#aaay packs
typadolls · 2 years
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★ saay icons ..   !!
like, reblog or credit to ﹫jnkroses on twitter.
don't repost.
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Aaay, turns out getting the propane adapter was a seriously good call, because holy fuck did it get cold last night. Like, 20s cold. Could I have put on long pants, socks, a hat, and a jacket? Absolutely. Did I? Nah, just the hat. Shorts and a t shirt were enough with the heater on low. But I'm gonna want a sleeping bag soon. If for no other reason than to keep my feet warm. It's about to get a whole lot colder, so I anxiously await that. But for now, I wanna go grab a six pack of eggs and the smallest possible bag of shredded cheese.
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fridakahloblvd · 3 months
every time i go on a road trip with my family i stay up the whole night cleaning and packing instead of cleaning.
it’s been several years since the last trip and i am yet again continuing the tradition 🥴
with my second dose of adderall and a yerba mate its 3am and i have cleaned my bathroom:)
sweeping my bedroom next!
washing and twisting my hair!
putting aaay all my shit
completing the last load of laundry!
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maki-ryota · 4 years
If you've never lived here, let alone even visited... don't feel like you're qualified to speak for Japanese people or go out of your way to defend Japan the second someone DARES to say anything remotely negative about the country/culture
I see this happen all the time and it drives me nuts. You don't know shit about Japan just because you watch anime and/or toku.
I wouldn't speak for a Japanese person, but I can talk about the positive and negative experiences I've had here since I've lived here for several years. I don't need someone jumping in and "BUT ACTUALLY"-ing me because someone dared to say something negative about ~glorious nippon~
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tanakavox · 3 years
Look into the multiverse chapter 7
DMC3 chapter! And yes I know that Yang came off as being Lady the next chapter but I decided to go Ruby. Reaction written by my friend Doppel Micheal.
The scene starts off with a door getting kicked aparted, and a shirtless Jaune walking out shirtless carrying his sword in one hand and a red jacket in the other.
Jaune gasped at seeing his image shirtless for all to see. "Augh, Cut that out! I don't want people to… uhm…." his voice faded off in embarrasment. "Aaay someone's been working out!" Yang said in a teasing tone, while Weiss sighed in annoyance. "S-shut up Yang. It's not like I'm Sun.."
"Sun does have very nice abs…" Blake whispered at that. "Pfft, you are fine Muscles boy. Isn't he Rubes?" Yang looked to Ruby, trying to get her sister to join in the teasing only to find her little sister seemed lost in thought; she was simply staring at the Jaune on the screen without saying anything. The blonde knight walked closer to her, waving a hand in front of her to try bringing her back to earth. "..." "...Ruby?" "... HUH-? Oh y-yeah. Right, you're f-.. you're alright Jaune." The short reaper was brought back down suddenly, her cheeks taking on a red shade as she seemed to avoid looking at the tall boy in any way.
A pack of demons were outside waiting for him. Jaune turns to look at the broken remains of his shop
"Damnit!" Jaune moaned. You guys totally ruined my shop! And I haven't even named it!" He snarls and turns back to the demons. "Your gotta pay for that." Jaune throws his sword into the air, doing flips and overtop movement before pulling on the red jacket , and catching the sword posing. He sneezes a bit and rubble falls down. Jaune turns and glares at the demons and points Rebellion at all the demons."I hope you all have enough to cover all this!" He growled. The blonde went to town on the demons, Shooting and blasting them to pieces with ease.
"Is this supposed to be the suicidal one's dream world where he's actually important in a fight?" Cinder snarked at the vision in front of her, sending Emerald into a fit of giggles and Mercury to mock them with delight on his voice "Oooh destroyed."
Jaune growled in annoyance. "Hey-!" "HEY!" His attempt at retorting the insult was cut short by Nora. "SHUT UP before I break your second pair of legs. I'm not afraid to do it." She finished with a glare; meanwhile Jaune felt something press on his shoulder, and turned to see Ren, a pleading look on his eyes that said 'Don't let them get to you.'
And after he was done, the bigger ones flew off, the ground splitting in half as a tower arised from the ground. Jaune looks at the tower with a grin.
"It's been nearly a year since we last met. Where does the time go?" Jaune said still grinning knowing Cinder was on top of the tower. He began to walk towards it clearly excited. "No doubt you've got something fun planned for me. Right Cinder?!"
"It's definitely the suicidal one's dream." Cinder expressed while rolling her eyes, making Emerald giggle even more. "Like I would actually care about such a small fly."
Jaune clenched his teeth and fists in frustration, before his lips curved into a smile as he looked at her "At least I actually get to put my sword through your eye this time!" Now Ruby was the one laughing as she saw all of Cinder's smug get wiped out of her, Nora cheering on from behind with yells of "YEAAAAAH tell her!"
"Y-you- if this barrier didn't exist I would tear off your-!" She couldn't finish her reply before being interrupted by Salem. "Cinder. I suggest you calm down and don't let a child get the better of you." With steam nearly coming out of her ears and a death glare sent in Jaune's direction, everyone went back to watching.
The scene cuts to Cinder looking over the town on top of the tower. Raven walked towards her.
"Raven" Cinder greets without looking back.
"Well? Doesn't it excite you? Raven asks. "The Teme-ni-gru has been revived. The great one who once ruled this earth as the medium between the human world and the demon world." Raven smiled a bit. "Isn't it a magnificent view?" The greatest mind of all their time, those who revered evil, construed this glorious edifice. Now, after two millenniums of confinement, it can at last fulfill the purpose for which it was intended…"
"That's none of my concern." Cinder said interrupting Raven. "Did he have it?"
"Of course. He's taking good care of it. After all, it is the last memento left from your mother you both lost.
"But he has no idea of its true power."
"Ewgh, I still can't believe he's related to me in this nonsense."
"The feeling is mutual" Jaune replied to the maiden, his voice full of venom, before noticing Ruby was grabbing his hand in an attempt to comfort him. "It's okay Jaune. It's not real."
"Indeed it isn't Mr Arc." He turned towards Ozpin, speaking for the first time in a while. "Keep your wits about you, none of this is worth losing your mind over."
The demon that escaped Jaune leap onto the Temen-ni gru behind Cinder and Raven. Cinder began to walk off the demon following her. She stopped and unsheathed her kanata, twirling it a bit before sheathing it. The demon upper torso being sliced in half and sliding off before it went poof! The rest of it remains falling off the Temen-ni gru.
The scene cuts to Ruby on a motorcycle, Bumblebee, with the engine still running as she looks over to Temen-ni-gru.
"I found it." She said. Demons began to slowly walk up behind Ruby. She payed them no mind and rev the engine and set the demons on fire with the exhaust port and jump over a pile of demons falling over dead into the number 3.
Ruby stared wide eyed in giddiness at her counterpart, struggling to find her voice "Is that...me?" "-driving MY bike?!" Yang wasn't so amused though.
"I didn't-I'd never! I don't even have a driver's license Yang!" She tried to calm her sister down, making Qrow chuckle at their antics. "She does rock the aesthetic, you gotta give her that." " …. I guess."
Yang crossed her arms, looking the other way while Ruby whispered in excitement. "Ye! I'm cool." Not low enough for Qrow not to hear her though. "Ha! Yeah." Nor Winter. "Indeed."
Weiss couldn't hide the shock from her face at the elder Schnee's response. "Sister?!" "What can I say, I always wanted a bike when I was your age."
The next cut goes back to Jaune walking through a icey area. He's in front of a Icey statue shake, the ice around it falling to ground. A three headed canine chained to a door, stood before Jaune and roared sending a block of ice flying toward Jaune, which he casually cut with rebellion.
"Leave now mortal!" Ceberus growled. "The likes of you are forbidden in this land! You who are powerless are not worthy here!"
Jaune was sweating bullets at the sight "That's…. A big dog…. Z-Zwei doesn't turn into anything like that right Ruby?" "What!? No! Of course she doesn't…. right Weiss?" The reaper gave her partner a hopeful, but questioning look, irritating the heiress. "Why are you looking at me? Like I would ever hurt your dog." She replied indignant, adding one last part as a whisper. "Also he looks much cuter as it is anyways."
"Wow I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place." Jaune says taunting the caine.
"You, a mere human, make a mockery of me?!" Ceberus breathes a beam of ice toward Jaune, which he easily jumps over. The ice blocking the entrance he had came from.
"Easy, Fido! How about I take you for a walk? Jaune bends his knee and starts clapping and whistling. "Come puppy! Let's go!"
"You'll regret this, you worm!"
"It's showtime" Jaune grinned hopping in place and throwing a few punches in the air before gesturing at the oversized mutt. "C'mon!
A short battle happens ending with Jaune cutting off all but one of the heads of the mutt. It leaps back, in awe.
"You are not human,are you?" It asked in awe.
"Who knows? I'm not even sure myself."
"Regardless, you have proved your strength. I acknowledge your ability. Take my soul and go forth. You have my blessing. A bright light fills the area as the demon canine transforms into nunchucks with chucks, Jaune smirks and begins to test out his new weapon, twisting and twirling it around with ease to the point he twirled it with his feet.
"Ha, not bad at all scrawny. You've been going soft on us haven't you?" Jaune felt Qrow punch his shoulder lightly. "Please. Like I would ever pull something like that."
"That remains to be seen Mr Arc." Ozpin spoke yet again. "You have potential yet untapped, perhaps you should play closer attention to what a you from an alternate reality can do."
He didn't like feeling scolded, but gave some thought to what the old man said.
"Too easy." He boasts as he poses with the new weapon. He puts it away and begins to walk off when a motorcycle crashes through the ice behind him, Ruby riding it, Ruby nearly hits Jaune, him jumping out of the way at the last second. He makes eye contact with Ruby as they pass each other midair, both landing at the same time.
"Are you going to the party?" Jaune asks with a smirk. "What's the hurry, didn't you get an invitation? Ruby doesn't turn to look at Jaune and pulls out a bulkier version of Crescent rose firing a rocket at Jaune who casually duck under it and then jumps on riding it around the room, laughing with pure joy before he hops off and let's it blow a hole in the ceiling chuckling a bit.
Ruby couldn't help herself but to stare in obvious excitement and giddiness at the alternate version of her weapon, which brought some amused chuckles from Yang, before crossing her arms and feigning indifference "Hm, my version of my baby is still the best." She completed the act with sticking her tongue out at Yang.
Ruby eyes are finally show and they are filled with cold rage. She revs up her motorcycle and drives towards Jaune and hops over him, the wheel nearly hitting his face as he looks on unflinchingly. She hopped high enough to go through the new hole in the ceiling leaving Jaune alone. "This just keeps getting better and better!" Jaune smirks again as he began to walk to the next area. The scene cuts back to Cinder and Raven again, standing on top of Teme-ni-gru, the time pasting to night.
"Looks like we have an uninvited guest." Cinder states, looking out to the city below.
"Is that so?" Raven replied, flipping through her book.
"A human. A woman." Raven closes her book and sighs.
"I'm afraid I should ask the uninvited guest to leave." She stands and walks toward Cinder. "That is what you want. Actually I happened to be acquainted with that woman." Raven begans to walk off to deal with the woman. "A storm is approaching."
"Can I point out the fact I would never work with that bitch again?" Cinder pointed out with extreme contempt. "Next time I see Raven, I will kill her for what she did."
Qrow chuckled in amusement at her remark. "Because that worked really well last time huh?"
"YOU-" "Is he wrong dear?" Once again, Cinder's attempt at a retort was cut short by Salem, scowling at her protegee. Cinder simply crossed her arms and choose to stare at the floor beneath her feet in frustration. "Tch."
The scene cuts back to Jaune and a door. He gives the door a push and when that doesn't work, he runs up and kicks it. The door still doesn't budge. Jaune snarls and pulls out his pistols getting ready to shoot.
"Yoo hoo!" A voice behind him calls out merrily. Jaune turns to see a woman with pale skin and wearing a blue jester outfit. "There's no need to use violence Devil boy." Jaune ignores her and twirls his pistol getting ready to shoot anyways."Wait wait wait,better listen to what others say lad." The woman rushs in front of Jaune and points to the door with the specter she was holding. "This tower here is very study, you see." She taps the door to prove her point. "Your tricks will do you no good. No good!" Jaune points one of his pistols in her face pushing it to her nose.
"Zip it."He growled. "Or I'll pierce that big nose."
"That could be a problem" The jester moves to Jaune's side. "You've got nothing to lose,right?"
"...is this the Neon of this world?" said Yang.
Jaune never looks her in the eyes, being very annoyed at her. "My name Jester, and I know a thing or two about this place.
"Guess not." Weiss replied. "Sure gives me the same vibes though."
She points over to an object close to the blonde. "That thing there is a power generator for this entire sector. In order to open the door you need to apply a little SOMETHING to it first. You know what that is kid? Or is that too difficult for you?" Jester begins to laugh maniacally when Jaune finally had enough and started to shoot at her feet, She begins to dance crying in fears as she dodges the hail of bullets.
"Get to the point. Or do you wanna keep on dancing?" Jaune asks before stopping. Jester took a deep breath.
"Actually, I prefer a sword to be my partner. May i have this dance my lady?" She asked, taking a bow. Jaune takes out his sword rebellion and attempts to cut Jester in half, the clown dodging at the last second and instead he hits the generator opening the door. "Bingo!" Jester cheered while standing on the ceiling. "That is what something is! Remember that kid. Write down on your hand if you don't trust your head!" Jester began to laugh and started to dance away while Jaune began to shoot at her again.
"I see…. Thanks. Jaune begans walk into the next room. "You still piss me off though."
Everyone stared in silence after the scene ended. Weiss was the first to attempt speaking up "That was…" "It was something alright." Yang concluded after the heiress found herself at a loss for words. Jaune looked down, feeling very self conscious. "I'm not that cool. Kinda wished I could be.."
Again he felt Ruby's hand tug at his, and his eyes rose to meet her showing him a supportive smile. "Hey. You're plenty cool as is." She told him in a soft voice. It was immediattely followed by Nora not so gently punching his shoulder. "Yeah! You coooould stand to get a grenade launcher though." Giggles came out of him, and eventually they all erupted in laughter.
Emerald groaned at the sight. "Do you have to act so sickly happy all the time? It was enough having to put up with seeing him be such a try-hard."
"Meh, it was kinda funny." Mercury shrugged it off with a smirk. "So, what's it gonna be next?"
The end!
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sailorvinus · 3 years
"Aaay, Vi-chan!" What good fortune -- his favorite cosmic freak at the 7-Eleven! "Wanna spot me a pack of Seven Stars in there? They still got the indefinite ban in place."
✨ @goodluckgokudo what in the actual f*ck happened in this reply.
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❝What’s in it for me, Hideo? What’s in it for me? What are you gonna do for me? Will you sweep me across the country on a tour of eating at every single yakitori spot? Are you gonna give me a magical ring that will help dissolve every single insecurity, doubt, worry, and pang of sadness in my heart? Pull me out of the depths of my brain prison? Are you gonna help me release my inhibitions and let me feel the rain on my skin? Are you gonna manifest Gwen Stefani in my room so she’ll sing Hollaback Girl to me in an effort to help me feel something?❞ 
Jesus Christ, what is going on here?  
❝You approach me while I’m trying to decide if I should get a hot dog or a bag of honey butter chips. Or, maybe even both. I could get both. Like, you aren’t the boss of me. What’s in it for me, Hideo? Fucking tell me. Everyone always wants something from me. Like I’m some type of vending machine that releases favors when I’m shaken! Well, I simply won’t be that! Not today. I’m gonna eat your coins and not give you jack shit.❞ Suddenly he stopped with... Whatever he was going on about.  ❝... I’m sorry. I got intense. Like, I’ve spent the last three days high as fuck on poppers and drinking liquor from a Dasani water bottle I found under my car seat. I’ll get your cigarettes. I’m so stressed out. Please, hold me real quick. Wait, not yet. Don’t touch me.❞
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
Dream: (holding a Fancy-branded umbrella) Dude! Check out this Fancy umbrella I just got!
Eldritch: (shaking in fear) DREAM! That’s bad luck!
Dream: (opens the umbrella) Chill out, Ritchie!
One: (crashes through the walls, in Fancy’s demonic voice) W H O  S U M M O N E D  M E?~★
Eldritch/Dream: (screaming in fear)
Source: Vine
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Pj4dLiwsAw)
Janon: (about Myth’s dyed hair) Ehh…I guess there’s a kinda dark edginess to it…..like one of those…..Crayola crayon Halloween packs.
Wyre: (incredulous) That’s your standard for dark edginess?
Janon: (with his head down) I dunno. I’m just trying not to bring the group down here.
Myth: (emotional) You only help to lift us up, you sweet and sour, misunderstood shadowling!
Janon: (opens his mouth as if to say something, confused)…….What?
Wyre: Just nod and agree. She has a lot of love to give.
Source: Sanders Sides
Purple: (at the dinner table) Amen. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost-
Iris: (interrupting Purple) Head, shoulders, knees and toes!
Fusion II: Turn up your nose! Strike that pose!
Source: Bo Burnham
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9_kwycGIuq8)
Scar: (holding a ouija board) Is there a spirit in the building? If so, please speak to us right now!
Spirit: (through the ouija board) YES.
Scar: (seriously) Great. This is Hope’s Peak property and your rent is $5288. Your rent is due by the end of the month.
Spirit: (shaking in fear) WHAT?
Source: Tumblr
Fusion: Okay, kiddos! We’ll be away for a week to study up for the latest debate game show.
Nerd: (threateningly) Don’t you dare do anything stupid until both of us come back!
(one week later)
Fusion: (walks back into the building with Nerd) We’re back! What did we miss?
Purple: (looking down, holding a stack of papers) I-I am clutching in my p-palms an enumeration of the asinine harlequinades effectuated by our more gormless comrades.
Fusion: (taking the papers, shocked) This is a 56-paged-
Nerd: (beyond ticked off) DOUBLE-SIDED!?
Source: Unknown
Egg: (holding a pigeon in their hands) Cherish this bird!
Egg: (to Wet Sock) Well……are YOU CHERISHING!
Wet Sock: (standing awkwardly, with birds perched on them)
Egg: (forcefully) CHERISH HARDER!
Source: Undertale
Janon: (upon hearing that Fusion is planning an extra-long Super Special Slash Sensational Sunday Seminar, in his room) I don’t know how much more of Fusion I can take! I seriously hate Sundays!
Janon: (picks up the remote) Now then! (turns on the TV)
Janon: (dances and hums to the theme song)
Curious: (confused) You hate Sundays?
Janon: (still dancing) Damn right I do!
Source: Engaged To The Unidentified
Video Source: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrHb1o9E45A)
It took Daddy some time to come up with these quotes, but I think I nailed it! Tell me what you think of these quotes! Hopefully, you’d like a nice warm batch of Papa Fusion’s Homemade Anon-Correct Quotes!
-Fusion Anon
These are great but I’m sorry I burst out laughing when I saw “Daddy”-
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notedchampagne · 4 years
what i do is i start early so i can do the work in chunks cause i know my attention is gonna wander. at certain points youll be flooded with so much work you wouldnt be able to do the chunks method so better start packing caffeine or milk aaay. all nighters are inevitable with online classes so just know when to give yourself naps and how much time it takes to fall asleep to prevent that. fr that happened way too many times for me and my friends U_U
oh HELL YEAH i definitely sympathize with you lmao like for example i started zoning out when i saw this was a paragraph nothing against you and your peak advice im just batshit when it comes to sitting down and actually committing but thats for my therapist and not for tumblr. anyway thank you ill try the chunk method
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baroquebucky · 5 years
going to prom with peter
A/N: hey guys !! so i got this idea because it’s prom season and i feel like prom with peter would be super cute !! requests are open :~)
Prom season was here. After going through the hassle of being on the planning committee and decorating the whole venue, no one had asked you.
You sighed and sat next to your best friend in the busy lunch room. You opened your packed lunch you had microwaved and began shoving it in your mouth without a word.
“okay, what happened?” She asked from beside you, she turned to you and forced you to put your fork down. You sighed and looked over at the table where Peter, Ned, MJ and a few others sat.
“Look at them, they’re all so happy together! I just wish i could be with him i mean sure him and MJ would be great together but i just UGH!” You huffed and folded your arms over your chest, putting your head on her shoulder.
“Oh sweet little Y/N, don’t worry you’ll make him realize at prom!” She beamed at you. As you were about to speak up she silenced you and got up, grabbing a poster and showing it to you.
Roses are red, violets are blue, pro would be boring without you
She handed you a bouquet of flowers and you smiled nodded your head and hugging her. The whole cafeteria erupting in claps and cheers and soon everyone went back to doing what they were previously doing.
“Karen you didn’t have to” she sat back down next to you and bumped your shoulder.
“oh shut it, all you would do is rant to me while you took notes about how peter never would talk to you or do this or do that, so I’ll be sure that you catch his eye at prom!” You sighed and wanted into him.
“really?” You looked up at her and she smiled down at you, “you’re my best friend of course!”
“Okay okay we have to wear matching outfits you know that right?” You all smiled and nodded.
“This Saturday, meet at my house and we’ll go from there” you both agreed on your plan and you continued on with your lunch.
You happily talked with karen, peter looked at you from across the cafeteria wishing he had asked you instead.
Prom was tomorrow and everyone at school was buzzing. As the last bell rung you headed out of school, walking towards a park you loved to hang out by yourself and think about thing, mentally preparing for prom.
You say on a bench and laid out your homework.
“Okay, i have to finish this all today that way I’m stress free this weekend. It’s only a few pages i can do this.” You grabbed your calculator and finished your math work, then your English essay, then your chemistry work and biology work, and then your history work. It was already around 7:30 and you smiled as you saw the sunset.
You packed your things up and sent your mom a text letting her know you’d be home soon. You swung your backpack over your shoulder and put both straps on, making your way back home.
You walked with streetlights guiding your way, it was only a ten minute walk so you’d be home before it got too dark. You heard rustling behind you and you quickly turned around. No one. You kept walking and continued hearing the rustling. You picked up your pace and headed into a shop, scared to continue any further. You bought some peach flavored gummies and headed out.
You cursed yourself for stopping because it was darker now. You looked around and heard a rumble of thunder, “Thor don’t do this to me right now” you mumbled and walked headed to your house. You heard a loud “ouch” from behind you and a branch break.
Heading towards the sound you spoke up, “hello? Are you okay?” You moved through the bushes and saw the famous Spider-Man.
“Oh my god! Spider-Man! Are you okay? Here let me help you up” you grabbed his arm and steadied him.
“Are you okay? What are you doing here?” You smiled at him, his butt looked great. The masks eyes widened and he began to stutter.
“Just uh- i was- looking out for you! I mean i was following you- not like that oh god- uh i mean- patrolling the area yeah!” His gloves hand moved and scratched the back of his neck, you knew whoever was under the mask was blushing. You smiled and let out a small laugh.
“Well thank you for patrolling this area, i feel much safer with you around” you turned around and he quickly caught up to you.
“Let me finish walking you home!” You nodded and he smiled. “Lead the way.”
As he walked with you he asked you about yourself and you asked him about his spider duties.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” The question caught you off guard and you looked at him in shock, quickly covering it up and composing yourself. Youcleared your throat and shook your head.
“no the one guy i have this major crush on likes this other girl” You sighed and looked at your front door. “Well thank you for walking me home, I’ll see you around spider man” you gave him a quick wave and he returned it, swinging away once he made sure you were in your house.
Peter thought to himself, who could you like? If it wasn’t Joe and it wasn’t the guy on the football team who hit on you, who was it?
“Perhaps it’s you Peter” karen spoke up from inside his mask and he sighed. “It’s not me karen be real here.”
“I am being ‘real’ she looks at you the way you used to look at Liz” he blushed as he realized all the times you would catch him a staring at you and you wild smile, and he would catch you staring and he’s give you a small wave and a toothy grin.
“Ask her at prom tomorrow, you’ll see” peter sighed and headed back home.
You woke up to your alarm blaring. You shot up and ran to the restroom, getting your hair out of your face and brushing your teeth. You headed to the front door and quickly got Starbucks for you and karen, she would be getting ready with you today.
When you got back home she waiting in the living room talking with your mom. She waved you off to wait for her upstairs and you rolled your eyes smiling. She soon joined you and began talking. Both of you laying on your bed just talking and drinking the coffe you had bought.
“Peter will realize he’s madly in love with you just wait” you got up and looked at her.
“I think i have a crush on spiderman” you rushed out and Karen shot up.
“I’m sorry- what?!” You began to tell her of last nights occurrence and she grinned at you, “oh man he likes you too! Why else would he walk you home! Maybe he goes to our school! Oh my god bigger plot twist it’s peter!” You snorted at the last remark.
“Oh please! He probably does that with everyone but i don’t know it’s just he felt so familiar.” You smiled lightly before Karen pushed off your bed and sent you off to shower while she started on her hair.
After both of you finished your hair and makeup all that was left was to put on your dress. You both looked beautiful you weren’t even going to lie to yourself. It was already 5:45 and the ride to the venue was 30 minutes and it started at 6:30 so you would be there a little early.
You both headed to your living room and both of your guys parents sat there chatting, cameras at the ready. They all gushed about how beautiful the two of you looked, smiling at you and your best friend. They took thousands of photos and gave you both a set of strict rules so you don’t get into too much trouble. “Have fun!” Your mom called out as you both opened your car door and Karen picked out a hype playlist to get the two of you ready.
As you drove and belted out the lyrics to Bohemian Rhapsody you laughed and pulled into the area for parking. You both rushed out and saw people walking in. There had been some traffic so it was now 6:35, not too bad considering the two of you were always late. You smiled at each other and walked in together, making sure you had everything.
The venue was beautiful, you were proud of your work and the others on the committee, the decorations looked beautiful and the lighting was perfect. You sat at a table with Karen and a few of your other friends, Joe and Cindy, Thomas and hannah and Samantha and Ivet.
You were laughing at something Joe had said when your eyes landed on Peter, he was two tables aaay and was talking to ned. He turned a little and his eyes caught you, jaw dropping slightly. You quickly turned around and got everyone’s attention.
“He saw me this is not a drill, guys what do i do now?” Your palms grew sweaty and you rubbed on your dress, as everyone grew giddy.
“We’ll figure it out he’s coming over here!” Your eyes grew wide and you heard someone clear their throat from behind you.
“h-hi Y/N uhm- a you look, you look so beautiful like wow i mean not that you don’t always but like today it’s like wow” a blush spread across his face and you felt your cheeks burn a little.
“Thank you Peter you look good- i mean great! Handsome? Yes! Very handsome” you smiled and mentally punched yourself, damn you for being so nervous.
“I was just- maybe we could dance?” He asked and you felt Hannah kick you under the table. You smiled and nodded, he grabbed your hand and led you to the dance floor.
“I’m gonna be honest here peter i don’t know how to dance” you nervously chuckled and he let out a sigh of relief.
“Okay yeah me either i just wanted to be with you” He smiled sheepishly at you and you headed to the garden area of the venue, fairy lights illuminating the whole area. You walked together through the giant garden talking. It reminded you of walking with Spider-Man. You smiled widely at the memory.
“what?” Peter smiled at you and you laughed quietly. “Nothing it just reminds me of something sorry” you tried to move on but he insisted.
“No i wanna know, what’s got you so smiley?” He smiled at you and looked into his brown eyes and let out a sigh.
“The other night i was walking home and i thought i was being followed- turns out it was literally Spider-Man and he walked me home and i can’t get it out of my head. God i sound so stupid sorry it just reminded me of that, really familiar” You shook your head and looked at him, his eyes wide and his face pale.
“I didn’t mean to freak you out! Oh god i blew it didn’t i? Sorry I’ll just go back in sorry” You spoke softly and quickly made your way back inside. He grabbed your wrist and you spun around quickly.
“Y/N wait” he pulled you closer to him and he let out a sigh.
“I like you, like really really like you” You were in shock at his words. He liked you?
“what?” the words left your mouth before you could stop yourself. Peter felt his heart fall.
“I like you too peter” you smiled widely and he let out a breath smiling at you and looking into your eyes.
His eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips and before you could hesistate you grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss. It was amazing, exciting, sweet, relieving. Like it was meant to happen a long time before it happened. You both pulled ya away out of breath.
“wow” peter whispered, forehead against yours. You smiled at him, “wow” you spoke back and looked into his eyes.
“wish i had the courage to tell you before” he spoke in the same soft tone and you smiled and nodded your head, “me too.”
You both headed back inside but before entering he stopped you.
“wait” he rushed over a to a bush and came back quickly.
“Here” he held out the small flower he had picked and you smiled at his sweet gesture. he smiled back at you and kissed you once more, opening the door for you and letting you in. You walked in hand in hand and walked you back to your table.
“I’ll be back in a bit love” you smiled and nodded as he left, when he was out of ear shot everyone squealed and the guys laughed.
“Details girly!” they spoke and you told them everything. After finishing the story you searched for Peter but he was nowhere to be seen. You furrowed your eyebrows and mumbled a ‘be right back’ to your table and went to peters table to look for him. You were acquainted with everyone at his table so it wasn’t too awkward.
“hi ned, sorry to bother have you seen peter?” His eyes grew wide and he looked around, “uh yeah! I think he uh went that way” you smiled at him knowing he was covering something up. You sighed and went in the pointed direction. Still no peter.
You brushed it off, you werent even dating who cares? Right? You headed back to your table and they all dragged you to dance. You glanced one last time to Peters table and realized the only people missing were Peter and MJ, your heart dropped and you suddenly felt like you just wanted to go home.
This didn’t go unnoticed by karen and she soon realized what you had realized.
“Oh no! You only get one prom and he is not ruining cmon!” She smiled at you and after a few minutes of bad dancing you loosened up and screamed out lyrics to songs and bounced around laughing.
You broke away from the crowd and went to get some water, quickly filling up a cup and drinking it.
“Hey Y/N” you turned to see who it was, jake, he was on the football team and always hit on you.
“hello Jake” you spoke filling your cup up once more.
“You look amazing tonight” He spoke and you smiled thanking him and returning the compliment. You went to leave and he grabbed your wrist tightly.
“Don’t leave so soon, cmon we can go have some real fun” he winked at you and you scoffed at him, freeing your hand and walking away from him. You headed to the dance floor to find Karen and you told her what happened.
She was angry to say the least, looking for Jake to beat him up but you laughed and repeated her words from earlier.
“Hey! He didn’t do anything plus his date saw him and she left so he’s lonely now, I’m not letting one guy ruin my prom” You smiled at her and she nodded, loosening up and dragging you closer to the crowd.
You both spent the rest of the night dancing and screaming out lyrics, cheering for prom king and queen and dancing the rest of the night. While others headed to the after party you drove karen home despite her protests and told her a small goodnight as she exited the car and walked in her house. You sighed as small tears left your eyes, recalling peter leaving you for MJ. You wiped them and drove to your house.
You were almost home when a man jumped out in front of your car, you yelled and pressed on the break. He ran towards the window and banged on it, gun in his hand. You panicked, did you hit the gas and risk getting shot or do what he said? Before you could even process anything you heard a thump and the man was gone, as you peered out the window you saw Spiderman over him, webbing him up and rushing to check on you.
He looked over at you and tapped your window slightly, you rolled it down.
“Thank you so much, i didn’t know what to do” you smiled, rief flooding through you.
“I told you, I’m always looking out for you.” You could tell he was smiling but it quickly turned to a frown when he saw your somewhat smeared mascara.
“What happened? You look so beautiful you shouldn’t be crying” you smiled at his words and sniffled.
“Remember the guy i told you about last time? Well he told me he liked me tonight” you spoke and looked him.
“Well that’s great!” He spoke happily and you nodded.
“Yeah but then he left me for some other girl, guess i just wasn’t good enough.” You sighed and wiped your tears.
“hey hey no that’s not true! He didn’t leave you for another girl i can promise you that.” You scoffed at him and laughed dryly.
“sure you can spidey” he nodded and checked the time on your cars clock.
“cmon, park your car i wanna show you something.”
“I don’t know i have to be home soon” you said looking at him and he nodded.
“okay get home and then I’ll sneak you out, deal?” You looked at him wide eyed.
“You want me to sneak out?!”
“it’ll be fun! promise” you shook your head.
“oh god fine” you smiled, your heart racing as he swung off. You parked you car at home and said goodnight to your parents. You headed to your room and locked the door.
You heard a tap on your window and you peeled through the curtains, greeted by the famous red mask. You smiled and opened your window.
“I haven’t changed yet” you spoke and he shook his head.
“Don’t you look beautiful” you groaned, rushing to turn off your lights and heading to the window. He pulled you through and once you were steady on the ground he looked at you.
“Hold on tight okay?” He spoke wrapping on arm around you and you wrapped both of yours tightly around him. Your feet left from the floor and you yelped at the feeling of swinging in the air, terrifying but beautiful.
“Jesus it’s so scary but so pretty” you spoke and he laughed from behind the mask. You both landed on a high building, overlooking the city of Queens.
“It’s beautiful” you spoke looking at the twinking lights breathless. Peter looked at you in your dress and the moonlight hitting you perfectly.
“yeah it is” He spoke moving closer to you.
“Y/N i have to tell you something” you turned around and looked at him, motioning for him to continue.
“Peter didn’t leave you for MJ, i know because oh jeez how do i say this. I’m peter” He spoke, heart racing, karen letting him know if it got any higher she’s have to contact Mr. Stark.
“youre peter? peters what?” You said moving your hands as to make him continue.
“I’m peter parker! I left because there was a Robert happening and i had to help and i was gonna go back but i had a bad bruise and i didn’t want you to see me like that” you looked at him, well the mask, skeptically.
“Prove it” You spoke, you crossed your arms not believing him. “Take off the mask or i won’t believe you, I’ve seen tons of bruises in my life.” Your voice firm and he sighed.
He looked around before his hands moved up to his mask, he slowly removed it and your heartbeat sped up. He wasn’t lying. Peter Parker was Spider-Man.
“Holy shit” you whispered hands moving to his face and you moved a strand from his face. He had a black eye and a busted lip that was already healing.
“I didn’t ask you to be my girlfriend before because i didn’t want to keep secrets. But now that you know. Will you be my girlfriend?” He smiled shyly and you nodded quickly, wrapping your arms around him and pulling yourself closer to him, he wrapped his arms around you and kissed the top of your head.
“Of course i will peter” you moved away from him and brought his face to yours kissing him gently. You broke away from him quickly as you checked your phone. 12:52 a.m.
“I have to get back home” You spoke and he whined but agreed, not wanting you in danger or in trouble. You wrapped your arms around him and he held you tightly as you swim back home. He moved his mask up half way and kissed you before you opened your window and whispered a ‘text me’ to him before he swung away. You turned your lights on and quickly got dressed for bed.
After taking all your makeup off and putting your hair back your body hit your bed and you sigh in contentment, finally relaxing and smiling at the memory of the night.
A small ding came from you phone.
Unknown number: hey it’s peter hope you’re already asleep <3
You smiled and quickly saved his number with heart emojis.
You: hi peter was just waiting to make sure you were home safe sweet dreams honey bun
He replied with a heart emojis and a sweet dreams. You turned your lights off and smiled, as you closed your eyes.
You went into prom thinking it would be fun. You came out of prom having the best night of your life and dating your crush.
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sheenaatbct · 5 years
Game and Play Design Project
Genre Study: Arcade
Give an overview of the genre’s origins, form, and thematic content.
Arcade games originally were non-digital but developed into digital games around the 1970s. The 1970s through to the 1980s was the golden age for arcade games (Reynolds, 2017). Arcade games tend to be simple, with short levels and increasing difficulty. Graphics are usually very simple, allowing for developers to focus purely on the game play rather than making it pretty (Thompson, 2003).
Arcade has many sub genres. These include:
Maze/Chase – The player must navigate through mazes or obstacles, usually within a single playing field and having to complete multiple levels. Pong – Bat and ball type games with the main objective being to score points. Played within a single playing field. Shooters – The player must shoot enemies or obstacles. This requires coordination and quick reflexes. Puzzlers – These games are less action packed and require more thinking and strategizing. Platformers – The player must navigate a character through obstacles and platforms. Usually in a side scroller form. (Feldman, 2001)
What are some examples of the genre, or prominent artists?
The most prominent arcade games include Pac Man (1980), Pong (1972), and Space Invaders (1978), which remains to be the most popular arcade game.
What are the technical/mechanical ‘markers’?
Arcade games include very simple mechanics, simple graphics, and short levels which increase in difficulty over time.
The classic medium for these types of games is on arcade machines, with more tactile controls which make for a unique experience.
What emotional and sensory experience does the genre invoke?
Under the MDA framework, arcade games would predominantly fall under the category of challenge, where the player must overcome obstacles and enemies (Hunicke, Leblanc, Zubek, 2004).
There is also a feeling of nostalgia as well with arcade games being an older medium for video games.
Why do people engage with this genre? What is it good at?
The arcade game genre engages people for a few different reasons.
The simple game play makes it easy for people to get into them. The simplicity of the graphics meant that the developers of these games focused purely on the game play itself, making arcade games more fun to play.
Nostalgia also plays into this, as arcades were a large part of people’s childhoods, and the retro aspect attracting other audiences.
Ahoy (2013), A Brief History Of Video Games, [Video File], Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoyGlyrYb9c
Feldman, A., & Feldman, A. (2001). Designing arcade computer game graphics. Wordware Pub..
Hunicke, R., LeBlanc, M., & Zubek, R. (2004, July). MDA: A formal approach to game design and game research. In Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Challenges in Game AI(Vol. 4, No. 1, p. 1722).
Ren Reynolds (2017), A Short History Of Arcade Video Games, Retrieved from https://www.ren-reynolds.com/2017/07/23/short-history-arcade-video-games/
Scott, J (2017), Retro gaming: Why players are returning to the classics, BBC News, Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-40427838
Thompson, C (2003), Blasts from the Past, Slate, Retrieved from https://slate.com/culture/2003/12/why-are-retro-arcade-hits-so-popular.html
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ok. im gonna try and solve the riddles from home
number 1 is (i think) justice. yaaaay, i got it
i thought number two would be bribes, but i dont get the mechanism by which the answer is revealed. i just assumed it would be bribes from context 😅
he's so giggly, he's having so much fun!! i love him :3
third riddle, he's asking for the name of the snitch. these riddles are way too easy, i think he just considers the da a dumb idiot baby 🤣
ok bro, nice talking to you! bye bye forever :) *explodes*
oh, and he just passed out. lovely
fucking cops, stop touching unconscious people ffs. aaay, its mr izzy from ofmd! god i need to watch that show
"coulsons blood is on his hands" "maybe its in yours" jesus fuck bruce. i mean you're right but Damn
"i got you on assaulting an officer" "how about assaulting three" FUCK YEAH, TELL EM :D
bruce looks like he's about to cry just, the entire time. i love it. "we gotta get you outta here" jim my beloved <3 quit your job, join batmans emo band
"or he moonlights as a cop" lol
its like a pack of wild dogs is chasing him :s
!!! baby bat is afraid of heights. what a revelation!
oof, he ate shit Hard 😬 its incredibly funny though 🤣 he's gotta be covered in garbage juice now 🤢 how unfortunate
wow, bruce must hit like a fuckin truck. "i dont trust any of them" "i only trust you" oh my god just KISS ALREADY
missed the aspect of rata alada about the penguin. mildly disappointed in myself. "a penguins got wings too" ok, nevermind im a fucking genius
ok, creepy wet warehouse meeting up next!
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mystiqueworkshop · 2 years
Soy el anon que te pidió la cronología y dejame decirte que está genial. Gracias por haberme aceptado la sugerencia. Voy a usar todo el pack. Eres genial en serio, muchas gracias por tu esfuerzo ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Aaay me alegrara que te gustara anon, lo hago con mucho cariño❤️ Muchas gracias a ti✨
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everykindofnerd13 · 4 years
Birthday Privileges
I guess this is a modern AU, the only thing that really changes is that some of them have phones, that’s really it, they still dress awfully and the arcade is still a thing.
It was already half past 10, all the other losers had arrived, and Eddie was getting worried. He and the other losers had planned for them all to be at his house at 9 for his birthday sleepover. It was his birthday, the one day a year that his mother allowed him to invite friends over for the night.
“Eddie, come on, let’s play Jumanji.” Bev suggests, grabbing Eddie’s and pulling him aaay from the window. He’d been starin out the window down at his front porch for fifteen minutes while he friends milled around finding pillows and blankets to sit on and setting up the game. He’s watching, hoping and praying with a solemn face that Richie would show up, but as time went on, he began to lose hope. Eddie let Bev lead him to the circle of pillows where he was sat down right next to her, with an empty pillow next to him, he realized quickly that spot was being save for Richie. He felt like he was gonna he sick, but quickly swallowed down the sadness and looked at the game board.
A half hour later, just after the clock struck eleven, Bill finally won the game, and they began to pack up. When he looked at the clock, Eddie could feel the tears prickling at the backs of his eyes. Richie was the friend Eddie had put the most effort into convincing his mom to allow him entry. He stood from his pillow on the ground and sat at the end of his bed, staring at his feet as he kicked back and forth. He felt the bed dip on both sides and behind him as his friends gathered around and pulled him into a warm embrace. It was only then that Eddie finally let the tears fall. He rubbed at his eyes, trying to stop them from getting on Beverly’s shirt, her being the one in front of him.
“Do you want me to give him a call?” Stan asked, pulling out his phone and opening his contacts. Everyone began to pull away and Eddie looked at the phone in Stan’s hands. He thought about it for a moment before nodding slowly. Stan nodded back at him and tapped on the call icon next to the name “Trashmouth”. He set it on speaker and set the phone down on Eddie’s leg. Silence felt as all the losers waited for Richie to pick up. The phone rang three times before he finally answered.
“Oh my god I am so sorry.” Was his greeting. Eddie was startled, jumping back and landing on Bill, almost sending Stan’s phone flying.
“Yeah you should be, where the hell are you?” Bev retorted, rubbing Eddie’s arm. He moved forward, away from Bill, who just rubbed his back.
“...The arcade...” Richie mumbled into the phone, and Eddie felt more tears begin to spill from his eyes.
“The Arcade!?” Bill, Stan, and Bev all shouted angrily in unison.
“Yeah...” Richie admitted, “Look, I’m really sorry, I just forgot!” He tried to explain himself.
“How could you forget? We talked about it all day today.” Bev stated sharply, glaring at the phone.
“I-“ Richie cut himself off, “I was on my way home to pick up my stuff and I ran into Connor, he invited me to play at the arcade, and I figured I still had plenty of time it was only 4, then... I lost track of time...” Richie explained poorly. Eddie bit his bottom lip and turned to bury his face in Mike’s chest, beginning to cry harder.
“So you ditched Eddie’s birthday, for Connor Bowers, the kid who called you slurs and beat you to a pulp last summer?” Bev asked sharply, feeling the anger in her chest, as it began to burn. Eddie however, could feel the sadness in his stomach, bubbling up his throat. He tried to swallow it down, knowing that if he threw up tonight, his mother would never let him have or participate in a sleepover again.
“I didn’t mean to!” Richie exclaimed, sounding like he was the one being wronged. Eddie took in a deep breath.
“Well, Richard, just know that I put in a lot of work to getting my mom to allow you to be here tonight, I deep cleaned the entire house as payment, thanks for wasting my time.” Eddie knew he sounded sharp, and angry, but the only thing he could feel was sadness and hurt.
“I’m sorry, really, I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” Richie’s voice cracks at the end and Eddie almost feels bad, but he just mentally reminds himself that it’s not anyone’s fault but Richie’s. The line goes dead with a beep and Eddie lets out a shaky breath he didn’t know he was holding. The losers all just pull Eddie back on to his bed and cuddle up and talk for the next few minutes.
True to his word, the losers hear a knock on Eddie’s door only 4 minutes later and Eddie practically jumps to go answer it.
“Hey d-“ Eddie’s sassy greeting is cut off by a death grip hug around his middle.
“I’m so sorry Eds.” Richie apologized, and Eddie could feel his shirt getting wet with Richie’s tears. He would have been grossed out had it not been for the sincerity in Richie’s apology.
“It’s... I forgive you.” Eddie explained, deciding not to tell Richie it was ok, because it wasn’t, but he could move past it, “Just never, ditch me for Connor again, and we can work things out.” Richie chuckles softly into his chest, and Eddie places a gentle hand in Richie’s hair, brushing through the untidy mess. Richie pulls away a few seconds later and looks Eddie in the eyes.
“Happy birthday Eds.” He whispered, pressing a soft kiss to Eddie’s temple. Eddie gasped and put a hand on Richie’s chest. He watched as Richie’s soft expression suddenly melted into fear, almost horror.
“Oh my god! Eds- I’m so sorry!” Before he could run away Eddie grabbed him by the collar of his stupid Hawaiian shirt and pecked a gentle kiss on Richie’s lips. When he pulled away, Richie’s lips had lifted into a dopey smile, with big doe eyes pointed straight at Eddie.
Sadly, the soft moment was ruined by a loud. “OooOooh” behind them, coming straight from their friends’ mouths. Eddie felt the blush cover his face and quickly buried it in Richie’s shirt, pulling at the unbuttoned sides and cover his red ears. Richie chuckled and rubbed his back.
“Uh, hey.” He greeted awkwardly, with a one finger wave, or really just a flick of his hand. Bev chuckled and approached them.
“Alright Eddie, stop hiding in Richie’s shirt.” She pulled him back and left him behind her, smiling and laughing as she turned around to look at Richie. Suddenly her happy expression fell and she slapped Richie right across the face, leaving a bright red mark. He fell to the side slightly and came back up holding his cheek. Beverly was still glaring.
“That’s for ruining my best friend’s birthday party,” Richie swallowed but nodded, then Bev leaned closer and kissed his cheek, the one she hadn’t slapped, “And that’s for making his night.” Richie chuckled and pulled his hand away from his face to rub at the back of his neck.
“I really am sorry,” he tried, smiling awkwardly at everyone.
“You should be, he looked like he was gonna throw up when you said you were at the arcade with Connor, of all people.” Stan shot at him, never letting down his cold glare.
“I know... I’m really sorry.” Richie explained, rubbing both his arms now.
Eddie pushes past Beverly who was still ahead of him and pulled Richie into the house.
“It’s fine y-“ Eddie stopped looking around behind Richie and on his bike, “Where’s your stuff?” He asked confused. Richie felt his cheeks heat up and he rubbed the back of his neck again.
“Well, I did say that I caught Connor on my way home, and I wanted to be here as soon as possible...” Eddie put a hand on his face and shook his head.
“So you don’t have anything?” He asked, giving Richie a pointed stare. Richie shook his head. Eddie sighed.
“I mean, there’s the little bit of stuff from those nights...” Richie points out, referring to the few shirts and pairs of shorts he’d left here for the nights that he couldn’t be at home. Eddie nodded and shut the door.
“Well, lets get upstairs and make the most of what time we have left.” He suggested, heading back up to his room. They spent the rest of the night watching Tv, playing board games, and just generally hanging out. At the end of the night, or rather, at 3 am, they all changed into their pajamas, (Beverly in the bathroom, because she’s a lady, even though the boys had all seen her in her underwear that day at the Quarry.) then all piled into Eddie’s bed. It was a tight squeeze, considering it was only a queen sized bed and 7 fifteen year olds were trying to squeeze into it, but with Mike, Stan, Richie, and Ben laying down at the top, and Bill, Eddie, and Beverly all cuddled on top of them, they were able to fall asleep comfortably.
The next morning, when Sonia came in to retrieve her son for breakfast, she just about had heart attack seeing all of them sleeping in the same bed, Eddie snuggled both on top of and between Stan and Richie, his cheek rested against Richie’s.
“Edward Kaspbrak!” She shouted, startling he and his friends awake. He sat himself up, still rested on Richie’s lap.
“What mom?” He asked exasperatedly.
“I thought you told them to bring sleeping bags.” She retorted, throwing her hands about and gesturing today all his friends, who were slowly waking up as well.
“I did, and they did, we just didn’t need them.” He remarked, gesturing to his friends lazily. She huffed indignantly and left the room.
“Wow Eds,” Richie laughed, wrapping his arms around Eddie’s waist, “Didn’t one you even had the power to sass your mom like that.” Eddie shrugged, put his hands on Richie’s shoulders.
“Usually don’t, but sometimes she acts like the littlest things are unsanitary.” He mumbles into Richie’s neck after resting his head on Richie’s shoulder.
“Dude, imagine if she had known you two were swapping spit yesterday.” Beverly joked, pointing at Richie and Eddie.
“Oh please that was barely a kiss, let alone swapping spit.” Richie pointed out,
“Only in your dreams Richie.” Eddie mumbled as he pushed Richie to fall back down on the bed and wrapped his arms around Richie’s neck and his legs around his waist.
“If that’s true, his dreams may come true pretty soon at the rate you’re going.” Stan retorted as he stood up and walked over to his bag to pull out his clothes for the day.
“Oh fuck off Stan.” Richie remarked, flipping a Stan off then wrapping his arms around Eddie and pulling the blankets back up around them.
“Shouldn’t you two get up?” Mike asked as he pulled off his shirt.
“Don’t feel like it.” Eddie mumbled.
“In that case, me either.” Bev said as she walked over to the bed and cuddled up next to the two boys. Richie moved a hand from around Eddie to around Bev and pulled her in close.
“Whatever, I don’t want to get in trouble with Mrs. Kaspbrak, so I’m gonna get dressed and go down to get breakfast.” Bill said as he pulled off his shirt as well.
“I get birthday privileges, I take advantage of them, it’s the only day a year I can defy her and she won’t kill me.” Eddie muttered, tickling Richie’s neck a little.
“So its your gay day as well?” Ben asked, surprising everyone with the remark. Eddie shot up and looked at Ben confused then began to laugh.
“Yeah I guess so.”
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earpanel · 5 years
LEADERBRIEF: Madhukar Kamath recounts a lifetime of inspiration in an evening of gratitude
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The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) honored Madhukar Kamath, Chairman Emeritus DDB Mudra Group,  with 2019’s AAAI Lifetime Achievement Award in the presence of a veritable Who’s Who of the advertising industry. What Kamat delivered after receiving the highest honour that is given to individuals in India for their outstanding contribution to the Advertising Industry, was a heart-warming, engrossing, insightful and truly rewarding address in which  he recounted a Lifetime of Inspiration in an evening of gratitude. From aspiring young professionals to the young executives and managers to the top leaders and veterans across the Industry, for all without exception, this is an engrossing, inspiring glimpse into a lifetime of outstanding contribution and achievement. Kamath’s address afforded the power-packed audience rewarding glimpses into his entrepreneurial spirit, determination, beliefs and values, and his enormous wisdom which, together, helped him attain great success in every challenge he took up.  He also shared some of the precious #LifeLessons  he learnt along the way. Mediabrief.com brings you what is, to use an old term, surely a cut-and-keep for the continuous learner: the thoughts and writing from a great mind. Read and revel, as Madhukar Kamath recounts an era in an evening.
Madhukar Kamath's address at the AAAI Lifetime Achievement Award ceremony 2019:
This is an evening of Gratitude. To all those who touched my life in the last 43 years. To all those who taught me what to do and more importantly what not to do. To all my bosses who hired me and gave me the freedom to be. To all those colleagues who allowed me to stand beside them and at times stand on their shoulders and made me look good. To all those who allowed their talents and stardust to rub off on me. To all those who I might have unintentionally rubbed up the wrong way. To all those who encouraged me. To all those who criticised me. And yes to each and every one of you, who has come here to make this evening special. This evening is for you. And to those of you, who are patiently waiting for me to finish and for the bar to open, I will be quick. It’s been a good and exciting journey. Where I enjoyed going to work every morning. Every single day. I have no intention of recounting all the highlights. My dear friends like Sandeep, Santosh, Shashi and Prasoon have already spoken. Killing me softly with embarrassment. Instead, let me share a few quick stories; rather, snippets… for those of you who tweet. It is hashtag LifeLessons.
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Early ambition First, a confession. When I entered this profession, my ambition was to be a Senior AE in 5 years and retire as a branch manager. That’s the truth. Bright-eyed and awe-struck, I looked up to legends like Subhas Ghoshal, Subroto Sengupta, Bal Mundkur, Alyque Padamsee, Mani Iyer and so on. And then, as I grew in this business, over the years, I was inspired by AG Krishnamurthy, Mohammed Khan, Bobby Sista, Arun Nanda, Ravi Gupta, Sylvester DCunha, etcetera. I applauded and admired Ranjan Kapur, Goutam Rakshit, Anil Kapoor, and some in this  room like Piyush Pandey, Sam Balsara and the thorough gentleman that he is, Ramesh Narayan -- to name just a few.  To receive this honour today and by default join their ranks is truly humbling. Thank you AAAI. Family In the best of Oscar tradition, I wish to acknowledge a few people. To begin with, my parents. They are responsible for me. My mother, in her late eighties, has flown in from Mysore, just for this evening. Her sacrifice and perhaps some of her jewellery enabled me to complete my management education. My best friend, who has also been my harshest critic and kept me grounded at all times, my beautiful and talented wife Shalini. My four wonderful kids, with whom I had no arguments, only generational differences and often tangential perspectives. Mitali, Dishank, Maanav and Akanksha. Just two of them could be here today. And as they say, never, never ever, forget your mother-in-law… her blessings over close to two decades have kept me going. Thank you. The wind beneath my wings Coming to my professional career, it is AG Krishnamurthy. He was the true wind beneath my wings. For over a decade, he allowed me to grow personally and professionally. It’s been an honour to succeed him at Mudra and MICA. I must also shine the spotlight on the legendary Keith Reinhard, the Chairman Emeritus of DDB. Keith, though being one of the key architects of the creation of the holding company, Omnicom, in 1986, stayed behind in agency operations. He is singularly and selflessly responsible for keeping the Bernbach legacy alive and spreading it around the world. Just to watch him, interact with him, and even be in the same room as him, is an experience that no money can buy. To both of them, my salutations. How not to... Next up, three of my other bosses in my long career. They will go unnamed. From them I learnt what not to do as you grow in your career. One: Never bury your head in the sand like an Ostrich. Do not wish away problems or the pangs of growth. Face the realities. Two: Learn to ‘let go’ as you go up the organisation. Don’t hang on. And Three: never be in a situation where you need to walk and have to constantly watch your back. Look ahead. I learnt from their mistakes. A silent prayer for the departed souls of these three gentlemen, in gratitude.
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Life-changing opportunities Perhaps I am blessed. Or just lucky? To have had some truly life-changing opportunities come my way. Four in particular stand out. First, the opportunity to go and acquire and perhaps rescue my alma mater. Second, the opportunity to lead the organisation where I grew up -- both personally and professionally. Third, to have a role in building an educational institution of repute and to contribute to the talent pool for the entire Marketing Services Industry. And finally, to be given the responsibility to lead the Industry body and help shape its future. It’s been a rather busy but certainly a full life. Interestingly, every one of these opportunities has arisen from a specific challenge. Never play safe Along the way, I’ve learnt to take the road that is not predictable. My personal life also illustrates this. In 1988, I decided to join a little-known, much derided home-grown Indian Agency called Mudra. I chose it over a well-polished, much applauded and decorated multinational organisation that offered me instant fame and yes, more money. I liked the entrepreneurial spirit, the native wisdom and the never-say-die spirit. Epitomised in the Walt Disney line, which AGK adopted for Mudra: If you can dream it, you can do it. Bates or Clarion Thereafter, I followed the motto of ‘never play safe’. Choose a more difficult option rather than the easier one. Like the challenge that faced me when I joined the Cordiant Group in 1999. Cordiant does not exist today. It was consumed by the voracious appetite of WPP. The brief given to me was to either set up Bates India with two network clients -- a simple good start up -- or go into muddy waters and do the acquisition of a much venerated but troubled agency that had fallen on very bad times.. An agency called Clarion. My alma mater. As a freshly-minted MBA, in June of 1976, I had begun my career in Clarion McCann. Over the years, McCann exited, several others quit and formed splinter groups and start-ups that went on to compete and do well. Clarion, through the constant struggle amongst the unholy troika, over two decades, of an obdurate Board, an earnest but short-lived top management that changed frequently, and a demanding union -- yes a labour Union in an agency -- was on the brink of bankruptcy. With employee dues not paid, with life savings and provident fund pay-outs at risk, dis-accreditation notices, etcetera. Clarion was just a few weeks away from liquidation and blood on the streets. A story not told, made public or acknowledged to date. I chose the latter. Interestingly, the solution and acquisition strategy was worked out on a paper napkin at a bar! It meant tough conversations with the Board that wanted to just hand over and go away, reassure a very talented management  team to travel with you, and some tight-rope walking and talking with a fairly militant Union. What followed was perhaps the largest voluntary retirement scheme – a downsizing of approximately 60 percent; unheard of. In just one day. Overnight. We ensured that every single employee, who left, was given his or her dues, and there was no spilt blood. A 100% acquisition. All within 100 days. Start to finish. Without much noise and any media speculation or coverage. I will leave the details for a book perhaps! And just when I was settling down with a team of talented colleagues, the goodwill and appreciation of reputed clients like ITC, Nokia, Hindustan Lever, Tata Salt, Tata AIG, Hyundai, to name just a few, came another challenge.
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Mudra Out of the blue, in 2003, I get a challenge thrown at me. ‘Can you come back and succeed the founder Chairman & Managing Director of Mudra, AGK’, who was retiring? Naturally I said yes. I had a half-day overlap and a hand-over that lasted just 30 minutes. Perhaps the shortest in history. What followed was rocky -- close to 50 percent of the business and profit base vanished in 12 months. Entirely due to extraneous reasons. That story is for a different day! I drew inspiration from the entrepreneurial zeal that had grown Mudra and Keith Reinhard who had shown that building on a legacy, also opened up numerous opportunities. Over the next 8 years with the influx of new clients and talent and businesses we built the Mudra Group to become India’s largest home-grown Agency conglomerate. I succeeded in reviving a long lost conversation with DDB. And finally, working closely with the CEO of Omnicom, John Wren, I helped make the Omnicom acquisition of the Mudra Group happen in 2011. Again, under the radar. Quietly. Well, there is an exciting story there too. Some other day, perhaps. Or after several drinks... Lesson learnt was that building on a legacy is as important as looking to create one. MICA Next, a challenge that irked me. I was asked to merge and hand over the then Mudra Institute of Communication with a different Institution. I defied the advice. Over, the years, with the help of stalwarts like another legend, Gerson DCunha, the ex-Election Commissioner Mr Vittal, the former Director of IIM, Prof Khandwala, Prof Ramesh Sarin from XLRI, to name just a few, Directors like Atul Tandon etc, and a new Governing Council of which Santosh Desai is here, we transformed the Mudra Institute of Communication into MICA. Today, it is an independently run Business School that specialises in Strategic Marketing & Communication Management. Profitable, self-funded and having a very healthy corpus. With a fantastic Alumni base. Apart from numerous CXOs in the Marketing, Media and Communication Industry, three of the top ten agencies have MICA alumni as their CEOs. I am grateful to the opportunity to head the Mudra Foundation and the Governing Council of MICA, for well over a decade. 14 years, to be exact. AAAI Finally and interestingly, going against the norm and tradition, the President-ship of the Industry body the AAAI was held back from me, and I was asked to contest an election. I had to win it the hard way. I was fortunate to enjoy the goodwill and support of a large number of Industry leaders. But what was more important was that the entire executive committee helped me in my endeavour to lay the foundation for the future of our Industry and also bring to an end the warring factions of competing award shows. Fundamental changes were made. The constitution was changed. Sundar Swamy helped me immensely in that. We built an inclusive future. For Media Agencies, Digital Agencies and more to follow. I could not have done that without many of you in the room. Thank you.
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Re-invention, relevance The lesson learnt over the four decades underscored the importance of constantly reinventing and staying relevant. Decade after decade as the Industry changed. As market forces changed, the very construct of operations changed, remuneration structures changed and so on. I treated it like a long distance run where it was necessary to stay the course and not look at it as a sprint. Finally I put to practice what I have always preached. Leave at the right time. Build succession plans. Have backups. Plan B if need be. Make way for fresh thinking. Trust youngsters. The current CEO of the Mudra Group today, Aditya Kanthy, was not even born when I began my career in 1976. Surround yourself with talent better than you All my milestones and achievements and the award today is entirely due to the dictum I faithfully followed of ‘surround yourself with talent better than you’. I was fortunate. Yes that’s the right word. I only wish I could name each and every one of them here. My extended family I dedicate this Award to all those who worked alongside me, be it in Mudra, MICA, the Advertising Industry, the Media fraternity, fellow organisers of Ad Asia in Delhi, the talented leaders at the Advertising Standards Council of India, the INS or Indian Newspapers Society, the IBF or the Indian Broadcasting Federation, the Audit Bureau of Circulations and finally the NGO Plan India, which has allowed me to be a part of the mission to touch the lives of 10 million children and take forward the gender equality agenda. You are my extended family. I will always be grateful to you. Thank you.   Follow Madhukar Kamath on Twitter Read the full article
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klonoadreams · 7 years
Summary of this morning’s stream (it was 6 am when I ended it and went to sleep):
Jun’s first stat to get to rank 2 was Guts (not surprising, considering the focus I put into it)
Second stat was Charm (THAT was surprising, because all Jun had for a boost was Aojiru charm juice and a medicinal bath that gave us the rank up, like not even trying)
Third is proficiency, that ranked up after a sorry-ass attempt to save scum at the batting cages (I got a home-run and decided to keep that attempt, despite missing two balls)
And fourth is Kindness, leaving Knowledge as the one that lags behind (hello Reckless Endangerment Stat).
At one point, I sold food items and some healing items to The Economy in order to raise up money for Aojiru juice, a DVD rental, AND a trip to the batting cages. I came out of that with like 132 yen.
I have been referring to this as “selling kidneys to the Ecomony”. To which @plou-ton said, “don’t sell yours, STEAL them” and then she asks, “WHERE ARE YOU GETTING THESE KIDNEYS?” to which I responded with, “From my Personas!!”
I spent a couple of minutes whining like a baby when I realized how short on money I was and the only thing I could do was take up a job, but instead of doing that, I did what was mentioned above.
Jun eventually took up a job at the Beef Bowl place, BUT ONLY TO SET UP FOR POLITICIAN DUNKLE’S CONFIDANT.
Mentions of me screaming when I found out in the Persona 5 Manga, Kamoshithead mentioned he’ll help Protag out with his rehabilitation with the training of the Volleyball Team, LIKE “Look forward to it!” (implying Protag was gonna get dragged into it).
Jun’s got a compensated dating rumor on her head, due to her small height making her situation a bit more different than game!Joker. Ended up with me realizing it’s just gonna get worse with how many guys she’s gonna hang out with (Mishima, Ryuuji, Yusuke...).
Morgana in ugly Christmas Sweaters (many thanks to @yuukililith for this) or just sweaters in general.
Discussions of Japanese history with a sleep-deprived Noa.
Discussions of Ann and Jun bonding over their mixed race situation.
Shit-talking a certain SI OC fanfic with @plou-ton and @kurobookish, to which turned into the discussion of how a double standard exists for female SI OCs and male SI OCs (female SI OCs have the mary sue stigma over them that they need to overcome, while male SI OCs get away with male power fantasy stories).
@plou-ton‘s amazing attempts to make her own Pokemon.
At some point, Kawakami is gonna take matters into her own hands and make Jun a bento packed with healthy stuff, because THIS GIRL CANNOT KEEP LIVING OFF OF THE SCHOOL BREAD.
Mentions of Oshiete! Galko-chan and how Jun and Otako are alike with their love for the school’s bread.
Me squealing over the sprouts growing on the top of the school roof, because those ARE HARU’S SPROUTS. (and Jun basically going to Haru for help taking care of her plant in exchange for giving out coffee info, so aaay EARLY EMPRESS CONFIDANT)
Jun calls her mom, “Eomma” and her dad, “Papa”.
And that’s about it for now, I am gonna work more on Jamais Vu!!!
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