#a lot of people don't like 'a fine day to exit' but it has some of their most beautiful songs
uncontrol-freak · 1 month
been writing more of Abyssal (later scenes that are in my docs so far) and really needed to get in The Mood and remembered of this (I'm not afraid to use this word) masterpiece. some of you may know how deeply and gently I love Anathema (and I wish they didn't break up). even on it own, this song has such beautiful lyrics that make me feel things I never knew I could feel. this song is too beautiful to exist but thank Void (and Anathema of course) it exists.
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osleeplessflowero · 6 months
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💜 Reader has They/Them pronouns and their appearance is entirely up to you! ❌ The skeletons will not be entirely canon accurate and will have a few of my headcanons attached. I hope they're still enjoyable! Sequel to this oneshot. ❣️ Sanses belong to their respective owners. All I own is the writing. WORDS: 1,589
🌨️❄️ SNOW DAY! ☃️🧊
Snow gently falls from the sky, hitting the ground and covering it with a pure white, cold blanket. It fogs up the windows, freezing them. Trees have icicles on their branches.
Nightmare's garden has been covered up for the season, the roses and other flowers being kept alive inside a magical greenhouse.
A fireplace crackles in the main living room, its warmth filling the castle.
You sit up in your bed, sliding off of it and walking over to the window, rubbing your eyes to wake up a bit better before looking outside. Upon seeing the snow, you comically press your face up against the glass before excitedly walking to the door, sliding on some slippers of choice and exiting your room.
You rush to Killer's door, tapping on it rapidly until he slides it open.
"you have really gotta stop doing that so early." He yawns, stretching and cracking his bones a little.
"You know you love seeing me in the morning." You smile smugly.
"hmmm.. i guess so."
You gasp, mocking offense. "You guess? You wound me, Killer, such a heartbreaker.."
He snickers, putting his hand up to his mouth.
You put the back of your hand against your forehead, leaning back dramatically. "Whatever could I do?"
"you could tell me why you woke me up this early again, for starters."
"Oh yeah-" You stand up straight again. "It's SNOWING outside!" You grin, bouncing slightly in place.
"..okay and?"
"Killer, it's SNOW- we could do all kinds of things out there- we could have snowball fights, we could build snowpeople, we could do a LOTTA things-"
"ehh, when you grow up surrounded by snow it loses a lot of its appeal."
"C'monnn, don't you wanna hang out with me? Doesn't have to be for too long, but I think it could be fun. Why not give it a chance?" You smile pleadingly, pressing your hands together. He looks you over, seemingly contemplating, before sighing and giving in.
"fine, but don't expect me to stay for too long."
"I'll take it." You smile warmly.
"what's goin' on over here?" Dust walks over, taking a sip of coffee.
You make grabby hands, and he shakes his head. "no, get your own. answer me."
"well, they wanna go out and spend some time in the snow today."
"yeah? how come?"
"Because it could be fun- and it means group bonding time."
"what's gotten you all motivated for group bonding stuff?"
"I dunno. I just wanna spend time with my favorite people all together. Is that so bad?"
Dust and Killer look at each other, before sighing and smiling at you.
"i guess one day couldn't hurt, right killer?" "yeah. only doing this for them though."
You smile smugly, before Horror's door opens.
"why are you all so loud so early."
"Good morning, Horror." You smile at him, and he smiles a little in return. "..mornin'. what's goin' on?"
"We're gonna go out and have a snow day. Wanna join us?" "do i have to stand next to them?" "No, you can stand wherever you want." "then i'm in."
"you wound us, horror." Killer pretends to wipe away a tear. "literally could not give less of a shit." Horror deadpans, before you motion for everyone to follow you to the kitchen.
You get some more coffee started, chatting with everyone about old missions and other things like that, pouring cups for everyone. You hear a large set of doors open and close, peeking your head out of the kitchen to see Nightmare approaching.
"Morning, Night." You smile at him. "Morning. What's going on?" "We're all just having coffee right now, but we're gonna go have some fun in the snow later." "Why would you wanna go out there if it's freezing? Humans are vulnerable to frostbite, and snow's annoying to get off of your clothes. Just gets them all wet, too." He scrunches up his face. "C'monnn, there's lots of fun to be had out there. Why don't you join us? You might like itttt." "If I agree will you stop pestering me about it?" "Yes." You blink innocently. "Fine. But only for a little while." He puts his hand on your head, messing up your hair before going into the kitchen to get some coffee for himself.
You fist pump, going back as well.
After a few more minutes of conversation, you go back to your room to find much warmer clothes for yourself, knowing that since they're skeletons they don't feel the cold. You, however, are not immune to frostbite, and need protection.
Once you've properly bundled up, you walk out of your room and go into Killer's.
"Rate the fit-" "gimme a 360."
You spin around in a circle before striking a pose.
"9/10, should've went with a little more red." "You would say that." You snicker, walking out with him. He holds your hand as you walk, much less to keep up and more just because he wanted to.
You reach the living room where the other three are waiting by the fire for you, greeting them and heading out.
Snow crunches under your shoes as you walk, feeling it hit your head and making your cheeks a little flushed.
Killer walks casually beside Dust, who has his hands in his pockets. Horror lets some snow fall on his hand silently for a bit. Nightmare just walks next to you, a neutral look on his face.
You try to think of what to do first, then get an idea and smile deviously.
While the others are distracted, you reach down and pick up some snow, forming it into a ball and holding your hands behind your back.
"Oh Killerrrr.. I have a gift for you." "is it the gift of your undying love and affection for me?" He puts his hands on his cheeks, shooting you a wink. "Killer, you already know that I love you. But that's not it. THIS IS-"
You hit him right in the face with a snowball, then run for dear life.
"ohohoho, you are SO GONNA GET IT-" He runs after you, forming a snowball himself. You let out a scream, but in truth, you're not actually scared. It's one of excitement.
Nightmare shakes his head, watching in slight amusement.
"you gonna get in on that, boss?" Dust asks, standing beside him. "Absolutely not. I'd rather not have snow hurled at my face." "they seem to be having a lot of fun th-"
Dust gets hit in the face with a snowball. Followed by a "SORRY DUST-" in the distance.
"sorry to cut this short, boss, but this is a declaration of war-" "Go on."
He runs off, picking up snow in both hands and making two snowballs, chasing you both down. Horror looks at Nightmare, Nightmare sharing a look back, before Horror just leaves him to himself and joins the fight.
Walls are built, alliances made, betrayals were common.
You had a blast, aiming another snowball at Killer and throwing it before he ducks..and it hits Nightmare.
You feel yourself tense, the others stare at him. Killer looks like he's about to burst out laughing, Dust puts his hand to his teeth, and Horror..honestly doesn't care.
"Now look what you've done." "Nightmare, I-" "YOU DARE DECLARE WAR ON THE KING OF NEGATIVITY?"
He charges at you with a malicious grin, you playfully screaming and running as the others join in an all-out battle. You feel proud that you managed to get him to join in on the fun this time.
Once you all tire yourselves out, you focus your attention on snowpeople building. (After you take the time to go inside and get some extra parts to decorate them, that is.)
You make yours a silly fellow, a rather gentlemanly specimen indeed. You then make a much smaller gentleman to keep him company.
Killer makes sure to sculpt his properly, adding the classic carrot nose and a few pieces of clothing like a hat and scarf.
Dust..okay that's a pile of snow with his name written on it. Doesn't count.
Horror makes a bigger snowperson, carefully crafting details onto it, making small patterns in the snow with his sharp fingers. You give him some assistance, suggesting what to add to certain parts.
Nightmare adjusts yours when you aren't looking, sprucing it up a little and fixing its hat when it begins to slide off.
"Okay, I think it's time to go back inside. Their face is getting a bit too flushed. I wouldn't want to risk frostbite."
"Aww, okay. We should do this again if it snows tomorrow. Maybe we could go ice skating that time- I bet I could skate better than youu-" "Sure, we'll go with that." "You doubt my skills?" "I do doubt your skills."
You scoff, nudging Nightmare's shoulder as you all walk back. He simply grins at you.
You change out of your wet clothes, putting on some warm pajamas and going to sit in the living room with everyone. Nightmare sits to your right at the end of the couch, Killer on your left. Dust sits in a recliner, and Horror sits in front of you on the floor. You lean a bit on Nightmare as a movie starts, tracing lines on Horror's skull with your hand and taking an occasional sip of hot chocolate.
After a few jokes and discussions, you feel yourself getting tired, falling asleep right in the same spot. Feeling perfectly comfortable with your favorite skellies around.
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silent-stories · 1 year
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Pairing: Eddie x GN!Reader
Summary: When you can't sleep, you go out hoping to clear your head. Instead you meet Wayne who decides to thank you.
Warnings: wayne is smoking, reader can't sleep (basically because of anxiety)
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When you woke up, it was around two in the morning and you were curled up next to Eddie, in his bed. His arm was softly wrapped around your waist, his grip had loosened when he had fell asleep some hours earlier but you loved the way he always had to touch you even when he wasn't awake and conscious.
You tried to go back to sleep for about twenty minutes but eventually, afraid that if you kept tossing and turning you would wake Eddie too, you got out of bed slowly moving his arm away from your body.
You grabbed one of Eddie's shirt that you found leaning on a chair and, before leaving the room, you couldn't resist and left a kiss on his cheek, gently moving a strand of hair from it.
You knew he was a heavy sleeper and wouldn't even feel it but every time you saw him sleeping peacefully, without nightmares and with his mouth slightly open you thought it was one of the most beautiful scenes you've ever witnessed in your entire life and just couldn't resist kissing him.
Finally, you walked out of Eddie's room and closed the door behind you quietly, crossed the short corridor, reached the kitchen and the front door and then exited the trailer hoping that the light wind of that night of summer would whisper a lullaby that would make you sleepy again.
When your gaze fell on the bench in front of the trailer you saw a figure who, sitting on top of it with their feet on the seat, was smoking a cigarette.
You slowly approached and as the person lifted their head in your direction and their gaze met yours, a slight smile appeared on your lips.
"What are you doing out so late, kid?" Wayne asked as you took a seat next to him.
"I just couldn't sleep." You explained.
"Mh. Are you okay?" He asked bringing the cigarette to his lips.
"Oh, yeah. Don't worry. Sometimes it happens that...there are too many thoughts in my head and I can't sleep but I'm fine. Really."
"You know Eddie doesn't mind if you wake him up when you can't sleep, right?" The man asked blowing out some smoke.
You chuckled. "He's too cute when he sleeps. I never could."
Wayne shook his head but there was a smile on his lips that yoi could see even in the dark of night. "Thank you, Y/N."
You gave him a confused expression. "What are you thanking me for?"
"Thank you for taking care of my boy. He's been through a lot, you know. People aren't the nicest, they just see him as an outcast, they call him "freak" and I know they treat him like trash at school even though Eddie never talks about it to me. But you're so kind and gentle with him. He needs kind and gentle, he deserves that. At the end of the day, he is just a kid. A kid that really needs to be loved after everything that has happened in his life.
I'm often not at home and working all day and I alway wonder if he's eating properly, if he's doing his homeworks, if he's washing his clothes, if he's fine. And then you come along and cook home-cooked dishes, help him with his homeworks, do his washing, keep him safe and make him fell loved. Because trust me, he really loves you." He paused briefly where he took one last drag on his cigarette, before putting it out against the wood of the bench.
"What I mean is…thank you for always being there for him. After what happened with his parents he's always scared that people around him will leave him. Hell, it took years for him to realize that I wouldn't abandon him too. But with you…he seems to trust you. He seems to know that you care and that you love him."
When Wayne finished speaking, the smile on your face was as impossible to hide as your teary eyes. "I do love him. Really, Eddie is the most important part of my life, you don't have to thank me, I-"
Your words were cut short as the trailer door opened again and a still half-asleep Eddie walked towards you.
His hair was messy and his curls fell over his eyes.
"Hey guys, are you having a party without me?" He asked jokingly, his voice slightly huskier than usual because he'd just woken up.
You giggled as he kissed your cheek and put his arm around your shoulders waiting for an answer with the same expression that a puppy has when he waits for food.
You moved a strand of hair away from his face so you could see those brown eyes you loved so much. "Nah, we were just talking. I couldn't sleep but found good company out here."
Wayne smiled at you.
Eddie looked at his uncle. "Do you mind if I steal her now? I'd like my girlfriend back, thank you."
He shrugged, chuckling. "Of course, I was thinking about going to bed too."
Eddie grabbed your hand as you walked back into the trailer after you said goodnight to Wayne.
Wayne watched you enter, Eddie was still holding your hand when he brought it to his lips to leave a kiss on the back of it, your kind gaze followed his movements and a soft smile never left your lips.
Finally, you closed the door behind you.
God, he was so glad his boy had you.
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Tags: @jacklesdeanvessel @morning-sky7 @pipsqueakkitten @navs-bhat @michaelfuckinglangdon
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 5 months
// y'know I don't think i would mind some character or ship analysis once in a while from you or anyone, iverarelyfoundanypostslikethisandiwanttoscream
i stare at you with wide eyes before beaming a very convoluted buttonblossom analysis straight to your face
i guess most of my problems with the general interpretation of buttonblossom in the fandom is that it really doesn't take to mind that ragatha's selflessness is her fatal flaw . she's a people-pleaser . while i do love the content of her comforting pomni i do think about how it just makes pomni seem like another responsibility for her to take .
which - i'm not saying it's false by any means ! i like to think at first pomni was like that at first because i think it'll take her a lot of time to truly adapt to the circus . but she seems like the type that wants to give back . even though she jumps into decisions without thinking twice , she still cares about the people around her .
also also . i feel like how long they stayed in the circus is also full of potential for character exploration ? ragatha's been here the second longest - she's kind of seen it all at this point , and she's firm about there being no exit . while pomni's the newbie !! knowing she was human before is still fresh in her mind and she has just met these people
which is why i went with the idea of her being a bullshit detector . not just for ragatha but that'll be a topic for another day .
she's the least codependent on ragatha and is not too used to her Bullshittery ( repressing emotions and being dishonest in general ) . so she'll pick up on all of it . and by god she's going to take note of every single one of them . her anxiety's going to make her also worry for the rag doll ... they're worrying for each other
the problem is that . ragatha's Stupid . she can't allow herself to be vulnerable or god forbid Take A Break because everyone needs her !!!!! she can't just give up on them !!! she keeps all of her problems to herself because everyone is already dealing with a lot , she can't burden them with her own !!!! so of Course having possibly one of the most unstable performers try to offer support is making her want to pull her hair ou t
cue bad communication . ragatha tries to convince pomni that she's completely fine on her own , completely oblivious to her sense for bullshit . pomni constantly tries to reach out , and ragatha keeps slapping it away - until one day the jester just grips her wrist and pulls her in with a " YOU'RE A DUMBASS !!!!!!! " revelation ensues and then they sloppily make out after idk
of course this is all my personal interpretation ..... .. just my own take ....
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smokeygrayrabbits · 11 months
wolfwood cooking for vash, but because hes so used to only cooking for the orphanage he makes way too much. bros used to cooking industrial sized meals and has no concept of how to shrink the recipe. wolfwood starts freaking out over food waste because that's completely unacceptable on a desert planet, especially out in no man's land. he was trying to plan a cute lil date night! now he has to run around giving out food in this asshole town full of asshole people who have been less than accepting of vash and his vashness.
except that vash, little mister no I don't deserve to eat or I don't need to you should have it is a plant. a walking talking generator who, unlike his almond mom of a brother, does actually need to eat. a lot. sure, he refuses to eat most of the time out of either guilt or not wanting to take up precious resources, but he's still hungry all the time. the same hunger that drives his brother to save their sisters. plants give and they give and they give but that takes a toll. all that energy has to come from somewhere, and if they're locked inside away from each other, it can't come from the sun or from food or be supported. it comes directly from them, leaving the plants sick and exhausted, energy, life, slipping away from them, through their fingers like grains of sand.
properly cared for plants powered spaceships and supported the entire human race for years with ease. mistreated plants sent humanity crashing to the ground. vash hasn't been properly cared for a day in his life, definitely not since the fall. he's never had enough food, enough rest, enough care to be truly sated, until he walks into the abandoned house they were staying for the night and sees wolfwood standing over a giant pot of something that's already making vashs mouth water making his too sharp teeth ache with the nerf to chew on something, he'll have to file them down again soon. wolfwoods standing over that big pot of heaven, and vash is to zeroed in on the pot to notice the distraught look on his partners face.
wolfwood, too worried about the massive amounts of impending food waste, didn't notice the tears gathering in vash's eyes or the exited little purr in his throat when he shakily whispers
"is. . . is that all for me?"
yeah spikey. it is. he knows he messed up ok you don't have to be a dick about it WOAH. ok. tackle hug. cool. cool cool cool. this is fine and normal. spikeys just squeezing the life out of Nick, carrying him over to the pot with a spoon in hand and absolutely inhaling the dinner wolfwood made that could feed an army. homy shit he's already a third of the way through it ok damn spikey.
wolfwood is so in awe (and also worried about vash choking at the speed he's eating) that it takes him a minute to register the tears still leaking down vashs face and the little mumbles of thank you thank you that hes whispering out between bites and oh. by some miracle,
wolfwood gets it.
he swipes the serving spoon out of vash's mouth, smooths over the betrayed look with a kiss to his forehead and a hand over spikey hair, and wrangles vash over to the table wolfwood had oh so carefully set earlier, lest it be anything but perfect for their little date night, and deposites vash into a chair with another kiss to his cheek.
wolfwood carries a bowl over to vash, places it in front of him and places the chair that had been on the other end of the table right at vash's side, because hed have to be deaf dumb and blind to not read that need for closeness right now in vash's desperate gripping earlier. he places a spoon in one of vash's hands and links his own through the other, and vash eats. and no food goes to waste.
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heliads · 1 year
hii! i've been reading a lot of your four fics and i simply need more so here's my requestt, four x dauntless!reader and when she's going into the fear simulation she got scared of the needle so he calm her down. any pronoun is fine and if you don't wanna write it it's also fine lol, so no pressure. tysm i adore you!
y/n is so me for being scared of the needle
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Most people are scared of what is about to come. This is unusual– not that people would ever feel fear, just that they would show it. This is Dauntless, after all, the place kids born without inhibitions go for cheap thrills and a superiority complex. No one here likes to give off any indication of terror if they could avoid it.
This is different, though. This isn’t another day of Phase One initiation where you’re jumping over the sides of buildings or throwing a few punches. Those are tests, you know how to pass those. The fear landscape, however? Now that’s something no one has any clue how to handle.
The mystery surrounding it all just makes the whole experience worse. Even the few initiates amongst your numbers who’ve managed to win over some older Dauntless can’t glean a single piece of information from their already established compatriots about what you’re going to encounter in the simulations. It’s all in your head, literally. There are no limits to the nightmares your own brain can dream up.
Thus the first afternoon of Phase Two of Dauntless initiation finds a hallway lined with apprehensive trainees all waiting for their turn in the simulation. A couple of rooms are being used for fear landscapes at the moment, so there’s a slow trickle of traumatized initiates coming out of shadowy doors every few minutes or so. Some trainees take longer than others. Some are in there so long you half doubt if they’ll ever come out. All emerge looking like they’ve just had their heart ripped out of their chests.
The screams don’t make the waiting any easier, either. Every now and then, a shrill cry of terror will issue out from one of the locked doors, a clear hallmark of the mental warfare going on inside. In the beginning, everyone would jump the second they heard a muffled yell down the corridor, but hours have passed and fraught tempers have grown weary. Now all you do is sigh to yourselves whenever another victim screams, wondering how much longer you’ll have to put up with all of this before it’s your turn instead.
Waiting is only just that, though, waiting for some grander goal, and at some point, your time of waiting is done. A scared looking boy exits the door on the left, clutching his hands as if searching for wounds that aren’t there, and then your name is called instead. It takes a moment to get up, your body lagging half a second behind your brain, and then you’re out of your chair and down the hall before you even know what’s happening.
There isn’t much time to think between hearing your name and closing the door behind you. You look up and realize the room looks quite similar to the place you did your simulation prior to the Choosing Ceremony. At least there are no new threats. The only change from before is that, instead of some wary looking woman with sleeves pulled low over tattoos, you’re greeted with the sight of one of the initiation leaders. Four.
You can’t help feeling a slight rush of relief. Of anyone here delivering your test, you’d much rather have Four than, say, Eric Coulter. Four is just as intimidating, of course, but Eric’s got this way of making you uneasy. He’s too cruel. At least Four can be counted on to be fair.
Four gestures towards the chair in the center of the room. “Take a seat. Are you ready for this?”
You arch a brow as you settle yourself into an uncomfortable reclined position on the seat. “Was there a chance you’d let me out if I said no?”
Four might chuckle, either that or he was struck by an urgent need to cough. “No, there wasn’t.”
He disappears somewhere behind the range of your peripheral vision and emerges a few moments later holding a needle. It looks highly unpleasant, the metal gleaming in the dim light of the simulation room as if proof of how much this is going to hurt. This is Dauntless, however; this is not a place where you can afford to wince or shrink away from anything lest you see your rankings drop in a second.
You force yourself to stay calm, training your eyes on a bright red light on some machinery across the room instead of the needle puncturing your skin. The moment seems to last forever, and just as you’re certain that the simulation didn’t take, you blink and you’re no longer in Dauntless. In fact, you’re in the middle of nowhere, a broken down city where the wind whistling through shell-shocked skyscrapers sounds more like the howling of people than any tune of quickly moving air.
This is your fear landscape, then. It takes you a few minutes to struggle through that fear, and then you’re successively hit by a few you expected and some you didn’t, too. Hopefully, you’re making good progress, but there is no way to tell for sure. In fact, it’s hard to even remember that you’re in a simulation at all. The programming is too strong, too good at eliciting a fear response from your brain.
You defeat what you thought might be your last fear and find yourself in the simulation room again. Four is still standing over you, needle in hand.
“That didn’t take,” he said, “you’re going to have to go through again.”
He holds out the needle, which seems much sharper than before. This time, blood wells up when he injects you, and every second seems to stretch into hours. There is no light to stare at this time, and your eyes keep finding the needle again and again, no matter how hard you try otherwise. Your fingers clench into fists so long that you can feel your nails slice through your palms. Forcing your breathing to slow and steady, you inhale, exhale, inhale until you look up and Four is nowhere to be seen. The truth about being in a simulation comes crashing back to you, and you realize you must have finally woken up. 
Four walks back to you, brow furrowed. You wince at his expression, taking that to mean that you must not have done too well. It had felt like you weren’t struggling with your fears all that much, but maybe you were wrong.
“How did I do?” You ask tentatively.
Four shakes his head dismissively. “Fine, fine. Solidly above the average, it’ll keep your ranking where it is if not improve it. I just want to ask about your last fear.”
You feel the sudden need to look away. “I faced it, right? No problems there.”
“Yeah, you faced it,” he frowns, “but it made no sense. Are you scared of the fear landscape? Of me?”
You’re not sure if you want to laugh or run from the room. Both feel like solid options at the moment. “No, neither. I’m, uh–” You pause, trying and failing to muster up the energy to finish the sentence, then give up at last and spill your secret. “I’m afraid of needles.”
Four blinks at you in surprise, then laughs for real this time. He does his best to cover it up, of course, but he’s still unable to fight a grin.
You glare pointedly at him. “Thanks for the support. No need to make me feel like any more of an idiot.”
The corners of Four’s lips still stubbornly refuse to tamp themselves down into his typical stony expression. “Sorry, I swear. It’s just– needles? Really? This is Dauntless. You’ve done so many simulations. You’ll probably get tattoos. Needles are everywhere, and you came here?”
You give him a look. “There are other things to Dauntless than just needles, Four. I thought you would know that having, you know, lived here? Go make fun of some other guy’s simulation, mine is perfectly fine.”
“Well, you’re definitely not scared of me,” Four observes, “Still, it’s funny. Anyway, you’re right, I shouldn’t laugh. You’re free to go.”
Despite his solemn expression, his eyes are still twinkling with barely disguised mirth. You fight the urge to roll your eyes and let yourself out. Four’s voice rings out behind you, calling the name of the next victim of the fear landscape.
You don’t think you had that bad of a time of it, though. Sure, the simulation itself wasn’t the best of experiences, but what happened afterwards made all of the terror of it fade away somehow, slipping back into distant memory already. When you think about the fear landscape, you don’t recall the horrors of being inside your worst nightmares, just the way Four tilts his head back when he laughs, how easy it was for his cold demeanor to warm when he smiled at you.
Perhaps that is not why you view the second trial of the fear landscapes with as much dread as anyone else. Your friends are all huddled together with haunted expressions at the mere thought of returning, but you’re actually doing alright. Your spirits are only improved when Four calls your name again instead of Eric, and then you’re back in the simulation room and he’s smiling again.
It’s much easier for Four to revert back to that same state of good spirits. He hardly bothers with an initial glower at the beginning, already looking pleased to see you. It makes you wonder why 
Four holds up the simulation needle with a teasing expression on his face and you give him a sour look. “Don’t even,” you begin, and he holds up his free hand in mock surrender.
“I wouldn’t dare,” he assures you.
This time, Four pauses when he goes to inject you. He takes a seat on the side of the reclined chair, studying your expression for any sign of hesitation.
“Look at me,” he tells you, “not the needle, me. I know you’re going to be fine.”
Something about the way he says it, so confident in your abilities despite only having seen you go through the fear landscape once, erases the last of the worries from your brow. You settle back into the chair, and you swear that this time, the simulation doesn’t take nearly as long to kick up. The needle has hardly pierced your skin before you’re gone from this world and into the one devised by your mind. The last sight you see is Four leaning over you, and that’s the one greeting you when you wake up, too.
The simulations aren’t so bad after that. Part of that is because it’s hard to feel as scared when you know you have Four there on the other side, a calm presence believing in you every time. The two of you start talking more and more during your simulation time slots, and as you progress through the fear landscapes faster, your conversations grow in turn. 
One time, the numbers of initiates were swapped around a little as trainees dropped out and you had to do your fear landscape with Eric proctoring instead. You still got through it just fine, but the experience wasn’t nearly as enjoyable. You were with Four the next time, though. There were rumors that Four had complained and switched the order back to the way it was, but no one knows why. You have a theory, but you don’t dare bring it up to anyone else.
Soon enough, you’ve reached the end of Phase Two of training. After that, graduation from initiation is upon you, and you find yourself walking out of your final simulation with a glowing score. Your ranking is great, high enough that you should have no problem finding the job you want. It’s certainly the best outcome you could have hoped for, but somehow you still find yourself a little bittersweet that certain things will come to an end.
Four finds you later that night, standing at a railing looking over the bustling view of the Dauntless complex below. Everyone is active in some way, throwing parties to welcome in the new initiates or hurrying to tamp down their normal lives before everything is thrown into commotion by a new round of Dauntless jumping into the thick of things.
“You’re not celebrating?” He asks by way of greeting.
You lift a shoulder. “I will. I want to take a moment before all that, though. Just to reflect on it all. Initiation was hard.”
“Didn’t seem that way for you,” Four muses, “you were good the whole way through.”
“Even despite the simulations being my literal greatest fear?” You laugh.
Four smiles, but it’s quieter, more serious. “Even then. This was all you, Y/N. I was there, but it was you.”
You exhale slowly, look back over the city that might be yours more than you ever thought possible. “And now that it’s over? Will you still be there?”
You don’t dare to so much as glance at him lest you see yourself disappointed, but out of the corner of your eye, you can detect movement, Four turning to survey Dauntless as well. “I will be,” he decides at last, “I think I will.”
divergent tag list: @rogueanschel, @with-inked-solace, @gods-fools-heroes, @23victoria, @manyfandomsfanvergent, @ilovexavierthrope, @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed
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Andreil headcanons?.cuz you've been posting about them
I have been! Thank you for asking Anon I'm flattered<3333
I've already made a post about Neil having a bunch of random marathon t-shirts and hoodies from just signing up for them cause he runs sm and Andrew stealing said marathon shirts but I really like that one so I'm going to put it again here
They do get married but they don't have a ceremony but they do all the legal things because ofc one of them gets injured and one tries to see the other at the hospital and they're like "Sorry family only" and they're like "time to sign paperwork I guess" and like a few weeks later Andrew shows up with two rings with their initials inscribed in each other's rings (because he's a SAP at heart) and his excuse is he's tired of getting flirted with and people asking Neil put so if they wear the rings it might put a stop to it. Neil only takes it off for games.
Andrew gets cavities frequently and will go to the dentist but he hates it and every time he has to go Neil drives, he always stays in the room, and if Andrew is having a bad day he'll call and reschedule his appointment because he's simply not going to subject him to a dentist on a day he's hesitant to even let Neil touch him let alone a doctor. Before every filling he puts milkshakes in the freezer without Andrew knowing so that when the numbness goes away later he can give one to him.
Neil has a super low alcohol tolerance and normally he doesn't drink, especially if Andrew does, that way he can drive, but he can be convinced by the other foxes if he's in a good enough mood. Andrew has observed Neil's five stages of drinking. 1. At first he's fine, he's just a little more talkative than usual. 2. As he gets tipsy he can be convinced to dance (typically Nicky's fault) 3. He's suddenly very friendly but overly paranoid. He wants to talk to Matt but he also won't stop glancing at the nearest exit every 5 seconds. 4. He gets competitive but it seems like he's just joking around so on the rare occasion Neil is drunk enough and around an equally drunk Kevin, Andrew is kind of in hell 5. Passed out. Low alcohol tolerance, Neil is out.
Neil actually wears a lot of Andrew's old stuff and they fit pretty well because even though he's shorter than him, three inches isn't that much of a difference for their clothing length, and Andrew has a broader shoulder build and is generally pretty muscular (person HC) so like, Andrew's stuff fits him. Neil wears his old jerseys, mostly, especially when they become long distance. Those two aren't face timing if Neil isn't wearing Andrew's clothes that he kept when Andrew left.
Controversial headcanon, Neil gets an honest to god tattoo that he wants. He gets a sleeve on his forearm that really nicely covers up the burns, anyone looking at first glance and not knowing they were there would mostly just see the design. When Neil tells Andrew he's thinking about doing this, Andrew comes very close to death by choking on coffee. They spend the next like, week sending each other tattoo designs and Andrew starts thinking about getting some over his scars, but decides not to since he wears his arm bands all the time anyways and he's not a big fan of the idea of a stranger putting a needle in his arm for several hours.
Andrew cuts Neil's hair. He trusts no one else.
Andrew is in fact a sucker for Neil so should Neil ever get injured or sick in the slightest Andrew does have a small tendency to hover. Neil's just trying to make some breakfast and Andrew is standing behind with cough medicine like "You should rest" and Neil swears he wasn't there three seconds ago.
Actually they didn't get the cats at the same time they got them individually (agreed to) and they picked them out together when they were visiting each other. However, when they moved in together they had to introduce Sir and King and it was a bit of a painful process and Andrew eventually just sprayed catnip all over the apartment while Neil was out and waited for those two to lose their shit and fall asleep together. This was a repeated process until they stopped fighting each other and started sleeping together and getting along. Andrew refuses to tell Neil how he did it and says that he just told them to do it
Thank you Anon!! Enjoy 🤗
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hopelesslyromanticgay · 11 months
An Americano Please PT. 7
Word Count : about 2K
TW: Percy🤮, mental health, and descriptions of malnourishment (not ED related) and smoking(not done by anyone in first person)
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Jenna's POV (finally)
Oh my god she kissed me. She actually kissed me!
I can't believe I've known her for two weeks and I'm already down this bad. 
The walk home from Y/N's apartment isn't a bad one, just a few blocks away, so when I get to my complex, Percy, my other costar is waiting for me in the lobby.
"So, how was your walk with that girl?" he asks, implying so much with his tone.
"Really nice," I smile, unable to hide my excitement.
"Cool, cool. Emma tells me you all went for pizza together?"
"Yeah, we would have invited you but you were filming."
"Maybe you can take me there some other time. Anyhow, tell me about the walk?"
"Well if you really want all the details..." I start.
"I do," he interjects.
"She and I kissed," I confess, a blush rising in my cheeks.
"Congratulations," he says, his tone coming off a little forced. It's been pretty clear from the beginning that he has some form of feelings for me, but I've made it clear I'm not interested in anything more than friendship.
"Well..." I say awkwardly, "I'm gonna go up to my apartment, get those few hours of sleep."
God that was so awkward.
My wake-up alarm blares, causing me to jolt awake. 4:30 already?
I rub the sleep from my eyes, slowly making my way out of bed and into the shower.
My driver comes to pick me up at 5:15, there's no time to visit Y/N for coffee today.
I'm in the makeup trailer by 5:30, getting my hair done as soon as I arrive.
"Morning Jenna," Joy smiles from across the trailer.
"Hello," I wave.
"Percy tells me you had a lot of fun last night," Georgie winks from a few chairs over, his gorgon headdress being carefully placed on his head.
"He told you that?" my jaw drops in disbelief. Georgie nods. Wow Percy, That's really none of your business to share.
And look who it is, Percy Hynes White walks into the trailer.
"What the fuck Percy!" I exclaim, "you told them I kissed Y/N?"
"Jenna, I need you to sit still so we can get your eyeliner right," the makeup artist tells me.
"Okay, give me one second."
"Yeah, I told him, so?" he rolls his eyes
"Percy, it's my right to say who I kiss. Not yours."
"Well last I checked I had the right to freedom of speech," he retorts.
"Look, I don't want to start a fight, Percy," I say, trying to be calm, "but you can't do that again."
"Okay, fine," he sighs exasperatedly, "I won't go around telling people about your stupid barista girlfriend." He dramatically exits, slamming the door behind him. What a diva.
"To be clear, guys, she's not my girlfriend," I clarify.
"Not yet anyway," Georgie winks.
"Don't get my hopes up."
Every day of the week my schedule piles up more and more.
I have cello in between shoots, fencing after work, and archery with Percy every few days. 
It's Saturday already and I haven't seen Y/N once! I hope she doesn't think I'm ghosting her.
I just got onto set and immediately I'm rushed into the costume trailer to get into my fencing gear. It's such an action heavy day and I already feel so light headed. I want to tell the director that I can't do it. I know it will just absolutely destroy me, but before I can get a word out, I'm practically pulled onto set.
My breakfast of a small fruit salad churns in my stomach. I can't so much as focus for twenty seconds as the stunt choreographer starts to debrief us on the scene.
I look over at Joy, the person I'm fighting in this scene, she seems to be taking everything in perfectly.
My head starts to ache with dizziness.
"Jenna, are you okay?" the AD asks.
Say it's fine. Like you always do. Be easy to work with.
"I- I think I n-need to sit down," I stutter quietly. My legs practically give away the second a chair is brought over to me.
The on set nurse is quick to bring me a glass of water which I drink gratefully.
"Are you feeling nauseated, Jenna?" she asks me.
"No, just a little lightheaded," I force a smile.
"You look a tad pale, did you have breakfast this morning?" she inquires.
"Yeah, I had a fruit salad."
"Is that what you have every day?" she asks.
"More or less," I answer truthfully.
"That's not nearly enough protein and nutrients for someone with a schedule like yours. Do you ever have eggs?"
"No, I'm a vegan," I explain.
"Oh right, well in that case you need to find a way to get more protein and iron or else it's only going to get worse," she tells me.
"O-okay," I say. God Jenna, you've really messed up this time.
"You should go home and get some rest, I'll get the producers to move your cello class to tomorrow."
"No!" I exclaim, "I need to do this!"
"Jenna, I can't let you do this today. You need to rest and recover."
"No, I need to be on set!" What kind of lead in a show DOESN'T show up to set when she needs to be there. What kind of person does this make me?
"Jenna, you need to rest. How about a compromise, you can do your cello lesson, but you need to go back to your apartment and get rest."
"Fine," I sigh, disappointed in myself.
"Do you have anyone who can take you home?" she asks, "all of our drivers are on break right now."
"No," I say half heartedly. I could ask Y/N, but I don't want to burden her. I don't want to burden anyone.
"Okay, let's get you to your trailer and you can lie down there for now." I nod cautiously. Standing up is worse than usual. Immediately, I can feel myself getting dizzy.
We walk back to my trailer, I find myself lying down on the couch. My head spins with worry What if production is delayed because of me?
I hear a knock on my trailer door, "Hey Jenna, it's me, Emma.
"Come in," I say happily. I love being around Emma. She's such a positive person.
"Joy says you're not feeling too good."
"Yeah, I guess," I say.
"I'm sorry to hear that," she sits down next to me, "you wanna talk?"
"It's just a lot," I confess, "all of these classes, and shoots, and work in general. It's just so much. And now I have to change what I'm eating because apparently I'm not getting enough nutrients!" Tears start to fall down my face.
"Hey, I've got you," she soothes me, stroking my hair, "it's gonna be okay."
It's about then that I slowly fall asleep.
Y/N's POV:
God, I hope I didn't fuck up with Jenna. The last time I was Tuesday night when we kissed. I haven't even gotten a text since.
I'm scared, what if she doesn't like me anymore?
"What's got you so upset? " Nessa asks between drags on her cigarette. I cough on the smoke coming from it.
"I just wish I could talk to Jenna," I admit.
"Man, just chill, it's normal to go a few days without talking to someone."
"Yeah, but normally if the last interaction was a kiss, it means that relationship is over," I point out.
"Just chill out, okay, acting's like, a hard job."
"Fine," I say, getting up, "I'm gonna drive home. See ya tomorrow."
The walk from the coffee shop to my car is less than two minutes. I only drove to work today because I was coming from Nessa's apartment and didn't want to leave my car there.
As soon as I get into the driver's seat, my phone starts to buzz with a call from a number I haven't seen before. Curious, I decide to pick up.
"Hello, is this Y/N?" the voice behind the phone asks.
"Yes, who is this?"
"Hi! This is Emma from Tuesday night, Jenna's not feeling well today, and I was wondering if you could drive her home from set?"
"Shit, is she okay?" I inquire. Fuck, I hope everything is alright!
"She'll be fine," Emma assures me, "can you drive her?"
"Sure, is she okay with that?"
"In all honesty, she's asleep right now and I found your number on a piece of paper on her counter."
"Isn't that an invasion of privacy?"
"Shut up, I was doing what I thought was right."
"Okay, fine, I'll come pick her up, but I don't want her to be surprised to see me."
"Deal." I hang up the phone. This day just got a lot more interesting.
I pull up to set about thirty minutes later to see Jenna and Emma waiting for me. I can see immediately what Emma meant by Jenna not feeling well.
There were heavy bags under her eyes, but the rest of her skin was so much paler than usual. I could see her twitching a bit, and it seemed like she was struggling to stay alert. Seeing her like this immediately replaces any resentment I may have had for her for avoiding me with pure concern.
"Hey there," I roll down the window to talk to them.
"Thank you so much for coming," Jenna says, smiling weakly.
"Here, let me help you into the car," I say gently, getting out to open the passenger seat door for her.
"I'll let you two be on your merry way then," Emma says cheerfully, "Feel better, Jenna." Leaving me and Jenna alone in the car together.
The silence between us is anything but comfortable. The radio went to static from low signal, and neither of us know what to say.
After a painfully awkward twenty five minutes, we pull up next to her apartment. 
"Can you help me up?" she asks, clearly a little embarrassed. I smile, and offer her a hand which she gratefully takes.
"Thank you so much, I don't know how I can repay you."
"Consider it a random act of kindness." She laughs a little.
The two of us walk to the elevator quietly, not really knowing what we could possibly say.
"So what's got you feeling so sick?" I ask curiously.
"Not getting enough protein, I guess."
"Oh that makes sense. Film sets probably don't have the best vegan options."
"On that, we can agree," she laughs weakly. The door flies open, revealing Jenna's apartment floor. I've never been in her place before.
"I'm right down the hall," she directs me.
I nod, and start walking with her.
She quickly disappears into her room to put on some more comfortable clothes, coming out in sweatpants and a white t-shirt.
"Here, let's get you some food," I say, bringing her a pb&j sandwich, "I know its not a gourmet meal or anything, but peanut butter's really good for you."
"Thank you so much," she smiles, "I don't deserve you."
"Hey, don't say that," I say. 
"But I don'ttt," she whines, "I don't talk to you for days after kissing you and yet you come to take care of me as soon as you hear I'm not doing too good!" 
"Jenna, please just eat your sandwich," I laugh, "we can talk about it when you're doing better."
She nods, "okay."
A few minutes later, she's done with the sandwich, and I can tell she's getting tired.
"Hey, do you wanna try to get some rest?" I suggest. She nods quietly.
I help her up from the couch, and guide her to her room.
She goes to the bed to lie down, pulling the covers over herself to stay warm
I turn to leave, my plan is to go home, but it's quickly thwarted.
"Can you stay?" she pleads, "I don't want to be alone."
"Sure," I smile, sitting down on the opposite side of the bed. She slowly repositions herself to be cuddled up to my side, laying her head in my lap.
"Good night, Y/N/N," she says softly.
"Good night," I smile, kissing her forehead. 
I can see her vibrantly blushing in the dim light of her room. She's just so insanely cute.
I run my fingers through her hair, trying to soothe her. It doesn't take long before she fully falls asleep.
The two of us are gonna have a lot to talk about when she wakes up.
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missingkittyfan · 2 years
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warnings: yandere themes, mention of death (the loss of a family member), mentions of depressive episodes, obsessive thoughts, unhealthy mindset
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Aaron let out a quiet sigh as he prepared the coffee for the customer, tiredly looking at the glass window - it's been a stressful day so far since he's been dealing with grouchy, unreasonable customers. Getting complaints about their drink not being done right even though he does it by order, making sure the ingredients are correct. He wished this shift could be over already, not really wanting to do anything else for the entire day. A lot of things were on his mind and he didn't know how to deal with this crippling loneliness ever since his mother had unfortunately passed away. Her death being for some reason unknown, no one really know what had happened to her exactly.
He walked over to the counter before setting down the warm cup of coffee down, glancing at the person and giving them a polite yet slightly strained smile. "Here you go, that will be $3.65." He stated, awaiting for their payment although the customer seemed to be- hesitant..? Aaron looked away for a moment as the two stood in silence. Finally, the male let out a nervous laugh as he scratches the side of his cheek. "Oh- err.. well, I- only have two bucks so.. maybe I can just give it to you now and next time give you the rest?" He replied, smiling awkwardly.
Aaron however wasn't amused, his smile twitching a bit but still tried to kept his composure.
"Ah- I'm sorry sir but that isn't.. allowed. You're supposed to pay full price now." he said, "I can just discard of the coffee and you can come back later and-" The man cuts him off by abruptly grabbing the cup, spilling some drops of coffee onto the counter. "Great! I'll see you tomorrow then. I promise to pay you later." With that the man exited the building leaving aaron with a baffled expression. He gritted his teeth, clenching his fist as he watched him leave. He was so close from just busting out of here and strangle him - dealing with parasitic people like him infuriates him. He hated his time being wasted.
He sighed, he shouldn't feel like this. Just one more hour and he'll be free to go! It's not like everyday this doesn't happen.
Aaron rested his arm onto the counter, almost hoping one person doesn't walk into here.
That was until his eyes lingered towards someone.
And that someone in question was you.
Of course usually he wouldn't focus on someone's appearance especially since he didn't quite have the luxury to focus on pursuing a relationship. He didn't really bother trying to. he thought himself as a unlovable person, likely to die alone and never having to live the life that he truly wanted. Not really having a goal and rather went with the ride.
It was sad, really - but he tried not fuss himself too much about it.
He continued thinking about what should he do besides laying onto the bed, feeling hopeless and miserable most of the time. The brown haired male watched you entering inside the café before giving him a warm.. smile.
A smile that he swore he felt his cheeks reddening up but brushed it aside and kept it professional as he greets you. "Hey, welcome! Is there anything I can get you on this fine afternoon?" He asked as you walked towards his direction, "Thank you and yes! I'm on my break so I would just like a iced latte, not really looking forward into eating something at the moment. Caffeine is all I need," you answered, laughing. "It's a slow tiring day don't you think? My dear co-worker has been kind of salty, giving me the cold shoulder. Some days aren't your day I guess!" You realized you were rambling, quickly becoming silent for a second. "Sorry- I've came here for a iced coffee not small talk .. I shouldn't put my problems on a hardworking barista like yourself, you seem tired and stressed even. Are you- okay?" You frowned, noticing the dark circles underneath his eyes. He looked like he hasn't been getting enough proper rest.
His eyes widen a bit, snapped out of his thoughts to realize your concern for him before shooting you a smile. "Ah- no no! it's fine, i'm fine.. I appreciate your concern. It's not often we get people like you so it's really.. refreshing. Thank you." he said, "I'll be on it now, don't wanna waste your time." He grabbed a plastic cup - preparing your drink as you patiently wait. You stared at the busy traffic in silence, watching few people on the sidewalk having a phone conversation.
He glanced at you for a moment, admiring your features. His lips curled into a slight smile, you were so sweet and graceful with your words and actions. Your charm beginning to draw him in, and yet- he didn't want to admit it nor deny.. but he knew for certain he was intrigued and wanted to know more about you. Wanted to know what's your name, your interests and dislikes.. and maybe more. "So, uh.. feel free to not answer but how come I've never seen you before? You look like a new face in town," he chuckled before muttering to himself. "A pretty one at that.."
You looked at him before a smile formed onto your lips once again, "Oh! Yeah- I've actually moved here a week ago believe it or not. It wasn't long before they had recommended this place that serves good coffee. The atmospheres looks so nice! I really love the aesthetic so I'm assuming they must be right after all." You replied, almost going on a tangent.
God your voice was soothingly pleasing to listen to, he could just hear you talk endlessly without getting tired of hearing it. You had such a way with words, he tried not to urge himself into trying to hear more from you after all you were just a customer. It would seemed weird if he had try getting more information as possible.. right? He wasn't that kind of person, if he wanted so bad to get to know you better he could actually just.. ask you if he can spend some time with you and not be creepy about it.. He didn't want to come off too strong already but.. this feeling, it was overwhelming and he couldn't get enough. He wanted more.
He wanted you. It was complicated and too much for him to take in.. is this what love actually feels like? The feeling of wanting to feel your embrace, your scent, and hearing his name flow off your tongue. If so, this felt amazing to him.
Aaron had finished making the iced latte, setting the cold drink down onto the counter. "That will be $4.65." He said before you nodded in response, taking out your wallet and placing the exact amount. He grabbed it from you and puts the cash into the cash register. "Thank you, I hope you enjoy your drink and have a wonderful day!" He smiled.
"You too!" You practically yelled, leaving the place as you took a sip of your coffee.
He placed his hand onto his cheek, watching you walk away out of view before coming into a realization. His smile slowly turned into a melancholic frown. "Ah- I haven't.. asked for their name." He sighed, "shit- why do I have to mess things up? I loss my chance.. what if they never come back again?" He looked down at the counter, staring into the reflection of himself. "I hope that's not the case.. I want to get to know them. I need to learn much more about them.." He said to himself. Aaron had himself found a new fixation, a goal.
And that goal was to make you fall over heels for him as much as he did for you - to make you his and him yours.
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mioyeo · 1 year
Watch your back : chapter 7
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Once you don’t value what you have someone else learns how to take care of what used to be yours
Synopsis : 8 men supposed to give her all the love they promised end up leaving her behind without a valid reason
Pairing : girlfriend Reader x PolyAteez !
Warning : this chapter contains mentions of, arguing with Yunho , yelling , mental broke down , lots of crying , confessions , unexpected kissing , miscarriage , etc Please reminding me if I forgot something
Tag list : @legbouk , @scarfac3 , @m4rsluv , @hcyaa , @jackinmyarea , @layzfeelit , @loverlele , @mulletjoonsupremacy , @veneziamadness , @belle643 , @gugggu6gvai , @atinytinaa , @voidcupidz , @atinyreads , @baguette-atiny , @parkthothwa8 , @hwadump , @owjohny , @miaatiny , @honeyymon
Word count: 2,5k
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What happened to the always happy Y/n ?
The one that always smiled despite any hardships ?
Nobody knew other than Y/n herself, because she chose to bury that small , sweet , sensitive delicate girl in other for her not to get hurt more than she already was
The questions roaming her hear were always the same
What if ?
What if she chose to stay at her mom's house nestled in her comfort ?
What if she chose to stay mommy's little princess forever for her to protect?
What if she never met them ?
What would her life look like now if she didn't push away all the other options
This is something she can only dream about, because it's already in the past
She allowed herself to explore and met these amazing people she today called her lovers
But to which extent should the hurting be excused in the name of love ?
That was another thing she herself didn't know the answer to
The only thing she knew now was that she tried and wanted to be the better version of herself
She wanted to know what love was again
She wanted to experience more of this undying love people had for their significant others
" You good to go darling "
The receptionist smiled and bid her goodbye after she payed her hospital bills for staying some extra weeks there to get herself back in the right place
Her head kinda pained from the thoughts of being back at home
As she turned to the corner her phone dinged letting her know she just got a message
It was one of the boys telling her that they where waiting down the hall
Walking down the hallway she saw someone familiar waiting for her with their hands in their pockets making her smile as she hugged him
" Hey , how do you feel? "
" I'm alright, but my head hurts "
He smelled like freshness everyone needed in their lives , so she was glad to be able to call him her man
" I think Yunho would have some meds in the car , and some water bottles "
She shifted at the mention of his name but tried playing it off by smiling and nodding her head
" I know you and Yunho haven't talked since the incident but I'm here so don't feel nervous "
He rubbed her hands soft for reinsurance before grabbing the big baby blue bag and her hand and started going towards the exit
" H-How have the boys been doing ? "
She cleared her throat and clutched her dress nervously as she saw the red Hyundai car outside
Mingi sighed and rubbed his thumb on the back of her palm
" They found out that Rin assaulted you that day with her friends after San payed you a visit, everyone is doing good but San honestly is keeping himself locked inside his room "
Y/n's heart dropped after hearing that , this was exactly what she didn't want when she told San the news
" Has he refused eating as well ? "
" Seonghwa and Yeosang made sure he ate his meals don't worry about him , he'll be fine "
" I mean I took his rights as a father away by not telling him about my pregnancy "
Mingi stopped in front of the car turning to face her with his whole body
" I know you where scared , a pregnancy is not something someone has the sudden courage to tell I'm sure he knows that himself "
Yunho unlocked the doors avoiding to look at her as he fiddled with his ring while she got in and sat at the back
" What did they say ? "
He cleared his throat looking at Mingi
" They said I was good to go , and that I shouldn't be put under stress "
" That's good to hear "
Yunho started the engine and focused on the road
" You guys are making me uncomfortable with this awkward silence just talk it out "
Mingi scoffed and laid his head against the window closing his eyes
" I don't have anything to say to him and I guess he doesn't either since I can feel the avoidance radiating from him "
Y/n looked out the window and crossed her arms making Yunho scoff
" I'm not avoiding you im focusing on the road if you're to blind to see that "
" I'm not blind , I'm just talking about the minute you saw me and Mingi walk out you literally rolled your eyes for whatever reason "
" Y/n Stop it , you just got discharged "
Mingi turned around and shook his head for her to stop because he knew she could cry at any minute if this escalated
" Than tell him to stop looking at me as if I'm some type of bacteria! I didn't even do anything to him but he's just-"
She stopped mid sentence trying to catch her breath already feeling the whole anxiety take over
" All I wanted was to make amends with you but you don't seem to want that , now stop the car I'm going home  by bus "
She started grabbing her stuff in a hurry and wiped her tears
" I said stop the c-car ! "
Mingi signaled Yunho to stop on the side of
the road as he went after the girl that stormed out after he pulled over
" Y/n ! Stop walking so fast and calm down will you ? You're not supposed to be stressing "
He grabbed her and holding her shoulders so she could focus on him
" I don't know what's wrong with Yunho right now but forget about him don't let his childish behaviour get to you "
" But it already did , I just want to go home  and my patience ran out today let me go "
She wiggled out of his grip and walked back to bus stop
" At this point you're being childish and not him , you can't keep running away from your problems like you always do ! "
Mingi yelled after her frustrated , but she kept walking with her bag propped tightly under her arm as tears dropped onto her dress
How was she being childish for pointing out her discomfort?
All she wanted was to be home and make sure that she could relax in peace , but that was long gone from her to-do list
" What is bothering you sweet girl ? "
He smiled handing her the strawberry lemonade drink while he wiped the counter
" I'm just tired of everything Rowoon , I just can't find my inner peace anymore I feel like it just vanished completely "
She wiped her puffy face after taking a sip
" I've already told you take sometime for yourself, or come and stay with me "
He sighed as he stared at the distressed girl that wiped away the stray tears that kept running despite her wiping them
" What about school ? I just feel alone and it makes me more depressed "
"Than transfer schools ,if you  start fresh  you may find friends that will be there for you other than me and the cat lady   "
He chuckled and served her a plate of cake making her choke out a laugh
" Not the cat lady , she actually gives pretty good advice every time I meet her outside "
She smiled and leaned on the counter as she watched him take people's orders
" She told me I'd find my dream girl , and I think I found her "
" Really?! , how did you find her ? "
" We met under pretty weird circumstances "
He chuckled and handed the customer their order
" Is she cute ? , what's her name "
" She's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life , the way she smiles and the way my heart flutters when I hear her voice is just something I can't explain "
" Ohh someone is in-love , come on do I know the lucky girl ? "
Y/n smiled as she saw her best friend blush
" You actually do but I'm not telling you anything further "
" Come on , how will I be able to play as your wing man if I you don't tell me? "
He chuckled and removed his apron before clocking out his shift
" Wait here I'll grab my stuff and then I'll walk you home "
" I'll wait here "
She yawned and watched him go inside the personal staff room at the back
After arguing with Yunho and leaving ,  Y/n found herself walking into her best friends workplace all teared up  with painful shoulders from carrying the heavy bags
It took him by surprise because he didn't understand why she was that upset, after telling him everything that happened the past weeks Rowoon grew angry
And specially upset because he was the first one to find out about her pregnancy a month ago by accident when they went to fit clothes
So it broke him to know that she lost her baby in such a cruel way
" Come on Aurora don't doze off "
He chuckled and tapped her cheek
" You took a little bit longer than I expected, gosh I'm so tired "
She stood up and stretched herself
" Sorry about that I was searching for my phone  I had put it to charge , let's go than "
He grabbed her bags and walked out after saying goodbye to his fellow colleagues
" Are you sure the cake was enough ? I mean we can grab something since you probably haven't ate anything else other than the cake "
She shook her head and yawned again
"I'll eat at home Wooyoung probably cooked something and left it there ,well if not I'll just eat a bread I can't spend the little money I have since it's my turn to pay the rent let alone after being fired because I stayed an extra  week at the hospital since I didn't feel well "
Y/n sighed and swayed her hands around
" Why didn't you call me ? I'd be there to help "
" I'm so sorry , I was just to sad and depressed that it wasn't even an option for me "
Rowoon stopped her and wiped her tears away
“ You know that’s what friends are here for , especially someone you consider your best friend and I’ve told you I’ll be the shoulder you can cry on when you need to ”
“ You have your own issues and I didn’t want to bother you with my own ”
She looked away and continued walking slowly towards her house
“ Your problems are mine too , I’m here to walk you through every single one of them ”
He held her hand and caressed it softly as she looked at him with her brows furrowed
“Why do you always say these things ? literally sounding like you’re my boyfriend ”
Y/n chuckled and hit his shoulder playfully bumping into him
“ Y/n , I mean what I am saying I want to be the one you can come and vent to , I want to be more than just your best friend let me make you happy I can’t stand seeing you like this all the time, their hurting you ”
He made sure that the look on his face made her know he was being dead serious
“ Rowoon I-I- ”
“ Please Y/n , all I’m asking is for a chance "
He approached her pulling the girl by the waist towards him
“ I realised that I liked you since the day we crossed paths again at the amusement park , the amount of fun we had made me crave for more of your presence ”
“ T-This is wrong and you know that ”
“ The only thing that’s wrong is your relationship with these emotional abusers you call your boyfriends ”
He scoffed and looked at her with a pained expression
“ Rowoon , I may have issues with them but I’m happy nether less ”
“ You’re blind , you’re on the love stage where you just keep brushing away and ignoring things that are not ok at all ”
“ They’ll change I know that I’ll just have to wait a little more ”
“ Y/n ! You don’t need to wait for anyone let alone for someone to change that isn’t even trying neither for you or themselves ! ”
He raised his voice a little after hearing that
“ Rowoon but how will I know that you’re genuine about what you’re saying ”
She teared up and looked at him as he pulled her closer towards him
“ I want you to trust me when I say that I’d like to be the one that commits to you fully ”
Rowoon suddenly leaned down and pressed his lips with hers slowly as he grabbed her waist
Y/n’s head was spinning so hard that she didn’t even realise how her hands traveled to his chest and kissed back
“ Let me love you ”
He whispered against her once again but was pushed off suddenly
“ N-No this was a mistake , I-I think I’ll walk home on my own now ”
The girl grabbed her bag and ran towards her apartment complex leaving the boy standing there , his shoulders hanging limp as tears started building in his eyes
She fiddled with her keys and opened the door hurriedly taking off her shoes and ignoring the ones sitting in the living room
Her heart was beating uncontrollably as she sobbed and locked her door
“ What is wrong with her ? ”
Jongho asked as he stood up to go and check but was held back
“ She and Yunho fought some hours ago ”
“ That doesn’t make any sense, why would she cry now about something that happened some hours ago between her and him ”
“ Maybe it’s because she’s back at home , if you know what I mean by that ”
Wooyoung who was currently spread out on the floor yawned as everyone looked at him
“ Goodness stop looking at me , she probably has a trauma from the kitchen which used to be her all time favourite place ”
“ Now that could be it , let me go and check up on her real quick ”
Seonghwa stood up and went towards her room trying to open it but it was locked
“ Y/n ? Open the door ”
He knocked but only sobbing sounds where heard on the other side of the door
“ Come on baby open the door , tell me what happened that made you so upset ”
Seonghwa sighed and leaned his forehead on the door waiting for her to open the door
“ L-Leave , go away Hwa ”
The raised her voice and wiped her tears
“ What happened? , I’m gonna stay here until you open the door ”
Y/n stopped answering him after he said that , the only thing that concerned her was her friendship with Rowoon
What would happen now that she knew about his feelings towards her
How would she face the boys after kissing someone else and melting into their arms
Would they still be friends despite the awkwardness that would build up between them ?
Or would they just pretend like nothing happened?
As she was about to open the door her phone dinged making her look at her screen
It was Rowoon texting her , it made her feel bad that he wanted to push down his feelings in other for him not to loose her or their friendship
She unlocked her phone and texted him back in hopes to make him feel at ease
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She sighed and plopped on her bed clutching the sheets tightly closing her eyes
What would happen , was the only question that was number one priority in her mind
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A Glance & A Dance
This is @violettduchess request for my 50 follower event. I already explained the saga behind this but it really was so much fun! I decided to go less trauma more because the one I had with more trauma and angst was getting pretty dark and I also couldn't pull it together. Only thing I wish I could have come up with a better title, I'm trying to get more creative with them just it's not working well. I hope you enjoy and that it adds to your day, and thanks again for the support and congrats! Mild swearing, WC approx 1967.
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The stars in the night sky glimmered like jewels, as did the young ladies in their splendid dresses. The palace ballroom was lively and the music drifted on the night breeze while everyone laughed and enjoyed themselves, everyone except for two princes who stood on opposite sides of the room, one smiling while talking with everyone and masking his pain, the other silently watching.
He's always been strong. He'll get over her, he has to.
The first notes of another waltz began to play but rather than ask any of the dozen young ladies around him for their hand Leon gave them all a smile and walked away.
Come on Leon there's gotta be one woman here that-
“For somebody who's idea this whole thing was, you don't look to be having any fun.”
Jin didn't even bother to turn in Clavis's direction.
“Me having fun isn't the point of this.”
Jin took the drink that Clavis so casually offered him and took a long sip, his gaze still focused on Leon.
“It won't work, you know that right.”
“Why not? He fell in love before and a ball is the perfect place for it after all, two hearts can become one with a dance.”
Clavis blinked in a daze for a moment then he burst out laughing.
“If it were really that easy I don't think you'd be feeling so guilty now would you."
Perceptive bastard aren't you.
“It may hurt for a while but it'll be better in the long run for everyone if he just moves on. None of us were supposed to fall in love with Emma to begin with-”
“But some of us did, didn't we? And I'm not just talking about Leon.”
Jin's grip tightened around his glass and his jaw clenched ever so slightly.
“You confessing to being in love with her too, Clavis?”
“Me no, but perhaps you want to take a good look at yourself.”
“I'm not in love with Emma.”
I can't allow myself to be. She deserves a hell of a lot better than me, better than Leon too. She deserves a life better than anything that awaited her here, she deserves to be happy.
Jin was expecting Clavis to laugh or try to push him on the matter but instead there was only silence. When he finally bothered to look at Clavis he found him staring down watching the grape juice swirl inside his glass as he toyed with it.
“I don't think any of us is qualified to give lectures on love or what to do about it to anyone but, I know Leon isn't happy and I doubt Emma is either. Is making two people so obviously miserable really the right thing to do, or is it what's easiest for you?”
Clavis didn't wait for a reply, instead walking off into the crowd leaving Jin alone with his thoughts. Jin was frustrated, not even with Clavis but with himself. How many times had he asked himself the same questions Clavis had just asked him? Jin downed the last of his drink and started walking across the ballroom.
I need some damn air.
He crossed the ballroom and exited out onto the balcony. The night air was cooling and helped to calm his thoughts as he leaned against the railing. As he stood there listening to the music he was brought back to a night similar to this one some twelve years ago.
“How have you been enjoying tonight's ball so far?”
“What do you think of the guests? Any in particular that have made an impression?”
Jin knew what his father was asking and internally he grimaced.
“Sure, quite a few of them have sand in all the right places.”
“Is that all you have to say?”
“I'm sure there's a couple that wouldn't mind playing by my rules in-”
The King's fist came down hard on the balcony railing sending a dull thud into the night air.
“Is that all you care about? Just satisfying your base lust and carnal desires!”
Jin's jaw clenched, how dare his father try to lecture him on giving into base desires.
“What about your future? What about love?”
Jin spat the word out as if it burned his mouth.
“Yes love. I would like for you to have love in your life, like I did once. A ball is the perfect place for that after all, it was when I was dancing with your mother that I realized how in love with her I really was.”
“It was a waltz. We were from two different worlds and I hadn't really allowed myself to think…but all it took was a glance during that dance and I knew. She loved me and wanted me as much as I did her and so I took a chance. When the waltz was done I took her out on the balcony and I confessed my love for her and asked if she loved me in return. She gave me the sweetest smile and and an even sweeter kiss, our two hearts became one because of that dance.”
“Love is nothing but a curse.”
“Then I hope it's a curse you one day have.”
Jin stood there and sighed at the memory, he was about to go back in when he noticed Leon further down, his hands resting on the balcony railing and a look of sadness in his eyes.
Come on Leon, you have to know that doing this is best for everyone. Hell if Emma could have been happy here I would have made my move well before you ever had a chance to make her fall in love with you but she wouldn't be happy she’d just be mis-
‘Is making two people so obviously miserable really the right thing to do?’
No, no it's not. I really screwed this one up didn't I? Hopefully I still have time to make this right. I may not be the one who gets to make her happy but-
Jin called out to Leon as he approached him but Leon didn't acknowledge him, things had been strained between them lately. Leon had come up with a proposal to keep Emma by his side and all their other brothers had readily agreed to it but Jin wouldn't budge, not until tonight.
“Oh Jin, sorry I didn't see you out here.”
“You looked like you were thinking pretty hard about something.”
“It was nothing, do you need something or.”
“That depends.”
“On you admitting what you were thinking about.”
“Then forget it.”
Jin knew Leon had every right to be angry with him, and that was only for the stuff Leon knew about, but the distance between them now and the venom in Leon's voice stung. As Leon began to walk back inside Jin called out to him.
“You were thinking about Emma again weren't you?”
“If you're going to try and-”
“Just listen okay, I promise you don't have to listen to another word I ever say as long as you listen to me now.”
I'm the one who needs to let go so she can be happy.
**** One year later ****
On another night when the sky was filled with stars that shined like jewels and music was carried on the breeze a prince stood silently watching but this time it wasn't another prince he watched.
Emma had agreed to annul clause ninety nine and shortly after she had returned to the palace for good. All his brothers were happy she was back but especially Leon, Jin had never seen him as happy as that night on the balcony when he told him he would give in but only if Emma agreed to it.
I guess it all worked out for the best. I'm not the type of man who could make a woman like Emma happy, not really anyways but Leon's different. I know he'll do anything to make sure her life is full of love and happiness. Guess you got your wish after all huh old man?
Jin was watching Emma as she talked with a group of women her age then suddenly their eyes met across the room and she smiled at him.
I love seeing you smile like that. If only I could truly let you go but as much as I've tried I can't.
Jin saw that Emma was excusing herself and his eyes followed her as she came to stand at his side.
“Hey there Emma, you look like you're having fun.”
“I really am, I've talked to so many people and danced so much tonight.”
“That's good, it's important to enjoy yourself.”
“What about you? I’ve barely seen you talk to anyone or dance once tonight.”
“Haha. Is that your way of trying to get me to dance with you?”
Jin reached out and playfully tousled Emma's hair.
“I'm flattered but I couldn't possibly dance with you.”
“Are you afraid I'll step on your toes like I did to Yves?”
“No, I'm afraid that with just one dance you'll fall madly in love with me.”
“Oh I see…wait, what?”
Jin slid an arm around Emma's waist, his voice taking on a seductive lilt.
“It's only natural after all, the soft music, the rhythmic motions, how close you have to be to one another, the longing gazes. One dance is all it can take for two people's hearts to become one”
This may be selfish of me but...
“It also helps that I'm already madly in love with you. I have been for a long time and I want to be the one to make you happy so badly it hurts. You have no idea how jealous I am of Leon, that he’s the one who gets to be with you, kiss you, make love to you.”
Jin tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.
“I'm also super sexy and still in the prime of my youth, so all those combined the only thing you could do is fall in love with me and then I'd have to fight Leon for you, shirtless of course.”
I can't be with you and that's the best thing for you, even if you didn't love somebody else it would still be best for us not to be together. All I can do for you now is watch over you.
Jin’s voice was purposely light, a smile on his face and he started to laugh as he removed his hand from Emma's waist.
“You should see the expression on your face, did I take it too far this time?.”
“Jin, don't tease me like that! I thought you were serious!”
“Sorry, I promise I won't tease you like that again. How about I make it up to you by dancing with you after all?”
Jin was about to offer Emma his hand but then he noticed Leon approaching from the corner of his eye.
“Looks like that dance will have to wait for another time, unless you really do want me to fight Leon shirtless?”
“No! I'm perfectly fine with no shirtless fighting!”
“Do I want to know what the two of you were talking about?”
“Leon! Jin was just teasing me again, that's all.”
“Well then it looks like I'm just in time, care to dance Emma?”
“With pleasure!”
“See you two later. Oh and Emma, don't forget what I said, it only takes one dance.”
I don't really mind living with this curse. Leon makes you happy and as long as you can always be happy, unlike them.
The ball was long over but in the stillness just before the dawn, when shadows played along the walls there in the middle of the ballroom the ghosts of a Belle and her Prince took one more glance and one more dance.
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lemm-moxx · 2 months
Silly things abt my utmv oc's
(i don't have a specific name for this thing as the "T.U.A" is more a vehicle to interact with the wider multiverse in the story and all of the characters are picked from my other au's so likkeee)
But mainly a kinda(?) in universe analysis of random aspects of these two as i hate just explaining things upfront. WARNING theres a lot
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The preceding 2 excerpts are sourced from scattered papers and tapes found in universes generally surrounding the institute (including #11567 #11542 #00145 #10001 and #23479 ) The texts overall are disjointed and nonsensical. creator unknown. [[Ask M.E dept for more info to amend case file.]] 1) He's one of the best men money can provide! He takes orders with out question or thought. Work oriented, highly professional and determined- Really he's what everyone should aim to be in this field. He's worked at the company for 15 years so naturally he's at the top.
Oh ok! I mean that's a good start i suppose, What else is there?
What else.. ? I mean what else is there to say-he's successful. That's it. That's all you need really. Well surely- What about hobbies? Free time? People aren't just their profession. Ok, but why does he need a hobby? He barely has enough free time as it is. And that's wasted sleeping and eating. Well i mean, it fleshes out the character for one? He does nothing when he gets home from work. Not even watch TV? No? Nothing, you mean like actually nothing. Yeah.....? i don't-is there something wrong with that? No- no it- I'm not insulting your writing or anything. It just seems a bit bland.... If I'm honest. 2)
I lived in a nervous place, at an anxious town- so it didn't come as a surprise when they all started avoiding me after my brother died. His death was an accident- I mean who leaves a small kid to babysit a toddler? Really, really if your asking me the townspeople killed him. Not me. I just feel like you need to understand why i did it y'know? Anyway I grew up alone. A house on the outskirts of town, they never warmed up to me in the end. I would work in the library day to day, for the money. Nobody came in anyway and because we also sold books i actually had a paycheck. Buy myself food and go home. Rinse and repeated until all stains are washed away. Though, i guess in my case. Some stains are too tough to be washed out. I had heard about human falling down, i was a skeptic of course. It was the smell of dust that scared me at first, every time i walked into town it was there. Nobody ever seemed to need a funeral, that was the confusing part. Maybe a couple monsters went missing day to day, but they were back without a scratch after a while. I put it as something probably explainable. That was until i died- I mean i don't know if i actually died but.. When the human finally found me they seemed, exited. They looked at me like they had found buried treasure, unveiled some kind of hidden secret. And, and I was exited too if I'm honest. Though you wouldn't be able to tell-i was as horrible as i was to anyone on the surface. But he second they stabbed me in my chest. All my sympathies were gone. And, and when i woke up in my bed. Like puzzle pieces. it all clicked y'know? I wasn't strong so i needed some kind of external force, i did it though in the end. I wasn't soppy or friendly like the rest of them, so it was easy. I ruined my clothes but some eggs need to be broken -or whatever they say. When i strutted into town i thought i was a hero. But of course they were ungrateful; couldn't even thank me, i was chased out .And that's when your head archivist found me-and uh that's at. And I appreciate the job offer, really i do! I mean i didn't realise you were lacking in employees from the look of the place, then again i guess the library was the most organised place in Snowdin and I was the only there. I just uh- i need to be in a quiet place for a bit, maybe not here- I just need to think it over really" "That's fine, i'm sure you've had a nasty scare. and there's a lot you need to understand quite fast considering your position. I'll drop you off in one of those timelines for out codes! Yes, yes someone will explain it there" "I'm sorry timeline-" "A month? How's that-is that too much? i apologise if I'm inept. I'm not very good with time these days. Maybe not a whole number, that seems too equal; 2 weeks? How's that. We are desperate for employees for the archive so i would appreciate it if you could come back sooner." "Oh well i uh-Sure, sure! ill take a look through everything on the leaflet you gave me in the mean time." "Oh wonderful! I hope to see you again in the future- hopefully as an employee ha-ha!"
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Miss you
Platonic!Yandere!Thoma x Child!Fem!Reader x Platonic!Yandere!Kamisato siblings(mentioned)
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"Thoma, please, have a seat, I've heard a lot about you both from Y/n and from other residents of the Ritou island. It's a pleasure for me to finally meet you. Y/n herself is not at home right now, but I think we can find a topic for conversation before she returns."
"Yes, you are absolutely right. It's nice to meet you too, but to be honest, I'm here on business..."
"Oh... Really?"
Your mother was a little surprised by this statement, because all the short period of time that she lived in Ritou, Thoma has never come with something serious. To be completely honest, the housekeeper of the Kamisato estate has never even spoken to her, and it's been five months. However, he got along very well with you and often came to take you for a walk in the morning and return you in the evening.
And everything would have been fine if he hadn't started taking you away from Ritou Island. This worried her, but she also understood that he had a certain influence and since no complaints or fines were received, she simply didn't know how to react to this and that is why she didn't raise a scandal out of the blue. But it looks like now she has a chance to find out about it.
"To be honest, I also have some conversation with you..."
"You have my attention."
"I recently found out that Y/n is leaving the borders of Ritou with you, and it bothers me a little."
"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk about."
"Then please continue."
"The reason I'm here now is because my lord and my lady have expressed a desire to take Y/n to themselves. Thanks to this, your daughter will be able to get a decent education, as well as move freely around Inazuma. The lord also stated that he agreed to pay you a decent amount of mora as compensation, if you wish."
Your mother was shocked by such a proposal, at first she even thought she had heard it wrong, but the more the housekeeper continued, the more annoyed she became. How could he even dare to talk so easily and simply to her about selling her own child?!
"Thoma, tell your lord that he won't get my consent and Y/n will stay with me."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, Thoma, I'm sure."
"Okay, I'll tell him what you said, but please think about this offer. The lord is not one to give up quickly."
After that day, you were forbidden to communicate with Thoma and leave Ritou as well. Housekeeper stopped coming to your home only a month later and during that month he made at least five visits with the same offer.
You didn't understand what was going on, but you saw how your mother was under pressure and how gloomy she became when Thoma came. Because of this, you were happy when housekeeper stopped coming to your mother. However, new problems have emerged. Suddenly, strange rumors began to circulate all over the island. People began to look at you with pity and regret, and at your mother with hatred and censure.
And right now you were devastated, standing on the street and looking at your house, you saw mom being taken away by the Tenryou Commission. What is going on?
Suddenly you felt like you were taken by the hand, you shuddered. It was Thoma. He gently led you out of the crowd of people who were watching your mother being arrested, and led you to the exit from the island. You stopped.
"What is it, Y/n?"
Thoma squatted down and looked into your eyes, you started crying.
"I don't want to leave..."
"Oh, Y/n, I'm sorry about what happened, but you can't stay here."
Taking a handkerchief out of his pocket, Thoma began to wipe away your tears. With one hand he held your head, and with the other he gently dabbed the drops rolling down your cheeks. He, not wanting to cause irritation on the skin, tried to do it as carefully as possible, without pressing hard and without rubbing moisture all over your face.
"Who's going to take care of you if you will be here alone? And besides, Ayaka and Ayato will be very worried about you. Although, in fact, they are already. Therefore, let's not make them worry any more and visit them, okay?"
You nodded weakly and Thoma smiled. He removed the handkerchief and lightly pinched your nose, stood up and held out you his hand.
"Come on now, you haven't been to the Kamisato estate for a long time and everyone misses you."
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atopfourthwall · 1 year
A bit of a weird question, but I might be moving out of my home state to minnesota, specifically minneapolis, because being trans down here is rather rough. Do you have any advice for living in the state? Cool hidden spots? What to do for a person who's never experienced a snowy winter?
Alrighty, a few things I can mention - some of it is secondhand so don't take my word for it, but it'll be helpful. -Trans healthcare (and quality of healthcare) is pretty good in the state in my experience. You SHOULD be able to find the resources you need, though bear in mind while quality is good, price is no different - shit's still expensive everywhere because health care is itself expensive, but any other Minnesotans here feel free to reblog or chime in the replies with anything particularly useful or helpful. -Alrighty, your winter experiences will be slightly different depending on if you're living in the suburbs or the city itself. In an apartment in the city? You're probably fine - I'm assuming relying on public transportation, of which there are several options like the buses or light rail, though I know people from other cities who come to Minnesota say our public transport is lacking compared to other major cities. What I can say is that with the winter, unless it's a REALLY bad storm or the temperature drops to dangerous levels (we're talking degrees below zero), everything should still be open and running. -If you have your own car, during the winter keep weighted things in it - a cement block, bags of sand/salt, etc. Increased weight helps keep you from slipping. It's not perfect but it helps. Consequently, if you lose control on the ice, turn INTO the skid and pump the brakes - don't just press it flat, repeatedly pump the brakes to regain control. -If you have a house and a front walk/driveway, SHOVEL AND SALT. Overhangs on houses drip water when the temperature is right for melting, but the temperature will usually drop and freeze. Salt that area to either prevent it from freezing or make it easier to chop through with an ice chipper. Shoveling is just necessary depending on the severity of the snow (usually anything more than an inch or two should be shoveled) both for safety and because mail carriers will not deliver if you don't. -This year we had a reeeaally bad winter. Multiple heavy snowstorms that required going out to shovel multiple times during the day. Get warm clothes, wear layers - especially until you're used to it. However, most years it's fine. Light snowfall during winter, covers everything, maybe one bad storm but most of the time tolerable. -As for stuff to do - TONS! Minnesota has a thriving community of nerds, artists, performers, and just talented people in general. We have two major zoos - one of them paid, one free (Como Zoo), multiple parks and indeed Land of 10,000 Lakes so lots of lake beaches to enjoy swimming or fishing if that's your thing. The Science Museum remains one of the coolest places to learn stuff on various science topics even into adulthood. Conventions are relatively plentiful, though as a warning some cons are for-profit and have some... questionable leadership, look into them before deciding to go - particularly on the anime con front, but we have sci-fi/fantasy cons aplenty, too. The Mall of America is a big, big place with tons of fun stores and whatnot, including the former Camp Snoopy (currently Nickelodeon Universe). The Walker Art Center has an amazing statue garden, including the iconic Cherry and Spoon fountain. There's also the amusement park Valley Fair, which during Halloween becomes Valley Scare with spooky attractions in the neighboring area that's used for the annual Renaissance Festival. -Minnesota is a fairly large state. Not Texas big, but since it's mostly plains and hills, a lot of it is spread out and getting from one city to another usually requires going on freeways (we're also weird because we have left exits on some parts of freeways). If you don't have your own vehicle, you may want to consider getting one just to get to farther places. That's all I've got off the top of my head! Good luck with your move and remember: we only have two seasons here - Winter and Road Construction.
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save-me-phantom-ghoul · 2 months
Had a break down and spiralled into some old insecurities, so why not comfort yourself through projecting onto your favorite lil guy :3
Content Warnings! : lots of talk of self deprecation, mentions and depictions of self harm, break downs
If I missed anything please let me know and I'll add it to the warnings for future viewers
Right anyways here's 1k words of phantom ghoul being mentally ill
Ah, Thats.. Not right
It wasn't supposed to have him do this, it was supposed to be quick and easy, just fill out the quiz and hit submit. This page shouldnt have popped up.
What happened? what did he do wrong? He filled everything out right, got almost all the answer right. He did it right, why was it wrong.
His face started to ache with the furrow in his brows and frown at his lips, his eyes darting back and forth trying to piece together what could've gone wrong, where did he mess it up. It was at the start wasn't it. He thought the prompt sounded wrong, but nothing else was popping up when he refilled the information.
An ugly feeling started pooling in his stomach, his throat felt raw. Quickly exiting out of the page, and opening it back up, he tried clicking on the test again.
Nope. He's officially, royally, fucked up. Unable to do anything or figure something out he starts to panic.
Why is this happening, he did it right. He was supposed to do it right. It was supposed to be easy. Everyone else did it just fine. Why didnt he. Why couldnt he do it right, he can't do anything right, always fucking up, always doing it wrong, always messing up someone else's day with having them help him, always angering people because he couldn't do a simple task.
It wasn't your fault.
He can't do anything right. why does he even try.
Trying is all someone can do.
He knew it would've messed it up and it did.
You did what you thought was right.
It wasn't right!
Shut up! it wasn't right and it's your fault!
Take some fucking responsiblity for once!
You couldn't figure out something so simple, it's easy, why couldn't you do it!?
He's tired of this.
Of here.
He grabs his phone from where it got tossed on his bed, opening Aurora and his' messages
Mr.Bug: rory I messed it up:(
Mrs.Bug: the test?
Mr.Bug: yeah, I don't know what happened
Mr.Bug: I struggled to sign in and then had to sit through the most mind numbing 30minutes of ai voice speach ever and when I finished the test it wanted me to pay like, 100 dollars :((
Mrs.Bug: pits Ant how did you do that 😭
Mr.Bug: Idk! D:
Mrs.Bug: I'm so sorry, phantom, we'll figure it out tomorrow with the group and stuff
Mr.Bug: okay 😞
The sound of his head hitting the wall behind him nearly echoes in the silence of his room. He feels his throat tighten, and his body tense. He doesn't want to cry, he hates crying. It makes his head hurt and his face swell.
He bites his lip in a useless attempt to stave off the break down crawling up his throat. And with the first few tears the carefully curated dam breaks, his hand coming up to rake through his black and white rats nest of a mane, the greasy feeling of unwashed hair making him feel worse. his body shaking, aching in the strain of being quiet.
The walls of the ghouls rooms were pretty well soundproofed, any inside noise thoroughly muffled to near perfect muteness. But he didn't want to risk the off chance that the others grew super hearing. Or his room specifically, just wasn't soundproofed. Knowing his luck one or the other would end up being right. So he kept quite, muffling his strained sobbing behind his hands and a blanket.
His mind goes on a whirlwind of self deprecating thoughts. This has happened to many times, he's been here for to short of a time for that many faults to stack so high. It towers over him, over Swiss, or Aether, even over Mountain, in his mind.
His mind quiets, his body relaxes and hands slide down his face. Deep breaths, blink back the tears, grab your phone and at least warn Aether of your fuck up.
He does so, shakely reopening his phone, this time to Aether and his' messages. The devices clock glaring an ugly 12:34am at him.
Mr.Bug: me when I break down over a silly little test because I managed to fuck it up and you'll have to help me fix it somehow tomorrow :,3
AetherEther: tbh, not that surprised 😅
AetherEther: I'll help you tomorrow
Mr.Bug: I'm so so sorry :(
AetherEther: it's alright
He was hoping for some positive, understanding words. Hoping the way he said it would ease the disappointment. Well, he got the understanding part.
It hated how his eyes swelled with tears as he read the responding messages. Throwing the headphones he had around his neck to the end of the bed and yanking at his smooth horns. Fucking Pits! Not surprised. Not. fucking. surprised.
Oh he knew the older quint didn't mean it like that, he really did, but his mind read the words and all of his insecurities roared. He clenched his teeth and pulled his horns harder.
The ache was a nice distraction from the horrible feeling of crying, but it wasn't enough. He needed more, he needed something sharper, stronger, longer lasting. He wanted-... No
No you can't do that, you promised her you wouldn't, you're better than that. It's been so long, you've done so well you can't ruin that over a stupid test.
Something else then, his nails, his fingers. His hands fall from his achey head to his bare shoulder, digging right above his shoulder blade and scraping up. His nails were to dull in this half glamoured form to break his skin, but the pressure on the muscle paired with the gritting of his teeth was close enough.
He hoped it'd bruise
He wants it to bruise
Do it on your forearm so they see
He digs his fingers into the back of his shoulder, next to where they had ended their journey up.
His nails dug in a bit more than the pads of his fingers this time, a sharper, more welcomed pain
Yes that was a bit better, he wanted more of that, needed more of that kind of pain
A rather harsh sob broke past his clenched teeth, and he curled in on himself. He digs his thumb nail, longer than the other due to a nail picking habit, into the underside of his upper arm. The sting of it was sharper and longer lasting than the previous tries.
As he dug the nail in, anger filled his body. He couldnt do anything right and they all expected that of him. It was expected. Lords below he really was useless. He was tired of this, he wanted to go home.
Wherever that was.
He doubted it was here. He didn't know where else home would be, the pits definitely weren't, here wasn't.. So where did he belong.
Did he belong?
What use was he to the world if he couldn't even do something so simple?
Please, he wanted a home.
Lords please, he needed to belong somewhere.
Let me be needed.
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dollsonmain · 9 months
I know folks are probably getting tired of this by now so you get a tag AND a cut.
But I feel like discussing this sort of thing might help people sometimes? since it's a first person account instead of listicles online.
What they did and didn't tell me about having stents.
They told me why: Facilitates drainage which takes strain (pressure) off of the kidneys and helps the antibiotics work by helping prevent pockets of infected urine reforming (that's what was making me sick, stuck urine that had built up lots of bacteria).
They told me how-ish: They go up with various catheters and things and install the stents, the stents stay in place until they are removed. Some stents have lines that exit the body to facilitate removal. Mine do not. The doc didn't want me accidentally pulling them out since the area they're in is heavily infected. They'll be removed at my first stone removal surgery in about two weeks from installation which was a couple days ago.
They did not tell me how-completely: The stents are hooked into my body meat like little fish hooks. They also didn't tell me they'd be taking urine for testing from my bladder and each kidney or that they would also be draining both kidneys during the procedure, so I did get a fluid-pressure reset.
They did not tell me basically anything about what the next two weeks will be like.
I'm on flowmax to soften my bladder so it's easier to empty. I don't think I needed that, I was peeing fine, but stents do change things.
I was worried that I might push them out while pooping but that's not likely to the point of nearly impossible. Not 100%, but nearly.
These things feel like a bad UTI and I have two of them. I got the ows, the zaps, the GOTTA GOs every few minutes. At least now I know that ALL of those pains are UTI pains, you know? I'd get some random pain sometimes and be like "what was that......" and now I know. It was UTI and pressure in my kidneys and the pain signals were traveling around the whole renal system. Because they do that.
I'm in a lot more pain now than I was with just the kidney stones. It is very, VERY atypical but my kidney stones and the pressure behind them don't hurt. Those nerves may have died off.
There's varying amounts of blood in my urine, sometimes very little, sometimes a lot. Sometimes there are clots. That's all normal but I had to ask as things were happening.
I get up every couple hours in the night and some times I don't make it to the toilet (I did all last night, so that is improving).
They also didn't warn me that just having the surgery itself might make me wet myself because the muscles hadn't all regained strength/how long it would take for the anesthesia to fully wear off.
I called the doctor's office and asked about that, too.
I'm glad I thought to have That Guy bring Depends but that's also something you'd think someone would like, mention. You know?
So that's what having stents has been like so far.
Feels like a bad UTI, though for some people they feel nothing. Need adult diapers for accidents. Need to be near a toilet at all times, and not going to get a hell of a lot of continuous sleep for a while.
I also think it's worth noting that I've had two male doctors blow me off about this and I think the only thing that went differently at the ER was that it was a female doctor.
The first male doctor said it was an anxiety attack.
The second male doctor said it was a viral stomach bug.
The female doctor listened to my symptoms and ordered a bunch of tests.
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So, more personal blather about the whole situation.
While I was in the first ER I heard a man yelling and starting trouble in the waiting room. That Guy and Son got up and left as soon as the man was distracted by a security guy. I'd had told them to go home as soon as they dropped me off and I would text if I needed picked up. I knew I wasn't going home, though.
My neighbor was an elderly lady and they kept trying to figure out when she'd last pooped but she couldn't remember. Finally she called them in and was like I need to poop so they wrestled her up on a bed pan (she cried, she was in a lot of pain) and then left her alone with her curtain closed to poop. Right then the floor doctor walked in and was like HI MISS GERALDINE and whipped her curtain open to start talking to her.
I chewed him out. That's very atypical of me. Like, I laid into him for not asking if she was wanting to talk in that exact moment. And then I felt really bad until I realized he's probably had people a lot more angry at him than me considering a lot of the patients I could hear were elderly and some were confused, and I didn't feel bad anymore.
Since it's a university-run hospital there were sometimes pairs of nurses, and at one point a trainee came in to give me a dose of antibiotics through the IV but she hooked it into the wrong plug which depressurized the system and blood starting backing up the tube. As soon as she saw that she ran to get her trainer and they spent some time doing a full reset of the IV set up.
I wasn't worried or anything. It was my own blood and it could only go so far/only so much could be lost. At the most a cup since the saline bag was fresh and mostly full, still. So I was totally calm the whole time, which I'm sure helped.
I think the nurse in training was surprised when her trainer stepped out and I encouraged her instead of yelling at her. I praised her for not being too proud to get help when she noticed an issue, and for observing how to rectify the situation.
That Guy was like "Yesterday's nurses did NOT like me..." and I was like yeah I kind of told on you, but not out loud. He got put on the shit list FAST by staff. So for that I have a note in my account that I'm experiencing financial abuse and he exhibits controlling behavior. If there ever is a point where Son and I have to leave, I have the name of where to call. There's a facility in Next Town Over where the hospital is that will come and get us, and that would be the last time we see him.
I feel guilty for saying anything because he has paid for my existence for decades but he has also been abusive, just not physically.
They asked me if Son is safe at home alone with That Guy and I said "Safe, yes. Happy, no."
They also asked like how is Son and I said he seems to understand that his father's behavior isn't his fault but he still has had to endure it.
I also in the process learned how much money he makes (I didn't know before) and wow we should all certainly have insurance (he and Son might through his work but I have nothing and don't qualify for assistance while he claims me on his taxes as a dependent) and have had medical care all this time and there's no reason at all to be doing the whole -pointedly look at the food receipt every grocery trip, look up at the sky angrily, shake his head, shove it in his pocked, huff, and walk away- thing. Also explains why his work friends keep suggesting burger joints that end up costing like $80 for the whole family....
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