#also i tried to give them unique noses but idk do their noses even look any different
lord-of-tomatoes · 8 months
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hazelpuff · 4 months
I just wanted to say that I'm in love (and a bit jealous haha) with your style. It's so pretty and unique! Your hoods are gorgeous and your sims even more! (may i ask you what technique do you use to make them? Pooklet's? Face templates? A lot of sliders?)
I jumped around a lot between maxis-match, semi realistic, etc. trying to find something i liked (and i still feel i didn't quite found something i like 100%) and I'm in awe of how you made something that doesn't look like ts4 nor ts2 but a so cool and pretty in between!!!
(also a disclaimer because I'm a tiny ball of anxiety: this is no shade to anyone who likes other styles, i find them pretty awesome in other people's games, they just look a bit boring on mine. The sims is about having fun and everyone deserves to play it as they like!)
Hi! Thank you for your sweet message!
(disclaimer at the beginning of the post, my keyboard is dying since half a year and i'm putting aside the moment to replace it, but after this post, I think I'm gonna make my mind soon lol. So sorry for any misspeling - you can get double nn, no n, no m, no c, double cc, no c and many other surprises - i tried to fix everything but I could miss something xd).
I've restarted my hood 5 times I think before I got it to my recent version. I'm terrified every time through most of the process, it doesn't come easily to me xD.
Also ofc, everyone can have whatever aesthetics they like - the sims is the perfect series to express that.
With my sims it really depends. I mostly make a sim that I really like and then use it as a base for other sims, but not always. Sometimes I make a sim that I think looks quite unique but it's still missing somethig when it comes to features and makeup face details. During those moments I just open up my body shop sometime later or the next day and try to tweak this sim, sometimes it's more than once. And other times I end up liking the idk 3rd attempt but i still keep going since i want to make more similair sims, and also it's tiring to start the process from the beginning every time xD.
(pics under cut)
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sry for the baldness xD - i deleted the wip hair conversion files they had and now i can't never change their hairstyles lol, idk how i did it for those two last sims seriously.
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As you can see, all those sims have this maxis chain necklace, which means that I started the process using the same base sim and it just evolved into many differet results lol.
Other times I'm editing some maxis face templates to make them more my style (it's really fun!)
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I also made one of my sims face into face template to make the rest of the family. I didn't want their faces to be - mouth: mom; eyes: dad; nose: mom - just a mix of both and adding something extra to make them a little more unique. Kinda pookleted their faces with two face templates.
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I just really like this face. It can look either goofy or good xD.
I sometimes get inspired by images of some real life ppl (models, actors). When I'm really out of ideas I'm also dowloading sims made by others and use them as a base - just tweaking their features to be my style, mostly it's about face proportions and replacing the cc they used to the one I have. There is muuuch more examples that I could give but a lot of times it's just a result of tweaking some sims a couple of times xD.
Also due to the fact that i make my sims in body shop, idk how their faces will look whit face expressions. I was always using my sims to create previews for my cc conversions so I'm also testing them that way and if something looks too off - I'm just going back to body shop to fix that.
I think I've developed my style around the clay hair conversions that I've made - I wanted the sims in my previews to go well together with clay hair. I remember that I've picked the hair first, THEN sculpted my sims faces. There just werent that many to choose from at 1st.
I don't really use face templates - I have some, but I don't use them much - i think the proportions on faces of my sims are the closest to the maxis sims 🤔. I like their sharp features so when I'm stuck with making a sim, I'm using the pooklet method with those maxis templates but only a tiiiny bit - like 10-20% and only on those parts of the faces that I want to tweak a little more. After that I'm going back to editing the face myself.
(also a lil bonus of my sim from 2017, the only older picture that i have, i found it recently by accident and i think this is the only time when it's kinda in-context to post it 🤣).
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being-of-rain · 1 year
Legal notes from my court-appointed Classic Who watchthrough. This time season 23, The Trial of a Time Lord.
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The Trial of a Time Lord reminds me of Flux in New Who in a lot of ways. Both are shorter seasons that have a unique and more prominent story structure. And idk if it’s the neurodivergent in me or the writer in me (or both), but I really love an interesting and strong story structure that shows itself off, so I really love Trial and Flux in theory. I like some of them in practice too! But oh boy do both stories have their weaknesses, especially in their endings, that could’ve been fixed with some planning and editing and good writing. Though to be fair, both had reasons that accounted for some of their messiness- Trial’s final story saw the death of its author partway through and his first replacement quitting, and Flux was made during the COVID pandemic. So yeah, I have a soft spot for Trial of a Time Lord. Putting the Doctor on trial so they watch videos of his adventures to debate is perhaps a little on the nose on the meta level... but I’m fine with on the nose themes, and it’s a great premise just on its own, so whatever. I’ve heard people say they get sick of the trial scenes and I can’t say I’ve ever agreed. It’s a fun gimmick and there’s not that much of it compared to the rest of the story, it’s just a shame that eventually they stop having anything particularly interesting to say in them. But honestly I’d always be happy to watch some Doctor Who that randomly pauses sometimes to have Six give commentary on how good he’s doing or how much the Time Lords suck.
The Mysterious Planet isn’t the most gripping story ever and goes a bit slow, but honestly it’s a solid start to the series. The introduction to the trial is a great build-up, and the shot of the space station at the start is obviously wonderful. Six and Peri’s relationship being a little softer is nice (though, like most of their soft moments last season, it kinda looks like that character development was down to Colin Baker and Nicola Bryant working hard to deliver the script in a way that makes the characters watchable. I’ll never understand why the writers thought the Tardis team fighting and bullying each other all the time would make for a fun show). Glitz and Dibber are very funny, so are a lot of the Doctor’s interactions with most characters. Setting up the mystery of the sleepers and why the Time Lords want to censor what they found is the sort of story arc Classic Who had never really tried before, and I love it. And its eventual answer of people stealing secrets from Gallifrey itself is a cool payoff. But it does raise the first of many, many questions/holes in the trial plot: why on Earth did the Valeyard choose this story to show as evidence? Out of the history of Doctor Who, he chooses the only one the High Council wanted him to keep secret? Also, I don’t like season 23′s theme music. Maybe it fits the court intrigue better than the action-packed early-80s theme, but damnit I just love that action theme. SO catchy.
Mindwarp is.. a mess! I mean it’s meant to be a mess, but apparently nobody working on it knew exactly what was supposed to be happening in it. And that’s not how you make a deliberate mess! Because it shows, and it means I don’t know what was supposed to be happening either! Specifically, the bits where the Doctor goes evil. Was he acting evil to earn the trust of the bad guys, was he actually evil because of something their machine accidentally did to him, or did the Valeyard edit the footage to make him look evil? Or a combination of those? According to Tardis wiki Colin Baker asked the script editor, the writer, and the producer for the answer, but they all said they didn’t know. How is that even possible. The way the Doctor at the trial says he’s starting to half-remember what had happened makes things even more confusing. So... yeah. The story reminds me a lot of Vengeance of Varos. Obviously it’s by the same author and features the same villain, Sil, who still just doesn’t do it for me. Again story feels like it’s being very meta (even more than the rest of the Trial season) and I’m sure you could make some clever observations about it and the way season 22 plays Six as very unlikable, but again it just doesn’t interest me a lot. It’s a bleak serial without a lot to enjoy watching. Brian Blessed is one of the most fun things in it, but I’d rather he was in another story. Peri’s departure is... well, I guess it’s the right story for an exit as brutal as that. I think I prefer making a happy ending out of it, but being left to marry a random warlord is still pretty rough. Still, if there’s one thing that I love in this story, it’s the Doctor’s reaction to her death. Colin Baker’s acting in that part (and at the start of the next story too) kills me every time, and the moment of silence before his delivery of “you... killed Peri?” is heartwrenching in a way that I love.
First of all, I love any story that follows the structure of A Christmas Carol with past, present, and future, so kudos to the three stories used in the trial as evidence for that. And it’s a very fun way to introduce a new companion. But if the trial was starting to confuse itself a little in Mindwarp, it completely loses its focus in Terror of the Vervoids. Calling the Doctor’s argument in his defence ‘flimsy’ feels like it’s giving him too much credit. He chooses it so he can point at one adventure and say “in this case I was explicitly asked to interfere,” something that has already been made clear isn’t always the case, and something that I’m not sure would even matter in Time Lord law! And why this adventure specifically? Obviously he didn’t see it coming that it would get him saddled with a charge of genocide too. In the next story it looks like the Doctor would’ve genuinely been executed if the Master didn’t intervene, and honestly... it makes the Doctor look like an idiot more than any other time in the show. It’s bad writing lol. Another thing that seemed silly- its made clearer in this one where the Valeyard had tampered with the evidence, but his two edits are wildly different. One of them is writing the Doctor out of a certain scene so it looks like he let Mel investigate something alone- not particularly damning and not very unbelievable either, with the Doctor thoroughly edited out of a certain sequence of events. The second edit is a quick scene where the Doctor sighs in satisfaction while holding an axe and looking at the wreckage of the radio room, which is so absurdly out of nowhere and nonsensical that it makes me laugh every time. The way the Inquisitor is willing to believe it makes her look very gullible, especially when she was quite ready to consider the idea that the Matrix had been tampered with when it was the Valeyard suggesting it, but pooh-poohing the idea as impossible when the Doctor suggests it. Anyway, I can enjoy watching Terror of the Vervoids, and not just because of poking fun at it. Mel’s strong personality matching the Doctor’s makes a nice change after Peri (sorry Peri), and a love a murder mystery so setting up the characters then watching them sneak around and suspect each other is also fun. ...Though that said, I think the mystery gets a little too complicated. There’s a few different parties up to no good who are all facing double-crossing in their own ranks, making things very hard to keep track of, so the trial scenes on top of that is quite a lot of plot that isn’t executed very clearly. Maybe I was just happy for an all-round brighter story after Mindwarp. I think the most interesting character was Travers, the guy who’d met the Doctor before and had both a healthy respect for his ability to root out the truth, and a healthy wariness of the chaos that he causes. Oh, and the scene where the Doctor pauses and rewinds the Matrix to explain how he made a deduction was kinda fun, like a peak into the thought process of the Doctor that might turn up in Moffat’s Doctor Who, if a little rough and smarmy. It’s a peak at the kind of entertaining things that could be done with the trial format. It’s this kind of thing that makes me wish they reused the trial format for another season in modern Who, with better writers who’d actually work together to make a coherent story.
The Ultimate Foe is a lot! Just so much. From the moment the Master turns up, the trial premise that’s been building (and then decaying) for twelve episodes collapses into an absolute shambles. I don’t know why so much of these episodes are set in the Valeyard’s Victorian England-themed Matrix hideaway, or why the Valeyard spends it pretending to be a completely random character he made up. Maybe the funniest moment in the story is when, in the middle of everything, the Keeper of the Matrix runs into the court and announces, with no build up, that the High Council has been deposed by insurrectionists. Are these insurrectionists allies of the Valeyard, the Master, or just random people who have somehow been following the trial and realising just how shit the High Council is? I don’t know, because it isn’t mentioned again until the Inquisitor mentions that she guesses that they’re going to have to elect a new Council. One day I’m going to make a post going through the politics of Gallifrey in Classic Who, because oh boy is it a hell of a mess. Another moment that I always find very funny is the reveal that the Valeyard is the Doctor, which is written and delivered like it’s supposed to be a super casual line from the Master, but the most talented actor in the world couldn’t deliver that line and make it sound casual. Actually, that’s something I could say about a heck of a lot of lines in this story, especially for poor old Mel. Bonnie Langford you tried so hard with the script they gave you, and I respect you for it. Oh also, shout out to the Keeper of the Matrix for looking the Doctor in the face and telling him that no one could possibly get into the Matrix. As if The Deadly Assassin and basically every other Gallifrey story didn’t happen. As if the Master and Goth didn’t have a DIY bootleg Matrix link in their sewer lair. I feel like so much of some Gallifrey stories are Time Lords saying very dramatic things that are demonstrably false, but I guess that’s an empire for you.
I’ve really spent most of this post dunking on The Trial of a Time Lord, but I’ll say again that I always enjoy revisiting it. It’s partly because of the little great moments sprinkled throughout, partly because of nostalgia, and largely because of the fantastic premise that they had to work hard to make such a mess of. It becomes more and more of a disaster as it goes on, and by the time the Valeyard turns to the camera in the Keeper’s clothes and laughs I’ve completely given up caring about questions like “how does that make any sense at all,” but I enjoy the ride every time. They even managed to write Six in a way that isn’t aggressively unlikable and rude all the time! Good for them. As always, it’s a shame that Colin Baker was treated so poorly by the show in so many ways, but I’m grateful he got a chance to play the role with such better scripts in Big Finish (and specifically I’m grateful for Jac Rayner and The Marian Conspiracy for writing the blueprint for Six and Evelyn. I’ll never not stan that audio.)
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4dtk · 3 years
NCT DREAM: s/o likes using expletives/sounds while doing mundane tasks
anon: “hello! Can i ask an nct dream reaction to their s/o making lil sounds. I have a habit of making sounds when moving, for example when i scoot over to someone i’ll make a sound like “chukuchuku” and when i jump off a couch i’ll say “pong!” or “weee!” tysm!!” hi anon!!! so glad you decided to request! haven’t written for nct dream for a hot minute so i hope it’s okay!!
i used a lot of laugh/laughter/smile in this one LOL SORRY ABOUT THAT ;; i’ll put it under a cut bc it’s really long!
→ MARK honestly i think mark would just giggle. definitely. that man’s giggle machine never runs out wtf. anyway, without fail he usually breaks into giggles at the sounds that you make. when he becomes used to it, he’ll just smile to himself and continues to do what he’s doing, knowing that you heard his noise of mild amusement. mark’s made it clear that he loves it, but sometimes he laughs a lot that you’re conscious of it. when you do get insecure about it he doesn’t hesitate to let you know that it’s one of his favourite quirks of you!!! i also can honestly see him taking inspiration from ur sounds to include as adlibs to his songs ngl LMAO. 
“yo… can you say that again?” mark says enthusiastically, bringing in his portable recording mic so he could take down your unique sound. you roll your eyes with a smile, pushing out a few more sounds that mimicked the one before the click on mic goes off. your jaw drops, “you didn’t tell me you were already recording!” that prompted you to smack him, causing the endless fit of a laugh-fest you always caught yourself in when you’re with mark.
→ RENJUN fond smile fond smile fond smile!!! renjun loves it when you exclaim out when you leave the couch or have to manoeuvre around something to get somewhere. he likes showing affection to you no matter where you phrase you exclaim, although it’s not that showy. if you happen to do your sound at the dining table some of the members will know for sure that renjun will take your hand under the table or wear a lovesick smile that all of them know too well. renjun has the sweetest words for days too looooord, only if you’re alone tho and wants to know more about your habit and how it came to be??? if that make sense!
the familiar grasp of his hand doesn’t faze you, shooting the man a sheepish smile over the table as you feel his thumb graze over your skin. “renjun, bro, i’m happy for you and all, but i think they can’t eat if their dominant hand is being held,” you hear haechan call out, making the table erupt into light laughter. renjun ignores him but fails to ignore the blush on his cheeks, threatening hyuck with a raised hand as a joke. he doesn’t care about the others, though, when he sees the wide smile on your face and feels the squeeze of his hand in yours.
→ JENO you know how he like has that “hhmnnnmh?” sound. idk how to explain it but the thing that he always does whenever one of the dream members do or say some weird shit. yea he’d do that. the first few times were out of genuine confusion, but as jeno became more used to your sounds and exclamations, he hummed out mostly as a reply to it. the atmosphere would go silent a little as he stares at you with his big, deer-caught-in-the-headlight eyes, and he holds that stare with you for a good 15 seconds LOL. def challenges you by wiggling his head around and then ending up tackling you to the couch or bed. if you’re sitting at a table the most he’d do is to probably land a kiss on your face after teasing you. mans just looking for an excuse to kiss you tbh.
“hhm?” jeno perks up to look to you, head tilted at an angle as you move closer to him at the dining table. his feigned surprise expression switches into a smile as he inches closer to you, ignoring your protests until there’s no more space left. jeno lets out a raspy laugh, lips coming into contact with your temple as the playful nature subsides.
→ HAECHAN the first time you do it, he lets out a dramatic gasp: hand to his mouth, jaw dropped etc. he’s a drama mama but you brush it off with a shove to his shoulder. hyuck def matches your energy like jaemin does but it’s mostly at the expense of his usual whines and pouts. you do it one time and the man does it ten times over. in no time he’s already cuddled up way too close to you with an arm around your waist and his head snuggled into your neck. he loves it when you say your phrases bc then he can exclaim something on his part like “very cute! but i’m cuter!” and you’d have to smack him or something. he dissolves into a fit of giggles along with the usual teasing, but other than that he likes communicate his fondness of your habit through physical touch.
moving around the project you had just bought wasn’t difficult but you couldn’t help the phrase that came naturally each time. “can you make that sound too when you’re riding-“ you don’t waste any time to land a mild slap on his forearm, gaining a laugh from your boyfriend who casually stated it during your movie night. your glare speaks tons, but haechan doesn’t care as he’s all smiles into your hair before continuing the movie. you, too, relax, knowing it was all fun banter that made your time with him all the more enjoyable.
→ JAEMIN oh my god jaem would match your energy 100%, even if the energy isn’t that high as he usually portrays himself in nct videos. with you, he’s a bit more reserved and kept to himself, but he likes it and you like it, too. when you’re moving past someone and make a noise he echoes you in the same manner you said it. and then the smile that comes after? omg 10/10!! beautiful smile!! jaemin just melts at your silly habit and the widest smile spreads across his face tbh. if you’re saying it while you’re alone with him i can see him just laughing and giggling at the words you manage to exclaim, cooing over how cute you are in his arms. jaem best boy
the ring of jaemin’s laughter fills your ears as your butt scoots closer to him, engaging him in the same fun sounds that you frequently make. jaemin repeats it in an exaggerated way, shooting you the biggest grin before pecking your forehead, “ah… why are you so cute (y/n)…” you easily nuzzle into his embrace, relishing in the warmth of his natural body heat and the arm around your waist.
→ CHENLE would counter your sound with a weird sound of his own. i know jaemin makes weird sounds but this man is on a whole other level PLSS. if you’re feeling playful you would reply and this feud of some sort would just continue until one of the other members ask you two to shut up, which would of course result in chenle’s recognisable dolphin laugh. even if you’re a little tired, i feel like the energy would still be up a little, so expect some prodding at your cheek or sides and kiss attacks from the mans. he would definitely coo, but not in the cheesy, cutesy way jaemin would. chenle has a more teasing and outgoing nature to him. it’s relentless and you’d have to stop him at some point but he’s making you laugh and having such a good time so you admire him instead.
the shrill sound fills your ears, responding to your phrase with one of his own. when you reply, he does it too, which prompts you to sigh in resignation at his endless energy. chenle catches on, but doesn’t press on further, instead entertaining you by giving you endless pecks on your forehead, your nose, your cheeks, your lips. you name it. the laugh he had, now, was more muted, liking the way your sounds of mixed protest and joy meant the opposite, “hey stop! baobei, you’re messing up my hair!”
→ JISUNG the poor boy would jump a little, but he finds himself being able to connect your actions to the sound you would make. i think the only time he would be really started was if you exclaimed a new phrase or if the action itself takes him off guard. like almost colliding with him in a hallway or popping up behind the fridge. jisung would have the littlest hint of a smile on his face, although he tries not to show it that much. i feel like he also would chuckle to himself quietly. he likes the quirk a lot that he finds himself thinking about it from time to time and even picking it up for fun one day. it felt so natural to do it that he just started to do it, too. maybe not as often as you do though! he usually cringes at it tho LMAO he doesn’t know how you make it sound so endearing. his reaction would be also just be a moment of “omg that was so cute, i love them so much”
as you land on the sofa with a sound spilling from your lips, you don’t miss jisung’s flinch at your appearance. “that one’s new,” his eyes are wide, but it eventually melts into a smile. he naturally leans back as he accepts the defeat shown on the television screen, but you don’t miss a beat to snatch the controller from him, going ahead to play the game in his stead. as you curl up by his side, you quickly beat your boyfriend at the level as his arm curls around your torso cautiously. jisung can only smile in the moment, finding that it was reaching his ears when you tease him again about the easy level.
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backtobackbakubabe · 3 years
ayyyyy, (idk if I m doing it right lol)
I saw that the requests are open :D
could you please do a headcanon where Dabi s s/o has also a fire quirk? maybe y/n tries to take care of some of his burns with what she uses and Dabi just acts like he s annoyed but he actually finds it cute? idk I need fluff ;-; please and thank you
Yay first request!! :) (Idk if I'm doing this right either, we can figure it out together lol) Such a cute idea!
Dabi x Reader
Words : 551
Fluffy :)
"Would you just hold still already!"
Dabi was currently pinned to the couch with you straddling him. He held both of your wrists as you struggled to get him to hold still for longer than two seconds.
There was a burn on his neck that looked awful. It didn’t matter how many times he told you he was fine, you wouldn’t leave him alone.
“It’s cute how you think you can overpower me.” He moved both of your wrists into one of his big hands and gave you wicked grin as you continued to struggle. “I’ve been doing this a long-time doll, I think I know how to handle my own burns by now.”
You huffed as you tried to blow a stray piece of hair out of your face. “Okay and? So have I! Don’t act like you’re the only one with a fire quirk here. If anything, I’m uniquely qualified to tell you that your burn looks nasty! I don’t want it to get infected.” You used all your strength to try and free your wrists from his ironclad grip. “Come on I use this stuff all the time. I swear it’s like a miracle in a tube. It’ll make it feel so much better.”
Dabi rolled his eyes, “How would it make it feel better, if it doesn’t even hurt to begin with?”
“Oh come on, that’s bullshit. I know it has to hurt at least a little.” You tried again to blow your hair out of your face.
Dabi gave you a soft smirk before reaching up with the hand that wasn’t currently holding your wrists to brush your hair behind your ear. “Maybe one of us is just built a little differently than the other.”
You practically growled at him. “Come on just do it for me. I know you’re tough, you don’t have to prove it to anyone.” You went dead weight in his hold and acted like you were giving up. “It’s not fair! Any time I so much as get a paper cut, you’re breathing down my neck with a band aid asking if I want you to kiss it better. Why won’t you let me take care of you?”
He pulled you down so you were nose to nose. “Hmm are you offering to kiss it better? Because that might be something I can get on bored with.”
You smiled and pressed your forehead to his. “I’ll do anything you want, if you put this stupid burn cream on.”
“Anything I want?”
He slowly started to let go of your hands… right before he shoved you off the couch, “I want you to quit buggin me.”
You thumped to the ground and groaned. “THAT’S IT!” Your hands caught fire. “I’m done asking!”
Dabi chuckled as he stood up and slowly squared off with you, his own hands igniting. He took slow, deliberate steps towards you. You could feel the anticipation building in your gut.
He was only inches from you now. He leaned closer and closer… before the fire in his hands extinguished.
He leaned into you and kissed your nose. “You’re cute when you worry.”
He bent over and picked the tube up and walked towards the bathroom to put it on. “I expect kisses y/n… and lots of them.”
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darthzero22 · 3 years
Hi idk if your taking requests but i just thought it would be really cute if Crosshair had a really happy/bubbly/positive girlfriend, but one day he sees her REALLY upset and its beacuse some person hurt her and Cross gets PISSED, because he's never seen her upset before and wants whoever hurt her to pay
Hi! I hope you have a nice day! I will open request later, I don't know when, but I will 😊
But I loved your idea, anon! I'm inspired now, so here you go. I hope it's what you wanted, or looks like it.
Crosshair x Fem!Reader
Crosshair, a serious, cold, distant man with a crude personality, fell in love with you, a woman who always sees the positive side of everything. He doesn't remember you ever getting upset, whenever you could you smiled. That would change and he wouldn't take it very well.
Warning: strong language
You and your squad had landed on a planet to get fuel and repair the Marauder after that complicated mission. You went into the city to get a couple of things Tech needed for the ship, and Crosshair had seen you leave the ship with a smile on your face, but when you came back you didn't have that beautiful smile. 
You were upset, very upset. 
You didn't want to talk to him, in fact you didn't want him to know, but he could instantly see that something or someone was upsetting you.
The door to your room opens. Crosshair enters to find you sitting on the edge of your bed with your head down. Something wasn't right, he had never seen you like this, and he felt his stomach clench at the sight of you in that mood.
"Hey, Cross..."
"What happened?”
“I don't know what you're talking about"
“Don't try to hide it from me” he rests one knee on the floor in front of you, to face you.
“I'm not hiding anything from you, really"
"I don't believe you"
“Look at me” he grabs your chin gently.
You lift your face to look at him, and Crosshair is surprised. That beautiful smile that characterized you was gone, and now there were only sad and wet eyes as tears wanted to come out, but you did not allow it.
“Is it bad to help people, Cross?” you were suffering all those negative emotions. Anger, sadness and disappointment. “Is it wrong to want to help someone?”
“It depends on the situation"
"I am beginning to believe that..."
"What happened? I need to know”
He starts to get angry because he suspected someone had hurt you.
“When I was returning to the ship, the owner of this port needed help with some boxes that fell on the floor and I helped him, but...”
“But? Mesh’la, come on. I need to know what else happened”
“I accidentally knocked over a box and whatever was inside broke. I don't know what it was, possibly droid parts or something? I was really sorry… I wanted to help him again because I was really sorry, but he yelled at me saying that if I was so bad at helping, then don't help him anymore… and practically pushed me away”
That man pushed you? That guy dared to lay a finger on you? Crosshair felt his blood boiling more and more.
“He… Don't tell me he dared to push you” he grits his teeth, feeling increasingly pissed off.
“Yes… He even called me useless and pathetic. I... I've never been called that before, especially when I tried to help…”
That was disappointment and anger because you couldn't believe that there were such ungrateful people, and sadness because that man humiliated you in public. That man didn't care that you had helped him before, because at the slightest and simple mistake you made he treated you like a useless and pathetic woman.
You didn't want to cry because you were aware that bad things happen, but it hit you hard because you were treated like garbage when you simply wanted to help. Crosshair frowns, you've never seen him so pissed off. He squeezed the bed sheets with his hand, as he had them resting on the edge on either side of you.
“It's silly, I know…"
"I know some people are ungrateful, but I've never been treated like this before...”
Crosshair was about to say something, but he couldn't because you hugged him by wrapping your arms around his neck, as he was still in front of you. He rests a hand on your back and I could feel you start to tremble.
“People turned to look at me and judge me…” you rested your eyes on his shoulder.
Your shortness of breath made another horrible sensation appear in him.
"You're not... crying, are you?" his tone of voice indicated fear and concern.
Yes, you were crying. Crosshair took that very personally, something in his heart hurt. You were his girlfriend, the most important person in his life. You were always in a good mood, you always found it easy to smile, but now you only cried out of anger and sadness. Now it was hard for you to smile. He had never seen you like this before, which made the pain in his heart increase.
“He pushed you, insulted you and also humiliated you… all because you tried to help him”
"I guess..."
Crosshair hugged you back, while thinking of a thousand ways to make that guy pay for what he did. You were so beautiful, unique in this galaxy that someone dared to hurt you, and above all to prevent you from smiling again. He was stroking your back in an attempt to reassure you, and while he was succeeding, it wasn't enough.
"I'm going to kill that guy"
Before you could stop him, Crosshair stands up and leaves the room. To say he was pissed was an understatement to describe how he was. He exits the ship, meeting Tech who was surprised to see him.
“Where are you going, Crosshair? We have to take off now”
Crosshair simply ignored Tech and with his eyes found the ungrateful man who hurt you from a distance. That man was just tidying up those damn boxes, so he walks over there. He was clenching his fists, it was very likely that he would beat him up, and you got out of the Marauder too to stop him. You didn't want him to get in trouble because of you.
“Hey, you!”
The man turns around when he hears that, and raises an eyebrow as he sees the tall, angry figure of Crosshair approaching him.
“Yeah? Do you need something...?”
Crosshair didn't let him finish speaking because he punched him in the nose so hard that he managed to knock him to the ground. He did not even give him time to recover because he grabbed him by his clothes in the neck area, and forced him to get up and slam him against the wall. That man had blood coming out of his nose.
“What the…?!”
“Shut up! You think you're brave for humiliating my girlfriend?” Crosshair's eyes showed nothing but fury.
“Your girlfriend…?"
"Yeah. That beautiful woman who dared to help a scumbag like you"
"Oh! I don't know what she told you, but it wasn't like that! She broke…”
“Wait. You dare to call her a liar?!”
“No, no…!"
"You are ungrateful!"
"If you don't let go, I'm going to call the authorities!”
“She helped you, you piece of shit. She helped your disgusting ass when she didn't have to! And you dared to push her? You humiliated her!"
“Please, I didn't mean to treat her like that!”
“You made her cry. You have no idea how pissed off I am... A punch will be the least of your problems”
Crosshair was going to punch him again, harder than the first, but a hand grabbing his shoulder stops him. That hand was yours, so he lowers his fist.
“There is no need for this!”
“He hurt you! It is more than necessary”
“I don't want you to get in trouble because of me!"
"I don't care"
"Please... Let that guy go”
Seeing those sad eyes of yours convinced him, even though he didn't want to. Crosshair sighs, but before letting go of the man, he knees him in the crotch, and then the guy falls to the ground in pain from the blow. No one dares to mess with you, that message was more than clear.
"You deserve worse, you idiot"
"Stop..." you grab his hand. "Let's go back to the ship"
You begin to walk back to the ship, but before Crosshair kicks one of the guy's many boxes causing it to fall, and therefore whatever was inside to break.
"I'm a little better now, just a little" he said.
"Was all that necessary?
"He hurt you, he had to pay. No one makes my girlfriend cry"
Even though you didn't quite agree with the violence Crosshair used, it made you feel better to know that he really cared about you. You knew he didn't like public affection, so you waited until you were alone back in your ship's room to hug him. He reciprocates the hug by placing a hand on your back, and you rested your face on his shoulder.
"You could have gotten into a lot of trouble..."
"I told you, I didn't care"
"Nothing you can say will change my mind. You always find it easy to smile, and then to see you like this..." he sighs. "I wanted to make him pay"
"Cross, the reason I always smile is because of you... You make me smile"
Well, Crosshair didn't expect that. A blush appears on his cheeks, he even frowns, but you feel him hug you a little tighter now.
"I hate to see you sad and to see you cry.... You have no idea how much"
"I am much better now... and thanks to you" you raise your head to look at him, and finally smile.
There was the smile that he loved, even though he loved everything about you. Crosshair brings a hand to your face and strokes one cheek with his thumb, then strokes your lower lip.
"No one will ever hurt you again, I promise" he said.
"I know..."
You give him a kiss on the corner of his lips, but he wanted something more, so he moves his face and they make you kiss each other on the mouth. You knew that with him you felt safe, loved, and above all he was the reason for your happiness. To Crosshair you were his life, so if someone dared to hurt you, it was as if someone would hurt him. He wasn't going to let them hurt you again, he wasn't going to let anyone take that smile away from you.
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writella · 4 years
Dating Luke Patterson
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Luke Patterson x reader
World count: 3.8k (yes, for a headcanon, let’s not talk about it. Or is this normal? Idk.)
A/N: I made this WAY too long but hopefully you can think of this as your ultimate guide because of it, enjoy!
• Luke is a VERY affectionate and loving boyfriend, both physically and emotionally.
• Physically:
- This boy would want to touch you anywhere and everywhere and be around you all the time.
- He’d caress your face, stand behind you and rub your shoulders and arms, hug your waist or shoulders from behind, play with your hair, fidget with your bracelets or whatever accessories you’d have on, play with your hands, have his hand on the center of your back...
- Even if he saw an eyelash on your face he wouldn’t hesitate to get it for you instead of telling you about it.
- Anyway to touch you, he’d go for it.
- He’d like to kiss your nose or your forehead when he says goodbye to you.
- When you’re alone he’d like Eskimo kisses.
- He just basks in being in your presence.
- Whether you liked to receive / give physical affection or not, you always have to remember to be a little extra affectionate with him because he really enjoys it.
- He likes knowing you’re there and that you care. He does that for everyone else, so if you do it, he’d really appreciate it.
- He likes the lingering touches the best, like intertwining your fingers together, or when you play with his hair (even though sometimes he doesn’t want it to get messed up), or you rubbing his shoulders like he does to you.
• Emotionally:
- He would be your number one supporter.
- He’d push to try new things or to speak your mind even if you’re afraid.
- He’d compliment you all the time. Saying that the band would be hopeless without you, or by telling you how beautiful he thinks you are, or how talented you are, or by marveling at your artistic or scholastic accomplishments.
- Tell you uplifting stories or give you words of encouragement when you’re feeling down.
• You love that he’s always so smiley and how his nose crinkles and eyes get all squinty when he’s cheesin’ hard.
• You think he’s sunshine personified by the way he is able to brighten up not only your day, but everyone’s day.
• He thinks you’re an angel because of the way you lighten up everyone’s life. Not to mention how you are the first to help, listen, or give advice to anyone in the band.
• Before you start dating, his heart would beat frantically when he saw you.
• After you’re together though, that would fade, but not because the excitement he feels when you’re around would go away, but because you’d become his safe place. Knowing that the person he could confide to always was around would bring a warm and content feeling all around him.
• Luke would be a romantic. We see this because of the way he always sees the bigger picture by constantly looking on the brighter side of things and by the way he writes poetry within his song lyrics, so he would treat your relationship the same way. He’d write you notes or make the band throw you a private concert or play an acoustic cover or original song just for you.
• He’d let you wear his chains or bracelets from time to time or you’d steal them.
• You’d like to play with the rings on his hand.
• You would probably get him some rings or chains to add to his collection.
• Getting a reaction out of you is his favorite thing.
• No matter how far into your relationship you are he’d still like to flirt in order to make your blush.
• If you were a writer / singer / musician he would ask you what you think of some lyrics he’s written or is thinking about writing down, but even if you weren’t, he would ask you anyways because he values your opinions and ideas.
• He either let you take or you’d steal some of his band tees. He’d get major heart eyes seeing you in them. Thinking you looked gorgeous in. his. clothes.
• He’d always give you a wink when he was on stage and saw you in the crowd or backstage.
• If you didn’t know how to play an instrument, he would want to teach you to play guitar. He just wants to share his passion.
• He’d introduce you to music you’d never listened to and you’d introduce him to 2000s + recent stuff that you think he’d like.
• When he’s in your room he’s be so nosy and look through all your stuff, but honestly, when you were in his room (if this was 90s) you’d do the same (he’d have so many CDs and other weird interesting stuff.)
Dating Ghost!Luke:
• So you can see him!
• Maybe you’re Julie’s close friend or sibling.
• You’d really enjoy that you and Julie get to have such special friendships with all three of the guys.
• Perhaps you’d never had a sense of belonging like that, and now you had a group of people you could always rely on to be there for you and understand you.
• I think it would make you and Julie closer.
• Luke would obviously be a goner for you right when he saw your face, but since he just loves to be close to everyone you couldn’t tell.
• You’d probably think if he had a crush on anyone it was Julie because of how great they look when they sing together despite how sweetly or flirtatiously he would talk to you. 
• You’d just assume he was like that with everyone.
• Julie, Alex, and Reggie would see how much he liked you though.
• You and Julie would teach the guys about the internet, different innovations, etc.
• Luke’s way of getting to talk to you more, other than pestering you with questions about yourself, would definitely be asking you about how to do this and that online, or just to talk to you about how things have changed so you can put it into perspective for him.
• He’d really like listening to your voice. He would hang onto every word.
• And you really liked his voice too, both singing and speaking, so whatever questions he asked you, you would always forward them back to him. You liked how passionately he spoke about everything. You also, hung onto every word.
• If you couldn’t touch, despite knowing that there was obviously more than friendship going on between the two of you, you’d be reluctant to tell each other of your feelings.
• When the truth comes out however you decide to make it work.
• But if you could touch, Luke would of course be the happiest guy on Earth and never let go of you.
• The band remembers to give you guys alone time in the garage or in Julie’s / your room sometimes, so you can just speak freely with him.
• But you guys also take walks on the beach or the park while you pretend you're on the  phone or have your headphones in so you can have a change of scenery.
• You would be the glue of the group / band.
• If you weren’t a part of the band (like singing / playing an instrument specifically) it would probably be easiest for you to see their band spats in an unbiased and reasonable manner.
• You’d make sure to ask Alex how he’s doing because you know he’s always got something on his mind, but doesn’t always share unless asked.
• You’d make sure to always find something fun to do with Reggie from time to time, or just start up a conversation with him about mundane things.
• You see how he likes to watch Ray and Carlos all the time, so you wonder if maybe he just wants some kind of familial connection, and you decide that it’ll be you.
• I think he’d appreciate how you take the time to ask him questions and listen to his answers seriously, despite how he says things in such a humorous tone, and you’d appreciate how surprisingly observant he is (e.g. he noticed Ray was worried about Julie by how he had been stress eating all week. Reggie is a sweet boy who cares, guys.)
• You realize you both have hidden traits that no one gives you credit for except each other.
• Luke would like how you had a unique relationship with everyone and truly put in the effort to make sure each one is personalized between you and that person. It reminded him of himself— Always trying to give a little love to everyone — It would make him that much more fond of you.
• You’d settle arguments between the guys.
• Or maybe even little arguments between Julie and Luke. Although neither could stay mad at each other for long (honestly being “mad” at each other wouldn’t even be the word), but sometimes they took opposing sides to different situations like where to add a certain verse or about a poor decision Julie felt the guys made (like haunting Bobby or going to Caleb’s), so you’d be there to give an outside opinion or to calm the heated moments.
• He’d like to stare at you whenever he could. When you were in the garage talking to Julie or Flynn or if it’s 90s!Luke he’d do it in class or in the hallways. 
• Either Julie or Alex would say he’s a creep for staring but Luke would say he’s just admiring.
• Little did he know you did the same.
• And now, speaking of 90s Luke...
Dating Alive!Luke:
• Okay, so we’re in the 90s and he’s in high school.
• He either met you because you share a class together and he thought you were pretty (and you thought he was beautiful, of course) or you and Alex shared a class together and he befriended you.
• Let’s say it’s Alex: you guys would bond over the fact that presentations are stupid and only done to make people feel uncomfortable and ultimately humiliate themselves.
• When Alex didn’t have a class with Reggie and or Luke he’d feel lonely but if you were there, you could now be a person he could go to, so you two could be lonely together.
• Even if you guys didn’t have much in common the fact that you were easy to talk to, always decided to be partners with him, or help each other out in class gave him comfort, so maybe one day he’d ask you to sit with him at lunch or see a gig his band managed to get.
• You go (You can choose which, I’m making it a choose your own adventure for about a whole second. Enjoy.) and boom enter Luke and his sunshine eyes, pretty hair, GORGEOUS arms, a muscle tee, along with his classic vans and you’re like , WHOA, but you try to hide it.
• And Luke is like, WHOA, but he tries to hide it.
• And Alex is like, “Of course.”
• And Reggie is like, “Hi I’m Reggie. We’re Sunset Curve, tell you friends.”
• And you’re like, “But I don’t have (m)any friends.”
• And Alex is like, “That’s okay I only have three (3) friends and before that I had none!”
• And Luke is like, “I’ll be your friend 👀”
• And Reggie is like, “By the way he’s looking at you, I think he wants to be more than just ‘friends’ 😏😉”
• And Luke is like, “🤡”
• And Alex is like, “🤡”
• And Reggie is like, “🤠?”
• And you’re like, *internally SCREAMING*
• Here comes that mutual pining.
• Alex starts to bring you around more often which helps you to get closer to all three of them, but especially Luke, who will ask you a series of never ending questions about yourself.
• You think Luke is just really nice and that's why he's so friendly when you’re around, but in actuality he just wants to know all about you.
• Alex and Reggie would bother him about it when you’re not around.
• One day, after he just couldn’t take it anymore he’d finally ask you out, or just kisses you unexpectedly because Luke acts before he thinks sometimes.
• The rest is history.
• Anyway...
• He’s a sweetie and probably wouldn’t really talk crap about teachers, but I know he’s not into school either.
• That being said: he’d totally get you to skip one day or quite a few days if he gets you to agree saying “please, please, please,” or telling you that you can afford to miss because you’re so much smarter than him, or just giving you so many kisses you can’t think straight.
• Skipping activities would include:
- Finding some random coffeehouse for him and the band to play impromptu while you watch.
- Adventures in the park or woods: he’s find a grassy place and sing songs to you on his guitar or you’d do something silly like play tag because Luke is a child.
- Sit on the trunk of Alex or Reggie’s car (let's say one of them has one) and have a quick make out session or just talks out life (probably his parental issues) it depends on how he’s feeling that day.
- Or finally, you guys would explore around the school and find rooms you’d never been in or see what the back of the auditorium looked like for the first time. If you guys ever get caught he’d either tell you to hide or run or find some way to get you out of it. He would take full blame, never wanting to get you in trouble.
• Once again, being the romantic he is, he’d probably take you to your first concert, write you cards, come by your locker after every period, take you out on weekends or weekdays whenever he could.
• He’d try to be a gentleman in front of your parents, really wanting them to like him, and he’d try to respect your curfew if you had one, but sometimes he would like to be rebellious (e.g. when he tells Julie to sneak out the window for their first gig) and try to get you to sneak out, especially if it was for something really special he planned. Ex. a moonlight serenade. But again, sometimes this boy doesn’t think, so he’d probably just get you to come out so you could kiss, or talk, or talk and kiss.
• All around, you guys would just have a blast together because Luke’s mission is to bring joy to your life.
• He genuinely loves seeing people happy and if you two were in a relationship, your happiness would definitely be a top top top priority.
• He would burn you CDs.
• He’d love to listen to them with you because he just loves sharing music with you and he just wants to see your reactions right then and there. 
• He’s introduce you to new things and you would talk for hours about music you both liked or movies you loved.
• He’d like to hold your hand in the halls.
• Send you notes in class or even throw them at you or if you were sitting too far apart.
• He’d even tell someone to tell you he had something to say. Down the chain his call would go till the last person closest to you tells you that Luke is asking for you. You’d look and all he’d say is “hi” with the goofiest smile.
• You’d either have no choice but to smile back because of how infectious he is, or if you had enough willpower, you’d roll your eyes and look away. If the latter, he would try again and again till he got you to give in.
• He’d mimic or make faces when the teacher or a classmate said something stupid.
• He’s a little needy that way. He just wants your attention and affection.
• Again, he’d do anything to see you smile and equally as important, bothering you is the only joy he gets out of class whenever he’s not in a class with the guys.
• You’d proofread his essays or any writing that was for any type of English class because when he’s really feeling up to it, he actually puts in effort in his writing assignments.
• You tell him that he’s a good writer and that if the band thing doesn’t work out he could always become a music / poetry teacher.
• “Too bad the band thing is going to work out,” he’d assure you.
• You believed him, but you always just want to let him know he has far more talents than what he, or his teachers, for that matter give him credit for.
• Despite his major confidence in his musical abilities he feels like he falls short in other aspects, something you were surprised to learn about him, so you do your best to compliment him and encourage him.
• But especially in school since he already thinks of it in such low standards.
• When his parents fight with him about the band, you're his safe space. Sometimes he doesn’t like to tell Alex and Reggie about all the gritty details because they have family issues too, but he can always vent to you.
• You like hanging out in his room. His personality is written all over it. Band posters, movie posters, ideas for songs as well as song lyrics he loves taped up to the wall on scrap pieces of paper and sticky notes, it’s a little messy but it’s mostly just clothes and crumpled paper on the floor.
• Unfortunately, you don’t hang there too much because Luke doesn’t always like being around his parents.
• His parents like you though and enjoy when you’re around the house because it means Luke is actually around too.
• They know you encourage him at school and his mother specifically knows he needs that extra support and appreciates you for it.
• She’s told you that she wishes she could show Luke that she wants to give him that, but sometimes Luke gets too preoccupied with his music and has the notion that just because she is concerned about his career choice that she is totally against him.
• Speaking of that, despite how much Luke loves being your boyfriend and tries his best to show you how much he loves you, he’s not always perfect.
• Sometimes music and the band comes between you two as well.
• When he’s really driven on a song idea, whether it be working on the lyrics to a song, composing the music to it , rehearsing it with the band, etc., it will take all his attention.
• When he gets a fixation on something, he can be very single minded.
• All he’ll want to do is be with his thoughts and guitar or with the band that he forgets to check in with you.
• Once you tell him though, he will feel terrible about it. Not seeing how his passion can make him so blind at times.
• “I just get really into it, you know? I’m sorry! I can make it up to you.” His bottom lip would jut out and his eyes would drop dopily. He always looked like such a puppy, you could stay mad for long.
• “How are you going to prove you’re really sorry?” you’d ask knowing this wasn’t the first nor will it be the last time he gets “really into” his music.
• “I’m dropping everything today. It’s just you and me. Promise.” And he’d mean it.
• When Luke knows he’s at fault he will always try 110% to make it right. He doesn’t like it when he hurts people, especially you. He feels like he’s failed in a way.
• He’d show you new snippets of new songs he’s working on.
• You guys would talk endlessly about favorite bands and he would introduce you to ones you’d never heard before.
• You liked when he talked about his favorite musicians. Seeing someone talk passionately about something they loved was always beautiful to witness, but when Luke did it, it was next level.
• He’d literally buzz everywhere, talk super fast, and bounce around. He vibrates happiness and those are the moments where you knew for sure why he was so determined on his goals to make the band work. The love he has is so intense, so undeniable, so unbreakable. You hoped you could find something you loved like that one day. Other than him, of course.
• Oh, wait? Is that how you figure out you love him? For his passionate and brave spirit that did nothing but put a smile on your face all day, everyday? You couldn’t even compute the thought. It felt right, of course, but it was scary.
• You didn’t tell him. I think he’d say I love you first anyway and you’d happily say it back, finally releasing the beautiful realization you held inside for so long.
• He’d want you to go to every gig they got.
• “I can’t do it without you,” he’d say.
• Sometimes he knew you couldn’t though, because he and the band would only get slots in the middle of the night sometimes, or they’d do all-nighters around the city playing on the outsides of clubs just to get noticed.
• Sometimes they would get in trouble, or even ban from some places and he didn’t want you to be a part of that. He’d tell you that he wants you to get your sleep.
• But if it was the weekend, or the summer, or just a day you decided you have the time to be rebellious, you’d love to cheer them on, or maybe you would even be the getaway driver when workers would try to kick them out.
• You’d help Luke and the boys with their homework or school work a lot.
• Whether you were smart or an average student they’d think you were a genius and appreciate how you remind them of assignment deadlines from the classes you’d share. They only went to school to spend time together and outside of school was for music, so they’d probably fail without you.
• Luke would be the first to thank you every time.
• You would be there for him when he ran away. You’d tell him that maybe he should go back and talk to his parents or that maybe it would be best to at least finish high school, but he dismisses both as options immediately, saying that he knows what he wants. That school nor his parents are going to give it to him, so why bother.
• You support him and believe in his dream, but you still worry from time to time. You decide that it's his choice and that you love him, so you just make sure that he is eating, sleeping, and that you’re there for him if he needs someone to talk to or just someone to hug.
Now back to the general stuff:
• He’d give you a nickname. Personally, I think he’d try to shorten your name in some way that hopefully no one else calls you yet so he can feel special.
• Alex and Reggie would probably start calling you by that nickname sometimes too soon after that.
• As for usual nicknames, I think sometimes when he greets you he’d call you “beautiful”
•  “Hey beautiful, how you doin’?” Lets pretend that he watched the first season of Friends in ‘94 and then watched the rest on your laptop after he comes back and be obsessed like Charlie.
• He’d make your laugh a lot. Sometimes because he’s flirty or silly but other times it was because he could just be really dumb (in a sweet way, of course.)
• You would wonder why everyone would call Reggie the clueless one. It seemed like all the guys shared one braincell and Alex just hogged it most of the time.
• He’d love kissing. I don’t think he’d do full on make outs in the halls or in front of the band (not because he's shy though), but when you two were alone, in the garage or in each other's rooms he would be so down, there is no stopping him, and he’d try to make them last as long as he could.
• He would ask for good luck kisses before a show just to get you to touch him, as always.
• When you saw him shirtless for the first time your breath would be taken away. You knew he was probably toned because those sleeveless tees but you still couldn’t predict just how GORGEOUS and HOT he would look, whew.
• He’s probably get cocky for a second because of your speechless reaction.
• But that confidence would go right out the door whenever he saw you without a shirt, his eyes would be blown, totally star struck.
• He’d like to cuddle or rest his head on your lap, especially when he needs to relax from the stress he’s feeling due to his home life or from writing. You’d gently stroke his hair. It would soothe him.
• He’d also like it when you rest your head on his lap too. In those moments, he would take it as full permission to touch you and kiss you up, no complaints.
• Overall, Luke would just love you up and write you pretty songs forever and ever. Best boyfriend.
Thank you for reading! Who else wants to have this boy as their handsome and adorable ghost boyfriend? I love him.
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annarendellsa · 3 years
my heathers headcanons
it's the way i see them and draw them, you don't have to agree! this is based on both the musical and the movie
CW: mention of suic*de and e*ting disorders (bulimia) as well as various mental illnesses
Heather Duke
• heather duke is aromantic and yes its because she wears green, have you seen her socks in the off broadway musical? /hj
• more seriously, she IS aromantic but it took some time for her to figure out. she is allo but she doesn't label her sexuality, and she was always confused and frustrated to experience sexual attraction but never romantic attraction; she had a hard time accepting this part of herself.
• post heathers: maybe she discovers about non binary identities and asks her girlfriends to test out they/them pronouns on her? idk? aro-agender duke?
• she also struggles with empathy as she is naturally apathic
• and she's putting this image of a cold mean girl because she believes she can only be that given she's aro and ND
• post musical: she had no idea mcnamara actually tried to commit suic*de and when veronica tells her she breaks down in tears and spend a few days writing an apology letter to mcnamara
• post musical: mcnamara helps her to develop her compassion, knowing it's not her fault she's incapable of empathy. she didn't have to forgive her, but they did, and it really motivates duke to become a better person and be as nice as her
• post musical: she sees a doctor! she eventually recovers from her bulimia. veronica and mac are 100% supportive of her recovery, and very proud
• she gets bigger as part of her recovery and learns to embrace it
• duke is very pale with really dark and thick hair and eyebrows, soft features and quite a lot of body hair
• you know the bootleg where duke has blonde hair? when she's on the tv she speaks german and i vibe with german duke now
• duke Cannot say fuck and if someone is prude/innocent/idk it's her. the why are you pulling my dick was just to fluster veronica i think
Heather McNamara
• they use she/they pronouns!! just because. she still identifies as a girl though
• mac is autistic of course, it's like semi canon in the musical
• since she's very tall (movie) she stims while standing like being on the tip of her toes or rocking back and forth and the others can be quite annoyed because she moves a lot but they never snap at her
• post musical: veronica finds her stimming endearing and they know it's safe to stim around her, especially since veronica stims herself
• post musical: mac hums as a stim too and you can often find macnamawyer snuggling on the floor while humming in harmonies together
• she used to mask a LOT and it played a big part in her depression. she knows they had to stop themselves from stimming when she was a heather, she had been the weird kid in middle school but now that chandler took her under her wing, she has to pretend to be NT in order to stay in the lifeboat (😭)
• she's a lesbian!! of course she is
• she knows it since she is in middle school and has been """gal pals"""" with chandler since them but she still struggles with it she has comphet yk, but still less than chandler
• chanamara definitely practiced kissing together "to be ready when we'll have to kiss boys" 👀👀👀
• chandler always had a soft spot for mac and tried to hide it by being cruel to duke
• post musical: it took mac some time to understand that duke had nothing against her personally. she was chill with them until chandler died. from that moment she had to prove herself as the new queen bee and mac was a collateral victim
• duke definetely gave her trauma though and mac is in the process of trusting her again
• mac themselves is not a cinnamon roll just yet and she still has to make up for what they've done to others
• mcnamara has nicknames like mcNcheese or macaroni (veronica came up with those)
• they're also a vegetarian and she loves yellow food
• like she ever only eats yellow food actually (autistic thing). that girl is deficient! part of why she looks that fragile and thin
• also i see mcnamara as mixed race with golden/light brown skin and they have this type of curly curly hair but she straightens it all the time so it's only just wavy (once again, to blend in with the heathers)
• her natural hair colour is actually a dark strawberry blonde? her dad is irish and he's a redhead that's why (stole this from @cam-eats-candles hehe) but she dyes it so it's lighter
• post musical: she starts wearing her natural hair!! and goes with her mom to the afro hairdresser to start to get her curls done right (cornrows mac!!)
• their parents divorced (movie) and it's for the best. mac has daddy issues and only goes to her dad to get cute jewellery for their girlfriends 💖 (he doesn't just sell engagement rings. a lot of regular expensive rings, really)
• she's not a baby, she's not weak nor completely innocent and pure!! the girl is a head cheerleader, she's strong and flexible as hell.
Heather Chandler
• heather chandler is Also a lesbian BUT she is on the ace spectrum like demisexual? so yeah she's double disgusted when she "sleeps" with men
• as a queen bee she's also convinced that the only way to exist is through male validation :(
• chandler is taller than duke and veronica but shorter than mac
• chandler's skin is like rosy and it freckles very easily. i see her with the same cloudylike hair she has in the movie, dark blonde, with the red scrunchie only holding back some of her hair
• she is Buff and is genuinely into sports (lesbian jock like regina george)
• she has a sharp hourglass shape her shoulders are broad and her legs long and strong. she could lift veronica against a wall easily. and she did
Veronica Sawyer
• ADHD!! she's been diagnosed for a while but only became medicated post musical
• bisexual!! so bisexual!! without a preference. she's always been open and proud about it and her parents are supportive
• for me veronica is brown, with thick and dark hair and dark brown eyes, midsize, average height
Martha Dunnstock
• that's canon i know, but she's fat, and not the socially acceptable-hourglass kind of fat. big arms! big tummy! double chin! (i see fanart of her just being chubby quite often and it's ANNOYING like that's a big part of her character)
• she's perfectly healthy like this as are many fat people :))
• i also like the hc that her attempt at sewer slide made her permanently disabled and that she keeps using a wheelchair! because it happens, it's important to show it, and it gives me a lot of ideas for cute kindergarten girlfriends prompts 💓💓
• of course realistically being fat AND physically disabled in the 80's was and is not an easy thing to go through but it's in my head so
• she's also a tiny bit taller than veronica
• i don't hate the outfit she wears in the off broadway show, but I like her west end outfit better!! it's a lot more 80's inspired and i totally see her in kidcore/clowncore etc, even if pastels are cool too
• in the current west end version, martha is played by a black woman and she looks amazing! however I've been drawing and imagining martha as east/south east asian, for no reason really?? also idk kinda rubs me the wrong way that in the more official versions of heathers it's always duke that is black, or martha? not the others? hmm
• i'm not comfortable with hcs that exclusively babyfy her or patronise her like a bunny rabbit just bc she's a fat outcast who likes unicorns!! she's not just cute and giggly! martha can and does swear and she Fucks, like mcnamara
• big round glasses + big nose + long brown hair
• taking inspiration from the princess bride line but she's a huge movie nerd. yes she loves happy endings but she also loves horror movies, as long as they have a happy ending
• she never gets a makeover omg y'all just hate people with glasses and a childish aesthetic istg
• she takes this aesthetic further though and
• post musical and high school: she doesn't just wear baggy clothes anymore as she only did that to prevent more bullying. she develops an unique style with a lot of pink and glitter and she's awesome
ok this is getting long ill probably do more!! tell me what you think <3
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
How the Jujutsu Kaisen Characters Smell
A/N: Absolutely no one asked for this but I have thoughts and now yall have to hear them. Btw gonna put a keep reading because I’m trying to cover as many jjk characters as possible so it’s gonna get long.
Warnings: Spoilers if you’ve only seen the anime or haven’t read the manga up to the Shibuya Arc (relatively minor but you’ve been warned)
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He’s nowhere near the best smelling but his scent isn’t awful 
He sweats a lot so he takes showers a minimum of 2x a day
Overall his smell isn’t that bad, he just smells like outside 
5/10 points for effort but he always smells like he just got done rolling around in grass
Fushiguro smells like the suave ocean breeze body wash with an undertone of pen ink 
His smell is very nice, it’s not the most remarkable but it’s not stinky
Middle school Megumi was definitely a hot mess that smelled solely of axe body spray and other middle schoolers he beat up (Tsumiki tried her best but there was only so much he’d compromise on)
After he started attending the Tokyo school, Maki threw out his axe and made Gojo buy him actual cologne/scented body wash
7/10 smells like a friend (points reduced because he used to use 3 in 1 body wash)
Kugisaki is very much clean
She keeps up a beauty regimen and doesn’t play when it comes to upkeeping it
She has this light floral scent because of that; it varies between cucumbers and roses
Her body wash is also consistent with the smell of her beauty products
One thing about Kugisaki’s smell is that it does change completely depending on what products she’s using
Although, if she were to be completely clean with no scented products, she’d have a smell that’s a little bit metallic because of the nails and a little pumpkin-y
10/10 points because she sets the standard
Smells like the inside of a guys car
He smells like bergamot and cedarwood mixed with a hint of leather
Overall he smells nice and it’s frustrating because his scent lingers. It’s so distinct that even when he’s gone, his scent will stay behind just to taunt you
9/10 minus one point for being Gojo
She’s very particular about hygiene 
It mainly stems from 1) her upbringing and 2) the level of cleanliness needed to clean all the weapons she uses regularly
She smells of metal polish, lavender with a hint of patchouli, and a slight undertone of rust
10/10 overall very strong scent but it’s so uniquely her that it’s calming 
This makes no sense but I feel like Inumaki smells like the sandwich part of a deli
Specifically that fresh baked bread and sliced lettuce smell
It can be a bit nostalgic at times especially because the smell in general occurs in a lot of places 
10/10 because bread smells good
It’s canon that Panda smells like the sun but we can get more specific
Panda does smell like the sun but I think he smells like a freshly cleaned room with the curtains open
The smell is like air freshener mixed with the sun
The air fresheners he smells the most like are: morning and dew, wood, pine, pet odor eliminator
10/10 no explanation needed
Smells like teen spirit
Pre-jujutsu high (and before he was sent away to Africa); Yuta smelled like deodorant
He smelled like wayyy too much old spice, it was pretty bad
Post trip to Africa (idk which country he went to), Yuta smells of shea butter, frankincense, and charred wood
8/10 the crimes of pre jujutsu high Yuta will not be easily forgiven
He smells like the blue Ralph Polo Lauren cologne
No I will not take criticism
He also smells a bit like the wrinkle spray people use when ironing clothes
10/10 we been knew that Nanami looks good, smells good, and dresses good
I don’t even like that cologne but for him...
Love Shoko but her smell isn’t the most pleasant
Literally smells like cigarettes and alcohol with the sterile smell of cleaner to top it off
She’s an icon but her smell can be overwhelming at the best of times and suffocating at the worst
5/10 some people might like it but it is not for me
Her scent is very foresty, either pine or spruce, with an undertone of gree tea
Her scent is a bit muted too so you can only really smell it if she’s really close or if you’re hugging her
It’s not a bad scent though, it’s the type that immediately sets you on ease
10/10 smells like a warm hug
He’s a robot what’d you expect???
Jkjk Pre-Shibuya he smells really sterile and clean due to his condition
His robots obviously smell like metal and wiring
Post-Shibuya arc(or yk during technically): He smells kind of like nothing
There's the slightest smell of sparks from his cursed technique and the hint of mojito’s smell lingering, but otherwise he smells like absolutely nothing
6/10 the lack of smell is a bit off putting
I can’t explain but I feel like Miwa smells like banana and vanilla
Like Mai and Momo tricked her and she ended up actually liking the smell
6/10 not the worst but not the best
Mai smells really heavily of metal and gunpowder
Obviously brcause of her cursed technique but she ever expected it to stck to her like it does
She doesn’t make any active effort to change it though because she thinks it makes her seem cool and mysterious
4/10 because while it DOES make her seem cool and mysterious, she scares locals
She definitely uses bath and body works perfume (tempted to say she uses the glittery versions but alas)
She loves using all the candles, lotions, and perfumes because of how girly they make her feel; has a collection that’s probably on a rotater
Definitely uses sweet pea above all
Tries to get Mai to try some of her fragrances but she has a 30/70 chance of getting her to agree
7/10 another scent that’s not for me
He has a really intense cleaning regimen and is never caught lackin in the smell department
He gets all the more embarrassed when Yuuji smells stinky next to him and will always make Yuuji shower if thr boy stinks
Other than that, he smelled of an ocean-y cologne before Takada-chan released her perfume collection
Now all he talks about is how he smells like the perfect husband for Takada
Takada’s perfume is really light a floral (along the lines of rose + vanilla) and if Todo runs out, he tries to steal it from Momo’s collection
9/10 minus a point for being a simp
Smells really clean except for when he’s using his cursed technique
On average, Noritoshi smells like the clean linen spray/ clean laundry
When he uses his technique, he smells like blood and when he uses his technique to “dope”, he smells like sweat
Usually he smells like clean laundry though, he’s very picky about how he smells and hates the smell he gets from using his technique
10/10 for keeping clean
If you think this man washes his ass...
Sorry but he’s a little too busy being a misogynist 
Naoya saw the term gooch grease and was like “wow someone gets it!”
-400/10 I’m sick of talking about the ways this man smells like a popped neck pimple
Only person that smells worse than Naoya
If Naoya smells like a popped neck pimple, Mahito smells like a literal sewer
He smells like sewage, garbage, rot and decay, melted plastic,etc.
Not only does Mojito’s body stink, his breath stinks, hair stinks, just everything stinks
Jogo and Hanami can’t tell since they don’t have noses but everytime Geto gets a whiff, he dies a little inside
-21982913293237932392379319210391090320323019/10 GET BACK. GET BACK. GET BACK.
Pre-death; he smelled like blood 9 times out of 10 
The other 10% of times he smelled like incense or jasmine but you’d never smell it for long
Post-death; stinky funky and rotten
I’m sorry but 1) he’s a mass murder who literally sits atop a mountain of skulls 2) he’s technically dead and only exists thriugh his fingers
If you think that man smells like anything other than rot and grave wax...
-2/10 be glad he got a higher score than Mahito
I love Choso with every ounce of my being 
That being said, he smells like a scab
Scabs don’t even have smells but somehow he smells like one 
Alright I’m done slandering him
3/10 because I didn’t have the heart to give him anything lower
Pre-Gojo angst: Geto was the best smelling sorcerer in the world
He was very meticulous about his grooming routine and showed Gojo how to care for himself w/o the aid of servants
A king of self care and personal grooming 10/10
Post-Gojo angst: Geto really stopped caring about his appearance
He’d keep clean to set a good example for his kids, but he didn’t really see the value of looking decent
Probably says “I refuse to use the technology of monkeys”
Even though Mahito smells worse, Geto does still hang around Mahito and that’s gonna rub off
2/10 take a shower man, sea water doesn’t count as cleaning yourself
Junpei smells like dandelions/picked grass and cigarettes
Cigarettes are obviously because his mom smokes them so frequently the smell sticks to him
The dandelions/ picked grass smell is because Junpei spends a lot of time outside 
Out of boredom or a need to keep his negative thoughts at bay, Junpei started picking at the grass
I do think he eventually started weaving flower crowns made of dandelions and strips of grass
6/10 because I feel bad for him
This man...
As much as I’d like to pretend he smells good, he has a drooling worm hanging off him and  probably owns like one outfit
That being said, he’s not as stinky as Naoya or Mahito (or even Sukuna), because he does clean himself when he has the chance
It’s just that he spends his money so quickly that he kinda forgets sometimes
Although he usually has no problem finding some woman who’d be more than willing to put him up in a hotel room
His smell is musky but it’s not funky
He smells like a guy right before they start to get stinky, it’s a delicate balance
4/10 he’s a lil funky but it kinda feeds his image
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ryuichirou · 3 years
How Do You Rate Every Titan Shifter's Titan Form Out Of 10
Aw come on, all of them are great. And what do we even base this mark on?? Ok you know what, I think I’m taking this ask too seriously. Let’s rate it based on my gut feeling.
Eren’s Attack Titan – 10/10. For some reason he can be both adorable (like when he’s trying to write or build a house) and absolutely terrifying (like when he fought Annie and attacked Marley, of course), and I love it. His roars are the best. Sexy wild animal.
Eren’s Founding Titan – 100000/10, I think everyone know that we love this creature. His design is genius, he is super weird and creepy and he only gets cooler once you start to understand how his body works.
Kruger’s Attack Titan – 8/10? He’s cool, but nothing too special, esp since he’s not the first Attack Titan we see.
Grisha’s Attack Titan – 9/10. He’s like… Dad. He shaped like a hairy dad. He has an interesting energy and potential.
Annie’s Female Titan – 10/10. One of my top3 and I don’t care if you call me biased: I love her moves, I love her design, I lovelovelove her wild screech.
Reiner’s Armored Titan – 10/10; I wanted to give him 9/10 but then I saw his butt and forgot what I was trying to say.
Bertolt’s Colossal Titan – 8/10. A legend, an icon, like literally, so I couldn’t give him anything less than 8/10, but I it’s not like I think about him on a regular basis.
Armin’s Colossal Titan – 8/10. It’s cool that all the Colossals are unique in their facial design, but it’s not like I think about Armin on a regular basis either.
Pieck’s Cart Titan – 10/10. I think about her every day. She’s so uncannily creepy (at first), but also so useful and so nice and her creepy voice ughh <3 Her anatomy doesn’t make sense, but actually does, so it’s perfect… It’s also funny how her design changed drastically at some point.
Zeke’s Beast Titan – 10/10. Come fucking on. He’s one of the scariest ones when you first meet him, and frankly, he’s just perfect. His stupid fur, his soft tummy, his long-ass arms – everything about Monke is good and I love Monke very much. He also has furry “pants” (well duh) and I think it’s adorable.
The Warhammer Titan gal – 9.8/10, cool-looking, sexy, scary, futuristic, powerful. Sadly, she can’t operate without cable, but this isn’t her fault. Almost perfect.
Ksaver’s Beast Titan – 10/10. He’s a ram. He has horns.
Ymir’s Jaw Titan – 9/10. I really love that she looks like some kind of troll gremlin creature tbh, there is a lot of potential in this field. But there’s something that stops me from giving her 10/10… maybe the fact that she’s gone and I’ll miss her forever.
Marcel’s Jaw Titan and Porco’s Jaw Titan – 10/10 and they can share those however they want <3 idk about Marcel but Porco is like a smol angery creature who’ll bite your nose off if you tried to pet it, and it’s great.
Falco’s Jaw Titan – 8/10. He looks so stupid from some angles, but so cool from others. Caw caw.
Frieda’s Founding Titan – 7/10. Haven’t seen much of her.
Uri’s Founding Titan – 2/10, we’ve never seen him properly. Show him to us!
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nadezhda-wexler · 3 years
A Moment In Time, Again and Again
Hello @xoxobuckybarnes, It is I, your Summer Fic Exchange writer for @b99fandomevents.  Thank you for all your amazing prompts, but I ended up choosing “The Squad after ten years”. I really hope you enjoy it.
Also a few points:
 1) The whole story is non-linear. It’s like a series of snapshots. It’s related, but chronologically the don’t really make sense
2) It is smut adjacent? Implied smut? Idk, It’s just a few lines because honestly, it’s my first time writing anything like that
3) There might be some spelling errors and grammatical error, sorry if they put a damper on your experience
4) Thank you @b99fandomevents for giving this chance
5) MOST IMPORTANTLY: I hope you enjoy it.
There were many reasons Amy thought that might bring the squad together- well, mainly one- Scully dying (the man was already decaying when she was in the precinct), but this was not it. In fact, this was the opposite of it.
  She reads the sign again, still wondering if she dreamt it up. But nope. Norm Scully and Cindy Shatz were indeed getting married. 
  Amy walks into her old turf: Shaw’s Bar. She feels like she stepped into another universe, everything is different, but somehow, the same. It’s the place she came to right after her wedding. The stools are different and the bar more worn, but the place still feels warm like her wedding night. The back door leads right to the alley where she once tried to conceive (that was a low point) and judging by the fact the Hitchcock is standing right outside the bathroom with Scully nowhere in sight, she guesses even the bathroom smells (stinks) the same. 
  Her eyes sweep over the room, she can see Rosa and Gina huddles together and she already feels bad for their victim, Holt and Kevin are talking to Terry- it never stops amusing her seeing the very passionate Captain Jeffords squared against impassive Retd Captain Holt and Kevin. Charles is haranguing the caterers, when she hears a voice from behind: “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
They had just gotten into the airport- Jake is bringing all their luggage while she is trying to get her children to calm down. While Maya knows everyone in the squad, Mac has lived with them more. So Mac has decided to fill in the blanks. His stories are wild and absolutely untrue and Maya is hanging onto each word. She was looking to see where her husband was when Maya suddenly tugged her hand and asked in wonder “Did Daddy really catch a thief by sending Mac in undercover?” “No. Your daddy never sent Mac undercover because he isn’t a cop and he is a baby”. “Well, I am not a baby and dad did do that, he just didn’t tell you”
 “What didn’t I tell your mom?”Jake joins them, luggage in tow. “That you sent me undercover to catch that thief” “Mac”, Jake says with fake indignation. “You weren’t supposed to tell that. It was our secret”  Mac’s eyes has that same mischievous glint she has seen a million times on her husband’s face as he says he told her to maya and launches into his story. They’re loading their luggage into the cart when Jake’s phone buzzes. “That’s Charles and he has already called me 5 times and messaged me a lot. I stopped counting after 10”, Jake says. “Kids, your Uncle Charles is waiting. You know how he gets when you are late!”, he adds.
  Mac, without any prompt, holds his sister's hands, so as to not lose her, still continuing with the  stories of his feats, she’s sure, without missing a beat. Her heart swells as she watches her kids, Mac being a protective older brother and Maya holding onto his hands and words. Her husband’s hand slips into hers as he asks “You ready to go?” She couldn’t be happier.
"Captain Santiago"
"Captain Holt! Hi!" Apparently even his retirement hasn't made Santiago less flustered. He won't deny there is a part of him that enjoys the reverence. "How was your first year running a precinct, Captain?" He enjoys calling her Captain almost as much as she enjoys hearing it. 
"Great! Super cool. Fantastic. Dope. No diggity no doubt" He briefly wonders if she had a stroke. 
"Okay, you saw right through me. It's not been easy. Manhattan is completely different from Brooklyn. The squad is also new, they all just transferred about a month or two before me. So they don't even know each other so everyone is walking on tiptoes. And they follow everything I say, but don't really see me as a leader."
"Well, the first precinct I ran, I had a detective who only cared about closing cases, everyone in the squad thought I was a robot, my two best detectives had a bet with each other, my Sargent was chained to the desk and the office administrator was Gina and I had Hitchcock and Scully"
"You are right. I shouldn't complain. I don't have a Hitchcock and Scully"
"No. But that was not what I was trying to say. Once I got closer to all of them, I realised that the detective who did not care, cares not just care about closing cases, the bet made both detectives better, my Sargent saved my life, Gina is still Gina and that being a robot doesn't make me a worse Captain. What you need to do Santiago, is trust your squad. You have a unique opportunity to build this team. But you cannot do that without unflinching trust. So trust them. Help them and let them help you. And if you ever feel the need, please do not hesitate to contact me. I might have retired from the force, but not from being your mentor"
"Wow! Thank you so much Captain. That means the world to me." Some people might call Amy Santiago a teacher's pet in an attempt to mock her, but the truth is she is a teacher's pet because she is a brilliant student. She revels in learning and enjoys implementing her knowledge even more. She is a teacher's pet not just because she is adept at brown nosing- which she admittedly does sometimes, but because she will be the student that teachers can one day be proud of. He might tell her this if it did not make her explode and also because Amy Santiago understands him, so he just smiles.
  They had barely reached the terminal before Charles pounced on Jake. Amy and the kids barely had the time to move away from being hit. Genevieve and Amy unload the luggage while the kids catch up. It takes the men one whole minute before they let go. 
  "Genevieve, thank you so much for taking the kids", Amy says.
  "Of course Nikolaj loves hanging out with Mac and Maya. It's my pleasure to watch them."
  "Still, thank you! And Jake-"
  "NO!", Charles almost pushes her down trying to get between Jake and her. "You get him every other day Amy, you cannot poach him away today."
  "Charles, I am not trying to poach him away. I just wanted to tell him to enjoy the night and have fun. Also you visited not three weeks ago and you guys FaceTime constantly."
  "FaceTiming is not the same Amy! It has been 28 days, 14 hours aaand three minutes since I have been covered in Jake's musk"
  “Ugh! Alright", Jake says. "Charles, why don't you take these two bags and load them into the cab while Amy and I bring the rest?"
  "Okay.", Charles says almost defeatedly. "Don't be late."
  Jake turns to her. "So what are your plans again?"
  "I will go to the hotel, have a long bath after which Rosa and Gina will come pick me up for the bachelorette party after which both will crash with me because according to Gina quote if I am going to stand next to you as a bridesmaid, you need to at least be six and you need help with that unquote"
  "I still can't believe Cindy asked you and Gina to be one of the bridesmaids"
  "Well, we did help them get together."
  "Yeah. And as this goes on, I will be with Charles hoping whatever he made is edible and missing you terribly"
  "Stop being a sap Peralta. And have fun tonight"
  "It’s Peralta- Santiago, FYI. And I will 100% have fun, but I'm still gonna miss you. I gotta go before Charles comes back. I love you"
  "I love you too."
   It was a tiring night and Amy just wants to take her makeup off and she really wants to be out of this dress for more than one reason. As much as she loves her kids- and that is a lot- she is glad that they wanted to stay at Holt's place. The kids love their Fauxpas (they are her kids, of course they know what faux pas means and more importantly, when Mac very proudly said it, both Kevin and Holt agreed that "it is a humorous wordplay"). Mac can never get enough of Holt's stories and Maya loves the Classics. She can recite Odyssey from memory. And both of them get away with things that only they (and maybe her husband) can- some stains of orange juice, mud in the house, a few broken glasses- all.of these are forgiven because it's their fauxchildren's doing (it doesn't work as well, but Holt was proud and Maya laughed and so it stuck). And after two days of wedding prep, she really needs a day without being worried about someone breaking something or constantly screaming. And even more than that with the way her husband has been looking at her all night, she really, really needs to be the one screaming. 
   She is halfway through taking off her makeup when Jake, sans jacket, (but with tie and damn, her husband looks fine) walks in. He puts his hand on her waist. "Babe, do you know how hot you look?"
  "Oh is it the running mascara that does it for you?"
  He pulls her in closer and from his look she knows that the screaming she was hoping is definitely happening. He says in a low voice  into her ear, "No. It's you." It's like each word he says vibrates inside her. "You having been driving me crazy all day. You in that blue dress. You knowing exactly how amazing your butt looks in that dress. You taking control when everything was falling apart. It's you Ames who does it for me."
  She turns around and pulls him by the tie and kisses him hard and he's lifting her up onto the counter, kissing every bit of her as he lowers his head between her legs. She thanks the stars that this is her life partner.
  (And later she'll counting the same as Jake twists his wrist in the way that he knows will bring over the edge.)
  Every time Jake sees his wife, he falls in love with her a little more. Which he wouldn't have believed possible sixteen years ago. She hasn't spotted him, so he takes her in for a minute. Every time he steps into Shaw's Bar, he remembers walking in as a newly wed couple. Sure afterwards the evening did take a turn, but until then it was perfect. Except before that when there was a bomb threat and an actual bomb and Teddy proposing like a thousand times. Wow, his wedding day was a mess. But still it was one of the happiest days of his life because even through all that, he was hitched to the most beautiful woman in the world. Who is now watching everyone waiting for him. 
  So he walks up to her, drinks in hand and says, “Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
  "Ooh , Casablanca", she takes a glass. "Yes. Charles and I watched it yesterday. We didn't even know what was going on half the time because Charles was crying and making noises half the time."
  "Oh, just Charles?" "Okay fine I was crying a little too. Okay a lot. Fine I was the one who was crying the most. Happy?"
  "Oh babe. It's cute that you think you should say that to me as if you didn't watch it for the first time with me"
 "Oh yeah. Well, I tried. Oh before you ask, the kids are all at the Jeffords' house and Cagney and Lacey are keeping an eye on them. And the best part: without a babysitter's fee."
  "Wow, I really missed friends' kids doing things for us for free. Remember when we babysat Cagney and Lacey for like three days straight, without even thinking of money?"
  "And if we were to go by the amount our babysitters charge, we'd have enough money to buy Orangina for a whole month." 
  They move to the counter, perched on the barstools. "You know Captain Holt just called me Captain"
  "He's been calling you a Captain for a year babe, you know, cause you've been a Captain for a year!" 
  "I know! Can you believe?!" 
  "Of course, because you are awesome and amazing"
  "Oh, and he also said that he's still my mentor and that I can call him for advice any time."
   "Wow, obviously today was a big day for you"  
  "I know" Her whole face is lit up. Her cheeks are flushed, from the drinks and the running around making things happen, from the many catching up and from the fact that her mentor called her Captain. Once again he's a little bit more in love. His eyes catch Cindy and Scully awkwardly shuffling around trying to dance. Hitchcock is trying to hide the fact that he's disappointed, but doing a pretty bad job of it. He sees Charles and Genevieve almost having sex which apparently is how they dance. The music changes to something familiar and his wife looks amazing and he wants to dance with her very much. "Amy Santiago- Peralta, may I have this dance? And don't worry, it's reinforced shoes so I won't even know if you step on me." "Ha ha Peralta- Santiago. You are my teacher, so if I'm stepping on your toes, it's your own fault"
  "Wow, blaming the victim." 
  They are on the dance floor, her hand in his, hand on his shoulder, his on her waist. He can see every little detail on her face, the mascara running a bit, lipstick that's smudged. Her perfectly set hair, falling around the edges. She's beautiful. 
    "I wonder why all the greatest love stories are so tragic"
  "Because that's what makes them great. The fact that their love is so powerful that it's unattainable."
  "Well I think that it's stupid."
  "That the greatest love of our life is the one we don't have. It's categorically untrue. My favourite love story has a happy ending anyway"
  "You mean Morticia and Gomez?"
  "That's my second favourite"
  "Well, what's your first?"
  "Ours, of course" She smiles and that's all he ever wants to see.
  Her hand is in his, the other moves to his chest. His are around her waist circling, as he pulls her closer and she rests her cheek on shoulder. He buries his nose in her hair and she nuzzles into his neck. If he'd imagined a perfect life sixteen years ago, not even in his wildest dreams he'd have thought he could feel like this. 
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bookwyrminspiration · 2 years
A quick note, Jane is just a placeholder character to make this make sense! I might put a different character in their place, but I'd have to figure more about what I want from the world and story before I do that
Jane turned towards the newcomer, and were taken aback. He was quite tall, taller than most. The sunlight danced across his tawny brown skin in a way that made him look almost angelic, but despite this, he looked quite... Normal; Not what you'd expect from someone who had gotten fame from being one of the few who could weild magic. He had fluffy chestnut hair with the front cut to just above his nose. It was parted on the left side, giving a clear view of a pair of easy to get lost in eyes, a cross between almond shaped and round, framed with dark lashes that gave him a doe-like appearance; especially paired with the unique colouring. A deep brown that was broken up by splotches of green, they lured Jane in like the promise of adventure had so long ago. His beauty was almost surreal, and yet... there was soemthing off about him. Something Jane couldn't quite describe. It wasn't the oil stains splattered over his white button up or the frayed edges of his suspenders, nor was it the bored expression he tried to keep on his face, even when he flicked his eyes to Jane and awkwardly stuffed his hands in his pockets.
They blushed as they realised that they had been staring and quickly looked away. 
Jane couldn't stop thinking about what made him seem... Off. Not even after he had gone off to talk with some other noble. There wasn't any other way to describe it. He almost looked like a statue come to life, or he would if he posed. The smile he gave people were enough to melt hearts of all the women and the men, and he seemed so human that they almost couldn't believe that he could use magic. Then it clicked.
His eyes.
When you gazed into them, it was like looking into a zoo enclosure. Carefully crafted to seem inviting, like they belonged, but there was a darkness. He had seen to much to be as young as he claimed, and the green... The green /was/ his magic, Jane realised, the way they shimmered and moved with the light wasn't natural. It was something gleaming underneath the surface, a dance between keeping it at the ready and not losing himself to the power. Everyone had banked on him simply being able to weild it, but if it was truly showing in his appearance...
Jane let out the breath they hadn't realised they'd been holding. They still felt uneasy long after they had left the room Maui occupied.
heathen! Hello! The placeholder thing makes sense! I do that fairly often with characters as well, though I more name them with the expectations that I'll grow discomforted with it in due time and want to change it. I have one oc who has gone through at least five names and I'm still not 100% on it--literally all the other characters have had the same name since the beginning though so idk why this one decided to give me so much trouble. But onto your ask!!
wow!! this whole thing is incredible!! it's fascinating to see the presence a character has, how the room reacts to them, the little details that are picked out. I can see some of the features you've talked about before reflected in the beginning, like his height and the fluffy hair, but then there were additional details later on that really stood out and characterized him
his eyes intrigue me, the way you've described them. Apparently they really draw attention!! And the way that the magic is the green in his eyes brings up a whole load of questions about the magic system in the world and the consequences it has on the body. Clearly it's rare, and also coveted? or at least valued/needed. Yet it physically has an effect on the user...I'm just very interesting in the worldbuilding I suppose. It's all really cool to hear about but I'm getting off the topic of Maui so before I stray too much further I shall redirect
"When you gazed into them, it was like looking into a zoo enclosure." That's definitely not the kind of line I was expecting! Not that that's a bad thing; it's so much fun to take normal things and compare them to others that don't seem related at all to both give a description and throw the reader off. Or using words that aren't supposed to be used to describe that kind of word. Messing around with the rules of language to make an impact is always interesting. of course now that I want to give examples I can't think of any but! the point is I really like this line.
and the fact that he seems off!! those are my favorite kinds of characters, the ones that for whatever reason just don't fit in. There's always something about them that stands out, that they can't control, a flicker of who they really are seeping through--but in the odd way, like they're something other. There are other uses for it but I mostly like the ones where it's like "you are different you are other and you cannot contain it." Maybe that's a lifetime of being neurodivergent and hiding it but never quite perfecting the mask, but either way I love it!!
Your depiction of Maui combined with everything I already know about him is incredible. I love learning more about this world you've created, so thank you so much for sharing it with me!!
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stray-tori · 3 years
TPN S02E06 - Initial Thoughts (anime-only)
hhh everything went wrong with my reaction video this time - the video is lagging (so i replaced the screenrecording with the actual episode), also facecam broken so my friends won’t get to see me tearing up and the wrong mic input was recorded so I’m sorry for the shitty quality. I’m so upset :(
Edit: Google Drive Link! :)
I don’t even know what to really talk about because I liked everything?? it was such a good episode and I just... AHHH. I wish we had so much more of THIS. please give them more seasons.... ik its already too late for that but pleaseee fidusdj- they just... do so well when they adapt imo. the whole comparison panels I’ve seen of the interactions with Norman, I just... genuinely think it’s such a highpoint and they did so friggin well.
I just... I’m so sad this will likely be the last season. I hope we’ll get more, in whatever form. I know there’s the manga and unless we get an announcement about more anime content at light speed, I do plan on reading it! I just... I love the anime. And it’s art. The manga’s art is unique but the style isn’t my jam and some stuff just looks a bit too stylized for my liking hhhh-
That won’t stop me but... it does make me emotional, I guess.
Let’s hope they stay on this path now that they’ve joined back in with the manga, somewhat (still, you couldnt even give them 12 episodes??).
. the reunion
It gave me flutters!! it’s so nice and intimate and sweet and dusdhj- THE NORMAN SQUISH. And him noticing Emma’s ear is gone TvT Her sweet, kinda embarrassed “I left it back at home” efiojsd
also the clothing line here separates the two groups, alluding to the conflict between them later in the episode. They’re strangers on two sides, and Norman is the only connecting piece.
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I didn’t really dislike anything aside from Ray being left out. I just wanted them both to run for him I guess :( though it makes sense to be more distant, he also was at the shipment itself but idk, it just makes Norman seem so,,, rude that he doesn’t acknowledge Ray at all until Emma is like “hey btw I brought him too” :”D
Slap kinda deserved, on multiple fronts haha-
Though the mutual “baka” calling between Norman and Ray was adorable duihdasjdas
. Emma’s arc
a few days ago, I made that whole “anime emma’s arc” post about her feeling useless and how that might come into play - and I do hope they address it and I think they kind of are? Because GF arc Emma was always ready to have her way, even if it seemed impossible.
Either way, I feel like part of why she didn’t speak up is kind of as alluded to, that she doesn’t feel like she has the right to when she doesn’t know any other way right now. And I hope that in the next few episode we will see her headstrong and do things and be pro-active and kind of challenge that and Norman.
. Norman (+ his crew)
It was kind of on the nose when Norman held that whole speech about what she had said before, a small hint to it would have been enough I feel like, for the audience -- because I think realizing that part of his motivation in all of this was just her words and that he wanted to do that for her (I think that’s the implication) is really sweet. He is kind of the carrier here and I hope that will change because it feels like we haven’t earned this bio weapon at all - which is okay, because it probably won’t be the solution, so it’s more of a plot-moving element than an actual solution. And I hope that whatever the solution really does entail will feel less like an ass-pull and more deserved.
I feel it may have been interesting to have a pov switch somewhere in ep4 or ep5 to Norman and what he’s been up to. The reveal was kind of “...? okay?” anyway so I feel like that would have made things a little interesting, but I also really enjoy getting to know his squad now.
I’m also HIGHKEY SUS (all alarm bells are ringing) at Norman being like “Oh I just did tests” like.... BABY. PRECIOUS SON, ARE YOU PRETENDING EVERYTHING’S FINE AGAIN?
The fact that Norman didn’t bother explaining further just solidifies (to me, anyway) that he’s avoiding talking about it somewhat. He spoke about it very distantly and from an objective viewpoint.
Alone getting that tattoo on his chest must have hurt a lot. So. Please, give me a lot of angst, CW.
I hope both him and his crew will get some flashbacks or trauma moments to really solidify how badly they’ve been treated (and deliver some juicy angst).
I really loved the close-up on the meat Barbara was eating in that scene too. I felt like it didn't even have to spell it out for us that they're eating demon meat but. Oh well - it was well conveyed but I guess the characters had to confirm.
I also love that whole part about how he’s always cold to them auidhjhs - I really do feel like making a gif out of that haha.
Lambda person: “Boss?” Norman: “What? :/” Emma/Ray: “Norman!” Norman: “Yes? :)”
Also only vaguely related but what’s with people who are made to be eaten, in a state of “dead??? who knows” and then coming back as a “boss” :D Yes I’m talking about beastars.
. Mujika
Norman called her the “evil-blooded girl” and the old guy called the temple “evil-blooded” too. And he said it wasn’t a place for kids to be --- and he likely assumed that they were demon kids.
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Also some nice clue before we even know to connect Mujika with the temple.
A demon temple that’s “evil-blooded” and too dangerous for demon kids?
It could just be because it’s a ruin, but he IS praying for the world to change there. Mujika seems to be able to maintain her form without eating humans, so maybe that’s what this is all aiming towards.
I guess it also means that the statue with the violet veil is Mujika??? She does have purple hair I suppose.
At first, I was surprised that Norman recognized her just by the description - there’s more than one demon girl :D but I guess only one demon girl who doesn’t need to eat humans? - and I thought he may have crossed paths with her.
But for that to be the case AND for him to assume she’s alive because Emma and Ray have met her, it can’t mean he actually MET her. Because well, RayEm met her like 2 months after his shipment. Assuming he didn’t break out immediately, he couldn’t have met AND tried to do something to her (likely kill). So my guess is that she’s some sort of legend or diety or just like, commonly known and she’s supposedly dead and he’s shocked because she isn’t.
He also first asked “where did you hear about that?” assuming he also only heard about it. Norman's reaction to them having met them also isn't "when?" (so he could confirm if it was after or before his supposed encounter with her), it's shock that they met her AT ALL. Which to me, implies that she's supposedly dead (which lines up with the temple in ruin, so something happened to her line, or whatever she's a part of). And since Norman couldn't have met her before their escape (Mujika hasn't seen a human when they meet the GF escapees), that's my conclusion.
Assuming she’s dead also makes sense since her (religion’s) temples seem to be in ruin. maybe that’s why no other demons seem to have that ability (that we know of), because it was lost when her presence was destroyed (therefore the ruins) or something of the sort.
She’s never seen a human before apparantly though, so I’m not sure what exactly that means. She doesn’t seem to have wanted freedom for humans prior to meeting them either (she only seemed hesitant about eating them after all that), so I’m not sure what her own motivation in having that sort of religion would even be.
There’s of course also sonju, so maybe it is after all a religion-thing? Who knows-
As I’ve talked about before, I think it makes a lot of sense if the demons are part of the solution, I’m just really curious what that solution actually entails for the demons / what exactly Mujika is. I still think it’s plausible that another promise between Mujika and Emma will happen, considering the narrative mirroring TPN does a lot.
. other random stuff
there’s mass production farms! I shouldn’t be surprised, but I hope we get to know more about those (likely not since yknow 5 episodes left and all that)
I also liked how they showed the different plants while talking about it, mirroring how we too mutated plants and some animals to further benefit our needs and exploitation...
The pep talk from Ray was good and the sunrise was SO BEAUTIFUL, TAKE ME NOW ANIMATORS
generally the animation, especially in the trio scene and the lambda squad hideout scenes, was so BEAUTIFUL
I liked that I kept joking about how the WM system was rly insecure if a random guy just dropped the pen for Krone to find, but NOW WE HAVE CONFIRMATION IT WAS INTENTIONAL and Smee is truly the MVP / big brain puppet master of this series.
It did seem kind of weird that Norman just left like "yeah this will probably be discovered soon. anyway, I'm leaving you here to go to my base, see ya" - LIKE BRO TAKE THEM WITH YOU SO YOU CAN PROTECT THEM IF THEY SHOW UP LIKE, TONIGHT
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oikaw-ugh · 4 years
Sino (Kageyama x m!reader)
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a/n: Yes. Another Kageyama fic. Idk what's with this King and I keep writing for him. And yes, this is a bxb fic. Yes, I'm a fujoshi. Yes. This is also influenced with Given anime? It's on air at Japan and I can't watch it >=[ 
 A song fic(?) of Unique Salongga's 'Sino' (that shit is so good)
-typographical and grammatical mistakes and my lack of vocabulary.
-also, m!reader is described with characteristics that are common for (East) Asian boys.
-mention of blood and suggestive words indicating of sick!y/n
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Who would've thought I would love you?
Kageyama stared longingly at the court. This shocked everyone-no, shock is an understatement. Astonished? Baffled? They were surprised to see him voluntarily ask for a water break, a request that is most certainly out of his character as he has always been loyal to volleyball training.
As much as Kageyama despised being off the court, he needed to. For he couldn't collect his self altogether. Despite his collectiveness, his certainty as his fingers passed the ball to the team, he couldn't help but to have a slight resist everytime.
"Sensei, I'm here on behalf of the student council."
He looked to his right, only to see him. He didn't even bother to give Kageyama a side glance as his entire attention is alloted for the club's teacher.
It didn't bother Kageyama. Instead, he took this as an opportunity to freely wander his eyes on him.
He was free to stare at his drowsy brown eyes, his lips that are in a straight line, his neatly cropped hair that covered up to his brows.
He probably should thank the sport for training his eyes to be wary as possible because even the way his black uniform hung loosely at his unathletic body did not escape Kageyama's vision.
He glanced at Kageyama.
Kageyama had to look away and suddenly, he is reminded by his brain of the very first encounter he had with him.
Kageyama grunted as he scrubbed the green board with full force, channeling his hate on the inanimate object as the fact that Hinata gets to go to the gym earlier than him irritates his skin.
God, who invented cleaning duties?
Kageyama's self hate is disrupted as he heard the sliding door screech. Surprised, he looks at the door, only to find an oddly familiar lad who share the same uniform as him.
"Kageyama-kun," the way Kageyama's name sounded with his flat voice made Kageyama's insides upset, "Hello."
Kageyama did not react but he only stared. Unvoiced curiosity escaping from his eyes instead. Who is he? Why does he know my name? The back of his mind asked.
His questions remained unanswered. Instead, this unfamiliar yet familiar guy walked his way towards the the lockers at the back, pulling a worn-out mop.
"I'm a cleaner, too," he said this in a voice with no intonation, as if he's only speaking for the sake of respect.
Kageyama, despite his thoughts, nodded. Looking back at the board again and this time, his scrub lighter than before, suddenly growing conscious knowing that he shares the room with someone else.
He's used to silence. Kageyama's not much of a talker himself. And yet he found the silence between him and the other deafening and nerve-wracking. The back of his mind played a couple of conversation starters that he knew he can use. But then, he lacked the courage-
The two lads jumped in surprise as their backs hit one another. Kageyama abruptly looked at his back and so did the latter, both surprised as they see the other staring at them.
"I'm sorry," Kageyama apologized with his usual gravelly voice.
"It's alright," the other replied, slightly chuckling this time, rendering Kageyama surprised as this person's dull look dissolved into a forced smile.
Kageyama glanced into his pin attached on his left chest.
It shows '(L/N)(Y/N)', written in legible Nihonggo characters.
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Who will confess their feelings?
As much as Kageyama wanted to revolve his entire life at volleyball, the harsh reality forbids him to do so.
Kageyama blankly stared at his paper, the ballpoint of his pen stucked on the first line where he has already written his name but as if he is on court, his thoughts are blocked. Not giving him the ability to write his reaction paper from the film they just watched.
Kageyama awkwardly sat straight. His hands slightly raising his paper as he looked up only to see (L/N)-kun staring at him. This realization made him feel odd. His stomach churning the same way he did when he first met (L/N)-kun. His ears feeling hot despite of the blasting aircon across the library's domain.
"May I sit here?" He asked in a voice that sounded unbothered, a fact that Kageyama is in awe. How could he remain so composed at the moment?
Was he the only one who is feeling this way? Are you saying that (L/N)-kun isn't feeling his stomach upset the same way his is? His hands aren't sweating? His breath isn't hitching? Kageyama needed answers.
His thoughts were put into a halt when (L/N)-kun looked up to him, catching him off guard. He wanted to apologize over nothing but he had his tongue tide.
"You weren't watching, were you?" (L/N)-kun asked, his body slightly leaning on the table, allowing Kageyama to see a portion of his collar bones with his uniform's upper buttons unbuttoned. He swallowed what was stuck on his throat.
"The what?"
"The film. You weren't watching the film?"
"I wasn't."
(L/N)-kun sported a soft smile, a smile that got Kageyama choking on his own breath once again, making him softly gasp in awe.
"I wasn't, too," (L/N)-kun confessed.
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Why don't I know why? It always comes to me. Though sometimes I am not enough.
Kageyama needed no one.
Kageyama did not need his superiors' words, he did not need Hinata's comforting words. He did not need the managers', the coach's comfort.
He needed no one. He's always been alone and he's fine alone.
He stopped on his tracks as he sees (L/N) on the doorstep of his classroom. Both of them froze as they are held captive with one another's eyes.
Kageyama frowned, feeling his stomach upset again. The odd feeling climbing its way towards his throat. His lips aggressively shaking as he tried to restrain himself from screaming 'help me' at (L/N)-kun.
He needed no one so why is he desperately seeking for (L/N)-kun's words?
"Kageyama-kun? Are you alright?" His flat voice asked in a tone slightly higher than the usual. Was this his attempt on being empathic? Was he reaching out?
Kageyama gulped everything at once. His eyes fluttering as he nodded curtly, "I am."
Though it felt like it wasn't enough.
I will continue to find love. The meaning of love.
Upset. Kageyama's upset.
A failure. He is a failure. A failure for not being enough. If he were more competent, more skilfull, more talented, he would've won. He would've defeated his former senior's team.
And yet he wasn't and this frustrates him. Days have passed and yet his frustration still lingers inside him, casually clenching his fist and chewing his lips until they turned white and his lips bled. A harsh punishment his judgment has given him-
A striking pain touched his forearm. Cold. He trails his eyes towards his arm only to see a cold drink resting on top of it. His eyes followed where the drink came from and it led him to the sight of (L/N)-kun, looking down at him.
He wanted to ask why and what it was for but (L/N)-kun pressed the drink harder onto his skin, urging him to take it in which he did.
(L/N)-kun walked beside him and sat on the cold floor as well. Both of them leaned on the school's walls as the sound of the vending machine vibrated at the side.
Kageyama pierced the straw towards his drink. He takes a sip and is temporarily relieved with the taste of yogurt on his tongue. He glances at (L/N)-kun who only stared at the empty hallway.
"Where's Hinata?" (L/N)-kun asked as your familiar companion is nowhere to be found.
And will be alone forever.
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Who is worthy of my love? Who should I set as my priority?
Kageyama tightened his grip on his shoe bag as he strode his way towards the doorway. The halls are empty given that it's already four in the afternoon. The sky painted orange as it is adorned with fleeting birds and gentle clouds.
Kageyama froze as he saw a familiar figure not too far away from him. A little glance and he immediately knew who it was who's shamelessly sitting on the hallway in a very odd position.
"(L/N)-kun," Kageyama muttered as he walked towards him, (L/N)-kun jolting with the mention of his last name. Though this wasn't enough to make him look at his back. Instead, this made him eager to hide his face more, only allowing Kageyama a flash of his shaking back.
"(L/N)-kun, are-"
"Kageyama-kun..." (L/N) looked up, allowing Kageyama a sight of his face which immediately made his color fade away.
"Are you alright?" Kageyama couldn't help but to crouch as he see what seems to be blood dripping from (L/N)'s nose.
(L/N) chuckled, slightly shoving Kageyama's tough arms, "Yes."
"You're off to practice?" He said in a dismissive tone, the back of his palms covering his nose. A futile attempt as Kageyama’s stares are entirely locked at the red liquid now lingering at his upper lip.
“Yes. Are you-”
“You should go now, it’s almost four-thirty,” (L/N)-kun cut him off, a subtle hint that he didn’t want Kageyama to pry. A hint that Kageyama was not able to take.
(L/N) looks up. His eyes weaker than they usually appear on Kageyama’s eyes. A ghost of smile on his lips as he shook his head slightly.
“Just go.” (L/N)-kun said softly.
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I will continue to find
A ghost of smile lingered on Kageyama’s lips as his ears are drowned by Hinata and some of his seniors’ overflowing joy as they took off from the team’s rented bus, each of them proudly wearing their raven black jacket, a mark that indicates they are a member of the volleyball team.
Flood of praises welcomed Kageyama the moment he stepped in on his classroom. His classmates proud and overjoyed as Kageyama, an official member of the volleyball club, recently won a match against another team, their ticket towards the nationals.
The meaning of love
Kageyama’s eyes wandered at the sea of crowd and it landed to where (L/N)-kun stood. (L/N) once again plastered a melancholic look. His eyes drowsy-looking as a small smile crept onto his lips.
“Your team won, right?” he mumbled as he walked his way towards the crowd, blending with his classmates. If it weren’t for Kageyama’s eyes that were stuck on him, he wouldn’t be able to notice him. But he did.
“Yes,” Kageyama said, eyes strained along with his brows. His lips in a line as he was trying to stop from smirking.
(L/N)-kun nodded, “Congratulations.”
And will be alone forever.
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Time for my feels dump thoughts on Diabolical Box...! y’all, this game. this game. I don’t think people give it enough credit for... a lot of what it does, despite the messiness of the plot reveals... but it’s so special and unique, in ways I’m only now appreciating. also this is gonna be really REALLY fucking long I am so sorry, but I have a Lot to say about the ending parts... i just love this game so much...... so i wrote a fucking novel bc of course i did.
also i played this in October, completely unintentionally, so that’s noice.
The amount of voice acting and cutcenes in this compared to CV is amazing, I love it so much, even if it is funny sometimes the dialogue they choose to voice and then abruptly cut off a few lines later.
I had COMPLETELY forgotten about Luke jumping on Chelmey and trying to rip his face off and it’s just the funniest fucking thing omg; Hershel in the background going “NO LUKE THAT’S HIS FACE” is comedic gold.
Will we ever know what Hershel was going to say when Chelmey asked him what Luke’s relationship to him was... dammit Luke why’d you have to cut him off.
Hershel calling the hamster “generously proportioned” is amazing. also “I’ve always said that helping rodents in need is among the duties of every true gentleman” Hershel... please tell me what other situations have made you say that... please...
Why is there an entire subplot about finding this Karen’s dog, just to make Chelmey look like even more of an idiot? if they needed to pad the game out more, they definitely could have done it with flashbacks or in places that I’m... ahem... emotionally invested in
Flora’s treatment in this game is so infuriating to me, like... why did they think this was a good idea? What was the point of bringing her into the plot for NO other reason than to be kidnapped and impersonated? Was it literally just because they needed a way for Hershel and Luke to run into Don Paolo and get the box back from him??? Why couldn’t, idk, Katia run into him in Dropstone and get the box from him and save Flora, that would still get the box to her and keep Flora in the group, and it would tip them off to Katia being related to all this even earlier, and Don Paolo could still be shown there if he absolutely has to make an appearance in each game. I know it’s because he has to be built up and then revealed, and because Hershel always has to have a dramatic point-n’-reveal every game, but whyyyyyy does it have to be at the expense of Flora. :))))) It would have been interesting to see her reactions to Folsense and Anton and everything, and not have Katia be the only female involved in all this; maybe she could, you know, actually have a personality!! hahaaaa who am I kidding...
beluga: “it’s already been a year since she passed away” me: whythehellyoucryingsodamnloud.jpg
Anderson talking about Dropstone and the sacrifices made to found it and how it can’t die out like “other towns”... with the song playing... whythehellyoucryingsodamnloud.jpg
The sheer coincidence of Katia going to Folsense on the same day that Hershel and Luke would end up in Dropstone and then there, and on the 50th anniversary of the town... not a likely one.
Didn’t some versions of the game come with a real version of the train ticket to Folsense? I want it D:
i also want a real Elysian Box, like can i commission someone to make one minus the whole you know actual gold, please, i’ll pay aNYTHING- *sobs*
Hershel to “Flora”: “you’re as white as a sheet!” Don Paolo, minutes ago while the others aren’t looking: *furiously powdering his face mask or some shit*
Why was Anton’s diary lying in the street though... it doesn’t make sense that Katia or Beluga would have it, and they couldn’t open it anyhow. probably just a gameplay thing that should go unquestioned but I want to knowwww lol. Also wish Hershel and Luke had reactions to the entries.
Ilyana tho. Also bootleg Clive asdfghjkl
Am I the only one who doesn’t understand the obsession with the tea set... like yeah it’s fun to serve tea when you actually get it right, but I’m stuck with like two recipes missing and getting frustrated just trying and trying countless ingredient combinations on end because some of the npcs are NOT helpful enough in telling what to make :))))
Obviously Katia can’t reveal anything or say anything about why she’s there at all to keep the suspense till the end, but it would have been cool to see her working together with them and making a plan to get into the castle and help Anton aka I just wanted more scenes with Anton being nice and not flying into a rage over a misunderstanding ugh
It’s honestly pretty impressive some of the deductions/connections Chelmey makes in this game, despite his... other incredibly stupid ones lol
“iSnT iT oBvIoUs?”
WHY DOES HERSHEL RISK KILLING LUKE (AGAIN) WITH THE BOX. And why tf does it not do anything to them since they assumed it would...?
The biggest mystery of the series is how Pavel gets where he does, truly
The music in the forest is truly one of the best osts, god I love it. I also adore the Herzen Castle ost now, I never really noticed it before but it is WONDERFULLY creepy and heavy and melancholic and just... idk, those harpsicords go hard. damn.
Opening the Elysian Box is the best puzzle in the series, because of the meaning behind it. Or at least, it’s my favorite for that reason :^)
Alright folks so I’m gonna be completely, unabashedly honest here, and reveal myself to be the superficial, shallow fucker I am lmao: Anton is super hot and I’m still attracted to him even now, and I hate that we get so little time with younger him dklslskdfkflssd I AM SORRY I CAN’T HELP IT OKAY. BLAME THE VOICE ACTOR, HE HAD NO RIGHT TO SOUND SO UNEXPECTEDLY DEEP AND INCREASE ANTON’S HOTNESS LEVEL BY 1000%... just. god damn. damn. the dining room scene. the lighting. the way he puts his hands down and closes his eyes at one point. the way he says Herzen. the freaking sass with “chalk it up to my bad taste then.” the little clap. his entire design which just oozes Victorian era anime bishie beauty. kudos to the character designer who was like “well they said make someone cool and handsome and i wasn’t sure what to do but i tried and i guess it worked out” GOOD SIR BOY DID YOU SUCCEED. how dare this man turn me on so much, fUCK. And I know it’s super shitty of me to not like his old design as much!!! but just!!! why the beak nose.... why.... he was so gorgeous and then you give him the Bronev nose treatment..... i’m already so sad over the ending but you make him look so much sADDER, THE SADDEST POSSIBLE DESIGN FOR OLDER ANTON. It’s not that I mind him being old, I just wish he looked more like himself... there didn’t need to be such a drastic change. But I know I’m just being petty lmao. anyway stan Anton for most beautiful PL character always 🙏 Descole and Clive’s hotness have nothing on this man
*ahem* But to get back to serious topics, replaying this now when I’m older, with the ones after it in mind, I think I finally realize why this game stands out to me so much from the others, making it my favorite. To put it as best I can, Diabolical Box, to me at least, just has a different feel from all the other PL games. Yes, it’s still definitely a Layton game, you still investigate a mystery, there’s still puzzles everywhere, it still has a relaxing city or country feel to the atmosphere, there’s still lots of charm, but once you hit Folsense and the climax and the ending reveals, the tone sort of... shifts? Not drastically, but enough that’s different from any point in all the other games that I can remember; I feel like Last Spector might have the closest kind of atmosphere to Folsense at certain parts, but even then the plot of that game is nowhere near to having the same tone as this one. Diabolical Box, when you really look close at it and think about it, is dark. Dark in a way that none of the other games are, despite the darkness some of the others do have. And I think part of that is because almost every other game/movie is connected to the overarching story involving Hershel’s past and people involved with him, and so the drama and angst is very much grounded in London or other places Hershel would be/was, and in his time, but Diabolical Box is unique in that the story and characters in it have nothing to do with him. And to reflect this, Anton and Sophia’s story is based in the early 1900′s, the Victorian era, in a city so far separated from, again, everything to do with Hershel, that if you were to just watch their story by itself and take the professor and Luke out of it, and you knew nothing about the series, you could reasonably argue that it isn’t from a Professor Layton game at all. What I mean is that Anton’s story could be an entire anime all on its own surely it’s not obvious how badly I want that, nope, not at all, completely separate from this series, and it would work; it could be its own period era-esque drama series, still with all the supernatural shit intact later on. I can think of a few existing anime similar to what I’m imagining. 
And I really do think it would be amazing, because like I said this story is terribly, terribly dark, and sad; as a PL game, like a lot of the other ones, it can’t go deep into the nitty gritty of what makes Anton’s story so fucking depressing, but just like... Imagine it. Imagine being alone, for so long in that castle, so long that you don’t even know how long it’s been anymore, with virtually no one, after having your heart broken and being abandoned by the person you loved the most, and who you thought loved you, and getting no closure about it. This long post goes a ton of detail about Anton’s character and things he was probably feeling/reasons for his behavior, but in short, Anton’s mother is never mentioned, so combined with how distant he was from his father and the fact that he feels alone in his role in society and that no one truly sees him as a real person, it’s quite possible that he clung to Sophia unconsciously as a mother figure, and, in general, she was the only person who made him feel seen, and loved. The only exception was Beluga, but Beluga leaves the town and Anton behind after quarreling with their father, so... It’s just extremely apparent when you read the diary entries and his dialogue (with the voice acting) that Anton was always alone and terribly insecure, and that Sophia made him the happiest he ever was - and so her leaving him was devastating to him. He was alone for fifty years (and who knows how long it actually felt, to him), in a lonely castle and emptying town, his entire family either left or dead, his body slowly aging without him even knowing it, while he had a daughter and granddaughter born without even knowing it, and all the while he’s left with the misunderstanding that Sophia might have loved someone “better” than him all along, never getting answers, having to live with all that grief and guilt and blame and jealousy and self-hatred over a situation that wasn’t even entirely true. Imagine what your MENTAL STATE would be like, jfc it’s a miracle he’s as sane as he is in the game!! Not to mention everything that crashes down on him within TEN MINUTES AT THE END. Yes, Unwound Future and the prequels very purposefully heap the angst on with Clive/Dimitri and Descole respectively, like “we are trying so hard to make you feel for this guy cry cry cry” and I fall for it like the trash i am love them too, don’t get me wrong, but Anton’s tragedy is much more understated but in my opinion is by far the absolute saddest of them all. I just... i’m crying y’all, this poor man. give him a fucking HUG. Anton Did Nothing Wrong 2k20; he doesn’t even hurt the people he lures in with his vampire scheme!! he lets them go without a scratch!!! what a guy... give him a hug and blankets please i love him so much, him and Sophia- *sobs*
and also as a side note, I honestly think Descole/Desmond would fit perfectly into this game for a lot of these reasons, in the trend of “trying to fit Descole into the first trilogy”; he’s got the right Aesthetic™ for one thing, but mainly just he and Anton have a LOT in common...! actually, now that I think about it, Randall and Anton do too, but I much prefer the notion of Descole and Anton interacting. honestly, I’m toying with the idea of an AU where Desmond and resurrected Aurora end up in Folsense and solve that mystery themselves instead of Hershel and Luke; i think it’d be fascinating.
However, by the same token, as much as I LOVE this game and characters for all of those reasons... it also makes no fucking sense ahaha. How the FUCK does the gas work. The illness that started killing people when the ore was first unearthed and is the reason everyone starts leaving, is THAT from the gas I assume?? but like why?? cause eventually it just turns to making the town appear as it was years ago and keeping people young, so...? ARE ALL THE TOWNSPEOPLE NOT ACTUALLY THERE, OR THEY ARE AND ARE JUST YOUNG LIKE ANTON; I’m still not clear on this!! because Hershel at the end says they’re illusions, and yet when you talk to the npcs so many of them complain about being tired and feeling old, so what is the truth!! It would make sense if newcomers see the town as it is in the pictures, but there’s no reason for them to not age... in fact, I don’t understand where the not aging thing comes from at ALL, since if the idea is that the gas makes what you think will happen happen, how tf did that even come about in the first place??? There’s no way everyone who inhaled the gas would think the exact same things and have the exact same hallucination. And if fifty years passed in reality, how long did it feel like to Anton/others; surely it couldn’t have been that long if they never questioned why they weren’t aging? If the gas in the box put Schrader in a coma, what was his theory about what would happen? Why does nothing happen to Hershel and Luke upon opening it when they clearly assume something will happen? Related to other things, how does the box become the source of a rumor, and how does Schrader even get it? Do people just assume Anton is dead or otherwise gone, or do they know/assume he’s still in the castle but don’t try to see him because of the vampire? Does Beluga know Anton is still there, if he does it’s pretty shitty of him to ignore him, and why does he think the box has to do with the fortune of all things if he possibly knew Sophia wanted it and knew it had something to do with her and Anton (seriously I don’t understand Beluga, I really wish they’d done more with him; he looks so shitty even if you give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he knew the least amount possible)??? Did Sammy know that the drugged flowers related to getting into Folsense? Did Katia know how to get into Folsense, and what was she planning to do if she never found the box in order to prove she was who she said she was? Why do some of the npcs act like they know the deep dark secret of Folsense and keep saying Hershel and Luke don’t need to know, and keep talking about the town being cursed, like do they really know the truth?? Or not??? LEVEL-5 I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS AND I’M TOO DUMB TO FIGURE OUT THE ANSWERS. EVEN LAYTON VS. WRIGHT’S STUPID REVEALS MAKE MORE SENSE THAN THIS AAAAAHHHH
anyway DB best game anton hot Even with all the weirdness though that makes this game the most Layton the Layton series has ever Layton’d lmao, I still love Diabolical Box so damn much. I love it so much, guys. It’s not part of a huge narrative, it’s not connected to the main characters; it tells its own little story and it does that perfectly. It’s so unique from all the rest, like I said, the plot has so much depth I don’t really see talked about, Anton and Sophia’s story is so beautifully tragic and underrated on a mature level that none of the other games really reach, and despite how upset I am we don’t get to see more of them, their love story is so impactful and emotional just from what little we do see, despite some of the oddities of how it plays out... they’re so sweet together and I cry so damn much over them ಥ⌣ಥ Iris is one of the most beautiful and touching songs in the series, too, and my favorite. And I’m a sucker for the Victorian era and cute romance lmao, so it just gets me like nothing else does... it’s so wonderful. saddest PL game, I will die on this hill. Even if I seem to talk a lot more about some of the other games/characters simply because there’s more content to talk about and there’s more to say about the more flawed content. you can’t improve perfection *chef’s kiss*, deep down, I think, this game will always be my favorite. ❤️
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madfantasy · 4 years
hii! sorry if you've answered this before, but how did you find your own art style? it's nothing like i've seen before, very dream-like (: i feel like with so many artists out there it can be hard to find one's own style but yours is truly unique. if it's not too much to ask, do you still have any of your first drawings? thank you 💕💕
(Oh & I'm sorry if I have answered it before, I didn't find anything on my blog so woop here comes my blaber)
Hello dear!
Thank you so much, you flatter me and my bit-som of art-som, heh. Specially that you have called it dream like— cuz 1/4 of my creations does come from my dreams. I even had a dream about Severus a couple of days ago- was explaining to him the concept of gestures in smartphones, I told him it's like pulling down a scroll, to get the notifications, lol.
Before I start side-tracking too much, yes- I can't say I do know how it happens, I guess I wasn't on the base of looking for an art style for myself, or ever considered myself an artist— or a real one? Idk. The idea of having an 'art style' doesn't register with me so I'm possibly always confused what to make of it.
I mean, I didn't go into art for art's sake. I don't enjoy beauty just for beauty's sake. It has to have a meaning, purpose, hidden dilemma you need to solve just by looking deeper; is it speaking to me, or am I speaking for it?
My only concern since the beginning of time of Mani apparating this earth and what got them into drawing anyway is: telling the story as best as possible.
I was drawing before I learned speaking. It was my instinctive language. I had something to say? Illustrated it on a piece of paper to show.
Everything I see in my surroundings or mostly in mind, I had a story to tell about. So I didn't even consider that I was making art.
I remember when I developed enough cells to be aware- I started trying to copy or capture the basics of family members, making stories about them, also games or shows I played; I drew Crash bandicoot, driving into a cliff because he was hated by his family, Tiny wearing an abaya. Pink panther cuz how tall he was weirded me out in a fascinating way, Tarzan and his special muscles, a story about an abused squid lady that eventually turn into a mermaid, a guy turning into a hero coz of some near death experience.. mmm stories about my favourite stuffed rabbit CeCe Bobo— probably the only innocent adventures I drew as a child— I wanted so badly to make them into a video game, having their parents fall into a pit of flames, heh.
And because I had daily TV episodes in my brain of whatever to occupy me from unsanitary real life; I associated with many people I love to see materlized; my characters. So I had to try & draw them exactly how they look/feel, and that's what my art slowly developed based on; is this guy the way I seen and felt him look like? If not, try other ways.
At first, I drew them with literal basic shapes, like a character would have a square face, and another heart, and if I couldn't draw circle, I used my pencil sharpener that was shaped as a circle. A method still I use to differentiate my characters (without the pencil sharpener lol)
Later, since my characters have generally my favourite things, or things I enjoy, things I appreciate— basically things from me directly or from my choices, conscious they were or not—had them chopped and scattered between the lot of them. And to learn how to do some favourite factors of them is what drives my art style I suppose. I knew I didn't want it realistic, but I also didn't want it unreal. What makes art real? That's probably the always questions I face.
Ofc, I was face with so many problems to deteriorate my passion for drawing. Like, not being allowed to draw in the first place. I had wait till everyone is gone or occupied, had to always look over my shoulder and must constantly hide every inkling of any art making, and act like the project I'm making is for school, and draw in breakfast breaks at school. I used to draw under my blanket and store my art between my books or under my pillow (never related to anything so hard like when Harry was studying magic and Dursley keeps checking on him, honestly heh). Either all that or I get the whip.
Or being told what's the point of having a style like that while everybody obviously enjoys popular styles like anime or cartoon? Why don't I draw like the popular to get noticed? I don't know how to draw anime or cartoon even if I tried. It will just show as my art style, no? Exactly like speaking two different languages with the same letters.
Or like the idea of strictly sticking to gendering things while the idea never occurred to me. The base line of how men has to be ugly and women pretty. My motto is showing beauty in everything, even in scary or messed up things hehe. But I had to consent to making my guys 'ugly' as possible to continue drawing, and if u notice a line on their throats, that's one other thing I had to do, wasn’t allowed to draw girls either. And I wasn't happy with any of that at all.
But I was able to win my right to draw anytime I like in recent years, and able to draw how I like how I use digital means. So it got better heh.
And no it's not too much, if anything, it was took me on a dusty beautiful trip of nostalgia, I thank you for it. Sadly I don't have my first drawings, and I do treasure them but they all been tossed, torn and burned before me over the years, heh.
The oldest thing I got is this, a comic made, was 11 years old I think:
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Medo, a guy so beautiful that he was forced to work as a femal model, concept that felt the best to me, heh. Even tho I was in no contact with the outsider world.
He is my first solid character and I made endless comics of him.
He's develop into this -dated 2014- , he's fairy sentinel.
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And I found few of my old or first time drawing them pics of the main characters in my stories, I'd love to share:
Juicy and X-bi— second ones I made. But these drawings are maybe 2 or 3 years after I made them
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I know I said that lots, but x-bi was a mask wearing imaginary friend I translated into X-bi. He has almost always cold hands so I used to put my skin on cold metallic surface and imagine it his hands trying to ease the pain.
And since I had no audience home, my stuff showed at school as i drew alone, always with various replies of 'its good, but'
Juicy got me in trouble with a teacher, by a careless student that was browsing my drawings In front of them, and I was classified as mentally deranged and need help for not drawing the usual princes and white knight.
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Fernando and Carlos are also old characters that expressed romance in everything they do, so when I had a drawing of them Carlos tending to a fevered Ferry, and it was snatched from me, everyone considering it intimacy and I had to punch my way through them to get it back. Being called perverted and sick in the process, even tho all they talk to me about is marriage and the process of making babies. One of them literally told me on random occasion that their heart was like a ten story building for rent, there's always someone new in and out.
Carlos is Fernando's soul guardian💛
I created General Pumbkin in school! expressing fashion in strictness with my fav hooked nose!
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Axel was my joy in everything, and the most common character I got beat up for, for being girly. I don't draw him too much anymore but seeing him again made me auto happy , hes all about giving loff, darling hehe
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Candy, a less brain developed babyy
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Brain and Pain, my sibs fav characters from my bag, heh
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And Sabine was said to me that he should be a girl to be that scared in a scary story, his story is like dark and twisted fairytales vibe that I love dearly. I'm trying to continue writing his story.
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Despite whatever, I love doing art, I have to. It what gives me soul juice heh.
And thank you for sticking on my prolonged answer. I hope I didn't bore too much, I'm flooded with memories happy and bad, and they are all okay. It made me feel passionate again, so thank you for the opportunity 🙏
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