#Tanaka ryuunosuke fluff
lovingache · 2 months
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𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝'𝐬 𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐝. 🏹
𝐫. 𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐚 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 summary: "𝐬𝐡𝐞'𝐬 𝐠𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐲𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐞" | tanaka is the biggest simp for his girlfriend. warnings: f!reader, aged up!haikyu (karasuno is a university) | no y/n, swearing, fluff fluff fluff, i love ryū and im so happy i finally got an idea that works so well for him, tanaka is an absolute SWEETHEART to reader, names used: doll, babe, word count: 1.1k a/n: i was listening to cupid's chokehold and immediately had to start writing this because THAT SONG IS LITERALLY GHOST WRITTEN BY TANAKA IDC ARGUE WITH THE WALL
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Ryū didn't necessarily ask you to be his girlfriend. There was no grand gesture a few months into dating or a massive heart-to-heart to confirm that you two were taking that step together. He sort of just started calling you his girlfriend.
Something that surprised you about him is how deeply sentimental he is. During one of your dates, he insisted on taking photobooth pictures together, practically dragging you into the booth with him as he paid the fee and slung an arm around you. "C'mon, doll! It'll be fun, plus, this way, I can keep your picture with me everywhere!"
You two were there for almost an hour, striking pose after pose as you laughed with each other. You feel your cheeks heat up as he kisses you for a photo, his large hands cupping your face as he kisses you deeply. He hums with delight when he sees it printed onto the snapshots. "This one's just for me," he grins, wriggling his eyebrows at you as you smack his chest lightly.
He pouts when you say no after he asks you for one last set of pictures with just you, "Please, babe! That way, I can look at it whenever I miss you."
You roll your eyes playfully but oblige— you're not a monster. "You tell me you miss me all the time, Ryū," you tease, smiling at him as you stay seated.
"Exactly, I can look at your pictures all the time then! It'll totally help to see your face before a game if you can't be there in person— it'll help pump me up!" he grins, feeding the machine another bill as you pose for the pictures. He dropped you off that night with the broadest grin, knowing he didn't have to look far to see you smiling at him. It warms his heart knowing he's found a girl that not only puts up with his antics, but loves him for it.
He took the photos of you everywhere. His wallet, his phone case, his gym locker, taped up on his room's wall. You name it, your face is plastered there. You had to physically restrain him from ordering t-shirts with the photos on them, much to his dismay. "Fine," he grumbled. "I'll just show people the pictures of you then."
It's safe to say he loves being with you, showing you off as the brilliant woman who had, in your folly and his delight, chosen to be with him. The first time you'd visited him after practice, the team's eyes practically jumped out of their skulls after you ran up to him and kissed him on the cheek, asking him how it went.
"So she is real?!" Nishinoya yells as he runs up to Ryū to give him a high-five. "Holy shit, sorry, Tanaka. We all thought you made her up—"
He turns to you, introducing himself as Karasuno's libero and Tanaka's friend. "I've heard a lot about you, Nishinoya," you smile, giving him a friendly pat on the shoulder. You swear he swoons a little as you do.
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"Babe," he whines when you peel his arm off you as Daichi calls him into the gym. "I wanna keep my arm on you until we get in!" he complains, earning a snicker from Nishinoya and Kageyama, who are a few steps ahead of you.
You laugh, "Oh god, you big baby. Do you really want your opponents to see you pouting? Think of what message that'd send, Tanaka." You tease, knowing exactly how to rile him up for the match.
You laugh even harder as he crosses his arms and gives you a "Hmph!" as he lets you go. "Fine, but you better be cheering the loudest in there, doll."
He blushes as you kiss him quickly, "You know I always am, honey." You marvel at how quickly he runs into the gym, energized by your affection as his teammates run in to catch up with him.
You sit beside a friend from class as the team warms up, beaming at him whenever he looks at you after nailing a spike. "Let's go, Ryū!" you yell as the crowd thickens.
Soon enough, the match starts, and you're as energetic as he is as the team plays, whooping when they score and yelling encouragements when the other team scores. "C'mon, boys! You've got this!"
He turns to point to you after every kill, grinning up at you like you're his sun, and when he gets the game-winning point, he screams your name as he lands back on the gym floor.
The team is huddled and celebrating as you run down to congratulate them and celebrate with him. You raise an eyebrow at Daichi when you don't spot Ryū in the huddle. He shakes his head, jerking a thumb back over to where Ryū is standing, arguing with a player from the opposing team.
You hurriedly walk over to try to pull him away, knowing that he can get a little too hyped up after winning games—especially when he's the one who scored the match point.
You're about to call out to him when his voice cuts you off, yelling at the player as he grabs his gym bag from the team's manager, ruffling through the contents to grab something.
Oh no.
"Uh yeah! I so, too, have a girlfriend, dipshit!" He yells as he smiles wickedly at the brown leather wallet in his hand, unfurling it with a dramatic finish.
Oh, god, no.
"Look and weep, dickhead." He bellows, the proud undertone incredibly clear in his voice as he puts a hand on his hip. To your dismay, the player actually looks, stuttering as he tries to downplay the photo, "Y-Yeah, whatever. That's probably just a random picture you printed off the internet, weirdo."
Ryū scoffs, his hand still on his hip and wallet still extended at the gawking player. "Ha! You'd think so, right? I mean, she's so gorgeous that there's no way she's real. I thought so, too, when I first saw her. Why'd you think I worked so hard to impress her?" He says, his voice brimming with pride and affection, before folding the wallet.
"Yeah? She's not even here, so she can't be that good!" The player argues, and you roll your eyes.
You take a breath, about to call out to him, but Daichi's voice beats you, "Tanaka!" He waits for a beat as Ryū turns to him slowly before gesturing to where you are, "Your girlfriend's been here waiting for you, dummy."
You give Daichi a thankful look and giggle as Ryū turns quickly to where you are, scooping you up in his arms as he celebrates the win with you. "Congrats, babe!" You cheer as you kiss him deeply.
He pulls away from you, giving your nose a delicate kiss, before turning to look at the player who's already walking away, one arm hooked under you to keep you held up as he points at the player before pointing to you.
"Hey! Asshole! Take a look at my girlfriend!"
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likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! ♡
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mxxn-shine · 1 year
random thought #519; 10:38 PM [tanaka ryuunosuke x reader]
ryu’s arms are your comfort place now, other than your burrito of blankets, you absolutely find comfort in during bad days. today, the day was mean to you and ryu came over for a sleepover since your parents were away. the both of you watching a movie -your choice, since he insisted so- on the couch cuddled into each other. he was talking on about his day, you humming occasionally until he noticed something was off about you. “a penny for your thoughts?” he asked gently, bringing his free hand up to pat your head. “you’d need more than a penny, babe.” you joked, leaning into his hand instinctively. “you know i’d pay any price for you.” he says, kissing your forehead. 
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romeavecryst · 2 months
.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
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˖ ࣪⊹ He’s the kind of guy to help put and take off your shoes, even if your not drunk, but if your getting ready his large hand wrapping around your ankle as he slips your shoe on next tying the laces or strapping the heels your wearing “Hmm there you go love can’t have you bending over to put them on no?” His voice deep and tender kissing your lips gently.
Ushijima, IWAIZUMI, Daichi, Kuroo, TSUKISHIMA, BOKUTO, TANAKA, Kageyama,
Little reminder rq are open!(im desperate ☹️)
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yuyinesque · 2 months
VARIOUS | 𝗉𝗋𝖾-𝗍𝗂𝗆𝖾𝗌𝗄𝗂𝗉!𝗁𝖺𝗂𝗄𝗒𝗎𝗎 𝗍𝖾𝗑𝗍𝗌 𝗏𝗌 𝖻𝗋𝖺 𝗐𝗂𝗋𝖾𝗌, 𝘱𝘵. 𝘰𝘯𝘦.
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⚘ précis. ≡ you simply wondered if your boyfriend tsukishima, tanaka, kozume, or hinata knows what bra wires are used for.
⚘ disclaimers. ≡ afab!reader, no fem-aligned sobriquets or race implications (accidentally used the black hand in tanaka’s, ignore it lol).
⚘ category. ≡ sfw text convos.
𖦥 m.list. oc.list
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yuyinesque | translate with permission & peruse without theft.
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leti666bigboss · 1 year
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featuring: the majority of karasuno
genre: crack mainly
warnings: cussing
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moon1833 · 1 month
Karasuno Edition
Classmates to lovers!
Secretly super nervous around you before you started dating.
The entire team knew he liked you before you did.
Hinata and Nishinoya would bordline harass you to come to practices and games.
Which resulted in Daichi yelling at them frequently.
Of course you came to the games though (you find him leading the time as really attractive too).
Ends up asking you out after you come to a match that they won (Suga pressured him).
He’s extremely chivalrous, insists on meeting your parents and opens every door for you.
Doesn’t make any moves on the first date because he doesn’t want to give you the wrong impression. (He really wanted to kiss you though).
You kiss him on the cheek after he drops you off.
Catches him completely by surprise.
You have your first kiss right before a game.
He was nervous, and you came to cheer him on.
You called him over to where you were sitting and kissed him.
“Good luck!” You called out as he was leaving, not missing how red his face was.
Tanaka and Noya were loosing their shit.
As a couple, you’re the team parents.
You always tired to help out with his caption duties, you knew it was stressful for him sometimes.
Leads to the team loving you.
Serious good cop/bad cop relationship.
You get Tanaka, Nishinoya and Hinata out of trouble whenever they do something stupid.
He loves you too much so he lets it slide (he can’t say no to you).
Love at first sight! (He fell first)
Brain turned to complete mush the first time he saw you.
Was sure he’d never see you again but he didn’t go up to you.
You ended up being Kageyama’s older sibling.
He still was too scared to make any moves.
You noticed him when Karasuno played Seijoh (season 1).
You approached him to tell him he played well, and told your brother he could learn a lot from him. (He blushed).
Kageyama is oblivious to his upperclassmen’s feelings. (Everyone else picked up on it the moment you started talking to him).
You thought him being on the bench but still making an effort to be the loudest person cheering on his team was really attractive.
You started picking up Kageyama from practices after school (you really just wanted to talk to Suga).
You thought you were being obvious about your feelings but the Kageyama facial expression™ is genetic.
His pining was becoming too much for the team to the point where Tanaka thought you were already dating.
Eventually gets to Kageyama.
He’s a little upset that he was the last person to figure it out (that Hinata beat him to it) but besides that he doesn’t care at all.
He thinks it’ll benefit his volleyball career, too, so it’s a win-win for him.
Flat out tells you Sugawara has feelings for you.
Part of you already knew, but you were elated.
Asked him to walk you home one day when there wasn’t practice.
“So, my brother tells me someone on your team had a little crush on me.” You loved seeing him get flustered.
He’s upset because he was in the middle of organizing the perfect way of confessing to you.
You end up at a cafe a little while later talking.
Tanaka and Noya were not so secretly spying on you both. (They took a picture of you guys with the flash on).
You thought it was funny.
Suga wanted to explode.
He walks you home, and you kiss him gently before walking into your house.
Kageyama was grouchy the whole night. (He’ll come around).
Kept PDA very light whenever you were around people.
However he’s super touchy in private.
Like he needs to be in contact with you to some degree at all times.
Always laying on you during movies and falling asleep half way through them.
Stopped having Suga over so much because whenever you did Kageyama would come into your room to talk about volleyball. (And he doesn’t knock)
Opposites attract!
You took interest in him first (he didn’t think someone as pretty as you wouldn’t be intimidated by him).
(You weren’t).
Started with you asking him for help in class.
You were pretty outgoing and spoke to everyone so he was surprised you went out of your way to talk to him.
He’s a complete mess around you.
You thought it was sweet.
You’re making every move if you want anything to happen (but you knew that).
Nearly died when you showed up to one of his games.
Nearly did again when you were gushing about how incredible he played.
Actually died when you asked if you could wear his jersey to the next game.
Died again when you did, the jersey being much too big for you. Seeing you in his clothes distracted him almost the entire time.
You end up telling him you like him one morning nonchalantly in the hallway when he was walking to class with you.
Wasn’t sure if he imagined it with how quick you said it.
“You do know I like you, right?”
“U-uh what?”
He’s nervous around you for months, barely initiating anything until he’s sure he won’t make you uncomfortable by accident.
Likes to lay on your chest while you braid his hair.
Still blushes from casual PDA. (He’s always pleasantly surprised you want to show off your relationship)
You pick fights with anyone who gossips about him being an intimidating guy.
“It’s not him you have to worry about, it’s me. So why don’t you say that to my face.”
He’s desperately trying to defuse the situation, but he loves how you defend him.
Childhood friends to lovers!
You’ve known him your whole life, but moved away for a few years in middle school.
You moved back in your second year of high school, reuniting with Noya.
He was different, but exactly the same.
You were adamant to not catch feelings, but you couldn’t help it.
The moment you were in his life again, he stopped obsessing over other girls. He didn’t realize it right away, but he knew he didn’t want you to think he didn’t prioritize you.
Forced you to come to every practice so he could walk you home.
Lines of friendship and something more kept getting blurred.
Randomly grabbing your hand when he’s excited.
Possessive, he gets sad if you don’t pay attention to him for a long time.
Genuinely fights off other guys.
He still doesn’t realize he likes you until Tanaka points it out.
Immediately confesses to you.
Dating him wasn’t much different than being his best friend, only now you were more affectionate.
Constantly napping together.
Brags about you to everyone.
Carries a photo book of you because he couldn’t decide on one picture for his wallet.
Matchmaker gone wrong!
Originally was attempting to set him up with Kiyoko (your best friend), but she wasn’t interested.
You two started getting closer even after you told him you didn’t think their plan was going to work.
Was starting to feel like he was only befriending you to get closer to Kiyoko, but he made a lot of effort to hang out with you.
Realized he was catching feelings for you when he would start to look for you in the crowd after each point he scored.
Did a 180 and went to Kiyoko for advice.
You were a little worried when they started getting closer, but your best friend insisted she had no romantic feelings for him.
Ends up confessing to you after a game. (Kiyoko’s idea).
He kinda screams it at you.
You thought it was cute, you kissed him to shut him up.
Parades you around to the team.
He’s protective, but when guys tell him he did a good job scoring you, he’ll just rant about how lucky he is.
He’s obsessed.
Like, genuinely obsessed with you. He proposed at your graduation. You told him ask you again in five years.
He does.
You say yes.
Enemies to friends to lovers!
You both played volleyball in middle school, and you won “Player of the year” over him.
Rivalry started from there.
The girls team practiced in the same gym as the boys did so you were always trying to outdo each other.
When you’d play each other for practice matches you both would play exceptionally dirty.
Ended up at Karasuno because you got injured.
Became a manager for the boys team since the girls team wasn’t as serious and didn’t have a manager.
Had a small fight on both of your first days because he refused to work as a team.
You two could not get along so for the sake of keeping your job as a manager you just ignored him usually.
One game, a few members of the other team had made a few comments about you.
Conveniently, one of Kageyama’s serves in warmups nailed the guy in the face.
Was the first time he made you laugh.
Thought about it for a week.
Tried to make amends with you by showing he was sorry (he couldn’t say it).
Would ask you for tips on how to connect with his team as well as his form.
Admitted he thought you were a better player than him one night, you told him you most likely wouldn’t be able to play again.
Asked him to play for you, placing your hand on top of his.
He almost kissed you that night but he didn’t know how to and panicked.
You wanted him to.
Ended up tutoring him and Hinata, he started going to you for individual help.
Was worried you’d think he’s stupid.
You thought his focused face was adorable.
You were obviously in your feelings for him, but he was adamant that you wouldn’t like someone who struggles showing his emotions so much.
He didn’t think he’d be good enough for you and that you deserved better.
However, the idea of you with anyone else made him so unbearably mad he started putting effort into becoming what you need.
He struggled, but all you cared about was the effort.
Extremely flustered whenever you showed any kind of appreciation towards him.
Like he completely freezes up if you even hug him.
He warms up to physical affection quickly, he loved it from you, he just didn’t know how to return it.
Always falling asleep on top of you on bus rides.
He snores. Not loudly they’re more like sleeping sounds, but you tell him he snores.
Clingy in private.
Loves holding you but loves being held just as much. (He’ll never admit that, though).
Best friend’s sibling/secret relationship!
Yamaguchi had a crush on you the second he saw you for the first time when he was over at Tsukishima’s house.
He was sleeping over for the first time, and you were heading to the kitchen for a 1am snack while he was leaving the bathroom.
He knew Tsukishima had a sibling, but he had no idea what you looked like. He had no idea you were that beautiful.
You invited him to the kitchen with you for some food, he obliged because he wanted to talk to you.
You knew he was quiet so you did most of the talking, asking him questions.
“Your freckles are really cute, I wish I had freckles.”
No one had told him that before.
He remembered that for months.
Tsukishima knew something was up right away, but he didn’t say anything to Yamaguchi.
He was more worried about you, so he told you to “leave his friends alone”.
You didn’t
You saw Yamaguchi in school occasionally, always going out of your way to say hi (when Tsukishima wasn’t there).
After beating Shiratorizawa, you texted him congratulations.
You both kept texting from there, then calling.
You started asking him for help with homework, claiming your brother was unhelpful (you knew the work).
You started meeting up at the library, both of you mutually deciding not to tell Tsukishima.
After a few weeks of longing stares and lingering touches, you caved.
He was explaining a math problem to you, you were practically shoulder to shoulder, and he looked so adorable trying to dumb down the equation.
You weren’t thinking, leaning in and placing a gentle kiss to his lips.
You pulled back, apologizing, but Yamaguchi had a shy smile on his face.
“Can you do that again?”
Kept it a secret, only meeting at his house. (His mother understood)
Tsukishima found out after walking in on you both making out while Yamaguchi was sleeping over.
“Do you want ice cream?”
He did not care.
Only told you to stay away from his friends because he didn’t think you liked Yamaguchi.
He trusted you both to be respectful and if things did end to keep it civil.
His only wish was he did not want to hear a thing about you from Yamaguchi.
He loves to cuddle with you.
He’ll initiate a lot more physical affection when you’re by yourselves, but in public he gets too nervous.
Doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable ever.
Also not huge on PDA.
Loves giving you forehead kisses.
Akiteru saw Yamaguchi with a hickey before he knew you were dating and congratulated him.
Akiteru did not know you were dating for months.
That wasn’t intentionally, everyone just forgot to tell him.
Tsukishima gave a legendary best man speech at your wedding.
Enemies to lovers!
The first day you met Tsukishima, you thought he was annoying and needed to be put in his place.
So, you did.
Any insult he said (whether it was directed at you or not) was retorted by you in seconds.
He didn’t expect that from you (it intoxicated him).
Being friends with Yamaguchi, you were almost always around.
He called you a pest.
You called him a loser.
And so on.
LOTS of tension.
Both of you always glaring (staring) at each other to the point all your friends think you’re together in some shape, way or form.
Both of you could not get the other out of each other’s head.
Both of you think it’s because the other is just so annoying.
Until Tsukishima has a dream about kissing you.
Now that’s all he can think about.
He starts ignoring you because he’s mad at his own feelings and he’s starting to feel like he has no self control around you.
You notice it immediately, he no longer picked on you or teased you at all.
Instead of being relieved like you thought you should be, you’re rather sad.
About a week goes by, and eventually your mutual friends are sick of all the sulking you’re both doing.
Force you to talk to each other.
Ends up in a shouting match.
You call him a coward, and it strikes something in him.
Mid rant, he cuts you off by kissing you.
You kiss him back, finish your argument and go back to kissing him.
“Go out with me?” He mumbles against your lips.
“How chivalrous of you.”
The arguing doesn’t stop now that you’re together, it just leads to other things.
Surprisingly, Tsukishima is extremely emotionally mature when it comes to you.
He doesn’t want to loose you.
You’re his soft spot.
Like it’s so obvious and he almost wants everyone to know it. (He’d never admit it)
Not very possessive unless you’re uncomfortable.
No one was surprised when you got together.
Neither of you are huge on PDA.
Maximum affection you’ll show in public is hand holding.
He uses you as a human armrest occasionally.
“Hates” when you steal his clothes (he leaves them out for you.
You get along well with Akiteru, he loves you.
He’s out like a light if you play with his hair.
Holds you like a stuffed animal to sleep (he can’t sleep any other way).
Surprisingly soft.
Doesn’t say “I love you” for a while, but he does things to show it before he does.
Sunshine x sunshine protector!
You grew up as Hinata’s #1 fan.
Helped him with his volleyball skills in middle school and so on.
You were always be his side and it was the same with him.
You’ll tease him of course, but anyone who underestimated him or was insulting him had to deal with you.
Tanaka and Noya call you “Hinata’s girlfriend” (they just think that and no one corrected them).
Started dating by accident.
Hanging out as friends was turning into something else.
Constant hand holding as well as hugs.
Were each other’s first kiss because he “wanted to know what it felt like”.
Kept kissing after that.
Eventually he just starts introducing you as his girlfriend.
“Shoyo, you just told them I’m your girlfriend.”
“Yeah? What’s wrong?”
“You never asked me to be your girlfriend.”
“Oh my god I forgot.”
Chaos everywhere you go.
He’s your best friend and your boyfriend.
He’s always getting you things.
Invites you to every game (you were going either way).
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skiiyoomin · 2 months
imma do haikyuu for this cause im low-key high-key nostalgic of my 2020 haikyuu phase 🥹
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Content: gn! reader, swearing
✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
This was it. This was the moment you had been waiting for for as long as you could even begin to remember. All those gruesome hours counting down the seconds until you could dash off to your home were finally over. No more brain exploding math classes or dull history classes that made you want to pass out because of the teachers monotonous tone.
"(Y/N) (L/N)"
Your name was announced and with a proud giddy smile, you walked up the steps and onto the stage. Everything was going spectacularly well. You grabbed your diploma and shook the Principals hand. You began to walk down the steps and when you looked forward, you made eye contact with your friend. Wrong move because the second your eyes shifted from the floor to your friend, you tripped.
Bursts out laughing. Like he´s deadass the type of person who laughs first then worries about you. Has literally no mercy on you. Can and *will* use this to his advantage, will not let you live this moment down for as long as he´s alive. Probably chuckles every once in a while when he thinks back on it and TRUST he thinks about it a lot.
TSUKISHIMA, Kuroo, MATSUKAWA, Hanamaki, SUNA, Atsumu, Shirabu, Tendo, Sugawara
Lets out a chuckle or two at first when everyone laughs but when you sit back down beside him, he asks if you´re okay, geniuenly concerned that you didn´t hurt yourself. When you confirm it was nothing but merely embarrassing, he grins in amusement. Might tease you a little bit BUT, he´s merciful unlike some people, and he quickly stops to save you the embarrassement.
Oikawa, IWAIZUMI, Kageyama, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Hinata, Kenma, Akaashi, Osamu, Semi
Worries THEN laughs. He´s gotta make sure you´re okay and you didn´t hurt yourself. Once you give him the okay he´ll chuckle, replaying the moment in his head and finding it quite funny actually. He quickly lets it go though, which saves you the embarrasement!
Daichi, Ushijima, Goshiki, Kita, Sakusa, Bokuto, Yamaguchi, Yachi, Kiyoko
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atomicvoidjellyfish · 2 months
Includes: Dachi, Sugawara, Asahi, Tanaka, Nishinoya, Tuskishima, Kageyama, Tadashi and Hinata
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~ Dachi sawamura ~
• Dachi is all around a confident, sweet and tallented guy when it come to understanding his team mates and what they need. Thats the same for you in your times of need.
• He would happily carry extra sanitary items in case you need them and a couple bars of your favourite chocolate.
• Dachi sadly knows he can't do heaps about the pain, tiredness or you mood swings. But he knows how to make things better and to help you preserver.
• Dachi is very gentle and highly aware about how you might react to certain things. He understand women are emotional creatures and small things can really upset you.
• He's more touchy especially when he can see how much it affects you're well being, he give you great big bear hugs and regularly checks in on you.
• After school he'd invite you out do a in-home movie and eat take away for your choice. He loves cuddling you up and keeping you safe. He truly just wants you to be happy.
~ Sugawara Koushi ~
• Suga reminds you of sugar very very sweet and he knows the things you really need to hear during that time. He's always happy to reassurance you over any little thing.
• His voice is so soft takes a lot of pain away. While holding you he will whisper sweet nothings in you ear. Reminding you of how beautiful you are, that your amazing and how lucky he is to have you.
• Suga loves giving you lots of sweet kisses, on you cheeks, your forehead and you lil nose too
• He can also be surprisingly protect when it come to situations that make you uncomfortable, crowds of people, foods you crave ect
• He'll rub your back and pull you in close, resting is chin on your head. He knows its hard and upsetting the things you think about an go through
• Suga complements you more and understand the importance of you feeling treasured, beautiful and desired by him. He sees you looking in the mirror a lot more studying yourself. He'll approach you from behind wraps his arms around your waist and give you back kisses. He's eyes are soft yet still filled with desire that never fails to make you smile.
~ Asahi Azumane ~
• Asahi would over think like crazy he easily starts stressing out when it comes to you. Still he's very sweet you give him little hints to help him along. It makes him feel really good to know he can help you.
• He'd cray your bags knowing that your back hurts. He'd be worried so much he would walk you home to make sure you don't faint or fall or have anything happen to you.
• Being the ace he can get quite a few injuries so he regularly caries pain meds, tape, soothing gels and other items. He always encourages you to use them knowing they help.
• Asahi always give you his jacket he remembers the thing you said about being cold and how it can make things worse. The school uniform being a skirt doesn't help.
• Asahi thinks about you a lot in class, about how your going, what your feeling, in your in pain or maybe if you've gone to the med bay. Constantly stressing himself out (poor guy). He's always waiting near you locker and his eyes light up whenever he sees you.
• You often reassure him that your fine. Asahi's mom is also very sweet yes he's a mamas boy. But she'll happily cook extra food for you two to share and here food makes everything a lot better.
~ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ~
• If menstral cycles were a person you best bet Tanaka is pulling up and he's bring Nishinoya
• Tanka is a very unique, cool, rambunctious person so he would handle the situation a lot differently. He would want to make you feel better by going out and having fun, movies, the park, the beach anything to get you out an about. This can cause arguments sometimes as you'er often tired, moody and don't feel the best.
• Tanka would feel bad but you always lay him down in your lap, he cuddles up to you around waist. Which is good as he keeps you warm.
• He'd get curious as ask you questions about your cycle, which was cute, he's trying to better understand your problems and think about a better solution.
• Tanka would even go as far to ask Kyoko or Kanoka about what helps and what things he could get for you.
• He's not a cook but he'd always make sure your warm, have enough blankets, a hot water bottle and some warm ramen noodles.
• The thing Tanka always did be is make you feel real special and try his best to make you smile and laugh. He'd complement you, your a greek goddess, the women who owns the planet venus and unofficial victorian secret super model.
• Tanka makes sure that you enjoy life whilst your with him and to be the best boyfriend he can possible be.
~ Nishinoya Yuu ~
• Nishinoya is vastly misunderstood, you'd think he's immature and a big ball of energy that seems clueless and not that smart but he's far from that.
• With all that energy and viciousness he can feel a lot of emotions he's just more reserved as most guys are. But he can understand when you have really bad down days.
• You'd see a completely different side of him that very few people see. He calm, soft, gentle and soothing.
• He gives you long warm hugs as he will rock you in his embrace. In that way he was very much your safe place. You could tell him anything and he would understand. Having his issue with height and the fall out the volley ball team had he went through is own pains. Giving up the sport he loved took a toll on him and the fight with Asahi.
• In a way it was always a good way for you two to bond and reinforce trust, that you were there for each other on a much deeper level.
• Nishinoya would happily share all his food with you, make sure your well feed and that he doesn't keep you up late over night texting. He just wants you to get better as quickly as possible.
• The talk of blood and cycle is still a bit odd and foreign to him but he doesn't like the thought that you could literally bleed to death so he does what he can.
~ Tuskishima Kei ~
• Tuskishima is generally pretty mono toned he doesn't over display any kind of care and the sarcasm doesn't help. This is just a part of his personality. Sometimes it can cause arguments as you feel like he isn't taking you seriously and it really hurts sometimes.
• He'd realise how much your hurting and that he really messed up. You'd open up your locker and find little notes sometimes hand written letters.
• He hold your hand talking the long walk home after school, he was never good at apologising but you understood he was sorry.
• It taught him how to be a little more gentle with you, to understand you a bit better and to think before saying things to you.
• He'd slowly become a lot more affectionate, pulling you into his arms and cuddling you up in his arms. He shudder trying open up and tell you about things. What he thinks about you and the things he hopes to do with you one day.
• Tuskishima after realising how horrible both mentally and physically you feel. He always make sure there was time for you, time for him to listen.
• When your really sad he ask you over to his house introduce you to his mom one of the most kindest and beautiful being in his life other then you of course.
• You both playing a couple games together and you'd learn it actually likes reading. He loved how smart you are and how you could hold a conversation about topics that interest him.
• It helped you take time of things, you learned more about each others passions and found out you have a lot more income than you think.
~ Tobio kageyama ~
• Honestly Kageyama can be a bit naive and hot headed, he struggles a lot when it comes to understanding your predicament. He can get a bit annoyed with you moods and complaining. This can cause some pretty heated fights.
• But Kageyama can be a big fat meanie, all that frustration and anger also leads to a lot of thought, overthinking, over apologising and regret. Kageyama never wants to be a bad person especially to you.
• Kageyama would take on multiple strategies on how to keep you happy always. If you mad or angry Kageyama would mind some rough play cuddles, you never manage to hurt him. If your sad he's bringing chocolate or your favourite ice cream. If you don't feel your best he'll make an effort to be more soft with you in ever way.
• He always brings you a Milk box encourages you to drink it all. Saying it's packed in everything that you need to feel better, stronger and heal faster.
• He's the type of guy to cuddle you up, zip his jumper up real tight on a cold rain walk home. Wrap you up in a scarf, he's scared of you catching a cold obviously cause he cares about you but also cause he doesn't want to be sick either.
• Kageyama needs you a lot he wont admit it, you always manage to make him feel better and he's an over-thinker. He stresses out way to much, your his peace and he loves you for all the endless lap cuddles and hair play. He just hopes he can do the same for you.
~ Tadashi Yamaguchi ~
• Tadashi gets so incredibly worried and stress about you! He would refuse to leave you empathising with how hard the week can be for you.
• He'd make sure that there is plenty of time to spend with you. Going out to cafe's in the mornings before school or bringing you some delicious food to share from bread top!
• Tadashi is a bundle of fluff, he's the guy to keep your hands warm offer his jacket and open doors for you. A very sweet gentlemen.
• He loves to play games and cuddle up on the couch with tones of blankets or watch a movie marathon. Some hot chocolate or some salty popcorn solves everything.
• You favourite thing about Tadashi was the beauty in his eyes. He wears his heart on his sleeve. You love the warmth he just radiates, he looks at you with nothing but love and softness. You can open up to him about anything and he always tries to understand.
~ Shoyo Hinata ~
• Hinata is defiantly clueless upon telling him more details. He stress like really bad, faint, dye or blow his head off. He would literally think your DIEING!! or that you were gonna DIE!!
• Hinata just over thinks being the sweet guy he is all he needs to do is say hello! He's your lil sunshine always makes you feel better with just a smiles.
• When he see's your having a really bad day he invites you over. Yourself and his little sister Natsu have grown really close. Natsu is always excited to see you! She'd play with your hair, paint your nails ect.
• Hinata's mom is super sweet she always make sure to cook up one of your many favourite meals. She gets warm and fuzzy seeing you an Hinata together.
• You often get invited out to family events, shopping, dinner, camping ect. Your all very close and Hinata is always there hyping you up the whole way.
• He pushes your bounders in a good way, making you do things you never think you could! So when that time comes around you always feel extra special not just to yourself but to Hinata too.
Thanks so much for reading,!!! Let me know if you have any requests!!
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ilylovelyz · 10 months
⍣ ೋ tooth & nail
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✩ haikyuu boys who will fight tooth & nail for you
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IWAIZUMI HAJIME — he's a stubborn and hardworking man. he knows from experience that if you want something, you have to work for it, including things like sports; or even his relationship with you. he knows that from time to time, not everything will be great, or go according to plan, but thats okay. it doesn't matter how long it takes, or how he does it, he just knows that in the end, he'll do whatever that makes you comfortable and happy.
BOKUTO KOUTARŌ — he's rightfully known for being optimistic and one who never lets things affect him for long. he wants to be the type of person who is reliable for everyone, not just his teammates and loved ones. he wants to be able to be there for you at your weakest points, and be able to hold your hand to guide you if you need it. you could break his heart into tiny pieces, and he'll still be trying to pick up the remains while chasing after you.
TANAKA RYŪNOSUKE — as already demonstrated; he's persistent and loyal to the things he loves. he's been shot down, and rejected multiple times, and yet he'll still want to continue his persistence and determination. why? he doesn't know himself, all he knows is that there's something about you that makes him want to fight for you; and fight he does. if he has to bloody his damn knuckles for you, then you bet damn well he'll do it.
HINATA SHOUYO — rejection and failure is not new to him; he's learned time and time again that greatness requires patience and hardwork. he knows this personally, and having built a hard core full of dedication and determination, he'll be doing everything he can for the sake of his relationship. doesn't matter if you have him running at 3am to the corner-store for cravings, the satisfaction that comes when you praise him gratefully for his work feels so rewarding to him.
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satantica · 1 year
haikyu boys meeting your family pt.1
feels nervous but holds on TOO well and acts like the greatest gentleman ever lived. he does everything for you at the dinner just more silent than usual to show everyone that you are in good hands. and always goes with you everywhere holding your waist. in the conversation he will slightly imply about his intentions with you. holds your leg at the dinner and when someone asks him a question he gives you a stroke under the table. he definitely leaves the whole family impressed.
sakusa kiyoomi, TSUKISHIMA KEI, ushijima wakatoshi, AKAASHI KEIJI, osamu miya, suna rintarou, ukai keishin
will ask you approximately a million questions about what your parents and siblings like, what their favorite food and drink is, what they watch and etc. gives your mom her favorite flowers and tells that he understands now where your beauty came from. smiles a lot because of all pressure and also because of happiness to be here with you. when someone asks him a question he starts talking about you for hours and no one can stop him. will give you a nervous look and wordlessly ask you to hold his hand to calm him down. your family just amazed by how much he loves you.
hinata shoyo, SUGAWARA KOUSHI, azumane asahi, LEV HAIBA, yamaguchi tadashi
he already knew your parents cause they helped him with picking out the best gift for you. he is still a bit scared about how it will go but acts very confident. he charms everyone in the room but when he doesn’t? his effortless way of making everyone laugh and compliment smoothly has always been unbelievable. despite everyone wants to talk to him, he never leaves you and always stands with his hand on your back. at the dinner, while talking, he tries to flirt with you with his leg. and when it makes you laugh he will say “yn, manners.” also he will tell that he intends to marry you like it is just a regular thing. the whole family adores him.
iwaizumi hajime, KUROO TETSUROU, tanaka ryuunosuke, tendou satori, TERUSHIMA YUUJI, sawamura daichi
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dira333 · 16 days
In Handwriting - Tanaka x Reader
written for my supersecret fix exchange with @haikyu-mp4
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“Will you marry me?”
You blink in surprise. “Eh?”
The guy across from you blushes a feverish red, though he does not lose any of his confidence.
“I’m Tanaka,” he offers you his hand like it’s a sword and you’re the princess he’s sworn to protect. “The love of your life.”
You can’t help but giggle at that. He’s creative, you have to give him that.
“You’re very confident.”
“Confidence is my middle name,” he boasts, bringing your hand to his lips for a kiss.
“Ah? Is that so? And what’s your first name.”
“Ryūnosuke.” You can’t help but snort when his jaw slackens in disbelief.
“No way, how did you guess- Are you psychic?”
“It’s on your shirt,” you point at the name tag. “And I don’t spot a C for Confidence there.”
“Oh, that’s… uh… that’s because there was no more space,” he stutters for a second before getting back to his confident self. “But you looked at my chest.”
“I did,” you snort, “And you still need to tell me what you want to order.”
“What’s your favorite drink?”
“I don’t think you’d like it.”
“Mhm,” he smiles, “Try me.”
So you tell him, fighting a smile when he actually orders it, along with a cup of straight black coffee for his coworker.
You write his full name on both of the cups - even though the coffee shop is as empty as it could be - and add a little heart to both of them.
“Aww, you love me too,” he coos when you hand him the drinks. “Can I have your pen for a second?”
“Of course,” you hand it to him, watching as he scribbles onto the cup that contains your favorite drink.
“Here,” he hands you both the drink and the pen. “This one’s on me. I have to get back to work, but call me, okay? I need to know your ring size.”
You’re left speechless - and maybe swooning a little - until you look down at the cup.
His handwriting is awful and coupled with the curve of the cup it’s impossible to make out more than a few numbers.
What a shame. He’d been really cute.
He doesn’t come in the next day. 
And it’s a shame, you think. You would have given him a chance - despite his ridiculous flirting, or maybe because of it. 
Maybe he thinks you’re ghosting him now and that sentiment feels so wrong you start looking a little closer at the shops left and right, hoping you’ll find one with the same color scheme as his uniform.
But what if he’s not working at a store? What if he’s some assistant?
Your shoulder’s slump under the realization that you’ll probably not meet him again unless he’s the one initiating.
What a shame. He’d really been cute.
“Missed me?”
“Tanaka!” You almost drop your pitcher of milk. “What took you so long?!”
He reels back in surprise at your outburst.
“Sorry, I didn’t… wait, you really missed me?”
“Not really,” you start, slapping a hand on your mouth when you realize how that sounds, “I mean, that’s not what-... I have been looking for you.”
“You have?” He’s leaning in again now, lips stretched into an almost hopeful smile. “What for?”
“You’ve got the worst handwriting,” you huff out, taking him by surprise again. “I couldn’t decipher your phone number.”
“You wanted to call?” The surprise in his voice is so evident you can tell he’s not had much look with his flirting before. Well, not everyone has great taste.
“Yeah,” you huff again, looking to your left and right before pulling your phone out of your pocket and unlocking it. “Save your number before I change my mind.”
“You won’t regret it,” he insists. Something tells you he’s right.
“How did you guys meet?” Kiyoko asks, “Tanaka mentioned something about a coffee shop.”
“Oh yeah,” you nod, “I work there. He asked me to marry him.”
She laughs. “That sounds like him.”
“What are you talking about?” Her husband Kōshi asks, wrapping his arms around her.
“Tanaka asked her to marry him when they first met,” Kiyoko explains simply and you watch with fascination as Kōshi laughs as well.
“Tanaka,” he calls out to your boyfriend, “Where’s the ring?”
Ryūnosuke, to your surprise, blushes a feverish red, hand clutching something in the pocket of his jeans.
My Kofi if you'd like to tip me
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anime-fan-05 · 9 months
Can you do a headcanon of the break up prank with Karasuno team members (not the coaches, the managers and Ennoshita, Kinoshita and Narita), please?
Thanks in advance!
Haikyuu!! ~Break up prank~
Manga/anime: Haikyuu!!
Warnings: nothing
Hinata S.
The smile he had disappeared in a flash
He hugged you and he began to cry
When you told him it was a prank, he stood still for a few seconds
After, he hugged you tightly
Kageyama T.
He would stop whatever he was doing
His expression went from shock to sadness
He was a statue
When you told him it was a prank, he hugged you
He murmured he didn't want to lose you
Tsukishima K.
At first, he thought it was a prank, but he saw your serious face
He turned, his back to you
His shoulders were shaking
When you told him it was a prank, he breathed a sigh of relief
"Baka, don't you ever do it again."
Yamaguchi T.
He felt his heart break
He fell to his knees and started crying his eyes out
He thought it was his fault and he apologized to you
When you told him it was a prank, he stood up and hugged you
He cried with relief
Nishinoya Y.
He looked at you with sad questioning eyes
He reached his arm out to you, but he doesn't dare move any further
He asked you what he did wrong
When you told him it was a prank, he hugged you tightly
He told you never to do it again
Tanaka R.
He knelt down and hugged your legs
He begged you not to leave him
The more he spoke, the less you could understand his words
When you told him it was a prank, he was relieved and happy
He picked you up and spun you around telling you to never do that again
Sawamura D.
Whatever he had in his hands was on the floor
His eyes began to water
He slowly took your face in his hands and asked why you wanted to break up with him
When you told him it was a prank, he held you in his strong arms
He said you shocked him to death
Sugawara K.
He cried on the spot
"W-why? What did I do wrong? Why do you want to break up with me?"
His eyes were very swollen and red
When you told him it was a prank, he slowly hugged you, but he also gave you a long lecture
Sugamama in action
Azumane A.
He felt his legs give way
He buried his face in his hands, crying
He thought it was his fault
When you told him it was a prank, he hugged you
He held you as if you were about to leave
💮 Rules 💮 Masterlist 💮
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romeavecryst · 1 month
Never let them know your next move˖ ࣪⊹
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Summary: them kissing up on you then they do the unspeakable
Characters; bokuto, kuroo, tanaka
Warnings: chaos, cursing, play fighting, kissing, little hot n sweaty. Not proofread! Touchy grabby boys what can I say.. fem!reader
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.˚₊‧ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ‧₊˚.
☆ “your being mean baby..” he whined, ko had been loving up on you for the past fifteen minutes. You’ve only been ignoring him because you were working on school work. “I’ll give you attention in a minute ko.” You hummed.
His dramatic sighs causing you to laugh. It wasn’t like you never payed attention to him it just happens to be kniw when wants it the most. Acting like a puppy who’s deprived. He watched his head resting on your shoulder his eyes wondering your fingers that typed on the keyboard.
How could you ignore him he thought, “you hate me..” he muttered his lips kissing your shoulder. “With everything in my body.” You smiled, feeling his lips travel up your shoulder. His large hands squeezing your hips. “Jus’ want you to love on me.. wanna feel you on me..” he whispered, his tone seductive.
You bit your lip a tingle forming in the pit of your stomach “Ko-“
“AHH!” You yelled, feeling the wettest of his tongue like the side of your face. It wasn’t even small teasing he licked the whole side of your face, quickly pushing himself back knowing your were about to fight.
“You’re fucking kidding me” you laughed discarding your lap top going after him, a fat smile on his face as he grabed your arms pining you down. “Koutaro! Let go of me..” you groaned his big arms holding you against him.
“Nope! I’ve got you now!”
☆ His eyes watched you as you wondered around your room, your body pacing impatiently. Kuroo had come over as you were cleaning your room, bad timing yes but he wanted to see you. He wanted a danm nap but you just had to be set on cleaning your room. “UGH!! we can clean it later baby! For the love of god come over to me.” He fake cried sprawling out on you bed.
He watched as you rolled your eyes in the mirror of your vanity, you focused going back on organizing the drawers. He huffed pushing off your bed you watched as he walked up behind you.
“Let me finish I don’t even have that much to do..” you whined feeling his cold hands go under your shirt. “Tetsu my parents are home.” He nodded taking in what you said.
His hands cupping your Boobs over your bra fondling them you felt him smile on the nape of your neck, him enjoying himself. Yet when he looked in the mirror you practically ignored him, though the heat radiating of your face spoke other wise. “Just come lay down with me.” He squeezed a bit tighter.
A pleasant little groan leaving your lips caused him to chuckle mischievously. His lips starting kissing your face a small smile appeared on your face as he did so. But the moment was to nice..
“YOU DID NOT!” You yelled the feeling of your boyfriend letting go of you quickly.
Turning around he was laughing, laughing his ass off. He had licked you!
“AHH BABY PLEASE I WAS JUST JOSHING!”he yelled as you ran at him.
A fit of giggles coming from him as you whipped your wet face against his, “no!” He cried out.
“That what you get motherfucker,” you spoke quickly licking him back after.
“What going on?” The sound of your fathers voice spoke, him witnessing you beating your boyfriend your body on top of him.
“Never mind.. I don’t even wanna know..” he groaned.
☆ Let’s be honest you’d kind be used to it with him. But in this case you were not!
You two where out with his family at dinenr his family sitting around you, two talking amongst themselves. Tanaka was not afraid to kiss up on you in front of his family as nervous as it made you he loved doing it. His lips kissing your hand as you told him to stop “Ryu your grandmother is staring at us.” You whined.
His grandma was in fact staring a smile on her face as she watched her grandson love on you, “you’re so beautiful, I can’t keep to myself.” He said his head falling on your shoulder his lips still kissing on your fingers.
He was normaly very lovey dovey on you but there was just this feeling, you knew something was about to happen you could feel it. And it did happen.
Ryu licking the back of you hand. The back of you hand quickly meeting his mouth popping him. “Ryu! Fu- nasty!”
A heavy laugh left him as you beat on him, his family watching in amusement as you beat on him, “Licking me really! And I knew it was gonna happen!” You spoke is a hushed yell.
“Ahh! Please mercy, baby mercy!!” He yelled dramatically falling into his sisters side for protection just for her to gang up on him as-well.
“Please guys I couldn’t help myself.”he spoke putting a fake frown on his face.
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dimepdf · 2 years
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masterlist. / taglist. / any request? synopsis. you have Kiyoko and Tanaka to blame for your boyfriend Kenma's raging baby fever part one
pairing. dilf!kenma kozume x reader
word count. 1.2k
genre and warnings. domestic fluff, literally tooth rotting fluff, family fluff, established relationship, parenthood, family fluff, mentions of pregnancy, kenma with baby fever, tanaka and his devil daughter, suggestive ending, NOTE BETA'D | — feedback is always welcomed & don't forget to reblog 🤍
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"Ah, ah! No, spit it out, booger!" Tanaka demands, snatching his daughter Nami into his arms. 
Taking the object she was chewing out of her hands after seeing her pick it up off the ground and place it in her mouth. The toddler writhes in his arms and even snarls as if she were a barbaric monster in resistance to being picked up.
After giving their episode a casual glance, Kiyoko went back to eating unbothered by her husband's and daughter's usual behavior. "And for that reason, Kenma, you shouldn't play zombie video games with a three-year-old."  
When the toddler was last at Kenma's house, he let her stay up way past her bedtime so he and Harue could play a few rounds of their favorite first-person shooter game before bed. 
Kenma stiffened guilty at the jab, realizing that he might have had some minor impact on the toddler's behavior from that time.
For Kenma, it had simply become normal for him to assume that all kids were like his son and had become desensitized to the violent video games they were playing together.
You replied, looking at Kiyoko and grinning, "I had to persuade this man that GTA wasn't a kid's game." Kenma visibly winced as he thought back to the lengthy conversation he had to have with Harue after the boy had been found in the virtual strip club receiving a lap dance.
"You're supposed to be on my side," he groaned, head leaning into your shoulder. Muttering under his breath about how at least Harue knew when to give a good tip.
It was the first week of spring, so it wasn't too hot to stay inside and whine about the air conditioning, and it wasn't too cold that you needed to put on a jacket to keep yourself from shivering. 
You eagerly agreed when Kiyoko texted that you should leave the house for the day for a small hangout at the local park to get some fresh air (mostly so she wouldn't strangle Tanaka).
The boys need some much-needed sunshine, always glued to their screens inside, so you had to pry them away from their video games and drag them to the park in a bribe that you would spend the night the entire weekend and hang out with them. 
Harue made use of his time at the park after taking Harue's away his switch and releasing him into the wild. You watched with a smile as he had already gathered a group of friends to run around with at the park.
Kenma was not so lucky at finding entertainment, not knowing how to make many conversations with Tanaka as the two men had drastically different hobbies outside of work. 
So he did what he did best: glued himself to your side the entire time, watching the children play while remaining utterly silent and with a bored expression on his face, but it was clear that he was simply just lost in thought.
You choose to ignore him and shift your attention to Kiyoko, who was leaning against the picnic table holding a sizable red Tupperware bowl and a plastic fork. You had no idea what bizarre food combinations she was eating this morning.
She would often talk to you about the strange cravings she had developed after learning she had gotten pregnant. 
To the point where you were almost starting to worry about the facetime calls, you would get from her scarfing down whatever she could grab in her kitchen or order from her phone.
"Hey lady, how are you feeling?"
She answers with a sigh."So fucking pregnant but mostly just hungry," 
"Well, you are eating for three now. Gotta feed those two little devil babies in ya." You light-heartedly tease.
Kiyoko hums, rubbing the front of her big belly. "Don’t speak badly of them too much, I'm convinced they smell fear." 
★  .  .  .    !
Once you've made it back to Kenma's penthouse, the rest of the day goes on as usual.
You took up your usual spot in the living room and made use of the 85-inch flat screen to catch up on a Netflix show you've decided to binge, the two boys immediately dispersed back to their respective rooms like addicts going back to playing their games.
It was a nice comforting moment alone that you would have until the boys got tired of staring at their computer screens and both scrambled into your personal space to watch the show without much complaint.
While Kenma occupied the other side of you and curled up in your chest, Harue was sprawled out against the couch, his head resting against your thigh. Both boys were the world's clingiest cuddle bugs, convinced they were the same person split into two.
After giving a small grunt and picking Harue up into his arms, Kenma shuffled his feet against the floor and left the room to tuck the child into the comfort of his bed. He returned, slouching back into his place, as you had to hold back your yawn letting him snuggle into you, his head resting against your chest. 
He makes a humming sound that almost sounds like he has been holding back on speaking. Over the volume of the show, you hardly hear it. He finally hesitates before asking, "Have you ever thought about having a baby?"
Your brows had actually raised in surprise as you looked down at him after the question. You only needed to notice the slight gleam in his eyes to know everything. 
Kenma considered wanting a second child, let alone having one with you. You gently answer back, "Oh, uh, I mean kinda," being careful not to answer wrongfully.
Kenma looks away from you while he plays with the sweatshirt's hem strings. "Kind of?" he repeats again in the hopes that you will clarify.
"Well, I mean, I wouldn't mind it," you sighed, losing all interest in the show. "It's just, I don't know, I prefer the whole tradition thing; getting married for love and then planting roots and starting a big family, you know."
"I could propose to you," Kenma admitted, his face glowing with excitement at the prospect of being married to you. "And then maybe you could move in. I’m sure Harue would love it—"
"Woah, Kenma, slow down," you interrupted, pushing away to give him enough space to sit up as you took his hand. "How about we just take it one step at a time, okay? First, I’ll move in, and then maybe much later we could have the marriage talk alright?"
Kenma smiles softly, interlacing your fingers with his as he brings your hand up to kiss your knuckle. "Okay, sorry, of course, we can take it slow,"  he agrees with a nod. 
"Also, do you realize how much harder it would be to have two kids running around?" you input, snatching your hand away to push at his chest. "I just had to teach you how to do your own laundry last week."
"In case you’ve forgotten, I raised Harue all on my own," Kenma pouts, pushing you back. "And he is a perfectly normal four-year-old," he adds lastly.
"Yeah, I know you did an amazing job, and I am very proud of you for that," Kenma's eyes darken with a glint, the compliment going straight to his dick as he tilts his head to the side, glancing at your lips before smiling at you.
You groaned, head leaning forward into his chest, taking a minute to juggle the pros and cons before muttering.
"Okay fine, but you better get me a pretty fucking ring."
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hunnymisworld · 3 days
How Haikyuu Characters would respond to you:
When you ask them for help in making the homework.
SFW | Fluff | Crack | Short AU
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C O N T E X T: You are a 1st year transfer student in Karasuno and you've already adjusted to your new environment as well as the new people you met whom you made friends with. You were having a hard time with a homework and decided to ask for help in your fellow classmates/seniors.
A P P R O A C H A B L E yet he is kinda intimidating because everybody knows he's the volleyball captain.
He'll show a small smile when you tap his shoulder to call his attention. "Hey y/n, how can i help you?"
Would offer to teach you the homework with every d e t a i l so you would understand. (He doesn't mind if you ask multiple times about the same thing)
A PATIENT MAN (and understanding too)
"Don't hesitate to ask for help anytime okay?"
He sees you as a younger sibling and finds it cute when you ask him for help.
BIG BROTHER ENERGY (best senpai fr)
Kinda serious when he teaches you the lesson, he's eager for you to learn.
Would ask you follow-up questions to make sure you really understood.
The type to even stay-up-late with you when you ask for a tutor in the upcoming exam ( FOR FREE?!?!? - yes. )
Gives you his phone number cause he does not use social media that much. In case you needed any help with academics or whatsoever.
You can easily find them near the vending machine playing rock-paper-scissors to know who's going to pay for who's snack/drink. (tough battle - Who do you think pays most of the time? You can leave a comment.)
"Stop messing around noya! A junior is here to ask something"
"Ow! Did you really have to hit me- **gets hit again** Oh- Hi Y/n how can your seniors help you?"
Would gladly help you and buy you snacks too!
They lead you where they usually hang out during free time and scan what your homework is about.
"Here, can i see?" Nishinoya offered to look at the homework first and you handed him your noteook.
Ryu was beside him, he was also trying to see what your homework is about.
Scan....scan... Read.... Read...
"What is this? Did we even learn this way back? Do you remember any of this ryu?"
"GIve me that! Stupid-ass. That's what you get for cutting classes. Good for you that you were able to be a senior" (Yes, ryu just snatched your notebook from noya)
"HEY! That was- fine! It's true. Why would i argue with an even dumber person like you"
You were literally just standing there while they bicker like 🧍‍♀️ T.T (poor y/n getting flustered - wondering how to react)
"Can you stop Noya, let me handle this. SHHHH i can't focus"
Noya really said 😧😑🙂 (bro was GAGGED)
After a while.... yes they indeed remembered the lesson and eventually stopped bickering.
They summerized the lesson for you and explained the concept of the lesson. You were then able to answer all the questions which they checked.
"There all done!" Noya happily said while Ryu was having his moment being the best senpai ever.
"Easy peasy" "Lemon squeezy"
You were relieved and thanked them after. You also offered to get them ice cream next time you bump into each other to thank them for helping you (Literally ATE UP your free time from all that bickering T.T nevertheless, you were grateful)
2 MISTAKES! NOT BAD!! (You got 4 thumbs up from them both and they congratulated you)
He would be the one to approach you since he noticed you were having a hard time since the morning recess. Brows furrowed while you were scanning your note book.
"Hey Y/n! How are you? I noticed you were having a hard time since the morning. Do you need help?"
You were on the verge of crying for being frustrated at not understanding the lesson. He noticed it and patted your back as he smiled at you warmly.
A COMFORT PERSON FR (he's such a sunshine)
Makes you calm down first so that you'd be able to clear your mind for you to understand the lesson completely.
"How are you feeling? Do you feel calm now? Don't worry, anything can be learned. Don't pressure yourself too much, you just have to give yourself enough time to learn it okay? Let yourself be a beginner too."
You smile warmly at his words. He seems to always know what to say to make a person calm down.
He explained the concept to you as simple as he can and gave you an outline of the lesson so that you have a guide.
He bought you your comfort food to help calm your nerves and walked you back to your classroom cause he was worried.
"Just approach me if you need tutoring okay? Your mental health matters, don't be too hard on yourself. Don't doubt yourself and your capabilities, you are an amazing person who is also capable of making mistakes. You're human too."
You hugged him as you felt how sincere he was and he patted your back.
YOU ACED IT YEY!! (our soft-hearted y/n awww)
IS YOUR BESTFRIEND!! (sees you as her little sibling)
Left her notebooks on your desk with a cute note saying:
" Don't be upset, you'll get it i promise you. Here are my notes from 1st year and it's concept is described there in the simplest form. I know you'll be able to understand it when you read it. If you have any questions just text me, i'm arranging the boys' volleyball team practice match with Nekoma right now so i was not able to hand it to you personally. Take care xoxo!
PS: let me know if you want to watch the match, i'll get you a ticket"
You understood her notes pretty easily as she said on her note
You texted her and said thank you for the notes and offered to buy her snacks when she's not busy anymore.
She replied with:
" You're welcome 🩷. Sure!!"
She's the best sister fr.
Will turn his back on you as you approach him T.T
"No. I know what you're going to ask for"
Damn :((
As you walk out of the classrom to ask others who can help you with the homework, he secretly puts his notebook in your bag for you to have a guide for the homework.
Yes, he left a note and stick in inside his notebook saying:
"Everything is here. You better not text or annoy me. Study on your own. I need my notebook back by tomorrow"
You were surprised and touched that he knows how to show he cares.
Before you even have the chance to ask them, THEY WILL ASK FOR YOUR HELP FIRST T.T
They don't understand the lesson either
"Hey y/n, do you understand the lesson? Can you help us?"
You looked at them shocked and said "I'm surprised and flattered that you think that I understood the topic but I ALSO DON'T KNOW T.T"
You and HInata cried while Kageyama left you both to ask for help (don't worry he intends to teach you the concept of the lesson to after he learned it from someone who can help)
You ended up having a mini group study with them and Kageyama was able to explain the concept sucessfully.
"Woah Kageyama, i have this much respect for you now. Didn't know you had this side in you" the orange haired guy said.
"Shut up, i'll never set for you again if you manage to fail this homework"
Note: You can comment for other character request.
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atomicvoidjellyfish · 1 month
Buckle up love's this is going to be a LONG POST! FLUFFY AND SPICY HEADCANONS!!!
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~ Dachi Sawamura ~
 • HE IS ALL MAN! He is scrumptious and extra juicy on a super special day like Valentines day. Expect this man to show up with a big bokay of Red roses, a black suit and red tie to match along with a pink love heart shaped box of chocolates with a cute red bow on it.
• He personally was never super into Valentines day but putting all the effort in to see your bright beautiful smile made it all worth it. Like wining a Volleyball game but a million times better!!! Cause the prize he won is his and his ALONE!
• Dachi is a true gentleman and respectful, he'll kiss you on the cheek, paying attention to every detailing taking in the beauty of the moment and offering you his arm. His touch would be very soft yet firm, the grip of his hand on your hip or taking your hand when leading you through a crowd of busy people around the city.
• He would take you out to a nice restaurant not to busy or overwhelming for you to ensure you enjoy the night. You chat, laugh and dine whilst taking in the extravagant view of the city. Everyone was lively as usual the chatter of foot traffic and the bright neon lights.
• Dachi would give you his blazer if you were to get cold. You would see the outline of his muscles though the shirt and he would notice you staring. " Haha Do you like what you see beautiful" he would have the most heart warming smile on his face. That could make you jsut melt into your seat.
• Dachi would wait till you get home before getting into anything cheeky. He'd politely keep his urges to himself throughout the night emphasising how beautiful you are because of course you are and he would never want you to get the wrong impression!
• Once you get home this man would just want to embrace you, hold you close, to feel your body pressed up against his. Expect a lot of passionate kissing. In a hungry yet controlled way! He wants to make you want him but he's already lost this game. You know what makes him tick.
• Once you sit down on the bed Dachi would kneel down brushing you dress fabric aside before planting kissing down your leg till he gets to your ankle and takes your heels off.
• When you stand up he'd lead you to the mirror and hold you in his arms from behind. Brushing the sleeves of your dress off of your shoulders and helping you unzip. Whilst giving you the softest kisses and whisper sweet things in your ear.
• Dachi is very soft and passionate and that is how he has always loved you and will continue till this day. You have both grown very close and can trust each other with anything.
~ Sugawara Koushi ~
• Sugawara is more of a day guy and he would plan Valentines day more around the things you like. He'd eventually found the perfect place to take you for valentines day!
• He'd show up to your house holding a shoe box in had with a a ribbon tying a letter to the front. You'd both sit down to open it, the box was filled with chocolate hearts, photos of all the special moments you spent together, little trinkets that reminded him of you and this little black box placed in the centre. You open it to reveal a stunning gold ring with your birth stone shinning brightly.
• "Do you like it.." Suga would ask nervously, he'd overthink, he'd been planing for so long and he really wanted everything to be perfect for you. You'd just pull him into a big warm hug, such a beautiful gesture could bring you to tears. Giving him a kiss on the cheeky, you thank him for always being so kind and place the ring on your finger.
• "With this promise ring Y/N I promise to never change, to always make time for you, to always love you and to never let you go. I need you to understand that I am serious and I'm not dating for the thrills but because I can see a future with you. It will take time so let's not rush I've got forever to spend with you.
• You'd immediately shower him in kisses, pulling him into a cuddle, laying on the floor staring into his eyes. You're both very giggle and defiantly the goofy couple.
• Suga would eventually take you to a CAT CAFE! He knows how much you'd love it. You'd both take heaps of cute photos of the food, each other and the kitties. It was a very special valentines day and one you were never going to forget.
~ Asahi Azumane ~
• Asahi would take you to his favourite place THE BEACH! But not during the day time. On Valentines day a hot summer night at the beach watching the sun set is OP! He'd bring a beach towel, some glasses for your Champagne and he would never forgot the food board!
• You both strip down and enter the water together hand in hand and take some very cute and so VERY SEXY sunset photos. He's cradle you in his arms, hands on his super toned chest. The water only make the muscles ALL OF THEM JUCIY MUSCLES glisten in the fading lights. Your foreheads would touch enjoy the peace of the moment.
• You'd both go diving seeing what you could find, shells, sea weed, maybe a treasure chest who knows.
• Ashai and you would make sure to print out your photos and keep the shells to add to your little scrap book of all your adventures. You love to flick through the pages and remanise.
~ Tanaka Ryuunosuke ~
• Tanaka knows you really well sometimes its a little scary. On the day of valentines he'd show up at your door. Give u a big cuddle and lots of kisses before revealing a handful of shopping bags.
• He'd place them on the bag before turning to you with a cheeky little smirk. One of the bags said "BRA'S AN THINGS" another had a sexy land pattern on it, one was half orange, white and a little black it was from MYERS and the final one was from "VICTORIA SECRET"
• Your jaw would just DROP!!! He hands you a card and with excitement and respect you read it first. "Dear Y/N I hope these little gifts can express how much you mean to me, nothing and no one can compare to you! I'm sorry if my actions have ever made you doubt my loyalty to you. YOU ARE MY GODESS YOU ARE TO BE WORSHIPPED! (He made a secret shrine dedicated to you). Thank you for always giving me a chance and seeing my worth through my many flaws.
• His obession with Kyoko did cause some frustration and breakdown in your relationship. You'd still smile seeing the effort he's put in, the changes he's made and the gifts were amazing
• A two piece linger with leather, rings and studs from BRA'S AND THINGS, a whip, blind fold and collar from SEXY LAND, from MYERS he got you a more innocent 1 piece linger suit with intricate detailed lace in a pastel colour, with some body jewellery here and there and finally he got you Bombshell Intense Eau de Parfum from VICTORIA SECRET. The bottle was a gorgeous sexy red colour, the smell he picked out personally he found it very alluring.
• You were very surprised with he blind fold, whip and collar but its not like Tanaka wasn't a freak! That would be the start of lots of late night sexy land shopping sprees! Be prepared to be broke gurl!
• At that moment with all your gifts you had to give Tanaka a little fashion show. Tanaka would cheer and ogle at you even play some cat walk music, turn his flash on and take some cute photos of your little poses (on your phone ofc)
• Tanaka would still remain respectful until you give him the signs for sexy time. He was just a well rounded freaky guy like that. But what he didn't know that he has just sparked your DOMINATRIX'S ERA!!!
• You tied that mans hands behind his back, blind folded him, grabbed your whip and told him "We are gonna have such a good time baby" HE WAS SOOO INTO IT. This man got the shivers up and down his spine.
~ Nishinoya Yuu ~
• Nishinoya would love to have a more personal valentines day he'd invite you over when his parents had gone out to dinner. He'd set the dinner table with some vodka cruise, some roses candles and re heat some of his moms cooking. He'd tell you he made it with a cheeky grin but you know his tricks. It was ok tho you didn't want to die from some experimental pasta!
• After eating he prep the bath! He make sure to add plenty of bubbles a pink glittery bath boom, and some rose petals scattered around in the bath bubbles and he scooted back in to light the candles.
• Nishinoya being the libero his muscles can get pretty sore sometimes and the bruising is sometimes concerning. So for him a nice hot warm bath always helps.
• After dinner he'd lead to the dimly lit bathroom. You would both help each other strip down with the occasional bite and kiss here and there.
• The water was so warm and soothing, laying back on Nishinoya's chest you'd just want to melt. His touch is very soft a precise and giving you shoulder kisses. Hugging up to you, wrapping his armds around your tummy. He was in absolute bliss and didn't want this moment to end. Until you splashed him of course hehe, you'd give him a cute bubble mane and he would GRRR and pull face at you making you giggle.
• You both noticed something was missing... You popped up your phone and borrowed Nishi's blue tooth speaker. It started with playing gangster music like Knife talk, Thuggish ruggish bone, love me and end with Pretty privilege, MMM HMM and SkeeYee. Nishi would play along doing his sassy getto girl impression, make double D's out of bubbles, pouty face and your fake nails. It was a hilarious jam sesh.
• You both eventually got tired and decided to watch your favourite Netflix series "HOW TO MAKE A SEX DUNGEON" it was quite funny but Nishinoya was getting very into it. It was cute seeing his eyes light up and then giving you these puppy dog eyes. Winning bout oh bad he wants to try some things.
~ Tuskishima Kei ~
• Due to timing Valentines day would come early. He bought some ticks to go to a carnival. The bright lights, everyone smiling, screaming rides the whole atmosphere mad eye feel excited and warm. You could smell donuts and cotton candy everywhere and the arcade machines something Tsukishima loved being a super secret gamer boy. (His user Dwarfkiller)
• His brother was nice enough to drop you both off, Tuski wouldn't like to admit it but he was nervous when it came to rides. You'd bring it up cause YOU HAVE TO GO ON A RIDE! You wanted to go on the roller coster!!! You had to drag him over there by force, gave him the pouty face cause you didn't want to go alone and psychological tactics like "you don't love me enough to go on the ride" sad face. He would get flustered and frustrated eventually giving into you.
• When at the top Tuski would be literally shitting himself, looked like he was going to go to heaven. Whilst you were smiling like an idiot, shouting in excitement for the drop, you gave him the most evil look. Then "EEEAHHh" Tuski screamed so loud his voice cracked and you just laughed you ass off the rest of the ride. He was so pissed at the fact he just screamed like a little girl. Yeah you bullied him the rest of the night.
• To make it up to him you bought some candy floss to share and took a nice relaxing ride on the Ferris wheel. You took some selfies and looked out at the sunset. For once Tuski looked at peace not snarky, mean, grumpy or poker faced.
• He place his arm around your shoulder pulling you into him giving you a kiss on the forehead. A bright red tint stained his cheeks looking away he'd state "You were too far away from me" looking away going back to pokerface.
~ Tobio Kageyama ~
• Kageyama was aiming for a very chill Valentines day. He wanted to spend the whole day with you. Not worry about Hinata, volley ball or anything else living in his head rent free.
• He's gave a large black box, you open it to see an envelope with a little heart sealing it. You open it up to read
Dear Y/N
I'm not very good when it comes to words... But I hope you can still feel my ever growing love for you. You continue to help me become a better version of myself. Thank you for always been there even when your not around my mind always finds a way back to you.
Love Kageyama
• Kageyama is still learning to understand the context of love and companionship, it was very rough to start off. He was still very consumed with Volley Ball and the drive to get better hurt him and it ultimately hurt a lot more. You would often fight and bicker but you never crossed the line with each other and he never ever gave up on you.
• You look up to see him looking down. You place you hands on his face and make him look up at you. He looks away his eyes were filled with conflicting emotions.
• You wrap your arms around his neck and you whispered in his ear " As long as you understand what you did wrong and your willing to change...I will always have the heart to forgive you and there will always be hope. So let it go baby. I can't have you being all sad on Valentines day." You pull back caressing his cheek and planting a kiss. He looked so much more at piece an his eyes now looked very warm and kind. "Thanks..."
• You tosh the tissue paper to the side to find to matching hoodies, with a really cool front and back graphic design. You smiled as you and Kageyama both put them on. The hoodie was well made very warm and cossy.
• "You know there's this new light art exipediton in the city, i was wondering if you wanted to go" you smile "Of course silly i love to go anywhere as long as its with you.
• You both rug up in your gloves, pants, scarves, bum bags and hit head to the train station. "HURRY QUICK!!! YOUR SO DAMN SLOW!", "SHUT UP KAGEYAMA BEFORE I MAKE YOU SLOW!!!" You both run down the stairs catching the train just in time.
• "AAAHH im so puffed" you wine "Well you know you can always come for a jog with me", ".....No" Kageyama rolls his eyes before taking your hand and leading you to a seat next to the window. You look out at the beautiful city lights, cars, trams everything. Kageyama on the other hand was staring at your face through the reflection of the glass. You looked so beautiful, happy you were gonna become his everything and that did scare him a little bit.
• You eventually reach the light show, you were estatic the colors, patterns and effect were all so unique. Kageyama was pretty impressed to. You took a tone of cool poses, the lights were the perfect back drop.
• "Hey we should go to the BBQ", "Hhhmm whats that?" he smirks "It an all you can eat buffay" he was already drooling thinking bout all the meat and delicious sea foods. "Wow sounds delicious" your eyes lit up. Kageyama smiles softly taking you by the hand leading you through the crowds of people glaring at most of them to make them move. "Typical of you to size everyone and everything up" he give you a look. He knows your just being playful.
• You lined up outside, Kageyama cuddling you from behind, resting his chin on your head and putting his hands in your pocket to hold yours and make sure they are warm.
• Kageyama would pig out mans always hungry. You on the other hand were feeling a bit cheeky. You slipped your foot out of your shoe. You started off my touching his foot then feeling up is calf with your toes, then his thigh as well lets just say you defiantly got him going. He'd glide his hand across your soft silky legs and give you a look of pure desire.
~Tadashi Yamaguchi ~
• Tadashi made such an effort in planning your Valentines day surprise it took all morning setting up and putting everything together and in the right place.
• He take you to the back yard asking you to cover your eyes, he place his hands around your for arms and slowly lead you to the right spot. "Okay you can open your eyes now"
• GASP " TADASHI DID YOU REALLY DO ALL THIS" you looked out at a tee pee set up with lights and wines scattered around the base and up the top of the wooden pools holding everything together. In the centre was a big picnic blanket with some pillows, you also noticed some canvas and some paint.
• Tadashi took you by the hand and led you to the middle, he had a the picnic basket hidden on the side. He pulled on a wood board, some chips, lollies, cheese, salami, olives, nuts, chocolate and so much more delicious foods. Not to mention your a 6 pack favourite soft drink. (sorry Im Aussie deal with it! hehe)
• You'd spend plenty time chatting, cuddling, holding hands and you'd take turns feeding each other food. Tadashi is a very connect, soft emotionally driven guy and he always loves learning more and more about you. He looks at you with fondness in his sweet eyes.
• You both played plenty games, took some cute polaroid photo and painted some canvas together. You both took turns swapping and adding to each others creation. You ended up painting the ocean and he ended up painting the sky with the minor odd details like a pink whale with lashes and lips and his a goose with a knife in the sky haha. Very cute odd, retro style you goth gifted each other your art pieces with a date and thumb prints in the shape of a heart.
• After all the games were over it has started to get dark. Yuo both watched the sun set together and the star's that started to shine into view. It was a truly beautiful sight then "WOW Tadashi look!!! It's a shooting start" it flashed before your eyes. "Well make a wish Y/N.....What did you wish for." "Tadashi i cant tell you haha..but I do hope it comes true." You looked at Tadashi and notice his golden eyes glowed like the stars in the sky and the reflection of the stars was so breath taking. He took a hold of both your hands, and leaded in till your noses where touching. Tadashi was a truely beautiful sole. You blushed before leaning just a little bit more sharing a soft gentle kiss.
~ Hinata Shoyo ~
• Hinata has no idea what to do for valentines at-least what any women would want to do so all he could do was share something special to him with you of course.
• It would be a nice sunny day and Hinata would take you to the city. You'd both walk around and occasionally buying odd snacks to try, laughing and catching up with life.
• You tend to worry about him being so positive all the time it makes you wonder how he really feels and how hes really doing.
• Hinata would lead you the outskirts of the city. "Hinata where are we going?" "Don't worry its not far and i promise you will love it." Hinata takes your hand leading you through some trees, long grass, thorns, brushed EVERYTHING! You eventually reach an abandoned drain only big enough for you both to shuffle through. "Hinata are you crazy" "No I'm not Y/N i understand if your nervous but please just trust me." he grabs the hand in his softly caressing it before taking you through the drain tunnel. It wasn't all that damp, wet or swampy, the only thing that put you on edge was the echoing sound. You were getting claustrophobic to say the least (Im sorry if you are genuinely claustrophobic, i am sure the anxiety is real ;( )
• "Not long now Y/n" As you neared the exit you could smell something familiar it was a very strong salty smell and you could hear there odd sound. As you approach the light at the end of the tunnel it lead you a small opening enough space for you both to sit. "This is my favourite spot to come and clear my head. I call it The look out cause you get to look out at the ocean.
• You peered out to see sand with not a single imperfection, untouched to man kind, Skeletons of Debra and trees that once stood, a small boat that had capsized off sure, lots and lots of sea weed. You could see the rock formations and cliffs and where the sea meets the sky. It look liked it went on for miles. It was beautiful Nature in her natural form completely uninhabited.
• "Wow Hinata how did you find this place?" you saw hinata rummaging around in the bags he had brought "Well I was running laps as i do for Volleyball practice and i got lost ahah then i stumbled on this drain and i got curious." he pulled out pulled out a bracelet with a little tiny orange starfish ornament, "I had to ask my sister to help me but i hope you like it Y/N." "Oh and the starfish is real, I went all the way over there and has to drive really deep to find he best shells and starfishes." He smiles so brightly proud of his achievement.
• "I love it Hinata, the orange starfish remind me of you" "Well i hope you don't mind i managed to stuff Arrggh all these Grraaa pillows and blankets in here. I wondering if you wanted to stay late and enjoy the view with me." He started to place down the pillows, sleeping bags and many many blankets. "Of course i would Hinata."
• You both decided to scavenge some old sticks and leaves to start a little fire along with some rocks. The fire was so toasty and warm, you cuddled up to Hinatas chest, it was cold but not too cold.
• You were surprised Hinata was changing, he's shoulders were slightly broader, his arms were beginning to look more sculpted, his leg muscles were starting to pop and he was radiated heat.
• "You changed a lot Hinata." you blush avoiding eye contact. "Haha Well i hope you like it Y/N but I'm still your same fun loving Ninjashoyo and that wont change." Hinata despite slowly coming into puberty has always be respectful when it comes to your body, what your comfortable and not comfortable with and he never puts any pressure on you.
• "You worry too much Hinata, Love doesn't exclude touch or desire but I can understand if it is all a confusing and scary. I want you to focus on volleyball and not to get addicted to well...sourcing inappropriate things i guess you could say. Your right I like you the way you are." Hinata looks down "Thank you Y/N I-Im just not ready for that stuff and-" You take his hand placing your forhead on top of his "Hinata I don't doubt your love for me" you looking into his sweet soft eyes before planting a soft kiss on his forehead. "Come on im getting cold and need someone to cuddle to." you huffed.
• "Haha I also brought some binoculars if you wanna watch the wildlife, if your lucky you might sea some sea gals, penguins or even maybe some whales passing by...i don't know there migration patterns but still!" You smile both cuddling up to enjoy the view, Hinata was so warm, his heart beaut was calm and his body was so inviting to take away all your stress, that why you loved him so much.
• He's your sweetheart never tries to do anything wrong and hes always there to catch you if you fall. A part of him really needs you to but thats something still left to explore.
Author note:
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Ive been really busy re decorating my room its GOTH THEMED and i love it so much. This was such a long post but i really hope you all enjoy it. Leave a like or a repost that would really make my day. THANKS HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!
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