#They are all children so of course they can be childish at times but are childish behaviors the only thing the show is trying to portray?
ifonlyicouldrun · 1 year
Noooo I just saw a YouTube comment say “Mike is not gay, he is just childish” and I couldn’t believe my eyes because this is the EXACT same argument people had for Will before S4 came out!
This once again proves that queerness is not taken seriously and that people unconsciously and automatically associate queer behaviors with a fear of growing up or a “phase”. Mike HAS to be straight because he is dating a girl but if he experiences issues with expressing his feelings and the relationship becomes toxic, it HAS to be because he is behaving like a kid. It CANNOT be deeper than that
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stubz · 7 months
I saw a bunch of humans are space orcs, and humans are feared by aliens, etc. and want to add to it.
Kid centre for all alien children/younglings run by humans.
-"Human Kim! Are you all right? Do you seek medical aid??"
"I'm okay! ...why do you ask?"
"You just got bit by Zyz! I'm so sorry, I've told him to not do that with others but-!"
"Hey, it's okay. Look, these things happen and I know that's just your species' way of showing affection. Just tell him to ask next time and to not bite too hard."
"... 'these things happen' .... 'tell him to ask next- human Kim has this happened to you before?!"
"Oh lots of times! I used to work at a daycare on earth before this. Now, you wanna talk about bites let me tell you about Penny, she was a biter. So was my nephew but that was him stimming. I just asked that he get my attention first so as to not startle me."
"Is this the same Penee who gave you 3 stitches?"
-"Human Kim, thank you for helping Pollix become comrades with the other younglings! May I ask how you did it so I may use it in the future?"
"Of course! It wasn't anything special really, we just wrestled which caught the attention of the other kids and soon enough they were cheering for Pollix to win. Then after that Xw and a few others asked Pollix to teach her how to wrestle as well." they finished with a smile.
"I-I thought play wrestling and fighting was encouraged among young tighalax. I am so sorry if I did something wrong-!"
"Human Kim, you could have DIED."
"Tighalaxes have what you call drugs in the points of our tails and one cut should drive you insane. Not only that but we, as younglings, should be nearly twice your body weight. And at this age have yet to control our strength!"
"Ooh so that's why I felt high! Phew! I thought I accidentally ate my weed muffin instead of the regular one, and we can't have that."
"You felt 'high'?"
"Yeah but only for 10 minutes, luckily I usually just get tired and relaxed when high. And for the weight strength part, I grew up babysitting all of my younger siblings and cousins. My child carrying records are 5 4-6 year olds, 4 7-12 year olds, 3 teenagers, and 2 childish giants who are somehow 21 this year."
"...any chance I can bribe you to quit and come work for me and my pack?"
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hor3nee · 2 months
• Fatherhood •
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What kind of dads are the JJK men ?
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CW/TW: GN! Reader, Mentions of crappy parenting, BREIF mention of pregnancy in Geto's, (Lmk if I should add anything else!)
Characters: Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji x Reader
AN: Almost cried writing this the baby fever is going HARD rn dude. Headcanons !
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• Gojo •
Menace of a father, but in the good way! Gojo spends his years raising his kids as if he's their best friend, truly and genuinely treats his kids as equals and in a sweet way, allows his children to have complete trust in him. Because Gojo is quite childish himself, he loves playing with his kids, making a fool of himself, and indulging with them.
Has a bit of a bad side to this though, his lack of traditional discipline or making himself the 'adult' in the situation leads the kids to both be very spoiled and not really ever listen to him.
"Sweetheart, darling, my perfect angel, can you please go to bed?? pretty please! Help your old man here, please??"
"Nuh uh!" And with that bout of defiance, he's back to running up to you, like HE'S the child, begging for your help. Because it seems you're the only one who can get the kids in line, and you do.
Plays pranks and teases the hell out of his kids as they get older, always in a loving way of course, but nonetheless loves getting them flustered over his stupidity. Type of dad to do dumbass dances in the middle of a Walmart to embarrass his kids.
• Geto •
Geto is optimum of what it means to be a gentle parent. Cannot, for the life of him, bring it in himself to yell at his kids. He's so soft-spoken, never so much as raising his voice against his children. Geto has children who respond to his voice alone, because it's so lulling, he's familiarized them with it and made them feel safe with it.
Doesn't mean he can't discipline them, of course he can, and he does so extremely gracefully. Whenever you're on your last straw with the kids, fighting the urge to start scolding them and yell, he steps in, smoothly taking over and the kids instantly listen to him.
"We're your parents, honey, c'mon that's not very nice to say, is it? They carried you for 9 months you know. Say sorry." Like magic the kids shut up and come over to you apologizing while Geto stands back, calmly having fixed the situation with ease.
With everything Geto does, has done, experienced etc, he can sometimes feel conflicted. Geto knows what he is capable of, and what he has done, he's extremely self-aware even if he justifies it, and he can struggle to balance the weight of all of it while also remaining a dutiful father.
Despite it, he does wonders keeping it separate from what his children have to see or experience, teaches them respect and kindness and hopes they hold true to it.
• Nanami •
Not a single man on this list fathers as hard as Nanami fathers. He's built for it like no other. Nanami treats fatherhood with his all, he puts his all into it and makes damn certain he does right by it. Stern when necessary, sweet when needed, provides for his kids and refuses to miss any important milestone of theirs.
Nanami is a calm man but the second work starts piling potentially making him miss his kids school play or something he's arguing with his supervisors and ready to throw hands.
He keeps the drawings his kids make on his desk, alongside a photo of you and your kids. Literally just stares at it while working smiling, unable to wait till he's home with the kids. They are his pride and joy genuinely.
No matter how over-worked Nanami may be though, when he comes home you are basically on vacation. Insists you rest and he takes over literally everything involving the kids.
"Darling, darling no, I got this covered. You take rest. You know I love spending time with my kids." He says with an earnest smile, both kids in his beefy arms just dangling around and playing with their father. He's definitely exhausted from work, but that never stops him.
• Sukuna •
The King of the Curses, as cruel and terrifying as he is, taking pleasure in all sorts of sickness and treating love as pointless, legitimately likes his kid.
He doesn't care about fatherhood, or the responsibilities that being a parent entails, but it's nice having a mini version of himself around. That he likes. An extension of himself and you, it's nice to have around he doesn't mind it. He may act aloof about it, not outwardly showing affection like hugs or kisses, but he clearly enjoys it.
He gets a massive ego trip when his kids cause chaos and disturbances. Points at them laughing with his belly "See that? That's mine."
Sukuna never minces his words though, and his kids have to get used to his bluntness. Again, he doesn't care for the concept of 'parenting', and will in their face call the kid some extreme insults and weak and they have to learn to take it.
On the flip side, Sukuna also never minces his praise, and Sukuna has an abundance to give his kids. Every accomplishment or show of strength that they show he'll let them know he's proud. A good ol' fashioned fatherly slap to their shoulder while he praises them.
He treasures his children, and even if he doesn't put much effort into parenting them, you taking over most of it, he's definitely a present figure in their lives.
• Toji •
Went to get milk, hasn't been seen since.
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thehmn · 2 months
It might simply be that I don’t frequent ADHD forums enough but I haven’t seen a whole lot of talk about learned social withdrawal.
As a child I made friends left and right but as we all turned into self-conscious teenagers it slowly became more and more difficult for me. Plain and simple, other people thought I was weird. For some reason I never got bullied which I think is related to something my teachers kept telling my parents “She’s such a sweet, bright child and we can tell she’s not malicious or trying to be disruptive on purpose but we can’t teach her anything”
Basically people couldn’t figure me out. I had good social skills with both children and adults, I had a good moral compass, i felt compassion and empathy for others and was willing to go against my friends if I felt they were being bullies, I taught myself English and my drawings showed good observation skills. Because of all that it was decided I should start school a year sooner than most kids and my parents were very proud. Unfortunately that’s probably one of the main reasons why I was never diagnosed with raging ADHD as a child. People soon realized I didn’t do well in a school setting but assumed it was because I “wasn’t done playing” and my ADHD symptoms were interpreted as childishness.
So as I got older my classmates started to distance themselves from me. They were always kind and friendly but they didn’t know how to deal with me and ever since then people have always been worryingly comfortable with calling me weird to my face. I get the impression it’s because they think it’s a choice on my part. To them I’m clearly of “normal intelligence” so I must be acting like this on purpose and my parents would repeatedly tell me to “just act normal” as a child when I told them I was struggling to make friends. I tried so damn hard but kept failing. I knew something had to be different about me and when I first heard about ADHD I thought “That’s me! That’s how I feel!” but my parents said that was impossible because I wasn’t hyperactive.
Because nobody wanted to help me I eventually learned to just stop trying to make friends and keep to myself. I was so tired of being told by friendly, well-meaning people that I was so weird and quirky and unique only for them to distance themselves once they realized it was permanent and not something I could turn on and off for parties. I always enjoyed being alone so it wasn’t a huge loss but it did feel incredibly lonely at times.
Things got a lot better when I became an adult, mostly because adults are generally more chill than teens so my ADHD behavior isn’t as embarrassing to them and ironically they’re often surprised to learn I don’t make friends easily. Unfortunately I learned to be withdrawn in my formative years so new friends are still a rarity. Before I really sat down and put my past into context I even started to wonder if I had autism despite not connecting with anything autistic people said about their experiences. I went as far as to be tested but wasn’t surprised when the diagnosis was negative because of course it was, I kinda already knew that. I was just looking for an explanation.
So while there can be overlap between ADHD and autism (I have just such a friend) my experience is also that oftentimes people with ADHD simply learn to stay away from social situations and entertain ourselves which ends up looking like autism to outsiders.
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kitasgloves · 7 months
Imagine, SAKUSA KIYOOMI, your husband for over a year, sees you relaxing on the couch watching videos on tiktok. He lovingly spies on you until he notices the types of videos popping up on your fyp. It's all filled with laughing babies & children, every video makes you laugh and smile endearingly. But Sakusa's blood went cold.
Oh no
He thinks. This is bad. He might be overreacting but there's no way he's going to let you develop baby fever. Nope, hell no. He's not prepared to have children. So, he orchestrates a plan.
While you were showering, you accidentally left your phone unlocked so Sakusa has access to your tiktok. To his horror, all your liked videos are sickingly cute babies and toddlers. He has to change your fyp. So he searches up the most absurd videos available and taps on every single one of them, hoping it would cleanse your fyp and prevent the baby fever from developing.
You didn't even suspect a thing after you exited the bathroom, your husband is on the bed, eyes buried in a book, overlooking how it's upsidedown. The next time Sakusa spies on you, he's relieved that your fyp isn't filled with cooing babies and children. However, what replaced those videos are thirst traps of people working out in the gym. Sakusa's blood boiled hot, especially when you were secretly liking the videos and even saving them into your bookmarks. The way you bite your lip to fight off a smile made his eye twitch.
Sakusa is aware what jealousy feels like, he thinks it's ridiculous but look at him now succumbing to it. He tries to sneakily change the content on your fyp again but this time your phone is locked. So, he grows distant, unintentionally being less touchy than he usually is. And you notice.
"Omi baby are you mad at me?"
You pout, he doesn't answer as he faces away from you on the bed. You couldn't sleep at night without his arms holding you. As you try to scoot closer and gently grab him, he firmly peels your hands away. You frown, but decided to give him some space. When you stopped persisting, Sakusa grew worried.
He turns around and sees you facing away, cuddling a pillow instead. He suddenly feels terrible. Sakusa quietly goes over to you and kisses your temple before wrapping his arms around you like he always does. Surprisingly, you were awake as you ditched the pillow and hugged him back.
"Sorry for ignoring you darling, I was being childish"
"Aw, it's alright Kiyoomi"
"Can I ask you a question?"
"Do you...do you want to start a family with me?"
You pull away to give him a bewildered look. You looked genuinely shocked.
"Huh? What?"
"Do...uh...do you want to have a baby with me?"
"Oh! Oh god no! I'm not ready for that responsibility yet, honey"
You smiled brightly and it makes Sakusa relieved. He decides to come clean to what he has done, all you did was laugh and wheeze at him and call him silly.
"You didn't like me getting baby fever?"
"[Name] I don't know how to take care a child"
"And you got jealous when I liked all those gym thirst traps?"
"I don't get the appeal of it. It's just people flexing their muscles while covered in sweat"
"Well, it's kinda hot for me"
Sakusa furrowed his eyebrows and pouts adorably at you.
"If that's what you're into, you could've told me. I wouldn't mind sending you a stupid video after a workout at the gym"
You squealed. Sakusa scoffs but laughs at you. Since that day, he has made daily videos or "thirst traps" of him at the gym and send them to you. And you'd collect them like rocks and place them in a secret flashdrive for research purposes *wink* *wink*
Bonus: Sakusa asking Atsumu and Bokuto at the gym on how to make a thirst trap for you and he gets a full educational course about it. Day by day his videos get better and you just melt and gush at how fucking hot your husband is.
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colossalsquidz · 2 months
I think my favourite piece of symbolism in rgu will always and forever be the carousel in episode 39. In the intro, you get this awesome shot of Utena and Anthy riding on horses through the sky, and throughout the whole show you’re waiting for that moment to come to fruition.
Horses, of course, are heavily linked to the idea of the prince. Dios is described as a “prince on a white horse,” Touga explicitly states that horses are part of the “prince” persona, Akio and Touga both ride with Utena on a horse when they’re trying to be her prince. And as the protagonist, most viewers will be rooting for Utena to get her own moment of heroism. To break away from Akio’s abuse and become the gallant prince she’s always dreamed of being.
However, when Anthy stabs Utena, this dream is shattered. She says, “You remind me so much of Dios when I loved him. But you can never be my prince, because you’re a girl.” An intentionally cruel jab, rubbing salt in the wound. But also showing Anthy’s mindset, fear of being abused again by someone who wants to trap her in a power dynamic. She loves Utena and believes she is genuinely trying to help her, but still can’t trust her.
This is when the carousel appears. The same motif of the white horse, but this time a crude plastic simulacrum, going around and around in circles. Utena has been sold the idea of the prince as a way to claim autonomy in a patriarchal society, but in the end the “prince” in power only wants to keep everything in eternal stasis. The flying horses in the sky were always a pipe dream, because that’s not what it means to claim power within the framework of this system. A carousel can never advance. A prince can never truly smash the world’s shell, just accumulate power within it.
The nature of the carnival ride and the children’s laughter in the background are also important here, almost mocking Utena in her lowest moment. It reminds me of Akio’s statement that she was merely “playing” at the duelling game, like all this was some childish power fantasy. But we know that’s not true. That’s why Utena is able to pull herself up and make her way to Anthy’s coffin. Dios is the one riding the carousel here, offering Utena false platitudes and beckoning her to accept the way things are, join him in going around and around for eternity. However, Utena’s desire to help her friend trumps her desire to be a hero. To help Anthy has always been her main driving force, and Akio is so cynical that he can’t understand that someone might want to help for purely selfless reasons. Ultimately, this is his downfall.
When the curtain falls and the prince is revealed to be a child on a plastic horse, Utena is disgusted by the farce and accepts the painful reality of her identity being ripped from her and discarded. Because being the prince was never Utena’s goal, it was a means to an end to help Anthy from the very beginning.
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pitchsidestories · 2 months
eras of us (2) II Ona Batlle x Reader
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part 1 I masterlist I word count: 2662
a/n: the second and final part to eras of us with the promised happy ending, enjoy. <3
Barcelona had changed since Onas departure. Or at least it felt like it. She had been such an integral part of your daily life that you constantly found yourself longing for her presence in every situation. Every time you went to training, you were painfully reminded that you were without your best friend.
Time and time again, you tried to convince yourself that this was a decision that every football player would have to make at some point in their career. Still, you could not shake the weird mix of feelings that her transfer had created.
Of course, your team mates noticed that your mood had changed.
After a particular hard training in the Catalonian sun, Leila took you aside before you could disappear into the dressing room: “Ona… she misses you.“
You frowned at her, not sure where the conversation about Ona had come from. “Oh, sure. I think Ona seems very happy on the recent pictures she’s been posting.“, you replied and tried to push past Leila.
Mapi passed the two of you and gave you a wink: “Looks can be deceiving.“
“Listen to her. She’s got that tattooed.“, Leila grinned.
You rolled your eyes. As if anyone could miss the tattoo on Mapis throat.
“Yeah, I know what I’m talking about.“, Mapi laughed, stopping right next to you.
Shaking your head about your two team mates, you heaved a deep sigh: “But what am I supposed to do?“
A mischievous smirk appeared on Leilas face as she reached into the pocket of her warm-up jacket. She handed you a small envelope.
“No worries. Here is your ticket to Manchester and your return ticket to Barcelona.“
Speechless, you just stared at her and Mapi for a few seconds. How long had they planned that?
“You girls are insane!“, you finally exclaimed.
“No, we’re the best.“, Mapi corrected you.
“Thank you!“ You hugged both of them quickly, an inexplicable smile on your lips.
“Yeah, just remember to names us as team mates of the year.“, Leila joked.
You laughed: “I promise I will.“
“But now go before you miss your flight.“, Leila said, moving out of your way.
“Okay, got it. See you two soon!“, you called, hurrying into the dressing room to take a quick shower and race home to pack your suitcase.
“Good luck!“, Mapi shouted after you.
Smiling, Leila watched you disappear into the dressing room while wiping away an imaginary tear: “Our children grow up so fast.“
Alexia who had suddenly appeared next to Mapi, shook her head: “Leila, not all the gays in the team are your children.“
“It feels like they are.“
A few hours later you were at your best friend’s new home in England. Quickly you went up the stairs, feeling slightly breathless once you reached the right floor before you ringed the bell next to her surname plate.
Onas’s jaw dropped when she opened the door to her appartement in Manchester to see you standing there in flesh and bone:” Hello?”
“Oni, hi.”, you greeted her back, feeling your heart pound heavy against your chest at the familiar sight of her.
Still stunned she blinked: “You.”
“Yes, it’s me.”, you replied, running one hand through your hair, the other rested on the suitcase.
“What are you doing here?”, the defender furrowed her brows.
“I’m sorry how I reacted when you were saying you’d leave.”, you apologized, while looking guiltily down to your feet.
Hearing these words, Ona clenched her teeth:” It doesn’t matter.” But you could tell from her reaction that this was a lie.
“And Leila said you missed me.”, you added biting your lip as you spoke.
 “Maybe I did. You’re my best friend.”, she confessed. Lifting your head to face her again, you realized that the English weather made her look paler, but the freckles were still there.
Rather childish you responded: “Still? You seem pretty happy in Manchester now.”
Before answering your question, the United player showed you the old friendship bracelet you’ve made for her all those years ago and she was wearing even now although it did look old: “Still. And I’m happy here. The team and the coaches trust me.”
“That’s great. I’m glad they recognize your talent, you deserve it, Oni.”, you told her in an honest tone.
“Thank you. Uhm.. do you want to come in?”, Ona asked you, tousling shily through her bun.
“Sure.”, you nodded nervously while entering her appartement.
“Sorry, I wasn’t expecting a visitor.”, she blushed as you were taking in the view.
“It’s fine. Really.”, you reassured her. Glancing at the framed pictures which were not hanging up, yet you pointed to them:” Do you want to hang up the pictures?”
“Actually, yes.”
Meanwhile you were holding the first photo in your hands, you couldn’t help but to smile at the young girls which were pictured, celebrating a team win:” I love this one.”
“Oh, me too.”, the defender admitted.
“We all look so small on it, well Aitana still is.”, you commented grinning.
Seeming relaxed, Ona showed you another picture: “Yes, we do but this one is my favourite.”
You knew the photo well, it was taken after your first game for the Barcelona senior team and you spotted your best friend in the stands and went in to hug her, this moment forever being captured by the photographer on the pitch for which you were both grateful:” Mine too, you paused for a second before continuing seriously, we share a lot of memories together, hopefully to many more.”
You could hardly explain to yourself how quickly the time had passed. One moment you spontaneously flew over to Manchester, the next you already found yourself in Australia at the tournament that you had anticipated for so long.
Playing in the World Cup was one thing, but you would never have dreamed of winning the trophy. It still felt surreal. You had just won the World Cup Final against England.You saw Ona walking towards you with a wide grin on her face.
“Ona, we won!“, you cheered.
She wrapped her arms around you: “We did.“
“I can’t believe it yet.“ You escaped her embrace and took in the atmosphere of the stadium and the celebration of your team mates.
Ona stood beside you. “It’s insane, right?“
The words hung between you for a few seconds as you watched on.
Ona shook her head suddenly, smiling to herself like she had just realized what had happened in the previous ninety minutes: “We’re World Champions.“
“Oh yes. Remember when…“, you started.
Aitana joined you, placing one arm around each of you and finished your sentence: “We pretended we won the World Cup? Yes.“ With smirk she added: “Do you still know the choreo?“
Onas face dropped: “You’re not going to do that at the actual World Cup!“
“Come on, Tana, we’ll do it.“, you said decisively, pulling the midfielder with you.
There was a small routine of dance moves that you had practiced when you had still played at La Masia together and the actual World Cup felt like millions of years away. Sometimes those dance moves would come out to celebrate a particularly special goal but mostly, they were reserved for exactly this moment.
“Coming!“, Aitana joined you while Ona just shook her head.
Olga elbowed the defender in the side, watching you and Aitana dance in synchrony: “Ona, what are they doing?“
“Being idiots.“, she laughed.
At the same time, Aitana managed to pull her phone from somewhere to capture the moment in a selfie.
“Come on, the photo isn’t complete without you!“, you called over to her.
Ona rolled her eyes with smile: “Ugh, fine. But only for one photo.“
“Perfect.“, Aitana commented as Ona appeared between the two of you.
“Did it turn out cute?“, Ona asked, leaning over to see her team mates phone screen.
“It did.“
The celebrations continued the whole night. There was the initial celebration at the pitch which was then moved to the dressing room and lastly to the hotel. You had no idea what time it was or how many drinks you had but you were clinking your glass with the other players and yelling over the sound of the music: “Cheers, everyone!“
“Cheers, children.“, Alexia laughed, taking her sip from her own drink. She seemed way too sober for your liking.
“Ale, others are the children now.“, you explained to her with the most seriousness you could muster.
Jenni took a shot, grimaced and then said: “You’re still our children.“
“Exactly, nothing will ever change that.“, Alexia said with a gently smile.
“That’s embarrassing.”, Onas’s cheeks turning redder than before.
You were sitting in her lap and hid your face in her chest:” Agreed.”
“What are you doing?”, your friend asked giggling.
“Hiding from embarrassment.”, you mumbled into her shirt.
“So cute.”, Jenni hummed, who didn’t stop looking at you two.
“Let us alone!”, Ona begged the older woman.
She shook her head decisively:” No.”
“Please.”, you tuned in.
Clearing her throat Alexia got up from her seat:” Jen, time to leave the young lovers alone.”
“Fine.”, Jenni responded with a groan but nonetheless listened to what the younger midfielder said.  
“Come on.”, the Barcelona player winked at the dark-haired woman.
For a moment you and your best friend watched them leaving, before you turned around to question her, wearing a mischievous smile on your lips:” What do we do now with them gone, Oni?”
“Celebrate?”, the defender replied grinning.
“Yes!”, you nodded excitedly.
“But you had enough to drink.”, she noted with a laugh.
“Rude!”, you protested.
“It’s true.”, Ona observed.
Smiling mildly at you Aitana came to help her argument:”It’s.”
“You two are no fun.”, you grumbled.
“I mean it’s a once in a lifetime thing.”, Ona remarked as she watched you joining the rest of players who were still dancing despite the exhausting final.
Amused Aitana was taking a seat next to the defender:” How does y/n still have the energy to dance though.”
“It’s the alcohol.”, she replied with an eyeroll.
“Definitely. Wanna bet she’s sleepy in like ten minutes?”, the midfielder asked smiling.
“Oh definitely.”, Ona nodded. She couldn’t keep her eyes off you. The soon to be Barcelona player was astonished at how effortlessly and elegant your dance moves despite your tipsiness.
Aitana’s prediction turned out to be true. With a little bit of help from Ona you reached the hotel room you two were sharing. Your eyes were already closed when your head hit the pillow:” I’m not tired yet.”
“Oh sure, I can tell. Good night, y/n.”, she chuckled.
“You too, love you.”, you replied about to fall asleep.
Suddenly Onas’s heart felt pounding hard against her chest when the defender pressed a kiss on your forehead:” I love you too.” She often told you how much she loved you but this time the words hit differently. It dawned on the player that she didn’t want you like a best friend. No the woman felt the urge to be your lover.
“Aitana, I fell in love with my best friend.”, Ona confessed to Aitana with a heavy air of meaning.
A small smile was forming on the midfielder’s lips: “I know.”
“What do you mean you know?”, she glanced at her confused.
“There were so many moments in the past.”, Aitana began.
Still shocked Ona interrupted her:” I only realized it during the world cup final.”       
“In that case you’re very late to the party.”, the friend answered, her face couldn’t hide her amusement.
Bewildered, Ona exclaimed: “Tana!“
The midfielder just shrugged casually: “It’s true.“
“Oh, is it?“, Ona raised an eyebrow at her.
“Ask Ale and Jenni… and Mapi… and Leila. You could literally ask anyone in the team.“, Aitana chuckled.
“It doesn’t matter anyway.“
Aitana eyed her team mate carefully: “It does matter.“
Ona shook her head with a deep sigh: “No, you don’t get it. She told Ale that she doesn’t fancy me and wouldn’t go for her best friend.“
“Wasn’t that forever ago?“, Aitana asked, seemingly unimpressed.
“It was after our training… I feel so stupid…“
“She didn’t have an easy time here when you were in Manchester, Ona.“
“It wasn’t easy for me either.“, the defender admitted.
Aitana looked at her thoughtfully: “Maybe it’s time to talk to each other.“
Ona was quite for a moment before she nodded: “You’re right. Y/n and I need to talk.“
“You should.“
She pulled her friend into a quick hug. “Goodbye, Tana.“
“Bye, Ona.“
Of course, you were paired with Ona to share a room at Barcelonas next away game. Something must have conspired against you. Or Alexia had a hand in this. Ona and you hadn’t exchanged a single word since Alexias intervention after training a few days ago.
Of course, the silence in the hotel room was obnoxious. But you had no interest in changing that.
Ona was the first one to give in, sitting on the bed on her side of the room: “Y/n, stop ignoring me, please.“
“Bold coming from the person who ran away.“, you retorted. You refused to even look at her and instead focused on putting away your clothes.
“I didn’t run away!“
Slowly, you turned to her: “Yes, you did. When Ale talked to me about us.“
You expected her to object but she just looked at you with pleading eyes: “Please, can you just listen to me?“
You sighed reluctantly: “Alright.“
“So?“, you prompted her impatiently as soon as she stopped talking.
You could tell that Ona struggled to get the words out but the suspense was almost killing you.
“I like you.“, she finally said.
“More than a best friend?“, you asked, surprised by how hoarse your voice sounded.
“Yes.“, Ona nodded.
You shook your head. Your gaze directed towards the ground, you whispered: “I don’t want to ruin our friendship.“
Ona had gotten up from the bed and bridged the gap between you two. Her hand gently found your cheek, forcing you to meet her eyes. She was so close, you could count the freckles on her face.
“Can it really ruin our friendship if we both want it?“, she asked quietly.
You slowly shook your head: “No, probably not…“
“I think we should try it.“
For the first time, your brain was silent. There was no counterargument you could think of. There was just your heart hammering in your chest.
“Agreed.“, you breathed.
And before you knew it, your lips were on your best friends. Ona hummed into the kiss, pushing harder against you and parting your lips with her tongue.
It knocked you off balance. You landed on your bed, Ona on top of you. You both giggled but refused to remove your lips from each others.
“Oh. My. God. Finally!“, Mapis voice called out, startling you.
“Mapi!“, you yelled at the exact same time, looking at your team mate who had just stumbled into your room.
She flashed you an innocent grin: “Sorry.“
“What do you want anyway?“, Ona asked, a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.
“Uhm… I was about to tell you that we’re starting to have dinner?“ There was no sign of remorse on Mapis face, just pure amazement at what she had just walked into.
“We’ll be there soon.“, Ona replied politely.
“Just give us a few more seconds.“, you added.
Mapi smirked: “You two know that Ale will sense it immediately?“
Ona nodded: “We do.“
“That’s why we need time to prepare ourselves for it.“, you joked.
“Okay, See you later.“ She disappeared through the door with a wink.
The two of you were alone again.
Ona bit her lip to hide a smile: “We don’t need time to prepare ourselves, we need time to make out. That’s what you meant right?“
“Yeah, I did.“, you admitted with a laugh.
Dinner could wait. Kissing all of your girlfriends freckles could definitely not.
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r0-boat · 10 days
Whb Demon Kings as fathers from best to worst.
Sfw yet dark because children are involved
This is just for fun a little fantasy don't have babies with any of these chuckle fucks.
Cw: toxic familial (kings love their kids, but they ain't perfect :/ the kid are no better)
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I firmly believe that Satan is a good father. The only reason why he's so low is because his anger. His child is a firecracker and he fully supports that rage anger "That's my little baby... Off to destroy the angels..."
When he does not know how to take care of a child he will sit down and read. He will make sure your child and you are healthy and safe.
Holding his child in his arms, His eyes soften this tiny little being you had made and he helped bring into this world.
Lucifer can be overprotective over his child at any age they are still his little young one And that will never change, He helps parent happily holding his child and his arms and feeding them. He is the demon of pride and he wants his child to be the best. He wants his child ready for one day they will rule Paradise Lost. When they're old enough he will tell them everything.
Lucifer is a strict father yet caring. He strict because he loves The both of you these rules are in place for a reason.
He is the guy to SCREAM his child name in assemblies, and aggressively root for them in team sports. "FUCK YEA! THATS MY FUCKING KID!!"
Trying to punish would be a nightmare. Your kid is the child of Wraith They and his father getting fights half of Gehenna will be destroyed. At least Satan is there to stop tantrums.
He is the angry soccer mom yelling at team to get in the car so he can take them to a game to beat the shit out of Tartaros team and mammon's kid. He has snacks juice everything
Listen Mammon's got money so he with get his kid anything they will ever desire. The reason why he's third is because that child will be spoiled rotten. Tartaros little royal...
Anything that kid wants Mammon will get. Good luck trying to unravel that when Mammon is constantly telling them about how important they are how they own everything.
That's his child so of course everything he owns is theirs now... But the child is the prince of greed so they are gonna want things on there own. There with be desputes on gold and materials. However on like Satan and his child these two actually talk through their disputes instead of wrestling they have a very mature almost interrogation like discussion of what comes they own and they will own.
If you think the spoiling for you is going to stop when the child is born you're wrong. In fact now that you have a wealthy child and husband they're both going to work together to spoil beloved Mom/spouse.
This man does not handle responsibility well. He loves his kid but He will be skipping out on at most 50% on parental responsibilities. He does start stepping up a little bit. He actually does go to work...
Beel adores his kid, Beel spends a lot of time with them. He bought a baby sling to carry them around when he goes to work. He wants to show his child all the beautiful spots in hell. When any devil asks him about his kid he with tell you all about them.
Sadly he is forgetful especially with dates. Please remind him about important miles downs or important things that his child has going on. He will feel very remorseful if he forgets.
He can be a good father, just watch that man.
No one is surprised. This man is the literal embodiment of envy. Don't get me wrong he does love his child. It is his kid, and he is trying. He wants to be a father He wants to be a father he never got, as a kid he didn't even know what a parent was So of course he'd want to give his child a life he wish he got. He holds his child, He helps you feed them, And he brings them everywhere. He lets you rest. However that jealousy does flare up which leads him to do childish things.
And he is protective of his kid. of course he is. That is his kid. His kid with you a proof of his love. Proof that you are his. Every time he looks at them he sees a mix of you and him and his heart fills with love. A moment of softness with Levi when he thinks about how his child will a fine Prince one day.
And as the child of envy they are going to be a literal copy of him. When they get older there will be a lot of father vs child moments especially with getting your attention. Your child loves their father, And they do want to make him proud. They love being The Prince of envy, They want to be just like him.
I think parent child duo is even more dangerous. Teaming up to fight a common threat is more often than you think. Envy is just a weird way they bond I guess. You will never get peace in that household.
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apomaro-mellow · 8 months
Wrong Number 3
(2:21 am) I just realized something (2:21 am) Ur a cooking teacher (2:22 am) Who can't fry a egg (2:23 am) You're a fraud 🫵
[7:29 am] I can fry an egg just fine I just can't make the yolks runny. It's too hard to time it right. And why are you up thinking about eggs at 2 am?
(7:47 am) I was up thinking about you at 2 am
Steve felt his stomach flip as he sipped his coffee and set his belongings down in his classroom. Eddie didn't play games. He always said exactly what he was thinking. And it drew Steve wild.
(7:48 am) And about how your students might clown on you for not being able to scramble an egg
[7:49] Aww you're worried about me?
(7:49 am) Kids can be little monsters (7:50 am) Actually how old are the little monsters you teach?
[7:51] Youngest is 6 and oldest is 14. Speaking of, they'll be arriving soon so...
(7:52 am) Godspeed you academic warrior
Eddie didn't typically text so late on weeknights. Not since learning Steve was a teacher. It was just that he truly HAD been up and thinking of him. Steve drove him crazy and he thought he was doing a good job keeping a lid on it. 2 am texts were what happened when the lid got loose but Steve didn't seem put off by it.
At about half past three, Steve called him. Eddie was glad he made that leap with his first call. The sound of Steve's voice never failed to warm him through. Eddie was in the middle of collecting axes for sharpening at the end of his shift.
"What's cookin' good lookin'?", Eddie greeted as he picked up.
"Today was good. Had a really riveting conversation about meatloaf versus pate with the kids", Steve said.
"Meatloaf rocks and pate is just cold meatloaf for rich people. End of discussion."
"Well, we talked about it for like fifteen minutes. Had a real interesting tangent on forcemeats in general."
Eddie paused. "Excuse me?"
"You'd be surprised at what kids are into. This one I taught last year was really into rice-"
"I need you to backtrack just a bit. 'Forcemeat'?"
"Yeah it's-oh grow up", Steve chided while shaking his head. He had just gotten home and was taking off his work clothes for something more comfortable. He thought about what Eddie might think he'd look nice in. "Not even my 12 year olds are this childish."
There was something about the way Steve talked about his students. Like they were his actual children. The conversation continued for a few minutes more before Steve suddenly had to hang up. Eddie tried not to think much of it, but it wasn't the first time that it had happened.
Steve ended the call just as Robin came into the apartment. She narrowed her eyes at him, then looked to the phone in his hand. Steve hid it behind his back and winced at practically telling on himself.
"You're hiding something."
"No I'm not."
"And now you're lying to me."
"No I'm not!"
Robin pounced and wrestled him for the phone. It wasn't a real fight of course. Steve could've pinned her in seconds but a part of him was tired of keeping the secret. And obviously, she knew how to unlock his phone.
"Who's Eddie?", she asked, sitting on his back triumphantly.
"A guy."
"Thank you, I had no idea it could be a man's name. You've been texting him aaaaaaa llllllllllllot."
"Are you reading them!? Robin!"
"Where did you meet him?", Robin said as she got up, continuing to read through their conversations.
"I um, technically, haven't. Yet."
Robin gave him an odd look and Steve spilled everything to her. To her credit, Robin listened to the full story before throwing one of the couch pillows at him.
"Stephen Elliott Harrington! Did no one teach you stranger danger? You just kept texting him? And calling? And I saw the pictures you sent. You know he can find out where we live? What if I came home to your skinless corpse??!"
It went on for a while like that and when Robin was finished, she collapsed onto the couch. Steve sat across from her on the coffee table. He waited for her to silently process it all.
"You think he's cute?"
"What I've seen of him, yeah."
Robin sighed. "I can't believe you're turning into the guy who has a internet girlfriend."
Steve rolled his eyes but then balked when she started to read through his messages again.
"And I can't believe you haven't even started flirting yet."
"I've been flirting with him the whole time!" Maybe not the whole time but-
"You're giving him Diet Steve. Why are you holding back?"
Steve shrugged, looking sheepish now. Now Robin was rolling her eyes.
"Steve, we're getting you a date."
"But he's-"
"A virtual one. Jesus is he an axe murderer?", Robin said as she looked to one of the texts.
"No, he just works with them. Axes! Not murderers."
Eddie was about to sit down to a movie when his phone buzzed.
[5:17 pm] Thinking about you.
Oh. Now that was some text to get.
(5:18 pm) Oh yeah? (5:18 pm) What about me?
Steve looked to Robin. They were sitting cross-legged next to each other on his bed.
"What do I say?"
"Be honest, duh."
"If I'm honest I'm gonna talk about his hands."
Robin shook her hands at him like she wanted to wring his neck. Steve got the idea and decided to put himself out there.
[5:21 pm] Your hands. I think about them a lot actually
Eddie had not given his own hands much thought. But knowing that Steve admired them, he gave them a second look. He thought about them gripping Steve's thighs.
(5:23) You're gonna make me blush (5:24) What would you do with my hands Stevie?
Steve panicked and looked to Robin. "Are we sexting? Is he getting me to sext?"
"That's the idea, dingus. I said I was getting you a date. Now tell him what you want him to do."
"I don't know I'd....I'd want to..." Steve trailed off, looking at his phone while the fingers of his other hand brushed against his lips.
Robin stole the phone from him again and started typing. "'First...I'd suck..on them'."
"Is that not what you want?"
Steve shrugged and Robin continued. "You've got me on the clock for five more minutes before I go out. You dictate, I'll type."
Steve hated how much he liked the idea. Especially when he heard the ping of Eddie's reply. "What did he say?"
Robin cleared her throat. "'Yeah? You wanna suck on them? I bet you got a beautiful mouth.' Oh he's good."
"Yeah", Steve breathed out. "Really good." He thought about Eddie sticking his fingers in and pressing down on his tongue, his rings tasting metallic and so nice.
"'I wanna choke on them'", Robin said out loud as she typed. "Is it too soon to call him Daddy?"
"What?!" That snapped Steve out of it.
"Oh come on. Tattoos, the hair, his job. He wants to be called Daddy."
"Robin don't call him Daddy."
Steve took his phone from her and looked to Eddie's reply.
(5:30 pm) I'd only choke you if you were being bad (5:30 pm) Are you gonna be bad baby?
[5:31 pm] Maybe. I can be good too. So good.
(5:32 pm) Lemme call you baby wanna hear you
Steve dialed without hesitation just as Robin was leaving. Her work was done.
"Don't get murdered while I'm out!", she shouted just as Eddie picked up.
"Hey pretty baby", Eddie said.
"Hey. You said you wanted to hear me?"
"Yeah. I wanna hear you say those things with your own voice."
"Like how I wanna choke on your fingers? Among other things?"
Steve could hear Eddie let out a breath on the other end. The power he felt right now was intoxicating.
"Bet you'd look so good on your knees."
Steve hummed while pressing his fingertips to his lips. If Eddie asked, he'd suck on them. Let the wet noises fill his ears, let Eddie know how good he could be.
"Darlin' you went quiet."
"I'm thinking", Steve said, laying down on his bed. "I wanna show you, Eddie."
Eddie swallowed. This man would be the death of him. He'd nearly jerked off to just a picture of his fully clothed lower half. If he saw more...if he saw everything-
"Eddie! We've got a Code Red!"
"Jesus! Knock!"
Steve sat up quick at the shouting coming from Eddie's end. It sounded like someone had barged in.
"Sorry. Sorry Steve. I gotta handle something. Um, call you back? Please?"
"Eddie, I want to video call you."
"Yes. I wanna see you. Please."
"Yes. Yes, a thousand times-hold your horses! Uh, tomorrow? It's Saturday, so you're free, right? Can we make it a date?"
"A date", Steve nodded. "I'll see you then. I'll be thinking of you."
"And I'll be counting the seconds. 1-one thousand, 2-one thousand, 3-one th-ouch! Okay! Damn!"
Eddie hung up and Steve still had the phone to his ear, smiling. He had a video call date. He had a date with Eddie!
Shit what should he wear?
Part 5
Tag Team (CLOSED)
@anne-bennett-cosplayer @estrellami-1 @newtstabber @omletlove @ifyoudonlysurrender @rehfan @morganski-19 @corvidcantina @dragonmama76 @just-ladyme @tinyplanet95 @goodolefashionedloverboi @idoquitelikebread @kittydeadbones @manda-panda-monium @rhapsodyinalto @paintsplatteredandimperfect @keylime-green @ihavekidneys @samsoble @honorarybrit81 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @aizawa-emma @deleataecount @thesuninyaface @fromapayphone @justmeinadaze @hbyrde36 @queenie-ofthe-void @resident-gay-bitch @bestwifehaver @dangdirtydemons @ellietheasexylibrarian @perseus-notjackson @pyrohonk @holysteddie @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @mrsjellymunson @geekymagicalpotato @notaqueenakhaleesi
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muffinlance · 9 months
prompt: Ozai has Azula watch Zuko (his progress or rather lack thereof) from way earlier on, possibly even before Aang gets away from the iceberg in the first place
There it is, written at the bottom of his banishment notice, wobbling in and out of his vision and he’s not sure if it's his eyes—
(Father wouldn’t have meant to blind him. Being blind won't help him catch the Avatar, so he’ll just not go blind.)
It’s either his eyes, or. Or the rage. It has to be the rage.
So Zuko reads the line again, and lets the fire brim up and overflow, until sparks chase the shout from his lips.
“Banishment to be overseen by Crown Princess Azula?”
- - -
“Prince Zuko,” Azula says, standing as tall as an eleven year old can. She’s using his title, so that he’ll use hers. And if he doesn’t then he’s ill-mannered and not fit for his own. 
“Crown Princess Azula,” Zuko grits out.
“I’ll just be inspecting your ship, then. Father’s orders.”
Two men are in shackles by the time she’s done. 
“—Fostering mutiny against your prince,” she is yelling, and somehow her voice is just as high-pitched as his without sounding childish at all. “When our father hears about this—”
- - -
“So you had them executed,” Fire Lord Ozai inquires. Lightly. And from behind his flames.
“Of course, father,” says the kneeling child. “It was an attack on our family.”
Her father doesn’t say anything.
Azula is eleven. Eleven, she had presumed, was old enough to count. 
One, two, three. Four, with Uncle. The royal family.
Her father is silent still.
One. Two.
“Forgive my impertinence, Fire Lord,” she says. “I will bring them to you for judgment next time.”
“Do so,” Fire Lord Ozai says. He does not contest the ‘next time.’
- - -
“Crown Princess Azula,” Zuko says.
“Your bandage is off, brother,” Azula says. “Are you blind?”
(The blur of her red robes, the eye-searing glint of sunlight off her headpiece—he’s not blind in that eye. He’s just… still recovering.)
“Lovely,” she says. “Then what’s your excuse for the condition of this ship?”
…He has an increased budget for repairs, by the time she’s done. 
- - -
“Brother,” Azula says, “traditionally knives are to be delivered to the back.”
“I… what?” her brother says, still holding out the inexplicable thing. “No, I bought it at port. For you. See, it matches the one Uncle got me.”
“How original,” she says.
Her brother turns a shade of red that puts his bending to shame. Not that it’s a particularly high bar. “Fine, I’ll just—throw it out.”
“Oh, don’t be so dramatic. At the least, Mai will want it.”
- - -
“Nice knife,” says Mai, looking at the hilt peeking out of Azula’s boot.
“Be silent,” Azula says, thus ending that conversation.
- - -
“Did great-grandfather… did we…” starts her brother, fresh from scurrying about the Eastern Air Temple like some particularly dim-witted pheasant-monkey, the dust not even brushed from his clothes even though he knew her ship was waiting down here. “Azula, there were children—”
“Be silent,” she says.
- - -
“You’re leaving frequently,” comments father, as his knife cuts through the pheasant-monkey, clicking against the plate below. The persimmon-cherry sauce is thick and red and smearing.  
“I find it advantageous to cultivate a working knowledge of our nation’s tactics,” Azula answers. She does not push around her meat like a child, but she does eat only lightly; the dish is more sour than she remembers.
“And your brother?”
“Oh, him,” she says, to which her father smiles.
- - -
“...What?” Zuko asks, blinking down at the scrolls. 
“It’s your birthday,” Azula says. “Apparently, I should have gotten you a calendar.”
“Thank you?”
She sighs.
- - -
“Do we… tell him we can hear him?” asks the assistant cook, as the prince continues monologuing. Dramatically, and loudly. Through the pipe connecting the drain of the kitchen sink to the ones in the shower. 
“Ssh, I think this is one of his new plays.”
- - -
She gets him a calendar for his next birthday. It’s not funny.
- - -
He gets her a doll, for hers. The look on Uncle’s face as she torches it in front of them both is hilarious.
- - -
“Brother,” she says, looking up at the damage to his ship. “This is not the way to requisition additional repair funds.”
“Captain Zhao,” her uncle says in the background, with heights of pleasant antagonism she can only aspire to. As if a general could mistake Zhao’s new insignia. Particularly with all the polishing he does. 
“It’s commander now.”
“How did you manage this?” she asks.
“Uh,” Zuko says. “Can we… speak alone?”
She eyes her brother’s shifting stance. Eyes, too, the way Zhao’s men are already moving to intercept and interrogate his crew. One of the new commander’s more noxious habits is stalking her brother’s every move. 
Well. She’d been meaning to deal with that, anyway.
Azula snaps her fingers at the commander’s guards.
“Detain him,” she says. And for a moment, just a moment, her dear uncle freezes, as if she were talking about someone he actually cared for.
The guards don’t. She’s trained them better than that.
“Princess,” Commander Zhao says, his snarl well hidden behind a smile. “What is the meaning of this?”
“Crown Princess Azula,” she corrects. “Now hush; the adults are talking.”
- - -
They have an Avatar to catch, apparently. Her brother is coming home.
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amirasainz · 27 days
hi!! i love this series sm and can u please write baby!sainz crushing on lando and carlos noticed it ++ lando and baby!sainz cute moments. thank you! have a good day 🫶🏻
Hey loves. I'm always so happy when I receive new requests. My requests are open and feedback is always welcome. Enjoy reading! -XoXo
Three times when...
The cooking fiasco
It was common knowledge in the Sainz household that Amira Sainz did not like cooking. In fact, it was a task she despised. When the Sainz children were younger, the chores were so divided that Amira never had to cook. She would go shopping for the ingredients or clean up the kitchen afterward. But she never lifted one pretty, manicured finger to prepare a meal.
So one could understand the shock when Carlos came down to the kitchen this morning and saw his baby sister cooking. And not just something easy like instant noodles—Senorita Sainz had prepared Croquetas de Jamón, a dish that required time and patience. Two things his little sister usually did not have.
However, Carlos had to admit they smelled amazing. When he tried to take a piece, his sister slapped his hand away. “Amira, what—” “Carlitos, they are not for hermano. It took me hours to prepare them, and I will not let you eat them all just because you’re hungry,” she informed her brother with a playful smile. “Come on, hermanita. Just one tiny piece. They look delicious.” She shook her head again, packed the Croquetas away, and told her brother they needed to leave.
The Sainz siblings, armed with their bags and a little plastic box filled with those delectable Croquetas de Jamón, entered the paddock. But it was Amira’s bold move that stole the show—skipping over to Lando and presenting him with her carefully prepared culinary masterpiece. Carlos, caught off guard, stood in the middle of the entrance, his jaw practically hitting the floor.
And then came Lando’s reaction: “Darling, this is the best thing I’ve ever tasted.” Amira blushed, and Carlos was left utterly dumbfounded.
Little did he know that his bewildered expression would soon become an internet sensation—a meme capturing the moment when Carlos’s brain seemingly took a vacation for a solid 40 minutes.
2. The hat
Oh, how he hated this hat. This stupid childish hat, that Lando wore for his first home GP. Carlos’s disdain for that neon green/yellow-ish hat was legendary, and it seemed to be etched into his very soul. But when he saw his sister, Amira, wearing the same hat, panic set in. His protective instincts kicked into high gear, and he bombarded her with questions: “Amira, what happened? Were you forced to wear this? Did Lando force you? Do you owe him money? Mi preciada hermana, you know I’ll lend you all the money I have. I will—”
And then, Amira’s interruption: “Don’t you think I look pretty?” Carlos was left speechless. Of course, she looked beautiful, but why this… thing on her head? Amira explained that it was Lando’s hat—the very same one he wore during his first home Grand Prix. She wanted to show her support for him, even though her loyalty to Carlos was unwavering.
Carlos grappled with conflicting emotions. On one hand, his sister’s gesture was sweet, even if the hat was an eyesore. On the other hand, why did it have to be that hat? His sister looked always lovely, but this neon monstrosity…
Before he could articulate his thoughts, Lando himself appeared. “Looking good, Mira,” he praised, and Amira blushed. Then, Lando turned to Carlos. “Hey, you good, man?”
And there it was—the unspoken tension between past teammates, siblings, and that ridiculous hat. Carlos managed a half-hearted nod. “Yeah, just… processing,” he mumbled. But deep down, he wondered if this whole situation would become another meme—one where Carlos stared into space, contemplating the mysteries of life, love, and questionable headwear.
3.The cut
It was racing weekend after a two week break. Carlos couldn’t help but tease Lando about that minuscule cut—the one that had everyone talking after his wild party weekend in the Netherlands.
“Cabrón, how did you even manage to cut yourself open? I mean, you were on a boat. A boat, Lando.” The banter flowed between them like old times, and Carlos secretly acknowledged that while Charles felt like a little brother, Lando was his true confidant. Amidst the tough competition at Ferrari, Lando was the one who knew all his inner struggles and insecurities—the person he could share everything with. Lando, who knew that Carlos didn't have any offers from other teams. Lando, who knew that the offer from Audi was taken back. He just couldn't tell Charles those things. Not because he couldn't trust him as well. But he always felt the need to protect the young Monegasque and didn't want to make him feel worse about his leave.
But then, the unexpected happened. Carlos’s attention shifted from Lando’s escapades to a quick blur of pink. The exact shade his sister had worn just days ago. And there they were: Amira and Lando, arms around each other. Concern etched on her face, she asked Lando if he was feeling alright, if she could do anything for him. His response—teasing yet sincere—sent a shiver down Carlos’s spine. Those stars in Lando’s eyes, the whispered words in Spanish from her: “Oh Lando, estoy tan feliz de que estés bien”, Lando rubbing her back for comfort.
Those two friends, caught in a moment that felt both intimate and confusing. Carlos’s mind raced. Did his sister have a crush on Lando? It couldn’t be, right?
Or could it?
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toournextadventure · 7 months
the city can wait
Summary: You had promised your girlfriend one night of not disappearing. Of course, it just had to be on the craziest night of the year.
Word Count: 2,6k Warnings: swearing, drug and alcohol mention Pairing: Vada Cavell x Reader
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Halloween. The one time of year where you didn’t really have to hide anything, you could roam around the city, only making excuses to leave instead of why you were dressed… a certain way. Not that your girlfriend ever really seemed to notice. It was probably the single greatest thing about her proclivity for weed; she never noticed.
“How does it look?” The woman herself asked as she finally stepped out of the bathroom and into the small apartment living room.
“How-” you covered your mouth with your hand “-how did you sneak that into the apartment?”
“How did you not notice it?”
Your mouth closed with a snap, and you nodded slowly. That was a very good point. How you had managed to miss a bright pink bunny costume was beyond you. Maybe it was because, much like you, Vada was a random variable. There was never any way that you could prepare for something she did, so you had quit noticing the “weird” things.
“At least you’re cute,” you said with a shrug and a smile. There was no point in arguing when she was right.
“I know I am,” she said with her own smile that took over her whole face.
God, she was adorable. Yes, she was grown, and yes, she was wearing what would technically be classified as a children’s costume. But did you care? Hell no, she was precious. If anything, it made you love her even more. Her childish side kept your head above water when things were getting tough, and you wouldn’t trade it for the world.
“Are you going to keep staring?” She asked. “Or are we going to that party?”
“Let me grab my mask and we can go,” you said.
You practically hopped up from the couch, stopping just long enough to kiss Vada on the cheek before running to your shared room. It was stupid to hide your mask in the closet of your room, you knew that, but it was easy enough to play off. It’s a cosplay, you had explained the first time Vada had found it. It worked. She claimed you were just weird enough for it to be believable.
Which was a little rude, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.
The mask still smelled of smoke from the week before. A smell that you were starting to become numb to. Hell, if Vada hadn’t brought it up the next day, you wouldn’t have even noticed. What did you smoke last night? She had asked. Because it wasn’t weed. You couldn’t remember which bullshit answer you had given her, all you remembered was that it was enough to get her to drop it.
How often, you wondered as you worked your way back to the living room, had she noticed something was off? It wasn’t like you were the sneakiest person around. If she behaved the way you did, you hoped you would notice. There was no way to not notice the bumps and bruises and unusual “work” hours. Well, you really did work, but that wasn’t the point!
“You’re so slow,” Vada called from the living room. “You’re the worst Spider-man ever.”
“I’m sure you could find worse,” you called back as you finally saw her again. Her smile never failed to get your heart racing. “Nick wouldn’t even get up to help anyone.”
“That’s why you’re the one I keep around,” she said. She reached over and grabbed your hand, pulling you out of the apartment that you hoped was locked. If it wasn’t?
Well, at least you knew a good superhero.
“You don’t keep me around for anything else?” You asked once you were both downstairs and walking down the crazy streets of New York City.
Everyone was dressed up for Halloween. There were kids running around, adults seeming tired even though it was barely 7:30, and teenagers and college kids acting like they owned the place. Which they kind of did, but it was fine. You and Vada were one of those college kids, so you couldn’t really complain. At least everyone seemed to be having a nice night already.
And hopefully not causing any trouble.
“I mean,” Vada started, “I guess you’re a good kisser too.”
“I am?” You asked. The smile on your face was… rather humiliating.
“But only when you’re not running off to go who-knows-where,” she continued.
Oh. Well that wasn’t as exciting.
“Speaking of running off,” she said when you both pulled up to the apartment building. She pulled you off to the side and stood in front of you.
God, just looking into her eyes? You loved her. Everything about her. From the sparkle in her eyes to the goofy half smile that she would get when she did something a little silly. It was in the soft yet needy way she held onto your hand, almost as if you would run away if she let go.
“No running off tonight,” Vada said, pulling you out of your admiration.
“I wouldn’t dream of it-”
“-I mean it,”  she continued, gently jabbing her finger into your chest. “We haven’t had a full night together in months.”
You sighed. Maybe she was right. Each time you had attempted to set up a night with Vada, something serious had gone on around the city. Hell, there had been serious riots just the other week! But you wouldn’t argue that you were getting into the nasty habit of running without any hesitation.
Perhaps you weren’t quite so good at balancing hero life and personal life. At least not like you thought you were.
“You may be Spider-Man tonight,” she said, her tone already turning softer, “but the city can wait.”
Oh, if only she knew.
“Yes ma’am,” you said anyway.
“Pinky promise,” she said.
If she wasn’t trying to act so serious, you would’ve laughed at the insistence when she held her small fist in front of her, pinky finger attempting to stick straight up. She was hindered by the rabbit gloves, but it was the thought that counted. See? That was another thing you loved about her. You may have lost most of your innocence, but she had enough for the both of you.
“Pinky promise,” you repeated, reaching out with your own hand and locking fingers with her as best you could.
“Seal the deal,” she said.
You rolled your eyes, but couldn’t help the smile on your face. It wasn’t going to stop you, though, as you leaned down and placed a light kiss on Vada’s lips. Her hands attempted to grab the front of your suit, but she was thwarted by the giant gloves. You nearly choked on a laugh but managed to keep your cool. Mostly. A little. Okay, you laughed, but it was fine!
“Come on, Spider-dude,” Vada huffed, “let’s have some fun.”
Surprisingly? You did. Not surprising in that you didn’t enjoy parties, or being with Vada. Hell, being with Vada was the best part of your life. Any time with her was a good time, and you would do anything to stay with her. But it was surprising in that, for the first time since discovering your, uh, condition, you could relax.
For the first time, you weren’t spending every second wondering if someone was being hurt, or if there was something you could do to help. You didn’t have that desire to swing between buildings, looking for even the slightest indication that something was wrong. No, none of it was on your mind, and you could finally act your age. You could be a normal kid.
Until you couldn’t.
“Did you two see this?” Mia asked as she came up to where you were sitting with Vada on your lap.
“See what?” You asked.
“Put it away,” Vada said instantly before Mia could hand her phone over. “You pinky promised.”
“I just wanna know,” you tried to argue.
“You’re not actually a hero, you know,” she said.
Oh, if only she knew.
“But I am nosy,” you tried to defend. Tried being the key word. “Let me see.”
Vada groaned loudly, but didn’t bother stopping you from taking Mia’s phone from her outstretched hand. The news app was opened to display a fire raging in what appeared to be a residential building. At the top of the screen, the banner read “Queens apartment fire still ongoing.”
Your stomach dropped. Were there people trapped in the building? If the fire was still raging on, did the fire department need any help? Surely they couldn’t handle it all on their own, they probably needed a hand. After all, who better to find trapped civilians than you? It would only take about 20 minutes, then you could get back and spend the rest of the night at the party like you were supposed to.
Vada shifted on your lap. Oh. Right. You couldn’t just leave. You had made a promise that you wouldn’t leave all night. And as silly as it might seem, you didn’t take that promise lightly. Even though she turned it into a joke and something that wasn’t really a big deal, you knew otherwise. Thanks to the shooting, Vada hid most of her “serious” feelings, but that didn’t mean you couldn’t see the subtle ways she showed them.
“That’s a shame,” you finally managed to say, handing the phone back to Mia. “I hope no one gets hurt.”
You felt Vada’s arms tighten slightly around your shoulders.
“Wow,” Mia said with a slow nod. “I thought Spider-Man would rush off to help.”
“Yeah,” you said, chuckling humourlessly, “but I can’t help anyone if my girlfriend kills me.”
“Good answer,” Vada said before placing a sloppy kiss on your cheek. She was far more into PDA when she was drinking.
You loved it.
What you didn’t love, however, was all the crime and chaos that apparently decided to wait until you couldn’t leave. Fires, robberies, shootings, everything that could happen? Happened. Each time Mia walked up to you and Vada, your heart jumped into your throat before you even saw what was on her phone. And each time, you had to fight every instinct in your body to rush out and help.
And Vada always gave you a kiss immediately after.
The kisses made you feel a little better about internally saying no to leaving. Vada would get the biggest smile on her face and pull you down for the kiss. She tasted of cheap alcohol and questionable chasers and the tiniest hint of weed. But she was warm, and her lips were soft, and each kiss had you more and more convinced that you just needed to take her back home and remind her how much you loved her.
By the time you were both attempting to leave the party, you didn’t even feel so bad about taking the night for yourself. You weren’t even paying attention when Mia came back up to you and Vada for the last time of the night, phone in hand and news app open.
“One more for the New York Chaos?” Vada asked.
“Ending Halloween with a bang,” Mia said with a shrug.
Something at the back of your mind told you to look at the phone. To see how bad it was. The night was practically over, you had kept your promise and had stayed throughout the entire party. Would it count as breaking the promise once you were out of the apartment?
But you felt Vada’s hand squeeze yours, and you looked at her. She had pulled the hood off her bunny suit about an hour ago, claiming it was too hot. Her hair was slicked back with a few strands sticking to her forehead, but she still looked absolutely stunning. She was your Vada.
“Leave it to New York to let the crazies out tonight,” you said without even taking the phone.
Mia smiled. “Stay safe going home.”
You both bid Mia a goodnight, promising to stay safe, before Vada led you out of the apartment and back to the streets. It was a quick walk home, a little quieter than normal thanks to the alcohol coursing through both of your bodies. But it was comfortable, and you were happy. Truly happy. It was a nice feeling.
“Tonight was fun,” you said when you closed the apartment door behind you while Vada started pulling her costume off.
“See what happens when you stay?” She teased.
“I know, I know,” you huffed, letting out a sigh when you tried to move. The suit was chafing.
“I have to admit something,” Vada said. There was a tone to her voice that you didn’t hear very often. A tone that meant trouble.
“What?” You asked.
She licked her lips before biting her bottom lip. You stepped forward, placing your hands on her hips. Whatever it was, you didn’t want her to think you were upset with her. Clearly something was bothering her, or at least making her think twice. You weren’t going to make it harder than it had to be.
“You know all those news reports tonight?” She asked slowly.
You nodded.
“None of them were… real.”
“What?” You blurted out before you could even stop yourself.
“They weren’t real,” she repeated with a nervous giggle. One that she only used when she knew she was in trouble.
“What do you mean they weren’t real?” You asked, doing your best to keep your voice level.
“We were testing you,” she continued.
“For what?” You asked again.
“I know this isn’t a cosplay,” she said, pulling lightly on the collar of your suit.
“You-” you exhaled harshly. What did she mean, she knows? There was no way. You weren’t the most sneaky, but you weren’t stupid. How could she possibly know? Maybe you were just a really committed cosplayer, did she ever think about that?
“No one coincidentally disappears before every disaster in the city,” Vada said. Her hands smoothed your suit down, resting on your shoulders. They were soft. You loved the feel of her hands.
She knew. She knew. Oh god, she knew. What were you going to do now? Was it going to put her in danger? She said “we,” did that mean Mia too? Oh god did that mean both of them were in danger? They were both trouble on their own, let alone when they were together. How were you going to keep both of them safe?
“When did you find out?” You asked, ignoring the fifty million other questions running through your mind.
“A few months ago,” Vada said with a sheepish smile. “Mia was over when you snuck in and passed out on the couch in the suit and mask.”
Oh, maybe you were stupid.
“I kinda think it’s hot,” Vada continued when you still couldn’t find anything else to say. “Have anything that would be fun in bed?”
You looked at her in shock for only a moment before lifting her up. Her legs wrapped around your waist before she rested her hands on your neck and leaned down to kiss you. You didn’t have to look to know where the bedroom was. If she wanted to learn a few things, then you would show her.
The city could wait for one night.
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deonsx · 9 months
If Bsd Men Become Father
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Ranpo, Fyodor, Nikolai
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Dazai Osamu
Two girls who look like princesses
Dazai Someone who really loves to play with them and kiss and smell them and wants to make the most of every minute of her time with them, "I love you" He smiled and kissed one and then looked at the other and said "I love you" and kissed again
Dazai took care of them best when you and them were by his side so now he has a real family, heaven was next to him, Your husband was very nervous at first, he had many doubts about what kind of father to be, but then everything worked out with your first daughter
One of your daughters would ride on osamu's shoulder at the time of going shopping, while the other would rather sit quietly on his lap, He likes to braid their hair, he likes to cook together, in fact, he only make some little things because he doesn't want to spoil the food, but he learned a little something with you
He cares more than anything about sleeping with you and taking care of you, and you are his most precious person in this world “you are my paradise”
Chuuya Nakahara
One boy one Girl is smart and beautiful at the same time
We all know he has the best dad potential he will truly see them as the only people in the world, He can do a lot of magic tricks on them with his power and make them fly "Daddy I want to fly!"
"No dad, fly me first!!" the two children were constantly begging their father to fly them "Okay okay my beautiful daughter and son" He flew them both with his strength and their laughter filled the room, "My love please be careful" You kissed your husband and said looking at the flying children "Mom! we're flying we're flying!!"
You laughed, "My love, I'm just doing a magic show" he smiled and kissed your neck, his orange hair shining with the morning light, They both shone with orange hair, one of them looked so much like his father that you thought it would be difficult to distinguish when he grew up
Your daughter, on the other hand, looked like you, her hair was the same as your husband chuuya, her eyes were like you, and her temperament was the same as you “My loves, I wouldn't change anything in this world for you”
Ranpo Edogawa
One daughter with the intelligence of her father
Ranpo was the kind of father who liked to take his daughter to work, he would take care of her while she was at work, he didn't even need to do his job, he would constantly train her in his own way so that his daughter could get the best education and develop her intelligence
After her daughter was born, she started to disrupt her work, you and she wanted to make a lot of new memories with her daughter, so she took you on vacations, she liked to play with her daughter, the two of them got along very well
Ranpo was determined to give his daughter the childhood he couldn't live, he liked to play games with her and introduce her to his friends "Look, the white-haired man you see over there is actually a lion." Ranpo, who introduced the agency to your daughter, was saying everything in particular, "Lion!? I want to see a lion" “There are so many memories I can't wait to share with you”
Fyodor Dostoyevski
One Purple-haired boy with purple eyes
Fyodor really wants his son to grow up with a disciplined and beautiful family unlike him, he has had a serious relationship with you for a long time and finally you and him wanted to have a child
He and his son were both really quiet, they like to play chess, you often catch them playing trivia games, They really seemed to understand each other a lot. But of course it was in warmer times. When you go shopping, Fyodor usually walks by holding his son hand, but sometimes you can see him on his lap and that's enough to make you smile
You often tell them to help you and as a result you start cooking together, and they both find it really childish, but they still agree just for you, You often tell them to help you and as a result you start cooking together, and they both find it really childish, but they still agree just for you
With his son by your side, Fyodor pulled you by the waist and placed a kiss on your forehead “I love my family” him whispered inside
Nikolai Gogol
One white-haired colored-eyed girl
A girl with the same hair color and acting just as crazy, nikolai, your husband, always puts on a show of her own to entertain her "Daddy! Please let's teleport once more!" You were watching them leaning against the door, two people in the house who were constantly shining and beaming
Eyes quickly turned to you, nikolai suddenly teleported to his side "I'm sure Mommy would like to teleport with us!" "Yeyyy Mommy!!” they took you in without letting you talk and your day was spent with smiles, combing him doing your daughter's hair getting her ready for school, you watching them lay in your bed
You slowly got up from your bed and looked at nikolai, who was combing and braiding your daughter's hair, his tired white hair and messy eyes focused on her braiding
After kissing your daughter, you covered your husband's hair and face with kisses, your daughter slowly approached you and hugged you "Ahhhhh you girls are my trouble, I'm in love with you"
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lxmine · 1 year
can i request how diluc, xiao, scara, cyno and tighnari confess to the reader?
❝i love you.❞ + diluc, xiao, wanderer, cyno, tighnari x gn!reader
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+. fluff
+. summary ; them confessing to you
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sitting somewhere in vanarana, you didnt know such place existed, though you couldn’t see the children of the forest, you could still feel their presense near. kuni insisted on taking you here. you chuckled as kuni bashfully took the flower crown off him, but you kept on placing it in his head. “stop, this is so childish.”
“you look beautiful!” you complimented, cupping his cheeks making him look at you but he avoided eye contact. he sighs, how can such a mortal he calls his friend make him feel like this. though without a heart, he could feel something beating fast in his chest, he doesnt understand.
he clears his throat. if you were to embarass him, he too shall embarass you. confused when he so suddenly grabbed your face closer to him. “i… i’d destroy teyvat for you.” he says with a faint blush on his face. “if you are ever to be taken away from me… i’d gladly be the villain again.” he says softly caressing your face.
you smile painting your face. “is this your way of telling me you like me?” you chuckled letting go of his face, letting him just jold you. “wow, you’re not too dumb to not notice.” he jokes looking at your face. “i’d do anything for you, if you ask me.” he smiles, slowly leaning closer and closer. “kuni…” you whispered as your lips touched his.
“arapacati thinks it’s a happy ending!” says the aranara who’s beside them. “arakavi thinks arapacati should cover arapacati’s eyes.” arakavi says peeking over to the two lovers and then covering his eyes once again.
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sitting at the tavern along with tighnari, kaveh and al haitham while cyno pours out drinks for kaveh. they both seemed drunk already. and cyno really does seem different while he’s drunk. “you know, you know al haitham?” asks cyno while a hand placed on kaveh’s shoulder. al haitham beside you gives them a side eye.
“of course, he’s my roommate after all.” kaveh chuckles. “oh god, i regret joining. they are so embarassing.” says tighnari who’s already dying of embarassment. “why is he always so close with yn!? are they together or something?!” cyno slams his fist on the table making you, tighnari, and kaveh startled.
“you know, you should keep your boy in line kaveh! i’m telling you, the next time i see him so close with them again… i… i will gut him!” he says giving the table another slam. “holy shit, cyno can you stop doing that, my ears are sensitive you know!” tighnari complains kicking the general under the table, but cyno’s eyes are glued to you. and you’re a blushing mess too.
“oh there they are. hello yn.” he smiles giving you a wave. al haitham chuckling beside you. “you, green man! get off, they’re mine okay?” says cyno standing up from his seat, swiftly pushing al haitham off. “yn~ i love you so much.” he mumbles clinging onto you. “im so glad i bought this kamera.” al haitham says before snapping a picture to black mail the mahamatra.
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diluc didnt know what to say nor how to react. looking at you smiling at him unapologetically. “how… how the hell are you even smiling right now?” he asks sternly, looking at you with an intense glare making you feel really scared. “look, i’m sorry okay? it’s just… i thought i was of help so i jumped into the scene!” you explained.
“havent i told you to not act so impulsive!? look where that got you!? you almost fucking died!” oh no, diluc is cussing. that’s when you know you messed up real bad, because he too is screaming now. “i told you to stay back, protect yourself from harm while i do my damn job. i could’ve lost you!” he says almost in tears slowly walking over to you.
falling onto his knees in front of you. “‘luc… why do you even… worry so much?” you asked placing a hand on his cheek. he looks at you with his adoring gaze. “i would have thought you caught on by now.” he chuckles, holding your hand that is caressing his cheeks and kisses your palm. “i love you, yn. i always will.”
he held your hand tightly but softly, as if you’d slip away from his grasp the moment he lets go. “i love you, so please? i know your will to help, i adore that. but i don’t wanna lose you.”
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“wrong.” he chuckles looking at you work on your sumerunian essay. you aren’t from sumeru after all and just moved 3 months ago and still working on the language of sumeru. gladly tighnari became your friend as soon as you moved in to gandarva ville and he also knew how to speak your native language.
“huh?! but isnt this how people confess!?” you asked looking at your paper. “your worded it literally, you have to change some words in order to make it look appealing, don’t just short cut it. how do you say my darling you are so beautiful?” he asks, leaning his cheeks onto his palms as he watched you think. a smile painting his face as he watched. “jamil habibi!” you said proudly.
“close but not quite. it’s habibi ant jamilat jidana. you short cut it again.” he flicks your forehead lightly. “hey.” he calls, looking at him with a small pout. “Je vous aime.” he says which means i love you in fontaine. “i think i’ve heard that before. let me get my fontaine dictionary.” you said taking out a huge book out of your bag. “go on, i’ll wait.” he smirks
(i just got these translations from google translate idk how to speak french and arabian pls T-T)
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“i see you collecting trinkets here and there, i didn’t know you’re one to be fond of them, xiao.” zhongli smiles as he looks at the yaksha from behind. it is surely a surprise that the yaksha has come to liyue harbor without any occasion. “re- mr. zhongli… i actually came by to see you…” he asked hesitantly. “would you wanna talk it over some tea? it helps with calming down, helps you express yourself more too.” he smiles.
now there the two are, inside wangsheng funeral parlor. “i believe people would call this as love, xiao.” zhongli smiles at he looks at the yaksha. “am… am i even capable of having such feelings? am i deserving of it?” he asks playing with the but butterfly shaped crystal on his hand. “of course.”
“even the evilest of creatures has one they love. don’t be harsh on yourself, child. everyone is deserving of love.” zhongli puts a hand on his shoulder. “i suggest you face it. love is a beautiful thing, it’s special. don’t waste it.”
and now here he sits outside your home at the shade of your tree while he ate almond tofu. he admires you while you looked through the stylish box of trinkets he had given you. “why don’t you just put it in a simple box, it’s much more easier that way.” you chuckle as you put the small compass necklace inside the jewelry box.
“it’s because it’s special.” you smiled taking out another one, this time, a hair pin that seemed to be from inazuma. “how so, they’re just things i found from the wilderness. i thought… you’d like them because i see you collect stuff like that.” he looks away before munching in the last bite of his almond tofu. “it’s special because it’s from you, xiao.”
gosh that look on your face. it makes his heart beat fast and his cheeks go warm. “love is bothersome.” he grumbles, earning a chuckle from you. “but then i guess, if it’s you whom i’ll love… i don’t mind.”
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sanjisboyfie · 8 months
playlist : tender by blur
(pre-timeskip) monkey d. luffy x male reader
this was a special i wrote for my fanfic (thats not published here on tumblr) but i realized it could be a good standalone one shot so i wanted to post it hereeeee :) the relationship status is ambiguous, but its obvious luffy and reader have known each other since chidhood/foosha village and luffy really really really loves clinging to reader ! another thing, if u want this could be a soft yandere luffy as well cause hes definitelllyyy showing summ tendencies here lol
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“tender is the night, lying by your side. tender is the touch of someone that you love too much. tender is my heart, i’m screwing up my life. lord, i need to find someone who can heal my mind.”
luffy’s first impression of [name] was that he was strong. he looked up to him, he wanted to be as cool as him and as capable as him. how many times [name] had saved luffy’s ass when they were children was uncountable. and all those memories live so vividly in the captain’s head.
and when he made [name] promise that he’d find him in the grand line - made him swear that he’d join his crew and not anyone else’s, it was all so serious. the most serious luffy had ever been in the face of [name].
because to luffy, there would be no reason sailing out to sea if [name] wasn’t by his side. it sounds childish, especially if luffy were to ever verbally say that, but overtime he had realized that it was another genuine sentiment. there was no way luffy could become the pirate king without [name] by his side.
"luffy, stop running over the mud, you’re gonna fall on your face!” [name] worriedly called out from the treehouse, seeing the rubber boy play in their yard. it had just recently rained and all the soil that was surrounding their treehouse was still sludgy.
of course, luffy wanted to play in the mud like the child he was. [name] wasn’t going to stop him, but he could at least warn the younger one of injury.
"come play with me, [name]! let’s make mud pies!”
“no! you’re just gonna get hungry and actually eat them! gross!”
“i won’t- i am hungry though!”
[name] didn’t reply, only leaning over the wooden railing of the treehouse and watching as luffy got himself all mucked up and dirty. somehow, his straw hat stayed clean the entire time. he sighed, fiddling with his own piece of shanks, the cloth on his wrist before smiling gently.
just as he was about to turn around and get some naps in, luffy’s shrill voice started screaming, “[name]! [name]! save me!!! save me!”
he whipped his head around in an instant, eyes widening when he saw that luffy was caught in a mud slide.
"i can't breathe!!"
his voice was getting farther away and [name] jumped out of the treehouse without hesitation.
“luffy! luffy!” he shouted desperately, grunting when his ankle got caught in the mud and he was being dragged into the disgusting substance as well. he jerked his body upwards, wanting to at least see where luffy could’ve possibly been.
and then he saw it — his tiny palm waving frantically around in the air. [name] grit his teeth, twisting his body every which way to break out of the sticky grasp the environment had on him.
"[name]-” the boy’s scream was cut off and the sound of coughing began to fill his ears.
”luffy!” he grabbed a vine that was on the side of a tree and ripped it off, unlocking a newfound strength in himself to save luffy. he threw it right into luffy’s palms and tugged as hard as he could.
he dug his heels into the ground, his jaw clenched as he put all of his strength in pulling luffy out. and when he finally did, the first thing he did was wrap his arms around the boy’s torso.
"can you breathe?! are you okay?!” he frantically asked, patting the boy’s back in case anything was lodged in his chest - hindering his breathing. but luffy just collapsed into his arms and began wailing.
“i thought i was going to die, [name]! thank you!!”
[name] protectively wrapped luffy up in his arms, hugging him as tight as possible as he tried to reassure himself that luffy was alright. and he steadied his breathing, allowing luffy to cry into his arms for however long he wanted.
“you stupid idiot, don’t ever play in mud again!” he scolded luffy, pushing away the black locks of hair out of luffy’s face. he grimaced when he felt how dirty his hair felt, reminding himself to bathe with luffy to ensure all the grime was washed out.
and despite luffy’s face almost being completely covered in mud, he still flashed that bright smile, “you saved me, [name]! thank you!”
[name] blinked a couple of times before laughing, “of course i’d save you! i’ll always be there! just scream like the little baby you are and i’ll come running!”
luffy frowned, hands balling into [name]’s mud ridden shirt, “i’m not a baby!”
“yeah, you are,” [name] corrected, “but it’s alright, i’ll take care of you no matter what! so you get the excuse of acting like a baby! but! only for a little while longer, you gotta start maturing soon, luffy!”
“don’t wanna, that sounds boring!”
“captain’s can’t be immature, y’know! i don’t want an immature captain!”
“i’m mature, the maturest captain out there!”
[name] laughed as loud as possible, finding luffy’s eagerness to please and obliviousness more heartfelt than anything he’s ever seen before.
and as [name] was sitting in the crow’s nest, watching luffy run around the deck whining for adventure, he realized how lucky he got that his captain was still an adventurous, reckless, and immature as he was. he fears that if luffy had lost any of those traits, he’d make for a boring captain.
as if knowing that [name] was watching from above, luffy looked up and grinned happily to see that his e/c eyes were looking at him. in a second, he stretched himself up to where [name] was and crashed into his chest.
“don’t you want to go on more adventures, [name]?” luffy asked, rubbing their cheeks against one another. the grin on his face could be felt along [name]’s skin. his rubbery, but soft, skin was already making [name] crack into a smile of his own.
“yes, i want to go on more adventures, but we need to find an island for that to be an option,” [name] reasoned logically, making luffy’s smile turn into a frown.
“but i wanna go now! can’t you take us to an island?!”
“it doesn’t work like that, luffy!”
“it so does, you liar!”
“you’re right it does, i was lying!” [name] grinned, laughing as luffy began play fighting with him. “but aren’t you on an adventure right now?”
luffy paused, stilling in his fake attacks as he mulled over the question. then his signature grin came back onto his face, “i guess i am!”
“what makes you say that?”
“if you’re here, i’m on the best adventure!” luffy sincerely, and unapologetically, shouted.
[name] was shocked at first before his expression melted into a loving stare, “i feel the same way,”
“good! it’d be wrong if you didn’t!”
luffy calmed down from when he was running around on the deck. he still had [name] wrapped up in his arms, but the man wasn’t fighting against his embrace. so he only tightened it further.
“i’m really, really, really, really, really happy you’re here, [name].”
luffy’s statement came out of nowhere, but [name] didn’t bother showing his surprise. he simply let luffy continue on.
“i don’t ever want to be seperated from you again,” luffy said, out of nowhere his voice was now trembling, “you’d leave and leave and leave and then i never knew when you’d be back — if you’d even come back! and i don’t want that ever again…don’t ever leave me again!”
[name] frowned, fists clenching at his sides as he heard luffy’s shaky voice.
“and then you left for three years and there was no way i could talk to you, you and ace left me by myself! but you promised me we’d find each other, so i knew you’d come back! and now that you’re back, you can’t ever leave again,” luffy tightened his hold on [name], nuzzling his now cold nose into his neck. it had turned cold due to the sudden rush of tears that were clouding his vision.
“no! no! don’t take him away! don’t take [name] away!” luffy shouted, fighting against the uniformed men. his fists were pathetically pounding into their legs, his cries filling the night air.
“[name]! don’t go! please, don’t go!!"
for [name], those cries that came from luffy lived in his mind on repeat. whenever he’d have to leave, against his will, luffy would wail and cry until he was too far that he wasn’t able to hear him. he’d never make luffy suffer like that again, he’d sworn it to himself.
he was supposed to be the one protecting him, not causing him pain. no more suffering would come to luffy, if [name] could help it. he’d never have to cry for him again.
“i won’t let you leave, i won’t let anyone take you away — never again!” luffy said stubbornly, his teeth grazing the flesh of [name]’s shoulder.
the captain never got sentimental like this — nearly coming to tears for apparently no reason. but, it was not a secret that he had an unseen side to himself when it came to [name].
it was a side that no one else on the crew had really witnessed for themselves (yet). a side of vulnerability that only [name] was capable of bringing out. it was like the way [name] could command luffy stop stealing food off of other people’s plates and the captain would listen (for a solid 5 minutes, then he’d have to cave in and steal more food for his stomach).
“i won’t leave, luffy.” [name] said in a determined tone, “no one is going to take me away. i belong here with you, so don’t worry about anyone coming for me.”
“if anyone tries taking you away, i’ll kill them. i’ll send them flying that they’ll never try coming back, ever again!” luffy shouted once more. a deep pit of anger lived in him, a secret that he kept hidden for the most part.
it was a sense of guilt, probably, that fueled it so wildly. the guilt of not being able to do anything when he was a child. so he feels the need to overcompensate now that he has become stronger. if [name]’s position in their crew was ever threatened, someone tried taking him away, luffy would have had years upon years of pent up anger to release.
no one really knew how angry he was. only himself. it was the type of anger he would showcase when one of his crewmates, his nakama, was threatened on a personal level. when he saw nami crying for help against arlong was the one instance he can remember the clearest.
but the thing is, if anything like that ever happened to [name], he doesn’t think he’d be able to control himself. if [name] was ever pushed to the point of begging and crying for help, luffy doesn’t know how sane he could act.
just thinking of how frail [name] was whenever he’d be taken away when they were younger made him feel blood thirsty.
and it was an odd feeling. he almost never feels this way. never so violent. but when it comes to [name], everything is a free for all in luffy’s mind.
ever since he was a child [name] has been nothing but kind, a protector for luffy. and the captain would rather die than fail in protecting the one person who was always there for him.
“ace, quit being so mean to luffy!” [name]’s voice shouted, scolding the freckled man. he ran over to the younger one’s side immediately, collecting him in his arms and creating a physical barrier around luffy and ace.
“you baby him too much! how is he supposed to get stronger-”
“he’s just a kid!!!” [name] would shout, as if the three year age gap between himself and luffy amounted to decades. “don’t be so mean to him, don’t hit him anymore! i won’t allow it!”
“there’s no way he’ll survive in the real world if you keep this up!”
[name] grit his teeth, standing up and socking ace right in the face, “you can’t decide that!!”
“i’m being realistic!”
“you’re bullying him, enough!” [name] spat out, once again gathering luffy into his arms, “i won’t allow you to hurt him any more! don’t ever think about laying your hands on luffy again!!”
luffy hid his face in [name]’s torso, a feeling blossoming in his chest. he didn’t know the name for it and in the coming years, it seems he’d never learn how to properly state this feeling.
but he did know that whenever [name] was nearby, luffy was protected. he felt protected. [name] was, as he is for so many people, a protector. natural instincts make him a self-sacrificial person. if taking a bullet in the place of someone else meant they’d live, he’d jump in front of the gun in an instant.
it was a trait of [name]’s that luffy genuinely hated. not how protective [name] was, but how involved he was in making judgement calls without regards to his own health.
that self-sacrificial mindset that made [name] think more irrationally than he’d ever notice. luffy hated that.
only tiny instances has ever been seen by luffy when they were growing up. taking scoldings and beatings from garp in order to save luffy the pain, shadowing luffy’s body with his own if there was a sudden danger directed towards him, things along those lines that would leave [name] with some injuries or scars.
but to think that this attitude of [name]’s could lead to more serious injuries, or even death, was what made luffy uncomfortable. made him want to punch a hole in the wall. it really, really infuriated him.
because in his eyes, [name]’s life was something more important than anything else. he didn’t understand how [name] could be so careless with something so important to luffy.
the idea that one day, someone may be in a life threatening situation, and [name] would take their place makes luffy’s heart start beating at impossible speeds and his breathing quicken. his mind would get cloudy in dark thoughts. and then he’d have to snap himself out of it to remind himself that he was day dreaming and nothing of those sorts was going to happen any time soon.
he’d make sure of it, as captain he was determined to.
”is he going to be okay, dadan?” luffy sniffled, tiny hands curled into fists as he stared at [name]’s bandaged form.
recklessly, [name] had jumped in front of an animal attacking luffy and took the attack for himself instead. it was a tiger slashing out to draw blood from luffy. [name] had caught the sight from the corner of his eye and ran as fast as he could, hoping to god he had made it in time.
and when he looked down and saw luffy unscratched, he weakly smiled in victory. three slashes were bearing into his skin and making him bleed profusely, but to see luffy unharmed in front of him was enough for him to pass out without a worry in his mind.
imagine luffy’s fear as he had to carry [name] on his back, on his own, not knowing if the ragged breathing coming down on his ears would suddenly stop. the fear and dread he’d feel if he took him all the way back to dadan and it was already determined to be “too late” to save [name].
and the way it would have all been his fault.
now, in reality, the damage wasn’t as bad as luffy had thought it out to be. but he was still only a child. the fact he had seen that much blood was enoug reason for why he thought [name] was really going to die. it was a relatively valid fear.
“he’s going to be alright, this brother of yours is the toughest one of the whole pack of you rabbid animals,” dadan grunted, taking her seat across from luffy by [name]’s side.
“not my brother,” luffy grumpily corrected, tired of people getting the wrong idea. how many times has he had to tell people [name] wasn’t his brother. to luffy he was so much more than that.
as rude as it sounded to his two other brothers, [name] was so much more than a simple title of “brother.”
“apologies,” dadan sarcastically said, “but really, he’s going to be fine luffy, he’ll be better if you just leave him alone, though.”
she stood up, going to walk out of the room and held the door open for luffy. she waited for him to join her side, but he was glued to being by [name]. seeing his resolve in staying by [name], she gently closed the door behind her.
luffy already promised himself he wouldn’t move until [name] opened his eyes.
he wouldn��t sleep until [name] opened his eyes. he wouldn’t eat until [name] drank water — since luffy knew that would be the first thing the boy would need when waking up.
he wouldn’t allow himself the luxury of things [name] was missing out on. especially when it was luffy’s fault he was in this state in the first place.
in the crow’s nest of merry, [name] could only rub up and down luffy’s arm in hopes of calming him down. he felt guilty for being the reason of luffy’s tears, but realized that there was nothing he could have done to prevent them.
the two were too familiar with why he was crying in the first place. they knew that combatting it before the tears would start was useless. luffy had broken down to [name] many times before, especially when they were younger. it would end in sleepless nights and sweet nothings being echoed in the air for luffy’s ears and luffy’s ears only.
and the best way to take care of it was to let it happen. whispered nothings weren't really effective to luffy. he didn’t want to be fed empty promises, he could tell when things couldn’t be guaranteed. but, he thinks, if [name] is the one saying them he wouldn't mind at least hearing them. that didn’t necessarily mean he was listening though.
there was something else he would never pass up on hearing over and over and over again from [name]. it was four simple words. it could be false hope being put into luffy’s head, but he’d believe it for as long as he could.
“i’m not going anywhere,” [name] whispered into luffy’s arms, twisting his body around so now he was properly hugging luffy as well. before luffy had simply suffocated him in his arms, chest to back. but now that they were in a proper embrace, luffy could really hide himself in [name]’s arms.
it was like they were in the treehouse again. in their own world.
“i’m not going anywhere,” [name] repeated more slowly, raking his hands through luffy’s hair and gripping him tight. to emphasize the fact that this was a promise that he’d try his best in keeping.
to luffy, [name] was not a brother.
“i won’t let you,” luffy said in a stubborn voice, the syllables shaking as they left his lips. “you belong here, only here! you belong with me!”
[name] weakly laughed at luffy’s childish exclamation, nodding his head to ease his worries.
luffy never really got to vent these emotions out, so when did they come to surface, they were almost like a tsunami. they’d drown him in saying things he might’ve not even understood, but felt right to say.
and he’d blabber on about things he might not understand because he knew keeping them suppressed wasn't an option.
luffy didn’t know how to talk about the emotions he felt regarding [name], not in a way that would do them justice at least. he didn’t know how to articulate how protective he felt of [name], so instead as a compromise he’d attach himself to him whenever he could.
if someone tried sweeping [name] off of his feet, he wouldn’t know how to tell other people [name] was only his, so instead he’d yell about how annoying that person was to him and [name].
he didn’t know how to properly say how much he loved [name] so he’d boil it down to thinking [name] was heaven on earth.
[name] smiled gently when he felt luffy bury his head into his neck, tears pouring out of his eyes. he wondered what spurred luffy into being so open at the moment, but he wasn’t going to ask. it wasn’t appropriate and it didn’t matter.
he didn’t care why luffy was suddenly so worried on him no longer being there, he’d only focus on assuring him that he really wasn’t going anywhere. because someone would have to pry his cold, dead hands off of luffy if they wanted to separate the two. there’s no way he’d ever leave luffy again, especially after hearing his worries so vividly spoken now.
sure, luffy would say things relatively similar things to this when they were young. but there was always a sense of uncertainty in [name] when he would comfort luffy back then. he wasn’t sure if he was really going to be able to stay with him. the circumstances were so confusing back then.
but now it’s a clear picture. he knows that there is no way anyone could come between the two. after being pulled apart so sporadically in their youth and then being separated for three years due to [name] setting sail earlier, there was no room for argument in this matter.
[name] and luffy wouldn’t ever be separated for long ever again. [name] would do everything in his power to ensure that didn’t happen. anything to keep luffy happy. anything to keep luffy safe and protected.
“will you always leave like this when we are older, [name]?” luffy innocently asked one night. the two were awake due to the younger one having vivid nightmares regarding [name].
a nightmare that was reoccuring nowadays. [name] would be taken away and then he’d never come back, leaving his status unknown to luffy. and he’d wake up screaming and crying and [name] would be at his side in an instant.
”i’m working on it, lu, i really am,” [name] consoled him, holding him as they bathed in the moonlight. “i hate being away from you too, but there’s nothing we can do abuot it — for now.”
“i’ll get stronger and then i’ll beat all those stupid guys up!” luffy said in pure determination, his eyebrows furrowed together in anger and frustration, “i’ll fight them next time,”
[name] chuckled, shaking his head, “don’t fight them. just promise to me you’ll always be waiting for me when i leave and i’ll always, always come back,”
luffy blinked owlishly before settling on that compromise. he wiggled his pinky finger in the air, right in front of [name]’s face, “i’ll promise to always be here waiting if you promise to always come back,”
[name] paused, thinking of he really should make empty promises. but then he shook his head, refusing to think so negatively and in a pessimistic way when luffy’s smile was bringing nothing but optimism to their conversation.
so he interlocked their pinkies together, shaking slightly as he nodded, “i promise.”
[name] was tender.
in his earliest memories of [name], luffy has known him to only be tender. the tender care [name] would show him, the love that was delivered to him so tenderly. the touch that would ghost over his skin, not because he was scared of holding him, but so he wouldn’t startle him.
no matter what, [name] would always be tender to luffy.
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its-bread-bitch · 2 months
Once Zuko becomes fire lord he’s unbelievably busy. For the first five or so years on the throne he barely has time to think let alone spend any meaningful amount of time hanging out with his friends outside of diplomatic meetings. None of the gaang really blame him, they can all see first hand just how much is on his plate, and what they can’t see Aang or Hakoda usually relays to them. (After all, the avatar and chief of the southern water tribe are in frequent contact with the fire lord, unlike the young master earthbender or the children of said chief)
The first year is by far the most brutal. Zuko barely remembers what it feels like to sleep a full night, or even half a night. Everyone is either treating him like an immature, incompetent child (a misconception he swiftly pits to rest) or like the fire lord (which, to be fair he is). Point being, no one really treats him as ZUKO. Except of course, the young ambassador from the southern water tribe.
Sokka is just about the only thing keeping Zuko sane. Not because they see each other often or because they talk, no, it’s because somehow, he and Sokka have ended up sending each other ridiculous letters back and forth since Sokka’s appointment as ambassador.
By ridiculous, I mean to say they would probably cause outrage and/or scandal if anyone saw them. A crude picture of Zuko’s likeness with an arrow pointing to him labeled “fire lord stinky”. A series of very formal, beautifully calligraphies letters with only a single curse word on them. A simple letter that simply reads “people are stupid” in quick handwriting. A response a week later on the same piece of paper saying “that’s rough buddy” A second series where they ran out of curse words and began sending increasingly outlandish and oddly specific insults. A picture of a penguin otter with a mustache drawn on. A drawing of the atla equivalent of the finger circle. Long distance tic tac toe. A collaborative drawing that they’ve been sending back and forth that at one point might have resembled appa but now has so many additions that it’s utterly incomprehensible. Yet another calligraphied series of letters of random words that both of them find themselves cracking up at even though there’s no reason to break into giggles over a letter that simply reads “chives” in elaborate copperplate and yet here they are.
It’s stupid. It’s childish. It’s utterly unbecoming of a world leader and Zuko only is able to do it because the letters (except the calligraphy, which vary based on level of effort) take less than 5 minutes to draft and mere moments to read and Zuko only gets Sokka’s letters because they’re technically political correspondence but GOD is it the highlight of Zuko’s week.
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