#also a test: hi can you see this post on your dash?
gojosbf · 21 days
which one of you is ghost liking/reblogging my posts or is it some blog that has me blocked
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cameronspecial · 8 months
Let Me Be Yours, Angel
Pairing: Frat!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings:  Mentions of Drinking and Doing Drugs.
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.6K
Summary: When Y/N's best friend wants to test frat boys, it leads to a meeting that will change Rafe's life.
A/N: Inspired by this Instagram post and the book, Icebreaker.
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Y/N isn’t a partier but she also isn’t one not to go to them. Her solution: Only going to parties that are thrown on holidays. It meant she could plan when the parties were while ensuring she didn’t feel like she was missing out on the university experience. Halloween means the only way into the frat party is with a costume. Daisy and Y/N coordinate their outfits in the classic Devil and Angel costumes. Since she came to the party, Y/N has been using alcohol as a way to drown out the loud music. She quickly regrets this decision because her drunken state has allowed Daisy to convince her to see if the frat boys at this house are gentlemen. 
“It’s your turn to hold your hand out,” Daisy screams as they head over to one of the most infamous frat boys at the school. Rafe knows he’s been drinking and doing weed, but he doesn’t feel like it is enough to start to see things. Angels aren’t real. Yet, the beauty in front of him is telling him otherwise. The flashing lights reflect off of her plastic halo to create a glowing effect that makes her seem like the real deal. He is completely entranced by her and when she holds up her hand randomly to him, he just has to feel her skin against his. He cups her outstretched hand, kissing the back of it softly. His lips linger as he makes eye contact with her. She moves her hand from him and leaves with her friend without another word. Disappointment settles in him; he didn’t get her name. 
The bathroom line is so long that Y/N fears she might pee in her own skirt. She is next in line and as she watches the person in front of her enter the room, her nose scrunches in disgust. The mixture of weed, vomit and diarrhea hits her nose. There is no way she can go to the bathroom in those conditions. Lucky for her, Rafe finds his Angel again and he isn’t going to let her go to the bathroom in its appalling state.  
“So we meet again, Angel,” he teases, leaning against the closed doorframe. She barely looks in his direction, “And it’s the shirtless fireman again. You know that wouldn’t meet safety regulations.” 
“How about we go up to my room and you can tell me all about safety regulations?”
“How about you leave me alone and I go pee in this disgusting bathroom.”
“I was just about to offer to use my bathroom upstairs, but I guess you really want to pee here.”
“No, no. I’m sorry. I just really need to pee and can’t think of anything else.”
He smiles and holds his hand out toward the stairs, “It’s okay. Right this way, Angel.”
The busy party and her short stature mean she could lose Rafe easily, so she reaches out to intertwine their hands. Her soft hand in his makes his heart flutter and he just wants to stay like this forever. They navigate through the crowded house, making their way to his room. He punches the code into his room and exaggerates his hands towards the door with pizazz, “Welcome to Casa el Rafe.” “Why thank you, Señor Rafe,” she giggles, dashing to the bathroom. 
She returns from the bathroom and Rafe is waiting for her on his bed. “You didn’t have to wait for me. I could’ve found my own waitout,” she jokes, heading toward the door. He gets up from the bed, running to stop her from leaving, “Wait, I didn’t get your name.”
“I didn’t know I needed to give you my name to use your bathroom.”
“Please. Give it to me, so I can ask you out. Let me be yours, angel.” 
“Figure out my name by yourself first then we’ll see about a date.”
She exits the room with a flirtatious wink and he watches his Angel walk away from him. He has to figure out her name because she already has his heart and he has every intention of giving her the rest of him with it. 
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q-gorgeous · 1 month
The Fenton-Feel Giver
word count: 1579
This time, instead of making a weapon to hurt ghosts, the Fentons make a weapon that allows them to “get their feelings back”. Problem is, they already have them, so what happens when you take an already emotional ghost teen and amplify it by 10? @Amabsis
Danny sat at the kitchen table, tiredly eating cereal while Jazz read a book next to him as she ate her eggs. He held his head in his left hand and he was about to nod off when his parents erupted from the door to the lab. 
“Hey, kids! Come look at what we just finished!” His dad bellowed. Danny jumped at the loud sound of his voice. 
“It’s too early for this.” He groaned as he and Jazz forcefully followed their parents downstairs into the lab.” 
“It’s our newest ghost hunting weapon!” Maddie smiled excitedly. 
Danny flinched as his dad brandished his new gun.
“This bad boy will give all these apathetic ectoplasmic post human copies all of their feelings back! They’ll never know what hit them!” 
“Dad, how do you really know that ghosts don’t have feelings?” Jazz asked him, looking between Danny and their dad. “You’ve never had a conversation with a ghost. How can you say you know how their minds work?” 
“How can any ghost have feelings when they’re terrorizing the city all the time? Surely if they had feelings they would think about their actions and how it might be affecting the people around them.” Maddie said.
“Now you’re just putting your prejudice on them!” Jazz planted her hands on her hips. “Not all ghosts go around terrorizing the city all the time!”
“Also the ghosts just think it’s fun. They don’t care how we feel, even with feelings.”
The three of them looked over at Danny. His eyes widened when he realized they heard his comment. 
“See who terrorizes a city for fun?”
“That still doesn’t mean they don’t have feelings!” 
Danny rolled his eyes and stood up. This was ridiculous. He didn’t need to sit here and listen to his family argue about something that he knew was false. 
“Danny-boy! Where are you going? I haven’t even demonstrated it yet!”
He turned around to face his dad. “I gotta go. I have to-”
He gasped out a breath of cold air. And he inwardly groaned.
“Have to, to- go to the library and check out a book I forgot I needed! It’s about a project on Patrocolos!”
“You’re still learning about that guy?” Jack frowned. 
“Long unit.” Danny said as he backed up. “Very important to a lot of different cultures. What a guy.”
“Be back before curfew!” His mom called to him and he turned and dashed his way up the stairs. 
When he hit the top he transformed and flew through the roof and scanned the streets around him. Where was the ghost? 
“I am the Box Ghost!” 
Danny closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, groaning.
“Tremble before me and my boxes of doOoom!” 
Danny flew in the direction that the Box Ghost’s voice was coming from. He came into view and he had a swarm of boxes flying around him.
“Hey, Boxy!” 
The Box Ghost turned around to face him. “Ah, Phantom! I see you’ve heard my war call! You will face my wrath and get boxed!” 
Danny scoffed. “As if. Your wrath is about a centimeter long.” 
“You will regret your words, young halfling! My boxes will leave deep cardboard cuts all over your skin! I will-” 
Danny sucked the Box Ghost into the thermos as he was talking. He yelled as he got sucked in and the sound was cut off when the beam disappeared. Danny capped the thermos as all the boxes fell into the street. 
He heard the screeching of tires below him and looked down. His parent’s van plowed to a stop and they were jumping out. 
“There he is, Jack!” His mom pointed at where he floated up in the sky. 
“This is the perfect time to test our new weapon, Maddie!” 
Danny’s eyes widened. Considering ghosts really did actually have feelings, Danny didn’t know what it would do to him. He didn’t think he wanted to find out either. 
They started shooting at him. His dad had the new weapon they showed off at breakfast this morning. His mom had what looked like a regular ectogun. 
He dodged as many blasts as he could, but they just kept coming. One flew past him and sent him spinning. He went back right side up but it was too late.
“Haha! Taste the Fenton Feel-giver!” 
Danny didn’t have enough time to jump and dodge the blast that his dad shot at him. He put his hands up to block his face when the blast made contact. It sent him hurtling towards the ground. The blast itself didn’t hurt nearly as much as he was expecting but his collision with the ground did and he peeked out from behind his arms to see his dad barely containing his excitement. 
Then his mom walked towards him, brandishing her Fenton bazooka and Danny’s heart started racing.
He covered his head and cowered away from her. 
“Don’t hurt me, Mom!” He shouted. 
“Mom?” Maddie exclaimed. 
“I promise I’m not a monster! Don’t hurt me!” 
Danny scurried backwards away from her. What was happening to him? His heart was racing and he was starting to hyperventilate. 
Maddie lowered her weapon, but she looked unsure about it. 
“Jack?” She turned to face him. 
“He looks just like a child.” Jack whispered. 
“Is he just a child?” Maddie asked him.
Danny looked up at his parents. He could tell by their faces that they weren’t expecting the consequences of actually seeing a ghost’s feelings. That they weren’t expecting him to be so human.
Maddie knelt down to be at eye level with him. She reached a hand forward and Danny fell back trying to get away from it.
“Don’t touch me!”
She pulled her hand back and looked at Jack. 
“Phantom, do you remember your human mother?”
He looked at her. How ironic was this. This was some cosmic irony here.
He wasn’t sure what he should do. So he just nodded. 
“Did she ever hurt you?”
Ectoblast burns. Bazooka blasts. Kicks to the stomach.
“Not on purpose. But she did.” 
Maddie’s felt settled into a sad expression. A tear ran down Danny’s cheek as they stared at each other. She reached towards him to wipe it off but he pulled back and jumped into the air.
“Don’t- don't touch me.”
“Phantom, would you like to come back to our lab with us? We could-” 
His heart rate continued to race and his chest rose and fell too quickly with each breath. Scalpels and dissection tables. Samples and tests and inventions and so many other terrifying things were down in that lab. He couldn’t- No. No no no. 
He felt his transformation rings appearing. He knew that if he was ever too hurt that he transformed back. If he passed out he’d transform back. He didn’t ever think he’d be too emotionally distressed that it would force him to transform back. He couldn’t. Not here. 
He pushed the rings back and they were gone for a moment but they just reappeared a second later.
“Jack, what are those rings? Have you ever seen anything like that before?” 
“No I haven’t. What kind of power could that be?”
He couldn’t keep the transformation rings back anymore. They traveled over his body and he watched as his parents confused expressions morphed into ones of horror. The ring passed over his head and he started falling towards the ground. 
“Danny?” His mom called in shock.
His dad ran forward and caught Danny in the air before he hit the ground. Danny scrambled to get out of his father’s arms and fell, hitting the ground. 
“Don’t touch me!” 
“Danny, how is this possible? How did this-”
“You can’t hurt me! Please!” 
Maddie faltered and took a step away from him. “We would never hurt you.”
Danny shook his head. “You wanted to. You always talk about how you want to hurt me so badly. About all the nasty horrible things you want to do to me.”
“But we never- if we’d known it was you, we would never have said those things.”
Danny looked her in the eyes. “Even if it wasn’t me, I’m still just a kid. It doesn’t matter if it’s me or not.”
Maddie and Jack looked at each other.
“We’ll make this right.” Jack said. “We’ll get you fixed up and-”
“No! You can’t take it! I don’t need to be fixed!”
“Take what?” Maddie asked.
“My core!” 
Maddie’s eyes opened wide. “You have a core?”
“You can’t have it.” 
Maddie shook her head. She looked like she wanted to reach out to him and touch him but she kept her hands firmly at her side where she knelt down. “We don’t want your core.”
“We need to reverse the effects that the Fenton Feel-giver had on you.”
“No experiments?” Danny asked. He looked back and forth between his parents. 
“No experiments.” Jack said.
Danny was still looking between the two of them. His heart rate was starting to slow. 
“You still love me?”
Danny could see the moment his mom’s heart broke. “Of course we do, sweetie.”
Tears welled up in Danny’s eyes and he held out a hand to his mom. She grabbed it and stood up, pulling him with her. 
“It’ll be okay. We’ll get you fixed up and then you can tell us how this all happened.” 
Danny nodded. He took a deep breath. “You still love me.” 
“More than life itself.”
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kienava · 1 year
So someone asked me to make a post about Blake’s development so far in order to discuss the question of where Blake’s character can progress at this point in RWBY given that her arc with Adam wrapped up in V6 and she didn’t really carry a plot line in V7-8. I do media and story things for a living, but I’m also an intimate partner abuse survivor - needless to say, Blake’s story is important to me. Hopefully my perspective helps answer concerns about Blake’s story being “over,” because I think it’s very much the opposite.
(Continued below the cut because this turned into an entire essay.)
I want to preface this by saying I understand why it might be difficult to picture what Blake’s story looks like going forward. I largely credit this to the relative dearth of compassionate, healing-oriented narratives about abuse survivors in media. A lot of what we see is either revenge fantasies or stories about facing the abuser and arriving at a point of ultimate catharsis. In some sense, this is a broader fault in the standards of western storytelling, which is oriented around that singular, climactic catharsis, but that’s another essay. In truth, a mostly linear progression towards a pivotal point of recovery isn’t how healing from abuse works. It’s a messy process, and life is rarely as linear as in fiction. I think RWBY incorporates that nonlinearity into Blake’s arc very well.
Speaking of Blake’s arc, let’s look at that.
When we first meet her in volume 1, she’s introduced as an aloof, independent loner who’s very resistant to getting closer to people. Most of her classmates perceive her as mysterious and alluring at best, callous and cold at worst. Once we start to understand more of her history, it’s easier to see her attitude as the defense mechanism it is. She wants to keep people at arm’s length because she doesn’t trust them not to hurt her – but she also believes that she will harm people she gets close to just because of who she is. That whole Beauty and the Beast dichotomy, you know? Adam told her that she ruins things. It doesn’t help that he groomed her into a terrorist organization and thus her surrounding community has also labeled her a threat. She’s got a few overlapping layers of distorted thinking to work through when it comes to her image of herself and others. The way she perceives people is, at first, overwhelmingly informed by her traumatic experiences with Adam and the White Fang.
It’s pretty strongly implied that Blake bent the rules in the forest and intentionally selected Yang as her partner. When we first see Blake dashing around in the shadows, Yang is taking down a Grimm while sassing it to death. Blake talks later about how Adam’s charisma drew her to him initially, so it’s no surprise that when she was choosing her next partner, she gravitated to the same superficial qualities. During the first White Fang arc, after her self-destructive spiral, Blake starts to genuinely trust her teammates for the first time. That trust is tested when Yang fights Mercury. In this moment, Blake is confronted with the possibility that a pattern might be repeating itself: what if she was drawn to Yang for reasons beyond the superficial? What if Yang doesn’t just share Adam’s positive qualities, but his negative ones, too? The impulsiveness, the violence, the abuse – but Blake stops herself. She chooses to trust that Yang isn’t Adam, and she says as much. She’s accepting that Adam is in her past and electing to move forward. How perfectly, neatly linear. 
Then the end of volume 3 happens.
For an abuse survivor, the idea that an abuser you’ve gotten away from might come crashing back into your life is possibly the scariest thing in the entire world. This is exactly what happens when Adam shows up, and Blake’s worst fears come true. He makes a point of hurting someone she cares about simply because he can to prove that he still has power over her. Blake runs because she thinks the only way she can protect the people she cares about is to be away from them. That paradoxical duality of (1) fearing harm will be done to her by others and (2) doing harm to others herself rears its head. 
One specific question I was asked is why Blake talks about Yang so little in volumes 4 and 5. If Blake isn’t talking about the people she left behind, is she even thinking about them? I say, well of course she is. It’s coloring her entire attitude.
When Blake returns to Menagerie, she’s back in the place where she met her abuser. She’s at her parents’ house, a place that has been a symbol of everything she left behind when she ran away the first time. Now she’s run from another home. Menagerie is riddled with traumatic memories for her, both interpersonally and on a structural, systemic level. Everywhere she goes could be a place where Adam said something awful to her, made her obey him in some way, asserted control. She also has to confront him in person again, too.
With Adam around, of course she’s not going to risk mentioning Yang. He got one inkling that Blake cared about someone else and cut their fucking arm off. The one time Blake mentions Yang by name, her voice cracks so obviously it’s like she’s forcing herself to get the word out. Through both of these volumes, Blake has other external goals, but she’s still trying to protect someone she cares about. At this point, she’s constantly struggling with two motivations: hope and fear. She wants to make the world a better place, but she’s terrified of what she’ll have to confront in order to do it because of what she’s already lost. Her choice to reunite with her team and fight shows that ultimately hope wins out.
In Volume 6, Blake and Yang facing Adam is essentially the B plot of the whole volume. He appears in flashes before the major confrontation at the end, but the damage he’s done to both of them is intrinsically tied into Blake and Yang’s relationship throughout.
The end of this volume offers the climactic moment of confronting and overcoming the abuser. Afterwards, Blake collapses and cries. Catharsis! Yay! We’re done now, right? This may be why, to some people, defeating Adam is the obvious “end” of Blake’s character arc. Again, I’d argue that this perception comes from how abuse is often depicted in media, but there’s also a very intense pressure in the real world for survivors not to speak out and share their stories. Even people who are abuse survivors might not publicly claim that label for a multitude of reasons. Namely, it fucking hurts to think about it, and also sometimes people are real weird about it. I don’t blame anyone who doesn’t want to carry that weight around all the time. We can see some inklings of Blake dealing with this challenge over the course of the show, though they’re subtle. Early on, she explicitly avoids talking about Adam until she absolutely has to, and even when she does start to unpack what he did, she often talks about it with visible shame (averting her eyes, etc). Unfortunately, shame is a very common sentiment for abuse survivors to carry, and addressing it is a major part of Blake’s journey as she starts to heal in volume 6.
Another point of interest posed was to look at Blake’s role in volumes 7 and 8. There’s an argument that she doesn’t really do anything or that her role is as a somewhat generic support figure within the group. I wholeheartedly disagree.
While Blake doesn’t carry a plotline herself during the Atlas arc, she and Yang embody polarized attitudes towards the global conflict the group is facing, and that contrast serves the larger narrative very well. Because she was raised by activists in a context where she was constantly thinking about civil rights, Blake wants to address the broader ideological conflict at play. Yang, whose childhood consisted of raising her younger sister, wants to help people in a practical, immediate way. Blake is an abstract, big-picture thinker, and Yang is more focused on what’s right in front of her. This isn’t a dig at either of them; it’s just a difference in prioritites. At first, Yang worries that these differing priorities will be a source of tension between them, but when she and Blake talk things through they’re able to understand each other without judgment. Blake is learning to reconnect with the idealist she used to be in her early youth, someone who fought for a cause purely because she wanted to make the world a better place. She’s able to embrace that side of herself around Yang even though they have different priorities, and they’re still able to support each other’s goals.
Furthermore, on a purely interpersonal level in V7-8, Blake has interactions with other characters that speak specifically to the healing journey she’s been on. Yes, these are significantly quieter moments than a fight to the death on a bridge over a waterfall, but that doesn’t mean they should be written off. Quiet and peace are part of healing, and that doesn’t have to undermine the story’s integrity. Dramatic tension is still possible amidst this, as we saw in Blake’s talks with Yang where they discuss their team’s split strategic approaches. When Blake talks to Nora about the importance of not losing yourself in someone else, that’s her speaking from experience. She’s lost herself in a relationship before, and she knows how hard it is to come back from that, but she survived. She healed. The asserted importance of self-compassion in relationships has a unique gravity coming from Blake. She has a strongly developed ability to balance interpersonal empathy with community- and global-level stakes, which we’re already seeing glimmers of at the beginning of V9 as she steps up to come up with a plan on the island. 
In summary, Blake’s arc isn’t just about that final showdown with Adam. She faces her abuser, runs away, faces him again, and again, finally evicts him from her life for good - and after that, her story continues.
She goes on to find ways to heal from her past. That process involves renewing compassion for her loved ones, her community, and the world as a whole; learning how to love without fear; and reconnecting with who she was before she was forced to become aloof and detached to protect herself. Although the circumstances of abuse convinced her that she was a coward, she is, and has always been, an incredibly brave character. She’s finally recognizing that at the current point in the story. Ultimately, I think this is the thing connects her to Yang and the rest of team RWBY so strongly: they’re brave enough to love and have hope even when forces of adversity tell them they shouldn’t dare to. Blake is a courageous idealist with a heart full of compassion, and ultimately not even Adam could destroy that about her.
My serious answer to the question of where Blake’s character will go now is that I think she’ll be a sort of de facto leader on the island as Ruby spirals into existential depression. Hopefully that arc resolves in a way that’s consistent with the show’s overall message about hope winning out, and past this volume Blake will still carry that optimistic but grounded revolutionary spirit and continue to be a center of compassion and hope.
My catharsis-oriented answer is this: aside from being trapped on a magical fairy tale island, Blake is free for the first time in a very long time, and she can go wherever the fuck she wants.  
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lksvi · 10 months
midnight drives
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‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⊹ ༚ death island!leon kennedy x gn!reader
‎ ‎⊹ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎summary — driving on a motorcycle at midnight has to be one of the strangest (and the best) dates you've ever been on
‎ ‎⊹ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎content — fluff, pre or post di, kinda messy, not edited
‎ ‎⊹ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎word count — 1.2k
‎ ‎⊹ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎note — dedicated to my lovely friend @spiderchai !!!! please go check out dolly, their works are amazing!! i hope they enjoy this rushed work hahaha!! also feel like the format might be weird so if it is ignore it please
‎ ‎ ‎ ‎⊹ ༚ masterlist
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Gentle hum of a radio, moonlight pouring through glass panes. Lavender a phantom smell across your room, stars twinkling against the vast expanse of the midnight sky. Peaceful moments of these are often fleeting, marred by the troubles of life. You don’t let that ruin you tonight, though. Tonight is special.
A few nights ago, a handsome man at a bar caught your eye. Brown locks framed his face, stubble adorning his jaw and above his upper lip. A tight-fitting t-shirt did little to conceal the muscles he had, broad shoulders that had you wondering what he did for a living. What drew you to him were his eyes, though; blue and all-consuming. A cathedral of everlasting faith.
One drink led to another and soon you were being led out by the man, Leon. You swore you saw him shiver when you tested the name on rose-colored lips. He called a taxi for you, waiting with you outside in the chilly air. With an arm around your shoulders, he kept you hugged into his side, a silent apology for not having a jacket to shield you from the cold.
“If you wanna do this again,” He had said, tugging a pen from his jean pocket. Calloused hands gently outstretched your arm, revealing your forearm to him. He kept you steady as he wrote his number on it, outlining the numbers, complete with a sign of his name. “There’s my number.” A final caress of his thumb on your wrist was the last touch he gave you that night.
You can still smell his expensive cologne. Subtle with citrus scents.
When you had gotten home, stumbling inside, you had longed for another encounter with him. Before you passed out on the couch, you had written his number on a piece of paper and tacked it on your fridge. The next morning, when you woke up with a splitting headache, the first thing you had done was text Leon. Over the course of a few hours, you’d planned a date with him.
Oddly enough, it was at midnight. He wanted it to be a surprise, and ever a lover of mystery, you entrusted your night with him.
Now, you’re almost reconsidering. Anxiety nips at your heels as you pace in the living room, nails bitten down to the quick. The radio does little to quell your cynical thoughts. Before you could reach for your phone, make an excuse and cancel the date, you’re distracted by the purring of an engine. You peek out of your blinds to see a motorcycle sat in front of your house, green detailing standing out against the grey.
The motorcycle is parked, a helmet occupying the handle bars, and another coming to rest on the seat. Standing beside it is Leon, a hand running through his hair. He holds something in his other hand, but you don’t see it. You dash away from the window, patting your hair down and smoothing the wrinkles in your clothes out. A knock at your door sounds like the bells of a church.
When you open it, a smile curled on your lips, you’re surprised to see the flowers in Leon’s hand. He outstretches them towards you, a grin mirrioring your own. “For you,” He says. You fail to hide how pleased you are, a twinkle in your gaze as you take them gingerly. You thank him for the flowers, setting them on a cabinet in front of your window. You peer behind him to stare at his motorcycle, gaze drifting back towards sky-light blues. “You ride a motorcycle?” You ask curiously. An eager grin fades into a confident smirk, side stepping so you can come out and shut the door behind you. “Surprised?” He asks, a chuckle leaving him. He guides you to his motorcycle, a hand on the small of your back. He takes the helmet off of the handle bars to hold it up, smaller than the one sitting on the seat. “I hope this fits you,” He says. “Or we might have to find something else to do, hm?” Before you could answer, much less lift your hands to take the helmet from him, he’s gently putting it on your head. He clasps the buckle together, tightening it until it’s firm but not harsh on your head.
“Thank you,” You say, despite your words choked up in your throat. You hope he doesn’t notice how your words crack. He waves you off, tugging his own helmet on, before sitting down. He motions behind him with his head. “Take a seat, sweetheart,” He instructs you, scooting up slightly to give you more room. “Wrap your arms around me and hold on tight.” You do as he says, arms encricling his torso, nerves nipping your skin.
“There you go,” Leon purrs. You can hear the smile in his voice. “Nothin’ to be nervous about, [Name]. I’m right here.” The engine reverberates throughout your body, purring, headlights flickering on. The drive is nice. He doesn’t go fast, like some other men would, instead taking it slow. The streetlights illuminate the road. You lean into Leon, resting against him. You’re able to feel his chuckle.
Stopping at a red light, he kicks the brake, turning back to look at you. “You havin’ fun?” He asks. Surprisingly, you are. You had been incredibly nervous about this date, but you’ve had nothing but a fun time. “I am!” You answer with a grin.
The red light turns green and you’re on the move again. Leon shows off how fast he can go, with your permission first, the engine roaring to life. Laughter is shared between you two, echoing off the streetlights and the trees. For now, it feels like just you and Leon. You two are the only one occupying the space of the road, able to go as fast as you want.
It goes on like that for a while: Laughing and Leon pulling tricks, telling you to hold on whenever he speeds up. It’s a nice contrast to the boring responisibilities of every day life. It feels over all too soon when Leon pulls into a parking lot of an empty park. He parks the bike, undoing his helmet to hang it off the handles. You undo yours in turn, standing up and setting it on the seat.
“That was awesome!” You gush, a grin playing at your lips. Leon chuckles, running a hand through brown locks, taming the frenzy it became beneath the bike helmet. You’re sure your hair is messy, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. “So awesome you would do it again?” He asks with a boyish grin, an arch of his brow.
You don’t even need to think about it. You’ve had such a fun time with Leon tonight, shared laughter and corny jokes, that you would be excruciatingly upset if it never happened again. “Only if it’s with you,” You counter, relishing in the slight pink that dusts his cheeks. His eyes widen slightly, but he quickly gains his composure. “Guess there’ll be another date.” “There’ll have to be.” An arch of his brow. “Is that so?” A glance at his lips. “It is.”
“I won’t disappoint you, then,” Leon says.
He takes a step closer. Your gaze meets his. His hand comes up to rest on your face, calloused thumb caressing your cheek. You lean into his hand. Rose-colored lips part in a question. “Can I kiss you?” Anyone else and you would’ve said no. Anyone but Leon. “Please.”
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aropride · 4 months
how to install dashboard unfucker (for desktop)
hi i use desktop and i use the dashboard unfucker extension by dragongirlsnout and you should too because it's awesome. i don't know much about computers so it was intimidating to set up but ended up being really easy.
but first:
what is dashboard unfucker?
dashboard unfucker is an extention that makes being on tumblr bearable again.
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(ID: 2 screenshots of tumblr with urls/posts etc censored. the first is with the new layout, with labels on the left, the ad-free button, "check out these blogs," "explore all of tumblr," the radar, and no easy way to access your own blog. the second is with the extension enabled, the left hand side of the screen is empty, posts are wider, navigation icons are back at the top right, and the only thing on the right-hand side of the dash is the dashbaord unfucker and limit checker and tag replacer from xkit. end ID)
i got it for layout changes like these- the first is cramped and ugly and i feel like i'm on twitter. the second is warm and comfy and i can make my posts wider (i dont like all the empty space). (limit checker, tag replacer, and post color were done on xkit and palettes respectively, not unfucker, btw)
with the dashboard unfucker you can:
hide the following/blog subs/for you etc tabs
get rid of the changes/staff picks/etc carousel
hide recommended blogs and tags
add profile pics back to posts
hide the radar
hide the explore page
hide tumblr shop
hide user badges
highlight bots in ur activity feed
show who follows u in the activity feed
make posts wider/slimmer and move the dash posts position to the left/right
revert messages design (and make the messages box bigger)
revert activity feed to the old design
display vote counts on polls
show poll results without clicking (no more skewing polls or "see results"!!)
disable tumblr domains
add polls to reblogs
disable "post without tags?"
show ns.fw posts
and other things that i probably missed copying this from the settings!!
so how do you do it? it seems scary but it's easy actually. take my hand
(note: i did this on firefox and tested it on chrome, i'm not familiar with other browsers, also use firefox if at all possible fuck chrome)
how to install dashboard unfucker
step 1: install either tampermonkey, tampermonkey beta, greasemonkey, or violentmonkey (if you don't already have it)
note: im using tampermonkey as an example because it's what i use
step 2a: go to firefox extensions/chrome web store/your browser's equivalent
step 2b: look up "tampermonkey" and click "add to firefox/chrome/whatever" and confirm
step 2c: you're done! yayyy
step 2: click this link. look under "installation" where it says "Click on unfucker.user.js to install or update". and click that
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(ID: a screenshot of the tampermonkey install page, showing dashboard unfucker v5.7.8 installation information, the source code, and the install/cancel button. end ID)
(it should open in a new tab and look like this)
step 3: click install! (when i did this it didn't look like much happened and i got scared. dont get scared take my hand)
step 4: go to www.tumblr.com and to the right of the dash it'll have the dashboard unfucker label to the right!
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(ID: the default dash again, but with the dashboard unfucker title at the top right of the right-hand side of the dash. end ID)
step 5: click the little gear icon and all the options will pop up! u can fuck around with em to ur heart's content. i recommend exporting after ur done and saving it somewhere in case u have to uninstall/reinstall to troubleshoot or smth
you're done! now u can see the results of polls without clicking them and other such things
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(ID: a poll i have not voted on. it has 17 votes and 23h 56m remaining. the title is "poll :)" and the answers are "answer 1" "answer 2" and "see results". there are no percentage labels, but the amount each answer has is indicated by light blue bars in each result, as they would be if i had voted. end ID) note: i'm not sure how/if this aspect of the extension is indicated for screenreaders
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merakiui · 1 month
MERAAA it’s phantom anon here (・ω・)ノ
lemme just tell you- i’ve been rereading your old works and they never. stop. hitting.
*pulls up a chair and sits down unceremoniously*
he hasn’t left my mind ever since i’ve read it. he’s quite literally- a leech.
i’ve been thinking of how poor ol’ reader is gonna get out of the predicament they’re currently facing.
(which i will send another ask about cause oh my god the rot in my brain- it’s festering i tell ya)
i def think that jade had some kind of sick pleasure knowing that he was boiling fingers and the like while reader was right. there.
seconds away from checking the pot. inches away from the last remains of the restaurants last dine-&-dash victim
he could have you find out anytime he likes, ‘darling mind stirring the pot for me?’ ‘darling could you help drain the broth from the pot?’ ‘honey how would you like to help me prep for the day- there’s a bag in the freezer i need you to get’
i can see him biting his lip in some, perverse pleasure, as he watches reader scurry around the kitchen doing her thang. checking the pot right next to his. his breathe hitched when you’re about to unmask his… secret.
but with a little ‘whoops’ and a giggle of ‘wrong pot,’ jade’s heart beats a little faster, his teeth clamps a little harder, a bead of blood on his lip as he has to excuse himself.
i think he lays awake in bed some nights, holding reader tightly as he lets his mind wander. how would reader react? would you get nauseous? would you faint? would you yell at him: if so in despair or anger? would you try calling the cops? would you try calling floyd?- his arms get a little tighter at the thought of you in his twin’s arms.
would you try to convince him you didn’t see anything? would you flinch if he tried touching you.
all these scenarios racing through his head- would you help him?
ahhh maybe he gets so shy thinking about the two of you cooking… with love. yes you do it already but this is a different kind of intimacy 🙈
but i also don’t think he was ready for the day to actually come- much rather fantasize about your reactions. because they’re just that- fantasizes
after all, every couple has their secrets. and a bit of mystery always spices up things a bit 🙈
so jade seeing reader as stiff as a brick while in front of his pot had a different kind of thumping in his chest.
(imagine reader trying to distract him with the pregnancy test they tried slipping in the pot HHAHAXHAHA- don’t reader put it in a 2 sealed plastic baggys cause they have a 3 star standard to uphold!!)
Phantom anon, hi hiii!! ⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
Oh, RABU Jade...... he really does have all sorts of twisted fantasies. >_< you have no other choice but to continue loving him, for he's your darling husband. But the fingers in the pot and Jade's secret are second to the biggest news: your pregnancy!!! <3 aaaa Jade's just so happy. Maybe he promises not to harvest anymore special ingredients so it won't stress you and the baby out. But if you find yourself craving that yummy bone broth with its dubious ingredients, who is he to deny you?
You're definitely going to have to reevaluate your husband after discovering this hidden side. ^^;;; confiding in someone else is dangerous because you have no idea what he might do to them, especially if that person is Detective Ashengrotto. ;;;;; maybe Floyd might have some advice.... :)
AAAAAA OTL I just love RABU Jade!! He's so devious.
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dailyhelldorm · 1 month
New Office Interactions - Aira's relation
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This is an archiving post from a Twitter thread. This will get updated regularly as I find more interactions in the future.
Especially when Aira is currently missing a lot of his interactions.
Before you start...
This is a more refined version compared to the thread, I fixed my wording and mistakes. Also adding images and the original credits.
I don't put the characters in any order, everything is based on the uploaded day of the screenshots to determine whether the interaction is old or new.
It is said that some of the old interactions have been deleted from the game, the purpose of this post is to archive.
Disclaimer: Most of the pictures don't belong to me, and I own none. They rightfully belong to the person who uploads the screenshots and of course, Happy Element K. K.
© 2014-2019 Happy Elements K.K. 画像等の内容はハピエレ及び一部の投稿者を属しております。無断転載のためお許させていきただきます。削除されてほしい場合はTumblrやX(旧Twitter)などご連絡ください。
Aira's New Interactions
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: Tomoe-senpai, you are brilliant today as well...! Hiyori: Why of course, because it's me... ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by 嬉野 @mobuo527
Aira: Can I take a pic for my SNS? Kohaku: Sure. If it is Rabuhan then I don't mind ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by レモずく牛乳 @mzklemon
Hiiro: On the next day off, let’s go out! Aira: I have a store I wanted to visit!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Rei: Do you have any dissatisfaction when living in the dorm? Aira: Ahaha… I have nothing in particular.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Tsumugi: I found the magazine I was looking for ♪ Aira: You did!? I want to read it…!
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Mika: If it is ‘kay for you, wanna have some tea? Aira: I also wanted to have a chat with Kagehira-senpai.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: I am so nervous about this work…! Tatsumi: I will support you as well, so let's do our best.
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: Why are you looking like you are in high spirits? Rinne: I just won big at the pachinko lot ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Sora: Ai-chan somehow seems to be happy~? Aira: Actually, I just won the lottery ticket to a live ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by ちぁ @chia_pame
Mitsuru: I feel like going dashing, let’s go together ⭐︎ Aira: I should go out for a run sometimes too ♪
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This is a new interaction. Images by Hell Dorm Diary.
Aira: Your latest photogravure was amazing! Himeru: Oh my, thank you so much.
Aira's Old Interactions
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Images by しっぽ @hrsr_srhr
Aira: I got bad grade on a small test at school. Hiiro: If you don't mind, I can tutor you, Aira!
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Images by ゆーた @yuki_nyantan
Aira: Will Prez Isara come to the practice tomorrow? Shinobu: If I see him, I will relay your words.
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Images by ネネ @neneansta
Aira: Is it true that there is a rumor about you being a painter? Yuzuru: From where can such a rumor come to be...
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Images by パスカル @722_aka
Aira: This, this is the gift water I want to present you! Kanata: oh, you are so thoughtful ♪
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Images by たこ @takoyea_
Eichi: It seems that today you will return late too. Aira: That's because there are so many things to do every day...!
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rambleyrambles · 16 hours
Hey buddies!
What's up with Mollie in Chapter 1?
There's a couple different things I wanna cover, so bear with me as I ramble on a little bit to figure out where to start. Like, I've got something I haven't seen others mention, a few theories tied to it, and other speculation. So I guess I should start with that appearance?
Also note: I'm not going to be going over the mascots as a whole here. They definitely need something all to themselves, so maybe I'll ramble about that some other time.
And just so we don't get too long and clog anyone's dash~💜✨
So! A Mollie thing I haven't seen anyone else talk about!
Well, the other day I saw this post, and as you can see by my tags (under the little "info" tab at the top) I was planning on playing again to see it for myself. I can confirm that exists, and I'll get back around to that in a little bit.
Having played through the game a few times, I've been slowly getting accustomed to the sound of Mollie's voice and I've been trying to make out the words she says. So imagine my surprise when I heard her in the section before where I thought she first appeared in the queue to Rambley's Railroad! You can hear her very faintly in the background repeating the words "set up" after Rambley directs you to the gift shop for your Critter Cuff. (Can be heard here. I've linked to Rambley's last line so you can hear how she mimics it.)
To be, this sorta brings into question how long Mollie was watching Ed. I mean, before it seemed like she happened to be in the railroad's area and was sneakily watching you after you stumbled into the area she was occupying, but now? Now we know she was outside in that starting area. Granted, she sounds kind of distant unlike when we hear her "Closed for repairs" after Rambley and Finley's interaction, but that doesn't mean too much because the little "Hey buddy" she lets out in Lloyd's Mane Stage when she leans around the door to storage. (As demonstrated in the video I linked, you can turn on your way to storage and see her right away once you hear her.)
Now that I've written all those mimicry bits down, it feels a little weird that she mimics only Rambley, especially given she's not directly repeating him when she appears at the end of the hallway in the Mane Stage. Rambley does say it in that area, but it's not in that same call and response manner like the other two. Something to think about.
With all this in mind, I think it's plausible that Mollie could have seen Ed before the first encounter in Rambley's Railroad.
How soon does Mollie know Ed's there?
This is more speculation on my part, as the earliest I can definitively say is the Critter Cuff mimicry being around when she likely notices him. That being said, we do have a gear that falls at a suspicious timing.
That being said, if you've seen David Baron's video on his beta test footage, you'll notice the gear was already there from the start. He makes the suggestion that the gear be out of the way and fall from somewhere above when it's needed so it doesn't confuse the player. It could be argued that that's all that is, but I'd like to point out the whole suggestion was for the gear to fall when Rambley tried and failed to open the door, thus causing the building to shake due to failing equipment just enough for the gear to fall. The timing we see in the final game does not match that. (Whole video can be found here.)
I think it's not out of the realm of possibility that Mollie could have known about Ed's presence the whole time, and could be the reason the gear falls in the first place. It's suspicious enough timing, and I'm not sure what Rambley himself could do to make it fall unless you want to argue something about having a mechanism up there, but this is a pretty specific situation he'd have machinery to deal with considering there's not supposed to be a hole in the ceiling there to begin with.
What Mollie's motivation for helping would be... I'm less sure about that. Especially as it related to my next point.
Did Mollie sabotage the mechanisms we needed to fix?
This is in reference to the Indigo Violet Generator from getting in the front gate, and the machine backstage that we needed to fix in lieu of getting an introduction to Salem. Before realizing Mollie was in the beginning area, only one of them was anywhere near her, so pulling any lines to correlate her and them just didn't make sense. With her being heard in that first area now though...
I think it's possible that she could've been the cause of the gears being out of place. She's present in and around where both are and we don't see any others like it in the chapter.
It's especially interesting because one is in the backstage area for Rambley's Railroad, where we see her pop in and out of while we're on the ride. One could even argue that she could have sabotaged that area while we were already on the ride, though that's between hard and impossible to prove at this point in time.
What makes Mollie aggressive?
While not exactly tying into my previous points perfectly well, I do think the fact that she's so passive and just follows you around until the very end is strange. When she shows up in Lloyd's part of the train ride, Mollie is quite literally within grabbing range of you. If she wished you ill will, surely she could have done something then?
If you want to argue that Rambley was right there at that point, might I raise her appearance in the Mane Stage. As far as we're aware, Rambley might not have been able to see her there, so there's no reason for her to hold back. Lloyd was fended off with a high pitched noise from the Critter Cuff, but it's long stopped doing that by the time you potentially see her after you leave, and that's only if you see her after you leave.
Mollie doesn't get aggressive until you're far into her area, and about to head further in. It's only then that she properly gets in your way with the intent to rip Ed's throat out. So is there something in there?
(It can be argued that Lloyd is similar. Even when it'd potentially be easier for him to attack, he moves away. That's a post for another day though.)
Beyond any narrative design decisions for how to get the player to Oceanic Odyssey after getting spooked by a lurking threat; I have to wonder if there's an in-universe reason for why Mollie stalks along so passively before turning into a threat in that spot.
Is there something beyond the door she came through that is important to her? Is she trying to protect something? Is that just an area she considered private/safe/hers so this is something territorial? Is there something she wants to protect? Is there someone?
The last one is unlikely, but it's interesting to think about, if nothing else.
Final Thoughts 💜
While this isn't an exhaustive list of everything about Mollie, I feel this is a solid base for discussion or to at least think about. I mean, I barely touched on her mimicry as a whole. There's a whole box of interesting lines with all sorts of interesting implications! Unfortunately, I don't really know how to dig through game files to find them all and listen to them on loop until I understand them, so I'm stuck trying to understand them over the loud - but absolutely a banger - chase music.
All in all, I hope I gave you all something to think about!
Bye for now, buddies!~
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multiwreckedmess · 1 year
Oral Freedom
We will get back to dom! idol in another Ateez post after this (i actually have several as that’s my personal preferred position) but honestly idk that this has any particular dynamics. Sorta maybe??? Either way welcome back to my drabble/imagines/focus series “To All The Dicks I’ve Sucked Before” aka #TATDISB
Pairing: I.N (Jeongin) x reader Genre: Smut, basically PWOP. WC: ~1.1k
As per usual, this does not represent IN/Jeongin, it is a work of fiction. All specific warnings are below the cut. I’ve tried my best to make this as gender neutral as possible but as always i am learning. I’m a cis-woman so i default to this naturally but try my best to leave pronouns at the door.
By clicking the read more you are aware and agree to the above and reading 18+ content.
TW: Free Use, somnophilia, perv!jeongin who tries to act innocent, mostly build up, implied consent (not detailed is a conversation about boundaries but it’s referenced)
The red cord wrapped around your wrist was your idea. Small and unassuming, easily written off as a reminder bracelet or small token from a friend. Easily hidden from outsiders not privy to your agreement. 
The agreement was also your suggestion despite Jeongin. He knew he had a higher libido than most and he hated it. It wasn’t fair how even the smallest things would leave his hormones raging and blood rushing to his groin. The way you’d rub your face against the pillow as you woke up, your smell especially if you hadn’t showered yet, once even popping a boner from you stroking the knuckle of his thumb as you held hands. You really didn’t mind it, you just liked being wanted.
Free use.
You’d wear some small signal to him that he could indulge in whatever he pleased (within your rules) during the time when the item was worn. Without asking. That was important. His constant need to jerk off left him anxious to ask for your consent. Of course he’d never ever do anything without talking to you first but what was too frequent or too forceful or too...horny? The questions would swirl around his mind until he’d get so stressed out he’d get hard and have to run off to the bathroom to take care of it anyway. And you’d noticed this. It was difficult to hide the fact that you noticed it. Trying to cover his frequent dashes into other rooms with jokes about how he should go to a proctologist to get looked at or an allergist to get tested. No matter how many times you assured him that you found him sexy, handsome, attractive and that you wanted him to fuck you, it didn’t seem to sway his nerves.
You’d seen it mentioned a few times and it seemed like the answer to your prayers. No more asking, just a quiet reassurance that your body was fair game to his fantasies. It would be a relief to both of you. 
It was a sleepy Sunday afternoon that you’d spent lazing around in your pjs, an oversized shirt and microshorts, hair pulled back away from your face. Jeongin sat on the opposite en of the couch, attempting to play a new video game release. Instead he found himself watching you. Squirm, thighs rubbing and tensing together with a small whine with your face buried into the pillow. “Sounds like fun,” he thought, smiling to himself. It also didn’t escape his dick, twitching slightly in his PJ pants. He tried to refocus on his Switch, maybe it would be a funny story to tell you later. The balls of your feet pressed into his thigh as you turned yourself, distracting him again, rolling onto your belly with one knee propped up near your hip. Shorts falling open he could just see the growing wetness pooling at your crotch.
Jeongin gulped, adam's apple bobbing forcefully. Cock twitching again against his thigh, tent obvious in his pants, he tries to balance the handheld in one hand, propping the opposite side against his knee while his free hand palmed the leaking head of his erection. He swears to himself that he can get through it without jerking off. He really doesn’t want to have to make a dash to the bathroom. If you just settle down really the boner will eventually go away if he can just focus-
Jeongin thinks someone be it god or fate, must be playing a cruel joke on him. Flipping yourself onto your back with a loud moan your hand comes up to your chest, fingers splaying over a hardened nipple just poking through your soft cotton shirt. Transfixed on your fingertips his cock gives him another forceful pulse.
And that’s when he sees the little red strand tied to your wrist, pushed up your forearm in the violence of your tossing and turning but there nonetheless. 
He shudders. Your lips look beautiful in the early afternoon light. When had you even thought to put that little signal on? His game lays discarded on the ground next to the couch as his fingers dip below his elastic waistband to fist his aching member. Throbbing with his heartbeat he can’t believe how hard he is already. Don’t waste this opportunity, this moment that the start aligned, he chides himself.
Carefully he slides off the couch and pads up towards where your torso lays, barely able to control his excited breaths. His entire body tremors pulling his pants down just enough, cock jutting outwards from his pelvis, hovering over your sleeping form. Jeongin bites his lower lip, nearly tormenting himself watching the tip float so close yet so far from your loosened jaw. One hand stroking himself he grazes the thumb of his free hand gently over your lower lip, seeing how wide he can coax you. He slides his digit in easily, your entire body pliant to his touch, mouth wet and warm and waiting to be filled. Squeezing the base of his cock he prays he doesn’t cum right then.
Placing a hand on the back of the couch to stabilize he holds his breath as he places his length just barely grazing your plump lips, a groan catching in his throat.
You moan and wiggle, mouth briefly closing into a small kiss before hinging back open. Jeogin sharply pulls away in shock, heart beating wildly in his chest, ready to bolt as though he’d done something wrong.
Of course he’d done nothing wrong, you were wearing your signal. It was fine for him to do this. It was fine for him to take advantage of your soft sleeping body. You wanted him to take advantage of your vulnerable state. Little did he know the pain of unfulfilled orgasms you were experiencing, unable to escape your erotic dreams.
Composing himself he resumed his position, slowly sliding the underside of his shaft against your lips, teasing himself. Angry red turning nearly purple with engorgement his brain finally shuts off, giving over to his animal needs. Granting himself permission to fully enjoy the gift you wore on your wrist. Lining himself up with your mouth he coaxes the head in just enough to fuck himself against the inside of your cheek. Moaning, watching your cheek bulge out and suck in as he thrusts, he doesn’t care anymore that you stir under him, eyes hazy with sleep. He chases his high with wild abandon.
“Just be a good slut and take it, okay? Take it for me.” 
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winnythanawin · 5 months
it is not complete to talk about my 2023 drama universe without mentioning winnysatang. i can't really remember how it started but they're becoming my most favorite gmmtv bl couple in the year. if i must say an era as a checkpoint, though, it was definitely my school president, where everything started: soundwin. but, of course, it is my habit that whenever i started to admire someone i tried to look up their past works. and that's how i learned more about their previous 'meetings': fish upon the sky and star in my mind, as well as their own separate starts.
writing about soundwin and how much they mean to me will be another different post altogether so i won't pull it out here. but to put it short: there are so many reasons why we relate to, or come to love, a story or a media. or no reasons at all but an intuitive gut. and the intersection of both is what have been a case with me whenever i feel attracted, and further attached, to certain fictional characters. people might find it 'silly' or illogical, but that's just how i 'operate'. exactly how sound described his 'when' to win. and then, slowly, my love for these characters just (not-so-automatically) extended to the persons who amazingly portrayed them: winny & satang. i truly enjoyed my time rediscovering how it feels having such excitement again. and the more i get to know them the more i adore and admire them, both individually and as working partners. they're just a perfect mixed embodiment of comfort, heart work, understanding, tenderness, and passionate youth to me. i can feel there are so much in store for them in the future if they really decide to keep continue walking in this industry. in which if they do, i hope their friendship could stand a test of time and perceptions, and they could be each other support for as long as they wished to be.
and so, i hope the world could see more of them in 2024. more series. more music. more events. more growth. and if you still see me on your dash being crazy about them, please bear with me, i just want my kids to get more and more love :")
but if not, just know that i would keep loving them, in my own way and pace, and perhaps, in secret <3
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Satang: We’ve traveled on this journey together. Thank you for being with me. I’m so lucky to work with Winny. He’s nice and has no problems. He also keeps improving himself. I want to thank him for that. Winny: We work together and we’re close. We click. It’s easy to work with each other. We speak the same language. And likewise. We’ll join hands to create good works for the fans to enjoy. Winny & Satang: Please stay tuned. / Let’s join hands.
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scarfwrites · 2 years
Exams ft. Akaashi, Kuroo, Tsukishima
❅Genre : Fluff, Crack, Comfort
❅Pairings:  Akaashi x Reader
                      Kuroo x Reader
                      Tsukishima x Reader
❅Warnings: none
❅A/N : Haven't been posting a lot since real life has been very busy. I thought of this for comfort since exams can be pretty stressful
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“Y/N-CHAN!!!!” You hear a familiar booming voice from across the hallway and as you turn to look you get tackled to the ground by no other than Bokuto
“Woah! Bo you seem pretty ecstatic as usual” you smiled as you got up
“Not for long!” He pouted
“Huh why?” You tilt your head in confusion
“Well there’s exams coming up and usually I’ll be able to do it myself but it’s math and Akaashi said i’ll get kicked out of volleyball if I fail” Bokuto replied as tears started welling up in his eyes
“Can you help me please? I don’t wanna get kicked out” Bokuto pleaded adorably
You giggled at his usual demeanor but this reminded you that you also had exams tomorrow which you were worried about since knowing the energetic owl you probably won’t have time to study. Though you couldn’t say no to his adorable face and ruin his chances at the nationals
“I could never say no to that face” you smiled sympathetically
“REALLY? THANK YOU” Bokuto pulled you into a very tight hug
“Bo I can’t breath” you said running out of breath
“OH SORRY!” He said putting you down as the bell rang
“Help me study later after practice! Thank you!” He said running towards his next class
As he left you wondered why he didn’t ask Akaashi for help like he usually does. Knowing him even with his sarcastic nature with the energetic boy he wouldn’t lose patience with him. You decided not to think much of it and head to quickly get the books from your locker for your next few classes and your study session with Bokuto.
As soon as you hear the bell ring you waltz outside of class and you see Bokuto already waiting for you outside of the door.
“Hey Hey Hey! You’re finally done, let's get to it!” Bokuto yelled enthusiastically 
“Someone’s really eager to study” you smiled softly
“I can't fail that math test!” Bokuto exclaimed
“Alright let's head off to the library then” you chuckled
“Yeah let's hurry up, the clock is ticking and we only have a day!” He yelled dashing the hallways pulling you with him
“AREN'T YOU GOING TOO FAST!” you yelled getting very disoriented though you knew he wouldn't hear you from how focused he was
“YEAH WE'RE HERE LET'S GET TO IT” Bokuto shouted with excitement only to get a harsh scolding from the librarian
“Don't you know that this is the library! There are others who are trying to study for the upcoming exams” the librarian harshly reprimanded making the owl very sad
“I'm really sorry I'm behalf of my friend we won't do it again I promise” you profusely apologized
“Please make sure of it the librarian sighed as she let you in
Sorry Y/N-chan” Bokuto said sadly
“It's ok Bo” you smiled sympathetically as you drag him down to sit
“Let's focus on helping you pass, alright?” You continued as he nodded going back to his bright self
You spent almost the whole day in the library trying to teach Bokuto as he was struggling with most of the topics. It was tiresome though teaching him also helped you study for your test. It took what felt like the whole day but you both were finally done
“THANK YOU SO MUCH Y/N-CHAN” he said joyfully as you quickly shush him 
“Oh sorry” he chuckled nervously
“Wait the librarians not here anymore” you said confusing both of you
“What time is it” Bokuto asked as you both look outside the window realizing it was night
“SHIT I STILL HAVE ANOTHER TEST TO STUDY” you slightly panicked 
“Sorry Y/n chan! I took all your time” Bokuto apologized profusely 
“Don't worry I'm fine with helping” you chuckled
you let me walk you home as a thank you Bokuto insisted
“Alright lead the way” you smiled
Bokuto walked you all the way back to your house though he did get distracted by a number of things like dogs. It was very adorable seeing the energetic fellow frolic and skip along the sidewalk. Once you arrived at your house you both said your goodbyes
“Bye Y/N-chan! Thanks for helping me again!” Bokuto smiled brightly Anytime you replied
“I'm sorry for taking your time” Bokuto bowed
“If you want I can help you” Bokuto suggested
“No need I’ll manage anyways” you smiled softly “Are you sure?” Bokuto said worriedly
“Yeah yeah you need to go home anyways it's late” you insisted
“Goodbye then!” He waved as he left
They're screwed he thought 
“But I think I know how to solve this problem” Bokuto murmured smugly
For the next few hours you were struggling greatly. The subject had a lot of topics for a single test. Considering how late it was at night you were sure you didn't have enough time even if you did stay up all night which made you panic internally. The subject was already hard enough and you've only finished a quarter of what you need to study. You didn't know what to do and you were starting to panic knowing that you will probably fail now or fall asleep during the test. Though as you were panicking you hear the doorbell ring so you quickly fix up yourself before rushing down the stairs and answering the door.
“HI SORRY I LOOK LIKE A MESS” you said very quickly that you didn't even notice who it was
“You look like you haven't slept in days” the person in front of you chuckled 
The voice seemed familiar and as you look up you see Akaashi
“Keiji? What are you doing here?” you asked confused
“Oh well Bokuto told me he took all your study time to help him study so he called me in to help you since he doesn't really know the subject well” Akaashi explained as you let him inside
“You really don't have to help me I'm fine on my own” you faked a smile which quickly faltered
“You clearly can't and considering the time we have left we better get started,” Akaashi said as grabbed his books and took you to your study area.
Surprisingly with the help of Akaashi the studying went so much smoother. You felt like he had a magic power for teaching as he made everything so much easier to study, remember and understand. You were surprised as you finished everything in two hours.
“Thank you so much Keiji I owe you a lot” you said smiling gratefully
“It's no big deal Y/N” he smiled back
“Let me treat you sometime” you said
“Y/N it really isn't a problem” Akaashi tried refusing your offer
“I would've died from the exams without you I insist” you said pouting at his refusal to your offer
“You're not gonna stop unless I say no right?” Akaashi sighed, earning a yep! From you
“I've been wondering why you didn't help Bokuto with his math?” you asked pondering
“Oh well I was busy doing something” he replied looking away flustered
“Busy doing what?” You tilted your head
“I got you this” Akaashi said handing out a gift to you
“Oh thank you but what’s the occasion?” you questioned
“Open the gift and you’ll see” Akaashi smiled nervously
You unwrapped the present and opened the box revealing a locket and upon opening the locket it was a picture of you and Akaashi when
“Huh? I love the gift but I still don’t get it” you looked at him with extreme confusion
“Did you really forget it’s our anniversary” he chuckled as you 
“Oh it must’ve slip past my mind sorry” you chuckled scratching your head
“Thank you Keiji I’m glad at least you remembered even if i forgot” you smiled softly
“It’s fine if you forget after all you’ve been very busy this week” Akaashi smiled gently holding your face
“We haven’t eaten yet how about I get you a treat” you asked as you hear his stomach rumbling
“I guess that answers your question” Akaashi chuckled and you do the same
“Thank you for helping me again” you said softly as you pulled him in for a hug
“Anytime Y/N Akaashi” smiled as he softly pecked your forehead
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“Aww you beat me again” you pouted playfully
“You did great though” Kenma said softly smiling
You still beat me you chuckled
“I’ve played this a lot so it would be pretty embarrassing for me to lose” Kenma chuckled along with you
“Well that’s to be expected from someone who only plays games and volleyball” you said getting up as he chuckled
“Have you studied for the chemistry exam tomorrow” Kenma asked as he shut down the console
“OH SHIT!” You screamed 
“Sorry playing with me must’ve distracted you” Kenma apologized
“No it’s alright I should’ve managed my time anyways” you smiled nervously
“I’ll get heading home” you said as you quickly grabbed your stuff
“Wait Y/N isn’t chemistry your weakest subject” Kenma asked pulling you
“Yeah why?” You questioned
“Won’t you need help since you kinda suck at chemistry” Kenma said straightforwardly
“Oh right” you said scratching your head
“I have a friend who’s great at chemistry who can help you” Kenma said
“You mean Kuroo? Please he’s just gonna make chemistry jokes or flirt with me” you said with an annoyed look to your face
“Well you kinda don’t have a choice” Kenma replied
“I guess you’re right” you sighed loudly
“I’ll call him for you” Kenma said getting his phone
Before you left, Kenma called his friend. You’ve met Kuroo as he’s in some of your classes and being friends with Kenma means you’d meet him eventually. You’ve noticed how incredibly flirty he can be to you which annoys you but of course you don’t hate him. Now arriving at your house you contemplated whether this was a good decision or not though your thoughts were interrupted immediately after you hear the doorbell ring
“I can’t believe I’m doing this” you groan as you opened the door
“Hey Y/N long time no see” Kuroo winked 
“We’re in the same class dumbass you saw me earlier” you glared
“Yeah but you’ve never called me to your house or had a proper conversation with me without Kenma” Kuroo smirked as you scoffed
“Anyways princess what was it you needed me for?” Kuroo continued
“I’ve got a chem exam tomorrow and I suck at chemistry” you explained
“And?” Kuroo said slyly
“I need your help” you rolled your eyes as his smile grew
“Hmm alright but I’ll need something in return” Kuroo said slyly
“What do you want” you spat in annoyance
“How about a date if I tutor you” Kuroo said smugly
“Excuse me? A date with you?” You scoffed
“Yeah I’m serious and I want nothing else so it’s either that or you’re probably gonna fail that chemistry test” Kuroo snickered
You thought for a while. A date already felt like too much and it was with Kuroo no less but you really couldn’t afford failing that chemistry test. Before you answered you sighed
“Fine, just ONE date alright?” You glared getting close to his face
“Yeah yeah and if you enjoy it maybe we’ll get another one” Kuroo smirked smugly
“Don’t push your luck” you said angrily
“Alright let’s get started then” Kuroo said getting inside
This was gonna be a long day you thought as you got inside
Surprisingly it was going pretty well. Aside from the occasional chemistry jokes he made and the flirting you clicked pretty well with Kuroo. He was also a great teacher as you were actually learning the topics and were genuinely interested in them.
“You seem to be enjoying yourself” Kuroo smiled 
“Even you think it’s weird” you chuckled
“Yeah! You barely pay attention in chemistry since you suck so much” Kuroo smirked playfully
“I guess you’re better than our chemistry teacher” you shrugged
“Maybe you’re just feeling chemistry with me” Kuroo replied playfully as you smack him
“Alright Alright I’ll stop with the chemistry jokes” Kuroo said pushing your hand away
“You better” you glared
“But you didn’t deny you feel something” Kuroo said smugly as you instantly became flustered
“Shut up and let’s finish this you scold” as he chuckled
“Alright whatever you say princess” Kuroo said grabbing the book
“I said don’t call me that!” You growl
The next day you did your exam and didn’t struggle at all. You were very thankful since you were sure your parents would’ve killed you if you failed. You were definitely gonna thank Kuroo for it as you can eat lunch stress free.
“Heya princess how was the test” Kuroo said sitting next to you
“It went well though I guess it's cause of your tutoring” you smiled as you ate
“Don’t need to flatter me I was just doing my job princess” Kuroo smiled playfully
“And now you have to do your end of the deal” Kuroo smirked looking at you
“A deals a deal” you sighed
“Didn’t think you’d agree that quickly princess maybe you do like me” Kuroo smiled with contentment
“Don’t flatter yourself and I told you a hundred times not to call me that” you glared
“You didn’t mind when the couple of times I’ve been saying it just now” he retorted as you instantly flush red
“Whatever just give me your number so we can go out you scoff as” you continued eating
“Sure thing princess just don’t enjoy it too much or you’ll want another one” he replied as you roll your eyes
“I wouldn’t mind another one” you mumbled
“Did you say something” he asked
“I said nothing and go eat your lunch” you spat back
“I’m already done and I think I’d rather do this” Kuroo said as he pulled you for a tight hug
“Whatever shuts you up” you said gently blushing as you hugged him back
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“Y/N!!!” You hear the familiar tangerine head call out to you and you hear his familiar blue haired friend yell at him “DON’T YELL TOO LOUD YOU’LL BOTHER THE OTHER STUDENTS.”
“Oh Hinata and Kageyama, what are you both doing here?” You asked as they pant from running
“DID YOU STUDY FOR THE TEST TOMORROW?” Hinata asked as he was running out of breath
“What do you mean? The test’s next week” you said in confusion
“No? It’s tomorrow” Hinata raised an eyebrow
“Huh wait show me the schedule” you said as Kageyama hands you the schedule
“It says it right here” Kageyma points to where the schedule clearly states that the exam is tomorrow
“I THOUGHT IT WAS NEXT WEEK!” you panic alerting the boys
“Aww we came here thinking you could help us but now the three of us need help” Hinata said sadly
“You could still tutor us right?” Kageyama asked
“Well maybe if I was informed earlier but this subject is not my strong suit” you scratch your head
“What are we gonna do now? We’ve got no one to help us” Hinata pouted
“Did you ask everyone I’m sure there are a ton of other people who could help us” you suggested
“Then let’s go!” Hinata said pulling you and Kageyama and dashing through the hallways
You all go through a list of people to ask to help tutor the three of you. Tanaka and Noya were a definite a nope. So you all opted to ask the third years.
“Hey guys! We need help!” Hinata called out to the third years
“Is it about the exams” Daichi asked
“Yup” Hinata replied instantly
“You’re not the only year with Math exams” Suga chuckled
“Does that mean you can’t help us” Hinata pouted
“What else does it mean stupid Kageyama” glared
“I’m just asking!” Hinata said angrily “Settle down both of you let’s just ask someone else” you scolded
Most of the people you asked were busy or unable to tutor three people. Some were pretty busy. Some also struggled with math. You all tried asking Yachi but unfortunately she was busy with other things. You all sat in the library bummed out.
“Have we asked everyone already” Kageyama asked
“Looking at our list seems like it” you sighed
“We’re doomed” Hinata said putting his face into the table 
“Have you guys asked Tsukishima?” You asked tilting your head
“He’d never say yes to us” Kageyama said in annoyance
“Did you still try asking him?” You asked
“No but again he’s definitely gonna say no” Hinata replied
“I’ll try asking him” you stood up “We won’t stop you but don't say we didn't want you if he says something sassy” Hinata warned as you sighed
“Do it after school he’s probably busy doing whatever” Kageyama said as he sat you back down
After classes finished you went straight to Tsukishima’s locker to find him grabbing his books, most probably for the math test.
“Hey Tsukishima!” you call out to him as he looks at you
“What do you want” he said straightforwardly
“Well you know about the math test coming up?” You asked 
“No” he replied
“Huh?” You said in confusion
“No” he said again
“What no?” You asked dumbfounded
“You’re gonna ask me to help those two peabrains right? I’m not doing that” Tsukishima said as he closed his locker
“Well you’re correct but I also need help” you explained
“Don’t you do well in the exams” Tsukishima raised an eyebrow
“I though exams were next week only to find out that exams were tomorrow” you scratched the back of your head
“To be frank I don’t care and no is final” Tsukishima said about to leave before you pulled him towards you
“Please I really don’t want them or me to fail” you pleaded
“D-Don’t pull me that close to you” Tsukishima glared
“Oh sorry” you blushed as you let him go
“Fine I’ll do it Tsukishima” sighed in annoyance
“Thank you!” You hugged him as he glared at you
“Sorry anyways after school” you smiled
“Yeah whatever” Tsukishima rolled his eyes
As you said your goodbye you rush to the library seeing the two boys trying their best to study though they seem like they’re struggling a lot which you couldn’t help but giggle.
“Hey I’m back” you said sitting down
“How’d it go” Hinata asked excitedly
“Did he say no” Kageyama asked
“Nope! He said the opposite” you smiled
“He said yes? That’s a surprise” Kageyama said in surprise
“Yeah! Now we’re saved! Thank you Y/N!” Hinata said as he pulled you in for a tight hug
You invited everyone for a study group in your house. You made sure it was the perfect environment for studying, cleaning everything up and even making some food for everyone. You hear the door ring and you walk over.
“Hey Y/N! We’re here!” Hinata said excitedly
“Do you never keep your voice down” Kageyama glared as you giggle
“It’s alright we’re in my house anyways” you smiled
“We just need to wait for one more person” you continued
“No need I’m right here” Tsukishima said 
“Let’s get started!” Hinata said as he barged in
“HEY! This isn’t your house!” Kageyama yelled
“You better pay me for their shenanigans” Tsukishima said in annoyance
“Sure how about five yen” you smiled playfully as he glared
“Your home is so comfy and pretty Y/N” Hinata complimented
“Thanks but we should get started so we can finish early” you suggested as they all nod in agreement
Besides being the mediator, Tsukishima's sarcastic and snarky remarks to Hinata and Kageyama’s stupidity, it went smoothly. Though you couldn't help but laugh at some of Tsukishima’s sarcastic comments.
“We’re done with this topic unless you slowpokes want me to repeat it again” Tsukishima said
“No that was easy we can proceed” Hinata said confidently
“Alright but you need to solve this first” Tsukishima said as he wrote out a problem
“Huh what is this” Hinata said looking carefully at the problem
“It’s what you called easy a minute ago” Tsukishima smirked
“You should’nt have said that stupid” Kageyama scolded
It’s this right? You said as you wrote the answer
“At least one person isn’t as slow as the both of you on an “easy”topic” Tsukishima said smugly
“HEY! Just shut up and repeat it again” Hinata crossed his arms
The shenanigans went on as Tsukishima kept poking fun on the other two boys. You had loads of fun on what felt like your least favorite topic. The three boys made it so entertaining. Eventually you all got it and the other boys were leaving to go home
“Bye Y/N! Thanks for getting Tsukishima to help us!” Hinata waved and Kageyama did the same
“Bye, have a safe trip!” you waved back 
“Oh and thank you Tsukishima for helping us” you smiled at him
“Yeah you’re welcome I have to go now to” Tsukishima said quickly getting his bag and getting outside
“Y’know you may be a salty french fry but you’re a good teacher” you smiled playfully as he flustered up
“Don’t flatter me… but thanks” Tsukishima said looking away
“Wait! One more thing before you leave” you said 
“What is it?” he looked at you as you pulled him in for a small peck on his cheeks
“Consider it a thank you” you giggled as his red was redder than a tomato
“Thanks I guess” he replied secretly smiling as he left
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adviceformefromme · 3 months
Hi! Really enjoy your blog, sometimes your motivational posts is the first thing I see on my dash in the morning when I do a quick scroll. Helps me start the day with the right mindset :)
Now I want to ask for a piece of your advice. On multiple occasions in my life I had men I was with tell me things like: I have such good time with you, let me know if I can do something for you, what do you want, how can I help you etc. In those situations I knew that those were not the kind of men I could ask to pay my rent or take me to Paris, you know? I knew they didn't have the resources. So I would always be very grateful and try to think of something nice I could ask for, in moderation. But I realize that I always had that panicy period of "what do I even ask for? how do I answer these questions in a way that's classy but also take what they want to give me?"
So my question is, what would you do/say? How do I prepare myself for this kind of situations?
Thank you :)
Hey sweetie, thank you for the kind comments!
Regarding the provider men, I would say you can always test his generosity with asking for something small at first then building up. Casually dropping in things you love, asking his opinion on a new pair of shoes, handbag, spa days etc.
Personally, I have totally moved away from this as I am currently on a dating break. I also found that seeking men to spoil me actually attracted the worst of the worst. Maybe one day i will share my Dubai experience. BUT what i will say, is before i knew of hypergamy and following SheraSeven I naturally attracted providers. My energy spoke before I did. I didn't need to tell a man to take me to the spa, because he already booked it for us for the day, I didn't need to tell him I loved shopping because he knew this about me and took me shopping. My intentions were pure. I always knew I loved to be spoiled but I never went out seeking. Some women are more tactical, and some women naturally embody being spoiled energy. So my advice is let your energy speak, be natural, ask for what you feel confident and learn to trust yourself and what you are worthy of receiving. There is no shame in wanting to be spoilt by a man, i remember telling my first boyfriend at uni how badly i wanted a Gucci handbag for my birthday, it was literally all i wanted and he took out a credit card to buy it for me. I didn't beg him ,but he wanted to make me happy. So, with that my final point being, if a man wants to spoil you there is no stopping him. If he's broke, he'll take out credit. If he's rich, £800 Jimmy Choo's will be pocket change to him. A man who wants to provide is that way inclined regardless of how much money he has, so always good to observe his generosity in the early stages. I hope this helps xoxx
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tearfallpixie · 6 months
#7 or #11 please if you're still doing them?
#7: Ok so funny enough both of them were about unplanned pregnancy.
❗Warning for this one it involves mention of termination of pregnancy.❗
I also might still post #11 for you too.
“Hey, Nova.” I dropped my head to the side and looked out of my bunk to see Ricky standing there with a concerned look on his face. “You haven’t moved since before the concert have you?” He asked. I had gotten sick before they were to go onstage so they sent me back to the bus to rest up. I shook my head weakly. “What are your symptoms?”
“I’m just exhausted.” I tried pathetically.
“Yeah, and have complained about your body being sore, you fainted before the concert, you have been experiencing nausea and vomiting-“ He trailed off and a moment later his eyes went wide. “Stay here.”
“Not like I’m going to be going anywhere any time soon.” I muttered. He dashed out the door of the bus and I heard the others call after him.
“I’ll be back in 10.” He yelled back. I started drifting off again but was awoken by a soft hand touching my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see that it was Vinny next to me now.
“Hey, super nova.” He gave me a sheepish grin. “Ricky told me you weren’t feeling well. Feel like some cuddles?” He asked.
“Please?” I scooted back in the bunk and he climbed in next to me, tangling our legs together and wrapping me tightly in his arms. “I love you Vin.” I murmured.
“I love you too Nova.” The sound of the bus door opening sounded and a moment later Ricky was standing next to my bunk again.
“Come with me.” He ordered. I groaned and Vinny and I wiggled our way out of the confined space. I followed the guitarist to where the bathroom was and was promptly shoved into the tight room. He pressed the bag he was holding into my hand and the pieces finally clicked.
“What? No. We’re careful.” I hissed. No one except Vinny knew that Ricky and I were fuck buddies so I didn’t need some stupid test to be the reason that we were forced to tell people.
“Accidents happen. Take the test.” He said sternly. He closed the door in my face leaving me alone. I pulled the box out of the bag and stared at it for a hot second before opening it. I doubted that I was pregnant anyway so it couldn’t hurt to test. Once I was done I set it on the sink and shoved the box back into the bag.
“Hey Ricky, what are you waiting on?” I heard Chris ask.
“Nova is in the bathroom. I just want to make sure she makes it back to her bunk ok.” Ricky responded.
“Is she still feeling sick?”
“A little bit but I think she’s feeling a bit better now. Just needs proper rest in the hotel for her to kick the last of it.” Footsteps padded away as the silent timer on my phone went off. I sighed and flipped the little plastic over, feeling all the color drain from my face. Two pink lines. I grabbed the test and clicked open the door, shoving it into Rickys chest as I quickly moved to the back lounge of the bus where I knew no one was. I slammed the door behind me and started pacing back and forth until it opened again and Ricky came in.
“What the actual fuck are we going to do?” I freaked out. He took me into his arms to stop my pacing and turned me to face him.
“We’ll just schedule a doctors appointment for you to terminate it.” He said like it was the most obvious solution in the world.
“Excuse me?!” I exclaimed, shoving his chest. His arms fell from my waist and he stepped back with a confused expression.
“Novalee, we can’t possibly raise a baby on the road. On top of that, I don’t want children, so the best option is to terminate the pregnancy and forget it ever happened.”
“Fuck you, Richard! Do you know how badly an abortion can affect a woman’s mental health? I will not be doing that and I will be keeping this kid. If you can’t handle it then fuck off.” I snapped.
“Come on, you’re thinking irrationally right now. How about I give you some time to think about-“ I slapped him across the face as hard as I could.
“Get the fuck out.” I snarled. “Send Vinny back while you’re at it.” He backed up until he bumped the door and quickly made his way out, leaving the pregnancy test on the table next to me. The silence in that tiny room was deafening as I dropped to the couch and placed my head in my hands. Tears streamed down my face and sobs wracked my body making me miss the door opening and closing once more. Arms wrapped around me encasing me in familiar Versace cologne.
“Hey super nova. I got you.” Vinny’s soft voice whispered.
“He-he told me to terminate the pregnancy.” I sniffled.
“You’re pregnant?” I nodded and pointed to the test on the table. He took it and looked at it for a moment. “Here’s what we are going to do. By your reaction I assume you want to keep it. Correct?” I nodded again. “Ok, I’ll help you through this. I’ll take you to appointments, I’ll be there when you’re sick, I’ll even be in the delivery room if you want me to be. You are not doing this alone and we can forget all about Ricky. Deal?”
“Thank you.” I murmured.
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hwang-intak-archive · 2 years
A P1Harmony Beginner’s Guide
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Since I’m seeing lots of new people taking an interest in P1Harmony these days, I thought now is the perfect time to make a little guide like this that might help a few of you with getting to know the boys better^^
Guide Masterlist
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Music Videos:
Do It Like This
Do It Like This English Version
Gotta Get Back (feat. Pink Sweat$)
Doom Du Doom
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Music Show Stages:
All Siren Era Music Show Stages
All Scared Era Music Show Stages
All Do It Like This Era Music Show Stages
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Some Covers & Performances worth checking out: everything they do is worth checking out imo, but I can’t link every single thing they’ve ever done here skldajfölkads
Maniac (Conan Gray Cover)
Good 4 U (Olivia Rodrigo Cover)
At My Worst (Pink Sweat$ Cover)
Shine (Pentagon Cover)
Our Beloved Medley Vocal Cover
Billie Eilish Medley Dance Cover
(everything else is under the cut, because this got a bit long)
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More fun stuff to watch: (in chronological order)
♢ Self Introductions [Keeho & Theo, Jiung & Intak, Soul & Jongseob] Basically what the title says, also shows how distinct their characters are very well! + they get to showcase their drawing skills (?)
♢ Stream Highlights from their appearance on Ara TV In which they eat, chat, and Keeho burps on live television. (I realize this doesn’t have eng subs so... if you’re learning/can speak Korean you’re welcome (?) Otherwise just watch them be cute uwu)
♢ Lunar New Year’s Celebrations 2021 Watch P1Harmony playing traditional Korean games and occasionally losing their minds a lil :’)
♢ A series of little interviews in collaboration with Wonderwall This is unfortunately pay2watch, but I wanted to link it anyways because these videos are what really made me fall in love with P1Harmony fully, plus they give a nice insight on their working process as well as the boys’ thoughts and feelings. By now you can find the full episodes on yt as well, if you have trouble finding them let me know and I can send you the links^^
♢ Hard Training Team [Ep 0, Ep 1, Ep 2, Ep 3, Ep 4] A fun little series to start getting to know their personalities!! Tbh all of their series are worth watching, you can check my series guide for those^^
♢ Secret Friend of Idols In which they play games fighting for regional Korean food and also Intak curses. 
♢ P1Harmony takes a lie detector test This speaks for itself tbh. Also Soul wants to see the world burn.
♢ To 2022 P1Harmony The Piwons sending video messages to their future selves!
♢ Weekly Idol Way too much happened here...
♢ Poster & MD Making Film for their first Tour Watch them being very handsome~
♢ P1Harmony building an Ikea shelf I will certainly not hire them to build any furniture for me whatsoever.
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Until the end of 2021 they did so-called “partner vlives”, where they’d always pair up and do one or two scheduled lives within a certain amount of time. I thought since they’re fun to watch and eng subbed (mostly anyways...) I want to link a few here^^
SeobKee Age (Keeho & Jongseob) A father and one of his sons making food together.
JongJi-Boo (Jiung & Jongseob) INTJ-line giving life advice.
PlanTHEOing with Soul (Theo & Soul) They’re trying to grow plants and have close to no idea what they’re doing.
Dance Machine (Jiung & Intak) Half of dance line covering a bunch of songs and freestyling.
Ohyaho (Keeho & Theo) Two extroverts setting marshmallows on fire.
SaeTakSoul (Intak & Soul) Them making Dalgona candy and Intak doing 90% of the work. (But Soul is still being very cute so it’s all good~)
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Some P1H Blogs to follow:
So you can fill your dash with the boys~ There are obviously a lot more blogs who post about them on here, but I wanted to give a selection of P1H-only blogs^^
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Guide Masterlist
more short guides per era: Siren Era Highlights - Scared Era Highlights - DILT Era Highlights
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space-writes · 1 year
seeing you post about obsidian is making me curious about it. What plugins do you recommend for it? Also, how do you organize your vaults? I'm very intrigued by it, but idk if it's worth switching all my information over for the 3rd or 4th time...
hi anon!
i've actually got a rough draft of a plugins rec post in the works, but off the top of my head some of my favourites are:
dataview for the ability to pull information from metadata and create auto lists/tables
hover editor for being able to have 'hovering' popups, thus adding to the amount of windows and tabs you can have open at any one time to edit in
omnisearch is my fave replacement for core search, since it searches better through your files
outliner if you like making lists and want to be able to reorganise them quickly
smart typography changes quotes to curly quotes, dashes to em dashes and periods to ellipses
tag wrangler if you're using tags for organisation (makes it easy to edit them)
workspaces plus + Advanced URI for setting up multiple workspaces for different projects and ease of switching between them. this is my gamechanger, this is how i run all my obsidian. workspaces are king
as for vault organisation - it's really really down to how you best deal with information. I use folders for categories, and then i use what a lot of obsidian folks would call 'too many' folders to subcategorise.
cut for length & screenshots:
my main vault categories look like this:
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'meta' is where images, technical info, templates and stuff go, and i have a folder like that in all three of my vaults (main, Valloroth, and D&D)
then i have larger buckets for areas of my life, and everything goes in a bucket, unless i don't know what i'm doing with it, then it goes in Primordial Ooze (and gets ignored until i remember that folder exists TT_TT)
the Valloroth (aka renegade prince) vault looks like this:
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(the numbers are from the novel wordcount plugin, which puts total wordcount next to files and folders. i'm test driving it, not sure how much i like it yet)
so again, my main strategy is to have the largest possible 'bucket' as a top level folder, and then subcategorise within that. so for example, in 'world' I have this:
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I based my categories on similar ones I was using in a different worldbuilding app, but I've seen people do varying ways of managing it.
really there are as many ways to organise as there are people. Some obsidian folk use no folders, and just link everything, some people use systems like PARA, or Zettelkasten, or Linking Your Thinking, or mish-mashes of multiple things. Mine is a bastardised take on Johnny Decimal, that i've made work for me, and use across vaults and also to organise my non-obsidian files.
i was also moving my notes for the umpteenth time when I switched, and the main things that sold me are really all the things I listed in my post. the thing of it is, if you move and you don't like it, all your notes are in plaintext. easy to extract, and access, and (depending on program) move to somewhere else.
obsidian does have a bit of a learning curve, not gonna lie. but every friend i've convinced to try it has been delighted by what they can do with it. i'd recommend trawling through the discord and youtube communties, and the resources on the hub. make a test vault, put a little bit of info in it to play with. don't try and do everything at once - take it in pieces or it gets overwhelming.
i hope this was helpful! feel free to ask for clarification or ask more questions, i am (as is evident) always down to talk about obsidian.
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