#THE original problematic fave okay
theotherrichardpapen · 8 months
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femmeroi · 6 months
kill yourself faggot
Our relationship is rough right now, but in a few episodes we will be married.
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#Pretty sure I know who sent this considering... everything#If you manage to see this even after I blocked you heres a list of reasons why I blocked you- since you want to know so bad#1.) Your views on sex work are regressive- I don't like how you demeaned that line of work simply because a of model was mean to you#2.) I am not comfortable with the way you talk about trans people- you are casually mysgonistic and transphobic when talking about them#You being trans does not give you a pass for this imho#3.) For all the posturing you do about the ZeXal skirts you and your friends are weird about under age characters + the post about#Edo being “apparently legal” was just gross to me. Your friend being weird about Yuri is how I originally found and blocked you.#4.) I don't like how you called someone a bitch just because they blocked you- you said you gave their art “nothing but support”#Before they blocked you. People do not owe you kindness or time or patience just because you liked their art.#You are not entitled to friendship or courtesy or anything at all just because you rebloged someones art.#5.) You hate Yu/ bel so much you call them a “child predator” I REALLY don't think you'd like following me considering they're my angel#When I have time again I want to dedicate more of my posts to Judai/Yu/ bel/Jun content and you'd fucking hate your life seeing that#So I blocked you before that became an issue.#I had you blocked for a while but when the VRAINS discourse happened I unblocked you so I could easily see what was up#Unfortunately I forgot to reblock you and I only remembered about your whole existence after you interacted with me#Usually I say shit like “Not everyone is going to like you and you just have to accept that as okay”#But in your case- there's a reason so many people have you blocked.#It's not because you have a “problematic fave” like you claim- it's because you have rancid fucking vibes#I'd rather people not interact with or acknowledge this post btw- I'm going to ignore anything further because idgaf about it all#I just wanted to annoy mr deranged by yu/beling all over their ask lol
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bugeyedfreaks · 6 months
rewatched the movie for the first time in ages after growing up having ppg be a crucial part of my childhood and even as mojo jojo was a shitty lab assistant and a very evil monkey before the girls or before he got hit with the chemical X it still pissed me off for the professor to just completely abandon him after the girls were born to where he’s forced out onto the streets?? not pissing me off in a narrative perspective to be clear, i just got mad at the professor for doing that. especially considering the chimp trade in the states is notoriously shady and like, of fucking course if you buy a chimpanzee for use as a “lab assistant” or test subject it’s going to be more than a little crazy because it’s a wild animal. he just left mojo jojo to fuck off and die like whoa??? forget the professor being arrested for his little girls destroying the city via tag, arrest him for ANIMAL ABUSE AND NEGLECT. he sucks fat eggs for that one
Yeah, it’s definitely weird that the Prof completely ignores Mojo after the girls are born. It’s different than in the show where he says that he ended up kicking Mojo out but completely forgot about it… which is still a little unbelievable because I would imagine it would be hard to forget about kicking Mojo frickin’ Jojo out of your house. 😆 Maybe the Prof just repressed the bad memories? Maybe the girls did too? What exactly did Mojo do after gaining sentience that made the Prof mad enough to toss him out on his own?
But since this is about the movie… for real, it’s messed up, and you kind of can’t blame Mojo for being pissed off about it. Okay, sure, before the accident, he was running around and messing up the laboratory, being a little bad boy, but he literally had no awareness at that point. It wasn’t like he knew he was being bad, he was just an animal. It was natural for him to jump around and swing on things and goof off. And it is super awful that the Professor had an animal in his lab, an animal he called his assistant of all things, and even after the initial shock of the Chemical X incident, doesn’t eventually check up on or worry about said animal after a chemical explosion? Like, bad boy or no, he could have been really hurt! There’s no questioning where he went? No side remark like, “Now where did Jojo, the chimpanzee and lab partner who was living in my home, go?” The Professor just totally forgets and automatically pivots to showering his new lab creations with gifts and attention? God. Poor Mojo. Imagine suddenly gaining sentience and no one cares that you could be hurt or dead or anything. That has to be an awful feeling. It’s no wonder he has a huge chip on his shoulder. 😢
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So yeah, I agree, when you think about it, animal endangerment/abandonment, even if the animal was kind of a little jerk, is not much of a good look for the Professor. Ultimately though, it’s just one of those things that you can’t really overthink too much about, since at the end of the day, the movie can’t really have us sympathize much with Mojo ‘cause he’s gotta be the villain (luckily, I overthink things a lot, so I enjoy talking about stuff like this, especially about my problematic fave 😆).
Side note: I’ve wondered if Mojo’s origin story was added after the fact or if it was planned. I know he was, like, called Dr. Mojo in the Whoopass Girls, which you’d think might have hinted at him being a scientist and all that (with a degree, ooooh~) but I wonder if they’d even thought about the whole being a laboratory assistant to the Professor backstory even way back then. I dunno.
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epickiya722 · 11 months
ykw hshshsh leon kennedy for the ask game!! <33 hehehehe
1: Sexuality headcanon
I headcanon him bi, he just gives off bi vibes.
2: OTP
I am stuck in Chreon hell... but I'm very comfortable here. You know what, I like him in a couple of ships.
I do like him and Claire as besties!
So far, I haven't really crossed a Leon ship I hate really? (I'm still "new".)
5: First headcanon that pops into my head
Opposite of the popular belief, Leon is a natural blond to me who dyed his hair darker at some point in his life to feel different. He's known for his pretty hair, so I imagine he wanted a change to differentiate from that image of "pretty boy".
6: Favorite line from this character
This is unfair because there's a lot of lines he says in both games and movies I find hilarious.
Okay, to choose, and I'll choose one I don't see talked about a lot, I'll go with his exchange with Ashley RE 4 (original) where she goes...
"No way, Leon."
7: One way in which I relate to this character
If I was put in the situations he was in, I'd be saying a lot of those lines, too... coping through the horrors with humor.
8: Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Huh, I don't really have anything concrete really?
Wait! The noises he makes in Dead by Deadlight. I just... I don't even know how to make of those sounds.
9: Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll that has a good heart and has been through so much and deserves to go on vacation.
Send Me a Character...
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infiniteanalemma · 10 months
So, this is about Dragon Age, which means it's a long essay of a post. The question was which companion was my favorite.
Okay, so first of all, asking me to pick only one favorite? In a BioWare game? Cruel. 😞 How can I pick just one across three games and multiple dlcs? Impossible. I'm too indecisive for that.
Instead, I'll do one per game, which is still hard. Long post ahead. You've been warned.
Origins first, as God intended. If I have to pick only one (*sob*), it has to be Sten. Don't get me wrong, I love Alistair and he was my canon Cousland's romance. But as the player, Sten's my guy. I love a strong, silent type who'll talk philosophy with me, so what can I say? Maybe we don't always agree on everything, but that's half the fun of a philosophical debate. It was through talking with him and hearing his thoughts that I started to be interested in the qunari, which wound up causing me pain in DA2, but I don't regret it. Plus, my dude likes art -- truly a man of culture and taste.
It was a little bittersweet at the epilogue, knowing he would return to Par Vollen. Despite the Warden becoming his kadan, if he ever did see any of them again, it would probably be in war. However, they had a mutual respect and the hope that any war would be pushed back beyond their lifetimes.
Honorable mention goes to Nathaniel Howe in Awakening. Although the Warden killed his father, in the end even he could agree that his dad had it coming. Despite the shortness of the story, he actually had a fairly nuanced character arc. It felt especially satisfying to me to have him and my Cousland become friends. Something something, healing of old wounds, something something, found family.
DA2 is probably the hardest for me to pick just one. I loved them all, and all for different reasons. It comes down to a three-way battle between Varric, Fenris and Carver. But, since only one can win, it has to be Fenris. Sorry, sometimes I am just a basic bitch.
The thing I really appreciated, especially in Fenris's rivalmance, was the exploration of trauma and coping. My canon Hawke is a mage, and their relationship really showed how two people can hit each other's vulnerabilities and trauma, but still love and care for each other. It really shone a light on Fenris's character flaws, but also showed him grappling with them. That's how real-life trauma works. It wasn't an immediate "love conquers all" situation. It was a deeply wounded person lashing out and hurting someone they care about (and who cares about them) because that person inadvertently stepped on their trauma. Fenris winds up being very cruel to Hawke at times, which he later regrets, but it was a dysfunctional coping mechanism that he has to unlearn. And that takes time. He screws up, regrets, and tries to do better. Not just once, but many, many times. That's real.
Really, that's the thing that makes him win out for me over Varric. I love Varric, but no matter what happens, he's still Hawke's bestie. They never really have any serious conflict. While that's great for Hawke, it also means we never really get to see Varric's flaws and insecurities in action or have him overcome them. This makes sense, as Varric is the one telling the story -- a story that isn't about him, but it also slightly flattens his character. Carver (and Bethany), on the other hand, never really gets the screen-time to build up their relationships in the same way. I love them both to pieces, but there's so much with them that we never get to see. Really, I wish we could have gone more in-depth with everyone, but I guess that's what fanfic is for.
Inquisition is another game where I could write an essay on every character and, once again, I'mma be a basic bitch. Solas, Solas, Solas, my beloved egg, my problematic fave. Like with Sten, I enjoyed the philosophical bent to his conversations with the Inquisitor. Also, as my canon Inquisitor was a Trevelyan mage who gained his respect, I enjoyed the meta knowledge of how much their friendship was tearing Solas apart.
I liked that, once you know what he is, you can literally see the anguish he experiences as the story goes on as he grapples between what he personally wants and what he has to do to achieve his goals. I find it a satisfying thought-experiment to try to delve into a character's mindset and understand their motivations, and Solas is an interesting character for that. It's a fascinating window into his character to realize that his pride is such that he can't give up on his goals, because to do that would render all he's done and sacrificed to be in vain, and he can't allow that. He's doing it all "for the People", so he can't allow himself to "be selfish" enough to stop, so he condemns himself and tells himself it's noble to martyr himself this way. He's fascinating to me, and I want to pick his brain and study him like a bug.
Second honorable mention goes to Cullen, who is technically a companion, if only briefly. I know Curly is divisive within the fandom*, but I feel like that speaks to the complexity of his character. Personally, I'm glad he's not the unproblematic, idealized love interest. Perfect people in fiction are boring, anyway. Granted, the fans have to fill in a lot of places where BioWare could've handled things better. That said, I do think you can love someone and also be critical of their actions. I think you can care about someone, want them to grow and overcome their traumas and indoctrination, while also pointing out that they've said and done things that were really messed up. Even someone who wants to change can still have subconscious, problematic views that they don't even realize are still affecting them. I wish BioWare had leaned farther into that aspect, actually, instead of trying to smooth things over and make him less problematic.
*I do kind of find it funny that the range of opinions on him go from "I love him sm" to "he's terrible" to "he's the most boring, generic white guy of all." The Dragon Age fandom is ... definitely something.
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jhoudiey · 2 years
🦴 -- Yoru
!!!!! (Thanks for sending the og post id completely forgotten lol)
So, Yoru was actually the result of @twistedapple and I talking about twst in early 2020 and i mentioned I'd never really made an OC that wasn't a self insert before cause normally it's just "cooler me to smooch my faves" but that really only goes so far. So we were discussing the twst universe and how we wanted to dive deeper into the lore and characters that you get to do in the game, and since Yuu is pretty tied to Adeuce and grim i wasn't particularly interested in making a Yuu (since i really couldn't care less about grim and the good boys).
Then i was stuck at "okay how to insert a new character that has a reason to be there and isn't just some dude* (now that I'm more comfortable with OC making I've added several *some dudes* whom i love but neglect lol). Tried to pick a Disney character to twist them from and decided to twist Yoru directly from Crowley himself (the black sclera and shitty doofus attitude did me in), then thought well if he's a bird let's make MORE OF A BIRD and blam i have a monster girl to explore twst with. Then of course because she's a Crowley she needs cool crow powers and her UM was born.
But since i was REALLY concerned that she'd be a typical Mary Sue being the daughter of the headmaster and all, i was like "okay but what if she just fucking sucks?" And started piling on the flaws and was like HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME and was hellbent on creating the worst possible barbie to play with in twst-land cause i feel like in a world of villans, violence needs to be the answer more often than it is.
And since she's shitty and sketchy it makes it really fun to dive deeper into platonic/romantic relationships with my problematic faves cause dear god the fish and igniboys are a mess but dear god does that ever make them interesting. Plus, crow dad is SUCH a fun dynamic I'm glad i landed on cause Crowley trying to parent is such a disaster.
She hasn't actually changed too much since my first ideas about her, but I'm glad i made her cause I've done more art than ever since her inception and even started writing (I'm over 100k in Yoru lore) fics and even original stuff too!
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I took Gwen through "The Accusation," the follow-up to "The Fall of Falcon Company."
I talked a little here about wishing human PCs could be something other than totally uncritical Queen Jennah stans (it's not like plenty of human NPCs don't have issues with her!). In my head, if not on the screen, Gwen's street origin/revolutionary crowd has left her with very little investment in the status quo and she theoretically opposes royalty and (especially) aristocracy. But she doesn't want Jennah replaced by another (worse) monarch and the person/people plotting against the queen are responsible for the death or suffering of Gwen's sister, so for now, okay.
Anyway. Gwen enters the royal court for the first time in her life to find Logan just arrived, and Queen Jennah attended by Minister Arton, Countess Anise (problematic fave!!!), and Minister Caudecus. Given that Caudecus is the ultimate villain of the noble storyline ... hmm.
We jump into the cut scene and actually see Jennah for the first time:
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(Hope the throne room isn't drafty!)
The character design shows its age a bit, though I like the patterning on the gold overlay, and the neck piece. I also really like that she looks like a GW1 Krytan—I like that Ascalonians got less white in GW2, but Krytans got wayyyy lighter and I've always found it uncomfortable.
Right, back to the story. Jennah and Logan talk Very Normally about the treason and not about Logan's undying passion for her, and Gwen tells her about Tervelan's confession, without even naming the minister in question. Arton, who is elderly and seems pretty nice, immediately guesses the accused minister must be him and goes under voluntary house arrest.
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Also, I want his robe.
Enter Anise, whom Gwen briefly met in the street arc. Anise was introduced back then as the head of the Shining Blade—the group that helped save Kryta back in GW1 and seems an elite bodyguard for Jennah these days—and apparently keeps track of everything, since she recalls that a random sergeant transferred out of Falcon Company, back in the day. Logan knows where the guy is currently patrolling, so he sends Gwen off to question the sergeant while he stays and protects Jennah.
You can actually talk to Jennah herself afterwards, deferentially. She's actually pretty upset because Arton has always served both her and her father with every appearance of loyalty (as I recall, not something that could be said of all her ministers). The charm response was the more neutral ("Captain Thackeray and Countess Anise will ensure your safety"), so I went with that.
Anise remarks that accusing a minister in front of the queen is not only bold, as she knew Gwen is, but fearless. Gwen says, "Not fearless. Determined." Sounds about right!
Caudecus also has a dialogue option, but just kind of whines about all the commotion. Yeah, I've got my eye on him.
Meanwhile, in conversation with Logan, Gwen grimly assures him that if this sergeant knows anything, she'll get him to talk.
That's my girl :)
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dreamcrow · 2 years
And I’m gonna be self indulgent and say ruby pls
(from headcanon game here; thank you for the ask, and also, omg, for trusting me with this for YOUR OC...??? ;==; ahh, a favor i shall try to hold gently!)
1: sexuality headcanon
epicurean. only the best. c;
2: otp
,,,okay don't make fun of me, but. i must claim two!! first: starkarby bc i always read it as "stark arby's" which makes me laugh. but also because i know perhaps originally it was sadder but i always remember the thought from when you first explained it to me that "ah, maybe this time, it could end better..." 🥺 emoting about friends telling stories and maybe we can make a better ending, this time
second though: ...lyric? they're in this art with her! i only know from what i've seen on your rubyblog, but their interactions are so tender, and that art is so beautiful, i've been thinking of it ever since you first showed us ;==;
3: brotp
RUBELL... /)___(\ listen i know they're the obvious option here i KNOW they're our blorbos tm but... i think such a normal amount about the arranged marriage au... even just. in general. man ;____; two stoic dweebs living by invisible rules but who are actually deep down just litol creechurs who need love (and maybe love jane very much).
4: notp
...x unhappiness? x that one fucking guy, no, i don't see sad backstory but he can meet me in the pit. x the many minor inconveniences that come of allowing emotion-based fire magic user into an extremely flammable library.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
...i don't mean to still be "OUR BLORBOOOOOS" on your blorbo's hc post but... i think toa!ruby would come off slightly better than strickler on meeting bellroc 😂 she's smart and sharp so i'm sure she'd be !!! at this ancient magic thing showing up but at the same time i can only imagine her reacting with perfect poise and finesse.
6: favorite line from this character
"why yes, my dear bellroc, you can certainly teach jane some sensible magic. i shall be happy to supervise :)" (or...something of this nature, anyway, hehehe.)
7: one way in which i relate to this character
god i WISH i was that glamorous uhhhhm. dare i say...book nerds??
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
literally nothing. how much i love her maybe!!!
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
ruby lark, local archivist, has never done anything wrong in her life
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topknotstrunk · 2 months
Review Everything 43 - Avatar The Last Airbender 2024
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I have a thing about adaptations.
If you're making visual media based on a book there's merit in doing your best to recreate the story as faithfully as possible. It's going to feel and look new because a book isn't a visual format. So even if you quote lines word for word and have shots set up exactly the way the book describes them, the visual format thing you're making is still new, because it isn't a book.
You've given me a reason to come and watch the visual media instead of reading the book again instead. The visual thing is gonna be a new experience, reading the book again would be enjoyable, but not new.
Now, if you're adapting something that's already a visual media thing into a different visual media thing... What's the reason for me to watch that? Especially if the thing you're adapting is so well written and beautiful to look at that it's enjoyable to revisit?
Is your reason an all star cast? Because that's not a draw for me personally. Is the reason that it's live action instead of a cartoon? I'd argue that most fantasy stories are better told as a cartoon, especially if, as in the case of Avatar: The Last Airbender, the story was created to be told as a cartoon. There's lots of stuff that works as a cartoon that's goofy or distracting in live action. How much of that is gonna plague your adaptation?
Cause listen, one guy already tried this. And it was a disaster.
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Now I want to clarify my thing a little. I genuinely think Shyamalan was on the right track with some of the decisions he made. If you're gonna adapt something ADAPT it. Give me a reason to watch this instead of re-watching the cartoon again.
However. Don't change shit like the pronunciation of the main character's name. Don't make Bending look MORE goofy then someone Hung Gar-ing rocks at you already looks. Don't take a climatic fight with a giant kaiju born of a character's sacrifice of self and turn it into a wave of water that makes the character sleepy to summon.
For instance, the one thing I think the 2010 Avatar movie got right was changing the fire Bending. Every other Bender has to have their element with them or else be deprived of their bending. The first two times we have that rule broken, with Toph and Katara, Toph invents a new kind of earth Bending and blood Bending is treated as horrific. Fire Benders can somehow always bend fire? The two explanations you get for this in the fandom are usually "they're getting fire from the sun" or "they're getting fire from their body heat". Okay, sure. How do the fire benders Bend fire when they're underground with only non-Sun light sources then? How come water benders can't just get water from the air as long as there's moonlight? How come using their own body heat doesn't appear to be detrimental? It's not a huge issue, granted, but I thought 2010 Avatar's answer of, "Well they can't they need to have fire around." Was interesting! That's new! There's all kinds of cool story telling opportunity there!
All this to say I WANT to see changes with new adaptations. If I wanted to watch the same thing over and over again I would go back to the objectively better version of the story and just re-watch the original cartoon. But I want the changes to be made with story telling and forethought in mind.
My biggest complaint with Avatar 2024 is that Katara and Sokka have been flattened. Many of their character flaws have been smoothed away to make them more palatable to what the creators perceive is their... IDK how to say this. Sensitive? Socially aware? Audience. It feels like some of their statements, particularly the removal of Sokka's sexism, reflect this trend that I've been seeing in a lot of media which is that "your fave shouldn't be problematic." But like, yes they should? If you want to have a character that is a paragon of virtues make them work to get there. Without Sokka's sexism his treatment of Katara in the first few episodes just makes him seem like a spoiled brat without any reason for him to be that way, and as the show goes on and he starts to pick up skills which come to define him as a character it makes him feel a bit like a Gary Stu, for lack of a better term. Like, a big part of Katara and Sokka's dynamic in the early part of the show is Katara being strong and brave and capable and Sokka scoffing and saying, "But girls aren't that so whenever you're done with this delusion let me know." This also makes Katara determined to prove to Sokka, and the world, that she is strong, though it makes her a bit of a reactive hot head, which she has to figure out how to deal with. And then Sokka has his ass handed to him by several by powerful women, one of whom he has more incentive to be as likeable as possible to, Suki. Katara's big moment in the Southern Water Tribe vs Fire Nation battle where she shows master Pakku that she's a very capable fighter shows Sokka that not only is Katara worthy, but seeing Yue's selfless act, added to his time with Suki, Sokka starts to see that woman are just as worthy as men are. And Katra starts to learn that she can't Bend her way out of all her problems. AND THAT'S GOOD SHIT. There are hints of that in Avatar 2024, but I think they're really only there because I expect them to be and know what to look for.
Also, taking away Aang's fear of fire bending because he never accidentally burns Katara is... a choice. One I don't understand.
There were plenty of decisions like that that made me raise my eyebrows, but there were plenty of them that also actually made me really enjoy the show.
So because the internet is full, I'm sure, of lists of what makes Avatar 2024 bad, here's some stuff I liked. Not stuff that I think the cartoon should have done, I honestly would have a hard time coming up with ways to change that show for the better, but stuff that I thought made making a new thing worth it, new stuff.
The chronology change: Confronting us with the Fire Nation's atrocities right at the beginning was interesting. Many [most?] of the people watching this are fans of the original, and while the cartoon makes us wait for the reveal of who killed the air benders, the show gives it to us right away. We already know its coming so making it a brutal reminder of why the story happens instead of a not surprising reveal later did the show well. Some of the other shuffling, like the Secret Tunnel stuff was good too.
Avatar Kyoshi: I'm gonna treat this as with cautious optimism as a good change. Yes, it's a translation of a thing that happens in the cartoon, but previous Avatars being able to swap in for the current Avatar? That's a super interesting concept. The scene where Aang begs Kuruk to take over his physical form but there being story reasons that doesn't work? And Aang being delivered visions of the future that "have to" come true? I wanna know if he'll get a vision about killing the Fire Lord and then go on that big ol quest to figure out how to not do that again and how a vision of a "have to" future might change that element of the story. So many cool possibilities with this which I hope they take advantage of in the future.
Bumi: I think he's perfect in the cartoon. I don't think that would have worked for live action. I think the translation of him to this story is also a perfect interpretation of the character. I wish they had foreshadowed him a little better, or just told us he was coming like in the cartoon, but other than that I really like how they handled Bumi.
Zuko: Dialing up his whiny bratiude works. I've seen many people complain about the actor's delivery of his lines but I think the casting and acting for Zuko is great. Dallas Liu is doing a good job. I liked giving him a little more agency in the Agni Kai too. He's trying so hard, which is a super important element of his character!
Uncle Iroh: You can't beat Mako, you just can't. Paul Sun-Hyung Lee though? A perfect fit for this version of the character.
Avatar Roku: I like making him a bit of a goofball, it helps separate him from what the Fire Nation is doing. There's no reason he can't be a little silly so that Aang can relate better to him and also be a stoic, calming presence for the young Avatar when he needs that later, too.
Every actor seems to be loving getting the chance to be in Avatar. At least all of the adults are very capable and acting their fricking pants off, and their drive makes a lot of the show super enjoyable to experience.
Could this have been done better? Yeah, sure. Was it done pretty good? Yup! And, to me, most of media is just "good" or "pretty good". I think if these folks can get their feet under them and understand their main characters a little better then I don't see any reason season 2 couldn't be even better. I like Avatar, I've been a fan since it was first on TV. I've seen both cartoons, the Movie, read some of the comics, and now watched this show. My text tone was "My Cabbages!" for years. I like this world and, so long as the stuff coming from it continues to be creative and have new ideas I would love more from it. I look at the future of Avatar with cautious optimism. I am just as weary of an Avatar story set in "modern day" as I am a live action adaptation of the rest of the show. I hope both the original creators and the folks involved in the live action adaptation treat the series with all the love the fans have for it. This world deserves it, as do the fans who've stuck around for 18 years.
In Summary: My expectations were at ROCK BOTTOM. But they didn't need to be.
Overall: 6/10
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fritzyships · 8 months
Okay, since I know you're in need of a good distraction, I'm not even gonna list a few!
Challenge time (if you're up for it): I'd love to hear an answer for every single ask question on the board regarding Fritzy!!
No pressure of course, you can always pick and choose faves if it's too much. I'm like a sponge absorbing all the selfship info I can here :D
( @verykissablepixels )
✍️: Overall, how does the fandom trait you? Are you a beloved character, or hated? Are you popular, or a minor side character? Anything in between?
I would say the fandom adores him. He’s a big kitty boy what’s not to like?
📝: How would your story in canon go? How would you influence the events of the original story?
It’d cause the second and third books from even happening and even Charlie and the gang from meeting Dave probably
🤪: What is your trait that fanon would exaggerate?
His shy attitude
🥰: How would someone who loved you portray you?
As the sweet kind boy he is
😡: How would someone who hated you portray you?
As an overly shy type that annoys Dave to no end
👯: What canon character are you most similar to?
Honestly I’m probably slightly similar to their Henry I guess
🌦️: Would you be accompanied by mostly fluff or angst fanfics? Both? Explain why.
Fluff fics
🏷️: What is you and your f/o’s ship name?
Their ship tag is his little meow meow but they don’t have a proper ship name
❤️: How popular is you x your f/o? Are you a rarepair?
I’d think it’d be pretty popular especially with the more furry side of the fandom
💞: Aside from with your f/o, who else would you commonly be shipped with? Why?
I can’t say anyone else would suit him aside from maybe plots that keep Henry alive
☕️: What are the most common plots of shipping fics between you and your f/o?
Gamer antics, meeting his parents, stuff like this
🛌: What tropes show up in fics involving your ship?
Mmmm I’m eepy I can’t think of any atm
🪐: What would be your most popular AU and why?
Hmm. Probably an au where they’re both anthropomorphic creatures to double the cute animals
💘: Why would people love your ship? Why would people dislike your ship? How might it start debates?
They’d love it because of the sheer sweetness. I’d think only people who are uncomfortable with anthro animal x human ships would hate it.
🙈: Why would your ship be thought of as cute/fluffy? Why would your ship be considered problematic? It’d be cute and fluffy because of how sweet and Fritzy is. He’s like a ball of fluffy sunshine. I’d say problematic because it involves Dave who’s you know William Afton.
🎞️: What ‘canon’ scenes would the fandom point to as evidence for the validity of your ship?
Likely scenes of Dave just stroking Fritzy’s face and just being very gentle towards the cat or something
💌: How would your dynamic be portrayed? What might people focus on most? Any misconceptions? Sunshine shy boy vs grumpy snarky guy. Probably the way Fritzy can bring out a good side of Dave. Nah.
👀: How does your ship with your f/o influence both of your characterisations and the world? Would there be any interesting metas written about your dynamic?
I feel like there could be some metas written on them but I’m not sure.
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zorilleerrant · 9 months
okay this may be a controversial opinion but I don't think Jason Todd actually counts as a problematic fave. that's like calling Punisher or Dexter or Lord Vetinari a problematic fave.
I really think the term is only correctly applied if you're very much not supposed to like that character. like feel sympathy to them or get where they're coming from, maybe, but not actually like them. certainly not say 'you're all wrong and I'm the only one who truly understands my beloved fucked up evil little hate machine' and then try to invent a whole personality and logic for them.
this includes pretty much characters that are transparently there to have the same motivations/origins as a protagonist, but with a terrible, obviously morally wrong conclusion. and characters that have absolutely no complexity whatsoever and are purely there to be narratively functional as a villain.
which Jason was, in UtRH! Jason's return was very much with him as a relatively shallow and underdeveloped foil to Batman, purely to show that trauma can push people one way or another, and not all of those ways are good. and the people who started liking him when that came out, sure, he was a problematic fave. but he was the comics writers' problematic fave, and they wove a whole new narrative for him to have all to himself. and so he became a very unproblematic very prominent character that you're supposed to like, identify with, and cheer on.
and you can argue that any character can really fit this if you look at the bad things they do but still like them, but I would argue it's actually much more problematic if they do something horrible that the narrative doesn't acknowledge is terrible, either because the creators genuinely believe that's a good thing or because they totally didn't notice. presenting awful things as if they're normal and fine is unfortunately common in comics. whereas all of Jason's stuff is very, like, well he probably shouldn't have done that that way.
I mean you're supposed to see him as the good guy! you're supposed to agree or disagree with what he does but fundamentally think his heart is in the right place and he's got good morals and he cares about what happens to people. so I think he can't be a problematic fave. I think no gray hero or gray villain or character just doing their best to struggle through their circumstances can really fall into that camp. only characters the author would be horrified to find out that you're very attached to. characters that are only there to be evil.
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41 - Otis Redding - Otis Blue
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Welp, all I know of Otis Redding is "(Sitting On) The Dock of the Bay" and that he wrote Respect before Aretha covered it and effectively made it hers.
Wikipedia says this is (paraphrased) mostly a cover album. Otherwise, I'm going in blind on this one.
•Ole Man Trouble-
It's ostensibly a blues album, and this is an amazing first track; a blues song about getting stuck in the dumps again and again and again. Fuck Ole Man Trouble.
All my homies hate Ole Man Trouble.
Those horns are hot, though! Hoping for a lot more of that coming up.
Okay, I was expecting this, but this version is just WEIRD. The pieces are there, but it's subtly wrong. Lukewarm take: Aretha did it WAY better. This song works so much better as a feminist anthem than it does like this, it's very 'better have my dinner ready when I walk in the door'.
•A Change Is Gonna Come-
Hearing this man's beaten-down and bedraggled optimism about how things have to get better for the black community despite living though a particularly dark part of America's history gave me a bit of hope that, yeah, things have got to get better.
Then, I think about my racist, fascist governor and I can't stop myself from thinking: "well, not fuckin yet, I guess."
Then, I lose myself in thinking about pushing Ronathan Desantis into the industrial crushing machine from the end of 30 Days of Night, and I get just a bit happier.
It's legitimately soul-destroying to think that it's been so long since this song was written and we've gotten to "no no, you see, slavery was good actually because it taught them valuable skills!" and that kinda makes me want to slit my fucking wrists
This country sucks shit.
•Down in the Valley-
As if he knew the last song was gonna be A Bummer, this one is basically "oh yeah, shit SUCKS, but those motherfuckers can't stop us from dancing, even if it's just to spite them."
That said, I really like it. A breath of fresh air.
•I've Been Loving You Too Long-
My man, she's gone. She's checked the fuck out.
She wants out, you said as much. Let her go.
I get that you feel like you can't let go, but you're being the Crab in the goddamn Bucket right now.
(For real, it sucks to be in a one-sided relationship but let them go if they want to leave, and you'll both be happier eventually for it.)
This song has some SERIOUS energy to it. Funky as hell, and the horns are working overtime. If this doesn't make you want to move, you're broken.
I bet this one was a killer at a live set.
•My Girl-
I was initially going to say that this sounds wrong without the Temptation's back-up singers, but the horns actually work pretty well in their place.
Also, god DAMN, the man could sing.
A beautiful cover. I almost like it more than the original, tbh.
•Wonderful World-
Was expecting trees of green and red roses, too, aaaaaaaand now all I can think about is Animal House, a now deeply problematic fave from my younger years. (But still not nearly as problematic as Revenge of the Nerds.)
(For those who aren't familiar, this was a featured song in that film, iirc the last song of the movie that plays over the epilogues.)
I definitely relate to this song though, as I also don't remember much about the French i took, either.
Possibly the most upbeat song so far.
•Rock Me Baby-
2001. Junior year history class taught by one of my all-time favorite teachers: Mr. Bradish.
This song was the given example of how creative people could get around the strict censorship laws in the mid-century like the Hayes code.
"Well, we can't say 'i want you to screw me all night long', but these dipshit honky record executives don't exactly understand what we mean by the word 'rock', they're just snapping their fingers, so we're good."
I simply cannot divorce this song from that moment in time.
That said, A SERIOUS blues guitar solo, hot damn.
•(I Can't Get No) Satisfaction-
To be totally on the level, I was always more of a Beatles fan than a Stones fan.
That said, this cover FUCKING SLAPS!
In a perfect world, this song would be known as an Otis Redding song.
•You Don't Miss Your Water-
The inverse of I've Been Loving You Too Long, and the return of: "Aww, man I've been such a gigantic cheating prick it's been so great, wait, why is my girl leaving me? [Surprised_pikachu.jpg]"
I seriously CAN'T believe how common a subject that has been during this project.
Well, that was an interesting album, all in all. Otis Redding had one hell of a voice, and it's on full display here.
Definitely worth checking out, especially since it's a quick one at like 35 minutes long.
Favorite Track: (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction. It's amazing how much better this song can seem when it's not being sneered at you by a quasi-noncey British multi-millionaire. It comes off much less like the diatribe of a jaded douche when it comes from Otis.
Least Favorite Track: You Don't Miss Your Water.
Yeah, maybe I'm a dyed in the wool wife-guy, but I will never, ever be a fan of the nigh-omnipresent "I'm an asshole, I'm a cheater, wait a minute, why doesn't my partner like me anymore?" song.
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loisinherlane · 9 months
3, 6, 10, 22 for violence asks
ty <3!
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
i don't take screenshots because my anger would be neverending. BUT there is my pet peeve from an old fandom where people either treat my problematic fave (k-nt parson) as either the evil abusive ex or a sweet baby who does no wrong. which is bad enough. but then i saw a really awful take that one scene (which we only get glimpses of but has NO evidence that this was anything other than mutual) was an incident of sexual assault. i was about to bite someone.
6. which ship fans are the most annoying?
look, i know we're all saying timkon, but t-mkon. uhhh i also used to see really bad takes about kory from d-ckbabs fans, which only made me even more hateful.
10. worst part of fanon
the batfam is a copout answer so. the girlbossification of every single woman sucks. i say this as a lois stan, but not every woman is a lois lane or a barbara gordon. even they need times to be vulnerable. where is our complexity!!!
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
the brief period in dc canon where EVERYONE got a free adoptive child. i want sin lance back! misfit! rani carter! chris kent! (and i love jon samuel okay i do which is also why i NEED chris kent back because i need both of them to interact. i need the three kent boys to have a brotherly relationship complicated by their different origins and places in the family.)
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rosescotch · 2 years
Hey I'm RoseScotch. I'm 21 years old and I go by any pronouns. I draw lots of fun stuff so yahoo!
Before you follow or decide to interact with me, here's a DNI list:
-no homophobes, transphobes, racist people, and all those other nasty things. I will not tolerate any forms of discrimination and will block you if you attempt to follow or interact.
-no pro-shippers. Anyone who glorifies disgusting ships and problematic ships will be blocked. I don't want to see it and I will probably puke on sight.
-z**philes, p*dophiles, l*licons/sh*tacons. This should be a given, but I'm gonna write it down anyways. Please stay away from me if you enjoy hurting animals, putting children in danger, or if you're creepy. I don't want anything to do with you because I find all of that stuff sickening.
Okay, now that we got that out of the way, here are my interests.
Ocs/original characters
Cookie run
Megaman (mainly the classic series and x)
Vocaloid (not the characters, just the music)
Doom (I'm barely getting into it yay)
And I have many more interests! Though I bounce around a lot from time to time, so sometimes I'll fixate on one thing and then suddenly focus on another thing.
As for my content, it's mainly oc stuff, humanized megaman characters (as of now), and sometimes I draw cookie run characters.
Okay now I list down my fave characters.
Cookie run faves
Almond cookie
Walnut cookie
Roguefort cookie
Licorice cookie
Milk cookie
Salt cookie
Cheesecake cookie
Sparkling cookie
Megaman faves
There's a lot in here but I'll put the ones I have an attachment to.
Megaman classic:
Megaman X:
Metal shark player
Jet stingray
Splash warfly
Toxic seahorse (yes I love the silly little sea creature based robots)
Blast hornet
I have a ton of characters I love from both these series, tho the ones listed are more likely to be drawn by me.
I might update this later, but for now I'll leave it like this. Here's my Twitter!
And if you want my discord, feel free to ask for it. I'm a bit shy so I'm sorry if I am slow to respond.
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sailoreuterpe · 2 years
Okay but I’m going to hit you with a curveball this time: Sailor Moon for blorbos?
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): My favorite character is Makoto Kino. She's everything that I would want in a sister. (Not that my actual sister isn't amazing but she's also not an inhumanely-strong reincarnated warrior princess...as far as I'm aware.) Makoto is everything that I would want to be. Her struggles are relatable. She's everyone's friend and she's loyal to the death. I would say either Ami or Usagi since I relate to them so strongly but part of that relation is noticing their flaws too easily.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Diana is adorable and the best kitten in the world. I would say ChibiUsa or Hotaru but, as with Ami and Usagi, my strong empathy and relation for/to them sours some of the joy that I find in their characters. I would want to give them a hug before I would want to pinch their cheeks.
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): With "Sailor Moon" being thirty years old, I don't think that any character can truly be called "underappreciated" these days. However, Hotaru and Setsuna canonically get less screen time than any of the other sailor soldiers and they have some of the worst destinies and lives. Both of them need a hug and some ice cream.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): The Big Beautiful Woman from the manga and the first episode of the original anime is my absolute favorite one-bit character. Despite only being in the manga for one or two pages, she somehow garnered enough crew respect to end up in the anime. Then, she's even in the Another Story game! I liked the Big Beautiful Woman enough that I started a little website dedicated to her way back in the character shrine days. I never did anything with the page but I still have some of the sprites and things on my computer.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): I don't usually care for the enemies or other problematic characters, but I've written more than one fanfiction where Queen Beryl is redeemed so I guess I'll choose her. I can recall at least three stories off of the top of my head where I redeem Queen Beryl to some capacity so I clearly have some affection--or at least interest--for her.
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Based on my drafts and published works, I'm fairly mean to Haruka. I love Haruka but I have both serious angst pieces as well as comedic hijinks works where she's the butt monkey. Poor Haruka; now I feel like repenting by writing something cute.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): Would it be cliche to say Chaos? For more human characters, original anime Jadeite is a misogynist, murderous dudebro douche before we even had the term dudebro. Unlike the other Generals, he doesn't really have any canonical redeeming qualities (though fandom jumped on that train real quick) and he's just mean.
These were super-fun! "Sailor Moon" will always be my one true (anime) love. I hope that the answers were worth the wait, Babs. XD
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selfrinsert-archive · 3 years
Ayu: I think Eda can do whatever she wants
Raine: stealing a teacher’s teeth was a little much
Ayu: no it wasn’t
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