pinkvaquita · 4 months
She deserves the better
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♡ Pairing: Smoked Cheese x Mozzarella
♡ Flavor: Comfort//hurt. I still don't fucking know how to call it.
♡ Warning: Major death character <3
♡ Author’s note: SECOND SHOT OF THE NIGHT. This was ironicaly the first I wrote from all todays colections. Anyways, I fucking LOVE this two.
♡ Aqui tienes la version en español
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He always believed she deserved better. She deserved so much better than him.
Every time he saw her face and got lost in those blue eyes that always smiled at him so calmly, he couldn't help but think one thing. Mozzarella deserved better.
He thought about it when she greeted him from the betting balcony at the coliseum, always finding a way to convince him to put aside his work there and instead keep her company.
He always thought about it every time she sent one of the marzipans with notes. Playful messages just like her. And inevitably she managed to get a slight smile out of him with each one.
He also thought about it when at the parties for the bureaucracy they escaped to a less crowded place. And they looked from afar at the luxury that they could enjoy in those lands.
He thought about it every time she stopped him from doing something crazy that he would regret later. Because she never seemed to even startle or fear him in those outbursts of anger that possessed him from time to time.
He thought about it every time she had to reason and mediate on his behalf, saving him from unnecessary fights.
He thought about it every time she spoke enthusiastically about something curious or funny that she saw, that she heard, that she discovered. Every time he could hear her voice speak with such intelligence.
He thought about it every time he woke up and the first thing he saw was her. So much perfection being what started his days.
And he thought about it today too. And he would have thought about it tomorrow too.
She deserved better than him. Mozzarella deserved someone who was as eloquent, as focused, as enthusiastic, as honest and loyal as she was. She deserved everything good a person could be.
She deserved someone better than the mess of self-centeredness, anger, and pettiness that he was. Since they met, Mozzarella has done nothing but make his life better. Without her, he wouldn't know what would have been to him...
He never understood why she was happy with him. He did not feel capable of giving her the same happiness that she gives him with her mere existence.
He couldn't care for her, couldn't encourage her, couldn't do anything for her in the same way.
He couldn't even protect her.
He gave his all to stop Dark Enchantress, but nothing helped...
She deserved someone who could have stopped this tragedy.
“Mozzie…” — He tried to talk to her despite how painful it was to say a word, making the effort even though more jam than words came out every time he opened his mouth.
As soon as she heard his voice, she reacted. With effort she raised her head to find the image of her beloved husband crawling through the sand and the puddle of his own jam. Her exhausted eyes, even though they should have closed by now, refused to do so. She refused to leave this world without first hearing one last word from him.
It felt like the most tortuous eternity in those short seconds. Smoked was dying between the pain of his wounds from a lost battle and the scraping of sand against his body. His hands gripped the ground as if he were clinging to the little life he had left.
But he knew it was all worth it when he was able to drop down next to her. Her face was the last thing he wanted to see, and her voice the last thing he wanted to hear. And between the tears of pain, disappointment, fear and relief...
“Mozzie…” — He called her one last time.
"Yeah?... "
"... I'm sorry"
There was a short silence, in which she seemed to process his words. And he seemed to feel that the only thing left for him was to wait for the cold of death to reach him.
“W-why are you… asking me for f-forgiveness?”— Her voice for the first time sounded confused and immersed in sadness.
When he didn't answer, Mozzarella felt her own body move on its own. She rolled slightly to get closer and speak to him face to face.
If she had had the strength, she would have shaken her husband's limp body. She would have begged and screamed at the witches up there for a second longer. Just one more second.
Her tears began to fall when she knew the reality. She cried knowing that he was gone, that she was never able to tell him one last time, as she always did whenever those doubts and insecurities attacked him.
“... Smoked, you w-were the best thing that happened to me”
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❛  why do you even pretend to care?  ❜ (Adam because yum)
He sighs, and keeps looking up at the darkening sky of the pride ring, not facing Adam not yet .
“I’m not.. I’m really not .. “ finally he sits up and looks at him, “.. I ment it, I can give you a place to stay..since you can’t go back “
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outromoony · 24 days
Shades of White
@jilymicrofics | Word Count: 340
"White looks good on you," James whispered to Lily, his fingers playfully tugging at her white hoodie. He knew how much Lily hated that color—that color that always reminded her of Petunia, who embodied the very essence of white. It had taken Lily a long time to realize that perhaps Petunia had always been a peculiar shade of gray. She pulled away from him, attempting to maintain her composure. "Shut up, Potter."
Lily was crying.
She was hiding in the astronomy tower, trying to evade Marlene's and Mary's questions and expressions of worry. Moments later, Lily sensed another presence in the tower. When she raised her gaze, it was none other than the annoying boy with the round glasses and the messy hair.
"Hey, everything okay?"
Lily didn't answer for a long time; the last thing she needed was James bloody Potter ruining her solitude. But he didn't pressure her. He just looked at her, an expression of concern on his face.
Lily sighed, closing the photo album she had been looking at. The pictures of her and Petunia still haunted her; after all those years, her sister remained her greatest loss.
"Just... reminiscing, I guess."
James sat down beside her, their shoulders barely touching. "You know, sometimes memories are like colors. They can bring out different emotions depending on how we see them."
Lily gave him a curious look. "Colors?"
"Yeah," James said thoughtfully. "Take white, for example. It can symbolize purity, but it can also evoke other feelings, like nostalgia or even forgiveness."
Lily glanced down at her hoodie, the white fabric catching the moonlight. "I never thought of it that way."
"White looks good on you," James whispered just for Lily as she walked down the aisle towards him. There was something radiant about James' expression—so much love in his voice and excitement in his smile. He seemed so pure, so luminous, so... white, gazing at her as if she were the only thing that mattered in the world.
Maybe white wasn't such a bad color after all.
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personasintro · 2 years
stories coming in 2023
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⏤ 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: dilf!taehyung x reader
⏤ 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: single dad au, best friend's brother au, age gap
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⏤ 𝔭𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: fuck boy!jk x reader
⏤ 𝔤𝔢𝔫𝔯𝔢: single mom au, fuck boy au, age gap
more to come...
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pine-arten · 1 year
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obviously this is a generalization, but it’s a pet peeve of mine when people treat arti like this ... anyone else?
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shiningcorazon · 2 years
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tags: tanjiro x reader, aged-up, smut, angst (you guys are just exes nothing crazy), makeup sex? hmm
a/n: finally...lmfao. College has been kicking my ass I'm so sorry! But it's done. So sorry if it's so vanilla, I am very much a vanilla girl sorry not sorry. This situation really does hurt when it happens irl...so enjoy my pain! <3
songs: shades of cool; lana del rey, i will always; the cranberries
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It was almost painful.
Stepping slowly into his apartment, cautious, as if to not let yourself fall in.
You hear him lock the door behind you with a quiet thunk. You close your eyes momentarily and inhale. The air seemed so…different. You stood in an apartment you used to practically live in, and now it feels foreign.
It was painful.
He quietly made his way around you, and you were met with those big crimson eyes of his. He looked sad, but he still had a warmness to him. A warmth that was so…Tanjiro.
He studies your face, and Tanjiro can’t believe you’re here. He hasn’t seen you since the day you left him; the day he let you go.
Now standing before him, you both wonder if this was a huge mistake.
“I missed you.” The words escaped you. Tanjiro was surprised; you were never one to initiate conversation, let alone speak in such difficult situations. You even surprised yourself. Why did you say that? It was over, there was nothing to necessarily miss. It’s over. It’s over, so why are you here?
His eyebrows curled into a worried expression, but still, he smiled.
“I missed you too.”
The silence was deafening, but it was welcomed. What else is there to say?
Meeting his gaze, your mind wandered.
You remembered how you two first met. You were at the library and he offered you coffee. How he kissed you for the first time under the night sky, how his soft lifts met yours and his warmth enveloped you. How he would call you baby, sweetheart, my love. How at nights he would reach out to you, even while he slept. How he—
Heavy tears were suddenly falling down your cheek. You quickly turned around, you couldn’t bear the feeling of him watching you cry. How pathetic! How embarrassing!
“! Are you okay?” he reached out to grab your shoulder, but decided not to. Perhaps it was his presence that upset you.
“Yes, I, I’m sorry I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”
You sniffled and wiped the tears away, for some reason the tears wouldn’t stop. He waited for you to turn around, let you have as much time to compose yourself.
“Tanjiro, maybe I should leave,” you said after some time. Still not facing him; it was still too much.
“What? No—I mean, if you want to go that’s okay but don’t feel like you need to, I-”
“Tanjiro, why am I here?” You faced him, and he looked so sad.
“…I don’t really understand wha-”
You’ve got to get out of here. “I mean, why did you call me.”
No words left him for a while. All he could do was stare back at your sad eyes. Why did he call you? He just missed you. He hasn’t told anyone, but he hasn’t stopped thinking of you since you left. Everything reminds him of you; he dreams of you. Living without your presence was driving him insane, he just needed to see you again. Was it selfish of him to call you?
“I just, needed to see you again. I missed you tremendously. I just needed to see you once more. We don’t have to keep talking after this, I’m sorry if I hurt you I-”
Your sudden embrace cut him off. You had quickly closed the distance between you two, and you pulled him into a hug. Tanjiro’s mouth opened, but nothing came out. He was frozen in shock; he didn’t know what to do.
It was nice to know he missed you as much as you missed him.
Your arms squeezed tighter as you felt the tears pour out once more, and you laid your head on his chest. You squeezed your eyes shut once you realized Tanjiro hadn’t moved, did you cross a line?
It was when you felt his heavy arms reach around you that you finally relaxed. He sighed softly, and let his head lay atop yours. How could Tanjiro ever deny a hug from you?
You missed this. So much.
You don’t really know how much you two spent just holding each other. It was so quiet; all you could hear was the rise and fall of his breath and his heartbeat. His hands would occasionally rub your back in a loving manner, and you would melt deeper into his embrace.
“hmm,” he hummed softly and you felt his head lift up. You finally opened your eyes and met his gaze, your hands finding their own place on his chest. You don’t know what it is, but he always manages to make you feel so comfortable, even in tough situations just as this one.
“Are you okay?” he asked quietly, his voice slightly raspy.
You nodded. Neither of you pulled away.
“Hm…well now we could order some Chinese—or pizza! up to you, and watch a movie or something. How does that sound?” You smiled as he spoke, he knew you so well.
“That sounds nice, Tanji.” He didn’t smile back, but he didn’t seem upset.
It’s been so long since you called him that. It’s embarrassing, really, how a single word had him dazed. His heartbeat began racing and you could feel it under the palm of your right hand; you didn’t mention it. He opened his mouth as to say something, but then closed it again. He did not have the words to explain what he was feeling.
His eyes flickered down to your lips, and back to you.
He leaned forwards.
Tanjiro’s lips met yours with a soft intensity. You opened your mouth beneath his, swallowing his sweetness. He smelled of earth and sundried linen; it was bliss.
He retracted from you, leaving you slightly disappointed. You felt his gaze trace every one of your features. He used to constantly remind you how much he loved all of you; every inch, every centimeter. Placing his calloused hand on your cheek, he began stroking it tenderly.
“My love,” he whispered; these words he only reserved for you.
Your face leaned into his palm as your hands reached above his shoulders. They met the back of his head and pulled him to meet you once again. The kisses were rougher, more passionate. You could feel the air leaving your lungs, yet you have never felt so alive. Your hands pulled at his hair, quietly begging for more. Quiet moans left him and you swallowed each one. His rough hands traced down your figure until they landed on your hips. Slowly pushing you towards the nearest wall, eliciting a sound of surprise from you when your back makes contact.
His lips left yours, leaving you to gasp the cool air that now separated you both. His head lowered and a whimper left you when you felt his hot breath caress your neck.
“I missed you so much,” he spoke before he began leaving a trail of open-mouthed kisses down your neck. His left hand landed on the lush skin of your thigh, while his right hand grabbed your hip vigorously, pulling you in closer, closer. The sounds of pleasure that left you only made Tanjiro lust for you grow, it was almost unbearable.
Whispered praises left him between each kiss. Making his way to your collarbone, marking your lush skin. He whimpered at the taste of you. His left hand traveled upwards, lifting your summer dress. Your eyes fluttered shut as you focused on the line his fingers traced towards your core. His finger curled under the band of your panties and—
What are you doing?
You two were not together anymore. It’s over, remember? This…won’t mend the past.
To be with him now, it hurt. But you loved the pain. You missed being pitied by him, being held by him. You missed being vulnerable, being weak. Right now he is basically on his knees praising you, begging for you.
“if you want me to stop, just tell me,” he murmured into your skin.
Did he truly miss you?
Does it matter?
Either way, you’d let him use you just to feel loved by him again, wouldn’t you?
“Tanjiro, please…don't stop.” How pathetic.
A sigh of relief left him as his movements continued. Fervently, he tugged at your panties, pulling them languidly down your leg. You were at his disposal. Fully exposed, body and soul.
He had stopped kissing your skin by now, but he remained within the crevice of your neck. Breathing you in, savoring the noises of pleasure that left you. You gasped when you felt two thick fingers slide against your entrance. You were so wet. Tanjiro held in a moan when he left your slick quickly cover his fingers; you were intoxicating.
He lifted his head to meet your eyes once more.
You averted your gaze away from his. But his free hand roughly grabbed at your jaw, pulling you and forcing you to look into his eyes as he slowly dips into you. Grabbing at his shoulders to find some leverage, you moan into the space between you two. He almost groans when you take him so easily.
“you’re—you’re being so good,” he panted.
Tanjiro could only stare at your face painted with ecstasy as his fingers continued to drill into you. Deciding to make add to your pleasure, or perhaps to torture you further, his thumb begins drawing lazy circles on your clit, eliciting a cry from you.
The pressure wasn’t enough to make you cum, all it did was make you much more desperate for his touch. His face hovered above yours, dark crimson eyes staring into yours. You leaned in, trying to kiss him, but he would only tilt backwards in response. He was teasing you.
“Tanji, please-”
Your pleading had Tanjiro’s self control hanging by a thread. Weird, how yesterday he was dreaming of you, and now you’re here, being so compliant. So good, just for him.
“What’s wrong sweetheart?”
“More, please—I need more,”
He shivered. “Is that so?”
“Anything for you.”
His fingers left you, but before you could even think about complaining his lips crashed against yours, and you melt into him once more. Tongue sliding against yours, craving your taste. You pull at his hair, both of you so desperately hungry for each other.
Perhaps it was that you were too captivated in his embrace, but you did not heart him remove his belt. You only felt two strong arms grab the back of your thighs, and then those same arms easily lift you up so that your legs wrapped around his waist. A gasp left you both as you felt him rub against your folds.
He separated from you.
“Is this okay?” his voice cracked.
This was too much, too fast, you thought.
But as you look into his eyes again, who cares?
Tanjiro’s eyebrows furrowed and slowly, he slid into you. You gasped while he hissed. He stayed still for a moment, selfishly savoring the feeling. After a while, he began moving once more and all the pain was replaced by pleasure.
His thrusts were ceaseless. Constantly hitting that sweet spot, leaving you teary eyed as you whined and moaned for him. All Tanjiro could do (besides fuck you mindless) was to stare at you, oh sweet and beautiful you.
You feel your release coming sooner than excepted, and you grabbed his face. You wanted to look into his eyes as you came, something you two would always do.
And you don’t know what it is, maybe the soft smile he gives you, the soft whispered praises that leave him, or the whole nostalgic feeling of this situation, but the words just leave you:
“I love you.”
His smile drops, and his movements seem to hesitate.
“Don’t just tell me you love me, tell me you need me.” He whined.
The desperation in his voice broke you, both physically and emotionally. You were at the brink of your orgasm as you managed to stutter out what he asked of you.
“I—I need you Tanjiro, oh—”
Quickly and all at once, pleasure shot through you like a wave. You squeezed your eyes closed and moaned loudly, pulling at Tanjiro’s hair almost as a thank you.
You could tell he was near his limit as well, feeling his movements hitch.
“Where—do you,” he could barely let out a full sentence.
“Wha-inside? Are you sure?”
“Please Tanjiro, please,” you panted.
He buried his head into the crook of your neck as he sped up. You then felt his warmth fill you up, as his breath caress your neck as he moans your name.
Your eyes are still closed. A room once filled with cries of pleasure was now occupied by silence and soft panting. Remaining where you were, both of you too afraid to speak, let alone look at each other.
You don’t know exactly what happened next, it was all a haze really.
But here you lay, on his bed. Wearing one of his shirts; it smells like him, overwhelmingly so. With the lights out, you can’t even tell if the walls are still white. The bed shifts slightly as he lays besides you, and you jolt as you feel his arm snake around you.
He murmurs into your hair, “I love you too.”
But he didn’t say it to your face, did he?
You close your eyes and try to sleep, but you can’t. The pit in your stomach won’t go away.
You stare out the window and look at the full moon, quietly wondering if love is worth all this pain.
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ashethewitch · 1 month
Manifesting we see more of Damien’s more vulnerable side later in season 2
He’s always cool and mysterious and cold like that but he clearly cares about everyone
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I wanna see this side of him more. I wanna see him break. And while he dosent like opening up to people at all he clearly dosent want to come off as uncaring and even threatening. Professional, sure, calm, yes but not cold and apathetic as it seems like some think he is (cause ‘tism yknow? And yeah I feel like a lot of the dreamworld gang are still kind of scared of him but theyr starting to understand he means well, mostly because of oliver)
I wanna see him fully break down. I wanna see what makes him tick I want Damien angst give it to me
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astro-naut9 · 17 days
Heyyyy, Astro! :D
Sooo, I haven't actually watched much of Shadow's hundred days videos yet but I've heard that there's this evil scientist guy in it?
Now... There's a lot we can do with that! See, a man of science without morals makes a perfect monster for angst stories!
Consider, Shadow gets experimented on, captured, put into a weird shifting habitat to see his reaction- Any number of weird things! And it just works! All you really gotta do is add in some weird clinical feeling stuff and presto! You have angst!
frys... u are giving me a lot of scenarios to think about,,, i dont know what to do with them =]
although, i may draw it... but i will probably also write it... including what u had suggested from the past as well =]
( ignoring the fact that I do not know any clinical stuff at all because I've never went to a doctor for many years AND also i am stupid. however, i can always search up things =]] )
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dumbassv32 · 18 days
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spaciebabie · 9 months
You felt eyes trained on you from a few feet away, but you didn’t need to turn your head to know who it was. However, Springtrap had been staring at you like this for just over five minutes now, cheek resting in one hand. You occasionally glanced over at him here and there from out of the corner of your eye, but you couldn’t discern much from his oddly deadpan expression.
“Are you warm or cold?” he muttered suddenly, his gravelly voice a bit shaky from not having used it much that day.
“Huh?” You flinched. “Oh, uh… I suppose it’s only a little chilly in here, but not all bad.”
He nodded, shifting his expressionless gaze to another corner of the room as you tilt your head. “..Why do you ask?”
Springtrap’s eyes widen slightly, appearing to have only just realized how strange such a question may have sounded without any context.
He looks at you, perhaps observing your intermittent fidgeting, before fully turning back to you to reach a trembling furred hand gently cup your cheek. You can already feel your face burning, but Springtrap shows no indication that he even felt the change.
“..It’s not the same,” he finally sighs, his breath shaky and his delicate torso quivers with each little movement. “Sure, I know what you feel like. Kind of. And I suppose I can RECALL feeling hot or cold at one point long ago…”
He trails off for a moment, tilting his head a bit; he must have finally noticed the new pigment in your cheeks.
“Even though I know there’s a surplus of blood rushing to your cheeks right at this moment, I can’t feel the extra heat it’s producing. It’s not enough. Not for these hands. Touching you this way isn’t the same as if I suddenly had every one of my nerve endings again, and could actually feel every detail without, well.. harming you.”
You’re speechless. Where did all of this come from, anyway? Though, you notice an actual expression eventually form, and the spacey look in his eyes has been replaced by a strange sting of loss.
“I used to fear my own heartbeat. The noise was unbearable. Any time I stressed myself, the thing felt like it was trying to punch a hole through every pressure point in my body.”
He chuckled dryly. If he’d been able to, he might have let a tear roll down his cheek.
“Now? I’d give anything to hear that wretched thing again.”
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heraldofcrow · 7 months
Writing my blorbos and giving them horrible trauma, mind-altering PTSD, ruining their lives in general:
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When anyone else does it:
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The scene in defiant one where snotlout and hiccup are arguing and snotlout sounds like he’s about to cry OUGHH. Rent was DUE.
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saintchaser · 11 months
dorcas smiled. she was bruised, and there was blood on her hands, a last act of love and revenge for marlene; she looked up to voldemort and grinned, a last act of defiance.
“hello, tom.” she smiled, her voice raspy.
he looked at her, his gaze unwavering.
“you could have done so well in our ranks,” he said quietly, putting his hands together. “you’re a very determined person, and i’ve seen what you can do. seeing what you did to my people.” he let out a low chuckle. “you could have joined us.”
“don’t talk that shit to me,” she growled. “you took away from me everything. everything!” she yelled, anger finally spilling out of her, at her feet, washing over her.
she had already made peace with the idea of death. ever since she had lost marlene, she had almost been waiting for it. the ebb and flow; the ebb took marlene, the flow would come, dorcas’ end, and the ebb would take her away, too.
and if she were to die right there, on the lonely streets of birmingham, then so be it; she died with love in her heart.
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scatterbrainedart · 8 months
Just watched ep 1 and I forgot how much I've missed Izzy <333
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mobei-kisser · 4 months
you might not see this if i reblog it from Potato's account, but you got this. you can draw the twig boy with anemia.
i believe in you <3.
(sorry. is that too much? should i tone it down? i have no clue.)
on another note: i really do like your RedHeart AU, it's really cool, despite how sad you are framing everything that my poor heart hurts every time i see it </3. it still is really cool and i will continue to stick around for it <3.
WOO I will Fyodor is just very much a pain to draw because he’s a little scrawny twig man in RedHeart and I need that to show through but ALSO his outfit is slightly baggy but not and so clothing ruffles, IM POWERING THROUGH THOUGH!! THIS MAN WILL BE GETTING A LITTLE DOODLE EVEN IF IT TAKES ME OUT🙏🙏 also thank you I don’t think it’s too much!!
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leschanceux · 1 year
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@thefvrious asked "what the hell are you doing?" -
Jamie stares at his father for a moment, as if truly stunned by the question. Surely what he's doing is obvious --- he's carrying the last box of his stuff out the door of his parents' trailer, having carried the rest of his stuff out in bags previously in the week. He and Chase are finally moving out together into their own house, though he hasn't said anything about that to his family yet ( not even his brothers know, which... is not what Jamie wanted, but it's safer because there's nobody to talk him out of it or accidentally let slip over dinner ).
"---Painting the ceiling. What's it look like I'm doing?"
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