#Vlad Master Centric
kettlefire · 1 month
Broken Promises
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad kept trying to remind himself of that. It wasn't their fault when the prototype malfunctioned. When Vlad was curled on the floor of the lab. When screams tried to force their way out of his throat, but all he could muster was muffled choked cries. When it felt like someone had tazed him while also throwing acid on his face.
The pain had been unbearable. He couldn't focus. The voices were barely a haze in the background. Vlad knew something was wrong. So horrible wrong. He just didn't realize just how wrong it all went.
He didn't realize it when he was being wheeled out of the building. Bodies and people moving around him. Vlad could barely see anything. Cooled products were being placed all over his face, blocking out most of his vision. The coolness of the items only seemed to make Vlad's skin burn more, the feeling sinking down to his bones.
But Vlad had seen them. The two of them, just as the ambulance doors closed. Jack Fenton and Madeline Walker. The two held each other, tears streaking their faces.
But that's not what Vlad focused on.
No. What got him was the look of unfiltered horror and disgust. A look aimed at him. At whatever that portal had done to his face. A look that cut so deep that Vlad had felt something crack inside him. The last thing he saw before everything went black.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself after he had woken up alone in a hospital room. Nurses and doctors fussed over him, trying to tell him what was going on. Words that went in one ear and out the other ear.
Everything hurt. Every single atom in his body felt like they were boiled, burning until nothing but ash would be left behind. The medication didn't do anything.
They had to limit him, and he understood. They couldn't risk him overdosing, but it was hard not to cry and beg for more when the relief only lasted a few hours... A few hours that quickly turned to minutes.
After the fourth day, Vlad gave up on hoping. Gave up looking up every time the door to his room opened. He was at a high risk of infection, a burn unit for a burn the hospital had never seen before.
Then it happened. Vlad woke up from another fitful, short, painful sleep to voices. Gentle hands holding his through PPE. He barely believed it when his eyes landed on Jack Fenton.
Maddie hadn't come. Jack made a hundred and one excuses why she couldn't. But Vlad knew why. She was disgusted with him. She probably saw him as broken, tainted with how much ectoplasm had hit him.
Jack had been nothing but apologetic and gentle. His usual clumsiness and heavy hands seemed to vanish. Jack had doted over Vlad for three months.
When the burns healed but turned into infectious acne. Something Jack coined as "Ecto-acne". Jack swore up and down that he'd find a way to cure it. That him and Maddie were working on something, something to fix things.
To return it all back to normal.
Long evenings of Jack's visits helped Vlad. Helped him feel less horrible about how he looked or how he felt. The pain was still there, but seeing his friend's smile and attempts to make him laugh seemed to make it all bearable.
Then, one day, Jack didn't show up. Vlad tried to remind himself that the man had other duties in life. Jack had classes still, and it's already been three months. He couldn't expect Jack to throw his life away just because Vlad's life was on a pause.
When one day turns to a week, then to a month, then to five months... Vlad couldn't keep lying to himself. He had been abandoned. Abandoned completely by the people he thought would always have his back.
The pain seemed to just get worse once Vlad fell into the solitude. Even the nurses and doctors couldn't seem to stand being around him once the bandages were removed.
Vlad felt like he was dying. His body was a nerve ending current of pain. He'd have episodes of not being able to breathe. He'd constantly have cardiac episodes, code blues, crash carts, the whole nine yards.
The doctors didn't know what to make up of it. New teams, new faces, new opinions. Yet Vlad wasn't getting better. He was only getting worse.
As a year passed, and then two, Vlad lost hope complete. He resigned himself to a short future of pain, a hospital bed, and a lonely death. The tears dried up by the third year.
By the fourth year, Vlad stopped talking. He remained curled in his hospital bed. Barely eating, being fed through an NG Tube. Psychiatrist tried to talk to him, but Vlad refused. He completely shut down.
The only noises that ever left him were his choked sounds of pain, when he was choking for air, or when his heart decided to stop beating right.
By the fifth year, Vlad couldn't remember much. He had flashes of memories. Of lashing out to the hospital staff. He was constantly restrained to his bed. He was an angry shell of his former self.
By the sixth year, it was a repeat of the fourth year. Vlad couldn't feel anything else but pain. He found himself starting to hate Jack and Maddie. Hate that it was their prototype that did this. Hate that they had abandoned him when he needed them most. It was getting harder for Vlad not to blame them.
It wasn't their fault.
The seventh year was when things changed. Vlad had been resigned to the NG Tube, having to take oxygen in through a breathing tube as well. His body was barely functioning at this point, barely keeping his heart beating.
Vlad felt something change as he saw how it affected the staff. The ones that were there since day one. The ones that had tried to hold out hope, even Vlad had given up.
He saw it in their eyes. The second-hand pain they felt watching him wither away into nothing. Even as they smiled at him, they checked in on him. The pain was always there, always lingering.
Vlad hadn't realized anyone cared if he survived until the last few moments. When his breathing was nothing but raspy harsh inhales. When the beeping in the monitors started to slow.
Then he died.
Vlad was certain he died. He felt it, his body finally giving under the years of pain and loneliness. He remembers taking his last breath, feeling his body start to shut down, and his vision fading to black.
There was no big bright light, no flash of his life before his eyes. Vlad had just faded. He heard the monitor flatline and heard the people rushing into his room. Heard one of the nurses asking him to stay with them. In the moment, Vlad realized he should have signed a DNR. That was his last thought before he passed.
It wasn't their fault.
It was unexpected when Vlad suddenly felt his eyes snap open, his chest heaving with a deep full breath. A breath he hadn't been able to take for years now. He heard the shocked cries around him, something clattering to the floor.
Vlad's eyes were wide, breathing growing labored in shocked panic. He could feel his heart. His heart was beating strong and heavy in his chest. He hadn't felt that in so long.
Then there was the aftermath. Doctors scrabbling for any scientific reasoning for Vlad's sudden turn around.
His Ecto-acne had completely gone away within the first week. His organs had started to slowly get better, functioning as they should. The only crazy split second recoveries had been Vlad's heart and lungs.
There was another year of PT, of tests, and studies. Vlad made a full recovery, at least physically. The staff started to call it a miracle after the first few months. When it was cemented that Vlad wasn't going to suddenly decline, he was free to go.
And Vlad did. He spent eight long years in that hospital, eight long years alone and forgotten.
It didn't take him long to track down Maddie and Jack. They never separated in the time he had been abandoned. Vlad found a small town called Amity Park, the place where his friends had settled down.
His friends had moved on with their lives. They had gotten married and had a beautiful little girl. She reminded Vlad so much of Maddie with her spitfire personality. Even at just the young age of four years old.
Then there was the boy. Just a small young thing at only two years old. He seemed to have his father's clumsiness.
It was then. When Vlad was watching the happy family of four at the park, hidden away in the shadows. As he watched how happy they all looked. How happy Jack and Maddie looked without him.
Vlad had shed his first tears in years.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself over and over again. It wasn't their fault when he had his first accident. Almost a decade in a hospital, no friends or family, Vlad had quickly realized he truly had nothing.
He had no money. No support. No anything.
Vlad had struggled all on his own, barely keeping things afloat. Barely scraping by. Barely finding a place to sleep. It was hard, and Vlad had only found himself falling back into shutting down.
And then he phased through his bed.
After waking up in a muffled cry from a nightmare. A horrible twisted recounting of the accident. Vlad suddenly found himself in the room beneath him.
Thankfully, it was empty, but it left Vlad with a whole new problem. It took months of deep personal testing and trials. Of learning about all his new abilities. Finding out about what he was exactly.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself as he learned the truth about his recovery. Learned that he was now essentially half ectoplasm. Half ghost. Half dead.
Abilities seemed to pop up out of nowhere. First, there was the phasing, then the invisibility, then the flying, and the next thing Vlad knew he had fire abilities too.
Things finally turned around for Vlad. After sulking for months, turning to alcohol and drugs. Alcohol and drugs that only lasted for a few moments at a time before fading from his system.
Sure, Vlad turned to a life of crime. But he changed things. He stopped letting the actions of Jack and Maddie run his life. He became a millionaire over the course a few weeks. Then he became a billionaire.
The world was watching him. And for once, it wasn't as a medical mystery. Vlad felt on top of the world. He completed the work he had strive to do in college. He built his own portal, and it worked.
Years few as Vlad learned more. Learned everything he could about the Ghost Zone. As he established power and control over many of the ghosts. As they all learned just what a halfa was.
Dalv. Co become a national success. Vlad had stolen his money, but he had earned to keep it. Working his hardest to make a name for himself, to final be someone. Instead of just in the shadows.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself when he received the email asking him to host the twenty year class reunion. He reminded himself when he reacted out to Jack and Maddie, inviting them to stay with him for the reunion.
Even behind the hidden anger and pain. Vlad missed his two friends, his two best friends. If he could just get an apology, then maybe. Maybe Vlad could finally let things rest.
Except it hadn't happened. Vlad found himself feeling bitter as he looked at his friends. Looked at how much older they've gotten when Vlad barely aged a year. All that changed was his hair turning white over the years.
Bitter, as he watched them interact with their children. Children that Vlad didn't have. Children that Vlad wasn't even sure he could have if he wanted to. There was no evidence of a prior halfa, and Vlad didn't know how much that changed things.
Vlad had success, yes. But he had it completely alone.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad barely kept a straight face in as they had dinner together. As Maddie and Jack boosted about Fentonworks and their kids. As Jack washed him with compliments for Vlad's accomplishments.
Vlad barely made it through, but he did. Kept it all together as he wished them all good nights. He kept it all together until the moment he went down for a quick drink.
He had to remind himself that he had guests. Ghost hunters in his home. Reminded himself he couldn't just fade down to the kitchen. It was smart he hadn't, considering the fact that Jack was down there. Helping himself to some leftovers.
Vlad couldn't fake it anymore. His mask slipped slowly as they sat in the dimly lit room. As Jack blabbered on and on the way he always did.
It wasn't their fault.
Vlad reminded himself again, not realizing it would be the last time. He found himself in a vulnerable moment. The pain and hurt in his eyes and tone were clear as day when Vlad finally broke the fake pleasantries.
"You promised."
The words had left Vlad as nothing but a whisper. His heart felt raw in that moment. Open and exposed as he felt those feelings. Those feelings from when Jack and Maddie first abandoned him.
Vlad hadn't meant to. He didn't want this to happen now. Not before the reunion. Not before Vlad truly got to see how much they all changed.
But it happened. And Vlad found himself aching to hear a few simple words. For Jack to apologize. Apologize for turning on the prototype. Apologize for taking four days to see him. Apologize for suddenly leaving him behind. Without so much as a word.
"I know."
All that hope, the desperation in Vlad's chest, broke the moment he heard those words. Heard the resignation in Jack's surprisingly quiet tone. A wave of pure despair and pain washed over Vlad in that moment.
Jack didn't apologize. A simple two word phrase that would have meant the world to Vlad in this moment. Jack didn't say it. Instead, he said two words that felt like a stab to Vlad's half-beating heart.
Vlad didn't say anything else in that moment. He downed the last of his drink before standing from his seat. Vlad was much too into his own feelings and thoughts to notice the shock on Jack's face. Or the way Jack's mouth opened to speak again.
Instead, Vlad turned his back on Jack. Although his tone was more hollow than Vlad intended. He managed to fake a layer of pleasantries. A second good night given that night as Vlad made his ways up the stairs.
He wanted nothing more than to curl up in his bathroom. Downing his sorrows in alcohol and maybe taking his rage out in his hidden lab below the surface.
Instead, Vlad found himself with a burning need for revenge. A burning need to break about Jack's life. Break apart Maddie's life. A life they built once leaving Vlad behind. A life they excluded from him for so long. Only just now showing interest to having him around.
No. This time, Vlad was putting himself first. His wants. His needs. His desires. It wasn't about the Fentons anymore. It was going to be about him. About him finding a family. Of having a community. A life outside of his economic and scientific success.
And maybe this time, Vlad was going to start with a certain fourteen year old boy. A certain boy that Vald had picked out at the start.
A certain boy whose heart beats half the average. Who takes in a breath every few seconds, just a tad too long. A certain boy that made Vlad's ghost sense trigger. A certain boy that reeked of ectoplasm.
A certain someone who might just know how it feels to be an abomination to science. To be so different that you may just be the only one to exist.
A certain someone that might just make his life a bit less lonely.
In this moment, Vlad finally realized the truth of his situation. Whatever has happened since that accident. Whatever happened in the years they hadn't talked. Whatever happens now, after this reunion was over. When Vlad finally made his moves. Whatever happened then, now, and in the future. He knew with unbridled certainty that...
It was their fault.
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picturejasper20 · 5 days
Danny Phantom Episode Guide
For newbies or anyone who wants to use it
Danny Phantom is a semi episodic animated series from the early 2000's. This means that there isn't much continuity in between and there are ideas that don't get explored more than one episode. Having that in mind, i'm going to highlight what i think are the ¨key¨ episodes from the show related to major plot points and character arcs like this.
I would still suggest watching all the episodes to have an overall idea of the characters, world and lore to interact with the fandom.
Season 1
1)"Mystery Meat": Introduction to the premise, world and characters. Introduction to Lunch Lady. Start with this one. 2)"Parental Bonding": Introduction to overshadowing, exploration of Sam's character and her relationship with Danny. Introduction to Princess Dorathea. Exploration of Paulina's character. 3) "One of a Kind": Introduction to Skulker, one of the recurrent villains of the show. Danny episode (?) 4) "Attack of the Killer Garage Sale": Danny and, in part, Sam development episode. Introduction to recurrent villain Nicolai Technus. Exploration of Danny's school classmates. 5) "Splitting Images": Introduction to Sidney Poindexter, secondary ghost character. Danny centric episode. Hints that Danny has a evil/ mischievous side (?) 6) "What You Want": Tucker centric episode. Introduction to the ghost catcher and the idea of how Danny can be separated from his ghost half. Danny gets ectoblast powers. Introduction to Desiree character. 7) "Bitter Reunions" Introduction to Vlad Masters/Plasmius as main villain of the show. Exploration of Danny's parents past and their connection to Vlad. The ¨plot¨ starts to kick from this episode. 8) "Prisoners of Love": Introduction to the Ghost Zone, the dimension where ghosts are. Jack and Maddie episode. Introduction to Walker as antagonist. 9) "My Brother's Keeper": Danny and Jazz episode. Jazz finds out that Danny is half-ghost/ is Phantom. Introduction to Penelope Spectra. 10) "Shades of Gray": Valerie Gray episode. Valerie becomes a major semi-antagonist to Danny and recurrent character from this point on. Introduction to Cujo the dog. Introduction to the idea of Danny trying to help ghosts instead of fighting them in some episodes. 11) "Fanning the Flames": Exploration of Danny and Sam's feelings for each other. Introduction to Ember McLain as antagonist. 12) "Teacher of the Year": Exploration of Mr.Lancer, Danny's teacher as character. Technus returns as antagonist. 13) "Fright Night": Introduction to the Fright Night character, connected to major future plot point. Danny and Dash Baxter centric episode. Halloween episode. 14) "13": Introduction to Johnny 13 and Kitty characters. Danny and Jazz centric episode. 15) "Public Enemies": Walker returns as antagonist, takes over the town and turns the city against Danny (Phantom). Introduction to Wolf character, who becomes of the first Danny's ghost allies. 16) "Lucky in Love": Exploration Casper High popular kids students, mainly Paulina. Johnny 13 and Kitty as antagonists. 17) "Maternal Instinct": Vlad's villain arc- Danny and Maddie episode. Maddie finds out about Vlad's true intentions with her but not about him being half ghost. Introduction to Specter Deflector invention. 18) "Life Lessons": Valerie's arc- Important development for Valerie and Danny's characters and their relationship. Skulker as main antagonist. 19) "The Million Dollar Ghost": Vlad's villain arc-Jack and Danny episode- acts as set up for major future plot point. Introduction to Guys In White, a anti-ghost hunters organization. 20) "Control Freaks": Danny and Sam's centric episode-exploration of Sam's family and her relationship with her parents. Introduction to Freakshow, a human who can control ghosts. Shows Danny being mind controlled and acting like a villain.
Season 2
1)¨Memory Blank¨: Paulina making connection between Danny and Phantom, otherwise it doesn't add much to the series. Sam and Danny episode- Desiree as antagonist. 2) "Doctor's Disorders": Tucker centric episode. Explores the idea of humans getting ghostpowers by ¨ghost disease¨. Spectra returns as antagonist. 3) "Pirate Radio": Introduction to Youngblood. Ember and Youngblood team up as antagonists. Character development for Danny and exploration of Danny's classmates. 4-5) "Reign Storm": Very crucial special episode that pays off character arcs and plot points from Season 1. Vlad's villain character arc-major development for Danny and Valerie as characters and their relationship. Introduction to Pariah Dark, Ghost Zone's backstory and Ghost King lore. 6) "Identity Crisis": Pretty good exploration of Danny's character, explores the concept of how a human-ghost can live separated from their ghost half. Technus as antagonist. 7) "The Fenton Menace": Danny and Jazz episode. Younblood as antagonist. 8-9) "The Ultimate Enemy": Another crucial key special episode from the show. Introduction to Dark Danny/Dan Phantom (fanon name) as antagonist and the idea of Danny turning evil in the future. Important for Danny's arc. Introduction to Clockwork, Master of Time and his superiors, the Observants. Important exploration of Vlad's character. Danny learns about Jazz knowing about his ghost half and their dynamic changes from here. 10) "The Fright Before Christmas": Christmas episode- Introduces the Ghost Writer and Christmas Truce between ghosts. 11) "Secret Weapons": Vlad's villain episode, acts as follow up for both ¨Reign Storm¨ and ¨The Ultimate Enemy¨. Jazz learns about Vlad being half-ghost. Jazz and Danny episode. 12) "Flirting with Disaster": Follow up from ¨Reign Storm¨. Valerie Gray arc-Danny and Valerie temporarily date in this episode. Valerie gets a suit upgrade. Technus as antagonist. 13) "Micro Management": Explores Danny and Dash's dynamic. Skulker as antagonist. 14) "Beauty Marked": Sam centric episode- Exploration of Dorathea's realm- Prince Aragon as antagonist. 15) "King Tuck": Tucker centric episode-Explores the idea of Tucker being descendant of an egyptian pharaoh and having some possible ghost powers (?) Hotep-Ra as antagonist. 16) "Masters of All Time": Clockwork returns as character- It... doesn't add much to the series but it explores an alternative timeline of what if Jack had turned into half-ghost instead. 17) "Kindred Spirits": Vlad's villain arc- reveal of why he has been using Valerie for all this time- deep exploration to Vlad's motivations as villain- Introduction to Danielle character. Acts as the ¨actual¨ finale for Season 2 18) "Double Cross My Heart": Sam and Danny episode. GIW as antagonists 19-20) "Reality Trip": Freakshow returns as antagonist. Introduction to the Reality Gauntlet. Exploration to how Jack and Maddie would react to finding out that Danny is a ghost. Even though things revert back to the status quo by then end, some of the concepts it explores are interesting.
Season 3
1)"Eye for an Eye": Vlad's villain arc-Change of the status quo. Vlad moves to Amity Park and becomes the mayor. 2) "Infinite Realms": Vlad's villain arc. Introduction to the Infi-Map and the Far Frozen yetis. Introduction to Frostbite character 3) "Girls' Night Out": Spectra, Ember and Kitty villain team up. Skulker as secondary antagonist. Some interesting development between Jazz and Sam. 4) "Torrent of Terror": Vlad's villain arc. Introduction to Vortex. Dany and Vlad work together in this episode. 5) "Forever Phantom": Introduction to Amorpho. Interesting exploration of Danny's character- an episode worth of watching. 6) "Urban Jungle": Introduction to Undergrowth. Danny gets ice powers and exploration of ghosts cores. 7) "Livin' Large": Episode that explores the idea of the Fentons becoming rich- GIW as antagonists. 8) "Boxed-Up Fury": Introduction to Pandora and Pandora's box. Box Ghost as antagonist 9) "Frightmare": Introduction to Nocturn as antagonist. 10) "Claw of the Wild": Wolf returns this episode. Walker as antagonist. 11) "D-Stabilized": Vlad's villain arc- Important episode for Valerie and Danielle character arcs- Valerie finds out about Vlad being half ghost. 12-13) "Phantom Planet": Series finale- conclusion to Danny's arc and Vlad's villain arc. Danny's identity as Phantom gets revealed to the whole world as Vlad's does. Vlad is exiled from Earth with everyone knowing about his ghost identity and villain nature. Danny and Sam become a couple. Gets followed up in ¨A Glitch in Time¨ Graphic novel.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 3 days
Shadows Over Gotham
by TheMarvelousBat Having successfully protected his hometown, Amity Park, Danny Fenton feels a supernatural pull towards Gotham City, a place notorious for its haunted history and rampant crime. Will he be able to save her from her ghosts? Words: 4129, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU (Comics), DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Danny Fenton, Tucker Foley, Sam Manson, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas, Helena Wayne, Kate Kane (DCU), Cassandra Cain, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom) Relationships: Danny Fenton & Tucker Foley & Sam Manson, Danny Fenton & Jazz Fenton, Danny Fenton & Danielle "Dani" Phantom, Danny Fenton & Vlad Masters, Danny Fenton & Jason Todd, Danny Fenton & Barbara Gordon, Danny Fenton & Dick Grayson, Danny Fenton & Damian Wayne, Danny Fenton & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members (DCU) & Danny Fenton, Dick Grayson & Jason Todd, Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Batfamily Members & Justice League, Tim Drake & Danny Fenton Additional Tags: Major Character Undeath, Major Character Injury, Canon-Typical Violence, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Ghost Biology (Danny Phantom), Ghost King Danny Fenton, Protective Danny Fenton, Danny Fenton Loves Space, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Damian Wayne is Robin, Tim Drake is Red Robin, Bruce Wayne is Batman, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Cassandra Cain is Orphan, Duke Thomas is Signal, Good Sibling Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd are Siblings, Bruce Wayne Tries, Bruce Wayne is Brucie Wayne, Tim Drake and Jason Todd are Siblings, Bruce Wayne is not good at feelings but will learn how to be because i say so, Danny Fenton is Trying His Best, Danny Fenton Lives in Gotham City (DCU), Guys in White | GIW Organization (Danny Phantom), Implied/Referenced Torture, Temporary Character Death, Character Half-Death (Danny Phantom), Jason Todd Deserves Better, Danny Fenton Tries to Fix Gotham, Fix-It of Sorts, Gotham City is in New Jersey (DCU), Sentient Gotham City, Gotham City-Typical Violence (DCU), Fluff and Angst, Domestic Fluff, Danny Fenton-centric via https://ift.tt/2yAMmKB
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inthememetime · 2 years
Fic Masterlist- I'll reblog every time I add a chapter or add a new WIP.
For all of these, feel free to interact with me about them! I may add/remove/change things based on your comments. Except maybe H(a)unted.
H(a)unted - AO3 link here. Summary: My most angsty/messed up fic ever! Are the Fentons Haunted? Or are the halfas Hunted?
Danny is shocked when he, his parents, and Jazz are taken to court by Vlad Masters in a custody battle. Ridiculous! Right?
Not as much as Danny would like to think. As the trial goes on, Danny discovers he and his sister aren't who or what they thought, that their parents are not as they seem, and Vlad, his enemy, may be their only shot at survival.
This story is told primarily through dialogue and epistolary storytelling as an experiment. Throughout the story, please expect body horror, illegal and nonconsensual experimentation on human beings, murder, and kidnapping. Mind the tags, please.
Darcy Lewis' Adventures Dating Dracula- AO3 link here. Summary: Follow Darcy Lewis and Vlad Masters as they start dating- and deal with everything from ghostly serial killers, the Things In Crybaby Creek, Politics, the Addams Family, and international spyassasins.
The Fantabulous Emancipation of Danny Phantom- AO3 link here. Summary: The Fenton family journeys to Gotham to get Jazz settled in her dorm at Gotham U. Things go a little sideways when Danny lets something ghostly slip, and his parents try to shoot the 'evil ghost' out of him.
Danny can't go home. But his sister's 18 and willing to rent a campus apartment, Gotham has a layer of ectoplasm so thick it's almost as good as Amity Park, and he's already made a new friend!
Harley was just going to get snacks for Bud & Lou, her hyenas. She did not mean to befriend a tourist, but the kid's almost as crazy as she is!
Join Danny and Harley in a journey of friendship, crime for good reasons, and kicking Vlad and the Joker's ass.
Jack, the DILF of Amity Park- AO3 link here. Summary: AU where Vlad doesn't lust over Maddie. No, he's obsessed with Jack, and since college (minus a 20 year gap), they've fought over the man's affections like two cats.
However, as Maddie would kill him in 2 seconds, tge shenanigans are more sitcom-esque competition, conolete with Danny begging for brain bleach multiple times, and Vlad realizing Jack isn't the only Fenton he's in love with.
Jack, of course, is completely oblivious to the fact his visiting very friendly people causes Vlad and Maddie to stalk him amd talk for once. Or is he?
Danny Phantom in Showghost!- AO3 link here. Summary: Tucker Foley was having a perfectly normal day- until he runs into Narrator, a ghost who is possibly as powerful as Clockwork or Ghostwriter. The problem isn't Narrator- they just want their book back.
No, the problem is the GIW. And the possibility that the town of Amity Park was sucked into a mini-universe outside of time. And, to add more problems to Tucker's day, he seems to be the only one who realises what's going on.
"We are on a timeline, though," Narrator said cheerfully.
"What?! When were you gonna tell me that?!"
They scowled. "Those idiots in white broke my book. If we don't wake everyone up before we run out of pages, everyone dies here."
Not Broken, Just Bent- AO3 link here. Summary: The sequel to Vlad & The Accidental Family Acquisition and Darcy Lewis' Adventures Dating Dracula, NBJB is a Jazz-centric fic about growing up asexual, and the trials and tribulations of being asexual in a very sexual culture. On hiatus until DLADD is complete.
Pending fics (planned, but not written yet, or in draft stage) will be added in reblogs.
Questions about the fics, suggestions, or just have aome ideas? Hit that ask button or ask me in the comments!
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pyrrhicraven · 5 months
Tumblr media
Just wanted to share a little bit about a few of my unpublished fics :) since I posted my unpublished master list for the year/next year!
Transformers: Now that I have an idea of where I'm going with both fics, Hyper Lane and Drift will set after a truce is formed and everyone is still kind of getting used to the notion, Hyper Lane will focus on MegaOp and Drift is so far Gen. Harry Potter: I've talked about Emerald Waves before or at least mentioned a Harry is a Vampire fic. The general storyline is Harry takes Lucius Malfoy by surprise, biting the man and making a deal to destroy the insane dark lord. Dreary is a Death Eater Remus Lupin Fic, He takes off with Harry basically to raise as his own and he's pissed off at Riddle for killing his friends. Fortress is a Harry figures out the light side might not be the right side and asks the Goblins for help and they kind of just...Adopt him? Hellsing: Blood Auction, Enrico Gets Kidnapped and Alucard makes a choice to help him. Basically, plus there's a dragon and a few other things, Enrico dies (Kinda) and everyone is happy in the end except Integra. Monsoon, Walter finds out that there are things out there worse than death...
My Hero Academia: Aizawa wasn't kidding in that first test, he expelled Midoria who goes rogue. I'd say more but I might give away too much lol
Miraculous Ladybug: House Of Mirrors Felix and Marinette go through a traumatic experience together and bond. Felix/Marinette 100%
Star Wars: A Change of Fate is a gift fic and it was requested to be a reader/Obi-Wan fic where the reader is Obi-Wan's padawan and things get a little steamy ;) My untitled Sith Obi-Wan is a Codywan fic where Obi-Wan is fed up with the war and goes 1000% batshit crazy lol Abandoned is a Clone! Centric Fic at this point of my Plotting, and Silver Veil is going to be a collection fic for stuff that happens off-screen for my fics Horizon of Yesterday and Red Shift.
TMNT: This one has been in the works for a stupidly long time and it's basically my story for how my version of Mikey became the super famous Theif Soot and other tales.
MegaMind: Pandora is kind of a mess plot-wise, I just knew I wanted to write a new Megamind fic. In this Roxanne for unknown reasons dumps Mega and he well freaks out a bit honestly and that's all I've got lol
Super Mario Bros: Untitled #1 Booigi. Honestly, it's an excuse to write smut lol I've already written a chunk for this one and it's just Boo pushing our boy around and Luigi liking it lol As for the other untitled Luigi and Peach just having friendship moments and also set in my Devil's Trap universe so it covers how Luigi got invited to Girls Night. Not that it really needed explaining but I enjoyed writing it and wanted to write more lol
Danny Phantom: Tempest also has been waiting around stupidly long and it's a Pompep fic where Vlad shows up on Danny's doorstep injured. It's very Fluffy by my standards.
Most of these have been hanging around for a while so most of them are at least 100 words of the first draft if not an extensive outline, there are a few that are just vague ideas that caught my attention lol
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catmiint · 2 years
bottled poetry [Invisobang 2022]
Being a clone is hard when you’re a pale imitation. Being a clone is even harder when you look in the mirror and start to see someone besides the person you were made to be. 
Or; Dani’s journey to becoming Dani and not Danny.
Rated teen [read on ao3] and check out my other Invisobang fic [tumblr promo / read on ao3]
Warnings: this fic is from Dani’s perspective as she discovers her gender, so there is self-misgendering/deadnaming before she finds herself and misgendering/deadnaming from Vlad before she comes out; other warnings include themes of minor gaslighting, difficult parent/child relationships, and brief disordered eating
Tags: Dani Phantom centric, Trans!Dani Phantom, Trans Female Character, Transgender Author, Angst with a Happy Ending, Catharsis, Bad Parent Vlad Masters (not because he's transphobic though)
Art by @this-is-z-art-blog
Vlad always said that Danny was a gift because his birthday was on Christmas.
Danny remembered waking from that fog of dreamless sleep to see the expectant but tired face of his father hovering over him. His joy had been so palpable that it all but gave Danny a headache, as he grimaced and winced away from the harsh fluorescent lights of the lab.
Who am I?
The words formed in his head but never passed his lips before Vlad helped him stand and led him up the lab staircase and into a grand living room. A fire was roaring in the fireplace, a tray of tea on the table in front of the couch, and beyond the floor to ceiling windows there was snow falling gently from the sky. He could put words to all of these things he saw, but he couldn’t name himself in the haze of confusion.
As he was brought to the couch to sit on, Vlad introduced himself then explained in a warm voice that his name was Daniel Masters–or just Danny–and that he was Vlad’s son. The word son rattled around in his head and settled in easily as his first point of identity. Danny didn’t know who he was or even what he was, but he knew he was Vlad’s son. That was easy. Simple.
A cup of tea was shoved into his hands before he had even settled back into the plush couch, and Danny found he didn’t particularly like the astringent, earthy smell. He craved the phantom taste of hot chocolate in the back of his head, but said nothing. He hoped this brain fog would lift soon, and maybe the bitterness of the tea left to steep too long would help. Danny drank his tea, disliking the taste, as Vlad spoke about gratitude and pride and some other nonsense that Danny’s head was too clouded to think too hard about.
Long after Danny had finished the cup despite taking small sips, Vlad came to a stop and warmly smiled down at him. He said something, but the words buzzed meaninglessly in Danny’s ears, so he had to get him to repeat it.
“I have a gift for you,” Vlad murmured fondly.
Danny tilted his head to the side, curious but tongue still too heavy in his mouth to ask what it was. Without him needing to ask, though, Vlad stood and retrieved a small wrapped box from underneath a decorated Christmas tree. It was the only gift underneath it, which felt wrong for a reason Danny couldn’t place.
Taking the present from Vlad with trembling hands, he unwrapped it slowly to reveal a black velvet box. He flipped the lid open after an encouraging look from Vlad and saw that nestled on a pillow inside was an old but well-kept gold watch. Furrowing his brow in confusion, Danny glanced back up at Vlad.
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The man took that as a cue to explain. “This watch was given to me by my father,” he said. “I want to pass it on to you now.”
Danny’s eyes watered thinking of that. Vlad–no, his father–was gifting him something so precious. It didn’t matter in that moment that the world spun in a dizzying carousel of confusion. He felt like if he blinked that time would pass him by and leave him floundering, a fish out of water. His mind strained to uncover why he felt this way. Something wasn’t right. He knew, vaguely, that if he looked back there should be a road of memories stretching onward behind him. There was nothing, except for the single, shining fact that Danny was Vlad’s son.
And maybe that could be enough.
Vlad, sensing the weight of the moment, plucked the watch from the box and made careful work of latching it onto Danny’s wrist. The weight of the watch felt like a promise made. Danny would be the best son he could be.
In the following days, things would be explained enough for the fog to recede from Danny’s mind. He was told, first, that he had been in an accident that caused issues with his memory and explained the fuzziness. He was glad to hear that it would clear up soon, although it was unlikely any memories would ever return.
Next, Vlad explained that Danny was a halfa–half a human, half a ghost–and that he had another form he could access. It had taken some coaxing from Vlad to get him to be able to find his core and tap into it enough to transform. The change made him feel incredibly tired: sweat poured from his forehead after only a few minutes as his ghostly side.
That, Danny noticed, upset Vlad. He couldn’t place exactly what the distress in his father signified, but it was palpable in the air despite the older man trying to hide it. His father had given him a strained smile and simply waved a hand, saying that the accident must have disrupted his core. An unfortunate condition, Vlad had said.
That was the second thing that had settled within Danny’s mind as a resolute fact–he had an unfortunate condition. One that made Vlad look at him with that incalculable look in his eyes that seemed almost like disappointment. But, Vlad couldn’t be disappointed in Danny. From his own perspective, he hadn’t done anything wrong except exist. He hoped that he was reading Vlad’s expression wrong, because it made his stomach churn to think he didn’t have his father’s approval.
The entire situation made Danny feel half-formed or incomplete.
So, he pushed himself.
Everyday, Vlad would take Danny into a training room built to withstand their powers and have him transform. Danny would grit his teeth and bear the pain of maintaining the change. He would eventually be able to do small tricks with his powers that had him grinning in delight. Vlad would merely look thoughtful, as if making mental notes, when Danny turned to smile at him. His smile would quickly drop when Vlad didn’t notice him searching for approval.
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He’d work harder and harder, aiming to get Vlad to smile back at him or even to notice his pride in himself. Danny went from floating a few inches off the ground to flying laps around the training room at breakneck speeds. From only able to produce a sputtering green glow to flinging ectoblasts with his hands and feet. From minutes in his ghost form to hours.
So why did Vlad still look at him as if expecting someone else?
Danny peered into the mirror, now, and pondered that question. He didn’t know what he was doing wrong. Even his best efforts couldn’t bring out the pride in him that Danny saw Vlad exhibit that night with the watch. His face stared back at him from the mirror, pensive and pining. Noticing that expression, he scowled. He wouldn’t mope. Spinning the slightly-too-loose watch on his wrist, he doubled down on his resolve to be the best son he could be for Vlad.
Alongside the physical power training, there was also education on a variety of topics. Danny had asked why he couldn’t go to regular high school, and Vlad in response just ruffled his hair fondly and sighed, saying that he wasn’t a normal boy. He went on to say that as halfas, they were a cut above the common folk and, as such, Danny needed a more specific education. (Danny didn’t ask again after that, even when the loneliness settled in his bones during the long hours Vlad was away for work and left him at the mansion).
But during their lessons Vlad had said something that caught his interest. Their forms were malleable and subject to both conscious and subconscious change. Ectoplasm was liable to being emotionally charged, and with enough emotion and intent, the form it took could be nudged in certain directions. Vlad explained that this was how he had gotten his ghost form to look as it did, and that one day Danny would have mastered control enough over the ectoplasm that made up his ghostly form to do similar.
Maybe, Danny thought, if he mastered this ability on his own, then Vlad would be surprised out of his seeming disinterest in Danny’s progress with his powers.
Changing into his ghost half, he stared hard into the mirror. There had been little explanation in the way of how ectoplasm could be “nudged” to change form, but if it had to do with intent then maybe thinking hard enough about it would be enough.
But what changes could he make?
Figuring he’d start with something simple, Danny tried to imagine himself with a different hair style. At first, he floundered for ideas. Getting the image into his head was difficult. Perhaps if he based the image in his head on something real. There was a nice, young maid that cleaned the mansion sometimes who kept her hair pulled back into a neat ponytail. That memory would make it easier to visualize.
Danny focused on the image of himself, except with that maid’s hairstyle. He imagined the same feeling of tapping into his core to summon up ectoblasts or turn invisible, but directed that energy toward the image. Soon, a tingling sensation prickled across his body.
He gasped.
He could see the ends of his hair begin to turn green with ectoplasm, long strands of it dripping down and lengthening his hair. The ectoplasm turned the same shiny, ethereal white as the rest of his hair. Then, with a thought, all of the hair was swept back into a high ponytail.
Danny stared.
He looked… good. Not just good as in pretty, but good as in it made pleasure flutter in his chest. Reaching a hand up, he ran fingers through the long hair. It was soft and fluffy, subtle curls barely paying any mind to gravity. Danny really, really liked how the hairstyle framed his face. It made him look softer, feminine almost.
On a whim, he thought now of the maid’s gentle facial features. She had a small chin and a plump, upturned smile reddened with a touch of lipstick. The sight of ectoplasm molding his facial features made him start, but he watched with rapt attention as it turned to smooth skin.
Tears pricked in the corners of his eyes, as he choked on the feeling of rightness nestled in his chest.
The feeling was absolutely and completely terrifying.
So, Danny did what felt natural to him and ran. Without thinking further of the sense of right and home, he turned his attention to reverting the features of his ghost form to normal. To the way he was meant to be. Danny. Vlad’s son.
Son. Boy. Not whatever the feeling of pretty and soft and feminine that he got meant.
He turned away from the mirror and crushed that little feeling of temporary euphoria. Danny was nothing if he wasn’t Vlad’s son.
It was weeks before Danny returned to the mirror after his previous attempts at changing his ghostly half. He had resolved to lock up whatever those sudden emotions had been, but eventually the curiosity and sense that he was on the verge of something big won out. Whatever discovery needed to be found, Danny wanted to find it.
He eyed his ghost half in the full body mirror, taking note of every detail and drinking it in. The strange skin-tight suit he was wearing that came from somewhere unknown highlighted every detail of his form. Skinny, but not scrawny–leaning more towards lithe, hidden muscle. Narrow hips, broader shoulders. He looked plain, all things considered, and not at all something that would make someone think “ghost.”
Cautious, Danny set his mind to repeating the process of transforming his ghostly form into something else. He figured he’d replicate the changes he had made that had evoked the strong emotions–long hair, softer features. Vlad had, through their lessons, seemed to imply that halfas were comprised of less ectoplasm than a full ghost and thus their forms were harder to change. But, when Danny dug deep into his core and listened to the thrum of ectoplasm in his body, he didn’t notice any lack of it. The ectoplasm was responsive and malleable to his mind, not at all resisting like Vlad had suggested it might.
He nudged his form towards the image in his head and watched as his hair once again lengthened and his facial features shifted slightly. His chest felt tight watching his form change because he liked the changes. That “like” confused him. What was it about this that made his heart beat faster and face flush?
Danny imagined Vlad’s maid again. She was a quiet, soft-spoken woman who kept to herself and didn’t ask questions–probably the reason she had been hired over another. Her hands were small but worn from work and her face tired. But that wasn’t what Danny was thinking about–he was thinking about how she was curvier than himself or Vlad. She had wider hips and small but noticeable breasts. Her waist tapered in slightly, usually accented by the flare of the skirts she wore.
He took those images into himself and tried to think of his own body, but altered–feminized, he was loath to admit to himself. Danny focused his thoughts and saw the ectoplasm readily respond. His chest was no longer flat, and he had a sort of hourglass shape to his waist and hips now. He also nudged himself shorter, gasping at the sensation of shrinking.
What stared back was wonderful.
Danny ran a shaking hand over his body and realized that self-monologue felt wrong. There was something rattling around in his mind that he just had to capture and look at. Looking at himself in the mirror now, he looked like a girl. And liked it. Maybe that meant…
Was she a girl?
Asking that question came with no small amount of fear. Terror pounded in her chest at the thought. It felt right but wrong and home but dangerous. Wasn’t she supposed to be Vlad’s son? That was who she was–who she was meant to be. So why did that phrase twist her heart so painfully?
She wanted to test something.
In a low voice, she whispered, “This is Daniel Masters. He is a halfa and Vlad’s only son. He likes to go by Danny.”
Pain shot up through her entire being, and she winced. Now that the thoughts were there and screaming at her, that sentence felt terrible and awful and like it clawed at her very soul.
“This is Danielle Masters. She is a halfa and Vlad’s only daughter,” she tried, then paused.
The words that slipped past her lips were soft and low, so as not to be overheard despite Vlad being far away at some sort of business conference. The quiet murmured sentences excited her, though. Yes! part of her mind screamed. That’s me!
She continued, “She likes to go by Dani.” Mentally, she imagined spelling the nickname and dotting the I.
Dani. Dani. Dani.
She was Dani.
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A grin broke out on her face for the briefest of euphoric moments before the fear barged back into her heart.
How was she going to tell Vlad? What would he think? She didn’t have any words to put a name to her experience. All she knew was that she was, maybe, a girl. Because that felt… good? Right? Like coming home? She tried to wrestle the emotions into an easily-shared package of words, but floundered. There was no explanation she could give as to how or why. All she knew was that she was.
Dani didn’t know why she had been born a boy, except maybe the same reason that there were grapes–there was the act of creation in the refinement of grapes into the bottled poetry that was wine. That’s what she was. An act of creation in progress.
She was bottled poetry.
Dani sat with this happiness locked up for far longer than she’d care to admit. Days dragged into weeks into months, going about her days as “Danny” and then retreating to her room to be “Dani” in her privacy. She knew that one day, soon, she’d have to confront her father with this discovery she had made. Every time she imagined the conversation, her words got tangled in her head and on her tongue. She didn’t have the words for what she was besides that being a girl felt like home.
Hearing the wrong pronouns and gendered terms made her internally cringe, something inside of her recoiling in pain. There were times where Dani wanted to jump up and down and scream to the heavens about who she really was. Instead, she whispered who she was to herself in the mirror like a prayer at night. “I’m Dani with an I,” she’d murmur and coo, “I’m Vlad’s daughter.”
Those private moments were small comforts amidst the storm of living the wrong life by day. It didn’t help that she continued to struggle and struggle against all odds for any semblance of approval or any hint of pride from Vlad. She just wanted a crumb of recognition, but none of her efforts ever came up with anything. Vlad, at most, would give an amused shake of the head when she floundered about with her powers.
Every demonstration from him of what a halfa could be felt like a slap in the face to all her hard work.
The frustration and resentment had been simmering inside of her at first like a watched pot of water on the stove. She was barely aware of when that simmering turned to boiling over. Dani never noticed that she was fed up with Vlad’s treatment and ignorance of who she really was until it came bursting out.
It was a day like any other, playing their daily game of chess during afternoon tea in preparation for power training. She was distracted, thinking about how Vlad’s maid said she would bring her new kitten for Dani to meet and didn’t play at a good enough level to be any real challenge to her opponent.
Vlad, putting her in checkmate, shook his head with an exasperated sigh. “Really, one would be hard-pressed to think you were my son with the way you play chess sometimes.”
Dani snapped to reality, eyes narrowing before she could even think to curb her temper. The words sat on her tongue–a snake’s venom dripping from its fangs. She didn’t hold them back. “Good thing I’m not your son, then.”
“Wh–” Vlad started, a confused but oddly enraged look crossing his face. “A game of chess is hardly anything to disown me over.”
Her fingers curled on the table, hands clenching into fists. “I said I wasn’t your son, but I’m still your child.” Vlad was watching her warily, eyes glinting with contained anger. Before the bravery that anger brought left her, she continued, “I’m your daughter.”
Vlad barked a laugh, as if it were a particularly funny joke, then noticed Dani’s scowl and paused. “You’re serious,” he commented dryly.
“I–I’m Danielle. Dani, but with an I.” She admitted it, the frustration beginning to cool and the uncertainty coming out with a squeak.
“How?” he asked, more to himself.
Dani frowned, looking down at her king on the chess board in checkmate. “I don’t know. I just feel like I am–”
“You were supposed to be my perfect copy. My son,” Vlad murmured, looking somewhere between distraught and angry. Not angry at her, she noted strangely. Just angry.
“Copy?” she asked. Dread was pooling in her stomach.
Vlad was looking at her with great intent. He didn’t respond for a few moments, as if, to her surprise, gathering his own courage. “You weren’t born in the traditional way, Daniel–Danielle.” The correction made her heart skip a beat.
Things were slotting into place in Dani’s mind–all the pieces that had never quite fit in the explanation of her life finally settling in to where they belonged. That one day with the watch. The haze. That must have been when she was–
“You are a clone. A clone of the only other halfa in existence than myself,” Vlad finally said gravely.
Tears began to prick at the corners of her eyes.
Dani was nothing but a clone–a copy of someone else, and a failed copy at that? She had to have been a failure for her to find herself as Danielle and not Daniel. A sense of wrongness began to develop inside of her heart. It was ugly and dark and tore at all of the happiness that had been settling there with her self-discovery.
A hand went to her mouth to try to hold in the sob that she knew was coming. It did nothing to muffle the sound. A terrible, ugly sobbing came bursting from her as she turned those words over in her head.
Clone, clone, clone.
Failed copy.
She was a failure.
“Oh, Danielle.” Vlad tutted as if dealing with a misplaced temper tantrum. “You must know that I still–” he stopped.
Love me, love me, love me! Dani wanted to beg. Say it, say I’m your daughter. I don’t know who I am without it.
“I won’t simply abandon you,” Vlad said after the pause.
Dani felt her heart shatter into pieces, the desperation for love and validation and even just recognition storming inside of her. She wanted to stand up and stomp her feet and scream at Vlad. Dani wanted to scream that she was Vlad’s daughter and that she wasn’t just someone else’s failed clone.
But, she didn’t.
Dani continued to sob rather than scream.
Vlad wavered, unsure of how to comfort her.
“You have brothers,” he settled on.
She sobbed harder. Brothers, she thought, or others deemed as failures?
“Three attempts before you–they’re dormant in the lab. Ghosts, rather than halfas like me.”
“Us,” she choked out between sobs. “Like us.”
“Ah,” Vlad hummed. “Yes, like us.”
“Why?” she asked, not meeting her father’s–her creator’s–eyes.
Vlad was silent for so long that Dani did not think he would answer. But, eventually, he gave an answer. “I am lonely,” he told her.
Am. The present tense of the word rattled in her head and heart, tearing through any remaining shreds of happiness. “Am I nothing to you?” she asked, finally looking up and all but begging for Vlad to tell her she was wrong.
“You’re not him.”
Dani stood and fled for her room.
Dani didn’t leave her room for days after the revelation. Not only was she a clone, but she was a failure of a clone to her so-called father. She had locked the door, even though that didn’t mean much to a halfa who could just walk through walls. Vlad had, to his credit, respected the locked door. He would knock and speak softly through it, begging Dani to come out and talk or even just eat something. She was nothing if not stubborn, however, getting by on drinking water from the tap in the bathroom adjacent to her room and ignoring the hunger pangs.
Her thoughts roiled inside of her, angry and violent and in utter despair. Sometimes she couldn’t breathe or think for all of the agony her emotions put her through. Dani had been so tentatively happy before the revelation–she may have been dealing with the daily frustrations of misgendering, but at least she had her quiet authenticity to revel in at night. Now, what did she have?
Who was she?
She didn’t even know who she was supposed to be a clone of. She knew nothing about the real Danny that was out there somewhere, so unattainable to Vlad that he had turned to making not one but four failed clones. Part of her wanted to see the three other failed clones. Maybe they would understand and help her come to terms with this terrible pain. The other part of her wanted nothing to do with them. She didn’t want any reminder of or association with the clone part of herself. Dani simply wanted to be herself, and not whoever she’d been cloned from.
Dani was uncertain how long she had even spent in her room, locked away to weather the storm inside. She had pulled the blackout curtains closed the first morning and had not peeked outside since. Her sense of time was all wobbly because she kept alternating between sleeping, crying, trashing her room in a rage, and then picking things up apologetically. She wasn’t sure who she was apologizing to–Vlad and all that he’d bought her didn’t deserve her respect anymore. Dani couldn’t even apologize to herself because she felt so horrible that she could only find herself worthy to wallow in the aftermath of her destruction.
None of these emotions were getting any easier to come to terms with, and that was endlessly frustrating. She couldn’t bury them, nor could she grin and bear the pain. Something had to give–she had to deal with them. If she kept going through these cycles of crying and screaming, then she’d simply waste away, locked inside this room. It was that realization that had her sit in front of the bathroom mirror again.
Dani cautiously transformed into her ghost half, surprised at how much effort it took, then set to work molding the ectoplasm of her form into what she wanted to see when she looked in the mirror. Longer hair, softer features, curvier figure, shorter stature. It was methodical, the way she went about the changes. Like checking things off a list. It didn’t bring euphoria to see the changes this time, however, but rather relief. A weight off her shoulders that she didn’t know was there. She was too tired to be happy at what she saw in the mirror. Dani could only be relieved that it better fit her mental image.
Gripping the edges of the sink, she stared into her own neon green eyes. They were rimmed with red and puffy from the combination of too much crying and too little restful sleep. Her face looked tired and haggard in a way that upset her. She didn’t want to be locked in her room throwing a tantrum and denying herself all food. Dani just wanted to be herself–so what was the barrier?
The first step was admitting that Dani still wanted so desperately to be Vlad’s daughter.
The second step was admitting that Vlad no longer saw Dani as his child.
She took a long, deep breath. The first thing was simple to wrap her head around. Vlad was the only person she’d really had extended interactions with besides the one maid that he let clean the house. (Dani realized then that in her state of despair, she would have missed the day the maid said she’d bring her new kitten. She frowned at that). Vlad was the only person that Dani had to attach herself to and define herself by.
Without Vlad and that connection, she had to define herself in her own terms.
“Who is Danielle?” she asked her reflection quietly.
That question sat with her for some time in the silence of her bathroom. She knew what she would have said before the clone revelation, but now things were different. It wasn’t as simple as being Vlad’s daughter.
“Danielle goes by Dani with an I. She is the only female halfa,” she said. That was a start. Then, continuing, “She likes animals. And music. And… she doesn’t like chess.”
Her face stared back blankly at her in the mirror. Those were such basic things–how could they define her?
The truth, speak the truth, she told herself. “Danielle is… really, really angry and sad right now.”
What else?
“Danielle might be angry and sad, but she’s going to overcome it because she’s awesome and resilient.” A bit of a smile upturned her lips. “Danielle is a clone, but she doesn’t want that to define her. She’s strong–both physically, but also, mentally. Danielle is strong enough to overcome this with time.”
That was… good. She could work with this.
Dani had a shaky idea as to who she was, so she could move on to the second thing. Vlad didn’t want her. Danielle was just Danielle now–she wasn’t Danielle Masters. She was not Vlad’s daughter.
Blinking, she realized what she had to do.
The watch that Vlad gifted her on that first day sat heavy on her wrist, cold metal pressing into her skin. Vlad had gifted it to someone he’d thought was his perfect clone and son. But that wasn’t her. She was her own person, so this watch didn’t belong to her. Not in spirit, not anymore.
She retreated from the bathroom and began to dig through the drawers of her dresser until she found that black velvet box that the watch belonged in. With shaking steps, she walked to her bedroom door and unlocked it. It took a lot of effort and courage, but she managed to push the door open and peer into the hallway. To her surprise, there Vlad was–sitting slumped against the wall opposite her door looking defeated.
He glanced up at the noise of the door opening and startled upon seeing her.
Dani gathered her courage and took those three steps forward needed to close the distance between them. Thrusting out her hand with the watch box, she offered it to Vlad. Confused, he took it and flicked the lid open to check that it contained the gold watch. When he saw the watch in the box, he returned his gaze to Dani, question forming on his lips.
She shook her head. “Don’t,” she said harshly. “Don’t make excuses and don’t lie.”
Vlad shut the lid of the velvet box. He said nothing, apparently not having words that contained neither an excuse or a lie.
“That’s for your son, your child, your daughter–I don’t know who that is, but it isn’t me.” Dani stared at Vlad resolutely, her courage turning to steel and slowly gathering the broken pieces of her heart. “My name is Dani with an I–and don’t you forget it.”
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only-in-december · 3 years
I finally finished and uploaded chapter five of my fic "Five Times Vlad Defended Jack (And The One Time He Didn't)"!!! This is one of my favorite fics I've done so far. I can't wait to get chapter six written and done.🙂🙂🙂
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songsforotpshit · 3 years
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doodleswithangie · 6 years
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day 14/15/16: flowers/girls/gift
daddy’s little girl
Check out my other Phanniemay entries here and all my other doodles here!
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Time to Retcon Phantom Planet.
I took Flynn from Elmer, I'm taking PP too. 
There I was, just minding my business when an errant thought about the cursed Danny Phantom finale graced my mind. In the ep Vlad had to touch the ectoranium asteroid to realize his plan is a bust. He got his hands ON the meteor. The meteor speeding through space at a deadly pace...
So that got me thinking, If Vlad had the means to keep up with the darn thing WHY DID HE NOT SIMPLY PUSH THE METEOR OFF COURSE ??? THERE'S NO FRICTION IN SPACE HE COULD BLAST IT A BIT TO THE LEFT AND BOOM! PROBLEM SOLVED. Obviously, after that realization the only logical next step is to retcon the whole episode.
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I’m going to A) rename it “Altering Course” and B) make it Vlad-centric. With the aforementioned correction, and the magic of cartoon logic, the result would be Vlad’s plan to take over the world actually working. V-man gets exactly what he wants, Jack in prison (or something, we obviously can't kill him), Maddie as his begrudging wife, Danny and Jazz as his kids and the whole world under his command.
And it SUCKS. 
Cue a montage of Vlad being hounded by world leaders asking what he's going to do about all these different problems in other countries now that he's "in charge". Being badgered by the press every possible second for statements about "what his plans are now?" Which catches him off guard because, well…. THIS was his endgame, he has no more plans. So instead of answering he goes ghost and flees. But he's not safe in the ghost zone either because now ghosts are popping up to challenge him for "the right to rule the mortal world".
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After an absurdly hectic day Vlad finally makes it home to his mansion, beaten, bruised, and exhausted. "Well, at least I have my new loving family." WRONG. The whole night is full of Danny and Jazz glaring at Vlad and pranking him when they’re not avoiding him. Maddie (the human) serving him burnt, ecto-contaminated food for dinner, and pointedly sleeping on the couch. Vlad proposes they have a “family game night” and everyone leaves the room. The day ends the same as all the others before it: Vlad miserable and alone in his bed with no one but Maddie (the cat) beside him. A long, slow pan outwards from Vlad staring silently at his ceiling to emphasize the weight of his loneliness and how nothing has changed.
Hard cut to the next morning.
Danny confronts Vlad after the news breaks, understandably suspicious. "So what? That's it? You got everything you wanted just to give it up after one day?" Vlad sighs, "Clearly, I bit off more than I could chew, the idea of world domination is much nicer than the reality of it." He looks at Jack and Maddie being tearfully reunited, "Power is a hollow substitute for love, it's taken me until now to realize that."
Vlad apologizes to Jack (who also apologizes for the proto-portal incident), apologizes to Maddie and the kids, and declares he’s done with scheming. Danny hesitates, but then offers to help Vlad become a hero if he wants. “I could train you, teach you everything I know. And all you'd have to do is renounce your old evil ways.” Vlad laughs upon hearing the offer he made Danny being turned back on himself. Vlad agrees and they shake on it. The ep ends on a close up of their handshake and fades to black with outro music.
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I think Danny making peace with his main villain would be a great place to stop the series if it was forced to end there, but still open enough to invite another season exploring Vlad's redemption arc (and Valerie’s, since the theme of S4 would be ‘befriending your enemies’). 
Unlike PP the focus of the episode wouldn’t be on the sensationalism of “ghosts are real!??” or the disasteroid itself, but on Vlad’s personal growth. The reality of responsibility, consequences of one’s actions, and power of forgiveness. No mayor Tucker, no stranded in space Vlad, no outing Phantom to the entire world, no weird forced romance.
Now for your entertainment please consider these post AC headlines: 
- "Billionaire commits crimes against humanity, faces no consequences for his actions. Claims to have 'turned over a new leaf'" 
- “Half-Ghost or Half-Truth? Elaborate publicity stunt causes DALV Co stock to surge overnight” 
- “Dairy King Vlad Masters Becomes Official King of Wisconsin”
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ayamari-no-goshi · 2 years
To Join the Whispers (8)
Fandoms: Danny Phantom (DP) / DC universe
Summary:  THIS  IS A CROSSOVER. A contact for the Batfamily passed along a rumor that the League of  Assassins were investigating a small city called Amity Park.The old man and Tim managed to find evidence of unusual  paranormal activity in the town. While they weren’t entirely certain it  wasn’t just infested with metas, the locals believed the entities that  haunted, for lack of a  better word, the town were actual ghosts. If there was one thing Ra’s al Ghul didn’t need to get his grubby hands on, it was ghosts.That’s probably why Jason was doing this. He had the unfortunate luck to experience both death and resurrection in a way he’d never recommend to anyone else.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, and questionable mental health
Parings: none
Notes: originally uploaded to AO3. Cross-posted to tumblr. Jason Todd-centric
Sam must have thought Danny was out of earshot when she glared at him. “You better not hurt him.”
Jason raised an eyebrow at the girl. “I’m not sure what you’re implying.”
Although her features didn’t relax, she turned her gaze. “Danny hasn’t said much about you, other than you understand his situation better than anyone else he’s met other than Vlad.” Maybe the kid did have better sense about what to and not to say to people than he thought. “Vlad’s done a lot to harm and manipulate Danny…”
“So I’ve heard.”
“Then you understand why I don’t trust you.” She looked up and met his eyes. Although she tried to hide her unease, her lip quivered.
“To be honest, I wouldn’t trust me either.” Static momentarily filled his communicator. The interference seemed to be getting worse. Bruce wasn’t going to be happy, but then again, when was he ever happy? “But, if it makes you feel better, I don’t want to see Glowstick get hurt either. Kids shouldn’t have to fight an adult’s battle.”
She scoffed and put her hands on her waist. “You clearly don’t know anything. Here, the adults do more harm than good.”
“Didn’t say they had good intentions.” He almost smirked at Sam’s surprised expression, almost. She’d probably find it patronizing, especially coming from him. “Between his parents, Masters, and that joke of a government organization, I can understand why there isn’t a lot of trust. Doesn’t mean it’s right.” Too many kids and teens took on responsibilities beyond them without understanding the consequences of it. He learned that the hard way.
As Sam eyed him suspiciously, the Pit stirred in greeting again. He turned just in time to see Danny materialize.
“It’s kind of creepy you can tell it’s me,” Danny grumbled as he shook some of the water off of him.
“Oh, so it’s not creepy when you can find me?” Teasing the kid felt so natural. Danny stuck his tongue out in response.
“What happened to intangibility?”
Danny gave Sam a sour look as he momentarily became intangible. Water pooled at his feet. He was so comfortable using his powers in a public setting. Didn’t anyone notice? Glancing around, Jason realized no one seemed to pay them any mind. How? Were the people of Amity that jaded by the paranormal? Or was it something about Danny himself?
“Got attacked by some wannabe ninja.” Danny pulled a dart out from one of his pockets and handed it to Jason. “Don’t know how he saw me. I could have sworn I was invisible.”
The dart belonged to the League. Well, at least they had confirmation they were outside. “You show up as an abnormal cold spot on anything that can detect heat,” he absently replied as he tried his communicator. The static had gotten worse.
“Oh, I guess that makes sense, ice core and all.”
Ice core? Were there different types of cores? Frostbite did mention they were like a heart but didn’t mention much else. He should probably ask Danny about it when there wasn’t a threat of assassins.
The com was tried again, and thankfully, this time it worked. He didn’t need Bruce having his panties in a bunch because communications were down.
With confirmation the League was around, orders were given. Everyone else was to suit up and head outside to try to chase off the League members before Plasmius had a chance to kill them. Jason, on the other hand, was to stay near Danny and keep an eye on Masters. He immediately tried to protest. Who else could punch Plasmius if the Fenton tech didn’t work? But Bruce was firm in his decision. The Bat really didn’t trust him not to kill someone.
Grumbling, he fingered one of his hidden guns. Might as well be prepared to shoot when someone inevitably crashed through the window.
“What? Did you get benched or something?”
“The boss and I don’t exactly agree on how to handle situations like this.” Irritation crept into his voice as he leaned against the wall. Could he blame the man? No, not really.
A little voice in the back of him mind suggested maybe Bruce trusted him to keep Danny safe. Where’d that idea come from? It wasn’t like when he was Robin and still naïve, and Bruce trusted him to follow orders, well, mostly follow orders. Even back then, he had a habit of creatively interpreting them.
Deciding he didn’t like his train of thought, he distracted himself by scanning the crowd for Masters. The man seemed to be chatting with one of the guests, but he had himself situated in a way he could easily watch the area where he and Danny stood. The Pit also continued to grumble about something being nearby, but he couldn’t figure out exactly what or where it was.
As he continued to watch the crowd, the Pit’s grumbles became hisses. Something was wrong, and the crowd confirmed it. The babble of conversations vanished, leaving only the sound of music, and, to make it worse, everyone in the crowd stood unsettlingly still. Masters was nowhere to be seen. Not sure what to make of it, Jason pulled out one of his regular guns and one of the Fenton blasters.
As soon as the weapons were out in the open, the crowd turned to look at him. Well, that wasn’t creepy. Was this Masters’ doing?
“Hey, is there a way you can tell if people are being possessed?” When Danny didn’t answer him, Jason stole a quick glance to see the kid gently shaking Sam. Her eyes were unfocused, and she seemed to be unnaturally stiff.
“Vlad!” Danny’s eyes flashed green as he turned towards the crowd and snarled the man’s name. Moments later, the white rings swept over him as he morphed into his ghost form. “What did you do to her? To the rest of them?”
“Temper, temper Daniel.” Masters’ voice was light as he appeared to their left and slowly walked towards them. “My duplicates are temporarily inhabiting them. As long as you behave, I won’t hurt them.” The man locked eyes with Jason. “I would recommend putting those toys away, son. Wouldn’t want anyone to get stuck in the crossfire.”
The controlled crowed took stepped closer to them. They almost looked robotic as they moved.
Cursing the realization no one asked Danny exactly what a ghost could or couldn’t do when possessing a human, he put away the guns. Couldn’t risk anyone getting harmed.
Black rings washed over Masters as he took his ghost form as smiled. “With the distraction outside distracting your family and the one in here handled, we can chat like gentlemen.” Plasmius’ expression turned predatory as he floated. “Jason, or should I call you by your moniker of the Red Hood? You know, I never understood why you decided to use that specific title. I heard rumors your father’s nemesis, the Joker, once used it.”
“Needed to remind someone of a mistake they made, but what can I say? I’ve become attached to the name.” Jason stole a peek at the crowd. They had stopped moving again. “But why take such extreme measures for a talk.”
“As I’m sure you and your family know, I’ve spent a great deal of time researching potential business partners in order to further my goals. Your father has been of great interest to me for years. Due to some unusual coincidences, I decided to uncover what his connections with Batman happened to be. So many of us billionaires have our little hobbies after all.”
“Wait… Batman?” Danny gaped at him. After blinking a few times, he pointed at window. “If… if your brother is Nightwing… Your entire family is…! But, but how? And do all billionaires either choose to be heroes or villians? Do you people seriously have nothing better to do with your time and money?”
“Did you really just figure that out, Daniel?”
“How many other families do you know where every single one of them decided to become heroes?” he snapped.
Jason decided not to answer that. When it came to human families, many of them did tend to get involved either directly or indirectly. Instead, he decided to ask a different question. “How exactly did you find out? It’s not like that information is readily available.”
“I can see you’re intrigued by my tactics.” Masters took a moment to gloat. “I’ll assume you’ve heard the phrase ‘ghost in the machine’?”
“Yeah, but something tells me it has a more literal meaning for you then the philosophical one.” At Masters’ smile, Jason tensed. If it was true that ghosts could infiltrate machines, then it was unlikely any information, no matter how protected, was safe.
“You’d be correct. While I currently hire those more adept at the practice than myself, I found it very beneficial as I expanded my businesses. Imagine my surprise to find out how much information Bruce Wayne has gathered over the years about everyone and everything. But what I think surprised me the most was you, Jason.”
“Let me guess, you saw my death records.”
“I’ll be the first to admit how dreadful the report is. Between how the Joker used your mother as a lure, and his actions that lead to your demise, I don’t understand how your father was able to restrain himself in order to capture him. I would have thought he’d permanently end the threat, but that mad man escaped yet again and crippled a dear family friend.”
Jason narrowed his eyes and fingered his guns. What was Masters’ game? Was he purposely trying to bring up his anger towards Bruce lack of killing that fucking waste of a human to get a rise out of him? Or was he going to offer to kill the Joker in order to sway him to his side? “You’re awfully brave to bring up that bastard in front of me.”
“Now, now, no need for the scary eyes.”
“What? Can’t handle someone glaring at you?”
Vlad’s expression briefly morphed to curiosity. “Do you not know what happened to you? What changes are occurring?”
“Your eyes are glowing,” Danny whispered as he floated to his right. “Strong emotions can cause ghost powers to trigger accidentally. With the modifications to the Deflector, I’m not sure if it’ll still shock you if one activates.”
His eyes were glowing? Shit. The last time it happened his vision tinged green, but that wasn’t happening this time. The Pit was still active and angry, but it didn’t seem to be clouding him like before. Maybe that trip to the Ghost Zone sped up the filtering process Frostbite mentioned.
“Good to know,” he responded as he let some of the tension in his shoulders go. Even if he was currently in control, there was no telling what the tipping point might be.
“That’s better.” Masters smirked as he continued. “Now, where we’re we? Ah yes, your death and resurrection. I’ve spent a great deal of time studying death and those of us who linger on beyond the grave. Your situation was so unique – being brought back to life in a pool of the same substance that half killed me, half killed Daniel. I wasn’t sure what that entailed until we finally met in person. You might not even have noticed it, but I caught the glow of your eyes upon our greeting. And when I was escorting you and your family to the hotel, there was a brief slip of invisibility.”
There was? He doubted that. In a car full of people who were either Batman or trained by him, there was no way none of them noticed. But, with how paranoid Bruce could be, he could have waited to bring it up when he was certain of what was happening or if someone else mentioned it.
“So what?” The longer he could keep Masters talking, the longer he had to try to figure something out. They were at a huge disadvantage if they stayed in the ballroom. His hands moved to a hidden pocket on the inside of his jacket. “Unlike you and Phantom here,” he made sure to keep his fist closed as he gestured to Danny with his thumb before gesturing to himself, “this is the only form I have.”
“Perhaps.” Masters floated a little higher as he regarded him and Danny. A magenta glow encompassed his fists. “Or perhaps you’ve just never had a reason to discover it.”
“You think you’ve done your research, but you really don’t know a thing about me.” Smirking, he quickly dropped the smoke bomb he held. As Plasmius began coughing, Jason quickly put on his mask and grabbed Danny as he bolted for the door. If he wanted to even the playing field, he needed to get them away from the other guests. He let Danny go after he slammed his way through the doors.
“What’s wrong with you?” Danny demanded after coughing a few times as he watched Jason remove his jacket and dress shirt to reveal one of his bulletproof vests. “Vlad still has control over everyone in there, including one of my best friends!”
“Masters’ goal is us.” He was all business as he put on his experimental goggles and pulled up the red hood attached to the vest. “I doubt he’ll be able to keep control of his hostages while he looks for us. Now, what’s the best way to get out of here?”
The kid glowered at him but didn’t argue. Instead, he grabbed him and turned intangible. For a moment, Jason could feel a chill spread throughout his arm, but electricity crackled causing Danny to hiss in pain and pull away.
“Guess the easy way isn’t going to work. Whatever was done to the Deflector allows you to touch me safely, but as soon as try to use my powers on you, it zaps me.” Danny floated towards the stairs and beckoned him. “If any of them get hurt because of you…”
“Yeah, yeah, I get it. Lead the way.”
It seemed as if Danny was purposely trying to lose him as he zipped through the walls of the mansion. Thankfully, he could easily detect the cold spot that was Danny with his gear.
As they moved, he tried to contact the others, but static once again filled the com. Was it something to do with the storm outside? Or was it something that Plasmius was doing? Great, the Bat wasn’t going to like being kept out of the loop.
The Pit snarled, giving him just enough of a warning to dodge a flash of magenta, he grabbed one of the ecto-guns and spun around. It only took a moment for him to find the area with the unusually high energy reading and take a shot of his own. Fucking invisibility. While he didn’t hit center, he was still able to graze Plasmius’ shoulder and bring him into the visible spectrum. Now that he had a more defined target, it was time to show the creep just who he was messing with.
“Why won’t you hold still?” Plasmius demanded as he tried and failed to Jason with several more blasts.
If he had to guess, they were some sort of plasma or energy attack, but the man’s attack patterns were so basic. It was hardly a challenge. “Guess you’ve never fought someone who’s been trained to fight against metas and aliens.”
“Aren’t you worried I’m going to hurt my guests?”
“You have no need for hostages up here, Vlad.” Jason purposely hit his arm this time followed by a blast to the chest, knocking him to the floor. Plasmius quickly stood and backed away from him. “Besides, it’s difficult to fight when you have your attention spread out between so many duplicates of yourself.” He smiled as he followed the ghost and grabbed his suit. “I’m going to enjoy this.”
The punch to Plasmius’ jaw happened to be one of the most satisfying in his career. Not only did it feel like the jaw ended up dislocated, but the resulting electrical shock from the Specter Deflector also made him cry out in pain. The man deserved a few more. Maybe he should dislocate one of Plasmius’ shoulders too.
He stopped mid-punch and looked towards the source of the voice. Danny was floating nearby, horrified. Ah, he must have gotten carried away if he hadn’t heard or noticed him. But it was weird, the green haze that usually accompanied such episodes wasn’t present this time. Unsure what to make of that, he released Plasmius’ suit jacket and backed away.
Plasmius seemed to be unconscious. Purplish bruising had begun to form on his face, but he hadn’t reverted back to his human form. Was Vlad able to hold onto that form even while unconscious? Or was he like Danny and would revert back?
“Something tells me you checked to see if the people in the ballroom were okay while I played with this idiot,” Jason kept his eye on Plasmius as Danny floated closer to him. With limited gadgets available, he wouldn’t be able to hold him, unless he used the Specter Deflector. He’d consider that.
“Yeah, and they’re okay, by the way. But I didn’t expect to come back and find you pummeling Vlad.” Danny frowned at the other half-ghost. “How’d you do that?”
“I punched him.”
“I got that part, but you knocked him down. Like, you won. How?” The kid gestures wildly towards Plasmius.
“You’re kidding, right?” If Danny was that impressed, then he really needed some help with training. Those ghost animals were more of a challenge then Plasmius. The man had gotten complacent with fighting people unequipped to fight back against him, but his ability to gather data he shouldn’t have access to still made him dangerous.
Or, was this entire situation too easy? Could Plasmius have intended to throw the fight to lure him into a false sense of security? It didn’t seem likely he would have allowed himself to take so much damage, unless it was another duplicate.
The one thing he didn’t know was exactly how duplicates worked for ghosts. If it split the power between the original and the duplicate, Masters would still take damage. But, if they fell more under the category of a construct, there was a good chance the damage wouldn’t transfer. If that was the case, Plasmius could send duplicate after duplicate which would be more likely to wear him out first than the reverse. Great.
He tried his comm again, but it was still full of static. Fuck. This was one of the few times he absolutely wanted to keep the others in the loop. “Phantom, save your questions for later. We need to get outside,” he instructed as he trained one of the ecto-guns at Plasmius.
“Why? You knocked him out.” As much as Jason liked the kid, Danny’s lack of training was starting to wear thin. This wasn’t the time to be standing around.
Before he had a chance to reply, the Pit hissed a warning. If he had to deal with it for the rest of his life, the least those vile Waters could do would be more specific about where exactly the threat would come from if it was going to be a built-in alarm system. Keeping the one gun trained on Plasmius, he glanced around for some sort of indication of where the new threat would originate.
He had just enough of a warning of an abnormal heat signature from his goggles to dodge out of the way from a magenta blast that came from just behind his feet. Yeah, there was at least one other duplicate, or it was the real Plasmius. But this one was going to take pot shots without revealing itself.
“Shit! This way!” Phantom beckoned to him as flew down the hallway. As Jason raced to keep up, Phantom moved to his side. “I need to stop questioning the guy who has way more years of experience fighting bad guys then I do.”
“If that’s an apology, it’s a lousy one.”
“Would you rather I don’t admit I’m wrong?” Despite the irritation in his voice, his smirk suggested he enjoyed their back and forth. “Anyways, there’s a balcony down the end of this hall. Since I can’t get us out the easy way, getting down from there shouldn’t be hard for someone used to jumping around skyscrapers.”
Danny flew ahead and passed harmlessly through the approaching glass door, but as soon as he did, what appeared to be a magenta forcefield sprung up and blocked it. Well, there went that exit. Damn, he would have liked to see Glowstick’s reaction to him not giving a shit as broke through the glass.
Spinning around, he aimed his ecto-guns at nothing. The hallway was empty, and he wasn’t getting a reading from his goggles. The color of that energy suggested it came from Plasmius, but without knowing where he was, he wasn’t going to risk being a sitting duck.
Good, there was a door to the left. Not bothering to check if it was locked, he kicked it open to reveal a relatively empty room with a few pieces of furniture covered by cloth. Very little cover, but there was a window. That was going to be his exit. However, just like in the hall, a magenta field of energy blocked it. Spinning around, he found the doorway blocked as well. Well, shit.
“I must admit, I am amazed at how easily you were able to defeat one of my duplicates,” Plasmius stated as he passed through the wall. “You even correctly deduced it was nothing but a distraction. But I don’t understand why you won’t phase through the walls. It’s so easy for someone like us.”
Jason trained the ecto-gun at him. “But that’s the thing, I’m not like you and Phantom. I’m human.”
“Do you really expect me to believe that?”
“It’s funny how many people seem to think that way.” For a brief moment, the memory of Supergirl’s reaction to him came to mind. She doubted his status as a normal human too. “But you’re the one who supposedly read Batman’s files on me. He’s not one to leave out details.”
Plasmius glared at him. “No, I suppose not, but it leaves me to wonder how someone who isn’t half ghost like myself or Daniel is able to display the same rudimentary powers.”
“You said it yourself, I was submerged in the Lazarus Pit.” While Plasmius didn’t seem to be willing to directly attack, the Waters continued to churn within him. More danger was coming his way, but from where? Above? Below? Behind? He tried below before, but something told Jason he wouldn’t try the exact same tactic a second time. “We’re guessing I’m bonded to the stuff. Enough to make me a zombie, but not a ghost.”
Maybe he shouldn’t call himself a zombie. There were some unsettling reports of the Pit creating actual ones. Nah, he liked using it as a joke.
The hungry expression returned to Plamius’ face. “Or perhaps you needed an environment more conducive to your developing powers. But to find that, I’ll need to you remove that damnable belt.”
“Fat chance of that.”
“Oh, you misunderstand. That wasn’t a request.”
Jason heard the buzz a millisecond before he felt it. Whatever tased him from behind was worse than any of the other ones he’d encountered in the past. It wasn’t enough to knock him out, but it did bring him to his knees. He had just enough time to catch his breath to allow him to dodge a magenta blast from Plasmius’ open hand.
“I’m impressed. Daniel can barely stay awake when faced with the same attack.” The Plasmius in front of him didn’t speak. Instead, it was another duplicate to his right.
“You’re telling me that you’ve tried tasing a kid who nearly died from electrocution?” The familiar green tinge started filling his vision again. Shit, it wasn’t the time for that. He needed to keep his head on straight so he could break the bastard who thought it was sensible to make a kid experience again the thing that almost took his life.
Deciding not to let the fucker have a chance to explain himself, Jason blasted both Plasmius and the duplicate, catching both off-guard. Deciding to ignore the duplicate, he focused all of his attacks on the main body. However, this one didn’t fall like the original duplicate he faced. Instead, he stepped back into the wall.
The duplicate vanished too, but the energy fields in front of the window and door didn’t. Time to improvise and start blasting walls. While he didn’t have his normal arsenal on him, he still had a few explosives. After placing a few on the wall, he dodged behind one of the furniture pieces as they blew.
He stood up only to find the wall hadn’t been damaged. Instead, Plasmius floated in front of it with a sphere of pink energy between his hands. Smoke could be seen within it. He managed to contain the explosion inside of it?
“I can’t have you destroying my home now, can I?” Plasmius smiled, exposing fangs. “I must applaud your creativity though. Batman has trained you well, but I don’t think you’ll be able to get yourself out of this.”
“We’ll see about that.” During the temporary lull, the Pit had quieted some, but now it was roaring. He found out why as several different duplicates of Plasmius phased through the walls. All of them had their fists glowing with that same energy. “Shit.”
Well, if he was going to be outnumbered, he was going to take as many of them out as he could before either they overwhelmed him or help arrived. The last time he took on someone he couldn’t handle alone, he got killed. While he didn’t think Plasmius wanted him completely dead, he didn’t really like his chances if the guy managed to knock him out.
I have a weird love/hate relationship with writing Vlad. He's so manipulative, but seriously, what has he been doing with his powers over the 20 years he's had them? We know he's been overshadowing businessmen, but what else?
And yeah, Supergirl does not know what to make of Jason. Not only can he break out of a Krytonian's grip, but he's also completely cool with falling from the top of a skyscraper, catching himself on a flagpole, and landing with no fuss. He just doesn't seem to like using grappling hooks.
Yes, the Lazarus Pits have created legit zombies in the comics. One was through contamination with chemicals, and the other was because of how long it was between the death of the person and when they were put in the Pit.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 months
Never Trust a Free Donut on April Fools Day
by SunFisher Clockwork has long slipped the Observant's leash. This is never more apparent than when the Ancient of Time decides to help one Daniel J. Fenton, instead of erasing the boy. And yet, all of Clockwork's meddling can do nothing to stop the collapse of the future Ghost King's home dimension. A dimension so irreversibly connected to the Infinite Realms that the loss of either one will lead to the loss of everything. Clockwork has tried all he can, and is out of options. So when the voracious, insatiable appetite of a passing speedster offers an uniquely extreme solution, the Master of Time takes it. Nudging various pieces and people in to place is easy, the fallout isn't his to manage. It's Nora's. Words: 1067, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 2 of Core Mechanics: Or Nora Harris's Multidimensional/Multiverse (mis) Adventures Fandoms: Danny Phantom, DCU, Batman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Gen, Other Characters: Nora Harris (OFC), Danny Fenton, Jazz Fenton, Dani "Elle" Phantom, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), Vlad Masters, Clockwork (Danny Phantom), Other Marvel Characters, Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Duke Thomas, the whole batfam really, Teen Titans - Character, Justice League (DCU), Young Justice - Character, Other DC Characters, Original Female Character(s), Original Male Character(s) Relationships: Canon? - Relationship, platonic - Relationship, Romance is not my forte - Relationship, implied romantic relationships (at most) Additional Tags: Not Canon Compliant, canon applies if and when I feel like it, crossover DPXDC, dpxdc, ofc centric, the Fentons do get screen time though, Good Parent Maddie Fenton, Good Parent Jack Fenton (Danny Phantom), they are trying-very enthusiastically, Bruce Wayne Tries to Be a Good Parent, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Feelings, Bruce Wayne is Bad at Communicating, Vlad Masters Has Issues, Vlad Masters Being Less of an Asshole, sligthly, Vlad Masters is a Fruitloop (derogatory), Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Crack, DP shenaniganry meets DC shenaniganry, like a house fire meeting gasoline, humor will be attempted, the GIW is not having a good time, Ghost King Danny Fenton, Dan Phantom Escapes from the Thermos, OFC is Danny and Jazz's cousin and a half-ghost, my spin on DP ghost and ectoplasm lore, the Lazarus Pits are yucky Ectoplasm, Ecto-Contaminated | Liminal Amity Park Residents (Danny Phantom), Ecto-Contaminated | Liminal Batfamily Members (Danny Phantom and DCU), just a bit, no beta we die like robins, and danny via https://ift.tt/hG9aSUv
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inthememetime · 2 years
Are you ready to cry? Good! Come read about Jazz's difficulties in figuring out her sexuality, bullying because of said sexuality, and learning she can overahadow people.
Puberty is hard, especially if you're a half-ghost girl. But this half-dead family can pull together. Right?
Part of the Vlad & the Accidental Family Acquisition series. You don't have to read that, but this Vlad is *so* different from canon Vlad it will help.
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dekalko-mania · 3 years
Tumblr media
D&D: By wastefulreverie: Lester, Mikey, and Nathan were standing beside him. Mikey was fumbling with three jagged-sided dice while Lester and Nathan glared at each other. Realizing that he was awake, Lester broke eye contact with Nathan. Awkwardly, he put his hand on Danny's shoulder. "Do you want to join our campaign?" he blurted.
Danny tilted his head skeptically, "Join your what?"
Additional Tags: Dungeons and Dragons, friendship, humor, [really enjoyed the irony in this one]
Making Something Out of Nothing: By wastefulreverie: When Ishiyama calls Danny into her office, the last thing he expected was to be offered a job.
Additional Tags: Post-reveal, Teacher! Danny, 
Tiny Little Pieces of Ours: By Bellovebug: Danny Fenton was a dreamer. A dreamer of stars, of galaxies, of spaceships and sunsets and snow. He was a dreamer of wildflowers in the forest, of messages left on the insides of folders set up to take a test, of Polaroids an unknown person has dropped on the street. He was a dreamer of the things that didn't matter, because the things that did scared him.
But dreams don't last forever. And when Danny is gone, he leaves many in his wake.
(Or, a look at Danny's death, and the lives of the people in his life afterwards.)
Additional Tags: Major Character Death, hurt Danny, grieving, Sam and Tucker Centric, [This one hurt so much, but is very beautifully written. Still hurts even now lmao]
A Play to Remember: By AppleScentedLazers: When Danny's drama class puts on a play and Fenton is cast as his own crime fighting counterpart, what's the worst that could happen? With a new villain rising and lines to learn, the people of Amity start to see that there may be more to their resident ghost boy than meets the eye.
Additional Tags: Angst, [interesting reveal concept! more in-depth A-listers]
I’m Still Here: By Cordria: Buried in the backyard, Danny's locked away in a forgotten Thermos. When it's finally found seventy years later, Danny is released and he needs to learn to deal with his new life. Can he survive what the future can throw at him?
Additional Tags: Angst [definitely nostalgic angst]
The Scrapbook: By Dragon Elexus: Fearful of Jazz's idolism of the ghost-boy, Maddie tries to protect her daughter by stealing her Phantom scrapbook. But the book sparks strange questions in Maddie's mind, and she finds herself stumbling on secrets she never knew existed. Pre-PP.
Additional Tags: Family
Exposed: By ADraconicScribe: A mysterious caller has revealed that the infamous Danny Phantom is half-human, placing a five hundred thousand dollar prize to the one who exposes Phantom's secret identity. Coupled with Vlad's disappearance, the ghost fighting, and all of the efforts to capture him, Danny and his friends must tread carefully if they are to make it out with their secrets, and their lives, intact.
Additional Tags: angst, BAMF Danny Fenton, Identity Reveal, Sam and Tucker are good friends, [I cannot stress how amazing this fic is, extremely well written, such an intense plot. Endless twists and turns, so so good.]
Maybe We’ll Find Each Other: By DP_Marvel94: Phantom, the adoptive son of Clockwork, doesn't remember his life but wishes he did. Jack Fenton, ghost hunter, lost his only son at a young age. When the portal activates, a newly half-human Phantom stumbles into Jack's lab, barely a painfully familiar blue-eyed, black haired form.
Additional Tags: Full ghost to half ghost Phantom, Ghosts think halfas are abominations, father-son relationship, but neither know they’re parent and child [very very interesting story, super cool concept!]
Katzenjammer: By DannyPhantomSG1, sapphireswimming: Danny's had enough. Of everything. But thankfully Tucker understands.
Additional Tags: Oneshot, Half Ghost Angst, Hurt/comfort, Friendship
Hope Can Be a Heavy Thing to Hold: By DP_Marvel94: " I woke up here, wherever here is, with no memories. He told me my name is Daniel James Masters. He told me I am a human-ghost hybrid, like him. He told me he is my father. But I know that’s a lie; there is no way Vlad Masters, my captor is my parent. I know I have a real home somewhere out there. I have a family and friends who love me. Too bad I can’t remember anything about them."
Additional Tags: Amnesia, child abuse, Diary/journal, poor Danny can’t remember anything 
Abigail the Tree Girl: By EchoGhost: Danny didn’t see his first ghost at 14.
Additional Tags: Haunted Amity Park, Danny has always been weird, clueless Danny
Just Fourteen: By aniura: Danny Fenton is an average high school student whose biggest worry is getting the grades needed to become an astronaut. That is, until his friend Sam convinces him to step inside his parents' broken ghost portal...Updates bi-weekly on Sundays. Covers Danny's time at Casper High before the accident and the month afterwards.
Additional Tags: Angst, origin, the accident, Danny is NOT okay, [really cool fic that fills in the gaps that weren’t delved into during the show] 
The Phantom and the Knight: By savya398: After two years Danny Fenton finally felt like he was getting this whole superhero thing under control. So of course something had to come along and ruin everything.
Additional Tags: Danny Phantom/Young Justice, DC Animated Universe, [little twist on Danny’s origins]
Six Degrees of Separation: By Miss_Nihilist: Valerie Gray was not one for doubt and regret, but that was before she fell in love — and then, promptly and without a second thought, threw it away.
She wasn't looking for them to get back together or even to automatically be friends again. But maybe, just maybe, Valerie could get a second chance at being a decent person. For Danny, for herself, and for all the mistakes she had made.
Additional Tags: Moving On, Post break-up, hurt/comfort, identity reveal
Three for the Price of One: By Marsalias: They had only meant to summon ONE ghost...
Additional Tags: cult, summoning
When the Kingdom Comes Calling: By blueh: The Ghost Zone population assumes that Phantom took the crown with dignity. What they don’t know is fifteen year old Danny Fenton just wants to graduate high school, is constantly ready to throw hands with an army of eyeballs, and absolutely will not be crowned the Ghost King without a fight.
Additional Tags: Not PP compliant, ghost king Danny Fenton, fluff and humor, reluctant king au, [so funny and so on character for a little shit like Danny oof]
147 notes · View notes
sunflowerspectre · 3 years
Hellfire and Ectoblasts
For @cleanlenins
Title: Hellfire and Ectoblasts Fandom: Danny Phantom x Lucifer Summary:  The devil works hard, but Vladimir Masters works harder. When Vladimir Master dabbles in dealing favors to others to get his way - much easier than constantly possessing everyone - Lucifer Morningstar has a few choice words for the business tycoon. Rating: T for cursing (multiple uses of the F word, mentions of drug abuse) Final Word Count: 5005 Ft. Uncle/Redeemed Vlad AU
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Los Angeles is new territory, despite all the places Vladimir Masters has traveled. He has drunk martinis in the sands of Bahamas, made deals in Cancun, and has a passport larger than most politicians. He has even traveled further into the Ghost Zone than most of the fully ghosts there.
Yet the city of angels has always eluded him, or rather he eluded it. It never quite appealed to him, with the oddities and gaudy casinos. It felt almost beneath him and it has, honestly,  never been on his priority list - at least, not until now.
Business is business and Vlad Masters will always go where business is; even if it is in a city like Los Angeles. Even if it is with an admittedly annoying sixteen year old teenager for a long extended amount of time.
Honestly, what was he thinking when he wanted Daniel as a son? He should have gone after Jasmine, he begrudges. At least she knew when to be quiet.
“Are we there yet?”
Vlad feels his eyebrow twitch, a vein throbbing in his neck. Daniel Fenton has the nerve to look at him with large innocent, doe eyes as if that is not the hundredth time he has asked that question in the past hour.
His somewhat nephew had jumped on the chance to go to LA with him; he would have been more suspicious of Daniel’s intention if not for the fact that the space shuttle endeavor will be within one quick bus ride from their hotel. As challenging, and even powerful, as Daniel can be - he is very much an open book that has been quite easy to read.
Danny opens his mouth, as if to ask that infuriating question again, but is stopped short by a small ecto blast. The ectoplasm effectively sticks against his mouth and despite the way he claws it, it refuses to budge. He settles for crossing his arms in a huff with a narrow glare. He idly considers it for a moment before a middle finger raises in contempt.
“Curse at me all you want, Daniel, but I refuse to listen to that infernal question the entire trip.”
Danny’s body language makes it clear that he is mocking him. Vlad waits until his fit is over before removing the ecto blast. Danny, huffing about being cut-off, leans back into the seat of the private jet. When he glances out the window, catching glimpses of clouds, he can not help but think wistfully how much better it would be to be flying Airline Danny. Jets, private or otherwise, are too confining now that he knows what it feels like to touch clouds.
He bets that the skies of Los Angeles is beautiful up close. He absently wonders if he gets far away enough to the nearby desert if he will be able to get a good view of the stars. The Orion constellation, not to mention a few planets like Venus and even Saturn, should be more visible here than it would be in Amity Park. He wonders if he flies high enough if he can get a good picture with a smartphone.
“Why are you going to LA anyway? Don’t you have enough money that you don’t need to be blowing it at casinos? Or is that the whole point?”
He barely even spares Vlad a glance through the corner of his eyes, arms crossed lazily against his chest as his cheek presses against the cool glass of the window. While being with Vlad is not the worst thing in the world - at least not anymore - he can not help but wish he would’ve been able to bring Sam and Tucker along. He imagines that they would be thrilled to go somewhere that’s not the Nasty Burger. At the very least, they would be better conversationalists.
Well, I guess it’s at least fun to mess with him, Danny thinks wistfully, a more devious smile on his face. If anything, it is a great way to pass the time. Messing with Vlad has always been a treasure, but now with little repercussions, at least nothing that compares to the way he used to threaten to kill his dad, it is like the entire world is his oyster.
“You can never have enough money, young badger.”
Danny coughs something into his elbow that sounds suspiciously like ‘ eat the rich’.  His eyes watch Vlad carefully with feign innocence, as if he never said anything at all. His elbow hides the large shit-eating grin threatening to break on his face.
Vlad makes a point to ignore the comment, continuing easily, “Since our - my -”
He struggles to find the right word, fumbling a bit with a strained look on his face. Mentions of the past have always been hard to bring up when he is, honestly, doing his best to move forward from it. He feels strained at the mere mention of how he behaved beforehand, somewhat even embarrassed by the things he tried to pull. He cannot be thankful enough that the Fentons, including even Daniel, have even given him this second chance. The young badger’s trust is not an easy thing to earn.
“ Your redemption arc,” Danny offers somewhat helpfully.
While not fond of the term, Vlad has to admit that he cannot think of a better phrase.
He accepts the term Danny offers with clenched teeth, “-and as such, possession has become quite unfavorable . I have taken up doing business the old-fashioned way.”
Danny turns to face him. His innocently blinking eyes do not fool anyone with the gleam of mischief shining brightly in them.
“-Legal suits and proper paperwork?”
Vlad snaps at him suddenly, a vein throbbing in his forehead as he regrets taking off the ecto-gag.
“Oh will you - stop that?”
The outburst sends Danny reeling  into a laughing fit, clenching his sides tightly.
Danny’s smartass comments cost him; though, in his opinion, it was absolutely worth it. To his dismay, Vlad drags him along through the city of angels instead of leaving him at the hotel. He claimed he needed to meet a new potential business partner. He gave an entire speech of how it would be good for him to learn how the business world works, but Danny can only recall maybe the first few sentences of said speech. Vlad even went as far as stuffing Danny into the most uncomfortable expensive clothes that he could find. Honestly, couldn’t the man at least get comfy expensive clothes? Gucci makes sweat suits. He makes a mental note to send some links to Gucci sweat suits to Vlad later.
Comfy or not, he still would have preferred to have just headed straight to the space shuttle endeavor. At least then, he would be in ghost form most of the time anyway. It would have been a ten - maybe fifteen - minute flight himself from their hotel room; he even promised Vlad that he would stay invisible the whole time and not touch anything he was not supposed to. A promise that was hard to give since oh man did he want to touch the shuttle just to say he touched something that was in space. He even begged his uncle. Slipped in a few mentions of how his mom would be so happy if he was able to go and get pictures.
He almost got him too, but alas, his efforts were in vain. Instead, he is stuck in a limo. It is not a bad thing in and of itself, but even a luxurious car feels suffocating when you want to be somewhere else.
He eyes the protesters lining up on certain streets. Sam would have loved it here. He keeps track of all of the ‘trendy’ vegan cafes he spots along the way for future reference; he even spots a few goth-centric stores. He snaps a few pictures, sending them over their group chat. He follows them up with pictures of pictures of every BBQ stand he finds for Tucker’s sake.
Sam: Still with the ex-villain?
Danny snorts, scooting away from Vlad as much as he could before snapping a picture of his unsuspecting ex-arch nemesis. Vlad visibly sighs, the exhaustion showing on his face as he does not even bother to look at Danny anymore.
Tucker: Someone looks like he’s having a great time
Danny: He’s with me, of course he’s having a  great time. I’m a joy to be around. An absolute blast.
Tucker: Isn’t every party you’ve gone to nowadays a bit - dead?
Danny audibly groans at the bad attempt at puns, sending a quick message of how puns are his thing; it’s his whole shtick.  But like all group chats do, the conversation grows dead pretty fast.
He is already growing bored again after having sent all the memes he could find ( and how dare they not laugh react at them) . He settles for rolling the window up and down obsessively, occasionally even sticking his head through it. When that adrenaline rush is short-lived, he ends up leaning against the door while obnoxiously clicking the window button repeatedly until Vlad is forced to ask the limo driver to put on the child lock. He considers the idea of just phasing his head through the window, but as weird as LA is, he thinks even that would be a stretch.
He could just phase away entirely. After all, the limo is not ghost proof. Vlad even got rid of most of his more outrageous contraptions and traps so he knows that the seat will not suddenly grow restraints if he tries to get up from it. He wonders if the oddity shop that they passed is still open? He did promise everyone souvenirs and the weirder the better (as is the whole point with souvenirs).
But he also promised his mom that he would get along.
Besides, Vlad said he would pay for lunch when they are done and they passed the most delicious looking burger place.
After what feels like forever, watching all the places he wants to go but can’t right now like a sad puppy begging for the window to be let down, the limo finally pulls up in front of a nightclub. LUX. Danny raises a brow. He may not be the smartest out of his family, but dead languages are his specialty. He glances to Vlad, wondering if he should be more concerned about his pseudo-uncle doing business here. Any nightclub named after light that looks this shady can not be good.
He is also pretty sure that he just saw a drug deal around the corner and some of the people in line already look under the influence of something .
“Am I even allowed here,” Danny questions, pausing a moment to count on his fingers, as they exit the limo. “I’m only like - sixteen? I am a literal child. ”
Vlad continues walking as if he does not hear Danny’s voice grating on behind him. Somehow, the teenager has a voice that seems to stick out like a sore thumb against the boom of the music coming out from the club’s doors.
“You are not a child, Daniel,” Vlad finally acknowledges.
“Uh the law would disagree, sir,” Danny waves a finger after him, “I am a minor.”
The sun is already starting to set, which means the club is steadily filling up; a majority of people are still out in long lines outside of the club’s door. He glances at them briefly, if in a bit of curiosity at the club wear. He blushes wildly at some of the more out-there club wear and focuses quickly on the fact that Vlad is steadily getting ahead of him.
“We are not here for drinking, Daniel,” Vlad’s voice comes out a bit exasperated as he fixes his tie. He eyes the people in line with a bit of disdain, but otherwise ignores them.
Vlad continues on past the lines, not acknowledging the way that some of them call after him. He keeps his hands in his pockets as he gets closer to the crowd; Danny realizes that it likely has something to do with the high possibility of getting pick-pocketed. After all, Vlad does not exactly blend in, but neither does Danny in the suit that Vlad forced him in.
Danny is close in tow as they head straight for the bouncer at the door.
If Vlad was not so used to the way that Maddie could ( has and absolutely will) beat him, he would have been more surprised at the woman at the club’s door. The choice being a bit abnormal in the job. Her intimidating presence is enough to make most of the more pushy people at the front second-guess themselves. A few of the people who dare to test the boundary of the velvet rope quickly change their mind as she just glances at them. Danny’s first thought is how much Sam would like the bouncer. The entire leather outfit is just something that feels like she would like, compared with how tough the woman seems to be. If the woman didn’t scare him so much, he would have tried to take a picture.
His second thought, however, is how off she feels. The closer he gets to her, the more his core vibrates deeply in his chest. As if it is trying to transform and get him out of there, like an animal’s instincts to a predator. Run. RUN. RUN. He digs his heels into the ground and refuses to listen to his gut. He refuses to let his gut determine what he thinks about someone, or how he acts on them. He learned the hard way to control that impulse.
Besides, she does not seem that dangerous - he thinks? He glances to the knives strapped to her thigh and the mean look in her eyes. Mostly. But his ghost sense has never gone off. That means that possession is off the table - so is her being a ghost. But he has never felt his core vibrate this way, in such a paralyzing instinctual fear. The only thing that comes close is when he faced Pariah.
Danny is sure that Vlad notices it too, he is way too smart not to. Vlad’s expressionless face does not give a single thing away, staring straight on even as the woman looks him over closely, a sneer on her face. Something about the way she bares her teeth feels more like a threat, as if she is prepared to rip your throat out herself at any given moment. The worst part is that it feels like that is something she is very much capable of doing. She gets startlingly close to Vlad’s face, sniffing him. He refuses to flinch and let this woman know how much she intimidates him.
He seems to pass whatever test she was giving him. Finally she just snorts, taking the card that he offers her. Danny only catches a glimpse of the red and  gold lining against black with some sort of name written on it. He barely sees the flash of some sort of horned symbol on the edge. Just who is Vlad doing business with anyway?
Whatever the card is, it works. She backs off, crossing her arms against her chest as she moves out of the way of the door to let them through. The glare she gives some of the people at the front of the line scares them out of even thinking about shoving their way in through the open door.
Danny sticks close to Vlad’s side this time, feeling the urge to get as far away as he can from the woman. He is not sure if she will stop him. He would love to get out of this situation with Vlad, but he would hate that it meant staying anywhere near the woman. The wild beating of his core is getting worse and it feels like he can’t breath.
He is unsure if he can handle being around her much longer with his core acting up like this. He feels like he is this close to a heart attack.
“You smell weird, but whatever. He’s inside.”
He smells weird, Danny wonders how she can smell anything especially when all he can smell is all the people around them not wearing deodorant. He tries his best to brush it off as some sort of intimidating tactic. But when Danny passes by the woman, she leans forward, visibly sniffing him as well.
“Sorry it’s my - uh - aftershave,” Danny’s panicked lie confuses even him as he just waves at the woman as he enters the club, finally taking a deep breath in as the door shuts behind him.
Still thoroughly weirded out by whatever that was, something that does not improve when he’s suddenly surrounded by drunks and loud blaring music, he sticks abnormally close to Vlad. The people surrounding them are too drunk to notice when he phases through the elbows that are just too close to him or the shoulders that almost bump into him. Vlad looks back at him briefly, a ghost of a smile on his face, before he turns attention to the crowd.
“Whatcha looking for? The bar? Drugs? A confessional?” Danny asks as they finally reach a section that gives them some elbow room. He brushes off imaginary dirt, and not so imaginary something , off of his shoulders.
“My business partner,” Vlad answers curtly, eyes still scanning the crowd. He knows what he’s looking for, despite not having met the man before.
When Lucifer Morningstar reached out to him, insisting that they meet in person to discuss business, Vlad almost brushed him off. However, a combination of the man’s obsession with the devil and the fact that Lucifer Morningstar’s very identity doesn’t go back any further than a few years intrigued him. How does a man who legally has only been around for a few years get so ahead in the business world? More importantly, who is he really?
“What does he look like, maybe I can help.” Danny offers, looking over the crowd as if he would suddenly be able to who they are looking for.
“It is our first business meeting, I’m afraid, but if he looks anything like his photos, you can’t miss him.”
That gets Danny’s attention. He swerves suddenly on Vlad, jutting his hands out to form a T, his fingers press against his palm, “Whoa, time out! You brought me to a business meeting with someone you never met before? How do you even know the guy’s like, I don’t know, a ghost hunter?”
“You're a paranoid teenager, young badger.” Vlad’s voice is dry with a lack of amusement, “I’ll have you know that I reach all my partners quite well. Lucifer Morningstar is nothing more than a lunatic, however he is quite popular with our mutual partners.”
“ Lucifer,” Danny harshly whispers, his voice only half-way kidding, “Don’t tell me you actually made a deal with the devil?”
Honestly, it wouldn’t surprise him if Vlad did - if such a thing is really possible - but it would put a strain on their now alliance. Vlad’s about to retort, likely something along the lines of you’re being ridiculous Daniel, but he gets cut off prematurely by another voice.
“Well not yet, but let’s see if that changes today, shall we?”
A particularly British voice gets their attention as a man in a well fitted suit, looking vastly more comfortable in it than Danny is, struts their way. Despite looking like every other business man he’s seen, the man doesn’t feel like the usual stuffy suit type. He feels dangerously charismatic, with an easy smile on his face and a magnetic pull that makes it difficult to turn their attention away from him. He has a few beautiful women, and at least one man, at his side. He whispers something that Danny wishes he didn’t hear, to each of them before they regretfully leave his side.
“You must be Vladimir Masters.” The tone of voice is not a compliment, coming off more mocking, “Look at you, a bit older than I expected, but ultimately age is never an issue. Provided you’re at least an adult.”
The sultry look that the apparent Lucifer Morningstar has as he looks Vlad up and down appreciatively reminds Danny too much of how Vlad used to look at his mom. He starts to feel sick to his stomach, gagging exaggeratingly in the background as he tries his best to ignore the way his core has returned to vibrating, thumping hard against his chest.
Whatever the woman at the door was, Lucifer Morningstar must be at least the same thing - or something close to it - to make his core react the same way. He should be more concerned over it, but he glances toward Vlad. He looks stony as ever, the only sign of discomfort being a vein beginning to throb on his neck. Ah, so he does notice.  
He doesn’t seem surprised either.  Danny wonders if this is some sort of test again, to see what he will do and how he will react. Especially in front of an unknown factor. Shit. Danny curses when he realizes that’s why Vlad brought him along in the first place and then curses again - more directed at Vlad himself this time - for Vlad being as cryptic and vague as Clockwork.
 I just wanted to see the endeavor, Danny bemoans as the man ushers Vlad (and by extension, Danny) to a clear booth. Taking Vlad’s lead, Danny acts more confident this time around, trying his best to act like every inch of his being isn’t screaming to run.
“Drinks,” Lucifer offers, seeming comfortable in the booth with his arms stretched out wide against the edge of the seat across from Danny and Vlad. While Vlad accepts the offer, ordering a simple old fashion, Danny speaks up with a cheeky grin.
“I’ll have a coke on the rocks,” Danny orders, showing a lot of teeth in his grin as he gives finger guns, of all things. After a pause, he adds on, “Not shaken nor stirred, please.”
Vlad’s exasperated sigh is barely audible as he breathes out through his nose. At the very least, he should be glad that Danny is acting normal - as awkward and tiring as normal is.
“I must admit Mr. Morningstar, I was a bit surprised to receive your invitation,” Vlad speaks easily. He politely sips at his drink, but otherwise leaves it untouched, more focused on the conversation. He tries to not let his eye twitch when he hears Danny suck up his coke through a straw.
Lucifer looks at Danny in amusement, seemingly unoffended by the teenager’s manners (a small blessing). Unlike Vlad, Lucifer doesn’t shy away from his own drink, downing it easily. He orders a few more at one of the ladies passing by, followed by flirtatious compliments that make her giggle and once again, makes Danny wish that he couldn’t hear what was being said.
“Well how could I not invite a man such as yourself, Vladimir,” Lucifer’s voice is exaggerated, almost strained, “Or is it Vlad? Vladdy?”
Vlad does twitch at that and Lucifer grins, “Vladdy it is. Better than douchebag, I suppose.”
Danny snorts at the sudden word, laughing hard enough that he barely stops the coke from pouring out of his nose. He takes in a deep breath, wiping at his face with a cocktail napkin as his nose burns from the soda.
“I prefer to use the term fruit loop,” Danny speaks up helpfully.
Lucifer seems delighted at this information, his eyes lighting up in glee as Vlad visibly sinks into the seat.
“ Fruit loop,” Lucifer repeats gleefully, “Lacks a bit in curse words for my liking but fruit loop it is!”
“You can always say fucking fruit loop,” Danny offers as if he is still being helpful, the grin on his face more genuine, “Or fruit by the fucking loop?”
Lucifer’s laugh is infectious, his eyes gleaming as Danny joins him in laughter at Vlad’s expense. For a moment, the two continue back and forth before Vlad is forced to intervene; the vein is his neck is more noticeably throbbing at this point.
“Mr. Morningstar,” Vlad cuts in, his voice stern, “What exactly was the point of the invitation, if I may? I hope it wasn’t to just call me outrageous names.”
Lucifer nonchalantly waves off Vlad’s growing ire, “Oh no, I invited you over for much more than just that. Favors, you will find, are my  specialty. One could say it’s my whole business. I grant favors and I do not take kindly to others who sneak up on my business and steal it away.”
There’s a flash of something in Lucifer’s eyes. Something dangerous. As brief as it is, it’s enough to make Danny’s core hum against his chest, his hand grips his knee tightly. His eyes flicker to Vlad and as much as the older man is trying to hide it, Danny can tell that he’s just as suddenly bothered by whatever that was.
“It’s the point of the matter, you know,” Lucifer continues, “Steal my business, shame on me, steal my shtick, shame on you.”
He downs another glass and grabs something off a platter as someone passes by. It looks suspiciously like a joint. He lights it up without a second thought; Danny tries his best to act like he doesn’t know what it is as Vlad eyes him through the corner of his eyes.
“Word is that you, Vladimir Masters, have been sneaking around granting favors to a chosen few. I don’t know how you grant said favors, I don’t particularly care. But I do wish you would stop.”
The dangerous aura that’s thick in the air is heavy, but the realization that Vlad has still been up to shady business is heavier. Danny slumps into the seat, leaning forward with a heavy sigh.
“So you have been up to shady shit,” Danny mumbles under his breath as he absently stirs the straw in what has to be his third glass of coke.
“If you don’t stop,” Lucifer continues, “I’m afraid I’ll have to make you stop. If Mazikeen does not get to you first.”
He gestures his thumb toward the woman that was outside the door; she hovers nearby as if she knows exactly what they’re talking about. The grin on her face is malicious, bordering on feral as she twirls a knife across her knuckles without breaking eye contact. That woman is intimidating, Danny swallows thickly, but grins wildly at Lucifer.
“Oh he’ll stop,” Danny reassures the man before Vlad can even get a word in. There’s an edge to his words; a very clear message underlying his words. “Otherwise I’ll make him stop myself.”
A flash of ectoplasmic green swirls across his eyes. Vlad, not quite intimidated by a sixteen year old still going through puberty, simply mumbles under his breath, oh stop with the ‘scary’ eyes, Daniel, honestly. Lucifer catches the moment, eying them both with interest as he relaxes into the chair. He makes a motion with his hand and suddenly the woman - Mazikeen - isn’t there anymore; Danny isn’t sure where she went, if he should be worried about it, or if it was a sign of good faith.
“ You are a very interesting child,” Lucifer says, “At first I thought you two may have been one of mine, but that’s not really the case is it?”
Danny isn’t sure what one of mine really means; he doesn’t really want to know either. The way Lucifer says it feels off, as if he’s not concerned by it or that they would have been in worse trouble if they had in fact been one of his (whatever that means). Vlad recovers fast, eying Lucifer with narrowed eyes.
“Just what is it that you’re inferring, Mr. Morningstar?”
“Why, that you’re not human, of course!”
He says it as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, a large grin stretched on his face as he finishes off the suspicious joint, making a point to blow the smoke away from them. It may have been a trick of the light, or even just a magic trick, but Danny swears that the smoke formed some sort of devilish face. Complete with the horns and all.
Danny’s grin falters as he watches Lucifer closely.
F-uck-ing typical. At this rate, he will never get to see the endeavor or any other of California’s space museums. Why can’t he have just one normal road trip for once? No circus ringleader, no reality altering devices, no ghosts, and no ghost hunters. He just wants to get a selfie with a space shuttle, order as much hotel food as he can off of Vlad’s card, and then crash. Maybe even go to the Griffith Observatory. Fly to the Hollywood sign. Sneak into a Disney park and take a selfie on top of Cinderella’s castle. Just a normal trip (with a few added advantages to being a half-ghost boy). Now, he has to instead worry about some devil-obsessed (but definitely weird and maybe not human at all) club owner finding out his secret.
This is exactly what Danny told Vlad; meeting someone you don’t know is just a risk. At the very least, Lucifer doesn’t look like a ghost hunter. He definitely doesn’t fit the M.O. of a Guys In White agent. There could be other agencies out there though, other people who want to hunt them down. Who knows, maybe whatever this guy really is likes to eat ghosts or hunt them for sport. This is exactly what he was concerned about. Now, his secret, and Vlad’s secret too he supposes, could be blown all because Vlad had to go make a shady business deal.
Danny turns to Vlad, not even bothering to whisper as his voice cuts through the loud music.
“I told you so.”
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songsforotpshit · 4 years
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