#Trese's Shocking
etrends-news · 7 months
Trese’s Shocking Season 1 Ending, Explained..!!!
Trese on Netflix features a lot of boring insider information about Alexandra Trese, a strong spy who tries to put an end to a battle between the supernatural hidden realm and humanity.
Read More… https://etrendsnews.com/2021/06/15/treses-shocking-season-1-ending-explained/
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obmessed · 1 year
Hi mind asking what do you think if Piri decided to summon his bakunawa ( good dragon not like other)Infront of the British brother and the other to what there reaction and needle to say he might use some black magic since he has island of witches.
He probably summoned it when they visited him and when he found out that they like dragons he got excited and decided to show his own off.
"Hey since you guys like dragons I gotta show you something, check this out!"
Then proceeds to summon the dragon from the seas.
It caught them off guard so hard that their mouths fell down the ground. When they recovered from their initial shock, they immediately became excited (especially Wales). Since nations who are also magic users aren't really common, much less a nation who could summon their mythological creatures.
England: So, you can use magic?
Philippines: Yeah, I'm a bit out of practice though. Spain forbid me from using it since he believed 'It's a sin' what a party pooper, am I right?
England: You know if you just chose me in the 1700s, we would've had a blast doing magic toge-
Philippines: Will you please let that go already
And then begins the conversation on magic and they all asked what Piri can do, and of course he showed them.
A/N: Trese references below
He showed them how he could ask the spirits to open the doors for him in order to cross the same path they cross to get to the Afterworld.
He showed them how he could unveil and reveal the footprints of supernatural creatures.
He showed them how he could ask a spirit to show themselves for him and company.
There, they're starting to realize the magic he's showing them was dark magic. Which was concerning because they're well aware on how dangerous that is, especially with someone who claimed himself to be out of practice. When they asked him why he's using dark magic, his answer was this:
Philippines: Not only am I geologically cursed, being vulnerable to storms and natural disasters. I'm also literally cursed with monsters and demons lurking around attacking my citizens. My original culture was my source of protection but when Spain came and got rid of most of it, I was left vulnerable against these monsters. I tried getting back at them the Catholic way (holy water, crucifix, bible etc.) but their damages aren't really damaging and they're starting to develop a resistance to them. Dark magic from my pre-colonial culture on the other hand, is actually really effective. So much so that attacks from them are decreasing.
Still, many people wouldn't have died had my culture been left untouched and unchanged. Deep consequences from meddling with one's culture huh?
England: ...Yeah, that- that is truly unfortunate ◑ . ◑
Philippines: Yeah it is, good thing Mindanao was able to save some old practices for me.
A/N: For the anon who requested the ghost hunting scenario, it’s still in the works it might take a while but it’s coming.
If Piri was naturally good at magic that he ends up being better than England
Philippines: So this is the ritual that you tried to summon candy with?
England: Yes, but it’s quite difficult that even I couldn’t do it. So don’t be discouraged if you weren’t able to-
*magic sound effects*
Philippines: Ginong Britanya look! I did it! It worked!
England:(・□・)’You’ve got to be kidding!?’
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kennycostoyakeys · 2 years
You know
Jean Carlos va pal´ reda
la lengua se le enreda
hace cuatro y se enreda
yeah yeah el se enreda
el habla y se enreda
El ron ´ta raro
Oh oh oh oh...
El ron, el ron, el ron...
esta pullao!
El ron, el ron, el ron...
el fue pullado!
El ron, el ron, el ron...
Estoy mareao!
Are you ready?
Pacy, pa´ q compraste ese ron q sabe chimbu?
t pone pargolete medio raru!
T enseñare q tienes actitud d mami!
Maricon, maricon, maricon
Y el ron, ya nadie se lo bebe porq pega raton
t quedas medio muerto, o t quedas en shock
Yo a tu madre t la mento,
el ron se bebe lento, lento y no pullao!
El ron, el ron, el ron...
esta pullao!
El ron, el ron, el ron...
el fue pullado!
El ron, el ron, el ron...
Estoy mareao!
Are you ready?
Ron chimbo q venden por ahi
buscando un ron barateais,
seis lucas es to´ lo q traes
no inventes si andas pegao
Llevo en el pico
el es mucha gay,
esta quebrei
no tiene real en la cartei,
anda mamei
usted no es papito mi rey,
no pones na´ conmigo estas fritolei..!
Viene el Luis
pa´ levantarse nenas les brinda su Chesse Trese
yo traigo pasapalo y chocolate Cri Cri
Se acabo la botella aqui,
t huele a ron la boca usa Listerine
El ron, el ron, el ron...
esta pullao!
El ron, el ron, el ron...
el fue pullado!
El ron, el ron, el ron...
Estoy mareao!
Are you ready?
Q chimbo ese ron..!
Ese pana bebe burda..!
Guachi Guachi..!
El d Alta Tension
You know
Who´s this
0 notes
starlighthan · 2 years
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pairings: non-idol!seungmin and gender-neutral!reader
genre: dark fantasy, crime, action, fluff, angst, enemies to friends to lovers, trese au, philippine folklore/mythology
warnings: mentions of death
teaser word count: 1k words
synopsis: kim seungmin, one of the affiliates of captain lee, is a detective who deals with crimes related to the supernatural. when he was contacted to go to balete drive for a very mysterious case, he encountered somebody he never wished to see ever again.
date of release: tba
note: hi! this is my trese au with seungmin :DD this one's my own version of the intersection of balete and 13th street which can be seen in both comics and netflix series! and of course, i'll add up my own scenes as well <33 i hope you'll enjoy this one for now while i work on the actual fic.
© starlighthan - all rights reserved. please do not copy, translate, modify, repost, or claim as yours.
*i do not own the trese comics/series.*
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“Is it true that Mara Dela Cruz died way back?” Minho crosses his arms on his chest, leaning back to his car. “If this is true, you know even at least a little about what this means, right?”
Seungmin slowly nods. His father knew about the existence of a White Lady around this area. Nobody knew the name, but he guessed that was it. “Sadly, I still do not know how this happened. The process to kill the ghost must be very intricate and hard to trace.”
“Will we ever get to somewhere after this incident?”
“Of course, Captain Lee, no worries. I still have my ways, whether the crime is easy or hard to study.” Seungmin steps back, lifting the police tape. The first thing he noticed was the large circle around the victim, looking like chalk.
Coincidentally, it reminded him of his childhood. A childhood with someone he chose not thinking. He would not go back to that. It hurt him too much to go back to; it is not worth it.
Gently feeling the powder on the cement, it does feel like chalk. But obviously, this is not just some ordinary chalk. The powder-like substance did not even smell like it, which is weird. One thing for Seungmin is sure that whatever is around on the crusty body of Mara Dela Cruz is not just simple chalk, it's something else more complicated than that.
An unfamiliar voice echoes behind him. “Taste it.”
Sharply turning his head back, the familiar person in front of him immediately gave him a reality check. Irritation pricked at him—why would you appear in front of him nonchalantly as if you did nothing almost ten years ago? Did you forget that you left him without any word to him or his tribe? Is that you?
“How about you taste this?”
Being shocked was an understatement for you. You were stunned by how those five words were like fire, painfully scorching. Surprising in a middle of an investigation seems like a bad idea. Maybe Seungmin is not in the mood right now. These cases, after all, are the worst when you want to have peace of mind. Or did this man forget about you already? Hopefully not?
You fear that there is more to the fury transparent on his face.
Kneeling on the ground, you keep your distance apart from the detective, pulling up the sleeve on your right arm. Doing what Seungmin did earlier, you get a pinch of the chalk and smell it. Quickly licking the powder on your finger, a pang of saltiness goes through your nerves, making you shake your head with a face of disgust.
“Very salty, definitely not those chemicals in chalks," you rub away the remaining powder on your finger. "Might as well ask Nuno about this. Whatever this powder might be is hard to get."
The powder is not actually salt. This powder is as refined as baby powder. Whoever crushed this to the smallest particles must have done a lot of work to get into this texture. And you know that salt is not the best ingredient to kill the already dead. Even if you have your references for substances, you are not sure which of them is the one right in front of you. 
Seungmin interrupts your thoughts with a smirk, "You still remember Nuno, eh?"
Not look back at him—you still head on the ground. Eyes are moving from the circle and the body, and a shiver comes up to your spine. What happened to Mara looks like somebody sucked the remaining soul out of her.
"Of course, I still find Nuno when I am here," you brush the hair out of your face. Placing your hands on your knees, you pushed yourself up on your feet. 
Realizing that you need the powder with you to show to Nuno, you try to get back down on the cement, "Oh, why did I take off that powder! I still need that to show to Nuno—"
"I'll take care of that," Seungmin steps forward, rolling his eyes and holding your arm tightly. "You might drop them. I will find Nuno myself.”
Scoffing, you gracefully enough remove the hand on your arm. Glaring at the dark figure under the streetlight for a second, you seriously wondered how this guy became cold and rude after your unprompted leave from the province. Maybe that is why he is like this—and you will take the blame for that.
But his manners for simply being a decent human being—
“I asked permission from Captain Lee to join the investigations for this, and he was okay with it. I will also be helping in finding answers to this. I want to investigate this case as well.”
You are proud enough to hold your composure and stay calm about this. Every second with this guy makes you want to burst and call it a night. But you badly wanted to deal with this case. 
The White Lady was also a significant part of your life growing up. Stories shared by your own family and almost every single person you know. Balete Drive is in your hometown, and this is your chance to visit here without anybody scaring you about it. You were so ready to find the White Lady and have a decent conversation without any bad intentions, but fate gave you the worst timing. You were the only one who had the guts to go to this street.
You have already stepped foot in Quezon City for the first time after so many years. You are seriously not going to waste this opportunity, especially when you see the one you are looking for dead and gone.
“Now, if you will excuse me,” you went back down to take a pinch of the powder, “I’ll also ask Nuno about this and hopefully finish this mystery. Good night.”
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maria-akira · 3 years
to the rescue | team trese x reader
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summary: y/n, basilio and crispin's sister, just experienced her first break-up.
warnings: some improper shifts in tenses <\3 rlly rusty at writing already aaaa. but nonetheless this fic is very fluffy! i apologize in advance for any grammatical errors you may notice, i didn't proofread this :(
yes, i kinda made alexandra fluffy too.
"Good Morning, guys!" Basilio turned around to see his brother, Crispin, with a huge smile plastered on his face.
Basilio rolled his eyes, "Anong 'Good Morning'? Mag tatanghali na, di ka man lang nag linis!" (What do you mean 'Good Morning'? It's almost afternoon, you didn't even clean!) He playfully hit the older's head.
"Aray ko!" (Ouch!) Crispin winced and rubbed the spot his brother hit. Alexandra walks in the room with a cup of coffee in her hand. "Basilio, Mag sorry ka sa Kuya mo." (Basilio, apologize to your brother.) Basilio scoffs, "Sorry, Kuya."
They all gathered in the dining room for lunch. Well, brunch for Crispin. "Where's Y/N?" Alexandra asks, looking at the empty chair beside her. Clearly, the chair looked like it had been empty since last night. The twins stare at each other, then both at Alexandra.
"Diba may pinuntahan siya kagabi?" (Didn't she go out last night?) Alexandra mentions.
The twins both shake their head.
"Hindi niyo alam?" (You guys don't know?)
They shake their heads again.
Without a single word, the three exchanged looks and immediately stood up from their seats, rushing upstairs to Y/N's room.
Alexandra pushed the twins aside and pushed the key into the doorknob, then revealing a dishevled, puffy-eyed Y/N. The twins panicked. It was their first time seeing their beloved sister like this.
Meanwhile, Alexandra investigated her room. Y/N's things were on the floor, messed up sheets, and a broken necklace. She then looks over to Y/N. Still in her clothes, puffy-eyed, and her makeup was smuged. Alexandra already had an idea.
The twins shook her awake, "Y/N!, Y/N!— Gising na!" (Y/N, Y/N— Wake up!) With their loud voices and aggressive shaking, their sister finally woke up.
Immediately, Y/N's head started to pound— it was the alcohol she drank last night. She opened her eyes and saw Alexandra and her brothers. Upon seeing them, she bursted into tears.
A few months ago, Y/N dated this guy in her class. She hid this from Alexandra, most especially her brothers because she knew that they would beat her ass.
Alexandra found out about her relationship when she was about to fetch her from school. Hank and the twins were at home, sleeping their asses off after their mission.
Parked outside of Y/N's school, Alexandra was waiting for almost 30 minutes. Usually, Y/N would come out a few minutes after her dismissal— but these past few months have been different. After a few more minutes of waiting, she finally saw Y/N— with someone else.
Y/N was holding hands with a boy around 5'10 in height. They were laughing and they looked very sweet. The boy gave her a peck and she playfully pushed him away, then waving goodbye since she spotted the car.
Hank usually fetched Y/N from school, and she knew that Hank didn't really care about her relationship, so she really didn't feel embarrased whenever she entered the car.
Upon entering the car, she expected Hank to greet her. But she was greeted with Alexandra's voice.
"Boyfriend mo?" (Your boyfriend?) Alexandra looks over to her, and Y/N froze. Her first reaction was to lie about it. "Ha? H-Hindi, Ate! Friends lang kami.." (Huh? N-No! We're just friends..) Embarrased, Y/N tried to make herself busy by pretending to fix something in her bag to keep her distracted.
"Anong friends? Hinalikan ka niya, ah." (What do you mean friends? He kissed you.) She mentions.
"Ah.. Eh.." Y/N struggles to keep her words out. It was very evident.
"Sige na, di naman ako magagalit. Di ko sasabihin sa mga Kuya mo, sikreto lang natin." (It's okay, I won't get mad. I won't tell your brothers, it'll be our secret.)
"Oo.. Boyfriend ko siya, Ate. Malapit na kami mag 6 months." (Yes.. He's my boyfriend, Ate. We've been together for almost 6 months.)
From that day on, Y/N would always tell Alexandra about how her relationship was going. And though Alexandra has never had any romantical partners, she tries her best to give Y/N advice.
Tiptoe-ing her way downstairs, Y/N was dressed in her clothes to leave the house, on the way to party with her friends and her boyfriend, Jerome.
She checked her phone, 12:47 AM.
Everyone was most likely asleep at this hour, or so she thought.
"Oh, san ka papunta at ganyan suot mo?" (Hey, where are you going and why are you wearing that?) Y/N jolted and turned around to see Alexandra sitting on the dining table.
"Ah.. Ate.. Kasi may p-party kaming pupuntahan nila Aira.." (Ah... There's this p-party I'm going to with Aira..)
"Sina Aira lang ba? O kasama yung boyfriend mo?" (Is it just Aira? Or your boyfriend is going too?) Alexandra tilted her head in question.
"...Kasama po si Jerome." (...Jerome is coming too.)
Alexandra nodded, signalling her that it was okay for her, as an Ate, to go. "Sige, doble ingat ka, okay? Eto, dalhin mo to." (Be extra careful, okay? Here, bring this.) Alexandra pulls out a self defense keychain from her pocket and throws it at Y/N's direction. "May alarm diyan. If you're in any danger, pindutin mo yung alarm and malalaman ko location mo, pupuntahan kita kaagad." (There's an alarm there. If you're in any danger, press that alarm and I'll be able to know your location, then I'll come and get you.)
"Thanks, Ate! Mag iingat ako. Love you!" (Thanks, Ate! I'll take care. Love you!) Y/N smiled and hugged Alexandra.
Little did she know, Y/N's smile wouldn't last very long.
That night, Y/N saw her boyfriend kissing another girl across the room. She confronted him and he admitted that he had been cheating on her for the past few months. Y/N didn't know what to feel. She didn't wanna call Alexandra because she knew that she would be asleep by now. She didn't wanna talk to her friends either, so she went home.
Once she arrived home, she didn't bother to change or shower. She was so tired. Her body fell on the bed and she instantly cried. sobbing against her pillows to muffle her tears.
Basilio and Crispin were clueless about as to why their sister was crying. They consoled her for a few minutes until Alexandra spoke.
"Basilio, Crispin— mag usap tayo sa labas." (Basilio, Crispin— let's talk outside.) Alexandra left the room and waited for the twins to leave as well. Once they left the room, she shut the door.
The twins looked worried— well, afraid, rather.
"May sikreto kaming itinatago ni Y/N sa inyong dalawa.." (Y/N and I have a secret we've been keeping from the both of you..) Alexandra starts off.
"Ano yun, Bossing?" (What is it, Bossing?) The twins replied, obviously curious.
Alexandra knew that if she told the twins, their reaction wouldn't be as violent if it was Y/N who would be telling it instead.
"May boyfriend si Y/N." (Y/N has a boyfriend.)
The twins both drop their jaws, "Ano?!" (What?!) Basilio slaps his hand over his mouth, while Crispin is in complete shock. "Kelan pa, Bossing?" (Since when, Bossing?) Basilio asks with a hint of anger in his voice.
"2 months ago niya sinabi sakin.. Siguro 8 months silang mag jowa." (She told me 2 months ago.. Maybe they've been together for around 8 months.)
"Tangina naman!" (Motherfucker!) Crispin throws a punch to the nearest wall. Alexandra has never seen the twins react like this, especially Crispin.
There was a moment of silence.
"Nahuli ko siyang tumatakas kaninang 12, nag paalam sakin na may pupuntahan na party, kasama boyfriend niya." (I caught her sneaking out earlier at 12, she asked my permission if she could go to a party with her boyfriend.)
"Bat di niyo kami ginising, bossing?" (Why didn't you wake us up, Bossing?) Basilio sighs, "Ayaw niya na malaman nyo na may boyfriend siya, kasi alam niya na magagalit kayo." (She didn't want you guys to find out that she had a boyfriend, because she knew that you guys would get mad.)
"Malamang, bunso namin 'yan eh! Alangan naman pabayaan namin 'yan diba? Eh hindi pa nga namin kilala boyfriend nyan!" (Of course we would get mad, she's our baby sister! Do you think we'd let her get away just like that? We haven't even met her boyfriend yet!" Crispin rambles.
"Mabait naman yung boyfriend niya." (Her boyfriend is kind.) Alexandra defends, "Bossing, 'di naman po yun sapat para ma kumbinsi nyo po kami na pwede po siya magkajowa.." (Bossing, that isn't a sufficient reason to convince us that it's okay for her to have a boyfriend..) Basilio says calmly, but deep down? He was screaming.
Alexandra ignores Basilio's statement, "Ano naman kinaiiyakan niya?" (What is she crying about?) Crispin managed to say despite the emotions he felt about the situation. Alexandra lets out a sigh, "Nag break na siguro sila." (Maybe they broke up.)
"Tangina, sabi ko na nga ba eh." (I fucking knew it.) Crispin mumbles under his breath, while running his fingers through his hair out of frustration.
"Yung sirang necklace na nasa sahig kanina, bigay yun ng boyfriend niya sa kanya. Hula ko, sinira niya kasi break na sila." (The broken necklace on the floor, her boyfriend gave that to her. My guess is that she broke it because they broke up.)
"Anong gagawin natin, Bossing?" (What are we going to do, Bossing?) Basilio asks her, desperate for a solution.
Alexandra wasn't the type to arrange surprises, so she had to think fast.
"Basilio, bumili ka ng Jollibee. Tapos ikaw Crispin, bumili ka ng ice cream. Yung favorite flavor niya ah?" (Basilio, go buy some Jollibee. Then you Crispin, buy some ice cream. Her favorite flavor okay?) Alexandra commands. Even in this situation, the twins had no choice to obey. "Sige po, bossing." (Yes, bossing.) They replied with no hesitation.
Crispin was the first one to come back with the ice cream, since the sari-sari store was just by the corner of their street. Obviously, Basilio took the longest— he had to take a tricycle to the nearest Jollibee.
After a few minutes, Basilio arrived with 2 bags of Jollibee. "Antagal mo naman, natunaw na yung ice cream." (Took you long enough, the ice cream already melted.) Crispin complains, rolling his eyes playfully.
"Bat di mo nilagay sa freezer? Parang timang 'to eh." (Why didn't you put it in the freezer? What a dumbass.) Basilo replies, settling the food on the table. Alexandra enters the room, "Andito na pala kayo. Halika na." (You guys are already here. Let's go.)
"Ano bang gagawin natin, bossing?" (What are we going to do anyway, bossing?) Basilio scratches his head out of confusion. "Malamang isusurprise natin." (Of course we're gonna surprise her.) Crispin replies sarcastically. He was still mad about what happened.
The trio went upstairs, Basilio and Crispin carrying the ice cream and Jollibee. Alexandra knocked on Y/N's door. "Bunso?" She says in a loving voice. No reply on the other side of the room. Maybe she went back to sleep again. "Papasok kami ng mga kuya mo ah?" (Your brothers and I will enter okay?) Alexandra turns the doorknob open.
Y/N turns around to see her Ate and Kuyas enter her room quietly, "Ate Alex.." She croaks out, "May dala kami ng mga kuya mo para sayo.." (Your brothers and I brought some food for you..) Alexandra gestures to the food that the twins bought. Y/N sits up from her current position, rubbing her eyes.
Basilio frowns and sets the food on her study table, then sitting beside her on the bed. "Halika nga.." (Come here..) Basilio takes his beloved sister into his arms, caressing her back to calm her sobs. "K-Kuy-ya.." She manages to say inbetween sobs, but Basilio hushes her and rocks her softly.
Alexandra elbows Crispin, who is still standing by the door. "Alam kong galit ka sa amin, pero yakapin mo naman kapatid mo." (I know that you're mad at the both of us, but go hug your sister.) Crispin realizes this and sighs. He walks over to Y/N and Basilio, who are both still locked in an embrace. Y/N felt the other side of the bed sink, she pulls herself away from the hug and turns to face Crispin.
Crispin had a disappointed yet concerned look on his face. Without any words, he pulls her into his chest, enveloping her into a hug. Y/N was sobbing like crazy. Her brothers have never seen her like this, ever. They didn't know how to react. They tried to calm her down— Crispin was still hugging her, caressing her back, while Basilio brushed her hair.
Alexandra sat on the farther edge of the bed, giving the siblings their space. Once Y/N calmed down, Alexandra spoke. "Gusto mo ba ikwento samin yung nangyari..?" (Are you comfortable telling us about what happened..?)
Y/N wipes her tears, "Nakita ko si Jerome na may ka halikan na iba-a.. T-ta—" (I saw Jerome kissing someone else-e.. T-th—) She sobs, unable to form her sentence properly.
Basilio caresses her back to help her calm down, "Dahan-dahan lang, bunso.. Hinga ka lang.." (Slowly, bunso.. Just breathe..)
Crispin frowns, "—Tapos kinausap ko siya sa labas nung venue.. Matagal na daw siyang nag ch-cheat sa akin.." (—Then I talked to him outside.. He's been cheating on me for a long t-time..)
Crispin's eyes almost bulged out of his eye sockets out of shock, Basilio's mouth hung open, and Alexandra's eyebrows raised.
"Ha?!?" The three said.
Y/N nodded hesitantly.
"Aba tangina pala ng Jerome na yan eh! Ano ba itsura nyan?" (Well fuck that son of a bitch Jerome! What does he even look like?) Crispin retorts, Alexandra grabs Y/N's phone from the floor and hands it to her. Y/N searches for a somewhat decent picture of her now ex-boyfriend on her phone, and once she did, she showed her brothers.
Jerome wasn't too good looking, he wasn't too bad looking either. He was okay— or saks lang, some would say.
"Panget naman niyan, panget din siguro ka bonding." (He's ugly, he probably isn't fun to bond with.) Basilio jokes, "Gago oo nga, ang panget. Mas pogi pa kami ng kuya mo diyan eh! Masaya pa kami ka bonding." (Damn, he is ugly. Your brother and I are more handsome than that guy! We're fun to bond with too.) Crispin strikes a pose, which made his sister smile.
Alexandra looks at the picture, then giving a disapproving look at her. "Ang panget nga. Pumangit ba siya? Di naman ganyan itsura nyan nung nakita ko." (I agree, he is ugly. Did he get uglier? He didn't look like that when I met him.) The three siblings laugh.
"Uuuy, ngumiti na siya! Yieee!" (Ooo, she's smiling!) Basilio teases her, poking her side. Crispin joins in and starts tickling her side and neck. Y/N tried to hide her laughter, but she failed. "Kuya Crispin— Kuya Basilio! Tama na!" (Kuya Crispin— Kuya Basilio! Stop it!) She giggles, then Basilio and Crispin finally stop.
"Halika na, kain na tayo ng Jollibee! May ice cream din!" (Come, let's eat Jollibee! There's ice cream too!) Basilio stands up to get the food from her table, Crispin and Alexandra help him set up the food.
"Nood tayo ng movie!" (Let's watch a movie!) Y/N suggests, Crispin and Basilio agreeing. "Anong movie, bunso?" (What movie, bunso?) Basilio asks, "Horror nalang." (Let's watch horror.) Y/N flashes a devilish smirk, because she knew that her brothers were afraid.
Alexandra walks over to her and gives her food, then sitting beside her. "Thank you, Ate!" Y/N flashes Alexandra a smile. The twins follow after Alexandra, sitting on the farther end of the bed with their food in hand.
Y/N turns on the TV to find a horror movie to watch, then she clicks on a random one just for fun. "Ano plot neto?" (What's the plot of this movie?) Basilio says while chewing, "Ewan ko Kuya.. Kinlick ko lang yan eh." (I don't know, Kuya. I just clicked on it.) Y/N shrugs, eating a spoonful of rice.
The rest of the day went great. After the movie, the trio stayed in Y/N's room all day. They played games, watched weird documentaries, and karaoke.
"Happy ka na?" (Are you happy now?) Alexandra asks Y/N as they watched the twins sing a duet.
Y/N smiled. At that moment, she realized that she was more than thankful to have two crazy twin brothers, and a sister that would always be there for her.
"Yup, Happy na ako. Thank you, Ate." (Yup, I'm happy now. Thank you, Ate.)
o diba sabi ko sa inyo cute to 😴 i apologize if my translations are somewhat inaccurate! i tried my best to translate it well :((
*for the non-filo readers:
Kuya: what you call a guy/male sibling who is typically older than you. (ex. Kuya Crispin)
Ate: what you call a girl/female sibling who is typically older than you. (ex. Ate Alex)
Bunso: used by older family members as a nickname for the younger members of the family. (Bunso means the youngest member of the family)
no tags bc i dont have filo trese moots yet <\3
also, i'm opening my requests for trese! i'll be keeping my requests for ahs and gotham closed for the mean time.
*UPDATE AS OF JUNE 29, 2021:
hi!! i have recieved an overwhelming amount of trese reqs! i am very grateful for each one. pleasr expect more trese content! <3
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the-lazyyy-artist · 3 years
Soulmates and Everything in Between
A/N: Hey! Here is now my two centavos for the Trese/Kambal fandom. I offer to you a Basilio x Fem!Reader fanfic... you can also consider it a Maliksi x Fem!Reader bc it has some parts with Mal. Also, what a title, emerite. It’s loosely based on this song:
(I had to put a link bc how do u insert a like... song from spotify???)
It was an idea I had overnight so... enjoy!
You were never one to believe in love, not after breaking up with your boyfriend for 4 years; you caught him cheating on you for 6 months. Basilio was the one who believed in love, despite the destiny that his mother had and that his dad was a killing machine. He still believed that there’s this good kind of love. It has been a year since you two met at The Diabolical, after Maliksi practically pulled you out of your bed so that you can finally hang out with him and the wind girls after two months of moping in your apartment. It was a good time, being able to debate with Basilio that night about love after just an hour of meeting each other in the bar.
 “You know, Basilio,” you said, alcohol streaming through your blood, “love is just a social concept that was made up to trick people to fuck and produce more people. That’s why this country is overpopulated.” Basilio laughed. The others just listened and hummed in agreement. “It’s not just a social concept, Y/N. It’s Bathala’s way of leading people to their other half, their soulmate. He knows that we cannot live alone, so he created other halves for each one of us.” You scoffed and had another drink of your beer. “Really? If so, then why are there womanizers? Cheaters? If that’s Bathala’s way for us to find our so-called other halves, then no one should be cheating. Soulmate my ass, it was never real in the first place. Whoever wrote that must’ve been whack.”
 “Girl,” Amie said, rubbing circles on your back, “kalma ka lang. Let’s just enjoy this night, shall we? No more debating about love.”
 The next day, despite the hangover you had, you were sobered up to the texts you received from an unknown number and a friend request on your socials. It was Basilio. You groaned. “What does he want this time?” On his texts, he apologized about the debate and that he got your number from Maliksi. Good ol’ Maliksi, playing cupid all over again.
 Since that day, Basilio has been bombarding you with texts messages, asking how you were, how was work, or anything in general. It was annoying, honestly, since that you obviously got a feeling that he likes you. You scoffed at that thought. “No way. If he thought he’d win my heart, keep dreaming na lang.” Then, in a few months, it was no longer just texts. He started coming over with Maliksi. He knows that you and Mal were bestfriends. He started bringing food, worse, even cooking in your own kitchen! He knew about your favorite dish, and he just smiled at you when this shocked you. “How?” You asked him as he was setting the table. He then tilted his head to Mal, who was already grinning at you. You just cursed under your breath.
 It was not long when it was just Basilio coming, still with food and movies and haranas. It made your heart flutter, in all honesty, but you tried not to fall in love again. You knew about the twins’ history with girls, how they would sometimes bed them. The thought made you shiver. Still, Basilio was persistent, and consistent. It even surprised you that he came with you on your grocery day at the public market, and he was wearing shorts and sando. He helped you carry your groceries, and put them all on the shelves in your kitchen. “Thanks, Basilio. It’s very nice of you to help me out today,” you said, smiling at him. “It’s nothing. I’d do everything for my girl.” That caught you off guard.
 And that was when you knew you got it bad.
 You were in love. You finally fell for him.
 You then started to shut him out. You started to make up excuses if Basilio wants to come over. This worried Basilio, and asked Maliksi about what happened. “This this isn’t new to me,” Mal answered, “she did that to me too after the break up.”
 “But this isn’t a break up,” Basilio said, a bit of panic in his voice. “It was always okay for her if I was coming over.” Maliksi gave him a pat on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to her.”
 You were reading a book on your sofa when the front door opened. It was Maliksi. You trusted him enough for him to have the spare key of your apartment, in case something happened. “I guess you heard the news, huh.” You joked, and he chuckled. “Yes, bub, I did. What happened?” He asked as he sat beside you. You turned to him, and rested your head on his shoulder. “I’m scared, Mal,” you said, your voice quiet. “About what?”
 Maliksi sighed and you finally faced him. “I understand that you’re scared of getting hurt again, but please don’t stop yourself from experiencing a new kind of love. It’s always good to try again,” he said as he took your hands. You just groaned and tears fell from your eyes. “He’s just too good to be true, Mal. He’s kind, and gentle. He knows what I want and he’s trustworthy, and he helps me with everything I do. He wants to be involved with my life and wants to do everything with me. He even went with me to the public market! No guy ever did that!” Mal chuckled and hugged you as you sobbed. “Then why are you scared if he’s doing all these amazing things?”
 “Because,” you said in between sobs, “what if he changes over time? What if he’ll get used to all of this and decides that it bores him?”
 “Are you gonna let your what if’s stop yourself from experiencing this wonderful kind of love?” He asked you. You just sighed. “Y/N, don’t ever be scared to love again, because it’s the only good thing in this horrible world we’re in. It’s the thing that Bathala gave us so that our souls will be at peace.” He was right, you thought. Ever since Basilio came, everything was beautiful, your soul was at peace. Maybe this is what Basilio was talking about months ago, about soulmates. Maybe he was yours.
 Days after, you asked Basilio to come over, and it overjoyed him. Maliksi told him about your fear, and it was enough for him to understand why you shut him out. When he arrived, you gave him a weak smile. He brought all your comfort food, street foods, to be exact. He prepared everything on the table before he sat beside you on the couch. “Hey, Y/N,” he said softly. You then hugged him. It felt like it was everything you needed. “I know you’re scared,” he said softly, as he enveloped you into his arms, “and I understand if you’re not ready. Nevertheless, I will still be here, because after I met you, and after all the time we spent, I knew that I love you. My soul is at peace when I’m with you.”
 You swore to yourself that you won’t cry, but you did, and he hugged you tighter. It was the best feeling in the world, to be at peace, to be with someone who understands you. You were then surprised that he played a song on his phone. He placed it on the couch and he stood up. The intro played, the very familiar guitar chords spilling through the speakers. He offered his hand to you, and said, “Care to dance, baby?” You laughed when he said ‘baby’, but you accepted. You gingerly placed your hands on his chest, and his hands rested on your waist. It was an odd song to dance to, but you figured that Basilio was the kind of guy to tell his feelings through a song, thus the endless haranas.
 The chorus of the song came up, and he sang along to it. It was everything he wanted to say. Basilio, the guy you just debated about love, is now the man you swore to be with until the end. A secret promise for now. After all, it’s what Bathala gave us; a partner to be with until the end.
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x-infernhoes-x · 3 years
Evermore- Maliksi x Reader
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Title: Evermore
Genre: : )
Warnings:  Not much but I’ll leave it to you guys lmao. Implied Relationship as well so ye.
Word Count: 1, 690 k +
Description: I don’t know WHY I get ideas for fanfics at ungodly hours of the night like I’m supposed to be on a break here since my neck still hurts from writing that 2k pound of word vomit that is known to be one of my greatest smut piece that eventually earned me the title as ‘The Emissary for Zaddy Cannibal’ WHEEZE and I started writing this at 1:57 am so let’s hope I’d finish this before 4 am. I’m basing some stuff I know about Maliksi from the comics and perhaps the anime as well. I also suggest listening to Evermore from the live-action version of Beauty and the Beast after reading!
PS. I didn’t finish this last night because I got sleepy at 3 am. There’s an AO3 version of this that’s direct to the point if you want something shorter than this one which can be found here! Oh and my grandma suggested that I set the font size to 12 instead of 11! and as always, I finished this at 3:29 am GGWP talaga.
Anyways, enjoy! _______________________________________
If people asked about how the Prince of Tikbalangs was like as a person, most of them would describe him as rowdy, haughty, stubborn at times may even be perceived as a pervert due to his distaste of not wearing any underwear underneath his jeans. Some thought of him as the classical, spoiled rich kid who cared for no one but himself but in reality, he was so much more than what people would perceive him to be. Being a Prince was something, sure he got everything that he wanted regardless of what it was, he would always find a way for it but sometimes it led him to live a rather lonely life that felt like he was nothing more but a slave to live through this illusion of being the perfect prince.
If they took the time to peek through the curtains of his façade, they would see that he just wanted someone to understand and see him for who he is but this also proved to be contradictory for the poor fellow given the fact that every time someone would show him just the right amount of honesty and kindness, he would find out that most of these people were only after him for things such as taming him to become their loyal servant, for his money or even for the sake of his looks. He thought that this curse of his would stay with him for the rest of his Engkanto life but somehow that all seemed to change his rather pessimistic view on life when he had come across someone who would turn his whole life in a different direction.
Maliksi had met (Y/N) (L/N) on one of his father’s many extravagant events where he was forced to sit through it. Of course, while his father was busy chatting away, the prince took this as an opportunity to sneak away which eventually led him towards an unsuspecting person who would change his life forever.
At first, the two of them were like total opposites, always clashing and arguing about something to the point that his father, Senior Armanaz had to interfere with their constant bickering but time seemed to wear both Maliksi and (Y/N)’s dissatisfaction for each other’s presence and instead began to tolerate the other, which eventually led into something more than just friendship among the two.
Maliksi and (Y/N) were completely inseparable, almost attached to the hip to the point that the Prince was rarely seen without them. He would take (Y/N) on trips across the country, sometimes he would take them out on long drives after his races and almost everything in between. People have reported that the two seemed even more in sync especially in battle, covering each other’s backs while bantering about which car model was the best or where they would eat after this whole ordeal like the two of them were playing a mere game of Patintero or even playing a good round of Pogs to see who got the most hits on their opponents and who seemed to be stronger.
But there were precious moments where Maliksi would take them on trips across the country just to escape from the hectic and bustling streets of the city and gave them the taste of what it means to be free and live life in color. He would watch his partner’s joyful and almost curious gaze with a feeling of warmth and care in his chest that would make him smile along with them, the two of them would participate in various festivals such as Flores de Mayo and its ritual pageant, Santa Cruzan, The Masskara Festival in Bacolod down to his personal favorite which happened to be the Moriones Festival that takes place in Marinduque. But out of those trips, the one that he treasures the most was the time Maliksi and his parents had flown out to their home province, Bukidnon to celebrate the Kaamulan Festival where his partner met the rest of the family, of course, this was also the time where he had proposed to (Y/N) after their 3 years of dating, he was glad that they had accepted his proposal.
Who knew things would eventually change from thereon. With the underworld restless and agitated from all the events that have transpired, it seemed to put a strain between Maliksi and his fiancé. To make matters worse between the two, Maliksi began to do races that would conclude in fatal car accidents for both parties. This would result in (Y/N) and Maliksi arguing non-stop every time they meet however these fights never resulted in something physical but it would leave them in tears or the other walking away with a slam of the door. This cycle seemed to break the moment a certain Babaylan-Mangdirigma had beat him at his own game and managed to snap some sense into him as well the moment his beloved ran at him at full force, scolding him right in front of Alexandra Trese before the two left to settle their problems in private.
“Magpakasal na tayo.” Maliksi told (Y/N) the morning after the two of them had reconciled. Of course, this made his fiance cough up their drink, eyes wide and still hacking their lungs out while Maliksi made his way over to them, patting their back gently to ease their pain. Once things were clear, (Y/N) could only look at him, disbelief and surprise evident on their face before they spoke, “Seryoso ka ba?! Paano yung simbahan, yung venue-“ Holding their hands in his own, Maliksi could only give his soon-to-be spouse a grin, placing a chaste kiss upon the back of their hands. “Wag ka nang magalala, babe. I’ve got it covered.” And just like he had said, Maliksi did have it covered, the venue, the church, and everything in between. It was a quick but simple ceremony that had his parents and (Y/N)’s parents present and nobody outside of the clan knew about this union between them. Time seemed to move quickly after that but the two newlyweds felt like it was an eternity for them both.
In a short amount of time the fantasy of church bells and dreaming faded into war cries and chants of ‘Sic Itur Ad Astra’  quickly and we see Maliksi and his spouse come face to face with the greatest foe they’ve ever come across, the war-god of Bukidnon, Talagbusao. With the rest of their forces subdued by the War God and Maliksi trying to recover from the hit he had taken from Talagbusao, the Tikbalang prince seemed to take notice that his spouse was nowhere in sight and panic seemed to take a hold on him like a choke-hold. Standing up, he began to look for them, ruby-red eyes rapidly scanning the area, furiously looking for his beloved, silently praying to Bathala that they were okay or let alone still be alive.
His prayers seemed to be answered when he saw them, still kicking and fighting and running to where Talagbusao was and he immediately knew something was wrong. “(Y/N)!! ANONG GINAGAWA MO!?” Maliksi yelled out through the sound of roaring bullets, trying his best to reach over to where their lover was.  “Alexandra, ngayon na!” Maliksi heard (Y/N)’s commanding voice ring out as she caught the Babylan-Mandirigma’s knife, Sinag throwing it to her while they subdued Talagbusao to the best of their abilities, eyes locked with their husband as they mouthed at him, ‘Patawarin mo ako, Maliksi.’ And as quick as a flash, Alexandra, Talagbusao, and (Y/N) disappeared into the Dragon’s Gate. Maliksi was left to watch his spouse in paralyzed horror and shock disappear right before his eyes, chest clenching in panic as the impact of the closing portal sent everyone nearby it flying backward.
A month has then passed after that event and we see Maliksi within the Trese household as he would always do, always waiting, hoping, and praying that his (Y/N) would return to him safe and unharmed. This day was different than the other days he would spend at the household because this day was the day that Alexandra Trese had returned as announced by a pale-looking and wide-eyed Hank. The tikbalang prince was the first to head where Alexandra---who was now swarmed by her older brothers and the kambal, his eyes still searching for his spouse, his expression of hope immediately diminished as he spoke, his voice slowly trembling with each step he took, “Nasaan si (Y/N), Alexandra?”  at the mention of his spouse’s name, Alexandra then refused to meet his eyes as the rest of the Trese siblings along with the Kambal clearing a path for him, all watching him with disconsolate looks and glistening eyes as Alexandra held onto Sinag as tightly as she could, trying her best to find the right words to say to him.
“Wala na si, (Y/N), Maliksi. She’s gone.”
“There is a story, of a man who had lost his beloved in a war, some say he still waits for their return, others say that the day his beloved had disappeared, he had soon followed.” 
“They say that this man could be found standing by the tall windows of Tower A [1] located in Ayala Avenue. Urban myths suggest that this man is a ghost bound to the building, others say that he’s the reason why that Tower still exists.” Now in his prime, Maliksi sat in the place where his father used to sit. It had been years since he had taken over the clan and years since his beloved, (Y/N) was taken away from him at such an early age. Beside him was an empty throne reserved for them once they return. No matter how many years it would take him, Maliksi Armanaz, former prince and now leader of the Armanaz clan, would still wait for his beloved, (Y/N) to return to him until the end of his days. He would wait for them for evermore.   
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lovingjeankirstein · 3 years
watching trese w kuya iwa and oikawa hcs? 👁👁
bestie romeo back at it again with the kuya iwa hc ideas.
gn! reader (ALSO: t = tooru oikawa; h = hajime iwaizumi; y/n = you)
watching trese with oikawa and half-filipino! iwaizumi
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you and iwa would’ve watched it already, but oikawa brings it up one day when he sees it while finding what to watch on netflix.
t: iwa channn, y/n channn!! did you watch that new filipino anime that came out on netflix yet??
h: yea what about it?
y/n: im down!! we can educate you on our culture and myths too.
you’re all either at oikawa’s house or haji’s, but if you’re at haji’s, he’ll have filipino snacks for all of you to really enhance the experience.
we got everything like boy bawang, balut, oishi shrimp chips, piattos, otap, pancit canton, literally anything bruh. (choc nut for nuno)
you and hajime will be cuddling on the couch or be closer to each other than oikawa and he’s there third wheeling like 💀💀
t: huh it’s getting a little cold in here don’t you think
h: *throws him a blanket* here that’ll fix it
like in serious parts he’ll shut up and pay attention but otherwise he’ll just be talking and asking about it at random parts sm you’ll have to rewind a lot.
t: ooh what’s that
y/n: it’s a duwende
t: *tries to say it for the next 5 minutes*
y/n: tooru i will throw this remote at you i’ll help you learn it later just sh for now
h: nuno is a spirit of the elderly. if you don’t say “tabi tabi po” on their property they will curse you. he reminds me of you.
y/n: 😀☝🏼 NO well maybe BUT NO IT’S BC YOU’RE A CHISMOSA TANGINA (chismosa: gossiper. tangina = bitch)
when moments like the prison attack happen with the thing with the prisoner, he actually wants to chat about it and his opinion before the next episode. it turns into a whole deep conversation.
this makes watching stuff with oikawa so fun and worthwhile.
you guys would be watching in tagalog dub and he’d be shocked to find out some of the things haji calls him are so rude.
WHEN THE WIND ELEMENTS GET THEIR PRIZE OF GETTING LAID BY KAMBAL (pls that was so humorous i can’t) OIKAWA MAKES SM SMUG COMMENTS you guys end up laughing a lot.
t: woah ho ho getting action i seee 👀 kambal went to town that night hehe
during the final battle he gets so upset when everything starts going wrong.
don’t forget his tagalog would be pretty slanged but he’s trying
lowkey predicted the ending tho. he’d be like “is this some ending where the lesson is family is stronger than anything or something”
5 minutes later: “Malakas nga ang lukso ng dugo, pero hindi matitinag ang pamilya.” (the bond of blood might be strong, but the bond of family is stronger)
all in all, oikawa would really enjoy trese. he likes the folklore and he got to learn more about his besties.
he finds all of the aswangs and creatures very cool and interesting even tho they may look ugly/scary to him.
he liked that it was funny and really showed the culture of the philippines. he ofc would say all this to both you and haji.
he would text you two in the middle of the night that he got a nightmare of a tiyanak or xa mul. you guys would lowk laugh but reassure him they aren’t real for like two weeks.
he’d also swear he saw the white lady of balente drive while walking home from practice even though we’re in japan???
you guys wouldn’t express it, but you guys both appreciate oikawa enjoying it and his willingness to know more about the legends and myths from where you two came from. oikawa def knows you two feel this way tho.
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aoba johsai masterlist
tags: @nanaomiomi @jesus-christ-super-ace
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trese-fam · 3 years
Summary: On the night following their battle with Talagbusao, Alexandra checks on the twins.
Relationships: The Kambal (Crispin & Basilio) & Alexandra Trese [Platonic]
Word Count: 2.1k
Warnings: A bit of swearing, mentions of death, and fears of losing control.
Disclaimer: I don’t own Trese!
Ao3 Cross-Post: “Tahan.” by RandmWriter
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On the night that follows the battle with Talagbusao, Alexandra Trese wants nothing more than to lie down and sleep the days away. She wants to feel the weariness drain from her bones, and to stop resisting the heaviness that tugs down her eyelids. She wants to relax; she wants to heal; she wants to rest, certainly-
But she doesn't.
She does none of these things; not yet at least.
It's not that she's restless; she knows she could be out like a light if she wanted to be - but she also senses that her work isn't over yet. There's another duty she has yet to fulfill - a responsibility she takes as seriously as her other sacred mantles - and she's never been one to leave a task unfinished.
And so, at three in the morning, Alexandra Trese makes her way downstairs, with a good guess as to who she'll find there.
The living room is quiet, save for the low noise of the TV and the hushed whirring of the fan. Sparse amounts of light filter in through the curtains from the streetlamp outside - its faint orange glow lighting the room just enough so that she doesn't bump into the furniture. On any other night, Alexandra supposes she would have found comfort in the peaceful ambiance of the scene - but on this night, it is the farthest thing from her mind.
What matters to her are the two figures she can see on the sofa.
Their posture is the first thing that tells her that something is wrong. Growing up with these twins, she knows that whenever they watch TV in the middle of the night (especially after sneaking out of their room as kids, when they were expressly told not to), they instinctively spread out across the length of the sofa. It's a fact of life that Basilio always commandeers the armrest on the left, while Crispin leans on the armrest on the right. The fact that they're sitting here now - postures hunched but still upright - is enough for Alexandra's stomach to clench uncomfortably.
She moves closer to the pair to investigate. She makes her footsteps deliberately loud to let them know that she’s here - but it's only when she's nearly in front of the two that they seem to register her presence, and they visibly startle despite her efforts. The knot in Alexandra's stomach tightens further; whatever is bothering them is enough to distract them to a worrying degree.
"Bossing," the twins say in unison - eyes wide with shock - and it's their tone that finally cements Alexandra's theory that something is terribly wrong.
Because Crispin and Basilio sound afraid.
There is fear - genuine and terrible - that bleeds into their voices. It lines their faces and it straightens their spines - and without thinking, they shift down the sofa - half a step away from her.
All at once, Alexandra is struck by how wrong this whole situation is.
The twins never acted like this around her. They would be sheepish at times - yes - or guilty and avoidant on others. But to be truly afraid of her? To move away from her instinctively?
She does not like this one bit.
She pushes the worry that clouds her mind to the side - and it's then that she can see the roiling mass of emotions in those twin sets of eyes. She sees the fear, yes - but it's far more complex than she initially thought. They look afraid of her, but they also look afraid for her - as if she's in danger - as if they're facing something they can't protect her from - as if-
So that's what it is. Hm. She sees it now.
Alexandra sighs heavily.
She should have known that they would blame themselves for falling under Talagbusao's control. That they would doubt their capacity to protect her, and question if it was safe for her to be around them at all.
Half of her genuinely wants to laugh at how ridiculous the thought of them ever hurting her sounds, while the other half wants to sigh in exasperation. Count on her boys to blame themselves for something they couldn't control, and then give themselves absolutely no credit for snapping out of the god of war's thrall.
Alexandra takes a deep breath and focuses her gaze on the twins. They're still staring at her with poorly-veiled apprehension - as if they have no idea what reaction to expect from her. Of all the emotions this sight could inspire, it's nostalgia that rises to the surface. They had looked at her like this the night after Basilio threatened to punch her.
Heh. They've all come quite a long way, haven't they? The bond between the three of them had become a part of her - and she sure as hell wasn't going to let their terrible excuse of a father undo years of faith and trust.
Her next step is clear now.
Without any hesitation, Alexandra strides towards the sofa and plops herself down in the small gap between the two twins. Again, they startle - their bodies tensing as they scooch hastily to make room for her on the couch. As soon as she has just enough space, she grabs the twins by their biceps - preventing them moving further away from her. The fact that they reflexively pull away at the contact makes something in Alexandra's chest ache, but she shakes it off quickly and holds fast to their arms. That is what she's here to fix.
A strangled sound of distress escapes their throats and they open their mouths to protest - but Alexandra beats them to it.
"Don’t be foolish," she says - tone gruff and allowing absolutely no room for argument. Almost immediately, she can hear the click of their jaws snapping shut.
It's probably not the most comforting thing to say to two demigods on edge - but these two had never been just demigods. These are the twins - the twins she grew up with and fought with and bled with - the twins that she had called family despite their rocky beginnings. She knows that they can hear what she truly wants to say.
'There's no reason to be afraid. There's no reason to think you would ever hurt me. Don't be foolish, you two. Of course I trust you both.'
It takes a few seconds for her words to sink in - but when they do, the change they inspire is evident. The twins haven't stopped staring at her - but rather than fear solely filling their gazes, she now sees genuine confusion and the faintest glimmer of hope shining in their eyes.
Their confused expressions make her pause. Don't... don't they know how much faith she has in them?
Well then... she just has to kick it up a notch, now, doesn't she?
With purposeful movements, she grabs the remote control from the coffee table in front of them, and she makes a show of flipping through the channels before finally settling on a program. She fixes her gaze on the TV and proceeds to watch the late-night shopping channel on the screen - making herself perfectly comfortable on the couch. The message she's sending is clear: she's not going anywhere, because she isn't afraid of them in the slightest.
And of course, the boys understand.
Out of the corner of her eye, she can see their expressions morph into ones of gratitude and awe - and her heart clenches when she realizes that those looks are directed solely at her. She has to stop herself from returning their gaze, and resolves to keep her eyes on the screen to drive her point home.
A beat passes before Crispin and Basilio shift their focus to one another - their eyes locking just above her head. Alexandra settles further into the sofa cushions and watches the TV program in earnest; she knows what they're doing, and she isn't going interfere. She's seen it before - on long rides in the car and on lazy mornings at the breakfast table: the silent conversation she knows only they are capable of having.
It lasts for a few moments before they seem to come to an agreement.
Suddenly, Alexandra can't help the nervousness that flutters in her stomach - particularly when she realizes that she has no idea what the two of them have just decided. She really hopes her plan worked. It's either that, or they both just agreed to retreat to their rooms and stew in their turmoil alone.
She doesn't realize she's holding her breath until she feels the twins shift, and then move to settle more comfortably beside her. She tries not to make her relief too obvious, but she feels it all the same.
Slowly but surely, the tension fades from the air and melts from all their frames - leaving behind a warm and unburdened silence. The quiet peace croons softly to the two demigods - and when Alexandra steals a glance at them, she sees the twins slowly succumbing to the temptation of sleep.
Basilio's eyelids have begun to droop, and she suspects it won't be long until the youngest of the group slips into the land of dreams. Crispin, however, is different story. Alexandra sees the older twin's head drowsily fall forward - but he's quick to snap his head up and blink himself awake.
Alexandra observes him for a moment, and when she sees the shadow of fear in his eyes, she quickly draws the conclusion. Without missing a beat, she takes hold of Crispin's ear and gives it a quick tug. The older twin startles - though not as badly as before, which she counts as a win - and he fixes his bossing with a look of shocked confusion.
Alexandra only has to narrow her eyes at him to get her point across.
'I know what you're thinking. No, you won't lose control if you fall asleep. And no, you're not going to hurt me. That's ridiculous. I already told you to stop being foolish.'
For a few seconds, Crispin blinks at her owlishly - realizing that he's been read like a book and caught red-handed. Then, ever so slowly, his surprised expression shifts into a small sheepish smile. It's such a little thing, she knows, but Alexandra can't help the warmth that blooms in her chest at the sight.
That. That is the expression she’s used to seeing on her twins' faces - free from fear and terror as it should be.
As Crispin finally stops resisting his exhaustion's pull, Alexandra begins to hum a quiet tune. It’s a lullaby her mother used to sing. She supposes she knew the words, once upon a time - but they had faded from her memory long, long ago.
The tune, though, she remembers.
It's a slow melody - steady and calming, like the gentle current of a stream flowing through her fingers. The song floats softly around the room, enveloping the small family in a tranquil peace - restful, quiet, and unhurried.
And again, Alexandra can't help the nostalgia that washes over her.
She remembers the last time she hummed this melody - years and years ago, on a night very much like this. It was the night she finally began to understand the young twins in her family's care; the night she found two little boys in front of the television set, unable to sleep on the anniversary of their mother's death. Young as she was then, it was a pain she knew well.
And so she had sat between them and hummed her mother's tune - hoping the song would bring them as much comfort as it always brought her. She remembers the way those little boys curled up beside her that night - so vulnerable and so so trusting, that she finally understood why her father had taken them in.
And tonight, she feels those same twins shift, finally giving into to the rest they so desperately need. They're not little boys anymore - they're bigger, stronger, and more powerful than the young twins she once knew. And yet - as she hums her quiet song - she feels their forms curl towards her in their sleep - each of their heads finding one of her shoulders to rest on.
The song pauses to allow Alexandra one shuddering breath, before it softly resumes.
She doesn't know how long they stay that way - and she finds that she doesn't really care. She continues her song as the moon makes its journey across the sky, well into the late, late hours of night.
Alexandra knows the two twins are already asleep. She knows that she can stop humming her tune and they would be none the wiser. She knows she can go; she knows she can leave; she can do all of this, certainly...
...But she doesn't.
Author's Note:
Hi there! Thank you so much for reading my fic!
Full disclosure: I have yet to read the Trese comics, and I have lot more to learn about the fandom! That said, I read online that the relationship in the Trese comics between Alexandra and the Kambal is fairly different from their relationship in the Netflix series - with the Netflix series placing a greater emphasis on family. So this fic is definitely heavily-based on the Netflix series!
I really hope Alexandra didn't come off as too OOC - but if she did, I'd also love to know so that I can work on it and hopefully write her better! This fic is just a place to dump my found family feels for these three - but I'd still love to get more advice on how to write the characters better!
Also! Parts of this fic were inspired by kirichin's story called "kuya"! It has Trese-typical content warnings, but it's a heartwarming story about Crispin and Basilio!
That's all for now!
As always, all feedback is loved and appreciated! I'd also love any constructive criticism you might have (and I'd really appreciate it if you could phrase the criticism politely)!
Also, please feel free to send me a message or an ask! I’d love to get to know all of you more!
Stay safe everyone!
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missmariaclara · 3 years
trese ficlet #1 (english version)
In the end, Alex just can't afford to wallow in her grief.
Five years or one moment, it makes little difference. Even if all she wants is to drown in her sorrow, to buckle under the weight of memories that are all she has left of her family, it won't do anyone any good.
Especially those still around who are counting on her.
"Where are they?"
It's a long while before Hank speaks, and his answer doesn't really surprise Alex.
It's almost sunset when she reaches the place.
It's been decades, but it seems as though nothing has changed since the first and last time she's been in this house, where the god of war himself had almost succeeded in returning to the mortal plane. The place where she'd lost so many friends but gained two more brothers.
Said pair are now standing in the middle of the empty first floor, staring at nothing. They only moved when Alex shouted, her voice breaking the eerie silence.
"It's almost dinner time," she called out again. It's also been many years since she said those words, worn out as they'd been before, when she used to scream at the boys everyday. "You really still need me to fetch you? Seriously?"
Alex can feel the surprise on Crispin and Basilio's faces, and for the first time after almost an eternity of pain and suffering inside that damn tree, she feels a glimmer of warmth and hope.
She waits until they recover from the shock and watches the way Basilio's mouth moves, as though to say something. To call her something.
Are you telling us we need to address you as 'Ate' now, too?
It used to anger Alex, all those years ago, those first few times they used it on her. Each instance was an insult, spat out to make her the butt of the joke.
Now, there's very little Alex wants than to hear them say it once more.
In the end, it's Crispin who finds his voice first.
"Bossing," he hollers, and behind the familiar teasing, Alex can hear what he means just fine. When Crispin smiles, she can't help but return it. "Welcome back."
"Yeah, Bossing," Basilio adds from behind his brother. "We thought you'd be the one needing fetching this time."
Her answering scowl only sends the boys laughing harder, so Alex turns around and storms off, quickly making her way out of the house.
If anyone asks, she'll tell them it’s time to go, anyway. She found what she was looking for, and it's dinner time all the same. Hank will nag if they make him wait.
"Keep on dreaming, Basilio."
( tagalog version )
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etrends-news · 10 months
Netflix’s Trese holds numerous dull insider facts as Alexandra Trese, a powerful agent, attempts to stop a conflict fermenting between the paranormal hidden world and humankind. In Manila, the shamed Mayor Santamaria winds up in prison for illegal exploitation and different wrongdoings attached to huge groups, breaking the agreements Alexandra’s dad set up years sooner to guarantee animals and humanity could exist in harmony.
0 notes
cutesy-pink · 3 years
Photographic Memories
(i.e me giving out an excuse to show you what they look like)
Yuu Ai (Xiangling!MC)
It was a hot day outside and Yuu thought it would be a good idea to gather some ingredients. Fortunately (or not), your last class for today was finished. "Yo, (Y/N)! Wanna grab some ingredients with me? I'll cook your favorite dish in return!" Yuu said enthusiastically. You look around, pretending to think.
"Hmm.. I'm not too sure, Yuu. It seems pretty hot today.." Yuu pouts, crossing their arms. "C'mon! Please?" You chuckle and pat their head. "Sure, why not." They beam at you.
"Thank you so so much!" They cry before engulfing you in a hug. You pat their back. "Anytime, Yuu."
You sit down at the grass Yuu pulls out their polearm. A few agonized screams later they bring some slimes with them. "Today's special shall be.. hm.." They look around for a few minutes, tapping their foot for a while. "Aha! I know!" They say as they set the poor slimes on the table before grabbing a knife.
A sinister smile shadows over their face as soon as they face you. "How would you like to try some slime parfait?" You pull out your camera.
"Sure, but smile for the camera first."
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To this day, you still felt a little sorry for the slimes, but they taste too good.
Yuulius Ark (Dragon!MC)
It was a chilly afternoon, you decided to go to the library to read a few books to pass the time. As you walk your way towards the library, you see Yuulis sitting under a tree, reading a book as piles of other books surround them.
You sneak behind them before tapping their shoulder. They flinch before turning around and see you looking back at them. You smile mischievously. "Hello, Yuulis-senpai!" You say as you move a pile of books to sit next to them. You lean your head on their shoulder slightly.
"What are you reading?" Their eyes light up as they began to passionately explain the book. "It's about the daughter of a marine biologist who ends going to prison because she was framed! She meet several people who become her ally in the next chapters. I remember feeling so shocked when I saw the father! He was the same person as the main character in another book! Not to mention, how sad the ending was it felt so surreal when I-" They stop when they heard you giggle.
"What is it, (Y/N)?" You chuckle before waving your hand. "It's nothing, really, you just look so cute when you talk about something you love." They cough, a pink tint decorating their face. "A-ah, I see.." They stutter.
"I even got it on camera!"
"Oh my, a mischievous little thing, aren't you?"
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Yulia Ocean (Con-Artist!MC)
You let out a low whistle as you see Yumiya running down at the halls. "What'd they do this time?" You ask amusingly. "Just a lil' party trick, like the usual~" You would've screamed if it weren't for the hand on your mouth.
You rip their hand away from their hand and hit them on the head. "Ow! What was that for?!" They cry out in pain, clutching their head. "Well, my dearest Yumiya.." You coo with venom laced in your tone.
"It's not really polite to treat someone as if they're a hostage, you know~" You sigh as Yumiya tries to reason with you. "I mean, I will get found out very soon if you were to scream, so.." They laugh awkwardly as you massage your temples for the incoming headache.
A crash was heard a few miles away.
"Uh oh~" They giggle. "It seems as though I've been found~!" You chuckle. "50 madol you get stopped at the cafeteria." They pout, but smile smugly after. "50 madol I won't!" You let out a sigh, but cover your mouth to hide the smile.
"Yeah, yeah, now smile for the camera. The newspaper club said they needed fresh pics for the new headline."
"Oh dear~! I seem to have gotten quite famous~!"
"Oh shut it, now 3, 2, 1.."
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Ayumi Trese (Trese!MC)
It was early in the morning when you decided to stop by Ramshackle. As you open the door, you're greeted by Ayumi sitting on the couch with a mug on their hand.
"Oh, hello there, (Y/N)." They yawn, stretching their legs for a little. You laugh. "Just woke up, I'm guessing?" You mused leaning on the doorway and crossing your arms.
"I.. guess you can say that.." They sip from the mug. You got out your phone quietly and took a picture.
Too bad you forgot that the sound was on.
Ayumi slowly turns their head towards you. You back away slowly and shut the door right before sprinting.
Good thing you managed to take a picture
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(OKAY I'M FINALLY DONE, WOOH, THAT WAS EXHAUSTING BUT WORTH ALL THAT EFFORT \(^o^)/ but sadly tumblr won't let me cut the post so I'm so sorry-)
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prettybea · 2 years
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5 https://prettybea.tumblr.com/post/690362967385112578/part-1
Part 6
Chapter 7
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Alexandra Trese's pov
We followed Captain Robbie and Renfield outside of the organization. While we are walking around the organization we noticed some workers looking at us with curiosity, suspicious, and surprised but we didn't mind
When we arrived outside of the organization we saw Dracula's castle that was right next to the organization. I look at Dracula and Van Helsing to find there shock and confused look on there faces
"Hold on...how did this castle ended up in there?" Van Helsing ask, he point his finger at Dracula's castle but luckily Renfield answered
"We have magic wielders to drag Dracula's castle. It took us hours to drag your castle because the engines won't let us drag your castle to the organization "
"It's obvious that the only one who could control the entire castle is the Prince of Darkness himself " Van Helsing said, I glance at Dracula who just rubbed the bridge of his nose. I look at the others to find them amazed to see Dracula's castle right infront of them
"So...we are using my castle to get to Spain " Dracula guess. Captain Robbie and Renfield noded there heads as Dracula walked at the entrance and pushed the big two doors to let us enter his castle
When we got inside of the castle I was amazed of how clean it was. There were candles lit up but there are also lights that lit up once we set foot to the castle. We started following Dracula but before we followed him Captain Robbie and Renfield got a call from the other agents telling them that they need them so they have no choice but to abandoned us and it was up to us to recruit Lawrence but before they left Captain Robbie gave us the information and more notes and folders about the place, about the country, and about Lawrence
"Welp, guess we're on our own now " Griffin said with a shrugged. We started following Dracula through his castle and we watched in awe as we saw the painting and the picture. Our footsteps echo through the halls of his castle as we look around to find paintings, doors, antiques, and etc. there are items that are unknown to me considered that fact Dracula lived in the 1400's
"Holy cow, did you paint this pictures? " Griffin ask, he was so amazed to find some paintings that looks so real but while the boys are walking down the halls I noticed something in the curtains. I went to look at it and when I removed the curtains I saw a portrait of two people one female and one male
I couldn't see there faces because it was ripped but not a ripped from a sword or any sharp object but rather a...claw. I do noticed Dracula's claw when I first met him so I suspected that Dracula uses his claws to ripped off the paintings and throughout the paintings we encountered this is the only one that wasn't frame in the wall
The picture has a female in the left sitting formally in a throne and a male in the right standing with a sword in his hand. I just realized that Dracula just ripped out the faces of this two strangers. Also, they both wore medieval period clothing but also they clothing looks like regal and royal. I noticed that there are pieces of the painting in the floor, I slowly touched the pieces of it but before I could place it I heard a voice
"Detective, there you are " I turned around to find Dr. Jekyll walking up towards me. The others might have gone to the location where Dracula had led them. I quickly went away from the curtain and leave the painting alone
"What's wrong? "
"Dracula told me to get you. It seems that you got lost in the castle. Come, they're at the tower of the castle " Dr. Jekyll said, we brisk walk through the hall. Dr. Jekyll led me to the tower of the castle.
Upon entering the tower of the castle I was shock to find gears everywhere. The tower was filled with nothing but gears and in the middle of the room there lay a grey pathway to where I saw the others that surrounded by something
"Dracula, I found her " Dr. Jekyll informed. His voice echoed through the tower as the boys all turned around when they heard Dr. Jekyll's voice
"Good. Detective, come here "
"What's going on? " I ask, I walk towards them as I saw a geometric globe that was floating in the air
"He's going to move the castle to Besalú, Spain " Van Helsing told me, Dracula just uses his two fingers and then within seconds the castle started to shake which startled us but we are now aware and shock that he is actually moving the castle.
"We're here " Dracula informed us. I opened my eyes to find myself still standing to where I was but we notice that the atmosphere has changed. I look at the big window to find that it was night
"Wait, we're at Besalú already! We just close our eyes for a second and the next thing we knew we are here! " Lewis exclaimed, I could feel that he was confused, shock, and he was filled with questions but his shout really hurts our ears as we covered our ears because his voice really echoes through the entire tower and the entire castle
"This castle is a traveling machine. It travels without moving. It appears at locations as if... Well, as if by magic " Dracula explained, Lewis was about to ask but someone knock on the door which scared me because the knock actually vibrates through the entire castle until it reached to the tower
"Someone's at the door " Griffin commented. We decided to check it out together.
We went to the entrance of the castle, Dracula opened the two huge doors to reveal a man in his 40's, he has well combed black hair, sunglass, and he wore a black suit and black tie
We were confused at first. I was about to open my mouth and ask but the man already spoke:
"Captain Robbie told us that you will arrive " He said in an American voice. We all look at each other in confusion and then I ask:
"Who...Who are you? "
"Agent Black. Captain Robbie did warn us about a castle teleporting here. I'll just cut to the chase. We've been keeping an eye on Mr. Talbot for a few weeks and it seems that he- " Before he could finished his explanation, his walkie talkie that was in his suit started to making sounds. In the other line of the walkie talkie is a female voice shouting
"Agent Black! We have a problem! " The female voice shouted at the walkie talkie. Agent Black groaned as he leaned from his walkie talkie
"What is it, Agent Ivy? "
"It's Mr. Talbot, he transformed into a werewolf and he is wrecking havoc in the town now "
"What!? How!? "
"Um...I think this has to do with the full moon " Dr. Frankenstein said as he points his finger to the full moon that was glowing brightly. We all look up to find that full moon with no clouds covering just there very bright like a spotlight. I heard Agent Black cursed under his breath, he look at all of us
"I know you guys are going to recruit Lawrence but right now we are dealing with a werewolf so I think we might need to capture him and bring him here "
"Wait...I think I have a plan " Van Helsing said. We all turn to look at him
"Well, tell us " I said, Van Helsing smirk as he only said:
"All I need is your cooperation "
Professor Abraham Van Helsing's pov
I told everyone my plan. Dracula did mentioned he has an extra room to store Lawrence inside of the castle which was perfect. We decided to drag Lawrence inside the castle and drag him to this extra room that Dracula mentioned but luckily we found some ropes to drag him there automatically and good thing I pack a flare gun with me because I told them that if they saw a flare going up in the night sky it means that I have him and it was time that they have to drag the ropes to let him in
With the help of the agents they put up a trap for the werewolf and gave us the location where the trap was held
"Alright, the plan is set but I'm not going to get this werewolf by myself. I need someone who will company me " I said, it's true I do have a feeling that I'm going to get myself killed if I do this alone
"Why? Scared? "
"No, I can't just hunt this werewolf. I might accidentally kill him or he might get me killed so this is part of my plan as well that I have someone with reinforcement "
"Then who're you going to choose? " Griffin ask. Everything was quiet and became tense silence but we are running out of time not only the world is going to end just like Jean Valjean had said but we are also wasting time to recruit our last member so...I pointed to someone
"Wait, Dracula? " Trese ask. Dracula blinked in confusion, I gave them a smirk
"C'mon guys, I'm just a simple hunter I need someone who could distract the wolfman while I got myself knocked out and Dracula is no problem with that. I could pick Adam, Griffin, and Dr. Jekyll but I have my own reasons why I decided to not include them to my plan. So! Drac, you're coming with me "
Dracula just sigh in defeat as he accepts my offer and now we are off to capture the werewolf in Spain
The agents told us where the wolfman is now and boy good thing I have Dracula by my side because once we heard that the wolfman is far away from the castle Dracula immediately took me and transformed into a swarm of bats and took me there to the location where the wolfman was
We hid at an alleyway where it was dark. We heard screams from a woman and a werewolf growl which was Lawrence. I reload my guns for preparation, I glance over at Dracula whose eyes were closed I let out a scoff as I said:
"Are you meditating? "
"No, I hear him. He's coming right over here right now "
"Good, here " I gave him one of my spare guns. He look at it and then look at me with the expression of disbelief
"This is a Flintlock "
"Yeah, why do you ask? "
"It was silver bullets and werewolves' weakness are silver bullets and wolfsbane. Are you planning to kill him? "
"What? No! Heavens no! I know it's made out of pure silver but we're not going to shoot "
Just then we heard howl from the wolfman. We peaked out of the alleyway to find the wolfman is on top of the roof. I did not think twice as I fired my first bullet at the bricks of the roof causing the wolfman to fall off but the wolfman got away with it
"You let him get away "
"I know but remember my plan. We're going to lure him into a trap "
We go out of the alleyway from the shadows as we started hunting that wolfman
It was a peaceful night of Besalú but there lovely and peaceful sleep will be interrupted by the sounds of wolf growling and howling and some gunshots. The wolfman surprised us as he jump towards me but luckily Dracula pushed him away and then the wolfman hit the ground due to the impact of the push
"Did you get yourself scratch, Dracula? " I ask, I examined his left hand, the hand that he pushed that wolf away from me
"No, I'm fine. Besides you only turned into a werewolf not just by a scratch but rather a bite from a werewolf " He explained. We heard a growl as we look to find the wolfman, he already stand up as he growl at us as hee are his prey for the night
"This is perfect " I said. The wolfman started running towards us as we run as fast we could
"You know, I've been here before at the year 2007. I was sent here to hunt someone so...come along Dracula I know a shortcut where this wolf might fall to our trap "
"Do you think this will work? "
"Of course! " I exclaimed as the wolfman started growling and roaring at us. We run from a shortcut with Dracula right behind me. Whenever the wolfman is getting closer at us Dracula grabs the back of the coat as he used his vampiric speed to get away from the wolfman but still lure him
"Professor, I could feel the sun is getting closer. Dawn is approaching " Dracula warned, I just let out a scoff and a smirk released in my mouth
"That is perfect because we are getting closer to the trap " I said as we continue to run to lure the wolfman to our trap. As we run the sun is began to rise
I could hear Dracula hissing as he was getting burned by the sun but he still keeps on running. Once we arrived at the trap it was under a disguise of a dead end with two alleyways that were covered in darkness. We both stop as we catch our own breaths
"Is this the trap? " Dracula ask. He tried to dodge the sun and he is trying to catch his breath with his black strands of his hair covering his face
"Yes, all we have to do now is wai- " Before I finished my sentence we heard some noises and it came revealed the wolfman
"Ah, speak of the Devil " I commented. When the wolfman noticed us he growled as he went towards us but we are fast. We went to the alleyways as he finally went to the trap
The trap consist of just nets, it wasn't filled with silver nor metal just a normal net. I pulled out my flare gun and shoot it up to the sky
When I shook my flare gun we noticed that the wolf is turning into his human form but it was only a second when he saw him as the net was drag automatically straight to the castle. I exit the alleyway while Dracula stayed at the dark alleyway as the sun began to rise
"We should head back "
Alexandra Trese's pov
I explore the library of Dracula's castle. While we are waiting for the two to be back with Lawrence with them. Adam and Lewis volunteered to be on the watch for Van Helsing's flare gun they were stationed at one of the towers in the castle on the look out. Dr. Jekyll and Victor Frankenstein were at the throne room and Griffin is somewhere around the castle probably scaring Victor
I read some of the books most of them are filled with history, mathematical equation, science, and etc. I didn't even realize that Dracula could be a philosopher, a scholar, and a man of science but there are also knowledge about magic, alchemy, and I even spotted some witchcraft as well but most of this books are for medical books. Dr. Jekyll might be very excited and might stay here overnight
I placed the book that I was holding back to the shelf but then I felt a shake in the castle as if an Earthquake and then it stops. I stay where I was for the time being until Adam barged through the doors bringing my attention at him
"Detective, they're back " Adam said, he catching his breath after taking the stairs. I noded as we both exit the library
"Van Helsing and Dracula told me and Lewis to meet them at the throne room " Adam informed me, I just noded my head
We went through a long hallways and stairs but we finally reached the throne room where everyone is here. Dracula sat upon his throne with his back slouch and his hands were clasp while the others sat down on the floor
When they noticed me and Adam they immediately stood up. Van Helsing removed his hat and said:
"We got him "
"Then where is he? "
"He's at the 'extra room' what Dracula put it. The plan was successful but I think he might be turning back to his human self " Van Helsing explained. We dismissed but I noticed Dracula's left hand is burned before I go anywhere else I grab his hand which caught himself and the others's attention
"What happened to your hand, Dracula? " I ask, Dracula was about to reply to my answer but Van Helsing fill in
"Oh right, on the way back to his castle he got himself burned by the sun "
"Is that so? Hmm...I might start buying some lotion to protect him from the sun "
"It's nothing, detective. I can handle it " Dracula said. He walked away from me and the others. We did the same as we have nothing else to do but Van Helsing told us that he will informed us if Lawrence woke up. Right now, I just stay in the library to continue reading.
Lawrence Talbot's pov
I let out a groan as I expected that I would wake up in a forest where the sun was shining and the birds are singing but when I got to my senses those noises didn't make it. My eyes slowly open to find myself in a room where there is no furnitures, the walls were dark violet, and there was just a light that lit up
I slowly sat up as I rubbed my head then a voice spoke:
"Finally, your awake " The man said. I got myself goosebumps I thought that I was the only one in this room but guess I'm not alone
The man is medium height, strongly built, with his shoulders set back over a broad, deep chest and a neck well balanced on the trunk as the head is on the neck. He has long brown hair, brown eyes, he wore a black hat, he wore a black leather overcoat, black leather waistcoat, a grey turtleneck, dark green pants, and brown boots
The man was sitting on a wooden stool. He stood up as he grab something and gave it to me. The thing that he gave me is a black bag and inside is some clothes, 5 clothes to be exact
"Wear it, you were freezing while you are unconscious "
"What did you do? "
"What did I do? Nothing. Me and my partner just lure you to a trap but no worries your no threat to us. We just recruit you "
"Recruit me? " I ask. I'm very confused, I didn't remember anything but the man answer me:
"Yeah, we recruit you. We have no idea what or why we are being recruited but the person told us that time is running out and the world is going to be doomed because some cults were summoning someone, someone worse "
"But...I don't want to join this group that this person formed "
"Do not worry, Lawrence. Your not the only monster on the team "
Alexandra Trese's pov
While we are waiting for Lawrence to come back to his consciousness we decided to explore the castle while we wait. I went to the library to be back with the collection of books and even the smell of each pages, I went isle to isle as I felt my fingers touching the spines of each books that was lay there among these shelves
I chuckled to myself of a thought that I could only imagine Enrique's reaction when he saw this library. We do have a library back at home but not that big it's just simple and small but Dracula's library is very big so I could only imagine Enrique would be devouring each of these books for knowledge
I went to the history isles where I spotted a book. The book was red with golden lines on the spine and it had no title in it. Curious, I decided to read it
I went to a table and place the book down good thing that there's a bookmark that Dracula had provided. I opened the book as I start reading
As I was reading the book I realized that I was reading about the rituals, the occults, and the cults during the medieval period. I started to ask myself: How did Dracula know all about this cult stuff? How did this book ended up in the History isles?
"Oh, I've seen that you've been reading my book, detective " A voice spoke. My heart skip a beat as I heard that noise I turn to look to find Dracula I glance at his back to find Dr. Jekyll is also with him with two books on his hand
"I'm sorry if I read your books I didn't mean to- "
"No, it's fine. Dr. Jekyll is also reading as well "
The two men sat down next to me. Dr. Jekyll placed the book and gave the other book to Dracula but before he could opened it he ask:
"What is it that you are reading? " Dracula ask, I didn't answer his question because I have no idea what is the title of this book. I showed them to cover of the book, to show them that there is no title in this book
"Ah, it seems that you are reading my journal "
"Your journal? "
"Sorry, it's me and my siblings journal. We put some of the information and the findings in that journal "
"You didn't told us that you have siblings " Dr. Jekyll said, Dracula just let out a dark chuckle as he explain to us:
"This journal is written by me and my siblings Mircea, Alexandra, and Radu but most of our findings were usually occults, rituals, and cults "
"I see that "
"But most of this things are written by Mircea as he was curious about these things which got me and Alexandra worried about him. Nowadays, I considered calling this journal as Mircea's journal now since he took down notes and gave the finest details about the topics he learned " Dracula explained. I flip through the pages to find symbol, weapons, monsters, demons, and people who wear hoods to cover them
I kept flipping through the pages until I stumble across a chapter. It was The Ritual Of The Red Creatures
This sparks my interest as I've never heard about this ritual. The contains ten pages about the history, backstory, how to summon this demons, even lore in this ritual
Appearantly, the ritual must be performed by three choose people that was later known as The Powerful Beings. I searched it on Google but nothing came up just randomness, I look at the image of The Powerful Beings there were three people two boys and one girl
The image was well drawn and they were just black silhouettes. In the image was girl was standing in the middle, the first boy was standing at her left and the other boy was standing at her right. In that silhouette there eyes were glowing, the girl's eyes was purple, the boy in the left was red, and the boy in the right was blue
"Ah, I've seen you were interested in this topics, detective " I heard Dracula said that to me. I look at him while Dr. Jekyll stops reading and looked at the book that I was reading and said the title out loud
"The Powerful Beings? The Ritual Of The Red Creatures? What is this? "
"It's a ritual. Mircea once told me this when we were young. He told me that this takes place in 1399, a group of cults who wanted to wipe all of humanity due to there corruption and greed they decided to summon someone but it failed " Dracula explained the entire story about it, I look at the book as I flip the other page to find 6 cultist sitting on there knees with there arms outstretched as if they were worshipping someone
The image showed them form in a circle and worship this demon while on the middle where lay the three people that I saw but what really stood out the most is definitely the brain, the eyes, and the heart from those three people. The brain, the eyes, and the heart were floating in the air and on top of that is a black portal on the ceiling. I went back to the page where the three people were displayed on the page. I pointed out the picture and ask:
"Who are they? "
"That is The Powerful Beings. Mircea told me this one time that The Powerful Beings were protector of the Earth and keeping away those demons who are causing mischief "
"What if those demons were at Earth? " Dr. Jekyll ask, we look at Dracula for answers as he click his tongue and answered his question:
"It's a simple answer, doctor. They kill it. The Powerful Beings were created by the 7 Angels in Heaven. The 7 Angels knew that the world needed protection but they are so busy fulfil there other duties that they decided to create three people who will be one day protect Earth from demons. The Powerful Beings started as normal human beings but as the year go on they realize that they are different from everyone around the world so...they were now complete "
"Where did they meet? "
"When they realized about who they are and what there destiny is the three went to Rome and made an oath that they would protect humanity and served great justice to them "
"So...they were like superheroes back in the day. What they were look like? "
"According to from the book. The Powerful Beings were consist of three people, there was a human, a wizard, and a monster " Dracula explained as he points out the image of the girl to be a human but she wore an armor making me guess that she's also a knight then he points out the wizard that was on the right and he wore a very 1300's wizard clothing with a cape, a book that presumably to be his spell book, and a wand and then Dracula points at the monster that was on the left, the monster was described like a beast like appearance that looks to me a werewolf but he also wore some clothes
"What happened to them? " Dr. Jekyll ask. Now, this topic is getting to me and Dr. Jekyll's curiosity. Dracula look at us for a bit and then flip the page yet again to reveal the same image where the cults were worshipping the black portal in the ceiling
Dracula points out the three drawings, the three organs that was floating that I saw lately. The organs that were floating were a brain, an eyes, and a heart. Me and Dr. Jekyll came silence as we already knew what happened to them
"This happened. You see, in order to perform this ritual they need three specific items or shall I say organs. The Powerful Beings were so powerful that they went to the ver core of there being. The monster is represented of the brain due to the monster has the knowledge, the verbal, the thinkers, and think logical. The human is represented of the eyes due to the human use them to observe, see, watch, and predict what's going to happen. Finally, the wizard is represented of the heart due to the wizard can feel things, the wizard is social, emotional, and lively. These are the key ingredients to do this ritual and now that The Powerful Beings are gone the world is in danger now "
Me and Dr. Jekyll felt silent after hearing this but there's a question that I want to ask
"Why did society hide this or better yet why religion won't allow everyone know this. This might be useful for someone to prevent ever happening again "
"Society cannot bare this burden, people will go crazy if they heard about this story and religion especially Christians nor the Church won't allow it to show to anyone about this story and I must confess that it's a good thing that this ritual is hidden because if someone finds it they will perform it "
Hearing Dracula's statement really makes a lot of sense. If anyone heard about this the world will go on to a panic state, the Church always hides secrets so it's no surprise why they hid it because they don't want to believe in this story and...the last part where he said that if someone finds this they might try it out
"Did the 7 Angels ask permission to God to create The Powerful Beings? " Dr. Jekyll ask. Dracula chuckles deeply as he answered:
"Of course they did. They don't want to end up just like the Light bringer "
Suddenly the doors of the library slam opened bringing our attention, we found Van Helsing he was out of breath as he faced us and announced:
"Detective, Doctor, Dracula I just want to say that Lawrence is awake "
"That's good, gather the others including Lawrence to the meeting room " Dracula instructed. Van Helsing nods his head but before he walk away he adds up:
"Dracula, add some elevators would ya. It's getting hard to taking the stairs now "
Alexandra Trese's pov
We went to the meeting room. Dracula opened the two doors to reveal Lewis, Griffin, Van Helsing, Adam, Victor, and Lawrence sitting on there chairs
Lawrence wore a dark blue turtleneck, a black trench coat, plaid pants, and Oxford shoes. Lawrence has brown hair and he has dark circles layering in his eyes and he look exhausted
"Alright, we have the wolf on our side now what are we going to do now? " Griffin ask. He sat down with his legs crossed at the table with arms crossed, his face wasn't painted with white color today just invisible
"Now, we have to introduce ourselves to our new recruit... Lawrence Talbot " I said. I do have a feeling that Lawrence has no idea what the Hell is going on and needed an explanation why he dragged to this situation
They all agreed as they began introducing themselves to Lawrence and also myself as well. I could tell that Lawrence is surprised and shock to find a vampire, a mad scientist, a creature, an invisible man, a hunter, a ghost, a split personality doctor, and a paranormal investigator
I can't blame Lawrence to see that they are real, Hell I didn't even realized that Dracula was real alongside Van Helsing I just thought them when I was young as fictional characters from a book that I used to read
The boys started communicating with Lawrence and explaining what exactly is the situation going on and why he is being recruited
My phone rang bringing the boys' attention. I look at the ID caller to which was named as 'Captain' I pick it up and pressed speaker to let the boys hear it on the other line
"Hello? "
"Hi detective. The agents from Besalú told me everything last night. I instructed you all to go back at P.C.S.D for the information about your first case" Captain Robbie instructed. I look at the boys and Dracula and Dr. Jekyll noded there heads to accept it, I noded as well as I replied:
"Of course, we'll be there "
"Excellent! I'll meet you guys outside of the organization "
The call ended as I hid my phone in my pockets
"How are we going to go back at this organization that was known P.C.S.D? "
"Don't worry, Lawrence. I know a shortcut " Dracula said. Placing a hand on Lawrence's shoulder as Dracula looked at me with a smirk in his face.
Before I end this I just want everyone to know that this is just a work of fiction. The 7 Angels or shall I say that the 7 Archangels did not create The Powerful Beings. Like I said before this is a work of fiction that is all.
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babywarg · 3 years
[LOKI] [SPOILERS] A theory!
This appears to be a day of non-angry rambles, so I'm taking advantage and posting a Loki prediction.
I've only seen two eps so far and this theory is severely underinformed. I may delete this once I see further eps that disprove everything about it.
(If you're up to seeing another ramble and happen to be a Trese fan, I've put up a long post on my sideblog, mostly about the Netflix series vs. the comics)
Here's the gist of it:
Mobius IS Loki.
My rationale for this theory is half-baked, but I'm still going to try and elaborate:
So the time bandit is Loki, after he got the tesseract in Endgame, and mucked around time and space with it, with the intent to become an all-powerful being, holding history on a string.
But the time bandit's antics also created multiple versions of Loki from branching timelines - some of whom were able to come together and see that he needs to be stopped. Either it's because time and space will collapse because of his activities (a manifestation of which is how he creates accidental "variants" out of ordinary human beings in myriad timelines - perhaps people into whom he body-jumped?), or because he can't find a way out of time- and body-jumping, and needs help.
So these alternate Lokis create an organization outside of time and space - the TVA - and create sentient-seeming beings (robots?) to man it. That's why some of the people in it don't even remember having a life outside the TVA. And that's why that skit about robots in episode 1 was important!
These alternate Lokis then become the Timekeepers. The TVA staff exist purely to serve the Timekeeper Lokis and help them stop the problem that is Time Bandit Loki.
After multiple failures to capture TB!Loki, the TK!Lokis realize that only one person can stop him: Loki from the same main timeline, who is the closest in behavior to him. Let's call him OG!Loki now.
The TK!Lokis seize OG!Loki as soon as he starts traveling through time via the tesseract and becomes a "variant," unmoored in any timeline. Then they show him Mobius - who is also Loki from another branch of time.
I came to believe Mobius is Loki because, like OG!Loki, he is glib and subtly manipulative, pushing little anachronistic "plants" here and there which will almost certainly be significant to the story later. The jetski from ep 2 comes to mind. I'm calling it now, there will be an important jetski in a later episode XD XD
The name "Mobius" alone makes me think of an infinite loop: one that a wannabe omnipotent god may find himself stuck in. Hence, it comes across to me as a subtle spoiler, a seemingly innocuous "plant" similar to the jetski comment, that's been there since day one. He had to appear to Loki in another form so as not to shock him, and to seem harmless enough to be believable - in effect, tricking the trickster.
Mobius and TB!Loki may even be the same person. So that OG!Loki may actually not be dealing with multiple versions of Loki from different timelines, but just ONE Loki, trapped in a loop of his own creation.
If the "only one Loki in all this" variation of the theory holds true, this means:
There are no Timekeepers. They're a myth that the singular creator of the TVA - Mobius/TB!Loki - set up to fortify the illusion of the TVA having an omnipotent supervisory body.
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sawthefaeriequeen · 3 years
Whoa, so almost the entire main cast (and a whole lot of secondary characters) in the Trese anime is being voiced by Pinoy/Fil-Am actors in the English dub that’s gonna be watched by the rest of the world. Color me shocked.
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nom-compos-mentis · 2 years
teenage pregnancies
i’m bored so i’m scrolling through my yt feed and documentaries abt diff issues or news keeps popping out in my feed so i got curious and watch them. i saw this documentary called “nuwebe, trese, katorse” and i got curious, i thought it’s a crime documentary but not. it’s abt teenage pregnancies of a 9 yr old, 13 yr old and 14 yr old. i know that teenage pregnancy happens here in the PH but didn’t think we’re the 2nd country to have teenage pregnancies and it just shocked me. in the documentary, one was raped by their step father (SO FUKED UP, HOPE THE GUY ROTS IN HELL), then 2 were in lower class near the train who didn’t care that they got pregnant and in their place, it’s normal for ppl to get pregnant at 13+ and I WAS SOOOO SHOCKED by that. esp when the pandemic hit, a lot of lockdown babies were conceived bc they stayed home. i honestly blame the country, poverty is rising and duplicating bc they’re unaware. ofc it’s normalize for them to have babies at a young age and maybe they can take care of their babies but they’re minors? what abt education? we all know EDUCATION is such a big thing at the country (or not bc u kno lmao) but anyways, it shouldnt be normalized to waste ur childhood taking care of babies. i guess they chose their life and accepted but what could they have done? do they have resources to study, have jobs?  the corruption of the government, not actually helping poverty and just having more debts each generation. alsooo, not having RH bill and sex education in the country? sorry not sorry but we are so CLOSE MINDED. time is changing every year, why are we still stuck in the past? in the roots? always choosing things we are comfortable with and thinking every generation will be the same, telling us to grow up-- how abt u grow up and open ur eyes? abortion isnt legal, divorce, same sex marriage-- BS! not everyone is abusing it, some of the people needs it bc of certain reasons, u shouldnt forbid them bc of ur religious beliefs. i believe in God but i also believe in the free will of the ppl to marry who they love, right to not conceive a child if they dont want to or abort a child they’re not ready to. idk why we’re so close minded abt these things, this is the consequence = political dynasties, poverty, teenage pregnancies, abuse and such. but still, it’s still not right for teenage pregnancy to be common!!! :(((( im sad bc esp in the new administration, i dont think he’s gonna be able to fix it cuz we dont even know what he’s gonna do :<< okay that’s all. i like these documentaries, it makes me feel like im not dumb and aware abt these social issues in the country t_______t
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