#Some asks will be paper btw
ginger-idiot · 1 year
So. I feel like I should clarify why I make Pastra- well- Pastra instead of Zach.
It's cause I feel like- before youtubers get popular, they can only use their channel mascot as like- a secondary form- but when they become popular, their channel mascot becomes the main from and their original becomes secondary. With others its hard to maintain their original human form cough cough Zach cough cough. While most can use thiers just fine.
Pastra can hop in and out of Daoi freely, so he can be called one of three names: Zach, Pastra, or Clyde. But this also brings along some of the... abilities and traits, lets say.
He has a Hybernation period(Same times as my Doai AU), his touch affect carries onto the "OG" world, as I call it, but not everyone is affected by it, i.e. Lankmann and the asshole that caused pastrami's trauma.
He ALSO doesn't only sound like Zach, he's changing his voice. I feel he would have an undertone of echoey, whispery voices of different people, pitches and tones, most saying what he;s saying while very few saying what he's thinking at that moment.
With that cleared about Pastra...
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buwheal · 2 months
I'm sorry, Spamton. I know you won't believe me, but I'm sorry we hurt you.
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thebad-lydrawn-sanses · 5 months
Is Error in one of the Teams Or is he a loney guy?
And what does everyone fears/likes the most?
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Killer: i like Nightmare (platonically) and i fucking hate paintbrushes Cross: oh, i fear cows and like tacos and chocolate. the only thing i like more than these two things was beating the shit out of Ink. it was funny and worth the scars Dust: abandonment Dust: … Dust: … Dust: i like…d Dust: …when Cross beat the shit out of Ink
(Horror likes making nests out of blankets/pillows and fears not having a steady food source. Currently taking a well-deserved nap.)
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emily-mooon · 4 months
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Haha! I made my own outfit meme with vintage paper dolls outfits!
I was inspired by this one here as I adore vintage fashion and I thought why not make my own! I also noticed that the other one didn’t have really any masc fits, which makes me a bit sad cause men’s fashion in the 60s is just amazing. I will add that it was a bit hard to find outfits that weren’t plain boring suits so I don’t blame the person who originally made the one that inspired me for not having any.
Since I’m also still taking requests for the other one, pls specify which outfit you want or else I’ll get confused. You can do that by either saying the one I made after the outfit number or by screenshoting the outfit(s) you’d like. It helps me a lot :]
Also to any artists who see this, feel free to reblog and use yourself! I might send in a request myself ;]
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1, 12, 14 for Lucius and Driscoll? 👀
HELLO FRIEND THANKS FOR ASKING!! referring to this post.
since this all qualifies as Deep Lore Hours (which i love!! you're the best!!), and i'm a wordy person, have a cut checkpoint on your dash:
1. What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)? 
lucius actually happened because i asked claire for a starting blirb [sic] in ms. mecoli's creative writing class in high school (remember that???), and she gave me a bit about lucifer standing outside a churchyard with a big black dog*, and i thought "hm. bit on the nose," (for the weird little christian fiction thing i thought i was writing, which has obviously since mutated Significantly), so i changed it to lucius. originally he was the Antagonist™, and human although he didn't realize he came out of a test tube just like bewinged lili did, and all i knew about him was grown-up white dude with black hair.
obviously, he has since undergone SIGNIFICANT revisions (lol. lmfao, even), but embryonically he started with a modified name!! (i went digging through my archives, and i do in fact still have the index card with claire's pencil writing below my pen request! wild.)
(i don't actually remember when i decided he needed wings too, but i think it was around the time i realized i wanted my protags to be all Not Exactly Me, and therefore boy protag would be Different, and then he got his black wings!)
*the big black dog has also made it back into this version, after falling out of the intermediates!! vanya, my beloved, ...
for driscoll, i vaguely remember the purple hair probably being first (i recall chewing on finding The Right Name for a while?). to confirm, i went into THAT archived notebook (red, helpfully labeled "LIMINAL PREWRITE," with "LANGUAGE AND COMP" obliterated beneath thanks again, high school).
weirdly, the first four (4) pages of the driscoll thing is NOT the character profile (that shows up on page 5, and does mention purple hair/brown eyes/physical appearance), but one of these OC ask meme type things, transcribed into the notebook. hilariously, the very first question is "If they want to buy a firearm, what would it be for?" which. omg. (my answer eventually got to "no they wouldn't lol," but it's wild to see how that slow revelation happened on september 3, 2017, when i was first figuring this kid out.)
so apparently first for driscoll i wrote some random character finding Q&As, and then i have the story of their misplacement, and then the physical details, which: wild, on all fronts, to me. (it's a good thing i keep my notebooks in an archive refrigerator tower, or i would've bluescreened on driscoll 100% haha.)
12. What have you found to be most difficult about creating art for your OC (any form of art: writing, drawing, edits, etc.)? 
oooh, good question. my lucius answer is probably biased, because i hadn't started doing the Bitch Journal while i was working through that drafting/those revisions (and i have the object permanence of a fruit fly), but i THINK my biggest difficulty was figuring out the right balance of ~Interiority~? and i still don't love where i left that querying draft at (now, after four years' distance, lol), but getting the right balance of Thoughts and Reactions down on the page was difficult for me, which i suspect was because i've been too in his head for so long, if that makes sense? like the things he notices and what he narrates on imply enough of the interiority to me that i don't see gaps readers do (because, shocker, they HAVEN'T been living in his head since uh. 2007.). and i think i cut away some of the interiority in my preliminary Wordiness Passes, which nerfed me, but i started fixing that in the fourth draft!
my driscoll answer is just. a web of angst lol. and i know most of it is Living Situational/Circumstantial, so we're going to Ignore That and just answer with the Actual Textual Difficulties.
so: driscoll's Actual Textual Difficulties are mostly that i started out writing thing as "someone i'd like to be" with regards to kindness and gentleness and how much they care about people, but somehow i had to backpedal and get a Character Development Conflict in there, which is hard when my starting point was "very good noodle." i think i'm getting there!! but nesting competing wants into a late-stage draft without breaking anything (or, y'know, while finding stealth-broken things that i didn't think were), is a Trying Time™. i'm leveling up about it! enjoying the leveling up!! i'd be leveling up faster if i wasn't burning all this emotional bandwidth on a bullshit living situation! we're fine!!
14. If you had to narrow it down to 2 things that you MUST keep in mind while working with your OC, what would those things be? 
OH FUN, i percolated on this on my WHOLE BIG WALK yesterday, thank u for this enrichment
lucius: first, physicality is key. he has to be Very Aware of where he is in physical space/how much of it he's taking up (because an 18+ foot wingspan really doesn't fuck around, and only half the time is he somewhere that his dimensions are accommodated). when his awareness slips, it (1) has to be for a good reason and (2) usually results in something breaking, and both of those are fun to play with >:D
second, what he notices needs to read like More Than Human--he's got raptor vision, and he's spent half his life around other hybrids with combat training, so he's very visually Intense™ and good at reading a wide variety of body language. and because he's Friends with these combat trained hybrids, he's asked a lot of questions, and he notices a lot more than human people would.
driscoll: first, child, you have physical limitations, and you ignore them at your own peril. i put this kid in a shifting monsterscape armed with pretty much just a flashlight and the distinct ability NOT to be able to run away from their problems (because their lungs don't cooperate), so both driscoll and i have to be very aware of the Exit Plan for any situation they get themselves into (and they get into a Lot of Situations).
second, another dual-wielding type of thing: driscoll is both weirdly in tune with In Between and mostly cannot tell people that, so how i write about them navigating has to change depending on who they're with. hazard is the only one they're fully open with at the start, and they have to be carefully guarded with the other walkers/crew, AND they have to tell newly misplaced just enough to inspire confidence without revealing so much that they (the newly misplaced) will be Suspicious if they stick around to become townspeople themselves. it's a Lot to keep in mind (perhaps uh. More. than i kept in mind. in drafts two and three lol. we're working on it.)
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butchsophiewalten · 10 months
yknow something i've been considering for a while is doing art prints of my walten files work just on my home printer out of my house. I do have my redbubble shop and prints have always been an option there but I've never actually sold any and I don't know if that comes down to redbubble prices or just a complete lack of interest.
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sewi-li-suwi · 6 months
Cookies you!
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Hi sewi I hope you're doing well
yeah i'm doing alright thanks. you?
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Got my souvenirs
Freeze dried skittles and handmade watercolors made by the owners of the art shop i got them at
They grind their own pigments and everything
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Their business card is a 6inch ruler
#we dont have any good specialty art shops in Lawrence#we have a couple of places downtown that are kinda similar but they pretty much only have name brand stuff#nothing made locally#if it wasnt so expensive to start a business in Lawrence i might have a niche for handmade paints there#im trying to figure out what oil they used in their base to make it antimicrobial#cuz it smells really good lol#like my paints smell very strongly of cinnamon#im assuming clove oil since thats most common.....but idk if i can identify clove by smell#smells christmas-y tho#if i was more outgoing i mightve asked the owner some questions about it#my mom tried to talk me into getting the watercolor kit that had some little pieces of watercolor paper and a pencil and a brush#and i was like ''i have all that tho'' and she was like ''but then you could use them now.''#''.....yea. i have all that WITH me.'' like. im not gonna travel without my favorite art supplies lol#i gave up suitcase space for my giant watercolor sketchbook just in case i wanted to paint#i have MOSTLY travel watercolor sets and brought all of them with me in my pencil bag#i specifically filled up all my watercolor brushes with water the night before we left and made sure i had my favorite mechanical pencil#(which btw if you have executive dysfunction and like to paint with watercolors i highly recommend the watercolor brushes you fill#with water. i paint way more than i used to cuz i dont have to fill a cup with water any time i wanna paint)#i have my regular sketchbook#i even brought my sudoku book and a couple pens in case i felt like playing sudoku#i dont travel without my bag of activities. i may not always do the activities i bring but i like to have options#at least its better than when i was a kid cuz i tried to bring activities AND like 5 stuffed animals#my suitcase was usually half stuffed animals#i also usually had a few shoved into my pillowcase with my blanky
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homoeroticvillain · 7 months
trick or treat!!! can you tell me some fun facts about geist :)
yes i absolutely can anon!!
geist is a phantom thief and a very successful one at that. although xe i admittedly more in it for the drama then the actual thievery, a fact that is so obvious they have ended up with an internet fanbase. cause tell me if there suddenly a real gentlemen thief people wouldn't go nuts for that shit. geist very much leans into the whole clown/jester thing for xir thief persona, although this wasn't originally the case [actual design wise i mean, their old design was kinda nonsense]. anyways geist is a silly little [shorter then me even] clown who likes to commit crimes then post selfies of themself committing the crime on twitter dot com. fun fact about xem as an actual oc 1. probably the oc with the most actual content made about them cause i made in universe carrd for them and their friends [kinda outdated now but it's here x you can click around to find all the other carrds] and 2. xe is probably the oc with some of the most obvious inspirations: kokichi ouma, lupin ii, and general persona 5 stuff. also kinda kaito kid
also here is some candy!
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sobredunia · 9 months
i need you to understand im printing out pictures of the kenikari blorbos after school to put on my bedframe or in my desk or my phone case or whatever- they r very shaped. and give me brain worms.
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heloflor · 9 months
Something random I find interesting about Bowser is how his “modern” personality was actually there very early on, but it took forever for it to become a thing in the games.
(Tl;Dr is basically the last paragraph)
Like, when the first Super Mario Bros came out, Bowser was shown as a conqueror, destroying the Mushroom Kingdom and turning its inhabitant into blocks just because he could, only kidnapping Peach because she had magic that could counter his. All in all, he was nothing more than a monster.
But then one year later came the 1986 anime movie “The Great Mission to Rescue Princess Peach”, and for this movie, Bowser was completely revamped. Suddenly he became a hopeless romantic who kidnaps Peach to marry her, tries to comfort her at two instances which shows some level of being genuine in his feelings, and is a bit of a dumbass at times. It’s actually pretty funny to see the contrast between Bowser in this movie having done terrible actions (which we see through Mario and Luigi’s quest) but then when the focus is on him, he’s kind of adorable actually. Also there’s that post credit scene with him working where the brothers used to early on that shows him as nice.
And the funny thing is, that new side of Bowser that this anime brought actually stuck around…in everything except the games. In the following games (Mario Bros 2 Lost Levels, 3 and Mario World), Bowser is still the same monster who’s destroying things and kidnapping Peach for the heck of it. But outside of the games, we see that softer/goofier side of him shine. Or at the very least, in instances where he’s still pretty horrible/doesn't show that softer side, his motivation remains to marry Peach instead of going back to him wanting power first and foremost. And even then his defeats have some comedy to it.
It’s especially visible with Mario World and how, while the game doesn’t expand on him, there’s an interactive anime where he mentions wanting to marry Peach, and the Manga Super Mario Kun version of this game shows him to be a lot like in the 1986 movie, at least in his first appearance (I only found the first few chapters of this comic translated in english so I don’t know how he acts past that scene where he gives Peach an oversized ring; wouldn’t recommend those mangas btw, unless you like absurd humor with a plot that goes nowhere and wastes your time on stupid stuff). Same for the “Super Mario Adventures” comic where’s he’s yet again both a softie and a moron.
And outside of Mario World, there’s also a commercial for the very first Super Mario Bros with Bowser giving Mario flowers with no evil intention to it, or those three very badly made retelling of stories with Mario characters, two of which have Bowser wanting to marry Peach (for those wondering how the hell did I know about this compilation, I found a reaction to the 86 anime and the channel also had a reaction to those, so it was through sheer luck ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
So overall, Bowser being more comedic and endearing through being an idiot + having romantic feelings had been a thing since pretty much the beginning, Nintendo just took a while to put it into the games. And even then, from my understanding, the first show of Bowser’s softer side was in the RPGs, with Super Mario RPG having him as part of the team and Paper Mario 64 apparently being the first time his crush on Peach was put into a game (for context I know very little of both of these games so I don’t know exactly how they portray Bowser, I just know RPG has a crying sprite + he’s a team member and Paper has him crushing on Peach). So it basically took a good decade for it to become his game personality.
(Note that him becoming a playable character as early as the first Mario Kart and remaining playable in most sport games could also be a sign of Nintendo wanting him to be seen as less threatening, but those games don’t exactly have a story to truly showcase it so I wouldn’t exactly take them into account)
As for the mainline games, we had to wait even longer to see that side of him, up until Super Mario Sunshine in the early 2000s. And funnily enough, Nintendo has ever since been much more open about taking Bowser a lot less seriously in mainline games (Mario Galaxy ends with the group waking up at Peach’s castle and Bowser seems rather chill in that moment, New Bros Wii and U have funny cutscenes at the end, same for 3D Land, New Bros 2, his losing animation on his car + him in the credits in 3D World, and Mario Odyssey also ends on a comedic note for him).
And since I’m talking Sunshine which showcases his softer side through his kid, that’s also a good show of how long it took for him to be like that in the games. Bowser had been a father since Super Mario Bros 3 with the introduction of the Koopalings, yet neither this game nor Mario World show the kids interacting with their dad. We had to wait until New Bros Wii for that to happen in a mainline game (the ending cutscene). And while I wasn’t born back in the 90s so I can’t fully back up this claim, from what I’ve seen Bowser in general mainly interacted with the Koopalings outside of the games, like with the Adventures comic (tho even then it’s minimal) and the US cartoons which focus on him as a dad.
So yeah, all-in-all, I find it interesting how Nintendo had clearly always seen Bowser as more of a comedic character, mostly through being a hopeless romantic and a dumbass with a soft edge despite his horrible actions, but for the longest time they put this wish to the side. It wasn’t until the RPGs that this side of Bowser came out, and it took even longer for it to become a thing in the mainline games. And while of course this makes sense given Nintendo is known for not having stories in Mario games, meaning there’s no point in making Bowser anything more than the bad guy, it’s still funny how, the second they gave Bowser that comedic edge in one mainline game, it was the push they needed to run with it and never look back. As a result, nowadays, even in the instances where Bowser is at his most dangerous/intimidating like Galaxy, Bowser’s Fury or the 2023 Movie, there’s always still at least one moment where he’s not taken that seriously.
(Last second addition : I guess it is worth pointing out how Bowser being less threatening started with his romantic feelings, with his role as a father not being that important; but nowadays it's sort of the opposite with him being a parent first and foremost while his feelings for Peach, though still very much core to his character, take a bit of a backseat at times, or at least him having Junior and parenting him is brought up more often than his desire to be with Peach)
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cyncerity · 2 years
More Dream
Roman you are my main enabler
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and i love you for that
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Ranboo was obviously nervous for his best friend but Tommy is fine
tommy’s lying. he is, in fact, decidedly, not fine.
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mrpenguinpants · 1 year
I think that it was two days ago?? But I was this close from falling asleep and was scrolling Tumblr obviously. And I was in the suggest posts tab, wasn't even on any tag or anything, then I stumbled on your "low battery warning" post and read it through cause why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Bruh when I tell you I wanted to be able to physically EAT the whole thing. The Alhaitham part alone was bouncing around in my head for the whole time since I've read it, to the point I had to go back and search for it to see if I dreamed of it or not. I want I kiss you so hard for having written that, holy balls please never delete or I'll cry ugly tears
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GOD-YALL ARE KILLING ME. I COULD KISS YOU RN. I don't know what it is about this but holy shit- it a K.O for me.
I feel that on a spiritual level of being in bed, probably should be sleeping, but I'm too busy reading fics loll. I'm vv happy to hear that my fic was suggested to you and that you liked it so much. I don't know it feels weird knowing that my work is just out there for anyone to see and not just people who follow me but it's nothing bad.
But I'm telling you, I'm so fucking down bad for Alhaitham. It's not even funny- I have several wips of just him sitting in my drafts. Actually, let me word count it rn. Okay, I have 8k words of barely put-together wips sitting in my drafts for one (1) character I barely know.
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We're doing more incorrect quotes, with bits and pieces of the other cast, because I feel like Chikao and Tongbi tonight and said so.
Tongbi: Why does Nezha always do the laundry so loudly?
Chikao: So everyone knows that no one helps them out in the house.
Nezha: walks into the kitchen, ignoring everyone
Nezha, in the distance: slams the washing machine shut
Tongbi: Hey, Nezha, how was your day?
Nezha: picks up an onion and bites into it, staring at Tongbi Hell.
Nezha: Where’s Chikao?
Chikao, watching this unfold: whispers Who hurt you?
Tongbi: Around.
Nezha: Around?
Nezha: You don’t have any idea, do you?
DBK: I haven't seen Chikao and Tongbi for fifteen minutes now.
Chikao, dropping down from above: Did you know there’s a space above the ceiling?
Outside a nearby window, a car without a driver inside is seen rolling down a driveway, with Chikao and Tongbi running after it in a panic. DBK doesn't look outside at all.
Chikao: Welcome to Fucking Applebees, do you want apples or bees?
DBK: That probably means they're getting into trouble.
DBK: Bees?
DBK: Wait-
DBK: Something tells me Chikao's going to be a bit more unhinged today…
Tongbi approaches, shaking a jar of bees menacingly
Tongbi: Is there anyone here who’s actually straight?
Chikao, holding a lit match and a bag of cheetos: Leave me be, Tongbi isn't home to stop me, I'm going feral.
Wukong: raises hand
Chikao: puts their hand down
Chikao: Do you guys want to see a butterfly?
Tongbi: Ooh, yes please!
Wukong, with their laptop open: I'm not going to stop working to look at a stupid bug!
Chikao: It's not a bug though…
Wukong: …
Tongbi: …
Wukong: Well I still don't want to see.
Tongbi, realizing: Please don't throw-
Chikao, in Macaque’s window: I thought I’d find you here!
Chikao: Whee! throws a stick of butter
Macaque: Hey, did you know as a kid I accidentally ate paper?
Tongbi, climbing past Chikao: WE COULD HAVE USED THE DOOR-
Tongbi: I feel like we've all done that at least once.
Chikao: I ate it too-
Tongbi: See?
Chikao:: -On purpose…
Chikao: Who else is hiding in the laundry room trying to listen to DBK and Wukong's convo?
Macaque & Tongbi: …What?
Azure: Me. I'm in the laundry basket.
Tongbi: I'm in the washing machine.
Macaque: I'm in the closet.
Azure: We accept you Macaque. <3
Macaque: No I'm literally in the closet.
Macaque: Rules were made to be broken.
Azure: Love is love. <3
Tongbi: They were made to be followed. Nothing is made to be broken.
Wukong: Uh, piñatas.
Azure: Glow sticks.
DBK: Karate boards.
Chikao: Spaghetti when you have a small pot.
Macaque: Rules.
Azure, walking into their house: Hello, people who do not live here.
Tongbi: Hey.
Chikao: Hi.
Macaque: Hello.
DBK: Hey!
Azure: I gave you the key to my place for emergencies only!
Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker
Wukong: We were out of Doritos.
DBK: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Azure: …I did. I broke it.
DBK: No. No you didn't. Chikao?
Chikao: Don't look at me. Look at Tongbi.
Tongbi: What?! I didn't break it.
Chikao: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Tongbi: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Chikao: Suspicious.
Tongbi: No, it's not!
Macaque: If it matters, probably not, but Wukong was the last one to use it.
Wukong: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Macaque: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Wukong: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Macaque!
Azure: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, DBK.
DBK: No! Who broke it!?
Macaque: DBK… Chikao's been awfully quiet.
Chikao: rEALLY?!
Everyone starts arguing
DBK, being interviewed: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
DBK: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
DBK: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
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nazumichi · 2 years
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digs around in my sketchbook to bring u these (ids in alt)
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jadeharleydotcom · 2 years
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hi guys remember what i said abt fear garden
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