teddybeartoji · 28 days
also for the selfship asks!!! number 6, 7 and 11!!!!!! with any selfship of ur choice <333333
ROOOOO MY SWEETHEARTT OH HOW I LOVE YOU SOO<333333 i decided to talk about misho!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc i wanna talk about herr!!!!!!!!!!! ok so also misho is a weird little relationship okay.. keep that in mind lmao. we aren't together. but we kinda are. but we're just friends. who also do things that uhhh friends usually don't do. idk we're having fun hehehehhe
6. "pancake" or "waffle" hand-holding?
WAFFLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tend to fidget a lot and i do it with her fingers a lot!!!!!!! so typically we just kind of happen to hold hands. neither of us really know how that happened but we're not complaining. her hands are more on the colder side while mine are almost always warm, so it just feels good, you know? it feels right.
7. romantic dinners at fancy restaurants or take out dinners on the couch?
RESTAURANTS!!!!!!!!!!! we both love dressing and dolling ourselves up and we like to do it at least once a week!!!!!!!!!!!! we have one specific restaurant that we love but we do like to check out other places too. we love eating good and drinking good, it's always very mmm intimate? the eye-contact is heavy and our legs keep brushing against each other under the table. mmmmmmmshe kinda makes me go insane i won't even lie.
after the date, we like to walk home so she can have a cig and so we can laugh some more. aaand when we get at home (at her place), we open another bottle of wine and just lounge on the couch in our sexy, fancy clothes. i love her sm<33333
11. calling each other by their names, plain and simple, or calling each other really flowery pet names?
mmmmmmmm since i can't choose for the life of me.... it's both. i like to call her "sho" and she calls me "love" or "sweetheart". my eye just twitched i'm fine. we're best friends<333333333333333 she called me her girlfriend once as a joke and i almost had a stroke<33333333333333333333333
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casukaga · 3 months
Please talk about what you love the most about your lil blorbos (Cable and Maverick and anyone else!) and what has been a fun challenge while playing them! And any other details that you're like "this is so neat but so niche so no one will know unless this VERY SPECIFIC SCENARIO COMES UP"
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i fuckin love this guy.
the basic rundown of cable: he’s charming, charismatic, loves spontaneity, and loves living life dangerously!! he’s all about doing what makes you happy and is a big advocate for self-love. they’ve got a high self-esteem and know their self-worth (he knows he’s hot shit and loves himself a lot!! ❤️) they also used to work at a brothel and are super open about their sexuality. this guy? horny. they love performing and pole dancing and wearing high heels. he’s also very affectionate and loves any and all kinds of physical contact. he’s also aromantic and pansexual!! he is platonic partners with my gf’s character, ophelia 💕
you ask me what i love about cable and it’s just. all of him LMAO.
i love cable sm because there’s a lot of myself in him (i made their character at a time when i was doing a lot of self-reflection). also he’s so open and honest and self-confident, i’m like— WOW, i aspire to be like you someday…
if i were to give a challenge i have while playing them… i love rp (it is my favorite part of dnd), but i fear i’m not the best at improv. i tend to get nervous during sessions for this campaign specifically. i think it’s that i’m so self-conscious about playing cable accurate to how i imagine him in my head that i’m just a bundle of nerves. i’m nervous at first, but eventually i get into a groove the longer the session goes on. though, these past few sessions especially, i’ve been pretty happy with how i’ve been playing him!! it delights me when my friends tell me they love cable as well 🥺
i also play leiana, my high elf druid!!
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i realized i haven’t talked about her / showed her publicly on social media at all, so here she is. i don’t have as many things to say about her as i do cable, but i love her all the same!!
she was the first character i tried to give an accent to (irish), and while my irish accent is definitely not that good— it is what it is. this is just how she sounds like, and it’s good enough for me.
leiana is a cartographer and she loooooves bugs. loves bugs. which is very much not like me because i am, unfortunately, a little bug hater. but leiana has such a fascination with nature and bugs especially. she studies bugs and likes to pin them (she only pins dead ones she finds, she would never kill a bug herself) and she has a collection of pinned bugs!
she also has a pet tarantula named fenri, who can change colors! (he’s primarily pink and matches leiana’s hair.)
leiana is no stranger to grief and she fears dying. currently she is trying to distance herself from the party for Reasons 🥲
while i have a few more dnd characters, they are for upcoming campaigns that i have yet to play in!! cable and leiana are the two i am actively playing at the moment :3
maverick is also in my brain constantly these days, but unfortunately i cannot talk abt xem for reasons….one day i will gush abt them to my heart’s content…
thank u for letting me chatter abt my ocs, i give u a little kiss on the forehead
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dvrcos · 2 months
Ive been bothering everyone I possibly can by dropping asks abt Aaron in their inbox soo it's ur turn now
Any Aaron hcs? Your opinion on skater boy Aaron?
And because I love Kevin too, any Kevin hcs? I feel like people tend to forget that Kevin likes photography too canonically besides exy and history
Skater boy Aaron is real and true and canon (to me at least)
He is the poster boy for the early 2000s skater aesthetic
Part of the reason he continues skating in college is because he enjoys the heart attack it gives Kevin
Kevin doesn’t want him getting hurt and jeopardizing the team and his wellbeing
So Aaron makes sure he finds time to skate everyday
Aaron is a lover of pop culture and is just a fucking nerd dude
He loves Lord of the Rings and read Harry Potter as it came out (and also very actively hates JKR in the modern day)
Aaron Minyard is a chronic migraine girly
He’s a med student and athlete who gets very little sleep so his head constantly hurts
And yaknow what he’s a little bitch about it too
He is constantly complaining to Katelyn and using it as an excuse to be an asshole
(I love him so dearly)
I also think he is constantly cold and has terrible blood circulation
His hands and feet are always freezing
Years of drug use and constantly needing to take Advil for his headaches has just shot his cardiovascular system
So he’s constantly cold and doesn’t run a lot because his stamina is shit
He has a raging addiction to caffeine and his vice is RedBulls
His sleep schedule is absolutely wrecked from both Exy and school so he’s rarely ever without a RedBull in hand
I don’t think he cares a lot about his diet but he does try to keep it pretty nutrient packed bc he knows the benefits of it
But he also has a sweet tooth (not as strong as Andrew’s but still strong) and he favors baked goods like cake and banana bread and pastries
His vision is bad and it just keeps getting worse over the years but he doesn’t wear his glasses often
He usually resorts to contacts but has to switch to his glasses late at night or when his head is hurting extra bad
He loves tea
Like has an extensive tea collection and will spend the money to buy teas from around the world
He also has a mug collection (the Foxes start gifting him mugs every holiday when they find out about it)
His favorite mugs are his vintage Trojans mug, a “history is not boring” mug the Foxes gave him when he graduated, and a Hogwarts mug Aaron gave him
(they read the series together :P)
Kevin’s favorite areas of history to study are Ancient Rome and the history of Ireland
He’s fascinated by the Roman Empire and studying Ireland makes him feel more connected to his mother
I think he continues school on the side and eventually gets a doctorate degree and teaches a bit after he retires from Exy
He always tries to sign with teams in or near the cities the other OG Foxes are in because he doesn’t really know how to function without the familiarity of his people
Kevin works a lot on undoing his Raven dietary habits and since he’s surrounded by people who can’t cook he grows a love for frozen food as well as caffeine
I think he takes a few art classes and really enjoys it even though he doesn’t think he’s that great at it
He’s actually not bad at all and makes a lot of really cool pieces
Kevin exclusively wears 5 inch inseam shorts
Anything longer is blasphemous
He has basically zero sense of style and just kind of mimics what the others are wearing
Until Allison forces him to go to the mall with her and they spend hours building him a real wardrobe that is him
Most of his closest still consists of PSU and USC merch though
And truly would this even be me if I didn’t put kevaaron headcanons? No
Kevin is basically a human radiator, especially after practice
And that is a blessing directly from God in Aaron’s eyes
Kevin comes back from night practice and Aaron just clings to him, absorbing all of his heat as they fall asleep
Aaron is a chronic clothes stealer like he just has sticky fingers when it comes to Kevin’s wardrobe
They spend a lot of time together in the library
They’re both in quite intensive and workload heavy majors so they study together a lot
It happened more as an accident tbh like Aaron was heading to the library to study for a midterm
And basically all of PSU’s student body had the same idea so there was no open tables
But low and behold there was Kevin, alone at a table tucked in the back corner, typing away at his laptop
Aaron joins him without asking and it kinda just becomes their thing
Kevin joins Aaron at the library between regular and night practices
They spend most of their weekends there and bring each other caffeinated drinks and snacks
Eventually they’re not even studying half the time, they’re just talking and spending time with each other outside of Exy and the other Foxes curious glances and prying comments
Aaron takes a history class with Kevin but Kevin refuses to take any science class outside of his required credits
He’s not a science person so Aaron doesn’t take it personally
Kevin can never properly wrap his head around how strong Aaron actually is
It just doesn’t compute for him, like how can so much strength be packed into such a small body
But he is most definitely not complaining, especially not when that strength is so clearly but on display or used against him
Kevin is practically drooling anytime he watches Aaron body check a striker twice his size and send them sprawling onto the floor
They become each others partners/marks during practices and it is simultaneously the best and worst thing to ever happen
They’re just excessively flirting while tripping each other and fighting with their racquets
The other Foxes comment on their “weird and disturbing foreplay” every chance they get
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jils-things · 2 months
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
i dont think many would actually know aine's... present because she's holed up in her house for so long... probably her relatives only know about her existence wiwiwi but! she's generally very shy and quiet, not very used to talking to others! but she tries her best to be sweet :3
irene is ... probably envied by many people! i mean she's part of a prestigious family and she's very pretty! she's not like most women of her age who can be pretty uptight (at least i think so...) - she's very humble about her wealth and doesnt go out of her way to shove how fortunate she is... its all because of her old past that she's very gentle and considerate :3
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
unfortunately as i've said earlier, poor baby aine doesnt have much friends, but she's very, very close and trusting of her gallade who acts as her best friend and guardian no matter where she is. she always finds comfort in gallade. but if i had to pick one person who would be her close friend, it would be erika - i think she'd help aine be more relaxed and less nervous about herself and sleepy times together LAFDKSLKFSKA. i wanna plug blake into the story as well, i can totally see him to be a big brother to aine and i picture blake to be more friendly! aine needs nice company, she needs it for sure ;; softcore version of color pallet trio . cold pallet trio if you will. bye
right off the bat, i just told myself "yes irene and emma are best friends" emma probably provides the best chamomile and irene looooves tea. they bond over that heheheh. maybe helena and tracy too! i have such soft spots for them and i really like them! irene definitely doesnt like nobles that much (i excuse reynold however. eheh). i would include naib, but i dont think it would work out? im just biased wiwiwi
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
AINE STOPS THE ACTUAL FROSTBITE. THAT IS ALL. IM TOO SHY TO TALK ABT ***VELVETSHIPPING HERE IM SORRY WHDASDSAHJFHJFSASF </3333 he stops caring about trying hard for himself to be stronger and helps aine out instead and feels that she deserves better and focuses on that <3
irene umm,, gives him,,, the love and care he lacked as a kid,, wiwiiw,,, she takes him in after the explosion and nurses him to health and they confess they like each other and they promise to figure things out from there and shes dead serious about taking him into a better place because he's gone too far to make ends meet WEEWEFGGFGF MY BRAIN IM (BLEATS PATHERTICALLY)
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
aine has two "endings" on what happens when she sees him. one is the happy route where, yk, they get along, yadda yadda, romance, bonding, all that jazz. the second ending is... a little more unfortunate. basically she was a bit too late, because he's frostbitten now, and she regrets leaving her home and will probably stay at home more often now because the world is much more terrifying than she suspected. poor girl
irene is made with the purpose of wanting to ship with someone in the game yes - but the plot twist was that i was not actually crushing on no.rton at the time (he was just a fav) but found him to be a cute match with irene and i did just that. and then my dumbass fell for him shortly after HSAJKFHJAFHSFJSA im so doopid woawwww....
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fromagony · 4 months
19, 20, 13 and 7 (randmon number) cause i can hehehehe🫶🏼
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
are we dating are fucking? / rosestarkiller haunted house au / the rotten history / stepbrothers rosekiller au / a bartylus fic that i'm still thinking abt it lmao
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
it depends, if it's a big fic i usually work on for like months, but if it's a short fic idea as soon as i think abt it i start outlining and after that i write the first chapter and post it
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
fic: are we dating, are we fucking?
Barty continues to stare at Evan, he hears what he is saying but he can't understand what it all means. He hears some words, but he can't do anything with them. He can't think, he can't move, he is paralyzed. All he can do is stare at Evan's empty eyes.
20. What’s a favorite title for a fic you’ve written?
from the published ones, having a ghost in my bed but not published ones it's devouring
thanks for the asks 🫡🫡
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stars-of-kyber · 1 year
Hi! I really love your fics and im super excited for the futures ones. Can you tell us more abt the Aladin one? Also l, are you still planning to do the ballet AU?
Thank you so much! I love writing them as well. I am so sorry I take so long to do so, please don’t give up on me! I’m trying I swear!
Hehehehe the Aladdin one. I confess, I came up with this insanity by listening to A Whole New World in my car and imagining Kate singing it to Anthony and things kinda spiralled into this crazy One-shot.
Anyway, here is Diamond in The Rough ( thank you @mimix007 for the suggestion of the name)
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Kate Sharma is just a street rat, stealing from the shops in the bazar in order to get enough to keep Edwina and Mary safe from the dangers of the streets.
Prince Anthony Bridgerton barely leaves the palace walls. Ever since King Edmund Bridgerton passed, he’s been trying to handle his duties to the kingdom and his family while trying to keep his father’s legacy alive as he tries to escape his mother me matchmaking attempts.
Kate was not going to accept the strange man’s offer to walk into a dangerous cave, until she saw the amount she was offering her to do so. That could keep her mama and Edwina well and safe for well over an year, even more if used right. She just didn’t image she’s find a magic lamp with a Genie offering her three wishes and she knows exactly what to ask for.
There’s not much I can say here. Kate’s Aladdin, Anthony’s Jasmine, Newton is Appu and Lady Danbury is the Genie.
Also, Anthony does not have a tiger in this story, but he has 6-year-old Hyacinth which is basically the same? He calls her My little Tiger. She might bite, she might not. Who knows? I wouldn’t try to pet her tho.
Ah yes, the Ballet AU. Yes! I plan on having it done soon! So far it is named Pas de Deux (quite creative I know) and it’s sitting there in my list quietly judging me every time I don’t start it lol
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salsflore · 1 year
1, 7 & 13 (I know of your romantic self ships but not your other ones X3)
SQUEEZING U !! anyways thanks for the ask bina ♡_♡ ask game here ps i don’t have that many self ships ww
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1. who are your favourite character(s) at the moment?
other than the obvious two, i like xiao, diluc and venti, all mostly character wise! but their gameplay is cool too :3 gameplay wise: hu tao, shenhe and yelan! they’re my dream chars <33
7. do you have any self-ships (romantic or platonic)?
literally everyone here knows abt my romantic self ships cuz i never shut up about the guys hehehehe but umm for platonic ones: yelan, xiao (familial) and venti! think everyone knows that too but i rarely talk abt them lol. i used to have contender (gfl) as a platonic but then oops not anymore! considering adding hatsune miku & amber to the list though ♡
13. least favourite fandom tropes/goofs?
ok this one is easy cuz i mentioned it like two asks ago! ms. hina / traveler harem / yandere ayaka / emergency food / cocogoat & r*pey childe or just references to that ganyu - childe comic. i hate them all with an intense passion, and any mentions of them will make me gnaw on my device, but especially the cocogoat one lol ( and they’re still a thing ?! sometimes they even sexualize qiqi )
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woozi · 2 years
henlo ms. yza :3
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i wanted to visit your inbox yesterday but my day kept getting worse LMAO n e ways !! <3 i'm vv glad you liked the moodboard ! <3 you've pretty much been carrying caratblr w your gifs lately so 😭💗 thankies :3
also idk what i was on but THIS:
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doesn't fit the caption on the mb at all 💀 he's planned this since that live fr fr
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super sorry for this stupidly long ask i hope you have the bestest day 💓💓💓
no bc i lich rally get so happy when i see u around you're one of my favorite people on here <333
and im so sorry to hear that </3 sumn abt virgo season fr.... lov u hope u know im always here when u need a friend!!
I REALLY DID I LOVE IT SMMMMMMMMMMMM <3 u really have a way w/ colors ur work always turns out SOOOO gorgeous!!!! thank u for even taking some time out of ur day to make something for me 🥺
ALSO NO I KNOW BC........................................................ that man is EVIL. he's playing mindgames with us and the members tbh 😭 it's not even the pic itself that makes me want to eat dry wall and run up the ceiling its the SHEER AUDACITY........................ ALL MEN DO IS LIE!!!!!!!! LIARS THE LOT OF EM!! ANYWAY 🙄 im reporting that post idc idc.
AND NOOOOOO THERE'S LICH RALLY NOTHING TO BE SORRY ABT IM SO SO GLAD YOU'RE IN MY NOTIFS <33333333333333333333333 i really always look forward to seeing u im v fond of u im just bad at reaching out and talking tbh dfjkdjfd all of my friends have just adopted me now that i think abt it actually 😭 but i always love u and adore u i hopeu know that hehehehe <33333333333 hope this day is much better to u and if not it will be my personal mission to make it the bestest day ever 😋 MWAH
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bonedoor · 2 years
m e g for the ask game hehehehe 🥰🥰
oh em gee hello i wonder how u decided on those letters !!
m: your favorite maknae?
believe me or not but like i actually. usually. i dont rlly pay attention to the maknaes all that much?? so this is kinda hard bc like i just simply don't ... care as much u know ... the maknaes i Do rlly care abt are usually ppl i forget Are youngest in their respective groups also so like ?? u know ?? so enjoy this small selection of maknaes i like but not specifically As Maknaes . u know . (does that make sense shld i have worded this differently. ppl i like that Happen to be maknaes) anyways hyuk (not ox's youngest but he was the youngest in enoi and thus he qualifies) / daehwi / jiseong / junseo / yuchan.
update: after i typed all that i remembered that yuna exists my answer is now yuna thank u u can disregard all that
e: an idol you think would be easy to get along with?
mmm jangjun comes to mind... like he reminds me a lot of like a few specific people in my life who like .. tried to reach out to me in a v specific way like idk how to explain that but like .... idk maybe it's the extrovert energy and the humour idk . but i do think he'd be one of those people who would start talking to me if he was very bored maybe we wouldnt be friends but i think we wld get along pretty well in those moments at least 👍
g: a group you wish you could see more of on your dash?
to all nations tee ayy enn tan ... like its in part my fault bc i just .... dont rlly go on the dash all that much anymore i just check my post notifs from my belovedskjsnfkj but i know i do follow some ppl who post them . but like that aside i think we should all be little soda cans all of us everyone should b in love with tan and if u disagree ure wrong im sorry. also theres never enough crabtuals in fact i think u should join us meg .... u wanna be a crabtual so bad ..... admit it u do .....
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teddybeartoji · 28 days
Your selfahips are soo cute 😭😭, i love reading them. 1, 3, and 4 with satoru?
1. nose kisses or forehead kisses?
NOSE KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE NOSE KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY'RE SO CUTE AND SO LOVELY AND WE JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his dimples are always showing when i kiss his nose bc he's just a cutie like that and wahh i love him so fucking much nonnie it's insane
3. heavy, hot, and passionate kisses or soft, sweet, and tender kisses?
SOFT AND SWEET AND TENDER ALL THE WAY BABYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!! we love kisses of all kind. this is our love language. kissing. we love being soft<33333333 gentle temple kisses, sleepy kisses, knuckle kisses, good-morning kisses, have-a-good-day-at-work kisses, i-missed-you kisses - they're all very tender!!!!!!!!!!! we're always mwahing around hehehehe
4. spooning or one person laying their head on the other's chest?
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH WHY IS THIS SUCH A DIFFICULT ONE LMAOOOOO PLSSSS I DON'T THINK I CAN PICK:((((((( bc we love spooning. both ways too; sometimes i'm the little spoon, sometimes he's the little spoon. but he really likes to sleep on top of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like he just puts his whole body on top of mine and then expects me to be able to breathe smh (i love him). i always play with his hair and scratch at his undercut when he does it. he's like a cat fr he's purring and everything<3333
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sugarcause · 2 years
HIHIII ok it’s 🍉 anon and I’m probably gonna be sending a lot of thirsts but could I also request hurt/comfort with kaeya, childe, zhongli, diluc and albedo? (u can choose the ones u enjoy writing the most haha) just like some angst with the reader, maybe they get injured/they’re trapped somewhere and the character has to keep them calm while they figure out what to do? like along the lines of an avalanche traps albedo and reader on opposite sides of an ice wall in a cave and the reader’s injured (thats v specific but I think abt that scenario a lot 😭)
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zhongli, albedo and childe comforting you because you're injured ✉
includes: zhongli, albedo, childe precis: despite all the anxiety and pain you were in, knowing they were on the other side seemed to make every part of your fear subside. take note of: mentions of injury, mentions of blood, hurt/comfort, getting stuck in caves/tight places, avalanche, light angst reader gender: gn! voice mail: hi 🍉 anon! thank you for your req!! heheheh i love that it's specific, hope you're satisfied!
❦ zhongli
''don't panic, love.'' zhongli reassured on the other side of the cave.
it was all so overwhelming. one second, you were admiring liyue's terrain and the next, you were covered in cuts from rocks falling.
you had wandered into a small cave with zhongli trailing behind you. however, you seemed to have disturbed the position of the stole as one fell out of place and set of a train reaction, the rest following and blocking the entrance.
you were pushed back by the impact and there was no light to be seen.
''i-it's so dark...'' you spoke, shivering slightly.
''breathe,'' he said. ''are you badly hurt?''
''not really, j-just some wounds.'' you said.
''we'll get those fixed as soon as i get you out.''
as much as you were afraid, you couldn't help but believe him.
zhongli observed his surroundings, trying to figure out a way to get rid of the rocks.
while you were sitting inside, he constantly spoke to you to comfort you, reminding you he was here.
he knew if you panicked it would only worsen the situation and you were his priority.
''you'll be out quickly. just stay calm, i'm right here.''
in theory, he could use his abilities, but he feared that the rest of the cave would fall down on you, injuring you further. that was a risk he could not take.
he crouched in front of the cavern to inform you of this situation, knowing you had to get out now before it got too dire.
''love, i must go seek help. there is a way i can get you out, but the chances of you being hurt more are far too high.''
''it's alright... i... please try it.'' you said.
''are you sure? the rest of the cave could collapse on you.'' he asked worriedly.
''yes... no matter what happens, i know you'll be there.''
''if that is what you wish.''
standing up, he channeled his geo prowess to get rid of the stone in his way.
senses on alert, he ran in and grabbed you, dashing out immediately as the ceiling crashed down onto the ground.
the two of you were silent as you breathed heavily.
zhongli looked you in the eyes and leaned his forehead against yours.
''i think that's enough exploration for today. you must rest.''
you only chuckled.
❦ albedo
''don't worry dear... i'll get you out of there.'' albedo muttered, hands on the ice wall as if he were holding you.
the two of you were exploring dragonspine trying to get samples when an unexpected avalanche occurred, separating you and him on two opposite sides.
albedo seemed to have been unscathed, but your leg had been injured in the disaster.
you saw blood and it stung, but the adrenaline and your nerves helped numb the pain.
it all happened so fast, heaps of snow are rocks falling rapidly as you fell.
'''bedo... i'm scared.'' you shuddered.
''i know. but you just have to breathe, okay? i'll get some help.'' he replied.
''don't go, please.'' you whispered out.
you heard shuffling on the other side as you wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to stay warm.
''you'll be okay. trust me.'' he said.
many minutes had passed as albedo tried to find ways to melt the ice, yet there was nothing nearby.
however, knowing the mountain well, he remembered the side you were on was connected to a longer path.
there would be some stone blocking his way but it would be easier than picking at the ice.
''i have to go around the cave. it'll take a bit, but it'll help me get you out. is that okay?'' he asked, wanting to make sure you would be safe.
''...i trust you.'' you answered.
and with that, he took off to the other end of the cave.
he entrance finally came into his sight as he rushed forward and assessed what he had to do.
he hastily used his geo vision to get rid of the smaller rocks in his way.
eventually, he was able to clear the way, immediately running towards your direction.
you heard his footsteps and as your turned around, you were met with his warmth.
he hugged you and held you close for a while, making sure you were right there with him.
''this will never happen again.'' he spoke, picking you up in his arms to carry you to his camp.
❦ childe
''it'll be okay, hm? just stay calm and let your prince save you.'' childe said, trying to keep the mood light but even he was worried.
he had brought you along to explore and spend time with you.
he also wanted to show off his fighting skills (typical), so he brought you to an unexplored ruin that he had heard of.
this all happened out of the blue.
after defeating an opponent, the ruin seemed to shake as it's structure had been worn down throughout the years.
childe hadn't predicted that his blows would cause a huge portion of a wall to break down and split the two of you up.
so here you were, covered in debris with blood staining your clothes from the unexpected force of the collapse.
the wall had broken into pieces and you were stuck in a dark, tight corner, only able to see a sliver of light.
''ajax... it hurts...'' you said, breathing becoming heavier.
''i'm sure it does but you have to stay strong for me ok? i'll rescue you, just wait for a bit. i'm right here.'' he comforted you.
he was looking around quickly for every means possible to help you.
he was anxious and guilty. you wouldn't have been in this position if it weren't for his carelessness.
''are you still there?'' he heard you ask in a small voice. it broke his heart.
he had to help you as soon as possible.
things were looking hopeless when he decided he couldn't leave you, even if it was to get help.
the surrounding area was quite empty and there was only one thing he could do.
''i'm going to try and carry this. as soon as you see it rise, run out as fast as you can. okay?'' he spoke.
through sheer adrenaline, he was able to lift a piece of the ruin that would make you space for an exit.
as soon as you got out, he dropped the heavy slab and ran to embrace you, burying his face into the crook of your neck.
''i'm so glad you're safe.'' he whispered. ''i won't ever let that happen again.''
you simply nodded as he held you tighter, not planning to let you get harmed again.
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getting reqs done slowly but surely and i love it
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funnywormz · 2 years
how do you think a spamvil confession would go? who would confess first, how would they go about it, etc! any thoughts you have on it.
hi anon!! thanks for the question!!! ^_^
in terms of a confession, my opinion on that changes a lot. i think generally what i've settled on is the idea that they never really officially confess (i.e. have an "i-i like you!!" kind of moment lmao). it's more like over time they just get closer and eventually it morphs into a romantic relationship without ever having a moment where it officially becomes one lol.
i drafted up a very overdramatic fic a couple days ago which is probably the closest thing they would have to a confession scene.
a quick summary of it is that jevil has realised that he's Catching Feelings for spamton and he can't rlly handle it bc having feelings means he cares abt somebody. and that's very hard for him bc he knows the world he lives in is a game and could be destroyed at any moment and he's previously seen himself as being above it all (like "hehehehe im an epic murder clown who never takes everything seriously and i know everything and care abt nobody" kind of shtick) and viewed feelings as sort of a weakness?? so once he realises he's getting gay for spamton he isolates himself and tries to avoid him to make the feelings go away bc he doesn't want to let himself be vulnerable like that. spamton notices though and seeks him out on purpose and jevil's facade breaks down very quickly and he tells spamton abt how he's scared to lose him etc. spamton responds by reassuring him that he won't go anywhere blah blah blah and they end up having a lil kissy moment.
it's kind of a confession, at the very least it's the point where they both realise there are like. mutual romantic feelings goin on. even after that though they aren't rlly officially in a relationship. they just get more comfortable with each other over time and have a few more moments like that and it sorta just happens.
i think although i can imagine jevil flirting with/teasing spamton a lot, he's not very good with actual serious romantic stuff or making actual moves. spamton would be the one to initiate a lot of it i think. it would definitely be awkward at times at first bc spamton is still affected by his "bigshot" era and initially feels like he has to impress jevil and show off to him. he realises pretty quickly though that jevil doesn't care one bit abt anything like that though and would rather like. go to mcdonalds or play mini golf than going on some fancy schmancy dinner date somewhere lol. eventually spamton starts letting himself relax and show his true personality around jevil without feeling pressure on him to be somebody else, and in return jevil becomes more honest and starts allowing himself to feel emotions, even though that can be painful for him sometimes
sorry this ended up being rlly rambly but! yeah! i don't think either of them really uses words as a love language so a confession would be much more of a subtle physical thing. like holding hands and the other person doesn't pull their hand away, sharing little kisses and hugs, etc. they're show don't tell kinda fellas
anyways tysm for the ask!! this was so so fun to think abt
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dear-mrs-otome · 3 years
Heya! Can you tell me more about Benkei's personality in Ikegen? I'm interested in writing abt him hehehehe
Hey, I can try! I'll put this behind a cut because it'll be spoilery, obviously and some of this veers into my own personal speculation, but if you're interested...
As mentioned in his brief personality summary already, Benkei is a person driven by his emotions and sentiment over his logic - this is the main sore spot of contention between him and Kagetoki in fact. Kagetoki refers to Benkei as being a hot-blooded sort of person, who makes decisions based on his feelings rather than his head, and that is true. To a certain degree.
But Benkei isn't the sort of person to make wild or utterly rash decisions either, even if it pains him to choose restraint. In his past he was given much more to wild, thoughtless behavior and the consequences of that (people being hurt because of it) weigh on him heavily. He has the maturity and wherewithal now to be able to take that moment and breathe before he acts, which was hard and painfully won...but he will never be capable of making decisions entirely divorced from his sentiments, either.
He's very much a nurturer by nature - there are few things that please him more than taking care of other's needs. He cooks for the rebels, tends a garden to ensure that Yoshitsune eats nutritiously, and even after a night of railing his MC hard he will literally beg her to let him make her breakfast - when she protests he even insists that this is something that gives him great pleasure and he asks her not to take that away from him. He helps people around town with their problems and finds it validating to be of use to others.
When upset, he is the sort to perhaps let a tiny bit of ire slip through ( curt words, bluntness) and then he will retreat into himself and silence while he sorts through his feelings - and eventually he will approach the person he's in conflict with and make attempts to communicate and share what bothers him now that he's had time to get his thoughts in order. And he will without fail apologize for any anger he let spill over onto them, fully recognizing that his emotions are his own issues and his own responsibility to control. That said, he can and will hold deep grudges against anyone he perceives as having hurt those he cares about.
Despite his initially scary-looking appearance and the rough, street-kid sort of way he talks, he's quick to smile and laugh around those he's comfortable with and in general is an upbeat positive thinker. His loyalty is fierce and he prioritizes it above all else - once you're one of 'Benkei's People' you're his for life, and cutting that off (as he had to with Kagetoki) wounds him deeply.
He's also not the sort to be comfortable sitting around doing nothing. He's a very physical man, and says himself he gets antsy if he doesn't work out. Thanks to Kagetoki's route and Ibuki's observation, we know he's part oni for certain, which explains some of his 'wild and rough' nature.
Intimately, he'll be very cautious and worried about hurting his partner due to his superhuman strength. He often prefers positions where his partner is in control of the action I suspect to relieve himself of that worry - MC on top, etc. There's a certain air of submissiveness to him, I think he enjoys being told what to do and how to please his partner - but that is not always the case, and he does very much seem to enjoy biting. He's also not one for shame or allowing oneself to deny what they desire, he will push his lovers to confront or admit what it is they want. I also think Benkei vastly prefers sex with an emotional aspect to it - for him it's not just the act, it's an affirmation of feelings and of him and his partner's acceptance of him. While publicly he may not be the best at expressing how he feels, in private he's much more open about it.
Benkei's love language would definitely be 'acts of service' - he's happiest showing via his actions how he cares about those close to him.
I hope that was helpful, if there's any particular subject you were hoping for I didn't hit, or something you want expanded on more, let me know!
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transguyedgeworth · 3 years
HELLO so u said u wanted headcanons hehehehe ur gonna regret asking /hj
- phoenix has freckles
- on the subject of klav he also has dark brown/black hair and dyes it ungodly platnium and sometimes he forgets to dye it so he has his roots showing but suspiciously thats when the paparazzi takes the most pictures
- phoenix has a good many scars from his near death experiences that happen at least once a month
- maya gets fanmail from cody hackins and pearl for being the inspo for the pink princess and she loves it so much
- maya and miles have movie nights together while watching samurai movies,,,,,, they are friends they are family
- fran and miles text All The Time but in like scary email text form because they are Weird
- post timeskip fran has cut her hair like a pixie cut and maya loves it
- miles has a soft spot for amusement parks and he pearl and maya drag phoenix out to go ride rides
- phoenix has a few burn scars from when he fell from dusky bridge as well as a few nightmares... he never really trusts bridges after that
- when he and miles sleep together and one of them have a nightmare miles will fix some tea and talk it out with phoenix or phoenix will hum something to calm miles down
-phoenix is actually really good at singing but sings super rarely but everytime he hears it miles smiles
- unfortunately miles cannot carry a tune to save his life sorry miles
- miles still has letters phoenix sent him after the dl-6 incident and when he went with mvk he has them in a box in his closet
- he also has responses written to each letter in the same box he just cant bring himself to give them to phoenix
- maya and pearl adore pess and sneak so many treats to her - phoenix and miles have matching pjs that phoenix bought because he thought they would be funny phoenix has kinda forgotten abt them but miles wears them often but would die before admitting it
- phoenix has a bunch of pictures in his office- of him and mia after he got his badge, of maya and pearl, of the signal samurai, of trucy at one of her magic shows
- he keeps a few pictures in his wallet- one of them being the picture with maya holding the victory sign with everyone and he swears in a certain light and angle he can see a glimmer in front of them, someone with a scarf and long hair
ok i have so much more but for the sake of ur inbox there u are!!! i love this lawyer series sm it makes me so emotional lol
WAHHH I DO NOT REGRET ASKING AT ALL THESE ARE ALL SO FANTASTIC!!!! i’ll admit i haven’t played apollo justice yet so i don’t know much about klav or trucy but STILL!!!
the scar and freckle ones are always my faves, freckly phoenix owns my entire heart... and all of your edgeworth ones are so spot-on, love the maya + miles friendship they are Besties and honestly him and fran texting like they’re writing emails is so funny and perfect it’s because they’re neurodivergent okay i love them. siblings.
also listen... your wrightworth ones are so tender.... yes they comfort each other after nightmares. yes edgeworth kept those letters and THE PART ABOUT HIM WRITING REPLIES BUT BEING AFRAID TO SEND THEM. YES. also the matching jammies hilarious and adorable thank you for blessing me. AND PESS. MY BELOVED.
i fucking love the last two... deadass got me teary-eyed but part of that might be the fact that i am Exhausted..... but yeah phoenix is a sentimental bitch and we love him for it.
none of that probably made sense but in conclusion your headcanons SLAP and you are free to send me more if you have them!!! my inbox is barren and i am also emotional about the lawyer game so it does not bother me at all!!
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celisea · 3 years
I love your art so much <3 and now I’m intensely curious about Yaoli, pls I must know their backstory
HIII!!! TYSM <333 hehehehe.
AHH im v happy that ppl ask abt Yoali i lov them sm hehe.
They're a 22 y/o bounty hunter from a country named the New World Republic. There are different areas owned by different families. Before the start of the campaign, Yoali lived in the Covilia area in the city of Celum with Izel, their mom, and Yul, their younger brother.
Yoali from a young age has been learning about how to use psychic abilities from their master, Sol Amakyr. They have gone their separate ways for a few years when the campaign started, but Yoali thinks that someday or later they will be reunited and catch up!
I could talk abt Yoali for days alskdjf if u want more info just ask!! thank you <33
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paxtoon · 3 years
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I'm finally done with this thank god-
I know there's no ID but I genuinely don't know how to make one for this sorry djfnfn
BUT I digress, meet my child, Bun!
I'm not gonna make a long ass paragraph abt them here so click read more if you wanna see more abt them!
And please if anything needs tagging ask me to do so, I will tag this accordingly
If you can please do reblog! It supports me as an artist and it only takes a click
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Trigger warning for the following topics:
Sex mention
Sex work
Black magic and stuff like that
Slight aphobia/ allonormativity
Trauma mention
Generally not very sfw/sft
None of this is in detail I just wanted to give a warning
Ready to here me talk about a character I'm projecting on-
Okay so, Bun is a succubus, they look half bunny cause basically in history bunny's were used as a symbol of fertility (which is why they're used to represent Easter) so like, they're half bunny and have horns like a demon
Their backstory isn't anything elaborate, they basically live in a small village were the more chill demons live, and like succubus are part of em
Basically all of them as soon as their born have the purpose to be flings, basically, (dw minors are excluded from this, all of them are ageless but you gotta be an adult (idk if succumbs have different kinds of years of not so just,,, adult-))
You can call a number that's like 669 or smth again it isn't very elaborate and by filling in a forum abt the qualities ya want in your demon and doing some voodoo stuff you get someone that will get you laid, this how succubus get paid
Bun is asexual tho, repulsed as well
And you can't really consent to being summoned for this shit, neither do you choose your work attire, that like appears instantly when ur summoned
So they just
"Hello I don't like getting people laid, but I like comedy and it's scientifically proven our brain has the same response to sex and comedy, I can crack a joke for a few bucks"
Does it work? No
Does it make them quirky? Yea
Sometime it has worked tho and they pretty much did some stand ups with their weird work attire
One day they get summoned and as their about to start the whole spiel but instead they hear
"So I was robbed of my childhood"
Basically they were called by a dude who was having an anxiety attack and couldn't find cheaper alternative so they just cried and scribbled all over the forum and this bitch showed up
So they, without much explanation about the context, decided to listen to this dude, and they become his official therapist, they finally get paid and after a while they end up being qpps cause the other dude belongs to my partner heheheh
That's all really, I just needed to have a character I could relate to ngl (me being surrounded by very sexual peers in a smal town and wanting to be a therapist elsewhere)
So yea, thank you for reading :]
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