annasinthewalls · 1 year
Feel free to rb for more varied input
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borderline-culture-is · 3 months
Agnostic BPD culture is not having a specific belief about the afterlife but wishing with all your heart that reincarnation is real because there has to be a life I can live that isn't this, I don't want my only chance to be this
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driedflowers161 · 1 year
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i often feel like religion would make me feel more "whole" even though i am sometimes repulsed by it
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ineffable-ezra · 3 days
Religion is so kinky. Like, you want to worship this guy and call him daddy? And you're always talking about how you need to be good for him? Like, okay, you do you, but some stuff should stay between you and God
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gingerswagfreckles · 10 months
the way everyone on this site just assumes all atheists r ex-christians is really fucking gross lol. and frankly just goes to show how christian-centric 99% of you still are.
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insanzee · 8 months
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Yayınımı rb yapıp altına kocaman harflerle diamond tema ya dediği gibi evrim ağacının videosunda ki çağrı ya ve bana gerizekalı diyen ileri zekalı @mustang035 bak yavrucum biz senin gibi iki tıkla ulaşılan google bilgisiyle değil hem matbuu hem görsel kaynaklardan faydalanarak bişeyler konuşuruz.
Yukarıdaki kitaplar sadece yanımda olanlar ve bunlar hiç bişey değil. Senin alim diye peşinden koştuğun adamların kitaplarına da çuval dolusu para harcadım. Sadece bu bizden deyip taraflı yayınları okumadım, dinlemedim. Sen de evrim hakkında, Darwin hakkında, din ve bilim hakkında saçmalayıp kendini rezil etmemek adına en azından yukarıya bıraktığım kitapları bile okusan saçmalamamış olursun. Son görsel de ki insan beyni kitabı ve parmağımı özellikle o fındık beynine soktum ki önüne gelene beyinsiz, mercimek beyinli demeyesin.
Zamana ve ruh halime göre yoruma da bişeyler ilave edermiyim bilmiyorum. Bilimde ve insanlıkta kalın, esen kalın.
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demonic-shadowlucifer · 2 months
hi christians and muslims and jews and pagans and wiccans and hindus and buddhists and sikhs and shintoists and taoists and jainists and people of other religions and athiests and agnostics are all holding hands dancing and picking flowers together and just having a fun silly time because we're all siblings in arms :)
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re1996-r1 · 8 days
التلاجة طارت!
إمبارح الساعه ٣ الصبح، صحيت على صوت بيخبط برا، ولقيت البالكونه مفتوحه، وانت ماشي رايح ناحية البالكونه لقيت سلك في الارض وطالع برا البالكونه، بتبص برا لقيت التلاجه طايره وبابها مفتوح ونور التلاجه منور من غير ما السلك يكون واصل. وفجأه بدون أي فواصل صحيت! الساعه دلوقتي ٨ الصبح، خرجت برا لقيت التلاجه مكانها بس السلك مش متوصل في الكهربا.
أكيد لسبب ما الفيشه مش متوصله، انت مش فاكر إنك فكيتها، وفي نفس الوقت إفتكرت اللي حصل إمبارح، أو يمكن محصلش. انت مش متأكد إن كنت صاحي ولا نايم، مفيش طريقه تتأكد بيها، الحاجه الوحيده اللي تفسرلك إزاي الفيشه بتاعت التلاجه إتفكت هي إن التلاجه إتحركت فعلاً، لسبب ما خرجت من البلكونه، وطارت زي ما شوفتها. المشكله إنك مش قادر تلاقي سبب إن الفيشه تكون إتفكت، وفي نفس الوقت مفيش عندك تبرير غير أطروحه معقده جداً إثباتها أصعب من إجابة السؤال عن سبب خروج الفيشه من مكانها.
لما حكيت اللي حصل معاك لصاحبك تاني يوم، قالك يمكن بيتهيألك. كلنا بنحلم وأوقات مش بنعرف نميز الحلم من الحقيقه، وحتى لو معرفتش سبب إن الفيشه إتخلعت من مكانها ده مش مبرر إنك تقبل شئ أكثر لا منطقيه عشان تبرر شئ سببه مجهول. يعني مش معنى إنك مش عارف إيه اللي خلع الفيشه إنك مضطر تسلِّم بإن اللي حصل معاك كان حقيقه وإنه هو التفسير الوحيد المتاح للظاهره.
الكلام مريحكش، خصوصاً إنك شوفت التلاجه طايره فعلاً، والمشهد كان vivid، ولسه جواك مشاعر الإندهاش باللحظه دي. لأ لأ، أكيد اللي حصل حقيقي، وأكيد هو ده سبب إن الفيشه مكانتش في مكانها. لما معجبكش كلام صاحبك، روحت تدور online ولقيت ناس كتير بتتكلم عن زيارات من الفضائيين، وقولت إنه يمكن اللي حصل كان حرفياً كده، في فضائي جه وحرَّك التلاجه، أيوه، ده تفسير مقبول، أصل إزاي التلاجه هاتطير وتنور من غير كهربا؟ أكيد الفضائي ده عنده تكنولوجيا أكثر تطوراً من بتاعتنا، أصل لو كل ده محصلش، إيه اللي فك الفيشه؟
رجعت تاني لصاحبك وقولتله اللي انت وصلتله، والمره دي معاك أدله أقوى. وكل ما يقولك بيتهيألك هاترمي قدامه إجابتين، الأولي إنه مدام ميعرفش إيه اللي فك الفيشه يبقا البديل اللي انت بتقدمه هو سبب أفضل. التاني هو إن في ناس كتير بتتكلم عن زيارات الفضائيين، ف لو عايز يقول إنها مستحيل تحصل يبقا لازم ينفي إمكانية حدوثها، ولو معرفش ينفي يبقا انت تبريرك للموقف أفضل وهو مضطر ينقطع عن الإجابه.
قولتله الطرح الجديد اللي عندك وهو قالك إنه محتاج كام دقيقه يفكر. في الوقت اللي هو بيفكر فيه روحت انت جهزت كام موقع بيتكلم عن زيارات الفضائيين وفضلت مستنيه يقول اللي عنده عشان تديله الدليل النهائي عندك. الحقيقه بعد ما فكر قالك إنه ميقدرش ينفي، أصل هاينفي وجود الفضائيين إزاي؟ المنطقي إن عبء الإثبات على اللي بيدعي الإيجاب، يعني المفروض اللي بيقول إن (١) في فضائيين و (٢) يقدرو ييجو للأرض و (٣) عندهم تكنولوجيا (٤) متقدمه ممكن تنوَّر التلاجه و (٥) تطيرها هو اللي محتاج يثبت كل إدعاء من دول. وكلمك عن ال falsifiability بتاعت كارل بوبر، بمعنى إن ما لا يُمكن إثبات عدم صحته لا يُمكن إثبات صحته، لأن ده معناه إن مفيش دليل يُمكن فحصه أساساً. وبالتالي بالرغم من عدم قدرة صاحبك إنه ينفي إدعاءك انت بردو متقدرش تثبت إدعاءك وبالتالي متقدرش تستخدمه في تفسير الظاهره محل الخلاف.
الحقيقه انت مكنتش محضر للرد ده، بس كنت محضر رد أقوى هاتقوله في كل الأحوال ... "يعني متعرفش إيه اللي فك الفيشه؟"
ف قالك لأ معرفش، ومش معنى إني معرفش إن تفسيرك بكل الإدعاءات غير المثبته فيه هو الحل. ف انت رديت عليه وقولتله إنك تقدر تثبت إن في فضائيين بإن الفيشه إتخلعت. ف هو قالك مانت كده بتعمل حاجه إسمها إحتجاج دائري، يعني عايز تثبت إن الفضائي حرك التلاجه وفك الفيشه، بس عشان تثبت إن في فضائي بتحتج بالمطلوب اللي عايز تثبته أصلاً وهو إنه موجود بدليل إنه فك الفيشه.
آخرة ما بدأ خلقه يضيق منك قالك إن مش معنى إن في شئ معندناش معطيات كفايه لتفسيره إننا مضطرين نقبل طرح يتضمن في داخله نقط تانيه كتير غير قابله للبرهنه، الجهل ب X مش مبرر لقبول ٥ مجاهيل تانيين غير قابلين للبرهنه عشان بيهم نفسَّر X. كده كل اللي بنعمله إننا بنتنطط بعيد وبنعقد السؤال أكتر، عشان منقولش "معرفش" في نقطه واحده بنضطر ناخد باقي ال package بتاعت الإفتراضات وخلاص. قالك الكلمتين دول وراح بالع كوباية ال Espresso اللي في إيده على بق واحد، بعد حرقة الدم دي.
بعد ما ركزت في كلامه كويس جداً قولتله "أفهم من كده إن معندكش تفسير لإيه اللي فك الفيشه؟".
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pinkhellhasademon · 5 months
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ex muslim girl (Definitely, I mean..definitely not me...pls believe and don't blow me up) (Sketchbook composition inspired from Kei Urana- Author of manga: "Gachiakuta")
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simplespacedust · 4 months
okay hot take but if you TRULY believe in religion i think thats basically just delusions, or you severely lack critical thinking skills. (belief is different than practice, obvi.)
like, i am a firm believer in the idea of “if it makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, do it”, however that does not mean that i don’t also recognize that belief in something without and evidence (the bible or any other “holy book” does not count as evidence) is inherently illogical and, in my opinion, stupid. im not gonna tell you not to practice as long as it makes you happy, but it will make me question your mental capacity and sanity. like if some guy was standing im a street corner shouting about how big foot is real and we all must bow to him or be tortured, then that person would be sent to a psych ward and put on meds. so how is belief in any god not the exact same thing???
this also doesn’t even touch on how religion is often used as a weapon against gay people, trans people, nonbinary people, women, etc.
if anyone wants to talk about this in a respectful manner (don’t call me slurs please) i’d love to do that.
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 6 months
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There is a Christo-fascist in the House!
Stephen Jay Morris
©Scientific Morality.
I remember it vividly. During the Vietnam war in the 60s, the overall sense of helplessness among Americans as the U.S. Air Force dropped bombs on Vietnamese villages full of children, mothers, elderly people, and other innocent humans. The government said that the Viet Cong were among the peasants and was using them as human shields. Those civilians were merely “collateral damage.” In other words: oops! It got to the point, during the anti-war movement, where every tactic we employed was futile. Demonstrations, civil disobedience, voting for liberal Democrats. The killing continued. So, what could we do? A group of militants from SDS became “The Weathermen” and utilized terrorist methods, like planting bombs in public buildings or at corporate headquarters. It didn’t work!
Doesn’t that sound familiar? You see, if you criticized the U.S. government then for its war strategies, you were “anti-American.” The Conservatives were stanch supporters of the war in Vietnam. After all, not only was this a war against communism, it was also a war on yellow people! Bumper stickers abounded on 10-year-old cars: “Love it or leave it!” along with antenna-mounted American flags! My favorite Bumper sticker was: “Don’t like the police? Next time you are in trouble, call a hippie!” One thing they used to talk about was the man-made tunnels in which the Viet Cong hid.
The same thing exists in Gaza city; Hamas has tunnels everywhere! That is why Israel must flush them out by carpet bombing the city! So, if civilians are crushed under collapsing buildings, oh well. Blame it on Hamas! If they’d never attacked Israel, then nobody would have gotten hurt! In this war, if you criticize Israel, you are Anti-Semitic! History repeats itself, repeatedly.
The primary reason I hate Hamas is because they are Theocrats. They want Palestine to be an Islamic state. Israel is a Secular democracy and an asylum for Jews in the diaspora. There are some Judeo-Fascists who want to turn Isael into a Theocratic state, as well as a separatist state for Jews only. “Kick out all non-Jews!” This was the Rabbi Kahani doctrine when he was Aliyah to Israel. He was the founder of the American Jewish Defense League. They were a Right wing militia group for Jews. Got the picture?
Here is more bad news: The MAGA Republicans are one step closer to making America a Christian state. In Congress, the Republican majority just elected a certified Christian-Nationalist to be Speaker of the House. If that doesn’t put a chill in your spine, then you must be high on meth! Maybe you ought to forget your family problems and show a little concern. If not, well I don’t give a happy shit! You got so many warnings from the Anti-Authoritarian Left. If you believe it’s only a shower, then take off your clothes and walk in and get a whiff of Zyklon B. When Democrats warn you about the dangers of a fascist state, then you know you are the deep state. The Democrats never used the word, “fascist” until now.
You should worry. When the God Squad enters your homes and conducts a search for anti-American books and other Satanic contraband, then hauls you into Jesus’ camp for owning an art book full of photos of 17th Century paintings of nude, fat women, then you will say, “The far out Left was correct! Politically correct! Go ahead—laugh now, cry later.
Me? I will protect my family the best I can, but I will laugh at your tears the way you laughed at me. I will get the last laugh.
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iwontbeyoursugarmommy · 2 months
It's crazy that I'm both aego and agnostic. They have to be connected somehow.
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empyrangel · 9 months
Every time I purposefully cause myself suffering because I feel like I deserve it somehow, I tell myself “What are you, catholic?” And that does a pretty good job of snapping me out of it.
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barv13 · 24 days
I’ve become faithless in my indecision
I used to believe in a god, in God
But history studied of a god born man
Turned into lies or stories of fraud
Are you there God? It’s me
I remember calling for you
If you were real, why leave
My prayers unanswered my hopes crumbling
I held my cross next to my heart
Waiting for a sign to come
A belief I could hold onto
In the end I still lost you
I turned into an atheist
But it was too drastic
I could not choose a way
Agnostic was more my faith
Sometimes I believe
Not on god or on myself
But that the reason of my faith
Is my lack of determination
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interested-pig · 3 months
There is an equal lack of evidence for not God as there is for God. Be skeptical of both assertions.
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insanzee · 6 months
İyi akşamlar değerli dostlar. Hiç istemesem de yine uzun bi yazı olacak. Epeydir bahsetmek istediğim bir konu dün buradan bi arkadaşımla konuşurken tekrar gündemime girdi. Konu eşimle ayrılma sebebimiz olan bu din min muhabbetine gelince dedi ki Fatih benim çocuklarımda aynı senin gibi düşünüyor baş edemiyor, söz geçiremiyorum. Ona dediğim gibi size de söyleyeyim, sakın ama sakın bu durumu yaşayan çocuklarınıza, torunlarınıza baskı yapmayın onaylamasanız da onları dinleyin, aşırı tepki vermeyin. Bu durumu birçok aile yaşıyo ve yaşayacak buna hazırlıklı olun! Eminim duymuşunuzdur dinden çıkan gençlerden çok intihar eden oluyo bunun en büyük sebebi aile baskısı, ve çevrenin dışlaması. İnsan o an ciddi bi boşluğa düşüyor kandırıldığını farkedince ilk zamanlar biraz öfkeli olabilir, Allah, kitap sövebilir duymayın, görmeyin sonra geçecektir. Zaten bi Allah varsa onu affedecek, ya da cezalandıracak olan odur sonsuz merhamet sahibi ise zaten affedecektir siz dışlayıp cezalandırmayın sakın bunu yapmayın sizin canınız acır o sizin canınız. Ben dindar bi insandım bu boşluğu kitaplara, dergilere, belgesellere, kaktüslerime vererek atlatmaya çalıştım. Siz de çocuğunuza bi hobi vs bişeyler edinmesini sağlayın. Ayrıca Ona lisanı münasiple sağ da, sol da ulu orta bu konuları konuşmamasını söyleyin. Bakın ben bu konu da çok acı çektim ve halen çekiyorum. Anlatmadığım çok şey var çok sancılı bi süreç kolay bişey değil herşeyimi kaybettim 27 yıllık evliliğim bitmiş daha ne olsun ki? hani eşim de beni çok sever yani ona rağmen bitti, herşeyim bitti, insanlar düşman oldu bildiğiniz üzere burda da çok düşman kazandım 2 yıldır neler yaşıyorum bilen bilir. Demem o ki sakın ama sakın dışlamayın evlatlarınızı inanın ölümüne sebep olursunuz, pişman olursunuz. Off ben bu konuyu nasıl toparlıycam ya şimdiden çok uzun oldu ama daha hiç bişey anlatamadım. Yanlış anlamayın ama bizim insanımıza laf anlatmak zor olduğunu bildiğimden uzun uzun yazmak gerekiyo okumayı sevmeyen bi topluma da uzun yazmak saçmalık oluyo biliyorum ama ben üstüme düşeni yaptım okuyan, dikkate alan alır. Aslında bi canlı yayın açıp orda dillendirsem bazı şeyleri diyorum ama orda da susmam ki ben:) hay çenenin bağına demiyosunuz dimi😂 tmm sustum ve gittim😊
He bu arada hepinizi çok seviyorum💙🌹 düşmanlarım da buna dahil ama çok değil😊
İyi geceler, esenlikler.💙🍀🕊️
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