#The Neurodiversity Mod
gaymerborealis · 1 year
A little update
Hello simblr! I’m really really sorry for disappearing for so long! Unfortunately I’m still struggling a lot with mental health and fatigue and I just haven’t had the energy or motivation to even think about this tumblr or the ND mod. I also lost interest for the sims for awhile and have been focusing on other games and things.
I did recently try to pick up the ND mod again after taking a long paus from it. I’ve ended up remaking the mod from scratch, because the existing mod wip had simply gotten too messy and there was a lot of things I wasn’t satisfied with. It’s allowed me to upgrade fully to using the newest mod constructor as well as restructure the mod in a better way.
It’s also allowed me to reel in the scope and ambition of the mod a bit, at least for a first version. My energy etc is still limited and right now I’ve only been working on the mod a few minutes or an hour or so every now and then, and to make the mod managable (and to make finishing it more attainable) I’m only focusing right now on getting the basic functionality of each feature and trait in place, and not spending so much time on the extra details and flavor (like moodlets and special socials).
One thing I have been considering is releasing alpha test versions of the mod once the mod is a little further along, if anyone would be interested in that ^n^
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adhd-culture--is · 26 days
adhd culture is “school and college is about time management, you need to master it in order to succeed” sir i literally have The Time Management Disorder
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nothingweirdhere · 6 months
ok so i tried to comment on a post on r/adhd talking about some bullshit a psychiatrist told me about how she wouldn’t diagnose me with autism bc i had a fairly large group of friends and autistic people can’t have that many friends (yeah, what the fuck), despite the fact that basically that entire group was neurodivergent (and queer) and at least one person in it would eventually BE OFFICIALLY DIAGNOSED WITH AUTISM.
then i get this message
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imo this is wack. firstly, neurodivergent IS just a descriptor. full stop. and i don’t want to say “people with mental health disorders” or any bullshit like that. (especially since adhd & autism are neurodevelopmental disorders, not mental illnesses) it’s clunky and awkward and in my experience NOT HOW PEOPLE TALK. neurodivergent is an incredibly widespread term! there’s nothing wrong with it!
then i checked out the links, and here’s some of their “position on neurodiversity” post
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this is all bullshit? like i also disagree with framing neurodiversity as purely neutral differences in cognition—yes certain things would be much less disabling if society was more accommodating, but even in a perfect world things like adhd and autism would still be distressing/disabling for a large number of people. they’re using the beliefs of specific groups that also happen to use terms like neurodivergent (because it’s a descriptor and a lot of people use it!!!) to label everyone who uses those words as part of a specific “neurodiversity movement” and i don’t like that??
anyway i’d like to hear some other people’s opinions on this
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disabledunitypunk · 7 months
There is a troll going around trying to sow discord in the disabled community.
If you see this message in your inbox:
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[Image ID: An anon ask reading "It is deeply irresponsible of you to promote the neurodiversity movement. The founder of the movement - a certain Japanese "Baedell" trans woman (one of those denyers of transandrophobia) named Kasaine - is a petulant destructive asshole who has torn apart numerous autism conferences, alleged murder and anti-epileptic or anti Asian sentiment or whatever simply for conferences refusing to browbeat a severely autistic nonverbal young man into turning off his flash camera. (Never mind that she could have just you know looked away.) I have spoken to countless Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, American Indians and others who also disagree with Kassaines utter petulance, as well as that of those like Amanda Baggs (a blatant faker/liar who I refuse to call by her "trans name" but you might know her as Mel.) She was also making the patently false claim that she had Rett syndrome. She also is deeply anti-physical disability, believes the abled can be cripples and believes that there is no difference between any disorder that affects the brain. I tried talking to (blog name is crossed out) about this and she sent me to your blog, let her explain her deep deep misconceptions." /end ID]
First of all, the term neurodiversity was coined by Judy Singer in 1998.
Secondly, I'd like to point out that even if the flash camera statement was true, epileptic seizures can cause severe brain damage and even death. There is absolutely no reason that an autistic person using the flash on their camera, regardless of support needs, should take precedence over someone's own life. If an autistic person refused to stop using it, ideally they would have been separated, but in the end the epileptic person would have a higher priority support need!
"She could have just looked away". Could she? How dark was the room where this was occurring? How reflective was the environment? How bright was the flash in contrast to ambient light? How willing to risk her life are you?
Thirdly, the transphobia. "I refuse to call [them] by [their] trans name". Translation: I think it's acceptable to deadname and misgender trans people if I don't like them.
Finally, the ableism of calling neurodivergent people who reclaim cripple (for reasons including but not limited to: being physically disabled as well; feeling their neurodivergence physical disables them despite not having a strictly physical diagnosis; acknowledging the long history of usage of the term against neurodivergent people including in medical literature and refusing to erase their own experiences being attacked with it; for rejecting the false dichotomy of mind-body dualism and understanding that the brain is a physical organ that is heavily integrated with every other physical organ and can therefore not be separated from it; and so on).
Note the dogwhistle: "believes the abled can be cripples". The anon does not even attempt to dress it up as "the physically abled". They openly state they believe neurodivergent people are abled, without even the caveat of "except those who also have physical disabilities". Even with that caveat, however, neurodivergence can and often is disabling. Sometimes it is severely so.
This further contributes to the erasure of high support needs neurodivergent people, aside from being inaccurate to the vast majority of neurodivergent people. While nondisabled neurodivergent people exist, they are the minority, and disability is an opt-out label for neurodivergent people, not an opt-in one. Meaning, if you are neurodivergent, you are disabled by default unless you identify out of it for whatever reason (usually for reasons like nondisordered plurality or finding the framework of the social model of disability most fits your experiences).
This is even aside from the actual discourse about who can reclaim cripple. Calling all neurodivergent people - even all neurodivergent people who do not identify as physically disabled, "abled", is abject ableism. I don't care what you think about cripplepunk discourse. If you absolutely feel you must debate the subject with the mods of this blog (both of whom are physically disabled, and who have made our position exceedingly clear), please do so off this post. True to the nature of this blog, solidarity and unity in the face of an ableist harassment campaign is necessary.
Let me also be very clear. The person being referenced in the crossed out part is the victim of a harassment campaign and has never sent anyone to any of these blogs. This ask is being sent in mass to blogs - seemingly blogs belonging to disabled people, possibly those who post in the neurodivergent or neurodiversity tag. They have nothing to do with this. I have censored their name anyway to attempt to preserve their anonymity, but if they wish to make a statement about this, we are happy to platform it on this blog to reach more people.
If you receive this message, please delete it. We hesitated about whether or not we might be making a mistake by platforming it, but figured that as it is making the rounds anyway, informing people was the better option.
Tagging any applicable tags for reach.
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adhd-culture-is · 10 months
ADHD culture is having people know about ADHD and the difficulties of it but on an incredibly basic level, and they try to help but they do it in a way that shows just how they don't really understand the actual struggles
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turns-out-its-adhd · 4 months
Is there a name for wanting your belly button removed? Like what would that mod/surgery be called?
Surely this is a thing other people have/want to have and it's not just me?
I just really really hate having a belly button. I wish it wasn't there, and it would look and feel so much better without it.
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trauma-culture-is · 8 months
ND trauma culture is never being able to feel sorry or angry for yourself if a social situation triggers a flashback because your brain is socially impaired, you are the source of your problems because it's your tone that's off, your words that are unintentionally rude, your presence that irritates the people around you because of the flawed attempts you make at connecting with others. (This user may or may not be in the middle of an emotional flashback)
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(17) Happy neurodiversity week for, uh.. however long ago it was :'D
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mutualaidforalll · 10 months
Hello hello!
I am Mod Vash- one of a few mods part of the system that will run this blog.
Mod Vash needs a New Car
We made this blog because we want to help boost other disabled peoples posts for aid.
Under the cut we'll include some info about ourselves, but let's get some info about the blog done first!
What we'll do:
Reblog mutual aid posts
Allow submissions for mutual aid
Allow asks for mutual aid
Reblog various posts for awareness on various disabilities
How we'll do it:
We know theres a lot of scammy posts around here, and we cant avoid all of them, but we will try our best. Generally, we'll do a quick check of the blogs- make sure theyre more then a few days old, or if theyve mentioned their disability before. If not, or if its brand new blog, its generally a scam.
We'll try to reblog around 2-3 posts a day in the que, maybe more, maybe less, depending on us and our energy levels and schedule- we are disabled too after all.
We are based in America, so if you aren't American, please include in your submission your currency and what app you prefer for payment since not all of them work internationally!
This post will likely be updated as we go, but for now thats all I can think of that isn't about us, so the rest will go under the cut!
About us!
We're a system in a disabled body- and all of us identify with the disabled label. We will not talk about our origins, nor tolerate any gate keeping or discourse.
We have POTS, brain damage, autism, and a couple other things we would like to keep private for now, thank you in advance for respecting us.
We all use he/him pronouns, and are all queer in some way.
Currently, we need a wheelchair but can't afford one due to being out of work for so long and having unexpected bills arise- giving us the idea for this blog. Realizing how much help we needed made us truly realize we could help others too by giving them a platform.
The body, and all of the members (except for one who will not be active in this blog) are all adults and are ok with submissions being a little "TMI" or "gross" since its natural with being disabled.
We'll all sign off with our names, and for those of us who have gifs of us, we might use gifs as well!
Our activity depends on our spoons, so it might not be consistent all the time. Please be patient with us.
I'm having some bad brain fog rn so I'll clean this up later but this is the general gist of it!
-Mod Vash (he/him)
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gingerthesnap · 7 months
Mulan has a mega neuodiversity angle I never noticed before. Maybe I’m projecting but there’s totally a reading where she has ADHD. Will break this down later.
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moodr1ng · 2 years
i have said this before but i seriously think that instead of piling on obscure tone indicators that people have to google every time to even know what they mean on sentences which frankly are often not ambiguous at all, we should really normalize asking for clarification on tone and not judging people for asking. neurodiverse people (and anyone else who needs it) should feel comfortable asking "sorry, was that a joke or serious?" etc in everyday conversations without being made to feel stupid or having it be a big deal. my personal opinion is that it would be infinitely more beneficial to be non-judgmental about people who request clarification of tone or meaning (including in real life where there are no tone indicators!) and to encourage people to ask if they need to than to keep adding new combinations of slashes and letters that are overall just confusing and hard to remember.
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gaymerborealis · 2 years
hey, just wanted to say the neurodiversity mod you're working on looks incredible. it's really amazing to see so much thought put into all the traits, it's so detailed. as a fellow autistic, it really means a lot.
omg thank you 🥺❤️️
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adhd-culture--is · 2 months
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hi sorry! i was talking about the rainbow infinity sign tbh — idk if yall could do that (orig ask: beta lids w/ nuerodivergent flag)
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shameshamesh · 2 years
Sometimes i get so overstimulated by my tongue and snake bite piercings just clanking in my mouth then i remember i look fucking cool
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meowticta · 2 months
postig again since i forgot some games.. i play paladins, rimworld, project zomboid, terraria and.. maybe maybe lethal company but i cant vc since i dont speak english1! would anyone like to play with me? i would prefer people my age 15-18
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