#afterlife manager
ask-the-mcs · 1 year
To Manager from AFTER L!FE
How are you doing? How's life for you and the reapers since the servers got taken down?
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snailasleep · 5 months
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took you long enough!
alt ver with glasses:
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bet-on-me-13 · 9 months
The Structure of the Infinite Realms
This is an updated version of This old prompt I did a while back.
So! The Infinite Realms are not just limited to the Afterlife. In fact, the Afterlife is just a single section of the Realms, and Each Realm is ruled over by their own Kingdom with their own Godly Rulers.
Lets give an Overview of a few of the Realms:
The Far Frozen: The Far Frozen is a Realm inhabited by Yeti's, who are Pacifists by nature. Their sole focus is to develop their medical practices so they can help as many people as possible. They are rules over by the Ice God, Frostbite, a kind and just King who uses his eons of experience to help those in need. The Far Frozen are well liked by all Kingdoms in the Infinite Realms, and have very few enemies.
The Medieval Isles: The Medieval Isles are a very recent addition to the Infinite Realms, and resembles the Earth Sterotype of a Fantasy Land. It is inhabited by many different races, from Elves to Dwarves to Humans. It was previously Ruled Over by a Draconic God known as the Tyrant King Aragon, before he was overthrown by his sister, the Kind Queen Dorathea with the help of a Sir Phantom. It does not have many Enemies among the Realms, but the Fae Wilds to seem to resent that some Elves live there as opposed to their original homeland.
Olympus: Olympus is the Realm of the Greek Gods, home to all the Gods who exist in the World and used to exist. It is ruled over by Zeus. It used to be a pretty major Political Powerhouse in the Realms, but after Ares went Rouge and killed most of their Top Gods, they lost a lot of Power.
Themyscira: After the Amazon's split off from the rest of Greece, they formed their own Kingdom with Hippolyta as the Godess Queen. It exists simultaneously in both the Realms and Earth. This Kingdom is well respected, but not as old or as large as some of the others. It has about the same Political Power as Olympus currently does, if not a little less.
The Nordic Lands: This is a Realm inhabited by the Norse Gods and all their peoples. It is not ruled over by a single Race of Gods, and is split into many different Warring Factions. One is the Aesir, Ruled over by King Odin. Another is the Vanir, formerly ruled over by Njord, but now ruled by his son Frey. There are also the Lands for the Fire and Ice Giants, and so on. They hold a good amount of Political Power in the Infinite Realms, but tend to stay Neutral in most cases.
New Genesis: This is the home of the New Gods, a race of Gods who is far younger than the others. They are ruled over by High Father, one of the surviving Old Gods, and the father of many of the New Gods. They are a fairly old and powerful Kingdom in the Realms, holding much Political Power.
Apokolips: This is a Realm filled with almost exclusively Demon's. It is ruled over by the God of Evil, Darkseid, and his Court of Minor Gods. It is an Extremely Agressive and even hostile Kingdom in the Realms, but holds itself back from attacking it's fellow Godly Kingdoms in fear of Retribution. They rarely interact with the other Kingdoms or discuss political matters in Meetings, but they are still a Kingdom not to be trifled with.
The Fae Wilds: This is the Realm that is the homeland of all Faeries and such creatures, like Elves and Gnomes. It is ruled over by the Fae Gods, Oberon and Titania, who use their cunning to obtain a good standing among the other Realms and maintain a good amount of Political Power.
The Spirit Lands: This is the Realm inhabited by mostly Nature Spirits, such as Nymphs and Fire Sprites. These lands are ruled over by 4 Elemental Kings, among which are Vortex and Undergrowth. These Lands are a sort of Middle Point in terms of Political Power, not too much but not too little. Although their image has been damaged by the Impulsive personalities of a few of their Rulers.
The Miracle Lands (Miraculous Ladybug): This is a Realm inhabited by a race of Gods that represent Conceptual Ideas, known as Kwami's. They are ruled over by the King and Queen of their Lands, Tikki and Plagg, the concepts of Creation and Destruction. The Miracle Lands are one of the oldest and most powerful of the Kingdoms of the Infinite Realms, and hold some of the most Political Power in the Infinite Realms.
The Ghost Zone/The After: This was what I really made this post to do. To explain my Headcanon for how the Ghost Zone worked in the grand scheme of things, the rest was just context.
The Ghost Zone is the collective Afterlife of all the other Realms, with Major Regions of the Realms dedicated to the different Kingdoms that hold a claim to the Afterlife.
There are Large Regions of the Realms dedicated to containing the Afterlives of the Godly Realms, like the Underworld for Olympus, or Valhalla/Vanaheim/Hel for the Nordic Lands. (The Norse actually have a shocking amount of Territory in the Ghost Zone, many joke that it's because Odin and Pariah Dark liked eachother due to how similar they looked.)
Each of the Regions is ruled over by that Pantheon's own God of the Dead/Death.
Hades rules the Underworld, and commands the different sections like the Fields of Asphodel, the Fields of Punishment, Elysium, and even Tartarus to some degree.
Plagg rules the Miraculous After (the Kwami's are not very creative with names). This is an Afterlife exclusive to the Holders of the Miraculous, as well as those who use Miracle Magic without having a Miraculous, like the Guardians. Also just the followers of the Kwami's (they have a small following)
The Norse have many Rulers for their many Afterlives. Hel rules over Hel, Freya rules over Vanaheim, Odin rules over Valhalla, and even Rán has her own tiny section for drowned souls. Plus a few more small sections.
The Acropolis is the Personal Afterlife for the Amazonians, and only answers to the Queendom of Themyscira. Pandora was chosen as the new Goddess of Afterlife when this was decided, and Acsended to Minor Godhood.
And there are many more, too many to list.
All the Rulers of the Afterlives defer to the Ruler of the Ghost Zone, who holds the most Power among the Gods of Death, as basically their Landlord. That used to be Pariah Dark, but after he went insane and had to be sealed away, the Ghost Zone fell mostly to Anarchy.
While the Afterlives managed to maintain stability due to having their own Rulers, the large regions between the Afterlives did not, and Rouge Spirts began to stake their claims to small plots of Land called Haunts. The most common among these were Ghosts, but there were some Fae, Spirits, and some smaller Gods (for some reason, some of the Kings of the Spirit Lands liked to use this Area as a playground to do whatever they wanted with no consequences).
It took Millennia, but eventually Pariah Dark was released from his Prison and then Usurped by a Young Godling named Phantom. Phantom then proceeded to bring the Realms under control, maintaining a few of the newer customs thay had appeared in the wake of Pariah's Imprisoning like Claiming Haunts, but otherwise ending the Era of Anarchy in the Realms.
The Ghost Zone is the Oldest, and most Powerful of the Kingdoms of the Infinite Realms. It holds Extreme Political Power, and has the favor of many different Realms. It's hard to not have that when you are an integral part of the Balance of the Godly World.
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tanglepelt · 11 months
Dp x dc idea 88
The GIW successfully invade the infinite realms. The Fenton parents were more then happy to provide weapons. Anything to deal with the awful body snatchers.
Danny was revealed, the GIW brought evidence of him being phantom to Jack and Maddie. They two vow vengeance for their dead son.
Danny barely managed to escape with his half-life and fled to the realm. Only for war to happen.
The GIW don’t even have to win battles. Just place anti-ecto bombs strategically in the realm. They can’t win actual battles.
Those in the realm keep disarming them. Some go off, only enough to damage little sections/haunts. If the realm goes the entire multiverse goes. The infinite realm connects every universe and afterlife.
With how unstable the realm becomes the universes are just getting way more natural portals.
Danny and Danielle get caught in an explosion. Just in time for a portal to open and drop them in dc. Without the ambient ecto from the realm the two are forced back into human form.
They run into Constantine. Total coincidence he definitely wasn’t investigating the influx of portals. Danny can feel that he had been in the realm before and is desperate to get back. He panics and info dumps on John.
Now as the two are drained. He can’t tell they are ecto-beings. The assumption the JLD come up with is the two are children from the attacking universe. Obviously they didn’t agree, as the two are adamant that they have to get back and stop dp before every dimension is destroyed.
Now the JL and JLD have to get back into the realm and help stop the destruction of every single dimension.
All while trying to keep the only two who know how to make a stable portal from jumping into every unstable portal that pops up. The portals are only staying for mere seconds and getting shorter each time but increasing in amount formed.
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delicatefury · 3 months
I know I’m years late to the party, but I finally watched ghostbusters afterlife and, I have to say, that is 100% the way you approach a legacy film.
Especially how they treated the OG ghostbusters. The fallout made sense with their personalities. The Big Damn Heroes moment at the end felt triumphant and necessary. The little bonding scenes at the end of the fight. The mid-credits scene that showed that the happy ending of Ghostbusters 2 had not been undone.
And the “young female replacement” made sense. She’s Spengler’s granddaughter. Of course she’s just like him. Right down to the dangerous and illegal electrical engineering they used for her intro scene. Perfect proof of her heritage, intelligence, and slightly unhinged-ness.
Yeah, Gozer came back, but in a way that made sense. They just shoved it back through the portal in the first movie. Why couldn’t it just come back again?
And then I think of every other revised franchise we’ve gotten in the last 15 years. Every other legacy character.
Ghostbusters Afterlife kicks all of their asses. I can’t wait to go see Frozen Kingdom.
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doomed-jester · 7 months
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This is gonna be super niche
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icys-junkyard · 2 years
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A teen Ingo on his weekly “errands” with Lampent <3
Ingo loiters outside hospitals or graveyards (as this is what wild Lampent do anyways) and waits for his Lampent to have its own snack before bringing one for him as well. He’s not sure if he’s burning up just life energy, a fragment of a soul, or a complete soul. He really hopes it’s not the latter, but he’s too scared to ask and make sure.
Emmet is under the impression that these “errands” are less morbid than they actually are
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luckyblackcatxiii · 2 years
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Fickle Lorena, a lover forbade
Met her demise from the edge of a blade
Ailing Hadwin, with short temper and pride
Was prescribed a bottle of cyanide
Wow, hey it’s been...years! I left because of that posting bug awhile ago and am (slowly) returning because, well, we all know what’s going on over at twitter. So, as a ‘I’m sort of back!’ post, have some most recent project pieces! Two portraits that are definitely not haunted by their long deceased subjects~
(I’m selling them as 3D charms at the moment, if you’re interested take a look at them at me and my gf’s shop!) 
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lyssq · 4 months
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This came to me in a vision… a guide to Riyria/Elan ships
*this is assuming that Gwen/Royce and Esrahaddon/Elinya manage to get into the same afterlives but I believe they could
**also assuming Brin manages to drag Tesh’s ass out of the abyss and they work something out but I mean she literally has eternity to make him do some emotional introspection
***You could say Mawyn and Mak are tragic (afterlife) too but I guess the tragic part is that they don’t go to the afterlife. Also they could have been together but Mawyndulë dedicated 3000 years of his life to vengeance while Makareta spent that time building a thriving community so tbh I don’t feel she’d even want him after all the shit he pulled
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batsplat · 8 days
A sentence in Casey’s book impressed me, even though he didn't name anyone explicitly
“Maybe someone who could put on the charm when they need it regardless of sincerity could have turned the situation around but I don’t have that skill.”
He totally gets that Valentino has endless charm, lol. I’m sure he felt it too when they hung out
yes!! this was about casey and his relationship to the fans wasn't it, and in a section of the book where he was talking about his rivalry with valentino, so hardly a stretch to say it was deliberately alluding to him. and of course casey talking about valentino's charm is not unrelated to how casey did seem to like valentino perfectly fine back in the day... how he said back in 2007 that he liked talking to valentino, that they generally talked about stuff other than racing, how valentino gets on with most guys in the paddock... though it's interesting (if not particularly surprising) how by the time the autobiography is written, casey portrays the early dynamic between the pair of them pretty dispassionately. just from the book you'd get the sense of someone who was coolly respectful of valentino until valentino started pissing him off, rather than someone who was... y'know, also a bit of a fan. somebody who got the valentino rossi appeal, shall we say. we all have our crosses to bear
which, I don't even think it was just about the racing. I doubt he ever wanted to emulate valentino in the same way jorge or marc might have wanted to do off the track, but stuff like calling him a "great competitor and a great sportsman"... that for years he'd been "dreaming to be like him"... that valentino and doohan were "the sort of people I wanted to become like"... I reckon that's a little more than simply respect for him as a rider, and I don't think casey back then would have said that stuff just because he knew it'll play well with the public. he found valentino exciting, like so many before and since have done - and still did so for the entirety of 2006 (he said more recently that he was even more impressed by valentino after that season, which is kinda noteworthy given that's the year valentino did, you know, lose the title). but then they became direct rivals, and. well
of course the "regardless of sincerity" in the quote is pretty pointed lol, like he does clearly see valentino as very two-faced and willing to spin a line regardless of whether it's true or not and also as someone happy to deceive others for his own gains. and his rhetoric has also changed just a wee bit since he published the autobiography on that count, where he more recently does stress how... well, he did learn from how valentino played the media! he learned how to get friendly with journalists! he learned how to play that game, of trying to win the public discourse! he might never have liked it, and he still probably would say like in the autobiography that this "charm" "regardless of sincerity" isn't something that he'll ever be as good at as valentino was. but he did dabble in the dark arts just a touch... I think one of the most interesting tensions of that rivalry is to what extent valentino forced casey out of his comfort zone both on- and off-track and ended up making casey adopt behaviours and attitudes he continued to find reprehensible. casey considers valentino 'selfish' both on- and off-track but to fight him both on- and off-track he became more selfish in turn... very dramatically compelling
anyway, here's casey chatting to fellow aussie jb when he's come to watch the podium celebrations after one of valentino's 2005 wins:
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#casey girl what's going on with that collar situation... i think it's all one jacket which is if anything worse#he was nineteen here... look at him <3#word on the street is jb pushed to have casey join yamaha in 2007 which is SUCH a fun twist on the whole casey/yamaha saga#kwisatzworld#//#brr brr#i find it deeply annoying that they could only properly compete for two full seasons buuuuuuuut#you DO have to say it's kinda interesting how it shifted their battleground....#like valentino kinda got the better of casey in terms of the on-track stuff because they never GOT to have another real go post 08#so bar isolated scraps like sachsenring '10 and le mans '12 the 'selfishness' question was never settled on track#BUT in terms of the afterlife of the rivalry... casey became ever more invested in selling HIS story of the rivalry#which ironically is something he would've CARED about less before he came into contact with valentino...#like all this stuff where casey keeps banging on about some of their Incidents is because vale gave him a lesson in public relations!!#it's soooooo narratively juicy because obviously casey wouldn't consider himself “dishonest” but it is!! playing the game!!#casey looked at the valentino charm and countered it with his own spin on the whole thing... and he's done a great job at it!#he's become a more effective communicator which you can TELL by how that rivalry has become reevaluated over time#and now again sort of ironically it's actually very lopsided in terms of who is still doing image management of that rivalry#i love casey soooo muuuuuch i feel like people just don't give him credit for what a complicated guy he is......
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blood-starved-beast · 2 months
Big thoughts about how Maria's the last major stop before you get to the Fishing Hamlet and Kos and her Orphan. The Lady Maria being the Knight to defend the royals of the Nightmare imagery methinks. Her regrets about being involved in the Hamlet in the First Place and loathing herself for it. Food for my shipper heart methinks.
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nabtime · 2 months
Listen to her noises boy
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Does anyone remember when the og Ghostbusters brought the Statue of Liberty to life with pink slime? It's a good thing Dr. Stantz has the last of it because otherwise it would be hard to hold Leti back from using it on the Make Way for Ducklings statues next time we're in the Commons for a bust
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poppyseed799 · 1 year
I feel like life series fanon jimmy is kind of mischaracterized and there’s an easy way to make sure you’re doing it right: he has a lot of unearned confidence
#the tags is where I’m going to ACTUALLY say stuff LOL!!!#but like I love life series Jimmy mkay. he’s got that curse of dying first and all. which is what I mean by fanon cuz curses aren’t real#but a lot of fans make it like Jimmy accepts the curse? or even acknowledges that it’s real. which bugs me a bit cuz No He Does Not#(side note tho. I’m not mad about it. I know ppl wanna explore the concept of someone cursed to die first and that’s what they’re doing)#but like Jimmy would just be so in denial about it okay. even if you managed to convince him he would be like ‘..BUT SURELY THIS TIME’#and this relates to ranchers too. I love ranchers ok. mostly cuz my sister does tbh LMAOO she loves them. but ranchers fan content isn’t#what I’m looking for cuz it’s so often stuff like.. Jimmy being like ‘I’m sorry I’m cursed’ and Tango being like ‘it’s ok love u anyway’#but it’s really more like ‘CURSED?? NO! WE WILL WIN!’ which I think is MORE fun for the aftermath of their death. meeting in the afterlife.#I NEED to see ranchers content where they keep denying that the curse is real then Jimmy dies and they’re ghosts or whatever and Jimmy’s#like ‘oh no. we didn’t break the curse. tango probably hates me now. he only liked me cuz we thought the curse wasn’t real.’ and tango to be#like upset at first as anyone would be when they die. but then he like notices the way Jimmy is acting and he’s like ‘no.. ranchers 4 life’#???? what am I saying. hire me for writing fanfic I totally know what I’m doing.#anyways what I’m saying is Jimmy is the canary but he’s the canary that’s like ‘SURELY I can sing for the miners the whole way THIS time’#he is NOT the canary who says ‘WELL time to eventually stop singing in this cave’#HOWEVER I do think that although he has loads of unearned confidence and is in a constant state of denial. he does also have that crumble#sometimes. so it’s not totally ooc imo for him to act like that. but it would be rare moments and also mostly post death#ANOTHER SIDE NOTE I WANNA SAY. I HATE the way I’m saying this as if it’s fact. it’s my personal analysis and just because I think it’s right#doesn’t mean I want to present it as undeniable fact. I could be misinterpreting. if you want to interpret life!Jimmy’s character different#then go on ahead. I don’t hate fanon Jimmy I just wish I saw more like how I see him. that is all.#ok I lied I also wanna add that I’m bad at explaining things ESPECIALLY personalities so it’s possible that I didn’t convey what I wanted to#say properly too. sorry. OKAY NOW THAT IS ALL.
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cometkite · 2 years
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i miss AL
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chevvy-yates · 2 years
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waiting for Vijay to come back with some beers, getting slightly impatient. "Hergott noch mal! — Why does it take so long for V to get back with the beer?" — Ryder von Scharfenberg
[NC_RES]_31102049-EUR-GER scharfenberg_g_portraits_003_3_AL.file ///core:_ryder_von_scharfenberg.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
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