#also b4 anyone comes for me I know people are mostly saying this as a joke. but it's a bad joke and you should stop
celebrate-lesbianism · 3 months
"Ugh I'm a lesbian but [INSERT GENERIC MAN CELEBRITY] tho 😩👌🏻"
Absolutely the fuck not. No, not even Timothy Chalet or that guy who plays Lip in Shameless. They're all ugly and I'm not pretending otherwise.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I saw this and had to reply! Ok so i feel like there is so many things we as I-army are not taking into consideration.
1: Reason For Tae’s Actions: Now it may seem very unlikely to us I-Army but it is possible that Tae really has no alterior motives with his recent Jk name dropping! It is very possible that he is just very excited about the fact that he finally gets to spend good quality time with Jk after they grew apart some years ago! Nothing he has ever said has in anyway implied he and Jk could be more than friends to anyone who is reasonable! Compare the things Tae says about Jk and the things Jimin use to say about Jk. Very different! Tae will tell us stuff like he was playing games with Jk, or that him Jk and some friends had a drink or that he was supposed to travel with Jk etc! Think about it. Are those not the same things you will tell people about you and your besty’s activities? Tkkrs are the ones who like to read alot into every little thing! Tae tells us Jk recommended a song to him, Tkkrs go listen to the song, analyze the hell out of the lyrics and say that was TK coming out! How is that Tae’s fault? Now for Jimin, Jimin told us Jk hugs him to sleep, He promised to go to the moon with Jk, “hyungs may think Jk is only a donsaeng to me”, “we haven’t showered yet”, Jk comes to my room 3 times a day, i want to go on a date with Jk, i want to go to the beach with Jk holding hands, Jk showers for 50 mins, Jimin also explains Jk sleeping habits saying things like “he starts by opening his mouth like this, then he goes like thisss, then be does thissss” Jk give me a kiss etc! Do you see the difference? Everything Tae says is withing friend/ besty levels but Jimin actually says alot of things which don’t need any analysis! The only reason some Jkkrs are upset about Tae’s name dropping is not because he actually says anything that implies him and Jk are more than friends, it is just because by constantly name dropping Jk, that gets the cult riled up an they start coming up with their ridiculous theories!
2:They might not be as aware as we think: Also, it is very possible that these boys are just not aware of how bad things are on the I-army side! Why do i see this? Now go watch the TK vlive from 2020, the carnation Live, on that Live, Jk sees Taekook and he yells out “Taekook” excitedly and then Tae goes Taekook? Looking a lil confused and then Jk tells him “they say we are Taekook”! Now they coined this names themselves years ago, but we had actually never heard them refer to themselves as Taekook b4 this live, so u might ask “if they made the name, why did it look like they couldn’t remember it? Well that is what is seemed like! Tae was clearly confused about the name so Jk had to tell him “they said we are Taekook” when he could have said “don’t you remember our name Taekook”? See the difference? It’s possible that they had forgotten because I don’t see why they would have reacted like that if they really remembered the name! So from this, i think they may know that their ship is the biggest in the world but they just don’t how bad things are on this side! Their SM might be curated to viewing and interacting with mostly korean and maybe Japanese fans! Jikook is the biggest ship in Korea, reason why they have Jikook themed restaurants or cafe’s in many places but you wouldn’t find a single Taekook themed Cafe, there are ofcourse Tkkrs in Korea but they don’t ship them as lovers, not after Tae’s get out of ur imagination anyway! It is just pple who love their bond and friendship but Jikook is what most koreans know. There is no way Jk will be fully aware of all the hate that Jimin gets because of TK and not do anything about it! No way! Even Tae, there is no way he will be aware of all the chaos his name dropping does and still continues! Tae is mysterious but I don’t think he is an evil person cuz only a truly evil person will do that!
3: Like Shaz said, perception: TK are just not perceived as a couple by a majority of koreans! There is literally NOTHING they do that could make koreans perceive them as such! They have hung out alot lately yes, but how does that make them a couple? Friends hang out alot! Jikook have hung out alot alone and with others, spent alot of couple holidays and holidays in general together, spent birthdays together, worn matching outfits on couple holidays, their tones with eo, their mannerisms with eo, them being spotted together alone eating at odd times of the night, etc! So when you compare the two, u see that TK really don’t do anything that could make koreans percieve them as a couple! Just Jk sitting in the comfort of his home and doing a Jimin centered Live thew K-army’s into a frenzy! That says alot!! Even the Jk is Taehyung’s wife Joke you said you saw on TV is just that, a joke! At the premiere Jk did look like Tae’s wife, with his hair and shyness and all😂😂. It’s the same way back in the day, koreans used to call Jimin Jk’s mom because of the way Jimin took care of Jk like a mother takes care of her child! Did that mean Jimin was actually Jk’s mom? NO!
So Tae and Jk being themselves is not in anyway calling for any attention on them because Koreans know and understand their relationship! Also even though you don’t want to hear it anon, TK can hang out as much as they want without fear cuz there is NOTHING to hide! Absolutely nothing! The government can dig all they want, sasaengs can dig all they want but they won’t find anything incriminating!
Now this might be an unpopular opinion but i still think i should mention it! I don’t really think Jikook are laying low because of the military! I really don’t! I don’t think they are laying low at all! This is just jikook in hibernation of sorts! It was different before because we always had content but not now! If they were laying low, Jk wouldn’t have done that Jimin centered live, if they were laying low, Jimin wouldn’t have hugged Jk like that in that BTB they just wouldn’t! Jk wouldn’t have replied to Jimin’s “I Miss U” on weverse and he definitely wouldn’t have spammed Jimin’s live with all the comments! When u think of these, u see that claiming that they are laying low doesn’t make sense! This is jikook in a state we haven’t seen b4 cuz we always had content! It’s different, unfamiliar and strange but it is them! Jimin doesn’t really seem to be hanging out with anyone these days! Seems he is getting his most deserved rest after working hard for 10 months on his album! It is also possible that he is still a lil busy with work we have no idea about! We all had no clue abt Angel part 1, and we don’t know what else he may be working on! Jk on the other hand is in his going out phase! He shouldn’t lock himself in just because Jimin doesn’t want to or isn’t able to hang out, thats not how healthy relationships work! He can hang out with other pple as much as he likes to and then go back home to Jimin or meet him when he can!
If anyone has really paid attention, JM and Jk together have never really been the two who like going out alot! Over the years we have seen them out a few time but lets be honest, where? We saw them on the streets walking, waiting for a taxi, at the train station, at the movies, ice skating etc, and they told us they both prefer to chill at home and Jimin really hasn’t been in his hanging out streak for the longest time! We have only seen him out when he absolutely needed to be, maybe for like supporting his friends or loved ones, or for work! Unlike Tae, Jimin really hasn’t just gone out with friends for bowling, musicals, concerts,ice skating in a good while! Its been way too long he did stuff like that and i think we forget this sometimes! Also, if u were Jimin and Jk, I would u rather hang indoors where u can be free to do what u want or would u rather spend all ur time out where u can’t really be urselves? Think about it! Jikook have always been home bodies, they used to spend alot of time in eo rooms or they go out to little discreet restaurants to eat or drink! That’s it! Tae is more the flamboyant onw who likes winning and dinning out but Jimin prefers the more simple places! So i really don’t think they are laying low! They are being more cautious for sure, especially with all the stalking going on especially with Jk but I wouldn’t say they are laying low!
You've made alot of sense anon, i'm not gonna lie. Let me first quickly applaude that.
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Especially in terms of Vminkook and the fact that they may be missing the I-army hate train. While we dk if that's truly the case, I can admit that its highly possible.
Now, here is why I think they're laying low and how I think it might be partly because they were told to and partly because they also agree to some extent.
First of all, its established JK doesn't like when the company tells him what to do. Right? Clearly they're supposed to go live only after its been approved and JK is not supposed to drink when live and he does both those things. Then more or less says "what are they gonna do, fire me?" Then we have the GCFs. Say what u may but JK stopped doing them because he lost the passion for it along the way. And the reason this happened was because his GCFs turned into work. Suddenly BH was using him to promote summer packages, their trips, etc. Basically BH took over, it started feeling like work, it needed to be approved so JK couldn't even do what he wanted, and so I think he just said "fuck it." And stopped. I'm not speculating btw he said it himself
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Then we have Jimin who used to be the king of twitter. Most active member and who did he used to post the most? His bae.
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And the bigger they got, the more attention it ganerned and suddenly Jimin just stopped. When they were young Jimin said what he looks for in a girlfriend, is someone who loves taking selfies because he loves taking selfies. He said his future girlfriend must be willing to take lots of photos. And which member does he have hundreds of photos with? That's right. JK. So for him to just stop doesn't make sense to me. So I think he was told to tone it down or stop posting JK so much and so he was also like "fuck it. If I can't post what I want then I ain't posting, period."
What I'm I getting at? I think the company may have asked them to lay low.
Why do I think they're laying low? Because if they weren't they would be back to sharing cars and being spotted everywhere and they wouldn't be going out to eat at midnight and they would just be as loud as they were in the past. Yes, the invasion of privacy does also have alot to do with it. Someone stealing Jimin's mail is no small thing. They were after something. There's always someone after something. So Jikook have to be even more careful now because if anything gets discovered things won't be good for them inside.
"But Shaz, JK did a Jimin live" "But they've been commenting on each other's lives" I hear you. I do. But a) we've established JK will do what JK wants and b) Maybe sometimes they get tired of hiding and decide to be defiant a little bit. Who knows? It must suck to go from showing the world what u mean to each other to doing essentially nothing. Like 100 to 0, there was no in between. I can't see them being happy about this. Even if they agree its for their own good.
They each have their own places but I wouldn't be surprised if they're not living together 24/7 like in the past. I would bank on that actually.
Guys, you'll remember this in 2025 when they go back to normal and this isn't the case anymore. I'm telling you.
Y'all have already noticed there's specific pairings that are being pushed by the company. I keep going back to the Busan ad which btw has 105M views. Fucking hell
But how is it not strange to y'all that they used Suga and not JK? BH had to problem pairing Jikook in the past. Heck, they loved to capitalise on their chemistry. But when it comes to promoting Busan they use Yoonmin? Really? Instead of the two members who are actually from Busan? Make it make sense
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Same people who did this
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Suddenly don't wanna use the Busan boys to do a Busan ad. Yeah... okay.
Anon, we can agree to disagree on the laying low thing. But something smells fishy to me.
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
Saw a post I take major exception too and something something don't tell people it's ableist to "find the way people flirt creepy" if the "creepy" person is autistic. like yeah sometimes it's ableist but sometimes. and hear me out. people can be both autistic and creepy.
and this post is like 'well I don't know anyone who's autistic who hasn't been excluded from queer/leftist spaces for alleged creepiness' and like a) I do! Many! and b) I also know many people (mostly but not exclusively straight men) who use autism as a cover for the fact that they are Deeply Fucking Creepy. and I do not. like. that you are making it seem like those are the same thing bc most autistic people I know have a deep and abiding fear of being SEEN as creepy when most of them are not. coming across that way. and meanwhile there's a whole bunch of people being like 'I'm autistic so I can't understand what you mean when you explicitly ask me to back off, stop making sexual comments towards you, stop touching you or let you leave' which is. bullshit. autistic people absolutely can understand the concept of "no" you just don't WANT to.
what I'm saying is. maybe think really hard b4 making a post that's like 'it's Bad and Ableist to be uncomfortable with how someone flirts with you/touches you/talks about you' bc when it comes to Being Uncomfortable With How You Are Being Treated it is very much not the time for sweeping statements about how you should feel bad about your discomfort.
source btw: I am autistic and I've also had a lot of very shitty traumatic experiences with people who think autism is a get out of jail free card for bad behaviour up to and including violent sexual assault.
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darkisrising · 3 years
81 and 14 for din/boba/luke?
Hello anon! Sorry for the delay! As requested, here's a little trope mash-up for you, I hope you like it! Thanks for playing :-) Prompt: Bobadinluke 81. The Missus and the Ex 14. Bodyguard AU
Death threats start piling up for Leia, though it isn’t a surprise. Not with a senatorial campaign announced and the Organa name back in the news for the first time since “The Incident."
"The Incident" which had somehow, indelibly, publicly linked the Organa name with a Skywalker secret twin. "The Incident" which had ended with Leia’s then-boyfriend, now-husband knocking— throwing? depending on what conspiratorial corners of the internet you frequent and what angle of the cell footage you’re partial to linking to— Luke’s then-boyfriend into a thirty-foot pit.
The boyfriend had lived, but it was a near thing, or so Din had been told. Their relationship hadn’t lasted much longer after that.
“But now there’s you,” Luke said one time when the subject had come up. Crawling into Din’s lap, wrapping his arms around Din’s neck, he'd smiled. “Just don’t go around uncovered pits with Han and you should be fine.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Din rumbled between kisses as he’d splayed Luke’s lower back with one palm and pulled him in closer.
Since Din stays away from both the news and social media religiously, he'd mostly put the ex and the pit out of his mind after that. Life went on. He and Luke get serious, and then after six months of fitting their lives around each other— weekend lunches at the garage where Din eats with greased-up overalls while Luke steals his fries, morning coffees sipped together as a bleary Luke collects his spill of graded papers from the kitchen table— they get serious.
Din buys a ring and Luke cries with happiness. They pick a date— after the election, but before the new school year starts up again— and after that the biggest drama is whether the dry cleaner will find Din’s lost suit before Leia’s fundraising dinner or whether he’ll be forced to buy a new one.
That is until the day Din goes to grab the mail expecting bills and finds instead a note that's been painstakingly assembled with tiny magazine letters to read: “YouLL b DeAd B4 yOuR iN THe piT skYwLkR.”
For Din’s money, he’s betting it’s the ex. Luke doesn’t agree.
“How can you be sure?”
“For one thing, Boba knows the difference between possessive your and you-are you’re.” Luke smirks, amused, and it’s like he isn’t even worried about threatening letters being sent to their home. “I’m sure it’s the same person harassing Leia. Now that everyone knows I’m her brother, it’s probably connected.”
“Hm,” Din says, unconvinced, and Luke takes his hand between both of his and gives it a squeeze.
“But if it’ll make you feel better I can ask around. Find out what Boba’s up to these days. If I hear he’s got photos of me all over his walls with the eyes cut out or something we can start to worry.”
Which is how it happens that Din comes down the stairs in his new, sharp-edged suit, as ready as he can be for this fundraiser of Leia’s, to find a very large, scarred, bald man in their living room. A very large, scarred, bald man that is also wearing a suit, and Luke smiles over at Din, nice and sunny and says “You look amazing,” before introducing him to Boba.
They shake their greeting and Din half expects the ex to try some kind of macho, dominance move and squeeze the shit out of his hand but he doesn’t. His brown eyes take in Din with an open, frank assessment and when Boba says “Good to meet you,” they both know he’s lying.
“Boba’s got a bodyguarding business now!”
“Personal protective services. But, yeah, amounts to the same thing.” The smile he throws over his shoulder to Luke is unbearably fond and Din, who has never once had a possessive or jealous thought about a lover in his life, feels his hands curl into fists at his side. “When I heard about the death threats I offered my professional services.”
“Death threat. Singular,” Din finds himself correcting, even though up until this moment he’d been the one complaining that Luke wasn’t taking it seriously enough. “That’s kind of you but I’m sure you have more important people to—”
“More important than Sunshine? Nah,” he says and Luke beams, as devastatingly bright as his ex’s nickname for him and Din frowns. “Anyway, I thought I’d tag along at this fundraiser, see if anyone suspicious shows.”
“I’m sure all you’ll find there is dry chicken and even drier politicians, but I know Din will be glad to know there’s someone keeping an eye on me.”
“Oh, I won’t take my eyes off you all night,” Boba assures, and yet he’s looking at Din when he says it. “Especially in this suit. You look good, Sunshine.”
“And you don’t look so bad yourself.” Luke doesn’t sound like he’s flirting. He sounds exactly like he’s talking to Han or Leia or anyone else that he’d rather die than make a pass at, and yet Din can’t help but read more into that friendly, bantering tone. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a suit before.”
Boba snorts. “This suit? It’s so old it might have belonged to my father.”
“Well you wear it well,” Luke says and then turns to Din. “Ready to go?”
“Yeah,” Din says and he lets Luke take his hand and lead him out to the car.
He’s all-too aware of Boba’s steady, dark eyes on them as they walk on ahead, and Din’s now not sure he’s the one sending death threats, but he is sure of one thing: if Boba’s not planning on killing Luke, he’s planning on fucking him.
Either way, Din’s going to have to stay vigilant since it’s becoming clear that, when it comes down to it, Luke has a blind spot the size of Boba-fucking-Fett on his radar.
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handonhaven · 3 years
P.s. Bad/broken English cause am from the Caribbean, hope you maybe can understand some parts 🙃..
1. Everyday I fight for my spot in heaven when it comes to the legacies fandom, The timeline on Twitter been going wild since week and going worst since they posted that hope poster last night and I can tell you with the hardcore hate us handon's been getting the handon nation never fail's to entertain the heck outta me been laughing from last night till this minute😂😂😂😂😭😭. The handon's and hosie's in arguments, the hizzie and hosie's been arguing but like the fun part is watching the handon's and Hizzie's arguing with the hoise's the time line been killing me since Monday😂😂😂 sorry if I sound toxic😭 am deadass just tired of the hosie's it's always the hosie's, all grown ass adults hosie stans a agrue over ship Pon Twitter and them suppose to be the one to set examples me cah bada😂😂😭...
2. The hosie's talking about hope doesn't have any storyline out of Landon and this season is deadass about hope she finally getting the spotlight and the hosie's still complaining about hope not having a storyline all because of the hope poster 🤦🤦 and if the hope poster did have a Josie saying on it I know for a damn fact the hosie's would be rubbing it in every other ships fans faces 🙄🙄..... We been wanting Landon's own storyline for so fcking long and now maybe we getting it (if the writers actually makes the effort🙄) Dani did say hope and Landon gonna figure them self outside of there realtionship, assuming that's b4 the pause is up.. and that's exactly what there doing hope as a storyline and Landon as a storyline ( although they making Landon storyline about other people except him) a can't bother 🤦..
3. I stuggle with my emotions and am trying to break my attachment with legacies and mostly handon Everytime I try to come out of the handon fandom and legacies fandom because of the toxicity cause its not good for my mental health some how am right back to where I started and can't get out.. the handon fandom is So entertaining deadass😂😂😭.....
Jesus this long asf am sorry 😭😭😭...
It’s all good, your English is totally fine! I don’t have a twitter but will look around sometimes so I’ve seen some of it and it has indeed been ridiculous. I just can’t believe that people are absolutely losing their minds over a poster with a little quote. Though I can’t deny it can be quite entertaining to see. 😂 You don’t sound toxic, sometimes with this fandom you just have to laugh because of the kind of behavior that goes on. And yeah, it’s always the H*sies, which I feel is a lot of kids as well, but it’s sad that there are so many adults too. Hard to believe the way they act, and over a ship that’s not even real in the show.
Oh yeah, it seems that’s all anyone can talk about, Hope’s whole story “revolving around Landon,” even though Hope is literally getting her own storyline right now. But exactly, they’re still complaining because of a poster rather than focusing on what’s happening in the show. Even though it looks like they’re reusing stuff from s3 promo (why they’re doing basically no promo for s4, who knows) and the quote is also technically from what was originally part of s3 too. And I love seeing new matching Handon posters and love how they sort of hinted at the connection between Hope’s humanity and Landon with the caption and that poster, but overall, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal? At least not to the extent that people are making it. And it’s not like this is the first and only Hope poster, we did get the first poster for this season with just Hope that had no relation to Landon. And Handon is the main couple of the show, so just because they continue to show that with some of the promo material doesn’t mean everything about Hope revolves around Landon. No one was complaining when Landon’s quote on his poster was about Hope (I know it’s because they don’t care because they hate him, but just saying). There’s nothing wrong with them showing that their love story is still a big part of the show and their characters. And they can still have their own storylines outside of that. Which is what we are now seeing (hopefully with Landon too).
And exactly, just imagine the reaction if Hope’s poster had a quote about Josie, we’d never hear the end of it. I just think it’s ironic how they complain about Hope and her storyline revolving around Landon when they make everything having to do with Hope about Josie and vice versa. I mean, they even want a no humanity Hope and dark Josie team up, which would take away from Hope’s own storyline that they’ve supposedly waited so long for? Such hypocrites...
And so true, I’m really hoping we’re gonna finally get Landon’s own storyline, we’ve gone an entire season without seeing any of his storyline. So let’s hope the writers will give it to us and actually treat him like a character rather than a plot device. And I hope Danielle was right as well about both Hope and Landon figuring things out about themselves, it could be really interesting. They better not continue to make Landon’s storyline about other people like they did all last season and last episode, I can’t take it anymore. But even with Hope and Landon’s own separate storylines, their love for each other is still a huge part of their characters and who they are, the show can’t just forget that, no matter how badly the antis want them to.
And I totally get that, I often feel like I have to distance myself from this show and the fandom because it’s not good for my mental health either. The show is basically always disappointing to me these days and the fandom is so toxic, but I love Hope and Landon so much that it’s hard to distance myself the way I know I should. 😭 And yeah, the fact that it can also be very entertaining to see what goes on in the fandom doesn’t help, haha.
But no worries, this response obviously got long as well. 😂
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retroellie · 3 years
requesting more joel x daughter!reader content (bc honestly the fact that this pixel man isn't my father is so upsetting 💔) anyways, headcanon/imagine about joel having a daughter who is also immune, maybe she got bit when she was little and joel was just like 😧 and wanted to wait it out until she turned b4 he did anything but then she just... never turned + him saving her and ellie from the hospital <333
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Summary: Joel’s daughter!reader is immune headcannons 
A/N: Thank you for this muah<3 I love me some daddy joel, i want this man to adopt me. I wanted to make this into a imagine but i’m too lazy and i have like 6 other request i’m making imagines for lmao. Anyways enjoy babie muah muah:) 
Warnings: None 
Word count: 1.3K 
-You were 10 when you got bit 
-You were terrified,  you knew nothing but the fact you would turn into those monsters 
-You dad had been smuggling something and you went with him, you guys were met with a hoard of runners 
-One of them tackled your little body to the ground, you felt the bite too 
-The pain rushed through your body, when you felt it you knew what had happened
-”Daddy....” You whined, fear causing you too shake 
-Joel froze, not knowing what to do 
-Flashbacks of sarah and every single infected he had killed crossed his mind 
-He ran over to you, grabbing your arm to see the bite mark 
-This was actually happening and you were gonna turn, his baby girl was actually going to turn into one of those monsters 
-”God damn it” he yelled, throwing his weapon down 
-That caused you too cry more, your dad never lost his temper like that 
- He noticed how scared you were, your tears streaked your little face 
-”Hey, hey. Baby it’s okay.” He wrapped his arms around you, rubbing your back in tiny circles 
-”It’s gonna be okay, daddy’s here.” 
-You guys waited there for three days, cuddled up together because joel didn’t want you to die feeling unloved or scared 
- When you didn’t turn, joel just thought the runner didn’t bite hard enough or maybe something to do with how young you were
-He didn’t care what had happened, he just knew you were alive and with him still 
-When you went back to the QZ, you were bound to the small apartment you shared with your parents 
-Joel was cautious and if the Freda officers found out you would be killed, he couldn’t take that chance 
-When you were allowed out of the apartment, you had rules to follow 
-Long sleeve shirts, don’t tell anyone and most importantly don’t bring attention to yourself 
-When joel was told he would be smuggling ellie (let's say he knew she was immune.) he tried to decline the offer, scared maybe they would want something to do with you too 
-You pulled him to the side, just to tell him how stupid he was being 
-”Dad, she is the cure and if i go... it doubles the chances of finding a cure.” 
-”Absolutely not, we’ve heard that so many times. There is no cure, it will only bring attention to us.” 
-”Or maybe it will help me figure out why the hell I haven't turned. Dad, i can’t live my life like a hermit, i could really help find a cure.” 
-He gave in, mostly because your mom wanted her guns 
-The entire time you were trying to get to the state building, ellie was telling you all about how she’s never met someone else who was immune 
-As much as it annoyed you, you let her talk. You knew how hard it was to hide especially when you were a literal medical miracle
-When your mom got bit, that only encouraged you more. You would do anything for the cure 
-The entire trip you fueled by the thought of the cure, that you were going to live to see the day where little girls won’t lose their mothers in front of them like you did 
-You and ellie got closer throughout the trip, opening up to her about how you felt about the cure and your dreams for when there is a cure 
-”I want to take a RV or a bus and just travel the world. No worries, no infection, just me and my dad.” 
-”He’s such a grouch, you really wanna travel the world with him.” She joked
-”You get used to him.” You joked back
-You always asked joel what they would do, would they take blood? Would they take limbs? Would they have to open your skull? Would it hurt? 
-He just told you they would do some quick test and you would be able to come back home 
-Boy were your wrong 
-When you got to the fireflies, you woke up in  a bright room, completely separated from ellie and joel 
-You were in a hospital bed, hooked to a IV. You were scared, it felt like the day you had got bitten all over again 
-”Where's my dad? I wanna see my dad.” 
-”You’ll see him after the procedure” The nurse said, something in her voice made you think you weren’t going to see him after 
-You felt really uneasy, you weren’t ever really separated from your dad ever so this was terrifying 
-You tried to just trust him, you tried to just focus on the fact there will be a cure. You would be in history books, with Ellie and your dad. You will tell your mom's story as well, she won’t be forgotten 
-When you heard gunshots, your heart skipped a beat. Than your dad busted through the door, scaring you even more 
-”Dad, what's going on?” 
-”We’re leaving, come on. We gotta go get ellie.” 
-You didn’t ask any questions, too scared to question really anything 
-When you got to ellie, you saw what was happening. She was knocked out, by the looks of it they weren’t expecting her to wake back up 
-”You don’t have to do this, think about the lives we’ll save.” 
-”Y/n, go get ellie.” 
-You did as you were told, taking out all the IVs and all the medical things hooked to her 
-”It’s okay ellie, we’re gonna get out of here.” You whispered 
-You guys didn’t hesitate in getting the hell out of there, running to the car garage 
-You were met with Marlene  when trying to escape
-”Y/n, you know how bad it is out there. You could make a difference, it won’t hurt. You’ll be reunited with your mother... with sarah.” 
-That last sentence made you sick, you shouldn’t be here... you just wanna go back to Boston 
-You weren’t the only one who reacted to this statement, your dad gripped his gun so tightly. You knew what was gonna happen next 
-”Y/n, Take Ellie to the car.” 
-”But da..” 
-You did what you were told, gripping on to Ellie with all your might. She was still knocked out, so getting her to the car was hard. But you did it 
-You laid her in the backseat, brushing some hair out of her face. You wished they knocked you out beforehand, maybe this would be a lot easier 
-”We’re gonna be okay.” You reassured yourself more than you did her
-You sat in the car for a minute waiting for your dad to come, you started thinking he got caught especially since you heard a gunshot 
-You couldn’t help the tears flooding your eyes, You were so scared, you almost died and you weren’t sure your dad was gonna come back. it was just you and ellie 
-You reached behind the seat, grabbing onto ellies hand. Than you head another gunshot, this one making you sob out
-The car ride was quiet, you didn’t know what to say or if you should say anything. Did you even want to relive that? 
-”I have a feeling they weren’t just gonna do surgery” You finally said 
-”They told me finding the cure... would kill you two.” 
-You heart sunk, you didn’t want to die as selfish as it sounds. You were raised a survivor, you did anything to survive and if that meant killing a whole hospital full of people, you would do it 
-Did you feel guilty? A bit but you didn’t even know if it would even work, why take that chance 
-”You can’t tell ellie. She’s not like you, she won’t understand.”
-You nodded, agreeing to not tell her 
-”Why don’t you get some sleep kiddo, you’ve had a long day.” 
-”Okay, I love you dad..” 
-”I love you too baby girl”
(Credits to gif owner)
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seoafin · 3 years
oo yeah, the stark differences in eng fics on ao3 and those that i’ve read in websites like pixiv/ weibo/ lofter/ typesetters is a high-context asian subtle/implicit intimacy vs low-context western loud/explicit intimacy (1)
tho ,, i think the setting (character + environment + time) and the prompt (au? canon? romance? slice of life? epic?) play into it. i think the differences that exist between portrayals of intimacy by east asian authors and by western authors largely stem from cultural philosophy, which could make some things jarring to those unfamiliar with either
tbh i'm the type of person who, when reading lit abt supposedly asian characters, would appreciate the story more if it was also true to the characters' culture, and so i'd also like to see them experience and understand love the same way asians experience and understand love. but that's just me (i know there are diaspora who like to see other things), and that's also for a concept that's more for peaceful romance/character-centric settings. it’d be a different case if the story is plot-driven, or historical, or apocalyptic
i personally prefer the nuance of intimacy in pieces by east asians bc that's what i like to see and what i'm familiar with. but either way, i don't mind the differences exist. it just means that there's a variety to all of our experiences. as long as it's written into the narrative in an organic manner, it will still feel like a love i can appreciate, whether romantic or platonic or anything in between.
the whiplash was intense when i opened a fic bc i was curious or bored (or both rly) and then boom, untagged daddy kink. SHSHS it makes me giggle sumtimes, since he’s a jpnese character, when it comes to gojou, bc personally i just can't imagine him calling anyone any kind of petname unless it means to fuck with them,,, like, for eg, in stsg fic i just can't vibe with gojou calling suguru anything but his name, but that's just me and largely the way i interpret their characters, and it's just nice to know that all the authors of jp/cn/kr fic i've read before feel the same way more or less ,, but that's it HSJJSJS if someone else decides they want gojou calling suguru this or that, then that's like, alright. that's what they want to write and see, yk, and there's nothing wrong with that, i'll just swerve respectfully lmao
also for pdas,, i think it definitely depends on the age of the couple and the setting
like, if they're a campus couple, pda is pretty common. handholding, picking each other up from class, study dates in the library/courtyard/cafe, going to drinking parties together, that sort of thing.
the most common petname i've heard cn campus couples use is "baobao/baobei" (寶寶/寶貝), which means precious/baby/darling. for jp couples, tbrh i've never heard anything ,, my friends and cousins don't use petnames either
honestly,,, if u're cn/jp and u're dating someone ur age or younger, u'd probs call them by their given name or a nickname with an affectionate prefix/suffix (小,阿,兒 etc or the norm ちゃん, くん, さん, 先輩/ 輩先 suffix) and ig u could call that a petname. if u're dating someone older than u, then u'd call them (insert name)-san or senpai/jie/ge if u and they want, and that would show how close u are. some ppl date and call each other by their full names, too, and even with honourifics. and some ppl use just their partner's given names.
for kr,, idk much but i think it’s usually 이,야,아 etc and noona/oppa/unni/hyung ????
for older couples, like married couples or people who are working, pda tends to lean towards petnames. "sweetheart", "honey", "wife/husband", that sort of thing. if they're parents, they'd probably call each other "dad", "mum" (I NEVER HEARD MY OWN PARENTS NAME LEAVING THEIR LIPS WHEN THEY ADDRESS THE OTHER)
but if its pda like,, making out in public, i don't think it's very common. i've never seen it shhsjsjs (arm holding can be rewarded with a stink eye from the conservatives elderly (mostly), from where i came from)
in fic, it's abt the same, which means it would depend on the age/setting/couple's preference with the addition of the author's preference which just,,, uh shows , ig
but then again,, pls cmiiw if anyone else knows more
altho i’m a “respect is earned” type of person ,, when it comes to (conservative) elders, it will just fly out of the window,,, the repercussions....just no 🥰 some of them are so fucking petty and are hellbent to teach u a lesson, its actually embarassing
back when the yo mama jokes were still popular and 24/7 circulating in the internet,, me and some friends were 😃😃 like yall can say this and get away with it? when daylight arrive after i crack this kind of joke in front of my relatives, my mom is done scheduling for my cremation date
even if i dont intend it to mean disrespect in some convos,, the damage is done and my parents would straight up be like : “wtf did u just say? try repeating it once more and lets see if u can still sleep under a roof today.” either that or they’ll smack me before saying it ,, whichever could come first depending on their mood 🥴
my relatives wont ever missed if i ever forgot to address them when we meet or during a phonecall by a simple “uncle/ aunt/ grandfather/ grandmother” (usually my grandfather is the one so uptight abt it 💀) and it will end up into a short lecture abt “young kids these days..../ u havent forgot to eat yet u forgot what respect is?/ ur parents are fine ppl but what happen to u”
cue my mother glaring at me or giving the stink eye like @/&/&2@22 most of the times i’m distracted by sth and just spaced out while organising it in my head b4 it could get out of hand ,,, that and the titles i’ve used for each relative is different and i’m afraid to mixed it up bc again...stink eye ,,, like my father’s younger/ older brother and younger/ older sister and cousins + its another different handful of titles when it comes to my mother’s family 😔 - 🐱 (2)
yes!!!! there’s a lot of reasons why i enjoy stsg fics and it’s because gojo and geto are always treated like people in stsg fics.....i’ve found that in a lot of reader insert fics you could replace gojo and geto with the male lead of those mafia boss stories on wattpad and it wouldn’t make a difference LMAO gojo and geto are often caricatures of themselves and it’s just something i’m personally not interested in.
also....i feel like there’s so much intimacy in how someone calls/says your name that just using pet names 24/7 gives it this superficial sense that i’m not really a fan of but then again, in fwb stories i totally understand.
another thing, I really feel like culture DOES play into it. obviously as asian people ourselves who come from a collectivist culture, our idea of love is different from the western concept of love. i feel like this especially comes into play when we see reader insert stories where the MC is super op and strong just so they can “match” gojo and gojo doesn’t need to worry about them even though it’s not even needed!! in asian cultures it’s not a burden to take care of people. it’s love. and i feel like western people don’t quite grasp that bc it’s such an individualist culture (this is a not nuanced at all / a generalization but u get the point)
yeah full on pda in fics always gets me because in japan???? lmao no honey!!! although gojo would definitely do it, not every character would LOL
gojo would pet names as a joke aka ironically, but i just don’t see him doing it seriously unless it's dear or smt
my mom is so big on respect. she always gets into fights abt with my brother and it’s a generational difference tbh but i digress, it’s not like it’s bad to be polite to your elders, but I do think koreans can take it too far to the point where it’s detrimental!!
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borom1r · 3 years
wait omg I didn't know it was your birthday?? hsnsjsjs genuinely sorry if I missed a post but!!! happy birthday <33 talking w u genuinely makes me so happy and I'm rlly glad we're friends!!!
But um!! Adz asks!! Honestly I wld like to hear abt some of his mannerisms and the way he perceives the things around him and subsequently how he interacts! I know you've talked a bit abt that b4 but I'm genuinely so curious - and it can be either his protogen form or the other, whichever you prefer!! And then like, maybe more abt the first time Sen kinda realized he loved Adz/that his feelings went beyond wanting to protect him!! I hope that's not too much + that it helps at least a little,,
ahh dude it’s ok u didn’t miss anything;; my birthday isn’t actually until the 10th but it’s been uh. hitting a little hard that out of my family the only person who reached out is my Mother (im rlly glad we’re friends too!)
+ aa! ok for Adz’s perception I think it’s very much key that he was a medic. a specially-trained, genetically engineered medic who was designed to recognize injuries automatically and read people to such a degree that he could see past whenever anyone was downplaying things— so he’s both incredibly analytical and observant. this shows in his photography, in that it’s not so much an artistic pursuit as it is a way to catalogue things he values. very often it winds up looking like textbook photography, because he is detached by necessity and by training. his passion for it comes not from the pursuit itself but from the fact that he is expending time + energy to have a physical memory.
that’s also part of why he’s so standoffish after being freed from Primogenitor control— he was MADE to be detached, because it wouldn’t do to have a field medic getting emotional every time a Protogen he was deployed with suffered a crippling injury or died, and it’s not easy to break out of that mindset. he’s reacting to suddenly being faced with the reality that each life around him is just that: a life with value belonging to a unique being with hopes and dreams. he’s not an unfeeling machine and neither is anyone else around him, and suddenly he’s staring down photographic memories of Protogen after Protogen he either watched die or actively put out of their misery because, statistically, it just wasn’t worth it to try to save them (except it WAS, he just didn’t have any control). the idea of getting close to someone again and being intimately aware of their status because that is what he was made to perceive is… difficult.
this gives him an interesting personality combo of Just Kind Of A Dick and Really Nurturing, because he HAS all these skills and never had any say in how he used them— which is why his and Sen’s first meeting was after Sen got in a fight, and Adz spends the entire time patching him up while verbally tearing him a new asshole for being so stupid as to get into a four-on-one fight even IF he’s a combat Proto. Adz can’t just walk away, but goddamn it he’s gonna make sure Sen is painfully aware that THAT was some fucking bullshit, mister, and next time he might not be there to patch Sen up! (which makes Sen smile because oh, so there might be a next time where Adz IS there?)
as far as specific mannerisms, he’s very tactile in general— so is Sen, but it’s mostly evident when he’s focused. Adz NEEDS to have something to do with his hands; if he gets really worked up Sen will let him snuggle up against his side + play with his fur until he calms down. that is by far his favorite stim; Adz is also prone to rearranging things/fiddling with the space around him. he NEEDS things to be as close to perfect as possible, easily regulated and overall safe. especially now that he’s close to someone because the idea that Sen could be hurt by something he could control is distressing; of course he’s trained to dismiss unavoidable risks (if he wants to cook, he can’t very well tear out their stove) but he will rearrange their knife drawer multiple times because he can control that but it’s also. a knife drawer. he winds up buying an actual knife block after a while because he was just never happy with the drawer, and the thought wouldn’t leave him alone.
that’s actually a source of some issues for them at first, because Sen was trained to ignore his own body and fight as long and hard as possible, so to him, he could be missing a limb and be “just fine” but Adz would freak. they work through it of course, and Sen has learned to say “I think I’m fine” (acknowledging that to him, yea, he’s fine, but uh. he might not ACTUALLY be) and will usually follow that up w/ asking Adz for a status check— which gives Adz a way to dispel his nervous energy by focusing in on diagnosing Sen, and will give him clear steps for treatment if Sen really needs it. (they’ve definitely had small accidents that still made Adz kinda jumpy; Sen’ll ask for a status check + Adz will tell him he’s at “approximately 90%” and that a hug will bring him back to full functionality. it’s Adz’ way of asking for reassurance without actually. asking for it sjkdhfkskjf. thankfully Sen is always willing to hug him for as long as he needs)
Adz likes to click his claws against his visor while he thinks (a reflection of my headcanon that Adam likes to hold things in his mouth ^^), and has a difficult time getting rid of things— both because he never had things before and now, like, they’re His Things, they’re evidence he exists as a Person, but also because he genuinely just gets attached? I think I’ve mentioned this before but Protogen do, at times, wear clothes + Adz’ fashion sense is heavily inspired by Lawrence’s in 3D! specifically his cut sweater outfit + heavy coat. Adz wore his favorite sweater until he literally couldn’t because it had fallen apart so much (an oversized, extremely soft cream-colored sweater— Sen replaced it for him + they’ve already had to patch the elbows on the new one). he doesn’t hoard things but once he Has something, he will use it until it falls apart completely because he feels bad replacing something that’s technically still functional (something that definitely stems from his trauma around having to abandon Protogen he absolutely could’ve saved, had the Primogenitor puppeting him allowed it)
+ as for Sen realizing he loved Adz <3
fhdhf it was… very much a process (for them both tbh) because Sen had a very similar mindset drilled into him of “you can’t care about people because they will die or get severely injured and you won’t always be able to do something” — less so for combat Protogen because they weren’t intended to analyze injuries like a medic, but it still wouldn’t do to have every Proto lugging around their fallen teammates just to get them to a medic. so they’re both coming into this a little wary, Adz moreso than Sen but still.
and on the flip side, Sen is also not used to being treated like he’s worth something. Sure, every Proto is replaceable, but combat Protogen are especially so— designed to be churned out and destroyed as fast as needed to fuel any ongoing Primogenitor conquests. nobody cared if they lived or died, and that’s a ghost that haunts Sen for a long, long time.
I think a big moment where it hits for him is when Adz is showing Sen his newest photographs (I think he uses a Polaroid-style camera for the most part; he prefers the physicality of it, without the hassle and time of developing the prints) and Sen realizes nearly all of them are of him. Mostly just putzing around their apartment, not doing anything noteworthy: cleaning a little, exercising, looking out the window. When he asks Adz about it, Adz just shrugs and turns one of the photos over in his hands; “I like remembering you.”
and Sen knows why Adz takes pictures, because he wants physical copies of moments he feels are most important. He’s making a choice to remember, not being forced to by implants in his brain, and it’s a very powerful way for Adz to come into himself beyond what the Primogenitors made of him. and Sen is staring down at a pile of memories that are 85% him. All these moments where Adz thought “this will be important, this is a memory I want to hold on my hands” and it’s him. he doesn’t express it out loud but that is a very powerful thought when he’s been struggling with this idea that he is inherently worthless.
it takes him a loooot longer to say it out loud but that is absolutely the first time Sen realizes he loves Adz, for realsies, and doesn’t want to let him go
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angeltrapz · 3 years
SAW ASK!!!!!! 💞 n ee wayz as far as Eric/Adam goes i wld love to hear yr thoughts on how their relationship looks @ th very beginning when Eric still v v fresh in his recovery (obvs we’ve talked a lil abt this both but expandin on stuff), n also u mentioned Eric knowing how to bake (at least some things) n id LOVE to hear more abt that!! also for a general SAW polycule question, just bc it’s a dynamic i don’t think either of us have rlly touched on, thoughts on William + Mallick?
SAW ASK!!! (tysm!! <3)
okay so Eric/Adam:
I rly like th idea u had where they meet at one of Bobby’s groups (also throwing in tht I think abt Group Therapy All The Time) bc like. neither of them want to be there, neither of them rly have much in common w any other survivors, n neither of them can stand Bobby Dagen. so tht’s still like, th foundation fr how these 2 meet to me lol. the idea of them listening 2 him talk while rolling their eyes at each other n fake gagging is So Good.
I feel like Adam is just... rly open? w Eric? bc god does he understand how fucking hard it is 2 be around ppl after smth like that - maybe not to the same extent (though they DO have tht solidarity), but like. there’s only so many times u can hear “I’m so sorry tht happened/I can only imagine what u went thru” b4 yr ready 2 just tell ppl to shut the fuck up. so like, on Eric’s side of things, not getting tht frm Adam? not hearing the whole “I’m rly sorry u almost lost yr son and were locked up fr six months”? tht’s foreign territory ENTIRELY 2 him. sorry is all anyone has to say, even other survivors. Adam not saying sorry n instead being like “well I’m glad yr still around” is kind of what makes tht decision in Eric’s head like, yes, I think I want 2 get to know this dude. He Gets It.
n Adam is just patient too. letting Eric come 2 him, making sure he knows he’s there, tht sorta thing, bc regardless of how much he likes Adam, being around ppl again is not smth he can just jump into. it’s a wound tht is still raw n open n aching n he needs to treat it w care instead of rubbing salt in. n Eric half expects tht to turn Adam away, esp when he sometimes goes a day w no communication, but it doesn’t n he’s just sorta like ??? bc Eric never rly... saw some1 making tht kind of accommodation fr him, never expected some1 to understand it. tht’s another region I feel they’re very similar in - contact, sometimes, can b very very hard, even over text. if they don’t speak all day, tht’s okay - they send each other “i’m okay” texts n th other person responds w “good” n tht’s fine. Adam provides compromises when Eric never even knew tht was a possibility. it’s good.
things progress kinda slowly but not in a bad way. they’re just kind of getting used 2 each other - both of them have been alone fr so long, having some1 in their lives tht they give a shit abt n who gives a shit abt them is smth they’re both navigating. fr Eric, it’s being around some1 consistently after his trap. fr Adam, it’s actually having a friend who doesn’t make him feel like shit + having some1 he can definitively say is there. sometimes its easier 2 sit in comfortable silence than it is to force a convo neither of thm rly have the energy fr. sometimes just being in a room together is enough. tht’s smth they both notice - tht it’s like. they find it easy 2 be around each other. which is SO foreign to both of thm so they’re just kinda feelin it out?
n again like u’ve written b4, I also feel one of th turning points is when Eric calls Adam abt his hair + Adam shaves it fr him in his bathroom. tht’s th point where they’re both like “oh, I rly care abt this person.” bc it’s three in th fucking morning, Adam didn’t even have 2 pick up his phone or even answer when he saw it was Eric. but he did, bc he cares, bc he wants to help, n Adam’s just kinda freaking out internally too bc it’s been a looong time since he’s felt tht way abt some1 - he just wants Eric 2 be okay. n it’s then tht he’s kinda like, coming 2 terms w th fact that he truly cares abt someone who he can say without a doubt cares abt him too and it’s just like. oof. ESP when Eric sleeps over bc again, it’s early as fuck, and isn’t it so much easier 2 just have him stay? isn’t it easier fr Adam to make space fr Eric in his bed n home n heart? n Eric actually doesn’t tell Adam abt this later, but tht night he sleeps over after Adam shaves his hair? it’s th best he’s slept in fucking weeks.
I feel like after tht they’re a LOT more comfortable w each other - not tht they weren’t b4; I mean in th sense tht when they’re not doing too great, they’ll reach out 2 each other rather than bottling it up n dealing w it alone. Adam comes over w CDs he likes bc he can’t talk abt it but he doesn’t want 2 be by himself n they sit in Eric’s living room together in comfortable silence. sometimes Eric sings 2 him. they both find tht it helps. Eric becomes more accustomed 2 accepting help when he knows he needs it + Adam offers - dimming th lights n staying close by to keep him frm getting another migraine, having th TV on but w the sound down low enough tht it doesn’t feel like some1′s hitting him over th head w too-loud dialogue, getting things fr him on th days tht his nerve pain flares up n he’s mostly confined 2 his bed. they’re there fr each other. this is what friendship looks like fr them, two Jigsaw survivors who understand each other better than any1 else ever could.
another huge step fr them is like, th first time Adam offers 2 help w Eric’s rashes. I feel like, even as they grow closer, tht’s still not smth he’s vocal abt/comfortable showing often, something he’s ashamed of bc he feels like it’s gross n he doesn’t want 2 like. make Adam deal w that. but like during one of their sleepovers where Adam cuts his hair fr him n Eric’s got his shirt off he just. grabs the ointment he knows Eric keeps in th cabinet above the sink n while Eric’s still sitting w his back to him, he wordlessly begins tending 2 the rash spread along Eric’s shoulders n his neck n back, n Eric just. freezes. Adam doesn’t say anything, just does it fr him, n Eric kinda. Breaks Down a lil bit. like he just starts silently sobbing bc Adam doesn’t have 2 do this. he doesn’t have to help him w one of th things Eric hates most abt his own body. he could think it’s Gross. but he doesn’t think it’s gross n he doesn’t mind touching it and he’s so gentle when applying the ointment n then when he’s done he just kind of leans against Eric’s back bc He Knows. he reaches around front n grabs one of Eric’s hands n just sits there w him while he cries it out, holding his hand 2 say I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere, n that is MAJOR fr Eric. and honestly? tht’s kind of th first time he Rly becomes aware of “oh fuck I love him.” (Adam too, ngl)
basically, the way it starts is a shared experience, smth no one else can rly say they have, an understanding based on tht shared experience. giving each other space until they begin inviting each other in. care, patience, “I’m here.” re-learning th feeling of mutual concern. somewhere along th way, it turns into love, and somehow falling into tht is just as easy.
Eric + baking:
YES I love this hc!! this is smth he picked up during his time btwn jobs during th earlier stages of recovery (but After meeting Adam/connecting w Art) bc he needed smth to do n was just sorta like, “well I guess this works huh?” n like. it was def a learning curve bc Eric can cook, relatively well/at least okay, but baking is a entirely different matter. at frst he was kinda discouraged when things didn’t turn out th way he hoped they would, but w gentle guidance on Art’s side n enthusiastic encouragement frm Adam, he stuck w it n has gotten pretty good as a result!! his fave things 2 make r peanut butter cookies (he does a little design on th top w a fork n both Adam + Art r like Oh My God That’s Adorable) + th aforementioned carrot cake cupcakes!! frosting is usually homemade n it’s usually cream cheese! he makes his own frosting fr cakes n stuff too (Constantly has 2 tell Adam to “keep yr hands off of th frosting/batter/dough! we’re not gonna have any left!!!” even tho tht Doesn’t stop him).
he makes rly good banana bread too! tht one was a lil harder 2 learn but he’s honestly pretty proud of it now. it’s so funny bc Adam typically doesn’t like stuff like tht but if Eric made it? oh it’s Amazing. (he’s like tht w Art’s cooking too kjdfhjs partially bc he is a Disaster in th kitchen, but also bc That’s His BF/Best Friend!!!)
if some1 is feeling particularly shitty he takes requests (Adam usually wants brownies + Art is partial 2 peanut butter cookies but w chocolate chips too) n it’s just a nice lil thing he can do 2 help, which is smth he Always wants to do. he also stress bakes tho so sometimes his bfs have 2 just kinda like check in n make sure he’s doing okay. but! yeah baking is smth he enjoys + is relatively good at!!
William/Mallick dynamic:
yr right I haven’t thought abt this dynamic much but I Am Now!!!
I feel like at his core, William is def a caretaker. Mallick, 2 me, is someone who is just wholly unfamiliar w being cared for. so like, at the Very Least, they’re both dating Adam + Lawrence, right? they spend a lot of time around each other. plenty enough time fr William 2 pick up on this. it just kinda. makes his heart hurt, bc he sees the unease in Mallick’s eyes every time one of thm performs even th smallest acts of kindness fr him - not bc he doesn’t appreciate it/doesn’t want it, but because it’s more that he feels like he doesn’t deserve it. n William Sees That and is just like. I Need U To Know You’re Loved.
they’re comfortable w each other, of course they are! they’re friends, good friends, who happen 2 be dating th same people! who go to bed together at night n wake up w each other in th morning. it’s love, they know tht, but Mallick still always looks so surprised when William makes waffles fr him fr breakfast. William cares.
n Mallick can kinda feel it, and he’s not resistant 2 it, but he’s definitely on edge abt it a little. but William also just has this air abt him that Mallick finds it hard to stay keyed up in, so it doesn’t rly take long fr Mallick to at least be at peace w William’s attention. but the moment he starts to really fathom it is during one of those days he can’t get himself 2 relax n is just shaking out on the couch, knees drawn up to his chest n his arm wrapped around thm, just kinda staring down at th carpet n just Not having the energy to get himself out of his own head. Lawrence + Adam r at work n Eric is taking a quick nap so it’s just Mallick n William.
so Mallick is sitting there spiraling n his breaths r coming out a little fast n William just sits down beside him, a mug of warm tea tht he sets down on th coffee table fr a moment, n he just rests a hand on Mallick’s shoulder. doesn’t say anything, just sort of like. offers tht bridge, opens tht avenue. n Mallick is like This Close to just breaking entirely, but what rly does it is when William just swipes his thumb over his shoulder n squeezes. n Mallick rly DOES break down, almost ugly-sobbing and wheezing, n somehow he ends up w his face in William’s neck, pretty much curled into his side, n tht’s when it truly hits him how much William cares abt him too. tht there are Several People who hold tht kind of room fr him in their hearts n lives. William didn’t even have 2 say anything fr Mallick to understand that, to know it as truth. n tht’s like, one of th events tht actually leads Mallick to building up tht self-esteem, knowing that.
n after tht happens, Mallick is a little less reluctant abt accepting William’s (+ everyone else’s!) help, at least some of the time. like Mallick will catch himself digging his fingers a lil too harshly into th stump of his arm (I’m w u on 10 Pints resulting in at least a partial amputation - like what was tht little scar in 3D???) n then he’ll feel William’s hand cover his n gently curl around his palm 2 be like “I’m not gonna say anything, but I see you, it’s okay,” n his grip relaxes. Eric will notice he’s working himself up too much n he’ll reach out n take one of his hands while he’s pacing + laces their fingers together so tht Mallick has to pause a moment n then he’s able to breathe. Lawrence stumbles across him in th midst of a panic attack n Mallick finds himself breathing easier when Lawrence takes one of his hands, places it over his chest + his heart, n breathes w him. Adam holds him when he jolts awake frm a nightmare. lil things like tht.
one of their fave things to help them both de-stress is they’ll lay in bed n William will read out loud to Mallick, who has his head on his chest n is listening but doesn’t have to put too much energy into keeping up, bc it’s mostly abt being close + having smth to fill the silence tht neither of them feel particularly comfortable in anymore. sometimes Mallick falls asleep n it honestly makes William rly happy bc not only is Mallick relaxed enough to actually close his eyes, he also trusts William enough to fall asleep around him, trusts him during a time he’s at his most vulnerable. it’s not uncommon fr Lawrence to get home frm work to find th two of them curled up against th pillows, sometimes both asleep or just Mallick while William continues reading silently and brushes his fingers thru Mallick’s hair. Adam def has a pic of them like tht somewhere, hung up on th cork board Art had bought specifically fr those kinds of photos. it’s smth easy tht doesn’t really require much energy + has the added bonus of just being close to n held by someone u love n who loves u.
and they help each other. sometimes William has a rly hard time looking at himself, the days where his guilt sits heavy in his chest n doesn’t seem 2 want to anywhere, n Mallick will just sit w him outside on th porch swing and just Be There bc it’s like. “I’m here, I want to b here, Jigsaw was wrong, you are not a terrible person, u did what u could w what u had and I love you,” in a single action. I think William also struggles, like u’ve mentioned tht Eric does, w th guilt of what happened + feeling like it was his fault. so Mallick sitting w him, their shoulders brushing, fr William it’s like, if he was truly as awful a person as John seemed 2 think he was, wld Mallick be this close? wld Mallick willingly lay down beside him some nights n kiss him good morning? wld he kiss him again on th cheek after he makes a fresh pot of coffee + pancakes? n William knows tht Mallick wouldn’t keep himself so close if John was right, so it’s like. proof of tht. n tht means a lot to William. sometimes tht’s all he needs.
they don’t have 2 deal w their struggles alone. they’re both surrounded by ppl who love them n want to see them do well - it’s only natural they feel tht way abt each other, too.
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miaxeu · 4 years
      though the mist might prevent some from seeing it, MIA STOEGER is actually a descendent of DIONYSUS. it’s still a question of whether or not the TWENTY-ONE year old MYTHOLOGICAL STUDIES MAJOR from LOS ANGELES, USA has taken after HER godly parent completely, but the demigod is still known to be quite CHARISMATIC & DUPLICITOUS. 
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( y’all dont deserve this real messy intro but im workin w half a bwain cell at 4am so i beg thee 4 mercy. nywyy im the excited new girl who’s hella pumped to meet all ur charas : katya ! feel free to hop in my ims to plot or drop a like and i’ll hop in urs ! x  )
natural acting abilities — her ma’s a hollywoo agent so she started actin real early & now shes a big shot actress. there r more deetz on her career below !
chlorokinesis — it wasnt as natural as acting n she only started working on it when she turned 13 n started going to camps. b4 she just noticed shes good w plants but it wasnt super crazy or nything. its p good now tho ! shes prioritizing vine binding and manipulation 4 the self defense bc awards r cool n all but they dont rlly protecc from monsters ykwim 
levitation — shes trying her best ur honor
alcokinesis  — she cant conjure it or anything, she’s just immune to it ffff
BIO POINTS — cw: drug use ( full biography here )
her mom raised her by herself bc dionysus the party god was out of the picture immediately. she never told mia she’s a demigod & it was always just “ wow ur so talented ” or “ aww u got a green thumb ! ” but when she saw him claim 13 y/o mia by placing a weird hologram over her head while she slept, she knew she had to spill da beanz & tell her kid
ofc mia thought her mom was jus playing sum weird acting exercise w her bc her powers r so lowkey she could highkey just be a Mortal but insert sad whistle, the realizashun & the claiming meant heightened monster threat !! so yea ,,, one ended up chasing her a couple days later rip 
aside from the trauma, mia was ok. mostly bc she ended up cryin for dionysus like any child would n lo & behold he came & helped !!! as he should. nywy she made sure to go to summer camps every year after that but mostly just for protection purposes
she lowkey rlly hates this whole god business esp now that shes grown lmfao deadass thinks she got a bad deal bc life threats arent sexy !!! went to eonia eventually bc its Too Much Man. she just wants to go back to work and her life w the mortals w/o worryin for her life. would deadass fade her father if she could. may or may not be majoring in greek mythology to figure out the logistics of it all out of spite, who knows !
not ! a Drama Queen  —  dont get me wrong, shes hella Extra in the way she moves n acts sorta like shes always bein captured on film. is quick-witted & playful & can be a huge tease/flirt if she feels like it, but miss her w Real Feelings ! totally not sentimental. srsly she will try to rationalize away everything and is just,.,., not good w it. so soz folks, we just keepin it breezy here
ugh, she’s an Actress — aka she can act like she cares tho ! shes very much into keeping ppl on her good side. shes friendly n palatable to everyone bc its how shes been trained & while it doesnt seem fake, its def diff when its genuine
The Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known —  lemme circle back to the first one, ok so shes good w emotions but only in theory. does intense character work with her roles so she thinks that counts as her having eq when rlly shes just emotionally stunted, projecting n repressing like an idiot
blonde, skinny, rich, & a lil bit of a Bitch — shes only a bitch inwardly or to ppl she trusts enuff to let in on the gossip. if anyone full on opposes her or becomes real emotional, then this lil diva will rear its superiority complex head n snap a lil. will most probably do it v underhandedly n w a smile but it will be Brutal
girls just wanna have FUN ! — shes the child of da party god, so ofc she a true party girl. officially off the rails when she parties. inhibitions ? we dk her. can be insensitive in that case bc smtms its truly no strings attached, tis all abt the fun. likes company a lot & it doesnt even have 2 be loud or particularly abt her, she just likes having people around n the escapism of it all. will make friends with everyone n make sure they have a jolly fun time guaranteed at dionysus parties 
Work Hard, Play Hard — real responsible when it comes to work and commitments and if she trusts/likes u enough, she’ll give it 2 u straight, no bs. def thinks Calling Out is an act of love but maybe does it a lil too harshly smtms. v much into efficiency, sentiments be damned. not the feely words type. will sit next to u or party w u or even pay 4 ur therapist if u need sum1 to talk to. she will Be There while u work thru it, so long as u dont expect her to change n be all emotional n stuff
if she seems a lil contradictory thats bc she kinda is. tis the good ol nurture vs nature. her ma’s a real no nonsense chick n her pops is a frat guy drama geek greek god whos rlly into cottagecore so u get this lil blonde bitch whos sorta teetering on the edges
OTHER INFO  — cw: drug use ( full headcanons here )
re her career, she achieved pegot status when she was 18 aka she truly b dat bitch. shes not super mainstream famous tho, more like indie sweetheart, film snobs/critics fave typa gal. if ya want a trajectory she started w baby commercials then a sitcom from 4-10 ( think modern fam’s lily ) then it was off to the big screen & the stage ! 
mia has a lil bit of a drug habit. its not abusive or dependent, but it is a staple whenever shes parties bc alcohol is useless 2 her. started a lil young too bc hollywoo. primarily uppers/hallucinogens. she smokes weed a lil more liberally but the rest is mostly just an on occasion thing ( which, ngl, is a still a lil problematic when u party a lot rip )
after she got claimed, mia ended up going to demigod camps in a lot of diff places n countries, depending on where production would take her. there was never an established place, more like wherever was nearest when they wrapped up shooting bc monsters afoot n wutnot  
she was always homeschooled but she still managed to go to a prom and homecoming bc party is life. that makes eonia uni p much her first chance at having a normal educational environment & experience and even then its anything but. still tho this is her moment !!! im lit rally begging her to get a personality that isnt her internally rolling her eyes going “ its not that deep ”
might put up a bio/stats page if im feelin sxc but i wud jus like the records to show that mia stoeger is a bi sxc babe bc me ? write a het ? no grassy ass.
POSSIBLE CONNECTIONS — cw: drug use ( full connections here )
omg danny devito i love ur work ! 
,,, p self explanatory sdkjfs sum1 who loves her work ! it can be lowkey/highkey fangirl to a civil admiration
OR alternatively, y/m can Not Be a fan of her work. they might think the storyline of the projects she takes on r too out of touch n highbrow yada yada yada, but yes, we love to see either of it ! 
summer camp sweetheart !  
someone she met when at camp when they were teens ? doesnt matter in what country/city, but mia was only visiting so it was truly a one summer romance typa thing. bc she was younger, im thinkin 13-17 or w/e she was probably sweeter n a lot more emotional then. was it either’s first puppy love ? first kiss ? first “ relationship ? ” idk, do yk ? truly, so many possibilities. nothin set in stone just hmu bub 
summer camp pals ! 
p much the same as above but make it Platonic
party buddies !
or druggie pals. either way works but she wud luv it if theyre both xoxo
friends w benefits !
most probably ( but not limited to ) sum1 she met at a party skdjhsjk is it exclusive ? is any1 starting to develop feelings ? im down 4 nthing n evrything
alexa play true friend by hannah montana !
give mia her college bestie ! her confidant who knows her feels and can call each other out viciously with no ounce of resentment. we stan the friendships !
omg i love ur skirt !
that is the ugliest effing skirt i've ever seen. lmao basically sum1 mia pretends to like or acts civil w but rlly ,,,, Cannot Stand for w/e rzn   
im p much braindead rn but those are just sum ideas !!! ofc the usual staples like the pals, enemies, wutnots are also v welcome we love to see it. if u also have a wc that u think mia would fit in, id luv to know more ! there are also a couple more detailed ones here, but pls feel free to shoot me a msg n we can get 2 plotting x 
( * wipes brow * how did i type so much n say so little rip. mia is also a completely new muse so pls b patient n if i fuq up from time to time, pretend u do not see >.< nywy thnx 4 readin, sweets ! feel free to hmu here or at discord if ya wanna <3333 )
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woeismyhoe · 4 years
Spill the tea, what's the deal with you and the BSG group (avatar-chang and her squad in particular)?
Ok anon, sorry for taking so long! I wanted to get everything right and honestly collecting the posts took a longass time xD
Anyways, the only ones I have a problem there are avatar-chang, hexful/dykesia/bizukos, catrademption, cardboardseagulls (never seen interacted b4) and bizulas (also never interacted b4).
I’m going to be really transparent about this whole thing so it’s gonna be long as there’s gonna be several links and I’ve included the dates so it’ll be easier to understand. Since I’ll be fully transparent about this, i’ll probably get hate or whatever. Honestly, I just want to put everything out there without being biased or hiding anything. I’m going to disclose everything here.
So, the whole thing between me and avatar-chang started off with this post I made last year on 10 March 2019. Afterwards, she PMed me on the same day and this was the conversation:
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After that, I thought the argument was over because she blocked me lmao. The only ones I spoke to about this was nbw and my real life friends (who had nothing to do with ATLA lmao I just ranted to them).
And then the next incident I think was on 16 March 2019 when I made this post about Azula’s abuse of her friends. I was new and 16. I genuinely wanted to know why people labeled Azula as an abuser. It was dykesia who responded to me at the time.
Now, unlike avatar-chang, I had a few conversations with dykesia (who was bizukos then) that was generally civil. I first interacted with her when she made a post calling out Zucest shippers or something?? I was very new. Like fresh newbie baby ATLA tumblr fan new lmao so I thought what she said was too aggressive. I didn’t realize that there were actual Zucest shippers until after some time. And then she PMed me on 13 March 2019, saying that she doesn’t always agree on characters with me but I do write some interesting pieces on Azula— that she’s a huge fan of Azula but she just tends to stay away from her fandom. I apologized about the previous incident of the Zucest thing and it was fine after then. We talked about zuko, the fandom, the comics, Mai etc etc. I thought we were on fine terms.
And then I made a post about the cliff scene in the comics on 16 March 2019. Avatar-Chang made a post that was pretty directed at the post but it seems like she’s deleted it.
On 17 March 2019, I received an anon mail telling me that avatar-chang was talking shit about me behind my back. I censored her name then because I didn’t want to believe without any evidence. No one sent me any screenshots about it so I just dismissed it.
On the same day, avatar-chang answered an anon and talked about the 13 child post theory I made on 9 March.
On 23 April 2019, I received another anon mail about avatar-chang, asking if I’d seen the post she made about Azula. I censored her name again cuz I didn’t want to start any shit over having differing opinions. I’m assuming this is the post the anon was referring to.
On 28 April 2019, dykesia/hexful/bizukos PMed me to ask if I was talking shit about other people behind their backs, and her. I denied this because I hadn’t. This was how the conversation went:
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Yes, I didn’t censor any name because as I said, full transparency. I have afp blocked because we’ve clashed several times and he’d still come for my posts last year despite already being blocked. If you’ve followed me long enough, you probably would’ve rmbered that time lmao
Anyways during then, I don’t think I realized that dykesia was actually being passive aggressive. It’d been barely a year since I started the blog and I just didn’t want to full out make enemies. Reading the messages now tho lmao she really was passive aggressive. But yeah then she said this in bsg so I don’t even know why she bothered to ask me if she wasn’t even going to consider believing me.
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The 9th of June 2019 was the last time she messaged and it was to ask if I mind her discoursing this Zuko post while ‘hard and drunk’. It was the first time she could apparently agree with me so it was I quote a ‘Yay??’. Afterwards I don’t know when she did it but she blocked me lmao
On 17 July 2019, I received another anon mail telling me that avatar-chang publicly called me a bitch when she was answering an anon about me posting the scans of the EK Chronicles. She mentioned this in bsg again on 19 April 2020 lmao (she’s that petty) it seems:
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On November 8 2019, an anon (one of avatar-chang’s friends actually) asked about my thoughts towards the allegations against Aaron Ehasz. I still believe in the system of ‘Innocent before proven guilty’, so I didn’t side with anyone. I tried to be as objective as possible. When I said that I hoped men would also come forward, I said that because I don’t want men to just sit on the sidelines and let the women get the heat if they were telling the truth. At the end of this whole thing, I concluded that Ehasz was a dick of a boss to the girls. Being called an abuser carries more weight than just being a dick. Everyone has been a dick at one point, but being an abuser is something else. Just because Ehasz was a dick doesn’t mean I’m going to stop watching TDP or dismiss his involvement in ATLA.
The next day, BSG brought the issue up despite both avatar-chang having already blocked me by then lmao
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On 5 February 2020, after Legacy of the Fire Nation came out, I made a post calling out Iroh’s bs to Azula (guy literally blames Azula for everything that happened to Zuko (something which avatar-chang agrees with apparently, and Iroh even sees Ozai in a better light).
That’s so far what I’ve remembered that involved avatar-chang and dykesia.
Moving on to the next three attackers: catrademption, cardboardseagulls and bizulas.
I’ve seen catrademption around, but I don’t remember if we’ve clashed before. We must have though cuz she’s got me blocked lmao and I mostly only debate back to people when they reply to my posts. For cardboardseagulls and bizulas, I don’t think I’ve ever seen them them before but obviously they’ve seen my blog and misinterpreted everything I’ve written.
But according to them, I’m apparently a Azula apologist, extremist, irrational, toxic, coddles and woobifies Azula, justifies everything she does and invalidates abuse victims.
You can see the posts I’ve made to judge whether I actually am an irrational Azula apologist who blames everything on Zuko. One of the most recent posts I made about Azula’s character is this, and there’s still several more posts like that. Just search #meta or #analysis in my blog search and all of them will just pop up. I can assure you, I have never acted as if Azula has done nothing wrong or did everything right or whatever lies these people are spewing.
If anyone has proof that I’ve talked shit about people in the fandom to other people before, please, present your evidence. I highly think this is impossible because I actually don’t have many friends on Tumblr, nor do I usually initiate conversation because I’m awkward af.
I’ve also tried approaching those I recognized in bsg to find out more about the situation (and at least give my side of the story). Most of them have chosen not to speak to me LMAO but one of them who’s chosen to remain anonymous for their privacy, admitted that dykesia (hexful) forced them to block a blog before (after realizing they were interacting with said blog) and if not, they would be blocked themselves. I can’t post the conversation publicly because they’re afraid their speech mannerism will give away their identity. @space-sword has also shared his experience with avatar-chang on his blog and was pressured to cut off ties with ppb21 just to join the oh so magnificent Ba Sing Gay.
There’s absolutely no reason to judge someone based on their sexual orientation, race, color or age either. They rant about being discriminated against or being generalized or stereotypes but they’re the ones hypocritically committing these actions, and then justify their actions by saying ‘we’re oppressed, they’re not, so it’s not racism or discrimination’. And yet people still wonder why discrimination is still rampant LMAO
I can’t speak for the blogs they victimized in bsg, but I personally don’t agree with talking shit about them on a public server and then criminalizing them as if they’re actually predators. I also don’t agree with involving the blogs’ friends simply because of their association. I also don’t agree with demanding people to block blogs they don’t like because that’s just pure manipulation. That’s wrong and marginalizing people. Unless someone has actually been harassing or literally preying on people, then there’s no reason to actually go around warning blogs about them unless they’re asked about it.
If they feel uncomfortable about something? Then avoid that blog, filter their tags or even block that blog if they’re that uncomfortable—BUT they shouldn’t demand others to do the same just for their own benefit. It’s not up to them to decide what a person can or cannot see or who they can or cannot interact with. They’re not their parents, and they obviously have no right to pressure people into doing things they don’t want to. If they think it tactless that I shared the conversations? Oh honestly, a line was crossed when they spread shit about me so idc. If they actually feel terrible for being called out? GOOD. That’s what they should feel, because in no way was any of what they were doing right or justified. If they’re going to shit on me then expect to be burned because I’m not someone who’ll just shrivel in fear because they have a bigger following.
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liveonmtv · 4 years
cash machine || kth
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pairing: kim taehyung/f!reader genre: fluff & humor. crack actually. crack cocaine. word count: 11.1k warnings: strong language, drinking, an unwated kiss (not from tae), unsanitary jokes (i’m immature), implied sex, vomiting extra: (fr)enemies to lovers, road trip au, rich kids au but it’s barely there also they’re on summer vacation, also this story takes place in the usa JUST to drag the trip out tbh
summary: Jungkook and Seokjin get a little problematic, you have anger issues and Taehyung is under the impression that he killed a man. Also, did you mention that you’re on your way to your unfunny cousin’s wedding? Go on a road trip from Missouri to Las Vegas and you’ll be in for a hilarious yet scary experience! 
a/n: hi! i’m just starting this account out, so reblogging would mean a lot to me. i’m a novice to writing, so criticism is welcome as long as you’re not rude about it. have fun reading (i hope)! i also have a jungkook fic planned next (:
Jungkook has that look in his face, the one he makes where the person sitting opposite of him is about as depraved as he is. He’s given it to you while you were explaining to him how to scam desperate men under the preface of a faux premium Snapchat and he’s given it to Jimin when they were finishing their high school careers and decided to release grasshoppers in the principal’s office. 
However, if there’s one person that’s about as fucked up in the head as he is, it’s Seokjin. The man also suffers from SMSTS as well (Serious Misconception of Sexual Tension Syndrome, and yes, that’s quite a lot of s’s), which doesn’t hurt given the current affairs. 
While Jungkook is aware that Jimin and Hoseok are always up for a bit of mischief, he has ruled them both out as incompetents and moved on to the real deal. Jimin has these rare moments of sanity and Hoseok, as your most loyal little bitchboy, would probably tattle the situation with made-up details to you before the plan is even set in action. 
So, Seokjin it is. 
The story begins in a faraway land before Jungkook knew about the tragic facets of your family’s relationships. Though his friend group is on good terms with your siblings and your other close relatives are aware of their existence and somehow only have good things to say about them, he never thought they’d be invited to your cousin’s wedding. To be fair, you had to do some serious persuasion for your family to allow you to invite six more people to somebody else’s wedding so there’s that factor contributing, but still, the offer is out of the blue.
Somewhere along the way, you went on a tangent about how much you hate your cousin and how your aunt doesn’t have eyebrows and how bothersome it is to look at her face. Your horror stories were mostly you just being your usual dramatic self, but they also revealed that the [L/n]s aren’t what they appear to be. 
You begged and begged for them to accept the invitations, and though Namjoon and Yoongi, unfortunately, couldn’t make it, the others agreed. 
Then arose the problem of the sixth spot that couldn’t be filled. You would’ve just let it be but your parents insisted that if you’re going to ask for something, you should fulfill it until the end. It was Namjoon you’d asked to come first, but he was busy with visiting family back in Seoul, and Yoongi then declared that he didn’t feel like humoring you this once. And that was the exact moment Jungkook decided to strike.
“You want to play matchmaker?” Jin asks. And though he looks almost skeptical, his tone is definitely an excited one. “With [Y/n] and Tae, of all people?” 
“Well yes, think about it logically,” he explains as he is about to say something completely illogical. “She has that sixth spot to fill, she has no other friends and they’re perfect for each other. All the other shit we’re gonna pull is just for fun, though.”  
Jin laughs an evil laugh, always one to be up for evil schemes. Just another evil day in the evil life of Kim Seokjin. “Well, [Y/n] is Tae’s perfect mean girl. And that girl needs either therapy or to get laid, but like, same.” 
“See? You get me.”
“To be fair, I think that goes for all of us. No offense.” 
“None taken,” Jungkook agrees. “Anyways, I was thinking of a… road trip.” 
“Well you didn’t have to be so dramatic about it, this isn’t The Godfather. Though I do feel like I’ve definitely got a bit of Michael Corleone in me.” 
Jungkook shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly at the other fiend’s remark. “You can pray to god all you want. Here in these streets, the only thing we believe in is El Chapo.” 
“I— Okay…” 
[11:05] LeBruh James: wtf is wrong with u
[11:05] LeBruh James: get help seriously
[11:06] jk the slump god: all i said was that u should invite taehyung as the 6th person to ur cussin’s wedding 
[11:06] jk the slump god: overreacting arent we 
[11:10] LeBruh James: what the hell is a cussin bitch im gonna kill u
[11:13] jk the slump god: not like u have anyone else to invite tho 
[11:13] jk the slump god: hes not that bad ur just being urself
[11:14] LeBruh James: ur literally Not helping ur case rn
[09:45] LeBruh James: none of the girls want to gooooo
[09:45] LeBruh James: fine if it has to be taehyung ig ill live w it
[10:30] jk the slump god: great he already said yes
[10:30] jk the slump god: btw we’re gonna go in las vegas at the end of a road trip u in?
[10:33] LeBruh James: EYE. OK.
[10:33] LeBruh James: on one hand i kind of dont want to see any of u but if ur all gone i wont have anything to do b4 the wedding so i guess im in by proxy
[10:34] jk the slump god: lovely doing business with u y/n-chan
[10:36] LeBruh James: call me y/n-chan again and I Will Put ur Dick-Chan in a Freezer-sama and then Cut-san it off
[10:39] jk the slump god: i dont think ur using the honorifics correctly tbh..
“I don’t see how this is a good idea,” you state with a dramatic pout while looking out of the window. Your expression is solemn. 
Taehyung kind of can’t believe that you’re throwing a tantrum just because you had to sit next to him in the three-row SUV, but on the other hand, he’s kind of into it. You’re more appalled by the fact that he’s not as disgusting up close as you’d imagined him to be. Well granted, you’re being immature, but it’s your shtick so they take it with a grain of salt.
“Why’s that?” Jungkook asks obtusely. He ruined your life the moment he started calling you [Y/n]-chan and he has that bad case of crazy eyes he gets sometimes when you look at his reflection in the mirror going on right now. You’d be more understanding of his condition, hadn’t your trip started barely five minutes ago. 
“What do you mean why is that? We’re all unstable backstabbing lunatics, do you think we can survive together for six whole days?! Stranded or even in a hotel? And then the ride back to Springfield?”
“Hotel? You’re funny. It’s always been my dream to sleep in a motel,” Jin pipes up. 
“Seriously? No limo, now this.”
“Hotel, motel, holiday inn,” Hoseok starts singing. Perhaps if it was queen Britney, it would’ve curbed your temper but fate doesn’t seem to be that kind. 
“Hotel, motel, holiday inn! Hotel, motel, holiday inn! Hotel, motel, holiday inn!” 
“So we’re not going to visit the Grand Canyon?” 
“It’s in Nevada,” Jimin explains. “We don’t have any business there except for going to the wedding. I’d be more down to do it if I wasn’t afraid that one of us, meaning [Y/n], would push one of the others, meaning you, in the gutter.” 
“Just a little visit?” Taehyung is talented at only hearing what he wants to hear. However, that doesn’t make the conversation any more productive.
“Well not to be the acrophobic buzzkill, but why are you so adamant about visiting the Grand Canyon?” This is the first time you’ve directly addressed Taehyung since the beginning of these mind-numbing two hours. Jin, hands still on the wheel, dares to take a peek at Jungkook and smile an asshole-type smile before almost accidentally crashing into a pole. 
“Watch the road!” Hoseok cries out. Everyone else either refuses to acknowledge what just occurred or decides to spare themselves from doing so.
“Jin says that he always wanted to sleep in a motel. I have another dream.” 
“To visit the Grand Canyon?”
“Not exactly. I want to take a shit in there and see if I can hear it splatter. Think that’s possible?”
“Maybe if you angle your butthole the right way—” Jimin’s explanation is cut short.
“Oh my god, you are disgusting. Shut up. I don’t want to hear it.”  
“What did I tell you about El Chapo, [N/n]?” 
“What about El Chapo?”
“Holy shit, I think I’m confusing conversations,” Jungkook admits. Jin offers no more than an eye-roll.
Tulsa is a dump, really. Unfortunate that you had to make a stop here but also you’re satisfied because your right asscheek feels numb right now. Might have to take Kelly for a walk, though.  
Taehyung stumbles out of the vehicle after you and all six of you seize each other fleetingly before making your way towards the gas station, a tense sort of silence following. You’re first to speak up. “Y’know, I’ve been listening to your voices for so long now that I don’t wanna look at your faces.” 
“This tbh,” Hoseok agrees with your most profound sentiments as per the usual. He’s quick to match your pace, trailing after you like a lost puppy, successfully getting Taehyung out of his way. He puts his arm around your shoulders casually and you give him that sardonic smile that’s only really reserved for him.
“Don’t say tee-bee-aytch out loud. I get humiliation by proxy.” 
Jungkook makes an exaggerated gagging sound before nudging Taehyung subtly enough that Jin is the only one who sees the interaction. Though the eldest had agreed with his deranged idea, there’s one thing that Kook knows that Jin hasn’t come to find out. 
Taehyung has an ongoing problem or maybe he’s a masochist. He’s always been one to internally get attached to these girls who’d never give him the time of day, who can’t stand him at all. The tragedy-comedy that is his best friend’s love life started on a rainy day in second grade when a girl by the name of Seulbi punched him in the face and he was hooked on her for three years after. 
After the infamous Seulbi, came Yeonji from the cheerleading club who blew off his invite to his first-ever party when they were fifteen. She’d called him a loser to his face and he was smitten with her for a while, too. 
And then, you appeared in his life seemingly out of nowhere. Hoseok’s catty best friend with a tongue sharper than her stilettos and lipstick that goes perfectly with her skin tone. 
Of course, he was aware of your existence prior to that accident he calls his first conversation with you—be it from the exciting yet flat-out brain dead antics Hoseok would describe you’d gotten caught up in at the time or from the sound of your heels sinking into the floor promptly before you entered math class.  You were always late but claimed that the teacher should be grateful because you cut in line to arrive at school earlier. You always had one of those shitty overrated pumpkin spice lattes in your manicured hands. 
Simply put, Taehyung likes you. Though after your disastrous first meeting during which, blunt-natured and seemingly lacking a sense of self-preservation, he called you a stuck up moron and you threatened to make an attempt at his life. With your bullheaded nature, things never did solve themselves after that one instance.
It’s not something that he’s expressed outwardly, but Jungkook knows him better than he knows the back of his hand. Unfortunately, he knows you too, even if not as well and he knows how you can’t get a boyfriend because you either scare them away or you find out they’re only after a quick fuck and some money. 
Regardless, Jungkook writes off his inner ramblings as irrelevant before turning to Jin in what could be described as a conspirative manner. While clumsily handing the cashier gas money, he whispers something in the other man’s ear and Jin’s eyes literally twinkle like he’s in a low-budget porno. 
He nods, furiously so, and the cashier simply stares at them like they’re two idiots that somehow merged into one. It’s not a pretty sight. 
“What? We’re sleeping out here?” Your whining is to be expected by now. Had any of your friends written an actual, physical, list of all the things you’ve complained about so far, it’d probably fill a notebook. Thankfully enough, said list remained as a mental compilation of your not-so-epic moments. “What about the motel?” 
“Oh, so now you want a motel?” Jin quips back with a smirk. “They always come ‘round.” 
Despite his boasting and apparent eagerness to go to a motel, that doesn’t change the fact that you all find yourselves in a campsite. You’re not an outdoor person save for going to parties or on a shopping spree with Hoseok. And well, your surroundings are a bit too green right now.
Taehyung is the next person to speak up, with a tense posture and his arms crossed over his chest, almost defiantly so. “Honestly, if you don’t want to be here, I don’t understand why you keep coming to these things.”
“Well, I don’t understand why I had to invite your dumb ass here either. I guess the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.” 
“Yeah, I thought Namjoon or Yoongi would be more fitting for your taste of guest,” he says, outright taunting you now, as if to remind you of your failed love rendezvous with your now close friends. 
“Well yeah, but they both denied, so I had to invite you.” 
“Ah,” he gives a slight sigh and you dismiss the sadness you register in his voice as something deserved for annoying you, “that does make more sense. Lucky me, I guess.”
“Awkies,” Jungkook announces as if it’s something that needs to be announced. Hoseok simply shrugs, and though you’re definitely not looking forward to sleeping out in the woods, he seems excited to try something new. 
There’s something hilarious about seeing a bunch of upper-class kids trying to set up tents and start a fire. You’ve converted to the cavemen with Hoseok, seemingly unaware that engaging in a one-sided debate with a bundle of sticks won’t make them randomly engulf in flames while Hoseok is trying out a trick he saw in the movies.
Honestly, it’s enough of a miracle that you actually went out in the woods and helped without tripping your silly ass and getting lost among the catacombs. Granted, Hoseok would’ve been compassionate enough to look for you had you gotten lost, but you probably wouldn’t get over the trauma of being covered in mud. 
Taehyung notices you both struggling. Part of him wants to make amends with you and a bigger part of him wants to leave Jimin to scramble on his own. Not that he’s sadistic or anything, he just likes seeing others suffer sometimes for entertainment purposes. 
He approaches casually, like the kind of casual where you can tell that the person has an ulterior motive that they don’t want to reveal. Hoseok appears happy to see him, like he’s a savior on a white horse, while you don’t acknowledge him that much except for a sharp question regarding what he wants. 
He greets the older boy with one of these grins you won’t admit you enjoy looking at before roaming through the pockets of his jacket. Now that you’ve noticed him wearing one, you come to the sudden realization that it is getting quite breezy. 
Taehyung has the habit of scrunching his nose when he’s looking for something and then unconsciously smile broadly after succeeding in finding it. You don’t like that you’re aware of that and you especially don’t like that you can pinpoint the repetitive action.
It appears that Taehyung was looking for a lighter, of all things. 
“I thought you quit smoking?” You simply give him an incredulous look. 
He doesn’t grace you with an answer. Though he doesn’t reek of the putrid smell, you’re still hoping that the answer to that question is yes. Instead of soothing your curiosity, however, he uses the lighter to ignite a spark in the firewood and you guess that it’ll have to do.
“Well, that was quite pathetic,” you comment unhelpfully. 
“Better than Hobi’s attempts and uh, whatever the fuck you were doing.” 
Hoseok is enthusiastic to announce that the bonfire’s ready. You watch the clumsily prepped three tents in disinterest, not bothering to defend your attempt at enchantment to him. “Hoseokie, you’re gonna share a tent with me right?” 
“Hoseokie,” Jin repeats, but in good fun, “I thought you were gonna crash with me tonight?”
You roll your eyes before redirecting your gaze towards Jimin and Jungkook. By the guilty smile Jungkook gives you, you can tell he doesn’t plan on letting Jimin out of his clown clutches. You narrow your expression and jut your lip out disapprovingly. 
“Well, Mr. Handsome,” Jin interrupts whatever you have to say with a thank you, “since you and Kook have been jointed by the assholes since we got here, I don’t see what the problem is.” 
“I think you’re just saying that because you don’t wanna sleep with Tae,” Hoseok comments obliviously. 
“What he said. Also, these crackwhores are planning something, and I’m going to find out what.”
“Well, you’re in tough luck because Hoseok promised,” Jin argues, emphasizing the word promise. He has a shit-eating grin on his face and he’s not even denying your accusation. 
Taehyung coughs once. The second time is overkill and sounds even faker than the first one. “Sorry, but if [Y/n] isn’t comfortable sharing the tent with me, it doesn’t really matter what Hoseok promised.” 
You gape at him. This is probably the first intelligent thing that you’ve heard come out of his mouth. You almost reconsider your treatment of him after that, but then you remember that a guy being half-decent isn’t something you’re supposed to celebrate. You suppose that even he looks like a saint compared to some of your exes.
Everyone notices the conflict on your face but doesn’t say anything about it. Jin admits that Taehyung’s right with a wail yet the tension doesn’t dissolve, somehow. You excuse yourself by declaring that you’re going to get the blankets out of the SUV. 
“Damn, that bad huh?” Jungkook laughs. It’s the hyena laugh that kind of doesn’t suit his face but also the one he does when he’s having fun for no good reason. 
“I heard in the girls’ bathroom once that this girl went on a diet where she only eats bananas for three months. Like, five a day,” you explain while you munch on your banana in front of the bonfire. Needless to say, you’ve come out to be severely underprepared in terms of food on your first day. 
“That sounds like a strategy to make yourself unhinged,” Hoseok retorts. He believes your story but he’s skeptical about that banana business. “I’d never do that.” 
“Me neither. Diets are stupid, anyway, can’t a bitch eat?” 
Jungkook reaches over and high-fives you, looking at you like you’ve just invented air or some shit. “Amen to that sister.” 
“By the way, what’s the plan for tomorrow?” Jimin is the one to speak up this time. 
“I have quite the plan for you, alright,” Jin laughs. His next statement, however, is the embodiment of his immature nature. “But that banana talk had me all distracted.”
Everyone collectively groans. You’re not really sure if what he said would classify as a dad joke at this point; you’re now entering single-and-desperate-dad joke territory. Can’t say that you’d enjoy it coming from someone else, but Jin is Jin.
“Anyways,” he dismisses his previous remark with an easy-going smile and a wave of his hand in thin air, “we’re going to a breakfast place first thing in the morning. By foot.” 
His grin is mischievous. You think this is the worst idea he’s had yet and no one else present seems attracted by the prospect of it either, so you vocally oppose him with a raised brow. “Don’t you realize how likely it is we’ll get lost?” 
“Yeah, I also don’t wanna walk too much.” Hoseok’s always one to back you up.
“Technology doesn’t lie, [Y/n].”
“If technology doesn’t lie how come I had a D on my maths test in junior year when I used Photomath?” 
Hoseok agrees, remembering the incident. That day was truly one of sorrow. 
“Technology only lies if you’re gullible enough,” Jin now changes the narrative. 
You sneak out of your and Hoseok’s tent with a brief explanation thrown over your shoulder. Something about getting your make-up wipes from the trunk. Hoseok mutters inspiring words of advice—be careful, it’s dark and who knows what animal puke is on the ground—and you stumble your way to the SUV. 
Shoving the keys in the hole proves to be a difficult task, however. You aimlessly jut it in, hoping to hit the correct place by some sort of miracle. This is the moment that you realize that your eyes aren’t so good at adapting to the darkness. 
“Hey, what’re you doing?”
You jump up out of pure reflex. Startled, you whip around with a bemused look on your face. You’re gonna get wrinkles, damn it. 
“Woah, girl jumps in heels,” Taehyung comments dryly. 
“Don’t sneak up on me, you idiot cokehead,” you retort. You’re not sure why you said that. He’s not a cokehead. 
“No, but seriously, what’re you doing?” 
“I’m trying to look for my make-up wipes.” 
Taehyung takes the keys from you. Without half as much fumbling as you’d done previously, he opens the trunk and you proceed with looking through your purse, only to come to the conclusion that you’ve forgotten your make-up lines somewhere. There’s now a new resolve, clear as day in your twisted mind—you have to find the supermarket you passed by on your way here and buy new ones.
“Did you find them?”
“No.” You scoff. An angry thaw and the trunk is now closed. “I’m going to buy some.” 
“Woah, calm down tiger. Can’t you just sleep with it?” 
“No! Do you know how bad that is for your skin?” 
“Well, we could find a river and you could wipe your face with the dirty water.” 
You give him a blank stare, barely suppressing a small giggle. “Do you understand how ridiculous you’re being?” 
“I’m being ridiculous?”
“...You’re not planning to go off in the woods during the dawn of asscrack, right?” 
“The what? Yeah.”
Taehyung looks towards your tent only to see that the light is completely shut down. Hoseok must be asleep already. “I’ll go with you.” 
You roll your eyes. “Do whatever you want.” 
“So, why do you hate your cousin so much?” Taehyung asks abruptly from behind you. 
Most of your walk has been a silent one, so far, except for an occasional grumble from you and an absentminded one-liner from him. There’s also the sound of sticks crumbling under your high-heels that’s slightly irritating. 
“Because she’s unfunny,” you reply seriously.
“You have issues.” This is probably the least significant reason someone has ever hated somebody else for, in the entire history of hatred. Strangely enough, however, Taehyung can’t help finding it endearing how outlandish you can be.
“I’m sorry, I must have Alzheimer’s because I don’t remember asking,” you snap with a roll of your eyes. 
“You know, I have a dog,” he begins dramatically. “And sometimes he shits on the carpet and one time he puked on me, but I still love him very much. He’s gang, you feel?” 
“I don’t see how that helps with my family situation.”
“I never said it’s supposed to help, I just wanted to talk about myself.” He snickers. You’re getting the most violent of urges. 
Leering over the thin metal fence that looms over an otherwise mundane hill gives you an idea. Down the admittedly high hill, the supermarket is obnoxiously lit up. However, the hideous sight doesn’t deter you—this is what your nirvana looks like in the given moment.
With one bold move, you lift your leg up the fence and Taehyung considers you, your motives and perhaps even your life until now. “What are you doing?” 
“It’ll be faster if I go down the hill.” 
“You’re gonna break your ankles in these shoes,” he rebuts, his voice a tilted monotone. “Also, I can see your underwear like this.” 
“Perveeeeert.” This is your final taunt before you do make it over the short fence and onto the other side. Examining the hill from up close—but not before you roll your miniskirt down—you come to two conclusions. The first one is that it’s quite steep and the second one comes when you’re one step down, that maybe, just maybe, you’re a bit deranged.
With your back turned to him, you don’t get to see Taehyung experiencing the five stages of grief. There’s obvious conflict on his face and to be precise, his current dilemma is between worry for you and a lack of power to stop you. Perhaps had you turned around, you’d find the sight entertaining.
His movements are leisurely once he does get in motion. Taehyung’s plan is to simply help you up now that he noticed that you’re hesitating to go further than you’ve already gone. 
His voice cutting through the night’s silence startles you. “Hey, you really shouldn’t do this.” 
You stumble. 
As tragic as that is, there’s something else to placate you; you’ve never seen Taehyung move so fast. Not even during the blip test in high school. The rest of his actions are less endearing—he throws you over his shoulder carelessly, stumbles onto the sidewalk and drops you like it’s hot. And then your legs are a bit wobbly, but you pretend they aren’t. 
The unnerving silence remains all the way to the supermarket, then back to the campsite and even when Taehyung’s awkwardly using his phone as a flashlight in your face while you remove your make-up. There’s nothing to say, except maybe if he were to ask you a question that’s not to your liking.
(He’s not that bad.)
Jin is in a hurry, but you’re not sure what for. It’s been practically less than a day since you started this road trip, but it feels longer. You’re conflicted about how to feel regarding that, but even so, Jimin and Hoseok’s enthusiasm is hard to ignore. 
The feline smile on your face drops the moment Jungkook basically drags you out of your tent, bare-faced and severely underdressed. Well, to be honest, you blend in with them just fine, but in your head, you’re severely underdressed. Something more boujee is usually your style, but you realize your predicament won’t magically change the longer you’re walking in what feels like the middle of nowhere. 
Tusla is gross, yes, but maybe Oklahoma is just gross in general. 
When you’re unhappy, you don’t get shy about it—honesty is the best policy, after all. So you’re going on one of those annoying tangents you like to go on like it’s second nature to you. Maybe it is. 
Taehyung drones out whatever it is you’re saying the moment you start talking about a pimple in your nostril that has hair growing out of it. He’s not particularly grossed out by this revelation, rather, he doesn’t like listening to you go on and on about everything you don’t like about yourself. 
“And I couldn’t put on that necklace you got me for my birthday,” you complain before linking your arms with Hoseok’s and feigning a sniff.
“That is pretty horrible,” he hums in agreement. “I think I have a rash on my thigh.” 
“See, if Jungkook wasn’t being horrible I could probably get some kinda product to smear on it.”
Taehyung feigns a loud yawn. Tagging along with you and Hoseok isn’t as tiring as he’d like to make it out to be. 
“What’re you yawning so blatantly for? I hate being interrupted.” You roll your eyes cockily. 
“Sorry, I almost fell asleep during this uninteresting speech of yours.”
You fume again and Hoseok reassures you with something along the lines of don’t worry, [Y/n], it’s very interesting. Then, silence follows. It always seems to end up like this between the two of you. 
“Well, if it helps,” Taehyung starts, tone breezy, “you’re still beautiful.” 
You feel your face heat up. Sure, boys have given you plenty of compliments before—you’re no stranger to it—hot, sexy and maybe pretty on a good day. But beautiful? Especially without any make-up on? This is definitely something new. 
Hoseok smiles. “Yeah, he’s right.” 
You don’t want to admit just how flattered you really are. “Of course I am.”
You take the first thing you find to your liking once you reach the breakfast place. Actually, it’s more brunch than it is breakfast, but all that walking is making you starve so you don’t feel particularly inclined to be hung up on semantics. 
“It’s on me.” Jungkook sweeps in smoothly, giving you a flashy smile. 
“Fuck off. I’m still mad at you.”
“You might be, but not for long,” he argues with an obnoxious grin on his face. “They call it… The Kook Effect.” 
You shake your head. “I’m pretty sure you just made that up.”
“Yeah? Remember when you won a bet against Jimin and he had to call you Supreme Majesty in freshman year? And then you pretended that he did it out of his own volition.” 
“Oh, I’m not taking this from you and your dead trim.”
“My trim is fine, thanks.”
“Dead trim!” you repeat, almost frantic. You’re so caught up with Jungkook’s dead trim that you don’t notice that Taehyung is giving you a cheesy smile as he buys you your food. He looks like the greasiest gentleman alive when he hands it to you. 
“And what’s that about?”
“In junior year, at summer camp, they took away our phones because someone recorded the instructor jerking off. And then like, blackmailed him.” 
You quirk an eyebrow up at this, unsure what he’s hinting at. “Right.”
“Right. And then they took all of our phones for a month and you started crying about how your life is a living nightmare.” 
“Right…” you trail off, suddenly embarrassed as if that hadn’t happened a whole two years ago. But like, it totally was a big deal! “The no phone rule was the worst. Even worse than the public bathroom rule.”
“I did it. I’m making it up to you,” he explains. 
You feel your mouth twitch into a small smile, one that he hasn’t quite seen on you before. “I forgive you this once, then.” 
“We’re going to a hotel after sightseeing,” Jin explains. It’s like he’s got everything figured out all by himself and perhaps with the help of Jungkook’s annoying personality. “I arranged the rooms and everything while you were eating.” 
“Quite epic,” Jimin comments absentmindedly. “Wait, rooms? Like, you mean who’s rooming with who?” 
“Yeah, I finished the registration.” He stares directly at you and then Taehyung. “You could switch if you wanted to, it doesn’t really matter.”
You give him a light glare, already having a brief idea of what he’s done, but don’t comment any further. With a sense of deja vu, you speak up again. “What about the motel?” 
“I wasn’t sure if we’re going to be passing by one today, so I thought hey! Better safe than sorry.” 
Everyone nods in half-agreement until Jin speaks up again. “Plus, you guys reek. You should shower. Couldn’t be me.”
Predictably, Jin did set you and Taehyung up. You can’t tell what kind of game he and Jungkook are playing, however, the poor boy isn’t half as insufferable in your eyes ever since this road trip began, so maybe you should thank them. Still, you don’t trust them—their minds are as twisted as yours.
As the two of you are dragging your luggage towards your shared room, Taehyung reminds you that you’re free to tell him if you don’t want to sleep with him. “I could go to Jungkook’s room or something.”
You find the idea of being alone more unfavorable than you thought you would. Perhaps your high-school, drastically more histrionic, self would’ve found anything more pleasant than sharing a room with Taehyung. You’re a (slightly) changed person now, though. Or at least you’d like to believe you are.
“Let’s put it like this. I hate a lot of things.”
“You don’t need to tell me that, I already know,” he interrupts with a crude giggle. 
“But you’re not one of them,” you admit. 
There’s also the fact that the two of you are blatantly ignoring that you could switch with Jin and sleep with Hoseok instead.
No more words are spoken between the two of you that day. New Mexico isn’t half as bad as Oklahoma was. 
You wake up before Taehyung does, punctually so. Rolling out of bed, you partly don’t care whether you wake him but at the same time, you try to avoid making too much noise before slipping into the bathroom. Though you’re definitely one to value your beauty sleep, yesterday’s incident left you paranoid over whether Jungkook or Jin would catch you unprepared. 
You go through your routine calmly and by the time Taehyung goes in the bathroom to take a piss, you’re ready to start doing your make-up. You stare at the foundation in your hand but before you can apply it, you hesitate. 
Do I need make-up to be desirable?
Of course, you’re aware that not all women who use make-up are insecure, or that it’s always necessarily toxic for your self-esteem. And you thought that was the case with you as well, but your doubts suggest otherwise. Swiftly, you put all of your stuff away, stick with your trusty lipstick and nothing else. 
“Morning,” he says, groggy still. 
“Morning.” You look over to him from the corner of your eye and he looks kind of dazed. “Jin says we’re staying here until tomorrow morning.” 
“Cool. Hotel’s nice. The scenery too.” 
“I guess.” 
There’s something cripplingly awkward when the two of you aren’t hurling insults at each other, you realize. 
You’re off somewhere with Hoseok and Jin when Taehyung is hanging out with Jimin and Jungkook. Turns out their room has a nice balcony, and with the others out of the picture, there’s some kind of buzzed chatter about incoherent topics swirling around. 
Jungkook suddenly decides that it’s a good idea to start talking about his sexcapades. Maybe it’s the alcohol or maybe his mind’s slipping. Jimin kind of wants to admit how much he doesn’t care what his friend does outside of watching anime and playing video games, but there’s also a part of him that’s morbidly intrigued by Jungkook’s words. Like a dark spell or something. 
“I wanted to hit it off with [Y/n] in high school,” he admits bluntly.
The other two stare at him.
“Oh really? What made you change your mind?” Jimin asks, now more awake than ever. 
“Dunno. Like, she’s more like, the bitchy rival in rom-coms, not the protagonist. I liked her, but I didn’t think I could handle her,” he admits.
“Once we were clubbing and this guy was messing with me and I complained to her about it,” Jimin begins, leaning into his chair with a fond smile on his face, “and she was all like, I’ll show him. And I was like, what? And she was like, I’ll show him who he’s dealing with. And then I was like, okay, maybe don’t show him that much.” 
The three of them chuckle. Taehyung talks for the first time in a while. “Nah, I agree.”
“You dig it though, right?” 
Jimin gives him a knowing look right after Jungkook shoots his question with a drunken smile. He guesses that since Hoseok isn’t here, he can finally admit it. 
“Yeah. Yeah, I do. But I can’t get things right with her.” 
“What do you mean?”
“It’s like, we’re either fighting or it’s really awkward.” 
“You’re on your own.” Jimin dismisses him with a wave of his hand. “I don’t think she hates you that much. It’s always Taehyung this, Taehyung that.” 
“True,” Jungkook agrees. “Like yes, maybe she’s complaining about you half the time and I know she loves gossiping but I’ve never heard her talk about someone else that much. Except maybe Yoongi. What I’m sayin’ is, you should give it a shot.”
“Why do you guys even fight so much?” Jimin laughs. “Whenever it happens, I like, forget what even happened to lead up to that.” 
“Well, you know me. I’m always too honest for my own good and when I hit her with some snark she starts getting all defensive. I just...” He sounds defeated by the time he’s finished with his explanation. Taehyung’s shoulders visibly slump and his frame slides down the uncomfortable chair. “I just want to get along with her.” 
The fourth day is the first time you actually aren’t sure where you are. Save for supposedly being close to Nevada by now, you tuned out the rest of Jin’s explanation despite your previous attempts at keeping up with your location. 
Regardless, what’s important is living in the present. And the present for you right now is walking down a nameless street, in a mess of other tourists, with your pants uncomfortably sticking to your ass with sweat. In short, you feel gross. 
Taehyung doesn’t seem to be having the same problem, while you can’t even fake being unfazed. You envy him just the tiniest bit. 
A trashy souvenir shop seems to catch Taehyung’s attention. In the scorching heat and sand-yellow scenery of this town, however, even that seems more appealing. So when he urges you to go with him, you find yourself reluctantly agreeing. 
When you step in, the air conditioning of the otherwise homey shop welcomes you like taking a breather during an overcrowded party. You let an unconscious smile take over your face when you greet the cashier. She’s cute and her adorableness factor only spikes up when she practically beams at the sight of customers. 
“Hi! Please, feel free to look around.” 
“We will,” Taehyung answers offhandedly. Her gaze lingers on him. 
Most of the things don’t interest you. Actually, they’re hideous if you had to be completely honest. He doesn’t seem that enamored by them either, but you can tell he finds more redeeming qualities about them than you do. 
Your eyes almost bulge out of your face when you see the most live-laugh-love-esque decoration to exist. Like something your mom would laugh-react to on Facebook. 
The offender is no more than three inches tall and wide, a ceramic plate with a cartoony burger portrayed on it. It’s holding a flag that says two simple words: “Nice Buns!” 
You can’t tell if it’s the radioactivity of Jungkook’s cooking from earlier or if this thing is what’s making you nauseous. However, food-poisoning or not, you’re quite disgusted by what you’ve just seen. “Oh my god, the caucasity.” 
“Aw, you don’t like it?” Taehyung says with a mocking pout. “I think it’s cute.” 
“What’s wrong with you? It’s corny.”
“No, it isn’t. It might’ve been if it was a corn-dog, though.” 
You heaved an over-dramatic sigh. “You’re saying words that have no positive impact on my life.”
“I think I’ll buy it,” he declares, before checking the price and realizing he hasn’t brought enough money with himself. 
You shake your head. “I’m not gonna be an accomplice to… that.” 
“Well, of course not. This is your Valentine’s present.”
“Go to hell. As if I’d be your Valentine in the first place,” you reply sardonically before pushing him out of the way.  
Taehyung realizes something at that moment. Even outside your evident disinterest in him and his affairs, the two of you are completely incompatible. You, too quick to judge and be offended and him, too quickly to say the first thing on his mind, obviously don’t mesh smoothly. 
Neither of the boyfriends you’ve had that he’s spoken to is anything like him, either. If Namjoon and Yoongi have one thing in common, it’s that they’re both calm, collected and have a good head screwed securely on top of their shoulders. He’s not like that.
Even so, that revelation only makes the concept of being with you more alluring. 
Kim Taehyung is an idiot. But more importantly, with one glance towards the admittedly good-looking cashier making googly eyes at him, Kim Taehyung makes a decision.
While you’re taking a shit in a nearby cafeteria, you receive a text from Taehyung. This is shocking by itself since despite the two of you having each others’ numbers, you never really text. 
[15:30] pain in the neck: im going on a date w/ the cashier
[15:30] pain in the neck: feel free to leave
[15:45] Princess Complex: i’m just gonna hang with jungkook thank god
Why is your stomach sinking?
Once you meet up with Jungkook, you explain the situation briefly. He quickly looks you over, confusion evident on his face. “What? On a date?”
“Yeah, he just kinda left me in the toilet,” you confirm with a shrug. “Anyways, where do you wanna go?” 
It’s not like Jungkook is an oblivious idiot with the emotional capacity of your aunt’s mutated sixth toe, even if he may appear to be. But you never thought he’d call you out the moment your overly confident facade starts slipping. His gaze softens. “Are you sure you’re okay with that?” 
He isn’t examining you when he asks. No, he appears to be looking off, somewhere behind you. However, you remain ignorant to that fact. 
“Yes! Why would I care? I’d rather drink toilet water for ten years straight than spend any more time with that moron,” you snap, too worked up for someone who supposedly doesn’t care. 
“Is that how you really feel about Taehyung?”
“Yes! Yes, oh my god, let it go.”
Jungkook makes one more helpless expression, shrugs lightly, and you fail to realize that neither of those gestures is directed at you. “Let’s go to the arcade.”
“I’m not really into video games,” you lie as you run your hand through your hair, “but fine.”
“Hell yeah.”
When Taehyung goes back to your room in the trashy motel, notably late during the night for a mere first date, the atmosphere is tense. There’s a crease in your brows when you unlock the door and obvious bite marks over your bare lips. He stumbles ahead to enter, but you continue blocking his path with your arms frigidly crossed over your chest.
“You’re late.” 
“And what’s it to you?” He’s never spoken to you so harshly. There are moments where his words bite, but never does he say them with an expression and tone that are so frosty.
“Nothing in particular.” You move out of his way, finally, and he enters. You briefly wonder if he’s had alcohol before you start talking again. “I’ve been stuck in this room for like, an hour because the keys are in me. Waiting for you...”
“Poor you.”
“Excuse me?”
“I heard what you said about me to Jungkook. You know, I’m starting to understand why you scared away all your exes.”
Warth washes over you in waves for a millisecond before it disperses into nothingness, a cold numbness that makes your back shiver. Your gaze on him is empty yet livid at the same time and he cowers under it. You’re not sure if the guilt on his face is a flicker of your imagination or if it’s genuine, but you hope it’s the latter. 
It’s never his words that are a big deal to you. It’s the way he speaks every syllable, so earnestly with truth laced in every letter, that makes you go off the hook. Because deep down, you’re aware that he doesn’t mean to be malicious or to offend, it’s merely him telling his truth.
You grab a few things impulsively with a mundane declaration, before storming off god knows where. “I’m not sleeping here tonight.”
When the door clicks behind your frame, Taehyung backs down and sprawls out across the bed. Truthfully, he regretted his words before he even opened his mouth. But he was so angry, be it with you or with himself.
It just seemed so unfair that you could blow him away time after time and yet, on his date the only thing on his mind was you. The mediocre make-out session and him awkwardly leaving out of nowhere didn’t help, either. And then you had to be so perfect, waiting for him instead of locking his ass out like he thought you would.
It isn’t the girl’s fault she’s raised to be as sweet as sugar while you’re more like citrus. He’s always had a knack for lemons, anyway.
The fact that you spent the rest of the day with Jungkook only aggravates him further, the younger’s words repeating in his head. I tried to hit it off with [Y/n] in high school, or whatever it was that he said exactly. All of this is his own fault, anyway—if he hadn’t been so temperamental, you would’ve stayed with him for the rest of the day.
Taehyung stares at the cheap lights hanging on the ceiling until his eyes hurt that night.
Half-way through your trek to Hoseok’s room, you crumble. A sob escapes your throat and then another one. After these two instances, your tears don’t cease. 
At first, Jimin is excited to see you at their door but his smile slips the moment he realizes what a bad state you’re in. You’re practically making whale noises while desperately searching for Hoseok. 
“I’ll give you two a moment.” He gives you one final look-over and leaves with a not-so-threatening threat. “Or maybe thirty. You better be smiling and singing Toxic by the time I’m back, [Y/n].”
Hoseok rushes to hug you. “God, girl, what’s wrong?”
“I like Taehyung.” 
“Is that it? You’re a strong girl, y’know, I never pictured you crying over some pretty boy.” 
“No. I’m crying because I’ve liked him all this fucking time and I tried to run away from him because I’m scared. And he said the most horrible thing to me,” you explain as you bury yourself deeper into his embrace. “That’s why I’m crying.”
“I hope he isn’t allergic to hands, because he’s about to catch them. Actually, I hope he is allergic.” Hoseok isn’t one to ask about details. He lets you get it out of your system, makes a few promises (most often of violence) and then allows you to elaborate if you wish to do so.
You laugh, but it turns into choking considering how much snot you have running down your face by now. “He said that he understands why my exes run away from me. I mean, I— I said something rude about him first, but Jungkook was backing me into a corner and I didn’t know he would even find out about it, I just—”
“Forget about him, forget about Jungkook, everyone. Tonight is for Britney,” Hoseok commands more than he asks you.
You smile sadly at him before uselessly wiping your tears away and giggling like you’re on the brink of losing your mind. Perhaps you are.
“My 45-carat booger. Hey, let’s make Jimin do the chicken dance,” Hoseok starts off like he’s coddling you in his strange way of doing so, but then quickly turns diabolical. He throws some tissues at you and you accept them. If there’s one thing you’re truly grateful for, it’d be your best friend.
You nod, suddenly more excited than you should be. Hoseok’s right—you don’t need some pretty boy when queen Britney is watching over you.
The next day, you’re wearing a full-face of make-up, and Taehyung notices it. Hoseok’s driving and you’re in the passenger seat, talking about some nonsense as usually do. The atmosphere is light, with Jimin and Jungkook occasionally joining in your conversation and Jin sleeping with his forehead pressed against the window.
Truth to be told, Taehyung feels like a zombie right now. Pretending that your scuffle with him meant nothing to you only convinces him further how little you care about anything that has to do with him.
“I think we’ll be in Las Vegas soon,” Hoseok announces cheerily.
On one hand, you’re happy to finally be seeing the end of this road trip. Though you’ve technically just been relaxing, you wanted to be done with your cousin’s dumb wedding and go back to spending an average amount of time with your friends. You want to forget how flippant things are between you and Taehyung, your quote-unquote friendship dictated by mood swings rather than actual feelings.
“Fuck yeah! I wanna get drunk in Vegas,” you say with a smirk. “It’s on my bucket list.”
“You want to get drunk everywhere,” Jungkook corrects with a laugh. You can’t help agreeing with him. “And Jin will probably stay in the hotel and play Candy Crush or something.”
“Ew, ew, ew, a fucking millenial,” you exclaim in mock disgust.
“Jin can be a beast if he wants to. Remember when he twerked in front of the whole school on Taehyung’s birthday party?”
“Shit was wild, man.”
No one except you, Hoseok and Taehyung himself is aware of what transpired yesterday. So Jungkook and Jin are still stubbornly placing the two of you together, yet you’re too powerless to fight it.
The hotel is a fancy one, courtesy of your annoying cousin. She’s been texting you and you sent a short message back to inform her you’ve arrived, but you haven't bothered to deal with her provocations any further. 
After dumping his luggage near his bed, Taehyung was straight out of the room and you started getting ready. And that was that. 
You feel more like yourself when you find the wine hidden in the fridge, a free present from the hotel. Or maybe your cousin’s way of making peace. Ha, as if that’d happen. 
When Taehyung comes back to get dressed, you’re already tipsy and acting like a fool.
“Drinking already?” There are many things that Taehyung wants to say to you. An apology he’s too sober to say and a confession you’re too drunk to hear, to begin with. 
“It’s pre-game,” you explain dizzily. “You know. I never told you why I hate my cousin so much. She used to bully me and she stole my first boyfriend from me. And we never got past it.”
With your trademark look, high-heels, acrylics, a fancy yet revealing dress along with whatever else you consider fashionable at the moment, Taehyung feels familiarity staring at your lopsided smirk. Though he’s gotten glimpses of other sides of you during these past few days, like how you like cuddling during the night, this is the epitome of who you are.
“Yeah,” he replies agreeably, though you’re not sure what for.
“Well, I don’t know about you, but Hoseok is waiting for me. So, this is bye-bye.” 
“See you there.”
“Probably not.” You snicker. Taehyung can tell that you’re still upset with him.
You’re so wasted that the things happening around you aren’t really making sense anymore. While you and Hoseok were drinking together for a while, at one point Jungkook whisked him away, then there’s a blank in your memory and now you’re here. Alone. And you’ve lost count of how many drinks you’ve had. 
A man, that’s definitely a few years older than you, finally approaches you after observing you from afar. He says some sort of sleazy line—you’re not sure what it is, you’re not really listening—and offers you a drink. 
You consider him. He’s not your type at all and that pornstache isn’t helping his case but, when you look at Taehyung and see him talking and having fun while you’re being an alcoholic by your lonesome and moping about him, you quickly accept his offer. Pornstache or not. 
“Pick anything you’d like, kitten,” he purrs, in an attempt at being seductive. 
“Well first off I’m not a furry so don’t call me that,” you snap with a self-assured grin. And then you start listing off the most expensive drinks on the menu. 
This man is so enamored by you that he buys you all of them. You’re three steps closer to alcohol poisoning when you clumsily stumble onto the dance floor along with him, running your hand over his jaw in what you believe to be a sensual manner. He seems to dig it, but from an outsider’s perspective the two of you look like junkies trying to get off. 
Your experience in the club is romanticized. The dim lights are reminiscent to those few times you’ve gone to a rave and it reeks of alcohol, overpriced perfumes and sweat. You and your nameless pathetic fan mingle with the grinding crowd and begin imitating them. 
As the poet Lady Gaga once said, “redlight pornographic dance fight”. 
The act itself is indifferent to you. From across the room, Taehyung locks eyes with you and you’re not really sure why but you feel this sudden need to provoke him, even when you know he most likely wouldn’t care. You sloppily kiss your suitor’s cheek while looking at him intensely from across the room. A red trail from your wet lips makes its way down his face.
For the sake of pettiness, you might’ve gone further—I mean, you were already playing some weird game of tug-and-war but with clothes—but you don’t want to know the feeling of this guy’s lips against yours. He finds the mostly innocent action as an invitation, though, and abruptly halts your staring contest with Taehyung by forcing you into a greedy kiss.
Pushing him away, you give him a pointed stare and rejection is clear on his face. “Excuse me…” 
He’s a terrible kisser. 
Pushing through everyone that’s in your way, you make your escape through the first door you find. In your intoxicated parade, you fail to make sense of the words ‘CLOSED’ that are so blatantly taped over the entrance. So, you find yourself in front of a swimming pool. 
The cold breeze outside prickles at your skin unpleasantly, and a quick look around tells you that there’s no one around to put this in their cringe compilation. Apparently more disgusted than you’d initially thought, you puke your guts out in front of the pool. Now light-headed and somehow empty, you stare at your vomit and take a deep breath. 
“Hey, why’d you run away?” Your suitor from earlier appears to have followed you outside. You stare at your feet—doesn’t he understand that you wanted to get away from him?
“You’re a bad kisser,” you say bluntly after getting over your little trance. 
“Give me a chance to change your mind then,” he offers smugly, taking menacing steps towards you. You move away instinctively before you’re quickly backed into a wall, with his two hands trapping you in between. 
Your eyes widen with fear and you sink into yourself. If you had anything else to puke out, you’re sure you would’ve done so at this point. “I have sharp nails and I’m not afraid to use them.”
“Oh, she bites-”
The events that play out next happen so slowly, you’re not sure why you’re surprised. Taehyung appears, and you do see him in your peripheral vision, stares for a bit before knocking the guy out with a punch to his temple. He falls unconscious on the ground.
“Oh god, did I kill him?” he asks, a vacant look on his face. He imagined his first kill to be more thrilling, but on second thought, he’s not sure why he was thinking about that without being under the influence of substances in the first place. 
“I’d be happy if he’s dead, if that helps,” you comment dryly. 
“Do we dump the body in the pool or what?”
The two of you are drunk enough to consider it. Your mind is blank for a bit, before you finally speak up. “I’m trying to think of what I saw on How To Get Away With Murder, but it’s not coming to me. But like, on Blacklisted, there was this guy who like, made the corpses turn to gas or something!”
“You watch too much TV. Also, I’m pretty sure it’s called The Blacklist.”
“Whatever. Do you know how to do that?”
“Hey, what’s going on here?” A new voice cuts in.
“You better come up with something convincing or we’ll have to kill him too,” you urge.
“Did you say something?”
“Umm, awkward believe it yeah,” Taehyung begins, a strong start. “This guy slipped on her puke and hit his head. And he has a concussion now.”
“Man, that sucks,” the guy says. You’re relieved that he’s as trashed as he is, otherwise the situation would’ve went really badly, considering how Taehyung straight-up lied to his face. “I’ll go call someone over ‘ere.”
Once he’s out of sight, the two of you stare at each other and decide to flee the country. But then change the plan with the more economically-efficient idea to simply leave the club. 
“Why were you with that guy anyway?” Taehyung asks. Frankly put, neither of you know where you’re going, but you’re boldly leading him through the artificially-lit streets of Las Vegas as if you’re born there. Where you end up is a concern your sober selves of tomorrow should worry about.
“I wanted to make you jealous,” you reply, bold, like everything you do when you’re drunk is. 
“...I don’t get it.”
“You pissed me off so much yesterday. And you made me jealous when you went out with that cashier. But also, you killed a guy for me, so I guess I’m not mad at you anymore.” 
“Well aren’t you high-maintenance,” he retorts sarcastically, gaining what feels like a confidence spurt because of your sudden confession. “You don’t have anything to be jealous of, anyway. The only thing I had on my mind during that stupid fucking date was you.”
You freeze up. You thought that your own attitude was what made any possibility of him returning your feelings seem laughable. Even if it’s drunk blabber, alcohol is an honesty elixir, at least in your case. “Kiss me?” 
He doesn’t need to be told twice, attacking your lips so eagerly you’d consider it funny if you were in a right state of mind. Still, your reciprocation is just as hungry, so maybe you don’t have any room to laugh. He is indulging you, after all.
The wipeout that happened at the club happens again and you’re left to wonder how things escalated. From teeth clashing against each other in pure excitement, you’re left hovering over Taehyung’s form and straddling him unsteadily.
He reaches under your already high dress and the glimpse of your panties seems to excite him. “You have no idea how much I’ve thought about this,” he admits breezily. 
You smile, a teasing one, adjusting yourself better. “You don’t need to be so dramatic about it, it’s just underwear.” 
“Dramatic is how many times I’ve jerked off after we went to the supermarket and you flashed me.”
“Ewwww, we shared a bed like three times, freak,” you scold and he pouts when you distance yourself from him. 
“I was just trying to be funny!”
“Not funny. Didn’t laugh. It’s better when you don’t talk,” you instruct before leaning down again to kiss him. At least he’s having fun with groping whatever he can get his hands on. 
“You’re so annoying it turns me on. Always whining, it drives me nuts how much I really like you.”
You snicker. “Well, I sure am feelin’ the love here.”
When you wake up, you register three things. Four, actually. First—your left shoe is missing. Second— Taehyung is knocked out cold next to you. Third—you don’t know where you are, except for the fact that there’s a garbage bin next to you. Fourth—your head is throbbing with pain and you’re so sore you’re not sure if you can walk. Needless to say, you had the wild night in Vegas you wished for in your bucket list, and you only half-regret it.
You see your shoe discarded near you and nudge it with your toe for a bit before finally gathering enough power to sit up and put it on. Or so you think, because the moment you’re propped in a standing position, you vomit like you did yesterday. 
Speaking of yesterday, the only thing you remember is that you and Taehyung were convinced that he’s now a murderer on the run, confessing your feelings for each other in an anti-climactic manner and then having like seven rounds of public sex. 
With a recap of yesterday’s events, you digress and put your shoe on before reaching in your purse. Surprisingly, you haven’t been robbed. Fishing your phone out, you come to the conclusion that you’ve been knocked out cold for way too long. 
Hoseok has generously spammed you with seventy texts, but you don’t bother to read them, already assuming that the gist is something about where the fuck you and Taehyung are. Instead, you call him immediately. 
“Hi,” you greet casually.
“[Y/n]! Where the fuck are you and Tae? We were so worried. Jin almost declared you two missing. But on the positive side, Jungkook didn’t care because he got food poisoning yesterday at the club.”
“I don’t know where we are, but he’s with me.”
“What do you mean?!”
“I’ll send you my location. I don’t have money for Uber, love you, kisses and hickeys,” you say in one breathe before hanging up quickly and doing what you said you’d do. 
At first, you thought this road trip was an opportunity for you to grow and mature. However, after yesterday’s shenanigans, you’re almost convinced your sociopathic tendencies are now higher by 5%. 
You start shaking Taehyung until he wakes up and swats your arms away. Now upon closer inspection, while you’re aware that you look bad right now, he’s not looking too hot either. The lipstick marks you had left on his face make it look like you’ve either slobbered all over him or that he’s a vampire, you’re not sure. And you’ve bitten him so much somebody could think he got attacked by a racoon judging solely on those bruises.
You quickly explain the situation to him as you’re fixing up your bra and top. Considering the fact that you were bordering on nip-slip territory, that was your priority. Smoothing your dress is easy enough, but your pantyhose is mysteriously ripped in some incriminating places.
He reaches out, rips out the fake eyelash that was pathetically hanging off the corner of your eye and throws it away. You take care of the other one, wipe off your ruined make-up and then wipe off the lipstick on his face. 
Your head hurts so much that you don’t know what to say to break the silence. Though you also don’t doubt that he’s in the position, and so, for the first time it doesn’t feel awkward between the two of you. 
“Hey, [Y/n], are we like… dating now?”
“I think so? You can be my date to the wedding if you want.” 
A dopey smile takes over his face. You realize you’ve made someone this happy before with merely being yourself. It fills you with a kind of warmth you’ve never felt before.
“Your cousin won’t stop calling you,” Taehyung emphasizes as you’re pointedly ignoring your ringtone while you get ready. Considering the atrocious state both of you came back in, the process taking longer than usual shouldn’t be a surprise. Especially since you had to take turns for the shower.
Also the part where the two of you got into a fight over who should go in first—your thesis being arguably stronger once you mentioned the mud ingrained in the left sole of your feet—only slowed you down further.
“I know right? Can’t this pregnant moron get a life.”
“No, I think she’s calling you because we’re late to the wedding,” he elaborates. “You should pick up.”
“But I hate her!”
“You can roast her at the wedding and I’ll hype you up if you do what I ask.”
“Oh my god, promise?” 
“Look who finally showed up,” your cousin greets you with a tight smile. You can only return the sentiment as Taehyung dumbly trails behind you. 
Well, as much as you don’t like your cousin, the wedding is certainly nice. With a light atmosphere and a fancy ceremony, he can’t pretend he hates it—that much is certain. Though he can also tell that it’s a lot of money wasted on food that doesn’t look appetizing in the slightest the more he examines the buffet.
“I see you’re not wearing the dress I shipped to you. Is it too tight, perhaps?” She’s smiling fakely and sweetly as she waits for your answer to her provocation. Of course it’s too tight; what else could it be when she picked it two sizes smaller than what you usually wear. And she did it on purpose too.
Despite the rather mundane conversation happening, the tension is thick.
“I’m going to be quick. You look like a greasy manatee.” You give her your own uptight smile before strutting away, cueing Taehyung to follow after you.
“Pregnancy-shameeeeed,” he yells out as he offers her finger guns and speed-walks in your direction. 
Once he’s caught up with you, he speaks up again. “I know you could’ve been more brutal than that.”
“Oh please, I’m sophisticated, I’d never engage in some barbaric behavior.”
You both burst out laughing at your blatant lie. 
“Do you think they’re dating now?” Jin asks, looking at the two of you as you dance and joke around. Though he imagines that you could only be having a deranged conversation, one that isn’t as sweet and lovey-dovey as it might look from an outsider’s perspective, it’s still quite disgusting how smitten Taehyung looks with you. 
“I don’t care,” Jungkook answers. Him saying he doesn’t care is a metaphor for how much he doesn’t care about anything after his food poisoning.
Jimin rolls his eyes. “Oh definitely. I saw them making out near a garbage dumpster when we were driving back to the hotel.”
Seokjin chokes.
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itsmyusualphannie · 5 years
school rivalries (or not)
Title: school rivalries (or not) (ao3) Beta: @sudden-sky​ (patchworklove on ao3) Word Count: 4.4k Rating: T Warnings: Guns (sort of) Summary: how PJ took over the school - aka the mostly-crack fic where PJ becomes a high school gang boss because Dan and Phil are too busy making out in dark theatre rooms to do their jobs Author Notes: i wrote this in a 4-hour coffee-fueled haze in the middle of the night so you definitely need to read it. also happy anniversaryyyyy to our favourite idoottsss (ಥ﹏ಥ)
The kid stared wide-eyed at PJ for a good ten minutes before PJ finally gave in. He waved away the henchmen hovering behind him as he had been devouring his lunch, then he reluctantly motioned the kid forward. He was tiny, PJ noted, although he couldn’t be much younger than PJ. They were both in Year 11, after all.
The kid’s blond hair even seemed to bristle attentively when he hurriedly sat at the table across from PJ, his eyes even wider now that he had been acknowledged. “Hi,” he said in a partial squeak, then coughed and tried again. “Um. Hi.”
PJ glanced him up and down and sighed deeply. The kid did have potential - Louise wouldn’t have recommended him for no reason. “Hey. Tyler, is it?”
If possible, the blond’s eyes grew even wider at the realization that PJ, overlord and ruler of the biggest gang in school, knew his name. His voice definitely squeaked this time. “Yes?”
PJ glanced down at his unsatisfactory meal of mashed taters and gravy, then mournfully took another bite. It was too bad he had decided to eat the same thing as his minions - it wouldn’t do to lord over them, after all. It was the little things that counted. “You’re new here, aren’t you?”
Tyler nodded hastily. “My family moved in the middle of the school year, so I just started here a few days ago.”
“You got in with the right people at school here pretty quickly,” PJ noted and chewed on some more taters. They really were just flavourless mush. The gravy didn’t help much.
“I…?” Tyler hesitated. “I helped run a group at my other school.”
“Hmm,” said PJ. He swallowed the bite of food and frowned at his empty bottle of water. It took only a flick of his finger to summon one of the minions inconspicuously drifting nearby, a whisper into her ear, a dash across the room and a dash back, and he had another bottle of water. He tipped it in thanks and then took a few gulps from it. “Good stuff. So, Tyler, what is it you think you can do for me? Why do you want to join?”
“Well,” Tyler ventured, “you always need more members.”
PJ waved a dismissive hand. “Irrelevant. Everyone at school wants to join me, ever since the main ones melded to create mine. Subservience costs little. I want something…” and here he leaned forward, and let his gaze become piercing as it met Tyler’s, “...unique.”
“Ah,” chirped Tyler, but there was a ring of white around his irises.
PJ sat back and smiled. “I’m sure you wouldn’t have bothered even trying to talk to me if you weren’t prepared.”
“I...am,” said Tyler, and squared his shoulders. “I have prepared. I mean, I do have something I think you need.”
“Do tell.”
Tyler took a deep breath. “Well, I haven’t been here long enough to take full stock of the entire situation, but from what I’ve seen, I think I’ve discovered what’s most in-demand. The item that’s hardest to get, yet constantly confiscated by teachers. It’s not cheap, either.”
PJ felt a bubble of grudging respect rise up his chest, not at Tyler’s observation skills, but at his shift from a nervous wreck to a still-nervous-but-fully-prepared-to-bargain wreck. He thumped his palm against his chest a few times to disperse the bubble. “Ah, have you now? Impressive, I suppose. Anyone could find that out, though. You’d just have to come across a gang battle.”
Tyler’s lips fell open a little at “gang battle,” but he pressed on. “It’s not just that. You see, my dad’s the manager of that new store downtown. And…” here he paused for effect, “he’s asked me to work there after school.”
PJ could feel a reluctant smile making its way across his face. This...this, he could work with. “Hmm, I see. What’s your discount?”
“Fifty percent.”
Nodding slowly, PJ thought carefully about the veiled proposition. “I like your style, kid. We might be able to hammer something out.”
Tyler looked a bit offended at the moniker but seemed to shrug it off as he leaned intently toward PJ. “First,” he said in a whisper, “before we decide on any details, I want to know something first.”
PJ took a sip from his water bottle and raised an amused eyebrow. The only people who were close enough to overhear anything from this conversation were his most trusted minions, but he doubted Tyler would say anything that important anyway. “Yes?”
“Well, two things,” Tyler amended. He hesitated, then ploughed ahead. “Is it true that your older sister married Phil Lester’s older brother?”
PJ’s other eyebrow rose. “Yes. Well, they’re engaged. What of it?”
If possible, Tyler leaned even closer. The side of the table had to be cutting into his stomach at this point, PJ mused, and these lunchroom tables weren’t all that comfortable to even look at, much lean intently against.
“How did you become head of this school-wide clique? I’ve heard a few whispers about Phil Lester and Dan Howell, the previous heads of rivals cliques here. How did you get control from them?”
“Ah. I see.” PJ smiled now, a genuine one pulled forth by the sincerity of Tyler’s questions. He supposed, from an outsider’s perspective, it was strange. “That’s easy to tell. You see, their followers abandoned them all at once. It was devastating for them, truly.”
Tyler seemed more confused. “But...they don’t seem bothered. They seem,” he considered the word for a few moments, then admitted, “happy. Like they don’t even care that they entirely lost their cliques.”
“Just say gangs,” PJ said dismissively. “It doesn’t matter, in any case, we’re the only real gang at this school now. We only fight against other schools at this point.” He regarded his water bottle, his brows furrowing, and then they smoothed out as he laughed quietly. “You see, since Phil’s practically my brother-in-law now, I can’t exactly abandon him - imagine the family dinners! And Dan just comes along with that.”
“But…” Tyler looked frustrated. “On my very first day, when Louise started talking to me, she said that Dan and Phil were like the rival overlords of the entire school and you started out as Phil’s right-hand man. How did you…? And how did they end up now like…” He made an indecent gesture, and PJ laughed loudly now. One of his hench people stood up in alarm, but he waved them down.
“Ah, Tyler. You’re so new here, but I can tell that you’re clever. What do you suppose happened? They were rivals, but now they’re not, and their rival gangs have abandoned them.”
“I guess…” Gaze uncertain, Tyler hazarded, “They made up, and their followers didn’t like it, so they left them?”
“More like made out!” PJ chortled and slapped the table in his burst of amusement. He had been right, the table was not comfortable. “God, okay. I guess I should just tell you what happened.”
Tyler shifted in anticipation, his eyes hungry with eagerness. PJ approved. This kid would probably make a great informant, the way he devoured information like this. It would be better that he heard this story from PJ, though, since there was no knowing what others might tell him.
“The rivalry started the first time Dan and Phil laid eyes on each other when Phil accidentally tripped Dan so Dan punched him in the face. Their friends, and then followers, flocked around them both through the following years, all agreeably despising those on the opposing side. Their groups grew and grew until someone initiated the first battle, and it was war from then on. We kept it on the down-low, though, to avoid the teachers. It was beautiful, back then.
“Then came their downfall.”
“You’re dead, Liguori,” came a hiss from behind PJ as he settled into his desk.
PJ cast an innocent smile over his shoulder, which only widened when he caught sight of his classmate’s limp blonde-and-pink curls and her furious expression. “Oh, hullo, Louise. I didn’t see you when I walked in. How are you?”
A putrid scent drifted toward him when she spoke. “You set the bomb in my locker, you dick, you know perfectly well how I am.”
Delicately waving his hand in front of his face, PJ blinked slowly. “Dear me, I believe you need to take a shower.”
“Fuck y - ” she started, but didn’t get to finish as their instructor entered the room.
“Good afternoon,” the teacher chirped as he set his bag on the desk.
“Good afternoon,” a few students obediently droned back.
PJ used the time while the teacher set up to check his phone for messages. He typed out a few brief replies to fellow members’ inquiries about the meeting this afternoon, then opened his chat with Phil and sent a quick “U were right, she went by her locker right b4 class. smells gr8 in here. slight regrets lol”
The door thudded against the wall as another student walked in. PJ’s head snapped up, immediately attentive. He always noticed when this student was late.
“Good afternoon, Dan,” said their teacher, a little terse, as he always was when someone walked in after him.
PJ had never known it was possible for someone’s eye roll to be loud, but Dan’s practically screamed at their teacher as he crossed the room and dropped into the desk beside PJ. He scowled when he caught PJ glancing at him and lifted two fingers in a succinct gesture.
PJ shrugged and went back to his phone. Phil had replied with a “lol wb dan” so PJ typed out “just walked in. looks his usual mad af self but nothing. did u not get him?”
There was no reply. PJ frowned down at his phone until the teacher began lecturing and he had to tuck it away.
“I’m here!” announced PJ as he threw open the door to Phil’s room. He had let himself in through the back door, received a cheery wave from Phil’s mum, and trotted upstairs. The other gang members wouldn’t here for at least another thirty minutes, and judging by the rich chocolate scent wafting throughout the house, Phil’s mum was making cookies for everyone. PJ sometimes wondered if Kathryn knew that Phil was literally running a gang at school with dozens of members.
“Hrnh,” said Phil into his pillow, a muffled reply to PJ’s exuberant greeting. He was lying facedown on his bed, the spread crumpled around him. PJ sighed deeply upon seeing him.
“Phil. Come on, we need to have a pre-meeting before everyone else gets here.” The bed sank beneath him as he sat next to Phil and patted him comfortingly on the back. “It’s okay, I know you’re upset because you didn’t get Dan this afternoon as we planned. We can plan something else today. Want another gang battle? Those always cheer you up.”
Phil tore himself from PJ’s pats with a ferocity that almost shocked PJ. Almost.
“I don’t want a battle,” Phil snapped, throwing himself off the bed and pacing by the window. He looked distraught, and it was unsettling. PJ blinked at him.
“Well,” said PJ. “What do you want?”
Phil stopped pacing and turned toward PJ. His eyes were drawn, tired. He dropped back onto the bed, his hands covering his face. “Are you ever...tired of the same old thing, year after year? Do you ever want to just...stop?”
PJ carefully considered Phil’s words. He wasn’t quite sure what Phil was talking about, but as Phil’s right-hand man and best friend, he had to think long and hard before answering. Whatever Phil was talking about, it seemed to be important. Maybe he meant the pranks. It was tiresome coming up with unique ways to trick Dan or Louise, Dan’s right-hand woman, or any of Dan’s other numerous followers, but they were just filler activities between the main battles. The big gang battles were the main events and what everyone in the gangs looked forward to.
“Get tired of what?” PJ finally asked, cautiously.
“God,” said Phil, and drew a hand across his face. His eyes looked hooded when they reappeared. “I don’t know,” he eventually said. “I’m just tired, I guess.”
“Exams are coming up,” PJ offered sympathetically.
“Yeah. Yeah, it’s just stress. Let’s just...let’s just plan for the next ambush attack.” Phil laughed, but it was a little too shrill, a little too throwaway.
PJ resolved to watch him carefully from then on.
“Of course,” said PJ, “that was just when Phil brought up his doubts to me. I’m sure he’d been thinking about it for a long while before that. He was sort of right, though.” He shook his head regretfully. “I was so naive back then. All I could think about were pranks and gang battles.” 
Waving a hand in demonstration, he gestured to the chattering students around them. “Look at them all eating their lunches. They never really know what’s going on around them. They never really know what we supply until they need something.” 
He took another sip of his drink. “Only a week after Phil had that outburst, there was a huge warning sign that I should have noticed. But I was oblivious, utterly dedicated to Phil. I didn’t see anything until it was too late.”
Tyler listened intently.
“in position?” PJ texted.
He waited a few moments, and then the group chat flashed with message after message. “Ready here” “we’re set” “in position!”
Pleased, PJ closed out the app and dialled Phil. He raised the phone to his ear, waiting only a moment before Phil picked up.
“You ready?”
Phil’s voice was tinny on the other end. “Uh, yeah. I can’t see you, but I’m across the street behind the hedges.”
“You said they’d be crossing in about five minutes?”
A pause. “Yeah,” said Phil.
“Great! We’re all ready.” PJ hung up and laughed under his breath, sliding the phone into his pocket. They had been planning this ambush attack for almost a week, and it was a relief to finally put it into action. Phil had still seemed hesitant after his outburst, but PJ had been relieved to see him throw himself into the planning with his usual vigour.
This ambush had been a little less difficult than usual - Phil apparently had a mysterious informant somewhere in Dan’s gang and was so careful to hide their identity that even PJ didn’t know who they were. PJ only knew that Dan had his bi-monthly gang meetings somewhere around here, but now thanks to this informant, Phil had learned that this was the route they took. The group obviously switched it up every few months, but this time PJ had a feeling that they would get lucky. After all, yesterday one of Dan’s lackeys had smugly sidled past PJ in the hall and dropped a slug down his shirt. Revenge would be sweet.
A few minutes passed in silence, PJ’s phone still and quiet in his pocket. Then another few passed. PJ’s thighs began to cramp in his crouched position, so he shifted a bit until he was more comfortable. A bird chirped somewhere across the street.
PJ’s phone buzzed. He yanked it out with urgent fingers, but it was just a message from his sister about her date last night. He swiped it away with a roll of his eyes, then pursed his lips thoughtfully and opened up the group chat.
“any sight?”
Rapid negative responses filled the screen. PJ frowned and glanced at the phone’s clock. It was only a few minutes after Phil’s time estimate, but even that was strange. Phil was rarely wrong.
“heard anything from your spy?” he sent to Phil. A long minute passed before he received a simple “no” as a response.
“Goddamnit,” he said aloud and then continued waiting.
It took another twenty minutes, with aching thighs and impatient shuffling, before PJ gave up. He huffed loudly as he stood from behind his stout bush, then called down the street, “Come on out, everyone!”
A disgruntled group emerged from an open garage, another from the cars parked along the side of the road, and further down the street, a few more people. A few moments passed before Phil also stood, his expression downcast as he surveyed his despondent followers.
PJ crossed the street in a dozen quick strides, clapping his friend on the back. “Don’t look so dejected, it happens,” he muttered, then raised his voice so everyone else could hear, “It’s a bust, sorry everyone! We got some bad information. Come on, let’s go to the coffee shop next to the library and re-plan!” He then hastily turned to Phil. “Is that okay?”
“What?” Phil had been glancing at his phone. He slid it back into his pocket with a nonchalant shrug. “Um, yeah. Let’s go.”
PJ eyed him with a frown but obediently fell in behind him as they all started down the street toward downtown. They could make another plan, a better plan. Phil would be fine.
“Yeah, at that point I was lying to myself,” PJ mused. “I knew something was wrong, but I didn’t want to admit it to myself, much less to anyone else.”
“Did you ever confront him?” Tyler asked.
A burst of air wheezed forth from PJ as he laughed helplessly. It took a few long moments before he was able to regain his breath. “God, oh my - god. Yeah, but no. It’s more like I was slapped in the face with it. And it happened only two weeks later.”
“I need volunteers,” said PJ’s art teacher. He received approximately zero volunteers, and in fact, no acknowledgement that he had even spoken.
“PJ!” barked the instructor. PJ hastily closed his textbook over the phone which he had been using to type out another message that would be ignored by Phil.
“Yes?” he began in an overly sweet tone, but was drowned out by the teacher’s announcement of, “...and Louise! Both of you, come up here.”
PJ and Louise exchanged the appropriate sneers as they reluctantly joined their teacher at the front of the room. He handed them each a massive poster board and stepped back, dusting his hands with a satisfied expression. PJ determinedly did not stagger under the weight of the board when he noticed Louise hoisting it with ease.
“Excellent,” said the teacher. “Take these to the theatre room, if you will. It’s just down the hall, so it shouldn’t take long at all. I expect you back in less than five minutes.”
PJ and Louise jostled each other as they left the room.
“Just down the hall,” PJ could hear Louise mocking as they trudged down the empty hall. “We do know where the theatre room is, we’re not incompetent. Five minutes.”
PJ felt a rush of comradery but ruthlessly quelled it. It would not do to joke around with Dan’s right-hand woman, no matter how much they mutually disliked their art teacher or how accurate her mockery was.
They reached the theatre room in only a minute. PJ managed to fumble for the handle and shoulder the door open, while Louise haughtily stood to the side and allowed him to struggle. PJ attempted to kick it shut as he ducked through, but she was right behind him and shoved him aside with her shoulder so she could get in.
It was dark inside, and PJ was tempted to just dump the poster board on the floor and be done with it, but instead, he leaned it against the wall as he scrabbled for the light switch. The overhead lights flared on and PJ blinked against the sudden change.
“Oh,” said Louise, behind him, and the single word was such a blatant mixture of shock and horror that PJ felt obliged to turn and see what she was reacting to.
“Oh,” he said, instantly regretting turning, and then he hurled the poster board in his hands at the sight before him. It fell only a few feet from PJ and thumped sadly against the floor. “Are you kidding me?” hissed PJ.
“Um,” said Dan and Phil in unison. They looked mortified and had every right to be. Phil was already hastily doing up his shirt and Dan was adjusting his trousers.
“You absolute wankers,” PJ snapped, then emphasized, “fucking prats.”
Louise’s hands were on her hips and PJ felt a kinship in their mutual glares at the couple still awkwardly sprawled against the costume wardrobe. “I can’t believe you,” she said, her tone outraged. “You…?” and she trailed off, choked with rage.
“Look,” said Phil, hands outstretched and gaze earnest. “We meant to - ”
“What?” PJ shrilled. “Were you going to tell us when you invited us to the wedding? You prick, how long has this been going on?”
“I. Four months, but - !”
“Months,” said Louise, strangled.
“So!” said PJ. “This is why you’ve been acting shifty lately. You thought...you thought it’d be totally okay to just, I don’t know, keep pitting your loyal subjects against each other while staying out of the crossfire?”
“You didn’t think to maybe tell us that there wasn’t a point in fighting each other since the bosses are making out in a dark theatre room?” Louise had dropped her hands but they were flexing in rage.
“It’s not like that!” Dan blurted. “We just wanted to - we didn’t want to fight anymore.”
Phil tilted his chin up defiantly and added, “We had a meeting a few months back and decided to tone down the gang stuff. Then it just...led to this.”
PJ was fairly sure his face was purple if it even vaguely resembled Louise’s. He took a few deep breaths to make sure oxygen was getting everywhere it needed to reach. “And you. Didn’t think. To tell us.”
“We were going to!” Phil insisted. “We were just...trying to think of the best way to say it. Everyone was so into it - it’s not like anyone ever got hurt, they were just pranks and a few fights here and there.”
“Just pranks,” said Louise, in so low a voice that even PJ felt a tremble of fear. Dan didn’t quiver under her glare though, just reached out and defiantly linked his hand with Phil’s.
“I wasn’t really doing anything, anyway,” Phil concluded, and waved his free hand at PJ. “You were planning everything, I was just there as a head figure. You don’t need me. You don’t need us.”
“We’re out,” Dan said resolutely.
Louise picked up her board and heaved it across the room. It got a few feet further than PJ’s before it landed heavily, a suspicious cracking noise breaking the silence. “Right,” she said, her chest heaving.
“Right,” PJ repeated. He took a deep breath and reached down to tug up the left leg of his trousers. He retrieved the slender weapon from his ankle holster, then levelled it at Dan and Phil and fired it. Once. Twice.
PJ and Louise stood there for a few long moments, then they glanced at each other and, in unison, turned and left the room. PJ spitefully switched off the light again. They walked back to their classroom in a horrible silence but stopped before going inside.
“Well,” said Louise. “That’s that.”
They looked at each other.
“Ready to take over for Dan?” said PJ.
Louise thought about it. “No,” she said finally. “I don’t think so. I’m better suited at behind-the-scenes work. Will you take over for Phil?”
PJ also thought about it. “No,” he echoed, and then smiled. “I have a better idea.”
“You shot them?” Tyler’s voice was almost high enough to call forth a pack of dogs.
PJ hoisted his leg up onto the chair beside him and tugged up his trousers, taking out the gun. He handed it to Tyler, whose hands trembled as he took it.
“Oh,” he said after a moment.
“Yeah,” said PJ, and took it back. “It’s just a water gun. I sprayed them in the face, though. They probably needed it after all that making out. The water guns are our biggest seller, you know, since they’re what we use to fight other school gangs.”
“So that’s how it all started?” asked Tyler, sounding awed.
PJ put the water gun back, then took a bite of his cold potatoes and chewed them slowly, mournful once more at the taste. “That’s how it all started. It was easy to get everyone together once they knew Dan and Phil had dumped all of us and Louise backed me as the new leader. Phil got what he wanted, though. The pranks and the fighting stopped and we went on to bigger and better things, such as smuggling and counterfeiting. Water guns and roasted peanuts are our most popular products right now.”
“And I can get anything you want from a toy store,” said Tyler.
PJ clapped him on the shoulder. What a great kid he had here. He had a feeling Tyler would do amazing things. “And you can get anything we want from a toy store.”
The bell rang. Students rushed from the room as they headed to class, and within seconds, more students escaping their classes entered the room. Some of PJ’s hench people left and were replaced by others as they got their food and subtly arranged themselves in a staggered perimeter around PJ’s table. Both PJ and Tyler stayed seated - PJ because he was uninterested in history class and his decrepit teacher wouldn’t notice if he never arrived, and Tyler because this was his free period.
The doors at the far end of the room thudded open and PJ glanced toward them. With the usual dramatic flair, Dan and Phil strode into the room, their power couple aura emanating throughout it. Heads turned and chatter dwindled as they crossed the room toward PJ and his new lackey.
PJ just watched coolly until they sat on either side of Tyler, trapping him across from PJ. He looked terrified.
“Dan,” said PJ, tone icy. “Phil.”
“PJ,” they said in unison, extraordinarily creepy.
PJ stared at them both, jaw stiff, for a few more long moments before he cracked and released a laugh that bubbled up from his chest. Dan and Phil both broke at the same time, Dan throwing his head back as he chortled and Phil giggling helplessly into one hand.
“Oh god,” PJ finally said, wiping his eyes. “Wow.” He reached across the table to pat Tyler’s hand. “It’s okay kid, you can relax. We’re all cool. It’s just an initiation thing, they like to scare the new guys and make sure they’re fine to join. They might not be the big bosses anymore but they still have the moves.”
Tyler slumped in his seat, visibly relieved, but his eyes were still tight around the edges. “I’m going to regret joining this, aren’t I?” he asked, resigned.
PJ smiled. “Yeah, probably.”
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so what dude
Qatar Airways <[email protected]>
Monday, July 15, 2019, 8:53:26 AM GMT+3
Fw: yipi yey
                                           —– Forwarded Message —–                
kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>
Ruth Muga <[email protected]>
Sunday, July 14, 2019, 10:55:37 AM GMT+3
yipi yey
lady birds are used to make DVD/VCD/RADIOS. Rubber as saddles are used to make coffins/caskets as well as kales, cabbage or just vegetables. The hump e.g of a cow, lion is used to make drones, Ferrari or Lamborghini cars. Meli are made using rubbers, many collected near a large water body where you direct a woman pointing from her booty up to down on the floor with your fingers repeatedly and there it is as ship dude. Transformers made using onions, cabbages or nyanyas. Greenade can also be made using coconuts the hard one. DONGE-mumekubali my friends esp from BBK that an ngamalich, abihave like a respected fellow- kose-enwach baba. Railadamalo knows very well that he delude adam and eve and that the jew are white, but got misinformation of getting to heaven that you must aid someone white which is a big lie, he fears going to hell fire so during judgement he wanna portray himself as if he didn’t know the consequences of the tree of life and the fruit of wisdom/knowledge so he be acquitted and forgiven, but in Luke 16 parable of the shrude manager- warns him that he got prophets to listen to like Moses and Elijah. You are wasting your time dude, you are heading nowhere with the jew/Egyptian thing. The Hindu have known how to make even guns and they are doing that in east Africa so during violence they can use then against people and portray as the police or people have done such. They must get to their nation period. Mandaratego bwana nyako, onge-mchezo. Panya routes pr, presidency, pretense, short cuts sc, scores, school, peutro rico, public relations, rat, nelson eliminating tiger, asian tigers At, rat, mat, sat etc. Radios are made using coconut as tv, invators etc or kulundeg in luo or wasp to make stereo or some jets as drones. Fruits like melons, avocado, pumpkin, pineaple are can also be used to make such. Timers are also me using small vibrating arachnids or insects. Tea is not a must for people to do with, its not food crop like wheat or maize that forms part of 90% of the world meal as much as riye or rice but the government of developed world can sensitive their people not to partake tea coz you can do without it period and the nations that we will take their wives if you got money -anyone- are the chief buyers and once oil is eliminated their purchasing power will decrease i.e Egypt which fund 50% of her economy with 2goinvoice cash and Pakistan which buys large amount or % f kenyan tea. When 2goinvoice is eradicated tea export will reduce drastically. Haitians, Caribbeans and people in the usa leaving illegally are 10 million black and the negro population is 40 million if they came to Kenya 4 example and the voting rights extended to them then if they select their own they win all the elections and take the nation and precisely thats their plan. Out of 40 & 10 people 60 % are adult which is roughly 35 million voters and the Kenyan voters stand at 20 million and thats why the Kenyan government wants the population to increase to outmatch them but oblivious of the fact that green-card takes 50 thousand families with roughly 2 kid yearly and the high influx of international student who have indulge themselves in the US culture as well. In a sense its like selling the nation to aliens indirectly. Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
When you eat wheat products which human vomit has been added to, either sieved or not you develop acute baldness as kipara in swahili. Beware of your food. Mama nee-nyako ma bambe dum chieth ni- in making of jets whoman feace/mafi is rubbed on the thigh slowly by slowly then boom their is the jet. Mama hebu ona whoyou msichana paja yake inasmell shonde- anaharibu plan yetu wajamani. The money which they take from you at the scrap metal out of faulty weighting machine is used greatly to fund the gungship in towns. When you became so profound in bible as to oppose it your hear someone like cocking the gun- king of the jew if you start to be hard or a church critic. PASTORS are the ones also killing people. You start to see the devil in blue or grey attire like spider-man mostly inside a mortuary or outside your house as well as chain stores without ear lobes dude. The money is used to fund hooliganism among inter-estate gangs. Lobinson nyimi swoyo manda and this cold weather in riga is good with pumping something- donge onethough utters kev, kolly saying mit gi-swoyo gimolo, hadija saying ni tamu na kupeleka/kupepeta kitu wajamani. This pussy of yours rides my penis in a smooth and beautiful way,/manner says monde. Tabia utters adriano.  The church should have money counting matchines and offering be paid either online or before the mass, so at people to know exactly how much is collected to avoid the church admin misappropriating the cash to investments that win women, fund hooliganism and creates jealousy in the society. We should know how much is debited and created to avoid what i have described b4 about churches projects even up-to killings. Church killed TM and MLK. If one is about to be struggled you see just an approaching hand alone not the body around their necks, touching it a little bit then divorcing it- king of the jew to cement the truth. Trump and obama are luya and luo blooded and they were there to see on how america generates its revenue as to monitor and see into ways on how it can be overthrown using china, India and German technology, witch-crafty or transfiguring people to either fall the plane, detonate military bases with chapalast tied on grenade using there own already working there or sink ships. According to jeremytahidi Trumps even meets people who transfigure like Railamolodinga in Asia alongside Kim of North Korea to facilitate the hidden agenda above. They even organised terrorist attacks, uhuru also transfigures as well and is there liaising with museveni as well to plot the above. Trump is vietnamis as well, so the trum kim meeting is a pretense to foster peace but to facilitate terorism and to overthrow the USA government to conqour internet to control 2goinvoice, and make many writting theirs to gain respect. Like china has come up with bing, and kikuyou with tubidi among many other. The usa is also in pretense of this to know fully the character of these people and thats why the invoice was incorporated. To know peoples character with free things or after being rich like the Jamaicans or china or kenyans. So 2goinvoice is a blessing in disguise, to even know lias and try to interrelate them with fallen figures even in the bible and where to place them.
The compound is to clean as if the booty is wiped, ni-kama kwamba rasa inapanguzwa.  LG tv is the best but the side effect which is over-longtime glued to the screen pops out your eyes as swollen is simply eating 2-5 grape fruit and it burst from outer-inside to give out some fluid like tears then your eye is okay. LG lord god, lesbian gays, laughing gas as anesthesia, to unknown God in acts 17, Savior. Ther, Githeri, king of the jew- you give to that one who transform in your belly to fall, you can drink it period. They want to reduce the population of kenya for them to come like they did long in the usa during war 2- the Germans. And they want to counteract Uganda technology, Tz and Ethiopia as the USA and Germany will supply them with weaponry once their is war after along time of their influx coming. To sub-due Uganda cars which makes you tall and black but Good for whites, they are too original. Babe if you have taken a shower and wipe that booty, with me i will just hit it but no anal kissing. Uchayo akebi nang'o to mochanda omiye nyime otuomo, magdalin omiye nyime ochikore, Lobinson omiye nyime onduko kaka seche sudo, odindo wacho ni kaka saa thiyo to kolo wacho as the time/timer clocks/tickles. Sara omiye nyime owinjo ekoyo to shamtimes odoome ka nyati. Sometimes oswoyo, oponde, mbona madhalau kwa kebi aloyce kisha sema na anatomba wasichana kamili.
Wewe endele tu kujikaza na tayari tumejua cv yako ya kulala na watu fake na unadhani tujuwi. Meda meda sungri, sunga blo sungi. Buy condoms from the factory and keep them under locked cooler in your bedroom- lazarus parable to cement the truth. Ni nini kebi anafikiria asks sophi, vin saying opara kaka nyim moch dango gire, the way the pussy is dissecting and dividing his manwhod, kaka ni-miye go-tieno, kaka nyim duodo mande, kaka tongo, chama as eating away his penis kinda, kaka bwaso nyime, kaka thino mande e-samachon, kaka turo duong ne. Yore yore moch gi kebi pant down hotel vunduba, oyudgi says odindo, onduko jal ma luya tuchne nelson atucha says modi. Hiyanyo akebi nang'o swini, mchinga, stupid to nyim mochanda omiye opado kakare, otemo kata-laye to-okonyal. I wanna see how its stout, vile imesimama em em em em magdalin utters adriano in a cry, natakakuona vile iko flabby na vile cd/condomu jimeifit au imeiva, kaka cd orwake kata kaka ondiso thong,  moch monika alinishow yake, natakuona vile imeng'ethia na kukula chuom yaani vako, vile inakula njaro kama inalala ama la asha, Alinishow huko mtoni jana. Moch natakuona position imechukuwa yakupokea fimbo, vile imenuna/fura, kaka awinjo ni-ochwe,  adwalo neno mochanda swears kebi sunga moketo, vile imevimba, katsika, nene au kufurahia, kaka osin am omor. I wanna see pozi as position mokao, yaani imechukuwa, kutulia am inaliya. Minaj i wanna know and am here to make you happy if you wanna and magmoch to showcase my love to ya in a beautiful way.
lady birds are used to make DVD/VCD/RADIOS. Rubber as saddles are used to make coffins/caskets as well as kales, cabbage or just vegetables. The hump e.g of a cow, lion is used to make drones, Ferrari or Lamborghini cars. Meli are made using rubbers, many collected near a large water body where you direct a woman pointing from her booty up to down on the floor with your fingers repeatedly and there it is as ship dude. Transformers made using onions, cabbages or nyanyas. Greenade can also be made using coconuts the hard one. DONGE-mumekubali my friends esp from BBK that an ngamalich, abihave like a respected fellow- kose-enwach baba. Railadamalo knows very well that he delude adam and eve and that the jew are white, but got misinformation of getting to heaven that you must aid someone white which is a big lie, he fears going to hell fire so during judgement he wanna portray himself as if he didn’t know the consequences of the tree of life and the fruit of wisdom/knowledge so he be acquitted and forgiven, but in Luke 16 parable of the shrude manager- warns him that he got prophets to listen to like Moses and Elijah. You are wasting your time dude, you are heading nowhere with the jew/Egyptian thing. The Hindu have known how to make even guns and they are doing that in east Africa so during violence they can use then against people and portray as the police or people have done such. They must get to their nation period. Mandaratego bwana nyako, onge-mchezo. Panya routes pr, presidency, pretense, short cuts sc, scores, school, peutro rico, public relations, rat, nelson eliminating tiger, asian tigers At, rat, mat, sat etc. Radios are made using coconut as tv, invators etc or kulundeg in luo or wasp to make stereo or some jets as drones. Fruits like melons, avocado, pumpkin, pineaple are can also be used to make such. Timers are also me using small vibrating arachnids or insects. Tea is not a must for people to do with, its not food crop like wheat or maize that forms part of 90% of the world meal as much as riye or rice but the government of developed world can sensitive their people not to partake tea coz you can do without it period and the nations that we will take their wives if you got money -anyone- are the chief buyers and once oil is eliminated their purchasing power will decrease i.e Egypt which fund 50% of her economy with 2goinvoice cash and Pakistan which buys large amount or % f kenyan tea. When 2goinvoice is eradicated tea export will reduce drastically. Haitians, Caribbeans and people in the usa leaving illegally are 10 million black and the negro population is 40 million if they came to Kenya 4 example and the voting rights extended to them then if they select their own they win all the elections and take the nation and precisely thats their plan. Out of 40 & 10 people 60 % are adult which is roughly 35 million voters and the Kenyan voters stand at 20 million and thats why the Kenyan government wants the population to increase to outmatch them but oblivious of the fact that green-card takes 50 thousand families with roughly 2 kid yearly and the high influx of international student who have indulge themselves in the US culture as well. In a sense its like selling the nation to aliens indirectly. Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em
Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.
Moch nyimi mit kama nang'o,mbona tamu hivi, why sweet like this and precisely that was the cry given by kebi the whole night. Hiyanyo akebi to Emery obet edhot luoko lewnimage, sitted at his door washing his cloths including the pant, to magdalin rutho lake gi toothbrush mare. Railamolodinga brought aids eventhough he could not partake sour things, just take a drop of his blood and mix with infant blood and there is the disease to be transmitted. Christ with lost coin parable. Luo men if they intermarrty with white people they bring up bad blood of jealousy and gay, with luya they bring terorists or hooligans. Once other nations have learnt on how they make their machines like the britons then if they continue with their absurdities nothing else but annihilation. Thats why they are being spared, Ugandans have learnt make most of their goods thus bound to eliminate them. We have theveloped- the Rusians- yet they are found there, lazarus parable on five brothers, speaking like you dont care or like you wanna made them the guard to arrest and kill christ, that is there respect and kinda you are taking it away, cant be!!! Made in Rusia as mfalme wa yawhodi is what they want and is a big lie. They race being distorted is no-more even if they live in one nation, simply by eating ground nuts the spirit directs anyone to the country of origin, or tribe of that fellow once you got their photos. So the jew can live together in Rusia as it is big, the ones whose economy is 90% engineering like france, itally, so the french are waiting on winter to start the war and kill the Guard tribe whose owns 2goinvoice & are luo blooded, people who dislike pretty people and progress. The Joseph mother in genesis 49 was luya blooded and Joseph as french father was sold to monitor his character to other brothers after a win, was joking with his dream not knowing it hurts. The guard were also being monitored if they can join the oppressed but not, just want to dominate and have a big fertile land of grains where they cant share, they are selfish seekers so must be eliminated and their wives taken by their brothers precisely the french and the Naphtali as Italians period. Buses are made with many peas or pineapple, you stand and urinate and boom there it is, you can make many as you want, with trucks, trelas, lorries, you sit and do the same. The devol is preparing other nations for war with becoming tough-headed after coming up with these technologies. Kojowa, Mfalme wa yawhodi, worker parable to cement the truth, layo, Lazarus parable to do the same. Some lorries are made using many coconut piled together by just performing the rituals above and more. Revelation five Rf at that time the root of David Rodick/Penis also are used to make knifes, spoons, kijiko or pala. Whoyanyo kebi nang;o to moch omiye nyime omie-ele-eh, To emery omiye nyieme otemo diede-eh ko-opudo, has given him the pussy is making a jig/dancing on it and why do you belittle him. Keys has given him. House fittings and utensils amny are made using clay soil just by puking or throwing saliva on hot fire or ground or just be urinating or taking a piss.
Ebromedo youko wiyi ma wiyi youki, you will continue to shake your head untill your head shakes you like you have lost wait in sickness and whats remaining is your big head scull. The poor in Europe or America live in good houses bro with second hand electronic so they are saying Africa better to delude the people of their good life or keep them content, they got low population hence houses are far apart in country side and got toll sky scrapper where no-one can monitor them unless they got wireless camera to capture you. This underlies the theory that Africa is good. They want to eliminate most African beauties and intellect. Kebi according to Eunice mama fellvin, many nyako makipump to-gili lokre ndukuku-chiken e-hiye kanya, victor wacho many ma-lokre kittielo, ha ha says colly, tafuta mwenya mbolo yako inakuwa chembamba, mathin, voke saying malokore kubwa, ah ah ma mbolo ni legthens and thats is cheque women, many ma penis ni chalo gimaluore pale mbele to mano en toro kata kuwait, to ma mandi thiek embele kanyo like you are eating banana is kauma or luo or akwampie, ma mandi nyidhore to ndukole en kalenjin much kipsigis and christ say this one of the sweetest and white people want this. Emery ni mwage haya mafuta wapi? Minaj where should i deposit these sperm and this what kevin utters when it near ejaculation.
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Ochamama, okudo, opidho chamama tree e-dhot sawa swears colly. Mwanawhome si beauty au ushuja, mwanaume ni kitanda, bed mtu wangu, vile anatingisha kijiti usiku kucha utters monde. You can use bolt software in google play to get money via http://www.2goinvoice.com using your smart phone dude. The Rusians thought christ was the owner of 2goinvoice where they get cash to fund their projects, hence when christ talked about sheep and goat parable, they thought christ was the owner in pretense, so could keep the link off-line- king of the jew or had the password to killed him to let the invoice continue coz it will paralyze ther operations. Mrs lobinson Aids/Hiv has gotten hold of me, that lady if you get into her you get out like 2moro, i mean you over-stay mom utters the other kevin. If you take 3 solar panels of more than 30 volts and you connect to give you above 100 volts and put in a welding machine then boom the electricity to even power your fridge or ironing box, king of the jew to cement christ sayings. If you take the one that gives you lets say 21 and 17 volts and connect to solar power controller and put the 21v on where the sun rises in the morning and the 17v one where it disappears in the dusk to maintain the 12 volts on the invator to make sure it works best all the 12 hrs and this another option with above 1000 watts invator that even powers your fridge. Mfalme wa yawhodi to cement yesus sayings, Friend this killing 2 birds with one stone and it makes you wanna lough the whole day. The fridge you put in deep front during the day and at the same time charges the battery to be used at night when iron box, cooker or fridge had already been used at day time bro. But your city must get atleast 7 hrs of sunlight daily dude. Silipi hata bill ya stima hata kidogo swears david omolo former student of Kb and ku and my wife is always smilling with me out of this. Innovation cements relationship and many couples are oblivious of this truth/fact. Owinjo go thum esp country music, riddim and translated hyms by jamaicans like how great thou art. Mit omera, sex gi song like am still on my way country song to juice piya inapumzika/youeyo emesa ile thick bro, sex mit owada gi innovation, dhako loso wiyi, ana hibonda bonda swears tony, love mchungu mzima.On Monday, June 24, 2019, 08:19:30 AM GMT+3, [email protected] <[email protected]> wrote:
From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019, 12:09:00 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]>Sent: Friday, June 28, 2019, 12:00:43 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:26:28 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Lt.Christal Pagaran <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:55 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: ShebaMiles <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:36 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Ethiopian Airlines <[email protected]>Cc: Garuda Indonesia <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:25:15 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Fly Jamaica Reservations <[email protected]>Cc: equitybank <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:24:52 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: Etihad Airways <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:21:40 PM GMT+3Subject: Fw: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: kevinelson mondy <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Ruth Muga <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 3:19:50 PM GMT+3Subject: mytumblr —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:08:11 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: victor owira <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:06:40 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:05:47 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: Kenneth Onyango <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 5:00:45 AM PDTSubject: Fw: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde —– Forwarded Message —–From: victor owira <[email protected]>To: [email protected] <[email protected]>Cc: [email protected] <[email protected]>Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2019, 4:53:01 AM PDTSubject: my tumblr account is andrewanampongolo and all his followers as mrmonde or nellmonde Jobotwana, Nigeria onyuolo ladies moro chunda go tieno, okach, maiti mar kebi whogole karang'o? The big men has even bought small drones that can carry upto 1 kg of tea to smuggle tea leaves at night using people who transfigure so the government should reduce the land under Tea and is fenced with poles measuring the telephone post that no one can throw tea bags packed in small amount 4 another someone. it should be an electric fence and the government likewise should use the very drones to monitor every income generating business and even crime in towns or check people in their houses. Like in Uruguay in firming the use the same technology. The Guard tribe crucified christ so its said during judgement after death they dint know hence they are forgiven that the invoice without it would paralyze their day to day operations, china will say it was the use soyi and let their names be blotted out the book of life BOL the love as PG, pier Gikuyou, greek is where in the bible the jesus visited it so they know the whole truth, pier Georgia, PG is pregnancyanda the loved and killed many simba in nyabondo plateau- vineyard parable to cement the truth including masai. If you love people or follow people its easy to see the kingdom of heaven, if you live near the roads as well but if you live in serene places b4 you reach ya house its likely to be in hell as much as if you take out someone teeth/lak,meno- mfalme wa yawhodi and lazarus parable to cement the truth. They use mose plant to make ceptril aids medication. ITS EASY FOR A CARMEL TO ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM THAN YOU TO ENTER- that is an email if the recovery option has been deleted and password you know not. [email protected] my new email or [email protected], [email protected]. get me there folks.Okelo na wiye mathin no magdalin eti odwanega nikech okelo na osiepene mablonindo kode kaonge, osiepe ma wii gi pi, yaani baridi/ng'ich ma piny osedwaro topokoneno. Eti many nyako ma mandi lokre maembe e-hiye kanyo, nyako ma-mandi lokre ka tendon yani kuni kata choke mobar obar kat wii mandi lokre thuol as snake ok an. Moch many nyako ma kirelease you do it in 3 bits like the gun, kata mi-feel ka-ejaculation no biro to chung eglan then it sprinkles, kata mawang as it travels to the glan, onethough mawhouk like droplest of water or yenye inamwagika mingi mno kama mtoto na mate. Ruto dont say one want to president then if he says he is not yet 35 its an offense you get annoyed you return to gaysm then wild to the point of carry wooded rungu to beat him liaising with the authorities. With Train you carry a door the take a shit on it or outside it then theirs the train, with phones and accessories you lick, ramba the tongue then boom that phone- jesus with little kids, rabbi to cement the truth, you lick with closed eyed on a a piece of wrapped cloth. With building stones you do backwards near a water body or swimming pool the the bricks are out- women with barnabas to cement the truth including cements where you urinate. With Radio/TV you spit/tema saliva on the ground, ten minas parable or peter cutting the ear/it b4 christ takes it back. Tom mboya terain is curvy it was the CBD of bethlehem when you were in it you felt better, winjo mabar- weed parable with christ, mathare valley was jerusalem as its curvy still when the jew moved from Americah to pakistan to cross the Red sea with moses at karachi- christ with little kid. Let them fence the original provinces as nations when people are seeing then thereafter people assemble and dispatch. When you say the luo should be killed they get jubiliant very happy the coasterians and Gikuyou and some whites afterwards to occupy these lands. Kikuyou kwani Central is very cold, Ng'ich ndii, hamtaki kuenda/kurudi. When you get to The TV on the Roads in one of those shops which got Tv, they quickly change the scene just like during the maraga time with election petition b4 kevin was kidnapped, then you wanna see the defendant like sonko, kinda how he behaves, the the camera changes on the kamba lady judge who are looking 4 young men with money yet the very money they got at 2goinvoice using bolt software gotten from google play. If you walk out because the scene of the judge has overstayed where you walk got young men sitting in masses called the bases, the hindu shops, motor bike shops, timber logging center, junctions i.e kondele, they became wild on you. They know your moves as they have put on camera on TV your image they have put in a kiyo\glass bottle or acquirum. It live live ll dude, funding violence, leave sonko alone but arrest Railamolodingagwambo period. Malachi four- who to the people who long to see the day of the lord. Another group of students just forwarded me this, if you take four 24 volts wet cells and connects positive to negative of all the wet cells remaining with only one positive of one wet cell and one negative of one wet cell, if you take a voltmeter and test the voltage it gives you upto 100 volts which if you channel in a welding machine gives you upto 200 volts that can be used in houses but to continues the process without the battery being depleted you take a solar power controller and connect to a transformer of input 240v and output 30-12volts to it to charge all those batteries, you branch the wires eight times with 8 12 volts battery but with 24 12 votts battery you branch the said wires four times to all the batteries to continues the charging process while the battery are still in use. If you want to weld with it you connect 8, 24 volts battery or 16, 12 volts battery and you just do the same procedure i have described above. Mathew sixteen sm, smile, shrude manager, ishmael, luke 24 end signs, Pita cutting the it in luo, masikiyo, demondi possed man with christ- have mercy on us son of David. Fellow i have also been forwarded this text, buy these gadgets and make of your own. When 2goinvoice was not know you purported to collect me money which was never was, so when its there you resort to jealousy and stupidity- what do you want with me, to look down at my manwhodi in the end when i have defeated you.
Sausages are made in dark places, by blowing your nose on mafi then afterwards you wash using detergent water. Smokies are made likewise but by salivating on housefly maggot gotten from a pit latrine. Let them put recipe on the tv if they refute. I got a gun and hid it and reported that a gang robbed me around yet i still got the same gun dude. My whole life has changed by guinuwine- site a lone in not a well modern room and it opens up your mind and if you eat a big queen cake alone you come to dislike good things of this life, most so in the transit or walking- king of the jew with Christ. Eat one today to witness the truth. Drone are made by riding on donkey or horses at night, triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to cement the truth. Kitten are shot in dark to make welding machines and volt meters, cows being cut with panga or powersaw to make Generators, shooting of sheeps/cattle on the head from the ear or on the forehead to make choppers and small jets/plane. Ten minas parable and Malachi 4- who to the people who long to see the lords day, siaya, Nebuchadnezzar  lived at babylonding with Daniel. Kisumu close to Kericho or kakamega to illegal pluck/pick tea leaves at night so they dont want to vacate yet they claim they chose the best land as Guard tribe dude in genesis 49. Open business in the morning, to help people who get somewhere in the  morning then you can evade hell fire or constant hell walking. The only thing i know best is to rock the thing in between a woman thigh and i got distinction there and well qualified of dude and my friends call me church mouse. If your citizen work in a foreign land even if the company is yours, it brings bad omen to your nation coz they scrutinize, monitor and frustrate the indigenous workers esp if your nation is rich, brings the down fall of a nation i.e Itally. Take the local to work 4 you but just monitor the inflow and outflow money. Furthermore it breeds disrespect dude. If you take 4, 24 volts battery you connect to a welding machine or 8, 12 volts battery and do the same it will give you like 100 volts on the battery but on the welding machine it will give you 200 volts where you look for battery charger and input it on the 200volts then the 12 volts as the output on it you return to charge all the 4, 24V or 8,12v battery to continue the sequence not the battery to run out of power. To ensure continuity of power supply. Not enough dude, you still want to weld, you look for another welding machine and connect to the 200V initial welding machine to give you 400 volts, the first 100v was half volts thats why it gave you 200volts to connect to another welding machine. This save you as or money as it is cheap compared to buying one welding machine then connecting it to 8, 24votls bettery to give you 200 volts on the battery then on the one welding machine 400 as adding 4 battery on 24 volts one is expensive than buying another one welding machine same to adding another 8, 12 volts battery to give you 200 volts to be connected to one welding machine. A group of students just 4warded me this dude.
Tunahesha tu mchesho cha shex cha ebola na Emely mimi Adriano. Kebi na toni, tulimpatiya wote mote tano combi akatumumunya mbolo tukamwaga b4 tuanze the real intercourse. Kesho tukapatiya mag mote inne combi akadara mbolo zete tuka mwaga, whoyou kipusa anataka nini wajameni. Toni, mtondo tukapatiya ule mlami mote 3 but not combi nelly akamwaga, but mimi nikaseek marifa nikapiga dakika ishirini. Kebi amekatsika, wewe toni bwana kama uko weak nishauri chako bwana tuachane basi ama itakuwa vita, nilistay 30 minutes. Mouth urinating makes diskman, flash dish, usb and other phone accessories. Firing up of bullets makes a misile or internet server or rockets with gabage or barley. As much as shooting a dead man walking from the crosside on the ear to another side. TV are made using tongue, booty seated on a seat while kissing a woman on the dark as much as stereos. Decoders like dvd, vcd, kissing the bam/thigh of a woman all in the dark, some drones or toys annal/ass hole kissing, charger pedicure on a woman, gas cooker manicure, CD bikini works, chargers, transformers, ndiga as biskeli/bicycles, tuk tuk taking a shit on a storey hse topmost but falling to the ground or taking a shit on ones head as much as shooting the head of a cow, whichever dude. Defecating/kunai in someones mouth hospital gadgets like X-ray machine, Bmi or pulse rate machine with animal offering on place like chiken, kulu kulu or guinea fowl as pigs or rodents.
USA millitary chopers, jets are made using warthogs, crocodile, wild beast, monitor lizard as offerings throwing/hurling tortoise manwhood on the wall or doing the long china jumps like kanjwele from a high tower to the water in Olympics. Picking and plucking of tea, king of the jew made Christ to be arrested, he had foreseen how the said jew will rise in malachi four- who to the people who longs to see the lords day. By romancing or caresing a womans breast and suckling the niple with booty offering in place gives you tv’s. Shinny china sub-woofer, or electronics as phones are made using snail as the offering by vomiting on the ground near water, you eat to be full the you look for things that make you want to vomit. Another nation can came up with internet or internet apps like tumblr to finish the economy of Carli4nia or New England but with coca cola you cant finish it, its an international brand bro. The coca cola companies of the world do not return profit back home or it is not listed on the stock exchange for us to see the total profit made to add/sum them up and come with a rough figure worldwide of the company net profit. This is two fold, it will bring all people of color to the Georgia in-case of USA separation or other states will eye Georgia as create jealousy. This will hike the population so this is done for the Negros not to Know about Georgia state GS and move out to other lands, after 2 0r 3 generation coca cola revamp its strength and the profitability is know which i guess can be billions of dollar but at that time is too late for their kids to get back. Malachi four MF who to the people who long to see the lords day. GS greatest sex, gay/gikuyou,greek society. To me Georgia is the richest state and obama ought to have inducted the Negros on this sad fact. Damn it dude!!! Ombulu in luo, okwaju, chwa- king of the jew, mfalme wa yawhodi the seed, koth, mbegu- good samaritan Gs parable are used to make building bricks bb, someone urinate on them, defecate, kunia, pielo and jumps jumps many times squatted until they are made. Land and Range rovers takes people to hell as well, they are made with the cut booty of Romanian women where a woman vomit is literally licked until boom they are made. Range rover RR rasa rusians, rwandis, romanians, rom, romo, meetoshana, same, rs, rasa swedishona, swisswana, somali, rasa same. The feces/mafi/chieth are got mostly in nursing homes for the sick adults or infant babies. Jesus with little kids. Nebuchadnezzar was from Argentina together with Jesse Davids father, Daniel and among many others. Lazarus and rich-man you got prophet like Moses because he was described as no prophet had risen in Israel like Moses in the book of Deuteronomy bod, bodo, boding etc. But in that parable is said you have Moses and the prophets which means Moses was not a prophet but the last chapter of Deuteronomy describe him as a prophet which means the bible was omitted, it was you got Moses plant and the prophets. Road to emaus to cement the truth. If you gwaro, scratch the plant from the wall and boil it on water and you drink it makes your head a little bit bigger and people see you as obligated to kids giving you at-least respect which Lazarus did not have. King of the jew with Christ to cement the truth. Tong, mayai, egg is you hurl on the wall many or fall from inclination and got the sacrifice handy like mchele, rice, dignitaries corpse gadgets like speakers, Lamborghini, Ferrari, stereos are made even bulbs. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the truth. A long time people were made black even Adam and Eve but the curse/cars/gari/mtokni on ham one of Noah son fell on him and his skin changed from black to white and thats the white man with his lies that they develop/make cars yet they find them their but wants supremacy as superior yet other Africans have learnt the same even how the get illicit cash via the net at http://www.2goinvoice.com. Fuck that dude and damn it!! You want respect for what dude, tell me, where is your pride and where has it gone to or vanished to, to rats and dogs or to every tom harry and dick or harlot, tell me dude!!! Think twice bro!!!
If you take the made welding machine according to Michael masita of Oklahoma advising me, and you immerse it in a container that fits it or make a metallic ones and glue rubber on its inner walls or blader to avoid electrocution and then take diesel engine oil and pour it to the brim, close it or not like the power transformer on the poles then it can work day night without burning, you and your sons, grandsons can use it to infinity once it is put in a moisture free zone to avoid rusting. It eliminates the need for an electric timer. Cardiac is made with cattle or human teeth where one or many hangs from lofty/near height from a roof maybe a rope then they fall on that teeth heap with their booty then walks away in the dark then boom the Cadillac escalady car. Road to emaus to cement the truth, rooftop flag post left alone on the roof top in the bible to cement the truth. Escalators are also made with chaff or rice but this way. Hammer car is made with shooting a cow on the head then you dismount, while standing on the back, you jump away swiftly from it for the car to come up. It is not rocket science of we thevelop with Russians. Eat food from hell dude the french, british and Germans it was a hard decision when your choosing the land having that in mind if 2goinvoice was unearthed and the customer of your machines countries have learnt to make the same. Germans aint aliens so they wanted to be many and spread their wings in every emerging economy to spice or overpower the half aliens as the jew who are bound to spoil the world as destroy it in the bible. Trump kim met again the bobcollymore kiddnaped so that his email and social media particulars be taken or erased, the phone section, the number if takes 3 months unused it is given to another someone then if they know your email like they do with collymore they send the code to that number and get to all of your logging rendering you useless. Light rail train is made out of corpse, leaves, paper, fruits, berries, garlic and you do just the same with what you did with Cadillac above.
Pale apala nyolo kendo sistani cha, nyaminwho no-miya, negoyo ma mit instead of tho tho am thop thop, ywak nene thoch thoch thoch, ne-mitu sawa shawa. Ne-donjo yawa. Wathichamo mikate gi-emeli mano dak eapatment achiel gi anita maliwaza mane kebi temo winjo nyime. HEY CHANGE THE SHIT TO JEW GIKUYOU NOT TO GET THEM AS LIARS WITH 2GOINVOICE r automation which everynation will learn. tHOUGHT THEY COULD GO TO EVERY NATION TO MAKE THEM INSIDE there and sell them as used machines, them alone would do that- mfalme wa yahoodi. To make people not to get to their lands where they make the machines 4 respect, where they can witness how they are made but they could have remained in wilderness and blow up siren gas o kill the people who transform. They choose temperate lands out of snow to make those machines, in that the transformers will freeze to death b4 witnessing as spices i.e Alaska, Russia and the moon where they make expensive and sophisticated machines like internet servers 4 others not to learn. For respect that there lands do not support agriculture all through the year yet they are still a head so if they are given African which support all year through, where will they be. TO FINISH NIGROS when they have calculated the tea profit sold door to door in every city, when they come up here then they badmouth tea products of kenya and sensitize their own not to buy from Kenya but from Seychelles as well, Cameroon, Guinea, Congo and UG where tea can grow but not grown to fit the puzzle. Tea aint a must to drink, aint food crop as cereals, you can go without it- sheep and goat parable to cement the truth or sad fact. Nigros got to think twice and if tea is fenced with electric fence and monitored with drone, then/sasa kuja wa, why dilly dally, beat about the bush- mfalme wa yawhodi to signify what am saying. You can be finished baba, when hindu hears of the same they want to vacate coz of no benefit is their continued stay here bro. All indinous tribe from mars are kenyans almost every nation citizens brought from mars have these bloods thus the beef is there. Like americans, scorsika, brazil are kisii, china, argentina are kauma blooded, ballarie gabana blooded, South Africans are luya blooded, Nigerians & Hindu are luo and luya blooded, japanis are kauma. So these blooded wanna gang up to succeeded all the blooded and there is the world war. After the ham curse, the white man they became like not intuitive so long ago device a plan to marry other races without the curse to beef/hike up heir intelligence and there they are. So they wanted to know who can take care of them even if they mess, i mean when 2goinvoice is removed. So its a game kinda. Jamaicans are from mars and many kisii blooded from the time they were brought from mars but with AI as artificial insemination there in Jamaica, USA, Britain we got other blooded like luo. To see/witness this we simply partake groundnuts and meditate and there it is. The deal is blocked and now kinda behave like you are a bother to them or disturb them, the deal of matharau as despice of dhach of illegally picking/plucking of majani chai MC- gregor, donlad, shika in luo of tea. They wanted the bible to spread to learn the Kenya Character of not seeing the truth with the names and when the bible was written, they want people who understand in case automation was not learnt with other nations. Kikuyou do not want to leave the whites no matter what, even-though they are bad coz they are the ones who consume and buy huge killos of tea. So by leaving them as enmity destroys sales. But kalenjins can still do maize farming and sell to neighbourig countries. The masai are well placed in big land, in case of separation per previous province and being uncivilised other people from other nations will crop in and work for them. If 2goinvoice was not dis-enabled this could have taken place and it was the plan of desederious Erasmus who was Jamaican blooded and warned to snitch of all it to escape hell fire.
The take rice/mchele bandia as fake/plastic rice grind it a poshomill then mix it with dough which within no time destroys your molar or premolar teeths, the hndu, put in maize flour as well, even the people who walk with kahawa with their ponges as mandazi. Hindu need to surrender food processing plants for the government for health concerns. You blow a charcoal which is red that burns partially with air from your mouth with offering in place then forms the exact things am explaining above with the right offering for every gadget, you avoid going the yuck way, but near water or pool. Dreamliner jets, some jets, drones, buses, heavy machinery are made this way, from lofty high like a sky scrapper may be made of wood on upper balcony you stand many people and drop your sweet downward to the offering, battery, health equipment’s are also made this way. Offering includes human, horse hair, cattle Hyde, bougainvillea which is the best when gadgets are made out of it, cow-dung, chaff, rice , wheat, cereals, fruits, animal offerings, milk, mafi, blood, purse etc. With rolls Roy you shoot a horse while it stands on the head 1- maybe 5 times with a gun then you dismount then boom it forms or with many people while climbed on it, with infinity, buck convertibles the same. Recording house machine hyde then you pour water, urine r tears from above that church like made building, or pour out sperms many people out of masturbation. Pour sperms on human or horse corpse to form rockets and thats another method. The same on wool, cotton to form drones and stereos, invator, battery, generators respectively, or on cattle hump to still form drones and photo studio producing machines. Houses with opened like door windows breeds tough-headedness and thats why white go for sliding window vertical or sideways to rest to the standstill window in the middle. Human hair also makes chip boars while sperm is pour on them from above or mafi smeared on them then you dismount, or defecate from lofty high into the offering many people makes Malaysian furniture. If you order gadgets online from another nation on the happiness index you are rated high than others, you became more happier than those who bought them locally. Stop many words, take a group of people then put them in groups or in class then give them every gadget of the world, let them partake grounnuts- the small rounded one/species- then put it to contemplation/fikira/paro then let then come up/write what they see/visualize then compare notes and go for them as to make them, stop following and jealousy This a new market for china, weighting machine the can measure things while you hang them on it but digital like the butchery one with where you set the price to avoid dubious/unscrupulous business practices, this esp is for scrap metal dealership which now the whites and hindu as trump wanna go back to, lest it is made a county business not soul proprietorship as it fetches high returns on profits. Rasta and friend wish the world to open and fall coz all their swag came from 2goinvoice and never expected the same, some would wish to find a lake near them and run while shouting at the top of their voice hoping someone rich would bell them out. Revelation tano/five the root of David, @ that time bro which is this time dude, shut up and stop but move one, and if you wanna leave please dismount all and follow me as my words/ways period. Now they resort to looking at my zip wher the penis is located, be your self do play others like be like other people, we are whites, brazilians and borrowing their character as well not knowing they are poor. Now is the time, level ground in business, no dhach but respect.
Italians are kaumas as well, choni are pochogis but some are luo blooded out of when they talk you feel your head is lowered like a descending plane or got popo/bat like ears. Ghananians are kalenjins, Lousiana and alabama states are 90% luya blooded and 10% luo, Georgia are somehow somali, new England states are Meru as cameroonians, Virginia are mande speakers who are Giriamaz, congolese are luyas as well, Belgium are swanaz, switzerland are kisii, finlands are malawian lets me say 50% out of AI Artificial insemination. They even soak mchele plastic in water 4 more hours to use in alcohols or food products like sweet etc.Take 4-5 wet cells of 12 volts each, then connect positive of one to the negative of another then you will be left with 2 wires one positive then the other negative, which will give you upto 60 volts if the battery are fully charged, then put the 2 wires in a socket then plug the welding machine on it as the input power like you do on the wall. The welding machine will give you upto 120 volts if you measure the current using a volt meter on the 2 hands that hold the welding rod to weld. Cut the welding hands that hold the rods 4 welding the put a socket as well, the input your gadgets i.e tv and radios to use as well as a battery charger which has positive and negative outlets to charge all these batteries again, branch the + one 5 times to rest on the + cathod of the battery and the - one as well to ensure continuity in power supply, for the battery not to run low in power. You can use the solar to charge all the cells as well which is the best as it gives you hapiness and long life but the battery charger option is cheap to brings the booty and kills fast in john 3:16 and mayland you in jeorpardy in hell. How many times have you heard that cheap is expensive, i suppose many times. Why abuse kebi everytime yet Emely has given him sex/ her pussy he pumps slowly just waiting for an intense ejaculation, omiye nyime o-oloo moss bila wach/maneno. You cant make someones gadget just like that, it will land you in hell bro. Anafanya sex bandia na mochanda na magdalin na huku anajidu, jikaza says adriano mchokozi. The balcanised states, croatia,greek and many knows the jew, who they are but are weak, coz the jew family runs the EU and are making machines to use, they dint know the same but once they have learnt the same, it will be war, they cant keep on with their manouvers of being silly, Gikuyou and luya as luo. They want to take colorado which beloged to croatia and Georgia greek.
Welding machine if you make with kenya/uganda power wires can make you go in hell, make it with iron wire of the fence, you just mend it the box box type of fence wire. Goat and sheep parable friends. China or any other country should open their shops for their goods in any nation to sell direct to the customers. For example India takes china or Germany cars and replace spear-parts with theirs b4 its bought which will give them more profits if they sell it again to other people while the German/china ones is declared incompetent bro. The Eggs in the supermarkets aint fit 4 human consumption the yellow albumen york egg, return the white one, the kamba are making these in kenya i.e the Tuskys Supermarket inside at night. A staff reveled it to me, even electronic and other gadgets selling them expensive as water tanks and the 1.8 million house shown on the TV. The government ought to intervene to check the price, with the house they refurbished it, removed its roofing and placed the normal one. Click this link 4 more information dude. https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2001334340/un-s-tiny-home-model-targets-kenya-s-un-housed-masses Mbona tusi kebi na moch amemupatiya senye anachimba kuchimba, says amani. Nyim moch thethre, en thep thep, mit thedho, omiye nyime othedho okotug-go, acheshi nacho utters dolly. Buy the big umbrella used outside on food restaurant and make holes on it when boarding a plane, in case of a fall you jump and you will escape the hurt and you lie to the plane company you had 2 billion which is lost to make the company check 4 each passenger how much they have at boarding time period. You can help me friends, once i have forwarded you my text, you can just open a Gmail a/c under my name and post on the youtube pages of UN, AU, ECOWAS, OPEC, COMESA, ICC, SONGS, CHURCHILL LIVE, TV PROGRAMS of any nation etc, the like of [email protected], [email protected] and many. Do me that favor bro!!!! I you partake fried fish hot one just from the pan with chopped tomato and onion not to mention chillies it gives you another spirit of laziness, selfish and hate of bad life, it makes you hallucinate and dislike other people, so its two fold, try fellaz, you want to be alone as starting to ripe paw paw pp, pier power, eat with ugali bro says martinez. Am choni, liking uchokozi, kinyo, poking others, king of the jew, gik machon, oldies i love as ladies, mokozi, chocolate women i love, i say anything as chochote, i love bones, chogo, last born, toilet as cho, piga watu ten nill, bure, pure i love as well. Pallemo island people are padhola of UG blooded dude, the white people had know that if 2goinvoice is eradicated they will be no-more as each nation has learnt automation so this was done to set the situation at equilibrium. They love pier, booty, piem, compe, pien/lather, piyo/fast-ing, pino, wasp, philipino, opposing/pingo. Kuwaits are toro, S-arabia some luo etc
This the most reliable AE way to produce power and the most convinient/effective/effectual and surable way to produce your own power. Take one wet cell of 24 volts the put the negative and the positive cathod/terminals on a wire then on a socket then plug the welding machineWM on the socket like you do to it on the wall as input then on the output on the 2 wires that holds the welding rod, cut them and do likewise with the socket, it will give you approximately 48-52 volts when the battery is fully charged, then take a motor bike star and again return the power to charge the same same battery the welding machine is using to ensure the power is not depleted or take a computer/florescent/TV adaptor used in the usa of 120 volts which its output is 24 volts, when you use half current which is 50 V given by the WM It will give you 12-15 volts then put in a solar energy controller to again charge the same battery incase you are using 12 V battery to give you 24 V on The WM but with 24 V wet cell look for A transformer that gives you 50 V as output when used on 200 Volts which if you use half current gives you 20-25 volts to charge the very very battery. While is the USA you can add another welding machine wm(2)to step up the 50 V given to 100 to power your machine but in a nation that uses 220 volts like Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya add another welding machine to WM (3) step up the power from 100 - 200 V to be used in your household. Th beauty is you can use it in welding, cooking, heating, in fridge with just one battery. OR Guys use 4-5 motor bike batter to give you 60 Volts after connection but let them be in 2 sets, put light switch in-between the positive and negative terminal after connecting to switch off power supply inbetween the wet cell when you are charging one set while the other is in use. Put the wet cell together in a wooden frame explains eddy roy of KB and studying in Rusia with her associates. The 5o V when you step up by adding 1 wm will be 100 to be used in nations like USA but like in Nigeria or E.Africah add another WM to step it to 200 V to power you household or business premis. Below are links carying diagrams of all the accesories above. You plug an electric plug in a socket n/b. With an invator option it eliminates you not to heat and cook with it as the invator burns, how many times have you hard that cheap is expensive. The white people got another software at withdraw funds at 2goinvoice and telling theit diehard fans around. Corruption of the hieghest degree. Wilson Williams advices me.
1.diagram showing a welding machine - Google Search
2.diagram of welding machine, diagram of welding machine Suppliers and Manufacturers at Alibaba.com
diagram of welding machine, diagram of welding machine Suppliers and Man...
Alibaba.com offers 260 diagram of welding machine products. About 10% of these are Manual Metal Arc Welder, 5% a...
3.diagram showing an electric socket - Google Search
iagram showing an electric socket - Google Search
4.diagram showing an electric plug - Google Search
diagram showing an electric plug - Google Search
5.diagram showing an electronic transformer - Google Search
diagram showing an electronic transformer - Google Search
5.diagram showing a tv transformer - Google Search
.diagram showing a tv transformer - Google Search
6.diagram showing solar power controller - Google Search
diagram showing solar power controller - Google Search
In TUSKYSupermarket to make sure urine pour on the offering they extend it using pipes 4 the urine to fall in the middle. Supermarkets should be made of thick hard glass so that nothing hidden goes inside. We cant afford/go no trusting the foods, Let a chain store be a chain store not a factory. Open one and thats why in developed world they work 24/7. If a child knows much than in his age in the old Red Indian heritage, he was grabbed at night without his knowing and hurled in the lake superior, the same should happen now. It was done to sway tomorrow evil in the society. I now put my post on football matches as Jamaica vs Domingo or in any country Tv news like Bahama, japan, Congo Tv news check friends of any nation and check them in the 1st - 3rd post on the you-tube and promise there you will find me. Rental houses should be built for visitors not necessarily hotels where if you want to travel to any land you book online and let them be well equipped with modern furniture and TV's and let the occupation period be 1-3 months not more and this a new business idea and looking forward to not getting a job alongside buying and selling of speedy stick deodorant door to door in overseas market b4 opening an immobile office. The deodorant is bought at $ 3 and me wanna sell it at $ 10 out of shipping fee. This a new business platform i wanna venture into not sleeping around with harlots like Barryme and kepi swears Toni Aloyce. Modems broadband and limosin cars are made out of kilimi/lim, one make one car of different animals i.e hammer one is of cow, Lincoln car one is for wild beast and more. Gi-sin omera bro the walami. Lands with lakes which where dried like KS or Russia are wheat supporting and many people love them coz they are undulating, they give you instant curse and makes you go to hell. Your reproach in judgement time can be population outburst and inconsistent food made you to dry it then you escape fire but without that fire dude. You enjoyed good things bro like onding kenya, the holly ground Moses the green man saw the burning bush- women with release/ejaculate Barnabas as he was masturbating on the cross. The place gives you instant back pain necessary for rapid sex, it arouses you in a nutshell. The same they want to do 4 lake Victoria and great lakes basin they taste for humidity, temperatures, soil while on ship necessary 4 wheat farming and kinda they have found out. Big cities of the world are always built on cool/cold land of that nation to support business in clothing, much cloths sell in cold lands as opposed to hot ones like doa. Thats why the white people relocated capital from dar to dodoma and mombasa to Nairobi to support their used/mitumba clothes and thats why in pretense they say Nairobi or kigali is beautiful coz it feeds them somehow and any city of the same caliber.
transverse the nation . moses saw the promised land on a torn/raruka map, worker parable he saw western sea south East asia in a boat.
People of florida are dinka as Sudanese, The North of the campas in the map is not reliable, it depends with how you are sitted, my north can be your east or south if you seat not facing the same direction am not sitted. The right north or south is gotten by a magnetic compas. So they say north is hill while south is slanting- piny and malo, juu na chini- but River nile flow against that law from south to North, from Jinja in UG to mediterenian. So the world map aint right, the south pole should take N-pole position on the map and vice versa. The map should be restructured as in, should resemble a bin balance, the Australia and the indonesia, mc donald island should be on-top while the rusian and canada below. When this is done it will remove a certain spirit from peoples head of being rude and big period asserts colly. Anew solar panel that rotates and takes the shape of a mug/cup should be rolled out to captured all light or one that looks like a triangle as opposed to the flat one. Thats a plus and a new market. The deep fried samaki/fish eaten with ugali straight from the frying pan was the forbidden food not fruit and railamolodinga gave it to adam and even, a spirit as i have heard was changing/transfiguring his manwhood so eve rendered him futile so the very fish mixed with cut tomato and onions removes that spirit making you aroused for sexual intercoarse. So in the drone at bar kalare they were naked and the monkey/nyami took their garments to be later found to be naked with a provoking Gods voice. Worker & vineyard parable to cement the truth and king of the jew, just off the frying pan type of fish. Jesus with division, deep fried. Solomondi had dinka blood. When you take a TV that you can set time to switch off automatically as open then with your volt meter locate a place inside that gives you 12 volts then amount it to a small solar power controller unit to connect to the invator to give 240 volts to even run a motor when it on then you got the timer if they are two if you set them alternating in time to go-off and switch on. And thats another world timer according to Nelson mandela ochola of KB friend on FB. Goat and sheep parable and weed parable for the truth to be acertained. You can mount a 12v battery to an invator then use solar power controller mounted with a 10 volt transformer to again charge the same battery with its very own power but use your volt meter to make sure when you connect the wet cell power is just 10 volts to continue the sequence without the battery being finished/runned out. Then with along wire lets say 100 meter- you can roll it partially connect the invator output power of 200 volts given by 10 volt charged battery not 12 V to a welding machine to give you 400 volts that you can even use in welding without burning the invator (1000 watts plus). Madem an adrian startup to amiene enduko and thats precisely my pride, yaani anduko marach according to relevant sources. Wanga eh wiyi, to ewangi kagimaneno maiti mar osiepna maduong, to a youko as shake and node my head like nasikiya maneno, kama rat and one hand of the hand at the jaw on your hand and the other on the hard matress, my tongue upon you and mine likewise, to na pump vinashtea yaani videadly, to am calling ya name sometimes faintly. Arach baba and thats the only expertise inherent in me. Wa pimo nyili dong adriano. These tall people above 6 ft in height got meru blood of wanting to be 1st but lazy as turkana blood of just wanting to iddle around and disrespect people who are working. A time 4 reconing is comming when the owner comes as parable of the talent puts it.
Whoudala they say when you have defeated them with the DNA issue or let them withdraw the cash at the bank which i checked in at the counter to find nothing but they insist their is something long when i used to visit the SD service desk but early in the morning i visited the teller to find nothing. I went to the police to report the matter, they say they have wire the cash but nothing, let them withdraw the cash i wont report it to the court but leave me alone. Kinda they want to look at you in the eye like a man-woman relationship and rab themselves against you. Question is what do you want with me? I pick scrap metal and their is no hurdle put 4 you to do the same. You want me to be like your woman, i pick 4 you and you eat that am whoud dala, fuck that boy!!! They lias with police to identify those with lands to approach like bandits in broad day light. Hooliganism of the highest order/degree. Malachi four MF who to the people who long to see the lords day. Dala ka-nga, Ka-wandete, ka-modi, ka-nyawyeni, i was adopted, well you now know my home so we belong together to come like you want and eat or near me to play with my manwhood like a gay from game siaya, Germand they claim now they are. Whonataka nini baba? kuchesha na mbolo changu, kuangusha/kuchama mimi youhai ama nyumba changu. Recall sarafina movie it needs many people of that city killed by a bullet or siren or Dell as to be caned to eliminate that starbon evil-spirit period. If you are in a very hot place like Doa what comes/crops into your mind is death, seeing dead people in a casket thus gives you no rest and there4 shortens your life span, with cold places you became sympathetic with the dead, mostly you find yourself visiting the graves as cool places but relatively hot place like kisumu of temp 25 average its all good and thats why the white people chose those land for love and long life as cool water.  Its upon the government of every nation to sit down and talk about AE and its related atributes rather will destroy the world business like UG, TZ, OMAN power. To remove battery and stop acid production, go back to solar to power/start automobiles. Towa, worker parable to cement the truth, to esp china as every nation has know to make the same. I was going to be prudent if them alone were making such gadget. Abromako tiendi to piny, to agum ketho whoomi, eti-eti, kedho wangi- michiga, we dont join peoples things we as chinis people- swinny. Mfalme wa yahoodi as well. Snake tongue used to make wires, big blasphemy is when you sleep with a serpent and cant be 4give. salar power controller spc is big matawi as leave sperm poured onto from lofty high in the dark. Weed, samarian and ten minas to cement the truth as well as jesus with little children. Saphron morphone gadgets are made out of water mellon as black berry equipments.
When you imagine sleeping with a snake in ya mind you see kinda an oven door being opened as carried, the furnace. But if you are well of it, king of the jew, one of the blasphemy that cant be 4given if you know it. Nebuchadnezzar slept with a serpent to be wise out of as wise as a serpent. So when being judged sometimes he is gotten out and taken back but other sins if you only walk you burn 4 some seconds that left with exhausure, something holds on your hair and hangs you up on the transit, if you eat groundnuts and put it to mind/contemplation you see. @lanta city, carli4nia written out of swag by no-one else but Mr monde. Thorn in the flesh, enmity, disastrous to them, kudho in luo and miba in swahili is used to make missile and fast speed jets, you masturbate or urinate or hurl mafi from lofty high to the big one thorn and boom there it is. With big planes like jumbo jets you take the tongue of reptiles whose tongue/limi resembles a Y, like snake one and do exactly what you have done with the thorn and jet and boom the big dreamliner jet as another method- mfalme wa yawhoodi to cement the truth bro. Even Negros have known to make the same so thought them alone, so they can come this side as sell them as well as kikuyou in the USA. Dude its futile bro, stay where you are, pussy is the same almost always, their is no new beauty per woman/race/tribe, it exhausts and ejaculates you period.
Aseko yie yesu ne wanga tea ni ndalo duto, illegal plucking of tea and in AE as this is forever. Waketo elamo, tek ndii but yesu (saviour, kebi blo loso) thats their prayer and they want to always follow or dine with me as disciples/wafuasi. But the text is am not Jesusnakenyatta am kebi in revelation 17. Epono ne-ng'a chai, nancy anaponee north soudan to gi process to gi-uso middle east go tieno- goat parable to cement the truth. Barry me anapononee Germany to gi-uso western Europe, to Emanuel nachunia Itally na wanna uza Estern Europe, To opiyo, am plucking for china and malaysia and they sell in Rusia and SEA, south east asia, to wahindi asking colly gi pono kendi to thats why they came here- they share profits with Britain on a 50-50 basis. Fuck that utters kebi!!!!! Minaj na mia kumbe wanna matako bandia, sasa mimi napenda titi shape ya paw pow. Planes are also made with sharks, wales, or mud/cat fish the same gimmick is done of hurling sperm from lofty high from a crane of like the church balcony. Many cranes with many people in open but dark compound. If you work in a morgue as well you find yourself in hell, if you cremate and partake groundnuts you see your self not burning in a transit. Transfiguration of Christ. You should not mend bodies of people who are cut or dis-formed or fat people with big belly when they die, in that you remove the intestine. They should be burnt/cremated but those who are okay formalined then buried shortly not to stay for long as it can land you in hell, in the book of chronicles they were omitted. Muslims find themselves in hell or you see the furnace door being grabbed and opened/put side for them coz they bury without treating the corpse with formalin. Power saw made using crocodile by smearing mafi or urinating on it dude, whichever. Uhuru Kenya says their is no money circulating around coz from 2goinvoice people have withdrawn cash and stored under ceiling board, tiles floor, in a container in rural lands and with a witch-doctor he can see where you have kept the money. They can kidnap/kill you then break into it or at night use people who transfigure to do the same shit. Whats wrong with this man, he is an impediment to development/growth but in pretense he is championing such. Fuck that dude!!!
Wach dholuo mond wanyodh mandi, after uttering they resort to looking at your zip/manhood. An bictor aponone Jamaicah gi Ethiopia to gi-uso carribean isles, central America gi latin america. Shi/dong waloyo Jachien nyithindwa. En kamano utters nyabondo molo cha, says odundo. Even if you insist and marries from a sturbon/unscrupulous tribe that will later infect the kids you find your way to hell if you are well aware of it. Jesus and marriage and king of the jew. Those Electronics that kills you early like sony and panasonic is made out of kITTEN/PAKA, worker parable, ten minas and king of the jew to cement de trut. Kenhood/taghood spinje/spikers are made of penguin from lofty high you hurl sperms or smear mucas/mafi on it in dark dude. Moch olworo kech, ha ha babe tupike chai yawa to the point of being overwild or irritated, cant do with 2 meal a day but the beuty is that cry and am fully exploiting it, friends with lucking breakfast she gives it to me and gives in to cry or cry that way and pals guess what, thats my happiness. How many times have you heard that one mans meat is another mans poison. Amol ma, ama happy bwana, fula tele. Otwonowa pecha dong adrilian, thats why we have grown rude, nyime/pubic part we aint after dong startup. Nyiel koda we are making progress donge!!!
Yes am back, they were selling for export exorbitantly but local i was exchanged for artificial yellow. Yes am back folks. Sudan Electronic are good dude, the USA tolerated Albashir and was rude 4 this reason. It makes you feel good and love respect and makes you slim as well even 4 Ethiopia makes you desist from arguments but channels you to lonely mature women. Why should we buy from white and what help are they to us. Aborigines are Choni and Gabana, the kenyan tribes in mass their lands natural resources were discovered like oil and many had learnt to make machine while other did not so they rushed to intermarry and thats how these other tribes got those blood b4 being shipped to earth and reshuffled again by pochogis. Tea you should heat all well with milk if you just soak it into a cup of milk you risk developing cancer of throat and lips and never you are alerted. When you buy of African made goods like sandles from UG or Kenya you get fed up of white and life, you feel like you wanna die or hang yourself. I mean you leave the things of this life which is to the positive and better dude, you became a man of few words. Container houses brings mauti/death thoughts close to you like soon you will die or loose a close friend soon. I have come to dislike them dude. Folk lifts fl, and put offering in the middle to hurl, sprinkle like sperm, urine, mafi from above to make machines. Jesus with little kid or Malachi four to cement the truth, like Christ was crucified in the middle with 2 thieves, one on both sides from lofty high bro to give us hint how he was talking of machines being made and how partially they are made. Nyako nyime en-shaggy kaka ojanyo wiye no owadwa, nene kaka joseph penjo, wiye ojany ka-nyieme, anadware- oloso kagima oywak, talking kinda as if he is crying in bass like a little kid someone taking his food yet he is still hungry. Abromiyi rat and rat manew, okblonegi but blothulo wiyi no, pat wiyi no. Odwachieme e-od-G mokfine Dong onethough gi-susan. Even and Adam were warn not to eat from the trees in the middle of the Garden as this will give them typhoid which was hard to treat and they did that and was diagnosed very quickly and that why even was saying in a crying voice we are naked out of stomach pain/upset period folks.
click this fb link dude
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nelmonde-blog · 5 years
The dawning truth
The compound is to clean as if the booty is wiped, ni-kama kwamba rasa inapanguzwa.  LG tv is the best but the side effect which is over-longtime glued to the screen pops out your eyes as swollen is simply eating 2-5 grape fruit and it burst from outer-inside to give out some fluid like tears then your eye is okay. LG lord god, lesbian gays, laughing gas as anesthesia, to unknown God in acts 17, Savior. Ther, Githeri, king of the jew- you give to that one who transform in your belly to fall, you can drink it period. They want to reduce the population of kenya for them to come like they did long in the usa during war 2- the Germans. And they want to counteract Uganda technology, Tz and Ethiopia as the USA and Germany will supply them with weaponry once their is war after along time of their influx coming. To sub-due Uganda cars which makes you tall and black but Good for whites, they are too original. Babe if you have taken a shower and wipe that booty, with me i will just hit it but no anal kissing. Uchayo akebi nang'o to mochanda omiye nyime otuomo, magdalin omiye nyime ochikore, Lobinson omiye nyime onduko kaka seche sudo, odindo wacho ni kaka saa thiyo to kolo wacho as the time/timer clocks/tickles. Sara omiye nyime owinjo ekoyo to shamtimes odoome ka nyati. Sometimes oswoyo, oponde, mbona madhalau kwa kebi aloyce kisha sema na anatomba wasichana kamili.
When you eat wheat products which human vomit has been added to, either sieved or not you develop acute baldness as kipara in swahili. Beware of your food. Mama nee-nyako ma bambe dum chieth ni- in making of jets whoman feace/mafi is rubbed on the thigh slowly by slowly then boom their is the jet. Mama hebu ona whoyou msichana paja yake inasmell shonde- anaharibu plan yetu wajamani. The money which they take from you at the scrap metal out of faulty weighting machine is used greatly to fund the gungship in towns. When you became so profound in bible as to oppose it your hear someone like cocking the gun- king of the jew if you start to be hard or a church critic. PASTORS are the ones also killing people. You start to see the devil in blue or grey attire like spider-man mostly inside a mortuary or outside your house as well as chain stores without ear lobes dude. The money is used to fund hooliganism among inter-estate gangs. Lobinson nyimi swoyo manda and this cold weather in riga is good with pumping something- donge onethough utters kev, kolly saying mit gi-swoyo gimolo, hadija saying ni tamu na kupeleka/kupepeta kitu wajamani. This pussy of yours rides my penis in a smooth and beautiful way,/manner says monde. Tabia utters adriano.  The church should have money counting matchines and offering be paid either online or before the mass, so at people to know exactly how much is collected to avoid the church admin misappropriating the cash to investments that win women, fund hooliganism and creates jealousy in the society. We should know how much is debited and created to avoid what i have described b4 about churches projects even up-to killings. Church killed TM and MLK. If one is about to be struggled you see just an approaching hand alone not the body around their necks, touching it a little bit then divorcing it- king of the jew to cement the truth.
lady birds are used to make DVD/VCD/RADIOS. Rubber as saddles are used to make coffins/caskets as well as kales, cabbage or just vegetables. The hump e.g of a cow, lion is used to make drones, Ferrari or Lamborghini cars. Meli are made using rubbers, many collected near a large water body where you direct a woman pointing from her booty up to down on the floor with your fingers repeatedly and there it is as ship dude. Transformers made using onions, cabbages or nyanyas. Greenade can also be made using coconuts the hard one. DONGE-mumekubali my friends esp from BBK that an ngamalich, abihave like a respected fellow- kose-enwach baba. Railadamalo knows very well that he delude adam and eve and that the jew are white, but got misinformation of getting to heaven that you must aid someone white which is a big lie, he fears going to hell fire so during judgement he wanna portray himself as if he didn't know the consequences of the tree of life and the fruit of wisdom/knowledge so he be acquitted and forgiven, but in Luke 16 parable of the shrude manager- warns him that he got prophets to listen to like Moses and Elijah. You are wasting your time dude, you are heading nowhere with the jew/Egyptian thing. The Hindu have known how to make even guns and they are doing that in east Africa so during violence they can use then against people and portray as the police or people have done such. They must get to their nation period. Mandaratego bwana nyako, onge-mchezo.
Panya routes pr, presidency, pretense, short cuts sc, scores, school, peutro rico, public relations, rat, nelson eliminating tiger, asian tigers At, rat, mat, sat etc. Radios are made using coconut as tv, invators etc or kulundeg in luo or wasp to make stereo or some jets as drones. Fruits like melons, avocado, pumpkin, pineaple are can also be used to make such. Timers are also me using small vibrating arachnids or insects. Tea is not a must for people to do with, its not food crop like wheat or maize that forms part of 90% of the world meal as much as riye or rice but the government of developed world can sensitive their people not to partake tea coz you can do without it period and the nations that we will take their wives if you got money -anyone- are the chief buyers and once oil is eliminated their purchasing power will decrease i.e Egypt which fund 50% of her economy with 2goinvoice cash and Pakistan which buys large amount or % f kenyan tea. When 2goinvoice is eradicated tea export will reduce drastically. Haitians, Caribbeans and people in the usa leaving illegally are 10 million black and the negro population is 40 million if they came to Kenya 4 example and the voting rights extended to them then if they select their own they win all the elections and take the nation and precisely thats their plan. Out of 40 & 10 people 60 % are adult which is roughly 35 million voters and the Kenyan voters stand at 20 million and thats why the Kenyan government wants the population to increase to outmatch them but oblivious of the fact that green-card takes 50 thousand families with roughly 2 kid yearly and the high influx of international student who have indulge themselves in the US culture as well. In a sense its like selling the nation to aliens indirectly.
Nipe maembe amatowa maembe ni one kama ni ripe au la, yellow ama pink or red,  kisha nidunge hata mara sabini mara saba kisha ni-release nikuache nikusamehe. Nyimi mit nduko mochanda, utters kevin in a fainted but crucked voice. Ndukle mamitu to-bwaso nyima kaka saa thiyo as the timer counts. Enda whoko americah, kujahapa japan- kenya- is their tonation whenever they get bitter. We cant trust tea processed in kenya or cocoa in ghana or coffee in Uganda or Ethiopia as it is somehow su-standard or not grown with proper sanitation requirements, its hazardaz somehow to our health. So we can be given land to plant it on our own in kenya, process it and pack it using the local labour and local audit to scrutinize scrupulosity, take our share and take your share or simply we buy the leaves or the berries and process them in our own nation, according to Eu and the choice is yours. Wanyama saga in Western Kenya, kev wanna show him that soul force is greater than physical force, i must see him stepping down. They recruit you and you take that oath of being a gang member and you adhere to secrecy and dont leave the gang, lest you are killed in cold blood. Even if you dont posses a gun they use the next fellow near you to have that gun upon which you are shot they say you had one- eti umeanza kuropokwa of the deal to rob a bank or fall a plane which is longterm and tiresome & sometimes never happens faster that makes you wanna leave the organisation. They use the money they have collected along the road- the police- to facilitate this a genda and some makanga are part of the Gang. The email am using in my tumblr i have already given it to you plus the password which do not long in due to reasons not known to me well.  Gung group accord to JR Emmanuel sheldon ES, end signs, estate, essy money Em Your pussy to succulent to pump, to sweet to hit Robinson and that was how kevin was crying yesternight in a faint but crocked voice. Give it to me as i hit it mrs Robinson, Robinson saying i just need a baby a baby as her crying. If you find out that a lady you somehow love can conspire behind your back to organise an attack on you, better you leave her- no way you can love her even to hit that thing in between the thigh. Timiza timiza timiza maombi yangu timiza, juzi nilitomba mochanda, jana nikabusu magdaline, mtondo nikadinya lolain next week niko na niki, timiza x3 maombi yangu bwana timiza- thats how nelson was singing very happy and jubiliant. Safety matches SM, smile, sianda moroco, malawi, malta, mongolia, scorsica mataka, smile, shrude manager parable in luke 16. Lazarus parable and rich-man- i got five brothers FB, fat buttocks can take you to hell and other social medias like tumblr affects the eyes which fb is safe. You got Moses plant and the prophets, road to emaus, can be grow the nyamawho herb. Moses grows many in a cluster, if you get much money from 2goinvoice it takes you direct to hell, tell my brothers to desist and give the poor that money. Buy condom in the factory if you are a rich man in large quantity or many as mfalme wa yawhodi which aint put in direct sunlight to burst. Women with barnabas. Bavid was balarian, but people from the isles are bald when grown up, kihara- king of the jew.   
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kurosawayuichi · 5 years
tagged by @planetsandmagic & @leebecky06 💗
Nickname: mostly people call me by name but i also use aye online !
Zodiac: dont boo me but im a gemini 😈 [sun as well as moon]
Height: 155 cm / 5'1 which is uh,,,,, short but at least im as tall as feitan
Last Movie: not sure if it was when i rewatched doukyuusei online or if it was when i watched solo on tv
Last Google: sleepy time with servamp [which i only just watched and the ones with tetsono interacting had me so soft]
Song Stuck In My Head: talk by khalid !! king of bops 👏
Other Blogs: whew boy,,,,, here comes my sideblog hoe ass,,, @bakushims @asakissu @sope-mes @wlwyugioh
Do I Get Asks: lmao not even when i reblog those ask post 💀
Blogs Following: 401 [used to be 700+ but i unfollowed a lot of unnactive/fandoms im not interested in accs earlier this year]
Amount of Sleep: i dont have a regular sleep schedule but recently its been around 7-10 hours
Lucky Numbers: 69, 420 and 666 ofc
Dream Job: seto kaiba. next question !
Dream Trip: oh Japan for sure as well as Korea and Italy
Favourite Food: lasagna will never ever ever go wrong 😤 but anything my grandmother cooks is instantly a favourite too 💗
Do I Play Any Instruments?: god i WISH. does singing count? [im mediocre but yeah 👉👉] also i WILL force myself to learn to play piano or violin b4 i die this IS a promise !! [which i might break knowing my attention span and flighty whim but 🤭]
Languages: fluent in English and Malay but i also know a lil bit of French and Japanese
Favourite Songs: waaaay too many but as of now let me down slowly by alec benjamin, la vie en rose by iz*one and instagram by dean are on constant replay
Aesthetics: space & anything that has stars, vhs & glitch effects, affection and love, hearts, neon signs, anime boys with sharp teeth, black & shocking pink, van gogh and monet paintings, pink skies, 90s anime, pastel palettes [honestly anything u can find at @wlwyugioh]
not tagging anyone but if you wanna do this then feel free to say i did 👌
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