#Sir Ian Diamond
UK GDP growth reminds us of the folly of relying on OBR forecasts
Today is a big one for economic data. Earlier we had what was an unchanged statement from the Bank of Japan which I was expecting due to “face” culture over there. They will see it as no reason to embarrass Governor Kuroda for now. So we can move swiftly on to some good economic news for the UK. Monthly real gross domestic product (GDP) is estimated to have grown by 0.3% in January 2023. So we…
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Hi all, I got back from UK Games Expo on Sunday - a fantastic weekend!
So great to spend time with good friends playing games, chatting and laughing. I travelled up with close mates and we stayed together in an Airbnb apartment which proved to be ideal (and far cheaper than us all getting hotel rooms!).
Our intention on the Friday was just to scope the place out and play some board games, which we did (though I did splash out on a paint set too), and very early on reached the Fighting Fantasy stand where I bumped into my friends Dave and Chris, which was great timing! It was lovely to chat with Ian Livingstone and Jonathan Green, and also Dan at Blue Giant Studios again and talk about the upcoming Fighting Fantasy Fest in September, the special miniature I'll be painting, and see that they've put my painted Bloodbeast on the box!
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Ian also let me know that there will be a gallery of the FF minis I did for him in his forthcoming book, so that was an amazing surprise!
Another highlight was that I got to chat with Gav Thorpe and Andy Chambers and try out Zeo Genesis , their new sci fi skirmish game, which was a lot of fun - I got to take a free mech suit mini too!
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I had lovely chats also with Bad Squiddo Games, Blue Giant Studios, Cerberus-studios, Realms of Tiberium, Moonstone and Louis Downs (Louis and I have been trying to meet up at the last 4 shows!), MODIPHIUS, Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy, and finally got to meet Man O Kent Games, Mike Hutchinson (Gaslands), Jon Hodgson Illustration, Lost Haven Art (who produced my logo and business promo material) The Thornless Rose, Rolltex Texture Rollers, and my friends Gonders, Julian Sparrow and Geordie Calgar who I know through Twitter etc. On the Saturday night, some friends and I had a big game of Grimdark Future One Page Rules, with Luke pitching his Ork horde against mine and Saul's Rebel Guerrillas:
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A great game, very hard fought, and eventually the orks victory came down to one dice roll to see if a squig was shaken after losing a combat - it passed and so finished by contesting the objective on our side of the table!
I decided to mainly buy things I had been promising myself for a while, and take advantage of show discounts, so in an effort to divorce myself from Citadel paints, I got the Monument Hobbies Pro Acryl base set from Element Games, and a rechargeable lamp from Daylight, which will be so useful when I'm painting at shows! I also picked up The Art of The Miniature Painting Tutor from Warlord Games  because I had heard so many good things about it. I did get a few minis, but deliberately kept that to a minimum as I genuinely want to clear my backlog... (yeah, I know...) so I got a couple of brilliant new Halflings from Bad Squiddo Games, one of Duncan's Sir Coats minis, and after my painful experiences with those Anarcy stenciles a few weeks ago, I was determined to get some diamond stencils from Steel Harpy!  Also, as well as the  Zeo Genesis mechsuit, I was given a free mini from the Onepagerules folks. And given all that, I'm actually not feeling too bad this week - I'm continuing work on the Striking Scorpions and I've finished the first five, with the others well on their way, so I would think they'll be ready to photograph later today:)
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blue-jisungs · 11 months
diamonds + and pearls
song inspo. diamonds + and pearls — dpr live, dpr ian, peace.
summary. you thought your misery is sailed, like a letter… but then you meet a kind cargo delivery man. or so he said.
au. pirate hoshi x wealthy reader, heavily potc inspired!! set +- 1730 like in the movies lol,, they’re both kinda dumb 😭
word count. 3k
warnings. mention of falling out of the window LMAO, swearing, theft, blades (they’re pirates grrrr), forced marriage ++ lsfm sakura and bts hobi (kind of) cameo (i’m sorry hoba i promise it’s just for the fic nothing personal), kidnapping 😀
a/n. this could be better but i just had the fun of my life writing silly goofy yn and hosh + it made me want to rewatch potc again. for the millionth time. help.
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you took a deep breath, leaning forward. the smell of salt made you smile, waves rustling in the distance. the sea looked pretty calm today, foam visible only at the shore.
“ah, lady y/n!” you heard a gasp, causing you to withdraw from the window. your maid ran up to you, dragging you away “i told you not to do that! what if you fall out?!”
“ugh… yeah… sorry” you mumbled, fidgeting with the hem of your corset “is the breakfast ready?”
“mhm. sadly sir hoseok won’t join us yet, he’ll probably arrive around the noon, unless there’s some trouble” your maid, miss chu, explained “i’ll get going but please join us soon”
“of course. i just need to uh… find my shoes” you grinned. she nodded and left the room. you rushed to the window again and grabbed the spyglass hidden in your closet. you scanned the horizon. there was a small ship in the distance, barely noticeable. it’s probably the cargo ship with all the necessities for your wedding.
putting back the spyglass with a heavy heart you slowly made your way to the dining room. it’s not like you didn’t want to get married. it’s the fact that… you don’t know the guy. sir hoseok seems nice from all the stories you’ve heard about him, he’s your age but with this wedding you know your fate will be sealed. no more dreaming, you will have to be a good housewife. and probably you’ll never sail out to the sea, like you want to. you wondered if there was something that could change your situation. maybe if you were younger? or if you weren’t that rich… or maybe if you were richer?
after the breakfast you decided to take a stroll around the city with your friend, sakura. arms linked, you let out a sigh while looking at other people. they all seemed so happy…
“–you know? oh. hello…?” sakura giggled, slightly poking your side “why the frown?”
“you know how i feel about all of this… i wish i could just run away… what if i never see you again?” you whined, looking at her. she shook her head slightly, a foxy smile adorning her lips
“oh trust me, you will see me” sakura joked threateningly, nudging your arm “even if, you’ll do just fine. i know you don’t want this but… there’s nothing to do. in all honesty, y/n, i’m sorry. i wish i could help you”
letting out a small, defeated sigh you nodded. you were grateful that sakura mirrored your feelings. she didn’t have a husband yet, only two years younger than you so if she’s lucky enough, she’ll be able to find a man she wants to marry. unlike you. and losing your friend?
“so it’s my last day as a free woman, huh?” you grunted, pointing at something “let me go crazy, then. i like this tiger printed handkerchief”
“it’s a handkerchief…? hm. okay, you know what? let’s have some fun” sakura grinned and you approached the seller, giggling at the silly thing you’re about to purchase… and many more.
the sun set quicker than you wished, the lights of the stalls flickering. you fought a yawn, walking up to the small bridge that lead to the docks. the only sounds you could hear was the sea and workers chatting quietly. some crickets sing quietly in the distance, occasional crush of a wave silencing them.
sakura left a while ago, only to call for a guard. besides, people knew you here. you just wanted to relax for a little bit longer, enjoying the thing you love the most as a–
you frowned, support your body against the railing of the bridge and looked out for the source of the sound.
“i’m telling yer, it’s not a tiger print. i think the sea salt is starting to burn holes in your brain”
you froze and slowly looked at your hands, in which you were holding the tissue you bought earlier today. with a tiger print.
suddenly you felt a hand on your arm, relieved to know that sakura’s back.
“thank goodness! i got a little… oh” your eyes widened when you noticed that it wasn’t sakura. it was a guy, with loose white shirt and brown hair. he seemed nice but that didn’t change the fact that you were alone at docks… after the sunset.
“sorry if i disturbed you. do you happen to be from around here? our ship has just arrived and we were supposed to unpack the cargo” the guy spoke softly, smiling. oh, so this was the crew from the ship you noticed earlier today?
“yes, of course. i’m guessing you were supposed to ship it to sir l/n, my father?” you mirrored his smile. the man nodded and someone came up to you as well.
“that’s right. where are my manners… my name is joshua, this is seungkwan” the guy said, pointing at his friend. he nodded. when you took a glance at the ship, they scanned you up and down and smiled mischievously to each other “could you be so kind and show us the way to your mansion? we need to sign the papers that the cargo arrived on time”
“oh, of course. just… i’m waiting for my friend and…” you started hesitantly. the looked at each other
“that’s fine. we’ll tell them you went home safely” joshua smiled and called someone over. three guys came up, causing you to gulp. this seemed like a sketchy situation but hey, this is a cargo ship, right? they can’t be bad or something… besides, it weird no one arrived to greet them. so at least, maybe, your father will appreciate your effort.
“miss l/n, i assume? it’s pleasure to meet you” one of them spoke, voice low “i’ll be frank, we were hoping that the secretary will meet us there but… maybe it’s the delay. my name is s.coups, i’m the main captain. those are my co-captains, woozi and hoshi”
you bowed your head slightly as a greeting. woozi did the same, whereas hoshi bowed dramatically and grabbed your hand tenderly. you were shocked as he placed a quick peck on the top of your hand.
“m’lady” he grinned mischievously “we apologise for the delay, however the weather conditions on the sea are unpredictable… just like–“
“we get it. now we shall go, we already took enough of lady l/n’s precious time” woozi cut in. you shook your head and started walking towards your house. you thought the walk would be quiet but hoshi kept talking. throwing jokes, you loosened up. he was a pretty funny guy, you had to admit.
“we’re here. i’ll inform the…” you started, wanting to push the door open.
“we’ll go with you, really. it’s just a signature, that’s all” s.coups said and entered the house, leaving you a bit speechless. sure, this was the entrance that lead to the maids accommodation and your father’s office but…
you nodded shyly and lead them there. it’s good, right? your father does the same each time his financial partners come around.
knocking at the door, you sent hoshi a warm smile. he grinned and you noticed a golden tooth flickering in the light of the corridor. which, by the way, made you realise how handsome he was.
when the door opened, you looked at your father.
“y/n, i told you not to… who is that?” he asked, voice stern.
“those are the men who shipped the cargo ship for uh… the ceremony. i met them at the docks, they just arrived” you explained. the three of them nodded.
“exactly. we just need your signature that you confirm the cargo was delivered” s.coups said, his features a bit hostile “can we come in? i believe we shall not discuss certain aspects of the deal in front of the lady”
you huffed, crossing your arms which caused a giggle from hoshi.
“i… of course. and y/n, you go to your bedroom right away. sakura and our guards have been looking for you. you aren’t permitted to leave the house until sir hoseok arrives, understood?” was all your father said. hoshi noticed your mood going down, smile fading slowly. this made his heart hurt and for unknown to himself reasons, he suddenly felt anger at your father.
“yes, father. i wish you a good night” you mumbled, sending a forced smile at hoshi.
“oh we will have an excellent night” he hummed, winking at you. you felt blush creeping up on your face and you waved goodbye, leaving slowly towards your room.
once you arrived to your bedroom and changed into your night gown, you walked out on your balcony. the ship with cargo that arrived, s.coups’ ship, looked so huge and majestic. you wished you could just… sneak on it and run away.
you yelped, almost tripping when you took a sudden step back. you bumped into something… or rather someone, letting out another yelp. it was silenced by a stray hand on your mouth, causing you to try to squirm away.
“hey pretty lady” you heard a familiar voice and saw hoshi “looks like y/n’s all alone tonight?”
hoshi nodded and the hand from your mouth disappeared, yet your hands were held behind your back tightly.
“what… what is going on? how do you know my name?” you asked, eyes widening. hoshi scratched his head
“your father used it when he begged us not to kidnap you. which is what we’re doing right now” he explained nonchalantly, turning around to take a glance at your room “and take a few things…”
“are you serious?” you asked, voice full of shock. this is… exactly what you kind of… wanted. is it responsible and safe? not at all. will it free you from a forged marriage? yes.
“yup. we’re pirates, my dear. diamonds, pearls… tea?” hoshi hummed, rummaging through your things “that’s what i’m gonna get”
“i can… show you uh, my jewellery. i mean where i keep it. in all honesty, i’m more willing to go with you thank you can imagine. why you’re kidnapping me, by the way?” you asked, crooking your head. hoshi turned around dramatically.
“seriously? then c’mon, because we are running out of time” he grinned, yet his glare was threatening “no tricks though, lady”
someone let you out. you noticed it was a tall, buffed guy. hoshi noticed your scared expression and walked up to you, grabbing your wrist.
“don’t be scared of him. mingyu looks like he’s about to beat you up but he’s literally so dumb…” hoshi whispered and you giggled.
“i heard you” mingyu grunted.
you smiled and quickly dug out your secret chest with all the good gems. hoshi looked at you, actually surprised that you’re giving him willingly all the luxurious stuff you had.
“i… i can explain. can we get out now?” you asked. hoshi scoffed and grabbed your hand, tossing the chest to mingyu “oh, wait!”
quickly grabbing the tiger print handkerchief from your nightstand and your spyglass, you were ready to go. why were you excited…?
hoshi helped you get down the line they used to climb and in no time you were in your royal gardens.
“wonwoo, go check up on the others. i’ll take y/n to the ship” hoshi ordered and you realised there was another guy with you, all the time. he was just quiet and went unnoticed.
“can you explain what’s really going on?” you asked, letting him lead you
“we’re pirates, not your cargo ship. no offence, you made our job way easier. and for the future, you really shouldn’t trust strangers” hoshi looked through his arm at you. sending a shy smile at him, you felt blood rushing to your cheeks “it was our plan all along to pretend we’re the cargo, steal from you… and maybe kidnap you, so we can demand a ransom”
he grinned and before you noticed, you made your way through the bushes, just next to the running guards.
“but i liked you. for that tiger print handkerchief especially” he smiled, pulling you down so you can hide from the guards. you looked at the item in your hand, smiling softly
“i bought it today… i guess it brought me luck” you hummed, looking up and him and meeting hoshi’s curious gaze. squatting down behind the bush, you could see the light from the lanterns the guards were using.
“you’re an intriguing person, m’lady. people that get kidnapped usually… do the opposite of what you’re doing right now. they run away… and don’t talk with the kidnappers” hoshi laughed and suddenly stood up, squeezing your hand “lets go!”
“well, uh… see… since you’re kidnapping me i’ll tell you either way. i was supposed to get married… and i didn’t want to… so…” you trail off and hoshi laughs
“ah, i see. well, welcome on board then. you’ll be the first and only girl on the deck, though” he hummed and you left the gardens “was the guy old? ugly? poor?”
“quite the opposite from all of the above, from what i heard” you teased, tightening the grip you had on the handkerchief “i just want to be free… and you’re pirates? i love the sea, i couldn’t even dream of sailing and now this…?”
“oh woah, you’re making me feel like i’m a good guy” he snickered, causing you to smile softly.
in no time you were on the ship, excitement rushing through your veins. you had a good feeling about this, hoshi seemed… trustworthy. or you were just too gullible. it was all soon to find out.
the wood was creaking pleasantly under your feet. oh. you didn’t take your shoes… or clothes…
“okay, everyone’s on! chan, tell jeonghan we’re ready to go! and you– who are you, exactly?” a guy came up to you, his hand resting on the blade hiding in his pocket.
“i… uh… well…” you started, trying to explain it. hoshi came back to you (wait, when did he even leave?) and put a hand on your shoulder. the warmth and gesture itself caused you to relax.
“i’ll explain in the morning. be nice to her, okay?” hoshi frowned. the guy nodded, giving you a wide gummy smile before walking away “that was seokmin, also known as dk. don’t hang around too long with him or you’ll get deaf”
you scoffed and felt a sudden move. hoshi looked at you amused, the literal stars in your eyes making his heart melt.
“if you don’t feel too good, just… return it to the sea” he patted your back and lead you to the edge of the ship, leaning against the railing.
you could see the island, the lights in houses made it look like everyone was awake. well, they probably were because of the chaos.
“aren’t you goning to miss yer home?” hoshi asked, worry in his voice.
“maybe…? we’ll see. so far i feel free… and i haven’t felt like that in ages” you admitted quietly, looking at him. the warm light of the lanterns hung somewhere in the ship made his face look cozy…
“that’s good. i’m happy i could help” his lips curled into a cute smile “now you shall rest. take my cabin– nuh, uh. i insist”
you let out a defeated laugh and nodded, agreeing. you stayed there for a while, observing in silence the land slowly becoming more and more distant. when it was nothing but dark sky and sea meeting each other at the horizon, hoshi led you to his cabin, bed quite modest but comfortable looking. he closed the moving door, leaning against the wall. the blade attached to his hip glistened in the light of the room.
“sleep well, mate” he grinned, small smile tugging at his lips. you were… so cute. he shook his head, trying to get this thought out of his head “thanks for the diamonds, pearls and rubies by the way. woozi is going to lose his mind”
“what?” you frowned, confused. hoshi laughed, the sound being so contagious that you couldn’t help but smile too
“i’ll explain it in the morning. oh and by the way… hoshi is a nickname, you know… soonyoung’s the name” he hummed.
“soonyoung. i like it, it sounds pretty” you mumbled shyly and looked up at him tenderly “good night, soonyoung”
hoshi nodded gently and left. and after he did, he had to physically prevent himself from screaming. you were so adorable.
the night passed surprisingly quickly, causing you to wonder if it was all just a dream. but opening your eyes and seeing soonyoung’s cabin and the open sea behind the windows made you realise it wasn’t.
you saw a pile of clothes and a cup of steaming tea on his desk. you put them on (hoping these were for you) and drank the tea slowly, looking at the view outside the window. the clothes you were given was male but they actually fit on you. maybe those were woozi’s? he seemed like a small person…?
you were about to leave when you remembered the tiger print handkerchief. grabbing it and putting it on, you smiled proudly. once you were done, you stepped out of the cabin.
refreshing breeze hit your hair, the smell of the sea mixed with salt filling your nostrills. the sun was shining, warmly falling on your skin.
“yoo hoo, y/n! up here!”
you looked up and saw hoshi coming down from the ship mast. in to time, almost jumping like a tiger, he was next to you.
“did you sleep well?” he asked and you could finally look at his handsome face in full sunlight. nodding enthusiastically, he smiled “good. well, then. welcome officially on the seventeen’s crew!”
you heard some cheers and applause, smile forming in your lips. soonyoung stole a glance at the tiger printed tissue fashionably tucked in the shirt’s pocket and he couldn’t help but grin.
svt masterlist | event masterlist
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang
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stephensmithuk · 2 months
Illicit Diamond Buyer - or Diamonds Are For Pinching
Rosenthall is engaging in something that was the colonial-era precursor to the "blood diamond" trade - which takes place in many of the same locations.
At the time of the story, De Beers controlled most of the South African diamond trade - and by extension most of the global trade. They controlled the output and therefore the prices.
Now diamonds were heavily in demand for gemstones and there were plenty of opportunities for someone less than entirely honest to make a few quid - at a time when a few pounds was worth a lot more than it was today.
Especially if you were a poor black miner - who could smuggle gems out through their body and then sell them - once they'd come out the other end - to a pawnbroker.
However, white managers could also skim off the top and there were plenty of ways to grab a few during sorting.
There was also illegal mining. Stopping that today is hard enough even with drones and satellite imagery due to the sheer size of Africa - back then it was pretty close to impossible, especially as colonial authorities were massively overstretched even in normal circumstances.
The trade was big enough in the 1950s that Sir Percy Sillitoe went straight from the head of MI5 to working for De Beers in clamping down on the IDB trade.
Sillitoe had previously been Chief Constable of Glasgow, where he'd managed to break the "razor gangs" and also introduced the "Sillitoe tartan", the black-and-white check pattern now seen on police cap bands across the UK and the Commonwealth; the Chicago Police Department also use it.
Ian Fleming would use the trade as the basis for his fourth James Bond novel Diamonds are Forever and then a non-fiction book covering the counter-smuggling operations called The Diamond Smugglers. The latter, not a personal favourite of his, sold very well and was even considered for a film.
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musiclandoux · 6 months
100 Days of Music - Music Challenge
Share a song or songs you love that talk about another music artist in the song. It can be in the title, or the song is about another music artist, or it can mention an artist or artists in the lyrics.
: Day 100
Pink Floyd : Song written about the original band member, the late, Syd Barrett
: Stevie Wonder : in 1976 wrote this song about Jazz Legend Duke Ellington.
Bob Dylan : The Song is about Folk legend, Woody Guthrie in 1961
Weezer : a song about Buddy Holly
Dire Straits: Elvis Presley
Chuck Berry : About the classic composer, Ludwig
Ian Dury and the Blockheads: about Gene Vincent
Nirvana : Smells Like Teen Spirit
The song : Kurt was inspired by the band The Pixies , to write in their style, the rest is history.
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krenenbaker · 11 months
Media you may find on this blog (in no particular order)
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✧ Twisted Wonderland
Faves: Trey Clover, Jade Leech, Rook Hunt, Cater Diamond, Che'nya
✧ Ikemen Vampire
Faves: Charles-Henri Sanson, Johann Georg Faust, Vlad, William Shakespeare
✧ Ikemen Prince
Faves: Sariel Noir, Keith Howell
✧ The Arcana
Faves: Julian Devorak, Quaestor Valdemar, Portia Devorak
✧ Obey Me!
Faves: Barbatos, Asmo, Lucifer
✧ Stardew Valley
Faves: Elliott, Leah, Harvey, Sam, Willy, Gunther
✧ Six Idiots (Horrible Histories, Yonderland, BBC Ghosts, Bill, etc.)
Faves: The Captain, Sir Humphrey, Cake Lady Edith, Elder Ho-tan, Ian, Sir Francis Walsingham, ... actually, pretty much all of Larry's characters
✧ Baccano!
Faves: Maiza Avaro, Felix Walken/Claire Stanfield, Lua Klein, Firo Prochainezo
✧ The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.
Faves: Kaidou Shun, Mera Chisato, Saiki Kusuo, Kuboyasu Aren
✧ Musicals
Some favourites include: Falsettos, Come From Away, Rent, Heathers: The Musical, SIX, The Sound of Music, South Pacific, Book of Mormon, Avenue Q
✧ Canadian Media!
May include: Children's shows (Mr. Dressup, Surprise! It's Edible Incredible!, etc.), Music, Corner Gas, documentaries, etc.
✧ Various YouTube channels
May include: TwoSet Violin, Daniel Howell, Unus Annus (memento mori), Julien Bam, AmazingPhil, Drawfee, Rachel Maksy, Karolina Żebrowska, Tasting History with Max Miller, and others!
And much more!
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For other topics I may post about, see here!
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txemrn · 2 years
hi em <33 top3 choices diamond scenes? or mayhaps even your top 5? 💖💖
MAL! 💜💜💜
Thank you so much, darlin', for including me on this Ask! And whew... this is soooooooo HARD! lol Have you shared yours yet? Because I need to know!
I have come to the realization that my top 5 is revolving (lol). I would pick out 5, and then I would be reminded of another Dirty 30 that was mind-blowingly good, and I change my answer all over again. So, by the time you read this, my answer could quite possibly be different. LOL
Two Words. Eiffel Tower (and I'm not talking about the structure in Paris even though this happened in Paris). That 3-some in Blood Bound with Adrian and Jax? Holy. shit.
I already felt like a Queen B in the very first chapter of the book when MC hooks up with Ian Kingsley (y'know? Before she knew he was her professor).
One of my favorite scenes in TRR is hooking up with Liam at the top of the Statue of Liberty after you get engaged (or after you turn down his proposal... poor guy).
How do I not include Mr. "Perfect Size"? When MC finally got to hook up with Sam Dalton in TNA book 1 at the gala, it was hot, steamy, and magically, we didn't fall off the railing to our death (but afterwards, gah I wanted to kill that bastard).
I have a special place in my heart for Bryce Lahela, and when we were FWB, it was so hot... especially that shower scene in the skydiving chapter with Kyra. Sir, you missed a spot...
Honorable mentions (I'm cheating):
I know a lot of people had a problem with this, but I loved Ethan domming over MC in book 3.
I'm also going to get hate on this, but the first time MC hooks up with Cassian in Chapter 1 of Witness... whew, I quite enjoyed that.
This isn't a Dirty Thirty, but kissing Ethan at the conference... *sigh* that man... (but afterwards, I wanted to kill the asshole)
It's official... I went way over the limit... and I'm still thinking of some amazing scenes (as I'm sure YOU are too!), but I think for me, these are the ones I love and I find memorable.
Thank you again for including me with this ask! It was so kind of you! Now... WHAT ARE YOURS!? Tell me! Tell me! Actually... check your inbox! lol
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brookstonalmanac · 10 months
Birthdays 8.12
Beer Birthdays
Antoine-Augustin Parmentier (1737)
Samuel Allsopp (1780)
August J. Lang (1865)
Steve Shapiro (1950s)
Ed Chainey (1957)
Jennie Hatton (1971)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Cecil B. de Mille; film director (1881)
William Goldman; writer (1931)
Peter Krause; actor (1965)
Erwin Schrödinger; physicist (1887)
Abbot Thayer; artist (1849)
Famous Birthdays
Casey Affleck; actor (1975)
George Bellows; artist (1882)
Thomas Bewick; artist, illustrator (1753)
Michael Ian Black; comedian, actor (1971)
Helene Petrovna Blavatsky; Russian mystic, theosophist (1831)
"Diamond" Jim Brady; businessman (1856)
Cantinflas; actor, comedian (1911)
John Derek; actor (1926)
Rebecca Gayheart; actor (1972)
Bruce Greenwood; actor (1956)
Edith Hamilton; classicist, writer (1867)
George Hamilton; actor (1939)
Parnelli Jones; race car driver (1933)
Michael Kidd; dancer, choreographer (1915)
Mark Knopfler; English rock guitarist (1949)
Ann M. Martin; writer (1955)
Christy Mathewson; New York Giants P (1880)
Norris & Ross McWhirter; founders of Guinness Book of Records (1925)
Pat Metheny; jazz guitarist (1954)
Sir Mix-a-Lot; rapper (1963)
Buck Owens; guitarist (1929)
Marjorie Reynolds; actor (1917)
Mary Roberts Rinehart; writer (1876)
Pete Sampras; tennis player (1971)
George Soros; businessman (1930)
Robert Southey; English writer (1774)
Dominique Swain; actor (1980)
Suzanne Vega; pop singer (1959)
Porter Wagoner; country singer (1927)
Jennifer Warren; actor (1941)
Jane Wyatt; actor (1910)
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Ranting and Raving: "Live and Let Die" by Paul McCartney & Wings
1973 is a major year for Paul McCartney. It’s the year he finally started seeing success again after the Beatles. His new band, Wings, finally starts taking flight that April after the single “My Love” tops the Billboard Hot 100. Its subsequent album, Red Rose Speedway, finds success that the first Wings album didn’t find. At the end of the year, Band on the Run comes out and through the strength of its title track and “Jet,” it becomes the top selling album of 1974 in the U.K. and Australia. In between Red Rose and Band on the Run, McCartney finds another success, this time within the world of film. The latest installment in the famous 007 James Bond film series (based on a series of novels by Ian Fleming) is set to release in late June. This time, an adaptation of Fleming’s Live and Let Die will be gracing the silver screen. McCartney and his lovely wife Linda (who is also the backing vocalist/keyboardist in Wings) are the ones who will be tasked with providing the theme song for it.
Even in 1973, being the artist that provided the Bond theme for the newest film was considered a great honor. Shirley Bassey, Tom Jones, and Nancy Sinatra are a few of the famous voices who had delivered great Bond themes just a few short years before the McCartneys wrote one. Bassey and Jones even scored Top 40 hits out of them (“Goldfinger” peaked at #8 for Bassey, “Thunderball” at #25 for Jones). Paul and Linda however will do one better: “Live and Let Die” will peak at #2 on Billboard, being the Bond song that performs the best until Duran Duran takes the #1 title in 1985 with “A View to a Kill.”
But more importantly than that, “Live and Let Die,” to me, serves as the turning point for Bond themes. Starting with this song, Bond themes officially breach containment and begin to live second lives as pop songs that are almost completely divorced from the movies they’re written for. The nature of the Bond theme changes with McCartney’s contribution, but that might also be due to the fact that ‘73 was the year the nature of the Bond film series itself underwent major change.
Sean Connery, the Scottish actor who originated the role of James Bond in 1962, played 007 in every film (except On Her Majesty’s Secret Service in 1969) until Live and Let Die.  After Diamonds Are Forever in 1971, Connery refused to return for another film. When Connery declined, producers needed to find a new actor to become James Bond. Sir Roger Moore ended up getting the job, starting with Live and Let Die and ending his tenure, after seven adventures, with A View to a Kill.
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(Roger Moore and the main cast of Live and Let Die)
I admit that I’ve always found myself gravitating more towards Moore’s time in the role over Sir Sean. The campier nature of those films and the cheesy escapism of them makes for a fun movie night. They’re larger than life stories and they revel in the absurd. They don’t take themselves that seriously, which I see as a positive. On the negative side of things, Moore’s era is often criticized for being too campy and over the top. More action, more car chases, more ridiculousness and snark, and none of the more serious, gritty, cinematic elements that Connery’s era cemented into legend. If you ever wondered where Michael Scott might have gotten ideas for Threat Level Midnight or wondered what fueled the Austin Powers series, Moore’s time as Bond was the model.
Live and Let Die suffers from these criticisms. It’s dated as all hell, mostly due to the film being made during the height of Blaxploitation. Because of this, the movie suffers from a good number of bad 70s stereotypes. Let me paint a picture for you: Black gangsters all speak like Dolemite, pimpmobiles are present, Bond is referred to as “honky” at least three different times. At it’s best, Live and Let Die is a fun and silly action-adventure film and serves as a ridiculous time capsule from a different age. At its worst, the movie would be considered problematic by today’s standards. One very good thing can be said though: McCartney’s song has aged wonderfully.
This most likely has to do with the fact that McCartney didn’t have much to really work from. When writing “Live and Let Die,” the screenplay for the film was unfinished, which meant that his only source material to pull from was the Ian Fleming novel, which in itself is a gambit because he couldn’t be certain just how closely the film was going to follow the book. In Paul’s 2021 book, The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present, he writes about the backstory of how “Live and Let Die” was written:
"Writing a Bond song is a bit of an accolade, and I always had a sneaking ambition to do it. Ron [Kass] told me the film was called Live and Let Die. The screenplay wasn't finished at that point, so I got the Ian Fleming book, and it's a real page-turner. I just spent that afternoon immersing myself in the book, so when I sat down to write the song, I knew how to approach it. I didn't want the song to be, 'You've got a gun. Now go kill people. Live and let die.'" That's just not me. I wanted it to be, 'Let it go. Don't worry about it. When you've got problems, just live and let die.' Once I had that thought in my head, the song almost wrote itself."
Just as McCartney had the pressure of bringing a new Bond theme into the world, Roger Moore had the pressure of having to reintroduce the world to James Bond. How do you breathe new life to a character and adapt it to your specific strengths? How do you do this while still retaining all of the things that made people fall in love with the character in the first place? Ultimately, it was Moore that had the bigger pressure to deliver the goods, but McCartney’s song certainly helps and I think McCartney’s more pop direction for the theme served Moore’s first outing as Bond more than something orchestral, sweeping, and cinematic like the themes to From Russia With Love or Goldfinger did. “Live and Let Die” has a “movie theme” vibe to it, but it’s much more over the top and silly sounding by comparison, which suits the direction that the seven films made with Roger Moore would eventually go. Getting a pop songwriter like McCartney to provide the theme just feels right when considering that.
Roger Moore’s first outing in Live and Let Die immediately separated his Bond from Connery’s version. For starters, Moore had a more dapper look than Connery and a kinder looking face. He had the look of a classic playboy, natural with a cigarette and a martini in his hand at the bar. While both Bonds were charming womanizers, Moore’s Bond was more of a smooth talking ladies man, where Connery was often rude and chauvinistic. Most importantly, Moore was a witty son of a bitch, having an utter mastery over one liners and elite quickness with a joke. The man had snark on lock and was the kind of Bond who looked and sounded like he talked his way out of situations rather than solve them with violence and weaponry. Connery’s version of Bond wouldn’t have fared well with the campier, goofier “popcorn movie” direction the series would take through the rest of the 70s and 80s. It was clear that Eon Productions (the company behind every Bond film) wanted to create movies that not only made a lot of money, but appealed to a wide variety of audiences. Action! Adventure! Romance! Thrills and chills! Bond delivers on all of this and more.
As does McCartney’s song. I’ve spent a lot of time so far writing about Bond and the movie that the song was written for, but really, it almost doesn’t matter when you look at the song itself. There are probably plenty of McCartney fans who are completely unaware that the song is the theme to a movie of the same name. There’s nothing in the song’s lyrics that is exclusive to the movie. Granted, songs like “Thunderball” and “You Only Live Twice” don’t have anything exclusive to their respective movies either, but they still don’t sound like pop songs you could hear on the radio or out in the wild. McCartney made a smart move by playing to his strengths and writing just a straight, well constructed pop song, which is always a good use of your Paul McCartney.
The song itself contains at least three different and distinct musical ideas. Think like how “Band on the Run” is three little songs strung together to make a single piece. The first part starts very simply with McCartney at the piano, delivering a damn fine melody. The lyrics are vague enough that you can either relate them back to James Bond or relate them to yourself, which adds to the listener’s ability to divorce it from the movie. It’s a hopeful song. If you have problems, if something just won’t go right, just let it go. “Live and let die.” McCartney takes the title of a pulp spy novel and turns it into a philosophy of casting aside the things that don’t work anymore; the things that mess with you.
When you were young and your heart was an open book / You used to say live and let live / (you know you did, you know you did, you know you did) / But if this ever changing world in which we're living / Makes you give in and cry / ... / Say live and let die
Those three little piano notes and that brief empty space in the song right before McCartney sings, “Say live and let die” kills every single time I hear it. The explosion and combination of guitar and horns gives the song that grand, cinematic feeling. It’s fantastic. The way that the orchestration takes over and drives the song. You can almost picture car chases and gunfights in your head as it’s going. It rises and builds until it crescendos and becomes... a reggae tune?
What does it matter to ya? / When you got a job to do / You gotta do it well / You gotta give the other fellow hell
It becomes a reggae tune for about ten seconds before rising again with “You gotta give the other fellow hell” and letting the orchestration back in the driver’s seat. It’s a weird shift and even weirder, it still works. That bit came from Linda McCartney, a woman who had a love of reggae music and somehow found a way to work it in, proving that she enjoyed off-the-wall musical ideas in much of the same vein that her husband did. It’s one of the most memorable parts of the song and it adds to the fun of the whole thing. There’s no way to know if it was fully intentional on Linda’s part, but the movie does have a good number of scenes that take place in the Caribbean, so the idea of this sweeping, loud, grand movie theme turning into a reggae tune real quick is a musical idea that does tie into the film. If you’ve seen the film, the connection makes sense. If you haven’t, it’s just another oddball idea in a McCartney song. “Live and Let Die” gets to enjoy the best of both worlds.
The major reason I think “Live and Let Die” has gotten to live a life beyond the movie it was written for is due to the fact that it’s just a well constructed and well executed song. When McCartney plays the song live, he makes it as wild and over the top as any Moore-era Bond film. When he sings “Say live and let die” in concert, the explosion of sound following it involves a good deal of pyrotechnics, fireworks, and sweeping spotlights. It’s a fantastic number and it’s not just a great Bond song, it’s a great song, period. There’s no dead weight that could be trimmed from this thing. It doesn’t even suffer from the classic McCartney songwriting issue of not knowing how/when a song needs to end. It’s a perfect three minute affair that has great musical ideas stuffed into it. It’s pure and classic McCartney in its greatest form. There’s so many little moments in this song that you wait for and you fall in love with every single time. It's a fun ride that's just as exciting and thrilling as the movie it was written for.
“Live and Let Die” is the song that proved a Bond theme didn’t have to just be tied to the movie it was written for. It can exist beyond it. Marvin Hamlisch and Carly Simon’s “Nobody Does It Better,” Sheena Easton’s “For Your Eyes Only,” and Duran Duran’s “A View to a Kill” are all great pop songs that followed in the wake of what “Live and Let Die” pulled off. You don’t have to have seen The Spy Who Loved Me, For Your Eyes Only, or A View to a Kill to love those songs, just like you don’t have to have seen the movie Live and Let Die in order to enjoy the song that borrowed its name. Great pop songs have a way of living their own unique lives and finding an audience beyond what they were written to be, whether commissioned for a movie or not.
When you got a job to do, you gotta do it well and this song does its job very well.
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bluezey · 3 years
Now that it's sinking in that the Diamond and Pearl remakes are coming, let's bring back talks about Ian and Barley being pokemon fans
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Barley will get Brilliant Diamond for Dialga and choose Piplup for his starter because Empoleon = knight
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Ian will get Shining Pearl for Palkia because space elf want space dragon, and his starter is Turtwig cause I just see him liking the Turtwig line
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notayesmanseconomics · 7 months
What is happening in the UK Labour Market?
Today we see another of my themes in play as I recall the number of times I have suggested that unemployment numbers have become unreliable. The official reports of  record lows combined with economic struggles have often struck me as being too good to be true. Also as a fan of Yes Prime Minster I recall Jim Hacker telling us that nobody believes the unemployment numbers and that was from 1983!…
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solarwriting · 3 years
guns and gifts
carl gallagher x fem!reader
request: Hey! I hope I can send you a request for Karl Gallagher of Shameless. Maybe Karl and y / n were a couple before jail, and after leaving jail he came to her to ask her for forgiveness. y / n doesn't forgive him and he starts giving her gifts and apologizing every day. Then everything is at your discretion. Happy ending please💛 from @powerpuffluuvv
genere: fluff + angst
word count: 2.1k
warnings: swearing, ooc carl
posted on april 18, 2021
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puppy love. thirteen year-olds holding hands and sharing stolen kisses. it was a sweet relationship that could’ve grown and matured with the two teens as they did. instead carl found himself a job on the corner and when he got caught y/n was done. fiona tried to get through to the boy, asking him to apologize but he brushed her off.
“can i please just talk to him? maybe he’ll listen to me.” y/n pleaded with the lawyer.
fiona stepped in, “it wouldn’t hurt to try it.”
“five minutes.” the lawyer relented.
y/n thanked him and rushed into the room where he sat. he squinted at her through the glasses fiona gave him. “i’m not fuckin’ sorry. i wish i was smarter about it. i wouldn’t have used chuckie as a mule.”
“you know what. if you don’t tell that judge you’re fucking sorry and that you’ve learned from your mistakes i will never speak to you again.” y/n exited the room quickly letting the ultimatum hang in the air as the door slammed behind her.
during the hearing her eyes were trained on the back of his head, hoping she could somehow will him to do the right thing. she kept her arms crossed as she leaned back. kev and v were sat next to her, waiting anxiously to see what he’d say.
“i’m going to make juvie my bitch.” as soon as he said those words, y/n sighed, getting up from her seat, shouldering her back and slipping out of the courtroom as they hauled carl away. he caught her eye before she left, she froze for a moment before shaking her head and making her exit.
time passed and she still spent time with the rest of the gallaghers, she lived across the street so it would have been hard not too. she helped take care of liam when needed and she got a job at patsy’s with fiona’s help.
the day carl came back had been a surprise for everyone, y/n was helping fiona with making dinner after a shift at patsy’s. the front door had slammed shut and, thinking it was debbie, fiona asked if she got a message about hamburger buns. y/n’s eyes shot up when a much deeper voice responded, “nah, it’s just me.”
excited, fiona rushed towards the boy, wrapping him up in a hug. hugging back, he looked up throwing a wave to y/n who was rooted in place, “hey, y/n.”
snapping herself back into reality she lurched forward wiping her hands and grabbing her things, pulling her bag over her shoulder and gripping her keys tightly she looked back at the boy as fiona fussed over his new appearance. “fuck you, carl.” she spat, slamming the back door shut behind her.
y/n managed to avoid carl at school the next day, he was too busy with “his boy” nick and his new white boy carl personality and selling illegal weapons in the bathrooms to bother her anyways. she rushed to patsy’s as soon as school ended and began her shift.
she spent the afternoon rushing from table to table, taking orders, passing out food, and pouring coffee. she was pouring coffee for a couple sitting near the front door when the bell twinkled, signaling a new customer.
her back turned to the door and her focus pointed and the coffee she was pouring she greeted the customer quickly, “take a seat anywhere and i’ll be right with you darling.” she smiled at the couple before turning around, finding herself face to face with white boy carl himself. “get the fuck out.”
y/n rushed away from him, pouring coffee for a man sat at the counter. carl followed, “please just talk to me, y/n.”
“she doesn’t want to talk to you, man.” the customer spoke up as y/n placed the coffee pot on the burner.
“what the fuck did you just say to me?” carl asked the man.
he stood up, “i told you she doesn’t want to talk. so leave.”
y/n stepped in before a physical altercation broke out, “thank so much, sir, but i can fight my own battles.” she pushed carl towards the door, “out.” she kept pushing him despite his protests, “get the fuck out. go.”
the door slammed behind them, and carl began to speak, “no, you’re going to shut your fucking mouth and listen. i don’t want to listen to you. i don’t want to talk to you. and i don’t even want to see you but that last one might be a little fucking impossible since we’re neighbors and i work with your sister so i’m going to be civil towards you but i will only acknowledge your existence when it is absolutely necessary. clear?”
carl began to protest but y/n cut him off, “are we fucking clear?” carl grumbled an agreement and y/n sighed, “good, now get the fuck out if here. i have to go back to work.”
y/n rushed back into the diner, throwing herself back into work. hoping she looked busy enough to keep the nosy man from before to leave her alone, she poured more coffee, took orders, passed out plates. until her shift ended and she could finally take the l back home.
the next run in with carl happened two days later, she was walking home from school, thankful for the day off from work when carl and nick pulled up on a bike. “y/n! wait!”
sighing, y/n whipped around, “i thought i told you i didn’t want to talk to you.”
“i have something for you.” carl explained as he got closer, y/n ignored him and started walking again, the bike quickly catching up with her. “here.”
y/n scoffed, eyeing the bag, “whatever it is i don’t want it.”
“it’s a book, debbie told me you wanted to read it.”
y/n sped up, “no thanks, already read it.” she didn’t care what book it was, she didn’t want anything from him. she took this moment to cross the street, the passing cars making it difficult for the boys on the bike to follow.
she entered the gallagher house hoping carl would be too busy to come home for a few hours while she watched liam. “i get off at nine, if anyone else comes home you’re welcome to leave but i plan on bringing something back for dinner if you want to stick around for that.”
“of course i’ll stay. me and liam are going to have a great time. isn’t that right liam?” y/n asked the toddler who nodded enthusiastically. fiona thanked her and rushed out the door.
y/n put on a movie, which liam fell asleep watching about thirty minutes in. y/n got up and stretched when the movie ended, adjusting the blanket she threw over liam when he fell asleep. she walked in the kitchen, stiff from sitting for so long. she pulled out a can of pop from the fridge and leaned her back against the fridge, using to stretch her body more.
the door swung open and carl walked in, “good you’re hear, i have something else for you.”
“whatever it is, i don’t want it.” y/n sighed into her drink.
“it’s a necklace, here.” he opened the velvet box to show her an expensive looking necklace.
she turned away from him, “no thanks.” walking back into the living room. “go somewhere else please, i have to watch liam.”
carl sighed before exiting the house with nick, who had been hanging back by the door during the exchange. he nodded to nick and the two rolled out to go do god knows what.
that night fiona came home with food, the entire gallagher clan plus kev and v enjoyed. there were enough people that y/n managed to avoid speaking to carl the entire evening. every time he tried to speak to her she’d find someone to talk to, she talked lip about something she had to do for school, ian told her about trevor, and her and debbie talked about anything.
v even pointed out the strange behavior when carl was left looking slightly dejected to fiona, who just shrugged in response.
“thank you fiona, goodnight everyone.” y/n called as she stepped out the back door. she crossed the street quickly and made it home, which as usual was empty, the rest of her family nowhere to be found.
she sighed, grabbing a beer from the fridge and kicking of her shoes as soon as she made it to her room. she threw herself back on her bed yelping when she collided with something hard. she jumped up only to see the jewelry box and book carl had bought her. she set her beer down and pulled the box open, smiling at the necklace. it was gold, with a small tear shaped pendant that held some sort of crystal or diamond.
she set the box next to her beer, which she grabbed and took sip of as she grabbed the book. it was actually something she’d been wanting, she rolled her eyes before opening it to the first page.
the next fee days followed a similar pattern, carl would stop her at school and work and even his own house to offer her gifts, which she would refuse, which would always end up on her bed at the end of the day. on a particularly rough day, y/n had enough. she was walking home from school, carl (who was alone this time) behind her, like clockwork offering another gift.
“carl, please just leave me alone. i don’t have the energy to deal with you.” y/n said not stopping. carl made a comment and y/n snapped, “god i’m not going to forgive you because you chose to go to juvie. you could have just apologized and gotten parole but that didn’t happen. and i’m not going to be your girlfriend again because i don’t even know who you are any more, this thug personality doesn’t look good on you.” y/n sighed rushing away before he could answer.
she was suddenly thankful for the day off, deciding to spend it all alone at home. it was a friday and her weekend was also free so she spent the next few days home alone. her family was gone of course, they only only seemed to show up once a month just to leave again the same day.
sunday evening y/n laid in the couch watching what was on tv when there was a knock on the door. y/n groaned, getting up to answer it freezing when carl was revealed on the other side. he looked small, he was curled into himself and he looked sad. his braids were out, soft curls in the place. “hey, y/n.” he said softly. y/n wordlessly moved out of the way to let him in.
“i’m done. no more sell drugs, guns, anything. something happened, with nick and i don’t want that to be my life anymore.” his voice cracked and y/n instinctively wrapped him into a hug, squeezing protectively. he cried into her shoulder, holding her tightly, scared to let her go.
“hey,” y/n spoke softly, running her fingers through his hair, “you’re okay. i got you.” once carl calmed down, he pulled away but y/n held onto him, hands on his face.
“i really miss you y/n. and i know i was awful before but all i want to do is be with you. i love you.” he sighed, his hands holding her wrists.
y/n pulled him closer, “i love you, too, idiot.” carl gave her a lopsided smiled before surging forward to connect their lips in a hot kiss. y/n stumbled backwards before backing into the wall behind her. carl bit on her lip softly causing her breath to catch in her throat. she tugged on his hair and he squeezed her hips. she pulled away for breath, pressing her forehead to his, “my room?” breathless carl nodded pressing a quick kiss to her lips before they rushed to her room.
the next morning the front door slammed opened, “y/n! i’m going to kill fiona!” debbie stormed through the house bursting into y/n’s room where she was laying next to a topless carl, wearing only his t-shirt, “oh my god! ew!” debbie shielded her eyes from the sight before her.
“hey, debs.” y/n mumbled, sheepishly.
debbie groaned, “just get dressed, we have school.”
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johnny-dynamo · 3 years
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Happy birthday, Sean Connery!
1.- With producer Harry Saltzman and writer Sir Ian Fleming on the set of “GOLDFINGER”
2.- Hitting some golf balls between takes of “DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER”
3.- Having his picture taken by Tippi Hedren while filming “MARNEY”
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renee-writer · 2 years
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My Soul Calls to You Chapter 12
Brian comes to meet his granddaughter later that same day. He finds her in the arms of her mam. Jamie sits next to her, the two lads sleeping on his chest. His son is happy and his own joy increases. “Jaime lad, would you introduce me to the newest Fraser?”
“It would be my honor da. Meet Ellen Julia Fraser.” Brian swallows back tears at her name. He walks up and Claire hands him the baby. He looks at her and sees his bride. She looks exactly like Ellen. Moving her red locks out of the way, he looks behind her right ear where it meets her neck and sees the diamond birthmark. Tears drip down his face onto the baby’s blanket. Ellen had that same birth mark. Jamie and Claire look at each other, not sure what to do.
Jamie places his sleeping son’s beside their mam on the bed before walking over to his father. He places his hand on his shoulder. “Da, is there something wrong?”
“No son. It is just, your mam had the same birthmark in the same place. The same diamond shape. She also looks like your mam. Thank you Claire, for honoring her so. For naming her after my sweet Ellen.”
“You’re welcome da. We wanted her named after strong women. Julia was my own mum’s name.” Brian smiles, kisses his granddaughter on her cheek and, hands her back to her mam. He hugs his son tight.
“Son I have been thinking. I know you are only nineteen in reality but thirty-one in your experiences and knowledge. You are smarter then I am in certain ways. I am getting old, though I can still fight and even, turn you over my knee, if there was need make no mistake about that.”
“I ken da.”
“Aye. It is time the estate is run by someone else. So, as soon as Ellen, my dear sweet granddaughter, is old enough, I want you and Claire to move into the Laird’s bedchamber. Jamie, I want you to take over as Laird. I will be here to help you but, I want to dote on my grandbabies. I have been blessed with a quiver full of grandchildren and I want to spoil them. We don’t ken if the Raising will happen now, but, if it comes, you and Claire are in a better position to see the estate and her people, safe.”
Jamie looks at him in bewilderment. “Da, you are still young enough to run the estate.”
“Aye, I am. But, I want to dedicate the majority of my time to Ellen, her brothers and, cousins. I gave been Laird since before your mam and I meet. Time to pull back. I want to get to know my daughter-in-law, get to know Jenny better, to play with my grandchildren. I didn’t have time to just play with you when you were a lad. Alex, Fergus, Wee Jamie, the twins, they need a strong hand, a man to teach them how to fight and hunt. Now I know you and Ian will do that son. But I would like to help. As for Ellen, I will tech her the same. She should know that as well as how to cook and saw and knit. Claire, my darling, I have seen your temper a few times. You can fight with the best of them.”
She smiles as she adjusts Ellen to start nursing. Both Brian and Jamie bow to them before walking out. They head to the great room. Jenny sits in there feeding the twins. Wee Jamie is napping. She takes her rest when she can. There is a knock on the outside door. Mary goes to answer it.
A Redcoat stands there, looking a bit disheveled. “May I help you sir?”
“Yes ma’am. I am Major John Grey, of His Majesty’s Lightfoot. I need to speak to the Laird if you please.” John bowed to Mary in a gentlemanly fashion.
“Aye sir. The Laird, Brian Fraser, is in the Great Room with his son and daughter. Let me announce you. Sir, please step in and stay right there.” She walks to the door of the Great Room, enters and curtsies to the Laird. “My Laird. There’s a Redcoat at the door, Major John Grey and, he request an audience with you.” Her voice is humble. Her husband, Robert says her voice is very timid and small. It can raise though when his does. Working at the estate, watching Jenny and Claire, has given her more self confidence.
Brian rose and walked towards the door while Jamie remains it the Great Room with Jenny. When he reaches the major, he bows to him.”Is there something I can help you with sir?” He takes a step closer. “For you arrive, uninvited, on my land, land I pay my taxes on. What can I do for His Majesty’s army?” They have walked back out into the courtyard. Brian stands tall while Jamie stands in the doorway behind him. He wants to hear what is going on. Memories, vague but persistent, of another Redcoat, keep him there. He can see several other men behind the major and, is ready to come to his father’s defense, if there is need.
“Laird Fraser, we have an escaped prisoner from Fort William. He is a Mackenzie so we thought he might head this way. I know that the Fraser’s and Mackenzie have a shared past. We would appreciate being contacted if you see this prisoner as we would very much like him back.”
“What is the name of this man? I need to know who he is so, that if he comes on my property I will make sure the Redcoats are aware.” Brian replies with a touch of irony. He knows his son is behind him, his hand on his dirk just in case. Flushes of Black Jack Randall run through his mind and he watches for his father’s signal.
“The man’s name is Dougal Mackenzie, war chief of his clan. He has killed a woman, an English woman. We would like him back.” He stands tall and talks with a voice of authority.
“I know a Dougal Mackenzie. I even meet him a few times as he was my brother-in-law, brother of my late wife,” he crossed himself, “Who has this man killed? An English woman, alone in Scotland.” He says, his eyebrows raise in doubt.
“Her name is unimportant. What he did is. She was with child, we believe.” Brian studies the major as he thinks. His brothers-in-,law had always been master manipulators, clouding people’s minds and then, turning and using their supposed ignorance to their own favor. They had tried such with Ellen but she was to smart for them. Being the eldest, she knew the ways of the Mackenzie’s.
“If I see Dougal Mackenzie, I will let the Redcoats know. But I don’t believe he will come on my land. There is an estrangement between us. I wouldn’t even let my son go stay with them before university, as is the custom. They are manipulators. Whoever this poor woman is, I will pray for her soul tonight. Now if you will excuse me, we have a grand celebration for a newborn granddaughter. Major Grey, I must see to my duties as Laird. I can offer you water and food to take back to Fort William but that is all the hospitality I can offer right now.”
Major Grey bowed to him, out of respect. “I thank you Lord Fraser, we have all we need. While returning to the fort, we will be skirting you land. Please reassure your tenants that we mean no harm. We have already spoken with the Campbell’s and Grants’ asking them to be on the lookout for Mackenzie.” He returns to his horse and Brian watches until they are out of sight. Jamie joins him, hand still on his dirk until he knows they are gone.
“Dougal murdered someone, well two with the bairn. Dougal’s a lot of things but I can’t see him as a killer. He doesn’t even hold with rape.”
“The Dougal you knew and the one I do, are different. They are so much worse at manipulation now. They run their lands like a fief, stealing from their tenants and overtaxing them. Most of their tenants are starving. I have had a few come over and ask permission to farm. I have been granting that as well as, slowly buying up his land. Now that we have the money stacked away, we should by more as I don’t wish to see people stave. We can easily double the fifty tenants we have and rotate the crops. What do you think son?”
“I agree. The tenants can have little personal gardens. Claire has plenty of seeds, berries and strawberries, vegetables. We can then plant extra rows of potatoes, barley, hay, and whatever else we need. Give half to the tenants and sell the other half. I would also like to start a distillery so we can use the grain that is extra and not have to sell it. We can expand the stables and get more horse and small cows. The tenants can help with them and well as the extra birds. Feathers can be used and sold. We’ve got candlewax and, I would like to start some beehives on the southern part of the land. Honey can be sold and used in the winter. We have wool from the sheets and goats, milk to make goat cheese, butter, milk and, cheese from the cows. We can make marmalade, jams and, jellies, to keep and sell. With he coin we have on hand and coin from the bank at Edinburg, well, we are doing well. I don’t wan to spend it all but, there are ways can use the land to make sure everyone is fed. Including encouraging the tenants to build their own root cellars. I think a gathering is needed to talk to them about all this. To teach them also, about storing and saving.
We will have way more them we can use and can sell off the access. The whiskey business will take some time to get going but, everything else should be easy enough. What do you think da?”
“I think you will make an exceptionally good Laird.. One thing I want to do is to expand the goats and sheep as well as the mini cows. Aye, let’s talk to our tenants about what we can make and sell. We need to keep the money for a bit longer. We will buy up more Mackenzie land though as well as warning them about Dougal. I don’t want any of their lot on our land. I will tell Willie and Amelia that Leary isn’t welcome back. After spending time with them I fear how she will behave if she returns. She will not have an opportunity to harm Claire or the baby.”
“Father, I was born to protect my Sassanach. When we married, I pledged to the Almighty God, that I would protect her above anything else. That is what I am going to do.”
As they talk, they hear a ruckus behind them. Several of the tenants approach with a man, dragging him along with them. Murtagh was among them, grumbling as he escorts them. He walks over to his Laird. “We found this man in the woods as we hunted. I believe it to be Dougal.”
He hangs between them, beaten and bloody. Claire was in no shape to fix him and he won’t let Amelia near until he is secured. “Take him into the barn. See him comfortable and secured to a post. The Redcoats are after him for murder. I will have the healer’s assistant come. Murtagh and Willie can stand guard. One of you, please go get Amelia’s husband.” His tenants nod and drag the wanted man into the barn. After seeing him secure, they leave.
Willie comes running in from the fields. ,”My Laird, a quick and nervous bow, “is Amelia and our son alright?”
“They are braw. Willie, Dougal Mackenzie has been dragged in here. The Redcoats want him for murder and we will be turning him over. He has been badly beating and, I need Amelia to have a look at him as, Claire is in bed after the birth of my granddaughter. You and Murtagh will stand guard as she treats him. I will not have her alone with him. Jamie will provide you with a sword or dirk, if you wish. Jamie will be standing guard outside, just in case. We will not allow Amelia to be harmed. She is my daughter-in-law’s assistant and family. You both are.”
Willie thanks him and bows. Jamie walks out of the house with three swords. He hands one to Willie. The three men head into the barn.
Dougal was in bad shape. Blood covers his back, head, and neck. When he sees Jamie, he speaks, “Jamie lad, I had to run. They accused me of murder. I didn’t kill anyone. I would never kill my Geillis. She was carrying my child. She was poisoned but not by me. I know by who. But they will never take her into custody for she is a lass.” His voice starts to fade as he weakens.
“Who Dougal? Who killed Geillis?”
“It was that Leary. She came to the castle to be a maid. Mrs. Fitz, she tried to..tame her. She came to me, trying to seduce me. A wean, she was and I was married. My wife died, God rest her soul. A few day later, Geillis, well we had been having an affair on the side. My wife wasn’t a pretty woman but, she tolerated me God alone knows why. Geillis was pregnant, with my child, and now she is dead, they are. Leary is the one who poisoned her because I wouldn’t show her affection.”
Amelia was just entering. At Dougal’s words, that her child had murdered someone, she falls into a dead faint.
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 3 years
pls unban me on deviantart adultswimlver and also on here and on twitter. people stop blocking me pls and also twitter.com/adultswimlver pls follow it so i can be unbanned from deviantart and tiktok.com/@adultswimlver reddit user adultswimlver pls unban
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by aswlvrUNBAN
guys please
Words: 31, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game), Steven Universe (Cartoon), Agatha Girl of Mystery - Sir Steve Stevenson, Attack Attack! (Band), Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Life Is Strange (Video Game), Life Is Strange 2 (Video Game), Life is Strange: True Colors (Video Game), Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald, Five Nights at Freddy's, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, The Walten Files (Web Series), Regular Show (Cartoon), Echte Kerle | Regular Guys (1996), The Regulators - Richard Bachman, My Little Pony: Equestria Girls, My Chemical Romance, Arctic Monkeys, Orange is the New Black, ENA - Joel G (Web Series), 100 días para enamorarse | 100 Days to Fall in Love (TV), The Owl House (Cartoon), Owl City (Band), Gravity Falls, Addams Family - All Media Types, Modern Family (TV), Family Guy (Cartoon), American Idol RPF, American Horror Story, American Dad!, 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia, ひとりじめマイヒーロー | Hitorijime My Hero (Anime), Pretty Little Liars, Little Witch Academia, Little Mix (Band), The Little Mermaid (1989), Super Mario & Related Fandoms, Super Mario Bros. (Video Games), Super Mario Galaxy, Pocket Monsters | Pokemon - All Media Types, Riviera: The Promised Land, 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Manga), 約束のネバーランド | Yakusoku no Neverland | The Promised Neverland (Anime), Sex Education (TV), The Good Place (TV), The Good Wife (TV), The Good Doctor (TV 2017), The Good Fight (TV), WWE Immortals (Video Game), WWE 2K (Video Games), Grand Theft Auto: The Ballad of Gay Tony, Grand Theft Auto Series (Video Games), Camp Camp (Web Series), Summer Camp Island (Cartoon), Camp Lazlo!, Total Drama (Cartoon), Annie (1982), Little Orphan Annie, Orphan Black (TV), Mad Max Series (Movies), Mad Men, Men in Black (Movies), Breaking Bad, Men in Black: The Series, Spider-Man - All Media Types, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Captain America - All Media Types, The Cleveland Show, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, The Avengers (Marvel Movies), Mean Girls (2004), Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: Legend of Korra, Avatar (2009), Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Minecraft (Video Game), Slamacow Minecraft Animations (Web Series), Roblox (Video Game), Paper Roblox (Video Games), iCarly, iCarly RPF, Victorious (TV), SpongeBob SquarePants (Cartoon), The SpongeBob Musical - Various/Anthony & Coulton/Jarrow, Ratatouille (2007), Of Mice & Men (Band), Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck, To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee, The Queen's Gambit (TV), Queen (Band), The White Queen (TV), Bridgerton Series - Julia Quinn, Anne with an E (TV), Anne of Green Gables - L. M. Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables (TV 1985) & Related Fandoms, A Series of Unfortunate Events - Lemony Snicket, Christian Bible, Original Work, Star Trek, Star Wars - All Media Types, The Simpsons, The 100 (TV), Deltarune (Video Game), 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS, Death Note (Anime & Manga), Hetalia: Axis Powers, Fairy Tail, The Amazing World of Gumball, Atypical (TV 2017), Thirteen Reasons Why - Jay Asher
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Peter Griffin, Lois Griffin, Tony Stark, Bruce Wayne, James "Bucky" Barnes, Natasha Knight, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wanda Bell, Wanda Maximoff, Yelena (Shingeki no Kyojin), Pieck Finger, Pieck Finger's Mother, Pieck Finger's Father, Eda Clawthorne, Lilith Clawthorne, Amity Blight, Amity Blight's Parents, Luz Noceda, Piper Chapman, Alex Vause, Levi Ackerman, Hange Zoë, Squad Hange, Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony), Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Applejack (My Little Pony), Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony), Freddy Fazbear, Foxy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Phone Guy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Springtrap (Five Nights at Freddy's), The Mangle (Five Nights at Freddy's), Golden Freddy (Five Nights at Freddy's), Toy Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's), Chloe Price (Life Is Strange), Chloe Stapleton, Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Eliqua Maxwell, Maxsim Reznikov, Max (Disney: The Little Mermaid), Enoshima Junko, Pearl (Steven Universe), Steven Universe, Amethyst (Steven Universe), Peridot (Steven Universe), Garnet (Steven Universe), Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe), Jasper (Steven Universe), Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond (Steven Universe), Sapphire (Steven Universe), Ruby (Steven Universe), White Diamond (Steven Universe), Pink Diamond (Steven Universe), Bismuth (Steven Universe), Blue Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Spinel (Steven Universe), Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Stevonnie (Steven Universe), Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman, Sasha Blouse, Connie Maheswaran, Connie Springer, Regina Zellerbach, Regina George, Nicole Watterson, Gumball Watterson, Flask Robonoid(s) (Steven Universe), Rob (The Amazing World of Gumball), Anais Watterson, Richard Watterson, Darwin Watterson, Happy (Fairy Tail), Bickslow (Fairy Tail), Loke (Fairy Tail), Evergreen (Fairy Tail), Fairy Tail Guild, Adeku | Alder, Jesus "Soos" Alzamirano Ramirez, Jesus Christ, Stan Pines, Gideon Gleeful, Gideon Pines | Reverse Gideon Gleeful, Sans (Undertale), Papyrus (Undertale), Toriel (Undertale), Ymir (Shingeki no Kyojin), Ymir Fritz, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss, Erwin Smith, Bertolt Hoover, Reiner Braun
Relationships: Piper Chapman/Alex Vause, Piper Chapman/Nicky Nichols, Larry Bloom/Piper Chapman, Larry Bloom/Polly Harper, Alex Vause/Reader, Nicky Nichols/Alex Vause, Ruby/Sapphire (Steven Universe), Papyrus/Sans (Undertale), Mettaton/Papyrus (Undertale), Artesian McCullough/Alex Vause, Armin Arlert/Eren Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman/Eren Yeager, Moblit Berner/Hange Zoë, Hange Zoë/Reader, Pearl/Rose Quartz (Steven Universe), Pearl/Rose Quartz | Pink Diamond, Blue Diamond's Pearl/Yellow Diamond's Pearl (Steven Universe), Amity Blight/Luz Noceda, Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Chloe Price, Rachel Amber/Chloe Price, Don Draper/Beth Harmon, Vasily Borgov/Beth Harmon, Beth Harmon/Benny Watts, Gilbert Blythe/Anne Shirley, Bucky Barnes/James Bond/Steve Rogers/Q, Tony Stark/Thor/Gerard Way, Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss/Ymir, Sasha Blouse/Connie Springer, Mikasa Ackerman/Sasha Blouse, Markiplier TV Ego Ensemble/Mike Schmidt (Five Nights at Freddy's), Freddy Fazbear/Papyrus (Undertale), Freddy Fazbear/Foxy, Lois Griffin/Peter Griffin, Enoshima Junko/Peter Griffin, Enoshima Junko/Iida Tenya, Igarashi Sayaka/Momobami Kirari, Ikishima Midari/Momobami Kirari, Levi Ackerman/Reader, Sandy Cheeks/SpongeBob SquarePants/Patrick Star, Janet & Michael (The Good Place), Janet (The Good Place)/Eleanor Shellstrop, Izzy/Owen (Total Drama), Heather/Leshawna (Total Drama), Maxine "Max" Caulfield/Taylor Christensen, Chef Hatchet/Chris McLean, Pearl (Steven Universe)/Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic), Bismuth/Pearl (Steven Universe), Connie Maheswaran/Steven Universe, Regina George/Janis Ian, Regina George/Cady Heron, Regina George/Janis Sarkisian, Luke Skywalker/Yuuri | Gloria, Sans (Undertale)/Reader, Sans/Sans (Undertale), Sans/Toriel (Undertale), Asgore Dreemurr/Toriel, Jeon Jungkook/Reader, Pieck Finger/Porco Galliard, Pieck Finger/Reader, Pieck Finger/Yelena
Additional Tags: Vore, Cock Vore, Vore Predator Morality | Patton Sanders, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Rough Sex, Sex, Vaginal Sex, Sex Toys, Semi-Public Sex, Public Sex, Gay Sex, Phone Sex, Shower Sex, Car Sex, Drunk Sex, Rough Oral Sex, No Sex, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Parenthood, Parent Tony Stark, Bad Parenting, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, Fanfic Italia P0rn Fest #13 -Thirteen P0rnreasons Why - Partigiani Uniti Contro il Puritanesimo, Fanfic Italia P0rn Fest, Cuddling & Snuggling, Sleepy Cuddles, Platonic Cuddling, Couch Cuddles, Morning Cuddles, Naked Cuddling, Post-Coital Cuddling, Accidental Cuddling, Pack Cuddles, Tony Stark Cuddles, Cuddlefucking, Christmas, Christianity, Christmas Party, First Kiss, Forehead Kisses, New Year's Kiss, True Love's Kiss, Castiel/Dean Winchester First Kiss, Cock Rings, Edgeplay, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Multiple Orgasms, Orgasm Denial, Forced Orgasm, Orgasm Control, Surgery, Brain Surgery, Surfing, Surgeons, Alternate Universe - Alternian Invasion, Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Alternate Universe - High School, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Human, Alternate Universe - Coffee Shops & Cafés
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Birthdays 8.12
Beer Birthdays
Antoine-Augustin Parmentier (1737)
Samuel Allsopp (1780)
August J. Lang (1865)
Steve Shapiro (1950s)
Ed Chainey (1957)
Jennie Hatton (1971)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Cecil B. de Mille; film director (1881)
William Goldman; writer (1931)
Peter Krause; actor (1965)
Erwin Schrödinger; physicist (1887)
Abbot Thayer; artist (1849)
Famous Birthdays
Casey Affleck; actor (1975)
George Bellows; artist (1882)
Thomas Bewick; artist, illustrator (1753)
Michael Ian Black; comedian, actor (1971)
Helene Petrovna Blavatsky; Russian mystic, theosophist (1831)
"Diamond" Jim Brady; businessman (1856)
Cantinflas; actor, comedian (1911)
John Derek; actor (1926)
Rebecca Gayheart; actor (1972)
Bruce Greenwood; actor (1956)
Edith Hamilton; classicist, writer (1867)
George Hamilton; actor (1939)
Parnelli Jones; race car driver (1933)
Michael Kidd; dancer, choreographer (1915)
Mark Knopfler; English rock guitarist (1949)
Ann M. Martin; writer (1955)
Christy Mathewson; New York Giants P (1880)
Norris & Ross McWhirter; founders of Guinness Book of Records (1925)
Pat Metheny; jazz guitarist (1954)
Sir Mix-a-Lot; rapper (1963)
Buck Owens; guitarist (1929)
Marjorie Reynolds; actor (1917)
Mary Roberts Rinehart; writer (1876)
Pete Sampras; tennis player (1971)
George Soros; businessman (1930)
Robert Southey; English writer (1774)
Dominique Swain; actor (1980)
Suzanne Vega; pop singer (1959)
Porter Wagoner; country singer (1927)
Jennifer Warren; actor (1941)
Jane Wyatt; actor (1910)
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