#agni's providence
good-morning-inc · 1 year
New chapter is up!!!!
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endless-nightshift · 3 months
Something Something Avatar The Last Airbender was fundamentally about showing the horrible long-lasting effects of both war and violence in a grand sense (the way people suffer under fire nation occupation including the air nomad genocide and the state of the southern water tribe) but also a personal sense (zukos entire arch) and the show goes to great lengths to avoid glorifying war, often specifically choosing only depict the aftermath of terrible violence while not graphically depicting the violence itself.
And I think it's a profound misunderstanding, maybe even an insult to the source text to continually depict gratuitous death and violence as a focal point of the live action.
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demaparbat-hp · 4 months
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nillustre · 11 months
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some khun and mostly bam sketches for my AU again :p
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zutarawasrobbed · 4 months
ALTA Live Action Season 1 Initial Thoughts (Spoilers)
I just finished the season, and holy shit!
Quick things that need to be addressed/debunked:
“Sokka is no longer sexist”
I dont know what people were talking about when they talked about Sokka’s “sexism” being removed. It’s still there! But not in the overly exaggerated comical way it was in the original.
In fact, it’s more in line with ancient practices of indigenous tribes where men are seen as protectors and providers while women are expected to nurture. It’s not the same “boys are better than girls” narrative in the original.
Additionally, Suki still beats the fuck out of Sokka and humbled him really quick. They’re super cute by the way. And I love Suki’s “I like my men a little stupid” vibe. She’s great.
“Aang doesn’t run away like the original!”
That is not true. He does run away, but not because he’s trying to get away from the temple but instead to get some air because he feels overwhelmed. He’s more like taking a quick break and planning to come back. It’s not exactly the same, but almost. It also is done in a way where his guilt feels more justified.
“Katara doesn’t talk about her mom anymore like the original”
This is true… BECAUSE THEY SHOW INSTEAD OF TELL. I was honestly not prepared to see the death Kya in such graphic detail and how Katara was in the room hiding when it happened. It’s honestly really sad and more heartbreaking.
The timeline seems to be ambiguous compared to the original series where it was “end of current year.” In fact, they repeat “three years” a few times, which makes me think if the series get greenlit for more seasons, it would be over a three year period.
Jet is still villainized but given more nuance and not a simple "good v bad" way like the original.
Zuko’s story about how he got his scar has additional lore that makes him come across as even more selfless and compassionate. The additional context of the platoon he advocated for in the war meeting, becoming his current crew, really added to the story.
Eradicated the nepotism baby plot point with Pakku only training Katara when he finds out he used to date her grandma. Instead, Katara proves herself and ends up teaching the other male fighters the techniques she learned from watching other benders use their elements and mimics them.
This season doesn’t have Aang learning any waterbending, but rather facing his trauma and the consequences of his actions. He get roasted by all his past lives. Which is an interesting choice, but I think it works well in how they executed it.
This season seems to actually be Katara focused and her journey of learning waterbending which I honestly loved because it really hits home the element of “water” being the story of an untrained waterbender learning her element. But, I do think Aang could’ve learned a little bending. It felt a little off.
Katara ends up advocating for all waterbending women and ends up leading an army of both men and women during the siege. She’s really bad ass and is given the title of master without being formally trained by Pakku. She made herself a master.
I think the timeline is a little wonky because of how much they had to fit in with the limited episodes they had.
Kuruk is given respect! I loved that.
June actually seems into Iroh which I thought was a funny but cool way to flip the script from the original.
The relationship between Zuko and Iroh is really beautifully executed. I love the depth they added with flashback scenes and their bond prior to the Agni Kai. It also wasn’t as frustrating watching Iroh and Zuko’s dynamic because Iroh communicated with Zuko in a way he could understand with straight answers rather than seeming to actively sabotage him with cryptic puns and shenanigans like the original.
They changed the love triangle with Yue Hahn and Sokka to be very healthy. They gave Yue autonomy and a choice in her relationship- which- again- is much more in line with indigenous cultures. Also, Hahn and Sokka’s relationship is really supportive and full of respect and no ill will.
They way they handled grief and the realities of war with the loss of life was very well done and really drove home the point that this is a war and these are child soldiers.
There’s a lot more but these are my initial thoughts. Will probably post more later.
Kataang is all but removed. Literally DOA. There is no indication of a crust on either side. It’s painted like a sibling relationship, which is like the original, but this time everyone seems to be on the same page. But, I swear the writers had to have read ZK fics because damn.
They canonized a popular Zutara theory/hc about the cave of two lovers and how the crystals would light up once it went completely dark instead of a “kiss” activating the crystal glow.
Speaking of the Cave of two lovers. They keep the Oma and Shu story with red and blue coloring. Making it come across more as foreshadowing than a direct link to the present tunnel story.
Sokka is put in Aang’s place with Katara in the tunnels and turned it into a story about the love of family and sibling bonds. Aang wasn’t even present.
Zuko and Katara share a meaningful look when they first see each other and continue to have a Katara centric scene followed by a Zuko centric scene and vice versa.
The scarf scene. I will not be elaborating further. If you know, you know.
Zuko and Katara fight scene in the North is epic. He still taunts her with almost the exact same dialogue but it’s so sassy- I love the banter.
Suki and Sokka were really cute and the actors had great chemistry. I think Yue and Sokka was really rushed and didn’t really feel anything about them, honestly. But I attribute that to lack of episodes to develop all that plot.
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blackblooms · 4 months
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The fairies:
A group of self-proclaimed researchers that established themselves inside the ruins of the dragon keep. Fairies collect and gather knowledge from all around the world and provide guidance to those who need it.
Fairies are pathologically honest and will always speak their mind, but they are also very protective of the information they gather, only sharing what is essential to make their point. Fairies tend to be perceived as callous and manipulative and most people see these creatures with mistrust and superstition. Very little is known about their species and only 6 fairies have ever been observed in Narkaas.
Morgan the Sky fairy (they/them) The purple fairy is deeply introverted, resulting in very sparse appearances compared to their peers. They are both a dreamer and a cynic, preferring the refuge of fairytales and music to any kind of social interaction. They can be found in very high places, such as mountains or the top of buildings, but will only engage with people they find interesting enough. They are the first person that Lady encounters on her journey and appear to have a particular interest in her quest.
Fomore the Tears fairy (she/her) The blue fairy is known to appear before those who are dying or grieving. She is a brooding and gloomy individual, with a fascination for the tragic and morbid. She can be found most often in graveyards, especially those in proximity to water. She spends most of her time reading, dancing, and quietly enjoys the sounds of the sea and rain.
Loki the Wild Fairy (any/all) A free and untamed spirit by nature, the green fairy's appearances are common but unpredictable. Loki enjoys meeting new people and tending to their plants. They tend to get into long rambles about whatever interests them at the moment and often get distracted. Loki is a fan of any place with plants and can often be found tending to the plants of any old forest or garden.
Agni the flame fairy (she/her) The red fairy appears to those who pursue progress or change. She has a fierce and hard-working temper and is most often found near any kind of machinery, working to either build or repair experimental devices. She is kind but tough and judgemental, having little patience for fools and cowards.
Baal the Heart fairy (he/him) The yellow fairy appears to those seeking love or joy. Baal hangs around public places, offering romantic advice and fresh baked goods to those he meets. He is known as a hedonist and a tempter, luring people to indulge in self-gratifying vices. Despite his sweet and caring exterior, Baal is known to get very petty and toxic toward those who upset him.
Yami the Light fairy (they/them) By far the most recluse and elusive fairy. The grey fairy only appears to those who settle on a long and dangerous quest for forbidden knowledge. They spend most of their days meditating in dark and quiet places, away from any civilization.
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forevermore05 · 2 months
Let's say you're one of the writer's way back when Atla was first starting. Bryke has stepped back and let the writers do their thing. What are some things you would keep or remove completely? What are things you would have done differently? What would you have liked to explore more of with the story and the characters?
OOOH good question
I would definitely be giving South Asia, Hinduism, and Buddhism their honour back but making Desi main characters not caricatures. I will pay my respects to those religions by using them properly and not discarding them when you don't truly understand their meaning. And better representation will all the cultures.
Likewise, I would make a 4th (or maybe more) book, so we can see the healing of the 4 nations and flesh out the Gaang and other characters properly. I feel like ending it on book 3 was too sudden, and I hate the comic, so I don't even recognize those, since it is so OOC.
I would make Zuatara canon through some slow burn. I would not pair Aang up with anyone, since he is too young but keep him having a crush on Katara for the Chakra arc (which stays true and respect to Hinduism) but to provide a lesson on heartbreak and moving on. Same with Toph, such a cute little baby.
I will REMOVE those nonconsenual kisses entirely. Basically out with Kataang.
I want to see more of the evil politics of the Fire Nation before Aang defeats Ozai and how Zuko deals with it. In contrast, to how Zuko handles politics being Fire Lord.
I WANT more Suki and her backstory. I also want to see her and Ty Lee fight side by side. It would be so cool.
I would actually have Zuko and Katara speak to Azula after the Agni Kai.
I would keep Sokka's sexism arc.
Not only that, but I would love to explore Yue even more and her take on the NWT
I also want to go in depth with Mai, I want to give her some depth.
Have Aang's character understand the Mahabharat scripture before making a choice. (Maybe kill Ozai)
I want to see a healing arc for Azula
I also want Uncle Iroh to face some repercussion of being an activity member of war. I love Uncle Iroh, and I want to write the consequences and him accepting humbly due to his development.
Book 4 and (leading to adulthood) head canons for the Gaang
Katara: Helps the SWT and NWT, then goes on to become ambassador for the SWT in the Fire Nation
Zuko: Fire lord
Aang: Helping all the Nations to heal
Toph: I think she would totally be the creator of the pro-bender, you cannot change my mind, I think she would also become a teacher
Suki: Girlbossing as a Kyoshi Warriors and being known as one of the best
Sokka: Become Chief of SWT and a skilled engineer
I want Katara and Zuko to find his mother together (so we can get good development)
I feel like I have more, but I will add more if I think of any.
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Azutara #49
oooooh prompt 49 is boss/intern au
this is going to be fun 😈
Katara bites her lip in anticipation. "Should I be scared?"
"Oh, definitely." Sokka nods his head without taking his eyes of the screen. "Your knees should be giving way underneath you right now, trust me."
Katara gulps. She looks all around in nervousness. It's a huge bull-pen. Eight in the morning and the whole area is already bustling, telephones ringing insistently, loud chatter providing a strange ambience, exchanges of good morning and news about their weekends.
Everyone's pristine and crisp here at Agni Incorp., and Katara already feels overwhelmed. She has no idea how her brother does it sometimes, being the Head of Engineering at the most prestigious and posh company like this one. She's just managed to land an internship opportunity here, due to her brother's heavy recommendation, and it's just her first day! Because the company had been looking for young and brilliant minds to do their work, she'd been instantly selected by someone called Zhu Li.
She tries not to worry too much. But Sokka's recent updates on who'll be leading them for the next 6 months had already made her gut bottom out.
Azula Agni.
People knew very little about her. Mostly because she always worked in the shadows of their company, Sokka had told her. There's a reason the main hall, Which Ozai Agni runs, is somewhere below them in an easily accessible, busy floor, rather than high up at the top floor, which Azula was allocated to.
It also did not help when Sokka told her about the time Azula had made an employee literally pee his pants the very first day she arrived here at the Strategic Management Department. Sokka had been complaining the whole time about what an engineer is doing 'strategically managing', but then he'd also said that he's never worked more in his entire life. Azula's been taking over things here. She's brought forth humongous changes that always boost up the sidelines.
There's a reason they call her the Shadow Director of the entire company in just two months.
Sokka's eyes lift up to Katara from where he's stitting at his desk, a lowly shift from what he was accustomed to in Ozai's floor. "Don't worry. You're a smart girl. You'll fit in just fine. Also, make sure not to talk back. She hates that."
Okay, now Katara's pretty sure that Azula isn't that haughty. Sure she's a little intimidating from what she's been hearing from not just Sokka, but literally everyone present at the bull-pen, talking about how they need to get something right cuz if Azula finds even a single mistake, she's gonna burn the whole place to the ground.
But how bad can it be, right?
All heads suddenly turn to the elevator when it dings sharply at 8 on the nose. Silence falls heavily inside the great hall and Katara's heart rate increases tenfold. The elevator door opens and it first reveals a short woman with Harry Potter spectacles on her button nose, her hair in a bun and her body clad in official dark green, business suit. She has short bangs that frame her forehead and she walks out in crisp strides.
And then, Katara's heart really does stop.
Behind her, is one of the most beautiful girls she's ever laid her eyes on, if not the most beautiful girl in the world. Her skin is pale, compared to Katara's darker complexion, and her hair is also in a bun, but two strands of hair loose from the bun frame her face perfectly in the most mind-numbingly gorgeous way possible. Katara tries not to drool. But it's hard not to.
She steps out of the elevator, her posture as straight as a rod. Unlike the first woman, she takes slow, deliberate steps into the bull-pen, sliding in, right into the middle of the whole hall. She pauses.
From this angle, Katara can see that the girl is quite young. In fact, Katara's sure she's not older than herself. She's clad in a simple but quite a fine suit Katara's ever seen. It's a black shirt with a deep red blazer thrown over her delicate torso, completing the look with a black pant and a red tie.
The girl turns her head in deadly precision, sweeping the room with her eyes, looking at every single person present. If it's not for the occasional telephone ringing somewhere in the corner, you could've droped a feather and it would've made noise, Katara's pretty sure.
Everybody is on alert and that immediately puts Katara on edge, her body stiff as a post. The girl's head is turning, slowly, and for some strange reason, Katara feels like she's going to pass out, from all the anticipation and the stress that this whole situation brings her.
When the girl's head turns completely to her right, the first thing Katara notices is that her eyes are striking golden. A rare gold mixed with brown that she hasn't seen on anyone ever.
And she almost does pass out when those eyes suddenly fall directly on her.
She lets out a silent whimper, not really sure why she's having a physical reaction to the girl just looking at her. But it's not just any look. It's the kinda look that could melt stone if you point at it long enough. Katara feels her face heat up under the scrutinizing gaze, completely giving herself over to the girl's stare.
Then it's gone. The eyes are completely gone and they move on to Sokka standing next to her and then to the next person whoever that is, and Katara's breath returns back to her lungs.
She feels her head spin for a second, but she holds her composture. And suddenly, there's a snap of fingers in front of her face. She looks up and almost jumps out of her skin when she finds the girl looking directly at her, again.
But this time, she gestures with a finger to follow her into her office, and then, like a whirlwind, she's gone. Completely out of sight.
Katara remains frozen in place, her brain in a frenzy, not really sure what just happened. Chatter and indistinct noise returns back to the bull-pen and Katara feels the world come crashing down.
She feels a sharp nudge to her ribs. This time, she does jump out of her skin. "Wha-?"
"What are you standing here for?!" Sokka whisper-yells in her ear. "Azula just called you into her office!"
Katara blinks. "Wait- That's Azula?!"
"No, it was the queen of Ba Sing Se." Sokka gives her a look. "OF COURSE IT WAS AZULA! And if you aren't in her office in about 10 seconds, she's gonna burn the whole place down. Go! Go! Go!"
He pushes Katara heavily towards her office door at the end of the bull-pen. She stumbles across, trying to find the strength to face the golden-eyed girl again. For all the accounts she's heard, she didn't expect Azula Agni to be as pretty as that. In fact, to be honest, Katara was imagining Ursala the sea witch the whole time.
When she nears the door, she notices a big, secluded booth, where the lady with the Harry Potter spectacles is seated, her eyes lazer focused on the computer screen in front of her, looking like she's going over a dozen different things at once. And it hasn't even been like 5 minutes since she got here.
Feeling Katara's presence loom over her, she talks without looking up from her work. "Tell her I asked you to be here and she'll leave you alone." She states, her voice almost sounding like a robot.
Katara frowns, not really sure what that means, she doesn't really stick around for clarifications, seeing that the woman is already back to her work, not that she ever looked up.
Katara sucks in a deep breath before she raises her hand to knock but the woman's robotic voice beside her halts her. "Don't bother. She hates when people knock."
Katara's hand falls limply to her side. Okay, so this Azula seems to hate a lot of things. It's almost as if the things she hates are literally everything that makes a human, well, human.
She hesitantly opens the door, her body strangely building up confidence that she really needs right now as she steps through into the room.
It's huge. Everything is huge. The first thing she notices is the giant floor to ceiling glass window that has this incredible view over Republic City, as if it's some kind of a palace that governs over the whole of the city. The second thing she notices is the deep red couch placed right beside the window, and how fucking comfortable it looks. And only then does her eyes fall on the desk that is placed far inside the rectangle room, and the most comfortable swivelling chair she's seen, occupied by a tiny figure clad in red and black.
Katara looks at her nervously for a second, before walking inside, her confidence fading with each step. When she gets closer, Azula's face becomes clearer and well-defined and Katara has to physically stop herself from ogling.
A few seconds pass and Katara doesn't know what to do with herself, standing there awkwardly, staring at the girl. Then suddenly, the golden eyes fall on her and Katara has to stop herself from falling down on the ground with the sheer force of the glance.
"Who are you? Why are you here." The girl demands after a second, leaning back in her chair.
Katara blinks. "You called me here-"
"I was talking about your general presence in this building." each word is ice-cold, hitting like bullets inside Katara's brain. "Are you a spy?"
"To the Cabbage Corp."
"No. Of course, not." Katara's well aware of the rivalry between the Cabbage Corp., and Agni Incorporation. She'd even briefly considered applying for a job in the Cabbage Corp., before her brother pestered her to come work here.
Azula doesn't answer. Instead, she just narrows her eyes, and Katara knows that she's looking for an explanation. So she provides her with one instantly. "I'm the new intern here." Azula's eyes narrow to slits, and Katara continues, noticing it. "Today's my first day."
Azula still doesn't answer, her face now sporting a full-on scowl. Katara immediately panics, not really knowing what she should be saying here. She squeezes her brain in a hurry, and then suddenly, she remembers.
"I was selected by her." Katara jerks her thumb in the general direction of the robotic lady sitting outside Azula's office.
That seems to do it. Azula's eyebrows immediately raise up slightly. "Zhu Li selected you?"
Katara nods slowly, finally putting a face to the name Zhu Li.
"An intern for what?" Azula asks her sharply.
Katara gulps. "I was told I needed to be assesed for at least a week before getting assigned for a catagory of work that I would go to."
Golden eyes scrutinize her for a long minute silently, making her feel suddenly naked. She looks all around the office room awkwardly, not really strong enough to meet those sharp, calculating eyes anymore.
"You will shadow Zhu Li for not one but two weeks. Learn what and why of the things we do here. When I get a report from Zhu Li at the end of the two weeks, I'll decide whether to keep you or kill you."
Wait- Kill her?!
Katara's eyes widen comically.
"Dismissed." Azula waves her hand non-chalantly, and Katara feels her feet getting a life of their own, following the order Azula Agni's hand gave them.
When she comes out the door, Zhu Li's voice sounds beside her. "How long?"
Katara turns to her, her eyes still not back to normal from the shock. "Two weeks. I'm supposed to shadow you for two weeks before she apparantly keeps me or kills me."
And only then Zhu Li looks up from her hectic typing on the computer, giving her a smirk. "Then you better start right away."
It feels like a whole year was cramped into one week, cuz that's how long the week was for Katara. Her neck hurts, her feet hurt, her back hurts and even her butt hurts!
She now understands why this was such a big deal. Why when she got here, all heads were either buried in their work or drowning in copius amounts of diluted cactus juice, cuz this shit is hectic.
She was looking forward to her weekend like she was crazy. She'd followed Zhu Li around like a puppy, taking notes of her notes, keeping track of Azula's schedule that Zhu Li had provided her with, and typing through endless amounts of transcripts of meetings after meetings Azula seemed to attend.
It's Friday afternoon and Katara can't wait to hit the bed in the lovely apartment she shares with Sokka.
She'd had a couple of run ins with Azula, her golden eyes poring into her soul every time she looked at her. And if Katara has learned anything in the past week, it was that Azula was ruthless.
She always wears red and black, and always holds her poise. Every time Azula walks into the bull-pen at sharp 8 o clock, she scans the room completely before heading into her office without fail. Katara's never once seen her lose her composture, sharp and to the point all the freaking time.
Katara still hasn't had the privilege of attending Azula's meetings. But she can imagine what it's like, just by reading through the transcripts. Every word she types as Azula's is pure golden, akin to her eyes. They hold such brevity and clarity that Katara can't help but be fascinated by the girl.
Every time she walks into a room, she holds this kind of regality, as if she was born to rule over them all, and Katara shudders thinking of the way Azula's eyes seems to peruse her, leaving her breathless and unnerved with just a singe glance.
The intern shakes her head, to pull herself away from day-dreaming. She's almost done with typing out the transcript for the meeting Azula attended to in the morning. And another meeting seems to be going on now. If she's done typing that out too, she's free to go and enjoy her weekend. So, her fingers fly on the keyboard as fast as they could possibly go.
She suddenly pauses, her eyes drawing attention to one line from Azula in the meeting minutes laid out on her desk :
"Perfection is always one step better than what you thought was perfect."
Katara blinks, flabbergasted. That is one of the most thoughtful things she's ever heard someone say. Or in this case, seen. And Azula's said it in a room full of the board of directors. The amount of power she holds just stuns Katara. The way she demands respect from every one that meets her is mind-blowing really.
It takes a long moment for Katara to move on from that line, as she wills herself to start typing again. She gradually forgets what's happening all around her, as she drowns herself in her work, making progress at record speed.
She's almost done with the work when she hears her name.
"Katara." Zhu Li is looking directly at her, standing before Katara's desk with a phone pressed against her ear. When Katara looks up snapping her eyes away from the monitor, Zhu Li gestures with her eyes and a tilt of her head to follow her.
Katara immediately springs into action, grabbing her notepad and pen, to rush behind Zhu Li. If she's supposed to be Zhu Li's shadow, she's gonna be just that.
Zhu Li makes her way to the other side of the bull-pen, where the meeting room is. Katara's heart starts beating faster when Zhu Li leads her straight to the meeting room, opening the door.
Katara's stomach flips in excitement. She's never been to the meetings and she's eager to see one where Azula's at the top of her game. Zhu Li steps inside through the door, and Katara follows right behind her.
". . . preserving the quality but also the cost. Design B is fuel efficient as well." Azula's saying, standing at the head of the table. When Zhu Li walks in, Azula's eyes snap to her. "Anything important, Zhu Li?"
Her tone is dangerous, and Katara's been here long enough to read it as, "This better be important or i'm gonna fire you for interrupting my meeting."
"Are you sure you wanna hear it here?" Zhu Li asks, looking around the meeting table, filled with board members and Katara guesses, the top order people of the company.
Azula narrows her eyes, seeming to contemplate it. But then she nods once, giving Zhu Li a green light.
Zhu Li hangs up her phone, the one that was pressed against her ear before saying, "Our shipment's been stolen."
Katara's eyes widen.
So does Azula's. "What?" She snaps.
All eyes in the room swivel to Zhu Li.
"I got the news just now." Zhu Li says, her usually robotic voice now tinted with a dash of worry. "An entire shipment's been stolen."
Shocked whispers begin to erupt from all around the table.
"Which shipment?" Azula asks, her brows furrowing together.
"The one with the parts for our new airship design." Zhu Li is quick to answer.
Azula breathes out a quiet curse. "Okay. I'll look into it."
One of the board members pushes his chair back and stands up. "You'll look into it?! Really?! That's all you have to say?!"
Azula braces her palms on the table in front of her and leans forward, hanging her head.
"Yeah." Another member quips. "We've just lost our latest technology. And all you have to offer is looking into it?!?!"
Another voice speaks up. "Having our valuable shipments stolen isn't exactly very strategic of you, is it? And my sources have reason to believe that this has been happening for months now. Maybe it's time for you to step down and let Mr. Zuko take care of things here, Miss Azula. Shouldn't you be taking action already? Looking into it isn't really going to help, now is it-?"
Azula snaps her head up and the asshole that was talking shuts his mouth in a hurry.
The whole room falls silent when they notice the look Azula's giving the guy. A chill runs up Katara's spine, and she permanently decides that she definitely does not want to be at the receiving end of that piercing glare.
"Loosing composture in a time like this isn't going to help either." Azula's voice is even and cold. "So, unless you have a trick up your insolent little sleeves, I'd like to see you all presenting your design idea on another day. The meeting's adjourned."
Everybody shoots out of their seats in a hurry, wanting to get the hell away from Azula's raising wrath before they get caught in the middle of it.
"Your father will be hearing about this when he returns back from Ba Sing Se, Miss Azula." The asshole says before walking out of the room.
Azula just stares at his retreating figure, her face surprisingly even.
"Zhu Li." Azula says.
"Yes, Miss Agni?" Zhu Li perks up.
"My office. Now."
The door to Azula's office automatically shuts close the second Katara walks into it. Azula's already pacing back and forth in front of her desk as Zhu Li walks up to her.
"It's the Cabbage Corp., I'm sure of it." The secretary says.
Azula stops on her tracks, mid-pace. "Of course it is. Who else would it-" Then her eyes suddenly fall on Katara and she stops talking.
Zhu Li seems to follow her line of sight. "Oh, don't worry. Katara's fine. We need all hands on deck if we're gonna handle this."
"And you think she's capable of it?" Azula points a lazy finger at Katara.
"More than." Zhu Li says and Katara feels a rush of affection towards the woman.
Azula nods once before taking in a deep breath. "Zhu Li . . ."
Azula stares at her for a second long, before her sculpted full lips curve up in a smirk. "They swallowed the bait and the whole damn hook!"
Zhu Li's usually neutral face morphs into a genuinely surprised one. "Wait- WHAT?!"
Azula lets out a loud guffaw suddenly, throwing her head back and clutching onto her chest tightly.
Zhu Li looks at her like she's gone completely crazy. "Azula?!"
"Hmm?" Azula hums, before losing it and staring to laugh again.
"What is going on?!" Zhu Li panics, and Katara can't help but silently watch the whole debacle. "What bait?!"
Azula wipes at the corner of her eyes. "Oh god, this is perfect!"
Zhu Li blinks at her. "Should I be worried?!"
"No." Azula says before humming in mirth again, letting out a small chuckle.
Azula walks over to her swivel chair and plops down heavily. Zhu Li and Katara take the queue, confused out of their minds, and sit down on the chairs opposite to Azula's across the desk.
"Okay." Azula clears her throat. Then she looks at both Zhu Li and Katara in the eye with mirth dancing in her normally striking cold eyes. "What I'm about to say, must not leave this room untill and unless I give you explicit permission to do so."
Zhu Li nods and Katara does the same, already not believing her luck.
"Especially you, new girl." Azula's eyes fall on Katara. "If I find out you're a leak, it'll be years before the cops shovel out your bones."
Katara gulps, her eyes widening.
"Will you just tell us already?" Zhu Li impatiently asks.
Azula rolls her eyes. "Fine. The whole shipment? That was my bait. And the Cabbage Corp., gobbled it up hook and meat."
Zhu Li gives her a look. "So you're saying, you purposefully left a shipment unattended for the Cabbage heads to take it?"
"Yes." Azula leans back in the chair and crosses her legs, fingers clasping in front, her elbows resting on the arm-rest.
"Why would you do that?!" Zhu Li sounds annoyed. "You know they've been swiping our stuff for months right?"
"Yes. And that's exactly why I was forced to come up with this."
Zhu Li raises her brow. "You have a catch." It's not really a question but a statement.
"Of course I do." Azula leans forward, waving her hand. "I'm not an idiot."
Zhu Li holds her silence for a second before speaking. "Cameras?"
"The size of a pea." Azula smirks. "It can even fit in a pen." She says before tapping one one of the many pens kept in a cup on her desk.
"And if they found it out?"
"Oh, I'm counting on it. It'll be really nice to see the look on their faces if they discover it, don't you think?" Azula types something quickly in her keyboard and then a second later she turns the whole monitor of her computer towards us. "This is going to be my soap opera from now on. Zhu Li, make sure to get some fire flakes, yes?"
Zhu Li's too busy looking at the screen. There are at least 12 camera footage that Katara notices is definitely live, trained on a bunch of people gathered around a huge warehouse, playing Pai Sho. Near them are huge containers with the Agni Incorp., emblem on them. Clearly, they're unaware of the little eyes that are watching their every move. What's even interesting is that the emblem of Cabbage Corp, is blatantly visible behind their Pai Sho table.
Katara almost face-palms at their stupidity. Thank god Sokka insisted her on joining Agni Incorp., huh?
"Are they really this dumb?" Zhu Li's face screws up in disgust. "Good work, Miss Azula." She stands up. "I'll make some calls to Long Feng, arranging a meet up."
"Make sure you stay quiet about this." Azula warns. "I wanna see that scum's face personally when he realises what's coming for him."
Zhu Li gives Azula a smile before clip-clopping her way out of the office.
Katara should've left with her. She should be helping Zhu Li set up the meeting. Yet, the wheels in her head are turning and she stays rooted to her chair, mind racing a hundred miles per second.
A snap in front of her face, jolts her awake from the spiral she just fell into. She looks up to find Azula's fingers in front of her face, looking at her with a slight tint of annoyance.
"I said, 'dismissed'. And I believe that's your cue to exit my office immediately." Azula is saying, but Katara's not interested.
Katara's brilliant blue eyes snap to Azula. "What will your meeting with Long Feng be about?"
Azula stares at her. "Do not take advantage of your position, new girl. These are matters that do not require your concern."
Katara's face hardens. "I've typed enough transcripts of your meetings in the past week to know more about your management than any other person on this whole floor." She states. But then she tilts her head slightly to the side. "Well, except Zhu Li, of course, but that's Zhu Li."
Azula leans forward in her chair and places her forearms on the desk, clasping her fingers.
Katara mentally cheers herself for speaking up and continues, hearing no response from Azula. "If I were a spy, I'd be halfway to Ba Sing Se by now, selling all your information. But I didn't. So, tell me. What are you going to discuss with the Cabbage Corp's first director?"
Azula scans her face for a long moment. So long that Katara almost ups and leaves from the sheer weight of her gaze. It's piercing and calculative, making Katara squirm in her seat, feeling oddly heated and flustered.
Azula speaks finally, much to Katara's relief. "I was thinking of giving him the scare of his life. But I haven't really gotten around to the details yet."
Katara's face lights up.
This is it. This is the perfect opportunity laying itself in front of her and Katara reaches out and grasps it so freaking tightly, you'd think she's crazy.
"They've been giving you hell for the past few months, right? What if I tell you, that we can take their obvious stupidity and use it to bleed them dry?"
Azula's brows lift up ever so slightly. She stares at Katara a second longer before yielding. "What are you suggesting?"
The smirk that takes up Katara's face could've summoned a fleet of dark spirits. "The perfect scam." She sneers, her mind already racing, making out the details.
The clip-clop of Azula's heels probably alerted them or something, Katara isn't sure, but the moment they enter an empty warehouse for the meeting with Long Feng, the little group huddled together right at the middle of the room turn to look at them.
"Ah!" A guy, almost in his 50's, with long hair plaited behind him and adorned in an extremely exquisite kimono, tilts his chin up, turning to Azula and Azula alone. "Miss Azula. We were expecting you for a while now."
"No, you were not." Azula's quick to reply.
The meeting was set up for 4 o clock Saturday afternoon and Katara was pretty sure they were walking in right on the nose of it, given the obsession Azula had for being perfectly on time. No, scratch that. Being perfect all the time, Katara thinks.
Zhu Li had told her that Azula had specifically asked for the 'new girl' for the meeting, and Katara couldn't help but feel euphoric. Every time she's even thinking of her boss, she gets all dizzy and alert at the same time, it's annoying really.
Now, walking behind, just shy of Azula's steps, she's sure they look like professional demons, here to destroy Cabbages, not with swords, but with pens and words.
A smile almost takes up Katara's face at the thought, but she schools her features. No, professionals are supposed to hold a neutral expression, practiced and poised. She glances slightly over to Azula, the perfect example and straightens her back on instinct.
When they near the small group of elite officials, Azula halts abruptly, in a calculated step that only she can master, and Katara almost stumbles behind her, before regaining her composture just as quickly.
A young guy suddenly appears in front of us, carrying a huge video-camera on his shoulder.
Azula rolls her eyes. "Seriously, Mr. Feng? The camera crew again?"
"If we're going to make a deal, I need all the precautions, Miss Azula." The guy with the long plaites looks smug. Katara realises him as the First director of the Cabbage Corp. "I'm surprised you didn't arrange for the same." He cocks his head and gives a smirk that's supposed to indicate his silent victory or something.
Even Katara knows it's a pathetic attempt. And a poorer execution. She can't even begin to think how Cabbage Corp., even achieved this level of power in the market.
"Oh, I like to keep things simple." Azula says before tapping the suit pocket on her chest, which holds a rather unique pen.
Katara's eyes widen when she realises what's inside that pen.
Hot diggity dog! Azula's amazing!
Long Feng's smirk falters as he catches on too. But then he manages to boost his composture back. "Shall we begin?"
"Your resources just took a massive hit, according to my sources." Long Feng crosses his legs. "You're at the brink of collapse, if you don't recompense yourself fast. Why would I want to deal with you?"
Azula doesn't answer. She stares at him without a single expression on her face. Katara squirms in her seat. They've sat down for like, what, ten minutes? And this guy already thinks he owns Azula. It's pathetic because Katara knows what's gonna hit him. And the second-hand embarrassment that she's feeling for him right now is unbearable.
Long Feng, seeing that Azula isn't going to answer him any time soon, continues. "Since I have a particular interest in watching other companies shine and provide me with a better competition, I'd like to offer you financial aid. To recover from your loss. What do you say?"
Azula smiles. "I think you're very generous. But I had something else in mind."
Long Feng narrows his eyes. "Oh?"
Azula looks all around the warehouse, non-chalantly, before letting out a short breath. "A merger."
Her words hang in the air. Katara's face can't help itself but break out into a slight smirk. The whole thing was her idea and she's never been prouder for coming up with anything than when she came up with this. But Azula's making it 10 times better.
Long Feng looks at Azula for a long moment. Then he bursts out laughing. He laughs so hard that he almost falls out of his chair.
"Y- You're serious?!" He asks inbetween peels of laughter, before guffawing out loud again.
Azula looks at him with a smile on her chiseled face. She holds her hand out, and Katara immediately gets her cue. The blue-eyed girl carefully fishes out the laptop from the bag she's holding and opens it.
Live footage of the hidden cameras placed in Azula's stolen shipments, starts to play and Katara instantly places the laptop on her boss's extended arm.
Azula doesn't even look at it, when she turns it around towards Long Feng.
And, oh boy. Katara's pretty sure she would watch how the colour and mirth drains from Long Feng's face, over and over again for the rest of her life after she gets hold of Azula's pen camera footage. It's just so damn satisfying when his laughter slowly turns to chuckles and finally stops abruptly as he makes sense of what's being shown to him.
"I believe we have an excellent deal in our hands. It's a shame about your generous offer though, Mr. Feng. I might not accept it, considering my busy schedule of managing two companies simultaneously from now on. I'll even be kind enough to let you work in the inner circle of the board after the merger, if you're willing."
Long Feng's eyes almost fall out of his head in shocked rage. He grits his teeth to the point where it makes a racket and echoes along the large warehouse.
"My secretary will meet you in a week's time, with the necessary documents regarding our merger. Be sure to bring your camera crew too! They're most welcome! Good day, Mr. Feng."
Azula stands up and turns on her heels, walking crisply away from the chaos she just caused. Katara follows right behind, not exactly sure why she's so fucking turned on at the moment.
[Three months later]
Katara's desk is filled with notes and diagrams and draft proposals of anything and everything Azula's been engaging with. It's late. Friday night, 10 PM to be precise. Katara leans back in her chair with a sigh of relief, looking up and all around, having completed her work just moments ago, observing and absorbing how strange it is to see the bull-pen so empty.
She's beat and would do anything to have a nice, long, warm shower and a comfortable snuggle only her bed gives.
She packs her things up from the mess of her desk, tidying up a bit so that she won't have to worry about it first thing on Monday.
Then she hears it
And because it is so quiet, she hears it clearly. The soft clicking of keys on a keyboard. Her sharp ears pick out the sound immediately and she decides to follow it, trying to figure out where it's coming from.
She wanders around the empty desks for a few seconds before halting abruptly in front of Azula's office. The sound seems to be coming from there.
She hasn't gone home yet?
Katara frowns. Maybe she got too caught up in her work to realise that Azula hasn't gone home yet.
Pumping herself with some much needed assurance, she slowly opens the door to Azula's office. She knows the girl hates knocking.
Katara peeps inside the room tentatively. Her eyes fall on her boss, typing feverishly on her computer, brows furrowed in concentration. And Katara, knowing that it's too late to be doing heavy work like what Azula seems to be doing right now, decides to go interrupt.
She steps inside the room quietly. Her boss doesn't seem to notice. But when Katara starts walking towards the desk, closing more distance, Azula's eyes snap up to hers suddenly, without turning away from her computer. Katara stops dead on her tracks, panic griping her heart, faster than a race horse. She stares at her boss, not really sure about what she's doing with herself, praying to all spirits silently that she isn't overstepping any boundaries.
Azula considers Katara for a moment, her fingers halting for a second, before she snaps her golden eyes away to the screen again to continue typing. The blue-eyed girl's heart begins to beat faster.
She's not encroaching any boundaries?!
Katara takes a tentative step forward. And when she meets no resistence, she walks freely, closer to Azula's desk. Her boss, seemingly, is absorbed in her work. And Katara doesn't like it. It's Friday night for spirits sake! And she's the boss! She doesn't have to work this hard!
Katara reaches the desk and walks around it to the side where Azula's seated. It's a large desk, and it gives Katara ample space to lean her butt against the edge of it and stand facing Azula with her arms crossed over her chest.
She watches her boss type so fast, she's sure they keys are just minutes away from flying off the keyboard. It's silent between them. Katara knows that her boss is blatantly ignoring her, so she just waits in order to get her attention.
A moment later, Azula finishes up in a flourish, ending her furious typing, and shuts her computer down, before she turns in her chair to face Katara.
"Why aren't you home yet?"
"Haven't you gone home?"
They both speak at the same time. Katara purses her lips, and looks down at her feet, trying to hide her fast forming blush.
"And not to mention," Azula gets up from her chair, unbuttoning her sleeves, "You've walked in here without permission. I could fire you right here."
Katara looks up in a hurry. "No, you won't."
"Oh, yeah?" Her boss begins to roll up her sleeves. Katara gulps, tracing her eyes over Azula's hands. "What makes you so sure?"
The intern averts her eyes away to her boss' face. "I'm too valuable."
Azula gives her half a shrug. "Meh. You're tolerable."
Katara smiles in reply, teasing and taunting. She takes a moment before asking. "You know, you're the boss right?"
Azula finishes rolling up her sleeves before meeting Katara's eyes in an answer. So Katara continues. "You can go home whenever you please. Why haven't you gone already?"
Azula stares at her silently, reaching her hand up to the back of her head and pulling the band that holds her hair together in a bun. The volume of her hair comes crashing down to her shoulders and her back, and Katara can't help but not take her eyes away from the girl.
Katara knew she was attracted to her boss, months ago. But this . . . this is too much. This is like watching the always poised and alert exterior of Azula that she's spent half an year to build, come crashing down; and Katara's the glad witness of the mind-blowing event, all in slow-motion that her brain seems to put her in.
Her boss steps forward a little, getting a better view of Katara leaning against her desk. Golden brown eyes hold the intern in a daunting stare, before Azula looks away. "I had to draft a proposal."
"This late? You could've asked any of us in the bull-pen to do it for you."
"I don't trust them enough to do this." Azula moves a bit forward. She reaches for the red tie around her lithe neck and gets it loose with a few rough tugs. Then her delicate fingers wrap around her collar button and she unfastens it in the blink of an eye.
Katara's brain freezes over, her eyes trained on the sharp collarbone peeking out from under her boss' collar. "Y- You don't?"
Azula shrugs. "Trust is for fools. Fear is the only reliable way."
Katara gulps as she snaps her gaze to Azula's striking ones trained on her intensely. "What about Z- Zhu Li?"
"Ah, Zhu Li . . ." Azula takes another step forward. "She doesn't fear me. And that's the only reason why I respect her enough to remember her name. The others could be eaten by spirits for all I care." She waves her hand dismissively.
"What about me? I don't fear you."
Azula steps closer, almost a foot away from Katara. "You sure about that?"
"Y- Yes."
Azula just smirks in reply.
Then something clicks in Katara's brain. "Wait- Is that why you keep calling me 'new girl'?! You don't even know my name!"
Her boss moves closer again, and this time, Katara can differentiate the various shades of brown sprinkled in those golden eyes from how close she's standing. "Your achievements shall make me remember you. Not your worthless name. So, tell me, new girl. What have you achieved in order for you to make an impression on me and urge me to remember your name?"
Katara presses herself against the desk behind her like her life depends on it. "I- I um . . . I gave you the idea for the merger deal with the Cabbage Corp!!"
Azula leans forward and places her palms on her desk, on either side of Katara, trapping her. Katara's heart rate increases tenfold. She almost whimpers at the intoxicating smell her boss seems to posess.
"And that's supposed to have impressed me?" Azula raises one chisled brow, silently mocking Katara with just her eyes.
Okay, now Katara's definitely sure that this isn't something that's supposed to be happening between a boss and her intern. But does she care? Oh, spirits no! She finds herself slipping into a daze, her mind filled only with Azula's scent and her goddamn eyes.
"I- I . . ."
"You're gonna have to do lot more than that." Katara feels fingers as soft as silk place themselves on her thigh. They find the gap between her suit-skirt and her burning skin and slides inside effortlessly like butter. Katara shudders at the touch.
"W- What are you doing?" The intern's voice is unstable, riddled heavily with something thick; something raw.
Azula stares at her, slowly moving her hand higher up inside Katara's skirt. "Waiting for you to tell me to stop."
Katara closes her eyes, overwhelmed with a rush of new feelings she knows she shouldn't be having for her boss. She feels hot breath hit her face just and inch away.
"Do you want me to stop?" Azula whispers against her lips, taunting her; teasing her in a way that drives Katara crazy.
And Katara makes a decision. "No." She breathes. "Don't stop."
A smirk takes up her boss' face immediately before she crashes her lips against Katara with such force that pushes Katara flush against the desk, the edge digging into her butt. She pushes back with equal fervour, clasping her fingers tightly around Azula's loose tie and pulling her forward with it.
But Azula's having none of it.
She pushes Katara's skirt up, massaging the intern's thigh with her hand as she spreads the girl's legs apart. She wastes no time, moving forward to come and stand in between her legs, giving Katara a delicious friction to rub herself against.
Their mouths dance against each other, fighting in the most intimate way possible to gain control. Azula's hand that is not presently engaged with Katara's thigh, comes up to untuck the intern's blue blouse from her skirt, dipping her hand inside to caress the soft skin there.
Katara jumps on cloud nine. Her hungry desire for her boss ever since she laid her eyes on the girl, hits her with full force as her hand find Azula's shirt to crumple under her fingers. She lets out a needy breath when Azula leaves her lips to dip her head down to place a hot, wet, open mouth on Katara's neck, sucking the supple skin there in a way that makes Katara pretty sure it's gonna leave a mark.
It's wrong. Katara knows it's absolutely wrong. But it feels so damn right and so damn good that she silences all the other nonsensical thoughts riddling her brain and pulls the dark, raw, unadulterated hunger she feels for her boss to the forefront, throwing away all reason. She doesn't know when exactly she became this shameless animal, wanting, no- needing to be satisfied by Azula, and only Azula, but she doesn't seem to care.
Especially not when Azula's caressing hand unbuttons her skirt and sneaks its merry way down to pure, wet, heat. Katara feels herself pounding in time with her heart, gushing wetness all over Azula's now bold and teasing fingers. She arches her back, aching for her boss' touch, and gasping out loud when Azula finally, finally puts pressure exactly fucking where she needs it.
Katara's hand flies out to grip the desk and accidentally hits the pen stand and it comes crashing down with a loud BANG!
Katara jolts awake.
She sits up straight in her chair, blinking rapidly, her eyes adjusting to the sudden hit of light. She looks all around, shocked to find that she's at her desk in the bull-pen. She must've fallen asleep on her desk or something.
Heat flushes into Katara's face as her brain catches up with what she was dreaming. She looks toward Azula's office, and most definitely, there's not a single soul there; lights out and door locked.
Her body's still buzzing, completely on edge, still not over the mind-numbingly vivid dream she just had.
God dang it!
Now she's never going to be able to look at her boss in the eyes again. She packs her stuff up and heads home in a hurry. She's taking the coldest freaking shower known to mankind when she reaches home, for sure.
"The proposal's been approved." Azula's sharp voice rings around the meeting hall. "I want the draft for the first design by this Thursday. Any delay on your part and I will not hesitate to terminate you from my office. Understood?"
There are terrified nods all around the hall.
"Good." Azula narrows her eyes. "Dismissed."
Zhu Li, beside Katara, gets up to go have a seat near Azula, to run over the details regarding the discussions in the meeting, just as everyone hurriedly scurries out of the hall. Katara follows her mindlessly. Even after 3 months, Katara still shadows Zhu Li around, learning as much as can from the secretary.
The intern thought that if she spent the whole of the weekend having slumber parties with her friends, it just might take her mind off of the dream she had last Friday.
But, nope.
She tried all the trick in her book, but nothing seems to be working. Sitting here in the meeting hall, along with Zhu Li and Azula alone, she can't help but let her eyes wander to her boss' tie, noticing the way it stands crisp and how it came so beautifully undone under Azula's sculpted fingers in her dream. She can't help but imagine what witnessing the real thing would be like. It also does not help when Azula picks up a pen and starts twirling it inbetween her fingers.
Katara sucks in a sharp breath and pulls her eyes away reluctantly to her notepad.
She hears her name and looks up instantly to find Azula's sharp eyes looking directly at her.
"Zhu Li's gone already. I said dismissed two minutes ago."
Katara looks around the hall, confused, and feels her cheek heat up at the realisation. She and Azula are the only ones in the hall. But then she frowns. "Wait-" Her eyes snap back to her boss. "You know my name?!"
Three months under Azula's leadership, and not once has Katara heard Azula call her by her name. And the same three months of experience tells Katara that the look Azula's giving her is the one she wears when she's confused.
"What do you mean?" The golden eyed girl asks.
"I- I thought you always called me 'new girl' cuz you didn't know my name!"
Azula arches her brow. "I always call you 'new girl' because you are a new girl."
Katara frowns. "Then . . . I'm not a new girl anymore?"
Azula snorts. "You've not been new since your mom pushed you out of her."
The intern scowls at her boss. "Not funny. My mom died when I was 5."
Azula stares at her employee for a second longer before shrugging slightly. "Sorry."
Katara perks up. Sorry? The great Azula, shadow director of Agni Incorp., is capable of uttering that word?!
Seeing that Katara's confused, Azula explains without prompt. "Look, you've improved the status of the company since you arrived here, so much so that I could kiss you with how pleased I am. So, it's importat that I don't treat you as just another employee although they're important too, but as a colleague."
Katara gulps. "Y- You could kiss me?!"
Azula raises her eyebrows. "Figure of speech." She says but there's amusement in her eyes. "Were you really about to say 'no' to Azula Agni kissing you?"
Katara's eyes blow wide. "What?! No! That's not what I was-" She notices Azula's expression. "You're playing me, aren't you?"
The corner of Azula's lips curve up into a smirk, her eyes twinkling. "You should've seen your face."
"I know, I know." Katara rolls her eyes. "Very funny."
Their shared moment hangs in the air softly, bathing Katara with an unnatural elation. She finds Azula staring at her with the twinkle never leaving her eyes. Her stomach flips involuntarily. She sobers up, playing with a strand of her own hair in sudden nervousness.
"Zhu Li's planning on resigning." Azula states and Katara looks up with shock at the sudden news. "I tried to keep her in, but it really is no use. She needs to work on her career and she can't do that wiping my ass for the rest of her life."
"When?" - Is the only thing Katara can ask.
"In three months." Azula looks down at the table. "She says she'll train you for another month and then issue me her notice."
Katara frowns. "Me?"
Azula's gaze finds Katara's confused ones. "Yeah, you. You're gonna be Zhu Li's replacement."
The intern's heart pounds against her ribs. Being Azula's secretary means being close to her at all times, arriving at her beck and call and . . . Katara really isn't sure if she's cut out for the job with the kind of dreams that she's been having.
"You . . . don't want to be?" Azula frowns slightly.
Katara decides to be honest. At least about one thing. "I don't think I'm cut out for the job is all."
Azula's frown deepens. "I just told you how I could kiss you because of how good you're at this job. Just . . . think about it and make sure to let me know before Zhu Li hands in her notice."
Katara knows that her decision is already going to be a 'yes'. But she nods to Azula's suggestion anyways, as if to mull it over.
Katara walks out of the meeting hall, with a light heart.
i've been writing this fic for THREE days. that's how long this is ���🖐🏻
i hope i satisfied your prompt, anon!! if anyone wants a part 2 for this... all u need to do is ask me 👀 it's that simple.
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marrying ciel’s older sister hcs ; prince soma
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requested by ; the-letter-horror-lover (31/05/23)
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | secondary characters
character(s) ; prince soma asman kadar
outline ; “Prince Soma marriage headcanons with a female S/O who is Ciel's older sister please and a lot more mature. (I'll leave the imagination up to you about the marriage headcanons). *I guess that Prince Soma was not requested as much as the others*”
warning(s) ; references to canon-typical violence, references to parental and sibling loss (reader is ciel’s older sister), references to survivor’s guilt
the day you lost your family you’d been sent to spend the holidays with your aunt, madam red — the two of you had been exceptionally close and she’d offered to privately tutor you so that you could follow in her footsteps
and when the news reached you, you were absolutely shattered and riddled with survivor’s guilt — which caused you to isolate and start suffering from night terrors and panic attacks
your aunt — now adoptive guardian — had saved you from taking your life several times
the day your baby brother came home was the happiest you’d been in years, not fully believing your eyes when you arrived at the rebuilt estate and saw him waiting for you
you were the only person who he actively ran over to hug, and your aunt gave you both a moment before coming in herself
your home was restored, you had some of your family back — and you weren’t about to let anything happen to them
which meant that you were terribly protective of ciel (well, not ciel as he’d told you, but you kept his secret well enough) and refused to let him go out on missions without your help
you insisted on helping him with each and every case and your insight was vital in solving a great number of them — especially since you were the only member of the family to have an active rapport and history with undertaker, making him much more willing to provide assistance to him
ciel was your baby and you were so deeply attached to him that you nearly blew a gasket when you met soma and he started to take advantage of your baby brother
you got into a screaming row over it until agni and your brother stepped in to mediate, with the two of you agreeing to remain neutral whilst he stayed at your family’s town house
and that was the start of a shockingly beautiful relationship
for his entire life soma had gotten everything he wanted — everyone everywhere always bowing to his wants and feeding his ego
until he met you, and that made you all the more interesting to him
so the prince relentlessly pursued and courted you using a mixture of traditions from his home and bits and pieces he’d scraped together from sebastian
showering you in expensive gifts, sending flowers at every opportunity, asking you to accompany him (or offering to accompany you) to every outing and drowning you in compliments
but you didn’t give in, being cordial but not going beyond friendly conversation with him
until he stepped up to defend your baby brother from a rude nobleman who was acting especially snobbish and cruel towards him
that was when you started to return his efforts and after six months of this back-and-forth the two of you started to officially court
you took things slowly, or you tried to at least, going out for regular dates and exchanging so many letters that you’d likely felled a forest between you over the course of your relationship
he sent flowers to the main estate every time you succeeded at a case, sent jewellery and sarees for random gifts and absolutely spoiled you on your birthday
loves introducing you to the sweets and foods and drinks he grew up with — but good luck trying to get him to swallow traditional foods you grew up eating (he loves you but he cannot bring himself to eat jellied eels)
teaches you songs and dances and will encourage and congratulate you even if you misstep or sing the wrong note
you have two weddings: one in bengal and one in england to accommodate both of your cultures
he sticks with you and comforts you during your terrors and panic attacks — he becomes an expert at grounding you extremely quickly
never stops wooing you and, whilst is drawings and handwriting aren’t the best, the content of what he creates is incredible — he excels at love poetry
he’ll randomly just start dancing with you — sometimes it’s traditional, sometimes it’s improvised, sometimes it’s something you taught him, but it’s always intimate and ends with you laughing
constantly brags about you to anyone who will listen — including a cheerful agni and his brothers who do not hold back about teasing him for it
uses so many pet names for you that you almost think he’s forgotten your name — and you only understand a fraction of them
some of his favourites are: mishti, puchki, and shona
you and agni are the only things standing between him and pure chaos — you keep him in line, so to speak, since he can’t say no to either of you
if you speak to him in bengali — especially if you’re flirting — this man will absolutely melt, yes even if your pronunciation is a bit off
he’s incredibly affectionate and is always touching you at all times — whether that’s kissing, hugging, hand holding or otherwise
ciel isn’t too pleased about him being a permanent fixture in his life, but appreciates that soma makes you happy and that you can keep him in line
very emotional and has woken you up in tears after a bad dream involving the two of you getting into an argument so that he can apologise for his words in the dream
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sokkastyles · 4 months
since you have spoken out of turn ONCE AGAIN I, “the stupid Stan” must educate you, the actually stupid Stan
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This is one of the more depressing lines in ATLA, because Azula tried to peacefully coexist with Zuko earlier, because she tried to give everything he ever wanted and acted on the premise that it was possible for both siblings to be happy, successful, and equal.  
But as a result Zuko’s actions she’s come to accept the toxic paradigm of sibling competition created by Ozai and accepted by Zuko where the rise of one sibling inevitably means the fall of another, where it is impossible for her to coexist with her brother unless(at the very least) one of them has been violently forced into submission by the other(if it is possible to coexist at all).
You know, Katara runs out into the arena at the Agni Kai just when Zuko is beginning to taunt Azula about lightning. I have zero idea of what was going through her mind.
You know, ever time I think about the final Agni Kai, I’m reminded why I’m terrified that Zuko having Azula under his control post-canon would lead to him abusing her.  I like to think and hope that he’s better than that, but it would absolutely be keeping with the dynamics between the siblings.  Azula shouldn’t have power over Zuko, and Zuko shouldn’t have power over Azula; otherwise things will end poorly
#zuzu stans are retarded
I "spoke out of turn"? You came into my inbox, numbnuts.
Also, poor choice of words unless you're trying to mimic Ozai, which does seem the case considering everything else you've said.
At least you're not making any pretense that this is about protecting disabled people, since you feel very comfortable using an ableist slur, or about feminism, given the other asks you sent me calling me a "stupid bitch." I shouldn't bother with your nonsense but this one is actually really dangerous for the myths about abuse it puts out.
I like to think and hope that he's better than that
Don't lie. You are VERY willing to demonize Zuko and twist the narrative to make it look like he's the abuser. You just aren't very good at it.
Azula DID NOT try to "peacefully coexist" with Zuko, and that claim in and of itself is abuse apologism. Because there is no peaceful coexistence while Zuko is living with Ozai, and Azula not only brought him back there, she would have brought him back there as a prisoner if he hadn't sided with her.
She's not doing him a favor by bringing him back as an ally because she is the reason he was a prisoner in the first place. She's not doing him a favor by telling him to stay away from Iroh because she is also the reason that Iroh is a prisoner. But abusers are actually very invested in creating problems just to convince you that they can provide the only solution. It is literally an abuse tactic. That is what Azula does when she tries to "peacefully coexist" with Zuko. None of this is for Zuko's benefit, but it benefits Azula for Zuko to think it is.
It also benefits Ozai, since Ozai wants Azula to be his golden child and Zuko to take the blame for everything Ozai doesn't approve of. Ozai did not encourage them to fight each other, and he certainly didn't encourage them to compete. It makes no sense that he would, because he does not want Zuko, his scapegoat, to be able to or even think he could compete with his golden child. He doesn't want them to fight each other. He wants Azula to fight Zuko. And Azula wants that, too.
You say that Azula should not have power over Zuko but fail to acknowledge that Azula did have power over Zuko, which is why when she brings him back to his abuser with a heavy dose of "prove you're not a traitor" and the knowledge that if he didn't, he'd be thrown in prison, plus being separated from the one adult who actually cares about his well-being, it isn't a peaceful coexistence. Zuko is not peacefully coexisting, he shows telltale traits of being abused and gaslit, and describes how he feels like he's not himself, feels like he's losing his mind, is angry all the time but can't articulate why. It's because he's being abused.
Azula also has power over Zuko by virtue of being Ozai's golden child who Ozai allowed and encouraged to treat her brother badly. That's another big reason why there is no peaceful coexistence under Ozai's roof. Not because of some general idea that they're in competition or are mutually toxic to each other. That's actually a myth that abusers use to try and control their victims and obfuscate their own culpability.
Oh, there's also the fact that Azula tried to kill Zuko numerous times.
Azula should not be allowed to have power in any capacity and she's shown that she's very capable of manipulating Zuko and others even from the diminished position she is in in the comics, and that is because he wants to help her and makes the mistake of trusting her. Interpreting this as him somehow abusing his power over her is a very deliberate attempt to make the victim seem like the perpetrator.
Also lol at the victim blaming of Katara that is casually thrown in there. Really doesn't help your argument!
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aimlacely-sapphic · 1 year
🔥Fire Lord Zuko Headcanons🔥
My semi-canon compliant headcanons of Zuko after the war with a side of Zukka
Zuko's first few months as firelord are a bit of a mess. He's desperately trying to put together some semblance of functional governance in place of the corruption left in his fathers wake, while simultaneously trying to negotiate peace treaties and settlement agreements with nations his predecessors attempted to destroy.
He's overworking himself, not sleeping enough, forgetting to eat and overall just not doing a great job taking care of himself, convinced if he doesn't take care of things instantly then he's not doing enough.
It all comes to a head once the assassination attempts start getting out of hand. At that point Zuko is simply not sleeping so Sokka, Mai, Tylee and Iroh stage an intervention (you cannot convince me Iroh would stay in Ba Sing Se once things start getting out of hand)
His security get upgraded, Toph gets brought in to vet the staff (she can tell when people are lying!! why wouldn't she get to kick people out of the palace?)
And finally things start to settle down
Once the peace talks and negotiations are done he starts transforming the Fire Nation itself
A lot of people have written about this but I am absolutely convinced that Zuko spends the first year trying to get the palace staff to trust him not to hurt them
By the second or third year they are willing to speak to him and have more than small talk
He goes about making a lot of changes in policy but first he disappears for 2 days only Sokka and his head guard knowing in advance
He goes incognito through dozens of towns and villages
He visits schools (putting his blue spirit skills to use)
He goes to orphanages and homeless shelters
He goes back to the Sun Warriors to tell them about the end of the war and seek advice on how to reshape the way firebending is taught to everyone (and maybe he ends up adopting a dragon egg in the process...)
When he returns to the palace he is ready to transform the nation
He makes it a crime to use corporeal punishment
He brings back old traditions and rule for Agni Kais where they can only be fought by adults against adults provided they both agree to the fight. The Agni Kai stops when a person surrenders or at first burn.
He wanted to completely end the practice of Agni Kais but tradition could not constantly be broken by his reign (according to his advisors) so the changes just make them less common or harmful until they go obsolete
He puts in place programs for veterans to get the treatment and support they need.
He creates a fostering program where children who have been left behind can find love with parents who have lost children or veterans who want to bring love and hope to the world
He works with Aang and Sokka and Master Piandao to create new curriculum for the schools which is historically accurate, brings back culture and joy and teaches students to think for themselves
He includes some of the wisdom from the sun warriors in the new curriculum so that firebending, and really all fighting forms can be taught with their duality in mind. Fire burns but it is also life. Martial Arts can be use to kill, but they are also an art form.
Making the curriculum stick is a longer process but with help from people on the inside, slowly but surely schools start to teach in a better. kinder way
Its around the time of Zuko's 20th birthday when advisors start to bother him about marrying.
It is while trying to avoid their matchmaking that he start realizing that he likes Sokka (he's an oblivious biromantic asexual, why would anyone expect it to take less time)
Not much changes when they get together, they still spar and go to the gardens to feed the turtleducks together, Sokka still makes silly faces behind ambassadors backs, Zuko still goes down to the kitchens to make them a pot of tea to have together witting in his room (the kitchen staff are used to this by now)
But they start sharing more intimacies, finding what feels comfortable for them in the form of hugs that last just a bit longer and chaste kisses on shoulders and cheeks and foreheads.
And when the egg from the sun warriors hatches and a tiny dragon comes tumbling out, they name him Druk and take care of him together
Zuko continues to go on trips incognito a few times a year and it is on one of these trips what he finds a young child alone on the side of the road. When he learns that she has know family he tries to taker her to the orphanage in the town near by. She runs away and there is nothing Zuko is willing to do to get her to go.
She has a grittiness and fighting spirit that reminds Zuko of his younger self, an independent streak and impulsiveness that border on dangerous. And even though Zuko has to leave her that day he can't stop thinking about her as he returns to the palace.
Sokka notices right away and they talk about her, and adoption, and the fact that Zuko needs an heir and end up figuring out that they want a child of their own to raise now that Druk is all grown up
When Zuko next returns to the town he brings Sokka, a legal witness and adoption papers with him.
He introduces her to Druk and when she pets him and falls in love they start to talk to her. She begins to trust them, telling them her name is Izumi and that she doesn't like the orphanage because it reminds her too much of her past.
They stay for a few days getting to know her and when they ask if she wants to live with them she does say yes.
Over time Zuko comes to find balance and love in the peace he created in the Fire Nation<3
Note: I cannot take credit for all of these ideas, some of them come from a bunch of fanfictions I've read over the years and especially Post-Canon Fire Lord Zuko (and his staff) by RejectsCanon
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good-morning-inc · 2 years
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abybweisse · 4 months
Hey Aby ! I have a question (actually, two) for you regarding bizzare dolls that came into my mind just recently, maybe you’ve answered this question before so i apologize in advance.
Firstly, why do you think the Star Lords exist in the first place ? Like, sure, they “take care” of the blood collecting centers, but what else ? Do you think they have any purpose other than this ? Are they part of something greater ? Because as of now it seems to me they’re actually a waste of energies for Undertaker (like, you know, having to harvest blood for all of them, making sure they’re healthy and don’t lose control…)
Second and last question, why the different blood types ? I’ll explain this better, if Undertaker’s main goal is to keep R!Ciel ‘alive’ why not collecting just Sirius blood and calling it a day ?
I take this opportunity to thank you for being the literal pillar and backbone of our fandom 🫶🏻 who knows what we would be without you ! Lots of love !
⚠️ long post ⚠️
Ok, so I've sort of answered these questions before, but I'll try to be more specific and in depth about it here.
Why the Star Lords to begin with?
There are several parts to this answer, and I'll go into some more details about each one:
The star lords exist because Undertaker wants to bring back real Ciel
Even this part of the answer requires looking at a few different aspects. Real Ciel is one of the star lords, so wanting to bring him back automatically explains why he's one of them. Bringing in other individuals can serve some purposes. Such as:
So real Ciel isn't the only one; he's not alone. It gives him the added bonus of having (loyal) allies to go up against our earl and his allies (particularly Baldo, Mey-Rin, and Finny). These star lords can fight very well (though that might not be the case for real Ciel, since he's apparently only getting AB blood transfusions. More on that later. And he might naturally not be as physically inclined or well-trained). We pretty much have to assume, by now, that Polaris is the one who kills Agni. Real Ciel shooting at Soma (who mistook the shooter for our earl) and Polaris (mistaken for Sebastian, probably) killing Agni turned Soma into an enemy. Much of the star lords' existence seems to be about getting rid of our earl's support system.
The others might end up serving real Ciel in some other way, too, such as collecting blood supplies from the other facilities; we know Vega (Layla/Al) and Polaris are sent off by Undertaker to do that. At some point, real Ciel wants one of them to act as his butler, and later Polaris seems to be filling that role, even though he was away and unable to serve as one earlier. Either way, Polaris identifies as a butler "even in death".
So there's a representative for each major blood type (more on that in part two). That's about religion (or occultism), symbolism, and balance. It's also about scientific research.
The star lords exist because Undertaker wants to make a point to our earl about the choices he makes (which I find very ironic).
Choosing Doll (to represent Canopus) might have something to do with wanting to make our earl feel guilty for her death... if he ever sees her or finds out about her return. We won't know what/how he finds out until we get back to him and he's receiving reports. We aren't quite sure yet who Polaris is, but I suspect he's a former Phantomhive butler, and that could make our earl feel bad about his death, too, even though there was no way for him to prevent it. (Mostly, someone like a former Phantomhive butler for Polaris would be for the fierce loyalty that could be achieved with his "episodes".)
The star lords exist because Yana-san needs to provide more adversity.
Undertaker might also see Doll as someone who could take Snake away from our earl, because of their history. And even if Undertaker doesn't have that in mind, Yana-san sure does; it makes sense from a writer's perspective to have each of our earl's helpers deal with something that exposes their emotions and/or weaknesses. With Doll, Snake feels a sense of belonging, while Finny feels guilt. Layla/Al is good to go up against Lau and Baldo because they likely wouldn't suspect a little girl (by all appearances) to be much of a threat. Polaris is so strong, fast, and flexible that Mey-Rin and Ran-Mao have no idea how lucky they are that they were gone by the time Polaris found out what had happened. Agni and Soma weren't as lucky, dealing with Polaris and real Ciel. 😢
The star lords exist because backers of Aurora Society begged and/or paid to have dead loved ones revived.
At least that's what I think in the case of Layla/Al. I suspect she might be Baron Heathfield's dead daughter. Undertaker agreeing to help restore Heathfield's family might be why Heathfield got involved with Undertaker and the Aurora Society. Not just to find the right "soul shape" for his wife... but also to somehow revive his daughter.
The star lords exist because Undertaker is still curious about humanity (life, death, souls, etc.).
He's continuing to experiment. Even though the main purpose seems to be to revive real Ciel, the effects are much wider in scope. They really are one big series of experiments. Some elements of what he's been working on (possibly with a helper, like Druitt, on the medical aspects):
Manipulating cinematic records. He started out -- probably long before real Ciel was killed -- just adding little snippets of himself to their records, much like the BDs on the ship. He says that when he started working on real Ciel his revival techniques weren't up to snuff (not nonexistent, just not strong enough), so he needed to make quick progress. The others on the ship weren't for that purpose, so they don't really count here. The murders at Weston gave him an opportunity to improve upon record manipulation. And so do the other lords of the stars. This gives him more time to cherry pick which "episodes" to use for each one.
Blood typing and transfusion technology. It is way more advanced (than it should be at this time) because of his work... or the work of whoever is helping him in the lab. It's already led to the development of dialysis machines, too, which brings in another money-making opportunity. The star lords might not have functioning hearts, bone marrow, livers, or kidneys, so the blood transfusions are an ongoing need.
Organ transplants. Experimentation continues with organ transplants, since the orphanage staff mentions something about how hard it is to match the kids up with the star lords based on aptitude. With organ transplants, matching blood type isn't always enough. The personality test doesn't guarantee any more precision, of course, either, but that's not exactly the purpose of that test. Also, transplanted organs don't last forever, even in living humans, so they probably last even less time in a BD. As a star lord wears out their transfused blood, they probably also wear out transplanted organs and other tissues.
Soul transplants. We don't have absolute proof just yet, but I do think Undertaker is also experimenting with transplanting souls into the star lords. On the ship, he says BDs can't do anything with the souls of the people they attack. And he says he can't make souls. However, he hasn't said he can't manipulate souls that already exist; definitely, he has soul manipulation abilities that the BDs lack, and I think he's testing the limits of his own abilities. He's also got Heathfield thinking that he needs to find a woman with a soul the same "shape" as his dead wife's. As I said before, I think Undertaker might be using Heathfield's dead wife as a test subject for soul transplants. I do think he wants to transplant a similar or same-shaped soul into each of the star lords. Either Layla has Al due to one of these experiments... or Undertaker chose Layla to be one of the star lords partly because she already has Al, and Undertaker wants to study this dual personality. His reasoning might go that if he could just transplant the right soul into a star lord, then that star lord would be truly revived... would be able to pump and clean the blood that's been transfused... would be able to make more blood for themselves... would be able to make better use of the organs they've received.
The star lords exist because Undertaker needs a gimmick to lure in people to give blood (whether or not they know that blood is being taken) and for patrons to donate money.
And that's where the different blood types become even more important.
Why the different blood types?
I suppose Undertaker could focus all the efforts on just getting AB "Sirius" blood for real Ciel. But there are benefits to collecting all four types in the ABO blood grouping system (ignoring Rh factor).
AB is rare, and it would still require blood typing a large number of people to figure out who has AB. Hence why they opened Sphere Music Hall and made it a mixing space for all walks of life, placed ads for maids of all backgrounds for Heathfield, offered state of the art medical services for veterans at Athena Sanatorium. and provided a shelter and rare education opportunity for orphans at F. O. L. And people would feel unwelcome if most of them (or any of them, really) were turned away. Making the facilities as inclusive as possible (particularly the music hall and Heathfield's manor) increases the likelihood of getting enough AB blood for real Ciel.
And since Undertaker (and whoever) now also has all this blood for A, B, and O, he should do something with it. By then, probably anticipating the fact that he'd have blood supplies for different recipients, he'd have selected the other three star lords to match the remaining blood types. Each star lord just sort of falls into place, most likely. Real Ciel has AB. "Polaris" is A, so that works. This girl Layla is unusual, plus she's got type O; great, let's bring her on board. And Doll happens to be B; perfect, now all four types are covered.
In the case of Sphere Music Hall, there's also a major occult aspect to it, and having these four portray worshipped individuals works out well to lure people in and gives each visitor a purpose. Even the lesser "stars" that make up the multitudes are useful. Truth is, most of them didn't even know about the star lords; they were too caught up in adoration for the idol singers. Built-in idolatry. Layer upon layer to shroud the star lords in mystery.
For a while, there was so much extra A and O blood that they could also distribute it to renal failure patients who donated money to Aurora Society. Like those old guys in Bath.
There's also the fact that a major truth about the ABO blood grouping system has been, so far, either ignored or misunderstood within the story. When it comes to whole blood transfusions, AB is the universal recipient, so real Ciel doesn't have to "starve" from the scarcity of his blood type. All this time, he could have accepted any of them. It actually all could have been collected for him... from anyone (again, ignoring rh factor). All this trouble to collect AB blood for him could have been avoided, but either the researchers don't yet know this fact, or they know but still aren't making use of it. There is also the possibility that even real Ciel now knows this, but he's refusing anything but AB due to elitist bias. Keep in mind that they have created their own caste system within this "blue cult", despite saying how everyone is welcome and to be treated equally. There's obviously a premium put on Sirius and Canopus. And there've been a few times where individuals talked down to anyone who wasn't amongst the cult's elite and described the vast majority of participants as lesser or "dim" stars.
I'm still waiting for someone (maybe Sieglinde?) to point this out to Undertaker (and whoever is doing the bulk of the blood work). So, part of the reason to have a star lord for each blood type might be to lead up to the revelation that they went through a bunch of completely unnecessary lengths... and to maybe show them that -- for all the knowledge they had -- they still knew so little.
Well, I hope this sufficiently answers your questions. 😂 I feel like I'm forgetting something, but after typing this much, I can't think too clearly about what that might be. 😮‍💨 😅
And thank you so much!! 😊
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talonabraxas · 2 months
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"Lord Surya" ☀ Talon Abraxas
Surya, the Sun, is God incarnate in solar form, a glorious, shining golden orb visible every day. He is Astamurthi, one of the eight forms of Shiva. The Sun alone is the pivot of the entire Universe, the dispeller of darkness, and root cause of the three worlds. He is the deity of great brilliance and is considered the Supreme Soul. There are many names of Lord Surya and each name refers to a particular quality of consciousness - Aditya, Savita, Surya, Mihira, Arka, Prabhakara, Martanda, Bhaskara, Bhanu, Chitrabhanu, Divakara and Ravi.
Surya is the chief of the Navagrahas and is often depicted riding a chariot harnessed by seven horses which represent seven solar rays, seven chakras of the body and seven days of the week.
Surya's sons, Shani and Yama are responsible for the judgment of human life. Shani provides the results of one's deeds during life through appropriate punishments and rewards while Yama grants the results of one's deeds after death.
In Vedic astrology Surya is considered a malefic on account of His hot, dry nature. Surya represents soul, will-power, fame, the eyes, general vitality, courage, kingship, father, authority figures, benevolence, generosity, grandeur, dignity and friendliness.
Surya has the following associations:
Animals: Deer, Tiger, Lion Bird: Goose Gem: Ruby Metals: Copper and Gold Direction: East Food: Wheat Sign: Leo Day: Sunday
In Tantra yoga, Surya, the planetary deity of the Sun, represents the Universal male principal, while Chandra, the Moon, represents the Universal female or shakti principle. Surya is also associated with Agni, the god of fire.
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linalavender · 8 months
How Tatsuki Fujimoto writes Affection
First of all I would like to give massive credit to Tiktok user @campaign_baby for their Tiktok I saw on this that really made me think of it alot more
I will Bring up Examples from:
Mermaid Rhapsody
Goodbye Eri
Fire Punch
Chainsaw Man Part 1 (Quite a big spoiler in this will give fair warning)
Fujimoto has a sort of strange method he uses to write that a character Loves/cares deeply for someone. And its The character either being willing to be consumed or to provide sustenance to someone, Or to consume the other person. Examples:
After Shikaku confesses her love for Yucel, He rushes to the hospital to offer her his blood, Making her into an immortal vampire just like him. Yucel has also fallen for Shikaku, its basically his confession of love, He wants to live with her Forever.
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Its drawn in a way you can tell its such an act of compassion too.
Mermaid Rhapsody
"I loved her so much that I thought, If it was by someone with a smile as pretty as hers, Maybe being eaten wouldn't be so bad."
Toshihides Dad feels the exact same way about his Mom as Toshihide feels about Shijyu. Mermaids eat humans, But that never mattered to either of them.
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Goodbye Eri
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In Yuutas Movie about Eri, He writes her to be a Vampire, because he wouldnt actually mind to be her sustenance, In his movie, he loves Eri so much. (I genuinely cant read this fucking story without sobbing, Rereading it again just to get this screengrab just made me cry for like 20 min help)
Fire Punch
This one is Pretty straight forward, Agni with his regenerative powers feeds his village by continuously chopping of his Arm so they dont all starve to death. But more importantly he does this to prevent his sister from doing it aswell. He doesnt want her to suffer that pain so he takes sole responsibility for providing himself to the village.
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Agni also later feeds his followers with the help of Togata Chopping of the part of his face that isnt on Fire. I think this has more todo with making sure Togata gets fed rather than his followers, To Agni Togata means alot.
⚠️Chainsaw Man Part 1 (Spoilers for the Final arc)⚠️
When Power is about to Die, Power not only offers her own blood For Denji to Drink so he can get back to health, But Pochita also offers a small part of himself so she can come back as a Powerful Devil.
And ofcourse the big one is Denji Eating Makima. He obviously has to and all for the sake of erasing her. But he explicitly says it wasnt an Attack, It was an act of Love.
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Its such a fascinating thing that the idea of consuming someone can be concidered something you do to a cherished one, as an affectionate thing. I guess as Denji mentions that you basically become one with eachother in a way if you consume them.
But this is such a Weird thing Right? Where does this idea even originate from? Well ofcourse we can only Speculate but I really think he took on inspiration from his own life here, Because he has actually done this to someone he loved. Yes, Seriously.
Tatsuki Fujimoto eating his deceased Pet Fish
In the Authors notes for "Tatsuki Fujimoto Before Chainsaw Man: 22-26" Fujimoto shares a story from when he was 24:
"Even though we were poor, we had a pet Japanese rice fish. I found it dead one summer. I went to toss its body into the trash like in Parasyte, but my girlfriend said she wanted me to bury it, So off I went to the park, alone. I tried to bury it under this big tree, but the ground was too hard, my hands got all dirty and I had no hole to show for my effort. Out of Options, I figured I would pretend I had buried the fish and left it lying there on top of the ground. As I watched it for a little while, ants found the body and began to carry it away. Im not sure what came over me, but in that moment, love for that pet fish welled within me for the first time. I brushed the ants away, and then Ate it."
You can read the full story here
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It has that "Wait what the hell am I reading" Charm to the story like alot of his works, But theres something so weirdly beautiful about this story, Somehow stricken with grief and love for this fish, He ate it. As Denji says, its not an attack, his fish is part of him now and its an act of love. So strange, yet so Beautiful.
Anyways thanks for reading this insanely long post if you even got this far I appreciate it!
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phoenix-king-ozai · 4 days
Counterpoints to downplaying Ozai as a the Final Villain of ATLA!
"Azula fooled and manipulated her father regarding Zuko!"
Ozai was fooled by Azula regarding Zuko's "killing" of Avatar Aang because Ozai deeply values and trusts Azula as his capable enforcer and imperialist commander daughter. Azula probably subconsciously missed Zuko along with having him back taking some pressure from her as heiress. Zuko's killing and hunting of the Avatar was more about proofing his worth and value as a ruthless, capable, efficient, and effective Prince of the Fire Nation more than anything.
"Zuko and Aang nearly killed Ozai via lightning redirection!"
Of course, Ozai nearly got one-shoted or heavily damaged by lightning redirection by Zuko and Aang. The first time by Zuko was completely unexpected and was a new technique that Iroh personally developed, and Ozai never heard and learned about. Ozai also probably never expected Aang to learn lightning redirection in the short time since Zuko's rebellion. Ozai obviously, can't learn lightning redirection because the movement is based on waterbending forms that Ozai wouldn't learn because of his Fire Supremacism views.
"Ozai is harmless and useless without his firebending skill & talent!"
Ozai isn't harmless or useless without his firebending skillset. However, he can't be Fire Lord and rule the Fire Nation without his firebending prowess and abilities. I heavily doubt there was ever a non-firebending Fire Lord in ATLA history besides possibly later on with Izumi when Zuko affected and changed the Fire Nation's social culture. Even with his firebending, he is still completely harmless to Avatar State Aang. Ozai and Azula would be foolish to challenge the full-realized Avatar State Aang. wi
"Firebending training from the dragons means that Ozai is inferior to Iroh and Zuko due to their learning of true firebending!"
The "true" form of firebending has less to do with actual power and more about the righteous and moral path regarding firebending. According to the creators, "Ozai is the most powerful and dangerous firebender of his era. Period!" However, "true" firebending is about using fire to create, protect, and provide warmth whereas imperialistic firebenders such as Sozin, Azulon, Ozai, and Azula view firebending as a weapon of war, destruction, conquest, and carnage. Zuko didn't gain a power boost by meeting and training with the dragons but a skill boost by following a philosophy of firebending that suits his personal morals. Zuko became more controlled and focused outside of his rage-based firebending in comparison to Azula due to her mental breakdown and the opposite of Ozai who is always controlled and focused with his rage and fury-based firebending.
"Ozai legacy as Fire Lord is pathetic compared to his grandfather, father, brother and daughter!"
Of course, Ozai's legacy is overshadowed by Sozin and Azulon. First of all, Ozai's reign was cut short by Avatar Aang awakening the Avatar State; the reign was only 5 years old compared to Sozin and Azulon's many decades of reigning. Sozin began the Air Nomad genocide, Azulon began the Southern Raiders, and near complete domination of the Earth Kingdom. The only thing regarding Iroh's legacy is that he "killed" the last dragons became the Dragon of the West and led the Seige of Ba Sing Se which was a horrific failure. Iroh's "legacy" isn't all that impressive beside the near conquest of Ba Sing Se which is a military and strategic achievement. Ozai has dueling Agni Kai achievements. Basically, fighting as a group vs one-on-one comparison. Prime Ozai vs Prime Iroh is probably an extremely difficult toss-up match. It is possible that Iroh is a superior commander and tactician whereas Ozai is a superior fighter and duelist. They are both probably excellent in each other expertise nonetheless, however; just they have their preferences. For all we know, Ozai could have led a blockade around the Earth Kingdom port cities during the Seige of Ba Sing Se with a massive Fire Nation navy fleet considering that a six-hundred-day seige needed supplies and manpower across the oceans without Earth Kingdom interference. Also, during Ozai's tenure as Fire Lord, the Fire Nation had dramatic improvements of technology such as steam, coal, and air ballon flying. Ozai reign saw the near domination of the Northern Water Tribes and Conquest of Omashu and later Ba Singe Se!
"Azula is a superior villian to Ozai and is more powerful and dangerous than her father which is why in ATLA comics she is the current antagonstic force!"
Azula is more of an annoyance and nuisance during the ATLA comics considering there is no way she or any of her supporters can defeat Avatar Aang in his Avatar State in order to overthrow Zuko's reign. The best they can do is kill or assassinate Zuko and Aang with poison. Also, the only side character that can possibly threaten Ozai in an actual fight baring lightning redirection surprise is post-prison training buff Iroh. Azula and Zuko are getting stomped which is why Azula deeply fears dueling her father when he is pissed & enraged during the Phoenix King Coronation and why Zuko fled during the Black Sun Invasion. Toph, Katara, Suki, Sokka, Mai, and Ty Lee are getting curb-stomped by a full-power Ozai. Ozai and Iroh are grown-ass men and trained royal princes who are war criminals. These children would get stomped by a blood-lusted adult fire-hazard duo.
"Ozai is incompetent as a warrior and is a brutuish and unintelligent loser compared to his daughter. He cowardly hides behind Azula doing all of the work and action in the series!"
Ozai's position and role in the story are perfect for the purpose that he serves in the current ATLA timeline as the shadow-arching villain of the Fire Nation. Ozai represents the accumulation of Sozin's imperialist, warmongering, and fascistic ideals as his successor and grandson. Ozai doesn't just represent the Fire Nation as Fire Lord but embodies the Fire Nation Imperialist Culture in its entirety. Also, where does the ATLA Fandumb believes that Azula learned her cunning, conviving, strategic, and mericless planning skills and callous ruthlessness efficiency and effectiveness from? Azulon? Iroh? Ursa? Lu Ten? Zuko? Or let me guess, Azula was born naturally perfect and unbashedly cruel and vicious like a spawn of Satan? Of course, not! Azula was meticuliously groomed, trained, and tested by her father to be the ruthless and mericless warrior that she is.
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