#Wolfe Family oc
callmemana · 1 year
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers Masterlist:
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Leonard ‘Wolfman’ Wolfe x Amanda ‘Cricket’ Pruitt
Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven x Baylie ‘Duckie’ Pruitt ( @bayisdying )
Warnings: fluff & angst. Redneck activities(?)
After Months of being deployed, Leonard comes home to a childhood friend who hasn’t talked to him since he was 18 and shipped off to basic. While he was gone she had wrote letters to him but never got any response back. Unknown to her, something went wrong with the mailing service and he never got the letters to begin with. So when he comes home and expects open arms and warms hugs from his best friend, only to get the cold shoulder. He knows something’s wrong, but he can’t get her to talk to him at all. Will a heart to heart when a thunderstorm makes it way towards them and strands them in the family barn help heal their relationship?
Thank you @switchbladedreamz @bayisdying for helping!
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1. Fool Me Once, Shame On Me. Fool Me Twice, Shame on You.
2. Mess With the Bill, You Get the Horns.
3. My Boots Might Be Tiny, But Oh Lord Am I Mighty!
4. Brands & Belt Buckles
5. Boots With The Spurs
6. Idiot! You Forgot Gas?!
7. Dressed In My Sunday Best
8. Cowboys & Angels
9. One Piece At A Time
10. Shotgun! The Front Seat? No, My Dad, Dumbass!
11. Breakin’ Colts On A Hot Summer Day
12. Tin Roof Singin’
13. Feel The Mud Between My Toes As We Dance In The Rain Together
14. Drive Safe, Cowboy. I’ll Still Be Here When You Get Back
15. Rodeo Romeo
16. Haylofts & Forgiveness
17. She’s The Reason For Leaving On My Porch Light
18. Whippoorwills & Love Confessions
19. Listen To Strait; Love Without End, Amen Baby.
20. I May Be From A Small Town, But I’ll Follow You Wherever You Go, Cowboy
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Meet The Characters:
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Busch & Jack Pruitt|Beau & Katherine Pruitt|
TK & Chloe|Duckie & Cricket|John & Ruth Wolfe|
Spencer & Quinn Henderson|——
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @switchbladedreamz @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @sweetlittlegingy
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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aratribow · 3 months
:o pretty banner
Awwwrrr thankuuuu ^3^
It's actually from a lil floof au from my server with established jrh and yq, bailu, sw and yueshi (@itsredpaint 's oc) as their children IT'S CALLED THE LION SAMMICH AU!! (No angst allowed)
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It's just them making a lion sammich for jy KEHEKEBJE (and burning down the kitchen)
Have a good day/night op! 👉👉
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plumadot · 3 months
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i don't think i ever shared the full arts of my dnd character on this blog for some reason??? this is roselle she's a little bard who made a pact with a fey creature for the power to make her drawings come to life!!! :D and now she's lost in barovia :'))))))) all of this art is almost two years old but i still like it!!!
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babbyrat-art · 10 months
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The triplets are out here and they are causing mischief!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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cold-neon-ocean · 11 months
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I made this full body of Wolf(right) for ArtFight and decided to included his mom Heron! Wolf is the oldest of 3 kids but was always kind of the baby of the family, especially to his mom ;;
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evelynlisian · 1 month
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The best friends of Eva Black
Lindsey The Yorkshire Terrier Dog & White the Wolf
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Interactions between my ocs, adding Lucky (the little dog)
Let's add context, Lindsey and Lucky are siblings, they are both Yorkshire Terriers, and along with Eva and White, they are a big family. Lindsey and White are Eva's best friends, and Eva adores Lucky as if he were her brother too.
White is a white wolf, with the power to control and create ice. Together with Eva, they are dancers, they are passionate about music and dancing.
Lindsey is a genius, almost approaching the intellect of Tails or Eggman, and creates all kinds of gadgets to help Lucky, White, and Eva. Both Eva's bracelets, and the ones White wears under her sleeves, are her creations that help the two better control their powers more effectively. She has a laser sniper as a weapon, and uses it both in melee and ranged shooting.
Later I want to go into more detail about White's powers and Lindsey's engineering skills. Thank you for reading this far.
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greenieart · 4 months
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Illustrated Wolf’s inventory! I think I missed a few items and some sizes are off, but I think you can learn a lot about a character based on the items they carry with them
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spiralofants01 · 5 months
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This as another one of my “quick projects☺️” that ended up taking me all of December. Maybe if Wolfheart didn’t have six children all with different women. I was almost done and then remembered Falconscream’s entire foster family and had to add nine cats. You can definitely tell which cats I like and which I had to design just for this lol. Fun fact only 11 of these cats survive to the end of the first act. Anyways✌️ toodles
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echosong971 · 1 year
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wanted to sketch a lil something self-indulgent, withdrawals be damned
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callmemana · 1 year
Whiskey Bottles & Wild Flowers: Meet Rick ‘Hollywood’ Neven
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Richard Eric Neven was the fourth eldest out of nine. The Neven family lived in a house way too small for all of the bodies that lived there. It was a three bedroom house with the master being taken by his parents, Douglas and Marsha, the second biggest being taken by all of his sisters (3), and the boys (6), getting the smallest. It didn’t make sense that the girls got the biggest room, considering there was less of them.
The boys had to have two people in the single beds at all times and forget having friends over, that was a fat chance getting one of the brothers to move outta their bed for a guest. The girls had extra space and could walk into the room without knocking into another bed frame. Rick promised to himself that when he turned eighteen, he’d get outta this hell hole and never look back.
Which is the start of many fights with his parents on what he’s gonna do after he’s old enough. His parents never believed in him, always being rude and hateful towards him. They acted like they didn’t want him, which wouldn’t surprise him one bit considering how drunk or high they are most days that they can’t even find work. The family paid the bills by each kid getting a job, or two, at fifteen and saving up.
Between all of the siblings, they could just make it by. Rick worked the hardest, took every shift he could and stayed out of the god forsaken house for as long as he could before the old battered up truck came down the road looking for him. He did his homework at school and at the library most times. He needed good grades to get out of here, as quickly as possible. And when he finally achieved that, and got to graduate early, he took that chance and joined up the next day.
This started the second fight, it was a yelling at the top of your lungs and pretty ugly. Marsha accused Rick of not wanting to be part of the family anymore, doesn’t care what happens to them if he leaves, and that he doesn’t appreciate anything that his parents do for him. Rick didn’t like the sound of this, and told Marsha that they haven’t done anything for him in years! They didn’t even go to his graduation because they were busy drinking and getting high!
Of course, being the ‘man’ of the house, Douglas had to step in and tell Rick not to raise his voice at his mother, which only made him more temperamental. How could they do this to him and not be proud of him wanting a better life than the one he grew up with. With one last remark, Rick packed his things and left to a buddy’s house.
Once Rick had made it to basic, he didn’t think he’d get any letters from his loved ones, he only just left the mailing address to his friend that let him stay until he left for basic. The envelope showed his mother’s sloppy handwriting, and so with a deep breath, he opened it, and surprise, surprise. It was a letter filled with hateful and rude remarks and curse words. It even smelled like the cigarettes she’d light up after a good stiff drink, most likely drunk off of Jim Beam or the Captain.
He didn’t even finish the letter before trashing it, he’s not going to sit around and read what she’s got to say to him if she’s not going to say it to his face. The next letter he received that day was of his father’s handwriting, just as, if not more sloppily written as his mothers. He didn’t have the patience for his parents, so he trashed that one too.
When Marsha and Douglas realized that they weren’t getting letters back, they recruited the other children to help, unknowingly to them. The envelope would have one of his siblings handwriting and he could see that they’d been tampered with, but thought of how the younger kids might’ve forgotten something.
As soon as he realized what is parents were doing, he had written home for the first time. He cussed out his mother and father for taking his letters from his siblings that he hasn’t heard from in months and missed incredibly. He said all of the things he’d been thinking of for years, finally getting that off his chest felt like a boulder lifted off of his chest.
The next letter had two sentences; You are no longer a son of mine. Richard Eric Neven, you are now, until the end of time disowned from this family and cannot have any type of contact with anyone with the Neven name. How could they just pretend he doesn’t exist? He cried that night, and he’s very thankful that his bunk mate, Leonard Wolfe, had kept that quiet.
The next morning when Leo had asked if he was ok, Rick spilt all of the bad memories that were locked in his head to him. Leo shared some of his painful memories too. This made the two men closer and by the end of basic, best friends. The two were paired together for Pilot and RIO, and when they graduated, took pride in their tight bond in and out of the sky. It was that, and Rick’s flying that out them at the top of the list to go to Top Gun.
It was amazing flying with other pilots who were just as, if not better than them (not that they’d agree to that). The two men were known to be laid back and humorous at times, that being seen on the first day when whispering ‘This gives me a hard-on’ and ‘don’t tease me like that.’
After the mission that was handed out at graduation was over, the big guys at Washington gave the pilots some leave. Rick didn’t really wanna leave San Diego, but after Wolfie had pestered him enough, he gave in. Leonard had told stories about the chaos of his two best friends, but he forgot to mention one small detail… Baylie, or Duckie, as she liked to be called it seems, was very beautiful.
Rick, even though he had been warned many times before by Leo, tried to flirt with her. Which got him nowhere unlike it usually did with the opposite sex. I mean, come on, his callsign is ‘Hollywood’ for Pete’s sake! He knows he’s attractive!
Weeks went by without any progress with Duckie, so he tried a different approach; Friendly. It seemed to work just fine, because the next couple of weeks she was nothing but sugar, spice, and everything nice. Then while Rick and Duckie are talking in the woods, she grabbed his face and kissed him.
As soon as it was over, Duckie all but hauled ass back to her house. Rick just stood there confused, what had just happened. Was this real or another dream? It turned out to be real when he could still feel the ghost of her lips on his. He smirked, and headed back the ranch.
When the other pilots visited, it was a huge help around the ranches. Work seemed to be done faster and the days shorter as fun followed the group everywhere. Rick was thankful to see his friends again and not have to deal with Leonard by himself anymore.
He thought that Leo in San Diego was Buck Wild, boy was he wrong! Hometown ranch Leo was far more crazy and always getting into trouble by someone! The others saw this side of him and felt bad for his pilot, even though it was overruled by the humor they saw in Leonard’s behavior.
After the other aviators left, Leo asked Cricket to their first official date, which ended early and horribly. Rick and Duckie had gotten a call from their respective best friends and told all about the failed date. Rick dropped Duckie off at her own house before driving to his friend’s family’s house. Leo came stomping into the house and slammed the door before treading up the stairs and to their shared room.
He sat silent for a bit, then got up and followed his friend. It took hours, but Leo finally told him what had happened and how badly it went. It was quiet for a few minutes before Leo’s head popped back up and he started to pack up his duffle bag, tossing Rick his own.
He signed regrettably, he didn’t want to leave just yet! Rick just got Duckie to like him, and they just started dating! He also couldn’t not go with his best friend who so generously let Rick into his home and meet his family and friends. When they got off the plane back in Miramar, the drive was silent as they drove to Rick’s house.
The weeks after that were nothing special, he stuck to his schedule; 4 am wake up call, 4:15 breakfast ate, 4:30 showered, hair and teeth brushed, 5:00 out the door. It was so boring without Duckie’s energy radiating off of her, she made even the most repetitive jobs feel fun!
One day after being on base all day, sweaty and smelling of jet fuel, he decided that he’d take a shower before cooking dinner, only to be interrupted mid rinse by the doorbell. Regrettably, he got out of the shower, wrapped a towel around himself and answered the door. When the door was opened, he couldn’t believe what he saw, it was Duckie! He pulled her into a sweet kiss before leading her inside of the house.
The girls stayed for a few weeks before returning home, and as the couple continued to date, and the time apart got too much, the guys had made the decision to ask their girlfriends to move in with them. Rick had been with Duckie for three years before he asked her to marry him. The wedding was beautiful, tears shed and laughter heard in every corner. He had the best wife any man could ask for in his opinion, and he’d stick by that.
Duckie and Rick were married for a couple of years before the subject of children was introduced. Both agreed on only two kids, coming from a household of 5 and 11. Duckie didn’t care what the gender was, as long as the baby was healthy. As for Rick, he wished for two healthy, beautiful daughters. When the appointment to see what each baby would be, Rick held his breath and prayed for a daughter, and when the wand showed it was in fact going to be a little girl, he cried.
It took Rick by surprise when he realized he was crying again. He kisses AJ’s little forehead before doing the same to Duckie, whispering, ‘Thank you Baylie.’ A confused look crossed Duckie’s features as she asked, ‘What for Rick?’ ‘For coming into my life, I don’t think I could’ve asked for a better woman to come into it and change it into something so perfect.’
Duckie smiled and rolled her eyes, ‘Oh shut up Pretty Boy!’ Rick looked at AJ with admiration in his eyes before looking back up at Duckie, ‘I’m serious Bay…without you, I’d still be seeking conquests. You changed all of that.’ Duckie just melted in his embrace, she was the only one who got to see that Rick could be an emotional guy.
The day that Addie Kate was born, Rick knew what was coming, the emotions and overwhelming intrusive thoughts. He also knew that no matter how long he held Duckie’s hand as the doctors performed the surgery, that he was gonna cry. Both of the parents were scared of the outcomes from the birth and now hard it would be for Duckie to recover.
But that was all washed away the second Rick and Duckie heard her screams, tears filling both of their sets of eyes. He kissed Duck’s forehead and went over to the nurse to hold his new born daughter for the first time after he cut the cord. He was overjoyed by the healthy baby, especially when they were told that there was something wrong and the doctors had to do an emergency C-Section.
He cried again later that same day when AJ came skipping into the hospital room in her princess Belle dress and plastic tiara smiling wide at her new sister. He explained to her how to hold Addie, and after that, cried at how much love AJ had for a baby that was only brought into the world six hours prior to knowing her. Rick could tell that his daughters would be just like their Mother and Aunt Cricket; partners in crime for life.
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Forever 🏷️ list: @bayisdying @dragon-kazansky @mrsjaderogers @gracespicybradshaw
🏷️ list: @luckyladycreator2 @lisedanie
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aratribow · 3 months
I wanna know, the kid at the top, I'm assuming, is JingRenHeng's kid
they're cutest omfg???
AAAHHH YES! yueshi! They r specifically a df/yx/jy kid actually :3c
They are the oldest of the bunch and yes they are CERTAINLY the cutest ^3^
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They love their siblings equally bailu favouritism is real tho, and the chaos twins are also well loved but ahh they sometimes have too much energy than what yueshi can deal with
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waivyjellyfish · 2 months
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I decided to dig into old, school and not, drawings and draw some old ideas and design new ones.
So on the canvas(a fucking long post):
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Mina and her older children (Oliver, Shelina, Zeno, Orange)
As a wolf-type shapeshifter She-she loves water, Oliver doesn’t really like water because he's a dampire.
Once, Mina had to give her hand to her brother for a while.
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Small and portable version of Mina.(Crossover with KHR)
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Adult version of one of her youngest children (Molly)
From a shy cutie to a powerful cutie in eight years.
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Mina's nephews (Airen and Naoki) +Dolly
I still suspect that Nao-nao was born from an egg. Lizbeth, your comments?
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Comparison of Thoroughbred Slime (Mina) with a genetic mixture (Es aka Dokuro Ace). Almost identical. (the humanlike form design is shit exept heads, and anything below it isn't exactly what I want, so it may be changed in the future)
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Meme about Ace’s(Es’) incomprehensible gender.
It does not exist. Zero. Total. They're chtonical creature.
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'Mom, what the f***?' 'Don't worry :)'
I think when your mother taking you to her work. To kill "worms", it’s a sin not to learn how to swear in your... Four and a half? Five?
Aah nevermind.
They just didn’t get along with the babysitters. So all four of them had to take turns with the child, on weekdays to work (En, Mina), and on weekends to anywhere (Lynnel, Bell)
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cynthiadasorceress · 2 months
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Characters shown
Purple and teal wolf-dragon: Juniper, she/her
Tan and brown cat: Cloudi, he/him
Green and black raptor: Glitch, he/they
Red and white protogen: Peppermint, she/her
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lord-prey · 5 months
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On a better note I’ve been watching a bunch of Godzilla stuff lately, tomorrow I wanna watch some Kamen rider movie I saw though n plus it’s been a while I watched anything Kamen rider related
Also convinced Agent to see Godzilla minus-one so like, aha, get to talk about that movie to em hopefully :)
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flamingredanon · 2 months
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Wolf isn't the only one that deals with nightmares about the past, especially the nightmares about losing the love of your life.
But the nightmares are just that, bad dreams that tell a story of fear and things that never came to be, as when these nightmares pass come the comfort and reassurance that what was seen wasn't real, and that they are both still there and alive.
Also below is the picture frame in the background.
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The picture is post inauguration into the Toppats, with Wolf not quite a picture taking person but is very happy for the moment and Lex's eye being wrapped up after being looked at and properly treated by the Toppat medical team.
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legacyshenanigans · 11 months
Just another Ominis having a crush on Rowan AU kinda post
To anyone who may not like the idea, shut up, I NEED this. 🤣
Ominis: *walking into Marvolos room* Marvolo?
Rowan: Nope *grins*
Ominis: (?!) O-Oh..Hi, Rowan..Erm..Where's Marvolo?
Rowan: Popped out, he'll be back soon..Me and him are just talking business here.
Rerek: *pops his head up, looking at the two talking*
Rowan: So..Ya good?
Ominis: You're...Asking how I am?
Rowan: Well..Yeah? *chuckles*
Ominis: *twiddling his fingers by the door, looking all meek* I'm..Fine...You?
Rowan: I'm good *smirks*
Ominis: *blushes* Well..Ok then..I erm..*clears his throat*
Rerek: *noticing* Oooooh? My my...Does someone have a little crush? *chuckles*
Ominis: *frowns speaking in Parseltongue* Shhhh, shut up will you, Rerek..
Rowan: *also noticing his blush, and grins but doesn't say anything at first*
Ominis: T-Tell Marvolo I need to talk to him...Please.
Rowan: Will do...Rosy cheeks *smirks*
Ominis: *eyes widen as he blushes even more before quickly leaving the room*
Ominis: *running into his own room and leans against the door, holding his chest* Goodness me *sighs* Oh my god.
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