#affirm your reality
angelicbarbiedoll · 2 months
Focus on Imagination
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Imagination is your playground. Be crazy, fun happy in it because remember imagination creates your reality. Your “job” isn’t looking out into reality, searching and trying to manipulate it. To be who you want to be and “get” or let’s say have reflected back what you want you have to be the version of you that you want to be in IMAGINATION. Reality has to follow so please don’t stress yourself out about it. It’s dead, old news, nothing you need to worry about. How can I be who I want to be in imagination? You might ask yourself that now. And really? It’s actually pretty easy if you understood the concept. You’re always assuming yourself to be someone so now start deciding that you are the version of yourself that you want to be. In addition to that you can use methods if that helps you, maybe script, visualise, etc. but trust me you don’t need to force anything. The only thing you need to do is focus your attention on being the person you want to be in imagination. For example let’s say Serena wants to manifest her crush Tom and let’s say before he’s told her that he doesn’t want a girlfriend. What Serena needs to do now is decide that she is now Toms girlfriend, so whenever she thinks of him she directs her attention to being his girlfriend. Maybe she likes to visualize, so she’ll visualize that he calls her to ask her if she wants to go out today. And because she repeated that and is his girlfriend in the imagination reality follows and a few days after that Tom asks her if she wants to be his girlfriend.
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neobora · 1 year
II. The Language Of God
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'The Alchemist' Series
“You came so that you could learn about your dreams,” said the old woman. “And dreams are the language of God. When he speaks in our language, I can interpret what he has said. But if he speaks in the language of the soul, it is only you who can understand.“
This is something I feel is important to understand as you progress.
“And dreams are the language of God.“ Your desires are always the Inner Man, your True Self telling you what it wants fulfilled. No one else knows yourself as well as you do, which is why actually figuring out what it is you want and what you want to experience is so important. You cannot have someone else tell you what you want; only you know what you need to fulfill yourself.
This journey is personalised; meaning it is unique to you and you only. At it’s core, they are all the same, but everyone has different desires and different experiences. This is also why exactly replicating other people feels forced. Figuring out what works best for YOU and letting yourself do what you want instead of forcing something is a game changer.
You don‘t have to enter the void state or manifest an hourglass figure just because someone else did, what do YOU WANT? You are the only one who can figure that out and the only one who can give it to yourself.
Your past doesn‘t matter, what the outer world shows you doesn‘t matter, the only thing that matters is knowing you are God and giving yourself whatever you want within.
Everyone has deep desires that they desperately want fulfilled. But that’s not a bad thing. Because if you let yourself FEEL something you’ve always wanted to feel, and know it has to be reflected, you‘ll fall in love with that new state and keep coming back to it. And the deepest, most desperate desires are always the ones that feel the most freeing and amazing when you let yourself feel them. But only you will know what they are. So explore your imagination! It’s yours, after all. You can do anything you want in here. See where it takes you. You might discover desires long lost, or desires you didn‘t know were there. I know this is true for me, when I started giving myself all the power and let myself completely fulfill my desires in imagination only, i found so many things i didnt even know i wanted to experience beforehand. Before that I strictly used my imagination to imagine my desires and I was scared of letting go of them and imagining something else because I didn‘t want to "waste my time" and instead only imagined what i felt i URGENTLY needed. But who feels urgency? the outer man. to the inner man, everything is true NOW.
This also means that no one can fulfill your desires except you. This is the most important thing to understand, tbh. You can read hundreds of books or posts explaining all there is to do, but you have to act. You have to change your core, your SELF. It is the only thing to change. The Outer World is reflecting YOU; YOU CANNOT SEE A CHANGE WITHOUT CHANGING SELF FIRST. Identify with God, the Inner Man, who can do whatever he wants NOW, and rest assured that your SELF will always be reflected.
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growingblooms · 2 years
You are not the exception to the law.
Your 3d reality is not the exception to the law. It must change and idc what you see right now you already have it. Even if you have doubts, deep down you know this shit is real, you know you can get everything you want and more. Deep down you know you control everything and everyone in this reality. So why don’t you just snap out of this limiting mindset?? Even if you don’t believe it right now, that’s how it is, you control it all and always have. Stay true to yourself and to your new assumptions!Don’t get moved by the 3D i mean it makes no sense. The 3D is looking for YOUR confirmation to change not the other way around.
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Affirmations: Romantic Life
**Repeat 3x each, drink plenty of water, and remember: anything you want is yours**
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I am deserving of love and affection.
I am open to giving and receiving love in abundance.
I attract loving and caring partners into my life.
I am a magnet for a healthy and fulfilling romantic relationship.
I am worthy of a deep and meaningful connection with my partner.
I am confident in expressing my love and emotions.
I radiate love and positivity, drawing like-minded partners to me.
My heart is open, and I welcome love into my life.
I am patient and trusting, allowing love to unfold naturally.
I release any past hurts and embrace the love that awaits me.
I am committed to nurturing and growing my romantic relationship.
I am a source of joy and happiness for my partner.
I attract a partner who appreciates and cherishes me for who I am.
I am lovable and desirable, just as I am.
I am comfortable with vulnerability and intimacy in my relationship.
I am a great communicator, fostering a deeper connection with my partner.
I am receptive to love and let it flow freely into my life.
I am grateful for the love I have and the love yet to come.
I create a safe and loving space for my partner to be themselves.
I embrace the journey of love, with all its ups and downs.
I am worthy of a passionate and romantic love story.
I am open to new experiences that deepen my bond with my partner.
I attract a partner who shares my values and aspirations.
I am confident in my ability to create a lasting and loving relationship.
I am a source of strength and support for my partner.
I trust that the right person is out there for me, and we will find each other at the perfect time.
I let go of any fear of rejection and approach love with courage.
I am emotionally available and ready to love deeply.
I attract a partner who celebrates and encourages my growth.
I am deserving of romantic gestures and thoughtful surprises.
I am open to receiving and giving love in its many forms.
I am a magnet for healthy and passionate romance.
I trust my instincts when it comes to love and relationships.
I am aligned with the love I desire and deserve.
I am grateful for the lessons and growth that past relationships have brought me.
I am a loving partner, bringing happiness and joy to my significant other.
I am content with my own company and attract a partner who enhances my life.
I am patient, knowing that true love takes time to flourish.
I am worthy of experiencing true love and devotion.
I am open to forgive and heal any past relationship wounds.
I am a source of inspiration and motivation for my partner.
I am attracting the love of my life, and our souls are destined to meet.
I am comfortable expressing my needs and desires in a relationship.
I am ready to embark on a journey of love and growth with my partner.
I am a giver and a receiver of affection and love.
I attract a partner who values and respects me deeply.
I am open to surprises and delightful moments in my romantic life.
I am confident in expressing my love and appreciation for my partner.
I am excited about the future possibilities that love holds for me.
I am whole and complete on my own, and a loving relationship is an enriching addition to my life
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kittiesbeauty · 1 year
manifesting *ੈ✩‧₊˚
These affirmations are for weight loss. Best of luck to you, my lovelies <3.
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-Any and all affirmations work for me instantly.
-Every subliminal I listen to instantly works.
-My mind is programmed to give me anything i desire.
-My mind is more powerful than I will ever know.
-My mind is so powerful.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚ *ੈ✩‧₊˚
-I am so skinny.
-All the weight in my body is disappearing from my body.
-I am protected from any unwanted fat on my body.
-My waist is so slim.
-I can wrap my hand around my waist.
-My waist is shrinking every second.
-Every time I breathe, my waist shrinks.
-My waist is so small.
-My stomach is so flat.
-My stomach is so small.
-Every ounce of fat from my stomach is gone.
-I am immune to any stomach fat.
-My stomach is so flat.
-I am in love with my flat stomach.
-I have such skinny legs.
-My legs are so skinny.
-My legs look like twigs.
-My legs are immune to any unwanted fat.
-All the fat in my body is disappearing.
-I weigh 0kg.
-I am immune to gaining weight.
-I weigh 0 pounds.
-I am losing 3000 pounds every second.
-Everytime I check the scale, the number goes down by 20pounds.
-I am 0 pounds.
-I am so skinny.
-I can feel all the weight in my body disappearing.
-I am so skinny.
-I am losing weight as I read this.
-I lost weight before I read this.
“Why” affirmations *ੈ✩‧₊˚
-Why do all subliminals work for me?
-Why do I feel all the fat disappearing from my body?
-Why do I weigh 0kg?
-Why do I weigh 0pounds?
-Why is my body so skinny?
-Why am I so skinny?
-Why is my waist so small?
-Why is my waist shrinking?
-Why can i feel my waist shrinking every second?
-Why can I wrap my hand around my waist?
-Why is my waist so small?
-Why is my stomach so flat?
-Why is all the weight in my stomach disappearing?
-Why is my stomach getting flatter every second?
-Why am I immune to gaining weight?
-Why are my legs so skinny?
-Why do my legs look like twigs?
-Why are my legs getting smaller every second?
-Why do I have no weight on my legs?
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khajwrld · 1 year
🎯 powerful ways to phrase your affirmations::
gratitude - i’m so grateful that... - i’m so blessed that... - i’m so thankful for...
memory - i remember when... - for as long as i can remember... - i’ve always noticed that...
destiny - it’s decided that... - it’s inevitable that... - it’s set in stone that... - it’s natural that...
change - i recently realised that... - i can’t believe i didn’t notice that... - i’m still not over how...
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raesworld1 · 8 months
When “Positive Thoughts and Words” are just not enough…
Let me explain a really cool concept I came across the past few weeks that I am starting to implement in my daily life!
By now, we have all heard of ‘Affirmations’ and ‘Mantras’ and how they help reshape your thought process to create a better reality for yourself.
Affirmations are positive statements used to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. They are meant to help you cultivate a more positive mindset and belief system.
But have you heard of “ASKfirmations?!”
ASKFIRMATIONS is a term that combines "affirmations" with "asking" questions. It refers to a practice where you create positive statements in the form of questions, encouraging yourself to think about solutions and possibilities. This approach can help shift your focus and perspective.
Here is an example: 👇
Instead of saying, “I AM successful in my career.”
Ask yourself, “Why am I so successful in my career?”
When you want to shift or change your reality, one technique is not always the answer, it takes a combination of things and with that being said, affirmations/askfirmations alone will not change your reality but it does help aid the process! However, many people have found that askfirmations are helpful because you are affirming in a different kind of way.
By framing positive statements as questions, you encourage your mind to seek answers and possibilities. Asking yourself these positive questions can stimulate creative thinking, boost self-confidence, and promote a growth-oriented mindset.
Manifestation is all about creating technique that’s work for you and not limiting yourself in the creation process! I hope that you all try this out.
If you’ve made it this far, reply with some examples if you thought of any while reading this!
I will be posting a series of these askfirmations just as I do regular affirmations and mantras… Follow me @raesworld1 and stay tuned!
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martinilovepotion · 2 years
♡♱ 𓂃 vampire princess affies 𓂃 ♱ ♡
♱ my skin is radiant and soft, and my beauty glows like the moon.
♱ my beauty is timeless, a single wrinkle or imperfection simply could not exist on my perfect skin.
♱ I am naturally graceful and poised like an ethereal ballerina.
♱ my naturally cherry-pink lips are soft, smooth, plump, and pouty. my lips were made for sweet kisses.
♱ my aura is beautifully intense, feminine, and heavenly.
♱ I’m a natural tease, and a natural flirt.
♱ my aura feels like a cool, gentle, and comforting breeze to all who meet me.
♱ I effortlessly attract the most perfect and beautiful people into my life.
♱ I radiate power and elegance.
♱ anyone would get down on their knees to please me, and make sure I’m comfortable.
♱ blink, and you might just miss me walking by. what can I say? I’m quick on my feet.
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loawithv · 11 months
desired body affirmations
i have my desired body
my desired body is visible in the 3d
i love having my desired body
i feel so confident in my desired body
i feel so comfortable in my desired body
i feel so safe in my desired body
my desired body is healthy
my body is exactly how i desire from head to toe
im so thankful to have my desired body
my desired body includes my desired waist shape, and my desired butt shape
i have my desired height and weight
my desired body manifests instantly
my desired body manifests in the 3d
i have my desired body now
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xxrosebunny · 1 year
୨♡୧ ܀ ୨♡୧
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Sp Affirmations
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my sp is so healthily obsessed with me
sp and i are in a loving and healthy relationship
sp thinks about me constantly
sp talks to me consistently
sp always brings me flowers
sp loves being in a relationship with me
sp wants to be with me
sp wants me so bad
sp is always texting me
sp is always calling me
sp is always showering me with affection
i am the love of sp’s life
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angelicbarbiedoll · 3 months
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How to go within
So you decided that you finally want to give up all of the overconsumption, trying to „get“ and „failing“. No worries I got you. The principal of the law is very simple, your imagination creates your reality. You might think now : „But how do I change what’s happening inside my imagination and how do I make things „happen“ in the 3D?“ So this is where most people go wrong, yes of course we want it in reality but that’s not what you should be worrying about. Your only job is to fulfill yourself in imagination and how do you do that? Well that’s totally up to you! You can visualize, affirm, do SATS, and so much more. But all those things are only techniques to get yourself into the wish fulfilled, or to phrase it in a more understandable way, to remind yourself that you have it already. I think it’s important to fall in love with imagination because as within so without. Make it your fun, amazing playground, where you persist in the things that you want and love. That way your „desires“ or let’s call them now your new reality will feel SO much more natural. And yes I know that’s easier said than done, especially at first but trust me as soon as you find your own way of manifesting it will feel so much easier. The most important thing though is don’t just listen, do the work. If it makes it easier for you, choose one video or post to come back to if you need some reassurance but don’t rely on the overload of information. Trust me, you already know more than enough by now. As soon as you get used to relying on your imagination for reassurance and conformation manifesting will feel like the easiest thing in the world. Because remember, EVERYTHING is your manifestation, you have been manifesting all of your life, the only difference is that you now start doing it consciously. Take control of imagination, take control over destiny.
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cyuutie · 1 year
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✯ i have a magnetic aura
✯ i’m literally the prettiest girl in the world
✯ i have goddess beauty
✯ i’m praised worldwide for my beauty
✯ everytime i look in the mirror all i see is perfection
✯ my beauty only ever keeps enhancing
✯ it’s a proven fact that i’m the prettiest 
✯ even my resting face is fucking gorgeous
✯ i got that “hot bitch” look
✯ my beauty makes ppl stutter
✯ everytime i speak, i tilt my head ever so slightly n it jus makes ppl stutter (like jhené in 2015 grammyssssss)
✯ ppl r jus honoured to even b my friend bro
✯ i’m literally everyone’s hallway crush, 2 bad they prob wont ever see me again
✯ i’m everyone’s dream girl
✯ i have sucha dreamy aura round me, too hard to resist tbh
✯ i’m the most perfect girl to exist
✯ even the most resistant guys r finna attracted to me
✯ ppl r literalt on their knees for me
✯ i’m spoileddddd on valentines day
✯ i have sm ppl asking me to be their gf
✯ i’m showered in flowers n chocolate 
✯ ppl jus want to drown me in their love
✯ i’m always spoilt w gifts
✯ i’m always lucky
✯ i’m rare, impeccable, flawless, perfect, irresistable, a model
✯ everyone wants to b me 
✯ i literally start all the fashion, beauty trends
✯ my face is THE face
✯ ppl would b gettin surgery to look like me, bro i’m so lucky to b me
✯ i have sm friends
✯ all my friends r cool
✯ i have sucha loveable personality
✯ ppl jus want me all for themselves
✯ ppl always look up to me, i’m their role model
✯ i think i’m the prettiest
✯ i always agree that i’m the most beautiful
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shemanifesttt · 11 months
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Barbie-Themed Affirmations
**Repeat 3x each, drink plenty of water, and remember: anything you want is yours*
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I embrace my uniqueness with pride
I can achieve anything I set my mind to
I am strong and resilient
I radiate beauty from within
I bring joy and happiness to others
I have timeless charm
I am unstoppable
I am intelligent and resourceful
I am full of grace and elegance
I am confidant
I embrace change and adapt easily to new challenges
I am kind and compassionate
I believe in myself and my abilities
I have limitless potential
I am a fashion-forward trendsetter who sets the style standards
I am a problem solver
I am a role model inspiring others with my positivity and strength
I am a go-getter, never giving up on my dreams
Life is my creation
I am fabulous
I am stylish
I embrace my femininity as a powerful expression of my true self.
I reclaim girlhood's innocence, curiosity, and wonder as sources of empowerment.
My femininity is a force of nature, and I confidently express it in all its forms.
I honor my emotions and intuition, knowing they are vital gift
I embrace my love for all things pink, glittery, and cute as part of my authentic self."
I am confident in expressing myself through fashion, makeup, and personal style.
I reclaim my right to be gentle and nurturing, as it is a source of strength and compassion.
I am deserving of love, respect, and equal opportunities,
I reject the notion that femininity is weak, understanding it as a powerful and diverse force.
I am the author of my own story, redefining what it means to be a woman in my terms.
I am not defined by my relationships with other people
I am not an accessory to a world
I am a person that makes meaning in the world
There is joy out there for me.
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da1ntiestdoll · 2 days
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it's amazing how similar we look likeee ughhhh
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