#Yelena belova is aroace
roseredsnow · 3 months
I've said this so often but saying it again and please reblog.
"But people headcannon straight people as lgbt+ without a problem, why is it an issue for aroaces"
Is such a bullshit argument.
Cause what character is actually confirmed straight? Genuinely name me one, not assumed because it's still the default, or because they like someone of a different gender.
But writers or an actor or said in the media and never retconned, confirmed straight.
That's the difference.
(Fuck Marvel for supporting genocide and I don't even ship it but the most common example)
Shipping Bucky and Steve doesn't erase anything because neither character is confirmed straight.
Shipping Yelena and Bucky or Kate blatantly ignores Devin Grayson (Also fuck her for how bad she screwed nightwing) confirming she's ace and clearly implying she's aro just didn't realise it needed to be specified too.
It ignores the line in Pale Little Spider #2 "I'm not a lesbian, Im not anything" and the entire trio of those comics where Yelena is baffled about the idea of sexual attraction.
(And don't you dare tell me that's out of context I've read it multiple times I know the context).
It also ignores other aroace characters that have had their identity erased for the sake of plot. Jughead Jones and Shatterstar to name two, I've even seen a fic shipping the High Republics beloved Vernestra Rwoh and while I don't believe her identity will be erased in Acolyte (cause HR fans will riot) it's still a major concern new fans will.
However shipping Vernestra is not comparable to shipping say Reath and Bell because neither character is confirmed straight.
This isn't even touching on the fact (cis) straight people don't experience discrimination for being queer (both from queer and non queer people) and have already got tons of rep to see themselves in.
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archivomeow · 1 month
i scrolled on tumblr a little too long and the hope in humanity in me died as all Yelena fics i saw were either romantic or smut.
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addio-anushka · 1 year
in honor of aromantic day pls reblog with your favourite aro/ace headcannons in the tags it's for science
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macaronisour · 1 year
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somebody free her.
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cinnamon-ginger · 7 months
No seriously where did all the aroace Yelena posts go? 🥺
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Canon AroAce 132/?: Yelena Belova/ White Widow in Black Widow vol 3 Die by the Blade #11 (2022) 3/ 3
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h0ng-kong-garden · 2 years
If i see someone shipping Yelena and Kate your kneecaps are mine
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sprnklersplashes · 1 year
you ever get massively annoyed about how casually fandom culture accepts and even sometimes encourages ace/aro erasure, even in fandoms that are predominantly queer? because I do. 
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what with Flo posting the video about being on the thunderbolts set, I thought it was an appropriate time to mention that YELENA BELOVA IS CANONICALLY AROACE! not only that, but she is one of FEW aroace characters in ANY form of media, and i stg she better stay that way and yall better respect that
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baybeered · 3 months
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I'm just glad I got this done in time for pride month this year
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roseredsnow · 2 months
I've seen ship stuff again and while yes very much fuck Marvel.
Yelena Belova is aroace
Fucking stop erasing it
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archivomeow · 4 months
im sorry, kate bishop.
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characters: Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova.
description: AU where Yelena joins Kate and Clint and all three end up at his house. Yelena and Kate have a talk as Yelena patches up Kate’s wound and tried to comfort her after the loss of her mom.
includes: no romo! they are awkward, but warm up, awkward and stiff yelena lol, again no romo, purely platonic, yelena is canonically aroace remember that!
Yelena felt weird being at Barton’s home, she tried to kill the man not that long ago, how else was she supposed to feel?
It took a good moment before he convinced Yelena to join him and Kate, but eventually she just gave in, he obviously trusted her and knew a lot about her. The car ride was awkwardly silent, Kate didn’t say a word to Yelena and Clint was way too focused on the road, so they just sat in silence with Clint asking a thing or two when they stopped at red lights.
There was a limited number of rooms, so Yelena took the couch, she wasn’t even sure if she’d stay to morning, so there was no point in getting a room ready for her.
It was dark outside by now, their house was nice, Yelena liked how big it was, but it felt like a home, not like a mansion. Laura was now in the kitchen with Lila and her brothers were with Clint outside. Yelena sat on the couch awkwardly, she tried to relax, but she seemed to tense up at every noise. As the front door opened and Clint walked in with his sons Yelena’s head turned. Her face stoic as she looked at the three for a moment.
“Hey, Yelena… Do you think you can go get Kate? The food will be ready soon.” Clint said with a light smile on his face, Yelena just nodded as she got up and walked up the stairs to the guest room to get Kate.
She knocked gently on the door as she pushed it open. The air in the room was stiff, her green eyes quickly scanned her surroundings, the room was small with a king size bed in the middle, she saw some clothes thrown around and a bag on the floor, her eyes focused on Kate who was seated on the bed.
“Clint says food will be ready soon.” Yelena finally spoke up. She looked at Kate with an emotionless expression, but she saw how red Kate’s eyes were and her nose, how her breath was short and her cheeks wet.
“Um, yeah… I’ll be right down.” She nodded -as she spoke.
Yelena hesitated, she was ready to leave to room, but it felt wrong, she didn’t want to be pushy and it was definitely not her place to talk with Kate as the two barely knew each other, yet she was still standing in the door frame, not fully in the room, yet also not fully out of the room.
“Do you need something else?” Kate looked up at the blonde as she took a deep breath in, it was a poor attempt to calm her unstable breathing.
“I’m sorry about your mom.” Yelena said, her face softened slightly, as she breathed out, hoping she didn’t cross a boundary with that statement.
“Thanks…” Kate replied, her voice went even more quiet, it fucking hurt a lot, losing someone.
“Did you patch up your forehead? You’re bleeding again…” Yelena commented as her eyes focused on the oddly patched up wound on Kate’s forehead, the girl just nodded in response.
Yelena walked into the room, she closed the wooden door behind herself as she sat in front of Kate and smiled awkwardly as she stared to clean the wound.
The silence was crushing them both, Yelena was focused on the wound, but still she felt as if the silence was making this moment worse. Kate hissed in pain as Yelena touched the bare wound on her face.
“Sorry.” Yelena mumbled as she placed a fresh bandage on the spot. “All done.”
The two remained in place in silence, Kate smiled softly at the blonde.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, glad I could help.” Yelena sighed as she continued to speak. “It will get better, you know? Everyone loses somebody.” She shrugged, unsure if her words were even helpful. “It’s just like… a thing everyone goes through, if everyone if alright then you will be too.” She nodded as she spoke more confidently now.
Kate just smiled in response as her eyes teared up, it was like an instinct her arms wrapped around the blonde making her stiff up, but eventually she hugged the girl back.
“It will be okay, Kate.”
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gwcnstcy · 11 days
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happy pride from my favorite aroace superhero <3
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vroomvroomwee · 4 months
I can't wait to see people who say "aroace people can still date" to find out what it's like to actually date an aroace person
Because I don't think some of them have really thought about it
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cinnamon-ginger · 7 months
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Anyways Tis the Season Bitches!
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@lgbtincomics Pride Month Challenge 2022: Yelena Belova/ White Widow in Black Widow vol 3: Die by the Blade (2022) +9. 🤍 (white heart)
Canon AroAce 132/?: Yelena Belova/ White Widow
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