#Volleyball Love
birshanart04 · 11 months
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The "Volleyball Classic T-Shirt" features a sleek and modern design that will make you stand out both on and off the court. It's a fashion statement that captures the essence of volleyball.
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thegreatpeanut · 7 months
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senpai 🌸
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dairyocchi · 2 months
i desperately need knb (kuroko’s basketball) to get a popularity resurgence 😕 like where are all the haikyuu and other sports anime girlies at you’ll love knb trust
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frobby · 2 months
list of haikyuu character with actual real world jobs
-oikawa (accepted player for san juan Argentina )
-hinata (accepted player for sesi san paulo + japanese tourism ambassador for sendai japan)
-kageyama (japanese tourism ambassador for sendai japan)
-kuroo (appointed as special chief of japan's volleyball association's PR department)
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berrysquared · 5 months
Cyborg Scar? Pretty please? 👉👈
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Anything for you Stiff
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shiraishi-mai · 1 year
“Where is he?” You asked softly. Your eyes roamed across the volleyball members occupying the hallway before looking back at the boy beside you. 
Osamu looked at you with a grim look and stuck his thumb behind him. “Sitting in the locker room. There shouldn’t be anybody else in there right now.” 
You nodded. “Thanks ‘Samu.” 
He dipped his chin in response before continuing to pack his duffle bag. There was a somber tone amongst the team as they began to slowly make their way out of the building. 
You headed to the locker room, slightly dragging your feet along the way. Once you were faced with the pale grey door, you found yourself hesitating to open it and laid your hand flat on its surface. Sighing, you turned around and leaned your back against it. What were you doing here? 
“Sooo what’s going on there?” Your friend had asked a few weeks ago while grinning like a Cheshire cat. You both had just watched a yellow-haired boy cheerfully wave at you through the classroom window before heading to his own class. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” you opted to stare straight ahead at the board.
“Oh c’mon. You and Miya have been acting all buddy-buddy recently.”
“Yep because we’re buddies.” You began to doodle on the corner of your notebook. 
Your friend snorted.  “When did that happen?”
You couldn’t help but smile softly at the memory of meeting Atsumu for the first time. Your friend was right - Atsumu and you used to have an awful relationship. 
You had started Inarizaki a bit later than everyone else. Your family had decided to move into the area after your father had a job transfer, and so you found yourself the awkward new student a few months after the school year had begun. Volleyball tryouts had already passed, but the coach had seen you play at your previous middle school and graciously accepted you after giving you a chance to play a practice game with the rest of the team. The girls were amazing and you found yourself right at home with them - something you were thankful for since you weren’t looking forward to making friends from scratch. 
You knew the boy’s volleyball team at Inarizaki was excellent, therefore when the captain needed someone to accompany her to run an errand to the other gym, you eagerly volunteered. You hadn’t had a chance to see them in action and were dying to get a peek at their practice to see just how good they were. 
An orange court identical to the one the girls practised in greeted your eyes as you both stepped in the building and your captain turned to you upon entering the gym. 
“Just wait here while I go talk to their coach!”
You nodded and curiously began to watch the practice. The familiar sounds of sneakers squeaking and balls hitting the floor put you at ease and a starstruck expression crossed your face as you saw a tall, darker-skinned boy spike.
Another boy with a leaner figure and slanted eyes spiked with a weird twist to his form and your eyes widened. That was unusual. Impressive.
I KNOW someone is NOT trying to get my attention by saying ‘Oi’. Who is this uncouth- 
You turned to see a boy with yellow hair and an unamused expression on his face. 
“Yes?” you said sweetly.
“Cheerleading tryouts aren’t in this gym,” he said shortly. 
The fuck? 
Okay, technically you and your captain were wearing ponytail holders with ribbons in Inarizaki colours and you both hadn’t changed out of your regular PE tracksuit, so you could maybe see where he might have gotten that. 
“Excuse me?”
“This is a volleyball court.” He spoke in a tone that implied that you were a bit slow.  
No shit Sherlock. “I’m not looking for tryouts.” 
He groaned in exasperation and put his hands on his hips. “Well if you’re looking to watch our practice, we can’t have an audience today. We’re going over some serious stuff and don’t need any distractions.” He turned and left you with your hand half raised and mouth open before you could respond.
“These pigs just think they can crash practice when they don’t even care about volleyball…” 
Who the fuck does he think he is?? This little- 
Okay, you know what, breathe y/n. Don’t do anything rash. Remember what your therapist said.
You felt a faint tap on your foot and looked down to see a stray volleyball had rolled over to you. 
I really shouldn’t. You thought, picking up the ball and ran a finger along the curves and dips. 
This is a bad idea. You tossed the ball in the air. 
Well, when life gives you lemons. You hopped and felt a satisfying smack as you hit the ball towards the back wall. 
Now, the intention was to hit the area beside the offensive boy and give him a little scare, however you forgot that your hits tended to curve a bit (a problem you were trying to fix).
So you watched, horrified, as the ball flew straight towards the boy.
It was almost like the trajectory itself was in slow motion but sped up as it impacted and there was a dull thud sound as it hit his back.
He turned around, eyes flashing and mouth curled angrily. 
“Oh god I’m so sorry.” 
Is what you meant to say. But you had your pride and also had kind of already committed to going down this path. 
“L/n y/n,” you said, matching his glare. “[insert favourite vball position here]. Nice to meet you.” 
The noises from the gym all halted and the air was still as the other members of the team stared at the scene. 
The boy with the slanted yellow eyes and middle parted hair snorted which prompted the boy beside him to begin laughing as well. You were stunned to see the same face except framed with grey hair. 
There’s another one??
There was a sudden ‘eep’ noise and you felt someone rush over beside you. “Oh my goodness I’m so sorry.”
Your captain grabbed the back of your head and wrenched your head down into a bow. “We’re so sorry. RIGHT?”
You yelped when you paused and she sharply tugged on one ear.
“Yes, my apologies.” You muttered. 
The girl dragged you out of the gym berating you but sighed and ran a hand down her face as you recounted what had happened.
“Honestly I guess I can’t blame you too much. That was Miya Atsumu.”
“Oooh he’s one of the Miya twins.” They were first-years like you but already quite famous around the school.
She nodded. “Osamu is fairly nice but Atsumu is known for being…difficult.” 
You snorted. “Seems like it.”
“He’s a damn good setter though,” she continued.
“Still,” you frowned. “This sport is about teamwork. You can’t be too difficult or else the team can’t function.” 
“Agreed,” she said before narrowing her eyes and looking at you from the side. “Though I’ll make you eat your words if that temper of yours makes an appearance on our team.” 
You shuddered before walking quickly ahead of her back to the girls’ gym. 
After that, your interactions with Atsumu Miya didn’t get much better. 
It didn’t help that he was in the class next door to yours. Everytime you met in the halls (which happened a good amount of times during the week) snide remarks were exchanged. 
“Oh look, it's the school’s kpop star,” you said drily when you exited the classroom for lunch and found yourself, yet again, in front of him. “Raaah raah.” 
“What the hell are you doing?”
“Don’t you expect to hear crowd noises everywhere you go? You’re always strutting around like you’re the shit and eating up the attention people give you. Well until they start messing with your serves,” you smirked. “It’s too bad you aren’t good enough to not be so easily distracted.” 
He looked at his twin beside him. “I told you, squealing pigs.” 
“At least I don’t go around grunting like a giant ape.”
The lanky boy whose name you learned was Suna tried to hide a snicker behind his hand.
“Well I almost didn't give someone a CONCUSSION.”
“Oh please,” you turned away from him and waved your hand in a shooing motion. “Your head is too thick to get a concussion.” 
“Tch more like your spike is too weak for it.”
“What did you say??” You whipped back around only for a teammate of yours to magically materialise and drag you away by the collar. News of your ostensible assault to Atsumu had spread amongst both teams and your incredible dislike for him was well-known by now. 
“I fucking dare you to show up to practice Miya and see for yourself it that’s true!”
“Hai hai that’s enough,” your teammate said tiredly and you crossed your arms, fuming, as you saw him sniggering before turning the corner. 
The students in your hallway quickly became accustomed to your face-offs, opting to give you two a wide berth whenever they occurred. Suna often stopped by to film and told you he was going to make a compilation of the best 10 fights at the end of the year. 
“He’s not that bad you know,” Osamu said, sipping on his drink. Your eyes rolled up to him from where you were lying down on the bench beside him. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it.” 
“He’s…passionate. With a one-track mind. I think it’s good you’re so direct to him. It’s the only way that really gets through to his stupid brain anyway.”
You laughed. “How are you guys so different?” Osamu was in your class and at first you had been wary of him - he did share Atsumu’s genes after all - but were relieved to find out he was actually super chill. 
“I didn’t wanna end up like him.” He said simply and you chuckled again before frowning. 
“It’s a shame…he plays beautifully though,” you said under your breath.
You didn’t notice Osamu side-eye you quickly with an eyebrow raised.
Inarizaki had one of their games recently and you were honestly a bit curious to see how the evil Miya played and also so you could see if he made any mistake for your own satisfaction. However, you had to admit that Atsumu was talented. He was reckless and got ahead of himself but his sets were perfect. Most of the time at least. They were the type that you knew spikers were itching to hit and you wondered what it’d be like to play with someone like him.
Definitely a shame. 
Of all things, the school’s annual fall event was the reason your relationship with Atsumu improved. 
Your friend’s class was putting on a production and she asked you to help paint some of the set pieces as a few people had canceled on her last minute. 
“y/nnnnn pleasseee” your friend whined. 
“I spend 90% of my life at school and the one free Saturday I have YOU WANT ME TO BE AT SCHOOL?” She grinned, enthusiastically nodding.
“You got some nerve-”
“It’s not my fault my classmates are lazy…I always get stuck doing busy work” she interrupted, shooting you her best puppy eyes. You bit your tongue as you wanted to retort that it was her fault for being the class’s student rep. 
You sighed. “Okay fine.” 
She squealed and clapped her hands. “Perfect, meet me at 1pm.”
A pit had formed in your stomach that you couldn’t explain as you opened the door to the auditorium. When your friend spotted you, she brightened and grabbed you by the arm, dragging you behind the stage. Large set pieces that outlined what you think was a castle and some trees were set-up but you barely noticed as your eyes found an offensive figure. 
Miya Atsumu turned his head to the side, flashing you his signature smile and opened his mouth. 
“Nope,” you said and turned on your heel and headed back towards the front. Your friend quickly ran and stood in front of you.
“What is Miya doing here??” 
“Apparently he and Osamu crashed into the principal while they were racing to the cafeteria and knocked him down so he’s forcing him to help out as punishment.
“Why is he the only one in there? Where’s Osamu??”
“Technically Atsumu is the one who knocked the teacher over. Osamu managed to skirt away in time so he wasn’t seen.” 
You groaned. “I can’t do this. Honestly, we might end up ruining your scenery fighting or something.”
She glared at you. “You wouldn’t dare.” 
You winced as she stared at you for a moment with a pensive expression on her face.
“Maybe you should hang out with him. Both of you play volleyball…just talk about that.” 
“I don’t want to talk to him period.”
She snorted and said, “Just be open-minded. And don’t kill each other. Or destroy my set pieces.” She quickly added at the end.
“No promises.” 
You walked back and went straight to the paint rollers, blatantly ignoring the heavy gaze trained on you. Picking it up, you went to the end of the half-painted castle furthest away from him and began to roll. 
Atsumu raised an eyebrow. “That side is done.” 
You didn’t say anything and scooted a little to where it was unpainted.
“I don’t bite.”
“It wouldn’t surprise me if you did.” 
“Shouldn’t I be more afraid of you?”
You glared at him and instead began to talk to one of the other people painting beside you. There were only three others and they had been fairly quiet at the hostile energy radiating between you two. 
However, Atsumu remained eerily quiet as he worked on his set piece and as you focused on yours, you found that time passed fairly quickly. You were finishing up and went to get another paint bucket when you blanched upon seeing Atsumu’s work. 
“Oh my god please don’t tell me this is all you’ve accomplished.” 
“This is harder than it looks!” He said defensively and you bit back a laugh. When he had whipped around to retort, he revealed that he had paint smudged on one of his cheeks as well as a bit of splatter on his shirt. 
“It’s straight lines Miya. I know you act like an ape but I didn’t expect you to have a monkey brain too.” 
He opened his mouth with an indignant face but stopped when you stood beside him. 
“The lines go this way - see then it looks like bricks.” You brushed lightly on the cardboard. 
Atsumu looked at you, eyes wandering around your facial features. He’d never seen you up this close before and without a scrunched up expression on it. Your elbows were almost touching and he frowned. 
“She’s pretty ya know.” Osamu grinned as if he knew a secret. It pissed Atsumu to see that expression on his face.
“So what? She’s mean and bitchy.”
“Oh c’mon. It’s partly your fault she acts that way too. She can be sweet sometimes.” 
“L/n. Sweet. Right.” 
“What, you don’t want my help?” You felt your hackles raise at his frown. 
He shook his head. Your eyes were lit with a bright fire - not necessarily one that was hostile but rather with a lively quality in them - and the stage lights cast shadows across the planes of your face in a way that made you look both glowing and vibrant. 
His eyes widened slightly and he shook his head a bit to get out of his daze. He must be crazy. The fumes from the paint had probably made him a bit high and out of his mind. Right?
After that, your relationship with Atsumu seemed to improve. Your face-offs slowly became more light-hearted and you both began to chat about volleyball, schoolwork, how Osamu and Suna bully him and on and on. He was surprisingly funny and by that, he was easy to tease and rile up. The two of you still fought but it was more so bickering over whether horror movies were better than action movies rather than actual malice. 
He’d come to watch a few of your practices and even began going to games if he’d finish his first. You’d find him, arms leaning against the railings of the second-floor seats and a shit-eating grin gracing his lips. You groaned internally when you saw the flash of blonde in the corner of your eye but refused to take your eyes off the service. 
There was a yell from the stands. “In!”
You froze momentarily watching the ball hit just outside the line.
“Out!” The referee called. 
You whipped your head to the offensive boy and mouthed an aggressive “GET OUT.” 
All you got in response were mini finger hearts.
Mentally facepalming, you turned your attention back to the game and grumbled about him being lucky that this was just a practice match. You’d definitely get back at him on the walk home later.
Yes, indeed, Atsumu had begun to walk you home. He’d wave Osamu off and claim that he needed to walk off his post-practice high and it was getting darker quickly now anyway and he couldn’t make fun of you if you died on the way home. Most of the time, you guys continued the bickering from the day and joked about stupid things, and sometimes, when practice ran late deep into the night, the two of you would just walk side-by-side in comfortable silence. 
And honestly, being friends with Atsumu Miya was nice. 
Unfortunately, your heart betrayed you and you could pinpoint the moment it did. 
You were watching the boys play a match and Osamu had gone in for a spike only to change it into a set straight to Aran. Atsumu looked stunned momentarily before he let out a boisterous laugh. The sound was just like a child’s - a refreshing sound full of joy and pure amusement - and you could practically feel his adrenaline amp up another notch. 
Aran scored the point (ofc) and the team gave each other excited high fives before the buzzer rang, signalling the other team calling a time out. You watched him chatter away upon reaching the sidelines and Aran gave him a slap on the back in annoyance while Suna shook his head. You chuckled at their antics but your smile slowly faded as your eyes found the blonde setter again. 
The slight chill from the stadium’s A/C, 
the feel of your hand gripping the end of a yellow cone,
the excited chatter of your classmates beside you, 
the itch at the end of your fingertips to hold that blue and yellow sphere.
You felt your heart beat painfully when you heard Atsumu’s laugh again. 
If you learned anything about Atsumu, it was that he was passionate and wore emotions on his sleeve. Life was simple for him - he said what he was thinking and unashamedly acted the way he felt. When he was elated, his joy was infectious and his face would shine excitedly about some new cool thing he pulled off. He was blunt, but honest and you felt a sense of trust in him because of it. 
And he had his kind moments. 
Once, he found you sitting on the lowest bleacher in an empty gym after a match when your team had lost a crucial game to qualify for the quarterfinals. 
Your eyes blankly stared at the ground as you absentmindedly spun a volleyball in your hands. 
“You guys put up a good fight.”
You snorted in response. “I could’ve done more.” 
“The team worked hard - you worked hard all year. Just get better and kick ass in the fall.” 
“Yeah I tried my best and all it got me was there. I made so many mistakes.” You shook your head. “I should have hustled after more balls…I missed the timing on a few blocks…geez,” you inhaled sharply and leaned back on your hands. “I feel so incompetent. What have I been doing this entire time?” 
“Hey I didn’t stay after all those sessions just for you to complain they didn’t help.” 
You wrinkled your forehead. “Sorry, that’s fair.” Looking up, you gazed into his warm brown eyes, you smiled softly. “Thank you for helping me.” 
He stared at you hard for a moment before turning his head away. “This just means I’m forcing you to train harder next year.” 
You groaned. “For fucks sake.” 
“But really,” he continued. “You aren’t incompetent. You’re like - you’re good.” He said a bit lamely before hesitantly continuing. “You’re good at volleyball, get good grades and get along with people easily. You’re better than most of these scrubs by far.” 
“And I’m pretty.” You swept your hair over your shoulder jokingly. 
There was a pause. “And you’re pretty.” 
“Not to gas you up or anything,” he quickly added. 
You giggled, ignoring the sudden increased palpitation in your chest before responding, “Aw since when is Atsumu Miya a sweetie.”
“Shut up, I take it back.” He stood up and plucked the ball from your hands. “C’mon you need to practice serving.” 
You narrowed your eyes. “My shoulder hurts.”
“Yeah and your serves sucked so let’s go.” 
You were pulled back into the game when the crowd surrounding you stood up, roaring in delight after Suna whipped a point in. Atsumu punched the air, roaring with them and you felt your chest squeeze painfully.
Oh god. 
Just as you came to terms with how you felt, things soured with the blonde Miya. 
Atsumu was passionate and wore his heart on his sleeve. This meant that when he was upset, he was upset. Essentially he turned into a stubborn child. 
You were hesitating to open the door because you hadn’t talked to Atsumu in weeks. You were just as stubborn as him and maintained it wasn’t your fault. Both your heads would turn the other way and there was no more bickering - just an icy silence. 
And it all started with a stupid bet.
Atsumu had been teasing you for weeks about how someone seemed to daydream more during class recently and it seemed to result in him somehow getting a higher grade than you on a quiz. In response, you shot back that you’d beat him at midterms.
“Okay bet,” he said easily. 
“And if I win,” he crossed his arms and tilted his head with a smirk. “You have to wear the Inarizaki cheerleader uniform AND yell ‘GO ATSUMU’ during our game.”
You looked at him unamused. “I thought you didn’t like people distracting you.”
“During my serves. Do NOT do it during my serve,” his face darkened. 
“Okay okay moody. But if I win,” an evil look crossed your face. “You have to do the same thing.”
Suna’s eyes widened. “I would literally pay money to see that.” 
Atsumu’s eyebrows raised. “You want me to yell ‘GO ATSUMU’?”
You blinked at him in response. “This will be so easy.”
“The pom poms would look so small,” mumbled Suna quietly as Atsumu yelped indignantly.
Your eyelids pressed shut.
I’m so done with the boy’s volleyball team at this school.” 
However, what you didn’t know was that Atsumu, though lacking in other areas, was fairly good at math when he tried. This, and the lack of sleep you claimed to have, resulted in him scoring a lousy 2 points above you. 
Hence you stood in a uniform, pom–poms in hand and a bow in your hair at the game that would qualify Inarizaki for the fall tournament. 
“Suna, please tell me you got this on camera.”
The tall boy waved his phone up. “Oh yeah, with many different angles of her scrunched up angry face. You know-,” He leaned down, hands placed in his pockets, to your eye level. “You’d be prettier if you smiled.” 
Your eyes narrowed into slits. “Suna Rintaro you did not just say that. It’s so offensive and plays into traditional gender roles and on behalf of all girls I should-”
“Ap-buh-uh,” his slanted eyes turned upward into crescent moons as he straightened with an easy smile. “Just a joke, princess. You genuinely look good.” 
You huffed in annoyance. “I look good in anything.”
You waited for a comment from the annoying setter beside Suna but just found him blinking at you. 
“What are you doing?”
“Enjoying the moment,” he said with an oh so innocent smile. 
“Hey I’m not the one who stinks at math.” He threw his hands up in defence. 
“TWO POINTS MIYA,” you moved to smack the back of his head and he dodged easily before speed walking down the hall.
“Oh what’s that I think we have to go warm-up,” he exclaimed loudly before smirking. “Don’t forget to cheer me on.”
“UGH.” You sighed in defeat.
“So when are you confessing your undying love for him?”
You squawked at Suna in protest. “I do not - I- it’s Atsumu - he -”
“I got it, breathe y/n,” he ruffled your hair and gave you a peace sign in farewell before walking off after Atsumu.
“Cheer for your guy loudly Ms. Cheerleader.” 
You huffed and you felt a hand slip into yours. Your head spun before you relaxed, recognising one of the regular cheerleaders behind you. She had been kind enough to lend you her spare uniform and teach you some of the cheers. 
“Y/n we have to get to our seats!” 
“Yay,” you said. Your voice fell flat despite trying to sound enthusiastic. 
She laughed and began to tug you into the gym. “Aw c’mon, you look gorgeous. Your boyfriend must be pumped to have you cheer for him!”
“He isn’t my boyfriend.”
“Hmm sure,” she said and made a knowing face at you. 
“He isn’t!” 
“Oh look, they're warming up. Let’s go to our seats before they start.”
And so you let yourself chant along with the girls beside you, throwing up your pom poms a little late but trying your best nonetheless. Atsumu was on fire as usual, syncing perfectly with Suna and Aran. Osamu made a few service errors, but you knew that he had been a bit ill the past few days. Some of your friends from the volleyball team even joined you and all of you screamed your support from the stands.
Finally the match came to an end and naturally Inarizaki won. You were so proud of the team and as they went around to high-five the other team your friend turned to you. 
“y/n, we’re going to the mall to hang out after. Wanna join us?” 
You nodded absent-mindedly, your gaze fixed upon the team below. “I think I can join you later. I want to say hi to the boys before I go.” 
She giggled. “Of course, gotta see Atsumu before you go.”
“Hey! I want to see Osamu and Suna too!” 
She simply laughed. “You’re practically bouncing in your seat. Hurry up and go say bye, we can wait for you outside.”
You nodded in response and took off towards the locker room. Normally, the guys would have a brief talk before changing and Atsumu would be standing outside, a smile on his face and with a slight wave of his hand. You’d thought about changing first to spare yourself from his teasing but honestly, you secretly thought you looked kinda cute in the uniform and wanted him to see you in it again. 
A sudden hand clamped around your wrist before you could make it down the corridor and you turned your head in confusion, locking eyes with a stranger. You recognised him as one of the players on the opposing team.
“What the hell are you doing?” You nearly squawked. 
“I couldn’t help but notice you in the stands today and was wondering why our side didn’t have any supporters as gorgeous as you,” he said with a wink.
“Thanks for the compliment but please don’t touch me.” 
“I saw you with the team before the game too. You’re a popular girl~” 
“So what?” Trying to calm your rising panic and you attempted to rip your arm away from him but his grip was too strong. 
“What’s wrong? You seem to be already whoring yourself out to them so what’s the problem with one more.”
“Fuck you,” you spit and thrashed against him. You reached your other hand up to slap his face but found yourself pinned against the lockers.
Your eyes widened as he leaned his face toward you with a fake smile plastered on your face. The feeling of being so helpless made your blood run cold and you froze, unable to understand what was actually going on. You closed your eyes, bracing yourself to headbutt him when you heard a loud crack. Your eyes snapped open and you saw the boy holding his cheek and a fuming Atsumu was standing in front of him. You felt a pair of gentle arms slowly pull you away from the two and you looked up to see Suna had wrapped his arms lightly around you, his gaze flatly looking at the other boy.
“Are you okay?” he murmured. 
You nodded faintly but you were focused on Atsumu’s face. His face - you had never seen any expression even close to that. Fury was radiating from him as he roughly shoved the boy against the locker and raised his arm again.
You wrenched yourself free from Suna’s grip and ran to stand by Atsumu.
“That’s enough Atsumu!” You gripped the arm that he had balled into a fist. “I’m okay.”
“Miya look at me!” you said when he didn’t reply. “Please!”
He finally dragged his eyes away from the boy and you shivered as he focused his glare on you.
“It’s fine,” you repeated softly and he thankfully put his arm down.
“He isn’t worth you getting kicked off the team,” you continued firmly and Atsumu finally let go of the boy whose face had gone white as Osamu showed up. The trio stood angrily in front of him and you realised in that moment they were quite intimidatingly big. 
“Don’t show your face in front of us again or I’ll beat the shit out of you,” Atsumu spit.
“C’mon Atsumu,” Osamu pushed his twin away and roughly pushed him in the direction opposite of the player. 
“Don’t touch me,” he said growling. 
“Atsumu,” you began cautiously as you trailed after him outside the exit doors. “Atsumu is your hand okay?” 
“Just what the fuck were you doing?” 
“Excuse me?” 
“Why were you just standing there? Why the hell were you not fighting back?”
“I was fighting back!” you said, eyes flashing in anger. “I just froze up for a second! Heaven forbid I was fucking scared.” 
He shook his head as if your words were bouncing off of him. “How stupid are you? You’re always doing this - not taking care of yourself and acting all airheaded and zoning out. It’s a goddamn chore to watch out for you!”
“Nobody asked you to watch out for me,” your voice increased to match his. 
“Maybe if you stopped daydreaming like an idiot you’d start playing like an actual decent player instead of just sleeping on the court. Hell maybe your team would be able to stop being shit enough to fucking qualify for nationals for once.” 
“Dude that’s enough,” Osamu looked at him incredulously. 
You took a step back. Atsumu knew better than anyone else how hard on yourself you are, especially about volleyball. You had been overstressed recently as your grades were suffering because you kept staying so late to keep practising and you felt like you were drowning trying to balance everything. 
Your arms came up to wrap themselves around you protectively. 
The anger drained out of his face almost comically fast. “Y/n,” he said, a hint of fear on his face. 
You started to back away and shrugged nonchalantly. 
“No no, you know what you’re right,” you hated how your voice came out shakily. “It’s my fault that someone harassed ME, it’s MY fault our team keeps losing, and it’s MY damn fault that I’m not strong enough to have it together all the time.” 
“Y/n that’s not what I mea-.”
“No, that's exactly what you were saying,” you said, cutting him off. “Fuck you Atsumu.” Tears pricked at your eyes and you blinked them away, refusing to let him see you cry. 
“Y/n? Is everything okay?” 
The group of you all shifted to see your friends cautiously looking at you. “We heard yelling and you never came out so we were worried.”
“Yep,” you said, attempting to sound cheerful. “Everything’s good. Let’s go, I’m finished here.” 
“y/n,” Atsumu said with a hint of desperation in his voice. 
“I’ll see you guys around.” You couldn’t bring yourself to look at any of the boys and simply sped off towards your friends. 
“That was a low blow,” Osamu shook his head.
Atsumu stared after your retreating figure before groaning and banged his fist against the locker. “I’m so fucked.” 
And that’s the last time you really talked to Atsumu. He made multiple attempts to talk to you in school but always found you surrounded by your friends. They looked at him reproachfully and you were grateful to have such great people supporting you. He tried to confront you a couple of times before and after practice but your captain always made sure to kick him out of the gym and after you would practically sprint home before the boys’ had finished their practice. 
“He’s pretty hostile nowadays,” Osamu sighed from beside you. He’d found you hiding on the rooftop during lunch one day.
“What a surprise.”
“He’s beating himself up for it for sure though.” 
“Miya, are you defending your brother for once,” you tried to joke. 
“I dunno,” he leaned against his arms behind him. “You know how he gets. He’s an ass for sure but he was so worried that day. I’m not sure I blame him entirely though. It’d be infuriating to see anyone in that position. Let alone the girl he -” he paused. “Let alone our friend.” 
There was a silence long enough you felt Osamu glancing at you repeatedly. 
You really weren’t upset with Atsumu. At first, you were admittedly a bit scared of him - you’d never seen that side of him before. BUt you realised that it was probable that the anger was never directed at you. He defended you without a second thought and likely risked a suspension. Atsumu had supported you these past few months and had been a good, albeit kind of annoying, friend. He had his moments - enough so that you had fallen for him. Was it fair that you cut him out of your life?
“I miss him.” you admitted and tucked your knees against your chest. “I don’t really know how to talk to him though. I just keep hearing his words and I’m scared, like what if he loses his temper and says something hurtful again.” 
Osamu nodded. “I can’t promise ‘Tsumu won’t get mad again or say something hurtful and you definitely shouldn’t have to deal with it or make excuses for him. But he cares for you a lot and he doesn’t know how to be concerned since he’s emotionally stupid.” 
“Also,” he finally added. “Ma beat him with a spoon when she found out what happened so the likelihood of him doing it again seems very low.”
You giggled. “Aw Mama Miya putting the fear of god in her boys.”
“Mama Miya is very scary.” Osamu made a face. “She’s probably the only person Atsumu will listen to.” 
Your giggles rang out across the rooftop and Osamu huffed in amusement. As the sounds faded, your eyebrows drew together. You just needed time. You’d get over his words - they were empty after all - but until you could just see him for the boy you liked again, it’d be better to take a break from seeing him. 
A few months passed and Atsumu largely left you alone after a while. You could still feel his eyes on you if he passed by your classroom and you gave quick nods in his direction when you waved at Osamu and Suna. 
And then suddenly, here you found yourself after a game, knowing that he was probably in a shitty mood and asking yourself if you were willing to have him lash out at you again. The men’s volleyball team had gone to nationals and lost at the quarterfinals. You had given him a quick good luck after you stopped by to check on Osamu and Suna before the game but had screamed your lungs out cheering him on during the matches. You were shocked and your heart dropped when they lost after fighting so hard to break the tie. 
You knew he was taking it hard and would be blaming himself for everything.
How is he? You’d texted Osamu.
Not good. We’re leaving him alone.
Yikes is he being hard on you guys?
Nah tbh he’s p down and not saying much. 
The corners of your lips turned downward as you stared at the text. Before you knew it, your feet had led you to the team where they had directed you here.
You took a deep breath and opened the door praying Atsumu was still in there. He was your friend, the guy you had fallen for, and a source of comfort for you when you were having a tough time. It didn’t even matter if he had harsh words - you wanted to be there for him. 
The tall blonde was sitting on the bench, his arms bracing his back, and a towel covering his face. 
No response.
“‘Tsumu.” You called again, standing in front of him. 
“Not a good time, princess.” 
You reached a shaky hand out to place on his shoulder. 
You heard him inhale and a warm hand lifted to cover yours. The other came up to place itself on your hip and his head lolled forward onto your stomach. Your unoccupied hand gently began to rub small circles on his back. 
It oddly felt relaxing in that position and you didn’t feel anxious. It reminded you of those quiet walks home where there was a muted comfort between the two of you. 
“I’m not going to tell you ‘it's just one of those days’ and anybody gets them. While it’s true, you aren’t ‘anybody’. The standard for you is high - you set it yourself after all. But you always pull through.” You gave a little laugh. “You’re a great guy. That’s why all the people in your life stick with you no matter how callous and insensitive you can get.” You rolled back the towel so you could see his face. 
“You too?” His eyes peered intensely into yours. 
“Yep. Me too.” 
“M’sorry,” he said in a low voice. “Please don’t be mad anymore.”
“I’m not,” you said, your face softening but then frowned. “But I’m not sure if I forgive you yet.”
“I’ll take whatever I can get.” He half-heartedly gave you a crooked smile. 
“Dummy,” you shook your head, “I missed you.” 
He laughed, getting up and pulling you into a hug. The two of you stood, smiling idiotically at each other. 
“Is this a bad time to mention that Suna says you have a crush on me.”
You tried to untangle yourself from him but he merely squeezed you tightly in response.
“Take all the time you need. Just let me know when it’s okay to ask you out properly, alright?”
You groaned and buried your face into his chest. 
“Okay? Hello y/n are you there? y/n?”
“Fine, shut up, I'll let you know.” 
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ranmaruliker · 9 months
something about atsumu seeing hinata and demanding that one day he would set to him when hinata had spent his whole life asking and pleading and begging for anyone who possibly could set to set to him just once. something about atsumu seeing hinatas talent and wanting wholeheartedly to play with him, not as a weapon but as a teammate oghjh . soulmates. ...
453 notes · View notes
kazanskys-mitchell · 11 months
someone tried to tell me that top gun isn’t gay at all and that it’s rude to assume people are gay
dude… did we watch the same movie??
because like what the fuck is this:
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ambivartence · 10 months
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moonchildsisan · 11 months
something so erotic about fighting the enemies together
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rivermaoo · 12 days
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It was a funny attempt. rewatching haikyuu made me do this. But c’mon hear me out on this one
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afterthelambs · 3 months
Tsukishima is one of my favorite haikyuu characters because he is a professional hater. He turns bitchiness into an art form
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byhuenii · 7 months
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volleyball player!satoru who gets so cocky and annoying on court the opposing team think its on purpose but really he is just a little shit on the court.
volleyball player!satoru who likes taunting and teasing the other team so much they start aiming the ball at his face which never works well, the one time he almost got hit in the face all the fangirls went wild. you did as well, maybe a little more upset. satoru didnt let that slide, he really said “ fuck you for aiming at me ” and made eye contact with the hitter spiking that volleyball straight to his face. you could see the wide grin plastered all over his face
volleyball player!satoru who is basically a perfectionist when it comes to how he hits, if he feels slightly off he’ll redo the whole thing over and over and over until he either 1. finally gets to THAT hit 2. wears the fuck outta geto 3. until he gets calls and text messages from you. most of the time he has his phone on do not disturb (dnd) but for you its always on and has a cute ringtone to it whenever you text.
volleyball player!satoru who doesnt like when his teammates hit on you, because duh you are his and only his. you wear his signed jersey! he makes it known that he doesnt like when they hit on you. and if the teammate keeps doing it he’ll purposefully start giving them bad passes.
volleyball player!satoru after each win he finds you in the stands and if you are close to the ground he’ll walk up giving you a kiss on the cheek, without you he wouldn’t be here. his little cheerleader <3
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wereh0gz · 9 months
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That's rich coming from you, Sonic "I internalize everything" the Hedgehog
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foldingfittedsheets · 5 months
I hope people are ready to see my comic all weekend long. I spent two months on it.
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alohaasaloevera · 5 months
Keith tugs him by the arm, and the before Lance can register what’s happening, he’s pushed up against the cold, brick wall of the main building and his lips are suddenly on Keith’s.
Keith’s lips are, unsurprisingly, chapped. He internally chuckles a bit—leave it to Keith to be the school’s resident heartthrob but still not care about how chapped lips are definitely a no-no when it comes to kissing (or just romance etiquette in general). Although, the “promiscuous, mysterious bad boy who steals girlfriends without a second thought and could break you in half if he wanted to” reputation he has isn’t entirely true, so he’ll let Keith get away with that.
A hand snakes up to rest on his cheek. He hums contentedly, placing his right arm on the other’s hip. Shocked screams and thrilled cheers from people above in a classroom, but Lance pays no attention to the noise as his eyes flutter closed, tilting his head to so that their lips can slot perfectly together. Keith makes a pretty noise when Lance bites softly on his lower lip, whining when Lance slips his tongue in.
There’s no fireworks—no butterflies, no adrenaline coursing through his veins; just warmth enveloping his entire body. He feels a sense of fulfillment—the fact that he managed to even get the Keith Kogane to kiss him, let alone just convince him to spend time with him? It feels like he had done the impossible.
The hand on his cheek comes down to rest on his shoulder, coaxing him to open his eyes.
What he sees is a Keith with red, swollen lips, and a look so fond that it makes his entire body start to malfunction and crash in on itself. The sight is so ethereal that he’s positive that he might faint any second.
“I’m so proud of you,” Keith admits, and if this was just a few months ago, Lance would have laughed in his face and stormed off, because why would Keith Kogane of all people ever compliment someone like him? “You’ve been working your ass off every single day for the past—what, 3 months? On multiple occasions I thought you were going to throw up because of how far you were pushing yourself.” Lance giggles a bit at that, remembering the time that he threw up the amazing sandwich Hunk had made just for him and he moped all day, saying a million sorries to Hunk every single time he go the chance to.
“I can’t even explain to you how happy I was when you guys won,” He smiles brightly, and Lance is fighting against everything in his will to not kiss Keith senseless.
Keith sighs shakily, before he stares into Lance’s eyes, purple boring into ocean blue, “Lance, I—”
An alarm goes off, and Keith is suddenly whipping out his phone, muttering a soft, quiet “shit”.
“I gotta go to practice,” Keith says hurriedly, “You know how Coran is about being late.”
Just as he starts running, Keith pauses, looking back at Lance with a small tilt of his lips, “Great job, Sharpshooter.” He adds, his face morphing into that little grin of his.
Lance stumbles the entire way to his car, tripping on nothing at least 5 times.
Keith is in his bed, Kosmo curled up by his side, when he sees that he got tagged in a video. He doesn’t use social media often so he doesn’t see the reason why anyone would tag him, but he just shrugs it off and and clicks on the video.
He’s more than surprised when he finds out it’s a video of him kissing Lance—even more when he finds that Pidge herself had posted the video. Black and white text in the middle of the video reads “Bro got rizzed up in front of everyone 💀💀”, and people can be heard screeching in the classroom when Keith pins Lance to the wall.
He looks to the right of his screen to see that the post got ten thousand likes in a matter of hours. Not even bothering to check the comments. He tosses his phone and promptly screams into a pillow.
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