miratastic · 5 hours
Random Feyd HCs?
you said random so prepare yourself 😭 also i went way too far into this, the amount of research i did into the first few hcs alone is insane
feyd has a thing for imported cheeses and wines. giedi prime does not have the correct atmosphere nor natural resources to make soft, delicate cheese. the planet doesn’t have any photosynthetic potential, no room for grazing animals (let alone grass and greenery) and is so polluted that those who come visit are stuck with oxygen concentrators and advanced oxygen masks. almost, if not all food is imported from other planets: slig (a cross between a giant slug and a pig) from tleilax (feyd didn’t like it much, it was too sweet and not game-y enough for him.), milkbugs (arachnids the size of a small hand) and turtlebugs (sweet insects) from harmonthep (he didn’t like either. bugs weird feyd out and he doesn’t like looking at them.), paradan melon and pundi rice from caladan (the melon was just okay, but feyd loved having the rice with gyrak (heavily seasoned meat from zimia) as his post-arena meal.).
now let’s get into the wines. champia from rossak was something he only drank at dinner parties and official meetings. it’s a cloyingly sweet white wine, and bubbly, which feyd thinks is the only thing that makes it bearable. it’s too flowery and heady for him to properly enjoy. feyd has a high alcohol tolerance, but champia has a way of getting everyone wine-drunk quicker than they think. zincal is a very popular wine from caladan, which makes it the most accessible to the harkonnens. it’s a light red wine, clean and woody and cherry-like (cherries are one of feyd’s favourite fruits, he likes the acidity of them and enjoys chewing on the pits.) it’s a basic wine that feyd neither hates nor loves. now casyrack? his absolute favourite. it’s a dry, intense red wine, that needs to be aged. less than 5 years and it tastes thin and harsh and not at all enjoyable. it needs to be drunk before it’s eighth birthday, but feyd prefers it aged seven years exactly. it’s velvety and rich, with a smoky, spicy aftertaste that leaves feyd’s stomach feeling warm and his head pleasantly thrumming. it’s not popular across the known universe, leaving thousands of bottles sitting idly in the atreides family compound. feyd had to pull a lot of ropes to get a steady supply of the smooth wine.
now, cheeses. again, feyd is not a fan of sweet things. he likes his food salty, bitter, sour. thick cottage cheese is a yes from him. not the runny type and it specifically needs to be made from sheep milk. while he doesn’t like arrakis in general, he has a secret fondness for the food. feyd loves aged camel milk cheese. it’s rich and creamy with a clean finish and pairs well with meats. on that note, camel meat is one of his favourites to have. he eats all his meat bloody and basically raw (like.. feyd… it’s basically still alive…), but he likes how fatty the camel meat is, leaving it tender and juicy. he also likes thick cream cheese made with goat milk. feyd stuffs the cheese into dates and then rolls them in spice as a special treat for not killing too many people who pissed him off during the day.
feyd loves dark chocolate. he doesn’t like sweets and only enjoys them on very special occasions, which is why dark chocolate is so perfect for him. it’s hard to source, but when he’s able to get it imported he does not share with a single person. his favourite would be the 99%-100% cocoa bars. it helps make him slightly more manageable and puts him in a better mood.
he hosts the best parties on the planet. they’re exclusive and elusive, and all the harkonnen elite want nothing more but to be invited to a feyd-rautha party. supplies the guests with the best alcohol and food one can get their hands on. he generally sticks with his pets, stroking their skimpy, scantily-clad bodies while he drinks his wine. he doesn’t have many friends, but he has acquaintances that he has to keep up appearances with, so feyd is sure to make his way around and greet (threaten) everyone.
ends up fucking one of his pets over a table at one of his parties and ‘accidentally’ starts an orgy.
elite music taste. only knows bangers. gatekeeps the good stuff though.
has a blood kink and would willingly eat you out on your period if you’ve behaved. in fact i feel like he’d be more inclined to eat you out even if you haven’t been the best, purely because he is bloodlusting and wants to taste iron on his tongue.
on that note, would be into wound-fucking .. 🤷
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pastafossa · 1 year
Thanks you so much @teigo-the-explorer for the tag! This makes a good break from work and/or chapter writing!
Are you named after anyone: I am not! Though fam did intentionally choose a name that couldn’t be shortened to a nickname or rhymed with anything.
when was the last time you cried? Yesterday when I was editing a sad section of my TRT outline to make it MORE sad, RIP me and all of you when we hit that point
do you have kids? Nope and I’ve gone so far as to have my tubes incinerated
do you use sarcasm a lot: NEVER
what's the first thing you notice about people? Whether they have a dog. But if you mean on their person, usually if they have a cool shirt! Bodywise: eyes.
what's your eye colour: Blue-green!
scary movies or happy endings: I like them both but if I HAD to choose I’d go happy endings
any special talents: According to my woodcarving teacher, I’m excellent at carving! I managed to carve 5 projects in a week on my first go, including a couple of the more difficult projects he’d set out for more experienced carvers. FINALLY, A VISUAL ART I’M GOOD AT. I’m also really good at just eyeballing a wall and figuring out how a bunch of hung frames will look good without having to draw it out!
where were you born? Los Angeles! It’s one reason I chose it for Ciro and Jane’s history in TRT - it meant I had to do less research since I was familiar with the area. I already knew a lot of landmarks, geography, culture, weather/environment, and speech patterns.
what are your hobbies?: woodcarving, reading, writing, video games, cooking, traveling whenever I can, movies and tv!
have any pets?: I do! 3 cats, 1 dog, and 1 snake!
what sports do you play/have played?: Oh god I tried a lot of them and my skills are... very much elsewhere. When I was a kid I tried soccer (fast but bad at kicking), ballet (teacher told my parents I had a future in the performing arts, just not dance), baseball (can’t hit a ball to save my life). I did have some success with horseback riding though! I did some trail and a little barrel racing for about ten years, and it is by far the most advanced I ever got with a sport.
how tall are you?: 5′5-5′6 depending on my anxiety level
favourite subject in school?: English, I loved English class. 
dream job?: Due to health problems I’m a little limited in what I can do. If I was healthy, zoologist/marine biologist. As I am, author!
first ship: Oh god, uuuuh let me think. Loosely was probably April x Casey in TMNT since that was my favorite movie as a kid. First active ship that I openly rooted for... maybe Rogue and Gambit from X-Men TAS, like damn I was a kid but I WANTED them together SO FUCKING BAD like why is she hooked on fucking Scott (i hated scott) when she has Gambit RIGHT THERE, RIGHT FUCKING THERE GIRL.
three ships: Since most everyone knows my Marvel ships, I’ll step outside it and go with - Troi x Worf (Star Trek: TNG), Cecil x Carlos (most wholesome ship ever courtesy Welcome to Nightvale), and Leslie Knope x Ben Wyatt (Parks and Recreation)
last (current) song: Flu Game by Fall Out Boy not me playing this album on loop since it came out last week
last movie: San Andreas, don’t judge me
currently reading: Re-reading Taggerung by Brian Jacques, which is my favorite Redwall book and the first Redwall book I ever picked up! I was at a book fair and came around a corner and saw this FUCKING BADASS PIRATE OTTER??? WITH A KNIFE??? AND TATTOOS AND PIERCINGS, IT WAS SO COOL I PICKED IT UP WITHOUT LOOKING AT THE SUMMARY CAUSE WHO CARES, PIRATE OTTER PIRATE OTTER TINY PASTA WANTS TO READ ABOUT PIRATE OTTERSSSSSSSS SERIOUSLY LOOK AT THIS COVER AND TELL ME YOU WOULDN’T READ THIS
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currently watching: The Mandalorian, shiny space husband make brain go brrrrrr
currently consuming: Just water LOL 
currently craving: SUNSHINE BUT IT IS CLOUDY
I'm tagging
@wonderlandmind4 @shadeblade16​ @intricate-melody​ @softasawhisper​ and anyone else who wants to do this!
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iturbide · 10 months
Aaah a bunch of adorable little dragon kids (and a big kid- i mean Grima) destroying a gingerbread village!! That sounds so fun!!! I need it! Bring the whole creche! ... we're gonna need a lot of gingerbread but it will be 10,000% worth it
This would absolutely be something the Summoner has a hand in, you know. Convince Anna that a gingerbread village would be neat, they can decorate it with candy, maybe make a competition out of it -- have a modest entry fee that covers basic materials so nobody has to worry about providing their own (and maybe charge a little extra, to help pad the Order's coffers). And why wouldn't Anna be behind that? It's a nice break from the norm, lets people flex their creative muscles, builds morale...
So the Order starts preparing a ton of gingerbread and icing and handing it out with all kinds of candy (which they've been stocking for the festival anyway) and entries start coming in. Some of them are amazing, some of them are certainly earnest, but everyone is having fun, and Anna sets it up as a whole village that spectators can walk through as part of the festival. She's planning to give out prizes based on audience votes, dividing up categories like best overall, best theme, best decoration, and so on, just getting really into it (especially since she has no intention of giving out monetary prizes, it'll probably just be more candy).
And all the while, the Grimas are making the rounds. Evaluating. Contemplating. Chatting with the Summoner, who is entirely too encouraging.
The festival rolls around, and everybody comes out to have fun. The Halloween Gingerbread Village is a huge hit: even though Anna added on an entrance fee, ostensibly to give them better control over the number of people going through and to reduce crowding, they always have a line. People come back more than once. Anna has to call in reinforcements to make sure people aren't cheating on the voting ballots; this gets interesting when someone accuses candy-fiend Gaius of cheating, and he and his doppelganger in swim trunks have to prove that they just have basically the same handwriting.
(Absolutely no one realizes that Dimitri is the one who's been accidentally cheating this whole time, because while there are five ballots with his name, only the Brave and Legendary Kings have gone through at all. Claude will find out about this someday, and Dimitri will never live it down. No longer will his sleep be haunted by ghosts, but by the fear that someday Claude will reveal he cheated in voting for gingerbread houses and he will be burdened with that shame forevermore. Claude thinks this is fucking hilarious.)
The final day of the festival rolls around, and Anna finally closes the line. All the Heroes crowd around to hear who the winners are; some are surprises, some are not, and the last-minute addition of a 'Best Effort' prize for the dragon kids who tried so hard on their entry but absolutely refused to let the guardians help with anything was certainly not motivated by the Grimas' extremely threatening looks and the oppressive feeling that violence would erupt if any of those children cried.
It's only at this point that Anna realizes that there is a problem. What are they going to do with all this gingerbread now? It was baked weeks ago, it's hard as a rock and completely inedible; the candy is almost certainly stale now, too, having been out of any wrapping for almost as long.
And then the Summoner steps up with a grin that makes Anna realize that she has been playing into a trap this whole time.
"Don't worry -- we've got this covered," Kiran promises.
From around the village, there's a collection of short, sharp whistles; heads turn to see the Fell Dragons and Dumas with the creche broken out into regiments: flying dragons with the Legendary and first Festival Grimas, infantry dragons with Rearmed Grima and Festival Duma, and armored dragons with the first Duma and Grima to arrive in Askr.
There is a brief, futile attempt by some of the Heroes to get in and save some of the gingerbread houses. It is all for naught: the dragons set upon the candy village with a vengeance, razing walls, rending roofs, crushing candy trees and figures beneath their merciless claws. What had been, up until that evening, a beautiful and idyllic gingerbread hamlet becomes a smouldering ruin (though the smouldering is not intentional, Tiki just got a bit too excited and breathed a little fire). Chaos reigns as the shrieks and howls of victory rise over the devastation. The crowd is a fairly equal mixture of shock and delight (with the occasional pout, because why didn't they invite Henry, he wants to wreck shit, too).
And with nothing left but piles of crushed candy and scattered cookie crumbs, the creche makes their exit, to growing applause from the assembled Heroes. The Halloween Grimas, their smiles wickedly delighted and no less mirthful despite being all teeth, loudly thank Anna for preparing such a delightful spectacle to end the festival as they depart. And before she can round on the Summoner for setting her up, the Order closes in on her to voice their surprise and excitement.
Kiran, just barely managing to escape the crowd before getting crushed by the tide of Heroes, finds Grima waiting for them, Fae on his shoulders (and wearing his fluffy-eared headband). He grins and holds out his hand -- which Kiran chooses to high-five, and Grima indulges.
"Tonight was the best!!" Fae cheers.
"I can't wait to see how you'll top it next year," Kiran replies.
"Oh, I'm sure we'll think of something," Grima says.
(Not long after, the Summoner hears Anna regretfully confess in a meeting that the gingerbread village and its subsequent destruction were so popular that they'll be repeating the event for the next Fall Festival. As comeuppance for tricking her, she gives Kiran the task of drumming up interest in the run-up to the Festival. This absolutely will come back to bite her, as the Summoner enlists the creche to help and she ends up having to get an even bigger area sectioned off for the village because everyone wants to take part and see their creation cathartically crushed by rampaging dragon children.)
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mountainshroom · 1 month
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They deserve to have a quiet moment for themselves (and Zuko is seriously questioning his taste in men)
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black-quadrant · 5 months
sometimes all you need is one passionate person who goes berserk for your work to keep you creating
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mintypsii · 8 months
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i can't believe one piece invented gay people
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damianito · 8 months
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Collective meow
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dykefaggotry · 9 months
can't do this one as a poll bc there's endless choices but if you're in college/university or went to college/university what's been the most fun/enriching class you've had?
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machinerot · 4 months
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hinata-boke · 3 months
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he does not wish to be held
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bumbleboa · 3 months
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Happy birthday to the biggest Zoro enthusiast I know, @calysto1395 !
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white-weasel · 1 year
Funniest bit of the dnd movie is Xenk clearly being an NPC the DM introduced for lore and plot purposes who’s a competent fighter because of course he is, his reputation and backstory require it. But whoopsies the DM made him too powerful, the whole party likes him, and now they want him to come with to fight the BBEG which will completely and utterly fuck up the encounter balance
So instead of there being any actual plot reason he can’t join Xenk just says “I can’t. This is something only you can do.” And then walks off, never to interact with the party again because the DM just knows those little shits will find a way to use their OP creation against them
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wardingshout · 4 months
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Zelda goes mushroom girl
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beebundt · 4 months
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thinking a little too much abt durge/orin sibling relationship rn. 🩸ft. my durge (briar, they/them)
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The last one is literally Snow following Sejanus to the back of the Hob. I said what I said.
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could only express this in green text format, bear with me
> be me
> in english class
> some guy delivers a meandering nihilistic monologue about how we're all just apes and our only purpose is reproducing, eating, dying and rotting (direct quote) that only vaguely pertains to the question he's being asked
> turn around to look at him
> see his laptop
> it's covered in southpark stickers
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