#Whether you're looking for a PG
ssstaysaurapgformen · 2 years
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0 notes
stormhearty · 2 months
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✨ pairings: Lucien x Reader, Elucien
🔮 preview: Hanahaki Disease definition: “If your love is not getting returned, flowers start growing inside your body, suffocating you from the inside. Surgical removal is dangerous and you're dying without your soulmate's love.”
📣 trigger warnings: pining, unacquainted romance, vomiting, mentions of blood, ambiguous ending
🔎 rating: PG-13 | 🔏 word count: 4.5k
💜 masterlist + notes: I am the Queen of Angst, as per @prythianpages… another one for the books. I loved Lucien, I loved him since ACOTAR. And so, it is time… to give him some angst to his already angsty story. I do hope you guys enjoy it!
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“Lucien —-”
You gasped his name, struggling against the bonds that bound your hands behind your back, your knees ached against the stone ground. Tears lined your eyes, watching Lucien leave your side, tugging the turned middle Archeron sister into his arms, her wet form shivering from being drowned into the cauldron moments earlier.
The world around you slowed and all you could focus on was how Lucien held the sister so tenderly in his arms. For a moment, his back stiffened, and looked over his shoulder — back at you. Your eyes connected and all you felt was a burst in your chest — one that glowed but also one that was slowly suffocating you.
A mating bond.
Another gasp escaped your lips, head bowing as you pressed your forehead against the cool stone underneath your body. Your chest heaved, gasping as your back arched — your throat burned, your chest ached, you felt as if your lungs were on fire. You felt like you were burning from the inside out. Tilting your head up, you hoped that Lucien’s gaze was still on you, that he would abandon the Archeron sister and return to your side — you had hoped that the mating bond snapped for him as well; however, that wasn’t the case.
The eldest Archeron sister snatched the younger back into her arms, pushing Lucien away, him stumbling back from the strength. You watched as Lucien and the middle sister’s gaze intertwined, and even from your position, you could hear the disbelief in his tone.
“You’re my mate.”
The world tilted in front of you, and chaos ensued. You didn’t care whether Tamlin had broken out of his bonds and stalked towards Feyre. You didn’t care that Feyre was begging Tamlin to break the bond between her and Rhysand. You didn’t care that the Hybern King had caused all this madness — just for the Cauldron.
You just didn’t care.
Because all you cared about was the fact that Lucien had felt the bond with the middle Archeron sister — the beautiful Cauldron-Made fae — and not you.
Your world blurred behind your eyes, and you didn’t even realize that Mor was winnowing everyone of the Inner Circle away — the ward had been broken, and everyone was escaping. You watched as she ripped the Archeron sister from Lucien’s grasp, the male roaring at the loss of his mate. He clawed and grasped the ground where she had laid. You wanted to call out to him, tell him that you were still there — that he had another mate. But your voice died in your throat, and you barely could even let out a whisper of his name. Your throat burned, and you felt your lungs constrict and you couldn’t get any air in your lungs.
Pressing your hand against your throat, you wheezed.
You couldn’t breathe.
Panic set into your features as you clawed the palms of your hands, blood dripping down onto the ground. Arms gathered around you, tugging the bonds away from your wrist as you looked up, “—-Mor…” you choked out, grasping her upper arms as you struggled to get to your feet. You focused on her, and not the fact that your body was slowly being deprived of air.
She pressed her lips on the crown of your head, soothing you, as if she knew exactly what had happened between you and Lucien, “Hold on tight, (Y/N), we’re going home… You’re going to be okay…”
Wrapping your arms around her shoulders, you glanced at Lucien, watching him snap his head back towards you as if feeling that you were going to be taken away from him as well. Your eyes locked with his and you felt tears cascade down your cheeks.
Your name slipped from his lips and all you saw before you were taken in swirls of light and darkness, was his hand reaching out to you.
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You held up a hand, stopping a worried Feyre from coming to your aid. Eyes locked with hers and all you could do was shake your head, a silent plead not to draw any attention. A moment of silence passed before your gaze drifted up those familiar marble steps, the scent of your mate lingering in the air.
Lucien had just stopped by the River House and passed you — heading up those stairs… into Elain’s room.
You held your breath, awaiting the moment when the pain would slam into your body.
A painful gasp escaped your lips as you grasped your chest, feeling the burst of flowers invading your lungs. It had taken your breath away so strongly that you stumbled backward, pressing your back against the marble column, chest heaving as you tried to gain any ounce of air into your flower-filled lungs.
Tears stung your eyes as the pain wracked your body, teeth biting into pink-stained lips, fighting back a painful cry that threatened to leave your throat. You couldn’t make noise… not when Lucien was oh-so-close to hearing it.
Just the thought of the male caused another surge of pain, feeling your organs being pushed around inside your body to make way for more of those deadly flowers to occupy your being.
It hurt so much.
All you could focus was on the indescribable pain, feeling every burst and explosion of your illness taking over your body, that you barely were able to feel gentle hands cupping your cheek — the scent of paint and starlight invading your system — Feyre.
You couldn’t help but lean into her gentle hold, her warmth as you blinked away the white flashes of pain, trying with all your might to focus on your friend. The High Lady looked at you with fear and worry etched on her beautiful, ethereal features and all you could do was give her a small smile, despite the pain that wracked your body with tiny shivers, “I’m fine, Feyre…” You tried to reassure her, your voice meek and strained… your tone shaking underneath each word. You wanted to convince yourself that you were fine… it was just another flare of your illness.
It would pass.
It always did.
Both of you knew you were nothing but fine.
Not when the source of your pain was just up those marble steps.
Your face scrunched as another wave of pain shook your body, your back arching and your limbs stiffening at the agony that you were succumbing to every time your illness took over. Attempting to regain control over your body, you pressed your palm against your mouth, trying to fight back every urge to vomit all over the floor. But the burn in your throat was so strong, that the need to empty your stomach would help alleviate the pain. You scrambled to push Feyre away, pressing your hands against marble floors — and all you could do was heave.
A rainbow of flowers splashed onto those pristine floors — vines and thorns from those very flowers scratching your lungs and throat, causing blood to spew out of your lips, dripping down the edge of your lips, coating those flowers with red and the smell of metal lingering in your mouth.
It burns, it hurts.
That was all that you can think of.
How the pain took over your whole body, and there was nothing else you could think of.
Not even the fact that your destined mate had decided to choose a bond that was not connected to you.
Tears of agony cascaded down your cheeks as you gagged and heaved those flowers that took over your entire system. You inhaled, grasping as much air as you could before you vomited again, this time the contents of your stomach pooling underneath you.
You didn’t understand why. You couldn’t understand why this was cursed upon you — why you were destined to live this way, in so much pain… in so much hurt.
In so much loneliness.
For millennials, you had believed a mating bond was a beautiful thing, something that a happy ever after would grant you, much like those fairytale stories that you read as a child.
But for centuries, you realized that a mating bond was nothing but a curse.
The beauty of a mating bond, the flowers of love and romance… disguised as torture and unhappiness.
You didn’t even know, nor did you care, how long you were in that foyer, puking your lungs and stomach out. At that point, you didn’t care if Lucien had heard your retching from Elain’s room. All you wanted was for the pain to stop. Your vision blurred and your body swayed under the exhaustion you felt. You tried to stay conscious, tried to keep yourself from fainting… but you were so tired. You felt your body sway, the weariness tugging your brain to the darkness. But you caught yourself, regaining your balance with your hands and knees, fingers grasping onto the soft petals that lay beneath you, feeling them crunch underneath your grip.
Oh, how you hated it.
Hated how those flowers felt underneath your palm.
They were soft and gentle… but they grew inside of you — a curse to remind you of how devious and deceiving a mating bond was.
You had been so focused on the pain, so focused on staying awake that you barely heard the shuffling around you, how shadows covered your body, soothing your aching body. Whispers of worry passed over your subconscious, not having the energy to listen to what they were saying — was it about you? Did they take pity on your pain and suffering? You didn’t have an ounce to care. When gentle hands grasped your hands, feeling Feyre’s hands slip away from your cheeks, you whimpered, missing the warmth from your friend, only to be lulled into warm and gentle arms.
Blinking away the weariness and the tears, you looked up, your head lulling back onto broad shoulders and into beautiful violet hues.
“Rhys…” you whispered, your voice hoarse, your hands weakly reaching up to grasp his suit, bunching it up in your blood-stained hand, trying to ground yourself, to distract yourself from the pain that plagued your body.
Your body stiffened in his hold, another wave of agony threatened to pull you into subconsciousness. You whimpered, trying to gain little control over what was left of your body, one that was not dominated by torment.
You tried to focus on his words, seeing his lips open and close, as if telling you something — but the fog that penetrated your mind was so strong that it was just noise in your head. Vision swayed and black spots appeared in your vision. Your head rolled back again, your body becoming heavy in Rhys’ arms, as you felt him shift your body in his hold.
Gentle hands grasped the back of your neck, forcing you to look up at those violet hues. You blinked, trying to focus on the High Lord before a wave of darkness stormed into your mind, gently taking the pain away before lulling you into darkness — your body felt light, your mind drifting in the sea of darkness that welcomed you.
You floated in that darkness and all you hoped was that you would never wake up — would never have to succumb to the pain again. And never would have to face your mate who yearned for another.
But your wishes would never come true — they never did.
And when you had awoken, nightfall had fallen over Valeris.
Your body felt heavy, something that you had grown used to, after an intense eruption of your illness.
You lay there, in your bed, trying to attempt to lull yourself back into sleep, into that darkness that made you feel nothing. But your mind screamed at you to wake, to not drift into that darkness again.
An exhausted sigh escaped your lips, your throat burning from retching your lungs out, as you allowed your fingers to gently wiggle underneath the satin sheets, attempting to regain control over your body, feeling the cool sensation under your fingertips, grounding yourself back to the present — away from the memory of mental and physical suffering. You lay there, for seconds, minutes… hours before you opted to open your eyes. You blinked away the dried tears that crusted them, you blinked away the fatigue that made your eyelids feel heavy, as you focused on the painted ceiling above you — an image of the night sky, the one that mirrored the one outside your very windows. It usually gave you comfort, it gave you a sense of peace.
But at that very moment, all you felt was hollow.
As if you had emptied your whole self, your whole soul with those flowers, hours earlier. And now, there was nothing left of you. Your body was nothing but a greenhouse to create those painful flowers, there was no you left in the shell of your body.
It was a feeling, a moment that you would never get used to. On the feeling of being lost, that no one would be able to understand what you go through. And that no one ever would.
The door creaked open, the sound resonating loudly in your quiet room before the patter of feet entered your room.
You had no energy to look see who it was, you had no energy to do anything besides just lay there and rot, to decay into soil for those rotten flowers to grow from.
The bed dipped and you glanced over to see Feyre, that same worried expression on her features. You watched how her face twitched and shifted, trying to find the proper guise to speak to you with… but all you could see was the shadow of concern in her look. You watched as her brain turned, her lips parting before closing again — trying to figure out how to approach you.
Like you were an endangered, hurt animal.
“…How are you feeling, (Y/N)?” her lips tugged up into a simper of a smile, after a few minutes of silence, though her brows knitted together, assessing you from your supine position in bed, trying to gauge your physical and mental condition.
Dull eyes stared at her, unblinking and unmoving, and your throat itched to say something — something to smooth out those lines on her features.
But you couldn’t.
There were no words that could describe how much agony you go through… Every. Single. Time. You could never explain to Feyre, to Rhysand, or the rest of the Inner Circle… how it feels to have something so beautiful be so deadly.
No matter how many times they ask you, try to pull words out of you, or even whenever you allow Rhysand to wander your mind to understand just a bit of your pain… they would never fully understand.
All because your love was unreciprocated.
Your love and bond with Lucien Vanserra.
You had known him for centuries, ever since he had stepped into the borders of Spring Court. You had been nothing but the daughter of a low-ranking noble, one who had the privilege of serving Tamlin as a scholar in the High Lord’s castle; he had been the one to give you such a title. You had been the one who alerted your High Lord about the threat of Lucien’s brothers’ attempt at his life. You had been the one who befriended Lucien and allowed him to adjust while he was found a position in Tamlin’s court. You had been the one to stay by his side when the High Queen had ripped his eye out, been the one to nurse him back to health. You had gone through forty-nine years of the curse alongside him. And you had been the one beside him through the perils of Under the Mountain.
You had been his first friend in Spring Court.
And he had been your first love.
You had hoped and prayed for the Mother and the Gods to will your kindred spirits into a mating bond. You had hoped and prayed you gain any confidence to confess your feelings for him. But for centuries, that had been your downfall, you had been content with his presence, content with his friendship that you had believed that nothing would have changed.
But in the end, everything changed.
Feyre looked into your eyes, trying to find that part of you that still fought — fought for your life and your soul against this illness, but when she couldn’t, she sighed, willing back tears before reaching over to run her fingers through your tangled locks, trying to formulate comforting words to help you with your ordeal. But both of you knew, after knowing each other for years, there were no words that would soothe your pain.
Turning your head towards the rays of light that shone from your large windows, you focused on the soothing motion of your friend’s delicate fingers through your hair as you soaked in the night, twinkling sky of Valeris.
You had realized over the past few months you’ve lived in Night Court, that you had fallen in love with the night sky — how vast and never-ending it was over your head. It had eclipsed your previous adoration for your former home’s vast spring fields, ones that were overrun with wildflower and fresh grass — and that, now, you would happily die just laying out and staring into the twinkling night of Valeris’ skies.
Feyre had always said your sense of humor was morbid, how you would casually just bring up how you’d die as if it was a normal conversation starter.
But to you, it was.
Your illness was the only thing on your mind nowadays. Wondering when you would succumb to the pain and just die, or when the flowers finally take over your body — what would happen to you? Would you become a tree, lifeless and hollow, sprouting flowers from your mouth and nose?
It was the fear that drove your thoughts, turning them into morbid humor.
Because it was the only way you could cope with your looming doom.
Swallowing a lump in your throat, tasting the petals in your lungs, you turned back to Feyre, “…Is he still with her?”
Pain tugged on Feyre’s features and her hand grew still against your locks, hand pulling away and you could see that it was shaking.
That was the only confirmation you needed.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N)…” Feyre whispered, shifting so that she could sit closer to you, bringing your body into her warm embrace, “I had tried. Tried to force them apart with multiple different excuses, but Elain wanted to see him. She felt the tug on his end of the bond… and had grown curious... They’ve been together the whole night…”
There was nothing she could do to help soothe the ache in your chest. No comforting words, no gentle gestures. Nothing.
Tears brimmed your vision and all you could do was curse the Mother and the Cauldron.
Why couldn’t it be you?
Why couldn’t it be you that Lucien felt at the end of the golden string?
Why did the Cauldron deem that Elain was better for Lucien than you?
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A shaky sigh escaped your lips as you looked over your shoulder, the sound of your name coming from a familiar-sounding voice — one that you had wished for centuries would call yours more often.
There stood at the threshold of your bedroom was Lucien, leaning against the open door, arms crossed over his chest. He garbed Autumn Court colors, rouge and gold material complimenting his skin tone very well.
He was a prince charming, straight out of those fairy tale books — but he wasn’t here to sweep you off your feet.
Your eyes glanced over his form, and caught the glimmering shine of the golden band around his ring finger — it was his wedding day. The ache of the mating bond resonated in your chest, one that you had grown used to and didn’t often flinch from the pain, and you gave a tiny smile, one you hoped wasn’t laced with anguish and hurt.
You had to be happy.
Happy for his sake.
“I didn’t see you at the ceremony… Feyre said you were here in your room…”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, the taste of petals coating your tongue, “…I wasn’t feeling too well, I watched it from up here though. It was a beautiful wedding, Lucien… I’m, happy for you.”
And you were, you were happy for him but the small part of you, wanted that happiness to be with you.
But the Mother does not grant you wishes — never for you.
Lucien stepped into your room and you felt your back stiffen slightly, shifting so you were closer to the metal railing of your balcony. You watched those heterochromatic hues stare at you, sweeping over your form as if to find the illness he had heard so much about — that russet eye assessing your form as if he could see right into your soul.
All you wanted to do was turn around, avoid his gaze — just avoid him entirely like you have been doing for the past few years.
You couldn’t be near him… not anymore.
He didn’t seek you out often anymore, and so you did the same.
For your health.
You watched as he stepped passed the doorway, his boots echoing into your room and that’s what you focused on, how he grew closer and closer to you to the point where he stood in front of you — his woody scent intermixed with honey and jasmine, of Elain’s scent.
It made you nauseous that your world spun around, you pinched your eyes shut, reaching back to grab onto the railing so you wouldn’t fall to your death. Though death seemed to be a better option than confronting Lucien.
Hands gripped your upper arms, as if to still your wavering body and your senses were overwhelmed by his — his scent, his breath, the warmth that radiated from his hands and body to your own.
It has been too much.
Pressing your hands against his chest, you shoved him away, your breath quick and sweat lining your forehead.
“Don't touch me… Please…” you begged him.
You used to love being in his presence. During peaceful times, before Amarantha’s reign, before the curse… you would always seek each other out — whether it be just basking in each other’s presence, or talking about your day to one another — your eyes would always try to look for him. He would easily just hold your hand for comfort or you'd always be welcome in his arms.
Everything was so much simpler and easier — without the cursed illness that rages in your body.
It was easier to be around him without the mating bond that connected you to him.
But now, nothing was simple. You couldn't be next to him, have him touch you so easily without the bouts of nausea and pain that came with an incomplete mating bond.
You had been able to handle it, since he had sought Elain often when he visited the River House. You avoided everywhere they may have been — the gardens, her bedroom — basically everywhere in the River House, confining yourself to your room.
The only people that would check in on you were Feyre, Mor and Rhysand — all three were the only people that knew of your condition, of your illness… and your love for Lucien.
Taking in a deep breath, the smell of florals invading your system as you felt small bursts of pain in your chest — more flowers taking over your lungs.
Eyes looked at him and you blinked twice — making sure your mind wasn't playing tricks on you. Surprise and hurt etched onto his beautiful features, his eyes staring at you as if you've done a taboo.
“What… what's wrong, (Y/N)? Why are you so distant with me lately?” his voice was full of confusion and all you wanted was to yell and scream all the pain that had been caused by the incomplete bond — but you couldn't.
He didn't know. He wasn't the reason why you were decaying slowly, it was your illness. The stupid, wretched curse placed upon you by the Mother above.
You looked at him, with so much longing and love — you wanted to convey centuries of your love for him, but it has been too late.
He had chosen his Cauldron bound mate.
A pained smile tugged on your lips as you reached up and gently caressed the scars on the left side of his face, and you watched as he leaned close to your palm — your illness flaring in your chest, you flinching slightly from the pain.
“You haven't been putting on the ointment for your face, Lucien…” you muttered, trying to avoid the topic of anything relating to your distance, to your pain, to your unrequited love for him, “It had been looking good… I hope it isn't too painful…”
Lucien’s golden eye whirlled, trying to lock gaze with your own, trying to assess what was going on with you; but you avoided his gaze, focusing on how badly your hand was trembling near him.
“… I haven't had the time to put on the ointment, and besides that had been your job for the past few centuries…” a tiny smile tugged onto his lips.
You tucked a loose strand of auburn hair behind his ear, feeling the soft lock between your fingers before you dropped your hand, gently grasping it in your other as if to stop the trembles, “You're right, it had been my job…But it looks like not anymore. Elain could do that for you… I'll—-” you swallowed the lump in your throat once more, the urge to cough up the flowers was strong.
The two looked back at your doorway to see her — Elain, dressed in white. You gave her a tight smile, glancing up at Lucien who’s facial features morphed from worry and confusion at you, to complete adoration and love for her.
Tears stung your eyes as you turned around, your back facing the two married couple.
“You should go Lucien… you're missing out on your reception…” your voice shook and you desperately hoped neither of them would notice.
You have to continue to be happy — for him.
“You should come with us, you don't have to be here alone…” his voice drifted with the wind.
Shaking your head, you looked over your shoulder at him and gave him a smile, “I’m content here…”
Hesitation tugged on his features but before he could say anymore, Elain gathered his attention and both of them slipped out of your room.
Your chest heaved and you slowly slid down to the ground, pressing you hands on those cold stone tiles and you heaved.
Heaved all the pain and anguished of a love that was never yours to begin with.
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General Tag List: @prythianpages @strangelygreat
313 notes · View notes
doobea · 9 months
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synopsis: Sae decides to find a roommate when he moves to Spain. Being physical with said roommate is the last thing he would expect to happen.
contents: in which he moves to Spain much later on, afab!reader, fem!reader is sexually active and extroverted, sae is just there vibing until he's not, explicit content (mentions of voyeurism, m!masturbation, f!masturbation, fingering, he calls u a slut once :( , vaginal penetration, unprotected whoops), strangers to fwb, kinda narration heavy, word vomity, mdni word count: 2.5K a/n: bro this is literally just pure smut and for my sae brain rot so look away >:(( @saeshimii i hope u enjoy this happy meal
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Sae decides to move to Spain when he receives an exclusive club offer.
And since Madrid isn't exactly an affordable city, he decides to look for a roommate. He spends about a week looking for something within his price range and a place with a reasonable distance from his training grounds. Sae had set his preferences looking for someone who's neat, easy to communicate with, and has a similar schedule since he wakes up early. So, when he looks within those parameters, he stumbles upon your listing and sends you a message.
Sae had no issue with having a female roommate, not that it really matters, since he plans to spend most of his free time either out of the apartment or in his room. The two of you seem to stay cordial over emails, not overly creeped out by each other, and you promise that his room will be cleaned and ready to move into as soon as Sae lands in the country.
One thing that you did warn is that you often have hookups over, but you assure him that the bedrooms are far apart enough, with added insulation, that he shouldn't worry about the volume. Sae didn't care, you have every right to do whatever you wanted, just as long it didn't interrupt his own plans.
You're a lot more chatty in person, he thinks. Warm, welcoming, and likes to overshare a tad bit for his liking, but he doesn't stop you. You two spend the first night out in the streets of Madrid, out of your hospitality. Apparently, you are also temporarily living in Spain as part of a work transfer and have been living in the country for a little bit over a year now. So, for the first month, he approaches you for transit tips and local stops.
Afterward, Sae doesn't spend a lot of time with you through the following months because he's either training, playing for his team, or sleeping. As the new season approaches, the two of you will occasionally catch up through small talk over the dinner table, though it would mainly be you talking about the latest gossip at your work. Sae will soon take notice that you keep your intimate life rather private. Sometimes he'll catch a glance of an extra pair of shoes by the doorway when he gets up in the morning and, occasionally, he'll bump into your hookups in the hallway asking for directions to the bathroom. But, nevertheless, you keep the conversation rather PG and stick with anecdotes about your day.
It isn't until the second week of Spring that he accidentally catches you with one of your one-night stands. Sae would wake up on the living room couch in the middle of the night, oversleeping his daily one-hour nap due to fatigue from his recent matches, and try to retreat to his room located down the hallway past yours.
He freezes when he hears a loud, wet sound from your bedroom. Sae isn't the type to eavesdrop when not needed, especially when it comes to people outside of his very limited social circle. But he finds himself standing there and listens for a moment until he hears you moaning something to your latest partner.
"Slow down, not too hard. My roommate might hear us."
Sae wasn't sure why, but hearing you say that made him more flustered than he's ever gotten in his life. He's half debating whether or not to stay and listen, hands hovering over his awakening heat. Another stifled moan from you and Sae decides to throw the rest of his morals out the window. He's overheated, now fully aware that his length is coming to life alarmingly fast, his boxers now uncomfortably tight, and the hot mess of arousal churning in his stomach.
He shuts his eyes as another round of your moans emit behind the door, his hands immediately flying to his sweats, exposing his raging head to the cool air. Your moans are similar to the way you talk and laugh, loud and honest. They're not the overdone type of moans that he's heard from the few erotica videos he's seen — they're raw and real, which in itself makes it all more enjoyable than any sexual act he's ever witnessed.
He fists his length to the sounds of sloppy, wet thrusts and bites down his t-shirt to compress back his low groans. His mind wanders to the image of your naked body, head thrown back against the pillows, and legs spread for him and not the guy you were currently fucking. Sae might not have a high body count compared to the rest of his teammates, but he knows he can make your vocals twice as loud.
"—I'm close! So close!" Your sweet mewls make him physically shudder under his own touch as he pumps faster, trying to imagine the lewd expression you're currently making.
Sae finishes after what felt like an eternity when you finally succumb to your own end and he makes sure to not leave a mess right outside your door. He quickly wipes up the white slick on his stomach with his shirt and finally retreats to his room when he hears you asking the guy for a wet towel. Funny enough, Sae would've prepared everything beforehand to make sure that you didn't even need to ask.
Sae rolls onto his back in bed, hands coming up to cover his eyes as he heaves a heavy sigh at the action he's just committed. Guilty is what he should be feeling right now. But he's feeling everything but guilt. Maybe this is just what he needed.
The night slips into morning and, for some reason, catching you in the act helps loosen Sae's tongue. He brings it up over breakfast, as if he was announcing the weather, and watches your face go from bliss to embarrassment and to unashamed. Your shamelessness makes Sae feel a bit more comfortable.
"Care to repeat that again?"
Sae sips nonchalantly on his coffee and repeats, "Your one-night stand seemed threatened by me this morning." He replies cooly. Sae had bumped into him as he was getting ready for his daily jog. Apparently, your one-night stand was taken aback that you were living with a male. Let alone an athlete.
"Ah," You make it seem like it was expected and stir your own cup of coffee around. "He needs a lot of reassurance." You answer honestly.
"Maybe pick a better choice in partners." Sae lazily suggests and you merely laugh in response.
"And what about you? Have you been seeing anyone since moving here?"
Sae shakes his head. "Don't have the time or energy to."
Your eyes sparkle as you wave a playful finger in the air. "People always say to watch out for the quiet ones."
A half scoff escapes his lips, though the thought does run true in his case. "How about you watch out for the type of people you bring back here?"
You laugh heartily, "I'll keep it in mind."
Another month creeps by and Sae has gotten your sleeping pattern down to the bone. At least twice a week, you'll bring home someone around the time when you think he's asleep. After ten minutes, Sae would show up, back slack against your doorframe, with his throbbing arousal tightly wrapped around his grasp. He always makes sure to cum at the same time as you, which ranges from anywhere between fifteen minutes to almost thirty. Each time he's gotten better at timing his little escape before you notice that he was even there in the first place.
During some nights, when you didn't bring home a partner, he catches glimpses of you masturbating with your one of many vibrators. It appears that you become rather forgetful of locking your doors whenever you perform a solo act, but Sae doesn't mind it one bit. Not when he has the pleasure to catch you playing with yourself mindlessly through the slightest of cracks from the door.
He has gotten a loose general idea of where you like being touched, what names you like being called, and what positions you love being fucked in. All this information and imagery is stored deeply in his brain all while he loves pretending to be the aloof, innocent roommate the very next morning.
That is until you catch him one night.
Sae had been too caught up in his own little built-up pleasure that he didn't hear your footsteps until it was too late. You swing the door open, poised in a tank top and pair of white cotton panties, and almost shriek at the sight of him pumping his arousal away. Keyword: almost.
"I knew it was you."
Again, Sae believes he should be feeling guilty, now caught red-handed, that he's shamelessly jacking off to you, his roommate, but he doesn't. Because the sultry look that you flash him tells him all that he needs to know.
He lets you take a step forward. Your expression looks more beautiful and vulnerable than he could ever imagine from behind the walls. One tug at his collar and Sae finds himself bending easily at your beck and call, crashing into your lips in a suffocating kiss as if you've also been wanting this to happen. Instinctively, Sae's hands find their way to the curve of your hips and squeeze at your flesh down to the plump of your ass, all while pulling you roughly against his needy body.
You make a low sound of approval and rub your bare thighs against his probing length that's now wet with pre. Sae takes this sign to hoist you up in his arms, your legs automatically wrapping around his firm waist, and he smirks against your lips as you try and catch your breath. The journey to your bed is a short one. Once settled down, Sae discards his sweats fully and swipes off his shirt in a single motion before towering over your flushed figure. He feels like he could cum on the spot at just the sight of you, but where would the fun in that be?
"You're so fucking loud, you know that?" He practically purrs right against your ears, teeth grazing against your neck and hands wandering to your clothed chest.
You try and squeeze your legs together in return but Sae keeps them propped open. "Maybe I was putting on a show for you, ever thought about that?" You only wince in response as Sae nips playfully at your ear before marring your flesh with hickey after hickey along the line of your neck.
His hands leave your chest and tug your soaked panties down to your ankles. A sigh of relief rushes out of you as your dripping heat is exposed to the air. His mouth leaves contact with your neck. Sae wants to see your face, wants to desperately watch your face contort in pleasure as his fingers enter you for the first time. And you didn't disappoint.
"You're fucking soaked down there." Sae marvels at the sight of your entrance sucking his digits in with ease. "What a slut."
He flattens his palm against your throbbing clit with each thrust of his calloused fingers as they stretch out your twitching heat. The moans you make are incomparable to the muffled versions he's used to. They're broken, uncontrolled, intense, and undoubtedly louder than what your previous partners could do. To say he enjoys this sight is an understatement.
Sae might just become addicted to the way you squirm against his touch and how you leave bright, red crescent marks against his thighs. He loves feeling the muscles deep within you contracting around his digits at each probing motion. And, the best part? You crying out his name.
"Sae—Sae, please!"
His voice is unforgiving as he pulls out, almost grinning at the lewd, wet sounds from your slit. "Not yet."
A desperate whimper slips from your parted lips as Sae slowly and deliberately rolls his erection forward, just barely brushing across the heat of your entrance, hands now finding solitude on your thighs.
"Ask me nicely," Sae whispers. "I'll make sure to take care of you."
You lose your last remaining composure under him, tears pool at the ends of your eyes, and you throw your arms around his neck in a frantic motion. "Please make me cum. Fuck me like you hate me."
A dark glint flutters across his eyes. "That's it." Sae holds the back of your head to keep your mouth planted against his, muffling your loud cry when he slides into you, stretching your heat slowly. "I'm going to take care of you and make sure you only think about me."
Your legs wrap around his hips, ankles crossing at the bottom of his back and tightening ever so slightly to keep him as deep as possible. You manage to mumble out his name like a prayer, "You make me feel so full."
A single snap from his hips knocks the air out of you. Soon, the only sounds filling the bedroom are of your wet slick masked with the hoarse rasps from your throat. He presses his lips against your collarbone, then up your neck until your mouths are crushed together in a desperate attempt of thrashing tongues and lips.
Sae feels one of your hands tug at his locks and the other claws at his back. He can tell that you're close. Sae pulls away from the kiss and removes the hand behind your head and lets it slip between your bodies, thumb immediately finding solitude on your swollen nerve. He presses down gently and rubs it in circles until your whole body is arching under him.
"Go on ahead," Sae coos and traces a free hand across the curves of your cheeks. "Go and cum for me. Make a mess."
Your entire body tightens as you give out a final cry of his name into his shoulder, nails sinking deep into his skin that he's almost positive that it broke skin. With your arousal pulsing around his length, Sae's thrusts soon become erratic, throwing away his calculative motions and judgments as his final movements are nothing but punishment into your dripping entrance and he spills, painting your fleshy insides in strips of white.
You're a mess. Hair in disarray, drool seeping out of the corner of your gaping lips, eyes half-lidded, and tears of pleasure streaming down your flushed face. Sae thinks it's beautiful that he can make you like this.
He pulls out almost immediately, watching as his seed pours from your slick folds and spills down your thighs and onto the bedding. Sae doesn't give you a chance to talk, because he knows exactly what you're going to say next. Within a few seconds, Sae returns from the bathroom with a warm, damp towel and gently starts cleaning up the combined mess at your entrance.
He thinks if he's going to spend his next few years in Spain, he might as well spend it like this.
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stevenssacrab · 6 months
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*
Summary: On a routine bike ride through your local park, you meet a beautiful stranger in unique way.
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mentions of blood, and wound care, descriptions of a bike accident
Word Count: 1.0k
a/n: Just a lil short and sweet one, with the ever beautiful Natasha :D
⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚☾ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚✧ ⋆*・゚:⋆*・゚*
The cool autumn air gently nips at your skin, your cheeks round and rosy pink; you always loved a good evening bike ride around your local park; you first started it as a way to get the daily exercise, but you've grown to love the repetitive motion of pushing the petals, and the wind blowing past your face. Today was particularly beautiful; the sun was setting, a ray of crimson and amber painting the sky.
You like to use this time to unwind and think of nothing substantial, no deadlines, upcoming events, or obligations; be in the moment. As you round your 2nd lap around the park, you’re stuck on whether you should do another lap, while deep in thought, you don’t even see the person riding straight for you at an ungodly speed.
“Hey! Watch out!” A bystander yells, but it is already too late; time slows each second longer than the last as you come speeding toward this woman on her bike; there is no avoiding it; it is already happening. You collided with a painful crack, sending you flying over, landing hard on your shoulder, and tumbling forward.
When you open your eyes, you're greeted by a gorgeous woman, her face etched with worry. Her mouth is moving, but you can't hear anything she's saying. You're lost in her eyes, a beautiful mix of blueish green with flicks of amber; she slowly waves her hand in front of your face, snapping back into reality.
"Hello? Are you okay? I'm so sorry I didn't see you until it was too late." she said, her eyes scanning you for injuries, her face dropping when she saw blood coming from your forehead. "Oh my god, I have a first aid kit in my car; I'll be right back," she said quickly; you watched her run away and disappear momentarily behind the trees; you were inspecting the damage when you heard footsteps running toward you. Your eyes scan over her physique; you definitely overlooked that before.
"Okay, let me take a look," she said smoothly, setting the kit down next to you; she cracked open a water bottle and grabbed your hand; she softly put the water bottle into your hand.
"Here, take this," she says while grabbing a packet of ibuprofen; handing you the tablet, she patiently waits for you to do as instructed; you stare at her, mouth agape, "please," she says, gently motioning at the medication, you obey and swallow the pill, you're staring at her, thoroughly aware that you still haven't spoken a word.
"Th-thank you," you say meekly; you look at the palms of your hands.
"You're welcome," she chirps happily, "Let me take a look," she says, cracking open another water bottle; she pours it onto a towel and gently pats your forehead clean.
"So, what's your name?" she asks, focused on your wound.
"Y/N," you say gingerly, using the opportunity to take in every detail of her face, noticing the 2 moles on her cheek.
"You know it's rude to stare?" she quips, never breaking her focus.
"I-I'm not staring; you're just, in front of me is all." you defended
"Uh-huh, sure," she says cockily, flicking her eyes down to meet yours, you try to hold contact, but when she looks at you, you feel as if she's staring right into your soul.
"So, what do you do?" she asks, trying to fill the silence.
"I'm a firefighter," you say proudly.
"Oh, well, that's unexpected," she says, searching for the Neosporin, "how is a firefighter so clumsy?" she teases, her lips coming to a smirk.
"Clumsy? I'm pretty sure you ran into me," you laugh back.
"Why don't you let me make it up to you over coffee?" she says slyly, her eyes snapping to your lips and then back to your eyes.
"Hmm, I suppose," you tease back as you grab the Neosporin from the kit, handing it to her; she generously applies it, eyes watching your face for any hints of pain.
"Do you live around the area?" she asks, firming her hand on your shoulder.
"Yeah, like a 5-minute bike ride from here," you say; you're usually not this open with your personal information, but something about her, you know she's one of the good ones; she grabs a large bandaid and cautiously covers the wound.
"There you go, all better." She leaned back and started putting all the supplies away.
"Oh, let me help you," you say, suddenly moving to help, you knock over the entire box.
"I'm sorry, let me help you," you say; you kneel down and frantically clean up the mess.
"Y/N, relax," she says calmly; she kneels down and helps you clean up.
"Not clumsy, huh?" she says coyly, lifting her brow slightly.
"I'm not. I'm just nervous," you laugh, nervously staring at the ground.
"Do I make you nervous, Y/N?" she questions, slowly closing the space between you, inching closer like an apex predator. You don't know what else to do; you are reduced to a stuttering mess, slowly getting pushed into a nearby tree.
"I-No, I just-" you stutter out; you bump into the tree, suddenly aware of how close she is; you stare at her, eyes as wide as saucers.
"Shhh, it's alright, Y/N," she shushes, gently grabbing your hand; you jump at the sudden contact but instantly melt into her touch.
"Let's get you home, yeah?" she asks sweetly.
"Okay," you say simply, leading her out of the park.
"I'm Natasha, by the way," she says, bringing attention to the fact that you hadn't even asked what her name was; you smack your palm to your forehead, shame engulfing you; how did you forget to ask for her name?
"I'm so sorry, I didn't even ask your name, ugh," you sighed heavily, hitting your face with your hands.
"It's okay," she laughs, breaking any tension you had left in you. "I mean, I did crash into you, and you did land pretty hard," she says gently, thumbing over your knuckles.
"Thank you for taking care of me," you say shyly, avoiding eye contact, "Well, this is me," you say; you let go of her hand and reach for your keys; you do it slowly; you don't want this to end.
"I'll see you this weekend, right, for that coffee?" she asks, patiently awaiting your answer.
"Yes, definitely."
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agroupiewhore · 4 months
Some random headcanons about what it would be like to date Enzo and a little imagine with him. I haven't wrote anything in ages so apologies if this is shite. Please no hate but let me know if you like this etc. I am always welcome to feedback/ thoughts/ comments/ concerns. Sorry in advance for grammar and spelling and punctuation
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*Disclaimer: This is my own work and my own self-indulgent ideas, none of this is based in reality. And warnings for making out etc, nothing too explicit (PG-13)
✨️ There is no way you ever have to carry your own bag. This man is rushing in to help you. Whether that's your handbag on date night or all of the shopping bags after your weekly grocery shop run. And yes, he refuses to make 2 trips to the car.
✨️ Speaking of weekly shops runs, Enzo is that boyfriend who always pushes the trolley/ cart.
✨️ Matching Adidas trackies. Never quite knowing whose joggers/ t shirts/ jackets that belonged to.
✨️ Wearing his boxers after sex to go down and make a fresh batch of coffee.
✨️ Is always entertaining you with unusual facts and information about Uruguay and is keen for you to learn and embrace his culture and he is keen to learn more about yours.
✨️ Matching your nail varnish to his bow tie/ tie/ shirt colour etc.
✨️ Midnight beach walks where you tell eachother all your hopes and dreams and desires, all the 'deep stuff' you feel you can't tell eachother when it's daylight as it seems to real.
✨️ This man can dance. He has so much natural rhythm and is such a natural. He'll always be the first one up on the dance floor at parties and cast parties and would much rather spend the time on the dance floor with you rather than talking. Also at home will put on whatever dance music he wants and will just start dancing with you.
✨️ Dressing up as Kylo Ren and Rey for Halloween. "Well I mean... I think we should go as them, it would look good" "Fine"
A Perfect Day
You went to open the fridge to find the pouring cream for your iced coffees but were distracted by the note attached to the front, wrote in Enzo's beautiful cursive handwriting. You smiled to yourself as you read it. He always left the most beautiful love notes and this one was no exception. It simply read "You're my happy place". You took the note off the fridge and folded it neatly and placed it in your dressing gown pocket. You were saving them all, for what you weren't sure, but you pictured a future for you and enzo, maybe one day sticking all the notes down into a scrap book and passing it onto your daughter. To show her how much she should be loved by another. You smiled at the thought and opened the fridge, finally, to find the pouring cream. After Enzo had finished filming, touring and surving the awards season the two of you finally had some time and moved in together. The first thing he had done was gone out and found the most fanciest coffee machine. You guys hadn't even bought a bed yet at that point. You finished making your drinks and went back upstairs. Enzo was sat up in bed, shirtless.
"Well damn, it's hot this morning." You laughed as you sat back in bed next to him, being careful not to spill anything. "Here my angel." You passed him the iced coffee. He carefully took it from you and took that first heavenly sip.
"Hmm, perfecto." He said closing his eyes with a satisfied smile on his face. "I do not know how I survived without having you around, only you can make my coffee right."
"I'm sure there is someone else who could, I could always teach them, it's not too hard. There aren't any crazy secret ingredients." You replied "I just make it with love, I think that's why it's so good." Enzo leaned over and kissed you. "I love you so much, mi amor." He said as he took your hand. "What would you like to do today?"
"We need to go shopping to get a couple things and I was thinking maybe we could have a go at making our own pizzas for dinner?" You suggested, admiring him.
"You always have the best ideas, I have a couple more things to add to the list so please don't let me forget my love." Enzo said as he got out of bed. It would never get old seeing how beautiful he was. It was like he had been sculpted by the world's most incredible artist whose attention to detail no one was able to match. You felt so lucky to not only be with one so handsome but to also have discovered someone with a soul that was equally as beautiful. Enzo gave all of his love and time to you. He was always there, his strength and resilience gave you strength. He was so honoured and humbled to have been given such an important role in the film and the sincerity in which he handled his part was inspiring to you. He never got angry when you would call him in the middle of the night due to the time differences or when he had come home to see that you had used his entire bottle of his most expensive cologne. You had missed him a lot while he was away filming so decided one night to spray a little of it on to the pillow next to you, then a little onto your wrist; just to make it seem like he was there with you, however next thing you knew you'd unintentionally sprayed the entire bottle around the house and it was now empty. Enzo found it to be a most romantic gesture and when he left again to complete filming took a pot of your lip balm to apply each night so it could feel like you'd just kissed him. You heard the shower turn on and got up from the bed again to decide what to wear for today. It was a simple errand day so you grabbed a pair of Adidas joggers and a black long sleeved top.
"Wow, you look so beautiful." He said staring at you.
"What? These?" You laughed. "It's a step up from pajamas."
"You look perfect, I love it so much I will also wear mine." He said as he began looking in the wardrobe.
"Maybe one day you could surprise everyone and wear Nike." You laughed. You admired him once again as he got dressed and then you both finished your coffees. Ofcourse Enzo insisted on driving and you sat in the passenger seat and played DJ. Enzo was a cautious driver, especially whilst you were in the car. He could never understand men who drove dangerously to try and impress their partners. How could he risk your life? He couldn't live with himself if anything happened to you, especially if he was the cause of it. You thought is was sweet how he was always so gentle and careful with you. He parked up outside the supermarket.
"I can get my door." You said quickly, opening it as soon as he turned off the ignition. A few times Enzo had managed to run around to open your car door whilst you rummaged around for your handbag or wallet. He was always the gentleman.
"You know I love opening it for you." He said sweetly as he linked his hand with yours. "I'll push the cart."
"I wasn't even going to try." You laughed. Enzo had to push the trolley. He just had to, it wasn't an option for you ever. It made him feel helpful and supportive. You took the list out of your pocket as you walked in with him and began looking down the aisles.
"We have to get these crisps, you'll love them." You said, standing on your tip toes.
"I got it baby." Enzo said, barely having to extend his arm to grab the pack. There were times when his height came in handy and this was certainly one of them. One time the two of you had a fight that had started off as a result of something so small and petty and then seemingly didn't stop and just kept getting worse and worse. It was the first night the two of you went to bed without apologies or saying how much you loved one another. The next day you didn't say a word to him, you'd returned from work and Enzo had moved all of your favourite snacks and drinks to the top shelves so you had no choice but to talk to him.
"And can you get those ones as well, my love. That flavour looks good too." You said pointing to the packet next to it.
"Anything for you." He said, grabbing everything you asked for. You carried on walking through the supermarket getting everything you needed to make pizza later.
"I'll get this." You said, putting your card on the card reader first.
"No, no!" Enzo insisted. "Baby, we talked about this".
"I'll pay." You said "It's fine honey". Enzo muttered in Spanish about how he should be the one paying. The two of you walked back to the car and together loaded the shopping into the back of the car and drove back.
"Are you going to let me carry any of the shopping?" You asked.
"Not a chance." Enzo laughed and leaned over to kiss you. You kissed him back and gently tugged on the back of his hair to be able to kiss down his beautifully structured jawline.
"I love you so much." You said, between kisses.
"I love you so much more." He said. He kissed the tip of your nose and rested his forehead against yours. His soft eyelashes gently brushing your skin. "I got the shopping, don't worry." You got out of the car and opened the door for him. Enzo grabbed all the bags and followed you in.
"Baby, one day all the bags are going to break and I don't know what you will do." You said as you began putting everything away. "Leave the pizza ingredients out, my love."
"Anything for you, I will cut mine in to a heart shape." He said, doing as you asked him. You smiled at him.
"I might try and do a star or something, I don't know." You said. "Maybe the shape of a coffee bean."
"You know me so well." He said smiling as the last of the shopping was put away. The sun was beginning to set and the sky was turning a beautiful pink colour. You went out onto the balcony and looked out. The view was beautiful, just like your life now. You heard the doors slide open and Enzo stepped outside. You continued to look out as you felt his strong arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer. He kissed your neck gingerly taking in the smell of your perfume and moisturiser. The two of you fitting together perfectly, the final missing piece of the jigsaw to your life.
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Helloooo brainrot !!!!! big fan of your work and I really like how you characterize the M6 cause of how well I could just imagine these actually happening
now, no pressure of course, could you do mini headcanons of an MC who just has extremely sharp teeth ? Like just a real pair of chompers. Maybe the MC is insecure about them and doesn't want to come off as intimidating so they've trained themselves to talk with their mouth relatively closed, but they slipped up around the M6.
The Arcana Mini-HCs: MC with sharp teeth
Julian: ah - he, uh - hm. he likes them. he likes them very much and there's not much more of his feelings that he can share on a PG-13 blog - whether you flash them in public or not, he thinks they're hot
Asra: you know, if it would make you feel better, they could probably come up with a spell to give them the same type of teeth. then you could see for yourself how cute such "scary" things look in a smile
Nadia: she's considerate towards your social discomfort, but also wants you to know you never have to hide yourself around her. if you could, a nice, unsettling grin would be helpful with certain courtiers ...
Muriel: yeah, he gets it. why do you think he has such terrible posture? he's constantly slumping to try to look a little less intimidating. you help him fix his back, he'll help you floss your teeth
Portia: oh HELL YEAH those things look AWESOME! wouldn't push you to do something you're insecure about, but definitely encourages you to smile more around her. she's very into how sharp those look
Lucio: hey, between your teeth and his arm, you two could intimidate just about anybody who gives you trouble on the road! ... now what would it take to convince you test them on him? (not on this blog -)
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archangeldyke-all · 4 months
Weird AU idea I had randomly:
What if reader and Sevika were like..co-stars on an adult romcom or romantic drama as the two leads? They spend a lot of time together on set and some of their scenes get a little heated (they ofc have a dedicated intimacy coordinator to help). And things just...lead to another off set.
What if Reader is the intimacy coordinator responsible for helping Sevika and her co-stars feel comfortable and they just....hit it off, off-set or after shooting ends. Everyone ofc remains professional on the job, but ya know...not unheard of for folks to start dating after working together 😏
men and minors dni
seeing people in various states of nakedness is literally your job.
it's vital that you remain professional and responsible while you're working-- both on and off set. you need to be an advocate for healthy boundaries and responsible film-making, there's no space for you to be flustered or uncomfortable or god forbid, turned on.
and usually you're incredibly good at it.
whether it's men or women, whether you find them attractive or not-- you keep your cool and keep it responsible no matter what.
but this is sevika.
sevika, whose interviews you watch before bed-- just to hear the lovely timbre of her voice.
sevika, who has been your celebrity crush for years.
sevika, who's filming her first ever intimate scene, and has no idea how it works.
you find out who you're going to be working with a week before, and you spend the entire week in denial, confident that if you ignore it, you won't freak out about it.
but then you meet her.
she's even more attractive in real life, sleepy from the early morning call-time, hair a little messy and eyes a little droopy, make up free and cuddled up in a white robe. it's like seeing an angel.
the second you introduce yourself to her, closing the door to her trailer behind her, sevika drops her white robe and puts her hands on her hips. when you turn back around, you get an eyeful of a completely naked, completely unbothered sevika. you nearly pass out.
"uh." you say eloquently. sevika blinks at you.
"you're the intimacy coordinator right?" she asks. you gulp, ripping your eyes away from her body to stare at the ceiling.
"y-yes. you don't have to... i mean, you can put your robe back on." you say. "it's just-- we're just talking today." you choke out.
sevika snorts, laughing at herself as she pulls her robe back on. you try to catch your breath as she casually pulls the belt tight and flops onto the couch behind her.
so, it's a rocky start.
and no, you don't jerk off to the image of a naked sevika that's been burned into your frontal lobe when you get home.
that would be completely unprofessional.
(okay, yes you do. three times.)
sevika's charming and funny and down to earth in a way a lot of the celebrities you work with never are. she's got the prettiest smile you've ever seen, and she asks you about your life and listens to your answers, and your crush only gets worse and worse as the days tick by.
you and sevika spend several lunches going over her own personal boundaries.
she's filming a scene with a man, which makes her cringe and stick her tongue out as she says it. (you have to keep yourself from squealing at the confirmation of her very publicly debated lesbianism.) she's not totally uncomfortable with it-- it's her job-- but she 'would like to keep it pg-13' where she can.
she's comfortable with nudity-- she obviously knows how good she looks-- but you explain to her that in scenes beyond the full frontal, she'll be wearing some coverings just to keep everyone comfortable.
she's fascinated by your job, constantly lobbing you with questions.
'what other movies have you worked on?'
'do pornos have intimacy coordinators?'
and then, inevitably, 'who's the hottest celebrity you've ever seen naked?'
this makes you choke on your spit. sevika raises an eyebrow at you as you hack up a lung, and when you finally catch your breath she grins. "me?" she guesses. you just huff and flip her off.
it's amazing watching her act-- she's insanely talented. she's funny too, just naturally, off the top of her head, always spitting out improvised lines that make you and the entire crew laugh. she's also a huge fucking flirt.
she's respectful of all the boundaries you outlined for her on set. always covered unless she's filming, talking frequently with her co-star about the script, triple checking before they film that they both agree with the direction they're taking their sex scenes. but that doesn't stop her from trying to get a rise out of you.
she claims she has no idea how to work the nipple pasties-- insists you do it for her. you've done it for plenty of clients-- sometimes the adhesives or angles can be tricky-- but you know she's just doing it to get you to touch her tits. it's in the way she smirks each time she asks, the way her eyes sparkle as she watches you nervously, shakily press the tape to her flesh, trying to avoid touching her skin at all costs.
she's insisted on taking all her lunches with you once she finds out that you tend to eat alone in your car. she'll tag along with you in the passenger side of your car, teasing you and fiddling with your radio and ducking in her seat when you pass by herds of paparazzi, as you drive the two of you to taco bell. she always pays-- 'i'm the superstar, you're driving a camry-- no offense.'
and she's always touching you.
never inappropriately, never without your permission-- but she's always got her hands on you in some way.
playing with a strand of your hair as you check in with her between takes. wrapping an arm around your shoulders when the two of you walk to your car. fiddling with your fingers in the back of a bus as the two of you and a few crew members ride to a local bar for drinks. each time, you stutter and stumble over your words, biting your cheek and awkwardly avoiding her eyes as she grins at you. she knows what she's doing. she loves it.
you assume you're just a pillow fluffer of sorts for her. just someone for her to flirt with between scenes-- a place for her to put all the residual emotions that filming a rom-com requires. it's happened before-- occasionally clients will need a bit of intimacy outside of the shoot to keep their romantic mood going all day-- and you're happy to receive a few flirty compliments and lingering glances in order to keep your clients happy.
when filming wraps, you assume that you'll never see sevika again.
you say goodbye to her with a hug in her trailer, wishing her luck in her career and hoping that maybe you'll have the pleasure to work with her again in the future. when you pull away, sevika's looking at you with a furrow in her brow.
"what?" you ask.
sevika bites her lip, and for the first time since you've met, she looks... shy.
"nevermind. 's stupid." she says.
you scoff. "sevika, i custom dye thongs to match various skin tones for a living-- i'm used to stupid." you say. she huffs.
"do you... i mean-- how familiar are you with the dating policies on set?"
"uh... not super? i can put you in contact with debbie from HR if you--"
"no nevermind. it's dumb."
you laugh. "having a crush on someone isn't dumb. you should go for it! filming's wrapped, so i doubt there's any hoops you'd need to jump through."
sevika bites her cheek. "i don't know if she'd be into me." she whispers, still not looking at you. you bark a laugh, and sevika's eyes dart up to look at you.
"don't be ridiculous." you say. "you're a fucking a-list actress, i know you know how hot you are, she'd be a fucking idiot not to be!"
"but it's... it's kinda been her job for the past few months to flirt with me."
"what?" you ask.
sevika's co-star is a man-- and he should be the only person flirting with sevika on set.
"i dunno. she's gotta touch me and talk to me and make me comfortable all day-- i don't know if she'd be doing that if it wasn't her job."
"sevika, who's been touching you? nobody's supposed to touch you." you say, anger bubbling up in your stomach.
it's your job to protect her from this happening, and you're starting to panic as you think about all the ways you might've failed her.
sevika huffs a laugh, and you blink at her. "it's not funny, sev, it's serious-- your boundaries--"
"it's you." she says. you blink. "i... it's okay if you... i mean it's basically your job to, like, take care of me, so it's cool if you don't--"
"me?!" you ask, cutting her off. sevika shrugs. "a-are you fucking with me?" you ask. sevika blinks.
"no?" she guesses.
"so this isn't some kind of prank ran put you up to because i told them you've been my celebrity crush since your first movie?" you ask. sevika's worried expression melts, a smug, self-satisfied smile taking its place.
"no." she says again. you sigh.
"o-oh." you say.
"so..." sevika starts. "i know you're all about boundaries and consent and stuff-- do i have to ask before i kiss you or...?" she trails off. you giggle, a little giddy as the reality of the situation sinks in.
"yeah. you have to wear that thong and the pasties to bed with me too." you tease. sevika laughs.
"damn, that's horrible. i'm not gonna be able to do any of the things i wanted to--"
you cut her off with a kiss.
@fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay @ellabslut @thesevi0lentdelights @sexysapphicshopowner @shimtarofstupidity @love-sugarr @chuucanchuucan @222danielaa @badbye666 @femme-historian @lia-winther @gr0ssz0mbi3 @ellsss @sevikaspillowprincess @leomatsuzaki @emiliabby
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norrisleclercf1 · 1 year
Little Home
Pairing: Max Verstappen x Wolff!Reader
Rating: PG-17
Warnings: Angst, cursing, Max isn’t the best at communicating his feelings neither is reader, Fluff, smidge implied smut, etc.
Words: 1.7K
A/N: I suck at writing endings and now all I have left is the epilogue so sorry if this isn't the best, didn't plan on making this a series but I hope to do more in the future and plan it out better I hope you all enjoy!!!!
Part 1: Little Traitor
Part 2: Little Backstabber
Part 3: Little Heartbreaker
Wedding dress
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"Will you marry me?" Time seems to stop as Max stares at you, not letting his thoughts or emotions be known. 
Who would've thought one word could cause so much heartbreak. 
7 months later 
"Max! Hurry up, we're going to be late!" 
Max groans, banging against the mirror before him as he stares at his reflection. Here he was wearing a 3 piece suit, dark navy blue, which almost looked black. With a maroon tie, he keeps fixing it even though it is perfect. Adoring the suit was this little lion pendant with 2 tiny chains connecting to the left breast pocket. 
"Max? What is taking so damn-" The person finally freezes, seeing Max in his suit and smiling. 
"My little lion." He turns to his mother, who smiles behind her tears as she takes in her son. 
"I'm scared. I thought I could do this, but I don't know now." He bursts, making his mother laugh, and walks into his bedroom. 
"Little lion, it's normal to be scared, but after everything you've been through, you want to do this but don't like the unknown." Max takes 3 deep breaths. He knew his mother was right, but you both tended to bolt when things made you scared, but you worked it out. He can still remember when he said no. 
7 months ago
"What do you mean no?" The walls started to close around you. After all of this, after what just happened, he was going to call it off now. 
"I mean," He takes a deep breath before looking at you. "We need to take this slow again; you broke this off-" You go to interrupt him, but he holds up his hand, stopping you. "You had every reason to do because I did betray your trust, and I understand that. But, you hurt me too. You left and refused to talk to me. Before we say we're engaged again, shouldn't we talk about whether we're even a couple?" He asks, sitting across from you while you gap at him in shock. 
"Are you fucking serious? We just slept together, and you didn't think to have this talk before?" You're ready to scream with how angry you're getting at him while Max sighs, rubbing his hands over his face. 
"You're right. We shouldn't have done that; we needed to talk first, but...I missed you. That's no excuse for that; we need to talk now." You scuff, wanting to storm out, but he was right. You needed to talk. 
"I'm tired of you blaming me for not contacting my father. Out of everyone in my life, you should understand where I'm coming from. Instead, you defined him and threw it in my face that I ran to him to hide." You blurt out, Max staring into your soul. 
You hated when Max stared at you like this. It was baring you layer by layer and his way of analyzing you. You were an anomaly in his race data that he couldn't figure out. Unnerving is what it is. 
"Maybe I was projecting, and it wasn't right. I shouldn't have done that; I lost sleep over it, but.....we should all grow up at the end of the day. From here on out, though, you hate the bastard. I'll hate him too, but you must start giving me real reasons." Oh, you wanted to slap him, yet he was right. 
Getting over it when you've been hurt repeatedly is never easy. You need to grow from those life lessons to grow and learn from them. They were just periods at the end of the sentence of your life. They didn't end the story, only paused it. The part of your life you clung to was a chapter of the past. You needed to flip the page and continue on. 
"You're right; I need to move on. You don't know how long it takes me to move on." Max drops his head, shaking it at your words. 
"Jesus fucking, Christ, Y/n. Do you want to know why we keep arguing about this? You let it cloud your fucking mind. Yes, he has hurt you more than you can count. Yet you allow that to define you as a person, you hold that hate in you, and it's what's hurting this relationship. I'm imperfect, and I won't always be on your side. Y/n, I love you; I want to marry you and have a family with you. I'm not throwing you to the damn wolves and forcing you to suddenly be all roses with him, but fuck...give him an inch at least." You give a humorless laugh gathering up your purse and anything else. 
"This was a mistake." Max doesn't even fight you as you walk out the door slamming it hard. 
"You're a princess." You smile at your brother in a suit similar to Max's but with a little bow tie. 
"Thank you, Jack." Susie pats her son's head, watching you making sure you weren't freaking out. 
"It's crooked." Susie fusses, fixing your tiara. The same one your father bought you and gave you as a wedding gift. 
"Thanks." You give her a curt answer. Things have been tense between you two ever since you put limits on how much you wanted Toto in your life. 
Yes, he was here today and doing his duties as your father, but that still didn't mean you had forgiven him for everything. Toto knew you would never fully forgive him, but he'd take what he could, and you were in therapy to talk and have someone who wasn't in the middle give you a clear answer to what you and the others felt. 
"I'm glad you're doing this. You both have grown so much in 7 months." Biting your tongue, you nod and turn to stare at yourself in the white dress. 
5 months ago 
"Don't." You warn Max, who just rolls his eyes at your antics. 
Jack giggles, pointing the water gun at you. Max had given the younger Wolff the water gun as a present since you started watching him more and more. Whenever Susie or Toto couldn't watch him, you would since you both became very close. 
"Jack, do it." Max eggs on, and you stare daggers at him while he softly smiles. 
Things were starting to get mend between you two. Couples therapy was a segway into fixing this relationship. Both of you had issues, and they were showing more and more in your relationship. No one was perfect, but you needed to communicate better. 
You moved back into your apartment with him this week, leading to Jack being here. He was spending the night with you two, and your therapist thought it would be an excellent activity for you two, playing house almost and seeing if you both could use your new tactics of talking to one another when it came to the young boy. 
"Die!" Jack yells, causing Max to choke on his laughter as Jack soaks you with the water. 
You try to protect yourself, but it's useless as you get drenched in the cold water. Wiping your eyes, you notice that Jack and his partner in crime aren't there anymore. The hairs on your neck rise, making you turn around only to get hit with water in the face. 
"Uh oh," Jack whispers as you wipe the water off your face. Angry now, but it was short-lived seeing Max's smiling face, the one holding the water gun this time.  
"Run!" Max yells as you chase after the boys. The house filled with laughter. 
"I love him, and we've worked everything out." Susie nods. Knocking stops Susie's reply as Toto opens the small door, barely fitting in the frame, and stops staring at you. 
The dress was an elegant a-line lace wedding dress with long sleeves that hugged you perfectly. It had a train about 5 feet with very detailed designs of lace, and underneath, you had Max's initials sewed into it with dark navy blue letters. The tiara was paired with sundropped pearl earrings with a petite diamond necklace that paired nicely with the tiara and earrings. 
"Gorgeous." You give your father a soft smile as he holds his hand out for you to grab, helping you down the stairs. 
"Come on, Jack, we've got to get you to the boys." Susie brushes past you both, leaving you two. 
"Papa-" Toto stops you by lacing your fingers together and smiling. 
"Thank you for giving me this opportunity, and while Susie doesn't understand your boundaries, I do. I'm so happy you and Max decided to go through with the wedding. You both loved each other so much." Toto kisses your head as you stop behind the closed doors. Max was only 20 feet away, your future, your husband, your air. 
3 months ago 
"You know, we never canceled everything when we called the wedding off." You giggle, turning to look at Max, who is lying on the floor, exhausted from his workout. 
"What? Why'd you think of that all of a sudden?" Max shrugs his shoulders and turns to look at you. 
"Do you?" He asks, the laughter dying in your throat as you ponder his question. 
"That's how you ask me to marry you?" Faking anger, which has Max rolling his eyes but smiling at your antics. 
"The first time I asked you was after fucking in the shower." You bust out laughing, knowing that was true, and make up some story about how romantic it was when he asked you. 
Climbing off the couch, you walk over and straddle his hips before lowering yourself so you sit on his lap. Max's hands automatically find their way to your ass, squeezing it as he looks up at you. 
"Yes, I'll marry you." Max leans up and kisses you gently before dropping back down and arching his hips up. You laugh, both losing your clothes quickly. 
"You may kiss the bride." Max doesn't think twice as his arms wrap around you before swinging around and dipping you, kissing you slowly, not caring as he explores your mouth. 
Clapping, whistling, and everything else fills the venue as he lifts you back up, both laughing as you kiss each other again before facing the crowd. 
"Presenting, Mr. and Mrs. Max Verstappen!" You look at Max smiling, you couldn't be happier to have gone through this, even if you were a little traitor in the beginning, but this quickly became your little home. 
taglist: @welcometomyworldwithoutrules@gentlemonsterjennie1@callsignwidow@mycenterfold@clintsupremacy@notsosurehritika@whotfisvale@black-swan-blog27@severenswife@cinderellawithashoe@vita-di-moda@imchiarashelby1@hiphopdancer101universe@ironmaiden1313@1-800-imma-steal-your-bitch@xcinnamongirl@basicallyherondale@that-aesthetic-chic@omgsuperstarg@southerngirlnow@paprikabadger@mehrmonga@mqcherie@bibissparkles @callsignwidow @vixxen-lou @matildrry @mvclff1 @octaviareina @christianpulisic10 @alexander-hamilhoe @champomiel @daddyslittlevillain
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say-al0e · 7 months
Second Chance
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Rating: PG
Summary: Bradley was always the one who got away. Things hadn't worked years ago but sometimes in life, you're lucky enough to get a second chance. Warnings: None, just some fluff Pairing: Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x fem!Reader Word Count: 2k  Top Gun Taglist | Top Gun Masterlist
Though nearly six years had passed since your last first date with Bradley, it felt as if no time at all had elapsed as you sat across from him. Memories of what had been filled your chest with a simmering warmth as you watched him animatedly recount yet another tale from his time at Top Gun.
That last first date, one that also spanned the course of an entire evening, launched a two-year relationship that made itself permanently at home in your heart. It found your first love, the first true romance you’d had the fortune of experiencing, and you felt a sort of deja vu as he easily rolled his eyes at another of Hangman’s antics.
This Bradley - years older, years wiser - was simultaneously comfortably familiar and so incredibly different. He still carried himself with an ease you found reassuring, armed with a mischievous smile and infectious laughter, but there were more layers now. Behind those warm brown eyes lingered a deeper understanding of the world, an understanding of life that hadn’t been present in your twenties, and you did nothing to hide the soft smile that lifted the corners of your mouth as he leaned back in his chair and shook his head.
“So, did Phoenix ever realize it was actually Bob hiding her shoes or does she still think it was Hangman?”
Empty coffee cups lingered on the table, long since cleared of your dinner plates, as the restaurant slowly closed around you. Hours had passed, spent lost in conversation - catching up on missed time, listening to the low rumble of his voice as he shared adventures - and you knew that you’d have to leave soon.
The bubble would burst eventually, pulling you both back to reality where you would have to decide whether to continue chasing the past. Still, rather than relaying that thought to Bradley, you leaned forward with a grin as you waited for his answer.
“I think she realized a few weeks ago,” he admitted, laughing as he idly wrapped a hand around an empty cup. “Wouldn’t surprise me if she’s waiting to get him back, though. Phoenix doesn’t get involved in the pranks very often but when she does, they’re brutal.”
Bradley spoke fondly of his new squadron, thrilled for the camaraderie despite his earlier struggles, and even recounted tales of having rekindled a relationship with Maverick. He looked at ease, far happier with his place in life than he had been years prior, and you were glad to see the contentment as you shook your head.
“You know,” you began, grinning as you thought about the last set of Top Gun pranks he’d been involved in, “it’s kind of comforting to know that no matter how much things change, some things stay the same.”
Both of you had grown since you last saw one another. Gone were your twenties, replaced by true adulthood - settled careers, lifelong relationships, responsibilities that sometimes seemed overwhelming - and it was evident in the conversation you’d had.
There was no longer talk of parties and bars, instead you’d spoken about family - his godfather, his squad, your parents - and friends that had long since gotten married and started families of their own. There was talk of work, of the inability to recover the way you used to and make time for things like a few drinks on a weeknight. There’d been a whole tangent about diets and playful complaints about the fact that spicy food tasted better than ever but grew harder to stomach the older you got.
But knowing that there were still those moments of levity, that the Bradley you’d met at the Hard Deck and fell in love with over too many drinks still existed, calmed any remaining nerves lingering in the pit of your stomach. It seemed that as different as things were, there was still a glimpse of the Bradley you fell in love with all those years ago and it made you hopeful that things might be different this time.
Bradley opened his mouth to respond, witty retort on the tip of his tongue, but before he could speak, a soft voice popped the bubble you’d spent most of the night in.
“Sorry,” she began, politely apologetic. “Just wanted to check in. We’re closing the kitchen, so, if there’s anything else you’d like, now is the time. And, if not, I’ve got the check.”
A quick glance at your phone had the pair of you blinking, both surprised at the time. When you spared a glance around the now empty restaurant, you grimaced apologetically. “Sorry,” Bradley laughed, “didn’t realize how late it was. We’re good.”
“Yeah, we’ll get out of here so you guys can close. Sorry,” you repeated, following suit as Bradley stood from his seat and took the bill.
In a matter of moments, you were standing outside the restaurant, glancing back as the staff turned the sign and began closing up.
It was the briefest of gestures, a flash of movement, but it reminded you so distinctly of the past. There were nights where you’d close down restaurants, sit on barstools until well beyond last call, just to spend a few extra hours together before Bradley had to leave. You saw a flash of yourself, a bit younger and so wholly in love, and you couldn’t help but laugh as you began wandering down the sidewalk.
“I guess some things don’t change.” Bradley grinned, eyes bright and glittering in the city lights as he drifted closer to you. His hand bumped yours, body bleeding warmth as he tipped his head to glance at you.
“Can’t believe we spent all night sitting there. Felt like no time at all.” The observation was quiet, whispered into the wind as you wandered slowly down the sidewalk, and Bradley hummed in agreement.
“It was always like that with us,” he reminded you - as if you’d somehow forgotten just how easy things were for most of your relationship. “Even at the end, we could talk forever and not get tired of one another.”
Bradley was right. Though your relationship ended, it wasn’t because of incompatibility or a lack of love. The pair of you had always gotten along well, easy and light even toward the end, and you were reminded of just how well you and Bradley worked at every turn.
“I think the lack of a mustache helped back then.” Bradley rolled his eyes fondly, laughing as his hand brushed yours once more, while you ducked your head. “You’ve always been easy to talk to. You’re kinda captivating, Roo.”
It was easy to remember just how quickly Bradley had captured your attention and just how wholly he’d managed to do so. His voice, warm and honeyed; his way with words, always so thoughtful and intriguing; his general demeanor, easy and steadfast - everything about him made you want to lose yourself in him and you continued to be reminded of why you’d loved him so fiercely for so long.
“You’re one to talk, honey.”
There was little you could say in response, little your brain seemed to process beyond the question of why you’d allowed yourself to separate from Bradley for so long, so you opted for the next best thing. After a moment’s hesitation, you turned your hand and took his in your own, lacing your fingers together in a way that seemed achingly familiar.
From the corner of your eye, you saw his smile grow wider - bright, happy, even in the dim glow of streetlights - and smiled as you drew closer to the Bronco. The night was coming to an end, but as sad as that made you, you could see more nights like it in your future as you witnessed the brilliance of that smile.
Conversation tapered off into a comfortable silence, then. It was as it had always been, neither of you compelled to speak just for the sake of conversation, and it was yet another reminder of what you’d missed. With Bradley, there was always a level of ease no one else had ever been able to achieve and it was comforting to revel in the quiet, even as you climbed into the car and an old rock song began to play.
As Bradley tapped his fingers along to the song on the radio, you took the opportunity to study him. He sat, bathed in the warm glow of streetlights, side profile exactly as you remembered. There were a few minute changes - the mustache, most notably; he’d learned to style his hair, and he’d lost some of the chub of his cheeks - but you were reminded of why you’d always fawned over him.
There was something magnetic about him, something bright and beautiful that drew you in and kept you tethered in his orbit. He’d always been beautiful, both physically and mentally, and you were grateful for the chance to reconnect. It’d been too long, too many years apart, and there was little explanation other than fate for your reconciliation.
However, all too soon, you found yourselves parked in the lot of your building and heading up the sidewalk to your door.
“This was nice,” you conceded, breaking the silence that had lingered on as you stopped at the top of the steps. “I missed this.” With only a split second of consideration, brain working on overdrive to rid itself of any doubt, you admitted, “I missed you.”
Bradley, whose smile was as soft as you remembered and whose gentle gaze made your chest ache pleasantly, nodded. “I missed you, too.” The agreement was easy, ready, as he took a tentative step closer. “I’m glad you said yes to tonight. I was kind of afraid you wouldn’t.”
“I never considered saying anything other than yes.” There’d been no real thought, no other answer you could’ve given him. Though your relationship ended way back when, it was of no fault of his. The pair of you were simply in different places in life, both wanting something you couldn’t give at the time, and he’d always been the one that got away. Getting a second chance was more than you could’ve asked for. “I’m really glad we bumped into each other.”
It was a moment of serendipity, a coincidence you hadn’t imagined would happen, and you knew Bradley was just as happy for the chance as he nodded his agreement.
Another step closer, another soft smile, as Bradley seemed to weigh his words. “I didn’t know if we’d see each other again,” he admitted, voice quiet as he closed the distance between you. “I always wanted to, always thought about reaching out, but I… I’m just glad the decision was made for us.”
That fear you both shared - the fear that there would never be a right time, that a reconciliation would only end in heartache - went unspoken but you knew it was shared. And as Bradley lifted his hand, soft and warm as it pressed to your cheek, you melted into his touch.
“I want to do this right this time,” he declared, voice soft and washing over you as your eyes fluttered. “I don’t want to rush and fuck it all up again.”
“No one fucked it up last time,” you reminded him, tone matching his as you gripped his bicep softly. “It was just the wrong time. Things are different now, though.”
“Second time’s the charm.” His easy agreement was all you needed to close the small space between you once more, returning your lips to his in another soft kiss.
The second chance was what you both needed, another shot at a love you’d missed so dearly, and you were glad to have gotten it. No matter what happened, you were hopeful that this time, the second time would be the charm.
Author's Note: Dunno, man. Just feeling soft. Working on some Hangman smut now, though, cause that damn photoshoot.
Taglist: @lulu-noodles, @holachicos, @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth, @withakindheartx, @ssprayberrythings, @verin93, @totalwitch2, @malindacath, @alexparkxr, @hangmandruigandmav, @alexxavicry, @calicokel, @jaymum, @dracosluvbot, @little-wiseone, @specialk6802, @mandylove1000, @julesclues, @archetypesoflife, @oliviah-25, @benhardysdrumstick, @caatheeriinee07, @yvespoems, @chloereidwayne, @flower-name​, @callsignharper​, @peoniarose​, @hangmanscoming​, @rh3tt​, @dakotakazansky​, @silversprings-mp3​
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krypticcafe · 1 year
Hi! I love your writing sm!!! Could I request how the boys + könig would react to a reader with curly hair? (We’re talking tight, kinky coily curls)
COD:MWII Boys w/a curly-haired partner
rating: PG-13
character(s): GN!Reader, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, John Price, John "Soap" McTavish, Simon "Ghost" Riley, Gary "Roach" Sanderson, König, Hound
warning(s): none
a/n: aw thank you! And I love this request!! I'm not someone with curly, kinky hair, but I hear a lot about how they're super underrepresented. Even I'm tired of the "brushed his hand through your hair" or the "y/n with a messy bun/straight hair" bc PLEASSEE, my hair is a rat's nest, this would not work 💀 Anyways, I hope I did you justice and lmk if I got anything wrong!!
Let's be honest, it's nothing new to him. He's experienced with coily, kinky hair, whether it be himself or his family or a friend.
I actually like to think he experimented with longer hairstyles before cutting it for military.
He gets you the most out of all of them, honestly. Knows exactly what you mean when you need a certain product or talk about maintenance, doesn't belittle you when you get upset over your hair, and helps a lot, too.
He doesn't have to do as much maintenance, so he doesn't use too much product, but sometimes he'll eye yours and make a note to try some for himself.
Since you and Gaz can trust each other, you sometimes have nights where you help style each other, just to spend some quality time.
Also yes, you guys have matching bonnets, it was actually his idea. You guys take so many pics together, too.
Gaz will notice if your hair looks healthier or fresher, and while he always thinks your curls are beautiful, he'll make extra compliments so that you know that he pays attention.
Oh, and if you do something special with it? He's all over you, all like, "What's the special occasion? Or am I just lucky today?"
Your hair was one of the many reasons Price had noticed you so much, particularly because the military didn't really allow room for soldiers to do much with their hair and most have to gel it down if necessary.
When you tell him about the amount of care that goes into it, he starts thinking that his facial hair routine isn't so bad after all.
Once you get together, he starts looking into the product you need to get.
Unfortunately, he will have a bit of a hard time, so it's probably best if you show him the ropes for stuff like oils for protective styles, specific tools you use, etc. Otherwise, he'll be wandering around the aisle for a while. Please.
Sometimes, there'll be days where both of you guys take up the bathroom and go through your routines together, it's a pretty good way for him to learn your process and for you to learn his. There's a mutual respect.
Realistically, I don't think you would let either party take over for each other. At least, not for a long time.
If you put on a real nice outfit and let your natural hair out, oh this man will be on his knees, so use that information wisely.
Ooo, he's obsessed, I'm telling ya!!
Definitely gets stunned at how much it takes for you to take care of those curls, but not surprised that it's so difficult.
He does kinda wonder how you deal with it if you're someone that's on the battlefield.
You definitely had to tell him off for toying with it once, and he has stopped, but it's taking every inch of him to keep his ADHD ass from mindlessly twirling one between his fingers whenever you guys cuddle. But he isn't gonna do it! Unless you let him, then he loves how the texture feels.
You won't admit it, but sometimes you only let him touch it because of how happy it makes him, and you know he's being as respectful as possible.
He'll always be your #1 hype man too! Loves it when you experiment!!
You've definitely caught him wearing your bonnet multiple times, too.
One time, you decided to tease him by guiding him to help you detangle your hair, and frustration was absolutely worth it.
He got so pouty afterward when he had to give up, but you let him know he did a good job trying.
He doesn't mean to be rude but he's definitely like "Can't be that bad."
And then you show him your grocery list.
It is that bad.
He gets frustrated and just buys one of everything, walking out of the store with like a dozen bags. He memorizes the ones you pick so there's that at least.
Don't mind him, he's just a bit blunt because he'll then ask, "Why don't you just cut/gel it?". Just explain it, and he'll respect your choice, though it intimidates him a little.
At one point, you're actually the one that lets him feel your hair, so he knows what it's like. He would never touch it unless invited, he's got too much self-control. People also become too intimidated by him to try to touch your hair too, so that's a plus.
It oddly soothes him, he likes how the texture feels on his fingers and especially when it's softer than usual.
One time, you used your own hand to help guide his through your hair, and oh man, was he flustered. Mans was glitching out for a few seconds.
He thinks your curls are so cute,
Like he literally can't stop watching you because of how they move when you walk.
On occasions where you let him touch it, you'll find that whenever you both are close to each other and really deep in an activity or conversation, he'll absent-mindedly roll a curl between his fingers.
His hands are good for many things, signing, fighting, and other fun stuff. Styling your hair is included!
One of his favorite things to do is help you find and try new styles with your hair. Roach loves looking up and researching about your hair type and what you can do with it, he finds it all super interesting!
Often buys you clips, beads, or whatever he thinks is pretty so you can try it on!
Loves to kiss your head because of how your hair tickles his face a little. He's been tempted to just bury his face in the back of your neck just to plant a bunch of kisses on more than one occasion.
On days where you put extra care into your curls, he's absolutely showing you off to everyone! He wants others to know how hard you worked to look so damn good!! (Gary says it's a full-time job, really)
Expect to find him staring all starstruck a lot.
Like a lot.
When you tell him it's your natural hair, he's surprised, he thought you just did a lot of work to make your curls so coily.
He once asked (very) politely if he could touch your hair, and because he was (extremely) nice about it, you let him.
Only for him to panic when the velcro from his glove got caught and he apologized a dozen times over. Afterwards, he treated you like porcelain, keeping his hands straight at his sides around you and acting like a spooked animal.
It got to a point where you had to confront him and tell him it was an honest mistake, and he didn't have to apologize which made him apologize more.
On the other hand, König enjoys watching you do your hair, just sitting there quietly with the occasional question. Sometimes, he helps comb your hair, but that's the most he'll let himself do since he doesn't want to mess things up.
Really loves how your products smell.
While he thinks you look amazing no matter what, he likes it best when you go natural.
Knows a lot more than you expected. They aren't well-versed, but they know more than the average person when it comes to the deal with kinky hair.
They'll go out with you on shopping trips and often help you pick out scents, one that you like but one that isn't too sensitive for their nose, it's something you didn't expect them to enjoy so much.
You can trust her to always have stuff on hand for you if you live separately or in different quarters. Oils, creams, custards, moisturizers, a hair pick (all from your fave brands, of course), she's got you.
He surprises you again when you come home one day, way too tired to do your routine, so he offers to do it for you.
If this was a test, they passed!! They even knew how to brush your hair the right way not to damage it and had already refilled some of your stock.
After that, you often find him helping on wash days when you're far too exhausted, as his way of pampering you. His favorite thing is doing your edges.
Her scary dog privileges also help ward off weirdos trying to touch your hair, and much like Soap, she hypes you up regardless if it's a frizzy day or a special occasion.
Expect them to be mildly addicted to the way your hair smells, it's literally one of their comforts because of how much it reminds them of you.
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illuminatedferret · 5 months
Back Hugs in Tian Guan Ci Fu:
1. Volume 2, "To Ascend is Human, to Fall Is Also Human", pg. 380
The Deputy State Preceptors hurriedly moved aside, and Mu Qing and Feng Xin didn't know whether to act. Seeing that everyone was avoiding him like he was poisonous vermin, the child was shaken and started thrashing even harder, biting and screaming with all his might. "I'm not! I'm not!! I'M NOT!!!" Suddenly, a pair of arms wrapped around his waist, encircling his small form. A voice came from above his head. "You're not. I know you're not. Don't cry, now. I know you're not." The young child pressed his lips closed tightly, grabbing on to the pair of snow-white sleeves around his waist with a desperate grip. He forced himself to hold back for a long time, but in the end, he couldn't. A stream of tears suddenly rolled down from that round black eye, and he burst out into sobs. Xie Lian embraced him from behind and reiterated with conviction, "It's not you. It's not your fault." Honghong-er whipped around, buried his face in Xie Lian's chest, and wailed.
2. Volume 6, "Cave of Ten Thousand Gods- Faces of the Ten Thousand Gods Revealed", pg. 78-79
Hua Cheng inclined his head slightly- it was like he wanted to glance back but was too afraid to look Xie Lian in the eye. Only the two streaks of blood on his cheek could be seen. "Your Highness, would you please... not tell me?" His voice cracked as he asked. "I'm sorry," Xie Lian said. "Something like this has to be made clear." Hua Cheng didn't need to breathe, but he still sucked in a deep breath. Although his face was awfully pale, he still smiled and replied courteously, "That's true. It's for the best." He was like a criminal on death row, waiting for his sentence. He closed his eye. Yet his eye didn't remain closed for long- soon it snapped open once more as a pair of arms suddenly circled him from behind and caught him in a forceful embrace. Xie Lian buried his face in Hua Cheng's back, but he didn't speak either. Though nothing was said, it was enough. It was a long time before Xie Lian felt the man he was hugging turn around. Hua Cheng fervently returned the embrace, engulfing Xie Lian in his arms.
3. Volume 6, "Warm Words of a Cold Ghost Beguile the Lost Child", pg. 203
And then, Xie Lian abruptly froze. White No-Face was hugging him. As Xie Lian tilted and fell to his knees in a slump, he had been captured by a pair of cold, powerful arms that pulled him into a lifeless embrace. At some point, White No-Face had sat down on the ground with him. "So sad, so sad," he murmured. "Your Highness, look. Look at what they've done to you." He whispered softly as he stroked Xie Lian's head, his hands gentle and full of pity. It was like he was petting a wounded puppy or his own gravely ill child on the brink of death. The smiling half of the crying-smiling mask was hidden in the darkness; the moonlight revealed only the half that was crying, looking like genuine tears of grief shed for Xie Lian. Xie Lian remained stiff and curled in on himself, moving no further. The man in white behind him raised his fingers to wipe the filthy mud from Xie Lian's face. He sensed a peculiar kind of loving compassion in the man's touch. Like the embrace of a close friend or a dear family member, it miraculously returned a bit of warmth to Xie Lian's shivering body. He never expected that this sinister creature would be the one to finally offer him compassion.
4. Volume 7, "Dominate Heaven and Earth, Divine Being Breaks Through the Kiln", pg. 19
Xie Lian stood on the giant's palm, one hand pressing the bamboo hat down on his head while the another blocked his face from the snowstorm. The stifling hot air was swept cleanly away, and Xie Lian took a deep breath of fresh, freezing air and shouted: "San Lang-!" The first syllable was still echoing in the air when a pair of arms pulled him into an embrace from behind. Xie Lian stiffened at first, but he relaxed when he looked down and saw red sleeves and silver vambraces circling his waist. A deep, forlorn voice came from above his ear. "...I was about to lose my mind!" Xie Lian hurried to turn around. He cupped his captor's cheeks with his hands and soothed him, "Don't... don't. I'm here... I'm out!" Hua Cheng stood before him. His raven hair was mussed, and there was a lost look in his eye. He gripped the cry-smiling mask Xie Lian hadn't been able to remove no matter how hard he tried, easily tore it off, and tossed it away.
Bonus: Volume 7, "Dominate Heaven and Earth, Divine Being Breaks Through the Kiln", pg. 29-30
Before Xie Lian could finish his thought, the three mountain spirits besieged them together. They surrounded the giant stone statue and pressed firmly inward, trying to crush the state to pieces. The divine state couldn't move a single limb, nor could Xie Lian. He poured all of his strength into getting the statue to push them back, but it didn't budge- and at that point, it was probably powerless to fight back! As he tried to think of another way to escape, he unconsciously took a step backward and bumped into a chest. When he looked back, Hua Cheng grasped his shoulders. "Fight freely! It'll be fine- none of them are a match for you. Nothing in this world can stop you!" His chest was the strongest backing in existence, and in an instant, Xie Lian was brimming with confidence. A refreshing current flowed through his body, and he struck back with all his might.
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midnight-pluto · 29 days
MY MODEL: PG.12 - im working, bitch
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MY MODEL: jing yuan x gn!reader
SYNOPSIS: seems like the Xianzhou has hired a freelance photographer to help with their new magazine. however, this model seems to have fallen head over heels for a certain photographer - what exactly is their story?
my model master list || prev. || next
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 8 2023 — 4:29 PM
FIDDLING WITH THE settings of your camera, you hear heavy footsteps approach — the dirt path crunching with every step made. Lifting your camera along with your head, you see a familiar shade of amber looking into your camera's lens with a glimmer of amusement in them.
Smiling softly at the sight of him, you take a picture of him right then and there.
"Has the photoshoot already started?" Jing yuan jests as you open your other eye to see him properly, without the white grid bordering his face.
"Nope, just wanted a new contact photo for you," you reply, clicking your cameras buttons to pull up the newest photo you took. "Not bad, right?" you turn your back to Jing yuan and raise your camera so he can no longer see the picture properly.
Leaning over your shoulder — breath tickling your ear lobe and your cheek — his baritone voice humming in your ear, "Mhm, it looks nice."
Feeling the tips of your ears burn, you play off the smile encroaching on your face by thanking him for his praises. "So what do you wanna do first? Do you feel like laying in the field, or maybe holding some of the flowers? Which do you prefer?"
"Picking the flowers would be amusing, as we just did that last week," Jing yuan chuckled, following your footsteps further into the flower field.
"I think here is good," you say, grasping your camera.
Humming in agreement, he kneels down closer to the flowerbed as if admiring them. Smiling at the sight, you snap a photo of the back of his head looking down at the flowers below your feet; he looks over his shoulder, giving you a smirk and a hand reaching out.
Thinking nothing of it, you place your palm onto his unbeknownst to the outcome of your actions. Letting out a yelp as he pulls you into the flowerbed with him, managing to clutch onto your camera at the last moment.
Your impact on him forced Jing yuan to sit fully on the grass, hand no longer holding yours but instead steadying your shoulder as your head rested close to his chest. The rest of your body laying on the ground between his legs.
Jing yuans deep laugh filled your ears as you were able to smell the earthy scent much easier now that you were closer to the ground. "Why are you like this?" you exclaim, your head leaving his chest to stare at him face to face with your hands gripping his shoulders.
"The urge was simply to big to resist," he simply states with a lazy grin on his face that most definitely established that he held no regrets.
Rolling your eyes at his response, you hastily get up (from essentially his lap), brushing of the dirt off your clothes. Grumbling, "I'm working, bitch."
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FINDING COMFORT IN the shade of a nearby tree, you admire Jing yuan from a distance. He was once more kneeling in the flower field, his amber eyes matching the glow of the sun perfectly.
You mentally argue with yourself on whether or not to take a photo, but that decision has already been made up for you as the model stood up with something new added to his silhouette. "Close your eyes!" his voice calls out.
"I'm scared," you say, closing your eyes nonetheless.
"Are they closed?"
"Good," he replies, voice now much closer than before.
The only thing your senses picked up on was the sound of Jing yuan's shoes stepping on the dirt path to the tree you were under and the smell of the flowers that surrounded every direction.
After a moment, you hear a gentle, "Open."
Blinking once, then twice to become adjusted to the sun's light once more, you're met with makeshift bouquet of daisies being offered to you. "Well?" he asks, eyes scanning your face for your reaction to his gift.
You were helpless against the smile that grew on your face, a light-hearted laugh escapes your lips, "Let me take a picture first."
The sun's rays fell perfectly against the folds of his clothes; the soft white petals of the daisies practically blending in with his shirt. Your camera clicked at the sight, looking down at the digital screen you see the results, "Nice."
"We should get one more," you say, looking at Jing yuan for his opinion on it. He only stares at you blankly, blinking once as if asking you a question in return. Glancing back down into his hand, you softly scoff at his antics and take the freshly made bouquet.
His lips quirk up into a smile, nodding his head in agreement as to what you said prior.
“Cool, now get your ass up on that swing,” you deadpan, pointing your free hand up at the swing made of simply wood and rope hanging from the trees sturdy branch; swaying slightly due to the wind.
“Alright,” he nodded once more, sitting on the swing; kicking his feet on the grass to start swinging on his own.
Stepping back, you lifted your camera to your face with the only thing that could be heard was the chirping of birds and the click of your cameras buttons.
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EDITORS NOTES: so… how’ve y’all been ?
TAGLIST: @zyphyrr @ohmyfinggod @not-creativequill @klemen-time @nekobluecute @theautisticduck @aixaingela @kokocae @imma-too-many-fandoms @ceylestia @lunavixia @queencybow @arraxthatsonjah @kiiyoooo @immahuman @ksnu @mael1pastry @kamikokii @rain-and-a-nice-nap @havingnonamesucks @forsh4dow @boomie-123 @ukiyo-ikigai @saetoshi @whatamoodhoney @xiaossocksniffer @sxftiebee @poemzcheng @yawnzbf @organeatter @keirennyx @velovicy @superdark-soul @r4yyyyy @fakeblondies [ if you want to be added, send me an ask or feel free to comment! ]
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dutchdread · 3 months
Hi, I'm sorry if this question has been answered before, but what are your views on the whole Cloud not answering Tifa when she asks if he loves her. I'm not entirely sure where it's from, sorry.
Sure, it might have been asked before, I know I've answered it before, but I've talked about this subject in many places so it might not have been on Tumblr. Either way, the question doesn't bother me, it's a good question since people bring it up a lot, so having a chance to reiterate the answer isn't a bad thing. The scene you're talking about is from the short story: " On the way to a smile - Episode Tifa". Like with all these supposed rebuttals to Cloti this argument fails when you look at the situation honestly for more than two seconds, and is actually Pro-Cloti. Firstly, this argument suffers from the same problem that I brought up a while back in my article concerning "the most misunderstood quote in the LTD". Namely that for this argument to make sense you already have to admit that Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship. There is not a person on earth who would walk up to random friends in the middle of the night and wake them up to ask them whether they love them. The scene is framed as Tifa being in Clouds bedroom, and since Tifa is never mentioned to go to his room and Cloud seems to not be surprised about her being there Occams razor will tell you the most likely reason she's in his room is because they're sleeping together. So even if we look at this situation in the most pro-Cleriths way possible then we still already have a situation where Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship, because only in a relationship does it make sense to talk about relationship issues. And since the very notion of stories is to have a resolution we can also surmise that by the end of the story these relationship issues are in some way fixed, either by them going their separate ways, or them working it out. And since we've discussed the nature of the issues Cloud is facing in depth on this page and have discussed how they are resolved, we know the answer to these questions. The issues are resolved by Cloud returning to Tifa and the children, as has been explicitly stated by the developers.
Inside, I felt one thing was for sure: Cloud and Tifa would be together. Everybody would be back home where they belonged. ~ Nojima - Reunion files - pg. 70
Let me stress this again, the most PRO-Clerith version of this argument has Tifa and Cloud being in a relationship and working it out by the end. And in reality it's even more pro-Cloti than that. The very fact that Tifa is concerned about Cloud not loving her implies that him loving her is in some way the standard. It's not that Tifa and Cloud are friends and it's going so well that Tifa is wondering "wait, does he maybe like me more as just friends? does he perhaps....LOVE me?" no, the implication is that the accepted state of affairs is that they were two people in love, and that she is now questioning whether that's actually the case. Now note that Tifas insecurities by themselves mean nothing. Tifa can be extremely jealous of Aerith and completely convinced that Cloud is depressed because he actually loves another woman, and yet be completely wrong about that, as is clearly the case. Whatever insecurities Tifa might reasonably have, they're pretty clearly shown to be false by the sub-sequent events of Advent Children and all the quotes surrounding it. We know the reason Cloud was depressed, we know the reason he left. As I have discussed in depth here: "why does Cloud think about Aerith if he's not in love with her" as well as on other articles. In short, Cloud is depressed because of Cherophobia, PTSD, Fear of failure, and guilt, and his ultimate reason for leaving is due to his Geostigma. Tifas romantic worries are shown to be unfounded. Concerning the scene itself, a lot of people pretend that Cloud doesn't answer Tifa, that is incorrect. Cloud is asleep when Tifa asks the quote. When this wakes him Tifa changes the question to "do you love Marlene". The reason she does this is most likely because she's scared of the answer, she chickens out and instead of repeating the question, which he missed on account of BEING ASLEEP, she changes it to something less directly threatening to her heart, "do you love Marlene". The most important thing to note is that Cloud answers in the affirmative, he DOES love Marlene. Most importantly, this answer also serves as an answer to "do you love me?", either because Cloud straight up heard Tifa (I don't think he did, but some people pretend he did) and is answering her indirectly, or because this is how you use storytelling to provide an indirect answer to the viewer. The scene illustrates, in general, that Clouds issues are not due to a lack of love. There is a different problem, what is that problem? Well, I've already provided you with a link showing just that. Let me also quickly touch on what happens later on in the short story in general:
Cloud is looking for a way to atone, which he finds through Denzel.
“So the problem was resolved?” Tifa asked. “Which problem?” Cloud responded. “Your problem.” “Oh…” Cloud thought about it. “It’s ok if you don’t want to tell me.” “I can’t really explain it well…” Cloud warned before starting to talk. “The problem isn’t resolved. Well, I never tried resolving it for a long time, I think. You can’t retrieve lost lives.” Tifa nodded silently. “But maybe we can save the lives who are in a crisis just now. Maybe even I can do it.” “You mean Denzel?” “Yeah.” “Hey, do you remember what you said when you brought Denzel here?” “What did I say?” “A lot of things. Even if I opposed it, you would bring him back with you. I could just feel it.” “That…” Cloud was making a face like a kid who thought he would get scolded. “Tell me. I’ll decide whether I’m angry or not after I listen.” Cloud nodded and continued. “Denzel had collapsed in front of Aerith’s church. That’s why I thought Aerith lead him to me.” Saying all that in one breath, Cloud looked away. “You went to the church.” “I didn’t intend to hide it from you.” “You did hide it.” “I’m sorry.” “I’m not saying you couldn’t go. But next time, I’ll go with you.” “I understand.” “And you’re wrong, Cloud.” Cloud was perplexed as he looked at Tifa. “Aerith didn’t bring Denzel to you.” “Ahh, I only thought that…..” “I didn’t mean it that way.” “Aerith brought Denzel to our home.” Cloud gazed at Tifa and finally smiled. __________________________________
This provides further evidence that the issues between Tifa and Cloud weren't due to a lack of love, but were due to Cloud suffering from the guilt of failing to protect Aerith. He doesn't know how to deal with that because this is not something he can take back: "You can’t retrieve lost lives.”. However, he is looking for a way to atone and thinks he's found one by protecting those who are still alive, in this case Denzel. Subsequently his situation with Tifa seemingly improves. But then the story ends with Clouds sudden disappearance, and Tifa wondering if the improvement, and the accompanying smiles, were a lie. The story lets that question linger, it is a cliff hanger, the set-up for Advent Children, advent children is supposed to answer the question, and it does. The answer to the mystery of why Cloud suddenly disappeared when things appeared to be improving, is that he contracted Geostigma.
Cloud never had a candid personality to begin with, and although he started living with Tifa and even started working, he obtained a peaceful living he’s never experienced before, and this conversely made him anxious. And in the midst of this he contracts Geostigma himself, and rather than being able to protect the people dear to him, he instead was forced to face his own death, and so ran away.”-Nojima in AC prologue.
Case closed, Cloti wins again. Like always, whenever you look at any scene in the larger context you come to the conclusion that it perfectly fits the overall story and concepts proposed by Clotis. It's the remarkable coherency of this interpretation that in my opinion is it's best proof. Cleriths propose a very shallow story, they never look deeper than "Clouds actions revolve around romantic love, therefore, every action has to either directly prove romance, or disprove it, there can be no unrelated issues". There is no nuance there, no understanding of deeper concepts. There can't be, because as soon as you try to add those the interpretation falls apart at the seems, you run into a hundred conflicting quotes and a thousand themes that don't fit together or are downright bad. You get stories about a man abandoning sick kids because he wants die die to be with a dead girl, for no other reason than that he knew her for one week and now is obsessed with her. There is no story here, no beauty, no lessons, no morality, just a weird shallow death cult, and the biggest proof that it is a cult is how they can look at a scene like the one you proposed, and delude themselves into actually believing their shallow misrepresentations constitute "a good argument".
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pray4saint · 11 months
You should do headcanons for dteam and Chuckle sammy for what kind of hugs they give </3 thats such a good idea
types of hugs the dteam & chuckle sammy boys give their partners
dteam masterlist & chuckle sammy masterlist & descrip. pg. 13+. gn!reader. fluff.
a/n. thank you for indulging me anon
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number one hug type with this man, full embraces. / arms completely holding each other, heads linked around the other's neck
unironic bro hugs, i fully believe this guy will walk up to you and bro hug you out of nowhere
all for hugs like this; his hands on your hips, your hands on his shoulders, foreheads and chests pressed together, whispering sweet nothings to each other
”you know, you're really beautiful from this angle.” you laugh a little bit, looking into his eyes while. ”babe,” you smile at your boyfriend. ”you look a zero point five.” he makes a kind of silly face at you, ”i was thinking more of a fish eye.”
also hugs where you scratch his head >>> / he absolutely lives for it, pressing kisses to your hand when you try to pull it away from his hair
straddle hugs with this man, i guarantee it happens / regardless of who's on top, he likes being so close to you, especially if there's people around, it shows off who he belongs who and who you belong to
i also think sap is big on reverse hugs, where he comes up behind you and wraps his arms around you, kissing into your neck and along your shoulders, especially if you're in the middle of something
equally as much if you come up behind him, snuggling your head into his shoulder blades before spinning him around to properly hold you
also when he travels, hugs after he's been gone for awhile, he loves them, how you try to get yourself impossibly closer to him
”i missed you so much.” your arms squeeze harder around his neck, drawing him closer if at all possible. ”i know darlin',” he squeezes your middle, rubbing your lower back. ”i missed you too doll.”
in public, george really only does side hugs with you, it's not that he doesn't love you, he just gets nervous in public, but he will hold your hand the rest of the time
i think george though likes hugs where you kind of baby him, with your arms around his middle and his arms rest around your neck, tucking his head snuggly into the crook of your neck
”are you alright hon?” you ask him, lifting a hand from his waist to his hair, gently scratching at his head. ”yeah. i just missed you.”
i also think he kind of avoids group hugs if you're in them, he really prefers having you in his arms alone, with nobody to bother you
also being wrapped up in each other's arms on the sofas in his or your living rooms, with your head lying against his shoulder or his stomach while you draw shapes into his arms or his chest and his hand runs through your hair and along your back, talking about random things
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ted + quick hugs, i think he likes to hug you hello and goodbye with every interaction, he just loves being so close to you
definitely big on what we'd consider 'normal hugs', because sometimes he just wants the hug to take in how you smell, to remind him that you're real
ted takes a deep breath in, holding you close to him. you settle in his arms, putting your arms around him to reciprocate the hug. ”you alright babe?” ”i am now.”
eye-to-eye hugs with ted are regular, whether it be standing to sitting down, the eye contact is special when combined with the hold you have on each other
slow dance hugs in the kitchen >>>> / while you wait for the food to heat up, you slow dance around the kitchen with ted, keeping your hug intact
bear hugs, i absolutely believe he squeezes tight when he hugs you, savouring every intimate second of it
”ch– charlie,” you tap his shoulder, ”can barely breathe.” ”just another second, please.” he kissed your neck before releasing his tight hold. ”thank you baby.” ”no, thank you for putting up with me, i know i can be a bit much sometimes.”
THE PICKPOCKET HUG THE PICKPOCKET HUG GUYS / keeping your hand in his back pocket while his hand rests in your back pocket, especially in public?? he loves it
hugs lying in bed with you completely on top of him, his arms around you while you rest your head against his chest, it's intimate and mostly takes place in the morning after you wake up, right before you go to bed or just after certain activities
i also think dance hugs happen a lot, sometimes it's slow dance but other times you're just dancing around while holding each other
the type to fully envelop you in his arms, keeping your head tucked into his chest with your hands against his chest
other hugs include side hugs with his arm draped over your shoulders, hand interlinked with yours
OH schlatt and lifted hugs, where you jump up and wrap your legs around him for a hug, he loves that
also schlatt seems like the type to paw at your arm when he wants a hug in public, sending you looks that aren't easily discernible until you finally turn around and run your hands up and down his arms before wrapping yourself around his middle
”y'know if you wanted a hug big guy, you could've just asked,” you looked up at him, he scoffed with a smile. ”yeah i know.” he wraps his arms around you.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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b0red-b1rds · 9 months
Okay but idea for SAGAU for something silly that just happened
so i was like playing with my sister right??? And she's like 4 and i thought genshin was like mostly PG so i decided to play with her because my mom always ask me to spend more time with her so we can bond and be more united, and i love my mom so i said yeah sure and i just finished the liyue Archon quest yesterday so i was doing that an involuntary sacrifice quest thing no? So we just go into the domain all happy go lucky when KABOOM the upside down venti statue and the dead treasure hoarder, i audibly gasp and my sibling runs away crying and now me and my mum are laughing while she combs my hair, so i thought it would be funny if this was a sagau scenario and you're the first sagau writing blog i scrolled by so i wanted to know ur take on it XOXO
Anon this is absolutely hilarious but I feel so bad for your sibling-
Hilarious happenstance aside, this kind of thing would be rather interesting for SAGAU! Depending on whether or not this is a regular SAGAU with an adult Creator, or if we take my Godling AU and use that, it could give some pretty interesting results.
With a fully grown - or even just a teenaged - Creator, the emotional impact would be jarring and disturbing, but they would have the maturity and knowledge necessary to help with the situation. BUT, if we want to go the heartbreaking route...
Imagine, if you will, a little Godling Creator, eagerly following along behind the Traveler and Paimon. Still very young, baby fat still rounding out their cheeks, but still so excited to finally adventure with one of their favorite people. They hold onto the Traveler's hand the whole time at their insistence. While the Traveler has a bad feeling about all of this, they can't exactly say "no" to the Creator Incarnate...
They regret bringing such a little kid with them. The terror in their wide eyes as they stare at the defiled statue is a look that will haunt the star-traveling being for the rest of their life. And, oh, how their sweet little voice shakes as they cling to their guardian, innocent eyes filling with tears as they mumble,
"What wrong with that 'batos...?"
The Traveler is quick to scoop the baby god into their arms, hurrying away from the statue and the corpse knelt before it. They duck and weave through the bubble traps, doing their best to console the godling all the while.
Things only go from bad to worse after that...
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As the year comes to a close, we're reaching the end of the Danny Phantom fandom calendar events. The new year is coming and with it comes a new event.
Presented by @lixxen with help from @kipo-oak, @lavendarlily, and @moonfoxgazer:
Valentine's Core Exchange!
VCE is a Secret Santa style Valentine’s Day themed Danny Phantom event! Our goal is to give everyone a loving gift.
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How does it work?
The Discord and sign ups will open in December, giving participants time to join and get to know each other. During this phase, we encourage everyone to talk and befriend one another. Sign up forms will be distributed halfway through this portion. Once this is finalized, the Discord will be closed from people joining and we will collect the form information.
Sign ups include what ships you are interested in, whether you want a romantic or platonic ship, whether you'd want to write or create an art piece, and additional information for this process.
Once all forms have been submitted, mods will assign everyone a number. Your number will be how you identify yourself in lists - make sure to not tell anyone your number. We will then share the information collected from the forms with the corresponding number for server members to look through. This is all kept anonymous, so no one knows who they are looking at until we pair you. We will open up claims shortly after that so you can rank the prompts you’d like to create for and which you would not, so you don't get paired with a ship or relationship style you don’t feel comfortable with. We will pair everyone up based on claims and information from sign ups as best as we can. Once this happens, we will send everyone the name and number of their pairing plus the full information of their person.
After claims comes the creation phase! You will have one month to make your piece for this person! Mods will check up on everyone halfway through to make sure everything is on track; we don't want anyone to fall behind. You’re welcome to share tidbits of the work you're doing within the server, but we want everything to be a surprise, so posting full works and who you're making it for isn't allowed.
On Valentine's Day, everyone will post and share their work with each other. There will be a specific tag for the event on Tumblr and a collection on AO3 for the writers. A submission form will be sent out for everyone to put their content so we can create a post containing a spreadsheet that links to all of the completed pieces.
What are the different roles?
We will have:
Either: if you don't have it decided, you can do either. Also if you become a pinch hitter you can pick up an art piece or fic as either
Pinch hitter: if anyone drops out you can pick up their place
Beta readers
When is this?
Sign ups will open in December and the event will end on Valentine's Day. We planned this event out so it wouldn't conflict with any other large events. We welcome artists and writers of any level to participate, as he only requirement is a 1k word minimum for writers.
We will be posting a complete and finalized schedule within the next few days, so please look out for it.
Anything else we need to know?
As this is a brand new event, we will have a policy of no NSFW works. We will be posting the event rules and posting guidelines soon along with the schedule, so we advise you to read them when they come out! We want to keep this community and event safe, so we ask that any content stays PG-13, especially with minor aged ships.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send in an ask or contact the lead mod @lixxen!
We will make an FAQ page if needed.
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