#Vlad breaks in this one
kettlefire · 26 days
Broken Promises
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad kept trying to remind himself of that. It wasn't their fault when the prototype malfunctioned. When Vlad was curled on the floor of the lab. When screams tried to force their way out of his throat, but all he could muster was muffled choked cries. When it felt like someone had tazed him while also throwing acid on his face.
The pain had been unbearable. He couldn't focus. The voices were barely a haze in the background. Vlad knew something was wrong. So horrible wrong. He just didn't realize just how wrong it all went.
He didn't realize it when he was being wheeled out of the building. Bodies and people moving around him. Vlad could barely see anything. Cooled products were being placed all over his face, blocking out most of his vision. The coolness of the items only seemed to make Vlad's skin burn more, the feeling sinking down to his bones.
But Vlad had seen them. The two of them, just as the ambulance doors closed. Jack Fenton and Madeline Walker. The two held each other, tears streaking their faces.
But that's not what Vlad focused on.
No. What got him was the look of unfiltered horror and disgust. A look aimed at him. At whatever that portal had done to his face. A look that cut so deep that Vlad had felt something crack inside him. The last thing he saw before everything went black.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself after he had woken up alone in a hospital room. Nurses and doctors fussed over him, trying to tell him what was going on. Words that went in one ear and out the other ear.
Everything hurt. Every single atom in his body felt like they were boiled, burning until nothing but ash would be left behind. The medication didn't do anything.
They had to limit him, and he understood. They couldn't risk him overdosing, but it was hard not to cry and beg for more when the relief only lasted a few hours... A few hours that quickly turned to minutes.
After the fourth day, Vlad gave up on hoping. Gave up looking up every time the door to his room opened. He was at a high risk of infection, a burn unit for a burn the hospital had never seen before.
Then it happened. Vlad woke up from another fitful, short, painful sleep to voices. Gentle hands holding his through PPE. He barely believed it when his eyes landed on Jack Fenton.
Maddie hadn't come. Jack made a hundred and one excuses why she couldn't. But Vlad knew why. She was disgusted with him. She probably saw him as broken, tainted with how much ectoplasm had hit him.
Jack had been nothing but apologetic and gentle. His usual clumsiness and heavy hands seemed to vanish. Jack had doted over Vlad for three months.
When the burns healed but turned into infectious acne. Something Jack coined as "Ecto-acne". Jack swore up and down that he'd find a way to cure it. That him and Maddie were working on something, something to fix things.
To return it all back to normal.
Long evenings of Jack's visits helped Vlad. Helped him feel less horrible about how he looked or how he felt. The pain was still there, but seeing his friend's smile and attempts to make him laugh seemed to make it all bearable.
Then, one day, Jack didn't show up. Vlad tried to remind himself that the man had other duties in life. Jack had classes still, and it's already been three months. He couldn't expect Jack to throw his life away just because Vlad's life was on a pause.
When one day turns to a week, then to a month, then to five months... Vlad couldn't keep lying to himself. He had been abandoned. Abandoned completely by the people he thought would always have his back.
The pain seemed to just get worse once Vlad fell into the solitude. Even the nurses and doctors couldn't seem to stand being around him once the bandages were removed.
Vlad felt like he was dying. His body was a nerve ending current of pain. He'd have episodes of not being able to breathe. He'd constantly have cardiac episodes, code blues, crash carts, the whole nine yards.
The doctors didn't know what to make up of it. New teams, new faces, new opinions. Yet Vlad wasn't getting better. He was only getting worse.
As a year passed, and then two, Vlad lost hope complete. He resigned himself to a short future of pain, a hospital bed, and a lonely death. The tears dried up by the third year.
By the fourth year, Vlad stopped talking. He remained curled in his hospital bed. Barely eating, being fed through an NG Tube. Psychiatrist tried to talk to him, but Vlad refused. He completely shut down.
The only noises that ever left him were his choked sounds of pain, when he was choking for air, or when his heart decided to stop beating right.
By the fifth year, Vlad couldn't remember much. He had flashes of memories. Of lashing out to the hospital staff. He was constantly restrained to his bed. He was an angry shell of his former self.
By the sixth year, it was a repeat of the fourth year. Vlad couldn't feel anything else but pain. He found himself starting to hate Jack and Maddie. Hate that it was their prototype that did this. Hate that they had abandoned him when he needed them most. It was getting harder for Vlad not to blame them.
It wasn't their fault.
The seventh year was when things changed. Vlad had been resigned to the NG Tube, having to take oxygen in through a breathing tube as well. His body was barely functioning at this point, barely keeping his heart beating.
Vlad felt something change as he saw how it affected the staff. The ones that were there since day one. The ones that had tried to hold out hope, even Vlad had given up.
He saw it in their eyes. The second-hand pain they felt watching him wither away into nothing. Even as they smiled at him, they checked in on him. The pain was always there, always lingering.
Vlad hadn't realized anyone cared if he survived until the last few moments. When his breathing was nothing but raspy harsh inhales. When the beeping in the monitors started to slow.
Then he died.
Vlad was certain he died. He felt it, his body finally giving under the years of pain and loneliness. He remembers taking his last breath, feeling his body start to shut down, and his vision fading to black.
There was no big bright light, no flash of his life before his eyes. Vlad had just faded. He heard the monitor flatline and heard the people rushing into his room. Heard one of the nurses asking him to stay with them. In the moment, Vlad realized he should have signed a DNR. That was his last thought before he passed.
It wasn't their fault.
It was unexpected when Vlad suddenly felt his eyes snap open, his chest heaving with a deep full breath. A breath he hadn't been able to take for years now. He heard the shocked cries around him, something clattering to the floor.
Vlad's eyes were wide, breathing growing labored in shocked panic. He could feel his heart. His heart was beating strong and heavy in his chest. He hadn't felt that in so long.
Then there was the aftermath. Doctors scrabbling for any scientific reasoning for Vlad's sudden turn around.
His Ecto-acne had completely gone away within the first week. His organs had started to slowly get better, functioning as they should. The only crazy split second recoveries had been Vlad's heart and lungs.
There was another year of PT, of tests, and studies. Vlad made a full recovery, at least physically. The staff started to call it a miracle after the first few months. When it was cemented that Vlad wasn't going to suddenly decline, he was free to go.
And Vlad did. He spent eight long years in that hospital, eight long years alone and forgotten.
It didn't take him long to track down Maddie and Jack. They never separated in the time he had been abandoned. Vlad found a small town called Amity Park, the place where his friends had settled down.
His friends had moved on with their lives. They had gotten married and had a beautiful little girl. She reminded Vlad so much of Maddie with her spitfire personality. Even at just the young age of four years old.
Then there was the boy. Just a small young thing at only two years old. He seemed to have his father's clumsiness.
It was then. When Vlad was watching the happy family of four at the park, hidden away in the shadows. As he watched how happy they all looked. How happy Jack and Maddie looked without him.
Vlad had shed his first tears in years.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself over and over again. It wasn't their fault when he had his first accident. Almost a decade in a hospital, no friends or family, Vlad had quickly realized he truly had nothing.
He had no money. No support. No anything.
Vlad had struggled all on his own, barely keeping things afloat. Barely scraping by. Barely finding a place to sleep. It was hard, and Vlad had only found himself falling back into shutting down.
And then he phased through his bed.
After waking up in a muffled cry from a nightmare. A horrible twisted recounting of the accident. Vlad suddenly found himself in the room beneath him.
Thankfully, it was empty, but it left Vlad with a whole new problem. It took months of deep personal testing and trials. Of learning about all his new abilities. Finding out about what he was exactly.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself as he learned the truth about his recovery. Learned that he was now essentially half ectoplasm. Half ghost. Half dead.
Abilities seemed to pop up out of nowhere. First, there was the phasing, then the invisibility, then the flying, and the next thing Vlad knew he had fire abilities too.
Things finally turned around for Vlad. After sulking for months, turning to alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs that only lasted for a few moments at a time before fading from his system.
Sure, Vlad turned to a life of crime. But he changed things. He stopped letting the actions of Jack and Maddie run his life. He became a millionaire over the course a few weeks. Then he became a billionaire.
The world was watching him. And for once, it wasn't as a medical mystery. Vlad felt on top of the world. He completed the work he had strive to do in college. He built his own portal, and it worked.
Years few as Vlad learned more. Learned everything he could about the Ghost Zone. As he established power and control over many of the ghosts. As they all learned just what a halfa was.
Dalv. Co become a national success. Vlad had stolen his money, but he had earned to keep it. Working his hardest to make a name for himself, to final be someone. Instead of just in the shadows.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself when he received the email asking him to host the twenty year class reunion. He reminded himself when he reacted out to Jack and Maddie, inviting them to stay with him for the reunion.
Even behind the hidden anger and pain. Vlad missed his two friends, his two best friends. If he could just get an apology, then maybe. Maybe Vlad could finally let things rest.
Except it hadn't happened. Vlad found himself feeling bitter as he looked at his friends. Looked at how much older they've gotten when Vlad barely aged a year. All that changed was his hair turning white over the years.
Bitter, as he watched them interact with their children. Children that Vlad didn't have. Children that Vlad wasn't even sure he could have if he wanted to. There was no evidence of a prior halfa, and Vlad didn't know how much that changed things.
Vlad had success, yes. But he had it completely alone.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad barely kept a straight face in as they had dinner together. As Maddie and Jack boosted about Fentonworks and their kids. As Jack washed him with compliments for Vlad's accomplishments.
Vlad barely made it through, but he did. Kept it all together as he wished them all good nights. He kept it all together until the moment he went down for a quick drink.
He had to remind himself that he had guests. Ghost hunters in his home. Reminded himself he couldn't just fade down to the kitchen. It was smart he hadn't, considering the fact that Jack was down there. Helping himself to some leftovers.
Vlad couldn't fake it anymore. His mask slipped slowly as they sat in the dimly lit room. As Jack blabbered on and on the way he always did.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself again, not realizing it would be the last time. He found himself in a vulnerable moment. The pain and hurt in his eyes and tone were clear as day when Vlad finally broke the fake pleasantries.
"You promised."
The words had left Vlad as nothing but a whisper. His heart felt raw in that moment. Open and exposed as he felt those feelings. Those feelings from when Jack and Maddie first abandoned him.
Vlad hadn't meant to. He didn't want this to happen now. Not before the reunion. Not before Vlad truly got to see how much they all changed.
But it happened. And Vlad found himself aching to hear a few simple words. For Jack to apologize. Apologize for turning on the prototype. Apologize for taking four days to see him. Apologize for suddenly leaving him behind. Without so much as a word.
"I know."
All that hope, the desperation in Vlad's chest, broke the moment he heard those words. Heard the resignation in Jack's surprisingly quiet tone. A wave of pure despair and pain washed over Vlad in that moment.
Jack didn't apologize. A simple two word phrase that would have meant the world to Vlad in this moment. Jack didn't say it. Instead, he said two words that felt like a stab to Vlad's half-beating heart.
Vlad didn't say anything else in that moment. He downed the last of his drink before standing from his seat. Vlad was much too into his own feelings and thoughts to notice the shock on Jack's face. Or the way Jack's mouth opened to speak again.
Instead, Vlad turned his back on Jack. Although his tone was more hollow than Vlad intended. He managed to fake a layer of pleasantries. A second good night given that night as Vlad made his ways up the stairs.
He wanted nothing more than to curl up in his bathroom. Downing his sorrows in alcohol and maybe taking his rage out in his hidden lab below the surface.
Instead, Vlad found himself with a burning need for revenge. A burning need to break about Jack's life. Break apart Maddie's life. A life they built once leaving Vlad behind. A life they excluded from him for so long. Only just now showing interest to having him around.
No. This time, Vlad was putting himself first. His wants. His needs. His desires. It wasn't about the Fentons anymore. It was going to be about him. About him finding a family. Of having a community. A life outside of his economic and scientific success.
And maybe this time, Vlad was going to start with a certain fourteen year old boy. A certain boy that Vald had picked out at the start.
A certain boy whose heart beats half the average. Who takes in a breath every few seconds, just a tad too long. A certain boy that made Vlad's ghost sense trigger. A certain boy that reeked of ectoplasm.
A certain someone who might just know how it feels to be an abomination to science. To be so different that you may just be the only one to exist.
A certain someone that might just make his life a bit less lonely.
In this moment, Vlad finally realized the truth of his situation. Whatever has happened since that accident. Whatever happened in the years they hadn't talked. Whatever happens now, after this reunion was over. When Vlad finally made his moves. Whatever happened then, now, and in the future. He knew with unbridled certainty that...
It was their fault.
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nerdpoe · 1 month
Danny is about to be kidnapped in Gotham This is not a good time.
He's studying for the SAT, he's already been kidnapped by Vlad like, four times that week and it was a fucking Tuesday, he forgot his wallet at his new apartment, locked himself out of said new apartment (he could phase through the door but that wasn't the point), he's just been informed that the grant he applied for was denied so he needs to ask his mom and dad for college funds when he'd already told them he had it covered, and just...it was shit.
It had been shit. The entire week had been awful and annoying and he was ready to either murder everyone on the planet or go find a corner to cry in for the next three days.
So when the band of wild goons working for whatever villain of the week pulled up and tried to kidnap him, he snapped.
He used them to vent.
Shouted about how terrible his day had been, how terrible his week had been, how he'd already been kidnapped by his creepy godfather who was way too into him, how college funding was shit and the grant system was rigged, and how he'd have to call a locksmith or break down the door to his own apartment if he wanted to go to bed-all of it. He unloaded all of his frustration.
The goons actually backed off.
One of them gave him an awkward side hug and told him it'd get better.
Danny wasn't paying attention to his surrounding. He doesn't realize that the whole thing was livestreamed.
So when he gets home to his apartment later that day, his door is opened for him by the vigilante Spoiler before he can even turn intangible.
She brought over BatBurger and kidnapped Bruce Wayne, Gotham's bumbling Prince, to talk about college grants.
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starry-songs-canvas · 3 months
All Plans Fly Out the Window
There’ve been quite a few long lost twins Damian and Danny meeting at galas, right? All very cute, happy, relaxed, etc.. Well what if we add a little twist?
Vlad Masters.
A very suspicious figure that only in the last few years rose to wealth and power from almost thin air. Companies that were doing decent simply handing over the keys. No court has ever been able to prove foul play, all judges siding with Masters even when counter mind control measures were in place.
Any evidence or stories implicating Masters were either retracted or removed with great speed.
Bruce did not want another Lex Luther to deal with, and yet he first needs evidence. All of his computers were tightly secured with little connection to the Internet, and the ones that were refusing to be hacked. (“It’s almost as if it’s… alive, B.”)
Therefore, while risky, a more hands-on approach was needed.
Tim and Bruce were to stay in the spotlight, keep Masters eyes on them. While Damian would sneak away and snoop under the pretense of, “being bored”.
However, all of this went out the window when Masters introduced his godson, Daniel Fenton who when shaking their hands said in the League of Assassins dialect in a pleasant tone,
“What the **** are you doing here?”
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hughmanbean · 5 months
False Corpse and Supposed Defilings of a Collegue and Child
So, we all love misunderstandings and miscommunication. Obviously. So, Danny's ghost form is very much frozen at 14, and he is working with the Justice League on the basis of Ghostly MattersTM. He was able to make a duplicate of himself for class because he had to help the League with a very important matter with guidance from Vlad, but it was very much rushed and just outright died at the end after it got back.
So Vlad has to bury it, but someone sees him doing that. Anyone, really. Dash, Lancer, Val, someone not in the know. And Danny isn't seen for a while. The League do not think Danny is an immortal God, and "know" he's a dead trans boy from Illinois who wants to save people.
He makes offhand remarks about Vlad, and even if the two of them are on good terms now Vlad's actions seem outright despicable without context. Danny's used to Vlad's ridiculousness so he doesn't see him in that light and can't really conceptualize that it could even be considered.
"You know how it was, obsessed with me and my mom, despised my dad. Said I took after her."
"Oh you know, he made a daughter with me, not that I had a choice in it. I love her with all my heart, though."
"Yeah, he was a real fruitloop. Ranting about I would be his and all that."
This is very much concerning so the League, so they investigate, and the person who saw lets it slip. They also do spot Ellie, and she just chats with Danny's work friends she heard so much about. Doesn't outright say she talks with Danny still, or she knows him presently. Says how much she loves her papa, and hasn't seen her dad in forever. (A collective wince from the JL since, well, said dad is dead.) Mentions how Vlad's a bit stressed, probably from DalvCO contracts. They also see Vlad acting so goody goody with the Fentons, take that as you will.
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vladdyissues · 11 months
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They could have been BFFs
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lilianade-comics · 1 year
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I Love Vlad, He's So Normal
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druidberries · 3 months
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after Seb talked with Griffin he informed Elowen of everything he'd told him, and told her he absolutely still wanted to become a vampire. luckily for them, Elowen may or may not have met one of the most infamous vampires out there, and she could definitely get him to turn Sebastian. the first few days after being bit were strange for Seb, it was hard watching Elowen bake and not being able to eat it :( his neck hurt and he started feeling cravings for something he certainly never did before.
once the turning process had ended and he was officially a vampire the very first thing he did was uh...break in the new coffin with Elowen
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ecto-stone · 1 year
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WIP Independant Action V+
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izloveshorses · 11 months
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day one in paris (if their hotel had a pool)
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moonlight-stalker · 9 months
# 101 DcxDp
Vlad never actually believed that Jake and Maddie would ever hurt Phantom once they learned who he was, but now he knows he was wrong so very wrong.
Jake had called him to come over to look a the spook that they had captured, Vlad only went there so he can bother Danny he thought they had caught a ghost blob or an animal, and he did not expect to see Danny on the table with his chest open and missing his core.
Both Jake and Maddie talk about how the ghost pretended to be Danny and that he tried to make them believe that he was their son, they continue to tell him how Phantom pretended to be in pain and tried to manipulate them until they pulled out an orb from his chest then he went silent and limp. They talk about how the GIW will be coming the next day to buy the orb and they will be able to have access to it and do any experiments they want on it. The worst thing was that they did not seem to be worried about where their actual son was and if he was alright. They showed him Danny's core luckily it was not damaged.
Later that night he sent out some of his ghost animals to distract Jack and Maddie, he found Danny's core and made sure to erase all the information they had collected he sent the portal to explode just to make sure that everything will be destroyed he set fire to the top floor.
He sent out a couple of clones to tell Danny's friends what happen and one to his sister that was out of town. He knew he couldn't stay in Amity Park because the town was too small to hide Danny and he know that both Jake and Maddie would find out that he was the one that took Danny, so he pack his stuff and moved to Gotham.
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bwabbitv3s · 1 year
Good Godfather Vlad AU - Part 3
Link to Part 1 , Part 2
@kaitouhime @krzys2000 @moobloomrights @spooky-fm
The brunch meeting ended up being a huge scene, but not overly embarrassing. A table is knocked over when Jack and Maddie rush over to Vlad. Luckily it did not have anyone eating at it yet. The children trailing behind them stopped to right the table. Vlad is unfortunately too slow to offer the fudge before Jack sweeps him up into a crushing bear hug.
“We have been terrible friends. How could you ever forgive us!” Jack cries as he lifts Vlad off his feet in a hug.
“We should have questioned why you never responded after all these years.” Maddie says hovering beside them.
“Dad, put him down!” Jasmine shouts. 
“Yeah, I don’t think he can breathe with you crushing him like that.” Danny adds in. 
If he did not have to breath all the time this would be very uncomfortable. Jack pulls him into an impossibly closer hug before gently putting him back on the ground and releasing him. A glare from Maddie at the gawking people has them hastily avert their gaze. His clothes are now rumpled a little from the bear hug. Vlad straightens a little before stepping closer to the pair. 
“It is not all your burden to bear. Despite how close we had been, I never reached out either after the accident.” Vlad says a little apprehensive. 
His hands nervously clutch at the box of fudge as he makes eye contact with Jack and Maddie. This was the hardest thing he had done in a very long time. He was still coming to terms and processing everything that had happened. In just a few short days he had a fundamental part of his past cast into new light. His lack of responsibility in trying to maintain his part of their friendship was a new glaring issue he had ignored for far too long.
 Maddie’s eyes crinkle as she sweeps forwards with arms outstretched. Unlike Jack she waits for the moment for him to step closer.   
“I can’t express how much I regret not tracking you down the first day out of the hospital.” Vlad chokes out as Maddie pulls him into a hug. 
“I told myself so many things about why you might not want to see us anymore.” her voice catches a bit as she speaks.   
“We never were very good about confrontation when it was about emotions. Always ready to jump into a discussion about science and engineering and tear into that” Jack added. 
“It might take some time and it won’t be the same but I would like to be in your lives again.” Vlad says.
“You are always welcome.” Maddie says softly.
“You are practically family!” Jack happily shouts. 
The tension drops a little as Vlad really sees his friends ready to welcome him back into their life. Without the haze of hate from before clouding his judgment. He sees the laughter lines in Maddie’s face and the gray in Jack's hair. They are not college students working towards getting a doctorate. Life has gone on and his friends have changed just like he has. 
“Now I hope this does not spoil the meal, but I have something for you.” Vlad says, offering up the fudge box. 
“Oh, is that what I think it is?” Jack crows in delight. 
He bounds forwards and takes the box from Vlad. Maddie lets out a fond smile and begins to usher the group back to their table. 
“I had some help but I believe this is a very nice fudge.” Vlad says with a wink at Danny.
“Ohh! I have heard of Miss Martha’s Marviolours Fudge.” Jack excitedly says. 
Vlad starts to walk to the table the family had been seated at. There is already an extra setting at the table. His step falters for a moment before he catches a supportive look from Jasmine. She gestures with her hands forming a cube shape. Danny gives her a confused look as he pulls his father along. Stealing a breath he keeps walking to the place set for him. 
“It has been a long time but I hope you still enjoy them.” Vlad says. Pulling the rubix cube out.   
“Vlad I can’t believe you remembered that!” Maddie exclaims in delight. 
She takes the cube and immediately begins to twist and turn it to solve the cube in a matter of moments. Then resets it and begins to form a classic trick pattern. 
“Whoa. How do you do that so fast, I thought they were supposed to be hard to solve?” Danny asks his mother. 
The rest of the brunch manages to pass with little fanfare after that. Maddie shows her son how to solve it and explains the mechanics behind it. Jack scrawls on a napkin the attributes of the fudge and hashes out the new top ten. Laughter and joy is had as ten years worth of catching up happens over the course of the meal. They manage to only break one glass. It might just be the nicest morning Vlad has had in years.
Now with a Part 4.
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ninja-yogurt · 1 year
Listen listen listen I just think Jack deserves the chance to yell at Vlad for underestimating and deliberately maligning him for two decades. I just think that everyone has gotten the chance to defend Jack Fenton to Vlad except Jack himself. Jack is not an idiot for thinking his friend had forgiven him and he deserves the chance to tell Vlad that himself without Vlad getting a word in edgewise.
Jack's friend blamed him for an accident that hospitalized him for years, and Jack went "He's clearly just blaming me because he needs someone to be angry at and I'm a very convenient target" and then celebrated when he thought he came around, and I want him to get the chance to tell Vlad that actually, he's the pathetic one.
Actually, Jack is much smarter and more successful than the man who constantly had to steal Jack's inventions and other people's wealth to get by, who pined after a woman for 20+ years because he thought she was hot even though he never managed to hold a normal conversation with her in the show that wasn't about his own bitterness, who tried to mentor a 14 year old multiple times and only succeeded in getting him to hate him. And Jack deserves to tell him.
#back on my bullshit I guess#debating putting a scene with this into vlad time travel au#bc on the one hand it's not the same comeuppance as canon#and also I don't know how far I want to continue the timeline post finale#and any confrontation Vlad has with the fentons post finale in the time travel au#either breaks my vlad characterization in that story#or is doomed to go nowhere#because I think Vlad is very consciously trying to spare the fentons the pain of any knowledge of the original timeline#none of this will make sense to anyone but my brother but I don't care#but on the other hand the d r a m a#jack shouting at him and finally getting to say his piece after like at least a few months if not over a year of stewing on it#because at first jack is just sad and hurt but then#he starts thinking about it#and talking with Maddie and being told things by Danny#and he starts getting so angry#he and vlad were friends#they used to be friends#how dare he use him as the villain of his story#and meanwhile time travel au vlad is sitting there like. No this version of him never really deserved this#and the original version didn't deserve what he got#but this jack doesn't deserve the heartbreak of knowing why he did anything#and vlad doesn't have any other argument or explanation besides the truth#because he only ever prepared to defend himself against a 14 year old child and a woman who stopped waiting to forgive him a long time ago#but anyway the catharsis for jack would be good in the actual non au canon timeline too
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galaxytittus · 1 month
📩 Simblr question of the day: A sim of your choice from your blog just got hard-core broken up with by the sim/person they thought was gonna be their lifelong lover ( this could be an imaginary sim/person or their current partner, and this could be just a really heartfelt breakup or your sim couldve caught them cheating, whatever breakup you want :) ). What is their first reaction? Do they feel anger? Sadness? Are they so upset they're just numb? Do they do anything drastic?🌿
( Freely share this SQOTD around, anon or not and use the hashtag " SQOTD " ~ 💛 )
Hey, thanks for the ask! I don't develop Maple enough, so I'll do if Remi were to break up with her (and consequently, if she found out about him and Pepper)! As for the reason why he'd break up with her, I mean... it's Remi. 😭
Remi would probably try to lay this on her as gently as possible, dancing around the subject in hopes she will just "get it." Maple is already constantly terrified he's going to leave her for seemingly no reason (for the second time) so she would catch on quickly without him really saying it outright. She'd definitely immediately EXPLODE at even the suggestion of ending things. I'm talking screaming in his face, hitting him, throwing his clothes out the window, putting sugar in his gas tank, burning his driver's license, anything she can think of. She sees losing Remi as losing her apartment, her car, all her income, all her friends, along with her boyfriend/baby daddy, so at that point she would have nothing to lose. She would make sure he didn't make it out of the separation with ANYTHING. And all of this would be before she makes the mistake of confiding in Vladdie and Pepper.
Vlad would get so furious for her that in his incoherent, angry rambling, the dreaded Pepper/Remi thing would accidentally slip out. Then my poor angel baby's world would be totally crushed; her relationships with the three people she trusted most all completely destroyed with the realization she's been lied to by everyone around her for over a decade. She'd vow herself to never trust them or anyone ever again, cutting contact with everyone and disowning Pepper and Vlad as her brothers. At the end of everything, she'd most likely move back home, where Francis would be all too eager to take care of her and his grandchild's every need. So... at least she has him :D
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schtaeffsims · 10 months
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Count's Son 🧛🏻‍♂️ 
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thebubblesareevil · 3 days
UNO Reverse
So we all know Danny is batbait right?? But what if after vlad the fentons have developed a method to combat billionaires trying to adopt Danny.
So the fentons are in Gotham for some reason or another and they refuse the let Danny’s grades slip so they have him at Gotham prep.
Everyone knows Danny’s parents are mad scientists but Tim is really concerned about his new classmate that keeps coming in with new bruises everyday that he barely tries to hide.
He brings it up to Bruce after doing some investigations and Bruce decides to look into it.
Next thing Danny knows he keeps running into different members of the Wayne cult and the batfamily. It takes him longer than he’s care to admit to figure out they were the same people but in his defense he was exhausted from school, helping his parents with their clean energy project and training with fright knight.
That’s also his excuse for why it took him so long to realize they were trying to assimilate him. Once he does realize he starts going out of his way to avoid them, trying his best to keep his parents from finding out but he realizes it’s too late when his mom gleefully hands him a card one night and sends him on his way.
The next time danny encounters Batman he completely ignores his gentle encouragement and promises to protect him as he pulls out the card and throws it at batman.
Danny sighs and says “I’m sorry it’s come to this, but I need you to know you’ve brought this upon yourselves.” He turns and leaves behind a confused bat holding an UNO reverse card.
The next day Wayne manor is invaded by Jack Fenton carrying a stuggleing vlad over his shoulder and a giant tray of fudge in his other hand while Maddie gleefully hugs alfred proclaiming how happy she is to see her family getting bigger while Jazz is dragging Danny in behind her by his ankle while reading a book. Danny is snoring.
The Wayne’s are confused.
When Vlad finally breaks free he gives Bruce a pitiful look and asks if he also tried to adopt Daniel.
Jack then yells UNO REVERSE!! Instead of adopting Danny we have adopted you!!!!
This just popped in my brain so I thought I’d share
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