#agnostic Jews
apostateoverrubies · 1 year
Children don't need religion to develop good morals. I'd argue that certain religions get in the way of that because they encourage you to do things because a deity approves and it will lead to you having a good afterlife or whatever. And I don't know about you but I find that to be self-serving.
Not to mention, the fact that religion can advocate for immoral things.
Let's just teach children to be good just because.
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jewishboricua · 7 months
every time i see someone exclude, mock or ignore queer religious people's existence (whether from bigoted religious people or bigoted queer people) i think it should be perfectly acceptable for us to punch them in the face for that
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blahdiblahblah · 1 year
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askjumblr · 2 months
Hi! I'm a prospective convert and currently something of an atheist. Basically, I believe in the divine as a concept, and I believe that certain actions are in themselves holy (feeding the hungry, healing the sick, etc.), but I don't believe in the existence of a higher power. I haven't properly studied Torah yet, but I worry that I would not be able to study in a meaningful way since I would not literally believe in the Torah. I worry that this would make conversion functionally impossible.
I know that it's possible to be a Jewish atheist, but my understanding is that Jewish atheists are typically born Jews. I can't picture a rabbi taking on a conversion student who does not believe in God and is therefore unable to accept the Torah.
Being that I'm an atheist and expect to continue being an atheist, should I just give up on the idea of converting, or is there a meaningful way to convert without belief in a divine being? Any advice on navigating this? (If anyone has book recommendations, I'm prepared to do a lot of reading.)
OP does not mention what movement they intend to convert under. Please state your FOR and identify which movements you are discussing clearly 😊
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gingerswagfreckles · 1 year
the way everyone on this site just assumes all atheists r ex-christians is really fucking gross lol. and frankly just goes to show how christian-centric 99% of you still are.
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erela-tsisdu · 1 year
I swear the last few culturally xtian atheists I’ve run into have been like
“All the Abrahamic faiths are bad”
“But while xtianity abused me I know real chill xtians & I prefer to judge individuals rather than the whole faith”
“Jews are violent, bloodthirsty, genocidal bigots tho. I read your fairy tales in your Torah. This is okay for me to say because I’m queer.”
//says nothing about Islam
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My dad all year: fairly secular like the rest of us, doesn’t keep kosher, doesn’t really observe Shabbat, the occasional temple service.
My dad on Yom Kippur: *putting on a kippah* hello family yes I am fasting and don’t ask me money questions. I am now extremely devout for the next 24 hours
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graymatteradvocate · 6 months
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hairtusk · 6 months
happy 'we'll have satanic christmas eve' to all those who celebrate
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tinderfishboy · 1 year
God is real and he wants us all. If anyone was going to live forever it was going to be leonard cohen and he died years ago and it was a mercy. So close your eyes and open your heart and take what you will of the world. Worlds. Take what you need babylove take whatever you want. Take what you damn well please. Cause god is real and in us all and he wants you. He wants us and he is coming for us so you may as well suck the world dry of whatever it is you want out of it. Its time to embrace mortality. God may love you but god will not save you. God knew his power and so he took him from us. Do not expect yourself to be the exception. Take and take and take of the world. You do not decide when you have had enough, so why limit yourself? God wants you and he will have you. Try not to worry about it.
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christmas is approaching a tiny apartment in which lives a gay agnostic, a pansexual witch, a bisexual jew with a norse pagan mother, a trans buddhist who is very angry about the body they have been reincarnated into, and an atheist. please send help. our defenses against mariah carey are very limited.
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mommybard · 1 year
Are... You okay after drinking all of that monster?
Half convinced that the reason that g-d won't come down here and FIGHT ME YOU FUCKING COWARD is because I survived an ungodly amount of monster. If that can't kill me what hope does their crotchety ass have
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jewish-witch-bitch · 6 months
My name is Kadin or my Hebrew name ניצן (Nitzan), I use he/it/moon/grave/angel/את/הוא pronouns, I am 20 years old, I am genderfaun, pansexual, ambi, and possibly on the aromantic spectrum. I converted to Judaism. I would like to keep an online diary about more studying I do. Feel free to ask questions!
Absolutely no discourse, bigotry or fakeclaiming is tolerated here; this is my space and I'm not here to debate, fight with anyone or intentionally piss anybody off, I'm not here to spend my time arguing with randos on the internet. Tone tags are not only preferred but highly encouraged, if not required most times! I can't believe I need to say this and disclaimers truly kill me on the inside but just because I reblog something from somebody or talk to something doesn't automatically mean I 100% agree with everything they say or do or their beliefs on every single opinion be fucking for real.
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General DNI criteria, racists, -phobes, queerphobes, antisemites, ableists, sanists, anti well researched self dx, exclusionists, TERFS/SWERFS, ped*s/z**s/pro contact paraphiles and any variants, pro ed/sh, pro-israel, anti landback, anti mmiwg2s/mmip, anti black lives matter, anti stop aapi hate, if you don't support indigenous sovereignty and black liberation, abuse apologists, blank/ageless blogs, radqueer/transx identities (transage, trace, transabled, etc.), conservative/prolife/antivax/fascists/right wing/centrists/n*zis, gore, DDLG/CGL, anti sfw agere, anti sw/antikink, more TBA (likely extended).
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eccentricextrovert · 2 years
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when people say the wheelers aren’t jewish it kills me because these are literal screenshots from s1 guys come on are you blind
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nancy wheeler is on cher horowitz levels of jewish american princess and the ONLY thing holding her back is being middle class
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tmmylovejoy · 2 years
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When I found out about Technos passing this tweet was one of the ones that hit me the hardest. May his memory be a blessing.
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unbidden-yidden · 2 years
So earlier I was explaining to Spouse that "Bride of the Lamb" was probably not a completely random cult, but rather a Christian reference to how the church is personified as the "bride of Christ" in certain parts of the New Testament. (Jury's out on whether the tiny windowless cinderblock building was home of a Christian cult, but the name is actually a legitimate Christian reference even if unsettling out of context.)
And he may have then asked me why Jesus needed a bride if he had the 12 Disciples, to which I may or may not have said, "...this polycule threatens to take over 1/3rd of the world's religion."
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