#all party members in lisa
basofy · 10 months
what if bo wyatt, garth and buckets polycule
i got some art of them somewhere on my folders wait(readmore cuz it a lot)
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these are so old lol i was planning on drawinf them more, also got some doodles in a sketchbook i but i cant take a pic rn
the way i see them it's like, bo had a friendship with the other 2 and so they met through him and became friends and then gay happened, i like to think about how do they all get along with eachother
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minarisplaything · 5 months
Going Away Present ft. Jennie Kim
pairing: Blackpink Jennie Kim x M!Reader/M!OC rating: Explicit wordcount: 3.8k summary: Being the younger sibling of a member of Blackpink meant you were constantly surrounded by temptation. When the time for you to go away to college is coming up, one member decides to give you a special gift. disclaimer: this is a work of fiction. all characters portrayed are 18+
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 It was just another day when you were walking up the front steps of your parents' house, grocery bags in hand. You couldn't help but wonder why you had been sent to get something so simple. Then again, Jisoo was in town, which meant your parents probably wanted to have some private time to catch up with her. Needless to say, being the member of a popular South Korean girl band and global ambassador for multiple brands required a lot of time away from home.
Pushing the front door open with your foot, you stumbled through the doorway, trying to see past the brown bags in your arms, “A little help—?"
A loud roar interrupted you as you stepped a foot into the house. You don't know what your reaction looked like, but judging from your slack jaw, it had to be some mixture of fear and bewilderment.
"W-What's going on?" you stammered, the bags practically falling out of your hands.
"We planned a surprise going-away party!" your mum explained as she walked towards you.
The smile on her face showed that she was clearly proud to have accomplished her goal. Your shocked expression slowly settled into a small smile and look of appreciation. Leave it to her to go above and beyond with something like this.
“Mum, I don’t leave for university for another month,” you said, handing the bags over to her.
“Yes, well, your sister is only here for two weeks then she has to leave on the international tour. So we decided to do it now. Go on, enjoy yourself, sweetie."
Your smile faltered somewhat. Ah, that explained it better. You would be lying if you said you weren't looking forward to going to university to make a fresh start for yourself out of your sister's shadow. You looked around the room, briefly noting the guests. It was the usual crowd; relatives, some schoolmates, longtime neighbors, and sure enough, your sister, Jisoo, and the other members of Blackpink.
You bit the bottom of your lip as you looked at them. Damn, Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa looked amazing. No, you chastised yourself, Keep it together. Pushing your inappropriate thoughts aside, you turned back to the crowd of gathered people.
"Uh, thanks a lot for coming, guys. I’m sure there's plenty of food and drink, so let's enjoy ourselves."
Luckily, you were spared standing in an awkward silence as someone took the cue to start the music, and the party began. Now you say party, but that was being a bit generous. In reality, you spent most of the afternoon going around to various groups of people, talking and thanking them for coming. The questions were mostly the same: What university will you be going to? What will you be majoring in? How far is it? Have you thought about life after university and so on. It was exhausting, really.
Eventually, you worked your way to the backyard where the members of Blackpink stood gathered. Oddly enough, you had known them almost better than you knew anyone else at the party. In that sense, you couldn't help but be relieved when you finally made it to them.
"He's so grown up!" Chaeyoung squealed as you walked over. "I remember when he was eye level with me."
An embarrassed grin crossed your features as you stopped in front of them. Seeing them so often going through teenage years was never easy and often led to you excusing yourself to your room. At least now you could control yourself...mostly. Chaeyoung, or Rosie, was right though. Where you had once been eye-level and even shorter than her, you now towered over her.
“Ah, I never thought I’d see this day,” Jisoo said dramatically, moving over and wrapping an arm around you. “I was sure he’d drop out of school or something before university.”
The girls laughed as you shrugged her off, “Don't let mom and dad hear you saying that,” you teased looking over at her. "Besides, we all know I'm the brains in the family."
“Does that make me the talented one?”
The others laughed at the display of sibling bantering, and you couldn't help but join in. At moments like this, it was easy to forget just how famous she actually was.
Wearing a slight grin of her own, Jennie Kim moved towards you, wrapping an arm around your neck and standing to the side, “Be nice, Jisoo-unnie, it’s a special day for him,” she said before leaning up to give you a kiss on the cheek. You could immediately feel your face start to redden and hoped the fading sunlight in the yard was enough to mask it. “Plus we have a special way to send you off later.”
You raised your eyebrows curiously. Jennie had always been your favorite among your sister’s friends, something you were sure they secretly knew but didn’t want to embarrass you by pointing out. The idea of a special send-off from her had already sent your mind down an optimistic path. Something Jennie seemed to pick up on as her grin grew.
“Get your mind out of the gutter! It's just a nice club downtown. Especially since you’re old enough to drink now.”
Not exactly the special gift your dirty mind had hoped for but you'd take it. Besides, there were people around the country who would kill to be in your position right now.
“Sounds perfect. This is a nice party and all but there's only so much excitement a going-away party thrown by your parents can have.”
“Don't worry, you’ll have plenty of excitement later,” Jennie winked at you, causing Jisoo to hit her playfully.
“Yah! Stop giving my baby brother the wrong idea!” Jisoo protested.
“Who said it's the wrong idea," Lisa chimed in, a mischievous look on her face, "We might find him a nice girl for the night."
"I'm not listening to this," your sister comically stuck her fingers in her ear.
A round of laughter broke out as Jisoo comically covered her ears. Undeterred, you looked around the yard before returning to the girls, "So when are you guys taking me out for this magical night?”
“Be ready by eleven. Lines aren't exactly an issue for us,” Jennie spoke up first.
You nodded, of course. Benefits of being famous and all.
“Sounds good. You’ll see us all then.”
You hesitated for a moment before leaning down to place a quick peck on Jennie's cheek. This, of course, caused teasing ‘oohs’ and ‘awws’ from the group. You walked away without looking back, but over your shoulder, you could hear Lisa talking as her gaze stared you down.
“He hasn’t even gone off on his own yet, and he’s making man moves.”
The rest of the party went as it had before your run-in with your sister and friends, which was to say boring and dull. Not that it was any fault of their own. It was hard to focus on casual conversation when your mind was already thinking ahead to going out to a club with Jennie, Chaeyoung, and Lisa. And Jisoo as well, you supposed. Eventually, your parents were seeing everyone out, and you were able to slip away to get prepared for the night. Despite not being active in the nightlife scene, you felt compelled to look your best tonight.
It turned out Jennie hadn't been lying. After picking you up, you took a taxi to some club in the heart of the nightlife district. Even with yourself looking terribly out of place, you walked right in and were guided to a table in the VIP section. It was surreal, really. And while you recognized that for many, simply a night at the club with Blackpink would be a dream, your mind couldn't help but wander back to Jennie's words and hope for more.
After a few shots and celebratory toasts, the party was well and truly underway. You could feel yourself starting to loosen up, and whatever nerves you might've had beforehand began to fade away. Time seemed to flow at its own pace, and you were a passenger to its whims.
“I still can’t believe you guys just get VIP tables like this,” you leaned over to say to Jennie, who sat to your right.
“It’s one of the perks of the job,” she replied with a smile before sipping her current drink. “Do you want another?” she pointed to the bottle; you shrugged and held your glass out.
“Jennie! I’m going to go use the bathroom, Chaeyoung is coming with me,” Jisoo shouted over to you.
Her bandmate gave an affirmative response, leaving you alone with Jennie and Lisa. Your thoughts began to wander once again, but before you could work up the courage to act on any of them, you heard a voice calling out to you.
"Do you dance?" 
It was Lisa, leaning over the couch towards Jennie and you. 
Feeling your nerves suddenly come back, you stammered, “Well uh, not too often I can’t really say—"
Jennie's laughter filled your ear, "Just come on!" 
She placed her drink down and took one of your hands while Lisa grinned and took the other. Together they guided you from your booth to an area to dance. Which, while not as crowded as the main floor, was still packed. Jennie easily found you a nook to slide into. She turned around, looking up at you as she pressed her body close to yours and began moving to the electronic beat without a moment's hesitation. Similarly, you could feel Lisa pressing against you from behind, sandwiching you between the two women.
If this was your gift, you could die a happy person.
"Take a deep breath," Jennie says soothingly, her hands rising above her head as she moves effortlessly to the music. Was is that obvious? You try to follow suit, but your body remains rigid despite your best efforts to loosen up. She turns towards you, pressing her backside against your crotch, and you feel waves of pleasure course through your veins.
Without warning, she takes your hands and places them on her hips, leaving them there as if daring you to move them. As you stand frozen in shock, wondering if this is an invitation or not, Lisa wraps her arms around you from behind. Her fingers trace intricate patterns against your skin as she moves to the music.
"Oh fuck..." you muttered, hoping the music masked your comment from their ears.
The singer continued her moves, even going as far to ratchet it up as she slid down using your body as if it were a stripper pole. As a result it also caused your hands to move from her hips to where her breasts were. Unable to help yourself your fingers flexed, feeling the mounds concealed by her tight top.  As if spurred on by your actions her ass rotated, rubbing directly into your crotch over and over again. 
“Noona...Jennie...” you tried to warn but your words were lost in the stereo music as she continued to dance.
You could feel yourself beginning to grow hard but could do nothing to stop her as she moved to the song. Every now and then her arms would wrap around my neck, pulling you down ever so closely only to release you and resume grinding against you in various ways. To add on to that you could feel Lisa's body pressed firmly against mine from behind. Whether either girl sensed or felt what was stirring they didn't let it stop them.
“Ssh, enjoy yourself,” Jennie cooed over the music. 
And you were. Very much so in fact. 
After all, who wouldn’t be in this position? Jennie Kim was rubbing her fit ass against your crotch as she danced to the music to the point where it felt like she was giving you a private lap dance. Meanwhile, Lisa was letting her hands roam over your body as if she was worshiping your form. No one in their right mind would want this to end. 
It was only when Lisa moved from around you and began to dance with Jennie in front of you that you finally felt like you were in danger of doing something embarrassing. As intoxicating as the sight was, it wasn’t worth ejaculating inside your pants in front of them. Mustering what willpower you had, you forced yourself to take a step back, whispering a brief excuse. 
“Sorry, ladies, I need to take care of something.”
Before they could turn around to question you on the matter, you made my way through the crowd and made a beeline for the restroom; oblivious to the knowing looks and devilish smiles that the two women exchanged. 
“Fucking hell,” you grunted as you stumbled into a bathroom stall.
You braced yourself against the sides, taking deep breaths as you tried to compose yourself. Which was easier said than done when your cock was painfully hard. As tempting as it was to jerk off and relieve yourself, there was no way you were doing that in a public stall. That seemed like you’d be asking for some kind of infection.
No, no. You just need to take a few minutes, regain your composure, and then you’d go out there and pick up where you left off.
“They were just teasing me. No way that was serious…” you muttered to yourself. “But still…”
What if they weren’t just teasing? What if this was your chance to make a move? If their dance moves were any indication they were feeling it just as much as you were. And it was your birthday after all. Stranger things had happened before, right? Probably. 
Thinking about your plan, of the potential of success, didn’t exactly help quell your excitement but at least you weren’t sporting an aching bulge ready to tear through your pants. You left the stall, went to the sink and splashed some water on your face. With a look in the mirror you set your determination and made your way back to the dance floor.
When you didn’t spot the girls you made your way back to the VIP area where you saw Jennie sipping on her drink and looking at her phone.
“Hey,” you called out.
“There you are,” her eyes lit up as she looked up at you. 
“Decided to take a break?”
“Something like that.”
“What happened to Lisa? The others?” you asked.
Jennie leaned back, crossing one leg over the other. The tight dress she wore rode up her thighs, giving you a delicious sight, “Oh, she had something to take care of. I think your sister and Rosie are off dancing the night away.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, trying to remember your prior pep talk, “I guess it’s just the two of us.”
Jennie, meanwhile, wasn’t lacking confidence at all. She practically oozed it as she leaned forward, resting her elbow on one of her knees and placing her chin in her hand. She looked as though she could devour you with a single word and honestly, you would let her. 
“It seems that way,” she cooed, “I was actually thinking of getting out of here…” 
Your eyes went wide but you hoped you continued your composure otherwise, “Yeah?” 
“Yeah,” Jennie raised her hand to her mouth in what you guessed was a faux yawn, “I’m feeling exhausted. I guess I can’t party the same way I used to.”
This was it. Your chance.
“I can take you home if you want.”
A wicked grin crossed her features. 
“Jisoo always said you were well-mannered. I’ll text the girls and tell them we’re heading out.”
Your back crashed against Jennie’s door and her lips were immediately on yours.
From the moment you had entered the cab to get back to her place it had felt like a fever dream. Her hand had teasingly run along your thigh the whole ride and at one point her lips had found their way to your neck.
Once you had arrived and stumbled into her apartment, she was all over you. No more suggestive touches with hidden meanings, no more coy flirtations. Her lips were on yours while her hands grabbed at your body. It was exhilarating and overwhelming all at once. Despite not drinking more than that initial shot, your head was spinning. This was happening. It was somewhat fortunate that you didn’t have time to overthink it at all.
Jennie’s hands gripped at your shirt, quickly undoing the buttons and pushing it over your shoulders. Next her hands moved to your belt buckle, her teeth biting at your bottom lip as she looked up at you with a sex-crazed gaze.
“I didn’t give you a gift at your party did I?” she asked.
“I-I don’t think so,” you moaned, feeling her hand slip into your pants to grip your cock.
“Then consider my pussy your graduation gift,” Jennie said, “Or a going away present. Whichever you want to call it.”
Her words made your head spin to the point all you could do was nod dumbly. Jennie had a wicked smile on her features as she reached down, pulling your pants and boxers away to expose your aching erection. An erection that you’d been dealing with practically since the club.
“I was wondering what it looked like,” Jennie cooed. “You know, Lisa and I were taking bets on just how big it was.”
“You were?” the thought caused your cock to jump in excitement.
“Mhmm.” Jennie bit her bottom lip as she reached down, her fingers curling around your shaft. “She’s going to be jealous that I got to you first you know. You’d split her in half with this.”
The combination of Jennie stroking your cock and the image of plowing into Lisa was enough to make you more than ready to receive your gift. Something Jennie must have realized as well as you heard her let out a giggle. She rose to her feet and turned, briefly giving you a view of her ass in the tight dress that hugged her fit body.
The view became even greater when she bent over, reached under her dress and slowly pulled her panties down her thighs. She looked over her shoulder, watching your face as she stepped out of them. Briefly you wondered what it’d be to get a lap dance from her. An idea to hope for in the future maybe.
“You can take these with you when you leave,” Jennie winked.
She placed the panties on top of the desk before looking back at you. She hitched up her red dress, revealing her bare ass and exposed pussy to you. If it weren’t for the fact that all the blood had already left your head and gone to your cock, you might’ve fainted on the spot.
“Come on then. Come enjoy your gift,” she said. She wiggled her ass as she invited you to close the distance in the hallway and take her.
“Do I need a condom?” you fumbled.
Jennie laughed and shook her head, her hair sticking loosely to her already sweat-covered body, “Don’t worry about that.”
She didn’t have to say it twice. The thought left your mind and you closed the distance between her and yourself. One hand took hold of your cock, lining herself up at her dripping entrance. You paused for a beat, etching the visual into your memory banks as you finally slipped inside of her. To say you had fantasized about your sister's bandmates before would be an understatement. In that sense, this was a dream come true. But even those dreams couldn't compare to the real feeling of Jennie's tight walls squeezing around your cock.
"Fuck, that's it, baby," Jennie moaned, bracing herself with one hand against the wall.
Slowly you buried inch after inch inside of the pop star until your hips were flush against Jennie's ass. As much as you wanted to savor the moment, the desire to fuck your long-time crush was far more overwhelming. Jennie was clearly ready for you to start given the way she ground her ass against you, imploring you to start thrusting immediately. You obliged her, slipping your cock out before filling her to the hilt once again and again.
"Fucking hell," you grunted.
"That's it. Fuck me, Baby" Jennie urged, moans falling from her plump lips.
As you gained a rhythm she began to meet your thrusts with her own movements. Your hands moved to her waist, squeezing gripping her tight as you fucked her. It was hard enough to make sure that there would be marks there tomorrow morning but not enough to cause any discomfort. In fact, judging from the moans of encouragement Jennie let out, she didn't seem to have any complaints.
"Harder," she gasped.
"Yes ma'am."
Every time you entered her from behind it  resulted in her perfect ass smacking against you, filling the room with the sound of skin slapping against each other. Jennie clawed against the wall as you pistoned your cock inside of her faster and faster, drawing out both of your pleasure. And it was good. Incredible even. Each thrust inside of Jennie was better than the last, far better than anything your imagination could have come up with. 
It was safe to say that the continued feeling of her pussy tightening around your cock far surpassed late nights with your own hand. The only problem was that you knew that it wouldn't last forever. That sooner rather than later you'd be emptying your balls inside of Jennie Kim. Or maybe she'd let you finish on her face.
"Fuck!" you gasped, cock twitching at the thought.
"Does it feel good, baby?" Jennie cast a glance over her shoulder. Her dark hair was sticking to her forehead, her cheeks flushed red, "You don't have to hold back for me. Let yourself go."
"Jennie-- " you warned, desperately.
All you could focus on was the feeling of Jennie's pussy, the desire to fuck her harder, and the looming inevitable release that was growing closer and closer with each thrust.
"I'm--Fuck. I'm going to--" you gasped.
You didn't have time to finish your sentence as Jennie slipped free of your grasp. Before you knew it she was on her knees in front of you, her mouth open and tongue sticking out as she stroked your cock furiously. One look at that sight and it was well and truly over. Your balls tightened, your pent up release spewing all over the pop idol's face. Your cock twitched in her grasp, ropes of your seed splattering her features. You had seen Jennie a lot over the years, but you had never witnessed her like this.
"Jesus christ..."
When it was all said and done you were exhausted and utterly spent. As your cock finally began to soften, Jennie ran a manicured finger over her face, scooping up a wad of your cum and sucking it clean off her fingers. When she looked up at you she seemed as satisfied as you felt.
"Congratulations again on graduating," Jennie said, a wicked smile on his lips. "I can't wait to see you when you come back for break."
BUY ME A COFFEE - if you enjoy my stories considering buying me a coffee! always appreciated, never required.
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taylorman2274 · 3 months
We Care About You (Part II)
The aftermath that follows is a struggle for everyone to comprehend.
Content Warning(s): N/A
Notes: SAGAU; GN!Reader
Word Count: 1k
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Taglist: @silverstarred
The past few days have been hard for your mind to wrap around.
Ever since that particular incident you had while playing Genshin, you've been extremely hesitant to log back on. Now that you knew all the people of Teyvat were self-aware, you were scared to imagine what they thought of you.
"Have they been self-aware the entire time that I've been playing? Have they always been able to hear my voice whenever I spoke aloud? Do the Traveler and their friends hate me for forcibly controlling their movements and actions like puppets? If that's the case, wouldn't it be better for me to leave them alone without letting them know?"
It doesn't seem like there's any part of your day where you're not thinking about how to follow up with the world of Genshin Impact. In fact, it's gotten so bad for you that some of your friends have noticed your change in mood and asked if anything was wrong.
Knowing that this situation is not only unheard of but also impossible to comprehend for anyone, you simply told them that you were dealing with personal issues, which honestly isn't that far from the truth.
Eventually, you began to worry if some of the people in Teyvat would figure out a way to reach you beyond the computer should you not reach back to them soon. In the past, you would've laughed at such a thought. But now that you've witnessed the impossible, you didn't want to wait around and find out.
"If I'm going to continue playing Genshin, I should at least try and accommodate their needs and wants better."
As much as you didn't want to delay your return to Genshin any further, you felt that researching all of your current playable character's needs, wants, likes, and dislikes took top priority over anything else in your life right now.
...Well...besides your needs and wants.
First, you took note of their favorite and least favorite foods. You would feel pretty bad if you kept feeding them food that wasn't their preference. Especially since characters like Lisa and Ganyu were vegetarians.
Second, you took note of everyone's talents. While you know that some characters had passive talents which gave you extra dishes when cooking or extra materials when crafting, you felt that those jobs should be left to the professionals, such as Xiangling and Albedo respectively.
"Let's see. First off, I should probably remove the people in my party with full-time jobs, as they take priority over exploring with the Traveler. So I should probably replace any Knights of Favonius, Liyue Qixing, Tri-Commission Member, etc. However, that doesn't exactly leave me with a lot of options to choose from. Although Xiangling works for Wanmin Restaurant, she's currently exploring Teyvat for ingredients. I assume accompanying the traveler would be fine with her. Bennett works for the Adventure's Guild so that works as well. But that also leaves me with a Pyro-heavy party, which may pose a problem for enemies such as Pyro slimes..."
However, the more you spent time researching, the more pessimistic and depressed you began to feel. Here you were spending all this effort trying to accommodate to all the characters you've obtained without even knowing if they gave a single thought or care in the world towards you.
"...I never really asked if they wanted to join the Traveler's adventures. ...So...maybe I should just only use the Traveler...?"
You sighed deeply. This was not gonna be good for your mental health.
The Traveler didn't know what to think.
On one hand, they were happy that [Y/N] was getting some much deserved rest. On top of that, they were also happy that they got to have a break from doing commissions all the time. But on the otherhand...
They were really starting to miss you.
This is the longest that they have gone without feeling your presence and they were starting to worry if they had accidentally scared you off due to that incident.
The incident that revealed Teyvat's self-awareness.
"...You're thinking about [Y/N] again, aren't you?" Paimon asked.
The Traveler chuckled sadly. "Is it really that obvious?"
"Kind of? Paimon thinks that's what everyone is thinking about."
They believe her. Zhongli, Venti, and a few others had reached out to them over the past couple of days for any news about [Y/N]. They were saddened by their expressions when they told them they had no news to give.
..."Y/N..." The Traveler sighed.
"Hmm?" Paimon hummed in thought, "What was that?"
"...To think that was their name all along. And to even think that they may be just as human as most people in Teyvat! It’s honestly kind of relieving when you think about it.
Although they weren't going to lie. At first, they saw [Y/N] as an unknown entity that possessed them to do its bidding. It was scary at first, knowing that neither them nor Paimon were able to figure out a way to interact with or avoid it. However, after solving both Mondstadt's and Liyue's respectable crises and powering them up with newfound strength, they started to see you as a sort of companion similar to Paimon.
"Yeah, even Paimon is starting to miss traveling and exploring with them."
"Is that so?" The Traveler taunted, "I thought that at one point you were trying to prove yourself as the better guide?"
"Hey! Paimon told you already that she has proved herself as the superior guide time and time again." She exclaimed as she crossed her arms.
They laughed. It felt nice to tease Paimon like this to distract them from the lack of [Y/N]'s presence, but they were starting to feel like they couldn't keep this up forever.
"Regardless, Paimon hopes that [Y/N] comes back soon. Everybody will feel a lot better once they do."
The Traveler looked up to the night sky and watched the stars flicker with light. Paimon followed their gaze and gave a sorrowful frown.
"I hope so too."
Author Side Notes: I had an idea.
But in all seriousness, I'm flattered by all the positive comments, reblogs, and likes from the previous post. I only expected to get around 20 notes since it was my first post but somehow I've ended up at 800+ and counting? It's almost too much for me to handle lol.
As for the rest of this story, I've decided that it will likely take around six parts for me to reach its conclusion. We've got two down so far, so that makes four more to go. Of course, that's only if y'all want to read more.
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lotties-ashwagandha · 6 months
word count: 2.3k
pairing: lottie matthews x fem!reader
summary: you get jealous of the attention lottie’s not giving you at a christmas party, so she makes it up to you
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You’d never been so bored in your entire life. You had thought it would be an amazing idea when presented to you, but as you sat at the bar watching the seconds tick lazily by, you were second guessing all of it.
Lottie had decided to host a Christmas party at the wellness center. It was some ploy for new members, and while you were all for expanding the community and helping out, the process had proved horrendous. Parties made you nervous and you didn’t like being around such an excruciating amount of people you didn’t know.
It wasn’t to say that everything wasn’t beautiful — all of the holiday decorations were gorgeous, and everyone was cheerful and festive, but Lottie had abandoned you to go talk to possible new clients and out of boredom you had banished yourself to the bar. There were too many people for your liking, and being in the vicinity of the new clients and their skepticism almost made you nauseous. You hated work events, even when your wife was the one hosting them.
Lisa had joined you at the bar, and for almost an hour she had been pestering you with questions — you were one of the meditation teachers at the wellness center, and Lisa kept giving you random questions about chakras and auras and the placebo effect that you were getting a bit too tipsy to want to answer.
“So, the other day I was reading this book and basically it told me that auras are like clouds. People clouds.” She said, and the phrase ‘people clouds’ made you want to throw your wine in her face.
“I don’t know if that’s the term I would’ve used,” you said tiredly.
“What would you have said?” She asked enthusiastically. You sighed.
You felt a hand on your back and turned to see Lottie at your side, holding a glass of red wine. Relief overcame you, but you were a bit irritated with her for leaving you at the party alone. You had helped her put all of it together, and as soon as it had started she had left you.
“Lisa,” she said softly, and Lisa turned to Lottie as if God had spoken to her. “Will you go help the new clients fill out their paperwork?”
Quickly she nodded and hurried off. She would do anything Lottie said the moment she said to do it.
Lottie took Lisa’s seat next to you at the bar. She seemed to be enjoying herself despite all of the people, all of the chaos, the Christmas carols booming through the wellness center.
“Are you enjoying the party?” She asked. You were silent for a moment, not entirely knowing how to respond — you didn’t want to ruin the night for her, you knew she had been looking forward to it, but you had been in hell the whole duration of the party and you were irritated with her for abandoning you in it.
“It’s nice,” you said, a bit dryly. She raised her eyebrows skeptically, so you tried harder. “The decorations and the music, it all fits well together, and everyone seems to be enjoying themselves… What about you, are you enjoying it?”
She nodded, smiling softly. “I think it all turned out beautifully. We’ve gotten some new people to sign up, too, for after the holidays.”
“Good. We need that.”
She didn’t respond for a moment, choosing instead to watch you as you took a sip of your wine. You were acutely aware of her gaze bearing into you, of every breath she took and every breath you could hardly take yourself. You knew she had figured out by now how much torture the party had put you through.
“What are you thinking about?” Lottie asked, and you tensed slightly. You didn’t want to tell her you only thought horrendous parties like this were bearable in her presence — you didn’t want to tell her that you had been thinking about her all night. That you had been thinking about how gorgeous she looked in her golden dress and kaftan, with jeweled necklaces draping down her neck and chest and her hair hanging in flawless waves down her back.
You didn’t want to tell her you had been excruciatingly envious of everyone she’d come into contact with that night that hadn’t been you. That all you wanted was her full attention, for the two of you to go back to her cabin and pretend the rest of the world didn’t exist.
“You hate it, don’t you?” She asked, and you realized that you hadn’t responded to her question.
“I don’t hate it,” you said quickly. “Everything’s gorgeous, I just wish I’d spent all this time with you instead of fucking Lisa.”
She smirked, nodding, pleasantly surprised by your confession. “Jealous, then,” She noted, false sympathy lacing her tone. Your gaze dropped to her left hand fiddling mindlessly with the stem of her wine glass — her nails a deep shade of burgundy, one of her favorite rings on almost every finger.
“I’m not jealous,” you breathed, but the way it came out disproved your point. You averted your gaze, taking another sip of your wine. You felt her stand from her bar stool and come up behind yours, and after a moment her hands found your shoulders, trailing down to your hips. “Lottie…”
“I can’t even leave you alone for a couple of minutes,” she said condescendingly, as if it hadn’t been more than an hour. “What do we need to do to get you feeling better, hm? I can’t have you here sulking all night, baby…”
I’m not sulking, you wanted to say, but you couldn’t tell two lies in a row, not when you both knew the truth.
“Get up,” she ordered, and immediately you complied. You turned to face her, and to anyone else it would’ve looked like a perfectly normal conversation — you were the only one who knew her tells, the only one who could see the hunger in her eyes, the desperation ruled by dominance.
You let her lead you away from the bar and the small crowd that had accumulated around it. You weaved through the festivities, the hundreds of people getting wasted and partaking in the ‘Christmas cheer’ you had yet to find this year.
You heard someone calling Lottie’s name through the crowd. The two of you stopped, and you sighed, already knowing who it was before she joined you.
“I have the finished paperwork!” Lisa said cheerfully, and tried to hand it to Lottie, but the look you gave her made her pause. “Is everything okay? Your aura seems a bit-”
“Oh, for fuck’s sake,” you groaned, shaking your head. “Leave me the fuck alone, Lisa, I don’t have time for this.”
Her hurt expression told you every bit of how much you’d offended her, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care. The party had made you miserable and the wine had made you unfiltered and all you wanted was to be with Lottie without interruption.
Lisa hurried away, and apart from a few stragglers from the party, again you were alone with Lottie in one of the hallways of the wellness center.
Lottie pulled you forward sharply, and then to the right, and then she was shutting and locking the door to the single bathroom in the middle of the hall. She stalked forward, pressuring you to step back so that the end of your lower back was pressed against the sink.
“What was that?” She asked sharply. You shrugged. “You should’ve seen her face when you said that.”
A smirk played at your lips. “I did. I’m not sorry for it, I’d say it again.”
She shook her head, watching you with the same hunger she’d had before, the same intensity. She brought a hand up to your jaw, tilting your head so that you’d meet her gaze. You felt your heartbeat quicken, a wave of warmth washing over you, settling between your legs.
“Such a naughty girl,” she murmured, and you ripped your eyes from hers, her gaze too intense to hold. “Acting like this to get attention. So desperate for mommy, aren’t you? Let me help you, baby.”
You nodded quickly, breathing a small ‘yes’ before pulling her into a kiss that though you initiated, she dominated. Her hands slid around your legs to the hem of your dress, and she pulled it up over your hips, out of the way.
Without warning she turned you around. Your hips pressed sharply against the sink, and when you met her gaze in the mirror above it, you shivered. You hadn’t realized that she’d slipped her golden kaftan off, and while not much of her had been revealed to you still you were in awe of what you could get, the way her dark hair was draped over one shoulder and the way her necklaces fell against her chest, and how strong she looked as she held you against the sink.
“Mommy, please,” you whined, squirming slightly as you stood.
“I know, baby,” she cooed, her tone laced with false sympathy. “You need mommy to take care of you, don’t you?”
Any response you were planning was lost when her lips met your neck. She kissed your pulse point gently before beginning to suck a mark, eliciting a soft moan from you.
“Quiet,” she shushed. “We can’t have everyone hearing how desperate you are, knowing how you’re such a little slut for me that I have to fuck you in the bathroom because you don’t think you’re getting enough attention.”
Her words made embarrassment flush through you, but something deep in you liked it, wanted more, anything she would give you.
And though she dominated you entirely, you felt a sort of satisfaction that you’d driven her to take it this far — she had spent the night away from you but at the end of it she was yours, and she would sacrifice everything for you. It was a point you were proving to everyone at the party with every passing moment that she held you there, her lips on your neck, one hand trailing up your dress to grope at your chest and the other sliding between your legs.
Your attention split between her touches — her lips on your neck, alternating between soft kisses and harsh sucking and biting as she marked your neck. Her fingers sliding through your folds, her touch centering on your clit. Your breath hitched as she began to circle it languidly, whispering praises in your ear as you tried to keep silent but we’re unable to help the whimpers and short whines that escaped you. You looked back into the mirror at the two of you and felt your heart beating furiously.
“You’re doing so good, baby, being so good for mommy,” she praised, and a whimper escaped you, louder than you would’ve wanted, but you didn’t care anymore. Let everyone hear — you were too focused on Lottie to give a damn about what anyone thought.
You moaned when she slipped two fingers into you, hardly giving you a moment to adjust before setting a quick rhythm. The heel of her hand pressed against your clit and the sensation of it all was enough to have you euphoric, eyes falling closed.
You didn’t realize you were being so loud until Lottie brought a hand to your mouth to subdue your moans. It only made you more eager, you could only imagine how wet you must be by now, and another soft flush of embarrassment washed through you.
“You’re mine,” she said, “and I’m yours, and that’s the way it stays.”
You nodded quickly, trying your best to hold back a moan at her words. You opened your eyes, looking into the mirror, and when you met her gaze you whimpered.
“Good girl,” she praised. “My pretty little slut, so close to cumming for me, aren’t you?”
Again you nodded, holding her gaze for a moment before letting your vision slip down to her hand between your legs. You couldn’t see her fucking you, but you could see the way the muscles in her arm flexed with every movement, and that alone was enough to have you reeling.
“Look at you,” Lottie said. “So fucking gorgeous, and all mine.”
You moaned, your eyes falling closed for a moment, hips involuntarily bucking into her hand.
“Cum for me, baby. Show mommy how pretty you are when you cum for her.”
With a gasp you came, her hand still pressed against your mouth to silence you as she worked you through your orgasm. You leaned into her, letting her hold you up better than you could hold yourself up on the sink, and when you looked into the mirror you could see yourself unraveling at her touch. You could see, too, the reverence in Lottie’s eyes, the adoration and hunger with which she watched you, and it was everything.
When you came down from your high, she turned you around again to face her. You wrapped your arms around her, fatigue washing over you heavily, but when she held you it was the safest place in the world for every bit of your exhaustion, a place of rest.
“You did so good for me, angel,” she whispered, running a hand through your hair. You let yourself be overcome with every sensation of her touch. “I love you so much.”
“I love you, too,” you replied. You were silent for a moment, but then she let out a quiet chuckle, and confusedly you looked up at her. “What are you laughing about?”
“It’s nothing,” she said, but when you gave her an imposing look, she folded. “I was just thinking about how this is the scene they never show in Hallmark movies.”
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Lisa Frankenstein Filming Locations
“It is true, we shall be monsters, cut off from all the world; but on that account we shall be more attached to one another.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
As promised, here are some of the filming locations for Lisa Frankenstein. As I just saw Kathryn Newton at Spooky Empire in Orlando this past weekend, I decided to stalk filming locations for some of her cooler movies.
Not to be overly dramatic, but it is a minor miracle I found any of these. Not kidding - this was crazy difficult. But after finding most on my own, I received an early copy of the locations list from an member of the film's production team, who shall remain nameless! This confirms the locations I'd already found, plus gives the school & party house locations, which I'd never have found on my own, so a huge thank you to that lovely person!
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***Spoilers below***
We'll start with Lisa's home which is located in Marrero, LA. The shed in the back yard for the tanning booth is really part of the property, & can just be seen from the street (circled in red in second image).
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Now, if you go there, remember, THIS IS PRIVATE PROPERTY. Perfectly fine to admire it from the street, but do not trespass, do not knock on the door, do not ask for a tour, & do not ask if Lisa is home. Please. Now, if the folks living there say 'Hey' & invite you in when they see you in the street taking selfies with the house, that's another thing entirely - but otherwise, low profile it.
Although they filmed a little bit inside the real house, at least for the scenes where Creature first arrives, most of the house interiors were filmed on a sound stage which I know thanks to Zelda Williams posting this photo:
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And that sound stage is The University of New Orleans Nims Center Studio located at 800 - 824 Distributors Row in New Orleans. I know this because of this picture from a behind the scenes video showing the entire cast & crew taking a group photo with two distinct architectural features circled. The next image is a Google street view of the same location with those features also circled.
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Per the locations list, the party house Lisa & Taffy go to early in the film is located in New Aurora, which I've confirmed via location detail on Google maps:
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And the high school is Belle Chase high school in Belle Chase, Louisiana, which I've also confirmed via architectural detail:
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The exteriors for Bachelor's Grove Cemetery & the woods around it, the wooded paths, & the bench scenes all take place in Brechtel Park, which is located in the Algiers neighborhood of New Orleans.
The park offers roads for driving scenes as well as thick woodland with vines & dense ground cover for the cemetery set - which, sadly, was entirely fake. Below are the two large areas of trees in Brechtel Park, one of which is where the cemetery set was located. I'll be driving to New Orleans soon to do just that for a video.
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If you'd like to visit the real Bachelor's Grove Cemetery, which was Diablo Cody's inspiration, that is located at 5900 W. Midlothian Turnpike, Midlothian, IL 60445, just outside Chicago.
Below is a random photo of what the woods in Brechtel Park look like, and just by chance, this is the exact location they used for the Bachelor's Grove set. I can tell by the slightly crooked tree on the left and the dark leaning tree on the right.
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Moving along, the scene at 1:17:37 in the film where Creature goes to retrieve Janet's (Lisa's step-mom's) car and kills the mean old man who is harassing the kid who can't start a lawn mower, was filmed at the south dead end of Dede Street in Marrero.
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Rather pleased with myself for finding that one - not easy.
Creature then returns to just outside Bachelor's Grove, which again was filmed in Brechtel Park, with precise location circled in the third image.
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Lisa & Taffy arrive there & Lisa psychs herself up to go into the cemetery to kill Creature:
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This is still in Brechtel Park, they just moved the cars about 30 feet to the west & spun the camera around - the dead giveaways are those posts along the road & the two small hills in the background.
Lisa then runs down a wide, woodland path.
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This photo of one of Brechtel Park's wide, wooded paths is probably not the same path, as there are several candidates...
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...but they're all located on the west side of the park, circled below, so if you go there, you shouldn't have much trouble finding the exact spot.
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When Dale, Lisa's dad (played by Joe Chrest, who also plays the Wheeler's dad on Stranger Things), & Taffy visit Lisa's grave at the end, they are standing in the southern section of Carrollton Cemetery in New Orleans, right about where I have the red circle placed.
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The reason they used this location is because Carrollton is one of the few New Orleans cemeteries that has a large section where all the graves are below ground, as this movie is supposed to be taking place near Chicago.
As for how I know they used this specific location, I have a wine bottle shaped tombstone to thank for that. In the below image, we see that odd tombstone from the front.
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And here we see it from the back, as I wasn't able to get a clear image of it from the same perspective of the above image:
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Also rather proud of that find.
And the final scene on the bench is likely (I would only know for sure if I went there in person) also in Brechtel Park at the location circled on the map.
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The reason I think it's that precise spot is because they were already filming in Brechtel Park anyway, so why not use it for the bench scenes? Plus, those benches are fake. While the park does have benches, they don't look the same. Another giveaway they're fake is there isn't any 'wear' in the grass around them, indicating no one actually sits there. These were brought in and placed at that spot just for filming. I'm 95% sure that's correct, but I could be wrong - if you live near New Orleans and want to double check, please do & leave a comment.
So the only significant filming location I can't find is Michael's red brick colonial, but whatever. Found Michael's house, too! I'm so good, it's scary!
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Anyway, here's to hoping we all find that special someone who was reanimated just for us. 🦇🖤🦇
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creaturesfromelsewhere 5-23-2024
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jentledaisies · 1 year
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . . You're Attacked But They Think You're Trying To Escape
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[ gif by @lisanamjoon ]
→ ❝ in which you’re attacked and run away but they believe you’re trying to escape them ❞
Warning: Stockholm Syndrom, manipulative behavior, blood/injuries, weapons[knives, guns], murder(semi-graphic), profanity, yandere
- fully got this idea from @ninetailedfoxmanchi post here ! it’s for bts n when i read it i was like “wow, kinda wanna write a version of that for our girls” no but really, for all my fellow army's here, pls check them out!
disclaimer: This is not in any way shape or form a representation of Jisoo, Jennie, Rosè, Lisa, or Blackpink as a whole. All reactions, actions, thoughts, words, and general emotions are fiction and created by me. The behavior shown in these reactions is toxic and unhealthy, but fantasized in a romantic way for simply that, fantasy. None of this should be taken seriously or sought after in real life, or performed. please do not romanticize this behavior/mindset in real life as it is unhealthy and toxic, and if you or anyone you know is in such an environment, should be taken out of immediately. Again, this blog is purely fiction, and all acts taken place in this blog should remain so.
↳ None of my characters, yandere or otherwise, will ever nor would ever perform, act, or consider sexual activities of any sort without consent. full stop. Any and all sexual acts are done with the full consent of all parties taking place. i will never, ever, ever write otherwise or even consider writing otherwise. disclaimer 2: as this is a reaction for all four separate members of blackpink, there will be discrepancies in the length of each. not all will be the same length and this is for no other reason than that i as the author attempting to prevent run-ons and unnecessary additions to that part of the story. the length of each reaction in no way shape or form a show of favoritism or dislike towards any member. literally ever. pls stop putting those ridiculous accusations in my inbox, it's a vv far reach. ↳ some AUs for the yandere!blackpink reactions will be based on other folklore/mythology. (yandere!goddess , etc) these reactions will not be accurate to the true mythology/folklore but rather variations and adaptions made to assist the reaction/world of the reaction.
The apartment is quiet, save for the soft sound of flipping pages, coming from the book you're currently reading. Your lover had to head to work early today due to a significant issue brought up at last night's mission. She didn't tell you when she would be home, but she said she could either be home early or late. You were hoping for early because as much as you hated to admit it, her presence around you and with you is more than something you're used to, it's something you crave.
And the silence with her gone was deafening. You have never hated being alone so much before.
The book in your hands loses your interest as you take to just flipping the pages, eyes trailing over the extremely large penthouse. According to her, this was the very first house she had purchased in which she lived alone. Before then she had mainly lived with the other three inner circle members, whom she considered her true sisters. It's large, much too large for one person, or even two, but she was mature enough to admit she enjoyed showing off her wealth in her house. According to her, when you became her lover, you made this more than just her house, you made it your home.
But since then, the two of you had been looking at other places to move to, not because you disliked this apartment but because you both wished to move somewhere that you could begin to truly build your life together. After all, she had more than enough money.
The list had narrowed down to four properties, based on all of the things you said you liked and wanted, and then she turned the responsibility of picking the final home out to you, so she could know that you truly love the home the two of you would go to.
And as the book starts to reach the last of its pages your eyes are drawn to the folders on the coffee table with the location pictures, interior pictures, dimension sizing, building rating, site history, etc. All the information you needed to make the most informed decision possible without leaving your current home. Of course, sans the pricing and all. She stated up and down that she would simply buy the building (and possibly the land it's on) and leave it all signed to you in a contract, that way should anything ever happen to her she could still take care of you.
The last page flips and the cover joins the rest of the book. You frown at the now closed book for a second -you forgot to put a bookmark in your spot- before setting it on the table to grab the folders instead. Since you have the time to kill, you may as well start looking over these.
You're unsure how much time passes with you flipping through each folder and creating a pro/con list in your notebook but you do know that you've gone over all of them twice when the door to the apartment starts to turn, the distinct sound of the lock clicking open causing you to stand and turn eagerly.
"Hey! I'm glad you're back because I think I know which one I like..." Your voice trails away as an unfamiliar woman steps through the door, shutting it softly but not locking it.
"Sorry," The corner of her lips curve up. "I don't think it was me you were expecting."
You're immediately taken with a sense of uneasiness and dread, your girlfriend had never introduced you to any other member of her gang. Only the other inner circle members. In fact, she always swore that she'd never bring any other member into your home.
"W-Who are you?" Your voice is shaky as you figure out the answer to your question before she answers. Though the slight drop in her mouth lets you know that she notices.
"I'm a friend of-"
"That's a lie." You cut her off before she can say your lover's name, unsure of what you were doing in exposing her lie. You were one person who had never really been trained past basic self-defense against a possible enemy gang member. "I asked who you are."
She just smiles wickedly as she slips a small blade into her hand. "Jung Ji-Ho wishes to simply say hello. It's not you who he wants, but I suppose you will do."
With that, she lunges toward you, faster than you expected, and creates a large cut on your arm as you attempt to run away. Your notebook flies under the sofa and the pictures go everywhere as you make a mad dash to the front door, the woman fast behind you. She reaches out and yanks you back by your hair, a scream leaving you as you pull away, leaving strands of your hair in her hand. She goes to cut you again and you don't think as you grab the knife with one hand and hit her face with the other.
"Hit between the eyes," M/N had told you. "It'll stun them enough for you to get away. Don't worry, I'll be there to save you then."
She flinches away, dragging the blade painfully across your palm, which leaves a bloody imprint as you throw open the door and rush out, heading to the private elevator. And just to your luck it opens, and you run in, not to an empty elevator, but into the arms of your love.
She was here to save you now, but you look up into her eyes, and you're only met with burning anger and bitter betrayal.
Kim Jisoo
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[ gif by @intolisa ]
"And where do you think you're going, Darling?" Jisoo always looks cold but somehow she manages to look even more so as she stares at you, locking her hands onto your arms to hold you in place.
"Jisoo! You're here!" You shout in surprise, ready to tell your lover about the situation, but she misunderstands your rush to be fear of being caught.
She pushes you back with force, albeit gently, her hands locked tightly on your forearms. Her eyes bore into your own and you're frozen in place, forgetting everything as fear creeps up your spine. The elevator lets out a soft ding and the doors start to close behind her, snapping you from your stupor.
"We need to go!" You shout and lunge towards the buttons, stopping as she yanks you back, eyes steely and blank.
"Excuse me? We are not going anywhere but back into our home." She punctuates her words by tugging you closer.
"No, you don't understand-"
"I think I understand pretty well." Jisoo's voice is cold, devoid of any emotion although you can tell she's hurt. "What, you didn't think I'd come home on time? Were you wishing I stayed late? You thought you could just, slip away, and I wouldn't notice that my heart was gone?!"
You jump as she shouts the last words, hands reaching for her on instinct to calm her, and blood smears on her white t-shirt, the red handprint almost seeming like paint.
"I'm so sorry!" You blurt, your hands reaching forward in an instinctive attempt to wipe it off, but to no surprise, you end up smearing it more and reminding yourself of the situation. "Shit. Ok no, Jisoo please, we need to go now. Please."
Jisoo raises an eyebrow at your pleading, finally taking a moment to survey her surroundings once your blood smears on her shirt. The small, lines on the wall from where you stumbled through, the way the apartment door isn't even fully closed. The panic in your eyes and the injuries on your body.
Finally understanding she pushes you behind her gently, reaching for her brass knuckles as the door opens and the attacker steps out. Her glare sets deeper into her face, pushing the guilt of how she spoke to you away to focus on this scum that thought they could hurt her girl.
"Your name. Now." Jisoo simply demands, not in the mood to hear any excuses from the woman's mouth.
Clearly, the lady wasn't expecting the calm and almost bored demeanor that Jisoo had, given that she was standing so defensively and with her knives held tight. Your blood shines on the blades and catches your lover's eyes.
Jisoo glares so intensely at the woman that her knees start to shake, but it's not enough. She steps forward, scoffing as the attacker takes two steps back, and does it again. The dance continues until the attacker is up against a wall, holding out her knives as a pitiful defense. She can barely even blink before Jisoo punches her, breaking her nose immediately with her brass-enforced knuckles.
"What? You're not happy to see me?" Jisoo teases with a cruel pout, laughing slightly. "I thought that's what you wanted."
She doesn't wait for any response before she hits again, this time the woman's stomach. The screaming huff that leaves her makes you wince, but you don't move from the spot you're in, and try as you might you can't seem to tear your eyes away either.
"You know what? I don't need your name," Jisoo slams her fist into her face again, knocking her down. "I'll get it out of you later. Little bitch. Thought you could break in and hurt my girl? MY GIRL! Consider yourself very lucky I don't kill you here. Or don't, a faster death may be more merciful than what I have planned for you."
Jisoo slams her fist down again, but the woman is unresponsive, only her shallow breathing alerting the two of you to her undead state. Blood is splattered on your lover's hands and all over the unconscious woman's face. She huffs as she sits back, staring in amusement at the blood-covered woman, before remembering you.
"Darling," Her voice is a quiet sort of remorseful as she turns to face you, eyes saddening as you flinch. "I'm sorry. I should have listened to you."
"I-It's okay." You stutter, not even believing in yourself.
"No, it is not 'okay.' You are injured and bleeding and without even taking notice of your pain I inflicted more. Forgive me, please." This time Jisoo's voice wavers, shame filtering in.
You step forward, hesitant, and then move more surely until you can wrap your arms around her waist and bury your head in her neck. The tears come quickly after.
"I was so scared." You sob shocking Jisoo who has her hands in fists at her side. Scared that it's her you're speaking of. "When she came in I thought it was you but then she-"
You shake as you cry, Jisoo now wrapping her own arms around you, realizing the terror that must've stricken you at the intruder. She doesn't let you continue, holding you close by your waist and your head, placing kisses on the side.
"I'm here. I'm here and your safe, my darling." She soothes your hair, shuffling to move you both into the penthouse. Her neck strains as she hides the anger in her voice at the damage, knowing you were the one attacked during it. "I'll always protect you. I swear."
She pulls away once the two of your reach the staircase, helping you up while texting some members to pick up the woman in the hallway. She'd take care of the mess after she took care of your injuries.
You didn't want to sit on the expensive couch, your arm and hand still bleeding heavily so the two of you enter the en suite where she has you sit on the counter. Pulling out the emergency aid kit that Lisa left at all the members' houses she chuckles wryly.
"I never thought it'd be you being patched up with this. Or ever." Jisoo jokes wryly, regret lacing her voice as she finishes washing the wounds, wincing when you did.
The cuts aren't as deep as she thought, all the blood just making them seem to like it. Jisoo's eyebrows scrunch as she focuses on disinfecting the wounds, keeping your mind off of the pain as her lips part a little. Even when she's pouring rubbing alcohol over open wounds of yours, she remains beautiful.
Jisoo recalls how Lisa told her that cuts that are big enough to bleed but not too deep like yours don't need stitches. Just a wrap. The white gauze makes Jisoo feel sick.
The fact that you're bleeding under there makes Jisoo even sicker.
"No offense but, shouldn't we ask Lisa to do this?" The question makes Jisoo laugh.
"I've done this plenty of times too! Just because I never went to med school." She grumbles as she helps you down and onto the bed. "Wait here for a moment."
She pecks your cheek as she leaves the room to fetch some tea, slipping a bit of a sedative into it, just to make sure you rest well. Walking back into the room she finds you already fluffing the pillows and in your pajamas.
"That's not waiting." She 'tsks' as she hands you the cup, raising an eyebrow as you down it like a shot. "Try and get some rest, Darling."
"Aren't you staying?" With the way your face freezes in fear, Jisoo can't bring herself to tell you that she was in fact leaving, just for a little bit.
"I'm just going to clean up the apartment before I join you. Too much adrenaline." So instead she smiles sweetly while lying. She'd leave after you slept and be back before you awoke anyway.
"Ok. I love you." Your eyes start to shut and your voice slurs as she pecks your forehead.
"I love you too, Bunny."
Your eyes feel weighed down when you rouse from your slumber, the room pitch black except for the light streaming in as the door opens. Jisoo walks in and in your hazy vision, you can make out the way she shrugs off her jacket, throwing it into the trash. Her dark red shirt followed soon after.
As your eyes give in to the weight a nagging voice in the back of your head reminds you that she was wearing a white shirt when she left.
Kim Jennie
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[ gif by @jaennie ]
"Well, hello my love." Jennie just stares at you in surprise, but her sweet smile still spreads across her face, even though her eyes don't reflect it. "Quite funny meeting you out here...when you are meant to be in there."
Jennie's grip is gentle on you, but firm as she holds your waist and one of your hands as though leading you in a dance.
"Although, why you didn't just say you wanted to go out," her voice is chilly despite the twinge of love hidden within. "I would've taken you anywhere you asked."
"Jennie!" You know the shock on your face probably makes the situation look worse given how her face falters.
"Y/N," She starts a deep sigh escaping her. "What are you doing? And, please, just tell me the truth."
You can tell exactly what Jennie thinks you were doing and your heart breaks at how hurt you know she must feel. How her smile is so so sweet, but her eyes are cold to hide how she really feels.
"It's not what you think." You wince when you say that, you don't even know why you said that. "No! I mean, it's not...that."
"It's not what?" Jennie's smile tightens. "Tell me what it is."
"It's...There's someone in the apartment!" You can't understand why it took so long to get the words out, but Jennie's reaction is immediate. Her smile falls and her eyes dart to the door that's closed only partly.
"I don't know who she is b-but she said she knew you. I figured that was a lie but she attacked me when I went to leave! Please, I would never do that to you. I promised." Your words start to jumble as you speak as fast as you can but she understands, she always understands you.
"Where are you hurt, my love." Jennie's voice becomes soft, her shoulders loosen and her eyes sweeten. Her eyes are drawn to your bloody arm and the cut on your hand. Quickly, she sheds her blouse, leaving her in just a tank top, so she can quickly wrap it around your arm.
"Do me a favor and go in the elevator. Close the doors and wait for a bit." She tells you quickly as the door starts to open. She pulls out her gun and checks the mag before placing a kiss on your head. "Go."
"Please don't get hurt." The lady steps out of the apartment, her hair a mess and eyes glaring. Your blood stains her hand and the knife that she grips tighter when she sees your lover.
You turn quickly, dashing into the metal box, and hit the button that closes the doors before crouching in the furthest corner and hiding your ears in your hands.
You can hear Jennie scream something, but her voice is muffled by both the doors and your hands, but the slam against said doors causes the box to rattle, and a small shriek to escape you. Another shout comes but it's not from Jennie, you assume it's the other woman. A gunshot finally rings, and this time you know it's from Jennie's gun, and another bang follows. Two more ring out in quick succession, and the other woman's wails ring in your ears.
You flinch back, trying to almost dig yourself into the mirror backing of the elevator as more screams ring out. you can almost make out the pleas in them from your hands over your ears, and you feel a chill creep up your back as a faint sound of a laugh comes through.
All too soon there is another very loud slam against the elevator doors, and more gunshots ring out until a trickle of red liquid drips through the cracks. Bile rises in your throat and you scoot as far as you can into the mirrored wall, slipping as the blood pool inches closer and closer.
The doors open and you see Jennie kick something away, and with the large thump that follows you realize it was probably the body.
"My love," She sighs as she sees your curled-up body scorching away from the blood, her eyes soften into gentle flames and her lips pout. "I am so sorry. Oh, you're hurt and I didn't even notice-"
"Please just hug me." You cut her off as you stand up, eyes still trained on the devilish red liquid on the floor. She doesn't hesitate, stepping directly into the puddle to engulf your in her arms, causing you to look away.
With much ease, she picks up your legs to have them wrap around her waist and carries you simply down the hallway until she can enter the apartment, being met with the flipped-over table and papers everywhere...and your blood covering the handle of the door. Her heart sinks as she sees the damage and feels your soft breath on the crook of her neck from where your head is hidden. She steps over the scattered pictures to enter the guest bathroom, softly placing you on the counter with a kiss on your head.
She silently pulls out her aid kit, avoiding your eyes in shame as she pulls out a cloth to wipe the excess blood away. You don't flinch as the wet cloth turns red but the rubbing alcohol is different. You're clumsy but you very rarely have such large cuts, so the stinging sensation, while not new, is still quite painful for you. At the whimper that leaves your lips, Jennie pulls away as though being burned, hands resting at her sides as her fists clench.
"I'm sorry." Her lips thin as she forces herself to continue disinfecting. "I'm so sorry."
The trace of tears on her waterline shocks you but at the same time, you almost expect them. They hurt you more than the alcohol finding its way into your open wound though so your reach your unharmed hand up to brush them away.
"Stop saying you're sorry." You make her look at you, meeting her eyes gently. "You saved me. Just like you promised me."
"Always. I'll always save you. But you're hurt and I tried to make assumptions before I helped ease the pain."
"But you understood anyway. So stop saying you're sorry." She looks back down as you smile reassuringly and you figure it's time to move on from the topic. "I think I picked a house."
"What?" Jennie looks up, puzzled at the topic.
"From the four you brought me. I think I know which one I like the most." You smile at her before frowning. "Oh, but I had written it all down in my notebook, but I don't know where it went after I threw everything."
"That's fine! I can go find it!" Jennie turns to go look but you hook your arm around her waist.
"Can you finish wrapping my arm? I don't think I'll be able to tie it on my own, then we can look at them again together."
Jennie turns around with a sheepish smile, quickly finishing the wrap on your arm, and pressing a kiss to your hand after. She rushes out of the bathroom after ordering you to stay in there for a bit longer and when you do come out the living room looks like nothing happened. Jennie pulls you to the couch and has you sit on her lap while she opens your notebook and the pro/con lists.
Every now and then your eyes drift up to look at the shoes that still have blood covered on them, waiting for the gang's cleanup crew to come to grab them. Jennie steals your attention away with kisses when you do.
Park Chaeyoung|Rosé
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[ gif by @jaennie ]
Chaeyoung's face is much calmer than her eyes. In fact, if you didn't know her so well you wouldn't think anything was wrong.
"Well aren't you in a rush? Careful, Sweets, you might hurt yourself." She leans down as she says that, almost mockingly. It's not hard to guess how the dots connected for her, it'd be hard to see the scene as anything else. Especially so soon after you had told her that no matter what, you would never leave her.
"Rosie, help me. Please." You're shaking though, from the complete terror of the person who entered your home, so you can't seem to focus on anything but asking for help. For begging your hero to save you the way she always does.
Rosie raises an eyebrow, taking in everything in the hallway, calmly and violently. Her sweet love, so soft and kind was shaking in her arms, bleeding and crying. Oh, she would burn whoever did this to the ground.
"Where?" Rosie calmly pulls her gun out and changes the clip, having emptied it earlier at 'work'. "Where is the dead man walking?"
"S-She's inside still. I pushed her a bit hard." You flinch away from your girlfriend as you say that scared at how quickly she arms herself with two guns and brass knuckles.
Rosie places her gun behind her back again, instead reaching forward to place her hands on your face and meet her eyes with yours. "Sweetheart, breath. I am here and no one will touch you like that again. I can promise you that."
You meet her eyes with shaky panic, shivering as though it was snowing though the hallway was heated. "Do you promise?"
"I swear on my life, I will personally see to the destruction of anybody who dares harm you," Rosie answers you with unwavering confidence and the trembling in your body stops. Your shoulders are still tensed like a brick wall and with the way you flinch into her when the door to your apartment opens again, Rosie almost falls over.
She pulls you behind her and pulls her gun out, making the woman across the hall freeze. Rosé aims her gun at her, turning her body to face you when she sees that the attacker isn't going to make a move. She places a soft kiss on your forehead, brushing away a tear as she pulls away.
"I'll just be a moment, Sweets."
She turns around and before she can even blink shoots a shot into the attacker's right knee. You don't see, but a cruel smile crosses her face as she hears the scream tear itself from the woman's throat. For her, it's her favorite noise from her enemies, and that woman was currently enemy number 1.
She tucks her gun away as she steps closer to the woman collapsed on the ground, she wanted to make her suffer and a gun was much too...clean.
She stands over the woman who's struggling to save face, attempting a glare at Rosé but struggling to hold the scream behind her lips. Without any feeling, Rosé brings her heeled boot back and hits a strong kick to the woman's ribs. This time you can see the faint shake in your girlfriend's shoulders as she chuckles.
Rosé bends down from the waist to look the lady in her eyes, not wanting to kneel and get her clothes dirty.
"What? Can't look me in my eyes now?" Rosé pulls out her gun again, pressing it to the woman's left foot, putting pressure when she tries to pull her leg away. "Afraid of blood? But you weren't when you decided to harm my girl."
Another shot rings and despite her wishes blood splatters on Rosé's pants. With her arm pulled back she slams her gun into the attacker's head, creating a large gash and causing her to go sprawling.
"You got my pants dirty." She stands straight and then proceeds to kick the attacker again, this time on her knee. "Oh, did that hurt? Sorry."
With a roll of her eyes, she steps on the profusely bleeding left foot, putting most of her pressure on the wound for maximum pain. No longer having the will to scream the attacker just writhes on the floor in pain, like a dying fish.
"Sweetheart," Rosé's call catches your attention, dragging your terrified eyes from the bleeding woman. "What would you like me to do?"
"What?" Your voice is hoarse, and your eyes wide, not understanding.
"With her. What would you like me to do, since she attacked you? I'll do whatever you say." Your lover's eyes soften as she looks at you, as if gently telling you it's ok. Distracting you from how she stepped on the woman like a dart holding its target.
"Do what you do." You say before quickly adding on. "But not here! Please, do whatever it is you do with...that. But don't make me see it."
Rosé hesitates for a moment before nodding, turning quickly to bash her gun handle into the attacker's head again. This time knocking her out and stopping that god-awful writhing. She steps off of the woman, kicking the unconscious woman once before turning back to you. Gentle smile back on her face like she wasn't laughing at screams earlier.
"Come, Honey." She holds her hand out for you, lacing your fingers and basically holding you up when you collapsed into her arms to walk with her back into the apartment.
She sweeps your legs up to carry you up the stairs, laying you gently in the bed as she leaves the room, returning minutes later with tea and an aid kit.
"I'm sorry. For the pain, this is about to cause and for the pain, you endured without me here." Her voice is laced with shame, soft and hesitant, but her hands work deftly in wrapping your wounds. Although she winces much harder than you don when the alcohol stings the cuts.
"Just, please don't let me be hurt again. Please."
"Never." She responds quickly, hardly even letting you finish the request. She helps guide the tea to your mouth. "I put some pain meds mixed into the tea as it'll help you relax more. They have sedation effects so you'll fall asleep quickly. I'll be here when you wake up but I will be gone while you're asleep to deal with the trash."
You nod, finishing off the chamomile tea, and placing the cup down to reach for a hug. She holds you securely, feeling the effects the sedation has on your limbs as you start to drift off. "Just, promise me, you won't tell me what you do to her. I know no matter what, you'll always protect me. I don't want to know how. I don't need to."
Your eyes close but you can feel her nod against your shoulder, and place a kiss before tucking you in. The door closes behind her.
Lalisa Manobal|Lisa
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[ gif by @sefuns ]
"You said you loved me."
Lisa can only look at you, eyes filled with betrayal and hurt, so much so that she doesn't even notice your trembling and wounds.
Her voice is strained like it pains her to make the accusation. And for a moment you forget about the current situation. Because her eyes are burning, filled with pain and betrayal stings her eyes in the form of tears and all you know is this extremely strong woman is crying and it's because of you.
"I do," You pledge to her again but your voice is pleading as you speak frantically. "I do love you. I do. But-"
"No!" Lisa cries out as you go to continue, misunderstanding what you were about to say. She pushes you then, out of the elevator and into the wall behind you, gripping your arm hard. "You told me- swore to me- that you love me. That you'll stay with me. You can't just leave! Please."
Your heart hurts as her voice cracks and how the obsessed look in her eyes takes over. But her hands pushing against the cuts on your body hurt even more. You could fix the relationship in a second but all you could say right now was:
"You're hurting me."
Lisa looks down then, finally noticing your blood, which was coating her hands. She lets you go immediately and meets your eyes, shock, and confusion covering the betrayal in them for a moment.
"Why are you bleeding?" She asks calmly, but with a new sense of panic coming over her as she spots the cut on your arm and the even deeper gash on your palm. Luck is clearly on your side today because as soon as she asks that, the woman who attacked you steps out of the apartment.
Her eyes open wide at seeing your lover with you and she freezes, giving Lisa enough time to comprehend the scene in front of her. You don't blame her for needing a second longer than normal to react, just before she was thinking you tried to leave her. Her heart just broke in two and is now in the process of unbreaking from nothing.
But naturally, your sweet lover acts with ease, entering her mafia persona and standing in front of you. She's a tall person, but as she stands with her fists clenched and shoulders back and, you assume, a glare on her face, she looks ten times taller. You can see the muscle in her jaw jump from behind her defensive position.
"Who are you?" She asks the same thing you did, voice strained but calm. A chill, however, crawls down your spine at the detached cold tone you've never heard before. Not even on that day she rescued you, she had only sounded annoyed at your former captor, the man who sends his hello through the woman standing at the end of the hall.
"Miss Manobal, I'm here to-"
"I asked who you are." Lisa interrupts her, similar to what you had done, although you assume that the woman is telling a truth instead of a lie this time. "Actually, don't bother. I remember you from that day. What does Jung want this time? We're not interested in any deals and he's too incompetent to launch any successful attacks against us."
She looks mildly offended across the hall and Lisa lets out another cold laugh.
"Oh, is that what this is? An attempt at an attack? Of course, it is. A stupid plan really, you're not talented enough to get away with a single assassination." At the girl opening her mouth to argue Lisa lifts a finger and clicks her tongue. "No. I'm right. You wanna know how I know?"
As Lisa toys with the woman across the hall, a sense of dread fills you like never before. The woman is frozen, in fear or curiosity you don't know, you're not too sure for yourself either. All you know is Lisa has her gun in her hidden hand and a devious smile on her face. You can tell she's angry from the tone of her voice, yet it still sounds cool and calm. Lisa has her prey in the palm of her hand, and if the prey is you or the lady, you can't tell.
"I can tell because," Lisa is close to her now, but instead of attacking she finishes her story. "That meeting, the one you were at, was set up for an alliance, to give the Jungs access to our assassination teams. He knows he can't give a good attack, so he came running to us for help. Of course, nobody in that idiotic gang can come up with a good plan, although I'll give you props for this seemingly ok one. Now, Y/N, turn around and cover your ears."
Lisa points her gun directly at the woman's forehead before twisting her head to look at you. At the blatant fear paralyzing your body, she softens her tone, eyes sinking back into the pools of love that they used to be, betrayal fading away. "Baby, please. Trust me."
You stay looking for a moment longer at her, and how the woman's eyes flit back and forth between the two of you before widening at the realization of who you are. You turn then, missing the desperate turn she makes in an attempt to salvage any possibility of staying alive that she had.
Had Lisa captured her for just attacking a plaything, she would stay alive to be interrogated, and she would find a chance to escape. But she had seen that look before, the one Lisa had given you, on other very powerful mafia leaders. You were the reason she would die today because Lisa would never let anyone hurt you.
You turn around, eyes shut closed tightly and hands clamping down over your ears. The bang of the gun is still loud like you don't even have your hands over your ears, and you flinch, shoulders curling in. The second bang takes you further by surprise and a gasp leaves your lips, but then the shots continue. You lose count after ten. But somewhere around there your gasps turn into small screams. A much louder scream leaves you when arms are wrapped around you, or it may be because you know exactly whose arms they are, and it can't be the lady who broke into your home.
You flinch forward, attempting to get away from the arms but Lisa walks in front of you so that she can instead hold you against her, your most touching her collarbone so she feels your shaking breaths.
"Please don't." You plead with her without recognizing, the words spilling like blood from the wounds on the woman behind you. "Please don't hurt me. I'll be so good, I promise."
"Shh hey," Lisa shushes you quickly, pulling back slightly to look you over, her eyes only showing love and concern now that she understood. "You are good, you've always been good. I'm so sorry I scared you, baby. I never wanted that to happen. Let's just go inside, your cuts must be hurting."
You nod and go to turn around but she pulls you back. Murming a soft 'Close your eyes' she picks you up bridal style. After some steps and shifting, the front door to the apartment closes behind the both of you. You risk opening your eyes and are met with the bloody footprints your lover leaves.
You close your eyes again.
jentledaisies © 2022. no translations, reposting, or modifications are allowed. do not claim as your own. viewer discretion is advised. your media consumption is your responsibility.
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ghostykapi · 1 year
ruination and breakfast
im nayeon & idol!fem reader // filth <3 minors dni
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had it been another day, you would probably reject her advances for the nth time. had it been another hour, you would have averted your gaze from the woman that resides in the deepest part of your heart. had it been another minute, then you would have been sleeping soundly in your cozy bed.
it wasn't another second though that did you find yourself mewling and grasping her clothes, with primal desperate need to be claimed. her teeth finding it's way to your neck and her hands tearing apart your clothes on her bed.
how the fuck did you get here?
it's no secret that you're one of the more outspoken idols, the lack of head to mouth filter making you constantly the topic of how the industry is changing. you find your name trending at least once a week for something you said in an interview or with those stupid stalkers following your life around.
some say you're one of the horrible ones who bring the bad image of an idol, because idols were supposed to be prim, proper and quiet. you loved to be messy and outspoken just to piss them off, your words ready to send someone in another childish fit of rage in social media.
some praise you for who you be with or without a camera, people constantly reporting on what you do or say. you knew that well and grasped that concept well, so you constantly used it to help amplify not your voice but others with your influence.
that's what the public thinks, what about the industry?
oh that's another whole situation that brings your head into another headache spiral. so you refuse to think about it for more than a minute
but you can’t deny the small amount of idols you actually managed to befriend with your demeanor. maybe you need too lose the rest bitch face, but that’s what got a couple of other people clinging onto you like they’re your golden retrievers and you’re the black cat
take your friend rosé from blackpink as a good example. you swear she was probably tipsy or something when she managed to mistake you for lisa and talked your ear off that night. that was the start of your blooming friendship with the four piece group.
another example was when you were younger, in the last stretch of your training years you met yeri of red velvet. she managed to convince you to stay true to your outspoken personality and to help her shop for clothes. both worked and now she’s one of the only people who can drag you out of bed and into another outing.
you also ended up befriending itzy’s youngest, sweet sweet yuna who you help in practicing her dance routines. sure you were a bit scary when you started to help her but you never really pushed her boundaries or scolded her like the previous ones who did, so she ended up getting close to you within the next couple of months. next thing everyone knew, both of you would always go to arcades together during her free days.
so the industry didn’t all hate you, but it was still shocking to many to see only so much people that are friends, or even acquaintances with you.
that's not a shock to you. the only shock [and the source of your daily annoyance] you have had in this industry is a persistent twice member who won't back down.
even after the hundreds of rejections over the months for something more than friendship, she's always within your earshot, her laugh bouncing off the walls of wherever you two can possibly meet. her texts flooding your phone more than your own manager. her gifts always making it's way to your front door of your apartment, which you refuse to acknowledge to her, that brings a smile to your face.
you know you can’t handle it anymore so that’s why it’s true that im nayeon is a force to be reckoned with. that's why tonight you managed to crack from your stubbornness as she finally managed to slither into your heart.
it was another idol's party, which you were invited too as a plus one by yeri. she had told you last minute by barging into your apartment, ruining your homeboy plans for the day.
"would you like to explain why this is very last minute?" you complained as you fixed up your outfit, all while yeri sits by the bed "i was looking forward to staying home tonight"
"i know you" she's on her phone, snapping pictures to post on her private instagram "you would say no and make 10 other excuses why you don't want to go out, ultimately mute your phone, lock the door and sleep the weekend away before i can convince you otherwise"
"i hate that you're right" you sigh as you smoothed down your skirt, feeling a bit anxious on the party "but do i have to go?"
"yes" yeri deadpans as she stands up, structs over and fixes your crop top "it's been weeks since you've got out of your house. the last time you even did leave the house for not work was for a family errand"
you hum in acknowledgement, twirling around to double check your outfit.
"you look hot but we are running out of time. chop chop let's go" yeri tosses you your bag, drags you out of door and into the night. ready to get drunk and have a good time
you don't mind mingling in the party, but with the way almost everyone had to do a double take when they see you by the door had you wanting to go back home. why bother staying in a party when half of these people probably have assumptions about you?
"yeri!" someone shouts above the music and both of you come face to face with another idol, their energy bouncing off the walls "you made it, and you brought a friend!"
"hi" you coolly state, hand out for a handshake which they gladly take "i'm y/n, yeri's friend"
"minatozaki sana, also yeri's friend" sana’s smile is bright and the mischievous glint is present in her eyes “also im nayeon’s braincell. would you interest in avoiding her or indulging with her blabbering by the living room?”
of course you couldn’t really escape her can you?
“uhm” you hesitate for a moment, eyes looking past sana to see a pair of eyes already staring at you “i don’t think i have a choice”
sana doesn’t even get to ask why when you’re pulled inside, hands on your waist and her smirk making your knees a bit weak
“hi hot stuff, come here often?” nayeon isn’t always this greasy with her pickup lines but with the time you’ve learned about her, she would only say those to you
“only when stubborn people force me to” you reply, eyes taking in her very bold choice of outfit for the night “trying to impress someone im?”
“trying to impress you” she’s so close to your face, and you swear you can kinda smell the booze on her “is it working?”
“barely” you scoff, but she doesn’t take any offense to that, only as a challenge “you have to do better than that to impress me”
“really now?” you don’t really notice it, but she’s got you cornered in an empty hallway that no one is in “what do you propose that i should do then?”
nayeon moves her hands to your shoulders and neck how, tracing random lines and shapes to any open skin she can feel. you can feel you heartbeat racing from this action but your face doesn’t move from a neutral reaction at all
“tell me” she drops her voice to a low purr, which you haven’t heard before, that brings shivers to your back “what can a woman do to make you be impressed hmm?”
you don’t answer her, only looking up to stare into her eyes as a challenge. your hands finding its place on her waist you can feel the exposed skin getting goosebumps from your touch
“tell me baby” her lips are close to yours, only distance between it is by a few centimeters “tell me”
you couldn’t take it anymore, pulling her into a kiss that she’s glad to reciprocate. your walls finally crumbling down as she invades your scenes, while kissing you senseless
and nayeon? she’s on cloud 9 right now finally kissing you after months. yeah she can be annoyingly persistent but she can see that she’s cracking bit by bit to get to you. now she’s got you around her finger, ready to show you what’s she capable to do
“you’re mine now” she whispers into your ear, after dragging you away from the party to her place with two knowing pairs of eyes watching your figures leave “and i’m gonna show you how much i love worshipping a goddess like you”
and when she’s got you underneath her? she’s got your back arched, hands clawing the sheets, thighs shaking and your mouth moaning out profanities.
so yeah that’s how you got there, with nayeon fucking you down into the mattress with her fingers plunging deep inside of you.
“you look so gorgeous for me like this” both of you are already free from any kinds of clothes and your eyes drink on her amazing form that send your mind reeling “so pretty and so ruined”
you can’t reply to her when you can feel her fingers stretch you out from the inside, your thighs twitching from every movement she does.
“sensitive?” you can barely nod when she kisses your cheek and finally pulls out after the two mind blowing orgasms she gave you “maybe we can put your energy into good use for something else”
your eyes perk up with the idea that’s she implying, and you use your arms to lock into her thighs as she carefully sits on you, her center right in front of you
“you know what to do baby” she coos, threading her finger through your hair as you start to eat her out, your arms and hands making sure she just stays right on top of you
it’s heaven when you can hear her moans go into a higher pitch when you suck on her clit or plunge your tongue deep inside of her. you can barely care for the lack of air when you can taste her like this and have her shaking on top of you
“baby” nayeon moans out, lightly tugging on your hair as she grinds onto your face “you’re gonna make me cum”
you can’t help but go faster with that, effectively making her moan and whine even louder as you bring her to the egde. her thighs crushing you a bit as she struggles to stay upright from the feeling
you don’t stop however, your arms still effectively locking her in and bringing her head fast to another orgasm ,that brings out the most profanities you can hear her say.
“sensitive?” you ask from below as you make a show of sucking her clit that brings a jolt of pleasure across her body “good”
“sensitive and spent” she gently pushes your face away from her center and bringing you into a cuddle, feeling the afterglow soak into your skins “you better be ready for the best breakfast you’ll be able to eat tomorrow y/n”
you hum in reply, your arms wrapped around her as you let her tuck her head against your neck “i hope you won’t burn the toast”
“you wound me”
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spiders-and-worms · 4 months
The way Lisa frankenstein’s director made these characters ARE SO GOOOOOD. So the movie seems like a very stereotypical chick flick romance movie, girl falls in love with a boy and they help eachother evolve. In that way it is, however the portrayal of other characters are completely different in the best way possible. In all the other romance movies with the main character being the loner, the family and popular kids are always portrayed as really awful people who don’t care abt anyone but themselves, however not Lisa Frankenstein!! Lisa has 3 family members: Her dad, step mom, and step sister. Her step mom is genuinely a bitch but in a really realistic way. Her step sister is super popular, super pretty, goes to parties, is a cheerleader, has half the boys at school wrapped around her fingers, and is a mommy and daddy’s girl. In every way the movie set her up for being demonized BUT THEY DIDNT. She was genuinely so nice and had a really sisterly bond with Lisa. She made Lisa feel welcomed and safe and was always there for her. and Lisa genuinely loved her as well. Even when they had a fight, Lisa still protected her. Taffy (athe step sister) was constantly shown as a good friend and the only person Lisa could rely on. When at school, Lisa has virtually no friends while Taffy is friends with a bunch of cheerleaders. Yet again, the movie had every chance to demonize the cheerleaders BUT THEY DIDNT!! This movie was absolutely amazing at portraying realistic people in an unrealistic setting. A lot of teen movies don’t accurately portray Teenagers but this movie did. I loved Taffy so much she’s such a sweetheart
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sinfulstarskitten · 1 year
BlackPink House 1 (Smut)
| Black Pink x male reader || 18+ || Kinky || Foursome || Bisexual ||
| Reader is sent to live with the Blackpink members for a week, only to realise he's been sent to fulfil their sexual desires.
| pt. 1
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You were wary when your team leader told you you'd be managing all the black pink members on their vacation that winter.
It wasn't often that a male manager was given a free vacation in a little house with four sexy idols. Heck it wasn't often that black pink themselves ever got a vacation.
But a whole damn week in a cabin in the hills? Cut off from the rest of the world? Damn this was both amazing and weird at the same time.
Either way, you were excited at the thought of spending some time with the girls. You've only managed Rose for a Paris event before, and been in meetings with Jisoo twice. Both girls had a body you could fantasize about for days.
Your favorite member was Jennie after you came across a fan cam of her shaking her ass in a tiny little skirt at a concert. You had that video saved in the darkest corner of your phone.
Brushing the horny thoughts off your mind, you pull up your car up at the little house. It was a modern, sleek thing with glass walls that overlooked the mountain scenery. (You noticed one of the bathrooms was fully glass too, which meant if you went on a morning walk, you could see one of the members showering.) It was supposed to have four bedrooms, which meant two members were gonna be sharing just so you could have a room to yourself. It was situated on the top of a mountain, a painful 5-hour drive from the nearest town. You were all on your own for the entire week.
The members should have arrived that morning, driven in by an experienced tour guide after their sightseeing tour of the nearest towns. You expected there to be party lights and loud music as you approached the house, but it was dead quiet. Maybe they had all fallen asleep? It was only 10 o'clock at night.
Hesitantly, you knock on the door. No one answers.
You push the door open to find it unlocked. You step inside.
"Hello? Anyone home?"
The house is dark as you're answered with silence. You could make the dark outline of the living room, no doubt lavish and luxurious if seen in daylight. You hear a soft sound, and you look up to see that the kitchen lights are on.
"Hey? I'm your new manager. Is anyone there?"
You walk into the kitchen, catching a glimpse of familiar blonde hair. You smile and prepare to call out Rose's name, but freeze. She has her back turned to you, and under her feathery blonde hair, she is topless.
And in her arms, kissing her roughly and fondling her chest, is Lisa.
"Girls what the hell?" You gasp out loud. Rose turns towards you, lips parted as Lisa opens her eyes in annoyance. You expect them to cover up and scream or do something, especially with Rose's soft milky breasts on full display but… they just grin.
"You must be our gift," Lisa says seductively. Her long black hair is a mess, covering her bralette top, and reaching her little black skirt.
"No." You avert your eyes from the two. "I'm your manager for this week, and it's gonna ruin the kpop industry if the company finds out what I just saw here."
Rose gasps, and you look up at her to see if she finally understands the weight of the situation. But to your surprise, she squeals in delight.
"Y/n Oppa? I knew it was you!" She claps excitedly, causing her boobs to bounce up and down. "I can't believe they listened to my request and sent you! This is the best gift ever!"
Your face turns red as you shake your head vigorously. "Are you girls listening! You could-"
"The company knows," Lisa says in a bored tone. "Everyone does, except you I guess. You probably don't even know why you're here from what you're saying."
You frown at her words. "What do you mean?"
Lisa approaches you calmly and sets a hand on your chest. "You, Mr. Manager, have been chosen to be our fuck toy."
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heliads · 11 months
LISA YOU DID NOT GIVE ME TIME TO PREPARE FOR THIS!!! However, I already had a few ideas in mind for the next time you opened requests, so:
May I pretty please request a Thorin Oakenshield + gender-neutral reader where the reader is a fairy who comes along on the journey to Erabor because Gandalf thought they needed another magic-user? Reader is a very sweet sunshine who gets along great with all the other party members, but because Thorin doesn’t trust fairies the same way he doesn’t trust elves (because they didn’t assist the dwarves after Erabor fell the first time) he refuses to let them get close to him. However, he does start to get closer to them and develop feelings for them as time goes on, but after the Battle of the Five Armies (where everyone lives, obviously) they can’t find the reader for a while and Thorin is terrified they might be dead. And when they finally find them relatively unharmed Thorin freaks out and confesses his love because he doesn’t want to lose them, and then there’s a very nice fluffy ending??
Of course, if you don’t want to write this, that’s totally cool!! Thanks and I hope you’re doing well!! <3 <3
YESSSS i am ascending to a higher plane thank you for this SUBLIME request
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The water is wide, the mountains high; no journey worth taking was ever meant to be easy, so you may assume from the first few treacherous days of your travels towards the Lonely Mountain that this quest of yours will be quite worthy indeed. It is not in your nature to spend much time musing on the unhappiness of a time, only to find its merits, but, well, there are far more sources of unhappiness than happiness on this particular journey. 
It would not be too much of a leap for even your optimism to be brought down a notch or two, to say the least. Already, your smiles are lacking a little at the seams; your jokes, not among your finest work.  Patience is stretched thin amongst the company, and the shadow of Erebor is no closer to the tips of your boots than the Shire far behind you.
The Shire was not your home, though, only the starting point. The last member of the company was Bilbo Baggins, your burglar, and he took quite a bit of convincing before he was willing to set a single foot beyond the familiar confines of his home. You’re not sure he was wrong to question the idea of the quest, though, nor if he regrets it already or not. Danger dogs your heels like a bloodhound, plus the rest of the company is nothing like any of the hobbits Bilbo has ever met.
Bilbo Baggins would not be the only one confused by his company, however. As a faerie, you’ve had the opportunity to travel far past the bounds of your city, to meet characters both kind and cruel. The Fae cluster in settlements like elves, but they disperse themselves to the winds, too. Most of you end up tossed to the whims of Fate soon enough, anyway. This was your chance to get to know the world you inhabit, and it appears you’ll get far more of a tasting of it than you ever expected.
It’s not terrible. That should go without saying. You are not unhappy that you are here, nor bitter that you signed the contract to join the company of Thorin Oakenshield when you could have stayed at home to rot. It is a good cause, this, and it will bring you both glory and treasure, should you want it.
The biggest problem, if you were going to be completely honest with yourself, would be that dwarf tasked with managing all of you, Thorin. You get along splendidly with all of the other dwarves, and Gandalf has been a friend of yours ever since you wowed him with a particularly ingenious magic trick when you were small, but for some reason you have never been able to win over Thorin himself.
That is not for lack of trying, not in the slightest. Gandalf was the one who requested that you join the company, certain that having another magic user on their side would not be the worst thing in the world as you passed through dangerous territory and had to take on a dragon later on. You showed up to meet the company with the best and purest of intentions, but Thorin seemed unable to accept the fact that you really wanted to help.
In truth, you don’t think he wanted to accept it. Thorin is displeased with the faeries the same way he’ll never forgive the elves, for the same reasons he’ll glare icily at humans. When Thorin’s kin fell along with Erebor, the faeries didn’t help. Thorin begged for aid, but the faeries did not respond. You’ll never fully know why, nor were you personally responsible for the betrayal, but that does not stop Thorin from treating as if you were the linchpin keeping support from his people.
It doesn’t matter, though. It doesn’t have to matter. Thorin’s personal feelings are not why you signed onto this quest. You joined because an old friend asked, and because the idea of helping to liberate the dwarves’ homeland from a dragon seemed like a good thing to do and a fascinating way to pass the time. Faeries don’t take things seriously. They never have.
So, you let your caution with Thorin fly away from you on an eagle’s strong wings, and you throw yourself into helping whenever you can. Gandalf is pulled away from the company soon enough for a myriad of causes, and even Thorin can admit that your magical skills come in handy soon enough. You save all of their lives dozens of times over, and you find real friendship in the company while you’re at it. Nothing a little optimism can’t handle.
Some of the nights get long, though, and the warmth of a covert campfire can only keep your tired frame from shivering for so many hours. They say the bones of the Fae are hewn from diamonds, your blood, the eternal nectar of the gods, but at this moment, you want only the mysticism and riches of a good meal and clothes that actually protect you against the chill. The mountains only get colder as you travel through them, and you don’t think you’ll be able to shake the prick of gooseflesh for decades if not centuries.
You’re on watch at the moment, scanning the dark horizon around you for monsters or orcs while the rest of the company rests. You’ll have another hour or two before you have to wake the next guardian– Bilbo, actually, who’s still snoring with the rest– so you should have plenty of time to yourself until then.
You should, at least. You don’t, because someone here is still awake. You had cast a spell on yourself to amplify sound and sight at the start of your watch so you could spot intruders that much more quickly, which is why you’re aware of one heartbeat other than your own that isn’t in the lull of sleep. When you tilt your head to the side just enough, you can make out someone staring in your peripheral vision.
Thorin. Who else? At first, you feel a rush of indignation bubble through your veins. There’s no reason for him to be awake on a night like this. Everyone is exhausted from weeks of hard travel, but he’s forced himself to forgo rest so he can make sure you are actually doing your job. After all this time, he still doesn’t trust you to do watch properly. It’s infuriating.
Sick of pretending like you don’t notice, you turn abruptly to stare him dead in the eyes. You expect Thorin to do something:  address you, maybe, or do something to acknowledge that he’s been caught, but instead he just holds your gaze coolly for a moment longer before turning on his other side. Half an hour later, he’s asleep.
Heroes. You’ll never understand them. The Fae are not the stuff of legends; your people prefer to linger in shadows and sunlight both, existing for themselves and for the glory of magic. Heroes, quest-leaders, warriors, they were never someone you grew up with. They have different motives, ones you don’t understand. They think they need to watch your back just because it’s the right thing to do. It confuses you, makes you believe things that might not be true. You don’t need someone like Thorin messing with your head right now, but he seems perfectly content to do it anyway.
The rest of the night passes without issue. You finish your watch shift without anything impactful, and rouse a deeply annoyed Bilbo to take over after you. Thorin doesn’t trouble you again, and indeed, the next day he seems perfectly content to act as if nothing had ever happened.
No self-respecting faerie would ever let themselves drop a grudge, though, so you manufacture a way of bringing it up before long. The company disperses in a long line, the slower ones trailing behind while Thorin keeps up the charge at the front. You make your way up to him, waiting until everyone else behind you is sufficiently far away so as to not hear a word of the inevitable quarrel, then cast Thorin one sidelong glance.
“Would you like to tell me why you’ve been watching me?”
Thorin actually stumbles while he’s walking, but manages to right himself just in time. “I haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about.”
You weren’t expecting him to outright deny it. This past night hasn’t been the only time you’ve caught his eyes on you. It has happened from the very start of the quest, actually. At first, his gaze was pinned to you like a wanted poster, full of judgment and suspicion. Recently, the hostility has gone down, but that doesn’t make him any less willing to look away. His gaze chases your heels as you clamber over rocks, lingers on your fingers as you fight. All this, and he still wants to act as if nothing has happened.
You scoff. “You know exactly what I’m talking about. Let’s discuss last night, then. You keep staying awake during my watch. Why? Do you really trust me that little?”
Thorin shakes his head, keeping his gaze firmly trained on the horizon. “I do trust you.”
This does actually come as a surprise. He hasn’t been able to admit it aloud, likely because that would contradict his whole idea that faeries are selfish creatures who left his people to die in the fall of Erebor, but apparently he’s made an exception for you.
“Then why not let me conduct my watch in peace?” You pry.
Thorin jerks a shoulder up and down once, a taut and tense version of a shrug. “I don’t want any lapse in judgment to injure the people I care about.”
You feel your relatively good mood drop. Thorin lashes out often, most frequently when he’s sure he’s only leading his company towards their imminent destruction, so you shouldn’t take it personally. Kind of hard not to, though.
“So you think I’m blind to attackers and I’ll get everyone killed, is that what you’re saying?”
“No, I’m just worried that there are things out there worse than one of your spells,” Thorin argues, but he doesn’t sound too convincing anymore.
You shove your hands into the pockets on your coat. “You know, I just don’t get it. If you’re this opposed to faeries, why did you ever let Gandalf convince you to let me join your company?”
“I didn’t want to at the start,” Thorin begrudgingly admits, “but that was at the start, like I said. Things are different now.” He pauses, voice heavy with secrets as of yet left unsaid, then adds, “We’re different.”
You think this might be the most honest thing he’s ever shared with you. It makes you feel– a lot, actually. It makes you feel things you have not considered until now. Thorin does trust you and he does have reasons he wants to keep you around. In fact, he might even be counting you among the people he cares about and wants to protect.
You don’t have much time to think about it, not on the road and not even after you reach Erebor and immediately have to contend with an infuriated dragon. Thorin shows you the place after you have a moment of relative peace, pointing out the details his ancestors built into a home that has not been his in quite some time. It is as if he wants you to remember all of it. It is as if he wants it to be yours as well.
Peace does not last forever, it never does. One day, you’re exploring every room and corridor of Thorin’s home beneath the Lonely Mountain, the next, you’re watching army after army pour over the surrounding hills. No one likes power when it isn’t theirs. The thought that Thorin might finally have claim to his ancestral land wasn’t well favored by anyone in the vicinity, apparently.
That only means that you’ll have to fight twice as hard to keep Erebor in the hands of your friends. Even when the elves ride up to your doorstep with the humans, even when the orcs arrive out of nowhere, you stay and fight. Always. That’s what you do for the people you care about.
Thorin had asked once if you were going to leave. He’d posed the question slowly, hesitantly, eyes on any other object in the room except you, but you’d still had the perfect view of the relief on his face when you told him you would stay until it was done. There was still an open question of what you would do when it was over, but surviving a battle of this magnitude was the first crisis to deal with. Anything else could happen later, once everyone made it through alive.
That alone seemed like an impossible task, and by all accounts, it should have been. Never before in your life have you cast so many spells of such strength, saving the lives of your friends and ending those of your enemies all in turn. When it is over, you are covered in blood and ash, utterly exhausted, and injured, but your heart beats, at least, and that is enough.
You were separated from the rest of Thorin’s company during the progress of the battle, drawn out to find the best vantage point from which you could cast your spells. At first, you were going for long distance attacks, lobbing fireballs and extensive charges from a crumbling rooftop, but orcs quickly descended upon you and you were forced to resort to closer quarter magic instead.
Perhaps that is why they thought you were dead. When they could no longer see your spells from across the battlefield, there was no way to tell for sure if you were still alive. You were far away from them, fighting off the last of the enemy, and you didn’t find them for a while.
More specifically, they didn’t find you for a while. Later, you hear that Thorin had been in a sort of frantic haze, going over every rock and stone in his path in an all consuming quest to find you. You weren’t with Fili and Kili, who were immediately folded into the search party, nor were you alongside the other dwarfs. Bard had not seen you. Neither had some of the elves. By all accounts, you were gone. Vanished from sight.
That was the one thing Thorin wanted to hear the least. A body is something you can handle, a final decision. If he could not see you, he assumed you were either dead or about to be, and only his actions could save you. He would run himself ragged trying to find you and stop your death before it happened. He would have forced all the orcs in the land back to the fiery hellhole they came from, fought every monster and defeated every enemy, if it would have stopped a sword from piercing your heart.
And so, when he finally stumbled over a rocky outcropping and saw you calmly casting a spell of healing on one of his cousin’s soldiers. You had turned upon hearing him approach, and the last of Thorin’s terrors left him in one fell swoop. You were alright. He was alright. Everything, although damaged and broken and wholly consumed with ash and blood, would somehow end up okay.
Not much was said. Both of you lacked the words. Too many friends had been lost, not enough saved. Erebor would be protected, though. You swore that oath at the start, back when you joined the company for the first time, and you promise it again now. The Fae will have to wait a little longer to welcome you back. You would like to stick around a for a while.
requested by @starlit-epiphany, i hope you enjoy!
tolkien taglist: @rogueanschel, @retvenkos, @gods-fools-heroes, @crazyhearttragedy
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artbyblastweave · 8 months
It's always tickled me how Butcher's backstory is so similar to Lisa's from Worm
(This is about Butcher from The Boys, not Butcher from Worm) Oh yeah, the parallels are super strong- they're both seasoned manipulators (relatively in Lisa's case, but the dynamic is present) with a cloak-and-dagger info-mongering approach to asymmetrical warfare against the Powers That Be, who take a directionless, traumatized and inexperienced neophyte under their wing, try to play the Morpheus role in introducing them to the Way Things Really Work, using them as a morality pet-slash-replacement goldfish for a deceased sibling. The distinctions are interesting too. Lisa is a manipulative Infomonger because that's how she likes to do her business- she lives for the Sherlock thing, she needs to be the smartest in the room. It's not purely instrumental for her. Butcher, by contrast, is similar to Taylor in that to the extent that he's subtle or clever, it's purely because he doesn't have the luxury of just annihilating the problem with overwhelming firepower- and indeed, the second he gets it, subtlety went out the window for him. Another interesting thing is that Lisa is, by most measures, probably a better person than Butcher, even though Butcher's conflict with Vought is, in the abstract, much more morally straightforward, with fewer moving parts, than any conflict Lisa ever has with the Heroes; the gray for Butcher is in terms of the horrible depths he's willing to sink to in order to beat the evil monolith of Vought, while the gray of Worm is in how everyone kinda sucks but most parties are genuinely working towards what they see as a greater good. And of course there's the Frankenstein thing with Lisa; a "what-have-I created" moment where her greatest failure is that she feels like she greased the wheels on Taylor's upward spiral, that her attempt to reach out and help someone really just enabled her to deal out and suffer damage at a level far in excess of what Tattletale herself ever got up to. Whereas with Butcher, a major recurring theme is that he simply can't or won't drag Hughie down to his level. In the comic Hughie's allergy to efficacy went hand-in-hand with the fact he was the only member of the main cast capable of existing happily outside the nightmare horrorshow of the cape scene; (possibly) the only one who made it out and got to live happily when all was said and done. Moreover Comics!Butcher (the show's not there yet) was pretty clearly aware of this and thought it was pretty nifty that his protégé was fundamentally a better person than him. IIRC he considered it a success that he didn't turn Hughie into another Butcher. I feel like dumping either into the other's setting would be an interesting hook. Butcher's instincts about superheroes wouldn't be misplaced per se on Earth Bet, but it's a much more genuinely multipolar dynamic; there's powered infighting in the Boys, but fundamentally Vought gatekeeps the arena, Vought is the Arena, even more so than Cauldron, and the lack of a singular locus to attack- indeed, his comparatively easy access to powered assets who'll help him attack whatever he ultimately chooses to go after- might break Butcher's brain a little. Lisa in The Boys, is interesting for a similar reason; As an outside freelance agent, she's the perfect opponent for Vought- a target big enough to be impressive or fun, morally bankrupt enough that she'd feel good about herself positioned opposite them, and dysfunctional enough that they'd genuinely have a hard time rooting her out if she plays it smart. It'd be like a meat pumpkin for her.
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luvhughes43 · 1 year
lovesick | trevor zegras x singer!reader
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luvhughes43 masterlist🌷
request: what if … kpop idol!reader where the reader is like. a well established idol in a popular group and they date a hockey player that they had been childhood friends with and they get exposed by dispatch 🤭 perhaps with trevor??
note: i decided not to make this specifically kpop related because i think it would make more sense! thank you for the request i love it!
story note: the group members are jennie, rose, and lisa !
word count: 1.3k
ynoffical just posted !
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ynoffical on tour with my girls🫂🖤💗 #lovesicktour
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lovesickgirls 🖤💗🖤💗
jennie having the most fun
rose some exciting people in the audience tonight!🤭
fan01 what?? who
fan02 idk but they’re performing in california tonight
trevorzegras excited to watch the show❤️‍🔥🔥
ynoffical 💗💗
fan03 ??? what who is that?
fan04 fan03 thats trevor zegras hes some hockey player. he plays in cali i think
fan03 fan04 oh do u think hes the special guest rose was talking about?
fan04 fan03 idk i can’t really picture yn with a hockey player tbh
you and Trevor had known each other since you were children. your parents met because your brother and Trevor played hockey together when they were younger, and so your parents quickly became friends. your parents' friendship led to many nights at the Zegras household and so on. 
you and Trevor had very similar lifestyles. the two of you never seemed to be in the same place for too long so it was increasingly difficult to ever spend time together. like last year for instance when Trevor was on off season you were busy in different states and countries performing at sold out arenas and shows. 
despite it all though, you and Trevor remained friends. which is why you were so excited to see him at your show tonight. 
you had got him to come to the arena early, so he could watch you and your group do soundcheck. “Visitor here!” your security guard called out as he walked into the empty arena where crew members were busy getting things ready for the show.
“Trevy!” you screamed, rushing down the stage steps and into his awaiting arms. he spun you around quickly, the both of you laughing as he finally set you back down. “i’m so excited you’re here!” you smiled up at him and he smiled right back.
“i’m so excited to be here! this is so cool" Trevor replied, letting go of you so he could survey the arena. the barricade was just being set up and the lighting was being tweaked. 
your group members had all greeted Trevor and then you guys moved on to soundcheck, marking your dances and performing some of your tracklist to adjust the sound. 
trevorzegras just posted !
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trevorzegras sickest concert i’ve ever been to💯🔥
tagged: lovesickgirls, and ynoffical
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jackhughes WHAT? I want to go??
trevorzegras you don't even like pop music
jackhughes i could get into it.
fan05 trevor likes the lovesick girls?
hockeyfan01 uhhh🤔
ynoffical so glad you could come💗
trevorzegras so glad you invited me❤️‍🔥
the show was great, but in your opinion the private after party was better. after the show, Trevor met you backstage and you gave him a quick tour.
“God this is so cool!” Trevor marvelled at basically everything you showed him, “and you guys were so good tonight too, like unbelievable” Trevor continued, rambling about how cool this whole experience was for him. 
“Hey yn?” one of your group members jennie approached you two. “the girls and i are going to head back to the hotel now,” she stated as the other girls gathered their things. 
you looked towards Trevor, making a quick decision that you knew you wouldn’t regret. “i still never got to see anaheim,”  you prompted him, which got him to excitedly invite you over to his place to hangout. 
you talked to your security, and since you were performing another show in cali tomorrow evening, you were free to spend all the time you wanted before rehearsals tomorrow with Trevor. 
things got heated pretty quickly once you got to where Trevor lived. he gave you a quick tour around his neighbourhood, and you took it all in with wonder. 
“It’s crazy how different our lives have gotten,” you spoke up in the quietness of his bedroom.
“I know. From family friends to global superstar," Trevor replied, nudging into your side before he moved on to get his sweatpants out of his dresser drawer.
“Oh you're one to talk! Mr. hockey superstar! I’ve seen all the highlights” you laughed, causing Trevor to turn away from his clothes to smile at you. 
“you watch me play?” he asked.
“i said i watch the highlights, i’m much too busy to watch full games,” you joked. “No but seriously i do watch some of your games” you added. “I’ve actually been waiting for you to invite me to one…” you teased, sitting on the edge of Trevors bed that he gave up for you to use for the night.
Trevor laughed in response, gathering all of the things he needed for the night out of his bedroom. He leaned against the doorframe, “i’ll see you in the morning” he smiled, turning around to leave his room.
“Wait!” you shouted, and Trevor turned back around.
“You don’t have to leave,” you said, shocking yourself. “I mean… there’s plenty of room here for the both of us” you said sheepishly. 
“No i mean its fine, i can sleep on the couch. It’s actually pretty comfortable and-” Trevors rambling was quickly cut off by you.
“stay with me. please Trev?” you basically pleaded, and Trevor only nodded. He got ready for bed and laid down beside you.
The two of you stayed up practically all night. you told Trevor that tour life was really getting to you. stating that you often grew tired of all the travelling and the loneliness that came with it. he of course understood, and you felt your feelings for him change into something more. 
the morning came too soon, and you had to be back in Inglewood for your show later that evening. the drive was mostly silent, which was a little confusing if you consider how loud Trevor is all of the time.
when you got to your hotel you stayed sitting in Trevors passenger side, his big orange car doing nothing to conceal the two of you from the people out on the street. 
you turned towards him, and whispered a thank you. 
“when will i be able to see you again?” he questioned, and you wished that yours and his life was more stable so seeing him could be an everyday thing.
“I’ll be done with my tour soon, there’s only a few more dates and then we could… i dont know” you trailed off. 
“i don't want you to leave,” Trevor admitted, and you thought you finally found the cause of his silence on the drive here.
“i don’t want to leave you” you admitted.
the both of you stared at each other for a minute, cars honking all around you as you took way longer than you should’ve in front of the hotel. 
Trevor made the first move. he cupped your cheek, pulling you in for a soft kiss. 
you made the second move, pulling him in once he pulled away a little too soon. 
trevorzegras just posted !
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trevorzegras you make me feel alive❤️🌹
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hockeyfan HE HAS A GF??? 
luvzegras11 this is the worst day of my life there's no way😭
ynfangirl now whys he using yn lyrics …
ynfangirl i mean he lives in anaheim so maybe?? the girls were just in cali for like a week.. omg? also isn't this the guy she invited to the show?
jackhughes oh i see how it is !
trevorzegras you’ll always be my number 1 girlfriend dont worry !❤️
enews just posted !
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enews #lovesickgirls own yn was seen out last night with rumoured boyfriend, NHL player Trevor Zegras! The two are reportedly childhood friends who recently started dating after a #lovesicktour concert! The link to the story is in our Bio. 
ynoffical just posted !
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ynoffical so the rumours may be true…❤️🌹
tagged: trevorzegras
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jennie you guys are the cutest ever
rose can’t believe love is real
trevorzegras i love and miss you
ynoffical i love and miss you too❤️ luvzegras11 THEY’RE IN LOVE?? IT KEEPS GETTING WORSE
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skulgore · 2 years
Creator has a toddler family member with them
^ normal AND imposter sagau!
to soothe me missing my nephew. this is based off how my nephew has genshin 💀.. he loves amber and bennett
i never seen anybody write an imposter version cus they don't want children to get hurt ... but me on the other hand? ... ima turn up
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Normal Sagau:
they didn't expect anything, just a normal farming artifacts day with your strongest team!
it was until you joined somebody's world that they began to get curious? who was this person? do you know them?
their questions were quickly answered when they heard a child run in your room with a loud voice, then proceeding to tell you how much they love you and that they need to get
while some feel a twinge of jealousy, others feel heart warmed.
but the common thing throughout teyvat is that they want to be the one telling you their love, not some kid who doesn't know how much they would die to trade spots with them
imagine the kiddos hearing you with them :(
klee, qiqi, diona, sayu, and dori want to hangout with you too :(
especially if you have one of the kids on the party when you join the lil kiddos world.
they want to play with you!!! but they also find the kiddo adorable.
so do all of the characters!! they love them so much but they are so so jealous 😕.
the ones who are most jealous of your family member would be:
Tartaglia, Klee, Kaeya, Fischl, Diluc, Collei, Jean, Barbara, Ayato? and Ayaka (mostly the younger siblings)
the ones who are most jealous of you:
Venti? Amber, Lisa, Ningguang, Hu Tao, Noelle, Yoimiya, and Ganyu
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Imposter Sagau:
oh dear.
oh no.
you guys are in trouble big time!
that is if the "creator" has a younger family member of them as well
if not, free reign.
butttttt if they do. yikes.
protecting your family member and sprinting? not only do they want your head on a stick, they want BOTH of your guys' heads.
the kiddo hasn't done anything wrong :(
but boy, when they saw the fear in the kids eyes just made them tear up.
best thing they could use against you? “bring you and the kid to the creator and we'll spare your lives, for now."
wanted ... alive. PLEASE! that's if they're nice.
i think this version of imposter au it'd be very uh toned down a lot from the other versions, less gorey for the kiddo :(, if anything, shield their eyes :((.
when they find out you're the actual creator? they're enraged and no blood had been shed due by your request, save the trauma for the kid.
the true imposter has been taken down, what about the other clueless lil kid? :(
take them in pls.
they have nowhere else to go, everywhere they go, they'd be shunned on for impersonating the creators-successor.
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nakunakunomi · 7 months
I will not lie, that last piece had me grinning like an idiot. For the next request, could I ask D from the fluff alphabet for Epel please? Thank you! 💜💜 - Lisa @princess-of-pomefiore
Oh, Epel, I don't think I ever wrote something proper for him besides my kissing headcanons? He's so cute, has been growing on me loads the last few events. Hope you enjoy!
2nd person. GN reader. no warnings, just fluff
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D - Dreams - How do they picture their future with their s/o?
Epel loves his hometown, and he loves you, and he is a little traditionalist in his way of thinking, in the sense that his ideal future includes you and him, married and living in his hometown. Maybe not with all of the family members in one house, but definitely with his family nearby, they mean so much to him after all. 
Epel would want to have kids, of course keeping your opinion on the matter in mind. Adopted, biological, fostering, it truly doesn’t matter to him, but since the Village of Harvest has a generally elderly population, it would be nice to have some youngins around to bring some life to the party. 
He isn’t entirely sure on what to do with the apple farm, sure that he will play some role in its future, but again, keeping you and your wishes in mind just how big that role will be. Generally his focus is just on being with you and being happy. Family matters a lot to him, so chances are incredibly small he will ever move away with you though. 
Other than that, Epel is pretty easygoing, and will always keep your dreams and opinions in mind, so you can have an ideal shared future. After all, that’s what you’re a couple for: to grow old together, but do it happily so.
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This is part of my AB(C)-Day event! Click here to join!
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kai-anderson-whore · 1 year
Best friends cousin part 2 (smut) (Warren lipka x fem reader)
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Warnings: time skip were the reader is now 25, Warren's imprisonment, smut, oral (f receiving), p in v sex, drunk sex, mentions of social work system, family members passing, mentions of the robbery
Taglist: @spill-the-t @iluwmycats @lili-tate @evanpeterswifeyy868 @jademunson @evanpetersfansblog @howtobesasha @lustforeverrrr @fand0mh03
A/n: this took so long and I hate it
Word count: 2,9k
•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•..•°˚˚°•.•¤❅¤•.•¤❅¤•.•°˚˚°•. .•°˚˚°
It had been years since you last saw Warren the next time you went to Rick's place was two weeks after you seen Warren he was gone. He moved in with his dad till he got his own place but that never happened you found out about the robbery he committed just when you turned 18 two months after you last seen him.
You hadn't thought about him in a long while finally gotten over you little crush. You spent month after his arrest with Rick trying to help him through his cousins arrest but after it you hadn't heard anything about Warren.
It's now 2012 You were now twenty five and attending Rick's birthday party you wore a tight black fitted dress that hugged your curves perfectly showing just enough cleavage. You hadn't had a night out in a while since you were busy with work. You decide to do babysitting as a career you took your course in social care but dropped out since it had brought up bad memories.
Your makeup on heels on your feet you were ready to go, you called Rick telling him you were on way to his since you'd be leaving your car there and getting a cab with them to the venue. Rick still lived with his mom so you were excited to see them again since you've been working to make extra few bucks.
You finally made it to Rick's parking your car in the driveway, you entered the house being greeted by Zak who was now sixteen, "What's up y/n" he smiled "hey bud" you smiled bringing him in for a hug he now knew you weren't really cousins but still didn't change how he saw you as his big cousin. Zak entered his room trying to find his shoes that he'd been searching for a while.
You went to the kitchen seeing Rick's mom and dad In there talking, "hello auntie Lisa's gorgeous girl" Lisa beamed bringing you in for her infamous hugs "Hey aunt Lisa, hi uncle tommy" you smiled Rick's dad brought you in for a hug too. You knew Rick's parents were on good terms but not back together either way you still treated Rick's dad the same as always since he was a huge part of your childhood.
"Where's the birthday boy" you asked placing the gift bag you brought with you on the counter. "He's out the balcony sweetheart" Lisa said you nodded going to the balcony. You saw Rick there just staring into the nothingness. "Rick you okay?" You asked furrowing your brows he was always excited on his birthday.
"Just thinking that's all" he sighed the tears threatening to spill from his eyes, "about?" You asked you had a feeling but you didn't want to just say it. "Just it's gets harder without my grandparents you know" he sighed again wiping his eyes you pulled your chair closer to him wrapping an arm around him.
"I know honey it doesn't get any easier when my granma passed and without the kids but I know for a fact they wouldn't want you to be crying on your day they would want you to be happy having the time of your life your twenty five now Rick" you said pulling your best friend closer to you.
"You right y/n thanks your the best" he said resting his head on yours, "now come on birthday boy let's get our skates on" you joked taking his hand as he laughed, "you sound so fucking old".
"What only two weeks older than you" you joked.
At the venue you were now a good few drinks in dancing away with Rick talking to your friends and his family enjoying yourself. You Decided it was time for another drink making your way to the bar ordering yourself a pink gin and lemonade. You didn't notice anyone there till a familiar voice behind you spoke.
"Well isn't it zaks favourite" you turned around to see the man you used to have a major crush on Warren. "Oh my god Warren" you smiled bringing him in for a hug if you were sober you probably wouldn't have since you were a naturally shy person. "Look at you all grown up" he smiled pulling away from the hug taking a sip of his beer.
"Can say the same for you how have you been when did you get out?" You asked as the bartender handed you your drink. "I've been alright I got out a good few months ago got my own place down the road from Lisa's and I'm back at college turning my life around how about you?".
"Yeah alright I got a job in babysitting studying social work didn't work out" you shrugged Warren nodded understandingly "how's everything going with that you know social Work?" He asked knowing what had happened, "we got them back four years ago it's been amazing since then thank you for asking" you smiled referring to your siblings.
You and Warren talked for the majority of the night about anything and everything till you were both staggering outside for a cigarette. You stood there (well tried) smoking your cigarette talking to Warren. He couldn't believe how beautiful you were he knew it was wrong since you were his cousins best friend but he couldn't help but feel attracted to you in a way he never felt for anyone else.
Warren couldn't contain himself anymore he crashed his lips on yours taking you by shock but you held his cheek with your free hand. The kiss was greedy and hungry Warren's tongue swiped across your bottom lip seeking entry you parted your lips allowing your tongues to move in sync. You threw away your cigarette your hands ran through his hair.
You could feel the pool in your panties, the heat rising in your body, the need for him growing. Pulling away for air you gasped Warren's hands now on your hips your back against the wall. "How about we go back to my place?" He asked his eyes dark with lust a drunk smirk on his lips all you did was bite your swollen bottom lip nodding.
Luckily a cab was driving by Warren waved it over both of you hopping into the vehicle. The drive was probably uncomfortable for the driver since all you and Warren did was share kisses and him whisping dirty things in your ear making you squeeze your thighs together trying to dull your throbbing heat.
Warren's hand on your thigh dangerously high up, you trying not to say anything incase it caught the drivers attention but luckily you make it to Warren's house on time. Paying the driver thanking him, you and Warren quickly left the car and rushed into his house. Before you could even take in his house Warren kicked the door shut pinning your body to the wall. His lips attacking yours.
A moan escaped your lips the cold wall hit your exposed skin making Warren smirk and goosebumps rise on your skin, one of his hands on your hip the other grabbing your breast squeezing the skin covered by the black material and lace bra. Warren's lips traveling down your neck finding your sweet spot sucking and slightly biting the flesh making you moan again.
You tilted your hips up desperate for friction warren pulled away from your neck panting slightly impressed with the marking he made on your skin. Taking your hand guiding you to his bedroom the anticipation was too much for you as he helped you out your dress you immediately felt insecure as he just stared at your body cover by your bra and panties.
But those insecurities faded away with what Warren said to you "you're so fucking beautiful" placing his lips back on yours your hands pulling his t-shirt off his body discarding it on the floor. Warren backing you on the bed hovering over you his lips back on your neck marking you more a sigh leaving your lips, mind clouded with lust.
With one swift motion Warren
unclasped your bra tossing it somewhere, his lips then trailed to the valley of your breasts before taking your nipple in his mouth soft moans leaving your lips your back arching. "Warren please" you whimperd your breathing began you get shaky with desperation.
"What do you want me to do?" He asked with a shit eating grin on his face he knew what he was doing, you felt embarrassed to say it but so desperate for him right now and with the alcohol you didn't care, "I want you to fuck me please" you begged warrens grin grew wider his hands hooking your underwear.
"What with? My fingers, tongue or dick?" He chuckled slipping your panties off your legs. You didn't care what he fucked you with you just needed him, "anything Warren just please" you whined Warren knelt down now face to face with your core kissing your thighs to where you needed him most.
"God your so wet for me already and we haven't even got to the good part" he remarked spreading your legs further apart. Licking a strip along your slick folds making you gasp at the feeling. His tongue circles your clit reducing you to a moaning mess.
"Fuck warren don't stop please" you moaned your hands tugging his locks keeping him close as he ate you out like his last meal. He then pumped a finger into your entrance rolling your eyes back your chest rising and falling. Warren never took his eyes off you for a second adding another finger into you pumping his digits along your slick walls you clenching around his fingers.
You didn't know what it was if it was the alcohol that made you feel this good or if Warren was really amazing at this but it didn't take you long to release all over his fingers Warren pulled his digits out of you licking up your release moaning into you your legs slightly shaking at the stimulation.
Warren pulled away from you licking your juices off his fingers before coming back up to face you. "God you tasted so good baby I can't wait to be inside you" his voice was deeper with the lust he had for you.
Warren kissed you one more time before pulling away to discard his remaining clothes. You sat yourself up on your elbows watching the view almost drooling at the size he was bigger than you thought and thick you wondered how he was going to fit. Giving himself a few tugs before lining himself up with your throbbing desperate entrance.
You both moaned in union at the feeling of him filling you up perfectly a mix of both pain and pleasure since it had been a good while since you were intimate with anyone. You gripped on Warren's biceps as you got used to the feeling. "God your so tight" he whispered his lips inches away from your own one's.
You bucked your hips up signalling him to start moving. Warren started in a slow pace your breath hitched feeling all of him, you felt amazing like no one else had made you feel in the matter of minutes. You eyes rolled back, your mouth slack open. Warren's head dipped down to your neck his hot breath tingling your flustered skin sending you crazy.
"Oh fuck faster please" you moaned out bucking your hips up your nails digging into his skin, Warren's thrusted faster into you and harder making your eyes roll back with every thrust. You couldn't get enough the sound of your skin hitting off each other combined with your moans drove you and Warren wild.
Before you knew it Warren pulled out of you "I want you on all fours" his voice deep and husky making you do as he said your ass infront of his wiggling infront of him teasingly. You let out a strangled moan as Warren's hand collided with your ass making your body jolt forward. "You like that huh?" You could almost hear the smirk in his voice making you grow more wetter by the second.
"Mhmm" you hummed.
You felt Warren's cock tease your slick wet folds making you move your hips desperate for friction. "I can't hear you darling" the nickname you would have hated if it came from anyone else you now loved. "Yes Warren please do it again" you whined feeling Warren's hand slap you once again a loud moan leaving your lips. The now red flesh stung under his palm as he soothed the skin.
Without warning Warren entered your dripping wet pussy you moaned once again as he delivered harsh thrust fucking you relentlessly. "Fuck yes, yes" you yelled your hips meeting his thrust. Your hands gripped the bedsheets beneath you for leverage, your tits bounced with each hard drive he sent you.
"God your so wet" he hissed his hands gripped your hips pulling them back with his movements. You felt close to your sweet release your gummy walls tightening around Warren who pulled you up by the neck giving it a light squeeze till your back was flush against his chest. Sending thrust upwards his lips attacked your neck one of his hands on your neck lightly choking you the other fondling your breast.
"Fuck I'm so close" you warned reaching your hand to his hair tugging on his locks earning a groan from the man behind you fucking you like none other had ever done before. "Me too baby" he whispered againt your neck the hand that was on your neck now reaching down to rub your clit bringing you over the edge.
You came over his cock with a loud moan Warren's lips still on your neck as his own orgasm washed over him coating your walls with his seed. Coming down from your blissful high you leaned back on Warren's chest panting a light giggle left your lips before getting off him with a whimper.
"What's so funny" he smiled tiredly handing you a towel.
"Nothing just never thought that would happen" you explained cleaning yourself before throwing the towel in the dirty laundry basket at the side of the room. Collapsing on the pillows your eyes growing heavy from the alcohol and being fucked senseless. "Neither but that was probably the best I ever had" he chuckles pulling a clean pair of boxers on handing you a t-shirt.
Now covered up by Warren's shirt you laid back on the pillows. "Rick can't know" you said knowing he wouldn't be mad but will not let you live it down. "Agreed but we should do it again I really enjoyed it" Warren said wrapping an arm around you.
The next morning you woke up with Warren spooning you. His arm wrapped securely around you it felt nice laying like this you didn't want to move oddly enough. But you knew it was wrong of you to even be in his bed in the first place.
You felt Warren shift behind you making you turn around to face him. "Well isn't this a pretty sight to wake up to" he smiled you couldn't help but get all shy hiding your face in his chest making him chuckle. "God I smell like shit" you grimced you could still smell the alcohol and sex off you both Warren offered you both to share a shower to "save water" but it was to have sex again which you didn't mind.
Weeks went by you and Warren spent more time together getting closer you were at Rick's a lot more seeing everyone sneaking around sharing kisses when no one was looking or at outings with Rick you would hold hands under the table like you were secretly dating but you weren't it was a bit of fun till one night.
You laid on Warren's chest drawing patterns, tangled together after your recent activities Warren stayed silent deep in thought. You glanced up noticing this "penny for your thoughts" you said as he looked down at you contemplating if he should tell you wants on his mind or not.
"Y/n we've known each other for a long time" he started you nodded letting him continue "and this between us well to me isn't just you know sex" you furrowed your brows "what do you mean?" You asked feeling nervous about what he would say next.
"I mean I like you a lot and well if you want to I think we should make it official you know dating" he said you couldn't help but smile pressing your lips to his.
"So is that a yes?" He asked with a grin on his face. "Yes" you answered kissing him again. The kiss was soft his hand cupping your cheek not wanting you to go anywhere till you broke the kiss laughing. "What's so funny?" He asked he couldn't help but stare at you the way your dimples would be on full display your nose crinkling as you laughed.
"I just thought we can skip the while meeting the family thing since we've known each others family for years" you said resting your chin on his chest. "True but at least the hard part is over since obviously my family adore you" Warren remarked his fingertips gazing over your arm as you felt the dawn of the night weigh on you.
"Yeah let's get some sleep" you yawned snuggling yourself into Warren's chest. "Goodnight babe" he yawned getting himself comfortable as you both drifted into your slumber.
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Rope MF is one of the best Kirby OCs I’ve seen in a while. I love how he simultaneously is silly but also not a joke.
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I can’t tell if you actually mean it or if it’s a joke that’s flying over my head, but thank you!!!
Focusing on the topic:
He is no joke, my guy swings on rope 24 hours a few days a week. Like I said in my previous post, probably have a crazy sleeper build.
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Like if Bandana Waddle Dee was able to crack the planet at the beginning of his career, just imagine what Rope MF could do
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Going into Rope MF origins when being created:
It’s funny you say that their not a joke because originally that what they were!
Rope MF was a joke character in a game concept I had where Kirby, King Dedede, and Meta Knight were all captured and Bandana Dee had to save the day.
It would’ve been a turned-based rpg where you had different waddle dees to join your party and Rope MF was one of them. Because while I was looking at the different types of waddle dees I just found it funny that swinging waddle dee was a type of waddle dee. Rope MF would’ve been one of the weakest member of your party because all he had was a rope, and you can’t do much with that. But then I grew fond of the idea of if you had him in your party the whole time, and if you complete his side quests he’d be one of your most powerful asset (imagine Terry from Lisa the Painful).
This was the first ever drawing of them:
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This was the second drawing when Bandana Dee completes his arc of not being ashamed of being a waddle dee. He then goes on an entire rant about how each Waddle Dee was special, and I included Rope MF because I thought it was funny:
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I lowkey became attached to Rope MF and decided to make them their own character backstory and all, but they’re mainly here to explain their love of ropes
Here’s a little bonus comic of the aftermath of the Megaton Punch:
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Rope MF never changes and I love him for it
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