#This specific bug has been biting me for weeks
kicktwine · 4 months
Alphinaud goes down first. 
It’s a case of divided focus, something he prides himself on being able to do, being why he volunteered for it, but… it is too much. 
He tries to cast teleport. Multiple times, he tries, he has Ch’ari and Alisaie’s tethers, if he manages to cast it he can get the three of them out of here (out of plain sight, the middle of a disgusting field of churned earth and smoke and bodies in all directions, warmachina and the smell of burnt aether almost choking in their intensity, they weren’t even meant to be here it’s just there’s nowhere to go anymore and the teleport is straight to Doma where he knows the fighting hasn’t catastrophized yet and maybe Hien or Yugiri is still alive) — and yet when he pulls together enough mana for the spell between casts of ruin and shields and directing his carbuncle to and fro, it’s not like it doesn’t work. It’s more like it reaches out and never reaches past… here, the aethernet slowed to a halt, the cast stuck in an eternal loading screen. It tries, like a dying man tries to breathe. Alphinaud grips the pages of his grimoire with the realization that they aren’t escaping the ruins of Vylbrand. There is not enough aether to pull together the connection from here to Doma. 
A magitek reaper crushes his carbuncle under one foot, the poor creature disappearing with a yelp, and Alphinaud feels his heart skip a beat and his footing falter for a second as the magic between them is snapped, and without a shield the opportunity is taken before it can be snatched away and a lance buries itself between his ribs and throws him to the dirt. 
It knocks everything out of him. His grimoire skids just out of reach of his fingers. His vision hits the floor after his body does and keeps going, smearing colors like wet ink, and he doesn’t feel pain as quickly as he feels the odd sliding sensation of things moving that should not be. The lancer — dragoon, how ironic and unfairly cruel to die to — yanks the lance back out (a strained cry is forced out of him as it does) and hastily starts forwards, weapon raised as if they were feeling lucky after the success, and is thrust violently to the side as Alisaie buries her rapier through their stomach with a snarl. She kicks the corpse off her sword and makes as if to rush to her brother, eyes wild and pulled wide like a cat’s, but her focus is yanked away from her as another unlucky figure takes a powerful verthunder and vaporizes with a scream. 
The shield is gone — that was Alphinaud‘a job. Carbuncle. Alisaie skids to her knees at his side, panting harshly with her hair tangled in her face and begins casting vercure, only to grip her focus tightly and fling a spell backwards that explodes in a wall of fire. 
“Can you heal yourself?” She barks. Oh, she’s yelling like she’s upset. That’s not a helpful thought, because it’s quite obvious, but it strikes Alphinaud that he doesn’t want that to be happening. The sticky tear through his chest is starting to feel like ice when he breathes. 
“Carbuncle,” he wheezes, instead. 
Alisaie grabs his hand with hers and slaps it down on the grimoire, the requisite magic from their combined casts rushing into the spell as if from an unclogged drain pipe, reluctantly and then all at once. Moonstone — bless his moonstone carbuncle, he crafted it to be intelligent and it far exceeded his expectations, it pops into existence and immediately creates a shield big enough to shelter the three of them and zips off to attack any stragglers. Alisaie, checking her surroundings again, fumbles with Alphinaud’s soaked through cloak and returns to healing magic. 
Tries to return. There’s so much spent mana in the air it’s almost like shining a flashlight into a summer day, the way vercure stutters and hums weakly. Alisaie growls and pushes more mana into the spell, and it pulses as it slowly pulls aetheric particulates into itself to work.
“You okay?!” shouts a hoarse voice from some fulms away, right on the edge of the shield. 
Right — Ch’ari, not looking at them, locked in battle. Past the giddiness that pervades his attitude in a fight, strained into desperate focus. The only reason they’re not already dead, and she has no trouble admitting it. Ch’ari stands in a perpetual crackling, crystalline magic circle, Hydealyn trying to preserve Her champion, firing off spell after spell that explode between combatants in fierce, blinding reams of energy. Between casts, he flips his staff around and launches through warmachina, the azure dragoon in full sorcerer’s gear, more effective in close combat. In the little circle that surrounds them and the shield, Ch’ari fends off the army trying to kill them, growing more and more exhausted the more he doesn’t have help. 
“We need more time!” Alisaie yells. 
“Anything but that, Ali, I can give you anything else!”
“Then we need to leave, Ari, I can’t cast! We can’t stay!”
“How’s the—“ he turns, to look at them finally, his ears flat as his eyes widen in shock. “Hells,” Ch’ari hisses, and turns and slams his stave into the ground, the magic circle glowing and then brightening substantially as the ground surrounding the carbuncle’s shield cracks and explodes upwards with light, rending and throwing metal and flesh and forcing Alisaie to squint. 
When she can see again, Ch’ari has backed up to be close and enclose them between him and the mutilated rock Alphinaud fell against, trying again to cast teleport. The circle is gone — and this time, the cast barely even starts. Buying them time, using the ley lines to channel magic into the earth, used up any significant amount of aether left in the atmosphere, and she can almost taste the absence of life on the dry air. It tastes like the Burn. Like blood — though it’s tasted like blood for hours. 
Ch’ari brings his hands to his face, in concentration if not prayer, weak magic spiraling about his feet, when his ears flick up and he drops the spell and manages to cast manaward as—
Just to pin the final nail on the coffin. A mangled, half-finished and tendon-bare imitation of Ultima drops from the sky and buries itself four feet into the ground, and it screams, cracking the carbuncle’s shield and causing the creature to let out a defiant shriek. 
Ultima reels, confident as a puppet yanked into position by dogs, and a sharp note rings out through the air as it aims and fires a beam of pure ceruleum energy into the shields. 
Ch’ari skids backwards and stays standing, both hands braced against his staff, stumbling backwards and nearly over the twins. Manaward isn’t strong, the blessing of Light the only thing keeping it up, but the drain on the star itself leaves it shimmering and wavering, almost obscuring what approaches from the wrecked wasteland behind. 
It’s almost like tendrils of nothingness. Shadowy hisses and steam-trails of pure black, bereft of magic entirely. They creep from nowhere and slip into the cracks, pushing at the edges like a meal awaits inside the eggshell. Almost alive, but so spread and so lifeless as to be an inevitability. 
Ultima shatters the carbuncle’s shield, and Alphinaud cries out, flinching as the tether breaks again. Ch’ari grunts with the effort of just keeping the shield up, no sign of the attack actually stopping — and Alisaie, unable to leave the shield area or she dies or her brother dies or anything, doesn’t cast a spell and just tries to channel aether into the Warrior of Light. 
The black fog seeps through the cracks made by the weapon, tugging them wider, longer. Drier. More and more blank, nothing. 
Ch’ari drops his staff drops the cast and turns and skids to his knees, grabbing both twins and pulling them close to him as manaward shatters. Ultima howls in triumph, bracing itself to fire again, but it hardly needs to, not to ensure the end of this story. The smoke rushes in, and blurs the world into unrecognizable nothing. 
Everything slows, and… stops. 
Alisaie feels it first. Underneath the stinging sensation of unhealed wounds the gentle tug as time begins to pull backwards, the way the particles in the air almost like stars begin to blur and streak. Ultima never fires again, immobile like a glittering metal statue, and from where her head is pressed into Ch’ari’s shoulder, she looks up and sees faint, astral spell lines.
She almost laughs. She does, in confused disbelief. Ch’ari’s grip loosens ever so slightly, ears swiveling to pick up the quiet shimmer of something far beyond him reaching out and pulling. 
You… only you…
Alisaie can’t help it, her hoarse laugh turns into giggles, and Ch’ari picks his head up entirely, still holding his twins but hearing that voice and hearing something else within it. Alphinaud’s fingers curl into Ch’ari’s coat, even through the haze of near-fever. The air cools, softens, and glows with blue smears and swirls of time. The edge of Ch’ari’s lips twitch, unsure but surrounded by familiar senses as the swirls speed up, faster and faster until the world blurs out of view entirely, replaced by streaks and starlight. 
Let expanse contract, eon become instant!
History must be changed!
And Thancred collapses to the floor, unconscious. 
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delopsia · 3 months
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Rhett has never really gotten the whole Valentine's thing.
You noticed it the first February you spent together; he'd been tilting his head at the endless pink and red aisles, quietly asking you what the point of it all was. Why give chocolates and plushes on a specific day when you can do it year-round? What's so special about it all?
He says all that as if he doesn't participate in it, too. Bringing you plushes of adorable animals holding little red hearts, sweets and flowers, and anything else that reminded him of you. He may not understand it, but he's not about to let his feelings cause him to miss out on spoiling you with your favorite things.
This year, though, you've got an idea.
With the recent hustle and bustle around the ranch he's working at, Rhett hasn't been home as much as usual. And when he is, those pretty eyes are so damn sleepy that he's got no energy to look around and notice where you've begun stashing things.
A bottle of champagne because every time he sees it in the store, he wonders what it tastes like. Variety chocolates, too many boxes of candy hearts, a bath gift set because he's always bugging you to take a bath together. Chocolate-covered pretzels, cookies, and handmade candies from the little shop that just opened in town. Best of all, you've gotten your hands on a pink masturbation sleeve. So well colored that it practically disappears once you've tucked everything into the basket, tied off with a long red ribbon.
Rhett heads out the door before dawn on Valentine's Day, leaving you with his traditional kiss on the forehead and a small bundle of goodies on the bedside table, ready for you to find them when your eyes open. It's full of all your usual favorites, topped off with an oversized plush of a strawberry cow. He must have kept it hidden in his clothes because when you hug it to your chest, it smells like him.
His eyes were hardly open when he left the house, and they're much of the same when he stumbles through the front door sometime after seven, calling your name as he toes off his boots. The only reason he notices the rose petals and candles scattered across the floor, is because one of his shoes fell off the rack.
He's not entirely sure what to think. Poking at the tiny, battery-powered candles with his foot as he follows the trail you've created for him. Still calling out your name, unsure as to why you have yet to show yourself.
It's the basket that gets him to stop in his tracks. Adorably placed in the center of the bed, right next to your brand-new cow. Virtually silent as he shifts the items inside, a grin sprawling across his face as he takes in all of the things you've gathered for him.
Soft hands appear on his waist, leading the way as your arms wrap around him, "Happy Valentine's Day, cowboy."
"Y' got all this fer me?" He's already toying with one of the chocolates, trying his best to conceal the excitement that rushes through his system.
And so far, he hasn't noticed his new toy.
"Mhm," pressing your lips to the back of his neck.
You knew he would open that bath set first, sleepy eyes flickering between you and the bathroom as if to ask for one more gift. So what if you've already got the water good and warm, ready to go the moment you turn it back on? It's just a coincidence.
It's been a minute since you've watched him peel off his shirt, pale skin bearing a few more bruises than normal. A scattering of blue and purple across his ribs from the unbridled rage of a particularly fussy heifer. Green and yellow spots on his thighs, with an origin he doesn't quite recall, but lets you kiss them regardless.
The water is absurdly pink, and if you'd known there was glitter in this bath bomb, you would have chosen a different set. You'll be sparkling for weeks. But you've already settled into it; Rhett is situating his back against your chest, head resting against yours, and you can't bring yourself to complain. Especially not when he dares to bite into a nondescript chocolate, nose wrinkling as he realizes it's filled with artificial cherry.
"Ain't even the good kind," he grumbles, tossing it toward the trash bin. For once, his aim is perfect.
But his disappointment is short-lived. Cut short by the lips that appear on his naked shoulder, the bad one that never truly recovered from his rodeo wreck. Guiding yourself up the side of his neck, drinking in his pretty groan as his mouth meets with yours, albeit strained from the angle.
Your hands roam across his soft belly, daring to dip down to massage the insides of his thighs, just shy of his rapidly swelling cock. Rubbing up, up, up, to lightly trace your nails across his balls, then back down again. Those eyelashes are fluttering. Breathing a little quicker than he was before.
"Where did...where did you get..." stumbling over his own words, as your hand reaches off to the side and produces that little sleeve. Pale pink, textured on the inside, just opaque enough for you to see through it.
Getting lube on him while in the water is certainly a...process, but Rhett is so damn eager that he hardly seems to notice your struggle.
You know you've made a good decision when his hips buck up, water sloshing as he cries out, so surprised by the feel of this unassuming little toy. One of your hands splays out against his chest, holding him to you, can feel the way his heart jumps when you glide the toy across him again.
"Again," he babbles, pawing at your wrist, still pumping him, "do that, do that—hah!"
It's a wonder the water stays in the bath because he can hardly keep himself still. Squirming and involuntarily kicking his legs, clinging to your wrist one moment and squeezing the edge of the tub the next. Only manages to keep still when he's twisted and turned enough to jam his head into the crook of your neck, panting so heavily that he sounds like he's run a marathon.
You could string it out. Edge him until he can't hold back any longer, but the exhaustion in his bones suggests he can't take any more pushing this week. So when he starts whimpering about being close, begging and begging you to let him cum, you do. Marveling at the sight of his head tilting, eyes falling shut as he cums with a cry that echoes all throughout the house.
By the time you get him into bed, he's as limp as a damn noodle. Struggling to keep himself upright, damn near falling into the sheets the moment he's close enough. The only reason he doesn't fall asleep when his head hits the pillow is because he's too busy waiting for you to settle into his arms.
Then he falls asleep in the middle of his thank you. And maybe he's starting to get the point of this whole Valentine's thing because you wake up to the feeling of him kissing your thighs late in the morning. Smooches punctuated with lazy mutterings about how he wishes Valentine's Day lasted a whole week rather than just one day.
He makes the festivities last for an entire seven days, that's for sure.
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fun-k-board · 10 months
hey, i was wondering if your requests are open? i'd love to request something for hester x reader
Very sorry for taking so long <3
Hester X Gender Neutral ! Reader Headcanons
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I imagine she'd be a good listener, but may not even let you know she's listening, you talk or maybe don't even talk and just portray behaviour that tells her all she needs to know, yet you most likely won't understand that she's writing everything down in her head.
She isn't a good gift gifter, Hester may give you a dead animal here and there, a spell to cast on your enemies, maybe if you're lucky something handcrafted, like a necklace or bracelet, but it'll probably be made of bones or twigs. It won't be comfortable to wear, but the thought counts, right?
You'll probably think she hates you at first, Hester, especially if you're at the top of your class and a Never, is cruel and unrelenting with her rudeness. Pushing you, playing pranks, cursing you, all slightly harmless, yet still most likely to leave you bruised or crying in some way. She genuinely doesn't mean harm, well, she does, but she believes it'll impress you.
If you're an Ever, she definitely does understand you may not like her, and tries hard to lessen her cruelty, but it's part of her nature. She wants to show herself to you, to let you love her as herself, not as a soft Ever.
The dream was lovely, a bright yet comforting meadow, birds chirped happily and flew around me. I smile, the soft grass and breeze makes me sigh, laying my head down to the grass I close my eyes. Something makes me itch, I look down to see some kind of bug, 'no matter' I think, and simply go to gently push it off, but then it bites.
If you're a victim of bullying, especially if you're an ever, she has a 'toughen up' attitude, and although it shows she cares it's rather harsh. Hester will teach you never spells that you've never heard of because of how horrific they are, even if you're a never, a harsh and deadly one, she teaches you things even you'd be hesitant on casting. Specifically to use on your bullies, or as she phrases it, your 'enemies'.
Hester doesn't share anything, food, clothes, spell books... Not until you give her incentive to.
You mention you haven't eaten today? Have some food that's been in her pocket for a week, probably stale, but she insists since you've been loudly complaining for so long, you made one random comment under your breath you didn't think she'd even hear, you may as well.
You got put in the doom room so your clothes got torn, or are you wearing something too hot or cold, or maybe it's not fitting you? Have a spare top, trousers, or dress that she can modify with spells to fit you in, she has ones that are for colder weather, ones that are hotter weather, and complains that you look too miserable and are annoyingly complaining to her otherwise. Regardless on if you do either.
You're behind on classes? A spell book she has 'lying around', if you're an ever, you may be wondering how Hester managed to get an ever spell book, to which she tells you to shut up and just take the damn thing.
Extra scene I thought of!
(There's some bugs)
I yelped in pain, it didn't feel like any normal bug I'd been bitten by before. In my momentary panic I smack it by accident, screaming in shock when more burst out, hundreds of bugs crawling and biting my leg all over. My head begins to ache and I hear voices all around me, small hands shaking my shoulders.
My eyes snap open to see one of my roommates, rushing me out of the room with everybody else in tow, all of them try to help me, smacking the bugs off and screaming as they also get bit. I drowsily look around, noticing a dark figure behind a corner, the second they see me looking, they go back behind the wall and walk away. They looked like a Never.
Unknown to you, Hester feels a small smile on her lips, less like a smile, more like a demented smirk. She cackles a little, your screams were like music to her, there's no way you don't love her now! This is how her mother's coven sister impressed her one, you would have to be in love with her, you're an Ever, you'd fall for anybody.
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gaylactic-fire · 1 year
Headcanons for each boy's most embarrassing/irrational fear?
Also, do you mind if I redirect an anon to you? They've been sending me hc list requests and while I'm mostly fine with it, I think I would be happier doing my own ideas on my own time.
Ohohoho. Now we're talking. This shit is my bread and butter >:]. A lot of these fears aren't necessarily irrational in their cases, but boy would they be embarrassed by them.
(Also yeah Idm. Can't guarantee I'll always be in the mood to write em but sure!)
Four: Statues. Specifically, those very detailed human statutes. He watched Zelda get turned into one at the start of Minish Cap and it left an awful mental scar. Whenever he's faced with them he'll avoid all eye contact and if he must get close he'll be sweaty and shaky. He can definitely shake hands with Wind on this fear, though I can't imagine Wind has the same adverse reaction. He's just uneasy around them.
Hyrule: Squeamishness is a pretty normal fear. But what embarrasses Hyrule is that he's arguably the least afraid of blood when it comes to other people's injuries (he's the fanon healer after all). When it's his own blood however, dude will literally start to feel faint and panic. Something something blood of the hero. Combine this with transmasc Hyrule having to deal with shark week for the ultimate whombo combo of torment. Sorry buddy.
Legend: Thunderstorms. Yep. You saw this one coming if you read Downpour. Legend has had SO MANY awful experiences during/because of storms and I cannot see him doing anything but going into blind panic when faced with one. I won't go into much more detail bc I've written about it. But yeah. Poor baby boy 🥺.
Sky: Being left behind. Yeah, you can imagine where this came from. If he's with a group of people and somehow ends up alone or lost he will get pretty distressed. Poor guy's like a lost kid at Walmart. When he finally reunites with his group he'll give them a tongue lashing once he calms down.
Time: Maybe not necessarily a "fear" per say, but I can picture him getting extremely stressed and on edge if they are ever behind schedule. If they were supposed to reach a village by dusk but it's already close to nightfall, for example. Yep, it's that Majora's Mask time crunch stress coming back to bite him on the ass.
Twilight: Bugs. I think it's Arbiters Grounds, but the dungeon in TP where yoy get swarmed by insects at one point? Yeah no. Would turn you off bugs for life. Twilight is the one sheepishly at your door at 3am, but instead of "I threw up." it's "There's a spider in the bathroom please help." I also think he would be too kind to actually kill any bugs so the dude just makes it hard on himself lol.
Wars: This one isn't even based on something in HW. I projected hard and wrote a fic once and it's stuck ever since. Dentists. Wars HATES getting dental work done. The thought of it even makes him sweat and squirm. Why? Because he's but a vessel for my own anxiety disorder.
Wild: I'm highkey projecting again. Wild's claustrophobic, but specifically he does not like the feeling of being trapped in a small, cramped space. It's definitely been spurred on by waking up in the resurrection shrine. He would not have a fun time in some of the other boy's dungeons.
Wind: Bridges. I imagine this fear didn't really start to set in until some time after WW. But now he cannot cross long bridges. He will literally freeze up. All can hear is the wings of the helmaroc king and the sound of Aryll screaming. Most people assume its a fear of heights but it goes much deeper than that. Poor lil guy needs a hug 🥺
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wito-chan-bla-bla · 2 years
A curse named (Y/N)-chan
People... such funny creatures! When you "get to know" little Satoru Gojo, you decide to raise him and enjoy his little baby cheeks. Well, maybe it's also by chance to cultivate in him the desire to "adopt" curses and simultaneously make him fall in love with himself. Oh, I forgot to tell you. You're a curse
When I was writing this, I went crazy, so I used several tenses at the same time, so the story may look a little wavy. Also, initially the reader was a woman, but then I decided that gender is not important, so if there is a mention of "she", it is... It's just a mistake that I didn't see! (Glasses don't help me).
–Aren't you tired of it, Sukuna-kun?
–First of all, if you call me that again, trifle, I'll rip out your tongue. Secondly, do you really have nothing to do that you prefer to desecrate my throne, lying on its back like a flea–ridden cat?
–Firstly, – you mimic him, – you tell me this for the umpteenth time. And don't forget that I can always grow myself a new tongue or even two to annoy you even more. Secondly, I just came to talk. Don't you want to chat with an old friend?
–Since when are we friends?
–And since when not, Sukuna-kun? – you poke him on the cheek a couple of times. The curse irritably tries to bite off your finger with its summoned mouth.  – Hey, don't forget that your status as the 'king of curses' doesn't make me a small bug compared to you! Maybe I'm even stronger than you!
–What else will your little brain come up with?
You sigh and jump off the throne, ending up on the marble floor. Looking around the temple, built specifically for your "colleague". Your tail hits the floor a couple of times, and small cracks appear on it. Sukuna sighs, looking at you from his seat.
–I knew that it was necessary to chop off the hands of the master who made this floor.
–As if you wouldn't have killed him in the end anyway.
–Can you leave now and leave me? I wasn't looking for your company and I'm not going to look for it. 
–I was just planning to leave. I'll just tell you something, – you look around the temple with four eyes without pupils before you start talking. – I've heard about a newly formed clan of sorcerers. The Gojo clan, if you're interested. They are said to be quite powerful.
–Thank you, (Y/N), I'll go and kill them as soon as you leave here.
–Thank you for listening, – you sigh, shaking your head. – So what am I talking about?.. Oh, right. You're a dictator, Sukuna-kun. History is cyclical, and therefore sooner or later your reign will end. I just want to ask you not to date anyone from Gojo, especially if the sorcerer has strange eyes and the attacks won't hurt him. You will be able to recognize the members of the Gojo clan by their white hair. They often have blue eyes, as far as I've heard.
–Anything else, Mom?
–M-m, yes, definitely. If you do die, then let's meet in a few centuries so that I can laugh at you!
–Yes, yes… Will you leave now?
–Of course! By the way, – you shouted almost at the door, turning to face the curse, – I'll be back in a couple of days to sleep in your garden!
–You're like a little flea cat! Die somewhere already!
–I love you too, Sukuna-kun, – you giggle, waving goodbye to him before leaving.
The curse exhales with relief and throws his head back, hoping that you will not come in a couple of days or a week.
And you really don't come to his abode. Because Sukuna was expelled by a sorcerer from the Gojo clan, and his temple was destroyed to the ground.
Curses. Terrible and scary. You were one of them, standing on a par with the king of curses many years ago. Funny, isn't it?
You were born from the negative emotions of two sides: slaves and their masters. The former could no longer tolerate the abuse of themselves, the latter hated the fact that the "animals" they bought were so unproductive, weak and disgusting.
Negative emotions have been gathering together for generations. And so you were born. Or maybe not quite you? There are too many riddles of your birth for you to want to solve them. You only knew that ordinary people saw you. You had enough of their pathetic faces, fear and crying to be satisfied. The rest is not so important. 
 You were a small and cute curse, similar to a human, but at the same time very different from him. You were uselessly near Sukuna, taking him out and chatting useless things. A couple of times the curse wanted to kill you, but it could never win. (Well, or just didn't want to).
You were on different sides of the coin. Sometimes slaughtering entire cities, forcing people to drown in their own blood, sometimes helping slaves, thanks to whose hatred you were born. The "King of Curses" used to say that you must have human blood in you for people to see you, but you always shrugged your shoulders, saying that you had never seen your parents, if there were any at all.
After Sukuna was already "destroyed" in the form of a curse, you decided to hide from the world, not wanting to die the same way. Sometimes you staged little genocides, meeting sorcerers and just smiling at them, sitting on piles of dead bodies before disappearing again for months. But in the end you got bored with it all.
Death, death, and death again. Who would like that? You have seen too many ruined destinies to be pleased with another dead man. Therefore, for the first half of your life without Sukuna, you hid from the world, presenting yourself to everyone as just a human sage, hiding your true appearance with the help of techniques. The second half you came out into the light, showing yourself to people and beginning to understand their way of life and worldly life. Sometimes you even got a job to understand what it's like... to be a person. 
Soon it turned out that people needed at least a first and last name. There were no big problems with this, you took advantage of those that a small child had, who was the first person who was not afraid of you.
Then the human child would hand you a flower, smiling awkwardly and swallowing.
–Curse-sama, please don't kill my family.
The whole situation was so funny that you decided to ask the baby's name. (Y/N) (Y/S). You started calling yourself that, and soon people started using the same pseudonym, forgetting about the "creepy creature with a tail and four eyes." (Not that the human name (Y/N) somehow helped to change the attitude towards you).
You barely stuck your head out, sometimes killing curses if they interfered with your "fun with people". But one day everything was going to change.
You heard from a couple in a cafe where you were resting after a long journey from another country that the Gojo clan had an heir with two abilities of his clan. Once this big family killed Sukuna, and you wanted to look at the little boy who has already been called the most powerful sorcerer of the generation.
You carried within you pleas for freedom and thoughts of enslaving people. Your basic abilities didn't work on curses, but they were perfectly used on people.
Your powers were somewhat similar to the Cursed Speech, but to activate your abilities, you had to perform much more actions. For example, you had to touch a person, look into his eyes, or make him hear your voice in order to "connect". Then to be able to say that it wasn't always possible, especially if you had been badly beaten before.
And the stronger your opponent was, the more you had to invest the damned energy, the more actions you had to perform at the same time.
You have met only one person in your life whom you were able to subdue only when you shouted in his ear, touched his skin and looked straight into his eyes, spending a huge amount of cursed energy on each order. And this person still reminds you of himself with a scar on his back.
Three things that connected you with people: needs, external fragility and the ability for people to see you. You were more of a curse than a real person, even if you could look like the last one.
And yet here you are, walking down the corridor with your hands in your pockets, ordering the servants not to notice you, instead of just killing them all. One of the Gojo people's employees was stopped so that you could find out which way the heir of the clan is.
And here he is, sleeping in a crib, surrounded by hired sorcerers. You quickly make them fall asleep by walking up to the wooden furniture and looking at the little boy snoring in his sleep.
As soon as you approach, the child opens his eyes, and incredibly beautiful blue eyes look at you. I want to tear them out and take them away forever as a trophy, but instead you reach out to gently poke the boy in the nose. Little Gojo laughs, reaching out to catch your finger with his palm.
Ah, children, children… You used your weapons on them as well. You could so easily kill this "chosen one" now, wreaking havoc among the sorcerers. But... how could you kill such a cutie?
You chuckle as you continue to play with a child who has finally woken up from sleep. Shifting your weight onto a crib that could support several adult men, you gently stroke the boy's cheeks.
–You're so funny and innocent. I wonder if you will cry if I show you my true form?
A second later, a man no longer ordinary in appearance rises above the crib. It's you, a creepy curse with sharp claws, a tail and four completely white eyes glowing in the dark. The skin looks painful, and the fangs in the mouth are sharp and frightening.
But instead of screaming and crying, the boy only laughs harder, trying to put your claw in his mouth. You stop him by assuming a more human form again. And still the pad of your finger bites with a mouth without teeth.
–You know, the news that a child of the Gojo clan was killed by an unknown curse would surely shock the world, – you bend over and let the boy pull your hair. – But the news that will make everyone even more worried is that... – you chuckle, smiling slightly, – that the most powerful sorcerer was raised by a curse.
You've been working with children for twenty years. It was... a fun experience. Your hatred of little people was mixed with love, and now you treated children neutrally.
But when it came to Satoru, you returned to the fact that you hate and love children at the same time. 
–What happened, Satoru-sama? – you ask indifferently, continuing to peel the apple.
–When will all this end?
–Do you mean the whole day as a whole or just your lesson?
–I mean studying, – the boy with blue eyes the color of magic clear water looks at you, dropping his head on the writing table. – I'm tired of listening to the elders saying that my task is to learn all the techniques of the clan as soon as possible. I'm tired of hearing that I have to be a worthy member of my clan, and it's worth working for. I'm tired of reading these dusty scrolls!
You silently watch the whining of the child. He's right about something. From the moment little Satoru learned to read and write, he was constantly forced to study or fight. The little boy looked so innocent, rushing to you after a long workout to get a loving hug. The next minute, he was already being picked up for the next class.
Children should enjoy life and have fun. Satoru was forced to learn and fight. His character does not help to lead such a lifestyle.
–Would you like an apple, Satoru-sama? – you ask, serving a plate with sliced slices.
–They're sour again, aren't they? – Gojo grabs a piece and looks at it for a while. You snort and shake your head negatively. Then the child puts an apple in his mouth, cuts it with his teeth and immediately sticks out his tongue. – (Y/N)-chan, you lied to me!
– I'm sorry, but I have no right to eat the food of the owners.
– Shouldn't you try the dishes in front of me so that I don't get poisoned in case of something?!
– This apple is definitely sweet, – you quickly and deftly translate the topic.
– I don't trust you anymore!
–Then I'll eat it myself. A-a-a!.. – you open your mouth, bringing the fruit closer to you. Satoru sulks, eventually snatching food from you and taking a big bite. Pink flowers appear around him, proving that you did not lie to the boy.
You sigh, shaking your head. You allow yourself to put your cheek on your palm, and your elbow on the table where you are sitting. You are watching a happy Gojo who does not notice the juice flowing down his hands.
The elders and parents of Satoru forced the boy to eat only healthy food. And you agreed with them, but would a few sweets be so bad? Little Gojo almost died in class from lack of strength, constantly lying on tables and trying to sleep during lectures. (Although you were sure that it wasn't a lack of energy, but you understood the boy perfectly, so you continued to believe that it was all because of the lack of sweets in the diet).
You grab a towel, leaning towards the child, starting to wipe the juice tracks. Satoru blinks a couple of times and then gets distracted from eating the fruit, allowing you to take care of it.
You lean closer to Gojo, as if you want to tell some secret, and the boy involuntarily gives in closer.
–If you pass the exam successfully at the end of this stage of training, I promise that I will bake you cookies.
–Cookies? – the boy's eyes light up, and you can't stop admiring the small spring lakes that Satoru's eyes are so similar to.
–Yes, cookies. Lots and lots of sweet cookies.
Gojo looks around for his teacher, who has left on clan business. The boy thinks for a second, and then actively nods. You hold out your hand, and the little wizard shakes it. Smiling, you bend down even more to kiss Satoru on the top of his head.
The boy smiles happily, but then sighs, nibbles the apple and gives you the core. When the teacher returns, he is very surprised, because the heir of the Gojo clan obediently performs the task, and does not try to fall asleep or run away with you, his personal servant, hired by recommendation two months after the birth of little Satoru.
You laugh when the boy pulls you by the yukata, showing his grades for the test. From the outside, it seems as if you are his parent, and not his personal servant-nanny. And you really do your duty by bending down to pat the boy on the head, tell him that he did a good job, and then take him to the kitchen as soon as night falls.
The room is quiet, only Satoru hums some melodies that don't even exist in reality. The boy complains that he still has to wait until the cookies are baked. You say he can go to bed, but the sorcerer refuses, jumping up from his chair and hugging your leg.
–Thought you could escape from me, (Y/N)-chan? No! I'm going to sit here until I get my cookies!
You nod, stroking the boy's head with a clean hand so far. The dough is almost ready, and soon the cookies will be in the oven.
The oven starts to light up with a soft yellow light, allowing you to look at the food inside. Satoru stares at the sweets for a while, as if watching TV, until eventually he climbs onto your lap, comfortably settling into your arms. You take a book of fairy tales out of yukata's pocket and start reading aloud.
The elders say that such stories will not help prepare the heir of the clan for real life. You silently nod to them, pretending that you respect and accept the opinion of mortals. And all the same, you end up reading Satoru stories about princes and princesses, dragons, knights and true love at night.
As always, the boy falls asleep quickly, but you have to finish the story, because he is ready to wake up at any moment as soon as you stop talking. But then the words "the end of the story" are heard, and Satoru falls into a deeper sleep.
You rock the little sorcerer in your arms, looking at the cookies. When the sweets are ready, you gently wake up the child. The kid is unhappy, but when he smells sweet, he immediately forgets about any anger.
Satoru sits on the floor and eats cookies, washing it down with milk. His cheeks are so round and cute that you can't resist yourself and stroke his baby skin. Gojo opens his eyes, previously closed in ecstasy, and looks at you. Swallowing food, he snuggles closer to your hand, like a little puppy.
You gently run your hand over his head a couple of times before getting up and starting to clean up.
You carry Satoru back to his room in your arms. The boy fell asleep almost immediately after you raised him at his request-by order. You quietly inform an elder who has passed by that the heir of the clan has fallen asleep while studying.
When you tried to leave to get some sleep, Gojo refused to let you go, waking up and clutching your yukata with his hand. You had to stay with him, hugging him like a mother should hug. That night everyone slept peacefully.
–(Y/N)-chan, (Y/N)-chan, did you see that? That was cool, right? Say it, say it!
You giggle as you watch the boy jump around waiting, wanting to know your answer. You raise your hands and clap your hands several times, showering Satoru with praise. Gojo lights up like a little star, while behind him a sorcerer of a special rank is trying to recover, because part of the Satoru technique touched him and destroyed a little hair on his bangs.
–Will I get anything for being so smart and quick-witted? – he asks quietly, pulling your yukata a couple of times.
You pretend to be thinking. In fact, you bought him sweets a long time ago, but still teasing a small child is so funny and fun that you can't stop doing it every time.
–M-m, I don't even know. Have you done well enough, Satoru-sama?
–I can demolish another half of the forest, if that's what you want!  The boy exclaims, turning to the already destroyed territory and putting his hands together, ignoring the still shocked sorcerer on the way.
–No, no, no, I'm already convinced of everything! – you shout, picking him up in your arms and starting to spin him around. – You definitely deserve a reward, Satoru-sama.
–Then can we go eat right now?! – the boy asks, raising his hands and starting to kick in your arms not on purpose. 
–I think it depends on your sensei. 
–Sense-ei, can I go eat? Or do I need to hit something else?! – Gojo shouts, getting comfortable in your arms and starting to hug you with one hand. 
–Y-you can go, G-Gojo-sama, – the magician whispers, looking around the territory and his ruined hairstyle in shock.
Satoru shouts joyfully and tells you to carry him straight to the estate. You shake your head and roll your eyes, lowering the boy to the ground. He wants to start complaining, but then you crouch down, pointing at your back. The child immediately understands what is required of him, and finds himself sitting first on your back, and then on your shoulders. 
Satoru hugs your head with one hand, the other he lifts up. The boy shouts joyfully as you run towards the estate, holding his legs. An expensive kimono develops in the wind.
He eats his snacks with pleasure, drinking tea at your quiet order. Little Gojo is absolutely happy and ready to continue his training. Just stay with him and keep spoiling him. Just keep giving him what he doesn't have and is unlikely to have: love.
–I know you're a sorcerer.
You shudder, looking at the boy who pulls your sleeve. The books you carry in your hands almost fall to the floor. 
 –What are you talking about, Satoru-sama?
–I noticed a long time ago that you have a cursed energy. When I asked my dad about it, he replied that you are just a person. Why are you hiding your status? If you are a sorcerer, then why do you work as a servant?
You hum nervously, not expecting to be discovered. But in the end it had to happen. A little boy has Six Eyes. He sees everything. (More precisely, almost everything).
You try to avoid this conversation, but Satoru follows you around, attracting the attention of servants and clan members. You bend over and promise to tell him everything later, but for now let him go to class. You will join him as soon as you take the book to his room.
Gojo is unhappy, but obeys. He leaves, taking one last look at you. Too adult a look for a small child.
In the evening, you lie to Satoru that you are just tired of being a sorcerer and decided to devote yourself to growing a new generation. And since you didn't have any children of your own, you decided to take care of little Gojo.
The boy seems to be satisfied with your answer. He is glad that now all your attention belongs to him. The child stretches out his arms to hug you around the neck, and you obediently bend down to make it more comfortable for him. 
What would you be doing now if you still decided to kill this child or leave him alive, but without becoming his personal servant? Oh, what's the difference? You exist here and now, ready to entertain the boy and take care of him.
Even if he banishes you in the future. Because you're more of a monster, damn it, than a real person.
– I want to fight with you, – "Eh?.." – Fight! You said you know some techniques. Let's fight!
You try to refuse, but you are already being dragged towards the forest that has just begun to be covered with grass again. (More precisely, to what is left of the forest). Gojo bounces with every step, and you feel your back starting to hurt. And here you are standing in the middle of a small quarry created by Satoru. The boy stretches, and then gets into a fighting stance. You sigh and summon the spear to start this battle.
You don't plan on putting a lot of effort into fighting Gojo the same way you fight curses when they dare to get at you or the people you "play" with. In addition, you have more experience and cursed energy, so you don't plan to die from Satoru strikes.
The battle consists mainly of you attacking and not being able to break through the barrier. The boy laughs and uses his techniques, which you easily dodge. Sometimes you forget that you don't have a tail in this form, and you almost fall, unable to catch on to anything. But in the end, you still manage to avoid the attack.
At some point, the excitement consumes you, and you use the technique, sending a huge charge of cursed energy from the spear. Satoru, of course, was not injured. Satoru, of course, is delighted. He asks you about a technique that can do the same damage as his clan abilities.
You are silent, looking at the destruction. They can be attributed to the work of a small Gojo. But how do you explain to the head of the clan the sudden appearance of your cursed energy?
You do not comment on Satoru's delight by suggesting that he return home. And his father is waiting for you at home. A man interrogates you about a sudden surge of energy. He asks you why you didn't tell him that the sorcerer, what does such a strong man do in the place of a servant and most importantly… what are you planning to do with Satoru.
You sit with your head down, silent. The head of the clan abruptly gets up from his seat and comes to you, ready to interrogate and find out what you are planning to do with his son.
When he is next to you, you raise your head, grab the man by the bare ankle, visible from under a long kimono, and quietly whisper: "I order!" The man freezes, ready to listen to your order. You exhale with relief, looking around. There's no one around.
You tell the head of the clan never to remember that you own the cursed energy again. You tell him to assume that he called you here to praise you for your work. As soon as there is a click of fingers, the technique is completed, and the man flaps his eyes in surprise, looking around.
Noticing you sitting on your knees in front of him, the sorcerer swallows and moves away a few steps. He says you did a great job and then sends you away. In the evening, you watch Satoru reading some scroll, almost falling asleep. You reach out to touch his neck, but change your mind at the last moment. You bend down and ask Gojo not to tell anyone about your strength. The boy immediately gets a little excited and promises to keep your secret.
Let's see if we can really rely on you.
But, as time has shown, it is quite possible. Because no one will know about your secret for a long time.
–Where are we going?  Satoru asks, looking down at his clothes. It's the first time he's wearing anything other than kimono, and he's surprised by a simple T-shirt and pants, as well as sneakers. The boy is too used to traditional sandals.
–Your parents have gone to a meeting of the three clans with the elders, and this is our chance to walk around the city.
–Are we going to eat? – the blue eyes shone.
–Of course, Satoru-sama.
The boy happily jumps on the spot a couple of times while you giggle. You double-check the bag several times to make sure you don't forget anything. Having forced Gojo to put on a hoodie, you hide his white hair under the hood, then take his hand and lead him away from the clan territory.
The city is visible nearby. You are humming, looking around the lonely paths. Satoru had gone outside the clan's territory before, went down to the city, but then he did it as the heir of Gojo. In addition, the little sorcerer was not really allowed to see anything, because he usually immediately got into the car and left "to visit" other families of sorcerers.
Satoru jumps next to you, clutching your hand tightly. He is not afraid to get lost, he is not afraid to get into danger. He just doesn't want you to ever leave him. Soon you are walking with him through the semi-deserted streets. It's late now, any other day you would have sent Gojo to bed immediately, but this time you made an exception. (Besides, the boy looks quite cheerful, so no problem).
A 24-hour restaurant with ramen greets bored people. You lead Satoru to the farthest table, telling him not to remove the hood from his head yet. Putting Gojo closer to the wall, you hand him the menu, looking through your own bored.
You have tasted many dishes in your long life. You almost didn't feel the taste, unless the food was insanely spicy or sweet. Your meals were always alone, and you began to perceive food consumption as a necessity, and not something exciting and fun, as it could be if you were an ordinary person born in an ordinary family.
Satoru still did not listen to you and pulled off the hood. But now everyone was trying not to fall asleep on the tables, so everyone didn't care about the strange boy. Gojo was constantly tugging at your hand, asking about this or that ingredient or name. You answered quietly, giggling at how innocent and ignorant the boy really was.
Satoru could be at least a hundred times the son of the head of the clan and the future most powerful sorcerer, he still knew so little about the real world so far… You watched Gojo, who was already breaking the third sticks, unable to properly divide them into two parts. You handed him yours with a sigh, feeling sorry for the poor waiter, who was almost asleep on the move. Satoru asked what you would eat, so you just took the two longest wooden cores and started eating.
An ordinary person would die trying your spicy ramen. You just mumbled happily, feeling yourself warming up from the inside. Satoru wanted to steal some from you, but you silently pushed his plate towards him.
Gojo pouted, but his offense didn't last long. A few minutes later, he was already slurping noodles, not caring about the manners and discontented looks of the elders, which can be ignored, but they are still annoying.
You had to wipe Satoru's cheeks several times because he was actually born in the year of the pig! The boy smiled innocently at you, shoving a piece of meat into his mouth with a satisfied grin. Not knowing what to do: giggle or sigh – you just smiled in response, glad that the little child was able to take a little break from the pressure of the clan.
After a warm and hearty dinner, Gojo almost fell asleep on your lap. You casually mentioned sweets in a local store, and the boy immediately opened his eyes, jumped up and pulled your sleeve, bouncing vigorously. You smiled for the umpteenth time today, crouched down to hide his hair with a hood, and dragged the sorcerer towards the convenience store.
Gojo wanted to take all the sweets he could reach. After a lot of bidding, you agreed to five different pieces.
You still had to carry Satoru back in your arms because he was exhausted. You were humming a song that you listened to a hundred years ago, walking along lonely streets.
Suddenly you stopped, turning and looking with disgust at the figure frozen in the alley.
–Well? You wanted to rob me, didn't you? Then come out, you worthless coward.
The robber awkwardly fell out of the shadows, pointing a gun at you. You rolled your eyes as you lowered the shopping bag. It was the outskirts of the city, too quiet area. You looked at the weapon in the man's hands. He has a silencer.
You are slowly moving towards the robber, the face begins to slowly transform, human features are more and more fading into the background. Smiling at a man with a crazy smile, you speak a language that never existed, but still terrifies a person.
Satoru smiles in his sleep, snuggling closer to you. You move close to the frozen man, grabbing the gun and squeezing it with a light movement. Useless metal falls on the asphalt.
–Do you still want to attack us, little mortal? I could use your guts to warm my cold insides.
The man runs away before you have time to come up with enough creepy threats. After showing him your tongue at last, you return your "human face" and go for the package, and then carry the sweet bun-sorcerer and candy back to the clan.
–Satoru-sama, you... you! ..
–How can you even live like this?! – you take napkins out of the bag and bend down to wipe the boy's face. – I have not seen a single person who manages to get his forehead dirty while eating ice cream! Okay cheeks, okay nose, but ... forehead?!
–But the ice cream was really delicious!
–Sometimes I really want to quit ... – you whisper to nowhere, and the boy immediately hugs you, anxiously squeezing your body with his hands.
–I'm not letting you go anywhere! Don't even think about getting rid of me, (Y/N)-chan! 
You sigh and pat Gojo on the head. Suddenly you freeze, slowly lowering your gaze to your clothes, now stained with ice cream because of the sorcerer's face.
–S-Satoru-sama-a ... – you hiss angrily, and the boy immediately runs away from you. You just get even more napkins. When it comes to the Gojo heir, anyone needs a lot of napkins. (As strange as it may sound).
Rarely have you been able to walk with Satoru not late at night or even at night. His parents and mentors watched the boy like hawks. You had to put a lot of effort so that no one would know that Gojo was watching strange cheap movies with you at night instead of sleeping. 
As soon as you wiped your clothes, you immediately started running after the little rascal, who began to show you his tongue. His face is clean thanks to the sacrifice in the form of your sweater. You clenched your teeth, trying to contain your anger, and ran after Satoru, who jumped up and started running away, shouting with laughter that you wouldn't catch him. 
You chase him all over the park, as an older sister or mother might do. Satoru is growing fast, his physical skills are already higher than that of an ordinary child, and you might not catch him if you didn't have so much cursed blood in you. Gojo is fast and small, it easily climbs where you can't. 
The longer you run, the further you go into a huge park. 
Suddenly you stop, feeling cursed. Turning your head, you want to use your abilities to destroy the nasty creature, but Satoru does it earlier, and you become even more dissatisfied.
–I bet I'll destroy more curses this day than you? – the boy asks with a laugh
–Then if I win, then you won't eat sweets for a week!
–Eh?! T-then... then if I win, you'll bake me a cake every day!
–I agree! – you shake his hand. (The Sorcerer does not need to know that you simply will not give him any more sweets, except cakes).
As a result, you split up with him and start looking for curses. Fortunately, there is an abandoned building nearby, which used to be a school. You sneak in with the boy before you start looking for curses without any unnecessary actions. It's quite difficult to do this without a veil, but your inner flair has never failed, and Satoru has Six Eyes.
You already want to destroy the little curse, when suddenly the wind blows from behind, and you are forced to summon a spear to block the attack of an adult sorcerer. You don't know where it came from, why it attacks you. Perhaps he realized that you are a curse. But in any case, you are not going to give up.
The walls are covered with cracks from the ongoing battle, you are desperately trying to figure out whether it is worth killing this sorcerer. And if he is the son of some important family, and they try to kill you for his death?
But everything is solved quite simply. Satoru appears in front of you, and the weapon filled with cursed energy hovers in the air before falling to the floor. Gojo looks blankly at the sorcerer, and he shudders. The boy takes a few steps forward with his hands in his pockets. He is silent, the man does not move from his place for a few more seconds before he begins to retreat.
–Why did you want to kill my nanny? – Gojo asks coldly, he barely hides his anger. The man is silent, and then Satoru is next to him for a second before hitting the sorcerer in the face. – Answer me, weakling!
You watch with a calm face as an obviously professional sorcerer is beaten. The man wants to answer, but the young heir of the Gojo clan is strong. At this moment, you allow yourself a grin of pure-blooded curse and say loudly: "I order! Stop."
Both sorcerers freeze, and you pass between people unable to move. You stroke Satoru's head, and the boy immediately relaxes, realizing that this is not an enemy technique. Now he looks at you with shining eyes, but soon everything turns into darkness when you say: "I order! Forget this battle and go to sleep."
You catch Gojo on your hands, another sorcerer hits the floor with his forehead. By placing Satoru neatly on the nearest surviving bench, you force the man to wake up and interrogate him before erasing his memory and throwing him out the window.
Then you wake up Satoru and tell him that he was under the influence of the curse and fell asleep, so you won. The boy is sulking, but you take his face in your palms and kiss his cheek. The boy immediately smiles and says that he wants to go home to listen to a fairy tale from you. You nod and pick him up before carrying him away from school.
That sorcerer will never understand how he woke up in the courtyard of a forgotten school, and most importantly what he was doing there. If he wakes up at all, of course…
You knew why you were here. All because of Satoru's whining. He pulled you for yukata, saying that he would not go on a mission without you. As a result, his sensei was brazenly forgotten, and you were sent alone with the boy.
Not that you complained, because you could defeat any curse, but still... for the rest, you were an ordinary person, unless you only knew about curses and maybe saw them! Why were you forced to go on a mission where you can die?! (Although maybe they actually tried to get rid of you. But now it is not so important).
You were walking with Gojo through an abandoned building. A boy with a big smile on his lips chatted, destroying curses without even looking at his enemies. He cares more about your safety, constantly turning around at your figure.
You calmly stared at the terrible-looking walls until suddenly you felt a powerful cursed energy that was hiding pretty well. The power of the curse involuntarily resonated with yours, so you were able to understand that a special rank is wandering around here... more precisely, this special rank is approaching you and Gojo. 
–Satoru–sama, – you said with a friendly smile, – last time you fell asleep when you were killing curses. How about the same deal, but to win you have to destroy all the curses in half an hour? If you fail, then you won't eat sweets for two weeks! If you win, I will bake cakes for two weeks.
–I won't lose this time! – the sorcerer exclaimed a little arrogantly, giving you a "high five" and then running away to start destroying the curses.
You waved to him and shouted that you would be waiting for the boy near the entrance. As soon as he goes far enough away, you turn with disgust to the wall from which the curse comes out. 
–Appear before me already, you nonentity, – you hissed, and the curse with a questioning squeak came out to you completely. – What are you watching? Did you think I'd say I'm glad to see you and we'd go kill the boy together? You think too highly of yourself to think that I would want to have something in common with you!
You summoned a spear and attacked a curse that dodges. The eyes looked at you with a question for a few seconds, and then filled with rage. A powerful stream of cursed energy, concentrated and amplified with the help of your weapon, hits only a small part of the curse, because it again moves away from the attack. Fast. If I didn't have time limits, I would do everything so that he wouldn't underestimate me and my skills. But now we need to act a little faster... although this curse still pisses me off!
You make a dissatisfied click and put away your weapon before folding your hands in a special gesture.
The space around him was transformed instantly, the curse was almost instantly captured by chains that tightly squeezed his body, not allowing him to get out of the grip. You wanted to attack the attacker, but suddenly slowly lowered the spear until you finally withdrew it for that day.
–You know, I usually used this space to capture a person, and then touch his skin, make him hear me, look into the eyes of the captured... or just kill him. These chains won't let you go, but at the same time they won't destroy you so easily. But you know what? – You grinned and sat down on the floor created by your technique. – we still have twenty-five minutes of time. You don't feel pain, but the chains are filled with cursed energy. How about playing a game? – you raise your hand and snap your fingers. "I'm going to add more and more damned energy every minute, and the chains will squeeze your body more and more. Let's find out how long you can hold out against my technique!
You laughed like a madman, watching as more and more chains encircle the curse. 
–Make yourself comfortable, – you said with a laugh, watching how the curse is starting to look more and more like a sausage tied with a rope with every second. – I'm only yours for these twenty–five minutes. Well... – you snap your fingers again, filling the chains with even more damned energy, �� time has gone!
After a while.
–You're late! – Gojo pointed an accusatory finger at you. – And you're nine minutes late!
–Sorry, sorry, Satoru-sama. I was just looking at the school grounds too much. But I found a gift for you!
–If it's not a cake, then I don't care.
–It's not a cake, it's a finger! – you opened your palm, showing the cursed object. The sorcerer winces and sticks out his tongue in disgust.
–Ugh, what is this?!
–This is a curse finger named Sukuna, who is called the "king of curses".
–Hey, there can only be one king here! And that's me!
–I know, I know, but Sukuna-kun lives longer, so respect his old gray head.
–«Sukuna-kun»? Why do you use "-kun", (Y/N)-chan in relation to the curse?
Damn, I let it slip! You smile nervously and shake your head.
–For make fun of him, of course! – you're telling the truth. – But that's not the most important thing. I need to take this finger to the elders.
–Why?! Let's keep it for ourselves!
–And why? Do you want to eat it?
–And what will happen then?
–Well, you will either die or become a vessel for Sukuna-kun.
–Cool, I'll be even stronger!
–I'm sorry, but I can't stand two annoying idiots in one body.
–Eh? What did you say about me, (Y/N)-chan?! – Satoru jumps next to you, shaking the sleeve of your yukata.
–Nothing, nothing at all, Satoru-sama! – you say in the most innocent voice, laughing at the boy.
–No, I heard you say I'm an idiot!
–Oh? How so? I definitely couldn't say that!
–I demand two cakes a day for insulting my personality!
–Usually at such moments people say they will fire their servants…
–But you are not my servant, – Gojo stops and looks at you with his innocent childish eyes. – You're my nanny! – what's the difference?! – And I don't want you to go anywhere!
The boy hugs your leg, and you gently stroke his hair.
Satoru still kept the finger for himself. Well, you don't mind. Maybe, in this scenario, you will see your friend earlier?..
Gojo has been hanging on to you for a while now, practically sobbing. His body, which had become incredibly tall, almost completely blocked the sunlight from you. Satoru's father watched with displeasure, but at the same time he was glad that everything would end soon.
–Don't leave me, (Y/N)-cha-a-an! – Gojo stretched out for the umpteenth time, hugging you harder. (If it was possible at all). – Why do you have to go somewhere?!
–Because you are already fifteen, Satoru-sama, – you explained with an empty face, mentally crying too. – I can't be your babysitter at that age.
–Then be my personal servant, – Gojo straightened up to his full height, took your hands in his and looked into your eyes. Do you know that this can actually be regarded as a demotion?!  – And then you'll have to come with me!
–I'm sorry, Satoru-sama, but I'm pretty bad at cleaning, – you sighed, raising your hand and stroking his white hair. – I'm not disappearing from this world. We'll still see each other.
–Really? – blue eyes lit up with a new stunning shade. – Then stay in the dorm with me!
–I say I can't! ..
you sighed when the sorcerer once again squeezed you like a teddy bear. The years fly by pretty fast. You didn't even notice how Satoru reached the age of fifteen and started whining about wanting to go to school in Tokyo. All this time you've been around, enjoying killing curses that dared to get too close to "your human". Of course, you still let Gojo dominate strong curses, just sometimes made sure that a sorcerer not yet fully trained would not die.
These years of your life have been filled with shopping trips, persuading Satoru not to buy every souvenir he sees on his way, making sweets and hugging Gojo, who is tired of this life. Every year the sorcerer became more and more affectionate with you, needing love and support, which he did not receive from his ever-pressing clan.
When Satoru wanted to go to school in Tokyo, you realized that you could no longer watch Gojo transform from a cheerful fool into a man with a murderous look in a second. (And all just because some man roughly pushed you towards the road when he tried to pass by). 
If for so many years of working in the clan you were able to do everything so that they wouldn't find out about you, but at the same time sorcerers appeared every few months who wanted to kill you for some reason, then what happens if you find yourself on the territory of a school filled with completely different sorcerers? You should have been lying low at least for a while. (Even if they tried to kill you just because you're Satoru Gojo's babysitter).
Satoru would have continued to hang on to you and cry if you hadn't patted his head and kissed him on the cheek. Gojo froze along with all the people who saw him off. The undergrowth's cheeks turned red, he stared at your eternally young face. You gave him a kind smile before only ruining his hair more with your hand.
–How about we meet and chat after the first week of your studies? – you asked, slowly starting to move forward. Gojo began to slowly move backwards, continuing to enjoy stroking his head. – I can bake a cake for you.
–What kind of cake?! He can't have so many sweets! – it was heard from somewhere on the part of the elders, but you ignored them.
–We could chat over a cup of tea and discuss your classmates.
Satoru nodded, enjoying the view of your face, located so close and at the same time so far away. Suddenly, he crashed into something. It was a car whose door was open. You gently pushed the sorcerer forward, forcing him to fall on the seat. Bending down once more, you cupped his cheeks with your hands and brought your face closer to his…
Gojo thought you would kiss him on the lips. He even closed his eyes, hoping to enjoy these moments to the fullest. But you just smacked the sorcerer on the nose before walking away and waving with a small smile.
An agitated and blushing Satoru was cut off from you by a closed door. You waved to the teenager for a while until the car disappeared towards the airport. Turning to the head of the clan, you bowed and asked:
–Am I fired?
You visited the school in Tokyo once every few months, making sure to come with a cake for Satoru classmates. Gojo always ran to you with joyful shouts, opening his arms and almost jumping on you, which is why the dessert often almost fell out of your hands. But you didn't scold the sorcerer, you just hugged him by the neck and pressed him to you.
When Suguru and Shoko found out that you are not Satoru's partner, but his former nanny, they had a lot of questions. But you said that asking the age of old people like you is indecent, quickly distracting teenagers with a chocolate cake. (The truth was that you are so old that you don't even remember how old you are). 
You preferred to get out of school with Satoru and attend festivals or watch movies. Gojo behaved strangely, stuttered and hugged you more often, but you thought he was just going through some kind of teenage stage, and didn't say anything.
Sometimes the sorcerer himself called you, asking you to come. This happened after long and difficult missions. Sometimes it is difficult even for an adult to cope with such a load, let alone a teenager who has been under pressure from his own family since childhood. But you were always there, often even in his bed, hugging the sorcerer who seemed small at such moments.
One day he came to you completely broken. You didn't ask anything, just pulled him onto your lap and hugged him, rocking him in your arms, as you once rocked a little boy who was unable to sleep just like that. Satoru sobbed softly into your shoulder, but you kept silent and stroked his back up and down. Since then, you have not come to school anymore... for many years.
On that day, Satoru, who turned twenty-eight, told you that he wanted you to go with him. You shrugged your shoulders and started moving towards the airport to fly to him from another city. Soon you were standing in front of the familiar school gates in Tokyo, waiting to be greeted.
–(Y/N)-cha-an! – Gojo shouted happily, appearing unexpectedly from behind and hugging you. He lifted you into the air, making you kick your legs ridiculously before putting you down and hugging you even harder.
–Hi, Satoru-kun, – you muttered softly, a little scared of the sorcerer who suddenly appeared. You got too used to his cursed energy and didn't even perceive him as a possible enemy. – So, what did you want to show me there?
– My students! This year they are absolutely amazing!
–You say that every year, – you giggle and let yourself be dragged up the stairs. – So, who is it this time? A child without cursed energy who wants to become a sorcerer? A big panda? The user of the cursed speech? A child enjoying a huge curse?
–I never guessed it!.. Unless the latter is the closest to the truth. Hey, look, they're ahead. My dear children, I brought "mom" to you!
You looked at Satoru questioningly, but the sorcerer was already lifting you into the air like a little lion cub to show to his "children". Your gaze hovered on one particular person who smiled the brightest of the three.
A mouth suddenly appeared on the young sorcerer's cheek, and you hurried to get out of Gojo's grip.
–Look who I see!..
Before Sukuna could say anything, you slapped the teenager on the cheek so that he almost left a dent in the stone floor as soon as his flight ended.
–W-what was that?! – the young sorcerer shouted, and you giggled awkwardly.
– I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I just don't like the King of curses too much.
–What a nice brazen lie to my face, – Sukuna's voice was heard again, and you pursed your lips irritably. – And you won't even tell me how glad you are to see me, you flea-ridden cat? I thought you'd at least greet your "friend". Or have you finally realized that these insignificant relationships will lead to nothing? – the curse looked at the frozen Satoru. – Although, judging by the blond man's face, you still continued to communicate with pathetic people. Hmm, your standards have always been low.
With an empty face, you snapped your fingers and spoke through your teeth, touching Gojo's cheek with one hand: "I order you! Frozen!"
The sorcerers froze, and Sukuna laughed. You walked up to his vessel and grabbed his cheeks with your thumb and forefinger, turning the teenager's head to look into the red eye of the curse.
–I see you want to die before you can completely subdue this body, don't you? – you asked, hissing. 
–You know, I knew that all your brains fit in a teaspoon, but I didn't think that they would dry up so much over the centuries. The local sorcerers would rather kill you for making four of their relatives freeze in place.
–I may not have four eyes right now, but I can see that there is no one around. So don't worry about me, Sukuna-kun.
Blue eyes burned you from behind. You didn't pay attention to the silent order-the request to turn around from Gojo. You continued talking to the king of curses.
–I didn't think to worry about you. The sooner you die, flea cat, the better. And I'll even be able to finally help it!
Sukuna laughed, but you squeezed the teenager's cheeks harder and leaned closer to the red eye, so the curse involuntarily fell silent, interested.
–You know perfectly well that my technique doesn't work on curses, don't you, Sukuna-kun? But you forget that you are now in a human body. So I can control your nasty tongue.
–And what will you do when your "spell" is broken? Or are you not capable of thinking at least one step ahead?
–Oh, I'll just come here more often. I'm sure you'll be happy to see me!
–I doubt it very much.
–But I'm not! – you turn abruptly and approach Gojo before lifting his blindfold and looking straight into his blue eyes. The sky–colored "saucers" best convey the emotions of Satoru.  – What? Yes, I am a curse. So what? But I can bake cakes!
You touch his cheek with your fingers, look straight into his eyes and calmly say: "I order you! Forget about what happened after I ordered you to freeze, and a minute before that."
When everyone comes to their senses, you begin to look closer at Yuji, look into his eyes and touch his cheeks. While everyone is distracted by conversations, you say: "I order! Make Sukuna-kun not talk about my life like a curse."
Control. Eternal control. But you can't keep control forever. That's why sooner or later they had to find out about you.
That day Satoru called Sukuna. The sorcerer who wants to go on a mission froze, turning his head to the curse.
–I would just like to ask you to give one last "hello" to a flea-ridden cat. I think she'll be whining in hell if she doesn't say goodbye to me.
–I didn't know that our "great king of curses" loves small animals so much. Maybe I should pet this cat for you again?
–Tc, you're as dumb as they are, – the curse rolls his eye. – Okay, I'll say it more clearly, blond. Say hello to your beloved babysitter before you cut off their head.
–Why would I kill (Y/N)-chan? – Satoru asks with interest. Meanwhile, Yuji hits his mouth with his palm.
– Sorry, sensei, he always talks nonsense when it comes to (Y/S)-san.
–If you can't digest the information, brat, that doesn't mean I'm talking nonsense, – the curse looked at the elder sorcerer again. – You didn't think that your "darling" (Y/N) could be an ordinary person with all the power they hide, did you? Come on, say "I knew something was wrong with them", don't disappoint me... although you don't have to try, you've already done it anyway.
– So you're saying that (Y/N)-chan is a curse? –  Gojo asks slowly, trying to digest the information and not kill Sukuna in the same second.
–But people see them! Haven't you thought about that?
–They have some human blood in them. They are a disgusting example of the situation when a child could appear from a person and a curse.
–Do they by any chance look like a creature with pale skin the color of a swamp, four white eyes, a tail and sharp claws? –  Gojo asks casually, feeling his heart pounding rapidly in his chest.
–Wow, you were able to remember the description that these old people gave you! I'm just starting to be proud of you. 
Satoru abruptly rushes to the side with the words: "I have to find her before the others." Yuji questioningly accompanies his teacher, touching the cheek, on which you hit several times with great force, with the palm of his hand.
You ran and felt your heart beating fast. (Heart? Did you ever have it at all?) After turning the next corner, you hid in a dark alley before starting to use a masking technique. No one will think of looking for a curse among people, because you will soon look just like them…
Suddenly there was a wall in front of you, and you turned around to see the sorcerer standing in front of you. Swearing, you canceled the technique, because everything was useless. A familiar man has already seen your lower half, clawed legs and tail, so it's useless to try to pretend to be a fool.
–Sato-oru-ku-un! What a meeting!..
–Why have you been so attached to me all these years?
"A?" You blink a couple of times, trying to come to your senses. Gojo's voice is filled with cold and ice. You involuntarily cringe. When was the last time you saw him like this? Have you ever seen him like this?.. 
–You are a curse and a "friend" of Sukuna. Why didn't you just kill me then?
You try to smile like a madman, like a murderer, you want to intimidate Gojo so that he doesn't regret when he kills you, but you can't cope with your emotions. Curses feel something, too. Even your friend has become attached to the person. Here you are too.
–Why not? – you answer in the end it's windy. – I wanted to see the heir of the Gojo clan. I took a look and decided to stay close to see what would happen to you. Or did you not like my parenting techniques?
You carefully follow his every move. You wait for him to take off the blindfold, and you will have a chance. Most likely, the barrier between you and him has long been built.
–And you didn't even want to kill me? Not once?
–I must admit, I thought about it, but... you were such a sweet child that I couldn't raise my hand against you.
You are trapped. You can never hurt Satoru Gojo. And not even because of their abilities. You just won't be able to see the pain in those blue eyes.
– You're going to use your submission technique, aren't you?
–What are you talking about?
–I heard you talking to Sukuna once. He was laughing at you because you can't completely control Yuji-kun's body, because there is a curse in it. I must admit, I'm surprised that you stopped feeling my damn energy so quickly.
–I'm just used to you hanging out with me most of the time.
Satoru takes a few steps towards you with his hands in his pockets. You take a step back and suddenly notice earplugs in his ears. Growling, you begin to climb the wall with your claws, but an unknown force presses you to the floor.
–These earplugs are filled with cursed energy that should protect my ears. But the plugs themselves are so cheap that I can hear you perfectly.
Satoru sits down next to you and carefully examines your pathetic attempts to get out of his technique.
–I wonder if the elders will let me 'adopt' another curse?
–God loves the Trinity, doesn't he?
–And where does this come from in you at all?
–A hundred years ago I worked part-time in a Christian church…
Gojo giggles while you hiss, trying to resist.
Gojo. You have met them in one way or another throughout your life. First they destroyed your friend, then one of the sorcerers from this clan left a huge scar on your back. And now the other one is going to kill you or send you under the careful supervision of the elders, who will find a way to get rid of you.
Satoru sighs and you look at his tired but beautiful face. The sorcerer always looked cute, and for some reason you were furious when the daughters of other clans and families of sorcerers tried to flirt with him. When Gojo turned eighteen, you understood the reason.
You have fallen in love with a mortal man. You fell in love like a simple person. But you have lived too long to openly show that Satoru is dear to you not just as a son.
You wanted to keep this relationship in your heart along with photos taken on camera and phone. Perhaps someday you will want to leave this world, and next to your heart there will be an image of a white-haired sorcerer.
Well, or this same white-haired sorcerer will kill you.
You continued to resist, when suddenly Satoru sighed.
–What? Forgot to pick up the cake from the bakery? – you asked, grunting from the pressure.
–No. I just booked a table at a restaurant, and if I don't show up there in half an hour, the reservation will be canceled. 
–W-why not deal with all this faster, then?
Gojo looks at you for a few seconds and then nods seriously.
–You're right. We're going on a date!
–W-what?! – you scream, and then suddenly faint.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself tied to a chair in the Gojo Estate.
–A good restaurant, – you say sarcastically, looking around the familiar walls.
–I knew you'd like it! – Satoru smiles, but then becomes serious. – But actually I was wrong, we only had five minutes, and you wouldn't have had time to wake up so quickly.
–So, what are you going to do with me?
–M-m, I offer a deal, – Gojo lifts the bandage slightly, and you prepare to scream, but close your mouth, knowing full well that you will not be able to subdue the sorcerer and escape in this way. – How about going on a date anyway? I have already told the elders that I have accepted another curse into our ranks, and now I want to completely annoy them.
–Y-you know that I'm at least thirty times older than you?
–Age is just a figure! – he exclaims in a childish voice before walking towards you.
–Okay... just untie me.
As soon as your hands are free, you are abruptly hugged. You notice that there is no earplugs in Satoru's ears, but he has pulled off his bandage. You could easily escape from him now, but...
–Even if you try to erase my memory, I will never forget you.
...but it's all useless. You have become attached to this person, he is "your human"… You put your arms around his neck and pull him closer to you. You will never be able to leave your "child". Even if you are a creepy curse that Sukuna plans to tease for the rest of the way in this world.
But you don't care. The main thing is that "your human" is completely safe and feels good, as if he has returned to childhood again, where there is only you, he and the chocolate cake you have prepared.
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rubeebeeb · 2 years
Y’all really liked those headcanons so here’s a part 2:
Jay really misses his white hair from Prime Empire. He’s considered bleaching and toning it to white, but he knows with his actual skin tone and not the funky blue skin he had it probably wouldn’t look too great.
Jay never wants kids. He would rather die than have to raise a teenager. Plus raising a teenager would mean having to share a game console, so hard pass.
He plays League.
Paints his nails but it’s always chipped because he bites his nails as a nervous habit. Go-to color is probably his signature blue with a yellow accent nail.
When he needs to stay up really late to work on something, he’ll give himself little shocks if he starts nodding off.
Mismatched socks, all the time. Sometimes it’s on purpose, sometimes it’s not. Even if he manages to put on two socks of the same color it turns out they’re different brands.
Has never been properly hydrated a day in his life, drinks more soda and energy drinks than water.
Screams at autocorrect when it corrects his keyboard smash.
Controversial, I know everyone’s big on hairless twink Jay, but I imagine him with just a lil bit of hair on his chin. Idk, sue me.
Kai has multiple ear piercings. In fact, I think all of the ninja have at least one ear piercing, save for Zane, but Zane can just wear like magnetic earrings or something if he ever wants them, which he probably doesn’t. But yeah idk, Jay and Cole just have them pierced once, Kai probably has at LEAST doubles and his cartilage done.
Kai is absolutely the type to wear fishnets under ripped jeans. Idk about yall but I can picture it so clearly, probably bc in part one I called him a whore.
Kai cuts his own hair. It looks good the way he styles it, but never take him into a professional salon because they will have some words for the way he cuts it.
Kai almost never sleeps with a blanket. Being the master of fire, his body temperature is high enough that he’s usually good to go without one. It’s not like he’s uncomfortable with one, since he can also stay pretty comfortable even in temperatures others would find too hot, but he’s also just That Guy who sleeps with way too out in the open with nothing on top of him.
An absolute wimp when he gets sick. He acts like he recovers like a monster, but even the smallest case of a cold takes him out. Jay is the same, they just lay in bed whining for like a week straight. FSM forbid they’re ever sick at the same time.
Cole actually DOES take getting sick like a champ, this man is unstoppable. Unless it’s a stomach bug.
Cole doodles on everything. Look at any piece of paper Cole has touched, or even a napkin, actually, ESPECIALLY a napkin, and you’ll find a doodle on it.
Has a nickname for EVERYONE, and he’ll probably use it more often than their actual name, to the point that he’ll almost introduce someone as their nickname at a big important event but catch himself last minute.
He’ll complain that those cheap little snack cupcakes or anything that’s Hostess or Little Debbie or something are a mockery to real cake, but then if you try to take them away he’ll get mad.
Zane is so deeply terrified of the Mechanic that the rest of the ninja make sure to put extra effort into catching him specifically so that Zane can have some peace of mind.
Zane really likes making ice cubes in fun shapes for people’s drinks, like simplified snowflake shapes and stars and such. He can do this himself with his powers and it’s kind of like a cool party trick, but he usually just buys those kinds of shaped ice cube trays to put in the freezer.
He’s got dimples. I know he’s made of metal, I don’t care.
Zane wears khakis. Frequently. They’re like his go-to. But like, the nice clean slim cut kind. Still khakis though.
When it comes to the ninja doing something fun out in the snow, Zane might use his powers occasionally to win a snowball fight or two, but while he could snap his fingers and make a perfect snowman almost instantly, he prefers to do that kind of stuff slowly and by hand the way everyone else does. It’s no fun if it’s easy and instant, unless it’s a competition, then it’s very fun.
Going off the Jay spellcheck one, I seriously doubt Zane EVER makes spelling errors while typing, but I bet if he does, he says thank you to the autocorrect.
Even outside of being Samurai X, Nya’s always thought mechs were just the coolest thing. Like try to watch anything with mechs in it with her and she’ll just be analyzing all the different parts of the mechs. Luckily, Pixal shares her level of interest in them, so they talk about cool mech designs often.
Anyone ever seen H2O? The mermaid show? Yknow that thing they would do where they would use their powers to make the water float out of the glass in little bubbles and then they would just like, eat the bubbles instead of drinking it normally? Yeah Nya does that.
The first out of anyone to rage-quit for anything. Everyone always talks about who swears and how much, you wanna know who does it the most and the loudest? Her.
Pixal rarely, like almost never plays video games. In fact she only plays if enough of the ninja ask her to join for a round. However, when she DOES play, she absolutely dominates.
Pixal gossips behind the ninjas’ backs with Master Wu. Nothing harmful though, of course.
(This is basically a short story I’m sorry). Lloyd has stolen either Kai or Nya’s eyeliner on multiple occasions to try it on secretly in the bathroom late at night to live out his edgy childhood dreams. The thing is everyone knows. Sometimes, if all the ninja are running errands together, and Kai and/or Nya is picking up makeup, they’ll tell them that a certain brand would look really good on them to see if they want to buy it. He usually says no because they’re too embarrassed though. A shame, because they actually do pull it off very well.
They’re on Deviantart, 100%. They’re literally the green ninja and the grandchild of god but they’re still out here making self-inserts.
They were the shortest prior to s8 because they were still growing. After s8, he ended up still pretty short, but at least taller than Jay. Jay will always call them “traitor” for this.
Bonus: Harumi
That face paint doesn’t wash off.
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 months
Hey, ya'll. I'm not sure who's still here in our little survey community, but I thought I'd update anyone who happens to see this and has been following me for awhile that I just got home a couple days after 3 weeks in the hospital. I had surgery and some scary setbacks during that stay, but I'm doing okay now. Anyway, surveys should resume again more regularly now.
Do you prefer hardly toasted at all or burnt toast? I like it golden. I don't want a burnt brick or basically just a piece of bread.
What time do you have to be out of bed by on a typical day? I don't have a specific time I have to be out of bed by.
When was the last time you cleaned your bedroom? Me, personally, it's been awhile. I've had to have help from my mom and aunt cause I haven't been able to do it.
In real life do you laugh like 'haha', 'hehe' or something else? I guess it's a 'haha.'
Do you know anyone who says things like 'lol' in real life? No.
Do you have any unusual skills? >> not sure I have any usual skills even <<<<
Do you have any bug bites right now? Nope.
Is there anything annoying you at the moment? I have a nagging cough that I've had for like 2 1/2 weeks.
Who's your favourite person? My loved ones.
Are you more of a cat or dog person? I'm definitely a dog person.
Do you live out of the nearest town? Huh?
Do you like to look at other peoples' houses? When they're decorated for the holidays.
Are there any chores you actually enjoy doing? Uh, no.
What's the weirdest compliment you've ever received? "You're really pretty for having polio." Yes, someone actually said that to me. I'm in a wheelchair, but I don't have polio. Also, what does one have to do with the other? It was seriously a WTF moment.
Do you remember all those rhymes like 'i before e except after c'? I remember that one.
When did you last have an 'Oh, I get it now!' moment? Hm. I don't recall.
Would you say you're more witty or childish about jokes? I like punny, cheesy, corny, dad jokes lol.
Do you get on with boys or girls better? It depends on the person.
Do people often confide in you? Do you like it? Yeah. I don't mind.
Who is someone you really admire? My mom.
Do you prefer piano or guitar music? I enjoy both.
Do you like helium balloons? Uhhh, sure.
Have your parents ever suspected something untrue about you? Possibly.
Do you have any fears that seem weird to others? Yeah, like my fear of holes/clusters and killer whales.
Have you ever wished you'd been born someplace else? Yeah, I hate this city.
What d'you think about videogames? I like Mario Bros.
Are there any forms of art you personally find pointless? Like what?
What would you, or do you, study at college? I got my BA in psych.
Are you tired right now? Always.
Have you ever had, or wanted, a pet ferret? No.
Is there anything you find undeserving of the hype it received? Perhaps.
What's something you do a lot? I watch a lot of YouTube videos.
Are you currently on any other websites? I have YouTube opened as well.
Are you good at using Photoshop? I haven't used it in years, but I had grasped the ability to make gifs. They weren't the best, but I think they were okay.
What were you last embarrassed about? Meh.
Are there any clothing items you really want but can't find? Yeah. I haven't had a chance to look through my clothes in awhile.
Have you ever been told you naturally tilt your head a certain way? No, but I realized my head was tilt to the right as we speak.
What does your dream house look like? I want hardwood floors, spacious, big backyard, nice patio deck.
Do you wear a lot of make-up? Not at all. I rarely wear makeup.
Do you have any projects on the go right now? No.
What's a habit you find gross? Hmm.
Would you rather have a Poloroid or a Lomo camera? What's a lomo?
When was the last time you were jealous? I don't recall.
Are you one of those people who see things for sale and say 'I could've come up with that!'? No.
Do you, or did you, really look forward to when you can finally move away? My family and I would love to move away. We've wanted to for a long time, it just hasn't worked out.
Are you the one who holds everyone's bags at theme parks while they ride? Sometimes, cause it's a ride I don't want to ride.
What's the worst tattoo you've ever seen? Oh, I've seen numerous horrendous tattoos.
What's your favourite name ever? Hm.
Are you a hat person? Yeah.
When was the last time you were totally grossed out? A lot happens in hospitals.
Have you ever forgotten how to do something simple? Probably.
Are you ever jealous when you see couples or friends together? I've felt envious, sure.
Has anyone ever approached you in the street and asked to take your picture? No.
Have you ever disliked something just because most people liked it? Nah, I don't care about that. Just like I don't like something just cause it's trendy and popular. I like what I like.
Does anything hurt on you right now? Of course.
What song's stuck in your head? Mr Take Yo Bitch. lol.
Did anyone ever tell you that earwigs crawl into your ear while you sleep? STOPPPPP.
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“Bring me the face,” said the kindly man. The waif made no answer, but she could hear her slippers whispering over the stone floor. To the girl he said, “Drink this,” and pressed a cup into her hand. She drank it down at once. It was very tart, like biting into a lemon. A thousand years ago, she had known a girl who loved lemon cakes. No, that was not me, that was only Arya. – The Ugly Little Girl ADWD
This is a largely misinterpreted quote of Arya’s in this fandom.  I’ve quickly addressed this before, but I think I need to make a proper post about this to prove that this quote is not about Sansa, it’s about ARYA, as in Arya is referring to herself, just like the last sentence of that quote explicitly tells us.  
First off, no character has a monopoly on liking or loving lemons in this story, and secondly, just because Arya has never said “I love lemons/lemoncakes!” doesn’t mean she doesn’t.  And when you pay attention you’ll notice that Arya does seem to have a preference for lemon.  Here I’ll provide the quotes:
She tied the pigeon to her belt and started down the street. A man was pushing a load of tarts by on a two-wheeled cart; the smells sang of blueberries and lemons and apricots. Her stomach made a hollow rumbly noise. “Could I have one?” she heard herself say. “A lemon, or … or any kind.” – Arya V AGOT
Here we see that Arya’s first choice is that of lemon, not blueberry, not apricot, but lemon, which subtextually tells us this is her preference.  
Arya would have given anything for a cup of milk and a lemon cake. – Arya V AGOT
So here Arya is living out on the streets for weeks and she longs for a cup of milk and a lemon cake?  To me this also shows a preference for lemons, considering she could have wished and longed for any food she wanted.  
Then we have Sansa trying to entice Arya to join her and the queen with lemon cakes:
“There’s going to be lemon cakes and tea,” Sansa went on, all adult and reasonable. Lady brushed against her leg. Sansa scratched her ears the way she liked, and Lady sat beside her on her haunches, watching Arya chase Nymeria. “Why would you want to ride a smelly old horse and get all sore and sweaty when you could recline on feather pillows and eat cakes with the queen?” – Sansa I AGOT
“Gods be true, Arya, sometimes you act like such a child,” Sansa said. “I’ll go by myself then. It will be ever so much nicer that way. Lady and I will eat all the lemon cakes and just have the best time without you.” – Sansa I AGOT
Now granted Arya doesn’t mention wanting anything that is lemon after AGOT, but I think we have to remember that Arya was never in a situation or place where she could have indulged on the same type of food she was used to eating in AGOT and pre-series, especially when said food is expensive.  Arya is also practical and she’s not the type to continually sit around wishing for one specific type of food when she is periodically being starved and has to rely on acorn paste and bugs to survive.
I know the above quotes aren’t technically proof, but don’t worry I have more quotes that should convince you.  First I want to bring attention to the fact that once Arya is in Braavos at the HOBAW, specifically in her Cat of the Canal’s chapter, she begins referring to herself as “a/the girl” and not her name:
Braavos was a city made for secrets, a city of fogs and masks and whispers.  It’s very existence had been a secret for a century, the girl had learned […] – Cat of the Canals AFFC
“She said ‘I’ll take three cockles,’ and ‘Do you have some hot sauce, little one?’” the girl had answered. – Cat of the Canals AFFC
“No one beat me.” The girl crawled on all fours until she found her stick, then sprang back to her feet, bruised and dirty. – The Blind Girl ADWD
But mainly my real, concrete evidence comes in here, because if you pay attention to Arya’s chapters you find a pattern to how she speaks and refers to herself and her past self in AFFC and ADWD.  She refers to Arya separately from herself and in past tense.  Now when I first read the books I was already an Arya fan, so I inevitably paid more attention to her POV’s, so when I came across the “A thousand years ago, she had known a girl who loved lemon cakes. No, that was not me, that was only Arya” quote, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that it was about Arya, that Arya was referring to herself.  So imagine my surprise when the vast majority of online fandom links this quote to Sansa.  If you still aren’t convinced, just read these quotes:
Cats liked the smell of Cat.  Some days she would have a dozen trailing after her before the sun went down.  From time to time the girl would throw an oyster at them and watch to see who came away with it.  The bigger toms would seldom win, she noticed; oft as not, the prize went to some smaller, quicker animal, thin and mean and hungry.  Like me, she told herself.  Her favorite was a scrawny old tom with a chewed ear who reminded her of a cat that she’d once chased all around the Red Keep.  No, that was some other girl, not me. – Cat of the Canals AFFC
Once she almost fell headlong down the steps, but Syrio Forel had taught her balance in another lifetime, when she was the girl called Arya, and somehow she recovered and caught herself in time. – The Blind Girl ADWD
Sleep did not come easily that night.  Tangled in her blankets, she twisted this way and that in the cold dark room, but whichever way she turned, she saw the faces.  They have no eyes, but they can see me.  She saw her father’s face upon the wall.  Beside him hung her lady mother, and below them her three brothers all in a row.  No.  That was some other girl.  I am no one, and my only brothers wear robes of black and white. – The Ugly Little Girl ADWD
So after reading these quotes and seeing how similar they are to the quote this meta is about, you can’t honestly believe that that quote is about Sansa?  And this isn’t anything against Sansa, this is just me trying to set the record straight that Arya was talking about herself.
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luckymeryl · 2 years
A new Fic!
Yes, still working on the Reno/Rude fic. Even updated it the other day. And still need to get back to Outlaw. But I have a new obsession as well. The Magnus Archives. So here is a statement I wrote that is featured in the first chapter of my new fic: Save Our Somewhere.
Fic summary: Jon and Martin have made their Somewhere Else into a home. However, Jon has discovered that the Entities have done the same. His guilt won't let him leave it alone, despite Martin's hope for a normal boring life that they both deserve. So with the help of a blog, Jon starts gathering statements to try to find out what the powers are up to in their new world. He just hopes he can do so while keeping Martin safe.
Read on AO3 Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/39336504
Statement begins under the cut:
I’m not easily scared. Haunted houses, both the gimmicky kind at Halloween or the type that someone will challenge you to enter that has you risking a trespassing charge, neither will have my heart racing. Scary movies are kind of a bore. I don’t mind being in the dark. I don’t mind crowds. I don’t mind being alone. I like heights. Bugs, spiders included, are nothing more than irritating at their worst. As a kid I had natural fears, like the monster under the bed or the scary stories the older kids told, but as I got older, I just kind of…grew numb to the fear.
That’s not to say I was incapable of fear. I worried for others. I feared for my safety when it was natural to. If I’m almost in an accident of course I will get nervous, but, in no way, would I be considered a jumpy person. Or at least, I didn’t used to be. That was until they started following me. I’m still trying to figure out what they’re going to do. It’s…nerve-wracking. It has the hair on the back of my neck constantly raised, and my heart always racing.
Okay so let me start at the beginning of who “they” are.
I always go to the same sandwich shop on Wednesday. They have a Wednesday special that I can’t pass up and sandwiches are buy one get one free. So that means I can get one for lunch and have one for dinner or for lunch the next day. I have been going there for lunch every week since I found out about the promotion three years ago. But the week I saw “them” the shop was closed. There wasn’t a sign on the door saying why. I don’t know if they were remodeling or if they were shorthanded, or maybe the owners were on vacation. Either way, they were closed, and I needed a sandwich fix. Promotion or not, it was sandwich day.
I went to another café nearby. Some place I’d never even noticed before a block or so from my apartment, squeezed between a bookshop and fitness center. It looked old. Maybe family run, but there was a pleasant smell, like freshly smoked meat, coming from inside, and it seemed promising. Sometimes the hole-in-the-wall places are the ones that surprise you, you know? So I decided to give it a try.
The inside looked better than the outside, admittedly. Like it had been freshly remodeled. The chairs and tables were new, the floors were polished, the paint on the walls was pristine. I took a seat at one of the tables, unsurprised at the lack of customers, considering how uninviting it looked before you came in. There was only one other occupied table.
It was a group of women, all elderly, each with what looked like the same exact meal. A sandwich, an apple, and a salad, along with a cup of tea. Though none of them seemed to be eating. Not a single bite was taken out of any of their food. At the time I just assumed that they’d just gotten their meals, but the entire time I sat there, none of them ate. They just sat there, mumbling quietly over their sandwiches.
I just ignored them at first, ordering my own food, my regular roast beef on rye and a water. The food came out rather quickly. I wondered if it was made to order or if they had premade food in the back, but it tasted good, so I didn’t concern myself too much on the specifics. In fact, it was better than my regular place. I considered coming back. The prices were comparable, even without the buy one get one promotion. I thought I was right about trusting the hole-in-the-wall method of dining experience.
As I glanced over to the other table again, however, the flavor began to sour. The women were looking at me now. They weren’t even hiding it. They were all just watching me eat and they were…they were smiling. As if they were excited. My stomach turned. I was only half done with my food but my appetite was spoiled. I took the check and paid immediately. Like I said, I don’t scare easily. I normally would have been annoyed at the starting, but something about the way they smiled. It was like they were almost proud of something and I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t want to find out.
As soon as I bolted out of there I let out a breath of relief, but I felt like I was going to vomit everything I’d just eaten. I couldn’t get rid of the feeling of their eyes on me. I felt them on my skin and it itched. I knew it was just in my head. They’d spooked me and it was unusual and I just got lost in it for a second. I needed to get home, take a breath, maybe have a drink, and relax. That’s all I needed.
I fast-walked all the way back to my apartment, trying to ignore anyone on the street, all the while assuming the mumbling came from the strangers I passed and not from the ladies I felt like were following me and watching me around every corner. I was practically running up the stairs to my door and my hands fumbled with the keys. I slammed the door behind me and locked it. My heart was pounding in my chest.
I don’t know how many things I tried to convince myself was wrong with me. A first-time panic attack. Food poisoning. A stomach bug. Just simple over-reacting. But no matter what, I couldn’t get myself to leave my apartment for three days. I kept hearing the mumbling outside my door and I knew it was them. It was those women again, waiting for me to come out. My skin itched, my stomach hurt, and I didn’t know what was wrong with me.
My coworkers started calling to check on me. I wasn’t even calling in, so they were worried for my safety. I told them I’d caught a virus and just been too sick to be on the phone. I apologized and told them I’d be back into work shortly. I knew I couldn’t stay in my home forever. Life had to go on. The ladies weren’t there. No one was there. It was just me. It was just in my head. Maybe I just hadn’t been scared before and it was a new experience.
So on the fourth day I finally got dressed, trying to ignore the discomfort under my skin and the ache in my stomach, and made my way to work. I still felt eyes on me throughout the walk and tube ride. Even at work I could feel someone watching me. I looked like hell so maybe it was my coworkers just judging me and talking about how sickly I’d been. I tried to ignore it.
On lunch, I stayed at work. I wasn’t hungry. I hadn’t been hungry since that sandwich. My stomach starting hurting more. I was sweating from the pain, but I was trying to make it through work. Anything to just pretend to be normal. I had a few colleagues check on me as I doubled over with my head against the cool table in the breakroom. When I started dry heaving and couldn’t stand, they called an ambulance.
At the hospital they diagnosed me with malnutrition, food poisoning, and dehydration. They took me out of work for another week and gave me some medicine for the pain and nausea. The whole time I was there, I felt like someone was watching. It never went away. The pain stayed. The feeling of being watched stayed.
The entire way here, I could hear them mumbling. I don’t know what they’re talking about. I don’t know what they are waiting for or watching for. Something is going to happen to me and I don’t know what it is. Something is happening to me. I might be dying. I don’t know and I’m terrified. They won’t even reveal themselves to me but I know they are there. I’ve yelled at them, made a fool of myself in broad daylight. They won’t come out, but I know they are watching. They are still smiling at me somewhere, so proud of their work. I’m just waiting for it to be over. I am so scared. I’m so tired of being scared. I have never felt fear like this before, and I don’t like it.
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camping diaries of a charub: alternian forest-side b
a massive blood shot eye with red iris glares into the camera before pulling back. the same creature as the last entry sits cross legged in a cruncified tent. they wore a somewhat tattered purple outfit with the same such hue. the only difference seems to be that four of their fangs are turned outwards and a somewhat shoddily made tricorn perched on their head.
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he walks out of frame, still talking as if the camera was with him. its not. its on the floor. recording a patch of intresting tent interior. it would take exactly one hour of recording for the alien to realize their mistake and reterive the camra...
he turns the camera towards his work, scrap would has been constructed into a crude set of tables. on one, a few cans of soda and other such tins. had been assembled in a rather odd configuration.
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he tosses a stick into the feeder and ontop of the grate, he places a hunk of werid looking steak...
theres an edge of actual enjoyment to his voice as he flips the steak over again.
to demonstrate his point, he forms his strife, a wooden baseball bat covered in various shards of scrape metal.
he contemplates his weapon for a second before grabbing the now slightly cooked hunk of steak and ripping into it with a bit of ferocity.
they gain a werid twitch in their eye...
another bite of meat and he seems to come off his second of indignit anger...
from his inventory, he unloads a large pile of scrap metal. he starts digging around looking for specific pecies. thick nails, peices of an old lawn mower blade...
he looks around and stares up a tree...
he climbs a tree up and out of frame, theres the sound of rustling, angry birds and wood ripping before the charub drops back down with a branch.
he starts to scrape away at it, creating a decently sized handle, useing a scrap metal knife to shape it through widdling. it takes him a few hours but he soon has a semi decent handle. he rummages through the junk again to drag a long length of wire.
he uses the knife to cut out a channel into handle. he gets distracted and looks around, abandoning the project to mess with something in the crater and grass, ripping chunks off it and going off screen to where the stove is.
Theres a gagging noise, and a rather noxious looking smoke that roils out from of screen... he quickly comes back with a tin can filled with something miasmic that he dips a stick. he pulls it out to reveal a semi liquad black material that he pours into the channel. he shoves the old mower blade in and ties at two points with a wire. he lets it sit as he throws the contents of the candy pitch away into the crater.
The charub reaches over and cuts off the feed.
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melhekhelmurkun · 3 years
The remains of Hurricane Ida is gonna come right through my state and drown everything :/
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vaspider · 2 years
OMG you have crow friends!!! I'm moving soon and I really want to make friends with my local crows when I get there. I've had some ideas about how (like feeding obviously and having specific whistles for basic ideas like "here's some food" and "hi, it's me") but do you have any advice?
Consistency and patience are my two biggest pieces of advice. My first pair of crow friends I got fairly quickly, bc I went outside when I saw them up on the wire and fed them. Crowley is my Buddy; I have video somewhere of the two of us having like a 9 minute conversation in the backyard.
Then you gotta nurture that -- clean water (we got a little relatively inexpensive bird bath and put a perch rock in it for the songbirds and a solar water bubbler, and during the summer I drain and fill it daily so it's always clean), consistent food (good and healthy choices for crows include small pellet cat and dog food, unsalted peanuts in shell, hard-boiled eggs, other nuts and fruits, mealworms or other feeder bugs, cracked or whole feed corn, and even unseasoned chicken - more on food in a minute), and a consistent engagement time. I always go out and feed my birds around 3PM. We often spend an hour or more with me doling out a little bit of food and them going to get each bite and chatting with me.
On the matter of food, you can VERY OCCASIONALLY give crows human processed food as long as the ingredients aren't actively harmful to them. Odin will do ANYTHING for a handful of Kix cereal, so I'll give him a bit maybe once a month. You can also occasionally give them high-value treats when a cool interaction happens. Yesterday when the whole murder visited I cracked out a scoop of the good grain-free salmon dog food. If you establish a feeding pattern of a certain food they like, they will often demand it.
(So, like, on Sunday I was getting work done in my office, and I hear cawing from outside. The crows have gone to their winter murder so I hadn't seen them very much for a bit and that was... fine... but I figured some were just flying overhead. It got really insistent though, so I stood up to go look out front.
My office is on the side of our house, and its window looks at the side of our neighbor's house; there's a 6' wooden fence between them. I sit with my back to the window currently and had the curtains cracked to get a little natural light without horrible screen glare. So like the top of the back of my head was visible out the window.
I stand up and turn to go out front, and Odin and Freyja are SITTING ON THE FENCE, STARING AT ME and Odin is yelling his head off at me like he hadn't just been AWOL for 2 weeks. He continued to scream until I went out front to distribute his 2nd favorite food: unsalted peanuts in the shell. But yeah. They spotted me through a window based on the top 4 inches of the back of my head and started bitching at me for not being outside when they wanted me.
They have come to sit outside my bedroom window and yell at me for food. Not for nothing do my partners call Odin and Crowley "your bosses." Know what you're putting yourself in for.)
You want to avoid salted or added-sugar foods bc it's not really good for them, and food that you can give them that's also enrichment is really good for them! Hard boiled eggs in shell are a game in addition to food. Peanuts and other nuts are mentally stimulating work in addition to food. I save apple cores for them when I make apple pie and the like. You'll figure out what your crows like.
Note that they WILL use the top of your car as a tool for holding nuts in place so they can eat them. Pepper (C&A's kid who has since kinda moved on but visits sometimes) likes to smash walnuts against the roof of a car to break them, and Crowley uses the divot btw the roof and the door to hold nuts in place so he can get into them. Also you'll have a big upswing in crow shit everywhere which can annoy your neighbors if they don't like birds as much as you do, but fuck 'em. The huge murder lives in our neighborhood regardless, and crows remember faces and tell their friends who is Good and Nice and who is Bad and Mean. I'm not the one who will get divebombed for being a dick to native birds who are just chilling.
Thankfully my neighbors know that I'm the Weird Dude Who Loves Birds so they're used to it by now, and my one neighbor comes out to watch the birds at feeding time.
Consistency, patience, and getting to know your birds, those are all the keys, really. You'll start being able to tell them apart by their voices and their personalities!
I really should find that video of Crowley and me having a chat.
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bonny-kookoo · 3 years
Under Your Skin (JJK x Reader) | 🔞
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Pairing: Tattoo Artist!Goth/Punk!Jeon Jungkook x Secretary!Shy!Reader
Genre: Tattoo artist!AU, Badboy x Sweetgirl AU, Idk what else
Tags/Warnings: Ultimate goodboy Kook, He looks grr but is actually sweet, shy reader, smol reader, Kookers is WHIPPED, Also a tease, Dom!Jungkook because how could I not, Sub!Reader, Babygirl!Reader, Its not heavy on the whole ddlg-stuff but yeah they be having some vibes y'know, don't come @ me don't I'm not forcing you to read it lol, anyways moving on, because smut, yes I mean it's my content, and yall nasty admit it, slight hair pulling, manhandling also only a little, oral (f & m receiving), praising, mentions of emotional and physical insecurities, but Kook be supportive so we good, back to the nasty, body worship yes pls, biting, fingering, because why not, protected sex because we keep it clean in this household, light-hearted sex, kook being a romantic goof, yeah I think thats it?
Summary: Jungkook looks like absolute trouble; like one wrong look could set him off, and turn him into an absolute murderer. But oh well, ever heard the phrase 'Never judge a book by its cover'?
A/N: you might have noticed me only putting one emoji up top. I have decided to from now on only mark my adult fics with emojis (which is basically almost every single one lets be real). Also; stop reading my fucking fics if any of the tagged/warned things make you uncomfortable. I'm tired of everyone clowning in my inbox telling me how disgusting ddlg/smut content is. You can't even tell me you 'read it by accident' because that's why I'm always putting the cut underneath my fics =) so pls go finish preschool and then we can maybe shake hands. Maybe not. Covid and all. Yeah.
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On the outside, Jeon Jungkook seems like absolute trouble.
He's working at a tattoo and piercing studio, dresses in all black, clattering chains and heavy boots always alerting everyone around of his presence. His long black hair is never truly tamed, his nails painted black, and his face expressionless most of the time. He's a talented artist and well trained piercer, always visiting conventions to keep up with the newest trends, styles, and equipment there is. He takes his job seriously- and is proud of it, knowing that he had proven his family wrong by now. They had been worried about him; especially his mother had scolded him that he shouldn't throw his time away trying to make it in a world of art many had already failed. But last year, he had finally invited them over to his rather nice apartment, showing them that he was living a good life, with nothing to really worry about.
Jungkook had made it.
Well, not quite.
Because as of currently, Jungkook had a new mission, a new goal.
"Ah, Jungkook!" You say, eyes sparkling as you smile at him when he enters the shop he works at. You had recently started to work there as well, since Taehyung was absolute shit at keeping files in order and track of schedules. You hadn't applied for the job specifically, that's at least what his coworker had told him- he had known you prior already, and was aware that you had wanted a change these days.
And Jungkook had been painfully crushing on you ever since you started.
"Your schedule for the week is already here- I uhm.. didn't put it on your desk cause, I didn't want to intrude your space and all.." You say, giving him a small black booklet where you always noted down his appointments. He appreciated it a lot- knowing how much of a hassle it could be to move dates back and forth just to somehow make it fit. You always made sure that he had enough time in between multiple daily pieces in case something took longer or less so you could make sure to be able to move things accordingly. You didn't want him to get overworked, you had said. He had smiled.
"Thanks- and you can go inside, no problem." He says, and you nod. "I know you don't make a mess, like someone else here." He says, hinting at Namjoon, who was known to be quite clumsy- yet a mastermind when it came to designing pieces he struggled with. Jungkook stayed at your front desk for a bit, making you tilt your head a bit, as you tried not to stare. He always took so much care of himself, you would have had to be blind not to see how attractive he actually was. But then again, you didn't get your hopes up- after all, he was nice to almost everyone around. "You've never been in there, right?" He asks, and you shake your head. You haven't been in his space at all- too scared to invade his privacy and making him upset in the process. "I mean- you got time right now? I can show you around." He casually tells you, and you look at your computer screen in front of you. Everything had been filed for today- so you probably had a bit of time to spare.
"Sure." You said, taking your phone and standing up from your chair, making sure to lock the pc so no one would accidentally make a mess out of your tabs. Or worse; close them. God knows all hell would break loose.
Jungkook had to really force himself not to let out any noise as you walked next to him.
You were so tiny next to him.
He wasn't that tall to be honest- with Namjoon and Taehyung both taller than him, he knew he was average at best. And for the longest time, he'd had a thing for tall girls, all elegant and confident. He still liked their aesthetic, yes- but now that he spotted you, he could really see the appeal of having a shorter significant other.
You were so cute.
You carefully stepped inside when Jungkook lifted the curtain that was used instead of a door, surprised to see how.. organized everything was. A little.. off- some things seemed to be randomly put somewhere, but in general, it seemed like everything had their proper spot. "I like to have it like this." He comments, and you nod your head to that, finally spotting his tattoo-gun. It was made out of purple steel- polished, and changing its hue depending on how you looked at it. It was absolutely beautiful, even though you had a rather limited understanding of these things. "Was a present from Taehyung last year." Jungkook says, sitting down on his chair. "I never asked- are you inked at all?" He asks, leaning backwards as you stand there a little awkwardly. "You can sit down somewhere, don't be so tense." He chuckles, and you look around, before you sit on the stretcher across from him. You shake your head, and Jungkook isn't surprised. Your pink converse sway back and forth as you sit on the stretcher, legs too short to reach the floor anymore as you rest your hands underneath your thighs; hem of your dress revealing more of them than he can usually see.
"I don't have any tattoos yet, but I've been talking to Namjoon about it." You said, and Jungkooks saliva tastes a little bitter at that. He doesn't want to pout or give away that it's bugging him at all that you're not talking to him about it- but he fails miserably. "Namjoon actually said I should talk to you about it, since the style I want fits you best." You say, and he can't hide his smile, bunny teeth on full display as he leans forward a bit.
"You'd let me tattoo you?" He asks, and you shrug, before nodding. "What do you have in Mind?" He instantly asks, not even bothering to hide his excitement.
If only you knew that it's because of you; and not just because he's gonna be the first to ink you.
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You've both agreed on a design you want, and Jungkook can't deny that he thinks it's absolutely perfect on you.
"Are you scared?" Jungkook asks you as he prepares everything, his sweater's sleeves rolled up, revealing his own body art to you, as well as some bracelets; one that you recognize as the wooden-bead bracelet you had gifted him last year for his birthday. It was weird to see him wear it.
"I.. no. Just nervous." You say. "I'm worried I might cry and make a fool out of myself." You say with a laugh, and Jungkook chuckles, placing a reassuring and warm hand on your upper arm.
"It's fine. I've seen grown man cry like kids on this stretcher before." He casually says. "Don't worry; I won't think any less of you just because of some tears." He says with a smile, and you nod, turning your head to look at his room's walls instead; covered in drawings, sketches, and pictures of finished works he was most proud of. "Do you want anything to hold onto?" He asks, as he starts to shave the skin of your thigh to make sure he can work as best as possible. He's so into his work, so concentrated on doing everything perfect, that he doesn't even take much into account that you're laying in only your panties and oversized sweater; skirt neatly placed on a chair in the corner of the room, to get it out of the way.
"It's fine" You mumble, although you really want to. So instead you curl your fingers around the fabric of your sweater- something that doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook, who decides not to comment on it for now. He simply throws the one-time razor away as well as the tissues used to clean your skin, before he carefully places the tracing paper onto where he seems fit.
"I think it would look great right here." He says lowly, carefully removing the paper to reveal the lines he's gonna trace with his gun in a few minutes. "You wanna look at it again?" He asks, and you shake your head. "Alright." He says, before he gets up and walks out his room; only to return with your small squishy and round unicorn plush that's usually sitting on your desk. "To hold onto." He winks, and you chuckle at that.
Jungkook really pays attention.
"So, Taehyung has told me you're a bit younger than me." Jungkook says to start casual chit-chat, trying to help your nervousness as his tattoo-gun starts to buzz to live. "Only a Year if I remember correctly." He says, and you nod.
"Yeah.." You say, and can't hide your dissapoinment flooding your voice. Jungkook, until now, only had relationships with girls older than him. He's even said before that he just likes having someone older than him around- which made you even more nervous around him.
"You sound upset about that." He chuckles, and gently holds onto your thigh as you jump a bit when he first presses the tip of the gun down. "Sorry. I'll be gentle." He lowly tells you, and you swallow.
Not the time Y/N, not the time.
"Uhm.." You say, fingers digging into the squishy plush in your hands. "I.. there's someone I like, but he.. only likes older girls, so.." You say, and Jungkook glances at you. You're already interested in someone? He continues to trace the lines, wiping afterwards to get the excess ink and blood off. "But I mean, then again I don't think I have a chance with him anyways." You chuckle, and Jungkook can't help but shake his head. Even if you're interested in someone else, he shouldn't let you have thoughts like that.
"Highly doubt that." He says. "If he doesn't see you, he's blind." He tells you, and you giggle, glad that he's able to make you feel a bit better about everything. "I'm serious." He says, and you nod at that, watching his inked arm flex every now and then as he draws with absolute concentration; black facemask hiding half of his face. You can see the way his eyebrows furrow, eyes fixated on his work as he moves with absolute routine. "Do I know the guy?" He casually asks, before he dips the tip of his gun in the tiny pot of ink again.
You don't know what to say.
He looks at you for a second, and decides not to dig. "You don't have to tell me. Sorry if I seemed nosy; didn't mean to." He apologizes, and you shake your head to let him know its fine. It's quiet for a moment afterwards, only the buzzing of his gun and your occasional whine of pain. "Sorry; it'll hurt a bit more now since I'm getting close to your inner thigh- that's always a little more sensitive." He comments, and you really hope he doesn't pay much attention to your panties.
When you can see his eyes stick to them for a second, you really want to just disappear.
He doesn't comment on it though. What is he suppsosed to say? He really doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, and considering that you already have a crush on someone else, he doesn't want to get himself in too deep as well. He simply works away, finally finishing the thin and delicate outlines of your piece- the first step, before he will see you again for color and shading. He finally connects the last line, and doesn't think twice about what he says next.
"Good girl."
It takes a second that feels way too long for the both of you to register the words, and Jungkook quickly occupies himself with turning off his gun and cleaning up your skin and his workspace to get the awkwardness out of his room. You try to instantly stand up, but his palm holds onto your leg- silently ordering you to stay put, which you do. He rubs something over the piece, before he gently lifts your leg to wrap it. "I'll give you a bottle of lotion for it. Leave that bandage on for.. I'd say until tomorrow morning at least. Afterwards, apply the lotion everyday to help it heal properly." He lectures you with a gentle voice, before letting you sit up.
"Thanks." You say, grinning eagerly at the now hidden artwork on your leg. Jungkook chuckles.
"We're not done yet, but I'll take it." He says. "I uh.." He starts, as you jump off the stretcher and go to take on your skirt. "uhm, you up for some fast food?" He asks, a bit hurried, before he can chicken out again. And he hates himself for a moment, because you had literally told him just half an hour before that you already had interest in someone else. But maybe you were too innocent to get his innuendo, maybe you wouldn't get that he was asking you on a date-
"Like a date?" You ask, and he really wants to hit himself.
"I mean, if you want it to be?" He says, swallowing as he averts his gaze, a sight very weird. His hand runs through his hair, chain around his neck and piercings on his ears clattering against each other and making sounds as he moves, his combat boots nervously tapping the floor a little. "It doesn't have to be.. I know you're already-"
"I'd love to." You say however, now fully dressed again, as you grin with your bright sparkling eyes.
And Jungkook feels like he's won the lottery.
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It's your third time laying on Jungkooks' stretcher like this- waiting for him to work on your art, finishing it today. But the energy is different.
Things are different between you two in general.
After some casual movie dates and rounds of overwatch, Jungkook had admitted to you that he had a crush. It was rushed, while he was driving, so he didn't have to look at you and instantly get hit by your reaction. But then, you had told him that you felt the same- and the two of you agreed to let things process from then on. Whatever would happen; you would let happen.
And Jungkook was starting to flirt with you.
It was a little weird to get close to him like that. While everyone seeing you two was a little taken aback- with your dresses and skirts, and colorful and almost childish personality, he seemed like the absolute opposite- quiet, all dark and dangerous while carrying your milkshake so you could put your phone away into your purse.
"Alright doll, let's finish this." He said with newfound enthusiasm, winking at you as you laughed at his demeanor.
"You seemed more excited than me!" You say, and he chuckles. "You're really desperate to have me gone?" You say in a playfully upset tone, and he simply huffs out a breath, before cockily looking at you for a second.
"That's not true." He says. "I'd just rather have you laid out somewhere else than in my studio, that's all." He casually says, and you shut your mouth at that, cheeks red as he laughs at your cute display of embarrassment. He routinely prepares your skin, before he starts his gun. "Too much?" He asks, and you know he's not talking about the pressure of his ink filled gun on your skin.
"No-" You start, and he now seriously speaks to you, voice a bit muffled through his facemask.
"Please tell me if I ever make you uncomfortable." He says. "You're not upsetting me if you tell me I'm going to far." He says, and you nod, knowing that he now needs a proper answer. Jungkook is way more attentive and romantic than people may think he is. He's a gentleman pulled out of a dictionary- careful and gentle with you, and always keen on getting to know you for you, and not for the person you like to portray yourself as. He wants to know what you like, what you don't like, what you dream of, and what you hate about yourself.
"Don't worry- I will." You say, watching him work on your skin. "Jungkook?" You ask, and he hums a reply to let you know he's listening. "Is it okay if I sleep?" You ask, and he chuckles.
"Didn't I tell you not to stay up for too long before I left yesterday?" He teasingly retorts back to you, and you pout at him- with no hard feelings behind it. He had left last night after eating with you for dinner at your place; and he did indeed tell you to go to sleep a little earlier since he knew you would have an early shift today, opening up the store. "I'm really tempted to say no." He says, eyes now on your skin again as he dips the tip of his gun in a pot of color. "You know, as punishment for not listening." He mumbles, and you almost don't catch it.
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"Jungkook?" Taehyung stands in his doorway, finally finding him sitting at his desk. "Oh?" He says in a surprised tone, spotting your sleeping figure on his coworkers lap- head resting against the inside of his shoulder, with your arms around his middle.
"Yeah?" Jungkook asks, not at all shy or fazed by the fact that Taehyung is looking at you. "What is it?" He asks again, as Taehyung smiles, giving the younger man his small booklet that you usually give him every morning.
"Nothing left for today." He said. "Just wanted to tell you good work and send you home." The older one explains, zipping up his own jacket. "Guess she'll be coming with you?" He asks teasingly, but Jungkook doesn't bite the bait at all.
"Yeah. Don't burn the house down while we're gone, you two. " He says, slipping the booklet into his pocket before he pats your back. "Come on doll, let's go home." He tells you, waking you up at least enough to put on your shoes and lead you out the store to his car.
He buckles your seatbelt as the engine comes alive, radio playing its tune softly in the background as he drives you home. "You awake doll?" He asks, and you nod your head, turning towards him with barely open eyes. "You haven't had anything proper to eat today, so I'll make us some ramen at my place, ok?" He asks, and you nod, before your eyebrows scrunch up. "What is it?" He chuckles, and you now grow more awake.
"Wait- but if we eat at yours then you're gonna have to drive me home late." You say, and he shrugs. "Noo, Kook, what if you crash the car because you're sleepy?" You tell him with a whine, genuinely concerned for him, as he has the audacity to laugh. "Kookie, it's not funny I swear to god-!" You say, and he apologizes.
"I mean." He starts, casually dropping what he had wanted to ask you for a couple of weeks now. "You could always just stay over." He tells you, and you look at him, meeting his gaze at the red light he stops at, his head turned towards you for a moment until the lights turn green again.
"We.. would have to stop at mine so I could get some stuff though.." You mumble, and Jungkook looks at you with newfound enthusiasm, setting his turning lights to enter a different road.
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It's in a parking lot that you first unintentionally confront him with your biggest insecurities and flaws.
You've tripped over a stray stone you didn't see laying on the ground, leading you to fall onto your hands and scraping your knees open. Just like any normal human being, you dust yourself off, instantly hoping that Jungkook inside the shop hadn't seen you fail at something so basic as walking. You had carried some of the items you two had bought into the car while also returning the shopping cart while he had payed- and by the look on his face, he had definitely seen you.
He wasn't laughing, or hiding his grin, or anything alike. He looked concerned, taking his card back from the cashier before walking out the store, jogging towards you, who sat in the open trunk, ready to get laughed at. Even though somewhere deep in your mind you didn't think he would, past experiences had led to you now having that fear, no matter with whom. "Are you okay?" Jungkook asks, looking at you as he squats down to take a look at your bleeding knees. He reaches into one of the shopping bags, taking out a water bottle and a pack of tissues, before he wets it, one hand holding your leg by the backside of your knee, while the other carefully cleans the small wound. "You gotta be careful Baby." He chuckles a little- nothing like the laughter you had expected.
"I'm fine." You say, not looking up at him.
"It's okay to cry, you know?" He says, and you stay quiet, trying not to breathe too much as you desperately hold them back. "I won't laugh." He promises, deciding not to look at you as to give you a bit more space.
"People will stare though.." You quietly murmur towards him, and he finishes his job, before he goes to throw the now used tissue away in a nearby trashcan. When he returns, he's taking his jacket off, the item way too large on your form as he throws it over you, pulling the hood up as you look at him for the first time since your little accident, eyes sparkling with unshed tears when he pulls the sides of the hood towards him a little. "There." He says, a reassuring smile on his face. "Now no one can see you but me." He tells you. "And I will never, ever, laugh at you." He promises, and pulls your head against his chest, as you start to let go.
He really hates to see you cry- but he's glad that you're letting him in enough to let him see you this way.
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Jungkook is frustrated.
He tries not to really show it, because he doesn't want to blow up in your face like that, but then again, you're kind of the reason he feels the way he does. Because even though he thought you both had a genuine connection, you're yet to let him touch you.
And not just hugging and holding hands.
It's not that he's impatient- its because he knows you, at one point, wanted him that way as well. But something happened, something he didn't notice, that made you take ten steps backwards from him. You seemed to be retreating, giving up, and he has no idea what he had done to make you react that way.
As far as he knows, he had done everything right.
But then he sees them; the messages sent back and forth between you and Hana, a returning customer at the shop- well known to flirt with everyone around here. Jungkook himself had actually considered hooking up with her once a year back, simply to make her shut up, but then again, he wasn't into one-night-stands. And she had never truly been his type anyways.
'Ah yeah, just re-schedule that then, I don't mind at all! Just make sure we have enough time together, since we haven't had time to catch up on things recently, if you know what I mean.' She had sent, a week ago; exactly the timeframe you had started to distance yourself. He knew he shouldn't look into it, but then again- this was his business too. He had the right to know.
'Sure? I can give you an appointment at around 4 PM then, so you'll be the last one. Would that be okay with you? Again, sorry for re-scheduling on such short notice.' You had written, and Jungkook can't decide if you had been oblivious to her implication (which was bullshit), or if you were simply too polite to call her out. But it's the next messages that make him fume.
'Again, no troubles. As I said, I only care that its Jungkookie, I don't really trust anyone else with my body that way ;). 4 PM is perfect, you guys still close at around 6 PM right? He's got skilled hands, I'm sure we don't need much more time, if you know what I mean.' she has the audacity to write.
But its your answer that makes him fume.
'Good to know.'
"Jungkook?" You say, looking at the screen, as you suddenly dash forwards, trying to shut the screen off- as if that would make any difference. But he catches your wrist with ease, holding it in his palm as he looks at you.
"Do you think I'm sleeping with her?" He asks, and you try to escape his grasp; and he lets you, staying at your workspace however as he keeps you locked in place with his gaze. "Y/N." He urges, making you look away from him.
"It's none of my business." You say, shrugging. "I.. No, it's-" You start, but he cuts you off.
"No, finish that sentence. 'No' what?" He says, and you've never heard him talk like that.
"I just.. didn't think you'd.. do that." You meekly say, murmuring it as he tilts your head gently upwards to look at him; his face now more relaxed as he softly smiles.
"That's good that you think that way." He tells you. "Because I don't do that at all." He says. "She likes to start drama all the time- was probably bitter I turned her down so much. You know what?" He suddenly says, turning towards the screen as he clicks to change the account, opening his own Inbox as he starts to write an E-Mail.
'Appointment is cancelled, be glad I'm not suing you for defamation. JK.'
"Jungkook-" You say, trying to get him not to send it- but it's already gone. "Why would you do that? Just because I misunderstood?" You whine, and he chuckles, shutting down the system as he looks at the clock, signaling that it's closing time.
"No." He says. "But because I don't want her around anyways, and this gives me a proper reason." He tells you, ruffling your hair as he looks at you. "You coming?" He asks, and you nod, taking your bag and coat before following him out the shop.
In the car, you finally speak up. "Jungkook?" You ask, and he hums out a reply. "Do you.. think I'm attractive?" You ask, and he clears his throat at the unexpected question.
"I- what?" He asks, unsure what you mean.
"Just.. Namjoon said, that he thinks you.. see me as a friend only? Because I'm nothing like the girls you dated before.. If I misunderstood something here then Oh my god-" You start to ramble, and Jungkook laughs suddenly.
"You think I'm not into you?" He asks, and you shrug. "Of course I want to fuck you doll." He casually comments, and you can't help but feel your cheeks redden. "Wait- did you really think I didn't?" He asks, face showing genuine horror as he looks over at you.
"I mean.. you never really initiated anything so I thought.." You started, and he groans out.
Thank god you're staying the night.
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"Looks so pretty, does it?" He hums out, palm running over the tattoo on your thigh, delicate lines and well-placed shadings complimenting the colors perfectly. "You know why I love it most?" He starts, hand suddenly gripping the flesh for a moment, before he pulls you closer on his lap by the small of your back. "Because that's mine." He says, before he leans in, placing an open mouthed kiss against your pulse. "The ink that's under your skin, the design, the idea-" He mumbles against your skin. "And the body it's drawn on." You whine at his tone, dark and low, as he urges you back and forth on his clothed thigh- your panties suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "Isn't it like that, baby?" He asks, and you nod, furiously, and he chuckles. "Hm, you seem out of breath baby.." He grins at you, like a predator.
"Jungkook.." You whine, not knowing what you're asking for.
He wordlessly moves, helping you lay down on his bed before he crawls over you, his lips instantly attached to the skin of your neck, hands helping you out of your dress wordlessly, as he can't help but let his gaze linger on your body for a moment. "I can't believe that-" He says, pulling off your overknee socks. "-you'd ever think of yourself anything less than perfect." He says, placing a gentle kiss to the colorful image now forever placed under your skin by his skilled hands. He continues to display his affection over your skin, wandering over your stomach up to your chest, where he playfully bites just above your breast. He struggles with the front of your bra for a second, unsure how to open the undergarment without breaking it, as you help a little; letting them spring free. But only for a moment.
Because in the next, he's got them in his hands, palms gently moving over them, feeling their softness as he groans. "You're so sweet." he comments, as he finally kisses your lips, smile interrupting him every now and then. "So soft." Another kiss. "So delicate." Another one. "And all mine, yeah?" He asks, and you nod, smiling as he grins back, the expression making him look so young and carefree you can't help but wonder how anyone could ever think he's a bad man.
He's anything but.
He's so careful touching you, so delicate in moving his palms over your skin, as if its the most divine thing he's ever felt. He's still smiling, as if in a trance, while he can't stop kissing you. Your hands move into his hair- way softer than you thought it would be, and he groans into your mouth at the feeling of your fingers running over his scalp.
There's no urgency in anything he does.
He slowly moves again, hands opening your legs for him as he sits back on his heels, playfully pulling you closer by the backs of your knees, making you giggle. "You sound so sweet baby." He tells you, innocently, as if he's not currently placing his hand onto your center, ring finger collecting your already leaking wetness before he spreads it, moving his thumb over your most sensitive bundle of nerves while his ring finger enters you slowly. You whine at the feeling, not enough to get you as riled up as you'd like to be. Also; this is the first time you're genuinely experiencing foreplay. You don't know what to do- and Jungkook seems to pick up on that. "You good?" He asks, and you nod.
"I.." You say, breathless as he tilts his head, smile still present on his lips. "What should I do?" You ask, as his eyes widen.
"You?" He wonders, before he stops for a moment. "Don't tell me- this is your first time?" He asks, now genuinely worried he might've gone too fast.
"No.." You admit. "But uhm.. no one's ever, like.. you know, what you're doing.." You say, and that's when it clicks for him.
What kind of guys did you date before him that never gave you any attention like this? He's upset by it, but also weirdly cheered on by that simple fact; it gives him even more reason to make sure you'll get the most out of it. "Ah, I see.." He humms out, letting another finger stretch your entrance for him. "..well, I'm not like that." He explains, before he moves, face now close to your center- and you're unsure what he's going to do. "Trust me." He says, mumbles out, before his tongue places itself flat onto your clit, licking painfully slow as you move your hands over your mouth, trying to keep your noises in. "nuh-uh baby." He scolds, free hand pulling yours away. "Let me hear you." He demands, before he places his mouth back where it was.
Your mind is completely blank at this moment, the only thing you can really concentrate on being Jungkook, working you up so quickly you feel dizzy. It's new, and it's a little weird- but it's more than anything you've ever experienced before. And it brings you towards your end so suddenly you suddenly gasp out, back arching off the mattress as you grab at the sheets below, one hand grasping for Jungkooks, who lets you ride out your high to its fullest. "So pretty." He comments after wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, smiling at your blissed out state.
"Kook-" You say, moving as you sit up, less shy now that your brain is still clouded by pleasure.
"Ah- you don't have to." He tells you, but you shake your head, and he lets you. He slips out of his clothes, finally bare, and you would've taken time to look at all the different pieces of art decorating his body- if it wasn't for his cock, red and ready in front of you. Usually, you would've let your insecurities and doubts get the best of you. But this was Jungkook. And you wanted to really believe that nothing you would do could ever be judged by him. So there was no hesitation as your hands reached out for him, gently moving, before you took him in, your lips wrapping themselves around his tip, before you moved downwards, fitting as much as you comfortably could. Meanwhile, Jungkook himself was steadying himself with one hand on the mattress, while the other was buried into your hair, his own head thrown back as he closed his eyes.
Of course he had fantasized about this every now and then; but he had never thought you'd actually be comfortable doing it. And even if- nothing he could've imagined would've ever compared to the real deal happening. There was something absolutely mindblowing about the way that you handled him, your sweet and pretty presence looking so divine doing such a sinful act with him. He had to pull you off by your hair, gently, because any more, and he would've been a goner. "G-Good god baby." He chuckles, pushing you a bit so you were on your back again, reaching for his bedside table to search for a condom. "I swear to god if I- HAH!" He tells you in victory, hands making quick work of opening the foil package and wrapping the safety over his length. "I swear I would've run out butt naked to buy one if I wouldn't have found this." He says with a grin, making you laugh.
"That's weird." You comment, and he chuckles, entering you slowly as to not hurt you, his breathing labored as he still kept the lighthearted energy going.
"You think?" He asks, and you nod, giggling as your eyes close, the feeling of him filling you up too good to keep them open. "Hm no." He said breathlessly. "Would've probably put on some pants maybe." He says, before he starts thrusting. "Doesn't matter if it means I'd get to fuck you." He says, and you giggle again.
"Kook!" You scold him, and he still continues to thrust into you, exhaling forcefully as he kisses your neck.
"What?" He whines high pitched as if to imitate you.
"Be serious!" You tell him, but can't help your own smile either.
"Oh, why though?" He says. "We're making love, not war baby." He whispers into your ear, and you still laugh at it.
"I can't believe you!" You complain playfully, moaning out when he suddenly thrusts with more force, obscene noises now interrupting you two as he picks up his pace, clenching his jaw.
"And-" He starts. "I can't believe how fucking good you feel." He presses out, hand now reaching between the two of you as he brings you towards an earth-shattering orgasm, making you mewl as you can feel yourself bursting. "Good girl!" He praises, watching as you squirt all over him, his own orgasm hitting him soon after as he grunts out, finally slowing down until he stills completely, his mouth attached to your neck to place gentle kisses and teasing bites near your pulse point.
"I love you." He mumbles out, and your eyes sting.
Because yeah, you love him- you absolutely do, but hearing it from him, hearing it in such an honest and warm-hearted tone, having this final proof of his own feelings towards you, makes you emotional. "Baby, why're you crying?" He chuckles out of breath, wiping your tears as you smile, and finally look at him with glossy eyes.
"Cause I love you too." You say. "So much."
And he can't help but grin at you.
You really are the sweetest thing.
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You watch as Hana walks out of Taehyungs studio, arm wrapped up in clear foil as she walks towards your counter, pulling out her purse. "Taehyung agreed on 345." She says, until Taehyung yells another number out of his studio, making her eyes roll. She wasn't supposed to come back- but Taehyung had agreed to finish her piece at least. "Alright, here you go." She says, watching as you counted the money. "Does Jungkook work today?" She asks, and you nod. "I'm just gonna go say hi then. You can finish the receipt yeah?" She says overly sweet, and you're about to tell her that Jungkook doesn't want anyone entering without his permission, but he's already walking out his studio, black sweater and silver necklaces on full display as he walks towards you. "Jungkookie!" Hana exclaims, but her face drops almost chomically as she watches Jungkook walk up behind you, placing a kiss on your bare shoulder as he looks over it onto your screen.
"Oh, looks like I'm done for the day. You need anything Hana?" He asks innocently, one hand on your desk while the other rests on your chair behind your back.
"I- just wanted to apologize for uhm.. the emails. I didn't know you'd read them." She says, and you slowly close all programs, while Jungkooks humms out something.
"Yeah, I figured." He says, before he shakes his head. "As I said, I'm letting it go. No hard feelings." He says, shrugging, before he walks towards his studio again, stopping in his tracks for a second. "Ah, baby, can you text Jin-Hyung and ask him if we can come now? I'm actually starving I swear." He says, and you nod with red cheeks, pulling out your phone.
"Huh." Comes from Hana, as she takes the receipt from you. "I honestly.. would've never thought." She mumbles, before she simply leaves, without any more words.
Yeah. You would've honestly never thought either.
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(c)Bonny-Kookoo. Please consider supporting me on Ko-Fi.com/bonnykookoo. Thank you for reading.
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jarofstyles · 4 years
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A/N: this one.... biiiitch.... giving you all a little college!harry, he’s so cute 👉🏼👈🏼 enjoy hehe 😈 - n + d
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send feedback and requests here 
pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut. FILTH. 
word count: 9.7k
Harry felt a bit creepy. 
It wasn’t as if it was on purpose! No... but she was at all of the places he went. At first he had thought it was a coincidence, but as he developed a routine for his classes, he found that they were often around each other for similar reasons. And usually? He would try and go up, introduce himself, and make a friend. The problem was... she was pretty. 
Not like normal pretty. Pretty as in, holy fuck you make me so nervous and perhaps I’ll word vomit, pretty. He was shit at making the first move. She was in his Monday and Friday classes and sat not far from him, he noticed. And they always ended up at the Coffee Bean on Tuesday and Thursdays, sitting not too far from one another again. She got tea with a few cookies, and he got a black coffee and an orange scone. They’d work on their coursework and Harry would wait for her to leave and see her make it to her car before he would leave, not wanting to make it seem like he was following her. He’s found out her name through friends stopping in to see her. It was Y/N. Gorgeous, just like her.
Funny enough, Harry wasn’t the only one who had a bit of a crush. Y/N realized in the second week of classes that Harry was in fact one of the most intimidatingly cool and attractive men she’d ever seen. College boys weren’t supposed to look like that, but he was all soft in his sweaters and baggy pants. She wasn’t sure how he pulled it off so well, but she could admit she was jealous. 
Seeing him at the Coffee bean was a relief because well, he walked in after her every time. She assumed it was because he had a class that ended later or something, but it didn’t go unnoticed that  he was there. Usually it wasn’t too busy or loud so she could glance at him from the corner of her eye as they sat at one of the big tables. She felt like it would be too weird to talk to him, he seemed so... quiet. She’d never heard him speak, hell, she’d only ever locked eyes with him for milliseconds. Y/N wished she could be one of those girls that could effortlessly flirt, ask for a pencil or something, but she knew she’d freeze up and forget her rehearsed line. 
Today however, when Y/N arrived, Harry was already there at his usual spot. Okay, Y/N... act natural. She thought to herself, going to order her usual before walking to boldly take a seat across from him. It would have worked out fine if her tote bag didn’t accidentally catch the corner of one of his books, sending things flying. 
“Shit— sorry, I—” Y/N swore, setting her bag on the table before bending down to get the book and a few papers and a pen. Real smooth.
Harry was slightly startled when his shit went flying, but when he saw who had knocked it over, his heart picked up. Oh, shit. 
“Oh— it’s okay, don’t worry about it.” Harry’s voice was a bit gruff from not using it much today, pushing his chair back and bending down to grab the stuff with her. “S’my fault for putting it so close to the edge. I used to do that at home and my cat would knock it all off.” 
Great. Already rambling. 
Y/N didn’t register it at first, but he was british? Fuck. If she wasn’t already on her knees she would dropped down anyway, biting her lip to stop any noises that could have escaped. She giggled when he said his cat used to knock things over, “mine too.” She mumbled and went to stand up, feeling a tug at her arm. 
“Ah, shit.” Harry had caught his ring in her sweater, pulling one of the threads. “Damn, I’m so sorry.” He blushed slightly, knowing how annoying it was to have a pulled thread. His collection of sweaters was immense, thanks to his nan— and he felt terrible. Damn his chunky things. “They always get caught in mine too but I wear them anyways. I can replace the sweater, if you need.” Damn it. He was trying to come off as smooth... not so nervous. But he was. She was so pretty and she was up close, she smelled like peaches and vanilla and a bit of sweet mint and her hands were so soft.
“Oh no, It’s fine! it’s old anyway— I can just cut it off or tuck it in or something.” Honestly, Y/N would figure it out. The last thing she wanted was for him to feel bad, it was an accident after all. She let him untangle it, holding her hand still though it seemed like he needed some help. “Smaller fingers...” She mumbled, using her nails to get the thread gently off of the ring. “‘s a nice ring.” Y/N complimented, finally meeting his eyes and feeling the breath leave her lungs at the close proximity. Her lips parted naturally, scanning his face for any signs of discomfort.
She was beautiful Harry though he may get sick because wow. Wow. He had imagined holding her hand and kissing her but this exact moment he hadn’t a clue on what to do. So he improvised. 
“Are you in the 8 am psych class on Mondays?” He tilted his head. “I know I’ve seen you before.” Oh, he had seen her a lot. Especially in his dreams, day and night. It had been a bit intoxicating, really. At her nod, his grin came on his face. “Sick. S’that what you’re gonna study for?” He didn’t bring up the other class because... it would be embarrassing if she hadn’t noticed him before and he knew all too much. He needed a refill of his coffee though so he grabbed his cup, gently taking her things and placing them on the table next to his. “At least let me buy your stuff though. I feel awful about your sweater.”
“I’m actually just waiting on them to finish making mine, I was on my way to secure a spot but—” Y/N blushed, realizing the mess she had made. “Could you get it for me while you’re up there? It’s for Y/N. I can sit here and watch your stuff.” She felt like that was a subtle way for her to tell him her name. 
This was the most she had ever spoken to him and it had been about a month or so that she’d been eyeing him up. She knew he was in her English literature class as well, but psych was her major. Y/N wondered if maybe he too was a psych major, maybe that’s why they sort of had the same schedule? Regardless, she felt a bit nervous making conversation so she spent the time he was away coming up with what she was going to ask him and how she was going to keep the ball rolling. Hopefully she didn’t interrupt his studying, if anything she’d leave him alone.
“Y/N?” He tested it on his tongue out loud for the first time. It tasted good. “Yeah. M’Harry. I’ll be back.” He nodded, going towards the front. His heart going a mile a minute, he couldn’t believe how quickly his luck had changed. He ordered an extra cake pop today, for her. she had said it didn’t matter but to him, it did. Eventually he hoped he could buy her a replacement. Or... maybe she could wear his around. Wow. That would stroke his ego and his fragile heart to the core. He could already see her on his lavender fishermen’s sweater, in front of his fireplace back at home. She would be so cute. The voice calling her name snapped him out of the fantasy, Harry grabbing it and then his own shortly after before returning to the table. “Here. I got the last cake pop for you. Don’t tell anyone I’m the offender.”
“Ooo you’re a dead man if they find out.” Y/N said, looking around before gently taking it from him. “Thank you... that’s sweet.” She blushed, taking a bite of it before taking a sip of her chai latte. Now that she had stuff to fiddle around with she could take a breather and not have to worry about filling space. “But um.. did interrupt something? Don’t want to distract you...” Y/N nodded over to his laptop, secretly hoping that he wasn’t up to much so that she could chat to him. She just wanted to know the basics, literally anything would satisfy her craving. Harry was quite literally her wet dream, she’d been looking all around campus for someone like him to come around. “I uh... I think I’m also in your English lit class? I feel like I see you around often.” Y/N spoke, pushing a piece of her hair behind her ear. “What’s your major?” She felt like this conversation was light, something that would eventually lead into other things like... if he was single and looking for a girlfriend.
“Oh, you’re not bugging me. I’ve kind of been staring at the screen and zoning out if m’honest.” Harry chuckled, embarrassed a little to admit it. But everyone could relate to that, right? “And yeah... actually I think so.” He smiled lightly before taking a sip of his drink. Victory! She had noticed him too. He wasn’t the lonely creep who stared at the first who had no idea who he was. She knew who he was, kind of. He gently drew his sweater over his hands like little paws before going to her question. “English. I want to write and stuff, edit maybe. My dad has a publishing company so, I’m lucky I like a bit of the family business.” He tried to joke, looking at her. God. It was unnerving how beautiful and also, how fucking comfortable she was to be around. What a contrast. “And you? What major?” He took a nibble of his scone, not wanting to make a mess.
English? He’s a writer? Goodness. She was going to lose it. 
“That’s cool, any specific genre you like to write?” Y/N asked curiously because well, it would actually tell her a lot about him and the kind of person he was. “I picture some mystery or possibly poetry, could go either way.” She said and squinted her eyes as she looked at him, pretending to size him up. “I can’t say I’m all that interesting, a psych major. Just like every other artsy person who doesn’t exactly want to commit to an art degree.” Y/N chuckled, “still deciding between criminal justice or counseling but... either way I’d be happy to get to pick someone’s brain. She did have the habit of analyzing people but only so she could understand them better. Y/N knew that all people wanted at the core was to be understood and loved for who they are, for the most part. Harry seemed reserved, calm and relaxed, secure in himself that’s for sure. It was extremely attractive.
“Oh? That’s really cool though.” Harry was genuinely interested in what she had to say either way. The major didn’t matter in his interest in her but it gave him information and something to talk about. If she was marketing or math he would be just as interested. “Criminal seems particularly interesting. Like that criminal minds show then? You’ll learn how they work and all of that?” He didn’t really know what it meant or why she had chosen it. “But close. I write romance novels.” He blushed fully. “Don’t judge me for it. But s’easy for me and I’m good at it, or so I’ve been told. I’ve been writing for a while.” He felt himself loosen up as they talked. Even if she intimidated him, she was really nice and sweet. “Poetry too, lots of it. But romance is my main thing, I’d like to do novels and that sort of stuff.” He could see she didn’t think it was lame, rather interesting. Which was a major relief. He wanted to impress her, so so badly.
“Sorta, yeah. Like... being able to predict a criminal's next move, psychologically.” Y/N explained and shrugged, “feel like it’s really fun and interesting but terrifying all at once. Dunno if I could actually interview a criminal without feeling like it was going to cry.” She let out a laugh, knowing she was quite soft. Her face lit up when he said he wrote romance novels. Wow. Well, as if he wasn’t a character right out of a romcom himself! She felt like that’s what this was. A romcom. Bumping into him at a coffee shop like a scene straight from one. “Really?! So you’re a proper romantic then? Buy the last cake pop for every girl, hmm?” She gave him a bashful smile. The very last thing she was doing was judge, she was more so thinking about their wedding. Yep. Already. Daydreaming because she swore she’d hit the jackpot. Wasn’t even sure if he liked her yet, but she was hopeful. After all, she’d turned on her charm.
“I guess I am.” Harry smirked to himself slightly at the good reception. Damn. He had been so worried and hesitant- he should have just talked to her. She wasn’t... that scary. Only a little bit. 
He let her talk a bit more about her degree and Harry went on to speak about his favorite authors, and then the conversation shifted towards their classes and how he had been struggling slightly in psych— which led to her offering to help. Harry was shocked because honestly he hadn’t expected it from her, but he was pleased. He was happy to have an excuse to hang out with her more. See more of her and be able to teach himself to relax properly around her. He felt like a damn wind up toy, giddy and excited. 
“That would be so helpful, if you could. And if you don’t mind.” He stressed. “I have a place off campus, if you’d want to go there? I’ll buy you some pizza or something for your help.” He was a giver and if it meant getting a $20 pizza for her because he wanted good quality, then he would!
“Yeah, that sounds good.” Y/N was practically jumping up and down with joy in her mind, this was a turn of events. She went from secretly crushing on him to being invited over his house in only a few hours. “I can never say no to pizza, but it’s really no problem. They say if you can teach it to someone else then you truly understand it so it’ll be a good test for me. Y/N also knew that they wouldn’t just study. Come on. It was a Friday night and study was practically code for hook up, especially considering he had invited her to his place and not the library. She had to prepare, had to make sure she looked cute and everything. She’d shower before hand too, the whole nine. “I can be there around 6?” Y/N suggested, checking her calendar app even though she already knew when she could come. She had to at least look like she wasn’t jumping at the idea.
“That’s cool. Uh— here, if you want I can put my number in your phone and whenever you want I can text you the address?” Oh, fuck. How, how the tables have turned. He had gone from wistfully staring at her every day to having a scheduled study session with her, the girl he’d been practically having wet dreams about. Having a full conversation and then her having his number! He was giddy and playing with the sleeves of his sweater as a result of the excited nerves. “Do you have any allergies? I do have a kitten at home.” He wanted to make sure he wouldn’t have to put Marie away. He loved his baby but he wanted to try something and see if she would be cool with him in a private setting. It would be less hard to talk about deeper things without people around. He took her phone from her and typed in his number, adding his name with a little  📚 after it. That wasn’t too much, right?
“Aw you do! I have one too, well... he thinks he’s a big boy.” Y/N shook her head at the thought of her sweet little Milo. Despite not doing anything she planned to do at the coffee shop, it still felt like a productive day in her eyes. Finally getting to chat with Harry felt like a breath of fresh air and he wasn’t all that scary now that she got to chatting with him. She took her phone back and smiled at the cute little emoji, sending him a text to let him know it was her before hesitantly getting up. “Alright well, I gotta get back to my kitten... but, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Y/N smiled, watching him stand up as well. The two of them walked out of the coffee shop and to their cars, Y/N being bold enough to give him a hug before opening her car door. “Night!” She was surprised with herself. Y/N was proud, completely over the moon and honestly she wasn’t sure how she was going to sleep tonight.
Harry laid out on the bed that night with Marie on his chest. He had told her all about how the pretty Y/N had met him and that she would be coming over. The pretty cat was a long haired white kitty, and she purred along with Harry as he spoke. She liked hearing Harry be happy. It made him want to squeak when he heard his phone buzz and a little text from her popped up— he saved her as ‘Y/N 🌼’ because he felt like it fit. Part of him wanted to put a heart but he would be mortified if she saw and thought it was weird. She wore a yellow flower shirt one day so he figured that’s what he could excuse it as. 
‘Hey, happy to hear from you! :) I hope your kitty is doing well. I meant to ask, you aren’t vegetarian are you?’
Y/N smiled at his text and attached a photo of her gray kitten laying across the top of her head while she laid down. 
‘Yes, he’s quite cozy.’
‘I am actually! But I’m not too fussy.’ 
She couldn’t help it, she loved animals and she couldn’t bring herself to do it anymore. Occasionally, she would indulge in a chicken nugget or seafood, but for the most part she didn’t feel like she had to. 
‘I’m going to get some sleep though, Good night Harry 💓’
That wasn’t too much was it? It was just a heart! She sent them to everyone. Y/N stayed up for a good ten minutes just digesting the day. Tomorrow would be even better, she had a feeling.
Harry was... well, he wasn’t sure how to describe the emotion. When Niall inevitably quizzed him on why he was acting strange, the best he had come up with was a mix of nerves and giddiness, also terror and extreme happiness. He was going to hang out with the girl he had been silently crushing on— and they had been texting quite frequently in the short time they had each other’s numbers. Was this going to be a regular thing? Was it going to blossom into more? He knew that he had wasted time before, not talking to her. She wasn’t scary! No... she was so sweet and kind and beautiful and everything she said made him a literal heart eye emoji. She had taken to sending him random photos, even so quickly in and it felt comfortable. He had even sent her a shot of Marie on the counter this morning, on top of his school notes. It was odd. The excitement he felt when he heard the bing from his phone of the vibration in his pocket... it was incredible. He liked this feeling. Damn it. This was such a new thing. He wanted to do more. 
He saw her in class, watching as she crept in a bit after the last call should be with a sheepish smile on her face. He waved to her silently and watched her climb up, his heart beating quicker when she chose a seat closer to his than before. She wanted to sit near him? He clutched the rainbow patchwork sweater by the sleeves and fiddled with the cuffs, nerves and excitement swirling in his tummy.
If class wasn’t already on, Y/N knew she would have tried to spark up some conversation with Harry, but for now all she could manage was passing him a note. 
‘I like your cardigan :)’
It was really cute. Most of Harry’s wardrobe was and in her dream world she already stole a few to wear. English literature wasn’t exactly the most exciting class, but Harry seemed invested. Y/N enjoyed watching him focus and take notes while she mostly doodled some random flowers and bears in her notebook. Her mind was thinking about what she was going to wear to his house and how she definitely needed a shower before and that she had to put on the lotion that matched her perfume. Was she overthinking this? Maybe. Of course it was just a study date, but you could never be too sure where things could go. And if they did— she wanted to be ready.
He knew that he needed to contain himself but his smile made it hard. She liked his cardigan. The random compliment had him feeling mushy and happy and there was definitely a blush on his cheeks as he clicked his pen and wrote back to her. 
‘Thanks :) my nan knitted it for me. I like your little head band.’ 
He passed it back before opening his notebook back up. Her stare could be felt and he wanted to smirk a little at it because, well, who wouldn’t? She was so great, and he wanted to experience more of her but he was trying to not rush shit. He was a romance writer after all. All of it felt so in tune with his own wants and he had a hard time believing it was real. Sweet little Y/N wanted to hang out with him and she complimented his cardigan!
‘Awe!! That’s cute and thank youuuu 🥰’ 
She drew him a little smiley face with hearts around it, felt like it was very on brand for her and her emotive texting. Y/N felt all giddy because she had made a new friend but she was really hoping they wouldn’t just be friends. 
Y/N knew she was hard to read because she was generally nice to everyone and honestly, Harry seemed to be the same way. She could only assume he liked her because he asked her to hang out so quickly. And he’d bought her a cake pop and was planning on buying pizza tonight. Was it a date then? Gosh, she needed to stop reading into it. Her leg kept bouncing up and down, mind trying to refocus and thankfully, their professor was discussing something she too had noticed in her reading. She still managed to steal quick glances at Harry for the rest of the class, giving him shy little smiles. It wasn’t till class ended that she ended up speaking to him, but even that was quick. She needed to get home and get ready.
Harry had gotten a quick hi, and a ‘see you tonight!’ With her hand brushing his arm before she skipped off to.. wherever she went. And that had him nearly sprinting home. Cleaning top to bottom, vacuum, scrub, vacuum again. Changed his sheets— why, he wasn’t sure— put his laundry in the basket, filled up Marie’s food and water, fluffed the pillows, cleaned the windows and coffee table... he did it all. Even cleaned out the fridge! Like she would care? Harry didn’t know. All he did know was that he was finally showered and smelled nice, hair fixed and the pumpkin patch candle was lit! The tv was on low because he was nervous and needed some filler noise to keep himself from overthinking.
Y/N was doing the same, not cleaning her apartment but cleaning herself. She stripped out of her clothes when she got home and immediately got into the shower, taking one of those full maintenance ones for good measure. Once she was positive she was squeaky clean and smelled nice, she jumped out to take the next steps. God, she really wanted to impress him. He’d been her crush for a while and she needed this. She wanted to look like she didn’t put in my effort when she did so she decided to put on some light makeup and chose an outfit that was more laid back. Usually, she was seen wearing sweaters and jeans, nothing too fancy, so that’s exactly what she settled on. Y/N wanted to look warm and inviting. 
Milo mewed beneath her feet as she collected all her study supplies, rubbing against her ankles in need of attention. “I’m sorry bubs, I know I didn’t get to spend lots of time with you today but don’t be too mad.” Y/N pouted, picking him up and giving him a cuddle for a few minutes. She held him up to her chest as she finished up, deciding she needed to leave now.
‘Leaving now, be there in 20 ✨’
She sent, hopping into her car with nerves bubbling up in her stomach. God, she really hoped tonight went well.
When Harry heard the knock at the door he shot up, wiping his sweaty hands on his pants before forcing himself to be slow, walking to the door. And when he opened it, it really did feel like being hit in the gut. Seeing someone so beautiful, so up close? It got to him. He had to admit that. Y/N has this natural beauty that he drooled over. That felt like a hit. Every time he saw her he swore she got more beautiful. 
“Hi.” He spoke with a smile, opening the door up for her. “Come inside. Marie is wandering around so I have to close the door. A little escape artist, she is.” He joked, letting her scurry in and close the door behind her.
“Hey! Oop— okay!” Y/N giggled and stepped past him into his apartment. It was very cute and very tidy. Y/N felt a little flutter in her belly, it was freshly cleaned. She stepped out of her shoes before further examining the decor. The style was something she very much expected for Harry, it was cozy and artsy. Lots of earth tones and that sweet autumn smell coming from the candle made her feel that much more excited. “It’s so nice in here! I love the pillows.” Y/N complimented, liking how some were fluffy and some had funky patterns on them. It was then that she heard a meow from below, Marie sniffing at her sock covered toes. “Oh hi there... sorry if you can smell Milo on me, gave me lots of snuggles before I left.” Y/N cooed down to the kitten, dropping down so she was closer to the ground and extended her hand for her to sniff and get used to. 
Y/N realized this was very real now, especially because he had gone out of his way to make his place look nice. Most guys wouldn’t care, but maybe Harry did this for everyone. When she stood back up and turned to face him, she got a whiff of him and noticed his semi damp hair. He showered too. Oh—
Harry smiled at her and Marie, happy his kitten seemed to like her. Usually she would sniff his friends and run off but she began to weave over her legs and beg for pets. He was in awe. Christ. She had him by the balls already. 
“Do you want anything to drink? I’ve got diet soda... apple juice, lots of teas. And water.” He hummed, going into the kitchen with her behind him. It was an open concept though, the kitchen the first thing near the door and it opened into a large living area, the hall down going to the master bedroom. It was simple but perfect for him in college. He gave her a moment to think it over as he looked at her. So cozy and... cuddly. He wanted to slide his hands under her sweater and feel her warm skin and nuzzle into the crook of her neck, let her fingers play through his hair.
“Apple juice sounds good.” Y/N smiled, having picked up Marie at this point to carry her into the kitchen with them. She had a feeling she’d get along just great with Milo if they ever got to meet. “You’re a sweet little thing, aren’t you?” Y/N cooed at the kitten, seeing her comfortably settled against her. “Does your Daddy spoil you with snuggles too?” She asked toying with her little paw before looking up at Harry with a smile. He had fumbled a bit with the lid of the juice at her words which made her giggle, “How are you? How was your day today?” Y/N was genuinely curious, deciding to make some small talk before actually sitting down. In her head she could already imagine the two of them hanging out here constantly, tangled up in one another, kissing and laughing and doing all the cute things that Harry likely wrote about in his stories.
“I’m— im good.” Harry’s mouth was dry. He knew that she hadn’t meant anything by it, but he heard her say ‘daddy’ in reference to him, and his stupid cock had jumped, tummy felt hot. Damn it. He wished he wasn’t so deprived but... she had been at the forefront of his mind. “It was a good day. I was happy to talk to you. You’re fun to talk to.” He meant it too. She was so interesting and funny and he was completely whipped and okay with it. Damn. He wished he had maybe a bit more restraint with his imagination but he didn’t. Not at all. “I have a harder time meeting people... i can be a little shy sometimes. I’m in my own head a lot you know? I have my core group of friends but... it’s hard to get to know people. I want to know them.” Her. That translates to her.
“Yeah?” Y/N felt her heart jump. He was happy to speak with her even just a little bit? He wanted to talk to her and get to know her? It wasn’t just a one sided thing. They were both making an effort in their own way and she was thinking someone had to break the tension. “I’m happy you think so.” Y/N blushed, “I um... I also like talking to you.” She had her little friend group as well but she never thought she’d actually end up being friends with Harry. Listening to him explain how reserved he was definitely made her feel special though. He chose to open up to her, she was special enough for that and that made her cheeks grow warm once again. “I’ll tell you just about anything you want to know.” Y/N smiled, hesitantly placing Marie down before taking a few steps closer to him to get her glass of apple juice.
“Ooooh, a little daunting. Anything? Your social security number?” Harry was joking. Trying to clear the air and make her relax because she was a bit shy too and he wanted her to be comfortable here. This place should be a good spot for her. He motioned for her to come sit on the couch with him, Marie trailing after Y/N. Little traitor had a new favorite already but... he couldn’t say he could blame her. “I dunno... it’s hard sometimes, in this age to make genuine friendships. Feels like everyone’s already got their friend groups and you don’t want to infringe upon them yeah? And... I write a lot. I’m not a partier. Not to sound cliche but again.... I’m a writer.” He chuckled.
“I said just about!” Y/N chuckled, shaking her head to herself at his joke. She felt like she was an open book, she was pretty open with the things she liked and generally she aimed to spread positivity and love where she could. Her hobbies included lots of things, music, knitting, reading, gardening. That kind of stuff. “But yeah, I get that... I’ve been pretty content with my group of friends, though I think most people are open to making new ones. At least I am... I am a bit shy though.” Y/N took a sip of her apple juice before setting it down on the coffee table again. “Yeah, you said. Romance novels.” She smiled and leaned back into the couch, getting comfortable. “What sorts of romance novels?” What? Could you blame her for wanting to know what sort of content was in them? Maybe it could give her some insight on what he wanted.
“Oooooh. Hard hitting stuff.” Harry huffed out playfully. “I’m... it’s a variety, I think. I’ve done supernatural, classic tropes, historical romance was very fun. I am partial to enemies to lovers or forbidden romances though. They’re the most fun to write.” Y/N genuinely looked like she cared so he continued. “I’ve been trying out different stuff but....” he blushed again. “I’m... looking at erotica right now.” It wasn’t something he usually would blurt out but hey, she seemed trustworthy. Plus she didn’t seem like she would judge either. It was a new favorite of his. The rawness of it and writing sex scenes... it was amazing. Reading it, writing it, he thought he could do some on the side and sell it under a pen name. It would be a fun thing to try.
Erotica. This man sat down and wrote detailed sex scenes, likely kinky, for fun? Thankfully she didn’t have any juice in her mouth because it surely would have been spat out. 
“H-how are you finding it?” She asked, reaching for her apple juice because she felt like she couldn’t sit still now. How else was she supposed to go about things when all she could think about was sex. Sex with him specifically. Y/N wasn’t blind, she knew that Harry was very attractive and very much gifted with beautiful hands. She could only assume he would have a wonderful cock as well. She knew there was no way someone so quite couldn’t have the filthiest of minds, she knew hers was. Her fantasies were where she roamed free.  
“I mean... I do like it a lot, actually. I hope that doesn’t come across as creepy or pervy but I like to be able to write something like that. It’s freeing, in a sense.” Harry couldn’t really properly describe why but, he was a kinky dude. You’d never think it. He was soft and wore sweaters a lot and drank tea at home from a kitty mug but he was.... a kinky fucker. And he loved sex. There was just something about it. He wanted to try more and more of it but he had a tendency to get attached to his partners, even hook ups... so he had put that on a hault. 
“I’d like to read some...” Y/N felt like at some point, she’d want to read his writing. If he felt comfortable now she didn’t mind. It was just writing, wasn’t it? 
“You want to?” She looked at him with bright eyes and her a fast nod so Harry decided to say, fuck it. If they were going to work as friends... or lovers, which is what Harry really wanted... she would need to accept this side. He grabbed his laptop and boosted it on, letting himself grab the latest completed scene. “Here. You can read this, i'll order the pizza.” There were obvious nerves in his belly from letting her read filthy smut from his computer but Y/N... she was different. He couldn’t put his finger on why, but she was.
They were meant to be studying. 
That was long forgotten though as Y/N nodded and got comfortable on the couch with his laptop sat in her lap. It felt a bit taboo, but she figured she could separate the writer from the story. 
The scene was from a male character’s perspective, describing him having a long and hard day at work where all he could think about was his partner. Y/N felt her face get progressively warmer as the character spoke about his partner, she couldn’t help but imagine this was how Harry was when he was horny and needy. 
Y/N knew that if she was his, she would certainly brighten up his mood after a tough day at work. Seeing her own name in the document however proved that Harry thought the same. Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head, her eyes lifting from the screen to look up at him as he ordered the pizza completely unaware of her discovery. 
This is what he imagined? This is what he wanted to do.... with her?
Harry ordered two cheese pizzas and some cinnamon dessert thing because there was a a special going on. He had thought about getting more but he didn’t want to go overboard with it, so he finished the order. Thank god for online ordering.
“Okay... it’ll be here in 25 minutes I think.” He hummed, looking up and freezing slightly. She looked blushy and her eyes wide as she read the post and he wondered why she looked a bit startled. “Hey... y’alright love?” He asked quietly. God damn it. Had he freaked her out too much? Was it just too much in general for the first time they properly hung out? He couldn’t remember exactly what scene he had pulled up. Just that it was recent, a billionaire type of thing.
Y/N casually moved the laptop on to the coffee table without answering his question. She didn’t think twice before she climbed on to his lap, hands settling on his shoulders. Sure, it was a risky move, but after what she’d read? She felt like she had to make her move. She wanted to be just as hot and sexy as he had imagined her to be. Harry’s shocked expression made her smile, hand going up to cup his cheek. 
“You left my name in the document...” Y/N’s voice spoke low and slow, thumb brushing over his now parted lips. Never did she think she could be so bold so soon, but fuck did it feel good. She felt so powerful, so sexy, and so so horny. “Thought about me riding your cock so much you wrote about it?” Y/N whispered, leaning in to kiss the skin just below his ear before nibbling at the skin. “Noticed me before we properly met... thought about me... is this what you wanted, baby?”
Harry blanked. 
Oh. fuck.
He hadn’t expected her to climb into his lap. Climbing on and straddling him, cupping his cheek, talking in that hot little voice that had his cock filling a bit. Holy fucking shit. 
“Oh—” He was cut off by her thumb over her lip. She was into it, into him. How had this happened? He had to be dreaming. But... no. Her heat was too real to be a dream. Her eyes too clear and dark, her smell too real. It was real. “Y-yeah...” He whispered, gasping when she kissed his skin, hand grabbing her waist. Oh, hell. Under his pants, his cock was quickly hardening. You couldn’t blame him, his dream woman, his crush, was straddling his lap and kissing his neck. Talking like this. 
“Thought about it ‘lots.” He muttered. She was so bold for this and that was something he found so sexy. When her teeth scraped his skin and bit down a bit harder, a dark groan left his mouth, hand on her waist tightening. “Holy shit... Y/N.”
“Hmm... feels good?” Y/N questioned, licking over the spot that she bit before moving to a new one. “Think I can make you cum in 25 minutes?” Y/N felt like she could take on the challenge, his cock was already hardening beneath her and she was a bit of foreplay away from being completely soaked. “Wanna try all of it, yeah?” Y/N muttered, nipping at the spot just where his jawline met his neck. “Riding your cock.... you bending me over, can choke me too. Please do...” She moaned at the thought, her hormones completely taking over. He still seemed to be frozen, despite his hand now on her waist so she moved her hips forward a little bit and tugged at his hair. “Wanna make you feel good.” 
Y/N had a kink for giving but it seemed Harry did as well. She expected a needy hook up, rough touches, quickness, pure lust. It’s exactly what she needed. It’s been a while since she’d hooked up with anyone and she was desperate for Harry to break her dry spell.
“Ah, shit.” Harry hissed. The tug at his hair sent a shock of hot arousal down his spine. That got him going so quickly. She wanted to fuck? Right now? He would be a fool to say no, and he wasn’t raised a fool. “Yeah? Y’want to ride my cock?” He asked lowly. “Fucks sake... I didn’t know you were so dirty.” He never would have guessed it from her either but... they were here. And he was snapped out of his shock by the tug, and now he was ready to do whatever the fuck she let him. “What did y’want the most, love? Tell me.” He had taken into account that she wanted to be choked, raising a hand to gently cuff her throat, bringing her close to his face. The confidence was soaring now, and all because she was leaking it. She wanted it, desperately. “I said, tell me.” He gave a quick squeeze to her throat. “Want to know what you need.”
“Need your cock, daddy.” Y/N moaned out, eyes blown and glazed over with desire. Y/N could feel the tension in her bones, cunt throbbing and aching to be touched. “Need you so bad, please— wanted you for so long, please make me cum, please!” She pleaded, fully giving into the fantasy. Y/N was never one to hold back and from what she had read, he certainly didn’t want her to. Her body felt like it was on fire, hands grabbing fist fulls of his sweater in hopes that he’d just take it off. Y/N wasn’t sure what type of body would be beneath it, but she didn’t care. She just wanted to feel his warm skin, lick and kiss all that she could while she worked her magic. Y/N waited for his directions, falling into the submissive role easily despite her initial approach. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’re gonna have to re-write that scene.”
Harry was going to give this girl any fucking thing she wanted. He let her guide his sweater off, the cool air hitting his skin not even getting a chance because her hands and mouth were all over him. It was like she had fallen into a heat, and Harry.... he loved it. He placed his hands under her sweater, feeling her hands smooth over his chest as she kissed at his neck and over his jaw. Her skin was hot under the sweater, his hands gripping her waist and smoothing over her hips, going up and sip to her ribs where he realized— fuck. 
“Not wearing a fucking bra?” He hissed. “Jesus... you’re a little minx, aren’t you? Off with this.” He spoke lowly, grabbing the ends of it but barely had a shot before Y/N ripped it off of her body. Fucks sake. She was sexier than he had ever imagined. “My god... you’re so sexy, baby.” He whispered, sitting up and burying his face between her breasts. Kissing the hot skin between them, working his way up with the wet, open mouthed kisses to her throat.
“Oh Daddy...” Y/N’s body shuddered at the feeling of his mouth on her, head falling back as she let out a happy sigh. He seemed to like her hand in his hair so she happily gripped at his locks as he scattered kisses over her skin. “Come ‘ere...” She whined, guiding him up to her lips. “Wanna taste your mouth.” Making eye contact with him in this moment felt intimate. All those quick glances in classes and at the coffee shop, all the day dreaming, it all built up to this moment where she fully felt she could let herself let go. The both of them wanted this, it was so reassuring, this was a safe space and they could do whatever they wanted. Y/N’s body rolled forward, pushing him further back onto the couch and angling her hips so she could tease the both of them before she let herself have it. Fuck was he hard... and full. Another moan left her lips, sounding more like a plea and cry for more.
“Fuck me... you’re needy. I love it.” Harry hissed, pulling her mouth to his. It wasn’t soft. No, this kiss... it was hot. Heavy. Her mouth opened and immediately he dragged his tongue inside, meeting hers. She tasted like the apple juice and a bit of mint, and he could groan just from how good it was. Sweet little Y/N wasn’t too innocent at all. “Fuck— keep teasing me like that. S’like you want to end up crying.” He had a feeling now that she did. She wanted his cock inside of her pussy, thrusting in and out and letting herself soak him. Yeah... he wanted it too. “Keep calling me daddy. You’re so dirty. Who would have fucking... known.” He spoke between the kisses, hands going for her jeans. He wanted them off, like hours ago. He was finally going to get her. “M’gonna lay you out in my bed after... first m’gonna fuck you, but M’gonna clean out your cunt with my tongue. And then M’gonna take you again. Yeah?” She has come for studying but was staying for hot sex and he hoped to turn it into a nice marathon. He had all weekend and he was hoping she wouldn’t have to go. He had too many idea for her. “Gonna let daddy lick it up?”
“Fuck— yes, gonna let daddy have his way with me...” She kept her hips rolling against his slowly, keeping the rhythm in check with the passionate kiss they were sharing. Y/N already knew this was going to be the best sex of her life, the kiss alone let her know that. His tongue would work wonders on her cunt and she’d be more than happy to return the favor. Hesitantly, Y/N began to stand to get her jeans off, one of her hands staying put on the back of his neck so the kiss didn’t break. She let him fiddle with the zipper, feeling his fingers hook both her jeans and underwear before yanking them down to which Y/N let out a little squeal. 
Y/N knew she had to pull away from the kiss for air but she didn’t want to, waiting till the very last minute until she couldn’t anymore and went to get his jeans off.
“Come on. Be good.” He murmured against her lips, brushing his hips up so she could get his pants off. She tugged and easily they came down, Harry kicking them off as he pulled her back in his lap. His hands gripped her bare ass and groaned when she pushed into them, not thinking twice before pulling his hand back and smacking it the sound rang in the room and she let out the most sexy noise against his mouth, making him hiss. Fuck. He wanted her so fucking badly. This girl... she was everything. One hand went to feel and fuck. Fuck shit, motherfuck, it was wet. She was so, wet. “Jesus— you’re so wet. Baby— holy shit, you’re soaked.” He whispered. “S’cause of me? You wanted daddy’s cock this bad?” He pulled his fingers off slightly, the arousal still stringing to his fingers. He placed them at her mouth and pushed them in. “That’s it. Clean them up, sweet girl. You’re so filthy, y’know that? Precious little thing. So slick and hot, want cock so fucking bad don’t you?” He cooed, feeling her suck on the digits. “Now.... rub it against your pussy. Don’t put it in yet. get it wet.”
Y/N sucked at his fingers as if it were her job, making sure to treat it like she would his cock which included eye contact. She loved looking at him, seeing his hungry expression and his eyes that seemed to say so much more than he did. Even the feeling of her cunt sliding over his cock sent tingles up her spine. It had never affected her this much with other guys, but she assumed it was different with Harry because she had wanted him for so long. Y/N let out a whimper, feeling a gush of wetness accumulate when he pushed his fingers in farther. Harry was hot in ways she couldn’t explain, there were little things he did that just hit the spot and made her want to fuck him even harder. Y/N was practically bouncing on his cock, aching for him to let her have it inside.
“You’re such a good girl. Listening so fucking well.” Harry took his fingers from her mouth, smirking at the whine and slight chasing of his fingers when he placed it on her breast. She gave it all to him and honestly, he was ready to just... lose it. “Go ahead. Take what you want.” It was not even a moment later that he felt her begin to sink down. She was tight— so damn tight, and he choked slightly at just how good the squeeze was. He let out a hiss, head thrown back in the couch as the slick, hit cunt sucked over him, squeezing hard as she stretched open slowly. “Holy fuck.” He growled, gripping both hips now and looking at her with a darkness in his eyes. “You’re so bloody tight— Christ, you’re squeezin’ me so good.” He whispered.
“Daddy!” She whimpered as she slid farther down on his cock until she couldn’t fit anymore of him in. “I’m so full— feels so good.” Her eyes rolled back a bit as she began to bounce at a slowed rhythm. Small moans and little huffs came from her throat with every stroke of her hips, it wasn’t until she felt warmed up that she actually went for it. Y/N shifted so that she had better balance, keeping her hands on his shoulders before dropping back down on his cock. “Fuck!” She squeaked, making sure to clench one her way back up before repeating the action at a quicker pace. It felt incredible. He was touching every little part of her, feeling small waves of pleasure spread throughout her body. “Daddy! Fuck— feels so good ahhh!” Her moans were pornographic, whiny, desperate and needy. She didn’t even know she could sound like that, but apparently it was possible when she was as thirsty for cock as she was.
Never would he have guessed that this would be the outcome of their hang out. He had hoped, sure. Dreamed? Absolutely. But the reality was so much better. He had the hot, wet and extremely tight pussy gliding up and down his cock. She was moaning, tits bouncing in his face, and she was vocal. More than he could have asked for. The infatuation he had with her was only growing. 
“Fuck, you’re a good girl. Such a perfect little cunt. Like bouncing on my cock, hm? Knew you’d be the perfect girl for me. Keep going.” His hand squeezed her ass, encouraging her to work herself on him. “Feels so full, yeah? Such a big cock filling such a little pussy. A nice stretch for you hm? So eager to be filled up...” her face was of pure bliss and Harry couldn’t help but take a mental photo. He hoped this could happen more than this once. “Knew you’d be good for me. Throwin’ yourself in my lap and begging to be fucked. Never guessed you’d be such a little slut, but I love it.” He took his hand, bringing it down sharply on her ass.
“Fuck!” Y/N gasped, her own hand moving to cuff his neck. It wasn’t as effective as him doing it to her, but it got the point across. The both of them grabbing at each other roughly, him thrusting up into her each time she slammed down. It could only be described as pure ecstasy, surely the hottest sex she had ever had. She needed him, she needed him to cum. Y/N couldn’t stop herself from leaning down to kiss his mouth again, making a mess of the two of them. “You’re so fucking good— love your cock, daddy... fucking love it!” She moaned between kisses, increasing her pace just enough so she could fuck him hard and steady. “I want you to cum for me daddy, wanna feel it nice and deep.” Thank fuck for IUDs. “Want you to fill me up while I cum all over your cock, can you do that for me? Can you cum with me?”
He was panting, lowering himself so he could properly thrust into her sopping cunt. He hadn’t gotten any in so long but this blew any and everyone out of the water. No one could ever understand how good this was. All the pining and imagining had come to an even better conclusion. 
“I’ll do it... but you... gotta promise me.” He growled, giving a particularly sharp thrust inside of her, making her wail. “Promise me I can do it again. Let me have this pussy more.” He didn’t want it to end if it was the only time he could get it. It was too good to let go of. Drooling all over his cock and her soft whimpers and dirty words had him more worked up than anything else. “Promise, baby, and I’ll let you have my cum.”
“Promise— I promise— fuck!” She felt her breath get caught in her throat at the particularly hard thrusts Harry was giving her. “Please Daddy, please give it to me.” Y/N whimpered, moving her hands so they cupped his cheeks, keeping eye contact with him as they continued to relentlessly thrust into each other. There was nothing more satisfying, nothing that managed to hit every part of her both physically and spiritually and made her feel so alive. When you’ve wanted something for so long it makes getting it that much better and she knew that she’d always be chasing this high that only he could give her. “I’m so close, fuck, daddy—“ She mumbled between kisses, squeezing around him and continuing at her pace to bring herself to the perfect high. “Cum with me daddy, please— ah!”
Harry would work on his stamina next round. But after the whole thing, he was close to losing his mind. She was giving him the most tempting offer and he wasn’t going to give it up. 
“Oh— fuck me.” He thrusted in again and again before he let himself go. Feeling her clench up around him and sob against his mouth, he let out a deep growl as he buried himself deep. Hot cum shooting inside of her cunt, rocking his hips in to get it all in there. There was no doubt that this was some of the most intense sex of his life but he was almost ready to go again, as soon as it ended. Holding her shivering form, her orgasm was tapering, he could feel her clenching still. “That’s it. Take all of it inside of you. Good girl.”
Y/N gripped Harry’s shoulders, loud screams of pleasure coming straight from her throat. There were no words to describe the high, she almost felt out of her own body as he showered her with praise. With her body shaking and face contorting with a silent scream, she found it in her to come back down letting out a pathetic whimper.
“Daddy—” She swallowed thickly, mouth finding his messily, pressing kisses to his lips and his face. The two of them were both lightly covered in sweat, breathing heavily and enjoying each other’s company. Y/N was far too blissed out to think about what just happened, but blissed out enough to know there would be many more rounds of this tonight. Y/N smiled as she nuzzled against his neck, still sponging kissing to his dampened skin. “Better?” She mumbled, smirking against his skin a bit.
“Mm.” He hummed, hands holding her hips still. Holy hell. This was the beginning of an amazing weekend- because he didn’t plan on letting her out at all, if he could help it’ he wanted her to stay, to let him indulge in her. “So fucking good.” He muttered lowly, rubbing his hand up her back and smoothing over her skin. Fucks sake. This was paradise. Nothing could pop him out of this. 
At least, that was until the doorbell rang. 
“Ah, fuck. The pizza.”
let us know what you think!
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parkers-gal · 3 years
Being tom’s costar & him setting you up with his brother, Harry. Maybe reader keeps saying no because she thinks Tom is asking her out
combined with another request (hope you don’t mind)
Reader is dating Harry & Nikki like doesn’t her because she’s tom’s love interest in a movie. Harry & Tom defend reader
wc: a fat 3k (sorry lmfao took this too far)
When you were first called in for a dry run through of a script that would later be your next movie, you didn’t expect Marvel’s very own Spider-man to be there too. Of course, he didn’t expect you there either, but you were still pleasantly surprised that the director had called in for willing or suggested actors. 
The two of you immediately hit it off, clicking on screen and off screen. And though you were playing lovers in front of the camera, your relationship with Tom was strictly platonic — and you were glad he was on the same page. 
That didn’t, however, mean Tom wasn’t completely involved with your love life. After returning to your trailer directly after a date, Tom was waiting for you — and wondering where the hell you’d been. You confessed you’d gone out with someone, but the date wasn’t smooth and they weren’t your type at all. The date went pretty badly, and Tom pointed out later. Ever since then, he’d ask you if you were going on another date. 
It had been a month and a half since then, and though you were ready for a relationship mentally, you knew it might be hard with all the press you and Tom would be doing around the world. You weren’t sure why you would be going on tour, though — it was a recreation of Sandra Bullock’s film While You Were Sleeping. Tom and you were popular enough as it was — a tour simply didn’t seem necessary. But, alas, you complied with your manager’s advice. 
“Sooo…” Tom followed you into your trailer. It was around eight o’clock, and he was using the voice he used whenever he wanted something from you. “Are you seeing anybody?”
It had been about two weeks since the last time he’d asked, and you were already rolling your eyes. “No, Tom. I’m not interested in whatever offer you’re about to make.”
“But Y/N!” He whined, pouting. “I know somebody who’s perfect for you!”
“As perfect for me as Andrew from the Uncharted crew?” You raise a brow, setting your purse down while Tom huffs. 
“He wasn’t that bad! How was I supposed to know that he doesn’t wash his beard?” “That seems like common knowledge to me, Tom!” You’re trying not to laugh at the ridiculousness of the conversation. “I could smell it from across the table!”
“Alright, alright.” Tom winces at the details. “I’m sorry about that one. But this time, I’m sure of it.”
“I swear to god if you pull some weird cliche shit and say yourself, I’m going to kick you out of my trailer.” You deadpan, pouring yourself from coffee from the brewer he’d just used while you were out. 
“It’s not me, Y/N/N.”
“Yeah, but you keep giving me dates with people that aren’t my type and then saying you have someone better. What if you’re buttering me up?” You smirk from behind the mug, sipping it smoothly. He rolls his eyes, but blushes nonetheless. 
“It’s not me.”
“Whatever you say, Spidey.”
He rolls his eyes again, sighing dramatically before heading towards the door. “See you tomorrow.”
“For what? Our date?”
“Quit teasing me!” He spins around, body halfway out the trailer entrance. “I meant ‘I’ll see you on set.’” You laugh wholeheartedly, waving to the brunette as he leaves you alone for the night. When you awake, you’re due early for a shower and straight to hair and makeup. You’re not sure why your character always wakes up so damn early just to work in a train station, but you comply with the director. 
“G’morning.” You greet the assistant director with a smile, bagel in one hand and your script in the other. 
“Morning,” He smiles before offering you some coffee. “Coffee?”
“Please?” You smile wider at the mention of the beverage, internally cheering as he makes your order — he’s memorized all of the crew’s by now, and it’s truly astonishing. You take up a conversation with him while you wait for your day to begin. 
Tom comes in through the double doors, spotting you immediately — with another boy. He races over as quickly as he can manage with his tired body and with what’s left of his dignity. He doesn’t want to seem too eager, but he really thinks he’s found a promising boyfriend for you. 
“Hey, Y/N.” He greets before his jaw clenches subtly. “Morning Conor.” 
Conor nods at him before pouring another cup of coffee for the Brit. You’re rolling your eyes at Tom — you know him well enough to know when he’s feeling anything but positively. 
“Excuse us,” You smile apologetically at Conor. “I have a part of the script I’d like to talk to Tom about before we start.” Conor nods understandingly, and you pull Tom aside, walking behind the sets while you angrily sip your coffee. “Y’know, you don’t have to be so dry to the crew that happens to talk to me.”
“I wasn’t dry!” Tom defends, shoving his free hand in his jacket pocket. 
“Then what do you call that?” You gesture behind you with the roll of your eyes. “I thought we were on the same page about our relationship, here. I don’t like you in a romantical way, and I’d prefer it if you’d keep that base of our relationship out of work.”
“Y/N, Y/N.” He’s wide eyed, hands gesturing for you to slow down and listen to him. “I don’t like you in that way. I just… think I know somebody who you’ll really get along with.”
You groan. “Tom, you’re a shit matchmaker. Y’know that?” He gasps at your response, feigning offense. “Look, I’m being real with you! Nobody you’ve set me up with has lasted more than a week. You suck at this job, Cupid.”
Tom rolls his eyes but stops you from walking any further, grasping your arm to turn you in his exact direction. “Look, just trust me on this one?”
You ponder the idea almost with your body, head tilting in unsureness. “I don’t know…”
“Please,” He’s practically whining now. “Please, just… one more date?”
“Fine.” “Yay.” He smiles in victory just as the two of you are called back onto set. With heavy feet, you drag yourself to set, but this time, you can’t help but feel a little hopeful. Don’t fuck this up, Cupid.
You’d wrapped up filming last week, and the director’s were quite positive you wouldn’t need to come back in later for reshoots. So, you were flying out of Chicago and down to Atlanta with Tom for the weekend. He was going to “introduce you to his next option.” You still didn’t trust him, but you didn’t have any immediate projects, so you agreed anyways.
Tom was due to start filming Spider-man 3 on the upcoming Monday, so you knew you’d be going to the airport alone on your last night — that is, if things didn’t work out with this new date. 
After receiving a text from Tom to be ready by eight o’clock, you’d showered and done your makeup. Settling on an outfit wasn’t as difficult because you had only what you brought with you. You were driving down to Tom’s rental home — apparently Marvel Studios always rented him that one — by seven forty-five. You were driving a rental car, and you mentally kicked yourself for not bringing a jacket in the middle of winter. 
Parking in the open driveway, you rang the doorbell. Tom swung the door open, hair slicked back and trousers fitted nicely. You rolled your eyes with a groan, and before Tom could even greet you, you complained. 
“Tom, I told you I’m not going on a fucking date with you- please ju-”
“No, no, no, love.” He laughed. “C’mon in, it’s game night with me and the boys. Your boy is inside waiting for you.”
You looked at him skeptically before walking up the steps and through the door. Tom led you through a rather modern-looking house, through an extremely large kitchen and into a back den room with a poker table. You rolled your eyes, but your facade dropped in the immediate moment where all eyes turned to you. 
“Guys, this is Y/N, my co-star in that rom-com we just wrapped.” You saw Zendaya smile and wave, Jacob greeting you with a cheerful “hi!” and then you saw a freckled boy with red hair and immediately felt butterflies tickle your stomach. “Y/N, this is Harry. The guy I told you about.”
You wanted to curse at Tom for practically keeping this guy a secret. You wanted to curse him for setting you up with all those other tramps instead of this gorgeous boy right here. You wanted to curse at Tom for-
“This is my brother, Harry. Harry, this is Y/N, the girl I told you about.”
Your eyes nearly bugged out at his words, for reasons being that this “Harry” is his brother and that he’s talked about you to him. Keep your cool, Y/N.
“Uh, hi.” You nervously laugh, stepping forward to shake his hand. Harry smirks at you, hand reaching up as his lanky fingers make contact with yours, shaking from his seat without even standing. 
“Hey.” His voice is deeper than Tom’s and it catches you by surprise. Tom had told you about his three younger brothers, but he never mentioned specific details like the ones you’re noticing now. 
“Right then,” Tom clasps his hands together. “Y/N, you can share the seat with Harry while I get the drinks.”
You nod and try not to come off as too flustered, heart pounding against your chest, palms sweating. They’ve pulled up a loveseat to the poker table, suitable for two people, or two lovers. You wince at your own self, wanting to kick yourself again. But you don’t, instead sliding in next to Harry. He smiles, removing the toothpick that was sitting on the side of his mouth, sticking out like a truck driver. He throws it, and it lands directly into the garbage bin. You bite your lip and begin the game. 
You end up staying in Atlanta for a lot longer than your two-day trip for the weekend. You’re there for a total of four weeks, and you’ve spent practically every hour with Harry. You were in a hotel for the first four and a half days before Tom had groaned at you leaving at one in the morning again, telling you to stay in Harry’s room and stop wasting your money on lousy hotels. The proposition made you giddy inside (and nervous, but they didn’t need to know that), and when Harry smirked at the idea, encouraging it too, you agreed.
So, you spent practically four weeks in Harry’s room, giggling at jokes and cuddling and watching movies and taking pictures. He’d taken you to set too, showing you around, talking nonstop about his cameras and their many different lenses. 
The Spider-man crew was dispersing for a two week break, and Harry had already decided that you were going with him and Tom back to London. 
“Love, are you ready?” Harry called for you from the bathroom connected to his bedroom. You shouted back your reply, zipping up your final suitcase while he walked back into the room. 
You knew that after your trip to London, Harry would have to go back to work and you’d have to go home before starting your next project. But you didn’t care — the two of you had already discussed long distance relationships before confirming yours; you could make it work. 
You would land in London by your two-month mark, you realized with a smile. Harry gave you a forehead kiss before talking both of your suitcases downstairs to the car. You grabbed the duffel bags and followed him out of the room where it all began. 
The flight was exhausting but nostalgic in a weird sense. You spent the latter half of it curled up into Harry’s side, asleep or watching a movie. When you finally boarded off the aircraft, you went straight to Harry’s flat without protest. Normally, you’d fight about checking into a hotel so you wouldn’t catch anyone unprepared, but you were too tired to care. 
Now, it’s been a day since your flight and you’ve promised Harry — and Tom — that you’ll go with him to their parents’ house for some lunch. You admit that you’re nervous and that it’s probably too soon to be meeting parents, but you pay no mind as you’re entering Holland's childhood home. 
“Mum!” Sam, Harry’s twin who you’ve just been introduced to, yells out. “They’re here!”
You hear excited squeals as Sam leads the three of you through and into the kitchen. Nikki’s back is turned when you enter, but she excitedly turns around to greet her sons. She’s taken off-guard at the sight of you next to Harry, but still leans in to tightly hug her sons, who she hasn’t seen in quite awhile. 
“And who’s this?” She inquires, gesturing in your direction. You’re a little taken aback at how unwelcoming she seems to be acting, but you shake it off as nerves. 
“Mum,” Harry smiles, a hand on the small of your back, nudging you a little closer to him and his mother. “This is Y/N, my girlfriend.”
The whisk in her hand seems to stop mixing the recipe in the bowl. Your smile falters slightly, but Tom fills the silence at Nikki’s ajar mouth. 
“Mum, she’s- uh, she’s my co-star in that rom-com I got casted for. Remember?”
“Oh,” She smiles a tight-lipped one, and you can tell it’s forced and fake. “It’s nice to meet you, I’m Nikki.” She wipes a hand off on her apron before extending it for you to shake. You accept the offer with a hesitant but genuine smile. 
“It’s nice to meet you, too.” She hums but doesn’t respond, instead turning her attention to Tom. You make eye contact with Harry worriedly, and he shakes his head, bewildered. He kisses your temple before sending you in to meet Paddy and talk to Sam — somebody who actually welcomed you. 
The day goes on like this, and though the tension is most obviously present, you don’t touch the subject, knowing it’s not your place or your home, especially since you came almost unannounced. You don’t want to be angry with a woman you barely know, so you try not to mirror her feelings.
“So, Y/N,” She directs her attention to you for the first time all day. You look up from your intertwined hands with a smile. 
“Did you just decide Tom wasn’t good enough based on his character and then move on to my next son?”
You’re shocked, mouth ajar as you blink. “W- what?”
“Tom told me about how many ‘date failures’ you had until you finally settled on Harry.”
You want to curse at Harry for offering to refill your drink, and you want to curse at Tom for spilling the secrets of your dating life. “I- I didn’t settle for anyone.”
“That’s not what my son says.”
Just then, both boys walk in together, laughing in conversation about something. You’re already crying, but the minute the door opens you stand abruptly, nearly knocking Harry off his feet. 
He laughs at you, “Love? What’s u-” But he’s cut short when he notices your red eyes and fresh tears. He sets the glasses down, wiping your cheeks and grabbing both of your hands. “What happened? Hm?” He’s shushing you, trying his best to calm you down. “C’mon, angel. Tell me.” 
“Your- your mom just said a few things.”
Harry’s eyebrows furrows, and so do Tom’s. They turn to look at the woman in the chair skeptically, questions flying out immediately. 
“Mum? What did you say to her?” 
You excuse yourself, not wanting to be a part of the conversation just yet. You run off to the bathroom to freshen up while Harry and Tom talk to Nikki. 
“Harry, I’m just being a protective mother, okay? I didn’t say anything that bad.” 
“Mum, you made her fucking cry.” Harry’s fuming, nostrils flaring while he glares at his mom. 
“Don’t talk that way with me.” She points her finger at her son. “That girl is no good for you.”
“Mum, I introduced them.” Tom says. “I know her; she is good.”
“Not if she has to settle for Harry.” She clicks her tongue. “I remember all those dates you told me she went on, Tom.” She sighs while he scoffs. “Anyone that tries that hard to find a boyfriend is out for other things.”
“That’s bullshit.” Harry interjects. “She’s an actress, of course dating is hard.”
Nikki purses her lips but doesn’t reply. 
“Mum, she’s crying.” Tom says softly, seemingly trying a different approach. “You haven’t talked to her at all, today. I think you shouldn’t have judged her too quickly.”
“Apologize.” Harry says finally before standing up. “Apologize or we’re leaving.” He walks out of the room, heading to the bathroom where you’re hidden away, sitting on the toilet while you catch your breath. He knocks, coming in with your permission. 
He pouts when he sees your tear-stained face, face puffy and eyes red while you sniffle. 
“‘M sorry.” You grumble the words while he kneels in front of you. 
“What’re you sorry for, baby?”
“For causing all this drama.”
“Hey, hey,” His thumb rubs across your knuckles. “You didn’t do anything wrong. She had no right to say those things to you.” You look at him as he finishes, engulfing him quickly, crying into his shoulder while he catches you with his arms, holding you against his chest lovingly. After a few minutes, there’s a knock at the door, and Tom’s voice rings through. 
“Mum says she wants to talk to you guys.”
Harry makes eye contact with you apologetically, thumb still moving across the skin of your hand. 
“Well,” he stands tall. “Shall we?” You wipe your cheeks one final time before standing with him, taking the hand he offered you as you head for the bathroom door. 
“Guess there’s no avoiding this part if she’s going to be my future mother-in-law.” 
Harry sucks in a breath, and as you make eye contact with a smirk, there’s a glint in his eyes that acknowledges that you’re feeling better. He smirks back, opening the door for you as you head back into the living room. 
Keep your cool, Y/N. You inhale a deep breath, emerging into the room. Keep your cool. 
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notaninterest · 3 years
Carnal *2* (Hisoka x Reader)
[A/N]: sorry for not updating on this passing Thursday! I had a major life event occur so i had to break away for a week. here's chapter 2!
also i know it says [Y/N]'s POV, but it doesn't tread all the way back to the first few scenes. It's a continuation from where you left back last time :)
Warnings: graphic smut, heavy sexual themes, Hisoka becoming tired.
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‘Well at least he’s handsome.’ You had thought to yourself when you first spotted him in the corner of the bar, almost completely hidden by the shadows. You had to avert your eyes quickly so he didn’t notice that you noticed him, focusing back on your pole work. You have to attract him to you somehow. But how?
You can feel his gaze on you and you swallow, deciding to switch up your routine. You clench both hands on the pole, keeping your arms straight. You make sure your ass is in full view before you start gyrating your hips to imitate the act of doggy style. You could feel your nervousness bringing your nen out so you quickly use Zetsu and switch to In to keep any traces of aura away. It was only for a split second. No one could’ve noticed it. You stand back up, hands still on the pole as you walk up to it, beginning to try to climb up it. The atmosphere was the same, rambunctious one it’s always been, but a clean sense of tension easily struck your body. You stumble a bit as you attempt to further climb up the pole. Damn! He noticed. You stuck out like a sore thumb to him. You could tell by the way his gaze bore into your face rather than your body. He wasn’t interested in what you had to offer, like the rest of the people here. He was instead interested in figuring you out. Fuck. You desperately try to focus on your dance, but as you’re sliding down the pole, your crotch rubs against it and you gasp. Touches like these were a stranger to you. You never had the time to form any sexual relationships, so you never experienced something like this before. You let up, feeling embarrassed but quickly continuing on with your dance. The music ends soon and you walk as calmly as possible back into the dressing room before beginning to panic. Your cover was blown and there was a limited amount of time you had before Hisoka approached you. You decided you were done with dances for the night and you would refuse any lap dance requests. Sex was a service you didn’t provide so you didn’t have to worry about that.
Until the boss that had hired you waltzed into the dressing room a few minutes later, connecting his slimy eyes with your clearly panicked ones. You came to him four months ago asking for a job after you had set your sights on hunting the magician after passing the Hunter exam. You had found out he frequents this specific joint once a year to “blow off some steam” according to your informant. You planned to catch him off guard while he went to the back rooms with one of the dancers and, hopefully, end his reign of fear amongst the people. The owner of the strip club allowed you in and you worked your way up to becoming one of the better dancers there, despite not having any previous dancing or sexual experience. You were impressed with yourself. Plus you made bank, so it wasn’t a bad profession.
Your boss walks up to you, pulling you aside. “The man you’re looking for has requested a room with you.” You flinch. “What? I thought I told you--” “Cut the shit. I already tried to explain to him that it’s a service you don’t provide, but he was rather...persuasive.” You could immediately tell by the way the man’s eyes shined that there was money involved. Must be a hefty amount too judging by the way he was talking to you. “Anyway, go please him. I’m not giving you a choice. It’s either that or you lose your job.” The boss says before turning around. You swallow your pride. You couldn’t afford to lose this job. You kind of enjoyed it. “For how long?” You ask. “The rest of the night.” The man replies before slinking off into his office. “What?! You expect me to stay holed up in this room for twelve hours?!” You angrily spit, but the boss was already long gone. Your hands clenched into fists. This bastard! He requested you for twelve hours?! You were going to give this asshole a piece of your mind.
You squeak as your weak body is flipped onto your stomach. He intended to use the rest of the time on you?! You turn to look at him over your shoulder. “Wait just a damn minute! You’re crazy if you think for another second that I’ll- ah!” You expel a noise of surprise as Hisoka bites your left asscheek, a sultry look settling in those damned yellow eyes of his. He licks over the area to soothe it and you grit your teeth, looking at him with eyes full of anger. You flip back over to face him in all of his...naked glory. You blush at the sight before you. He’s certainly what those others call well-built. He’s bulky, but the perfect amount for his frame. The magician sits up on his knees, watching your dilemma. Your eyes trail down his body, following his ripped chest, the eight-pack that lays on his abdomen and then to his still hard cock, which makes your eyes bug out of your head. How did that thing fit inside of you?! Your face is a scarlet red as you stare at it, seeing it covered in your juices. “Do you like what you see, [Y/N]?~” Hisoka husks, smirking at your reaction. He knows he’s well-endowed, the cocky bastard. You clench your teeth, shooting a glare his way. “Listen here you son of a-” “Ah ah.” He silences you quickly, flipping you back onto your stomach. “While that little exchange was certainly entertaining, I’m not finished with you yet.” His voice grows more serious and you find yourself swallowing in nervousness. “Now, how long have you been here, scouting me out?” He asks, a claw trailing up your sensitive back. You can’t help but react, arching your back as the sharp finger rolls up your spine. “L-Like I’ll tell you anything more.” You huff, glaring at him over your shoulder. Hisoka stares back at you before smirking that trademark smug smirk, returning his hand back to his side. “Very well…” He seductively drawls, grabbing your ankle and dragging you towards him. You squeak at the sudden movement, feeling his heat behind you instantly. You let out yet another noise of surprise as your lower half is lifted into the air, stopping at a certain height. You look over your shoulder to see that your pussy is once again level with his mouth. You blush even more. “N-No. Not again.” You whimper, looking helplessly into his dominant yellow gaze. Hisoka chuckles. “Then tell me what I want to hear.” He deadpans, an unamused look on his face. You can’t reveal the statistics of your mission, so you lower your head in defeat. “I cannot tell you…” You whisper. “Then I will continue until you do.” He remarks lowly. You feel his talented tongue descend on your lower lips once again, and you can’t help the moan that spills from your mouth.
Damn. He’s really got the upper hand on you. There’s no escaping him as he has an iron grip on your hips. You cry out when he sucks on your sensitive clit, wiggling a little in his grasp. He chuckles, simply tightening his grip. You squirm fruitlessly, letting out obscene noises as he relentlessly snacks on your leaking pussy, leaving you no room to escape. You eventually hit your peak again and spill all over Hisoka’s mouth. He greedily laps up all you have to offer, moan slightly while doing so. After he’s finished, he drops you on your stomach, allowing you to recover from your orgasm. You flip into a sitting position, sighing and angling your head downwards a little. Hisoka suddenly shifts behind you, whispering, “Did you enjoy yourself?”
Your expression hardens into one of anger. “You...You asshole!” You snap, swinging your fist into his smug face, which materializes into a cloud of dust that dissipates as soon as your punch is thrown. “Oh [Y/N].~ Your continued attempts to hurt me only serve to turn me on further.” He purrs into your left ear. In your anger, you’ve failed to notice that he’s broken a sweat. You sneer, throwing back your left elbow in another attempt to hit him. You’re met again with thin air. All of a sudden, you’re picked up by your shoulders and thrown face first into the bed. Before you can even lift yourself back up, a powerful hand pushes you down by the shoulder blades, pushing your front down and leaving your backside up. One of your flushed cheeks presses into the mattress and you get a peripheral view of Hisoka admiring the position he’s put you in, his yellow eyes dark with desire. “This one is my favorite.~” He rasps, placing his cock at your entrance. Your eyes widen. You squirm a bit, trying to maneuver away from him but he holds you there by your scratched up hips, not letting you escape. “Anything you have to tell me before I start again, [Y/N]?~” He murmurs. He runs his dick up your wet slit. You mull over your options, finding that there’s only one you can make. With your silence as his answer, he slowly enters you again with a shaky breath. You open your mouth in a silent scream as he splits you open yet again. “O-Oh fuuuck.” You wail into the bed sheets as he fully seats himself in, clenching within your fists tightly. Hisoka chuckles and begins thrusting, the pace hard and punishing. His hips smack against your ass, the sound of skin smacking into skin filling up the gaps between your moans and his. He digs his claws into your hips, cutting deeply into them. You yelp in pain, but it’s soon overshadowed by the pleasure of him thrusting into you. You faintly notice the blood running down your legs, but you pay no mind to it. “Ah!” You scream in a higher octave as he hits into you rather harshly, brushing a rather sensitive spot within your pussy. Hisoka pauses, stopping all motion. “Oh?” He murmurs to himself. You can feel the devilish smile radiating off of him. Your eyes are closed so you don’t start crying from how unbelievably good it feels. Your body is shaking from the immense pleasure and you can’t stop the desperate whimper that leaves your throat from the lack of friction. “Hmm…” Hisoka hums, a delighted chuckle leaving his mouth at an apparent discovery he’s made. Just what was this clown up to?
You let out an obscene cry as he resumes his thrusting, aiming for that sensitive spot deep within you...and he hits it every single time. “H-Holy- AAAA- !!!” You scream as loud as you possibly can as this man hits this point every single time with each well-timed stroke. Tears prick your eyes as the pleasure is immense. You can feel your orgasm coming, but it feels different from the others. “Wai- S-Stop! I don’t-” Your cries fall on deaf ears as he lifts you up by the hair, pressing your back against his chiseled chest as he fucks you upright against him. You can hear him panting heavily in your ear, an occasional sound coming up. He wraps his pale, brawny arms tightly around your midsection, fucking you as hard as he can. He continuously hits that point deep with you, making you scream an ungodly amount. “His-Hisoka! S-Stop! I won’t-” You shake your head from left to right, reduced to an incoherent, blubbering mess. Hisoka, however, seems to be riled up by the fact that you said his name, thrusting into you with more fervor. With one last thrust up into that sensitive spot, you cum. But as you cum this time, you squirt. Hisoka holds you upright as you make a mess of him, the pillows, front-end of the sheets and fluffy throw-over. You convulse around him as you spray the bed, your body jolting each time you squirt. Your mouth is agape the entire time in an airless wail, drool dripping down your chin. He lets go of you when you finish your spectacle and you fall limply onto your cum, unable to move. You listen as he takes a deep breath, shakily exhaling. “Oh wonderful.~” He moans, moving into your recovering vision. The black spots eventually fade from view and your face to face with the smiling, sweaty magician. He holds an expression of happiness, one that contrasts drastically to your defeated one. “What could you possibly be smiling about now?” You grumble, your extremities feeling numb. “I haven’t had one that can squirt in so long. You’re going to be so much more fun.~” He lustifully drawls, backing out of your view soon after. So that’s what that was? It sure is intense. You feel him petting your head, laying on the other side of you. He’s waiting for you to recover. How...nice? The silence that overtakes you two is comfortable. It prods a stem of information out of you. “Four…” You say, breaking the silence. “Four what?” “Four months. I’ve been stationed here to scout you out for four months now.” You whisper, shakily raising yourself up to a sitting position. Hisoka looks pleased. “That’s all I’m going to tell you.” You firmly say, refusing to spill anymore vital information.
“Mm...I don’t think it is.” The transmuter frowns, grabbing you by the neck. He gives your throat a light, warning squeeze. “Eh?! But you used me already! You’re done!” You exclaim, your two nimble hands wrapping around his wrist in an attempt to retch his hand off of your neck. Hisoka simply smiles, pointing downwards. “I haven’t even cum yet.” His point is emphasized by his still hard cock, which is absolutely drenched in your juices at this point. “And we’ve still got nine hours left.” He smiles, letting go of your throat. You swallow. Just what have you gotten yourself into? You lean into your hands, using the support to keep you upright. You look down at him as he rests against the semi-soaked pillows with his hands tucked beneath his shoulders, his eyes closed and that same signature, lazy smug smirk written all over his face. You decide to run your gaze over his bare body, taking it all in. This is the first and most likely last time you’ll ever be able to see it, so you take advantage of it.
So...this is what the body of a trained mass murderer looks like. There’s only muscle, not a single ounce of excess skin being apparent on him. You look up at his angular face. All points of his face were sharp. Not a plane untouched. It’s then you notice his hair sticking to his sweaty pale forehead. His makeup appears smudged as well, making it apparent that he’s wiped his face from the amount he sweat. He still holds a formidable amount of stamina, but he can sweat. At least he’s not invincible to normal human woes, unlike many others claim. He’s not nearly as sweaty as you though. You look over the muscled plane of his chest. His two pectorals jut out intimidatingly. He’s certainly ripped, judging by his eight-pack that follows suit. You wonder what intense training he had to undergo to obtain abdominals of that capacity. You shiver. Nothing good. You know that’s for sure. Then comes his erection, which is resting against his stomach, hard as ever. It twitches, surely unhappy that it hasn’t released yet. You swallow. You have no idea how you’re going to get him to achieve his peak after you’ve reached your own around a total of four times now, each more intense than the last. You shift your gaze, moving to his toned legs. He had some killer thighs. You can only dream that your plushy thighs will reach that amount of muscle and definition. His calves were just as strong. His feet were clawed just like his hands. You realize that the more you stare at him, the more you lust for him. Damn your carnal desires. Yet...you have him for another nine hours. You can take your fill...and surely you wouldn’t want to be near him again, right? Yeah. That has to be right. You decide that it’s your turn to become the predator, smoothing a hand over his abs. The hard muscle contracts at your touch and you see him open one yellow eye in the corner of your left eye. Perfect. Let him watch you enjoy his body. You trace the dips in between each muscle, watching intently as the abdominal muscle contracts under each of your touches. It’s kind of beautiful in its own sinister way. You continue this until you reach your face down, running your tongue over each one instead. You hear him grunt under his breath, a smile forming on your lips as you proceed, licking all the way down to his member. As soon as you reach it, you stare down at it as if you’re starving, craving the taste of it. And at the current moment, you were. You stand his dick up with your hand, gazing at the length and thickness of it. This monstrosity has been inside you twice and you didn’t have much time to explore it with your mouth earlier. You peek over at his face. Both of Hisoka’s yellow eyes are open, watching you closely. He remains in his restful position, seeming to encourage you to discover on your own. You smile to yourself.
You move your hand up and down his dick softly, watching and feeling as it twitches in your hand, excited to have some attention. You smirk, moving so you’re in between Hisoka’s legs this time. He moves to accommodate you and you get yourself comfortable between them, staring up into his dark gaze as you hold his hard cock. He’s not smiling. You keep eye contact with him as you kiss the tip of his dick, kitten licking it. His upper lip twitches, but he remains impassive otherwise. You smile, accepting the unspoken challenge. Keeping your eyes trained on his, you suck his tip into your mouth, running your tongue around it. It appears to be sensitive, telling by the way he hisses and the way his body shivers. His eyes narrow a bit and yours remain open, wanting to see his raw reaction. He doesn’t break eye contact with you. You suck him further into your mouth, slowly of course. He grits his teeth, sucking in a breath. You run your tongue on his sensitive underside, drawing a shaky exhale from him. You keep going down, relaxing your throat when he reaches that point. His yellow eyes alight in surprise as you keep slurping him down all the way to the bottom. As he cock fills up your narrow throat, he throws his head back, strain apparent in the muscles of his neck. A choked moan leaves his lips and you cheer victoriously in your head. Your lips eventually touch the base of his dick. You’ve successfully swallowed him whole. You pause for a moment. Then, you swallow around the mass in your throat, listening as a laboured breath exhales into a deep, breathy moan. With your newfound skill, you lurch back all the way, sucking yourself back to the bottom quicker now. A heated hiss reaches your ears and you watch as his head raises back up, his eyes reconnecting with yours, alight with a fiery desire. You smile in your head, looking at him with an innocence that drives him utterly crazy. You continue your ministrations, drinking in all the noises the magician makes. “S-Such a - uhhn! - ggggood girl!” He pants, a strained smirk reaching his face. Your eyes roll to the back of your head at the sound of his praise. This must’ve turned him on more than anything because you hear a loud, “Ohhh fuuuck!” You smile to yourself, continuing to suck him off before he eventually spills into your mouth, which you swallow. You pull back and look down at Hisoka, who’s panting heavily. Sweat adheres to his whole body. His usual slicked back hair is now all over the place and his usual calm demeanor is replaced with that of a mess. You look down at him in shock. You caused...this? You smile. You’re proud of yourself. It must be one of the rarest things to see Hisoka Morrow looking like this. And damn if you didn’t deserve it!
“Tch.” Hisoka tuts, looking away in...shame?! “Eh?! What?!” You exclaim in confusion. One of the most feared people in the world? Shame?
“Not very many people get to see me like this…much less a sex worker like you…” He sighs, an aura of utter shame surrounding him. Your left eye twitches. “Excuse me! I’ll have you know I’m more than just a sex worker!” You yell at him, smacking his shoulder for added effect. You grit your teeth, crossing your arms before you get too rough with it. “It’s just…,” He continues, piquing your interest. “None of them have made me do this before.” And he scoots up, tucking his legs into his body and sitting up in them, turning so his back is facing you. You gasp as you see deep scratch marks lining up both of his shoulder blades. They lined up perfectly with Hisoka’s own hands. “You...did this to yourself?” You ask softly, reaching out to prod around the wound. He covers it with his hand though, turning around to face you once more. Your hand then lands on his pale cheek instead. Hisoka pauses for just a brief moment, stunned. He enraptures your right hand in his left one, moving your hand closer to his mouth. You yelp in surprise when he bites your palm, throwing your hand away from his face. He smirks. You shake your hand in an attempt to will away the pain, glaring at him. You shove him with a Nen-powered blow. It clearly doesn’t do anything and he slowly falls backwards, dramatically plopping on his back. You roll your eyes. A lazy smile makes way to his face. “Say [Y/N]...Would you be willing to do more work this time? I’m feeling a bit tired.~'' It's only then you notice he’s erect again.
You bristle. “What?! Hisoka, you horndog!”
Hisoka chuckles deeply. “Sorry, I can’t help it staring at you.”
You blush heavily from that comment, crossing your arms again and turning away. You hear him move too late before you can evade and he grabs you, pulling you atop of him. You have to place your hands on his chest to stop yourself from falling forward. You first look down at him in some sort of surprise, then one of anger. “I’m not just a sex worker, Hisoka.” You snidely comment, sitting up straight and crossing your arms. He frowns. “I know you’re not, [Y/N].” He replies honestly, nothing giving way to any form of deception whatsoever. You look at him again and sigh. “I can’t.” You mumble. Hisoka pauses. “Come again?” “I can’t.” You say louder, looking away bashfully. Hisoka tilts his head. “Why not?” “Because I’m not turned on.” You say flatly, looking him dead in the eye. His yellow eyes grow dark with lust. “I can change that.” He rasps. “Yeah but you don’t want to do any-“
“Come sit on my face.”
You blink.
“Come sit on my face.” He repeats in that same seductive voice of his, the same mischievous grin on his face, the same sultry look in his yellow eyes.
Your face shines a brilliant shade of red. “What’s wrong, [Y/N]? You’re looking a bit...flustered.” Hisoka chuckles. You swallow your pride. Hisoka knows what he’s doing. “Okay. I will.” He smiles deviously at your consent, watching your crawl up and over his face. He places his hands at the tops on your thighs, willing you to sit on his face. As soon as his mouth connects with your pussy, he sets straight to work, claiming every inch with his mouth. Your body convulses in surprise and you let out a choked moan. His eyes haven’t disconnected from yours, watching you intently. His tongue manages to slip inside you and you gasp, letting out a wail of pleasure. His grips tightens on your thighs and his hips raise slightly. He quickly settles back down, continuing to feast on you. You grab the top of the headboard for balance, subconsciously beginning to grind against his face. Hisoka’s breathing changes instantly and he’s quick to move out from beneath you. You pant, sitting on his navel. He wipes his mouth, licking his lips. He still wears his signature smirk, albeit lazily. “You can’t do that, [Y/N].~ You almost made me skip the main course.” Hisoka murmurs huskily, getting comfortable. You position yourself over his dick, looking down at him nervously. He smiles up at you, easing your anxiety. You slowly begin to sit down on his hard cock, gasping as he fills you up yet again. You don’t think you’ll ever get used to the feeling. You struggle to get the rest of him inside of you, but you manage at your own pace, fully sitting down on him now. You whine at the feeling of being so full. Hisoka shakily exhales, gripping the sheets below him. “Don’t be afraid to move, [Y/N].” He growls and you get the point, pushing yourself up and back down. You whimper as Hisoka grunts. You place your hands on his toned chest for leverage, pressing down as you push yourself up again, pulling yourself up to his tip before sinking back down. You set a steady rhythm, moaning up a storm. Hisoka lets his own pleasure be known through deep groans and shudders. It felt different in this position. His cock seems to be going deeper within you. Your moans end on a higher octave because of this. Hisoka seems to be enjoying this just as much, thrusting up to meet you in the middle. His hand creeps up your body, starting by rubbing your clit a few times, making you squeal. He then rubs his hand over your stomach, enjoying the beauty of it. You grow flustered at his actions, feeling shy. He eventually slides up your body to reach his goal: your boob. You squeak at his light squeeze on your right breast, slightly messing up the rhythm of your bouncing. Hisoka smirks with gritted teeth and flips you on your back, effectively taking over. He speeds up the pace, causing you to raise your voice. “Ahn- fuck! Hi-Hisoka!” You moan loudly, your toes curling as your orgasm approaches fast. “Are you -pant- gonna cum again, [Y/N]?” Hisoka groans, fucking you as fast as he can. You nod your head vigorously, too caught up in the feeling of your body almost breaking with the pressure building up. Hisoka smiles at your response, moving his hand down your beautiful stomach and reaching your clit. With just a few more circular motions on it, you snap, arching your back with a cry. Just like that, he sends you flying into the realm of ecstasy once again. You’re blinded by a white light before you finally come crashing down, back landing flat on the bed.
You were breathing hard, your arm laying over your eyes as you calm down. You hear Hisoka lay beside you, panting as well. When you feel calm enough, you lower your arm from your face, looking over at Hisoka, who’s resting peacefully beside you. His hair was disheveled from his usual slicked back style. It now rests over his sweaty forehead and the pieces that aren’t resting on his forehead are slicked back behind his ears and the back of his neck. He looks like quite the specimen right about now. He glances over to you as well, feeling you examining his face. It boosts his ego. He smiles lazily, running his eyes over your face. He really appreciates your features. They were so gorgeous to him, especially those [e/c] eyes. He’s too worn out to do anything more, so he rests his eyes, falling asleep.
You decide to take a nap as well, tired from all the activity.
You soon pass out for an undetermined amount of time.
Word count: 4700+
Next chapter should be expected next Saturday, May 15th. I will hold to it this time!
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