#WHERE MY 5 times Ladybug treated her Chaton like a Chaton + 1 time Marinette treated her Chaton like a Chaton????????????
xhanisai · 10 months
It's always about Adrien/Chat Noir and his cat tendencies here and there BUT WHAT ABOUT MARINETTE/LADYBUG AND HER CAT LOVER TENDENCIES???
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flippin-fins · 3 years
LadyNoir July 2021 Day 11: Voicemail/Calls
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She hadn’t meant to be late.
Ladybug knew it was the anniversary of their partnership.
1 year of Hawkmoth, Shadowmoth, whatever he was calling himself. 1 year of akuma battles. 1 year of fighting to protect Paris.
1 year of Ladybug’s partnership with Chat Noir.
They had agreed to meet up tonight, to have a night to celebrate fate bringing them together.
And she was late.
Her parents had asked for help during the bakery’s rush, and instead of watching the time, instead of paying attention to the meetup she had been looking forward to, Marinette had let herself be caught up in it all.
Instead of laughing at memories, caught up in eachother’s presence, she had been laughing with her parents, helping customers long past the time her presence was required.
Opening her yo-yo, she checked the time again and flinched. She saw the voicemail notification, but kept running across the rooftops, hoping he was still out there.
Finally their meetup spot was in view, but the sight of it made her heart stop. As she drew closer, Ladybug could see the blown out candles and a forgotten bouquet. The abandoned roof brought her back to a different day, months ago, and she wanted to sob.
She had missed him, missed her chance to see him.
Remembering the notification, Ladybug quickly opened her yo-yo and started the voicemail, hoping she hadn’t completely ruined everything.
“Hey Bugaboo,” the recording started, and she felt her heart squeeze at the nickname. “I was hoping to talk to you in person, but I don’t think that’s happening tonight. I was going to tell you when you got here, but I couldn’t stay long tonight. I have an early morning planned for me. I guess we’ll just miss eachother. I just wanted to thank you. You’re a great partner, if you aren’t always the most punctual,” his chuckle made her want to sob, the guilt blooming in her stomach. “I know we don’t always stand on the same side for how we view each other, but I appreciate that you don’t hold it against me. This has been the happiest year of my life, thanks in no small part to you. Thank you, Ladybug, for being the best partner.”
Trying not to cry at the message, she checked how long ago the recording was sent, seeing it was only from 5 minutes ago. Ladybug hoped it was recorded as he was on this roof, that she might have time to find him.
A voice in the back of her head reminded her that she didn’t know where he’d be going, who he was, but she pushed it aside.
Swinging on her yo-yo was faster than he could run, so she might be able to catch him.
She took off, letting her heart lead her, hoping it would find him.
A few minutes later, she started feeling dejected, and headed back to the original roof. She might have missed out on their night together, but she could clean up all the things he’d set up for them.
She didn’t pay attention to her surroundings, trusting her instinct to get her to where she needed to go.
It took her a moment, after she landed, to realize she wasn’t alone.
“Chat,” she breathed, worried anything else would break the illusion.
He smirked, rubbing the back of his neck. “I was walking home, assuming you had gotten distracted by something. Imagine my surprise when someone stopped and asked me why I wasn’t swinging through rooftops together, why I was here on the ground and you were in the sky.”
Her vision blurred as she raced to him, wrapping her arms around him.
“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. My parents needed help and I lost track of time and couldn’t leave and-” Ladybug sobbed, not knowing what else to say.
“Hey, look at me,” Chat Noir coaxed, lifting her chin.
She looked up at him. How had she gotten so lucky, being paired with such a sweet soul, someone so much more forgiving than she deserved?
“You’re here now, and I’m here too, and that’s all that matters.”
Unable to respond, she squeezed her arms tighter.
Sooner than she wanted, she remembered why he had left. Stepping back, she tilted herhead, confused. “What about you needing to leave early? The thing you needed to do?”
“Getting to see you tonight is more important than getting enough sleep before an early morning.”
“Chat, you don’t have to sacrifice sleep for me,” Ladybug sighed. “Sleep is important. It’s important to be healthy.”
Chat threw his head back to laugh. “M’lady, I think one night of reduced sleep is worth getting to spend time with you.”
Frowning, she stepped back further, looking for her bag she had brought. “Well, as long as you’re here, I might have something for you.”
“Oh no, we’re going to do this right. Close your eyes for a moment.”
Ladybug glared at him for a moment, before she complied. She tried not to think about how achingly familiar it all was.
“Alright,” a voice whispered close to her ear, making her shiver. “Open them.”
“Chat doesn’t this all feel unnecess-” she stopped as her eyes opened. The candles lit around her, illuminating the rooftop, it was breathtaking. She turned to look at him. “Chat, you shouldn’t ha-”
Her breath caught as she saw him, the sheepish grin as he held out the bouquet. “For you, M’lady,” he whispered.
His greens eyes glowed in the candlelight, and it was all she could do to not throw herself into his arms. ‘Again,’ a voice suspiciously like Tikki reminded her.
She was caught in his gaze, frozen by his smile, as that thought floated away in the wind.
Chat chuckled, pulling the flowers back to him. “I didn’t mean to overdo it,” he started. “I just wanted you to know how important you are to me, how much this past year has meant to me.”
She snapped back to reality and took a step towards him. Taking the bouquet from him, she sniffed them. “Chat, they’re lovely. Really, you didn’t need to do any of this for me, but thank you.” Ladybug smiled at him.
“I wanted to make sure you had everything you wanted. You deserve it.” He pushed a stray piece of hair out of her face, tucking it behind her ear. It took everything in her to try not to close her eyes and lean into his hand, but it wasn’t enough as her head turned and her eyes fluttered.
He stilled, watching her, savoring the moment.
Too soon, they remembered where they were and each took a step back.
“So,” Ladybug said, as she tried to move on. “Would you like to see what I brought?”
A grin nearly split Chat’s face as his eyes widened. “You brought something for me?” He whispered, unbelieving.
“Of course, kitty. You’re one of my best friends. I had to make you something for our anniversary.” Ladybug turned, busying herself with opening her bag, but not before she saw the tears in his eyes.
Not for the first time, she wondered about his home life. Ladybug hoped he was loved, wished he had someone the way she had her parents. He deserved it.
Pulling out two packages, she stood up, trying not to laugh at his eager expression.
“Here,” she said, offering him the smaller gift. “Open this one first.”
Gently, he pulled apart the wrapped, and revealed a knit black beanie. The yarn had flecks of neon green, and she knew the ribbed brim hid a small green paw print. Chat practically cradled it in his hands.
“You made this?” Chat asked, not looking away.
“Yeah, I knit it. I was going to add cat ears but I was worried that might reveal who you were if I saw it.” She shrugged, watching as he ran his thumb over the stitches. She reached out slowly, pulling back the brim to show him the hidden detail. “This, at least, makes it special, so it should probably stay hidden.”
“I love it,” he whispered, pulling it onto his head, over his own cat ears.
She smiled at his enthusiasm. “Now this,” she said as she handed his second gift, “is more likely for me to figure out who you are, so be careful where you wear it.”
He opened this one faster, excited to see what was inside.
He pulled out a black long sleeve shirt, first looking at the back. Embroidered there was the word ‘clawsome’ in green thread.
He turned it around to reveal the front, a paw in the same green thread, the shape the same as the counter on his miraculous ring.
In the bottom, near where his hip would be, she had embroidered a small ladybug shell.
She had to leave her signature somewhere.
She reached down to get one final surprise, the real reason she had gone down to the bakery earlier. Pulling out a box, she extended it towards her partner.
“Since you’re so sweet, I brought you some treats to enjoy,” Ladybug shyly smiled as Chat beamed.
Pushing past her outstretched arm, Chat picked her up off the ground as he hugged her. “Why M’lady, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you were sweet on me.”
They sat down together to enjoy the dessert she had brought. It was a comfortable silence as they were each lost in memories of their year. Too soon, Ladybug looked at the time.
“Chat, as much as I’d like to spend all night sharing these treats with you, I think it’s time for it to end.” Turning to look at him, she saw the sadness in his eyes. “We can see each other again during patrol this week. But you,” she paused, flicking his nose, “you need to go home and get some rest.”
He sighed, but they got up.
He handed her back the box and they cleaned up. Finally, he headed towards the edge of the roof, pulling out his baton, and then stopped.
“I mean it,” he said, looking at her. “Thank you. Thank you for the happiest year of my life. Thank you for being here, by my side, through all of this.”
She smiled, trying to blink away tears, feelings, as she looked at him.
“You’re welcome, Chaton. Thank you for this year. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without you by my side.”
He grinned before turning and jumping off the roof, baton already extending underneath him.
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 6 - The Pounce
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts. this chapter has 4 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
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17. Secrets
Marinette was sure she didn’t have any alarm set for the day. And even if she did, it wouldn’t be this early in the morning. Her video call with Adrien the night before lasted well over a few hours, and it was the second day in a row where she wasn’t sleeping her usual routine. Though tired, she really can’t find herself regretting her actions. She was sure Adrien felt the same, he didn’t want the video call to end so soon and always managed to find something new to chat about.
She thought she could ignore the constant buzzing of her phone, but she’s only clowning herself if she believes that. Marinette tried to use her pillow to cover her head to block out the noise, but to no avail. She tried again with her thick blanket but eventually gave up. She was too disturbed to go back to sleep now anyway. With a grunt, she lifted herself off of her comfy bed and grabbed her phone from the shelves above her.
She eyed the screen and saw the time, as well as the caller.
“Woah, someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.”
“Care to check how many times you’ve called me?” Marinette pinched the bridge of her nose. “You know I hate it when my sleep gets interrupted.”
“I’m really sorry Marinette, but this can’t be put off any longer. Why didn’t you tell me? Are there any more secrets you’re hiding from me?”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
Her phone gave off a chime, and it was a link Alya had just shared. “Access that link.”
Marinette grew wary as she saw the first few words of the link. The name of the biggest gossip magazine was etched within it.
“Uhh, Alya, what’s this? You know I hate reading things from gossip magazines.” She’s pissed that she was woken up for this useless bullshit.
“I know I know, just click it please, it concerns you.” Alya pleaded.
Marinette paused. “Me?”
Her mind imagined the worst-case scenario. Was her secret identity compromised? She didn’t manage to read the rest of the link as she quickly clicked on the link.
The first thing she saw when the site loaded was a video embedded at the top of the page, and the thumbnail of the video was of her and Adrien throwing affectionate gazes at each other, with Adrien’s hand buried deep within her hair. Fear shot through her entire being. When was this?
She further inspected the thumbnail and saw that she was in pyjamas. It was the night they revealed themselves, they had just exited the park and were ready to head home.
“Marinette? Did you manage to read the article?”
She couldn’t take it anymore, she hastily closed the tab. “No, but I see myself and Adrien on the video thumbnail. Shit...” She admitted, not bothering to hide since Alya already saw it.
“Are you okay?”
“What did the article say?” She whispered.
“They were speculating if you’re Adrien’s new fling— ”
“The fuck?”
“—or romantic partner, but they don’t know who you are, so you’re safe.”
“But he’s not! I need to make sure he’s okay.” She was jumping out of her bed when Alya’s voice stopped her in her tracks.
“Marinette, I think that might be a problem. Herds of reporters are situated outside the Agreste mansion.”
She felt a vein pop in her temple. “Are you there?”
“What? No! The clip is rolling live on TV.”
She switched on her TV and sure enough, the mansion was surrounded by reporters.
“Adrien...” Blood drained from her face as she looked at the sheer number of reporters outside his house. Her vision started to blur. He was no doubt going to blame himself for this again.
“A-Alya, I’m sorry, I need some time alone. T-Thank you for telling me,” she stammered.
“Don’t sweat it. And I’m sure you have reasons for keeping your secrets, I won’t pester you now, but I hope to get an update on the both of you once this is over. And please promise me you’ll tell me about it later.”
Comfort flooded her chest, “Of course, Alya. Thank you so much.”
Marinette hung up and was left alone with her own thoughts.
Thinking back, Adrien was acting slightly weird after they got onto the streets. He had asked her to transform out of nowhere. Was that when he had realised they were being followed? Why didn’t he tell her? Marinette browsed her messages and calls, there was nothing she missed from Adrien.
Why was he pushing her away again? Even after the reveal. Why isn’t he opening up to her?
She wiped her tears. This is no time to be questioning his decisions. She needed to save her kitty as soon as possible. He must be feeling devastated dealing with this all alone.
18. Can’t Transform
Adrien was curled up by the side of his bed, his phone all blown up with notifications, calls, and messages from gossip news agencies and the public. It was till the point that he had to reconfigure his “Do Not Disturb” function to stop all the ringing and buzzing that wrecked his phone. He was so overwhelmed that he disabled everything.
His phone was currently by his side, his chat with Marinette on the display. Marinette was online earlier on, and he was happy to see that, but she was gone as soon as she came. Adrien really wanted to ask her for help, but he was sure that she’s pissed with him right now. He didn’t have the right to ask since he brought this upon himself. He just hoped she forgave him for allowing her face to appear on the news.
Marinette (09:01): chaton?
A chime brought his attention back to the phone. Adrien saw her message, but he just stared.
Marinette (09:01): chaton i can see you online
Adrien (09:02): hi
Marinette (09:02): can you call me?
Marinette (09:02): my calls can't seem to get through
Adrien (09:03): i muted everything
Marinette (09:03): oh
Marinette (09:03): then can chat call me?
Adrien (09:03): i can't transform
Adrien (09:04): i don't want to risk them seeing the transformation
Marinette saw that he typed and stopped a few times. She’d be patient with him, he’s allowed to take as long as he needed.
Adrien (09:06): i'll call
Adrien (09:06): but can you give me a while?
Marinette (09:06): of course :)
Perhaps it was her staring at her screen, knowing that Adrien was there. Perhaps she was solely focused on seeing something happen on her screen. Or perhaps she managed to will Adrien into calling her, because he eventually did. And it didn’t feel like it had been 10 minutes.
The line had gone quiet. So quiet that she was about to remove her phone from her ear to check if the call had ended when a voice spoke through the speakers.
“Hey, Marinette.”
He sounded apprehensive. Was she coming off too strong?
“How are you feeling?” Her voice gentler this time.
He still took a while, but it was definitely faster than the one before.
“Okay, okay. Are you okay with waiting a while more?”
Is Marinette coming to get him?
“I guess.”
“Nice. Do you think you can transform after the herd of reporters is gone?”
“I think so.”
“Very good. Would you be comfortable with sleeping in my house for a few days?”
Adrien wasn’t sure if he wanted to stay with Marinette after all this was over. What if she interrogated him? Was he ready to tell her why he did what he did? The whole truth? What if she leaves? Or rather, kick him out after she learnt the truth. He didn’t want that. Enough people had already left him. He doesn’t want any more of that. They can’t leave if he wasn’t there in the first place.
But Adrien wanted to be with Marinette. Even more so after what his actions had led to. He may be selfish right now, but he wanted the affirmation that she’d still have him, even after he messed up. He didn’t want to be alone after this ordeal. She has proved repeatedly that she wouldn’t abandon him. And right now, she’s inviting him into her life, willingly.
Justifiably, Marinette is in no wrong here, but Adrien found himself finally believing what she had promised. It might be that words of assurance could only go so far for him. But certainly, it was her actions that solidified his belief in her.
“Mhm.” He sniffled.
Adrien wanted to explain. He wanted her to know how much this meant to him.
“My lady, I… I—”
“It’s okay, Chaton. Your safety and wellbeing take precedence.”
“W-Wait! Are you going to hang up?”
19. Trust
“Do you trust me?”
“Always,” he answered so effortlessly.
“Then yes, I’m going to hang up. But I guarantee you that you’ll see me soon enough,” Marinette assured. “Would that be okay?”
“Yes, my lady.”
“Thank you, Chaton. Wait for me.”
They said their goodbyes, and Marinette waited for a while before she hung up. She got to her feet and went to work straight away.
“What is he doing in there? Can’t he see us? Just come out already!” One of the reporters threw his papers on the ground, getting agitated from standing outside the Agreste mansion for at least 2 hours. “This is taking far too long!”
“Hey! Look!”
He noticed someone pointing upwards and he lifted his eyes.
Soon, the herd of reporters directed their collective attention and cameras to the top of the mansion. They were so determined on getting any footage they could on the occupant of the building that all but one of them failed to realise that Ladybug and Chat Noir had appeared on the rooftop, with Chat Noir piggybacking their target.
“What is this?” Ladybug shouted at the crowd beneath her feet. “Is this any way to treat Paris’ Golden Boy? His love life is none of your concern!”
And with that, she jumped away from the persistent sound of cameras clicking coming from the crowd. Chat Noir followed without missing a bit, with Adrien hugging him tightly.
When Ladybug and Chat Noir had disappeared out of their sight, the media quickly got onto their vans and chased them down.
As the commotion was happening, Marinette texted Adrien to ask for the directions to access his room.
Adrien (09:32): the windows to my room are open. you'll see it once you get to the back of the mansion
She made sure the crowd had dissipated entirely before emerging from her hiding spot from the surrounding rooftops; she then made her way towards the mansion.
Sure enough, she found herself swinging into his room within seconds.
Adrien’s room was one of the biggest rooms she has ever seen in her life when she landed. It was at least twice the size of her previous bedroom, so big and spacious with various game areas across the first floor and a large library of books and CDs on the second.
She was still admiring his expansive room when she heard tiny sniffles coming from the side of the bed.
Snapping her head towards the bed, she spotted Adrien hugging his knees, head buried within his arms. “Adrien.”
Adrien lifted his head and saw her watching him.
He stood and wiped his tears, trying to smile. Turned out, wishing she was by his side was one thing. Having her actually be here with him was an entirely different thing.
Lady Rouge? Rena Bug? Marinette did not look happy. She was biting her lower lips before she started walking towards him.
Adrien began moving backwards bit by bit, anxious about her reactions towards him.
“Tikki, Trixx, Separation.”
Was that disappointment in her eyes? He didn’t know. Ladybug was quickly catching up to him and when he saw that she had raised her hand, he shut his eyes.
He was expecting some reproaching from her. He was expecting some pounding on his chest, or even a slap to his face. But all he felt was a hand wrapped around his head, settling itself within his hair and pulling him into a hug.
“I’m so glad you’re okay,” she breathed.
Adrien opened his eyes in startlement, before relaxing into her. Ladybug’s other hand was on his back, pressing him into her. And he circled his arms around her waist, returning the gesture.
“My lady, I’m covered in snot and tears right now.”
“Yeah, you’re disgusting.” But she pulled him in even more and tightened her hold on him nonetheless.
20. Save Me
Adrien wished he could’ve stayed in Ladybug’s embrace longer, she was so full of warmth and love, unlike the mansion. But he needed to pack his clothes for his impromptu stay at Marinette’s over the next few days, to avoid the scandal they were currently in.
Ladybug was exploring his huge room, but he couldn’t see her from the bathroom, so he assumed she was checking out his vast collection of books and CDs on the second floor.
He didn’t like how quiet it had gotten.
“My lady?”
Within seconds, Ladybug dropped from right in front of the bathroom door, face worried. “Adrien?”
“Could you… um, could you stay on the first floor?” He squeaked.
She relaxed and chuckled. “Of course, mon Chaton.” She looked around a bit. “I’ll just take a look around the arcade stations.”
He nodded before continuing his packing. It was quiet again, but at least he knew she was exploring on the first floor.
“Adrien?” He lifted his gaze from his bag and saw Ladybug standing beside his bed, pointing at it. “Can I sit on it?”
“Of course! Go ahead! I don’t see why not.” Surprise laced in his voice by her question.
“Just wanted to make sure,” she replied cheekily before she bounced on his bed.
Adrien was about done with his packing, but he didn’t want Ladybug to be bored.
“My lady, what happened to those illusions?”
Ladybug widened her eyes. “I was sure that the media would follow those illusions, so I had them travel to the outskirts of Paris before making them disappear right before their very eyes.” She then scratched the back of her head and smiled sheepishly. “That was the plan. But uh, the illusions should be gone as soon as I reverted to just being Ladybug.”
Adrien had finished packing and was walking out of the bathroom, bag in his hand. “So, they might be back?”
Ladybug immediately stood and walked to his windows. “I don’t see or hear any crowd outside. So I guess they are still trying to figure out where those illusions went.”
Adrien came up to her, Trixx and Plagg in his hands. “Then, for extra precaution, why not use Trixx’s power again to conceal ourselves?”
Ladybug’s eyes shone with understanding. “That’s a great idea! I didn’t think of that!”
When Ladybug called for her unification, her outfit was similar to Rena Rouge’s. Her dark hair was tied up in a thick ponytail with the ends highlighted in white. A tail was also added to her suit. “Come on, let’s go!”
But Adrien hadn't called for his transformation, and she raised an eyebrow.
“Uhh— right!” Adrien blushed and quickly turned around to retrieve his bag from the side of his bed before calling for his transformation.
“Oh, I see,” a smug look on her pretty face. “You just wanted to see me in this.”
Chat Noir was still blushing when he returned to her side. “Can you blame me? You look amazing in this. Can’t I admire how stunning my girlfriend looks?”
It was her turn to flush. “You can, you absolutely can.” She turned away, ready to use her flute when Chat Noir grabbed her hand.
“In fact, you look beautiful all the time.” He gazed into her eyes. “Marinette, for the plan you concocted to save me, thank you.”
“Anything for you, Chaton.” She grinned.
Chat pulled her into a hug and squeezed. His hand was on the back of her head, pressing her into his neck. “Thank you, so so much.”
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ronninoir · 4 years
Can I Steal You for a Second? CH1
Summary: Adrien is forced to participate in a new dating show, but becomes more excited when Ladybug says she'll participate as her civilian self. AKA: AU where Adrien doesn't know Marinette, the superheroes are 22 and Gabriel is mean and ruthless but not Hawkmoth.
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Chapter 1
Ladybug knew something was wrong with Chat the minute she stepped onto the rooftop where they had agreed to meet for patrol. He didn’t look up when she landed, even though she knew that he had heard her. She slowly walked towards him and decided that she wouldn’t push... for now. As she sat next to him, she began to count. By the time she reached 100, her patience had run thin and she was determined to break the silence.
 “Hey, Kitty, feline a little quiet tonight?” Although she despised his constant use of cat puns, she figured the use of one would help break him out of his stupor. She glanced at Chat, expecting a smile and a witty comeback to come from him, but instead she was treated to sad kitty eyes and a look that broke something inside of her. Her voice came out barely as a whisper, “Chat, what’s wrong?”
 Chat stared intently into Ladybug’s eyes. After a beat, he sighed. “It’s no big deal,” he shrugged it off, or tried to. But Ladybug was insistent. She locked eyes with him and scooted closer, and gave him a look saying that she didn’t believe him. He sighed before whispering, “Well, it actually is a big deal.” He took a breath, closed his eyes, and then continued on, “They—I—my father is forcing me to do something and I just—I just am not looking forward to going through with it.” Chat broke eye contact with Ladybug, but she moved her hand to his shoulder. He leaned into it absentmindedly.
 “Chat, you know you can tell me anything,” She said with a soft smile. They were partners after all. She would be there for him through anything.
 He slowly looked up at her again, this time the pain and hurt in his eyes evident. “Even... even if it reveals my identity?”
 Ladybug paused a little, processing that information. She knew that Chat was homeschooled and that she most likely didn’t know him in real life. But is she really ready to learn who her precious kitty is behind the mask? She’s loved Chat for 7 years (as more than friends for 5) so she knew deep down that his identity didn’t matter to her. The reason they hadn’t revealed themselves yet was because of Hawkmoth. He was just as strong as ever and the two superheroes needed to trust each other with everything, to a certain point. Safety is important when fighting someone like Hawkmoth. If one of them was captured... just the thought made Ladybug shiver and her heart strain. She couldn’t do that to her kitty.
But... if she knew his identity, she could help him through this... thing that he was going through. Truthfully, she was curious, both about his problem and his identity. She was Ladybug, and Ladybugs fixed problems, fought hard battles, and supported their team—their partner— through it all. There were many different times that during high school, Chat was all that kept her going, and she would love to return the favor.
 Slowly, the words came out of her mouth before she even realized it.
 “Yes, Chaton, even if it reveals your identity.” He looked at her stunned, before a genuine smile split across his face. That look made the potential problems worth it.
 “My father is forcing me to ‘branch out’ for the company and complete a publicity stunt. There is this reality show that is really popular in America that they are shooting a season of here in Paris. They want me to be the star, since my fans are numerous and should be a good starting point of a fanbase for the show.” Ladybug started a little upon hearing that Chat has fans outside of the suit. She had expected him to be normal, just like her. Her mind started racing, trying to figure out what he was going to say before he said it.
 Chat pauses and took a deep breath, looking extremely nervous about the next part of his explanation. He looked at her in a way that encouraged her line of thinking; she should know what he was talking about. Thinking that her brain must have shut down for some reason, she tilted her head slightly as she could feel her face scrunch in a half confused-half thinking face.
 “What show is it?” aiming for innocence even though her voice shook and so she didn’t sell it very well. The only thing she can think of is the new reality show that Gabriel Agreste (only the most talented fashion designer in Paris and a huge idol to Ladybug) is doing to promote his line. But that can’t be it... can it? She couldn’t remember the details of the show, except that it involved one boy and a lot of girls. In fact, if she remembered correctly, the boy was going to be Gabriel’s son, Adrien. He models sometimes and is very good-looking, but that can’t possibly be...
 Ladybug gasped a little and looked up at Chat, seeing him in a new light. She had admired his pictures for a long time and this cat-themed superhero sitting in front of her looked a whole lot like Adrien. If the hair was styled and his eyes were not of the cat variety.
“The show is called The Bachelor.” Chat continued on, not noticing the way that Ladybug was staring at him. “They take one guy and thirty girls and he takes them on dates and week by week has to narrow it down to just one girl that he loves and he is supposed to propose to that girl at the end of the show.” Chat explains with a slight rise to his voice. It’s as though he’s freaking out about the whole thing and is having trouble getting the words out. Of course, Ladybug realizes, that is exactly what he’s doing. He stares at her, trying to get a read on how she’s taking it all, and so Ladybug pastes on a smile and says the first thing that comes to mind.
 “You’re Adrien Agreste.” It didn’t come out as a scream, so Ladybug gave herself a mental pat-on-the-back for maintaining part of her composure.
 Chat nods and then gives a slight murmur of, “Plagg, claws in.” With a flash of green light, Adrien is sitting where Chat once was and a little black creature has flown into Ladybug’s face.
 “That didn’t take you long after he spelled it out for you. You’ve been working with this doofus for SEVEN WHOLE YEARS and yet you couldn’t spell it out?” The black kwami, who was super adorable, by the way, was flying around waving his little paws and getting all worked up. The whole thing, from Adrien being Chat and being chewed out by a kwami who was VERY different from Tikki, was just so absurd, she couldn’t help but laugh.
 “You must be Plagg!” Ladybug said between giggles as she guided Plagg to sit in her hands. “Tikki told me lots about you, but I didn’t know you’d be so feisty when I got to meet you.”
Plagg crossed his arms and gave her a disdainful look, “Well I haven’t had any cheese in a while and I get cranky when I’m hungry.” Ladybug laughed again as Adrien sputtered from where he sat. His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were huge. Clearly, he didn’t think Plagg would be so mean to Ladybug when he first met her.
 “Plagg! I fed you right before we left!”
 But his comment wasn’t heard over Ladybug’s laughs as she rubbed Plagg’s belly and behind his ears. “Has the mean Adrien not given you any cheese lately?” Ladybug said in a joking voice. Plagg gave her some kitty eyes and shook his head woefully. “Well I’m sorry I don’t have any cheese on me, but I promise, I’ll always come stocked with cheese from now on.”
 Plagg flew up and gave Ladybug a look. He must have decided that she was trustworthy, because then he turned to Adrien and declared, “I like her. She cares about me and my cheese needs. You should be more like her.”
 Adrien blanched and Ladybug began laughing again. That seemed to shock Adrien back into the present and he quickly spat out, “Well, she’d be less willing to give you cheese if she had to put up with smelling like Camembert all of the time!” At that comment, Plagg stuck out his tongue at Adrien and then dove into his shirt pocket and out of sight.
 Ladybug was smiling like an idiot. Why hadn’t they revealed themselves earlier? This was a blast and Adrien was all Ladybug could have hoped for in a partner. Suddenly, the reason that he HAD revealed himself came back to her and her smile quickly faded.
 “So, you’re going to have to do this show.” Adrien looked up at her and his expression was wary again. “What are you going to have to do?”
 “I have to get to know a pool of 30 women and narrow down my choices until I find one that I can see myself spending the rest of my life with. My dad thinks that it is going to be good for the company if I do this. Plus, I think he wants me married off and this is a sure-fire way of doing it, at least in his mind.”
 That all made sense, but there was one big thing that had never seemed clear to her, “What does your dad gain from this show? How would a dating show help a fashion designer?”
 Adrien smiled a little at that. “It’s actually kind of brilliant. So, my dad is partially funding the show, so he has a lot of say in what happens. In the American version, they bring their own clothes and such and just go about the show. My father has decided that every girl will wear a Gabriel original, whether that’s formal wear, casual wear, even swimsuits, at all times during the filming. It’s virtually going to be an extended runway show. Everyone will tune in for the idea of watching me fall in love, but will actually fall in love with the fashion.”
 Ladybug had to give Gabriel some credit, that was a great marketing idea. Although at the expense of his son...
 “Does he really expect you to fall for the person you’re going to marry on this show? That seems a little crazy, and you’re only 22.”
 Adrien’s eyes dropped from Ladybug’s and his hand went up to rub the back of his neck. A slow blush began to cross his checks, and Ladybug hated to admit it, but he looked really cute like that. “I was furious when he told me, but he made me a promise. If I would go about the show, play through it like I’m supposed to, and stay engaged after the show for six-months, then I’m allowed to break it off and pursue someone on my own.”
 “Wouldn’t that leave a bad reputation for the show? Surely your father doesn’t want that.”
 “He doesn’t. But the American version very rarely comes up with successful relationships, so he’s willing to let the show end badly if it promotes Gabriel Fashions well enough.” Adrien shrugged and smiled. “As long as I get to make the decisions about my love life, I’ll be okay.”
 Ladybug smiled at that, but it began her mind whirring. What kind of Ladybug would she be if she let him go through with this. They were two halves of a whole, or at least that’s what Tikki kept telling her. She loved him as more than a friend and the thought of sitting back and watching him serial date girls made her stomach twist.
 “Are you actually going to try to date these girls? Like actually get to know them and what-not?”
 Adrien’s face twisted in thought, “Well, I’ve considered it, but I have a feeling that the girl I love won’t be playing with me. It’s a shame really. Especially since she has to stay here and protect Paris while I’m gone.” There was a twinkle in his eye that made Ladybug’s stomach flutter with butterflies—and the non-akuma kind at that. Chat had always flirted with Ladybug, but she never took him seriously even if she really really wanted it to be real.
 Suddenly, a thought, one so wild and out-there Tikki would never go for it, came. It was an idea that could actually work, if she played it right.
 A playful smirk grew on her face and her heart began to race. “What if she was?”
 His shocked expression was enough to make the shaming she was going to get from Tikki later worth it. “Would you really?” Then, after a beat, his face fell. “You can’t. You have to stay here and protect Paris. What if an akuma comes up? Who’s going to fight it?”
 “We are silly! You don’t expect me to be Ladybug and Chat Noir without my kitty, do you? The show is only shooting in Paris, right?” She thought she had heard that mentioned, but she wasn’t as invested when the topic first came up.
 The cogs were turning as he responded, “Yeah we are.”
 “Then that settles it. I’ll apply to be a contestant, you’ll escape away and help me fight akumas and possibly patrol once a week, and then we won’t have to stop being a team.” And I’ll have a chance to go on a proper date with you and we’ll fall in love and get married and have three kids and....
 Her thoughts were interrupted by a bone crushing hug from Adrien. “Thank you so much! It won’t be as bad with you there.” When they pulled away, the smile on Ladybug’s face wasn’t forced.
 “C’mon kitty, let’s start patrol.” She shot him a wink and stood. She gave him about 10 seconds to transform before she sprinted off into the night.
~~Let me know what you think! I’m excited to see where this goes
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imaginemae · 5 years
Adrien Agreste’s Inferiority Complex - SPOILER ALERT
This has been a long time coming:
-Telling Theo that he’s actually “the one in charge anyway” when Ladybug doesn’t show up (Copycat)
-Attempting to defeat an akumatized victim without Ladybug’s help, knowing damn well that he can’t capture akumas or fix everything (Copycat)
-”Why do I have to deal with these freaks, while you get to slip calmy ‘round back?” (The Pharaoh) 
-”You know sometimes I do have ideas” (Reflekta)
-Being expected to believe that Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth without being given any evidence or explanation. “I’m supposed to just accept that? (The Collector) 
-Ladybug being able to know Rena Rouge’s identity (Sapotis, Syren)
-Being kept in the dark about Master Fu from Ladybug and his own kwami (Syren)
Where am I going with this?
Adrien has exhibited thoughts of inadequacy in/out of his suit. 
I think this is worth examining a little bit more.
In the episode “Syren” Adrien gets irritated by Ladybug’s lack of communication with him. 
She knows Rena Rouge’s identity, she has access to Master Fu, and she “can’t tell” him about any of it. 
Ladybug took the grimoire, Ladybug suspected Gabriel, Ladybug often knows where akumas are hidden, and Chaton has been left in the dark about how she knows so much.
Because these instances have to do with her identity Marinette is stuck in a situation where she can’t tell Chat Noir. She can’t tell Chaton how she got the book because she stole it from Adrien which equals: Ladybug knows Adrien IRL.
She can’t tell Chat Noir about Master Fu because Chat Noir knowing could then equal him going to meet Master Fu himself which then equals Marinette and Adrien possibly running into each other.
Ladybug could tell Chat Noir that Rena Rouge is actually Alya Cesaire because Alya has helped them out before, but Alya being chosen as Rena Rouge could also arouse suspicion that Ladybug knows her IRL. 
The danger of having Chat Noir in the know is also amplified because Gabriel Agreste is Hawkmoth. One little slip up on Adrien’s part can/will be a huge problem (though the characters are unaware of this).
I have always been against Chat Noir not knowing as much, not because of their identities, but because they stressed so often in season one that they are a team. It’s not like Batman and Robin, it’s closer to Cloak and Dagger. One cannot do everything without the other - they are equals - yin and yang. 
So Adrien being upset about this and getting fed up is incredibly justified. Why is he the only one who has to fight for information? Why does he have to bribe his own kwami (granted Tikki wouldn’t tell Marinette anything until they got the book)? Why does he have to get left behind while Ladybug does not? 
A negative reaction from Adrien has been a long time coming, and the way his civilian life is does not help, but we’ll talk about that soon.
What ultimately bothers me is this: Adrien was willing to blackmail Plagg by threatening to take off his miraculous and leave it idling unless Plagg gave him information.
Let’s all think about that for a second.
Adrien Agreste, whose only source of freedom is through that ring, was willing to give up being Chat Noir because he wasn’t being treated as an equal. Even more so than that, he felt like he was being treated as if he was less significant than Ladybug. Adrien doesn’t feel like he is important. 
He explains in “Syren” that “no one will care” if he’s gone or that he’s “no one”, as if he, Adrien Agreste, is not needed as Chat Noir. Even though he’s proven again
(Taking the hit for Ladybug in “Timebreaker”)
(Taking the hit for Ladybug in “Dark Cupid”)
and again 
(Holding off an army while Ladybug was busy Marinette-ing in “Darkblade”)
(Scoping out the land for the Mime in “The Mime”)
(Catching that Ladybug’s miraculous was about to get stolen in “Antibug”)
and again
(Helping a struggling Ladybug take down Kagami in “Riposte”)
(Handling another army while Ladybug was busy Marinette-ing in “Befana”)
(Moving Ladybug away from danger while she was distracted in “Gigantitan”)
(Being the key component in taking down Gorizilla literally as Adrien and Chat Noir in “Gorizilla”)
(Sacrificing himself so Ladybug has a chance to fix everything in “Zombizou”)
that Ladybug clearly cannot do everything without him. He is needed. Just like Ladybug could not be just anyone, neither could Chat Noir.
Unfortunately, this isn’t just about Ladybug withholding information. 
No, this issue stems from Adrien’s civilian life as well. It’s not that he believes that nobody needs Chat Noir, it’s that he believes no one needs Adrien.
Inferiority Complex:  “an unrealistic feeling of general inadequacy caused by actual or supposed inferiority in one sphere”
Does everyone remember in “The Gamer” how Marinette breezily beat the video game and Adrien was struggling? Does everyone remember that little conversation they had??
That was a direct look into Adrien’s mindset. He actually believes he is "lame”. 
Let’s examine a few facts about Adrien’s life that we know:
1. He had one friend (Chloe) as a child, even when his Mother was around
2. He is not allowed to go outside without an entourage
3. He adored his kind, “overly dramatic”, and maybe controlling Mother (that’s another theory) who is now gone
4. His Father won’t tell him shit about Emilie’s disappearance and he knows for a fact that Gabriel hides stuff from him because he saw the safe behind the painting of Emilie
5. Gabriel shuns friendship like it’s the plague (”We Agrestes are solo artists”, Captain Hardrock) and won’t let Adrien hang out with his friends. He didn’t even want Adrien to go to school
6. Gabriel almost never eats dinner with Adrien, but won’t let Adrien make other plans
7. Even though he’s usually vibrant and outspoken as Chat Noir, he’s very careful about what he says to Gabriel whenever they have a conversation by being overly polite and kind
8. Adrien does piano, fencing, kung fu, Chinese (and apparently other languages) to never be shared or used with anyone else because GABRIEL WON’T LET HIM.
Notice the pattern? 
In Adrien’s little bubble his purpose is to...sit still and look pretty? Do everything Daddy says? Have things decided for him? And anything he wants is consistently put aside?
So in the actual world - where Ladybug is curing akumas and coming up with brilliant plans - what is his purpose? 
To the audience he is incredibly well-loved and important (I’d even go as far as to say he is the fandom’s favorite character), but to Adrien it feels like he believes that he is just another accessory, and the fact that Ladybug knows more about what’s going on adds to his feelings of insecurity.
The people who love him for modeling, his friends who love him for being kind - Adrien doesn’t see that as being needed or noticed because that’s not his true self. Chat Noir is closer to his true self, and Chat Noir gets overshadowed by Ladybug ALL THE TIME.
But then what about Ladybug herself? Ladybug who has always put her trust in Chat Noir? Ladybug who was willing to give up her miraculous to save him? Ladybug who found out Chaton was in love with her and then immediately gave him closure? Ladybug who convinced Master Fu to start including Chat Noir?
This is where I get pissed off. 
Ladybug does see Chaton as someone important and she has proven it even as Marinette.
-She has expressed how irreplaceable he is to her (”Anansi”)
-She has expressed she cares about and respects his feelings (”Glaciator”, “Frozer”)
-Tells him that Ladybug is lucky to have him (”Weredad”)
-Is never afraid to show how much she depends on him (”Antibug”, “Gorizilla”)
It’s because Adrien has been cut-off from the world all his life that he is so
O B LI V I O U S to it. 
In any other show, Adrien would be/become a villain. 
I got nervous in “Glaciator” and I got anxious in “Syren”. 
Adrien is a wonderful character because he is a good person despite all the misfortune in his life, but he has a breaking point.
The most recent episode “Chris Master” has led me to believe that we will see the crux of Adrien’s inferiority complex as there is a single moment where he seems genuinely taken aback that Ladybug is considered the most well-behaved kid in the world.
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Despite the fact that he also made a similar comment in “Puppeteer” (”There’s only one goody-two-shoes around here, and I’m not her”).
The fact that Ladybug joked about it is worrisome because she did not catch the serious tone behind Chat Noir’s comment which could fuel Adrien’s inferiority complex. He may start believing that even Ladybug believes she is superior.
My theory is that this will blow up in everyone’s face this season. Chat Noir may turn into a villain, or be manipulated if someone else catches on to his insecurity (i/e Lila/Gabriel).
Next topics of discussion:
Marinette Dupain-Cheng’s Guilt Complex
Marinette’s Dupain-Cheng’s Major Character Flaw
Adrien Agreste’s Major Character Flaw
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toujoursmiraculous · 5 years
Thoughts on Silencer
Finally watched it fully subbed! The subbing I had seen previously got a line apparently completely wrong to the point where it upset me if it was actually said. Oof. Bob is XY’s DAD. What. Now Guitar Villain makes so much more sense. Like father, like son, too. But poor XY being called an idiot on live TV. It’s like Chloe all over again. Luka was in front of their school. :o Does he go there now? Was he just there before he was going to head off to his school? I need answers. The band spent 2 weeks together coming up with everything for a video! I love it. Two whole WEEKS. Looks Marinette and Luka Give Each Other Simultaneously Counter: 1 In those two weeks, they spent a lot of time together and one was always shown looking over at the other. Ooh this is about to get good. Looks Marinette and Luka Give Each Other Simultaneously Counter: 2 IS IT JUST ME, or are Luka and Marinette on the same page throughout the entire episode. I didn’t know it’d be possible to be that in sync with someone other than Chat Noir/Adrien for obvious reasons. Looks Marinette and Luka Give Each Other Simultaneously Counter: 3 Ivan chasing Juleka and Rose around pfft adorable and funny. Luka being surprised Marinette gave Bob one last chance to fix things. Then getting absolutely furious because of how he threatened Marinette oh my gosh. He got akumatized for her! To get justice for her! How sweet! Totally fine when it’s anything else, but if you mess with his Marinette, someone about to get hurt. Scary. His confession to Marinette AS AN AKUMA. Okay, that makes 2 akumas to treat Marinette like a princess and confess their feelings. I just wanted to punch Bob in the face. And I usually don’t think that about characters. Oh, hey Adrien, there you are. Ladynoir’s banter through text lolol LUCKY CHARM, LUCKY CHARM, LUCKY CHARM, LUCKY CHARM I can’t tell if this was partially mocking or not, but even if so, it was hilarious and so freaking weird. I think when Adrien actually uses “Lucky Charm” I’m just going to burst into laughter because of this episode. I love how Chat Noir wasn’t even around Bob hardly at all, but he knows how horrible he is as a person to the point he comments about him possibly being an evil akuma villain. NOW USE THAT PERCEPTION FOR OTHER THINGS, MY PRECIOUS SUNSHINE BOY. Can’t Bob just learn to shut up? Ladybug had to take a deep breath to calm down, he was bothering her that much that she needed to keep herself from doing something. Seeing her pull the tape roll after I had already seen what happened after to know what she was actually doing that for cracked me up. First time around, I thought it was for her fake Lucky Charm. Silent Ladybug is so funny. This episode is like The Little Mermaid meets Luigi’s Mansion. Ladybug: goes through nearly her entire transformation unable to speak, totally chill Chat Noir: gets voice taken away for a few seconds at the very end, gasps and grabs throat like he’s dying Please someone just punch Bob in the face. PLEASE Luka and Ladybug’s exchanged look. STOP IIIIT Ladynoir’s casual “pound it” moment. Ooof my heart. Wow dang, a record deal! Good thing Bob was such a jerk because they don’t just hand those out. “MON CHATON” YES, YES, YES! Marinette’s become so brave and confident. I’M SO PROUD. And that same confession he made as Silencer, word-for-word. Oooooh things are going to get real. “Yes, and one of the most beautiful I’ve heard in my whole life!” Tikki is OOOOLD. OLD. She’s probably heard a lot. Oh DAAANG, Luka! Looks Marinette and Luka Give Each Other Simultaneously Counter: 5? I DON’T KNOW, THERE ARE TOO MANY OOF my Lukanette shipping heart feels so good, but my Love Square heart is screaming. CONFLICTED
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Rekindle Chapter 5 - Baking
While getting settled in to watch some movies, Marinette and Chat Noir bake some cookies for snacking.
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Read on Ao3
“Really? That’s why your coworkers are mad at you? Seems like a really stupid thing to keep a grudge over.” Chat Noir sipped at the tea Marinette had made for him, holding the mug very carefully to avoid scratching it was his clawed gloves.
“I know, right?! So I had one bad day two years ago and they will still barely talk to me.” She sighed. “I’ve already started looking around for other internships. Even if I don’t get better pay, it’ll at least be nice not to be a social outcast.”
It had been sweet of Chat Noir to listen to her vent for the last… three hours, she realized with a wince as she glanced at her clock. When had Chat Noir become so patient? Her experience with him from Ladybug’s perspective was a hothead who rushed into things without thinking. There had been times where she had to worry more about reining in his more moody episodes than fighting the akuma of the day. Yet here he was, letting her get all her frustrations off her chest while being as supportive as ever.
“It definitely isn’t fair, purrincess. But I think I know what will cheer you up…” She tilted her head to the side as he stretched for the gift box he’d brought. Holding up the dvds, he grinned at her, “...movie night!”
“Hm… sounds good, but missing something.” She tapped her chin for added effect.
“And what’s that?”
“We’ll need snacks. Lots of them.” She caught him glancing towards the last remnants of their dinner. “Pasta is not movie food, chaton, not even delicious pasta.” He puffed his chest out at her off-handed compliment. “How does sugar cookies sound to you?”
“I’ll defer to your superior movie day expertise.” They stood at the same time, but Chat Noir hesitated. “It’s, uh… been awhile since I’ve made cookies. Like, years. So I’ll follow your lead on this one.”
“Well, it’s good for you that I practically grew up baking delicious treats.” She started pulling out all the ingredients she’d need. “Sugar cookies really aren’t that hard, so I’ll just whip up the batter myself. You can help roll them out into balls before we put them in the oven.”
Chat Noir sighed dramatically, holding aloft his chef’s hat. Even after three hours of talking, she didn’t know why he’d brought it besides being a dork. “Ah, from head chef to mere bystander. How the mighty have fallen.”
“Well since you seem so familiar with my kitchen, you can get the pan out and greased while I’m going this.”
“Yes, chef!” Despite the crisp salute, he moved leisurely and hummed a song that Marinette couldn’t quite place while he worked. She was still stirring when he was finished and watching her expectantly.
She stared pointedly at his hands. “Those gauntlets come off, Chat?”
“Yes…? Oh, right. Probably don’t want me rolling cookies in these, do you?” He chuckled to himself as he undid some latch underneath the bulky gloves and Marinette blinked as she realized that this was the first time she’d ever seen her partners bare hands.
They weren’t what she had expected, although she wasn’t aware she even had expectations of what he looked like outside the suit. Since Chat was always a wild child and full of life, she had expected maybe some scars or calluses. Maybe a tan from long days outside. Instead, they looked… soft and well manicured. No sign of rough usage or long healed injuries. The hands of someone who took their looks seriously, and stayed out of trouble. She realized she was staring and quickly looked down at what she was stirring as Chat Noir went to wash his hands.
The rest of the process was spent in companionable quiet and between the two of them all the dough was rolled and flattened in no time at all. Even with her distracted by his bare hands - she’d already been proven wrong twice about her long standing assumptions about him. What else could she have incorrectly assumed?
Once she set the pan in the oven, she asked, “So… want to play a game to pass the time?”
As expected, that got his interest. Though he tried to hide the excitement in his voice, she could see it in his eyes and by the swishing of his tail. “Sure! What did you have in mind?”
“Well, some sweetheart just got me some new sketchbooks, so I was thinking we could do kind of like a drawing charades? We draw something and the other person has to guess what it is. Every three correct answers and we’ll swap positions. Sound good?”
“Sounds purr-fect.” When she pushed the book over to him, he shook his head and pushed it back. “Host gets first turn. Even I know that rule.”
WIth the help of a random word generator, she began sketching the first object. She didn’t make it far from the symmetrical design before Chat Noir made his guess.
“Butterfly?” He grinned. “I’d rather leave work at work, if you don’t mind, Marinette.”
“Okay, fair enough. Butterfly was probably too easy a start. What about this…” She quickly jotted out an outline with four legs, whiskers, and a tail.
He snickered. “Really? Its a cat. No? What else could it - oh, a kitten.”
“Almost got you there, Chat. Can’t get too cocky. Last one before we switch.”
“Uhh, a circle. A pancake? No. Soup with sprinkles?” She looked at where he was hovering over her shoulder and raised her eyebrow. “What? It could happen. Cake with candles.” She gestured for him to continue. “...Oh! Birthday cake.”
“Good job. Now,” she passed the sketchbook and phone with the word generator to him, only now noticing how close he’d gotten, “Your turn.”
He took the offered pencil sheepishly. “Okay, just keep in mind I’m not as good at drawing as you.”
“And that’s part of the challenge for me.” She glanced at the clock. Still a while to go until the cookies were done. “Start when you’re ready.”
His first drawing was a crowd of people just barely above stick figure quality, but what tipped her off was how there was two bigger ones and a smaller one - which lead her to the correct guess of family. Next he made a long-sleeved shirt with surprisingly good detail. The two of them had gone through her fall clothing sketchbooks before. Was that where he learned to draw sweaters? The last one had been more abstract, but his little forest scene made more sense when he doodled wind and falling leaves. In hindsight, autumn should have been obvious.
“Alright, my turn again.” She hesitated for a moment before turning the page, savoring the little drawings Chat had made before starting her turn.
With only a single rectangle to go off of Chat Noir began guessing. “Box!” She added z’s coming off of it. “Tired box. Sleeping box. Bed!”
She took quick break to laugh before turning to him incredulously. “Sleeping box?!”
“I remembered the word eventually,” he grumbled. “Did I at least get it right?”
“No, but you’re close. Let’s see if this helps…” She drew another rectangle around the box and he finally got it.
“Oh! Pillow!”
She nodded and started work on her next drawing. It didn’t take long for him to figure out ‘gloves’, especially since she just copied his suit’s. Just as she reached for her phone to go for another round, she saw the time.
“Cookies should be done now, so that’s the end of the game.” She saw a brief look of disappointment on Chat Noir’s face. “Don’t worry, we can always play again some other time.”
“I’ll hold you to that. At least sugar cookies are a good reason to stop.” He took a deep breath as she took them out of the oven. “Ahhhh… delicious.”
She giggled, “You haven’t even had any!”
“Well, it’s a dupain-cheng baked good, so it goes without saying.”
“Such a flatterer.”
“I don’t hear you denying it.”
“And that’s because it’s true. Doesn’t make you any less of a flatterer for bringing it up.” She set the platter of cookies on the table. “Don’t eat all those while I’m gone. I’m going to scrounge up a bunch of pillows and blankets. Can you get ready to start the movies while I’m looking?”
It took awhile for her to find where she’d stashed all of it. After all, it had been months, if not a full year since she’d needed to pull out extra pillows and blankets. Which made her stop and really think. Had it been so long since she’d had anyone stay over? She’d gotten into such an exhausting routine at work, she hadn’t even realized. By the time she came back, Chat Noir was lounging on her couch, eyes closed and hands behind his head. The television wasn’t even on, much less set up. She narrowed her eyes at him and walked towards him.
He cracked open one eye and grinned at her. “Hey, purrincess. Find everything- ack!” His sentence was cut off when she dumped everything onto him and jumped on top of it. “Hey! I was laying here!”
She coyly looked down at him, being sure to open her eyes in mock surprise. “Oh! Sorry. I must not have noticed you there.” She smiled sweetly at him. “I’m comfortable. Are you ready to watch some movies.”
“Ha ha, very funny. Get off and I’ll start them.”
She jumped off of him and while he was busy with the dvd player, Marinette unfolded the blankets and strategically placed some pillows while pulling up the table to put the cookies on. By the time he was done, she was under the blankets and holding them up for him. He slipped in after turning off the lights and their marathon began.
The light of the credits provided scant illumination for the room. Despite eating all the sugar cookies, the two of them were feeling drained after the long day and relaxing in front of the television. Marinette was barely able to keep her eyes open. She’d long since given up the struggle to sitting up straight and she was leaning against Chat Noir, her head was resting on his shoulder. As sleepy as she felt that she was, she knew that Chat was doing even worse, since he’d already nodded off a couple times during the last movie. She pulled herself away from Chat, only now noticing that his arm had snaked around her at some point during the last few hours. Stretching, she stood and gently nudged him.
“Chat? It’s pretty late and it doesn’t feel right to send you out when you’re this tired. You want to crash here?”
Yawning, he replied, “If that’s alright with you, yeah.”
“C’mon, I’ll show you to the guest room. Grab some of those pillows and blankets and make yourself comfortable.”
He shambled after her, only reluctantly still awake before collapsing onto the guest bed. No sooner had she closed the door than a flash of green light appeared under the door. Her heart fluttered for a moment - on the other side of the door was whoever Chat Noir actually was. She stood still for a few long heartbeats before his snoring broke her out of it.
“Goodnight, kitty,” she whispered before heading to bed herself.
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Based on the Infection!AU by @thebirdfromthemoon-art (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Ladynoir July Day 16 - Stars
Event organized by @lovesquare-squad
First | <Previous | Next> (Coming Soon)
A/N: Look who decided to revive XD I can’t keep a schedule, due to real life priorities, but I promise this story will be finished. Hopefully, before the end of the year.
About thirty minutes had passed since Ladybug started crying. At last, the sobs reduced to a few sniffles. Chat Noir was now rubbing her biceps, trying to comfort her as much as he could. It was the least he could do after the mess he made.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I shouldn’t have treated you the way I did back at Alya’s. I know you wouldn’t tell her your identity just to spite me. That’s not who you are. I was a jerk to you guys, but especially to you. I know you better than that.”
“It’s okay,” she whispered.
“No, it’s not,” Chat Noir sighed. “I’m making your symptoms worse with my dumb attitudes. I promised you I would make things better and help find a cure, and I haven’t been living up to that promise. I’m sorry, and please don’t say it’s okay.”
“Then what am I supposed to say?”
Chat Noir placed a hand on his chin. “How ‘bout… You forgive me? And you won’t take the blame for my attitudes anymore?”
“But Chat, there’s nothing—”
He raised a finger, silencing her. “Please.”
Ladybug shook her head with a fond smile.
“Fine. Apology accepted. And I will no longer take the blame for your attitudes.”
“Thank you.” He let out a relieved breath. “Um… If you don’t mind me asking, how come you came to Marinette’s?”
Ladybug blinked. “What?”
“I mean, I know Marinette’s is the nicest place I know, but I didn’t think you’d think the same thing. Actually, now that I mention it,” he leaned on the edge, looking down the loft, “where is Marinette? She should be here resting.”
“Wait, you don’t know?”
“Know what?” He turned back to her, tilting his head.
Ladybug gave him an incredulous look. Like he was missing the most obvious information in the entire world. Why was she staring at him like that?
“What?!” he repeated.
“N-nothing,” Ladybug stammered.
Chat Noir arched an eyebrow. “What am I missing?”
“It’s nothing, really,” Ladybug insisted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “Um, how did you find me?”
“Rena,” he said. “She thought you could be hiding, and not running. So she asked me what’s the safest place I know, and that’s how we ended up here.”
“You think of this house as the safest place you know?”
“Well, more like the warmest,” he shrugged.
Although the sunlight was starting to fade, Chat Noir was able to clearly see a blush grow on the heroine’s cheeks. She also shuffled her hands together and seemed to be trying to contain a smile. With little success.
That was… new. Who would have thought complimenting Marinette’s home would elicit such reaction? Why, though?
“You seem to really like Marinette,” she commented, pointedly staring away from his eyes.
“Of course,” Chat Noir grinned. “She’s a great friend—I mean, person.”
“Friend?” Ladybug arched an eyebrow.
“We should get you outta here, before Marinette comes back,” the boy purposely avoided responding, already starting to climb up the skylight.
Although hesitant, Ladybug took the hand Chat Noir had extended towards her and followed him outside. There, sitting at the edge of the patio chair, was Rena Rouge, waiting for the other two.
“How are you feeling?” she asked.
“A little better,” Ladybug said quietly. “I think we need to go back to Master Fu’s, to see if he’s made any progress.”
“Should I go home then?” Rena asked.
“No,” Ladybug responded. “We need you to keep a lookout, just in case. Patrol for us, in the meantime. We’ll call you once we’re done.”
“Aye, aye, team leader.” Rena Rouge gave them a military-like salute, right before jumping out of sight.
Meanwhile, Ladybug and Chat Noir stood still on the balcony, each waiting for the other to move first. Unable to handle the silence, the boy spoke first.
“Do you want me to—”
“Did you really mean it?” Ladybug accidentally cut in, quickly looking abashed by her interruption.
“Did I mean what?”
“What you said about Marinette?” she shyly cleared up. “I feel like I’ve heard you say more positive things about her this whole day than in all the time we’ve been a team.”
“Well, I… Wait, are you jealous, M’Lady?” Chat Noir quipped, leaning towards her while waggling his eyebrows.
The heroine giggled. “No, chaton.” She lightly shoved his nose away with a finger. “You just… You keep surprising me. You weren’t just making a joke earlier when you said she’s your friend.”
“I was really joki—”
“You can’t fool me, Chat Noir,” Ladybug teased. “If you didn’t know her well, you wouldn’t be complimenting her so much.”
The boy’s eyes narrowed. “Why do you care so much?”
“I-I, um… Sh-she’s a nice—I-I mean, she seems like a nice girl, a-and, um…”
She trailed off, nervously shifting her eyes back and forth between him and the darkening horizon. Chat Noir took a step closer, staring curiously at her. For some reason, it felt like he was missing something very important. Like Ladybug was trying to tell him something, but didn’t dare to.
Softly, he placed a hand on her shoulder, making those blue eyes, now shining like stars, turn up towards him.
“Is there something you want to tell me?” he whispered.
Ladybug opened and closed her mouth several times, yet no word was spoken. She took a deep breath, finally staring straight at him. With the sweetest smile he had ever seen on her lips, she said at last: “You can be very sweet sometimes, you know?”
Chat Noir gulped. He could feel his cheeks heat up. Was she trying to kill him? Because she was doing a great job at it at that moment. He had never seen this expression on his partner before. It almost looked…familiar.
The boy let out a cough, breaking whatever spell she had poised upon them. Ladybug turned to the railing, facing the fading sun, and stared at the few stars that were visible in the light polluted city.
“We should get going,” she said.
“I can carry you there, if you need me to.”
She turned her gaze back to him. “I’ll be fine.”
With those words, she launched her yo-yo at a nearby building and jumped away. Chat Noir followed, yet his mind was riddled with what had just happened. Something was nagging at the back of his head. Like it desperately wanted him to figure something out. And the more he thought about Ladybug in Marinette’s room, on her balcony, the more his heart made leaps. Like it knew something his mind couldn’t wrap up.
But as he saw Ladybug land in front of the massage parlor, Chat Noir remembered this was not the time to dwell on his unsaid feelings for the girl. She needed her partner, not the boy under the mask in love with her.
Buy me a Hot Chocolate?
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pentakillmaven · 6 years
The Nose Knows, Chapter 6 (NaNoWriMo 2018)
Hello again! I’m actually posting at a decent hour this time! I’d call this the halfway point of the story, and we’re finally starting to get into some of the juicier parts. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter Rating: T
Chapter Warnings: Language and soft innuendo. Also a bit of angst this chapter, but nothing huge. Lots of embarrassment from Marinette and Adrien.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 6
When her Monday morning alarm went off, Marinette had to forcibly clench her hands into fists to keep from throwing the clock over the edge of the loft to the floor below just to stop the noise. Groaning, she slowly forced herself into an upright position, feeling her way down the stairs to the main floor of her bedroom. Eyes still heavy and half-closed, she fumbled her way into the bathroom to shower, hoping the hot water would help her to wake up. As she sat under the steaming spray, she thought back to the night before.
Close to midnight, she had been ready to stop studying for the night and turn in when Tikki flew down from the loft in a tizzy. "Chat's contacting you!"
"He's back?" At Tikki's nod, Marinette quickly transformed and made her way up to her rooftop, opening her yo-yo in communicator mode. "Chat! Welcome back!"
"Thank you, My Lady! I'm so glad to be home! Sorry to call you out so late, but I really needed to stretch my claws and wondered if you'd be up for a late-night stroll with me?"
"Of course, Chaton. I've missed you! Paris hasn't been the same without you."
"Awww, Bugaboo, I'm touched. Meet me at the Trocadéro?"
"On my way!" With a grin, Ladybug swung and leapt her way across the city, landing at the entrance to the Jardins du Trocadéro near the statue of Ferdinand Foch. A figure darker than the shadows themselves stepped toward her, blond hair catching the light from a nearby street lamp and the familiar, lingering scent of Camembert she'd come to associate with Chat reaching her nose. Ladybug couldn't help but grin at the sight of her partner. "Just like a stray cat, aren't you, Chaton? I'm surprised you aren't begging for treats."
"If you have something, I wouldn't say no, My Lady. I haven't eaten in hours and I'm staaaarving." He covered his toned stomach with his hands, giving Ladybug the most pitiful pout and wide, innocent eyes he could possibly muster.
"Sorry, Chaton, I don't have anything with me. But I promise to bring you something good next time, all right?"
"Something flaky and warm and filled with jam?"
Ladybug chuckled. "I'll see what I can do."
Grinning, Chat stepped closer to Ladybug, ducking down to nuzzle his nose affectionately under her chin as he wrapped his arms around her waist. Three years ago, she would have held him at arm's length, but somehow over the years, she'd become accustomed to-- even accepting of-- his physical shows of affection, so like his namesake. It was a bit awkward now that he was several inches taller than her, but that just made it even more delightful sometimes, seeing how Chat would contort himself to get her hand to start scratching through his hair. As if on cue, Ladybug's hand started to card through the blond strands between his ears, eliciting an almost purr-like sound of enjoyment. His hair felt silky-soft where it brushed against her cheek. She wondered how it would feel to touch it with her bare fingers...
The two had stayed out for hours, catching up and just lazily patrolling through the city. Honestly, if it weren't for the fact that Ladybug resolutely denied any sort of romantic entanglements between them, it could have by all accounts been a date.
By the time Marinette had collapsed into bed, it was nearly three in the morning. Her alarm went off promptly at seven. With only four hours of sleep, she'd barely survive on a normal day-- how was she supposed to deal with a whole day of practice tests for the most important event of her school career?
It wasn't until she yelped as the water started to run cold that Marinette realized she'd dozed off standing up in the shower. Hastily jumping out of the tub and cutting off the water, she toweled off and blow-dried her hair, opting for a high ponytail to save time instead of her usual pigtails. She got dressed in a flash and grabbed her school supplies, Tikki already waiting for her in her purse. "You sure were in the bathroom a long time, Marinette. Are you feeling alright?"
"Just tired, Tikki--that's all," Marinette replied, yawning midway through the sentence. "Today's gonna be tough. I need coffee." Heading downstairs, Marinette stopped by the kitchen to get just that, drinking the last of the pot her parents made earlier that morning while she brewed more to put in a travel mug for school.
As she was putting on her shoes and jacket, her phone rang, the ringtone telling her that it was Alya calling. "Hey Alya, what's up?" she asked into the phone.
"Hey Marinette! Nino and I are outside, we thought it would be nice to all walk together to school today!"
"Sounds great! Oh, I just made some coffee, do you guys want some? I'll bring you mugs."
Marinette could hear Alya in the background conferring with Nino briefly before she returned to the line. "Sure, that sounds awesome. We were up pretty late last night, so the caffeine would definitely be welcome."
"All right, let me grab a couple of travel mugs and I'll be right down."
"Do you think you could make it three? We have a tagalong."
"Sure, who is it?"
"Sorry, Marinette, gotta go! We'll be waiting!" The line went dead before Marinette could protest. Furrowing her brow in confusion at Alya's antics, she pulled down a third travel mug and filled each one with black coffee before making sure all the lids were securely tightened and locked. She carefully juggled all four of the mugs into her arms, holding them close to her chest as she made her way out the door and down the stairs one at a time.
Alya was standing at the door, ready to open it as soon as Marinette unlocked it. She scooped two of the mugs into her hands before Marinette could even take one step outside. "Thanks!" she said with a grin, handing the green mug to Nino. She kept the brown mug for herself, while Marinette held the black and red ones.
"You're welcome! Thanks for stopping to pick"-- Marinette stopped dead in her tracks, her words dying as she saw the mysterious fourth member of the group. "Adrien… Hi…"
"Hey Marinette! It's great to see you." Adrien's green eyes were heart-meltingly warm as he looked at her. "Are you ready for the tests today?"
"Yeah, gonna take me--TAKE THE. TESTS. TAKE TESTS YES okay let's go!!" Marinette's whole face flushed with embarrassment. She shoved one of the travel mugs in Adrien's direction, turning resolutely away from him and starting to walk at a quick pace as she buried her face in the collar of her jacket.
However, in her haste to cover her own embarrassment, she didn't notice the way Adrien's face flushed as well, his breath catching in his throat from the unbidden mental image of Marinette laid out under him, hair loose and spread across his pillows as they--
"Adrien! You coming?" Nino asked, snapping him out of his dirty thoughts.
"Yeah!" He followed after Nino, shoving his hand deep into his coat pocket to make sure it was covering the front of his pants. With his other hand, he popped the lid of the candy-apple red travel mug so that he could take a sip of the blessed elixir contained inside.
Alya caught up to Marinette easily enough, leaving the two boys to trail behind them. "Wow, you haven't been that tongue-tied around Adrien in ages. What happened?"
"I couldn't sleep last night," Marinette confessed; it wasn't an outright lie, but she didn't go into detail about the very specific black-leather-clad hero keeping her awake to an ungodly hour of the night. "I don't think I actually got to sleep until close to three in the morning."
"Ouch, that sucks," Alya said, patting Marinette on the shoulder. "Sorry to hear that. Maybe you can get a quick lunch and try to squeeze a nap in?"
"That's probably what I'll do. I may even stay at school and just try to find a quiet place to curl up in the library."
Alya nodded in agreement. "That sounds like a good idea--save yourself the time and energy of leaving school."
"Are you going to stay at school for lunch?" Adrien asked. He and Nino had caught up and overheard the tail end of the girls' conversation. "I was thinking about doing the same thing, trying to find a quiet place to rest for a bit. I barely got any sleep last night."
"Too busy talking with the hot Italian models?" Nino teased. Adrien flushed at the suggestion, shaking his head vehemently.
"No, I actually didn't get any of their numbers or social media handles. I'm really not interested in a long-distance relationship, or honestly any kind of relationship with another model. I've seen how a lot of models act, and that's not the kind of attitude I want in my girlfriend." Adrien looked at Marinette steadily as he spoke. "I want a girl who's genuine, and kind, and real. Someone who doesn't hide behind a hollow façade. You know?"
Marinette wasn't oblivious enough to miss that he was talking about her. But even knowing that he might return her crush didn't change the fact that his words were making her feel about two inches tall. She looked down at the mug in her hands, biting her lower lip. If Adrien wanted a "genuine, real" girlfriend, someone who didn't hide behind a façade, Marinette was never going to be able to be that girl, not as long as she was also Ladybug.
"I think that's what everyone wants, honestly," Nino replied, breaking the rather awkward silence that had developed around the group. "That's why I'm so glad that I was able to convince Alya to start dating me when I did!"
Alya spluttered into a laugh at that remark. "Convince me? More like beg me."
"Hey now, as I remember it, you two started dating because Ladybug locked you in a zoo exhibit," Adrien pointed out.
"Okay, yes, that's fair. Really, we ought to be thanking her for bringing us together." Nino smiled at Alya, linking their hands together as they walked, leaving Marinette and Adrien to follow.
Marinette brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, not looking up at Adrien. "So, um… how was Milan?"
"It was… nice, I guess" Adrien said quietly. "Really, it was a boring trip. I didn't get to do any of the fun touristy stuff. Mostly my week was filled with photo shoot after photo shoot and meeting after meeting."
"Oh, wow. So you didn't get to see anything? That's… kind of sad. I'm sorry to hear that."
"It's okay. Father says it's part of the business, you know?" Adrien's voice was somewhat wistful as he spoke, looking up at the Eiffel Tower with a longing expression on his face.
"You don't want to do this, do you?" Adrien's face whipped around to meet Marinette's, his eyes wide and concerned. "The modeling thing, the fashion business, I mean!"
"Oh. Okay, I thought--sorry, never mind. You're right, though; it's really not what I want to do with my life. Father acts like it's a foregone conclusion that I'm going to take over the Agreste brand someday, but it's just not where my passion is, you know?"
Marinette nodded. "I think I understand. I know my parents support my aspirations to become a fashion designer, but I think… I think they expect that I'm not going to be able to make a living out of it, and that eventually I'll come back and take over the bakery when they're ready to retire. Not that I mind, you know, helping them out sometimes, but…"
"But it still hurts knowing that your parents think they know what your future holds better than you do," Adrien finished for her. "That's exactly how I feel, too."
"I'm so sorry to hear that. So what do you want to do?"
"Well… I really enjoy my science classes. Especially Physics. I think it might be cool to go into teaching, you know? I could teach Physics at the collège or lycée level."
"I think you'd be great as a teacher, Adrien! Your students would probably develop major crushes on you, though--you'd have to be careful to avoid a lawsuit." Marinette chuckled, hoping that Adrien would take the comment as the joke she meant it to be.
Thankfully, Adrien laughed as well. "That's true, but I would hope that by the time I get an actual teaching job, I'm already happily married. Then I can just gush about my wife and hopefully none of my students would get any funny ideas."
"For the sake of your reputation, I hope that works." Marinette looked ahead, only to see that they were already at Lycée Jean-Baptiste Magnier. "Wow, that walk went by fast!"
"Yeah, I guess I didn't realize how close you lived to the school, Marinette. That must be really convenient."
Marinette nodded in agreement. "When you're as chronically late as I am, every second counts!"
"That's fair. Anyway, I'll see you around. Good luck with your tests today!"
"You too!" Marinette walked up to where Alya and Nino were saying their goodbyes at the front of the school. "Are you ready to get this over with, Nino?" Marinette asked.
"As ready as I'll ever be. Let's get this show on the road."
Hour after hour, test after test, finally led to the end of the school day. This close to winter, the sun had fully set by the time the Terminale students were leaving the building. Though the official test is taken over a period of ten days, the practice tests were all crammed into a single day, leaving most of the graduating class feeling like their brains had been run through a blender.
Alya and Nino were standing just outside the school doors, waiting on Adrien and Marinette to come out. "How did Marinette look when you left the room?" Alya asked her boyfriend.
"Honestly, I couldn't tell if she was even still awake," Nino confessed. "She had her head resting on her arm and her other hand wasn't moving. I'm not sure if she was just deep in thought on one of the questions, or if she'd dozed off."
"Oh boy. That's not good."
"What about Adrien?"
"Well, he was awake, at least, but definitely stressed out. He was running his hands through his hair so much I was afraid he was going to start ripping chunks out."
"That is also not good." Nino frowned and turned back toward the doors of the building, shoving his hands in his jacket pockets in an effort to keep them warm. A moment later, he glanced back over at his girlfriend as he felt her slip her own hand in to join his. Intertwining their fingers, he brought her hand up and pressed a kiss to her knuckles, earning himself a small smile. "You know, you're a stone-cold fox," he teased softly.
"Oh, can it, turtle-boy," Alya countered lovingly, also keeping her voice quiet despite their relative solitude.
Both of the teens' eyes were drawn back to the school by the sound of doors opening, revealing Adrien and his much-abused hair. He wrapped his scarf around his neck as he descended the stairs, his expression shifting from worry to relief as he spotted his friends. "Hey guys! How long were you waiting?"
"Oh, not long, maybe ten-fifteen minutes," Nino said.
"Sorry about that. I just couldn't focus there at the end. I'm completely wiped out." Adrien stepped over to Nino's other side, turning back toward the school. "Any sign of Marinette?"
"Nino was just telling me that he thinks she might have fallen asleep," Alya replied. "Hopefully that isn't the case, but we'll have to wait and see."
Adrien frowned a little at that response. "Did she say why she was so tired?"
"Something about being up until nearly three in the morning. She didn't go into specifics, though."
"Three in the morning? Sounds rough." Adrien had to fight to keep his voice from betraying his suddenly racing thoughts. He was sure that it had to be a coincidence--she must have been up late studying, or unable to sleep due to test anxiety. There was no way that Marinette of all people could be… but then again, there was the issue with her lie regarding the Akuma attack on the school last week… But that didn't have anything to do with Ladybug, did it? Maybe he was just reading too much into it. Yeah, that was it.
Adrien was startled out of his thoughts when Alya called out, "Hey, Marinette! Took you long enough!" When he looked up, the midnight-haired girl was just stepping out of the building, a weary smile on her face as she waved weakly at her friends.
"I'm so sorry guys, that last test was killer," Marinette said, zipping up her coat. Her scarf hung low, not yet wrapped around her neck. She picked up her school bag and purse from where she'd set them down on the ground, opting to carry them rather than trying to adjust the straps over her coat before starting down the stairs toward the group.
Adrien stepped forward, calling out, "Marinette, your scarf"--
Marinette looked up to see Adrien coming toward her, not noticing as her scarf hit the ground in front of her. Between the smooth stone steps, the soft cashmere, and her natural clumsiness, it was a disaster waiting to happen. Marinette's foot slid out from under her as she stepped on the offending strip of fabric, sending her pitching forward. She screwed her eyes shut, throwing out her arms to try to break her fall, her bags flying…
Only to feel a different pair of strong arms wrap around her midsection, hair tickling her cheek as she was braced from below by Adrien's firm body. The insistent smell of Camembert that had been hanging around Adrien the last week or so assaulted her nose. Instantly, her mind was transported to the night before, and almost by instinct her hand came up to card through Adrien's blond locks. So soft…
Marinette yelped when a soft sound escaped Adrien's mouth where it was pressed into her shoulder. An eerily familiar sound.
Shoving herself away, Marinette somehow managed to keep her feet beneath her as she leaned down to pick up her scarf, quickly wrapping it around her neck several times to cover her face. Adrien's own cheeks burned scarlet red as he gaped at Marinette for a moment. He tore his eyes away from her, mumbling an apology, before he turned to pick up her bags.
Marinette got to her backpack first, shouldering the bag while Adrien picked up her purse. Almost instantly, his mouth started to water as he detected a strong smell of warm cookies; the scents of sugar and vanilla and chocolate filled his nostrils. His hand was on the clasp of the purse, halfway to flicking it open, before he came to his senses and shoved it into Marinette's hands. "I've gotta go. Bye guys!" Waving awkwardly at Alya and Nino, Adrien turned tail and practically ran around the corner of the building.
Marinette stared after Adrien, her heart racing. He couldn't be--could he?
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hari-writes · 6 years
Little Louis Dupain-Cheng - Chapter 11
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Pairings: Adrien/Marinette Summary: In the seven years since Hawk Moth’s defeat, much has changed. Adrien Agreste PhD returns to Paris and is reunited with his friends. Marinette has a degree in Fashion Design, a thriving boutique and a son, six-year-old Louis. Louis is like his mother in many ways, except for green eyes and a familiar smile… Will Adrien do the maths?
Read on A03 ★★★ Buy me a coffee?
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10
Up to the test when things go wrong
By the time each of them had given their statements to the police, it was past midnight. Word was already spreading about Gabriel’s capture and reporters were starting to gather along the police line. One recognised Adrien and called out to him for a statement. Kim held a hand out to the group of journalists.
“No comment.” He said.
Nino’s phone had been taken away by a crime scene technician to process the recording and Marinette realised that she had dropped hers in her hallway when she grabbed her shoes. Kim and Adrien had theirs, but the batteries had run down so they decided to walk back and call their loved ones from Marinette’s home.
The group trudged back, the journey taking them twice as long as it normally would due to their exhaustion. Nino carried Louis in a piggyback until he fell asleep, then Kim carried him the rest of the way in his arms.
They reached the bakery and when her parents heard her arrive, they insisted that everyone come inside. Tom and Sabine had come home to find Marinette gone and her phone on the stair, they called Alya, who filled them in on what she knew. After that, they hadn’t gone to bed.
Strong sweet tea was dispensed and Sabine encouraged the friends to talk about the evening’s events.
“It will help you process everything if you vocalise it.” Mrs Cheng said, “We’ve had a little experience in this.” She ruffled Marinette’s hair.
The conversation began hesitantly until Alix mentioned the thing nobody else was saying.
“He called you Ladybug, Mari. Are you?”
“I was.” Marinette nodded.
“Woah.” Alix gasped. “That’s awesome. My friend is a superhero.”
“Was,” Marinette repeated.
“At least that explains your Wonder Woman impression in the park this week.” Kim huffed.
Marinette laughed. “I don’t have superpowers anymore, Kim. That was...”
“Wait,” Kim interrupted, “Nino called you Ladybug when we were outside the tower. How did he know?”
“Carapace.” Nino said and gave a little salute.
Kim and Alix’s jaws dropped.
“While we’re sharing…” Adrien decided to add. “Hi, Chat Noir.” He waved.
“But, guys,” Marinette took her chance to speak while Kim and Alix were still stunned into silence. “This needs to stay a secret, okay? We’d never have a normal life if the press ever got wind of who we used to be.”
“Of course,” Kim nodded.
“Your secrets are safe with us.” Alix agreed.
With the air cleared, the group talked into the morning, Louis alternating between sleeping on Marinette’s lap and joining in the discussion. Adrien felt cleansed by sharing the experience, but couldn’t shake the guilt that his friends and Louis were only in that position because of him. It was everything he left Paris to avoid.
He watched at Marinette as she stoically encouraged her friends to process the evening’s events, in the same way she’d helped Nino, Alya and Chloe deal with the aftermath of being teenage superheroes. When Louis was awake, she prompted him to talk about his feelings about the night. Adrien listened to Louis as he talked about his fear and confusion when Gabriel turned up.
“I knew that nothing bad was going to happen, though, because Uncle Adrien was there and he was looking after me,” Louis said. “I knew he’d keep me safe.”
Alya picked Nino up from the Dupain-Cheng’s at 6am and she offered to drop Alix and Kim at their homes, too. Sabine and Tom were already in the bakery, preparing for the day ahead. Marinette called her Saturday girl and told her the boutique would be closed for the day she wasn’t quite ready to let Louis out of her sight. Adrien held Marinette and Louis, not wanting to leave them.
“I’m sorry.” He was repeating. “I’m sorry.”
“Adrien,” Marinette said firmly, “None of this is your fault. Gabriel is not your responsibility. Please understand that.”
“But, you could have been hurt.” He tried to argue, “You put yourself between me and a blade.”
“You’re hardly one to talk, Chaton. You took an arrow for me once, remember?” Marinette smiled. “You protect the ones you love, so do I.”
“Louis was caught up in it all. If anything happened to him, I’d never forgive myself.” Adrien said.
“Look at me,” She shifted to face Adrien, staring into his eyes, unblinking. “This. Is. Not. Your. Fault. You protected Louis, I saw that.”
Adrien looked to Marinette’s lap where Louis was dozing again. His face was peaceful as he slept. He gazed at the boy’s pink cheeks and mussed hair, watching as he breathed slowly. Adrien stroked Louis’s hair, moving it away from his face, aware that his own hair was falling into his eyes too.
“I love him, Mari.” He looked at her trying to convey his seriousness. “I can’t explain it, but he feels like the thing that’s been missing from my life.”
Marinette looked back at him, sadness shining in her eyes. She opened her mouth to say something, then stopped herself. Chewing her bottom lip, she steeled herself.
“Adrien, about what Ga…”
“Guys! You have to see this.” Alya burst through the apartment door, waving a newspaper.
Louis startled in his sleep but didn’t wake up. Alya had the grace to look a little guilty for her intrusion, but the fire in her eyes told them that she had something important to share. She placed the paper in front of Marinette and Adrien, standing back with arms crossed above her baby bump. They leaned over the newspaper and saw the article Alya wanted them to read.
After an unprecedented standoff in the Observatory of Sorbonne, Gabriel Agreste has been captured.
Agreste, the mastermind behind the terrorist known as Hawk Moth, escaped a secure mental health unit early this week, finally surfacing last night to threaten his son, Adrien, 25, at knifepoint. Agreste Jr. has recently returned to Paris, having been absent since Agreste Sr.’s first arrest.
Police sources commended the quick actions of an associate of young Agreste, whose bravery prevented the situation from escalating. During the altercation, Gabriel Agreste was heard admitting that he was pretending to have a mental condition in order to prevent trial. In a statement to the press this morning, Detective Inspector Patron of the Paris Gendarmerie has confirmed that the Ministère Public will be moving forward with prosecution.
Prof. Cerveau, Head of Paris SMHU, where Agreste was being treated for an acute Psychotic Break following his unmasking as Hawk Moth, released this statement. “We wish to assure the public that we have increased security at the facility and we have launched a full investigation into how M. Agreste was able escape and how his absence went undetected for so long. While it is no excuse, we wish to remind the public that the villain Hawk Moth was an empath and, although we don’t know for sure if Agreste has residual powers, we do believe that this has made for a singular situation.”
Prof. Cerveau refused to comment on the claims made by Agreste that he has been faking his mental state to avoid prosecution.
A spokesperson for Adrien Agreste declined to comment.
Adrien stared at the newspaper, tears prickling his eyes. He felt relief that Hawk Moth would finally stand trial and be forced to face up to everything he did, and trepidation that the court case would be an emotionally tortuous experience for all involved.
Would he be asked to testify? Would Ladybug and Chat Noir be compelled to give evidence? How would he and his friends deal with the press coverage during the whole process?
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Season of Miracles Chapter 12
It’s the second last chapter!  What’s this?  A reveal?  Romance?  Alya freaking the fuck out?  Ding ding ding!
Chapter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 X  13
December 26th
Chat Noir leapt through the air, taking a somersaulting dive onto a roof, before leaping up again and vaulting over his baton to the next roof.  The Eiffel tower was lit, as were the street lamps on the dark winter night.
He thought back to his day and chuckled.
He had begun the morning wondering if it had all been a dream.  It seemed far too good to be true, but upon seeing the video frame his father had given him, alongside his gifts from his other friends, he knew there was no way it wasn't real.
That knowledge was compounded by the fact that when he went downstairs to eat breakfast, his father was sitting at the table reading the newspaper.  Even better, he set the paper aside and the two chatted while they ate breakfast.  Gabriel had decided to come to the photo shoot and spend the day with him, after all, and shortly after they ate, they were out the door.
Arriving at the studio, several usually quite amicable staff members seemed quite nervous.  Adrien was used to having many of the same staff members in charge of wardrobe, makeup and lighting, so they had had a lot of time to get over the fact that his father was their boss, and treat him like a normal teen.  Gabriel's presence clearly changed the atmosphere into one of efficient professionalism, much like the one Gabriel exuded most days.
Otherwise, the shoot went as normal, until after lunch break.
Gabriel was looking over the wardrobe collection for the shoot, when he noticed something.
“I do not recall approving these for the shoot.”  He said, holding up two outfits, in their open garment bags.
One of the interns paled.  “A-ah, that's mine, sir.”
“And what is it doing in the line-up here?”  Gabriel asked coolly.
“I-I umm-- You see, I'm friends with the photographer, and it was a personal project I was doing, and he agreed to take photos when we were done today if I found someone to model them--”
“You designed these?”
“Yessir!”  Her face couldn't seem to decide if it wanted to be ghost white or strawberry red.
“And you put them side by side with the garments for todays work, why?”
“T-there was no where else to hang them up...sir.”
“What if they had been mixed up with pieces for the shoot?”  He asked sternly.
“I knew that was a possibility, but I made sure anyone who was handling the clothes knew they were mine.  Including the supervisor, Yvonne.”
Gabriel looked around. “Yvonne!”  When the woman came over to where he stood, he held up the garments to her.  “What are these pieces here?”  He asked her.
“They are Elise's.”
“So you are aware they were put side by side with the pieces for today?”
“She explained it to me before she hung them up.  What her and the photographer do outside of company hours is their business, I saw no harm as long as everyone knew.”  Elise had gone pale again, and even Yvonne seemed to be threatening to sweat under his scrutiny.
Gabriel pulled out the items from their bag and looked them over.  He tugged gently at seams, examined stitches, and felt the fabric under his hands.
“Elise, what is this personal project of yours?”  Gabriel raised a brow.
“Oh!  Um.. I uh....” She turned beet red again.
“Spit it out.”
“I-I'mbuildingaportfolio!” She stammered.
“A portfolio?”
“Yes... I uh... was going to apply for full time work after my internship finished, and I wanted to show what I learned during my time with your company.  My old portfolio has become a bit dated in styles, and I can sew a lot better now, so I was building up a collection, and wanted to show my work was good enough to be modeled too.”  Her voice slowly dropped off in volume, until she was barely heard.
Gabriel pondered at the girl, who was now staring at the ground, her hands pulling at the hem of her blouse.
“Were going to apply to my company?  Tell the truth.”
“Yes... among others.”  She answered.  “I wanted to keep my options open, as I figured not all of them would say yes to me.”
He examined the clothes again.  It was a detailed dressy black vest with zippers and a forest green liner, paired with dress slacks and a light green button up.  The buttons and zippers all matched--gold-- and the cuffs of the dress shirt matched the green liner of the vest.
“Adrien, go change into these.”  He handed him the garment bags.
“Ah, sir!”  Elise interrupted.  Gabriel looked at her with one eyebrow raised.  “It's just... only one of those will probably fit him.  The blue one is meant for someone larger.”
“Ah.  I see.  What was the theme you were going for?”
“I was kind of thinking a pair of brothers, sir.  We have a few male models here today, and I hoped that if I could find two that looked close enough, it would do.  I mean, I knew it might not happen, so I was ready to work with what I had, so...”
Gabriel took back the outfits and examined the blue one.
“Familial bonds, yes?  That was the theme you wanted for the photos?”
“Very well, I will wear it.”  And he started over to the changing area.
Elise looked like she was about ready to faint.
Gabriel and Adrien ended up doing a series of photos together, wearing the matching outfits.  The sky blue shirt and royal blue and silver accents of the vest suited Gabriel very well.  The fits were close enough that it only required a little bit of tailoring, which Elise attended to quickly and skillfully.
When they finished the shoot, Gabriel returned the outfits to Elise, who seemed to have actually fainted somewhere during the process.  She was fanning herself and had gone pale again, and Yvonne and another intern were puttering over her as she sat in a chair.
“May I please speak with Miss Elise alone please?”  Yvonne and the intern seemed surprised, and after assurances that the girl was fine, they left.
“I should hope now that if anyone sees your portfolio and sees the faces of myself and my son, that it should earn you enough respect to get hired in any company you choose.  I do hope, however, that you will choose mine. I would hate to lose such a talented employee.”
The girl was flustered and stammered out her thank you's and praises of his kindness.
As he walked away he gestured for Adrien to follow.  They left the shoot and climbed into the car, before Gabriel spoke quietly.  “That, Adrien, is how you build a team that is loyal.  That girl will remember my actions for a long time to come, and even if one day she is my biggest competitor, I can trust she won't stab me in the back.”  He looked down and smiled at his son.
Adrien grinned.  “So you're telling me... be nice to people and they won't be jerks in return?  I think I already knew that one.”  He sassed.
Gabriel smirked, and then mussed up his son's hair.
As Chat Noir raced to his meeting place with Ladybug, his mind returned to the problem at hand.  Marinette had most likely read his poem by now, and if she was half as smart as he thought she was, he was about to get scolded pretty badly.  She had always been a stickler for secret identities, and he knew she would at least be a little mad that he figured her out and left clues about his.  Of course, if she wasn't Ladybug... well, that was a whole new can of worms.
He landed on the roof right as Marinette-- Ladybug-- did.
“Good evening, Chat Noir.”  She said nonchalantly.
He was suddenly really nervous.  He was expecting a few different ways for this to go down, and for her to be nonchalant, it most likely meant he guessed wrong.
“H-H--” He cleared his throat. “Hey Ladybug!”  He smiled.
There was the faintest trace of a smile on her lips, but it disappeared very quickly.
“Ready for patrol, Chaton?”  She asked.
“Y-Yeah.” He gulped.  “Let's go.”  The pair, Ladybug leading slightly, ran to the edge of the roof, and vaulted off.  Chat purposely fell behind a little, gauging every movement she made, looking for any hint that she knew.  Please don't let me have been wrong.  Please.
Despite his worry, watching her made his heart swell.  Marinette or not, Ladybug was a beauty-- graceful and strong and breath-taking as she swung off streetlamps, hopped across roofs, and dived off of chimneys.  The street lights reflected off of her hair, and sparkled in her eyes.
If he hadn't already been in love with her for the better part of a year, he probably would have fallen from this sight alone.
She completely ignored him as they scouted the city, apparently oblivious to his heart palpitations, keeping her eyes peeled for signs of trouble.  Her lack of signal so far was making him anxious.  Should he just rip off the band-aid and bring it up?  Should he see if she was going to say anything?
He felt there was a pun in there somewhere, something involving Shrodinger's cat, but he couldn't quite figure out how to phrase it.
Finally, the heroes paused on the rooftop of Notre Dame cathedral to take a breather.
Ladybug stretched, looking out over the city.  She walked to the edge and sat down, dangling her ankles off the side.  She patted the space next to her, gesturing for him to come join her.  He obliged.
“How was your Christmas, Chat?”  She asked.
Was this an opening?  An opportunity to ask her carefully, to open the box enough to peek at the cat and determine it's state?
“The best Christmas ever.”  He answered honestly, smiling.
“Oh? Do tell.”
Was that a mischievous twinkle in her eye?  No, must have been his imagination.
“I spent it with a very good friend of mine.”  He thought for a moment.  “She's probably the kindest person I've ever met. Stubborn too.  I don't know how she managed it, but she actually got my father to spend Christmas with me.  He hasn't done that in years. She's incredible.”  He looked very deliberately at her.
Her face turned crimson, and he took it as a sign that maybe she knew more than she was letting on.  Time to amp it up, then.
“Not only that, she's beautiful.”  He stated, carefully turning his head away, pretending he wasn't talking about the girl next to him, but watched her every move still.  “She lights up a room just by being in it, and really brings out the best in people.”
Ladybug was motionless, mouth slightly agape as she stared at him.  He turned back to look.
“What's the matter Ladybug?  Cat got your tongue?”  He grinned.  “Or is it jealousy?”  He teased.
She shook her head.  “Silly kitty.  It just really sounds a lot like you love her.”
He looked at her, held her gaze for a few moments.  He watched the night breeze brush her bangs across her forehead, watched the light twinkle in her beautiful blue eyes.
“I do.” He said softly.
A slight, sharp intake of breath from her, and he was paralyzed.  The two stared at each other, locked in a moment, both too afraid to move, too enraptured to try.  Time seemed to still, neither really sure how long they sat there, motionless, trapped in the moment. Finally, Ladybug spoke.
“I love you too, Adrien.”  She breathed.
His eyes widened.  It's her.  It's really her.  Marinette.  She's Ladybug!  His mind repeated over and over.
She said she loves me!  It finally settled on.
His hand fumbled over to hers, he refused to break eye contact to look at what he was doing.
Taking it, he felt a lot of tension leave his body.  Perhaps the worry of it not being real, the fear of waking up from this dream.  But she was corporeal, she was physically there, and it was real, so very, very real.  Adrien.  She called him.  Adrien.  He was over the moon in excitement.
“Marinette.” He whispered, smiling.
She smiled back shyly.
She is so beautiful when she smiles.  Her cheeks are so cute, and her eyes shine, and her lips...
Caught up in the thought of how soft and kissable her lips looked, and curiosity about her lipgloss flavour, Chat leaned in slowly, his eyes closing ever so slightly.  She leaned in too, and the two hovered, centimeters apart.  His free hand found it's way up to her cheek, caressing it gently.
“C-Can I-I...”  He stammered.  He breathed in, and tried again.  “Can I kis—mmph!”
Ladybug's hands went to his face and pulled him, closing the distance between the two.  Her passion triggered something in him, and once his lips began moving against hers, he was hard pressed to stop it-- not that he wanted to, really.
It turned out her lip gloss was cherry flavoured, and he smiled.  He started humming the tune to “I Kissed A Girl” until Ladybug snorted and pushed him away.
“Way to ruin the moment, Chat.”
“I'd say it was worth it, but I'm really torn.  I wasn't done yet.”  He laughed.
She smirked and rolled her eyes.  This time she leaned in slower, their kiss beginning slowly and gently.  The glide of her sweet lips against his left him breathless, and when his tongue gently swept across her lips, she returned the motion with her own.  His hands wandered down her arms while they kissed, to her waist, while one of hers buried itself in his hair, and the other rested on his chest.
After a few blissful minutes, they broke apart naturally.
“You know...”  Ladybug said, reaching up to gently boop his nose.  “I was going to try and make you sweat first.  Pretend I didn't know anything.  Kinda backfired on me though, what with you turning into such a sap.”
“Oh, you had me sweating, don't worry.”  He chuckled, sitting upright now.  “I wasn't even sure it was you, so your silence on it was super nerve-wracking.”
“Wait. You wrote me that poem, and you weren't even sure you were right?”  She said, a little sharper than she intended.
“Uh... yeah.”  He admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Oh no, now I really wished I had dragged that out longer. It would have been proper revenge for risking your identity!”  She playfully smacked his arm.
“To be fair, I was like, 95% sure.  There was no solid evidence, but way too many coincidences at once.”
“Ninety-five percent sure... with no solid evidence.”  She clucked her tongue. “Chat, you are clawsitively purr-paw-sterous.”  She smirked.
“Hey, now.  I was right and--- wait, did you just make a cat pun?”
“I made three, but who's counting?”  She teased.
“I love you.”  He swooned.
She snorted.  “Love you too... you mangy cat.”
“I'm your mangy cat, lovebug.  Long as you'll have me.”
“That's quite the commitment to make, seeing as I'm thinking forever.” She smiled, blushing deeply, looking off to the horizon.
He sat straighter, grinning from ear to ear.  “Furr-ever sounds purr-fect, my Lady.”
“Is it really necessary to include more puns?”
“Part of the package, bugaboo.  I wouldn't be me without my sense of humour.”
She hummed.  “I guess you don't really need your Christmas gift then...”
He perked up.  “What does my Christmas gift have to do with this?” He asked.
“Open it and find out.”  She said, handing him a moderately sized package.  Judging by the shape, size and weight, he was guessing it was a book of some kind.
“Where were you hiding this?”  He asked skeptically.
“Just open it!”
“No seriously, this is the size of my computer tablet, where did you hide this, and how did I not notice until now?”
“Oh shush.  You already know who I am under the mask, let me have some mystery, huh?”  She rolled her eyes.
He grumbled under his breath about secret pocket dimensions as he unwrapped the gift.  He had guessed right, it was a book.  A joke book, titled “No Pun Intended”.  His smile grew wider and wider.
“My Lady, here I thought you hated my puns, but you actually are supporting my habit?  I'm shocked!”
“Maybe it was never the puns I disliked and more the timing of them.”  She smirked.
He laughed.  “Alright, alright.  But you totally make puns during akuma attacks too!”
“Never!” She scoffed.  “When have I ever done such a thing?”  She gestured dramatically before breaking out in a grin.  He smiled back at her.
“I have your gift here too.”  He said, pulling out a small box.
It was a suspiciously shaped and sized box, and as Ladybug tensed up, Chat gestured for her to relax.
“I know what you're thinking, and I promise it's not that.  I mean, it is that, but it's no-- you know what?  Just open it.”
He handed her the box.  She stared at it in her hands, and his tail twitched in impatience.  She opened it cautiously, her eyes flicking to his hopeful and embarrassed expression, until she caught sight of the contents.  It was a beautiful ring, with a round red ruby, nestled in between two emerald triangular jewels.  It sort of resembled a rose with leaves, but the fact that it also looked kind of like a Ladybug on a leaf wasn't lost on her.  The band was delicate and simple silver, shaped around the gems carefully.
“It's not an engagement ring.  I may be incredibly socially awkward, but even I know it's way too early for that.  It is a promise ring, though.”  He rubbed the back of his neck.  She looked up at him, her surprise and awe apparent.  “I saw it and couldn't help but think of you, and when I began suspecting you were Marinette, and her-- your birthstone is a ruby...”  She stared at it again, and her continued silence set him on edge.  “I-If you don't like it, I can take it back and trade it for something else.  Unless the fact that it's a ring is making you uncomfortable, in which case I totally understa--”
He was silenced by her finger on his lips.
“It's perfect, Adrien.  I love it.”  She smiled, and he relaxed.  “But doesn't a promise ring require an actual promise to go with it?” She asked.
“Y-Yeah.” He stood up, pulling her to her feet too.  He took the ring from her, and knelt on one knee.  “I-- uhh... don't know if I'm actually supposed to go down on one knee for a promise ring or not, but I figure it wouldn't hurt, right?”  She giggled, and he pressed on, clearing his throat.  “Ladybug, since the day I met you, you have been the best part of every one of my days.  I know I can trust and rely on you, and seeing you being the brave, compassionate, and brilliant person you are has made me want to be the best person I can be.  I promise, for the rest of my lives, to protect you, to cherish you, and to always stand by you.  I promise to be your friend, your partner, and your reason to smile each day.”
“I accept your promise, Chat Noir.”  She smiled.  “On one condition.”
His ears twitched in surprise. “What's that?”
“You accept my promise to do the exact same for you.”  
He blushed, then grinned.  “I accept your terms, my Lady.”
He put the ring on her left hand index finger, and sighed in relief when it was the right size.  He had taken a guess-- if Alya had caught wind of him even breathing the words “ring” and “Marinette” in the same sentence, he's sure he would be deaf for a week.
As soon as the ring was on her finger all the way, she pulled him up into a kiss by his bell, and riding along her enthusiasm, he picked her up and spun her around.  She squeaked into his lips, but it just made him laugh, and soon they were both giggling and holding each other, foreheads touching.
“I love you, Bugaboo.”
“I love you too, Minou.”
“THIS IS THE BIGGEST SCOOP OF THE CENTURY!  LADYBUG AND CHAT NOIR ARE ENGAGED!  HOLY FUCK!”  Both heros heads whipped around, finally spotting the source.  Alya stood there, phone in hand, clad in pyjamas, and apparently still out of breath from running after them. “I PROBABLY JUST BROKE SEVERAL LAWS GETTING UP HERE BUT HOLY HELL WAS IT WORTH IT OH MY FUCKING GOD AND I GOT IT ON CAMERA!!!”
Ladybug and Chat Noir looked at each other in shock, snorted and laughed, and started running for the edge of the roof together, holding hands. They leapt from the roof, Alya calling after them.  As they leapt across the city, Chat spoke.
“How much trouble are we in?”  He asked.
“I think we're okay.” Ladybug replied.  “She called it an engagement ring, which means I don't think she was close enough to see the ring, hear names, or anything.  She probably only caught the last little bit.  We will see for sure when we see her next, no way she's keeping that to herself.  We can do damage control from there.”
They paused on a roof.  “Yeah, I think you're right.  Do we let her believe that Ladybug and Chat Noir are engaged though?”
“Maybe we should let her believe it.”  Ladybug suggested, smirking.  “It is only a matter of time until it's true anyways, right?”  She winked, before hopping off the roof.
Adrien stared after her, rooted to the spot.  Only a matter of time...?
He started scrambling after her.  “Ladybug!  Wait up!  What does that mean?!”
She just giggled and swung further away.
Marinette, you tease!  (I think she just stole one of Chat’s remaining lives)
Alya did indeed break into a cathedral in the middle of the night in her pyjamas.  Silly girl.  Maybe she was hoping for some Christmas canoodling!  (She certainly got her christmas wish!)
Stay tuned for the final installment of this fic!  New Years!
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cakejots · 3 years
this is us trying, Chapter 7 - The Aid
In this AU, they don’t know each other outside of the suit. And in this AU, Ladybug and Chat Noir love each other. But in this AU, Chat doesn’t want their identities revealed.
Written for @ladynoirjuly 2021
notes: this is a coherent story based on all the prompts; each chapter contains at least 3 prompts
Ch 1 | Ch 2 | Ch 3 | Ch 4 | Ch 5 | Ch 6 | Ch 7 | Ch 8 | Ch 9 | Ch 10
Read on AO3
21. Roommates
The journey to Marinette’s house was a short one, it was no wonder she appeared so quickly earlier on. They went past the Dupain-Cheng Bakery and within a minute, they landed on her balcony.
Lady Rouge? Rena Bug? Rena bug sounded more consistent with her other unifications but he still didn’t know. Marinette slid open her balcony door and stepped in, but Chat didn’t follow. When she realised he had yet to come in, she went to the balcony door.
“What’s wrong?”
“Are you sure?” He glimpsed at her. “I don’t want to impose.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I’m not okay with it,” she rolled her eyes. “And don’t worry, you’re not imposing at all!”
Chat still stood rooted at the balcony.
“You… We can treat it as though we’re roommates?” She tried. “You can sleep on the bed while I sleep on the mattress.”
“Actually, I should sleep on the mattress and you on the bed. I don’t want to intrude on the place where you need your beauty sleep.”
She sighed. “If I agree to that, will you come in?”
He nodded.
“Alright, I’ll sleep in my bed.”
Once he entered, they de-transformed, and Marinette’s stomach growled.
Her arms flew to her abdomen and her cheeks turned pink. “Aha, I haven’t had breakfast…”
“Let me make it for you!” Adrien jumped on the chance.
“Adrien, all I have to do is to spread the butter and jam on the bread,” she chuckled.
“I know. But please,” he activated his kitten eyes, “that’s the least I can do for you.”
Her eyebrow twitched. “Alright, alright.”
He beamed. “And for your drink?”
“Tea, please.”
“Coming right up!” He started to move, but stopped soon after. “Uhh, I might need you to show me the way to everything.”
Marinette laughed. Such a dork.
After they had fun making their breakfast together and feeding each other, Marinette went into her room to get something while Adrien stayed in the living room to browse his public social account. He understood that he couldn’t run from the scandal for long. He needed to know what the public was saying so that he could come up with a suitable statement to address it.
“Chaton, you need some time off from that.” He jumped when her voice appeared so suddenly beside his ear as she planted herself next to him. “So put that away and join me!”
“What are you doing?”
“Designing!” She held up her sketchbook. “What do you think?”
Adrien took the sketchbook from her and focused on the sketch she had drawn. It was a long and elegant A-Line dress with lace-patterned sleek long sleeves.
He smiled teasingly. “Is my lady aspiring to be a fashion designer?”
She nodded, anticipation for his opinion clear in her eyes.
“It’s really classy!” He raised an eyebrow, then wiggled both. “Are you making this for a future date with me?”
She flushed. “I-I know you have something to comment about the dress, tell me!”
He laughed. “Well, it’s perfect the way it is. But since you asked, you can always go sleeveless as well.”
Her eyes sparkled at his comment, a smirk growing on her lips. She flipped a page on the sketchbook still in his hands to show the same dress. But this time, the sleeves are gone, exactly what he had suggested just moments ago.
Adrien’s smile faltered for a second before coming back wider and prouder. “You sure you’re not a fashion designer yet?”
She scratched the back of her head. “I really wanted to intern at Gabriel…”
“But no worries!” She clapped her hands to disperse the gloomy atmosphere. “Having the model of a fashion powerhouse compliment my designs? It’s more than I could ever ask for.”
“With skills like these, it won’t be long until someone picks you.” He held her hand and rubbed his thumb on the back of it. “Do you have a portfolio? Can you show them to me?”
Marinette’s eyes gleamed. “Can my day get any better?”
They spent the rest of the day admiring her impressive collection of designs.
The yawn that came from Marinette halted whatever they were doing.
“S-Sorry,” she covered her mouth, cheeks reddened. “I woke up earlier than usual today, so I think I’m turning in right now. D-Do you want to join me?”
“I would love to,” he smiled.
She stood to get the mattress but Adrien held her arm. “Actually, is… is it okay if w-we sleep together on your bed?”
Her eyes shone and she squatted down to his level to booped his nose. “Of course, mon Chaton.” She grabbed his hands and led him to the toilet before going to her room.
She jumped into her bed and moved in to give him space. Marinette looked at him expectantly as he stopped at her door. She raised her arms to entice him into her embrace, and it worked. Adrien walked towards her bed and snaked his arms around her waist as he got on, pulling her body flush against his.
“Ahhh,” she melted into him. “Your heat is very welcome right now”
“Did you invite me just to be your personal heater?”
“Maaaybe,” she smirked.
He pulled away and gaped at her, mock-offended. “How dare you.”
She cackled and chased after his heat. “Adrieeen! Don’t do this to meee, come back here!”
Marinette managed to pull him back, her arms caged his neck and legs wrapped around his waist, effectively trapping him.
“Alright, alright,” he chuckled, arms encircling her once again and he kissed her nose. “Goodnight, Marinette.”
Her cheeks burn at the sweet gesture. “Goodnight, Adrien.”
22. Heal
Adrien awoke from his slumber, alarmed that he’s in an unfamiliar room, until he recalled that he was staying over at Marinette’s. He checked his side, and there she was still sleeping as soundly as he remembered just a few days prior.
Marinette wasn’t clinging onto him as tightly as she was last night, but she’s still snuggled up in his personal space. He doesn’t mind that all at, he had his arm wrapped around her shoulders pulling her towards him. Her hand and leg were draped lazily across his waist and leg, and her head was on his chest, rising and falling in accordance to his breathing.
It wasn’t a dream.
She’s by his side.
And he still has the scandal to deal with.
Adrien ran his hand down his face to wipe away any sleepiness before he grabbed his phone from the shelves above him, and concluded Marinette is a pretty heavy sleeper. He shifted quite a bit searching for his phone but she didn’t stir at all. After finding a comfortable position, he went online and browsed through.
There’s the side that’s all rainbowy, sparkles, and flowers. The side that supports his decisions, saying how adorable they are as a couple and calls for the media and harassers to stop their digging and let him be happy.
And then there’s the mob and haters, holding their pitchforks and axes and spreading false rumours, negativity, and hate about their relationship. Demanding them to break up, else they’d boycott him.
He has been in the eyes of the media all his life, he has learnt how to filter out the noises pretty well. He can’t please everyone. They’re all unique with their own taste and preferences. He understood that much. Which was why he really didn’t care if people boycotted him. If they really supported him, they would’ve wished him happiness.
What he really couldn’t stand were the nasty remarks they'd made of Marinette. He knew it was going to come, but to read about them with his own eyes made his blood boil.
How dare they call her these abhorrent names. They are just vomiting words that didn’t describe Marinette at all. Golddigger? Slut? Whore? He was so disgusted that people could scope to that level. She’s the sweetest person he’s ever met and was pretty sure no one could come close to her level. She’s Ladybug! Protector of Paris and people love her. And as soon as she shows up in a different form, she gets hated on? He was never one to be bothered by haters’ opinions, but they are directed at Marinette, the love of his life. He can’t let this slide! This shouldn’t even be happening. Why are humans so ugly? What—
Her groggy voice snapped him out of his onslaught of the haters, and he directed his attention to her on his chest.
Those blue eyes were staring at him so intently, and it made him self-conscious. But it also made him finally realise that his heart rate was accelerating and he was inhaling quick and shallow breaths. He was also gripping her shoulder stiffly.
He released his hold immediately.
Shit. Were those what disturbed her beauty sleep?
“Good morning, my lady!” He tried his best to sound as cheery as possible, to hide the fact that he was doing something she had disapproved of earlier on.
“What are you checking on your phone?” Fuck.
He wasn’t able to explain because Marinette had pushed herself from his chest to stop beside his head to have a better look.
Adrien could hear his own pulse in his head, and it was amplified by the silence that nestled itself within the room. She must be furious.
“Adrien,” her voice sounded deafening. “I would prefer it if you step back from social media and heal from what you experienced just yesterday.” She frowned and turned towards him. “Is there a reason why you refuse to stop browsing it?”
He let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding. Adrien didn’t know why he was so afraid of Marinette finding out, maybe he was scared of disappointing her, but her reactions showed that he has nothing to worry about. He supposed he did owe her an explanation for it.
“I… I hoped to get a general understanding of the public’s view on the matter,” his hand reached for hers and his thumb shyly caressed the back of her hand. “So that the statement that I eventually have to release can address them accordingly.”
“Okay, fair enough,” she still didn’t like the idea though. “But could you take more time off first? Or at least, we view them together?”
As much as Adrien admires Marinette’s commitment to solving issues, he truly didn’t want her to be reading those revolting comments about herself. “You really don’t want to see how distasteful they can be.”
“Haters gonna hate,” she shrugged. “I’ve dealt with that in school before. Besides, I don’t believe in liars. ”
Adrien’s eyes widened like saucers. “There were people who hated you?”
“Of course. I’m pretty sure they still do. I know I can’t please everyone,” she petted his head. “So don’t worry your pretty head about how I’ll take them. It’s us against the world, remember?”
“As always.” He smiled teasingly and wrapped his arms around her, nuzzling her cheek. “And you think I’m pretty.”
23. Guilt
It’s been a few days since Adrien arrived at her home.
A few days since he had a taste of the potential life he might have with Marinette in the future.
A few days since pictures of them were invasively taken on the night of their reveal and sold to the biggest gossip magazine in Paris.
Adrien still has yet to do anything to address the issue. He had taken Marinette’s wishes to heart and took time off of social media to properly rejuvenate from the traumatic experience he went through in the Agreste mansion. She was right, he himself went through the intense rage he didn’t know he was capable of after reading about the offensive things some members of the public had said about her.
Marinette’s presence was very warm and welcoming. She had made the healing process much faster than if he had been dealing with it all alone.
But it still didn’t ease the guilt that has been eating at him ever since. Adrien knew he had to deal with the media when Shadowmoth’s identity became public knowledge. It was one of the reasons why he didn’t want the reveal to happen right after the final battle. He didn’t want his lady to be caught up in the mess. And to think that all her waiting had been for naught just because he slipped up on the night of their reveal.
He felt like utter shit.
“Marinette, I’m so sorry for dragging you into this mess.”
She was taken aback by the sudden apology. They were currently snuggling on her sofa, Marinette toying with his hair and Adrien lying on top of her chest, arms around her waist, listening to her heartbeat and enjoying the sensation her fingers brought. Nothing about the current situation they were in warranted a need for an apology from his end.
“Adrien, what do you mean?”
He looked at her. “I know how much you value your privacy. I practically put your face out for the world to see.”
Marinette frowned at this. “No, no you didn’t. Why would you say that? You took extra precautions for us to meet up, remember? Who walks in empty parks at 3 am in the morning? Literally no one! So—“
“But think about it, Marinette,” he cut her. “If I didn’t insist on walking you home in our civilian forms, if I had just chosen another date for the reve—”
“Are you saying you regret the way the reveal went?”
“No!” Adrien was flabbergasted that she even came to that conclusion. “Of course not! I would never! It has brought me so much joy to finally know who you are.”
He squeezed her waist. “But I can’t help but think all this mess could’ve been avoided if only I was more careful.”
When Marinette didn’t reply, he took it as she was waiting for him to elaborate further.
“I was so blinded by what I wanted at that moment that I created this mess. I caused you to be in harm's way.” He averted his gaze as tears started to form in his eyes. “The media was one of the reasons why I held off the reveal. I didn’t want the media’s eyes on you. And now, all the time you’ve spent patiently waiting for the reveal has been for nothing, all because of what I did. I was so selfish in my approach. I’m so sorry.”
Marinette held his face in her hands and wiped away the tears. “But you made it right straight away, didn’t you?”
Adrien snapped back to her. “H-Huh?”
“You asked me to transform and leave the area as soon as you realised something was wrong, didn’t you?” She smiled gently and caressed his cheeks.
He said nothing to reject her deduction. She shouldn’t be giving him those looks when he had ruined her life.
His eyes widened as she planted a kiss on his forehead. “You’re selfish, Adrien. But not in the way you think you are. The fact that you're guilty of your actions makes you aware and sensitive to the ones around you.”
She moved to stroke his hair. “You’re empathetic towards others, that’s far from being selfish.”
Her actions were so simple. Yet, her eyes, voice, and touch all soothed him to no end.
Marinette held his cheeks again and pressed her lips to his nose. “Have you actually forgotten that you’re Chat Noir, Protector of Paris? You're the reason why Paris is safe now.”
She pecked his left cheek. “It's not selfish to want something you desire, when giving is all you’ve been doing all this while.”
And then the other. “So Adrien, you don’t need to apologise for exposing me to the media. I don’t blame you for that. At all. Because you’ve done nothing wrong. But I do hope you forgive yourself for being selfish.”
He leaned towards her hand and rubbed his face against them. Her assurance means everything to him.
Marinette regarded him, and added one last sentence to solidify her speech. “I would say I’m selfish too, I refused to let you go when you clearly needed some time and space to yourself.”
“You're not selfish, my lady” he immediately jumped to deny any allegations she made against herself. “Your presence really helped me.”
“Then apply these to yourself too, Chaton. You being selfish made me really happy,” she flashed a pleasant and tender smile to him. Her hand travelled into his hair again and played with them. “I finally got to know who the love of my life is. It's what I’ve wanted for 6 years. So your selfishness has made me really blissful. I think I would’ve been more offended if you weren’t selfish,” she giggled.
Adrien was about to melt into a puddle of goo if she continued throwing those looks at him. He took her hand and kissed her knuckles, hoping to convey his gratitude through his eyes and gesture. “I was heading towards a negative headspace, and I apologise for that. Thanks for pulling me back.”
She smiled, and he knew that it had. “I forgive you, and you're welcome. Treat yourself nicer, Adrien. It's okay to be selfish sometimes.”
Adrien lifted himself off of her and moved to rub his nose on hers admiringly before his lips landed on hers, pouring all of his love and adoration for her into that kiss.
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thewritewolf · 5 years
Inseparable Chapter 13: Hairstyles
Marinette helps her parents cater an Agreste show.
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Marinette glanced at her reflection in an empty platter to make sure her hair was staying in its bun, then tugged nervously at the hem of her outfit. It was the same thing she’d be wearing the last time she’d helped her parents with catering, at the opening of the Ladybug and Chat Noir animated movie. The designer in her rebelled at wearing it again, but as Ladybug she was more than familiar with lucky charms. The last time she wore it, she ended up seated in the front row next to Adrien. That was good enough for her.
Although, just to be sure, she had worn her lucky socks as well.
“Marinette? Are you listening?”
She turned back to her dad, who was watching her with worry. “Don’t worry, papa, I understand. I’ve done this before, remember?”
“Yes, you have…” He acknowledged begrudgingly and shared a look with her mother, “Once.”
“And everything worked out fine!” She smiled took the platter with a pyramid of macaroons off his unresisting hands. “Today is going to go perfectly, all these rich people will love your work, the Agrestes are going to be super impressed and ask us on a date-”
“Marinette…” Tom sighed and wringed his hands.
“Sorry,” she said with a faint blush. “But seriously, papa, you don’t have to worry. I’ve got this - trust me!” She smiled her brightest and watched as he gave in.
From behind the table, Sabine said, “Remember, if you can hand them all out without any… accidents, then there is a ticket to the show in it for you. Courtesy of Mr. Agreste himself.”
“I won’t let you down!” She turned away and walked into the high society crowd.
Adrien forced out a polite laugh at a bad joke before excusing himself from the group he’d found himself in. He took a sip of his drink, sadly non-alcoholic, as he moved toward an empty corner of the room. His father wouldn’t appreciate him being anti-social, but some moments to himself were going to be the only way he was going to get through the next hour of schmoozing. The worst part was he didn’t recognize anyone here and most of them were much older than him. Sure there were some people he vaguely remembered, but that wasn’t enough to have a conversation over.
The process of psyching himself up to plaster a smile on his face and go back into it was derailed when the crowd parted just right and he caught sight of a familiar face. There was nothing fake about the eager grin he wore as he chased after Marinette. A few people tried to snag his attention as he ducked between them, but after a few muttered excuses and apologies he dragged himself away. He stood in the spot where he had seen her and looked around, smiling fading as the moments passed without a sign of her. Just as he was about to resign himself to his secluded corner, he heard her laugh briefly over the din of the party.
Moving quickly, he laid eyes on her again. He had ample time to take in her appearance as he closed the distance. The black and white outfit was the same that she’d worn the day Animaestro attacked Paris, and it was exactly as adorable as he remembered it being. With a sly smirk, he crept up behind her and snagged a macaroon.
She spun in place with a grace he was unused to seeing from her. “I hope you enjoy, sir-”
In that exact moment, she realized who she was speaking to. In her surprise, she nearly dropped her platter, barely catching it before the few remaining treats slid off. They locked eyes as Adrien took a bite from the snack.
“Hey, boss. I wasn’t expecting you to be here.”
It was fascinating to him to see her expression so quickly change from panic to ease. There was still a touch of red to her cheeks, which was no doubt from hustling through the crowd, and a small smile found its way to her face.
“H-hey, Adrien. It’s a nice party your dad is throwing.”
His mouth twitched and his smile dimmed. “Yes. Too bad father couldn’t show up personally, but that’s usually how these things go. It’s almost part of his brand at this point.” He finished the macaroon. “How are you enjoying it?”
“Well… um.” She bit her lip and looked to the side while Adrien waited patiently. “I’m looking forward to the fashion show part!”
“You got tickets? That’s awesome! Hopefully we’ll be sitting next to each other again.”
Marinette seemed about to say something before glancing over his shoulder, frowning in worry. He followed her gaze to see her parents standing at a table with a few more platters of goods in front of them, a handful of people snagging some snacks as they passed.
“Looks like you guys might be taking some macaroons home with-” When he looked back at her, she had left. Did he say something wrong?
He’d just made up his mind to try to find her and ask - apologizing, if need be - when he heard something like evil laughter from the room next door. The crowd went quiet and a worried murmur passed through them. Reluctantly he shelved the idea of following Marinette. He could find her after the akuma fight.
The akuma was yelling about something. Maybe it had something to do with their motivation for being akumatized and why he was being chased by two pairs of giant fabric scissors, but there were far more pressing issues to deal with right now. Then again, Adrien wouldn’t exactly call it an ‘issue’...
“It’s so cute!” He cooed at Ladybug, eyes wide as he took every moment he could spare to stare at his partner. Instead of her usual pigtails, her hair was up in a bun, and he’d been unable to stop noticing this fact for the entire battle.
She pinched the bridge of her bridge of her nose, still twirling her yoyo with her other hand. “Chat! Focus. We need to beat this akuma.”
“Right, right.” He smacked a pair of scissors to the ground, hoping they’d stay there for a while. He flexed the claws on his ring hand. “Cataclysm time?”
“Save it for now. Let me try a lucky charm first. Keep them off me?” She took a few steps away from the fight while Adrien settled into a defensive stance.
“As you wish, m’lady.”
His back was turned to her as he doubled down on his efforts to hold back the akuma of the day, beating back the advance of a ream of fabric rearing back like a cobra at him. When he heard her call out for a lucky charm, he waited a few moments and yelled over his shoulder.
“Any ideas? What are we working with?”
“I… It didn’t work,” she said in a shocked whisper. He glanced over his shoulder to see her looking at her empty hands, dumbfounded.
“Wait, what? Why?”
Her lips became a thin line as she rushed up beside him. “I don’t know! We’ll have to figure that out later. Can you use yours?”
“Sure.” He took a step back, letting Ladybug take his place and called out for the power of destruction. When he finished his pose, he didn’t feel the substantial rush of energy he usually did. “Um… Ladybug? It didn’t work.”
“That’s just great. First my lucky charm and now your cataclysm-” Her eyes widened when her non-yoyo wielding hand began to thrum with a dark force. “Ch-chat?!”
His eyes widened as he stared slack jawed at the display. “How- That’s…” He slow clapped appreciatively. “Well done, m’lady!”
She was holding her hand as far away from her as possible. “No! Not well done! This feels terrifying! How do you deal with this?!”
He shrugged and batted aside another attack. “Well, I don’t usually don’t have it turned on for very long. It’s better just to not think about it.”
Narrowing her eyes at the energy that seemed to suck the light out of the surrounding air, she asked him, “Chat, can you say ‘lucky charm’ for me?”
“For you? Anything.” He struck the same pose she normally did and shouted out, “Lucky Charm!”
The rush of energy felt familiar - it ran through all the usual parts of his body before being channeled outside it. Granted, it normally pooled in his hand, but that was a minor difference compared to how… wrong the power felt rushing through him. Although ‘wrong’ wasn’t an entirely accurate description. It felt unfamiliar in the same way a half forgotten memory was unfamiliar - distant, but faintly recognitizable.
He didn’t have a chance to dwell on it as a black with lime green cat paw prints object landed in his hands. It took him a few moments of blinking stupidly at it to realize it was a comically large egg beater.
“Uh… Ladybug?”
Later that night, they agreed to meet up at Notre Dame. They had originally intended to meet at the Eiffel Tower, but Ladybug had asked to move it to the venerable cathedral since she wasn’t feeling well, for whatever reason. Adrien obliged, and he was glad he did as he shivered in silence. As bad it was right now, it would only be worse up in the open heights of the Tower. Had it been this cold all day? It certainly felt like the temperature dropped heavily, even if his baton claimed it had been the same as usual.
“Hey, kitty.” He turned around to see Ladybug ambling towards him, clutching her stomach with a pained look.
“My lady! Are you okay?” He rushed forward, only for her to wave him off.
“Fine. It’s not worse than what I deal with monthly, just… unexpected is all.” She seemed to notice his shivering. “Chaton… are you cold? Usually I’m the one cuddling up to you for warmth.” She stepped closer to him until she was practically bumping shoulders with him. He sighed in relief as her body heat fought back the chill.
As he rubbed her back gently, he murmured, “What a mess we are, lady love.”
“You aren’t wrong,” she said with a sigh. “Maybe this has something to do with channeling our opposite powers?”
He tapped his chin as he considered it. “I mean, I guess that makes sense for you? Creation channeling destruction sounds like it could make you sick. But why would that make me cold?” He shrugged. “I’m not much for this magic talk. We should bring it up when we talk to Fu next.”
“Yeah, but before we do that, I wanted to see if our powers are still swapped.” She stood straight and took a step back from Chat Noir, who immediately felt her loss. Or at least the loss of her heat. “Ready?”
At his nod, they both called out to their usual powers and Adrien breathed a sigh of relief as his cataclysm flared to life in his claws. He even felt a little warmer as he touched a pebble on the building, causing it to crumble into dust. When he looked back up, Ladybug was staring at a circular object she was holding in her hands.
“Huh, I’ve always been curious what would happen if you made a Lucky Charm outside of battle. What did it make?”
“Take a look,” she said while turning the disc over in her hands, showing him what looked like a stone ying yang symbol in red and lime green.
“That’s… something.” He scratched his head. “Think it means anything?”
“Probably. It’s not like the miraculous hasn’t sent me messages through the lucky charms before. I’m not entirely sure what it’s trying to tell me though. I already knew we balance each other out.”
“Maybe it’s trying to tell you we’re soulmates.” He waggled his eyebrows and leaned in, only to be pushed away by the nose.
“Or maybe not. Something else to think about, I guess. I’m just glad our powers are back in order.” She hefted the stone and tossed it in the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!”
They blinked in confusion as a single magical ladybug was summoned and gently drifted over to the tiny pebble Adrien had destroyed. Once the pebbled was restored, the tiny bug vanished. Adrien looked back to Ladybug and they shared a disbelieving stare before bursting into laughter.
It didn’t last long before Ladybug was clutching her stomach again and the wind made Adrien begin shivering again. With brief goodbyes said to the tune of beeping miraculous, they headed home.
Marinette dropped into her bedroom just as her transformation gave out. Another close call, or maybe Tikki was just that good at holding out. If that was the case, then Tikki definitely deserved the sleep she immediately got as she landed on the little makeshift bed Marinette had made her - something devised after one too many times of Marinette rolling over onto her.
She gently stroked Tikki’s head as she pushed her thoughts of the day to the back of her head - for now. There would be plenty of time later to figure things out. Maybe not tomorrow, since she had a study session with Adrien after school, but definitely soon.
Just as she got settled, she sneezed and sniffled, but she could already feel the nausea fading away. She’d be fine tomorrow, but only if she got a good night’s sleep tonight.
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hari-writes · 6 years
Three Sides to the Story - Chapter 13
Fandom: Miraculous Ladybug Pairings: Adrien/Marinette Marinette/Chat Noir Summary: It’s been almost three years since Adrien Agreste walked out of Marinette’s life. An accidental meeting at a party starts a course of events that will either drive them together or further apart. Meanwhile, Plagg and Tikki have had enough of their holders’ indecision and obliviousness.
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Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7| Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
5th April - before sunrise
Cat Noir ran.
He didn’t know what else to do. He needed to think.
He had returned home from Marinette’s and paced for what felt like hours before deciding that the best way to clear his head would be to get out of his house.
He transformed and vaulted out the window and ascended the first building he reached. Running on the rooftops up Rue de Rivoli, he barely took in his surroundings as he passed Le Louvre. He didn’t have a route in mind, he simply ran, bounding over the gaps in the hotels, shops and apartment buildings. The lights of the Champs Elysees were like a beacon and before he knew it, he was leaping the Place Charles de Gaulle to land lightly on the top of the Arc de Triomphe.
Leaning over, hands on knees, Cat Noir caught his breath. The cold night air stung his lungs, but he didn’t care. Looking south from his vantage point, he took in the beauty of the Eiffel Tower and remembered he and Ladybug’s first battle there, against Stoneheart. He recalled the pep talk he gave Ladybug after she saved Chloe’s life.
“... without you, she'd no longer be here. And because without us, they won't make it, and we'll prove that too .”
He asked her to trust him and she did, every day onwards.  When Hawkmoth’s face appeared in thousands of black butterflies, Cat was suddenly less sure of everything he had told his Lady, though. Then, watching her stand up to Hawkmoth and purify those akumas was a sight to behold. That was the moment he fell in love with Ladybug.
And then there was Marinette. She came into her life on the same day he fell for Ladybug, but until he accepted that he and LB would never be together without knowing each other’s identity, he’d never thought of her as any more than a great friend. Until he’d fallen for Marinette, he hadn’t considered that he might have a ‘type’, but both were incredibly similar. He was attracted to plucky, determined and creative women with midnight hair, bluebell eyes, and cute freckles.
While he was thinking about Marinette, how did she know about his pep talk with Ladybug? It was never on the Ladyblog, no TV cameras caught the moment. Unless Ladybug herself told her about it. He wanted to ask her about it that evening but knew that doing so would require more explanation than it would yield answers.
And then there were the nicknames. Only two people called him ‘Chaton’, ‘kitty’ and ‘minou’; Ladybug and Marinette. He knew they weren’t exactly a stretch, given his feline form, but it was still odd.
Could she..?
6th April
[23.00] Alya: Tomorrow. Lunch. Bears and Raccoons. 12pm. No excuses!!!
[23.01] Marinette: Cool. Got to leave by 2, that ok?
[23.01] Alya: Yeah, no problem.
[23.02] Marinette: À demain!
[23.00] Nino: Dude, I have news. Please tell me you’re free for lunch tomorrow?
[23.00] Adrien: Oh, the intrigue! Yeah, I should be free. I’m doing a charity fashion show for Gabriel in the evening, but don’t have to be there until 4pm.
[23.01] Nino: Haha! I like to keep you guessing ;)  Does 12 work for you?
[23.01] Adrien: Sounds good to me. Where?
[23.02] Nino: Do you know Bears and Raccoons? On Rue Richard Lenoir.
[23.02] Adrien: Love that place!
[23.03] Nino: Same here. I totally know what I’m having already.
[23.03] Adrien: Bro, you’re making me hungry!
[23.04] Nino: I make no apologies. See you tomorrow :)
[23.05] Adrien: À demain!
7th April
“Hey,” Adrien waved to Marinette as she entered the cafe. “Are you meeting Alya and Nino too?”
“Yes. I thought I was late, but if I’m not the last here, I count that as on time.” She grinned, pulling up a seat next to him.
“So, how have you been?” He asked awkwardly.
“Good, thanks. You?”
“Fine.” Oh God, why was this so difficult? He’d been hanging out with Marinette a couple of times a week recently so why was it so strange? “Um, I meant to thank you, actually.” “Really? What for?” She asked.
“For keeping quiet about my visit to your place. I don’t think Nino would ever let me forget it if he knew I turned up at yours, cried, threw up, then fell asleep in your bed.” He looked at her, “I can’t believe you slept on the floor.”
“Honestly, it’s fine. You repaid the favour when you carried me up to Alya’s apartment, I doubt they’d have got me up the stairs without you.” She said.
Silence fell between them and they smiled at each other. The self-consciousness he felt when she arrived had dissipated and they relaxed into each other’s company. When Nino and Alya arrived, ten minutes later, giggly and red-faced with wrinkled clothing, Adrien and Marinette shared a knowing look.
“You guys are about a subtle as a brick to the window, you know,” Marinette said.
“Now, now. Just because you’re not getting any, doesn’t mean you can hate on us.” Alya arched an eyebrow.
“Well, actually…” Marinette started to say. “No. You’re right, I can’t begrudge you getting yours. I know it’s been a while since anyone scratched my itch.”
Adrien swore she gave him a sideways glance at that. He knew the suit’s limitations were leaving him frustrated, but he had never considered that Marinette felt the same. He didn’t trust himself not to give away his identity if he de-transformed with her, no matter what safeguards he put in place. The times he and Ladybug had de-transformed in front of each other were risky enough, but to do it with a civilian? No, he wouldn’t.
“Anyway.” He said loudly, changing the subject, “shall we order so you guys can tell us why we’re here?”
“Good idea.” Nino agreed.
The two men went to the counter to order sandwiches for the table. Marinette insisted on pushing a €10 note into his hand, in spite of Adrien’s best attempts to treat her. Once they were all back at the table, they poured their drinks. Nino and Alya each had a beer, while Marinette and Adrien drank sparkling water.
“Ok, so the reason we asked you two here today,” Alya said, “is because Nino and I are getting married.”
Squealing commenced. Mostly from Marinette, but Adrien was secure enough in his own masculinity to admit that he also squee-ed. Next to him, Marinette was firing questions at the couple.
“When? Where? Are you having toasts somewhere? What are you thinking for the dress?” She asked. Adrien couldn’t help but watch the freckles on her nose as her face crinkled with excitement.
“Ok, calm down girl.” Alya laughed. “In a month from now, the Mairie here in 11eme arrondissement, yes, but we haven’t decided where yet - mum wants to cater the party so we’ll probably do it at our place if we can squeeze everyone in. And, I was going to ask you to take care of the dress, if you have the time?”
“I have so many ideas.” Marinette grabbed a notebook from her bag and started scribbling a couple of initial sketches. Adrien could think of a few designs she had shown him three nights ago that would suit Alya’s body shape. He made a mental note to point them out to Marinette next time he visited as Cat Noir.
“Congratulations, man.” He said to Nino as they fist-bumped. “I’m so happy for you.” And, he was. Sure, he fleetingly felt like the world was moving forward with their lives while he kept treading water, but he was genuinely chuffed for his friend.
“Thanks, bro. I was hoping you’d be my witness. What do you say?” Nino said.
“Of course!” Adrien beamed, “I’d be honoured.”
“And, obviously, I want you to be mine, Mari,” Alya added.
“Really?” She looked up from her notebook. “I’d love to. Thank you.” She looked overwhelmed, like she was trying not to cry with happiness. Adrien knew how she felt.
Their sandwiches arrived and the four tucked into lunch. Chattering happily about wedding plans and Adrien’s fashion show that night, time moved quickly until Marinette got up to leave. Glancing at the time, he decided he should go too. He was required at the runway rehearsals at 4pm and his father wouldn’t tolerate tardiness. He decided to order a couple of lattes to go while Marinette packed her notebook in her bag and hugged her friends goodbye.
They stepped out of the cafe together and Adrien handed Marinette one of the coffee cups. She took it gratefully, admitting that she’d pulled a few late nights to get a design finished. They reached the end of the street and the Gorilla was waiting in the limo.
Her face lit up when he asked, “can I give you a ride somewhere?”
“Um, well, I’m going as far as Rue de Lisbonne/Rue Rembrandt but just drop me wherever is convenient.” She said.
They were headed to practically the same location so Adrien settled into his seat.
“It’s great news, Nino and Alya, tying the knot.” He observed.
“Absolutely.” She agreed. “They’re a great team.”
“I know Alya’s going to have the greatest wedding dress ever.” She smiled at that. Emboldened, he continued. “I bet you’ve already got a hundred designs that would fit the bill as a wedding dress.”
“But only a month to pull it all together.” She frowned.
“If anyone can do it, it’s you, Mari.” He realised he had his hand on her shoulder and he removed it.
She opened her mouth to say something, then appeared to change her mind. She bit her lip and searched his face. Unsure what he’d said to prompt this study, he tried to keep his face impassive.
“I thought this would be more awkward.” She finally said. “You and I have barely spoken in over two years until recently so it should be weird. It’s not, though. It’s like chatting with an old friend.”
Conscience pricked at him and he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He had a unique perspective on these matters, but it wasn’t one he was willing to share.
Gorilla pulled up on the corner of Rembrandt and Lisbonne and Marinette thanked them both for the ride before getting out and walking smartly into the street and out of view.
Walking towards Rue de Courcelles, Marinette felt an unfamiliar weight in her bag. Snapping it open, she found two kwamis in an embrace.
“Guys. Your enduring love is adorable and all, but you’re going to break my purse at this rate.” She whispered. “Adrien’s going to be looking for you, Plagg.”
“So what?” He floated up and settled into the collar of her jacket. “You’re both going to the same place.”
“We were just discussing how successful your campaign to mess with Adrien is.” Tikki added and settled into the other side of her collar.
“Please. I’m feeling really bad about it all now.” She admitted.
“Not at all. You could go bigger if you like.” Plagg said. “You’ve got him squirming. He’s wondering how much he might have given away about his identity. Plus, he’s in a tizz over the whole thing about how you weren’t over him until Cat Noir kissed you. He thinks he cock-blocked himself.”
“Plagg!” Tikki admonished. Marinette just laughed.
“I just, I still don’t understand why he was so upset about my friendship with Cat Noir when he knew all along that it was totally innocent.” She mused. It was the thing that was bothering her the most.
Plagg sighed. “Adrien’s life is strictly controlled, his father dictates every element of his schedule, even now. He had to behave a certain way in public because he’s the face of Gabriel Fashion.” “I know this, Plagg.”
“I know, but you don’t know what happened when he became Cat Noir.” Plagg continued. “He tasted freedom for the first time and he could be whoever he wanted to be. He let himself be the goofy, emotional, funny, unselfish, cocksure and heroic guy that was always there, under the surface. For him, Adrien and Cat Noir were opposite ends of the scale. He is both, but he struggles with that. If he had the choice, I honestly think he’d be Cat Noir forever and leave Adrien behind.”
A tear ran down Marinette’s cheek as the reality of Adrien’s situation hit home.
“He thought you liked Cat Noir more than you liked Adrien because that’s how he feels,” Plagg said.
“Thank you for explaining that to me, Adrien’s lucky to have you in his life,” Marinette told the black cat kwami.
“I know,” He purred, “Will you tell him that for me? I don’t think he realises how great I am.”
They reached the hotel where the fashion show was being held. It had a beautiful art deco ballroom that was being artfully lit when she’d popped in earlier that morning to show Gabriel her dress. They were starting to construct the temporary catwalk when she left for lunch so that should be ready to go by now.
Flashing her ID at the staff entrance, she wandered through the labyrinthine corridors of the hotel until she reached the staging area. Gabriel noticed her arrive and waved her over.
“Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, your dress is exquisite.” He told her. “Modern, elegant and unique. It’s more than I asked for.”
She blushed at the compliment. “Thank you, M. Agreste. I worked hard on it.” “There aren’t many young designers who can design and create and piece like this in such a short timeframe. You will be an asset to the fashion house that snaps you up.” He looked across the room and saw that the models were milling into the ballroom. “Ah, time to get started.”
Marinette grabbed her notebook from her bag and opened it at a fresh page. She stayed a few paces behind Gabriel, trying to blend into the background. He stood tall, hands behind his back and waited until the assembled models fell silent. She was in awe of the respect he commanded. She knew he had a reputation of being a difficult man to get along with, and she knew, now more than ever, how oppressive Adrien found his home life, but Gabriel had revealed a more caring side to her and she felt compelled to prove herself worthy of it.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Gabriel spoke. “May I take this opportunity to thank you all for giving your time to such a worthy cause. This may be a charity event, but we owe it to the audience to make sure it is a slickly run, professional show. I ask each of you to pay attention to Nathalie as she explains the running order, then get acquainted with the dresser you have been assigned. We will have a run through at 5pm sharp, but you will not wear the outfits until the show proper at 9pm. Please ensure you avail yourself to your dresser for fitting, if your pieces require alteration I’d prefer that was dealt with sooner rather than later. Nathalie? If you will.”
At that, he turned on his heel and walked back to the backstage area. Marinette followed. A smattering of applause followed them as they went. She saw a group of familiar faces huddled in the corner of the room.
“Ah, your team is here, Miss Marinette.” Gabriel gestured towards the group. “Students from ESMOD, here to lend a hand with alterations and dressing.”
He handed her a list of names. Model’s names in one column matched to a student in another. She looked at a row of mirrored tables lining the back of the area, each chair had a name taped to it. Plan in place, she approached her peers and cleared her throat to get their attention.
“Everyone? Thank you for so generously agreeing to volunteer your time tonight. I promise it will be a valuable experience. Getting behind the scenes at a fashion show is what we live for, right?” This was met by chuckles from most of the team. “I have here a list of the models each of you will be required to dress. Please take a moment to locate their makeup chair here,” she waved towards the bank of lights and mirrors, “and their outfits here.” She pointed to racks of clothing on the opposite wall.
Earnest nodding and note-taking answered her. She smiled at the awed eagerness of her classmates, it was an emotion she recognised in herself every time she was backstage at the Palais de Garnier.
“Let’s keep access to the catwalk free, ok? Only use that area for quick changes. I suggest you watch the rehearsal at 5pm and take notes. You need to know when your model is due to walk and what they should be wearing. In the meantime, your model should come and find you for final fittings. If you have items that need to be altered, let me know and we can share the workload. Yes?” She said.
“Yes!” The group echoed back at her. She lifted the list and started reading. As each student heard their own name and their model counterpart, she was pleased to see them split from the group to find their assigned makeup chair and selection of outfits.
“Lucinda?” She called, “you will be dressing Claudine. Marc? You will be dressing Paul. Agnès, you have Zoe. Adam, you’re dressing Axel. Leo’s with Hugo. Léonie, you’ve got Mimi. Honoré, you have Chantelle. Estée has Fay… and I will be dressing Anaïs… and Adrien.”
She finished as the models were ushered into the staging area. They were hesitant, not sure how things were going to work so Marinette grabbed a chair and readied herself to climb on it. Adam and Agnès, two of her best friends at ESMOD, took her hands and helped her ascend the chair gracefully.
“Hi, everyone? My name is Marinette, I’m coordinating the backstage effort tonight. Please, go to your allocated makeup chair and your dresser will come and introduce themselves to you. I’m sure you understand that time is of the essence when it comes to alterations so do assist your dresser by making that a priority. I ask that you try on your pieces before the rehearsal so that we can ensure that everything looks awesome on you for the final show. Thanks.” She looked at her friends and smiled.
Agnès grinned back at her and placed her hands on Marinette’s hips. She supported herself on Agnès’s shoulders as the blonde lifted her off her makeshift stage.
“Thanks for arranging this, Mar,” her friend said. “It’s the most amazing experience. We’re all stoked.”
“You know me, I like to share the love when I can.” Marinette joked.
Agnès’s eyebrows quirked.
Adrien wasn’t sure who he was maddest at, his father for not telling him that Marinette would be at the fashion show (running things backstage, no less), Marinette for not thinking to mention it on the limo ride across town, or the tall blonde girl whose arms Marinette was currently laughing in.
She said tall blondes were her ‘type’ and this girl fit the bill. “Jealousy’s a bitch”, he’d said the other night and yet, here he was, envious of the girl who was holding Marinette in her arms. He watched her doodle something in her notepad before ripping out the page and folding it up. Marinette slipped the paper in her friend’s jeans back pocket and slapped her ass as she walked away. The girl took the note out, unfolded it and laughed, then carefully refolded it and placed it back in her pocket. Whatever had passed between them, they were obviously close and once more, Adrien was reminded of how much he was no longer a part of her life.
He found his makeup chair, wondering which fashion student would be his dresser. It looked like males were dressing males and vice versa, but a quick count suggested they were one short. Perhaps he’d be with the classmate Marinette dated. He tried to work out which of the two blonde males in the group was Adam.
Snap out of it, Adrien. Be professional. He scolded himself. He knew Plagg would have some choice words if he knew about his jealousy. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen his kwami for a while…
“Hi, I’m Marinette, I’ll be dressing you tonight.” He watched as she introduced herself to Anaïs, the stunning redhead seated next to him. “If you’re ready, I’d like to check that your outfits all fit. Would you like to come with me?”
She was incredibly competent at this job, even though he was sure his father had thrown her in at the deep end. Gabriel adopted a ‘sink or swim’ approach to mentoring and liked to observe how his trainees coped in difficult situations.
A hand on his knee got his attention. “Earth to Adrien,” Marinette smiled, “I’m dressing you as well so as soon as I’ve sorted out Anaïs, I’ll be back for you, ok?”
As soon as her back was turned, he fist-pumped the air in celebration. It was an inopportune time for his father to look his way.
Gabriel’s mouth curled into a knowing smile. It was deeply disconcerting.
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