#aleister black angst
judgementdaysunshine · 4 months
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Header credits to @romanthereigns
🪐 - Angst
🪻 - Fluff
☄️ - Smut
🌿 - Marijuana
🍼 - Pregnancy
Indi Hartwell
Dragon Lee
Rhea Ripley
Aleister Black
Kelani Jordan
Damian Priest
Ava Raine
Pete Dunne
Charlotte Flair
Finn Balor
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dirtywrestling · 10 months
Aleister Black - Masterlist
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💦 = Smut, 💖= Fluff, 🌩 = Angst, 🚫 = No Warnings
One Shots:
Exchange -💦
Summary: Aleister needs Melanie's blood for a spell he's doing, but it comes with a price. (Commission, 18+, Smut, Minors DNI)
Truth Spell -💦
Summary: Melanie accidentally hitting Aleister with a truth spell and not the enemy. (Commission, 18+, Smut, Minors DNI)
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deepdisireslonging · 2 years
🎃Spooky Masterlist🎃
Happy Halloween!
Here is a collection of my horror and Halloween/autumn themed fics with our favorite characters. And feel free to comment on this post with more recommendations from your favorite writers!
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A = Angst     F = Fluff      S = Smut       AR = Answered Request 
Aleister Black - Into the Darkness (Challenge, Highlander Immortals AU)
Cesaro/Claudio - Rain Check (F, A, Book/Coffee Shop AU)
Elias - Perfect Autumn Day (AR, F)
Finn Balor
      - Sister in Arms (Short Series)
      - Trick and Treats (Finn/R/Noam Dar, AR, S)
Jon Moxley - Bite Me (Vampire!Mox, A, Horror)
Roman Reigns - Taste of Terror (S, Horror, Vamp!Roman)
Rosemary - Doubt Comes In (AR, A, F, S, F|F)
Dean Winchester
     - Not Only in Dreams (Demon!Dean, A, S)
    - Simple Demon, Simple Pleasures (Demon!Dean, S)
    - In Heaven’s Eye (S, Challenge Fic, Demon/Angel AU)
Sam Winchester
    - A Goodbye Ride (A, S, Tw: Dub-Con)
    - On the Knife’s Edge (S, Dark!Fic)
    - Please, Professor (S, Incubus AU, TW: Dub-Con)
SPN History Challenge: A Werewolf in Whitechapel
Bucky Barnes - Caught in Moonlight (Kink: Werewolf AU; S)
    - Life Bite (S, Vampire!Reader)
    - Dream Control (A, F, Challenge Fic, Demon/Angel AU) 
    - Defiance is Strength (Dark!Fic, A, F)
Steve Rogers
    - To Love the Night (Vampire!Steve AU, Challenge Fic, S)
    - Costume Party (S, Ficlet)
Dick Grayson - The Best of Darkness (S)
Jason Todd - Don’t Make Me Love You (Angel/Demon AU, A, F, Challenge)
 Geralt of Rivia (The Witcher) - Lie to Me (F, S, A)
The Big Masterlist  
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bss-babygirl · 2 years
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Hey guys, I’m choosing to open up my requests again, so I’ve compiled some writing prompts y’all can choose from to send in with any wrestler of your choosing from the following list of wrestlers and prompts:
*Note: I can write for other people as well just feel free to ask me. Also, you don’t have to necessarily choose a prompt from this list, I can be anything really, a fanfic, a one shot, anything; don’t be afraid to ask!
Wrestlers I write for:
Adam Cole
AJ Styles
Big E
Buddy Matthews
Butch/Pete Dunne
Damian Priest
Drew McIntyre
Finn Bálor
Flash Morgan Webster
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
Jordan Devlin
Keith Lee
Kenny Omega
Kofi Kingston
Malakai Black/Aleister Black
Mark Andrews
Mustafa Ali
Sammy Guevara
Samoa Joe
Seth Rollins
Shawn Spears/Tye Dillinger
Shinsuke Nakamura
Trent Seven
Tyler Bate
Xavier Woods
Writing prompt List:
1. You're jealous aren't you?" "I'm not jealous."
2. "Shhh, come back to bed."
3. "It's ok. I couldn't sleep anyway."
4. “You're adorable when you are sleepy."
5. “You're everything to me."
6. “You're not going to lose me.”
7. “Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.”
8. “I promised to love you forever.”
9. “Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.”
10. “Who said I ever stopped?”
1. “How much of that did you hear?”
2. “Stop pushing everyone away.”
3. “It's better this way.”
4. “Don’t make this harder than it already is.”
5. “It wasn’t your fault.”
6. “Just talk to me please.”
7. “You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.”
8. “Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?”
9. “Because I know when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I’ll lose you again.”
10. “Is it worth it? Risking everything just for a chance.”
1. “I could’ve helped.”
2. “All you had to do was ask.” 
3. “Are you just going to stand there and watch, or are you going to come join in?”
4. “My tongue can do more than just talk, you know. Care to find out?”
5. “I love it when you touch yourself while thinking about me.”
6. “No one’s here. we can be as loud as we want.”
7. “You can be rough. I can take it.”
8. “If you called just to get off on my voice, I’m hanging up.”
9. “Say my name.”
10. “I will never get enough of you.” 
Tag List: @1dluver13xx @wwesarahjaneroszko @c-lelo @heyits-liz @meteora-fc @mattjacksons @hisredheadedgoddess28 @queenofthearchitect @queenslayer1985 @writertoo18 @officialbroski10-blog @darktammy @mcreigns-enthusiast @blondekel77 @barnesnreigns @cesarofangirl78 @lilred91 @beautybyfire @pleasantlyshamelesswizard @rebellious-desires @punkgoddess-98 @reigns-5sos @mindofasagittaruis
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xbreezymeadowsx · 2 years
Requests? Asks? Anyone?
Ya know what? Fuck it. I’m opening requests up if anyone wants something from me- starting when I finish being dramatic and sleep for a few hours. I know I only have like 100 followers here. And I’ve never done requests but my asks have always been open. And I am a writer.
Obviously, we’re going Eddie Munson all the way. For sure.
I could write stuff for some of the younger party but it would all be strictly fluffy or angsty sibling kinda shit. No romance+. Dustin, Max, El mostly.
Outside of Stranger Things I can write:
Aleister/Malakai Black
Hangman Adam Page
Drew McIntyre
Xavier Woods
Adam Cole
Claudio Castagnoli
maybe Jon Moxley
maybe Seth Rollins
maybe Pac
maybe Keith Lee
Sons of Anarchy:
Chibs Telford
Opie Winston
Tig Trager
That’s about all I’ve been writing/could write at the moment.
I usually write OCs or Reader/YN but typically female. Typically white. (I write what I know and I am a white bitch).
Here’s a prompt list if you wish to use it.
Or gimme your own. Or don’t use a prompt and just tell me what you want.
Also yes I am using the same list someone else is using because I am too damn lazy to find my own original thoughts and ideas right now 🙃
Please be 18 or older. Especially if you’re requesting filth. Honestly, I’d advise you not being on my page if you are a minor anyway.
Ok, bye.
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avounsapsa1976 · 2 months
black mass der pate von boston
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black mass der pate von boston
Black Mass ist ein Begriff, der oft im Zusammenhang mit satanischen Ritualen und okkulten Praktiken verwendet wird. Es bezieht sich auf eine spezifische Form einer religiösen Messe, die in der Regel von Satanisten abgehalten wird. Während traditionelle Messen dazu dienen, die Heiligkeit und Reinheit zu feiern, ist eine Black Mass das genaue Gegenteil, eine entweihende und sündige Veranstaltung.
Eine Black Mass involviert oft Blasphemie, Sakrileg und die Inversion katholischer Rituale. Sie kann Elemente wie Opferungen, Flüche, Verleumdungen gegen religiöse Symbole und Gotteslästerung enthalten. Die Teilnehmer tragen schwarze Gewänder und verwenden oft umgekehrte Kreuze oder andere satanische Symbole.
Es ist wichtig anzumerken, dass Black Masses in den meisten Ländern illegal sind und als Störung der öffentlichen Ordnung betrachtet werden. Die Verherrlichung des Bösen und die Schändung religiöser Symbole werden von vielen als beleidigend und respektlos angesehen.
Trotzdem hat die Black Mass eine gewisse kulturelle Bedeutung erlangt und wurde in Büchern, Filmen und Musik thematisiert. Sie hat auch in der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts eine Rolle gespielt, insbesondere in Werken von Schriftstellern wie Joris-Karl Huysmans und Aleister Crowley.
Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass die meisten Satanisten nicht in einen tatsächlichen Glauben an den Teufel involviert sind, sondern die Black Mass als eine Form von Rebellion, Provokation und Ausdruck der individuellen Freiheit betrachten. Dennoch bleibt die Black Mass eine umstrittene Praxis, die für viele Menschen schockierend und verstörend ist.
Insgesamt ist die Black Mass ein kontroverses und mysteriöses Phänomen, das sowohl Faszination als auch Ablehnung hervorruft. Es ist wichtig, seine Ursprünge und Bedeutung zu verstehen, um ein umfassendes Bild davon zu bekommen, was sie wirklich ist.
Der Pate von Boston ist ein bekannter und gefürchteter Verbrecherboss, der in den 1920er bis 1930er Jahren sein Unwesen trieb. Er wurde auch als "Public Enemy Number One" bezeichnet und seine kriminelle Karriere verbreitete Angst und Schrecken in der gesamten Stadt Boston.
Der Pate von Boston, dessen richtiger Name Joseph Malone war, wurde in einer armen irischen Einwandererfamilie geboren. Durch harte Arbeit und geschicktes Taktieren stieg er jedoch rasch in den Reihen der organisierten Kriminalität auf. Seine kriminellen Aktivitäten umfassten unter anderem illegales Glücksspiel, Alkoholschmuggel und Erpressung.
Das Besondere an der Herrschaft des Paten war seine Fähigkeit, korrupte Polizisten und Politiker in seinem Netzwerk zu haben. Dadurch konnte er Geschäfte ungestört durchführen und Rivalen effektiv ausschalten. Sein Ruf als skrupelloser und gewalttätiger Verbrecher war legendär und selbst die Polizei hatte Schwierigkeiten, ihm das Handwerk zu legen.
Der Pate von Boston hatte ein gut organisiertes Verbrechersyndikat, das die gesamte Stadt durchdrang. Er war auch für seine Großzügigkeit gegenüber den Armen bekannt und wurde oft als moderner Robin Hood bezeichnet. Obwohl er der Öffentlichkeit als Verbrecherboss bekannt war, hatte er dennoch eine gewisse Beliebtheit unter den Bürgern von Boston.
Letztendlich war es ein informeller Pakt zwischen rivalisierenden Verbrecherorganisationen, der zum Rückgang der Macht des Paten führte. Die Polizei nutzte diese Gelegenheit aus, um gegen ihn vorzugehen und ihm zahlreiche Verbrechen nachzuweisen.
Trotz seines harten und unbarmherzigen Lebenswegs hat der Pate von Boston Spuren in der Geschichte hinterlassen. Sein Einfluss auf die organisierte Kriminalität in Boston wird noch immer nachempfunden und seine Geschichte wird in zahlreichen Büchern und Filmen erzählt.
Der Pate von Boston war sicherlich einer der berüchtigtsten Verbrecherboss der damaligen Zeit und bleibt bis heute eine faszinierende Figur. Sein Aufstieg und Fall spiegeln das Bild einer Ära wider, in der das Verbrechen die Stadt Boston beherrschte.
Der Gangsterfilm ist ein beliebtes Genre in der Filmindustrie und bietet dem Publikum eine spannende Mischung aus Kriminalität, Action und Drama. Es gibt viele klassische Gangsterfilme, die als Meilensteine in der Filmgeschichte gelten. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns auf drei besonders einflussreiche Gangsterfilme konzentrieren.
Einer der bekanntesten Gangsterfilme aller Zeiten ist "Der Pate" von Francis Ford Coppola. Der Film wurde 1972 veröffentlicht und basiert auf dem gleichnamigen Roman von Mario Puzo. "Der Pate" erzählt die Geschichte der italienisch-amerikanischen Mafia-Familie Corleone und ihrer Machtkämpfe. Der Film zeichnet sich durch seine brillante Schauspielbesetzung, insbesondere Marlon Brandos Darstellung von Don Vito Corleone, aus und ist für seine unvergesslichen Dialoge und fesselnde Handlung bekannt.
Ein weiterer ikonischer Gangsterfilm ist "Scarface" von Brian De Palma aus dem Jahr 1983. In diesem Film brilliert Al Pacino in der Rolle des kubanisch-amerikanischen Gangsters Tony Montana. Der Film zeigt den Aufstieg und Fall von Montana, der von einem bescheidenen Einwanderer zu einem mächtigen Drogenbaron in Miami wird. "Scarface" ist für seine eindringliche Darstellung von Gewalt und Drogenhandel bekannt und hat sich zu einem Kultfilm entwickelt.
Der dritte Gangsterfilm, den wir erwähnen möchten, ist "GoodFellas - Drei Jahrzehnte in der Mafia" von Martin Scorsese aus dem Jahr 1990. Basierend auf dem Buch "Wiseguy" von Nicholas Pileggi erzählt der Film die wahre Geschichte des Aufstiegs und Falls von Henry Hill, einem Mitglied der New Yorker Mafia. "GoodFellas" besticht durch seine rasante Erzählweise, seine kraftvollen Bilder und seine fesselnden Schauspielleistungen, insbesondere von Robert De Niro, Ray Liotta und Joe Pesci.
Diese drei Gangsterfilme haben das Genre geprägt und sind auch heute noch für Filmfans und Kritiker von großer Bedeutung. Sie zeigen die dunkle Seite des Verbrechens und bieten gleichzeitig eine faszinierende Einblick in die Welt der Gangster und ihrer Machtkämpfe. Obwohl sie in unterschiedlichen Zeiten spielen, haben sie alle eines gemeinsam: ihre unvergesslichen Charaktere und ihre eindringliche Darstellung von Kriminalität und Gewalt.
Die Kriminalität ist ein großes Problem, das in vielen Ländern weltweit existiert. Es gibt verschiedene Arten von Kriminalität, von Diebstahl und Raub bis hin zu organisiertem Verbrechen und Gewalt. In diesem Artikel werden wir uns mit vier verschiedenen Aspekten der Kriminalität befassen.
Erstens gibt es die Straßenkriminalität. Dies umfasst Vorfälle wie Diebstahl, Taschendiebstahl, Raubüberfälle und ähnliche Vergehen, die auf den öffentlichen Straßen und Plätzen stattfinden. Straßenkriminalität kann überall auftreten, aber bestimmte Stadtviertel oder Gegenden sind oft von einem höheren Kriminalitätsniveau betroffen.
Zweitens gibt es die Internetkriminalität. Mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung haben auch kriminelle Aktivitäten im Internet zugenommen. Dies beinhaltet Online-Betrug, Identitätsdiebstahl, Hacking und Verbreitung von schädlicher Software. Internetkriminalität ist ein ernstes Problem, da sie Menschen und Unternehmen weltweit betrifft.
Der dritte Aspekt ist die organisierte Kriminalität. Hierbei handelt es sich um hochprofessionelle kriminelle Organisationen, die in verschiedenen Ländern aktiv sind. Diese Gruppen sind oft in illegalen Aktivitäten wie Drogenhandel, Menschenhandel, Geldwäsche und Waffenhandel involviert. Organisierte Kriminalität stellt eine ernsthafte Gefahr für die Gesellschaft dar und erfordert eine strenge Strafverfolgung.
Der vierte Aspekt der Kriminalität ist Gewaltkriminalität. Dies umfasst Verbrechen wie Mord, Vergewaltigung, körperliche Angriffe und häusliche Gewalt. Gewaltkriminalität ist besonders beunruhigend, da sie das Leben und die Sicherheit der Menschen direkt gefährdet. Die Prävention und Bekämpfung von Gewaltkriminalität ist daher eine der wichtigsten Aufgaben der Strafverfolgungsbehörden.
Insgesamt ist Kriminalität ein komplexes gesellschaftliches Problem, das verschiedene Formen annehmen kann. Es erfordert eine enge Zusammenarbeit zwischen den Strafverfolgungsbehörden, der Regierung und der Gemeinschaft, um diese Probleme anzugehen und die Sicherheit für alle Bürger zu gewährleisten.
Wahre Begebenheit
Wahre Begebenheiten ziehen uns oft in ihren Bann, da sie uns einen Einblick in das Leben anderer Menschen geben und uns mit ihren einzigartigen Geschichten fesseln. Die realen Ereignisse, die hinter diesen Geschichten stehen, können alles Mögliche sein: von dramatischen Ereignissen bis hin zu inspirierenden Momenten des menschlichen Überlebenswillens.
Es gibt unzählige bekannte wahre Begebenheiten, die über Bücher, Filme und Dokumentationen verbreitet wurden. Eine wahre Begebenheit, die die Menschen weltweit berührte, ist die Geschichte von Aron Ralston. Er war ein erfahrener Bergsteiger, der im Jahre 2003 in einen Unfall geriet und in einer Felsspalte gefangen war. Diese dramatische Erfahrung veränderte sein Leben für immer und inspirierte den Film "127 Hours".
Ein weiteres beeindruckendes Beispiel für eine wahre Begebenheit ist die Geschichte von Louis Zamperini. Als Olympiateilnehmer im Zweiten Weltkrieg geriet er in Gefangenschaft, wo er viele Grausamkeiten erleiden musste. Trotzdem bewies er erstaunlichen Überlebenswillen und wurde zu einer wahren Inspiration für andere. Sein Leben wurde in dem Film "Unbroken" verewigt.
Solche Geschichten gehen unter die Haut und zeigen uns die Stärke und den Mut, den Menschen in extremen Situationen aufbringen können. Sie erinnern uns daran, dass das Leben oft unvorhersehbar ist und dass wir unser Bestes geben sollten, um schwierige Situationen zu bewältigen.
Wahre Begebenheiten können auch im Bereich der Kriminalfälle faszinierend sein. Sie geben uns einen Einblick in die dunkle und komplexe Welt des Verbrechens. Serienmörder wie Ted Bundy und Jeffrey Dahmer haben die Phantasie der Menschen jahrelang beschäftigt und zu zahlreichen Büchern und Dokumentationen geführt, die ihre Verbrechen aufklären.
Insgesamt sind wahre Begebenheiten eine Quelle der Inspiration, des Nachdenkens und des Staunens. Sie erinnern uns daran, dass das Leben oft unvorhersehbar ist und dass wir durch unser Handeln und unsere Entscheidungen unsere eigene Geschichte schreiben können. Wahre Begebenheiten zeigen uns, wie Menschen mit außergewöhnlichen Umständen umgehen und uns einen Einblick in das menschliche Wesen geben.
Obwohl wahre Begebenheiten manchmal tragisch oder beunruhigend sein können, bieten sie uns auch die Chance, uns mit den Erfahrungen anderer Menschen zu verbinden und daraus zu lernen. Sie zeigen uns die immense Bandbreite an Emotionen und Erfahrungen, die Menschen durchleben können, und erinnern uns daran, dass wir alle Teil einer größeren Geschichte sind.
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helplessly-nonstop · 5 years
Three Rules (A. Black smut)
So this is my entry for my own Winter Time Challenge! My prompt was “Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?” I chose Aleister Black and went with a bodyguard! AU. This was a mess to post and I hope you guys like this!
Warnings: smut, fluff, angst, slight choking, mentions of drugs, mentions of stealing, death threats, slight fingering, FxM sex, there’s so much going on, angst man, mentions of using a knife during sex,
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For years, I had been running from my past, trying to avoid the inevitable. I guess paying off debts that you didn’t acquire yourself could be a pain in the ass. My parents were drug mules for the Mafia and when my mother discovered that she was pregnant with me, she and my father knew what they had to do: escape the Mafia without their knowledge of my existence.
However, my father decided that he needed to take a huge risk in order for them to make it on their own without the help of murderers and drug traffickers: he stole twelve millions dollars. And with that money in hand, they moved halfway across the world to the States, where I was born and raised. However, that did not deter the Mafia for searching for their missing drug mules and their stolen cash.
Eventually, at the ripe of sixteen, my parents’ fate had caught up to them and they decided that it was time for them to explain what was going on. That conversation did not go as well as they thought, especially when someone began slamming their fist into our front door, screaming for us to open the door.
“Mom, I don’t understand! What’s going on!?” I demanded as my mom dragged me out of the house, handing me a large backpack. She gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and rushed out,”It’s all in the backpack, sweetheart! Now go! Run!”
She was right. She and my dad left an entire notebook dedicated to what happened led up to these events and they confided in me that even if they were dead, that their former employers would hunt me to the ends of the Earth. And so began my quest for a new life, Mafia free. Once I turned eighteen, I changed my name and Social Security number, got new legal documents and a few years passed. But really, can you ever outrun your past?
“Oi, Sugar, are ya sure that the Pipsqueak can take this?” Marty Scurll, one of the men in my battalion, asked, lifting his tightly clenched fists. I gave an unimpressed look and replied,”If you’re too chicken shit to hit the poor kid, Pigeon, I’d be happy to take your place.”
“C’mon man, don’t make Sugar get up! They’ll kick my ass worse than you could ever dream of!” Adam Cole whined, rolling his eyes. He was one of the newest of our sector and while he was built, he still needed to prove his worth for this battalion.
My comrades had this thing about calling me Sugar because I was “anything but sweet.” Their words, not mine. We all had different code names but since we were special ops, we often carried our names off the battlefield. We were currently stationed in the Netherlands and it had been one of the easiest tours that I had participated in, minus a small problem that we encountered a few months ago. Luckily, English was a second language for most citizens and even if a person didn’t speak my native tongue, I luckily knew how to speak theirs.
“Hey, Sugar! Got a couple strangers approaching the borderline.” Naomi, my right hand woman and one of the best sharpshooters, called down to me. I snapped my head up and clicked my fingers at Scurll and Cole, announcing,”Man your battle stations. I don’t want anything slipping through the cracks.”
The two rushed to gather the rest of their companions and get to their positions as I climbed up the ladder leaning against the cement wall. Naomi pulled me up the rest of the way and I gave a questioning glance to her, only to receive a shrug. I stared down at the small group of people approaching the wall then shouted down at them,”Halt! State your business!”
Dark eyes narrowed at me and the man leading the pack replied,”British Interpol! Are you-“
“Toss up your badges and then we’ll answer your questions.” I snapped, crossing my arms. Naomi clicked her tongue disapprovingly but I merely shrugged in response. It was a fifteen foot wall and I couldn’t wait to see what these people would do.
Three badges came flying at my head and I caught one, Naomi snagged the second, and poor, unsuspecting Adam who was climbing up the wall got smacked in the face by the third.
I investigated the detail of the badges then gave a swift nod, ordering,”Let these guys in.” I climbed down to meet the three Interpol agents then shook their hands, stating,”Just call me Sugar. Everyone else does here.”
“So you are them. Great. Listen, is there any place that we can talk? Privately?” Dean Ambrose, the blond and the tallest questioned. I pursed my lips and shot a glance over to Sonya, who was looming over my shoulder, then she nodded in understanding, backing away to meet Liv at the dining hall.
“Yeah, just follow me.” I entered my separate room in the bunker and settled on my bed as I said, ”Well, what kind of fuckery have you three brought to my little squadron?”
“The Mafia has officially put a hit out on you. Your CO has ordered you under protective custody.” Roman answered, crossing his arms. I bit down on my bottom lip, knowing that they weren’t lying, then I mumbled,”Fantastic. Does that mean that you guys are my protective custody?”
“Not quite. We’re just the delivery boys. Aleister Black is the man you’re going to be stuck with until this thing blows over.” The third man, Seth, stated, giving a shrug. I gave a quick glance out of the window, staring at my friends, then asked quietly, “And what of my battalion?” Dean flicked his lighter, staring into the flame anxiously as he answered,”We’ll keep a close eye on them. Wouldn’t want any casualties on our side.” He was obviously an ex smoker so I pulled out my pack.
“You want a cig? I keep them in case I’m feeling extremely anxious.” I offered, opening my pack then held them out. His fingers twitched and he gave a slow shake of his head. He had quit recently and it showed too. I flicked the pack lid shut and tossed it back on my bed before I said, “Alright, I respect that. Does that mean that I need to pack?”
“Yes, it does. You leave in the next forty five minutes.” The time slipped past and luckily, I was familiar with quick packing. Dean entered the bunker and gave a quick knock, stating,”Time to go. We’ve briefed your squad and they understand fully.” I gave a small nod and lifted my bags, only for Rollins to scoop them from my hands, almost dancing to their SUV.
I raised an eyebrow at Roman who shrugged in return as he informed me,”That’s just Rollins for you.” I gave brief goodbyes to my comrades then joined Seth in the back seat, with Dean driving and Roman riding shotgun.
“So how long have you guys been partners?” I asked, curling into myself in instinct. Dean’s blue eyes flickered up to meet mine in the rear view mirror and Roman answered my question,”Seven years.” I hummed at his response then Ambrose clicked a button on the dash, sending music flooding through the vehicle, and I couldn’t be more grateful for that.
We settled into sweet silence and when someone would know a song, they would begin humming along, occasionally singing underneath their breath. We finally arrived at the airport and I gave an inquisitive glance to the three men then Seth hopped out, popping the truck to grab my bags.
“Where exactly am I supposed to be going?” I asked as Roman, Seth, and I entered the airport while Dean parked the SUV. The man set my bags and rang the small bell setting on the check in desk as Reigns answered, “Black is sending you back with us to the States. We’re drawing out the Mafia, hoping to slip them up. Once we get back to Florida, you’ll be handed over to him and we’ll return to Britain.”
“And, uh, how long is this flight exactly? I asked, anxiety filling my veins.
“Fourteen hours and that’s without the layovers,” Dean answered, leaning against the counter, “Why, don’t do so hot flying, Sugar?” I let out a nervous laugh and answered,”Yeah, I guess you could say that.”
“Great, we’ve got another Ambrose. Rollins, you still got that thing?” Seth shook a small bag and Roman gave an approving nod before handing over his phone to let the attendant scan the ticket information. I bit my bottom lip and asked,”What class are we flying in?”
“First. Perks of it being an emergency situation, sorry for your problem. That and Dean doesn’t do well with being stuck with someone that he doesn’t know. Tends to get a bit fidgety.” Seth informed me, passing my my carry on bag. I gave a small, understanding nod then we headed to security where Roman was pulled out for a random pat down.
“Do we have a problem here, sir?” Rollins asked politely, placing a hand on Ambrose’s chest to keep his partner at bay as the security guard called for assistance.
“We think that your buddy might be carrying.” Roman rolled his eyes and said calmly,”I’m going to reach into my jacket pocket and pull out my badge.” The guard watched with anxious eyes then visibly relaxed as Roman flashed his badge and stated,”Agent Roman Reigns with Interpol. These are my partners and this person is in protection. Sorry for the scare but can we get past now?”
Luckily we boarded the plane with no other complications and I claimed the seat beside Ambrose, who, thankfully, took the window seat. Standard procedure took place and finally, we were in the air. But still, my nerves wouldn’t settle.
About two hours into the flight is when Dean finally snapped and lost his shit,”Rollins, hand me that bag.” Seth passed it to Reigns, who in turn, tossed it across the aisle and the man beside me snagged the handle with two fingers. I watched, confused, as he pulled out a container of gummy bears, giving it a small shake, before he passed it to me then stated,”Here, this should keep your jumpy ass calm for a while.”
“Wait, what are these anyway?” I asked, giving a gummy a squeeze between my fingers to investigate it. Seth gave a small grin and said, ”Don’t worry, antsy pants, they’re legal.” My mouth twitched with my uncertainty then Dean rolled his eyes and said,”Here, I’ll even eat one since you don’t trust me.” He popped one into his mouth and murmured,”Yum, lemon. Now, eat one.” I chose a blue one and after the blueberry flavor faded, a faint after taste hit me and I waved the stewardess down for something to drink.
“What can I get for you?” Before I could answer, Ambrose waved a hand and answered,”Two Cokes.” She gave a swift nod then handed my comrade and I a bottle each before returning to her seat up front.
“Give your little gummy friend about twenty minutes to kick in and you’ll sleep until we reach New York.” Ambrose informed me after he finished off his drink. I raised an eyebrow, taking a swig of my own pop, then stated,”You sound like you speak from experience.” He gave a laugh and replied,”Yeah, something like that.” Ambrose pulled a blanket from his carryon and tucked it underneath his head as a pillow, staring out the window.
Luckily, the Interpol agent was right and my nerves calmed to where I was able to sleep until Reigns woke me up, announcing that we had hit one of our two layovers. The four hours passed swiftly and I watched as the snow settled into the pile that the plow pushed it into then Reigns tugged on my arm, stating,”Time to get back on, Sugar.”
I gave an annoyed sigh and stood, rejoining the trio of men at the departure gate. This time, I was seated next to Rollins and he was thankfully, yet dreadfully more chatty. At one moment, I guess my face had given away a secret emotion that I was feeling because Seth turned away to face the window, tucking his headphones into his ears. Guilt flooded my body and I plucked a headphone out then placed it in my own ear. To my delight, he was listening to Pierce the Veil, a band that I had been listening to since they hit the scene. For the rest of our flight to Atlanta, which was our next layover, we chatted about our love for punk bands and the meanings behind their lyrics. We finally arrived at Florida and the three men led me off the plane, their eyes scanning for the man taking me into protective custody.
I scanned the many people holding a sign then paused when I noticed one man was holding up a sign that read,”Sugar.” I nudged Ambrose and questioned,”Is that him there?” He turned then grinned at the sight of the man before cheering, ”Black!” We joined Black and I took in all the details that stuck out to me.
The first was his eyes: they were a fierce blue, something that showed determination, all narrowed in a no nonsense manner. Then I noticed the beard, neatly trimmed and kept,with a lip piercing sticking out. His hair was long, shaved on the sides then I noticed what he was wearing: a dark suit with tattoos peeking out the sleeves. Dear god, my bodyguard was hot.
“Are you done checking me out, or would you like a few more moments?” Black questioned, snapping me from my trance. He had the smallest of accents then it clicked in my head: he was from the Netherlands. I let out a small squeak of a sorry then he gave a small sigh, taking my suitcase from my hand, and he said,”Thank you, men. I will see you in a week.” I exchanged goodbyes and phone numbers with the three men that I made friends with then scurried to keep up with Aleister, who was already heading out the airport doors.
“Listen, I’m sorry about that back there.” I informed him after we placed my luggage into the trunk of his black Kia Optima. He flickered his eyes towards me as he started the car then he stated, “I have three rules and listen to them closely. One, don’t disobey my orders. Two, stay with me at all times unless I tell you otherwise. And three, don’t fall in love with me and I won’t do the same.”
“Well I’m here to say that I won’t break any of those rules.” I muttered, staring out of the window.
In between the jet lag and my pure exhaustion, I decided to take a brief nap until we arrived at wherever we were heading. When I woke up, however, I was in a room covered up with a soft blanket. I wrapped the blanket over my shoulders and exited the bedroom in search of Aleister.
“Black?” I called out as I entered the kitchen. As I rounded the corner, a note on the fridge caught my eye,’Went to the store, keep the doors locked, I have a key. Please don’t do anything stupid while I’m gone.”
“Even in note form, he has a cold persona. Well, at least he said please.” I muttered, opening up the fridge to see if there was anything inside to drink. Unfortunately there was nothing but milk, so I went in search of hot chocolate mix. Surely he would have some here since it was winter time.
Thankfully he did have some so I boiled some milk and mixed in the chocolatey goodness before spooning the drink into a mug. I settled on the far left end of the sectional couch and gave a sigh as I began flipping through Hulu in search of something to watch. Eventually I chose Disappeared and waited for my bodyguard to arrive, hopefully with food. I was starving.
The sound of the lock turning and the door opening is what caught my attention away from the current episode I was engorged in and I turned to see Aleister enter the house with his arms full of groceries.
“I can help you.” I offered, coming to a stand. He shook his head then set the items on the table before he started to put away the cold stuff. For the next couple weeks, he remained quiet, only talking to me when he absolutely had to. But one night changed our entire relationship. We were sitting across from one another on the couch when his head jerked up towards the stairs, eyes narrowed.
“Get under the table and pull the rug back. Underneath there is a small room. Close the door and the rug will return to its spot. Don’t make a sound and don’t move.”he ordered, pulling a gun from the underneath of the coffee table. I scurried to my place and listened to my thundering heartbeat as the house went silent. Then I heard it: the familiar sound of gunfire. I bit my bottom lip and waited for about ten minutes until someone opened the door to my hidey hole.
“Oh good, you can listen.” Aleister rumbled, helping me out of the room. He hugged me briefly then turned his attention to the pool of blood in the hallway, which was luckily hardwood floor. His mouth twitched to the side then he pulled a mop and bucket, beginning to clean up the mess. I pulled out the dish soap and a bowl before mixing cold water with the detergent then began cleaning the blood up.
“What are you doing?” Aleister asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I glanced up from where I was kneeling and answered,”Helping you clean. Now shut up and keep mopping.” From that day on, our relationship changed from one of a professional matter to a more personal one.
“Black?” I asked as he entered the living room from his room. He turned to look at me and frowned when he saw that I was huddled underneath a blanket with a box of tissues curled up with me. He pressed the back of his hand to my forehead then muttered,”Please tell me that you’re not getting fucking sick on me?” I sneezed in reply and he let out a groan before hopping over the back of the couch then cuddled up to me.
“If your fever doesn’t break by morning, I’m calling a doctor friend of mine.”he warned me as I laid my head on his chest. I let out a small groan then whined,”I’m fine, just a small cold.” His blue eyes narrowed at my insistence then he pressed his lips to my forehead, causing my cheeks to catch fire.
“You’re running fever, can’t stop coughing, and there’s a pile of tissues on the floor beside you. You’re sick so shush up and watch this show. What’s this about anyway?” I explained that Disappeared was a collection of episodes about people who had gone missing all across the United States through recent years. He let out a small sigh but didn’t reply; instead, he pulled me a little closer and continued watching.
By the time morning rolled around, I was ten times worse, now throwing up everything that I had ate for the last couple hours. Aleister gave a sigh and a shake of his head before disappearing out of the bedroom to make a call. After he returned, he helped me into bed and stated,”Don’t move. Doc will be here in the next couple minutes.” Thankfully he was right and someone began knocking on the front door not but fifteen minutes later. He brushed my hair out of my face then left me alone long enough to let in his doctor friend.
“Hey, thank you for doing this for me.” Aleister said as he and another man came into the room. His friend, the doctor, was about the same height as Aleister with hair closely shaven to the scalp and I could see that he had tattoos peeking out. His friend laid his bag on the floor beside my bed then said in a soft tone,”I’m Baron, pleasure.” My eyes narrowed as I attempted to decipher how he had met my brooding bodyguard when Aleister informed me,”Old friends. I figured I’d save you from hurting that pretty little head.”
I balled my hands into loose fists since it hurt to move my body then muttered,”I may be sick but I will still kick your ass.” Black gave me a smirk then pushed my hands down as he replied, ”Good, you’re still a sassy little thing. Now please relax and let Baron do his thing.” He did a regular check up and when he was finished with his examine, he stated,”It looks like you have the stomach flu and a small case of bronchitis. Take it easy for the next couple days, don’t go out in the rain, it’ll only make it worse.”
The doc turned to face his friend then ordered, ”Plenty of fluids, little to no moving, and limit the caffeine. I know a coffee junkie when I see one.” I nodded in agreement and Aleister showed Baron to the door before returning with a bowl of chicken noodle soup. And when he began to feed me the soup, I decided to grumble out,“I feel like I’m five, being spoon fed by my mother.” He pursed his lips then offered, ”I could always let you fend for yourself, make you do everything.”
“I take it back, thank you, Black.” He paused for a moment, just staring at me, before he replied, ”Aleister. Just call me Aleister, alright,katje?” I looked up at him in surprise for the use of an endearment then nodded slowly, answering,”Yeah, okay. I can do that.”
Within four days, my flu and bronchitis flew my body and allowed my immune system to clean away all of the ickiness that might have been left behind. I stared at the shirtless Aleister in my bed and wondered who in my past life did I piss off in order to get this hot of a bodyguard in bed, even though I couldn’t touch him. I brushed his hair out of his face then gave him a small kiss on the cheek before walking downstairs to start making brunch for both Aleister and I.
I plugged in my headphones and began to dance to the first song that came through the miniature speakers as I started whisking eggs together. I completed Aleister’s omelet and just as I poured the next egg mixture into the skillet, a tattooed arm surrounded my waist and another pulled down on my headphones, yanking them from my ears.
“I thought I told you to stay with me at all times. You broke a rule.” Aleister rumbled, his beard rubbing deliciously against my neck. I bit my lip and looked over my shoulder before asking, “What are you going to do, spank me for it?” He paused then slinked away to sit on the counter across from me, his lips twitching once again. I handed him the plate then instructed, ”Biscuits just got done and sausage links are in the microwave staying hot. Make your plate.” He did as I said then settled at the bar, continuing to watch me as I finished my own brunch.
I claimed the seat beside him then opened the jar of salsa, spreading it across the top of my cheddar cheese and turkey omelet. He gave me a questioning look so I jabbed my fork in his direction and ordered, “Don’t knock it till you try it.” He rolled his eyes and continued to eat his own breakfast until I offered up a bite of mine.
“If this is secretly poisoned and you’re trying to kill the both of us, let me tell you this now. I will kick your ass in the afterlife.”he warned before eating the bite. I watched with amused eyes as he let out a delighted groan and he murmured, ”God, this is fucking awesome. Hand over the salsa, katje.” I slid it across the bar to him and continued to eat my food.
We finished breakfast in silence then Aleister’s phone began ringing, the name,”Shield” flashing across the screen. I raised an eyebrow and he answered the FaceTime, Seth, Roman, and Dean coming into focus.
Before Aleister could question why they were calling, I jumped in and asked, “Guys? What’s wrong?” It was obviously not a social call, because they’d call me for that purpose. And judging by the intensity of their expressions, I knew something was going wrong.
“Black, you and Sugar need to get out of that house now! We just got intel that they’re sending in Ricochet for you. Be there in five.” Dean rushed out, half of the audio cutting out. With a swift nod, Aleister ended the call and hurried to the front door, locking the many bolts as I yanked on my slippers then he ordered, ”Reach under the counter and hand me those two guns. This shit is about to get ugly, so I’m going to need you to hide, alright, katje?”
“I-I, don’t know!” He squeezed my face in between his hands then snapped,”Pull yourself together and stay with me on this. Open the kitchen cabinet and slip inside. There’s a false back to it, it’ll lead outside to a small shelter. You’ll hear a series of six knocks, a pause between every two. Open it then. Go now.” I paused at the cabinet and Aleister gave an annoyed sigh, gripping my jaw as he ordered,”Be good for me and go.” I nodded slowly and entered where I was instructed to go, sneaking into the small shed.
I waited with my heart jumping in my chest then finally, heard the knocks come through. I peeked the door open slightly and Dean pulled it open, ordering,”We’ve got to go now. Black has been compromised.” I froze in my tracks, stunned at what he told me, then whipped around, shouting,”What?! You can’t leave him alone in there!”
Someone stepped in front of me and I realized that it wasn’t Dean. It was a short man, shorter than Aleister with his hair shaven to his scalp. He slapped me across the face with the gun in his hand and Ambrose slammed into him, kicking him in the ribs before he snatched me up into a fireman’s carry, taking me out to the SUV where Seth and Roman was waiting for us. I settled beside Ambrose, allowing my head to lean against the window then I heard Seth ask faintly,”You really think Ricochet will kill Aleister?”
Roman smacked his partner’s chest when I let out a soft whimper. Dean squeezed my knee in comfort then informed me,”It’ll all be okay, Sugar.” I fell into the uncomfortable silence until we arrived at a medium sized building with two armed guards outside. I turned to face Dean who nodded in encouragement, the four of us entering the building. A man and woman greeted us at the door and she asked, ”What of Black?”
“Not sure. He sent us away with Sugar here.” The woman ushered me into a room with a small bed and offered,”You’re welcome to take a nap, my dear.” She was British, with dark hair and pale skin. I was in no shape to sleep however.
For the next week, I was unable to sleep. Dean, at one point, forced two gummy bears down my throat so I could sleep for a measly four hours. It was hard. Even though I had only known Aleister for about two months, I couldn’t help but slip into my bout of depression.
But then, the British woman, who’s name I learned was Paige, entered and said,”I think you’re going to want to see this.” I lifted my head and muttered, ”I'll pass.” She widened the door further open and someone else entered as I turned back to the wall.
“Katje.” My head jerked up at the sound of his voice and I sat up slowly when she shut the door, staring at him. With his beard growing out some more, his blue eyes seemed brighter and he wore a tank top and black skinny jeans. I stared at him and whispered,”Aleister?” He grinned at me and I finally snapped from my funk.
“Aleister,”I shouted, slamming into him with a hug, “Oh my fucking God, I thought they had killed you! Are you okay, are you hurt?” He cupped my face and tilted my head back, running his thumb gently over my bruised cheek, then he murmured,”I am so fucking sorry that you were hurt.”
“No, no, stop, it’s not your fault. I’m just so glad you’re alive. God!” I whimpered, squeezing him tighter. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer with a small sigh. And that’s what I felt it. With a nervous laugh, I asked,”Is that a gun in your pocket or are you happy to see me?” He backed away, releasing me, then pulled a Glock from his pocket. But the bulge in the front of his pants didn’t disappear.
“You, uh, you’re hard.” He licked his lips, unloading the gun, then placed it on the table and replied, “What do you expect me to be? I haven’t seen you for a week, katje.” I licked my lips in response and I said,”If we do this, I’ll actually break rule number three.” He smirked at me, pulling me closer, then asked,”Are you saying that you’re in love with me, katje?”
“Yes, I am, Black.” He yanked me closer and ran his thumb along the waistband of my leggings then murmured,”It’ll be a shame. I usually don’t break one of my own rules.” I wrapped my arms around his neck then pulled him closer as I whispered,”It’s okay. I won’t tell anyone that the big, bad Aleister Black gave into little ole me and fell in love.”
He hummed at my statement then pressed a soft kiss to the underside of my jaw as he replied softly, “I don’t know. Knowing that you're both sweet and kickass makes it a little easier to admit that I’m in love with you.” I shivered at the first brush of his beard and I could feel his grin as he asked,”Oh, is my katje sensitive? This is going to be so much fun.” I bit my bottom lip and informed him,”If you tickle me at all, I swear to God that I will kill you.” He laughed and walked me backwards so we could lay on the bed then he replied,”Don’t worry, I’ll only use it against you every day. Now, how about a proper kiss?”
“After you lose the shirt. I just need-“ He brought me into a tender kiss, tongue working my lips apart gingerly, then murmured,”Shh, don’t think. Just feel.” He slipped his hand up my shirt and let out a soft groan when he realized that I wasn’t wearing a bra, then tweaked my nipple with cold fingers. I let out a squeak and he laughed, pulling away to remove his shirt and my own.
“What a sweet thing you are. Can I take these off too?”he questioned, tugging downwards on my leggings’ waistband. I gave him the nod to go ahead and he gave me another kiss as maybe a thank you, then I pressed my hand gingerly against his cock, earning a moan from him.
“So you’re gonna tease me, katje? I don’t think so.” He clasped my wrists into his hand and lifted them above my head, placing miscellaneous hickeys along my breasts, neck, and collarbone. I tangled my leg around his waist then pulled him close, urging him on,”C’mon, Black, don’t be a bitch. Do something other than a bit of heavy petting.” Aleister bit his bottom lip and his free hand shot upwards, pressing down on my throat as he snarled,”Don’t fucking push me.” I grinned in response then it clicked in his head, the realization of what I wanted hitting hard. He licked his lips and asked, ”Are you sure?” I gave a nod then murmured,”Do it. I can take it.” His hand that was previously holding my hands moved to my hair and he fisted it tightly, warning,”If we do this, you will be mine.”
“Good, something I can get on board with. Now kiss me, you fool.” He pulled me in close and kissed me for a third time,lip ring pressing into my bottom lip, then he pressed his fingers to my clit, letting out a soft groan. I pulled away and breathed, ”You’re killing me here, Aleister. Please, I need something more.”
“Like what, katje? Something like-“ he pushed two fingers inside and I cried out in delight at the feeling but admitted, ”No, something more! Please, just fuck me!” He grinned at me, wolffish almost, and I watched with wide eyes as he grabbed his cock through the material of his underwear, stating,”You want this cock, katje, you’re going to beg me for it.” My thighs and jaw clenched in response then I pleaded softly,” Please, please, don’t tease me. Please, I’ve thought for the last week that you were dead, please, I just need you to fuck me and tell me that it’s all gonna be okay.”
He tugged at his lip ring with his teeth, debating on whether I had done good enough, then pulled his boxers down and threw them into a separate part of the room. With gentle hands, he spread my thighs further apart then he murmured, ”Alright, katje, don’t worry. I’m not gonna leave you again, okay?” I tangled my fingers through his hair and pressed my forehead to his as I whimpered,”I just… I lost my mind when I found out that you had been compromised and I was just so scared that you were dead, I just need you, please…”
“Shhh, little one, it’s alright now. I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere.”he cooed, pressing the head of his cock to my entrance, my hips canting forward for more. He pressed them to the bed and warned gently,”No, be good, katje. I’ll make you come, but only on my terms. Now, come on, stay still for me.” Even in such a tender moment, I knew that Aleister had control of the situation. I nodded then moaned as he finally sunk all the way in. He was thick, much thicker than I was used to and it had been so long since I had been fucked properly. I tangled my hand through his hair and pulled, desperate for him to move, then he pinned my hand above my head, tangling our fingers together with a small smirk.
“There, that’s better. Now be good for me, katje.” Finally, he began fucking me, a deep and moderate pace, not too slow thankfully. But I could see the restraint in his biceps, the ink of his tattoos rippling with his efforts. I lifted my free hand and gave a small grin then pinched his nipple, his pace changing afterwards, “Fucking brat. Just couldn’t accept the pace I set. You want fast, katje?” He slammed into me, the bed rocking with the force of his thrusts, then he slowed it down, asking,”Or so fucking slow that you’ll go out of your mind wanting your orgasm?”
“Fast, please, I can’t take the slow, please, Aleister!” I begged, pressing my leg into his ass as a means of encouragement. He grunted and returned to his faster pace, fingers pressing upwards on my clit, which caused my hips to twist and thighs to tremble. He gave a slow, almost lazy grin then said, “My beautiful little one, so responsive. I can’t wait to tie you to the bed and blindfold you.” I gave a small laugh then replied, ”Yes, I can't wait for that either, but I swear to God, if you don’t make us come right now, I’m going to cut you.”
His blue eyes lit up with excitement at my threat then I groaned as he kissed at my neck, murmuring, “You, a knife, and I in bed sounds like a hell of a time, katje. I’ll write that down for us to do.” I rolled my eyes and said, ”While that does sound like a great idea, I still want the two of us to come.” He let out a laugh and nodded in agreement, pinching and rolling my clit between two fingers, finally pushing me to my orgasm. He groaned as he pulled out and I watched, enthralled, as he jerked off, desperate to come himself.
With a groan, he came on my stomach, head hanging low. I licked my lips then he rolled away, wetting a washcloth in the bathroom, before returning to clean me up. He wiped timidly at the mess he made then tossed the dirty cloth in the laundry basket, curling into me.
My eyes fluttered shut and I didn’t even realized that I was crying until I felt Aleister wipe my tears away from my face. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and murmured,”Shh now, katje. I’ve got you. I am not going anywhere, do you understand me?” I gave a timid nod then he pressed up on my chin, giving me a kiss, before Aleister stated,”Say it for me, katje, so I know you understand.”
“You’re not going to go anywhere.” He nodded then cuddled into me before he murmured,”Well, at least rule number one wasn’t broke.” My eyes popped open at his statement then a slow grin stretched across my face, only for him to shoot me down,”If you break that rule, I’ll make sure that you won’t be able to sit, especially after we discuss limits and safe words.” I smiled and allowed myself to flutter into sleep, content filling my bones.
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ambootyos · 6 years
"you're my favorite mistake." with Aleister Black. please.
For Good
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“So..are we really gonna do this Aleister?” I asked, before wiping a tear off my face. “We’re really gonna break up?”
He took a deep breath, and pursed his lips together. He screwed his eyes shut as he thought it over. I couldn’t believe this was happening. I mean, I knew we had our issues. Who doesn’t? But..breaking up? Is this necessary?
He nodded. “I’m sorry Y/N. But..we can’t make do this. We aren’t working. It’d be a mistake to try and force it. It was probably a mistake to get together in the first place.” He mumbled, cradling his head in his hands.
I took a deep breath, refusing to break down. I swallowed the lump in my throat, and nodded before starting to walk out. Just before I left, I turned back to him and smiled softly with tears in my eyes.
“Just so you know, you’re my favorite mistake..” I started before clearing my throat. “You always will be.” I mumbled, before walking out, leaving him to his thoughts.
Tears poured from both of our eyes when we were to ourselves. Both of us wondered if breaking up was the right thing to do. It didn’t quite matter what either of us thought now though.
It’s over..for good this time. We both knew that.
Tags: @dorkyvillain @originalbish98 @i-ship-it-okay @baybayforlife @reigns420 @bolieve-that @laziestgirlintheworld @wrestlingismyguiltypleasure @thegenericluchadora  @breakfastwiththesun @theprestigious0ne @sheaxdevitt @littlebluespoon @earl-01 @thirstiswet @princesstoniii @lunatic-svillain @waywarddaughter-fanfics 
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punkjinshi · 6 years
"The man who for 15 long years walked through darkness only to be blinded by the light that is your Velveteen Dream."
"What I see is a man who's hurt. I see a man who's in pain. And if I couldn't tell just by looking in your eyes Aleister, cause it's scribbled in your skin like lies."
"You seem afraid to show emotion."
"And no matter what you tell anyone Aleister, I know that you have a heart. It's just in the wrong place."
-Velveteen Dream
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"Enjoy infamy."
"Velveteen Dream."
-Aleister Black
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windhamsrotunda · 2 years
WindhamsRotunda's, Aka Shar's UPDATED Masterslist.
Authors Note: These fanfictions are all categorized into WWE, AEW, and NXT. Please do NOT steal my work, publish it on any other websites, or re-write any of my works because I worked hard on these. Thank you :)
Tag: @abadamn @cuttingedge708 @rock-on-the-radio @lghockey @ringer04 @do-number43 @hungmanhorsecarriage @blueberrycane21 @demonqueen29 @darkenedmessiah
WWE: | KEY: {Smut 😣, Angst 😶, and Fluff ☺}
Edge 👇
😣 Heel! Edge Headcannon - Alphabet NSFW {17+} 😣
☺- Tongue Tied (Face! Edge)
😶 | 😣 | ☺ -The Fault In Our Rated R Superstars
😶 | 😣- I Had A Dream About You
😣 - Earned Your Scars
Roman Reigns 👇
😣 - My Boyfriend's Back, and He's Cooler Than Ever
☺ - I Like The Way Your Hand Fits Into Mine
☺ | 😶 - Friday Nights with Roman
😣 - You Look Even Better Than The Photos
😣 - Partition
😶 - Acknowledge The Bloodline (feat. Jimmy and Jey Uso, Paul Heyman, and a small appearance by Seth Rollins)
Becky Lynch 👇
☺| 😣- Orange Hair, Don't Care
☺ | 😶 - I Am The Man
Aleister Black x Ruby Riott! (Aka Malakai Black and Ruby Soho) 👇
😶 | ☺- Aleister | Ruby
Randy Orton 👇
☺| 😶- Cigarette Daydreams
Shayna Baszler (feat. Jessamyn Duke, Ronda Rousey, mainly the four horsewomen of MMA) 👇
😶 - Queens For A Day
Damian Priest
Calling Me Papi
Pete Dunne 👇
☺ - Pete 1
☺ - Pete 2
Jeff Hardy 👇
☺ - Willow's Peak
Marko Stunt 👇
☺ | 😶 - Both Spin Around In Circles
☺ - Both Spin Around In Circles Pt 2
☺ - Both Spin Around In Circles Pt 3
Orange Cassidy | Best Friends 👇
😶 - Unknown Title
☺ - Parking Lot Graves
Erick Redbeard 👇
😶 | 😣 - Earned It
😶 | 😣 - This Is Heaven and I'd Die For It
Hangman Adam Page 👇
😶 | 😣 - Take Me To Church Pt. 1
😣 - Take Me To Church Pt. 2
Jon Moxley 👇
😶 - Never Giving Up
Alex Reynolds (of The Dark Order) 👇
😣 | 😶- Let Me Be Your Secret Admirer Pt. 1
😶 | 😣 - Let Me Be Your Secret Admirer Pt 2
Adam Cole 👇
☺ - Undisputed Love, Bay Bay
Sammy Guevara 👇
😶 - I Want To Go Home
Trent? (Best Friends) 👇
😶 - Scraped Knuckles
144 notes · View notes
Is it ok to ask for Viscount Druitt? Is it ok to ask for reader to have a stockholm syndrome for him after he kidnapped them? If it's not ok then you can ignore this request but if it's ok then I'm asking for that ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
ABSOLUTELY!!! I don’t get to write Aleister as often as I’d like.
also given that he really does truly love them, he’s probably got Lima Syndrome so it’s not like they’re totally messed up about the situation
Youlove him, and he loves you. The love between you is beautiful andreal and it will never die.
Whydoesn’t anyone else understand? Why don’t they want you with himanymore? Why are they trying to keep you away? Why are they tellingyou he’s dangerous? Why do they all keep telling you that you don’tknow what you’re talking about?
Theydon’t know what they’re talking about. Aleister would never hurtyou. You were with him for over a year. Don’t they think if he wasgoing to hurt you, he would have done it already? If he’d wanted tohurt you, you would be nothing but a pile of bones right now. He’sodd, he’s obsessive, he’s not all that bright – but he isn’tthis deadly, cold, hardened criminal. He’s sweet andwell-intentioned and he needs you, and you need him.
That’swhy you have to sneak out of the facility to return to him.
It’sa good thing that the security of the place they put you in isn’tthe best, and that’s all you can say for this place. They’regoing to come back in the morning and find you gone; you’re surethey’ll know exactly where to look. That isn’t any of yourconcern right now. You know the way back to Aleister’s manor fromhere. They shouldn’t have put you somewhere that you could figureout how to get back to him. They’re all stupid, and they don’tknow anything.
Amaid answers the door when you pound on it. Even though you don’trecognize her, she clearly recognizes you, because she drags yourexhausted form inside and screams for Master Chamber.
Thetwo of you are left alone as soon as he arrives and his arms encircleyou. He smells just the same as you remember, kissing you so manytimes and so fiercely that you’re sure everyone else is wrong. Heloves you. “My darling! Oh, I missed you so much…” It’s awonder how he manages to talk in between kisses. You’re not sure,but it feels like there are tears dripping down onto your hair. “Mysweet little robin. Oh, my darling. I was so worried… you’ve comeback to me…”
“Imissed you, too! Aleister…” Tears well in your eyes as you pressyourself against his chest. This wouldn’t have happened if youhadn’t had the nerve to run away from the facility that they putyou in. “They locked me up!” Why do they think you’re insanejust for loving someone, anyway? “They didn’t want me to see youanymore… they didn’t want me to leave… they sent me to anasylum for people who are mad!” Your arms shake as you try to holdon tighter. You never want to be away from him again.
“What?!”His embrace gets more intense as well. Concern and fear andindignation lace his voice, as if he can’t believe it. “Oh, mydarling little songbird! How dare they! You are not… oh, myLord. They’re the crazy ones.” He shakes his head, kissing thetop of yours and running his fingers through your hair. “Mybeautiful robin. They can’t take you away from me. Even if theytry, you’ll just come flying back. Oh, I love you so much. I’vemissed you.”
Yourmuscles tense up and you dig your nails into his back in an attemptto just stay. If you refuse to let go, they can’t take youaway. “I love you so much… please don’t let go… don’t everlet go again!”
“Don’t…don’t worry, love. I won’t.” He pulls away for the first timesince you came back. His eyes look tired, but his smile is genuineand happy. “I will never, ever let you go again.”
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stitched-mouth · 4 years
Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler Masterlist
Notes: Any characters you see missing here are characters I don’t write for.
🦋 = Headcannons
💄 = Fem Reader
☘️ = GN Reader
🌷 = Fic
🖤 = Angst
🏳️‍🌈 = Gay
✨= Fluff
🌚 = NSFW
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Earl Vincent Phantomhive
To Be Continued...
Earl Ciel Phantomhive (o!Ciel)
To Be Continued...
Phantomhive Servants
Sebastian Michaelis
To Be Continued... 
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued... 
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...
Grim Reapers
To Be Continued...
Grell Sutcliff
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...
Book of Circus
To Be Continued...
Trancy Servants
Claude Faustus
To Be Continued...
The Triplets
To Be Continued...
Weston Students
Gregory Violet
To Be Continued...
To Be Continued...
(Right now I only write for Gregory and Cheslock, but more will be coming soon!)
Queen Victoria
To Be Continued...
Prince Sōma Asuman Kadāru
To Be Continued...
Royal Servants
John Brown
To Be Continued...
Earl Charles Grey
To Be Continued...
Love Making With Agni (Short Fic) (NSFW!)
Madam Red/ Baroness Angelina Dalles
To Be Continued...
Viscount Aleister Chamber
To Be Continued...
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deepdisireslonging · 3 years
You’re Hot When You’re Angry
Prompt: “Also, if you're still accepting these- could I request #24 [“You’re so fucking hot when you’re mad”] with Aleister Black? Whenever you get time, ofc :)” @apprendreamaimer
Pairing: Aleister Black x Reader (gender never specified)
Warnings/Promises: Angst, implied smut (you could say written in “fade to black” form, lol)
Word Count: 731
Note: Since I’m using my laptop again for Uni, I rediscovered the list of requests sitting in my WIP file. This isn’t a promise I’ll be able to do much more, if any, but I read this prompt again and came up with something. Unfortunatly, I think the person who requested it has either deacvitated or has moved. If you know who they are now, would you mind passing this along? Also, I’m writing with pre-AEW, but nearing post-WWE Aleister and the potential mindset he was in at the time. But this is still kayfabe! (Because I love Tommy and Thea; they are an OTP.)
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It was obvious how frustrated he was. From the knife and fork scraping hard enough the plate at dinner to make your ears tingle. To the solid, terse way he prepared for bed. For over a week the signs had been building. You almost panicked to find him not laying next to you in the middle of the night, but you knew where he was.
Warm as it was, the air was still cooler against your bare legs than the former warmth of the bed. Your sleep shirt, the only bit of clothing you cared to wear at night, did nothing to help.
Down the hall. Down the stairs. Into the room built off the garage.
Before you reached the door, you could hear him. It creaked open to give you the sight you knew you’d see: Aleister furiously punching and kicking the bag hanging from the ceiling. The wide windows into your back yard let in plenty of the scant moonlight. He was drenched in sweat. Shoulders tensed. Hitting the punching bag as if there was a face there. As he circled it, he saw you. Then kept going.
“Go back to bed.”
“No.” You leaned against the door frame.
He grunted with another series of punches. “I’m going to be here a while. Go back to sleep.” Then he continued with his midnight work-out. After five minutes, he worked himself up to a frantic pace, which ended with collapsing on the floor. You rushed to his side.
“I’m fine,” he panted. “It’s just…” Trying to catch his breath and his racing thoughts, he paused. His eyes flickered back and forth as if speed-reading a text, looking for answers. “What was the point? I came back. I did what they said. I built a new character. It was cleared. Given the green-light. I was in the middle of the feud they built. Why-“
You placed a calming hand on his arm.
“Why was I released?”
“Because what’s-his-face has more power than he should.” You took a deep breath, calming the rage in your own veins. “One day Vince will see that he’s letting go of too much talent. I kind of hope that he realizes that before everything goes under. But things to change internally too.” When Aleister wasn’t forthcoming with a comment, you slid into a more comfortable seat next to him. “There was nothing you did wrong, nothing more you could have done. I think this whole release season has been random so that guy could test the limit of his power. You were just-“ you cringed, hating the choice of words you couldn’t change, “swept away.”
It wasn’t the most encouraging speech you’d ever made. But Aleister noted his appreciation with a nod and a tired grunt.
“Get up.”
You stood, planting your feet. “Get up. You know just as much as I do that this is not where your career ends. The wrestling world is vast. If Vince thinks he regrets this decision now, just wait until you find your next step.”
From the ground, Aleister smirked. There was no way you looked imposing, scantily clad in your short sleep shirt. But he got the gist.
“Tonight,” you continued, “be angry. Use that energy to train. You’ve been doing already but let me help you. Tomorrow… we look for that next step.”
Together, you led Aleister through his paces. Moonlight moved across the room as the night wanned. Still, he kept going. Shouting with frustration just as intense as before… now with a purpose. As you steadied the bag for his punches, you watched his muscles clench. His sweat glisten. You listened to his haggard breath quicken and release as he released the pressure from his body. It set your blood aflame. He noticed.
With a smirk, you said, “you’re hot when you’re angry.”
Quick as a punch, he reached out and snagged your wrist. The wall collided with your shoulder blades, and his mouth collided with yours. The air burned with passion. He marked you. Tasted you. Felt the rage in your veins and channeled it to meet his. From the wall, to the weights bench, to the floor, Aleister made ravenous love with you till dawn.
After a quick shower, you both fell back into bed. There you stayed, sleeping deeply until you were woken up by, of all things, a phone call.
Wrestling Masterlist
More Aleister Fics:
  Bite Me (AR, Ficlet, S)
  That’s Not My Name (AR, S)
  Into the Darkness (Challenge, Highlander Immortals AU)
Forever Tags: @blondekel77​ @brianaraydean​ @chwehansol98​ @fireflyfunhousetrash @laochbaineann @ramblingsofabourbondrinker​ @savmontreal @shieldgirl18 @tinyelfperson​  @writtingrose​ @xladyxfatex​ @gold--gucciempress​
WWE Tags: @1dluver13xx @a-home-for-stray-stories​ @flightofthefantasies​ @livelifewondering​ @mother-forker @neversatisfiedgirlfics​ @racheo91​ @roman-reigns-princess​ @scuzmunkie​ @secretagentfangirl​ @wrestlersownmyheart @wrasslin-kpop-and-bullshit​ @top-1-percent
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there’s a kind of love (that god only knows)
title: there’s a kind of love (that god only knows)
rating: pg-13
fandom: wrestling/slipknot rpf
pairing: alesiter black | tommy end/jim root, reference joey jordison/jim root
summary: Aleister Black knows how this lifetime will go - like all the others. He'll meet and fall in love with Jim, no matter how hard he tries to stop it. It's his punishment, after all.
content: established relationship, character/relationship study, angst, demon au, soulmates, soul bond, implied reincarnation, roleplay adaptation
notes: based on the ongoing rp with me and raven. buzzing means you're soulmates. (omg, they were soulmates)
aleister is a demon being punished for something. idk what yet because he hasn't spilled that tea.
for raven.
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ghostofviperwrites · 4 years
Whisky Secrets
Requested by @oraclegazes
Pairing:  Aleister Black/FC
Category:   Angst
Warnings:  none
58.          “You say I drink too much.  You say I fuck too much.  So what the hell am I supposed to do?”  Gluttony – Buckcherry
Another day, another bottle.  You huffed as you pried the empty bottle out of the hand of your passed out friend Aleister Black.  It hurt you to see him like this.   You had been in love with him almost from the day you met him, but he seemed to see you as nothing more than a friend.  The friend he ran to when he was drunk out of his mind and needed a place to sleep.   You hated that he came to you smelling of whatever woman he had been with that night.   It reminded you that he wasn’t yours.  
Tossing a blanket over his snoring form you threw the bottle away and headed for your bedroom to resume your interrupted sleep.  You didn’t know what demons he was chasing away, he never confided in you, but you wished he could find some healthier way to deal with them.
You say I drink too much
You say I fuck too much
So what the hell am I supposed to do
I wanna die and kill my dirty mind
Aleister woke the next morning with a groan, looking bleary eyed around trying to get a bearing on his location.  He relaxed as he recognized the familiar décor, realizing he was in your apartment.   Glancing at the clock he saw it was still too early for you to be up and about and he briefly wondered if he should leave.   The thought was discarded almost immediately.  He knew it would hurt you if he left without a word.  
Aleister frowned against the pounding in his head, cursing himself for once again drinking too much and once again wandering to your home.  Deep inside he knew why he kept coming to you. You were his home, his safe harbor and he was so in love with you that it killed him.   But you deserved better than some tatted up wrestler who drank and fucked his cares away.   He wished he could spill his worries to you, he knew you would understand and try to help him, but he just couldn’t make himself open up to you.  He was scared if you knew how dark his mind was that you would run screaming from him.  Aleister wasn’t willing to lose your friendship just for some peace of mind.   So instead he drank and fucked random women and ran to you when he was too out of his mind to know better.
“How are you feeling?”  Aleister was startled from his musings by your voice from behind him and sat up, immediately regretting that decision as his head spun.  Taking deep breaths Aleister sat perfectly still to calm his rolling stomach.
“I’m okay.”  Aleister finally said when he felt confident he wasn’t going to puke his guts up.  
He could see your tightly pursed lips and the disapproval on your face and felt a pang of sorrow.   He wished he had the common sense when he was drunk to stay far the fuck away from you.
He smiled gratefully when you handed him a glass of water and some aspirin before setting about making him some toast.  You were too good for him.   He didn’t know why you ever let him in your door in the first place.  
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”  He said as she handed him a plate full of buttered toast.  “I don’t know why I keep turning up on your doorstep. You should tell me to fuck off.”  
“I’m never going to turn you away Aleister.”  You said quietly sitting next to him.   “I just wish you would talk to me instead of drinking like a fish.’  
I take a dive and I medicate my mind
Cause I hate what I fuckin’ see
Aleister glanced at you, hating to see the hurt on your face.  Hurt caused by him.   “I can’t.”  He said simply.   He hated himself more when you nodded in understanding, not pushing him and just accepting.   You both sat quietly as Aleister ate his meager meal, you knew as soon as he was done he would run out the door just like all the times before.   And you were right, as soon as he swallowed the last bite Aleister kissed you on the cheek and hurried away.  
You held the tears at bay until the door was closed behind him.  As soon as the door clicked shut they began to fall, your lips trembling as sobs broke from your chest.  You wished just once he would see that you were the one for him.   Wished that he would see just how much you loved him and how badly it was killing you to watch him do this to himself.  
Sniffling  you lay your head on the pillow Aleister had slept on, eyes closing as you inhaled the deeply masculine scent he left behind with traces of whisky littered in it.  
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helplessly-nonstop · 4 years
Slip of Ice (A. Black smut)
It’s that time of year again, folks! Chrismuts for us all in the WWE fandom! I originally had the 21st but due to complications, I switched day! Shout out to @toxiicpop for putting together one of the strongest bands of writers imagined! Without them and my wonderful counterparts in the Discord, I wouldn’t be here! anyway, here’s my contribution to @25daysofchrismuts! 
OC, Highness, just wants to have a normal Christmas time with her best friends but when Charlotte lets it slip that the two are in love with her, she freaks and thankfully, Aleister is there to take her to the hospital. 
WC: 5,651 words 
Warnings: smut, broken ankle, voyeurism (hi discord chat!!!) unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, you lil shits), vaginal sex, riding, fingering, uh, yeah
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I slipped into the Performance Center and glanced around with a small sigh. Baron and Aleister wasn’t here tonight, which meant that I was all alone for the night. Bayley tackled me in a hug and I groaned with the force of it before she chirped, ”Guess what, guess what, guess what!” 
I couldn’t help but smile at the young brunette. She was like a little sister to me and always had so much energy. Some days it felt like I couldn’t keep up with the energetic woman, but she somehow always managed to change my mind in a matter of minutes. Who knew, maybe today wouldn’t be so bad without my two best friends.
“What are we doing today, Bails?” I asked as we made our way to the ring. She grinned and shouted, ”Christmas decorating!” I stopped short. I’m sorry, what? 
I had been working at WWE for a little under a year now and this was the first time that I saw how the Performance Center organized for the holidays. Christmas, for the longest time, was a hit or miss situation in my family; either it went excellent or all hell rained loose at my house. If I was being honest, I didn’t think that the PC decorated for Christmas, considering that most of the people who worked around here were usually frowning or screeching their heads off. Huh. Who knew?
“Stephanie is practically holding us at gunpoint since we didn’t get the decorations up before the first of December.” she informed me as we joined the rest of the Superstars there for the day. My eyes widened then I asked, ”Wait, is that why Baron and Aleister aren’t here?” She stopped momentarily, almost as if she was considering her answer wisely, and answered, ”Something like that.” And with that, she joined the rest of the Four Horsewomen, leaving me alone. 
I groaned and drug a basket labeled,’Ribbons for turnbuckles’ over to the ring. Tossing it onto the apron, I climbed inside and begun thinking of a pattern to do these green and red nightmares in before Stephanie called out my name followed by a color sequence. I nodded in acknowledgment and started to wrap the black turnbuckles in scarlet and emerald. 
Once I reached the top one, I pulled the ends of the two colors together and wrapped them into a tight bow. Finn clapped his hands together at my decoration and praised, ”Not bad, Highness. I think Steph likes them.” We turned to the boss woman who nodded in agreement with what the Irish man offered and I asked, ”You want to help me finish it then?” 
He grabbed two more rolls of the different colors then walked to the opposite side of the ring before starting to wrap the other turnbuckles identical to how I had the first one done. I glanced around quickly then spotted Banks near the radio and yelled, ”Sasha, turn on some Christmas music, man!” She grinned and cracked the volume dial up as high as it was allowed then flipped the switch, Carol of the Bells ringing back to us. 
I hummed along idly and I started my last thing of ribbons when my phone buzzed in my back pocket. I pulled it out and a smile broke across my face when I saw who was calling. Quickly answering, I held the phone to my ear and chirped, ”Hi!” Baron’s small chuckle greeted me in return then he stated, ”Hey. How’s the PC?” 
I glanced around the building at his words and smiled when I saw the wonderful holiday chaos. Kevin and Sami were wrapped up in garland, Carmella and Truth held an end each for a large pole with numerous sized Christmas bulbs hanging on said object, while Braun and Xavier, who was on Big E’s shoulders, helped each other set up the tree, that was at least ten feet tall. Bayley and Sasha were organizing an evil looking snowman army while Alexa Bliss chased poor Adam Cole around with an Elf on the Shelf, the NXT champion shrieking in protest. 
I laughed and finally answered when Baron called my name, ”It’s going great. I’m sad that you’re not here with us though. I miss you.” Oh no. Why would you say that, stupid? He stopped for a moment and at first, I thought he had hung up on me, only for him to respond, ”I know, baby doll. I miss you too. But I’ll be home soon, okay?” 
Baby doll? Baron had never given me a nickname, an endearment was a big step. But nevertheless, it made me sigh with delight then I murmured, ”I know. See you soon?” He laughed and I could see him nod as he retorted, ”Yeah. See you soon.” And with that, he hung up, leaving me with a stupid smile across my face. Nia settled on the apron as I finished up the ribbons then pointed out, ”Someone is happy. What gives? Who’s the dude?” 
Her series of questions drawled in some of the other girls who began grilling me about my now red cheeks then I held up a hand and insisted,”It was just Baron.”
“Corbin? You do know that he and Black are at odds with each other, right?” Charlotte asked, leaning against the apron as she buffed her nails. I turned with a frown, interested in the new information before Stephanie called me over. I held up a hand then looked down at my blonde friend and asked,”What are you talking about?” 
Sasha snickered and patted me on the arm then she observed,”Highness, you must be blind if you can’t see it.” My eyebrows furrowed together but before I could question them further, Steph called my name again and I groaned then stared at them as I stressed,”This isn’t over yet, alright?” The older woman smiled at me as I approached her then she handed me something that wasn’t unfamiliar to me. Mistletoe.
“Stephanie, do you really think I’m the right person to hang this? I mean…” She waved me off then insisted,”Nonsense. You can do it, champ. Just grab a chair and hang it wherever you want it.” I smiled softly then took the small plant and made my way towards the main entrance, snagging a chair from a table I passed by.
 I climbed on top of the chair then steadied myself before attaching the small plant to the hook. I smiled at my work then turned to come down, only to step on my loose shoelace, beginning to tumble off the chair with a squeak. Someone pulled me into their grasp and I peeked an eye open, breathing a sigh of relief when I noticed who had rescued me. 
“You told me you weren’t in town.” I accused, narrowing my eyes at the person holding me. 
“In my defense, I wanted to surprise you. Did I?” Aleister asked, raising an eyebrow at me. I pursed my lips and muttered, “Yeah, you surprised me. Would you mind letting me down now?” He gave a small laugh then replied, “I suppose so.  You shouldn’t stand on a chair, you never know who’s around to save you.” I nodded in understanding then he placed me on my feet with a brush of fingers to my hair. 
He glanced upwards then murmured, “We’re standing underneath the mistletoe. Do you know what that means?” My fingers tightened into the sides of his shirt then I leaned forward as I asked, “You’re going to kiss me under the mistletoe then?” He gave a small nod and began to lean downwards to meet me halfway, only for Bayley to interrupt us.
“Highness, someone wants you outside.” my friend called out to me and I turned with a confused expression. Why couldn’t that person come inside and see me if it was so important? I glanced over my shoulder to Aleister then rushed out, “I’ll be right back, I just need to go see who it is.” 
“I’d be more than happy to join you outside.”he offered, sliding closer to me. I stretched a hand out to him and he quickly accepted it, leading me outside. I glanced out the door and frowned when I realized that no one was out front. 
“Okay, this isn’t funny. I’m really annoyed right now.” I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest. 
“Baby doll.” I froze at his voice and turned, surprised to see Baron standing there. I stared at him for a moment then rushed to him, jumping into his arms. He jerked me into a tight hug as my legs circled his waist, causing his leather jacket to squeak. 
“You told me that you were in Kansas for a visit with your mom.” I muttered into his neck with a pout. He gave a small laugh then replied, “I just wanted to surprise you, baby doll. I knew you were coming back from the road so, here I am.” I glanced over my shoulder and asked, “It kinda feels like you guys orchestrated this.” Baron looked over my head to see a now scowling Aleister Black, with his fists clenched by his sides. 
“I’m afraid not. When Charlotte told me that you were coming home, I figured that you had been roped into the holiday decorating for the Performance Center, as everyone else is.” Aleister informed me, smoothing down the front and sides of his shirt from where I had crinkled the silk of the material. Baron allowed me to slide to my feet then I gave a sheepish smile before I replied, “Oh… I’m sorry about your shirt, I didn’t mean to crinkle it inside.” 
“That’s alright. I’m just upset that we didn’t get to kiss, Princess.” Aleister said casually, flickering his dark gaze up to Baron.
Out of the corner of my eye, I took notice of Baron tensing and my blood ran cold. Why did I care what he thought? It was just a kiss under the mistletoe but I felt like I needed to emphasize that to my taller best friend. 
“We’ve got a show tomorrow and Tuesday and I need to talk with Hunter to see what he’s thinking for this match.” Baron stated as he walked past me. I reached for the hem of his jacket but he brushed me off, muttering, “I’ll see you later, Highness.” My mouth fell open as he walked inside then Aleister asked, “Are you okay, love?” 
“You know, I think I’m just going to head back to the hotel. I’ve got to deal with a few things, so… yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow, Aleister.” 
Tomorrow rolled around, with us being flown to Michigan for the show and I had a match with Charlotte, of all people. I, unfortunately, hadn’t been able to talk with her about what she meant when she said that Baron and Aleister had been fighting. And boy did she take advantage of that in our match. 
“You know that they’re fighting over you, right? Vying for your attention, desperate for you to date them and not the other. Poor you, I guess.”she informed me as I grappled against her hold. I paused at the admission then I snapped, “You’re lying, quit trying to get in my head.” 
“Highness, I just wanted you to know. I care a lot about you and I know how hard it is to choose between the people you love. Just don’t let it get to you too much. You’re a smart girl.” I struggled in her grasp then she immediately took advantage of my distraction to slam me into the mat before twisting into her Figure Eight. I didn’t even bother fighting it, instead, I tapped out the moment she applied the pressure. 
I rolled out of the ring and limped up the ramp, with my hands pressed tightly to my forehead to sell my disappointment of losing. But the information had my head spinning: was Charlotte telling the truth? I stumbled into the backstage and Bayley reached a hand out to steady me as she asked, “What the hell did Charlotte say to you? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” 
“She said that Aleister and Baron are fighting for my affection like some stupid love triangle movie bullshit.” I muttered as she led me to a chair. My head fell between my knees before I groaned, muttering, “I can’t believe this. What am I going to do now? I can’t just reject them!” 
“Reject who?” My head jerked up and Aleister tilted his head at me for an answer. Of course it would be him to overhear my turmoil. I stumbled to my feet then muttered, “No one, it doesn’t matter.”
“It kind of feels like it matters. Is everything alright?” Aleister asked as I began to make my way towards the exit for a breath of fresh air. I glanced over my shoulder and informed him, “It’s nothing, really. I’m fine, Aleister, please, just go back inside, I want to be alone.” He gave me an unsure glance then urged, “Please, just talk to me, okay? Please, I promise I won’t judge you.” I scoffed and rolled my eyes as I replied, “Last I checked, I never cared what anyone thought of me so being judged really doesn’t bother me. But what does bother me is the fact that you won’t leave me alone. So please, just go away.” 
“Highness, wait, please!” I jerked away from him when he reached for my arm as I walked out the side door, eager to reach my car. As I pulled away, I slipped on a patch of ice, my ankle twisting at an awkward angle with an awful crack. Aleister tried to grab me by my forearms, only to miss me by mere inches. 
I let out a small, shuddering breath then tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as he crouched beside me. Tender fingers cradled my ankle and I jerked against the touch with a cry, the tears now beginning to trickle down my cheeks, “Don’t touch it, you twat! It hurts!” Aleister nodded in understanding then informed me, “I’m going to pick you up, just hold still, okay?” With a small nod, he scooped me into his arms bridal style then carried me to my car and murmured, “Okay, unlock your car so I can put you in the passenger seat.” 
“Where are you taking me?” I murmured after doing what he asked. He gave a small sigh and slid me inside as he answered, “To the hospital. There’s no point in taking you to the trainer if it is broken because they’ll just send you there. So, we’re skipping over that and just going to the big professionals.” 
I buckled myself up then crossed my arms over my chest. This was not how I wanted my Christmas time to go. But it was Michigan, of course there was going to be ice outside. Aleister slid into the driver’s seat and cranked the engine over before turning the heat on, the Detroit winter air already creeping in on us. I stared at his profile for a bit then jerked my head away when his eyes flickered towards me with an inquisitive look. 
“So, who was the person you were going to reject?”he asked casually and I jerked my head up to look at him. He glanced at me then turned his attention back to the road as he replied, “Of course, you don’t have to tell me, I would just like to know if I’m still in the running for your affections.” 
I paused at his admission then murmured, “Please tell me you’re joking.” Deep down though, I knew that he was serious. Aleister pressed gently on the brakes as we approached a red light and he said, “My love, I don’t joke about the way that I feel. You don’t have to decide on the way you feel now or even a month later. But I will feel the same either way.” 
“Look, it’s not that I don’t feel the same, trust me. It’s just… what about Baron? What do I say to him?” I asked, shifting in my seat to face him. He gave a small sigh then glanced over at me as he answered, “That is something that only you can answer, Highness. Why don’t you find some Christmas music, so we’re not sitting awkwardly in silence?” 
I reached forward and turned up the volume, knowing that I had the newest Pentatonix Christmas album in the CD player. I leaned forward and untied my shoe before gingerly peeling the footwear away from my tender foot. Aleister took another turn, obviously following the road signs that instructed him which area the hospital was located, then he asked, “Is it swollen?” 
“To the size of a grapefruit.” I answered as I lowered my foot once again. He nodded in understanding then pulled into the half-full parking lot. Half of my mind joked that the hospital should have been busier since it was the holidays, while the other half was ecstatic to get in and out of the ER as quickly as possible. 
“Do you want me to carry you inside then put you in a wheelchair or would you rather wait in the car while I go get one for you?” Aleister asked, fingers hovering over the keys as he waited for my reply. I sighed softly then answered, “You might as well carry me inside, there’s no need to leave the car running longer than needed.” He nodded in understanding and killed the car then hurried around to carry me. 
He carried me in silence and the moment that we entered the hospital, the nurse running the front desk glanced up to greet us, only for surprise to overtake her expression as she yelped, “Oh my! Let me help you!” She rushed over and pushed a wheelchair to us, stating, “It seems like you have a bit of an issue.”
“Yeah, the ice apparently had it out for me.” I muttered, annoyed as Aleister rolled me into the waiting room. She nodded in understanding then said, “Yes, well, that does seem to be a common problem around this time of year. I’ll get you some paperwork to fill out then a nurse will come to get you to put you in a room, dear.” I gave a small mumble of thanks before Aleister pushed me towards the corner of the waiting room then he claimed a chair beside me as he stated, “If you wanted to spend time with me during the holidays, all you had to do was ask, Highness.” I narrowed my eyes then turned to glare at him as I replied, “Trust me, this is not my idea of fun, Aleister. And this was definitely not a tactic to get you to spend more time with me.” 
“It’s called a joke, Princess, I do hope you’ll learn what that is one day.” I scoffed at his response and replied, “Oh, I’m the one who needs to learn what a joke is? That’s real rich coming from the guy who has maybe smiled twice in November. I don’t even think I’ve seen you smile at all in December and it’s halfway through the month.” He pursed his lips at me then replied, “I’m not even going to dignify that with an answer.” I shrugged and finished my paperwork, eager to get my ankle x rayed so I could go back to my hotel room then sleep until Christmas rolled around in eight days. 
Thankfully the nurse in charge of placing people in specific rooms was quick and diligent, with a time estimate of about fifteen minutes until the nurse practitioner arrived to take me to my assigned room. Aleister helped me out of the wheelchair then set me on the bed before claiming the chair beside me. 
I shifted until I got as comfortable as I could manage then began to zone out, allowing my thoughts to run rampant. I briefly wondered what Aleister was doing then a random thought came to mind and the words fell out, “Are people who watch porn voyeurs?” Aleister lifted his head slowly from where he was staring at his phone then stated, “I’m not sure I follow.” I let out a small sigh then considered my next words carefully before I began to explain what I meant, “Okay voyeurs are people who get off by watching people have sex, right?” 
He nodded once again, urging me to continue, “Well people who watch porn typically get off when watching it. So technically, aren’t all people who watch porn voyeurs?” Aleister stared at me for a moment then set down his phone as he stated, “Sometimes you really make me wonder what is going on inside that mind of yours.” 
I laughed and reached for the remote, eager to find a good Christmas movie to watch while we waited for the doctor to arrive. I quickly landed on Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, which caused me to grin with delight. As I grew up, this was always a family favorite to watch when December finally rolled around and it would always hold a special place in my heart.
Twenty minutes passed, as the nurse predicted, then the doctor who would take me to x-ray arrived, clearly prepared to finish his shift. The tests were run quickly and just as I had feared, I had broken the talus. He gave me a boot to walk in until I got to an orthopedic doctor. Aleister glanced up 
inquisitively as I hobbled back into the room with my discharge papers then asked, “So how’s the ankle, Highness?” 
“Broken, as expected. I’ve gotta say though, I was not expecting my holiday to go like this.” He nodded in understanding then chirped, “Come on, Princess, let’s get you back to your hotel room so you can get home to your family on time.” He wrapped an arm around my waist to help ease the strain that I had against my ankle. 
I nodded in agreement then he helped back to the car, where the Christmas music in my ears lifted my half shattered spirits a bit. We returned to the hotel and somehow managed to avoid the incoming snowstorm that was about to strike over Detroit. He helped me into the elevator and into my room where I hobbled to my bed, eager to get the heavy boot off so I could elevate and ice the now broken talus in my right ankle. 
“Okay, my love, are you settled in?” Aleister asked, sitting at the foot of the bed. I gave a small nod and he began to leave, only for me to catch his hand as he walked past me. He glanced down at me inquisitively then I stated, “Listen… I wanted to thank you. I know you were supposed to go back home for your holidays but instead, you helped my clumsy ass go to the emergency room to prove that I had a broken ankle. Not a lot of people would’ve done that for me, so I really appreciate that. Thank you.” 
He stared down at me for a split second then sat down as he murmured, “Well, there is a way that I’ll accept an apology from you for sticking around instead of going home and leaving you by your lonesome self. But only if you agree.” My eyebrows furrowed together in confusion then he traced his thumb over my bottom lip, his dark eyes following the motion. I lifted my gaze and asked quietly, “You still want to kiss me, even though I’ve made the past few hours of your life an actual nightmare by having you lug me around like a sack of potatoes?” 
“My love, I will always want to kiss you, no matter what I do for you. The only question is, do you want me to kiss you?” Aleister murmured, lifting my chin upwards with two fingers. I licked my lips and whispered, “I’d let you do so much more than kiss me.” He closed the gap between us then I tangled my hand in the front of his shirt before pushing him onto the mattress so I could climb into his lap. He gave a small laugh then chirped, “Oh someone’s eager for it.” 
My gaze narrowed at his comment before I grinded downwards, drawing a gasp from him, and I warned, “Watch it before I kick you out and you’re left with a hard on for Christmas.” Aleister laughed at my threat but let his hands flop to the mattress as he encouraged, “Oh please, don’t, my love. I promise you I’m not making fun of you for being eager. Hell, I think that makes you all the more beautiful. But go on, take what you want, Highness.” I tugged his shirt off then allowed my nails to scrape down his chest, causing his skin to prickle underneath my touch as I reached the button of his jeans. 
“You’re sure you’re okay with this?” I asked, waiting for his answer. Aleister flicked his gaze up to mine then murmured, “This is going to be a Christmas gift no one will ever be able to beat, my love. So please, unbuckle my jeans and ride me.” I did as he encouraged then struggled out of my own outfit, thankful that my ring gear wasn’t overly complicated to take off. He clasped one hand over my hip while the other slid between us, clearly seeking the wet thatch of curls between my thighs. 
I sighed at the first brush of his fingers then he murmured, “You’re already so wet for me, love. I told you that you were excited.” I licked my lips and replied, “Actually, you used the word eager.” Aleister raised an eyebrow at my correction before he shook his head and replied, “Why, yes of course, Your Highness, I am sorry that I got my own sentence wrong.” I laughed quietly then rocked against his fingers before wrapping my hand around his cock. He groaned at the first touch and his eyes fluttered closed as he muttered, “You are an evil woman, Highness. Are you going to fuck me now?” 
I wrapped my other hand around his wrist and pulled his hand around, eager to guide the head of his dick to my entrance. Flickering my eyes up to him, I asked quietly, “Are you sure that you want this?” Aleister groaned then hissed, “You stubborn woman, I already told you, I’m ready for the best damn Christmas present you could give a man.” I slid down his member and a growl rumbled through his chest and I damn near purred at the sound. It was undeniable to anyone with ears that Aleister’s voice was like music, just the right sound to make your day unforgettable. 
I raised my hips slowly then sunk back down with a small sigh, eyes fluttering when his hips jerked slightly. I rode him steadily but never fast enough to jostle either of us. Whether it was my brain trying to avoid crushing him with my weight or to prevent jostling my ankle, I wasn’t entirely sure which.
“Come on,Highness,  you can do better than that. Bounce on my cock, lovely.” Aleister encouraged, gripping my hips as I rocked downwards. I gave a small huff then replied, “I’m trying my best, okay? I’ve got a broken ankle and you’re not exactly helping me out.” He laughed in response and chirped, “Oh, I’m sorry, but weren’t you the one who climbed in my lap ? Because I do distinctly remember that.” 
“Ugh, you’re such an evil bastard. You probably couldn’t fuck me right, anyway.” Out of all the stupid things that could have flown out of my mouth at that moment, of fucking course it would be that. Dark eyes narrowed and his tattooed fingers tightened around my hips as he asked, “Is that so? You don’t think I can fuck you until you’re gasping for air and pleading with me to slow down so you can get a cohesive thought through your pretty mind?” 
My teeth sunk into my bottom lip at the imagery that flowed through my head then I traced his clenched jawline with a single digit before I murmured, “Baron would’ve insisted on fucking me instead of me riding him.” His upper lip curled with his distaste for my comment then he cradled the inside of my right knee, careful not to hit my ankle, before slamming me onto my back. He pinned my injured leg to the bed with his own then gathered my hands into his grasp, pressing them above my head. 
“I’m going to make you regret ever mentioning that bastard in this bedroom, lovely.”he warned before snapping his hips up to mine. I arched in his hold with a delighted cry then 
“Oh god, I need it please!” I sobbed, nails digging into his side and shoulder, his tattoos barely hiding the crescents that the scratches had left behind. 
“Yeah? Highness needs my dick harder? Little Princess has made it to the Naughty List but maybe if she’s good enough, I’ll put in a word for her with the Big Man.” Aleister murmured, before clamping his teeth down on my shoulder. My hips jerked against his hold then I pleaded, “I can be good, I promise, please!” 
A knock sounded at the door then someone called inside, “Highness, do you think we can talk for a bit? I really need to talk to you about something.” We froze at the sound of Baron’s voice then I started to push at Aleister’s chest, hissing, “Move, I have to send him away.” 
He stared at me for a moment then a devious look overtook his handsome features before he called out to Baron, “The door is open!” My eyes widened when I realized what he had began to plot in the milliseconds that had just passed then he grinded upwards, drawing a soft cry from me. Baron turned the corner into the bedroom area then froze at the sight that greeted him. 
“What the actual fuck?” Corbin hissed, eyes narrowed at us. I glanced over Aleister’s shoulder and immediately took notice of the way that Baron looked in the light of the Christmas tree that was on the desk beside him. It was almost criminal how good he looked in the reds, greens, and blues that the lights offered up. 
Aleister flicked his gaze to the taller man then admitted, “She’s the prettiest damn Christmas present you could ask for, isn’t that right, Corbin? If you’re good enough and keep that big mouth of yours shut, I’ll let you watch her.” My best friend met my gaze then questioned, “Is that okay with you?” 
“I don’t care, please, I just want to come already!” I snapped, allowing my head to fall onto the pillow behind me. Aleister laughed quietly at my urgency then kissed the underneath of my jawline, sucking a hickey into the skin as I keened in his ear. He cooed softly to me then murmured, “It’s okay, my love, I’m going to make you come for me. Just watch Baron for me, okay? Tell me what you see.” I licked my lips then watched as Baron settled in the chair across the room, the small Christmas tree still shrouding him in the holiday colors. 
“He-he’s just sitting there, watching us… wait no, he’s unbuttoning his pants and he’s- oh God! Fuck please, Aleister, I can’t! Please just make me come.” I begged him, fingernails digging into his skin as the briefest of tremors began to rock through my body in anticipation of my orgasm. He let out a small laugh then replied, “Just a bit more, sweetness, then I’ll let you come around my cock, okay? What’s he doing now?” 
“Oh my fuck, fine! He’s touching himself, watching you fuck me. He looks so good, fuck, he’s got the Christmas light glow and please! Please, please, Aleister, I need to come!” I insisted, my free leg wrapping around his waist to the best of my ability. 
“Fuck, look at that pretty pussy clenching down. Are you trying to get me to fuck you harder, Princess? All you have to do is open that mouth of yours and beg for it.” Black informed me, giving a particularly harsh thrust, causing me to cry out, fingers clenching in the sheets below us. 
“I have begged, you ass! Keep this act up and I swear to God- oh fuck!” He pressed deft fingers to my clit and began to rub tight circles in the hard nub, pushing me into the delightful bliss that my orgasm offered me. He slid out and groaned as he came, the ribbons of come streaked across my torso, then my head hit the pillow and I murmured, “Oh you’re so cleaning that up.” 
“Yes, my love, I know, Just sit there and relax.” Aleister said quietly before kissing me on the cheek. He rolled off the bed and glanced over to Baron then stated, “Good luck on getting her back, King Bitch.” And with that, he disappeared into the bathroom in search for a washcloth to clean the come off of me. Baron came to a stand and tucked himself back in his jeans before he informed me, “Dinner tomorrow? We can talk about… whatever the hell just happened.” 
I nodded and he waved goodbye before leaving my hotel room with a half bowed head. I stared at the chair that he had been sitting in then turned my attention to the glittering Christmas tree. This was a holiday that I would definitely never forget.
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