#a truly horrific experience
kookyburrowing · 23 days
i think alpha-17 hates kids in theory but he’s like those guys whose families get dogs or whatever and then he gets really attached. he is definitely not happy about it but he’s attached.
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leggyre · 1 year
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fairycosmos · 1 year
Remember the guy who liked to imagine me in different outfits? The sweet innocent one? Yeah turns out he’s obsessed with anal sex and he wouldn’t stop asking me to show him my butthole. I’m officially retiring from dating men. I’m straight but I’d rather lick a cheese grader than entertain any more creeps on the interweb bye
jesus christ. as hayley williams said how did we get here
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flyingnightmouse · 11 months
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crayonurchin · 10 months
I love being an entertainer I really do and I have done hundreds of beautiful wonderful birthdays bUT I STILL CAN'T FORGET THE BITCH FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR
The bitch who booked me for a 3 hour pink party for her twin tomboy daughters, who picked a restaurant venue in the MIDDLE OF CENTRAL LONDON which had no parking available DESPITE me calling her beforehand to confirm there was parking and she just- lied about there being parking, so I ended up arriving 30 minutes late to the birthday due to NOT BEING ABLE TO PUT THE CAR ANYWHERE and her response was "you should have just taken public transport"
I am bringing an entire disco, magician and performance set up
It barely fits in the car I drive
How do you expect me to squeeze that into a duffle bag and hop onto the London Underground
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sheswoven · 1 year
i have major bones to pick with every 'parental' figure in diana's life . the smallest bone , though , goes to ysabeau .
#╰   ✵  ❝     i don’t have a lot of experience with vampires    ┈     ⟨   ooc .   ⟩#i just. i love her so much.#and so much of diana's life and relationship with like “adults” are people making choices for her or pushing her in a particular direction.#sarah refused to accept diana's choices and meaningfully acknowledge her trauma related to magic.#philippe is just...philippe.#the concept of keeping diana in the dark about such a horrific secret like spellbinding is so complicated it knocks stephen and rebecca#off of their predestal.#but ! ysabeau was unapologetically herself right from the get go.#and her hesitance ?? was not just like ? prejudice.#i truly believe that it was also ysabeau knowing her son as well as she does and knowing that if diana wasn't strong enough#he was going to take her down with him.#and the moments after diana is rescued#and ysabeau steps into this moment of care that prioritizes diana's sanity AND her health#ysabeau putting aside her own prejudice to try and present an easy solution to a complicated problem:#ultimately if diana wanted to become a vampire. ysabeau would have advocated for that choice in ways that matthew could not understand#because ysabeau understands about love and loss and choice in ways that the other “grownups” don't#and so yes? diana has to fight for ysabeau's love and respect#but when she earns it -- it comes with way less strings.#than anyone before. ysabeau is the ONLY person willing to truly prepare diana for what she is about to undertake.#and that alone is huge. it's not being shielded and it's not being pressured.#it's just being given the critical information to make a choice.#and i love her. and i love that no one will read this.
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sweetest-devotion · 2 years
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npdclaraoswald · 1 year
Granted, I have yet to read Lost Days and it could contradict this, but based off of my understanding of Under the Red Hood, I feel like not enough attention is paid to the fact that Superboy Prime's universe punch didn't heal Jason, it just resurrected him. All of his bones were still broken when he dug his way out of his grave, and he had brain damage until Talia dunked him in the pit
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angeloncewas · 2 years
as someone with like. horrible anxiety. I'd suggest trying meds just to see! it never hurts to try, and trying meds out ended up with me being diagnosed as adhd so I think it could certainly help!
Thank you anon ! it's been a really long mental health process for me so this stuff is really daunting and your words mean a lot :')
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thewordsayer · 1 year
I was talking to a friend about religion and I think I must have messed it up in her eyes because she felt the need to clarify how complicated the topic was, especially for her. I suppose I made it sound like I wasn’t taking it seriously? Or my answer to “what would you consider God to be” was too simple?
We’re both queer, and for her coming to terms with her identity drove her away from a religion that hated her. But for me, having been raised atheist, it made me consider what it might mean to have a soul? That I could feel I was who I was inherently. But I didn’t mention any of that, we just talked about God, which is kind of the least important part of my beliefs. But I’m left feeling like I insulted her struggles with religion by having a simplistic view of it.
#and I who has never had to struggle with anything#not really#I’ve only ever suffered through empathy and I don’t know if that counts#if it can bring about the sort of insight that can only be gained through hardship I mean#or if those insights are even transferable between topics#sure I have a deepened respect and value for community and healthcare after witnessing how horrific the lives of those I love are without it#but does that transfer to religion? maybe only those who have been really harmed by religion can understand it#but surely organized religion is different from the study of how the world might truly work#isn’t it the desire for control over its followers that make’s religion so terrible so often?#God had nothing to do with that#idk idk I just feel like I’ve done something wrong#she didn’t even insinuate I had#really#she was probably just talking about her own experiences#and happened to mention it was a complicated topic#but I can’t help but feel that my own thoughts are a bit insulting compared to someone with ‘real’ (I mean negative) life experience#it’s probably that same fallacy of ‘everyone else is suffering immensely#making them a part of Real#Deep Life#whereas I am doing alright#and usually doing alright#and therefore shallow and have shallow experiences and ought not have a place in any discussion#‘#that nonsense pops up a lot when I’m being irrational don’t mind me#well glad we got to the bottom of that one#I always feel weird liking people’s personal posts but if you read this far you are welcome to like. I will feel validated
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Okay, I know people as a general rule tend to not care about invertebrates as much as cute, fuzzy mammals, but this is a must-read if you care about animal welfare. The short version is that horseshoe crab blood has been used for decades in medicine as a way to test whether something is truly sterile; the blood clots in the presence of bacteria. Since then millions of horseshoe crabs have been captured and drained of blood, even though a synthetic alternative was developed a few years ago.
They go through a pretty brutal experience in the process. They're caught by fishermen who often throw them by their tails into a pile in the open air, and they're then trucked to a bleeding facility where they're strapped down and their blood is removed with needles jabbed directly into their hearts. Over half their blood may be taken, after which they're supposed to be returned to the ocean. However, it's likely many of them never make it back, instead turned into fish bait and sold by the same fishermen who caught them in the first place.
Apart from the fact that this is a horrific thing to put any animal through, the attrition due to fatalities has put a serious dent in horseshoe crab numbers. This is compounded by massive habitat loss, pollution, and the capture of horseshoe crabs as food, particularly as the females of one species are considered a delicacy. And other animals that rely on horseshoe crabs are suffering, too. The American rufa subspecies of the red knot, a medium-sized shorebird, is critically endangered as the horseshoe crab eggs it must have in order to successfully complete migration have become increasingly scarce, and it is likely the bird will become extinct if trends continue.
While there are guidelines for medical horseshoe crab harvest, they're considered optional. The few laws that exist are poorly enforced. Short of a complete ban on horseshoe crab blood in favor of the synthetic alternative, these animals are in very real danger of going extinct after a history spanning over 400 million years on this planet.
Thankfully, this article is not the first to bring forth the issues surrounding horseshoe crab harvest. Here are a few resources for further information and action (US based, though horseshoe crabs are threatened throughout their entire range):
Horseshoe Crab Conservation Network - https://horseshoecrab.org/conservation/
Wetlands Institute - https://wetlandsinstitute.org/conservation/horseshoe-crab-conservation/
Horseshoe Crab Recovery Coalition - https://hscrabrecovery.org/
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blacktabbygames · 7 months
hey did you know that slay the princess is out now? did you know it's on sale with a 10% launch discount until november 2nd? do you want to spend several hours getting sternly lectured by and annoying jonathan sims?? well this is your game i think it's good and you should buy it but don't listen to me look at that 91 metascore—and for us, just a couple of lil guys make a game with no gameplay other than click dialogue options! idk must be fun
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“An existentially horrific visual novel, with an incredibly well-written plot, a beautiful score and graphics that will enrapture all senses. One of the best narrative games of 2023.” 10/10 – Voxel Smash
“There isn’t a single thing I don’t like about Slay the Princess. The presentation is beautiful, the story is fantastic and moving, the voice acting of amazing characters is done phenomenally well, and the branching paths of the story give you what feels like unlimited possibilities.” 10/10 – Try Hard Guides
“Slay the Princess will stay with you for a long time, I think. It’s absurdist and dark and haunting in a way that not a lot of games are. If you have an itch for something that’s spooky but also morally confronting and you will be thinking about it for days to come, it’s impossible not to recommend this.” A- – Player 2
Anyways more seriously truly from the bottom of our hearts thank you all so much for making this launch a world-shifting experience for us! We can't wait to share more games with you, starting with Episode 5 of Scarlet Hollow 👀
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Stopping by to say how hauntingly beautiful your seraphim Ace and Luffy piece is. The colors and the blankness of their expressions contrasted against an echo of half-forgotten familial intimacy is just absolutely gorgeous. All I can think of tho too is how Sabo would be in this au. If both Luffy and Ace died at Marineford and then subsequently experimented on to become seraphim, I can only imagine just how unhinged Sabo would be both in his grief and then rage upon discovering his brothers 😭
Thank you!! :0 i absolutely love the melancholic feeling those two have in this au. They have nothing but their instincts to guide them beyond what they were programmed to know… But these two are lead by their instincts…
And yeah the prospect of Sabo finding out what happened to Ace and Luffy is truly horrific.
I think it would go something like this or something idk
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They make me ill. Makes me think ab something that happened in my life ill explain under keep reading cuz thats a completely different story
@moonelnone look at what your au has done to me. How can i move on. Sorry if this has strayed from the canon you have in your eyes
Thanks for the ask!
About two years ago, a cousin of mine had passed away early in his life. On the one year anniversary of his passing, a bunch of his family and friends had went to an area where he played a lot when he was a little kid. There, they found a little stray cat, about one year old, who wouldnt leave them alone.
They took the kitty in and named it after my cousin and they say he has a very similar personality to his namesake and I tear up everytime think about it.
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cross-crye · 7 days
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summary: twst & hsr charas with different soulmate au prompts that i think would fit them
incl: azul ashengrotto, idia shroud, malleus draconia, lilia vanrouge, aventurine, blade, jing yuan, sunday
wc: 0.9k
a/n: after an absolutely horrific year i'm finally back to writing!! got half a lifetime's worth of lore in what is essentially 2/3 of a school year lol. but hey at least i got some new lore, so what better way to celebrate that then writing abt my fave au?
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monochrome vision
Even the most powerful of beings weren't immune to the effects of the passage of time. After spending such a longevous existence in solitude, enduring loss after loss at every step of the way, he becomes resigned to the notion of forever living in a grey-scale world. Perhaps he wasn’t meant for such luxuries. Perhaps he was one of the unlucky few who was condemned to a live barren of companionship and deeper meaning. He could only wonder in the late hours of the night, or in the lonely moments trapped within his own mind while sitting at his desk: ‘Just what sins have I committed in a past life in order to earn this karma?’ Imagine his surprise upon upon realising that perhaps he wasn’t fated for eternal despair and desolation, and that perhaps, he himself had a chance to experience true joy. As colours bloomed in front of his eyes for the first time in his life, one so long others would struggle to count it, all he could think was that perhaps it had truly all been worth it as he gazed at you, forever ingraining the details of your visage deep inside his memory, to be forever treasured as the face of his saviour.
lilia vanrogue; jing yuan
matching tattoos
Wearing long sleeves, covering up despite the less than optimal weather for such attire, developing and maintaining a preference for the indoors as soon as the temperatures start to rise; anything to keep that damned mark hidden away. If nobody sees it, it doesn’t exist. If nobody can spot it and remark a similarity, then its not there. As long as he can keep hiding the mark, he can keep denying the existence of his soulmate. To bear a curse such as his is an already horrific fate, he couldn’t allow himself burden anyone else with it. It was like a plague, it would only continue to spread and affect others, drag them down to the depths of despair; and for what? He couldn’t let his feeble desire for companionship be the reason somebody else lost their humanity. Yet when he found himself doubting his philosophy after bandaging your cut shoulder blades (curtsy of having fallen into a thorny thicket on your earlier walk that he begrudgingly joined you on) Spotting the familiar mark on you was something he hadn’t ever expected. His companion and dear friend had been his soulmate all along, a shocking revelation which had caused him to impulsively lift his own sleeves and point to the matching pair.
blade, idia shroud
interacting within dreams
That’s what you were to him, a dream. Something he could only long for and yearn with the entirety of his soul yet fail to reach every time he tried. Despite not having even see your face due to the dream’s magic, your presence was deeply ingrained in his heart. He had envisioned you so many times, imagined what you’d look like, wondering if you’d look as beautiful as you sounded. You would overtake every waking moment, for his dreams were no longer enough, he would daydream about you, and play your voice in his mind on loop, all he desired was to suffocate in your presence and truly surround him in a way his dreams of you never could. He memorised everything about you, from what you mentioned to eat for breakfast to your aspirations and moral philosophy. If simply thinking of you hard enough would have brought you to life, you would have been born anew countless times. He could only live on in a prison of longing of his own making, every moment increasing his desperation to finally meet you and escape his mediocre existence. His obsession ran so deep he could perfectly render your voice in his head and hear you talk to him of thinks you hadn’t yet said. He thought he’d finally driven himself mad with yearning, hearing your voice while awake even when he hadn’t been the one to picture it, only to turn to see you for the first time, the image of perfection that even he couldn’t have dreamt, finally complete.
malleus draconia, sunday
countdown until first meeting
The little wristwatch was what kept him going, seeing the numbers go down was his motivation to go on, giving himself a purpose despite his lack of one in others’ eyes. Knowing that out there there was somebody who could truly understand him, who could see his worth and achievements in light of his struggle. Early on he had been victim of the critique and ridicule, but the hope of one person’s existence in contrary to this fuelled him to keep going. To strive to be better, to do something better with the unfortunate cards he was dealt. What worth other’s pinned on him no longer mattered, and as long as the ever-changing numbers on his wrist would continue to decrease he’d continue to prove the world wrong about their initial perception of him. All his life’s work amounted to this, the fateful meeting with who was supposed to be his one true love. As he continued down the winding streets of the town he could only anxiously stare at his wrist, taking note of the handful of hours left. His distracted state however, lead to him making the wrong turn and the counter adjust itself, not even letting him take in the shock of seeing that it had now only read a couple of seconds as he immediately collided into somebody, gripping the stranger’s shoulders to maintain his stability. Neither of you processed the beeping sound of your timers as you gazed in each other eye’s awestruck at finally meeting your soulmate.
aventurine, azul ashengrotto
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cross-crye © 2024.
no reposting, stealing, copying, translating my works or feeding them to AI
reblogs, comments and likes are all highly appreciated
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thestrawberrypack · 2 months
There definitely like Are systems who thought they were endogenic but realized they were traumagenic but the anti-endo rhetoric of "even if you think you're not traumatized you must actually be secretly traumatized and just repressed it otherwise you're an ableist and a faker and an attention seeker" is uh, Profoundly Fucked Up, Actually
Going up to strangers who say they experience multiple people living in their head and saying "actually you must have some horrific mind-shattering trauma you don't remember" is, well, I just don't think it's very good for them, best case scenario is they're truly endogenic and know better than to believe some random asshole online, worst case scenario is they go digging and unearth trauma they were not ready to process and have a mental health crisis, all just so randos online can deem them "uwu valid"
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I agree that this fight is an amazing, incredible parallel to the Bad Kids’ first fight against the Corn Cuties because it really shows how much the players have grown mechanically, mentally and even just the difference between level one and now
But I feel like even more than that you can see how much the Bad Kids have changed in the conclusion of the fight. At the end of the corn cuties fight, the Bad Kids immediately and desperately sought out help to get their friends revived, they rely on someone else. They witnessed something horrific and were deeply rattled and out of their depth, and immediately trusted that someone would help them fix it.
But when Buddy was killed, there was only a moment of shock before the Bad Kids accepted that this was their problem to solve again. These are kids who have been framed by the police, disregarded or targeted by school staff, gotten people murdered by association with them. When the proctor ended the exam he expected to have to console some horrified students that their friend would be revived and they would be safe. Instead he looked into their faces and saw exhausted acceptance. A group of kids who just displayed power and intelligence and prowess far beyond their years all turn to him, the most immediate adult and authority in the room, and say “Oh, no, we’ll be okay, we’re worried about YOU”.
And the proctor doesn’t understand, not completely. He doesn’t understand that this is the response of a group of children weighed down by the responsibility of the whole world on their shoulders. A group of children who have never really had a full break, always having to chase after another lead or a new angle to solve their world-ending problems. A group of teens who have seen, heard and witnessed amazing and terrible things but can’t bring themselves to trust anyone but each other to bear the burden of knowing, lest they get another innocent bystander killed as punishment. A group of students who trudge from battle into battle into battle, the excitement of success long gone as they’ve grown used to having even more fighting on the horizon.
These kids- children really- should be full of anxious energy- excitement at their success, worry for their friend, fear for themselves, quick to turn to someone older and say “Please, help us”.
Instead they act like soldiers. Years of experience tell them that the battle is never truly over. That they can trust no one to believe them. That only they are responsible to bear the burden and save the day again and again.
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