leoserblog · 1 year
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shamelessfaceless · 2 months
Love, Pain, Death, Repeat II
Navigation | Marvel Masterlist | Part I
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Pairings: Dark!Wanda Maximoff x F!Reader, Billy and Tommy Maximoff x Mom!Reader, Agatha Harkness x F!Reader (platonic)
Summary: Why can't you understand? You were hers, and you will always be hers. You are her solemate. What you don’t understand?
Warnings: Dark!Wanda, mention of cheating, mention of death and suicide, stockholm syndrome (not sure about this one)
Wc: 1550
A/n: Im looking for beta reader (i dont have friends for this😔).
Btw If you saw other post i published before this.. NO YOU DIDNT. It was a dream, and lets keep it that way <333
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“Boys, go downstairs, I think mommy doesn't feel very well and I need to take care of her today.” Her voice is soft, opposite of what you heard last time you saw her.
Your kids, you assumed, get off you. One in a green shirt whispered something to the other one, and they started running. They looked like a perfect mix of you and your ex. Something you really wanted to have. Even as you were younger you always wanted to have your prince charming, and few kids. After a few years, the only thing that changed was prince to princess.
“Why I am here? Is this hell?” After learning that Wanda cheated on you, you started feeling like you don’t deserve love or even kids.
“Aren’t you happy? We can have everything we want here! No Natasha, no Vision, no other people we know.” You looked at her disgusted. She made you believe that you’re not enough, and now she wants to build a dream, more like a nightmare to you, about you and her and your kids.
“Why me? Why not him?!” In a second she was next to you, her hand on your mouth.
“Keep that mouth of yours quieter. We Don't want boys to be suspicious, right?” Her green eyes always made you melt, and she kept her hand on your face. You wanted to give in, but decided to push her away. “Behave” She mumbled sitting next to you.
“Tell me, why me? He truly loved you, as much as a bunch of wires could love someone.” She started stroking your hair.
“It was all just about mind stone, it was all that made me interested in him. I needed to understand this, you are my true love.” Tears falling from her eyes. You couldn’t decide if they were real, or she only wanted to make you forgive her.
You faced the wall not wanting to look at her any longer. She left without saying anything more, after a while she came back and left breakfast on the bed. You were scared to eat it. Who knows if she didn't poisoned it. After a few days of staying in the room and only going to the toilet you decided to finally go to the kitchen to fix yourself something to eat and come back to the bedroom. You started learning her routine, most of the day she wasn’t at home. Taking boys to the school, and going straight after that to work. Boys.. Tommy and Billy, you learned their names yesterday, are coming back from school by foot. Wanda always comes back in the evenings. You need to share bed with her. Feeling her hands on your body makes you feel disgusted and at the same time safe.
“Mommy! Do you feel better now?” Little boy asked. You feel teats building in your eyes, as you looked in his own, almost the same color as yours. Every look at boys is tearing down your walls. Every look at them makes you question what you protect yourself from?
“Yeah Tommy, Mommy feels better now. Do you and your brother want something to eat?”
“Mom was giving us money to buy food at and after school.” He confessed. “But.. Today I bought something else.
“ Tom…”
“But wait!” He runned to his room and came back as fast as he could. Holding something behind his back he looked at you with puppy eyes. “Please don’t be mad, I just… I wanted to buy you this! “He gave you a few flowers. Your favorite flowers. “I wanted to make you feel better, and mom told me you love these!”
You wanted to cry really hard. Feeling a knot in your throat you decided to kiss his forehead and take flowers. You put them in the first vase you saw and started searching for things for pancakes.
When Wanda came back home, the first thing that hitted her was the smell, and just a while later boys came running to her, mouths full of food, and telling her you made them pancakes. She smiled nodding at their words. Everything she could think of was you, and how close she must be to finally break you.
Day after day, you were getting closer to the boys. To Wanda you were closer to breaking point. You even started making dinners for boys. For them you even started learning how to cook. After a few weeks of making dinner only for them you also started leaving something to eat for Wanda. You could not talk to her, but you didn't want her to make herself food after a long day of work, and the voice inside your head wanted her to tell you how good your dishes are, how proud of you she is. Today you decided to bake pizza. Boys wanted to help you but it ended up in flour fight.
“And how will I clean it?” You asked looking at Tommy who has all his hair white, and Billy who has his face in white powder.
“Well, mom can help!” Said Billy.
“Well, maybe I can.” Her voice made you shiver. You looked at the clock, she was home earlier. “Boys, go clean yourself before you eat, maybe we can even watch something together.” They hugged her and speeded to the bathroom.
You wanted to call for them to come back. Staying with Wanda in one room was the last thing you wanted to do right now. After the conversation on the first day you woke up here, you never talked. You didn’t want to hear her voice, you were scared. Not only things she could say, but you could actually brake and fall in her arms.
“What do you say sweet girl, want my help?” She gets closer to you. “Or you maybe want to help you also with something else?” You felt her knee between your legs. Oh how long you weren’t touched down there. Knocking on the door saved you from answering. Wanda only huffed and went to see who disturbed her.
“Hey sweetie! I just wanted to ask if you have some sugar. You know, it's late, and all the shops are closed.” After a while an older woman came into the kitchen.
“Love, why don’t you give our neighbor some sugar.” Wanda said. You only nodded. After a few seconds you were handing a stranger a cup of sugar.
“Thanks honey, oh, i forgot to introduce myself, Im Agatha” She said sweetly. You felt hope, maybe she also knows this world is fake. Maybe if you and her get to know each other you could stop Wanda. You saw a spark of hope and didn’t want to give up not now. But Wanda answered faster than you could think about anything you could say.
“And that's Y/N, she's not very talkative, selective mutism.” She lied without stuttering. You hated her almost the same as you loved her. You couldn't fully hate her, everyone but not her.
You looked into the woman's eyes with a pleading look. You didn’t care Wanda could see that, you only hoped Agatha would understand you. Soon the dark haired woman left and Wanda was again next to you. Her face is millimeters of yours.
“What would you say If I give you another child, hm? You weren’t here when boys were small. “Her lips are almost touching yours.”
“Ew! Moms!”
You were glad Billy finally came back. Thanks to your luck for saving you from Wanda twice. Rest of the evening went nice. You fell asleep while watching a movie. Every night you hoped that she would spare you, she would finally give up and let you be free. Oh how wrong you were. Wanda had plans for you, she needed her pretty girl, and no one could change her plans.
Agatha came a few times when Wanda wasn’t at home. You talked to her trying to see if she also knows if this whole world is fake. When you weren’t sure and asked her about this, she said she knew very well about what Wanda did, she wanted to save you. And she tried. You had everything planned, everything seemed so easy. But one day Agatha disappeared. She no longer came to your house, she wasn’t at home. After a few weeks new neighbors moved in. 
And the day when you couldn't take it anymore came earlier than you expected. When Agatha wasn't there anymore you lost your last hope. No one could help you. There was no one else knowing about what Maximoff did. When you opened your eyes and saw the mother of your childs getting ready to work you had decided. Slowly going behind her you hugged her. 
“Thank you for what you did for us Wands”
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comet-forgot-you · 5 months
need some vampire amber freeman x human reader smut
ily for this omg
vampire!amber freeman x human!reader
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summary: your girlfriend is gone for a week and d shows up with what you think is a shitty excuse.
warnings: 18+ pls, smut, fingering, oral, biting, blood sucking, needy top!amber, i think thats all.
a/n: what if i said i love twilight, what then. idk this is kinda silly at beginning and end but it gets the tiniest bit intense. do not repost for any reason.
amber had been gone for over a week without reaching out to you for an explanation. a week of you checking her location, spamming her phone, calling nonstop. it wasn’t like her, she could barely go an hour without talking to you let alone an entire week.
you wanted needed her to say something, anything. whether it was over between the two of you, an explanation from her telling you why she had been gone for so long without an explanation, hell even a simple “hey” would do, you just missed her and needed her to say something.
you spent your nights on the couch, attempting to drown out your racing thoughts with the sound of the tv. even that barely managed to soothe the nonstop thoughts of amber’s whereabouts or whatever reasoning your brain could possibly think of to explain her absence.
a knock interrupted your thoughts, you glance away from the tv. whoever it was would have to come back tomorrow. it was late and you had no interest in opening that door. a minute passes before more frantic knocks come from the door. you groan, pulling yourself from the couch and follow the sounds of insistent knocking on the door. you look through the peep hole and relief floods your body.
its amber.
holy shit its amber.
you make quick work of unlocking the door, allowing yourself to be face to face with the girl. her jaw clenches the second you open it. she’s beautiful, skin clear of any blemishes it held before.
“what the fuck?” your mouth acts before your brain can stop it. amber’s eyes are darker than their usual color, eyes softening the moment the words leave your lips. “where the fuck have you been? you don’t text me, you don’t call me, you just disappear for a week, what the fuck?” your voice rises with every word and amber winces.
“baby, please. js’ lemme explain. can i come in?” you let out a huff of air, standing back to widen the door. amber stays still, eyes darting around the entrance of your home.
“you just gonna stand there? come in,” you say, raising your eyebrows at her random hesitation. she comes in, standing behind you as you shut and lock the door.
“sorry, just,” she lets out a huff of air, “nervous,” she finishes, fiddling with her hands. you turn to face her. shes so pretty and god did you miss her. you wrap your arms around her waist, resting your head on her shoulder. her body is tense underneath your arms. shes still, her arms make no move to wrap around you, shes just still. hell you’re not even sure she’s breathing.
“where the fuck have you been amber,” you say, pulling away from you.
“i didnt think it was real,” she mumbles, taking a step back. your eyebrows furrow. “thought they were joking and then they fucking did it and now..” she trails off, looking around the room for a brief moment.
“who did what? what was real?” you ask, her attention returns back to you.
“im a vampire.” you cant help the laugh that leaves your throat.
“yeah fucking right. you leave for a week with no reasoning and the best excuse you can come up with is that you’re a vampire? are you fucking kidding me? if you needed space, amber, you could’ve just said that, you didnt have to make an excuse up, a dumb one at that.” you shake your head, brushing past the dark haired girl. she’s quick to follow after you.
“im not joking. i know it sounds stupid, i just, i don’t fucking know. i just wanted to go to that stupid concert with tara and a few of her other friends and then someone did something, i don’t even know what happened, all i remember was waking up in the worst pain i’ve ever felt in my life and a thirst that water wasnt helping in the slightest,” the words fall from her lips at a speed you didnt know she could possess. her shoulders were stiff as she paced your living room.
“so, what, you went out and bit someone and said ‘hey, that was pretty good, i think ill do it again.”? do you even hear yourself?” you huff, leaning back into your couch.
“i know it sounds stupid, but its true,” she looks around the room, searching for some way to prove it to you. she takes a seat next to you, “watch,” she opens her mouth, canines growing sharper and longer in seconds and your eyes widen. your fingers move to poke at the sharp ends, a slight hiss coming from your lips the second it pricks your fingers, the smallest drop of blood forming on your finger. amber’s quick to pull your hand away, snapping her mouth shut. her fingers are freezing against your wrist. she takes a deep breath in, eyes closed. “y/n, im sorry, but it, you smell so fucking good,” she mutters, jaw clenching.
“what, a little drop of blood gets you thirsty?” you tease, the droplet of blood falls down your finger. amber’s gaze flickers to you, your eyebrow raises slightly. you shake your hand from her hold and hold her jaw with your opposite hand. “open up,” you mumble. she does exactly that, her jaw falling slack in your hand. you press your bloodied finger against her tongue and her mouth closes. she wastes no time sucking the blood off of your finger. a whine threatens to escape your throat at the sight. you squeeze her face between your hand and she opens her mouth again. you pull your finger from her lips, a whine escaping her throat in the process.
“y/n..” she whimpers, pushing herself closer to your body. “taste s’ good.” she presses her lips against your neck, your heart beating so loudly in your chest, you’re certain she can hear it. she pushes you back, settling between your thighs as she litters purplish marks across your skin.
cold hands meet the warm skin of your stomach and you gasp at the chill, arching your back off of the cushions. “you’re hands are so fucking cold,” you hiss, hands flying to tangle in her hair. she hums against your neck, sharp teeth scraping the skin. she presses a thigh against your clothed core, your hips buck into it.
“wanna taste you, baby, please?” you nod frantically and she rips your shirt open, leaving your chest exposed. the sight of her ripping your shirt open had you grinding yourself down on her thigh. amber was never that strong, that needy for you. it sent heat plummeting to the pit of your stomach.
she circles your erect nipples with her tongue, hands moving to remove your pants. “sh-shit amber. so fuckin.. shit.. so fuckin needy.” breathy moans break your words apart, “please.” she pulls back for a split second before shes back on you, both of your pants long gone in that tiny amount of time. “holy shit,” you mumble, arching into her cool thigh. her actions are quick against your body, her mouth on your needy cunt in minutes.
you whine the second her tongue meets your pulsing clit. a cold finger sinks into your greedy hole, a strewn out moan falling from your lips. you two had experimented with ice, but this was a million times better than previous experiences ever were.
she curls her finger in your cunt, tongue circling your clit at a faster pace than shes ever had. she was a lot quicker, and she used it to her advantage. “taste so fucking good,” she moans into your cunt, the added vibration sending a new wave of wetness to soak her finger. she pushes another finger into your soaking cunt, curling and scissoring them into you at an inhumane pace.
“fuuck,” you moan out, arching off of the cushions. it was so much, the way her fingers were fucking into you like she needed your orgasm in order for her to survive had your head spinning. sharp teeth poke your clit and your hips still, the feelings new, and so fucking exciting. her tongue is back on your clit just as fast as it left. your orgasm is fast approaching, heart besting erratically.
“gonna cum, baby? can hear your heart beating s’ fast. its okay, you can cum, want you to cum so bad,” her fingers curl into your cunt perfectly and youre coming against her faster than you ever had, juices coating her cold fingers. she pulls them out, lapping it up quickly with her tongue. she groans at the taste, vibrations causing your body to jerk against her tongue.
she presses kisses against your thighs, teeth scraping against the fat of them. you prop yourself up on your elbows, watching as she does her best to keep herself from sinking her teeth into your skin.
“you.. you can bite, ambs,” you mutter. amber looks up at you, rubbing at the skin of your thighs.
“what if it hurts you? i don’t want to hurt you,” her voice is full of emotion, yet so needy. “what if i can’t stop?” the question lingers in the air. what if she cant stop? what if it kills you? its a risk you’re willing to take.
“i trust you.” the words are all it takes for amber to sink her fangs into your thigh. the area burns, your head spinning as she drains blood from your body. a whimper leaves her throat, heat flooding through both of your bodies. it hurts, but at the same time feels so fucking good. your hips buck off of the couch for a split second.
you feel almost light headed, you were losing blood fast. you nudge amber with your other thigh but the girl hardly budges. she glances up at you, eyes dark.
“amber,” you can barely get her name out. she looks almost apologetic. “amber, baby, please,” it seems to pull her from her trance like state. she unlatches herself from your thigh, lapping up the blood that drips out afterward.
“sorry, im sorry, im so sorry,” she mumbles, reaching out to hold your hand. “taste s’ good.” she trails kisses up your body, quiet “im sorrys” falling from her lips after every kiss.
“its okay,” your voice is quiet, eyes tired. she presses a kiss to your lips. “felt kinda good,” you say against her lips. she smiles, pulling away to press kisses around your face. “wait does this mean i cant have garlic anymore?” amber rolls her eyes, smacking your shoulder lightly.
“you can still have garlic you idiot.”
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whorerificstuff · 2 years
Humans are so weak, so fragile; Scaramouche hated that, and you, you were one of them. A painful reminder that your life is as fragile as a strand of rain. Quick, short, inconsequential...yet he ignored them, he ignored your humanly flaws and embraced all you could offer to him, welcomed and cherished everything that you have. All but except....
He was scared when you told him you were pregnant with his child. He wasn't ready he never was, really. But that soft look on your face and the soft blush spread across your cheeks when you told him you were carrying his child. You twiddling with your fingers expecting for a reply and that shy smile you gave him hoping he too was as elated as you. It made him think that maybe it wouldn't be too bad...as long as you're happy.
Oh how he wished he was wrong. He would rather have you miserable but alive. To have you with him. To selfishly have you.
One moment he was smiling holding the infant, the next his face was of distress as he hears the midwife calling out for your name, but you remained impassive and still.
The feeling was too familiar. That dreadful feeling.
You couldn't have?
Scaramouche did not dare finish the thought. He placed the infant on the futon, the baby, his newborn son wrapped in the softest of cloth in inazuma, was just a few feet away from where you laid, afraid at what he will witness would drop the baby. His hands were shaking, he was terrified, he didn't want to know why the midwife keeps calling your name, he didn't want to know why you aren't calling for him, to give you your child that you've been anticipating so much. He gulped, took a step away from the baby as he went close to you, every step was getting heavier and nauseating it made him seem like he was far away or maybe you're the one drifting away, away from him.
He looked at you. Your face looked as if you were having a peaceful slumber, even though your hair disheveled, even though some streaks of hair were sticking on your pale skin, even though you held no emotions in your soft features, as your eyes closed shut, you have always been a beauty even when you sleep. Even if you wear the ugliest of clothing, nothing could be on par or be compared to you. You jest that he was even more beautiful to which he protests.
He brushed his hand against your soft cheek. He noticed that the pink blush that was always so present on both your cheeks are slowly loosing its color.
You were just tired. Yes, you're just really tired.
That's what he thought.
You were screaming and crushing his hand during the whole labor, of course you're tired. Right? He tries to muse himself.
He could only hear the thunderous clap of the skies and the loud drops of rain as they fall on the shingles of the roof. Quite fitting with the trepidatious atmosphere. His eyes were staring at your unmoving form as if you were a doll; a lifeless thing. Your chest didnt have any motion that signifies you're breathing. He had seen many humans behave the same, but they were all lifeless.
The midwife excused herself to give the family a moment, not before muttering a mournful sorry for the loss. To which Scaramouche scoffed, telling her you were just resting. The midwife gave him a pitiful look as she bowed and exits the room.
She doesn't know what she's talking about. You are fine.
He reached out for your hand intertwining them with yours. You used to have a habit of holding his hand in your sleep, he thought it was cute. He was hoping you would do the same thing like you usually do in your. He frowned when your hand remained limp, your fingers did not curl to lock with his and every passing minute he stood beside and held your hand, your body begins to grow cold. The warmth that he loves, the same he wish he could also give was beginning to vanish till he couldn't feel the warmth no more.
He felt something drip on the back of his hand, where he held yours, another drip and another and another, it went on.
He never realised he was crying until now.
He was crying. How pathetic. That's what he used to think but you changed that.
"Wake up" he said expecting for you to do so. But no, you remained laid on the futon.
"Open your eyes" still nothing.
That's when he begins to sob. The dreadful suffocating feeling he kept inside, freed. He was on his knees holding your hand to his cheek asking and begging for you to open your eyes to see your baby, that your baby wants to see you too. But your eyes remained closed.
The grief was infinitely unbearable, he was drowning in pitiful sorrow. You shouldn't be dead not too soon at least, you promised him to stay with him, you promised him that you'll follow wherever he goes, you promised him that you'll raise the child together.
The child
Scaramouche scurried to where the baby was. It was awfully silent. Too silent for his liking. He heaved a sigh when he saw the baby was just sleeping.
You wanted a baby, you wanted the baby, not him. He never wanted one to begin with. He went along with you cause you were so happy having it. If only he got rid of it before it developed inside your body, but you'll only hate him if he did so. The thought of having his baby made you elated and yearn for the day to meet them. But was it really all the worth losing your life? To not be able to see you?
Scaramouche cradled the baby in his arms. Amazed by how it slept after his father's wailing.
He took a good look at the baby. None of his features resembled you, the baby was the spitting image of his father. Scaramouche was saddened that not a single ounce of your identity were present on the baby.
Now that you're gone what was he going to do now? It was supposed to be the two of you. You and him were supposed to raise the baby together. Not just him he has no bit of idea how to raise a baby, it was all you. He doesn't even know if the baby was human or he be considered as a divine being or if he's going to live without a mother and a father who want nothing to do with the baby nor raise one.
At that he made a choice. Something a parent would never do to their child.
Scaramouche went to were you still laid dead, with a baby in his arms. He moved the fabric down to let the baby see you, his mother. Not that it's going to remember you.
"That's your mother. She's beautiful isn't she? She's the love of my life"
The baby let out a soft hmm as if answering his grieving father.
Another batch of tears decide to flow out of his eyes. Hugging the little baby and repeatedly apologising to him because of what his father is about to do, apologised to you of what he's going to do to your baby.
Scaramouche kissed your forehead,his tears dripped and falls delicately on your face. Saying his last goodbyes and I love yous to you.
Scaramouche wiped his tears while still holding the baby it coos while wriggling in its little cocoon blanket, slowly opening its eyes. He has the same purple eyes as his father. He laughed. Your baby doesn't resemble you at all. He could just imagine you getting upset.
Scaramouche's heart clenched. He wishes for you to, he wishes for you to get upset, that it wasn't fair your baby got all of his father's features and not his mother's. He wishes to see you holding your baby. He wishes for you to see you and him made something so beautiful, he wishes you weren't weak, He wishes you were still alive.
You would hate him for doing this, you will hate him for doing this. All those efforts you made to keep the baby growing inside you safe and healthy was all for nothing. He could see you crying for him to stop what he's doing but he didn't want to raise the baby. He was too damaged too broken hearted to raise a baby. He's not fit to be a father.
So instead, he gave him up to a young couple.
They were coincidentally had been trying to conceive a baby but that never came, the wife wanted a child as for the husband, he went and look for a child that could fill the whole in his wife's heart. But to no avail. Until that knock on their doorstep, and there were they met an eccentric fellow, whose eyes devoid of emotions, with him was a baby wrapped in a white blanket, enough to warm the infant. The young man did not say much but for the couple to raise the baby as their own to which they happily took.
Scaramouche bit his tongue, he already cried far too much. He can't cry now. It's too late for regrets, he had already given his son to the couple. With that he turned and left; not saying a word not even to his baby. Not even bothering to look back. To take one last look at the life you bore and grew to love, the life that also took yours.
The couple just watched his figure disappear until they closed the door and looked at the baby that blessed them. Flabbergasted they were to see such a beautiful baby boy. The baby that look quite too similar to that of the young man who bestowed them the little blessing.
Scaramouche was now out of sight from prying eyes. He had a clear view of the home of the couple where he left his son. A gentle wind decided to softly blow pass him. It felt soothing as if consoling him. Was it you? Do you forgive him for what he has done? Did he made the right choice?. He'll never know. He let out a whimper.
"I'm sorry, Y/n..I couldn't..I just couldn't... you're not here"
This is not revised and is subject to changes in the future.
I wrote this while sleepy so I have no idea what's going with the flow of the story, grammar and choice of words🙇.
And I really apologize in advance if it's cringe it's my first time writing. Well I did wrote something 3 days ago(?) but it was more of a suggested plot than a story.
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hotchs-big-hands · 9 months
ngl i would genuinely get off to making haley jealous and angry because of how fucking easy it is. my personal hc here but i think she was controlling and thought she had hotch wrapped around her finger and it infuriated her that his job was the only thing he refused to listen to her about. i also think she tried to baby trap him with jack in the assumption that would "fix" their marriage and when it only made it worse she blamed aaron for never being home when she easily couldve hired a nanny or regular babysitter so she could work or do whatever. i believe she cheated bc of that one phone call to their house when hotch answered and it was a random man asking for haley before hanging up and the look hotch gave her like yeah he knew she was fucking around too. i think it made her even angrier that when she filed for divorce hotch didnt even fight her onit! didnt ask to work things out or for counseling or anything. just "okay ill sign the papers when i get back from this case"
now assuming reader is mid twenties i think your very existence would have her enraged. aaron seems happier and even healthier. hes got more color in his face, hes put on some healthy weight, he smiles and laughs now, he takes more time off work, his life has clearly significantly improve since she left him and she cant fucking stand it. she thought she was the best thing that ever happened to him and now shes seeing in real time she's actually the worst thing ♥️♥️
and you thinks its funny as hell to watch a 40 year old woman with a whole ass kid be that bent out of fucking shape because the man SHE LEFT is fine without her. like yes maam i am younger than you, hotter than you, nicer than you AND i can ride the dick just right. stay pressed bitch 💕. and when she tries interfering in your relationship hotch asks you to put up with it just for a bit because he knows hack is still adjusting to coparenting and he wants the best for his son so you let him handle his exwife until she crosses a line and tries to accuse you of some shit and aaron finally puts his foot down and haley cant believe that shes really lost complete control over aaron (haha fuck you haley)
like i fantasize about a situation where haley is trying SOOOO hard to break yall up and drive a wedge between you two and it isnt until jacks birthday or some big family function aaron brought you too and haley cant help it but lowkey stalk yall all night and so youre like "aaron watch this" and you drag him off to some secluded corner and hes like ??? but you tell him "hold on baby give it a minute. bet you anything haley pops up" and then once you hear footsteps you give aaron a big fat smooch and surprise surprise!! whos coming around the corner? why its haleys stalker ass following you two like a creep!
i literally just want to cuck haleys pathetic ass because fuck her and her scraggly blonde hair and that nappy ass wig she had on in witness protection with her no-style-no-personality-all-about-me havin ass 😒😒😒😒
sorry this is such a convoluted mess i just hate that lady 😭😭
The SECOND she says smth nasty abt you Aaron is soooooo fucking pissed. She insults you saying you're just a whore sleeping with Aaron for his money (and cuz us babes are plus-size queens she HATES THAT) and that Aaron is not attracted to you.
And Aaron OOF he takes her to one side and tells her she is fucking nothing but the mother of his child now. That YOU are his everything. YOU make him the man he is now. He's fucking happy with you as the love of his life and that Haley made him chronically stressed and depressed and almost completely ruined his self esteem. He warns her to back the fuck off from him and reader. He does not want any communication with her unless it's to do with Jack. End of.
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fearthedancer · 6 months
Ok can i be completely honest right now? This fandom has a huge issue. A huge whitewashing issue.
Now before you say: "Oh but legos dont have races! Thats why theyre yellow!!" You dont only need skin color to imply a characters ethnic background. You can also do that with the characters other features like hair, eyes, lips or even stuff like their name. And thats exactly what dreamzzz does.
The most common characters i see whitewashed are Zoey and Logan. I absolutely NEVER see Zoey drawn black, even tho 1. She has twists (which some people draw them as just a side shave) and 2. Her last name is Okoro, indicating she could be igbo.
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As with Logan it goes a bit deeper than that. As the issue takes two forms: 1. When its him being drawn white and 2. When its him being drawn asian, but extremely pale.
First, him being drawn white is obviously an issue because he is canonically asian. His last name is Chan (a surname with chinese origin), he is voiced by Vincent Tong and he is designed to look visibly asian.
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(And before anyone says its eyeliner i found another character with the exact same eye print)
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People often draw him slightly tan with eurocentric features and call him asian. Who the fuck are you deceiving.
Now with the pale issue: this is also an issue i see around in the ninjago fandom. East asian characters liked by the fandom are drawn to appeal to the beauty standards while the ones hated by the fandom are drawn like actual east asian people. Altough Logan is the only east asian character in the show that we currently know of, this does apply to him. And him being pale wouldnt even make sense! He is a soccer and baseball player! That kid plays in the sun for hours!
And Logan isnt even the only asian character that constantly gets whitewashed. Take a look at fanart of Nova! If i didnt tell you, you probaly wouldnt even know shes south asian! In her insomniac club shorts its revealed her last name is Patel, an indian surname btw, yet i dont see ANYONE give a fuck cause i only see white Nova everywhere.
And yes! Mateo and Izzy are also victims of this aswell! Mateo's locs are never drawn right and i see people draw him like 1 shade darker than the others and call him black 😭. Izzie is white washed aswell and sometimes, only her and NOT MATEO?? HUH??? They are siblings 😭😭
Anyways, the moment the fandom actually learns how to depict the characters, we will finally be free.
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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this entire post about the hanahaki disease and eve made me black out for one hour to draw this
some design notes and ideas i had while drawing this in a feverish, dionysian frenzy, i didnt even stop to think i just HAD TO GET THIS OUT OF MY SYSTEM <33
read the linked post for further context bc im working on an EMPTY STOMACH AND A BRAIN FULL OF EVE
i wanted her to be our beloved eve, but a little to the left. yknow. eve but something is off her usual characteristic bright colors ( the blues and yellows and greens she wears ) muted down to a dangerous degree. missing various iconic details like her earrings or hand-holding necklace, etc
something something, she's losing her sense of self while trying to figure out more about this new, hidden side she's just discovered. the side that's causing all the flowers to clog up her throat and all
also also. a subtle feeling of restraint in the way her hair is now a braid that wraps around her throat, also held together by black and white beads. and the hands, a very prominent theme in her art, now holding her chest - but in a "keeping her body together" kinda way, not in a sexy kind of way sadly
read rosie's latest addition to the linked post RIGHT FUCKING NOW because the daffodils and the themes of eve wanting to embody art but not being ready for people to inspect the piece of art she's made out of herself is. is so. YEAH.
also i imagine her jacket is replaced by this daffodil inspired coat that is the MOST eye catching thing. as a way to represent how this obsession with finding out what feelings shes repressing is taking over her entire sense of self
i wanted to add more eye motifs, since eve's art is a lot about her complex relationship with being perceived and also using that same fear as a weapon herself when feeling cornered (yknow. that one moment with zuke where she starts insulting him and saying he's "one of them". yknow. YOU KNOW) but maybe later in a proper design
bUT!!!! you know how in her cover art, the eyes are also different palettes? but once you beat her, they're HER actual eyes crying and closing. i wanted that but. in a much more aggressive way, like she's actively searching for the parts within herself she cannot understand
god i love her i love her so much guys shes so
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mooodyblue · 6 months
Lillyyyyy I just had an Idea, so what if when Elvis is filming his 68 comeback special he has to take the reader who is little with him and the colonel doesn’t like one bit of it so when Elvis is filming some back Tom Parker goes to his dressing room to pick on the reader and he says hurtful things to her like “you’re nothing but a gold digger” and other mean things to where she goes nonverbal and when Ep comes back into his dressing room he just sees the colonel picking with her hair ripping her drawing up and knocking everything she had over he even witnessed what the colonel told her. Ep barges in and starts yelling at the colonel and tells him to stay away from us but the colonel rolls his eyes and puts up an argument saying things like “she is distracting you! Can’t you see that, putting up this act. She’s acting like a full on baby.” You can finish the rest ❤️
ty for the request! this was super fun to write. i love writing anything that involves making the colonel out to be the most annoying man to ever exist 😈
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pairing: 60s!elvis x little!gn!reader
wc: 1.5k
-> masterlist
you watched as elvis adjusted himself in his dressing room, dressed in black leather with his hair done up nicely. you knew how important this day was for him. he was beaming with nervousness and excitement and of course, you were as well. maybe too excited as you had gone down right before it was time to leave for nbc studios.
he didn’t mind if you were little, it didn’t bother him at all. you always understood that elvis has a job to do and that he can’t play with you every single second of the day—especially today of all days. 
but again, you were so excited for him. you loved watching him get dressed in all the different outfits, performing his heart out just like he should have been doing all these years. today he’d be filming in front of an audience which you knew he was horrified about, thankfully the cuteness he had to endure from a little you helped ease his mind off his stress and anxieties. 
he buttoned up his jacket, giving you a soft smile as he watched you doodle in a little notebook with your crayons, a messy bow in your hair from his attempt at doing your hair earlier that morning. elvis crouched down at the table, looking down at the notebook. “you're so talented, honey.” he grinned. “you gonna draw somethin’ for me for when i get out? a nice lil’ reward for daddy's hard work?” he teased, pinching your cheek as you let out a soft squeal. 
you nodded excitedly, “mhm!” you grinned. “‘m gonna draw daddy!” 
he let out a gasp, “really!” he placed a kiss onto your scalp, ruffling your hair a bit before standing up. “you make me look real good, baby. alright? i wanna see it when i finish up here.” 
“okay, daddy!” you nodded, “good luck!” 
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
you kept to yourself, music booming from outside his dressing room. you hummed and rocked to his voice as you continued to draw, making sure your drawing of elvis was as perfect as he hoped for. 
the faint sound of a door opening and closing filled your ears, followed up with the tapping of a cane. you lifted your head, looking at the larger and older man in front of you. 
now, you were well aware of how his manager strongly disapproved of you. but elvis never cared, it was his personal life–not the colonel's. he did make you nervous though, he didn't understand you being an age regressor. he didnt understand why you felt the need to act like a toddler, being helpless at your big age. 
you gulped looking up at him, watching how he hovered over you and looked at the array of crayons, markers and at the little gear you had around you. elvis brought along your sippy cup and a paci, as well as a few coloring books and toys to keep you entertained until he finished up with filming for the day.
“look at all this junk, this garbage.” the colonel spat, pointing at the table with his cane. 
you sat there silently, trying to keep your mouth shut just like elvis told you. you held your head down, going back to your drawing. 
he wasn't having it, scoffing at you and shaking his head. “you're a grown person, wearing bows in your hair and coloring like a toddler.” he shook his head. “you're dating elvis presley and this is what you choose to do in your free time?” 
“he still loves me.” you muttered. 
his cane met with your drawing, creating a circular stain of dirt right in the middle of the paper. “you're nothin’ but a gold diggin’ freak who acts like a baby to get what they want. now i demand you get up from this floor and go out there and support the man you supposedly love.” he said sternly. 
you looked up at him, tears in your eyes. he ruined your pretty drawing for elvis. if he wanted you out in the audience so badly, he would have asked. but he didn't, you were staying out of his way just as he wished. you certainly weren't a gold digger either. you didn't ask elvis to buy you nice things, it's just what he did. he didn't know what no meant, he did it out of the kindness of his heart and his love for you. 
words were formed in your brain to spit back at the old man in front of you, but nothing could come out. you had an ashamed look on your face, glancing down at the now-ruined drawing that sat on the table. 
“are you listening?” he asked, stomping his cane again. “get up!” 
you shook your head and stayed in your spot, refusing to get up for the colonel. but enough was enough for him, he ripped out the pretty bow that elvis had put in your hair just for you and stuck his cane under your arm, trying to force you up. that alone stood you up, cheeks now stained with tears as he picked up your drawing, ripping it in half in front of your very own eyes. 
outside the dressing room, there were loud cheers—the music finally coming to an end. maybe that meant elvis was coming back. 
foot steps were approaching, the sound of leather rubbing as he walked and laughter got closer and closer–finally coming to a halt once the door was opened. there stood elvis, turning his head to look at the scene in front of him. 
he couldn’t believe what he was seeing, his face turned red with anger. “now, what in the goddamn hell are you doin’?!” he shouted, storming in and pushing his manager away. “you putin’ your hands on my baby? or am i just imagining things, huh?” 
the colonel stumbled back, scoffing again and shaking his head. “this child of yours has been nothing but a distraction!” he argued. “they’re doing nothing for you except sitting back here playing with toys all while you do the hard work. can’t you see you’re being used?”
“the hell i am!” he yelled, “what i do with them and what they do in their own time ain’t nobodies business but mine and theirs. not you.” he pointed his finger angrily at parker, his eyes full of anger and fury. 
“mr. presley, i will not stand here and watch them put on such an embarassing act for you. they’re acting like a baby! can’t you see the problem here?” 
“oh, i can see a problem alright.” elvis spat, putting his hands on his hips. he turned his head to you, looking at the sad look on your face. his heart broke seeing what that awful manager of his did to you, your hair ruined and the drawing he was so excited to see now torn apart on the floor. he walked over to you, rubbing your back as the colonel stood there still disgusted by the look of you. 
“you alright, baby?” he cooed, trying to calm you down. “what did that mean man do to my baby, hm?” you didn’t respond, instead burying your face in his neck as you let out a soft whine. he could tell when you couldn’t speak. one of your ways of dealing with stressful situations, especially when they happen so sudden, was to become unable to speak. he never pressured you to say a single word if you didn’t want to.
however, it angered him that you were bullied to the point of going nonverbal. he wasn’t going to stand for that. the pretty little face he saw before heading on stage looked so broken, he wanted that version of you back. 
he stepped up to his manager, getting right in his face. “i ain’t afraid of you.” he said lowly. “you stay the hell away from them. if i see you lay even a finger on them, you’ll pay. i’ll make sure of it.” he took a deep breath, looking back at you then at him. “get the hell out of my dressin’ room.”
it was clear he wanted to argue more, but he left with a scowl on his face—making his way out of the dressing room and slamming the door behind him. 
elvis sighed, turning to look at you before pulling you in for a hug. you sobbed on his shoulder, holding him tightly and never wanting to let go. “i know, baby.” he rubbed at your back again, cooing softly in your ear. “i’m sorry, honey. i’m so sorry.” he pulled away, pressing his lips against your forehead with a soft smile. “lets see that lil’ picture you drew for me.”
your eyes darted to the ripped-up drawing on the floor, a pout on your face as he walked over to pick it up. “nah, we can save it!” 
he put the ripped-up pieces together in front of his face, grinning widely. “see! look at that. you’re so talented, baby!” it was just a mere drawing of a stick figure, a poor attempt at drawing a white suit on white paper on the said figure. but in his eyes, it was the best thing he had ever seen.
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
Hey I was just wondering if you could do a tadc x reader who dies their hair very often? like every month or so they dye it a different color and no one knows what color it'll be next
TADC cast x reader who dyes their hair a lot!
UEUEUEUUEU hope this is okay! i must admit i was a little uwuwuawua on ideas for a lot of the characters </3 grr finding new songs to play on loop to get me into writing is hard; though currently antonymph by vylet pony is doing things to my brain
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makes a huge deal of things whenever you dye your hair simply because he thinks what you do with yourself is cool; and since its the digital world you can get away with dying your hair as often as you want! cant damage what technically isnt real! probably makes hair color suggestions and is absolutely thrilled when you actually follow through within the coming days. prepare to have some weird combos, though... probably changes the color of his suit to match your hair... even adds stripes if your hair has stripes, or any other pattern dyed into it
honestly? more power to you, thats her reaction mostly. would pomni dye her own hair, or otherwise get anything to modify her appearance? probably not... but she thinks you look great with it... probably asks why you chose the current color you went with, as well as asking whenever you change. nothing like "oh WHY? why THAT color?" but like genuine non-rude curiosity... doesnt like outwardly betting or wondering what color youre going to pick outloud since she doesnt want you to think shes rude or something
has probably made multiple color variations of accessories she has made for you so you can wear anything without having the colors clash... thinks your hair is pretty, me thinks! doesnt matter what color it is, could literally be the unpleasant green-pink-brown color gradient meme and she would still find something nice to say about it... does sometimes wonder what color youre going to choose next... probably has a hush hush bet going on between her jax and zooble on what color youre going to choose next... huh what no jax didnt just get all moody because you walked in with aqua blue hair- no hes not passing something to ragatha, what are you talking about?
as mentioned above he makes bets with some of the other circus members on what color youre going to rock next... if you ask him for any suggestions on what color you should change to next, dont expect any serious answers. even if he is being serious, jax doesnt strike me as the type to care much about colors and shades so hes probably going to drop the most basic colors. ..
"what KIND of purple? light? dark? pastel? reddish or bluish?
stuff like that, i think! probably fiddles with your hair, especially if you dye your tips a different color... jax fidget headcannon strikes again
on a bad day he might just not recognize you for a short moment... i originally said that as a joke but considering he sometimes forgets gangle is literally standing right next to him, i dont... think thats much of a joke... but after the initial confusion, i think he would really like whatever color you choose! likes playing with your hair, if you let him! he finds it soothing in its own way, and now he just has pretty colors to look at! cant explain why but i feel like he would be very good at identifying colors, so if you come in rocking some new color hes going to ask if its (insert specific shade of red that no one knows the name of. like. amaranth red.. or something..)
honestly, they get it! i like to think that they swap out their pieces in order to fit whatever look or vibe they want for the day; aaaand i personally hc that in the real world they would dye their hair and get a bunch of piercings! though, they dont really remember much stuff from the real world, at least not clearly... but the point still stands, you guys probably get together to make a new look together! though, on days where they dont give any input on what hair color you choose next, theyre making bets with jax and ragatha... dont know why but i think zooble wins the most in the bets... shrugs
oh she thinks its so pretty! has probably always loved things like that, since its a form of self expression! and she can kind of relate to that since shes an artist, albeit her medium is paper rather than her body... thinks... probably gives shy recommendations for colors if you ask her, is also bad at masking (lol) her surprise when you actually take her idea into consideration and follow through with it... makes her feel some type of way that someone cares enough about her ideas that they literally apply it to their appearance, you know?
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nightmaree-eyess · 11 months
One night stand
Abby tlou fic
Summary: you meet abby at the bar and have a one night stand
Smut Mdni 18+, masc abby,first person pov, female reader, public sex, strapping, fingering, nipple play, teasing, stone top abby
Word count: 8436
Scroll down for smut starts at —--
“We gotta get you laid tonight” Dina said
“Yeah, when was the last time you even interacted with a woman that wasn’t platonic?”
Ellie and Dina love giving me shit about my love life. Just because they're in love doesnt mean I have to be! It was Ellie's idea to go to the bar tonight for operation “get me laid” (her words not mine). I'm totally fine with the life I live right now. I'm focused on college and don't have time for messy relationships. But they've been worried about me since my last relationship. It didn't end the best and I haven't been in the dating scene since. I didnt even entertain the idea of a hoe phase.
We walked up to the entrance of the club and the sound of muffled house music echoed through the streets. I stare at the door and take a deep breath preparing myself to enter.
“Are you ok? I'm not gonna force you to do something you don't want to.” Ellie said concerningly
Dina nods in agreeance
“Yeah im fine just hyping myself up”
“You'll be fine and whenever you wanna leave just tell us and we’ll go” Dina said
We enter the club and they're playing early 2000’s music. Maybe tonight won't be so bad after all. Even if I don't get laid, I'm still hanging out with my best friends and having drinks.
“We're gonna go find a table! Will you get our drinks please?” Ellie yells over the music
I walk over to the bar and from the corner of my eye I see a girl, her dirty blonde hair in a french braid, carabiner on her jeans, emitting the most confident, sexy aura that I can feel standing 10 ft away. I lock eyes for a second and she gives me a wink and then she walks away.
“M’ame your drinks”
“Oh shit sorry”
I didn't even realise I was staring. Even though I was staring I didn't even get a good look because she was gone as fast as I noticed her.
I grabbed our drinks and Dina texted me what table they're at. I make my way over and I scan the crowd for the mystery girl. I think I lost her and that wink was the only action I was getting tonight. Pathetic.
“Ah man wtf”
“Shit im so so sorry i wasn't paying attention to where i was going this is all my fault im so sorry let me venmo you for the shirt im-”
They turn around and I realise I just bumped into the girl that winked at me. I stand there dumbfounded and flustered.
“It's ok, honestly. It was getting kinda hot in here anyways so thanks for the refreshment.”
She takes off her button up to expose her sculpted muscles and her patchwork tats. Holy fuck this woman is my dream woman. Now all she's wearing is her wife pleaser and she wasn't wearing a bra because I noticed her nipples hardened.
“Please at least let me pay you back for the shirt i feel awful”
“I know another way you can pay me back,”
I give her a questioning look
“Dance with me.”
I was not expecting that response. But i accepted cause i would be lying if i said i wasn't looking forward to hanging out with this beautiful woman.
“ i don't even know your name”
“Its abby”
She reaches out her hand and I place my hand in hers. They’re calloused and I wonder what she does for work, what her hobbies are, but it's hard to get to know someone when the music will definitely give you hearing damage.
She's pulling me to the dance floor and “Hot in Herre by Nelly” was blasting over the speakers. The music fills me with nostalgia. I'm taking in this woman dancing in front of me. The colorful lights make her look ethereal and so gorgeous. It feels like it's just me and her on the dance floor and no one else is in the room.
She grabs my waist as the song “Crazy in love by beyonce” booms across the club. We barely talk because there's no point if we can barely hear eachother even when we're touching. She stops for a moment with her arm still around my wait. I give her a concerned look at first that melts into admiration. I cant believe out of everyone in the club she chose me. She could've been mad about the drink and stormed off but she didn't. She was kind about it.
We lock eyes. And before I know it she's pulling me in for a kiss. The sounds around me are muffled. I almost dropped my drink to give into pure submission. She holds my face and moves her thumb in circles on my jaw. She smells of pine and citrus and it's dizzying. Her lips are as soft as clouds and I'm already hypnotised.
Our kisses get more frantic, sloppier. Kisses that will leave our lips bruised and swollen. She grabs my ass and I hitch my breath. I grab the back of her neck so my kisses land more deeply. I'm already getting wet and we were just kissing. Wow, maybe I do need to get laid. I break the kiss and a trail of spit keeps us connected.
“Meet me in the bathroom, big stall”
I walk off and make sure no one else follows me into the bathroom. After a minute i hear a knock on the stall
“Its me abby”
Her voice is raspy from yelling and it's so sexy.
I pull her into the stall and start unbuttoning her pants as we kiss when she stops my hand
“Are you ok? We can stop”
“Yeah it's just that…i'm a stone top. I prefer to give than receive.”
I let her take the wheel and we started kissing again. She pulls my hair enough to expose my neck and she plants kisses sloppily. She's definitely going to leave hickeys but I don't care.
She's hiking up my dress frantically. God, I'm already so wet. She cups her hand around my cunt.
“Going commando eh? Less work for me”
Im moaning into her neck while she palms my clit. My legs want to give out already but Abbys is holding me up with her muscular tatted arms.
“Oh fuck abby” i moan in her ear
That must've drove her crazy cause she takes 2 girthy fingers and teases my entrance. Then slowly she slips them in and I enter another dimension
“Oh my god you feel so good”
I grind my hips to match the movement of her fingers. My wetness dripped down her hand. Abby's grunting in my ear and it makes me feral.
“F-faster abby”
I could barely get the words out
“I want you to come on the count of 5. No sooner. No later. Can you do that for me princess?”
I almost came right then and there
“Mmhmm” is all i could get out
She starts counting
‘’1…” she whispers in my ear
“2…” i could cum right now
“3…” she's going faster and she added her thumb circling my clit. I almost lost it.
“4… you're doing great you're almost there”
I'm being loud at this point but I don't really care. This feels so fucking good.
I grab a fist full of her hair and mess up her braid. I cum all over her hand and scream in ecstasy. I almost fall over but Abby catches me.
We kissed for a bit and I realised I don't want this to end.
“Wanna come over to my place? I live right down the block?” I whisper
“I would love to” she kisses me
I take her by the hand and let Dina and Ellie know I'm leaving. They give each other a confused look and then put the pieces together. They were probably wondering where I was all night. I'll have to apologise later for ditching them but they'll understand.
I walk up to my apartment door and Abby hugs me from the back taking in my scent, leaving more hickeys, which makes me drop my keys, flustered. I bend down exposing between my legs and Abby cups my ass in her hands.
“Damn cant even wait to get through the door” I say teasingly
I open the door and she spins me around and leads me into my own apartment by my waist. She closes the door and we kiss each other like the world is ending. She leads me into the kitchen on the left and lifts me up on the counter effortlessly.
“You smell so divine, I can smell you from up here” Abby said raspy and deep
That makes me horny all over again
She spread my legs with her hips, planting kisses down my body. She takes my dress off and throws it on the floor. I'm vulnerable and naked now. She presses kisses on the tops of my breasts, leading down to my nipples. She takes my right nipple and starts sucking on it. I tilt my head back in pure bliss and let out a little moan. She works her tongue around my nipple while sucking, giving little flicks with her tongue. It's driving me wild. You need her inside you. But in a different way. You stop her for a second.
“Are you ok?” she asks worryingly
“Yeah of course I just wanna ask you something.”
She looks at you with a blank look
“I-I have a strap that I want you to use on me, if that's ok with you. I bought it because i thought id get more action but-”
She quiets you with a kiss
“I'd love to angel”
Abby smacks my ass as I run into my bedroom to get the strap and dildo. When I return she's sitting in the living room on the couch across from the kitchen.
When she sees the strap her eyes go wide with eagerness. I hand over the strap and she unbuttons her straight legged levi’s and her carabiner thuds to the ground with the jeans. She's wearing grey boxers and god i wish i could kiss her happy trail down to her pussy and eat her out. She puts on the strap and sits on the couch. And pats her lap. I walk over and straddle her. She grabs my hips to ease me on and the dildo slips in. I didn't even need lube since I'm so wet. I slowly bounce up and down, grinding my hips to hit the spot.
Abby grabs your tits and circles my nipples with her thumbs.
“You're so sensitive”
I picked up the pace and grabbed Abby's shoulders for stability. She notices and moves one hand down my body and slowly inches her way over to my cunt.
“Youre so fucking wet for me baby” she says like butter
Abby takes two fingers and circles your clit as you move up and down.
“Oh fuck abby right there. Im gonna cum, im gonna cum. Im gonna-” you scream in bliss as you lower your head in the crook of Abby's neck for stability and she kisses and bites your ear which brings on a second wave. Abby takes her hand and licks it.
“You taste so fucking good baby.”
She kisses me to prove to me that I do.
We ended up cuddling on the couch and I don't know when but I slipped away in blissful sleep surrounded by abbys huge, inked arms.
In the morning I woke up to the space next to me empty. The apartment is quiet and I wonder where everyone is. All that was left of Abby was her scent in the cushions and the memories plastered in the walls. She didn't even leave a note and I never got her number. I guess she’ll just be a memory now.
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Came up with another half-baked au. Calling it the Baby On Board AU bc i like puns
So through some uncalled for magic POOF! Luffy is surround by children (like age 4?) that are part him and part different members of his crew. You heard me right. In a single moment the entire strawhat crew became teen parents. To these guys:
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Im taking name suggestions for all babies! Here's the Zoro x Luffy baby
She is a Daddy's Girl through and through. Zoro was beyond awkward at first but she melted his heart within the hour. He doesnt feel complete unless hes got his swords on one hip and her on the other. Wanted her to be a perfect mix of Luffy and Zoro so she got Luffy's eyes, curly hair, and freckles and Zoro's hair color, eye color, and ability to nap constantly. You often find her and Zoro sleeping in the shade with her cuddled up on his chest. They are adorable but Zoro clearly has no idea what to do with her so she gets away with everything
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Luffy x Nami baby!
Now this little boy is quiet and Nami didnt even get experience with children when she was a child so they mostly stare at each other in the beginning. I dont have anything for their story yet
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Luffy x Usopp!
TROUBLEMAKER. She's inherited Luffy's fearlessness and Usopp has never been more stressed in his life. When she's not with her siblings she's with one of her dads. She's Usopp's little helper
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Sanji's baby!
She is the light of Sanji's life he dotes on her so much. He only calls her "Princess" and "My Lady" and she has him wrapped around her itty bitty finger. Sanji loves playing with her hair and she likes to have fairy tea parties while he's prepping dinner. Sanji goes mother bear when she's out of his sight. He will wax poetry about her to anyone who will listen. Sanji is that parent that cant go two seconds without talking about their child. His arms are always loaded up with gifts for her. He has no shame doing girly-girl stuff with her
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Koby x Luffy!
Koby is still with the Marines so he takes her with him. She has Luffy's appetite and Koby knows in that moment she's half Luffy. Eventually Garp finds out and of course he has to visit his great grandbaby. Helempo (however you spell his name) is out here sweating bullets while Garp is becoming the doting grandpa of the century in front of the whole crew. Koby is also stressed as hell because he's still a cadet and now he's a dad and now the vice admiral is invested in his daughter and its all a lot. Also his only sorta-friend is avoiding the baby like she's the plague because he has no idea how to interact with her (and he's jealous. Koby wont bunk with him on cold nights anymore bc he's already bunking with the baby. How else is he suppose to sneak totally platonic cuddles?!)
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echantedtoon · 13 days
Single Dad Michikatsu Snippet
A small Snippet based on my single dad Michikatsu headcannons.
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The day was bright and beautiful as the mid-day light fell through the window and grazed over the few patrons still in the small cafe you worked at. The murmuring hums of light talk, generic elevator like music, and the occasional care passing by outside. It combined with the sounds from the kitchen. Clinking dishes, utilities, and the occasional shout of an order ready to be served. Relatively peaceful and normal day for you.
You smiled from your place behind the counter happily handing a woman her order of a donut and way too sweet frappe when the door opened and the most unusual sight came walking in-
"There's no dam way you saw a ghost let alone drop kick it!"
"We did so! The academy's haunted and we saw the old man ghost! I kicked it and then all these little ghosts popped out of it!"
You and everyone else still in the small cafe had stopped what they were doing to look up and over at the yelling. The tallest man you've ever seen had walked in through the door jingling the doorbell above as he did. You couldn't help but look at him and the menagerie surrounding him. 
The man was tall, at least six foot something, and was adorned with long mahogany hair he wore in a long ponytail draped down his back except for the long bangs framing his tired but stoic expression. The dark purple eyes looked like he was done for the day and visibly you could see bags under his eyes. He looked mid to late twenties at most. But that wasn't the unusual thing about him. It was the amount of children that surrounded him.
"You wouldn't know what a real ghost is if it was right in front of your face!," yelled out a teen boy. His black wild hair and scowl reminded you instantly of a feral cat. Why he couldn't have been older than eighteen or nineteen years old. "It was probably just someone pulling a prank because you're so dam gullible!"
"WE ARE NOT!!," two voices shouted as one. Both boys were obvious twins. They looked exactly alike with long strangely colored hair and turquoise eyes. Both looked thirteen maybe fourteen years old?
The one on the right pointed at him. "Tanjiro was there with us when it happened! You can ask him!"
The black haired teen scoffed crossing his arms with a sneer. "Tch. All of you are dumb if you believe that stuff. Is the ghost that haunts the art room real too then?"
"Yeah! We saw him crawl out of his vase!"
That earnt another round of arguing as you blinked at the sight before realizing that the tall man had stopped walking and stood right in front of your cashier. However your gaze didnt go to him at first but instead to his torso as you noticed a tiny pair of eyes blinking at you. The eyes were of an infant and they were currently drinking from a bottle held to their mouth by a large hand. You blinked at the tiny innocent eyes strapped to his torso..Before you slowly looked up. Once again stopping at a second pair of tiny eyes belonging to a toddler with black hair pulled up into a small ponytail. Why he couldn't have been older than four as he was held on the man's hip. Without even acknowledging you he turned and tugged on the man's shirt.
"Daddy!," he shouted pointing his other hand at the menu board behind your head stapled to the wall. "Nuggets! Nuggets!"
"Uh..." You finally looked straight up at the man's face and jumped finally realizing he was staring at you....Quickly you shook your head and smiled at him in perfect customer service form. "Hello, Sir. What can I get you?"
The man didn't say anything at first continuing to listen to the teenagers arguing behind him and the toddler tugging for his attention in deep thought for a long moment deciding what to say.
"....Give me a cup of your strongest coffee."
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sleepysturnss · 5 months
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── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
summary: you and nate have been dating for years, and you two are basically the perfect couple. nate decides to take a pitstop on the way home from shopping.
warnings: ALL FLUFF NO ANGST😍, kisses, cute ass flashbacks n some dancingg❤️
enjoy!! xx ❤️
── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
i smiled, pinching the tip of a lipstick case, inspecting it before sighing and putting it back in its place.
“whats wrong with that one? i think itd look lovely on you ma.” my boyfriend, nate sighed, placing his hands on my shoulders as he walked up behind me.
“too dark.” i sighed, picking up a few more, repeating the process.
“too light”
“too sparkly.” i scrunched up my nose, shaking my head.
nate watched as i picked through the hundreds of lipstick shades and sizes, occasionally coming behind me and shoving his face into my neck, his way of telling me to hurry up.
“nate i promise ill be done soon” i mumbled, ruffling his brown hair through my red nails, he smiled, leaning into the touch.
he was such a needy boyfriend, like…almost anyone who knew him would think that he couldnt care less about physical touch or quality time, but i knew that he craved that shit.
anytime i was at his house, he was holding me, kissing me, doing anything he could to feel my body heat against his.
like a puzzle piece that just fit, and without him i was just an incomplete puzzle.
like i was almost whole, but there was one piece missing, right in the center.
i liked to say i hated it, his clingy behavior, but i dont think i could live life the same without it, its become part of my life.
nate was wrapped around my heart.
he held it in his soft hands, he could drop it at any moment, but i knew he wouldnt. he would never.
the second he got it, he swore to never let it go, and he stood by his word. he has for three years. ive never met anyone like nate, and id like to think he feels the same about me.
he always knows exactly what im thinking, he can read my thoughts like your reading them right now, its quite impressive actually.
its one of the things i admire most about him, and he doesnt really have to try.
“mama, look at this, it would match your pretty nails.” he smiled sweetly, grabbing a gold lipstick case, holding it up for me to see.
he flashed his puppy eyes at me, like a golden retriever.
i didnt even look at the color before i was handing it to the woman at the register. the look on his face was quite literally priceless, his smile was so cute and genuine there was no way i wouldve said no. it could be a green lipstick, and id have still gotten it.
“you didnt even look at it ma” he whined as i handed the woman my card,
“im sure its perfect nate. besides im just ready to be home.” i shrugged, taking the small bag from her and interlocking out arms.
he smiled, sighing softly, finally being able to get my full attention.
once we got in the car, i connected my phone to bluetooth, hitting shuffle on my playlist.
i smiled when the soft hum of the music play throughout his car, k, by cigarettes after sex.
the muffled rumbling of his worn down honda made the song even better.
his car.
it was the shittiest car i had ever seen.
but i loved it so much.
there were so many memories in this ugly ass car. i always gave him shit for it but i think id kill him if he ever thought about getting rid of it.
“i love this song.” i muttered, running my thumb over his hand. i hadnt even realized he was holding it, it just felt so natural.
“i know you do.” he smiled, glancing at me before shifting his gaze to the road.
“oh really?” i smirked, tilting my head.
he rolled his eyes, “you know why.”
i smiled, “yeah i do.”
senior prom.
he took my hand, leading me out onto the gym floor.
“i fucking hate this.” i mumbled, scrunching up my nose at the smell of sweat, alcohol, and weed.
“i know mama, but you look so beautiful in that dress, and your perfume smells like heaven.” he whispered, pressing his forehead against mine.
i could not feel my body. the ammount of nerves he gave me made me higher than any ammount of weed i had ever smoked.
i had the biggest crush on him.
i had the biggest crush on my boyfriend.
and he had the same feelings for me.
���i love cigarettes after sex” he mumbled, tearing me from my thoughts.
“what?” i hummed softly,
“i said i love cigarettes after sex.”
“me too” i smiled.
but i could tell that something had changed,
how you looked at me then.
i smiled at the memory, almost not realizing that he had skipped the turn onto his neighborhood.
“nate, you missed the…”
i paused, grinning at him as i realized what he was doing.
he smiled back at me, eventually parking his car by an abandoned barn house.
the house we had passed so many times when we were sixteen.
the house that i had always dreamed of owning. dreamed of owning with nate.
however now, it wasnt the same. it had been burned in a fire about a year ago. i was so upset when i found out, it seems silly, but that was like my teenage dream.
i had watched my teenage dream die right before my eyes on news channel five.
but none of that mattered, because i didnt need a white picket fence to prove that i was in love with nate, we both knew that.
eventually, we got out of the car.
he led me down the hill, the little weeds clinging to my sweater, the ends of my jeans lightly coated in the mud that was layered below the pretty green grass.
my stupid converse that i wore to senior prom.
the stupid converse that he had bought me on our very first date.
a size too big.
they still fit. three years later,
they still fit.
we stopped at the bottom of the hill, there was a pond not too far from us, there were still a few stray ducks.
he took my left hand, then my right, pulling my arms around his shoulders, his arms rested on my waist.
“i remember when i first noticed that you liked me back.” he hummed the lyrics of the song we danced to in higschool, swaying us slowly back and forth, the tall grass rubbing against my baggy jeans.
“think i like you, best when your just with me…and no one else.” i whispered, pressing my forehead against his, like we did a few years ago.
“i still get butterflies from you.” he whispered, smiling softly.
“ive still got a crush on you.” i whispered back, the corners of my lips curving up.
“your smiles still as beautiful it was when we were in eighth grade.” he mumbled, playing with a strand of my hair.
“your eyes are just as pretty as they were when we were sixteen.” i tilted my head, my eyes subconsciously falling to his lips.
as if he read my mind, he had leaned forward slightly, pressing his lips against mine.
it wasnt rough or forced, it was the perfect kiss a person would imagine.
like the ones in the movies.
the kinds you read in books, that you laugh at when they say their boyfriends lips fit perfectly together.
i used to laugh, but it really is true.
nate was my puzzle piece that fit perfectly against my lips, against my heart.
he pulled away, a small hint of blush had found its way onto his cheeks.
“youve got the lipstick all over your lips now” i giggled, trying to smear it off.
“stop, stop.” he pushed my hand away from his mouth, laughing lightly. “i like it.” he smiled, rubbing his hands over my back.
i took his hand, sitting down in the grass, pulling him down with me.
we just studied the light blue sky for a while, a comfortable blanket of silence warming the atmosphere.
“im gonna buy this house one day.” he glanced at me, “im gonna fix it up, for us and our little ones.”
“really?” i grinned, leaning into him.
his arm slid over my shoulder, hugging me to his chest,
stop this is so cute i love writing shit like this oddmdme
goodnight cuties xx
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dejasenti99 · 27 days
well hi :3 welcome to deja’s skinblending guide. this is my first full written tutorial so excuse me if its not very good LAWL before we get started, here's the tools i'll be using
tray importer
photoshop 2022 (theres cracked version everywhere on tumblr)
blender 4.1
sims 4 ripper
blender + the ripper aren't required to make skins, plenty of people don't go that extra step, but i love using it for placement help
okay lets fuckin go gamers heres my very in depth process for making my ocs skins
miss dolly is gonna be our model today. she already has a skin but im gonna add some little details for the sake of example + some tats cause ive been meaning to anyway.
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so when i first get started on making someone a skin, ill find a good base to use and then add details from other categories like nosemasks, eyebags, contours, etc.
my fav skin creators are @sims3melancholic and @thisisthem. my bases are usually thisisthem, and then i'll pick through a couple s3m skins and make notes on my phone about what parts i wanna take off of them (like, say, i like how a certain s3m skin's nose looks. i'll use that instead of a nosemask)
my goal when im gathering things i wanna add is to free up as many slots as i can. id rather add cheshire's freckles onto her skin than use up the freckle slot in skin details that i could use for something else, yknow?
ill repeat this process for makeup next. obviously im not giving my ocs permanent full glam, but some lipsticks can add better texture, you can get highlights/blush from........the blush section LOL and i love using this obscurus eyeliner at a low-ish opacity
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just adds an extra level of detail i love. i think what keeps my sims looking consistent next to each other is that i tend to use some of the same details all across the board
make sure for all makeup/skin detail/tattoo category swatches you use, you make note of what swatch it exactly is. when you go into s4s to export the file, you're gonna have to manually select it and if u cant remember what skintone u chose out it can be annoying :/
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note that she is completely nakey aside from her piercings while i pick what im gonna use for her skin! no clothing but u can keep on their hair. this is so we have a clear view of everything (and i mean EVERYTHING) for blender.
after you make sure u save the sim/household to ur gallery, you can close out of cas and save ur game! i forgot to do this bc im a fucking idiot but its okay bc you will not. its not REALLY necessary to do this as long as you know exactly what packages you need to locate for texture exporting
step one is done!!!! close out ur game
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i have a million fucking characters so i made a deja senti skinblending folder to keep it all organized :-)
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this is what it looks like inside. gives u a pretty good overview of what ur gonna be doing tbh. the 't' folder is all the textures we're about to export
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thankfully i do have a version of dahlia saved in my gallery so even tho i didnt go it before i closed my game i can still show u what to do in tray importer lol. i have multiple sims in one household, so i narrowed it down by going up top and selecting dahlia / human / and her everyday outfit.
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since im gonna give her this blush, i right click and hit open w package viewer so itll find it and open s4s for me
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anime wow sound. im gonna change the color manually in photoshop so it doesnt matter to me what swatch i export. hit that green export button under the list of diffuse/shadow/etc (u dont need to worry about all those options, just diffuse) and save it to ur folder!
once ur done gathering ur textures ur good to close out of tray importer and s4s(we'll come back to s4s later tho)
thats step two! the quickest step lawl
this is where i start being a little extra. u dont have to rip ur sim and use blender if u dont want to, but i think it can rly help bc the default sim in s4s doesn't have ur sims facial features and can make ur skins look wonky/wont give an accurate representation of how itll look in game. this cuts out having to go in game/out of game over and over to check
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so in simripper once u load up ur sim, the important part is to make sure u have it set to export the dae with separate meshes. once thats done u can import it into blender and there's plenty of other tutorials out there how to use simripper n all that.
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so once u get the dae loaded into blender im gonna send u on a little side quest over to this ask i answered where i explain how i separate eyes from the head mesh. next thing ur gonna open is photoshop! or whatever u have thats similar
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say hi to flat dahlia. u should have ur own guy but flat open now too :-) along with everything else ur gonna combine. in my case its blush and a titty mask. im gonna start w the blush so i zoomed into her face in blender. i went into the blush file and copied, then back into my base skin file and pasted into place with crtl+shift+v
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please do not be like me. make sure u rename ur layers as you copy and paste them into the main skin file. do this because it DOES matter what order ur layers are in. u dont want to put ur highlight under ur nose mask cause the nose mask will just cover the highlight etc etc. i already lost what layer the new blush i added is. what is wrong w me
so when u have ur first detail pasted on and in place, ur gonna save the base skin file as a psd. then go into blender, and in the little textures window ur gonna replace the diffuse file ur dae came loaded with with ur new psd file
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u should see the change u made but mine was super subtle so im gonna show it to u when i put on the cleavage overlay
when it comes to stuff like this, ur obviously gonna want to pick the closest to ur skintone swatch as u can. i did not do this, because again, im an idiot
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mine is way too pale LAWL whoops. we can fix this tho
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i add a hue/saturation adjustment and make it a clipping mask using that square w the arrow so the adjustment will ONLY affect the mask
from there i just make little adjustments until the color match up is as perfect as i can make it. for example for this, ik that it needs to be a little warmer and a little more saturated, so im gonna bump the hue and saturation sliders to the right and it was pretty much perfect
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tiddies with no mask > with mask no adjustments > with mask and adjustments
and ur gonna go ahead and repeat that process with every single thing u wanna add to ur skin.
so as for tattoos! this is another thing ur gonna wanna rename the layers for because depending on how heavily ur sims can be tatted it can get A LOT
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here's psyche's neat little tattoo folder. its separated into where the tattoo is and then
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what it is
i find all my tattoo inspo on pinterest using flash sheets/keywords in the search. my ocs usually have sub-boards that i hoard inspo in for them specifically. dahlia doesnt have one bc ive never seen her as the most tattooed person, but i think she'd have some at least
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this process is pretty much the same as putting on skin details! its all about adjusting to what u like. for example, i like when my sims tattoos are a little faded and a bit blurred at the edges cause it looks a little more real
when it comes to images i find on pinterest, ill save the image and first try to make it as clean as i can
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for example, this lil guy
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a curve mask made the whites brighter and the blacks darker as u can see. then ill go into filter > reduce noise to soften the harsh edges
then i flatten it, copy and paste to the skin file, n place it wherever i want it to go :-)
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louder anime wow!!!
okay so now ur gonna want to make sure u .psd file is saved (it should be bc we've been checking our progress w blender) and then merge the visible layers (NOT flatten, merge visible. we need the transparency around the skin to be in tact)
ur done in photoshop and blender!!! good job :-)
step whatever number we're on. back into s4s!
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ur focus is over here. make sure the option filled is the top one, and then hit the cas button
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this menu will open, ur gonna go up to part type and find the option skin details, forehead. pick the first forehead wrinkle option that appears and hit 'next.' itll prompt you to save ur new file n give it a name, i usually just make it my sim's name cause i have a folder in my mods folder for specifically my cc
remember wayyyy back when we were exporting the skin details? ur gonna go back to that same section and hit 'import' instead of export. select ur skin's .png file, and poof !
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ur skin :DD it looks great man good job
this part is EXTREMELY important. go up to the warehouse tab
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in the 'data' section ur gonna see a box at the top labeled 'filter.' thats where i typed in 'compos' just so it would show me JUST the compositionmethod section since theres a lot of shit in there lawl. yours is initially gonna say '3,' but we're gonna change it to '0' mind you, this is because MY skins are all alpha. maxis match overlays do not show up on my skins because my comp method is set to 0, meaning it has top priority essentially.
after you do that, you can hit save and place that .package file you created into your mods folder!!! and GUESS WHAT BESTIE UR DONE!!!!! U DID IT :DDDD
of course, as always, you can always dm me if youre stuck on anything or need any more clarification. i am always open to help as much as i can. i rly hope this helped :-)
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pettal00beaine · 9 months
Detention - Snape x inocent!reader smut
reader is described as a female, and is in hufflepuff
a/n- idk what possesed me to write this but this is so dirtly yall, im thinking abb turning this into a series but idk. Also its my second post thats an actual fanfic, so hope yall enjoy
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(Y/n)  (L/n) was discribed as a inocent, kind and soft girl. She had (h/c) hair that ran along her pretty face, (e/c) piercing eyes and a curved, bouncy and round body every boy wanted to touch. Even though she doesn't even know that boys have genitals.
She wasn't given the talk when she was younger and for certain she was discribed as a sparkly ray of sunshine at all Hogwarts. She was a Hufflepuff and was excellent in many classes, greatest being Herbology. 
She was often praised a lot from proffesors. She was the one who earned Hufflepuff many points through the years. But there was one class she wasn't a fan of.
Potions. Lead by non other than Proffesor Severus Snape. He never spoke about the girl, but was strict to her at times when she got a few measurements wrong in her potion. One time instead of healing a frog she turned it into a pigeon. Nobody was really surprised though, her patronum was a pigeon after all.
 But aside from some little incident there weren't tragic mistakes she had made. Until today at class. They were supposed to be making Amortentia, a very powerful potion. But with one slight bump of her classmate she managed to add half a bottle of peppermint oil into the mix resulting in her desk being flooded by the messy jelly like substance. And with one glare from Snape she knew what was going to go down . 
"Five points from Hufflepuff. Miss Glitheard you have detention here later today., at the end of all your classes. Everyone stop experimenting, Miss (L/n) clean this mess up." And with a sigh that left her mouth she begun cleaning the mess. With her head down for the rest of the day she completed all her classes and went to change her robe before going to her second detention at Hogwarts. 
The first one was in Astronomy when she broke a crystal ball. But she just had to clean the whole class of dust and that was it. Plus Ms. Sinistra added five points to Hufflepuff for her hard work. But she didnt know what Snape was like. With one final deep breath she opened the large door of the potions classroom. 
There sat Snape right in the front of the classroom writing onto some papers. He looks up and says: " Oh Miss (L/n) you finally appeared go on and sit down , and dont make a peep." She sat in the way back and put her bag onto the table. After about five minutes she felt bored and started to get pretty tired so she laid her head onto the desk letting herself dream into her sweet dreams of candy. 
(Snape's point of view)
I finished signing all of my paper on grading the fifth year students. And looked up to spot Miss Glitcheard quietly sleeping on the desk. I started to get mad at her actions and took my wand with me and started walking to her desk. I stood there before slamming my wand against the end of the desk letting little sparks fly out of the end. She got startled and fell to her knees right in front of me and looked me straight into the eyes.
I couldn't help but feel excited. "Oh my Merlin im so so sorry Professor Snape!" She quickly tried to get back onto the chair but i pushed her down with my right hand. " W-what ar-are you doing P-proffesore?" she asked as she looked at me inocently and blushed a deep red color. She wasn't lying she really didnt know what was about to happen.
 " Do not move a muscle." At that she sat still as i walked to the door, i pointed my wand at the doorknob and in a deep voice said: "Colloportus." 
With that i turned around to look at her looking at me. I slowly walked over to her as she turned her hair to look at the floor. I moved my wand across her jawli and moved her head up to look at me. "Proffesor my knees hurt, can i please sit on the chair?" 
"No. You are to remain here until i say so and until im satisfied." I said as i tapped my wand against her small but plump lips." Do you know what mens genitals are called Miss (Y/n)? Hmm?"
 "N-no sir i dont i swear. My mama said thats not good. So i dont know." 
She's telling the truth. This is going to be fun, a smirk is already forming onto my face as i look at her eyes. " You can sit down now." She obeyed as she sat down, i quickly made my way over and sat beside her. I started stroking her thigh and rubbing her robe.
"Its a little hot in here isn't it Miss?" 
" A bit." She said. 
I started taking of my robe revealing the pants and pullover that i had underneath. "Why dont you get comfortable yourself Miss?" She looked at me shily before removing her robe reveilng the sweater, tie and dress shirt. Her skirt was relatively short, i could see her chubby thighs. On the were the cutest pair of thigh highs i had ever seen. They were thick considering it was chilly outside and had adorable little pumpkins on them. I could just take them off one by one. But ill be patient. "Tell me Miss do you know what an erection is?" She shakes her head no.
 "Well, an erection is a hardened male genital or so called penis. Its caused by a male getting aroused by sexual tention." She lisened carefully as i suggested: " Would you like to try giving me an erection Miss.?" She looked shoked, she started getting teary eyed and shed a few tears. I cupped her cheeks and wiped away the tears.
" Oh Miss im sorry, whats wrong? " She looks at me with a quivering lip, "Momma said thats for bad people i dont wanna be a bad person mama will be sad." " Oh no deary its only bad if its forced but you want this, dont you Miss Glitcheard?" she looks patheticaly at the ground as i sense her thinking, maybe some old giving in will do the trick. 
I lean in close to her ear as i wispered:" Not even if i give some pathetic points to hufflepuff? Hmm? Wouldn't you like that little Miss?" And at that she looks at me and with a frown quickly nods her head." Alright then,lets get started. Get down on your knees infront of me." 
She obeys my orders as i move the chair to the side. She sits right in front of my legs. I started to move down the zipper on my pants revealing my white boxers. I slowly reach my hand into them as i take my huge cock out. She looks at it with wonder her eyes growing larger .
 "Its already half erect and leaking precum. Go on and put it into your hands Miss." She then slowly took it into her soft hands and squeezed it a little bit."Oh my Merlin that feels soo good. You see those ball like testicles under? You need to squeeze them gently." As she reaches down i cant help but feel excited, than i saw that my cock had twitched now fully hard.
She looked at it in surprise before slowly squeezing my heavy balls. It felt like i was in heaven. But i knew what would make it even better. " Do you see that mushroom shape? I want you to put it in your mouth." 
She looked at me so innocently as she opened her mouth, slowly taking in my tip. As she started to suck on it like a lollipop, it felt as if i was in heaven. I then pushed her head further as i heard her gag and choke, i looked right into her eyes as i saw tears flowing onto her cheeks. 
I tried to reach out to wipe them away as she started to gurgle and tap my thighs violently. I let her go to breath air as she started caughing. After a few seconds i took her back onto my cock, this time i felt i was close so i started to pound into her mouth. 
My balls slapped away on her jaw as she choked. "It'll be over soon i promise, just a few seconds more." I saw her eyes roll back into her head. She looked so fucking hot like that. I soon aproched my goal and for the last time i held her head down to my pubes. 
Her hands violently hit my thighs and her eyes had closed, knowing she was going to pass out i pulled out. I closed her mouth with my hand as i said: "I want you to swallow it all, or else you get punished." She shook her head no and moved back, as soon as my hand left her face she spitted out my jizz leading to a few coughs. 
She looked at me sadly as i just looked at her with slight anger for spitting my load out. " Im sorry i couldn't do it, it was too yucky and salty." "You think that its disgusting huh?" She shook her head yes. "You really are spoiled rotten. You think you can just spit it out like that huh? It takes time for me to make it happen you know. Do you understand that?"
She looked at me with eyes blowing with tears.
" Y-yes i do. Please dont punish me i wanna be a good girl, not a bad one. Am i a good girl sir, am i?" Her lip wobbled as she said that. " Right now your a really bad girl. You wasted what i gave you. And you will get punished. Now bend over the desk." She shook as she got onto her legs and took a few steps, she laid onto her stomach on the table. 
I put my cock back into my pants and walked behind her. I put my hand onto her hips as she shook a bit, trying to look over her shoulder. I then put a hand under her skirt and took it off with one swift motion along with her underwear.
 I kept her thigh highs on though, she looked so hot in them. I then took my wand into my hands and said ill give 10 spanks to your pussy, you will count each one, if you miss one i will start again. Understood?" 
"Yes i undertand sir." She said cutely.
I then so sudenly bought the wand down to her right cheek, making her jump in suprise.
"One!" She yelped. I made sure the second smack was a little more near her cunt.
"Two!" She yelped yet again. I had a smirk on my face as i continued the abuse on her cheeks. 
On the last slap she was crying so beautifuly, while i was rubbing her wery sore cheeks so it would hopefuly relieve some of the pain.
"You were good my sweet little dove, you deserve a reward dont you now? How about 30 points to hufflepuff? Hmm, would you like that?"
"Yes thank you Proffesor!" She said with a cute smile, as always.
"How about i bring us some tea darling, would it make you feel any better?"
"Yes Proffesore, with honey please!"
"Of course sweetheart." Oh how i love her.
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gamblersdoll · 21 days
I think about Guts resting under a tree after a battle, and in the lake in front of him, a naked reader bathing in the lake’s water, So he can't help himself
nsfw, shy reader
I ♡ u 🤭
masturbation (m) , blowjobs, guts is a little feral in this so. guts point of view.
i have to lay down, somewhere, somehow.
maybe i did overdo it this time. i never realized how much swinging or effort it took to swing this sword around. yet, it feels like i accomplished something from it. yeah, i did— i protected her. i protected the love of my life. the strongest woman i knew– no, the woman who made me feel like i was worth something.
my eyes look up, finding a large tree. shit, thats a big ass fuckin’ tree. but it can work. i feel myself lay against it, my muscles finally getting the rest they probably deserve. i look to my missing arm, the bionic metal replacing it. fuck, ill have to fix it or some shit. my eyes can close, finally.
a rustle of water is heard, what the fuck was that? my eyes shot open, looking over and around the entirety of the landscape. not this shit again, i just sat the hell down and im still being bothered—
oh, its you—
the water ran down your body, fuck. you look too damn good right now. can i even stand? well shit, did you even know i was here? probably not.
did the water feel warm, beautiful? i hope it does, the way your body just relaxes into it. and the way you let the water run through your hair, you look like a goddess, beautiful. never seen anything like this, at least not for a long while.
fuck, now another muscle is aching. all because of you. first i protected you, now i want to fuck my fist just to see you wash your body.
and it seemed like the water had some type of effect on your skin, it looks like your own worries or ponders washed away when the water hit the curve of your back. please— please dont moan like that.
my arm moves on its own, pulling my cock– the cock i wanted inside of you out, slowly but tightly pumping the length. shit, i need you. needed you all the fucking time. dont you know that? probably not. sometimes you werent the brightest color of the flowers, yet you were still the most beautiful, and elegant one.
“oh shit—“ you hurry to get your clothes, but i waved my hands, hoping you wouldnt. “im sorry, i didnt see you..” its okay, my beloved.
my lips crash to yours, hand and metal curving around your body as it feels too good to even pull away. your small hands, fuck were they soft and tiny, they curved around my neck. please, please keep touching me.
your smaller body kneeled to me. did you ever know how fucking attractive that is to a man? seeing the love of his life kneel to suck his cock? you women didnt know how much that can please a man. a man that loved you would know. fuck!
your lips wrapped around my cock, sucking around me as i gripped your hair. was this too tight, no, you wanted me to grip harder, thats what you told me with a mouthful of dick. shit, keep going. fuck, keep stroking me just like that, baby.
my balls are so fucking tight. you can probably feel them, the way you fumble with them in your hand. you will never know how good this shit feels. fuck, i wish i could repay you. fuck, thank you for this shit. keep going justlikefuckinthat, yes, oh god— shit yes!.
did i taste salty or bitter to you, my beautiful woman? i hope i didnt. i probably did, since i never did eat much. plus, i did just come back from fighting an apostle. what—
no way in hell you just swallowed my seed. shit.
my lips crashed onto you, my tastebuds curling up. shit, i wasnt bitter, yet i was salty. ill fix it for you, my sweet woman. our bodies, naked, feel the warmth of our own and the large body of water. i want to make you feel good yourself, without having to drop my cock into you. but god, was it hard to not do that.
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