#also I have daddy issues thank u very much
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I was going to put a funny caption here but I can’t think of one
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ghostfacd · 10 months
it’s not what he’s made for | quinn hughes
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summary; in which you have to accept the fact that quinn hughes will never change and that’s just who he is.
pairing; quinn hughes x fem!reader (platonic jack x reader and luke x reader)
genre; angst, no happy ending, reader has daddy issues, quinn is a pretty shitty person in this (sorry quinnier, love u!)
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Quinn Hughes didn’t like you. And you had no idea why.
You had always been Jack’s best friend, ever since the eighth grade when he accidentally tripped you and promised you ice cream if you stopped crying.
Their lake house was nothing new to you; in fact, you’d probably gone a thousand times, an experience other girls could only dream about. You were able to become close to Ellen and Jim, who had found you cute and adorable, glad you were their middle son’s best friend.
Luke, who was younger than you, always looked up to you as his big sister, and every Hughes seem to love you except Quinn.
“You know he’s just grumpy, right?” Jack whispers as he takes a seat next to you on the kitchen stool.
He knew about your feelings towards Quinn, being grossed out at first when you told him that you had liked his older brother. But, you were his best friend, and seeing you so sad over his own brother also broke his heart.
It wasn’t until the day your first serious boyfriend broke up with you that Quinn showed you sympathy. He was an asshole but not that much of an asshole—or so you thought.
You had cried your entire heart out on the lake-house’s dock, body shaking as you tried to steady your breaths. It was just so when Quinn needed a little breather from his brothers, stumbling outside with a cup of iced water in his hand.
He saw your body shake with your head in your hands and connected the dots right away.
“Hey, you okay?” Stupid question, Quinn thinks as soon as he says it out loud.
“No,” you mumble quietly, wiping away your tears. Even with bloodshot eyes and a clogged nose, Quinn thought you looked pretty.
“Was it Adam?”
He knew about your first boyfriend. Jack had complained about this “Adam” as soon as you two started dating. According to Jack, Adam was a self conceited jackass who didn’t deserve you or your time. Quinn only shrugged at the time, not really caring about you or whatever relationship you were in.
“Yeah,” you whisper quietly. The name of your ex makes you cringe. “I was an idiot for dating him.”
“No,” Quinn sets down his cup of iced water, “he was an idiot for treating you that way. Jack told me in the past, you don’t deserve any of that, and he sure as hell doesn’t deserve you.”
For a moment, it was as if you and Quinn had a connection, one that sparked hope in your heart. He was finally showing you kindness and sympathy, something that you had only wished for in the past.
“Thank you Quinn,” you sniffle, looking up to meet his eyes. He smiled softly, an image that will forever root itself in your memory. The only thing you could think of at that moment was how much of a nice smile Quinn Hughes had.
Over the next few days, Quinn and you had become closer, a bond that wasn’t going unseen by Jack or Luke. They had both noticed you weren’t that sad over Adam anymore—and that the older Hughes actually smiled from time to time.
Just as you’re up on your feet again, your father had called you, scolding you about God knows what and calling you all sorts of names.
You thought as soon as you graduated high school, your father would’ve dropped whatever act he was doing, but clearly he was still very adamant on ruining your life. You couldn’t remember how many times you cried because of him.
“Is it him again?” Luke asks, taking a seat next to you on the couch. He saw your sadness the entire day, not sure if he should comfort you or not.
After all, you were the older one, and it was always you comforting him, not the other way around. Luke was still pretty much an awkward child, but he wanted to help you in any way he could.
He knew how your father was. They all knew. Since you were Jack’s best friend, you often came over the house in tears because of what your dad had said.
“Yeah,” you say, trying your best to smile for Luke. “It’s nothing, really.”
“You don’t always have to be strong in front of me,” Luke whispers. “You are not what your father says you are, okay Y/N? You are so much more than that.”
Nodding slowly, you lean into Luke’s chest. He automatically wraps his arm around you, rubbing your arm to let you know he was there.
Quinn watches from the kitchen with a sour taste. In his eyes, you weren’t getting comforted by Luke after crying your eyes out. No—in his eyes, you were getting with his little brother of all people, and God, Quinn hated you for doing so. He hated you for being so annoyingly perfect—he hated that you were always closer to his little brothers. He hated the fact that you were in Luke’s arms instead of his. He hated it.
The next weekend, Umich was hosting its annual senior dance. Your friends had all practically begged you to leave your dorm, saying how you needed to let yourself free for a night. You didn’t really care for the dance, wanting to focus on your business homework instead but of course, your friends weren’t taking no for an answer.
They told you that they had set you up with a date. You shyly decline, saying you already had someone in mind.
That someone being your best friend’s older brother.
Although he was distant these past few days, you shrug it off as Quinn being Quinn. He was always well kept to himself, so it wasn’t anything new.
“Hey Quinn,” you say as you walk into the kitchen. The older Hughes was busying himself with making toast and jam, and had only acknowledge you with a nod of his head.
“I was wondering.. if you’d like to come with me to Umich’s senior dance? It’s just an event hosted by them every year—super fun, lots of drinks, I’d love it if you could—”
“Like a date?” Quinn raises his eyebrows, quickly cutting to the point.
“Well, I guess you can say it’s a date—”
“I’m good Y/N.”
The coldness of his voice makes your heart sink. Oh God, this was such a bad idea. Why would you ask him? Why why why why?
“Oh okay, forget I even asked then,” you laugh nervously, trying hard not to gulp at Quinn.
Quinn only chuckles, his eyebrows furrowing as his gaze turns into something you can’t quite distinguish.
“You.. you didn’t really think I would like you, did you?”
His words make your chest tighten.
“I mean cmon Y/N seriously? What made you think I would ever love you?” Quinn’s voice gets louder. “Cause I wouldn’t—even if I could.”
You wish the ground would just swallow you whole at that moment. It was already bad that Quinn had rejected you, but now he was claiming he would never love you?
“What the fuck Quinn?” The voice of Luke pulls you out of your trance, his face filled with anger. “Why the fuck would you say that Quinn?”
“Of course you would jump to her defense!” Quinn scowls. “Whatever, I don’t care for this, alright? Leave me the hell alone.”
You feel your heart break for the third time this month, eyes filling with tears yet again.
“What is wrong with him?” Luke mumbles to himself, in shock that his brother would say that to you.
He slowly turns his gaze to you, eyes softening at your broken figure. It hurt him to see a girl he considered his older sister so heartbroken over his own brother.
“I’m sorry Y/N,” Luke says into your hair as he hugs you tightly.
“It’s not your fault Luke,” you cry, “I should’ve known. He would never like me. He was just being nice.”
“Hey, stop,” Luke pulls away, looking directly into your eyes. “He’s an idiot if he can’t see how much of an amazing person you are, okay? A big fucking idiot. Don’t beat yourself up over Quinn, he’s not worth any of your tears.”
Luke sighs as he watches your chest rise and fall with each sob. “This whole relationship thing? It’s not what he’s made for.”
“You cannot beat yourself up over a guy who cannot commit Y/N,” Luke whispers. “You’ll find so much better Quinn, I can promise you that.”
But all you wanted was Quinn. Luke was right, even if he was all you wanted, he could never be yours—for Quinn Hughes was not made for relationships, and he was certainly not made for you.
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darkwolf989 · 22 days
Hello ! I saw your Valentino's daughter fics and they're ⭐amazing⭐
Can u request Valentino with a daughter who also has shitty eyesight ( you can pick any scenario but this could be one if main points in the fic)
Thank you💛
As someone who ALSO has super bad eyesight, this was a fun one to write! I hope you enjoy the scenario- and if you're looking for a different vibe, please feel free to request!
Valentino’s biggest frustration with having an elementary aged daughter was parent teacher conferences. And the first one of the school year was always the worst. Year after year, it never failed. His darling wife would conveniently be out of town that week, or working late or for one of the numerous, annoying, yet totally valid reasons, he would end up by himself, with a notebook of discussion points painstakingly written by his wife.
Without her by his side, what should be a friendly discussion about their pride and joy often felt more like a business meeting. He tried so hard to not take offense to her list of improvements, and bit back any snarky response to comments that even hinted that his sweet little girl was anything less than perfect. So much so that he felt the need to distance himself from the start, lest his emotions get the best of him. 
On the flip side, their concerns about their daughter were front and center, to be brought up first before anything else. This year, the headaches were at the top of that list. And the possible cause was enough to make Valentino’s blood boil. 
“Daddy, I have a headache,” his daughter complained once again over breakfast that morning. Like every other occurrence, he took her temperature, gave her some aspirin and sent her off to school. By the time she was picked up, either the headache was gone or it had gotten worse. But with no fever and no other symptoms they could tell, he and his wife wondered if something else was going on at school. 
The very thought made it close to impossible to keep the business facade on. 
As he tried to bite back the potential accusation, he looked around at the empty elementary hallway.  As a rule, Valentino refused to acknowledge the nostalgic feeling that threatened to wash over him. Though he had to admit to himself, no matter how many years had passed, the scent of stale air and dusty chalk still remained the same. 
“Ah, Mr. Valentino. Come on in,” her teacher greeted him with a smile as she stood up from her desk. “I’m Miss. Tyme. It’s nice to meet you- your daughter is truly a delight to have in my classroom.” She led him across the room and gestured to the chair in front of her desk. “Please, take a seat.” 
With her friendly nature and off the bat compliment, he felt his anger slowly recede. Alright, Valentino, he thought to himself, you can do this. You can treat this like every other business meeting. Don’t make it personal. 
He took a seat in the too small chair and looked around at the room. For all of the things hell lacked, a decent schooling system for hellborn children was not one of those things. The classroom itself was bright, cheerful and covered in work clearly done by a group of kindergarteners. 
“Before we get started, do you have any concerns you’d like to address?” Miss. Tyme asked.
“Yes, I do.” He leaned forward. “reader frequently complains of headaches in the morning and after school. My wife and I have received numerous calls from the school nurse about the same issue, so much so we gave written permission for the nurse to dispense tylenol at school. I want to know if there is something going on here that could be causing her to not want to come to school each day. Something going on here that could be causing those headaches.” Even to him, his voice sounded sharp. 
To her credit, Miss. Tyme didn’t flinch. She nodded as she spoke, “I’m glad you brought that up, it’s a topic I wanted to discuss as well. Last week, reader complained of not being able to see the board. I moved her closer and she seemed to be much happier and kept up with the class work. I also noticed she’s been progressively holding her papers and books closer to her face. Have you seen that at all at home?”
Her confidence caught him off guard. He expected her to argue against his insinuation, not politely side step it. 
“Her Uncle Vox does her homework with her. I can ask him,” he replied defensively. 
She nodded, “very good. I would like to suggest you reach out to her pediatrician about her headaches and schedule a vision test. While I’m not a doctor, I have seen students with similar concerns who ended up needing glasses.” 
Valentino stared at her. “Glasses?”
She nodded, “of course it’s only a suggestion. Let’s move onto her academics…” she pulled out a thick file, “your daughter is kind, creative and quite bright. She is a joy to have in class. Take a look at this story she wrote….” 
As Valentino reviewed the work with her teacher, he couldn’t quite shake the nagging feeling that he may have ever so slightly jumped to conclusions. By all the teacher reports, his daughter was well liked, and above average in all subject areas. So where did the headaches fit in? Was she right? Was it vision related? 
Sure,he had glasses, but her mom had perfect eyesight. And when was the last time her pediatrician did a vision test? As soon as the conference was over, and he was safely in the privacy of his limo, he called his wife. After all, every parenting decision they made was done in unison. 
“Vision issues don’t run on my side of the family, but it can’t hurt,” his wife replied after he filled her in on the details. “Schedule her an appointment for this afternoon. She’d be delighted to have some daddy daughter time.” 
Valentino pinched the bridge of his nose, “I can’t just have her come downstairs for this one, mi amore. I actually have to call my ophthalmologist and see if he’ll take her. Or if he can recommend someone who specializes in kids.”
“Like I said Val, it can’t hurt. If not tonight, later this week. Make a day out of it with her, it’s been awhile since either one of us took her out for anything really. And check with Vox and Vel. See if they’ve noticed anything.”
His wife had a point. She spent more time being babysat by Vox or Velvette as of the late with the amount they both needed to be working. It would be nice to actually spend some time with his own daughter. He hung up with his wife and with another phone call, she had an appointment with his eye doctor the next day. Perfect. He texted Vox and Velvette the plan and got a quick response back from both. Vox agreed with the assessment- he had noticed the change in behavior as well. Velvette too, noted that she seemed to be sitting closer and closer to the TV screen. With this knowledge, Valentino sighed. He was certain she would end up with glasses, just like her Papi. 
Later that night, as he helped her change into her pajamas, he told her the plan to keep her home from school the next day. 
“What’s an opthoi…ophi…ophimi…” reader tried to ask. 
"Opthamologist, little one. It’s a doctor that specializes in just checking your eyes,” Valentino replied as he tugged her shirt over her head. He lifted her up onto the bed and covered her up with her blanket before he laid down next to her. “Your teacher noticed you seem to be having a hard time reading the board, so we’re going to have your eyes checked out.,Valentino leaned over and kissed her forehead, “might be why you’re getting such bad headaches all the time.” 
She snuggled into him and buried her face into his side. “Good. Cause my head hurts alot,” she said, “like a lot alot.”
Valentino felt a pang of guilt as he held her. He wished he had thought of this potential cause sooner. Maybe they would already have a reason, and she wouldn’t be in so much pain.
 “I know, bebita, but hopefully this will give us some answers,” he said softly. “Now go to sleep.”
“Am I going to need glasses like you?” She looked up at him.
Valentino felt a pang in his heart. “Would that trouble you?” 
She shrugged against him. “I dunno. A little. Only one of my friends has glasses. And what happens if I don’t need glasses, and the headaches keep happening.”
He listened quietly as she unloaded her worries and fears, offering reassurance when necessary and silently rubbed her back as she spoke. Eventually, her voice grew softer and he lifted her onto his chest and laid her head against him. He felt her press her head into his chest and he let out a slow exhale as her eyelids fell shut. 
“Whatever happens, pequeño amor, Papi will be right there by your side the whole time. And we all love you so very much.” He felt her breathing slow and dropped the volume of his voice. “Duerme bebe niña papá está aquí. Sleep, baby girl. Daddy is here. Shush…”
With the weight of her tiny body on top of his chest, he closed his own eyes. Eventually, he would be able to get up and get to his laptop to get a little bit more work done, but for the moment, he was content where he was. 
When she came bounding out of her bedroom that next morning, Valentino had breakfast ready for her. Together they ate blueberry pancakes and giggled over the newspaper comics until it was time for her to get ready. 
“Daddy?” She asked as he tied her sneakers. 
“Yes bebita?”
“My tummy feels funny.”
His head shot up and his eyes met hers. Worry played over her features and Valentino relaxed. He could handle her fears. 
“Butterflies?” He asked with a kiss on her forehead. “Daddy’s got you. Don’t worry, my love. It will be okay, I promise.”
He lifted her up and carried her out to the limo. She sat on his lap and watched out the window as he scrolled through his phone. Never did Valentino ever think that a gold wedding band and his daughter on his lap would be his reality, especially inside this limo. 
Now that he thought about it, he should probably consider an upgrade. Or at least a deep clean. 
As the limo slowed down, she grew quiet. 
“Daddy? Will it hurt?” She asked as he took her hand. 
He smiled, “no, bebita. This is Daddy’s doctor too. I promise you you’re safe.”
The fact alone seemed to reassure her. As they went through the motions of the eye doctor, Valentino watched as his little girl seemed to struggle. His heart sank. He knew what the doctor would say before he said it. 
“Bebita, you can choose any frames you would like,” he said as cheerfully as he could once the doctor broke the news. “And if you can’t find one you like, Daddy will tell Uncle Vox to have them made. But choose one to take home today, okay?”
So she searched. Tried on frames. Valentino quietly set aside ones that might be more practical, and ones that fit her face well. She may not love them because of the color, but it would be good for her to have options. 
“Daddy, I want these!” she said suddenly, thrusting a pair of purple, heart shaped glasses into his hand. “Then I’ll look just like you!” 
He would be lying if he said his heart didn’t melt. 
“Then that’s what you’ll get,” he replied with a kiss on her head. He handed the frames to the doctor who sent them to the back to be put together with her prescription. 
Twenty seven minutes later they walked out, hand in hand, reader beaming in her new glasses. 
“Just like you, Daddy!” She said as she hugged his leg. 
He lifted her up and gave her a kiss on the forehead as he brought her into the limo. 
“Yes conejito, just like Daddy.”
As they pulled away, one final thought flitted through Valentino’s mind. 
Like father, like daughter. And he wouldn’t trade that for anything
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Any dad headcanons for the monster trio? (+ Law if you don’t mind)
(also love your writing btw!!)
A/N: I just seen a edit a while ago of Sanji being so good w kids n so I must— thank u btw!:) Imma add Cora because omg we need more writing with him:(
One Piece Men as Daddies (Fluff)
Black Fem Reader in Mind
CW: None! Except the mommy (the reader) is kinda a menace.
Ft. Zoro, Luffy, Law, Sanji, Corazon
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Top 2 Best Dads and he ain’t number 2 fr
He spoils his kids more than you now I’m sorry :(
He doesn’t realize this and swears he loves you both equally
I can most definitely see him having a daughter as his first child and yes you and her are his Queen and Princess
His daughter is a simp just like his daddy
His daughter stresses him out so much because she loves drooling over every guy she sees omg
“Sweetheart she’s a baby she doesnt e—“
Sanji needs to throw all kinds of kicks when he is with his babygirl
God help him when she’s a teenager
He loves cuddling you both while watching Disney movies
He teaches his sweet girl the importance of how a man should treat her if she somehow gets one
“You can’t get married until you’re 25.”
“Sanji she’s just 3 right now.”
“Okay make it 30.”
Okay ngl when you were having the baby he made the mistake of looking down between your legs and the baby’s head was just barely peaking and he passed out.
He still has a bit of subtle nose bleeds when you were breast feeding too
He keeps mementos of every single thing his child has; drawings, fallen teeth, etc he keeps it in a box in his side of the closet
Due to his childhood he tends to worry he will turn into his biological father. He confided to you about this issue while you were pregnant and you nipped it in the bud and told him that he was and will never be like him and Zeff would be proud of the kinda man and future father he turned out to be
Both cried that night.
Also he is completely aware what happens to a woman’s body after pregnancy and will always remind you no matter how much your body changes he will still see you so beautiful.
He will be just like Zeff to his son. Teaching him the same way and all.
Zeff is the granddaddy btw. Sanji takes his kids to visit him often.
He usually takes the kid(s) off your hands for a day if he sees you feel stressed
100000000/10 daddy and yes he will be pumping more into you again if you’re up for it🤍
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Two Luffy’s running around in your home
Make it 3 because I can see him having twins
They stress you out sm.
Man didn’t have a clue in the world how to be a daddy. So he went to Rayleigh panicking KSSHSJJSS
He’s a very chill parent so you have to be the stern one and it sucks sometimes
Yes the kids like daddy more than you
Almost every night when Luffy is home he puts the twins to bed with telling them of all the stories he had with you when he was young
“And I met your mommy on a different island! She didn’t like me at first but now she’s in love with me! Heheheeh!”
Kids have the same shishishi laugh as him cracks you up each time they do it in sync
You made the mistake of leaving the three of them at home as you went to go shopping and came back to a wrecked home and the three of them eating meat on the floor
He tells them about Ace a lot.
He actually named one of the twins after him
Encourages them to be what they want in life even if they want to be a pirate
Sabo is ofc the nice uncle that comes barring gifts
Sanji and Zoro are the Goddfathers
9/10 daddy that still is learning to be a daddy
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It’s canon this man is amazing with kids so off bat he’s top 3.
Since he has so much experience he was really good with handling the baby when he was first born
At least 17 times during the time yall son was a baby he tried nursing from Zoro and he hated it sm he couldn’t even take a nap shirtless with him
“He Just Like me for real.”
The second the baby was able to walk he already wanted to train him into being a swordsman
He will most definitely kill for you both
You annoyed him so much during your pregnancy because you wanted to leave the house but he didn’t want you getting hurt
You’ve caught him training with your baby son swaddled on his chest (like that one filler episode of him babysitting) and you nearly choked him out because wtf is he swinging around a sword so close to y’all baby.
He did gain some weight too during your pregnancy but immediately shredded off after you poked his belly
He loves his son but as he got older he started to have beef KSSHSHSISK
His son is a mamas boy and so whenever Zoro wants to have alone time with you it’s like he had a 6th sense and barged in ruining the moment
It’s so funny seeing them argue over who gets to cuddle you for the night
He plans to give your son one of his old swords when he gets older if he decides to be a swordsman
Luffy is the Goddfather and Sanji is ofc the cool uncle that comes to visit
100000/10 Zoro is a wonderful daddy
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He is the strict dad
You both had a daughter and she annoys him a lot just like you did when you both were dating
“Imma get tatted like you daddy.”
“You’re 13.”
He was the one to deliver y’all baby
The doctor side of him popped out when you were pregnant he never let u leave the bedroom. He even bathed you a lot which in turn have had him have sex with you in the tub
“Orgasms can help soothe you as you’re pregnant, y/n.”
“…the hell you read that at.”
He talks about Cora to you and your baby while you both were were sleep after pregnancy.
When your daughter turned 21 you and her convinced Law to get the same matching tattoo as him on her hand and even though he acted like he was against it he was ecstatic
He has scared off so many of your daughter’s boyfriends pls
He took off the head of one because he kept staring at YOUR boobs
Law likes to study with his baby girl on his lap.
You’ve walked in on him sleep on his chair with the baby cuddled on top
120/10 Law is an outstanding responsible daddy
Corazon (Rosinante)
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Matching clothes
He’d have a daughter :( lil Rosie Aksbsjdksk
Yes he’s clumsy but he’d rather die than have you or his baby hurt
He didn’t stop smoking but he does only do it outside
You catch him doing stupid faces and stunts to make you’re daughter laugh when she’s sad and she eats it right tf up
Yes she is a daddy’s girl
He carries you both around with ease
If he notices you feeling insecure about your body post birth he’ll feel a tinge of guilt but smother you in kisses and appreciation about how he doesn’t care about how you look he still loves u sm
And if that doesn’t work he’ll just show you…naked…in the bed….
Sex he’ll show u with sex
Law is like the older brother and he may not act like it but he loves seeing Cora so happy with you and the baby
Scares tf outta you when he is outside throwing your 4 months old baby in the air tho
He uses some of his methods when he was raising Law to raise your baby
Gets so emotional when your daughter reaches out for him
“You’re her daddy, Cora of course she loves you.”
Just like Sanji saves every core memory he can of your baby daughter
Let’s her put on his makeup . It came out horribly but he proudly wore it the whole day
He needs to kiss you both before leaving or else he will have a terrible day
One time you and the baby surprised him with a cake just as a thank you for everything he has done for you and he fell off the chair crying
He cries a lot
Wants to have like 3 more babies with you
102$)43920292772200/10 best mf Daddy
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charlottecutepie · 4 months
☥ Bunny meat (William Afton x fem!reader x Michael Afton)
Summary: He was a likeable middle-aged man who had wonderful children, his dream job and a beautiful wife. He never blamed himself for his own actions, or to be more exact, he never thought about their consequences.
author notes: thank u so much guys for supporting my story, means a lot to me! <3 have some Michael in this chap, we get closer to some spicy things :)
tags: darkfic, unhealthy relationship, angst, smut with plot, p in v, dubcon, oral sex, rough and gentle sex, daddy kink, blood play, knife play, fear play, hurt/comfort, violence, gore/murders, child abuse, follows fnaf lore, moral and physical abuse, virginity kink, anxiety disorder, age gap, daddy issues, unreliable narrator, hallucinations, hidden pairing, William is sick, psychopathy, unhealthy narcissism
Chapter 4
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Chapter 3. Carelessness
“But isn't Mrs. Afton waiting for you at home?” you asked awkwardly, swaying from one foot to the other.
“I warned her that I would be late,” he went into the kitchen of the house, looking around. “she's used to it.”
What's wrong with him? Why is he so cold towards his own wife?
“As i understand, after the death of your father, your mother still found a job?” he asked, brazenly sitting down at the table, as if it was his house. “I always knew she was a strong woman.”
You nodded nervously and smiled, still standing in the hallway. You wanted to show your hospitality, as your mother raised you, but for some reason you movements were hampered by annoying anxiety. In fact, you were also terribly tired after a such evening, but somehow you didn't want to leave Afton alone, and besides, that's not how your mother taught you, you need to show politeness.
“Maybe tea?” you blurted out.
William immediately turned his head at you, surprised at such cute initiative.
“I wouldn't mind.” overcoming fear, you went into the kitchen, pouring water into the kettle. You put it on the stove. Time passed agonizingly long, the silence between the two of you was horrible. “How are you doing with school? How are the exams?”
“Everything's fine, I passed the exams perfectly.” finally the kettle boiled. “What kind of tea will you have?”
“Green, please.” you nodded and put the tea to brew. When everything was ready, you served a hot drink on the table, sitting down opposite Afton. He continued to ask questions related to your studies and further plans for the future. To some extent, you were grateful to him, his voice, questions, moralizing about the future, all this helped to distract from unnecessary thoughts. “You know, Y/n… you are a very beautiful girl.”
“Thank you, Mr. Afton.” hot tea scalded your throat, just like his words.
“No need for such formalities. Just call me William.” Afton smiled slightly, getting up from the table, heading in your direction. You don't know what drove you, but all the fear and anxiety were replaced by curiosity about his next actions, maybe it was alcohol you drank at your bday? “It's so nice to see how you turned from a cute little girl into a beautiful young lady.” the kitchen became stuffy, unbearably hot. You felt dizzy, but not because of the high temperature of the air, no. Because of his compliments. “Such… Silky hair, delicate features…”
His words don't cause disgust or antipathy, on the contrary — you want him to continue praising you. You want to lose myself in this gentle flattery.
“I appreciate your words.” you answered timidly, getting up from the table and going to the sink. William was standing next to you all this time, leaning on the kitchen counter, watching you wash the mugs.
“Surprises don't end there.” he purred, already behind your back. His voice sent goosebumps all over your body. “I wanted to give you this one personally.” with these words, he put a cute necklace on your neck.
Around five in the morning, Mr. Afton returned to his house. Getting out of the car, he looked at the seat where you was sitting and smiled.
Mrs. Afton was in the living room, she was sitting on the couch watching TV, the woman's eyes were sleepy, and she herself was falling into a doze. From the sound of the open front door, she instantly cheered up and went out into the hallway to her husband.
“Hi, you're a little late this time.” Clara spoke.
“Sorry,” he muttered, not even looking at her. He walked into the living room, falling wearily onto the sofa. “just some problems with animatronics.”
The blonde woman sat down next to him, resting her head on his shoulder.
“Michael and Elizabeth are sleeping…” she whispered softly, looking up at her husband. William put his arm around her, his gaze going somewhere past the TV. The woman's arms wrapped around his neck and she reached out for a kiss. Afton behaved insensitively, doing almost nothing in response and showing no initiative. Clara pulled away, her lips going down to the man's chin and neck.
“Clara, not now.” he was off and rude, Afton removed his wife's hands from his neck and got up from the sofa. “I'm going to rest, I'm pretty exhausted, it's been a long day.” he said dryly and disappeared from her field of vision.
July 16.
Finally, you and Michael got to hang out. However, Elizabeth wanted to go with you too, she tearfully asked her brother to take her with him. Gritting his teeth, he did it, otherwise he would have received a scolding from his mother.
“Y/n, did you bring a swimsuit?” Michael asked, spreading a blanket on the bank of the river.
“Mmm… no, you didn't say we were going to swim.” you answered, taking out some fruits and a bottle of orange juice from your backpack.
“Well, that's even better.” Michael grinned, you only rolled your eyes at him. Yeah, now it's clear why they say that girls are smarter than boys.
You sat down next to the river, enjoying the beauty around. The singing of birds and buzzing of bees, boundless blue sky, bright sun and green forest nearby created an incredibly cozy atmosphere. You lay on your stomach, trying to finish reading your favorite book, while Michael was telling you about his adventures again. You and him are absolute opposites. He is a sunny, active, curious guy, who loves to skip school and cheat on school tests. And you're a quiet, shadow girl who always gets A's. But something about this guy interested you, no, it wasn't a crush, but he was always so lively, so positive that it couldn't help but cause a smile.
Elizabeth was somewhere nearby, playing in the water.
Michael called your name, but it looks like you were too immersed in the plot of the story.
“Hey!” he playfully took the book away from you, showing you his tongue in a teasing manner. “Give it back!”
“Catch me!” with a laugh, he rushed away to the river.
Michael had nothing to lose, because he wasn't interested in such a hobby as reading, and he was dressed in a t-shirt and shorts, and it was so hot outside that his clothes would have dried in literally an hour.
“Michael, give me the book!”
“And where is the magic word?” he kept teasing you.
You got angry when you realized that you could play with him like that for an eternity, and it wouldn't do any good. Michael was already knee-deep in water, you took off your sneakers, throwing them and socks somewhere to the side. A little more, and you will take away your book, but at some point everything went wrong, the bottom of the river was slippery because of the clay, you couldn't stand on your feet as you fell into the water. The whole situation was so absurd that it didn't cause anger, but on the contrary — laughter and fun. You pulled Michael's leg, and he fell into the water after you. Elizabeth laughed watching you.
Teenage foolishness knows no bounds, you and Michael were carelessly splashing in warm water. You completely forgot about the raw book that was floating somewhere on the surface next to you.
“Mikey, it's getting dark, I'm cold.”
All wet, cold, but happy, you were sitting on a blanket, enjoying a bright summer sunset. The sun was sinking smoothly below the horizon, dusk was approaching.
“Take my hoodie,” Michael took clothes out of his backpack, handing them to Elizabeth. “Y/n, and what time do you need to be home?”
“I don't know, but definitely not by one o'clock in the morning.” you laughed, Michael jokingly pushed you in the shoulder. “What are your plans for the rest of the summer?”
“Spend it with you, of course.” he giggled, but when he saw your serious look, he froze. “Oh, well, actually none. Only to help father in the pizzeria…”
You sighed, watching the last warm rays of the sun. With the onset of darkness, the wind and cold came. You hugged your shoulders to keep warm.
Michael's gaze by accident fell on the halo of your nipples, which hardened from the cold air. He blushed, scolding himself for his own stupid thoughts, but his hormones are boiling like mad.
“Y/n, I …” Michael began, but immediately regretted, because of the embarrassment his voice sounded so ridiculous. He moved closer to you. Elizabeth was snoring sweetly, wrapped up in his hoodie. “I wanted to say that…”
“Michael? Henry told me you were at the pizzeria with him.”
Michael's eyes widened with fear, Elizabeth instantly woke up, turning her head to her father. Afton was standing right behind you with his hands on his hips. How could you not hear the sounds of his footsteps and car?
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absolutebl · 2 months
Hi! apologies if you've answered this before, but can you recommend some bls that deal with homophobia, be it internalised or external? or more generally, bls that are not set in the bl bubble where gayness is 100% accepted?
Thank you very much <3
Ooo, sure thing!
BL's Not Set in The Bubble
BLs that deal with homophobia (internal or external) and rough coming out sequences
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Began Beginning from Myanmar is all about this. It's not a BL I would necessarily recommend but it is interesting for many reasons. Both leads are dealing with massive internalize homophobia, among other issues.
Similarly: Like in the Movies and Tie the Not from the Philippines.
And Goodbye Mother and Nation's Brother from Vietnam.
From Thailand
To Sir, With Love - witnessing his family's massive homophobia that results in major tragedy as a child is what drives our main character's whole personality and self hatred. Massive trigger warning.
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Until We Meet Again - the pair in the past, of course, it's the driving trauma of the relationship reincarnated. Massive trigger warning.
I Feel You Linger In the Air - fear of being caught is a through line in this drama.
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More modern set stuff:
City of Stars deals with having to leave the closet as a super star. So does Close Friend Season 2 a little. The OhmFluke pair also deals with coming out to parents. Love Stage!! (Thailands version) contains one couple that chooses to remain closeted for the good of a career and another that risks it.
Moonlight Chicken - mostly about self hatred and difficulty in being out, to the point where his young nephew challenges him on it and provides a foil.
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Also, ya know, TharnType and Why R U. Both have self hated and challenging coming outs because of trauma and daddy issues.
Dark Blue Kiss - Kao is terrified of being outed and it's used to blackmail him.
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Similarly although he is out of Ae, Pete is being abused and blackmailed because he is gay in Love By Chance. Also Ae doesn't manage to come out... yet.
I Told Sunset About You - of course.
My Gear and Your Gown final episodes contain homophobic (or are they?) parents.
Second Chance heavily implies that there is something going on with Paper's inability to accept Fah.
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Similarly Gene accepting Sib in Lovely Writer.
I'm pretty sure there's a ton of homophobia at the back end of My Tee, but honestly it's been years sicne I watched that mess.
Charming little pulp 21 Day Theory deals with quite a bti of this, but our main character has a lovely gay uncle to guide the way.
"Punch the homophobe" my favorite trope of all time, happens in Oxygen. But otherwise they neatly circumvent the patriarchs objection by defacto adopting a child to inherit.
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TonhonChonlatee is all about one characters inability to acept his own queerness as encouraged by his homophobic family and various other evil characters.
My Only 12% actively tackles and calls out cultural homophobia and damaging misrepresentations.
"Why does everyone think that both of them are strange? If it's not wrong, why does everyone hurt?"
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The show he's talking about is Thailand's first proto-BL, love of Siam and it is about an inability to come out.
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From Japan
Life: Love on the Line - it's parental disgust and personal self hatred and paranoia that breaks them up (they get back together but he as to get over it)
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Similarly His - is a kind of reunion romance after self-homophobia drove one half of the pair to marry someone else.
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Actually the original series with the same characters, His the series, also deals with self acceptance around gayness, and it's subtle (Japan) but it's pretty clear one of them was kicked out of/ or left his previous school because he got outed. (Light on Me references a similar situation, but it's ultra subtle.)
If It's With You also kinda falls into this category. Not sure these can be called "dealing with" it tho, more side stepping and alluding to it.
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Tokyo in April is - yeah it's kinda the whole thing from one half of this pair
What Did You Eat Yesterday also has a coming out to the parents thread throughout, and a coming out at work thing, but it's not really the point of the show.
From Korea
Most Korean BL are gonna be out. The specialize in the bubble. Although a case could be made for Love For Love's Sake and Love Class. And, see comment, Jazz for Two.
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One noted exception is Just Friends which is a short piece about coming out to mom while on leave from the military. This is one of Korea's earliest BL pieces and not strictly BL, but it's fascinating in that neither theme (military nor coming out) would reall be reused again.
From Taiwan
My Tooth Your Love - has a kinda different take and we aren't sure, as viewers whether it's because he's gay or because he's not doing what the Patriarch wishes. But trigger warning for [physical abuse.
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DNA Says Love You deals with this and other forms of queerphobia during the later half. Slow start but I do love this show.
Faded is a propaganda piece (pro marriage equality) which is all about coming out to a parent.
In H4CTY Xing Si (of the side couple) is having a hard time coming out but that's complied by the fact that he's fucking his stepbrother, it's a mess, bit I enjoy them - v problematic couple tho.
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Papa & Daddy actually has a coming out sequence (GASP!) where the parents don't take it well as does Love is Science? (sides) - but the later is mostly because disaster bi is also baby daddy.
Red Balloon, of course, and it's sibling movie Your Name Engraved Herein are kinda all about self loathing and suffering because of gayness and lack of acceptance.
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Unknown is certainly tackling some of this.
In which I talk about some of my favorite coming out sequences:
He's Coming to Me has my favorite series of coming out sequences to both friends and mother.
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A few more that I really don't like (Promise) and probably Together With Me should be here, but I willfully can't remember them.
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sparda-ly · 1 year
hi sweetie, how r u?? i see u are new here, so welcome to tumblr!! 💕
btw i did see too that you are accepting request for god of war and i wanted to make a request for whatever is easier to u (headcannon or a drable). i just wanted to see how would kratos treat a reader with dad issues (platonic!!!!).
oh, and if u don't fell like writing it, fell free to ignore! :)
(and im sorry if u can't understand well what im saying, english isn't my first language)
kratos × reader w dad issues (platonic)
warnings: daddy issues?
note: hi honey, i understood you perfectly, no judgment, english isn't my first language either! this is my first request, so i'm very thankful and excited. hope you enjoy, and i hope i met your expectations. if i misunderstood your request, let me know, and i'll change it ♡♡
let's start of with saying that kratos totally understands your issues, having a complicated relationship with his father himself, he isn't one to judge
kratos first met you in the woods behind his house, you were just a scared girl feeling alone, atreus begged him to take you in and he hesitantly agreed
and let's just say, since then, he had another kid to take care of
you never really made his journey harder or caused him any trouble, so he not once regretted his decision
at first he was cold, kept you at a distance and didn't give you any attention, however you guys grew really close in very little time
he never really noticed your daddy issues, sure, you always waited for his opinion after doing something, and clinged to him like crazy, but he just thought that's your personality
he noticed how you copy him, and look up to him
he caught you a few times, holding his axe and imitating his attacks, it felt nice, that you want to be like him so much
there was a time that for a week straight you only responded with small grunts and short sentences, you also tried copying his angry face however instead of looking mad you just looked cute
you really looked up to him, seeing him as your father figure and protector
always looking out for you in a fight, taking care of you when you're sick, making you feel really safe
you also absolutely loved any praise or affection that you recieved from him
sometimes doing more than necessary just to see him nod and say some kind words to you, making you instantly light up
one night when he took you training, you managed to shoot all three aims perfectly, causing him to mutter just four words "well done, i'm proud"
and you started crying
kratos confused, turned around quickly to see you with tears falling down your eyes, clinging to his leg (since that's where you can only reach) and thanking him a million times
he just gently patted your back and stood there akwardly, not knowing what to do
not moving for a few minutes, you managed to let out a quick sorry and started explaining that's the first time you felt so appreciated
telling him about your father, who never gave you really affection or attention, no matter how hard you tried
you also explained, how he was the one that left you in the woods, for apparently missbehaving by losing his knife
kratos listened to you let it all out, and slowly hugged you, noting to himself to give you more attention and praise
he wanted to give you everything your father couldn't, even though he can't be really considered a perfect one
kratos proved his caring for you using actions, however mimir was the one with words
whenever you had a problem that man did anything to solve it, and honestly you really were thankful for having such amazing two fathers
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fearandhatred · 2 months
what are your favorite good omens fics??
WOO REC TIME thank u for asking!! you may want to ask again after i've finished my resolution of reading all my mutuals' fics though because i've barely had the time to read anything these past few months... so i don't have much bookmarked lol but here are a few anyway! (from earliest read to most recent)
mourning doves by sleepyimpulse (Words: 22,686 Chapters: 7/7)
“I’m sorry,” he registered himself saying between heaving sobs. “I’m so sorry, Crowley, I’m so sorry. Forgive me, please, please forgive me.” He hadn’t meant to say it like that, he knew the words were all wrong (he would never find the right ones). But the pain was coming at him in every direction and something, something had to give, and so he clung to Crowley like a life preserver. Crowley bent his body over Aziraphale’s and slowly, surely, pressed a kiss to his bloodied forehead. “I can’t,” he whispered, and Aziraphale went unconscious. (Aziraphale falls, post season 2)
this was one of the very first good omens fics i read and one thing about me is i LOVE this type of angst. so so good and such a nice exploration of crowley's struggle with what forgiveness is. gorgeous and so angsty. have i said that already. angst galore
say yes to me (i've got my eye on you) by thehappyyears (Words: 11,983 Chapters: 1/1)
It’s a pleasant evening much like many pleasant evenings this month, so Crowley doesn’t expect anything unusual when he makes himself comfortable on his side of the couch and lets Aziraphale select the wine. Which is why he’s resolutely caught off guard when Aziraphale disappears into a backroom, which Crowley always assumed was a wine cellar, and then turns around, darkness behind him and low, warm light gilding his hair and making his eyes bright. He’s breathtaking, he’s so beautiful, his eyes are so dark. “Crowley,” he breathes. Or, Crowley and Aziraphale have sex.
this is THE epitome of service top crowley. all hail service top crowley. also it's just so well-written and seamless. also i don't want this list to be too long so if smut is your thing then i recommend literally anything by focusfixated or zehwulf or Ineffably_Yours
Zmija by Himitsu_no (Words: 3,185 Chapters: 4/4)
He'd sigh in annoyance and hide his face in the angel's chest. "Said if they lived longer they'd have more time to become nasty and corrupted little shits, do all sorts of evil deeds and the likes. They never questioned it and went as far as warn me in advance of all the bigger natural disasters." Aziraphale would laugh and his fingers find their way into the red locks with practiced ease, and he'd bend to kiss the top of his head. "Did they do that, though? The evil deeds." Crowley would smile despite himself, eyes closed and leaning into the caress. "About a dozen, maybe. The rest were just... ordinary humans doing ordinary stuff." There'd be a long pause in which the angel would take it all in, and the demon would replay many of it in his mind with unease. Then Aziraphale would speak again, voice barely a whisper, "How long were you in Mesopotamia after the flood, my love?"
yeah i have this in my bookmarks but i have not touched it ever since i read it the first time because. it hurts me :) idk if it's because of my mommy and daddy issues but the whole crowley being good with kids tropes makes me so sad. and also this fic is just. devastating to me. i really should leave a comment but i don't want to read it again fr
when i knew love’s perfect ache by sugarskulled (Words: 1,834 Chapters: 1/1)
A demon can't touch that which has been made holy by God. Crowley knows this well as anyone. And Aziraphale? Aziraphale is so holy it burns.
this is definitely one of my favourite good omens fics of all time. angst again and so bittersweet i think about it so often
better to read and eat cake in a Soho bookshop than to reign in Hell by Kaesa (Words: 35,717 Chapters: 5/8)
When Aziraphale flees Heaven with the Book of Life, he's planned for it -- he's alerted other angels stationed on Earth to Heaven's plans, and asked them to take steps so that humans won't get caught up in the inevitable battle he faces with the other archangels. But Crowley shows up too, and he doesn't know the plan, and in the chaos Aziraphale leaps in front of a terrible blow meant for Crowley. And so, still very angry with him, Crowley must get him back to the bookshop (which is full of annoying angels) and help him heal, and try to figure out how to move past their previous fight, because, sure, he's mad at Aziraphale, but he doesn't want him to die. But soon enough it becomes clear that Aziraphale isn't necessarily dying. He is changing, and no one quite knows what to expect, because this situation has only happened once before, when Supreme Archangel Lucifer Fell and became Satan.
this fic has everything tbh and it's one i keep coming back to. the smut is great AND well-written and besides that the plot itself is so good??? the writing overall is just gorgeous tbh. slight body horror too :) the moment this updates i will be all over it like a rabid dog
Dear Angel by crowleys_bentley_and_plants (Words: 3,379 Chapters: 13/?)
A collection of emails addressed to a certain Aziraphale, found on the computer of a lonely demon.
poetic and hard-hitting and interconnected and also tells a story. through emails!! also the last lines of every chapter always knock me out lmaoo
to hold you like a bouquet by gravitron (Words: 10,676 Chapters: 1/1)
Crowley and Aziraphale, as told by history’s flowers.
can y'all read this fic oh my god i'm gonna fight everyone. so so beautifully written and well-structured. you know what i'm just gonna copy and paste part of my comment on here because yeah: i love your writing it's just. The Way Yo uWrite. The Words. your way with words. etc. and some of your sentences have a directness to them that's so effective. and the way you incorporated the flowers into every part of the story is like... so tastefully done I'm obsessed
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sublimecatgalaxy · 1 year
♥️ Criminal Minds Masterlist ♥️
Criminal Minds Masterlist: Below you will find a plethora of works dedicated to the one and only Criminal Minds. Please take a look at my Character List and Prompt List in my pinned Masterpost regarding who I write and some ideas of what to request.
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Derek Morgan:
On Purpose:
Summary/Request: "heyyy bestie,,,trope 1 with Derek Morgan?"
Luke Alvez:
Too Much:
Summary/Request: "hi! could i get unresolved sexual tension with luke alvez? please and thank you!! :)"
By Myself:
Summary/Request: "could i pretty pls get some angst because of an argument having to do w him working too much"
Summary/Request: "would u mind doing some luke alvez, rivals to lovers (cant get that trope out of my head), or the whole one bed thing."
Summary/Request: "How about prompt 16 “I won’t bite. Unless you’re into that sort of thing,” + Mutual pining?"
Luke Alvez Fluff Alphabet
Spencer Reid:
Nose In The Books: Part 2
Summary/Request: "spicy enemies-to-lovers type of flirting between Spencer and Reader but in a Christmas setting??"
Not Stalking:
Summary/Request: "Let’s get some Spencer Reid 😩😩 maybe like flirtatious bickering? Like reader’s doing something and Spencer’s like “you’re doing it wrong” and readers like “no” and he’s like “yeah” and they’re like “then show me how to do it right” : D love you!! AND THE NEW THEME OMG"
Just Ask:
Summary/Request: "pleaseee more spencer blurbs i loved the christmas one and id genuinely would love just any type of settling just make it very fluffy, i loveee how u write spencer so thank you"
Winging It:
Summary/Request: "You're being mean." and “Did I stutter?”
Be In Your Arms:
Summary/Request: "I also adore your prompt list so I'm here to request maybe prompts 18 and 21? Some soft!spencer with a lot of fluff. Poor guy just needs some affection lol."
Summary/Request: "Today I’m thinking maybe a lil Spencer x reader, annoyance to lovers (to smut el oh el)!! Tension building with a case or maybe after a case, reader and Spence were butting heads the whole time and something just SNAPS!"
Aaron Hotchner:
My Agent:
Summary/Request: "6,7,8 with Hotch 😌 any genre!"
Kiss Up:
Summary/Request: "Maybe 12 and 17 with Aaron Hotchner? Happy end though, please 🥺 We can't hurt this man more than necessary.."
Summary/Request: "okay, bestie ily! I am back like a thirsty whore! but this time my daddy issues have brought forth the desire for Aaron hotchner :,) lmfao! I'd like some hurt comfort relating to my current neck issues (you know the drill)."
Take Out:
Summary/Request: "Can you write prompts 13 and 21 with Aaron Hotchner please?"
Pay Raise:
Summary/Request: "I wanted to challenge you to write a Hotch x nanny!reader!! Like he hires her to be on call to take care of Jack while he's away and he comes home late after a case and he's just beat the fuck up and tired and Jack's asleep???"
At Your Doorstep:
Summary/Request: "Please do quotes 13 and 25, maybe a bit steamy?"
Legs Wouldn't Let Me Go:
Summary/Request: "Hotch for 13 + 24. 🥰 congrats my love!"
Think Twice:
Summary/Request: "Can I request something angsty with the prompts 11 and 15 for Aaron Hotchner?"
Bloody Shirt:
Summary/Request: "can I pretty please request 2 and 8 for my og love Agent Hotchner?"
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taeyongsfemdom · 9 months
| Made For Me |
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•sub!taeyong & the return of the futa!reader
•After giving him that special session that one night, the love of your life decides to return the favor when he finds out about one of your secret kinks that you've been hiding from him.
●WARNING: this the return of the futanari reader and taeyong having female parts (not your speed, then don't read)
•Contains: filthy rough kitchen sex, fingering (male receiving) degradation, sloppy kissing, lingerie & skirt wearing, slight cumflation, reader has daddy kink, spit kink, choking (just hella nasty shit) light fluff at the end.
•So this fic is basically an unplanned sequel to "A Cheer Up Session" and I know you guys loved that one, so that's why I brought back the futa reader. Also just wanted to say that Taeyong is very feminized in this (wearing a maid outfit, panties, high heels etc.) You know the vibes! I was thinking of what my next story should be and this came in my horny ass mind pretty quick also this was a bitch to post due to technical issues lol
• hope you all enjoy, loves 💋
It was a surprisingly chill day at your office, it was a beautiful afternoon and you were gonna be closing things up pretty soon. You had a few meetings today, but oddly, your phone was going off quite frequently during your meetings but you already knew it was Taeyong texting you, it's not very often where he spams you unless he's feeling needy.
"Alrighty boss, I got everything done on the list you gave me" Mark said with a nice smile on his face "Thank you so much for all the hard work you do Mark, you and the team! I just wish those meetings weren't so damn long" while speaking to him, you finally open up your messages from Taeyong and your eyes pop open immediately, they are blessed with multiple images of your angel wearing a tight maid outfit with no panties on and his tongue out like those slutty anime girls in those unhinged hentai videos with the message "ruin me..." right under. You threw your phone down on the desk as your cock thickened up in your skirt, a boner becoming visible and your breath getting caught in your throat "Hey boss, you feeling okay? You look a little flushed"
"H...hm? Oh don't worry about me! It's just u..um a little hot in here! Hey I think I'm gonna go ahead and head out for the evening! You all be safe going home okay?"
Mark smiled at you again and nodded as he walked toward the door "Yeah of course! Get home safe and stay hydrated! It's been hot this summer! You have a good weekend okay?" You waved at him while he left as you released a held breath, your eyes looking down at the massive bulge in your skirt while eyeing your phone "Goddamn it...why would he send that to me?" You & Taeyong talked about everything together, you knew everything about each other except there was one thing that you didn't want him to find out. A while back, you left your laptop unlocked in your home office accidentally while you stepped out, with a curious Taeyong coming across it while looking for you to let you know that dinner was ready for the night, his mind filling with a devious ideas to please you, ever since you fucked him very rough that one time to cheer him up, he wanted to give you a thank you.
You were turned on yet pissed off "Fucking Taeyong....why did he send me that?" I can't walk out the building with a fucking hard on!" You grab your phone and look at the pic of him with his mouth open, your mind running wild "fuck he is so hot" your nails clicking against the screen responding to his text saying "What the fuck is wrong with you? I'm on my way home..."
It didn't take you long to come home from work, you had scurry away from the office with your purse covering your boner, you pulled into the driveway of your mansion and parked your brand new black SUV and stormed into the house quite quickly, you walk in and scan the house as you shut the door.
"TAEYONG!?" You yelled as you headed to the kitchen as your heels clicked against the marble floor, you stop in your tracks as you see the petite boy wearing a tight maid skirt with stockings & a lace black bra with a pair of black high heels that you realize are the ones he asked you to buy for him, you didn't question him on why but you didn't care because you spoil him, his dirty blonde hair with his dark roots showing hanging in his face and he looked delicious in his little outfit.
"Been waiting for you to get home from work, so you can see your dirty little maid"
His skinny leg lifting to reveal his sweet wet pussy that was dripping fresh juice that slid down his leg from how horny he was just waiting for you to come home and have your way with him.
"You like what you see, mistress?" His slender fingers playing with his sensitive cunt while his other hand rubbed one of his nipples under the bra causing him to moan. Your boner stiffened up under your dress skirt even more as he looked at you while biting his lip, you walked over while licking your lips like you were hungry, your body was pressed against his, your hands gripping his chest and squeezing his nipples as he held the counter, hot breath was between the both of you before crashing your lips against his plump ones which led to a heated make-out session, sloppy sounds of kissing filled the kitchen as you kept groping his chest, Taeyong tongued you nastily as kept groping him. You pulled away as a string of spit hanging off both of your lips which were very swollen, your free hand slid off the bra and down to his cunt, sliding two fingers deep inside him.
"Look at you, getting fingered in my fucking kitchen when you're supposed to be cooking and cleaning! You've been horny ever since you sent those dirty pictures to me, haven't you?"
Your fingers started working his pussy HARD he looked at you with his bottom lip in his mouth as you fingered him roughly.
"You thought it would be a good idea to send those fucking pics to me while at work? Let's not pretend that I didn't see that text under them...I WILL ruin you until you can't stand up straight, you fucking drooling whore" his head fell back on the counter as pussy juice dripped on the floor while moaning loudly "OH FUCK CAN I CUM? PLEASE FUCK!" one of his legs squirmed with the sound his high heel clicking against the floor "Fucking hold it in, you don't deserve to cum yet" your fingers slowly pull out of him and got shoved right back in before you rubbed his clit lightly.
"P..please please! Please let me cum" you gave him a stern look as your fingers moved away from his pussy "I said HOLD IT...I'm not fucking playing with you right now, slut"
You take your pussy juice covered hand and rub it all over his pretty face, a smile appeared after he licked your hand a little bit, that smile getting wiped away as you slapped him across the face hard.
"Dirty fucking whore, the fuck are you smiling about? Enjoying yourself too much?" You gave his nipples one good tug "Sometimes I dream about you having tits, I would suck on them all day just to have a taste of milk" you turn him around roughly, bending him over the counter and lifts the tight skirt up, his tight pussy in full view, your hands pull your skirt up as your cock bounced free, throbbing hard with potent pre-cum dribbling out of your thick tip.
"Fuck...you're lucky that you have a pretty face because you have no ass, but that doesn't matter because all I care about is this beautiful pussy"
You rubbed your thick cock against his small ass and tip poked his hole. Before he could say anything, his mouth fell open as he got filled up by your cock "Oh fuck!!!! Mistress! I always forget how big that cock is" A soft yet hot moan left your lips as you started thrusting slowly while taking your large full breasts out of your tight work blouse, Taeyong looked back at you while you fucked him, he looked like the sluttiest pornstar to ever exist "Mmmmmmmm fuck me!!!! Fuck me like the dirty whore that I am!" Your thrusts got rough real quick after his request "So *ah* I have a question for you, how the fuck did you find out that I would enjoy seeing you dressed like this?" The small boy was too fucked out to respond to you "Uh hello? I'm speaking to you, slut!" You said as you pulled his hair roughly.
“A..AHHH! I SAW THAT YOU WERE LOOKING AT BOYS IN MAID OUTFITS ON YOUR LAPTOP WHEN STEPPED OUT OF YOUR OFFICE WHEN I WAS LOOKING FOR YOU!” You blushed with embarrassment yet happiness when he found out your secret kink for boys in skirts, you pulled him up off the counter and turned him to face you, both of you touching nose to nose while dripping in sweat. You lifted his pale leg over your shoulder and poked his cunt with your tip “Look at what you did to me, made my cock hard and along with filling my balls up” you shoved yourself back into his tight pussy and continued fucking him.
“Open that mouth….WIDE, and keep it fucking open” you grabbed him by his hair and Taeyong truly looked beautiful, his lips were all swollen from all the kissing, his mouth opened with his tongue hanging out, your hand gripping his throat hard, the tip of your acrylics lightly touching the sides of his neck, a large wad of spit landing on his tongue "Filthy fucking whore...." your cock was basically in his womb at this point.
“You feel that slut? You feel me deep inside you? Tearing up your fucking insides?”
You force him to look down at his belly where your cock was bulging inside him, your hand letting up off his throat so he can breathe, he let out a large exhale with a ragged cough following after “Now…call me daddy” you gave him an evil smile as you choked him roughly again, cutting off his airways yet again.
“D..daddy! DADDY!! Please don’t stop fucking my tight pussy! Please please fuck your dirty little maid! I’m your dirty slutty little maid who’s just a fuck doll! Oh fuck fuck fuck! I n..need to c..cum, i need to cum s..so bad" Taeyong was completly out of breath since he was about to explode "One more thing I want you to do, tell daddy how much you love this cock while you cum...c'mon babygirl, cum for me while saying how cock addicted you are" your hand lightly grabbing his cute cheeks.
"I FUCKING LOVE DADDY'S COCK! I'M YOUR COCK SLUT, COCK SLUT, COCK SL-" his voice cutting off as he came insanely hard from a denied orgasm, your hand going for his neck since you love seeing him struggle to breathe, Taeyong had tears sliding down his face as he clenched around your cock “Ohh fuck, i’m cumming!” You released your hand off his throat for the last time and as he took a gasp for air "Daddy please kiss your filthy little maid! Please kiss me!!!” your tongues crashed together with your kisses being deep and passionate. Your balls sloshed and churned as you unloaded inside him during the kiss, his flat belly swelled with fresh steaming hot cum, Taeyong barely lifting his head up to see how primal you looked while cumming. The both of you were out of breath as you pulled your now limp cock, cum dripping out of his ruined pussy onto the floor.
"Oooh daddy I feel so full!" his finger grazing across his swollen belly as you walked to the fridge to get bottles of water for the both of you. You patted your face with a napkin as you brought him a bottle of water "You know this is your fault right? You should've never sent those pictures to me" runny makeup stained the napkin as you looked at it
"I know but I wanted it to happen, I wanted to give you a thank you for uhhh...cheering me up that one night after I was really sad, I hope you liked it" You gave him a sweet smile as you pulled him into your arms. Taeyong was literally your entire world, him wanting you to give a thank you gift was just so adorable to you.
"I absolutely loved your gift, baby boy, honestly seeing you in a skirt, tights and heels really had me going, especially when you called me daddy" Your finger lifted his chin, his cheeks getting bright red as you took him upstairs for a shower "I...i really liked it how you made me call you daddy, it was really hot and it makes me feel owned by an amazing woman like you, y/n" You giggled as you put your long hair up in a thick bun.
"What can I say? You were just made for me"
I already know you kinky freaks are gonna eat this up like a buffet, also shoutout to the futa enthusiasts out here! This one is for you! hope you guys love this 🥺 also I'm not too far away way from 300 followers which is so exciting!
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acewitch-writes · 5 months
Hello! I recently found your account, and I went on scrolling down and down...and now I hope you know how grateful I am. Thank u- Merci. About 90% of the content you share here has made me feel so much better. I realllyy hope wonderful things happen for you. I've been a fan of hp since 2001, but I'm not really a social media person so I haven't been active in the fandom. I had no idea what was happening here until recently..two months ago to be exact (other details are not important) and omg.. I ended up in a discussion with some I think, new fans. tbh I thought, "Great! I'm good at this, I read all the books more than once Let's talk :)"  and omg their very first question was "What do you think about Regulus?"
I was like, "Who?" *dying from secondhand embarrassment bc It turns out I'm not that good at this
but as the discussion continued, I became more and more baffled bc "Why was everyone talking about Barty, Evan, and Regulus? who is daddy Remu? and what do you mean people ship James Potter with R.A.B.? What?"
I swear for a moment I thought "Did the writer publish a new book? Did I miss something? " tbh, I respect everyone's opinion it's none of my business but I'm still shocked. The only thing that bothers me is everything that happened with this new Wolfsar
omg, for most fans around my age (or at least people I know), Sirius was the complete portrayal of a bad boy- a rebel, with boots, tattoos, a leather jacket, and a fucking motorcycle. so this new Sirius is like a stranger to me, and that's okay. Mein issue is kinda with this new Remus T T my beloved .
They (the fans I was talking with) told me Remus is "tall, so handsome, SO strong, and hot-headed person because,  yk he's a werewolf." I was like "hot headed? excuse me?" I tried to explain to them that Remus being a werewolf is a metaphor for illnesses like HIV, it's not some superpowery gift.  they didn't believe me, but then they literally looked me in the face and said, "Then why would Sirius like someone like him? He's poor, short, and ugly." I swear I wanted to cry right then and there.
What is this mindset that makes some people think that a person should be, Idk, hot and flawless to deserve to be loved? Yes I don't think Remus is tall and super hot and perfect and isn't it fine? and I am 100% sure he's so beautiful. not like Sirius ofc but he has this "warm, cozy, and soft" sort of beauty. and I don't think he was a coward (ok maybe he was a liitle) but I guess it's easier for us, humans, to take the worst or weakest moment of a character and amplify it until it defines them entirely. and omg I'm so sorry for my rant and my bad english. but once again thank you for your beautiful soul <3 thank you
Hi anon! I, too, am baffled by the recent obsession with Regulus in this fandom. I think Jegulus is fine as a crack ship, but it has become so mainstream that many fans have just gone ahead and canonized it to the point that you'll be vilified for not accepting it as canon. I underestimated how popular the "best friend's brother" trope was, apparently. I also think it appeals to many fans as a Marauders Era version of one of the most popular ships of all time, Drarry.
This new version of Wolfstar is my biggest complaint with today's fandom, too! I get that the Marauders have very limited canon information and therefore we have more creative freedom to flesh them out, but I really believe that it has gone way too far. Sirius and Remus in today's fandom don't bear any resemblance to the characters they're based on. Remus is just a generic alpha werewolf OC and Sirius is his generic himbo femboy love interest OC. They don't even share a physical description with their Canon counterparts, and their personalities and character traits are so far removed that I can't even fathom how we reached this point as a fandom. How can you claim to like these characters if you have to change everything the source material says about them?
You're English is great, by the way! I completely agree that Remus has a cozy-and-warm sort of beauty. He made a point to distance himself from the stigma surrounding Lycanthropy because it was the focal point of his shame and self-loathing. And I just adore Wolfstar's dynamic from this lens, with the intimidatingly beautiful, confident, headstrong Sirius Black, who could have his pick of anyone he wants, choosing this ordinary guy because he's cozy and soft and it's exactly what Sirius wants after surviving the harsh ideals and abuse of House Black.
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herofics · 8 months
Heyy! I loveee ur LOV x reader comfort! So I was wondering if u could do fem! Teen! Reader that has parent issues (like both mommy and daddy issues) and sees Dabi as a father figure! Tyy
A/N: Thank youuu! I feel like considering Dabi's age, he's more of a older brother figure, plus his attitude towards his own father adds to his whole hatred towards the subject. Kinda rambly and probably kinda off topic
•As we’re all well aware, Dabi hates his father and he honestly also hates the idea of being a father
•He doesn’t hate kids, he just doesn’t want any of his own
•Granted, he’s also the type of person who would steal lollipops from children for fun, but oh well
•So you got sort of taken in by the League, after you got kicked out by your parents, for the nth time
•You gravitated to Dabi, not in a romantic way, but you just found him to be familiar in some weird way
•Probably in a very unhealthy way but still
•Unfortunately, people often seek out what they’re used to, even if it’s not good for them
•In time Dabi grows protective of the younger folks in the League, like you and Toga
•He doesn’t really consider you as younger siblings to him, since he considers siblings to be very different from what you and Toga are to him
•He actually quite likes you, and unlike his actual siblings, he doesn’t resent you
•Anyway, it’s not like Dabi’s there to listen to all your woes and problems, but he’s there when it matters, like those life or death situations you both tend to get into
•Like when you get into trouble and he’s there to burn the people who are after you
•He’s more worried about your physical wellbeing, because he doesn’t really have the tools to help with your mental wellbeing
•Like sure you can talk to him, but prepare to get very straight answers with no sugarcoating whatsoever
•When you told Dabi you seem him as a father figure, his reaction was pretty much like “Well you’re an idiot”
•He doesn’t want you to think of him like that, because his image of a father is an abusive, piece of shit, violent man, who never once put him first
•To be fair, he considers himself to be almost all of those things, and he usually wouldn’t care how other people perceive him, but it does kinda sting to have you say that, very momentarily but still
•He’s still very much a bully, but in a more playful way with you, and you shouldn’t take anything mean he says seriously
•If you really beg him, like until he’s so annoyed he’s on the verge threatening your life, he might even give in and braid your hair
•It’s either that or threatening you to leave him alone, but let’s hope for a positive outcome
•Dabi isn’t exactly the sweet and caring big brother type, he’s more of an “I’d kill someone for you, but I can’t stand to be in the same room with you for more than 5 minutes” type 
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ovaryacted · 7 months
do u think fuckboy!leon meets sherry? i think itd be quite sweet
Hi anon! Thank you for the message, this one really got me thinking. I actually have a very particular headcanon specifically about Leon and Sherry’s dynamic in the universe I’ve conjured up ahaha. Prepare for your mind to be blown cause I’m about to breakdown familial trauma lmao. Cracks knuckles and neck.
Also, I don’t own fuckboy! Leon or the trope, but I’d like to think this is my own personal hc for this dynamic is all. :)
In my mind, at least in this au, Leon was placed into the foster care system early on as a young child when his parents pass away. They died in a hit and run as misdirected targets, or a bad accident. So with no other family members he knows of (that also didn’t want him), he finds himself jumping from household to household and develops trauma along the way. He’s a relatively quiet kid at first, nervous and anxious, but he grows to be rebellious when he gets a little older, thinking he won’t get adopted.
That is until around the time he’s 9, a rich white family takes one good look at him and says “yup, I want him”, and they adopt him. He’s now in a family with status and money, he doesn’t have to worry about any material things because they can provide him everything he would need and want. All things good right? Wrong!
Sure, his new parents give him everything he needs, but they’re emotionally detached especially his new father. He tried to interact with them, but it just doesn’t work, and his adoptive mom is sweet but not in the way Leon wants. He finds himself comparing his new mom to his birth mom frequently, so now he has both daddy issues and mommy issues. This leads Leon to become a bratty pre-teen (this is when he starts developing all of these traits that actually make him a dick head into adulthood). His actions got so bad around freshman year of highschool that his father threatened to send him out to military school if he didn’t get his act right, and since Leon didn’t want to do that, he calmed down and kept all the things he did hidden away from his parents.
Leon is a snobby prick, he develops a sense of entitlement because of his parents and believes he is owed things. But because of the new familial trauma he has developed over the years, he also grows emotionally detached, doesn’t really think he’ll find that sense of belonging in a family dynamic again.
That is, until his parents end up adopting Sherry when she’s around 5 (Leon would be 14/15 then), because she fits the aesthetic the family wanted to achieve. At first Leon was pissed, didn’t like the idea of having a sibling mostly because he didn’t want to deal with them. But over time, he found himself growing fond of Sherry and rather protective because that was in his nature.
Sherry also has a weakened immune system, so she gets sick often. Her parents gave her more attention than they gave Leon (because yeah), but Leon was the one that actually ends up taking care of her whenever she gets sick. And of course, since their parents have money, they have the ability to take care of her without worrying about expenses.
So, now to the present, both Leon and Sherry are considered foster siblings and have been for years. Leon is stubborn, a traumatizing little shit and is emotionally detached to the point where he doesn’t think he’d be able to handle any intimate relationships. But there are only two people in his life he has cared for enough to break those walls, his birth mother and Sherry. As much as Leon doesn’t want to admit it, he loves Sherry, and she loves him and looks up to him sometimes. Sherry also doesn’t know that Leon went out of his way to get legal guardianship of Sherry when he turned 18 in case something did happen to his parents, they wouldn’t be separated again. (Fear of abandonment fr)
So to answer your question, yes I do believe fuckboy! Leon knows Sherry and they’re somehow in this family dynamic together where he looks after her and she’s the only one that can bring out the softie he is that’s buried under all of that trauma.
I’m totally not thinking about this more than I should btw. It’s not fleshed out entirely, but just my mind being silly.
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Omg I’m so happy you replied!! I definitely have more questions.
1. What Cillian character do you like writing about the most and why?
2. What story from your master list are you most proud of?
3. Do you personally have any fic recommendations/ must reads? Other sites included.
4. What gets you inspired to write? Following that question have you ever abandoned a fic?
5. What do you think made you a better writer? If you have any doubts about your work, how do you get past it enough to continue?
6. Is there a Cillian character that you just don’t like, or aren’t interested in watching/ writing about? (Sorry if that’s a loaded question)
omg thank u so much for this!!! i srsly love interacting w u guys, tysm for the thought provoking questions😄🙌
i think i like writing most about robert fischer:) ik it probably doesnt translate considering ive written most for jonathan crane but robert fischer is just such a little sweetheart to me,,, and can go both ways in being a sassy dom douchebag or being a sobbing daddy issues sub darling LOLLL i just think he has a lot of duality to delve into and develop (which ive definitely not done so far☠️) and it helps that his characterization in inception was also very surface level— i have a lot of wiggle room y’know??
i think im most proud of “dine & dash” which im aware probably no-one has read, but getting chris o’doyle’s sassy little dialogue down was like taming a wild beast,,, otherwise, considering my more well-known work, i rly liked writing “honey, i’m home”. i go crazy for the unhinged readers (if u couldnt alrdy tell lmaooo) and seeing jackson get messed with like that was a real treat.
i seriously just recommend anything by @mypoisonedvine,,, they’re literally genius & are the reason i started writing for cillian:)!! other mentions include kitten fics by @pictureinme and, a personal fave, @floralcyanidee’s jackson rippner mile-high club fic!!! these writers are all incredibly talented and im just blown away at their work every single time🫶
my thirst is such a big motivator for writing LMAO😭i wrote “guinea pig” ‘cus i wanted to absolute wreckkk jonathan crane and have him be a sub, and i got a 6.8k words long fic out of said thirst! music & book quotes motivate me a lot too— i spend sm time digging thru my pinterest for a good quote for the beginning of my fic its actually insane☠️and yes,,, im ashamed to say ive abandoned fics numerous times,,, but thats because they were series’, not oneshots. i get bored of series’ pretty quickly, ‘cause i feel kind of trapped by the initial dynamic or mood set in the first chapter. with oneshots, its like writing one long chapter of this trope and this kink or whatever and then its done, and i dont have to exhaust myself going back to tropes or kinks or storylines ive already done.
i think reading made me a better writer. expanding my vocabulary through the words of others was a biggie; seeing something be described in a certain way in someones story had me thinking of out-of-the-box ways to describe another thing (that doesn’t make much sense but lets pretend it does😭). i have many, many doubts about my work, like constantly, but i usually just suck it up. i sound like an attention whore but seeing the reposts & comments & tags on my other work reminds me people like what i’ve written before and certain people will enjoy what ive written now, so i should just finish my work for them. i also take like 100 years rereading my stuff until i think its good enough lmao,,,
ive kinda watched his whole roster of films (atleast ones i could actually find on the internet and not gone missing as a lost piece of media lmao) and i could probably write for any cillian character given i had a good idea and proper motivation. writing for certain characters is definitely harder for me to do though, so its likely i wont write for them/will take a long time to do so. an example is lenny miller— anna was such an insufferable movie to me, and lenny’s screentime wasn’t long at all, atleast not long enough for me to properly grasp his character. he just felt like a horny hardass fbi goof the whole time i could not take his 5’7 ass seriously😭cillian is smexy as hell in anna tho, so we’ll see😈another would probably be robert capa from sunshine,,, hes beautiful and deliciously musty in that but the whole spaceship setting kinda freaks me out (considering i know 0 zilch nada about space, spaceships, or anything of the sort, so it’d definitely be inaccurate). an au with him id definitely do, though! (with that hair of his my mind is already forming a 90s band au, guitarist!capa x singer!reader story…)
again thank u so much for these questions!! i feel like i rarely get to chat to u guys so this was well appreciated😄🫶thank you so much for reading, for sending these questions in, and for being an overall sweetheart, anon!
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elvisabutler · 1 year
smut prompt 6 w big daddy pleaseee 🥹🥹 I LOVE YOU AND CONGRATS U DESERVE IT!!!!!!
birds sing for you and me
fandom: elvis presley | elvis ( 2022 ) rating: m pairing: elvis presley x gender neutral reader, i think. wordcount: 610 warnings: no use of y/n. mentions of fights. mentions of elvis's insomnia/sleep issues. brief madonna complex undertone thing it's a very much blink and miss. me deciding to write in a way i very rarely break out, it's not everyone's cup of tea. it leans more poetic than anything else. smut isn't super graphic. author’s note: elise was having soft elvis hours and this happened because i opened this up like a idiot at the same time. this is for my 1k gala that's still going on. i don't know how to explain this y'all, even down to the image, but i hope you like it. austin elvis or actual elvis works for this. also thank you elise baby, but i already said that in private but it bears repeating! and if y'all saw a different word count originally no you didn't.
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Sometimes- sometimes Elvis sleeps. Graceland is usually where Elvis can sleep the best, wrapped up in the one place that's always been home from the moment he bought it. It's the one place that's uniquely his. His place to settle his body and hsi mind and- recenter himself properly. On those days he wakes up to the sounds of birds singing and your breathing.
Sometimes- sometimes Elvis doesn't sleep. Graceland can center him but Graceland is also where he can bring his friends together. Where he can bring everyone he cares about under one roof and for the most part everyone knows to get along. Knows that if anyone's starting a fight it's you or him. Possibly with each other but more than likely with someone else because something was said about how you stay in his lap, curled up in some combination of an animal, a lover and a child all at once. It's fights started because someone wants to make fun of how you and him baby talk with each other as if they haven't been used to it when he was with Linda or when he was married to Priscilla. Elvis doesn't usually stand for the comments though, it's his house, his domain and while some of his friends might not still work for him- they're- he reminds them where his loyalty lies, where he hopes theirs does as well. On those days he goes to sleep to the sounds of birds singing and your breathing.
Sometimes- sometimes it's both. Sometimes he sleeps so well in the beginning hours of the night or the ending hours of the night but wakes up and finds himself wishing you'd make more noises than just breathing. You're intune with him in a way Linda wasn't and in a way Priscilla wasn't so he usually wakes up to your eyes blinking at him with a sleepy sort of grin on your face.
These nights you roll on top of him or he rolls on top of you with a hum because you both may be awake but words escape you in the moment, words require too much brain power in the beginning. The hums turn into sighs and gasps and growls as his hands move across your skin, across your back and hips and ass. As your hands move across his stomach, across his shoulder blades and under his paunch to feel his hardened cock straining in what you and him affectionately call his lil scarf. You pull it back and maneuver yourself so that you can slip him in. His thrusts aren't forceful when you two are like this, not like they are when you're both properly awake. They're slow and gentle and yet you whimper just the same.
"Music t' my ears." He murmurs, his lips against your skin. "Love that sound ya make. Do it again, Buntyn. Tell me how much ya love-"
You always cut him off with a kiss and a soft smile before you make the noise again, this time more exaggerated as you both laugh a little. When you come it's slowly, a fire that's been stoked to the roaring intensity before it burns itself out. It's the same with Elvis, sometimes before you sometimes after you but he makes sure you do no matter what. You deserve that for that sound and for your love.
On these nights- on these nights he thinks the birds only sing for you and him on the nights and mornings there's silence in your shared bedroom. On these nights, he'll take the sounds of you and him together over any bird or any song he can sing.
taglist: @thatbanditqueen only because i promised i would tag her so she didn't miss things. normally i don't tag my gala stuff. hi y'all.
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911 Spoilers Season 3: You’ve been warned. 😅
Episode 1
I took these notes back in the middle of January and forgot how much more detailed these notes were compared to Season 2. The first episode of this season was 5 1/2 pages long in my journal alone. There was an obvious attempt at making the notes more cohesive and legible but that quickly went down the drain. I'll show you the first page of course. Kindly ignore any obvious spelling and grammar issues you may see. The notes will still be transcribed below.
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I also think I took so many notes because I knew what was coming in the first three episodes. I think I'm going to make this post about Episode 1 a stand alone post and post Episode 2 and 3 together because It'll definitely be too long of a post with all three together.
Episode 1: Kids Today
1.) Highspeed Chase
The 118 minus Buck are preparing to stop the car. Eddie is Sitting across from Hen and Chim alone.
Eddie grabs the axe and is working with Bobby to get the kid out of the car.
Eddie is the one to figure at why the car would not brake. He hands the father a "souvenir".
Eddie is lowkey snarky and sassy in the most adorable way possible.
2.) Buck is in a burning building trying to save an unconscious woman, but in reality was actually completing a firefighter test and saving a mannquin.
Preformed so well that he established a new record.
The instructor states " Most guys take the Stairs" in reference to Buck jumping thru a vent in the floor (More evidence of Buck's Suicidal tendencies)
Welcomed back as a Firefighter.
3.) Surprise Party at Athena and Bobby's Place
Eddie walking around with a tray preparing the party.
Buck and Maddie walking in with Athena. Buck being surprised by everyone. (Genuinely unsure if he was actually surprised or because the reaction was too grand. I like to think he was expecting the surprise.)
Eddie having one one of the more grand surprise screams and big hand gestures in the group.
Chimney looking over at Eddie and then Buck while yelling surprise (This took a lot of pausing and rewinding to catch this very subtle moment).
Buck and Eddie hug. A nice big hug. Eddie holding Buck's waist. (We all know this infamous hug) Everyone just watching them hug for a moment.
Buck and Eddie talking outside when Christopher walks towards Buck. Buck crouches down to Chris' level, while Eddie watches. Chris hands Buck a hand drawn card that states he's an awesome firefighter.
Montage of Buck thanking guests and cake
Buck talking to Hen and Karen about their fertility treatment. Karen correcting Buck about calling the sperm donor a baby daddy. (Only pointing this out because of the cursed story line we get in season 6. My least favorite storyline for Buck, but I'll talk about that when I share my notes for season 6.)
Buck watching Maddie and Chimney be all lovey dovey and jokingly suggesting marriage.
Bobby approaching Buck about officially being back when he begins to rub his chest and thank Bobby for being there. (Really establishing a father son moment).
Buck starting to aggressively cough and the cough becoming more and more violent. The camera cutting to Eddie, where he instantly disengages from his conversation and has a worried look. Everyone around becomes worried. Buck coughs up blood and collapses.
3.) Buck is in the hospital diagnosed with blood clots. He reveals that he ignored signs of discomfort because he pulled a muscle while training. He doesn't think it is a big deal, while Maddie is pissed.
"You could have died!" "But I didn't"
Buck not remembering what happened when he passed out.
Buck overly concerned about the mess he made at Athena's (We learn this from a text sent to Bobby)
Bobby becomes hyper aware and concerned over Buck pushing himself too hard.
4.) Nursing Home
Eddie crossed arms and silently judging the man with a rash.
Eddie is gesturing to Chim to look at the man's junk. He's so casually funny it is all in his mannerisms.
The way the editors stitched up this scene is so funny. One second Eddie is stern with his arms crossed silently judging, goes to being visibly shocked, back to stern, than utterly disgusted, and back to stern.
Eddie educates everyone about the increase risk of STI's in the elderly while guiding patient into the hall with Chimney. Still has judgy eyes.
Eddie being amused in the background by all possible people affected by the STI.
I use to volunteer at a nursing home when I was in highschool and old people are freaks. Met a man with two girlfriends at the facility. He was definitely bragging when telling me the story about how more relaxed old people get with sexual health. I am now realizing that this was a weird story and I'm obviously over sharing.
5.) Buck calling Bobby letting him know he's being discharged by the hospital.
Buck wanting to go back to work right away. Bobby telling him that he can't go back to work yet. He's no longer clear to return.
Buck becoming more and more upset with the conversation and voicing that his identity is being a firefighter and basically admitting that he believes his life is worthless if he's not a firefighter.
Bobby talking to the entire 118 about how upset Buck is. There is a mix of Buck needs more time to process and he needs to process faster cause he is stuck.
Eddie shares how his father would tell him to brush it off and move forward even when the situation was difficult.
Hen points out that Buck's life is the firehouse.
Bobby states " Buck has us, even though he might not believe that right now." while staring at Eddie, Eddie stares back.
6.) Missing Mother Rescue- Eddie discussing the woman who obviously stole a baby and harmed the mother is pretty catty in tone.
7.) Eddie forcibly wakes up Buck and gets him out of bed.
"Your life is not over because your not a firefighter."
Christopher is waiting down stairs in the living room for Buck. Complete surprise to Buck, he's slightly taken off guard by him being there. Eddie walking over to Chris with a slight grin. He knows he was trying to be slick.
"He's hanging out with his Buck today!"
As Eddie leaves, Buck is upset, but seemly appreciates and knows the stunt Eddie just pulled. Not entirely upset because he does enjoy spending time with Chris.
I love this scene so much! First it implies that Eddies has a key to Bucks apartment. Eddie knew that Buck wouldn't refuse to hangout with Christopher. Chris and Buck seemly having their own individual relationship.
Buck takes Chris to the pier. We get a montage of them having fun on rides, eating cotton candy, photos, carnival games.
Buck truly enjoying himself with Chris, but gets FOMO when he sees an emergency at the pier and firefighters are responding.
Chris looking out to the ocean while Buck tightly grips the back of Chris' shirt.
Having a deep conversation about finding a careers he enjoys when he grows up and that he truly enjoys it. Christopher understanding that this conversation is directed toward him but not about him. He reassures Buck by stating, " You're going to be alright kid."
Everyone watches the ocean practically vanish and form in to a huge wave.
Fear/Panic on Buck's Face.
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