#also i can admit when I'm a bit of a hypocrite or was.
Just to minimize my chances of being genuinely misunderstood OR deliberately misinterpreted, and crucified for something I don't think, How Dare You Say We Piss on the Poor website etc...I'm gonna say this right up top. I absolutely understand why people don't like Thessaly as a character, if anyone does completely unironically stan her as some kind of feminist hero who Did Nothing Wrong uwu, I personally see it as a bit of a red flag. I don't like terfs real or fictional. In a vacuum, I could even completely sympathize and agree with the people who want her cut.
It's really something to me to see people clamoring for her to be cut, because she carries and expressed an ugly indefensible prejudice (transphobia) in words towards (1) person. Meanwhile Hob fucking Gadling enacted one of the most violent forms of antiblack racism I can even think of against thousands no, millions of people, the ripple effects of which still affect billions more today. Just a little light idk, profiting off the fucking slave trade and had to be told by someone else that it was bad...and he's a fan favorite.
People are saying Thessally being Dream's love interest reflects badly on him or is somehow endorsement by the narrative (?!?!?!?!?!? Didn't she (SPOILER ALERT AS IF IT MATTERS BY NOW) help participate in his extended assisted suicide? She's not painted as a great person to me just another character what are y'all SMOKING whatever fine. It's fine this is fine.) But shipping Dream with Mr. Former Slaver is not only not verboten or frowned on widely in the fandom but its THEE most popular pairing by far. So...why the difference?
Like where are the same fans who are saying Thessaly shouldn't just be more clearly shown to be wrong, she shouldn't even be in the show at all when it comes to Hobert's crimes??? Yes, transphobia is indefensible. Isn't racism?
And I hear the cries of "it's fiction!!!" Already rallying (if anyone who needs to hear this even sees it lol) to which I say:
HORSESHIT. I KNOW you don't, deep down, really agree because if you did, why get upset about Thessaly being included??? Why does what she said to one person matter if it's Just Fiction You Guyze. Fictional characters are allowed to do bad things and fiction isn't reality sweaty....except when you only apply that standard to fictional racists you like and simp for, but fictional transphobes you don't are SO HARMFUL they shouldn't even be portrayed in fiction.
Like. Give me a big fat BREAK. This looks like bullshit, no? I'm sorry, but I'd love for someone to try and give any other explanation besides one personally offended you or hit home for you, and the other doesn't.
And if that bothers you or you feel like it says something negative about you...idk what you want me to say??? You can't control how other people perceive you and that's how people outside this majority-of-the-fandom bubble see it. You don't need to respond, I just wish and genuinely hope this gives you a moment to think about why fans who ARE bothered by both (and not just paying lip service to being bothered by the one but railing against the other) are so frustrated with people saying everyone is welcome but in practice only bending over backwards for the comfort and emotions of themselves, and people they can easily relate to.
You don't have to like Thessaly (I don't. I find her an interesting antagonist, I don't stan her. And frankly that's not the point of her character) but you'll pardon me for feeling more than a bit cynical and side eying people's motivations for what seems a...pretty obvious double standard, on what fictional crimes related to real world issues matter to y'all, and which clearly don't. Either actually bring the same energy to the table for fictional people who committed atrocities, even if against a group you're not part of and thus don't feel the need to empathize with, or just carry on, but accept that you don't have the SLIGHTEST room to talk about cutting characters who do immoral things. And you also need to accept that you look like a hypocrite when you do.
#thessaly#wanda the sandman#hob gadling#I could've cried sexism!!! Problematic Male vs Female Characters except 1) I don't actually think that's the main reason *here*#2) there are WAY better examples of that particular double standard in this fandom#also i can admit when I'm a bit of a hypocrite or was.#i used to dip my toes into the dreamling stuff too early on#but idk. It just got too sour seeing ppl whitewash (lol I know I'm a comedian)#what he did over and over. And I genuinely had started to wonder#if the show hadn't included that particular crime and I'd just imagined it from the comics because#my memory is shit sometimes and I guess I was naive. I *wanted* to believe someone would talk aboutit#if it had made it in. but ultimately i went back and checked and no#and seeing how the whole fandom behaving affected my non-white mutuals some of whom...#like these are my friends man or ppl I just respect and I can't just. Ignore their feelings and their pov#and act like they werent making points or it doesn't matter#like it's all just fun and games for everyone on the same terms. And seeing how easy it was#for everyone to ignore was so unsettling. I couldn't keep pretending it was just fiction and didn't affect anyone real#Call me a bully a t3rf apologist (fuck you and for the record. no)#a puritan or a Fancop (actually stop comparing#people disagreeing with you online to what cops do. For fucks sake you just make it look like nothing is really real to you outside fandom)#whatever man. Whatever helps you sleep. I'm just gonna block you#if you're clearly sticking your fingers in your ears. engaging with you is a waste of time and energy then#Hell I have sympathy for anyone who doesn't like thessaly#especially trans fans. Especially rn. But lbr that sympathy for a lot of the white trans/queer fans only goes one way!!!#never gets extended to anyone else's issues. Like THATSthe issue. And it's shitty!#(sorry this post is not about me in the confessional lol that's why I put this at the bottom#I just had feelings to get out and yes its my blog but i didn't want to clog the airways)
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xiki-pupper · 1 month
I can understand how Shuro may be a frustrating character to some folks - in fact that is kinda what he is there for, narratively speaking. But it really gives me ick when people just wanna shit on him for "being awful/the worst/an asshole"
The way I see it, the dude is his own different flavor of Autism- repressed, conditioned, awkward, and forced to participate in high society, not to mention the culture clash - and he sees laios just being his own weirdo self and he hates it --- no, thats not it. I honestly don't think he hates laios; i truly believe he hates that Laios gets to be TRUE to himself, and he (shuro) Doesn't get to be.
And it's a feeling I can understand and sympathize and empathize with, as I have been on my own personal journey to try and un-mask and deconstruct and heal myself in a world that has made me feel broken my entire life
People scream "hypocrisy" as shuro sees the same traits between the touden siblings, and is attracted to one whilst hating the other - and yes, I can agree that it's a bit hypocritical, but yall are taking it at face value and not understanding where his feelings are coming from. Shuro doesn't hate laios because he has a special interest, shuro hates that his whole life, he has had to squash himself into a form-fitting box, behave as his family commands, and now he sees laios being free of expectation, just out here being a weirdo, and shuro is possibly feeling that frustrated grief that comes with the late diagnosed autistic situation of "I could have been happy, too, but no, *I* had to be the responsible one"
... at least, that's how I view it. Coz I myself have had those thoughts. And I know, it's NOT a good look for me to be out here admitting that I have felt this way, like for example, maybe I see someone else's struggle with anxiety, whether it's online or in real life, and I have this bitter thought to myself of "yeah, I have anxiety too, but *I* was still forced to be a responsible adult anyway" which makes me momentarily frustrated.
And before anyone jumps my ass about it, NO, I definitely DO NOT think that "if I had to suffer thru it, so should everyone else" that's NOT what I'm saying. But I AM saying that, there is a bitterness, when u see someone who is able to avoid a struggle that you had to endure - that bitterness is NOT thinking that everyone should suffer as I did, but me being bitter that *I had to* at all.
Does that make sense? Coz I really feel like Shuro just gets shit on because people think he's there to interrupt the Yuri and be mean to Laois, and I really feel that he's a whole ass person. And a somewhat melancholic one, at that. He makes me think of how I had to grow up Christian whilst being queer and undiagnosed Audhd my entire life, and I would be very very surprised to hear that a large chunk of dunmeshi fans didn't ALSO grow up this way, feeling broken and stupid and tired, forced to do things the "normal people" way, and then NOT understand how Shuro feels when he sees someone who is in a position to be mostly free of that...
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lani-heart · 3 months
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|| series masterlist || next // previously
parings -> ( eventually ) enhypen x reader genre -> soulmate au, fantasy au, angst warnings -> angst, rejection word count -> 2.2k
abstract -> are second chances deserved?
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sunghoon's perspective
Who did he think he was?! y/n wasn’t his soulmate! Sooha was and he still rejected her even after everything that has happened?!
I decided to take her stupid potion… and here I was staring angrily at the moon. My wolf was gone… It felt a bit lonely.
“And here I thought you wouldn't take the potion” I heard a voice that made my heart jump… I could only look at her.
She still wore bandages on her neck… Jake really did a number on her. He went too far.
“By the looks of it also, Solon isn’t present anymore. I guess the medicine is the reason?” she aside and she was right.
“That's not healthy for a wolf… but you are a hybrid so there are exceptions,” she said and I knew that. It was in the books she let me borrow… that I still haven’t given back.
“Jungwon and Sunoo are worried about you,” she said and I was shocked. I was happy they still cared, I thought they didn’t anymore…
“K! Slow down!” I heard as I saw a brown wolf and the vampire-human hybrid chase after him. He seemed to run straight at me and y/n as she now hid behind them making me growl.
“Get away from her!” I said and he scoffed. “How about we switch? y/n for Sooha?” he asked and I should have said yes but instead I declined.
“K, please you can’t do this,” Sooha said with tears in his eyes. “Sooha, you should be in your dorm, a werewolf can bite–” “Why should I?! I thought you were my friend! Friends tell each other how mad they are and don't take each other's soulmates!” she yelled.
I hate to admit but that was hypocritical…
“Then take your own advice,. K I’ll help you find EJ,” she said angrily. I huffed and jumped up trying to get her attention but not hurting her. 
“I’ll help… just stay with Sunghoon. He doesn’t deserve you rejecting him… I don’t like either of them like that y/n. Please give them a chance” Sooha said and the witch seemed to know that…
“Does she know K is her soulmate?” she asked and I was shocked. SHE KNEW?! I nodded and she sighed… “K can stop hiding from her now,” she said and it made sense as to why Riverfield didn’t talk to her anymore.
“Act like a werewolf and actually embrace this side of you,” she said as started walking away but I followed… which made her quite annoyed…
“I don’t think you want to follow me back to my dorm as a wolf,” she said bluntly and I whined, making her sigh.
“Go find Sooha… surely you want to be around her more than me,” she said and I knew I was annoyed about what that Riverfield werewolf did but… I wanted to be around her.
“Just because she rejected you, you think you can now come to me? Just because I'm your soulmate?” she asked and I shook my head. Was she right though?
“I’m not your backup option, Sunghoon”
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It’s been hours since she left me…
The eclipse was wearing off now and I was now in my vampire form… I had to find her. I couldn’t let her think that lowly of me.
When I was in the student council… was she always working? I knocked when she scoffed at the sight of me. “Whatever you want to ask, take it up with Wonyoung,” she said and I chuckled. 
“I don’t think she can accept my apology,” I said and she sighed waiting for me to talk. “I liked Sooha your right. But I’ve been miserable for weeks now… I thought at first it was fine ‘cause I liked Sooha but I guess I don’t if I’m bothered that K has a crush on you!” I ranted and her eyes widened. “What?” she asked and I didn’t really care at this point.
“Sooha and K are soulmates… but he rejected her because he likes you,” I said and she shook her head. “K doesn’t like me. He’s known about Sooha being his soulmate longer than he’s known me, he probably doesn’t want to interfere with the four of you” she said and in reality, it made the most sense.
Part of me though hopede it was... cause if he had to compete with a Riverfield wolf he was actually
“y/n… I want a chance. I want to be happy like Jungwon, Sunoo, and Niki are.” I begged her and she only stared at me with blank eyes. “I’m not your–” “I know you aren’t! I don’t think you ever were?!” I said really unsure of myself
“Sunghoon if you’re not sure why are–” “I don’t know! I just… I'm jealous of them. I wanna be happy too and I thought Sooha made me happy but I guess she doesn’t if–”
“Sunghoon you’re ranting… you need to calm down, especially after an eclipse” she said and I shook my head. 
“y/n… I felt horrible for weeks. I deserve it because I would’ve done the same to you, but it opened my eyes… and I’ll be honest. I don’t think I ever felt these feelings for Sooha like I feel with you. Everything is just... intense? Amplified?” I said and I could see that she didn’t believe me. 
“Sunghoon, Jay is waiting for you in the dorm” I heard the aggressive voice of Sunoo… he’s been annoyed by all of us recently.
“Sunoo please?” I asked and he shook his head. “Hyung you should leave,” he asked and I felt defeated. “You know how I was… you witnessed it. Sunoo, I’m asking you to trust me… I think I genuinely want to accept the bond” I asked and he was silent for a while.
“Do you still like Sooha?” he asked and I knew he used his power…. “Not romantically” I answered and I felt my thoughts run free again
His eyes widened before they softened… “Sunoo?” I heard her ask confused about what was happening. He smiled at her in a way that I hadn’t seen in a while… “Remember about my power? He’s telling the truth” he said and she looked conflicted.
She must’ve not realized how she put her hand around her throat… “I’m not Jake, I never want to hurt you. All of us were shocked at what he did and it was out of line” I said and she nodded. 
“Let me think about it”
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I went back to my dorm… Sunoo said he’d talk to y/n about it but I was sure of my decision. No more rejecting my wolf nor more rejecting my soulmate.
“You’re being immature Jungwon!” I heard as I opened the door revealing Jake arguing with Jungwon… “Jake, stop. It’s his decision so stop arguing” Jay tried to reason. 
“Jay, come on! Even Heeseung is annoyed he’s overworking himself because of the immaturity of Jungwon! Just for y/n?” he argued and I sighed.
Out of all of us, he was the blindest... even I could admit that. He's always been obsessed with Sooha.
“Sunghoon-hyung!” I heard as I saw Niki. Despite him being on y/n’s side he did try calming everyone down. “Are you okay?” he asked and I nodded. 
“I decided to stop ignoring Solon,” I said and he looked shocked. 
“But what about his constant comments of wanting to be why y/n?” Jay asked and I sighed. “I think I’m ready to accept her if she accepts me. She is our soulmate… and Sooha isn’t” I said not wanting to tell them about last night…
“Now Sunghoon has been bewitched,” Jake said and Jay followed to try to calm him down… “Why the sudden change?” Jungwon asked and I sighed. “When she rejected me I thought it was just my wolf sadness but then I realized it was because of me also… when you guys were with her and even when Niki got accepted by her I was jealous. I want a chance to be with my soulmate like how you guys are” I confessed without mentioning that stupid Riverfield wolf and they nodded. 
“But I thought you liked Sooha?” Niki asked and I sighed “I thought I did too” I confessed… 
“Maybe I’ve been ignoring my feelings for too long” 
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y/n’s perspective
“I just don’t understand why the sudden change?” I asked and Sunoo smiled softly. “He has been very bad these last few weeks… moping and dazed more than usual. Something must’ve pushed him to finally snap?” he said and I wondered…
“He said something about Sooha and K being soulmates,” I said, knowing Sunoo would keep it a secret. “THEY'RE–” “SHHH… K told me when we first met that he found out about Heeseung rejecting me. He rejected her though and said he liked me–” As I said it I noticed his angry look…
“He won’t take you away,” He said with a serious tone and face. “He won’t… I’ve already accepted you, Jungwon, and Niki as my soulmates” I reassured and he nodded as he hugged me 
“Maybe jealousy finally showed him what he was feeling?” Sunoo suggested and thought so too…
“What did you do to Sunghoon?!” I heard as I saw Jake rush into the council room. I felt my body freeze a bit still weary of him but Sunoo rushed in front of me. “Jake, leave,” he said and I heard him scoff.
“Yah! She bewitched Sunghoon!” he accused but before we could say anything Jay was rushing in. “Jake, stop!” he yelled… he was the only soulmate who I hadn’t touched, but he was also blinded by his feelings also
“I just want to talk to her so she can tell me what kind of spell she did to all of you! So get out of my way, Sunoo!” Jake yelled but before anyone could say anything else… 
“Jake, you should stop before Sunoo decides to control you,” Heeseung said… I peeked from behind Sunoo and he looked tired and pale.
“Heeseung! Sunghoon wants to accept the soulmate bond–""Then let him” Heeseung answered quickly… 
“Sooha officially found her soulmate,” he said and I was shocked he would just rip off the bandaid. “What?” Jake said… I saw sadness in his face, almost like he just lost something…
“Her soulmate is K from Riverfield and he apparently likes a certain witch,” he said as we made eye contact. Sunoo covered his view and mine… 
“That doesn’t concern you… the both of you rejected her, and you don’t plan on accepting her either” Sunoo said.
“Why the hell is the council room filled with vampires this early in the morning?!” I heard a familiar annoyed voice. 
“This doesn’t concern you–” “You’re literally in the witch council room where I have work to do, I don’t care what type of love affair crap is happening,” Wonyoung said making me laugh a bit. 
“I have to agree with you. y/n we have a lot of work to do, but I’m guessing the vampires have time to spare?” EJ said. “EJ I thought you weren’t coming in today?” I asked and he smiled softly. 
“I’ll be fine, but I’m the only one in today,” he said and he seemed to ignore the glares from Jake effortlessly. “Sooha!” I soon heard Jake say and I saw how his eyes lit up but then died down at her tear-stained face. 
“Jake?” she said confused…
“We need vampire repellent,” Wonyoung said. “Maybe some stakes, garlic, and holy water?” EJ suggested. These two stayed unbothered…
“Ooh maybe–” “Everything you're suggesting is myths,” Sunoo said and they laughed. 
“Maybe you’re just saying that to trick us!”
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After the incident in the morning, today was a busy day…
Now I had to go to the human / vampire council to help Sangyeon with some paperwork and suggestions he had. 
I went with Niki who was my bodyguard for the moment as he proclaimed.
“Ah, y/n!” I heard as soon as the door opened to the council room. “Regarding the upcoming Summer dance, I've done the paperwork and approved some stuff you need to look over,” he said and I nodded as he continued to explain but it was quite hard while being glared at by Jake and eyed by Sunghoon.
“Niki, wanna actually help us?” I heard Jake say but I decided not to get into their own conflicts… and I guess Niki has nothing to say either.
“y/n!” I heard two voices say… Sunghoon and Sooha who I didn’t notice until now. “I… I wanted to talk to her” Sunghoon said to the girl and she sighed and muttered ‘me too’
“Um… im going back to the council room where I don’t think either of you are welcome unfortunately,” I said and Sooha visibily deflated as Jay patted her back whilst Sunghoon stood up otherwise. 
“I’ll walk you there!” he offered like a puppy… I looked at Niki who gave him an unamused look… 
“Come on!” he said, not letting me decline. 
I decided to allow it and we walked together in silence… but not peaceful silence, it’s almost as if I could feel Sunghoon’s anxiety radiating off him.
“Hyung,” Niki muttered, annoyed and almost embarrassed. “Ah! I’m not making you uncomfortable right?! That's the last–''Sunghoon calm down” I said to stop his fast talking.
“You want to ask something right?” I asked and he nodded. 
“Have you thought about it?” he asked and I smiled softly. “Sunoo says you're telling the truth… but I don’t want you to separate from your friends. I feel guilty as it is–" "So that's a yes!” he said with a grin not caring for what I had to say about his friends…
I laughed silently and nodded. 
“You’re my soulmate… I should give you another chance Park Sunghoon”
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dwyntwo · 1 month
Okay, so... as a collective fandom, we can agree that bullying Kaz is fun, yeah? There's just something about seeing the guy down at his lowest and then prodding him with a stick and going "Come on, do something."
But I'm going to stand in his corner for a bit in this post.
Something that never really sat right with me is the collective implication that Kaz isn't good enough for Inej (and never will be).
I'm totally with you: he didn't deserve Inej in the first book and maybe not even yet in the second because he didn't give her anything to work with. He didn't even visit her after she was stabbed, or show her how relieved he was when she recovered. And this is just the thing: he didn't deserve her because of his BEHAVIOUR, not because he's inherently less important or less valuable or less of a person than her.
However I've read so many post-CK fanfictions where Kaz has been working on himself, is openly communicating with her, basically kisses the ground she walks on, treats her as his equal and goes above and beyond to make her as comfortable as possible, and still everyone INCLUDING Inej (and Kaz) goes "I/she deserve/s so much better than me/him". And THAT implicates that the reason Kaz wasn't good enough for her was not his behaviour towards her, but the fact that he as a whole human being is just "not enough" and "less valuable" than her, and that viewpoint has always made me super uncomfortable, especially considering his trauma.
Now I know what you're going to say, and I absolutely agree: trauma never excuses abhorrent behaviour. But there's just something icky to me about looking at a traumatized person who has not only been making an EXTREME effort to overcome their issues, but also shown amazing results, and going "They don't deserve X", "They're less than X" etc. just because they haven't fully healed yet or might never fully heal. It gives "Traumatized people are damaged goods"-vibes, which is especially weird considering my next point: INEJ IS TRAUMATIZED TOO AND HER TRAUMA GETS IN THE WAY OF A GOOD AND LOVING RELATIONSHIP JUST AS MUCH AS HIS.
She literally admits to herself that she wears as much armor as Kaz does and was being kind of hypocritical when she told him to remove his. Inej is a flawed character (which somehow seems to be a controversial take in the fandom), and to put her on a pedestal because of how virtuous and "better" she is than Kaz takes all the nuance out of her. There are definitely some parts in the books where I felt like she was in the wrong or toeing the line, but the others never really call out her behaviour the way they do with Kaz, not even in their internal monologue, so we're left with this image of an Inej who can do no wrong and a Kaz who simply got lucky.
The fact that in aforementioned fanfictions (that I still absolutely adore btw) Inej too thinks he isn't good enough for her despite everything he does for her and for himself, and despite how far he's come also turns her acknowledgment of her own self worth into something ugly and vain in my eyes. She loves herself, but she also loves Kaz, so I don't think she, or any good partner, would look at her boyfriend who clearly already thinks very little of himself and go "Yep, this fucker isn't good enough".
So often people will look at a healthy happy couple and go "He/she could do so much better than her/him". Like that's a whole person you're putting in a competition of "Who's more worthy?" as if they were some object that is of better or worse quality.
I don't think I articulated this too well and there's a lot more to be said about this, but I hope you understand the gist of it. Post CK-Kaz who works on himself and openly communicates ABSOLUTELY deserves Inej, and I will ROT on this hill.
Now I've been nice to him for long enough I think *whacks him with a crow bar*
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melminli · 6 months
I Hate To Love You
pairing: young coriolanus snow x fem. reader
summery - coriolanus can't quite admit to himself what kind of feelings are actually hiding behind his strong hatred towards you.
word count: 2k+
contains: kinda enemies to lovers vibes, coriolanus having crazy thoughts, a bit misogyny/slutshaming, fruity reader, suggestive themes, obsessive/sassy coryo
part II
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Coriolanus Snow was very aware of how charming he was - or of how charming he could be. He was well aware that he was perceived as very attractive by others, or rather that he was, and this made his rather shitty life a little bit better. At least as long as he could use it to his own advantage by distracting people with his pretty words and even prettier face from how depraved his actual thoughts were.
So, he would be a hypocrite if he said that this was the reason why you got on his nerves so incredibly. Although he didn't even care how it sounded by now, he loathed seeing you with your seductive nature - how you made others feel like they were special, unique - just because you enjoyed playing silly little games and your curiosity about what it would lead to was insatiable. Coriolanus was sure that you had some kind of gambling addiction. The way you played with other people's feelings for your own amusement, to observe their reactions and actions and to see if they would react the way you expected them to. You seemed to like it more when they didn't, which he couldn't really figure out why because what kind of gambler liked to lose? A looser, perhaps.
He, on the contrary, liked to read other people to know who they really were so he could better assess them and their actions. However, the problem with you was that he only knew that you were unpredictable.
His teeth clenched a little when he saw you at the outer gate of the academy. You were talking to some girl whose back was leaning against a pillar while she giggled and coyly wrapped a strand of hair around her finger. The way you snuggled up to her let him know what kind of words would come out of your mouth. Her parents must be really proud of her behavior. He finally decided to move from his spot and walk towards you, the girl noticing him sooner than you did as she was pulled from her reverie and looked up at him a little disappointed.
Realizing that her attention was no longer entirely on you, you also looked up at the person who interrupted you, only to be pleasantly surprised. "Oh. It's you, Snowy. Can I help you with anything?" You asked with a smile.
He had to restrain himself from correcting you about the stupid nickname. You really knew how to push his buttons, but he didn't want to come off as dainty by correcting you about it. Even if it bothered him immensely. "I need to talk to you about Highbottom's assignment." He addressed the first thing that popped into his head, as he had, in fact, shown up for no reason. You were put in a group together for that, so it should seem legitimate enough, even if the timing of bringing it up might be a little weird. His eyes glanced briefly at the girl you had been dealing with earlier. "In private." He then added.
A feigned sadness crossed your features. "I'm so sorry, Amelija. I hope you don't mind if we continue talking tomorrow. My friend here seems to need a little help." You said to her while holding her hand. Even with your apologetic tone, her disappointment remained. You leaned a little closer to her, even as she stubbornly avoided your gaze. "Or maybe I'll come over to your place tonight, huh? How does that sound?"
That seemed to cheer her up a bit again, and she said goodbye to you somewhat playfully, while Coriolanus, on the other hand, just got a sour look from her. He could live with that. He hadn't even memorized her name.
He spoke up again when you were both alone. "No wonder you haven't finished your share if you'd rather give your attention to some random girl." He accused you, trying to keep his distaste for your activities subtle.
You laughed lightly. This was the Coriolanus you knew and loved. "Would you prefer it if I gave my attention to - let's see - some random boy?" You replied as your fingers brushed against the collar of his uniform. You didn't wait for his answer and took your hand back as you took a step closer to him and looked him straight in the eyes. "I don't think so. You'd prefer it if my attention was on you, wouldn't you? And you are no random boy."
He grunted and rolled his eyes. "Don't be absurd. I don't care what you do in your spare time." He spoke out, lying to you as well as himself. As if he didn't like hearing you say that he was, in fact, not just a random boy. "It would just be well-intentioned advice from me if maybe you spent your time doing something more useful."
He was going to say at first that maybe you should focus more on school, but your family certainly had enough money to buy you your degree if it was necessary.
"Right. Thank you for thinking of my well-being so much, Snowy." You said, and Coriolanus felt like you were making fun of him. "I'll finish my share today, and you can read it tomorrow. I promise." You assured him, and a few seconds of silence passed as Coriolanus just watched you with slightly puckered eyes. He didn't seem to realize that it was his turn to say something. "Is there anything else?" You finally said, snapping him out of his rattling train of thought.
"Oh." He had to collect himself for a moment. I asked her about the assignment. This is about the assignment. "No. That was all." He said, annoyed with himself that he wasn't quick-witted enough.
You should stifle your grin, but you just couldn't help yourself, as usual. "Okay, then I'll slowly make my way home." You announced and couldn't help but let out a few last words to say goodbye, which is why you turned back to him after taking a few steps. "And next time you just feel like talking to me, just say so, I won't mind. Goodbye, Snowy!"
He ignored what you said. He had better things to do than talk to the bed partner of half the school. "Bye..."
You got on his nerves more than Sejanus sometimes. I hate her so much.
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It was common knowledge to everyone that Coriolanus was not only the best in class but also the best student in the academy. Others were jealous of this because it was unfair that he was handsome, charming, and on top of that, an acedemic ace. What others didn't know, of course, was his material situation, but that would soon change, so it was better if everyone assumed that he was also lucky in terms of money.
There was only one subject where he was not considered the best, and that was philosophy. If it was up to Coriolanus, it was because their teacher was a piece of shit who, in his opinion, had the same value as a rebel with the topics he presented in class. He wouldn't even listen to anything the teacher said if it didn't affect his school career because he just didn't see the point in adding anything to his stupidly designed lessons where, for example, they were discussing the differences between a Capitol citizen and a District citizen. It was a stupid question to begin with since the answer was as clear as day. There was nothing to discuss.
As for the latter, you seemed to disagree with him. Because he was also lucky that his worst subject belonged to your area of expertise. According to Coriolanu's observations, you only made an effort in the subjects that could arouse your interest - which in his favor at least only applied to philosophy, as he had fortunately chosen music instead of art - and it made him a little angry at himself that this fact relieved him a little if he was being honest with himself. Because that would mean that he would see you as a potential threat, and you and him were definitely not on the same level.
"So, who really read the text I gave you as homework?" The philosophy teacher asked his class. Mr. Maximus was aware that his subject wasn't one of the most popular, but that wasn't really his problem. He rubbed his eyes in slight frustration as he had been listening to completely misinterpreted statements for half an hour. When he asked, all but two or three arms went up. Maximus asked again. "Okay. Who thinks they have understood what the text says?"
As expected, the number of hands in the air decreased drastically. After most of the students had already been told that they were wrong, most could conclude that they were wrong as well. Only three pairs of hands remained up, those of Coriolanus, Sejanus, and Clemensia. The former was surprised at your silent performance today, as you usually had so much to say. You were sitting further ahead to his right, which gave him a good view of your figure. He could see from the corner of his eye how you didn't seem to be fully present, even if you physically were.
Maximus was also not very pleased about your participation today. Between the students who were still willing to contribute to the topic, he didn't really feel that any of the three really understood the meaning of it. He would say that after a few years, he could judge his students quite well on the rightness of their answers. Snow and Plinth are two different poles, each far too convinced of their own position to consider the other. Dovecote is probably the closest, but she's more interested in getting good grades than the text, so I doubt that she actually understands. She's probably just gonna repeat what is written down in a fancy way.
His eyes turned to you as he straightened his glasses slightly and called your name. "What's with you? You read the text as well, didn't you?" He asked, taking the easy way out rather than dealing with any more false statements. He just wanted to get it over with instead of chewing on the same gum.
You were a little offended that you were suddenly standing in the spotlight, and for the first time, Coriolanus agreed with you - albeit inwardly - on something. He had raised his hand, and yet you were favored. He just couldn't believe it. It was like a slap in the face - he would have actually preferred that to this public humiliation.
"Yeah, I mean sort of." You finally said, as you only had the energy to look at the text half asleep yesterday. You adjusted your posture a little before returning to his question. "I think the author just wants to say that the difference between District and Capitol people lies solely in their upbringing and circumstances." You began and continued when you were not interrupted. "The biological disadvantage of District people is a myth and stems from the fact that District people are actually much weaker on average than those from the Capitol, but this is only because they also have a less varied diet on average, if they get enough to eat at all." You finished and then drew your conclusion. "So the Dark Days are proof that Capitol people also perform worse under other circumstances, let's say on the health scale, for example. You could say the difference is down to luck."
With that, Mr. Maximus ended the lesson by saying that hopefully everyone had listened carefully to what you said because you would be taking a test on it next week. Coriolanus had to swallow his pride as he looked at the notes he had taken when he heard your answer. I really have to stop caring about what she does. It's really not worth it. He thought to himself and looked up at you, who was talking to a group of other classmates. She's just another girl from my class who I just happened to loathe. Not that special at all.
But maybe that was the problem. Normally, he liked some people and disliked others. But at the end of the day, he didn't think about them if he didn't have to. They didn't cross his mind when he was getting a little hotter than usual alone in his room at night, in a state where his thoughts were the most clouded and he was only acting out of the urge to feel good. It wasn't any of them who he imagined, so it was these moments where it was the most obvious to him that his hatred for you were also strong feelings that could be considered something else as well.
I guess you could also say that the line between hate and love is on the same page for some - because sometimes there is no difference at all.
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AITA for getting angry with my aunt for being uncomfortable with me doing things to show affection to my girlfriend in front of my family at the dinner table?
Could this post be tagged 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ anon so I can find it more easily? Thank you!
(Possible homophobia and transphobia trigger warning)
I (transmasc enby) and my mom went over to my aunt's house for dinner, because family from far away was in town at her place and I wanted to see them. My girlfriend (who lives with me because she moved from far away and we're also very serious about our relationship) came along despite dealing with a headache and neck pain at the time because she wanted to meet the family from out of town (she'd already met my mom and the aunt hosting the dinner before).
At some point after dinner my girlfriend's head and neck pain were really starting to bother her, so she asked for some migraine meds and for me to massage her neck and head to try and ease the discomfort. We didn't leave the dinner table because we were still trying to be part of the conversation, although ultimately she did go lay down on the couch for a bit because it was getting to be too much. Girlfriend and I were kinda stuck because we rode over with my mom.
The next day, aunt bothered my mom a lot and insisted that she let us know how "uncomfortable" we made "everyone". No elaboration whatsoever but she really pushed about it to the point that my mom felt forced to convey the message. Essentially aunt wanted her to tell us that anything besides hand holding was not okay and we made everyone upset, but did not elaborate on what we did wrong. This made my girlfriend cry, and it made me furious (for the record, the next time I spent time with this side of the family all we did was hold hands and aunt still looked at the two of us with disgust so 🤷).
I reached out to her to 1) let her know she was either going to have to tolerate our relationship or cut us off; and 2) try to confirm exactly what it was we did wrong that night so we don't do it again. She told me my girlfriend and I were being inappropriate at her kitchen table because I was rubbing her head and neck, and that we should have either dealt with it where nobody else had to see or gone home (once again, we rode over with my mom so going home wasn't really an option). She insisted it wasn't about us being a queer couple but given that she believes gay people go to hell and has said transphobic things in the past I'm doubtful she's being truthful.
I told her that was such a stupid thing to be weird about, that maybe she should ask questions instead of being immediately judgemental, that it's unfair to ask someone to leave when they're dealing with chronic pain, and that it was hypocritical of her to be weirded out by that when the family was making inappropriate jokes at the table earlier and that was apparently just fine. I admit I also used the opportunity to air out a couple other grievances I had such as: the time she yelled at me for something I didn't do and said very mean things to me because of it at a time where I was not in a good place mentally (she refuses to apologize for this), and her deliberately deadnaming me and using the wrong pronouns to refer to me. I told her if she can't respect me and my girlfriend then I would like if she didn't talk to me anymore. Thankfully she's at least been respecting my wishes in this regard.
Evidently she got very upset about it because she said something to another aunt, who then got angry with me and refused to listen to me, telling me I should just apologize if I made someone uncomfortable (but that's a story for another AITA).
Am I the asshole?
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respectthepetty · 8 months
Nick is a green boy.
Anon, I would categorize Nicolas as un pendejo, but I haven't really put any thought into his color. Not really at least. None. Not even a little. I haven't really thought about colors for Only Friends.
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*makes direct eye contact with you because I'm about to get creepy while you stare at the picture of Nick in a green and blue striped shirt*
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But if I were to really think about it, which I haven't, not at all, not even a little, Nicolas would a Blue Boy, not a Green Guy.
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He just masquerades as a Green Guy since they are chill and laid back
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and that's what he wants Boston to believe he is.
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Like Top!
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Boston is a "No Drama Llama" type guy. Green is cool for him!
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Which is why that hypocrite has the green car.
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So Nick is trying to be a chill Green Guy like Top.
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And it works for a bit when he changes his wardrobe and hairstyle.
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But, really, Nick is loyal, sensitive, inspirational, and just a teeny tiny bit sad, you know, like a Blue Boy.
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Because when he finds the pictures of Boston and Top in Boston's room, the lighting turns blue.
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And now that I think about it, which I haven't, not at all, not even a little, I've never seen a Green Guy and Red Rascal do well together romantically. It's usually a Green Guy paired with a Blue Boy.
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So it has to mean Nicolas is really a Blue Boy since Blue Boys usually partner well with Red Rascals, but oh, darn it. Sorry, you're probably confused because I forgot to mention who the hell the Red Rascal is! It's Boston, you know, because he is confident, sexual, aggressive, and vengeful.
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Which would make sense because when they first started sleeping together, the colors were Boston's red and Nick's fake green that we saw pop up in the first pictures mixed with his actual blue.
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Because the more they slept together and Nick developed feelings, his true blue color started emerging.
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So it makes sense that they both show their true color around each other.
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Or more like they both see each other's true color.
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Even though Boston tries to act like a Green Guy also.
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Nicolas sees him for what he really is - a Red Rascal trying to masquerade as a Green Guy too.
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Because when no one is watching, Boston is truly a Red Rascal, and Nicolas KNOWS this because Nicolas was allowed to go into Boston's real space, his red photo room.
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Yet no matter how much he stepped into Boston's red, he couldn't merge their colors.
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So it must have really hurt that just when Boston was possibly coming around to Nick's love (Boston is wearing a blue shirt with a green and blue checker board on the back that states "Make Love Not War" while Nick wears a blue and green striped shirt), just like Nick said to Sand, Boston got the rug ripped right out from underneath him.
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I know it sucked since Boston sits at the bar in Nick's blue, drinking and looking at pictures of him and Nick.
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So when they see each other at the Halloween party, all pretense is gone. They finally can admit that they see each other, as they stand there wearing their true color, yet standing in front of the other's color.
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Which is funny because right after, Boston fucks Atom and turns the reddest he has ever been. The audience probably hadn't even noticed how much Nick calmed Boston's red when he was in the photo room, but I noticed! Scroll back up! Look at the pictures. Wild, right?
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And Nick is, once again, trying to play the cool Green Guy with Dan as he wears his green shirt, yet Dan seems more than willing to see Nick's true color and merge.
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Because a Blue Boy can't really hide his color, mostly when Nick follows Boston into the bathroom to remind Boston that he sees who Boston really is and loves him because of it, you know, like a Blue Boy would.
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So maybe, just maybe, when they are sitting outside together next week, Boston will acknowledge that he, too, sees Nick for who he is. Not the guy wearing a green shirt across from him, but the sensitive Blue Boy who actually likes him for the Red Rascal he is.
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But I mean, I haven't really thought about colors at all for this show, so who knows?! Not me!
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imajinxnation · 3 months
Hi! I wanted to tell that John Constantine has such sad tired but beautiful eyes. and the way how he smokes is something special. Can you please write how he would react if he saw that the reader was smoking.
John Constantine(2005) x Reader
SUMMARY // We all know John is a really bad chainsmoker, but he never knew you smoked too!
TW // Smoking(no shit), fluff, cussing..
Tbh I love this cause, imma be honest with ya'll, I smoke, mostly when I'm stressed, but still.. and I know everyone is gonna be on my ass for that, but I could be doing a lot worse shit than smoking, so be glad it's just that!
Thank you, I have been having writers block for days and you just FIXED IT!!!!
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Me and Constantine have been dating for 2 years now, and during that time, I have witnessed an insane amount of people reprimand him for smoking like he does, and a lot of disgusted looks glanced his way after he pulls out cig after cig like they're candy.
He ignores these people and really doesn't give a fuck about what others say about his life choices. His life, his choice.. and who am I to tell him what he can and cannot do?
Especially when I smoke too.. bit hypocritical if I tell him to stop smoking while I take a puff or who, right?
Another thing I've noticed in our relationship is how he tries to keep from smoking in front of me and goes out on the balcony at our apartment to do it, or faces the opposite way as not to accidentally blow his smoke in my face.
I brung it up to him once, but he just brushed me off, saying he had no idea what the fuck I was talking about.. How typical of him to not admit he cares about my health..
So far, he has never witnessed me smoke, and, because I buy the same brand as him, he doesn't think of it when he finds an extra pack on the counter every now and then, thinking I bought them for him.. Which results in him stealing my fuckin' smokes without even realizing it.
Usually, I have a smoke first thing in the morning when John is still asleep, and then maybe another at work, but that's all, so it's easy to see why he didn't know about our shared habit.. Until today.
It's an early Sunday morning and the streets are nearly bare due to it being a weekend, and for some, a day to relax and go to Church.
I'm out on the balcony, taking my morning smoke when I hear John rustling in bed, probably just tossing and turning like usual. I take a long drag from my cig and feel the white-ish gray smoke run through my lungs before blowing it out of my mouth with a sigh, some of it escaping from my nose instead.
"Baby.. what are you doing on the balcony this early..?" I hear John's deep groggy, huskey (~sexy~) morning voice ask from behind me.
He rubs the sleep out of his eyes and finally sees me clearly, looking at him, cigarette in hand, a little smoke still coming down and out my nose. He squints at me, tired and confused.
"Since when do you smoke..?" He asks, confused as fuck.
"Since I was old enough to do it without getting in trouble with the cops.." I say nonchalantly and flick some ash from my cigarette into the ash tray on the thin metal railing.
"Huh.. How am I just finding this out now?" John asks, clearly confused at how he has been dating me for 2 years and never knew 'till now.
"One; you sleep like a boulder, I do this every morning, and two; I don't use 20 packs a day like someone," I tease, smirking slightly.
He scoffs playfully, "Okay, well, I don't smoke 20 packs a day.. just 15. And also; are you fucking kidding me? I did all that shit so you wouldn't inhale my smoke only to find out it doesn't even matter cause you inhale your own!?"
"HA! So you admit that you did do all that because you care!" A shit eating grin crosses my face.
Constantine pauses for a minute and then lets out a sigh, knowing I wouldn't let it go, no matter what. Then a thought struck him.
"Fucking Christ.. The new packs of cigs! Those were yours weren't they!?"
I laugh at his reaction once he figures out he's been stealing my cigarettes.
"Don't even worry bout it, we smoke the same brand, so I steal yours sometimes too," I confess, a grin on my face as I take another drag before putting out what remains of the roll, pressing it down into the ash tray.
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burningsuitfire · 1 year
Essek and religious trauma
Saw this post from @balleater here and having been meaning to write a meta on the subject, theorizing about what we know.
Essek admits to being seriously traumatized when Caleb talks to him in the Grove.
(141) Caleb: Somewhat hypocritical coming from me, but try to be kind to yourself.  Essek: You, more than anyone, showed me that trauma doesn't define you.
The simplest conclusion is religious trauma, along with neglect and abandonment.
In the wrap-up Matt puts serious emphasis on Essek's parents and family being "very deeply steeped" in the religious culture alongside how Essek has "very much eschewed" the religious culture, that no one has ever genuinely cared about Essek beyond his influence and talent, that his family didn't understand or support his focus on dunamantic research (or his career), and draws clear lines about the negative aspects of Dynasty's theocratic authoritarianism and uncompromising cultural zealotry, at points Mercer even compares it to evangelicalism and doomsday cults.
He also gives us hints that it's a bad situation for anyone who doesn't follow the official faith, like in Eiselcross when Caleb asks questions about the mandated religion and Kryn theories on the beacons:
(124) Essek: It is an interesting idea, though I would caution to keep it close to the chest. Such conversations might be considered sacrilege in some circles of the Dynasty.
Which as word of god tells us Essek had a very bad relationship with his powerful authoritarian den family that didn't understand him or his goals, and he grew up in the Bastion (which is a temple to the Luxon), when the Dynasty laws are founded on the faith and enforced by the military:
(EGtW) The laws of the dynasty, which stem from the faith of the Luxon, are enforced by a network of trusted Aurora Watch captains and soldiers
To the point where Matt emphasized how even petty criminals in the prison were systematically "beaten and emaciated", sacrilege could have ugly consequences, even growing up.
Especially considering that all we know of his father is that he seemed to have a temper to the point of extremely self-destructive tendencies, and that he was possibly military and thus law enforcement (warriors function as both in the Dynasty).
Even in the dinner conversation when he was being outstandingly open, Essek was very careful not to tell the nein anything that could allow other Kryn to question his faith:
Marisha: So his lying about it [consecution] was just about going along with the zealotry and not- Matt: Exactly, because he didn't want people to think that there was something up.
And then there's Essek's massive trust problems, which are specifically focused on the word "trust":
(131) Caleb: We feel we can trust you more than my old teacher. (You see, when you say the word "trust". It's simultaneously like seeing a small hit to the heart... and whatever icy bit that cracked melts away for a minute. There's a moment of him hearing the word and letting it wash over him.) Essek: I'm thankful for the trust you put in me. And I hope to make this up to you.
(124) Essek: I've never really been trusted and so I did not trust. When I- when you gave me trust, it gave me a perspective that was so agonizingly striking. So easy to see that I refused to acknowledge it at first, even. (135) Essek: The more I begin to see Beauregard, yourself return with these markings- I've only just recently learned to trust. It's hard to begin to mistrust so quickly.
Where there's a theory that it might stem from the Dynasty's training for echo knights and dunamancers (when we've heard Essek tell Caleb that the training is comparable to that of scourgers), and we even see the echo knight in Zadash react very strongly to the word "trust":
(13) Mollymauk: We just need to know who we can trust and who we can't.  Thuron: You cannot trust anybody in this city. You cannot trust yourselves. Anyone who has not bound themselves. They are the enemy.
Other context and info gives us that consecution and worshipping the Luxon and following the umavi-written "system of pure faith" created from their interpretation of the beacons (as EGtW dictates the Luxon is canonically silent and unconscious) is required for people to hold Dynasty political/spiritual/military office and influence, to work for the theocratic government (comprised of the 12 noble religious den families), and that dunamancy and the Dynasty's dunamis research is only accessible to those working for the government.
And it seems like Essek hints at unattractive consequences to others discovering he's been lying about his faith (and/or the dangerous nature of his career):
(131) Essek: I just know that I've also survived this long, weaving the intricacies of deceit like I have, by knowing how best to keep myself out of the complications as best as I can.
Finally, we have Essek's relationship with punishment and pain, alongside the Dynasty's systematic religious corporal punishment:
(57) In the shadows there look to be multiple figures. Some human, some ogre-ish with more reinforced bars, drow. Emaciated, beaten. Not looking happy and healthy, but then again, what good Dungeon of Penance would?
(77) ...days of chosen sunlight in which the nightfall is dispelled and the people of Rosohna and Xhorhas bask in the sun. Even those who find pain and challenge in its presence, as it is part of the worship. (EGtW) The Kryn drow who emerged from the shadowed depths of the caverns beneath Xhorhas now endure periods of sunlight as part of their worship. Periods of days, sometimes weeks, will transpire in a state of perpetual evening, enabling the darkness-bound denizens to go about their work. Such periods briefly come to an end to usher in periods of scheduled, mass worship under the sunlight.
(99) Essek: I will take my leave for the night. Thank you for not throwing me into the water. (97) Essek: The pain is somewhat comforting because I am my own punishment. (91) Essek: I have seen those far older than you that have experienced maybe half the pain I see in your eyes. Age isn't everything. Experience is what hardens you, prepares you for the worst. (138) Beau: My essence will haunt you. Essek: And I would deserve it, like I deserve all of the things that haunt me. Jester: Aw, Essek... Essek: Don't- offer me any solace. (141) Essek: Maybe it's time I just found my way. Really began my penance. I've procrastinated long enough in dealing with my sins. I convinced myself I'd be alone for so much of my life. It's hard to say goodbye when I don't feel alone anymore, but… I understand. I understand and accept what I've done.
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eponastory · 19 days
Oh look, it's another Anti making assumptions again about self-inserting and Zutarians disrespecting Katara again...
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This person was apparently born at night, and it was last night, to be exact. So happy birthday, random anti!
Anyway, this shallow narrow minded view is very common amongst the antis because well, they have to have something to complain about at all times. Look, I get it, you don't want to seem like a hypocrite about self-inserting. We all know you do it just like the rest of us readers and writers. The only problem is they don't have the balls enough to admit it.
Yeah, that's right, we self-insert.
But it's not because we have this sexual fantasy we want to fulfill with Zuko through Katara. Look, I'm not here to judge because I also have sexual fantasies that I self-insert into characters to achieve (though mine is with Dante from Devil May Cry and I read a lot of reader x Dante fics for that). It's part of escapism.
But no, it's not because of sexual fantasies. It's about a lot of things other than that. Some of those things are emotional or physical trauma that the reader/writer is trying to get through. Especially if it's emotional trauma like emotional abuse and neglect. That's some serious shit that antis apparently don't understand because they are themselves guilty of dealing out that abuse to others (over a ship... like come on people, be serious). And no, shared trauma isn't a problem in a relationship, especially when that trauma has been dealt with from both parties. That's a horrible excuse to say that a relationship is going to be 'toxic'. If anything, moving forward through trauma can help a person grow. Zuko and Katar dealing with their trauma actually made them friends, so I don't see that being an argument against.
As far as Katara making her own choices...
Honey, sweetheart, darling...
She's a fictional character. Her choices were made for her by the people who created her. This is the same thing as using the fortune teller to have her self-fulfilling the fortune given to her. Most of us Zutara writers actually hate that Katara's choices were limited to that prophecy, so that's the one bit of Canon that can actually be detrimental to her character. But yeah, you just ignore that for the sake of your argument.
You'll find that Zutarians actually give Katara a lot more 'choices', considering how she is treated post-war, so yeah. But again, she is a fictional character. Her choices are pre-ordained by her creators. That's kinda how characters and storytelling work.
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But we aren't anti Katara around here. If we were, then Zutara wouldn't exist. When it comes to self-inserting, we could easily create a character to ship Zuko with to fulfill that emotional need, but we love Katara.
Even though we can also easily self-insert into both characters.
So, yeah, I don't know where these obsurd arguments come from other than cowardice and the moral high ground that the antis claim to have.
News flash, your high horse is actually a very short pony perilously standing on the edge of a cliff.
Grow a pair and get over yourself before you fall.
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hero-israel · 11 months
Hi, I'm the anon who was asking for pro-peace initiatives.
I really appreciate the suggestions you made but man it's depressing that there's so little out there.
When I've gone looking for voices from the other side, I have to admit that I've been rather dismayed at the dearth of non-Jewish anti-Zionists who are willing to approach this issue with sensitivity, nuance, a willingness to accept history as it is, who see Jews as humans with the same rights as everyone else. I'm open to hearing other perspectives, but I am completely unwilling to listen to an argument that would treat Jews as subhuman. Like, the bar is on the floor here, folks.
But then of course you say something like that amongst mainstream leftists and everyone freaks out that you're a horrible human for wanting a solution that doesn't involve a lot of dead Jews and completely decimated Jewish communities and subcultures. It honestly makes me feel a bit like I'm losing my mind. These are people who care about literally everyone and everything else, it seems, except us.
Sorry for the vent; I'm just trying to learn and also frustrated.
Palestinians are entitled to be anti-Zionist.
When I encounter anti-Zionism from any other goyim, I have long since learned to assume they will have the dumbest, most hypocritical, most punishment / ostracism / killing-focused opinions on the Jews, and be the most fragile and spiky upon receiving any correction. They can quite often be MORE punishment / ostracism / killing-focused than Palestinians, while of course having absolutely nothing at stake, not the slightest shred of personal or familial excuse behind which they can hide their vengeance fanfic.
Antisemitism is older than political Leftism and so was incorporated into it as it developed, just as surely as with the Right:
Karl Marx: "The true god of the Jews is money, the true religion of the Jews is swindling"
Pierre Leroux, inventor of the word "socialism": "The Jewish spirit is the banker spirit... their individualistic and egotistical industry is destined to reign, for a time, over the ruins of any true social organization"
Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, inventor of the word "anarchism": "The Jew is the enemy of the human race. One must send this race back to Asia or exterminate it."
Charles Fourier, inventor of the word "feminism": "Jews are a parasitic sect... the source of all evil."
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simeonist · 3 months
Nightbringer Satan's early relationship with his brothers headcanons
Lucifer: lol.
Mammon: Despises. Anyone who doesn't take pride in learning should be ashamed to be alive. Lovable hypocrite that he is, Satan sees Mammon's propensity for trouble as evidence of his lacking character. Mammon thinks Satan is mean and rude for no reason but ultimately sees him as like…a bratty little brother. Convinced Satan doesn't understand the gravity of his actions yet. 
Levi: Despises. Loser. Creep. Shit taste. Gross. Once Satan gets a DDD and figures the Internet out, Levi's gonna see a sharp increase in hate mail. I don't believe Satan would get into genre fiction right away, so he'd have that literary elitist superiority complex. Levi is afraid of him. He also thinks Satan is cute. Has had the occasional thought that his abuse wouldn't be so bad if it was only verbal. Really, really, really wants to pet his fluffy blonde hair just one time. Once he finds out about Satan's cat obsession, it's over - who do you think got him his rhythm game paws?
Asmo: Tolerates. Leans towards like on good days. Won't admit it but he doesn't hate being doted on all the time. I can imagine later stage Satan tsunderily getting his nails did by Asmo with a cartoonish frown so nobody gets the idea he might be enjoying this. Still sees him as tiresome and annoying overall though. Asmo's a bit scared of Satan, but feels his cuteness is high enough to look past the rampages. Hopes he'll settle down soon so he can take advantage of his good looks for the gram
Beel: Despises. Now, this might seem excessive given that Beel is so sweet, rarely interacts with him, and rarely impedes his goals, but it's more a multiplier effect caused by being Belphie's twin. His absurd strength (seriously, why Beel is the sixth brother when he's clearly stronger than Mammon) would be humiliating on its own, but when he's a package deal with Belphie? yeesh Beel doesn't hate him and would like Satan to get along with everyone.
Belphie: Hatred. I'm not a fan of the anti-Lucifer League for a lot of reasons and one of them is that it kills the natural dynamic these two should have. You do NOT put a guy who cares a lot about being right with someone who cares not at all in a room together. That one Satan card where he's seething and Belphie doesn't care so he seethes even harder and Belphie shan't give a damn so Satan's ready to blow up the moon…that's their relationship. Should be, anyways. Belphie doesn't care about Satan at all.
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rebouks · 6 months
Okay, so I'm being completely self-indulgent here but I went on a little foray and dug up a load of old posts n' such to go thru Wyatt's journey n' pick out some important moments/juicy tidbits so uh.. here it is if you're interested 😆
Major Somnium spoilers if you haven't read it yet tho so be warned...
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The first hint of genuine emotion/doubt we see cross Wyatt's face, and it's about his father.. hmmmmm, also to be noted is that even if he did up sticks n' go to work with Ash, he wouldn't have been free of anything, least of all his father's judgement!
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The infamous Silas scene, yikes.. two things here, anytime he mentions it, it's not Wyatt's reach, always Arturo's! Like Oscar said recently, he doesn't have any connections now that he's gone (and Ashton, so.. oops) Second of all, Bruno DID understand.. which is interesting. Wyatt's family may not have been any relation to Bruno by blood, but they were still his found family for a long time and he n' Wyatt didn't much care for each other either, but they knew one another pretty well (what they showed each other anyway aha..) So yeah, he didn't LIKE it, but he UNDERSTOOD.. much to Ivan's dismay 🙈
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Wyatt pretty much admits here that he's pretending his way through life.. which is SUPER fun to look back on, 'cause we all took him at face value here, but who's to say it wasn't just another act? 🤷‍♂️ He learnt to look at the world through calculated logic at a very young age.. and he's kinda right, if you observe everything & everyone else from a neutral standpoint, it's pretty interesting what you can see that you might've missed if you were too angry, sad etc.. to notice...
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Did anyone believe Wyatt when he said he would leave Joslyn's kids out of it? 'Cause he was telling the truth.. maybe she should'a called his bluff. An easy bargaining chip, never to be played.
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After learning of Oscar's plan, Wyatt decides to help him.. why? I don't think he's sure at this point, he just knew he'd had enough of his father's disrespect and wanted to fuck him over.
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This is suuuper interesting, mostly because of Bruno's "no".. he's a bit of a hypocrite ngl, cos he knew more than Wyatt, and for longer, that what he, Artie n' co. were up to was wrong, yet he stuck with them, protected them and continued to work for them anyway. The difference between them tho, is that Arturo respected and trusted Bruno enough that he would've let him leave if he wanted to, but he didn't.. and Wyatt never had that luxury ⚆_⚆
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In this scene we (I think?) first got a glimpse into Wyatt's brain, and I particularly like this part...
Although he wanted to prove to Arturo that he had been right, he knew he couldn’t risk it. Doing so would only reveal his own betrayal. It should have been satisfying, but Wyatt could already feel himself shrinking under his father’s cold, piercing gaze as he realised his own son had deceived him so immeasurably. He didn’t need to know; his demise would be satisfying enough, it had to be.
Simply because as it turned out, it wasn't satisfying at all.. and Arturo was already well aware of his own son's involvement at this point, double yikes.
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So everything's gone to shit but Wyatt/Darien are still sitting pretty with Ashton.. but why is it sad boi hours? Why doesn't it feel right? Hmmmmm.. I like this scene because Wyatt's pretty much lost his whole family and yet.. is he sad? He doesn't think so, not really. It's kinda the start of him "waking up" so to speak, with no one left to live "for" and no one to impress, please or serve he's lost at sea! It's fun, because honestly at this point he could have slotted neatly into life in Del Sol. He could've worked with Ash, business as usual, new connections and protections, lotsa women, lotsa money and power..... and yet.. it doesn't feel right? 🤔 HMMMMMMMMMMM
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Thanks to Brynn's help, Wyatt finally comes face to face with the reality of his actions. It's interesting for so many reasons.. first of all, he'd always kept the details at bay, 'cause that's what he was used to, what was easier, what he was taught to do.. business isn't personal, right Pookie? 🙈 and Ashton hadn't exactly told the whole truth either, making out like the girls would work for him (which ig they would in a way, at least some of em.. but it's definitely worse than Wyatt assumed, which I think can show how naive he could still be sometimes) but with no daddy around to answer to/impress, and no one left to pretend to, Wyatt suddenly NEEDED to know and there was no one left to persuade him otherwise.
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Love this scene.. Wyatt's still a little demented isn't he, taking sadistic pleasure in fucking someone over, but at least this time he's on the right fkin side. Look at that smirk.. ohhh Ashton you are fucked, but please enjoy your sauna whilst you can 😁
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So it's been a few years at this point and Wyatt's had a hell of a lot of time to think, and a lot of distance from his old life. He doesn't really know who he is at the moment, but he's kinda learning to just BE instead of pretending all the time.. kinda scary, tho a little less so when you've adopted a cute old neighbour who invades your space with his genuine care and good advice. Something Wyatt's definitely not used to, but he doesn't completely hate it.
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Not only does bumping into Brynn again make Wyatt realise how grateful he was for her help, but it also kinda forces him to stop ignoring his past. Her visit and their brief time spent together really made him start looking back at his old life n' tryna figure out how it fit into his new one. He still has no idea who he is or who he should be and it's particularly disconcerting to him how comfortable Brynn is around him, given what she knows...
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He'd just about managed to keep it at bay until this point, but it's time for an existential crisis 🤸‍♀️
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Ahhh baba Ichi is so kind 😭 would he still be so keen to help Wyatt if he knew about his past? Who knows.. but he sees someone struggling and he wants to help! I think it's interesting that Wyatt trusts him/likes him enough at this point to actually admit his doubts/feelings, which is more than he'd ever done before. He might not see it yet, but it's still progress.
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Brynn's back, and she's about to fuck Wyatt's shit up (in the best way).. I love how he's been so wrapped up in his own misadventures that he hadn't even stopped to think about hers. If we're gonna look at things in black and white (which we don't do here but just bear with) they're both "bad" people who've done terrible things and made terrible decisions; driven by necessity, both perceived and literal. They've taken lives without regret, stolen from people who didn't deserve it, fucked people over for their own survival or for revenge ETC ETC.. and yet, Brynn knows she's not black and white, she knows she's still capable of being a good person and she can see it in him too, even if he's like ??? about it himself.
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Wyatt not only admits his feelings to himself, but to Brynn too.. and goes against what HE wants n' agrees to her wishes instead, putting someone else first for like.. the first time EVER 😳
Though he was glad to know the truth, Wyatt was less than thrilled with Brynn’s plan; but she craved true freedom, and after everything she’d endured – in part due to his own transgressions – he figured he owed her as much.
What sorcery is this?!
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Wyatt's not great with empathy or at putting himself in others shoes, but I loved this scene with him n' Oscar because now he's actually been forced into Oscar's well worn vans and he had no choice but to confront his previous decisions head on.. he did NOT like his own medicine and I think it's the first time he properly felt regret/guilt.. super important discovery.
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Ahh the crux of the issue, daddy issues.. 😅 I'm not saying Wyatt didn't have free will or the chance to idk NOT partake in the family "bidness" but idk, he was indoctrinated into that life since birth. The fact that he eventually made it this far and didn't go totally insane in the process is still kinda impressive.
We don't have to forgive him, Brynn hasn't, and won't.. but people are grey and there's hope things will be different in the future. I love how much these two have been through in life, yet still managed to SOMEHOW end up with a second chance/a way to be & do better. Idk I think it's awesome (disagree with me if u want idc ahahakjsdksj) and I especially love that they literally know almost every nasty detail about each other but still perceive the other as "good" despite those details.. ough
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With a dead dad (yay), plenty of distance, a lot of time and some forced introspection not only from himself but Brynn, Oscar, etc.. and ELLIS, Wyatt finally broke in the best way possible. It'll take time and it'll still be shit at times but now that everything's outta the bottle maybe he can piece everything together again. I especially love this part..
The moment Ellis had made his way into the world, something deep inside Wyatt’s soul had shattered, breaking into a million tiny pieces that pricked his heart with every shred of hurt, regret, and stifled guilt he’d ever buried within its previously impenetrable depths. Try as he might, the tears refused to cease.
I think it was easy to believe that Wyatt was a psychopath (that was the point) but we only believed it with such conviction because HE did too. I think he's relieved to finally learn that that's NOT the case, even if it's scary af tryna figure out who he is from scratch.. but hey, he has a pretty good reason too now. Being the dad he wished he had... ;-;
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Anyway.. thanks for coming to my pointless, long ass, self-indulgent TED talk, if you read all this please take a cookie on the way out and know that ily muchly 🖤🍪
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You + Me = US (3) : The Finale.
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Summary: In the conclusion of Y+M = US, you awake and finally have a long overdue conversation with Austin, who makes a confession nn of his own.
Contents: Angst if you squint. Crying. Good Ole' hurt and comfort. Major Fluff. A happy ending as promised :) Allusions to childhood trauma.
A/N: Hello Beautiful Humans! I hope you are all well! This is infact the last installment of Y+M=US! Thank you so much for all the love, support, and interaction. It means the world to me that you all enjoy it! Now as some have voted a discussion board about this piece of the Days of Our Love Series is posted along with some guidelines. Thanks for reading!
Much love *hugs*
P.S Feel free to comment , reblog, or send me a letter :)
Taglist: @wacoshuffle, @purejasmine, @louisejoy86
It'd a total of eight hours since you'd been admitted to the hospital, and it had been eight hours of you sleeping the day away.
By now it was almost eight thirty in the evening and Austin was still in his same spot in the hospital church across from your bed, only now he too was sleeping.
In time everyone had came and laid eyes on you and left letting Austin know that if there were any changes or he needed anything, not to hesitate to call them.
But what he truly needed was for you to wake up.
Coming in the room to check on you the nurse made her rounds taking your vitals and such.
Just as she was about to leave the room she looked over to Austin.
She knew that the poor man hadn't left this room much besides stepping in the hall to speak to people. And she figured that somebody has to nudge him to eat something and go for a little walk to get some air.
The nurse smiling walked over to Austin.
" Mr. Butler..." She gently shook him, " Mr. Butler." She tried again successful this time.
Opening his eyes he slowly sat up fully in the chair before becoming alert when he noticed that it was the nurse before him.
" Excuse me. I'm sorry. Didn't mean to nod off. Is everything alright. Is my wife, okay." He questioned eyes darting between her and you, who was still sleeping in your same position.
Still smiling she says, " Oh yes. Mr. Butler everything is quite good. Her vitals are already starting to improve and the baby is doing great." She informed the frazzled man. " No need to worry."
He nodded, "Oh." He sighed, " Good. That's amazing."
" Yes it is. I'm sorry I didn't mean to frighten you. But I know that you've been so dutiful sitting here beside your wife all this time...but and hopefully you won't believe I'm overstepping my boundary, I believe that now may be a good time to go downstairs to the cafeteria and maybe get yourself a bite to eat. " She suggested hoping he wouldn't take offense. " It'll be good to stretch your legs and shake it off. Keep your strength up. We can only help our loved ones get better if we're making sure we still feel good also." She finished.
Austin looked at her taking in what she had said while glancing to you. He wouldn't lie to himself and say that he hadn't gotten a bit stiff and his stomach feel like it was touching his back a bit. And still though, he felt like all those feeling fell to the wayside because of how strong his urge to be near you was.
What was he gonna do if he left and something happened while he wasn't here.
What if you woke up and he wasn't here so you thought he'd just left you.
What if.
It was the same two word combination Austin always encouraged you to try and rid from your vocabulary because of how anxious they made you.
And look at him now being a hypocrite.
Sighing he said, " While that sounds good. What if.." He cringes, " If something happens and I'm not here." He questioned.
Understanding his concern the nurse said, " I know. But I assure you that myself and two other nurses are about ten feet away at the nurses station and will be at her bedside in a second if anything transpires. " She affirmed motioning out through the glass.
Deciding that he did in-fact need to care for himself too he exhaled, " Okay..then. I guess I'll go and grab something. I can bring it up back here, right? " He asked.
She nodded, " Of course that's no problem, Mr. Butler."
Offering the nurse a small smile Austin then got up stretching with a quiet yawn. Walking over to you he ran his hand against the top of your head to lean down and kiss your forehead. " I'll be back baby." He whispered reaching down to grab your hand and rub it before exiting the room along with a nurse that was all smiles.
After about thirty minutes of going down to the cafeteria and having himself a little walk outside to get some air while having a quick phone convo with Ashley T.
Austin had returned with a nice apple chicken walnut salad and lemonade in tow.
When he walked in he glanced at you before going over to the chair to sit down and eat with a sigh.
But unbeknownst to him, you were awake.
You'd actually woken up around thirty minutes ago when you'd felt something touch your hand. When you opened your eyes for the first time and noticed you were alone, you had closed them again. Not sleep, but just resting.
He hadn't gotten two bites into the salad before he was slightly startled by your somewhat hoarse voice, " Well is it good? " You joked.
Immediately dropping what he was doing, in a flash he was kneeled down at your bedside.
" Hi baby. How you feeling? " Austin asked silently hitting the bottom overhead the page the nurse.
He couldn't hide the soft smile that graced his face as he thanked God that you were awake and okay.
" A little funny..but good. " You blinked looking around.
He watched as you tried to slowly sit up but he quickly stopped you, " Whoa, baby.. Hey..take it easy. It's okay just relax." He kneeled down next you running a hand against your head. 
Soon the nurse came in who quickly assessed you and let you know that everything was stable and the baby was healthy. 
At the mention of the baby you felt your face drain with color at the remembrance that Austin was in-fact in the room, and he knew now. Awkwardly you avoided looking at him until she left you again just before informing you two that the doctor had been whisked away to do a emergency induction but would be by to check on you and your status as soon as she could. 
Once it was just the two of you, you started to ask more in-depth questions about what happened.
" So I just all of a sudden passed out? " You broke the lingering silence looking toward your fiancée as you recalled the information just given to you by the nurse.
With a sincere look he responded, " Yes. You were out with Alana and Avery at Lunch. They say you got up to use the bathroom, complained about being dizzy and the next thing they know you passed out and hit the floor. Thank god you didn't hit your head or fall the right way on something else..because babe this could have been way worse than some exhaustion and minor bruising." Austin stated shuddering a little at the possible thought of you having been seriously injured.
" Oh my gosh." You whispered trying to piece the afternoon back together the best you could. But every time you got to the part about lunch things did get a bit fuzzy.
You remember being there, you remember little pieces of conversation, and you could remember seeing the family and the feeling you got...but after that it went..well blank.
" Oh my gosh is right. " He parroted grabbing your ringed hand in his to kiss it and draw your attention back to his serious demeanor, " Do you know how big of a scare you gave me today. Huh, baby? Do you know the thoughts that ran through my head when I got a call from your sister all the way in Texas telling me that the love of my life was unconscious and being rushed to the hospital." He vented having a sense of worry attached to his voice.
You felt terrible. 
" Grace knows..." You started.
" Yeah, she does. I've been on the phone with her on and off most of the day. She's trying to figure out some time next week she can move around the come and see you. Says she just wants to lay eyes on you herself." He informed. 
Nodding since you knew that sounded like your sister, your mind then wandered to your friends, " Right...Does everyone else know? Did someone call Bea, Phoebs, Lana, Lexie? " You listed your girls. 
Oh they know all alright  He thought gritting his teeth a little. Part of him wishes he could go into full detail about everything that had transpired today. But he ultimately knew this wasn't the time nor the place to bring such things up when you were still in a semi-delicate state like this. 
So instead he went, " Yeah they know. They've been here and gone. Stayed awhile too all of em'. Even Santiago and Sprite were here. I told them I'd give them a update on you...and the baby.. whenever you were awake."
At the mentioned of the baby, you could sense the anxious energy radiating off of Austin that you too shared. You knew he'd had to be dying to ask you so many questions, but for your sake was suppressing those feelings to give you some peace of mind.
His hand shot out to cup and caress your face while turning it so he could get a good look at you.
You carefully leaned into his touch as your eyes watered thinking about all the grief and stress you'd caused this man by the actions you'd made. You felt terrible that you'd kept this from him but at the time your mind had been convinced that it was something to hide.
" Mama.." He started, " Why didn't you tell me? " He questioned. His eyes were pouring into yours now in search of something beyond a simple answer.
" I would've been there for you. I wanted to be there for you." He confessed.
You felt like your heart was about to jump out of your chest. The look at his face was so pure and beamed of dedication.
You could tell that he was largely hurt that you had kept this from him by the gaze of his eyes. 
" I wanted to but I was scared.." You meekly answered letting tears begin to race down your face. This was it. Your breaking point.
You couldn't hold it in anymore.
“ A-and I-m so-so." You choked out not being able to completely get the words out that were being disrupted by the sobs that came from hoarse throat.
" Shhh. It's alright honey.  I know It's okay. I got you."
Cooing at you Austin gently got up from his kneeling position to come around to your bedside and gently shift you over so he could climb in beside you and wrap you in his arms while draping the blanket over you both. Placing a tender kiss to your forehead, Austin continued holding on in efforts to calm you. He was careful to wait to feel your body relax some and breathing slow before he decided to begin softly speaking,
 " Now, Y/N I need to be honest with me and know that whatever your choice I support you. But do you wanna have this baby?" Austin bit the bullet and asked holding his breath.
Truth be told he was in love with the idea of you carrying his child, but nonetheless he was in love with you more.
So, he'd support whatever decision you wanted to make, even if it might hurt.
Sitting quiet for a moment while thinking back to all the negative things that had swirled around in your head for the last three weeks.
All the doubts and stress. Worries about how a baby would affect yours and Austin's life, worries about how'd you be as a parent, and overall worries about the experience period. 
You almost felt like you shouldn’t be doing this.
But, when you thought back to the little family at the tea shop earlier and how happy they were, and the vision you had of being even happier with Austin and your baby that way.
All the doubts, stress, and worry while still being there felt small...they felt conquerable. 
And that realization is what mustered you have the measly courage to be able to say , " Y-yes I do. I really do actually."
At the moment Austin could feel his chest fill with air again and this invisible anchor pulling his heart to the floor release.  
That was it, you were having his baby...and he couldn't be happier. 
Even, still considering that the choice affected him just as much, you quickly followed up with a question of your own, " But do you wanna have this baby? I mean I know I want to...but at the end of the day this is about both of us." You posed.
You knew Austin was finally getting the recognition for his career he deserved and he was absolutely smacked with so many projects and things. So, you didn't want this to be something that held him back or messed up the plans you'd made together. You'd talked about kids possibly sure, but those musings definitely were imagined further down the line.   
Without the slightest hesitation he answered, " Baby...I never wanted something more than to have this baby with you. " He affirmed touching his forehead with yours. " It'd be the greatest honor and joy of my life besides when I become your husband. And that's something you can count on." He declared.
You didn't hide the grin that took over your face at his assertion. 
" You mean it? " You asked knowing you shouldn't have but you couldn't help it.
You knew he was rolling his eyes, " Again for the thousandth time, woman. You know I wouldn't lie to you. Of course I mean it! With everything I am.
" Well good. I only ask because I know that your finally starting to get good projects that your invested in and you have career plans and I-" You began to ramble but he stopped you mid way
" Hey look at me. Look me right in my eyes when I say, " He began positioning so that your faces were only inches away from each other and the eye contact was undeniable, " You are pregnant with our baby. OUR BABY, honey. There will never...and I mean never ever ever ever," He emphasized " Be anything more important than you two! " He moved to rub at your stomach. 
There wasn't much to see really to the blind eye. But to Austin now since he was finally close enough to see and more importantly feel you, he noticed the slight change around your tummy and it made his heart swell. 
" I know you're scared and I understand that it's a scary journey for anyone. But I need you to know there is no one in the world I'd rather want to do this with. To carry our baby and raise them to be just as sharp, kind, and beautiful as their mama. You aren't going to be anything like your mother, you hear me? Because I know that fear is hurdling through you. " Austin held your chin making sure you looked just at him, " You are going to be an amazing mother because you're a amazing human being, babe. And I'll be here everyday God willing to remind you of that." 
" So, all the things I've said I need you to get that through our your pretty little head. My babies are my priority and you're going to be a phenomenal mother to our child. You got that? " He questioned needing to make sure he was making himself completely clear.
Body swirling with joy and to your surprise excitement all you could do was truthfully nod. 
On cue you felt a soft pinch administered to your thigh, " Y/N...Don't let this new pregnancy brain get you in trouble. Act like you still know what's what. " Austin warned with you knowing that even though he couldn't administer a punishment right now due to your condition right now, he would tuck the reminder in his pocket to bring out later. 
Shallowing a breath while squirming a little under his touch you replied, " Yes I got it, daddy." 
Smiling he tapped your thigh, " Good. Now give me some sugar before I get up to go and get you and our baby something to eat." He directed.
Not hesitating at his request you leaned in to place a kiss on your mans lips that almost took your breath away when you felt it become needier and needier at the way you both gently grabbed at each other and moved closer wanting to make up for the time lost that you could've been wrapped up with each other.
Quickly Austin had to remember that you were on the mend and needed to take it easy, so he pulled away making you huff and whine at the ghostly feeling of your lips not being on his. He just smiled at you pecking your cheek once more then whispering, " I love you. Y/N Y/M/N Y/L/N and soon to be baby butler." He added and you giggled, " Forever, always, and beyond." 
Grabbing his hand to interlock with your, " And we love you Austin Robert Butler..soon to be papa butler. Forever, always and beyond." 
It was around midnight now and you'd long eaten the food brought in for you. Now the two of you were back together laid up in the hospital bed. One of his hands resting on your stomach while the other was interlocked with yours as you played with his fingers.
Your head was comfortably on his chest, and his on top of your head. 
You were just about to allow yourself to go back to sleep when you felt his head leave yours and reposition so he was able to stare at your face.
Opening your eyes, you playfully frowned as you looked at Austin who all of a sudden was looking back at you with a rather large cheshire cat smile like he'd had the most wonderful thought.
" What? " You yawned. " What is it, my sweet baboo? " You tiredly continued.
He still just stared until his casually spoke, " Marry me." He said taking your face into his palm. 
You giggled sleepily, " What? "
" You heard me. Marry me? " He repeated leaning in to place a soft kiss to your lips.
When he pulled back you blushed, " I'm sorry Mr. Butler but I'm pretty sure we've been over this bit before dont'cha think? " You flashed you're ringed finger to him.
He laughed, " Of course I remember one of the best days of my life. But ztill, I want us to get married. " He said. 
Still looking at him funny you went," Aus, we are getting married what are y-"                                          
" No, honey. I mean as soon as you feel better and get back into the swing of things. I want us to get married, I don- no I can't wait any longer." He expressed rubbing your ringed hand in his.
Taken a back you blinked a little in disbelief, " B- I- Austin what about all the wedding plans we'd started with Beatrice, honey. I mean when I brought eloping up you didn't want to hear really. In fact I remember you insisting we waited." You reminded him of his apprehension to the idea when you brought it up.
Your man was nothing if not traditional in many aspects when it came to your relationship, so it was no surprise to you when he gently shot down the idea and wanted to go ahead with the  'normal pace of things'.
" Yeah that was before when I thought I could be more patient and withstand the months that go into the planning and all to give you the traditional wedding you deserve. But I can't...I need you to be my wife as soon as humanly possible, mama. " He declares. " We can still have the ceremony and everything else as planned." He assured kissing your cheek. " But the sooner your wagon is hitched to mine...the better." He sighed rubbing your shoulder.
Still puzzled your mind allowed itself to wander.
" Austin..is there something in particular that made you all of sudden want to do this...like did something happen?" You mused wondering what could have prompted this idea. 
Putting his mouth in a line Austin was tempted to tell you the truth that besides the fact he was in love with you and wanted spend the rest of his days beside you, he also wanted to marry you not only because he detested the fact that today he had jump through hoops to be granted all types of permission for things pertaining to you from other people and as your husband he would be direct next of kin in all situations, but he also couldn't lie and say that Alana words didn't ring around in his head.
He's the fiancée.
Thinking back to the whole situation he could feel himself begin to get upset and he knew that you would pick up on his slightest change in his attitude. So he instead mentally took a beat.
He figured that eventually this would be a conversation later after you were home and well.
" Just..I want you to be my wife and I don't ever want anyone to be able to say different going forward." He stated. " And that's that."
Your eyebrows scrunched in confusion as you were about to question his mutli layered statement but he stopped you by placing a kiss to your lips.
" Dont....just don't." He quietly whispered rubbing your shoulder.
Searching his face yourself you could tell by the way he tensed and the glossed over look in his eyes that silently told you that he wasn't ready to go where ever the two of you needed to go...you did just need to to leave it alone...for now.
So, instead of prying you smiled , " Alright, fine Mr. Man...when are we going to the courthouse, then." You teased going to hold his face in your hands.
Smiling back so hard you'd think his cheek bones would crack, he leaned in to place a hardy kiss to lips. When he pulled back he spoke in a accent that was all too familiar to you, " You mean when are we going Viva Las Vegas, baby." 
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zoebelladona · 4 months
HII i just wanted someone’s thoughts but do u think they’ll make/hint at thaluke in the show bc ik a lot of ppl bc thalia as lesbian and everyone hates the ship but i think it’s such a big part as to why luke does what he does??
i don't know tbh. i would love for them to actually give us some thaluke on the show but the way things are going... i'm still holding out for at least a whisper of it during luke's speech at the end when he betrays percy. everyone can ship what they want and platonic thaluke is just as valid (i would be a huge hypocrite if i said friendship is not enough for you to want to take down the gods). but i believe in the textual evidence (diary of luke castellan) that tells us luke had at least a bit of a crush on thalia (him almost dropping that poison when she kissed his cheek?? him admitting he does as she wills because he thinks her eyes are pretty?? come on). so if the show was following canon thaluke would be inevitable. or at the least it would come up in conversation that luke and thalia at one point had feelings for each other. if i trusted the show to actually make luke a consistent character instead of someone who switches from cartoonishly evil villain to misunderstood anti-hero depending on what chapter you're reading, i think we could get a narrative thread that actually paid off thalia as luke's motivation and also showed us her side of things. they would mean something to each other instead of thalia becoming a hunter of artemis and getting dropped by rick (with no confirmation on whether she's luke's achilles heel like annabeth is percy's or her not being allowed in the scene if his death). But as is... i don't trust the show to do anything, and if they do i don't trust them to do it in a satisfactory manner.
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dannystheone · 8 months
Hope it's okay to send this when your requests are closed, I just read your tickling isn't goth fic and my God that was so cute 🥺 is there any chance we could get a fic of Michael messing around with Pete only for Pete to remember Michael admitted he's ticklish so he retaliates?
Yes absolutely! So um I know what I said but
lol I had an idea I'M THE WORST
I've actually had this idea before but I wanted to wait until I could articulate it properly if that makes sense
I hope you enjoy :0
WARNINGS: cursing! mentions of satan and other imagery. also a lot of band references so if it's confusing I'm sorry lol
I'm More Goth Than YOU! (Lee Micheal/ Ler Pete)
This takes place during the 'Basic Cable' episode (Season 23 Episode 9). After finding out that Micheal has already talked to the new girl Sophie, Pete finds himself wanting to discuss a few things with his friend...
"-So we just sat around and listened to Bauhaus when System of a Down came on after that. I was like, what the fuck am I listening to, you know. And they skipped the song like when it came on and it switched to another goth band but that's when I knew they were just another poser." Micheal rambled Pete's ear off while they were watching a scary movie together.
Pete was at Micheal's house as it was the start of the weekend and October, so naturally they had to kick it off right. However, watching scary movies was a year-round activity, so tonight was a bit basic by their standards. The movie of choice was Hereditary, but they've seen it so many times that they could talk and watch at the same time and not miss any beats.
Pete was zoning out if he were being honest. He had his mind set on a girl he had talked to earlier that day. Sophie Gray. She was really pretty and she seemed really cool, not unlike anyone else that went to their school. Even though she was new and Pete didn't really know her yet, he could tell that she was different. Pete laid his cheek on his fist while he thoughtlessly said the first thing that came to mind.
"I don't mind System of a Down if I'm in the right mood," Pete said honestly. Micheal turned to Pete with a look of disgust. Pete was laying on his side on the couch with his left leg bent at the knee and his right leg laid over Micheal's thigh. Micheal pushed Pete's leg off of him and crossed his arms with a sneer on his face.
"God, that's how I know you're a fucking poser," Micheal growled. That got Pete's attention. Pete looked up from the television and set his jaw in anger.
"What did you say?" Pete asked, testing Micheal. There was no way his friend would utter something like that again to his face.
"I'm just saying that no real child of darkness would be listening to something so mainstream. I've heard cheerleaders listen to Chop Suey before." Micheal said with venom in his tone.
"Oh yeah? Then how do you know a single song from the band anyway? You're a hypocrite, Micheal. Op- foreshadowing." Pete pointed to the TV where a hidden Easter egg was shown in the movie.
"Nice catch." Micheal relaxed after that. Micheal allowed Pete to put his leg back up to rest on his thigh so it wasn't hanging off the couch. It seemed like Micheal didn't want to be caught being a poser or a conformist in any way, shape, or form. Pete wondered why that was.
"So uh... that new girl at school. Sophie Gray? Talk to her yet?" Pete tested the waters with Micheal. Sophie had revealed that Micheal had already spoken to her before Pete had, and Gods knows what Micheal was saying about the people at the school. To save his own skin, Pete threw Micheal under the bus and called him a total poser. Because let's face it, no one was more goth than Pete was.
Micheal perked up at her name. "Yeah, she's pretty cool. I offered to show her around campus sometime and she started talking about Skinny Puppy. Can you believe it? She's not a conformist dickhole like every other new kid in South Park." Micheal carded his fingers through his curly hair while Pete stared back at the TV.
"Well, too bad she already accepted my invitation to show her around the school. She even said she wanted to talk later. Guess she's only into real goths." Pete was poking the bear on that one. Micheal turned to Pete with a look of thinly veiled shock.
"What? You talked to her? No way." He asked. Pete shrugged nonchalantly with a small smirk on his face.
"Yeah. She said she's not into posers. Her words." Micheal furrowed his brows at Pete's words.
"Well, I'm not a poser!" Micheal said defensively. Pete's smile only grew as he looked over his shoulder to meet Micheal's eyes.
"Then why would she say something like that? She said she doesn't like guys who try too hard." Pete's smile could be heard in his voice. Michael gave Pete an incredulous look and grabbed onto Pete's calve resting on his thigh.
"Did she actually say that Pete?" Micheal asked. Pete threw up his shoulders and turned his attention back to the TV.
"Are... Are you lying? Pete. Answer me." Pete kept a smug little grin on his face when he felt a hand squeezing the in-between spot of his knee and his thigh. Pete let out a shocked cry as he shook off the hand.
"Ah-hah! What are you doing creeper?!" Pete yelled, fighting to take his leg back. Micheal held onto his leg in a tight grip as he defended himself.
"I want you to answer me about Sophie Gray, dork! I'm not doing this 'cause I like it! Are you lying about what you said?" Micheal pressed.
Now one thing about Pete: He was a TERRIBLE liar. He could make stuff up on the spot about a story that was already established, but coming up with stuff out of thin air under pressure? He began to stutter and jerk his leg in Micheal's grip.
"I- I don't know! It's just what she said! Why do you-" Pete and Micheal both looked at the TV at the same time. The main character had passed by another Easter egg.
"Foreshadowing." They said at the same time.
They turned back to look at each other one more time before Micheal squished the inner part of Pete's knee, creeping into his inner thigh. Pete gave an inward squeak as he began giggling and kicking his leg.
"M-Mihihicheal! Stohohop! You're a weheheirdo!" Pete struggled and snickered while squirming all over Micheal's couch. Micheal hadn't heard Pete's ticklish laugh, or any laugh for that matter, since the tickling ritual at Henrietta's place a few months back. They don't really talk about that day, and for good reason.
"What, are you gonna call me a creep next? You're so mainstream it hurts, Pete. I don't know why Sophie would choose you to hang out with. If she should be hanging out with any goth at the school it should definitely be me." Micheal admitted. Pete managed an eye-roll in the midst of his tickle attack which Micheal definitely caught.
"Sounds like you're je-hehealous! Get off mehehe!" Pete snickered with Micheal grabbing both his lower thighs and squishing into the muscle. Through sheer luck (and some determination) Pete managed to sit up in a different position on the couch and grabbed Micheal by his jacket. Their small tussle took them to the floor of the living room in a bundle of pillows and blankets.
Pete thrust a hand out while blind in the flurry of objects surrounding them and just started to squish his hand over and over. Pete didn't really know why he shot his arm out to retaliate, but something in the back of his mind told him it would work.
His intuition seemed to be right as he felt the random body part he had grabbed start to shake with laughter. Pete forced himself out of the small blanket fort that had fallen on top of them and kept squeezing the body part he had in his hand.
He had Micheal's ribs in his grip, which he held onto for dear life. Satan, Micheal was a squirmer. It was like he was being electrocuted.
"Call me mainstream again, Micheal. Do it. I dare y-" Pete egged on Micheal, but he had never seen this expression on his face before. Micheal's eyes were screwed shut as he laughed out from the small amount of squeezes Pete was administering. Had Pete landed on his death spot by accident?
"Pehehete! Gehehe- *hick!* Gehehehet ohohoff- *hick!* ahahasshole! *hick!*" The sound of Micheal's hiccupy laughter filled the living room. Pete was dumbfounded. He had no idea how to react rather than to keep squeezing. Pete shoved both his hands on either side of Micheal's ribcage and scribbled his fingers into Micheal's bony frame. Micheal burst out into a fresh peal of laughter as he tried tucking his knees into his chest for protection.
"I'm gonna put you in your grave for calling me a poser, Micheal. I should record this and show it to Sophie to prove to her that you're just a ticklish conformist. I bet she'd get a real laugh out of that one. What do you think?" Pete was sure talking big words for someone who was ticklish himself. Micheal could do nothing as his head lay on the carpeted floor and laughed out.
Micheal tried fighting Pete's hands back, but that just raised his arm up and out of the way. Pete took the opportunity and shoved his hand into Micheal's armpit and simply moved his fingers in the space before Micheal snorted and squirmed underneath his friend.
"Gohohohod! Yohohohou- *hick!* yohohohou suhuhuhuhuck! *hick!* Screhehehew ohohohohoff! *hick!*" Despite his words, Pete had it hard taking Micheal seriously, seeing as he had a huge grin on his face and giggled out all of his threatening words. It didn't deter Pete of course, he's heard this all before.
"What did you say? You said I suck? You calling me a vamp kid now, Micheal?" Pete tossed his hair out of his eyes just as Micheal had managed to flip himself onto his belly and started clawing himself away from the situation. Pete launched into action as he grabbed his friend's right arm and barred it into his back.
"L-Let go of me! Sophie Gray knows I'm more goth than you, conformist! This is pointless!" Micheal shouted. Pete let out a disgusted groan as he jammed his fingers into Micheal's side, just underneath his lowest rib. If Pete thought he found Micheal's death spot before, he was dead wrong. Micheal immediately started fighting him and trying to hold back his immense giggles.
"Stahahahap! *hick!* Yohohou're fuhuhucking lahahame- *hick!* Pehehehete!" Micheal's face buried into the carpet of the living room while his shoulders jumped with laughter. Pete was a little shocked for words at how well he was taking control of the situation.
"Oh yeah, I'm lame, Micheal? I'm not the one laughing like a preppy straight-A cheerleader right now. If only Sophie were here, she could see how much of a princess you actually are." Pete had no idea where these fighting words were coming from, especially directed at someone who's always been more commonly revered among the goths AND older than him. Micheal struggled at that last remark but crumbled when he felt Pete finding the divet in his side. That was the spot right there.
"Fuhuhuhuck ohohohohoff! Yohohou- *hick!* Yohohohou're thehehe wohohohohorst! *hick!* Micheal tried lying on the side that was being tickled and swung with his free arm, but Pete was quick to grab the arm and stuff it by the other one and kept both his wrists behind his back in a vice grip. Now Pete alternated between tickling one side and switching to the other randomly.
That was cause for disaster. The randomness of the tickles in Micheal's worst spot kept him laughing as his brain was surprised at every turn where Pete would strike next. Not to mention with his increased laughter, his hiccups increased as well.
Pete could feel Micheal's legs bending at the knee and shooting out behind him over and over again as he sat on his hips. He felt all of his struggling underneath him, but his laugh was what intrigued him most. It was hiccupy yes but it was deeper than his speaking voice, and it had the same rasp to it. It would be more of a romantic laugh if it wasn't infested by those goofy hiccups.
"How much more of this do you wanna take, Micheal? You know what you have to say to get out of this. You have to say you're sorry for calling me a poser, you have to say I'm more goth than you, and you have to say Sophie Gray would prefer me over you showing her around the school cause you're a goddamn dorky ticklish conformist." Pete laid all this out while Micheal immediately started shaking his head.
"Nohohoho wahahahay!! I cahahahan't! *hick!* Ihihihihit's- *hick!* Ihihihihit's toohohohoo muhuhuhuch! *hick!*" Micheal's voice was getting weaker, maybe since he'd gotten tickled a lot longer than Pete was tickled just a moment ago. Pete decided to give Micheal a little boost. Pete let go of Micheal's hands behind his back just for Pete to grab both of his sides and scratch his blunt nails through the thin material of his blouse. Micheal let out a surprised noise as he fell back onto the carpet with his eyes screwed shut in laughter.
"Then I guess we'll stay here a while, Micheal. Say hi to Cthulu for me when you cross into the Ether." Pete flipped his hair out of his eyes while he watched Micheal manage a quick bird-flipping motion with his right hand. Pete groaned audibly as he shoved his fingers into Micheal's armpit, which made Micheal laugh hard.
"Just say you like it-" Pete was about to say before his phone chirped a notification sound. Pete looked back at his phone and decided to give Michael a break. Pete unlatched himself from Micheal's hips as he walked on his knees to read the notification. With Micheal's freedom, Micheal rolled onto his back and gulped in greedy amounts of air with a hand over his beating heart.
"You're a fucking dickhole, Pete... I swear to-" Micheal started, but Pete interrupted him.
"Oh shit. Sophie just invited me to her house. She said she wants to watch something." Pete looked over to Micheal, who was sitting up with a pained expression on his face. It was then that Micheal's phone chirped as well. Micheal pulled his phone out of his pocket and read out the message he received.
"I got an invitation too," Micheal said simply.
"What should we do?" Pete asked. Micheal started typing and sent back a message.
"I asked her what we'll watch," Micheal replied. Pete nodded and flipped his hair out of his eyes before sending the same question to Sophie.
A moment passed before both of their phones chirped at the same time.
"Mandalorian?" They both said out loud in an equally disgusted tone.
"She has a Disney Plus account?" Pete asked.
"Fucking conformist," Micheal said, displeased.
"Nope." Pete and Micheal said in unison before shutting down her invitation.
"Welp, so much for that. What should we do now?" It was then that the main character screamed from the television, grabbing both Micheal and Pete's attention.
Pete and Micheal decided to make up and spend the rest of the night watching cheesy horror movies. None of what they said they actually meant, and they really felt that way. Besides, no way a conformist could actually change the way two REAL goths thought about each other.
Pete did have some interesting stories to tell the rest of the group while Micheal wasn't around, however...
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