#This Single Seat Race Car Build
automotiveamerican · 2 years
Single Seat Race Car Build Part 2: Traditional But Trick, We Dig This Little Race Car Project - Chad Reynolds @Bangshift
Single Seat Race Car Build Part 2: Traditional But Trick, We Dig This Little Race Car Project – Chad Reynolds @Bangshift
We’ve been following this project to see where it would go and it’s pretty trick. We are going to share all the videos with you as the deadline for the build to be completed and raced looms near. Check it out! Bennett’s Customs is an Australian is a traditional builder that does some pretty cool car and motorcycle projects, and they have embarked on a new project that must be done by September…
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lucyrose191 · 6 months
Pairing: Protective!Kimi x Sunshine!driver!reader
Summary; You always have a smile on your face, even through the struggles of being the only female driver but when it feels like the entire media is against you it’s hard to keep that smile on your face but Kimi won’t allow it to disappear, he’s always there protecting you.
Warnings; fluff, mistreatment of women
F1 Master List
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You had fought to get in the position you were in today and you had done it all with a smile on your face. It was easy back then, when there was less attention on you and less people questioning your every decision or underestimating your talent compared to the other drivers on the grid simply because you weren’t a man.
You were known for your smile, the way it was always present with everyone you spoke to and no matter the question you were asked but people seemed to take it as an invitation to say whatever they wanted as though it had no affect on you.
It didn’t in the beginning.
But as each of the questions piled on top of each other, the strain made it harder to maintain the smile, your struggle was hard to notice because you did such a good job of hiding it but one person did.
Kimi Räikkönen.
Whilst he was quiet, he was observant.
To him only a fool would think your smile was real. There was clearly such a huge difference between you being happy and you pretending to be happy.
There were no more sparkles in your eyes or twitch of your nose and it enraged him.
It was infuriating, knowing that the journalists and media had managed to ruin the pureness in you.
He wasn’t going to allow them to destroy you of everything you were.
You normally didn’t mind the driver’s press conferences but lately they’ve been…. hard.
The questions lately have hardly been about driving, instead about your possible challenges against the other drivers or if you feel as though you’re at a disadvantage.
You don’t. You’ve said countless times that you don’t feel the need to be treated differently in any sense and that you being female added no extra struggles in your opinion.
It seemed the tipping point for Kimi with these questions was when a female journalist asked not only peculiar but disturbing question.
You smiled at the woman as she stood up, thinking you’d get a real question about driving but that smile soon faded as she opened her mouth.
"Hi, this is a question for Y/N. As a woman, I was curious as to whether it’s more difficult for you to finish a race during the time of the month when you’re menstruating?"
You hated it. You hated that just because they’re a woman they think it excuses the questions they’re asking.
Beside you Kimi scoffed loudly, the most noise he’d made during the entire conference. "What sort of fucking question is that?" He stared straight into the woman’s eyes with a face as hard as ice.
The woman seemed taken back by him and started stuttering. "I-well-I was just-"
Kimi shook his head "We’ve been sat in these chairs for half an hour and not a single one of you imbeciles has asked her a real fucking question about the car or the race. All of you have sat there and just questioned her ability to do her job as if any of you know a thing about racing."
Kimi stood up from his seat and gestured for you to get up as well from where you were sitting in pure shock, lips parted and eyes wide you did and followed him out of the room, ignoring the fact that you weren’t meant to be leaving any time soon.
He was raging, he had sat and watched as your smile dimmed with each question; anger building inside until he just couldn’t keep it to himself anymore.
You had to run to catch up with him, he was walking so fast, fuelled by his anger. Your body was still in shock from the way he had spoken and stood up for you but you caught his arm which caused his footsteps to pause.
You looked up at him in silence for a moment, contemplating what to say as he looked down at you with those piercing blue eyes.
"You didn’t have to do that," you settled on saying.
Kimi huffed, glancing away for a short minute before returning his gaze back to you. "I did, I wasn’t going to sit and let them speak to you like that, you deserve better."
You shrugged and smiled weakly "It’s how it’s always been, they’re not going to change and I’ve accepted that."
"You shouldn’t need to," he argued before grumbling under his breath and reaching out to cup your cheeks, keeping his gaze locked with yours. "They’re taking away your smile and I’m not going to let them. You’re beautiful and your smile is beautiful, I’m not letting them take that away from you."
You blinked up at him in shock whilst trying to process his words, raising your own hands up to wrap around his wrists to keep his in place.
Eventually, you smiled and leaned into his touch. "Thank you."
He gave you that half smile you knew so well before pulling you into his embrace "Don’t listen to anything they say, they don’t know you."
You wouldn’t. You wouldn’t let them knock you down, not when you had Kimi there to stand in front of you like a protective shield or hold your hand as you walked through the media storm.
You could do anything with him beside you, you could even keep your smile.
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another-lost-mc · 9 months
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a/n: this is for a friend that celebrated a birthday this week. I hope it was a good one! 🎉
when it's mc's birthday | the demon brothers
2.6k words | nsfw | gn!reader | fluff and non-explicit smut
cw: my fav bias is showing again. mostly soft!demons. car sex; levi's tail gets its own warning; bathing together and bath tub sex; dream magic and implied dream sex.
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Lucifer plans your birthday with the utmost care. He booked a reservation at your favourite restaurant so that he can treat you to an intimate dinner. He remembered the various items you've pointed out to him in the past while browsing through the Devildom's shopping district. He went back and bought every single one of them, and they're already wrapped and tucked away in the back of his closet for later.
After he walks you home from the restaurant, there's a bottle of Demonus on ice waiting in his room. You share a toast while he watches you open your gifts. You kiss his cheek, eyes shimmery and warm with so much affection, and he can't resist the urge to kiss you properly. A soft, booze-sweetened kiss leads to another kiss, and another, and another after that. He strips your clothes off slowly, like he's unwrapping a gift of his own. He memorizes the sight of your body stretched languidly against his dark sheets. He almost feels selfish for a moment because he wants you so desperately, but the lust simmering in your gaze makes his heart race. He knows how much you want him too, and he's powerless to deny you.
The first time he makes love to you, it's heat and frenzied passion, the build-up of coy anticipation that finally boiled over. He reaches for you throughout the night between quiet conversation and short naps. Each time he pulls your body close to his again, his lips whisper tender confessions against the delicate shell of your ear while he worships your body with his over and over again.
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Mammon isn't very subtle. In the days leading up to your birthday, he asks random questions about things you might like or activities you're interested in. He wants to get a head start and beat his brothers to the punch. His fake nonchalance isn't convincing, but it's still endearing how much he truly cares. Who else should celebrate your birthday if not him? He's your first, and he's not going to let anyone else spoil you more than he does.
He tries to budget his money and curb his spending so he can afford whatever it is you ask for. If that fails, he takes on some less-than-prestigious part-time gigs for extra cash. You could ask him for the world and he'd find a way to scrimp and save and scavenge and steal if he has to so he can give you whatever you want. He doesn’t realize (or doesn't believe) that his company is what makes your birthday really special.
He dresses up nice and polishes his car to a high-shine to match your own stunning smile and natural radiance. It doesn’t matter what you wear because when he tells you how gorgeous you are, he’s so sincere. You outshine all the riches and jewels he used to dream about—now he dreams of you instead.
He takes you on a date that's sweet and light-hearted. He holds your hand and stares at you across the table with a dopey grin on his face when he thinks you're not looking. Once you're alone in his car, that boyish giddiness fades into something greedy and confident. You meet him halfway when he leans over to give you a kiss. When kissing isn't enough for either of you, you push the seat back so he can climb over and settle between your legs. He takes you apart in the cramped front seat of his car until your voice is hoarse and you push him away from sensitivity. The car smells musky with sweat and cum and he doesn't care that you made a bit of a mess on the seat. He palms himself on the drive home, and by the time you get to his room, he's eager to do it all over again in the comfort of his bed.
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Levi isn't sure what to do for your birthday, but you offer to plan a little outing for the two of you. All he has to do is keep you company, right? He braces himself with a mantra he repeats over and over in his head: do it for them, do it for them, do it and LIKE IT because you love them. It ends up being a lot more fun than he expects: a lunch date at one of the cafes you both like followed by a movie you’ve been excited to see. You don’t make fun of his sweaty palm when you hold hands in line to buy movie tickets and overpriced snacks at the concession bar. There's a cute plushie on display where they sell collectible merch. He buys that for you too and shoves it into your arms before you can protest.
He relaxes when you take your seats and the theatre lighting dims as the movie starts. You lean against his shoulder and he's glad you can't see how pink his cheeks are. Partway through the film, he decides he likes the movie, but not as much as he enjoys your warm fingers laced with his.
He jolts suddenly when you pull your hand away and slide your fingers onto his denim-clad thigh instead. Your fingers squeeze with the tiniest bit of pressure and he nearly gasps at the unexpected wave of lust that washes over him. He glances at you in confusion—you're still focused on the screen, but he can see the little smile curling the edge of your mouth. He squirms a little and pretends not to notice your fingers drawing lazy circle-eights across his jeans, inching higher up his leg when he doesn’t stop you. And you're right, he's not going to stop you. You run a fingertip over the growing bulge hardening against the zipper of his jeans, just as you feel his tail slide onto your lap and tease the sensitive skin between your legs.
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Satan decides to take a different approach when he sees how overwhelmed you are by his brothers' plans for your birthday. Sometimes simple is best and what could be more relaxing or romantic than your favourite home-cooked meal? He fusses in the kitchen until everything is cooked exactly to your liking, and the dish he serves you looks as good as it smells. His room is tidied enough so that a small table fits—he doesn’t want the others bothering you if he serves you in the dining room. There are dozens of candles that cast you both in an ethereal glow while you eat together. His room might not offer the rich ambience of Ristorante Six or the electric atmosphere of The Fall, but nothing outshines the romance he creates here, just for you.
Once dinner is finished and he tidies up the mess, he pulls you to your feet and wraps his arms around you in a slow dance. It's more like swaying back and forth together as a classical record plays quietly in the background. Candlelight flickers playfully along the walls of his room, and your face is painted by a mirage of shadow and flame. He eagerly traces those shapes on your skin with his tongue after he lays you on his bed, and by the time you're shaking and falling apart in his arms, you'll know how much he loves you.
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Your birthday is another chance for Asmo to spoil you. Throughout the afternoon, he leads you to each of his favourite boutiques in the Devildom's shopping district. He holds up dozens of clothes against your body and admires how the colours bring out your eyes or compliment your complexion or how luxurious the fabrics are. He pretends that he didn't pick all these out to show you (and buy them for you) in advance.
When he finally takes you to Majolish, his greatest gift is revealing that he personally designed this outfit specially for you. It fits flawlessly and even you think you look amazing. It’s obvious that he poured his love and passion into creating this for you when no one else ever has before. It’s almost overwhelming, the way his smile radiates warmth when he looks at you. His eyes burn with all the ravenous love he feels for you. He loses control of himself and kisses you, pressing you against the changing room wall and sliding his thigh between yours. He doesn't want to stop, but he doesn’t have the time or space to touch you properly here. When he pulls his leg out from between yours, he misses the searing heat of your body against his. Perhaps it’s for the best that he take you home first—he would hate to get stains on your new outfit so soon.
(He originally planned on taking you to The Fall but he changed his mind. He’s not in the mood to share you with anyone else tonight.)
When he takes you home, he leads you straight to his private bathroom and urges you to get undressed while he gets everything ready. He draws a warm bath and the steamy air clings to you both like a second skin. You feel self-conscious about being naked even though he stands before you, waist-deep in the bathwater and just as naked as you are. He takes your hand and pulls you gently into the water with him. He supports your weight when you lean against his chest and his hands start to wander over your body. His fingers leave a soapy trail up and down your spine. He cradles your neck and leans forward, capturing your lips in another kiss because he can't possibly wait anymore.
The kiss reignites both your desperate desires to touch and be touched. He walks you back towards the edge of the tub. When your back touches the cool marble stone, he reaches behind your thighs and lifts you onto the edge; he swallows your half-hearted protest with his lips moving greedily against yours. His mouth moves away from yours, ghosting along the curve of your jaw and down your neck while his fingers gently pry your legs apart. He bends his head low once you’re spread open for him, hot and trembling and all his. His eyes glow bright when you tangle your fingers in his hair, and it’s the last thing you see before he dips his head between your legs.
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It's not surprising that Beel plans to take you out for dinner on your birthday. It's a tricky proposition because it's easy for him to lose control of his hunger when he goes out to eat. He doesn't want his sin to ruin your birthday dinner, so he eats a meal's worth of food beforehand. Having a partially-full stomach means he's not going to be completely distracted by hunger—he wants to focus on you.
He likes taking you to nice restaurants and your birthday is no exception. You put on a new outfit he’s never seen you wear before, but it looks so good on you that he's drooling from the corner of his mouth before you even leave the house. The restaurant is cozy and everything on the menu sounds delicious. Your nose bunches up adorably when you can't decide what to order, and Beel suggests ordering one of everything. He laughs deep in his belly when you glance at him skeptically over the brim of your menu. His eyes are bright with mischief even though you know he's dead-serious. He simply grins at you from across the table and reminds you that he won't let the food wouldn’t go to waste.
It doesn't take long for your food to arrive. Beel enjoys watching you eat while you make little sounds of contentment between bites. He offers you food from his own plate to try. When your plate is empty, he worries you might still be hungry; he's only satisfied when you promise that you're close to bursting and completely full. He leads you out of the restaurant by the hand, and his other hand carries a bag full of leftovers to share with you tomorrow.
When he walks you home, he doesn't want to seem needy or presumptuous even though he's reluctant to end the night so soon. He pauses outside your door and kisses you softly, whispering happy birthday against your lips that still taste sweet from your dessert earlier. He can’t resist swiping his tongue across the seam of your mouth for one more taste, and the kiss deepens when you part your lips for him. You only break the kiss just long enough to open your door and pull him inside your room before slamming the door shut again. Your hands tug impatiently at his waist, and he shivers at the metallic clink of his belt buckle coming undone. He can sense hunger rising inside you again, and when he pushes you gently onto the mattress and covers your body with his own, he realizes your appetite is as insatiable as his own.
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Belphie doesn't mind if the others want to take the initiative and plan your birthday party. He prefers it that way, actually. When his brothers ask for his input, he recommends something casual at the house, nothing too fancy. He wants you to be happy and relaxed and spoiled where you can be comfortable.
He sneaks into town to buy you a gift before the party, of course—something you mentioned to him in passing once that was too expensive for you to justify buying at the time. He and Beel wrap the presents they bought you in their room. Belphie's present looks insignificant compared to the large pile of gifts stacked near your birthday cake. He's not worried, especially when your eyes light up when you open it. You're just as appreciative of his small gift as you are of the others you receive. He knows you so well.
(You keep the contents of his card to yourself: a reminder that he has something special to give you later.)
Sometimes when he takes you to the attic for bed, he falls back against the mattress and waits impatiently for you to crawl on top of him. There's no hint of his lazy smugness tonight though. His hands are gentle but efficient when he strips your clothes away first before taking off his own. He follows you down onto the bed and smothers your body with his. The soft mattress cushions you when he grinds against you, and it squeaks from the force of his thrusts when he rocks inside you too. Your skin is littered with the little marks he sucks and nibbles into your skin. He cleans you with a warm, damp cloth after because your thighs and belly are covered in a sticky mess of you and him. He takes care of you with so much tenderness. You’re already snoring lightly by the time he's finished, and he cuddles against you with a yawn.
Shortly after you fall asleep, you dream of him. It’s a shared illusion between you conjured with the sleepy brand of magic he commands. You writhe against him in your sleep as the embers of lust continue to burn deep inside you. When the dream ends, you both wake up and instinctively reach for each other as the remnants of the dream fades away. He kisses you breathless despite your stale morning breath. You whimper against his mouth and he rolls over until you're underneath him again. After indulging in a night of dreamy, lustful sins, you're both still desperately eager for more.
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read more: obey me masterlist
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dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
Lady in Red (2) || CS55
Pairing: Carlos Sainz x fem!reader Summary: Vegas drama Warnings: 18+ only, NSFW, smut, cheating WC: 1.75k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three || Four
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You were well accustomed to shows with your career but Las Vegas was on another level. It was all smoke and mirrors that frustrated the drivers but there was one man making the best out of the confusion of lights and miscommunication. The huge pit building was four stories high but the lack of people filling it left the top floor empty for most teams. Somewhere on the levels below, his father and girlfriend, as well as his team, were looking for him but he was quite happily distracted from it all.
You could see the Sphere from your position in the shadows of the room, its countdown to free practice also being a challenge for Carlos. Pistoning his hips faster, he raced the clock as he fucked you on an empty desk, the chaotic atmosphere drowning your delighted cries when his thumb found your clit and made you reach oblivion again.
“I think I’ll keep this,” Carlos chuckled as he picked up a feather that had broken off the showgirl outfit you wore. You had been hired to parade down the pit lane in the free practice buildup and you had taken the job just to see Carlos again. “How do I look?”
You straightened the rhinestone bodice back over your breasts and giggled at the sight of the red feather behind his ear. “Muy hermoso.”
“Stealing my compliments now, hermosa?”
You swiped the feather back with a smirk. “Well I already have to steal your time.” You both looked at the Sphere with the reminder and Carlos cursed under his breath.
“I’ll find you after practice,” Carlos said as he stopped by a closet and opened it to find a long Ferrari branded winter coat. He unclipped the feather plume from your back before draping it over your shoulders. “It’s cold out there. Don’t want you getting sick, cariña.”
You looked down at the coat as he made his way to the door. “Shouldn’t your girl wear this?”
He barely paused as he cast a look over his shoulder and grinned, “she is.”
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You had no idea what was going on. Chaos had erupted, the session ended and there was talk of Carlos missing out in the next practice, whenever that was rescheduled to start, if his car could be fixed in time. Midnight had come and gone, the timezone already leaving you tired, and you struggled to keep your eyes open in the corporate lounge above the Ferrari pit.
“This could take a while, cariña. You should go back to the hotel.”
You blinked away the weariness and focused on the driver who had taken a seat on the couch beside you. It was unnatural to fight the urge to reach for his hand or lean into his side but there were still dozens of guests remaining, one of them staring daggers at you from across the room.
“I’ll be fine,” you said before a yawn cracked your jaw and he chuckled despite the turn of events he had faced.
His eyes lingered on your lips like he was contemplating kissing them but then he leant forward and dug his elbows into his knees. His hands combed through his hair as he let out a deep sigh. “I can’t do this.”
“Do what?” you asked just as quietly, but his eyes cut a sharp glance your way before turning to his girlfriend. “Oh.”
“I want you,” he whispered. “I want to just fucking kiss you, right now, because it will make me feel better - but I can’t.”
He rose to his feet before you could give him an answer and watched as he walked over to Rebecca. It hurt, of course it hurt to see her wrap her arms around him and kiss his lips when you knew just how soft they were. But it had been six weeks since you last saw him and you didn’t know how long it was going to be before you saw him again. There was no certainty, and that had made you hesitate.
But he had proven time and time again that this wasn’t just the one time thing you thought it was going to be.
Grabbing your phone from the pocket of the Ferrari coat you still wore, you sent him a single message: Okay.
You saw the moment he read it, the way he untangled her arms from his neck and stepped away with a suppressed smile. You knew he wouldn’t act on it right away, all break ups were carefully formulated by their PR and Social Media teams to limit the damage to their image. But Carlos was already heading straight to Charlotte who handled those affairs.
“You’re looking positive, considering how the last session ended,” Natalie Pinkman commented to Carlos as he entered the TV pen. You leant forward in your seat as his lips teased a smile that was displayed across all the screens.
“The team has done a fantastic job and the car should be ready to run in FP2, so there’s definitely a reason to be positive heading into this next session.”
“Let’s hope you can keep that positivity as I understand news just came in that the request for an exemption of a penalty has been declined. I don’t have word yet on what that penalty will be but-”
You watched Carlos��� forehead crumple at the news before someone took his arm and guided him away from the cameras to no doubt break it to him properly. It was only ten minutes later that he reappeared looking dishevelled and pacing the noticeably quieter floor with all the fervour of a captive tiger. His father held the leash.
You didn’t know enough Spanish to understand their conversation but you recognised the hand on Carlos’ shoulder as one that tried to calm him.
“I’ll be back soon,” Carlos said after a few deep breaths. “I just need a minute.”
He crossed the room to the stairwell, his eyes catching yours before he disappeared, a single finger pointing up. You waited a moment before taking your leave and heading to the elevator, pressing the button for the top floor once more. It was no wonder he took the stairs when you saw the screens inside were replaying the breaking news, and you tried to find a power button to switch it off.
“Mi amor.” Carlos’ hand reached through the widening gap and found yours before the door had even completely opened, tugging you into his arms.
“Amor,” you echoed as your cheeks heated with the meaning. “That’s new.”
“I spoke to Charlotte,” he whispered as he walked you deeper into the shadows of the empty room. “She thinks four weeks will be enough to build a public distance with Rebecca. It’s best that the fans come to their own conclusions before announcing the break up.”
“Okay,” you hummed as his lips peppered kisses across your collar.
His kiss froze. “I thought you would be more excited.”
“For what? The morals I thought I had obviously weren’t very strong since we are doing this right now, while you are still in a relationship. Nothing changes for me when you become single.”
Carlos pulled away with a frown. “Nothing changes? Everything changes, amor. We will be able to go on dates, be seen together, holiday together. Be together. That’s what your text meant.”
You stepped away from his embrace and pulled the coat back around your body as you shook your head. “I was just saying it was okay to break up with her, that’s what you wanted.”
“So I could be with you!” His growls echoed around the room and he tugged at his hair in frustration. “Don’t you want to be with me too?”
“Of course I do,” you whispered as you hugged yourself.
He smiled at the admission and took a step closer but you stepped away even further. His arms fell limp at his side and he looked sullen as his head fell forward. “Then what is the problem?”
“I want to be with you, Carlos, but I could never trust you.” You sighed and looked longingly at the elevator as the silence dragged on. “I should go. Good luck with the rest of the weekend.”
Your finger pressed the arrow down before he recovered and raced after you, slipping into the narrow space as the doors closed.
You were silenced with his kiss, his body pressing you into the wall as he took your hands and pinned them above your head. “I know I’m not a good man, I know I have made many mistakes - but I would never do that to you.”
He pressed his cheek to yours as he whispered his confession to you. “I love you, I would get on my fucking knees and crawl over broken glass for you. You drive me insane, I’ve never been reckless like this, but you make me feel alive.”
He ground his hips against you to prove just how alive he felt and your resolve weakened. “Please, don’t go. I need you here, with me. This weekend is so fucked, but I can take it. I can take the penalties and the bullshit. But I can’t take you leaving. Please, amor…”
You felt his breath on your cheek before he pressed a chaste kiss to it and pulled back to look in your eyes. Your lips parted to answer him, the words on the tip of your tongue.
“Shit,” Carlos swore as the doors opened on the main floor, his hands still holding yours and your bodies pressed close against the wall. “Fuck.”
It could have been the late night catching up with him or the shock, but he couldn’t seem to get his body to respond to the noise his head was making.
It was you who recovered first, pulling your hands free before shoving him away from you. It felt like minutes passed but it was likely only seconds since no one appeared to have noticed what had been displayed. If it had been hours earlier then the lobby would have been full of people.
“I’ll see you later,” you whispered as you sobbed Carlod out of the elevator.
“Does that mean-”
“It means I’ll see you later,” you said with a nod that made him smile. How could you possibly leave him after that profession? You were never very good at listening to your voice of reason, your heart had far more bearing on your decisions and Carlos had carved out a place for himself in yours.
The doors closed on the elevator and you fell back into the wall he had held you against, tipping your head back with a sigh. Told you he was trouble.
Click here for part three.
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blue-jisungs · 3 months
author's note. i kinda slayed w the banner ngl
summary. 3rd time is a charm, right? especially when the guy whose ride home you stole is kinda (very much) cute
word count. 2111
genre, pairing. crack and fluff lmao!! graphic design hybe worker!yn x idol!seungkwan;; sassy kwan.
warnings. one or two curses, mention of throwing up
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letting out a deep sigh, you stepped outside the hybe building. holding the file with your notes and sketches, you pressed it closer to your chest as you whipped out your phone. the weather was quite stuffy, air no better than in the office. 
some of your coworkers passed you by and walked towards the parking. 
shaking your head, with a few swipes you ordered a cab. living without a car was manageable but quite a pain in the ass, especially on days like this when you didn’t feel like taking the metro. 
you stayed overtime, again. it’s really a bad habit, you should work on it. your eyes were struggling to keep open, even while standing. speaking of which, your legs hurt too – probably a result of sitting for too long. and your back; oh god, your back. leaning over the drawing tablet for the whole day will definitely cause you to have a hump… fun. 
someone left the building and sat on the bench, doing something in their phone. it was good to know you weren’t the last one to leave. yawning loudly, you struggled to stand still.
then, you noticed a yellow cab arriving. finally! you marched towards it, absentmindedly. you opened the door and greeted the driver, sitting inside.
before you closed it, you heard an offended:
“yah! that’s my cab! check the number, miss!” 
but the door closing shut the voice down as you muttered the address. letting yourself relax for a while, only halfway home you realized you just accidentally took someone else’s cab.
well, at least they won’t be left alone – in such case yours should be arriving at the hybe building soon.
you observed in deep thought the water droplets racing down the window. someone tapped your arm and you jerked, blinking.
“y/n, we’re leaving. you should too, tomorrow is an important day” your co-worker smiled gently and patted your arm “you should get some sleep, okay? i’ll see you tomorrow”
nodding in agreement, you waved them goodbye and started packing your things. 
tomorrow you’re going to be presenting your new album cover and other details for seventeen’s upcoming comeback. you were nervous, you didn’t know if they were going to like it. considering the time you spent and how much tears, blood and sweat you put into the design you tried to be optimistic that they would enjoy it.
you left the office and already ordered a cab while in the lift. you hoped that because of it, you weren’t going to wait in the rain for too long. 
a distant chatter echoed and bounced of the lobby walls, mixing with the elevator-type-of-music. 
then, your phone dinged with a notification that your cab arrived. 
taking a deep breath and putting your scarf around your head, you headed out. running towards the yellow cab in the rain, droplets hitting your face. water splashed under your shoes and in a few leaps you reached the car. 
you decided to hop on the seat behind the driver, putting your bag on your knees.
“sorry for the mess” you breathed out and tucked the hair that got stuck onto your face. 
suddenly the door opened again and someone entered the cab. 
your eyes widened and you looked at the stranger. he blinked, flabbergasted. 
then you yelped upon realizing its seungkwan. boo seungkwan. the boo seungkwan from seventeen.
you bowed yet were speechless, too stunned to mutter even a single word. 
his brows knitted as he pointed at you.
“hey, you stole my cab last time” he grunted and ran his hand through his wet locks. your cheeks grew hot with realization, fingers nervously playing with the material of your bag. that’s not good. not good at all.
“i’m sorry i promise it wasn’t on purpose! i was just so tired and didn’t realize–” you started.
“are we going or what? it’s not a cafe to chat endlessly in one place” the driver grunted impatiently.
“yeah, right. um, i’ll just leave and you take this one. i’m deeply sorry, mr. boo” words spilled out of you like the rain from the dark clouds. 
before you could open the door, seungkwan leaned and smacked your head gently. you halted in shock.
“are you out of your mind? i mean, respectfully. whatever happened, happened. just be sure to check next time… and let’s just take this one. i assume you’re heading home?” he asked, catching the driver’s annoyed look in the mirror “you should go first” 
you nodded and after saying the address, the car started. 
“do you work here?” seungkwan asked, interested. you felt a little shy – even though you knew they work at the same building, you never met an idol. and yet here you are.
“yes, i’m a graphic designer” you smiled politely “oh, i’m sorry. my name is l/n y/n”
the idol returned your smile and reached his hand out. you shook it and he hissed dramatically.
“aigo, your hand is so cold!”
you giggled and took it back. 
the nervousness gradually left your body as you had some small talk with him (and he insisted not to call him mr boo or mr seungkwan as – quote – “that makes him old and he’s still young!”), genuinely feeling comfortable. he seemed not to be faking his engagement into the conversation either.
before you realized, you arrived in your neighborhood. it was pouring now but luckily the driver stopped quite close to the building. the driver asked for seungkwan’s destination, wanting to put it in gps already. 
as he did, you reached for your card. then, you asked the driver how much it would cost to take seungkwan to his place. the man replied and the idol smacked your hand once again this evening.
“you are really crazy” he grunted and shook his head.
“no, no. let me pay, as a form of sorry for the last cab incident” you frowned, discreetly nodding to the driver. he nodded back and put the full price for the route; seungkwan didn’t seem to notice.
“no, i can’t allow that. it’s literally nothing, i swear i already forgot” he whined. 
the driver handed you the terminal and you paid with a bright smile. 
“okay, fine. um, thank you for the ride, seungkwan” you said and grabbed your bag “it was nice meeting you. have a good day!”
with that you left and seungkwan observed as you ran to the building, heavy rain slurring your silhouette. he kept his eyes on you as long as he could before the driver was too far away. 
only then he noticed something on the seat. 
worker id.
he huffed and took it in his fingers, not realizing he’s smiling. it must have fallen out when you pulled out your card.
“the lady paid for you, by the way” the driver said softly, glancing at him through the mirror. 
seungkwan rolled his eyes, not sure why his mood is so bright now. 
you dug through your bag, heart rate being faster than when you took your friend’s niece to the rollercoaster park. feeling the guard’s displeased sight on you, you decided to turn your bag around and spill the contents on the floor. then, you dropped to your knees and ignored the weird looks from other workers.
“i promise i have it! i have no idea why it’s not here!” you whined, glancing at the clock. 9:55am. you had about three minutes to enter the building and arrive at the meeting place since it starts at 10am. 
and currently you couldn’t find your worker id. 
“i can’t let you in on a promise. i’ll need to escort you if you don’t have it” the bodyguard said, unbothered. 
you looked through all the papers and sketches that fell out, sweat dripping down your temple. that’s not how it was supposed to go. 
with shaking hands you wiped a tear that gathered on your cheek and checked your wallet again. nothing. 
a sudden pat on your arm caused you to turn around sharply and the person jerked in surprise due to your dramatic reaction. 
it was seungkwan.
“now that’s just embarrassing” you grunted, blinking the tears away. 
“are you looking for this?” he asked with a soft smile, reaching for something from his pocket. your eyes saw the goddamn plastic card “and before you think it’s creepy, you left it in the taxi. i figured i’d drop it off at your office but you’re here so…”
nodding your head vigorously, you gathered all your stuff and put it into your bag. 
“thank you, thank you so so much. i was just about to be late for a meeting as if the meeting itself didn’t make me nervous as fuck” you breathed out and took the id “thank you…”
“i get it, i get it. now shoo, you can’t be late! and good luck, fighting!” he grinned and you sent him a wide grin. 
seungkwan watched you disappear in the lift before a gasp ripped out of his chest. 
“what am i even doing?! i have a meeting too–”
he rushed to get another lift and cursed underneath his breath when it came late. seungcheol will whoop his ass for being late but first of all, it’s only like five minutes. second of all, he was helping you. 
the man pushed the door from the meeting room, sending all eyes on him. he rose his hands in a defensive manner and then bowed.
“i apologize for being late, there was a small… incident” he mumbled and before he looked up, he heard a voice.
“it’s alright, mr. boo. we didn’t start yet” 
your voice. 
his eyes met with yours, causing his face to lit up. some of the members noticed the strange exchange between you, especially when a shared smile bloomed on your faces. 
seungkwan sat down next to minghao, earning a smack on the arm. 
needless to say, everyone came to a conclusion that for the first time ever seungkwan was laser focused in the presentation. and you. 
“i feel like i’m gonna throw up” you mumbled to yourself, squatting down on the sidewalk. hiding your head in your knees, you heard a chuckle.
“i thought people usually got nervous before presenting?” seungkwan’s voice reached your ears and you looked up with a smile. 
“well now i’m waiting for the decision, it is nervous too” you sighed and stood up, raising an eyebrow.
“you don’t need to worry about that. i know those guys and they liked your project, a lot. and if they didn’t, i’d convince them” seungkwan grinned and whipped out his phone “cab? let me pay this time”
“aish, we’re gonna be pushing and pulling all the time?” you scoffed and shook your head “wait, did you like it?”
seungkwan nodded, noticing the yellow cab approaching. good thing this was a busy street and there were lots of taxis. 
“obviously!” he grinned and led you towards the car, opening the door for you. once inside, he waited for you to tell your address to the driver and continued. “i really like your art style, it’s very unique and original. the colors fit well with the concept, as well as the design. did you create the font yourself?”
you stared at him in shock, causing a giggle out of him. 
as you indulged him into the details of your work progress, you failed to realize how quickly you got home. not even done with explaining how you got the idea for the design, you saw a mischievous spark in his ebony eyes. 
“let me pay, please” seungkwan pleaded and you huffed “and… if you want, i’ll let you pay next time. for coffee”
he stared at you hopefully (ignoring the fact that he obviously wouldn’t let you but he somehow wanted to have an excuse), seungkwan noticed a cute smile bloomed on your face. 
“i’d love to. tomorrow? 3pm?” you asked, unable to control your face muscles from grinning. seungkwan nodded energetically “we’re set then. get home safe, mr boo” 
you leaned in, led by an impulse, and tried to place a goodbye kiss on his cheek but you accidentally pecked the corner of his lips. 
blood flowing to your face, you left the cab panicked, yelping a nervous bye! 
“hey there, misses! what’s with your kisses?” he mumbled, fingers ghosting over the area your lips brushed against. 
looking at the whipped man in the mirror, the cab driver smiled. 
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taglist. @mirxzii ,, @primoppang ,, @l3visbby ,, @nicholasluvbot ,, @planetkiimchi ,, @weird-bookworm ,, @slytherinshua ,, @kazmura ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @eternalgyuuu ,, @rubywonu ,, @haecien ,, @mine-gyu
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dear-ao3 · 7 months
who are the 20 f1 meow meows?
max verstappen (fast but an asshole on the track. lives in fear of his cats. winning everything.)
checo perez (might lose his spot. had two separate did not finishes in the same race. kissed another car at the hairpin)
sir lewis hamilton (fashion icon, classiest mother fucker you’ll ever see, knighted, just wants a comeback and to win his 8th world championship)
george russell (walking meme, looks like he belongs in the window of a tommy bahama, says crikey and blimey unironically, the most british person ever)
charles leclerc (the poorest little meow meow, is a millionaire but has a cracked back of his phone, either is fighting for the podium or crashes on the first lap, please dear god let this man win something he has the worst luck i’ve ever seen)
carlos sainz (smooth operator, dunks on everyone’s golf game especially landos, aparently doesn’t eat his pancakes with toppings, drives a volkswagen golf at least sometimes)
lando norris (usually getting told by carlos he sucks at golf, chronically online, has a blanket with george russell’s face on it, gets in trouble for being too sarcastic, please give him a win it’s been 5 years)
oscar piastri (has never once looked like he’s having a good time but almost did once while building a house of cards, hates horoscopes, almost got sued by alpine when he said he wasn’t signing with them after alpine announced he was signing with them, has an iconic mom)
fernando alonso (old man, retired and then came back for some reason, tad villain and he knows it, don’t mention taylor swift around him)
lance stroll (still waiting for his tennis career tbh, his dad bought aston martin to guarantee him a seat, rage monster)
esteban ocon (french, monster of a teammate aparently, once got beat up in the garage by max verstappen, besties with stroll and mick schumacher)
pierre gasley (also french, terrible awful haircut, did i mention he’s french, had his brain chemistry permanently altered by being teammates with yuki, photo dump king)
nico hulkenberg (looks like that one penguin with the weird hair from penguins of madagascar, dad, has raced in over 200 races and never been on the podium)
kevin magnussen (was kicked off haas because they wanted younger drivers only to reappear the next year after they fired one of the drivers for probably funding the russian ukrainian war, once fok smashed a door, has the cutest child)
valtteri bottas (unproblematic king, cyclist, makes his own alcohol, is ass out on netflix and has his own naked calendar called bott ass, mullet mustache man)
zhou guanyu (baby fashion icon, trying his best in a medium shit car, first chinese driver ever in f1)
daniel ricciardo (class clown, made the worst career mistake of leaving red bull and is now trying to get back in, from australia but is a texas cowboy, usually fucking shit up, just wants to tickle his scrotum and touch his nutsack)
yuki tsunoda (wants to chef, was forcibly moved to italy by his team cause he didn’t want to work out with his trainer, short king, usually gets sacrificed to the luck gods, cursed radios)
alex albon (so insanely barbie coded, filmed a cereve commercial in his hotel room with his girlfriend, definitely dyes his own hair with box dye, incredible oldest sibling energy, single-handedly carrying williams)
logan sargeant (what the fuck is a kilometer!!!! only american in f1, usually found in dead last or kissing walls, one of his essential items is heinz burger sauce, says mate with an american accent)
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m-jelly · 5 months
jelllyyy for the request, can i get a sulky, pouty levi? 🥺🥺🥺 with slight heartwrenching angst 🥹🥹 and a happy ending 🙈🙈 any storyline and genre of your choice 🩷🩷🩷
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Almost in flames
Levi x fem!reader
Modern AU, firefighter Levi, being a couple, angst, happy ending.
You have to go into the office and Levi asks you to stay with him at home for a bit longer, you tell him no because you want to get your job sorted. While working, you see on the news a warehouse in flames and you recognise Levi's truck there. You hurry to the building just as a part of it explodes.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird
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You pulled on your coat and gave Levi a tiny smile. "I have to go in."
He crawled across the bed to you to show he was just in boxers. "Please?"
You adored the pout Levi had for you. "I won't be long. I just have to drop in to go over a few of my book ideas, then I'll be home."
He whined. "But I need you."
You kissed him before pulling away. "I'll only be about two hours max."
You blew him a kiss. "I'll see you later."
He flopped back on the bed and whined. "You're mean."
"I am!"
The walk to work was a nice one, you had always enjoyed it and it wasn't too cold. Not many people were at work, but that was normal for editors. It seemed there were a few meetings scheduled for today, so you would be seeing a few authors today.
You met with your editor and went over a few things with them. As you talked you did think about your lover back home in bed. You felt bad for leaving Levi. Levi wasn't due in today, but he was on call. You could have stayed with him a bit longer.
When you were near the end of your meeting an assistant hurried inside the office and looked panicked. They called your name and gulped hard. "Your boyfriend is a firefighter, right?"
A cold shiver went through you, you knew something wasn't right. "Yeah, that's right."
They gripped the door a bit. "You uh...you should come see the news."
You shot to your feet and raced through the hall to the main office where the TV was on the local news. There on the TV was live breaking news of a fire at a warehouse. The fire was massive and so hot that they said the metal framing of the building was going to melt. Panic surged through you as soon as you saw the number on the truck there, it was Levi's.
You looked to your editor with tears in your eyes. "Levi's there. That's Levi's truck."
He nodded at you. "I'll drive you there. Come on."
The two of you sprinted to his car and made your way to the warehouse. While everyone was driving away from the fire, you were going towards it. As you made your way there you were trying Levi's phone, but he wasn't picking up. Every second that went by the more regret that filled your heart.
Levi's sweet and loving smile appeared in your head, which then faded into his sad pout this morning. Waking next to him every single day was a dream come true and now there was a high chance you might never be able to do that. Focusing on a small meeting at work that could have been done over a video call seemed so silly now.
Heat blasted you when you opened the door of the car. Seat consumed your body making your panic worse. The fire was hotter than anything you'd ever felt before. Tears stung your eyes as you hurried to the boundary line put up.
Erwin stood in his uniform shouting orders and then speaking into his radio. He was covered in sweat, soot and ash from the fire. It took him a few seconds to clock you. He called your name and raised his hand to stop you. "You shouldn't be here. Go home."
You gripped the barrier. "Where's Levi?"
"It's too dangerous. I need you to get back and go home."
Your vision began to blur. "Erwin, where is Levi? Where is he?"
Erwin went to speak, but a voice came through his radio. "Yeah?" He shook his head. "Are you sure?" He looked over at you. "You need to leave, now. That's an order."
You leaned closer. "Levi! Is that Levi? Levi!"
Erwin walked up to you and held your hand. "He'll be okay. I'm sorry I can't answer questions, but this fire needs to be controlled. I'm sorry."
You shook before Erwin and felt so tiny. "Mm. I understand."
"I'll give you an update in a moment." He released you and ran over to Hange, his medical.
No matter how hard you tried to stop yourself from having a panic attack, it was too difficult. You did everything you could to remain as calm as you could. You gripped the barrier causing your knuckles to go white. Your eyes scanned all the firefighters as you tried your best to find your man, but he was nowhere to be seen.
A strange noise was coming from the building, like a high-pitched whistle that was getting louder. Before you could speak to your editor a loud boom echoed. A strong force from the blast came from the building sending debris out at you and others. You were hit at such a force that you were knocked to the ground.
Darkness consumed your vision and a ringing started in your ears. Something warm trickled on your head and your skin hurt on your right arm. There was a muffled voice calling your name and trying to speak to you. As your hearing cleared and vision returned you saw a worried looking Erwin.
You sat up with his help and winced. "Levi..." You looked at the warehouse as Erwin asked for medical for you. "Levi...he...he was in there..." It was no use holding back the tears now. You sobbed hard as regret and sorrow consumed you. All you could think about was the last moments you had with Levi. You had wished you stayed behind and laid in his arms all morning.
Erwin scooped you up into his arms and ran with you to the ambulance to be attended to. There were a few burns on your right arm and debris had caused a large cut on your forehead. As you were helped your eyes never pulled away from the burning warehouse.
You sat up when you saw a firefighter coming out of the building with a fellow firefighter over their shoulder. Your stomach dropped because all you could think about was that could possibly be Levi's body. You gripped Erwin's jacket as you felt weak.
Erwin held you tightly as you sobbed. He felt for you and your pain. He hoped for you that Levi was perfectly fine. He let out a long sigh. Your screams of pain and sorrow were something Erwin had heard before when he had to tell someone their family member, or lover had died in a fire. Erwin never imagined he'd hear that from you.
Erwin flinched when he heard his radio crackle. He stepped away from you and radioed in where he was. He looked up to see the firefighter who had dropped off a fellow firefighter was now jogging over. Erwin frowned a little, looked at the uniform and noticed who it was.
He gasped in shock. "Holy shit. Levi?"
You looked up and stared. The firefighter removed their helmet to show it was the love of your life, Levi. He was covered in soot, ash, blood from someone and a little burn on his jawline, but it was tiny. Your body moved before you realised what you were doing. You sprinted over to Levi.
Levi dropped his helmet when he noticed you in the ambulance. As soon as you ran towards him he started running too. He yanked off his jacket to remove the dirt off him. Below his jacket was his perfect body covered in sweat. He tackled you into his arms and picked you up. Your sobs in his ear made his heart sting.
Levi buried his nose in the crook of your neck and inhaled deeply. He sobbed your name. "It's okay. I'm here. I right here."
"I th-thought I l-lost you."
He carried you to the ambulance and sat on the back with you on his lap. "You know me. I'm strong. Nothing can stop me."
You sniffed a lot as you tried to rub your tears away. "I'm sorry."
Levi frowned. "What are you sorry for?"
You shook a little. "For this morning. All I could think about was I made a big mistake. I should have stayed with you this morning. You're my world, Levi. I'm sorry."
Levi cradled your face in his hands. "Don't be sorry, okay? You know what I'm like, I pout a bit when I don't get you all the time." He hummed a laugh. "I'm needy for cuddles."
You giggled a bit. "So am I."
He leaned closer and kissed you. "Have you been letting this morning get to you?"
He sighed your name. "I love you and this morning was me being a bit of a toddler. Please, don't regret your choice, okay?"
He smiled at you. "Plus, I'll always come back to you, okay? You're not getting rid of me." He kissed you over and over. "I love you."
"I love you, Levi."
He hugged you tightly. "We both need a bath."
"We do." You lightly traced patterns on his arm. "Are you hurt?"
"Just a tiny burn on my jawline, but that's nothing. You got more hurt than me. Explosions are deadly."
You lifted your head. "How did you survive that blast?"
"I found a place in the building for my colleagues and me to hide before the blast." He nodded to the ambulance. "The colleague over there just as a fucked up leg from it going through the floor."
You felt your cheeks heat up. "I should have more faith in you."
"Darling, I would have felt the same way as you if the roles were reversed." He kissed you and hummed. "We'll go home once I've run everything by Erwin, okay?"
You nodded. "Okay."
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
By The Waning Crescent Moon
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Summary: As an Omega you know you need to get home before your Heat starts, but when your car breaks down in the woods you need to seek refuge somewhere safe... surely a Convent will be the best place? Little do you know the nuns have long since left, only to be replaced by the worst possible thing; a pack of Werewolves. Even worse, its a full moon. Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sand Castle - Movie.
Wordcount: 4949
Pairing: Alpha Werewolf Syverson x Omega Female reader (no race or body type specified)
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, Smut, Oral Sex (Female Receiving), Unprotected Sex, Desecration of Religious artefacts, Knotting, Werewolf Sex, Monsterfucking, Unplanned Pregnancy, ABO Dynamics
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
Henry Cavill Masterlist
A/N: This story has been stuck in WIP hell for a couple of months, i originally got psyched to write an entire werewolf gangbang, but then all the bullshit in the USA happened and yeah, forced pregnancy wasn’t at the forefront of everyone’s to do list, even in fanfic. Furthermore the wolf gang was originally going to be a biker gang, but another amazing writer @sillyrabbit81​ has since launched a truly amazing biker gang reverse harem fic, i decided to shelve that idea and instead sit on the original thought of werewolves for a while. I then had inspiration to make this a Syverson story, so here we go. The Were sex scene is heavily inspired by the graveyard scene between Lucy and Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula movie, which in my opinion is one of the greatest creature feature/monsterfucking movies in the history of cinema.
By the Waning Crescent Moon
You waited at the stop light, the remote intersection of two highways high up in the hills of logging country. It was dusk, yet the sky was hidden behind obsidian clouds, heavy rain systems waiting to release their downpours in sporadic outbursts. Despite the cold rain dulling the summer evening, you were burning up. You’d stopped at the last gas station and had stocked up on a huge slush drink and a popsicle, but neither had done anything to quell the growing warmth within your body. Sat in your flimsy sundress you were at least grateful that in a moment of optimism that morning you’d dressed for good weather, even if you’d spent the day wrapped in the cardigan you’d found on the back seat. However now as you felt a droplet of sweat make its way down your neck and cleavage, you cursed and opened the window, grateful for the cool damp air against your skin.
The red light finally changed and you muttered under your breath to yourself as you pushed your old Nissan into gear;
“C’mon, lets get home” you said to no-one except yourself.
The highway grew narrow as it entered the woods, just a single lane in each direction, tall cedar trees closing in on both sides. The rain wasn’t as heavy beneath the thick canopy above you, instead there were wisps of mist clinging to the roadway’s edge. 
As you continued along you felt the first pang of pain in your stomach, a cramp that grew with intensity like an old lightbulb trying to illuminate but suddenly extinguishing.
“Oh fuck…” you cursed, resting your hand on your stomach as you rubbed to ease the ache. You drove on cautiously, ignoring the rattle that was emanating from the engine, your mind elsewhere. You had only finished your last period a little over a week ago so it wasn’t that. You could feel another cramp starting to build, your concentration far from the road. That was more than likely the reason you didn’t notice the pothole, the car shook and the suspension made a deafening thunk as you hit the flooded crater without pause. With a scream you pulled your full attention back to the road, ignoring the cramp pulling at your gut as you struggled to keep the car on the road, slowing gradually until you were able to pause. The sudden understanding hit your mind as the realisation of what was happening registered. You scrambled for your phone, opening the calendar and scrolling back to the cold winter months. 
A cold chill ran down your back like icy fingers against your spine. Six months. Almost to the day. Six months since your last heat.
“Shit fuck FUCK” you shouted at the rain splattered windows. How could you have missed it? As another cramp hit your stomach you curled over and rested your head against the steering wheel, at which moment your phone chimed. Peering out of one eye you looked at the screen and the reminder that had just popped up;
*Heat starting soon!!!*
“Yes, THANK YOU. 24 hours too late”
As an unmated Omega you set yourself reminders for when your heat was due, coming every six months you generally made arrangements to work from home, and ensure you loaded your purse with suppressants and painkillers so to deal with the build up. It would seem this time however you hadn’t set the reminder early enough, as you had neither medication with you, but would also explain the hot sweats and the reason you’d woken up that morning tangled in the sheets after dreaming of faceless intimacy. 
With a sigh you wiped the sweat from your forehead with the back of your hand, before peering out of the windshield at the dark and twisting road. Engaging first gear you set off but were immediately reminded that something terminal had happened when you’d hit the hole in the asphalt, your car now leaning on the kerbside. For a moment you considered calling for a tow truck, but then the rapidly failing rational side of your brain reminded you that the truck would likely be driven by a man, and the last thing you needed when you were about to come into heat was to risk being stuck with an Alpha you didn’t know. No, you needed to try and limp your car home, at least close enough to town that you could call your roommate to come help, she’d know exactly what to do.  You made it a good couple of miles at a slow pace, the road straight and gently downhill, until a hairpin bend meant you had to sharply turn the wheel. Something loudly went ‘twang’ like a spring being violently recoiled. It was quickly followed by the sound of hissing air, and the car dropped even further on the kerbside. The tell-tale thud-thud-thud of a flat tyre could be heard as you freewheeled to the side of the road, before coming to a stop on the gravel side of the highway.
You took a deep breath and let out a scream, yelling at the windshield, before your stomach cramps hit back again. They were getting closer together and you knew you needed help. Checking your phone hopefully you were still disappointed when you saw that there was still no service, more than likely due to a combination of location and the bad weather. With a sigh you stared out of the windshield and you noticed a sign on a wall;
“The Sisters of St Augustus’ Refuge” you paused, the synapses in your brain firing and finally connecting; “A CONVENT! That’s just women!”
Climbing out of your car you grabbed your purse and cardigan, holding the latter over your head in a vain attempt to keep the worst of the rain off as you started to trot up the long driveway towards the building that loomed on the horizon. You failed to notice the other sign that lay on the ground, one put up by the real estate company handling the sale of the building but has since fallen.
The driveway was considerably longer than you anticipated, and by the time you were halfway your pace had slowed, your cramps now even worse. The large wooden doors of the convent came into view as you staggered closer, the rain and sweat mixing and running into your eyes, blurring your vision. You stumbled, your no longer white Converses catching on a pebble, righting yourself before you fell flat on your face. Another two steps and another pebble, you were falling when suddenly a pair of arms caught you, the dark robes fluttering in the storm as you blacked out.
Sy sat back in his chair, his boots resting on the large table as he picked at his nails with one long claw, being able to control the change to his advantage. Walter was pacing the room, pausing to glare at the clock on the wall before returning to pacing. Sy let out a small sigh, the entire pack was antsy, anxious and ready for the turn of the full moon, however this summer storm obscuring its silver rays was turning the pack into an angry mess. August had wisely disappeared into the depths of the building and Sy was thankful for that, he and Walter would always argue over the smallest thing. Sy also glanced at the clock, his stomach growling;
“Where is Mikey with that takeout?” he muttered to himself.
A sudden increase in background noise caused both Sy and Walter to pause and look up, their nostrils flaring. August entered the room from the door that led to the private quarters, just as the large double doors to the chapel opened. The two youngest members of the pack came bustling in, Will holding the doors open as Mikey staggered along, his long black duster raincoat still dripping with rain, a now soaked bag of takeout hanging from one hand, but what caught everyone’s attention was what else he was carrying; a young woman.
The room fell into an eerie silence as Mikey stood still, waiting to gauge the reaction from the rest of the pack;
“I…I found… she passed out on the doorstep…”
There was a pause before everyone sprang into life, the men helping Mikey carry the unconscious woman in, Walter lifting her and setting her down onto the makeshift workbench they’d commandeered when they’d moved into the old building. 
Sy’s eyes widened before he cursed;
“Fuck…” he dragged his hand over his face before clearing his throat; “Aug, Walt, gotta talk. Will and Mike, make sure she’s ok”
August simply raised his left eyebrow before following, Walter trudging closely behind as Sy pushed the door partially closed behind them;
“Shit, this is the last thing we need, especially tonight…”
Walter nodded;
“I agree, whatever she’s doing here, we need to get her out of here before the storm passes”
August stood in the corner of the room, his silence eventually what drew the others attention;
“August, you’ve been uncharacteristically quiet on this” Sy questioned
“Maybe she’s not an Omega?” he simply shrugged; “Could just be lost or her car broken down”
“Then why is she unconscious and reek of heat scent?…” he paused… “And why…”
Sy fell silent, all three elder members of the pack’s attention rising to the tall stained glass windows, the pale light from the full moon spilling into the dark room as the clouds started to part. A simultaneous chorus of ‘fuck’ sounded around the room, before they started to change, the moonlight triggering the lupine curse within them. 
They grew broader, their shoulders filling out their shirts. Jaws clenched as canine teeth elongated. The flick of fire in their eyes started to burn as the silvery rays of moonlight spread throughout the room. At first they didn’t notice the wisp of orangey vapour that curled through the small gap in the door, but as it moved around the room like a lost serpent August was the first to notice;
“What the hell is that?”
Sy and Walter followed his gaze before noticing more tendrils of the vapour, watching as it sparkled gold and copper in the moonlight. Sy gritted his teeth and pushed back the urge to fully transform, the skill he’d accomplished once he became the full Alpha leader of the pack;
“Stay here” he all but growled, stalking towards the mist and out into the hall, the sight before him stopping him in his tracks.
The young woman was awake, but was clinging to Will as she nuzzled against his neck. One of her hands curled through Mikey’s hair, pulling him to the other side of her neck. Wisps of orange vapour curled around them, seemingly emanating from her.
“BOYS!” Sy barked, both younger men trying to turn to the pack elder, but looked punch drunk.
“Uncle Sy…” Mikey muttered; “She’s… there’s something…”
Sy crossed the room lightning fast, pulling both younger men from her grasp before pushing them into a ray of moonlight as it spilt in through a side window, knowing that although the moon would turn them, it would also clear whatever was happening due to the vapour from their minds. August and Walter helped the two boys up, both elders now having almost completed their transformations, the younger turning as they stood. Sy gritted his teeth again and pushed back the urge to transform, knowing four, five full Were’s would destroy this young woman, and that someone needed to find out what the hell was happening;
“August, Walter, take Will and Mikey, go run, go hunt, anything, get all of you out of here”
The other’s paused, seemingly torn between the draw of the full moon and the pull of the young woman, but as Sy turned and growled, his eyes flashing golden they finally retreated. 
Sy listened, his acute hearing picking up four sets of padded feet running across the gravel driveway and into the woods, before he turned to her;
“What the hell am i going to do with you?”
You sat on the hard surface, the blanket beneath you doing little to pad out the cold stone underneath as you watched the hulk of a man approach. You could immediately tell he was an Alpha, strong and virile, he was extremely broad with thick arms and thighs, he seemed to be 250lbs of solid muscle. Beneath the scowl on his face you could see stormy blue eyes that sometimes had a flash of gold in them, and hints of red in his thick beard. Your entire body was sweating, desperate for the touch of an Alpha. The two young Alpha’s you hadn’t been able to control yourself from scenting with had done a little to sate the heat hunger burning within you, but as this beast approached you your body burned for him.
Reaching for him your body immediately calmed the moment your hands grasped at his muscled forearms, breathing in his scent as he looked you over. When he spoke his voice was deep but soft;
“Miss, i gotta ask, but what are you?”
“Just an Omega… and i fucked up, my heat started…”
“Then why’d you come in here?”
“It said it was a convent… Nuns are women… i woulda been safe here…”
The man let out a long sigh;
“Oh honey… this wasn’t a convent of Nuns… it was a refuge for Moon Makers” he looked you up and down; “They shouldn’t have put ya on the altar…”
You were confused, you had heard the term Moon Maker before but it was so long ago you couldn’t recall exactly where. It was as if it had been a whisper you’d eavesdropped as a child, of something mothers and aunts had gossiped about with a sense of sordid envy. 
Before you could dwell on that thought the storm outside blew wild, the crack of a tree could be heard and as it fell to the ground it let in a stream of moonlight right to where you lay. Bathed in the silver light the tendrils of orange mist started to swirl with vigour, and the Alpha before you let out a groan;
“Sugar, i gotta see the mark…”
He pushed you back as he stood between your legs, his large hands on your thighs as they crept beneath your short summer dress, pushing it up until your panties were visible and the fabric of your dress was bunched around your waist. His nostrils flared as he picked up your scent, the dark patch of wetness between your legs drawing him like a moth to the flame, but instead he hooked his thumb over the waistband of your underwear and tugged them down just a little until he saw your birthmark on your hip.
“The waning crescent…” he muttered
“What’s… huh? Moon Makers… Waning Crescent… I don’t understand” you were struggling to concentrate through the heat cramps, pulling the Alpha closer to you as you’d wrapped your legs around his thighs.
“Moon Makers are a special kind of Omega… the only one’s strong enough to bear the pups of a Were… the waning crescent is the shape of the birthmark they carry… shaped that way as if you breed on a full moon you’ll know if you’re carrying the pups by the time of the next waning crescent… It’s old lore, there hasn’t been a sighting of a Moon Maker for, well, almost twenty five years…”
You pulled him close, not even knowing this beast’s name, but were drawn to him. You hooked your nose beneath his chin, his soft beard rubbing against your face and you could feel him shake with restraint;
“You’re testing big Sy to the limits Sugar…”
“Sy…” you muttered, his name like a syrup on your tongue; “Sy… i’m still an Omega, and i need your help. This heat isn’t going away… i need you, as an Alpha”
Nodding, Sy cradled the back of your head. He knew what he needed to do. He just needed to get you through your heat, long enough to get you back to your home. He also had a secret, one that he’d brushed over many times when his brothers had joked about it, but an injury when he’d been in the army had meant he could no longer sire any pups with an Omega. It was something he and only he knew about, not even confessing this to Walter or August, and it had been safe in that knowledge that he’d been able to concentrate on leading the pack, without the distraction of offspring. Countless Omega’s had warmed his bed, but he’d insisted it was never the right time, not on a full moon, not the right point in their heat. Right now though, he needed to fight off his hind-brain, the part of him that wanted the Were to take over. He didn’t even consider things would be different with a Moon Maker.
He pressed his face to your neck, inhaling deeply against your scent gland, the soft dip in your clavicle, and let your scent wash over him. You were grinding against him, the slick in your panties dousing the front of his old combat pants, the thick cotton straining against his growing erection. His lips brushed against your neck as he spoke;
“Will you let me taste you? Get you ready with my tongue? Sugar… Omega, you want me to eat that pussy?”
“Sy… Alpha, please… I need it. I need you”
You were desperate; desperate for relief, desperate for pleasure. You watched as his massive hands curled around your panties as he gripped the thin cotton before with a low growl he tore the thin fabric to shreds. Licking his lips he fell to his knees between your legs, his face between your thighs as his tongue found heaven. That long thick tongue dove through your folds, lapping at your slick as he eagerly tasted your essence. Your hands fell to his head, the short buzz cut soft beneath your fingertips, but without anything to grip onto you felt lost, unable to anchor yourself. As if sensing your need Sy lifted one hand to yours, curling his fingers between your own as his piercing blue eyes never left yours, all whilst his tongue delved deep into your velvet channel. The more you cried out and wriggled the quicker he fucked you with his tongue, bringing you closer and closer to pleasure before with a final wide swipe of his tongue you came with a scream, calling out to the stars above as white hot pleasure coursed through your body and lifted your soul. Sy eagerly drank down your slick as it gushed from your channel, growling at the taste on his tongue before you finally fell back limp on the altar. 
He pressed a kiss to each of your inner thighs before he moved to stand, and you watched as he pulled his t-shirt over his head and tossed it aside, before unbuckling his pants and let them drop to the floor. Toeing off his boots he was standing naked before you, his cock hard and rigid, thick and uncut, the knot at the base already starting to swell. You had been with an Alpha before but never one as big as Sy was, he was almost grotesquely huge, his girth as eye watering as the length. It was an angry red, his skin flushed and he was already dripping with need;
“Omega, I need you as much as you need me, you gonna let me fill that pussy?”
You nodded, and as Sy stepped forwards you saw there was hesitation in his step;
“Sy… what is it?”
“You ever been with a Were Alpha before?”
“A Were?” you shook your head; “But i want to. I need you Sy…”
“Not sure how much longer i can hold back the change, gonna have to be quick”
“I don’t want it to be quick, i want you… all of you”
What you were agreeing to was unheard of usually, very few had ever been with a full Were, let alone a Were Alpha, you knew the pheromones could drive an Omega crazy; “Do what you need to do Alpha”
With a growl Sy pushed you back, his body covering your own as his hands grasped your wrists;
“Hold still Sugar… need to tie you down so you don’t go flying off the altar”
“Altar?! Tie me down?!”
Sy paused, his face inches from your own;
“Say so now and i’ll stop, otherwise you’ll get as you asked and i will ‘do as i need’”
Swallowing nervously you nodded, wide eyed as you watched him pull ceremonial silk ropes from two corners of the altar beneath the blanket, tying your wrists in place. You could see his fight against the change was already starting to wane, his eyes burning like fire as his elongated fingers ran down your torso before grasping at your hips. He knelt between your parted thighs, pulling you up his thighs until his tip was poised at your entrance, dousing the bulbous head with your copious slick. With a growl he pushed forwards, stretching your tight walls as he slowly filled you. The pressure in your belly was intense, a white hot heat surging through your body as your mouth fell open in a silent scream. With your back arched you struggled to let your body adjust to his size, but then you felt the rough brush of the blunt tip of a claw circle your clit, carefully teasing the sensitive pearl from beneath its hood. As the moonlight poured down over your joined bodies you felt Sy start to change, of the Were taking over.
You moved your hips, realising you were now completely stuffed with his thick cock and eager for more, opening your eyes you let out a gasp, he had changed fully. Covered in a thick layer of auburn brown fur, his body was that of a Greek mythical beast. Though his features had changed, you could still see the same eyes that had burned for you just moments before. Shoulders as wide as the altar you were being defiled upon, which continued into enormous arms, thick with muscle as massive hands gripped at your hips as he started to thrust into you. You could both watch as he filled you before pulling out and repeating, his angry red shaft glistening in the moonlight with your slick before he’d plunge deep into you again and again. Each thrust stretched you so well you knew you’d be ruined for any other man, Alpha or not. 
The pleasure coursed through your body, coming with a sudden force but the Were between your thighs just fucked you straight through it, now Moon drunk and high on the literal cloud of your scent surrounding the pair of you as you were carnally joined. With his biceps and forearms bulging the beast pulled you onto his thickening shaft repeatedly, his body arched as you were stretched on your tethers, legs bent at his thighs as you felt another orgasm chasing after the last. As your body squeezed him tight he let out a mighty roar, howling at the moon as you all but pushed yourself further onto him, your fragile body a plaything for his pleasure. Through the haze of lust and sin you felt the pad of his thumb move from your hip to brush over your birthmark, your gaze immediately drawn to his fiery eyes and you realised what would happen;
“Alpha, give me your knot, i’m ready”
With a growl the Were fucked into your plyable body harder and harder, pulling you to one final orgasm, and as that crested you felt the push and plug as he filled you, his seed pumping into you as his knot plugged you tight. Your scream echoed around the ancient chapel, and the world turned black.
A loud knocking at the door pulled Tina from her bed, glaring at the apartment as she strode through it, ready to give whoever dared disturb her at this ungodly hour of the morning a piece of her mind, but as she violently opened the door she was stopped in her tracks. In the morning light a hulk of a man stood on the doormat with you - her roommate - sleeping peacefully in his arms;
“Hey… I got her address from her driving licence”
Tina immediately scooped you into her arms, carrying you to the couch;
“Where has she been? Who are you?”
“Syverson… Her car broke down outside our place in the hills. She stayed out the storm with us but was up all night, she’s completely exhausted now”
Tina checked over your pulse and it was calm and steady, pulling at your eyelids which caused you to grumble and bat away her hands before you went back to snoring on the soft couch. Turning back to the giant Alpha currently standing in your doorway she held out her hand, to which Sy gently took it, surprised at how firm her handshake was;
“One of my brothers will bring her car back in the next couple of days if that’s alright? Got a lot on for the next two days”
“Yeah, that’s fine, but if i can take your number so i can check in, i know she drives a heap of crap but it’s still hers”
Tina watched as the enormous mountain of man carefully bent down and in neat cursive writing wrote his name and number onto the small notepad on the hallway console table, before ripping it off and handing it to her.
“I’ll… i’ll be going now”
Tina narrowed her gaze;
“You… you didn’t do anything to her, did you?”
Sy turned and met Tina’s glare;
“She spent the night” he turned and paused; “You might want to check her calendar, mentioned her heat is due soon” he let out a sigh before turning back to the doorstep; “Anyway, gotta go, the moon waits for no man…”
Tina watched him go, toying with the piece of paper as his truck pulled away, before she stashed it in her wallet.
A couple of weeks later you were irritable and snapping at anyone that crossed your path. The only thing that had gone right was your car had been returned to your apartment three days after your night in the hills, the suspension fixed, the engine running beautifully. It was like it’d had a complete overhaul by an entire team of mechanics. You weren’t going to question it as it was the one stable thing now in your life. The young guy that had dropped it off had practically thrown your keys into your hands, before sprinting off and climbing into a truck driven by someone that looked so similar he could have been a brother. You vaguely recognised them, but your only clear lingering memory of your time in the hills was Sy. You weren’t even sure how to even find him again, having taken drives through the forest a number of times but never able to find that same route again. 
That night you were hungry, pulling a pint of your favourite ice cream from the deep freeze. You stepped outside into the warm summer night to eat it on the pallet wood seating Tina had built on the porch outside your apartment, watching the fireflies float into the air. After a while she joined you, a beer in her hand as she sat down silently. She was your best friend and had helped you through so much, but she’d been very quiet for the past couple of weeks, almost avoiding you.
“Hey Tiny” you used her nickname, one she’d very much grown out of after 5th grade when she’d grown a foot taller than you in the space of the summer break; “Everything ok?”
“Yeah yeah, i’m good… how are you doing? You’ve been… different recently”
You stabbed at the ice cream before setting it aside;
“Haven’t felt that great to be honest. Not sure what’s up, thought my heat was coming a few weeks ago but it seemed to end abruptly after i got back from…”
Tina looked up at the sky and you followed her gaze, seeing the thin crescent of the moon;
“Looks kinda like your birthmark, the waning moon…”
She didn’t finish what she was saying as you’d suddenly bolted to the bathroom, your retching clearly audible. With a sigh she rested her elbows on her knees… fuck, what the hell had you gotten yourself into? She’d been able to tell that Syverson was a Were the second she’d opened the door, counting the days back on her fingers she finally realised that you’d been with him the first night of the full moon, when its at its most powerful, and how your heat hadn’t appeared, yet she’d been able to pick up your bonding scent as you’d slept on the couch. 
“What have you gotten yourself into?” she muttered to herself, the piece of paper in her wallet almost burning a hole in her pocket. She had sworn to your mother that she’d protect you, that she wouldn’t let you continue the Were bloodlines… but she’d failed. Now she had a decision to make… but first she’d go help you throw up, no doubt there would be another eight months of it to follow, the child within you already growing. 
Pulling the paper out she held it between her fingertips as she stood, heading towards the bathroom where you were, you had a phone call make.
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b1ackoutartist · 6 months
Secret Parentage pt. 3
I was bored on the drive home so I decided to do a part 3
natasha x reader
kate x yelena
Chapter 3: A New Beginning, A Fragile Hope
Y/N sighed, a mix of skepticism and hope in her eyes, as she murmured almost inaudibly, "We'll see about that."
Natasha glanced back, her expression briefly faltering at Y/N's comment, revealing a glimpse of the vulnerability she usually kept so well hidden. The weight of Y/N's guarded trust pressed heavily on her, a reminder of the long road ahead.
As they arrived at Y/N's place, Natasha was quick to help. She carefully lifted the car seat with Elena still nestled inside and gathered Y/N's belongings, allowing Y/N to lead the way up the stairs to her apartment. Natasha's usual smooth, confident stride was replaced with a cautious tread, her every move calculated to ensure the baby's comfort.
As they ascended, Natasha began to speak, her voice a mix of concern and barely-contained excitement. "If you need anything for yourself or Elena, just let me know. I can go out and get it, no problem. Diapers, formula, anything at all." She paused, adding, "Or even just some fresh air. I'm here to help, Y/N."
Y/N, however, seemed unimpressed, rolling her eyes at Natasha's offer and continuing her walk in silence. Natasha, undeterred, followed closely behind, her eyes never leaving the baby.
Once they reached the apartment, Natasha hesitated at the door, the question on the tip of her tongue. "Do you...do you want me to stay the night? I can sleep on the couch, of course. Just in case Elena wakes up, I can help."
At this, Y/N stopped abruptly, turning to face Natasha with a cold, distant look in her eyes. "No," she said flatly, the single word cutting through the air like a knife. Without another word, she continued into the apartment, leaving Natasha standing in the doorway.
Taking the car seat from Natasha, Y/N placed it gently on the table and carefully lifted Elena out, holding her close to her chest. Natasha, now inside the apartment, looked around awkwardly, the silence between them growing heavier by the second.
"I'm just trying to help, Y/N," Natasha finally said, her voice low and earnest. She was trying to bridge the gap between them, but the space felt insurmountable.
Y/N's response was clipped, a sharp edge to her words. "That's nice, but I'm good without your help."
As Y/N muttered something under her breath about probably having to get used to managing alone sooner or later, Natasha pretended not to hear it. But the words stung, burrowing deep into her heart. She had hoped for a chance to prove herself, to show that she was more than her past mistakes. Yet, here she was, feeling like an outsider in her own child's life.
This was going to be harder than Natasha had thought. The realization settled in, a heavy, unwelcome guest. She knew the journey to earn Y/N's trust and to be a part of Elena's life wouldn't be easy, but the reality of it was far more challenging than she had anticipated.
Natasha's gaze lingered on Y/N and Elena, a picture of tenderness and strength. She yearned to be a part of that picture, to contribute to the warmth and security that enveloped them. But for now, she was on the outside, looking in, her heart aching with a mix of love and regret.
The room was filled with a quiet tension, a silent battle of wills and emotions. Natasha, despite her best efforts, felt like she was walking on thin ice, each word and action meticulously weighed for fear of causing further rifts.
As Y/N continued to care for Elena, Natasha's mind raced with thoughts and plans, each more desperate than the last to find a way into their lives. But as she watched the mother and daughter, a deep understanding settled within her. This wasn't about grand gestures or proving herself in a single moment. It was about patience, consistency, and the slow, steady building of trust.
With a heavy heart, Natasha took a step back, both physically and metaphorically. She knew she needed to give Y/N space, to respect her boundaries, and to be there when Y/N was ready to let her in. It was a difficult pill to swallow.
Natasha bit her lip, a gesture of uncertainty, before she made her way over to Y/N. She was acutely aware of the tension in the air, the invisible barrier that Y/N had erected between them. As she approached, Natasha noticed Y/N's subtle but definite tensing, a silent but clear indication of her discomfort. The ache in Natasha's heart grew, but she tried to push it aside, focusing instead on the reason she was there.
Standing a respectful distance away, Natasha looked down at her newborn daughter, her eyes softening with an emotion so deep and pure. "Goodbye, little one," she whispered, her voice filled with a tenderness that was reserved only for Elena. Her gaze then shifted to Y/N, and she offered a quiet, "Bye, Y/N," her voice barely more than a murmur.
Y/N offered nothing more than a nod in response, her expression guarded, her eyes revealing a storm of emotions she wasn't ready to share.
With a heavy heart, Natasha turned and left the apartment, the sound of the door closing echoing in the silent hallway. She let out a breath she hadn't realized she was holding. The reality of the situation was hitting her harder than she had anticipated. Natasha needed to talk, to vent, to seek advice, and despite her frustration, there were only two people she could turn to - Yelena and Kate. They were the only ones who knew the whole story, the only ones who could possibly understand the tumultuous emotions she was grappling with.
okay that´s it byee:)
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automotiveamerican · 2 years
This Single Seat Race Car Build Is Not What We Expected, Because It Is So Much Cooler! - Chad Reynolds @Bangshift
This Single Seat Race Car Build Is Not What We Expected, Because It Is So Much Cooler! – Chad Reynolds @Bangshift
Bennett’s Customs is an Australian is a traditional builder that does some pretty cool car and motorcycle projects, and they have embarked on a new project that must be done by September in order to go racing at the Perkolilli Red Dust Revival. This is a single seat race car build, like one that you would have seen in the 1940s and they are building it from a mix of scratch made parts, stuff that…
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
mein sieger / mick schumacher
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day 15: win (part of one-word november prompts!)
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
summary: after haas had dropped mick in the 2022 season, it had been a whole journey back to feeling like himself again, and returning to the grid.
warnings: poor translated german. not proofreaded enough given that i should be sleeping rn jajdjsjs
word count: 1.2k
abu dhabi, 2022.
you had never seen mick like this.
he was pacing his small driver room, fuming. if he could, he would've been walking on the walls too. the german boy was speaking a mixture of english and german, and you could only pick up a few of the things that he was saying, everything that came off his mouth sounding so unlike him. he, that was normally calm as the ocean, now furious as a tropical storm.
"I can't believe this. they told me i was in! god, i never should have trusted them. now I've got nowhere to go. fuck!" it was so strange to hear him swearing that it caught you off guard. you knew he was furious, and he had every right to be: haas had promised him the seat for next season, and last moment had backed off. mick now found himself stranded, without the chance of picking another team, given that the one where he was currently in made sure that he shouldn't negotiate anywhere else, due to him having his seat for next season secured.
"mick, baby, I'm sure this isn't the end. you'll come back." obviously you had plenty of faith in the words you were saying, but you didn't knew how he would react to them. he continued, now stopping on his track to get close to you. "how? I just fuck up cars. I don't have a single point off the last races. I'm a fucking fraud" at that last sentence, his voice got cut off due to the sob that escaped his lips. you quickly jumped to hug him tightly. and even though he doubled you in size, in that moment, mick looked like a lost child, and your heart broke at the sight. "hey hey, we won't go into that. you know it's not only your fault, mickie".
"yeah, but who's without a seat for next season? me".
you took his head out of the crook of your neck, and looked straight into his eyes, the once blue ocean that you saw in them and that brought you so much calm, now looking devastated, as they were filled with tears. softly, you whispered for only him to hear. "and you'll come back. maybe not next year, but I'm sure you'll find a way. and I'll be here when you get another chance".
and mick had been waiting for another chance for a while now.
he maintained busy with activities that didn't involve racing cars during 2023, his first year off, which included building a big portfolio full of pictures he took throughout the year. for the first time in forever, he could be present for birthdays, anniversaries and holidays. and even when you were immensely happy to have him with you, getting to fall asleep and wake up next to him, you knew that on the back of his mind, he was waiting to get a chance back at accomplishing his dreams, an opportunity to come back like he deserved, to fulfill what he believed was meant for him. written in the stars, in a way.
his first step to get back came with joining indycar in 2024, where his old mate callum, who he had raced alongside on f2 during the 2020 season, welcomed him with open arms. and even though the spark in his eyes had lightened up again, still, it wasn't as bright as it used to be.
a spark that you only saw again when 2025 came, and his old friend, sebastian vettel, called on a random evening, announcing that he was the new team principal at ferrari. it wasn't surprising to you when mick told you that the older german wasn't just calling to share the good news: he wanted him to be a driver for the scuderia, the same one that was deeply connected to him and his family due to his father, who had engraved his name in history by becoming champion of the world five times while dressed in red.
so here you were now, back in bahrain, to witness another start of the season, 3 years after the last one you got to see in 2022. with mick dressed in ferrari red, you couldn't do anything less than wear the famous rosso corsa yourself, with the surname of your boyfriend and his number on your back: schumacher 47.
you thought being a few years older, the nerves that came with every racing weekend would have subdued by now. but it was quite the opposite, you soon realised, as the expectations on your boyfriend's back where even bigger than before. not only he was making his comeback, trying to prove everyone that didn't trust him back in haas that they were wrong, but he had to embrace the legacy that came with being a schumacher dressed in red.
thankfully, everything went great. not only the car was working really well with him, being instantly comfortable with it, but also his teammate, charles, was a dream. the two of them had previous history, being close in age and both having the pressure of having their fate already written for them: il predestinato and the prince, heir of the legacy.
"it's mick schumacher, and it's his first f1 win here in bahrain! the prince brings ferrari back to their winning ways. 1-2 for the scuderia, with charles leclerc coming second! what a great result for the team, what a great start of the season for the cavallino rampante! I'm sure sebastian vettel is buzzing on the garage!".
mick jumped off of the car as quickly as he could after parking it behind the sign that indicated that he had taken first place and won the race. the other red car parked behind him, in close second, and his dear friend esteban went third. he swore he could be dreaming: not only was he back in the grid, but he was now part of a competent team, with a competitive car where he could fight for wins and podiums, just like he wished all those years ago when he first reached the category.
the blonde boy made his way quickly to the red sea of mechanics that engulfed his body whole when he first got close to them, buzzing with the feeling of another great season for the scuderia after charles got his first world drivers championship a year earlier. once they had let your boyfriend go, he got closer to you, being close but not exactly in the middle of it all. you could swore that his smile right now could have lighten up the whole race track, and even the city, too. his hair was all messed up due to the inevitably sweat that came with being on the car for too long, but he still looked like the most beautiful man to ever exist.
you beamed at him when you reached for his face, grabbing him by his neck to bring him closer, so you could share a little moment where you told him what you had said to him since you've met him, but now, it had more meaning behind. "never been more proud of you, mein sieger".
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 days
Lucky Me
Requested Here by @elephants-bubbles-brachosauruses!
Pairing: David 'Deacon' Kay x shy/insecure!fem!reader
Summary: Deacon loves you and he considers himself lucky to have you. Unfortunately, you can't see what he sees, so he takes it upon himself to show you just how lucky he is with you.
Warnings: discussion/depiction of insecurities and feeling unworthy, flirting, fluff, loads of comfort and reassurances
Word Count: 2.7k+ words
Masterlist Directory | Deacon Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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Your fingers rake over your outfit as your eyes catch on everything you deem an imperfection. As your reflection stares back at you, distorted, shy, unworthy of the man on his way to pick you up for a date, you wonder, what does Deacon see in me?
Deacon Kay is the opposite of what you think you deserve. He’s kind, loving, handsome, and makes you feel seen, even when you don’t want to be. As your mind races and your hands tingle to fix something deep beneath the surface of your skin, someone knocks and harshly pulls you back to reality. You take a deep breath and tug the fabric of your outfit away from your skin once more before you walk out of your room and to the door.
“Hi, Deac,” you greet.
“You look beautiful,” he replies as he steps inside. When his eyes meet yours, he proves to you that no one will ever be able to love you like he does. “Are you okay?”
While you nod, you ask, “Do I look alright?”
“Better than alright,” Deacon assures. “Ready to go?”
“I think so.”
Deacon smiles, and your breath catches as your eyes drop. He takes your hand and leads you to his car. Deacon’s a gentleman, the most handsome guy you’ve ever met, and you can’t help but feel that he could do so much better.
“You’re sure I look alright?” you repeat as you lower into his passenger seat.
As he walks to the driver’s door, Deacon sighs. You can ask him if you look alright a hundred times, but he’s still trying to catch his breath. He knows you won’t believe him if he tells you. Deacon is learning that showing you every single day that you are all he wants is the only way to convince you he’s all in, and if that helps you build some confidence, even better.
Your fingers are twisted in your top when Deacon starts the car. He leaves the car in park to turn toward you. Gently, he pulls your hands away from your stomach and rubs your knuckles. His smile is the perfect reward when your shy gaze finally reaches his eyes.
“Listen, you could honestly show up wearing a beat-up tee, and you’d still be the centerpiece,” Deacon tells you. He shushes you kindly when you shake your head. “If you don’t believe me… There’s nothing I wouldn’t do, okay? The way you look tonight – every night – you’re what I want, but I want you to see what I see.”
“I think-“ You swallow and force your voice to remain steady as you finish, “I think you see something that isn’t there, Deacon.”
Deacon’s big brown eyes harden quickly before his gaze softens. He’s lucky to have you; if you can’t see that, he’ll shout it from the rooftops until you hear him, too.
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The day after your date, you don’t hear from Deacon. It’s not unusual; he’s got a busy and dangerous job, but after exposing the extent of your insecurities, it concerns you. If Deacon finally saw what you see in the mirror or realized that other women would be lucky to have him, you may have lost the best thing that ever happened to you.
You’ve been shy your whole life; you are used to that, but the insecurity rooting itself deep in your identity gets stronger daily. A relationship with a man like Deacon shouldn’t be marked by how often he reassures you that he wants you. For now, that voice deep down ridicules. As you drop your head into your hands, you ask yourself if there’s any chance that Deacon meant what he said last night and the other times he’s told you he’s lucky to have you.
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“Deac, you got anything to get off your chest?” Luca asks.
Deacon shakes his head and throws another punch. Luca staggers backward at the force behind Deacon’s hit. He’s strong, his teammates know that, but this is different.
“How’d the date go last night?” Luca adds.
“I wish I knew,” Deacon replies.
“What does that mean, man?”
Deacon drops his arms and steps out of his fighting stance. “She’s…” Deacon takes a deep breath to order his thoughts. “I’m so lucky to have her, but I feel like she’s slipping out of my hands and doesn’t believe me when I try to bring her back in.”
Luca nods. Other men might poke fun at Deacon’s romantic analogy or that he’s willing to fight for a woman, but Luca knows Deacon means every word he says.
“What does she need?”
“Something that I can’t order from a florist.”
“You’ll figure it out, Deacon. If she’s still around, sounds to me like she’s fighting to stay close, too.”
“I just… I hate that I can’t help her in that fight.”
“It’s not what you want to hear, but fight your battle, Deac. You love her, that’ll be enough.”
“I hope so.”
Deacon waves his hand up, and Luca raises the punching pad again. If Deacon stops pulling his punches again, Luca won’t complain.
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“Hey,” you say softly as the call connects. “Sorry for calling in the middle of the day, but I was just-“
“No, it’s my fault,” Deacon interrupts. “I should’ve called. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You pick at the pillow in your lap, waiting for Deacon to say something else.
“Are you busy?”
“Right now? No.”
“Good. I’ll be there in twenty.”
“Why?” The question slips out before you consider how it sounds. “I mean-“
“I know,” Deacon says, and you can hear his smile in his tone. “Get ready, do whatever you need, and I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay. See you then.”
The line beeps as Deacon ends the call, and you look at the dark screen. Twenty minutes isn’t much time, so you stand and pull your favorite outfit from the closet. You ignore the mirror as you walk past it. Deacon didn’t say what he was planning to do with you, so you dressed for casual comfort. Luckily, some of your insecurities have been silenced since the last time you saw Deacon. You know all too well that they’re waiting for the perfect opportunity to rear their ugly heads again.
You wait at the door for Deacon’s knock and smile as he offers his hand. He compliments your beauty – not your hair or your outfit specifically, but you as a whole person – and you don’t question it this time. It’s a small change, but one that you owe to Deacon.
“Where are we going?” you ask.
“I was going to take you to lunch, but Luca’s food truck is stopping by HQ in about an hour. I thought we'd just stay there. Is that okay?”
“Sure,” you agree. “Is your squad still there?”
“Yep. You can finally meet all the people who listen to me talk about how lucky I am to have you.”
You smile at your lap, and Deacon moves his hand into your line of sight. He sighs as you take his hand and squeezes your fingers.
“Thanks,” he says.
I know you won’t believe me, Deacon thinks. “You’re all I want. Thanks for giving me the chance to be with you, look a fool, count my blessings, all of it.”
“You’re welcome… I think.”
Deacon laughs at your questioning tone, and the smile on his face makes the wall of doubts about yourself crack. But it shouldn’t be his job to fight your insecurities. That’s not a relationship.
“Your friends sound nice,” you tell Deacon. “I didn’t think you’d introduce me to them so soon.”
“They practically know you already. I make them look at what I’ve got, and it’s you.”
You move your free hand over Deacon’s and run your finger across his wrist. Deacon pulls into the parking lot outside HQ, and you take a deep breath. He releases your hand slowly, then helps you out of the car.
“They’re a lot,” he warns. “Mostly Street.”
“They’re your family,” you counter. “I’ll be fine.”
Deacon’s lips pick up at the corners. You want to ask what that’s about, but he leads you around a corner before you can. Several men are standing beside the boxing ring, and when one of them sees Deacon, everything changes. He slaps the arm of the man closest to him, but his eyes never leave you.
Four men turn at his reaction, and all of their jaws drop. You smile shyly as Deacon leads you toward them. After a moment that stretches into an hour, the man closest to Deacon snaps out of his stupor.
“Hey!” he greets. “I’m Luca. I’ve heard a lot about you, but Deacon clearly undersold your beauty.”
You say your name quietly, then welcome Luca’s hug. It’s a friendly one, but it breaks the tension and alleviates some of the awkwardness hanging over you.
“Any girlfriend of Deacon’s is a part of the family, so welcome,” Luca adds as he steps back.
“Family, yeah,” the younger man agrees quickly. “We put the fun in dysfunctional.”
“Street,” Deacon sighs, raising his hands in question.
“What? I’m nervous,” Street replies.
“Me too,” you agree with a smile.
“No need to be. We’re harmless, except for Street’s terrible fashion sense. I’m Victor Tan, nice to meet you.”
“You, too.”
You shake his hand before you notice Deacon has taken a step to the side and is talking to the leader of his team, Hondo. You’ve heard about him, but if he took Deacon aside to talk about you, maybe your insecurities about being with Deacon weren’t unfounded or invisible.
Deacon turns back toward you, and when his eyes meet yours, he gets lost in them. Your beauty knocks him off his feet sometimes and makes him forget to speak and breathe, yet he never forgets to tell you or show you that he loves you after that initial moment of losing himself in you, the woman who makes him the luckiest man in the world.
“You could’ve warned us, Deac,” Hondo says.
“About what?” Deacon replies, looking away from you slowly.
“She’s stunning! I don’t remember the last time a woman made me speechless, let alone Street.”
“Make a move on her and I’ll kill you Hondo,” Deacon jokes.
Hondo laughs with Deacon before he says, “I’m glad to see you happy again, brother. It’s been too long.”
“Happy,” Deacon repeats. “Look at her, I’m lucky.”
Hondo taps Deacon’s shoulder and steps past him to greet you. You introduce yourself with a smile that isn’t quite so shy now, and it makes Deacon’s heart pound in his chest. If you’re in the family now, maybe Deacon can finally convince you to see what he sees.
He walks to your side, and when he realizes you’re talking to Luca and Street about your favorite dessert, he smiles and wraps his arm around your waist. You mention that Deacon gets it for you often, and he can only think, look at you. Lucky me.
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“Do you want to dance?” Deacon asks.
The music changes, and you hesitate but lay your hand in his. He leads you to the dance floor and spins you to pull you closer. You laugh in his arms, and it shines brighter than all of the lights above you.
“You’re perfect,” Deacon whispers. You don’t hear him, but he doubts you would have listened anyway.
“Of course you can dance,” you muse, rolling your eyes despite your smile. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
Make you listen when I say you are perfect. “Plenty,” Deacon says.
“Do you think you could dip me?” you ask.
Deacon smiles. Every time he sees you, you seem a bit more confident than before. It’s slow, but as you gain confidence without sacrificing your shy and loveable personality, Deacon reminds you that he’s lucky and that you’re all he will ever want. As you stop arguing, Deacon prays you’re beginning to accept and believe it.
“Oh, I’m the luckiest guy in the world,” Deacon murmurs. “One dip coming up.”
“And if I want to keep dancing?”
“There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do. Don’t care if I look like a fool.”
You smile as Deacon pulls you closer to keep dancing, and for a moment, you believe that Deacon really would do anything. But you still can’t see what about you makes him think he’s lucky to be here with you.
Back at the table, you sit back in your seat and exhale. Time passed quickly with Deacon, and you danced with him until you physically couldn’t spin another time.
“You’re amazing!” you tell Deacon.
“You’re beautiful,” Deacon replies. “But don’t take that, any of what I say, as surface things. It goes miles deeper.”
Your post-dance excitement lowers when you see the seriousness in Deacon’s eyes. You nod, believing him more than ever. He loves you and thinks that he’s lucky to have you. Deacon thinks you are all he has ever wanted. When your smile returns and you whisper thank you, Deacon knows you’re finally seeing it.
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You wake to a voicemail from Deacon. It’s over a minute long, and he left it around 2 a.m. With your lips pressed together and your nerves coming to life in the early morning sunlight, you press play.
“Hey, I know you’re still asleep and I’m sorry to do it like this,” Deacon says. His voice sounds strained, and you close your eyes. “There was a big raid last night. It went downhill and we got called in to assist. Now that we’re here and we’ve got our guy, we’re dealing with the fallout, too. I… I’m leaving for a few days. 20 Squad is assisting the Marshals. I can’t tell you where we’re going or talk to you while I’m gone. But the moment I get back- when I get back, I’m coming to see you. I love you.”
Hondo calls for Deacon in the background of the voicemail before it ends. You release a breath; days without Deacon aren’t what you want, but it’s better than the alternative you considered. There’s no chance that you can go back to sleep now, so you set your phone aside and get out of bed.
You walk past the mirror in your room, then stop. Taking a few steps backward, you turn toward the mirror. The eyes looking back at you aren’t the same ones you saw a few weeks ago. The woman you see now is loved, wanted, and appreciated; she’s beautiful, and the man that she loves feels the same about her. Everything that Deacon has told you – "the way you look tonight has got me thinking I wanna shout it from the rooftops." "I got somebody who’s all that I want, and it’s you." I want you to see what I see" – is in front of the mirror. It’s all in you.
The second realization you make as you meet your own eyes in the mirror is far more impactful. It makes you run into the kitchen to read the card from the first bouquet Deacon sent you, then call his boss. You'll need his help to show Deacon how much he means to you the moment he returns.
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When the team returns from their trip with the Marshals, Hondo walks into HQ first. He looks tired, but he smiles when he sees you. You wave, and he raises a finger. You take that to mean Deacon will be right in.
When Deacon does walk in, he sees you, and his eyes light up. It makes sense now. What does Deacon see in me? What he sees in you is precisely what you see in Deacon.
Deacon drops his bag and speeds up to meet you. He doesn’t ask how you found out when he’d be back; that will come later. For now, he needs you.
“Look at you,” you murmur as he approaches. “Lucky me.”
Deacon smiles, and his eyes are as bright and loving as always. He places his left hand gently on the back of your head and pulls you forward. You smile into the kiss as Deacon relaxes against you. His right hand raises to your jaw as he tilts your chin up, and you loop your arms under his to pull yourself impossibly closer to the man that made you the luckiest woman in the world.
“Woo, Deac!” Hondo exclaims as you pull back.
Deacon presses his forehead to yours and smiles.
“Put a ring on her or I will!” Hondo adds.
“What changed?” Deacon whispers.
“I finally saw what you saw. Everything you said you saw in me – all that you want – is what I see in you, too. Sorry it took me a while to realize,” you answer.
“Lucky me.”
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nowimyurdaisy · 1 year
can i request an angsty pierre gasly x reader where they get into an argument like a little before his race and he gets into a crash but she’s like super worried and goes to comfort him. THANKS
This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things, Darling
warnings: angst, rude reader, swearing
a/n: sorry this took so long to write, I am a procrastinator (also like school). Probably not as angsty as I coulda made it sorry :/ Enjoy 💗
"You were CLEARLY flirting with her!" you yelled at Pierre, frustrated by his denial.
"mon cherie, please I was not flirting with her" Pierre sighed again, running a hand through his hair. Couldn't you have waited to have this conversation with him. he didn't need this stress, especially not before a big race.
"i cannot believe you are denying this right now!" you chuckled at his response.
"I cannot believe we are having this discussion right now!" he retorted, getting more frustrated by the second. "ESPECIALLY before one of my biggest races of the season" he actually yelled at you this time. "I qualified p3 and you can't even be happy for me!"
"you where flirting with her! flirting Pierre! I am the only girl you should be flirting with. I am your girlfriend" you fired back at him, completely ignoring what he had said to you.
"I- You are impossible right now y/n, you won't listen to anything I say" he responded sourly.
"That, that's not true" your words softening.
"I don't want to see you right now." Pierre pointed towards the door.
"Admit it and i'll leave" you simply replied, arms crossing.
"Go." one single word was all he said, pointing again, when you didn't move he dragged you out the door, shutting it in your face.
You stormed home furious at Pierre, furious at how you left things. You paced back and forth in front of the TV debating on whether you watch the race or not. Somehow you found yourself seated in front of the TV at 4PM with a bottle and glass of wine in your hand.
You nearly dropped the bottle when you saw the Alpine car crash, when the announcer said "Pierre Gasly has crashed" that was all you heard, you ran down the stairs of your building, practically jumping in the car and heading straight for the race track. The words "Pierre Gasly has crashed" repeating over and over in your head.
You ran to the track, running to the Alpine paddock, running to him. Him who might be seriously injured or worse- you didn't want to even consider that. Him who you had just yelled at, swore at, for "flirting" he- he wasn't even flirting. You were just angry and need to take it out on something or someone.
When you finally got to the Alpine paddock you rushed to Pierre's driver room. You opened the door without bothering to even knock. He was lying down on the couch, he appeared to have minor injuries that the medics had just finished taking care of, they quickly left when they saw you.
His head turned your way. You rushed to his side, kneeling by his bed. Worry covering your whole face "Oh my god, Pierre are you okay?" you asked, concern filling your voice, "i came straight to you after I saw the crash" You reached for his hand but he pulled away.
"You can't come in here and pull this shit y/n" Pierre mumbled, "fuck, you shouldn't even be here not after the things you said to me earlier."
Your eyes dropped, no longer making eye contact. Realization of how seriously you screwed up earlier. "I fucked up Pierre, i- the things I said to you, especially before your race" you looked back up at him, your words quiet. "I was wrong and I would do anything for you to forgive me" you pleaded.
"when I got out of the car all I wanted was to run to your arms but I knew you were here waiting for me" Pierre responded.
After a few seconds of silence passed, you spoke again, "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you, I love you so much my love"
"I love you too" with that Pierre pulled you into him. You wrapped your arms around his neck.
"I'm here to take care of you now, whatever you need" you spoke slowly, you took multiple deep breaths, inhaling his scent.
"well, there is this one thing I can think of" Pierre smirked. You laughed, then pulled him into a deep kiss.
When you pulled away you littered his face with kisses making him laugh softly.
taglist: @savedbythegraceofsoutherncharm
175 notes · View notes
dilemmaontwolegs · 11 months
Playboy || PG10 {2}
Pairing: Pierre Gasly x fem!reader Summary: Your date takes a turn when you are recognised by a Street King. Warnings: 18+ only, illegal racing, bad language, blood WC: 2.3k F1 Masterlist || One || Two || Three
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The week had seemed unnecessarily long but you weren’t going to admit it was because you were almost excited for Friday to arrive. It wasn’t like you to be the optimist, at least not since the break up, but you were quietly hoping Pierre could keep his word.
Work had been busy, as it always was on a Friday afternoon, but you battled through the exhaustion to finish your jobs and get home to shower and change into something nicer. With the weekend races kicking off at sundown, every driver wanted to make sure their car was running at its optimum, which meant a busy day for you. It didn’t seem to bother Pierre that dinner would be a late affair, in fact, not a lot seemed to bother him at all.
It was a refreshing change from the overbearing nature of Leo.
Your doorbell rang right on time and you laughed to yourself as you rushed to finish pulling on your boots, you clearly weren’t used to a man who showed up on time. 
“Just a sec,” you called out as you grabbed your clutch, shoving your phone and wallet inside. You nearly forgot your keys but swiped them up from the kitchen table before opening the door. “Hey.”
“Hi, Beautiful.” Pierre knew your name, you had saved it on his phone for your contact, but he enjoyed seeing you battle to keep a smile off your face everytime he called you beautiful. Sometimes you won, sometimes you lost. “How was your day?”
You drank in the sight of him and let your eyes linger on his features a moment longer. The dark sweater fitting snug to his body left nothing to the imagination and from the tapered narrowing of his waist you knew there would be deep v lines cutting between his hips. That was your achilles heel when it came to men, and if they knew how to handle a fast car as well as an independent woman. 
It looked like he was going to be a triple threat.
“Long,” you finally answered as you stepped out into the hall and shut the door behind you. “I have earned a stiff drink.”
He grinned as he held open the building’s front door for you and you saw the candy red Ferrari parked on the street. 
“Now you’re just showing off,” you whispered in awe as you traced the sleek curves of the 812 Superfast with your eyes. “She’s a thing of beauty.”
“That she is,” he said with a smirk as he watched you almost salivate over his car. “The car is pretty nice too.”
“Very slick.” 
He laughed at the roll of your eyes because you weren’t quite able to hide your smile that started to grow. “Here, I’m a much prettier face for the passenger seat,” he said as he took your hand and slipped you the key. 
“Seriously?” Your heart thundered at the thought of driving the powerful car and you skipped across the pavement before he could change his mind, sliding into the leather seat with a moan. “Oh my god, I’m in love.”
You could feel his eyes watching you stroke the steering wheel and his deep chuckle of amusement rolled over your skin. “I could get used to this,” he said as he buckled in. “There hasn’t been a single insult thrown at me.”
“Yet,” you reminded him as you hit the start button and felt the V12 engine come alive. “Fuck me, that is an eargasm.”
“I would have thought you got to drive nice cars all the time, considering…”
“I work with them? I only get to drive them between the parking lot and the garage. If I’m lucky the dyno’s in use and I can do a road test.”
Pierre turned down the music that started while you put the car into drive. “I kind of meant your ex.”
“Oh,” you sighed. You found it was easier to talk about while you were driving, if you weren’t distracted by the car you would have just told him to shut up. There was something about most of your concentration being on the road that you forget the emotions attached to the conversation. “Girls aren't allowed to drive with the Kings. We can build the cars and fix them but not race. They, sorry. They can build them.”
“Sounds stupid to me.”
The city of Monte-Carlo really came to life at night as the colourful lights bars and clubs bled over to the superyachts illuminating the waterfront. Everywhere you looked along the street there were cars that rivalled Pierre’s, but they were driven by ancient looking men who could never appreciate the speeds the car could go without risking a broken hip.
“Where am I going?” you asked as you pulled up to a crossroads and came to a stop. The main drinking scene was one way, restaurants the other.
“Depends on how hungry you are,” he said as he cast a lazy smile your way. “Or, you can kidnap me and take me on a joy ride? At least that’s what I'll tell the police if you get pulled over.”
You revved the engine as you took off down the third road that led to the carriageway out of the city. “I’ve never been arrested before, it sounds fun.”
You couldn’t wait to reach the city limits but as you stopped at another intersection a blacked out Nissan GTR pulled up beside you. Pierre looked confused as someone tapped on his tinted window and he looked a little concerned when you put the window down for him.
“Thought it was you, QT,” Devante snickered as he looked past Pierre, not even sparing him a glance. “Haven’t you learned your place yet? Or have you got a bitch of your own?”
“Shut the fuck up, D,” you shot back before Pierre could retort. Devante was never the most stable guy and you didn’t want Pierre’s pretty face getting ruined because he opened his mouth. “The only bitch around here is the one driving a GTR.”
“You’re not Leo’s Queen no more, Trouble,” Devante reminded you with a dark laugh. “There’s no one left to protect you.”
“She doesn’t need protection,” Pierre laughed. “I’ve seen her take down a guy without breaking a sweat.”
Devante leaned out of his window and chuckled. “And who do you think taught her?”
“I hear you finally upgraded your turbo,” you said to distract the two before they could come to blows out the car window. “A shame you still can’t drive for shit.”
“You wanna bet on that?” he asked before tossing his head back with a laugh. “Oh wait, I forgot you, don’t have shit. You can’t even put Papa’s garage up…”
“How about my car?” Pierre offered, momentarily stunning Devante into silence before he grinned at the option.
“No,” you hissed as you looked at your date. “What the fuck are you doing?”
“What?” Pierre dropped a lopsided grin your way. “Don’t worry, Beautiful, I’ll pay your bail if we get arrested.”
“Last time she raced, she got dumped, hard,” Devante laughed and your fists tightened around the steering wheel. “Queen T lost her crown.”
“I fucking won though, didn’t I?” you fired at him as you changed the car out of automatic and flexed your fingers over the paddle shifts. “Conveniently forgot to share that bit, huh. I kicked Leo’s ass, in front of you and all your little friends. Me, a girl. And I’m going to kick your ass too.”
“I’ll see you at the top.”
You pulled the finger at him as you put the window up and Pierre finally looked a little concerned at the situation. “So, uh, what did we just get ourselves into?”
“There’s no we, this was all you. You should have just kept your mouth shut.”
“And let him treat you like that?” he asked incredulously. “You broke a guy's hand for touching you, but you would have just sat there and taken that insult?”
“You don’t understand, these guys live by different rules. There’s no FIA and regulations here.” You revved the engine impatiently as you waited for Devante to make the first move.
“I told you I wasn’t like them, Beautiful.”
“Yeah, I’m starting to see that,” you murmured, it would have been easier to risk his car if he was the playboy you thought he was. “I hope you have comfortable shoes in case you have a long walk back.”
“From where?”
“Dog’s Head.”
“You’re the one in heels,” he pointed out.
You could see the GTR inching forward when you looked across at Pierre to grin. “You’ll be piggybacking me.” 
Devante’s patience ran out and he was ready to give in first, his car taking off to pull out and take the left turn like you thought he would. “He always takes the easy route.”
You floored the accelerator and a whoop of elation filled the car as you felt the power of it throw you back into the seat and Pierre laughed at the sound. 
The D37 was a longer route to Tête de Chien but there were fewer corners, something Devante wasn’t very good at taking in his car because he didn’t like to waste time braking. You had no problem taking the zigzags of the D53 up into the mountain range, especially in the sports car with a great brake balance, so you turned right and left him to disappear in your rearview mirror.
“You’re insane, you know that?” you admitted as you locked the steering with the tight turns and climbed higher above the city. “What if I lose?”
“I like this car so I’d prefer it if you didn’t, but if you do then I think that guarantees at least two more dates.”
You laughed at the unexpected answer. “You’d really want to go out on another date.”
“I already do. I haven’t had this much fun on one…ever.” You spared a glance to see he did look rather pleased with himself. “You really know how to show this passenger princess a good time.”
“Wow, you’ve definitely had a few concussions,” you chuckled. 
“Ah, beloved insults, it was only a matter of time.”
“That’s not even an insult, that’s just a statement. I’ve seen your races and some of those crashes must have left some damage.”
“Not as much as this conversation,” he teased as he clutched his chest.
You made it past the last sharp bend and pushed the car quickly through the gears as you accelerated along the relatively straight road and saw the turn off to Dog’s Head approaching. Nervousness had your palms clamming as you wondered whether you had arrived first or not. Your question was answered when another set of headlights came into view ahead as you both reached the turn off. 
You veered up the road that was only a gentle curve from your end but Devante’s turn was into a hairpin and you could see him punching his steering wheel as you sped past him with a grin.
“Holy shit,” you laughed as you came to a stop at the peak and met Pierre’s eyes, pride and lust clear to see. 
You were giddy as you unbuckled your seat and leaned across the centre console, meeting his lips as his hand caught the back of your neck. His fingers tightened as he pulled you closer and your lips parted with a gasp, his tongue taking the open opportunity. You were so high with the win you could have climbed right into his lap but then the back windscreen shattered and you tore away from his hold.
“Motherfucker,” you growled as you pushed the door open, rushing out to see Devante spinning his car back around in another donut to shoot more gravel at the Ferrari. Paint chipped as the stones kicked up and you yelped as one caught your cheek, your fingers coming away with blood as you touched the tender spot before Pierre reached you and pulled you safely behind his body.
“Are you alright?” he asked as Devante took off back down the mountain. If you had lost he would never have left without the Ferrari but the double standard was something you were used to. He would have never parted with his GTR. 
“No, I’m pissed off.” You wanted to get in the car and chase after him, maybe run him off the road if your temper really got the better of you. Instead you looked up at Pierre so he could see the anger in your eyes, the years of resentment slipping through. “He gets away with losing nothing because he’s got a dick, it’s bullshit. No one will even know that he lost now.”
Pierre winced as he saw the cut on your cheek and used his sweater sleeve to gently wipe the blood away. “It doesn’t have to be that way.”
“What do you mean?” You tried not to sound so hopeful but he smiled as he caught it wrapped his arms around your waist.
He nodded his head to the front of the car. “Dash cam, Beautiful. I guess it depends on whether you are done living by their rules.”
You looked at the shattered back windscreen and the stone chips ruining the panels, a dark smile curling your lips. “Fuck their rules.”
Pierre tipped your chin back, his own lips curling up before he kissed you so hard your toes curled in your shoes as your arms draped around his neck. When he pulled back you were left breathless and saw more stars than what was already filling the night sky. “Fuck their rules,” he echoed in your ear, his breath hot on your skin and spreading even further. “Trouble’s coming their way.”
Click here for part three.
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starhrtz · 1 year
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CHAPTER PREMISE — When (name) meets an untimely demise at the hands of a stranger – just as she was accepted into an university and her life was about to start, no less. She finds herself reincarnated as the child of the successful Hinomori family.
SERIES PREMISE — after a mysterious death, you find yourself being reborn as an actor's daughter. everything seems to be smooth-sailing in this life before you came across a strange star eyed boy during your junior year in high school. this strange yet fortune encounter leads to a spiral of love yet grief.
CONTAINS — implied death
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School has always been a pain.
Perhaps hearing that your brother got into one of the top universities in Japan made you motivated to study hard, though that was the only thing really. You didn't have many friends being counted as a weirdo who's nose would always be stuck in a book, not that you minded after all you weren't bullied due to your brother's influence. Right, it was always your brother who got the spotlight yet that same spotlight always protected you from being harassed no matter how much you tried you somehow couldn't bring yourself to hate your kin.
Even when you studied hard going as far to study an extra year for the entrance exams, your results were devastating and disappointing. Were all your efforts in vain? Were you really not cut out to enter the school you wanted? Others may consider it good, but their definition and your definition of 'good' was definitely different. Clearly good was rather disappointing, especially when you studied so hard on the verge of fainting just to receive such poor results. Though your parents often say grades weren't everything, trying to encourage you to do something that might be more of your forte but somehow you could see a glint in their eyes of pity and… Disappointment. The latter being something that you hated the most, especially coming from your own parents.
Perhaps that was why you spent most of your time in the library now waiting for your ticket or email saying you have been accepted to your dream university, so why wasn't the list getting shorter? You said burying your head in your arms, as your hair fell to cover the side of your eye as you looked up to check your phone one last time before sighing realising it was really no use to constantly check for something despite knowing deep down… You most likely won't even be accepted. "I… I should get some air." You mumbled while getting up from your seat walking towards the rooftop located on top of the library, it scratched your brain why the roof existed especially at a library but you didn't question it nor complain after all the view was quite beautiful.
"What even is life anyway."
You scoffed while watching the cars drive by as you loomed over them on the roof, of course while you were deep in thought you didn't seem to notice a figure emerging from the shadows. But that's when they started talking to you, so why… Why is it that you can't seem to remember what you both talked about, their voice or their face. All you could remember clearly was the curiosity and apprehension you had for the stranger but the conversation at the end was quite fun or at least that's what you could remember. From what you could vaguely remember, the stranger seemed excited perhaps a bit too excited which was rather odd in your perspective but yet you brushed it off thinking they are just naturally energetic.
Your conversation was cut short when when your phone buzzed, your heart raced and tears started to form in your eyes. "No way… I did it!" You smiled to yourself as you read the acceptance letter again, you held the phone up high thanking every single person out there for their luck completely forgetting about the mysterious figure who stood behind you. That joy seemed to be short-lived before you felt a shove, which had you slowly fall down the building. You turned your head to see the figure grinning as they watched you fall who showed no signs of urgency to help you.
Were you just… Destined to die young?
. . . . . . . . .
Why was your head aching so much? And your vision.. Why was it so blurry? Were you having anaemia or something..? You quickly dismissed those thoughts as your eyes immediately shot open once you remembered about the stranger, but your eyes were greeted with a beautiful young lady smiling as she laid eyes on you yet she wasn't alone a man was next to her. Your mouth was hung agape as you realised what was going on, you've… Been given another life? Not just any life too, you had been reincarnated to the Hinomori family?! "I just knew our daughter would be beautiful." The woman beamed as her husband nodded.
Reincarnating into a rich household wasn't something you planned, or reincarnating at all! Why did it have to happen when you just got accepted or before you could even tell your family about your accomplishments, you wondered if anyone had noticed you were dead or who had called the cops first. Was it the figure so they won't be suspicious, but why you of all people must be pushed? Though another thought came into mind, how was it possible for you to be reincarnated? Doesn't that kind of stuff only exist in tv shows or books, this really does break logic in every way possible…
Though you sort of wanted to see what it was like in the afterlife, perhaps living a life in the Hinomori household wouldn't be so bad? After all, both of them were relatively famous with both of them being part of the acting industry though your mother has started taking up modelling.
Of course, the down side of starting life again was that everything they taught in preschool was easy, a little too easy in fact. Still you kept your act, though you found it weird when you saw a young blonde boy reading one of Kyougoku Natsuhiko's books while his sister was playing on the slide. Huh, perhaps he was born as a smart kid? It's rare to see preschoolers read or even touch a book without being forced to by their parents. Still, you minded your own business and interacted with the other kids but somehow it made you kind of frustrated when they couldn't really understand what you were saying…
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please do reblog or comment if you like this!! It rlly makes me motivated to see positive comments!!
taglist -> @aranachan @cerisearan @miyakoa @yevenle @atomi-mi @bajifairyy
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
Part Six of Not-So-Secret Secret Admirer!!!!!! Part One. Part Five. AO3 Link.
Eddie paces around his living room for a few moments while mumbling, “That was weird. That was really weird. And it’s me who is saying it’s weird, the one talking to himself.” Eddie groans and goes to his room to dramatically flop on his bed, but then he spots the pile of wet clothes on his side table and freezes in his spot. 
“I will not hang them up and use my fan to dry them overnight so I can take them to him in the morning. I will not.” 
A few hours later and Eddie is on his way to Family Video unbearably early in the morning with a pile of dry clothes in his passenger seat. And by unbearably early he means a bit before eight o’clock, but that’s still a lot to ask from him. Sometimes he wonders why Steve still works after all the government paid to keep them quiet, but he has a feeling it’s more of an excuse to hang out with Robin and stay away from home. 
Gosh, he can’t stop thinking about Steve. Just Steve this, Steve that, and everything Steve. He kind of wishes he paid more attention and didn’t cut off Dustin when he used to go on his Steve rants. Maybe the kid was onto something... 
The Family Video store parking lot is basically empty in the morning except for Steve’s car and another car Eddie hasn’t seen before. Who picks up movies this early on a Sunday? Then again, here Eddie is at the same time. 
As he parks his car and gets out, he notices the front door open to Family Video. Oh no. 
Out walks a gorgeous girl with long blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and full lips that glisten with lip gloss. As she passes Eddie, he notices a small scattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose. She looks like any guy’s, and specifically Steve’s, kryptonite. 
As Eddie makes his way into the building, a hushed voice is already whispering his name. Eddie makes eye contact with Robin who is nearly jumping out of her skin in what looks like mischievous joy. Eddie sighs a breath of relief. Steve is nowhere around. 
“Eddie!” Robin whisper yells again, and Eddie can’t help but lightly laugh as he makes his way to the counter. 
“What’s going on?” 
“Did you see her?” Robin says, still whispering as she gestures towards the parking lot as the car pulls away. Eddie nods, prepared for a Robin gushing rant. “That’s Emerald Rose! She’s in a few of my classes, and she’s single and definitely interested in mingling,” Robin says with a wink.
Eddie laughs, “Well, I’m happy for you. She’s a looker.” Eddie cringes at the same time Robin does. “She’s... pretty,” Eddie tries again. 
Robin loudly laughs. “Don’t strain yourself. Leave it to me to say when a girl is hot, and I’ll leave it to you to say when a guy is hot.” 
The door to the backroom opens, and Eddie points to it. “He’s hot,” Eddie announces in his usual flirtatious way, but his heart races as Steve smiles right at him and races to the counter. “Hey, Ste-” Eddie is cut off as Steve scales the counter and pulls him into a tight hug. When Steve finally pulls away he looks... different. No longer so conflicted with himself. 
“Hi,” Steve says with a big smile, his hand squeezing Eddie’s arm where it lingers. 
“Hi,” Eddie replies slightly breathlessly. He could get used to this. New plan. Pretend the secret admirer never existed or that they... died. Get Steve to himself and reveal at a later date that it was him, but he didn’t know how to tell him because it got so real so fast. Perfect. 
Steve runs his hand down Eddie’s arm and squeezes his hand. “When did you get here? It’s so early for you especially after I kept you up last night.” 
“Oh, did you now?” Robin asks with a smirk, and Eddie suddenly remembers she’s still there.  
Eddie smiles at her and replies, “Doing exactly what you think.” 
Robin raises her eyebrows and snarkily replies, “Watching a movie?” Then she mouths something to Eddie that looks like, “And not admitting the truth.” 
Eddie gives her a look and thanks everything holy that Steve is facing him. “Yes, exactly that.” He turns back to Steve. “I just stopped in to drop off your clothes... which I left in my car,” Eddie sighs. Of course he did. Maybe he can ask Steve to go with him with an excuse of checking if he got everything. New naïve plan to win Steve over is officially on track. 
“He also came because your secret admirer brought something to the store, and you just missed them,” Robin says with a smile. 
Eddie’s head spins. Maybe Robin just wants him to make something up on the spot? But before he can come up with anything, he sees Robin grabbing at something then she’s holding up a candy bar with a paper attached to it. 
Okay, that is definitely not something Eddie would get Steve, but what in the world does the note say? 
Steve shoots Eddie a smile then grabs the gift and immediately starts unfolding the note. Eddie leans over his shoulder and nearly scoffs at the note that’s been typed out. 
“Someone felt fancy with a typewriter,” Steve says with a laugh before he quiets down as he reads the note. 
Dear Steve,  
I apologize for not leaving you a gift on time. I was too afraid that I wasn’t enough for you and nearly stopped the admirer ploy. But I think it’s finally time I reveal my true identity. Meet me tonight at 8pm at Enzo’s. I’ll be at the back right corner table.  
With love,  
E. R.
“Robin, could you help me grab Steve’s clothes?” Eddie asks already stalking out the door before Steve can say anything. What the hell? This is not what he meant by ending thing by any means possible.  
He makes his way to the van, opens the passenger door, and starts refolding Steve’s clothes to buy him time. He hears the front bell to the Family Video ding as Robin makes her way out. 
“So, what do you think? Evil genius or what?” Robin says with a big smile.  
Eddie scoffs, “Robin, I’m not going there tonight. I can’t reveal my identity.” 
Robin’s eyebrows furrow. “What happened to ‘we’? Come on, neither of us will reveal our identity.” 
Eddie stops folding the clothes and fully turns to Robin. “What do you mean? Is Steve going to be stood up?” 
“No! Come on, Eddie, don’t you get it? The plan,” Robin asks with her arms out as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. Eddie frowns and shakes his head. Robin sighs and gestures wildly towards the store and then towards the road.  
“Buckley, I’m not a mind reader. Spit it out.” 
Robin huffs, “Emerald Rose!” 
“What about her?” Eddie asks.  
“Oh my god. You and Steve both. Okay. Let me spell it out for you. Literally and figuratively. Emerald Rose…” She waits a second as Eddie shakes his head still confused. “E. R. Emerald. E. Rose. R. Emerald Rose. E. R,” Robin finally explains.  
It all hits Eddie at once. The girl from this morning. More lying. More scheming. And most of all, Steve will absolutely fall for the gorgeous Emerald Rose, and she is going to get all the credit. Eddie wants to throw up. 
“Well?” Robin pries. “You have no idea how hard it was to find someone with the initials E.R. that would actually talk to me and be Steve’s type.” 
Eddie swallows and turns away to stack up Steve’s clothes. “It’s a great plan, Robin. Thank you.” 
There’s a pause before Robin takes on a more concerned tone. “Eddie…” 
“What?” Eddie snaps. 
Robin raises her hands. “Why don’t you just tell him?” 
“Tell him what?” Eddie asks as he closes the door to the van a little harder than necessary. 
“Tell him that you have feelings for him! Gosh, Eddie, you’re not subtle.” 
Eddie scoffs and walks toward Family Video, “I don’t have feelings for him, Robin. And even if I did, he’s going to be dating Emerald Rose soon.” 
Robin runs after him. “He doesn’t have to be! You know where and when the date is, so you can crash it. Or better yet, Emerald is cool, and you can just tell her to leave before it starts. Eddie, trust me on this.” 
“I trust that Emerald is cool, and she’ll be great for Steve. This solves our problems, doesn’t it? No more complaining from Steve Harrington about being single and hopeless,” Eddie says and yanks open the door.  
Steve is standing on the other side of the counter softly smiling at the note still. He glances up and smiles widely. Eddie adverts his eyes and hands over the stack of clothes. His eyes catch a glint of silver. The ring he got Steve. He feels tears stinging the back of his eyes, and he’s absolutely furious with himself. He knew it was going to end eventually, so why is he so upset? 
Steve’s hand reaches out and grabs Eddie. “Thank you. And hey, sorry about last night. I didn’t mean to be so…” 
Eddie shakes his head and gives him a small smile. “Steve, you can always talk to me about anything. Trust me.” He squeezes his hand one time and slowly lets it go. “I have to head out but enjoy your date tonight.” 
“Hey, you okay?” Steve asks, and Eddie finally really looks at him. There’s concern written all over his face, and Eddie finds he needs to say anything to soothe it.  
“Yeah, just have a bit of a headache,” Eddie easily lies as he stuffs his hands in his pockets. 
The concern on Steve’s face goes down a bit, and that’s all Eddie cares about. "I’m sorry. I hope you feel better. And hey, I’ll see you tonight. Just let me know if your headache gets worse,” Steve says with a wink. 
Eddie nods and mumbles, “Yeah, I will.” His head is spinning too much to really listen to what Steve is saying. He sees Robin wave at him behind Steve and try to gesture about something, but Eddie doesn’t care.  
This is the end of E.R.. 
The drive home is silent, and Eddie can’t help but mutter to himself as he makes his way through his trailer door. “Crash the date. Jeez, that’s a great idea, Robin. Crash and say, ‘Hey, I’m your secret admirer, but it was all a ruse at first. But now I might be in love with you or something. Surprise, your friend is a creep.” Eddie punctuates the end of his sentence by slamming the door. 
“Was that necessary?” A low voice grumbles. 
Eddie jumps and looks towards the chair where his uncle is leaning back and staring at him through hooded eyes. “Did I wake you up?” Eddie asks. 
“A little, but I wasn’t fully asleep,” Wayne grunts as he sits up and points toward his mugs. Eddie walks over and grabs the Campbell soup mug off the wall and starts towards the stove to start making coffee. “So, what are you feeling conflicted about? Is this about this Steve kid?” Wayne asks. 
“Christ, how do you know everything? I haven’t even mentioned him before,” Eddie replies trying to avoid the conversation. 
The chair creaks as Wayne shifts and answers, “You always choose the Campbell mug when you’re conflicted. And you’re not too subtle about things, kid. You left your little ‘Dear Steve,’ practice notes everywhere. At first, I thought some girl was writing you love notes and just didn’t know your name, but then I noticed your handwriting start changing even in your notes to me.” 
Not too subtle . Twice in one day. Luckily, Steve is oblivious. Eddie sighs, “Yeah, it’s about him.” 
“Some kid I need to have a few words with?” 
“No, Wayne. Not at all. It’s my fault really. Don’t worry about it,” Eddie says avoiding eye contact. 
There’s a creak and footsteps behind Eddie as Wayne approaches slowly. “I always worry about you, kid. Now talk or you woke me up for nothing.” 
Eddie can’t argue with that, so he launches into the whole story. By the time he finishes talking about Robin’s new plan, Wayne is on his third cup of decaf coffee. He takes a few sips and nods before finally draining the rest of the cup. “You should crash the date,” Wayne says as if it’s nothing. 
“I can’t just crash it.” 
“Okay, then don’t crash it and wait for Steve to come to you. He knows it’s you,” Wayne says and puts his mug in the sink before going back to his chair. 
“Why would he know?” Eddie asks as Wayne gets comfortable. 
Wayne closes his eyes. “Like I said, you’re not too subtle.” 
Eddie wants to ask more questions, but he knows he’s already kept his uncle up for too long. Damn the night shift sleep schedule, but his uncle has always been a man of a few words. Eddie sighs and quietly makes his way to his room. 
There’s no way Steve knows. There’s also no way he’s crashing the date. Maybe it’s all for the best, but for some reason, Eddie has a feeling things are going to get a lot worse for him before they get better. 
Part Seven
Hey my lovely tag list:
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