and you’d known your heart belonged to him from the day you met. 
And finally, after so long, after so much pain and struggling and longing, he got to be yours too. 
“I love you so much.” His hands raised to cup your cheeks, his lips melting into yours repeatedly, in languid, lazy kisses, ones with so little effort but so much emotion lingering behind them. Every one felt like a bandaid being placed over the wounds the world had inflicted on you both, slowly undoing the damage that the circumstances you’d been in had done to you, healing the pain in your bones until all you felt was each other. You never felt something as perfect as the way it felt to be his. “So damn much.” 
“I love you too.” The words were muffled against his lips as he lingered closer to you, your fingers combing through his hair as his grip abandoned your face to instead grip the backs of your thighs, pulling your body closer, raising onto the tips of your toes with a gentle laugh against his mouth. His lips pulled into a smile against yours, your skin feeling hot as he abandoned the kiss to instead pepper them along your cheeks, nose and forehead, ending with one on each eyelid as they drifted shut. “I always have.” 
“I knew it was you.” He whispered, his eyes swimming with the things he was finally allowed to feel, his head shaking as your lips made gentle contact with the curve on the corner of his mouth. “From that first day in the part, from the moment I saw you, I knew. I knew that I was made for you and no one else. It’s always been you, you’re it for me. You’re a part of me, and you always will be now. We don’t have to fight it anymore.” 
You sniffled as your lashes fluttered, eyes opening so you could peek up at him as the light peered from the window and painted his cheek, his thumb brushing against your damp bottom lip as his grin spread. You’d never seen anything in your life more beautiful than the pure happiness oozing off his features, feeling content knowing that even if the world had tried to break him he still was greatful it ended him up there with you. That even though he felt like he’d lost it all, he’d gained something better, someone better for him, someone who loved him with every single cell in their body. Someone who would be with him until the end and would love him even longer after that. 
And that someone, was you.
[previous chapter]
a/n: and there it is! the finale!! i hoped you all enjoyed this spur of the moment christmas/holiday gift from me to you <3 since this is being posted on christmas night, i hope you all enjoyed your day to the fullest and filled up on a bunch of delicious foods and got/shared all the gifts you wanted! -aikigai
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futuresticagadh · 3 years
Here’s why email marketing is important in 2021?
Many people think that email marketing is gone forever. The increasing use of chatbots, social media sites, and so forth presupposes that the significance of e-mail in marketing has diminished. But this fact and the hypothesis on which it is based is incorrect. In reality, the concept and practice of email marketing has been around for a long time. Email marketing is indeed one of the safest ways to meet your potential customers. However, modern standards and trends continue to evolve and rapidly replace old practices.  
Email marketing is also one of the strongest ways to attract consumers. There are some primary email marketing benefits that other marketing tactics do not have.
This post will examine email marketing trends to be used in 2021 and beyond.
What is the purpose of email marketing?
Email marketing is the process by which your audience and clients are targeted via email. It lets you increase conversions and revenue by offering useful insights to subscribers and consumers to support their objectives.
Importance of email marketing 2021 1. Stay in touch with your customers
E-mails help keep your consumers updated. Your consumers are likely to search their emails since they are handy. Your emails give them a sense that you care about them. Your B2C mails can be as straightforward as: ‘Hello, you are on our mind, here’s a deal we have for you!’ Or “An overview of what has happened with your business in the last couple of weeks.” Many that have subscribed to your mailing list get committed to receiving your notes. So, they would probably love to receive your e-mails (as long as you are ready). That would further increase your customer interaction.
2. Reach your audience in real-time
Litmus states that 54% of all emails received on a mobile or a computer do get opened. This is an essential piece of information to prepare a robust email marketing campaign. More and more people access not only emails but also other media and documents through their mobile devices. Not just that, well-structured emails generate higher mobile converting rates than any other medium. So, what are you waiting for? Get started!  
3. People engage deeply with emails
Email has been a means of communication for a long time, spanning almost 40 years. E-mail is now one of the key communication options for businesses. Back in the day, we were all careful to answer an e-mail in a certain way.  
All of us have been groomed for answering, forwarding, or clicking on something within an e-mail. Whether it is for removing, purchasing, or subscribing to a promotion, we often tend to display some activity with the e-mails that we receive daily. You may use email to get people to your official business website, to call you directly, or request another appeal. As a matter of fact, it accounts for over 25 percent of any business’ revenues.
4. Email marketing is easy to measure
The majority of email marketing tools enable you to monitor what happens after your email campaign has been set up. You can monitor different types of rating parameters such as:
delivery rates
bounce rates
click-through rates  
email-opening rates  
This gives you an insight into how your e-mail campaigns operate, which ones you should modify or which ones can be completely eliminated. These proportions should not be overlooked. They constitute an integral part of the whole internet marketing strategy. Although different research and surveys provide “optimal” numbers to be targeted, everything is dependent on the business and target audience. You better give your customers e-mails if they want them expect regularly.  
Your “unsubscribe-rate” will rise, however, if you dispatch too many emails to your customers who do not need more than one per week. Conversely, your emails could end up being a source of knowledge and useful content for your clients.
5. It’s affordable
Yes, we know that you waited for this very important question to be addressed. For fewer than pennies per tweet, you can reach a large number of customers. Companies often invest or communicate more often, where email marketing acts as the medium for the cost of (possible) conversion.
Why email marketing is effective in 2021?
COVID-19 has had a significant effect on email marketing that was useful for targeting ideal markets. In the early days of the pandemic, Campaign Monitor reported that email open rates increased because people needed to know what was happening. E-mail is probably also one of the leading marketing platforms of 2021.
Studies indicate that e-mail is one of the leading marketing forms:
•There were 3.9 billion e-mail users worldwide in 2019, and according to Statista’s research, that figure is projected to rise to 4.3 billion by 2023.
• E-mail campaign traffic accounts for 4.29% of the total internet traffic, which, according to WordStream, is higher than the average traffic from direct searches and social media.
• You should predict an average return of $42, as per Litmus’ analysis, for every dollar that you spend on email marketing. This is a better ROI than any other method of marketing – digital or otherwise.
Why is MailChimp so preferred in email marketing?
MailChimp is just one of the several options for email marketing available out there. Then why is this service the best one for you?
• MailChimp offers free service for a maximum of 2000 e-mail subscribers and 12 000 monthly emails.
• More than 7 million people trust in this globally renowned email-marketing service.  
• It seamlessly integrates with WordPress.
• MailChimp is very convenient to use and allows you to build HTML templates without any necessary coding experience. Extremely user-friendly.  
Email marketing for B2B
Business-to-business e-mail business involves a special form of email marketing approach in which you target companies rather than individual clients via your email campaigns.
While several email marketing campaigns for business to business (B2B) coincide with conventional email marketing techniques for businesses to customers, there are some unique variations between each of them.
And how well you grasp such gaps depends on your effectiveness as a B2B email marketer. Look at some of the most-riveting B2B email marketing statistics:
90% of the best-performing content marketers focusing on B2B prioritize the audience’s informational requirements.
47% of B2B marketers prioritize personalization for their 2020 campaign
LinkedIn is the source for 80% of all B2B leads.
73% of US millennials influence the purchase decision-making at their companies
Email marketing was the most implemented B2B marketing tactic in 2019
These statistics give us subtle clues as to how you need to approach your B2B email marketing plan.
Email Marketing for B2C
Believe it or not, for a number of reasons, email is the fastest way to meaningfully engage with your consumers. How can a B2C contact be established by email strategies to include your clients and to boost sales? Regardless of you being a seasoned veteran or a novice, prepare for some crucial insights!
B2C Email Marketing is a key interactive tool for promoting consumer prospects. In reality, email has become the most common form of brand correspondence, perhaps because its effects are observable.
B2C email marketing best practices
Before we dive into the top details, let us quickly glimpse at some prolific B2C email marketing best practices so that you provide ultimate value to your subscribers.
Data driven: You can build tailored promotions based on your subscriber’s actions by periodically checking your data. The more you are aware of your clients’ activity, the more e-mails you deliver.
Customization: Segmenting the delivery lists ensure you distribute custom messages based on preferences, region, age and much more.
Smartphone-optimized: Mobile use is growing and emails should not only be mobile-compatible, but should also have brief (and impactful) subject lines and CTA regions accordingly.
Preference Centers: A preference center guarantees the subscriber receives only the frequency of information they choose to communicate with.
It’s time to reassess your marketing approach if you’ve ignored e-mail marketing until now.
It rewards marketers heavily once they learn how to do it well. Having been around for a long time, it is not as confusing or intimidating as some other marketing strategies.
Stay up to date & keep following Agadh for the latest digital marketing trends!
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